mopx operation isntructions

Alfa Laval Marine & Power MOPX Separation System Operating Instructions Printed Book No. Nov 1998 1810106-02 V3

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mopx separation systemOperation isntructions


  • Alfa Laval Marine & Power

    MOPX Separation System

    Operating Instructions

    PrintedBook No.

    Nov 19981810106-02 V3

  • Alfa Laval reserve the right to make changes at any time without prior notice.

    Any comments regarding possible errors and omissions or suggestions for improvement of this publication would be gratefully appreciated.

    Copies of this publication can be ordered from your local Alfa Laval company.

    Published by: Alfa Laval Marine & Power ABS - 147 80 TumbaSweden

    Copyright Alfa Laval Marine & Power AB 1998.

  • and observe the, operation,

    ns can result inl injuries.



    Alear only foreseeable conditions have e given, therefore, for situations the machine and its tools.

    ion is found in the Safety chapter Study instruction manuals warnings before installationservice and maintenance.

    Not following the instructioserious accidents with fata

    In order to make the information cbeen considered. No warnings ararising from unintended usage of

    A summary of the safety informatunder divider 1.

  • Contents1 Scope 1

    2 Operating 3

    2.1 Start up Check List 3

    2.2 Start up 5

    2.3 Intervals Between Sludge Discharges 7

    2.3.1 Background 7

    2.3.2 Recommended intervals between sludge discharges 7

    2.3.3 Fuel oil cleaning 8

    2.3.4 Lubricating oil cleaning 9

    2.3.5 Bowl inspection 11

    2.4 Intervals Between Bowl Cleaning 12

    2.5 Operating Check List 14

    2.6 Stop 18

    2.7 Emergency Stop 20

    2.8 After Emergency Stop 201810106-02

  • 1810106-02

  • 1 Scope


    These operating instructions are valid for thefollowing separation systems:

    MOPX 205

    MOPX 207

    MOPX 309

    MOPX 310

    MOPX 213

    The MOPX separation system is designed fcleaning of fuel and lubrication oil for marineand power diesel engines.1810106-02 1

  • 1 Scope MOPX Operating Instructions2 1810106-02

  • 2 Operating d












    2.1 Start up Check List


    1. Check that the separator is correctly assembled and connected to power of correct voltage and frequency.

    2. Check the oil sump level: it should be nomore than half way up the sight glass annot less than 1/4 of the sight glass.

    3. Release the brake.


    4. Power on.


    Disintegration hazard

    If the separator is not assembled and connected properly it may lead to disintegration.


    Too much or too little oil can damage the separator bearings.1810106-02 3

  • 2 Operating MOPX Operating Instructions
















    Control Unit

    5. Check that the mode selector switch pointo L (local).

    6. Power on.

    The display reads OFF.

    7. Close the door.

    8. Check the direction of rotation of the bowby doing a quick start/stop. The revolutioncounter must rotate clockwise.

    Air Valve Block

    9. Check that there is correct air supply by reading the pressure gauge situated on tvalve block; see System Reference.

    Plant set value:

    min. .................... max. .................


    Disintegration hazard

    If power cables have been altered always check the rotation direction. If the separator rotates in reverse vital rotating parts could unscrew.4 1810106-02

  • MOPX Operating Instructions 2 Operating


    ol y.














    2.2 Start up1. Start the oil feed pump from the pump


    2. Switch on the heater from the control un

    If the heater is not connected to the contrunit it must be switched on independentl

    3. Start the separator from the starter unit.

    4. Listen and observe.

    Vibration may occur during start up, whenpassing critical speeds.

    This is normal and should pass without danger.

    If vibration increases, or continues at fullspeed, press the emergency stop button

    The cause of vibration must be determineand corrected before starting again!

    See Separator Manual, chapter Technical Reference.


    Disintegration hazard

    Excessive vibration may cause breakdown.1810106-02 5

  • 2 Operating MOPX Operating Instructions














    642A5. Ensure that the separator is at full speed

    At full speed the starter ammeter readinghas decreased from a high starting valuea low steady value; the idling value (slightly lower than the normal operatingvalue).

    6. Check the oil feed temperature on the control unit display by pressing the alarmreset button.

    If the temperature sensor is not linked tothe control unit read the temperature indicator situated after the heater.

    7. Wait until the oil feed temperature is correct:

    Heavy fuel mode 98 C

    Diesel oil mode 40 C

    Lube oil for cross head engines 85 90C

    for trumk piston engines 90 95C

    Destillate 20 40C

    For the further information about separation temperatures see the Technical Data in the System Reference.

    8. Start the feed to the system from the control unit.

    When the temperature is correct the operation LED is lit (green).6 1810106-02

  • MOPX Operating Instructions 2 Operating




    2.3 Intervals Between Sludge Discharges

    2.3.1 Background

    Recommendations are given regarding initiaintervals between sludge discharges for different applications. The setting may subsequently have to be changed after actuinspection of the bowl.

    2.3.2 Recommended intervals between sludge discharges

    Many factors influence accumulation and hardening of sludge between the dischargesso the appropriate interval depends on localconditions. However, in order to have a reasonable starting point the following tableshows recommended initial discharge intervals and operating times to first inspection.


    Disintegration hazard

    Experience has shown that if intervals between sludge discharges are too long, a compact and hard sludge cake can accumulate. On discharge, this cake may break up and be discharged unevenly causing imbalance in the bowl. If imbalance is excessive, there is risk for serious mechanical damage and injury to personnel.1810106-02 7

  • 2 Operating MOPX Operating Instructions

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    vals be-harges

    Time to first bowl in-spection

    1 week1 week2 days2.3.3 Fuel oil cleaning

    Conditions may change completely when bunkers are changed. Therefore, great care must be given to the discharge interval settinfor each new bunker. In case the actually usdischarge interval exceeds the recommendeinitial value, the interval setting has to be reduced, according to the table above, whennew, unfamiliar bunker is separated.

    Use of unstable fuel or mixing of incompatible fuel oils may give precipitation of sludge and overloading of the separator.

    Type of fuel Initial intertween disc

    Distillate (1.5 6 cSt/40 C)Marine Diesel Oil (max. 14 cSt/40 CHeavy Fuel Oil

    4 hours2 hours0.5 hours8 1810106-02

  • MOPX Operating Instructions 2 Operating

    t .


    vals for Crosshead ines

    Type of separatorTime to first bowl in-spection

    1 week1 weekAfter each batch


    tervals for Trunk ines

    Time to first bowl in-spection

    2 days2.3.4 Lubricating oil cleaning

    Continuous operation:In a new lubricating oil system the oil is initially clean but as it gets dirtier the interval between discharges will have to be shortened until a steady state is reached. Following information refers to systems in steady state.

    When separating stuffing box oil, the specialised MMPX Box Oil Cleaning Plant is primarily recommended. Pleasenote that the recommended initial discharge interval is 5 minutes and that imust never exceed three times this value

    If separator has been out of operation:If the separator has been out of service f24 hours or longer, while the engine hasbeen running, the interval between discharges has to be shortened.In this case the recommendation is:

    Discharge interval 5 minutes until the whole oil volume has passed twice through the separator.

    After that resume normal discharge interval.

    Type of oil

    Recommended intereng

    Initial discharge

    Main lubricating oil systemMain lubricating oil systemStuffing box oil

    1 hour0.5 hours5 min.

    Type of oil

    Recommended ineng

    Initial discharge

    Main lubricating oil system 0.5 hours1810106-02 9

  • 2 Operating MOPX Operating Instructions







    en in operation of system oil

    nterval Intermittent operation:For installations where one separator serves one engine which is temporarily stopped the following recommendations apply:

    If the engine is to be stopped for 24 houror less:

    Operate the separator continuously.

    If the engine is to be stopped for more tha24 hours:

    Keep the separator in operation for 8 hours after the engine is stopped.

    Start the separator 8 hours before theengine is started again.

    Doing so most of the suspended particleand condensed water will be removed from the system and not settle in the sumtank.

    For installations where one separator serves more than one engine the followinrecommendations apply:

    Continuous use of the separator whenever possible.

    Frequent switches between the enginesystems to be cleaned. In a typical caswith one separator serving 24 auxiliary engines switching after maximum 24 hours of cleaning.

    Discharge interval:

    Engine has been in operation with-out cleaning of the system oil

    Engine has not besince last cleaning

    Discharge interval 5 min. Normal discharge i

    Duration until the whole oil volume has passed twice through the separator

    After that resume to normal discharge interval10 1810106-02

  • MOPX Operating Instructions 2 Operating



    , d





    Sludge space in bowl. Parts to be inspected:

    A. Top discB. Bowl hoodC. Sludge spaceD. Disc stackE. Sliding bowl bottom2.3.5 Bowl inspection

    To check if the initially selected interval is appropriate, the bowl should be inspected after a short test period shown in the previoutables.

    If sludge space is clean:

    Interval may be prolonged with steps of 15 minutes, but it must not exceed three times trecommended initial interval.

    Sludge space is clean means that no noticeable amount of hard sludge remains inthe sludge space.

    If sludge space is dirty:

    Interval has to be shortened.

    When the bowl is opened for routine cleaningthe sludge space should always be inspecteand evaluated. If necessary, the interval between discharges should then be changeaccordingly.

    N.B. Alfa Laval assumes no responsibility for the actual choice of discharge intervals, as these entirely depend onlocal conditions.1810106-02 11

  • 2 Operating MOPX Operating Instructions

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    2.4 Intervals Between Bowl Cleaning

    Suitable intervals between cleaning vary according to the process parameters and installation. The intervals can only be determined by bowl inspections at actual operating conditions. Indicated below are some of the conditions, where experience hshown that the interval between cleaning hato be closely monitored and possibly shortened.


    Installation not in accordance with Alfa Laval specifications and recommendations.

    Poor operating water quality.

    For fuel oil separators:

    HFO with excessive or extraneous contaminants.

    Separation of fuel containing stuffing boxoil, spent lubricating oil or recovered from sludge tanks.

    For lubricating oil separators:

    Diesel engine condition bad.

    Separation of piston rod stuffing box oil inthe case of crosshead diesel engines.

    Inadequately cleaned piston rod stuffing box oil recycled to system oil.12 1810106-02

  • MOPX Operating Instructions 2 Operating






    1. A low pressure/low flow alarm with no apparent external cause (incorrect flow, temperature etc.) is a sign that the bowl needs immediate cleaning. Never neglecto investigate and remedy the cause of such alarms.

    2. Cleaning of the operating system is normally required whenever product-wetted parts of the bowl are manually cleaned.

    3. Intervals between manual cleaning can bprolonged by the use of the Alfa Laval CIP System (Cleaning-In-Place). Note this does not apply to MOPX 207.

    4. In cases where an uneven sludge cake remains in the bowl after a discharge, thinduces a particularly heavy imbalance when not covered by liquid. This may occur in total discharge type separators and when starting separators without previous cleaning.Therefore, always after each stop, inspethe bowl for cleanliness from sludge, andif required clean it before restart. This should be done when the separator has been in operation for 24 hours or more after the last inspection or cleaning.


    Disintegration hazard

    Failure to clean the separator bowl, including operating system, at required intervals or after alarms and stop of bowl may cause imbalance with risk of injury to personnel.1810106-02 13

  • 2 Operating MOPX Operating Instructions

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    Fig.1. Oil level in the separator oil sump.




    2.5 Operating Check List

    Compulsory 200 hour Service

    A compulsory service must be carried out when the system has completed 200 hours operation after installation or after a gear habeen replaced.

    1. Check that all components are in good condition and function correctly.

    2. Change the oil in the separator oil sump

    Clean the oil sump before filling with newoil.

    For further information see the SeparatoManual.

    The level should be no more than half way uthe sight glass.

    3. Tighten all connections.

    During operation:

    Check visually that there is oil in the sump. The level should be no more than half way uthe sight glass, see fig.1.

    Check that the starter ammeter reading is thnormal low and steady value.


    Neglecting or delaying an oil change may result in damage to separator bearings.


    Too much or too little oil can damage the separator bearings. 14 1810106-02

  • MOPX Operating Instructions 2 Operating

    y he























    Observe the control unit front panel information:

    heater operation LED lit (green): only if the heater is connected to the control unit.

    separator system operation LED lit (green).

    activated valve LED lit (green).

    During normal operation the time to next sludge discharge is shown on the right of thedisplay.

    More information may be read, as required, bpressing the alarm reset button repeatedly (tvalues are always shown to the right):

    1. oil feed temperature. For the correct separation temperature see the TechnicData in the System Reference.

    If the temperature sensor is not linked tothe control unit read the temperature indicator situated after the heater.

    2. oil feed temperature (if a second sensor fheater control is connected).

    3. accumulated operating time1 in hours.

    N.B. The values displayed in the pictures tthe right are examples and not recommendations.

    Continue pressing until the display returns tonormal; i.e. the time to next sludge discharg

    1. How to interpret the displayed figures as hours:000 999 = actual value in hours1.00 9.99 = 1000 9990 hours10.0 99.9 = 10000 99900 hours100. 999. = 100000 999000 hours1810106-02 15

  • 2 Operating MOPX Operating Instructions











    Check the back pressure:

    read the pressure gauge situated by the lowpressure switch on the clean oil outlet line.

    Plant set value: ...........................

    If excessive vibration occurs press the emergency stop button and evacuate the roo

    Check all connections for leakage.


    Disintegration hazard

    Do not discharge a vibrating separa-tor. Vibration can increase if only part of solidified sludge is discharged.


    Slip hazard

    Oil leakage may make the floor slippery and cause injuries.16 1810106-02

  • MOPX Operating Instructions 2 Operating





    61AAvoid contact with hot machine surfaces.

    Use ear protection if noise levels are high.


    Burn hazard

    Process pipes, lubrication oil and various machine surfaces can be hot and cause burns.


    Noise hazard

    Excessive noise can cause damage to hearing if no ear protection is used.1810106-02 17

  • 2 Operating MOPX Operating Instructions

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    2.6 Stop

    To stop the system:

    1. Stop the system from the control unit:

    A sludge discharge is initiated.

    Separator stop sequence operation LEDflashes (yellow).

    The LED changes to steady when the sludge discharge is completed.

    2. Stop the heater from the control unit.

    If the heater is not connected to the contrunit it must be switched off independentl

    3. Wait until the oil feed temperature starts tdrop, read the temperature on the controunit display by pressing the alarm reset button.

    If the temperature sensor is not linked tothe control unit read the temperature indicator situated after the heater.

    4. Stop the oil feed pump at the pump start

    5. Wait until the separator is switched off bythe control unit, i.e. when the starter ammeter reading drops to zero.

    6. Apply the brake after the EPC 41 displayshows OFF.

    7. Wait until the separator has come to a complete stop (4 7 minutes; depends oseparator size; see System Reference)

    8. Release the brake.18 1810106-02

  • MOPX Operating Instructions 2 Operating





    9. In order to empty the bowl, restart the separator drive motor from the starter unand let it run for about 25 seconds.1810106-02 19

  • 2 Operating MOPX Operating Instructions

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    101A2.7 Emergency Stop

    If an emergency situation occurs press the emergency stop button and evacuate the rooDo not return until the separator has come tocomplete stop.

    2.8 After Emergency Stop

    The cause of the emergency must be remedbefore attempting to restart the separator.

    If the cause is not found a major service mube performed and all moving parts thoroughchecked.

    To avoid accidental start, switch off and lockthe power supply before dismantling.

    Consult the Separator Manual and the Alarm List about emergency procedures.


    Disintegration hazard

    Do not enter the room after an emergency stop while the separator is still rotating.


    Disintegration hazard

    Do not start the separator after an emergency stop without first remedying the cause of the emergency.20 1810106-02

  • MOPX Operating Instructions 2 Operating








    Dismantling work must not be started beforeall rotating parts have come to a complete standstill.

    The separator must be fully reassembled wiall covers and guards in place and tightend before unlocking the power supply and starting the system.


    Entrapment hazard

    Do not begin maintenance work while the machine is still rotating.


    Disintegration hazard

    After an emergency stop the separator bowl must be manually cleaned before starting up again.


    Entrapment hazard

    Do not switch on without all covers and guards in place.1810106-02 21

  • 2 Operating MOPX Operating Instructions22 1810106-02

    MOPX Separation SystemOperating Instructions1 Scope 12 Operating 31 ScopeThese operating instructions are valid for the fol...MOPX 205MOPX 207MOPX 309MOPX 310MOPX 213

    The MOPX separation system is designed for cleanin...

    2 Operating2.1 Start up Check ListSeparator1. Check that the separator is correctly assembled...

    DANGERDisintegration hazardIf the separator is not assembled and connected pr...2. Check the oil sump level: it should be no more ...

    NOTEToo much or too little oil can damage the separato...3. Release the brake.Starter4. Power on.

    Control Unit5. Check that the mode selector switch points to L...6. Power on.7. Close the door.8. Check the direction of rotation of the bowl by ...

    DANGERDisintegration hazardIf power cables have been altered always check the...

    Air Valve Block9. Check that there is correct air supply by readi...Plant set value:min. .................... max. ......................

    2.2 Start up1. Start the oil feed pump from the pump starter.2. Switch on the heater from the control unit.If the heater is not connected to the control unit...

    3. Start the separator from the starter unit.4. Listen and observe.Vibration may occur during start up, when passing ...This is normal and should pass without danger.If vibration increases, or continues at full speed...The cause of vibration must be determined and corr...See Separator Manual, chapter Technical Referen...

    DANGERDisintegration hazardExcessive vibration may cause breakdown.5. Ensure that the separator is at full speed.At full speed the starter ammeter reading has decr...

    6. Check the oil feed temperature on the control u...If the temperature sensor is not linked to the con...

    7. Wait until the oil feed temperature is correct:...Heavy fuel mode 98 CDiesel oil mode 40 CLube oil for cross head engines 85 90C for trumk piston engines 90 95C

    Destillate 20 40CFor the further information about separation tempe...

    8. Start the feed to the system from the control u...

    2.3 Intervals Between Sludge Discharges2.3.1 BackgroundWARNINGDisintegration hazardExperience has shown that if intervals between slu...Recommendations are given regarding initial interv...

    2.3.2 Recommended intervals between sludge dischar...Many factors influence accumulation and hardening ...

    2.3.3 Fuel oil cleaningConditions may change completely when bunkers are ...Use of unstable fuel or mixing of incompatible fue...

    2.3.4 Lubricating oil cleaningContinuous operation:In a new lubricating oil system the oil is initial...If separator has been out of operation:If the separator has been out of service for 24 ho... Discharge interval 5 minutes until the whole oil... After that resume normal discharge interval.

    Intermittent operation:For installations where one separator serves one e...If the engine is to be stopped for 24 hours or les... Operate the separator continuously.

    If the engine is to be stopped for more than 24 ho... Keep the separator in operation for 8 hours afte... Start the separator 8 hours before the engine is...

    Doing so most of the suspended particles and conde...For installations where one separator serves more ... Continuous use of the separator whenever possibl... Frequent switches between the engine systems to ... Discharge interval:

    Normal discharge intervalDuration until the whole oil volume has passed twi...After that resume to normal discharge interval

    2.3.5 Bowl inspectionTo check if the initially selected interval is app...If sludge space is clean:Interval may be prolonged with steps of 15 minutes... Sludge space is clean means that no noticeable a...If sludge space is dirty:Interval has to be shortened.When the bowl is opened for routine cleaning, the ...N.B. Alfa Laval assumes no responsibility for the ...

    2.4 Intervals Between Bowl CleaningSuitable intervals between cleaning vary according...General:Installation not in accordance with Alfa Laval spe...Poor operating water quality.

    For fuel oil separators:HFO with excessive or extraneous contaminants.Separation of fuel containing stuffing box oil, sp...

    For lubricating oil separators:Diesel engine condition bad.Separation of piston rod stuffing box oil in the c...Inadequately cleaned piston rod stuffing box oil r...

    Note:1. A low pressure/low flow alarm with no apparent ...2. Cleaning of the operating system is normally re...3. Intervals between manual cleaning can be prolon...4. In cases where an uneven sludge cake remains in...

    WARNINGDisintegration hazardFailure to clean the separator bowl, including ope...

    2.5 Operating Check ListCompulsory 200 hour ServiceA compulsory service must be carried out when the ...

    1. Check that all components are in good condition...2. Change the oil in the separator oil sump.Clean the oil sump before filling with new oil.For further information see the Separator Manual...The level should be no more than half way up the s...

    NOTENeglecting or delaying an oil change may result in...3. Tighten all connections.During operation:Check visually that there is oil in the sump. The ...

    NOTEToo much or too little oil can damage the separato...Check that the starter ammeter reading is the norm...Observe the control unit front panel information:heater operation LED lit (green):only if the heater is connected to the control uni...separator system operation LED lit (green).activated valve LED lit (green).

    During normal operation the time to next sludge di...More information may be read, as required, by pres...1. oil feed temperature. For the correct separatio...If the temperature sensor is not linked to the con...2. oil feed temperature (if a second sensor for he...3. accumulated operating time in hours.N.B. The values displayed in the pictures to the r...Continue pressing until the display returns to nor...Check the back pressure:read the pressure gauge situated by the low pressu...Plant set value: ...........................If excessive vibration occurs press the emergency ...

    DANGERDisintegration hazardDo not discharge a vibrating separa- tor. Vibratio...Check all connections for leakage.

    CAUTIONSlip hazardOil leakage may make the floor slippery and cause ...Avoid contact with hot machine surfaces.

    CAUTIONBurn hazardProcess pipes, lubrication oil and various machine...Use ear protection if noise levels are high.

    WARNINGNoise hazardExcessive noise can cause damage to hearing if no ...

    2.6 StopTo stop the system:1. Stop the system from the control unit:A sludge discharge is initiated.Separator stop sequence operation LED flashes (yel...The LED changes to steady when the sludge discharg...2. Stop the heater from the control unit.If the heater is not connected to the control unit...

    3. Wait until the oil feed temperature starts to d...If the temperature sensor is not linked to the con...

    4. Stop the oil feed pump at the pump starter.5. Wait until the separator is switched off by the...6. Apply the brake after the EPC 41 display shows ...7. Wait until the separator has come to a complete...8. Release the brake.9. In order to empty the bowl, restart the separat...

    2.7 Emergency StopIf an emergency situation occurs press the emergen...DANGERDisintegration hazard

    2.8 After Emergency StopThe cause of the emergency must be remedied before...If the cause is not found a major service must be ...DANGERDisintegration hazardTo avoid accidental start, switch off and lock the...Consult the Separator Manual and the Alarm List...Dismantling work must not be started before all ro...

    DANGEREntrapment hazardDo not begin maintenance work while the machine is...

    DANGERDisintegration hazardAfter an emergency stop the separator bowl must be...The separator must be fully reassembled with all c...

    DANGEREntrapment hazardDo not switch on without all covers and guards in ...