new year, new you: change your mind, change your health

NEW YEAR, NEW YOU Week 1: Change your mind, Change your health. Dr. Cole Bradburn, D.C.

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Week 1 of the New Year, New You series @ RCC. Change Your Mind, Change Your Health.


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NEW YEAR, NEW YOUWeek 1: Change your mind, Change your health.

Dr. Cole Bradburn, D.C.

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University of Missouri Honors College

B.S. in Life ScienceDoctorate in ChiropracticCum Laude

I have spent 9 years studying health and what is required to experience health. Conclusion:

You were born to be healthy

All healing comes from God

Most doctors study sickness and diseasePrinciples of Health & Wellness differ from principles of Sickness & Disease.Can not solve health questions with sickness answers.God needs no help, just no interference.

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Stats on American Health from the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)

“Death by Medicine” - Therapeutic drug use each year

Kills 198,000 people,Puts 8.8 million in hospitals & accounts for 28% of all hospital admissions

“Dead by Mistake”200,000 deaths per year due to medical mistake.These are preventable medical errors and hospital infections

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From the World Health Organization (WHO)

The U.S. consumes 60% of the world’s drugs

25 million pills consumed every hour of every day!

The U.S. spends over $3 trillion on sick care annually.

Despite this investment, the U.S. ranks 37th out of 40!

Every year for the last 50 years there have been more medical doctors, more nurses, more drugs, more hospitals, and more money spent in America. Who thinks we are getting healthier? Every year the rates of chronic sickness and preventable death increase!

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“Before you escape from a prison, first you must realize you are in one.” --William Blake

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To create change, we need to change our beliefs.

All human knowledge is temporary, God’s wisdom is eternal

Ex: Medical treatments found out to be damaging or deadly

bloodletting, lobotomy, Vioxx, CT Scan, Mammogram

Health - smoking recommended for relaxation!

Our bodies are not machines, they are divinely inspired

Tremendous amount of what is accepted as truth or science today will tomorrow be found to be faulty or harmfulVioxx -- David Graham, MD (FDA) killed 60,000CT Scan - 29,000 new cancers and 14,500 deaths annually

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We do have tendencies to be high strung, low strung, headstrong, stomach big, or heart weak.

Tendencies can be overcome.

Research has proven that genetics determine 2-5% of your health. The rest is environment/lifestyle.

95-98% of us are born with the ability to live with outrageous health

Balancing Lifestyle and Genomics Research - Dr. W.C. Willet Science 26 April 2002

Neuroscience, Molecular Biology, and the Childhood Roots of Health Disparities - Harvard, Rockefeller University JAMA. 2009;301(21):2252-2259

National Academy of Sciences - Dr. Dean Ornish prostate study

30 men with prostate cancer decide against surgery/radiation. 3 months of major lifestyle change (fruits/veg, moderate exercise 30 min, hour prayer/meditation)48 disease preventing genes turn on, 453 disease promoting genes shut down.

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Our health is not random chance.No studies showing we are genetically programmed to get sick

Life strives for balance. Sickness is a lack of cell balance.

Every disease in the Merck manual is due to some cells in your body not functioning in balance.

Your state of health is the genetic expression of your lifestyle choices.

What drives you away from health?Stressors (deficiencies & toxicities) - spiritual, mental, physical, chemicalStress is the rate of wear and tear on the body.

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Spiritual Health



The area you are lacking in will be your undoing.

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Spiritual Health



Your body is not only created by God, it is for God. It is a miraculous gift that God has handed over to you for a short time. Showing respect for your gift means showing respect and love for God.dietary toxins, anxiety, inactivity -- irritate system, affect moods, cloud body, rob strength. Result - relationship others/God, time on planet

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The questions you ask determine the quality of your lifeLets learn to ask better questions.

•I wonder what I’ve got?•I wonder what’s wrong with me?•I wonder what the treatment will be?•What is the diagnosis?

•What does a person require to express health?•What is toxic that could drive me away from health?•How can I shift my body towards better balance?

Instead of: Ask:

A: Eat Well, Move Well, Think Well, Connect Well

you can’t get the right answer unless you ask the right questionA lack of diagnosis does not mean healthy.Great Lakes Example

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Hosea 4:6 - “My people are destroyed from a lack of knowledge.”There is now, and has always been, more than enough info. Knowledge means understanding and/or wisdom.In the Bible, “knowledge” denotes action or the ability to perform what knowledge claims is true.

Being transformed by the renewing of your mindInformation is knowing, real knowledge is doing.

God doesn’t say “My people are destroyed for lack of Bibles, health books, audiotapes, videos, etc...”

Understanding and wisdom means when you come across info, you act on it.We know fast food is unhealthy, but look at the lines.

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Self-Motivation (for me) vs. Inspired Obedience (for God).

Psalm 24:1 - “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.”

Proverbs 16:3 - “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.”

Read from book.1 Cor 6:19-20 Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.

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In the Bible, 40 is the number of complete transformation and renewal.

According to scientific research, six weeks (approx. 40 days) is how long it takes to establish a habit

Noah saw the world transformed by 40 days & nights of rain - Genesis 6-8

Moses was with the Lord for 40 days & nights when he received the 10 commandments - Exodus 34:28Elijah ate one meal and did not eat again for 40 days, yet had all the strength needed to do God’s work - 1 Kings 19:8

The spies returned inspired and renewed after 40 days in the promised land - Numbers 13:25Jonah foretold that Nineveh would be overturned (transformed) in 40 days - Jonah 3:4Jesus fasted 40 days & nights before being tempted by the devil - Matthew 4:2Jesus presented Himself to the disciples for 40 days following His resurrection. This was the death of the old and rebirth of the new - Acts 1:3

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So how do you get 40% better for God in 40 days? By getting 1% better each day for God:1. Your relationship with God2. Your relationship with family3. Your body4. Your mind5. Your business6. Your skills7. Your time management8. Your outlook on life

• and then continue getting 1% better each day (or even each week) for the rest of your life.

If you do not care for your temple, you will not have the energy or time on earth necessary to perform and fulfill your purpose.

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Eat 5 foods by God per dayChoose any simple exercise to do twice a week for 20 minutes

walk briskly, jog, bikeTry to be want-less

want only what God gives you, and trust that he will give you everything you need and more than you ever wanted.Philippians 4:11“Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.”

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Diet myths and truth

Living to eat or eating to live

Four keys to better eating

Motion is Life

And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being

transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes

from the Lord, who is the Spirit.2 Corinthians 3:18

Carpenter Story