mass intentionsmass intentions mass intentions msgr ... · 20 hours ago  · st. ignatius of...

Download Mass IntentionsMass Intentions Mass Intentions Msgr ... · 20 hours ago  · St. Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop & Martyr 5:00pm Anthony DeSanto (30th Anniversary) Agnes Gambale (18th

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    MONDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2020 Luke 11:29-32 Columbus Day

    12:10pm No Intention

    TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2020 Luke 11:37-41

    12:10pm Amelia Pascocello (7th Anniversary in Heaven)

    Jeannine Val (Living) (Birthday Wishes)

    Patricia Ayres

    WEDNESDAY, OCOTBER 14, 2020 Luke 11:42-46 St. Callistus I, Pope & Martyr

    12:10pm Edmund Lenahan

    THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2020 Luke 11:47-54 St. Teresa of Jesus, Virgin & Doctor of the Church

    12:10pm Sadie Cantone

    FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2020 Luke 12:1-7 St. Hedwig, Religious; St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin

    12:10pm No Intention

    SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2020 Luke 12:8-12 St. Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop & Martyr

    5:00pm Anthony DeSanto (30th Anniversary) Agnes Gambale (18th Anniversary)

    Gene Mazzei

    John Evangelista

    Mary & John Arienzo

    SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2020 Matthew 22:15-21 World Mission Sunday

    9:00am Deceased Members of Stolfi & Perno Families

    11:00am Anna & Michael Apollo

    Eileen & Joseph Camilleri

    Bernard Duffy

    Mamie Churchill

    Carmella, Gasper, Anthony, Antoinette Uzzo

    1:00pm Parishioners of Holy Name of Mary

    Sunday, Oct. 18, 2020 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 1st Reading } Isaiah 45:1, 4-6 The God of Israel

    supports a foreign king to serve the divine purpose.

    2nd Reading } 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b The gospel

    comes not just in words but also in demonstrations of

    power and conviction.

    Gospel } Matthew 22:15-21 Caesar is not pitted against

    God, nor is he to be confused with our obligations to God.

    Mass Intentions

    Weekly offering budgeted to meet parish expenses

    Weekly offering of October 4, 2020

    Faith Direct (average of weekly donation)

    TOTAL of weekly offering & Faith Direct


    Weekly offering of September 27, 2020



    $ 1,696


    $ 695

    $ 9,361

    Financial Information

    There are available dates to remember a loved one

    with the Msgr. Mulligan Memorial of

    Bread & Wine, Candles, or Flowers. These intentions begin on a Sunday and end on the

    following Saturday. Your loved one will be remembered

    at every Mass that is celebrated throughout the week.

    Please stop in the Parish Office to schedule a memorial.

    Msgr. Mulligan Memorial

    St. Vincent de Paul Message

    given to you, have you considered answering the call to

    help serve the poor by joining the Society of St. Vincent

    de Paul?

    Pantry Needs: Paper towel, toilet tissue, pasta sauce,

    juice, evaporated milk, canned meats, tuna, soup, canned

    pasta, laundry detergent, soap, toothpaste

    Thank you for your continuous contributions to the

    poor boxes each week. These generous offerings

    help the Society of St. Vincent de Paul to assist

    families in need in our own parish.

    Mass Intentions Mass Intentions Msgr. Mulligan Memorial

    Financial Information

    St. Vincent de Paul Message

    Msgr. Mulligan Memorial Msgr. Mulligan Memorial

    Baptism Restrictions HNM Parish Registration Change in Mass Schedule

    Beginning November 1, 2020,

    a Mass will be added at 7:15am on Sundays.

    Our Mass schedule will be:

    Saturday, 5:00pm

    Sunday, 7:15am, 9:00am, 11:00am

    1:00pm Mass in Spanish


    Fr. Regan

    Last week we touched upon issues revolving

    rhetorical nuances used by those who advocate

    elaborate on the term BEGGING THE QUESTION (Petitio Principii). It is a rhetorical tactic in

    which a person assumes the very point they

    need to prove. For example:

    Interviewer: I like your resume but I need references. Applicant: Sure! Bill can give me a reference. Interviewer: How do I know Bill is reliable? Applicant: I can vouch for him. This type of circular argumentation can cause a

    The popular language of Roe vs. Wade and

    Doe v. Bolton is to employ the terms of choice,

    liberty and privacy. The problem is that those

    principles (which in and of themselves are not

    body is not a life. Thereby those principles

    presume the point they need to prove. Liberty

    and choice become secondary if the person in

    the womb is alive. Secondly, the Declaration of

    rights are placed in an order so that the former

    supersedes the later.

    We have all heard the argument that if abortion

    is made illegal, we will go back to the


    will opt for a more dangerous solution rather

    than carry the baby to term and give birth.

    Imagine such reasoning applied to any other

    dangerous acts in our culture and society. We

    make laws to restrict and ban illegal activity

    because of the lives of people and the pain to

    society. Laws against rape, abuse, murder, drug

    use and theft do not stop those crimes from

    happening. Can you see how absurd it sounds

    murder, steal, and do drugs. Therefore, we

    should make it safe and legal for them to do

    Another tactic is a personal deflection that

    attacks the character of the one arguing for the

    defense of life. Have you ever heard someone

    the point it needs to prove. Is the child in the

    womb alive? If so then that is the object and

    subject which all other arguments must

    one being murdered then you have no right to

    absurdity of these arguments? These

    arguments confuse the issues of personal

    preference versus a universal standard of right

    and wrong.

    Rhetoric is intelligently used by those running

    for political offices. They are very good at it as

    they need to be. As men and women who are

    attempting to promote the good for the people

    they serve, they have to be able to speak to

    various groups, including fellow politicians.

    Rhetoric can be used to influence and motivate

    people. As informed voters we must pay

    attention to how language is used to skirt,

    minimize, deflect and change issues. Choice,

    privacy, reproductive freedom are all catch

    phrases used by persons to avoid the most

    basic issues at hand; life. The most precious,

    innocent and vulnerable members of our society

    are the unborn. Today we pray for a radical

    conversion of those who advocate for the

    culture of death and for a healthy, courageous

    and charitable call for each of us to uphold and

    defend the culture of life in whatever state in

    life we may be.

    It is my hope that we can reflect on some tough

    issues regarding our country and world today. In

    and act as courageous Catholics.

    From the desk of Fr. David Regan


    If you or someone you know attends Mass regularly

    at Holy Name of Mary and is not a registered

    parishioner, we ask that you please come into the

    Parish Office and fill out a short Registration form.

    This will be helpful if you should need recommenda-

    tion letters, certificates and, especially, sponsor

    certificates for Baptism or Confirmation. Registration

    is mandatory for these requests. All donations are

    recorded by your Church envelope that you receive

    in the mail. Loose checks will not be recorded.

    HNM Parish Registration

    Join in the Spirit at Holy Name of Mary School, an

    AdvancEd Accredited School. To register your child for

    Nursery (full day, age 3), Pre-K (full day, age 4),

    Kindergarten (full day, age 5) or Grade 1 through 8,

    contact our School Office to make an appointment

    at 516-825-4009, or visit for

    registration materials and details. Before and after

    school care is available for all registered students.

    Follow Holy Name of Mary School on Instagram and

    Facebook @ hnomschoolvalleystream.

    Parish School Registration


    *Masks must be worn by all present

    *Sanitize your hands when you enter & leave the Church

    *Keep social distancing in the pews, as indicated by the

    blue tape, on the Communion line & when you exit.

    Please do not remove any tape to make space to sit.

    *Bathrooms will be locked. All hymnals have been

    removed. Holy water fonts are not available.

    Please hold your hand out FLAT when receiving

    Communion. As per Diocesan directives,

    you must not wear gloves. Keep your face covering ON

    until right before your receive, then immediately

    put it back on after receiving Communion.

    If you must receive by mouth, wait till the end of the line.

    The priest will sanitize his hands after each person.

    *There will be collection boxes placed in the main aisle

    where you can place your donation.

    *The Church will be sanitized daily at 2pm and

    after each weekend Mass.

    Safety During COVID 19 Mass Schedule:

    Monday through Friday, 12:10pm; Saturday, 5:00pm

    Sunday, 9:00am and 11:00am, 1:00pm in Spanish


    Saturday, 3:30pm-4:30pm

    Parish Office Hours:

    Monday-Thursday, 9am-12pm & 1pm-4pm

    Closed Friday, Saturday & Sunday, 9am-1pm

    Parish Outreach

    Call for appointment, 516-825-0177

    HNM Information

    Exciting New HNM Webpage

    We are very excited to announce that

    Holy Name of Mary has a new and improved

    webpage at:

    We will continue to expand on a regular basis!

    Faith Direct

    The best way to ensure our parish receives the support

    needed for our operating expenses and ministries is with

    eGiving through Faith Direct! Please enroll today by

    visiting and use our code NY78.

    HNM Parish Registration

    Parish School Registration

    Parish School Registration Parish Information Parish School Registration Safety During COVID-19

    Safety During COVID 19 Parish School Registration Faith Direct

    HNM Parish Registration HNM Parish Webpage

    Remember in Prayer

    All Those Who Are Sick

    Henrietta Adduci, Louis Adduci, Charles Blouin

    Andrew Carpenter, Fr. Joel Davadilla, Anthony Ippolito

    Jackie Kauffman, Kevin Lynch, Laura Romano

    All Those Who Have Died

    Philip Bitetto, Theresa Ciaravino

    Adele Paternostro

    Baptism Restrictions

    Because of the restrictions due to COVID-19, we can

    only schedule five Baptisms at a time. Baptisms in

    English are scheduled for the second & fourth Sunday

    of every month. Please call the Parish Office for

    available dates. The dates for Baptisms in Spanish

    are; October 31, November 21, December 5 & 26

    HNM Parish Registration Baptism Restrictions


    October is the month of the


    Please join us

    as we pray

    the Rosary


    after each

    daily Mass

    at 12:10pm,

    during the month

    of October.

    Respect Life Month

    A great prayer for life is urgently

    needed, a prayer which will rise up

    throughout the world. Through

    special initiatives and in daily

    prayer, may an impassioned plea

    rise to God, the Creator and lover

    of life, from every Christian

    community, from every group and

    association, from every family and

    from the heart of every believer.

    Pope Saint John Paul II,

    Evangelium vitae, 100


    OCTOBER 18, 2020

    Next Sunday, World Mission Sunday, we are called to

    mission priests, religious Sisters and Brothers, and lay

    catechists who provide loving service to those most in

    need. As Catholics around the world, here at home and

    in the missions, gather at the Eucharist around the

    missionary work and offer financial help through the

    Society for the Propagation of the Faith for vulnerable

    communities throughout Asia, Africa, Latin America and

    the Pacific Islands. Please place your donation in the

    collection boxes found in the middle aisle of the



    The Parish Office will be closed on

    Monday, October 12th, in

    observance of Columbus Day. There

    will be Mass at 12:10pm, followed

    by the Rosary.

    Memorial Mass

    For our Beloved

    Reverend Monsignor

    Romualdo A. Sosing

    Thursday, October 29, 2020


    Holy name of mary church


    True happiness

    Heaven and you will get Earth thrown in. Aim at

    united with him. If we focus on

    worldly concerns, we will never

    know the meaning of true

    happiness. If we focus on God, we

    will know happiness even on Earth.

    The Commandment imbalance

    Of the Ten Commandments, only

    the first three

    address how we

    are to respect the

    Creator of the

    universe. The

    other seven

    detail how we are

    to treat each

    other. It is one way God lets us

    know how much he wants us to

    love one another.

    Silence of the heart

    "In the silence

    of the heart God

    speaks. If you

    face God in

    prayer and

    silence, God will

    speak to you.

    Souls of prayer

    are souls of great


    ~Mother Teresa of Calcutta

    Why do


    Do That What is grace?

    God gives us a free gift to share

    become His adopted children.

    When God shares His divine life

    with us as sanctifying grace, we

    are strengthened to act in His

    love. Through actual

    grace, God strength-

    ens us to live in

    harmony with His

    will. Sacramental and special

    graces gifts of the Holy Spirit

    help us to live out our Christian


    In times of uncertainty or stress,

    tempers can shorten, perspec-

    tives narrow, and peace suffers.

    It is important to remember that

    Jesus came to bring love and

    unity. His followers are asked to

    do the same.

    together; the Lord is the maker (Proverbs 22:2) -

    just tolerate it.

    Different as we are,

    we are all made in

    likeness. There is

    great diversity in

    the communion of saints.

    loved us, we also ought to

    (I John 4:11) -

    as children of God, all humans

    were created with inherent

    dignity that we are required

    to acknowledge. Trying to

    is the best way to realize the

    impact of our actions on them.

    for they shall be called sons of (Matthew 5:9) - a steady

    diet of violent entertainment and

    media helps us become comfort-

    able with violence and to see

    people as characters rather than

    humans. Instead, live

    with peace and

    pray for victims of


    peace of Christ r rule in your (Colossians 3:15). This means we have to make the choice

    His peace rule) or to rely on

    ourselves and reject the peace

    He offers.