mock ict exam revision materials – paper 1 december 2012 1 hr 30 mins

Mock ICT Exam Revision Materials – Paper 1 December 2012 1 hr 30 mins

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Page 1: Mock ICT Exam Revision Materials – Paper 1 December 2012 1 hr 30 mins

Mock ICT Exam Revision Materials – Paper 1December 2012

1 hr 30 mins

Page 2: Mock ICT Exam Revision Materials – Paper 1 December 2012 1 hr 30 mins

Hi meet Jim, Seb, Harper and Nazeem. They are all 18 years of age and great friends. They like travelling together, attending sporting events and concerts together and between them have many of the technical gadgets available on the market today.

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Nazeem invites the lads round to his house to watch a David Price boxing bout. They plan to watch on his new HD TV. The connection from the Sky box to the TV is via a HDMI cable. The boxing is viewed by Nazeem subscribing to the Pay Per View channel.

There is a problem with the viewing on the new TV so Seb logs onto his I Pad and loads up Wikipedia to find a solution. The problem with this is that the information may not be accurate or up to date and anyone can put anything on the site so it may not necessary be trustworthy.

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A solution cannot be found so Harper decides he will make a telephone call using the Internet to Sky customer support. He uses VoIP to do this and uses his headset with microphone and web cam to make the call.

The problem with the TV can still not be resolved so they decide to stream the boxing using Sky Go on Jims laptop. This means that they can access ‘live’ content in real time whilst it is being downloaded to the laptop. Streaming does not use as much storage as downloading and is usually easy to search for what is needed.

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The laptop is constantly ‘buffering’. This could be because there are too many people trying to access the same stream. Luckily there are 4 different streams so they can select another one to see if the picture is any better.

As the friends are 18 they do not really need parental permission to access the Internet. Nazeem however needs to protect/supervise his younger brother when he is on the Internet. This is so that he does not access adult content, does not access gaming websites, does not become addicted, does not create relationships with predators, does not download/install software such as viruses and does not give away private information such as his address etc.

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Hi meet Tony. Tony is 17 years old and is a huge Preston North End football supporter. Tony likes to travel the country with his friends following his team. He uses his ICT devices to help with planning trips to games and to keep up to date with the latest news of his favourite team.

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Tony is planning a trip to Brentford away. He needs to book a train journey so uses his PC to help achieve this. The website asks Tony for his postcode. This helps find the nearest train station for Tony, which is Preston.

Tony is able to use 3G to pick up a connection to the app on his Smart phone. Rail enquires have an app to access a wider audience and some on the normal content of the website will not work on some mobile phones.

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As a frequent traveller on the trains Tony receives an email containing a QR code which allows some money off a future booking. Tony has a scanner app where he can scan the code to read the data off it, then then takes Tony to the website.

Tony books the train tickets for his friends. If he travels on his own he will pay via PayPal but when there are a few lads going he pays by credit card so that he can then collect the money off his friends and pay the bill at a later date.

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Tony prefers to buy train tickets online particularly months in advance as he offers gets good deals than paying on the day at the train station. He can track his orders does not have to travel to the station to purchase and the website usually remembers his details from previous orders.

Although Tony knows where Preston train station is, he uses his Smart phone to help him with directions once he arrives at his destination. This is achieved by using the GPS in the phone. He has less chance of getting lost and does not have to use paper maps. There are drawbacks however such as the map may require updates and the signal can get lost.

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Tony’s details are stored on the rail enquires website via cookies. The use of cookies allows the tracking of Tony’s buying habits and can reward loyal customers. They can be also used to store his address and payment details so the next time Tony purchases off the site, the transaction will be quicker.

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Hi meet Susan. Susan is 18 years old. She has just completed her A-Levels and is going to Durham University to study Computer Science. Susan likes to use a range of ICT devices and likes socialising with friends and going for nights out during the weekend with them.

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Susan will be taking her computer with her to university. She wants to purchase a new monitor. She purchases one like the one shown, her main reason for getting this one was because it had a good sized resolution for displaying her work.

Susan uses many backup devices such a removable pen drive, CD-R and DVD-R. She finds it a good idea to use online storage so she has a drop box account. She can access her work anywhere with Internet connection and she can access work via apps on her Smartphone and I Pad tablet.

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Susan needs to get rid of her old computer. There are many options available to her. She is concerned about what data is on her computer and wants to remove it as she is concerned that the data can still be read by someone and she is fearful of identity theft.

As Susan's family all have their own computers she decides to give it to a charity chop so someone else may benefit from it. She could have put it on eBay but felt it was not worth the hassle as she would not have got much money for it.

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Susan needs to make sure that her computer is up to date in terms of protection from Internet threats. She makes sure that she has installed an anti-virus piece of software on it. She also looks at her pop-up blocker settings are turned on.

Another safety measure which Susan carries out is to make sure that her firewall settings are turned on. This will help prevent unwanted intruders from accessing Susan's computer.

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Susan has decided to set up an online banking account with Barclays. She can access this 24/7 and she received a better deal online rather than in the branch.

Susan has received this email from what appears to be from PayPal. This looks suspicious and Susan knows from her A-Level ICT course that this could be an example of ‘phishing’. She deletes the email as if she clicked on the link people could have accessed her personal details.

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Susan uses the University computers to access her bank account. She makes sure that she does not tick the ‘Remember my user ID’ box as she is on a shared computer and other students may be able to access her details.

Susan has an app on her Smart phone for her online banking. When she logs in she is asked for her PIN. This is displayed as a set of asterisks so that none of the PIN numbers are revealed.

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Susan takes her PS3 to university and decides to buy a new game online. As money is tight she found that the game was cheaper to download the game. She is not really bothered about owning the actual disk. She can also receive regular updates if connected to the Internet. Her only concern was that it would take up space on her 160gb hard drive.

When Susan pays for the game she uses her debit card visa. After entering in details she is asked for her password. This is to ensure that is Susan’s card and to prevent other people from using it.

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Hi meet Adam and Jake. They are both 14 years of age and are the best of friends. They are both ‘savvy’ users of ICT and have most of the latest ‘must have’ gadgets.

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Adam has just had his birthday and would like to buy some new games consoles. He is after a PS3 and visits the shop Game station. He has the choice between a 160gb, 320gb or 500gb storage capacity. Due to cost he chooses the middle sized device.

Adam has a little money left over so he also buys a DS. This is useful for when he goes travelling as it is portable and as long as it is charged he can play it almost everywhere.

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Adam runs out of money but his mum Julie buys him a new peripheral device to go with his PS3. She buys him a gaming headset so he can play online with Jake when they play Call of Duty. The headset Julie bought has a Bluetooth connection.

Jake has a different headset to play with his device. He uses a simple USB cable to establish his connection.

When Adam sets up his device he has to perform a system update via the menu. On the menu there are other options such as looking at photographs, listening to music or browsing the Internet. This is a key feature of a multifunctional console.

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Adam and Jake also own a Nintendo Wii. They like to play online particularly Wii Tennis.

When playing Wii Tennis they like to use the wireless controllers because they can play anywhere in the room and move about and Adam feels that it is good for exercise. Jake is always on the Nintendo Wii and feels that he has to constantly change the batteries and he has to be careful not to damage the TV in case the controller slips out his grasp.

Adams sister is in a wheel chair but he plays on the Wii with her and her boyfriend. Adams sister finds it difficult to play certain games and it can be difficult at times to communicate with the consoles sensor bar.

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Adam and Jake play FIFA 13 against each other on their consoles. This allows them to develop their friendship and make new friends. They get great satisfaction when they work together online and beat other opponents.

On occasions the game play slows down and there are some delays. This is down to the bandwidth (the volume of data that is downloaded is low) and latency (which if high can make the game lag or slow down.)

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The boys spend hours on their consoles and their parents are worried about health issues. They feel that by being on their PS3s for long periods can result in repetitive strain injury (RSI). The boys are advised to take regular breaks.

Jake and Adam spend some time looking at social network sites and they add sites to their social bookmarking account. They can store bookmarks online which can then be shared with other users.

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Adam uses his account to share some web links. Other things that he can do is to organise events, share videos and communicate with other users.

Adams has his privacy set so that anybody can view his profile. Jake does not think this is a good idea as it could result in identity theft and leave Adam vulnerable to cyber-bullying.

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The use of social networks is having an impact on society.

Organised London 2011 riots Businesses use for advertising

Use of feeds to follow interests Used by education to connect students such as edmodo

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The use of social networks is having an impact on society.

Organises events - parties Can be used by criminals to collect personal details

Work/life balanceLack of real life – more virtual worlds