missoulian class ads bring · 2017-12-13 · missoulian class ads bring results daily puzzle co w a...

MISSOULIAN CLASS ADS BRING RESULTS Daily Puzzle Co w A PATERJNAL WAIT I'm weak and worn and wiary. I am frazzled toi a thread, * I niv-r git a breath of jpeai.e till Dick is .afe in bed; At morn, at night. I growl and bite: I charge. I pitch and tear; I have to be those animals he saw at the county fair. Find two pigs. An-wer to Yesterday's Puzzic-Fowl minus Owl ntus iOx equals Fox. GET YOUR ANSWERS. Answers to classified ads remain In this offie as follows: Ilox A- 4tte t). ('.-One X. C<- sare C. L. D-One X. Z.--One A. H.-Two 4). 1. -- One M. L. N.-Three J. F. C.-Five FOR SALE-CITY REAL ESTATE. SIX-ROOM HOUSE, NEW, MODERN. by owner. '306 South Fifth west. FOR SALE-!It t)ERtN l'1VE-ROtOM house. 312 South Fourth street W. A NEW FIVE-ROOM MODERN house with Majestic range: lot 7Ix 13 Ai t, gradt d and set to young fruit; coal, carriage, horse and poul- try shed. 16x45 feet: one block if street ear line: terms. Inquire of owner, Sixth and Prince street. BUILDING CONTRACTORS. contractor. phtni. 177 black and 6't. CLEANING AND DYEING. PARISIAN CLEkNIN3, DYEING & Feather WVorks. 521 Woody street; phone 720. r. U'. Schasaberger. man- ager. PHOTOGRAPhER. R. H. McKAY. COMMERCIAL PHO- tographer; developing and printing for amateurs. Room 40 Higgins blk. PICTURE FRAMING. FOR I'iCTt'RE FRAMES. MATS, tltaus and pictures always go to the Elite Frame ti:op 120 Higgins av- etite. FRENCH DRY CLEANING. HOOVER'S FRENCH DRY CLEAN- Ing Works. Higgins avenue, south end bridge. _ STORAGE. STt1RAtGE W AREHOUSE. 734 WEST Cedar; phone 495 black. J. W. R'ely. PONY EXPRESS. .tOFTTO-"LIVE AND LET LIVE." Leave orders at 124 Higgins avetwe or phone 735.- INSURANCE. I. L. I3EAt'LIEt. AGENT IN MIS- soula county for the Mutual Life In- surance company of New York. A postal addressed to UBnx 167 will reach him. 512 South Sixth St. W. FOR SALE-ROOMING HOUSE. FOR KALE-LARGE' BOARDING and rooming house: best location in the city: heat, bath. newly fur- nismed: filled si ith boarders; a rurn present business. Address M. t;.. cure Missoulian. GENERAL BLACKSMITHING. FURNISH AND LUKE-WAGON and carriage repairing, horse shoe- Iag and all kinds of iron work a spe- elalty. North etld County Bridge. -You want a- New,5-Room Bungalow heated by furnace. just completed; never been occupied; located in fine residence section on the south side. and there is a cement walk all the way. This house has a splendid fur- nace. fine bath room and good cel- lar. If you are looking for an In- vcstment this house will rent for at least $30 per month and earn bet- ter than 14 per cent. $2600.W.a Buy 1"-$2600 Stoddard & Price MISSOULA INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE AGENCY. 108-110 E. Main. 'Phone 147 Blk. HELP WANTED O. K. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 327 Jligginue avenue, phone 604---ridge carpenters. house carpenters an peinters. west, free fare: railroad la- borers. fast and west, free fare; pick and shovel men. 32.75 and $3 per day, hFerel $5.25: five girls for gen- eral housework. $25 to $35 per month. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. LYONS' EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 517 Htiggins avenue. phone 211 red. WESTERN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY -- 122 Higgins avenue; phone 140 red SIIAFFER'S. 125 WEST PINE, HELP furnished, {ituations secured; whole- sale. retail wood deiler, phone 453 B. SQUAItE DEAL EMPLOYMENT OF- fire, 124 IIlggins Ave. Phone 735- Patronage selicited. Lady clerk In attendance. J. H. Donaldson, pro- prietor. HELP WANTED-MALE. WANTEI)-BOY Tee LEARN THE drug business; references. Box Q. Missouta. WA N TE)D - RAILWAY MAIL clerks; postuffife clerks-earriers; salary 164,11 to $1.600; examireee..e;-. in Missoula November 17. Prepare- tion free. Write for schedule. Frank- lin Institute, Dept. 1b64. Rochester N. Y. WANTED - SALESMEN; MANY make $100 to $120 per month, some even more; stock cleane. gr )wn oR reservation, far from old echards; cash advanced weekly: chike of ter- ritory. Address Washington Nursery, Co.. Toppenish, Wash. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN barber trade in eight weeks; tools free; se; tired over 10.000 positions for graduates last year; unable to supply th^ demand; graduates earn $15 to $25 weekly; catalogue free. Motir System Colleges, 403 Front avenue, Spokane. Wash. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK Mrs. Dwight Hughes. University Ave. WANTED--GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply mornings, 500 University avenue. SITUATIONS WANTED-MALE. POiSITION AS A: SISTANT BOOK- keeper; had some experience. Ad- dress box 451. Missoula. POSITION WANTED IN MISSOULA or Bitter Root valley; young man, 26, very best references; six years' general office work in Chicago; can aocpt December 1. Write E. L. Brenumoan. 525 North Willow avenue, Chicago. SITUATIONS WANTED- FEMALE. WANTED-WORK. BY DAY OR hour. Apply Square Deal Employ- ment office. WANTED-WASHING AND IRON- Ing to take home; first-class work guaranteed. 1011 Hall street. LOST AND FOUND. LOST-A SIGMA CHI FRATERNITY pin of gold set in pearls. Finder return to this office fir reward. FOUND-PIECE OF MONEY ON corner of Higgins and Front; party that lost same can have it by call- ing at this office. LOST-EITHER IN ORAND THE- ater or betwe.-n there and N. P. depot, a diacmond stud. Reward for return to Missoulian office. LOST-BETWEEN HIGGINS AV- enue bridge and South Fifth street, a kite-shaped black and gold Greek letter pin. Reward if returned to F. O. Fernald. 124 Higgins avenue. STRAYED--FROM CAMP IN PAT- tee canyon, a riari hoere and mart: weight, about Sei; mare "M" brand on lelt sh.culeler; horse, blotched brand on left shoulder; mare has pair of hobbles strapped to "ieht forefeoet. Kindly give any informn.- tietin concerning these horses to Mr Ce rper. forest service. Hammond building. Miswsiula. Mont. Phon- Ic'II 4:2. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. APPLES AT FIRST ORCHARD WEST of flour mill. FOR SALE-TWo FRESH MILCH cows. Inquire 526 REllins street. ONE 3-INCH AND 1 2%-IXCH WAG- on. Inquire (annon & McLeod. FOR SALE-ONE ANTIQUE OAK china closet. 3r14 South Third St. SE T. G. IIATHIEWAY IF YOU ARE In the market for cash registers or saft s. F'4R SALE- r:ouI FDA1iLY lIoRSE, t6:.. 1.4-d t urral, npl. ite p , office. L\1TIuE NEW ROLL TOP DESK. fine article, cheap. Heitnbach & Kelley. G' P4ll) TEAM. IIARNESS AND p oing w seen for eale cheal. Green & Eilnghouse. {tPlt SALE---:'re'fi'l, S1WIN:i MA- chin., ct-kstloe and chill's rocker. 433 Plh mouths 16 HEAVY DRAFT flOltSES Ft 'U sale. Call or write C. V. Weruen- hoff, St. Regis. Montt FOIL SALE--VICTOR RECORDS. Red Seal and otners for half price. Bnx 675, Missoula P. O. FOR SALE -A 12 HORSE POWER upright ihnller; also a cider press. Inquire at St. Patrick's hospital. FOR SALE-(NE THIREE-tt'lNER Perfection till st.re, with oven, t heap. 467 South Fourth street west. FOR SALE-P'ItEAP HORSIE: ALSO barred rock and white Leghn'n eckerels. C. E. Lucas, R. S.. R. F. 1). No. 3. FOR SALE-FOl R MILT.ION FEET timnber near new railroad. For par- tiUula"s address H. M. Stringham, Cyr, Mont. FOR SALE. CHEAP-TWO HORSFIR, one wagon, harness and compinlele tamping outfit. Call at 1238 Cooper street, Missoula. MAtHINES I" 11M $5 UP'. NEW A1'-. tonatic drop-head rotary, $2n; Sing- t rs on ti ros to suit. Singer Sewing Machine Co.. 126 West Main St. Ft'RNITt'tR. NEWV AND SECOND- hand: also poly the highest price for seenni-hand household goods. Han. Jensen, Leiser block. 146 W. Main St., FOR SALE-ONE EXTRA FINE, large mirk cot', one small bay mare', gentle for children to ride or drive; also single and double harness; one fine lpoeloeed carriage and buggles. Inquire at Marshall barn, 411 Alder Street. MONEY TO LOAN. $10 AND UP ON FURNITURE, pianos, livestock, real estate. etc.: repay mtnthly. L. G. Wrather, 122 Higgins are., room 3, upstairs. HEADQUARTERS FOR LOANING and borrowing money secured by mortgage on farms, ranches and city property. C. P. Ellis & Co., "the real estate bargain counter." Helena, Mont. Corresnondence solicited. ROOM AND BOARD. ROOM AND BOARD. 616 SOUTH Sixth west. ROOM AND BOARD. 334 NORTH Third west, WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS. RIUG AND CARPET WEAVING; 1012 Vine street. IF YOU HAVE SECOND-HAND FUR- niture to sell. see Garret Meade. LACE CURTAINS WASHED ANT) stretched, 60c pair. 415 South Third. WANTED-SPRING CHICKENS AND: ranch eggs at Vienna Cafe, 107 West Main. LADIES TO BIUY HOME-MADE cakes, pies and bread. 415 South PIfth west. SAVOY HI)TEL CAFE WANTS spring chickens and fresh eggs; will pay top price. WANTED - Bt!TTONHOLUR TO work. Also table linen to hem and mark. Edith Shull, 420 E. Front St. WANTED-FURNISHED ROOMS. WANTED--TO RENT FU'RNISHjED or uofurnishol rooms or house. Ad- dress It. N., Missoulian. AGENTS WANTED. SALESMEN WANTED-TO SELL our high-grade nulrsery stock. Out- fit furnished. Liberal commission Ca. -I weekly. Sa'em Nursery Coin- pan. Saiem. Ore. INTELLIGENT MAN OR WOMAN to distribute circulars and take or- ders; $2 a day and commission; per- manent. Universal &iouse, 351 Wabash avenue, Chicago. 'FINDING THE NORTH POLE," Br C wk and Peary; Cook's own story and Peary's expedition; reviewed by Admiral Melville, survivor of three Arctic expeditionk; greatest oppor- tunity for money making it recent years: large book, low prce: pro- fusely illustrated: extr' lil'eral terms; qutfit free: write today. Uni- ver-al House. 350 Wabash Ave., Chicago. TABLE BOARD. HOME COOKINC-THE BEST TA- ble board in the city; a trial will colwince you: near high school. 222 Brooks. Eva and Edna Campbell. Phone 546, CARPET CLEANING. CARPETS CLEANED. FURNITURE crated; satisfaction guaranteed. D. P. Cahill. ohone 668 black. FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT-STORE ROuiM AND basemnt-t. Itarnois theater. FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. 420 EAST FRONT STREET. GOOD ROOM.1 42 WEST CEDAR WILSON BLOCK. 121 WEST PINE FIRNISHED l' 4MS MODERN. 212 East Cedar. FI'RNISHED I1 " MIS FoR MEN only. 817 Iliht. nonue. FOR RENT-FiI:NISHED FRONT room. 303 Ea't Front street. THE LENNoX.: WEST CEDAR- Furnished roll!. steam heat. t TWO NICELY II RtNISHED ROOMS. with furnace h. at 417 S. 3d St. FURNISHED P. o MS. WITH MOD- ern improvements 301 N Seenod. THE VICTORIA ELEGANTLY FUR- nished outside r"."n.; hot and cuod water; 424 North iltejins. Ft' 'I RENT-N\i':LY F1' INlSII:! front room. LIub prferred .ill S. 4th St. W. liie ."38 Rft d ROSE . AVEXI 't IIOUSF-GO aD. cheap rooms. l sy. week or month; two blocks west .f N. P. depot. FOR RENT - Tt\o itRNISiIED rooms in mod. rii furnace-heated flat. 215 South 8th F., Price fiats. PURNISHED I1 'MS. SINGLE til en suite; steam-h,-ted, hot and cot running water in .a-h room: rooms kept strictly first-class. Over Schlossberg's stre HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT 6(8 WVEST PINT:. THREE Ft'RNISHIED ROOMS. 703 North 6th St. TWO ROOMS, Mi1'bERN, ChuLoE , IN. 225 Adams street. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR rent. 327 East Froat. FURNISHED R aI (MS Ft )It LIGHT housekeeping. 413 West Pine. FI' RNI 1 HED ) Hl HEKERPING rooms.. modern. 302 East Cedar. TIlRtE FU'RNISiIi.D ROOMS Fotat tight housekeeping. 148 Woofotrd south. FOR RENT-4 FIOUR Ft'RNISIIED rooms: modern; electric lights; downstairs. 51ii N. 4th. -FOUR HOUSEKEEPING ItOtOMS donwnstat-s. well furnished: phone hath, lights. 505 South First west. TitHEE 1(OUS(USKFj:PING ION MIS for rent. 322 Ma tnson. Ca I even- ings or Phone :i 1 I. id. See the owner at Pacific Ta Co., 316 Hig-' gias avenue. FOR RENT-HOUSES. 4-RE0IM HOf'SE. 616 PHlI.I'S ST. FOR RENT-6-ROOM HOUSE. 311 Madison. FOR RENT-oNE H1o1'f8E. 612 S. Third street; phone 264 red. FIVE-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. 829 Brooks street.- Lena Wright, Hotel }lorence. FOR RENT-ONE APARTMENT IN Forbis flats. South Fifth street. Phone 132t black. SIX - ROOM MODERN HOUSE, South Miso'ula. Call 124 South Sixth west. phone 166 red. FOR RENT-FURNISHED HOUSES. FOR RENT-FOUR.ROOM MOD- ern cottage, fwrnished. Inquire 114 West Main, room 4. FREE HOMESTEADS. FREE IIOMESTFADS NEAR CO- lumbus. Mont. For full Information write or call on Frank McNally. Co- lumbus. Mont. WANTED-HOUSES. WANT TO RENT ROtOt OR FIVE- room modern house. Address. Kji - Ing full particulars, C. W. A., Mis- soulian. UPHOLSTERING. GENERAL REPAIRING AND MANU- facturing of upholstered furniture: also carriage trimming. Paul Schr'ek. opposite city hall. 'phone 394 Black. PERSONAL. PU!FFS AND SWT'ITIES MADE- fern combings. 205 East Front *' EMi4RO(IDEiY LESSONS GIVEN free to purihasers of material. Mrs. J. J. Donovan, 415 West Pine. Four Lots $360 It- iiu want ti -? Headyuartrrs for Rt al n I st,-. Lan., Fire and Life I: uranct 0. B. S. Orr Realty Co. Phone 210 Red Office PIatffic. Block LAND OPENING. c ;c cV:RNMI:NT LAND OPI'EN- ing umn'. r torery ant. C',nrad-Cal- i* r ,r='j.. t. M1 tlana; 7a* f a.'re, *.f fiV,. gr.sst prairrie. Uncc.ir trrigation. I'ran:t.g -, t h r 1t1c. Must rcg- ist'r 1., f.,r., ' .tahr -c You may re.- ist, r by j...uer of attc'rney F-cr in- f r' oatin and 1,c ankes. write 1V1 AI WYa:c dva. falier. Mcntcl or 073 Se- curity Itan:: lig.. M1inn -. c;cis, .Mihcn MACHINISTS. MISSOCULA IRON WORKS; MA- chine work; brass and iron casting madc. to order; light and heavy blacksmithing. Cornccr Toole ave- nue and Blitter Root tracks. HAIR DRESSING. flAIR DIRESSEIR--425 MA.11c18 -N ST SOCIETY DIRECTORY. W\OfI)MRN 01F THE WORLD. CAMP NO 73. meets every secnnd and fourth Thursday of each month. Odd F1ellows' hall annex. J. A. JOHNSON. C. C. R. R. WILBUR. Clerk. CNIVERSITY CITY II!P'F NO 32. LADIES OF THE MAtCAMEES meets scond and fourth Thursdays of each rn anth at 2.30 p. m. In Odd 'etlows' annex hall. MRS. PHEBE KENDALL, L. C. MRS. H. I. tURRAY. It. K. 419 Alder street. StccIETY ST JEAN IIAPTISTE. MI-soula. Mont Meets every first and third Wednesday of each month at the Fire-ue n's hall. West Main street. J. T. LACASSE. President. E. LACASSE, Secretary. KNiUIiTS oF PYTHIAS. LAUREL T.tcix;E NO. 11 :Meets every Wednes- lay ercuing at Eagles' hall at 8 o'clock. It. L. BAYES. C. C. JOHN T.. McALOtt'NET. K. of R. & S. KNIHIITS OF COLUaiMBUS. MIS- SOTI.A Ci t'NCII. NO. 1021. meets in Odd Fellows' hall first and third Thursday evening each month. W. L.. KEI.LEY. Grand Knight. CIHARLES DAWSON, Fin. Sec. F 1 A TiF ERN A I. llRt TTHERItcOOD MISSOI'LA IA 1)(; No. 994 -Meets every firat and third Wednesday cc each month at I. 0. 0. F'. hall annex. J. C. A. TAYLcct. President. MRS. M. PAi.SORIlcVE, Treas. MISSOt'LA LOtDIIE Nfl. 7, SCAN- DINAVIAN BROTHERUIOOD OF AMERI'A, meets every second and fourth Friday evening at Eagles' hall. West Main street. ALEX BENSON, Pres. LETP FREDERICKS. Sec. MISSOPLA AERIE NO. 32. F. O. R.. meets first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7:30 p. m., at Eagle hall, West Main. F. C. MULRONEY. W. Pres. W. S. HORD. Sec. EIYSTERN SUN CHAPTER NO. 11, R. A. M.., meets first and third Fri- days of each month in Odd Fellows' hall. CHAR. J. BLOOMQUIST, H. P. S. H. M'CAIL. Sec. MISSOULA LOr)GOF NO. 13, A. 'F. & A. M., meets first and third Tuesdays, regular meetings. F. H. KNTSL.F.Y. W. M. A. J.. BREITENSTEIN. Sec. SCIHILTJER LADOE:F NO. 4. SONS OF HERMANN, meets in the Harnois theater first Sunday of each month at 8 o'clock p. m. WILLI!AM HE:RWIC.. Pres. JOSEPH AOtNER. See. BARTENi)F:R5' UNION. LOCAL NO. 517. meets first an.i third Tues- days of eachs month Pt Union hall at 2 p. mn. JOHN F. PLtUMMER. Pres. JOHN A. FRANCCS. Sec. MftSO1~'LA1 CAMP NO. 6339. M. W. A., meets first and third Thursdays of each month. Elko' hall. C. H. ELLIOT. V. c. 0. ?4. ELTON. Clerk. 136 Higgins avenute. UNITED ARTISANS, meets every first and third Tuesday at Odd Fels Ross' hall annex at 8:30 p. m. .L E. J. W VI4HTJAN, M. A. S. L. Dt'NitA3ai. Sec. It. P. 0. E.. HELL GATE LODGE No. 3$3-Meet . on Second and fourth Tuesdays of eachi tonth in Alarnola hail at ltarn',ts thteater. JOHN It. DAILY, E. B. A. J. X'IOLETTE. Sec. SHERIDAN I('RCLE NO. 4. L. OF G. A. R.-Meets second and fourth Saturdays of each month at 7:30 p. im. In Odd Fellows' annex. A hearty wel- come is extended to all comrades of the Grand Army and sons of comrades. * 1,ERNICE FRANKLIN. Pres. PLORENCE MORDEN. Sec. Public Sa!.. Notic,. Is hereby given that I will on the Isth day of Spt.hntber. 19(9. at the hour of 2 cha-k p. nt., at the city pound, on Seconid street. In the city of Missoula. Mont.. expose the fol- lowini described stock at pubtlic auc- tion t pay the Ptund fers and cots of ke.cing and stir. to wit: A On- hay 2.-ear-old more cult: white a rip in face: right fr.nt forit white; no brand visible. Witne.ss my hand this 13th day of S litetaber. 1409. - J. A. V'iAL.EY, Chief of Police. Residences for Sale $1.500 -4-.:,ow furnished house ~a N rth i.rurth =.t,-t. $2,150---rown house. mr 1"t i, north .i. else For Rent Twoa : -rt. huse. $1 .5O Icr mi. rtitl. A. K. ANDERSEN REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 124 West Main St. 'Phon* 322 Red To See Bitter Root Land At its Best--- Is to See It At Tns Time of the Year It, sere, ~f landi cli.e to market: plenty of xooi; good water i.zt; 910 MI Intsh anile trees S ,ears ol; thite are worth the price asked for the plan -$ 7.500. 2.4m ,,r. s ~f fruit land: ;.r, orchard; plenty of water; can be bnught fir $75 Jiir aire. Lhral ar-unid her- 5.llh for $125 per acre. Thi. nmuit he soll in a s.,dy. This land will sell for $300 per acre in five and Isn-acre tr.a--s. . 1.n ic-r -c if land. $100 per ni-r-: one of the rnmit beautiful places In the %allev anywhere near Minsoula; ohl couple have made for- tune and iow .ant to sill; nn-it be seen ti be appreciated. Can mnake your san Itrmns ti Iar awe if taken at once. 401 as-ri-s ~f !ry farm land ini irsh fir $1sa.OOO. 600 acres of bench land. all iisprodal, for *20.000. A. Mi. STEVENS Furnished Houses Wanted If pm wi h to rent I ur iu ii furosiihed, I annni ut. a th :is We hive a number of a;pplicrnta in 'ur list for f niahel h.usei We alt. iwnut unournished hiuses of front . to 9 ru.n:s. We an sell your hkous.' or insure yon agIkint loss by fire. We collect rants CARROLL & NAPTON Real Estate, Loans and Insurance temporary Office Room 5 Allen 81k. Phone 319 Black Pays 10 Per Cent On $10,000-Will Sell for *6.500 One of the best-paying ranches in the Itig Iliaikfioot valile. This ranch cknsisti, of 260 neres, undeI a high state of cultivation, with k guaranteed water right of Coo inches; ckts 32i to 350 tons hit: within five miles of the Milwaukee railrokd survey. This is ikne of the best ranches now in the mairket and you would do nell to investigate it. rall on or write J. B. BRYAN 122 Higgins avenue. $1,100 buys it five-rom cottage; ckllar, store foundation, fruit. shade, lawn, h trn, woodshed, city water I side, near scho00, nn liirth fourth. Well w'urth $1,300, but if sold soon $1,100 take s it. Don t delay or y3 in miss a rout Hnap. L. G. Wrather 122 HIGGINS AVENUE Have You a Little Money to Invest? Here are two of the best investment ltropositions in Mitsntuua today, and it doesnit take u fortune to handle either if thitn: A good. iuistantitl, one-rion house. within leas than a block of the west hijli siihooi, with lot fax140 feet; lilane has water, guid garden and 1:, fine fruit trees. Here is a plire you tan rent any day in the iear. It is )ours fir $32i down a nd $20 a itontit at a per vikit inter, at. Price, $1,300. A miost beautiful 52-rornt hbuse. c'se in on .intuth 5th strict nest, with a full-sized lhot, S0xi30 feet. This is a strictly up-to-date niunhrn hhoue, .ie. of the finest int Missula, and c.ni- pletely furnished w ith sain,. iit the hist furniture that mtutn-y can buy. Pay $i.50 down and thi. italar-ce at tier ftent for at long tine as )o like, not exceeding thrie %ears' ti:iut Price. #4.000. E. P. MOFFITT Phone 349 Black. Missoula Hotel Bldg. Greater Missoula Realty That Spells-QUICK SALES, SMALL COMMISSIONS. SUITE 24 HIGGINS BLOCK HELP of all kitnls furnished 'in shuirt noticet NORTHWESTERN EMPLOY. MENT CO. 244 Higgins Ave. Phone 744 . MONEY TO LOAN 8% Plenty of It-Easy Terms of Payment HOMES You don t have to pay rent if you will a,#a us. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US Van Valen & Eickimann Western Montana Bank Building. Ioom 4. Phone 523. FOR RENT 3 and 7 roan". houses, clase in, on the west saiala 4-raom housa. and 3 lats, close in, on the west sate. House renting for 315 anal the lot. are worth alone 3t..500. Ne lcan sell for $1.700, on easy terms, 3-oran house, partly furnished. It 3Iaxl30, u blocks frca Higgins avenue; large ehllkent house and waoodaaaheI; city water; for $850- $300 ajaiwn, balance same a, rent. GASSERT & GREENHOOD 128 W. Ceder Street. Phone 23. Missoula, Mewt. RANCH GaO acres fire land; an abundance of water; fine buildings; best stoney-making ranch proposition In the country; stowk. acrap and ma- chinery thrawn in. Owner will con- older residence in Missoula as part puaymnt. Not a ltikhapriced ranch. but a very xauluable one. Call and get particulars. :-roam modern brick, close in. on east iale. far a few days. at $3.800. EDW. HOVERSON REALTY CO. Edw. Hoverson Allen Stephens 333 N. Higgins Ave. Phone 203 51k. THE BEST SEVEN ROOM MODERN HOUSE IN MISSOULA FOR THE MONEY This haite Is new; has furnace heat, aaaabination fixtures fur ele.- trii lights or gas; full-sized base- ment, large pantry. bath room and closets; very convenient kitchen. with gas range installed: corner lot, :0x130 tets only seven blocks from the eand of the bridge, In good nelgh- borhoda. I block from car Uine, and the very best buy in the city at $4,500. Terms. $4,800 for a splendid 10-acre tract, not Ib! from the nursery; good four-room house; large, new barn: over a haa- dr-d bearing fruit trees. 6 to 10 years old; abundance of small fruit; oaa aaa well and water right; all crop includad if sold soon: all farm' lm- ptaci-rants. I harse. ; wagons,.2 sets harness, lags, chickens-all go at above price. H. D. FISHER Real Estate. Insureaess Lee.m 113 E. Main St. Phone $1 alt $1,850 Is Cut Price QUICK SALE PRICE-S-room plas- tcred* Ias'. 11$ faeet frontage, 4th Mit. tear. ta'aaa addltthaa; barn and good taaitaiins. $;ala daawn. L ANGE REALTY CO5 138 Higles Lv.

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Page 1: MISSOULIAN CLASS ADS BRING · 2017-12-13 · MISSOULIAN CLASS ADS BRING RESULTS Daily Puzzle Co w A PATERJNAL WAIT I'm weak and worn and wiary. I am frazzled toi a thread, * I niv-r


Co w

A PATERJNAL WAITI'm weak and worn and wiary. I am frazzled toi a thread, *

I niv-r git a breath of jpeai.e till Dick is .afe in bed;At morn, at night. I growl and bite: I charge. I pitch and tear;I have to be those animals he saw at the county fair.

Find two pigs.An-wer to Yesterday's Puzzic-Fowl minus Owl ntus iOx equals Fox.

GET YOUR ANSWERS.Answers to classified ads remain

In this offie as follows:Ilox A- 4tte t). ('.-OneX. C<- sare C. L. D-OneX. Z.--One A. H.-Two4). 1. -- One M. L. N.-ThreeJ. F. C.-Five


SIX-ROOM HOUSE, NEW, MODERN.by owner. '306 South Fifth west.

FOR SALE-!It t)ERtN l'1VE-ROtOMhouse. 312 South Fourth street W.

A NEW FIVE-ROOM MODERNhouse with Majestic range: lot 7Ix13 Ai t, gradt d and set to youngfruit; coal, carriage, horse and poul-try shed. 16x45 feet: one block ifstreet ear line: terms. Inquire ofowner, Sixth and Prince street.


contractor. phtni. 177 black and 6't.


PARISIAN CLEkNIN3, DYEING &Feather WVorks. 521 Woody street;phone 720. r. U'. Schasaberger. man-ager.


R. H. McKAY. COMMERCIAL PHO-tographer; developing and printingfor amateurs. Room 40 Higgins blk.


FOR I'iCTt'RE FRAMES. MATS,tltaus and pictures always go to theElite Frame ti:op 120 Higgins av-etite.


HOOVER'S FRENCH DRY CLEAN-Ing Works. Higgins avenue, southend bridge. _


STt1RAtGE W AREHOUSE. 734 WESTCedar; phone 495 black. J. W. R'ely.


.tOFTTO-"LIVE AND LET LIVE."Leave orders at 124 Higgins avetweor phone 735.-


I. L. I3EAt'LIEt. AGENT IN MIS-soula county for the Mutual Life In-surance company of New York. Apostal addressed to UBnx 167 willreach him. 512 South Sixth St. W.


FOR KALE-LARGE' BOARDINGand rooming house: best location inthe city: heat, bath. newly fur-nismed: filled si ith boarders; a rurnpresent business. Address M. t;..cure Missoulian.


FURNISH AND LUKE-WAGONand carriage repairing, horse shoe-Iag and all kinds of iron work a spe-elalty. North etld County Bridge.

-You want a-

New,5-Room Bungalowheated by furnace. just completed;never been occupied; located in fineresidence section on the south side.and there is a cement walk all theway.

This house has a splendid fur-nace. fine bath room and good cel-lar.

If you are looking for an In-vcstment this house will rent for atleast $30 per month and earn bet-ter than 14 per cent.

$2600.W.a Buy 1"-$2600


108-110 E. Main. 'Phone 147 Blk.


O. K. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 327Jligginue avenue, phone 604---ridgecarpenters. house carpenters anpeinters. west, free fare: railroad la-borers. fast and west, free fare; pickand shovel men. 32.75 and $3 perday, hFerel $5.25: five girls for gen-eral housework. $25 to $35 per month.


LYONS' EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 517Htiggins avenue. phone 211 red.

WESTERN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY-- 122 Higgins avenue; phone 140 red

SIIAFFER'S. 125 WEST PINE, HELPfurnished, {ituations secured; whole-sale. retail wood deiler, phone 453 B.

SQUAItE DEAL EMPLOYMENT OF-fire, 124 IIlggins Ave. Phone 735-Patronage selicited. Lady clerk Inattendance. J. H. Donaldson, pro-prietor.


WANTEI)-BOY Tee LEARN THEdrug business; references. Box Q.Missouta.

WA N TE)D - RAILWAY MAILclerks; postuffife clerks-earriers;salary 164,11 to $1.600; examireee..e;-.in Missoula November 17. Prepare-tion free. Write for schedule. Frank-lin Institute, Dept. 1b64. RochesterN. Y.

WANTED - SALESMEN; MANYmake $100 to $120 per month, someeven more; stock cleane. gr )wn oRreservation, far from old echards;cash advanced weekly: chike of ter-ritory. Address Washington Nursery,Co.. Toppenish, Wash.

MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARNbarber trade in eight weeks; toolsfree; se; tired over 10.000 positionsfor graduates last year; unable tosupply th^ demand; graduates earn$15 to $25 weekly; catalogue free.Motir System Colleges, 403 Frontavenue, Spokane. Wash.


GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORKMrs. Dwight Hughes. University Ave.

WANTED--GIRL FOR GENERALhousework. Apply mornings, 500University avenue.


POiSITION AS A: SISTANT BOOK-keeper; had some experience. Ad-dress box 451. Missoula.

POSITION WANTED IN MISSOULAor Bitter Root valley; young man,26, very best references; six years'general office work in Chicago; canaocpt December 1. Write E. L.Brenumoan. 525 North Willow avenue,Chicago.


WANTED-WORK. BY DAY ORhour. Apply Square Deal Employ-ment office.

WANTED-WASHING AND IRON-Ing to take home; first-class workguaranteed. 1011 Hall street.


LOST-A SIGMA CHI FRATERNITYpin of gold set in pearls. Finderreturn to this office fir reward.

FOUND-PIECE OF MONEY ONcorner of Higgins and Front; partythat lost same can have it by call-ing at this office.

LOST-EITHER IN ORAND THE-ater or betwe.-n there and N. P.depot, a diacmond stud. Reward forreturn to Missoulian office.

LOST-BETWEEN HIGGINS AV-enue bridge and South Fifth street,a kite-shaped black and gold Greekletter pin. Reward if returned toF. O. Fernald. 124 Higgins avenue.

STRAYED--FROM CAMP IN PAT-tee canyon, a riari hoere and mart:weight, about Sei; mare "M" brandon lelt sh.culeler; horse, blotchedbrand on left shoulder; mare haspair of hobbles strapped to "iehtforefeoet. Kindly give any informn.-tietin concerning these horses to MrCe rper. forest service. Hammondbuilding. Miswsiula. Mont. Phon-Ic'II 4:2.



FOR SALE-TWo FRESH MILCHcows. Inquire 526 REllins street.

ONE 3-INCH AND 1 2%-IXCH WAG-on. Inquire (annon & McLeod.

FOR SALE-ONE ANTIQUE OAKchina closet. 3r14 South Third St.

SE T. G. IIATHIEWAY IF YOU AREIn the market for cash registers orsaft s.

F'4R SALE- r:ouI FDA1iLY lIoRSE,t6:.. 1.4-d t urral, npl. ite p ,office.

L\1TIuE NEW ROLL TOP DESK.fine article, cheap. Heitnbach &Kelley.

G' P4ll) TEAM. IIARNESS ANDp oing w seen for eale cheal. Green

& Eilnghouse.

{tPlt SALE---:'re'fi'l, S1WIN:i MA-chin., ct-kstloe and chill's rocker.433 Plh mouths

16 HEAVY DRAFT flOltSES Ft 'Usale. Call or write C. V. Weruen-hoff, St. Regis. Montt

FOIL SALE--VICTOR RECORDS.Red Seal and otners for half price.Bnx 675, Missoula P. O.

FOR SALE -A 12 HORSE POWERupright ihnller; also a cider press.Inquire at St. Patrick's hospital.

FOR SALE-(NE THIREE-tt'lNERPerfection till st.re, with oven,t heap. 467 South Fourth street west.

FOR SALE-P'ItEAP HORSIE: ALSObarred rock and white Leghn'neckerels. C. E. Lucas, R. S.. R. F.1). No. 3.

FOR SALE-FOl R MILT.ION FEETtimnber near new railroad. For par-tiUula"s address H. M. Stringham,Cyr, Mont.

FOR SALE. CHEAP-TWO HORSFIR,one wagon, harness and compinleletamping outfit. Call at 1238 Cooperstreet, Missoula.

MAtHINES I" 11M $5 UP'. NEW A1'-.tonatic drop-head rotary, $2n; Sing-t rs on ti ros to suit. Singer SewingMachine Co.. 126 West Main St.

Ft'RNITt'tR. NEWV AND SECOND-hand: also poly the highest price forseenni-hand household goods. Han.Jensen, Leiser block. 146 W. Main St.,

FOR SALE-ONE EXTRA FINE,large mirk cot', one small bay mare',gentle for children to ride or drive;also single and double harness; onefine lpoeloeed carriage and buggles.Inquire at Marshall barn, 411 AlderStreet.


$10 AND UP ON FURNITURE,pianos, livestock, real estate. etc.:repay mtnthly. L. G. Wrather, 122Higgins are., room 3, upstairs.

HEADQUARTERS FOR LOANINGand borrowing money secured bymortgage on farms, ranches and cityproperty. C. P. Ellis & Co., "thereal estate bargain counter." Helena,Mont. Corresnondence solicited.


ROOM AND BOARD. 616 SOUTHSixth west.

ROOM AND BOARD. 334 NORTHThird west,



IF YOU HAVE SECOND-HAND FUR-niture to sell. see Garret Meade.

LACE CURTAINS WASHED ANT)stretched, 60c pair. 415 South Third.

WANTED-SPRING CHICKENS AND:ranch eggs at Vienna Cafe, 107 WestMain.

LADIES TO BIUY HOME-MADEcakes, pies and bread. 415 SouthPIfth west.

SAVOY HI)TEL CAFE WANTSspring chickens and fresh eggs; willpay top price.

WANTED - Bt!TTONHOLUR TOwork. Also table linen to hem andmark. Edith Shull, 420 E. Front St.


WANTED--TO RENT FU'RNISHjEDor uofurnishol rooms or house. Ad-dress It. N., Missoulian.


SALESMEN WANTED-TO SELLour high-grade nulrsery stock. Out-fit furnished. Liberal commissionCa. -I weekly. Sa'em Nursery Coin-pan. Saiem. Ore.

INTELLIGENT MAN OR WOMANto distribute circulars and take or-ders; $2 a day and commission; per-manent. Universal &iouse, 351Wabash avenue, Chicago.

'FINDING THE NORTH POLE," BrC wk and Peary; Cook's own storyand Peary's expedition; reviewed byAdmiral Melville, survivor of threeArctic expeditionk; greatest oppor-tunity for money making it recentyears: large book, low prce: pro-fusely illustrated: extr' lil'eralterms; qutfit free: write today. Uni-ver-al House. 350 Wabash Ave.,Chicago.


HOME COOKINC-THE BEST TA-ble board in the city; a trial willcolwince you: near high school. 222Brooks. Eva and Edna Campbell.Phone 546,


CARPETS CLEANED. FURNITUREcrated; satisfaction guaranteed. D.P. Cahill. ohone 668 black.


FOR RENT-STORE ROuiM ANDbasemnt-t. Itarnois theater.





FIRNISHED l' 4MS MODERN. 212East Cedar.

FI'RNISHED I1 " MIS FoR MENonly. 817 Iliht. nonue.

FOR RENT-FiI:NISHED FRONTroom. 303 Ea't Front street.

THE LENNoX.: WEST CEDAR-Furnished roll!. steam heat. t

TWO NICELY II RtNISHED ROOMS.with furnace h. at 417 S. 3d St.

FURNISHED P. o MS. WITH MOD-ern improvements 301 N Seenod.

THE VICTORIA ELEGANTLY FUR-nished outside r"."n.; hot and cuodwater; 424 North iltejins.

Ft' 'I RENT-N\i':LY F1' INlSII:!front room. LIub prferred .ill S.4th St. W. liie ."38 Rft d

ROSE . AVEXI 't IIOUSF-GO aD.cheap rooms. l sy. week or month;two blocks west .f N. P. depot.

FOR RENT - Tt\o itRNISiIEDrooms in mod. rii furnace-heatedflat. 215 South 8th F., Price fiats.

PURNISHED I1 'MS. SINGLE tilen suite; steam-h,-ted, hot and cotrunning water in .a-h room: roomskept strictly first-class. OverSchlossberg's stre




TWO ROOMS, Mi1'bERN, ChuLoE , IN.225 Adams street.


FURNISHED R aI (MS Ft )It LIGHThousekeeping. 413 West Pine.

FI' RNI 1 HED ) Hl HEKERPINGrooms.. modern. 302 East Cedar.

TIlRtE FU'RNISiIi.D ROOMS Fotattight housekeeping. 148 Woofotrdsouth.

FOR RENT-4 FIOUR Ft'RNISIIEDrooms: modern; electric lights;downstairs. 51ii N. 4th.

-FOUR HOUSEKEEPING ItOtOMSdonwnstat-s. well furnished: phonehath, lights. 505 South First west.

TitHEE 1(OUS(USKFj:PING ION MISfor rent. 322 Ma tnson. Ca I even-ings or Phone :i 1 I. id. See theowner at Pacific Ta Co., 316 Hig-'gias avenue.


4-RE0IM HOf'SE. 616 PHlI.I'S ST.

FOR RENT-6-ROOM HOUSE. 311Madison.

FOR RENT-oNE H1o1'f8E. 612 S.Third street; phone 264 red.

FIVE-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT.829 Brooks street.- Lena Wright,Hotel }lorence.

FOR RENT-ONE APARTMENT INForbis flats. South Fifth street.Phone 132t black.

SIX - ROOM MODERN HOUSE,South Miso'ula. Call 124 SouthSixth west. phone 166 red.


FOR RENT-FOUR.ROOM MOD-ern cottage, fwrnished. Inquire 114West Main, room 4.


FREE IIOMESTFADS NEAR CO-lumbus. Mont. For full Informationwrite or call on Frank McNally. Co-lumbus. Mont.


WANT TO RENT ROtOt OR FIVE-room modern house. Address. Kji -Ing full particulars, C. W. A., Mis-soulian.


GENERAL REPAIRING AND MANU-facturing of upholstered furniture:also carriage trimming. PaulSchr'ek. opposite city hall. 'phone394 Black.


PU!FFS AND SWT'ITIES MADE-fern combings. 205 East Front *'

EMi4RO(IDEiY LESSONS GIVENfree to purihasers of material. Mrs.J. J. Donovan, 415 West Pine.

Four Lots$360

It- iiu want ti -?

Headyuartrrs for Rt al n I st,-.Lan., Fire and Life I: uranct

0. B. S. OrrRealty Co.

Phone 210 RedOffice PIatffic. Block


c ;c cV:RNMI:NT LAND OPI'EN-ing umn'. r torery ant. C',nrad-Cal-i* r ,r='j.. t. M1 tlana; 7a* f a.'re, *.ffiV,. gr.sst prairrie. Uncc.ir trrigation.I'ran:t.g -, t h r 1t1c. Must rcg-ist'r 1., f.,r., ' .tahr -c You may re.-ist, r by j...uer of attc'rney F-cr in-f r' oatin and 1,c ankes. write 1V1 AIWYa:c dva. falier. Mcntcl or 073 Se-curity Itan:: lig.. M1inn -.c;cis, .Mihcn


MISSOCULA IRON WORKS; MA-chine work; brass and iron castingmadc. to order; light and heavyblacksmithing. Cornccr Toole ave-nue and Blitter Root tracks.


flAIR DIRESSEIR--425 MA.11c18 -N ST


W\OfI)MRN 01F THE WORLD.CAMP NO 73. meets every secnnd andfourth Thursday of each month. OddF1ellows' hall annex.


LADIES OF THE MAtCAMEES meetsscond and fourth Thursdays of eachrn anth at 2.30 p. m. In Odd 'etlows'annex hall.


419 Alder street.

StccIETY ST JEAN IIAPTISTE.MI-soula. Mont Meets every first andthird Wednesday of each month atthe Fire-ue n's hall. West Main street.

J. T. LACASSE. President.E. LACASSE, Secretary.

KNiUIiTS oF PYTHIAS. LAURELT.tcix;E NO. 11 :Meets every Wednes-lay ercuing at Eagles' hall at 8

o'clock. It. L. BAYES. C. C.JOHN T.. McALOtt'NET. K. of R. & S.

KNIHIITS OF COLUaiMBUS. MIS-SOTI.A Ci t'NCII. NO. 1021. meets inOdd Fellows' hall first and thirdThursday evening each month.

W. L.. KEI.LEY. Grand Knight.CIHARLES DAWSON, Fin. Sec.

F 1 A TiF ERN A I. llRt TTHERItcOODMISSOI'LA IA 1)(; No. 994 -Meetsevery firat and third Wednesday cceach month at I. 0. 0. F'. hall annex.

J. C. A. TAYLcct. President.MRS. M. PAi.SORIlcVE, Treas.

MISSOt'LA LOtDIIE Nfl. 7, SCAN-DINAVIAN BROTHERUIOOD OFAMERI'A, meets every second andfourth Friday evening at Eagles' hall.West Main street.


MISSOPLA AERIE NO. 32. F. O. R..meets first and third Tuesdays ofeach month at 7:30 p. m., at Eaglehall, West Main.

F. C. MULRONEY. W. Pres.W. S. HORD. Sec.

EIYSTERN SUN CHAPTER NO. 11,R. A. M.., meets first and third Fri-days of each month in Odd Fellows'hall.


MISSOULA LOr)GOF NO. 13, A. 'F. &A. M., meets first and third Tuesdays,regular meetings.


SCIHILTJER LADOE:F NO. 4. SONSOF HERMANN, meets in the Harnoistheater first Sunday of each month at8 o'clock p. m.


BARTENi)F:R5' UNION. LOCALNO. 517. meets first an.i third Tues-days of eachs month Pt Union hall at2 p. mn.


MftSO1~'LA1 CAMP NO. 6339. M. W.A., meets first and third Thursdaysof each month. Elko' hall.

C. H. ELLIOT. V. c.0. ?4. ELTON. Clerk. 136 Higginsavenute.

UNITED ARTISANS, meets everyfirst and third Tuesday at Odd FelsRoss' hall annex at 8:30 p. m.

. L E. J. W VI4HTJAN, M. A.S. L. Dt'NitA3ai. Sec.

It. P. 0. E.. HELL GATE LODGENo. 3$3-Meet . on Second and fourthTuesdays of eachi tonth in Alarnolahail at ltarn',ts thteater.


SHERIDAN I('RCLE NO. 4. L. OFG. A. R.-Meets second and fourthSaturdays of each month at 7:30 p. im.In Odd Fellows' annex. A hearty wel-come is extended to all comrades ofthe Grand Army and sons of comrades.* 1,ERNICE FRANKLIN. Pres.PLORENCE MORDEN. Sec.

Public Sa!..Notic,. Is hereby given that I will

on the Isth day of Spt.hntber. 19(9.at the hour of 2 cha-k p. nt., at thecity pound, on Seconid street. In thecity of Missoula. Mont.. expose the fol-lowini described stock at pubtlic auc-tion t pay the Ptund fers and cotsof ke.cing and stir. to wit: A

On- hay 2.-ear-old more cult: whitea rip in face: right fr.nt forit white;no brand visible.

Witne.ss my hand this 13th day ofS litetaber. 1409.

- J. A. V'iAL.EY, Chief of Police.

Residences for Sale$1.500 -4-.:,ow furnished house

~a N rth i.rurth =.t,-t.

$2,150---rown house. mr1"t i, north .i. else

For RentTwoa : -rt. huse. $1 .5O Icr

mi. rtitl.


To See Bitter Root Land Atits Best--- Is to See It At Tns Time of

the YearIt, sere, ~f landi cli.e to market: plenty of xooi; good water i.zt;

910 MI Intsh anile trees S ,ears ol; thite are worth the price askedfor the plan -$ 7.500.

2.4m ,,r. s ~f fruit land: ;.r, orchard; plenty of water; can bebnught fir $75 Jiir aire. Lhral ar-unid her- 5.llh for $125 per acre.Thi. nmuit he soll in a s.,dy. This land will sell for $300 per acrein five and Isn-acre tr.a--s. .

1.n ic-r -c if land. $100 per ni-r-: one of the rnmit beautiful placesIn the %allev anywhere near Minsoula; ohl couple have made for-tune and iow .ant to sill; nn-it be seen ti be appreciated. Canmnake your san Itrmns ti Iar awe if taken at once.

401 as-ri-s ~f !ry farm land ini irsh fir $1sa.OOO.600 acres of bench land. all iisprodal, for *20.000.


Furnished HousesWanted

If pm wi h to rent I ur iu ii

furosiihed, I annni ut. a th :is

We hive a number of a;pplicrnta

in 'ur list for f niahel h.usei Wealt. iwnut unournished hiuses offront . to 9 ru.n:s.

We an sell your hkous.' or insureyon agIkint loss by fire.

We collect rants

CARROLL & NAPTONReal Estate, Loans and Insurancetemporary Office Room 5 Allen 81k.

Phone 319 Black

Pays 10 Per CentOn $10,000-Will Sell for

*6.500One of the best-paying ranches

in the Itig Iliaikfioot valile. Thisranch cknsisti, of 260 neres, undeIa high state of cultivation, withk guaranteed water right of Cooinches; ckts 32i to 350 tons hit:within five miles of the Milwaukeerailrokd survey.

This is ikne of the best ranches

now in the mairket and you woulddo nell to investigate it.

rall on or write J. B. BRYAN122 Higgins avenue.

$1,100buys it five-rom cottage; ckllar,store foundation, fruit. shade, lawn,h trn, woodshed, city water I side,near scho00, nn liirth fourth. Wellw'urth $1,300, but if sold soon $1,100take s it.

Don t delay or y3 in miss a routHnap.


Have You a LittleMoney to Invest?Here are two of the best investment

ltropositions in Mitsntuua today, and itdoesnit take u fortune to handle eitherif thitn:

A good. iuistantitl, one-rion house.within leas than a block of the westhijli siihooi, with lot fax140 feet; lilanehas water, guid garden and 1:, finefruit trees.

Here is a plire you tan rent anyday in the iear. It is )ours fir $32idown a nd $20 a itontit at a per vikitinter, at.

Price, $1,300.A miost beautiful 52-rornt hbuse. c'se

in on .intuth 5th strict nest, with afull-sized lhot, S0xi30 feet. This is astrictly up-to-date niunhrn hhoue, .ie.of the finest int Missula, and c.ni-

pletely furnished w ith sain,. iit thehist furniture that mtutn-y can buy.

Pay $i.50 down and thi. italar-ce attier ftent for at long tine as )o

like, not exceeding thrie %ears' ti:iutPrice. #4.000.

E. P. MOFFITTPhone 349 Black. Missoula Hotel Bldg.

Greater MissoulaRealty

That Spells-QUICK SALES,



HELPof all kitnls furnished 'in shuirt noticet


244 Higgins Ave. Phone 744 .


8%Plenty of It-Easy Terms of


HOMESYou don t have to pay rent if you

will a,#a us.


Van Valen & EickimannWestern Montana Bank

Building.Ioom 4. Phone 523.

FOR RENT3 and 7 roan". houses, clase in, on

the west saiala

4-raom housa. and 3 lats, close in,on the west sate. House rentingfor 315 anal the lot. are worth alone3t..500. Ne lcan sell for $1.700, oneasy terms,

3-oran house, partly furnished.It 3Iaxl30, u blocks frca Higginsavenue; large ehllkent house andwaoodaaaheI; city water; for $850-$300 ajaiwn, balance same a, rent.


128 W. Ceder Street.Phone 23. Missoula, Mewt.

RANCHGaO acres fire land; an abundance

of water; fine buildings; beststoney-making ranch proposition Inthe country; stowk. acrap and ma-chinery thrawn in. Owner will con-older residence in Missoula as partpuaymnt.

Not a ltikhapriced ranch. but avery xauluable one. Call and getparticulars.

:-roam modern brick, close in.on east iale. far a few days. at$3.800.

EDW. HOVERSON REALTY CO.Edw. Hoverson Allen Stephens333 N. Higgins Ave. Phone 203 51k.


This haite Is new; has furnaceheat, aaaabination fixtures fur ele.-trii lights or gas; full-sized base-ment, large pantry. bath room andclosets; very convenient kitchen.with gas range installed: corner lot,:0x130 tets only seven blocks fromthe eand of the bridge, In good nelgh-borhoda. I block from car Uine, andthe very best buy in the city at$4,500. Terms.

$4,800for a splendid 10-acre tract, not Ib!from the nursery; good four-roomhouse; large, new barn: over a haa-dr-d bearing fruit trees. 6 to 10years old; abundance of small fruit;oaa aaa well and water right; all crop

includad if sold soon: all farm' lm-ptaci-rants. I harse. ; wagons,.2 setsharness, lags, chickens-all go atabove price.

H. D. FISHERReal Estate. Insureaess Lee.m

113 E. Main St. Phone $1 alt

$1,850 Is Cut PriceQUICK SALE PRICE-S-room plas-tcred* Ias'. 11$ faeet frontage, 4th Mit.tear. ta'aaa addltthaa; barn and good

taaitaiins. $;ala daawn.

L ANGE REALTY CO5 138 Higles Lv.