nift tech sample paper

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  • 8/13/2019 Nift Tech Sample Paper




    The sample questions are only illustrative and not exhaustive in terms of type and difficulty level of the

    questions which will be set in the test. The types given below may also be arranged in the test in adifferent order.

    General Ability Test


    1. In an express train, the passengers travelling in AC. leeper class, !irst class and leeperclass are in the ratio 1 " # " $, and rate for each class is in the ratio % " & " #. If the total incomefrom the train is 's.%&(((, the income of Indian 'ailways from A.C. leeper class is

    )1* 's.1(,((( )#* 's.1#,((( )+* '.8,OOO )&* 's.,(((

    #. Two shop-eepers sell a radio of similar brand and type at the same list price of '.1(((. Thefirst allows two successive discounts of #( and 1( and the second allows the successive

    discounts of 1% and 1%. !ind the difference in discounts offered by the two shop-eepers.

    )1* '.+.%( )#* '.1.%( )+* 's.#./0 )&* one of these

    +. Two bicycles were sold for '.+( each, gaining % on one and losing % on the other. Thegain or loss per cent on the whole transaction is

    )1* either gain nor loss )#* #.% gain )+* #.% loss )&* (.#% loss

    &. Twenty2four men can complete a wor- in sixteen days. Thirty2two women can complete thesame wor- in twenty2four days. ixteen men and sixteen women started wor-ing and wor-ed

    for twelve days. 3ow many more men are to be added to complete the remaining wor- in #days4

    )1* &5 )#* #& )+* +6 )&* 16

    %. A bicycle rider covers his onward 7ourney from A to 8 at 1(-mlhr and during the return 7ourneyfrom 8 to A he covers the same distance at 5 -m9hr. If he finishes the onward and return7ourney in & hours, then the totaldistance covered by him during the entire 7ourney is


  • 8/13/2019 Nift Tech Sample Paper


    1* +( -m )#* &( -m )+* %( -m )&* one of these

    6. A7ay, Aman, uman and :eeta rented a house and agreed to share the rent as follows" A7ay " Aman ; 5 " 1%, Aman " uman ; % " 5 and uman and :eeta ; & " %. The part of rent paid by uman will be . )1* #&9$$ )#* 1#9%% )+* 1+966 )&* one of these

    $. !our sheets of %( cm x % cm are to be arranged in such a manner that a square could be formed.ersatility )&* >acillation

    11. elect the lettered pairs of words which are related in the same way as the capitali?ed words arerelated to each other. 8@3A>I0'" IB'0'I@TD :

    (1) grammar " usage )#* actions " moral(3) elm " tree )&* word " malapropism

    1#. !ill in the blan- 3er yellow dress agreed with her..............complexion. )1* crimson )#* ruby )+* as-y )&* pallid

    13. ic- the correct meaning of the idiom )underlined* from the answer choices. .

    8efore ta-ing a decision, they put their heads together.

    )1* fight among themselves )#* consult one another )+* pooled resources )&* spea- with one another

    1&. The antonym of !EAB80DAT is)1* decorated )#* apparitional )+* plain )&* female

  • 8/13/2019 Nift Tech Sample Paper


    1%. The synonym of AEE0D@F is

    )1* not connected )#* calm )+* absolute and complete )&* inferior

    16. !ind the wrongly spelt word.)1* preference )#* attendance )+* providence )&* evidence

    17. Change the voice of the given sentence. 3as a dog ever bitten you4 )1* 3ave you ever been bitten by a dog4 )#* 3as a dog ever bites you4)+* Dou are bitten by a dog. )&* 3ave you ever being bitten by a dog4


    hopping malls, supermar-ets and large format retail stores may be sprouting all over the country, butthere are still a large number of entrepreneurs who would rather not sell their wares through the usualretail channels. They prefer selling directly through trade exhibitions, which are attracting an increasingnumber of footfalls.

    cores of exhibitions are held each year in all parts of the country, big cities and small. ome of the

    largest exhibitions held in the country are trade events held by the CII, IT and software expositions heldby asscom, BAlT 2 manufacturers association show, and expositions which cater to interior designsand automobiles, etc. Gublications are also starting to get into the exhibitions business in a big way,Gsays 3emanshu Chitnis, Firector of @xhibitions and @xpositions Intemational )8usiness India andTimes of India exhibitions are among the largest*.

    Those who exhibit their goods are happy too. ays fashion and textile designer 8hamini ubramaniam,who too- part recently in the !emina Trun- how f designer wear along with designers li-e HrishnaBehta, arendra Humar Ahmed, aheed Berchant and ranavi Hapoor from Felhi" GEarge retailoutlets have a fixed &( per cent mar- up on designer apparel which they ta-e on a consignment basis.At exhibitions the only cost incurred is the one2time fee for the stall and there=s no price loads for

    consumers.G Also we don=t have to deal with credit in any form which enables us complete monitoringover stoc-s, she adds. @xplains iyush :upta, Firector of :3 systems, an importer of Chineseelectronic gadgets, GThe whole retailing system is very complex in India and there are middlemen atevery stage. They add their profit margin and the extra cost is borne by the customer.G

    15. @xhibitions are better options than the 'etail 0utlets because

    )1* the only cost involved in exhibitions is one time fee for the stall

    )#* no price loads for the consumers. )+* no middleman at any stage. )&* All the above.

    1. Arrange the sentences A, 8, C F in a proper sequence so as to ma-e a coherent paragraph. A.

  • 8/13/2019 Nift Tech Sample Paper


  • 8/13/2019 Nift Tech Sample Paper


    sufficient to answer the question as-ed.)#* if statement II AE0@ is sufficient but statement I alone is not sufficient to answer the question as-ed.)+* if both statement I and II together are sufficient to answer the question as-ed, but @IT3@' statement alone is sufficient.)&* if @AC3 statement is sufficient by itself to answer the question as-ed.

    #%. If hallo had a doctor=s appointment on a certain day, was the appointment of 8FKEF!" " 80" 4)1* ACBB0T'T )#* ACB0T>'T

    )+* 08 )&*08

    #$. Complete the series" AF:K 0' I4 )1* K )#* B )+* )&* E

    #5. !ind the missing lin- in the sequence ACF, @:I, KEB, 4 )1* B0 )#* 0

    )+* ' )&* one of these

    #. !ind the pair related to the given one KAK"H@H"" " 4 )1* !:I"3IK )#* 8A8"F@F

    )+* H@H"ElE )&* ElE"B0B


    +(. areli )+* 3armony )&* !loor and !urnishing

    ++. Colour of a dress plays a very important role in ma-ing 2crfigure seem larger or slimmer, so, a

    woman with a large figure should wear"

  • 8/13/2019 Nift Tech Sample Paper

