morning afeff. j f o ier · nst. . louis,-mo.-laveille., "warnei & co., tlip southern...

VOL. IV. OMAHA MONDAY MORNING OCTOBER 12 , 1874.F NO98. . HIM DULY BKE.- t . nW KD UOehWATKIt , Udltor and frup'J , iKiN . . UfK Hint tin HI iret. * > lnllt MiiilTrtttlt- c .py one year. In advance - JJ.M V.x months lu ndvance - " tLruo menths in advance - 2.- WeeU not paid in ad ranee , S8 per annum will co'.- lttalF&EBERICK , fiL- EABIKB I'- Iti EATTEB- Ecst Goods , FamliainStM- rrttotei. - . } OMAHA.j- jMHA . BOSlHiSSSD1BEGTORY. . GEACKLttllA N UFACnOBY.- A . f ToClure A Smith , 185 Unmet street , bet. . lltu and 12th. declStf BOOTS AHD SHOES. Lang , 155 Farubain st , between 10th Philip 115h feb9yl COHFECTIONEB- Y.HL. . . Latcy , corner 12th and Douglas streets , nuf cturer and wholpaalc dealer in caiiil"sandconIettionLry. . Country trade so- Jiceted. - . l'ltf COAL DE4LEPB. * Elljatcoal , lime , cemen lhatr _ . . etc ,, Poland farnliam et. fct. PAWN BROKER- .Elguttcr . nr , No. 'XO Farohaia ft. 1 17U- St. LATJffDRY.T- JCTT . r laun-lrT opned at oil . . . . , t et. A T4inhau. od Dou Iss. The ashing and Xl _ *. trill be tcnctoTdur. first rUus work Ironing 0 OTOBY- .ftoip . ! s. Powel & Co , etiK premium . c their Prrmiusi Soap. Five JL * rtijrarilod by ih l.oi glA county first premum , tiid J'otlawalUmie county , Ja. and Mate fairn , . , , e trade ) Oroerg Ktliil- wlGRAND ( . T3CO T Ot OMAHA - , - - TholarKest and l-est hot betvTwa Chicago l .San Francl co. Opened n w bepttmlwrKnth , 1R75- KM > } it TIIKALL. Pioprtetor. United States Hotel , COll. DOUGLAS AND TENTH STBEET3.- r . < specif nlly annou- nI - I <- that he has purchased and rfflited the above lintel , and Is now readr to accommodate the public , ith board bv dav < r TTO L, at reas- onable ¬ raUs. WILLIAil LEIiE. Prop. ' 71 1- California House.T- EITZ . HAFKER , Prop'r.J- fo. . . ITODouglasfctreet , corner lltb , Umjna , Nebraska. Board by the day or week. time 1. v- lZiHTDZiB HOUSE.O- n . , let. Farnham and Ifarney Slrcett , HAS been entirely refillted ai d rerurntshed , will accommodate all to the best oi board at 1,09 prr day ; 40o per single meal.- C . , Y , & S , M , HABRYMAN , iT28dlr. Propr'etors. Central House o. 630 f iitcenth Street , Opp. Jefferson Square , OMAHA , KE- B.JOSEni . 1JOTE. Prop'r. Day and week Board at reasonable rain- .rirMtliSi . bnr attached to the bouse.- It27 . 3m m Motel.o- n . 4th , 5tb md WlBntiti- nSt. . Louis , - Mo.- Laveille . , "Warnei & Co. , Tlip Southern Hotel is fir t-cl B3 in all its en ointmpiits. Its table" are at all tlincfi sup- linl - | in tlif srcatetit abundince. with all the delicacies the inirktts afford , Its clerks and employes are all i lite and attentive to the wanttotth put sts of the hotel , 1hre is an improved tlcva or leading from the fint floor to the uji-er onilUilroad and tteamboat- likctoffi es. news oti ud. and wosierr Union telo--rr.iih otH pin Hie fotundaof hotel TO RETAIL CASH PURCHASERS For Sewing Machines.I- n . order to male room for our new styles ,w hive put In PERFECT order all of our old stock , including second-hand , and oQer them at- OREATLEY REDUCED prices , for CASII. BEAU I1VT MIND i VERY "HOWE" BOUGHT OF US and our _ VUTHORIZED canvassers Is ' VARRANT- ED - and INSTRUCTION given , as WE have a- RErUTAVIOS TO SUSTAIN. Experience maehtnn WITHOUT Instruction is proves a WORSE than NOSE at alL CAUTION. We know of large lots of worth- less ¬ machines bought at low figuies , that are be- jngpalmed - | off on the public for nearly as good ttaccw. Pcnous tliat do not want to run the rlk of being swindled shonld NEVER buy of IRRESPONSIBLE puartles , as they have NO reputation AT STAKE , as have old established Companies. TUETIOWE MACHINE CO. , . ISth Ktrce YERGA , Wholesale and Retail IXuler i- nyEH A> S1'T HEATS Qj.-usage , Lsnl , Poultry , Ac, , Ac. , Ac- L79 " " k1"1" ! lltli ad- Oppoite Pioneer Block. octTt BEDMAN & LEWIS , Cor. 16th and Izard S- On luiid and SAWED TO ORDER- .jfjg . Ira H- .STATE . MILLS DEALER IN- GRAEi , FLOUR AND FEED. AH- DCOM.MISSIOX MERCHANT- .Lamlir . oquJts > V.ndow Shades , CUR MOS , EXGRATINHS A> 'U PICTURE FRAMES. 270 Ktrnhxnt itrsetcomer itonth An indiscriminate sCaugMer m clothing and genti' furiiishing goods regardJesa of prices at 206- Farnbam street. Fine linen and cbevoit s-hirts ot our wa make at 2.00 and 2.50 each. bought and sold by Gottheimer , Broker , at 290 FanJiam street. Unredeemed Pledges for may ly2G Hamlet Orum , CENEEAt. DEALER IX Staple and Fancy Dry Goods 9th st , between Jones and .uuvenworth sts- .QFFERS . TO TUB PUBLIC A MOST COSI- line of Drv Goods. Fancy Goods , Cotton 1Ianuels. Wrapper DeLalns Woolen bhawls and all kinds of fall and winter material for ladits' and chtMrcns' dresses. Al- so ¬ Callcoet of all Erodes and descriptions a spe- cialty. ¬ . Roots and thoes for Lidltw * gents' and cbildrens' wear. nept-ldSmo * BBJiTIM'IIV.- OFFICE. . . No. 232 FARNHAM ST.- CP SfAins.- Bel. . . 13th & Hth S IsOM AH A.- BT . ( Mile'-t Dnvtlolne T)* n ! Ista iu tlie city DR , A , S , BILLINGS , t. . Bet. 1 th and 14th , up stairs. Teeth extracted without pain , by me of M- troui - Oxide iaj . eStf- MRS. . a. K. VANUKRCOOIt Eclectic PhysicianiBecl- deaceuid offici 259 Dodge st bet Uth nnd- 15Ui ets. Special attention paid to olntelries and dls- ea peculiar to women and children. I9U.- I. . I. VAN CAMP M. D. Dispense * his own medcln t , and besides regnfcr practice, makes specialities of Derange- me , t ajid pjneoses Peculiar to Women , Flstu- if. - . ftle * and 0 - pUaascs of the Rectum.- O . WJBCornw fapham and Hth street *, < our (.oLhe ritrht. up jt Ir . Resldenc" , first > lt ftietll-vccnl * nj) 11th , next 210 Dou _ - CiHtrib , Omaha. Vch. Address to Lulhera - iao ldiwlf Box S>i ___ VAN DORK'S All kinds of light and heavy K1CIHNE11Y MADE & KEPATOE- D.t&All . Wok 'JuarcuilceJi 258 HARHET STREET. OMA- HA.SPENCER'S . Fruit an * Confectionary Cor. 13 111 and Lpavenvrorlh Stfl. , ATTUIEBKID- QESEXAUEB. . 225 1 * ni1iam Street , * - Omaha , Neb f -TTUOLESALE A KB HETXIL DKAI.KR IN- FFJRNITURE. . BEDDING , ETC.- II. . . C- .MANUFACTUIU.J' . AM * UEALEB IN BOOTS & SHOES 10 13th St. Betwten Famliam and Douglas 13 ENOCH HENNEY , Justice of the Peace Office over tno fetalo- Bank , cornerof Farn. ham add 13th utrn- ets.NEW . S.aXOONIIE- NBY - , the popular Saloon keeper , has re- fitted ¬ up the basement if old Herald building , cor. 13th and Douglas Sts. , wliere. jn connec- tion ¬ with his bar ho fet * out a Lunch every morning and OBAND L.WC1I EVEKY SAT¬ URDAY. Give him aca- ll.Sclmeider . & Biirmestcr Manufacturers of- riTi , COPPER ANI ) SHEET IROK- WARE. . DEAT.EBS JN Cooking and Healing : Store * * _ Tin Hoofing , Spoutlc g and Gutter1 ig don hort notice and in the h at maaner.- J . J lltwn tr t- U , P ,R , R , MEAT MARKET , 15th street bet California and Webster. KEEP ON HAND THE BEST supply of FRESH AND SALTED MEATS. Also a large stock of Fine Sugar tired Hams and Breakfast Bacon , at the low- it - rates. WM. AUdT A KNUTH , tnvI4-lr Proprietor *. The hlous City nd Farino Ballromtf , la C.nn lonlth Ue SIOUX CITY & ST , PAU- LRAILROAD , Is C2 rallts the shortest route from Omaha and Council IllafTs to St. P nl , Mlntaoolli , StQlwattr, Anoka, Dolath , Bismarck , and all points In Minnesota. Train leaves Omaha daily ,(eicep Saturday ) at 6 o.cloct p. m. , and Council Blufls at S:05 : P' 111. , from Chicago i North-Western Depot. Fare as LOW and lime as QUICK as- by any other Line- .PELMAN . PALACE SLEEPING CABS ON ALL BIGHT TBAfflS.- Be . sure vonr ticket reads VIA Sioux City , thus avoiding circuitous routes and midnight tra niters. Tickets can be purchased at the offices of the Chicago & Nortiiwi stern Railway in Omaha and Council Bluffs. J C, BOYDEN , Ocn'l Pas * .A Agf bl P. 4 S. C, R. R- .bt . Paul , Minn. F. C. HILL , n'l Pus. and Ticket Agt. , S. C. A P. , SioazC- U.J. . Iowa. - OEO. W. GBATTON , Agent. " 1C3 Farnham Street , Omaha , Neb- .Tnlv2n.lf. . . Corner of C Biisg ; M4 Twenty-second itreets The fineist later t > eer con- stantly *- on hand , K. SKTB . - C. f. KAB8A B . (xltEUE & KARBACH , Ifith st. Utwcco Fsxcham aa * rney s'l OMAHA , - - NEB.H- ANCFACTUHEE . O7 Spring and Farm Wagons , BUGGIES AND OUUU iOKS. Dealers In and manufacturers of AGRICULTURAL ML'LEMEXTS ! JIT ENTION PAID TO PARTICULAR NitUEINU.- i . * E p IriDc of wagon and blacksinlthlng- pzesipUv dace at nnaoiublB erlcs T1LE6BAP, ' MIDNIQ-KT. * THE SOTJT2S. The Louisiana Mtiddie Not Yet Fully Settled.- "The . Moment the Federal Troops Are Withdrawn They Will Give Kel- logg ¬ Hell. " Colored People Crowding Into Louisiana in Such Numbers As to Triumphantly Carry the Next State Election.- OAN . FRANCISCO , Oct 11. The Cornell watch manufactory will bo1 removed from Chicago to California , oil account of the equal climate. Ralston , James Stanford , Parrott , and Donahue arc stockholders in the Salinas Valley railroad just completed.- Buisley . , the aeronaut , fell from a balloon to-day , and was seriously but not fatally injured. CARIBOU , Col. , Oct. 11- .A . tremendous intro-glycerine ex- plosion ¬ occurred at the" . .Sherman mine Jn Caribou at 11 o'clock last iiigtit , totally destroying the build ¬ ing. A. Arnold and H. "W. Pore- man , part owners of the mine , were sleeping in the building. Arnold was killed , but Foreman escaped with slight injuries. It is supposed that a spark fell into some loose powder in one corner of the build- ing ¬ and exploded it and the concus- sion ¬ exploded the nitre-glycerine. WASHINGTON, Oct 11. About 2:30 o'clock yesterday after- noon ¬ a frightful accident , " resulting in the death of Edward P. Sypher , occurred at the navy yardwhile en- V8S1 - { inBetting the guides of a large circular saw at one of the ship houses. The punch which he was using slipped , causing him to lose his balance and fall againfat the fciuv which mangled him in a frightful m&nuer. The top of the skull was cut off , anil the brains thrown in ev- ery ¬ direction. ' The right arm was cojj letely severed riear'tuo shoul- der ¬ and iu& left nand frightfully lac- erated. ¬ . Sypbe. was about 35 ycars * age. and canje ttqft Bordentown , ° J. a few months agd fe run the ' which caused his deaifc. machine v -, , , . - - N'jj W YORK , Oct. 1 1 . Weston'sthiru tempt to walk 500 was concluded at tweire last night , he having accou but 346 miles of the 500. Detectives of the secret service force , who , for some time-havo been engaged in ferreting out a band of counterfeiters who have been Hood- ing ¬ the city with spurious bills of every denomination , captured Joe Quinna , a notorious thief and COUII- Ttorfeitcr , on Friday night , and last night arrested an accomplice , James DUIIBOD , proprietor of a liquor store , on the corner Bleeker and Woosterd- streets. . The officers had obtained the con- fidence ¬ of these men and prepared a trap for them, andseizedDunson's premises and captured about 510,000- of the "queer. " Detectives started for Philadel- phia ¬ to-day to arrest a man who is manufacturing thecomiterfi'it paper.- NEVYOKK . , Oct. H , A Herald special from New Or- leans ¬ says the situation is very crit- ical ¬ and the citizens look for renew- ed ¬ hostilities any moment. Gov- ernor ¬ Kellogg still remains at the atate house , guarded by a company of infantry And policemen , but not- withstanding ¬ bis efforts to appear serene he looks careworn and un- easy. ¬ . The White Leaguers are very defiant , and continue fheir demonstrations almost nightly , in spite of the efforts of the leaders to restrain them. Several evening papers report that Friday evening , after the 'close of the Republican primaries , a Badical mob became disordered in the suburbs and de- fied ¬ the Radical police, when CpLv ; Argot's battalion of "Louisiana Own , " au organization not identified with the White League , but whose members are enrolled for defence against colored lawlessness , marched out to the assistance of tlie police and aided them to disperse , the rioter * and restore order. The fact that this force , which partici- pated ¬ with the Whit ) ? League in the events of September 14th , were the first to step to the aid of the Metro ? ' politanB whom they fought on tliat day , is quoted as evidence armed whites are enrolled for pro- tection ¬ to life and property arid oth- er ¬ than for aggressive movements * No further developments looking te- a compromise was made yesterday. There is a large immigation of ne- groes ¬ hem Memphis pouring into the upper part of Louisiana'to regis- ter ¬ , and that State is being colonized by colored men from Mississippi and Alabama , who are registering , A letter from Madison parish , where at the last election , the white. and black vote was nearly equally divided , informs one ( of Kellogg-s officials that the registry so far re- cords ¬ 200 white voters against 2,300- blacks. " " . During the past year fifteen thou- sand ¬ negroes have emigrated from other States into Louisiana , and if they vote nek't month with theKel- logg - party they will carry the State. There are six colored democratic club organizations iijtbjs gityTinder protection of the leaguers , an& they will vote with the White Lea u- A * - . prominent member of the White League , in conversation lost night , admitted that the whites in' the rural districts could not oe controlled by the conservative whitesin the city- .He . declared that the (moment the United States forces entered the par- ishes ¬ to arrest tfie alleged pffenders the White Leaguers wouldattack- he * United States forces andgive } Genial Ur ! an opportunity to concentrate Jn tins State u.3ntirea- rmy. . The Leaguers In fb oify were more conservative , and did not expect a conflict with thetjjnited States troops , but the moment the federal troops were they would give' Kellogg hell , as they gave it to him in twenty minutes a few days ago. He hoped thesblu- tion - of the difficulty would be fofin'd , but the White Lcajiuers weribot going to disband or be intimidated either by federal or Slate meats. AfEff. 4 O'CLOCK P. M. Specially Reported tor the Omaha Daiiy Bee b7 the frtlontic and Pacific TeleZraPh Co. THSWEST.- A . Highly Respectable Young La- dy ¬ of Greeley , Colorado , Succeeds in a Deter- mined ¬ and Horrible Attempt to Com- mit ¬ Snicid- e.TKS . BAST , Observance of the Anniversary of the Great Chicago Fire. BOSTON , October 10. The Labor Reform State Conven- tion ¬ mot in this city yesterday morn- ing ¬ and nominated George Andrews for governor. .LONDON , Oct. 10- .A . Yeddo dispatch says the Japan- ese ¬ government authorizes an offi- cial ¬ denial of the reported declara- tion ¬ of war between' China and Ja- pan. ¬ . MANCHESTER , N. H. , Oct. 10- ..None . . of the mills will suspend work to-moTow , as has been talked of, the receipts for tiie last week be- ing - suflicicnt to tide theuiover next week. TORONTO , Oct 10. Peter Bowcn , of Napanie , Onta- rio ¬ , who attempted to outrage his own daughter a week ago , was sen- tenced ¬ ycstciday to four months im- pri - ounient , with twenty lashes the first month , and another twenty during the thiid month of impris- onment. ¬ . YORK, Oct 10. The State executive committee of the independent temperance party liave adopted resolutions nomina- ting ¬ Hon. JL r. Clark for governor , and James L. liagg for lieutenant- governor. - . Up to 12:03 : yesterdayWeston had walked 294 miles , having only made only 40 miles yesterday. The last mils was made in 14:13. ' f- c tt SALT LAKE , Oct. 20- .In . the conference yesterday Jhe- in ollice. The apostle p nilCS the delegate to Congress st"season , madp a rousing speech in behalf of polygamy fliul Enoch. The con- ference ¬ has lasted , but the proceedings have been dujf and spiritless. JWgJiam Young has i> fi ii in attendance but was too weak t <> ' October 10. The last dayfof the State Fair was largely attendeil than auy other. There wetp fully" 7,000 people pre- sent ¬ , Jto Jjio Jjrst-class races announced , he steeple base was won by Douobue's Qeorgo West , lisfaii"e 2J miles , time 651 ; ; Geo. & . Brown'a , Austrian and Qafney's Wizard distanced. The mile- heats race was won in two straight heats by .Governor Bowie's chestnut filloy, time.l:48J and 1:47 } , with Brown's 1'oluaien second , Barton J.- Wilson's . Chance third , and Donohue'sCuriboo fourth. ) DENVER , Oct 10- .A . peculiarly distressing case of- suicldeoccurred at Greeley , Colora-'an - early hour yesterday morn ¬ ing. MissLizzie Rons , a highly es- teemed ¬ yoiing lady , about twenty years of age , shot herself in the breast , the Jjall glanced downward into the stomach , where it lodged. Fearing the first t-hot was not fatal , she placed the pistol to her temple and bent a ball crashing through her brain , 'fhp first shot alarmed the household , the second following so quickly before her apartments pould- be reached , whore she was found. the blood guslijnj * from her mouth gntj ears , and ghastly wounds fn the head aiul breast. She lingered an hour and then died ju great agony. Disappointment in love was tbp jn- centive - ( o IJie leed"she , having just heard of the marriage in Wow York of a young man to whom slip was greatly attached , an engagement having existed between them for some time. ! CHICAGO , Oct. 10. * At the third anniversary of the great fire all the public offices of the State , the cqurts , banks , and board of trade closed- .A . special to the Post from Wash- ington ¬ says : A members of the Se- cret ¬ Service Division telegraphs from Buffalo that he has captured the notorious counterfeiter , Tom Ballard. his sister-in-law and aunt , with $10,000 counterfeit money , plates , paper , ink , etc. The failure of Brock , Rogers & Co. , of St. Louis , was reported in tea trade circles yesterday. Their lia- bilitips - arc said to amount to $100- OOD , - 5 their Indebtedness tea mer- cnants - here , it is stated is considera- bly ¬ but scattered among so many different parties as to effect none se- riously. ¬ . The firm mentioned is said to have contracted the liabilities re- ported ¬ , and then to have disap- peared. ¬ . WASHINGTON, Oct 10. The Postmaster General to-day promulgated an order for the entire reorganization of the mail service of the United States. This list com- prises ¬ all ofllces in charge of the railway mail service , and no new appointments will be made except as vacancies occur. The number of superintendents will not be in- creased. ¬ . Post Office Department , Washing- ton ¬ , D. C. , October 9th Ordered , That from and after this date the officers in charge of the railway mail service shall consist of one General Superintendent , one Assis- tant ¬ Superintendent and eight Super- intcnuo - _ ; ass'oliei t ° dutyas here- inafter ¬ mentioned- The divisions of the railroad mail service sljall foe eight in number , each composed of the several States and Territories. The eighth division comprises Cali- fornia ¬ , Alaska , Arizona , Nevada. Washington , Utah , Montana anq Idaho Territories and Oregon , J. A- .Amerinan . , ' Superintendent , San Francisco , California. [Signed ] MARSHAL JEWELI , P0stmast z Ctouorol. N, October 10. The death of the Duke of Munster is announced. BOSTON , October 10- .In . the Butler Planted boat race this morning , Plaistcd won in 11:45 } . WASHINGTON , Oct. 10. General Whipple.ehief of General Sherman's staff' , left last night for St. Louis. AMSTEKDAM , October 10. Augustus McElwain , proprietor of the Amsterdam shoe manufactory , dropped dead in his oflicc to-day. YORK , Oct 10- .In . consequence of the rain to- day ¬ , tiie Jerome Park races weie postponed till Monday. Among the passengers sailine on the steamer Republic , was John O. Bradford , of San Francisco. NEW ORLEANS , Oct 10. Four companies of the Seveetieth Cavalry have reached Red River parish- .ExGov. . . Pinebback is attempting to secure recognition by forming a combination with the conservatives , the compromise seems to have restored tranquility , and prospects of anolher outbreak are meagre. MEMPHIS , Oct 10- .An . affray between two negroes last night resulted in the killing of one of them and the wounding of the other. David Garrett , a white man , had his- throat cut in Desota county , Mississippi yesterday, and robbed by an unknown iiogro who was ri- ding ¬ with him.- FJXHIEXCE . , ITALY , Oct. 10. The police of this city have ar- rested a number of leaders of th Internationalists , and have seized a large quantity of ammunition'which has been secretly stored in .private- housps. . It is believed thar some intrigue was on fqqt }) mong the members of the Internationalist so- ciety ¬ , > ALBANY , Get 10. Calvin Finkle ofBlooming Grove who was shot add killed yesterday , was resisting an officer who endea- vored ¬ to a-rest him for contempt of court In not attendingou asurninoiis- in a ciyil suit. " ' 'NEW YORK , Oct 10. The building trade o' tin's city is unusually dull at present. During he last three months the estimated cost of new buildings started was only §4,388,750 being SI , 353,800 less ban corresponding quarter of lost ' * ' rear. J At the session of the Protestant Spiscopal Convention to-day , a long and exciting debate oocurred as to- vhether the convention should sit with closed doors while tb.e nomina- ioa - for a' missionary bishop was ) elng considered..- NEW . . ORLEANS , Oct. 10- .Jlatters . remain quiet but not re- working - order. In several pariajies fuQrq Jms , ; is jet. bgen no resumption ofrigj&tfatfou,1 and Jn a few instances none at all. Where ever the troops go there is a cessa- tion ¬ of trouble , otherwise the }' recog- nize ¬ JveJJogg for notj just as they please. There is little probability of further disturbance. In "New Or- leans ¬ there promises to be a move made soon in the interests of .an ¬ other adjustment. Kellogg said , in- a recent address : I assert that by the genuine returns , coupling votes actually cast , 1 was elected" by seve- ral ¬ 'th'qusand majority , and upon this issue ain ruady to stand orufall : and the lcd"i ( men of "the McEn- ery - party have announced their willingness to abide by the same issue. The olllcial returns of the election of 1872 are still intact , being now deposited in Kentucky. " NEW YORK , Oct 10. Devotional exercises of the Epis- copal ¬ church convention was con- ducted ¬ this morning at St John's ohapel , Directly after 10 o'clock the opening services was rcao1 by Rev G A Eaton of California , the lessons by Rev Van Dusen of .New York , the prayer and benediction by Bishop Pierce. The committee on consecration of bishops reported that they had ex- anjined - the persons in the cases of- Ujshops Electeeof } ! Wist'onsjn , and Seyiuour of Illinois , and'had found that all the rulct and canons had been complied with. The com- mittee ¬ submitted resolutions de- claring ¬ their approval gf the certifi- cates'of - the'se'bjfehops. Tiie report was placed on calendar."- JL'he . comrajttee to colject funds for tlie church in Chlcagq whjph hat } suffered during the fire , report , ed they had collected § 50545.31 , which had been properly disbursed. WASHINGTON , Oct. 10. The Supreme Court of the United States will meet next week. Among tiie most-intercstlng cases is that of Phillips against Payne , appealed from the Supreme Court of this dis- trict ¬ , which Involves the legality of the retroppssion of Alexandria city and county from this district to the state of Virginia. The Supreme Court of the district affirmed the validity of the transfer. Judge Wil- loughby - , who represents the appel- lant ¬ , will shortly make application to the Supreme Court to advance the case on the calender. He has consulted the Attorney General , who thinks it of grave importance that the case should be early decided. The points on whlp'h. the appellants r'ely arp first , that when accepting the session of Alexandria , Virginia , it became part of the permanent capital of the United States , and Congress had no constitutional right to pass a law changing that relation. Second , that the act of retrocession is inval- id ¬ , because it was made dependent for its force and effect upon the votes of a majority of the voters of Alex- andria ¬ , and Congress had no power to delegate to it legislative func- tions. ¬ . Thg State of Virginia has employed no counsel in the case- .TJ27 . ItOCt X9TO.TOMI Confectioners' Tool Works , THos * Mills & Bro. , Manufacturers CqnfeiQtioners'Toolso- itl Ice Ctesiu- Frcner tc.- N03.1301 . & 1303 No Eighth St.- Proprietori . : "I EsriBiunED 1861- .THOMM . UILLS, 1 QEO. . M. MRL8 , f fCATALOGUES SENT ATLKKP.PASUKS.JJ MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. New York Money Market. NEW ifORK , October 10. Money Easy at 23 per cent. Exchange Steady : at 4 S7i for CO days , 4 88 } sight. Gold In better demand ; and new parlies have commenced pur- chasing ¬ ; opened 110 } ; afterwards selling altereately at this figure and 110 ; now selling at 110 }. Govt's Dull ; but firm ; no new feature ; sales small in currency. CO 117 } . Stocks Opened heavy and lower ; market is now at about the highest prices of the day , having since par- tially ¬ recovered from the lowest point ; Erie , 29J ; P M, 47 ; U P, 35 }; W U 79. Now York produce Market. YORK, Oct. 10. Breadstuff's Quiet. Flour Heavy and lower to sel- lers ; superfine slate and westen nominally 4 G0e ( 4 75 ; extra 5 10@5 75. Wheat Heavy ; No 1 spring 1 lif © 1 23; No 3 Chicago 1 19@1 21 ; No 2 Milwaukee spring 1 141 15. Corn Steady ; wesfern mixet afloat 97@97J. Oats Steady at Barley Quiet. Provisions Heavy and nominal- ly lower Chicago Prouuce raaricet. CHICAGO , Oct. 10. Flour Dullweakgood ; to choice spring extras , 4 75 © & 00 ; low t ( medium 4254gUf supers 300 © 4 50 Wheat Strong ; cash 91 , Nov 90J ; Dec. 91. Corn Quiet ; cash , 78jj ; Oct 78 } Nov 74 ; year 71 } . Oats Lower ; 'oash , 50 ; Novem- ber ¬ 48 }; year 47.}. Barley Firm" ; cash 1 pf ; X U'x * * Rye 83- .Highwines . 1 03. Pork Steauy ; cash 21 50 ; vear 17 70 ; February, 18 70. Lard Firm ; year, li * @ ; Feb- ruary ¬ 11 3@11 . Gold Closed at 1 10. BEES ! ! BEES !! BEES !!! m HE Undersigned lias sixtr swarms of na- L - tire and Italian be-s for sale , in M eiof tha American and BucVcjo patents. Stront; swarms at six to eiglit .Jollara c-v h , witli adjal- co t of Iue added. Light swnnns , from four to MX iloiUir * each. I have mor-j leei titan Ue lucatlon w ill support , and must sell. Address : HIKA5I CRAIG Fort Colhoun , Neb STOVE E. F. COOK , 637 14th St. , between Douglas of Tin Cappej acd Sheet Iron , and dealer la Cooking and Heating stove s Stamped , Japanned and French War oni- nd. . Tin Hoofing , Gutters ml &i outmg aiid- Voric done and warranted. CHICAGO fcNORTHWES'N The Popular Route from Q .A. I = CA - TO Chicago and the East ! AND THE rrVnterlooFort DoilK- Cro sc , lrnlrleDu ( lileii.Vliiuua. . St. Paul , Duliitli , Jnncsville , ha - , Green Hay , ISuciiio , S toil's Point. WnlertOMnl , O hlr.sli , ' KladUcu mid JHlliyaube- t Being the Shortest and FList Comoleted Line Between OMAHA and C HI CAG-O , "onotant Improrrments have taken place in lie way of reducing Grade, and placing Iron rith Steel Itaiis , adding to its rolling stock- ewand Llegan- tDA'J nnd SIjBEElNG CAUS Equipped with the "Wcdtlueliou e Air llraSe"- nd " .Miller Platform , " establishing mmtorta- 1 and commodious Eating Houses , oSenng all he comfirts pi traveling the age can prndute.- Kromx . to 10 Fast Express Tralui run each vay daily over the various lines of this load , bv securing to the traveler selecting this ( fur-e sure ftiitlccrjcln coanectiona la any di- ectfon - ho mav wluli trf tia. ' Principal Connections.- AT . M1SSOUH1 VALLEY JUNCTION , for iioux C ty, Yankton and points reached via- "jloux Cty and Pacific railroad.- A . OHAN D JUNCTION for Fort Dodge, Dea Moiacs , Ottawa and Keokuk.- AT . MAIBUAiJ for St. Paul , Minneapolis , Julcth , and northwestern points.- AT . t EDAK BAPIDs for "Waterloo , Cedar ?albjt < hirlcs City , Burlington and St Louis- .ATCLIN10N . lorDuhuqne , Dun'eith , Prai- ledu - Chlto , laC'ros-e. anil .ill points on the -hic'go , Clinton nnd Dubunue , nd Chicago , Junuque and Minnesota railroads.- AT . FULTON foi Frerport , Ilacine Millwau- Lee.ari'1 - nil polplj In Wisconslii , AT CIIIOAGQ with all railway lines leading mt ol Cliicasto. Through tickets to ill eastern cities via this me can be procured , and any informatl n ob- alned - , conccnilni Iloutes , Kates eto , at the Totupanie'g Office , 21 Farnhaui Street , Omiha , lid also at the principal ticket offices along the a . * Bj age checked through to all principal intern points V. U. STFNXETT , JIABVIN HUGIIITT , Gen'l Passlngo'r Ag t. Gen. Sup't.r- . . r. H. LACEY. G G. EDDY , Ticket Au't , Omaha. Gen'l Ag'lOmahi.- mchlSvl . PrintinFh- e Bee Job Printing House XXCCCTKS ALL KIXDS 0V BOOK AXD JOB PHIXTIXG- cr TIIE ITT BEST STYLES ASD AT TII- ELp.W Sft Cash Prices. Competent workmen are in charge of tlie- leveral departments , and FIRST-CLASs wort rill b turned cut in tithcr Germair Bohemian English , , , or Danish-Languages.- J C f 1-1 o T IER i AND DEALERS 1 GKEHsTTS' TJiE asrXSIKIINaOOCODS , S21 and-223 FARNHAM STREET , COS. 13TH ST- tlie Attention of tlie Public to our Extensiv o And Well Selected Stock for the FALL AND WINTER SEASON Comprising The Latest Styles in thing Furnishing Goods ; IATSAND ! CAPS , TEUNKS AND VALISES , ETC- .Fricss . ax-s Very "JLo-wr" to suit the Tir&og , Call soon at- M. . HELLMAN & GO , STOCK , 81873 , , BROWN, 248 Douglas GOODS , CARPET ! AND OIL CLOTH , An Immense Stock of Fresh New Goods Just Opened to be sold lower thau any other house in the city , consisting o- fEMPiESi ULOTHS , MPELLAH S , ALPACAS & MOHAIRS iibo 7SW BT & BEAVER CLOATQSGS- .A . FULL STOCK OF S.IAWL3 , BLANKETS , FLANNELS. MERINO TiNDERWEAS.ND . WORSTED G-OODS. TABLE LTNE> : IK ) u T TAIIIETY. A POLL LIXE OP ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPS PS , OIL CLOTHS , HATTINS BUSS , AND MATS THTIE , Minros1- e . everything pertain* to the FTJHNITURE and TJP- . trade ; has largely increased his stock , and now a complete assc-Tment pi FINE , MEDIUM and LOW goods , which he is offering at such REDUCED - - - as A ° .ake to the interest of ever one desiring anything in this line , to examine nis stock before purchas- pSBLOBiSiTS - , LOUNGES &o. , UPHOLSTERED COVERED TO ORDER. OSAS. SSCCVEHICS , L. WOODWORTH , 238 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. Wood Stock , IVAGON HASBTTABE , Patent Wheels , Pinched Gearing , to.- Vxles . , Springs and Thimble Skeins HARDWOOD LUMBER , Carriages , Hacks ? as * Buggies- Stu - lcl > clicr.'AVogonJ Depot. mch6- ttG , &TBIFFLER DEALER IX 1 00 SB.IES , rruils , t'u s , Confrclionery , Tobaec" , E. con. or TESTH 'and FAEHHAH.- 114t . WHOLESALE , I am OTAT flianulacturing all varieties or candies andjwill sell a IE3A. STEDEIT I IOS S Dealers In this State netl not want to cro East f.nCAXDIES. . A trial is solicited. . i st. ooxm- cUlltl - . B. & J. WILBUR , Books and Station 3 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Street , . Omab.a , , ITeTj GENERAL AGENTS FOR ALL SCHOOL BOOKS arS-lmy AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Cor. 13th. and barney Streets , - - - JtTIEIB And Winter Styl- A. . POLACK , CLOTHIER , 238 Farni-ara. St. ITsar Fine and Medium. Clotliing , and Fnrnisliing Goods- .TZSIEI .

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Page 1: MORNING AfEff. J f o IER · nSt. . Louis,-Mo.-Laveille., "Warnei & Co., Tlip Southern Hotel is fir t-cl B3 in all its en ointmpiits. Its table" are at all tlincfi sup-linl-| in tlif





nW KD UOehWATKIt , Udltor and frup'J

, iKiN . . UfK Hint tin HI iret. *

> lnllt MiiilTrtttlt-

c .py one year. In advance-JJ.MV.x months lu ndvance-" tLruo menths in advance- 2.-

WeeU not paid in ad ranee , S8 per annum will


lttalF&EBERICK ,





EATTEB-Ecst Goods ,



.} OMAHA.j-







f ToClure A Smith , 185 Unmet street , bet.. lltu and 12th. declStf

BOOTS AHD SHOES.Lang , 155 Farubain st , between 10th

Philip 115h feb9ylCOHFECTIONEB-



. Latcy , corner 12th and Douglas streets ,

nuf cturer and wholpaalc dealer incaiiil"sandconIettionLry. . Country trade so-



. l'ltfCOAL DE4LEPB.

* Elljatcoal , lime, cemen lhatr_ . .etc , ,Polandfarnliam et. fct.



nr , No. 'XO Farohaia ft. 1 17U-




.r laun-lrT opned at oil . . . . , t et.A T4inhau. od Dou Iss. The ashing and

Xl_ *. trill be tcnctoTdur. first rUus workIroning 0 OTOBY-


! s. Powel & Co , etiKpremium . c their Prrmiusi Soap. FiveJL * rtijrarilod by ih l.oi glA countyfirst premum , tiid J'otlawalUmie county , Ja.and Mate fairn , . , , e trade )Oroerg Ktliil-


OMAHA -, - -TholarKest and l-est hot betvTwa Chicagol .San Francl co.

Opened n w bepttmlwrKnth , 1R75-KM

>} it TIIKALL. Pioprtetor.

United States Hotel ,COll. DOUGLAS AND TENTH STBEET3.-


< specif nlly annou-nI

-I < - that he has purchased and rfflited the

above lintel , and Is now readr to accommodatethe public , ith board bv dav < r TTO L , at reas-onable


raUs. WILLIAil LEIiE. Prop.'71 1-

California House.T-EITZ

.HAFKER , Prop'r.J-



. ITODouglasfctreet , corner lltb , Umjna ,Nebraska. Board by the day or week.

time 1. v-


., let. Farnham and Ifarney Slrcett ,

HAS been entirely refillted ai d rerurntshed ,will accommodate all to the best oi

board at 1,09 prr day ; 40o per single meal.-



, Y, & S , M , HABRYMAN ,iT28dlr. Propr'etors.

Central Houseo. 630 f iitcenth Street ,

Opp. Jefferson Square , OMAHA , KE-B.JOSEni


1JOTE. Prop'r.Day and week Board at reasonable rain-.rirMtliSi

.bnr attached to the bouse.-



m Motel.o-n

.4th , 5tb md WlBntiti-

nSt. . Louis , - Mo.-Laveille


, "Warnei & Co. ,

Tlip Southern Hotel is fir t-cl B3 in all itsen ointmpiits. Its table" are at all tlincfi sup-linl

-| in tlif srcatetit abundince. with all thedelicacies the inirktts afford , Its clerks andemployes are all i lite and attentive to thewanttotth put sts of the hotel , 1hre is animproved tlcva or leading from the fint floorto the uji-er onilUilroad and tteamboat-likctoffi es. news oti ud. and wosierr Uniontelo--rr.iih otH pin Hie fotundaof hotel


For Sewing Machines.I-



order to male room for our new styles , w

hive put In PERFECT order all of our old

stock , including second-hand , and oQer them at-



our _ VUTHORIZED canvassers Is ' VARRANT-



and INSTRUCTION given , as WE have a-


maehtnn WITHOUT Instruction isproves a

WORSE than NOSE at alL

CAUTION. We know of large lots of worth-



machines bought at low figuies , that are be-



| off on the public for nearly as good

ttaccw. Pcnous tliat do not want to run the

rlk of being swindled shonld NEVER buy of

IRRESPONSIBLE puartles , as they have NO

reputation AT STAKE , as have old established



. ISth Ktrce

YERGA ,Wholesale and Retail IXuler i-

nyEH A> S1'T HEATSQj.-usage , Lsnl , Poultry , Ac, , Ac. , Ac-

L79" "k1"1"! lltli ad-

Oppoite Pioneer Block. octTt


Cor. 16th and Izard S-

On luiid and SAWED TO ORDER-.jfjg









oquJts >V.ndow Shades,CUR MOS , EXGRATINHS A>'U

PICTURE FRAMES.270 Ktrnhxnt itrsetcomer itonth

An indiscriminate sCaugMer mclothing and genti' furiiishinggoods regardJesa of prices at 206-

Farnbam street. Fine linen andcbevoit s-hirts ot our wa make at2.00 and 2.50 each.

bought and sold by Gottheimer ,

Broker , at 290 FanJiam street.

Unredeemed Pledges formay ly2G


Staple and Fancy Dry Goods9th st , between Jones and .uuvenworth sts-



TO TUB PUBLIC A MOST COSI-line of Drv Goods. Fancy Goods ,Cotton 1Ianuels. Wrapper DeLalns

Woolen bhawls and all kinds of fall and wintermaterial for ladits' and chtMrcns' dresses. Al-so


Callcoet of all Erodes and descriptions a spe-cialty.

¬. Roots and thoes for Lidltw* gents' and

cbildrens' wear. nept-ldSmo *




. No. 232 FARNHAM ST.-

CP SfAins.-



. 13th & Hth S IsOMAHA.-


( Mile'-t Dnvtlolne T)* n ! Ista iu tlie city


t. .Bet. 1 th and 14th , up stairs.

Teeth extracted without pain , by me of M-troui

-Oxide iaj .



Eclectic PhysicianiBecl-deaceuid offici 259 Dodge st bet Uth nnd-

15Ui ets.Special attention paid to olntelries and dls-ea peculiar to women and children. I9U.-



I. VAN CAMP M. D.Dispense * his own medcln t , and besides

regnfcr practice, makes specialities of Derange-me, t ajid pjneoses Peculiar to Women , Flstu-if.

-. ftle* and 0 - pUaascs of the Rectum.-O


WJBCornw fapham and Hth street*,<our (.oLhe ritrht. up jt Ir . Resldenc" ,

first >lt ftietll-vccnl * nj) 11th , next210 Dou _ - CiHtrib , Omaha. Vch. Addressto Lulhera - iao ldiwlf

Box S>i ___


All kinds of light and heavy



Wok 'JuarcuilceJi258 HARHET STREET. OMA-



Fruit an * Confectionary

Cor. 13 111 and Lpavenvrorlh Stfl. ,ATTUIEBKID-

QESEXAUEB. .225 1 *ni1iam Street , * - Omaha , Neb





. C-



BOOTS & SHOES10 13th St. Betwten Famliam and Douglas



Justice of the PeaceOffice over tno fetalo- Bank , cornerof Farn.

ham add 13th utrn-





, the popular Saloon keeper , has re-fitted


up the basement if old Herald building ,cor. 13th and Douglas Sts. , wliere. jn connec-tion


with his bar ho fet* out a Lunch everymorning and OBAND L.WC1I EVEKY SAT¬

URDAY. Give him aca-



& BiirmestcrManufacturers of-


WARE. . DEAT.EBS JNCooking and Healing : Store** _

Tin Hoofing , Spoutlc g and Gutter1 ig donhort notice and in the h at maaner.-


J lltwn tr t-

U , P , R, R , MEAT MARKET ,15th street bet California and Webster.


MEATS. Also a large stock of Fine Sugartired Hams and Breakfast Bacon , at the low-


rates. WM. AUdT A KNUTH ,

tnvI4-lr Proprietor *.

The hlous City nd Farino Ballromtf ,la C.nn lonlth Ue


LRAILROAD ,Is C2 rallts the shortest route from Omaha

and Council IllafTs to St. P nl , Mlntaoolli ,StQlwattr, Anoka, Dolath , Bismarck , and all

points In Minnesota.Train leaves Omaha daily , (eicep Saturday )

at 6 o.cloct p. m. , and Council Blufls at S:05: P'111. , from Chicago i North-Western Depot.

Fare as LOW and lime as QUICK as-

by any other Line-







sure vonr ticket reads VIA Sioux City ,thus avoiding circuitous routes and midnighttra niters.

Tickets can be purchased at the offices of theChicago & Nortiiwi stern Railway in Omahaand Council Bluffs.

J C, BOYDEN ,Ocn'l Pas * . A Agf bl P. 4 S. C, R. R-


Paul , Minn.F. C. HILL ,

n'l Pus. and Ticket Agt. , S. C. A P. , SioazC-

U.J. . Iowa.- OEO. W. GBATTON , Agent.

" 1C3 Farnham Street , Omaha , Neb-



Corner of C Biisg ; M4 Twenty-second itreets

The fineist later t> eer con-stantly


on hand ,

K. SKTB .- C. f. KAB8A B

. (xltEUE & KARBACH ,Ifith st. Utwcco Fsxcham aa *rney s'l

OMAHA , - - NEB.H-



Spring and Farm Wagons ,BUGGIES AND OUUU iOKS.

Dealers In and manufacturers of



.* E p IriDc of wagon and blacksinlthlng-

pzesipUv dace at nnaoiublB erlcs




The Louisiana Mtiddie Not Yet

Fully Settled.-



Moment the FederalTroops Are Withdrawn

They Will Give Kel-


Hell. "

Colored People Crowding IntoLouisiana in Such Numbers

As to TriumphantlyCarry the Next

State Election.-



FRANCISCO , Oct 11.The Cornell watch manufactory

will bo1 removed from Chicago toCalifornia , oil account of the equalclimate.

Ralston , James Stanford , Parrott ,and Donahue arc stockholders inthe Salinas Valley railroad justcompleted.-


, the aeronaut , fell from aballoon to-day , and was seriouslybut not fatally injured.

CARIBOU , Col. , Oct. 11-


tremendous intro-glycerine ex-plosion


occurred at the" ..Shermanmine Jn Caribou at 11 o'clock lastiiigtit , totally destroying the build ¬

ing. A. Arnold and H. "W. Pore-man , part owners of the mine , weresleeping in the building. Arnoldwas killed , but Foreman escapedwith slight injuries. It is supposedthat a spark fell into some loosepowder in one corner of the build-ing


and exploded it and the concus-sion


exploded the nitre-glycerine.

WASHINGTON, Oct 11.About 2:30 o'clock yesterday after-


a frightful accident ,"

resultingin the death of Edward P. Sypher ,occurred at the navy yardwhile en-


{ inBetting the guides of alarge circular saw at one of the shiphouses. The punch which he wasusing slipped , causing him to losehis balance and fall againfat the fciuvwhich mangled him in a frightfulm&nuer. The top of the skull wascut off , anil the brains thrown in ev-ery


direction. ' The right arm wascojj letely severed riear'tuo shoul-


and iu& left nand frightfully lac-


. Sypbe. was about 35 ycars* age. and canje ttqft Bordentown ,°

J. a few months agd fe run the' which caused his deaifc.

machine v -, , , . --N'jj W YORK , Oct. 1 1 .

Weston'sthirutempt to walk 500was concluded at tweirelast night , he having accoubut 346 miles of the 500.

Detectives of the secret serviceforce , who , for some time-havo beenengaged in ferreting out a band ofcounterfeiters who have been Hood-


the city with spurious bills ofevery denomination , captured JoeQuinna , a notorious thief and COUII-

Ttorfeitcr , on Friday night , and lastnight arrested an accomplice , JamesDUIIBOD , proprietor of a liquor store ,

on the corner Bleeker and Woosterd-streets. .

The officers had obtained the con-fidence


of these men and prepareda trap for them , andseizedDunson'spremises and captured about 510,000-of the "queer. "

Detectives started for Philadel-phia


to-day to arrest a man who ismanufacturing thecomiterfi'it paper.-



, Oct. H ,A Herald special from New Or-


says the situation is very crit-ical


and the citizens look for renew-ed


hostilities any moment. Gov-


Kellogg still remains at theatate house , guarded by a companyof infantry And policemen , but not-withstanding


bis efforts to appearserene he looks careworn and un-


. The White Leaguers arevery defiant , and continue fheirdemonstrations almost nightly , inspite of the efforts of the leaders torestrain them. Several eveningpapers report that Friday evening ,

after the 'close of the Republicanprimaries , a Badical mob becamedisordered in the suburbs and de-


the Radical police, when CpLv;

Argot's battalion of "LouisianaOwn ," au organization notidentified with the White League ,

but whose members are enrolled fordefence against colored lawlessness ,marched out to the assistance of tliepolice and aided them to disperse ,the rioter * and restore order. Thefact that this force , which partici-pated


with the Whit)? League in theevents of September 14th , were thefirst to step to the aid of the Metro ?'

politanB whom they fought on tliatday , is quoted as evidencearmed whites are enrolled for pro-tection


to life and property arid oth-er


than for aggressive movements *No further developments looking te-

a compromise was made yesterday.There is a large immigation of ne-


hem Memphis pouring intothe upper part of Louisiana'to regis-ter


, and that State is being colonizedby colored men from Mississippi andAlabama , who are registering ,

A letter from Madison parish ,where at the last election , the white.and black vote was nearly equallydivided , informs one

(of Kellogg-sofficials that the registry so far re-


200 white voters against 2,300-blacks.

"".During the past year fifteen thou-


negroes have emigrated fromother States into Louisiana , and ifthey vote nek't month with theKel-logg

-party they will carry the State.

There are six colored democraticclub organizations iijtbjs gityTinderprotection of the leaguers , an& theywill vote with the White Lea u-

A*- .

prominent member of the WhiteLeague , in conversation lost night ,admitted that the whites in' the ruraldistricts could not oe controlled bythe conservative whitesin the city-.He

.declared that the (moment the

United States forces entered the par-ishes


to arrest tfie alleged pffendersthe White Leaguers wouldattack-he* United States forces andgive}

Genial Ur ! an opportunity toconcentrate Jn tins State u.3ntirea-rmy.. The Leaguers In fb oifywere more conservative , and didnot expect a conflict with thetjjnitedStates troops , but the moment thefederal troops were theywould give' Kellogg hell , as theygave it to him in twenty minutes afew days ago. He hoped thesblu-tion

-of the difficulty would be fofin'd ,

but the White Lcajiuers weribotgoing to disband or be intimidatedeither by federal or Slatemeats.

AfEff.4 O'CLOCK P. M.

Specially Reported tor the Omaha Daiiy Beeb7 the frtlontic and Pacific TeleZraPh Co.




Highly Respectable Young La-



of Greeley , Colorado ,

Succeeds in a Deter-



and HorribleAttempt to Com-







Observance of the Anniversaryof the Great Chicago Fire.

BOSTON , October 10.The Labor Reform State Conven-


mot in this city yesterday morn-ing


and nominated George Andrewsfor governor.

.LONDON , Oct. 10-


Yeddo dispatch says the Japan-ese


government authorizes an offi-


denial of the reported declara-tion


of war between' China and Ja-pan.



MANCHESTER , N. H. , Oct. 10-


. of the mills will suspendwork to-moTow , as has been talkedof, the receipts for tiie last week be-


suflicicnt to tide theuiover nextweek.

TORONTO , Oct 10.Peter Bowcn , of Napanie , Onta-


, who attempted to outrage hisown daughter a week ago , was sen-tenced


ycstciday to four months im-pri


ounient , with twenty lashes thefirst month , and another twentyduring the thiid month of impris-onment.



YORK, Oct 10.The State executive committee of

the independent temperance partyliave adopted resolutions nomina-ting


Hon. JL r. Clark for governor ,and James L. liagg for lieutenant-governor.


Up to 12:03: yesterdayWeston hadwalked 294 miles , having only madeonly 40 miles yesterday. The lastmils was made in 14:13. ' f-

c tt

SALT LAKE , Oct. 20-.In

.the conference yesterday Jhe-

in ollice. The apostle p nilCS thedelegate to Congress st"season ,

madp a rousing speech in behalf ofpolygamy fliul Enoch. The con-ference


has lasted , but theproceedings have been dujf andspiritless. JWgJiam Young hasi>fi ii in attendance but was tooweak t <>


October 10.The last dayfof the State Fair was

largely attendeil than auy other.There wetp fully" 7,000 people pre-sent


, Jto Jjio Jjrst-class racesannounced , he steeple base waswon by Douobue's Qeorgo West ,

lisfaii"e 2J miles , time 651; ; Geo.& . Brown'a , Austrian and Qafney'sWizard distanced. The mile-heats race was won in two straightheats by .Governor Bowie's chestnutfilloy, time.l:48J and 1:47} , withBrown's 1'oluaien second , Barton J.-


Chance third, andDonohue'sCuriboo fourth.

) DENVER , Oct 10-


peculiarly distressing case of-

suicldeoccurred at Greeley ,'an

-early hour yesterday morn ¬

ing. MissLizzie Rons , a highly es-teemed


yoiing lady , about twentyyears of age , shot herself in thebreast , the Jjall glanced downwardinto the stomach , where it lodged.Fearing the first t-hot was not fatal ,

she placed the pistol to her templeand bent a ball crashing through herbrain , 'fhp first shot alarmed thehousehold , the second following soquickly before her apartments pould-be reached , whore she was found.the blood guslijnj


from her mouthgntj ears , and ghastly wounds fn thehead aiul breast. She lingered anhour and then died ju great agony.Disappointment in love was tbp jn-


(o IJie leed"she, having justheard of the marriage in Wow Yorkof a young man to whom slip wasgreatly attached , an engagementhaving existed between them forsome time.

! CHICAGO , Oct. 10.* At the third anniversary of thegreat fire all the public offices of theState, the cqurts , banks , and boardof trade closed-


special to the Post from Wash-ington


says : A members of the Se-cret


Service Division telegraphsfrom Buffalo that he has capturedthe notorious counterfeiter , TomBallard. his sister-in-law and aunt ,with $10,000 counterfeit money ,plates , paper , ink , etc.

The failure of Brock , Rogers &Co. , of St. Louis , was reported in teatrade circles yesterday. Their lia-bilitips

-arc said to amount to $100-


5 their Indebtedness tea mer-cnants

-here , it is stated is considera-


but scattered among so manydifferent parties as to effect none se-riously.


. The firm mentioned is saidto have contracted the liabilities re-ported


, and then to have disap-peared.



WASHINGTON, Oct 10.The Postmaster General to-day

promulgated an order for the entirereorganization of the mail serviceof the United States. This list com-prises


all ofllces in charge of therailway mail service , and no newappointments will be made exceptas vacancies occur. The number ofsuperintendents will not be in-creased.


.Post Office Department , Washing-


, D. C. , October 9th Ordered ,That from and after this date theofficers in charge of the railwaymail service shall consist of oneGeneral Superintendent , one Assis-tant


Superintendent and eight Super-


_ ; ass'oliei t° dutyas here-inafter


mentioned- The divisionsof the railroad mail service sljall foe

eight in number, each composed ofthe several States and Territories.The eighth division comprises Cali-fornia


, Alaska , Arizona , Nevada.Washington , Utah , Montana anqIdaho Territories and Oregon , J. A-


, ' Superintendent , SanFrancisco , California.

[Signed ] MARSHAL JEWELI ,P0stmast z Ctouorol.

N , October 10.The death of the Duke of Munster

is announced.

BOSTON , October 10-


the Butler Planted boat racethis morning , Plaistcd won in11:45 } .

WASHINGTON , Oct. 10.General Whipple.ehief of General

Sherman's staff', left last night forSt. Louis.

AMSTEKDAM , October 10.Augustus McElwain , proprietor of

the Amsterdam shoe manufactory ,dropped dead in his oflicc to-day.

YORK , Oct 10-


consequence of the rain to-


, tiie Jerome Park races weiepostponed till Monday.

Among the passengers sailine onthe steamer Republic , was John O.Bradford , of San Francisco.

NEW ORLEANS , Oct 10.Four companies of the Seveetieth

Cavalry have reached Red Riverparish-


. Pinebback is attemptingto secure recognition by forming acombination with the conservatives ,the compromise seems to haverestored tranquility , and prospectsof anolher outbreak are meagre.

MEMPHIS , Oct 10-


affray between two negroeslast night resulted in the killing ofone of them and the wounding ofthe other.

David Garrett , a white man , hadhis- throat cut in Desota county ,

Mississippi yesterday, and robbedby an unknown iiogro who was ri-


with him.-



, ITALY , Oct. 10.The police of this city have ar-

rested a number of leaders of thInternationalists , and have seized alarge quantity of ammunition'whichhas been secretly stored in .private-housps. . It is believed thar someintrigue was on fqqt })mong themembers of the Internationalist so-


, >

ALBANY , Get 10.Calvin Finkle ofBlooming Grove

who was shot add killed yesterday ,was resisting an officer who endea-vored


to a-rest him for contempt ofcourt In not attendingou asurninoiis-in a ciyil suit. " '

'NEW YORK , Oct 10.The building trade o' tin's city is

unusually dull at present. Duringhe last three months the estimated

cost of new buildings started wasonly §4,388,750 being SI , 353,800 lessban corresponding quarter of lost' * 'rear. J

At the session of the ProtestantSpiscopal Convention to-day , a long

and exciting debate oocurred as to-vhether the convention should sit

with closed doors while tb.e nomina-ioa

-for a' missionary bishop was

)elng considered..-



. ORLEANS , Oct. 10-


remain quiet but not re-working

-order. In several

pariajies fuQrq Jms , ;is jet. bgen noresumption ofrigj&tfatfou,1 and Jn afew instances none at all. Whereever the troops go there is a cessa-tion


of trouble , otherwise the }' recog-nize


JveJJogg for notj just as theyplease. There is little probability offurther disturbance. In "New Or-


there promises to be a movemade soon in the interests of .an ¬

other adjustment. Kellogg said , in-

a recent address : I assert that bythe genuine returns, coupling votesactually cast , 1 was elected" by seve-ral


'th'qusand majority , and uponthis issue ain ruady to stand orufall :

and the lcd"i( men of "the McEn-ery

-party have announced their

willingness to abide by the sameissue. The olllcial returns of theelection of 1872 are still intact , beingnow deposited in Kentucky.


NEW YORK , Oct 10.Devotional exercises of the Epis-


church convention was con-ducted


this morning at St John'sohapel , Directly after 10 o'clockthe opening services was rcao1 byRev G A Eaton of California , thelessons by Rev Van Dusen of .NewYork , the prayer and benedictionby Bishop Pierce.

The committee on consecration ofbishops reported that they had ex-anjined

-the persons in the cases of-

Ujshops Electeeof} ! Wist'onsjn ,

and Seyiuour of Illinois , and'hadfound that all the rulct and canonshad been complied with. The com-mittee


submitted resolutions de-


their approval gf the certifi-cates'of


the'se'bjfehops. Tiie reportwas placed on calendar."-


comrajttee to colject fundsfor tlie church in Chlcagq whjphhat} suffered during the fire , report,ed they had collected §50545.31 ,

which had been properly disbursed.

WASHINGTON , Oct. 10.The Supreme Court of the United

States will meet next week. Amongtiie most-intercstlng cases is that ofPhillips against Payne , appealedfrom the Supreme Court of this dis-trict


, which Involves the legality ofthe retroppssion of Alexandria cityand county from this district to thestate of Virginia. The SupremeCourt of the district affirmed thevalidity of the transfer. Judge Wil-loughby

-, who represents the appel-


, will shortly make applicationto the Supreme Court to advancethe case on the calender. He hasconsulted the Attorney General ,who thinks it of grave importancethat the case should be earlydecided. The points on whlp'h.the appellants r'ely arp first ,that when accepting the session ofAlexandria , Virginia , it becamepart of the permanent capital of theUnited States , and Congress had noconstitutional right to pass a lawchanging that relation. Second ,that the act of retrocession is inval-id


, because it was made dependentfor its force and effect upon the votesof a majority of the voters of Alex-andria


, and Congress had no powerto delegate to it legislative func-tions.


. Thg State of Virginia hasemployed no counsel in the case-




Confectioners' Tool Works ,

THos * Mills & Bro. ,


CqnfeiQtioners'Toolso-itl Ice Ctesiu-

Frcner tc.-


& 1303 No Eighth St.-



: "I EsriBiunED 1861-





New York Money Market.NEW ifORK , October 10.

Money Easy at 23 per cent.Exchange Steady : at 4 S7i for CO

days , 4 88 } sight.Gold In better demand ; and

new parlies have commenced pur-chasing


; opened 110 } ; afterwardsselling altereately at this figure and110 ; now selling at 110 } .

Govt's Dull ; but firm ; no newfeature ; sales small in currency. CO

117 } .Stocks Opened heavy and lower ;

market is now at about the highestprices of the day , having since par-tially


recovered from the lowestpoint ; Erie , 29J ; P M, 47 ; U P , 35 } ;W U 79.

Now York produce Market.YORK, Oct. 10.

Breadstuff's Quiet.Flour Heavy and lower to sel-

lers ; superfine slate and westennominally 4 G0e( 4 75 ; extra 5 10@575.

Wheat Heavy ; No 1 spring 1 lif

©1 23; No 3 Chicago 1 19@1 21 ; No2 Milwaukee spring 1 141 15.

Corn Steady ; wesfern mixetafloat 97@97J.

Oats Steady at

Barley Quiet.Provisions Heavy and nominal-

ly lower

Chicago Prouuce raaricet.CHICAGO , Oct. 10.

Flour Dullweakgood; to choicespring extras , 4 75 © & 00 ; low t (

medium 4254gUf supers 300©4 50

Wheat Strong ; cash 91 , Nov90J ; Dec. 91.

Corn Quiet ; cash , 78jj ; Oct 78 }

Nov 74 ; year 71 } .Oats Lower ; 'oash , 50 ; Novem-


48 } ; year 47.} .Barley Firm" ; cash 1 pf ;

X U'x ** Rye 83-


1 03.Pork Steauy ; cash 21 50 ; vear

17 70 ; February, 18 70.Lard Firm ; year, li * @ ; Feb-


11 3@11 .Gold Closed at 1 10.

BEES !! BEES ! ! BEES ! ! !

m HE Undersigned lias sixtr swarms of na-L

-tire and Italian be-s for sale , in M eiof

tha American and BucVcjo patents. Stront;swarms at six to eiglit .Jollara c-v h , witli adjal-co t of Iue added. Light swnnns , from four toMX iloiUir * each. I have mor-j leei titan Uelucatlon w ill support , and must sell.


Fort Colhoun , Neb


637 14th St. , between Douglas

of Tin Cappej acd Sheet Iron, and dealer la

Cooking and Heating stove sStamped , Japanned and French War oni-

nd. . Tin Hoofing , Gutters ml &i outmg aiid-Voric done and warranted.


The Popular Route from


Chicago and the East !


rrVnterlooFort DoilK-Cro sc , lrnlrleDu ( lileii.Vliiuua. .St. Paul , Duliitli , Jnncsville ,

-, Green Hay , ISuciiio , S toil'sPoint. WnlertOMnl , O hlr.sli , ' KladUcu mid JHlliyaube-

t Being the Shortest and FList Comoleted LineBetween


"onotant Improrrments have taken place inlie way of reducing Grade, and placing Ironrith Steel Itaiis , adding to its rolling stock-ewand Llegan-tDA'J nnd SIjBEElNG CAUSEquipped with the "Wcdtlueliou e Air llraSe"-nd " .Miller Platform ," establishing mmtorta-1 and commodious Eating Houses , oSenng allhe comfirts pi traveling the age can prndute.-Kromx

.to 10 Fast Express Tralui run each

vay daily over the various lines of this load ,bv securing to the traveler selecting this(fur-e sure ftiitlccrjcln coanectiona la any di-ectfon

-ho mav wluli trf tia. '

Principal Connections.-



M1SSOUH1 VALLEY JUNCTION , foriioux C ty, Yankton and points reached via-"jloux Cty and Pacific railroad.-


OHAN D JUNCTION for Fort Dodge,Dea Moiacs , Ottawa and Keokuk.-


MAIBUAiJ for St. Paul , Minneapolis ,Julcth , and northwestern points.-


t EDAK BAPIDs for "Waterloo , Cedar?albjt < hirlcs City , Burlington and St Louis-


lorDuhuqne , Dun'eith , Prai-ledu

-Chlto , laC'ros-e. anil .ill points on the

-hic'go , Clinton nnd Dubunue , nd Chicago ,Junuque and Minnesota railroads.-


FULTON foi Frerport , Ilacine Millwau-Lee.ari'1

-nil polplj In Wisconslii ,

AT CIIIOAGQ with all railway lines leadingmt ol Cliicasto.

Through tickets to ill eastern cities via thisme can be procured , and any informatl n ob-alned

-, conccnilni Iloutes , Kates eto , at the

Totupanie'g Office , 21 Farnhaui Street , Omiha ,lid also at the principal ticket offices along .* Bj age checked through to all principal


Gen'l Passlngo'r Ag t. Gen. Sup't.r-.

.r. H. LACEY. G G. EDDY ,

Ticket Au't , Omaha. Gen'l Ag'lOmahi.-mchlSvl



e Bee Job Printing House






ELp.W Sft Cash Prices.

Competent workmen are in charge of tlie-leveral departments , and FIRST-CLASs wortrill b turned cut in tithcr

Germair BohemianEnglish , , ,

or Danish-Languages.-




tlie Attention of tlie Public to our Extensiv oAnd Well Selected Stock for the

FALL AND WINTER SEASONComprising The Latest Styles in

thing Furnishing Goods ;



ax-s Very "JLo-wr" to suit the Tir&og , Call soon at-


STOCK , 81873 ,

, BROWN, 248 Douglas


AND OIL CLOTH ,An Immense Stock of Fresh New Goods Just Opened to besold lower thau any other house in the city, consisting o-







, Minros1-e . everything pertain* to the FTJHNITURE and TJP-

. trade ; has largely increased his stock , and nowa complete assc-Tment pi FINE , MEDIUM and LOWgoods , which he is offering at such REDUCED- -- as A° .ake to the interest of ever one desiringanything in this line , to examine nis stock before purchas-pSBLOBiSiTS




L. WOODWORTH ,238 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb.

Wood Stock ,

IVAGON HASBTTABE ,Patent Wheels , Pinched Gearing , to.-



, Springs and Thimble Skeins

HARDWOOD LUMBER ,Carriages , Hacks ? as * Buggies-



lcl > clicr.'AVogonJ Depot.mch6-


1 00 SB.IES ,

rruils ,t'u s,

Confrclionery ,Tobaec",

E. con. or TESTH 'and FAEHHAH.-114t



I am OTAT flianulacturing all varieties or candiesandjwill sell a

IE3A. STEDEIT I IOS SDealers In this State netl not want to cro East f.nCAXDIES. .

A trial is solicited.

. i st. ooxm-cUlltl


B. & J. WILBUR ,

Books and Station 3WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.

Street , . Omab.a ,, ITeTj


AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTSCor. 13th. and barney Streets ,

- - - JtTIEIB

And Winter Styl-A.. POLACK ,

CLOTHIER ,238 Farni-ara. St. ITsar

Fine and Medium. Clotliing ,

and Fnrnisliing Goods-

