media clip analysis

Everything that creates the visual world of the media text. Literal translation- ‘put in the sceneWhat makes up Mise-en-scene >costume, makeup, hairstyling > Body language and facial expression >Colour and lighting >setting and props >positioning of objects in the frame

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Post on 12-Aug-2015




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Everything that creates the visual world of the media text. Everything that creates the visual world of the media text.

Literal translation- ‘put in the scene’Literal translation- ‘put in the scene’

What makes up Mise-en-scene

>costume, makeup, hairstyling

> Body language and facial expression

>Colour and lighting

>setting and props

>positioning of objects in the frame

What makes up Mise-en-scene

>costume, makeup, hairstyling

> Body language and facial expression

>Colour and lighting

>setting and props

>positioning of objects in the frame


Costume, Makeup and hairstyle Although Rush was filmed in 2013 it was recreating the 1971 Formula one motorsport season. Therefore the costume is typical of this time, it can be argued that the 1970’s became one of the most iconic decades for fashion. In this clip the men’s costume is typical of the ‘androgynous hippie’. The men have a typically individual clothing style but similar in the style of the loose trousers, sweaters and velvet waistcoats, with an open shirt. The costume effectively represents the genre in which the film was based.

The mans hairstyle in this shot is typical of the era, long, swept back and curly. The woman's hair again is typical with a quiff up-do giving her the image of someone upper class. Her makeup is minimal and sophisticated to her age and social class. The white dress also suggests innocence and purity.

Body Language and Facial expressions

In this shot their is no eye contact, therefore no interest to each other. They are very focused on what is ahead. The audiences focus is on the man whose facial expressions are very serious, almost frowning.

The facial expressions of the woman gives a confused look. Her focus is on the person next to her as she drives at the same time. She is frowning this can often show that someone is annoyed or confused.

Body Language is the nonverbal communication through which people perceive feelings through the body language and facial expressions shown.

Colour and lighting Colour and lighting affect the mood of a scene and can suggest many things such as the location, time and mood.

In this clip the colour and lighting are bright. There is a lot of use of the colour yellow against the green hill and blue sky. Yellow is associated with joy and sunshine. It can also suggest warmth. The spread of colour in this clip emphasises the distance of the landscape and the bright colour evidently shows that is Midday.

The colour in this clip is blurred. It shows fast movement and the unknown location. The colours a blurred together as when there is fast movement you are unable to focus on the scenery.

Setting and Props The setting gives a geographical location and an understanding of the atmosphere in the scene. Props give a more realistic imagery of real life.

The car used as a prop in this clip is typical of the cars driven in 1971. It is effective as the focus is on the car as it is the only prop used in the scenery.

The setting is vast in the middle of fields and mountainous landscape. It shows distance and isolation with nothing around . The setting also suggests a warm country with the dry ground and crops growing.

Positioning of objects in the frame

The man, woman and car are to the right of the frame. It allows you to see the whole of the road and the fact that the car has stopped at the side of the road. It also displays more of the scenery and is effective as it makes the shot better than having the man and woman in the centre of the frame.

In this shot the whole frame is filled by the two men with more focus on the main character. It allows the audience to only focus on the character as there is nothing else in the frame to look at.

The positioning of objects in a frame is important as it sets the scene, focuses the audience and gives a wider picture of what is going on.