may 3, 2020 fourth sunday of easter 3 de may, 2020 cuarto ... · 3495 n. victoria, shoreview, mn...

3495 N. VICTORIA, SHOREVIEW, MN 55126 • 651-484-6681 • WWW.STODILIA.ORG MAY 3, 2020 — FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 3 de May, 2020 — Cuarto Domingo de Pascua Leer from Fr. Michael Daly 2-3 Staying Connected Online Mass Online Giving 4-5 Stewardship 5 Of Service to OthersPlease Pray For... 6 Información General 7 Leer of His Holiness Pope Francis 8-9 In Remembrance 10 Pastor Fr. Phillip Rask Parochial Vicar Fr. Michael Daly Deacon Deacon Jim Saumweber Parish Office 651-484-6681 Ministerios Lanos 651-415-3365 Faith Formaon Office 651-415-3329 School Office 651-484-3364 Website Vision and Mission Statement To joyfully live the Gospel by knowing, loving, and serving God and one another. We are a Catholic Community of faith that welcomes every person to grow in holiness and draw closer to Jesus Christ through: Worship and Evangelizaon Faith Formaon and Educaon Works of Charity and Jusce ...every day and at every stage of life. Inside this Issue

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Page 1: MAY 3, 2020 FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 3 de May, 2020 Cuarto ... · 3495 N. VICTORIA, SHOREVIEW, MN 55126 • 651-484-6681 • MAY 3, 2020 — FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 3 de May, 2020

3495 N. VICTORIA, SHOREVIEW, MN 55126 • 651-484-6681 • WWW.STODILIA.ORG


3 de May, 2020 — Cuarto Domingo de Pascua

Letter from Fr. Michael Daly 2-3

Staying Connected Online Mass │ Online Giving


Stewardship 5

Of Service to Others… Please Pray For...


Información General 7

Letter of His Holiness Pope Francis


In Remembrance 10

Pastor Fr. Phillip Rask

Parochial Vicar Fr. Michael Daly

Deacon Deacon Jim Saumweber

Parish Office 651-484-6681

Ministerios Latinos 651-415-3365

Faith Formation Office 651-415-3329

School Office 651-484-3364


Vision and Mission Statement To joyfully live the Gospel by

knowing, loving, and serving God and one another.

We are a Catholic Community of faith that welcomes every person to grow in holiness and draw closer to Jesus Christ through:

Worship and Evangelization

Faith Formation and Education

Works of Charity and Justice ...every day and at every stage of life.

Inside this Issue

Page 2: MAY 3, 2020 FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 3 de May, 2020 Cuarto ... · 3495 N. VICTORIA, SHOREVIEW, MN 55126 • 651-484-6681 • MAY 3, 2020 — FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 3 de May, 2020

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Praised be Jesus Christ!

When God unexpectedly called me to Saint Odilia two years ago as the associate pastor, I knew that my time with you would be limited, so I sought to make the most out of it with you. I am amazed and inspired by this community; its strength, its growth, its prayer and passion. While I have been ministering here at St. Odilia, I have been actively discerning a call to the religious life. In dialogue with my spiritual director and the Archbishop, I have been given permission to explore religious life further and will be given that opportunity to pursue this call beginning July 1 of this year.

I am grateful for Fr. Rask’s leadership and support as I continue to learn how to live the priesthood worthily and well. I admire the staff for always being encouraging to live as a cheerful giver. And last but not least, I am thankful to our community! It has been a great blessing to have been invited into your homes and lives, serving both Latino and English-speaking communities through the faith formation programs, the School, and RCIA. The family atmosphere, the sorrows and the joys, and most importantly praying together have been very formative and treasures that will remain deep in my heart. If you saw any virtue in me, it was only because of my relationship with Jesus. And as St. Paul says, “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ” (1 Cor. 11:1). This new calling comes with a mixture of emotions… and feels like a pruning! I am reminded that a priest is not his own, and as Psalm 127 says, “Unless the Lord build the house, they labor in vain who build.” To build God’s King-dom, Archbishop Oscar Romero states, “We are workers, not master builders; ministers, not messiahs. We are prophets of a future not our own.” I am very sad to leave such a blessed and vibrant community, but I know I am

simply an instrument for God’s presence. “Let us not boast about human beings,” says St. Paul, “for everything belongs to [God] through you…you belong to Christ, and Christ to God” (1 Cor. 3:21-23). It brings me consolation to know I can meet you all in prayer before Jesus in the Eucharist!

Again, it has been a great joy and privilege to serve you all. Please know of my continued prayers as we journey together into communion with Jesus. Until I see you next, I will meet you in the Eucharist. As St. Peter, our first Pope, advised and instructed the nascent Church to trust in God’s loving protection and power, it is his solemn address I leave with you today: “Beloved: Clothe yourselves with humility in your dealings with one another, for: God opposes the proud but bestows favor on the humble. So humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time. Cast all your worries upon him because he cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:5-7) “The world promises you comfort, but you were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness…Man was creat-ed for greatness - for God himself; he was created to be filled by God. But his heart is too small for the greatness to which it is destined. It must be stretched… This requires hard work and is painful, but in this way alone do we be-come suited to that for which we are destined.” (Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, Spe Salvi, 33) Jesus is Alive! Alleluia! ~Fr. Michael

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.

Letter from Fr. Michael Daly

Fr, Michael and Fr, Rask getting some “help” to pass out Blessed Palms for Palm Sunday.

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Carta del Padre Miguel

Queridos hermanos en Cristo: ¡Alabado sea Jesucristo!

Cuando Dios me llamó inesperadamente a Santa Odilia hace dos años como pastor asociado, supe que mi tiempo con ustedes sería limitado, por lo que traté de aprovecharlo al máximo. Estoy sorprendido e inspirado por esta comuni-dad; su fuerza, su crecimiento, su oración y pasión. Mientras estuve ministrando aquí en Santa Odilia, he estado discerniendo activamente un llamado a la vida religiosa. En diálogo con mi director espiritual y el Arzobis-po, se me ha dado permiso para explorar más la vida religiosa y se me dará la oportunidad de seguir esta llamada a partir del 1 de julio de este año.

Aunque el momento de esta partida no es el más oportuno porque todavía queda mucho trabajo por hacer para integrar a nuestra comunidad latina en la vida plena de la parroquia, me gustaría transmitir que mi llamado vocacio-nal a la vida religiosa NO está asociado con el clima actual. También estoy convencido de que así como Jesús está vivo en mi llamado al discipulado más profundo, estoy igualmente convencido de que Jesús está haciendo algo profundo dentro de nuestra comunidad. Estoy seguro de que está comenzando un nuevo capítulo y tengo grandes esperanzas de que quienquiera que me reemplace tenga una base sólida para continuar construyendo el Reino de Dios aquí en Santa Odilia. Si viste alguna virtud en mí, fue solo por mi relación con Jesús. Y como dice San Pablo, “Sigan mi ejemplo, como yo sigo el de Cristo” (1 Cor. 11: 1).

Ha sido una gran alegría y un privilegio servirles a todos. Por favor sepa de mis oraciones continuas mientras viaja-mos juntos en comunión con Jesús. Hasta que te vea de nuevo, nos encontraremos en la Eucaristía.

Como San Pedro, nuestro primer Papa, aconsejó a toda la Iglesia que confiara en la protección y el poder amoroso de Dios, y como San Pablo, preparándose para partir de su amada comunidad, alentó a los discípulos a ser fuertes en su fe y nunca se desanimó, es un cargo solemne les dejo hoy: “Queridos hermanos: Que en su trato mutuo la humildad esté siempre presente, pues:

Dios es enemigo de los soberbios, y en cambio, a los humildes les concede su gracia.

Humíllense, pues, ante la mano poderosa de Dios, para que él los levante y encumbre en el momento oportuno. Dejen en sus manos todas sus preocupaciones, pues él cuida de ustedes.” (1 Pedro 5:5-7)

“Te ruego delante de Dios y de Cristo Jesús, juez de vivos y muertos, que ha de venir y reinar, y te digo: predica la Pala-bra, insiste a tiempo y a destiempo, rebatiendo, repren-diendo o aconsejando, siempre con paciencia y dejando una enseñanza.” (2 Timoteó 4:1-8*)

Ven, Espíritu Santo, llena los corazones de tus fieles y enciende en ellos el fuego de tu amor. Envía Señor, tu Espíritu, y todas las cosas serán creadas y se renovará la faz de la Tierra. Jesús está Vivo! Aleluya! ~Pr. Miguel

“El mundo te promete comodidad, pero no fuiste hecho para la comodidad. Fuiste hecho para la grandeza… El hombre ha sido creado para una gran realidad, para Dios mismo, para ser colmado por Él. Pero su corazón es dema-siado pequeño para la gran realidad que se le entrega. Tiene que ser ensanchado…Eso requiere esfuerzo, es doloroso, pero sólo así se logra la capacitación para lo que estamos destinados.” (Papa emérito Benedicto XVI, Spe Salvi, 33)

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Staying Connected ~ Worship and Community Life

~ Online Mass ~ Fourth Sunday of Easter, May 4, 2020

9:00 am in English and 11:00 am in Spanish

Fr. Rask and Fr. Michael invite you to join with our community by participating in our livestream Sunday Mass on May 4, 2020. Fr. Michael will be presiding at both the 9:00 a.m. English Mass and 11:00 a.m. Spanish Mass this weekend. Although we cannot be together physically, we can bring this worship experience into our homes and join together in Spiritual Communion. To participate and join us online, go to our “Catholic Community of St. Odilia YouTube” channel.

Daily Mass will be live streamed Monday through Friday at 8:00 am and posted to the “Catholic Community of St. Odilia Youtube” channel each day.

The Church will be open Monday through Friday, from 9:00 am—4:30 pm for private prayer. Adoration will also be available in the church from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm M-F. Are you receiving our weekly electronic news? If not, please use your phone’s camera to scan the “Email SignUp” QR code to provide us your email address.

Have you received a phone call from a fellow parishioner? We are reaching out to our parishioners during this time of social distancing to determine those who may need help. If you haven’t heard from us, we may not have your current phone number! Please help us to stay in contact with you by calling the parish office with any updates to your ad-dress, phone number or email. Please know the clergy and staff at St. Odilia are committed to serving you. We are available by phone 651-484-6681 and email [email protected]. The parish office remains open Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Thank you for helping us “Stay Connected”!

Email SignUp

~ Online Giving ~ Give monetarily directly to Food Shelf or Charity

During this Easter season as we reflect on the gifts that we have received and as we continue to trust in Jesus’ endless mercy and to live mercifully toward others, we invite you to share in the joy of giving.

Although, we must remain physically distant from one another, the St. Odilia Community, together with the community of saints, continues to stay spiritually, emo-tionally and socially connected. During this time of heightened need in our community, we continue our out-reach support to others and requests are increasing each day. Your support is making a difference.

We are grateful for the gifts that we have received over these past few weeks either electronically or through the mail. We also offer our gratitude for those of you who have answered the call to provide gift cards for gas and food that we are able to distribute to those in need.

If you would like to make a special gift to directly benefit those in need, we’ve added options to our "Give Online" tab on our website that allow you to select our Food Shelf Fund or our Charity Fund. Your gifts to the Food Shelf fund are used to support the Ralph Reeder Food Shelf and the food shelf operated by the Franciscan Brothers of Peace. Gifts to the Charity Fund are used to provide monetary support to individuals and families in need, particularly due to the impact of this current pan-demic.

Let us continue to lift one another up in prayer and serve others under the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit. We thank you for your generosity during these uncertain times.

If you have questions regarding your charitable giving, please contact Ramona Michaels at

[email protected] or 651-415-3350.

Give Online

Live Streamed from the Cathedral of St. Paul Sunday, May 3 at 2:00 p.m.

Pray with us online as Archbishop Bernard Hebda and Bishop Andrew Cozzens crown Our Lady of Fati-ma, pray the Rosary, have Benediction, and pray a

prayer of consecration to Mary. Watch the live stream on the Archdiocese Facebook page or the

event page on their website: Our Lady, Health of the Sick, Pray for Us!

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Worship and Community Life

St. Odilia 2020 Parish Directory ~ rescheduled photo session dates ~

We’ve rescheduled our photo sessions for our 60th Anniversary Directory. The new dates will begin in early August through November. Schedule your session today!

To sign up: Go to our website go to ‘Our Parish’ and ‘Parish Publications” The ‘St. Odilia 2020 Parish Directory’ can be found

with session dates and a link to sign up. OR call the parish office at 651-484-6681 and we

can sign you up over the phone.

Our directory won’t

be complete without you!

Stewardship — Treasure Shared

Make a choice to brighten your day with the purchase of annuals from Mickman Brothers Garden Center, and make a difference at St. Odilia! Starting now, through the end of May, 20% of the proceeds from your purchase of annuals at Mickman Brothers will be given back to St. Odilia to support our ministries. Start shopping today and make a difference! Mention St. Odilia at checkout for your purchase to make a difference.

*’Other’ reflects gifts that are received outside of the regular weekly Sunday collection and may be gifts of stock, IRA, or other charitable distributions. With the suspension of public Masses in mid-March, our regular weekly contributions have decrease by almost 50%. We are grateful for the gifts that you continue to send to the parish office as well as your online gifts. We also offer our gratitude for those of you who have answered the call to provide gift cards for gas and food or have made a direct contribution to our charity fund to support those in need. If you have any questions regarding how to make a contribution at this time, please contact Ramona Michaels at (651) 415-3350.

Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2020 Annual Goal for Contributions $2,382,790

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Jerry Ciresi, Doug Miller, Tiffany Pohl, Laure Waschbusch, Patricia Pfenning-Wendt, Jerry Bauer, Louise Simon, Agnes Walsh, Zoey McDonald, Elizabeth Bonitz, Elizabeth Waschbusch, Jim Czeck, Barba-ra Dostert, Craig Monson, Lowell Carlen, Pat Kassekert, Bob Rupar, Trevor Ruiz, Steve Lauinger, Linda Molenda, Joan Rourke, Mary Lakeman, John Lee, Lynn Schmidt, Kelly Stein, Amby Kurkowski, Patricia Wright, Grant Leitschuh, Winnie Winkelman, Cleorie Johnson, Marlene Dirkes, Ruth Reiling, Bobbie Driscoll, An-ikka Griffin, Maggie Lange, Christopher Walsh, Pat O’Neil, Donna Heins, Arlyne Anklan, Theresa Rohe-Cecere, Jamie Aguilar, Irene Kolles, Tom Partyka, Tom Claseman, Ella Nienow, Pauline Glendenning, Jerry Flanagan, Claudia Valencia, Mark Paulsen, Tina Tanner, Audrey Schumacher, Herb Hoppenstedt, Luke Coehlo, Abby Northrop, Yasmin DeJesus, Jeff Bowers, Roseanne Ander-son, Theodora Martin, Steve Vaughan, Tony Gardner, Charleen Rutz, Jeanne Dompierre, Donald Wetherby, Leo Kieffer, Julie Kuberski, Carol Young, Arlene Palermo

Help us keep this list up to date and email changes to: [email protected]

or call the parish office. Thanks!

Of Service to Others... Please Pray For...

Prayers for the Deceased

Please pray for those who have died recently that they may live forever with

Jesus in the reign of God.

Delphine White

Raul Castañeda

Dan Scheett

Jim McDaniel

Elizabeth Vonderharr

Need Prayer? St. Odilia Prayer Line is Confidential

If for any reason, you wish to be prayed for, please feel free to add your prayer request to our confidential Prayer Line. We have a dedicated group of parishioners who will hold you up in prayer. We only use first names. There are several ways to can submit a prayer request:

You can use our Prayer Request Form on the homepage of our website

Email your request to [email protected]

Call the parish office at 651-484-6681

Thank you to St. Odilia Parishioners from Theresa Living Center

Deacon Jim Saumweber received an email from Theresa Living Center regarding the monetary donations they received since towels and soap could not be collected this Easter season:

“… more than a few checks have come in from St Odilia parishioners. We want to thank you for letting the good folks at St. Odilia know of ways they could be of help to our and other nonprofit agencies. May the blessings of the Easter season be with you and yours. Thanks again.”

Mary Maher, Special Project Volunteer, Theresa Living Center

Thank you from Ralph Reeder Food Shelf Thanks to our generous parishioners, a donation of $5,000 was made to the Ralph Reeder Food Shelf on April 15, 2020. “Your March Foodshare donation means so much to so many during this difficult time… Your critical support ensures that all of our neighbors in need have access to nutritious foods and support services as they navigate these uncharted waters. For every dollar received, we can often times purchase up to $8.00 worth of food; stretching your donations even further. Thank you again for your sup-port. Our team here at Ralph Reeder wish you and your family good health in the months to come.” Sincerely, Lisa Baker Ralph Reeder Food Shelf Basic Needs Manager

Thank you for your Gift Cards to help those in need! We want to thank all of you who have brought in extra gift cards to supple-ment our depleting supply due to the greater need because of the Corona vi-rus. Your generosity is so much appreciated by those who are struggling right now. Our supply of food and Target cards are still low but much better than they were 2 weeks ago- thanks to YOU! Extra Blessings and know you are in our prayers! ~The Pastoral Care Council

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Informacion General

3 de mayo de 2020

4º Domingo de Pascua

La Pascua es obra de Dios;

todo lo que viene de ella es

solo el gran amor y misericor-

dia para la humanidad. Es el

Domingo del Buen Pastor, el

que da la vida por sus ovejas.

Sin duda alguna, es el Pastor

que guía y protege hasta el

extremo. El Evangelio mencio-

na hermosas palabras que lle-

nan el alma de esperanza, de

cambio, de conversión constante: La Puerta, el Pastor, y la Voz.

Estas palabras se refieren a Jesús que nos invita a entrar por esa

puerta única de salvación; a distinguir al Pastor que cuida amoro-

samente de la oveja perdida. Y la voz, esa voz de Dios que siem-

pre resuena en nuestra conciencia para distinguir el bien del mal.

Dios llama a cada persona por su nombre; conoce y anima a

seguirle como auténtico Pastor. No debe haber confusión entre

las miles de voces que escuchamos a diario. Aprendamos a escu-

char su voz, a distinguir su amor verdadero; esto implica poner

de nuestra parte. El Salmo 22 nos ayuda a profundizar en lo que

es confiar la vida al Buen Pastor: “Tu bondad y tu misericordia

me acompañarán todos los días de mi vida; y viviré en la casa del

Señor por años sin término.” El Papa Francisco nos habla de dis-

tinguir y escuchar a ese Pastor con el siguiente mensaje: “No

olvidemos que Jesús es el único Pastor que nos habla, nos conoce, nos

da la vida eterna y nos protege. Nosotros somos el único rebaño y

solamente tenemos que esforzarnos por escuchar su voz, mientras

con amor, Él escruta la sinceridad de nuestros corazones.” ©LPi


La Pascua es obra de Dios; todo lo que viene de ella es solo el gran

amor y misericordia para la humanidad. Es el Domingo del Buen Pas-

tor, el que da la vida por sus ovejas.

Sin duda alguna, es el Pastor que guía

y protege hasta el extremo. El Evan-

gelio menciona hermosas palabras

que llenan el alma de esperanza, de

cambio, de conversión constante: La

Puerta, el Pastor, y la Voz. Estas pala-

bras se refieren a Jesús que nos invita

a entrar por esa puerta única de sal-

vación; a distinguir al Pastor que cui-

da amorosamente de la oveja perdi-

da. Y la voz, esa voz de Dios que

siempre resuena en nuestra conciencia para distinguir el bien del mal.

Dios llama a cada persona por su nombre; conoce y anima a seguirle

como auténtico Pastor. No debe haber confusión entre las miles de

voces que escuchamos a diario. Aprendamos a escuchar su voz, a

distinguir su amor verdadero; esto implica poner de nuestra parte. El

Salmo 22 nos ayuda a profundizar en lo que es confiar la vida al Buen

Pastor: “Tu bondad y tu misericordia me acompañarán todos los días de

mi vida; y viviré en la casa del Señor por años sin término.” El Papa Fran-

cisco nos habla de distinguir y escuchar a ese Pastor con el siguiente

mensaje: “No olvidemos que Jesús es el único Pastor que nos habla, nos

conoce, nos da la vida eterna y nos protege. Nosotros somos el único reba-

ño y solamente tenemos que esforzarnos por escuchar su voz, mientras

con amor, Él escruta la sinceridad de nuestros corazones.”

Las lecturas de la semana del 3 de mayo de 2020 Domingo: Hch 2, 14. 36-41/Sal 23, 1-3. 3-4. 5. 6 [1]/1 Pe 2, 20-25/Jn

10, 1-10

Lunes: Hch 11, 1-18/Sal 42, 2-3; 43, 3. 4 [cfr. 3]/Jn 10, 11-18

Martes: Hch 11, 19-26/Sal 87, 1-3. 4-5. 6-7 [Sal 117, 1]/Jn 10, 22-30

Miércoles: Hch 12, 24—13, 5/Sal 67, 2-3. 5. 6 y 8 [4]/Jn 12, 44-50

Jueves: Hch 13, 13-25/Sal 89, 2-3. 21-22. 25 y 27 [2]/Jn 13, 16-


Viernes: Hch 13, 26-33/Sal 2, 6-7. 8-9. 10-11 [7]/Jn 14, 1-6

Sábado: Hch 13, 44-52/Sal 98, 1. 2-3. 3-4 [3]/Jn 14, 7-14

Domingo: Hch 6, 1-7/Sal 33, 1-2. 4-5. 18-19 [22]/1 Pe 2, 4-9/Jn

14, 1-12


Primera Lectura

Lucas nos dice que Pedro a menudo testificó: "Aléjense de esta ge-

neración perversa y sálvense." ¿Cómo sigue siendo aplicable este

mensaje hoy?

Segunda Lectura

Pedro afirma que la virtud de la paciencia en el sufrimiento de uno

es una gracia de Dios porque Jesús modeló el sufrimiento paciente.

¿Cómo ayuda el ejercicio de esta disposición espiritual a traer paz


Lectura del Evangelio

Usando la metáfora de las ovejas y el cuidador, Jesús les enseña a sus

discípulos la importancia de permanecer enfocado en su voz. ¿Por

qué crees que las personas se distraen tan fácilmente de otras vo-

ces? ©LPi












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Dear Brothers and Sisters, The month of May is approaching, a time when the People of God express with particular intensity their love and devotion for the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is traditional in this month to pray the Rosary at home within the family. The restrictions of the pandemic have made us come to appreciate all the more this “family” aspect, also from a spiritual point of view. For this reason, I want to encourage everyone to rediscover the beauty of praying the Ro-

sary at home in the month of May. This can be done either as a group or individually; you can decide according to your own situations, making the most of both opportunities. The key to doing this is always simplicity, and it is easy also on the internet to find good models of prayers to follow. I am also providing two prayers to Our Lady that you can recite at the end of the Rosary, and that I myself will pray in the month of May, in spiritual union with all of you. I include them with this letter so that they are available to every-one. Dear brothers and sisters, contemplating the face of Christ with the heart of Mary our Mother will make us even more united as a spiritual family and will help us overcome this time of trial. I keep all of you in my prayers, especially those suffering most greatly, and I ask you, please, to pray for me. I thank you, and with great affection I send you my bless-ing.

Rome, Saint John Lateran, 25 April 2020 Feast of Saint Mark the Evangelist Pope Francis

O Mary, You shine continuously on our journey as a sign of salvation and hope. We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick, who, at the foot of the cross, were united with Jesus’ suffering, and persevered in your faith. “Protectress of the Roman people”, you know our needs, and we know that you will provide, so that, as at Cana in Galilee, joy and celebration may return after this time of trial. Help us, Mother of Divine Love, to conform ourselves to the will of the Father and to do what Jesus tells us. For he took upon himself our suffering, and burdened himself with our sorrows

to bring us, through the cross, to the joy of the Resurrection. Amen. We fly to your protection, O Holy Mother of God; Do not despise our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us always from every danger, O Glorious and Blessed Virgin.


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“We fly to your protection, O Holy Mother of God”. In the present tragic situation, when the whole world is prey to suffering and anxiety, we fly to you, Mother of God and our Mother, and seek refuge under your protection. Virgin Mary, turn your merciful eyes towards us amid this coronavirus pandemic. Comfort those who are distraught and mourn their loved ones who have died, and at times are buried in a way that grieves them deeply. Be close to those who are concerned for their loved ones who are sick and who, in order to prevent the spread of the disease, cannot be close to them. Fill with hope those who are trou-bled by the uncertainty of the future and the consequences for the economy and employment. Mother of God and our Mother, pray for us to God, the Father of mercies, that this great suffering may end and that hope and peace may dawn anew. Plead with your divine Son, as you did at Cana, so that the families of the sick and the victims be comforted, and their hearts be opened to confidence and trust. Protect those doctors, nurses, health workers and volun-teers who are on the frontline of this emergency, and are risking their lives to save others. Support their heroic effort and grant them strength, generosity and continued health. Be close to those who assist the sick night and day, and to priests who, in their pastoral concern and fidelity to the Gospel, are trying to help and support everyone.

Blessed Virgin, illumine the minds of men and women en-gaged in scientific research, that they may find effective solutions to overcome this virus. Support national leaders, that with wisdom, solicitude and generosity they may come to the aid of those lacking the basic necessities of life and may devise social and economic solutions inspired by farsightedness and solidarity. Mary Most Holy, stir our consciences, so that the enormous funds invested in developing and stockpiling arms will in-stead be spent on promoting effective research on how to prevent similar tragedies from occurring in the future. Beloved Mother, help us realize that we are all members of one great family and to recognize the bond that unites us, so that, in a spirit of fraternity and solidarity, we can help to alleviate countless situations of poverty and need. Make us strong in faith, persevering in service, constant in prayer. Mary, Consolation of the afflicted, embrace all your chil-dren in distress and pray that God will stretch out his all-powerful hand and free us from this terrible pandemic, so that life can serenely resume its normal course. To you, who shine on our journey as a sign of salvation and hope, do we entrust ourselves, O Clement, O Loving, O Sweet Virgin Mary. Amen.


Readings for the week of May 3, 2020 Sunday: Acts 2:14a, 36-41/Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6 [1]/1 Pt 2:20b-25/Jn 10:1-10 Monday: Acts 11:1-18/Ps 42:2-3; 43:3, 4 [cf. 3a]/Jn 10:11-18 Tuesday: Acts 11:19-26/Ps 87:1b-3, 4-5, 6-7 [Ps 117:1a]/Jn 10:22-30 Wednesday: Acts 12:24—13:5a/Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6 and 8 [4]/Jn 12:44-50 Thursday: Acts 13:13-25/Ps 89:2-3, 21-22, 25 and 27 [2]/Jn 13:16-20 Friday: Acts 13:26-33/Ps 2:6-7, 8-9, 10-11ab [7bc]/Jn 14:1-6 Saturday: Acts 13:44-52/Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4 [3cd]/Jn 14:7-14 Next Sunday: Acts 6:1-7/Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19 [22]/1 Pt 2:4-9/Jn 14:1-12

Page 10: MAY 3, 2020 FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 3 de May, 2020 Cuarto ... · 3495 N. VICTORIA, SHOREVIEW, MN 55126 • 651-484-6681 • MAY 3, 2020 — FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 3 de May, 2020

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In Remembrance ~ May 2020

Although we are not able to join together in our annual “In Remembrance Service” this May, let us continue to pray for all those who have gone before us this past year, as they begin their New Life in Christ.

Henry Alt

Kevin Anderson

Jeanne Averbeck

Walter Bauer

Jim Beatty

Br. Albert Becker, osc

Lorraine Bender

Kevin Billiet

Robert Bronk

Patrick Buth

Helen Carlen

Michael Carroll

Raul Castañeda

Stanley Cherne

William Clark

Don Cokley

Mary Jane Corbey

Paul Cote

Caroline Cunningham

Robert Dallner

Ralph Darling

Eugene Dellis

Monica Detters

Barbara Doffing

Janice Dyer

Allison Feldkamp

Ron Flanagan

Joyce Fleissner

Mary A. Flor

Helen Gartner

Lucille Gebhard

Teresa Grewe

Harold Haag

Vera Hahn

Richard Haider

Dr. Joseph Hamel, Sr.

Bernice “Bernie” Hamernick

Joseph Hanson

Jon Harding

Elizabeth Harper

Sally Heimerman

Kelly Jeanetta

Erin Joseph

Joan Keller

Barb Kelly

Pauline Kemper

Pat Keppers

Rita Kline

Marcile Kollar

Shirley Korngable

Patricia Kosek

Joseph “Joe” Kroiss

Richard “Dick” Mann

Marian Martinson

Eunice Mason

Jim McDaniel

Patrick McGuinn

Mac McIlquham

Chuck Mertensotto

Tony Miller

Paul Mitchell

Agnes Motta

John Nagan

Clarence Nesset

Muriel Newhouse

Frank Nogai

Natalie Nogai Hay

Jennifer Olesen

Jean Ondyak

Marion Paul

Peg Peterson

Chuck Pilon

Bill Platzer

Margaret Pohl

Fr. Adrian Poitrowski, osc

Tom Pruitt

Stephen Quinlan

George Reiling

Duane Rivard

Ken Rosen

James Sarafolean

Angela Savoie

Dan Scheett

Marianne Schuette

Kathleen Shearon

Patricia Shelland

Joseph Steinbach

Robert Steiner

Elsa Stephenson

Bernard Suchy

Mary Ellen Suwan

William Taylor

Timothy Thomas

Br. Tim Tomczak, osc

Saraii Torrez

Robert Tschida

David Vanneste

Elizabeth Vonderharr

Rose “Ceil” Wallner

Janelle Walsh

Glen Wells

Karen Weyandt

Delphine White

Clarence “Pete” Wilcken

William Wolkerstorfer

Patricia Wollack

Patricia Wrobel

Monserrat Young

Anne Ziemer