^^mrw^ff^w^^^kl - nys historic...

, : ; - . . « ' : - " " . '<ietegj#ida'. from' the Assembly a:' by Tony "Atyonf,started;-yes- i'J . aSthat'gfate, upon tovita- BteCWlari. -, • •••• % €ase> » eeMfrated.ease:Is aow. te Mai Si;*fe -tented S ates Court in 'SU '% ^*ed;fB our office our office Sap.ervfep?- of Inter- 3U RUSSIA::. : AHi> OPJPGSED 0$ AJLI* J3IDES» BIJSSXAKS I i E A ^ i i J Q TTJRBLEY uussu- us ; .g'etiate; of--th©-.Sts% MK :'.'ksses%i' <Sf. the A.ttoft^y : district* !•• qrdereci; to assess the •- of Shot* ?-ig;pO.O of the' t'i-ea-sUTJy %tUtdti -dollars iajr; and -directedthe ' eofiecbJ- or'&itiioy t0 : eoHeeS t^ t0 : *If a- million Sesbl'd -the ebtnpanys' locomotives to ••-••'•" "•• :.fa3cat!on. " ...At a ie ; een.t ja*el-ipg: «f saga CtMist-y'^arroers' Club, it \ra* resolyeSy that' ^alT property ghou M GRANT IH ROME. TIES LkTE BJEOT m TORONTO, diae. f£o.m Viewtaa; says all. the p except. Fraiiee oppose England' naiuid. for. thfe; SubtjaissiQij of whole treaty to-tbe d 9 | or Hon. Ch«rie»Jt. Sktanev. of Je0enHm-A Tf(to«Mi« Armnnent AK>Ini*l any ClianKe in tl»e Excise sj; f V' ; ; : i>Mridgoflr Jrecent trp j j noted regtou Jfe gatber^aQnie. ^t that iaiy «id; its ta«iViaga re«aabte itefli to ibaby of our Teader?. Al- J M b :4-6t,tied about Ebe- tjnje. th.e tlers^f fioon#}Ie'cqmineueeij -!Wfe clip tbe fi able speech of -Mr. ..gtefc iha'tr enti-respeeeh :: ' - . ...... '• . Iamglad tdsaytbnt I'Stand.'here andadvocate the prayer of that ; petr-. iion. What Is the present law.? It is the lawof -185?-and the-.law of 1870, taken; \n.connection.^ith.eacb.other ..by the-court of -£ppea% life Mia best' court ,inthe- State' of coart .ia the Stateof ISe.w Era. . iufufe' f have A right, to stand here; ..and plead 'that tb.^U^gisJdtuTepf tin.* fc gtt bair : s!and by Jfts bighesi' -the . The Tiiaes pttbli3bes thisfprfhodn. the t«-taa ofthe trWty of peace, of. wKich- tbei-6. are. 20 articles. t' Mj f wc . . 0 statements'* Mtjierto paBlisfied are' sabstaatiaMy &»rect but fKe details pf aay *. but fKe details •a*©FOtioplicateiS.'• MBateaegri)' -wtll- pei ; Jjy• tlte. treaty, double its jrfesent' acea^. -TKei-^asstati .eyao'uatlotif'of Tn-ffelSh territory is. :tp . c6nstH_ei\ce. dy widen the treaty-1$ 'definitely duded, hut-is .to'be c'Gm}>t0tea thvee'-'montlis thereafter. Si March 2 iift ft •- mtiprsr meeiiftga fter^ .^nd at. i febt b taaaitios. 'This ha4 rVfereoe'p-to the taxation- of tt by- "assessed,.Tf tasatida ef aod. r.uortgagea OH.it. ia ; tlpttBO»e'iftlisy../wi»nt to teifel fpe sa»gei»t tof&im ersan tetSfet;fe : -?U];rfee^it«a Msvfee a hegfcWug &n«i b Msvfee a Try Item, Ssatlafjed, -"'pi ffie.ouilyjng- '" b>en : . l u 'festtfica-tfdioa- .have" g . is' tos?per*#e-.s(ate fro-ref local /faxa-- ftan.' ,le mesri,- Ira short,;eblJect 40 ^ bi state on Estate of te settletW H as-they y CwiO' cootsol the .whole, "present-to, our- i't ; i jba* \v ., ^w* ek. It- Is ao - b time 'to/in- iraiiler'ttis EH)pero;rWi:a rp . tb<- PppeTs...letiex* fri very, guarded' b t £ * ' t B & •'• - -witt OBJECT.' . ".;•". _: '.". Mih to,h^lijs. stated tENKA, iy. j E-oe:£a:iicl' Ms feidfed to oppose- tusian anji^sgtioh ojf ; Asiav•' SBfete shall Standby . " "'" p o w e r / 1 ha**e tBe;'bptmi. _.bhe {jity.in which"jail tuis. and a l t t h i s . ejEOitemea*-. had their origin/" .M tbe • year;. 1S76 oiie of tbe beat and/pulesj judges up- oh'the bench cliarged' "a ;gran;d; j u r y assembled, in theejty of.WatertoWu that there, was. no. 9iit?h tbiiig :;&s "a saiBpltsioom license aeetrtiling^olaw; tuid he'instruc!ted'thii6 grand jury'tb- take tbe matter imp ednsitteratriati, andjjf they tbund '.people .sWliDg. li- quor as a-lMJSiness ofitself r ;that it was their, duty to promptly iudtet~ u ""~ ' t'tie."grand jury acted upon Jhp; . given, them by the judge, and' what result? E.very place-fcatnvp.as : ; a sample" room; thai is.a.-place Wh>r>: " lorr.issbld, wiihoup..ahy stopund- ~, as .asimple business by •itsettj'r: owner., of eyeiy siipsple rnons .. „_ indicted,. a«d theefceiMe, epnaiaifl'-' sioners who,issued-tbeifcenses Weie j also indicted.' Tbe iB.dietmesfciwere [- takew into the' county ..ewiri and jjhe persons indtpfed all plead gut Ity'sirtfi "paid their &;«es at bHcexesoejit one; *E <aan. by t^e ..Mame.pf Smith, wli.p'-e natae hasja.j>peai*.d'siijce t-o tbecbuKt' -<>f'.appeals iti'the .celebrated, oasis .pf Che- People vs. Smith. -• He reBU^ea'to pay bis; ftuA QPd appeared;.frbui.the' deeisioiis oft-he- county: epurttb the general.t,erm,'and the' gfii-ral term' overruled the- decision of the county tiouni. 'But the PiStricp .'Aittaruey of Jefferson couii ty/. n a\'i njt- frfa. ey'e : ou. y . #} ciearihg. -up the foists, h e e , vet a laree part of tihe ^leafing of 2 oWierea has aggio become a c}en>e fbrfetoi secoiidgroWhittob^ priiaevwl IpSe.at- cpyers tpost pf tmroenses ttae.C. . That. porttGn of the wiltlexuessbho>vnas-'Brt'wiii'sU'tact, -. d & 'f SWflCO R o g y 'of S f g tONV»is!&ips' Of land lying 10 Lewis and ..HaDQiltoaegijhtie9,b«t : tbe. uiijue is JUO> applied; to ptetty muctt tbe whole-qti the: forest- tyitig aorMiien eeii tr&'t' portion» .ef m>&i\ •: ;' ' V ^ ' - '• ' ^ uctt th? . -O.11 the i 2$th- pf Becemheti fcref, uanJed-jitociye,-m pa. ; . ".a, '. m o r t g a g e - fore'eitisTjre'. •Oauabt by Juhn-'Bi-own, merchant, of ~' : ~*"'' '"" isurveyed into and- jfcpiifeiehteck: : 6.a tjje• iJ biirr : ke^ers^-^ r -pe^ri i 9 , : .for ey ial . day's- 0 being of. ; pr>'higher- -By g a3afterward^prevailed ^*b#t of these. ^P9ttt& prepare a^*b#rat ese, ; and;- "v?e have.', ike -pleasujie; .of pte-' ^eteog»repoi;iifcpm\his ow:a man man - ., j,'i;do; .not like to.speafe to;, men mSSSfSSSiS: ••-JWKJ9.-H. JEBITOK. ... There fire some, unfortunate ones in the wpri;d cui'ped w.i£h such ^.cravin appetite far dduk that they seetw at tiniPS. ufter.ljy tillable to. eon-trol if. They. witbBtaijd tbeir sjreat enemy, billy, by themost constant vigilance and tbe'most oootinubus bard work.; ifthey niakfia single false step tbe>.:. are doomed, if they; fe tistES-: ebeeritig new*bf tempeiaoce esallaJongtlie line is like w *r to the' thirsty- soul,;btit tbe'.real advftp.ce «of the ariay may be esti- mated by tbe Dumber of iarts taken!, the strongholds of the enemy which .. > add tiieta^jii-^»ery ?: . U)..t;lie price whiehtb 11 .cqstrtmer pays; for:life.ttiddy; /i!ti r |a^ot''the.'!8^tooiiir' ttqc,; .^^.vvhi :• iV>';'!; license- omy i lor 'ISpO.Si-own. tenipt-tasettle bis tract. Sincb money j # ¥asxpfnded. iiv. hQaldfrig- jcOiidSi one, of whtehlectinfrom'BenQsen, anoth- er from Boonville aod-a : ibird froro Falls. •B.ut-tbe: attempt-was a- BOSJb B^ dd Higb Falls. p .faQure,-..3?u IBOS.Jabn Bro^n .died-; and the land was. %ld .by his. farnily uritii a'tew-, years-'siht!e, when it'.was, h d % he' lt' ; '£ri'E tijie^• . Advicesffotti-- ty piius fey^r'ragf sian ^oops^* SEnor.iepdrt b^ti K X Berlftt fl ispatfiirsay^ th'att Horth itf SSotitb:- Geriiian'' newspapers ex^ X aiitf SSo.titb:- pg futirre. newspapers .about Xuatria's. Bussja .is bti;ytng! Jtteod tp :of A. Tipnaa dispafeb;; says 16 is g.ut-9 ,ia official circles; that Engi baa tio.;groi.Kid to inalje war \vf ChoiJt 'Srstg-fiitifta t : he- ; i'ojjgri;esi3i If-she does go to.\rar dtl tUc3 fiewtl : of pp Au'striaV' 'c*iv". frf>ni'$?era.reports IH'e; ftfriittt^prof'E^p^iari f offieersfei"Odessa'and San Stfefano. _-•• •• =,-Qie.\appropriatSoii-' of - life great .-la in it' entailed, of true wotoas- to Mafgatet- D.aMti% filial de- ; votioa. and' imsw^efvittg T&tegrity. aC •fcj Blrt." we &e ' <Jreatnt-tif ' libntion, March- ;29i^-^L- special fip»pateh-fr<)EO :Pfra, dafrd!Mareh. Jfl,'hfiyS- S'pneral" Gfotn-ko's. staff^ acS inany<: qtbex MtjEBe^rsv-:.v?41f' staTt for Bciessa,-'tc»-iaay : . : ; Genef al' .biinself rejtnaiina afc Sari i .biinself rejtnaiin afc Sari p t e a f t V 'Phe departuife o f the guard has been <feteyetf S0ti>ewfcat !&' consecLuenee y of ihe-Porters..reftisal'to' p prrsfoairfeatton of- the Sussians. tberiKh't, aud t'biib't c g y -that be h tberKh, u i f g M tft'tbeiigb't according tothe law,, sent the cMe t o t b e c o u r t b f appe^W, aiiicl r-faftt •cp'u'=rtVia'i8' ! n;; pyerraled the de- cision of tb<3. general term and eon? sf rued4he ia\v precisely •&§ the Judge of'the supreme, court' ingtru'eted xhv gfapid: l&r-y' ."-itt- y?atertown 'which' I tioned; and I acn'g;ladtts gap ly y? naye mentioned; and. I acng;ladt nee that.agraud jury of Jletfersoa Vo- and' the .court.of ; appeals Of cne'Stafe of W&yr- T:oik \veje : of one "mind.": The oldexciseJaw of ISO! "y W&yr T:oi ej ; The old-.excise.-Jaw of ISO! "ytag a. State law-and etpbraeedthevity ; ft, reatricttd the Ktieof liquors to Jiceils- •ed taverns-.and : ' aiprej kveper^-. and drussister :Thel&vv bflS^t.amended iu 1825, gaw the mayor witU-ffte.al-. i .aud .'awfiatant : aldefinan.' of ard thepovver•togr^Trt'Jjceqs fe'ries#fklitimansott! given IeiousinflijeBcesitrid'"tb"e as by stroug ^I ff»eMarled Irish, --at : Jfeart . ^ 'a-ttti 'ciait "thy sf.orsr- hi -tAeir ' the . of ; to'place iSi' for ..they of in bl itlua al essay tteough'out. . The.face you ve r xt. ti\f MflKfee,;.*be-great •'..-^e&era'f,.eaii abltfbis' tiiagtie Jii ten •;: ;.d'i&Fe%£-.1aijoLaagea. What kpity.-it "is, |&at ^aBy. \vhtj have never -mas-' '-;•' ; ,tered even btje jfmshk.se, caKiaot,' or .•':. 'donot, hold their totgues wtieB they -: should he siteBL- It is. because they ',-: .are not : as wise as' the-niigbty ^enton. *' )s Wh,v$ do not fen&w fbat speeeh isrfl-- l...ifer ami thai- sileRce-. is s goM._ If tbe .Rattlers, "would thi o.5s before;they speafe^ .woald .weigh-their woxds before.they - stpered: them, t&ey woulil dp.-tes cafe •_ eiiief. ^ocdi are tilings. The words. -.• pf some luen are. "half battles," •_. .*ii31i d&jmJt not. t ^lit yon bring "• • • E-ipeeiaHy is' nca "seon-ndrcl who ApeaUs ligbtiy of a ^oroai*; and la$£ repatatirtTi.- I?e wlio hy or hint; or facial expression, attempts Iff sEaf&a-goBci Banae fs a- cowardly as'aiasfft of ehrtraftcr, and deserves to V' feaW b|» fcrehead brapded wi.tb tbe '. mask'-e.f Caia. - I t j^ apt a.small mat- - •""•• 'ft*-to sort tbe good name of any per- sap," vrnttnan or man. Bbaltospeare .kpefete of sttfliavtOjitoiasathiefwlio .. asteaistbiit wMeh dpea jiyt etirieb the ' T ihivk woite It leases the victim ''poor " irixleed/' • . . ];' Tlietongaeof slattder tsatorcb from - : feell r atui tbe person whorisesit is au ; ; . iaeexidtaryia tbesemceoftbedevil. '" 5£«Ee aje sppe*meas ofsueh ffteud- .-,"*ibip: *Sae H pretty, but—.' 'He is feasiperate, and that is alL' 'If *4ie •'-•'."• ''flatstsue to herself.* 'If he only paW Ms .debts.-' *Him is a vain, QJean . 'fMng.' 'He has an axe to grin?!.* : *Sbe is Seua in love with- that fellow.* " : .fBe" eottiea &ere oa parpe^e to see the ' -jglrW ^ftjlsewantstosho-w'herflnery.' . :^efeMways. nisking-a splarge m p'BbflC*. 'She eames late; to attrayt ^aaeptfeB. r Taaveno doubt that be ^fittkrb&teiJ ttte- door.' Theseare v ' afe«*of tie most aistable and mod- ^eiafejeoi^i'iiH that are made by som.e •<>fi"b.e.bu;-y bodies and tattlers wh& ! : fobfe'*fter lite affairs of'other people : TheIgiifcergisa welcome visit-or 4 f be April uom- Sttttaiiti witb. its attractive a,Sraght stories,/ p<«5n»3 ^ giiMlgliM by Jfobn.li~ jthoiaey,EostOB^,Slass. The' Mianehester -Q-aardian has a special dispatch frora Vierma {saying tMe setfli-'offidal Poliifeehe Oorres pqnd^nsi pnuts a S u Feter&burgh leitfr, which says that. Enjrfaud's elmm' had prddHieM-96' bad an- i-tft- prejs.~ion in;-Bugwia t h a t the njeeMnjj of .congress iso-doubtedi -Mfiyerthp-. let»s it is-beile;ved'.'.ip Ylenpa add Bepri that. tKe~-cgngre^'.will' ineet 6'a tjbesee©nd: : of ^ " ' i W IN' ; .. i Sraat ; Eoiiiei. Mar&b 20,nfj ai'rtved- tterf this-afternoon.. , SEafoli 20.—iSeven. are . repottfd ..missii)^. frotri- : -their, bstaes. since-.Mdriday uigh;t^:riot ',._ four \&i~-wh(im are known to Kave been sertba.siy ipjured- - It .is EU- :fl3.«->red tMt several of tberd died arid : qthersarfrdying* •'" ¥a. Olegg, sboc ih;ths,.sh0tifd«,]le| ia a'dangerous, eanditidav'. vThe -injurpd pqltcehien Sreprogrfesing-favorably.;. ' |JOTEi>AEJEiIV' .San sfeamfef '. to-day bht John.'Oi •'•March; •20u : —;£ froni Honolulu Governor" i bTDttght John.Oi UotaiuiS^ Governor of OaTni, Princess Lilio Kaiani,heiT 'appamYo tft the Hawatiaii throne, anri Wat.- Allen, Golteptof g^neEal'o t E f i i " " ' ' ' B , .1%:—.The; mere Barrfc to East .Cambiide.. was bbd'dfrii» Whlfe e . a . Hall, was in Charge,, a -well Biani regueate'd- htm t& step to. the door and see a.lady- 60 p.usvuee^ ML-r. Hatl conapiiedj and- the K'oiitafa ask- ehet a drafc'for$100 edhim tp.giyehet.a. drafc'.for $1.00; «b- PEp^ideriee. -''-lie .reguested .her toat-compari-y him'-J6t».the. bante; Bat instead' shespraxig into a.parriage •with her .ebmpaTtioh. and; rode off. Mr, Hal t found tbe eash bos: em pty. The money rwas-gahe,; $iJ,0t)B -in-all. QoiitKinto, the vaitlt. ho.-missed a private -ti-unk, ebnfami&g trust ftjnds of the yaiufe of .§40,000,. ittGiwd- iBg resistft^d IJrilJK-d States bonds forglO.OOO,f9,600lTithe city bonds of Tfitfda and other, cities, railroad stock, &&. Jfe is. supposed two/ men s?ere.h.id, behind, the baize partitipu dpor leading ut* stairs fcomthehank entratife, aad that on Mr'.' .Hall's' eoiiig ontthey rifled'the bank, and and retarriing, bkj agaja until he reentered the tilac*s ' Lippiaeoti's paagazlne for April is full' of. tight and readable matter^ Robert. A. MeLeod writes grapliicalfy of tbe Italian lakesT-Warda,- Camo, Alas&iiore,. ete^.—ind.' Qiive Lngau gives a ttjiarkjip*; (lescri-pttoii of scer«e- ry auci raaiifters' in Norway. ' Tbe Home (it the Jasurar,'' by E>n, Felix Li. Orf«ald, bTingf u.=i:to pue of the most xtrlkiiyr r^idoa^on OUT ovrn eunti- aent, tbe.pitthles" swapips and tb.H'fe-^ eta-of Yuratan.' Rei't'lfei-tions of fed- ward fj. DaVeaport, the tragedian^ is hy Eeufy P. Goddsrd, and. Home BaEmoiiiea, giYingtvims tpajnatenr qiiajiette ^>layer^ and d'otnestie petr. formers kfDerally, by S.. Ausieh Peawe, Doctor of SIuslc and Professor of the Aft at Columbia College. I)r, & Wetr. BtttiihelJ. begins a story (ia three parts) of Quaker life in Phit- atfelpbia, en tiffed Heptijsibah Guin- nepa,, aad there are several other stor.ie% intbe pambeEt all well ipntten anrf eatprtaiiiing. Tbe poetry is by Viml'M*. Sayne. Birfney Jjaijtier. and EhiKp Bonrke Marstpm aud thf "Gos- sip is Tjn.ttsustly. ftilli comprising^pa- Parson Enssian PrbveFb?, Portable Furniture, DupseldorF Street Life, and other topics' For sale at Tmm news rm Mrs. Wa^biDgton, of Keqkak, writes that she has more lov& for rrbboxis than fver since the men have begun U'earintf thena. IJope Jt won'iaffect tbxs xnj$ofity oi ladies ia abajway -•''• •ward-, the pbwe'rto es iii puch-. wards-; -toi'.any-persons as they- "deemtd fit.and:proper tasell-lU gaol 1 ,... In ,183.0. a C general ..excise.law was passed, but"jjfevy ^STork, where it wasiiipst .needofi, Was exempted froni 'its' provisions.. Wptsis- left the'city : to drift •.oa-.".'-fg'p.-- : t8fenfyj8ev«a- vears- uuderltss.peeiaf leglslatlou, allowing, compa,rat;iy§l ; y" tuilesttfietSd JjquoxC' selling, 1 untilin 18o7 itearfeful'y de J vi^ed and welt' baiaiiCed'-l.awappliig,-! ;t»le !tQ-.'the., whole-jSt^te was passed. This swept away..ail spessial l,^gtsia^ ;tioa and'restricted, the:- granting of; lieeuses : to hotel -keepefs: iind XQ ai;ug a»d'. store : keepers, - : requfribg-; gboil 7 moral! character with;. tlie-•• proiier: bonds, and-. that the r>oar,d : of excise, should .be>'s»ii6fied-'.'iitat.a.-.yatet";W-as uece«sa.^ for' t h e '""" " '~•"-•'•----•- tton bf travetefs:at to beUc'epsed.** f. 11 th;!*.6ushaut-the entree; (Jthe Twe^d. rtflg ejieise- .... ypfts pivsaed taking'the appbuit- iheut of exi'Tsetnards froth tbe judges aud slv-ias it to tbe mayor, aa<i auth- orizing the board to- iice.nse any-perr *«m. of good naorai. eharacte.r i.b.seOin «juahtines less th»n" 'ftve >.ail.olis, etc., r"eo_uinng 'nb"'bonds, providijag" nb penalties,; •between liqiior to be" di;ank . on. the premises; or it>be.carrit-d;away». in •w.prds it was "inteiided,; a,nd tor e It was, ip.-th city bt-lSew. York so co.nst.raeil'rts/virtaally opening i,he doors foi -free,:liqtibr selling. "—' - ftirtiinattly -."for the;-iiciupr!. _ thfe-legislatui'e -refusedtb pass tbe law without'.tbe/ihse^tiiin of a -s ' " clause, .re-en!'aql;ii>g. the. }avr of except wiseii it eotiflieted witb'thatbf 18?p,and•declariiigtbatthe tvoshq'u' "be cbns.trUBd together- ''And- it was /a view biF this'saving clause in the •: ct of 3S70.- that; fbeeourl of appeals, last year,, by the- unantfQousvote ; b WM its members; dfectdad; thai- th'eli- • - : " ; -' I'C was-'••itbt"and;should hpt xbpen ta all'that applied or tb all Wvhbmjihe bbard-of-excise tho'6- prope? ijctfoss j but. that:thehceiis^ ingsliouib^^ be. reBtricted tp; stole kfee'p- ersbfrUruggists, if.- to -Be' carrlfd -off premiseSj and-. : if...tp be.-draukon the premises-* or totho^e who prbposs'tl to keep an iun,; tavern, or hotel, .and o.u- ly wbep tfie board we.re .satisfled-thjit a hotel was^Beeessary forthe'actual accompdatioa of. tt-av-elere.'.'.'. the law; bf the wBb' e . State as by £h.ecoart of last.resp.it. The.pro posed .bill_ ngw'u/iKter ...discussion up- .sets, so Mr as NesvTPork city is coii-s •ct»rtied;the entire law"; .'-SeiSHoris one and five of the bill..will;explain - this fwlly. They. contain 'the scing and poison of thfe whole bill, and^ taken .togetherigive, to.aplasticandjel.astic board of excise, tj.ie- right tp. license any aud'e.very.one' tosell intoxicating- liquors whose •application, bondatid' mpirfti Qharacter meet their.approval, ftlpet whoseapproval? The.ooai'd of excise appointed by the mayoK .t s^ny living mau;tell wiio will appoint -this.board!-or "what.kind of.naen. the .commission wiil. be? ...There is ijp erenee;"iTj. the bill to hbtelsbr I commodation of travelers. If is a gild- cm ed: re-bash of the •rtagiaw of HB701 vvhicb \vas shackled, by, th« coutvj!py. membeay by se-enaet- iugthe provisioas-. of the Iaw.ofl867i. .Ptiisfojil has no such re<tet;ming-"fijaf turt-s in it; but-repeals and blcnfeput ail excise taws so• far as ^ e mty • is eapeeruied- Iu. other words, this law aims to.sanction the Bale of liquor as a? sole or chief business, dis-' (lohnected with hotel, store or drug ; sbop,tbat is dram-hOpkeepingby any one who. may apply. . This, .would be A hubversiou. of.t.be prineip.le running ail through .phr excise legislation for the last.one hundred years. State Conveution of Ketorm Clam. March 12. At a convention of Beform Clubg fatelyheld.iri thecity of SehenectadyV the ijnefersigried 'wece- appointed- cotamfie to call; a State convetttran.. We, therefore,'invite each Kefarm Glub tosend three delegates to a CQH-J- vention to he held iu Utioay April i and 5, andstiggest theifollowing top- ics fot consideration; . 1. How to make iieforra Clubs a success. 2. State orgsnizatioask S. How to unite temperance men. The flrsfc session. at:2p. DO,. «b,- - . '••' .• .- -\ Mass; meetings will be held ia the evening, and- addressed by the deles- gates. . Provisions for the entertainment ef delegates at reduced rates -mitl- be made. W I. H. r, A* i y purchased -% ym Lynn andolher*. - Ia 1812 yiiarlBS T.-, fierresboff! .or HarriHoff, a .son-in-law. of Biosvn, formed the projector ..of .es lablisDing'a sheep' &i.ni 4(i whstfche. culled;"l 5 he. Manor," .aiari.%a :M^- alearmg «ttd. .gO^.PWA.-A*"^-Ot Sheep-., but Che:rigor of the Ghai.rite. sterfij.tj- of the "soil of bad fljahagebient'pre* vented snCeesSTn this-ptpjeej.' 'Attv«•'• outlet ol'litte iFmton'c'haiii of -Jakes .Be- fouifida^spjendid - wiiter-.po.vvefW'hieii he- imprp*ed -by.'da.tnmi.ni the. scatters, (the oki da'm.aiili, in pavt/ j;6aiai ; hitig! ad had atmndjtmee of-poWerto driyv bis.iip'-liamrhe'r: and otihec maclrraery- fpn/the ajanufiictute Of a- very ..-good tjual.ifcy'of.ii v ou> The-ore of.avera|»o iiles^ was>.-.found ;ii; : the yici-atry, ufitf if iheFor.ge;.bad npt. been pat of the worldf-'tiu.those:days] suVegSai, mightbav.ebeenachi^ed.. .But'-afl\-v buUcirarg-forge and sawriiil-1 anftc'leaf- iiig'aoniite-!'2',utfO";aorea»' hay supply-«f : itfoney'.eroni the east^vxs-cqt;ofl'and the aitemt to plant acolony i:ii ihik" y xq the aitemyt, to- plant a.-colony. i:ii ihik" solitary w.iM : was'atjitBdon^d •and bis CQlotHsfs •r^tnrhe Hfs . r ^ h t h ; honies."- ftarrisoif howeVer e upon!,.' the -isiiid-'iaytil: .Dee. : !;&,; .- when disheartened ; by' uis. : - ihim n d t b e U.tterr-rtiip before ih jti O p ^ •tie sbbt bimselfiwith H.pjstoi ijeaf'tbe o}d AfuoW H u s e ' Tne plaeewas bi pji o}d AfuoW H:>use.' -..Tne plaee, was poiutVdotit to'ijs' whejehe island io hawatte£Q'pte>i' 5 tp pilt- ah- end to- bis ^'r&fe^<pws';'""tte'i!»ay^j^ce»am6it>hH &i.gajgtPop g par- ticctlar ord«rJj"foi.his; men. to-go- osit the neit. moi'iiibg after he left jvbcf fill up ji largehble Dbat bad been-dug-for oi-e; TfteyWeutoutto'-perfi^iB tbvir oi-e; Tftey-Weutoutto-perfi^iB tbvir- laboiy but-one 6.t;)eai',-went:dt>wHJ.o •see If-aii^r; roofs bact: been'.left'; in-tW fiiiB of the pir, a.iifl. there he fou 'is'oft^ Wli;ohad Sefrfejed'htuistf e g tob? buraediiy-the •.thjowBlnby-bis. men; .Hsisreitiains were-, iuteri'ed- i;a : ' the; did; biiryinir gro.uiidi aucj _when;iliat Wfts r big boii'tts-were taken. 1 ';E.ast- firieft^sJot reHntemienf,.'-. '• ^ ; oi"; SHE. ept^xT.R: .'•From- the old- .fordjug. place near tJ'"li^FMH'';lUW erossiug:. : near .the •'•JEprge.Souse.,#•&• fohnd a mote iev.el epttiitiy thaii we" bad'expected, .it \vas rplTiyg H|iil..in. .places b'iiyi. i>ut. not.. Broken,..&Dd &rtm wba| weictiuld seewhiiftthe.sui 1 ^ •face ;was..uutlgr. a-, fti.ot.."of suo.Wi-fbe labd'-wotild.seemtpbe.. ilayjlcir pahtura^e If not foi'i fage". THelittiber tippeai''ed'lai"t;if v and. tbrifty, was.' tersi'ty l'ard' wood v nod indtcati i d.8otne:d.H i )th antt stijength.ol soil. .Vast q'ua^ititjesof ..valuabte tim- .ber.aTP bete staridiirg tbat'sopiii will' b e w a i l t ^ ' •Ij{imbe* cu ^ a ^ re alreadv m'aklug inrottrfs fpr-tbe millsdowu ijeitiry.. Gould. i% dpoig a,i:;imh3ense TumbeEicg. basin ess. i.ii 'this' forest,'^ lie has porehaMed "a-.lafgd -tract- and; has five" or sis "m.iilion; feet of logs- cut aiid piled ready for;transit'tdtfie mills bejoiv. .The S4;odse.river ssegins a-nat uial outlet' for Uae !'iu-ihber ;-bf a large region, atii:!.'when improved' by dam: g arid.s p toe.a "eanv.eri;ieu| whieia'lo dw-ve the to the. mills;above i logs, and fencer- High jPaflS, «he«ce 'by Black; and Brie; •cajials- : an(i ;H;ud»on' - and Brie;'caJials' : an(i ;H;ud»On wafer traTispoytatioii-'is epntrnupuH; ;frpm the" Eblt'ou- Chain. ;of Lakes to 'the 'Cities', -pii Herald' '.-.•• More ^fonUerful tliatt." . {PrQm ae^HurdaCo A (G.) Chronicle. : 1 see : .by yo.ur; last paper that you are ..pleased 16 notice the invention of our iei}w WwusmiiHttH <I i yy*&$ to You p our iei}w ,tt y tl smi aittentiiia to'-theiftes)!.. WlWBo!twiek : preprie f) preprietor of aetbrx^otn kbpWl.W.-Botw, ppr the Aieora V^astthpard' Eaetbrx moBly <jal Jed' £ke.-fpr f hortV . Sf w e likes" ttiingi".to".t'heirplaces,^*tnd. "at the proper season^ .When. 1 hew-orks ; i i l t ^ l ; ^ ' i f f h h d * g . l y . h# bauds i&" Jjis.jjajjtarjy-and- •iheirtiine is yaiuabie to--biaj.» and -he", does.not Kke.to-ha'ye; theminterfefed fc "0d : i with; d a r i n g wopk-hoUi'Si "C?,He.day t : iH fact seve'ral. days, IKe;- teas auHoyed •by bobs. ageiJts bothering' jhismea,' trying. tO;,sell. hooks, and..'"" " „.-.„. ........... . iVflualb .grew mqn.oton.pua,. i.p. fact it.is said that; Ike indulged in. remarks nearly, akiu'to left-handed .theology^. '• -..- : But at length, be determine^ .to-be rid of his trpubJes and so- set bis w t* to'vyork. .He.eotisti'-uctetl a haaebiue and placed: it'beiiihd the door—Hino ceiit Jpoking etfougb:, .being appar' entlyaoly ftfeiw pulleys .and lever^ .in si frame -about the. sisiieand betghx of a mani. But. let a stranger em*ir that shop .'aud a little ijiixror Teseni- blitig an. eye was turned ;di-fecUjy.-tj>-> w-ard:tlie-totj'uder--: IP he^'bad'afbook di;iy I 3 i > d hrbkeffom the-niacbjiie wbich ed mueblike &.. gen dish laugh.. If he say's, ^1 have a bojak, immediately at-oct of grappling ho.oli is-fastened in his, Cf-ay.atj.and.- i f b e ad<ls."tqsell,'? ihedQor'isopenedv-tbe man is turned.full abQut,audii).eu'fi ' ' l f e ' ' ? ^ l j j s y & f i p t j o . f e p j componnd leyer, w^th knobs on tbe d Ute i b t l blptt p y, end, Utee a nuniber.twelve vpp^ •nienc*s an- attack in his rear, .and h>- a few; momepts the; naati js;iHirle<J toio the.street t«ith the sijlemh idea that' he .^yill. haye^ tp .'employ,some other man to'dohi.-- stjiing.cl?jwh for the.n«s.t six wieks,. -TheflL'Sfeb agent that • it eaug.bt, was literally chawed up, and everybody that passV ed "intjuired, tb;e price Pt" sausa#t». thtnfcijig" Ike bad.£one intd tbe -chop-, dog business..'.' . • - : "-..•••. Bostwiek is adding ; an.attaehuient so that-, it ; wi.ll : operMeori loafers as Well; and- he• vbWs ttiaxbefore, nexf summer he will have it so improved that it .will- know.. 5iid;OperAte on a h g *od man atfofty yarda^ . ke say> that 4>irice: he'has gothi.A abiafr be can niake more.wash, dsi and: better oaea thai} any .oth er estebliahnjent of its- siim ln% Ijnited-at'»te8,,;and^he. will h furiuah *'dr'awings.4tid speqtfif to any fniiiitjfactur.er or shop-keeger Who rB»y : w»ht lo= know the easiest way to be rid of boresvarid iftf tQur friend,3ostwiok : has upt for- gotten ato^ o pi h lift Ii&wj8C«yoit.y. %^, madbiuemtMthedoaivf%ps pBiiee for * fello\riw&*how oif who ha«vigtted i}# (itfim b a 4 ^ p $ flrat tinae.bn the rnomiug ofthefire -.' * "V"' 1 •" " - * ~- •"" '»*••- -^-^ ' •"Wrif—T^-M*—.— —_—" -"* ' - . anas a f : th^. liquor ;:Th l ' ^^'ou'r<se;. jfaB a maig: th^. liquor; tfaflrtff ^o<;. of fevanue.;:The rec?lp.t^;tp;jfa.eBrar > e. from tbe,-ijs¥ pRhe^uttCh, very- lai-ge- lyexceed ihosfciiiat^h/beealle'cfed of•ff we haye lost, siglit rfays ^bflpe'tb;itg: pipiicy'.-: They made a 1: "~ '~ t!ili it: '--,ffieattt}Shon'ld,reach, tp'glve. a chance for.' jpgai knpwlefigeiiBLltsJa. forms Mbd besfeves'tatfr. 'Jfhertj ar*no. granger ^ords t»: he- featidi M ojir hoof^wljeh'wes'ee i i l f U bati thse *Atii ^Jhte ho^wljeh :.|eQpe i ;tbati these-: - is institated.'iin/tbvis fhagbyern'mentfea of gbym to 6e-vested .in. .-other 6| all ties in : -En. tpge*.., oaedofregenig,./. .of this: Jftw this w^'ciotheij "\yith hundred, pf«qi m<?mb;pi^bip,:.but th* j do exist, abt|-. Maim ; atir most tmdei sympathy: ai'td'most gehei'ous pbarity. .In; oiher -wjords w€ must:" discri tn'inatt-- In" the adintoistratiob o.f.d.iscipliue. The'gist ofa-wrpugi^the intent with ifob, it .iscobjnaitted- WUeif ou& goes-down to a contest the fieieeneas-bf w-hiehmsstof! us ca, n nbt: m.eatfUtTe,-0i by.an. aeeideh.t whieb'.- we eaiinot un- derstand,; he must, be received back to, lowship, to. eoniid.enee and syoipa- thy, not pn.ee ,pr twiee .only buc.'-'sev- enty-.times. 4( N& license "to.;our t<swh." GaOford, tljeoangp Co., is'a thrivr- B.ff,agfiCt3Wural t».wn T dotted wltto ifJag.es and eh'jsreb^, w-ithiJsown tJiiion &• B. A>!S6e!at1iE>n--and ~'T?*a biters .' awl last, not le'a'st, its totlges of J eyis .But Bf ;M,s;ie able fai^toe-.-'-' I& -i$.•deVis^d for; tbe regutarion: of a. U-iiffi.c wjkfeb -i t? b b t d i e v e qauitot:he s p V s d as'a; regular or .ft 'is of thWn- thout?|i- It" had. i ^ , •Pbe license system .does not; ;&ven.-ii't•• theqny,.- apportion 'tke,.t£tx ; to th amou-ui-of li.qubi!sbid'i,, 'AfrBoti has tb.e; State., i'ailed 'to l i dl id or;:tbon^an.ds oi dollars 'annually,' :wbicii*wpujd..-biliifig 'tbrdl.-ifthe lj^ quo j iuws -weie.Wncfcly enfoiced.." ".'; ;;St114 again /-fe«tfe afe^x.tr.eme; tem- p.ei'aaeenfRn^iito^bitipr.iats' ih. fa.ci;' <\ho beiieVe ; tiJa6 io ijrohibiUbnis so- a^'th'.JIS the .jir-bftihitofry; 'tarijfF; | drik . . h jrbiy that'.- you may. 1'b.|oid-meu 'to d ri; HVii -thyy :Wffl;stil;F\lja!ik ( W:bBe iiqtipr- is cheap an.d pleat.^.j;:bht'-pu£- into' ^y^ ei-y salt)qTt;;a'Miifletfc : . bfeH^puJiCh', and uompc4\fevMy;.;,frMjten:t;er; ".nbtonly-tQ h ' i py pay (.he.-price :'of tejcittQtih dealer, jbu-t a. direc^-tax- l . tb'••• the State. tbr eacfr atid•• every ;tlfflte: be ipspects tti'&'t}o'itoiH^f'a-gla^'-!and^o4jta'atfee yttiif:.pt'o : bibittb'n.- isiMe efFeetuftltiao itUius -y-ec tieeui poistblel'o niakeite'If; / d h a t y b t i !*f least<iuad y you dpu/B ;ilethfe lo niaketeI; !*-f least.<iuad- om'theiiqabr ^(Jras.th terriiorf. Qf,;otfr ; Sta{e. was. rrjacle. a s.fat:-o£ feariiipg, -in :j% broadestj hijgh^f^hseV'-';-BaJt;feWl.aws in the av&"been, conceived ft^jps|i... . M-did tiot p.lan* educa;taba;;in c^r|ain'- favored spots,; to*. which;' the.fe.w^GO^ild>.:resorb.who W6rB : ;abl©tp;s^gfc iaqto)wivdi?0 at %QflttQi.e : in-alK.'ife forms; it"s 'lj i jte it be; g tory, comi life for tj iii;'alj. paits ofjtebrpafi ...'If; jtiiplfed. ;that.-not. Giily .comiQon-si'hopjs, hijt tnat'acadf raies .and.e.olleges we^e;/aniong.tlie rlgbis bi_the people*sKherfe"they-'desirea •their'toethpds:«f Aieiit&i t Wlhis.eiid; tb^iqSfitle a.s-ysfcena : 'frf which!pifQto?-©f Insteaetion. cdald: easjiy he esta'blisbed-:in' •everytWvH ouh|yi ; ^11 thes§ aiisJ couh|yi,. ^1.1 :thes§.aeaafemi.e and' colleges w^.re' pafcts ; oi orie grand- Uiiive#sity' a c t i n g a n a i c w t i ' t l e ^ p Uiiive#sity' acting.anric a; : \corxitui>& ; cprjt.rpl,; yie'fc -a y p/ o.hybti !f least.<i iuple. thfe .rt'vebuel feom'-theiiq U'iBieiarid "admitting/ifbat all. t cppj;ua'tihtfiy itt which they- - i t g a Itlgvi:. to. evfpy erebQ a,-right, to %sthobls y-^et, at wa> moi-sec-- ai, for a,li.'w'er-e b r o u g h t t o g e t h.ear :and:made parts : pf onerdt xure; iinSer a^pmmb&^ controls: This.plan.gave^ -comiflafOft Sehpol .systeoi.- ,1$ ^ -for it-;-. wise. and) acliye ;fxS,ea(is-In 'fcf t|St ' % ; y prafefjeal a$ pjarca'at, ; It iuyoly^g 3 .^ry'large dijctioit in tile' "oj'dfiarytses A ; y^ 3 ^ y in tile' "oj'dfi.jary.tases; the ne* tasii Itsfe ft he observed, w d liiifttjjon-' tiiafelasH-bf the- popuTftt;l()ij; : whjp.it-now. paysnext: tQ tjo;iie ttf the •taxe%" vl'liisi.argument : is of-SQioonV Q ;ii x.% .argument : is of- •V ini-jng. acharacWr,! h'af weconfident ly expect- •.thac> ; iihm EVe' years'tbe -.Mbife'tt bell-piineh ^viH. 6e;as ttni've5 : fatly., to uae.thropgliput':.iji& "Uni 6ta;tesas' the;&rUib'arj b'll iue so ffi;uch;tO;aneQ.mers;irQm other lost : sig t»t Sehoots ^•msihaw & clffsli itf• & : .tp'bB t of this flrct;gi:e!"v.t .syStem, pf all _ kilada, «tjd;":i?i.!ftl| xv &-aidw'tf UB " uh(11 thef e is -ahouE tflSeifc W Mje' ; . ; ; i j . bp^ .uo'jy is 'tipon- ; £be' Street rai,lroad» Si the th Wy t ft -eatioflv -: If ycie.had; cacrJed'.;0jat -tiie i f ' l t h i f h l : . . . . . . . ... Hear Mr, JSdttor;. '.<;.•. * I aerived -.-ia iiiis eity. hd ^ ith yy sv ^ jpith a grand iie<. fruoj majnjf hi toy old Mends;- st wbobTwere J £}' Trower & p jj y d ; anapugst .wbobTwere J- £}.' Trower &.- . W r C."T.' T ; who visited Canada.iii 187.B; Gpl.. .tEtekman a-nd oyself leftiN Xorfe"' city pp the 26^11. uliaft.tl e'll^d through Spw Jersey, Peii vjtma; Marylaiad'and"Di •ing ;;VyaSjhlngtbn_0 ;tb.eiice"-thrpwgo^ttgi ette, ; .tothe" .wtjsterii-jpatc qt' - .•tJie,Sta 1 te..',.'.\5f& l " ifbr.seyei'al.; mif^«rfcriaviille.d-; on; ^topbf. tip;'Alteganit ^mpuptams, What ;inoui^ains. snpw-i s ..to d' grand • •ijght ; 6f!.us/m0nutai:us-;;ipsfrbqfe and' b'vliijid-i:. varied' > , by- frwjueht passing: thfoitga.. tun nelii,'.-!,j^je- had -.^pieju'fiid- weather,' .-Wiiea tleft..; hoip.e;.it waft- cold,.;i.uy 'fe.pt yvere- eased, in heavy; S?\ VT^fi n. I'*"*.* J%*» V%1**» 1*1 r\"lVrt VmVjrwt f*'**iJil+f\\*/isf.'<twi>t*\^' t y , my head a .mink cap ;'r-%*ti6o w e j i i t e e vii Kiiaa1 wd* ''the' observedv-of all-ob- !--,?? attd : a£-tbe'&st. store I d avhavtook .oft my- o^era atitl.owri'cjat!,' and appeared •j^Ji.suni;: jne? tib|ttime •3?tirmers ar.e" pibugh- in«;gsassgi¥en' ca#esrnd hbrsestiat to- gaens;:,b^ihg mftde; and iti lakurfeiit. verdure.--it hOd'farmer 'd l Q O g p ;to he here;;' Ihave eircjillrfidof, many the- price>Sgpod^fitEm' laWds and j , the price>Sgpod^fitEm' laWds, and ,ljaye -been' ciedihly; •ittfbrmed'th'Ht gobd-fartiis-cah h'epu.renasf'd.ati from negroes.,.- Sfnce'iliheJr-femauctoat •'many vbf'-.them r w%nbt work And ihe •farmers ..are. obligM' t : ogeil t :-asthey; «i)6M"pbt;g§t5:sfeu}p^L:':ja;b'btejts-tottfl : Mp; '.the-Jand.; 'dfih a'rtuers' a fi?w -h"uudred.of;J.XVVand Ad dmgtpn. yeomatiry, -This M01 dnr ing the war, was-""- .burned -by -Sher- man's army.on." their ;inarcu; to' the si»a, --TfVday ic;% balit-;upj has a pbpr .illation of iX),-066; aud'six railways riiiir ning ,$brough it.- Whc;rej-; caitt ybu;, outside of Chicago,- find .a. pyrplel? Sstrll enterpiiae is -;wap;tihwJ.-"0b;ttoii ' I l i - p r i b r ' - .to.the" warthe'-Sbjith f ] l f e td . g , whSj had- b;ut few]- ; cotton- lacto*fe J to.-djay ttiey are being. hiitrt : upeagMly '• 0fb ?V-ipoiiWlaeto'r i{eap.ets : anC : '4"io\v;£F%; for? : taitah- e ^ are iospbited febin Een^ckyland-t3ie Kcrthv- ..-.C-^ : '; ; -' : .*''-.'•>-v : :^.;vr v ^>> Vffe and: gerif-fbua, anrt.ehthuBiastie in tbei;i*..kindness to '.foreijgaers., .'On Mpnday- we." : -atai : t .'for:' !Augo.4ta"" party of seiettt ladiea ahd'gen;tie..meu. 1- wish pbtae of.btif. frieiidSai home e;i-e ; #ifeh-u|;t<j ebjoy thi- Bplendld; ; i h . u | ; t < j ebjoy thi$ Bplendld; •trip-, amid.supshini' and ap ; Wers.'- Tepd*. .peratiBeiU this State •••.is-dbing : .n?:u.cfc ;good;; fp« the-euifeu^/-: I Hud ®&>ii ;Te;mpiansb;^re ; 'd -tlie 'vfebtk,'.- 4.0 :|pdsres-\ . ipepple yf quite a"large- memher yrivti 0& :ald-of the: jesr, dbrag.an«ffeei;tv,e workV • • - Yesterday I yislfea the'Atlanta tlnir veriiity 4ua fo,unfV'150'youufeiaen : ftnd 100 ypflng...ladiei; ah .a boardeiHi ItHftfl;i d ItHftue;tisiitt ported.partly.by :TQlu:uta?y *p .tiohf audfttaEeiy:by^fhe .Btftte| . #^ jitly :Eb-itt; 5Ph deiitsare.alLcoibireJ " f • IA.' ^t** -i a"tr.-i- •'. __"^. ^.i. i. latsbf this: c .a4.rreunfp.hv •CastftJight a. pleas* fgt of ybt. i at : I^l ^r^^n^h^f.s bc#t citf^ias tp;.'k pftH u^/«r'"|t«'ii'iK0t6t ! ' in tti|^ j f t ieiih ^ . the BapiiB|8) t recommend atriai^f this t " a*peqple the will toe, y M<$mi$ <M& T,,. atid ;^U1 ctose. «f this -My next -•^^M^ AnotherQ<»od Templar been organiicHl with Ofil membere. Then»ro«te tp' help'. those 'iehbpIs. Wiy the •fifst-feleaxeiils f yciehad; cacrJed'; yi.h a j t .pju'r.lathers?.if .w© ;hatl:jK) Ltie^j-?p called^ hat aVi'had kepV their right-fia,me*pf...cbeges if they hacl,all J -hv4& ; ma.de : partsi> the-'P#y0p3tt;y^0i th>St!$te of'Jfew •Yprk ; : : -if-pfe : •hlh beep. - h ij ^sehopls ;had%1s th tra&aleiation.bhip; to tjem, ther^. would >be now rjo t'Ui ver% a,boat Che ^.claiixjfi pf all J bliefavbraod : ; siappprfi It is'nai ,tr<,ver% ,bo . i j f p pufbliefavbraod : ; .siappprfi It that W;6 hitve-'Dp' right; to levy taxes t i t M d f edp.catibfSi whi«h ;that .the--grea ;,to h of?• .all ••;&> gain.'.iSOTiieV-i great fiirce in :).,g all' .;seiioolf./except. <u; isehpolSj. affd;' :these- .ianist- be-kep %^ip. &B 'most, simpie. feanche^ they- #111" he op&i, to th4 same ybtt give giy% him if it'is. tr;u;e ^aa';&hovyl' that - i - of P%ti0r$-,. giy% hi 6%n'j'.-fcsth -when 'y,ou yptt force jfpr ,p But"is• ? ^ g^^ .-mbreha p: cial prbn'erty.;tha-n eleefcr-icity.ean be. .itcaji; no. iapre "be ephnnedwIlMa the. HJihfiiS''w ttj^tt-'thati. the. fadia ti;n|f:heaipf; .fiirii.afefcg, or th« beaepn uppalight houses.can-he.shut ;up" sp; ibt^^abkUu^'bie^eitrno£'Seeni 5cah, : t)xe- ^r,ue; view of edacation ate ife agjiuerieeSj/ and;: hbs. e &Wused..s.o;.'tb"a this' -cajii he caii^en say ^ajt-ib/ ; its .wor^Plh4l.it: bfelps' thafeith^^T'dfaimsap6 igh le^ei ijf^jt eisiiottq'tive; i^eMngipseho ^ spp d in.telii- -all the t gpil, i i, safer-as ttie'Stateean ^ t w a n e e ^ r l learrjjng,, •." The varied.,cbn,aiitipns,, capacitJe^v and; hitilftb ^g ; .will direc Qf:44ai!QiQ h f t $ ^ g ript.9ir1.i5f;; the ainbunt;. which'each^ tpa^igainih ; ; TSone which'eaeh. .„.„. .. tioQ;tlieirSJ;u ; ($ie8:tbay.. rcah'i6?l'|"o^w-1upnpr liia^te ^e-.'%f'im.'th'e; erid Us. sclipbir hpuse t hH . the eout^e oflife/eaehpeir- —-•-•• ^aste,o? : Cajgjteity fi>r 109 m&i th!at. .it fe-s'pi .for^hy thi^ means •ai^.9ii§<*cfefaiae';86i'dl^dMSat'b-y fo'cofeaTift^ti.ewhol^; ibommtkit.ty are bade «iore.wise ^'~- tik - " ^ " • s ' t h e e Ipfe'iiigencev ' >'Wte e, ie Xhm fos P m:made -.to keep j jgaareh pi tome 4$. a# 4 on ;ite!tha| iilid[ea|i hetvyeen. the Is constantly la. 0 i f --."society khp>ledge, oi? of general tearniugi that tihe whole Gonaiaunjty wilt, be perjmea;te«J, jstftb diffuseU knowledge of busioess piihcjjples,- <jf .seientifts fts of mephanicai processes, o a | Tijtefiigeftee; jaM {feat, to a ; Mlfhef qegre& than: we may ^ d at "Ofst thought. The g^ gien^olf ie&M rapidly bg(iQip?s the^^^ eoiaffipn: progerty bi jtll..; IB^ry teatj'ili. feVery ulelfu &l i % ;mx>re ; active; fi tb h qf ta 6e?& ginia, shot at the saloon 3a^ t^ Jn|lnijH*6|hathe !*>. fhe itliajttlie#^;%^idflotali:owh^ sell tipi ail vtotQ3iioatt4:mm hll # t f JM b k ' ©<? Cur, ^opa, Id*y weqt home tlnink and attempted to mM? sate m*s*m W o# lanaSu^l > 'hive 'oeen-' rimefe tt I igopew.era : 4ni.W'S*0U o'esurity 'fbrseliifigrlhjaiiV ffpftc&omTEV'irti-JjeyUan Agits »ji 01 t)!ie li'riis; owh., and n'q'rum sli^'sl ;3Si:neyears %o,.. after- a' .desjjerats"/-iitruggle-;. the liquor IP^rty s^cce'etied iti eletain* a s jQt , -op.fr Itoia and' raSat' be. boftie By thi isirtip7rtttiit tliatthvstf{ B«srp7rtttiit tthes{md bo liisOssatW-' Ijy piftvate -xnatiee, sis'we aw liifrneaitl In' --'• " • Ot liifor.inea- Pto! .some. J)empe?afe eauTjot; u»derstatid or appreciaie .a htitaane mbtlye. A law/ of the land tof.the pTotectiotj. of the; "co'innrtHi-ity canno^ be : eificff ttu'less |he:'aefitisation ;'instigated"by is tbr'o\va at s Jaw loving; law'a.bicMng people.. Tjiiie. has.been and cowardly aci'U-- sations •bave'-detenred the ehfo.rcemen< tee., law',' tbaftfiBi? 'ha« passefi never to return, "Above-ail 'the note dtii'Of a' self-S'pe'knig polfcy be- y-ohd'ttre glafe-'and/glitterfeougStl?y •fche sBeddiiisof tonocent falood, mete Jj.ave heard ibe'"voice ft'oin Srnaij have ea.nght a-glihips'e ;bfthe Sigber law thel#W.o;f Godjaud.are '" " ti p to wasb their baults froro esjfc.! a i tjui.f y! tb at eyes enrsed. h U man i- ire to.waiti. npHei with "!.". .ev.en' in fchis.w'orjti of SelQslriiess. Protpction fbi'.. the. has-'•become the solemn;' ; clnty- .o: clir-fstian .eitiwiis,. and .if ..we. .mus ?Va?e of our'ifli.<lst'let us.iV it.-within'.ili treasbrj in ttie/blfi^d.and sbulsjof tbbse dearei to'ns thaB : ";onr own,.lives.. "But' ther is.; 'aapfchei' -"side 'ia! this VV"he*e is all the traSe out: trea;sTO-e; : .ft>a£ *\>e>". -nftl -«ises-' !"f«re.'the" Cqtorfy.,•-Clireuii. and"! o'th ctmWs, ojily.to.fiad that ivi nkbat ; every ,ten..are caused bytbe! ^traffic .4utOSiieatiBg;. liq.uorsi-and ;Uien bins] tb.-raise'the cry of cost' in enS>r.eia the : l».w~ v peu.»y . wise and pouii foplush;" an iuxeifigeut people can not, afford .to be,. if tbe expense ,.m«st oeeviitailfd, bt^rn! properly ii * and "eternal .prohibition of the rum ; traffic,, begin at bnce,in yourbwn iown/aad ^tp'p.nol tratilthe tra.ffi;e iii death is st.ay.edj.of tUe Master bids you .pb'me home. ',' : . .."•','.- : "". v- !. ! due of tbei^leasantest feaJaries of ' ^ArfdHwdito "isthe freq>ien|ly ecurring" item froai all parts "of tbe' tate; and np\y-thank: €todwe"eair but possess ' ' great deal of boftfet .tempfirance work has beea done in-Gailford; dur- ng: the last. .ten years.. More tha^ half, a score of drabkards reclaimed, a healthy publie seottmeat created he insult oJ,w.hfeb ia;the pjreseni ictbry- Tbe only remaining licensed bot,ei:is hencefbrth to be a house of ntertainment for travelers instead of a rjim:'.shop^. ^b Gtdilfprd has her ourteen churches sca.lttered "over the To*HE Epi*O3a oy towVitEaa: -Tabs j . Yop do welljattd 4& ai Yop reaid ^^wptkj Mgg Oar cmss ptbgre^ses* r the ©4© bill inspires hope?': com mbh mnm wpa t . : One. step at k\ time is hetter'tnin defeats The law of 1857 lit wprtti dt-fend&g.. Prb;n>. . h ' e ean. adyaace* , Cities call ior help; tbe St4te!has'd!enie4 h l taerh libeay .p. Krf%s&• lieense^. to liqupr shops;;.-the-.yiB^t- wards made hiaster.s,-.scnd;' !the- h ' slaves. . •The';exc.^ into^^ the.!..h*n€^ of the peace,.seeftrijy and. g;-tpd Citizens In-;the:©>mitry.i?an: "rote **no •" • • .'ieense,^ hufc; weof- the-city are ;<ie- . : nied.th.at.liberty; -Sehpois "office.' . are forced into streets-against una,nf imbm prptest/:. Tbe wishesf»f the .. •peopterare hot respBctwJ"!; our jigh!l8-- - areiavadfed ; our liberties violated, ,;We' beseech "the friehdg.of ^osticbJtb . ' come to.oUf reside j eive ps the pri Pilege of voting by ^ards oa the li ' i license 'queatioii, that it may sible for. dweliers in eiiies to proteei . themselves frojoa having ;the. "avir iquor b s^cce'etied iti eletain* a q ibenseboard! by. a union' of thirsty ieoioeraJ&s'and repuplSCans on' the stl- pervisors* : ' IStow mea m'uafc "vote equaiiy, li- tense. or ao licenae oii Eseise" Coinf nisstober; ;Oa"r people are a law ab|jJiiig people, and we 'cohfidentrj tbe law. wiii be respited, sit may seem,-ISf.ew -.Berlin, g sance and! -eurse.pt liquor shops for.- 'ihte' ;~ ' ' w 4 tb her "1,906" Murphy pledges ba.- vbfed to keep" op^n. the dfam; shops.- .Who shall fiil themjdeseitBEs oi ue-W recruits'?.' EJitheralteriiatiyeisbo'rri bis. The Murphy movement has ac- complished'.great g<x).d, btit-in has' one fatal- Weakness! The- piifails.;whieii have destroyed 1 hoxtsaiias are suffereu to riuiaiu, to entrap..-thousands morip. "Lead u> &ot' Into, temptation," wk 1 -.. tfle praver bf-bur-' Lord,. We eaanbt •frame a better one; " - - - .Slas. £». 5. To the. Editor, qf-iiie iiO-ff.yiile Tunes j - .•JiaovriBg.tl'tat .the people in your section are interested'in- all that per- tains to-temperance,., aad. If.iata n«t k with,.the. gentleman, who ieh great benefit to the. !pebpleofthi^Btate; I p e t t y b u a ;few.. {j.H.es.in regard to, o^r. gre&t reform AVbiciiihaV been ia progress since Mr. My Du.teher catne Siota £b!e above date to time'but two. eye'riiiigl bare wittio.ut a femperanee' meetiing b'el'ag' iieid:'"'';\ ; ;.;';.;'; ."• : : -"'".!'-' : ;"'* '',;•; ;.- 1A00Q of the people.pf this ..eity; "j/tfy driaiXiin'toeii;iave signea y ; 'tlie piecige., and.jair.'itatensr.has,' dttr- !b ' .a-tsreaddresses ihthisciry<albne, lie* iitesbrgaM^iiiS'TeforHieluSstbroaiilj We ought bexttoliaiit the.nBra- :ber oi licenses, wDere.aUo.'yf'd at; all. .Sxeise hoards oaghttobe r-estrauieS. The power toauthorize the saie..oJ" . bquor, cut MfrUunii oaght.BByer tp.;be given-to such-men as- are chosen on. these''-bfisa^cfei , Our "liegMature' would hardly refu.se to ioapo e some. . Testri«tions, -if teujperajice. people, urged i^ Aoy restricti.OQ.w<*uJd:be again. the.enstoBa-no\v.istpgrant licenses, to,aE .who apply; more than t\vorthpa«an<i are issued in th'S - city Df 150,0(30 inhabita&ts. Other-. cities, suffer in 4boit.t the sam e ratiov. . (San. we not iDfiueaffe.-.tlie. State..to- : .. limit licenses, in. a'liy ward aliowipig; them ,o.ne fur each ihoasa-nd maabi- tants?. Tens nf .thousands would .fa^oir such- a J^w; th^t will aot go ;for entire prpbfb.itibri^ -_ ' It ^oulct bejt , tremendous-ga-iri- fpr.tetoperatfce.^ ; -Bve^y sh<>p is a home talssioii sta-f lion of siOiWith active' solicitors, o.rafty and suc;«es-'fitl Ib persuading youitsr and old tostep into their" snare, - t'lose Tip; aine-tehths- of"' them.and/temptation is.j iiteiy tlecrea^d.. ^*" " it-would niatee iti! ducetlie "drinking s h # s frotiqf 8,fiOO to' 1,(MW;' in Bcoakfyb! "to; close 4,{)D(V ' arid'leave poly 0OO5, in : '.Ba|Biip to, . bringth«!ai.doWHfi*biH.3/»00to'500? Yet.what advbcale cana«kfor. ojore jhan...on,e.li<jb,ursh.bp .to.- i,<iO0 itihab- , itanta? . WeeouldcroAtd them hard, on sueh an : issue,;.. ,'-;,; : ; '."-• .' . : •'• There- i-s no.jtyiusual .interest for. tetn.peratit-e HOW in, Puffla/lDji-yet a . tjreat. deal of steadyr.q;'Uie.t,.eaiHesfr work ;$$ done by the- ehurcites $$• sevsral temperaaee say^-.tettHjdow.it.jour, sentiment the._plain truth UHJ-I went to. n % ian ; Tbufsday--last, mt*\' ihei .witij-the lodge ra thep, hi; ^aad-spoke lii the evening to a^Iarge aadience The lodge ig pr6sipering .-and -tliey- seemed :desfeou;s of calling in m&re-.oi the temp#ane6- workers, .and men -•.'.-Ori:;;jPridjay ^veni- -out in: -a- stage from Batavi&'tb So.ufch;; H^!iabamai Stid had the: pleasure of. speakiig to a.fuM and .interested, aiidieiiee, .and of giv- •i;ng aa ' inyilation to the friends te " give in their' tiamesi and- as we were to have.a'lpdge;meec!rig at the close of fthe public meeting.iWe. would ask.all; : added j.-andseVeraigave prbmise-for a future; time. TMawas^a sjaeeessiftl meeting.,-•• : - - , . - ;'-,- ••'•.•'.:••_•'•-= ..".*,• : ; Satu-rday e'veoitig '•&,. njee'trhg -was ;.held ib.'A.iaoait!a ; .Cetifre in tfise: Bap.-. tist eft&reh> The- nigl.it was. dirk aoti, some rainy, : anii : 'mudv deep, yet ti bousewaslull. My Kubjeet'Mis' ix I4- : Bense," as'theyhadthat day help: aeau cu^nota teoaperan'ee ea.ucns:,but a gen- eral one.- -After adjaurnmejat, ifre wem into the lodge rootb aiid eight-'Came iayan<i"wei'eiaitiateicl, ." •; - Qn Ba-ptfay I addressed the M. B •Suhday sebopl,'ai}d ied'agospel prayer .meeting. aS6 p.. m. ; Web'ggan in the ;leetttre ro'omi tot.it would aof-ebntam si. third-pf..tn« i3»bple, so weadjbijfrieG* to- the mam; body. of. the- tebureh; ' "T-he <3ood" Templar lodge ia;Sdmer"' set is prpsnetJngV 'an'd.the people are bftina.' edtS^ted.' . Our meeting, in Olcptt ^Bas.an i.mip.ens.e-,.one, ; Booni? "iliere was no room t aad penpleteturn- ed Home,' e'iarbf miles, -because tli'p.x ,cb.H[<i'not.!ge!t iu. Just as the Sev.! Mr", |ien.)lii3g. Wftsabottt to oped by piayei'i a Mid voice -said, **j!s there ?n'oti3i iu tbis hou^e for eight ladlen? Ii; there is, thfev tir nUt."' Theebair ntfiri said harcjly, but hy bbys bang bvertbega.ltery, t3;p';th;e' platform- and' svete'lloally entered, fojf .Jeace; G?er-one burtdred signed. tbv pledge. liaise-jaddftions-are matle fo their'.oumber ' a the 1 < ?4S 1 '- i-gfentleaaen there, n&v< use bf tobaecOi and r aiding in the |i:veBile reform. "A lai ; gerev|vaVh.ii3 jjeen in! the churches over" 100 jrofessing. a' reformat/on. Good Templars are leading OH to co?-- cjuer. M y ' p r a y e r is, <5fod bless m 4 \ to the.-^vork. •tr'Mv €ieo. Stinsbn &0o it Portland* RJe,* ptthlisha firtle' <5hsomo worthy, of a place in every, one's home. It is $ : \fMtft cro^, 4. owned with awreatl* of roses", ibrget-Tnae-ttota, daises apu gr;»jen:leasre8i:-*ad at-ilM base, a «lss- pf fhesame beautifot flowers, ji painted- oa. blaefe baekgrbnud, against which the jicWEe sbpw$ •out the. aiijiiiQiag .".oitiitry. in .Mary- :l'4iMl, Beansyl vaiiaa and, H w ; Jersey; in Ja.eE .the! whole: .Cto/siipeake Bay fpuotry, has been.in afever pf.lD,'ten>:e 'ex.citeoient throffgh the trujy siocei* atid . elosjueut efibrls of _.i"Bi$» gceiit ffk»nd of thedrtQlfing maa... Fbe.temperance people pf this- city, to show thel r appreeittibn; of ibeiar 'boribus efforts bf,Mr. JDutcher, b'avt- and pies-exited him with a be.au.- hi)Useoveripbliiiig the bity, tbfte :riyers,and fote !sfates, "I;t,.!is.a.;tbr.ee .story briekedifice, a niqdflof cpn\*eti- deiie'e," aiidV"Mt. .Datcher and faniily. removed., from 'MagsacuusrtS g h . p irteveiy. make-them comfortable anq haupy". y | J be. visited the "BrtS»B Piiovinees- and inausurated the'most lastiug- and -extensive reform, evtr fenbwii fbere}.' • • ' ' ' . " *••'• .• The "DuicIierTemperanceReforni- 't-ZhjV of. NbvaSootiaa^d' New Bruns wick. iiow. number'40,000 tbe : lbeal ' b OOO iitrbug. . . , , .. . Thank G'oji-the white flagoftem- .p.eranee. waves ; m every breeze aiJ i.beloved. Eepiiblie, aid tbt bmiiig when the temperai peroip.evd. pb time is cbmiiig when, the p triiiy- wJlf eomtaanU: the Eespejetirfall and be 'stroug enough tb demaii.d 'texnis of capitTilaOott.." 'FWternaUy you ' re- brfeis. the, Chttreh meroHs and vigbrons,. and several of the pastors are {decidedly aggr$§^ sivebri the subject., "•• The' Teiriper;- ' : meeting,: that j m% eefe. " its nistti ii^ p «ause no onfs can be fpiaQd : to.lead- it;; and eQliect funds to "pay. necessary'. sxp'eh?>ps.; '.Most! likeiy.a,remedy' ipill/iopn! be djseb"^ergd. for thisob- . .and its.good., yroxg., bere- ! ! ,.tTip, hooray?' Tbe burly,burr , y it Is done and .ibebattfe' Jt is won- '.We met the...enemy .a.t Ure. polls on the Sth, a«d after a stubbpr.Wy cdntested li'giit froni 811. CQ. ; tostjudp^riirthanki- Fea(ing you would ..-think , that ;'" ; Jamestq-vvn.,'"Witbifis Milsan.d Valley^,' its' ^beautiftil sarrouii^itig^^/flijd : iis- ; more, than ; bemifeiftii ChaiJtaTiq.ua,...:. lake, isstlll Living inheatb.eBJsaiaiid; ii-iolatry, wor-ihlpging.EJiig Aiqphoj . •' piore than tiheEicig bf.al] fer.eatibB,:!;'' fhougiit I wpuidfnformy«n w-batwe, - .the tempemnee people, are doing,, j t " Js told with -a few words, vizi, : We •• are working. Yes, afifit what, is still better,-we havebt-'en rewarded for'oui- -; iahni's.'"' We haye, hef-Sles a"ladie&'.. temperance wmpn, a Miirptiy elabaod: a (ibo'd Templars -Lodge, it is'Pra 1 ther.. feoiige, So* - f 5S. 'We- .started ..Fi'ly.SQ, 1877. with' 11 charter m^ 01 " bers-,;am?>iig.' w h o m "*e find -some of. those istalidbj's, .with.btft >vboin a • lodge eanijot da mbeb. ;W*BaTe..to- . day ov,ef. 108 uiembei^'.m -good gtaad- •' ,mg! and. -an »verage a'tteBiSgxiee at. SO '•:.. to-S5 : |-iaitiatioas evei^.-w.eefe.-and-we- ' ! smoitg..both'-.officers and . i. lnasy of those - who. had : low. iu the seal.e of ; Idegredation/' Wt now...sitamong.iis t W lig oni 8a. cQ.tosu.up^r tbthe cthtiren •people"'.wffl) ; caiae oui nobly add" stood ap manfully, w« car ried the du.V for teaipertinee for tht, g rs £ ti me. : ' "We haditot ft. great <iea> tbboast of, abbul'^S majority butpf 65S, we found-ih.em : to point o d t t f t; we f tpnadty and tac'ties, foem:en- y if our steel; .th^y fought tvery.. step, dtpwly but stirely we forced them »atk, fos-oar caf^tain was" t&etofd at' "aostsJ.aud ii 'V "siidi -a leader we h . t a p y h . F , ,1'weuX tdCfi-eenpoEt,' Suflolfc : 0b ,ibattend aiipuv;ieiitiQn,fbuu;d;.three': rit o.f.tBe four loQges represejitetf,'.' , fBll of "figtit, the-fiiWei' h!lt'btb^if theycaii h {•rusb; theni opt Svlta eti ib start a Co;, lodge, and selec' 1 1. Bep' ;• took' -off!-for goo'd ri;ew^ Joiig,' or'I hilstake I. Was very h ospitiWy ;rs?eeiyed! aud ..enfertatoeii;' "'- 1 -- to' Bros..^Eprtbn,' Hartley, ait, ftiid Ybufi", and others names: I forgiifc My ' host, " ,-..kiiows bow to keepatenj^ hb'fe't."" ' . • . •;• ^~ . Sentai "I>4b. w is'ofie'pf. the mow i^peeabfe coinpaiiitwsS' I ever bad th** fjtjasure 'to travel with, and - in the todge room-and on the rbstranj he; itirprtsed me f cpu-ttepusj .afilibje, • tirgmpt and. eorreet'.te the; ^hisHr, elf (jiatfo'rmi. it is ao Wohder- aar; order i*-' ' tdyanciiijg v^fhsn we- b.ft-V& t*u.eh rep^. eaeutative m^t)- I'imes'ijQthi^.psi'r-' icular' are not.. as fjb.6y p^p'dJPvOB. 1 femem'ber, tae time; wfaea It ^?as\abt i^r^at deal bf.hpiiois'br 1 plea^(ije to uttoduee. s&me of :p\ir" /gifomtoe.Qt. «ea to the public; and ifPUfacAm md- not ; mote4han! the ajsasdramount. if iaialiiy aiid prineiple. ltii;dBj|lyihjs; ft, thtre is, no dpuitot, it would have been dead Ibng^ ago>. Th^ more sncti ittenw* have to the froat 6j it will be forusi . . . t visiited Irvijjsc ipdRfe JSi iyt»^ was well and: ijudly rfceai-e tudhada pleasant tfm^ I ttieel to tfii'i tVrry Xtodgeai thetf bl' on tbeBtfir, but ttnd it life.11 Unllp-d^ertecl f Sony, b;ttt make thefew!of iti!; , STBVKSSOK. ia their right mi !d»". -.We. ttaveamoag us,,ve.ry-_fe-w.of Ihat.Mljd.- that are so. often found 'm Ip'dges, cbat •have beeij all ihrbugh it, tbat'kho.w^ all about-it, fbafckno.w everytbiog' better than every body else," and eon-' sequentty "Icaek up a luss generally> J? but as they only pome oiitfae.last ey-. .eaing "iOfea^i qaiirter,. they:..4<t pet ;. hiajeh, ;aiid their abseaee U--\ .obt feit jqauch, .. • .- :. v . We. have eseeiteut meetMgSiSS^.f* -"•" we genepaliy. barry ,£nj?«agii tS« ibf time rular'bnsioess, wfe bave'j tor "the GobiJ•'. of the asstrre yon the .time SS.isfcelf j with mu^ii! y .-{he latter beiiig .mostly: - •estraetsi Jroni.:pur v.atofiie' W^icfi- j "tfeiiit' ibat'is what! the. receive In jhat way a gaodt. deal pf foFinatiba thatw*.otherwise not get • That-mti«h! about ^ wbrfe, bat we are doltig^ gned'deal of ;ontside. work, and .test'eea publie tem-^ peranee meeting fa opebftae daas-, 0i' b ob.es every list of miaistera, basinessmen and! «li the home aftftrBbpay' for iteem.frbfto lawyers, -oiiecin est'fey Ae always.-large ,aydiea«;s. Next Sntjday. we ^a*« .going to i iii a bbtJy tocb& aEteraopn h a6 Worked,.and woffetf bawi,.; eared for tbe jpaajwrity of ttt& last yjewof 150i. Thastybu wiitsee' ^tte uot'felie; but laboring and barhoad for tmtb, * ted ^y the ^^MrW^ff^W^^^kL ;-.;«a

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Page 1: ^^MrW^ff^W^^^kL - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84035821/1878-03-21/ed-1/seq-2.pdfdy widen the treaty-1$ 'definitely duded , hut-is .to'be c'Gm}>t0tea thvee'-'montlis

, • • : ; - • • • . . « ' : - • " • " .

'<ietegj#ida'. from' the Assemblya:' by Tony "Atyonf,started;-yes-

i ' J. aSthat'gfate, upon tovita-

B t e C W l a r i . - , • ••••

% €ase>» eeMfrated.ease:Is aow.

teMai Si;*fe -tented S ates Court in' S U ' % ^ * e d ; f B our officeour office

Sap.ervfep?- of Inter-3U






; .g'etiate; of--th©-.Sts% M K:'.'ksses%i' <Sf. the A.ttoft y: district*!•• qrdereci; to assess the

•- of Shot* ?-ig;pO.Oof the ' t'i-ea-sUTJy

%tUtdti -dollars iajr; and -directed the' eofiecbJ- or'&itiioy t 0 : eoHeeS t ^t 0 :

*If a- millionSesbl'd -the ebtnpanys' locomotives


• • - • • ' • " • " • • : . f a 3 c a t ! o n .

" ...At a ie;een.t ja*el-ipg: «fsaga CtMist-y'^arroers' Club, it \ra*resolyeSy that' alT property ghou M



f£o.m Viewtaa; says all. the pexcept. Fraiiee oppose England'naiuid. for. thfe; SubtjaissiQij ofwhole treaty to-tbe d

9 | or Hon. Ch«rie»Jt. Sktanev.of Je0enHm-A Tf(to«Mi« ArmnnentAK>Ini*l any ClianKe i n tl»e Excises j ; f V ' ; ; :

i>Mridgoflr Jrecent t r p j jnoted regtou Jfe gatber^aQnie. ^ tthat iaiy «id; its ta«iViaga re«aabteitefli to ibaby of our Teader?. Al-J M b :4-6t,tied about Ebe- tjnje. th.e

tlers^f fioon#}Ie'cqmineueeij-!Wfe clip tbe fiable speech of -Mr...gtefc iha'trenti-respeeeh : : ' - . ...... '•. Iamglad tdsaytbnt I'Stand.'hereandadvocate the prayer of that;petr-.iion. What Is the present law.? Itis the law of -185?-and the-.law of 1870,taken; \n.connection.^ith.eacb.other

..by the -court of -£ppea% life Mia best'court ,in the- State' ofcoart .ia the Stateof ISe.w E r a . .iufufe' f have A right, to stand here;

..and plead ' that tb.^U^gisJdtuTepf tin.*fc g t t bair :s!and by Jfts bighesi'


. The Tiiaes pttbli3bes thisfprfhodn.the t«-taa ofthe trWty of peace, of.wKich- tbei-6. are. 20 articles.

t ' Mj fw c . . 0statements'* Mtjierto paBlisfied are'sabstaatiaMy &»rect but fKe details

p fa a y *. but fKe details

•a*©FOtioplicateiS.'• • MBateaegri)' -wtll-pei ;Jjy• tlte. treaty, double its jrfesent'acea . -TKei-^asstati .eyao'uatlotif'ofTn-ffelSh territory is. :tp . c6nstH_ei\ce.

dy widen the treaty-1$ 'definitelyduded, hut-is .to'be c'Gm}>t0tea

thvee'-'montlis thereafter.

Si March 2iift ft•- mtiprsr meeiiftga fter^ .^nd at.

i febt btaaaitios.

'This ha4 rVfereoe'p-to the taxation- of

tt by-

"assessed,.Tftasatida ef

aod.r.uortgagea OH. i t . ia

;tlpttBO»e'iftlisy../wi»nt toteifel

fpe sa»gei»t to f&im ersantetSfet;fe:-?U];rfee^it«aMsvfee a hegfcWug &n«i bMsvfee a

Try Item,Ssatlafjed,

-"'pi ffie.ouilyjng-'" b>en:. lu

'festtfica-tfdioa- .have"

g .is' to s?per*#e-.s(ate fro-ref local /faxa--ftan.' , l e mesri,- Ira short,;eblJect 40

^ bistate onEstate

of te

settletWH as-they

yCwiO' cootsol the .whole,

"present-to, our-i ' t ;

i jba* \v., w* ek.

• It- Is ao -b

time 'to/in-iraiiler'ttis

EH)pero;rWi:a rp .tb<- PppeTs...letiex* fri very, guarded'b t £ * ' t B & • ' • -

-witt OBJECT.' . ".;•". _: '.".M i h to,h^lijs. statedtENKA, i y . j

E-oe:£a:iicl' Ms feidfed to oppose-tusian anji^sgtioh ojf;Asiav•'

SBfete shall S tandby ." "'" power/1 ha**e tBe;'bptmi.

_.bhe {jity.in which"jail tuis.and a l t t h i s . ejEOitemea*-.

had their origin/" .M tbe • year;. 1S76oiie of t b e beat and/pulesj judges up-oh ' the bench cliarged' "a ;gran;d; juryassembled, in theejty of.WatertoWuthat there, was. no. 9iit?h tbiiig :;&s "asaiBpltsioom license aeetrtiling^olaw;tuid he'instruc!ted'thii6 grand jury'tb-take tbe matter imp ednsitteratriati,andjjf they tbund '.people .sWliDg. li-quor as a-lMJSiness ofitselfr;that it wastheir, duty to promptly iudtet~u""~ 't'tie."grand jury acted upon Jhp; .given, them by t h e judge, a n d 'what result? E.very place- fcatnvp. as:;a sample" room; thai is.a.-place Wh>r>:" lorr.issbld, wiihoup..ahy stopund-

~, as .asimple business by •itsettj'r:owner., of eye iy siipsple rnons

.. „_ indicted,. a«d theefceiMe, epnaiaifl'-'sioners who,issued-tbeifcenses Weie

j also indicted.' Tbe iB.dietmesfciwere •[- takew into the' county ..ewiri and jjhe

persons indtpfed all plead gut Ity'sirtfi"paid their &;«es at bHcexesoejit one; *E<aan. by t^e ..Mame.pf Smith, wli.p'-enatae hasja.j>peai*.d'siijce t-o tbecbuKt'-<>f'.appeals iti ' the .celebrated, oasis .pfChe- People vs. Smith. -• He reBU^ea'topay bis; ftuA QPd appeared;.frbui.the'deeisioiis oft-he- county: epurttb thegeneral.t,erm,'and the ' gfii-ral term'overruled the- decision of the countytiouni. 'But the PiStricp .'Aittaruey ofJefferson couii ty/. n a\'i njt- frfa. ey'e: ou.

y . #}ciearihg. -up the foists, h e e ,vet a laree part of tihe ^leafing of2 oWierea has aggio become a c}en>efbrfetoi secoi idgroWhi t tob^priiaevwl IpSe.at- cpyers tpost pftmroenses ttae.C. . That. porttGn of thewiltlexuessbho>vnas-'Brt'wiii'sU'tact, -.

d & ' f SWflCO Ro g y 'of Sf g tONV»is!&ips' Of land lying 10Lewis and ..HaDQiltoaegijhtie9,b«t:tbe.uiijue is JUO> applied; to ptetty muctttbe whole-qti the: forest- tyitigaorMiien eeii tr&'t' portion» .efm>&i\ •: ;' ' V ^ ' - '• ' ^


. -O.11 thei 2$th- pf Becemhetifcref, uanJed-jitociye,-m

pa.;. ".a, '. mortgage- fore'eitisTjre'.•Oauabt by Juhn-'Bi-own,merchant, of ~ ' : ~*"'' '""

isurveyed into


jfcpiifeiehteck: :6.a tjje• iJbiirr :ke^ers^-^r-pe^ri

i 9,:.for

e y ial. day's-


of.;pr>'higher- - B y g

a3afterward^prevailed^ * b # t of these.^P9ttt& prepare a^*b#rat ese,

;and;- "v?e have.', ike -pleasujie; .of pte-'^eteog»repoi;iifcpm\his ow:a manman -., j,'i;do; .not like to.speafe to;, men



... There fire some, unfortunate ones inthe wpri;d cui'ped w.i£h such ^.cravinappetite far d d u k that they seetw attiniPS. ufter.ljy tillable to. eon-trol if.They. witbBtaijd tbeir sjreat enemy,billy, by the most constant vigilanceand tbe'most oootinubus bard work.;ifthey niakfia single false step tbe>.:.are doomed, if they;

fe tistES-:ebeeritig new*bf tempeiaoceesallaJongtlie line is like w

*r to the' thirsty- soul,;btit tbe'.realadvftp.ce «of the ariay may be esti-mated by tbe Dumber of iarts taken!,the strongholds of the enemy which

.. > add tiieta^jii-^»ery ?:. U)..t;lie price whiehtb11 .cqstrtmer pays;for:life.ttiddy; /i!tir|a^ot''the.'!8^tooiiir'

ttqc,; . ^ ^ . v v h i :• iV>';'!;license-

omyi lor 'ISpO.Si-own.

tenipt-tasettle bis tract. Sincb moneyj #¥asxpfnded. iiv. hQaldfrig- jcOiidSi one,

of whtehlectinfrom'BenQsen, anoth-er from Boonville aod-a: ibird froro

Falls. •B.ut-tbe: attempt-was a-BOSJb B ^ d d

Higb Falls. p.faQure,-..3?u IBOS.Jabn Bro^n .died-;and the land was. % l d .by his. farnilyuritii a'tew-, years-'siht!e, when it'.was,

h d % he' l t ' ; ' £ r i ' E


. Advicesffotti--ty piius fey^r'ragfsian ^oops^*

SEnor.iepdrtb ^ t i K

X Berlftt fl ispatfiirsay^ th'att Horthitf SSotitb:- Geriiian'' newspapers ex^X

aiitf SSo.titb:-pgfutirre.

newspapers.about Xuatria's.

Bussja .is bti;ytng!J t t e o d tp:of

A. Tipnaa dispafeb;; says 16 isg.ut-9 ,ia official circles; that Engibaa tio.;groi.Kid to inalje war \vf ChoiJt'Srstg-fiitifta t:he-;i'ojjgri;esi3i If-shedoes go to.\rar d t lt U c 3 fiewtl



frf>ni'$?era.reports IH'e;ftfriittt^prof'E^p^iarif

offieersfei"Odessa'and San Stfefano.

_-•• •• =,-Qie.\appropriatSoii-' of - • l i fegreat


i n

it' entailed,of true wotoas-

to Mafgatet- D.aMti% filial de-; votioa. and' imsw^efvittg T&tegrity.

aC • f c j B l r t . " we &e

' <Jreatnt-tif

' libntion, March- ;29i - L- specialfip»pateh-fr<)EO :Pfra, dafrd!Mareh.Jfl,'hfiyS- S'pneral" Gfotn-ko's. staff acSinany<: qtbex MtjEBe rsv-:.v?41f' staTt forBciessa,-'tc»-iaay:.: •

; Genef al'.biinself rejtnaiina afc Sari

i.biinself rejtnaiin afc Sari p t e a f t V'Phe departuife of the guard has been<feteyetf S0ti>ewfcat !&' consecLueneeyof ihe-Porters..reftisal'to' pprrsfoair feat ton of- the Sussians.

• tberiKh't, audt ' b i i b ' t c

g y-that beh

t b e r K h , u i f g Mtft'tbeiigb't according to the law,, sentthe cMe t o t b e c o u r t b f appe^W, aiiiclr-faftt •cp'u'=rtVia'i8'!n;; pyerraled the de -cision of tb<3. general term and eon?sf rued4he ia\v precisely •&§ the Judgeof ' the supreme, court' ingtru'eted xhvgfapid: l&r-y' ."-itt- y?atertown 'which' I

tioned; and I acn'g;ladttsgap l y y?naye mentioned; and. I acng;ladtnee that.agraud jury of Jletfersoa Vo-and' the .court.of; appeals Of cne'Stafeof W&yr- T:oik \veje:of one "mind.":

The o l d e x c i s e J a w of ISO!"yW&yr T:oi ej ;

The old-.excise.-Jaw of ISO!"ytag a.State law-and etpbraeedthevity ; ft,reatricttd the Ktieof liquors to Jiceils-•ed taverns-.and:' aiprej kveper^-. anddrussister :Thel&vv bflS^t.amendediu 1825, gaw the mayor witU-ffte.al-.

i .aud .'awfiatant: aldefinan.' ofard thepovver•togr^Trt'Jjceqs

fe'ries#fklitimansott! givenIeiousinflijeBcesitrid'"tb"e

as by stroug I

ff»eMarled Irish,

--at: Jfeart. ^ 'a-ttti 'ciait"thy sf.orsr- hi -tAeir


• t h e . of; to'place

iSi' for ..they

ofi n

b l


al essay tteough'out. .

The.face you verxt. ti\f

MflKfee,;.*be-great•'..-^e&era'f,.eaii abltfbis' • tiiagtie Jii ten•;: ;.d'i&Fe%£-.1aijoLaagea. Wha t kpity.-it

"is, |&at aBy. \vhtj have never -mas-''-;•' ;,tered even btje jfmshk.se, caKiaot,' or.•':. ' donot , hold their totgues wtieB they

-: • should he siteBL- I t is. because they',-: .are not :as wise as' the-niigbty ^enton.*' )sWh,v$ do not fen&w fbat speeeh isrfl--l...ifer ami thai- sileRce-. issgoM._ If tbe• .Rattlers, "would thi o.5s before;they speafe^

.woald .weigh-their woxds before.they- stpered: them, t&ey woulil dp.-tes cafe•_ eiiief. ^ o c d i are tilings. The words.-.• pf some luen are. "half battles,"•_. .*ii31i d&jmJt not. t

^lit yon bring

"• • • E-ipeeiaHy is' n c a "seon-ndrcl whoApeaUs ligbtiy of a ^oroai*; andla$£ repatatirtTi.- I?e wlio hyor hint; or facial expression, attemptsIff sEaf&a-goBci Banae fs a- cowardlyas'aiasfft of ehrtraftcr, and deserves to

V' feaW b|» fcrehead • brapded wi.tb tbe'. mask'-e.f Caia. - I t j ^ apt a.small mat-

- •""•• 'ft*-to sort tbe good • name of any per-sap," vrnttnan or man. Bbaltospeare

.kpefete of sttfliavtOjitoiasathiefwlio.. asteaistbiit wMeh dpea jiyt etirieb the' T ihivk woite It leases the victim ''poor" irixleed/' • • • .. ];' Tlietongaeof slattder tsatorcb from

-: feellr atui tbe person who rises it is au; ; . iaeexidtaryia tbesemceoftbedevil.'" 5£«Ee aje sppe*meas ofsueh ffteud-.-,"*ibip: *Sae H pretty, but—.' 'He is

• feasiperate, and that is alL' 'If *4ie•'-•'."• ''flatstsue to herself.* 'If he only paW• Ms .debts.-' *Him is a vain, • QJean. 'fMng.' 'He has an axe to grin?!.*: *Sbe is Seua in love with- that fellow.*" :.fBe" eottiea &ere oa parpe^e to see the

' -jglrW ^ftjlsewantstosho-w'herflnery.'. :^efeMways. nisking-a splarge m

p'BbflC*. 'She eames late; to attrayt^aaeptfeB.r Taaveno doubt that be^fittkrb&teiJ ttte- door.' These are

v ' afe«*of t ie most aistable and mod-• eiafejeoi^i'iiH that are made by som.e

•<>fi"b.e.bu;-y bodies and tattlers wh&! : fobfe'*fter lite affairs of'other people

: TheIgiifcergisa welcome visit-or4 f be April uom-

Sttttaiiti witb. its attractivea,Sraght stories,/ p<«5n»3

^ giiMlgliM by Jfobn.li~jthoiaey,EostOB^,Slass.

The' Mianehester -Q-aardian has aspecial dispatch frora Vierma {sayingtMe setfli-'offidal Poliifeehe Oorrespqnd^nsi p n u t s a S u Feter&burghleitfr, which says that. Enjrfaud'selmm' had prddHieM-96' bad an- i-tft-prejs.~ion in;-Bugwia tha t the njeeMnjjof .congress iso-doubtedi -Mfiyerthp-.let»s it is-beile;ved'.'.ip Ylenpa addB e p r i that. tKe~-cgngre^'.will' ineet6'a tjbesee©nd::of ^" ' i W IN' ; ..

i Sraat; Eoiiiei. Mar&b 2 0 , n f jai'rtved- tterf this-afternoon..

, SEafoli 20.—iSeven.are . repottfd ..missii)^. frotri-: -their,bstaes. since-.Mdriday uigh;t^:riot',._four \&i~-wh(im are known to Kavebeen sertba.siy ipjured- - It .is EU-:fl3.«->red tMt several of tberd died arid:qthersarfrdying* •'" ¥ a . Olegg, sbocih;ths,.sh0tifd«,]le| ia a'dangerous,eanditidav'. vThe -injurpd pqltcehienSreprogrfesing-favorably.;.' |JOTEi>AEJEiIV'

.Sansfeamfef '. to-dayb h t John.'Oi

• '•March; •20u:—;£froni Honolulu


bTDttght John.Oi UotaiuiS^ Governorof OaTni, Princess Lilio Kaiani,heiT'appamYo tft the Hawatiaii throne,anri Wat.- Allen, Golteptof g^neEal'o

t E f i i "" ' ' '

B , .1%:—.The;mere Barrfc to East .Cambiide.. was

b b d ' d f r i i » • Whlfee . a .

Hall, was in Charge,, a -wellBiani regueate'd- htm t& step to. thedoor and see a.lady- 60 p.usvuee^ ML-r..Hatl conapiiedj and- the K'oiitafa ask-

ehet a drafc'for$100edhim tp.giyehet.a. drafc'.for $1.00;«b- PEp^ideriee. -''-lie .reguested .hertoat-compari-y him'-J6t».the. bante;Bat instead' shespraxig into a.parriage•with her .ebmpaTtioh. and; rode off.Mr, Hal t found tbe eash bos: em pty.The money rwas-gahe,; $iJ,0t)B -in-all.QoiitKinto, the vaitlt. ho.-missed aprivate -ti-unk, • ebnfami&g trustftjnds of the yaiufe of .§40,000,. ittGiwd-iBg resistft^d IJrilJK-d States bondsforglO.OOO,f9,600lTithe city bondsof Tfitfda and other, cities, railroadstock, &&. Jfe is. supposed two/ mens?ere.h.id, behind, the baize partitipudpor leading ut* stairs fcomthehankentratife, aad that on Mr'.' .Hall's'eoiiig ontthey rifled'the bank, andand retarriing, bkj agaja until hereentered the tilac*s '

Lippiaeoti's paagazlne for April isfull' of. tight and readable matter^Robert. A. MeLeod writes grapliicalfyof tbe Italian lakesT-Warda,- Camo,Alas&iiore,. ete^.—ind.' Qiive Lngaugives a ttjiarkjip*; (lescri-pttoii of scer«e-ry auci raaiifters' in Norway. ' TbeHome (it the Jasurar,'' by E>n, Felix Li.Orf«ald, bTingf u.=i:to pue of the mostxtrlkiiyr r^idoa^on OUT ovrn eunti-aent, tbe.pitthles" swapips and tb.H'fe-eta-of Yuratan.' Rei't'lfei-tions of fed-ward fj. DaVeaport, the tragedian^ ishy Eeufy P . Goddsrd, and. HomeBaEmoiiiea, giYingtvims tpajnatenrqiiajiette ^>layer^ and d'otnestie petr.formers kfDerally, by S.. AusiehPeawe, Doctor of SIuslc and Professorof the Aft at Columbia College.

I)r, & Wetr. BtttiihelJ. begins a story(ia three parts) of Quaker life in Phit-atfelpbia, en tiffed Heptijsibah Guin-nepa,, aad there are several otherstor.ie% in tbe pambeEt all well ipnttenanrf eatprtaiiiing. Tbe poetry is byViml'M*. Sayne . Birfney Jjaijtier. andEhiKp Bonrke Marstpm aud thf "Gos-sip is Tjn.ttsustly. ftilli comprising^ pa-Parson Enssian PrbveFb?, PortableFurniture, DupseldorF Street Life,and other topics' •

For sale at Tmm news r m

Mrs. Wa^biDgton, of Keqkak,writes that she has more lov& forrrbboxis than fver since the menhave begun U'earintf thena. IJopeJt won'iaffect tbxs xnj$ofity oi ladiesia abajway - • ' ' •

•ward-, the pbwe'rtoes iii puch-. wards-; -toi'.any-persons asthey- "deemtd fit.and:proper tasell-lUgaol1,... I n ,183.0. a C general ..excise.lawwas passed, but"jjfevy ^STork, where itwasiiipst .needofi, Was exempted froni'its' provisions.. Wptsis- left the'city :todrift •.oa-.".'-fg'p.--:t8fenfyj8ev«a- vears-uuderltss.peeiaf leglslatlou, allowing,compa,rat;iy§l;y" tuilesttfietSd JjquoxC'selling,1 unt i l in 18o7 itearfeful'y d e J

vi^ed and welt' baiaiiCed'-l.awappliig,-!;t»le !tQ-.'the., whole-jSt^te was passed.This swept away..ail spessial l,^gtsia^;tioa and'restricted, the:- granting of;lieeuses:to hotel -keepefs: iind XQ ai;uga»d'. store : keepers, -: requfribg-; gboil7

moral! character with;. tlie-•• proiier:bonds, and-. that the r>oar,d: of excise,should .be>'s»ii6fied-'.'iitat.a.-.yatet";W-asuece«sa.^ for' the '""" " '~ •"-•'•----•-tton bf travetefs:atto beUc'epsed.** f.

11 th;!*.6ushaut-the entree;(Jthe Twe^d. rtflg ejieise-

. . . . ypfts pivsaed taking'the appbuit-iheut of exi'Tsetnards froth tbe judgesaud slv-ias i t to tbe mayor, aa<i auth-orizing the board to- iice.nse any-perr*«m. of good naorai. eharacte.r i.b.seO in«juahtines less th»n" 'ftve >.ail.olis, etc.,r"eo_uinng 'nb"'bonds, providijag" nbpenalties,;•between • liqiior to be" di;ank . on. thepremises; or it> be.carrit-d;away». i n

•w.prds it was "inteiided,; a,nd tore It was, ip.-th city bt-lSew. York

so co.nst.raeil'rts/virtaally opening i,hedoors foi -free,:liqtibr selling. "—' - •ftirtiinattly -."for the;-iiciupr!. _thfe-legislatui'e -refusedtb pass tbe lawwithout'.tbe/ihse^tiiin of a -s ' "clause, .re-en!'aql;ii>g. the. }avr ofexcept wiseii it eotiflieted witb'thatbf18?p,and•declariiigtbatthe tvoshq'u '"be cbns.trUBd together- ''And- it was/ a view biF this'saving clause in the•: ct of 3S70.- that; fbeeourl of appeals,last year,, by the- unantfQousvote;bWM its members; dfectdad; thai- th'eli-

• -:";-' I'C was-'••itbt"and;should hptxbpen ta all'that applied or

tb all Wvhbmjihe bbard-of-excise tho'6-prope? i° ijctfoss j but. that:thehceiis^ingsliouib^^ be. reBtricted tp; stole kfee'p-ersbfrUruggists, if.- to -Be' carrlfd -offpremiseSj and-.:if...tp be.-draukon thepremises-* or to tho^e who prbposs'tl tokeep an iun,; tavern, or hotel, .and o.u-ly wbep tfie board we.re .satisfled-thjita hotel was^Beeessary forthe'actualaccompdatioa of. tt-av-elere.'.'.'.the law; bf the wBb'e. State asby £h.ecoart of • last.resp.it. The.proposed .bill_ ngw'u/iKter ...discussion up-.sets, so Mr as NesvTPork city is coii-s•ct»rtied;the entire law"; .'-SeiSHoris oneand five of the bill..will;explain - thisfwlly. They. contain ' t h e scing andpoison of thfe • whole bill, and^ taken.togetherigive, to.aplasticandjel.asticboard of excise, tj.ie- r ight tp. licenseany aud'e.very.one' tosell intoxicating-liquors whose •application, bondatid'mpirfti Qharacter meet their.approval,ftlpet whoseapproval? The.ooai'd ofexcise appointed by the mayoK . ts ny living mau;tell wiio will appoint-this.board!-or "what.kind of.naen. the.commission wiil. be? ...There is ijperenee;"iTj. the bill to hbtelsbr Icommodation of travelers. If is a gild-

cmed: re-bash of the•rtagiaw ofHB701 vvhicb \vas shackled,by, th« coutvj!py. membeay by se-enaet-iug the provisioas-. of the Iaw.ofl867i..Ptiisfojil has no such re<tet;ming-"fijafturt-s in it; but-repeals and blcnfeputail excise taws so• far as emty • is eapeeruied- Iu . other words,this law aims to.sanction the Bale ofliquor as a? sole or chief business, dis-'(lohnected with hotel, store or drug

; sbop,tbat is dram-hOpkeepingby anyone who. may apply. . This, .would beA hubversiou. of.t.be prineip.le runningail through .phr excise legislation forthe last.one hundred years.

State Conveution of Ketorm Clam.

March 12.At a convention of Beform Clubg

fatelyheld.iri thecity of SehenectadyVthe ijnefersigried 'wece- appointed-cotamfie to call; a State convetttran..We, therefore,'invite each KefarmGlub to send three delegates to a CQH-J-vention to he held iu Utioay April iand 5, andstiggest theifollowing top-ics fot consideration; .

1. How to make iieforra Clubs asuccess.

2. State orgsnizatioaskS. How to unite temperance men.The flrsfc session. at:2p. DO,.

«b,- - . ' • • ' . • .- - \

Mass; meetings will be held ia theevening, and- addressed by the deles-gates. .

Provisions for the entertainment efdelegates at reduced rates -mitl- bemade.



r, A*i

ypurchased -% ymLynn andolher*. - I a 1812 yiiarlBS T.-,fierresboff! .or HarriHoff, a .son-in-law.of Biosvn, formed the projector ..of .eslablisDing'a sheep' &i.ni 4(i whstfche.culled;"l5he. Manor," .aiari.%a :M^-alearmg «ttd. .gO .PWA.-A*" -Ot Sheep-.,but Che:rigor of the Ghai.rite. sterfij.tj-of the "soil of bad fljahagebient'pre*vented snCeesSTn this-ptpjeej.' 'Attv«•'•outlet ol'litte iFmton'c'haiii of -Jakes .Be-fouifida^spjendid - wiiter-.po.vvefW'hieiihe- imprp*ed -by.'da.tnmi.ni the. scatters,(the oki da'm.aiili, in pavt/ j;6aiai;hitig!a d had atmndjtmee of-poWerto driyvbis.iip'-liamrhe'r: and otihec maclrraery-fpn/the • ajanufiictute Of a- very ..-goodtjual.ifcy'of.iivou> The-ore of.avera|»oi i l e s ^ was>.-.found ;ii;: the yici-atry,

ufitf if iheFor.ge;.bad npt. been pat ofthe worldf-'tiu.those:days] suVegSai,mightbav.ebeenachi^ed.. .But'-afl\-vbuUcirarg-forge and sawriiil-1 anftc'leaf-iiig'aoniite-!'2',utfO";aorea»' hay supply-«f:itfoney'.eroni the east^vxs-cqt;ofl'andthe a i t e m t to plant aco lony i:ii ihik"

y xqthe aitemyt, to- plant a.-colony. i:ii ihik"solitary w.iM: was'atjitBdon^d •and bisCQlotHsfs •r^tnrheHfs . r ^ h t h ;honies."- ftarrisoif howeVer eupon!,.' the -isiiid-'iaytil: .Dee. : !;&,;.-when disheartened ; by' uis.:- ihim

n d t b e U.tterr-rtiip beforei h j t i

O p ^•tie sbbt bimselfiwith H.pjstoi ijeaf'tbeo}d AfuoW H u s e ' Tne p l a e e w a s

b i p j io}d AfuoW H:>use.' -..Tne plaee, waspoiutVdotit to'ijs' whe jehe island iohawatte£Q'pte>i'5 tp pilt- ah- end to- bis^'r&fe^<pws';'""tte'i!»ay^j^ce»am6it>hH& i . g a j g t P o p g par-

ticctlar ord«rJj"foi.his; men. to-go- ositthe neit. moi'iiibg after he left jvbcf fillup ji largehble Dbat bad been-dug-foroi-e; TfteyWeutoutto'-perfi^iB tbviroi-e; Tftey-Weutoutto-perfi^iB tbvir-laboiy but-one Q£ 6.t;)eai',-went:dt>wH J.o•see If-aii r; roofs bact: been'.left'; in-tW

fiiiB of the pir, a.iifl. there he fou'is'oft Wli;ohad Sefrfejed'htuistf

e g tob? buraediiy-the•.thjowBlnby-bis. men; .Hsisreitiainswere-, iuteri'ed- i;a:' the; did; biiryinirgro.uiidi aucj _when;iliat Wfts rbig boii'tts-were taken.1';E.ast-firieft^sJot reHntemienf,.'-. '•

^ ; oi"; SHE. ept^xT.R:.'•From- the old- .fordjug. place neart J ' " l i ^ F M H ' ' ; l U Werossiug:.:near .the •'•JEprge.Souse.,#•&•fohnd a mote iev.el epttiitiy thaii we"bad'expected, . i t \vas rplTiyg H|iil..in..places b'iiyi. i>ut. not.. Broken,..&Dd&rtm wba | weictiuld seewhiiftthe.sui1^•face ;was..uutlgr. a-, fti.ot.."of suo.Wi-fbelabd'-wotild.seemtpbe..ilayjlcir pahtura^e If not foi'ifage". THelittiber tippeai''ed'lai"t;ifv and.tbrifty, was.' tersi'ty l'ard' • woodv nodindtcatiid.8otne:d.Hi)th antt stijength.olsoil. .Vast q'ua^ititjesof ..valuabte tim-.ber.aTP bete staridiirg tbat'sopiii will'b e w a i l t ^ ' •Ij{imbe*cu^a ^ r ealreadvm'aklug inrottrfsfpr-tbe millsdowuijeitiry.. Gould. i% dpoig a,i:;imh3enseTumbeEicg. basin ess. i.ii ' this ' forest,'^l i e has porehaMed "a-.lafgd -tract- and;has five" or s i s "m.iilion; feet of logs- cutaiid piled ready for;transit'tdtfie millsbejoiv. .The S4;odse.river ssegins a-natuial outlet' for Uae !'iu-ihber ;-bf a largeregion, atii:!.'when improved' by dam:

ga rid .s

ptoe.a "eanv.eri;ieu|

whieia'lo dw-ve theto the. mills;above


logs, and fencer-High jPaflS, «he«ce 'by Black;and • Brie; •cajials-:an(i ;H;ud»on' -and • Brie;'caJials':an(i ;H;ud»Onwafer traTispoytatioii-'is epntrnupuH;;frpm the" Eblt'ou- Chain. ;of Lakes to'the 'Cities', -piiHerald' '.-.••

More ^fonUerful tliatt."

. {PrQm ae^HurdaCoA(G.) Chronicle.: 1 see:.by yo.ur; last paper that youare ..pleased 16 notice the invention ofour ie i}w WwusmiiHttH<I i yy*&$ to


our iei}w ,tt ytl smi aittentiiia to'-theiftes)!..

W l W B o ! t w i e k : preprie

f)preprietor ofaetbrx^otn

k b p W l . W . - B o t w , p p rthe Aieora V^astthpard' EaetbrxmoBly <jal Jed' £ ke.-fpr f hortV . Sfw elikes" ttiingi". to" .t'heirplaces,^*tnd. "atthe proper season^ .When.1 hew-orks;i i l t ^ l ; ^ ' i f f h h d

* g . l y .h # bauds i&" Jjis.jjajjtarjy-and-

•iheirtiine is yaiuabie to--biaj.» and -he",does.not Kke.to-ha'ye; theminterfefed

fc " 0 d : iwith; daring wopk-hoUi'Si "C?,He.dayt:iH

fact seve'ral. days, IKe;- teas auHoyed•by bobs. ageiJts bothering' jhismea,'t rying. tO;,sell. hooks, and . . ' " " "„.-.„. . . . . . . . . . . . . iVflualb.grew mqn.oton.pua,. i.p. fact it .is saidthat; Ike indulged in. remarks nearly,akiu ' to left-handed .theology^. '• -..-

: • But at length, be determine^ .to-berid of his trpubJes and so- set bis w t*to'vyork. .He.eotisti'-uctetl a haaebiueand placed: it 'beiiihd the door—Hinoceiit Jpoking etfougb:, .being appar'ent lyaoly ftfeiw pulleys .and lever^.in si frame -about the. sisiieand betghxof a mani. But. let a stranger em*irthat shop .'aud a little ijiixror Teseni-• blitig an. eye was turned ;di-fecUjy.-tj>->w-ard:tlie-totj'uder--: IP he^'bad'afbook

d i ; i y I 3 i > dhrbkeffom the-niacbjiie wbiched mueblike &.. gen dishlaugh.. If he say's, 1 have a bojak,immediately at-oct of grappling ho.oliis-fastened in his, Cf-ay.atj.and.- i fbead<ls."tqsell,'? ihedQor'isopenedv-tbeman is turned.full abQut,audii).eu'fi

' ' l f e ' ' ? ^ l j js y & f i p t j o . f e p jcomponnd leyer, w^th knobs on tbe

d Ute i b t l b l p t tp y ,

end, Utee a nuniber.twelve v p p ^•nienc*s an- attack in his rear, .and h>-a few; momepts the; naati js;iHirle<Jtoio the.street t«ith the sijlemh ideathat' he .^yill. haye^ tp .'employ,someother man to'dohi.-- stjiing.cl?jwh forthe.n«s.t six wieks,. -The flL'Sfe bagent that • it eaug.bt, was literallychawed up, and everybody that passVed "intjuired, tb;e price Pt" sausa#t».thtnfcijig" Ike bad.£one intd tbe -chop-,dog business..'.' . • - : " - . . • • • .

Bostwiek is adding ;an.attaehuientso that-, i t ; wi.ll:operMeori loafers asWell; and- he• vbWs ttiax• before, nexfsummer he will have it so improvedthat it .will- know.. 5iid;OperAte on a

h g *od man atfofty yarda^ .ke say> that 4>irice: he'has gothi.Aabiafr be can niake more.wash,dsi and: better oaea thai} any .oth

er estebliahnjent of its- siim l n %Ijnited-at'»te8,,;and^he. will hfuriuah *'dr'awings.4tid speqtfifto any fniiiitjfactur.er or shop-keegerWho rB»y: w»ht lo= know the easiestway to be rid of boresvarid iftf

tQur friend,3ostwiok: has upt for-gotten ato^ o p i hlift Ii&wj8C«yoit.y. % ^ ,madbiuemtMthedoaivf%pspBiiee for * fello\riw&*how oif whoha«vigtted i}# (itfim b a 4 ^ p $flrat tinae.bn the rnomiug ofthefire

-.' * "V"'1 •" " - * ~ • - •"" '»*••- -^-^ ' •"Wrif—T^-M*—.— —_—" -"* ' - .


a f : th^. liquor;:Th l

' 'ou'r<se;.j faB

a m a i g : t h ^ . l iquor; tfaflrtff ^ o < ; .of fevanue.;:The rec?lp.t^;tp;jfa.eBrar>e.from tbe,-ijs¥ pRhe^uttCh, very- lai-ge-lyexceed ihosfciiiat^h/beealle'cfed

of•ffwe haye lost, siglit


^bflpe'tb;itg: pipiicy'.-: They made a1:"~ '~t!ili it:'--,ffieattt}Shon'ld,reach,tp'glve. a chance for.'

j p g a i knpwlefigeiiBLltsJa.forms Mbd besfeves'tatfr. 'Jfhertj ar*no.granger ^ords t»: he- featidi M ojir

hoof^wljeh'wes'ee i i l f Ubati th se *Atii

^Jhte ho^wl j eh:.|eQpei;tbati these-: -is institated.'iin/tbvisfhagbyern'mentfea

ofg b y m

to 6e-vested.in. .-other

6 |allties in: -En. tpge*..,

oaedofregenig,./..of this: Jftw this

w^'ciotheij "\yith

hundred, pf«qi m<?mb;pi^bip,:.but th* jdo exist, abt|-. Maim ;atir most tmdeisympathy: ai'td'most gehei'ous pbarity..In; oiher -wjords w€ must:" discri tn'inatt--In" the • adintoistratiob o.f.d.iscipliue.The'gist ofa-wrpugi^ the intent with

ifob, it .iscobjnaitted- WUeif ou&goes-down to a contest the fieieeneas-bfw-hiehmsstof! us ca,nnbt: m.eatfUtTe,-0iby.an. aeeideh.t whieb'.- we eaiinot un-derstand,; he must, be received back to,

lowship, to. eoniid.enee and syoipa-thy, no t pn.ee ,pr twiee .only buc.'-'sev-enty-.times.

4(N& license "to.;our t<swh."GaOford, tljeoangp Co., is'a thrivr-

B.ff,agfiCt3Wural t».wnT dotted wlttoifJag.es and eh'jsreb^, w-ithiJsown

tJiiion &• B. A>!S6e!at1iE>n--and~'T?*abiters.' awl last, not le'a'st, its totlges ofJ


; M , s ; i eable fai^toe-.-'-' I& -i$.•deVis^d for; t b eregutarion: of a. U-iiffi.c wjkfeb -i t?b b t d i e v e qauitot:he s p V s das'a; regular or .ft 'is ofthWn- thout?|i- It" had. i ^ ,•Pbe license system .does not; ;&ven.-ii't••theqny,.- apportion 'tke,.t£tx ; to thamou-ui-of li.qubi!sbid'i,, 'AfrBotihas tb.e; State., i'ailed 'to l

i d lid

or;:tbon^an.ds oi dollars 'annually, ':wbicii*wpujd..-biliifig 'tbrdl.-ifthe l j ^quo j iuws -weie.Wncfcly enfoiced.." ".';;;St114 again /-fe«tfe afe^x.tr.eme; tem-

p.ei'aaeenfRn^iito^bitipr.iats' ih. fa.ci;'<\ho beiieVe;tiJa6 io ijrohibiUbnis so-a ^ ' t h ' . J I S the .jir-bftihitofry; 'tarijfF;

| d r i k. . h j r b i y

that'.- you may. 1'b.|oid-meu ' to d r i ;HVii -thyy :Wffl;stil;F\lja!ik(W:bBe iiqtipr-is cheap an.d pleat.^.j;:bht'-pu£- into' y^ei-y salt)qTt;;a'Miifletfc:. bfeH^puJiCh', anduompc4\fevMy;.;,frMjten:t;er; ".nbtonly-tQ

h ' ipy

pay (.he.-price :'of t e j c i t t Q t i hdealer, jbu-t a. direc^-tax-l. tb'••• the State.tbr eacfr atid•• every ;tlfflte: be ipspectstti'&'t}o'itoiH^f'a-gla^'-!and^o4jta'atfeeyttiif:.pt'o:bibittb'n.- isiMe efFeetuftltiaoitUius -y-ec tieeui poistblel'o niakeite'If;

/ d h a t y b t i !*f least<iuady

you dpu/B; i l e t h f e

lo niaketeI ;!*-f least.<iuad-om'theiiqabr

^(Jras.thterriiorf. Qf,;otfr ;Sta{e. was. rrjacle. as.fat:-o£ feariiipg, -in : j % broadestjhijgh^f^hseV'-';-BaJt;feWl.aws in the

av& "been, conceivedft^jps|i... .M-did tiot p.lan*

educa;taba;;in c^r|ain'- favored spots,;to*. which;' the . fe.w^GO^ild>.:resorb .whoW6rB:;abl©tp;s^gfc iaqto)wivdi?0 at

%QflttQi.e: in -alK.'ife • forms; it"s

' l j i jteit



l i f e fortj iii;'alj. paits ofjtebrpafi...'If; jtiiplfed. ;that.-not. Giily

.comiQon-si'hopjs, hijt tnat'acadf raies

.and.e.olleges we^e;/aniong.tlie rlgbisbi_the people*sKherfe"they-'desirea•their'toethpds:«f Aieiit&i tWlhis.eiid; tb^iqSfitle a.s-ysfcena:'frfwhich!pifQto?-©f Insteaetion. cdald:easjiy he esta'blisbed-:in' •everytWvH

ouh|yi; ^11 thes§aiisJ couh|yi,. ^1.1 :thes§.aeaafemi.eand' colleges • w .re' pafcts ;oi orie grand-Uiiive#sity' a c t i n g a n a i c w t i ' t l e

^ pUiiive#sity' act ing.anrica;:\corxitui>& ; cprjt.rpl,; yie'fc -a

y p / o . h y b t i !f least.<iiuple. thfe .rt'vebuel feom'-theiiqU'iBieiarid "admitting/ifbat all. t

cppj;ua'tihtfiy itt which they- - i t g aI t l g v i : . to. evfpy erebQ a,-right, to

%sthobls y-^et, at wa> moi-sec--a i , for a,li.'w'er-e broughttoget h. ear

:and:made parts :pf o n e r d txure; iinSer a^pmmb&^controls: T h i s . p l a n . g a v e ^-comiflafOft Sehpol .systeoi.- ,1$ ^-for it-;-. wise. and) acl iye ;fxS,ea(is-In

' f c f t | S t '

% ; y prafefjeal a $pjarca'at, ; I t iuyoly^g 3 .^ry'largedijctioit in tile' "oj 'dfiarytses A

; y^ 3 yin tile' "oj'dfi.jary.tases;

the n e * tasii Itsfe ft he observed, w dliiifttjjon-' tiiafelasH-bf the- popuTftt;l()ij;:whjp.it-now. paysnext: tQ tjo;iie ttf the•taxe%" vl'liisi.argument: is of-SQioonV

Q ;iix.% .argument : is of-

•V ini-jng. acharacWr,! h'af weconfidently expect- •.thac>;iihm EVe' years' tbe-.Mbife'tt bell-piineh ^viH. 6e;as ttni've5:

fatly., to uae.thropgliput':.iji& "Uni6ta ; tesas ' the;&rUib'arj b'll

iue so ffi;uch;tO;aneQ.mers;irQm other

lost :sig t»tSehoots^•msihaw& clffsli itf•


t of this flrct;gi:e!"v.t .syStem,pf all _ kilada, «tjd;":i?i.!ftl|xv & -aidw'tf UB " uh(11 thef e is

-ahouE tflSeifcW Mje'

; . ; ; i j . b p ^.uo'jy is 'tipon-;£be' Street rai,lroad» Si t h e

t h Wy t ft-eatioflv -: If ycie.had; cacrJed'.;0jat -tiie

i f ' l t h i f h l :

. . . . . . . ...Hear Mr, JSdttor;. ' . < ; . • .* I aerived -.-ia iiiis eity.

hd ^ ithy y

sv ^ jpith a grand iie<.fruoj majnjf hi toy old Mends;-

st wbobTwere J £}' Trower &p j j y d ;

anapugst .wbobTwere J- £}.' Trower &.-. Wr C."T.'T; who visited Canada.iii 187.B;Gpl.. .tEtekman a-nd oyself leftiNXorfe"' city pp the 26^11. uliaft.tle'll^d through Spw Jersey, Peiivjtma; Marylaiad'and"Di•ing ;;VyaSjhlngtbn_0; tb .e i ice"- thrpwgo^t tgi e t t e ,; .tothe" .wtjsterii-jpatc qt'-.•tJie,Sta1te..',.'.\5f&l"ifbr.seyei'al.; mif^«rfcriaviille.d-; on; top bf.t ip; 'Al tegani t ^mpuptams, What

;inoui^ains. snpw-is ..to


grand •

•ijght;6f!.us/m0nutai:us-;;ipsfrbqfe and'b'vliijid-i:. varied' >, by- frwjueht passing:thfoitga.. tun nelii,'.-!,j^je- had -. pieju'fiid-weather,' .-Wiiea tleft..; hoip.e;.it waft-cold,.;i.uy 'fe.pt yvere- eased, in heavy;S?\ VT fi n. I'*"*.* J%*» V%1**» 1*1 r\"lVrt VmVjrwt f*'**iJil+f\\*/isf.'<twi>t*\^'

t y, my head

a .mink cap ;'r-%*ti6o w e j i i t e e viiKiiaa1 wd* ' ' the ' observedv-of all-ob-

!--,?? attd :a£-tbe'&st. store Id avhavtook .oft my- o^era

atitl.owri'cjat!,' and appeared •j^Ji.suni;:jne? tib|ttime •3?tirmers ar.e" pibugh-in«;gsassgi¥en' ca#esrnd hbrsestiatto- gaens;:,b^ihg mftde; and

iti lakurfeiit. verdure.--ith O d ' f a r m e r 'd

lQ O g p

;to he here;;' Ihave eircjillrfidof, manythe- price>Sgpod^fitEm' laWds • and

j ,the price>Sgpod^fitEm' laWds, and,ljaye -been' ciedihly; •ittfbrmed'th'Htgobd-fartiis-cah h'epu.renasf'd.ati from

negroes.,.- Sfnce'iliheJr-femauctoat•'many vbf'-.themr w%nbt work And ihe•farmers ..are. obligM' t:ogeilt:-asthey;«i)6M"pbt;g§t5:sfeu}p^L:':ja;b'btejts-tottfl:M p ;'.the-Jand.;

' d f i h a'rtuers'

a fi?w -h"uudred.of;J.XVVand Addmgtpn. yeomatiry, -This M01 dnring the war, was-""- .burned -by -Sher-man's army.on." their ;inarcu; to' thesi»a, --TfVday ic;% balit-;upj has a pbpr.illation of iX),-066; aud'six railways riiiirning ,$brough it.- Whc;rej-; caitt ybu;,outside of Chicago,- find .a. pyrplel?Sstrll enterpiiae is -;wap;tihwJ.-"0b;ttoii' I l i - p r i b r ' - .to.the" warthe'-Sbjith

f ] l f e t d. g , w h S jhad- b;ut • few]-;cotton- lacto*fe J to.-djayttiey are being. hiitrt:upeagMly '• 0fb?V-ipoiiWlaeto'ri{eap.ets :anC:'4"io\v;£F%; for?:taitah-e^are iospbited febin Een^ckyland-t3ieKcrthv- ..-.C-^ :';;-':.*''-.'•>-v::^.;vrv^>>

V f f eand: gerif-fbua, anrt.ehthuBiastie intbei;i*..kindness to '.foreijgaers., .'OnMpnday- we.":-atai:t .'for:' !Augo.4ta""

party of seiettt ladiea ahd'gen;tie..meu.1- wish pbtae of.btif. frieiidSai home

e;i-e;#ifeh-u|;t<j ebjoy thi- Bplendld;; i h . u | ; t < j ebjoy thi$ Bplendld;•trip-, amid.supshini' and ap;Wers.'- Tepd*..peratiBeiU this State •••.is-dbing:.n?:u.cfc;good;; fp« the-euifeu^/-: I Hud ®&>ii;Te;mpiansb;^re;'d-tlie 'vfebtk,'.-4.0 :|pdsres-\

. ipepple yfquite a"large- memheryrivti 0& :ald-of the:

jesr, dbrag.an«ffeei;tv,e workV • • -Yesterday I yislfea the'Atlanta tlnir

veriiity 4ua fo,unfV'150'youufeiaen:ftnd100 ypflng...ladiei; ah .aboardeiHi I t H f t f l ; id I tHftue; t is i i t tported.partly.by :TQlu:uta?y *p.tiohf audf ttaEeiy: by fhe .Btftte| .

# ^ jitly :Eb-itt; 5Phdeiitsare.alLcoibireJ

" f • I A . ' ^t** -i a"tr. - i - • ' . __" . .i. i.

latsbf this: c.a4.rreunfp.hv•CastftJight

a. pleas*

f g tof ybt.


a t :

I ^ l^ r ^ ^ n ^ h ^ f . s

bc#t citf^ias tp;.'k pftHu^/«r'"|t«'ii'iK0t6t!'

in tti|j f t ieiih

^ . the BapiiB|8) trecommend atriai^f this t "a*peqple •


wil l toe,

y M<$mi$ <M&T,,. atid ; U1 ctose.

«f this-My next

-•^^M^AnotherQ<»od Templar

been organiicHl with Ofilmembere. Then»ro«te

tp' help'. those 'iehbpIs.Wiy the •fifst-feleaxeiils

f yciehad; cacrJed';yi.h a j t.pju'r.lathers?.if .w© ;hatl:jK)Ltie j-?p called^ hat aVi'had

kepV their right-fia,me*pf...cbegesif they hacl,allJ-hv4&;ma.de: partsi>the-'P#y0p3tt;y^0i th>St!$te of'Jfew•Yprk ; :

: - i f - p f e :

• h l h beep. -hij sehopls ;had%1s

th tra&aleiation.bhip; totjem, ther^. would >be now rjo t'Uiver% a,boat Che .claiixjfi pf all Jbliefavbraod:

;siappprfi I t is'nai

,tr<,ver% ,bo . i j f ppufbliefavbraod:

;.siappprfi I tthat W;6 hitve-'Dp' right; to levy taxest i t M d f edp.catibfSi whi«h

;that .the--grea;,to h

of?• .a l l ••;&> gain.'.iSOTiieV-i

great fiirce in : ) . , gall ' .;seiioolf./except. < u ;

isehpolSj. affd;' :these- .ianist- be-kep%^ip. &B 'most, simpie. feanche^they- #111" he op&i, to th4 same

ybtt givegiy% him

if it'is. tr;u;e^aa';&hovyl'

that -i - • of P%ti0r$-,.

giy% hi6%n'j'.-fcsth-when 'y,ou



? ^g ^ .-mbreha p :cial prbn'erty.;tha-n eleefcr-icity.ean be..itcaji; no. iapre "be ephnnedwIlMathe. HJihfiiS''w ttj^tt-'thati. the. fadiati;n|f:heaipf; .fiirii.afefcg, or th« beaepnuppalight houses.can-he.shut ;up" sp;ibt^^abkUu^'bie^eitrno£'Seeni


:t)xe- r,ue; view of edacationate ife agjiuerieeSj/ and;: hbs.

e &Wused..s.o;.'tb"a

this' -cajiihe caii^en say ajt-ib/

; its .wor^Plh4l.it: bfelps'thafeith^^T'dfaimsap6

igh le^ei ijf^jteisiiottq ' t ive;i^eMngipseho

^ s p pd in.telii--all thetg p i l , i

i, safer-as ttie'Stateean^ t w a n e e ^ r l learrjjng,, •." The

varied.,cbn,aiitipns,, capacitJe^v and;h i t i l f t b ^ g ; .will direc

Qf:44ai!QiQh f t $ ^ gript.9ir1.i5f;; the ainbunt;.which'each^ tpa^igainih

;; TSone

which'eaeh. .„ .„. ..tioQ;tlieirSJ;u;($ie8:tbay..rcah'i6?l'|"o^w-1upnpr liia^te

^e-.'%f'im.'th'e; eridUs. sclipbir hpuset hH

. the eout^e oflife/eaehpeir-—-•-•• ^as te ,o? : Cajgjteity fi>r

109 m&i th!at. .it fe-s'pi .for^hy thi^means •ai .9ii§<*cfefaiae';86i'dl dMSat'b-yfo'cofeaTift^ti.ewhol^; ibommtkit.ty arebade «iore.wise ^ ' ~ - t i k - " ^ " • s '

t h e eIpfe'iiigencev

' > ' W t e

e, ieXhm fos P

m:made -.to keepj jgaareh pi

tome4$. a#4on •

;ite!tha|iilid[ea|i hetvyeen. the

Is constantly

la.0 i f


khp>ledge, oi? of general tearniugithat tihe whole Gonaiaunjty wilt, beperjmea;te«J, jstftb diffuseU knowledgeof busioess piihcjjples,- <jf .seientiftsf t s of mephanicai processes, • o

a| Tijtefiigeftee; jaM {feat, to a; Mlfhef qegre& than: we may

^ d at"Ofst thought. Theg^ gien^olfie&M rapidlybg(iQip?s the ^ eoiaffipn: progerty bijtll..; IB^ry teatj'ili. feVery ulelfu

& l i % ;mx>re; active; fitb hqf

ta 6e?&

ginia, shot at the saloon3 a ^ t^ Jn|lnijH*6|hathe


itliajttlie#^;%^idflotali:owh^sell tipi ail v totQ3iioatt4: mmh l l # t f JM b k '

©<? C u r , ^ o p a , Id*yweqt home tlnink and attempted to

mM? sate m*s*m W o #lanaSu^l >

'hive 'oeen-' rimefett Iigopew.era:4ni.W'S*0U

o'esurity 'fbrseliifigrlhjaiiVffpftc&omTEV'irti-JjeyUan

Agits»ji 01 t)!ie


owh., and n'q'rum sli^'sl ;3Si:neyears%o,.. after- a' .desjjerats"/-iitruggle-;. theliquor IP^rty s^cce'etied iti eletain* a

s jQt, -op.fr Itoia

and' raSat' be. boftie By thiisirtip7rtttiit t l i a t thvs t f{B « s r p 7 r t t t i i t t t h e s { m d

bo liisOssatW-' Ijy piftvate -xnatiee, sis'we awl i i f r n e a i t l In' --'• " •

Otliifor.inea-P t o ! .some.

J)empe?afe eauTjot; u»derstatidor appreciaie .a htitaane mbtlye. Alaw/ of the land tof.the pTotectiotj. ofthe; "co'innrtHi-ity canno^ be: eif icffttu'less |he:'aefitisation ;'instigated"by

is tbr'o\va at s Jaw loving;law'a.bicMng people.. Tjiiie. has.been

and cowardly aci'U--sations •bave'-detenred the ehfo.rcemen<

tee., law',' tbaftfiBi? 'ha« passefinever to return, • "Above-ail ' the note

dtii'Of a' self-S'pe'knig polfcy be-y-ohd'ttre glafe-'and/glitterfeougStl?y•fche • sBeddiiisof tonocent falood, meteJj.ave heard ibe'"voice ft'oin Srnaij haveea.nght a-glihips'e ;bfthe Sigber law

thel#W.o;f Godjaud.are '" "ti p to wasb their baults froroesjfc.! a i tjui.f y! tb at • eyes enrsed. h U man i-

ire to.waiti. npHei with"!.". .ev.en' in

fchis.w'orjti of SelQslriiess.Protpction • fbi'.. the. •

has -'•become the solemn;'; clnty- .o:clir-fstian .eitiwiis,. and .if ..we. .mus

?Va?e ofour'ifli.<lst'let us.iV it.-within'.ili


in ttie/blfi^d.and sbulsjof tbbse deareito'ns thaB:";onr own,.lives.. "But' theris.; 'aapfchei' -"side 'ia! thisVV"he*e is all the


trea;sTO-e;: .ft>a£ *\>e>".-nftl -«ises-'

!"f«re.'the" Cqtorfy.,•-Clireuii. and"! o'thctmWs, ojily.to.fiad t h a t ivinkbat

; every ,ten..are caused by tbe! ^traffic.4utOSiieatiBg;. liq.uorsi-and ;Uien bins]tb.-raise'the cry of cost' in enS>r.eiathe :l».w~vpeu.»y . wise and pouiifoplush;" an iuxeifigeut people cannot, afford .to be,. i f tbe expense

,.m«st oeeviitailfd, bt^rn! properly ii* and "eternal .prohibition of the

rum; traffic,, begin at bnce,in yourbwniown/aad ^tp'p.nol tratil the tra.ffi;e iiideath is st.ay.edj.of tUe Master bids you

.pb'me home. ',':. . ."• ' , ' .- : "". v- !.

!due of tbei^leasantest feaJaries of

' ^ArfdHwdito "isthe freq>ien|lyecurring" item froai all parts "of tbe'tate; and np\y-thank: €todwe"eair

but possess' '

great deal of boftfet .tempfirancework has beea done in-Gailford; dur-ng: the last. .ten years.. More tha^

half, a score of drabkards reclaimed,a healthy publie seottmeat createdhe insult oJ,w.hfeb ia;the pjreseniictbry- Tbe only remaining licensed

bot,ei:is hencefbrth to be a house ofntertainment for travelers instead of

a rjim:'.shop . ^b Gtdilfprd has herourteen churches sca.lttered "over the

To*HE Epi*O3a oy towVitEaa: -Tabs j .Yop do welljattd 4& aiYop

reaid^ ^ w p t k j M g gOar cmss ptbgre^ses*

r the ©4© bill inspires hope?':com mbh mnm wpat.: One. step at k\time is hetter'tnin defeats The lawof 1857 lit wprtti dt-fend&g.. Prb;n>. .h ' e ean. adyaace* , Cities

call ior help; tbe St4te!has'd!enie4h ltaerh libeay .p. Krf%s&• lieense^. to

liqupr shops;;.-the-.yiB^t- wardsmade hiaster.s,-.scnd;' !the- h 'slaves. . • T h e ' ; e x c . ^into ^ the.!..h*n€^ of the •peace,.seeftrijy and. g;-tpdCitizens In-;the:©>mitry.i?an: "rote **no •" • •.'ieense,^ hufc; weof- the-city are ;<ie- .:

nied.th.at.liberty; -Sehpois "office.' .are forced into streets-against una,nfimbm prptest/:. Tbe wishesf»f the ..•peopterare hot respBctwJ"!; our jigh!l8-- -areiavadfed ; our liberties violated,,;We' beseech "the friehdg.of ^osticbJtb . 'come to.oUf reside j eive ps thepri Pilege of voting by ards oa theli ' ilicense 'queatioii, that it maysible for. dweliers in eiiies to proteei .themselves frojoa having ;the. "avir


s^cce'etied iti eletain* aqibenseboard! by. a union' of thirstyieoioeraJ&s'and repuplSCans on' the stl-pervisors* : '

IStow mea m'uafc "vote equaiiy, l i -tense. or ao licenae oii Eseise" Coinfnisstober; ;Oa"r people are a law

ab|jJiiig people, and we 'cohfidentrjtbe law . wiii be resp i ted ,

s i t may seem,-ISf.ew -.Berlin,

gsance and! -eurse.pt liquor shops for.-' i h t e ' ;~ ' '

w4tb her "1,906" Murphy pledges ba.-vbfed to keep" op^n. the dfam; shops.-.Who shall fiil themjdeseitBEs oi ue-Wrecruits'?.' EJitheralteriiatiyeisbo'rribis. The Murphy movement has ac-complished'.great g<x).d, btit-in has' onefatal- Weakness! The- piifails.;whieiihave destroyed 1 hoxtsaiias are suffereuto riuiaiu, to entrap..-thousands morip."Lead u> &ot' Into, temptation," wk1-..tfle praver bf-bur-' Lord,. We eaanbt•frame a better one; "

- - - .Slas. £».

5.To the. Editor, qf-iiie iiO-ff.yiile Tunes j -.•JiaovriBg.tl'tat .the people in your

section are interested'in- all that per-tains to-temperance,., aad. If.iata n«t

kwith,.the. gentleman, who

ieh great benefit to the.!pebpleofthi^Btate; I pet tybua ;few..{j.H.es.in regard to, o^r. gre&t reformAVbiciiihaV been ia progress since Mr.

My Du.teher catne

Siota £b!e above date totime'but two. eye'riiiigl barewittio.ut a femperanee' meetiing b'el'ag'i i e i d : ' " ' ' ; \ ; ; . ; ' ; . ; ' ; ."• ::-"'".!'-':;"'* '',;•;

;.- 1A00Q of the people.pf this ..eity;" j / t f y dr ia iXi in ' toe i i ; iave signeay ;'tlie piecige., and.jair.'itatensr.has,' dttr-

!b '.a-tsreaddresses ihthisciry<albne, lie*


We ought bexttoliaiit the.nBra-:ber oi licenses, wDere.aUo.'yf'd at; all..Sxeise hoards oaghttobe r-estrauieS.The power to authorize the saie..oJ" .bquor, cut MfrUunii oaght.BByer tp.;begiven-to such-men as- are chosen on.these''-bfisa^cfei , Our "liegMature'would hardly refu.se to ioapo e some. .Testri«tions, -if teujperajice. people,urged i^ Aoy restricti.OQ.w<*uJd:beagain. the.enstoBa-no\v.istpgrantlicenses, to, aE .who apply; more •than t\vorthpa«an<i are issued in th'S -city Df 150,0(30 inhabita&ts. Other-.cities, suffer in 4boit.t the sam e ratiov. .(San. we not iDfiueaffe.-.tlie. State..to-:..limit licenses, in. a'liy ward aliowipig;them ,o.ne fur each ihoasa-nd maabi-tants?. Tens nf .thousands would.fa^oir such- a J^w; th^t will aot go ;forentire prpbfb.itibri^ -_' I t ^oulct bejt ,tremendous-ga-iri- fpr.tetoperatfce.^ ;-Bve^y sh<>p is a home talssioii sta-flion of siOiWith active' solicitors,o.rafty and suc;«es-'fitl Ib persuading •youitsr and old tostep into their"snare, - t'lose Tip; aine-tehths- of"'them.and/temptation is.jiiteiy tlecrea^d.. ^*" "it-would niatee iti!ducetlie "drinking sh#s frotiqf 8,fiOOto' 1,(MW;' in Bcoakfyb! "to; close 4,{)D(V 'arid'leave poly 0OO5, in:'.Ba|Biip to, .bringth«!ai.doWH fi*biH.3/»00 to'500?Yet.what advbcale can a«kfor. ojore •jhan...on,e.li<jb,ursh.bp .to.- i,<iO0 itihab- ,itanta? . WeeouldcroAtd them hard,on sueh an: issue,;.. , ' - ; , ; :

; '."-• .' . • • : •'•

There- i-s no.jtyiusual .interest for.tetn.peratit-e HOW in, Puffla/lDji-yet a .tjreat. deal of steadyr.q;'Uie.t,.eaiHesfr •work ;$$ done by the- ehurcites $$•

sevsral temperaaee

say^-.tettHjdow.it.jour, sentimentthe._plain t ru th UHJ-I went to.n%ian; Tbufsday--last, mt*\' ihei

.witij-the lodge ra thep , hi; aad-spokelii the evening to a^Iarge aadienceThe lodge ig pr6sipering .-and -tliey-seemed :desfeou;s of calling in m&re-.oithe temp#ane6- workers, .and men

-•.'.-Ori:;;jPridjay ^veni- -out in: -a- stagefrom Batavi&'tb So.ufch;; H^!iabamai Stidhad the: pleasure of. speakiig to a.fuMand .interested, aiidieiiee, .and of giv-•i;ng aa ' inyilation to the friends t e" give in their' tiamesi and- as we wereto have.a'lpdge;meec!rig at the close offthe public meeting.iWe. would ask.all;

: added j.-andseVeraigave prbmise-for afuture; time. • TMawas^a sjaeeessiftlm e e t i n g . , - • • : - - , . - ; ' - , - • • ' • . • ' . : • • _ • ' • - = . . " . * , •

: ; Satu-rday e'veoitig '•&,. njee'trhg -was;.held ib.'A.iaoait!a; .Cetifre in tfise: Bap.-.tist eft&reh> The- nigl.it was. d i rk aoti,some rainy, :anii : 'mudv deep, yet t ibousewaslull . My Kubjeet'Mis'ixI4-:

Bense," as'theyhadthat day help: aeaucu^nota teoaperan'ee ea.ucns:,but a gen-eral one.- -After adjaurnmejat, ifre weminto the lodge rootb aiid eight-'Cameiayan<i"wei'eiaitiateicl, . " •;

- Qn Ba-ptfay I addressed the M. B•Suhday sebopl,'ai}d ied'agospel prayer.meeting. aS6 p.. m. ; Web'ggan in the;leetttre ro'omi tot.it would aof-ebntamsi. third-pf..tn« i3»bple, so weadjbijfrieG*to- t he mam; body. of. the- tebureh;' "T-he <3ood" Templar lodge ia;Sdmer"'set is prpsnetJngV 'an'd.the people arebftina.' edtS^ted.' . Our meeting, inOlcptt ^Bas.an i.mip.ens.e-,.one, ; Booni?"iliere was no roomt aad penpleteturn-ed Home,' e'iarbf miles, -because tli'p.x

,cb.H[<i'not.!ge!t iu. Just as the Sev.!Mr", |ien.)lii3g. Wftsabottt to oped bypiayei'i a Mid voice -said, **j!s there?n'oti3i iu tbis hou^e for eight ladlen?Ii; there is, thfev tir nUt ." ' Theebairntfiri said harcjly, but hybbys bang bvertbega.ltery,t3;p';th;e' platform- and 'svete'lloally entered, fojf

.Jeace; G?er-one burtdred signed. tbvpledge. liaise-jaddftions-are matle

fo their'.oumber ' a the 1<?4S1'-i-gfentleaaen there, n&v<use bf tobaecOi andr a »

aiding in the |i:veBile reform. "Alai;gerev|vaVh.ii3 jjeen in! the churchesover" 100 jrofessing. a ' reformat/on.Good Templars are leading OH to co?--• cjuer. M y ' p r a y e r is, <5fod bless m4\

to the.-^vork.•tr'Mv

• €ieo. Stinsbn & 0o i t Portland* RJe,*ptthlisha firtle' <5hsomo worthy, of aplace in every, one's home. It is $

: \fMtft cro^, 4. owned with awreatl*of roses", ibrget-Tnae-ttota, daises apugr;»jen:leasre8i:-*ad at-ilM base, a «lss-

pf fhesame beautifot flowers, j ipainted- oa. blaefe baekgrbnud,

against which the jicWEe sbpw$

•out the . aiijiiiQiag .".oitiitry. in .Mary-:l'4iMl, Beansyl vaiiaa and, H w ; J e r s e y ;in Ja.eE .the! whole: .Cto/siipeake Bayfpuotry, has been.in afever pf.lD,'ten>:e'ex.citeoient throffgh the trujy siocei*atid . elosjueut efibrls of _.i"Bi$» gceiitffk»nd of thedrtQlfing maa...

Fbe.temperance people pf this- city,to show thel r appreeittibn; of ibe ia r

'boribus efforts bf,Mr. JDutcher, b'avt-and pies-exited him with a be.au.-

hi)Useoveripbliiiig the bity, tbfte:riyers,and fote !sfates, "I;t,.!is.a.;tbr.ee.story briekedifice, a niqdflof cpn\*eti-deiie'e," aiidV"Mt. .Datcher and faniily.

removed., from 'MagsacuusrtS

g h . p irteveiy.make-them comfortable anq

haupy".y |

J be. visited the "BrtS»BPiiovinees- and inausurated the'mostlastiug- and -extensive reform, evtrfenbwii f b e r e } . ' • • ' ' ' . " *••'•.• The "DuicIierTemperanceReforni-'t-ZhjV of. NbvaSootiaa^d' New Brunswick. iiow. number'40,000tbe :lbeal' bOOO iitrbug. . . , , .. .Thank G'oji-the white flagoftem-

.p.eranee. waves ; m every breeze aiJi .be loved . Eepiiblie, a i d tbt

bmiiig when the temperaip e r o i p . e v d . p btime is cbmiiig when, the ptriiiy- wJlf eomtaanU: the Eespejetirfalland be 'stroug enough tb demaii.d'texnis of capitTilaOott.."

' F W t e r n a U y you

' re-

brfeis.the,ChttrehmeroHs and vigbrons,. and severalof the pastors are {decidedly aggr$§^sivebri the subject., "•• The' Teiriper;- ' :

meeting,: that j m% eefe."its nistti ii^

p«ause no onfs can be fpiaQd: to.lead- it;;and eQliect funds to "pay. necessary'.sxp'eh?>ps.; '.Most! likeiy.a,remedy'ipill/iopn! be djseb"^ergd. for thisob- .

.and its.good., yroxg., bere-! !

,.tTip, hooray?' Tbe burly,burr, y i t Is done and .ibebattfe' Jt is won-'.We met the ...enemy .a.t Ure. polls on theSth, a«d after a stubbpr.Wy cdntestedli'giit froni 811. CQ.;tostjudp^riirthanki-

Fea(ing you would ..-think , tha t ;'";

Jamestq-vvn.,'"Witbifis Milsan.d Valley^,'its' ^beautiftil sarrouii^itig^^/flijd :iis- ;more, than ;bemifeiftii ChaiJtaTiq.ua,...:.lake, isstlll Living inheatb.eBJsaiaiid;ii-iolatry, wor-ihlpging.EJiig Aiqphoj . •'piore than tiheEicig bf.al] fer.eatibB,:!;''fhougiit I wpuidfnformy«n w-batwe, -.the tempemnee people, are doing,, j t "Js told with -a few words, vizi, : We ••are working. Yes, afifit what, is stillbetter,-we havebt-'en rewarded for'oui- -;iahni's.'"' We haye, hef-Sles a"ladie&'..temperance wmpn, a Miirptiy elabaod:a (ibo'd Templars -Lodge, i t is 'Pra1

ther.. feoiige, So* - f 5S. 'We- .started •..Fi'ly.SQ, 1877. with' 11 charter m^01"bers-,;am?>iig.' whom "*e find -some of. •those istalidbj's, .with.btft >vboin a •lodge eanijot da mbeb. ;W*BaTe..to- .day ov,ef. 108 uiembei^'.m -good gtaad- •',mg! and. -an »verage a'tteBiSgxiee at. SO '•:..• to-S5:|-iaitiatioas evei^.-w.eefe.-and-we- '

! smoitg..both'-.officers and .i. lnasy of those - who. had :

low. iu the seal.e of ;Idegredation/' Wt now...sitamong.iis

t Wlig oni 8a. cQ.tosu.up^rtbthe cthtiren •people"'.wffl);caiae ouinobly add" stood ap manfully, w« carried the du.V for teaipertinee for tht,g rs £ ti me.:' "We had itot ft. great <iea>tbboast of, abbul' S majority butpf 65S,

we found-ih.em: to point od t t f

t ; we ftpnadty and tac'ties, foem:en- yif our steel; .th^y fought tvery.. step,

dtpwly but stirely we forced them»atk, fos-oar caf tain was" t&etofd at'"aostsJ.aud

ii 'V"siidi -a leader we

h . t a p y h .F , ,1'weuX tdCfi-eenpoEt,' Suflolfc :0b ,ibattend aiipuv;ieiitiQn,fbuu;d;.three':rit o.f.tBe four loQges represejitetf,'.'

, fBll of "figtit, the-fi iWei 'h ! l t ' b t b ^ i f theycaii

h{•rusb; theni opt Svltaeti ib start a Co;, lodge, and selec'11. Bep' ;• took' -off!-for goo'd ri;ew^Joiig,' o r ' I hilstake I . Was very

h ospitiWy ;rs?eeiy ed! aud ..enfertatoeii;'" ' - 1 - - to' Bros..^Eprtbn,' Hartley,

ait, ftiid Ybufi", and othersnames: I forgiifc My ' host,

" ,-..kiiows bow to keepatenj^hb'fe't."" ' . • . •;• ~ .

Sentai "I>4b.w is'ofie'pf. the mowi^peeabfe coinpaiiitwsS' I ever bad th**• fjtjasure 'to travel with, and - in thetodge room-and on the rbstranj he;itirprtsed me f cpu-ttepusj • .afilibje, •tirgmpt and. eorreet'.te the; hisHr, e l f

(jiatfo'rmi. i t is ao Wohder- aar; order i*-''tdyanciiijg v fhsn we- b.ft-V& t*u.eh rep^.eaeutative m^t)- I'imes'ijQthi^.psi'r-'icular' are not.. as fjb.6y p^p'dJPvOB. 1

femem'ber, t ae time; wfaea I t ?as\abti^r^at deal bf.hpiiois'br1 plea^(ije touttoduee. s&me of :p\ir" /gifomtoe.Qt.«ea to the public; and ifPUfacAmmd- not ;mote4han! the ajsasdramount.if iaialiiy aiid prineiple. ltii;dBj|lyihjs;ft, th t re is, no dpuitot, i t would havebeen dead Ibng^ ago>. Th^ more snctiittenw* have to the froat 6jit will be forusi . .. t visiited Irvijjsc ipdRfe JSi

iyt»^ was well and: i jud ly rfceai-et u d h a d a pleasant tfm^ I ttieel totfii'i tVrry Xtodgeai thetf b l 'on tbeBtfir, but ttnd i t life.11Unllp-d^ertecl f Sony, b;tttmake the few! of iti!;


ia their right mi !d»". -.We.t taveamoag us,,ve.ry-_fe-w.of Ihat.Mljd.-that are so. often found 'm Ip'dges, cbat•have beeij all ihrbugh it, tbat'kho.w^

all about-it, fbafckno.w everytbiog'better than every body else," and eon-'sequentty "Icaek u p a luss generally>J?

but as they only pome oiitfae.last ey-..eaing "iOfea^i qaiirter,. they:..4<t pet

;. hiajeh, ;aiid their abseaee U--\.obt feit jqauch, .. • .- : . v • .

We. have eseeiteut meetMgSiSS^.f* -"•"we genepaliy. barry ,£nj?«agii tS«

ibf timerular'bnsioess, wfe bave'jtor " the GobiJ•'. of the

asstrre yon the .time SS.isfcelf jwith mu^ii!

y .-{he latter beiiig .mostly: -•estraetsi Jroni.:pur v.atofiie' W^icf i -

j "tfeiiit' i b a t ' i s what! t h e .

receive In jhat way a gaodt. deal pffoFinatiba thatw*.otherwisenot get • That-mti«h! about ^wbrfe, bat we are doltig^ gned'deal of;ontside. work, and .test'eea publie tem-peranee meeting fa ope bftae daas-,

0 i ' bob.es every

list of miaistera,basinessmen and!«li the home

aftftrBbpay' foriteem.frbfto



est'fey Ae always.-large ,aydiea«;s.Next Sntjday. we a*« .going to iiii a bbtJy to cb& aEteraopn

ha6 Worked,.and woffetf bawi,.;eared for tbejpaajwrity of ttt&last yjewof 150i. Thastybu wiitsee'

^tte uot'felie; but laboring and

barhoadfor tmtb,

*ted ^ y



• ; - . ;«a