mash - multi-agency safeguarding hub

Nigel Boulton Briony Ladbury Marisa De Jager

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Post on 12-Aug-2015



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Page 1: MASH - multi-agency safeguarding hub

Nigel Boulton

Briony Ladbury

Marisa De Jager

Page 2: MASH - multi-agency safeguarding hub

The vision

‘to identify and make safe at the earliest opportunity all vulnerable people in our communities through the sharing of information and intelligence across the safeguarding partnership’

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The need for change

• Catalogue of learning and missed opportunity• Evidential and research base• Inhibitors to information sharing and inter-professional

practice• No single intelligence view – Structural barriers• Early intervention or unsustainable dependency

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The model and outcomes

• Rules which make it work – inhibitor driven• Three outcomesEarly identification and understanding of risk & harmVictim identification and interventionHarm identification and reduction

• Children & adults – intelligence prerogative• Power of inter-professional practice

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Concern frompolice

Concern frompublic

Concern fromprofessional

Risk not fully clear from single agency information; MASH Enquiry needed

Partnership intelligence shared & analysed

Sole Agency screening (triage) at initial stages to apply the local threshold (Tier 1,2,3,4 = RAG) based upon robust Risk Assessment with consent clarified.

Substantial risk requiring immediate intervention/ assessment

Outcome (s)

Safeguarding concern identified


The model and process

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Children and families embedded in decisions

• Eileen Munro recommendation (2011)• Connectivity and risk assessment - Proportionate decisions

drive early intervention• Step up and down reflect continuum of need levels • Early intervention at any age for child or young person• Early help services co-ordinated to improve outcomes• Earliest identification essential to deliver 3 outcomes

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‘Working Together’ ?• Rhetoric:

Integration Innovation Improvement


Change •There needs to be a bigger, faster & real shift to partnership working at every level - Strategic (senior management /commissioning/LSCB)AND Practice – across the needs continuum


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Intelligent Assessment• Pre-referral – promoting a full understanding of the risk/need

• Maintaining appropriate boundaries• Using established agency structures• Using accepted risk/needs assessment frameworks

• Triage stage (MASH professionals must)• Know what information to share and why – in context and proportionate (who

needs to know? What do they need to know?• Know the law – Data Protection Act, Human Rights Act, Sexual Offences Act, Gillick

Competency, UNCRC

• Decision - made by SSD, but informed by partners and shared with partners• Planning - Significant harm & early help – partnership approach with

agreed thresholds + understanding of what they mean• Review - Responsibility of all partners

Innovative integrated

service deliverythrough

inter-professional Practice

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Inter-professionalism - How?

Behave as equal partners

Are prepared to co-operate


Are self-aware

Are active listeners

Are active participators

No hidden agendas

Respectful of professional boundaries


Know own limitations

Agree tasks and processes

Are courageous

Willing to educate, explain, challenge and escalate

Promote a shared vision/goal

Understands political context

Overcome inhibitors

Good for macro planning (setting up a service)

Good for micro planning (setting up a multi-agency

care plan for a family )

Jon Katzenbach, author of The Wisdom of Teams, observes.. “There is virtually no environment in which teams, if done right, can’t have a measurable

impact on performance


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Outcomes and benefits

• University of Greenwich 2013Overcome inhibitorsDelivered ‘Confidence and Trust’Necessary & proportionate interventionsRisk levels rise and fall during processFaster decisions

• ‘Drip drip’ effect identified and acted upon

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• Model has and will address failures to share and communicate• Victims and families seen and heard• Interventions and prevention – Necessary & Proportionate• Represents new and enhanced inter-professional practice

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