morning report 27th april 2013

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  • 7/28/2019 Morning Report 27th April 2013


    MORNING Report

    April 27th 2013

  • 7/28/2019 Morning Report 27th April 2013


    Patients Identity

    Name : Mr. A

    Age : 20 y.o

    Religion : MoeslimDate : April 25th 2013

  • 7/28/2019 Morning Report 27th April 2013


    AnamnesisChief complaint: Fever Present illnes: patient complained about his

    fever with chilled and sweating since 9 daysbefore hospitalized. His fever has increase atthe first day and felt more fever at night. It wasdecrease by taking medicine but after that, itwould be increased again. Nausea (-), vomit (-),headache (+), abdominal pain (-). Defecationnormal, and his urinations colour seen like tea.

  • 7/28/2019 Morning Report 27th April 2013



    History or past illness :- History of dengue fever haemorrhage, Hepatitis,

    thypoid fever, malaria denial

    History of family :- History of dengue fever haemorrhage, Hepatitis,

    thypoid fever denial

    History of sociality :- Patient about 12 days ago when to the Kalimantan

  • 7/28/2019 Morning Report 27th April 2013


    Physic Examinations

    General Appearance : Weak

    GCS : 456 , Somnolen

    Vital Sign

    BP : 95/51 mmHg

    Pulse : 96x / minutesRR : 20x / minutes

    Temp : 37 C

  • 7/28/2019 Morning Report 27th April 2013


    Physic ExaminationsHead and neck : Anemic +/ icteric +/ cyanosis -/

    dyspneu -

    Thorax : simetric bilaterally, retraction (-/-), Pulmo : ves/ves, rh (-/-), wh (-/-)

    Cor : S1-S2 single, murmur(-), gallop(-)

    Abdomen : flat, soepel, hepar 4cm under arcus

    costae and lien S1H1, tenderness (-), meteorismus

    (-), BU(+N)

    Extremity : akral warm, wet, red (+), edema (-)

  • 7/28/2019 Morning Report 27th April 2013


    Laboratory Findings

    Diff count 0/0/54/30/16Hematocrit 22,3 %Haemoglobin 8,1 mg/dLLED 64/99

    Leukocyte 2.300Trombocyte 40.000Alkali fosphatase 235Bilirubin direct 4,89 mg%Bilirubin total 8,1 mg%SGOT 71 u/LSGPT 54 u/L

    Albumin 2,1 mg% Total protein 5,2 mg% Clorida serum 105 mol/l

    Kalium serum 3,2 m mol/l

    Natrium serum 138 m mol/l

    Urea 74 mg/dl Serum creatinin 0,9 mg/dl

    GDA 104 ICT MALARIA Positif :

    Plasmodium falciparum

  • 7/28/2019 Morning Report 27th April 2013


    Thorax APThorax photo seen

    no abnormality.

  • 7/28/2019 Morning Report 27th April 2013


    Clue and CueMale, 20 y.o


    Nausea (-), vomit (-)

    Urinations colour seenlike tea.

    Patient about 12 daysago when to the

    KalimantanPhysic Examinations :Anemic +, Icteric +,Hepatosplenomegaly

    Laboratory Findings :

    Diff count 0/0/54/30/16

    Hematocrit 22,3 %

    Haemoglobin 8,1 mg/dL

    Leukocyte 2.300

    Trombocyte 40.000

    Alkali fosphatase 235

    Bilirubin direct 4,89 mg%

    Bilirubin total 8,1 mg%

    SGOT 71 u/L

    SGPT 54 u/L Albumin 2,1 mg%

    Total protein 5,2 mg%

    Urea 74 mg/dl

    ICT MALARIA Positif : Plasmodium


  • 7/28/2019 Morning Report 27th April 2013



    Malaria Tropicana

  • 7/28/2019 Morning Report 27th April 2013



    Planning Dx : -

    Blood smear

    Planning Tx :

    Infus Asering 1.500cc /24


    Inj. Methamizole 3x1

    Inj. Ranitidin 2x1

    Inj Ceftriaxone 2x1

    Po Hepamax 1x1 Po aterakin 4 tablet 2

    tablet 2 tablet

    c/ Internist

  • 7/28/2019 Morning Report 27th April 2013


    Dubia ad bonam

    Prognosis Education

    Explain to the family about

    the condition of this patient

    now, its disease, about itsexaminations, theraphy and

    intervention will be done,

    and also about complication

    and prognosis.