mrs. weinstein's class


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Mrs. Weinstein's Class. Community Postcards. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Mrs. Weinstein's Class
Page 2: Mrs. Weinstein's Class

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am writing to you from a rural community. It is very quiet and there is a lot of land. It is mostly green trees, grass and bushes. Homes are about one mile away from each other. You should come out here one day! There are many animals like horses, pigs and cows.

Love, Lexi

Mr. and Mrs. _____100 Main StreetAnytown, USA

Page 3: Mrs. Weinstein's Class

Dear Jose Reyes,

I’m writing to you from a rural community. There’s a lot of space here. I’m on a farm. There are a lot of cows, horses, baby chicks, and mice. I love this place!

Your fan, Andrew Curtis

Jose ReyesShea StadiumFlushing, NY,

Page 4: Mrs. Weinstein's Class

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am writing to you from New York City. I see lots of people calling taxis and buses. It is very noisy and busy. I see lots of museums, buildings and trains. I went to the zoo, American Girl Place and the Museum of Natural History. The buildings look like they’re touching the sky. New York City is not a good place to study.


Mr. and Mrs. _____100 Main StreetAnytown, USA

Page 5: Mrs. Weinstein's Class

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am writing from a suburban community. There are beautiful flowers. There are daisies, dandelions, and roses. I am having fun. I hope you are having fun too. In summer I go in the pool. Say hi to Michael and Nicole. I love you!


Mr. and Mrs. _____100 Main StreetAnytown, USA

Page 6: Mrs. Weinstein's Class

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am writing from an urban community. It is really crowded here. I almost got lost. I live on Main Street in a big building on floor 891. I went to the Statue of Liberty and it was fun.


Mr. and Mrs. _____100 Main StreetAnytown, USA

Page 7: Mrs. Weinstein's Class

Dear Mom and Dad,

I an writing to you from an urban community I rode on a bus and it was fun. I see taxis and I see big houses.


Mr. and Mrs. _____100 Main StreetAnytown, USA

Page 8: Mrs. Weinstein's Class

Dear Uncle Rick,

I’m writing from a rural community. Today I rode on horses! It is very peaceful here. Today after school I will ride some horses again There is lots of land to play on. They have good food too. My friend’s mom is a farmer. We went to a restaurant to get dinner. The house I’m staying in was big I have big a comfy bed.

Love, Fallon

Mr. _____100 Main StreetAnytown, USA

Page 9: Mrs. Weinstein's Class

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am writing from a suburban community. It is very fun here. I go to school here. I live close to a city. There are big backyards. It is not as noisy as a city. I can ride my bike down to my neighbors house. I have play dates all the time. I go to school at Shelter Rock. MY teacher is Mrs. Weinstein. She is so fun and nice and so is my class. I have 23 kids in my class. My best friends are Megan, Briana, Shveta,and Lexi they are so nice! xoxoxo

Love, Gabrielle

Mr. and Mrs. _____100 Main StreetAnytown, USA

Page 10: Mrs. Weinstein's Class

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am in New York City. There are lots of tall buildings. It is very noisy here. I went to a museum and it was very fun. My next door neighbor has a dog. His name is Max. We only live four doors away from each other. I love it in New York City!


Mr. and Mrs. _____100 Main StreetAnytown, USA

Page 11: Mrs. Weinstein's Class

Dear Maria,

I live in New York City. There are lots of people. There are tall buildings. I like the sounds. There are subways. I like living in New York City. I will see you soon!!


Mrs. _____100 Main StreetAnytown, USA

Page 12: Mrs. Weinstein's Class

Dear Dad,

I’m in a rural community. It is really quiet here. The neighbors live far away. The houses are far apart. I go to see farms. I love it here.


Mr. _____100 Main StreetAnytown, USA

Page 13: Mrs. Weinstein's Class

Dear Mommy,

I am having fun in the rural town of Mayo. I went horse back riding. It’s very quiet. There is a Gaelic football team.


Mrs. _____100 Main StreetAnytown, USA

Page 14: Mrs. Weinstein's Class

Dear Daddy,

I’m in New York City. There are tall buildings here. It is very crowded and there are lots of people. They made a new Mars restaurant. There are lots of taxis and skyscrapers. New York has a lot.


Mr. _____100 Main StreetAnytown, USA

Page 15: Mrs. Weinstein's Class

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am writing from a rural community. To get to school you need to travel on a bus for five miles. People live close to farms. It is very quiet.


Mr. and Mrs. _____100 Main StreetAnytown, USA

Page 16: Mrs. Weinstein's Class

Dear Mom and Dad,

I’m writing to you from N.Y.C I went to Mars 2112. I also went to a Jets game. It was fun. My neighbors in apartment . My neighbors have a bird. His name is Max. I also like to watch taxis.


Mr. and Mrs. _____100 Main StreetAnytown, USA

Page 17: Mrs. Weinstein's Class

Dear Virginia,

I am writing from Manhasset. I like my school, and my neighbors. I love the library and the mall. The t-shirts are awesome. My favorite t-shirt says School House Rock! I love my school. It is called Shelter Rock. My teacher’s name is Mrs. Weinstein!


Mrs. _____100 Main StreetAnytown, USA

Page 18: Mrs. Weinstein's Class

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am writing to you from New York City. It is very noisy here. I went to the toy store. It had this big dinosaur that looked real. It was the best toy store ever. We went to a restaurant called Fridays. They had good food. They had moving floors.


Mr. and Mrs. _____100 Main StreetAnytown, USA

Page 19: Mrs. Weinstein's Class

Dear Mom,

I am in an urban community. I am having a great time here in New York City. I’ve been to a lot of museums. I also went to the movie theater and saw Barn yard. It was very funny. The next day I went on a subway. It’s very loud here.


Mrs. _____100 Main StreetAnytown, USA

Page 20: Mrs. Weinstein's Class

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am writing to you from a rural community. The neighbors are really far from each other. I saw a lot of farms. I need to feed a lot of animals. It is very peaceful and quiet. The schools are far away from the houses.


Mr. and Mrs. _____100 Main StreetAnytown, USA

Page 21: Mrs. Weinstein's Class

Dear Mom and Dad,

Mrs. Weinstein let me off at an urban community. It is very noisy here. I went to museums. I also went to a planetarium. They were both really fun and cool.


Mr. and Mrs. _____100 Main StreetAnytown, USA

Page 22: Mrs. Weinstein's Class

Dear Mom, Dad and Max,

I am writing to you from the country. I can’t wait to see you. I see horses, goats and lambs. It takes a long time to go to school, but that doesn’t mean we are late. The houses are far away. I have a pet horse and her name is Marshmallow.


Mr. and Mrs. _____100 Main StreetAnytown, USA

Page 23: Mrs. Weinstein's Class

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am writing from a suburban community. People here work and play. I went to the park with Lucky and it was a sunny day. I also went to my friends house riding a bike. The houses are close together.


Mr. and Mrs. _____100 Main StreetAnytown, USA