non aa alcohol treatment options – how to stop drinking without going to aa

1 Non-AA Alcohol Treatment Options

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Post on 15-Jul-2016




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Discover how to stop or reduce your alcohol intake in this short ebook.TABLE OF CONTENTS -> Why Choose a Non-AA Alcohol Treatment? -> Alcohol Treatments: Non-AA Alternatives -> Other Non-AA Alcohol Treatment Options -> Non-AA Options: The Power of Perception -> Message from the Author14 PAGES IN TOTAL


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Non-AA Alcohol

Treatment Options

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Please note that the information contained in this report is for information and educational purposes only. None of this information constitutes medical advice or replaces medical advice from your own practitioner. You are strongly recommended to consult your medical practitioner if you have any alcohol dependence issues whatsoever. Also, if you have significant alcoholism issues, you are highly recommended to consult alcohol support groups depending upon how serious your condition is. The authors, publisher and interviewed experts can be held in no liability for your use or misuse of this information and you hereby agree to take responsibility for your use of this material. If you do not agree with these terms, please return the report to [email protected]. Your reading and keeping of this copy hereby affirms you understand and agree with this disclaimer.

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Table of Contents Why Choose a Non-AA Alcohol Treatment? ............................................................................................... 5

Alcohol Treatments: Non-AA Alternatives ................................................................................................... 7

Other Non-AA Alcohol Treatment Options ................................................................................................ 9

Non-AA Options: The Power of Perception .............................................................................................. 10

Message from the Author ............................................................................................................................... 14

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Thank you for your interest in the ebook, Non-AA Alcohol Treatment Options. We have compiled information about some of the many alternatives to 12-step recovery programs on the following pages.

We have learned from talking to many people who are trying to stop drinking that 12-step programs only work for some people. Our intention is not to degrade, dismiss or demean AA and similar programs, as they work for some people. Our goal is to provide information and resources for those who do not get what they need in a 12-step program.

If that sounds like you, you will be glad to know that we provide highlights of some of the more popular and effective alcohol recovery models. You will learn about behavioral therapy, group therapy, medical and psychological providers. Additionally, you will learn alternatives to the common problems found in 12-step programs.

Finally, you will learn about our program, the Give Up Alcohol Course. This is a course that you can take in the comfort of your own home without going to AA. By taking the course you will understand more about your current drinking patterns, figure out what you want to do about your drinking, learn strategies to change your drinking and explore deeper related issues.

Happy reading – if you have questions or comments please visit the website above, or email [email protected].

Thanks again!

How To Give Up Alcohol Course

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Why Choose a Non-AA Alcohol Treatment?

Alcohol drinking problems can be very hard to overcome. There are a variety of methods offered for the treatment of this problem; one is the well-known “12 Step Program” of the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).

AA is an association of men and women with the goal of staying sober. They help one another achieve this goal. Sounds good, right?

Yet some (if not many) people decline or avoid joining AA, or they eventually drop out. Why? Well, here are some reasons why people choose non-AA alcohol treatment.

The emphasis on being “powerless”

In joining AA, one must agree and declare that he/she is completely powerless and thus the individual must rely and trust in a higher power. Admittance of being powerless may not sit well with some people because it conflicts with their understanding and beliefs about themselves.

“It should be understood that alcoholism or drinking problems is

not an illness to be cured, but a negative habit that must be


Admitting you are powerless would mean that you cannot control what you’re taking in and this is not true. Additionally, some individuals, especially the atheists, may feel discriminated against or uncomfortable with “relying upon a higher power” because it has a religious connotation.

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Total abstinence is the only cure for drinking problems

There are different levels or severity of alcoholism. In AA, the only basis of being cured is through the total abstinence from drinking alcohol – and this is wrong. Breaking the habit of persistent or long-term drinking doesn’t need to be total abstinence; it can be done by acquiring the ability to control one’s drinking habits. Control can be attained by drinking occasionally or in moderation, not necessarily abstinence.

Embarrassment and being uncomfortable

Some people don’t want to join AA because of the stigma of being called “alcoholic”. Aside from this, introverts or people with social anxiety may feel uncomfortable joining and talking to people they don’t personally know regarding a very crucial and important issue in his/her life.

As we’ve mentioned earlier, there are other methods which can help an individual to overcome alcoholism. For starters, you must believe that you are not powerless. Instead, believe that you have the power to control yourself and what you drink!

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Alcohol Treatments: Non-AA Alternatives

Ending your alcohol abuse can help improve your current level of health and your overall life. It is a known fact that alcohol abuse results in health complications or even accidents caused by alcohol.

Additionally, ending the alcohol abuse could also improve your quality of life and your relationships with other people – especially your family and loved ones. Many people recommend going to AA for treatment, but there are other alternatives. We call these non-AA alcohol treatments.

Before we discuss the alternatives, let us first enlighten you with the very first step which you should take: educate yourself. “Knowledge is power.”

You can best empower yourself by learning about the effects of alcohol abuse in your life and health – and the ways of ending this struggle.

End it through your self-initiative

Do this for yourself – to help yourself. One of the reasons you may have for ending the alcohol abuse is for your loved ones, but you should set this goal ultimately for yourself. You should initiate the change yourself because if you are only motivated by the encouragement of others, most likely this struggle will never end. Sure, the emotional support and encouragement of your loved ones will help, but the driving force should ultimately be sourced from within.

Doctors, psychologists and medical specialists.

It is widely known that alcohol-dependent people experience withdrawal symptoms when suddenly stopping their intake of alcohol. It would be an excellent idea to ask for the advice and assistance of the experts to avoid further health risks on your part.

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Health recovery programs/centers There are many centers or treatment programs for alcohol abuse today. Some may be federally sponsored while others are provided by NGOs. Many hospitals also offer this kind of treatment. This could be through inpatient or out-patient programs. Usually, the inpatient programs require the alcohol-abuser to stay in a treatment center where they learn about the various ways and new skills to avoid alcohol abuse again.

Join a support group There are various support groups (besides AA) which provide sharing of experiences and helping each other end alcohol abuse. Such support groups would include the SMART Recovery, Lifering Treatment Program, Secular Organization for Sobriety and many more.

Medications to reduce alcohol cravings Some medicines are recommended for people who are just starting to undergo an alcohol treatment program or for those who have relapsed to curb their alcohol cravings (e.g. Naltroxene, Campral, Disulfiram). These medicines require a prescription because of the possible adverse effects it can give to the body.

How To Give Up Alcohol Course

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Other Non-AA Alcohol Treatment Options

Behavioral Therapy

Behavioral therapy involves the help of a therapist in changing a patient’s attitude and behavior towards drinking. It also helps the patient develop some skills to prevent drinking relapses.

Group Therapy

Group Therapy can be an excellent way of overcoming drinking problems.

This therapy involves peer groups experiencing the same problem who recover together. With the group, peers will have the opportunity to share their experiences and ideas on the best practices of staying sober, while being able to do activities together to avoid giving in to alcohol cravings.


There are various approved medications which can help in the management of alcohol dependence, especially if used together with therapy. Such medicines would include Naltrexone, Benzodiazepines, Disulfiram, Odansetron and Acamprosate.

You don’t need to rely on AA for your drinking problems because there are non-AA alcohol treatments which can serve as alternatives. The preceding alternatives are just a few ways to recover. You can check out the Give Up Alcohol Course website for more.

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Non-AA Options: The Power of Perception It is possible to manage and stop an alcohol problem with choice, change and responsibility. The disease concept of addiction is about as misunderstood as the government these days. “Treatment” for this “disease” hasn’t changed much over the past 60 years.

If addiction was truly a disease, there would be a solution for it which would decrease substance use, rather than the steady climb of people abusing alcohol each year. This is because treatment programs are simply looking at addiction wrong.

“Addiction is a habitual behavior that can be changed through

better choices, positive thoughts and self-change.”

There are some life situations over which you have little control such as natural disasters or the death of a loved one. However, you do have control over how you react to those situations, in some instances that may have been to turn to alcohol.

You do have a tremendous amount of control over what you learn from past situations and how you proceed with your life so as not to repeat past unwanted patterns and choices such as drinking when you’re stressed or when a tragedy occurs. This will help you choose a better option for yourself with confidence rather than believing that you’re a victim of circumstance.

Understanding Choice and Change

It is essential that you understand that you are the master of all the choices you have made in life and all the choices you will ever make in your future. Those who believe they are victims of circumstance are choosing to remain in an immature state, and will continue to struggle with alcohol use.

The word “immature” may conjure up many negative visions of temper tantrums and other poor behavior that may feel like is an insult to you or that you feel does not apply to you.

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However, immaturity can also mean that you are remaining in an “unchanged” state, such as partying all night or drinking instead of tackling your problems head on.

Unfortunately, although many people dislike change, change is the only constant thing in our lives. Being that change is an inescapable fact of life, when an individual decides not to adapt to the changes around them, they are attempting to sidestep the unavoidable. This can only end in frustration and continuous stress. Adapting to life’s struggles and challenges are obvious marks of maturing and can help you avoid future problems with alcohol down the road.

Take Responsibility: Change Your Perception of Yourself

You may wonder why, if you have everything going for you, some areas of your life are still lagging. Do you ever feel “lost” or “stuck?” Maybe you feel like you have no purpose, even though areas of your life such as career and your relationships are successful. Do you drink because you have held onto resentments from childhood? Because you have intimate relationships that are unfulfilling? Because you feel a sense of hopelessness?

These are typical problems that can be changed by having a positive perception of yourself and changing your thoughts. You may feel like you have been stuck in a negative mind frame that is hard to change. However, your power of thought can always be adjusted.

Many people use their lack of happiness as an excuse to continue to drink. For them, drinking alcohol provides a low level of satisfaction, which is better than none at all.

“Once the quick fix of an alcohol buzz wears off, you’re back to

reality, thus creating the need for more and more alcohol.”

If you are one of these people, it might be time to reflect on why you haven’t made the necessary changes in your life to stop this destructive roller coaster. What is holding you back? Why have you avoided making necessary changes in your life? What do you spend time thinking about?

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Why are you unhappy and discontented? Have you attempted to fix these problems?

The cause of most unhappiness is usually quite simple. It stems from an unwillingness to accept responsibility for your own thoughts, choices and actions. This means that to create self-change and move beyond your constant alcohol use, you will have to face and overcome challenges in life. This may seem difficult to you right now, but it will bring you a more satisfying future.

By overcoming life’s challenges without alcohol you will learn how to be a more productive and positive person – to be proactive rather than negative and reactive to situations. By becoming aware of your thoughts and how you perceived the world around you, you will be able to shape the outcome of your future. You will no longer believe that alcohol will solve your problems for you. Once you become a more positive person you will be much more open to positive outcomes.

By embracing change and thinking about your current circumstances in a more positive light, you can begin the process of creating your new life. Become a problem solver, a critical thinker and courageous person, and you will see better outcomes in your life.

Remember, alcohol use is simply a short term phase in your life and a temporary “quick fix” for problems. It won’t happen overnight, but your life will improve as you learn to analyze your behavior and realize why you react to certain situations or why you have negative feelings towards others.

Jot down these feelings when you have them and then write a better way that you could have handled certain situations. You will start to see a pattern develop which will help you better understand your behaviors.

Thousands of people outgrow alcohol problems every day, leaving alcohol use as a behavior of the past. You can change yours too. The true solution to alcohol addiction isn’t pills, therapy, group meetings or rehab; it’s the process of evaluating your life and making better choices moving forward.

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This change can only come from you. It’s better to be honest with yourself; this is the first part of changing your life and making progress. Once you realize the true potential of the power of your thoughts, you will be amazed at what your mind can overcome and achieve.

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Message from the Author

If you are currently experiencing a drinking problem, I know how difficult and hopeless it can feel. I was there too. I also know that the beliefs and thinking you might currently have may seem impossible to change. As if they are the way things are.

The key philosophy I have is that you are a problem drinker rather than an alcoholic and there is no one way to make a change with alcohol - there is only YOUR way. My whole course is based on providing you with a number of different approaches to finding your way.

I hope you will join me in changing your life with alcohol forever. Every day now, I cannot even begin to realize the benefits of the years of not drinking which have helped my health, well-being and also my finances!

In developing this Course which includes both the 204 page book, 3 hypnosis MP3s and the 30 Day Alcohol E-Mail Course, I have created something which can truly make a difference to you.

From the Back Cover of the Course Developed together with addictions experts from around the world using a wide variety of approaches to dealing with alcohol problems, you will:

Learn the exact steps and specific directions to stop drinking alcohol

Reverse the damage alcohol has caused to your brain and body

Feel proud of yourself, and make your children and family proud of you

Find and deal with the causes of your drinking, so you will always be in control

Get back to being happier, healthier and more productive

Join other former problem drinkers from around the world who have used the Give Up Alcohol Course to get free of their alcohol issues once and for all.