monthly newsletter pardise pointe ministries volume 2

MONTHLY NEWSLETTER PARDISE POINTE MINISTRIES AUGUST 2020 VOLUME 2 Psalm 119:1, “Blessed are the undefiled in the way, Who walk in the law of the Lord!” Walking Together The world walking record for miles covered in 24 hours by a single individual is 121 miles. In the spiritual realm, it is not how fast or how far we can walk, but how Christ like we can walk. Walking together is God’s desire for His children. How can we walk together? Amos 3:3, “Can two walk together, unless they are agreed? In answering Amos’ question, let us consider, the implications of walking together. In the N.T. the word used most often to characterize the Christian’s activity is “walk”. Not a short hike or a casual stroll but a lifetime of commitment to maintaining fellowship by walking with the Father and His family. That involves at least two implications: Walking together implies union. When a union is formed there is a common bond. This principle is seen in marriage. There is a uniting in the bonds of holy matrimony. So it is in the family of God, we are united to the person of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His cause is our cause. Two things are apparent here. One is, obviously, that there is the action of walking and the other is that this is not a solitary act. PRAYER REQUESTS Scriptural focus Those fighting depression Those needing a healing touch Those in need financially The many that need to receive Christ Those who are working through this pandemic for our safety Those who are tirelessly and selfishly working to bring the Good News to the world. Email: [email protected] [email protected]

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Psalm 119:1, “Blessed are the undefiled in the way, Who walk in the law of the Lord!”

Walking Together

The world walking record for

miles covered in 24 hours by a

single individual is 121 miles.

In the spiritual realm, it is not

how fast or how far we can walk,

but how Christ like we can walk.

Walking together is God’s desire

for His children. How can we

walk together?

Amos 3:3, “Can two walk

together, unless they are agreed?

In answering Amos’ question, let

us consider, the implications of

walking together.

In the N.T. the word used most

often to characterize the

Christian’s activity is “walk”.

Not a short hike or a casual stroll

but a lifetime of commitment to

maintaining fellowship by

walking with the Father and His

family. That involves at least two


Walking together implies union.

When a union is formed there is

a common bond. This principle is

seen in marriage. There is a

uniting in the bonds of holy

matrimony. So it is in the family

of God, we are united to the

person of our Lord and Savior

Jesus Christ and His cause is our


Two things are apparent here.

One is, obviously, that there is

the action of walking and the

other is that this is not a solitary



Scriptural focus

Those fighting depression

Those needing a healing touch

Those in need financially

The many that need to receive Christ

Those who are working through this pandemic for our safety

Those who are tirelessly and selfishly working to bring the Good News to the world.

Email: [email protected] [email protected]

Walking together implies unity.

Unity is more than union.

Union is the framework that

brings us together. Unity is the

function within that


Union is not only getting

together. Unity is getting along


If you were to tie two cats

together by their tails and hang

them across a fence, you will

have union but by no stretch of

the imagination will you have

unity! Do not attempt to do

this, by the way!!

Ephesians 4:1-3, “I, therefore,

the prisoner of the Lord,

beseech you to walk worthy of

the calling with which you were

called, 2 with all lowliness and

gentleness, with longsuffering,

bearing with one another in

love, 3 endeavoring to keep the

unity of the Spirit in the bond of


No human can make people

stay in step with one another.

They may get them to co-

operate for a certain amount of

time, but they cannot make

them co-operate forever.

Only the Holy Spirit who

brought us together, can keep

us together as we submit to


One who walks with God

knows God’s revealed will in

His Word and acts on it in such

a way that, he keeps in step

with both God and his fellow

pilgrims on the highway to


Perhaps the best known Psalm

regarding walking is the 4th

verse the 23rd Psalm.

Psalms 23:4, “Yea, though I

walk through the valley of the

shadow of death, I will fear no

evil; For You are with me; Your

rod and Your staff, they comfort


I may be in the valley of the

shadow of death, but I am not

going to stay here. I am here in it

at the moment, but I am just

passing through. If I keep on

walking, then eventually I will

get to the other side.

I don’t understand what You are

doing God, and I don’t know

where You are taking me, but I

am going to keep walking in

Your steps. I am going to stay in

the way that You have shown


As the song writer wrote:

“I am weak but thou art strong,

Jesus keep me from all wrong,

I’ll be satisfied as long, As I

walk, let me walk close to thee.”

Sometimes we walk through the

fire, sometimes we walk through

floods, sometimes through the

valley of the shadow of death,

sometimes through the desert,

sometimes through green and

pleasant places, sometimes

beside the still waters, but no

matter where, the vital point is

that we are going to keep


If we keep walking, we will

never be alone. He will always

be with us.

If we will just continue to walk

with God, regardless of the trial

we are facing then He will

empower us to be able to

continue and He will be with us

through the trial.

It is not whether I am a spiritual

giant, or whether I can make it

through life without ever making a


What matters is that I just keep

walking. It is not how many times I

fall down, it is whether I get back

up again and keep on walking.

Friends in our journey home to be

with our heavenly Father we don’t

need to be speed demons. We just

need to be endurance walkers. One

step every day, with Jesus Christ,

our Lord and Saviour.

New To Our Family

If you are new to the Paradise Pointe

Ministries family, we welcome you!

We are thankful that God uses us to

help others, such as yourselves to find

peace and joy through the salvation

offered by Jesus Christ’s sacrifice for

us. We would urge you to find a good

God believing, Bible believing church

and surround yourselves with other

Christians. You are going to need them

and they will need you.

If you have any questions or have a

prayer request please do not hesitate to

contact us at, [email protected].

Again welcome to the family of God!

Pastor’s Pen He's got the whole world in his hands.

He's got the whole wide world in his hands. He's got the whole world in his hands. He's got the whole world in his hands.

Genesis 1:1 opens the incredible book of God’s Living Word by exclaiming His sovereignty.

Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”

This opening verse is essential for us to begin to enter into a serious study of the Kingdom of God. This short verse introduces us to the Sovereign of all creation here in the earth, on the earth and all that is above the earth.

It describes to us right from the start three important areas. His realm, reign and regency.

First let’s take a quick glance at His realm. We find that the scope of God’s rule is transcendent. We cannot see His sovereignty by just looking at what is around us because He was present even before anything existed.

Therefore because God existed before anything existed, and because nothing can exist without being created, as the creator of all this, God encompasses all things.

Next we look at His reign. God’s ruling power is seen in His will, His word and His works. By His will He decides, designs and does all that has ever been done, is being and will be done for all eternity.

By His word He spoke all creation into being, by His word we are able to find encouragement, direction, courage and solace as we journey home.

By His works we can without any doubt see His power. When we look at a breathtaking sunrise or sunset or experience the force of a storm. When we hear the cry of a newborn baby. When we feel His presence within us we experience His power.

Finally God’s regency. God’s regency or right to rule is something that no creature can question. It’s found in the simple fact of His preexistence and holiness.

So as the Creator, He reveals His holy nature that is complete and pure. All Kingdom power and authority flow through Him and He offers it to us.

Welcome! We are excited to launch our monthly newsletter. Thank you for subscribing and all we ask is that if you find it insightful and helpful that you let others know. It is our sincerest prayer that this newsletter will help those that are in a spiritual need to find a comfort and solace in the only place that truly fulfills and that is in a relationship with Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, the Son of the Living God. It was only through the relationship with Him that I finally found an inner peace that now gives a tremendous purpose and direction to my life knowing that all is well with my soul and I hope you will find it also. We would love to hear from you. Let us know how the ministry has impacted your life and if you have any suggestions as to how we can improve the newsletter. All comments will be looked at seriously as it is only together that we truly can become a force for God. God bless everyone. Pastor Phil Eckstein

Join us this September as we celebrate our 5th Anniversary of bringing God’s Word worldwide, to all the nations, over Satellite, Cable and the Internet. As part of our celebrations we are proud to announce that we will be bringing a Worldwide Online Evangelistic Revival series of meetings September 23-25 and Sunday September27.

There will be uplifting anointed music with messages coming from various speakers. It is our sincerest prayer that you will join us and let others know who are in need. Together we can reach more for the Kingdom Of God. We will be posting more info as we draw closer to the date on and


The ‘distant starlight problem’ is sometimes used as an argument

against biblical creation. People who believe in billions of years

often claim that light from the most distant galaxies could not

possibly reach earth in only 6,000 years. However, the light-

travel–time argument cannot be used to reject the Bible in favour

of the big bang, with its billions of years. This is because the big

bang model also has a light-travel–time problem.

The background:

In 1964/5, Penzias and Wilson discovered that the earth was

bathed in a faint microwave radiation, apparently coming from

the most distant observable regions of the universe, and this

earned them the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1978.1 This Cosmic

Microwave Background (CMB) comes from all directions in

space and has a characteristic temperature.2,3 While the

discovery of the CMB has been called a successful prediction of

the big bang model,4 it is actually a problem for the big bang.

This is because the precisely uniform temperature of the CMB

creates a light-travel–time problem for big bang models of the

origin of the universe.

The problem:

The temperature of the CMB is essentially the same

everywhere5—in all directions (to a precision of 1 part in

100,000).6 However (according to big bang theorists), in the

early universe, the temperature of the CMB7 would have been

very different at different places in space due to the random

nature of the initial conditions. These different regions could

come to the same temperature if they were in close contact. More

distant regions would come to equilibrium by exchanging

radiation (i.e. light8). The radiation would carry energy from

warmer regions to cooler ones until they had the same


The problem is this:

even assuming the big bang timescale, there has not been

enough time for light to travel between widely separated

regions of space. So, how can the different regions of the

current CMB have such precisely uniform temperatures if they

have never communicated with each other?9 This is a light-

travel–time problem.10

How can one side of the visible universe ‘know’ about the other side if

there has not been enough time for the information to be exchanged?

The big bang model assumes that the universe is many billions of

years old. While this timescale is sufficient for light to travel from

distant galaxies to earth, it does not provide enough time for light to

travel from one side of the visible universe to the other. At the time

the light was emitted, supposedly 300,000 years after the big bang,

space already had a uniform temperature over a range at least ten

times larger than the distance that light could have travelled (called the

‘horizon’)11 So, how can these regions look the same, i.e. have the

same temperature? How can one side of the visible universe ‘know’

about the other side if there has not been enough time for the

information to be exchanged? This is called the ‘horizon problem’.12

Secular astronomers have proposed many possible solutions to it, but

no satisfactory one has emerged to date (see Attempts to overcome the

big bang’s ‘light-travel–time problem’).

Summing up:

The big bang requires that opposite regions of the visible universe

must have exchanged energy by radiation, since these regions of space

look the same in CMB maps. But there has not been enough time for

light to travel this distance. Both biblical creationists and big bang

supporters have proposed a variety of possible solutions to light-

travel–time difficulties in their respective models. So big-bangers

should not criticize creationists for hypothesizing potential solutions,

since they do the same thing with their own model. The horizon

problem remains a serious difficulty for big bang supporters, as

evidenced by their many competing conjectures that attempt to solve

it. Therefore, it is inconsistent for supporters of the big bang model to

use light-travel time as an argument against biblical creation, since

their own notion has an equivalent problem.

*Articles for our Christian scientific section are drawn from a website where Christian scientists look into showing

us the scientific proof of the Bible.*

WHERE TO WATCH Paradise Pointe Ministries can be viewed at,

and on KSCE Channel38 out of ElPaso, Texas on

Sunday at 4pm, MST.

Services begin at 10:30 EST Sundays on, /,

and continue to run for the week with a new service

every Sunday.