may sumterdist. conference holds one-da...

p*f* Mr IfOni.Tow fONliM win k* iniwuW "baa" la thta aolnmn, for i Fmiran bnr. and 15c foe «yr mw Amouwr Itum 4 ** " £dl a i^fldan^a Utter jot im 2SS Irvlsa thxaa (1) qUaationa prifitdr, Mil your full BUMi addt.«», sod blrfedate W all la Mara and plaaaa tnalnda a aaM ad draaaad, (TJUon atfyalopa lot fNI raplyt Write Tot.Abbs' Wmnci, aaro ml Tim pALMZTTO tmiw. 1114 n mill I (tea Colombia. & oiioinia M. A. S..Tell me what to do a bout my sister'' She ha_..been suffering with her head for three Weeks. Tell me if it is natural oi not ?v Answer.'There isn't anything unnatural nbout her condition . . , bv tjiat-I mean n<i one hu hnniTr ed her in any way. You should carry her to a good reputable doc tor and have her examined. There is no doubt but what tl^> doctor can nnd th. true condition and get her straight again. I). J..I have fallen head over heels in love with a man who won' anything.but his best resnect-. I ti.'ive.shown him affection in every way. I know tie "admires me. 44e one,, told nn "you wouldn't go. with me I am 42^'.To thiv statement.f replied "oh, yes 1 will." I have alvvays admired men older than myself. .. What is keeping us-apart? Answer.It is very difficult for me to understand why a girl with your looks, attractiveness, and soc ial position would want a man this old and one who doesn't give you any encouragement at all. I honestly feel that you should stop thrnkrrrg about him~'altogether and inakp."nmrr-friends among those desirable.>uung men.a round -30A marriage will take place in vouu life in a few vears to a man a- found your own age.. You only Love mentioned party. . ? "~W.. S..Will I do right to leave and go N'orth. We have been mar. ried since last July ami she don't lu ve much to say to me. We get along bad. Don't letive now. Wait until the baby comes. Babieg -have a- way ^ ul chantrijig things. At this; time . >uuf- wifr ds in.buti heahfr-iHtd ' naturally she is" upset ynn ought to T>e man enough to make allowances for this fact. M. S. R..I am f.-antic with worry. 1 am deeply in love with a -hoy itud L know hp loves me. He lias...another gill and she has found out that he has been seeing me and she and he had a fight. I TuTveTi'l seen him for a few weeks -o-l imagine it was serious. He ha-n't written or phoned so I am verv worried and 1 know-he .must be worried "too. I)o you thTnlriir| lover me'.' A lis we i I ttrink vou "are yprv foolish young girl to fall for a guy as svrry as he is. You're right he has got another girl, and further more . . . she's keeping him up. Any young man whos_ self respect has reached the low point of allowing some woman to keep hinr isn't worth your consideration^ Have nothing more to do with him. ~MT. IMSCATT lt\PT. CHl'Rt'H Orangeburg, S. We are happy to say that the program given was quite a success. Mrs. A. L. Hildebrand o? this city was at her best. She used as a subject "Jefsus "Sending OHt Missionaries." Tier listeners were tilled with enthusiasm and inspiration.^ Visitors were present-of which we were very proud. We sincerely MILLER CHAPEI. A. M. E. CHURCH Newberry.The Sunday school opened at the usual hour with the Supt. Mr. E.F. Floyd presiding. The lesson Was beau'ifully taught and discussed. At 11:30 Rev. Sumpter ascended the rostrum and preached a , sou! stirring sermon. Subject "The Three Crosses" At 8 o'clock \hle pastor again preached a notable sermon. Theme: The Ransom of Cod." Easter Sunday morning, sunrise services began at 7 o'clock; at which'thne the pastor preached about the Resurrection o f Christ. After preaching the pastor gave to each member of the congregation an Easter egg. The BIHIPI piummii IH'HUII m d ui'iwik and a grand program was rendered under the leadership of Mrs. FLP Alexander and Mrs. S. L. Moon with Mrs. B.F. Sumpter in $ charge of music. At 8 o'clock the senior choir presente an Ea«ter canttata. witlh Mrs. S T.. Moon as directress and Miss A.P. Hare, pianist. On April 20 we surprised our pastor by going over the top in our rally. TTie total amount raised was $300.00. The clubs that raised the highest amount were first place, Rev. R.F. Sumpter; second Mr. H. B: Butler; 3rd Mrs. Ida Hare. The rally was a great success and everyone was' pleased. At this writing we are very sorry to have on our sick list Mr® S.I/. Moon, Mrs. Hattie Jackson and Little Thelma "Runnie" Sumter. We wish for them a speedy recovery. I.AMAR NEWS Jo(hn WVtfley Methodist Church The services at John Wesley on Sunday will ever linger with the people. It's the talk of the community. After the benediction the people stood around on the church ground hi groups rejoicing and ex pressing thanks to Gpd for the soul stirring sermon preached by the pastor. It was indeed a treat to Hit who attended the meeting of the Woman's Society of Christian Service, which met in the lovely home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. JetTry. Rev. Porter expressed appreciation to the group for the loyalty and faithfullness in the them that they were boosters and not knockers, and that he thanked God for them as boosters? The following members .and friwndsattended: Mrs. L. Slater, Mrs. Ruby Thomas, Mrs. Narcissus Mack, Mrs. S. Peoples, Mrs. Theola Porter, Rev. and Mrs. Frasier Mr>. J. McKnight, Mrs. Carrie Byrd, Mrs. M. Rivers. The visitors were: Mrs. Marion iRiverar o f Sandv Grove Methodist church. spoke in high terms of the women's work in the church and said she was glad that the church had honored her by giving her a chance to work in the church. Mrs. Lottie Reese, Mrs. ^"Ruth ilarrhs, Miss Beatrice liar lis. Mother's Day will be observed Sunday night. Let us do what we can to make the program a success..-. :. Rev. M. J. Porter, Mrs. Ruby Thomas. Mr, E .T ,Te ry, Mrs A Xowe, Mrs. N. Mack, were, among the visiting guests at the Community Center in Darlington last Monday night. Mr. Beaty Dukes is all smiles over his lovely store. Mr. and Mrs. John Sanders, afer working hard and saving theii 'earnings have built a most lovely home. vT i.Mrs* Rentrire Dorsev. of Clinton one of the teachers of Lee [-County, was the week end guest lof Rev. and Mrs. Porter. Mr. flnn Thomas, Mr. Charlie^ ("Rogers, Miss Dorsey, Rev. and Mrs. Porter were the dinner ,guests1 of- Mr. and" Mrs. E. GranH'rson cff Timmonsville fiiindnv. The friends of Miss Ethel Davis regret to find her on the sick list. Sandy Grove Methodist Church The revival meeting is now in progress. Rev. Win. Brown conducted the meeting Sunday night .ili a: most- pleiuing mannef\--The -Woman's Society of Christian Ser vice will render a special program Sunday in honor of Mother's Day. 'Mr. B. Boston of Cartersville will be among the visi'ors 'Sunday. I.qmar High -School News The AT ay day festival of, the Iatmar Jr. High school was a grand-success financially and was~ very beautifully carried out, ..The arrangement-was as follows: Rosa Mae Rivers of the 7th grade supervised by Miss Jennie Hamper and Mrs. Elizabeth Martin took first plnro with n tn'nl xf-HMfifr" tirace White, 8th grade, supervised by Misses Helen White and Lillie Mae Greene took 2nd place with $32.00. Parnie Mae Lucas of the 9th grade took 3rd_place.with l$2G.OO and Sadie Peoples took 4th iuiaw wr.n me grand tota' $124.13 was raised. I.A large crowd looked 1 mi as Principal J. S. Fleming, after a brief pnrnwatinn et'OWncd the.queen. Prof. J.S. Fleming addressed the graduating class at the St. John school on Friday nie'ht. Mrs. T^thel Maek Wnmlc <Vr. , mer teacher in I>amar- School accompanied b\- her father Mr. John Henry Mack and a friend MissAnnie Smith spent Sunday in r.amar as cues's of Mrs. Mamie Dubose. Mrs. Elizabeth Martin sportl Sunday in Columbia with her husband at the Veterans hospital. _ Mr... and- Mrr.i Phillip Lyde.of Florence spent Sunday with Mrs Lyde's parents Mr. an/1 Mrs. John nie White. Jpsey Chapel Methodist Church Kev. K(iX , Dubose, I'aftor The church work is going forwarxl along all lines. The revival meeting conducted by the pastor was quite a success. Eleven souls were added to the church. Sunday was a 'high day. We had a number of visitors. Dr. A. Mack, D.S. of the Bennettsville District, Rev. m.j. sorter, pastor Lamar charge, Mrs. Theola Porter, Miss Beatrice Dorsey, of Clinton, Mrs. Mamie Dubose, inother of Rev. Dubose Mr. I.H. Mack, of'Fayetteville, N C., Rev. J.S. Dial, Misses Grace Dukes,-' M^ Dukes, L. Caraway, n. Hi William.i, Ml. IT. Mr. T. E. Rogers, Mr. S. Woods, Mr. M. Rivers. The Harmonizing Four Quartet will sponsor a pro gram Sunday_affemoon May 25. 4:30 p. m. You are invrted. BETHf.F.HF.M HIGH SCHOOL The 12th annual closing exercises began April 3t)th with an op eretta "A Day in Flowerdom" by the Grammar group directed by Mrs. Emily E. Allen Quite a few enjoyed the' operetta. On Friday night 8:30 the High School presented the play "In the Money" A large audience enjoyed the_ play. 1 he Baccalaureate sermon Sun! day 6 o'clock was an elated event j Rev. C. Williams was at his best with the Christlike advice grven to the graduates. - ,; ... t Sumter Dist. ( Holds One-Da Lynchburg. S. C., April 24th. 0no of the most successful and instructive meetings of the district is being held here. The Rev. esse Samuel Coe, D.D., presidng elder and the Rev. J. R. Rich^Lrdsoir pastor bust. The Misskmiiy women of the district met and i full contribution _Lo. the success of the district waj "fhade. The lev. A. J. Felix was elected secretary and the Rev. Lee A. Ix> gan was made reporter for - the meeting. The presiding . elder"s address was a gem incorporating the work of the ministers and the loyalty of the members of the district. It made a profound impres dorr"mi the confererice and made very one feel that tlie Doctor is i sympathetic leader. He express d regrets that Drs. J. McKensie Harrison »n,| F W William.. not be present because of illness. Dr. Harrison is ill in th<> hospital and Dr. Williams confined to his home. He also stated that these "athors wore loyal and useful men before they resigned as pastors ind that he named them on the program thrX tl>e younger mer might hear their addresses and benefit by their experiences. Hti. ulisepuentlv nnnii'il D>-^ Pope :imL Logan to speak. The elder closed his address and had an offering for "he ministers of the smallest charges. A substantal amount was rased and divided witff Ttevsr "Mouldrow.^^ Fogel ^and Gr inov ''not having seen it on this fashion before." The highlights of the meeting were the addresses of Drs. L. A. Wells, presiding elder of the M"* vion district. H. D. Ramsey, presiding elder of the Dillon district-'* ~L.E. Thomas; presiding elder of -the- Mt. Pleasant district. S. C. onfejeme. The Rev. Geo. B Brown of the North Carolina conferenee;.tire Re\v_ 1, MT^fack^Tmr Alt. Zion, Florence; the Rev. S. -'htsohp; Mt. Zion Sobers Dr. R. Pope and Lee A. Logan also made addresses which the eonference soomt-to.have enjoyed^ Thediscussion of the Disciplinary repoits ~weTc led by Revs. J. W Judge, R. X. Moses. L. J. Str.ten. J. R. Richardson, R.-L. Pope. A. J. Felix and was responded to by tany of the members of the conference. The report of Preachers ./or tile Annual-. -wo n f o r enee --was read bv I >r, K. L. Font1, Mrs >. S. Rice. principal of Mayesville high School and Mrs. Ruth Dinkins on«' of the teachers addressed the cor. ference. At the noon hour I)r. C'oej pre_^ DeXier and 01 the evening Rev. R. N:.Moses who tliil tRe preaching for th« conference. Ra i ti fell frees sa n fly Th ro u gh out the afternoon up into the evening. but appreciaable audience 'o witness the closing of the conference. Aflei th< sermon. the nastor conductetl the wcRuine piugt«'m. ptcscntir-g ^I Thelma George as nistress of cere monies. After a rousing welcome from officers and meitibers. Mrs white, brought a messag< if. good cheer t ml hnper all o f which was responded to hy th. ij U'... r* i \ i \ M'N >>111., l».l JlitMUt Hi ut M :yesvil!v charco. The hfrv_ J. K. Richardson. pasK<j>r showed himself a mastei ~Tk)<!V tvro attended tho meeting, '-t -most ho said to the crodi^ "Of ")r. Cm- that th(. largest member -f- lavnven \vns in attendance at lii iiii-ii-l imr ilv.ri h-iva lunin fni. <«»nie years. Id. Cm' js an otTi iont and fartherlv presiding ol\oithoa-t ^conference. in that hi ;ol 1 h i - oonforonce in one day, -vave everyone an .'opportunity to ;poaRr heard liflTIhe grievances, lean! 11 imports, (rather'ed.all the funds and adjormed at t>:00 r>:e T lay session" A. Logan, reporter \1T. '/ION A. M. K. (TH'RCH Sunday school opened at 11:00 o'clock and many.wFTe out for Sundr«y school. The lesson was very interesting, many points were brought out flTTsT No. 1 has the banner: Our choir left for St. I.uke Baptist church Sunday and put over a wonderful program. We are still moving on, we are looking forward now to our (listrie' meeting which begins Thursday, May 8th. We are expecting a large attendance. The pastor and sever. J members were in Columbia Friday and stopped over with Mrr Minnie Watt and had a royal time. "omo in and worship with us, H-f.Mj.-Vt Vl.Mf Sunday was a very pleasant day for church goers and Sunday school coworkers. At 3 p.m. the pastor delivered soul stirring sermon. At 7:30 the pastor ReV. M.C. Freeman delivered another soul stirrirvg sermon. After Which he made our hearts rejoice. Mrs. Sarah Austin of N. Y. C. ts home visting her mo'her Mrs. Mary Sinipkins on account of her illness. Miss Inez Devault spent the week end with her sister Mrs. Ar.ianda Bobb and her brother Mr. Thomas Do wait of Silver Street. Also Mr. and Mrs. Oannoa and Miss Delia Cannon have returned home from Washington, D.C., after spending their vaeation with their sisters and other relatives. On the sick list are Mrs. Amanda "Bobb, Mrs. Mary Simpkins, Mrs. Coleman and Mrs, ViEula Davis. -- HE PA LMfrrroTEADEB Conference y Session ANDERSON CO. TEACHERS HOLD LAST MEETING OF THE YEAR Th»» nwwitjuy thmtg+i.small" In attendance, was one of Che best meetings of the year. The information was of vital importance, and those who missed this meeting missed the cream of all the meetings. The meeting was great because the representa ives to the House mf Delegates made their reports. Prof. Rice spoke on the procedure and accomplishments of these rep resen atives, and Pi of._ Austin in. hfe dynamic way came forward! and told us that the House accepted many of our resolutions namely: * ; L, Tlmt SO pci.rant of 5TT funds raised by the Association be earmarked "Teacher Defense." 2. That the lawyer be asked for a report to 'ho body or House oL Delegates. 3. That teachers be paid**-according to .experience, training and qualifications, the same salaries of other teachers of similar- training. -. . The Association.was.oul.s'mid- naif :wrs. Kerry on her re-elec ion as State President of the P. T. A. See you nexL-vinr. no Ion? . PAULINE. T. STEPHEN A. M. E. CHURCH Rev. I.. I). Gamble. Pastor firorpetoWTYT" S. C..Our sou' tilling spring revival will close' Vnlav night. May lith \yiih_ALTBo-Pa i"ii P1 »y a religious motion .a.t-w-re..Phi' picture "will be proiected by »<ur evangelist. This -<nd -touching moving picture de oict Christ from birth to the ascension. Many souls have Wen (inverted while looking upon the - ."ffering of Jesus in this picture. May God grant that sinners c«m_Lnu> to come tp Cht'lSt 'therebyThis is tne fourth consecutive week .of fv: ngelist meetjugs, .hole > ttfrr rnwirTcThducteil by Evangelist Alive Nesby and her ..gospe 1 "singer STisy Daisy Mi-Call, formery of Vanx^nljj N. .1. During.the p meting many souls have been .uif. ppii.i .1'l It'll \ I'.'HHMhlns are being revived. This gospel" team wi!I ping be remembered for.t-he"vTr derfuj "service - they have ren I'.red hertv Ifyour church need an old fash on yi-ul .-lining revival, write to h Miss Daisy McCall General -Delivery Pmehurstv'N. C UAI.TIMOKK, MD. NEWS H> Louise G. Douglass The Willing Workers'of Mt Hebron ci'iiii h gave a supper on Frilay night, M. y 2, at 107 N. Amity St. Mrs.-. Hattie Flowers is presiient. FTrsj prize, luncheon set won by' Mrs. Ada Caldwell; see»nd prize water set won by Mrs. Alice llolley; 3rd prize table set, von b\ Mis. Flowers. Th. supner was given for the benefit of j .Ml.Hebron ehurch. Revs -Mgffihj all Flowers, pastor. I Or. -irk list are Mrs. I.ula P {Iloone, Mr-. Fenny Jrines, Mrs Craig, Mr. B.-Stevenson, Rev. M. Flowers. Mr. Roosevelt Heath, a Icacon of Ml. Hebron church. Mr. Fames WJIneire, Mr. fill. Tlie- JL.S. eh&b met with Mrs. WTnTTurrw" 'Hi,, devotions werp carried tit ''Iter which business session <»| A delicious repast was <erVed. The next meeting will be it Mr" Louise Gore Douglass 152.1 Kdmondson Ave. All members are asked to bp present, busi ness of importance. The club will obseive its anniversary Sunlay, May 18, at which time a sernon will he preached and a program rendered at Mt. Hebron Bap I Wo ..I i- i ' imi .in, ooginning at K p.m. The public is invited. Mrs. Louise G. Douglass and Mrs Molly Gore were Mrs. Daisy Mae Heath's dinner guelsts Sunday evening, after dinner they motored to Mr. and Mrs J. Shaw where they enjoyed another pleasant stiy. Mrs ftfftfiey" has Returned after visiting her sister and report J that she is doing well. We wish forj nig in that we were privileged to hear Mr. J. C. Holler, the outroine County Superintendent, in \ speech that I would consider a "TTTTTirterpiece. MTu IToTTer" eniphaKrttrrp formed the right (attitudes, he cautioned the teachers about- copying things they have read or seen without knowing whether our problems T"P mer by these activities or not. Also. Mr. Holler sard, make sure our finally- decorated room tells the story of actual work dqne. and not copies-placed there ' for lobulation only. We appreciated this fine heart to heart talk from.Sup*. Holler, juul we-^oin the County Teachers n wishing him ''Bon Voyage," in '"is new work Asst. Supt. of City Schools." Alsto the fact that our Jeanes was present added much to the meeting. : 7 The next year we hope every teacher that teaches in Andersoti County will pledge himself to attend every meeting of the Couny Teachers Association. Mrs, J. L--Perrv.took us with -her in the PTA session. We were -orry when she sat us down again at Reed Street. We eongrat-- -1 " BENJAMIN M. MACK PASSED TO THE GRKAT BEYOND *\ Warden, Layman and Member of Advisory Board By John L. Aiken Moncks Corner.Mr. Benjamin M. Mack passed to the great beyond on Aprrl 25th, at his resi--dence on Main'StreetT Born Dee. 24th, 1S83 at Florence, S.C., at the age of seven he' came to St. S'ephen with his parents, the kite Rev. and Mrs. D.J. Mack. At an early age he joined St. Michael R. PL church, serving as a member of the choir; 1>e served faithfully until he moved to Charles'on. There he enlisted with St Luke's R. E. church and served in most office# of., the. church: A f tVio n,r. OA :_J - V vuv w^V. VI £<4 lie IlliUlICU Miss Mary E. Session, with whom he lived as a loving and devoted bunhanrt unitt- ln?T" tieath~ trr~lj>^b To this union a daughter was bom Mrs. Elizabeth Evans. Mr. Mack was a member of the advisory hoard of the Cummins Theological Seminary, an outstanding layman of the Reformed Episcopal church and senipr war-^ den of Grace R. E. church. He was one who stood for the right and condemned the wrong In 10.17 he married Mrs. CatTie Dawson and became a hi ember of G»aee R. E. church, where h e served until his death. He .was highly respee'ed by white and colored. Funeral services were held.irr Gitfce R. E. church Monday April 28th with Rev. W. M. Folder; pas tor officiating?- ^ REED STREET HIGH SCHOOI. Prof. S. C. Perry, Principal Reed Street High School, located i : the beautiful Electric City of. Anderson, S. C.7 with an af' endance »f r'lWfl 19f>Q ir n netting 2 of bustling excitement and tense moments of .expectancy, Something is in the air! No teacher J .'eaves his or her note book lav- iii-_f around. Why? Lis'en close1 v. A Mav Queen will be chosen EiicbryrMav 5»_Whfl_ivill be ''Miss ' "Queen-of May?" Activities this week are: Mon- 1 (lav 4:30 p.m., n ball game sponsored by Mrs. Perry, Mrs. Camp- ; bell and Prof. T. B. Williams between the 8th lltli grade girls and.boys.versus- 9th 10th" grade girls and boys. Wednesday "May 7. "Odds and Ends" of 1941 by Miss Bright and Miss N'jil and-a e^Jaxy of dances almost everywhere. ? Calvin Scott?Wins P B. A. Scholarship Calvi-n Scott, under__ the direction of Miss L. B. Brown won over three other contestants. PTTa CTThkscales Abbeville won second place. Reed St. has won for two successive years. We are proud of our records. Music 'Department a part oT Music..Fentival nt.Booker Wash ing-'on Columbia. The'girls re"ported-an interesting trip. Senior High. Mrs. Perry, teacher. guests of Paine College, A.ueusta. , Final meeting: of Parent-Tench ers Association climaxed with a program by teachers exclusively which was enjoyed by all. _ .WhU'll the paper for (!}ueen announcements. IFRK MO A. M. \v! CHntCH Rev. .1. P. C'umminKs, Pastor .Denmark, S. C..Sunday was " rloriotis day at oi:r church and tlie . t'lJIljl1 mamiested itself while out beloved pastor mounted the rosI r11 m at.1 £-fetdock bringing to Us ) mes age from St. John 14:0. rub- 'ect The Way of Christ. This mes sage was highly enjoyed by all hearers. Many hoarTs were made to feel glad while the man of God 'r.iKfo. a unerai ottering was left -fey.tht? officials^ ffiS?n the Lord < Supper was administered to many. Visitors: Rev. A. R. Coleman, Mrs. II. M. Wolfe. Rev. Coleman is at home of which is a lot of help to his home church. We are glad -to have him. The pastor is urging the members to take interest in jth<L_: Pledge rally which is planned.. Sister Rebecca Reed is in the sick list. The pastor visited hei after the morning service. We pray for her a speedy recovery. We ere looking forward for SunMay at whrdrtime a great pro-"gram for Mother's Day.. Come to Jericho and Bethel when in Denmark. We welcome you FOUR MILE SCHOOL 1)IST 4 CLOSINC EXERCISES M J. R. Bond, Principal Charleston.Monday May 12. 8 p.m.."The Wedding of the Flowers," an operetta in one act by the first and second grades. Thursday May If-th 8 p. m.. .u;-,) ~ .1 A- «<«* 1 i-iiii u k1'11"' presents." miu-summer Eve," a musical Fairy play by Elizabeth Guptill. Sunday May 18, 4 p.m. Annual Educational sermon, by Rev. J.E. Webb, pastor of Bethel iReformed Episcopal church, Union Heights District 4. Monday, May 19, 8 p.m. The fourth and fifth grades present: To t«he Boys and Girls of Ohil- drendom, The Forost Count, an operetta in one act. Wednesday May 21, 8 p.m.. Graduating exercises. "The address will be delivered hry the Rev. Mat .thaw W. Davis, Rector of .St; Marks P. E. churdh, Thomas and Warren Sts., Charleston. The public in cord i ally invited _ o attend all cxercUaa.i 1 _ v 4 A1 JOHNSTON NEWS Edgefteld County Training Schoc E. L. Bowman, Principal of th es the following commencemen exercises for the term 1940-41: Girls Oratorical Contest Fri .day, May 9, 8 p.m. Adult schoc closing Tuesday, May 13. & IM1 T>'^, Gth nnti 7th guides schoc closing play, Friday, May 10, p.m. Educational somen Sundaj May 18, 4 p.m. Senior class pla Tuesday, May-20, 8 p.m. Gratltta tion exercises Thursday, May 2S 8 p.m. The community has witnessei one of. the- nvest- successful ses sions in the history of the school Much improvement and advance ment have been made in all de partnients of The. school program The agriculture department un der the direction of C. B. Toome won the following honors at th District Judging rnntcst April l -wtnen was helcfat Ridge Spring Firpo Hurley 1st honor "agricul t.ure oratorical contes'. Tin; qunr tet won 2nd honor in the singinj contest. They are now lookinj rorward to the State Judging Coi test to be held at Orangeburg oi Saturday, May 10th. .r. The first and second grades op eretta Tuesday April 29 and tin lbrrdrgrade operotta.Friday. 2 wiic a great success and enjoy ,wl k,, 1 1 . 1.. u.y Uic uuununi lur^e crowd. Oil Thursday May 1, at 2 o' clock Mrs. Leona Jackson ga\*e t surprise for the Junior and Senior classes of the Edgefield-Couaty.1Tratrrtng-school. "During the re cess period 'he classes were carried by their home room teacher Miss E. N. Frasier and the principal Mr.^E, Ij. Bowman to Mrs. Jackson's home. It was indeed a surprise to them because they knew not where they were pomp. They wero Jed into the din ing room where awaited them a cooling repas' of ice cream and cake. While they ate, Mr. Bowman gave some very inspiring l-eitiniks ^r±n 'he seniors, who are on the. threshold of a new life, and to the Juniors.who.are.stepping into the ank of seniors. This is a day to be ."remembered bv all who took oart. The honored clasess. are leenK' orn'pfnl 'fp T .' For remembering thenl rn such a .vay. Miss Clra co Helen Matthews spent a week in Spartanburg: visiting friends. M iss Hattie Miles visited the Towers,^ Thomas. -Johnsons and Ethei edges in Bn'Osburg Sunday. VVII.LIAMS CHAPEL A. M. E. CHURfcH Rev. R.J. Jefferson, T'nstor Orangeburg.Sunday school op cried *trt 0 :45 wi i; the Supt. officers and teachers at their posts. The attendance was the In r rest of the vaer A ft».» lim iod (he lesson was reviewed by Mas'er Anderson. This review was^qui+e intcrcstmgto I'VorvUTiI and.most especially the youne people At the morning seiMc^ The Pastor took 1»is text front I Cor 11:2fi. sub.i'vt: "Divine Rules fot Chris'ian Worship." Theme: Paptisni the.Str}»per. Thr message was rich and greatly.enjoyed. The (attendance surpassed all attendance this year. One mem Iw-r-warT.TTTlded to- the church. Quite. an interesting League was held yflttt-nrdnv fa V AT". Coan. Af'er which a unique program was Mr. Lvles, Cohsecratioin service was conduct ed by Mr. Henry Hildebrand. The League is sponsor infer'a great pro gyaiu.. ffwnn h^-Lim. ulnvHU1 5>fIT- gers on May 20. The public is invited. The evening service was also well attended. The pastor preach. ed from the subject: Christ Comforts- His Disciples. This message was indeed a treat. Everyone enjoyed it. This was demonstrated by the amans coming.frnm ttn congregation. At 3r30 Sunday the Missionary Society is sponsoring a Mother's Day program. The public is invited. There will be special accommodations made for the mothers. The president of the Missionary Society of Mt. Pisgah Baptist ithurch will be guest speaker. All officers- and members are .retjrestTed to -pay -their Educational dollar the second Sunday which is Mother's Day. Waverly Esso Station ONE STOP STATION Batteries Recharge and Rentals Lubrication. Washing and Polishing Tire Repair Service Telephone fl.'lOK Turner iMNE and TAYLOR STS Tnrpenter ar-d Caldwel). Operator ^»UUUUDUijUOiI>i»00000000000 IPINCKNEY'S F UNDERTAKER AND OF SOUTH CAROL | 1006 WASHINf.TON K«cs»5OO0< ~ Saturday, May 10, 1941. PR OFESSION A ?: -CARDS -_A e _-.. ' DR. H. H. COOPER - , DEN riST >1 u Jipecigl Attention Given to Dis,1 canffi nf the Otimn. g Gold Crown and Bridge Wort r A Specialty v Office Phone 6429 !ves. 8261 ^ Washington St..-CVtn.y S. C. > Office Hours: Telephones; I 8:30 A.M. »c 7:00 P.M. Office 603.1 _ Residence 8873 Dr. D. K. Jenkins DENTIST -X lv Fillings, Plates. Crowns. Bridges, Anesthesia a Specialty rvr» t /"t cmt t a f*m " l^iy. J. V*. 1 IJ/\ l\ I : Eye, Ear, N'03'e and Throat , Glasses Filt?d Accurately ~ Office Hours Telephones - --? 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. Res. 4602 ? 4 P.M. to 6 P.M. Office 3796 V Office Residence 1 2030 Tavlcr St I Ml 7 Pim | ^ : REV J. II. .JOHNSON t-.- .MOTARYTTIHIC ; = Office -2029 Marion Street . Dealer in Real Estate, perform1 Marriage Ceremonies, writes Will* Deeds, Mortgages, Claims, etc. : Call f o See.Mtw Subscribe For The r'alnrctfo l,e;nW»r ^ r ^OKFOR I MENTHO *-3 | NULSION BM W FOR COUGHS fPOMCOLD^Btr-^SjJ ^ THAT WON T1 URN LOOSE OF MENTHO-MULSJON MWK FOR YOUR MONEY §ACt^~~S SOLI) BY DRUGGISTS © BPnOBBBOHHi For Dressmaking and Alterations of all kinds, including the Relinint »f roATn "i . 111 Miss Laney Kennerley A Specialty is made of School or Print Dresses. Work Neatl> Done MADAM PETER'S HAIR GROWER'. , ' For Diseased Scalp . Gives Ufa | and Beauty. BEST GROWER. Apply once a week.Price 35c. 1906 Blanding St., Columbia, S. C Counts Drug Store, Washington St., Thomas Drug Store, Taylor ftltil H»rfci~Btrtctg " um.Uixm c j owns way 1V2 cents per mile ROUND TRIP 10% less than double I f the one way fares Air Conditioned Coaches ON THROUGH TRAINS , J. T. COBB V* Division Passenger Agent Columbia, S. C. Y Telephone 9231 . DANTZLER BROS. SHOE REPAIR SHOP 2379 Gervais iSl_ rjilnmhi. cs *-» Prices Reasonable . Invisible Half Soling a Specialty W' Work oooo^oooobocxsooooooooottCM^ UN ERA L HOME | LICENSED KM BALM KB S . IN A AND GEORGIA ,? Funeral Cars and Funeral § Equipment c AS GOOD AS THE REST g And Retter Than the Rest 2 C ^ And Prices Less S Office Phone 2-3357 § Residence Phone 7765 £ rOl RI KSY " j AND i SERVICE \ ~ I..J0ST COLTJMR!A. S g

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p*f* Mr

IfOni.Tow fONliM win k* iniwuW"baa" la thta aolnmn, for i Fmiran bnr.and 15c foe «yr mw Amouwr Itum 4

** " £dl ai^fldan^a Utterjot im2SSIrvlsa thxaa (1) qUaationa prifitdr, Milyour full BUMi addt.«», sod blrfedate Wall laMara and plaaaa tnalnda a aaM addraaaad, (TJUon atfyalopa lot fNI raplytWrite Tot.Abbs' Wmnci, aaro ml TimpALMZTTO tmiw. 1114 n mill I (teaColombia. & oiioinia

M. A. S..Tell me what to doa bout my sister'' She ha_..beensuffering with her head for threeWeeks. Tell me if it is natural oinot ?v

Answer.'There isn't anythingunnatural nbout her condition . . ,bv tjiat-I mean n<i one hu hnniTred her in any way. You shouldcarry her to a good reputable doctor and have her examined. Thereis no doubt but what tl^> doctorcan nnd th. true condition and gether straight again.

I). J..I have fallen head overheels in love with a man whowon' anything.but hisbest resnect-. I ti.'ive.shown himaffection in every way. I knowtie "admires me. 44e one,, told nn

"you wouldn't go. with me I am42^'.To thiv statement.f replied"oh, yes 1 will." I have alvvaysadmired men older than myself.

.. What is keeping us-apart?Answer.It is very difficult for

me to understand why a girl withyour looks, attractiveness, and social position would want a man thisold and one who doesn't give youany encouragement at all. I honestlyfeel that you should stopthrnkrrrg about him~'altogether andinakp."nmrr-friends among thosedesirable.>uung men.a round -30Amarriage will take place in vouulife in a few vears to a man a-found your own age..You only

Love mentioned party.

.? "~W.. S..Will I do right to leaveand go N'orth. We have been mar.

ried since last July ami she don'tlu ve much to say to me. We getalong bad.

Don't letive now. Wait until thebaby comes. Babieg -have a- way

^ ul chantrijig things. At this; time. >uuf- wifr ds in.buti heahfr-iHtd' naturally she is" upset ynn

ought to T>e man enough to makeallowances for this fact.

M. S. R..I am f.-antic withworry. 1 am deeply in love witha -hoy itud L know hp loves me.He lias...another gill and she hasfound out that he has been seeingme and she and he had a fight. ITuTveTi'l seen him for a few weeks-o-l imagine it was serious. Heha-n't written or phoned so I am

verv worried and 1 know-he .mustbe worried "too. I)o you thTnlriir|lover me'.'A liswe i I ttrink vou "are yprv

foolish young girl to fall for a

guy as svrry as he is. You're righthe has got another girl, and furthermore . . . she's keeping himup. Any young man whos_ selfrespect has reached the low pointof allowing some woman to keephinr isn't worth your consideration^Have nothing more to do with him.


Orangeburg, S. We are happyto say that the program given

was quite a success. Mrs. A. L.Hildebrand o? this city was at herbest. She used as a subject "Jefsus"Sending OHt Missionaries."Tier listeners were tilled with enthusiasmand inspiration.^

Visitors were present-of whichwe were very proud. We sincerely


Newberry.The Sunday schoolopened at the usual hour with theSupt. Mr. E.F. Floyd presiding.The lesson Was beau'ifully taughtand discussed.

At 11:30 Rev. Sumpter ascendedthe rostrum and preached a

, sou! stirring sermon. Subject "TheThree Crosses" At 8 o'clock \hlepastor again preached a notablesermon. Theme: The Ransom ofCod."

Easter Sunday morning, sunriseservices began at 7 o'clock;at which'thne the pastor preachedabout the Resurrection o fChrist. After preaching the pastorgave to each member of thecongregation an Easter egg. TheBIHIPI piummii IH'HUII m d ui'iwikand a grand program was renderedunder the leadership of Mrs.FLP Alexander and Mrs. S. L.Moon with Mrs. B.F. Sumpter in

$ charge of music. At 8 o'clock thesenior choir presente an Ea«tercanttata. witlh Mrs. S T.. Moon as

directress and Miss A.P. Hare, pianist.On April 20 we surprised our

pastor by going over the top inour rally. TTie total amount raisedwas $300.00. The clubs that raisedthe highest amount were firstplace, Rev. R.F. Sumpter; secondMr. H. B: Butler; 3rd Mrs. IdaHare. The rally was a great successand everyone was' pleased.At this writing we are very

sorry to have on our sick list Mr®S.I/. Moon, Mrs. Hattie Jacksonand Little Thelma "Runnie" Sumter.We wish for them a speedyrecovery.


Jo(hn WVtfley Methodist Church

The services at John Wesley on

Sunday will ever linger with thepeople. It's the talk of the community.After the benediction thepeople stood around on the churchground hi groups rejoicing and ex

pressing thanks to Gpd for thesoul stirring sermon preached bythe pastor. It was indeed a treatto Hit who attended the meetingof the Woman's Society of ChristianService, which met in thelovely home of Mr. and Mrs. E.J. JetTry. Rev. Porter expressedappreciation to the group for theloyalty and faithfullness in the

them that they were boosters andnot knockers, and that he thankedGod for them as boosters? Thefollowing members .and friwndsattended:Mrs. L. Slater, Mrs.Ruby Thomas, Mrs. NarcissusMack, Mrs. S. Peoples, Mrs. TheolaPorter, Rev. and Mrs. Frasier

Mr>. J. McKnight, Mrs. CarrieByrd, Mrs. M. Rivers. The visitorswere: Mrs. Marion iRiverar o fSandv Grove Methodist church.spoke in high terms of the women'swork in the church and saidshe was glad that the church hadhonored her by giving her achance to work in the church.Mrs. Lottie Reese, Mrs. ^"Ruthilarrhs, Miss Beatrice liar lis.

Mother's Day will be observedSunday night. Let us do what wecan to make the program a success..-.:.

Rev. M. J. Porter, Mrs. RubyThomas. Mr, E .T ,Te ry, Mrs AXowe, Mrs. N. Mack, were, amongthe visiting guests at the CommunityCenter in Darlington lastMonday night.

Mr. Beaty Dukes is all smilesover his lovely store.

Mr. and Mrs. John Sanders, aferworking hard and saving theii'earnings have built a most lovelyhome. vTi.Mrs* Rentrire Dorsev. of Clintonone of the teachers of Lee[-County, was the week end guestlof Rev. and Mrs. Porter.

Mr. flnn Thomas, Mr. Charlie^("Rogers, Miss Dorsey, Rev. andMrs. Porter were the dinner,guests1 of- Mr. and" Mrs. E. GranH'rsoncff Timmonsville fiiindnv.

The friends of Miss Ethel Davisregret to find her on the sick list.Sandy Grove Methodist ChurchThe revival meeting is now in

progress. Rev. Win. Brown conductedthe meeting Sunday night.ili a: most- pleiuing mannef\--The-Woman's Society of Christian Service will render a special programSunday in honor of Mother's Day.'Mr. B. Boston of Cartersville willbe among the visi'ors 'Sunday.

I.qmar High -School News

The ATay day festival of, theIatmar Jr. High school was agrand-success financially and was~very beautifully carried out, ..Thearrangement-was as follows: RosaMae Rivers of the 7th grade supervisedby Miss Jennie Hamperand Mrs. Elizabeth Martin tookfirst plnro with n tn'nl xf-HMfifr"tirace White, 8th grade, supervisedby Misses Helen White andLillie Mae Greene took 2nd placewith $32.00. Parnie Mae Lucas ofthe 9th grade took 3rd_place.withl$2G.OO and Sadie Peoples took 4thiuiaw wr.n me grand tota'$124.13 was raised.I.A large crowd looked 1

mi asPrincipal J. S. Fleming, after abrief pnrnwatinn et'OWncdthe.queen.

Prof. J.S. Fleming addressedthe graduating class at the St.John school on Friday nie'ht.Mrs. T^thel Maek Wnmlc <Vr.


mer teacher in I>amar- School accompaniedb\- her father Mr. JohnHenry Mack and a friend MissAnnieSmith spent Sunday inr.amar as cues's of Mrs. MamieDubose.

Mrs. Elizabeth Martin sportlSunday in Columbia with her husbandat the Veterans hospital._ Mr... and- Mrr.i Phillip Lyde.ofFlorence spent Sunday with MrsLyde's parents Mr. an/1 Mrs. Johnnie White.

Jpsey Chapel Methodist Church

Kev. K(iX , Dubose, I'aftor

The church work is going forwarxlalong all lines. The revivalmeeting conducted by the pastorwas quite a success. Eleven soulswere added to the church. Sundaywas a 'high day. We had a numberof visitors. Dr. A. Mack, D.S.of the Bennettsville District, Rev.m.j. sorter, pastor Lamar charge,Mrs. Theola Porter, Miss BeatriceDorsey, of Clinton, Mrs. MamieDubose, inother of Rev. DuboseMr. I.H. Mack, of'Fayetteville, NC., Rev. J.S. Dial, Misses GraceDukes,-' M^ Dukes, L. Caraway,

n. Hi William.i, Ml. IT.Mr. T. E. Rogers, Mr. S. Woods,Mr. M. Rivers. The HarmonizingFour Quartet will sponsor a program Sunday_affemoon May 25.4:30 p. m. You are invrted.


The 12th annual closing exercisesbegan April 3t)th with an operetta "A Day in Flowerdom" bythe Grammar group directed byMrs. Emily E. Allen Quite a fewenjoyed the' operetta.On Friday night 8:30 the High

School presented the play "In theMoney" A large audience enjoyedthe_ play.

1 he Baccalaureate sermon Sun!day 6 o'clock was an elated eventj Rev. C. Williams was at his bestwith the Christlike advice grvento the graduates.

- ,; ...t

Sumter Dist. (Holds One-Da

Lynchburg. S. C., April 24th.0no of the most successful andinstructive meetings of the districtis being held here. The Rev.esse Samuel Coe, D.D., presidngelder and the Rev. J. R. Rich^Lrdsoirpastor bust. The Misskmiiywomen of the district met and

i full contribution _Lo. the successof the district waj "fhade. Thelev. A. J. Felix was elected secretaryand the Rev. Lee A. Ix>gan was made reporter for - themeeting. The presiding . elder"saddress was a gem incorporatingthe work of the ministers and theloyalty of the members of the district.It made a profound impresdorr"mi the confererice and madevery one feel that tlie Doctor is

i sympathetic leader. He expressd regrets that Drs. J. McKensieHarrison »n,| F W William..not be present because of illness.Dr. Harrison is ill in th<> hospitaland Dr. Williams confined to hishome. He also stated that these"athors wore loyal and useful menbefore they resigned as pastorsind that he named them on theprogram thrX tl>e younger mermight hear their addresses andbenefit by their experiences. Hti.ulisepuentlv nnnii'il D>-^ Pope :imLLogan to speak. The elder closedhis address and had an offering for"he ministers of the smallestcharges. A substantal amountwas rased and divided witff Ttevsr

"Mouldrow.^^ Fogel ^and Gr inov

''not having seen it on this fashionbefore."The highlights of the meeting

were the addresses of Drs. L. A.Wells, presiding elder of the M"*vion district. H. D. Ramsey, presidingelder of the Dillon district-'*~L.E. Thomas; presiding elder of-the- Mt. Pleasant district. S. C.onfejeme. The Rev. Geo. BBrown of the North Carolina conferenee;.tireRe\v_ 1, MT^fack^TmrAlt. Zion, Florence; the Rev. S.-'htsohp; Mt. Zion Sobers Dr. R.

Pope and Lee A. Logan alsomade addresses which the eonferencesoomt-to.have enjoyed^ Thediscussionof the Disciplinary repoits~weTc led by Revs. J. WJudge, R. X. Moses. L. J. Str.ten.J. R. Richardson, R.-L. Pope. A.J. Felix and was responded to bytany of the members of the conference.The report of Preachers

./or tile Annual-. -won forenee --wasread bv I >r, K. L. Font1, Mrs >. S.Rice. principal of Mayesville highSchool and Mrs. Ruth Dinkins on«'of the teachers addressed the cor.ference.

At the noon hourI)r.C'oejpre_^ DeXier and01 the evening Rev. R. N:.Moseswho tliil tRe preaching for th«conference.

Ra i ti fell frees sa n fly Th ro u ghoutthe afternoon up into the evening.but appreciaableaudience 'o witness the closingof the conference. Aflei th<

sermon. the nastor conductetl thewcRuine piugt«'m. ptcscntir-g ^IThelma George as nistress of cere

monies. After a rousing welcomefrom officers and meitibers. white, brought a messag<if. good cheer t ml hnper all o fwhich was responded to hy th.ij U'... r* i \ i \M'N >>111., l».l JlitMUt Hi

ut M :yesvil!v charco.The hfrv_ J. K. Richardson. pasK<j>rshowed himself a mastei

~Tk)<!V tvro attended tho meeting,'-t -most ho said to the crodi^ "Of")r. Cm- that th(. largest member-f- lavnven \vns in attendance atlii iiii-ii-l imr ilv.ri h-iva lunin fni.

<«»nie years. Id. Cm' js an otTiiontand fartherlv presiding ol\oithoa-t

^conference. in that hi;ol 1 h i - oonforonce in one day,

-vave everyone an .'opportunity to;poaRr heard liflTIhe grievances,lean! 11 imports, (rather'ed.all thefunds and adjormed at t>:00 p.inr>:e T lay session" A. Logan, reporter

\1T. '/ION A. M. K. (TH'RCH

Sunday school opened at 11:00o'clock and many.wFTe out forSundr«y school. The lesson was

very interesting, many points were

brought out flTTsT No. 1 has thebanner:Our choir left for St. I.uke Baptistchurch Sunday and put over a

wonderful program. We are stillmoving on, we are looking forwardnow to our (listrie' meetingwhich begins Thursday, May 8th.We are expecting a large attendance.The pastor and sever. Jmembers were in Columbia Fridayand stopped over with MrrMinnie Watt and had a royal time."omo in and worship with us,

H-f.Mj.-Vt Vl.Mf

Sunday was a very pleasantday for church goers and Sundayschool coworkers. At 3 p.m. thepastor delivered soul stirringsermon. At 7:30 the pastor ReV.M.C. Freeman delivered anothersoul stirrirvg sermon. After Whichhe made our hearts rejoice.

Mrs. Sarah Austin of N. Y. C.ts home visting her mo'her Mrs.Mary Sinipkins on account of herillness.

Miss Inez Devault spent theweek end with her sister Mrs. Ar.iandaBobb and her brother Mr.Thomas Dowait of Silver Street.Also Mr. and Mrs. Oannoa andMiss Delia Cannon have returnedhome from Washington, D.C., afterspending their vaeation withtheir sisters and other relatives.On the sick list are Mrs. Amanda"Bobb, Mrs. Mary Simpkins,

Mrs. Coleman and Mrs, ViEulaDavis. --



Th»» nwwitjuy thmtg+i.small" Inattendance, was one of Che bestmeetings of the year. The informationwas of vital importance,and those who missed this meetingmissed the cream of all themeetings.The meeting was great because

the representa ives to the Housemf Delegates made their reports.Prof. Rice spoke on the procedureand accomplishments of these represen atives, and Pi of._ Austin in.hfe dynamic way came forward!and told us that the House acceptedmany of our resolutionsnamely: *

;L, Tlmt SO pci.rant of 5TT

funds raised by the Associationbe earmarked "Teacher Defense."

2. That the lawyer be askedfor a report to 'ho body or HouseoL Delegates.

3. That teachers be paid**-accordingto .experience, trainingand qualifications, the same salariesof other teachers of similar-training. -. .

The Association.was.oul.s'mid-

naif :wrs. Kerry on her re-elec ionas State President of the P.T. A.See you nexL-vinr. no Ion? .


Rev. I.. I). Gamble. Pastor

firorpetoWTYT" S. C..Our sou'tilling spring revival will close'Vnlav night. May lith \yiih_ALTBo-Pai"ii P1 »y a religious motion

.a.t-w-re..Phi' picture "will be proiectedby »<ur evangelist. This-<nd -touching moving picture deoict Christ from birth to the ascension.Many souls have Wen(inverted while looking upon the

- ."ffering of Jesus in this picture.May God grant that sinners c«m_Lnu>to come tp Cht'lSt 'therebyThisis tne fourth consecutiveweek .of fv: ngelist meetjugs, .hole

> ttfrr rnwirTcThducteil by EvangelistAlive Nesby and her ..gospe 1"singer STisy Daisy Mi-Call, formeryof Vanx^nljj N. .1. During.thep meting many souls have been.uif. ppii.i .1'l It'll \ I'.'HHMhlns arebeing revived. This gospel" teamwi!I ping be remembered for.t-he"vTrderfuj "service - they have ren

I'.redhertvIfyour church need an old fash

on yi-ul .-lining revival, write toh Miss Daisy McCall

General -DeliveryPmehurstv'N. C

UAI.TIMOKK, MD. NEWSH> Louise G. DouglassThe Willing Workers'of Mt Hebronci'iiii h gave a supper on Frilaynight, M. y 2, at 107 N. AmitySt. Mrs.-. Hattie Flowers is presiient.FTrsj prize, luncheon set

won by' Mrs. Ada Caldwell; see»ndprize water set won by Mrs.Alice llolley; 3rd prize table set,von b\ Mis. Flowers. Th. supnerwas given for the benefit of

j .Ml.Hebron ehurch. Revs -Mgffihjall Flowers, pastor.I Or. -irk list are Mrs. I.ula P{Iloone, Mr-. Fenny Jrines, MrsCraig, Mr. B.-Stevenson, Rev. M.Flowers. Mr. Roosevelt Heath, aIcacon of Ml. Hebron church. Mr.Fames WJIneire, Mr. fill.

Tlie- JL.S. eh&b met with Mrs.WTnTTurrw"

'Hi,, devotions werp carriedtit ''Iter which business session<»| A delicious repast was<erVed. The next meeting will beit Mr" Louise Gore Douglass152.1 Kdmondson Ave. All membersare asked to bp present, business of importance. The clubwill obseive its anniversary Sunlay,May 18, at which time a sernonwill he preached and a programrendered at Mt. Hebron BapI Wo ..I i- i '

imi .in, ooginning at K p.m.The public is invited.Mrs. Louise G. Douglass and MrsMolly Gore were Mrs. Daisy Mae

Heath's dinner guelsts Sunday evening,after dinner they motoredto Mr. and Mrs J. Shaw wherethey enjoyed another pleasantstiy.Mrs ftfftfiey" has Returnedafter visiting her sister and report

J that she is doing well. We wish forj

nig in that we were privileged tohear Mr. J. C. Holler, the outroineCounty Superintendent, in\ speech that I would consider a

"TTTTTirterpiece. MTu IToTTer" eniphaKrttrrpformed theright (attitudes, he cautioned theteachers about- copying thingsthey have read or seen withoutknowing whether our problemsT"P mer by these activities or not.Also. Mr. Holler sard, make sureour finally- decorated room tellsthe story of actual work dqne.and not copies-placed there ' forlobulation only.We appreciated this fine heart

to heart talk from.Sup*. Holler,juul we-^oin the County Teachersn wishing him ''Bon Voyage," in'"is new work Asst. Supt. ofCity Schools."Alsto the fact that our Jeanes

was present added much to themeeting. : 7The next year we hope everyteacher that teaches in AndersotiCounty will pledge himself to attendevery meeting of the CounyTeachers Association.

Mrs, J. L--Perrv.took us with-her in the PTA session. We were-orry when she sat us down againat Reed Street. We eongrat---1 "

BENJAMIN M. MACK PASSEDTO THE GRKAT BEYOND *\Warden, Layman and Member ofAdvisory Board

By John L. AikenMoncks Corner.Mr. Benjamin

M. Mack passed to the great beyondon Aprrl 25th, at his resi--denceon Main'StreetTBorn Dee. 24th, 1S83 at Florence,S.C., at the age of seven he'

came to St. S'ephen with his parents,the kite Rev. and Mrs. D.J.Mack. At an early age he joinedSt. Michael R. PL church, servingas a member of the choir;1>e served faithfully until he movedto Charles'on. There he enlistedwith St Luke's R. E. churchand served in most office# of.,

A f tVio n,r. OA :_J- V vuv w^V. VI £<4 lie IlliUlICUMiss Mary E. Session, with whomhe lived as a loving and devotedbunhanrt unitt- ln?T" tieath~ trr~lj>^bTo this union a daughter wasbom Mrs. Elizabeth Evans.

Mr. Mack was a member of theadvisory hoard of the CumminsTheological Seminary, an outstandinglayman of the ReformedEpiscopal church and senipr war-^den of Grace R. E. church. Hewas one who stood for the rightand condemned the wrong

In 10.17 he married Mrs. CatTieDawson and became a hiember ofG»aee R. E. church, where h eserved until his death. He .washighly respee'ed by white andcolored.

Funeral services were held.irrGitfce R. E. church Monday April28th with Rev. W. M. Folder; pastor officiating?- ^

REED STREET HIGH SCHOOI.Prof. S. C. Perry, Principal

Reed Street High School, locatedi : the beautiful Electric Cityof. Anderson, S. C.7 with an af'endance »f r'lWfl 19f>Q ir n netting 2of bustling excitement and tensemoments of .expectancy, Somethingis in the air! No teacher J

.'eaves his or her note book lav-iii-_f around. Why? Lis'en close1v. A Mav Queen will be chosenEiicbryrMav 5»_Whfl_ivill be ''Miss '

"Queen-of May?"Activities this week are: Mon- 1

(lav 4:30 p.m., n ball game sponsoredby Mrs. Perry, Mrs. Camp- ;bell and Prof. T. B. Williams betweenthe 8th lltli grade girlsand.boys.versus- 9th 10th" gradegirls and boys. Wednesday "May7. "Odds and Ends" of 1941 byMiss Bright and Miss N'jil and-ae^Jaxy of dances almost everywhere.?Calvin Scott?Wins P B. A.Scholarship

Calvi-n Scott, under__ the -.abledirectionof Miss L. B. Brown

won over three other contestants.PTTa CTThkscales o£ Abbevillewon second place. Reed St.

has won for two successive years.We are proud of our records.Music 'Department a part oT

Music..Fentival nt.Booker Washing-'on Columbia. The'girls re"ported-aninteresting trip.Senior High. Mrs. Perry, teacher.guests of Paine College, A.ueusta.,

Final meeting: of Parent-Tenchers Association climaxed with aprogram by teachers exclusivelywhich was enjoyed by all. _.WhU'll the paper for (!}ueen announcements.IFRK MO A. M. \v! CHntCHRev. .1. P. C'umminKs, Pastor

.Denmark, S. C..Sunday was "

rloriotis day at oi:r church and tlie.t'lJIljl1 mamiested itself while out

beloved pastor mounted the rosIr11 m at.1 £-fetdock bringing to Us) mes age from St. John 14:0. rub-'ect The Way of Christ. This message was highly enjoyed by allhearers. Many hoarTs were madeto feel glad while the man of God'r.iKfo. a unerai ottering was left-fey.tht? officials^ ffiS?n the Lord <

Supper was administered to many.Visitors: Rev. A. R. Coleman,Mrs. II. M. Wolfe.

Rev. Coleman is at home ofwhich is a lot of help to his homechurch. We are glad -to havehim. The pastor is urging themembers to take interest in jth<L_:Pledge rally which is planned..

Sister Rebecca Reed is in thesick list. The pastor visited heiafter the morning service. Wepray for her a speedy recovery.We ere looking forward for SunMayat whrdrtime a great pro-"gramfor Mother's Day..Come to Jericho and Bethel when

in Denmark. We welcome you


J. R. Bond, Principal

Charleston.Monday May 12.8 p.m.."The Wedding of theFlowers," an operetta in one actby the first and second grades.Thursday May If-th 8 p. m..

.u;-,) ~ .1 A- «<«* 1i-iiii u k1'11"' presents." miu-summerEve," a musical Fairy playby Elizabeth Guptill.Sunday May 18, 4 p.m. Annual

Educational sermon, by Rev. J.E.Webb, pastor of Bethel iReformedEpiscopal church, Union HeightsDistrict 4.Monday, May 19, 8 p.m. The

fourth and fifth grades present:To t«he Boys and Girls of Ohil-drendom, The Forost Count, anoperetta in one act.Wednesday May 21, 8 p.m..

Graduating exercises. "The addresswill be delivered hry the Rev. Mat.thaw W. Davis, Rector of .St;

MarksP. E. churdh, Thomas andWarren Sts., Charleston.The public in cord i ally invited _

o attend all cxercUaa.i



4 A1


Edgefteld County Training Schoc

E. L. Bowman, Principal of th

es the following commencemenexercises for the term 1940-41:

Girls Oratorical Contest, May 9, 8 p.m. Adult schocclosing Tuesday, May 13. & IM1T>'^, Gth nnti 7th guides schocclosing play, Friday, May 10,p.m. Educational somen SundajMay 18, 4 p.m. Senior class plaTuesday, May-20, 8 p.m. Gratlttation exercises Thursday, May 2S8 p.m.

The community has witnesseione of. the- nvest- successful sessions in the history of the schoolMuch improvement and advancement have been made in all departnients of The. school programThe agriculture department un

der the direction of C. B. Toomewon the following honors at thDistrict Judging rnntcst April l-wtnen was helcfat Ridge SpringFirpo Hurley 1st honor "agricult.ure oratorical contes'. Tin; qunrtet won 2nd honor in the singinjcontest. They are now lookinjrorward to the State Judging Coitest to be held at Orangeburg oiSaturday, May 10th. .r.The first and second grades op

eretta Tuesday April 29 and tinlbrrdrgrade operotta.Friday.2 wiic a great success and enjoy,wl k,, 1 1 .1.. u.y Uic uuununi lur^e crowd.

Oil Thursday May 1, at 2 o'clock Mrs. Leona Jackson ga\*e tsurprise for the Junior and Seniorclasses of theEdgefield-Couaty.1Tratrrtng-school."During the recess period 'he classes were carriedby their home room teacherMiss E. N. Frasier and the principalMr.^E, Ij. Bowman to Mrs.Jackson's home. It was indeed asurprise to them because theyknew not where they were pomp.They wero Jed into the din ingroom where awaited them a coolingrepas' of ice cream and cake.While they ate, Mr. Bowman gavesome very inspiring l-eitiniks ^r±n'he seniors, who are on the. thresholdof a new life, and totheJuniors.who.are.stepping into theank of seniors. This is a day tobe ."remembered bv all who tookoart. The honored clasess. areleenK' orn'pfnl 'fp T.'

For remembering thenl rn such a.vay.Miss Clraco Helen Matthews

spent a week in Spartanburg: visitingfriends.M iss Hattie Miles visited the

Towers,^ Thomas. -Johnsons andEthei edges in Bn'Osburg Sunday.VVII.LIAMS CHAPELA. M. E. CHURfcH

Rev. R.J. Jefferson, T'nstor

Orangeburg.Sunday school opcried *trt 0 :45 wi i; the Supt. officersand teachers at their posts.The attendance was the In rrestof the vaer A ft».» limiod (he lesson was reviewed byMas'er Anderson. This reviewwas^qui+e intcrcstmgto I'VorvUTiIand.most especially the younepeople

At the morning seiMc^ ThePastor took 1»is text front I Cor11:2fi. sub.i'vt: "Divine Rules fotChris'ian Worship." Theme: Paptisnithe.Str}»per. Thrmessage was rich and greatly.enjoyed.The (attendance surpassedall attendance this year. One memIw-r-warT.TTTlded to- the church.

Quite. an interesting Leaguewas held yflttt-nrdnv fa V AT".Coan. Af'er which a unique programwas Mr. Lvles,Cohsecratioin service was conducted by Mr. Henry Hildebrand. TheLeague is sponsorinfer'a great progyaiu.. ffwnn h^-Lim. ulnvHU1 5>fIT-gers on May 20. The public is invited.The evening service was also

well attended. The pastor preach.ed from the subject: Christ Comforts-His Disciples. This messagewas indeed a treat. Everyone enjoyedit. This was demonstratedby the amans coming.frnm ttncongregation.At 3r30 Sunday the MissionarySociety is sponsoring a Mother's

Day program. The public is invited.There will be special accommodationsmade for the mothers.The president of the MissionarySociety of Mt. Pisgah Baptistithurch will be guest speaker. Allofficers- and members are .retjrestTedto -pay -their Educational dollarthe second Sunday which is Mother'sDay.

Waverly Esso StationONE STOP STATION

Batteries Recharge and RentalsLubrication. Washing and Polishing

Tire Repair ServiceTelephone fl.'lOK

Turner iMNE and TAYLOR STSTnrpenter ar-d Caldwel). Operator^»UUUUDUijUOiI>i»00000000000IPINCKNEY'S F


| 1006 WASHINf.TONK«cs»5OO0<


Saturday, May 10, 1941.



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