THE WORLD: SATURDAY EVENING. DEOEMB13.. 31, 1832. 3 fl BROOKLYN NEWS. " NO BLOODSHED." Big Mayor Gleason Is Bound to Serve Anotlior Term. Sanford Faclion Aro Just as Fully Determined. 'udt-- e Cullrii IteTiiscs to Stop Lonj: ' Island City's Chief. i Application vms mado to Justice rallci. lis tairntns In tlio lirooklyn Supremo Court )r an Injunction to toitralu l'ainck Ulcasoii iroui taktn;: possession j'l tlio oMeo ot Mayor of Lore Island tlio tUat (Jlcason Ity on 'an. -- , oa jrrounil ami City ClcrU TUomas II. lim'KO entcicil Into jcocsplincy to prevent thu proper canvass ct tlio vote tor Mayor at ttie last general ( ecuon. Iho clerk Uad Issued n certificate ot elcc Hon lo oleaaon vvlilcli, It was rlalmed, li lvorthiesj. as shown by (oriner mandamus rrccecJluss. justice mllon denied the application. i cannot," lio tald, " grant nn injunction lo tnls case. 1 canuot restrain Patrick .1. Gleatou iroui asaunilnir tlio duties ot Jlnvor. ' ctLcn.' Island City on n ex parte order. yotiic bliould bo Blven to the other bide. Inould suggest that the way to tettlo tills matter Is tor Ilorutlo Sanlordtogo to ' tliociu Hall in Long Island city on .Ian. :: and demand tlio papers pertaining tu the i nice. II refused, bo can then aoply to tlio ceurli f r mandamus, compelling Gleason tO tuin over tho olllce to him. 1 be President ot the Hoard ot Aldormn can also tnako the same djiuand. luo court may then be In a position to flecide ho shall bold thn oniee, penal ru tho settlement or tho matter by quo vniranto rrocu'dlngs." .Ma or uica-o- n was found In bis ofllce this morning. wnen asked if he cvnected to contlnuo to1 discliaigo tho duties as Mayor after mldnunt when lili present teim ot oillcovvill expire, tlij tils Jlav or snlit: Wo may have a dual Uovernment. but I .hall continue to dlschargo tho duties of Moor. I bold a certlllcatu ccrtlljlng that 1 iris ii gaily dieted lor auotucr term. Win there bo any trouble? Will, I guess tbeie won't, to any bloodslud. "'1 lie other fellowsare inaklnga rtesrerato effort y to tlx It so that .Mr. banlord can Lavo some grounds lor attempting to occupy llie Matorsvliair. "I,luvi' written to Mr. banford, suggesting tint ( liu question as to wno liomltleil lo tliu i.rcebe ieir.illj decided In tho courts, and lint I, In mo meantime, continue to Ul etuue the duties oi Mayor, but draw no uldry until It Is decided that I um eniltlid lo oo s'i bv an order or iho Com t. 'Itlilukthat this would only be fair to: tothsioeN bm the Santord iaiilon evidently do not approve rf such a i ourne, as 1 have nut let uear.l from .Mr. m reply." Horatio s himlftrd's lleutca.iiiis uro nuu Itipu lo accom plliti something boloto tnldiilulit which will live Mi. J'Utuoid an opportunity to be sworn Id os Muynr. In to noon It looked as though Mayor (le"on lud a derided udvantniro over Ills o!puU"iit in having possession of tho ofllce, una also having a certificate cmltln him lo nenirirn In fur another teim. Ttis lorenonii Acting city Clerk llnys vwnt to titooklyn to leport tu Judge Itarllolt tts ol tils cITons to comply with m mill rot the Court to lnvo the returns rrom usin Uisi nets Hi vrlili li lo nameo! Mr. MiL.nrd was mlssi"iled, ecnt bud; to tho Inspectors tor collection. li was on itccouiit or lliecctcitirns that.Mr. iiufiiiii UMSiimuttd out. ut Ing city ClciK Hays was unable to Pud winco! tlmi led ton Inspectors, und tor this ttaion was unnU'! lo carry out the order of lae i mirt. v ting City Clerk llnves appeared In the niprune cotiit. llroiiklyn, this morning and nudr his return to Justltu cullcn on lUo mtmliuius Ubtied Dj Jubtko Hal lieu last !jtuiiay. 11 u i'm said lio linu bent luck tho disputed renins tlio liiipennraot el'vcudlstilo, ns dlrre el oy tliu court. Ho has reieivul leu ofiueiu b ick again, coricct-'ti- li'siiiii uull-- u or.leri'il llajis m reraralil ieii.pi In writing. Thli was done, and liu ifore lis In us corrocttu s. I I.u.vjer llrrry A. antlort then obtained in cider to compel the f the mini- ng District tosuow eauovvliy a tnand.iinus h' uM not Is no compelling them to hand the ritnrns bad: id llnves. Tlio order is return- - b:c eatly neM wceU. MLL KIHBS BE FOH MURPHY? - i Nineteen Vote', Pledged Neither! For Nor Against Him. Kings County's delegation in the Ptato legislature Is this morning, to all Intents rnd r purposes, unfettered. Tho boventccn msin-oc- ot Asjembly met in caucus last night at tne Thomas JelTerson IHilUlltig, aud wltuout taking deilnlto action as to their cholco loi speaker or United btatos fcuator. senators McCarreu and Mccarty itronot present. Lx.ltegtslcr Hugh McLaughlin appeared before tho caucus and udvUed tUat no action te taken before noxt Monday night, when the neu caucus will bo hold tit tho Delnvan House, Albany. It Is generally understood that Assembly- man James l tjulgley, has abandoned the "Kilt lor hpeakerand will got, Instead, tlio Chairmanship o! the Waj sand Means com-yillli- It la nloo understood thst there will ;e no opposition Dy Urooklyu As'cmblynwn i Speakership. William hulzer, of uw York, tor tho Ulspietty well undorstooa that it ltlcliard iruker and Hugh MeLatiglillu como to terms ; ''"f" county will go solid lor J.dw.iid Jlur- - Wi (ot United htutes henntor: oilierwlae Mr. McLaughlin Is Inclined to gtaud by tho 1'cd-- 4 l'n Admlnlsttatlon in tha cholco of a tnitor. ''he Kings county legislators all start for Albany ifeiing thai they stand In a position joiormu verj strong nucleus lor t movement in opposition to Jlurpny H tho necessity ts llseli. NARCOTIC CURE FOR DRUNKARDS 5 WllllnrnBburjr Institute, to Apply an Omaha Concorn'a Motltods. An Instiiutlon for tho reclamation ot drunk- - Ws is to be established in Williamsburg. , A stock company has been organl7.ed, with l Utorgo II. I'lslier ns i'rcsldcnt, and tlio stockhoHcra have resolved to purchoso ' li'iritcrial tights from the Houston Narcotic J vi rn i oaipany, of Omaha, Neb. uwas lepurio lata meet lug of stockhcld- - Jis lasi nitut that nils cute had been testui J ,L"J!1,e promluont IceM pnjsli'lans and that . J! ""'" "''" urt bcin treated had thoioughly overcoiim their uppeilte tor alcohol. lifu Cl m,u,,leu wua appolulcd lo select n Wolvo-Yoar-Cl- d JH0 for TUeft. Twcivc.j car-ol- d .Michael McNnmara, ot 48 Attlly Mieet. was nrrcsted this ""Tningcn complaint of ltyan x bchaefor, u,so.nis(ifmcni, at :itb Furniau Mrcot, ii'i?. ,SmUu l,lM of lu'Vlug stoiuu to iroui ii.,,.."1: When tin,. piiMiiicr was searched. kjun hUhione) wna louud lu his posseb- - ft JT THE BROOKLYN THEATRES. '"Iho Senator" at the Park Next Week. June" nt the Columbia Other Attractions. William II. crane and his admirable corn-fitn- y will conclude their ( ugagemout at Col. Finn's Park 'iheatro next week, presenting the lamous American comedy, " The Senator." 'ihe hcarllnesiot the character and the in- cessant motion ot the play keep the audience In good humor. Tho benator's solid figure, his quick, powerful walk and vigorous action, stralghtfcrwnrd manners, void of polish in I thu drawlug-ieo- senso ot tho word, but ad-- i mil able la ease, Irankuoss and spirit, bis gold sense, fluent speech, active and shrewd over llou lug humor, his haired ot sham and j ineanneus, and ptoloundaud genuine rever- -' nice lor good women, inaku up a character l which meets with tho lavur ot American Iheatre-goer- s. Johnstone Dennett and ChnrlC3 l'rohman's company ot playn swill begin an engagement ' ot one week at thu Columbia 'theatre, begin-- , tilng with n special l crtormanee Monday . (New Year's) utlernoon. with a levtval ot "Jane," onn ot thu most brilliant ot Mr. 1'iohinan u suecesso'. It Is a play brimful of tun and merriment. Ml.j Dennett will ap- pear in her urljinal character of Junc'nnd with few exceptions thu originals In tlio lev-- 1 eial other pailsot this popular coined v will! apiearln tint characters created by them. 'Ii.e ihnrmlngcoineoleita, "Chums," will uu thu cut taln-rals- during tho "Jane "engage- ment. Mlis .Mai la Walnwrlght .vlll rcmsln at tho Amphloi anotuer week, lieglunlng with a . iuatim.0 Munday, she will giv lour perlorm- - uucusit "'Iho behiKil for hjaudal." Thurs- day evening sho win present, Shakespeare's, i As Vim Like It." A long time basUapsed Bint u i It her or these plujs has been given at thli theatre. Doth pieces will bogcrgcously costumed and handsomely stuped. Lewis .vtoirlson In bli spectacular produc- tion ot l'aui," will bo seen ut the draud orcra-llous- e next week, beginning with a lnutlnee Monday, 'ihe play will be given with new scenery, costumes and mechanical eneets. 'thu llrucken seeuo has been elabo-latc- In iho chuichscenc, achlmoof toned bells and aiiusrtetlo orslngcis will bo hi a lit " lio Kliedlra " will be the New Year's traction at thu lii'dtoid Avenuo'iheatre. 'Iho company Includes A. II. Hastings, Hard), Hany C. Dcv.llt, Air. tl. llnrrlngtou, John Kly, Isabel Annslcy, badlu Uladdliig, May Lewis. " A l'nlr iiobel " will be tho next attraction at tho Lee Avenue Acudcmy. Edward it. M.uv.-o- n will as Col. Mason and Miss Fanny llllletle as Clalrelle Montelth. The play will te well stagid Llbby Prison Is amung the ulxlorlchl siots shown during the action ot thu play. i:t.i KendRll and his company of comedians and vocalists will bout ton n at the Novelty '1 heatre, vv hre the v. ill present " A I'alr of ivids." Carlotta will do u bcrpcntlnodancn and tin1 other members or the company will lumlsh clever specialty nets. At HUber .C Cothatdt's Casino noxt week tliu programme will Include tlio Unique tjuartet, W. II. Uarnitt, lleorgc Weston, ban-Ju'- the Mcfarlands, In u short, sketch; Frank Hilton, contortionist : Miss Minnie bcliult, with new songs, and several other pel formers. 'DISAPPEARING GUN CARRIAGES. j Thoy May Be Used nn tea Nixon Low Freo Board Vesae'. ItlsLclievcd that the report of tho Naval Uenid to btciclary Tracy In the manor of Its Inveitigatloa Into ihu best method of ' utilizing tho new dlsapueurlng gun at boa will icsult In the adoption ot Naval con- -' htriti'tor Nixon's design tor a low freo board, light draught aimored vtsscl ot special model adapted to tho handling of the disappearing gun. Ihe vcbcl's dimensions aro; Length, ISO feet; beam, 42 ttet; draught, 11 leetj ireo board, M4 niche'. A sy.stem or mlrioi s so arranged ns to allow or the gun being accurately sighted lrom be-- 1 w dei-k- will do nwjv wlih ibo uccesslty ot any cxposuro of the gunners. 'llio trial jesleiilay ot tho dl'anpearln rairlage for a n gun at bandy Hook, showed that tliu Invention was piactlcully perfect. '1 ho Naval Hoard consists or capt. L. t). .Matthews, Asa Walker and Lh-u- J. D. Murduck. thought'to be burglars. Two Mon Hold In Brooklyn as Sub- - jilclous Porsors. Charles Mc'jualters, ct 10 llrldge street, Hrooklyn, and I nvvrence Ollllen, who Bays he lives In bpencer street, were nnested this morning on suspicion nt burglary. Watch-ma- n John O'Hi ien, shortly belore midnight, discovered that tho oll'co ot the HrooUlyn Lumber company, ut i'ljinoutli street, bad broken into, unit lie notined the police. 'Ihu prlsauers were seen passing ah,n I'lymoutliHllect. and o'llrlen thinks they are two men ho saw sliding from thu root ot Col-je- coal-she- next door. Tho prisoners deny tno charge. HERE'S A NEW GAME. A Swindler Usos nn Elevator to Rob His Victim, '1 he lirooklyn police aro looking torn swin- dler who celled at Charles LatTarlue's grocery store, (JOf Myrtle avenue, this morning, and ordered s worth of piovljlons sent to tho thlid rloor of n house at lHfi Classon avenue. lio also requested Laffarlno lo send $8 change. The gtocer'3 boy sent money aud grocei les up on the eli'V.uor, uad waited beviral minutes loi Ills $10 bill. Not gelling II, he went up- stairs aud louud mat ihe third floor was led, and that the man who ordered tho grocirle.s had escaped lij the io;f. ROBBED WHILE SHE SLEPL Mrs. Hamilton Accuses Her Servant of tho Crime. Marlon Duffy, a domestic, twenty ycara old. , was at rested this morning by the pollcj ot the DcigcnsUect station, llroakl) n, on complaint of Mrs. Atinlu Hamilton, or .'lio 1'aUllc stieet, who alleges thai Miss Dulfy alolo a pockel- - book couiaiulug itl.". Miss Duffy slept lu the same rooravvltuMrs niimllton, and the latter sajs tho oung woman took the pccki tbuus lrom her buienu dtttwer, while sho was usliep. ' FOR HIGHWAY ROBBERY. j Lunbarto Rerja Are3ted Horo for a, i Crime. In Delaware ' Delcitlves Durns and 1 Itzpalilck, o; the Clermont uventie pollco slutloi', Drooiljn, to- -' day arrested Lunbarto ltega, thlrty-on- o years old, on a wamnt issued by I'ollce Justice ' Hall, ot Wlltnlngtou, Del., charging him with hlghwa tolberj nud assault with intent to K,,lUhe pilsoncrvvas locked up to await tho atrlral or Delaware onicers. Email Flro In Brooulyn. Mamcs vvcto discovered at 1 o'clock ihu momlug In Iho bathroom ot the residence ot William a. Thompson, 087 Tourtn avenue, lirooklyn. Iho nreinen arrived Promptly uud tho lire wa oxtlngulshfd nllet (luo damage had been done. '1 Uu cause ot the tiro , Isuukuovvu. NO DYNAMITE FDR GLEASON. m He Wants It All Removed from Long Island City. Serves Notlco on tile '1 unnel and Ilullroad Companies. I.ono'U Cirr, Dec. 31. Moyor tlleason this morning bcrved notice on tho ottlceia of the New York and Long Island Tunnol Com- - , pany to remove wlllihi twenty-fou- r hours all dynamite which Is now stored by tho Company within tho boundaries ot tho city. The Company now has a largo quantity ot d j in ml to stored In a shanty on the meadows ' Just oast ol Jackson nvcuue and only a short dlstauce from tho scene ot Wednesday's ter- rible explosion. Tho Mayor Bays that If tuo Tunnel com- pany falls to comply with his ordor proceed- ings will bo commenced without delay against tho Company. The Mayor has also notlllcd tho Company that tho work on the tunnel will not bo allowed to proceed until every precaution Is taken to prevent a similar oc- currence. The Long Island Itallroad Company was also served with a notice this morning from Mayor Olcason to remove all dynamite stored In Its yards In Long island City. If tho Com- pany tailed to comply with tho order, tho notice staled, tho city authorities will i promptly apply to tho courts to compel tho' Company to removo tho dynamite outside ut tho city limits. Last nlflu Mayor (llenson sent acommunl-- l cation to the Hoard ot Aldermen, in which ho ' called their attention lo thu disaster, and i Bald that tho explosion was duo to gioss and criminal negligence on tho part of those con- - nected with the construction or the tunnel. The Major called the common council's attention to that clauso of the city charier in which the Common council has power to direct the location of all housos tor the stor- ing ot gunpowder and other eombustlblo subs'anccs and to reguluto tho keep- ing aud convei mg of the same. , The Mayor In his let er stated that to rlcad Ignorancj or tho law would not hold the Common council blameless, and that the Aldermen had been dollclent In the perform- ance or their duty, and that this tact was more apparent in James comiskcy, Aldtr-ma- n of the l'lrst Ward, being engaged by tho 1 unnel Company as buperlntendcn at a literal salary, and that tor this reason tho Aldermen must bavo bad full knowledge of tno condition ot affairs before tho explosion occurod, i In closing Mayor Uleason said : " To what i extern tho appclntmont of Mr. comlskey and your political party htolers to positions may have lntluenced you In your official Inaction is a matter for judicial determination. The fact Is you are held open to adverse criticism. i views and recommendations to the i noard of Aldermen bavo Invariably been lg- - nored. Nevertheless I deem it my duty to take such immediato action as win promptly amollorate the condition or tno needy aurfer- - , cri and prevent such disasters In the luture." Tne members or tho Hoard of Aldermen manlfisicil considerable uneasiness over Mayor's (lleason's letter, but they took no action on It except to appropriate I.100 for the relief ot tho sufferers lrom the explosion. TRUST IN FIRE INSURANCE. Now Yorli Syndicate Tries to Buy a Baltimore Company as a Starter. IDT AMOCUTED FHKtH.1 Caltihove, Dec. at. An eflort has been made by a syndlcato ot New York capital- ists to secures controlling Interest in the ' Fireman's Insurance company, one ot tho oldest companies in Ilaltimme. This is said to be the beginning of a great scheme to con- - trot tho leading local lire insurance com- - panic.-- . lujddlllon to tho "Flremans," It Is re- ported Hint the syndicate Is after tho Na- tional, thu lialtlinore and the Associated Hiemnn'B companies. John (llll, President of the Mercantile Trust and l)"poslt Company, who represents the syndicate lu IlJlttmore, says ho ha authority to purclmsn thu Company, provided a fair price can lo agreed upon. POLITICAL POST FOR MRS. LEASE. Llewellln to Appoint Hor on tho State Board ot Charities. AMOCJATFP Plf.! Toi-ek- Deo. ill. Uov.-ele- Llewclllr.g an- nounces that ho nas dccldid lo offer Mrs. Lease a position on the btate Hoard ot chari- ties. It will bo one of the first appointments ho will make. It Is icporled here that Mrs. Lcasohas man- ifested her wllllngues3 to accept the posllln, but It Is to be well undei stood beforehand that shn does not In any way relinquish her claim to tho benafjrsht;). i Five U, S. Marshals EscoDe Lynchlnir ' irr APcriATprari.i UuiMiNOiiAU, Ala., Dec. 31- - Five Deputy United States Marshals who have been mak-- i lug many nrres's ot Moonshiners recently, wen captured by a crowd of tho illicit dis- tillers and started tor the mountains, where tholutentlon was to lvnch them. A dozen other Deputies heard or the trouble and ar- rived just lu time to save tho prtsoners. brTaii'bnul in Budd Doble's Stable. iisl orr dforiATrn mmo Tekke Hautf, Dec :u. Stamboul, tho trotting stallion, holding the world's tecoid, is now in lludd Hoble's stable. Mr. ilarrl-ma- ot New York, who bought tho stallion lor47,000, has tuined thu hoise over to Dobiu lor the next) cai. The animal urrlved in llist-cla- condition, and is now In com- fortable quarters lu a stall adjoining Nancy llauks. Thomas O. King, the Horneraan, Dead, 'IT flTlillP PllllM.' llAHTiOKn. Dec. 31, Thomas o. King, bee-- ; rotary or tbo Charter Oak Dtlvlng I'atfc Asso-- i elation fur nine jenis, died jifterdaj. An oni'tatlou to rrmovo u malignant tumor was fiillonid by lieinorrlii.iL. liu w as mil known am. ng horsemen tu every part or iho country. Bank Directors Sued for 370,000. (ut AcsiiriATin ruin. I LoriKVii.i.E, Dec. 31. Tho Ocrinanla Safety vault and Trust conn any, aislgnio of the dclttnet Masonic Havings Lank, brings suit against the directors for 37."),0()0. The ulalntirr alleges the directors wire guilts ot Gross negllgeuco in tho ruaiiiveineui ir tho bank, and to this cnu.c a lots ot sUTo.oou u attributed. Escaped Lynchlnir by Suicide. irr mociatip nuM.' Macos, Ua., Dec. 31,-- In the depths or ltocky creek Swamp, four miles lrom Macon, 'Jim Uurnett, who thot and killed Kiank Taylor, a young larmer, shot himself through ihe heart estercay to escape U nchlng. liu had been burrounded by a posse (or tbtcudajs. . JnrnBB River Frozen at Richmond. Iit AiioriATrn Farss.. KicilKoxn, Dec :ll.Tho James Is ' tro7eu and tteamtoat navigation has bceii 'suspended. Tne old lmlnlo-- i steamer Wj-- 1 annke. lrom New York, duo jesterday, was ioic.-- lo haul up at city Point and discharge I her passengers tind freight. I Homtleas and Demented. I James MeDcrniott, a homeless man.Mxiy-flvojcar- s old, was found demented at One llundrrd and Second street and Third avenuo liits morning. He wastakcu lol'iesb)icrlaii ilUSplMh NO CHAIR FOR DR. M'GLYNN. Denial Aho that Ho Offended Bishop McDonnoll. Dr. Hartnett Tullts for the Kestoreil Priest This Jlornlng. Tho rumor that Dr. MctUynti hart been given to understand thnt hu would bofoi-mall- y otlerid Ihu chair of barred Oratory lu tho Catholic University at Washington, 1). C. was authoritatively ainlcd this morning by Dr. Hartnett, l'rcs'dent ot HU John's College, lirooklyn, and a cluso friend of Dr. Mcdlynn. An efToil was made by an Kvrsixu Woiimt, reporter y to bco Dr. Mcillynn with re- gard to tho many reports about his Inten- tions, but ho would not consent to bo Intot- - vlcweJ. i (uestlons were then sent to lit.ii asking If It wero true that he Lad wittingly offended lllshop McDonnell by saying mass In lirook- lyn without notifying tbo latter, and also It tho lace had been communicated to him that Lew as to bu given a New Year's present ot 11,000. To these Inquiries nud ono about the professorship at Washington Dr. Mrtllynn returned his usual reply that ha could not bo Interviewed. Dr. Hartnett, who speaks for Dr. Mcdlynn, was moi e communicative, howevor, and vol- unteered the information that Dr. Vctllynn had just said mass at St. John'H College. Do you know whether lilshon McDonnell has been offfndoJ by Dr. Mcoiynu's action V" Dr. Hartnett was asked. I know lllshop McDonnell has not been offended." ho replied. No one was mire1 pleased than lllshop McDonnell to seo Dr. Mcillynn iclnstnted. 'Ihe best ot reeling exists between I bem, and nothing has oo-- 1 current to mar IU" What about tho report that Dr. Mcillynn may bo offered a prorcssorsnlp at tho Catholic University?" I do not, know what may bo done, but there has been nothing to indicate that such a thing will ho done. Dr. Mcillynn Is capa- ble ot rilling tho Chair ot Sacred Oratory, but nt present thero ts nu hucIi professorship, and I bavo heard ot no endowment tor creating one. You may state, positively," continued Dr. Hartnett, "that Dr. Mcllljnn docs not know what ha will do. All rumors havu been absolutely without inundation." Dr. llnrtnrit did not know anything about a $1,000 Now Year's present to Dr. Mclilynu. '1 bo money, It Is said, ha bceu collected by his friends and win be prefouleJ y or lo.niorroiv by Dr. Henry Carey, or Thirtieth stiectand Second avenuo. Dr. Hartnett suld ho did not think Dr. Mc- illynn had heard nt the gift, and that It was probably belli,' collected as a New Year s surprise for him. Members of the laity were also scon, find all said Dr. Hartnett had undoubtedly spoken with authority when ho bald Dr. Mculjnn had no plans for tho ruture. Dr. Mcuiyuti reels that ho should not talk tor publication at present," said n prominent church member, ' but he can speak through Dr. llartuilt. They meet dally and am w ai in friends. Uesldes, St. John'H'Collego Is onlv a block rrom Dr. Mcciy mi's home, at mil) will-oujh- avenue, so It Is easy for Dr. Mclilynn and Dr. Hartnett to meet." CHURCH HELD IN $2,500. He Threatens Grace Si Co. and Is Callod a Terrible Liar. Charles Church, the Englishman charged with attempting to blackmail W. It. 'liace & CO., was arraigned for examination before police Justice Orady in tho Tombs Court this morning. When asked by tho court if lio had vvrl'tcn the blackmailing letters, he replied I I 1 wrote the letters, Your Honor, as 1 acknowledged the other day, but i know nothing about blackmail, what I know and do know now led me to hellnvu that 1 was Justified ,Iu asking llraou & Co. to buy my silence. I can maku agrcatuuargo against draco .v. Co." Do you plead guilty to writing theso letters?'" hu was asked. Yes," replied tho prisoner, but 1 dldu't understand the law on the matter. It I am convicted. 1 will only have lo wait and tell my story in court. If the firm know what 1 know thoy wouldn't have me hero now." Church was held lu $'J,.',00 lor the tlracd Jury. John W. Urace. the complainant, was asked it he had any explanation tu tnako concerning Church's claims, but ho only smiled and said that Church was a terrible liar. WAYLAND TRASH'S AFFAIRS. He Expects to Finish tho Examina tion of the Books WaylandTrask is still deep In the Invest!- -' gallon ot his firm's accounts. Ho has, with the aid ut experts, brought some older out ot tho tangle Into which they wero put by bis partner, 'lheodoru Ilaldwln. Mr. Trnsk said that by lie win have finished with tho looks and will know defi- nitely w helher or not Baldwin has taken any of ihe securities. Jlntll then he connui bay whether ho has any grounds for criminal ac- tion against Ilaldwiu. On i uesday Mr. Trask says he will give out a statement to bis creditors. He says he ex- pects to straighten won thing out and con- tinue business at tho old stand. And They Think He's Taacotr. 'IT FRrn.l Denveii, Dec 31. A suspect giving iho name of William Miroal, alias Chailes Drown, is in the city Jill under a chargo of larceny. The police are grea 1 agitated over an asber-tlo- n made by J. K. Hjunderb that he believes Drown Is uo other than Tiucotl.thu mutdeiir ut Shell, the Chicago uilllloualic. m Youth Hold for Burfflary. 1'ourtcen-year-ol- d Jacob Kowatsk), of st Stilfolk street, was held at i'Miex Market coutt this nvirnlug lu tv,uoo lor tilal nt Uenernl fccitlo'is, charged with steulltig 1.1 worth of dgars Iioin Worlhman, of MS Oicnaid suet, wi storu was into at :' o'clock Uns murnln,-- . To Koed tho Flra Horse?, Tlio "starving lionca" ot thu Fire Depart- ment will bo amply rrovldcd lor next year. The Department has just advertised fi.r bids for supplies lor lNli.l, which Include 400,000 pounds of tho best quality ot bav; KO.UUU pounds good clean rj a straw : :i'.'0,liOO pouuds wultc oats and tlf.uuo pounds 111 at quality ot bran. Man Unconscious; Gas Turned On. rllermnn Ocrken, nineteen years old. or llll) ' l!ast Nlneu-secon- d street, was found union- - sclomlu his room this morning iiom cna- - mg gaj. He was nt to thu I'lesojleiUu lius'dtal unconscious. . $17,000 Paid tor Two Foot. Iky AUSociAtrn rr.r.m.l Annus. Mich., Dec .'ll.llio supreme Court ha anirmed the dudsKin awatdlng 1'iank Areian 17.ouo lor bilngiim over by a Lake shore train und losing both leet. The compauy drew a cneck loi ihe uuiouaL Bank; Froeldent Eaotipes from Jail. I Ir-- - Monnn r'llt. ' Pout, A'ash., Dec 31. II. r. seUwaru, President of the defunct Dankot l l'ott Auglcs, srutencod to eighteen months lor embezzlement, escaped Horn Jail last night, where he was cuntiuod pending nn appeal. It Is believed he crouvd tbo Mralm in Hritlsu coltiintl. schwuru was eniplo)el In the Treasury Department at Wasulngiuti lor twi'iitj-t,- o cfs. ' NO NEW YEAR'S NOW. Simnly a "Second Sunday," aa Thiogs Go Those Timos. Wnrd McAllister Tells Why tho Day Means Nothing. The "t."0" Term It "Intolerably Stupid. Don't You Know?" Those who deem It a duty to themselves to observo ever) holiday urn In tbcsAUia per- plexity about tho Impending Now Year's Day that troubled thorn last week uboul tho proper obsorvaucs of Christmas.- - 1 hu calendar says that Is Now Year's Day. 'Iho lawnt tho Statu of New York sajs that Monday Is New Yoar's Day. And there you aio llutthu dinicttlty Is greater than thatot Christmas, fur no religious lustlval servos to m irk the coming and going of New Year's Day unless ludeed, we consider the good old "watch meeting" of our Mcttndlvt friends as coming under that head. Probably bccntibo there was no religious festival to celobialo, no groat event ot Na- tional Importance to commemorate, tho cus- tom ot New Yoar's calls tor barhilois upon tholr female Irlends was Instituted by our torcfathers. At llrst Now Year's calling was vet y fash- - lonublo. All the nobs and swolls of chrlBtendom mado the rounds, and eveu the humblest woman In tho land counted upon entertain- ing at least a score ol her male slaves on the ultthday ol the Now Year. Hut tho custom becamo popular, "don't you know," and that would never ilo, d'yo see." nnd so, as pooplo of the humble walks of life who had to earn tholr own living adopted tho custom ot Now-Ye- calling, the nobility that is to say, society dropped It, till now it has gone quite out of lashion, "don't you know," aud tho ISO Just draw tthu blinds and sit alone all day long on New rear's, In dcllclously restful beclusion and langour, leaving all the fun and frolic to their Interiors that Is to say, those who do not havo a holiday ovory day In tho year, nnd pass their lives In routs and receptions, ban- - quots nnd balls. tih. jes; there can bo no longer any doubt about It. Tim Kvkviwi Wouui has Inter- view od Mr. Ward McAllister about It ond this censor of social pedigrees, this American . Ilurko nnd Dobrett In one, has settled thu point onco and tor all. There Is no uioro New Year's calling. I oh. no; don't jou know,1' rcplltathcMc tlllster, without an Instant's hesitation, when an Evkninii Worlu representative put thu question to him In his own beautiful red parlor at 10 West Thirty-sixt- h street. Nobudy calls, don t you know : positively nobody! Very gross and stupid, d'ye seuJ and If you did call, you understand, thero d be nobody at home. positively nobody nt home, d yo seo? Ha. ha I You catch tho point 1 Kverybody stav s at homo on these holidays. Miserable bore, t'nbearablo; quite. Stajsat homo, d ye see, nnd Is quiet, don't you knowt 'l hey leave It nil to the others, you understand." And that settles It, or at least it ought to settle It. Tho McAllister seemed to think so, for ho returned to tlio business of considering, amedlng, abridging and fixing up the book of eligible persous lor his second ball ot the season. nut tbo visitor was not done. He wanted moro Inrormatlon about the great festival ol Now Year's Day vv hlcb the people r,f the Stato nt Now York, aim ot muny other states, deemed of enough Importance to tnako it a holiday when debtors are Iree from their creditors, the process-serv- er la powerless against tno troubled defendant, notes do not mature nor debts full due. Mr. McAllister toyed thoughtfully with a crumb ot dinner that had lodged In ono or the creases of bis ample waistcoat as ho said, otnlttlug thu little exclomatlons with which the leader of fashion interlards aud punctu- ates his remarks: In tho south. New Years Day was cele- brated tor ility ) ears as a day ot rejoicing, of feasting and gift giving. It used to be so lu New YurkClly, too, but as we grow older and moi o modernlied. all tbco amusements were forgotten und nothing seemed to take their plaie. From a day of great merriment It has be- come a second Sunday, regarded by the world us Intolerably dull and stupid. All vi hi can now seok the country and m iko the tbi uo days. Doe. 31 uud'Jan. 1 and -'. daj s ot lomlly penance, on which one Is expected to havo Indicted upon him all members ut one's family, whether aympathctlo or not. " 11 ou attempt the theatre on either of theao three tdghts, you find such un Intolera- ble crowd that you novcr go again on thoso nights. It Is not the fashion to meet your friends on either ot these three days. In omer woras, no ccreiuumuuscausuiu admissible on these three dull days." i Thero foally Is no excuse lor any further 'discussion of tho question. Let It be dls- - missed, so far as It applies to society so- - cletj as Ward McAllister Found It." Hut, notwithstanding t he ennui that afflict s society and makes It so drow at tho holiday time, there Is rcoru tun lo the square inch lu the New Year olibervauces ot whoe names ato not written lu nor rubbed out of the McAllister's list lor his second ball, than thu Ibo and tho 400 can Imagine with their enervated brains. i The good old custom of paying tho compll-- I ments uf tho New Year to one's goddesses Is still lashlonablu among a host of good people who nave good love and human Interest in their hearts and are not too weary ut life to express It. 'i he bright-eye- mistress of either of 100,11110 homes will rt celt f there compliments with the sntne sivei-- t smile of comfortable happluets as It 11 had not becomo unlushl inable, aud the bachelor callus will keep It up till theyaio too lull (if lcmon.idu and milk punch and cake to go any lurther, and thus 1 mm will bo duly aud with pioper ceremony stanedou ber wuj. livery chime in tho city will wolcorau tho new-bor- n imiii 10 New York with glad peals, uud theie will bo countless tbousaud on thu btreet to Join 111 the welcome. 'llieru will bo other thousai ds quietly walling r reeelvo the New Year by their own Presides, surrouided by 'ainlly, tricuds and loved ones, aid thero will bu a mill nu or mure Americans gathered In tho lioubes ot wntvhipor the Methodist Episcopal church tosliiuiy tuiiod that tbulr worship ts at the bumming and ihu end in the j ear. Tlii regular New Year fruili, at the occurud this morning, and Iho Kxclunges wlllbucIOieJ llll Tueeday morn. 'liiern will be npproprlaiofcrvlcesln all ot the lii.iitrf til worship Ihu 1 iv 11 holiday of Monday will witness theiinugurailonoi tno newly elected munici- pal and state olllcl lis, and the lUti wilt bo (iwplu) ed 011 all public buildings In honor of tliu new bum '1 hero will bono business downtown. Iho C'iisioiii-1Ipi'- ". I e, ll.ugo omce, I Count, 1 Itv Hall, h xclungrii and must cf the Mores will be cIumsI, su lar as business is con. c.Mlicd, in liuiicro' tliu New Year. i HE IS TlfvED OF LIFE. Electrician Shoa Attorapta Sulcldo and le Arrested. Patrick J. shea, an tlectrlclan, twentj. nvo i ears old, of IU5 Second avenue, llrook- - tn, via., a prisoner ot the Norwegian llos- - pltul this inurnlug irr attempted vilcldc. While lu tiweii Kelly's saloon, Flit nlrd street and Second avenue, lJt etching lu suddenly drew a bolllo from his pocket and poured pari of Us contents luu a uluss of In r. Ilo then drank the beer uud threw the buttle Ditutne bvekjaid. When Ml. Kelly asked hlia what bo bad doue, he replied: lai:i Hied f life and 1 want to poison mysell." 'I lie bottle was found tu contain a solution of Paris green. I'oUicii'ati Lallalun called, and then was lakon to ihe hntplial. lie is n ' ut "t il inger shea relUbes t J say li) ho wanud tu .it ids Ii:r. ORLEANfSTS PLOT TO HEIGH. Project to Overturn the Jr'renoh Ropublio Now Being Hatched. The Count of Purls Telegraphs Ilia Sou to Huston from India, 11 1 iMorurrn mm.' London, Dec. HI. The Orleanlsts have by no means abandoned the hope ot regaining the throne ot France through a revulsion In llcpubllcan sentiment caused by tho revela. tlons in the Panama affair. Wbct the present intentions of the orlean- lsts aro it would bu hard to say, but it Is some project Is contemplated that Is Intended to lead to the overturning of the llepubllc aud the establishment of a mon-arch- v. 1 he count of Parts has telegraphed to his son, the Duke ol Orleans, who is now travel- ling In lndc-Chln-a, to baston his return In or- der that ho may take part In tho delibera- tions of the Orleanljt party. lu Kngllsh clrclos it is believed that there Is no chanco ot tbo machinations ot the French Itojallsts and Imperialists proving succcsslul. It Is thought that thn French Government, by pursuing thoso Implicated In tbs Panama scandal to punishment, will establish the Ilepublln on sounder foundations than belore, I and will render such an evil as the Panama affair hercalter impossible. 'Ihe Anarchists havu decided to Join the So- cialists, who havo been reinforced also by the lllanqulsts, tbo l'osslblllsts and the tioulau-- j gist leaders. All four parties held a meeting last night In the sallo St. l.eger. The pro- ceedings were conducted with the utmost fiCtTOcy. 'Ibis manifesto was approved and Issued tu tbo people ot Paris: Up! Tk toiheittnui Forxtrdt Du not truat tft the ballotl Orippl wllh llicpltlul.l Nlr.theloiircMiUil Twl.t ' their utckt until Ihtr diet All It rettenl You alone have tiettth leU) Tflc Socialist members 01 the Town council have Issued an appeal to worklngmon to rl'o and demand arovlslon ot tho constitution. Thoy accuse the deputies of swindling, and ' declare that thu Uovcrnment must bo purged by tho worklngmen of the nation. MRS. MAYBRICK IS BETTER. London Papora Accuse Her of Arousing Sympathy by Deception. Ipi AanncuTED rmii.l Dec. ill. llaronessdo Hoquis, the mother ot Mrs. Mnybrlck, states y that her daughter's health Is Improving. The Exchange Tolegraph Company also says that Mrs. Maybrtck la recovering, add- ing that tho hemorrhages with which she was recently attacked and which caused the reports that sho was In a dying condition, wero caused by hoi sell and not by the rav- ages 01 consumption. j Ihe At. Jamrt'11 Gatrttr to-d- prints an I article on Mrs. Maybrtck and congratulates the public on too ot her Ingenious attempt tu regain her freedom. The (lairtte declares that her Illness was j caused by her swallowing a numnerof nee- dles that she had secreted from time to time. These needles produced nn effusion of blood and other symptoms ot lung disease, and the report was at once circulated that she was dying from consumption. Court Officials, Generals anil Judges Bbared In the Guelph Fund. Irv iiioriiiFD rani. I IlEni.tN, Dec. 31. The rot-ma- tr, the Socialist organ, says that u scrutiny ot 100 .receipts given tor payments for tho Ouelph ' Fund has disclosed thu fact that part ot the Fund was paid to court officials, Generals, Judges, Journalists and Members of parlia- ment. Tbo above dospatcn convers no new Infor- mation to the public 'lhoiuisto which the tiuelph Fund was put 10 have boen cynically admitted Dy ITIuco lilsmsrK, who while he was chancellor bad the Fund at bis disposal Iree lrom Parliamentary restraints. He ap- plied tho money to thu requirements ot the secret oetvlco aud to the subsldliullon ot tlie "reptile press," aud he has never hesitated to justiry his exceudliures lu these directions. Ihe uuctph Fund had Its origin In tbo bcquostratlou of the property ot the late King Ueorge of Hanover, it was restored last April to the Duke of Cumberland, son and heir uf the dead King, on his abandon- ment ot alt pretensions to the thruno of Han-- ovtr. Died In the Btreet. Martin Illdder, forty cars old, ot 178 Sec- ond street, was taken suddenly sick at Ihh Monroo street this morning and died beforo medical attendance could be procured. VANQUISHED A DUMMY. When He Got Through He Was Mad Enough to Tbraeh an Army. ' ' No, sir, I iliiln't lose that arm in battle; I lost it while playing the fool. " said JIaior John Leonard, as he looked regretfully at his empty Bleeve, then BWiiiig into line with tbe story tellers of thu I.aclcile, says the Ht. Lotus Qlobt. ' lit Hit X I lit, "It was shortly before the battle of ' rUillnh. I was out prowling around, looking for fat pullets or anything else that would givo tho uiess kettle a savory odor, and finally lound uiyi-el- boar the Confederate Hues, "A long, gaunt Teuueneau. evidently on ptckt--t duty, stood leaning against a tree routling a newspaper. He appeared deeply ciigroased, and 1 chuckled as I thought vv lint u rich joko it would be to sneak upvviiliiii oaby raugo and plug him. 1 began to mi-iik- . "The ground was wet. covered with briers, ami 1 uruwled fur fully two uuu- - drod jamb, ruining a new iiniiorui. to piny my little Julio. 1 ho .loliuulo kept on rendiug. Hu liiul evidently not seen um. I btoppod tu hug myself before I roe up to ny murderous work. j I took good aim ami lot tly. The sentry never inoVLil just kept 1111 reading. That iimtlo 1110 hot. I roloiulod und Ulazetl avvny ugnin. He never budged. I kept tip u fiiHilladu for halt nn hour without re- - ' suit ; then 1 got ho mud 1 couldn't stand it iiuv Isugor, I vrns not 11 liltlo pioud of my marks. luausliip, mill to hivo a large, loose. iiumtlutl tnetuy of my beloved eouutry i btiiuil up there in his butternut breechtB and riiliulv absorb the news while 1 was chucking leal. A him at a distauco of 600 was too much for 1110. " 1 reloaded, inarched up to within twenty puces uf him, took deliberate aim nud lihied ntinv. Ho kept 011 readiug. I I clubbed uiy inubket and made a rush. I 'whacked bun ovir the head with furee euo.iuh tu kill a church Maudal, then retorted nud jabbed my bayonet into him. It wnsn dummy' , " I started lo lose m.vsclf iu Iho dlrec- - ' lion of camp when tbuiu came 11 shriek of demoniac laughter lrom 11 clump of hazels to my lefl imil three b c Tcuuewoeaus Mopped out to intercept nic. Surreuiler! .Not much I I was mad enough to light the wholo Southern Confederal y slug e I handed. 1 made a rush fur 'ein and they 'turned loose, relieving me of this arm ami breaking both legs, lint I licked the I dummy, " lino of my captors told me nftorw arils that they alu.ok 11 puuud of lead out ot it,' FATHER O'FLKHERTV'S PAflDON. It Rooalls a Stirring Ohurcli Event of Twenty-fo- ur Years Ago. Two, Companies of Soldiers Ousted a 1'rlest Who Defied a Ulihop. IfocnisTKR, Dec 31. The news from Wash- ington that Mgr. Hatolll has removed tbe sentence ot excommunication from Father o' Flaherty, of Auburu, who has rested under the ban of the church tor twenty-tou- r years. Is received with much Interest here, as It revives the memory ot one ot the most exciting Church events ot Contrul Now York. Her. Thomas O'Flaherty had been pastor of tbe Holy Family Church, Auburn, for nvo veara Drevlous to Dtshon McOuald'a elevation to tho Episcopacy 1 a 1808. He was appointed to the Holy Family Chttrcn by the late Plslwp Ttmon, of htirrato. lllshop Mcquald found trouble existing be- tween Father O'Flaherty and bis congrega- tion, ana after Investigation decided to trans- fer blm to l'enn x an In February, 1800, pro- moting Ilev. M. Kavanagh, of Seneca Falls, to be pastor of tho Holy Family Church. Father O'Flaherty declined to bo transferred. On Feb. IS Bishop McQuald went to tbo Holy Family Church with Father Kavanagh, but was greeted by Jeers and taunts from tho congregation, which retused to allow Father Kavanagh to say mass. Tho Bishop lott tho church after announcing Father O'Flaberty's suspension. The following day several of the congrega- tion were arrested for disturbing religious worship, Theyworo acquitted altera jury trial In the pollen court. On Sunday, Feb. st lllshop McLjuild again attempted to put Father Kavanagh In charge, but again tbo congregation resisted. Tho lllshop ther de- clared the ihurch closed. Father O'Flaherty took possession ot It and held tbe tort until April 10, 1mu:i, when Major J. M. Hurd, of Auburn, together with the pollco lorco ond two companies of tbe Forty-nint- h Keglmcnt, N.O.,. N. Y.. tinided tho church over to Ulshop Mcijald and Father Kavanagh. 'l his ended thn difficulty over the church. Father O'Flaherty appealed 10 ltomu, but was beaten. Ilo then sued lllshop McO,uald ror SL0.nntl rintnaDtm for aIIpitmI lllml. Iiiil withdrew thn case irou tho docket before It came to trial. since his suspension Father O'Flaherty has resided at his farm lour miles from Auburn. II" is now about boveuiy-on- e years uld. When a reporter railed at ninopSlcJuald'H residence till' mornluv he relused to say any- thing wbatover on tho subject. SHIPPING HAWS. alMAIVAt) If OB I I ! odium.. 7.54 'Son mU ,. .'Mooa wti.. 6.117 LlOH WATCH A.M. I . M , tlnd Hook ,M IMIT OoT.roor'. Ii'aud (1.09 t.ti HtllUalo 8.0J K.3S LOW ATIU Ftndrltnok 1I.C3 on Gorftrnor't Iilftud 11.75 IKI1UAI - 163 lu uud aiiu buaiUta iiiu aur.,Ad. .OUr miauiM. PORT OF NKW VOitK. ARHllEII. rfUimtr Britannic, la? 8mltb, from Liverpool Dec. J1, via QuMuttown tlec. 'J'i, with marctitn-iiU- . Vb cabin And 1SJ aUcraga iiaaacntra to II, Maltland Karatj. arrived at the bar at 3.35 A. . Hteamer Uutheil. Cant. Wiectihauaen. front Pec IU. in tiaflaat. to Uqatava Iteje, ar- rived at tna bar at S A. M. : HUamer Horamore, Capt. Boelian, from Fr nambnro Nov. SO, Maoelo Dvo A and Ht. I.ucla III, with aufar lo A. Luarlvr. to J. II VVInthailer Jt Co. larrivejat Ibe Ha. at 6 A. M. Htaamer Htarllsat, Laptr Uataiind.. from (llrgentl IWie. J au,l AUlera 0, . ..j lulphi r to oraar vv atel to Bnupaoo. bpanco a; Young i antved at the liar at 10 r. M. Xtanier Uunmore, Capt. Campball. from Dec UO. with mviclianai.n In traoait to, I. II. VVIncbealcr A Co. Kill Unlet! loading for t azua. bteainar Ralclfh. Capt. Heara, from Parian, (la. Deo, IIS, wlih lumber to South Brovkltu haw Mill Company. MoiroerOHr of Birmingham. Capt. Burir, from fUvenuan llec. as. wlta raercbaoulac and paaaen-ger- a to 11. U Walker. 0U1G01NO BTIiAMKIU. AILSD Xl.UA. Fulda, (lenoa. li Aormandle, Havre. Mieiltalpul. fuondm. haale, Bremen. Ethiopia. Ulaagow Kctlerilam, Am.terdam. Cltr of U.rilu, UretHijl. Muriel, (Irenada. Vuvatan, Havaoi. Prioa Manrila Haiti. Nuecee, italveatou. lAuiaiana, Maw (Irleana. ELceUlor. slew Orleana, Alane, Klngalon. TO (AIL JAN. 2. Atoll. '.. r'..a(l. Iroqnola. Cbarleaton 3.0urM Clljof lllrmlugbam, tiavau-na- h 3.00PX ltLOIM, aTEAJKHi. rn t'rtmon. Hamborg Dec. li. Ilalla, ntettlu !" U. Ilanla. Hamburg Dee. 17. I. land. Chll.tlBnta.Peo 15. Newport. Colon Deo. 73. (irltannle. Liverpool peo 31. Vterkandam, Kotlerdam Die. 17. Britannia, IllbialUr lma. II. Aatalfl llauburg Deo. 10. vva fA Oaacogne, Uavre Deo 21. California, Ulbialtar Ueo. 18. tOUKItiM PtltCTi. Irv rAsu.1 AiLzn. I.0NPOS. lo 31. The (Jeneral IraBiatlaotle La BoorgoAne, Capt. LabDeut. aaiied from Ua, re fur .Sew York at 11 a. m. pec. 31. niGiinn. The National line ateamer Amerlca.Capt Pearce, from New York Dec. IS tor LonJoo, paeeeJ the Lizard at 1 r. M. Per. SO. Weather Forecast. Jccaljotecait hoari eudfrir at a P. U. on .Sunday: Fatv bv mcrratitfj clondlnrn auit minor on Sitiittni; triiim-i- ', uiiuls Lfcomtwj horthmrtri III. Tbe tollowlng recotd shows the changes lo tbe temperature uunug the mornlsg as nute.ited by tbe theruiumcler at Ferry's Fharmacy 3 a. u 0 A. U....SII s a. u :i I3M. .27 HOW TO GET WELL DR. TOBIAS' Venetian LiDiieni Ir Yull AttK U:lllM. Ham i.itKiixif IIIIKUMAIIHM. MIUKALISI.V. I'M.NS I.S1IIK LIlllls. BAI'k (lit CIll-.sT- . OU T1IKOAT. (JUMIS, SrllrFKNrlt JIII.NTN I'llM HA"1 1 II MUsi'I.LS. VVAHIUNrKP rtllt II VUl tl YI.AKS '1,1 tilVK I.C1 NArlSF.Vt-I'lo- (lit 'II1K M.M-- ItFHJMJFl) A I Ol TI.V: II AS Nr V ft III- E.N KM UKM-.U- . MJLlt BY ALL IIHUr-HlsT- PHIOi 35 AND Ml CtNIT. ULFOT U MUltUAY oT.. S. Y. HELP WMITED FEMALE. VIT AVTEb-Uir- la. Apply hdiaou Mmp VVorka, Itarritou. N. J. INSTRUCTION SSTi'SocrUAfliV and tirpewr'ltlug lenon.atBll! Proaiiiiar Y . term. SI per we.k callor write. FOH SALE FOItbAl7K Jewelry for Xmav, on 41 weeklT rarraenta, tuimente ilnet conndeotlak Ujlon Watch Co , 381 Broadway, ! FLATS AND APARTMENTS TO LET. jFl7ATrWnrrTibeil. no caih rvqo,red .lowni eaai weekly pameate, iw prwet. Ilact, 33 VV, lix Vrll Best 1 'dm Boarding- - 1 Houses fj Advertise in M The World j When they i Have a 1 Vacancy, M M m RAILROADS. gP AMERICA'S GREATEST RAILROAD." fM NEWYORK j (entral 1 -- rl HUDSON RIVER R.R., 9 DffiECT LINE TO NIAGARA FALLS fM All trains arrive at anil depart from Grand r jjE Central Station. Iftl Street; the only railroad ,?& nation tu the City. Trains lcavo as follows t ';H t s.itti a. htatk iixprehs- - 'SU 1..IP11 train In tne world. Due BuSalo 5.U IrMM l. M., Magara I'alla ri.3il. M. Noeitrafara. VaB fl.ltl A. 31. -- FANT MAIf-K- or Albanr, Utlca, Ti;W Tral:lle. Km heater and Buffalo. Dally, fixcopt MM Sunday lor Moatreal, .'JSBsl lO.lltl . YOItK. AND CHICAGO ,t'H VLrirlllUI.K LIMITID-D- ue Chicago at O.ii tJKM A. III. neat day. Complete VVainerBervlca. 3a till. UO A. tl.-D- KXPRhMI-F- ar the Weet, MM I..V.1 I'. VKdIIBULK :,S l.tMlrKD-DueMncdu- It. 20 A.M. llodlta- - ;3H apnlla 11.5V A. M i Nt. I.ul. T.36 P. SI. ffll 1..S.V P'rl I'AIlt rlPKCUL-D- ae Ml l.hiragn J 00 l. M neit day. Wagner eervtce. FMM tn.JIO l. VI. ALBANY, THOY A.M. HAhA- - M IdllA M. . Vif: 4,:tl J'. UllOKK VFHTIBULat IjQl I'. M, neltday. Vn II l. ST VVhhrmtN KIl'Ki:.SUoe W1 t'lilclgn I'. M. J M. l.onle. 7 44 P. M. 31 (I.2.V l. EXl'nFJa-D- oe at vmnlreat 1. 4V A. M. ,MH ?.:II)P..1I. KIAOAKA FALLS JM A. M. . 1 .:( I ANDMONTItEAL ? KXPltTRS Ilally.iloeTnoperLake.S.iiO Parana i'MW CDSi Paul Hmlth'a. 6.l! Alalone. 7.85: Mon tfm tieal, H 05 A. AI. foil,! Wagner Veellbuls aer-- - Ml vice, llreakfa.t on tlfnlngC'ar. 'vT31 H.OO I'.. VI. --CINCINNATI ANDHT. IX1UIS EX- - $MM I'll! MS Uuo 1,'luilnn.ti, 7.37 P. M. I Indian- - sill auolla. IU 40 P. M t Ht. Lout., 7 45 A M. Veil 11.0(1 I'. FAST MAIL.-81eep- lng $fl tar paesenuera for itocheater only. wf il.l.) I'. NIlillT EXPRESS, fU dally for Cliluaro. Except haturdar, for Capn Jssl Vincent (1,00(1 l.lanrta). Wagner service. PITIrtl li:f.ll. I.KNOX, NOItTII ADAMS AND WM THU lltltKSIIIIti: llll.I.H-T- .o through trlnt hOM VIA IIAULRM DIVISION-tS.- Ol A. M.. due KiM t'lttitielil 'i.30 P. M. i t3.50 PJM P. M. , rlne Piltatleld S. 10 P. M. ; North Adams $ II.IOP M. . ii hot time of local tralni, tleketa ana apace la c aleepmg.rara apply at tiraud Central Htation, or :l 'at U.S. liftl. 413. 785, i Broadway; 235 Oolnia- - i'. huaave.t5.t Weet 123th t. and 138th at. aUtton. Vi New York; JJ'l VVaahlngton at.. 720 Fulton akand 7) 74 HrcAdway. E. D., lirooklyn. 3fjT tllallyeicept Sunday. Other tialnailally. 5; Vloie tralna, excepting b. SO and 0.10 A. It. "fi; 3.30. 4.3U and 0.U0 P.M., aiopat ISSlhiw y We.icitt Kipre.. calla ft and cbocke bavggag i frnrn hotel, and residence, firongh to deetlnatioa. cj JOMNM. TOIICF.Y, OrOIKIML DANIELS. & General Manager. Ocn'l Patieoger Agent. '.A . n; FURNITURE, CARPETS & CURTAINS, I UKAbS AND IHON liliDH, FOLDUO BfcDS. in IN r ACT, t V lillV 1'IilNO flill llOUSKKEKflNU '(! Cash or Credit. T x TEKMS MADtl TO hUlT YOU. 4JJ HENRY MANNES & SONS, 459 AND 431 f.tOIITII AVC, BET. 31ST A SJO '$, hTS.. VVIIITi: UUILDINO, it bund roit 1'uict: uar. open i1venino4v. Jfe LOsTviTfiLlTY RESTORED aiT-ta. aa&. "NERVE SEED," fit aep3rfar? jflsrA tbe wonderful reme-- . K mn 1 A3 J dy,ler.oldwllhauT(t- - gV "3i fcl Cs7'24?j tciiffuo:rrtnf, to enre v4 Kv . Af W all nervous dtcesMJ, Pi V?, fri! ! x eucb as Weak iS 3 7ACIv 1 Hsi, ItlemoTry, !. of fr ,?ff V 1 llrnln Fewer. jvi JfrtjiOH HeailBebe. Wake J1 imXitShtt'tmfXV Iaaa VI- - 11 tuuiiHsimuj, tulltj, Nerraau VI neBe, I.n.e'.tnilo. all tlralnt und foes of power ,"v In olt ber wxenuvd or overexertion or exncsalve ifl u.e uf tnbarro. opium or alltnulanta wn.en aoon tjm lead nlnnrmlty.Coi.r-umntii- nnd Inaanltr. Put M up convenient to carry lu veat pocket, at vr "SfAm paekumit'yinnlltdfnrJi Wltheveryliorderwa ( glvo a tiritlrn (iiiaranrre fu nire or rriind t "iJEl "lonftXlrc-iln- r fre. Serve ISd rs.,Cblruo- - For Sate nt Huixut's I'hsrxacy, 218 Bway, V. T. ?, AfWm 'Wllaon'a. 100-U- 9 ari 1SI1 B'wsy.H.T. t$M At Adrian Faralli, Ul Fulton St , Brooklyn, & I p?! SAVINGS BANKS. 'm EMIGRANT I INDUSTRIAL SAVINGS BANK, J 51 Chambers St., N.Y. m New York, December 3l.t, ,1803. ii llirilll'..NII.-Tlie'lrilalr- rn nl ttiUliatlk V,1 liatr nrilrir.l Hint intrrrat be ald la .fta Drpiialtura eniiileit llirrelo Inr lun nls in ii ii Hi a enillnu lhl ibe rale ol tZ llirrr itml line-Un- it Per Urol, per an. a nn in, nu nil anniauii lo Ibr limit ol Three ' JsW Tliiiuanllil DnllHrla,OtM)i. iJ3 liilrrrnl will lie credited .under ilate. or t&M Jnuiiiirv loi, 1 811.1. and will be payable Si?! un nml Hller .VlonUny, Jauuarr llllh. O IKfia. jJIKg vir.VIAIION. Prraldcnt. jft l.VIIM.i:iiA ITU, H'nmiitroller. DRY" DOCK SAVINGS INSTITUTION, S 34 1 and 343 Bovvory. 'S I 'I he Truiteliai declare! a dividend for tht Bis Jw ninulhi euaiug Dk-- . 31, loaj, en all uepoMta en- - title tthrreto under the at the late ol JAM lill'K 1'Klt I KM' per anuum on amounts of Mfr&pl CAUll aud noder. aud oj the eiceaa of itlUud net JgiJ eire.itlni; 43,0011 at the rato ot TURKU PKU iTsm Ctl.S'l Per aunuin. paiableon and alter Jannary NK9 lo, 1HI.1. JOIlN'llUHOUT, Preeldtnt. TfUl flUMH. MirilllMl. Socretary. J INTEREST AND DIVIDEND NOTICES. M CItTzT'V?"sviNUS HANK OF THE CITY OF ffiS .M W MJHIC, Koa. JO and in Dowery, corner , ' MXt''-- 1 in It SEMI- - 4.N.NUAL DIVIDEND OK Wt 1NIK1UM. llie Iru.tee. have ordered that in- - 5ljf lire.t .t tbe rale of TUIU.L AMI F & (tt PBK CF.M'. per unnniu l paid to dopos- - fib Hun on an 1 alter January 16 on alt aumaolav .at,' and uti lo 4.I.U'J0wblch have remaluoi on da im. for the three or ell tuonlhe ending Dec. 3L 1 DWAHt) A. QUIM'AUD, Pruidenu 'la; lllRT IIVBLEU. hecrelarr, ,S I ha lata v II nu, caahlar, 'jjj DANCING ACADEMIES. . ,S WIANIIATTAN DANfJINO AOADBUY. So'Wei, .'J 3Jtn l.. belweeii oth and 6th ave. t 4olaaa lea tiff? one, 111. '.4 leous. 45l private leexonr. (It cr h ml mill guaranteed. Iron, a to namely private, Tm wrihiouaio. Soi receptlooe Wedneeds dKt and Saturday eventnge. dancing. I.30 to fit after 3$?. noun clataea fiteeilaye and batuntayp. commeoeinAT V 3.3U P. ,M. i lady and gentlemen Icacbera: bwai ffi place in the ill at popular, bendaddreeg Ta li r circular. 1'rltato Icaeona in the nalla our At pecialir. M SPORVNG J? iw HUHSO.N t'OUNTY JOCKEY CLUII.-lUe- tBi um every day. Uoata from Frauklln. 43d, Barclay. '2M Cnrmopherand J4tu at. ferrlee. hpecial ttoat (rant m vnnel, tultun lerry, llrook'yn. at 13.1s dally. y n. VYIUi'lIUAD, bearetary. ,W

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Post on 11-May-2018




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Big Mayor Gleason Is Bound to

Serve Anotlior Term.

Sanford Faclion Aro Just as Fully


'udt-- e Cullrii IteTiiscs to Stop Lonj:' Island City's Chief.i

Application vms mado to Justice rallci.lis tairntns In tlio lirooklyn Supremo Court

)r an Injunction to toitralu l'ainckUlcasoii iroui taktn;: possession

j'l tlio oMeo ot Mayor of Lore Islandtlio tUat (JlcasonIty on 'an. -- , oa jrrounil

ami City ClcrU TUomas II. lim'KO entcicil Intojcocsplincy to prevent thu proper canvassct tlio vote tor Mayor at ttie last general

( ecuon.Iho clerk Uad Issued n certificate ot elcc

Hon lo oleaaon vvlilcli, It was rlalmed, lilvorthiesj. as shown by (oriner mandamusrrccecJluss.

justice mllon denied the application.i cannot," lio tald, " grant nn injunction

lo tnls case. 1 canuot restrain Patrick .1.

Gleatou iroui asaunilnir tlio duties ot Jlnvor.'

ctLcn.' Island City on n ex parte order.yotiic bliould bo Blven to the other bide.

Inould suggest that the way to tettlotills matter Is tor Ilorutlo Sanlordtogo to

'tliociu Hall in Long Island city on .Ian. ::and demand tlio papers pertaining tu thei nice.

II refused, bo can then aoply to tlioceurli f r mandamus, compelling Gleason tO

tuin over tho olllce to him.1 be President ot the Hoard ot Aldormn

can also tnako the same djiuand.luo court may then be In a position to

flecide ho shall bold thn oniee, penal ru thosettlement or tho matter by quo vnirantorrocu'dlngs."

.Ma or uica-o- n was found In bis ofllce thismorning.

wnen asked if he cvnected to contlnuo to1discliaigo tho duties as Mayor after mldnunt

when lili present teim ot oillcovvillexpire, tlij tils Jlav or snlit:

Wo may have a dual Uovernment. but I

.hall continue to dlschargo tho duties ofMoor. I bold a certlllcatu ccrtlljlng that 1

iris ii gaily dieted lor auotucr term.Win there bo any trouble? Will, I guess

tbeie won't, to any bloodslud."'1 lie other fellowsare inaklnga rtesrerato

effort y to tlx It so that .Mr. banlord canLavo some grounds lor attempting to occupyllie Matorsvliair.

"I,luvi' written to Mr. banford, suggestingtint ( liu question as to wno liomltleil lo tliui.rcebe ieir.illj decided In tho courts, andlint I, In mo meantime, continue to Ul

etuue the duties oi Mayor, but draw nouldry until It Is decided that I um eniltlid looo s'i bv an order or iho Com t.

'Itlilukthat this would only be fair to:tothsioeN bm the Santord iaiilon evidentlydo not approve rf such a i ourne, as 1 have nutlet uear.l from .Mr. m reply."

Horatio s himlftrd's lleutca.iiiis uronuu Itipu lo accom

plliti something boloto tnldiilulit which willlive Mi. J'Utuoid an opportunity to be swornId os Muynr.

In to noon It looked as though Mayor(le"on lud a derided udvantniro over Illso!puU"iit in having possession of tho ofllce,una also having a certificate cmltln him lonenirirn In fur another teim.

Ttis lorenonii Acting city Clerk llnysvwnt to titooklyn to leport tu Judge Itarllolttts ol tils cITons to comply with mmill rot the Court to lnvo the returns rromusin Uisi nets Hi vrlili li lo nameo! Mr.MiL.nrd was mlssi"iled, ecnt bud; to tho

Inspectors tor was on itccouiit or lliecctcitirns that.Mr.

iiufiiiii UMSiimuttd out.ut Ing city ClciK Hays was unable to Pud

winco! tlmi led ton Inspectors, und tor thisttaion was unnU'! lo carry out the order oflae i mirt.

v ting City Clerk llnves appeared In theniprune cotiit. llroiiklyn, this morning andnudr his return to Justltu cullcn on lUomtmliuius Ubtied Dj Jubtko Hal lieu last!jtuiiay.

11 u i'm said lio linu bent luck tho disputedrenins tlio liiipennraot el'vcudlstilo, nsdlrre el oy tliu court. Ho has reieivul leuofiueiu b ick again, coricct-'ti-

li'siiiii uull-- u or.leri'il llajis m reraralilieii.pi In writing. Thli was done, and liuifore lis In us corrocttu s.

I I.u.vjer llrrry A. antlort then obtainedin cider to compel the f the mini-ng District tosuow eauovvliy a tnand.iinush' uM not Is no compelling them to hand the

ritnrns bad: id llnves. Tlio order is return- -b:c eatly neM wceU.



Nineteen Vote', Pledged Neither!

For Nor Against Him.

Kings County's delegation in the Ptatolegislature Is this morning, to all Intents rnd

rpurposes, unfettered. Tho boventccn msin-oc-

ot Asjembly met in caucus last night attne Thomas JelTerson IHilUlltig, aud

wltuout taking deilnlto action as totheir cholco loi speaker or United btatosfcuator. senators McCarreu and Mccartyitronot present.Lx.ltegtslcr Hugh McLaughlin appeared

before tho caucus and udvUed tUat no actionte taken before noxt Monday night, when theneu caucus will bo hold tit tho DelnvanHouse, Albany.

It Is generally understood that Assembly-man James l tjulgley, has abandoned the"Kilt lor hpeakerand will got, Instead, tlioChairmanship o! the Waj sand Means com-yillli-

It la nloo understood thst there will;e no opposition Dy Urooklyu As'cmblynwni Speakership.

William hulzer, of uw York, tor tho

Ulspietty well undorstooa that it ltlcliardiruker and Hugh MeLatiglillu como to terms

; ''"f" county will go solid lor J.dw.iid Jlur- -Wi (ot United htutes henntor: oilierwlae Mr.McLaughlin Is Inclined to gtaud by tho 1'cd-- 4

l'n Admlnlsttatlon in tha cholco of atnitor.

''he Kings county legislators all start forAlbany ifeiing thai they stand In a positionjoiormu verj strong nucleus lor t movementin opposition to Jlurpny H tho necessity ts



5 WllllnrnBburjr Institute, to Apply anOmaha Concorn'a Motltods.

An Instiiutlon for tho reclamation ot drunk- -

Ws is to be established in Williamsburg., A stock company has been organl7.ed, withl Utorgo II. I'lslier ns i'rcsldcnt, and

tlio stockhoHcra have resolved to purchoso' li'iritcrial tights from the Houston NarcoticJ vi rn i oaipany, of Omaha, Neb.uwas lepurio lata meet lug of stockhcld- -

Jis lasi nitut that nils cute had been testuiJ ,L"J!1,e promluont IceM pnjsli'lans and that. J! ""'" "''" urt bcin treated had thoioughly

overcoiim their uppeilte tor alcohol.lifu

Cl m,u,,leu wua appolulcd lo select n

Wolvo-Yoar-Cl- d JH0 for TUeft.Twcivc.j car-ol- d .Michael McNnmara, ot 48

Attlly Mieet. was nrrcsted this""Tningcn complaint of ltyan x bchaefor,u,so.nis(ifmcni, at :itb Furniau Mrcot,ii'i?. ,SmUu l,lM of lu'Vlug stoiuu to irouiii.,,.."1: When tin,. piiMiiicr was searched.kjun hUhione) wna louud lu his posseb- -



'"Iho Senator" at the ParkNext Week.

June" nt the Columbia OtherAttractions.

William II. crane and his admirable corn-fitn- y

will conclude their ( ugagemout at Col.Finn's Park 'iheatro next week, presentingthe lamous American comedy, " The Senator."'ihe hcarllnesiot the character and the in-

cessant motion ot the play keep the audienceIn good humor. Tho benator's solid figure,his quick, powerful walk and vigorous action,stralghtfcrwnrd manners, void of polish in

I thu drawlug-ieo- senso ot tho word, but ad-- imil able la ease, Irankuoss and spirit, bisgold sense, fluent speech, active and shrewdover llou lug humor, his haired ot sham and

j ineanneus, and ptoloundaud genuine rever- -'

nice lor good women, inaku up a characterl which meets with tho lavur ot American

Iheatre-goer- s.

Johnstone Dennett and ChnrlC3 l'rohman'scompany ot playn swill begin an engagement

' ot one week at thu Columbia 'theatre, begin-- ,tilng with n special l crtormanee Monday

. (New Year's) utlernoon. with a levtval ot"Jane," onn ot thu most brilliant ot Mr.1'iohinan u suecesso'. It Is a play brimful oftun and merriment. Ml.j Dennett will ap-pear in her urljinal character of Junc'nndwith few exceptions thu originals In tlio lev-- 1

eial other pailsot this popular coined v will!apiearln tint characters created by them.'Ii.e ihnrmlngcoineoleita, "Chums," will uuthu cut taln-rals- during tho "Jane "engage-ment.

Mlis .Mai la Walnwrlght .vlll rcmsln at thoAmphloi anotuer week, lieglunlng with a .

iuatim.0 Munday, she will giv lour perlorm- -uucusit "'Iho behiKil for hjaudal." Thurs-day evening sho win present, Shakespeare's, i

As Vim Like It." A long time basUapsedBint u i It her or these plujs has been given atthli theatre. Doth pieces will bogcrgcouslycostumed and handsomely stuped.

Lewis .vtoirlson In bli spectacular produc-tion ot l'aui," will bo seen ut the draudorcra-llous- e next week, beginning with alnutlnee Monday, 'ihe play will be givenwith new scenery, costumes and mechanicaleneets. 'thu llrucken seeuo has been elabo-latc-

In iho chuichscenc, achlmooftoned bells and aiiusrtetlo orslngcis will bohi a lit

" lio Kliedlra " will be the New Year'straction at thu lii'dtoid Avenuo'iheatre. 'Ihocompany Includes A. II. Hastings,Hard), Hany C. Dcv.llt, Air. tl. llnrrlngtou,John Kly, Isabel Annslcy, badlu Uladdliig,May Lewis.

" A l'nlr iiobel " will be tho next attractionat tho Lee Avenue Acudcmy. Edward it.M.uv.-o- n will as Col. Mason and MissFanny llllletle as Clalrelle Montelth. Theplay will te well stagid Llbby Prison Isamung the ulxlorlchl siots shown during theaction ot thu play.

i:t.i KendRll and his company of comediansand vocalists will bout ton n at the Novelty'1 heatre, vv hre the v. ill present " A I'alr ofivids." Carlotta will do u bcrpcntlnodancnand tin1 other members or the company willlumlsh clever specialty nets.

At HUber .C Cothatdt's Casino noxt weektliu programme will Include tlio Uniquetjuartet, W. II. Uarnitt, lleorgc Weston, ban-Ju'-

the Mcfarlands, In u short, sketch;Frank Hilton, contortionist : Miss Minniebcliult, with new songs, and several otherpel formers.


j Thoy May Be Used nn tea NixonLow Freo Board Vesae'.

ItlsLclievcd that the report of tho NavalUenid to btciclary Tracy In the manor ofIts Inveitigatloa Into ihu best method of

' utilizing tho new dlsapueurlng gun at boawill icsult In the adoption ot Naval con- -'

htriti'tor Nixon's design tor a low freo board,light draught aimored vtsscl ot special modeladapted to tho handling of the disappearinggun.

Ihe vcbcl's dimensions aro; Length, ISOfeet; beam, 42 ttet; draught, 11 leetj ireoboard, M4 niche'.

A sy.stem or mlrioi s so arranged ns to allowor the gun being accurately sighted lrom be--1

w dei-k- will do nwjv wlih ibo uccessltyot any cxposuro of the gunners.

'llio trial jesleiilay ot tho dl'anpearlnrairlage for a n gun at bandy Hook,showed that tliu Invention was piactlcullyperfect.

'1 ho Naval Hoard consists or capt. L. t)..Matthews, Asa Walkerand Lh-u- J. D. Murduck.

thought'to be burglars.

Two Mon Hold In Brooklyn as Sub- -

jilclous Porsors.Charles Mc'jualters, ct 10 llrldge street,

Hrooklyn, and I nvvrence Ollllen, who Bays

he lives In bpencer street, were nnested thismorning on suspicion nt burglary. Watch-ma- n

John O'Hi ien, shortly belore midnight,discovered that tho oll'co ot the HrooUlyn

Lumber company, ut i'ljinoutli street, badbroken into, unit lie notined the police.

'Ihu prlsauers were seen passing ah,nI'lymoutliHllect. and o'llrlen thinks they aretwo men ho saw sliding from thu root ot Col-je-

coal-she- next door.Tho prisoners deny tno charge.


A Swindler Usos nn Elevator to RobHis Victim,

'1 he lirooklyn police aro looking torn swin-

dler who celled at Charles LatTarlue's grocery

store, (JOf Myrtle avenue, this morning, andordered s worth of piovljlons sent to tho

thlid rloor of n house at lHfi Classon avenue.lio also requested Laffarlno lo send $8change.The gtocer'3 boy sent money aud grocei les up

on the eli'V.uor, uad waited beviral minutesloi Ills $10 bill. Not gelling II, he went up-

stairs aud louud mat ihe third floor wasled, and that the man who ordered tho

grocirle.s had escaped lij the io;f.


Mrs. Hamilton Accuses Her Servantof tho Crime.

Marlon Duffy, a domestic, twenty ycara old. ,

was at rested this morning by the pollcj ot theDcigcnsUect station, llroakl) n, on complaintof Mrs. Atinlu Hamilton, or .'lio 1'aUllc stieet,who alleges thai Miss Dulfy alolo a pockel- -

book couiaiulug itl.".Miss Duffy slept lu the same rooravvltuMrs

niimllton, and the latter sajs tho oungwoman took the pccki tbuus lrom her buienudtttwer, while sho was usliep. '


Lunbarto Rerja Are3ted Horo for a,i Crime. In Delaware '

Delcitlves Durns and 1 Itzpalilck, o; theClermont uventie pollco slutloi', Drooiljn, to--'

day arrested Lunbarto ltega, thlrty-on- o years

old, on a wamnt issued by I'ollce Justice' Hall, ot Wlltnlngtou, Del., charging him with

hlghwa tolberj nud assault with intent to

K,,lUhe pilsoncrvvas locked up to await thoatrlral or Delaware onicers.

Email Flro In Brooulyn.Mamcs vvcto discovered at 1 o'clock ihu

momlug In Iho bathroom ot the residence ot

William a. Thompson, 087 Tourtn avenue,

lirooklyn. Iho nreinen arrived Promptlyuud tho lire wa oxtlngulshfd nllet (luodamage had been done. '1 Uu cause ot the tiro

, Isuukuovvu.



He Wants It All Removed from

Long Island City.

Serves Notlco on tile '1 unnel andIlullroad Companies.

I.ono'U Cirr, Dec. 31. Moyor tlleasonthis morning bcrved notice on tho ottlceia ofthe New York and Long Island Tunnol Com- -

, pany to remove wlllihi twenty-fou- r hoursall dynamite which Is now stored by thoCompany within tho boundaries ot tho city.

The Company now has a largo quantity otd j in ml to stored In a shanty on the meadows

' Just oast ol Jackson nvcuue and only a shortdlstauce from tho scene ot Wednesday's ter-rible explosion.

Tho Mayor Bays that If tuo Tunnel com-pany falls to comply with his ordor proceed-ings will bo commenced without delay againsttho Company. The Mayor has also notlllcdtho Company that tho work on the tunnelwill not bo allowed to proceed until everyprecaution Is taken to prevent a similar oc-

currence.The Long Island Itallroad Company was

also served with a notice this morning fromMayor Olcason to remove all dynamite storedIn Its yards In Long island City. If tho Com-

pany tailed to comply with tho order, thonotice staled, tho city authorities will i

promptly apply to tho courts to compel tho'Company to removo tho dynamite outside uttho city limits.

Last nlflu Mayor (llenson sent acommunl-- lcation to the Hoard ot Aldermen, in which ho '

called their attention lo thu disaster, and i

Bald that tho explosion was duo to gioss andcriminal negligence on tho part of those con- -nected with the construction or the tunnel.

The Major called the common council'sattention to that clauso of the city charier inwhich the Common council has power todirect the location of all housos tor the stor-ing ot gunpowder and other eombustlblo

subs'anccs and to reguluto tho keep-ing aud convei mg of the same.

, The Mayor In his let er stated that torlcad Ignorancj or tho law would not holdthe Common council blameless, and that theAldermen had been dollclent In the perform-ance or their duty, and that this tact wasmore apparent in James comiskcy, Aldtr-ma- n

of the l'lrst Ward, being engaged by tho1 unnel Company as buperlntendcn at aliteral salary, and that tor this reason thoAldermen must bavo bad full knowledge oftno condition ot affairs before tho explosionoccurod,

i In closing Mayor Uleason said : " To whati extern tho appclntmont of Mr. comlskey andyour political party htolers to positions mayhave lntluenced you In your official Inactionis a matter for judicial determination. Thefact Is you are held open to adverse criticism.

i views and recommendations to thei noard of Aldermen bavo Invariably been lg--

nored. Nevertheless I deem it my duty totake such immediato action as win promptlyamollorate the condition or tno needy aurfer- -

, cri and prevent such disasters In the luture."Tne members or tho Hoard of Aldermen

manlfisicil considerable uneasiness overMayor's (lleason's letter, but they took noaction on It except to appropriate I.100 forthe relief ot tho sufferers lrom the explosion.


Now Yorli Syndicate Tries to Buy aBaltimore Company as a Starter.


Caltihove, Dec. at. An eflort has beenmade by a syndlcato ot New York capital-ists to secures controlling Interest in the

' Fireman's Insurance company, one ot thooldest companies in Ilaltimme. This is saidto be the beginning of a great scheme to con- -

trot tho leading local lire insurance com- -panic.-- .

lujddlllon to tho "Flremans," It Is re-ported Hint the syndicate Is after tho Na-tional, thu lialtlinore and the AssociatedHiemnn'B companies.

John (llll, President of the Mercantile Trustand l)"poslt Company, who represents thesyndicate lu IlJlttmore, says ho ha authorityto purclmsn thu Company, provided a fairprice can lo agreed upon.


Llewellln to Appoint Hor on thoState Board ot Charities.

AMOCJATFP Plf.!Toi-ek- Deo. ill. Uov.-ele- Llewclllr.g an-

nounces that ho nas dccldid lo offer Mrs.

Lease a position on the btate Hoard ot chari-ties.

It will bo one of the first appointments howill make.

It Is icporled here that Mrs. Lcasohas man-

ifested her wllllngues3 to accept the posllln,but It Is to be well undei stood beforehandthat shn does not In any way relinquish herclaim to tho benafjrsht;). i

Five U, S. Marshals EscoDe Lynchlnir' irr APcriATprari.i

UuiMiNOiiAU, Ala., Dec. 31- - Five DeputyUnited States Marshals who have been mak-- ilug many nrres's ot Moonshiners recently,wen captured by a crowd of tho illicit dis-

tillers and started tor the mountains, wheretholutentlon was to lvnch them. A dozenother Deputies heard or the trouble and ar-

rived just lu time to save tho prtsoners.

brTaii'bnul in Budd Doble's Stable.iisl orr dforiATrn mmo

Tekke Hautf, Dec :u. Stamboul, thotrotting stallion, holding the world's tecoid,is now in lludd Hoble's stable. Mr. ilarrl-ma-

ot New York, who bought tho stallionlor47,000, has tuined thu hoise over toDobiu lor the next) cai. The animal urrlvedin llist-cla- condition, and is now In com-

fortable quarters lu a stall adjoining Nancyllauks.

Thomas O. King, the Horneraan,Dead,

'IT flTlillP PllllM.'llAHTiOKn. Dec. 31, Thomas o. King, bee-- ;

rotary or tbo Charter Oak Dtlvlng I'atfc Asso-- ielation fur nine jenis, died jifterdaj. An

oni'tatlou to rrmovo u malignant tumor wasfiillonid by lieinorrlii.iL. liu w as mil knownam. ng horsemen tu every part or iho country.

Bank Directors Sued for 370,000.(ut AcsiiriATin ruin. I

LoriKVii.i.E, Dec. 31. Tho Ocrinanla Safetyvault and Trust conn any, aislgnio of thedclttnet Masonic Havings Lank, brings suitagainst the directors for 37."),0()0. Theulalntirr alleges the directors wire guilts otGross negllgeuco in tho ruaiiiveineui i r thobank, and to this cnu.c a lots ot sUTo.oou uattributed.

Escaped Lynchlnir by Suicide.irr mociatip nuM.'

Macos, Ua., Dec. 31,-- In the depths or

ltocky creek Swamp, four miles lrom Macon,

'Jim Uurnett, who thot and killed KiankTaylor, a young larmer, shot himself throughihe heart estercay to escape U nchlng.

liu had been burrounded by a posse (ortbtcudajs. .

JnrnBB River Frozen at Richmond.Iit AiioriATrn Farss..

KicilKoxn, Dec :ll.Tho James Is' tro7eu and tteamtoat navigation has bceii'suspended. Tne old lmlnlo-- i steamer Wj-- 1

annke. lrom New York, duo jesterday, wasioic.-- lo haul up at city Point and discharge

I her passengers tind freight.

I Homtleas and Demented.I James MeDcrniott, a homeless man.Mxiy-flvojcar- s

old, was found demented at One

llundrrd and Second street and Third avenuoliits morning. He wastakcu lol'iesb)icrlaiiilUSplMh


Denial Aho that Ho Offended

Bishop McDonnoll.

Dr. Hartnett Tullts for the KestoreilPriest This Jlornlng.

Tho rumor that Dr. MctUynti hart beengiven to understand thnt hu would bofoi-mall- y

otlerid Ihu chair of barred Oratory lutho Catholic University at Washington, 1).

C. was authoritatively ainlcd this morningby Dr. Hartnett, l'rcs'dent ot HU John'sCollege, lirooklyn, and a cluso friend of Dr.Mcdlynn.

An efToil was made by an Kvrsixu Woiimt,reporter y to bco Dr. Mcillynn with re-

gard to tho many reports about his Inten-tions, but ho would not consent to bo Intot- -

vlcweJ.i (uestlons were then sent to lit.ii asking If It

wero true that he Lad wittingly offendedlllshop McDonnell by saying mass In lirook-lyn without notifying tbo latter, and also Ittho lace had been communicated to him thatLew as to bu given a New Year's present ot11,000. To these Inquiries nud ono about theprofessorship at Washington Dr. Mrtllynnreturned his usual reply that ha could not boInterviewed.

Dr. Hartnett, who speaks for Dr. Mcdlynn,was moi e communicative, howevor, and vol-

unteered the information that Dr. Vctllynnhad just said mass at St. John'H College.

Do you know whether lilshon McDonnellhas been offfndoJ by Dr. Mcoiynu's action V"Dr. Hartnett was asked.

I know lllshop McDonnell has not beenoffended." ho replied. No one was mire1pleased than lllshop McDonnell to seo Dr.Mcillynn iclnstnted. 'Ihe best ot reelingexists between I bem, and nothing has oo-- 1

current to mar IU"What about tho report that Dr. Mcillynn

may bo offered a prorcssorsnlp at tho CatholicUniversity?"

I do not, know what may bo done, butthere has been nothing to indicate that sucha thing will ho done. Dr. Mcillynn Is capa-ble ot rilling tho Chair ot Sacred Oratory, butnt present thero ts nu hucIi professorship, andI bavo heard ot no endowment tor creatingone.

You may state, positively," continuedDr. Hartnett, "that Dr. Mcllljnn docs notknow what ha will do. All rumors havu beenabsolutely without inundation."

Dr. llnrtnrit did not know anything abouta $1,000 Now Year's present to Dr. Mclilynu.'1 bo money, It Is said, ha bceu collected byhis friends and win be prefouleJ y orlo.niorroiv by Dr. Henry Carey, or Thirtiethstiectand Second avenuo.

Dr. Hartnett suld ho did not think Dr. Mc-illynn had heard nt the gift, and that It wasprobably belli,' collected as a New Year ssurprise for him.

Members of the laity were also scon, findall said Dr. Hartnett had undoubtedly spokenwith authority when ho bald Dr. Mculjnnhad no plans for tho ruture.

Dr. Mcuiyuti reels that ho should not talktor publication at present," said n prominentchurch member, ' but he can speak throughDr. llartuilt. They meet dally and am w ai infriends. Uesldes, St. John'H'Collego Is onlv ablock rrom Dr. Mcciy mi's home, at mil) will-oujh-

avenue, so It Is easy for Dr. Mclilynnand Dr. Hartnett to meet."


He Threatens Grace Si Co. and IsCallod a Terrible Liar.

Charles Church, the Englishman chargedwith attempting to blackmail W. It. 'liace &

CO., was arraigned for examination beforepolice Justice Orady in tho Tombs Court thismorning.

When asked by tho court if lio had vvrl'tcnthe blackmailing letters, he replied I

I1 wrote the letters, Your Honor, as 1

acknowledged the other day, but i knownothing about blackmail, what Iknow and do know now led me to hellnvuthat 1 was Justified ,Iu asking llraou & Co. tobuy my silence. I can maku agrcatuuargoagainst draco .v. Co."

Do you plead guilty to writing thesoletters?'" hu was asked.

Yes," replied tho prisoner, but 1 dldu'tunderstand the law on the matter. It I amconvicted. 1 will only have lo wait and tellmy story in court. If the firm know what 1

know thoy wouldn't have me hero now."Church was held lu $'J,.',00 lor the tlracd

Jury.John W. Urace. the complainant, was asked

it he had any explanation tu tnako concerningChurch's claims, but ho only smiled and saidthat Church was a terrible liar.


He Expects to Finish tho Examination of the Books

WaylandTrask is still deep In the Invest!- -'

gallon ot his firm's accounts. Ho has, withthe aid ut experts, brought some older out ottho tangle Into which they wero put by bispartner, 'lheodoru Ilaldwln.

Mr. Trnsk said that by lie win havefinished with tho looks and will know defi-

nitely w helher or not Baldwin has taken anyof ihe securities. Jlntll then he connui baywhether ho has any grounds for criminal ac-tion against Ilaldwiu.

On i uesday Mr. Trask says he will give outa statement to bis creditors. He says he ex-pects to straighten won thing out and con-tinue business at tho old stand.

And They Think He's Taacotr.'IT FRrn.l

Denveii, Dec 31. A suspect giving ihoname of William Miroal, alias Chailes Drown,is in the city Jill under a chargo of larceny.The police are grea 1 agitated over an asber-tlo- n

made by J. K. Hjunderb that he believesDrown Is uo other than Tiucotl.thu mutdeiirut Shell, the Chicago uilllloualic.


Youth Hold for Burfflary.1'ourtcen-year-ol- d Jacob Kowatsk), of st

Stilfolk street, was held at i'Miex Marketcoutt this nvirnlug lu tv,uoo lor tilal ntUenernl fccitlo'is, charged with steulltig 1.1

worth of dgars Iioin Worlhman, ofMS Oicnaid suet, wi storu was Lrui.cninto at :' o'clock Uns murnln,-- .

To Koed tho Flra Horse?,Tlio "starving lionca" ot thu Fire Depart-

ment will bo amply rrovldcd lor next year.The Department has just advertised fi.r bidsfor supplies lor lNli.l, which Include 400,000pounds of tho best quality ot bav; KO.UUUpounds good clean rj a straw : :i'.'0,liOO pouudswultc oats and tlf.uuo pounds 111 at quality otbran.

Man Unconscious; Gas Turned On.rllermnn Ocrken, nineteen years old. or llll)


l!ast Nlneu-secon- d street, was found union- -

sclomlu his room this morning iiom cna- -mg gaj. He was nt to thu I'lesojleiUulius'dtal unconscious.


$17,000 Paid tor Two Foot.Iky AUSociAtrn rr.r.m.l

Annus. Mich., Dec .'ll.llio supremeCourt ha anirmed the dudsKin awatdlng1'iank Areian 17.ouo lor bilngiim over bya Lake shore train und losing both leet. Thecompauy drew a cneck loi ihe uuiouaL

Bank; Froeldent Eaotipes from Jail.I Ir-- - Monnn r'llt. '

Pout, A'ash., Dec 31. II. r.seUwaru, President of the defunct Dankot

l l'ott Auglcs, srutencod to eighteen monthslor embezzlement, escaped Horn Jail lastnight, where he was cuntiuod pending nnappeal. It Is believed he crouvd tbo Mralmin Hritlsu coltiintl. schwuru was eniplo)elIn the Treasury Department at Wasulngiutilor twi'iitj-t,- o cfs.



Simnly a "Second Sunday," aa

Thiogs Go Those Timos.

Wnrd McAllister Tells Why tho Day

Means Nothing.

The "t."0" Term It "IntolerablyStupid. Don't You Know?"

Those who deem It a duty to themselves toobservo ever) holiday urn In tbcsAUia per-

plexity about tho Impending Now Year's Daythat troubled thorn last week uboul thoproper obsorvaucs of Christmas.- -

1 hu calendar says that Is NowYear's Day. 'Iho lawnt tho Statu of NewYork sajs that Monday Is New Yoar's Day.

And there you aiollutthu dinicttlty Is greater than thatot

Christmas, fur no religious lustlval servos tom irk the coming and going of New Year'sDay unless ludeed, we consider the goodold "watch meeting" of our Mcttndlvtfriends as coming under that head.

Probably bccntibo there was no religiousfestival to celobialo, no groat event ot Na-

tional Importance to commemorate, tho cus-

tom ot New Yoar's calls tor barhilois upon

tholr female Irlends was Instituted by ourtorcfathers.

At llrst Now Year's calling was vet y fash- -

lonublo.All the nobs and swolls of chrlBtendom

mado the rounds, and eveu the humblestwoman In tho land counted upon entertain-ing at least a score ol her male slaves on theultthday ol the Now Year.

Hut tho custom becamo popular, "don'tyou know," and that would never ilo, d'yosee." nnd so, as pooplo of the humble walksof life who had to earn tholr own livingadopted tho custom ot Now-Ye- calling, thenobility that is to say, society dropped It,till now it has gone quite out of lashion,"don't you know," aud tho ISO Just draw

tthu blinds and sit alone all day long on Newrear's, In dcllclously restful beclusion andlangour, leaving all the fun and frolic to theirInteriors that Is to say, those who do nothavo a holiday ovory day In tho year, nndpass their lives In routs and receptions, ban- -

quots nnd balls.tih. jes; there can bo no longer any doubt

about It. Tim Kvkviwi Wouui has Inter-

view od Mr. Ward McAllister about It ondthis censor of social pedigrees, this American

. Ilurko nnd Dobrett In one, has settled thupoint onco and tor all.

There Is no uioro New Year's calling.I oh. no; don't jou know,1' rcplltathcMc

tlllster, without an Instant's hesitation,when an Evkninii Worlu representative putthu question to him In his own beautiful redparlor at 10 West Thirty-sixt- h street.

Nobudy calls, don t you know : positivelynobody! Very gross and stupid, d'ye seuJand If you did call, you understand, thero dbe nobody at home.

positively nobody nt home, d yo seo? Ha.ha I You catch tho point 1 Kverybody stav sat homo on these holidays. Miserable bore,t'nbearablo; quite. Stajsat homo, d ye see,nnd Is quiet, don't you knowt 'l hey leave Itnil to the others, you understand."

And that settles It, or at least it ought tosettle It.

Tho McAllister seemed to think so, for horeturned to tlio business of considering,amedlng, abridging and fixing up the book ofeligible persous lor his second ball ot theseason.

nut tbo visitor was not done. He wantedmoro Inrormatlon about the great festival olNow Year's Day vv hlcb the people r,f the Statont Now York, aim ot muny other states,deemed of enough Importance to tnako it aholiday when debtors are Iree from theircreditors, the process-serv- er la powerlessagainst tno troubled defendant, notes do notmature nor debts full due.

Mr. McAllister toyed thoughtfully with acrumb ot dinner that had lodged In ono or thecreases of bis ample waistcoat as ho said,otnlttlug thu little exclomatlons with whichthe leader of fashion interlards aud punctu-ates his remarks:

In tho south. New Years Day was cele-

brated tor ility ) ears as a day ot rejoicing, offeasting and gift giving. It used to be so luNew YurkClly, too, but as we grow older andmoi o modernlied. all tbco amusements wereforgotten und nothing seemed to take theirplaie.

From a day of great merriment It has be-

come a second Sunday, regarded by theworld us Intolerably dull and stupid.

All vi hi can now seok the country and m ikothe tbi uo days. Doe. 31 uud'Jan. 1 and -'. daj sot lomlly penance, on which one Is expectedto havo Indicted upon him all members utone's family, whether aympathctlo or not.

" 11 ou attempt the theatre on either oftheao three tdghts, you find such un Intolera-ble crowd that you novcr go again on thosonights. It Is not the fashion to meet yourfriends on either ot these three days.

In omer woras, no ccreiuumuuscausuiuadmissible on these three dull days." i

Thero foally Is no excuse lor any further'discussion of tho question. Let It be dls- -missed, so far as It applies to society so- -cletj as Ward McAllister Found It."

Hut, notwithstanding t he ennui that afflict ssociety and makes It so drow at tho holidaytime, there Is rcoru tun lo the square inch luthe New Year olibervauces ot whoenames ato not written lu nor rubbed out ofthe McAllister's list lor his second ball, thanthu Ibo and tho 400 can Imagine with theirenervated brains.

i The good old custom of paying tho compll-- Iments uf tho New Year to one's goddesses Isstill lashlonablu among a host of good

people who nave goodlove and human Interest in their

hearts and are not too weary utlife to express It.

'i he bright-eye- mistress ofeither of 100,11110 homes will rt celt f therecompliments with the sntne sivei-- t smile ofcomfortable happluets as It 11 had not becomounlushl inable, aud the bachelor callus willkeep It up till theyaio too lull (if lcmon.iduand milk punch and cake to go any lurther,and thus 1 mm will bo duly aud with pioperceremony stanedou ber wuj.

livery chime in tho city will wolcorau thonew-bor- n imiii 10 New York with glad peals,uud theie will bo countless tbousaud on thubtreet to Join 111 the welcome.

'llieru will bo other thousai ds quietlywalling r reeelvo the New Year by theirown Presides, surrouided by 'ainlly, tricudsand loved ones, aid thero will bu a mill nu ormure Americans gathered In tho lioubes otwntvhipor the Methodist Episcopal churchtosliiuiy tuiiod that tbulr worship ts at thebumming and ihu end in the j ear.

Tlii regular New Year fruili, at theoccurud this morning, and Iho

Kxclunges wlllbucIOieJ llll Tueeday morn.

'liiern will be npproprlaiofcrvlcesln all otthe lii.iitrf til worship

Ihu 1 iv 11 holiday of Monday will witnesstheiinugurailonoi tno newly elected munici-pal and state olllcl lis, and the lUti wilt bo(iwplu) ed 011 all public buildings In honor oftliu new bum

'1 hero will bono business downtown. IhoC'iisioiii-1Ipi'- ". I e, ll.ugo omce,

I Count, 1 Itv Hall, h xclungrii and must cf theMores will be cIumsI, su lar as business is con.c.Mlicd, in liuiicro' tliu New Year.


Electrician Shoa Attorapta Sulcldoand le Arrested.

Patrick J. shea, an tlectrlclan, twentj.nvo i ears old, of IU5 Second avenue, llrook- -

tn, via., a prisoner ot the Norwegian llos- -

pltul this inurnlug irr attempted vilcldc.While lu tiweii Kelly's saloon, Flit nlrdstreet and Second avenue, lJt etching lusuddenly drew a bolllo from his pocket andpoured pari of Us contents luu a uluss of

In r. Ilo then drank the beer uud threw thebuttle Ditutne bvekjaid.

When Ml. Kelly asked hlia what bo baddoue, he replied:

lai:i Hied f life and 1 want to poisonmysell."

'I lie bottle was found tu contain a solutionof Paris green. I'oUicii'ati Lallalun w.itcalled, and then was lakon to ihe hntplial.lie is n ' ut "t il inger shea relUbes t J say

li) ho wanud tu .it ids Ii:r.


Project to Overturn the Jr'renoh

Ropublio Now Being Hatched.

The Count of Purls Telegraphs IliaSou to Huston from India,

11 1 iMorurrn mm.'London, Dec. HI. The Orleanlsts have by

no means abandoned the hope ot regainingthe throne ot France through a revulsion Inllcpubllcan sentiment caused by tho revela.tlons in the Panama affair.

Wbct the present intentions of the orlean-lsts aro it would bu hard to say, but it Is

some project Is contemplated thatIs Intended to lead to the overturning of thellepubllc aud the establishment of a mon-arch- v.

1 he count of Parts has telegraphed to hisson, the Duke ol Orleans, who is now travel-ling In lndc-Chln-a, to baston his return In or-

der that ho may take part In tho delibera-

tions of the Orleanljt Kngllsh clrclos it is believed that there

Is no chanco ot tbo machinations ot theFrench Itojallsts and Imperialists provingsucccsslul.

It Is thought that thn French Government,by pursuing thoso Implicated In tbs Panamascandal to punishment, will establish theIlepublln on sounder foundations than belore,

I and will render such an evil as the Panamaaffair hercalter impossible.

'Ihe Anarchists havu decided to Join the So-

cialists, who havo been reinforced also by thelllanqulsts, tbo l'osslblllsts and the tioulau--jgist leaders. All four parties held a meetinglast night In the sallo St. l.eger. The pro-ceedings were conducted with the utmostfiCtTOcy. 'Ibis manifesto was approved andIssued tu tbo people ot Paris:

Up! Tk toiheittnuiForxtrdt Du not truat tft the ballotl Orippl

wllh llicpltlul.l Nlr.theloiircMiUil Twl.t' their utckt until Ihtr diet All It rettenl You

alone have tiettth leU)

Tflc Socialist members 01 the Town councilhave Issued an appeal to worklngmon to rl'oand demand arovlslon ot tho constitution.Thoy accuse the deputies of swindling, and

' declare that thu Uovcrnment must bo purgedby tho worklngmen of the nation.


London Papora Accuse Her ofArousing Sympathy by Deception.

Ipi AanncuTED rmii.lDec. ill. llaronessdo Hoquis, the

mother ot Mrs. Mnybrlck, states y thather daughter's health Is Improving.

The Exchange Tolegraph Company alsosays that Mrs. Maybrtck la recovering, add-ing that tho hemorrhages with which shewas recently attacked and which caused thereports that sho was In a dying condition,wero caused by hoi sell and not by the rav-ages 01 consumption.

j Ihe At. Jamrt'11 Gatrttr to-d- prints anI article on Mrs. Maybrtck and congratulatesthe public on too ot her Ingeniousattempt tu regain her freedom.

The (lairtte declares that her Illness wasj caused by her swallowing a numnerof nee-

dles that she had secreted from time to time.These needles produced nn effusion of bloodand other symptoms ot lung disease, and thereport was at once circulated that she wasdying from consumption.

Court Officials, Generals anil JudgesBbared In the Guelph Fund.

Irv iiioriiiFD rani. I

IlEni.tN, Dec. 31. The rot-ma- tr, theSocialist organ, says that u scrutiny ot 100

.receipts given tor payments for tho Ouelph' Fund has disclosed thu fact that part ot the

Fund was paid to court officials, Generals,Judges, Journalists and Members of parlia-ment.

Tbo above dospatcn convers no new Infor-mation to the public 'lhoiuisto which thetiuelph Fund was put 10 have boen cynicallyadmitted Dy ITIuco lilsmsrK, who while hewas chancellor bad the Fund at bis disposalIree lrom Parliamentary restraints. He ap-plied tho money to thu requirements ot thesecret oetvlco aud to the subsldliullon ot tlie"reptile press," aud he has never hesitatedto justiry his exceudliures lu these directions.

Ihe uuctph Fund had Its origin In tbobcquostratlou of the property ot the lateKing Ueorge of Hanover, it was restoredlast April to the Duke of Cumberland, sonand heir uf the dead King, on his abandon-ment ot alt pretensions to the thruno of Han--ovtr.

Died In the Btreet.Martin Illdder, forty cars old, ot 178 Sec-

ond street, was taken suddenly sick at IhhMonroo street this morning and died beforomedical attendance could be procured.


When He Got Through He Was MadEnough to Tbraeh an Army.

' ' No, sir, I iliiln't lose that arm inbattle; I lost it while playing the fool. "said JIaior John Leonard, as he lookedregretfully at his empty Bleeve, thenBWiiiig into line with tbe story tellers ofthu I.aclcile, says the Ht. Lotus Qlobt.

' lit Hit X I lit,

"It was shortly before the battle of' rUillnh. I was out prowling around,looking for fat pullets or anything elsethat would givo tho uiess kettle a savoryodor, and finally lound uiyi-el- boar theConfederate Hues,

"A long, gaunt Teuueneau. evidentlyon ptckt--t duty, stood leaning against atree routling a newspaper. He appeareddeeply ciigroased, and 1 chuckled as Ithought vv lint u rich joko it would be tosneak upvviiliiii oaby raugo and plug him.1 began to mi-iik- .

"The ground was wet. covered withbriers, ami 1 uruwled fur fully two uuu- -

drod jamb, ruining a new iiniiorui. topiny my little Julio. 1 ho .loliuulo kepton rendiug. Hu liiul evidently not seenum. I btoppod tu hug myself before Iroe up to ny murderous work. j

I took good aim ami lot tly. The sentrynever inoVLil just kept 1111 reading. Thatiimtlo 1110 hot. I roloiulod und Ulazetlavvny ugnin. He never budged. I kepttip u fiiHilladu for halt nn hour without re- -

' suit ; then 1 got ho mud 1 couldn't standit iiuv Isugor,

I vrns not 11 liltlo pioud of my marks.luausliip, mill to hivo a large, loose.iiumtlutl tnetuy of my beloved eouutry

i btiiuil up there in his butternut breechtBand riiliulv absorb the news while 1 waschucking leal. A him at a distauco of was too much for 1110.

" 1 reloaded, inarched up to withintwenty puces uf him, took deliberate aimnud lihied ntinv. Ho kept 011 readiug.

I I clubbed uiy inubket and made a rush. I'whacked bun ovir the head with fureeeuo.iuh tu kill a church Maudal, thenretorted nud jabbed my bayonet intohim. It wnsn dummy'

, " I started lo lose m.vsclf iu Iho dlrec- -' lion of camp when tbuiu came 11 shriek ofdemoniac laughter lrom 11 clump of hazelsto my lefl imil three b c TcuuewoeausMopped out to intercept nic. Surreuiler!

.Not much I I was mad enough to lightthe wholo Southern Confederal y slug e

I handed. 1 made a rush fur 'ein and they'turned loose, relieving me of this armami breaking both legs, lint I licked the

I dummy," lino of my captors told me nftorw arils

that they alu.ok 11 puuud of lead out ot it,'


It Rooalls a Stirring Ohurcli Eventof Twenty-fo- ur Years Ago.

Two, Companies of Soldiers Ousted a1'rlest Who Defied a Ulihop.

IfocnisTKR, Dec 31. The news from Wash-ington that Mgr. Hatolll has removed tbesentence ot excommunication from Fathero' Flaherty, of Auburu, who has rested underthe ban of the church tor twenty-tou- ryears. Is received with much Interest here,as It revives the memory ot one ot the mostexciting Church events ot Contrul NowYork.

Her. Thomas O'Flaherty had been pastor oftbe Holy Family Church, Auburn, for nvoveara Drevlous to Dtshon McOuald'a elevationto tho Episcopacy 1 a 1808. He was appointedto the Holy Family Chttrcn by the late PlslwpTtmon, of htirrato.

lllshop Mcquald found trouble existing be-

tween Father O'Flaherty and bis congrega-tion, ana after Investigation decided to trans-fer blm to l'enn x an In February, 1800, pro-

moting Ilev. M. Kavanagh, of Seneca Falls,to be pastor of tho Holy Family Church.Father O'Flaherty declined to bo transferred.

On Feb. IS Bishop McQuald went to tboHoly Family Church with Father Kavanagh,but was greeted by Jeers and taunts from thocongregation, which retused to allow FatherKavanagh to say mass. Tho Bishop lott thochurch after announcing Father O'Flaberty'ssuspension.

The following day several of the congrega-tion were arrested for disturbing religiousworship, Theyworo acquitted altera jurytrial In the pollen court. On Sunday, Feb. stlllshop McLjuild again attempted to putFather Kavanagh In charge, but again tbocongregation resisted. Tho lllshop ther de-

clared the ihurch closed.Father O'Flaherty took possession ot It and

held tbe tort until April 10, 1mu:i, whenMajor J. M. Hurd, of Auburn, together withthe pollco lorco ond two companies of tbeForty-nint- h Keglmcnt, N.O.,. N. Y.. tinidedtho church over to Ulshop Mcijald and FatherKavanagh.

'l his ended thn difficulty over the church.Father O'Flaherty appealed 10 ltomu, butwas beaten. Ilo then sued lllshop McO,ualdror SL0.nntl rintnaDtm for aIIpitmI lllml. Iiiilwithdrew thn case irou tho docket before Itcame to trial.

since his suspension Father O'Flaherty hasresided at his farm lour miles from Auburn.II" is now about boveuiy-on- e years uld.

When a reporter railed at ninopSlcJuald'Hresidence till' mornluv he relused to say any-thing wbatover on tho subject.


alMAIVAt) If OBI I !odium.. 7.54 'Son mU ,. .'Mooa wti.. 6.117


tlnd Hook ,M IMITOoT.roor'. Ii'aud (1.09 t.tiHtllUalo 8.0J K.3S


Ftndrltnok 1I.C3 onGorftrnor't Iilftud 11.75IKI1UAI - 163

lu uud aiiu buaiUta iiiu aur.,Ad. .OUrmiauiM.


ARHllEII.rfUimtr Britannic, la? 8mltb, from Liverpool

Dec. J1, via QuMuttown tlec. 'J'i, with marctitn-iiU- .Vb cabin And 1SJ aUcraga iiaaacntra to II,

Maltland Karatj. arrived at the bar at 3.35 A. .

Hteamer Uutheil. Cant. Wiectihauaen. frontPec IU. in tiaflaat. to Uqatava Iteje, ar-

rived at tna bar at S A. M. :HUamer Horamore, Capt. Boelian, from Fr

nambnro Nov. SO, Maoelo Dvo A and Ht. I.uclaIII, with aufar lo A. Luarlvr. to J. IIVVInthailer Jt Co. larrivejat Ibe Ha. at 6 A. M.

Htaamer Htarllsat, Laptr Uataiind.. from(llrgentl IWie. J au,l AUlera 0, . ..j lulphi r tooraar vv atel to Bnupaoo. bpanco a; Young i antvedat the liar at 10 r. M.

Xtanier Uunmore, Capt. Campball. fromDec UO. with mviclianai.n In traoait to,I.

II. VVIncbealcr A Co. Kill Unlet! loading fort azua.

bteainar Ralclfh. Capt. Heara, from Parian, (la.Deo, IIS, wlih lumber to South Brovkltu haw MillCompany.

MoiroerOHr of Birmingham. Capt. Burir, fromfUvenuan llec. as. wlta raercbaoulac and paaaen-ger- a

to 11. U Walker.0U1G01NO BTIiAMKIU.

AILSD Xl.UA.Fulda, ( Aormandle, Havre.Mieiltalpul. fuondm.haale, Bremen.Ethiopia. UlaagowKctlerilam, Am.terdam.Cltr of U.rilu, UretHijl.Muriel, (Irenada.Vuvatan, Havaoi.Prioa Manrila Haiti.Nuecee, italveatou.lAuiaiana, Maw (Irleana.ELceUlor. slew Orleana,Alane, Klngalon.

TO (AIL JAN. 2.Atoll. '.. r'..a(l.Iroqnola. Cbarleaton 3.0urM

Clljof lllrmlugbam, tiavau-na- h



rnt'rtmon. Hamborg Dec. li.Ilalla, ntettlu !" U.Ilanla. Hamburg Dee. 17.I. land. Chll.tlBnta.Peo 15.Newport. Colon Deo. 73.(irltannle. Liverpool peo 31.Vterkandam, Kotlerdam Die. 17.Britannia, IllbialUr lma. II.Aatalfl llauburg Deo. 10.

vvafA Oaacogne, Uavre Deo 21.California, Ulbialtar Ueo. 18.

tOUKItiM PtltCTi.

Irv rAsu.1AiLzn.

I.0NPOS. lo 31. The (Jeneral IraBiatlaotleLa BoorgoAne, Capt. LabDeut. aaiied

from Ua, re fur .Sew York at 11 a. m. pec. 31.niGiinn.

The National line ateamer Amerlca.Capt Pearce,from New York Dec. IS tor LonJoo, paeeeJ theLizard at 1 r. M. Per. SO.

Weather Forecast.Jccaljotecait hoari eudfrir

at a P. U. on .Sunday: Fatvbv mcrratitfj clondlnrn auit minor

on Sitiittni; triiim-i- ', uiiuls Lfcomtwjhorthmrtri III.

Tbe tollowlng recotd shows the changeslo tbe temperature uunug the mornlsg asnute.ited by tbe theruiumcler at Ferry'sFharmacy3 a. u 0 A. U....SII s a. u :i I3M. .27


Venetian LiDiieniIr Yull AttK U:lllM. Ham i.itKiixif




VIT AVTEb-Uir- la.

Apply hdiaou Mmp VVorka,Itarritou. N. J.

INSTRUCTIONSSTi'SocrUAfliV and tirpewr'ltlug lenon.atBll!Proaiiiiar Y . term. SI per we.k callor write.


FOItbAl7K Jewelry for Xmav, on 41weeklT rarraenta, tuimente ilnet conndeotlak

Ujlon Watch Co , 381 Broadway,


jFl7ATrWnrrTibeil. no caih rvqo,red .lowni eaaiweekly pameate, iw prwet. Ilact, 33 VV, lix


Best 1'dm

Boarding-- 1Houses fjAdvertise in MThe World jWhen they iHave a 1Vacancy, M



NEWYORK j(entral 1-- rl HUDSON RIVER R.R., 9

DffiECT LINE TO NIAGARA FALLS fMAll trains arrive at anil depart from Grand

r jjECentral Station. Iftl Street; the only railroad ,?&

nation tu the City. Trains lcavo as follows t ';Ht s.itti a. htatk iixprehs-- 'SU

1..IP11 train In tne world. Due BuSalo 5.U IrMMl. M., Magara I'alla ri.3il. M. Noeitrafara. VaB

fl.ltl A. 31. -- FANT MAIf-K- or Albanr, Utlca, Ti;WTral:lle. Km heater and Buffalo. Dally, fixcopt MM

Sunday lor Moatreal, .'JSBsl

lO.lltl . YOItK. AND CHICAGO ,t'HVLrirlllUI.K LIMITID-D- ue Chicago at O.ii tJKMA. III. neat day. Complete VVainerBervlca. 3atill. UO A. tl.-D- KXPRhMI-F- ar the Weet, MM

I..V.1 I'. VKdIIBULK :,Sl.tMlrKD-DueMncdu- It. 20 A.M. llodlta- - ;3Hapnlla 11.5V A. M i Nt. I.ul. T.36 P. SI. ffll

1..S.V P'rl I'AIlt rlPKCUL-D- ae Mll.hiragn J 00 l. M neit day. Wagner eervtce. FMM

tn.JIO l. VI. ALBANY, THOY A.M. HAhA- - MIdllA M. . Vif:

4,:tl J'. UllOKK VFHTIBULat IjQlI'. M, neltday. Vn

II l. ST VVhhrmtN KIl'Ki:.SUoe W1t'lilclgn I'. M. J M. l.onle. 7 44 P. M. 31

(I.2.V l. EXl'nFJa-D- oeat vmnlreat 1. 4V A. M. ,MH


1 .:( I ANDMONTItEAL ?KXPltTRS Ilally.iloeTnoperLake.S.iiO Parana i'MWCDSi Paul Hmlth'a. 6.l! Alalone. 7.85: Mon tfmtieal, H 05 A. AI. foil,! Wagner Veellbuls aer-- - Mlvice, llreakfa.t on tlfnlngC'ar. 'vT31

H.OO I'..VI. --CINCINNATI ANDHT. IX1UIS EX- - $MMI'll! MS Uuo 1,'luilnn.ti, 7.37 P. M. I Indian- - sillauolla. IU 40 P. M t Ht. Lout., 7 45 A M. Veil

11.0(1 I'. FAST MAIL.-81eep- lng $fltar paesenuera for itocheater only. wfil.l.) I'. NIlillT EXPRESS, fUdally for Cliluaro. Except haturdar, for Capn JsslVincent (1,00(1 l.lanrta). Wagner service.

PITIrtl li:f.ll. I.KNOX, NOItTII ADAMS AND WMTHU lltltKSIIIIti: llll.I.H-T- .o through trlnt hOMVIA IIAULRM DIVISION-tS.- Ol A. M.. due KiMt'lttitielil 'i.30 P. M. i t3.50 PJMP. M. , rlne Piltatleld S. 10 P. M. ; North Adams $II.IOP M. . iihot time of local tralni, tleketa ana apace la c

aleepmg.rara apply at tiraud Central Htation, or :l'at U.S. liftl. 413. 785, i Broadway; 235 Oolnia- - i'.

huaave.t5.t Weet 123th t. and 138th at. aUtton. ViNew York; JJ'l VVaahlngton at.. 720 Fulton akand 7)74 HrcAdway. E. D., lirooklyn. 3fjT

tllallyeicept Sunday. Other tialnailally. 5;Vloie tralna, excepting b. SO and 0.10 A. It. "fi;

3.30. 4.3U and 0.U0 P.M., aiopat ISSlhiw yWe.icitt Kipre.. calla ft and cbocke bavggag i

frnrn hotel, and residence, firongh to deetlnatioa. cjJOMNM. TOIICF.Y, OrOIKIML DANIELS. &

General Manager. Ocn'l Patieoger Agent. '.A




IN r ACT, t V lillV 1'IilNO flill llOUSKKEKflNU '(!

Cash or Credit.T xTEKMS MADtl TO hUlT YOU. 4JJ



bund roit 1'uict: uar. open i1venino4v. Jfe

LOsTviTfiLlTY RESTOREDaiT-ta. aa&. "NERVE SEED," fit

aep3rfar? jflsrA tbe wonderful reme--. Kmn 1 A3 J dy,ler.oldwllhauT(t- -gV "3i fcl Cs7'24?j tciiffuo:rrtnf, to enre v4Kv . Af W all nervous dtcesMJ, PiV?, fri! ! x eucb as Weak iS

3 7ACIv 1 Hsi, ItlemoTry, !. of fr,?ff V 1 llrnln Fewer. jviJfrtjiOH HeailBebe. Wake J1imXitShtt'tmfXV Iaaa VI- - 11tuuiiHsimuj, tulltj, Nerraau VI

neBe, I.n.e'.tnilo. all tlralnt und foes of power ,"vIn olt ber wxenuvd or overexertion or exncsalve iflu.e uf tnbarro. opium or alltnulanta wn.en aoon tjmlead nlnnrmlty.Coi.r-umntii- nnd Inaanltr. Put Mup convenient to carry lu veat pocket, at vr "SfAmpaekumit'yinnlltdfnrJi Wltheveryliorderwa (glvo a tiritlrn (iiiaranrre fu nire or rriind t "iJEl"lonftXlrc-iln- r fre. Serve ISd rs.,Cblruo- -For Sate nt Huixut's I'hsrxacy, 218 Bway, V. T. ?,

AfWm 'Wllaon'a. 100-U-9 ari 1SI1 B'wsy.H.T. t$MAt Adrian Faralli, Ul Fulton St , Brooklyn, & I p?!



New York, December 3l.t, ,1803. iillirilll'..NII.-Tlie'lrilalr- rn nl ttiUliatlk V,1

liatr nrilrir.l Hint intrrrat be ald la .ftaDrpiialtura eniiileit llirrelo Inr lun nlsin ii ii Hi a enillnu lhl ibe rale ol tZllirrr itml line-Un- it Per Urol, per an. ann in, nu nil anniauii lo Ibr limit ol Three 'JsWTliiiuanllil DnllHrla,OtM)i. iJ3

liilrrrnl will lie credited .under ilate. or t&MJnuiiiirv loi, 1 811.1. and will be payable Si?!un nml Hller .VlonUny, Jauuarr llllh. OIKfia. jJIKg vir.VIAIION. Prraldcnt. jft


34 1 and 343 Bovvory. 'SI 'I he Truiteliai declare! a dividend for tht Bis Jw

ninulhi euaiug Dk-- . 31, loaj, en all uepoMta en--title tthrreto under the at the late ol JAMlill'K 1'Klt I KM' per anuum on amounts of Mfr&plCAUll aud noder. aud oj the eiceaa of itlUud net JgiJeire.itlni; 43,0011 at the rato ot TURKU PKU iTsmCtl.S'l Per aunuin. paiableon and alter Jannary NK9lo, 1HI.1. JOIlN'llUHOUT, Preeldtnt. TfUl

flUMH. MirilllMl. Socretary. J


.M W MJHIC, Koa. JO and in Dowery, corner ,' MXt''--

1 in It SEMI- - 4.N.NUAL DIVIDEND OK Wt1NIK1UM. llie Iru.tee. have ordered that in- - 5ljflire.t .t tbe rale of TUIU.L AMI F &(tt PBK CF.M'. per unnniu l paid to dopos- - fibHun on an 1 alter January 16 on alt aumaolav .at,'and uti lo 4.I.U'J0wblch have remaluoi on da im.

for the three or ell tuonlhe ending Dec. 1 DWAHt) A. QUIM'AUD, Pruidenu 'la;

lllRT IIVBLEU. hecrelarr, ,SI ha lata v II nu, caahlar, 'jjj


3Jtn l.. belweeii oth and 6th ave. t 4olaaa lea tiff?one, 111. '.4 leous. 45l private leexonr. (It cr h

ml mill guaranteed. Iron, a to namely private, wrihiouaio. Soi receptlooe Wedneeds dKtand Saturday eventnge. dancing. I.30 to fit after 3$?.noun clataea fiteeilaye and batuntayp. commeoeinAT V

3.3U P. ,M. i lady and gentlemen Icacbera: bwai ffi

place in the ill at popular, bendaddreeg Tali r circular. 1'rltato Icaeona in the nalla our Atpecialir. M


HUHSO.N t'OUNTY JOCKEY CLUII.-lUe- tBi umevery day. Uoata from Frauklln. 43d, Barclay. '2M

Cnrmopherand J4tu at. ferrlee. hpecial ttoat (rant mvnnel, tultun lerry, llrook'yn. at 13.1s dally. y

n. VYIUi'lIUAD, bearetary. ,W