music genres prepared by vasyl parashchyn


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Post on 22-Jan-2018




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Page 1: Music genres prepared by Vasyl Parashchyn

Music genresBy Василь Аваков

● Rap

● Death metal

● Pop

Page 2: Music genres prepared by Vasyl Parashchyn

Rap - one of the main elements of hip-hop music; therefore, in particular, in everyday conversation it is often used as a

synonym for "hip-hop". However, as the rap recitative is used not only in hip hop music, but also in other genres. Many

performers of drum and bass rap used. Quite often - especially due to the high popularity - rap used in pop music,

creating pop-rap. In rock music, it occurs in such genres as: rapcore, nu metal, alternative rock, alternative rap and

some others, such as the new direction of hardcore music. Pop musicians and performers of contemporary R-n-B and

rap is often used in his compositions. Ukrainian performers: Ярмак, Грибы.



Page 3: Music genres prepared by Vasyl Parashchyn

Death Metal (English death metal, from the death -. «Death") - an extreme subgenre of metal.

Incorporating the speed and complexity of the execution of thrash metal, death metal is first separated into a separate sub-

genre of this trend (somtimes called proto-death), and then in a separate genre in the mid-1980s.

Its occurrence is largely influenced by thrash groups, among which the most famous of Slayer [3] [4], Kreator [5] and Celtic

Frost [6], which have focused on the sound aggressiveness and speed of the game on the instruments, as well as more

distorted, aggressive-sounding vocals. One of the most influential records in the style proto-death metal is the debut full-

length album, Seven Churches group Possessed, released in 1985. Famous Groups: AC/DC, BLOODSPOT.



Page 4: Music genres prepared by Vasyl Parashchyn

Pop Music (English pop-music from popular music.) - The direction of contemporary music, the kind of mass culture. It is a

separate genre of popular music.

The main features of pop music as a mass culture - the simplicity of the tool, rhythm, emphasis on vocals. The main and

practically the only form of the composition in pop music - a song.

Pop music includes such subgenres as Europop, latin, synthpop, disco, dance music and more.



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