no.17| term 4| 19th october 2018 ^toying around · 2018-10-19 · no.17| term 4| 19th october 2018...

No.17| Term 4| 19th October 2018 Term 4 Week 5 14-16/11 Book Fair 16/10 Quiz Night Upcoming events Term 4 Week 2 24/10 Preschool Art Show 25/10 2/3T Ormiston Gorge excursion “Toying Around” Term 4 Week 4 8/11 Alice Beat Term 4 Week 2 22-24/10 School Review We hope you enjoyed our 2018 school concert as much as we enjoyed pung it on for you.

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Page 1: No.17| Term 4| 19th October 2018 ^Toying Around · 2018-10-19 · No.17| Term 4| 19th October 2018 Term 4 Week 5 14-16/11 ook Fair22 s 16/10 Quiz Night Term 4 Week 2 Week 2 24/10

No.17| Term 4| 19th October 2018

Term 4

Week 5

14-16/11 Book Fair

16/10 Quiz Night






Term 4

Week 2

24/10 Preschool

Art Show

25/10 2/3T

Ormiston Gorge


“Toying Around”

Term 4

Week 4


Alice Beat

Term 4

Week 2


School Review

We hope you enjoyed our 2018 school concert as much as we enjoyed putting it on for you.

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Dear Families

Monday saw just over 500 students and staff bounce back in

to Bradshaw rejuvenated after a 2 week break. This longer

break means that everyone has returned both rested and

ready for another busy term of learning. It is a 9 week term

with the last day being Thursday, 13th December.

This term we welcome Ms Lisa Ramsey to the teaching staff.

Lisa will be working part time across all classes to enable

teams of teachers to meet to look at data and plan for the

term ahead.

Next week is the Bradshaw School Review. A team of three

assessors will visit the school, review school documentation

and meet with staff, students and School Council to review

the school against the ACER National School Improvement

Tool. Feedback from the review will inform the improvement

agenda at Bradshaw.

Recently staff, students and families were invited to

complete the Perception Survey. This is one way we receive

feedback about the teaching and learning at Bradshaw.

Overall the results were extremely positive. Parents, staff

and students overwhelmingly recommended Bradshaw as a

school to attend and work!

Parent Survey – there was an increased number of families

completing the survey (87 in total) reflecting a cross section

of all year levels at Bradshaw. Parents felt that teachers

expected their child to do their best and that parents can talk

to their child’s teacher about concerns. Children felt safe and

liked to learn at Bradshaw and felt that teachers motivated

them to learn. Parents responding to the survey were

seeking a greater opportunity to have a say on the direction

of the school and its education programs.

Staff Survey – teachers, support staff and administration staff

completed the survey, reflecting the opinion across all sectors

of the school. Staff felt that students are expected to do their

best, that the school looks for ways to improve, has a clear

vision and that students like being at Bradshaw. Respondents

felt that teachers actively support students’ social and

emotional skills and that teachers respect those expert in their

craft of teaching. Staff recommend Bradshaw as a place to

enroll students!

Student Survey – students from year 3 to 6 completed the

survey (106 in total) with the majority coming from year 5 and

6. Students felt that teachers expected them to do their best,

motivated them to learn and provided opportunities to do

interesting things. It was agreed that tests and assessments

were fair, that teachers provided useful feedback and

supported students to understand their learning data.

Students strongly agreed that teachers understand how

students learn best. The majority of students feel supported by

their friends and can calm themselves down when upset.

Receiving this information is valuable but it is how we respond

to it that is so important. This data is used to inform the School

Improvement Plan and the actions of Bradshaw School in

2019. Penny will be sharing this data with School Council and

in the weeks ahead she is meeting with students from each of

the surveyed year levels to look at the data and gain further


It will be another action packed term at Bradshaw. Keep an eye

out for notes and newsletters and an eye on Facebook and our

school website for all the latest news. Have a terrific Term 4!

Michele Turk

Senior Teacher

Check out our new website!

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Oral Health Service Central Australia provide a FREE dental service to all children attending primary school. If your child/children require a check-up or treatment, please contact Flynn Drive Dental Centre on 89516713 to make an

appointment. A parent or guardian MUST attend with their child/children.

Maths in 1/2 Liddle

We used chalk to draw three different shapes and we measured the Perimeter using our hands and feet.

We recorded them next to the shape after we measured them. We have a very solid understanding of what Perimeter is and how

we measure it using both formal and informal units of measurement. In 1/2 Liddle, we enjoy working together in

whatever environment possible. We are regulars in displaying the Bradshaw Learner Quality “ We Learn Together”.

Maths and Science Centre of Excellence will resume next

Monday the 22nd of October.

Preschool Art Show

Date: Wednesday, 24th of


Time: 5.30pm - 7.30pm

Where: Bradshaw Primary


Watch for more news

about the

Bradshaw Book Fair

Week 5!

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School and community notices

