monavie compensation

MONAVIE COMPENSATION PLAN Eective Jne 20, 2009 (Sinapoe)

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E ective J ne 20, 2009 (Sin apo e)

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01 dIrECT SALES ANd PrE ErrEd CuSTOMEr bONuS02 buLK OrdEr bONuS


* To vie t e most p-to- ate MonaVie Compensation Plan, please visit



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hELP OThErS bECOME STArS INYOur MONAVIE OrgANIZATION.01 Direct SaleS anD the PreferreDcuStomer BonuSSellin MonaVie p o cts i ectly to yo c stom-e s is t e st pilla o a soli o n ation o yo

siness. ace-to- ace etail sales allo yo to ea nincome y p c asin MonaVie p o cts at t e

olesale p ice an t en sellin t em at a etailp ice o yo c oosin . In a ition to etail sales, yocan en oll P e e e C stome s§ an ea n a P e e eC stome bon s on eve y p c ase t ey make. T eP e e e C stome on s is comp te as 50% o t ep e e e c stome pe sonal vol me.* ** o example,

om a case o j ice o e e y yo p e e e c s-tome ( it 50 PCPV), yo ea n a 25 glo al bon sunits (gbu) P e e e C stome on s an 50 PCPV

olls to yo an yo pline. In ot e o s, t e PVom t e sales to yo p e e e c stome s co ntsto a yo activity e i ement. Any o t e PV inexcess o 200 olls to yo lesse vol me le . Yo

on’t nee to e active† o ali e‡ to ea n p o tom sales ma e to etail o p e e e c stome s.

02 BulK orDer BonuS (BoB)Eac time someone yo ’ve pe sonally sponso eplaces an eli i le lk o e , yo eceive a lko e on s o p to 75 gbu i yo a e active it200 PV, an p to 30 gbu i yo a e active

it 100 PV. Look at t e o cial p ice list to seeic lk packs a e eli i le o t e bOb.

03 firSt orDer BonuS (foB)Active ist i to s it at least 200 PV ea n a one-time-only Ob o 20% o t e PV ( p to a maxim mo 40 gbu), an active ist i to s it 100-199PV ea n a one-time-only Ob o 10% o t e PV ( pto a maxim m o 20 gbu) en t ei pe sonallysponso e ist i to s place a st time o e oMonaVie p o cts. Yo m st e active at t e timet e o e is place to ea n t e Ob. I yo a e notactive at t e time, yo ave t e est o t at eekan t ee a itional eeks to ea n t e Ob.

04 Star maKer BonuS

T e secon pilla o a s ccess l siness is elpin yo pe sonally sponso e ist i to s ea n t e ao Sta . Active an ali e ist i to s it at leas100 PV may ea n t e Sta Make bon s. Eactime one o yo pe sonally sponso e ist i -to s eac es t e ank o Sta , yo ea n a 20 gbuSta Make bon s om t ei sales. I yo a e activan ali e it 200 PV, yo ea n a 40 gbuSta Make bon s om t ei sales. I yo a e not

ali e in t e eek t at one o yo pe sonallysponso e ist i to s eac es t e ank o Sta , yo

ill ave t e ollo in t ee eeks to ecomeali e in o e to ea n t e Sta Make bon s.

* Volume: re e s to t e points assi ne to p o cts. PV is pe sonal sales vol me om p o cts o e e o sellin to yoe la c stome s an om p o cts o e e y yo p e e e c stome s. gV is o p sales vol me om p o

yo o nline o sellin to t ei e la c stome s; an it also incl es p o cts o e e y t ei p e e e c sto† Active:M st ene ate a minim m o 100 PV eve y o eeks.‡ Qualifed: M st ave at least one pe sonally sponso e an active ist i to on ot yo le t an i t le s.§ Pre erred Customer:Yo c stome , en olle in MonaVie’s ata ase, o can place o e s it o t yo i ect involvement. A

is not e i e to e a p e e e c stome .** Pre erred Customer Personal Volume (PCPV):Vol me associate it a p c ase ma e y a p e e e c stome , ic is al o

t e vol me o a p c ase associate it a ist i to . †† Global Bonus Units:gbu is se to ete mine on ses pai to ist i to s. One gbu = uS$1. Once gbu is calc late , it is

conve te sin a p e ete mine exc an e ate into local c ency as o t e ate yo ea nin s a e act ally pai o t in



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05team BonuSeSTeam on ses a e anot e pilla o t e MonaVieCompensation Plan. As a ne ist i to , yo oc s

ill e on evelopin a ase o etail an p e e ec stome s. Yo 'll also oc s on elpin yo o n-line ene ate vol me t o sales.

T e team on s aspect o t e plan is calc lateom yo placement t ee, ic as t o le s,

le t an i t. Yo ill e compensate aseon s ccess lly il in sales vol me it in yoplacement t ee. Yo sponso (o anyone else in

yo placement t ee) may also place people in yoplacement t ee. As yo o p e ins to o , yoa e entitle to team on ses ase on t e totalsales vol me ene ate in yo lesse le .

Calc latin team on ses: Yo m st e active anave at least one pe sonally sponso e an activeist i to on ot yo le t an i t le s to e

eli i le to ea n team on ses. In a ition, yo m stave a minim m o 500 gV on eac o yo place-ment t ee le s in t e on s eek.

Once yo eac 500 gV on yo lesse le , teamon ses a e pai on t at le as ell as matc in vol-me on yo eate le . Any npai gV ca ies ove

to t e ollo in eek, as lon as yo emain active.

Any eek yo pe sonal sales vol me is ove 200,t e ove a e ill e applie to yo lesse vol me

le . Team on ses a e limite to 10,000 gbu peeek, pe siness cente . Alt o team on sesmay e ea ne y ein active it 100 PV, yocan maximize yo ea nin s it o Ob, bOb,an Sta Make bon s y emainin active it200 PV.

In this example, you are active with 200 PVbecause you receive 50 PV rom your sales toeach o your our pre erred customers; you alsoearn 100 GBU in pre erred customer bonuses (4sales x 25 GBU each). In addition, you are alsoqualifed because you have a personally sponsoreddistributor on both your le t and right legs who areactive with at least 100 PV. There ore, you quali y

or 10% in team bonuses, which equates to earning5% o the balanced volume rom both your le t and

right legs. In this example, you would earn a teambonus o 50 GBU (10% o 500 GV).


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06 eXecutiVe checK m atch BonuSTo t e e a o exec tive el lea e s ot ei sales, as ell as t e sales om t ei o nlineo anization, e ave c eate t e Exec tive C eckMatc (ECM) on s,* ic allo s yo to ea n a

on s on t e st 2,500 gbu o t e team on sespai to ist i to s in yo pe sonal en ollment t ee.T is consists o ist i to s yo pe sonally sponso ,t e ist i to s t ey pe sonally sponso , an so on.T e ECM on s is calc late om p to seven en-e ations o exec tives in yo pe sonal en ollmentt ee. As yo exec tive ank inc eases, so oes t en m e o ene ations on ic yo can e paian ECM on s.

T is ECM on s is calc late y ene ations. Aene ation can incl e t e exec tives o n in

eac o yo pe sonal en ollment t ee le s anist i to s at t e va io s Sta anks. A ene ation

en s en a ali e exec tive is o n , e a -less o ept . T e ECM on s is calc late on n-limite i t . T e e o e, in o e to maximize yoincome, yo s o l st ive to contin e a vancinto i e exec tive anks as ell as to pe sonallysponso ist i to s, t e e y c eatin mo e pe sonalen ollment t ee le s on ic yo can ea n anECM on s.

T e ECM on s is ene ate om t e sales vol me o t eist i to s in yo pe sonal en ollment t ee. It is pai eekly an

is ase on a foatin pe centa e. MonaVie a antees a 50%payo t o all on s vol me. A te t e va io s ot e ays o ea n-in on ses it MonaVie a e calc late , any emainin avail-a le on ses a e allocate to t e ECM on s an t en pai ,alon it ot e ea ne on ses o t e eek. b onze Exec tivesan a ove m st e active it at least 200 PV to ea n an ECM.weekly on ses om an ECM cannot excee t e vol me om

yo lesse vol me le .





The illustration on the right is designed to help youbetter understand the ECM bonus. In this example,

you are a qualifed Ruby Executive, which enables you to earn an ECM bonus through our genera-tions o distributors or higher on each o your ourpersonal enrollment tree legs. Once a qualifed“paid as” distributor or higher is ound on any leg,it completes the frst generation o distributors or thatparticular leg.

Let’s look at the leg that begins with Mary. In this par-ticular leg, you would earn an ECM bonus through

Kelly because she is a ourth generation distributor.To be paid deeper on this leg (allowing you to earnan ECM bonus on David's team bonus), you wouldneed to advance to Emerald Executive, which wouldallow you to be paid through fve generations odistributors.

Let’s look at one fnal example. On the personalenrollment tree leg beginning with Shelly, no execu-tive exists in this line; there ore, everyone in this line isconsidered frst generation.

To maximize your earnings with the MonaVie ECMbonus, you should strive to reach the highest execu-tive ranks.


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Star 500KEIKO

MIKAStar 1000




BENStar 500


Star 500

OLLIEStar 1000










Star 1000





DAVIDStar 500

SHELLYStar 1000











1 2 3 4 5 6 7





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07 leaDerShiP Poolwe ave ese ve 2.5% o o total company gV

o o o p o bl e diamon Exec tives ana ove. In t is o p, yo may ea n s a es in t eMonaVie Lea e s ip Pool ase on yo “paias” ank om t e sales vol me ene ate t o

yo pe sonal en ollment t ee le s. wit eac anka vancement yo eceive a itional s a es. T is

on s is pai eekly.

08 multiPle BuSineSS centerSAs yo MonaVie siness o s, yo can poten-tially ave a total o o siness cente s (initial centepl s t ee a itional cente s), it eac potentiallyea nin 10,000 gbu pe eek in team on ses.

Yo a e a a e yo secon siness cente atha aiian bl e diamon an yo emainin t osiness cente s at black diamon . w ile a i-

tional siness cente s allo yo to maximize yoincome ea nin potential, t ey a e not e i e o

yo to a vance it in t e MonaVie compensationplan. A ist i to can eac T iple C o ne blackdiamon , t e i est ank in MonaVie, y oc sinon is o e initial siness cente .

To ali y o income on m ltiple siness cente s, yo m st maintain t e siness e i ements o a

ali e bl e diamon an e active it 200 PV.A itionally, yo m st maintain seven Sta 500 le s

n e yo initial siness cente . A itional si-ness cente s ill ave nlimite ea nin capa ilityi yo initial siness cente is ali e an paias a black diamon . I , o eve , t e “pai as”

ank o yo initial siness cente alls elo blacdiamon o any iven on s pe io , all a itional

siness cente s ill e pai at t ei espective“pai as” anks.

In a ition, all en ollment t ee gV om a itionalsiness cente s ill co nt to a t e ali cation

an ank a vancement o yo initial sinesscente i yo initial siness cente emains ali-e an pai as a black diamon .


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* You must be ully compliant with your distributor agreement to be eligible or any Black Diamond rewards.7

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BlacK DiamonD• Ea n emainin t o siness cente s (t i an o t )• Pa ticipation in t e MonaVie Lea e s ip Pool• 2,500 gbu black diamon Me ce es Ca

Allo ance*• black diamon in (men) an pen ant ( omen)•

Yo pe sonalize black diamon oc menta yroyal BlacK DiamonD

• 100,000 gbu cas on s• Pa ticipation in t e MonaVie Lea e s ip Pool• Accommo ations at t e Ze matt reso t (Mi ay, uta )

in t e t ee e oom MonaVie C atea Villa†

• MonaVie day: e’ e ollin o t t e e ca pet o yo —fy st class to t e u.S. t en oa t e MonaViejet an fy to Salt Lake City, uta , o yo o cial ayat MonaVie ea a te s

• Pa ticipation in t e MonaVie Jet C e it p o am‡

PreSiDential BlacK DiamonD• 300,000 gbu cas on s• Pa ticipation in t e MonaVie Lea e s ip Pool• Accommo ations at t e Ze matt reso t (Mi ay, uta )in t e t ee e oom MonaVie C atea Villa†

• ive ni t accommo ations at t e Atlantis reso t (ba a-mas) in t e MonaVie ree To e s Pent o se§; st classai a e o t o p ovi e

• Pa ticipation in t e MonaVie Jet C e it p o am‡ imPerial BlacK DiamonD

• 600,000 gbu cas on s• Pa ticipation in t e MonaVie Lea e s ip Pool• Accommo ations at t e Ze matt reso t (Mi ay, uta )in t e t ee e oom MonaVie C atea Villa†

• A vent e- lle Me ite anean eta ay a oa al x io s p ivate yac t**

• Pa ticipation in t e MonaVie Jet C e it p o am‡

* w en yo st ac ieve t e ank o black diamon , yo ea n 2,500 gbu om MonaVie as pa t o t e MonaVie Me ce es p o am. p ovi e p oo t at yo ave lease o p c ase a ne lack Me ce es ca (SL550 o S550), MonaVie ill pay yo 2,500 gbu pe moan allo ance o yo ca . A te one yea , MonaVie ill evie yo ist i to s ip's ea nin s. Yo ill contin e to eceive a mont

o t e next yea , an s se ent yea s, ase on o many eeks in t e p evio s yea yo maintaine yo ali e an active andiamon : 40 eeks pl s = 2,500 gbu; 30–39 eeks = 1,650 gbu; 20–29 eeks = 1,250 gbu; 15–19 eeks = 850 gbu. Yo m st econtin ally active it at least 200 PV to ea n t e black diamon ca allo ance.

† Ann al access.‡ As a ali e royal black diamon Exec tive o a ove, yo ill ea n MonaVie jet c e its ase on t e “pai as” ank o yo i est

siness cente . MonaVie jet c e its a e ea ne on a eekly asis at t e ollo in ate: royal black diamon = 0.5, P esi ential black dia= 0.75, Impe ial black diamon = 1, C o ne black diamon = 1.5, do le C o ne black diamon = 2, an T iple C o ne black diamon =2.5. Jet c e its o not expi e an can only e se it in t e continental u.S.

§ T is is a one time t ip o st time P esi ential black diamon ali e s only.** One time t ip; oste y a mem e o t e MonaVie Exec tive Mana ement team.

§§ All e a s a e non-t ans e a le an ave no eeme cas val e.


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croWne BlacK DiamonD• 1,000,000 gbu cas on s• Pa ticipation in t e MonaVie Lea e s ip Pool• Accommo ations at t e Ze matt reso t (Mi ay,

uta ) in t e t ee e oom MonaVie C atea Villa†

• Yo secon pe sonalize black diamon oc menta y•

MonaVie Exotic Ca p o am in pa tne s ip itPont re ist y–-c oose t e ca o yo eams(Lam o ini, e a i, Mase ati, rolls-royce, o bentley)

• Pa ticipation in t e MonaVie Jet C e it p o am‡ DouBle croWne BlacK DiamonD

• 2,000,000 gbu cas on s• Pa ticipation in t e MonaVie Lea e s ip Pool• Accommo ations at t e Ze matt reso t (Mi ay, uta )

in t e t ee e oom MonaVie C atea Villa†

• ive sta t ip to any one o ve exotic locations(So t A ica, t e r ine rive , S itze lan , C ina,o Scotlan )††

• Pa ticipation in t e MonaVie Jet C e it p o am‡

triPle croWne BlacK DiamonD• 3,000,000 gbu cas on s• Pa ticipation in t e MonaVie Lea e s ip Pool• Accommo ations at t e Ze matt reso t (Mi ay, uta )

in t e t ee e oom MonaVie C atea Villa†

• Pa ticipation in t e MonaVie Jet C e it p o am‡

A st atosp e ic a vent e—MonaVie is takin yo o to t is o l !††

† Ann al access.‡ As a ali e royal black diamon Exec tive o a ove, yo ill ea n MonaVie jet c e its ase on t e “pai as” ank o yo i est

ankin siness cente . MonaVie jet c e its a e ea ne on a eekly asis at t e ollo in ate: royal black diamon = 0.5, P esi en-tial black diamon = 0.75, Impe ial black diamon = 1, C o ne black diamon = 1.5, do le C o ne black diamon = 2, anT iple C o ne black diamon = 2.5. Jet c e its o not expi e an can only e se it in t e continental u.S.

†† One time t ip.‡‡

To pa ticipate in yo secon diamon destination, yo m st a vance to ha aiian bl e diamon e o e t e en o t e ali ca-tion pe io . To pa ticipate in a itional diamon destination events, yo m st emain a ali e ha aiian bl e diamon o 60%o t e ali cation pe io .

§§ To pa ticipate in t e black diamon Cele ation, yo m st emain a ali e black diamon o 60% o t e ali cation pe io .

ANNUAL REWARD TRIPSRuby Fly-In†† As a ne MonaVie r y, yo ’ll fy to Mi ay, uta , o t ainin ,net o kin , an n at t e o l amo s Ze matt reso t.

Diamond Destination‡‡ Ne MonaVie diamon s ill enjoy san , s , an s n in

an all expense pai t ip o t o to t e g an wailea reso t inMa i, ha aii.

Black Diamond Celebration§§ Enjoy some o t e o l ’s most excitin an exotic estinationsas a ne MonaVie black diamon .


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* dist i to s m st e pe sonally active an ali e to a vance any ank, Sta 500 an a ove.† ha aiian bl e diamon an Exec tive P emie rank ist i to s m st maintain t e e i ements o a ali e bl e diamon .‡ En ollment t ee vol me e e s to sales vol me ea ne y yo pe sonal en ollment sales o anization in one on s eek.



Star ranKS

STAr M st e pe sonally active an ave t o pe sonally sponso e anactive ist i to s, e a less o placement position.

STAr 500* 500 gV in yo lesse vol me le in a one eek pe io .Total eekly ea nin potential1,000 gbu

STAr 1000 1,000 gV in yo lesse vol me le in a one eek pe io . Total eekly ea nin potential1,000 gbu

eXecutiVe ranKS

brONZE 2,000 gV in yo lesse vol me le in a one eek pe io ana minim m o one pe sonal en ollment t ee le t at incl es a ali-

e STAr 500 o a ove.Total eekly ea nin potential1,000 gbu

SILVEr3,000 gV in yo lesse vol me le in a one eek pe io ana minim m o t o pe sonal en ollment t ee le s t at incl e a ali-

e STAr 500 o a ove in eac le .Total eekly ea nin potential

1,500 gbu

gOLd5,000 gV in yo lesse vol me le in a one eek pe ioan a minim m o t ee pe sonal en ollment t ee le s t at incl e a

ali e STAr 500 o a ove in eac le .Total eekly ea nin potential2,500 gbu

eXecutiVe elite ranKS

rubY10,000 gV o t o consec tive eeks in yo lesse vol me lean a minim m o o pe sonal en ollment t ee le s t at incl e a

ali e STAr 500 o a ove in eac le .

Total eekly ea nin potential5,000 gbu

EMErALd15,000 gV o t o consec tive eeks in yo lesse vol me lean a minim m o ve pe sonal en ollment t ee le s t at incl e a

ali e STAr 500 o a ove in eac le .Total eekly ea nin potential7,500 gbu

dIAMONd20,000 gV o t ee consec tive eeks in yo lesse vol me lean a minim m o six pe sonal en ollment t ee le s t at incl e a

ali e STAr 500 o a ove in eac le .Total eekly ea nin potential10,000 gbu


25,000 gV o o consec tive eeks in yo lesse vol me lean a minim m o seven pe sonal en ollment t ee le s t at incl e a

ali e STAr 500 o a ove in eac le .Total eekly ea nin potential20,000 gbu


75,000 gV o o consec tive eeks in en ollment t ee vol me‡ it no mo e t an 25,000 gV comin om any sin le en ollment

t ee le .

Total eekly ea nin potential$25,000



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† ha aiian bl e diamon an Exec tive P emie rank ist i to s m st maintain t e e i ements o a ali e bl e diamon .

All re erences to income, implied or stated, through the MonaVie Compensation Plan are or illustration purposes only. MonaViedoes NOT guarantee any level o income or earnings to any distributor. Earnings rom the MonaVie Compensation Plan solelydepend on sales and each distributor’s skill, ability, and personal application.


eXecutiVe Premier ranKS †


150,000 gV in en ollment t ee vol me it no mo e t an 50,000gV comin om any sin le en ollment t ee le o o consec tive


unlimite eekly ea ninpotential


300,000 gV in en ollment t ee vol me it no mo e t an 75,000gV comin om any sin le en ollment t ee le o o consec tive


unlimite eekly ea ninpotential


500,000 gV in en ollment t ee vol me it no mo e t an100,000 gV comin om any sin le en ollment t ee le o oconsec tive eeks.

unlimite eekly ea ninpotential


750,000 gV in en ollment t ee vol me it no mo e t an125,000 gV comin om any sin le en ollment t ee le o oconsec tive eeks.

unlimite eekly ea ninpotential


1,050,000 gV in en ollment t ee vol me it no mo e t an150,000 gV comin om any sin le en ollment t ee le o sixo t o ei t consec tive eeks.

unlimite eekly ea ninpotential


1,400,000 gV in en ollment t ee vol me it no mo e t an175,000 gV comin om any sin le en ollment t ee le o sixo t o ei t consec tive eeks.

unlimite eekly ea ninpotential


1,800,000 gV in en ollment t ee vol me it no mo e t an200,000 gV comin om any sin le en ollment t ee le o six

o t o ei t consec tive eeks.

unlimite eekly ea ninpotential


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01 W i s d d “ v ” w ks

?Because we pay bonuses weekly rather thanmonthly, our defnition o “active” is a ourweek rolling period rather than an entiremonth (each week runs rom Saturday at 2:01p.m. to the ollowing Saturday at 2 p.m.*

02i i g v , w pp s

v d g z ?All accumulated placement tree volume will bereset to zero; however, once you reactivate bygenerating 100 PV, you will once again beginto accumulate group sales volume as products in

your placement tree organization are sold.

03o i’v d b s s, w i xp

b p d?The bonus week ends Saturday at exactly 2 p.m.Any earned bonuses will be paid 7–10 dayslater.

04 W b s s p d, w v sd d d b s ss ?Any sales volume on your le t and right legs thatwas used to earn team bonuses will be deducted.Any unpaid volume will continue accumulatingas long as you remain active.


W s a S p?This optional, stress- ree program allows youto establish a standing monthly order withMonaVie. Your product will be delivered to

you on a regular basis. You can put your Auto-Ship order on hold, change it, or cancel it atany time by calling 1-866-217-8455 or sendingan email to [email protected].(Please noti y us at least two days be ore yournext scheduled AutoShip order or changes to

take e ect or that AutoShip date.)06h w d i g PV?You can generate personal sales volume in twoways—through product sales made to yourpre erred customers and through purchasingproduct to use in building your business.


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INCOME dISCLOSurESTATEMENT gLObAL 2008The Income Disclosure Statement is a reection of MonaVie’s rewarding opportunity. The following chart represents the averaglobal earnings of the ranks of MonaVie Distributors worldwide and provides high, low, and average weekly income informatias well as annualized averages.

Active Distributor RankAverage Weekly

Number ofDistributors Paid

at This Rank

% ofAverageWeekly


Weekly Income (US Dollars) AnnualizedAverageCheck


Worked*High Low AverageCheck

Distributor 36,295 45% $375 $0 $30 $1,536 8Star 30,239 37% $880 $0 $39 $2,032 10Star 500 8,138 10% $1,000 $50 $79 $4,095 10Star 1000 3,420 4% $1,000 $100 $176 $9,141 10Bronze Executive 1,232 2% $1,000 $200 $362 $18,835 11Silver Executive 666 1% $1,500 $300 $568 $29,526 12Gold Executive 400 <1% $2,500 $500 $1,024 $53,239 14Ruby Executive 146 <1% $5,000 $1,000 $2,000 $103,992 17Emerald Executive 73 <1% $7,500 $1,541 $3,094 $160,883 24Diamond Executive 36 <1% $10,000 $2,013 $3,992 $207,575 26Blue Diamond Executive 84 <1% $20,000 $2,544 $7,464 $388,144 27Hawaiian Blue DiamondExecutive 26 <1% $25,000 $5,145 $12,389 $644,242 31

Black Diamond Executive 27 <1% $121,298 $7,862 $29,814 $1,550,342 38Royal Black Diamond

Executive and Above7 <1% $169,548 $23,932 $67,335 $3,501,397 >40

The income statistics above are for all MonaVie Distributors who were paid bonuses during the period from January 4, 2008, toDecember 26, 2008, at the above ranks, excluding rank advancement bonuses. A “Distributor” is dened as any person who: (1)executed a MonaVie Distributor Application and Agreement; (2) has sponsored at least one person; (3) has received at least onenon-retail bonus; and (4) has been active in any of the eight weeks preceding the bonus period (“active” is dened in the MonaViCompensation Plan as having generated 100 PV (Personal Sales Volume) in a four-week period). Note that this excludes retailcustomers, preferred customers, retailers (those who have received a retail bonus only), pre-enrollees, distributors who did not renand customers, retailers, or distributors whose relationships with MonaVie were revoked. An individual who has executed a MonIndependent Distributor Application and Agreement, but has not fullled the four criteria enumerated above is not a Distributor. Tperson is simply a wholesale customer. If, and only when, all four criteria are satised does that person become a Distributor. Ac-cordingly, the status of an individual can, and sometimes does, change throughout the course of a year. For example, Mary enrollas a customer in February. In April, she qualies to become a Distributor and maintains her qualication through May. In June, sh

inactive, and therefore, her status is that of a customer. In July, she begins retailing products to a few customers, and thus, becomretailer (but not a Distributor). In August, she again qualies as a Distributor but fails to remain qualied for the remainder of theFor the purposes of this Income Disclosure Statement, Mary will only be considered a Distributor during the months of April, Maand August. The average annualized income for all Distributors during this period was $3,539.68. In 2008, approximately87% of individuals who executed a MonaVie Distributor Application and Agreement, and made at least one purchase in thelast 12 months, are considered wholesale customers.

The earnings of the Distributors in this chart are not necessarily representative of the income, if any, that a MonaVie Distributor cwill earn through his or her participation in the MonaVie Compensation Plan. Your success depends upon your skills, work effortmarket conditions. MonaVie does not guarantee any level of income or your success.* These gures are derived from a survey of approximately 5,000 distributors performed by MonaVie through our online order system.

Rev. 05-20-09


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