midwest energy, inc. transmission planning and expansion southwest power pool sub-regional planning...

Midwest Energy, Inc. Transmission Planning and Expansion Southwest Power Pool Sub-Regional Planning – Area 1 Nathan McNeil Transmission Planning Engineer

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Midwest Energy, Inc.Transmission Planning and Expansion

Southwest Power Pool

Sub-Regional Planning – Area 1

Nathan McNeil

Transmission Planning Engineer


Introduction to Midwest system

• Member-owned cooperative serving 48,000 electric customers in 41 counties of central and western Kansas.

• Also serve 41,000 natural gas customers.

• 2008 peak load of 330MW total retail and wholesale/municipal load.

• 2009 peak of 331MW total load.


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Trans Map – Kansas view


Transmission/Generation System Overview

• Assets classified as transmission, pursuant to Attachment AI and as approved by KCC.

230kV: ~ 128 miles

115kV: ~ 457 miles

69kV: ~ 262 miles

34kV: ~ 826 miles

• Generation totaling 101MW

Goodman Energy Center: 75MW

Older internal combustion and CTs: 26MW



Key Load Areas

• Hays area: commercial, oil field, residential; minimal load growth in most sectors, though oil field load has grown more significantly.

• Colby area: Irrigation load has grown rapidly of late due to conversion from natural gas and diesel; other loads in the area are steady.

• Great Bend area: Oil field load is growing, as is commercial load; irrigation load is showing minimal growth.



Recently Completed Projects

• City of Larned – Temporary upgrade

Interconnection limited by transformer size; necessitated City generate most of the summer.

City has been considering construction of new interconnection.

Needed additional transformer capacity to avoid running local generation; built temporary interconnection.

• Storm Damage Repair

Over last three years incurred ~$145M in damages from tornadoes and ice storms. Lots of damage to 34kV facilities, and some damage to 115 kV as well.


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Large map showing 34kV rebuilds


Recently Completed Projects• Replacement of 115/34kV autotransformer at Rice Co.


• Complete replacement of protective relays at Lyons 115kV and Colby 115kV substations.



2009 STEP Projects

• Add capacitors at Kinsley and Pawnee – 2011

Intended to address summer season voltage concerns.

Alternate to locating 10MVAR at St. John 115kV sub.

• HEC to Huntsville 115 kV Rebuild – 2013

21.1 miles owned by MIDW, 7.7 miles owned by Westar

• Huntsville to St. John 115 kV Rebuild – 2014

26.5 miles


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Other Projects

• City of Ellinwood – 2010

Load is currently served from Rice County 115/34.5 kV substation. Will be moved to new 69/34.5 kV substation.

69/34.5 kV transformer delivered. Substation and 34.5 kV line construction underway.

• Hadley Range 34.5 kV Line Rebuild – 2010

Improved ROW access and increased line capacity.

Line serves primarily oil field load northeast of Hays.



Other Projects

• Great Bend to Great Bend North 69kV – 2010

Line already in place; operated normally open.

Breakers have been installed, and relaying is being finished to allow normally closed operation.

Will help alleviate voltage issues at Hitschmann for contingencies.

Improves reliability for substations on radial line.

• Heizer to Mullergren 115 kV Tie – 2011

Addresses multiple voltage concerns and transformer loading issues.



• Spearville – Post Rock (Knoll) – Axtell 345kV

Included in SPP Balanced Portfolio

NTC’s issued to Sunflower, Midwest, and NPPD

ITC Great Plains will construct and own Kansas portion of the 345 kV line and Post Rock 345/230 kV transformer.

345/230 kV transformer sizing and reactive compensation studies are complete.

Spearville to Post Rock will be in service by 2012 and Post Rock to Axtell by 2013.


Other Projects

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Map showing 345 line


Projects Under Consideration

• South Hays – Hays Plant – Vine 115kV

May be necessary to avert overloads for loss of either the Knoll 230/115kV XFMR, or the South Hays-Knoll 230kV line.

Could be part of a larger project to upgrade distribution in southern part of Hays, requiring re-route of transmission line.


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Detail map of Hays transmission


Projects Under Consideration

• St. John/Kinsley area

Capacitors planned at Pawnee and Kinsley for voltage support on long radial 115 kV line as short-term solution.

Multiple looping alternatives being considered for long-term support to the area.

Requires significant additional study. Estimated cost $6M - $7M+, depending on solution deemed most appropriate and amount of rebuild required.



Projects Under Consideration

• Hitschmann area

Considering looping Hitschmann 69kV down to North Ellinwood. This solves the voltage issue at Hitschmann for the loss of the Heizer-Great Bend North 69kV line.

Requires construction of ~20 miles of 69kV terminating at North Ellinwood.

This would also loop the system for customers served from Hitschmann, Bunker Hill and Susank substations on a long radial 69kV line.


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Map of 69kv system


Projects Under Consideration

• Rebuild/relocate Rice Co. Substation

Substation prone to flooding. At a minimum, need to replace control house to keep out of flood water. Would also require modification of substation equipment to increase elevation above grade. Relays need to be replaced and updated. Considering relocation of substation.

• City of Larned

Work with City on construction of new permanent interconnection.



System Planning - General

• As a transmission-owning member of SPP, we participate in the SPP regional planning processes, including model development cycles, STEP processes, etc.

• Submit planning data to SPP as required, including EIA411 data for loads and resources.

• Also conduct internal studies of local area issues.

• Combined distribution and transmission long range plan in progress.



Load & Resource Forecasting

• We renew load forecasts for our retail load and firm wholesale loads annually.

• Load growth has been modest (approximately 0.7%) annual growth in peak load.

• Midwest has traditionally purchased most of its energy resources. Construction of new plant has changed that.



System Modeling

• Midwest provides data to SPP and/or updates existing data through MOD:

Resources and transactions

Transmission topology, ratings, transformers, devices, etc.

Generation and Loads

• Loads have been separated into owner components for municipals, other utility deliveries, etc.

• Reviewing and updating system data, particularly for short circuit modeling



System Planning Contacts

• New Interconnections:

• Wholesale Services:

• System Modeling

• Transmission Planning

• Engineering & Design


Bill [email protected]

Ray [email protected]

Nathan [email protected]

