
Mexicanos by Manuel G Gonzales. Erick Peisker

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Erick Peisker


Page 1: Mexicanos

Mexicanosby Manuel G Gonzales.

Erick Peisker

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Spaniards and Native AmericansChapter 1: Prehistory - 1521

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The Spanish• After the collapse of the Roman Empire the rise of the

Spaniards were the next most influential group on history.

• As the Spanish united the country and defeated the Moors (Muslims) out of Spain they embraced Catholicism and began to clear the country of Jews and Muslims.

• Christopher Columbus- from Genoa came to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella for funding.

• The Columbus Expedition- with the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria had him land somewhere in the Bahamas, effectively discovering the New World.

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The First Peoples.

• It is believed that they are descendants from nomads that came over a land bridge from Asia.

• The first great civilizations developed n the lowlands of southern Vera Cruz and Tabasco.

• All pre-Columbian people had advanced agriculture techniques and architecture that had more precision than Europe at that time.

• Incas, Mayans, Aztecs were all great civilizations that grew in their prospective areas with extra ordinary accomplishments.

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The Conquest

• Upon arrival the Conquistadores saw the natives as children of god – although respected they saw them as young and ignorant and felt they had to save them with Christianity.

• Soon found themselves conquered and converted by explorers like Cortez. Disease and warfare left these great civilizations weak and submissive.

• Mexico began to resemble two worlds, that of the old and new and a fusion of ideas and lives began.

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The Spanish Frontier Chapter 2: 1521-1821

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Spanish Exploration

• As the Spanish began to settle the New World they began to shape the culture by marrying the natives. Their offspring became known as Mestizas.

• Spanish conquest pushed northward. Explorers and priests did the initial work.

• Driven by a search for gold, silver and a passageway to the East.

• They began pushing into Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Alta California.

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• A string of settlements often near rivers or Indian Pueblos sprung up.

• The missions that were set up played a smaller role in settlement, but many found the great cities we know today in California.

• Often settlers found themselves battling the hostile Indians. Later they also found themselves encroached upon by other old world settlers.

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New Beginnings

• The settlers found a hard life. But often old world laws carried over. Many of those favored women who could own land or a business, drink or gamble.

• The imposed caste system by Spain becomes blurred, but there is a class of haves and have nots.

• Spanish exploration ended around the time of settlement of Alta California as the Spanish Empire was slowly loosing it’s reign.

• American Manifest Destiny began to influence and later stop settlement of the Southwest.

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The Mexican Far North

Chapter 3: 1821-1848

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Spain’s Loss

• The collapse of the Spanish Empire due to it’s financial and military losses encouraged independence.

• Mexico developed out of the need for protection from the hostile Indian Nations.

• Rich in natural resources, it soon found itself mismanaged.

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• The Texas revolt in 1836, when Gen. Santa Ana and his army attacked the Alamo.

• This began a string of events that led to the Anglo- Austin to come to power in Texas and hope to join the U.S.

• The U.S. was in the middle of a dispute that would become the American Civil War and the entry of Texas was postponed.

• Many Mexicans felt that this was an ultimate betrayal and felt it had been designed by the U.S. government.

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Mexican American War

• The Mexican War of 1847 – • U.S. Government actions forced Mexico to

defend itself and in turn allowed the congress to declare war in defense.

• The war was a manipulation that resulted in the loss and surrender of vast lands across the southwest. California, New Mexico and Texas were all lost.

• This loss would demoralize the Mexican nation for years to come and damage relations with the U.S.A.

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The American Southwest

Chapter 4: 1848-1900

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• The Anglo invasion quickly out numbered the New Spanish in the area.

• Ranches were for the most part reclaimed from the Mexicans due to lack of deeds or other paperwork that the government circumnavigated around.

• The discovery of gold further pushed the New Spaniards down the economic ladder as racial prejudice saw them pushed out of gold strikes.

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• The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgos and the Gadsden Purchase left the Mexican settlers part of the new U.S.

• The Hispanic elite’s power waned as railroads realigned fortunes and more Anglos moved in.

• Overall racial agreement was present here more than other areas of integration.

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The Great MigrationChapter 5: 1900-1930

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• The Mexican Revolution violence was spilling North and many fled to the U.S. for safety and work.

• The Mexican Government made choices that benefited few and helped profits of foreign investors.

• Diaz begins his rule.

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• In the first 3 decades of the 20th century it is estimated that over 1 million Mexicans entered the U.S.

• Many came with no intention of staying, quite different from other immigrant groups at the time.

• A series of laws excluding other ethnic groups made it easier to turn a blind eye to Mexicans immigrating to fill needed labor positions.

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Mexican-American War Aftermath

• A growing discontent within the Mexican people

• From 1821 to 1876 the Mexican presidency changed hands 75 times.

• Many left for better economic fortunes.

• This time period seriously repressed the Mexican people and hurt their drive and ambition.

• A growing distrust of the U.S. and its laws developed.

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The DepressionChapter 6: 1930 -1940

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Racial Tensions

• After the economic collapse of the Great Depression and later Dust Bowl migration, Mexicans were targets for Anglo Americans.

• They had to fight the stereo –type of being dirty, lazy, and violent that sprung up after the Mexican American war and fanned by American media.

• Repatriation to Mexico began to push out many illegal immigrants and also the ones that could not show documentation that may have been born here.

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• A growing self awareness began the labor movement to protect it’s citizens.

• Some found allies with communist idealists since they were the only ones open to helping or accepting Mexicans into their labor movements.

• The days of the silent hard worker were coming to an end.

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• The depression was a catalyst in the urban push, especially in the Southwest.

• Mexican barrios began on the outside of major population centers – East Los Angeles for example.

• The barrios provided a sense of community, but also led to inner city strife and poverty.

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The Second World War and Its Aftermath

Chapter 7: 1940-1965

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• Many Mexicans joined the armed services during WWII and Korea as a way to show pride in their new land, gain an economic advantage and show that they are macho.

• Many were very valiant and some were recognized, it remained a disproportionate number that were sacrificed compared to other ethnic groups.

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• While U.S. GIs were off at war, workers were needed in factories, railroads, mines, and in agriculture.

• U.S. began the Bracero temporary worker program, even though it was a legal program it really served big business better than the average citizen.

• Illegal immigration continued.

• Chicano women took a deeper role in the workforce.

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• Gang violence and the image of the “greaser” is beginning to take root in some communities.

• Zoot Suit period with the Pachuco gang wearing baggy high-waisted pants and a feathered hat.

• The first generation of American born Chicanos begins to influence cities as they begin to cement roots while holding onto culture and tradition of the old country.

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The Chicano Movement

Chapter 8: 1965-1975

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Chicano Movement

• Consisted of hundreds of organizations focusing on a variety of issues.

• The key organization representing their perspective was undoubtedly the United Farm Workers (UFW) led by Cesar Chavez.

• No mainstream leader developed to champion all their causes as Martin Luther King Jr. had become for Black America.

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Chicano Student Movement

• By 1970 the Chicano movement was increasingly dominated by young people.• Focused on the problems they experienced at these

educational institutions. • Students were heavily committed to the idea of

cultural regeneration- glorification of the homeland.

• Students also became very focused on the growing sentiment against the Vietnam War and the large numbers of Chicanos serving with little recognition and seemingly disproportionate numbers to other groups.

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The Chicana Movement

• Around 1970 a new force began to surface in the community- feminism.

• They found themselves often worse off than their male comrades.

• The movement began to be divided into two categories – “loyalists” and “feminists.”

• Welfare rights, child care, sexual discrimination in employment, abortion and birth control were all heated topics.

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Goodbye to AztlanChapter 9: 1975-1994

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• Mexicanos maintained a high profile in American society after the 1970s.• Bilingualism and affirmative action.• Hispanics saw an enormous increase of 61%

between 1970 and 1980. And another 53% between 1980 and 1990.

• A resurgence in Mexican Immigration and the challenges it brought with it.

• An increased main stream political interest develops.

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• Catholic Church makes a resurgence as the number of religious decline. The church becomes involved in bigger issues of Mexican interest like immigration policy.

• Evangelical religions that promote a closer relationship with Jesus become more popular since they relate to Mexican cultural issues on a daily basis.

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• The second wave of Chicano feminists begins

• The first wave was seen as too academic and had a lesbian influence/bias.

• Women begin to find a voice in culture and in politics.

• We see a movement away from being just Chicano to being empowered Latinas, as the culture begins to merge with other Hispanic influences.

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The Hispanic ChallengeChapter 10:1994-Present

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• A new wave of Nativism sprung up in the mid 1990s and appears to be cyclical in turn with the strength of the economy.

• The debate over illegal migration continues and no temporary worker program or amnesty for those already here illegally exists.

• Discrimination is rising and most reforms are tied to security measures that have been debated since 9/11 as the war on terrorism.

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• Mexicans are moving to new areas previous untouched by their culture in an effort to fill more jobs.

• Most legal residents still have some ties to their old country and many send back remittances.

• A stronger Mexican middle class is developing. It is beginning to embrace other protestant religions and become more involved in politics.

• A shift to the Republican party is beginning, since both groups share more traditional conservative values.

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Culture• In the last 10 years Mexicans have

made great impressions on the culture.

• Mexican food and culture are prevalent throughout the United States.

• Mexican stories are becoming a part of television and film and many Mexican American actors are becoming more famous.

• Mexico dominates the U.S. world of boxing and has many major players in baseball and soccer.

• Spanish language media – newspapers, TV, and Internet are all widely available.

• Mexican music and pop stars have become part of the American culture.