mw]f x l ils p]aily - twin falls public...

atyBdlUotf r~TH * Valid,m.Sli. IHiDIES,^ ilNJlDI m im i pickets and Workere Clash In Tvyo Battles at Penn- sylvania Shlptulldlnj Planl; Police Use Gas J tl (By the AaocUUd Prtn) CHESTER. Pa.. D w .ll-^ne man died and about 40 per- c sons were Injured today In " two batUes between strike ^ pickets and workera at thc Sun “ Shipbuilding and D rydock company plant. FlsU and clubs flew, bricks si and rocks were hurled, police i rired tear gas and five fire m tnjcks puilted (hrough « turrlng fl crtnvd. etiuntud it more thin JfiOO. lo durlns t!ie height o( Uie rloU. lit L~ Strikers *uer(td Uie lire trucks so 4 vere driven it SO miles tn hour. h< ^ Uirough (heir nnki, running dovn <j( a number or men. Plrtmen, »ho , went to (he pUnt in ruponw to a ^ lAlH alsrm tumed In it the miln gi(«. denied Uila chtrte. ' t)i riek «p Injured SlrUurt and worken picked up the Injured, Mine ot vhom were (aken to hojplUb in U» lire tnidu. - Tlrea «r» iltihed tnd wlndowi _ hioken In lUtomobUei ot boUi | groupi. Wlndova In homei la the are* tlw were amialied. John Young, O. of cherter, wu picked up uneoniclous tnd died < ahortly alterwird In a boiplUL ■ CiiarJei M. Jlnuer, an or/lcJa] ol llie Induitritl Onloa ot Marine and Slilpbullden'. Worken ot America, V uld the riot* *er» > dellbente, v organlwl atUck on th» itriken" by “thuti and aglUtors." Nineteen men arretted duflffthe (IglXtng vera held In I2.SD0 b«ll each on eha^ei of IndUng to riot. AnoUier man w u held for earrylng ,, a pbtoL . ( Jolm a : Pew. president of the CC xhlpbuUdlng company, denied (lie pi concern htd tnythlng to do vlUt — Inciting tho dUturtance. P i L -S W A^W fr ' In Day’s Evenk y (By The A&soelaled Preu) ^ local News -------- TOLEDO, 0.>->YanJ( L. Skeldon, £ Jr, ixiledo Timei pollee reporter, S . telephoned hli cUy edllor b i «ould q, . be a lltde la(« at the office ai be p wai covering a itory, W en he arrlred he tumed Jn an . (lem on a Wre. Ifdejcribed how the lire department and m n k L fikel- “ (Ion. Jr., cjtlngulihed a bUn at Uie liuldon residence. dn Horej^r Loti— . . *>ii laubeC, Mill. - tejiii i*wb, Uc Negro, recently claimed b* plckKl » l^SOflsO pouadi of cotton Uili yeir. fiaatchlng hli hetd he figured Uter Hr thtt w u "bid bookkeeping." m, "1 figured It up tgalQ," Uie Negro >u uta. -tra tt onJf coats lo 12£S0 IMundi. But that'aiUU the beil any- body elu done Uili year." i ___ _ ln« tn « Dangerous Loot— i omOAOO-mitrt Sclaite'i In- dignadon orer ths tluft of hli < umple caie w u tempered by hli ««• anxiety for Uie UUef. tloi Sctiieter. a uletman for an ex.- 1 terminator company, uld the un- <50 labeled cnns In the case contained lea J lood tm ted t/Ui n l polsoa. du. i ------- bill I . i tovQ in a lempoit— tioi 1 Ch: -} LA0nO5SB,-Wb^A-(iuirrel Jtllli fiU _hla girl friend had Olsajirous resulb ioT tUlph Blidih, :i. and'Hie flrJ’j •Ister. , *jE. aiaden Uld a Judge he Hole his girl fritnd-i jle(hC3, iet tire (o her u . •room, punched her ilster and threw (jel n blocle Uirougli a pla(c gla.M door, vai ^ow he tw tiu aentence on lils plea mii of euu(y to cliarges of robbejj- and ij, __________________ - .Vel Student Assembly’s With Wde Ran; TOrnCA, Dec. « trj-ln sharp Inu contrast (o Uie rowdy Vsslon vhlcli n n marked the election ot a speaker ot 711 llie liouse yesterday, th» UUrd an- Ii nuat Itudent leglsUUrq assembly Uor • acled In in orderly manner today e on.slx resolution! dealltij vlUi lub- to l Jfctsrangm* frem wir ojuniuoosta hon birth conlrel. neu Meeung In the liousB clumber ot A (ho capltol. the sludcnU lUUned to the j lioun of oralorr, punetuited only helt f by roi; cait or colee mlef u (hough ycai I Ihelr "law miking" was ot momen- si ^ o u s Importanee. «n ,T 'Vhen reccsa was taken. Jour bllli «re ' hail bffii p.^wi and tvo dcfated. day A ''btrtlj..couuul' Dicuuit .v,u mot IE T\ UWDEtl AtRlTT BtmS&O ___________o r crocWATioM________ Attempt To Utah Stril Threat (j Sheriff Acts Immedia tcction to Any M Return to (BT U»* AiioeU SALT LAKE CITY. Dec. 11-^ rich north central Utah Park ( peace proposals ot operators tor they would attempt to break morrow, Omclals of the Sllver.KIng wi Coalition Mines company, .tho U; Park utali ConaoUdated Mlnea com- m pany tnd the Park City Oonsolldat- p; cd Mines comptny, empJsyen ol tp- u proximalely 800 underground w k - en. said they would begin rehlrlog ci at 19 a. m.. Mountain standard time, th Saturday. Jd Sheriff Ephraim Adamson ofSum- nt mlt county teied Immediately to pi gire protection to any men aeeilng oi (0 retura to Uie mines, shut doim pt last Oetober » atter demtnda tor th SO cents dally wage hikes, shor(er tl,. houra tn d union recognition were .He ^ d 18 trmed deputies would 'cq be raontf Into the Park City re- ni slon la Uie momlng If "things look h. bad." — -700 B«ady (e Jlote In lot Seren hundredjnen. many of them th mlnen unwllUngly forced out of lei Maritime Sti To Oregon F Growers’ Threat Brin Unloading Car (By tbe AisocUt SAH FRANCISCO. Dcc. ll-A “definite headway" Is being made coast maritime walkout, and str permission for unloading cargo^ln mmmm I :FiR8jiiaA| Program Bears Striking En Resemblance to Out-. ^ lawed Act WAaillNOTON, DM. 11 (.TV-NeW JjiJ Mwtmi legislation bearing a got l ^ l n g resembUnca to Uie outlawed NRA Wll recommended today by Oiorge 'L. Denj.'l.induitrlal; pro- : greta councU. hei AfUr asserUng that "prl«(e en- terprlje cannot uiely be ptmilitd to iMmlnlster business tn d Industry — cnllrtly free' from go\xmmenl«l In- — terrenUon," Uie councU voled to draft ft bUl or bUU lo prorlde: (1) A federtl commission to reg- ulale Industrial vagei and houn. (2) A federal ben on tnde prtc- Ucea Uiat coogreu finda "unfair." I t v u proposed Uiat Uiese Include "unrfesontble wige'or'hour itin- dirds," ehlld Itbor and oUier pne* Ucea which the councU aald tend "to create monopolies." Velunlary Agrwmenls (2) VolunUry agreementa by bui< Ineu to regulate wages, houn and tnde practices. (4) Modlflcallon of the anll-(rusl laws. <6) Pedenl flnancUl aid to small enterprlMi through Uie Reccnstruc- tlon eorportUon. ' The councU U composed of aboul 430 buslneu men and ISO labor leaders. Most o( Uie Urge basic In- dujtrfe*. Uicludlng ttttl, tulomo- biles, textUes'tnd.rubber, wtre nol represented. Tlie NaUoiut Associa- tion ot Manufacluren and the Chamber of Commerce ot the United fiUtca.aUo.dkU»ol.partldi>ale.----------- NCBBASKA COURT BULES nHE.MEN'8 FE.V8I0N VOlU UNCOLN, Neb„’ Dec. l l MV-The Nebraska supreme court today In- validated t 1033 SUle U v. whlcli sought lo set up a Ilremen'a pension j/item in all rJllfs and vJUsgrs to Nebniska. _______________ s ‘Laws’ Deal - , mge of Subjects ; inlroduced by Swallow of the Unl- ' nrsUy of Wjomlng nnd was p.uied 7J (0 IJ. , It "provided" tor the llberallM- Uon'of Uws on Uie subject. Sharp debate preceded pasMge b: lo 13 of a tllll by Wrlglit of Okln- homa unlvenlly on ■ nemiaiiciii neulraUty polle}-. - A resolution from ihc floor ih.n the student legislative assembly be held here again In Deeember ol next rear wat-paised unanimously. 8ludent.s frem 2S colleges nnd unl- rerslUea [n nine Mldvestrm states ire the ‘'leglslBlora" lo the thrre Jay a.wmbly which adjourns lo- L aiorrow. j ACCURATE- mW] TW ) ‘Break’ j ike Brings Of Violence liatsly to Give Pro- Men Seeking to to Mines ^ BclatedPreu) -Striking metal miners of the i city district rejected "final" tonight and owners announced t" the nlne-week»old Ueup to- work by tbe iUlke of memben o? U» mtemaUonal Union of Mine, x Mill Uld Smelter Worken, vere re- portedreadytomonlntoUiemoun- Ulnoui ffllnen] trea. << Houerer, J. L. JohMon of Heber I City, tliflr leader, uurted before “ U» strike Tole of netrly 3 to t re* JecUng ttie openton’offer, Uut "no *'• attempt wlll be made to crtah the , picket lines Baturday momlng." Olher spokesnien aald niany men probably would try to pau through the lines ns soon as operaton open Uielr hiring halls. ^ Terms ot tbe latest propotal wera not announced. Tbe otfer followed _ conferences ot Uie alriken and „ mlne-ovnen vlth Ooremor Henry d, H. Blood. The union h u ealled oa serr- loes of a fedeni negotiator, bul , ' thai lar the governor h u taken the leiding role of medUtor. _ W ;rikersBow en Poultrymen^^ ines Permission for m . — IU argo of Corn cUtedPreu) ^ -A union leader said tonight ui ide to settle tho 43-day Pacific iio strike headquarters here gave cn In Oregon where poultry grow- >cn had threatened to do It ^ themselves. f! H any Lundeberg, secretaiy “I of Um powerful cotst itUon unloiV' innounced hetdvty la petee ellorU tfler Ills iecond conference today KiUiJ^OJUnt..chtlrmtn ot the committee rejirtieatlnc oifihon op- frt*or», vho eamr » per cent ol Ult coWa'carto tonnage.' el. “Wt tn Just going ortr t b t nr, ground genemUy, tnd t tMl ve are yji making definite headway," Lunde- » , bers uld. tui Pltnt did not comment, but the lm ptlr rentled they would meet ' tgaln tomomw to lay further ob. gnmnflwork for resumption ot ne- oli gotlallons. Ins flrowen Arotied The jolnt atrlke ppUcT^umialtlct t i hen auUiorited Uio Columbia rirer Toi slrike group to unload a strikebound dei (Conttouwl on Page 8. Col. 3) Only Umste< Ain (io- fl IT'J TlK I ,.-w jiAVStrafte. CUC'SfM^ *AJ0 fij AIC prcf*o -1‘t t fR9«A0W 7/Av/E To WEtJVBbW^n CHEcKi AOAiN.— *ff-5N a S S O C IA T B iy PM fX li > TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, SATURD l i K : .I011U.S. : CROPpil Federal .Economists Call lor Reduction ol CuUI- - . vated Acreage; Wallace, ; Tolley'.Hit at Obiectlve <BrtliBAMoeUtriPre») ! WASHmOTON, Dcc. 1 1 - ' There'was mounting evidence ' today that administration leaders ore shaping a long- Kmo federal farm program ’ that fUI Include direct crop , I ' control—'Once voided by the l I supremo court. . ' | A survey made public. by federal tgrlcultunl econoaiUts. u ld j htrtesled crop ftcretgo ahould. be reduced «,OW.OOO to 60.000.000 aeret below Uie im -32 average. Added slgnltlctace w u ttUched to Ihli rtport la view of Uie trend of Uia reccnUy announced 19J7 ftrm pro- gram and rccent atatements l^Bec- I retary Wallace tnd H. R. Tolley, the ftrm admlnlstnlor. A WtUace TeUt Alma * I DlscuBing'demtndiofiome.larm 'I leaden Uial Uie original AAA pro^ I gnm of crop control and p r o ^ I Ing uxes be reenacted, Secretary ' 1 WalUco wld tills week-Uint-good I u that program, vas, we vaai to I Ke It Improved upm." Recent drougliis have eliminated need for crop control for (he pree- ent, Wallace uld,'but "veltare of lam en and llie JuUon wUl require lhat the ftnnen agtln 'have power , equal lo tbat which tliey once htd ^ under tlj9 AAA. « d ol whlfJi 0»«y vere deprlred U if January « by the decision of^Uu majority ot t o lupreme court. Admlnttlrator ToUey was ertm more direct. Under the present nU conservation act," enacted by con- “ gn u as ft lubstllule for the out- n laved AAA, he u ld toll conserv*- /, lion is Uie prtm&iY ob)cetlrc wllh I crop control an incidental "by- " p^uct" " •njlley aald “nothing less thsn dl; rect and elfecUn production coa- trol for ipeclllc eommodUlrs will suffice la lUcb etnerseoclra'' Farm Baretn'i Program _rASADBNA..Cilir,. Dec. II The Amerlctn Parm Bureiu Ped-. . ’ eratlon retolved. today lo use ererT -i. - effort fouad seceuair to maintain pdce fereli of fann products In line { vlUi Uie American sUiidsrd of j,j, wages thd llrloR to tuure igrlcul- , , ture Its "rightful ahare of national This policy v u named u the chief objective of the organlutlon In rrs- } oluUons adopted today a t the cloi- thi Inff aeulon-oMlie-llUi annual con* Uit venlion. Qy The resoIuUon set forth (hat tuch m. t nallonal Isrm policy must provide for restoring nnd maintaining a high '"'3 degree of soil ferllllty, a scliedule of bei: IConUnutd on J>aje J, X!oJ. teen More Days Until Chi MiHtrttiJ Uttt WVS YiLLCltRrsrMAl-'Ao'o ttntRdtl'&frNCr- "^Co'iAC O lt.'' , --------------- n«ST-’*y-5A'0-«ASr-VtAP.-.^ SAV S E fo s i c /im M i/ viiHVluc flcct^oicH'r if.'ce55y <.u<.T.iru.«GLrr.N- - Cop>flSli1.W«.I>/. ‘RESS NEWSPAPER-«:OiH LS P ] _>_____ mDAY ItORNING, DECEMBER ] Edwdrdl , Renoum [ AndE .11 ,,, - Gre 1. L , ... ; re e L r I W ' ll I I* d H iv 0 |n ^ v n H M M itv # e ZsCTBSfftdjHUBBrai J KIN« CEORGE VI, who Iiii a y flier Edward, ij shown here f dence as Duke of: York In 1 ^ CM,"now Queen, sliHidin^ nea 1 ' Margarel Hose. i _____________________________ __ ilfflllESIiEr. 1 : FBnmK Besiegers Launch,New Drive S , In Effort lo Enter ___ ;■j ; .. Spain's Capital. „ I - ' ' ' UADRfD. Dee. It (iF}-Fkselit be- ),j siegers df Madrid tonight launched ft new attack on the Ousdalajart front In tnother effort to imtsh u, Ihelr. way Inlo the caplUl. ., Heavy tIghUnt w u nporied In at Uial sector, and the govemment ' UiRV resen’Cs to (he delenu of be OuadaUJan, M miles norUieast of ] Madrid. me '••The Insurgent!,-meanvliUa...Jah. I'M bed t t Uie line along Uie n s le m (ConUnued on Pa;re J, Col. 1) 1 Christmas. Inbi : ________________________ ^ I : I nn: « n r. . I ■->/JT-- S' hat thn sUl -^1 <^/ oT ofl enti. a/ ,-.-1 w y L uk« lous the In ( •1 dlffl is Itles, _________________ ^ ________ fortl InJui Uie I S i I'i been ’| mow uiw I___________________ |[|^ . by .Thi Ijew Voik Tllbune, Ine, ' 7MPLBTB AILY R 12. 1036 ..i Bids Fork iced For | Embarks i ireat Britain’s Royal Fam IB ascended the throne th il w aij ere aa he atopped In fhe garden o n WlndiOT Great I^irk/VtfMl Ml nearby. A t’the lefl is PrinlW ttfi Edwaa^jir : InFa^ Self-Dethroned Monar Trlumnh in B ' LONDON, Dec. It-'T hS Ikst % his empire fell tonight on hushi Not a murmur broke the alle All London stopped to lUten. thero was a radio. In streeta, h hear the last wordr of thelri- abdicated king, i Women vept In Uie streeU wbea |l be men(loned-"(he woman I Jore,” - II Men cQuared UKlr Jaw» menUoned Oeorge VI ‘'hasono bless- Ing, enjoyed by so many of you nhd not'bestoved'on'me^'bt^ " home wllh wife and cblldrea" Edward’s full, clear wordi were p heard u Uiose ot an old friend f’ baring his distressed heart, , ‘At long lut." he b ^ / T 'ta nble to u y ft tev wordi o( my own. I have never wanted to wltbboU anything but until now It Jim not ' bfen constltutlonilly poulble tor rt me to spenk. ip "A few houn ago I dltcliargedany vl list duly u king and emperor. And fo now Uiat I luve been succeeded by IU my brolher, the duko of York, my flrsl words must be to declare n y Ui alkglanoo to bim. TIiU I do wllh all fo my heart.. (o TheWoman 1 Love' •Tfou know' th* reasons which kii have Implied m« to renounce the ' thrane, bul I wnnt you to under* he sUnd that In making up my silhd 1 did nol forsel lhe count:? cp Uie - empira vhlch, u prinee of. Wales and■!la«ly■U■kIh■gmur«^0^^3 - jTan tried lo eene. r* But you-must beiien ma when i I (ell you thal I liave found'lt lm- J possible lo carry Uie lieavy blirden of mponslbllliy and to discharge my duUes u ktng u I would wlsli to do without U» help and wpport of (he vomin I lore." 1 "And I winl you to know that the Uu decision I ha\'e nude h u been mine bel and-mlcle-akme.--------------------------age -^ils-vu.*-Uilng-I-hsd-to-Judn kai entirely for mjvlf. The olher per? Cli: Mn most nesriy concerned h u tried vk up to the lut to penuide me to -« Uke a dlffennl coune. ....... fl Beit (ar All "I have made Uils (he most ser- lous decision of my life only-upon ;he single thouRtil of vhat would, . in (he end^ be besl for all. .. "Tills decision lisa been made lexs llfflcult to mc by the sure knovi- p_ :dge that my bmUier. vllh his long Iralning In thc publlo affaln of p :hls country and with his tine, qual- ^ ties, vlll be able (o take my place ^11 'orthvlih vllhout. Interrupt or the njury to the life and propess ot fou: he empire, and.he h u one match- tlm esi bhualng. enlcu-ed by lo many (ou if you and ncl bntoved to me, a nu lappy home vlUi his wife' tnd (cni hlldren, j) "During Uie« hsrd dsys. I have tlor leen comforted .by her majesty, my tjur nother.-and brmj'family. The mln* too uten of the crown tnd In ptrllc- l liar Mr. Daldvln, (he prime minis- cm er, have'alviys treated me wllh tha aU cansldtnUon. sm Bred la TndlUecia Ei •Tliere h u never been sny eon* *'1‘' (Kutlonal dllferences belveen me Ch-'' .^Co^ued pa Pag^ i). covi ut&aio wmx uwbir or ' . ASSOCUTO p a a a ^ e l l To E \Me Ofa Secretly h mily,; _ I . ............... - iS'i^onnc^ by hia elder bn>- II of-the Royal Lodge, his resU , dogii. IheJDach- i n^lbTallh<rIght,PrlD^' | 1 A ^fleart : IVfcSSairc ^ arch Tells 'of Love’s , Hard Decision______ ^ ioeUUdTmi) ‘ t words of Iklward'B farewell to i ished, spell-bound listeners. i illence in thousands of groups, en. People gathered wherever i I, homes, theaters and pubs, to ■iiM iia'! l-HSJiW: Radio Carries Former King's JI - .-Voice Inlo Vlll? ' g : at Cannes •0AHNE8. Prance. Dee. 11-The ' rolee of tonner King Edirard Vni « ipoko .out of t rtdk) (onfght In the ® VlUa Lou Vlel vhere the voman I^ for vhom ho renounced his tlirona O' lUtened, ' re Bul secrecy sunounded lhe eme- ^ Uoni of Wallis Warfleld-Slmpsbn, HI for wlwm DarM Windsor's vord.i A (0 his empire heM mott meaning. The only direct Inlormnllon camo Ui from' L trt Brovnlow, tho former hi king's genUeman*ln-wHlng. wi •The king's voice," he said, "ama heard nt lh« vUIa u It vns heard cli ererjvhere else. There Lt noUilng so (ContUiued on Page fl. Col. 1» Doctors, Nurses Pla For Doomed Sl KANSAS CriY, Dee. 11 (4^-AU me Chrislmtsses ot t lifetime tre to being rolled Into one glorious psck- ] «geJiereJ0t&.lUUt.lxiyjs)l0-illiIa;i tt! kaow.tbout^Snalft.Claus t.nd the or Clirlit chlfd's tnnlversary unCJI Ju t Ue vrek affd-unless (liere's a miracle i - v lll MTer see .anoUier. uj 61. NIcholu'i unofflcUl deputies im are llie lUff and nurses al Mercy , honplUl. Bcnellclary of tlielr half u d , half Joyful tu k la S-ycar-oId Charles AfcndenhaW. ^ tast August Charle* w u brought to the hosplUI from hi* home In Atlanta. MLisouri. where his lather, ^ Prank McndenluiU, Is ft WPA vork- Ch er. • del Physicians diagnosed hU aliment Sa u pemphigus, t skin disease Uiey cui called InvarUbly faUl. Recognising cd. Ihelr task as hopeltes, they lUll ' foughffer-the boyi-llfe: A dozen to limes they despaired, but Charles inE fought vlth them and uthe'montlis '( pa-vied endeared lilmself lo tl- ful cndsnU. • • h>> His ailment produces tkln srup- 1 Ions almUar In etfect (o a severe ch< bum. Uke a burn.*1[ Is fnUl vhen vh too great a skin area Is ftJfected. vll L u t week. Mils Olen Crutcher, doc Charles’ favorite nurse, dlseorered mo: Uial be vas not acquainted vlUi B Sm u Cfius. - Ttsf Each day M lu Cfmlcher (old him Cht I'llttle more oflhe Christmu Itory, U Cli.itles van so happy he told Uoo nurses tod docion about his dls- I Mvror. " clou TODAY: P rke tiv o CentAf:^: Empire ! Woman Into Exitcr "| Mediterranean B?* , J lieved Ex-King’s Destination George , VI Rules (Bjt The AasocUted Preu) < . LONDON. Dec. 12 (Satur-f ' day)—Edwnnl David Windsor of England sailed today Into' exile after bidding dramatic, farewell to the empire he re« nounccd for a woman. . Twelve hours attor becom- ing a privato citizen, tho /or* - mer monarch dashed by auto-', ' mobile to Portsmouth where he embtrked amid the grealat ot - Ile sailed tboard elUier Uie td - * > mlralty'yaciit Enclitnlrtu or. Uie- . from Uio htrbor under s e ^ orders. • Bectuse c( Uie secitcy tnd Uie darkness It was not ImmedUtely known on wUdi of the tm tesKU- Edvttd lud embariced. The ex-ruler’a destination v u oob announced‘but uncoafls«ied rtporU clreuUlcd’la PorUmouUi old b« wu bound for the Medllerranetn. ' . . Towird PoM In Franee When hs vould dUembsrk v u *■ secret cloaely tuttded by ntvtl tu» - UioritJet.biit .moit ot Uiose he lefB - behind'beltered It would ba some . port In Prance, Uie Und where Wal- lU Wtrneld Simpson vtlU. In Uie evenlni of PVldty, Uie dty ^ wtien he cessed to be Briuln^iklcA ' EdTMd.h»ftdast his ftrevcU to tbe'halt b&Uo& people la tbe ro ln heoneeiuled-UieyeftlmnowlnUi# ' litnds of bU broUier, King Oeorte ' . VI. Edvtrd told Uis world hi Islet . down IMu Keptcr of hU idrefaUjexi . only because he found It.lmponlbla "to CUI7 Uia heavy burden of rei« poiiHblllly. tnd lo dlschtrge diji( - u 1 would vUh ta - ' do«wlUiOnt-U»-help tnd npport, of Uie woman I love." ., I He pleSedto^riSSegliaee te' . ' bU younger broUier. Uie new.klnc,v > Ue aousbt lo dlqiel for'ftU Um4 ' U it‘Vtfitlgt *?f rrffTti ol-bllttise— . nefi.b«lween.4itaielf - Ulabter fiUnlsy Btldwlo, tbs mut 3 wbotoldbUklaf henustDotnih}] Mn.filnrpioo and keep'bli m w a.. King and moUitf 'ilood bealda ' . bJnt as he spoke.. . Ibe ralce of £dwtrd, tbe suB| f teoke only once during Uu brief ftd<’ ‘During these hard days,"tu isl^ ~ “I-haro been comforted by ber— (lu caught hU breaUt) — hd) msjeily, w moUier and by m]^ Introduced u "hU r ^ blghaeu Prince Edward" whlJ> Uie chimes oL Big Ben (n Zdfldon tolled tha - hour.l0tp.i<m. Uie man who bad been king concluded wlUi: "Qod save Uu klngr • . KlMpeeple GaUier . 1 *U« s ^ from ancient Wladso*. castle vhere he had dined wlUi hU mollier, hii brothen, snd oUier klai* people giUiered togeUier to peyi Uielr lu t ftiU measure of love tnd respecl lo Uie nun wbo choie to exile hlmselt from Uiem to iola hU - Ufe WlUl U ul of hU twlce-dlvoroc4 Amertcaa beuoUicd. 77)0 memben of hU family. In Uie privacy of a room In Uie great, historio casUe, made llielr ovn fare* wclU to Edvard David Windsor. I Prom Cannes came report* bla chosen lady^Wallis Warfield BlmiiH ' ion, vept openly u the heard hla (ConUnued-on Page 5, Col. Sj lan Christmas Small Boy Patient Yesterday he decided he just had to lee ft ^retl, live 6anU CUus.’ Nunei provided a complete Tard« rcbC-^-Wrduroy overalls, blue ihlrt. ovcrcoot, cip and even ft red neck* i . .. ^ ------------------- E m b o d y v u excited — even Uie tsxkab drirer. Tbe vholi trip v u an adrenture. There VM SanU Clsus In a <Ie« partment store, completo rvlth vhlte benrd, red tult, fur trimmings ami boou. Just u Mlss CruUher had said. SanU v u playing ft flddl\ Charles itood In vlde-eyed von« der.-Ito cViaj-got. (o.shake.handJ*____ SanU grinned and solemnly du*. cussed all the UiUip Charles w»n(* ed. -A horae vllh a vagon hlUhed lo It," Charies u ld after consider* . Ing alt loys tn slgt^l. ' Going home Charles v u Uioui«Jtt- ful He liad forgotten to u n Bant^ h» vanted a tricycle. There v u a catch tn Mtss Cni(- Cher's voice u she agreed to mo whal tort ot deal eould bo made, will, Sanu Caus. Utlle boys viio docion ssy should hare died a mon(h ago can't use iricydes. Bsck at Um hosplUI Ch'arles told' vtslbsn of Ms woadatal stapk ot Christmas. Meanvhlle, In solemn consulU* tion docton sought lo find .ft Vay ... brine him anolher and tndre pre* :Ious gilt-more CbrMoutet,

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Page 1: mW]f X l iLS P]AILY - Twin Falls Public U»* AiioeU SALT LAKE CITY. Dec. 11-^ rich north central Utah Park ( peace


r~T H* V a l id ,m .S l i .

IHiDIES,^i lN J lD Im i m i

■ p ic k e ts and W orkere Clash In Tvyo B attle s a t Penn­sylvania S h lp tu lld ln j P la n l; Police Use G as J

tl(By the AaocUUd P rtn)

CHESTER. P a.. D w . l l - ^ n em an died a n d a b o u t 40 p e r- c sons were In ju red today In " tw o batU es betw een str ike ^ pickets a n d w orkera a t th c Sun “ Shipbuild ing a n d D r y d o c k c om pany p la n t.

F lsU a n d clubs flew, b ricks s i a n d rocks w ere hu rled , police i r ired te a r g as a n d five fire mtnjcks puilted (hrough « turrlng flcrtnvd. e tiuntud i t more th in JfiOO. lodurlns t!ie height o( Uie rloU. lit

L~ Strikers *uer(td Uie lire trucks so 4 vere driven i t SO miles tn hour. h<^ Uirough (heir nnk i, running dovn <j(

a number or men. Plrtmen, »ho ,went to (he pUnt in ruponw to a ^ lAlH alsrm tumed In i t the milngi(«. denied Uila chtrte. ' t)i

riek «p Injured

SlrUurt and worken picked up the Injured, Mine ot vhom were (aken to hojplUb in U» lire tnidu. -

• Tlrea « r » iltihed tnd wlndowi _ hioken In lUtomobUei ot boUi | groupi. Wlndova In homei la the are* tlw were amialied.■ John Young, O. of cherter, w u picked up uneoniclous tnd died < ahortly alterwird In a boiplUL ■

CiiarJei M. Jlnue r, an or/lcJa] ol llie Induitritl Onloa o t Marine and Slilpbullden'. Worken ot America, V u ld the riot* *er» > dellbente, v organlwl atUck on th» itriken" by “thuti and aglUtors."

Nineteen men arretted duflffthe (IglXtng vera held In I2.SD0 b«ll each on eha^ei of IndUng to riot. AnoUier man w u held for earrylng ,, a pbtoL . (

Jolm a : Pew. president of the CC xhlpbuUdlng company, denied (lie pi concern h td tnythlng to do vlUt — Inciting tho dUturtance. P

i L - S W A ^ W f r '

In D ay’s Evenky (By The A&soelaled Preu)

^ l o c a l N ew s--------

TOLEDO, 0.>->YanJ( L. Skeldon, £ Jr, ixiledo Timei pollee reporter, S

. telephoned hli cUy edllor b i «ould q , . be a lltde la(« a t the office a i be p

wai covering a itory,W e n he arrlred he tumed Jn an .

(lem on a Wre. Ifdejcribed how the lire department and m n k L fikel- “ (Ion. Jr., cjtlngulihed a bU n a t Uie liuldon residence. • “


H o r e j^ r L o t i— .. *>ii

la u b e C , Mill. - te jiii i*wb, Uc Negro, recently claimed b* plckKl » l^SOflsO pouadi of cotton Uili yeir. fiaatchlng h li hetd he figured Uter Hr th tt w u "bid bookkeeping." m,

"1 figured It up tgalQ," Uie Negro >u uta . - tra tt onJf coa ts lo 12£S0 IMundi. But that'aiUU the beil any­body e lu done Uili year." i

___ _ ln«tn

« D an g e ro u s L oo t— i

om O A O O -m itrt S c la ite 'i In- dignadon orer ths tlu ft of h li < umple caie w u tempered by hli ««• anxiety for Uie UUef. ■ tloi

Sctiieter. a uletm an for an ex.- 1 terminator company, u ld the un- <50 labeled cnns In the case contained lea

J lood tm te d t/Ui n l polsoa. du.i ------- billI .

i tovQ in a le m p o it— tioi1 Ch:

- } — LA0nO5SB,-Wb^A-(iuirrel Jtllli fiU _h la girl friend had Olsajirous resulb

ioT tUlph Blidih, : i. and'Hie flrJ’j •Ister. , *jE.

aiaden Uld a Judge he Hole his girl fritnd-i jle(hC3, iet tire (o her u .

•room, punched her ilster and threw (jel n blocle Uirougli a pla(c gla.M door, vai ^ow he tw tiu aentence on lils plea mii of euu(y to cliarges of robbejj- and i j ,

__________________ - .Vel

Student Assembly’s With Wde Ran;

TOrnCA, Dec. « t r j - ln sharp Inu contrast (o Uie rowdy Vsslon vhlcli n n marked the election ot a speaker ot 71 1 llie liouse yesterday, th» UUrd an- Ii nuat Itudent leglsUUrq assembly Uor

• acled In in orderly manner today e on.slx resolution! dealltij vlUi lub- to l Jfctsrangm* frem w ir ojuniuoosta hon birth conlrel. neu

Meeung In the liousB clumber ot A (ho capltol. the sludcnU lUUned to the

j lioun of oralorr, punetuited only helt f by roi; cait or colee mlef u (hough ycai I Ihelr "law miking" was ot momen- si

^ o u s Importanee. « n, T 'Vhen reccsa was taken. Jour bllli «re

' hail bffii p.^wi and tvo dcfated. day A ''btrtlj..couuul' Dicuuit .v,u mot

IE T \■ UWDEtl AtRlTT BtmS&O

___________o r crocWATioM________

Attempt To Utah Stril

Threat (jSheriff Acts Immedia

tcction to Any M R eturn to(BT U»* AiioeU

SALT LA KE CITY. Dec. 1 1 - ^ rich n o r th c e n tra l U ta h P a rk ( peace proposals o t o p e ra to rs to r they w ould a tte m p t to b rea k morrow,

O m c la ls o f th e S llv er.K In g wi Coalition M ines com pany , .tho U;Park utali ConaoUdated Mlnea com- mpany tn d the Park City Oonsolldat- p; cd Mines comptny, empJsyen ol tp - u proximalely 800 underground w k - en. said they would begin rehlrlog ci a t 19 a. m.. Mountain standard time, th Saturday. Jd

Sheriff Ephraim Adamson ofSum- nt mlt county teied Immediately to pi gire protection to any men aeeilng oi (0 retura to Uie mines, shut doim pt last Oetober » atter demtnda tor th SO cents dally wage hikes, shor(er tl,. houra tn d union recognition were

.He ^ d 18 trmed deputies would 'cqbe raontf Into the Park City re- nislon la Uie momlng If "things look h . bad."— -700 B«ady (e Jlote In lot

Seren hundredjnen. many of them thmlnen unwllUngly forced out of lei

Maritime Sti To Oregon F

Growers’ Threat Brin Unloading Car

(By tbe AisocUt SAH FRANCISCO. Dcc. l l - A

“d e fin ite headw ay" Is b e in g m ade coast m a ri tim e w alkout, a n d s t r pe rm ission fo r un load ing cargo^ln

mmmm I:FiR8jiiaA|P rogram B ears S trik ing En

R esem blance to Out-. ^ law ed Act

WAaillNOTON, DM. 11 (.TV-NeW JjiJ M w tm i legislation bearing a got l ^ l n g resembUnca to Uie outlawed NRA Wll recommended today by Oiorge 'L. Denj.'l.induitrlal; pro- : greta councU. hei

AfUr asserUng that "prl« (e en- terprlje cannot u ie ly be p tm ili td to iMmlnlster business tn d Industry — cnllrtly free' from go\xmmenl«l In- — terrenUon," Uie councU voled to draft ft bUl or bUU lo prorlde:

(1) A federtl commission to reg- ulale Industrial vagei and houn.

(2) A federal ben on tn d e prtc- Ucea Uiat coogreu finda "unfair."I t v u proposed Uiat Uiese Include "unrfesontble w ige 'o r'hour itin - dirds," ehlld Itbor and oUier pne* Ucea which the councU aald tend "to create monopolies."

Velunlary Agrwmenls (2) VolunUry agreementa by bui<

Ineu to regulate wages, houn and tnde practices.

(4) Modlflcallon of the anll-(rusl laws.

<6) Pedenl flnancUl aid to small enterprlMi through Uie Reccnstruc- tlon eorportUon. '

The councU U composed of aboul 430 buslneu men and ISO labor leaders. Most o( Uie Urge basic In- dujtrfe*. Uicludlng ttt tl, tulomo- biles, textUes'tnd.rubber, wtre nol represented. Tlie NaUoiut Associa­tion ot Manufacluren and the Chamber of Commerce ot the United fiUtca.aUo.dkU»ol.partldi>ale.-----------


UNCOLN, Neb„’ Dec. l l MV-The Nebraska supreme court today In­validated t 1033 SUle U v. whlcli sought lo set up a Ilremen'a pension j/item in all rJllfs and vJUsgrs to N e b n i s k a . _______________

s ‘Laws’ Deal - , mge of Subjects ;inlroduced by Swallow of the Unl- ' nrsUy of Wjomlng nnd was p.uied 7J (0 IJ., I t "provided" tor the llberallM- Uon'of Uws on Uie subject.

Sharp debate preceded pasMge b: lo 13 of a tllll by Wrlglit of Okln- homa unlvenlly on ■ nemiaiiciii neulraUty polle}-. -

A resolution from ihc floor ih.n the student legislative assembly be held here again In Deeember ol next rear wat-paised unanimously.

8ludent.s frem 2S colleges nnd unl- rerslUea [n nine Mldvestrm states ire the ‘'leglslBlora" lo the thrre Jay a.wmbly which adjourns lo- L aiorrow. j

A C C U R A T E -

m W ]TW

) ‘Break’ j ike Brings Of Violenceliatsly to Give Pro- Men Seeking to to Mines ^BclatedPreu)- S t r ik in g m e ta l m ine rs of th e i c i ty d is tric t re je c ted "fina l" to n ig h t a n d ow ners announced t" th e nlne-w eek»old U eup to -

work by tbe iUlke of memben o?U» mtemaUonal Union of Mine, x Mill Uld Smelter Worken, vere re- portedreadytomonlntoUiem oun- Ulnoui ffllnen] trea. <<

Houerer, J. L. JohMon of Heber I City, tliflr leader, u u r ted before “ U» strike Tole of netrly 3 to t re* JecUng ttie openton’ offer, U ut "no *'• attempt wlll be made to crtah the , picket lines Baturday momlng." Olher spokesnien aald niany men probably would try to pau through the lines ns soon as operaton open Uielr hiring halls. ^

Terms ot tbe latest propotal wera not announced. Tbe otfer followed _ conferences ot Uie alriken and „ mlne-ovnen v lth Ooremor Henry d, H. Blood.

The union h u ealled oa serr- loes of a fedeni negotiator, bul , ' thai lar the governor h u taken the leiding role of medUtor. _

— W


Poultrymen^^ines Permission fo r m

. — IUa r g o o f C o r n

cUtedPreu) ^-A union le ad e r sa id to n ig h t u iide to se ttle th o 43-day P ac ific iiostrike h e ad q u a rte rs h e re gave cn In O regon w here pou ltry grow- > c n h a d th re a te n e d to do I t ^them selves. f !

H a n y L undeberg , se c re ta iy “ I of Um powerful cotst itUon unloiV' innounced hetdv ty la petee ellorU tfle r Ills iecond conference today K iU iJ^O J U n t. .c h tlrm tn ot the committee rejirtieatlnc oifihon op-frt*or», vho eamr » per cent ol „U lt coW a'carto tonnage.' el.

“W t t n Just going ortr tb t nr,ground genemUy, tn d t tMl ve are yjimaking definite headway," Lunde- » ,bers u ld . tui

Pltnt did not comment, but the lmptlr ren tled they would meet 'tgaln tomomw to lay further ob.gnmnflwork for resumption ot ne- oligotlallons. Ins

flrowen ArotiedThe jo ln t atrlke ppUcT^umialtlct t i

hen auUiorited Uio Columbia rirer Toislrike group to unload a strikebound dei

(Conttouwl on Page 8. Col. 3) “

Only Umste<

A i n ( i o - flIT'J TlK I , . - w

jiAVStrafte.CUC'SfM^ *AJ0

fij AIC p rc f* o -1 ‘t t fR9«A0W

7/Av/E To W E tJ V B b W ^ n CHEcKi AOAiN.—

* f f - 5 N a S S O C I A T B i y P M

fX l i>


l i K :.I011U .S .: C R O P p il

Federal .Econom ists Call lo r R eduction o l CuUI- -

. v a ted A creage; W allace,; T o lle y '.H it a t Obiectlve

<BrtliBAM oeUtriPre»)! W ASH m O TO N , Dcc. 1 1 - ' T h e re 'w a s m o u n tin g evidence ' t o d a y t h a t a d m in is tra tio n

leade rs o re sh a p in g a long - Kmo fe d e ra l f a rm p rog ram

’ th a t fU I Include d irec t c rop , I ' c o n tro l—'O nce voided by th e l I

suprem o c o u rt. . ' |A su rv ey m ade p u b lic . by

federal tgrlcultunl econoaiUts. u ld j htrtesled crop ftcretgo ahould. be reduced «,OW.OOO to 60.000.000 aeret below Uie im -32 average. Added slgnltlctace w u ttUched to Ihli rtport la view of Uie trend of Uia reccnUy announced 19J7 ftrm pro­gram and rccent atatements l^B ec- I retary Wallace tn d H. R. Tolley, the ftrm admlnlstnlor. A

WtUace TeUt Alma * I D lscuBing'demtndiofiome.larm 'I

leaden Uial Uie original AAA pro^ I gnm of crop control and p r o ^ I Ing uxes be reenacted, Secretary ' 1 WalUco wld tills week-Uint-good I u that program, vas, we v aai to I Ke It Improved upm."

Recent drougliis have eliminated need for crop control for (he pree- ent, Wallace u ld , 'b u t "veltare of la m e n and llie JuUon wUl require lhat the f tn n en agtln 'have power , equal lo tbat which tliey once h td under tlj9 AAA. « d ol whlfJi 0»«y vere deprlred U if January « by the decision of^Uu majority o t t o lupreme court.

Admlnttlrator ToUey was ertm • more direct. Under the present nU conservation act," enacted by con- “ g n u as ft lubstllule for the out- n laved AAA, he u ld toll conserv*- /, lion is Uie prtm&iY ob)cetlrc wllh I crop control an incidental "by- " p ^ u c t " ■ "

•njlley aald “nothing less thsn d l; rect and elfecUn production coa- trol for ipeclllc eommodUlrs will suffice la lUcb etnerseoclra''

Farm Baretn'i Program _rASADBNA..Cilir,. Dec. II „ The Amerlctn Parm Bureiu Ped-. . ’ eratlon retolved. today lo use ererT -i. - effort fouad seceuair to maintain pdce fereli of fann products In line { vlUi Uie American sUiidsrd of j,j, wages th d llrloR to tuure igrlcul- , , ture Its "rightful ahare of national

This policy v u named u the chiefobjective of the organlutlon In rrs- }oluUons adopted today a t the cloi- thiInff aeulon-oMlie-llUi annual con* Uitvenlion. Qy

The resoIuUon set forth (hat tuch m . t nallonal Isrm policy must providefor restoring nnd maintaining a high '"'3degree of soil ferllllty, a scliedule of bei:

IConUnutd on J>aje J, X!oJ.

teen More Days Until Chi

MiHtrttiJ U ttt WVS YiLLCltRrsrMAl-'Ao'o

ttn tR dtl'& frN C r-

"^Co'iAC Olt.'' , ---------------n«ST-’*y-5A'0-«ASr-VtAP.-.^

SAV S E f o s i c / i m M i / viiHVluc flcct^oicH 'r if.'ce55y

< .u< .T .iru .«G L rr.N -

- Cop>flSli1.W«.I>/.

‘R E S S N E W S P A P E R - « : O i H

LS P ]_>_____

m D A Y ItO R N IN G , D E C E M B E R ]

E d w d r d l , R enoum [ A n d E.11 ■ ,,, - Gre1. L , . . . ;


e L

r I

W'l l I

I*d H iv0 | n ^ v n H M M i t v #

e Z s C T B S f f t d j H U B B r a iJ K IN « CEO RG E V I, w ho I i i i a y flie r E dw ard , i j sh o w n h e ref dence a s D uke o f: Y ork In 1 CM,"now Q ueen, s liH id in^ nea

1 ' M arga re l Hose.i _____________________________ __

ilfflllESIiEr. 1 : FBnmK

Besiegers Launch,N ew Drive S, In E ffort l o E n ter___;■ j ; . . S pain 's C ap ita l. „I - ' ' ‘ '

UADRfD. Dee. I t (iF}-Fkselit be- ),j siegers df Madrid tonight launched ft new attack on the Ousdalajart front In tnother effort to im tsh u, Ihelr. way Inlo the caplUl. .,

Heavy tIghUnt w u nporied In a t Uial sector, and the govemment ' UiRV resen’Cs to (he delenu of be OuadaUJan, M miles norUieast of ] Madrid. me'••The Insurgent!,-meanvliUa...Jah. I'M bed t t Uie line along Uie n s le m

(ConUnued on Pa;re J, Col. 1) 1

Christmas. Inbi:________________________ ^ I :

I nn:

« n r .

. I■->/JT--


-^ 1 < ^ / o T

o f l

— — enti.

a / , - . - 1 wy L uk«

lous the In (

•1 dlffl


_________________ ________ fortlInJui

• Uie I

S iI 'i been’| mow

— uiw

I___________________ | [ | ^

. by .Thi Ijew Voik Tllbune, Ine, '

7 M P L B T B

AILYR 12. 1036 . . i

B id s Fork iced F or | Embarks iireat Britain’s Royal Fam

IB ascended th e th ro n e t h i l w a i j e re aa h e atopped In fhe ga rden o n WlndiOT G re a t I^ irk /V tfM l M l nearby. A t ’th e le f l is P r i n l W t t f i

Edw aa^jir : I n F a ^Self-Dethroned Monar

Trlumnh in B

' LONDON, Dec. I t - 'T h S Ik s t % h is em pire fell to n ig h t on hushi

N o t a m u rm u r broke th e alle All London stopped to lU ten.

thero w as a rad io . In s tree ta , h h e a r th e la s t w o rd r of th e l r i - abd ica ted king , i

Women vept In Uie streeU wbea |l be men(loned-"(he woman I Jore,” - II

Men cQuared UKlr Jaw» menUoned Oeorge VI ‘'hasono bless- Ing, enjoyed by so many of you nhd n o t 'b e s to v e d 'o n 'm e ^ 'b t^ " home wllh wife and cblldrea"

Edward’s full, clear wordi were p heard u Uiose ot an old friend f’ baring his distressed heart, ,

‘At long lu t." he b ^ / T ' t a nble to u y ft tev wordi o( my own.I have never wanted to wltbboU anything but until now It Jim not •' bfen constltutlonilly poulble tor rt me to spenk. ip

"A few houn ago I dltcliargedany vl lis t duly u king and emperor. And fo now Uiat I luve been succeeded by IU my brolher, the duko of York, my flrsl words must be to declare n y Ui alkglanoo to bim. TIiU I do wllh all fo my heart.. (o

TheWoman 1 Love'•Tfou know' th* reasons which kii

have Implied m« to renounce the ' thrane, bul I wnnt you to under* he sUnd that In making up my silhd 1 did nol forsel lhe count:? cp Uie - empira vhlch, u prinee of. Wales and■!la«ly■U■kIh■gmur«^0^^3 - jTan tried lo eene. r*

■ But you-must beiien ma when i I (ell you thal I liave found'lt lm- J possible lo carry Uie lieavy blirden of mponslbllliy and to discharge my duUes u ktng u I would wlsli to do without U» help and wpport of (he vomin I lore." 1

"And I winl you to know that the Uu decision I ha\'e nude h u been mine beland-mlcle-akme.--------------------------age-^ils-vu .* -U ilng -I-h sd -to -Judn kai entirely for mjvlf. The olher per? Cli: Mn most nesriy concerned h u tried vk up to the l u t to penuide me to - «Uke a dlffennl coune. ....... fl

Beit (ar All "I have made Uils (he most ser-

lous decision of my life only-upon ;he single thouRtil of vhat would, . in (he end^ be besl for all. . .

"Tills decision lisa been made lexs llfflcult to mc by the sure knovi- p_ :dge that my bmUier. v llh his long Iralning In thc publlo affaln of p :hls country and with his tine, qual- ^ ties, vlll be able (o take my place ^11 'orthvlih vllhout. I n te r r u p t or the njury to the life and propess ot fou: he empire, and.he h u one match- tlm esi bhualng. enlcu-ed by lo many (ou if you and ncl bntoved to me, a nu lappy home vlUi his wife' tnd (cni hlldren, j)"During Uie« hsrd dsys. I have tlor

leen comforted .by her majesty, my tjur nother.-and brmj'family. The mln* too uten of the crown tnd In ptrllc- l liar Mr. Daldvln, (he prime minis- cm er, have'alviys treated me wllh tha aU cansldtnUon. sm

Bred la TndlUecia Ei•Tliere h u never been sny eon* *'1‘'

(Kutlonal dllferences belveen me Ch-''

.^C o^ued pa Pag^ i). covi

ut& aio wmx u w b ir o r '. ASSOCUTO p a a a

^ e l l To E \M e O fa Secretly hmily,; _ I

. ............... -

iS 'i^ o n n c ^ by hia elder bn>- ‘ II of-the Royal Lodge, his resU ,

dogii. IheJDach- i n ^ l b T a l l h < r I g h t , P r l D ^ ' |

1■ — A

^ f l e a r t :I V f c S S a i r c ^

arch Tells 'of Love’s , Hard Decision______ ^

ioeUUdTmi) ‘t w ords o f Iklward'B farew ell to i ished, spe ll-bound lis tene rs . i illence in th o u sa n d s o f groups, en . People g a th e re d w hereve r i I, hom es, th e a te r s a n d pubs, to

■ i i M i i a '!l -H S J iW :’ Radio C arries Form er King's JI

- .-V oice Inlo Vlll? ' g : ■ a t Cannes

—•0AHNE8. Prance. Dee. 11-The '

rolee of tonner King Edirard V n i « ipoko .out of t rtdk) (onfght In the ® VlUa Lou Vlel vhere the voman I^ for vhom ho renounced his tlirona O' lUtened, ' re

Bul secrecy sunounded lhe eme- ^ Uoni of Wallis Warfleld-Slmpsbn, HI for wlwm DarM Windsor's vord.i A (0 his empire heM mott meaning.

The only direct Inlormnllon camo Ui from' L trt Brovnlow, tho former hi king's genUeman*ln-wHlng. wi

•The king's voice," he said, "ama heard nt lh« vUIa u It vns heard cli ererjvhere else. There Lt noUilng so

(ContUiued on Page fl. Col. 1»

Doctors, Nurses Pla For Doomed Sl

KANSAS CriY, Dee. 11 (4^-AU me Chrislmtsses ot t lifetime tre to being rolled Into one glorious psck- ] «geJiereJ0t&.lUUt.lxiyjs)l0-illiIa;i tt! kaow.tbout^Snalft.C laus t.nd the or Clirlit chlfd's tnnlversary unCJI Ju t Ue vrek affd-unless (liere's a miracle i - v l l l MTer see .anoUier. u j

61. NIcholu'i unofflcUl deputies im are llie lU ff and nurses a l Mercy , honplUl. Bcnellclary of tlielr half u d , half Joyful tu k la S-ycar-oId Charles AfcndenhaW. ^

ta s t August Charle* w u brought to the hosplUI from hi* home In Atlanta. MLisouri. where his lather, Prank McndenluiU, Is ft WPA vork- Cher. • • del

Physicians diagnosed hU aliment Sa u pemphigus, t skin disease Uiey cui called InvarUbly faUl. Recognising cd. Ihelr task as hopeltes, they lUll ' foughffer-the boyi-llfe: A dozen to limes they despaired, but Charles inE fought v lth them and u the 'm ontlis ' ( pa-vied endeared lilmself lo t l - ful cndsnU. — • • h>>

His ailment produces tkln srup- 1 Ions almUar In etfect (o a severe ch<

bum. Uke a burn.*1[ Is fnUl vhen vh too great a skin area Is ftJfected. vll

L u t week. Mils Olen Crutcher, doc Charles’ favorite nurse, dlseorered mo: Uial be vas not acquainted vlUi B S m u Cfius. - Ttsf

Each day M lu Cfmlcher (old him Cht I 'llttle more o flhe Christmu Itory, U Cli.itles van so happy he told Uoo nurses tod docion about his dls- I Mvror. " clou


P r k e t i v o C entA f:^:

E m pire ! W om an

Into E x itc r"| Mediterranean B?* , J lieved Ex-King’s


George , VI Rules• (Bjt The AasocUted Preu) < . LONDON. D ec. 12 ( S a tu r - f '

d a y )—E dw nn l D avid W indsor o f E n g la n d sa iled today Into ' exile a f te r b idd ing d ram atic , farew e ll to th e em pire h e re« n o unccd fo r a w om an. . ■

T w elve h o u rs a t to r becom­in g a p r iv a to citizen , th o /o r* - m e r m o n a rc h da sh ed by a u to - ', ' m obile to P o rtsm o u th w here he embtrked amid the grealat ot

- Ile sailed tboard elUier Uie td - * > mlralty'yaciit Enclitnlrtu or. Uie- .

from Uio htrbor under s e ^ orders. • Bectuse c( Uie secitcy tn d Uie

darkness It was not ImmedUtely known on wUdi of the tm tesKU- E dvttd lu d embariced.

The ex-ruler’a destination v u oob announced‘but uncoafls«ied rtporU clreuUlcd’ la PorUmouUi o ld b« w u bound for the Medllerranetn. '

. . Towird PoM In Franee When hs vould dUembsrk v u *■

secret cloaely tu ttded by n tv tl tu » - UioritJet.biit .moit ot Uiose he lefB - behind'beltered I t would ba some . port In Prance, Uie Und where Wal­lU Wtrneld Simpson vtlU.

In Uie evenlni of PVldty, Uie d ty wtien he cessed to be Briuln^iklcA ' EdT M d.h»ftdast his ftrevcU to tbe 'halt b&Uo& people la tbe r o l n heoneeiuled-UieyeftlmnowlnUi# ' litnds of bU broUier, King Oeorte '

. VI.Edvtrd told Uis world h i Islet .

down I Mu Keptcr of hU idrefaUjexi . only because he found It.lmponlbla "to CUI7 Uia heavy burden of rei« poiiHblllly. tn d lo dlschtrge diji(

- u 1 would vUh ta - ' do«wlUiOnt-U»-help tn d npport,

of Uie woman I love." . , •

I He p le S e d to ^ r iS S e g lia e e te ' .' bU younger broUier. Uie new.klnc,v >

Ue aousbt lo dlqiel for'ftU Um4 ' U it‘Vtfitlgt *?f rrffTt i ol-bllttise—

. nefi.b«lween.4itaielf- U labter fiUnlsy Btldwlo, tbs m ut3 w botoldbU klaf h enustD o tn ih} ] ■

Mn.filnrpioo and keep'bli m w a .. ’ King and moUitf 'ilood bealda '

. bJnt as he spoke.. .■ Ibe ralce of £dwtrd, tbe suB | f teoke only once during Uu brief ftd<’

‘During these hard days,"tu i s l ^ ~ “I-haro been comforted by ber—( lu caught hU breaUt) — hd) msjeily, w moUier and by m] •

Introduced u "hU r ^ blghaeu Prince Edward" whlJ> Uie chimes oL Big Ben (n Zdfldon tolled tha - hour.l0tp.i<m. Uie man who bad been king concluded wlUi:

"Qod save Uu k lngr• . KlMpeeple GaUier . 1

*U« s ^ from ancient Wladso*. castle vhere he had dined wlUi hU mollier, h ii brothen, snd oUier klai* people giUiered togeUier to peyi Uielr l u t ftiU measure of love tnd respecl lo Uie n u n wbo choie to exile hlmselt from Uiem to iola hU - Ufe WlUl U ul of hU twlce-dlvoroc4 Amertcaa beuoUicd.

77)0 memben of hU family. In Uie privacy of a room In Uie great, historio casUe, made llielr ovn fare* wclU to Edvard David Windsor. I

Prom Cannes came report* bla chosen lady^Wallis Warfield BlmiiH ' ion, vept openly u the heard hla

(ConUnued-on Page 5, Col. Sj

lan Christmas Small Boy Patient

Yesterday he decided he just had to lee ft ^retl, live 6anU CUus.’

N unei provided a complete Tard« rcbC-^-Wrduroy overalls, blue ih lrt. ovcrcoot, c ip and even ft red neck* i . .. -------------------

E m body v u excited — even Uie tsxkab drirer. Tbe vholi trip v u an adrenture.

There VM SanU Clsus In a <Ie« partment store, completo rvlth vhlte benrd, red tult, fur trimmings ami boou. Just u Mlss CruUher had said.

SanU v u playing ft flddl\ Charles itood In vlde-eyed von«der.-Ito cViaj-got. (o.shake.handJ*____SanU grinned and solemnly d u * . ■ cussed all the UiUip Charles w»n(* ed.

-A horae v llh a vagon hlUhed lo It," Charies u ld after consider* .Ing alt loys tn slgt l.' Going home Charles v u Uioui«Jtt- fu l He liad forgotten to u n Bant^ h» vanted a tricycle.

There v u a catch tn Mtss Cni(- Cher's voice u she agreed to mo whal tort ot deal eould bo m ade, will, Sanu Caus. Utlle boys viio docion ssy should hare died a mon(h ago can't use iricydes.

Bsck at Um hosplUI Ch'arles told' vtslbsn of Ms woadatal s ta p k ot Christmas.

Meanvhlle, In solemn consulU* tion docton sought lo find .ft Vay ... brine him anolher and tndre pre*:Ious gilt-m ore CbrM oute t,

Page 2: mW]f X l iLS P]AILY - Twin Falls Public U»* AiioeU SALT LAKE CITY. Dec. 11-^ rich north central Utah Park ( peace

I l i E l l s n I y i l V l l f S ^/ s a l t U kB City C o n f e r e n c e sV S l j l i t s . U pturn to r

Industry »I mei

SAW LAKWJITV. D»e. 11 W >- “■ T la led tn l fTMlM dltUUm « t « t WJ

tonl*ht upon » n w m r «U»- Ity wUlch le iden beUere »U1 m irk ^cl u nptnm ta tn« iuiUmi'* UToloek

. !^ '* S u ttn d ftoctontn. idTl»en ofB u tfll lUtTleb In 10 weitem ilatet,ended • three-d»y, eoaferenee by mommendloi to Secretiir o< Ifl* JE

'..•tertor Ickei » Kore of m e i ^ vltb idmlnUtnlloQ of tae

.V tw Iw im ln * K t. TOeU iu n « -V tloni eoncemed tue 10,000/»0 a

.. Acrei of inuiU nd fcdmlaJiUred byU» gm lB j dlTWon under Ickes. *la<

A ppronlEipeeW g *'nia'McttUry. in udent belterer tba

r ln ‘% omsrulo'*rorUunuveh«n,.nu ugg acted hw rtb ly upon erery ptevloui

‘ (u n u tlo n br ttu itockmen'i poup.‘ ooolerenee letden predicted he Aib

.m uld e an r out tU seir reeonunea.' dtUont. low

PropOMls Ineluded: HiteippolntneDt to a four-rew

'i. u r a of P. R. Carpenter. Hayden. 2 ^ ooIo, itoc taan . u srailn j director, - u ,

' I,-Cjug a ttf ja d Ictea^

i l t o i i ^ l i * n y t o r ira iln i aet dur- 2 m: 'R Ia i Ul n n t two y tan d operatlos,■ In tbe event of a raeancy. ap.

' . one to be lubmltted br tha irailng n ,u. BdTlieif boanU o( eacb' w utttti lUa■ «Ui«. <CarpeoKr. » JlepirtUeaft;

aald he hardljr eipeeted to b« re- >B?, appointed and tbat IT reappointed g w ---.{w m ldltco taerT em oretbanarnr K ; Of » n o n tb l.r ^

_*._AdopUftj b r . iu t* i * n a u . ^ . o t m f u n proTtdlDi tb a t.U per eent of { »

irailac fe ti b t uaad for rante « « j s k n ^ e o t tn tbe dUtileta vbere ^ tber * t n eoUected. Of tlu otber m

'*y eent, half already (oea dl- I n c u r back to Uu dlitrlct. wblle ^

■ tb e m tre o a ln iln W a ib ta ito a fo r » I I adalnlittatloa UH. ' Ben

-Amendoentof th e n r lo rp a i lB f> aet to proTlda return to diitrteU «r.; of n per cent.of aU m iln i.feM to-.

(tba* SlinlnaUn* need far aeU « wrll:< ';b r iu te lefUUtuiei). wbl

oraU nt act affleadmnt to le t np o- dWrtrt *drli« 7 *««*- m a’ beaida no* operatloi wet* ertab- ^ id“ 'lUbed u part o fitbe lu*ne.tula“ j o ,

' poUgr bnt are not n t ^ e d for la »j'-tbe Tayior meaiure J ■ ncj,

> of wrrey daU to adrlien fw ap. “ **

J . ' t t r t M n a n t i i l . l l M t t o i i e x X ! « ( . a m In n c i o tf ;-n a w duty ooUiart fcr tarlia*,:. “ “

. r S S i ^ i ) l i i l i l n x a l » n -♦ ;ta r f letoa. ‘ Abandonment of all ,H 't ra illn t Ueenie feet <xeept~«Ueti~

■X'. U eeue MeeUy>•' U oeue priority re tu latloB tr dll'■« trirt boanli. (Prmoeali by atock. '^<nea uHai. two l e r e n l dtitrietc ; ; for a uniform priority baiU wete r .d in le d J . . .

UM of o a e ^ U c e n i e i only until : ..d li tr lc t bouiii p tber.e& oufh Is-

.fo rB * tlO B fo ri4 ® H p n :o f.lo o * ^ _1

' ! a i u l n t o f i s p e r e e n l o f a 'i m . j .e r^ Itock upon a permit and as

' ‘^ percen t o s rU eeu rw hereadT iien — ;eel Ibe dlitriet U ready f t f a per. m it lyiUm but wbere tba ranse

' mrTef-bai net been eompleted. ' '■ , "Tbli conference demonitrated nn e b en are fully capable of lelf

. • ^PTUMnt f f I

netlon bere preu'tee a iood year for tbe Ureitock Induitry *nd-am iee , tbe natloo that lu n n i u are to ( continue toward .’iteady Improre. nant." • ^

ITAUAK rtATWBlOBT D IU ^ROUE, See. n m X Luin P |. .

' randeDo, wmld-ienovned' Italian piaywriiht aitd Nobel prlae wlqner , t wbo died yeiterday. . wlU be burted in the leetet UniOlelty he demanded In hla win, loeQiben ot hit famUy tald l i i t nlfht. '

Bee U anr U u m r e fer Nerer • Bbed X aae^ T rtce l^d r.__________ ^

For That S' Bare yen trlc4 a ro u t or wi

w* BMT l a i m a l aO U m 1 ’ infeiter neaU eeld fer lew. V

fed Babblta, K aders aod We• . I'

T B tT o M g C

Fonr Free Dell“TODAY n

M&:. ■

a i w o b 't w o ' ' '^ v ' ■.

O B E B i l l l irOBBOAST FOB TODAT A .^

TOMOBaow - Mabei loem ita l " eleodlacee Batsrday, beeoffllsf on* eettled, probably with ralflf In Mrtf l ^ l m e r a l a y i watmer north per- MU

BKb and low temperatuies m - terday a i rtported by the jcrem- ment wealher obeerrer were M and 11 detreei: there wai a vulible BC wind and the Iky w u cltar; biro, clpal m e lrlep rew re 'a tS p . m.wai5«.« lecui Ischea and the humldltr nngf. 91 the i to 38 per eeal of laiuraUon. lalr

Weatber a year a to v u cloudy ooo » wfth temperatofei of i3 and de- » ie pee*. _____ y Ap


Sarometrle prunircs. th o u c h lomevbat dlmlnlihed In ilrrnjih Ilnee yeiUrday, continue. h l|h .In ” the northweit, tbe Rocky moun- ^ tUni and the pUUau lU tti whU« ^ tba cool plain* h ljb now cortn the ^ uppef M lu U il^ ralleyi and Oreit {npr tAkM reiloni.. Low preMurei, «lth I m i ohlnook temperaturei penUl orer them Alberu aad eaitem Uontana. vhlle moderate ralni aeeompany anoUier ^a low aloai (he eentral AUantlo cout. i.(u ,

Mp»tly fair weither cosdltloai _ pn n U orer the eouthwetten lUtei ^ u d the loutben] Roeky uououin- ^ »Uleau dUtrlet, and only Kitiered ^ :leud!n(ia and wme U|hl iprinUei “ »)f rain bare been reported from lloni tbe so rtbeiiL .coD ^taL d]. * rid* and (be Oreion coait

K u, M . Pne. irutbit Ini t

. S P ' SkiS i S T ^ S ^ I ? IUte

S as P«“iiaM m ftS - M C u t MTtrE S ^ J Z l i e 5 clffr•gctulb _ t l I M o « r enerrV iS f t “^ 8 -U S S ? ' 0»Wi la .W .'ssa ji §S! jam 2S raJefiee 8 mI M i S i " Z Z 8 M coma ^ S te f t ta » ♦ * J t b i s


80IBB, Deo. 11 H^-Ooremor 0. (tear Mn Roai granted a reprlen today Uayc «».U T«pp,PocaU U o WPA work. Twin ir, who wai wntenced December t a ipesd fire monlh* lo.JaU for vrlUnf a I ia cbeek on a bank In IDAE rhleb he bad no-fundi,

county and city .official! reram. n n aeadtd hU releiM, u » tom nar iim i lald, on 'the groundi he li nredtd 0 lupport a ehlld and wife. aU 1

I t wai Tnpp*! f ln t otrenie, of. jonei ic la l i ia l l ■ whir


BEINO m n i D M AT SALE WASKINQTOK. Dec, 11 « H n « M.W

UeoutncUon corporation a n . e^ulp »uaeed tonlfbt » had lold pnm:

O u r N

G r o c e r yT O B E K N O ^

I C R P D ^

G R O CL O C A T E D A T 4 2 7 M A

O l^ n s fo r b usiness th U m om ini

w ith A lin e lino o f Groceries, F ru i

W e inviU) jrou to o u r s to re and

p a tro n a g e . F re e delivery on ali

,th« c ity llm itfl. L e t u s Im o f servit

.FRANKM.]P H O N E if l:

. I N D E P E ] M E A T

V- Phones le

Special Sundjwme (Uak from lhal deUeleni tincy hi

n Is m r liwp. Tbe cert ef (BtlJiy to ft t k We aba l a n t i t for yesr ne in i Tnfccj W aten Oyiten aad r r a b Flih.

B OF,TIIAT O O O D -rA m BltAM>’ Cl

O l v e r i e s D a U y - P h o n t


iBiirpB F . M H E 8 .

Uuhlolpal O f l lc e r s , Po in t ” ”to Increased Use

o l S tree ts . u ____ 10

BOISt. D k . u MT-Mjito muol- f 'S Ipal .execuUrta moved .tontibt' to Kure leglilatlon which- will glre ‘1, M itate'a uo lowni and ctUei "a Ilr Ihare” of approxunaiely |3 ,. : OOW collected annually froa the J ; ; lie of auiomoiille Ucenio pUtee. Appnjxlmately so per eenl of »uch ™ ! xelptt now 10 to the countlea to ly bonded Indebledneu for loadi nd brldiei. ,The dty falhen, her* for Ibo loth imual meetlni of the Idaho Muni. . . Ipal Offlcen- asoeUUan, aiked In

reeolutWn for a aharo e t tho ” 1*,* eenie-mTOiy-wlQr Uw-wiffiffiOJt -:± \ a t -a great addlUonal tmnlao ha«Mn plaoed upon mualdpalllle* to npron and maintain ttaelr itreeta KauM of inc rea ito f-tra re l-on J ; ; jem by automobllei." .

Tax frebU m i 7.10Aaothtr retoluilon called for le iu . % , ktlon to augment, dlipoaal of n a i roperty Uken by munielpallUe* for Ulun of ownen to pay certain a i . dren iufflenui amendmenta o f iprlnkl. S. , If u d Ufbtlaf dlitrlct l a n to J J >rmlt adequate rtmedlea for fall* r« to pay a a te tn u o u ; a Uw ex. B m apllni cltlea and (owaa ftom pay. un. lg lb* S.eenlHh.gaOon lU U gaw.Ii* tax and amendmenta of tuiuiee n s i i«fciw| 'piibUeatlon of JttemenU and eiUmatot of tx> tnw i. neoettaiy onee IniUad of ireral Ufflea aonually. nOlty atloneya Oeorge 0 JBueb. 10 u r ot Anmetl. Oleva Oroom o t thetl UdwiU. Prank B. Ryaa of WeUer, ^ sha Keoward of Payeit* and ^ eorge U. PauUon of . Twin Pali* in ere .A ppoln tid .a* ligUlaUra n imauttt* to 'dtaft c*e*tiary blUi. 4;] Uayor J . L Bdlefien of BoUe waa I 'j » iltoud preildent. Or. X. a Wood. 7.; ird, znajw ct Payette, rlct pm t- «•< ml and Huebener, leontatr* tiom< earner. Dr. Woodward tueceedt q u layor Duocan MeO. Johniton ot jiio win PWU. Tb


BOIBS, 2>ee. ll.(/F>-Oovemor 0. m Rou tim ed a requliltien today king for permUilon of Oovernor It M. London 10 remore OrrlUe met from K in iu to WeUer, Idiho, h m the prUoner U wanled oa t trgUry charge.

»,000 of IlUnoU Central raUroad lUlpmeaC truit certlfleatct a t a tmlumotMMJOO;-____________

r S i o r e>WN AS

s i a s t f: e r y[AINAVE.WE5Tling (S a tu rday , D cc. 12),

ru its and L unch M c a ti,

md earnestly so licit y e u r

lli o rders o f $1.60 w ith in

rvico to you.

[.ELROD1031 '

INDENTreo.1 6 2 . - 1 ( S 3

lay Treat' htUer aod tle tr meat uU If na Melttr Ihin rtKyi, Chlekntf, Orala-

c m u

n e 1 6 2 - 1 6 3

L lT Y "



Jcreaener. JU. a Butler, rlcar ^

Third Sunday in Adreot.1:J0 p. m /-rrenlng prayer and |o

Ktmon 11juNBRi cosmrnm

t i t u L White. mlaUUru n . Praak Bell, choir dlrtclor • 5 , , ;10 a. m .-Rc|ular momlng wor> pu

ihlp vlUi a cennon by tba paator. .n i u them by the choir. . 1

11 a. m .-0 huret\ achool with «iu ^ e d leuana for all agea uoder q u i lhe lupervlilon of Harrey Pomwall.

7;J0 p. rn.— Epworth league de- reUoniJ eerrlc* vllb OaylonI I « t ' r i l l i in u leider. fipecUl by Helen yoet. r n i

Choir pncUee Thunday erening 1:30 in the church. Q|

MUBTAnOH COMBIDNirr Edgir L White. mlnUter

•10:15 a. m.-Churcb Khool with uU ffllUim tJndau In charge. (or c.4UJ0 a. . m/-Regular momlog crvne: rorihlp wilh a termon by Ih* pai- n « a lor. 6pedal muilo by the large luia. - :hotui choir, Ini (,1 :» p. m.-Epwortb learu* de* hund:

rotlenil aenlce. ucociChoir pncllM 'Tieiday ertnlng ^ y i

f;)l> at the church. Kiu<The Oeneral Aid meeU on Thun* mbui

Uy alternoon at 3:M a t tba chureh vhlct: riih a toy ihower for needy ehU- ity. Iren of the coaununlly. Program dui ly pn-ichoot ehlldrea under the comn UreeUofl o( Urt. BMI OommU(«e, Mn. 4n. W, a Alckatui, U n . B, P. u n . I ro n lo i aad U n.'H ubert ay m * Klndi on. Home

riBST MZTHODIST KP18C0PAL Sf l ac n im c a p

KWbetly, Idaho ten aT. W. Bowmar, miaUter Pall

a n. Smllh, dlreotof ot muil* of th10 a. m.-InlUal meeting o f ^ r o . with

hethood" clau in the aitembly Cutl< oom under Dr. DarU* offlcetSpcak. Twin r. W.B. Smith.19 a. m.-«uoday icbooL Ur.11 a.-m.— Momlng-wonhlp.— uond 4:S0 p. m.— IntsrmedUt* league, illncai «:S0 p. m.-rpworth league. the I 7:50 p. m.-BTenlng wonhlp. teimi Wedoeiday; Citendar elub a t (he (he la

iome of u n . C. U.~FUher. CbrUt* annua n u caroU and ‘lU t n thange", teamillo p. m. deepltTbufidayt Choir praeUo* a t 7:»0 ittenf


F O Rr th e .m o st coitiplete mod. _

- em Ito re in SoutheraJdttL 1_ iio. Meet your friends a t

, ^our store and take ad- ■ vantage of conveniences

and prices!

We Fay Highest Fri 751 WEST tlAIH

MEATS ' IQ o ili^ and ,

Frlces 'RIGHT JJ

F R A N K S HMinced Ham Bologna; °

U . J . _______1 5 c :

FORK CHOPS .u ............ ■ . . ■ . . 2 2 c !

HAMS (Haif or Whole «

u,.... 2Sc .STEAKS (

- Cube o r Loin -

L b....... : : ....... 1 7 c :

. BACON IL b..................- 2 7 c 1

U V E R -

- L b r : . = - 8 C ^ j


L b.......................lO C IBOILING BEEF iL b ....................... 8 c ;

V E A L R o a s t ^

Lb. .............. S.C 'P U R E L A R D ‘

4 i b » .......- .....5 8 c -

N i c e F a t H E N S (

L b ---------------1 9 c I

e m uH/s Lb. Brick ■

1 9 c

p. m. at the bome of U n . W, U , fr«3 Van UOUUB. ini

OOLDEN BULS CO K U Om rz yeai n iU B c n . wiu

ir. J. Reynoldi, U nUter t i n ^ e i l PInkitoa. flimday School own

Supcrlntendinl lag.10 a. m ,-^unday KbooL inlla .m /-U on ln inuM ag t.1hem i RoU

Toittken.* a eharacUr itudy with ed < a brief Introduction dUcunlng the they ilgnlflcaao* of 'th e abdlutloa e l o. t the EnglUh throni. KoU

ruU ChrUtmu announeemenU all b wUl be made Sunday. two

lh e iennon on Deeember 30 Hc will be a new ratUly of OhrUUnai Uatj memie. ^

f i l IflilE P i M

i i n i T i iBUHU Dec, U -P unonl lerrloei

:or Carl Kolo, promlnenl Buhl.eafe JE jvner. were held Thunday alter- t o■woa l l the hljh ichool auditor- Ohaiuin. with Ror. E ifl a Birg glr- ouitini the final tribute, There were day ■hundredi ot frlendt and builneu BoUeucoclitea who packed the hall to tttt.jay Ihelr U il reipecU lo th* de- and 'x u td . The many btiuUful floral local;Hbulci expreued Ihi eiteem with pl«dirtlch he v u beld In the eommun- R«|ly. ' ^ . ■«»“ ’

Durtnf tha ten lc ti a quartet Ooau mnpoied ol U n. Jamta DlrelbUi. ipoki Jn . Berg. Mn. W. L. KyJe» « ld vuect bin. Loien Shrlrer ung ‘u a d to ti tlndly Light." A duet, "LlfhU of analy tome." v u lun i by U n. DlrelbUi oUi «d U n. Bert. A quarUl eompoaed m il, If uvrence Van Riper, Bryan Rog. of t :n. Bar. Berg and'U . U Van Pat- Kami en aUo ung . ^ Bmer

Pallbeaten w m Jipaneu frtendi If the deceued and were aelected n a i nth the auuunee of U. Joo of WftP :utI«rord. Intermenl v u In- the rvln PalU cemetery.

Sperti EnthtuUil BlTlUr. Koto died at hU bome her* field

ionday ertnlng foUowlnrimenlh'a Hearj llncu. He w u a ln y t Intereiled In to t*. he high Uhool and IU alhelUe cheA eami. niiWIghti of Ibe year tor lor. C he l u t to or 12 yean hare been h ll tey V nnual binqueU for the -alhleUo Paoe. eami and coachet. He managed, Boi leaplU bU loag boun of w ort to Crltcl ttend m u l of th* bom* gamea and 'he w

1 S A T U R IHE!

P A R K - ]Mccftor Eggs in Tradi


BROOMSGood 4.tle style, ead

SALMON N..1Silver Rapid, piiilc..

c a n d FS tM dardbars,3 tor

CATSUP2.M size tin, eacii....

CRACKERSTwo potmd box, eacl

Peanui BuUeiTwo pound J a r ........

COCOA^^—Fore American, 4 Ib!

MACARONI-SPAGHI Brand, 3 W s............PUFFED CEREALS, Com,-«a...................TOMATOES - SoUd can ,each-..... :..........FLOUR, Pike’s aU.pisacfc.......-................COFFEE, Crescents, I tlte taste. Glass jars, l-ib................... ........


A Demonilralor In Oer 8t«n Al Ctticeat Cettee and DmBoriji


frequenUy drore tootherxlUei, tak- unIng itudinU wnh him. plcturei o( wbmany of (he irln&lni ta io u of p u t by yean |va ca dUpUy a t th t eatt. with particular emphkiu oa hitfiro rllt (port, buketbau. p e r hU :own rtcraaUoa b t p r tf tm d fUh- lUlag. eo

In hU honor both elrto clubt, the »Rotary and Bwanli clubi, both c«ll. ■Id otf their meeUng thU n A . u *Ihey both o e t la (ha rfinftig ball ■). tbe Royal eatt. o n « d by Carl ISota During the funeral terrloei ■ai builneu bouttt were ebied from ■.wo ta th m In bl* mtmoiy. *

He il furrirtd by hU wltt, U n . itaUui Koto,' and th* following ihUdren: Carl. Jr, JTred, Btulib, tenyi aad Oterge. all of Buhl


JEROUE, Dec. ll-N aU onal char- er w u preunted Jeroo* Junior ibambtf e t Ootnmuet a t th* bas- uet meellng In Wood^ est* Uon* ay nlgbt. Donald Chapman ot loUe, prtUdent ef ths tU lt Jay> eel, made the pretenUiUon addreu, nd n d d NeUon. preildent of the n l chapter, aeoepltd with a ledge of fuU coopenllotL RtprtienUUrM frem the mereh-

nU’ bunau of th t Chamber of lommeree and oul-of-towa rUlton xk* briefly. Dr. 0 . P. ZeUer >ad- Ued (h« young organlta Um aoi I Uckle too many projeeta, but u ly tt cartfuny (how leleettd.Other ipeaktn w trt A. w . n n g - all. P. 0 . Thompton, Paol QUman t Twin PalU, Elmer Klnny ’ ct ampa, Praak WUueler a ild-^arl


BTOLEV, Dee: ll-N ed Crllch.Ild pleaded guilty belort Judge enry W.-TDcker Thunday momlng I t*4.theft of Itso tn c u b and leA i from an Oakley beer par- r. Crltchfleld w u brought to Bur- y Wedneiday by Sheriff p. D. .

Brad w u Mt a t 11500 .w hich' S rltchfleld w u unable to raUe a n d : _ > w u lumcd o n r lo lb t i h e r l l f 'M

D A Y A N IISSER■ IN M A FdeVEMINGS-------------

, » i r 2 5 c ~

! • ! l O c

W--- : . l 0 c -

I 5 c

2 0 c -

" - 2 5 c ,

s : : . z 2 5 c ' 'HETTI, Almo ............ »7c!, Wiieat Rice,. . . . . . . . . . . . ...... Sc .d pack, 2 1-2 size '............... l O cpnrpose, 4S Ib..............$1.49s, tiie one tiiat tits l............................................ -

................................ t 9 c

- t h e r i g h tY ON PUnCHASES ' ^e All Day SatanUy Serrtag «*lnlla« CrtMcnl Prodaeti •

EOEMBEB 12, IflSfl ■ .

unUliM next term of dU lrkttohrt I wben aentinee wlU b t pnsounoed M by JDdgt T. Salley Im , Ad

IThe new treaUetu la Ealen'i f la t ele

tUUeoeey. ata dUplaytd a t (ht Cla* Ce Botk S ( tr» .a 4 f . ■ • Ph

M O ^” , T M A R iVEAL STEAK 4L b. ___ _ I v C CO

PO R E L O IN ' t m g % 2 11 r o a s t , lb_____ I / V CR

PO R K CH O PS '2 pounds for — . SH

L O IN S T E A K 4 RK L b---------311

SM OK ED F IN N IN H A D D IE f A ml b . __ ______ l y C s a :


S ° ™ _ _ 1 5 c ™" ■ — " SW

V E A L L E G S . . . . 4 PO ’ R O A ST, l b . ____ ^

M IN C E D HAMLb............________ 1 4 c 4 f<

H om e M ade « CH C H IL I, B r le i t„ . . 1 0 6 B U

B U L K m 1 5 ^ B US A U S A G E ,Ib ,... 1 9 6 M E

D M O N D i?I ’ S i

R K E T ^F R E E D E L I V E


andV E G E T A B L E S


on tiie ~ M A R K E T



D O Z ._____ 2 5 c

O R / W G E S

A rizo n a N avels

2 D o b . . _ 2 9 c -

^ C E L E R Y ~

W a h -V n r ie (y .^ „

L a r g f S ta lk s

E ach

6 c ”C A B B A G E

LoalS o lld H ea d s

L b . . _ _ 2 » /iC


L arge Bunches

3 F o r _ 1 0 c

I Oltb* A*lr biyinf maih gett re« n lU .*a ieb t Betd and reed C o -

r - — J1 CWnpncUe u t \ " ^ ( r l ^ truirneal. teet corrttUea.f\

M E A D» I ^ E T *342nd

n C I S t E a s t

Monarch’ «ti MC O F T O l b ^ ^ ^ Z S C —

2 lb. Box ■ CRACKERS Z Z C


ElICE «J ib s f o r -------1 9 c

Monarch No. 1 Tall PRUIT FOR « M m ?A LA D _______ 1 7 c


JWEET if .’OTATOES, I b . _ 4 ® ^

LUX TOILET SOAP ICraasPkg.i f o r _________ . 2 5 9

: h a l l e n g eBUTTflR. lb. „ 9 9 6

IULK MINCE- f HEAT, lb______ . I U C

A Yeal place lo trade — _ > n v e n ie n t parking Bce. Where you find artesy and sen ice wltb r smile! .



Idaho B m I ..............

1 0 ™.

55c IP E A S

N o. 2 SlM

■ 2 C « m — 7--------- —

19cB E A N S

Green Cul

■------- N o 7 2 C a n ~ '

, 2 Cans

19c ,

C O R N >

“ yasTKSiiHm ±■ No. 2 Can

2 Cnns

19cS O A P


12 Born

19cT O M A T O .

JUICE ,20-01. S l l ,


I O C — J

Page 3: mW]f X l iLS P]AILY - Twin Falls Public U»* AiioeU SALT LAKE CITY. Dec. 11-^ rich north central Utah Park ( peace

Y u le Cook: F or G ifts AC o o l c l e s . c r e a m y u n d A

crunchy , spell C hris tm as food deligh t. A nd th e re 's lu n In mnkinK th e m fo r th o whole (am lly.

I n m a n y hom es O rtind- m o the r. M other, Betsy a n d J a c k a n d som etim es even D ad wlll p a rtic ip a te in th o prep>

> a ra tlo n of these hoUday trea ts .Not only U the cooky J»r, et»m-

med to ovcr-IIOKlRs, a g m l ChBat* m u fkvorlte In ihous&ndi o( ]iouie* holds, but atL-aeUvcly decoraUd and , picked, H mokej a gill much ippntlated by Irlendj.

Here are wme Javorlt* recipes:Tairy

Cniot Molit Uolutn 0dm)eup III

1 tMj^ni*t?nnuBoa '• irupooD de<ra' i inupson mU.

Cream r»l *"<1 Add mo- l is w , iptees and u l l lo boUlnt Ttater. Cook one mlnule. Cool. Add.* lth rest of JnpwUMU. w CTfamed mixture. ChUI dough and roll ll out tllln. Cut Into cookies In <Seslre<] nhtpes. (Wliy not make some ginger^ bread chUdrenT) Bake tor 10 minu­tes on a treiMd baking alieet.

Almond Chxolate-CocklM (A -Dillmru" n tm )

' " ttupoon nniua ^{j

j ‘ i ‘cuprfIo“ ' dal3 wwpooDi iMkinf povdrr j i . , «i tup ihrcdHKl »tmona»Creim buller and tugar. Add noi

rggj. cream cliocolale. vanilla aod , Mlt. Beat veil and add Hour andbaking ponder. Dreak ofi blU o( »allff dough and llatten them down |thrc* Inchea apart on a greased i

• baking ah :;t. Sprinkle thc tops wllh '»almonds, preulng them well down ] .Into th» dough. D#ke for IJ minutes ciJa t moderale even. crca

Coeaannt Jombt« rest(njch BofV CookiMi (To.

J* eook•>1 eup eour ctMm hoUi*» *pjp ec«»nut ****'J irupoon TinUla one-

leupoon IrtnoQ (itnc t Roll' i tMuipoen lUt _3 eup«^our^^ «C m l^Su tK c ttnd m tr . Add ^

cream and egss. Bt.H Ior U o mln* W •ute*. Add rest ot Ingtedknu. mix* HIns lightly. Chll dough. Drop por- Q tlons of the u l t dough from the ■ ^Up ot ft spoon onto Breiuwd bak* WInc Jhcoli .KRtlen v.Uh bsck ol 5 F|ioon dlpiKd In milk. Bake for 10minutes in a moderate oven. |H

It no sour eream Is on hind add il'] one tablapodnful of vlnegii^iw eci ~ |-}cream (one>thlrd ot a cup). In a Mfew mUiutea the ereim will be soured J

.iiand'rm«y be aied wlt^ excellent'jo-’tulla. 3

BBtteneoleb Strip* ^(Tiu W ur Kind) g

I wp duk brown iui»r H<; leupoon u l l S

eup prctui H1 leupoon \anllU . R1 leupoon^MklDS ponlfr 5■> rup tue*' 9 1.4 leupoon elDDiaoBBeil eggs. Ad brown sugar and 'j

— mlx-.*eU.^Adr4alt.-pecflM,.-.v»nlli» >1..tioiir nnd baking powder. Pour Into. Uxhallow pan lined wltli wand pa* |jiwr. The batter should nol be more Jthan one-halt an inch tlilck. Sprln- Skle with sugar mixed with ctnna* g mon and bake for 20 minute* In amodemte oven. Allow to cool In pan. g g Cut Into tiiln strips, nemovo care- tully and roll In contcctlonera sugar.Oood sen-ed wllh hot or cold bever*

n*U And Fir Goodie. /CoDOTtlDn^^Uh Wlll nemila ^

andTitam "^^al"2«a^Ingredients and blend untU a ttUI

Inch roll or press Into a buttered !o»t pan. Co\-er with waxed paper Cl and chill tor 3< hour*. Uilng a SCK sharp knife, eul ott thin »llc« and .

. l)»k« 10 minutes on a greased biking >« •Jifct Jn a moderate oven. t *

These are tlch cookies and *111 burn ea.illy they are ciretully * t watched.

Christmai Ceokin i f:_ (^u o u t^ Ja ^ tr_ C h ib l[n » iJ ! li» r£ » li_ ^

UID OFF FROM WORKiai BYCONSTIPAIION |"For loor year* I lulTcred from

. conitlpatlon. 1 had cotUn ao weak ..irri 1 had to- lay off from Trark. M r Rmf

, doclor told me to u « Kellocs^ « d ' ALi/.BnAN. Sine* then, i m ^ e r 7

list ha i ne jer been e;mpfct« wiUj- S x t out lt.”*-Mr. A. Vf. Murphy, 1010 , I6th S t , Tiuealooj*.

T liil dclicloBi ecreal will vmi the aame, iur* relief. Labora. cook tory te iU pror# It’* lafe. Wllhln ring t b a J i ^ J t s I'bulk” abwrbi mola* bottc ture, forma a 't o f t mass, gently they cleanses tha Intestines. A U rdU V e g fi alio fum lihet vitamin B which dom tones Uia inteitines, and Iron for mlxti

.th e blood. . andJorteattTTotaWeipoonfnlidanr.

. , SetTB as a cereal or eook into appe- , tixinc recipe*. Isn't this natural I

food better tban plllk and dru^T ■When yonVe a t th'« ffroeery store

today, cet a jiackap i of Kellore’a •* A u ,B iuh . Try it a week, and

•eo ff you don't feel •worlds belter. 7 Z Z Made antj ffHflPontecJ by Kcllocc ^ in BuUa Creek, • ^

d e s J u s t T l H o lid a i


T h e C h r l itm a i cooklcs ihoion ai i ts p la iic i In ih e ir glass ja r to lasl i ia y season. Sprinkled kUIi bright b th en are sure to lie a v m g thc me fiouseAofcf.

J eup* tuxir unUI3 * e « « . ' i r l o i 1 irupoon TiDlIli trees,1 teupoan lemon rilrict rj.i.t teupoon nnetr irxeil nitiite r<n2 ~1 trupoon Mil .< cup* Hour ' par p1 tewpooni biklDS poviler i>,Cream butter and jugar, AtMl®” " '

Tcam *nd rjgs. Brat well Add' TJjf est ot Ingredients, mtslng ltshtly.;omtci :Too much mixing «111 louiihcnj slore lookles.) Chill dough tor teveral {cocon. loun or orer nlghl. If the dough i Uny <vnu a littlo aoit lo handle iddicooklt inc'thlrd ot a cup ol extm llour.lbako toU out the douKh Uialt a t a Umc) loi-en.

a Jim m ie JinRg I t tem p ts the ta ste Ihcna I t tru ly Lc iijiren ik iiirp rI TSclnvcii


c tisp y e i u u ileiAMILIO t s s s

3 itifiii bacoa ^


------------ y a r n i j mfew pa in s black- - - a f o o a u

.lb .con lM .iouU i l l . ond n»0liieee* and heat h Iced Ibat is <Tiag pan. As soon ,t baeon It healed utilizable {or n irousK add bread*rumbti cook tmtil Famous sclentaeon and crumbi , ,ceeritpandbrown, rew nlly coup l

? ™ X i T „ S S :E , .= d .T l . l c aaxturefromlrying digoslibl# w oin and keep w a r n . .lele butter In pan, • doubL ,Jd beaten eggi andMk slowly, atie* If you bavo bi

d i5 i ii> y .i

one, add erom b M V . digeatib] ilatnre. mi* well



Idaho MaidTTIST tN! “BAKEnS* nnO.tnC.^ST- RU

Kvery Snnilay NRC al J

'h e T i l in g 111 P a r t i e s r.

<U ■ prep



to t( prflf( omet eraUi boll rapid easIl] Ixat: tugii



Slf Ins I

butle Ing u and tlour, mlxti Chm !i It board tre«< nu te

faboPd a re too p ro m in tn i ly 1 s( very long durin g th e ftolf- k I £ {jIJs 0/ cuiit/v ant< cocoanut J mojt popular sw eets in any ^ j

lUI It Is very th in ..C ut out In ^irious tliapes such u ChrlsUnas ^KS, inlmali, slocking*, boyt and krls siuI oth?r designs. I t regular ^(ten are nol available make pa- WT patlerw and trace about Uicm ^I the douglt. V / ,The iopr cf rccklM may be dK* kated by sprinkling them with i jlored sugars, minced huia, riLilns, %couiul. chopped candled fruits or ^iy candles.- Carefully plac# the ’Ioklc.1 on greased baking iheela and Wke for 10 mlnulea In a modemte a vn. Allow Uiem to itand tor

k e e p s ' I S

I ^ R E S H r 1

iiiK leS ays: S bicn !inti.sfic.^ S 1•p rise . . . . . . . ____ g k _\c ick!ia rtll‘s B f o in r P

* ^ P H O H E . i S___ ___________ fl


rD ttJK iL B rsa d .^a a ii).« a tb g .JW lTEeenly'lO O ^J’d la i i t r

a riy lO O % o » im !!a ted ...a ^ I5 oQ «dib!0, proetica&r ^ r nourishment.. - ^ i

enUita oad outiitien «xp«te ^

a p le te d a u r ie « o i labero ton r ^d out the true lacb about ^d3tttoB readiine<ntr]00% kma eitabliih'ed b«7ond a %

- V< been woudeiin? about th* ^

o{£read,ieieDCi now gives ke d antwer—"BreodU nearly ^libJer ^ -



id Bread ^


SIISIiSCflilEs ”

m I[F[5Tli! K■ Part ot the holiday tun tt In the irepamtlon ot tuch confeeUons a» ' aindiM U ii ehocd it^ to iltil J:uU. 'J rhe best l)-pes ot candy for the pur- ‘Kue arc those with dlstlmit keeping lUillUes. tor they may be made In

' Thero’are a few ImporUnt points0 follow In miking candy llko a “ °‘i ' injfetslonal; use a candy therm* ‘"'o ■ im etertodtterm lnelhem cltem p- mture; control the licit In order to ” oil Ihe trnip steadily but not too apidly. tor, is llie tyrup thickens 11 Aln aslly tcofches under too Intense acleri ical: with a wel cloth wipe off th t i» noi ugar crystals «hleh torm on the xllchi

■ ha.< t;

Ire minutes before iemo\-lng tliem tom the pan. Stote carefully to irevenl breaking.' nom

Cboeotate Chrfilmu Tree* g. ^ . :i i cup* •itinl eUt flour lit I tu ^ D i doublfkcllnt btklDlIt tMipooD Mda 3 e<■« uupoon Mil ' >i e

3 S p ' wVu be*l»n '3 tqujm uniireeunrt ehoeoliti. liesSlfiTtour once, measure, idd bak-

lg powder, sod*, silt, and clnna* ion, and sift three times. Cream J” utler, add sugar gtadoally. cream* lg until llghl and flufty. Add eggt nd chocolate and beat weU. Add jljis 'lour, a tm tll amount t t t llrae. -T**ilxlnf well a tu r each addition, P™ «hUI until firm enough to roU. Roll ota.; Inch thick on illghtly floured Into a oard. Cut with floured Chrlstmaa nut m-ee cutter and tprlnklo wlUi cocoa- ^uarcut or colored candlcA. thoroi

1 Saturday 5j W i t h S a t i s f a c t i i

l l d a h o D e p! C R A C K E R S I a ™I . 16 01

E veryday 2 for

A L ig h t Salted W afe r ^

I 2 ' L ..19c irI •

\ P E A N U T S -L arR « , f rc ah roasK ( 2 pounds f o r ............... ................

• M IX -N U T S -S lx kinds, good qui I 2 pounds f o r .......— ..................

k W A X P A P E R -“W ax'T<x’'1 2 5 : roll, c a c h ........ ......... ----------------

I PK A CH E Sr-D cl M onlt, No. 21/2> 2 t o r ........ ......................;-------;.....

I ___ I

I ' Tom ato Junce ''C am p 'I bells", M o z .

cans, 3 . f o r ...... Ch

I ' ‘■\Vn8h7'” Gramilnted

j S ^ ! S r 2 5 c l ,

I S U G A R -“ W hlte SaUn," f in e wl I laied, 10 Ib. b a g ...........................

! KFXLOGG’S CORN FL A K E S \ U fK c p a c k a g e ................. ..........

! J iA .R J T MI.V CANDV— A ssortet ' — chocolate, 1 p o u n d ...........

m n T E R CREAM CORN CA N I j Three colors, p e r p o u n d ............

I S A t M O N ^

j Fancy P ink i> &

j Tall r . i t t l O C ^

' FANCV H ARD Clilll.ST.^rAS C / I ■ ;i pounilH f o r ..............................

PINEAI»l’L E - “ noldcn (Jlory,” L ir rg l lcw to ^ h e 16 or. can, cnch ..

PIN K ACri.K - J U IC K - ‘;i.ibl)y,"* !)fi or. can ......................................

I VAN CAMP'S TO.MATO OR VE I TA IIU : SOUP. 21 or. c a n .........

I tlcrshcy 's Haklnii Choc-

! i t a , ....l o c = . . .I Hcrshcv'a Chocolnlc Sy* • - -

! S h ‘ !“:,'™ 1 0 c

A l l d e l i v e r i e s f r e e w i

l i m i t s '

G r o c e r y P h o n e s N o .

I d a h o D e p I" I f I t I s n ’t R i g h t , B r i


lauRpan whils (be candy is boUinr b* b Data U a t Candy q ,

? .. m t"*•' I'* :2 Ublopooni bulKr conv

I eup pecan me*U jiuj, Boll sugar, milk and dates unUl kIiU

the mixture reaches a tempUnture any o( 23d degrees Fahrenheit, or forms I ball when dropped Into cold waler, Removv from the flame and add butter. Beit unUl ths candy begin { ' lo harden, then add nuts. I>roponto » dimp cloth aiid‘fd'rm'lnlo'a"roll.'Roll In the cloUi and vhen cool, cut .*, Into illccs half an Inch thick. Each t 1 Olce miy be wrapped tn hea\7 wax- B« rd paper to store, ‘'’6

-------- WlicAlmost every ont .likes the char-

icletlsllc cruiiehlneai ot totfee. It » nol dlftlcult to make In llie home cllchrn, )or the average housewife 10. thr same controllable ga* tlime It Ir.T command aa the profestlonal ^andy miker Ufea to i^ k the lyruivt iro|)erly. Tlie tlamo can bo adjusted 10 matter whether yours la an old ir a modern automatlo gas nnge.

Tolfe*3 eiipn lltht breim »ut»f <'ubS.WM'tlD»f»r er Jul«

eup chopped Mlnub, er mor*Ilral sugar, vinegar o r bmon

uice and butter over a low flame, lltn/ic aeit until s u p r dU> oli>tj, Tlien Increase the flame, irtnglng the tyrup to a boll. Con*Inue a tieady boll wlUwut Hir­ing untu Ihe temperature reachea 'li degrees F . or a Uttl* syrup drop*«1 Into cold' water forms a hard '111. nemov# trom flam* and pour nto a butured pan. Sprinkle with iut meats, and when cool, mark Uito quares with a blunt knife. When horoughly'chilled, the candy may

Savings:tion at The ^

p t . S t o r e dI rm .an d H am m er S oda 1^

..15c S'Illk. a ll b m nds, la ll S

Z .......2 7 c ^

.....1.25c ^;45c ^

^.....__..l5c^ 35c ^[L

C O FFEE ^Chn.<<e a n d Sanborns ^

---------D aled ------------^ - J -------

Iim......2 2 c -5 ^j

e w h ite g ran u . j j g J [j

?!......... lO cjl ^ir te d n u ts and 2 2 G 1 '

a n d v- . \ ■

' ■ ■ n \room s, lig h t * f 0e ig h t, M ie ^ J V J

& (J W hile N aptha J ,I .au n d ry Soap

h.r.....2 5 c ^

4 3 c

1 0 c , j —

!i........ 55c ^1 0 c ^- - I S

M ATCHESi lioxcs to th e Carton ^

J » c r Gnrtnn ^

17c ^■I ; - —

w i t h i n t h e c i t y ^

s — ■■■ ^

(o.O and No. l _

3 t . S t o r e ^M n g I t B a c h ” J


>* broken into pfeeea. gie

Due to .one' special Ingredient, wa ■hli new delicious divinity retains hai la fUie texture. You will find It ronvenlent to have isdsUnce In :iandling the two lynipi and egg' whites, as li the caM when making - my divinity or nougat, "

Pnllnr*(A'tlQulliem C*n(lr~t\ivu:ir


- i 'l 'S ’ S ' ' " "■< teupMn u ll froiI ,Vi5p£^*?.*nti|, AdiBoll tIoKly. tllrrliig trenueiUly. J f '

he sugars, syrup,' milk and salt. iVlicn toft baJJ term> when per- lon U tested In cold water, n - nove candy trom tlte. beat until iilxture ailtleni. iKid rc-n ot lp .' _?j

PA nother sh ipm ent o f th o se Li


Size 1 7 6 ' ,

2 1 c D .

A RIB BOD. BEEPI ----------------------------■ VEAt STEtV ,

'ARIZONA SE E D L E SS GRA I j i rg e Size

2 9 c n

^ 1 RO LLED I 'r lm c R ib llE E

■ PORK STEA K............ a H

■ p o r k C H O P S _____3 Hi

M a k e Y o g e P s Y o m

S t o r e f o r C h r h t i m

y o u w i l l c e r t a i n !

e n j o j i 3 > o u r C h r i s

m a s d i n n e r . W e t v i

- h a v e e v e r y t h i n g I

f o o d s o f t h e f i n e

q u a l i t y t o c h o o !

f r o m .

M H S.W ILK IN S SAYS:"Youi lu n cb .l m . olwdVi 10 lucceisiuLM ory. I t e e n te enloymyseU a o te overy lime I cqIL A nd even youi c o ife t l l a lw ay i so 90od.You musl bove■ome s i a e l for .maklagcoUee,"


| R I *<

U m o B m a y c h a n g o . . . b

n e v e r ch an g o . F Ifty>elghl

d e le rm in o d th e y w o u ld

f in o s f c o ffee o b fa ln a b lo .

y e a r s m illions h a v e lo an

CoHee n e v e r g iV es a n y (

G s a u ra n c ^ o f co ffee onloy

a s Ub su p e rb f la v o r a n d u

----------------- ----------------------------- o c

C t fm X Cl/UniolKllltfiro(.CofTe

han ho|f a century of rooiting and poc

ground. Rn*r Qtlndlng locriflcei flavorar

lroi.Coffeeiheuld nolberegroun'd.77ie irogsInonytyp*’ofcof7**>moker.Direcli


gm «entt *nd drop portion* from ta *poon onto grea«d pan or onto ?waxed paper. AlIo» u> stand unUl f hai:d. .

— _ j' JUUe* redg* a

tq iura clioeeltlf ual tntpoon •>!> .lg.teupoon TtnllU

li cupi dleed RiinhmUlon *ndBoU gently Ihe augar, mUk. but* Ad<

Ur and chocolate. When aoit ball porforms-ln eold waUr, remove candy pan from tire.' Let sUnd IJ mlnutu.Add vatillla and beat unUI creamy, g Add mnrslimallowt and |Mur onU>buUered dLih, Matk Into bart and “i aljorjo .ttlIIcn,

t-rull~i)Wnlly' _ f .

.rrup Adi

p w n p H O h

I J B I N 3 I I - ;1 4 3 S h i

C E R F O O D S d e

) R L E S S

I L a rg e Sw cel



^ 9 9 5 9 Pound ....'...............FR A N K S • BOL

- g | I




Ibs. PU R E LA R 4 lbs. SIIO RTENI


_ _ | r I HAMS. H a lf 0■ L E A N BACOl

ur Food *lias,'and



M R S .T r t c f ^ i i s : i ib i i i d u i n i i l d u a i i i

-lu r f f f l l ^ w h l A aev

, b u t iru e Id e a ls n e e a

II y o a r s a g o H ills Bro&

d r o a s t a n d p a c k tho ^

Io. A n d ^ fh ro u g h ih e [ | | |

a m o d th a t H U Is Bros. U

^ d iso p p o ln lm en L l ^ e | 9

oym on l la a s constcm t ^

I u n v a ry in g g o o d n e s s . f



locking coffee. The CoVted Cf^Ini iirand otomo, otwell 01 keeping quoIillBX

he C b v ^ (7A«iligwofoni««rf'oP«ectioniformokingcoffeebylli^rntlhodyw

n G B m m t■— . . . . '." t f

I #«P »%Uf * -■/ -'> 'S1 2&jSSi“ !aiJ!u‘? ' * '- 4Ji cup ( h o ^ 0*1. e»n4l«4..’.-''i ,j

a ublupooD* c b s ^ .d t r o s BoU sugar, synip and wtter, ir idj'i'

oul stlrrlnf, taiU a "hard eliek" bell forms when porUon la tested tn etfd- t^aUr. Slowly pour Inlo wblto, Bea8, tteadllr until candy becomes -oolit' ind firm and has a dull appearance. Add rest ol Ingredients and drep porUons trom spoon onto buttered pan. Allow to dry until firm.-:— ..-ui

Chriitma* wrapplnr paper, *(311 ' tag*, eards. ribbon* awl deemtiene a t Clo* Book Slore^Adv,

reed Qlob* A-l da lrr -tetd f S mare uUk. Globe Bced ft Feed Ce.-^ Adf.

)NES' s i i . Thoshone S t . Ho.

5 F R E E

l E L I V E R I E S



E R --------------lO f lb . WS A G E ______ 15|!lb. ■S A G E ________ j a t I

.. . . .8cb L 0 '“ M iN C E D H A M '

15c L B , ,

^ ■

r R O A l r l C i i e r i h .......I R O A S T _____a O « HIG L A A IB _____^ f f lH O . L A M B . . . . 2 2 < | 9

\ n D !_______ i i s £:n i n g " I I . _____.;:.'.47«SC K E N S ..........: . . .2 0 ^ lb „1 T U R K E Y S - . 2 5 ^ lb;

f o r W hole o r L

25c I-

I t T E R F O O D S


i J i W o l «"«"'wbm,Soil levw voriei la <iuallly.1irVii _

1 ^ 1

f '



[ li 01 fine a i coffee thould b«

01 ofter Ihe eon Ii opened. Wtti

producethe/?ne>(-fai(^ngbev.' .

lyouutevriUbeientonreqtmt.’ ^

Page 4: mW]f X l iLS P]AILY - Twin Falls Public U»* AiioeU SALT LAKE CITY. Dec. 11-^ rich north central Utah Park ( peace


• g * A - = —Bt UAtt^>■• maias /■■"■«« ^r**'“ UoediBi. Jtroai>

“ u^^JSa k in«o»rr?ii> ru# OuuBOifc

w B*u *u*i>aw* IB iouoi■ r i S r fM»U» u» ----------------------- M-W• MUM BUU at UUMI

t rmt. fwiM* u> ja tw a — »■” K gH ui o r A i to c u m r u i i

■ S ? r v i p S Sol <p<du a iipw cf. a««ia tuo m tnw . m BWM AMocuwa tn b .U aM r ludll Dumu at CUtulttlOM. •

........... NATiONAL t t m s w t i t i m

r r & > “ K . a r ° ° ° “ ’ * "

S w « ^ u * , i r s s


AecordlBl to A dlipatch from Buet ■i\m, tha American plan * t the peae# c( le re n u •‘re lte ra ta th« w ncUty of f • t r u e r tre tU e i for pretenUon of fult ■MolUct, renouncea w u u an liutnim i Dt otU onal poUc7. calli for arbitration Ulipotes and a eo'mmoa stu tra llty la fi p f war, and would o rn th ro v trad s barri i u d >^■"*"'■^*1 dlKrlffllnatlon. pror irIendUer tourlns contracts and edueat of p to p lu for peace, and would'tOTlre t ^ t i o n a l Uw to n a k e It workable i •aered."

Here’i certainly a he lty agendum. / • I f i t can be p u t o rer and Ured up to , t .wlU be A hearenly hemliphere. w lth I of mankind peering o w the edges i UTlns to crowd In and ihare the benei

. Many wlU caU it quixotic.; B ut th e p g tam 't w orth trying for, In eplto o f curr eynldim and dlBiUujlonraent. In Amer i f anywhere, the Impossible can bo acecpushed.


' n c tu ie i of ttae na tton 'i six health boyi and d r l i a te quite Inspiring. I t jrouni fo lk s -th ey range h i is e from i teen to twenty J e a r s - d o n t look like <

-faddlsti'O r-exercise - fiends.- In ■ fac t,, t Jo o k .p le asan t, Intelligent and.norm al.. W ben reporU n, a lte r the show, as foi- th e health f trm u la i of the t ix H le trn ed th e n w eren't any.' th e y all

; heartily , ge t plenty of eleep and enJo I v a rie ty of sport*. Swimming, tennis, l '.IcetbaU and football were mentioned.

There w w other healthy boys and | T n tb e 4*H ClBb'C ontestlirChleago.—fl< ot them tecelied rcd ribboni as runnert In th e fiaa li. AU of them were such pli a n t examplei .ot .good physical condli

- th t t_ th e y : m a d e, th e . Judges:.sel«U on— -------------------------

Tbe lUeeit th ing about It U th a t U t r e so many healthy youngsters In United S tate i, e ren though n o t -enro In M Olubi.

This country cares about -Its ebUd I t ip ta d i m o n ijk an d .effort to disc* w b at U b e lt for them -and to oak # findings widely known.. The publle r lie s th a t n o t aU c h U d reh '^ o y the opi tun ltlei and safegoardtJ^siy ihould h MoremenU b a re . b m ■'dereioped to <

' care of th a onderpriTileged. If demou m eans anything, I t m eans th a t aU Its c dren ihould b a re a fa ir chanee for het happiness and education., ,


Kings are n o t th e only persons «1 marriages are o f official concern, as recen t Executlre Order deaUng ' American diplomats' marriages to al rerea ls. Hereafter, says the order, foreign terrlee officer of the United St who marries an alien without the app: Sf the Secretary of Stote w guilt In su b o r^ a t lo n and will be subject to

, mediate dlimlsssl.A t the present thne.i 12 per cent ot

684 foreign terrlce officers are n a rr ie alleiu, and 27 per cen t of 724 clerks 1

'■ "ancn'wlresr T l ^ e c ase s ,'w y r th rD e i m ent d f S lile , “have been'v lew ed sympathy and tolerance." But i t Is

" th a t , h i the present condition fef « affairs, further marriages o t this chan m ust be forbidden.

A t present the order does not appl mUltary and naval oflicers. Ambasss t n d minUters also are exempt, althoui Is Ukely tb a t any who followed Uie exa o f R u th Bryan Owen in foreign m ar would also follow It by prompt rejlgnu

T his m ay leem an arbiliary ruling obrlously h u its Justifications In tlm InlCTnatlonal suspicion and unresf.

H O M E TOURING A New Yorlc family, returning

le rea-w eeks-to tff of Europe and fi hiformatloD about points of Interest t ^ r e em barrissed when somo forelgr Itora I ta r te d askhig about ‘Jie lr o to Many of th e quesUons Uiey couldn'i n re r . H jey d ld n t know much about j o f In terest in Uie city where Uiey had m ost o f tb e lr Ures.

.80 Uiey jleclded to reform . They tm n g e d lo r guides to take them •erlea o f tours a round to w n .. After tbey plan to do 'som e doinesUe tr a r*W ,.tto » ,“.Uiej[

' i i n N F A U ^ DAILY NEWS------- 11 go t acquainted with our ow

our own country."J , o u r own hemisphere, loo.

M . to see, north and w ulh ;


— Means to which a prUom escape punishm ent for h is cri fUled newspaper columns but

iSJ made by F ted Tum er, a youi sla to prison Inmate, borders

^ T um er, on October foui from his cell. A careful sej

u e disclose h is whereabouts bu t i‘S " - 'f e l l o w - p r l s o n e r 'd ld i - --------

For lU ty-four doyi prison j and now T um er Is In solltarj T um er’i plan was to dig hU for o rer two monUis h e Ur

UM day In h is tunnel home, M “Uilencd” to his progress lot * 2 forty feet and when he . caa a. Uie prtson yard, he w aj assl "■ ground back Into prison.— Using a screw drlrer, tw( _ and a ham m er aa h is only to(

th irty pounds during th s .a d r he Informed officials, had fU

s s : sereral Umes. A itr lng of U » hooked Into Uie prison clrcu

5}g bis quarUrs.

r a THK DdMlKANT i tA tZiPocsttUo Trlbuw

M». Erery onee In a while comts ^ Ing t lu l th t domlosni male* i

nan-m adt world are* illpplng,------- ' land Prea, and cites theso cm

Down In Minden, vomet ‘hlier* ilopped a train, beal u

uenos IOJ, Iha clothing from a ralirc ic o n - chased Ult crew Into a neuby 1 : fire U lu Etu-Bcorup, Utah's h future lUperrlior. made a luney of tin

KhooU and coUegts aod foui , ® menu In'domeiUc Klence eoun

" Increasing. ,An<l jihad tt ot B I la ce ene-thli^ ot_Dtah-s hUh *cho« irriers making ctmnei for boyi. rorlde Baltimore comei a moit

count ot tbt formation of Dt “ naUon-wld# lyilem of club*, or

“ V hobandi detp In-duleli with I e t n d p to liold hindi with each -

Uielr woei In ilrong drink cr ga And that when domesilo troubH n

3 th is *>>0 wenl ciylng “homt W.mi , hubby who illnki oft to lili k * “ *‘f Itorm blowi o m .I t n a Doihouie Inc, w u organlted: a e f iu . Hn, a Baltimore builness mar e pro* b « n dubbed dreat Dane ot the u rren t D anu art masterlul, flgh lerica , ■ecom- ■ A DIBflEL ANNIVEB ” ■ (Now York Ume

Several hundrtd englnttn hai , „ o fortieth annlrenary ot tlie die

UodueUon and gloried In the 1 Ithleat the fu te i l trains in Ui ThftH lownt eoit, g tstraU i electric— eentral ilaHtm, takes the place “ *“ • farm and crowds out iteam ot :e d ie t vmat strikes tha historian ol t ;.tb ey_« ll . developed hli engme.u w .d M oitof Uie'grtSt'lnvenUe&|-

J T Z ' eome from linlKrers and whi w att was an iniuumenl-mikei

Ul • ‘ t .pictures, BeU uugltf deaf.mut<njoy A ulegrapher, the Wrigbt bnthI, b t l* makera, OatlUig w u a plifsli1 w u ot a dUfertnt specles-iri tfirii l» l“ d eiiglDeer, whoeotooU wt

i m . equaU oniandgraphi,'a iel.fltl-Som e- -a lc u ia i« ih ru n c ien c ro f h tr lera-up jt un im td Unglble shape. II p le ts* when hU first engtne blew up i

idlU on him. “I knew Uten Just what II of ha onee laid. - I had prorcd i

.«cmp*etwl-andthovted-io_hl oU w u Injected Uiere would

’ tbe re without any ap art" The retl li In tb e deDgnlDgeyllnden Uist wouldi orolled presiurei and espanilons.

Already mrentlon h u btcoi applied Klence and engUtttrlt

lUdren. ,«hnlcal UieorUl ot Ilico rer applying oi with Uie methat kko Its Ulls culture what it is. If we t ] real* drlvtn by alomlo energy or he n n m r . they wtll be designed by Olestli

. ! glow.a-otma and ttretlles Uiey0 t tk e by meseli. ‘Die dsy of Uie e locrtcy tttlo inventor, will nerer be or J ch ll- technical problemi of today a: healUi “ ore likely to be Mired by

' whltUen. The man whose triuo hara celebrated piored U ul nc tlcal u a lOund Uuory.'

THE WEONO TU B 1wnoie .(Baker DemocTat-H

“ J J r The nauonal admlnUtraUfw m i worken over 64 droppt<

alletia yoi affected aereral 1;ir, any Oregon and a number in Bt)1 S tates The order wlU be parUcul Dororal in UiU iu !» whero Uiere li no

flf *se autsunee to penons bet j u r t . Ui. l t , l .w u a « u p

to im - coming lexslOn bul Uiere Is » ’temiUres are other work, hii

o t th e that age to tlnd, or rellet, wh rried to “O a lm dy meager income I u havo "Th* ot Chief neUefiruiirr* - -1* “ “"h - clear.Jnie tleei

n J OT«f' P«^ble U «t prei! V w ith on Itatcs U ut hare hot a im Is le lt old age aulitance ages (o SJ,

' world ll one. 'larActcr ^ >”7 «'ent It looks like

move from Uils dliUnee. Deci 10 curuil the WPA. Tlio cove

pply to ,i(^ ll undjr one name or i issadors- or jour ye in . Four more montl lOUgh I t luve unbalineed the fedenl b' “xamole Th* economy effected wlll ne iflrrlM c “ >« huee ouUiy of the m il larriagc mcvlUblp iauon . Tlie obvloui Ume to curUI ing, Dul 11,e wlien other votk :lmes of in the early winler when lUi

Is Iiees the proipect of curt

4iucr a B R E A K F A S Tfull o f ____________ ;____________

st there. im p o r ta n ::Ign vis- Mn. Jones wtnl to her neljfiTi city advlc« on how to H lte clIn 't an » fc* hinli. her ntljhl

. L w . "IKmember, a hen UlI t points tj,ick,ni tnd tour weeki forId spen t Mf3.Jones,tlunkedhtrantl

her hen on lomt eggs.ey h a te All went weU for a couplem on a “ n . Jonei wai eaUed

.h - t »he laid to Uie aw y .fo r two weeki, io remi

r treu n g . tm more Uun anoUilf wee:O t f l s u i doa‘1 r a n t ducka.'. '

. t t o i f a l l s d a i l y , n e w i

own towns and INATIONA

I. r a i r e l p l . n l y . ( jjE W S B EI

(CopTTUtt, MeCl


loner » m lo to nnAKEg W t icrime have long capltol mil are luibu t Uio a ttem p t en RepubUcan oppe'oulhful M issouri Congreu. Their iim nn flcUnn whlCh mlgh'

search folled^to ptriiimenuiry itrei ut a "Up" from a mlnlitraUon majorl

ID guards w alled, « « S ’" , “ ‘f,"}"!^ confUiement. oem ocntl: IthU way ou t a n d propoau withoutUred n ig h t a n d 0 sttm ot tecrecyt, T he officers eonildered lawi. for one hundred

rolltr Uetlci. Theytwo cold chisel! velt in framing htto o U h e h td lo e t Ptotecl Uie piriy id ren tu re . R tin ,fUled Uie tunne l .WOBRT Admlnl

i I o u r t« n lU h U . i s ?r c u lt ,m u m ln .l .d S i X Z V .

cheoni, dinner p it_ _ They Iniplre friend

Wlilte Houie trend•X SU rriN O They product nlunej tean thitr the Prejlei Uie creepy feel- right. They cin 't plet ot lhe to ta lled PoUcy or appoInUnilg, uya Uie Oleve- lous ipptrently Inicurrenl items: luggeit a solltnlniItien itrike sympa- that ha h u cuttit up the engineer. They wony over tl:illroad official and lUons wlUi powerV woodi. ippolntment of Jc

hone economic! lawyer, u AmbasuU)e country'! high a m an lUughler ol

round U u t enroll- eipeclally Secretaro unn for men a n roll cuU. -nicy m

Brigham Young) urt.Aooli offtr heme- Mr. Hooiertlfi---------- ------------- world w obltm s-tloit humllUUng ao- Uitm. pMmarlly beeDoghouse, Inc., a over dometUe reforor JildeouU. whtre a wot4d war.anfl hi

h Uiilr wlves-may- Uie Prealdenl’i attih oUier or drown questloni. u happ■ gaming. Time wai his second ttrm. n se It wai wltey

.moUur." Now Ifa john j.i kennel unUl Uie n o ^ j ^ s r t i l p ct

. . . . Sam Rayburn's mli <d W ^ iin io Jolm-nan, who now h u K^vlnK u chalrmaUie order. Tut, tu ti bure«u In Uie prts:IghUng creaturei. ,„ y oUier factor. 1------- Ude In favor of Ihi'ERSARY Mr. O’Connor »Iniei) when Chiliman f

ha-va celebrated the T u n V / a ”H diesel engine'! In- ,,e b

10 fact U u t it new „pon Hoi I Ul# world a l the „e„,ber exi trlclty In many a juybum would no ice of honei on lhe money, to present I on Uie high seu . new Vi d old Congr !l twhnolopr U Uie „d.lieaded New icitl conceived and „p ,o Uil

iM-of thB;pMt have-whlltlen ot g tm u t Benenusly to DenIker, Mon* painted weU. He aulgnedtiutei, Edlion w u a em en -to Uie stueUien w en blcyelo txpente aecounU,iyilcUn. .flu t Dle«l u> llielr benefactoi3 -an academically o-Oonnor-thI w tn maihemaUal R,j,buni tund cam(fitljt wlio eanfuUy yachting hoit amMrmmiUon-brfoTa- e lB Iorfyeiri:— . Ilence hU elaUonJD and almost killed *11 wanled to know.- CLASH Becretai d Uut air eould be afoul of a m ^ w i_highly_Uiat»hen, •ofl-tot-bM hlul lid be an emlojlon •*’» prwldentUI mli U U a lens M r t ol- W®""® »■

« o . . . C n M i .1 ’[“ ‘ V " ' ” ”erlng, wlilch meani ™i«>i «Dt Uu DleKl lype it .<*»«« ?■b.hiim th tt makea wed." Mr. nopefin tw r hava tnslnei OoUum'i budget 1■ heil from the lun Proclilmed U ul fl iseli. If tver wi luve They failed to nou r " " ; ” ' " ' " ”

her will be created. mpw.1.1, .1 tl ,. “ 7 “ “ " “ JI ortr! but th . i r c . t Th® BoptrllM mi( U ll lo m m » « t . l»U ».,;m m 'n m tby Dltacli (lun by b« pild In the n

nujor ommioni.i nollilne U » n n e - ^tr. LiOuirdIa li , noiiung u so prac ^ 5 .,

_ _ _ lUlcil lyitem. HeE TO n o IT Siatuilcil Bureau.1-b S.M ? bUtUilUBIOKMO

---------------eiency-may-eMnlraUon iu s ordered olher'i irlthmelle. ?ptd from the rolU.

c o u m o n t s,

U U « n ts and 70., no«« toI pnfld . 11 .1 th . “ 1 , K ,1 Z . no ,, m . . 1-hird tor penoni olwhich Is inidenuale ^na lot these faSllles. S,T,,i.i r

in . .» « n l.« ™ .l. S ' l r . ™ S u u " " ,? "

; “ r i i ™snthi lurtly wouldn't

cohl^lom w „T h 7neier l» nollced In Ttmif.wc Dosm i


lu i l ’u ,. WP* U in I S i f S ' l ”

. ru W n , niimlnc this Ihowuruilment. roi iiieir in sa tr o

• not M ture.

iT FOOD REMAND Com. . . K iilfd’lhe Plilllp

... ........ y j Independence actAJ'T ^ nl.ifd1ir i5ilfp 'f0neljhbor, Mn. Smllh. in Europe or th o : J chickens. Afler sir- nilplno polltlc< Ijhbor wound up by erles for Immedl I UU three wetki for oinelil doon Uif for ducki." mlnlstnlon notand wtnt away to set olllcen who refle

(iTor wlthdnwal Jle ot weeks but iud- mole tie may. sot ed out of towa foolish and disail tie mild, "I'm golni; npokesmen Insist tmember If (lu t htn pscirie ouipoit Tt reek, u k t b tr olf. 1 w»nt to lUy Uu

atea ooutrucUoa

! W s‘ T ^ > A U a ' IDAHO, 8A ‘

«IAt WHIRUGIG I n s JJE H IN D T H E N E W S ) ^ tcciun Ntwr^Per flndlcaU ) | £ )■

WASHINGTONBy fUy Tutker g;

r heids among DemocraU on L— lulchlng a lehemt lo strength-’ NEW

jpposlUon at the next ieulon of a comf lr i tn lr ty will expUIn many recenll]' lijht olberwUo besUder Uie In- ot itan; ! gavel filU.n io n are afnld of Uulr own itrensUi-ot the top-heavy ad- ijorlly. Whit boUien them moil 5 5 ; ubLlcan] lnJhe_lIouie h » t only m n H enoujli'w force a'roU e alir in 'B p ?

7 (III Ihott of the minimum. lc Inders cm ineik through pel )ut a record vote, and iuch a M n !cy usually producei b id or 111-

3 comcr^itlve D em ocnU'itave F u f l up wKh the OOP-en In all de- E y B •ind.niy eounU, thui forcing a 7 vlll llM block.oUier iteam - ^ 1 ney u y they're not antl-Roose- P l j - his plan. They simply wanl to — —rty mijorlly agilnst Itself. _©•

' Of jii»rTilnlslntlon llb tn li-o n Capitol 1 ,s oilier end of (he world’a moU ji iji - i r e grumbling and mobolUlng |,»,e r.ity m p (heir luiplclons a l lun- dMpiiepirUci and unofflcUl uucu ie i. Dui tht

lendly writen to qutiUon certain ihe m(tnd l ilnct the tlecUon. jirjelyt no. evidence lo bolster their tant enPrejldent Is tumlng ilowly lo the They »'{pin Ihelr /Inger on any ipedfJe "*'l‘h tlUnent. Dut Uiey think U ut ra r - Cliiu’ Innocent ind unconnected acts other Jinlng ot his llbenllsm. They note ®‘ niltlTited constrvaUve adrlten.T the outcome of pooling'negotl- ‘rer IntereiU They poul over Uie r ' j -1f Joieph E. Davlei. corpontlon -hjir h tsudor 10 Ult Soviet. They crave T Of conier\-atIvu In Uie Cabinet.Maty noper. TTiey deplore rellel 1I moum ne* Tugwelli depart- the ian

(he itoiIf! powlng preoccupaUon wlUi loo In 1s - tn d e , peace. debt»-boUien he b«-' beauie Uiey are more eoncemed deuUs.eform. Deep down they worry leil when fid hi* desire lo avert one, dtstfacU on theatlMitlon from bread-and-bulttr honored Woodrow Wilson In

bMi of--------- enjoyed

J. O'Cennor'i manasers In the inaf(eiIp conlejt Wtterly denounce h lra l liij chomUsloniry work among new and by dnn

them he helped to r e t l« l while dilnty . tman of the DtmocnU* ipeaken'jrtsldentUI eampalm. MoVe U un Cn “IJr. It appean (0 luve tumed Uie l»J Dtu ItheT^xan.' * n entered a vociferous proteil n rarley mmed Mr. R a y b u m ^itory, InsUtlng that It gare him ' »nU jt. "Jim" ijreed. but ex-10 had given no Uioughl to Uie J ,HouM-polltlcs, n ten tho 'New “ “'Sextneted a promise tha t Mr. t,reakfa

1 not be permitted to handle any , ,jp 0•ent the litter dlreclly financing uujt tii)ngressmin‘s tigliU. So far as the off levf Yorker’i irlends know. Mr. Far- the BiUlls agreement, ihown :

wdTexan obtained tnndi-prob- th e n om some aniree.-He dlilied ll oul- wblci-iDemocnu running In close dls- Ing loi:ned sure wlnnera-mestly iouth» iiihedstump and allowed Utem llbenl huei. tiU, Natunlly they teel gnteful iccnted ictor.flVafgnvate matter»-and- th e inilde ilory li (hal Ute , SU” came from Vincem Aitor-FDR'i and companion In oth^t^Uun

--------- ----------- - lolMUri‘ lardlne

tlary‘*Rfiper lus a l lait cone hams 1a who h u the Presldenl'i e a r- cold milul. about_usIng_thit ayenue.10 a n jll^1 mlnd.'The'trate omcUMs'Miycr ln e « i-luardla of New Yotk City. »b “I Mr. Roper's Ccliua Bureau pub- {“ 'r* • of municipal cosU revealing Uul pendltures p tr caplU vuUy tx- I In oUier munlcIpallUei. nio I U ut the lUUsUcs are -cock-jefa sUUitlcIani ilmply divided S mt t by Uie population toUl. «nd „.1 figure u Ute per capita cu t. t> I nole that Uie Mayor's budgel metslci lucaUonal expenditurei, whereu nuc ItclUei they are Included In Ute they It

nUon'a u p a n le approprlilloii. Miima■made no allowance for higher . and teacher's laUrles Uiat muil W ‘ e metropolis. There wero olhtrJ. ®Ik Immediately ruslted expcrU to ‘!lx - n y tha Certsui Bureau'i itai- ' “' t rHe a lu called upon the Cenlnl .rau -a Rooievelt agenc>--for re- . . 5,, h,teiull may be lhat ona New Deil^ -Qm k!lle. the h i

■ - ■ eicort I S tre n l topfllihl New Dealers'

of hearing. They haven't yet >rMldcnt Roosevelt U tr>lng toarmonloui areem ent wiih tiie i kt• boys for genenllon and dlitrl- appeltl

den ll',ly with conferencei belween in aommonweallh & Southem. Becre- Parli.tek a u riE o blow a l the pres- lUltedm ot pooling power. He ordered Our rto dlicooUnue the arrangement momli

sold lo Uie Paelflo O u i : Dectrle I sawnydroeleetrlclly genenled by tho a r ^ -ler from Hetch Hejchy Rewrvolr f . That means that eventually SanI buy oul tlte p rln te i>-slem or {J®? ^ leneratlng plant and wlrts. Onlj' or yean the volcn have defeated luuanee ot neceuary municipal

lore. glaring example of policy lhe abortive revolt ol clllcs In the m against (he pooling prognm.» lhat the ChilUnooga convcn- . wai Inspired by gorernmenl In- lesUon the power.i>eoplo will pop W ill# Iiouse seulon li: -Who'i \ J \ . now. anyhowr They ihounlti iltty eron November J, hul now. they're-

;onereu wa. luppojed lo hsve LlIlpplnM problem by passing the act, bul lh» question h u betn J H p'form In view ot prospeellve war r ^ i ho Far East. \ . ; 'Itlcos curr>' luUve wpport with • ledUle freedom, bul beltuid the \ < Uiey beg.our legliUtor? aod ad- , \^ lot to take them seriously. Army ; iflecl Ult deparlmenial viewpolnl - A wal on th t ground Uut tven a n - L A• some day Involve the V. B. In a [sailroui war. Extrtme *-bl£ navy’ I slst on keeping the Islands m . a 9 t They resent'suggtsiloni U ul ih ^ M U un Ilmply beciuH ll neceull- U l B

Joa of «9,fi00-toa tatUeshlpi. ' m m


N e ' w Y o r k [ _

D a y b y D a y p

By 0 . 0 . M cIN T Y R E

<EW VORK, Dee. 12-T liero w u comforting book for neuroUci , enlly-a volume-by a phyilclan e itindlng. lulling neuroUclsm as ~Z neimii* dandy for wlilcli the vie- J Ihould dance In lhe atreeta. He — '

' believes a n tu- — ----------- - - roali lua a refIn- ^

I lilu *’™'“ol'lhe ^

He would have \

Ul believe that \<]neurotics flower '-i:

Uie world wlUi ^renlui. AJ one of mUlt (wKtery guild y ,1-d Uke to believe 15.his thesis. B u t J Rtn n k ty rth ln k ll's | fl a r g e l y poppy; » ■

0. l» tn * SoVhlng neuroUo H about lindbersh

Mirconl. -Nor wai Abe Lincoln ^

ll*^s'al»unl lo iiy n e u ^ lc i ^ ve not achieved, for mmy nave, — iDlie hypochnndlaal handicap.It the boys and sh U ’ h® e most Joy out ot living and ctly guide the destinies of impor- ,rcV«rpcl«» a n wllho.n n e n « . icy lire Butlerworth'i nolaflans - llh their feet on the gnjund. /A :i»uJirophobla, a8W»P“®‘’‘" ' M ier Jliwty Jeta are largely the re- m ,l of ulf-coddllng. ou r iturdy ceston did not have theinjM - ^ jse Uiey were too busy swingingestobulldaeablnlnthecleirlng. • ' jid plucking cockle-bum out ot ■lr hair.

Kn accompllihed 'gourm el-^ii L _me U known ,ln eveiy p a r r o t --------9 Imd-recenlly regaled me with _ _ t Itory ot how he met lili vViUr- , In gastronomies. He asked that

b«-nameIe«-bul-hero-ara-Uu . \ J \uUs. I t w u In the yonder daysicn for tome unrtmembered teas- tlhe O nnd Duke Boris of Ruula ____

r.ortcl America with h li prcience, „ rls « is lho muilcal twnedy.lype Duke whose lelt motif was the

ll ot tood. wlna and ladles. He Deu loyed noUilng mon than to lou jquij »t(«r-theaterblnge tor Uie reign- t chorus and top off the cvenmg drinking elumpigne from every »

Inty illpper. He w u one-Borlsl «»yj^'

3n his New York arrival a Ruu- 1 Baron In dlplomalle aervlco de- ltd (0 glvo a lUg breakfut tor . u iy : ducal vlillor and Invtled two g ; irei ot gourmindlilng geiiUemtn ru ch . lue palron u ln l wai Brinit.Sav- ,m„. n, My friend, a two-tlsied eater Uiose days,-wat on the-llst and (hls partleuUr momlng partook !_ noUiIng In the wiy of home b .,h i.

;akfut but a nibble of (oait and f . , °'- ilp ot cotfee. n ien to be In ro- "Jt (rim he lell early and heeled „ ■ leveni briik miles enroule to ? } Biron'i aparunent. Ho. w u ,J ]wn Into enormoui dnwlng room icre a hall doien long serving •J®'* ® jlci-wen.plled-wlth.Uielr-srein?,1 Had., TH. Duk. w .. Ih.rt, ihed and beiplendored In royal ei. h ll beard extra.gloised and,„ « d te ih = j™ t . ■ " “ J

sucked on the tablet In UiiUlU- “ ’-fy ■f a m y w u every kjnd of cold wmt,)d ingenuity ot cublne ihrough dqj.yean.produced..Beluga caviar, you 1iiu n . en te . ahrlmpi. anchovlci lurdlnei. WeilplulU and Virginia . . . .,tns and all kinds of lauugci. , id meaU and cold fowls-mentlonylhlng lervcd cold and It was . rtei-There-werB--red-wln«i:^d ilte trom Spain. Portugal andlly, wines ot Uio Rhine, Uie 'tone. Uie Moiello and Uie Saar. ’irdeau* and Burgundies and vinl- {'■PW0 champagne of everi' brand. * lere were whlskeyi. cordials, bnn - " .V' ■I, Amek. Danxiger gold-waiaer. >®“r unmel. Ktnch, Mlnbel. Armag-c and cognac fine champagne- d. but certainly mesdames et Mjlcure*. the real Napoleon cog- ,c m he dusty bottles Just u ty liy m UlB ancient cellars at ilmalion. ^

My bewildered friend. uniCQUilnt- ^ . wlih Russian costume, locked ms wlUi John I>rew, the actor. ^ Id they lUrted a tour ot tlie clr- ( (M ilt-neglecting 110 dlih. avoiding H1 bolUe. Mon Uian a halt hour. > — ilh the wotld luddenly aureollngto hearenly Unts, allpped by when . j . . . .6 Baron clipped tor attention;ireakfast will now be served acrwi B J,e h a lir My trlend was aiked to r C cort the O nnd Duke to a lable ntre a menu of a doicn caurwi. ^ ich with li< particular wine was i y , n ’cd. Awkl i / (

I know how It Is tor a lujty =:'i I )pelllte 10 eome lo a full and iud- in ilop . We had a Conlcan cook I a houjekeeplng experiment In irU. a vingo who« Allled in her removal or genairmn, ur meat UJted different. One omlng going down towti In a (ixt uw ourcuuln le rtcom lnx ou tn t S red-fronled ihop wltn a pa^r^l- gUnced up and over ‘he c>(»r,

u the gilt horiei'i head of thr j \ ouiaierl CheviUne. And did I . \ ci floaty! Sha h id bew frrdlir-rh o rse .m ta l.- ro r lour w « k . l ,•came a vegetarian. Indeed, lit. I loom h u never, quite relumed ta

‘ '“ 'Tcopyrlght. 1P3«. MMcN iuih l Syndlcale) M

MEMBER 18, IS fa • ■ . ,

- ' ■ ' Ci

f iO S H , \ i 3 a n ' h e s W f G E T T 1 N ’

D u r - C h i l d r e n

B y . A N G E L O P A T E I |f ,5 '--------------------------------------------proviIfOUB FORTUNE IS IN YOUR Ihlni■■ ,..........HANDS mont3ear'B oyi and OlrU: . i t youild Itll your own_. fortunes, j'ou lat would you want moat, to, .Uieve luppen to you? Or, Uie other Uieny about, what tort ol penon belmluld you like moat to bt» .You yourI be Just lhal to ri ot penon. Ure gin being him or her right now. Uilnl tfiybe you want to be a Queen

Beauly. That l i wlUiln your “A ich. Beauty Is deeper Uun your n . II goet down to the very . I 1 >U_of your_beIng and rlsei_to lhat ;et the world Ihrough your hane tl, your voice, your manneri. hear auly Ii nol pink skin, golden A’l. Ir and blue eyea It U Uie I wl netlilhg Ih lt UghU those eyes only d pula the ihetn Into th i l ikln I wa d Ihose eyes. You cm have it me. nply by being It day by day. pent u can win beauty By living with '-j, pnc'ilclng ll in your dally oc-

Moni.“ Bome-of-thB-most-famou.i ,■ leeni ot Beauty wtre homely imeo wltb beautiful, louji. touls Ilch they cultivated ' Byi taking ought of whal (hey did and how “ “ ey did l(. I t that It whtl you mt, take It,Do you wish you were famous? < ju can have thal wL*h. too, but' 1 ' ture you really wish It. Just t (0 work today, and for every ly, afierward. m d do the thing ^ lu can do beil to the very best if.your.abiiity..and.keep telling .fw o rid - iM u rii: By in a -b y — .0 world will liear and see. and lU will be famous. I didn'l uy ippy. Maybe you will be happy, 7 It cerlalnly you will be tamous. wII you have lo do Is to work atlur buslneu and shout loud In n f


• A .M .andIl:HA . M.Jo OR A t o y : L

-ww w w w ww w w ww w w ww ,•> — VNCL^ JOE-K'S

LAST TniES tod at Cenllntoni Showi From I P. M.)


Ncrtlly f l ,\-* B n ttn il* U I«P I c i i i r

NOTE: 11 1 All In Fna. aqd We ^ NVver Ralie Ow Priet* Nt

k iddies 1#c - ADULTS Ho {j

Captivatinff Careers

j m

^ •nH^UOaHMMaWw

ie market place. The thing Is fam< nu-i. . tutlrWould-you-be rich t-O oodt-B e- I®;.'’ )ved? W hit Is It you u k of fe? U U youn for tho aiklng, ' ‘® rovlded you pay lli price. Bter)'- ! " ling i t for ta le-no t for money; ‘.‘" i loney buyt only-material-things 215," u t perish, but for the golden oun Of your youlh. With them 2® oil buy good or 111, according to “10 wisdom that Is youns. Choose, u « n be whll you wbh; ketp on elng 11 In your Imagination. In our attitudes. In your acllong. ire like Uie penon you would be. link younelt Into that mood and j , . . lace, and you will either arrive I being Ihlt tort of penon, or op wanting to be.I tell you th li to let you know iluit u t }'our fortune U In your o m to I ands 'fo'r ihe ntosl p a rt D f l i r i him ear you wishing: "I wish I got tem .'a. I wish 1 could win lhe medal, do I with 1 could talk Ilka lhat. U

nly I could bc a dancer. 1 wlsli waa popular. I with people Uked le. I w U hJ. could be a famoui erson." . “ “'Theii I see you forBClllng to — ;udy, neglecllng lo practice, >kln- lj)» clauei. BD d-ihlrklng'wh«. 1 311 fer duty bean down on you. I • M' t t the one who wUhct h^ was “

4 | i ‘Th* only eoueh drop mtdlealed I V lth t&* tb ro o ib ln g I lasTMlinu of Vickt VapoRub. I

D osn Optis 1 p. m. - Contlnooiu — LA ST S H O W I N G -

T O N IG H T A T 10:15

“M A D H O LID A Y "r-WIlh— ,


Ted Kelly — Z un PUU I

PlBi “Tlie Y lgllm ter No. 5


T O M O R R O W !

look whai'g S ■ I g o i n ’ o n h e r e ! " I

' M


(M A RTH A ■



-M lth— nShirley R ou. . R«l>ert C nm nlan AU Bli OaTreo . . Monroe Owiley ■

, Note: M188 RATE topa her p tt . ■larjo*t>en lo "Rhyllim an the ■

J f i S y ^ - T h t B H B m d e a M " |


imous lying down en Ws Job, re- lulng to help anybody. letuilng .■0 do_an hour'i ex tn work ot any____o it-^ Ju il ihlrklng. And 1 leo lie one who wishes he w u popu- sr thovlng - hit way- mllileuly . hrough a group of imaller chll- rentotiko a ahort cut to Uu us.' I aee you longing and wlih- ng m d yel doing the very thlngi hal cost you your desires..

Life'a priees, whatever form hey take for you, aro never given reo wilh a label of an empty box. mey have to ba paid for In termi if iweat and pain and tacrlllce. tobody ever got anything worth uvlng by wishing and Ihen sleep-. ng on It. Want tomethlng? Oo liter -It. Keep afler ll; don't lumber until you get It.- Tha way 0 be somebody U lo begin being Ilm today. Thal'a how your pa(- em did ll. That's how you will lo It, loo.

Cordially yours,ANQELO PATRI

M 8T 8IIOWIN0 AT 10:U P. M.



WllKMWIUUIS 1 Exlnt ^ l»»D9lfM I C D ^



R j o a n r a n a w a y ; » FROM L O V E ...

efae m td o th e .] m islalee of ta ld a g I h a t 'h a n d e o m e |G a b lem a o A lo n ? ' i

l ^ n i t ’a t h e l r G R m - |

H H roN E [

Page 5: mW]f X l iLS P]AILY - Twin Falls Public U»* AiioeU SALT LAKE CITY. Dec. 11-^ rich north central Utah Park ( peace

u e n i i >M E B E C m i S I

------- ' m

' R oger W . B abson Advises g S J , P as to rs ■ !o Invest

•in S locksA5D0HY PAIIK. M. J., Dec. U W

Addreialn* tha bl«nni»l KMlon of th t redereJ Council of ChurcbM of Christ In Americ*. Rcjer W. Bab-

— neo.'«;iaBmUl »nd .inodirator'Of . the niUonal council ot ConirtEa* tlonil-ChrWlin churchei. »uned ^ . palters to d lr« t their rtUrement fund Inwilmfnta loitMxl BtoclB "U you don't K«nl W lose your ahlrU."

Ho u ld InrtJlmenU In bond* , durin* tho depreulon w t wl»c. “ » but adrbed k change bcauM ot the current "inflatlopary roorement.

Ketujceated th it clem-men,mikeft lUt of Indujlriei which *r« run ■accordlns lo JM U iC hrlil- tnd .thw 7 “invest thelf pension funds lt» sloeks ef tliOM fompanles. 0 , 11,

Weald Iteotw Mtmb»t*hlpi Bibson noted Ih it In hls de-

nomlnitlon only 30 P tr cent of the elil:rch k «U « r e betas med and J J lhe cost of church ttlendince w u fiom I t to 13 ft perwn per 8und»y.}<e iu n u l td » >*"'5'membershlivi to «eed out nonpar- n . .

■ tJfipillnj membera. '-The decllnlns blrlhrate. he U

u ld . “unlejis clieckcd will »rriou*- w threaten ProUstanllini."

•nw' n tr . Dr. Edgar Dc VIM Jones ot Detroit, advocate ot * *“ * united Christian church and world •'* “

ipMce. I tu rifctcd president-ef thc federal council.

L ---------------------- for II .W A L U S SIMPSON ”


IContlnued from Page One) pu

“ further to sar." ^Afler the broa<]cut rumon ipread ,

through Cannes that Mrs. Simpson, ,on hrarlnif the cx-klnB’a tender ref- “rrenc« (0 her as "the woman IJove" , ™ was orercome with emoUon.

Dirkne.« and n cold mW shroud* fd the villa ot Mr. and Mr*. Her- " man L. Rocers as (he alxllcated klnt spoke. lCl£

Tbrons Gftthen « . llundre<ls ot Cannes residents. i< afler hearlnp the farewell o « r their own ndkw, walked'or drove to the BC hlll-top villa.' doug

For A lonir tlm* they itood'shiv, lhe 1 rrlng tn thfl cold on the wet road. U walchlng the \1lla «nd dljcuislng Idah the message of the fonner kln». L*|l(

Sut th ^ were (00 f tr > rar to ganli obsem tho emotions ef.the leclud- unlo ntwomar\whopta>'e<t a leadlns role benl In tlie dnm a which chanpfd the "S

■rulers ot an empire. of ll Mr*. BImpson Indicated through to i

nn Intermediary ehe and the for­mer Icing would not meet until next PUI April when her divorce decree be- tom-.'s final.

•TlierB it no reason." a ipokes*— ni«n-»ftid.-‘'why-the-fonncr-klng — I

Ihould come hete. There Is every advxeawn why he cannot come." moi

Itues ciune for Aftt. filmpson to- con■ day, ft great box of them, I t was ber

taken for Rnnled they wer« from Ml the man who gare an empire for nut her lo« . 6.

' Alter his farewell lo family, home • t J and klnsdom, Mr. }Vlndsor Li go- lUi I Ing lo the Rlrlcn. to be close lo the eun

woman ho lo ra . Mn. Simpson's 9 a. Irlends expressed the opinion he wlll ihei seo ber briefly, but he will not re*

— mala-ftt-CanM*.------------:--------- nn t,The two betrothed hive said. H i

through friends, they wlah to r.rold 'IU I ' any cloae usoclallon that might nr*

csuia tho pubiio or the king's proc- UL tor to frown before Mn. Slmpton'i IIL dtvorc« decree nisi bccomes final April 7t.

Whether M n.- Slmpion lalked wllh Edward by telephone today lemilned ft seeret. ,,1“ ,

. She h u convened by phone wllh London prorlously from tha rlllft -y here, and presumably some of her tallcs a t le u t hare been with Ed- * „ ' ward, but Lord Brownlow refuied to siy wlnilier slie had done so to^

• In the aflemoon Mrs. Simpson «nd Lord Brownlow took what w u described as ft -short drive." In the

■ c ir she used In her dash across { r“ rVftnce.from life English cliannel

• m t . c i tThe cordon oWcotland Yftrd of-

flcen and Prenrtj police which h u •urroiinded the vlllft alnee Mn. Slmpeon'a arrival continued lo keep llfi-liolaled from » world waiting f. for some word directly from her.-


(Continued Froo Paga Ooe)

etfge cf the clly. seeking an open- ter. i Ing. Oo\-emmcnt and rasclst bat- Ooi terles roared In n long-nnge duel, of U

After almost five weeks ot .ileff, whid newspapen In the capital auerled Coun the Fascist •position’ was steadily Ihe growing hopeless. prcee

I^ouis De-U-Prc. correspondent et the Paris Solr, wounded when a TRC lYench plane was ahot down, died In a hosplUI.

EDWARD BAf^ES HEART IN F A R E m U MESSAGE(CoDtlflued Pron Page Coei

ftnd them and between me and duclli psrllinient. Hti '

"Bred In llie conjlltutlonal tradl- tloris by my fatlKr, I should never have allowed any sueh Uiue to " 'J

,-E irr since I w»s Prince ot Wales * ,,u

aixl later on. wben I occupied tho throne, t have been treiled wllh j the greate.1t klndne.« by all cluses

■of the people wherei-er I have lived ____or Journeyed Uiroushout the empire. Ume "For lhat 1 anfi-ery sratetiil.! now of sei quit All<«etlier public ftllaln and vate i p lay doTO my byrden. "An

J "Il may t>e some Umc befort 1 I wish 10 iiij- nstlw land, but I plnesj

Whall aiwaj.s I<iIlo'*' ihc fortunes heart, V * llw BfllLOi rnre eiii?l« with "Oo 'tiiofound Inheres; and U. a l a ^ Klngj

l i l H l M f i m i m J

SHOSHONE. Dec. Uinsen. « . piomment e iw ^ n e Uji|tulness man and owner of tso ,anseo gange here, died a t a drug f a n la Richfield thU alterooonliere he had been takea following . heart attack.Earlier In the'day hB*htd gons - B i rI Carty wllh Harry LeMoyne of Reprtalley lo bring back LeMoyne'i car. Brail:Ji auffercd a heart atUck near resoltlehfleldand LeMoyne hurried h ta todayIto town to consult a physlelaa takenM o In the drug store ho dropped eonfc» d Irom a seeond a l U c k . ' BevHo w u bom and reared here and M tui u educated In' th^ Shoihone -addJjools. He served u a corporal dur- utes ilg tho world war and waa promt- apprtent in Mawnlo lodgo affaln.- • ' *htci Surrlvlng are his widow., Mn. encesivlan Haiuen; a ion, Charle* Han- Tintn, Jr., boUl of Shoshone, and the Peru allowing brothen and slsten: A. Ing. l /. Hansen of Shoshone, Oeorse «nte: lansen of Salt Lake Olty, M n. A i lella Qoodwln ot Salt Lako'^CltSf -Mont nd another slsler tending In Salt ^nterake Clly. ■ the p■nio body resu a t the White mort- Un;

ary In Twin Itills pending funeral Cordi tnngemcnu.

Somber Lands W ith i u Whcel-Cear Jammed provli

' ,’ atlon SALT LAKfl CITY. Dec. 11 Wl — J i Ai IS retncUble wheel-gear Jammed, of: tn army bomber trom March Fleld, Amerallf., made a spectacular "belly b ,-Amdlng" here today whllo an am- tineniuUnce and fire truck stood read)- «irs;

T?je ship w u not damaged nor •ere thd pilot. Lieutenant W. H.;nl, and his mecliante, Corporal O, obiI. Chase. Injured. win tFinding his landing gear out ot pub||<

jmmisslon. Keal radloed-the mun- „ ee -ilpal airport tor an ambulance and fore,re truck, circled lhe Ileld tor near- nltieir en hour unlll.emereeney crews be ap■ere rtady. and then pointed the pjriej eavy plane toward earlh. TinBie ship skidded to resi in a cloud „ u ld

f dust, but did nol overturn, tem : — Amer

daho Legion Tops Membership Quota

BOISE, ifcc. 11 OTi - Idaho's A n oughboya ot 20 yean ago wenfover gu»rd10 lop again today. iton-l: Lesttfr F. Albert, adJuUnt of the t],g ii

laho depariment of tho American tenia: cglon, said tonight the lU te or- curlly aniiatlon—possibly the f ln t In the uni nlon-rtached lU national mcm- inter- enhip quota of 4,381,'"So ta r M I know tdaho U ono inrric

t lhe first. If not the first, state jnter.J so orer," he commented. A ,


_X oalchl3drcnart.urgell6jake_ . . . advantage of toy shows slated this momlng a t all Uiree Uieatres In j n , connection wllli tlie Junior Oiam- 1 | ber of Commeree Clirblmas parly set Dccember^24. accordlns to Rulon D unn,-aialrm aa''

Special showi which will require a toy u admission wlll be held- lUrtlng a t 10 a. m. a t the Orph- eum and Idaho theatres and at („ n t i a. m. and 11 a. m. a t thc Roxy . <‘0t] theatre. men i

lE Ii lFICIlL STUFF-s;_____• com ■

Twin Pialls councP, Royal tnd Se- x t M uten, which received lU uarter l u t June 13, reelected all of y , , |] s officen a t a meeting attended liy ucC early 100 memben-at the Masonic joint femplo lu t night. These oftlcen to- tn«r ether wllli those to 'be appointed it the re to be InsUlled al a meeting on quart< londay, December 21, when the Viol uperexcellent, Master degree Is lo pute 10 conferred. Chest. Durmg last night’s seulon, the »n<l«

)uncll conferred the Royal M ulernd Select M uter degrtea upon a >rse'Class of candidates cOtnlns om many southern Idaho cenlen.I>ie eounell p r in te d to William Wa m a of Pocatello, p u t Illustrious Atlaa' -and m uler ot the order In Idsho, vlder1 Jroiy garel. Mr. Wallin and D. SfWr . Bellamy of PocaUllo, grand prin-pt] conductor of tho work, were Jests a t l u t evening's meeUng. ■ Retlected oftlcen of tha council “ g f ! » n r. Robert A. P a m tt. Illustrious luter; m d T. Parish ot Buhl. eputy. m uter: Alan P. Senior, unrf,. rlnclpal conductor of the work; ^ould uy Shearer, treasurer: Ray Sluy- arlri. r. recorder. TheCoren were Uld for 75 memben otrun : the order a t a turkey dlpner ing ti hlch w u served by tho Women's buslnt nincll ot the ChrlsUan chureh. at Indut 10 aMsonlo Temple ImmedUUly walkoi receding the councU's meeling. men i

- . involr


opent(Conllnued from Page One)

irlculiunl urlffs jTfutly proiect atrllle domesUe market from compel- mades Importi (hat hold or lorte Amer- rrferrlan prices below parlly le«U, re- er" fticllon of exceislve Induitrlal u r - wester(s to equiilUe price lerels of in- UieUeistriil and agrteullunl commo^ii__ _a . *gsre.«lve cfforU lo develop n rA ,:w domesllc farm product*. Male nC d , Id ledenl matketlns agreemenit |U Id the holdlns of surpluses Irom arket cliaiinels In tho mosl eco- ]„ ,tmlcal way under a system ot fed* tf .j#al loins bued on wirehouilng or ' . isi receipts.

ne In the fuiure, I cm be tound Oefirsisen'lce to his majesly In a pri- ed las

te sUUon I shall nol fall.•And now we all liave a new king. n'«»l»lsh him-and you, his people, hap- I" /h«leis and prwperlty with all my whlcliart, . o tyea"Ood bless you ali! Ood sa\c Uw Cash •jig r uorth.

m m m i R M m i m m ^

• Kl' ------- ent*

n ited S ta te s , Brazil a n d ‘J J Argentina Sign Join t >»o-

Peace P ro jec t •— nigh

BUENoa AIRES. D tc .- ir wi ~ ana:presenlatltes of Uie UiUtcd SUUa, with-aiil and Argentina algned a Joint tisolution tor peace and security ye,i,day, the most concrete acUon yet budken a t.the Inler-Amerlcaa peaco the',nference. hla

exleo, auaiemaU and Kleangua added ihelr signatures a few mln- es alter the Utree grtat countrlea b, iproved the consulUUvo accord, _ (Itch resulted from secret confer-

Tlie signatures of Chile, Cuba, ^!!l :ru and Uruguay, quickly follow- g. increased tho list of early u - nien lo 10. , , I*:A sepante repetition of Uio I9SJ ^ :ontevldeo convention on non- Urrentlon w u fnmed u p^rt ofle projecl. . '------Unlled SUtea SecreUty of SUte ------jrdcll Hull decUred the proposal mveyed^Uie strongest guaranues • r peace that this continent erer id and afford an example lo the luiiuies of oUirr continents." * . Tur Ho ssld It was "an epochal step, son < ovldlnc for conferences, co'llabor- wlll b lon and consulUUon among "the Uie

American lutlons In tha event 0 . L. : A .-A menace of peace to the b nerlcan republics trom any source.- A menace to peace on Uils eon- lenl through Inter-Amerlun Fun in ; and C.-A.menace from any early tr ouuldo this conUnent U ut dent, rtalcns the p e a c e s the Amer- at th< IS." TheObserren believed Uie plan may charg n the signatures of all the 31 re- Falls ibllcs represenled a l the conter- iee-tonlghl,-Thenlt-would-go--be- — Ml re the peace orsanUallon com- Prli illee tomorrow end probebly would Ann : approved at a full session of the su , t

■rley Tuesdiy, eite aTlie pesce and aecurlty 'proJecl Palls, IUld esUbllsh a coniulUllre sys- «hen n In cue of troubles between 10 o'c nerlcan republics, said Oswaldo mortu -aiiha, D nillUn ambassador lo to HI uhlnston. lal.

Demands Safeguarded

iiLnnha declared Ihe accord safe- anted Brazll'i three demands tor K l n-lntcr>'cnUon by one nailon tn ^ g Inlemal a ttain of another, In- mal security, and external se- rlly. ClydeUruguay'a project for a (Ire-ycar ■] icr-Amerlcan tarllf truce mei tat appeared lo be Iniurrhounuble At rrlen In a sub-commltlee ot lha of ter-American conference. hospliA . proposal for aeallon^ of an ‘ ter-American court to Judge InUr- yuj .Uonal American dlspuUi also ap- ared lo be losing ground. and i

« wn.


(CooUnued from Page On»)

m cargo In Portland alter the relun tgon governor. Charles H. Mar- for a I, ttporled poulUy growers were Mr. ■ realenlng lo march on Ihe waler- mt and move Ihe feed themselres, c « "Our turkey growen and poullry ©f Mi ■n in general hare suffered from gone 0 mtrllLmo strike and prospecU i -additional- losses - hate-amused m.ny long them an Intense hatred." jrtm or Martin telegnphed here .

AssUUht liibor SecreUry Ed- . . ird P. McOrady.Ko aald he w u Intormed Oregon m w u pncllcally exhausted, and at tho strikebound supply, whleh P‘“ ‘ nslgnets desired to unload under _ Jll union condlllffns" would cowr ..J® t ahorUge.UcOrady put Uie Issue up lo lhe Ing p< nt strike committee, which soon 1300 1 ler auUiorlted handling the cargo ft cos' the ColumbU river strike head- arten deemed It necesury, , Iier Violence flared on another dU- Youni U tront when one man w u killed FaUa lester, Pa^ scene of recent waler- MUs d 40 Injured In a itrlke rtot a t a route Ipbulldlns and drydock plant In >nt strike acUrily, U n

M J r < !• ![<•» J BWestern striken extended to the rUte lantic cou l ihelr campaign for rtcorc der support, announcing Harry Idges. cou t InlemaUonal long- Slo wemen'a leader. would-*iddre« son. i ua metUnga In New York and IUrd< ewhere appealing for action by hU h lUm unions. u UiConferees on the weiUm ship- nueni nen* new peKO formula Indi­ted actual negotutlons might ret der wayabout tho Ilme Bridgei uld leire here for hli eulem

n t i S r i d iy of the itrike found and clrle bodlei still pleid-

t tor peaca in the interest ot llness and public welfatt. Many osUlea hare betn affected by Uio

Ikout ot tw 87,000 cout mariUmo n and numerous smaller strikes Drook 'olrlng about lO/MO shipyard, rlvcd rehouse, textile and oUier work- «lUi

^ g o n and Washington, lumber h u sP«rtlcuUrly WlUl

linking eu tem Kamen rtcenUy « « de publle a letter trem BridjB thnwerring lo Ryan t s "ft strikebrett- S?o

tor his alleged refusal to aid u». i, Item longshoremen with sj-mpa- i,rii :Ue action In the cu t. ^ g ” ,


^ — mana;n ^ ew quarten a t Uie comer of «>P.111 arenue and SewnU; street “ on 'It. Hesser's, Park-ln mtrket U ^*ocat.Rlns a formal openliig this wtek ^

lew Itttu ta . t e t a i i j , . P t r t*l counter, hive be.n Iw u ilr t I f . r , n ho n . o! t t , W . '

IcJi TO opcmled. (or . number w L .tte n«me ol H eu ,,'. S S

. . ■ o[ au


[Tslngr Rifle As Club, Yoith Kills l,

Six-Point Buck. KANH P», Dec. J l WH3*T- i t ^ !nteen-yeax-old T hom u .O an ls ;.old today of batUlng wlU> an «ome:■mpty rifle against a wounded etied150-pound deer afler he became «-onisost In Uie lillii,. been

Searching parties atU r an all chsnc light hunt tound him a t a u o p m d'hroughl- hlra-hom e."tloni Huin'lth the detr hey killed neu

The youth, hunUng'alone lalefeslerday. shot and wounded i t »budt. He trailed the animal In J - '»the'.snow until dsrk. then loat *«“•hla way. . .

He u ld he shot aU bU am-- ‘ ® ’ munition In an effort to attractIttentlon. h»id

Suddenly he csme upon the " n,'. rounded six point buck, whichcharged, catching his Jeft ami T , , with lU antlen. Tlie youUi to a h tdesptrauiy. using .his rltle' as a . club, and 'finally killed Uie aal-

H li high powered rltle. w u imashed and he himself w u cut ind braised. .[IjJ'

------- ’ left ll

FUNERALS - ‘T------- ---------------------elever

GORMAN BELL . al 1:1Puneral sen'lces for Oorman Bell. Decentn of Mr. -and Mn. 0 . 0 . Bell, bert,III be held Saiurday At 2 o'doek at Qeorgle White' mortuary chapel. Re\'. 000,00. L. Clar^ wlll oltleUte. BurUl ing al ill be hi Twin Falls cemetery.

M. E. EDEN ' lly,"pFuneral aervicts for »t. B. Eden, hours rly aetUer and MurUugh real- ttign nt, wlll be held loday a t 3 o 'd « k genen Uw Twtn Palis mortuary chapel. 4J-yei

« L, D. S. church will be In the wi large. Burial wlll be In Twin I Tlie ais ccmetery. • m Uii

-------; cmplr-MRS. NAK’cy-PERBONETTE - only 1 Private serrlces for Mrs. Nancy comm in Personette of Hlll City, Kan- Tl:e s, moUwr of James L. Person- b)'ih« le and M n. Susan Miller of Twin eiUbl ills, wllh whom ahff wss rUltlng cation len death came, will be held at in Jui

o'dMk today a t Uie Twin Falls nio srluary. Tho body will be Uken undy

Hlll City for services and bur- to itic I, sett 111

kins I

m e v i T i c s i i :_____ for Sl

C o n p le U /jH n e ^ M r. and Mrg. office lyde'SwopWsre returned lo Oood- g a tu r a buslneu trip here. unj.

At nuplU l-M lss Blanch Walker ' Twin pails U a palleni a t Uie up|tal here for medical irealment. j^^d,

. • ValetiVlilU. Taeona •> Mrs. Charles t,ui | | irkhunl U visiting with friends , Id rtUUves In Tacoma, Wsshlng- ^j^'oj a . buslue

« I I CamBetnms—From—Oregon—J.—W.Fwman rtlumed yesterdsy trom ^ „ rtfon where he w u eslled by the lath of a relatlre.

Beturns 1* Belie-Ray Sims has “"I " lumed to Boise atler vUIUns here „ r several, days wiU» hli partnU, r. and Mn. (3. U. Sims. '

Com lo 8ehool-Roy Babbell, son Mr. and M n. R. A, Babbell. l iu " 5 ^

me to sa lt Lake lo atUnd school. e- reccnlly relumed trom Oer-

flCCTliDismissed Frotn HoiplUl-Mti. J.. Appeil Of Twin Palls and Mn. “ ,f enry 0. Olvens ot Kimberly were scharged yesterday from Ihe hos- ^ 1 u ih c e .

To Bulld Dwelling - John S. ^ imes yesterday applied for a build- '" ' f * g permit lo erect a dwelling In the00 bloek on MlnUi avenue east at ' I . i " cost of liiOO.

nera Frtun Cout-M Us Uonella »ung of Los Angeles, former Twm or one lUs resident, U Uie house guest ct o ^ m , Us Edna Alklnson. She Is en- night ( ute home Irom Florida.- anjl »

Ueensed t« Wed-James A. be- ths dli•tt and Carrie Belle Keeler, both heart

Elko, Nevada. obUlned'a mar- eon hiice llctnu at Twi i Falls county to Uy icorder’s oltli»-7 «terday. rlg n

- . much IStore >Un lll-Clltford Thomp* denly < n, vice-prtiidenl of the Diamond "I krardware company. Is conllncd ai It has1 homr In the Reed apatimeni» clilon,1 Uie rcjult of an allack of in- yean 1jenta, ‘" ‘P ^

. - . , ■ wia enOpen Otflce*-!Unter Elmer C, ance oiMS said Fridiy winter oltlces for "1 c<0 U S forai lervlcc hai-e been tummoene<i al Room I In Uie Idaho De• clrcum:rtm ent atoit buildlmr. Summer pUce.jirters sk milnuined each year samefiBhojhone. >y *hl

— «— li\UbaaHer* From Cosit-^Mn. VltjlnU ingly hrookman of San Francisco liu ar- uroUier Kcd to jp-'iid Uif ClirUtmu seasoniUj her i«rrnts, Mr. and Mn. R. WUiMorthoiw. Misntetiy Morthowe throogl

la gone to Sin Francisco to vWl ue hopim .n o i» r narr. OmP”orehouv duriiii: ihe liolldsys. ier." ih

' ----- next klUere ' tor Cenifntlaii - Among tnishlnos« resi'ifitd »' ®10 wlll iitfiid I'if ro»v ''t‘on o. ,'„ t.e Idilio ll-''.': »^wlallt>n sclifd- jtlnged today H'e [*«[>= *"• armingr. and Mr«. 0. W. Sisndrod. Jr.. ,

Pocatello: Mr. *nd Mr». p . J. ---------rod of llie Wluiitmn hotel s l To-Ullo: Chaiincy\Vr't.manasfr ard HH. Sorenuin and «lt«. [

inaser of ilir Hen I-onioiid hotel IO rten t-:ih; Mr. and Mr., Win- For

in West of It-.' llsnnock hotel at | ns.0 icatelS- 8. F. n«dy, m tm n . ,f7.*c id Henry- Br»dy «l'" of lhe Dsn- -stkk ek hotel, all rrsWered at e i j irrine hotel. ll^JUiercd .1 the irk hoUl arr; Mrs. R-F- act ^Caldwell, mjnirer of the Sara- i ,

ra hotel and svcta.o' o ' t cltUoo; Mr«. D I-cr»ln ihaeer ot the Qrintl hotel: I t . '''- t

mUnn .nd Mr- Conn.tlitr. .I'o aull* . * M H K

ITO, TWIN H u s , m m a . ba-

=dwartl B ids F arew ell t o ' A c Empire Renounced .For

U v e and S ails Into Exile-------- ' NE

(CoaUnued from Page One) ' years

fotds 'the woman 1 lOTe.-" ' ptrrt In London theaten and cincmu

vomen sobbed audibly u they list- ;,the tied lo their tormer aoverelgn'a ranis. Tho performances all' had a leen slopped lo gire audiences a ,ior« hanee to IbUn. his c

Cbeeeed In Farewell handituge crowds gathered tn the dark-

lew ouulde the old cutlo whUh in th owen abovo Uie counUytlde from the fI lull overlooking the.num es.'- in tli

Lustily Ihey cheercd h to ' In fare-

Wilchen could « e UghU In oaly E d wo wmdows of the cuU t whilo he V n v u speaking. They wen In the oom Where ihe broadeut itselt was ^ leld. Anfl

Defbn he finally lett Windsor, x'f* sdwatd.penonallr lUd goodbye lo >ld tervanu and royal relalnen iiuiy.oi whom he tied known alnce le wu ft child. ■ n i

Queen Mary and her JmmedUU nem larty left Windsor cuUe for- Lon- Idn about an hour, after Edwanl t t ,v leparted.

•I'he new King Qeorgo Vt. and his J , lOungest brolher, the Duke of Kent, eft In separate automobiles shorliy illerwsrd. “ Com

A) Edward's reign ot leu Uian ileven montlis pasied Inlo'hlsiory fg^ ^II l:S3 p. m. IS:93 a. m., EAT.) i Jecember II, 1J3«, ills broUier. Al- of 2 Mti, -became automatically Kins f^om 3eorte VI, sovereign o( some iOO,- in Ji W.ooq lubJecU In a realm- eover- Th ng almosl one-UiIrd ot the globe. MO.

ParlUment AeU SwItUy .In action awlft for all lu.solemn- y >

ty, parliament required'only two iM l louts and iwo m lnutu lo glre tho tlgn of Edward VIU to anoUier lenenUon to Judgei and to (Ira tho iJ-yesr-old n an treedom-to many “ he woman he lovei. fj;! ''•Hie llrsl TOlunUry abdication bill

u the long history ot the British :mpire w u passed lato law wlUi d^>| miy five membera o t Uia bouse ot 'ommons voicing oppotlUotu H:e regal house of lords, ahocked J f " '

))- lhe momentous precedent It miat f •itsbllili, accepted Edward'a abdl- 4tion and hU broUier'a 'accession n Just six minutes. p - ,nio houses will meet again Sal-

indy 10 take the oath of allegiance ■0 lhe new king after Oeorge, hlm- elt h u taken his towi u EngUnd's • m in lilitorlc St. James palace.On Monday, the new klng'a forty- "P *

Irii birthday, ho will tend a mes- |odi) age lo parlUment to which Uie « P nslous leadera of the realm look *o” b or sMutance from the aejr king "SJ"' hat he will sleadfuUy'uso hls high J J .fflce to .hold and atrenglhen Uie « lleglsnce of the tar-fiung domln-

IrtUnd C apet Coneera Lesden of U ie ^a lm were most

oncemed over Uie reaction in In - »•' md, where President Eamon De 'aleta Introduced into -the dall aIII tbollshlni the offlee of gorer- " W lor general and abandoning Ihe “ "•I sc'of Uie king's namq la Internal uslueu. ^ LIOICanada. New Zealand. /LustnlH

nd'South Atrica.-the prlma mlnU-------if .nld , would accept ttielr Uilrd Ug wlUiln lha year and would ttrk WlUl him la the latereiis ot

’w iS r tD a r ld Windsor must wait aUl April 37 a t le u t before marry- ' lg Mn. Simpson became her (U- « jroe doea not become Imal unUl len. alUiough her spokesman In ’ annes today aald slie expecled no IlcR* in compleUng sererance ot J ' le Ue wlilch onee bound her to meat.Aldrich Simpson, fom e r of- c ^ m th T K in rrS iirC o M slr tan i ^

I t Mrs. Simpson and Edward ^ lOflld over have children. U»e boy•girl could never sit on the Uirone; hls talher and grandfather tie- o c n ira bias.And In deference to the new lor- eign Edward Dftvld Windsor prob- gj,, Jly wlll fievcr return to the land : hU blrUi, to avoid possible pop-a rdem onstratlonon .hu behalf.

Qnetn Melher's Appeal _ |t,] The sorrowing Queen Msry, widow ' cne king, and now mother ot two gj, hen, Issued a simple memgo lo- j p.j,,ght openlns her heart to (he realmId world. , ^ mortu“I netd not speak," she wrole. ,ot 18 dlsUeu which fills a motiiera rart when 1 Uilnk thai my dear r lH / .n h u deemed It to be his duty V Uy down hU eharge and ttiat the

Ign which had begun witli ao uch hope and promts ha* m lud- p nly ended. C. Ba"I know that you will realue wiui ,[ ,o d: has cosl him to come to this de- a lion, and Uiat, rtmembering (he a n In which lie uied ra sene and ■Ip his country and empire, i'ou mu:llev erl» 5 .» g « u tu ltcm em b er- ot him In your hearU, _ •"1 commend lo you liU brother mmoned so unexpectedly and In paimt xumsunces so psinful to take lila joughiace. I ask you to give him tiie j j , ,me full m euure of genetoui loyal- veraall

whleh you gave to my belovedisband and which you would win- BriUlilly hare conllnuctl to give to li« u ,,oUier." W tl

Shoalden Durdrn ellngltm u i E d w a r d thus »Mfciiig to th«rough Uie door of otijcutliy v,liicn EHut,

hopes wlll enable him and Mrs, ,j,e dimpion "to live happily ever U* ij nex]

the man who wlll KngUndl ^ ot xt king took on liU shoillders theishlng bunlen ot an a enUiro ne ot lha most widespread un-ll. , , lotly iitlng George VI wlll face a woild mg n,tnlng for it knowi not »hai . a „ n d iTid divided into the bllKlTn of f,i* tid

C A S H P A 1 D F 0 R 4Fer UUaee: Geld waleh raiei. H OO lo » n&OO: gold braceteta. t l .» lo 116.04; heai f7.M. DenUl rotd U b n l of all. Geld ape< itlekpiM and all artlclei ef geld are r a tu

I pay (be goTtmmenl price ot $M.#4 aa i and reUeetlns charge. Aothority, amend aet of m 4 .


na«rtn0« Hotel PenMTURP.W, Bt'N'DAt AN.


Accurate Shooting [p Brings Down Thief ^

NEW VOJUC, Dec.' I t m m . V ean David RoeenUiftl pracUced dU- tently with his pistol to be^re- ' artd-foT Uie day when he might- aw an opportunity to defend hU L . liner's clothing store agalnsl rob- L , , ers. lOLIA thief enlertd the Park-Row

tore loday, placed tao sulU under is coat and tied. With pistol la pt , .and. RoeenUial raced alter liU the uatry. He fired two warning ilioU 1 thc air and then brought down lie flef.lng man wlUi a bullet fl-ound 1 the arm. at 100 feeL g "

Edward Gets Bid of b b !

Former Congressman IS"------- ras

WASHINOTOS. Dee. 11 (flvThe M n inclent and Honorable (M er of son. C-les today invited Darld Windsor. ormer king of England, lo be a eral :uesi at Ils annual banquet next Tl ity . , • ed 1TJif c r i f f !.» rwipcwrt o t ex- Mlai

nemben of congreu. A b----------------— hl|»

floops Bids Low on Sli Jerome County Road “BOI0E. Dee. II (flvT li. Iloor. scln

.oiiMructlon compiny of Twin Falls wai >ttered the low bid. in.871, loday 'j , or bullrilng the roadbed and dn ln- uW M ilruciurei and gravel lurtaelng --a]If 2JM mllei of the roid wuth • rom Siimdrn' Corner A « of Eden np i n Jerome eounly.^pie englneer'i eillinile w u $30,-

theKing to Designate

Edward’s New Title « jLOHDOK, O , r i r i n - < ! .o „ o VI. * '2

Irlltln's new king, will fiecide wliat ntta Itle his abdicated brother. Edward freii >avid Windsor, will bear. It wa.n ilsclosed In Ihe house ot commons • hiodsy. ______________________Chjl

Blr Donald Somen-ell. allomcy Mra. lenenl. told commons the "ntw Mn. :lng will deai with that when the hmu Ime comei.-

----------------- — DW

Conflict in SpainWorry for Pon tiff‘nw

_____ Iwei• VATICAN O nV . Dec. 11 (ffl _ ‘" f “ope Plus dlsplaj-ed new strength IhJl; odsy In his tlgtit against partial f t panlytU but his physlcUn pre- cribed stlmulanU to correct lr- i i S egularlly of his heart acllon. can He endured the most prolonged nins

ctlrlty ijne t he was strfcken I u t Jef j iaturday. Ulklng tor nearly an hour Tiilj ntll the Archbishop of Toledo, dlnn Ipaln. about evenU in that strife- hom 5m counlry,Vatican source* have asserted Uie fiRi

ll-year-old ponUff'a worrlea orer M ppaniih atniggle were in part Ml esponilblo tor Uie holy fiUier'a J»ni ollspse. gues

________________ Thu:


NortguUrmoeUngoftheUonsclub ' 111 be held during OhrlsUnu week, *** was decided a t a tneetlng ot Uio “ J l

rganUaUon held W day nooa a t 10 Park houi. A apedal Udles’ ight prognm will be arrtnged'tor uesday, December 39 a t Uio Park Mm stei, leulon Dunn, secreUry and . easurer safd. AC (haC time a ban- r r t Jct tnd business meeUng will bo h a : eld.tnd Uie group will Uiea i t - “n nd Uio dance a t Radloland. gsUi During-UiaiJ«day.ateUnc enUr- Jack inmenl conslsUd of a-rocal solo part: r J. IL (J»e) Blandford, club mem- with :r. Kits.

.............. can:


SHOSHONE, Dec. 11-P u n e ra l rvlecs tbr Earl Darls. slx-ycar-old n of Mr. and Mn. Earl Darls ot :chlleld who dted a t oooding has- Ul Thursday momlng fron the feels of pneumonia, will b* held Shoshono Saturday aflemoon a t A

o'clock. ,1The body resU al the Tliompson Jrtuary In Oooding.


300DIN0, Dec. I l-F ln a l Ulbute a paid Uw ir.emory of M n. W.

Barton, 74, Hagennan wonpin 10 died a t her home here Wednes- t] r. at funenl mrvlces conducUd ,, the Park Opera house here to- „

y- Wlinlerment w u In Hagerman ccm- (

Wl■ h(

Iltlcal Ideologies already being he Jght on ttie battlefields of Spain, lie Wlll face a world uklng unl- J‘ raally: .-Whal. now, ll the destiny of t* lUhi and her dominions beyondS ICU?-IVlth the paternalism of people ir;nglng ic a symbol, ihey tumed ].

the Iltlle, cutly-halrcd Prlnceu riilabeth. ten-year*old daughier of er: Duke And Duchess ot York who ornexi.ln line lo iiicceed her falher. dlPOr the Immediate lulure re- Mklned lhe pomp and ceremony of :Uironlng the next king ot Eng- Uid. lie who had lived Uie fln t lhly yean ot Ills life never dream- nt llial H suddenly would ha ac- niId to tho Uirone and destiny of «h; elder brother. *r

I OLD GOLD alo'MO.OO: leld rhalns, ttOO le heary geid band rings, IUO to apeelaele tramei. eoff bnltotu, itiubte.aa oflnea less a amafl (landflar leoded "See." II, gold reaerve


■ .

T SM BEK W .m -'

S O C I E T Y a .Phone 32

JLU B S JO IN ! t r prt*.7H R IST M A S CELEBRATION poei

The War Mothen and memben “ I*- >t P t a McCook Circle, Udlea cf «tid Jie Orand Army of Uie Republic U'S- rntertalned Jointly a t the ieglon . R» laU yesurday atlemoon a t a ^bli nulstm ts party and prognm. itrs. deco JoroUv Montoolh ol Uio' War “ «■ ifoUiera u n g "Caiitlque Noel" with J*'* iln . LUllaa O n rn a t the pisno.)h's tlso read sereral Crhrlstmu s^n- .ImtnU. The group ung the faror- FRI U MUdty carols. The program EN j ra« In eharge of Mn. Charles Burtt, Mi lln ; A. S . Martyn, M a J. L. Hob- a gi ion. M n. D. M. Pellum and Mn. -nilt h{ti7 Ricks, n ils group also dee- per.' irated tho hall gues

The D tn McOook Circle conducl- w u :d t, Chrlslmu glli. exchange with shea d lu BdlUi WUllams ts SanU CUui. at p i buutltuUy deconUd sleigh, plied lUh WlUl gifts, w u brought Inlo ONi he hall where the presenU were A T IlstrlbuUd. Mn. Pearl RUey. Mn. Tl ierthft Clyde ftnd Mrs. Non Faloon eren n ra In eharge. Mn.

Mrs. Burtt and Mn. Martha scon Ichmldl, outgoing presldcnU ot the Pool iVar Mothen and Dnn McCook Cir- Iilrt. Je, respectively, presided al the tea tn n able which w u dKonted in seas- retn intl colon. ilngi

_____ coloi

The stall of the Needleeratt Ctub and taa reeiecled wlUi Uie exception of Carl he rtporter a t a meeting yesterdsy Cart ,t the home ot Mn. Jam Jensen. Bore 4 n .T .J . Uoyd, president, conduct- n d the buslneu meeUng. M n. W, hom I. Mtanlek wUI aerre u rtporter iurtng the coming year. P Y iMemben exchanged glfU aad NAI

ittaenUd glfU lo 'P o lly tnnu .' Re- Mj reshmenU wen serted by the hort- most M from, a alngle Uble eenUrtd WlUl elecl , bowl o t tnills with deconted lu t . S itlstm taJrtesjaitklogjlU ieund. lj™ ira. Flortnce Ohristopherson. and offlc I n , EsUllo Penny auUted the Ooei

_____ Sjm W E B A R R A K O eD ^i r SW EELEY HOME *“Mr. and Mn. E. M. Sweeley were tr tu

losu a t-a dinner a t their home proli rhunday evening. O o v e n for suar wentyrelght «tre laid a t Ubles at- tm t nctlre WlUl allrer and blue decon- « « . Ions. Fall flowen wero used hroughout the roona. Ooruges ut. rera presented lo Mn. Frayne.Mc- tu e of Lewiston and Mn. WlUlam tnlt. U rt Sibley of AUanU. OeorgU. hom Jards were a t play during Uio ere- Mo­ling with prliea going lo Mlu Vlo- host et Adams and Mias Jm e Maxwell. >hei rhU w u Ihe flrat tn a series ot be given ^ t the Swteley iome.

^ “ ! MUa Betly Mark, who Is to be a

'anuary bride, w u the honored | iiest a t a mlseelUneflus ahower ^ ihundty erenlns arranged by Mrs. L j;. lUl MadUnd and Mn. Oeno DUlon KISl .t the tormer'a home In tha Reed Kl ipartmenU. The honorte waa p n - day ent«d-wlth a number ot-lorsly-gliu odksi ly th* guests. At pinochle, whleh m r r u a t play during tho evening, dn . Oeorge Smith won high score.The guest lUt Included W p. XelUi i 't" '

lunter, Mn. BmiUi, Mn. Emest *®"* leUlson. -Mlu Shirley Nelson and . , ilss Alma Davidson. ‘ntehosteHea erred retrtshaenU a t a lale hour. ^ _ _ _ TwlJ

U S m E T W E ^ P A R 'I Y !l“ Tha Lend-A-Mand Club membera Eign

:sUiertd a t the bome ot Mrs. O. aske 'aekey yesUrday 'for a ChrisUnSs IsUo larty. Ths rooau wtre deconted rlth Chrlslmu emblemi and holly. IIOM .Ita. Ralph Taylor afccomponled Th aral alnglng by Uie assembUge. meet utu wen exchanged amonc thoee II. A

P u b l i c . ^As I am learlng Idaho.l’wlll sell i b n a t ny plac* Ibree miles west and ene j comer of Fiter/ser four mile* east and « t u t comerof Duhl


1) llORSES-l bsjr^ene, I yean e ld ,' yean oid. weight lOMi 1 rean hone. 11 ] rrl hone, I t yean old. weight lIMi wHglil 1400; 1 bUek hotM, 3 yean old. ( yeara eld. welgbl IMO. brtd: 1 lean welfht 3(M. bred: 1 bay marr. anoelh hone, amoolh raealh. weight 1650; 1 t weight 15M; I brown flliy. S montli horse* are al| of excellent type and quail

14 CATTLE - Good dairy cattle. T. B freih by day ef aale.

lMrLE.MENTA - Iron Ago manure apr and hay rack; 3 Inch Bain wagon and I binder: 1< loch CaK Z-way hone plow;: Inclor plow; ene 4 er <*bollom 14 Ine 3<sretian wood harrow: t-section aleel 1 ridlnr sped cDltlralor; alagle dlse harro er; ene fonr-rew Venltin bean planter; one t-row MeCormiek-Deering apud pli dlfger wllh engine, new; McCoriBlck McCcrmick'Deerlnr ilde uke : 5-fo«t : : hay allpa; 1 hay atarker, S4>toet boo U ng land lereier; U.fool dras: allp i llnnal g u enilne; alngle bnggy; MattI n rk ; 4 aeU heary wetk harness; e-bol< nare; 1 set baggy hamew: automatlo Ihe uiuat accnmnlaUon ot uielsl and i and Jonk. 'Implements are all practically new.: h bBibels of aeed oats.

CHICKENS - 4 dosen Rhode Island n

Lonch will be serred by Ladles


W . F . N ichofscEABL 0 WALTER. ABClIaneer

« d G U J B i | ® _ — — — . ’f

ftlL Mts. Waller Bicker, presld«». ,• tmducied t t* Ihort btalDea w t e ^ ;

''wfreshmenU wero serrM ftWB'i able lesUre with holiday c rta* ahd ieeoraUoas. Mra. 'A a d e ^Jra, 'Roger Uw ls anliled 3«n.'ftckey. OucjU of tha .afu iijoon> rtt« Mta. U l l l and I to . O .Q n n i , -

;Mra. B. B, Oowm w u hoatett to .

, group o t irlends ' t i h e r hom* liUnday evening a t a Wtncli • * r.' Oovtn w en Uld to t *lin« uesU. ■ Mrs. Oowen. a recent Wd*. - ; u sutprised « tth a mlsceUaneous ■ hower by tltrtoesU . Brld|* w u .' I play during Uu evenlag,


rening a t the homo of Mr. M d , in . w aiter U non. At play high coro tor ladle* went lo Mrs; Cart

and lor,ln. Marvin Carlson received Uie raveling prite. The hosteu aened etrtshmenU a t a 'UU hour a t' a Ingle table eenUttd wlUi rarious 7 o « d tapen and csnaie*Ueka ilaced on a rtflector. OuesU wero W. and M n. Claude DetweUer, K r. nd Mrt. Al Russell. Mr. aad UfC . :arl Pool. Mr. and Mn. ^ n . larisoa and Bdr. and Mn. Wesley

t S next jnVeUng wttl ba a t Vh* lomo ol Mr. andM n. Detweller.

Mn, Deaon Morrlsoa w u elecud lOsl eneUent chlet a t tha annual letUon ol th e PytWan 8 U ^ t ^ g a ist ertnlng In Uie Legion h a l l .J to

Ktertten, w l l e n t aenlorj ^ nmlce OaU*. excellent Junior: M n. lelen McWhlrter. managers Mn, mna Wlpaaa. tnUUea ot iw ctd l ndcounw : Mra. Angle irmis. mto. ■ r t u ot tinanee: Mn. Sint la ird , irolector: M n. VIcloria Andenon. uard; Mn. May Cook, beamlnf rusUe' and p n » eorreipoodmt;Jn. Dorothea PuUler. Instalimf (fleer; M n. Kelen MUmlck, plan*

A tur Uu election Ui* group wer* nUrtalned' a t a (octal hour a l tha lOme ot M n. Nora Zaehariu with ira. Beitrtee H lttee U ' aaaiitanl losuii. OlfU wen distributed to he memben by.Dorothy Jeaa Zaeh* rtas. Namn ot new ‘'secret pab* ren drawn' and the namet ot thea* f the pest year dlsdoaed. Betnih,- lenU wtre aerved a t a tabl*, rtam td In ih e YultUd* natmer. , ^

Coming E ven ts '|lIMbKHLY QBANOE lUmberiy Onng* meet Mon-

iay evening a t I o'clock In Uw MeUi-

iram wUl be furnished, by leorge Warben's expression slu- lenU. A buUntM aieeUng wlU tol-

^■'December luncheon meellnt ol > ln PaUs ehapler, D A it. wUl ^ Itld a t 1 o'eloek a t tb tiome' of Mn. F. R. Wtmer, 318 ' aehui arenue e u t. Memben ara sked lo bring Uielr glfU tor Angel Uand.

;OMB ECONOMICS ■ ^The Home Eeeeumlt*leet Monday atiemooa with Mri.. A.Ptetoe.______________

S A L ElirfellowlBg described propertyae wile Boeih o t lhe aaalhwes^.. i Id w t mile soulh of the u a lh - .

D E C . 1 5r ii;30 stiARP

Id, welghl 1»0; 1 gray horse, 7 I t yean old, welglil l » 0;l* e r - 0; 1 blatk hor»e. I yean old. rtd. wtUht HU5 \ sorttl cam blsek marts, S yean old, ih"nSath. wtlchl IMO; l bUek I brown mare, amoolh mwth,.ntha eld, a good one. These uatlly.^. B. and atwflton tested. Some

Bpreader; i Inch Webber wagtm sd hay nek; S foot JleCormlcK.« ; J-botlon U -lw h John Deere Ineh John Deere tractor plaw; t l barrow; MeCotwlck Deeritig Trow;one Knap aleel comigsl- er; Bailer two-rew bean eoUee; pUnUr, new; ono OHrer sped

ilek-Detring beet poller, new;a t McCoTOtek-DeeelBS m o«rboom, exlra good; one «-footIp scraper; l! i horu In tem - irtln aleel dlUher; ?!,xl4 bwt i o l e . ^ e ; Flrtilde parior f« - ^ tlio electrte waler healer. Al»Id necessary sundry smalt tools

4 neds and ________

\ t t ot Uie rUer G n a r


i o n , O w n e rtLMEB E. HAAO, Cletk

Page 6: mW]f X l iLS P]AILY - Twin Falls Public U»* AiioeU SALT LAKE CITY. Dec. 11-^ rich north central Utah Park ( peace

■ ■ ■

■ CoaUaned Fwm U r t U n i) • ---------------------------------------------- U

' S rH O niB t nelunSag I9 U t O . b^litod boa t. PhUlp f t t t r n j t ^

tin WurtnlM) Ccwkr u d baelu tb« wortaaen of Uw MoirU rnm A la^lbdr tor b ttU r btuDM. d He »dmlnt SkUr W tm n. (be a t&«ii|btfoi'we<c(}' irht b u Ii

.. b m In lore with Tetrr M ijnird. » - b«7lih bltfld rarUlor. t n r n b i

• that Tfny m d b tr wlllnl jounrtr m tbt«r. Ttp. h a n tillm In Iort, StUf brttk i ber c n p im en t uc

' with Twry. JVeilUir M uy MonU di «lTt* * J»»rtr for Hj» »nd T»rry Ibe Difhl btlore Ibtin wtddinc ]o<

. and in tlln rhlllp r«re «hon ibe tb ■ U pnnulnj. Dndn* Ibe p*Hy. to

FbtUptM a h til td arfunrnt If Ilb >UrT'rf»lhtr. to

------- th. Chaplet 2J }2

A u l DofArWcddJnc Cake „ Al Uitjr went down lhe drive,

" m u p « u tllenl. }[a look nich lont, rapid itept that Salir w u aU wc most obliged to t n l In order to keep ^ up «1D> him. ha

, I 'r e jo t to run down lo tlie Me- so. DonaldiV u ld PhUlp, when they • were tn the car. “Wanl to come with wl ae?" •‘a

■Ve*-lt J'OU *»nl mt." >>- “1 wanl a wlineu lo tlie quutloa

-V m join* 10 put to McDonald. Vou koow that Morrli l iu recelred a th n a t agalnrt hU Ilte, and tnolher ^ acalntt hb propertyT" ^

■Ye»-1 knew Dt the threat a ta ls it ' hU home. Does he think McDonald * tent the UltrnT" ' '' ‘He Ihlnkf McDonald MSt lh«e

threata. Just because McDonald headed' that deletallta of workmen , . t that,tried to bargain wilh him." T

-You dont.thlnkieoy^Bally quei- uonea. .jjj,

* W ftId«} tto«n r»h*» th f/afl» from. Wish 1 did know. Someone's

' been bUckmalllag Monlf tor 7e*n, Mair M7I- Ot course theT're c tusht “i

' ' some people Involred In.coniplmejr to I lo kidnap, bul this U different. 1 ~ h a n a htioeh U ut <11 lhaa kU ert <id(

, come Irora on# penon-and-that Ust* penon h u a score lo eren up with Uu MorrU." Phi

) -TTkto mlfht be plenty of peopio *>ea• like th a t,- ttld aalljr.

MUtown w u entirelf d a it aa ^ •.ther rode through It.-Philip letl• 8»Uy In the ear w hll8 j» weat in '

; and-waked McDonild, He'and Mc>Donald, who' w u barefoot and had put oa ovenUt orer h li nlgbt

: ' clothes, came ,down to fho car. ^ “I c tn swear rou the truth on any- “Z

. thing roil U r In m r htnd. »nd be- w ' tore anrbodr," McDonald w u My*

. Ing, n doni know:nothing tbout ^ 0- the letters to.old mtn-M onll. So ^• Xtr u 1 know, th«*1i none of the

h tnd i working for him that wrote L , them Utlen."

-------.-I bellere yOu,-..ttldPhmp..Ther PhUrode away fn m UUltown, letvlng h k , McDontId Itarlng; ileepUy , atler ^

“W htt wlU Mr. Morris do iboui ^ the thretUY" aikM Btllr. “j

“Hell Irr to pioieeu^ McDonald, rerr Ukely." said PWUf grimly. ’U

• h* does.'wrtl f l« 'l h e town t Ut-Ue edteipent.' ^

.Ooedbree a t (be Airport • ^ t ip tn d Terry were married In «

ths g trdca Tip had » new dlgnllr you . lhal became her u -weU u her

slaple winding veU. SaUy kept her eyes sletdfutly on Tip. She eould v . '

■ hot bear; aomehow, to watch T ern » ,- in.hU hippl& hU.proud

poaoHlre look a t Up.T en y t own tamUy looked a t him ^

almoit In iprprtse, u If they tound ..1tf h trd (0 beUere U u t he had be- .1 < como-the town hero tnd acquireda wlte. tU In on* w eet •- _

Once the ceremony w u o rer,stI. J^ i,l r w u tble to low h h u l t tn the ^maze of things to be done before hi. 1Tip and T>!tiy left. I( w u she who r .helped Tip change* to trarelTng - . f .clothes. Mr*. Wtrren, suddenly retl- -h . ,Ulng th t l Tip * u going f tr tway 1 ; .tram her, could do.nolhtng but ill ^and Keep. Sallr found her fither <r and lent him to comfort Mn^Wir- ltn WhUe ihe ran across lho itrtet

MAKE THIS MODTwin Falls Daily ^

^ , by lAILtY W Otn

' to aee the li^nchcon that Aunt D o » w u pr^iarini i t the Page house.

Sally iround UtUe lo be done, for Aunl Dora' v u t n old band a t wcd«' dlngJoBsls. She had mide the beit- en bisculls v llh her ovn handi. The /auIUeii vhlto weddjag cakr, loe, w u her work.

M'l! be making one ot thue for you aoon. honey," Aunt^Doia lold Solly- "You put you t p lm ot this rake under yo' pillow and you bound to dreao a l hlffl you goln' lo mury.

“Jfa too good lo waitc under a pil­low," Sally protested. Nevertlifks*»he'hld'BW*yrW fof-the-cakc#nd-----took ll home. “■ At Ust Tip‘and Terry were rfidy to leare. Phlllp Page drore them to the tlrport, v llh htlf the lown fol­lowing. II v u StUy who tald lhe . l u t goodby u they wtre rcndy lo I embark. ' I

‘nfou're been wondertul," Tip I whispered,- hugging Sally tight. "1 I von 'l erer torgel what you're done L to* me and-Hind I hope youll be u k happy u 1 am some day-1 do hope , so." 1

“m f l the beal thing you could f wUh me," said Sally iremulouily. 1 ‘Qoodby-and-good luck."

Iherf TVny took BtUyt hsnd ind ! iqueesRl ll In a grip that hurl. , k

“Ooodbr, StUi^X hope veil be {| hei« to da the thing up brown tor I you somo darl" He bent his head { and k lu ed h er. . ]

In t d a u ot unieallty. Bally watched them climb Into the pUne ' I and heard the deatentag roar ot the I propeller. . I

They vere otf. Joe MorrU led tha * cheer that toUoved them Into the “ air. Tvlec the pltne circled the townla_ltrt»eU._Uien-UJiBid«l south. ___They wtlched lUI ll w u a speck In the sky.

PalB Plereei SiUy'i Armer “Ready to go?” Salty v u startled

to find Philip Page cloae beside her.“Yci." SaUy gol Into the car be-

aide him, glad ihe wc}Od not have to Ulten to Joe MorrUfor anyone cUe I talk ot thenvo VlUl had Jusl gone. I PhUlp v u the only one she could n bear a t this moiirot. PhUlp knew. I-

“Want to ride a bit betore we go -1 back lo Jfte ruins ol Ibe wedding?" 1 uked PhUlp. I■ "Pleue.- sally huddled In one cor- f

ner ot the c tr. TVnr w u gone, liew u losl to her torerer. L

“I can't bear Itl" StUy a led out I niddenly. i t w u U a sudden, ihaip ptln b td pierced Uirough the trmor ot conlrol th tt h td protected her. Her hands trembled, her eye# were dry and buming. "Vou dont know how 11 II," lhe u id . “I loro _ him. 1 love Terry—1 want him more lhan 1 erer did. l - l can't fice the rest of u y lUe wllhoul him.’

“TWs U the worst of ll," u ld phuip calmly...rOel t grip on your- Mlt. You're been pn tty tine. I're been ptwid of you. Vou ean face JUs thing out,andyou.can.gelj)Ttr. M i u t glre yourself a llllle Ume."

“A UlUe time," said Ballr. She Uughed shakily. “T lm e-l're got lU tbe time in the world-lo re- meotber, To remember how lie looks, how be U lk*-to remember how It teeU to be In hU arms."

“Slop that," u ld Philip roughly.ITou're forcing yourself to. remem- jer, trying lo hurt younelt." '

”1 dont ctre," a id Btlly. l^'c >een so senslble-I pretended to bc 10 generous. I'm nol ellher. You nay u weU know how ihameleM I im. Youll deiplte tne. 1 don't v o about th lt ellher,"

“1 don't despUe you," said Philip..1 Uke lo know tlu t you can feel Ike th tv - l t mtkes me hope that •Ott vUl one day feel th t t desper- ktely In loro with someone eUe—omeone who wUl realUa how lucky e =le u -* n d mako you happy."Bally did not remember ifte r- <

rards *11 liwt PhUip said to her. or thero they rode, flhe knew ilmply rr hsl he w u her friend, Ih t l he r u trying to help her. '

(Copyright, IMP, Pelley Wolfe)

(ConUnued In Kext luue) r

DEL AT HOMENews Pattern




PATTEnN <138 ^

bifC ^ncC ^am S I “ I B o r

A ftock “»uc«M' If ever Ihere t-< M one, u Pattern « 3 J - m iilm- 1' ling. 10 remlnine. so gnnd for tll- un>0M wear that youll want to lAke up leveral venlons! And . , itre'i Ito ctawn shouldn't.)T thil becoming model Is the e u - dt e itr lo cut. lil. and flnUti. In- partlc Ivldual. indcwl. is the fuclnaUng nrosn )dlee front, which iiiictied up In a hoL arker contrullng fabric, gi 'cs t lunnlng elfect thal'a imart for ,h ,. , utlntM or club mwllnjii. Then be- ^ old tlto flattei>' oJ lhe tleeji-cul V ... fck which omlUi It.'* collar In lh« y wll" alumoan vtnion. <S«e small 1' . [etch a l rieht). m fabric. chooM nsey er rou|h crepe-ready tor "Th wrythlnj, morn' lo mld-nlftH . “nf 1 Pattern «36 U avaUable In lUes i’cars

1.9fl. U, 40. ti, « , <8 and 48. S ir; emi>io J takes JH yard! 39 lach fabric act ar nd *4 yard eontnitlng. Illuitrated « i f ;ep-br-»tep Mwlng iMlruclloni In-

h im.. . nor It

nr. lu itr t o s t i t i ; size vised

oasis f*T{niM'nuoK.' ®nonI rii:*»l »lth iwrlnMli;* .ijlM In m»kcfitmoon fr«u~i»T .pwu toe>-itun. « c hln( paHj elolhial Sllmntni itr ln tor » tn u l nudcn.unnt p«tums tor Dk

Cllr a n r r t w r n i r ^ o n ^ orpht t m lMpanaia& rvui m it . u u ^ . 1

■ - m m F A L L S^D A ftY Ij


|^w «K OLwe, m u s T \ i B e A e X T E R ^ M f tR T l SWftB-lFOUNOA J M ISTAKE IN THE p l C T l O K y > ^ >



I H oR H m A T X H P m Cf>UNNlN(r TO PtV O V IR 'wIN




\l \ W S ^ L U v ; MR.STEB8INS tt f u x X E P U KE TWiS LE ^ r tW A S tMPORTAMTl X

loard Explains Law 1“ For Social Security

ASHINGTON. Dec. II '.P;-Tlie ^ Clal security board ai.> rte(I ta- ght ei-ery ellslble employe mustrtlcliMte In the (rdrral old ase \osnm whrlltcr he wanl.i lo or _ .iL Deed:

en. t lT lie board ha.t rteelvtri reiwl-i Dee<!al wnie wise eirnen belltve tltai Oil Hirticlpjllon In ttie old ase ii.-ne- Lots 1J proffrani U «lioJ!r <lf(<fndfn{ pt eeeon lltrlr decWon," the board u ld Ulk #5 a stntemeitt.

■The act prmirte* lltat dii J jhu-JT 1. I9M. all emplojM urnli-r 6S *•ars of age, »ho earit savr.i In **’• iil>lojment» nol exeepled by the * t are included, * • •Hlf tjoardliTrlher explained ihat ^1 emploj-e of an.mplo)-cr «ho e rri only one mau is not excntiH, r Jl a non*cltia-n. The boarxl nd->ed employe. wilh ntort thut one Gtplojer toput all emitlojvr'i namt« Pone application card and not to r

uke out reparate appllcallons Jor >tcll emplflser, fil Dtcfinbcr 13 Is lhe deatjllne IarIng nppllcailoni. ' y

---------------------- 11Candy Canri at llfrbtl'i b> l(|a Prpheum Thealre. .SpeeUI p fl« , In - .unUI/r«.it((r. ^ 4 ^


-T H A T 'f

I J f t W STAKE IN t h e I T ( OfCTlONARV: WHY, ?

^ iC ftN T B E U E V e ITS i

UCHO m S A K I O / l


— J'D jt— r p ^

Hff/AFRAIDTO ” ® 0 1 n ~ yC H A N C B rr.


IS — I \l OH B O B B IE ^) ~


-------------------------------------------[ L o u r

Real E s ta te T ransfe rs— - Thlnl

•umUhed by the Twin PalU TtUs ^ d,',, aod Abitraet Company

------------- — -------------------------wn. tl

Wedneiday, December S ed: K. O. Pargo to J. D. 5om- I. t l . Lot 18 Dlk 9 nickel Addn, seed: Oem flu te Oil co. Irf DtalT ‘I nelinlng Co.. tlO, r.'. Lot 12: V . ts 13. u , IS Plk I nailroad Sub; sec WB K; Lou I.J , 3.4, P t s C M, Buhl: Lot.1 a . 26. nik » * ■ " ® er: Loti 20, 21. Dlk 2J Kimberly.U I. 2. 3;4,S Qlk S nostrvin, Lou The ID Dlk 10. Lot 8 Sik 8 Roger- peni a 1: Lou 8. 9. Dlk 3 nickel Addn; toonU is 30, 31. 32 Blfc 89 Twin Falb; Adr.

SINUS I N F E ^PBOsiPTiY Ceipondt lo My New Ti Eleetrieal Tectmlqnt. Qalek, Effectire. I (slli In Foriy-tlrht lloars. A Prore: Method.

' Wrlla For Foldtt en SlDn lo tDR, H.W. HILL

l u Main li cit TwinPbooa l2 U -ia» e t Tula FaUl l>lnt «



r v W E HEftRO I nS M - i YAM WHATlYfttA A n '* T H f< S jy .£ > r

l l > \ j

lOLUCt.SCCffCU-) . (3ffIW t b a c k h-— - ^ \TW'POPff ON / ^ ; ON'S tA Y O y r- /A L L T U A T )

^ I Z A H , '—— CMRi a r v-





- r z ■. tl f wJ S H U C K S - JUS

^ I THAT SN O O PY SEI l/^aC A M RS. P E E V Y - ASl

III I fli llN l - . - ' I f a n




ou 27.28, 30.30, 31,32 Dlk 84 Talit i r y . alls; Pt Lot 26 Dlk 84: IX)U n , i:, lk i Hamen, Lota 3. ®. J>'w.'ior\ J ( blnl Addn; Lol' 4 Dlk 00 T-K-in ilU; LOUI 12, 13. Dlk S7; IflU 3:, kUG I Dlk 117, Twin Fnlls.; D. P. Jain to H. c , Aiirirr- j.riv.ili ■n. tl7,000 BB NW, NEBW C 11 :o. , | ,m Io

Tbonday, December le olDeed: T. P. Counly to E. O, Mj.-.1. »3J0, Dlk 18 llansen. ,Deed: L. M.lluckstep to L IV55J... P t 36 9 14. ‘ ,Uftse: P. J. Pringle 19 R. Tj.■T. Lot 3, W!i SE NW I 11 18: U t ____PtSW NWI 1118;P lS e c t n ib ^

The relUWe' Walertnan foutttaln |•M and K t* alw Dlerbrook dotbr lonUin peni, Clot B«*k Siort.- |

• ____ ( I


TON , j lIf T n a tae s t et !IW. U lllng. Re-toTcn Selenllll* j

falU. Idabo ^ a J F .a t* O U i iC » ) ‘■.I-

lE O E M B E E IZ , 19SJ

3STER P B L fflD ;.

LOOK.-THERE'S THE 1 R WORO 'V/V/1" AN- j S n S E I n . U


f^ - P / k

J / j m ^ 'S t .

I w e ' r e a t t h e E N D O F O LRO PE / MICKEY CiSLy O N E TM1N & L E FT TO

-------- -




Ix-King Invited to Join Student Group ^e

-:UOENE. OreTDtc. 11 olv-Ktng ‘’(Jf* ■».ir(t v m w Mr. DaUd Windsor. ^ ;v.ile clllten. ro4 tcn(lere<l an In- ^ allon lis t night to become a mcm- r of tlie two-Cfln.liv.'^M-clicaply •cMie iiwJfliloH. an cJjanlaatJon married iludtnis on the Unlver- y ot of Ortcon campuj. rne InvU.itlon, Mia President _ laarcl Kt.«aler, qualillcd by P

. .v ou it rnoT ocnA P ii

Onlj-aKew Dayi *1111 Xmai.(Jtt Yonr'i Now!

KI.OWER FOTO SHOP' Fldfllly Nan lUnk Bldg. ^

fVft CERTIHGW W OUIOH't IS f tV J 'J S W e e 'P O T f tT O r 01U H f i n S V J E f P O T M O J E \R H - T H K S f tU . , r ^ M

' ~ F E R a

M n o w - a l l ’ I n b


^.JLitf' ?VIN(

B y J . P . M c E V O Y a n (


_ ^

1 ' I I WHY, PEAR, • ^I MRS. BLAt^ S — \

- I — j / r p ' M o i ^W ELL, U V T m R S . PE E


« statement the ibdlcated mon- If th x h must * td lo accept. .j.

KeMltr. wliose home Is a t Lclli* tlon •Idge, Alla-, aaid Itc would person* so r ' iiy preu the Invitation tliU summer alon


P i c k u p s a n d

1931 V-8 FO RD n C K U P , .9000 m i l e s ................................

193G V-8 FORD. P IC K U P,tlic sam e ns n e w ............... ...

1935 IN T E R N A T IO N A L PIC K U I«125" W .B., truarnnt(K!il .......

1931 CH EV . It/i-.TO N TR U C K . 1W .B,, (lufll « 'h c c J s ..... .............

1920 DODGE, .loriR W .n .. tlim] l i r c s ............

M c V E I--------International 1


a L B E T I V f t M - I H E A i J


^ I N ; o u t LOUDl


a k N * T I S E R S ■ ■ ^ T O T A K E -. ( c a r e Ot! I


C x

;nd J .H , STRIEBEL'; e w e y y e p . ' - w e 'v e ]10 r ^ d U S T - ^ T O ^ O J ^ H A V E . HELP N O W ^

W U w *


IN TWEH ERE'S ^ s i lT Y f- O W - = E V Y C O M ^,iT— AN' n ifir^HA L E T T E R . UrW6 BAfJK. J : C IT Y — ^ ■iBBlN S ^ S M P - j i ^

: the king vislu hU Canadian rnncil

Tlia cooperative living orRiinici-V lon also offered to «nd "Mr. Wlnd- i t ' comniKKc reimfti on dUcuj-' on of .marital problem. .

: D

d T r u c k s

...... . . . - $ 3 7 5

__________ $ 4 9 5

$ 5 2 5 .

' . . ' 5 " .....$ 2 2 5

. l : „ _ $ . 2 2 5

■Y’S; Trucks ------r,;.

Page 7: mW]f X l iLS P]AILY - Twin Falls Public U»* AiioeU SALT LAKE CITY. Dec. 11-^ rich north central Utah Park ( peace

^ B r a d d o c

Santa Glf r *

CommissSone For T itle F

February <Sharp Words F ly Back t

'Afternoon of Bicke; Officials and P i

. B r EDDIE BRE NEW YOBK, D ec. I I m - m ;

S chm ollng heavyw eigh t c h ^ p lo n s l e ig h t b a ll toD lght, ■ .

A h e c tic th re e -h o u r jeM len o l thi com m ission, d u r in g w h ich sh a rp wi accom plished n o tb ln s cxcept to 8h< a p a r t In -th e ir demandfi.

O bviously d isgusted w hen a n a llth c p roceedings g e ttin g cxac t-* -------Jy now iJcr«, th s com njlis lon r r . , su m m arily ordered th e oppos- 1! U l Ing cam ps to g e t to g e th er on B ditfl in rcbnutiT or ila n h uid make it tnappjr.

Thla proposal w u coimltd out _ Ifom Ui« « t« t Joa Oould a id he poiWTtly wouldnX aend Braddock Into an Indoor tlUa bout and Jamr* ““ f J . Johniton. apeaklnj for MadUon

'e(nu:r8aarden.lhe.promoler. didn't w * AM much chance ot Uklnt It lo aerlet Florida. ee«lfr

_____Braddock Eejerti Frtipo^ _ ® “ wA contract lubm ltt^ by ibe Oar- W ■ .

deneaU ln tlo rth tshow tobe ita itd Jn the tong Uland clly bowl on .» m J une 3 vas agreeable to Schmelint, ^ , , but flatly rejected by tbe Braddock

“ t S objecllon w u ba«d on . a dauM that nelllier principal ia to « lh t In anytWng but lour-round o* n t •xhSbltloni In the Interim. I t alffned i t automatically would block Brad- doek'i propoaed Atlanlle City no- decision contest with Joo Louis. n.iQ,

"W« loit money when Braddock ». hurt h is-hand and couldnt go throuih with the September f l |h t " and WB don’t want that to happen • •gain," Johnston explained.

Oould aald he had signed an ear- “ «*• Her ngreement with the Garden tor k June date, wa* willing to go J through with It snd post a iifiOO BUly check to prore ii. but not agree on Orecli BO rights tinlll then. McOi

• Bchmeling told the commission he Jack Is ready to fight now, In Febnwr}-o r any time and taid he thought _ Braddock should llglit him first.

“BchmeUng wanu to light, rour docton aay Braddock b ready,' so let the commYsslon name lhe dale," auggested Johnson.

Oo Into IlnddUr • UVo; — 'W hercupcn~tire~tomnilsileners najTr

v en t Inlo a huddle and came up }|0—< with tho FebniarX'March Idea and son, called it A day. Ftaie

Colonel Walker D. Wear aald If EidrU t n agreement Isn't reached shortly luitj. h e ll augxcst the iU ht bc rnlltd otr. >. >ij

Chairman John J . Phelan told nil n'li]. eonctmed there b nothing In the ’

' New York rules to keep the prin- *' clpalt from fighting as many lune- upi a i they like provided these bouta •ra ror lesa than 15 rounds. I

Thg 30th Century Sporting club. i n C co-promoter wllh the Oarden In Itio “ Jun« light, did not enler the pro- • caedlngi except io aay through an •ttorsey ils contract wtUi the Oar- ' den called tor the ilght to go on in June u td It would expect the Oar­den to go. through with It.

Chalnnan Phelan laler luued a U nfr eaU lor another meeting nt noon tomorrow when negotiations vlll be S resumed.

Jerome Moose To ^ Meet Collegians “ »•

JEROME, D e^ 'il-T h o town b u - i*. ° “J ketball team sponsored by the Je- : roms Uoosfl will play the rirst game or the season Monday night wlthj O ^ l n g college, M um y O'Rourke, manager, aald today. '

Other games tenlaUrely scheduled. Include those wltli the CoUege o t i K / Idatio'or Caldwell; Olebe Trotlen, girls’ ieam of WIchlla. Kansas; 01- aen'a ‘Terrible Btredu," and o th e r 'R M town teams ot southern Idaho. t B l

M t Stars Vie | | | In Rich Classic

:____ ■, ‘ -j v

2 0 ,0 0 0 F ans E xpcctcd to aio» i . T u rn O ut l o r ‘W orld 's ■; F a ir H andicap’• —- aAK MATEO, Calif.. Dec. u o n - J7, the ;E { lit sUka atan go to the post lyjng -here tomorrow In l)u lla,000 a23(M •“r o ld ’i lalr handicap.", a 1 3/16 Wlil ,^Ue< classls topping the fall rac- <Pl>'>(' Jng aeason a t Bay M eadon track. I«n i- Tbe small but powerful flcld'wlllaino up wllh Seablxult and Infan* nuka} •.ry «a the co-ravoritea, U>« .Jormer ry »•*: ;i«j b. ridden by Johnny PoUnrd and "fo “ ,th* latler by Charlie Corbett In- eircuni 'lanlr>‘ will be coupled as an enlir and tl > l th Giant Killer, the latter In at .100 pounds and lo bo ridden by and Ui ■Johnny Longden.I A crowd of more tl;an 50,000 fans ^ eipected to lura ont for Uie run- ~ * ■tilag of tho rliAest rtce cfthe north- ;eni Csllfomla fall seasca *

belong; INUOOR SIK>rr 8CIIE0ULED ...Edd :{ MEW VORK. Dcc. ' l i MV-Tlw Prcas, fW > annual Indoor Mlllrose A. A. Clark jnw k and field mtet, featuring the erer s Jyanamakcr mlK-, wlll be held In Noire' Ptsdlson Squve Carden on Salur- aticr i yay, reb. a. as a p

c k A n d !

laraers Call F ig h t In _ O r March

— ■ 0J4 f f

a n d F o r t h D u r m g , ^ ^

c e r j i i g A m o n g

P r o m o t e r s 1" ^ ._______ .. compa

iBIETZThfl j jm n iy B r« flao c * -jlax .-tkiu n sh lp l ig h t w as Iw hlnd th o puller.

th e N ew Y ork i ta t« a th le ttc lo piu w ords f le w ba ck a n d fo rth . The ii show th e g lad ia to rs a re f a r a fiasi

D lsa l te m o o n o l b lckcrlng saw ^ «i I I I , - — ed Um

'our Teams Win "i;; Toumey Battles ili'

— — sore &rwoU im ierlioopcootestiln’TwIn Ametii (ill MJor Wgh aehooJ Bamakelball tournament eUmlnaled sayi h me room teama from 019 and 111 lyn to ' It amaU margUi in yesterdaya got thi rie* of lour games. Boom 108 luc- or at eded in edging Old In a 10 to his gr ucouiitcruidJlTcam Boutontop Dlamo■«-‘W-»-M-dMhwJih-3}l.^-------- -----n i l team trom JI8 defeated 210, f | ] to 0, and $11 rllmlnateil OT, 14 f f p l 7. Tho four games yesterday vere i l v l wa ih# White dirislon. H)e next rles ot games wilt be in the ned 1 rlslon and Till be pisyed Tutsday II next week. «

Playen yeatenlay were; Room m Donald NeUsoa, 1; BIU Noble,- f: n /«« . ilbert NeUm, o; Max Mois, g; WODl ilph Olmuead, g; and Robert U rllson, subaUlute. Room 018 - Hr Reynold#, f ; lUehard W ee, t; chird RaDdall, e; Frank Held, g:IllUm Randall, s . and Harold Pul- sr. subsUtute. . Room 317-James lUey, f : Dftrrcl Andrewi,'l:.Jlow- d Arrlngton, c; Robert Alnfp. c; UyBade.g.Boomm-Robertlite- ncktn. t ; I n in Jtaidy, / ; Ktx u“ coavln, c; Oene McCoy, g; and ck McRlll, g. p t - r rRoom OS~MUbum Wilson, 1; dgeway WJJion, f ; F^ltt Woods, c; ( H )nald Zuck. g; Donald White, g ; ' ■ ■ Id E ugen i WIndle. s u b a l l iu U . | |B »m 311 - Loub Edwards. 1; ■ ■ Ilph Downihg, 1; Kenneth Dye, c;. iVon ZTuff, t : Jay Dutson, g. and l i S ijTnond-EBdK-wbsUtule.-Room| H 0—Chad FUmorr, 1; Oon F u r s e - i ^ ^ | R, f ; Wsiyne P u r ^ n . e: B U l j ^ H -aiell. g: James Ford, g; Donald, drldge and Fred Fewlos. tubsU-j .;'niV tes.Room llS-KennelhHawklns.1 tv 'T" Alfred m ib . t ; Colilns Ifclmi, c: lly HlggUiboUim, g; Earl lUyes, and CaiTOU Jligglns, substlute.

- ChanceMlsa

ish to Meet S ' Gophers, lilini s

_____ women• meters

c !rc u a m c S s t . 'S o f to n in a ’ •'“ “‘J

S c l) td u lf i,l le x t ' 'Y e a r ’s S'S G am es Show

■r— eventa• By A U K COULD Olympi

JfEW VORK, Dec, If.M V N otre S!>9 me, in the proceia o f n sh a p l^ 1 ne f rid to n policies aad allbnees, wUl n nol “aoflen lnr lla achedule..., a .0 FighUng Irbh meet.PilUburgh (1 ^Unnesolft oo successlte Satur-

iH g|£:]£ '..°r‘,Z H aiand home series d 2WlU] nUnoiiiiM, J ( ]

b o e n ar-mwWng j ;aj,

the fln l time the Irbh ftnd Uie Mnvrf

i S B f a l f l comDct■ > a £ 5 S | lo Urnu alnee m riT i

Bob Z u t ^ has u i * ■ K H H been head man nichfle

a t Champaign.Zuppke a n d ^ l o 3 (

. the lata Knule ^ « s<, wnflnad 4 J l t<^UHIOULD their rlralrr ex-sH-ely to tha annual. 'Urown l^'lbon,b r story teUlng contest..,.7>ia «*« *t J and cnly Ume Jhe necn t books m»tas. iw Illinois played Notre Dune w u 1* 1005, long before elUicr o f Uie

»grtat coaches occupied Uie grid- P n r t a chain a t Ihe^e InsUtuUons.... „ fre Dame won. 5 to 0 . . . .Notre G f ino pUytd MlnnesoU In 1811-2S- the JrbhwJanJflg 1*0 games and ftJB ' ng (tie oUier.... Tlie Rt

Vhlle a:i OlU '■fiomecomlng-rlt Is manifest In lhe great Amir- * i lS ? n ffildJaEds. s'h7 doesnt. No!« tne gel logeUicr again wlUi Neb- k a j< ..’m u great loolbaU rival ^ ' was broken otf a decade or so ^ I under aomewtiat acrlmonloui :um sunccs...,lf tlie llan srd j l^ h ^ ’I the PrUicelons can forget and V ojr „

" ‘ Preslcfgestlon now b nol Wieiher the * s selecUon cf earl Harry iDtuchj rk u alJ-AaeHca uuarterback in J waa uiufled but whether ihe ner Colorado coUege aca doesnt mg among Uie atl-Ume all-stars.Eddlo Edgar, In the Detroit Free ss, Quolta Qua Dorab u ujlng rk Is ‘'one cf the best we will r lee.- u t opfnlan the lomer j j - n tV re Dame quarterback rxprtoed »ch»duli ■r walchlng Clark Ja h b srston a pro footballer.... amlUi i

S c h m e l» « K



By FAUL MlCKEtSOl) MjEW YORK, Dee. 11 Wl-Baae- Hi'a laiH t Uieao aong la *Thtf H: gray Judge ain 't wbat h e uaed Hbe," meaning tha t Commission- H j Keoesaw M. U n d b b geUIng

u'most'30 rea n ago. u a federal K Ige. he fined the Standard OU ^npany ol ln&Un» tn k HiKht rebate case; a i cccnmbslon- B n of ba«ball. ho fined Clexeland ^ 5W but let th# todla ta k « p Bob WMt

'Vlirr says, he ll demand $:0.000 plUh to? ClwtlMid n e rt «»&n. e Indians are worried lest he be lash in Uie pan. W.5lay Ocw\ had. to wtn M game*

ttie Cardinals before he r«*lv- tlie big money oked by FclK'r, >

0 wm Uve and lost thre« lu lson for Uib tribe.';'Vhy do the CardJ want to gel ' oC Dean? The ble reason Is be- iM he's got owner Sam Breadon e by picturing him aa Uie "all- erica tlghlwad.” which, b n 't 10. u Alti lanqueleer . . . Cuey Stengel Kries1 he had lo get fired by Brook- joe Dl •to be appreclaUd. filnc« Casey worrle the gate, he’a betn guest ol hon- iign i at tit banquaU and the end of pay Itg m y trmirUn't In eight. . Ijig ro

imond dust . ■ U lM t gossip forft(

elen Stephens Wil Announces Planso m en 's S p rin t Cliampion Filer

N ego tia tes lo r Job t( a s H ostess

. f l r 's c o T i r BESTOit n u IEW VORK Dec. I t m - l lc l tn ernblo phens, women’s Olympio sprint ccntra mplon from I^ lo n , Mo., came CoacIi Uiwn todsy "to aee bow much sehool ’ Radio Cliy win hold." open__________ __ She dedded it win ei

• w o u ld . hold ing. B quite I pile- and ^iie Uitn asld ahe wss negolUUng

n V ' - . . ’. l fo ra jo b u h o s -

here alter Jana- *'*'“ •arr,'’ taid Hel- File;

who will to 13InYtt Winiam utyu Woods c o lleg e « monUL “I ,3

noe lo make my living here." _Iba etepWtn* « W abe ^onytr ih la p In mind: aha b think- “ of gctUng manied, though she • Sum

vW n o t dlTulips U « name ot the n: ahe wanU lo tako up tap- nciiut idnr, #nd ahe might plsy the monlci on a nudetlUe lour. s^niBi list BUphena, who better^ ^ luw nen^ world and Olympic 100 :ers records with a matk of 11.4 * mds a t Berlin, has turned down •ral offere to tum prfocsslonaL 1 h u no IntenUon of giving up H , 1 amaUur sttndlag. and wlU con- W . J

In to on tbe dbcus and thot put ^ nU between now and the IMO A mplct In WlU start training Immedl- PAV y for tho'wlnUr campaign. She Brlghi

ran In tho Sugar Bowt track Couga: It a t Kew Orleans, December oMhe

-- UsktV

aiiey Overcomes Wchfield, 51^15s e

— — for ltlAILEV, Dec 11-Ooach Alien confer ffrles* Hailey Wolverine Cubs n -t, ■ed noUce on Casa B bukettall ipeUton here toiUlit by accar- carte, a landslldo Sl to IS Wctonr u ond h entlro aquad aaw atUon agalnsTWield. ___alley glrb, howerer. dropp»d a0 38 verdict to U« “nger maidens1 game Uiat u w Blchfleld hold I to ID had a t halfUme.alley boys, paoed by Bonan and - wn, rolled up • 37 te-9 mar- a t the half and conUnued to

ease Uie margin as the end of game neared.

irtland University Grid Coach ResignsJRTLAND, Ore., Dec. i t W>-

Rev. Michael J. Early, pred- . of Uio Unlvenlly of Portland,Buneed acceptance "with real e f today of tho reslgnaUon ot tne L (Oene) Murphy, head ball and tu e b a ll coach, who wai r prlrate btylness here, urpliy. A gnduale of Notre « , w ith whlth the Portland ol b affilUlod, came het« tn . H b fopUiaU team th b year th rw and.WV four s trou .

esldent Early Indlealcd a Noire 10 gnduale would tuccced Mur- but aald “W« wUl Jiot name « tssor untu w« have carefully Ideted the ^allflcaUont of all hea available for the poslUoa."

ICER JACK ST0F8 SSIUI?'>0KAN& Wash, Dec. a W V r Jack Fox. .Bpokane Negro, iked oal Ford SmUh, KalUptll, t,- ln tha Ihlrd round of their duled 10-round bout here to- t. Fox weighed ITS pounds, h w u 41 poundi heavier.


l i n g C a i



Alrin Jako Powell. Yankee world ti" ’^ ies hero, will bo told o r traded .. ,k .t , » Dlmaiilo h u th s Yanka mUdly rried. T iey tried to get Joe to n up a t a reasonable boost In '< y the oUier day but Uio clout- [j,*. i ( rookie dashed out of tba room n . . . . ■ a conferenoe with reUUves.

fildcats Trim biiconjUl

T l 1 / I • 1* dnwal£denGnzzoes.sIgnstlc

' slon. aiier H oopsters Get

to Good S fa r t by Win- cw re ning 46 -2 1 V ictory S i'S “

FUER, Dec. U-Showlng consld- - , Ible prombo as-a threat In soulh | t * J , ntral Idaho hoop wan thb season, IJIIJJ iftcli Jimmy O’Brien'a Filer high 1001 WlldcaU ran wild tonight to r i en Uie leaMn wlih a 41 to 31 L n ortr CoacK Earl Eggen’ invad- 1 t. Eden a r i s e s . . n ie WlldcaU run up a 3S to 6 Id In Uie first half and’ Ihen Five uU d to victory. Harshbsrgtr led t Filer scoring wllh l i polnU, fol- . B ved by Oentry wUh J l and Miller Ul 10. Ileuttlg lAced Eden wlUi 10 polnU asdBodciiliamtr Kored - [lit. . . ,1BUHFiler's second Uam Kored a 31 2*

la rtctory over tho Eden re- r a In a prellmlnar}-. the opnio Wildcats wlll invade Eden for against return game Tuesday and next nt Hag «k-cnd will play two gaoies In Buhl Item Idaho. meeUng Sugar Ciyr Uv'esay

Friday and playing a t St. An- with l> )ny Saiurday nlghl, O'Brtm said, tlw Hi Summary: lhe yeiriLCR « l) KUEN (211 RCtUl

K ’. ' M . - i i f r J I i ' K ' I ' S ; S 1r»hbu|»f (II) _C_______ mrmrt« CObb, 1Uf u 5 ) -------i.u (I) «»ia but tbeTlaiton (t) nn Smllli“ s s f f i S . s s s ^ s s . A S C 2. Bimni sad BrtvDcr. 0|cl( ^


vY.U. Defeats - S Tiger Basketeers

_____ Junior7AYS0.V, Ulah, Dte. 11 (J> - UuUtr, Igham Young university's fbshy lal Cu ugar quintet trimmed th s T lttn Howard th# Unlwrjlty of Idaho, aouth- Senlo

1 bnneh, 30 to 34 In a whirlwind plonsht] iketball game tonight. Juniora. m e Idahoans played delermln- Coul ly but Ihelr tale w u sealed wllti to Uke j'.opentng whistle. Tlie rangy ttoford ugan snipped through tho game perienti 'A precliKm heralding great Uilngs to maki • them In lhe Rocky Mountsm ker, Ev iference. Ulllan Otlmers, D. Y. U.'s lelt cuard Jorle Mi md itie rme for nlno point.'. HancocI rU, Idsho right guard, was see-' .Mercer, d high wllh eight potaU.________ nd Bel

• FinEST(

• S P E C I iComplete

1. r rn tv t iubricsllon ol all navlagesllnr cenneclloB*.

5. n il all fop* with prepar grade atJ r»eelt'hftk.Chirt«<laslicly.4. milnt liMd Utlnf rbmpi and bin 5 Oillnr (an, t^neralor, dlitrlboUr a ti tabfluHnff door hlnirs. I«ka, we : Oillnr thrnlll" and ipsrk adjwliw a Oillnr brake rodfc elnlfw and sU( .H lh lfn ln r« h f f ll« belli

ID, Olll., M r W1> ■"< p*"'Jl. Lubritrtnr ittfrinr gear bBoalag. j:. l,Bbrlfsllnc «h« li eqalpped wlUj IJ. Sprajlri er painting iprior aaaemb U ChKk iraBimli'Ion aad dlffemilb

FIR E S T O■ PHONE 7S . ■ ■


i m p s F a■« . W W

t t s S q u a rkthwest May p Adopt Plan For Open Subsidizing

^acuity R epresen ta tives to ■ Rccommend P a y m e n t- o t - S ala ries to A tiiletes I in C onference's Sohoois ■

DALLAS, Dcc. 11 m - U n - I nipcacliQble sourcca ea ld to -ilRht a p la n fo r o p e n su b - i -Idiring o t a th le te s by so u th - «...i-esl cQnferenco schools w ould ,ic ic co m m en d td a t th c e x ec - ; j- itlvc session o t fac u lty re p -csen ta tlvcs tom orrow . ^

O ne SOUTCO sa id a su g sc s - ^lon m ig h t be m a d e to Rllow •tlilelw a limit of |W monUily a t ^»y during sehool monthly ■

VlrglnU Ilarb Chargei .niCHMOND. Va.. 1XC.-11 WV- M

h«i Unlrerslly of Vlrglnl* chirjed f* is t present BouUieni eoolerfnco i» ■ ;gu1attona -lireedt luipldeti, db - U . ■usl, and mutual reerlmlnatlons" nd submitted lU reslgnaUon to ban lat is-ytar-old ahletlo i r tu p » t s annual session here Uto today. n ie rs w u no dbcusstan of thoiowelTnrjihlara’ch»«»f»«bt*T ^• Ihe organUaUon, and P o w t ^ lelcher, conferenco president, tald0 acllon WM necesaan v sA ti « « anjUl-jUon U> compleU the wlUi- n nwal of lhe Inslltulon: 1, 1)1 Cajnln Pritchett, Vtfltala U U ' Uileilc director, who read the res- ustlon. wlUidrrfw from Ui# aea-on. and alU r heittn* rou- ne reports,' deltgaW from' Ibe Jitr 15 m tm btr echooU Uunched wtr dlrcusikm ot tlw centrofenlal • raham plan, tbe conference meUi- QODi1 of prohlbUlng tubeldlzatlon.

ndians Prjictice' ForHoopOpeneri;

______■ COIVCll

ive L e tte rm en R eturn to " m , BuM Sfluad, B u t Ace

P iay e rs A re Gone m v.— ■■ nalrti

BUHI>.Dec. ll-W lth the,return rivo lettermen to hb squad,Cosch » oyd Lult b drminr .hb BuW Jh tchool bsikeUer* nlghlly for '0 opening game of Uie season Suit alnslthestrongHagcrman(julnUl ooouilUgcrman, December 22.

Duhl rescn'ea and Coatli Fred h'mh9]i I'eaay’s IndUn maidens wlll tangle lh MurUugti, December 1«, but uodi , » Hagennan Illt ti Ihe first of juta; a year lor the Indlaw.[letumlng to « l t this ytar wlll bc rry llopklns. Pele .Boyd, Francb bb, Itcx Voeller and BUI Atkina, W a ] t tbe Uam I t seriously handicap- . d ,by loss of such sUrs u Jim V negar. Verne Ballou, Ralph Morse, ck Atkins and'Ererett Cox.- ;vAl

fiflBSdUiUd ' WV-TSlhers on lhe Ilrst tUUig are ballU !ri# Brown, Jim Shields. Jim from rU, Luk« Sonner. Volney Hop- markei a , H al Van Oatran, Ray Hoob- Hall r, Don Babcock, Benny McElroy. Whim nlor Miller, Joa McSroy, BUI Edllr Uer, T td Pencc. Neraian lljiler. of w. J Cunningham, Merlin llajs and .points. m x i Jonea.U nion won VM InUrtHaa tham- nshlp Monday by defeating Uu J 0 ‘> lion, 38 10 31. ■ LAH,'AMti Fred U-fnay b -ptonlns Uke ft sgutd of his girls Cas- f ford next week to gli-e them ex- ■te«filn»pi»cllttMs»!on,Th(i» unlvers mak# Iho trip arfHlrJorle Tuc- coacl ’, Evelyn Johnson, A":e Taylor, conflm llat\ Leth, Dotb t/'rton. Mat- Youn le Morgan. Eloulic Watl. nobrrta job-’ to ncock. Jo SamaelJ. Madeline winter, teer, Marie Kerpa, MiryStlchUr day. h«1 Helen RaUibun. •___________ Club ti

TONE’S “ l A L f o r T Ote LUBRICATKivla* parU equipped wllh tabn*

Ie e( lobrlrauL '

I'htaget. ^l«r aod sUiter maior.. ^I, wedgea aad clampt.ulmaat tlAfcac. ' J Sd sUrUr pedal bevsing, # ^

• tllalnala ^ w ak* alag.irllh eeuieetlons.aembltra with peatlrsllnr eO- - vstuL

% U C AUTO s u l J T i t S E R V IC E

, SATPEBAt MOBtnSS. SECElJEM BBB 12, X m '........... —

i r A p a r l

re Off IIDoping Onefi

ll T M l m i T i l iANTA CLARA'S ImmedbU worry w u ( ilan, bat tbe Bronco football team, oa eteven la tlie aattoo. abe had Um Nev with toulaUM SUU a t New Ortaana « fibair,'6ani* Clan's eoacVhard •> wei pnctliw’workoot. He wosldn't aay whei U.,5. Phoie,____________

Iooding Legion { Defeats Collegers

_____ m m

lobcat B ask eteers Downed In T hrille r tiy S to re i h . ;

of 3 0 to 2 9 - ™ ,OOODING, Dec. ll-S p te d / bas; iiecrs rtpreitnling the Oooding £ y , oerlcan Legion opened Ui# hoop I., ai ason here tonight by scoring a 5- & inl-fought M to 39 victory ortr ' ' )aeh Cltm Pjirbcrry'a Oooding Urge BobcnU.Tlie gam# w u nip and tuck m. m roughout with Uib Legion holding U lo 13 lead at haUtlme.DeWltt Keller paced lhe Legion- llres WlUl 13 counten and Pat- reott acored lUjw. Uaglund Ud Uia • . llcge wllh seven u id Rugh of tho Uego and Woody ol Uie Legloit ch counlcred stt.Summar}-;lUUINn UOION G00DINa-C0I.U BC

r ” . . ' ! i = i s = i ' a s s i a g g5 S i r " ; ; i . s,it (1), otuM (I) soa »un«eii ti). clas»

' ' —------- Drow

laho Scores 25-21 °j« Win Over Whitman ai“o

•- • - ' in UliVAU-A WALLA, Wasli., Dcc. 11 —Tlie University of Idalio batkel- .. II Uam won. 3S lo 31, liero lonight im \Vhllman college In a game f h jk td by 3& penonal iQUli. tpnn l lalf-tlme scora was: Idaho IT; Norci lllman 13. W n,:Mllngloii of Idalio-and Anderson uU. 4

Wlillmsn. each scored seven of a

-_____ . p01N8 OLTMnO CLVB TEAM ■

ARAMIE, wi-o.. Dec. 11 m V | V Young, 0-foot ll-lnch eenUr m Port CoUlna, Colo, announced ay ho had quit tho Wyoming i venlty buketball squad. I oaeh Willard A. (DuUli) WUU firmed Uie announcement. I oung said he needed -<i beller ’ to tlfij In toHtue d'SVtnc the ter. Hn will Ic.ave litre T u«- ; he said, to join the Olympic b ttam of San Fnncbco.





■ Ca


410 MAIN SO.

t I n D e i, -ti iS

n Battlefo r i;S .U . r





. 8

t €mtcai

C hrth eBro:on>poiIn nu t

S kth e im 1cepb In U

I t and expei

« today^i gami with T tx u Chrb> o&ly wabeaten and mlled ma)or

ew Y e*rt Sngar Bowl tngagrreeat in j„ a ea t u nlod^ And here'a ■’Back- i,!tu werk ehartlBr iiew-pUyt btfort * rhetber they w m 4er T. C, V, er _____________________________ -jbol

B o w l i n g l_____ th s l

Femlnlas bowlen of Buhlcr't Orin tf# downed Uio ChevroleU ol Twin ^ UU Olty league lu t night. 310 Indlc I 3139, in two out of Uireo gamei. lerer Urs. RuUi Rogen led sbigla game Orlci ;orlac wlUt 179 and Edwards of tn s laOherroltUtoppedtbaterietwlUi Bowl 15, d a y :w thm tr f odw lly nupnupn ffo -u deep

CtTY tM Otm ThDuUtl'l foolb

: W , r = l S I!! « lS .<™ c ; S S f „ - = : l i ! li! i ! i i i “ J ', BiUrr ,1 1» »4 i n ^

111 Jll U ? il l l (Udal Chtns »i UtTOJ

i f e slia i i s•Uetl --------------_ l i J i i i t i !* quire1*< Ol i n l l t l rive I

---------------------- cach

’ a l i f o r n i a F i g h t e r

W i n s O v e r B u r l c e B i f

BOIS& Dec. II WT-flunmr ;to*n of Fresno; Callf., pounded ut a 10-round decblon over Jackie J " urke, Ogden, UUli acnpper In ths lain erent of a boxing card here ‘might. cnn*The speedy Negro completely out- tnan .assed Burke from tho l in t gong, how rown weighed lU ..pounds and aeemurkol48. ---------------------------thanJoe JarvU, in , alable-maU of son. urke. Von a fl-round decblon over Thi l Oreco, IJS-pouDd Dobe IlghUr by J I Uie scffll-flnal bout on Uie card, man,

'■ -‘ Imeu•.MAN MOUNTAIN* tVINB pount

PHILADBLPHIA. Dec. 11 t « - “ 4 ' rank <Msn Mountain) Dean, SOT, Tbi orcrou, Oa. fUtUned Frank Sex- Salmi n, 23J, SedalU. Ohio, In one mln- vallej e. 43 seconds of thc windup match w u s

a wrtilllng ahow lonight. h e n i

Buy Your Used A WriUen Mo


■ E I E I ^ ^

•'36 Ford T u d o r S e d a n ----------'.16 F o rd D cL uxe Coup*—radio'3 5 P lym ou lh S e d a n ---------',15 D e lu x e F o rd o r Sedan—

tru n k , rad io , h e a te r ......M l D cLuxo F o rdo r S e d a n ____'29 C h e rro le t C o u p o _________'.IO C hevro let Coupe _________'.lO C hevro lel C o u p e ........ .........M l C hevro let D eL uxe Sedan _M l C hevro lel T r u c k _________MO Ford C o u p o ..........'.‘{1 Ford T ow n SedanM.") Ford P i c k u p ..................... ...

— M:i Ford T ru ck — nctv*molor, s lannd h c n t c r ..............................

M t P o n llac S e d a n ___________M t Fo rd T ru ck _______________31 Ford T ruck ______ .'______

Cash o r T erm s I I P a y s to See Yi f o r E conom ical Tram

U n i o n M oiY o u r F O R D

m a r i d iAr idt

e R o y a l l

5roncoslinel)p-T As Favorites At Odds of 10 to 6

.o u is ia n a S t a te 's O p pbnen f

- i n — s u g a r ^ o w n i s l i s ^

G re a t . R ecord A g a in s t

Cliolce to r . C o tto n B o w l ..

SAH FEANCI6C0, D te . 11 I F ) - T w o IlSM Ins IlHllbllll cam s, th e colorful T exaa Christian H om ed F ro g s a n d h e u n defeated S a n ta C lara ironcos ro ll down th e c u rta in n th o colleglato g rid iron p o r t In th is section tom orrow • n a enm o 40,000 fa n s w ill v le v 13 8 " b a tt le o l th o Bowls,"SanU Clan, only major ekren In 1# countty wlUt nelUier defeat nor ^ In lU ,rtcord, already h u ae- . cpUd ft bid to meet Loublana StaU I Uw New Orleans Sugar BowL T exu ChrtsUan, twlco defeated nd twlco held on even te m t. It ijiecled to accept an tnvlUtioa t o ' ppear In the CotUn BoftL

BalUa Beyal Each team Uiereforo h u added ‘ " icenUn to win tomorrow and theatU# royal between tbo two U « • ___1Kl«d to «urp«u I h 'th r f l i r a ^ l iu d lay Uie meeUnp In and JtS3 •boUt won by T#xu by Uto mar*In of fbld g o ^Sentiment locally favon tha Bion- M. Tliey win line up oa Uts lonf d* of 10 to a odds. ComparaUrely ters u m u # to chooso betivea IS tWft

TDSdALOOSA. Alt., Dee. 11 tdlCftUont tho SouUKaitem con* ‘ treneo wlU affmiU wlUi Um Nev rleantnldwlnUffporUMiocUUoa . I tponsorloi Um a anuil S u ite owl football clatsle developed l o ­iy In Uie annutl meeUcg of ttM MP souUt aUileUo orgaabaUoit.The propoaal w u referred to the. lolball commlUee w h k h .w u ln« rucUd to confer wlUi memben ol 10 Sugar Bowl grouit.A propotal w u adopted barrlnf uembly of frethmen fooUuU can- idaUt prior lo opening of collego Itmt. . .■nw conferenc# bam d tnovlea fo r.. :ouUn| and InstnieUanal purpoaet Iday aod veloed a propotal to f t- ulre each tnember to play a t 'le u t re Inua-ltague gridlron.oppontnU._.l ich stasoa

i i g T r o u t C a u g h t

I n H a g e r m a n V a l l e y ; .

IIAOEHMAM,, □ « . n -W liJtaf taUier aeems no drawback to land* lg a good caUh of trout In B tg - ■man valley, prorlded Uw flther* an h u the proper lurt and know*Hr io use It. In fact Uie big ones em more wlUlag to grab ft bait lan they were eartler-tn llw sea-— n.T hb w u demonitntod Tbanday r UeniT Howard, loeal Ibher. an, who bnught la two fine tpee-' tens of Ul# Rtlnbow'varlely.'tho rgest weighing a UtU# over tlx undt and tbe smaller one, Uute - Id ft QutrUr poundii.Tbt big Ibh were hooked a t h ra ilmon falb, a UvorlU tpot ta the Her lor anglen. The tlx pounder ts among Uie latvest trout dtught ro thb eeason.

id Car Wilh loney-Back ntee

^ i j^ i l iT E E O

...... ............. ................ 1545dio, h e a t e r --------- - 590___________ ______ 495 e

585 •. '__________________ 410__________________ 150__________________ 175___________ ______210t _________ ______ 465__________________395__________________175______________ ____ 275................. ................. 395slakc.hodv ,„ _____________-125

_____________u - 365__________ _ 385 •

___ _____________ 145 '

Your Ford D ealer f i r s t insporiaH on •

) to r C o .) D e ^ e r

= = = = - = s = b S I

Page 8: mW]f X l iLS P]AILY - Twin Falls Public U»* AiioeU SALT LAKE CITY. Dec. 11-^ rich north central Utah Park ( peace

i M i a n E'■HESlDfiig. M alorlly o l iie o e n t' M a r - ®

• k e t Loaders Decline i | : In Heavy T rading £

MARKETS AT A G U N C E I rHSV7 TOBC Ok . 11 « ? - ' [• e toc to -In tsU t; tpccUltm up „

' u l*»aeit httlUle. "- BoDdi-InipreTwI; TT. 8. jot. ^ enuuoU th tu l . ^

toauiMtU ftln . Mrdiin B c b u ir * — mcrttw! *;

.. ilerllbr and fnmcs dip, “*2Oottfln''Uiinr: imuldillon tnd

tKdcg « llln j: I m r e»blc». .SugirrHUhn-; lln a ipot m»r-

d a jf» -7 ln n : BruUUn buylnj. ”

Chittio:. W Jittt-E u r ; pffalitent prof. «■ tl.UHny_____ T“

Cofn-Lower; Dectaiber Uqul-' d itln f Mles. „


pricrd ipeeUIUo held' moat o( the buylniln ltreinm odiy 'i Itoek m tr- ««>

. kel While the nulority ot r*«nt ' leaden v e rt left lo i&ljt for them*. i*lr«. ^ NJ■ . VUtoni or ImproTftl buiiaei* uu l J® ;

fiKcuUUn proliu hopet, broken Jl}; i» ld.'»ttrw t«l wid# publlo ptrUcl.

•paUon In numennu Um* »ellln« " * belMf IJO. *■ On tha oUitr h»t«l. many traden wtre thouiht lo baro loUgwed th tlr JJ** u>u»lciulomofil«pplngoutof«mo ?«■

-.aiaioit uiwxpocted n m , happen-

^ b r l i k pltkup. In London «cu r.Hie$ nftK U d J**miln* lenitoi over Um abdiatlen o( Rlns Zdvird and

-.domHtle n u r tr t IntemU to roreip t lfa ln appeartd to haw waned CTO* iUcnbljr. ^ ^

m t r n p t n m a t i Mfitocki In tho farored clauei were u A

tumed orer tn fuch lario .rolunu SKi' • do itaf’ tho I ln t bour er *0 the aUi . tfekv Upo Inquentlr feU behind

fioar tfMUor. { b o ^ I a p tiow-■ od tom tvhtl ta u te r trading. KZ

■■Tmaitn touled 3,811^1 ihaTti. ileu!- ih t Urieat tunurer tloeo Norem* tl03

ber I t , lu t . and eoopued wilh ipol i m m jreotcnlv. H ». AuoeUtwl fu tu

: P r tt t a n rtfo of to itocki w u o tt ipot 4 o( k potat a t m 8 t . t

ABOlhsrbooitlnleadprtcMlaUed Lmili .. {^ ’(pur mintnc. floeki. 1110 nU i non;

took » ree m .to await ilgni of * quid decltlon b r the IntenUlo commeret mlU

. tommlelen:. o&' the e itn ilo n o( jem enR ner m ith t n tea. Official . f itv m en U tt wttk'a c»r lowUnn Oil

—'4lKlo*ed;&.leu.Uiin;Kaion>l ad*. ilT«,.

______' Klb U]

• MONR- • whll.^Ksvr y o w t.D o o . 11 i f M u n

.fluecr ftM dr; 1 per em t • “ 'Uy:prlffle eoomcrcUl paper per cent; » . . tUM lo tn i (teadr: bo da7i*6 mcolhi ehld

: t u p tr cenl offend: banken ae- roott e ^ c t e unehanced; redlieount joou n u T u . T . R ew re Bank^ .lU , pW g j *

> _____ .. toutiiu ; t

CO nO N • lb 17,- ■ UTW TOWC. DOC. 11 WV-Oolton o n

.«tettd«tseralbr t te )» polnU net ^


" ' “ ' " - S i s g A a s " : ^ KVDdmntiM buuticn. g/

ita. — 8Aj

IS - — —#ptla| UfflM _________;----1'

(Ut* ' Cl

btti. v a in * lb*.--------- lo Onlo:ce£n« n u u n .~ m 4 im. ._ ^ io e caiarM ( w i . : i l to 4 ««. . . . . ^ lo e m»«' Lttbon R7*r*. onr a ib*. _ i o e uIcj; i f f i ” 50-Ib ySSur^ _____ ,7 , MDTDOOM------------------------------------TO Tticlo m , ----------- ---- ------------------rc , 4

TatktTi tto. 1 (Or(M«d ptlM)

Touai tomi. Ks. U , He .Teuu b m Ha. U ,.Ho >

xa. i UM«r m*oiBB »ne« ATXN ^ B u l 0«H ----------- ---------------------- UO jjijj,,

rr»«K* Era

S a r s ^ ^ S ;

OAOtMl Rortbtnu. Ka. IJS JO t o u n M •.V A O nu HorUmni, Ka. s lp jo te u .u 3‘> 11a s a a t i — —

o n ta «Bl KmrMd I}j g n

SSott M — 1!:3

re d loot ,J f(Baft |vl«* te tmwtn) * X

‘c,S. • M a n M e tt f t.

:■ ■ ^ ^ S h h S ’ ? S t i ------------ lo aod 100 1 c

K ^ Rutet*. pomws s s r ± = = = s ^ i s i ^ ^ !

m «9t* • for I

______ - 7 . : MK i a : a a y . — c»:

y i m g a a r ■

I s to c k M a rk e t A verages | “

' iBdiM JUlll DUI. Btooii a i “ 2 ! : : s { S i s i S i Brrtnem* u jr . m4 n j s u ‘ii-o J ^

iS lfc S i 11 Si iliiS'ES^ f i ili Si Lu o rm to t IB rK«Dtjr>«n: r l

iS S!?E'!SJgi '!!i 'i!J iT re n d o l S ta p le P rices a

NEW YORK, Dec. AuO- [ 1:Uted P re^ wel<hl«d whcrfeult prleo index o t SS commodlUM todiy decUned to eeJT.

P m louK lay « ,C , wtek t r > « .« , ( c : nonth .a to B3.e5, TTM.

RtDie ot rtcent y n n :in'< lD3i 1(34 l tu

!U|b ------ M .« 1B.M liS i ■ 69a ^U n r_____7131 71J4 6Ji3 4M1 ____

(Ittfl areraso «)uali 100.)

BAR BILVEB NZW YORK. Dec. 11 (4 -B « r lU*

rer iteady and unchingtd at 4i!i.


;urrend« rtjU lertd Mctlonil Iw - a In tenni of Ihe dollar today fot* oirinf calmer markeu abroad. aiui>< ClMtng rates; Fronce dcmind. aiiim

cables. Montreal In {1*“ , lew York. IW » S ; Ne»i Yotk tn J S c fontrefl, f t m . ^ *

q ^ s m n f S ^ f f D B Am S>NBW YOIUC. Dec. Jl W7 - Bond JS ?

uoutloni: Am I'lH t 47-SJ_____ ;_________ u u tKl 0-45 ----------------------- 110,15 olltlI 44-M ------------------------- : J « Djoiil;>&» «*M _______________1HJ7Hi 40*4) June—_ _ _ _ 106.18 c*iu

i : ; r i ! ; ± = ; K EKl «*4# _______________ JIO.IJ ^

!u '«9-m ' L — „. ...... loa. , ? b 5I BI-M ________________ 100.13 S2*^'.n M-M ---------------------- 1W.B COIU0il l ' «i-47 ........................ 106a ^ ,Ul 4W7 r t f ____________ 100.18 c m 'Us 46*81_______________ 104.7 ^ ■Hi m - m ---------------- — m a g a .

federal Pima M orinte g«i *1 4» — ,— :.:--------------10J.4

Ifomt Ownen Lm b b m fI A M __________________104J4 W» IjK t'49 _________________ 103.4 SiSSKl 4J-44 _____ IOJ. Ojner

. , MCTALS o ^ y NEW YORK. Dec. U WV-Copper «ady; electrolytic spot and future a m i lOiO; export llOfO. n n itesdyj at~V M u A nearby »S3J7>i to lUJO; ','u Jturo I31 i7» to MJ. Lead Ilrmt }"» '' Mt Ntw York IMO to U JI ; E u l j° t ^ t. Loull 85.18. Zlno firm: E u t 6U Jotm. mds-ipot and futurt M.U. AnU* lony. Ipot lia.75. Iron, aluminum, u*Qtii uleksUhf, pUllnum^and woltn* «=*«ilU unehanced. uid c

cmcAQO rsoDUCE OIUOAQO, Dec. 11 wv-Poullry: uoior rt, 54 trucks; iteady a t decline: Kun enT4!* n ru p “36U;'Jfss Ihsft 4JJ K H I IJfl: leihora hena l l : iprlnii i ii*i c > up colored l i plymoulh roek 14. ^ hlle rock 14'.i, lets than 4 Ib col< red 14. plynwulh and white roek Kotw m : colortd broUen 18. whllo rock }gJ5: I, Plymouth roek id: leghom r*nm ilckens IJ: rooiten IJ, leghom — lotten IJ: turkeyi, hens 17, young „ m i 18, old IS; No. 3 turkeyi 13; jcki, whllo 4>i lb up 14, colored ,Hi, small whllo and colored l i ; ^ ,1^ luthem geoi® 11. northem geete i;^ttpon» r i b i up IB, leu th w 7

Dritied lurkeys: iteady; hens,

). a (ukeys IS; soulhwetUm tur* yi, younc tomi and hem 18»*l». flutter: B.l»3; iteady; unchanged.E gp: 4,983; eaty: e«tr> flrtU cart Id local S l; tresh gnded flnU n and local SO; current receipU LOt ; refrigerator itandardi 37!i> n* DA)- ^ en lo r e x tru 37M. ' good


BAN fRANOIfiOO. Dec. II Ml White SO A )-B utter. icort. »3-33»c; to V)t -> »c:»0 -S 3c;t» -U c : eggs. Urge 'Hc; mediums, 37Kt; f i ^ l i , 314, leeio Unchanged.Poultry; DrolJen 38 to m e ; fty - - S ! I n lo 30c: ro u lcn 18 to Itc.

CIUCAOO ONION MARKET P i f CinOAOO, Dec. 11 Wl (USDA) i j i ' nlODi, fuppllu includlne truck rt*Ipu fairly llbenl. Demand slow, cturta arket about slesdy. Carlot tn c k round In : Michigan ycllo«s. U& No. 1 u£ .’ < rib 'sack i, l .c a r « -p e r -c « n f to Mmm I per cent 3 Inch aod larger fi7Kc. Otiloi rack tales less thbn- carlotA- ih o 80 lb ucks, ValencUi, 0 4 .9.1, few ttles 7Se. ^

LOS ANOELES PItODUCE 10^11 LOS ANOELES. Dce. II iFi O ft* ,u n r t ice Bxchangt) - ReeelpU: Butter ?uti *10 lla; cheese 37J00 Ibl. esrly. Butter: n icon 33\ic; Sl icoio ilon He; M scon SSc: 89 score Slo. tiesdli Ibss: CandJrd clean n i r u Slo; retel^ me. Urge standards 39c; iame; dsUon edtum'exlni 38Hc. lo I {Poultry; Hens, colortd, 8U to 4 tpni.!i lec; routers, Barrtd Rocks, orer i lbs I9e; Olhen lOe.

■ (b-Bf ■_______________ ^ Bell



■ December 11 ' J io u ry DeUtery

1 c s r __________ . . . . • B7 can ^ 3.70 BT.I csr ....... _____________3.71 Hop5 c a n -------------------------3.73 lb up iClcalng bid 13.70 to 13.73. day's i

Msreh D.Uve,7-01d ,jjc OrNo sale. i , i . jCloUng bid, 048 to U . t t o itr t

March Dellrwy-Ne* , , ,1 a r __________ .............13.15Closing bid UJO lo «.17. ^

IDAHO POTATOES " f * " IDAHO FALLS, Dec. 11 W (US U -«hlpp ln j pobt InformaUonr ■rhunday: *t«kr Upper Valley: Carloads In*; c u h f " ick to dealen: Bw ieu US. 1, a «1'1 hir «fe* rtporW but (nmrriclcnl »10; tquote.U.& senenll)- niablUhed f e r t(iilcet. UJ3. 2 l.:o>i.:3'.;. t t ; io i;H>> to (TDjtri bulk 1 ^ C7t: . Slie<


H 0 M 0 R 6 D F O R PATCMTi W G 'a C O SO *ffO A NO


J f B O f M= ? ! * • &

.o io n c j , ------m r . 1 m j i j y »

r 'i 2 2 ’k

i sMlj j j j j 3?! u p l

a u 'V ie ie r ;* ’];* ^ny. ’S ' i u“r

IHlA J lu d w n ____ 41U *t> , « '<

■ l i fii! StiMn*-Rubbtr — U i 34L a«|< nunnn tn l'B tc lrls — >>1 < 3IU crnir

S s r = a : Sl; i s i s S S ? , E f f f Sn t W vt'oufu J I » ! l Sl'l » ) • Hum* '‘'E .n l r iT jZ Z I 34>; sl t 5«|k

E - S £ f “ S ”: E s ) i s I . SMIDI t^clllo___3l> Hb

l l l l l l ittbrm Pume :*■« }l>< ekl» Uoton _ IK, 11 11 Uoun nua P ublli_____n i j am 31»j WilKe

uie iT U J. 1 a few tales li0-1.6S stead Ulde polnU mostly 1,50*1.83. UB. Iambi J5*1.00, to 06r n n FWli-Burfey; C u k t i i f.o,b. quou ih Intck to dealen; Scarcely sul- niosll Jent trading rtported to r tp it- ' ) ,« « nl an etUbllshed market a t Ya­rns points; UB. 3 I3»*l.»\i. .Cssh to growen bulk per cvt: iSKU V 6 . 1 1.40-1JO, some polnU DO ^•1.50. Some polnU I J O - lk Caltlc S. 3 mostly 1J». Ib f t


LOS ANOELEa Deo. 11 (US fc«dei ()-Pot«toes: Stockton Burbanks Hog od 13.75 cwt, ordlnaty Wisconsin 9.90-I1 Ides tlAO to .11.65; Kem county 9.40*9. ItUh Quemi lugs IIIS lo $1.40; Bhe hlta. Row 11 lo 81A imitller 80 60; et «0c.


cinOAQo, Dcc. n on io s d a ) - d a » - taloes; 44; on Inck 338. loUl cn>n 8, IhlpmenU 517; iteady, lup- Call

M light, demand slow; tuked per «teen t Idaho ruiset Burbanks UB. No. f ^ ni 3.43*60; fair quallly, heavy to ter gr

lall 3J5.33; Colondo rtd lie - Cali jrts, VS. No. 1,-3.4S; Wbconsln veaier md whites UB. No, 1. 1J0*9S; f«<ler S.- commercial 1.7J: Wisconsin Sht' nncMta-ned Rtver tecilon esrly «'Oole< Iloi ptoiy gnded ISi.

8U0AB s o tTOV YORK,-Dee. 11 (,T>-R*w iir was unctiaiiged today a t 3.77 ' ipoU' and 3,75 for 1M7 quoU "1",“ ran i l t h no tales reported. J'S?” Allures sdnnced 3 lo 3 poInU ■ly on further trade and commls* n hoUM buying promoted . by sdlnejs ot the spol market, bul ‘V.pP J icled new the clow under JlquJ- Jon with tlRsl prlcti uncJiangNl 5?f"J I polnl-aefhlgher. Salei 4,6J0

'inuary 3.86b. Mareh 3.S3b, May Sb. July 3.87b, Seplember 2 .m .-BM.) • • nomlnlellned w u unchanjtd at 4.80

fine gnnulaled with a good " hdnwal demand reported.

• ilrJcU:I tent, q


IT. J06EPH, Dee. 31>» <USOA> Hogi P 3100: moderately aellve: 170 fairly up Itrong lo 5 hlglier tlian Thurs- jhan I I's atcrnge; llghl llghU strong to paid 1 Or more higher; top MJO: most 190 to

es Itood and choice 190 lb and able 1 r W.00 to $9£0; early sales bet- |9J»; 160 to 180 Ib 1935 to I9£3; 140 19,75;.

100 lb 18.73 to 1934. over 5Skttle 700; calTcs 300; ilow. weak; Ci her Indiffertnt cleanup markel sUugli slaujlittf Itccn. ytarllnsi, and aeUon

'Ilock; calvei and vcilera.steady; few 1 cken and feeders, iteady; only iteen t loada ahorl fed sleen otfered: weight 1 hetd good yearling »tecn up to absent

bwf n n mojHy « . » (0 M. down* f to « J 0: culler Rradrs 13 lo low pi lop TfWfrs 19. oibert M JO down, few t

aieep loooj led U ubi opening largtl;

, TW m FA LM D A IL t N]

I W A N T E . \ r r o . 5 5 e . . . * T H e _ ^ ^ ' 4T S IMVEMTIOM

g A

fO B K .

U M E I ^ lmncr a -----------10J)> 101 in • f i t 1

H ^ g g*aio c o i j --------- n i ii>! lu : 25c I(

S f c P l i I s f f= S,. Si! Sji “■'«

i I SlUUicm llclllo _ _ 43 4 41 i 4M; I laadtrd Drudi _ UU IS , uod Om K dm _ lU 1 « t|«Snd 0?t K .f Z 3 M i r. uviri W*m«r _ _ l>4 I t ; i*>! DA)-

- iS’* li ’ 12 ’ ? S ? « f i( S rn S r - r " ; i T?l: S h »t«*dTitU' Americ* ■r-.'T- lT«t n i , n j j butc)

! k 1 « = 'S 'si| l l ‘°s,i i io n -r .e in c -= .ra — lji» i- |ji» : f«w :DIM A irtnri___ n u t t m ! oddoiud a»* * Imp . M i H t; h JJ ^a ma Aicohoi 4i<-. a#ib «o;{ »rour0 nuDber______, a u 4ili o i drive

S ”! . i i r = S u f - ’- Sji 3f?,a s r i “ ^ s . , i ■£!! '& a n ,

CUltn MAnKR helfeiNEW YonK. Dte. It W)-curb (juo* bulk

ItlnlkrTlce_____ . VFftleiiKUIe noud *nd SIiii* .-.- -.. . 30?> am-

S l “ h,: r . ; i » i ; s S ."

---------------------a ; a ,s a g ° i = r - = = z = ^ j . ! » ■

fludler. ViVittitr Ud ComDkor

ru o } ptr (tnt dllf IM}-I6iu to <■ Hogs: _______m ,

umrUrlT Innmt Dhtrts 10 lO uod JovnUnfnu________ _fn.2a led IhNtw V»ik SlOflii *'" *"mtriein ro*tr »i«i LUUi_____ tt«i Up; tS , 7 V . r , .-ss S S l " L = } l j ! “ ? >* ^ o im i|r in iirt» __________ j l |; “P: o'

---------- !!’« to'W,ww Uat«^"~ZZZZ_______ JJI 100 tcS S t“t t - z = r : z = " r i • ''1 "ottTAmeilMn AtI.ilon______ lit. Plgt 1

Halt UktMIBlnr 10c III

------------------------------------------- s ^ .eady; early bids and s«lei nsUve inbs 18.75 do*-n! Ilirto loads 92 106 Ib fed wool Ismbs M.83; iheep, lottble Iteady; slaughter cJusei ^ * V ■oslly steady; odd loU plsln and " M17 ewes |3 lo MAO.

DENVER UVESTOCK DENVER, Dec, H m (USDAt- tllle 300: calves 60; steady; tU nbout

fed helfen 9,40; warmed up yeatlli !lfem.7J; beef cowt 4JS.355; cul- n 335-4JJ0; bulli 435; Tcslnr J0-9J0; stock sieers 5.00-BW; eder cowt 4 ^ .H op 9,500: 10 higher; 173-330 lb W-10,10; 110-175 lb 8.78.9W; io « ' 10*9X0.Bheep: l',700; sUndy: nn tl«s 835* “ Ubl :ewes3.M . . Umta


LOS ANOELES. Dec. 11 W) (US J 2 S »» -H op : IM; slow, about slesdy; ,Vk” aln feds WJ«-75.CalUo: 300; lully itcady; few fed *® x n 905; n m e steen 7,00.73J; w helfen 135; cows 4JO-5.75; cut- r r gndes 3M-4.35: buUs to 6.00, POF Calvea: 150: stesdy; few good -Hog: alen 10.00; calves 0^0*8.00: liesvy c hole :den 7J)0. medluiBheep: 350: steady: medium 84 lb llghUlolcd o u h Umbl 8.15, ___ lag tO'

— local iJAW FBANCISCO U V E S nX ^ ClU SOUTK kAN PRANCISCO. Dec. iteady (ff>>(U8DAt-Hogi;tm:top*nd "ble i Ik 160-335 lb butchers 10.40: Usiit f«<l V hU 9M*IO.OO; fev 345-320 Ib av* medlui iges 9.40-90; bulk packing lon's low cij 0, 175-3-OatUe: 15; -ileen and belter 3.S0-C Idt ■ she-itock . absent, nalesble bulb ■ pply about load low-gmde covri; 6.50; < classes quoted nominally sleidy; m o n l

9d fed steen qaoted around liO* 4M-e: ; good n n p cows quoted up to 0: odd held fleshy dairy rows itesdy 3*535; few common btilii 450.*}; cllne; od quoted up to 6.00. Calve.i: lo; nble ai mlnal good-ctiolce veslcn .QUoied table )und 6.50-9J0. . • arouni:Jlietp: 950; itesdy, two deeki good 3J)0-2S Ib short medlum*pelt Oregon fed to 3.40 nbs 7J0, sorted 10 per cenl;•IcUy good full-wooled lambs ab- •

CHICAOO UVESTOCK S S c JHIOAOO. Dec. 11 m (USDA)- ly renIgs 17,000. laeludjof eooo directs; O nttly active, moslly is to :se higher Hloryin Thunday't a re n p ; tnp tlOSS lied tiId freely: bulk good and choice I) to SOO IM 110 to 110.30; ccmDar- ’'tg leIB 150 to 180 lbs; largely »35 io ^ U lnDO; oerenl loads 110; best sows ^ 7S;.ihlppen 5000; Mtlmated hold-

Cattie 3000; calvei 500: most ■ughter classes steady wuii mue ^ Jon on modente heifer supply; n loads better g n d e ' yeullnp t n *9.75 '10 IllA ); medium OOL Ights 110.80; lUghty fin^hed kinds * sent; most of 'remaining crop Way 3 wnward from « ; scafffml toCs r priced helfen 1535 to n wlih' r MJO. »nd-abo«: brrf eows POR Stly »435 to »,; culler steidy,


—£ i T VOU'-ARE'-S DI Bl-tf-IT_.WnH SNOW. ^ ffll '/OUR caoia.t;6 r b o

I» I-


gndes 83.40 to It.lO; bulb tnd i-eal- I f l en Ileady; ouUldo sausage offer- Ilfl

Jucs.|5,6}, bulk 13.50; down; belter IH gnde vealen utually 19.50 lo tIOM: fen’ mJk U IJJ; slockers snd feed­ers ilov. Iteady.

Sheep; 9000 including no dlrecU; ftft Iambi opened mostly ileady to weak quality and weights coiuld- ered: cloilng dull; Ute snics 15 to SU 25e lower; aged slieep little changed; day's Umb top'1935 for eholce deck fed w eilem sjo small klllen and stilppers; |9 an lltb lo on sercniJ loads under 90 Ibs .bu\ bulk of dsy's arrlvab 18.75 down; nallve ewes MJO to 8435, few MJO. As


OODEN, UUh, Dec. 11 UT, (US ““ h D A )-H op:. 650; slow, no eatly *“J mles; demand Uckini:: tajklng iWady, or around 0.75 on bent . Dutchen; mixed kind* Quoted 9.05 “ oW' lown: packlifg sows 6J0-7.75. » «

c u tle t VKi slow, about tlcsdy; r»w loU-9ood.Joeal.iUc»,BJQJSt *«>;» « d hellen 6.00; plnln feeders iround 5JJ0; few medium and good ®»®i Irlveln cows 4.00-75; cutten 175- “ i" ' IJO; few bulb 3.75*4.15; late T liun- "»on lay, .aucilon prices Included, ear iood VIO lb Idsho stecn 7.00; load f68 lb Idahoi 8X0: load 837 Jb Idaho |J |« lelfcn OJO: car 8321b Ulnhs 0.40;)ulk medium to good drivein steen md hellen S^o-aS): part laid ex- , ra good cows 535; odd loU medium t“ “* t) good drlvelns 43S-5.00; good ^ealen icarct: besl olfcrlnp 7J0- UX); common and medium 5,00-7.00.

Sheep: 3.B00; lol tnickedln Umbs " Y ’ leady a t 7XK); tmall lot good ewes :.00; Thursday 250 head truckedln eeder Umbs 78 Ib 7.00; Jew ewes

. r - _____ • Kreiiil

OMAHA LIVESTOCK telba OMAHA. Dee. II (.r) (USDA) — Jui

fogi: flOOO. Including ioo dlrcct; tpcncd. 8 lo 10 higher, later active,.0 lo SSc hlglier on weights above 00 lbs. lighter weights ilrong lo 25c " , ip; top 19.70 sparingly by tlilppen nd yard tn d e n for choice 225 lbs "*V ip; bulk good 10 choice 200 lo 280 Ibi Y„ :5.60 lo 19.65; n o to 190 lb.1, 1935 , 0 19.60; light flgfits <853 101933; rcac,00 to 135 lbs 16.75 to 1835, lighter nd medium down toward 16: feederllgl 15.80-to |7J0 : sows sirong to a r Oe higher: good Inrgely I9J0; med- m lo good largely U J J to 15.40; o« la p 8035 down: avengo coit liunday 1937, weight IM, . 'CatUe 1000; ealves 300; fed dm

tcen and yearlings slow, sicody lo HJJ ftak; quality ot fresh rtcelpU plain jiy t ut few good to cholco loads carried ■''t ! rom Tliunday; fed helfen scarce; d«* »dlng cowt dull: weak on 'b tlow lean-up market; cuiter grades bout sieady; bulb and n a le n Deo leady; slocken and fccden scarce, bout steady; f ^ loU ahort-tcd hr< e a r lln p l8 io 1935; choice medium r;IghU held up lo 111: mik beet n i ows 1435 to |535>«S ler grades 333 to <4. few Ilght kinds 13 to gUt 3.16; few bulls *4J0 to 15.15; pnc* U r ical top vealen MJO, few 10.ShKp 2500, Includes 450 direct: m«»

liable supply 6 loads fed wooled imbs. J Joad mixed m livs Umbi nd ewei. all-killcn: lambt moslly ^ 50 lower: olher classes sUady; fed 'ooled Ismbs w to MJO, top 18.60;Dried cholco gnde nstli-o Umbi oh ulked -at I8.e0; slaughUr ewei up whea > 1435; no feeden here. hard

------- 1132;POBTLAND UVESTOCK No. 4

PORTLAND. Dec. II UPl (UBDA) >y »1 •Hop: 400: steady; few good to duM holce llglit weight drlvelns 10.00; «JJT;

icdlum welghu down lo 9J0; Ilght No. 3 ghU uleable around fiJO; pack- white lg tow^ around 7J0; good to choice white cal leeaerjilp quotable'6.00-50. to 51 C»tU«- 25; calret: SO; nominally w)j|fa eady; medium grass s le tn lale* a yei Die around 6J0-7J0; good gn ln ydio, tl quotable to 835; common to go Iq ledlum hellen IquolabU 435-CiO; io j | . rw cutur and cutUr cowi saleable ,g . . 75-335; eommoa to medium gnde* 50-435; good Beef cows 4J0*535;Hb 4.00-5.10; few good vealera 50; choice quolablo loJOO; rom- lon to medium 390-330 lb cslves:

Sh«p : '50: fat Um>>* eady a t Thunday’s Ule 35 me; good truckedln Umbs «al<- , ®;- }le around 7.00; older claiwa quot- •'* '■ ible itcady: ' yearllngi saleable •ound 5.00-50; good truckedln e«« *' '• M-25; choice fed ewes quoiahic1 3.40. I-------

BOerOH, Dec. 11 fUSDA)- he volume of ■business wot mod-i ■aU lo light Jn the Boston wool '— — arket loday, and prices were most- HO! ' reiT firm. ^frciion d e d cJolbin# U n ^ fine ler- •'.Ml \arj wooU wtra araUable in Ilm* en thi ed tmounU a t 95*97-scourcd batu, quire hlle graded offen of French eomb. iiPMh lg lengths were held a t bb-i.oi. *boui rlglnal bag loU ot fine territory- prices oob wtre nrm a t ffT-J-W for bull: i iort Prench combing lengtlis, at meuiij 91-03 for hverage to r » d J^ewh - j , , imblng, ami »r-1.0l-05 for bulk aple combing. - pri„

Z 7 ZFLAX old ecDULUTH, Dee. U W -F lsx cn “Wt ack 3 J7 '.4* tn4 : Dectmber 2.07'5: si.nid;:ay 3.06’.;. • -tdi

— “ flfira• ■ PORTLAND HAY i-g „

PORTLAND, Dec. 11 . l-r/-H.iy | Hie ft eady, undjanged. , ■ [ •ito

)ECE1IBBR 1 2 ,198e

lBYr-«0 S'XCEi

I -W . W H EW y / "3 0 I L S T H E , . , 0 °

“ e

■ lillE C ii -S lop L oss S e llin s In Com

.D e p r e a e s M arkets a t Chicago

B r JOHN J . DOOGnAN Au k U M r r ^ M uk tl Edllar cmOAOO. Dec 11 (AVColUpi-

ng to an extreme ot Sti ccnU a lushcl ovemlght lots, the com mar*:ec (oday dngged all oUier grains | [own, wheat I S cenU maximum. i Slop loss selling on the part ot J

iolden ot December com conimcu J rat .an quUUndlng clreumtiance. 1 Irrlrab of com In Chicago today f l rere ot llben l volume, 205 can, M S I equaling the tO W k -y ja r — Igo, and notices were poiUd that ome com would be dellvertd to- norrow on December coaincU icrt.Tending lo emphaslia the p n e n l i

insettllng elfect of eom price tum- iles w u talk current th st tha mar* cts were approaching the pre-holl* lay period during whleh there b iiually a grain buslneu lull, cspe- laity In Importing countries. M At the cloie. corn w u S*3ii lower *b

ompared with yeiterdsy's flnUh, ) )ee. ]07K-^. May new 103K-K, oly new fiSK, wheat unchanged fo

ccnt down, Dec. 13715-S, May . 33%-<i, July JOOH-U, OaU \ i - \ i ' ■If. May 48*i-?;, and rye unchanged0 U decline. May 99H, Provblons eiulU wTre unchanged lo 17 cenU elback.July wheat, representing the. 1937

lomestlc crop, held up better In aluo than did December or May, k buying stimulus u lo July w.u I n RKttiorliatlre uxiofflclal summsry I olnllng out unfavonble conditions I egardlng lack of mobture souUi* I Xlt. IIn provbloni, foreign buylpg lilt- I

d lard to ne.w pesk prictt, but j eactlons ensued owing lo cotton* eed oil price downturns. < ^

anCAOO. Dte. 11 MT—»b ..l-?"” I

!« t.3t>i tJ t 'i tTT'i tJ7'4*»i ml. ■•T -a l.?4li I.S Gill» _ l.te»J J,09% I.M

lr n r w ..« V t M i; ,»9>i MU big am

>te .41’', .4i!i .<|ij .411; top

* * 2

i j i i i ' f f i i 'F h.n!i «!l .» :S

i i s 1 « 1“ j g " 5

IS .K S«! S l!i! Bi;;

" ■ . _ ”» zCinCAOO CASH OBAW S3 i

OHIOAOO. Dte. 11 W) - C a sh P 1 ‘Urk P7C

I'm *« ‘ “ • Asi132; No.. 3 mued 11384. com: 89 I•o.4mUedll.01«;to|J j)3H:mBln- 87e;■ Whllo 11.05; No. 3 yellow $l.03’4 0UMO milling; No. 3 yellow lt.05 to midtJIT: No. 4 yellow 81.02 to ii,04 'j: 90 1p. 3 uhll«'81.08 lo No. 4 carlhlte 11.06 lo H.06!i. Oats: No. 1 ohlle 51’j to 83!jc; No. 2 whlta 51 110'1 5l»ic; No. 3 while 50He; No. 4 tne hlf® « « to «N c; Sor beam; No. tv yellow I1.44!i lo ll,45>;: No. 3 u

■ilow 81.44 lo lt.44'1. Barley; m d cholI lo 8Sa nominal: mailing »I30 com '1137 nominal. Timothy teed I5J5 bloo

WINNIPEG flRAIS* 1^1\V1NN1POT, Dec. Jl (JV-Wheali ■ h wheat. No. l norttum 1.15; , a> .2northem l.l2 '.j:N o .3 iionh* 7?,^II l.OOli: osu. No, 3 white 49S- ». 3 white 46?i: No. 1 mixed feedi. lo 6


Wool Market's *«»• Weekly Review

__________________________ 8eliOSTON. Dec. 11 wv-Tlie Com* fil!! fwai Bulletin will tay tomorrow: ^ •'•Mihough tliere Ji Jess u g c ro u i 7 I the part of manufacturen to ac­ute wool, there stm b a fair buil- ■'» being done, which comprehends »ui all deicrlpiioni of wool, with ■Ites finn on all fine descrlpUonsIII rather a p in s t the buyer on fdliim qualUlej.■'ilanufaciuren havt found con- «nb!e reiliUnce-to the laUst ■‘ce advances hut they lUU aro ,

cKellent ihlpmenU a p ln i t * d eontracu,“Weslera cenlracilng b a l aaiirijtiiL■Torelgn nurkcU are'steadier and fJHwrtJ are p w l. America ts Uk- e roniiilNabic welghu ot wool In r f foreigp primary markets. ''Mohair u la limited supply u d ^

w e "COLD WA-reR R D N S ^ )OWiM -IMTO THE RADIATORr o o L S rr, A w o r s p l a c e sme WATER THAT BOILED


i r e■ i r -

I AMUSEICraw ford , G able a n d T one

Tliat leam ot romantic tesmi *•* Joai Fraaehot Tone — have the time of tbeli M-Q-M’s-new eomedy hll, 'Lore on th IbeaUr tomorrow,

SUe Weil wilh Warrea WUllam aod a t the Orpheoffl la ’■Go Wett Vouig M

.. At th e Idaho Sunday K

Shirley' Rou and Robert Cwn* m lnp are /eafurvtf Jn 'Nldcairsy Itf Girl" tUrrlng Alartha Raye. whieli dci comet io th t screen c t the Idaho Hn theater lomorrow for thrc« days, sll Mbs Raye, ar^Ou remember, made spi b ir kll» In "Bhytbm on tho lUoge” pn and T h e Big Broadcul,’* and slie } tops boUi of Ihoso performanees la He “Hideaway GlrL'’ Tbe prognm Is nu oompleled with a comedy, muilcal tiui novelty and aew*. '

Showing tor tha l u t times loday, bui Is ■‘AUd.lloIldsy'* aUrring Edmond opi Lowe and Ellssa U ndi wltb Ted poi Healy aod .Z uu Pills. sa(

• huiam

vei7 firm." aclThe Bullelln win publbh the fol- 1

lowing quolalloni: a :Scoured b u b : the31au ; FUIO 13 monMa «?cclcd syj

81X13 to 11.03; lino- thort 'twelve pro monlhs II to IIA2; line 8 months D3 to 95c; fall 88 lo 90e. c

Pulled: Delaine |1XI3 to 81.06; AA toll P7C lo 11,- fine A supers 95 lo 97e; Adi IV supen ^2 to 94c; B supen (choice) — 99 lo 90c; B supen (annge) 85 to ■ I7e; 0 supen (average) 73 to 76c. "

Callfomla: Northem 93 to 95e; Rilddle counly 90 to-91c; southem n to 9lc; tine scoured 90 to 92c; carbonized fine 91 to 92c.

Oregon: Fine tn d F. M. staple 11.03 U) 11.06; fine a n d P . tL cloth* ng 96 to 98c.Tetrlloty. scoured bosb;M onuna and slmlUr: Fine suple

:holee 81.05 lo lli)7>> lu lt blood omblng 81 to 11.03; thrce-elghtlis Gi ilood combing 90 lo 92c; quarter lood combing SSloS7e.Mohair:Domestic good original bag, Texu I ,

pnnrW lo--61crT tiB5-kld-7S 10 „ 8c: Arltona and New Mexican 53 9 5Ce; Oregon 57 lo Me. ,®Domeiue gradM: Finfcom blng

0 to 75c; second combing 65 lo 70c; ,w hlrd combing M to 63e; fourih I., ombing, 55 lo.X0e; good carding 60 0 65c; flrat kid/92 to 93c; sccond Id 80 to 65c. ®

Cbrittasat Oreellag Cardf, «o« eai to an* dellar eaeb. a t tbs Clot lo«k Bl»n.-A dr.

------- __________ PbSee narty niugrar* for Never _

PUBLICS.^4 mile east

MONDAY, DEC. 34, 1L anch b j Ladtes o f 1

8 F lo rsn21 HoIsJeIn Coir*,- H

Im plem enta, F nm iti

H aj-.-B arlef, W heat, J

JOHNKAESEIE«rl 0 . W nU tr, A uct.

X I'M ^ R N l:. \ BU T IV E a o r A ' Js a w j c e i a b u V a i '


g j l a K ^ i

MENTSne Ccitilng to th e O rpteum

roan Crawford and Clark GabUVlTh' belr llvtf fn their hllarfous dolnp oC 1 the Ren," coming to ibe Orphesm

ad Randolph Scott wtll clou i(ml|bl Man,"


37ie eslxtmcj' of TtsbUnc* lo which a faUier'fl tyranny drives hit dsughlcr motlvaUi a signlllcani ro­manllc drama for Kalharlno Hep- bum and Herbert Marshall u co- stan In "A Woman Rebels," open­ing nt the Roxy Bunday,

Tlia inciting force ot th b photo- drama lies In the rigid moral and socUI prcssure_ exerted by a father, ■ftho'kpjjrhb daujlilcri !n Ignor­ance of tho ordinary pltfalb of life.

Tlib type ot parent relenUeuly. ruled hb olfsprlnp* romantlo Ufe.

Driven to reckless revolt, XDu Hrpbunv wJio pUyj Uio more In­dependent girl ol the household, finds licrsclt In one heartbreaking sllunllon alter anolher. bul Is in­spired to ballle against hidebound k prejudice, nevertheless. r

Meanwhile, so Involved does Mbs Hepburn's llle bccome U ut her ro- nunce wlUi Herbert ManhaU b all but wrccked.

Thb b the f ln t tlm t MUi Hep- bum and Mr. ManhaU have pUycd opposite each oihcs. They are sup­ported by an ouUtandlng and ver­satile cast, Including D Iabetb Al- hui. Donald Crbp. Dtvld Manners and Dorb Dudley, young New York acireisw hom akcshersaeettdebuU .

The screen stoiy w u Ukea from a novel. "Porlralt of a. Rebel." by. the noted BrtlUh aullioress. Netm Syrel(< uria-ls a 'P u d r o a S e m tn production for RKO Radio.

d e b t A-1 Uylng m u h get* n* suits. Globe Seed and FecdXa.—



B E A N PR IC E SSebject O sr Cenflmatlan

B u b 98t U.S. No. 1 F.O.B. CAB

Greal Norlliemi .....---------Ida. Polished Beds ------- —H-M

Any quantity or lot of beam, ^ tmall or large, covered by a ^ Bonded Warehouse NegoUable \ Receipt Ihowlng all charges paid ' r to fUle and wlUi a grade estab* ) llshed Uiereon br the wurchoifjc-

'mea or by a Federal Certllletie ihE^Ing WnrehDuse Rccelpt Number, b In proper shape la be

■jwld on an F.OJl. car b u b In any market. |


rboae (49 4St ShetbuM SC

SALE' 's l F ile r

11A.M.SHARR '>f Fllisr ( tn in s*

s « . ^ ,1H ei/en i a n d nuU Calriit. '

n itn re , P lan o ' , :

(, 20 Gnl. L a rd I -

ER, Owner ^ \E lm er Hna'ff. O erlt J ^

Page 9: mW]f X l iLS P]AILY - Twin Falls Public U»* AiioeU SALT LAKE CITY. Dec. 11-^ rich north central Utah Park ( peace


BATES r e s UNB PEB DATBU tfu i. pel Unt pe rd iy ------- t t -Hum iv * . p tr line ptr d i ; —. >eOn« d i/, per Um ----------------- U«

83 1 /8 ^ D iscount - F o r Ca#h :

Oub diMouBt iuo«u u idunte*; * BWt It pkUl tor WIUUO MfM d tjt Ot « nni InMrtloo.

PBont M t o an AdUker * - »


Aula iM U ll ■ * iAuto «mc«. n r t i _ „ .$ ^BMutr' abo» • *Builaat OUKtOTT 4

'ciuS»K] ** ** if fM J u - ” ^

tu u D ic - ’aMpi* ** %

' riinui Blip ffuU d u ,K . r u 5 5 i = s r ^ ,

■ £ K : •ftuH* tad Vit«ubl« It llruBfrU- Diraetcn—,-r ..........i - -Puroltura tff Btl* , a *otM miBp 10 m ---- I t s .Blip. Utl* or Ptsul* , ■■ .11 *BawM ,Cot IU9( « «IMCM. B O ^H . — - „■ 1 *n p UUI fflBM __________ I *

fm c B it --------------------------- ♦ *E S f f r « ' " _ = 3 5 -B«i i t u u ror B t l i________ a «Uttl BUM tor m «« ” «XmI b u i* Wtaua ^

i Itoim {or IMI « *4 S uSuSi _i'i Jf

^ « . s * . ; r L = = = £ *WtBtrt *0 IUbI «i «Wtstid UuetltiSMUj — «»•« urot BUI or Tn<3* _________ ll ^

^ - ' ' ' '* « • ~ *

Losl a n d Found S iLOer - 35 HEAD OP SIIEEP. JJ • Muthwejt or FJlcr. Phona coUect. *

PUtr 75*J». *

TOUN&-AN EASY WAV TO.OET * e m a d t run. Cat] dflUrred, mes- 4> itn i t r »ervlc«. lU tcs rtasoiuble, * Jtu t phono 3SSW. *

POUND-PASt CLASSES IN CASE y Owner may have by paylns ad « and IdnitltjPlnf lUaws a t Nevi y oWet. ^


B eauty Sliops 6 * PEnMANENta JJJO ;« : h ; a p o r *

price of 1. Shunpoo-dnserritve *


CHILDREN’S CimiBTMAS SPEC- 5 lnl. Regular I3M PermtntnU (or MJO eomplele, from Dee. I lh to m il. Idaho Barber i i Besuly

- -------------- — -

PERMANENTS. SHAMPOO AND llncerwave (Go. Mabel Marie aeautr Shop. W Main N. Ph. 4«7. ■

AT LAST WE HAVE FOOND A " maehlnetess ware lhat we ean un- htsJlaUngly recommenil. It’* a JT dramatlo new aehlerement In per- '

I nunent vavlo;. Como In and let a t Ul fiTO you • test curL No charjc _ ^ and no obUjatlon. Oil permanenU m

' priecd (m n 1130 and up. AtUsUc Beauty Salon, 13S Ualn Are. Weit,Ph. IM. , „

SPECIAL - OIL PER.M. II, U OIL ^ P ena .ia Klaat Beauty Shop, 330 Sth Are. E. Ph. 13U.

oTl PERMAIJENTa PROM IIJO. riBfer warlnj, faUr ctifUnj. haJr ^ dyelnt (aelalj. Crtwrord .Beauty Salon, 113 Matn So, Ph. IS74 orer DeU't C1«M Stor*.

Autos fo r Sale 7 S■» MODEL A COUPE, ’2D PLV* I

mouth $edan for lalo or trade. < Munter Bhop. n ie r. Idaho. ,

. * ■ ¥ '* VSED CAR 8PECIMJ * ‘* CHANEY MOTOR CO. * !* Ujed Car Lot Located Eait Main ¥ j

* lIMHudjon sedan____ IMJ * \¥ » J J Terraplano Kdan, ** h t a t e r ___________ - SM * '* M « Terraplano *cdan. * ^* heate r----------- i _ 8M ♦ I* 1D31 Chev. tedan, heaUr. ♦ - ¥ new llrej. jtcondltloii- * -* ed motor. th in k ____ <83 ¥ 3* lOJS Tmaplano pickup- «3 * „ ¥ 1033 Chev. eooch. new ¥ „ ,

W ¥ l l r e s ______________ 338 ¥ _J ¥ 1D35 Harley Davldwi ¥

J ¥ motorcyclo arid tide ¥f -¥ - -« a r .- l ll< 6 -n e w ------------- 375-.* ?1 ¥ l»3t TerTaplano coach, • ¥ j

¥ heater, radio, air horns ¥ j.. ■ -»..i83Q -aiev.-...... ............ - m .¥ _

¥ 19M Chev.___________ 69 * FE¥ • • ¥ J¥ » ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ i

m a CALL r o i nuvL T i‘- r a » i n ^

HTWlfi" 'I'If h I'S*


m m , F t1 Aulos (o r S ale 7 1

(OaaUaotd f i ta OtUM)» ■jl biiEV. c o n v m t o u j : o o o pe ,> goM.Urti. r u u good. B arstla for> cash, m r v r t tn Lod<a oa M Ean.

Ipqulrt a t oHlw,__________ ■■

, « 4 « ¥ ¥ » « ¥ ¥ « ¥ » * «

■ ; WHITE’S ♦* USED CAES ;» m Second ATO. Kottfa «

Eaty TVnni «» ISU J trd Tiulor, «00 mUei. «

lust like new, not & tpot In-. ^

* WM BiSSc tedan. automatlo • ,* choko eoolrol. 31J»0 miles, ** new e-ply Uret. If you aro *W looking for a good car. thU «» It It---------------------- — MM «^ IB3« Cliewoltt TMdor, nice „* and clean— --------------- ..WJO _» 1(30 Chrytler M, a t r a good, ** tor ---------------------- — » l « *» » » Plymouth tedan, a good* buy --------------------_ _ J 1M •,-•4i.good Chevrolet and F W i.* W and 30.roodeUpricedfnsn * . it- . I7S up lo IIS5 ** Wo Buy (or Catii and Sell ♦4 on Termt «

* • Jno. B. W hite *» TTi# Wied Car Man

¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ » » ¥ » ¥

« « « « « ¥ « * « « ¥ « « ¥ I* ¥ b ¥ WEEK END Sl^OlALS ¥

¥ TW WM Chevrolet coachet. ¥¥ eholeo----------------------- HM ¥ _¥ W34 Ohovrolet coupe— 1«5 ¥¥ W33 Chevrolet coaeh___ I2U ¥¥ IMl Chevrolet coupc, new ¥ o¥ t ^ and new pabt, extra ¥ -

• ¥ K fl WXi Cbevrotet coupet, ¥ ' I ¥ cholee ----------------------- IIS5 ¥ T

¥ W30 Chevrolet coach, W. W. ¥ m• ¥ f o r ........ ................. .........IIM ¥ M' ¥ Two w n Chevrolet coaches, ¥ m, ¥ choice----------------------- 1115 ¥ *• ¥ 10:» M, A. coupe— ------ 180 ¥ -. ¥ 1(30 PJymouUi coupe— IIOO ¥ m, ¥ 1D19 M. A. phaeton.^— US ¥ ^

¥ 1030 Ford tport coupe— 1175 ¥ m¥ ¥ ’

: ¥ 1TPAY8T08HOPAROUND ¥ -1 ¥ -nrE CORNER ¥I ¥ . ¥*The AUTO M A R T «Ji* New Location. Comer Main * i

I » Avenue and 3rtl Street Wett « I ». WE Btnr-^ELL-'TRADE « —

¥ ¥ r ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ J

Male Help W anted 9 * |WANT WINTOt CREW OP SIX j

llrtt clast men. nono olher need ' opply, (or wood cuillns contract. 3 ; Cood house near »ork but men j jntist^prtrjde**wjujpfl5fjjt*f0r*flel(, **g board ' and tleeplng quarters. _ Eamlnss paid weekly, bonus paid a t monlhly.- Sre Jolm S. Rocker, a

' Bellevue, Idaho. I

S itua tions W anted 14 ;WANT WORK OR ANY KIND IN *•

(orenoons and cvenlngt. Exp. ¥ bookkeeper. ne(erencet. Pli. 1707J. ¥

MIDDLE AOED C A P A B L E * houKkeeper wants work. Write y Bo* 48, car# Newt, •

EXPERIENCED STENOORAk T. J er. bookkeeper and cashier desires „ to chanja her present position. _ Oood referencea. Write Box M. e l caro Newt. g

OARBbnZR WORK. CAN OIVE ^ relerence. C. A. Strohmeyer, Rt. ho

__________________ »

. .. Business O p p o rtu n it le sJS b

SACRinCE BARGAIN. |37S POLL i?Eprice (iimLihlngi. eQulpment and please (or 5 apt. Apt. house. All b(ull. Income 187 month now. be- .»■tides own Uring quarter*. Pny for FAIItwK toon. Stoker furnace. Ta-o g:baths, Tvo garages. Fully equip- Hped. Rcnl only UO mo. paid to —Jan. lit. Wonderful opportunity ti lor widow or 'coiiplo desiring homeand an income. Rare bargain and BImmedlalo pouettlon for only »1375, Mrt. C, K. Warren, Tanner •-,* House. Filer. Idaho.

¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ p] ¥ POR SALE OR TRADE: A *¥ growing business wllh^eom- ¥ „ ¥ plete equlpmcnu P u f f e d ¥¥ wheal, corn. etc. 1800, ¥¥ SUDLER-WEOENER ¥ T « « * ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ »

Money to Loan 1 6 ^i^^YOO " N K D --M O N * Y r* ra lb

Harry a t Twla Fallt Lean OrdM Pl 115 Main Ava. E • —

FEDERAL FARM LOANS <% i f X Jr J. W. McDowell. Boom M, Bank tl; & Trust Bldg. (0

<Tut CAU roB u i t n t s - - n e a * u


r imf' ■i yigii J


: S js

m ' '■ ^f s i ' • i l

“B u l I d id pun ish F ldo fo r ea ting _________________________ B iscu it

Money to Loan 16(CeaUaniA Itoa rreu4lB| ColBma) (I

LOANS - er., NO COMMISSION W Swim Inv. Uo. i

¥ ¥ ¥ ^ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ J¥ ‘ ¥ At¥ SEE u a FOR ¥ I¥ FHA LOANS ON HODSES ¥ ’¥ ' ¥ — ¥ - SUDLER-WEOENER A; ¥¥ COMPANY ¥ »¥ * 'i | i l ^ l | t 4 f l * W « ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ "---------- ;---------------------------------- 1

F or Sale , M iscellaneous 17 " jNEW rOTO WHEEL TRAILER I

wllh rack. Ph. IIU or ice IL fi. i DeWltt, Twin FalU Molon. (

OIRL-8 BICVCLE, GOOD CONDI- j tlon, Cheap, ph. M^L • ' (

2 wifEEL 77?/UL£:n. 2 WINCHES- ] ler rllles, cheap (or cosh. E\'cr- j green Lodgo on M East. Inquire ; at olllce. ‘

3 HOLE CORN SHELLER. NEAR- = ly nen'. 6 U. P. Falrbankt-Morse ^

-fs rc n g tiie rw trp jsg - jc ~ •• ‘

GUARANTEED SINGING CAN- I ary birds, btrs. Chas. Hranae, 1 Hansen, Idaho. I

i i r ^ ~ ^ i p r > r * T ~ i 'T * n i¥ ¥ J¥• Try a load o( Aberdeen Coal. ¥ —¥ You vlll (lnd ll really econ ¥ 1“ '¥ nomlcal. ¥ >¥ Tlie B « t In the West. ¥ J "¥ ¥ I¥ INTERMOUNTAIN SEED ¥ * , * ' AND RIEL CO, ¥ V ¥ 130-Phone-U2 ¥ *•(

; » « 4 ( 1 ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥

ELECTRIO P E N C E CONTROL * machines. Publle Mkt. 313 Sho- * ihODO N. *

HOT NOONDAY LUNCH JXtR » tehool children and grown ups. «C & C Ca(etcrlB, US 3rd. Plet « baked lb order. . _ *

NEW 1150 SAXOPHONE. WILL — tell cheap. Phone Roxy Tliealre, J ' between 3 and 5 p. m. ’ *

FAIRBANKS - MORSE 8 HORSE ¥ gasoline engine good condition. ¥ Kilpatrick Bros. Co, Plcabo. Ido. ¥

i r a V P A V W A B P E I C E S ? »A carload of Murcsco in bulk. ¥

Buy vhat you need, bring back ¥what you have lelt. Wa loan you *

■,t bnith to put I' on vllh (ree ¥McMurtry Houso Paint. 4- ¥

Hour Enamel. Floor and Un- ¥ ‘oleum VariiUh drlet In tvo ~boura.-A large tlock o( WaU ^paper. •'


■STAY OREEN* SmNOLE STAIN. ,~S protect aod beauU(y your new * i roo( vtU] llosetd oil tldngle ttoio that.wtU ttay green a long time.Ph. 6. Moon'a. pLi

750 TONS OP FIRST. 2ND AND — Jnl cutting hay, v lth lambing WA Iheds. 1 ml. No.. 3 west o( Castle- A (ord. Plu 12.J3. W. L. Brown. A

^ CALL r o i Bun.TS’~naB «-n ^

H E G U M P S - B U R


r im 'P A L L S DAILY N]NETVS, r w iN F A tL S , iP A nO ,

By Fred Neher I—^ n

^ ® . S

---- 'iJkT » -_______I I b ci

f 121 Jrx


in s m y dolly’s l e g . . . . I a te h!n ’u l l ! ” I------------------------------------------------ .,

For S ale . M iscellaneous 17 ;(CoBllBBM trooi rrtetdUl Ctloma) |

MURESCO PAINT.— ENAMEL, Iramtsh and aU klndi of p tlntlni ituppUea. KreiigelV K ardrsr* :

ADTO GLASS. PAHmNO. B ^ j and leader repair. Foss Body _ Works. n i

FRED BEER-DEALER IN MON- _ menu, marken: SIfl Main 6 . OC T«-ln Falls, Plu 1318R. I

CANARY SINGERS. 13,00 AND tJP. PL Pll. I318W.________________ I'

FEED UIXTUBES —Bone Meal . . REUnsc(d Meal aCotcllo nCharcoal — Colton Seed MealFlsli Meal _Oranllo Grit WfMeat Meal - 3Oyster Shell • — Siock MineralSardine OU " “


FURNITURE - NEW AND USED — tum liure-otali kinds, coal rengtt.clcclrls ranges, coal stoves, clrcu- ”latora and other household (um- „Ishlngs. Moon'a. Ph. 5. Store No. 1; diPtu 310. Btort Na 3. „

n s u A W OYSTERS A'T PUBUC ° Markel. 313 Shosliouo North. ^

KITCHEN CABINET. JOE BERKS.1 ml. East on EUzabeth Blvd. . ^


* / FOR SALE J* ( AUTO DOOR GLASS- * ^ ♦ \ WNDSHIELDAND I J , ^ WINDOW GLASS * „* No clitrgo (or Ubor .telling ^ — t t glass l( you wlU brlns your FOr ^ tash or drive your ear In. Oet * ■ P*

rwd}' loe KlBter belon ir.ow * *3

M O O D 'S........: : i ™^ Phone 8 *

4 > 4 I 4 I ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ « ¥ ¥ ¥ j“

¥ Harrj' Musgrave Is recclv- ¥ ^¥ Ing WNkly his Never Slied ¥ J L¥ lYefs Irom nenr Glacier Park ¥ piVl¥ Moiilatui. Bcaulirul, Biiihy ¥ in¥ Never Shed Trees now at No ¥* Extra Cosl to you. Mounted ¥¥ on Clever Tree Blocks. ¥ ___¥ ¥ PUH:¥ . llAItny MUSGRAVE ¥ 311¥ MERCHANDISE MART ¥ “V ' ¥ tor

ever gr een STAY^nEEN XMAS ^ IrecJ. Public Market. 313 Slioshone Street.

W anted M iscellaneous 17>A ^3'PA&ES0ER§ TO TATOMA POR BOO

holldnyn. Shsrr rxpewes. B, Mar- len tyn, Rt.'l. Tftlii ralb . ~

PLUMBI.SO REPAIR WORK. PH boi . W , Kftntc's Uardwara._______ E.

W A ^ S PASSENOEnS'TO LOS ROO Angelo. Slisre fxpeiuf. Leonard Wll Albff. nt, 4. llulil. 3 r

**nn cAU roB BUiLTi-'-riiH* u ■t o i



f lo f®r W anted M lsoellancoii8.17-A

ICobUbbiI t r f »l»aui>FURNITURE WANTED - W* BOY t

used rumlCun, coal ru (e* i I and Ics boxes. Wa pay cath. Pb., ». Mooa^ . j

l ^ A O E WANTED POR MAN and 1(1(0 to San P^ucUoo not later Uian 33nd. S han expeiue. : P h .« . Gooding; *

F ruits and V egetables 1 8 'CHRISTMAS A PPLia DARK RED -

Delicious. sp«UUy selected, 13 a f box, Hyde rench, 3 eatt, 3 \i So, o( Klmbetly.__________ . ■ • j

PACKED DELICIO'UB. A P P W truck lott, aUo applu by the box. . 1 ml. No.. M E. Kimberly. D. Jeao Dsy Orclard.

A P P L E S . VAll varleUet. any quaoUly SSo per bu. and up «hll« tb«y U it Jolm BalKl Oichardt. j i UL • 8o. on Main S t , BLlaberly.

SWEET CIDER. 19 OENTb PER gallou. Fubllo Market. ________ -

F or Sale o r T r a d l 21FOR BALE OR TRADB-a-YEAK* ^

eld Jeney cov for hay. Phono 03M-J i

Furniture fo r Salo 2 3 _THE TALLMAN PIANO STORES. ®

J Inc., ol Salem. Oregon, did ^ot pUct lhe pianos they advertUed 10 be Mlt) by a n / of Ihe dealm. Thflr adJusUr, Mr. P. D. Sprculo

1 Vlll be back In Ihlt terrltorr early the coming year, and wUl take _ core or any undnUhad builoett. ¥

■. „Readcn_o(_thU_noU^_lnt«ndln| ¥ I lo buy a pUno next year, wrlto ¥

Hie TalJman Pltno B U nt. Ine, «• Salem, Oregon, for further In- 4 ■ formation.. . ¥f ■ ■ ■ ^ H

HNE PIANO. PIL 113S OR WRTFE Z• Box 14. caro Nevt. ' ,

. GOOD PIANO, 7A1 MAIN AVE. JEast, Ph. 1541._______________ *

. PIANO A-L CONDITON, EXCEL- * lent lone. Call forenoon 5i8 3rd ♦ -Ave, E._____________________ *

REPOSSESSED PURNITORS OF ¥ all kinds, 50 uted rangei Prteei ¥ nng t (ram 110 up. Mooo'l ¥

W an ted .to Buy 2 5 JWANTED-4 TONS ALPALPA HAY ¥

3rd cutting. Phone 03ft4-J4. -

WANTED TO BUY-HOUSE AND ' lot close in, priced reatonably. — ALv) Inleretled In city lolt. Phone * IM8... *

■35 CHEV, TRUCK..-WILL PAV ¥ casA. Oio. Jenten, PUer. ¥

I P ^ U HAVE PAT OEESE OR «,, duckt or youhg Guinea- heni (or .’ tale, drop a pott card to O. P. k

Bennett, Rt. l. Buhl, for prices _before you tell. AI>

TORNITURE WANTED-WE BUY J Uted furniture, coal ranget. ttovea IM and Ics boze*. We pay cash. Phona . o 6. Moon-t. —

H ouses fo r Rent 2 7 J ;FURN. HOUSE. 6 ROOMS, WTTH

tleeplng porch. Completely mod­em, Ph. 177), 1318 Maple.

POR RENT-a ROOM HOUSE ON . pavement, IniuUted. |M . Phone

*37, J ,

PURNISHED HOUSE, 3 - ROOMS ** and bath, close In. UO per mo. Available In a (ew weeks. Stata if. t occupation and where employed. * Write Box 37, care News. «

S RM M PARTLY FURNISHED * house, sleam heat: 435 2nd Ave. * Weit. Ph. 1554, *

n V E ROOM MODERN HOUSE ¥Ul Pller. y u 201 Filer. ¥ -

A partm ents - 2 fl * ;FURNISHED APT. ADULTS ONLY. J '

31B Sth Ave. E. ¥ :If. '■

FURNISHED, JUSTAMERE INN. # , Ph.- 4M m d Otslt S71._________ ^ ,

PURNISHED APTS THE OXFORD, * ' 431 MaUi Ave. No.____________ *

Rooms fo r Rent 2 9 J; ’R ^ M Q FOR RENT, PH. 1513M, ^

ROOM AND BOARD FOR O E ^ - 00<lemen, Mn. Stearns. Plione 1478. «i


board. Pumace hcot. SM Jthftve.E.

ROOM AND BOARD OR ROOJ( WAI Without board. Stoker lifftl. abo an3 rbom houte. 307 Ith En.\t. J.

* n a CALL r o t u i u iT i - - T a » * ^ t u i


F ■ B E T v o u


n sS Rooms (o r R ent 29} jCuUasM tnto tn n i ia s Cataaa}

5 moELY m N IS H E D r o oTi.H s ja n t lieat. Wometj prcferreif. UT I. 9Ui Ave. No. ■

J PURWSHED ROOM, CLOSE IN,K funuca heat. PK 638 alter 6:90 )t P. m. or 316W.______________

ROOM AND BOAftD, CLOSE JN.. 315 Second avenuo north. '

8 R W ^A H D BOARD, 130 «th AVE.

0 — -------a ROOM AND BOARD - UJ THI tt, Ata Nft Ph. SSL

. m N A C E HEATED SLEEPINO i, room. 4113rd Aw. W. Ph. 1523.'• •0- W anted lo Rent 31

WANTED TO RENT ~ «• OR 7* • room houte with {uroace, eloso lo. '

J»hone S31-W.

5 TO 10 ACRES. Wl-ni NICE 3- OR . 4-n)om houte. Part casli in ad- , % vtnce. Ph. 0188-Ri.

1 Deal E s ta te fo r Sale 3 21 POR FEDERAL L A ND BANK 0 ftritis. easy imyiiienu. low Inlerest •

rate, tee L. A. Warner. Twin Fallt, • . Pleldman for Federal Land Bank. evenings. '

: rhoO M MODERN HOUSE. HDW. 1 ; floon. ll. porch, close in. U350,; l«50 cath. lU A. good 5 room , houte, cittern, granary, bargain ol ttfOO, Imp. .80 A. near Klmberiy,

113,000 cath. K. L. Jenklnt, 141 J [ Main N. i

• ^ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ rf .¥_____ ______ ___ ♦ -> ¥ Farm for u ie , SO aertt tast ¥ d

¥ Hateton, ITS per acre, UMO ¥ u ¥ down. Balanea |500 yr. 5%' ¥¥ Interest Fully fenced; (air 4 ¥ buildlngt. Ph. *:7 lUreltcn ¥ r ¥ evenings or Barlow Ware- ¥ b ¥ house. ¥ I5 ¥ 8 ^ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ » ¥ «

* ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ^

¥ 130 acrea clota to Tain ¥ ^¥ PaUi. I187J0 per acre, SO ¥ ,,¥ acret veil Improved near Je- ¥ i,¥ rome, 113,000, 60 acrtt near ¥¥ Oooding 110,500. ¥¥ ¥¥ BUDLER WEGENER 4: CO. ¥

» ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ «

17'i ACRES. |3»0 . IIOOO CASK. f( Wrlto Box S5, carfl Newt. . te

* « 4 [ 1 ¥ * ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ J

¥ Strictly m o d o r n home. ¥ . ¥ Wasli. school dUtrlct, t«00 ¥¥ down. &{odem hame 7tft Arc. ¥¥ Eatt. 13300. ¥ - ¥ SUDLER, WEOENER & CO. ¥ ^

' ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥

AM LEAVING, MIOT SACRinOE o imalf hotue and M . PU. 1339. c

IMPROVED 13 AORES POR BALE ', or trade on 40. Ph. 038SJ4. vi

AT COST A NEW F J fj\ . HOME f!located a t 151 Walnut S t

FAn&lB FOR SALE, ISO. 140 A. S near FUer. 71 A. near T .P . Choice fl

.Und, vcU Improved, good terms, ^ Ste Owner, Harry WohlU^b.

10 ACRES LAND,~% ML FROM ■ ' clly llmltl. AU or p a r t Ph. 0485-J3.

19 ACRES. LO N ^ TM B PAY- ° menu, lo v Uiterest. Ph. 03I8-R3.

¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ « ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥¥ • * l"¥ THREE ULTRA MODERN ¥¥ HOMES NEARING COM- ¥¥ PLETION ¥¥ ♦ L.¥ Best quality eooslrucUon, ¥¥ Ader m a k in g reatonable ¥ , ¥ down payment the rtmaUiln* ¥¥ cost may bo paid actuaUy ¥ | ¥ eatler th in rent IneludlRf * i: ¥ Uxes, l ln Insurance, In- ¥ ,, ¥ terest and principal. ITieto ¥¥ houset vUl not U tt long ¥ H ¥ ‘under the attracUve terma ¥¥ by Which they may be pur- ¥ » ¥ chated. Interested- partlea ¥¥ Ihould aet a t odcb. - ¥* * 1 1 ¥ CECIL O. JONES ¥ i< ¥ 13) Main E. TcL 437 ¥ ]’¥ ■ • ¥ » » » » » » ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ » ¥ »

OOOD RESIDENCe LOTS ON small monthly pnymenta. J, E. j l RobwU^Reallor, Ph. 5S3.

Real E s ta te W a n ted 3 4IVANTZD-LJjnNOS ON 40'J, Ws ”

and 130 acre farms. Havs buyen. ■; J. E. Roberta. Realtor. Plu 903.

Tn* CAU ron Bci«LTi--raoD* a

■ :


-USE NEWS!9 DoflS, Other P ets 351 BU CK m ta W N KITTENS. PIL

For Sale Livestock 362; TOR " 1 ^ - 3 JERSEY c 6 \ ' ^ ’’’’ one Just fresh, other freshen eoon.

OU tod Ave ,Wcsl.


^ PRESH COW WITH CALP, HEAVY milker. 1 ml. s„ 1 ml. W. (rom

JJ SouUi Park; Flimey;.

fpUREBRED flPOrrED POLAND0 China boar. Ph. 03M-J3.


" a SPOTTED I>OLAND CHINA 't gUla ellilblo (or rcguicrlng. Ph. i.! 0W2-RL_____________ . ■

' ' 3 OOOD HOLSTEIN COWft OIV- log mUk. (rtsheii In Feb. and' ,

_ March. 3 ml. So. o( AKalla Mill ' n -at Rupert. C. J. Degenlurt.

'■ WE IWVE A OOOD LOAD-OP draft liorsfi. JMO lla and up. Per ■ lale at our.bttm in Filer. Mus-

2 grave Broi. I

IC Poultry and Supplies 37'I TURKEYS - LIVE OR DRESSED. , f’ Ph. 7MW. . *

Lady Astor Voices ■' 5 Regrets for Empire Jf NEW yORK Dw. 11 ifJ-H W £1 nice audibly breaking Ui tobl of (,

bnoUon. Nancy, Lady Aslor~taJd e.. In a broadcast (rom London last n* night lhat King Sdward’a placing ofI "pertonal a((ectlon above publle p* duty" h u eauied -unhappiness In* the heart* of afl h li majei(y:i itii>- _ t; )ecU.- J f “But tindemrath that unhappl- ^ t nesi,”. tald tho Ametlcan-bom worn-f an vho v a t tlie (In t of her lex ad- I mltted lo ptrllatnenl, "remalnt the • t tame iplrlt o( calm determlnaUon » which h u characlerUed the Angto- ; Baxon rtco In e>-ery emergency.; "Uiose vho will not obey the rules, { a n ’t rule.-, fho tald. "and belles ^ me. In this crltlt, irogle though it

[ lun'been, II h u led u t not weaker ' but Itronger." ,‘ 7


i; KANSAS CITY. Dec. 11 Ml -> A 1 vomar\ vho^polloe'tald bIlnd(olded t* herseK and lelped frem tho aevenlh _* rtoor of a hotel Co her death here ^

teday. v u Idcntllhd u M n. E 'B .' •: Ctmpbell. 42. The voman. police * [ said, had been In III heallh. . . J;

' . Legal A dverllsem ents -[ NOTICE TO CllEDIIOOS “ , EiUto Of Soroli A. Walter. Deceated. a I NoUce U hertby glvin by the L . undersigned executor of Iho eslalo f ; o( Sanh A. Walter, deceased, to the a

credlton of and i l l persons having l■ cUlms against Ihe said deceased, to „■ exhibit them with ths necessary gf

vouchen. wllhln six monlhs addr; Iho fln l publication of th il notice. ,■ 10 the Mid Arthur W. Waller. Klm- g

berly. Idstio. County of Twin PWU. Siat# of fdabe. Uils being tho pUes fixed for the tmnsacUon of Uie bui- . Uicsi o( tald esUlo. n

Dated December llUu IS5S. • ,.... - ARTHUR W. WALTER,

Executor Q U te S anh A. Waller,

O. W. WtJiam. uAlty .for esute. ^Residence, Twin FtUs, Idahft g j

Daily Cross-V. ACROia- SolutionefYattird j!

JL Kur«pi«B ,41. Diumtt H, C ci^Ilal 4L ColltcIlOB o(

I ' S r ’’” " — - I . - Tj!' lMec!'*'''ftti'* » i '"'"’oua *■ ®))! >-<miftlni .. i t im I.II

nam» . , -IL Fui-ol ik-----i r nuir «hip i. r

IWin nt prop- f.T, nitt«f wteh I. CCIO', li. Cumpsijloo

\ i p “ l 4

t f ;g

^ 2 T 2 3 ^ ■ ' 7 '

2? 3 T 2 T ^ 'Tz 3 M_ H

Z T ^ ^

— - “ ~ 5 5

_ _ Jg r r


iWilNTAiTUB Hnto tm u x s to m a o ' >'

- It tiHT 10 tMdm ot tb* tlaak >L nie pat* ttui Uur* U a w u i

ruli «ttiai( u n o i say afldiaaft- ' _ li iBformsUaa eoaewalaa *WlBd ' '

tdt,’ U ll U. UTtrUMUMDH Ufa* - iC td VlU a tm aunixr U can at . . u* Him.S, I -

i B U S I N E S S - :- d ir e c t o r y


201. Fire and aulo Uuuraoee.

" When In need or A0MINI8TRA- . TOR BOND, Initruct youf altaraer’A to get II from Uib J . F. Roberta ll. aieney,—Adr.


and a Happy Hew Year. Twla- Faiu Shoe Sliop, 133 W. Shoshone,P Ph. 8S8.

“ DRIVER SENTENCED 5 BY BURLEY COURTr BURLEY, Dec. lI-LonMoorewaa ' (Uied in probate court hers niura-

. day after entering a plea of guUty to a charge o( drtrlng while Uitoz- icated.

, Moore v u fined tlOi) and hU ' driver'a llctnso v u luipended (or

one year. An additional (tne o(.|50 [ Imposed to repreaenC a 39-diy em- ' lence that w u glvea aod tuspend- i ed In September on eondltlon be t remain out o( tovn for six months. f Ths new chargs revoked the lu i-. .> p e i i to of. aentence.' UDible io pay the f l u Moore• v u remanded to the custody o( the .

sheriff and v u placed Ui the C u-• iL. eounty JaU tii tervs out th e .I (Uiea a t (he raU ot 13 per di^,

J T b ite T a b le t "; i t t ie o l i W fotstaiw ev tn t art .

Mbim ttasBi r u tu g n n o ih tv ta ) rju ij • • *I , .c isao H snoBT u k i

^ u . i « >

'TTtiB tn uav« ........ —te « a .ia .™ " •“ S B i . - i i m r ” ” ’- '?

UsiM ___ 0. m.L u m ------ j S S ^bMw «'M » m! '

' t u UMumsn.tfHtboaae

i L n rT : ’~ » a k » t S; ', AmiM‘ Loata I, I I i l « p. m.> Arrlm ’ **« " r LtavH • . ,„.,3«l a. BU

BUf* M riai i t a d i p, m. vu j o ; ^ wi^Mi tad ooMUit e u tn vU

• . “ onXsTlTAM MKHtv ta n iti-n iiin*»« rtM _ ^ —

n u raiii-RtuiLWTM I*”" ? " • ■ i E i n c s n s T " ” ^ ' ^

M j S i t a ' A ' - . a* ^cmTAL a n t m u . ' '

ArrtTM , s « pi B.— s s s 5 = a —

g , r " , , _ i a t £

Woi*d Puzzleirday'aPiuzIt l .r tic * e (

H m il 5 r - ^■ H gCTeffif f i 11. Holinilnirali 'K l l i ! ! ;S S ;r .“ ‘vfinou r L P Ll :u ouidi ta bs»j.

■ i i W 'S l i f *’'

S M S C ^ S ;L Long nstro*

U rii i(0U 4t. Tropical fruitdown *J- “ ““J*,"**

l.-Trt*------------ ic -pre iin tt------ :--------L aiiilnMi er 47. tlnctueui \ •

iKllshi . u . Bllkworm \I. itutl IOOM- 11. UairlM lm .- -—

-t*ln rlimiDt. t

■ 7 |8 |'° I"JU 7


- W , T f W — — = ■

' ■■■yif J l V

$ r ~ ~ "


---------- 3 S - - - -


Page 10: mW]f X l iLS P]AILY - Twin Falls Public U»* AiioeU SALT LAKE CITY. Dec. 11-^ rich north central Utah Park ( peace

I ensjanoiiI' W. C. Roberts Receives Two y , ' il Scouling’s Most | . . Valued Aw ards

W. C, Ilol>crU of Burlty Prld»y■ recelred of lh« highest iw rd i

siren ScouUrs when he * « pre- ;enlnl «rilh the Seoutmuter'i Ke>- ind also Ihe Silver Beaver at the

. unnukl dinner mttUng of »ie «n»ke• niw r A nn founeU, Zoy Beouu of ' Amerin. heU at the r » k Hotel.

The ficouuiisster'* Key. pre*ented to Mr. Robert« by U A. Thomu.

.luperlntrndenl ot Mhools. i t Klm- * berly. Il the flrat lo be ilvon any

' Scouier In thU area. » .U auud-• fd a/ler completion of t coane In■ principles' 4l__uoutinaJt(nhlp; a• courw In.ftemenU Jn KQUlmuter- •

*hln; compleUon Gt three (peelallzed i rourset. one vhlch musl be In I tm t aid. Tho receiver also murt ]iiro ten'ed u Koutmailer at least tfiree y e tn and bttn eommUtlon- er two Jtar*,

The Bea^-er a n rd U lhe highest avM l ObUlnable In volunteer scout*

• lm and waa pret-nted on behalf of the aisoclallon by R. 11. finyder, (

■ president of Albion fiUte Konnal.nererend Jamea fi. Butler or the

' loca) Eptsc«pal ehurth, waa princl* pal speaker and chOM as hit theipe the leout raotlo. ‘Be Imparcd.* Tho (peaker u ld the leoullng program w u buUt around lhe boy. aa the lr raw naterlal, In an elfort to mould l< th t youth Into iOhvChinr tw ful ii and a benefit to humanity. Ite urged, ct

- mothen, manj’ of whom wera prea- di CTl. lo aid the scout movement In In

' order to betler aid In. th t b o /t A character buUdlng. tr' Duilnr the meeting a t which W. ai & fOU-of TMfl FUli praUed, th t report «f th« nomlnaUnt commit- In

' te « * u read by T.M. Robertton and m the following offlccn were elected qi

. by acclamation (or the earning year:■ -WiIburB. Hill, of Twin ralli. pres-pc

tdenti M. P . Cunningham ot Kalley. tr ' M, U. Vtit Ptlten o t Buhf, M tna te

K K nitht ef Burlty; Hotel Hilo b t «3 OaUey; Dr. L, P. I^ater of Good- ea

.Isg ; Charlea Welterolh' of Jerome; ui David Moyet ot Kimberly:' Av.W. ca Ranten of .fihothone; E. W. Borin* ' of Rupert: 3. Henry Hiompton ot roi V atta; I. S Jotlyn ef Twbi W U ; Iw alt vtoe-pretldenlt; Boy Painter ot er Twla Falla, treaturer; and Dr. J. K. tu Davit ot Kimberly, commlttloner. pr

OomtDltlcca namtd for 1937'and co ' annourKCd a t Ihe dinner wete: J. re]

H. Wlddlson ot Paul, court ot ban- Uo CT! S nue Bfgujt ot Klabcrlfi tin- or ance; Ocorge Denman of Burley, nu health and aatety; 0 . 0 . RosAerry , ( of Rupert, civic tervlc«; MUton L. ar W itll of Twfn PUU. camping; or ■niomuJJ. Robertton o l Twin m ia , gei

' ' pubUdty; L- A. ‘n » m u ot ffim- wli — .bertrrtralnlng! M d-R.-H . «iurder . of Albion, reading. a i' - During the evening Dr. J. K. M

, DavU ot Kimberly, a rta cocnmtn « ' (loser, totd or plant for aitemUar

. .'the uiODal aeoQt Jtm bom a t Wash-

. U ittti. D. 0 , in Junt, im . r - ' At til* dinner, which w u attend- . ,*d by K arly .lW peraoni. Invoca- ,

tlon w u given by Reverend W. O. ' Bowman of the P in t ' Melhodltt “

■ (hunh t lK lub fO r.. , _ , JJJ

W D FfflSM il i » ’

------- Hu

Offlccn ol anjtko Rlrer etmp, J S Pacific Woodmen, for the coming »!] year were elected Itat erening al a meettng ot memben a t the bome u a o t W. B. Mumpower. tlnancUl wc* t retary and <kpuly field man for tu i the organlzalion. mci

M. N. BJctoon wat eJccW con- aul commandcr lo tuccced Je»e Pll Oreen, and other olflccn wtre elect- ?»

, ed a t followt; UUE. B. Scott, adrlsor lieutenant; i

Meredith Dlckmon. banker; J l W.. Williams, cJcort; William PoweU. I . irtlcbinan; IJdrard Jehmofl, ten*

try; Eugene i}orrii. Prank Soren- ton and Auon Mumpowtr. tudltort. . .

Aboul 20 memben altended. Ice w , cream tnd cako wtre terred afler the business tettlon. ^

Regular meeUngs of tlw camp*arc the first Tueaday of cach month.

Snofl Fighting Equipment In ^

County Re;>dy 2Twtn PaUa Highway dUlrlct mow of t

flahUng equipment Is In perfect tlie eondlUon and wllhin thirty mlnuie« H

- -could'be-called-lnto tm lce tn tlie wm erent of a hw vj tnowfaU. j . D. fd Sloemt. diti^ior ot h /(h rt} i, uMFriday. lesil

' . The four wheel drtre. fire ton »UrWaJten mow fighter which It used T. / for h tary duty work hat a th r« md &one-half ton CMC truck u a piuiirr mu'wheo tho going bKomei too dllfl- diet calJ. Nr. fiJncma ulU. ThU tt/ulp- Ji

•ment hat been In tcrvke for tirr Mor yean. Fkcing itt tecond winler will bo tho w w Dletel motor pttrol equipped wilh a intri pfow. i-, i;

tfndcr ordinary condiiloiw the von equipment malnUlned for Ttrln n U t eouol/ I t enUrely sufiiclcnl. ths director tald, although wealher I s< l u t Ptebruarr tazed Ih t equipment I Rbe

J E L L I S O J. . M E M O B

,4 3 5 M ain A vcn

G ood s lo c k o f f in ish e d m onum w h ic h to 6(


i t A i a TEN'

j j i ' ' , ' .

I W i i l i e W U l i s ]I I By •BOBEET Q D IU ra |

,0 ‘

d IqsS / 1 « ' ID1. >1 - “I know what Rpenlcnce 1>. ll't lf>e n, y aca»d feelinf you hare whtn you• ihlnk maybo tomebody uw yo"

d o J t" »:» -• n• , . Cliioisnrns: : m i H i :

i----------- ------ L. tnf — pr• C ham ber G ets Hundreds ol, Bstimis Comming »»

; Local Advantages! Hundreds of requctU asking for Tj ! InformaUon reginUng tha adran* II I tates to be found tn Ihe Twin PtUs I a m hare been rtceJred by tbe lo- • 1 cal Chamber d t Commerce office*' during the paat few' weeks, accord- I Ing to P. O. Thompson, secretary. . A,majority of the queries haw eeme ■

trim farm famUUt In the draught areu.

iaeh ><lt<r recelred li answered « Immediately and the desired Intor- mallon ft supplied liie penon in quetllon. Mr. Thomptonstald. ®*

Parmen atklng condllfont and op* pottunlUet in the T*1n PaUt dls* trlet are told nol to eomo hero to leltls unJus they h a « a t least Im I3M0, a tubiUnlla] part being In ><i' c u h and the balance In equipment, «or upon arrival to atiure ability to ust carry Ihrough lhe /In t year.■ o/flclaU 'br lhe Chamber rtcom* mend tmall 6ne:famlly tjpe ' farmt iw MtUed upon. They aUo tend lit- , * eralure teiUng about solU,- water tupply. cropi. marketing fuilliles. priees, tchoolt, business and living coals. A blank Is cncloaed In etcJi "O reply with spaco for addllional quet* ^ Uont and room for a list of friends Pro or reUUvta who would like to know moro about Ihls tecUon of Idaho. I U .CircuUn enclosed dctcrlbe thU I

area u beljig one void of cyclones or dettrecUw flood* which eodtn- ger llres and property and a place whera crop faliuret are unknown.

i p F l i i i s------- ds;

David Rets, TO, itUrcd tanner ol Kai UurUugh. died at hU home yes* opUrday aftemoon. He had been a bodretldent of tho county, alnee 19I0. she' He was bom June 3. )80e, lo Wales iimiand camo to thU country when a ti ehlld. Ho Ilred a t Pralrlo, K antu, prior, to hU coming here. HU wile preceded him In deaUi tev^uV^rean

. ChUdren ttuvlrtag ^ Jlemy ri?i ftte*. of Murtaugh, Mr*.. ClodweenHunt, M n. Charlea, Bamett and “ "V U bl Doroihy neet, all ot River-view, Caliromia; a lister. Mrt. Jane “ iftWUUama o t San DIege and.a breiUt- >nder, f inea t Rees ot filockton, Cal- twoUoniU, abo aurrlve. Hat

Ttio body pt*U a t the WhlU mor* of £tuary pending ' tunenl arrange* Ingmenta. ' vice

5 i [ l . i M i l S S ; I

FliEICIlLlEllIliBlLl™_____ tor

W. A. Roblnton, Ta-ln PalU' farm­er. who told tome bein' tlraw and *' beet los» lo J. P. Reynold! for aheep l«<Uli3t fall, was awarded Judg- mcnl for $201.71 when Reynolds Mifd him Itl the dUtrict court here tae tsa/xa damtges on aocount ol l(vu of sh^ p ascribed l9 aUeged prtsence of poisonous mailer In the tOTage.

The Jury deliberated IS minutesind then liiie yr'terday attemoon Arelumed Its rtrdict denying Rey- ■rtsldt' claim and aranUnc iudgment I1' Robinson for the uilpaid balance I I}f tha prle« to have been paid for ■tlie tonne. Trial occupied two daya. ■ ■

RoblnMn't moUon for non>tult nnw owmiltd alter neynoldt-resl*. I Ird Ills cue early yesterday, and R Risblnun's attcmer* proceeded a ilh Mesilmony. calllne lo the tUrid four D Qiltneues. R. u Plelitlck. Carl Boyd, ■ ■r. A. Evant and W. A. Roblnton. U

&1 rellyeroi’e of llansen. foct* I Hn u i of Hit Jury, signed the vrr* HUct. ' - H

Jurors «fre Mfoxd unlll next V IVtonday. ■ ■

/< llie iilmQu'and prored to be the Bfl »or»i upprifnfcd Jtere In lhe last H I ;o yean. f M

Sm Harry M uctira for Never H Shed Xina< T r m l - Adr. B

N B R O S . g R I A L S . . y-cn u e E o sf ■

u m c n ls .a n d m arke rs fro m l lficlcct M

U CES ■ - ‘ K flrA R A S T E E D l l

IW P i lT Ol i l L l i T

C ham ber D irec to rs Decide to E lab o ra te on Seasonal

F ea tu returker parade, held <

In Twin PalU for ths f ln t timo In 1 hUlory thU week. will, become ani annual «vent In lhe city, memben !g of the Chamber of Commeree board a of dlreclon decided Prtday a t lho I regular noon luncheon meellng beld I in Uw Chamber offlcea J t I t p lan* 'l ned to make next year'a event even t more’cUbonte than~thf one this }: year wlilch attracud 3000 peraons to ,G

' the downtown area tait Wednejdaylii ' aflemoon^ ;ii' During the meeUng, a report oniV

Ihe recent parade was made byjli Ralph Carpenter, chairman of lhe |n Clumber parade commltlee. |ii

A retoluilon by the Junior Cham-;T ber w u'reod and complimented ihe L tenlor Roup on the atreet decor, allona they iponured for the ChrUt* cl mas s e w n . / c(

A neruTcmber, Ray Holme*, agent cc ot the ShcU OU company w u In* b< Iroduced by R. p . Robinson, vice* president, who pm lded because of „ the abtenc« of Chamber President 1 R, J. Schwendlman. Mr. Schwendl- If man was out n f th* ellj’ on buti-

liPSr D K R K ■

■ s m i i i i E i s

Twice conricUd o l drM os an au* El tom'obUe while under tho Influence „ of liquor In Twin PalU the erening „ ot last Oclober a . Joseph W. Ben- » Jlmln, PocateUo Insurance talesman, |WM lentenced by Judge Adam B. , iBarcUy In ths dUtrtct eourt here lyeiterday to par JlOO fine plus “ tSOJO cotU and lo terve a 30-day term In Twin ?alU count! JalL ilmmedlately Ihereatur tlie court admitted BenJImto io parole on * | condition that he refrain from the 1“ use ot alcohol "in any degree” fcr one yt»T. P*r»le w u to T, A- Me. Cabe, PoattUo laUway tUUon m at. J Ur.

BenJimln w u found guilty by a Jury »l tria l'In the dUlflct eourt “ after he had appealed from Ihe !, Ilne and Jall sentence Impoted when he pleaded guilty lo the drunken ‘ drlrlng cate on arraignment in the probale court here. ^

L l N l i S l I

DIES HI DKLTDN'----------- — - ■■ iJt

HAZELTON, Dec. 11 -tjm an A.’a ti aiiepherd,:n, reUrcd farmer, died pio a t the home ot hU ton. P. L. Slicp* L » hetd, here a t i o'clock IhU atter< noon following a thort Illness. n ’

Ftinenl tervleet wUl be held Sun* p d ir tl im c o a a t j;30’o'cJoclc a t Uj» hja Hatelton L. D. S. church with BUh> hiui op Jetse J. OUon offlcialinr. T ht cuti body may be viewed a t tho P. L. othi Shepherd home tnm II a. .m. unUl non time cf the aervlee. T

Ue w u bom a l fian Bemardlno. , t ,CtUfemla. Febnury 9. 1854, the __ton' of Mr. and Mrs. Martus L. ■ Shepherd. ^

Surrlrlng ate hU widow. Mn.! ' Clara A. shepherd of Ifaullon, four ions.-Robert L. Shepherd of BoUe. f . Ja.iper U Shepherd ot Wood's Cross,UUh, P. u Shtpherd of Hazelton tnd J. Bera Shepherd ot Twin FklU;;wo daughten, M n. Hy Johnton ot llanlUn and MUt U u ra Shepherd i >r SpanUh fMrk. Utali. The follow- ' ng broUien and tlsUn-tkUo lur* rice: Mrs. a C. Maescr and Mrt.IiilU Joh)uon ot Proven Utah, Mrs.^ n a Rich of l ^ n . llUli, aiHl 3r. Wtrren Shtplicrd ot Salt Lake :iiy.

The body retU a t tha Payne nortutry In Burley and will be tak- ■n to hU old home a t Beaver, Uiah. or miermenl. ; •

The lau booka of Fletlon. Trarel ind jDTrnllet can be had al Ihe':i«t RooIr Si«re.-<tdr.

m sS P E O A L H O I W /

7 2’ L o v e l y S i m u l a t e s


9 8 |One, tw o, and tlirce ."(Irand n o m ntch inp cnrrinsrs included.

"Tin'Klit go ld finw iics. Bonutifi A wclcomc R itl n t a b ic sav in

P E N N Iy g g y j y Q f i n M Q Q R


CommitteemenN For Yuletide

[ . Party NamedCommittees who will be In charge

tn of tire Junior Chamber ot Com- « meree-t annual chlldrtn'# ChrUt- c m ts party were announced PTlday c by offlclnlt of the orttniutloa. The )

.p ttty win be held during the U u I afternoon ^.December 24 a t tlio

Id Christmu tree on the oourt houta |i n lawn. hn I Committee!, with Rulon Dunn as h ralgeneral chairman, are: Collections t d and flnancf. Alton Vounr, Oan OH* le 'U ttr anil WUton Peck; to secure L d loyt from local meichanU, Claude l I* Dftwiler. W. R. Reed, and Al Wes- ii n ‘urgren;>puRhtieotcandyandnuU. i is Hap VeltDtr, Cralg Coleman and A. »: o ,S . Bock«lli: publlcUy, John Oard- b ylncr. ft, a. Tolltemlrt. and CJjud: et

illelin; ClirLitmu tree atrangemenu, tl niWlIllnm McRoberts; <flstribuUoc».ot ol y,loy». Harry DeiwcUer. R. S, TJifne* *i e|m1r« and John fioden; to secure to

liinmcs of needy children. P.. o . e> .;' Rontld Qravcs and

tfoyd Voonf.Any persons knowing of needy m

children in tha clly are urged to eoDtact any member ol the abo« commUiee or telephone the Cham* Q ber of Commeree offices.

I l i e s ' mm. .: IDTELLCONDIIiSS

■<------- Wl

Tlie Workers Alliance In Taiin voi , Palls waiiis everybody to know the wh ’ imemployment and .relief probVs'ms •> wilh Which It is denling, and U ez* tending an Invlutlon lo tho genm l public, and rspteUily to buslaass people. {o atCcnd a mceUngr of ihe orsanlrailon In Twin p<iu high ichool auditorium-at 8 o'clock neat Monday erening. Ed Hacker, acting president, announced la tt .evening,

'■We' want the people generaUy to know the condlUons U;at eaUt right here in Twin RilU," Tfacker aald.,

•Tliera are aliogether loo many unemp1o)'cd here." he u ld , 'a nd whtn Illt county commUslonen tee fil 10 allow only WO a week for beef Sot 300 families, Uie tlluallon U rapidly becoming terlous."

A number of the pertons now un* employed liere-a» thote ,who.quit rellef'rolls to work In liarvett fields and who have not tlnce .been k - Instaled on the eligible llA for re­llet proJecU.

A lelier outlining local unemploy­ment and relief conditions ft lo be dnlted and addressed lo Idaho's congrcMlonal delegaUon a t Mon­day tvcnlng's meeting, lUcker said.


I Plorlsts' establUhmenb-thTDUfhr lout southem fdtha «vre reprefcatcd a t a mettlng of the Souihem Idaho ,PIorUU club a l dinner at Uie Rog- 'enon hotel In Twin PalU Thun* dty evening. Coren wtre Uld fgr :11 penons.

President of the club. Orlo WU*Ilsms of Twin niU . prcsfded (i a buslneu‘•eatlon which Uicluded dU* cutsloai o t the flower aliow and other features ot Uie recenl lUte nortsU* convenUon a t Rupert.

ThC' c lubi nnt*meeling U lo be a t Jerome. January H.

V i t a U t y B r a n d

c A t c i u M PHOSPHATE

Guamnlecd nol to bum Fumace Treated

CortiainH No AcM Spreader Furnished


P ho^e 150


nccklnccs — some with H ■d. Pearl,- dull roW nnd H tiful rhinestone cinsp.^

i i i s il i H i i l l i l n B l i

■.Y HEWS, TTON F A I1 3 ,! ! ) ; «

i n m E s s i rJ j N M I l S _ F i l . i l

Walter U e Doss. 51. Twin PalU n .fm id e n t since lOIt and proprlcidr It- of the Royal Cleaners and Tation : ay died a t hU home on Addtson avenue I hfl /esltfdsy momUig. lie had been Ul 1 .(« iwo weeks wiih pneiimonla. lie Mr. DOSS w u bom July 38. IUS, n In Roanoke. VUglnU. and made hU

home in Moulton. low*; before com- M Ing to Idaho. He w u a member of tu the Christian church.I* He is survlred bf hU wl/c. Mr». re U u n Moon Doss; two tons, WalUr le Lee Doa. Jr.. and Robert Do»; and s- ilOTe dtughUn. Mrs. VlrglnU s. Brown, and the JtUstes Dorqthy A. and Maxine Dost. All were a t the I- btiWde when dcaUi came. A broth- X er. John Do-Wbr N»ir York CJly and s, three aUten. Mn. Orace llearlfleld )f of Calitorola. Mn', Lula Tliomaton !• and Mrs. Bessie Varney of SUun- ■e ton, aUo survire. Mrs. llearlfleld U 1. expected to arrive Bundty.^ The body resU a l the Tain Palls

mortuary pending funeral sffangc* j y ments.0 — --------


■------- blOne man and one woman were fj

granted decrecs of dlroree foDow* n llli uncontesUd liearlngs before

* Judge Adam B. B#rcla>- in tho dfi- ol1 iricl court bere yesterday. r ,

‘On grounds of aUeged desertion Ui William Shadduck obialnnt ft df* ar

n vorce from Mn. Alice fihadduck B whom ha married a t Waynt, Wc* ct

2 kI G R O C E R Y ■I ...." 'de^ .- ......■I PHONE isoo ■


lYtsh fauty new. crop Clirea, 0 Lemon Pe«1 for yoor Frail Cake ding,

I b . 27<

Karo SM K N U T SN ew c rop n u ts

2 lbs. 35c


MIXOle F a sh io n C hris tm as

, H ard M ix C andy.

lb. l O c

O BEsnkUt Navelt. targe tlte. richer

fUvor. Compare the qoal

2 dox. m' M


P o t R o a s t B e e l

V e a l S t e w s 6 c l b .

F a l l R o m p B e e £ .. H a l t o r W h o l e F a l l

P i c n i c H a m s . . . . . . . . . .

F a t c o l o r e d C h i c k i

S h o . L a m b . . . . . . . . . . . .

S w i s s S t e a k s . . . . . .

W h e n B e tte

. y . . .


I' bratka, NovxmberM. lg3»:AmUiorson I t with th# fflolijer. Xo p n ^ erty righU were Involrtd.

M n. O nce Baxter ot BuhJ, mo* t t o o f four ChUdren, JS lo JJ old, WU' gnnU d a divorce -from Oeorge B « te r on jrounds of cruel-

lU ty, and w u awarded custody of the " P re w l ; in

S CHRISTMAS K E H L E S ; ; a p p e a r ON STREETS

The traditional ChrUtmu ket- lies ol Uhj B a ln u m Army used ;

;r for Uie collecUon of funds for tlio Id providing of C liruunu baskets ! U to needy families wUI be pUced on y the Jtlreet today, AdJuUnt Ethel le Eliu announced. ' ..I- .Mn. Eilu'exprtiMd hope that d cUlsens e t Twin F»l!s will con- • d tribute u generously UiU year u n Ihey have In the past and olten I- her Ihanks lo those who make s the work‘ot tho Army possible

during the holiday teaton.


Services fer Ruth KarUon. iKfant ' daughter ot Rev, and Mn. John

KarUon. who died ahortly atlcr birth TuescUr'. were hefd a t ihs

' family home yealerday momlng.' Rer. Mackey J. Brown, Natarena

mlnUUr.'and Adjutant EUiel EUU of the Salvation Army. otticiaUd. Bev, KarUon. who U a mltUsler of Uie ClirUUan and MUslonary Alli* anee, ipoko M elly.

InUrment w u In Rock Creek cemeUry._______ ________ *

B O R D E N S -lt't Di

- l i ’ t B e H e i

i i E c u r r ;' i J r ? . . " F M c y e n id c , C allt,

m n ts .

8 ,1 ,-

Syrup r:iWALNUTSC alifo rn ia No. 1

W nlnuta

; 2 lb s .3 9 c

Y -cmC H O C O L A T E

Ole Fa.shion Chocolato

2 lbs. 2 5 c :

R A N G E SiuS"'

I9 c 2 J o i


:e C S h o u l d e r R o i_ _ _ _ _ S C »

L a m b S I _________ 6c»

a l l s B r a n d H a m s . . . . . . . .

.................lO c Ib . 4. . . . . ; . . . . . . . . 2 0 c l b . i

: . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Z V z c i b . t

■.. .... > b . s

O y s t e r s a n d F a U I ■ t e r M e a t s A r e S o l d Fi

, DECEMBER 12, 1986 ’


M Twin PWlls'high'achocl tymphony om orchestra presenUd tb e weekly g h '*'• school assembly yesUrday ,afUr- ^ noon. Numben Uicluded ‘ 'PeUU letr SulU de BaUet,” Oluck; ’■JlungarUn m- Dances," Brahms; "Trts JoUe.“ Wal-

denfcl; -Conneetieut March," Huj- jonn; "Beauly Spot," Charles Ar­thur; selecUons trom SuUiran's op* cn t; telecliontifrDm "U Trovalon."

r c vetdl; and a tneOSer o t o li k o o .■ arranged by Jullut S. Sercdy. J. T,

, BtlnbrMge U ths director.-,

sf ' ■10 inUKsl group Ui knitting, cratt. ts recreation and dancUig will be tpoo- m sorfd by the Olrl Reserres durtog et lllf following monlhs it U announc-

iti . . p — I

i S H A D O

D a n c e

° MUSIC BY Bl i A n d H is N e w D


1 Kimli

different 1 T

er I U C

ilANTS Ilifo rn la Z nntc Cur* S & Co

R aisins.

i O c 2 gth e fav o r ite sy ru p 1 I k inds of C h ris t- I I I

nd ie s , . I VF p

PECANSiBmbopolIshtdGeorrfaraper .

Shell, exlra fancy

2 Ibs. 5 5 c :


Fre sh n e ir sJocJc

2 I b s . 2 7 c 2

5 B iuice N arcN


o a s ts V eal H a K S h i »b. _____J

S tew s 2 Ib s ' lb .

^ Ibs. S h o r te if te g .... .

Yoimg T u r k e y s ......

L am b C h o p s .......

S Irlobi S te a k s ..........

IBrandChttl For le s s W e W ill Sell

[ ed by MUt Rutb HcMtnamie, tec<

L Y ' - r - ■_ _ _ :The Musle elub met Thurtday t

30J e rtn taf with tha tpgnior, L ojdJ Ith Ather Wilson w u ap* 't

poUibed to-glre a brief talk eo.i-.>' " «m lng acUviUet of u,a group lii UU lhe astembly beld yesindty. Bciiy ‘ Un Wegner U lo wtIU an arUcle for al- “ hool ptper. It w u de-u j. tided.Vr-n>- aiEBTlNQ CALLED FOE .t." OnUBCU MEMBEB8U1P2 ’ An Important aeetlcg of the en*

tire membenhlp of the P in t Chrli* lltn churclt wUI be held followliiB Ihe KN vlag worahlp terrlce ticxe .

It. Sunday, Depember p .

ng' Globe* and AlUsee a t CTot Oeok c- 8Ure.-Adr.

) W L A N D I

1 T o n i t e I

BUS VAUGHN f D ix ie la n d Bond ♦ ‘

N D BALLROOM Ib e r ly

S 1 6 3 cRAISINS I

(I'oitlen Bleached Scedicss I

a - 2 9 c


Jum bo n u is , no peanu ts

2 l b s . ^ 5 c


Jum bo, .a ssorted flavors and colors.

2 I b s . 2 5 c

a n a n a sFa n c y F ru it

j j b s ^ ^ 2 ^


ho. Young Pork tSc»b-

i Sliced Liver>5c

............JO clb........25c

.... .......-4 4 c

.............2 0 c lb...., ,,....■..■180 lb.. . . . . . . . . 15c lb.

II T h e m . . ~