north carolina like you've never seen! eco chic carolina like you've never seen! eco chic...

North Carolina likeyou'venever seen! Eco Chic Inside AmericdsGreenest Hotel (it's in greensboro!) page 5s I prus: . ORGANIC EATING charhtte, raleigb, and beynd - . GREEN BREWING outer banhs, t blacbmaanuin _lllilllilJil]tilillLililfi[

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Page 1: North Carolina like you've never seen! Eco Chic Carolina like you've never seen! Eco Chic Inside Americds Greenest Hotel (it's in greensboro!) page 5s prus:I. ORGANIC EATING charhtte,

North Carolina like you've never seen!

Eco ChicInside Americds Greenest Hotel(it's in greensboro!) page 5s


charhtte, raleigb,and beynd -

. GREEN BREWINGouter banhs,




Page 2: North Carolina like you've never seen! Eco Chic Carolina like you've never seen! Eco Chic Inside Americds Greenest Hotel (it's in greensboro!) page 5s prus:I. ORGANIC EATING charhtte,

S0 Nar(h Carolina Sgnatufe January/February 2009

Page 3: North Carolina like you've never seen! Eco Chic Carolina like you've never seen! Eco Chic Inside Americds Greenest Hotel (it's in greensboro!) page 5s prus:I. ORGANIC EATING charhtte,



Sonerimes we make commitments before weve reallyhad rhe chance to ponder whar weve ploftis€d. ln mycase. dre usk semed sinple: Drofile three Nonh Carolinaloole. rhat offer rrmquiliry wnhin urbrn seninglspos where individuals en ;lip off d'" weight of theworkdry durins midday breks. Bu( near my iourneyiend. I iru," rc r<oniider Aie' qplorine ech osi.i" .h. -iisL of bu*line crries, | -ondered-if I snouroqoo'c rhse h;dden ee;r. Do I reallv sling rhe door."1=" *'de end wa'eihe mulrirude' i;? oido I lelerlie; ruures undisurbed, allowine fellow exploresto discover them on their own? Dimcrlr deis'on

Much ofrheir rllure sprinss fron the sense thn rhseplaces are undiscovered 6y th-e mases. Perhaps you havea faror i re "one, one unmrrhed by l i \ ten ing ro rhe wholealbum, not iuit rhe rune r-ha, re;ived rhe;nphy. wouldvou cheer rhe dnectorwho uss it in a DoDuld telryxronihow. crerine a monsrer hit on rhe ridio wave", "'au;edy 5.e(hr; Lhe lurer hde' frcn you, preLiour find?'

An;' , f* niqh6 ofnrtul 'lep. I i'enturlly fell brckon a b^r iourn,lism renJnr ior my mswer: the publiciriehr ro krow. That, and I nv ro keep mv promi*s.SJ dncover rhse sell.kep, Norih C,rci''i s<re6lor youcdt Ju* ger r}ere before everyone else does.

An elevated plank walkway leads vi.itors into a r€fuge ofcalm at Greensboro! Bos Gaden

wwncaignature,com 81

Page 4: North Carolina like you've never seen! Eco Chic Carolina like you've never seen! Eco Chic Inside Americds Greenest Hotel (it's in greensboro!) page 5s prus:I. ORGANIC EATING charhtte,

8l North Caroina Signarure January/Febr!ary 2009

Page 5: North Carolina like you've never seen! Eco Chic Carolina like you've never seen! Eco Chic Inside Americds Greenest Hotel (it's in greensboro!) page 5s prus:I. ORGANIC EATING charhtte,



garden sanctuaryVhenwer a Grensboro resid€nr o! visircr n€€ds to tradestres for sereniqr a quick visit to the Bog Garden neu theShops et Friendly Center will prcvide relief.

Hcrc, itt appaent that naturc is on a different timelinc.Wh.t we humos medur. in minuts,in sedons, emphsizing how nuch is eomplished givenenough dmc. Iria rcmindcrrosimplyslowdown. In springsmmer, ad fall, thick foliage, lush fcrns, ad maove trcccinopi$ wrap visirors in a living cocoon * they stroll alongan el*ated boardwalk abovc thc bog.

Encountering a host ofwildlift whilc visiring the grdenis alnostguuartecd. Ducla navigare thc natuml stam tharpuallels rhe elevated boudwalk. Squirrels md chipmunlcsorry along the deck's nib, while rabbirs peer our rhroughthe underbrush. A blue heron seemr rc have made a homeofthe rdjaent la[e. ofrenstand;nson it-l shore as ifposingfor anyone who rnay want a phorograph.

Bur rhe picturc wont dmp so serene. "The land wass*mpy, wirh many ded tree, a rh€ lake had silrcdin," says Dr Joe Christian of Gr€€nsboro, a redrcd hmilyphysician and the drivins fore behind the qearion odenlancement of the Bog Garden. In 1987, Christian hada vision ofwhat thc re could bccomc. Vith the hclp ofmuy voluntccs od orgeiations including GrensborcBeutifirl, a cntiry that hdps consenc od enhoce thebeauty ad ologr of ihc cityt comunitic, Chrisriantramformed thc neglcacd ladsepc inro the exquisirenaural guden visitos sec today.

PGitioned iust off tho path that winds thrcush Geenrboro! Bo9 Garden, b€nchF slpply asduded olae to ecoe for an aft€hoon t€ak. 83

Page 6: North Carolina like you've never seen! Eco Chic Carolina like you've never seen! Eco Chic Inside Americds Greenest Hotel (it's in greensboro!) page 5s prus:I. ORGANIC EATING charhtte,


Lr il.r, Chris(iin .es.ued mrnr of illc*dc !.icrics of florr frescnt in dresxrd.r pirch.r phnts. irises, rndl i l i$ bIco!rb ingr l , roughld! l r ingrftrs thrr \vcrc schcdulcd for flnr.tingbv hkc pro jcca such.s L l ic in tushLtrke in Burlirgror and lhndlemrnl.rke. ChristixD rnd his voLunrccrs -lith permission loo hkc officirls -mnsrhnicd r.orc\ of plx D c ro rh.llogCirden, Nh.rc dlcr\,. hrd lhc chincc

Alrhou.{rh Christirn spcnds lc$limc rescuing phn$ thcs. drys, hcl\sr;ll ibout thr Bos Gr&lcn.Orcr rhc prst couplc oircrn. his lrterrs io! h is hc.omc rer l i t l I f vou wr lkprst rhc Lrke on the borrdrvrlk, Ibllorvdrc sound ofnrhn,g rvrtcr to "is' thcgrrdcn\ ncrves shorvpiece: r crscrdntg*Ncrlill nrmcd Serennl tills. Theno*nrg \varcs, rc-circrhted fion:thc hkt bclo*r lcphccd in unsighdrgullr rvrshout fron heu rrinnrnol} rhrr hrd ahvrls nrg5cdChristixn. N.irb! bcnch.s otTer primespos to rtlrr rnd cnjov the soothinsefiio ofthc",tcr. Bur rcrllzlou n,ryhrve comprnr Thc bluc hcror ofrcnvorurcs o drt llLlls to cniov rkm srvcll, chiming iis o"rr spor in lhc pool

Th€ d ln o f Greensboros Fr , -nd lyShopp lng Center i s on y . tew s t€psf fom the Bo9 Carden 5 Seren i ty Fa l l s ,b!t for v sirors who dis.over thisp ace , l t tee t m i lee away.

81 North Cafoi.a Signature January/February

Page 7: North Carolina like you've never seen! Eco Chic Carolina like you've never seen! Eco Chic Inside Americds Greenest Hotel (it's in greensboro!) page 5s prus:I. ORGANIC EATING charhtte,


TheBo9Garden I t ' . \ ' ' " . .1 r ' , " , I t . r '1 i \ l i . : e i . . : . t .nn i . G, rc la . r .n l l lL t , f l . in t www,9reensborobeaut i tu l .o r9 llt

Page 8: North Carolina like you've never seen! Eco Chic Carolina like you've never seen! Eco Chic Inside Americds Greenest Hotel (it's in greensboro!) page 5s prus:I. ORGANIC EATING charhtte,



afee shop cloisterDont let the Inodst rc.dddc sign ftol you. The unarsumingCaffe Driadc mrkcr bclia the wonderhnd tha. **beyond rhc rwo narsivc pin oaks sHndins in frorr. Scrback swcRl hudr.d ftct f.on rhe road, moy drivcs onFr1rluin SrE.r in Chapd Hi[ seem m ps by unamc.Althoush I ser cquipped wirh rhe addr€ss, I sril drd. p.n

C.ffc Driad€ - ptonounad Dry-ah-d.y and is rheIralia spclling fot the Greek mld dryad, a nynph or spirirwho inhabia a forest or tree - Ii6 in thc rnid$ of oldg.o*th woodi and sculpt€d gardos that are permiaed tobc a bit unruly ro impdt rhc ss. of s€dusion .he spororhibits so well. Swcnl outdoo. saring aleas encompalsthe cafe, including a lower patio positioned at the bonomof meandering ticrcd stcps. Past th'i lasr lev€I, .wroughr non opd ro a wooded parh leading ro theBolin Crek Tmil bclow, pan ofthe Chapel HiI gr""-.ysJ ten th.t @nne$ ponions ofrhe cirla

A mid€ftehod Fjoyed with a op of Collnbia Sup€no on Caffe Ddad.'s !€dud€d Ftio, <!n *sit stEtdrinto Ming. At nigtt, tlE €ie @m6 dre with liw music and a gEat win6nd$€s selection.

86 North C.rolin. Sisnature Janua.y/F€bruary 2009

Page 9: North Carolina like you've never seen! Eco Chic Carolina like you've never seen! Eco Chic Inside Americds Greenest Hotel (it's in greensboro!) page 5s prus:I. ORGANIC EATING charhtte,

, I

' ' ' l' { '



Page 10: North Carolina like you've never seen! Eco Chic Carolina like you've never seen! Eco Chic Inside Americds Greenest Hotel (it's in greensboro!) page 5s prus:I. ORGANIC EATING charhtte,


\(ihile thc natural serting is enticingenough, rhe rue lue of Catre Driadeis irs excepdonal coftee. Co'ownerScoti Conary shares his p*sion forrhe beverage not only wirh ChapelHill, bur the planer a well. com.y isa ceftified judse for rhe \0orld BarislaComperidon, and het ev€n used CafreDriade s rbe $ainin8 venue for rheHonduran barista champion to preparefor rhe Barisra Vond Championships

Conary used the knowledge acqunedfron h;s intehrrional jaunts rorecreare the European efe with r remote feel rhar remainsrccesible. Yet, hek often reminded ofCaffe Driade's uniqueness.

"r mvel rhe world for this kind ofrhing." Conary says. "And have yer tonnd anlrhing close."tr

With its nosaic counter, erposedceiling beams, and rotating seledionof local art, theret no mistaking theeclectic Caffe Driadefor a corpor.te

88 North Cafolina Signatlre January/February 2009

Page 11: North Carolina like you've never seen! Eco Chic Carolina like you've never seen! Eco Chic Inside Americds Greenest Hotel (it's in greensboro!) page 5s prus:I. ORGANIC EATING charhtte,

C"s- Dr rde - l aL ' " . wwwccf fedr icde .<om

Page 12: North Carolina like you've never seen! Eco Chic Carolina like you've never seen! Eco Chic Inside Americds Greenest Hotel (it's in greensboro!) page 5s prus:I. ORGANIC EATING charhtte,


C.ffe Driade's i.timate .tmos phefe ls lde.lfor q!iet conversation, r€adin9, or srudy nq.

i)0 North C.rolina S gnature lanuary/Febru.r, 2004

Page 13: North Carolina like you've never seen! Eco Chic Carolina like you've never seen! Eco Chic Inside Americds Greenest Hotel (it's in greensboro!) page 5s prus:I. ORGANIC EATING charhtte,


Cat ic Dr .de kn .wt co l {ecr For ns ou t ' l .nd tn9 produc t , rhe Spec iahy CoI tee Asso. i . t ion o{ Amer . . a rv . roca necrre iis hlghest honors four years in a row , I

Page 14: North Carolina like you've never seen! Eco Chic Carolina like you've never seen! Eco Chic Inside Americds Greenest Hotel (it's in greensboro!) page 5s prus:I. ORGANIC EATING charhtte,

Somc gcnx hf tc in phin s ish i . Th.v of icn donr rcvcalrhcnrsc lvcs unr i l rhc v i$ '$ knoNs whf t kr look for . ' lhe

Ashcvi l lc Ar Muscuh, iD Ashcr i l le i h isbr i . | r . l { squrrc,;s on. su.h t . rsur . , r concer lcd h: ren rhrr ofcrs quicr



rcspi r . f rom the busy srrcets outs ide. ' lhc nrscon) tus idcsin r ponion of thc turnr€r Ptr.k l\4enrori.l Lib r),, Nhi.his lltrins rs rhr nNsrunis qrllerics po*css rhc nrc<tnrtncqur l i ty o l tcn tuund in l ibr i r ies.

El.mcnts oi rhc old l;b q rcnriirthri .ontns, vcr cnhrn.., themodern l incs of drc gr l ler ies. Onthe s.drd tloor cxhibitnn nnns.\v.oughr i'on brlconics provideperches that lcnd tiesh perspc.rivc\to rhc .rovork xti.r visir(rs tlnishrcflccrins on rhem iiom bclo$r Forthosc s,ho likc o contcnphrc rhcirrn rv i th r l in lc guiducc, rhq.crnjoin Nrncr sokolovc. drc museun\rtlult prosrrn* n,rnrgcr, or orc ofrl:c museumi doccnrs lbr An Brmk.This sui.led, lLrnchrim. rorr trpi..,llroccurs ercry orhcr Frrlrr rnd licustson thc dilicrcnr cxhiLit\ \vithin rhc

''Wc roh(c drrough our permincn(.olle(ioD of or* 1,000 pieccs, wirhrrou.d 80 oD displav I $y ciYcrtimc," Sokolovc cxrliins is shc l.rdsvisirors through rhc hrc( cxhibir,''Expcc nt GJc - Atr iron) rh. Elcrnd i\.{iid. lhis drorvcrsc, d.sisrLdby gut* currtr l(oecr l\'hnlcvNoith Crrolinr'bi{cd iurhor rndtilmdrkcr - urili?es picccs fro

ihcmuseums permancn! co l lcct ion. lnthe rhird gillerv of rhc ExpectrntCrzc" dkpliv, r qrotc bi rvriterAnris Nin qnccs thc rvrll rbovc therrbrork V/c donr sec rh;rrs rs thcyirc, \ve scc drcnr .s wc rrc. lis r wkcr€nrnrdc! rhir r( is more th lusrpretrv picrurcri iis a rcfle.tion ofFho

Y.L : r r e : i ! r r . o r . r i _ . a .d the . rp r . : i s o fi . r . i e : 3 h ! ! i l l ) e . l j . r r 1 . s 5 . / . i n e n o r . n .. l , r . ! r e { 1 l r p l o 1 r . r . f l s i N . 1 r . s . . r e

i ' ! th ;x1 . r : i ! . r r r re : e _ .s r l ! r f r l l lf r . i . r . re rs . D , A lh e , r l " l f r f . f . l t_ l r f ia D lD . T r ! r ! r l l r t r . . ! r e 1 ! 1 r . , e . t l e a r i r .. : . r . l \ , . !o r : e . r re L i .L , r r .d 1 . 1h . s . r !

C . A S H L E Y M A N N D o R A L P H D O L r l o v '

Ashevi le Ar t lv lusuem2 SoLth P. .k 5. i !are, Ashev let828) 253 3227www.a!


North Carolina Slsnai!re Janua.y/Febr!af y 2009