north kilworth

Well me hearties and shiver me timbers!! A large group of land-lubbers from North Kilworth were held captive by a band of Pirates from Penzance on Saturday 25 th June when they happened to be in the vicinity of Kilworth House Theatre. It was lucky that they were all ‘orphans’ and weren’t just at October 2011 North Kilworth News COPY SHOULD BE RECEIVED by 20 th of the month to guarantee inclusion in next issue North Kilworth News Sponsored by North Kilworth Parish Council Phone: 01858 880432 [email protected] or [email protected] The Last Straw! Muhammad Ali, the legendary boxer, in typically ‘modest’ fashion once described his movement around the ring as to “float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.” Well we have had our very own butterfly, though somewhat larger than we’re used to in residence locally. To explain further, rarely have we been honoured by a visit around these parts from a battleship steeped in history. Yet those of us with or without an eagle eye can hardly have failed to notice HMS Papillon, in all its splendour gracing a field just outside Lubbenham. A closer inspection, though, confirms it had been constructed out of straw. It was the brainchild of Eric Hewes and his team at Papillon Hall. Eric who needs no introduction locally has been making hay statues for the past seven years to help give a high profile to the Lubbenham scarecrow weekend. It really is a magnificent sight with 175 straw bales being used in its construction. The crew were made out of hay and wood, the canons from cast-off plastic pipes and the masts from telegraph poles. It is so good, in fact, that it is a surprise that the emergency services haven’t been overstretched with accidents involving drivers gazing in awe at our very own man o’ war and losing concentration! Actually, I’m told that countless motorists have sensibly pulled over and taken pictures of Papillon which alone is testament to its magnificence. Clearly this won’t be the last piece of straw that we shall witness on our journey along the A4304, and we wait with interest to witness what Eric and the lads come up with next year. This particular butterfly will be a hard act to follow, but I’m sure they’ll manage it! In case you hadn’t noticed, Autumn is upon us having arrived on September 22 nd . Summer, we did have one I think, is a distant memory as the nights draw in and the trees exhibit their beautiful colours before their inevitable downward spiral. Our children, and some adults but not all, will be excited by the thought of Halloween approaching on October 31 st and be preparing costumes and pumpkins and the like to frighten the wits out of us. In NK it’s always handled sensibly in my experience and everyone has fun. So try to enter the SPIRIT of the event and don’t ignore those trick or treaters. We were all kids once! If you manage to purchase a particularly large pumpkin, consider this. The biggest specimen in the world tipped the scales at a whopping 1446 pounds. If you prefer the weight in kg I suggest you work it out yourself- 1kg = 2.2 pounds! Go on, you know you want to. By the way, it is said that if you want to meet a witch on Halloween then you must put your clothes on inside out and walk backwards round the village, presumably after a drop of the hard stuff! If confronted by mystified locals regarding your strange behaviour, just explain to them you’re on a witch hunt. I’m sure they’ll understand! Finally, don’t forget the clocks go back on Sunday October 30 th with an extra hour in bed but long dark nights to look forward to and hopefully not too severe a winter. Roll on spring. Have fun! IN THIS ISSUE: Diary Page Say Hello to— Church services WI Reading group Press announcements 49ers Solar Panels Your letters Memory corner Kilworth Tots & Toddlers Neighbourhood watch McMillan Coffee morning Meditation & relaxation ST ANDREW’S CHURCH NORTH KILWORTH HARVEST SUPPER 2011 FRIDAY 14 OCTOBER IN THE VILLAGE HALL 6.30PM TWO COURSE HOT MEAL TICKET PRICE £7.50 ADULT ACCOMPANIED CHILDREN OVER 5 YRS £2 UNDER-FIVES FREE HMS PAPILLON

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Page 1: North Kilworth

Well me hearties and shiver me timbers!! A large group of land-lubbers from North Kilworth were held captive by a band of Pirates from Penzance on Saturday 25th June when they happened to be in the vicinity of Kilworth House Theatre. It was lucky that they were all ‘orphans’ and weren’t just at

October 2011

North Kilworth News


RECEIVED by 20th of the

month to guarantee

inclusion in next issue

North Kilworth News Sponsored by North

Kilworth Parish Council Phone: 01858 880432

[email protected]

or [email protected]

The Last Straw! Muhammad Ali, the legendary boxer, in typically ‘modest’ fashion once described his movement around the ring as to “float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.” Well we have had our very own butterfly, though somewhat larger than we’re used to in residence locally. To explain further, rarely have we been honoured by a visit around these parts from a battleship steeped in history. Yet those of us with or without an eagle eye can hardly have failed to notice HMS Papillon, in all its splendour gracing a field just outside Lubbenham. A closer inspection, though, confirms it had been constructed out of straw. It was the brainchild of Eric Hewes and his team at Papillon Hall. Eric who needs no introduction locally has been making hay statues for the past seven years to help give a high profile to the Lubbenham scarecrow weekend. It really is a magnificent sight with 175 straw bales being used in its construction. The crew were made out of hay and wood, the canons from cast-off plastic pipes and the masts from telegraph poles. It is so good, in fact, that it is a surprise that the emergency services haven’t been overstretched with accidents involving drivers gazing in awe at our very own man o’ war and losing concentration! Actually, I’m told that countless motorists have sensibly pulled over and taken pictures of Papillon which alone is testament to its magnificence. Clearly this won’t be the last piece of straw that we shall witness on our journey along the A4304, and we wait with interest to witness what Eric and the lads come up with next year. This particular butterfly will be a hard act to follow, but I’m sure they’ll manage it!

In case you hadn’t noticed, Autumn is upon us having arrived on September 22nd. Summer, we did have one I think, is a distant memory as the nights draw in and the trees exhibit their beautiful colours before their inevitable downward spiral. Our children, and some adults but not all, will be excited by the thought of Halloween approaching on October 31st and be preparing costumes and pumpkins and the like to frighten the wits out of us. In NK it’s always handled sensibly in my experience and everyone has fun. So try to enter the SPIRIT of the event and don’t ignore those trick or treaters. We were all kids once! If you manage to purchase a particularly large pumpkin, consider this. The biggest specimen in the world tipped the scales at a whopping 1446 pounds. If you prefer the weight in kg I suggest you work it out yourself- 1kg = 2.2 pounds! Go on, you know you want to. By the way, it is said that if you want to meet a witch on Halloween then you must put your clothes on inside out and walk backwards round the village, presumably after a drop of the hard stuff! If confronted by mystified locals regarding your strange behaviour, just explain to them you’re on a witch hunt. I’m sure they’ll understand! Finally, don’t forget the clocks go back on Sunday October 30th with an extra hour in bed but long dark nights to look forward to and hopefully not too severe a winter. Roll on spring. Have fun!


Diary Page

Say Hello to—

Church services


Reading group

Press announcements


Solar Panels

Your letters

Memory corner

Kilworth Tots & Toddlers

Neighbourhood watch

McMillan Coffee morning

Meditation & relaxation









Page 2: North Kilworth

A legitimate telephone survey being undertaken across the constabulary area. The Community Based Survey (CBS) is being carried out by Swift Research, and has been commissioned by the Police Authority, Leicestershire County Council and Leicestershire Police. The survey is asking questions regarding perceptions of the local area, local services, policing and antisocial behaviour. If there are any further queries regarding the legitimacy of the survey please call Lyndsey Kirby on 0116 222 2222 ext 5949. We would also remind residents that you should never divulge any personal information (especially bank details) to anyone who cold calls on a telephone or at your door. If residents do not wish to receive unsolicited sales and marketing telephone calls, they can register free via the Telephone Preference Service on 0845 070 0707 or Warning to residents, as burglars pose as Neighbourhood Watch representatives. A 60-year-old was confronted by three men who broke into his home while he was watching TV.The intruders entered the Thurcaston home, and when they came face-to-face with the man they told him they were from Neighbourhood Watch and were there to check his house. The burglars, who did not harm the man, left with a small amount of cash. All of the men are white. One is in his mid-20s, 5ft 8in and of medium build. He had a dark woolly hat and dark clothing. The second is slightly older and taller, and it is believed he was wearing a hat and dark clothing. The third suspect is about 5ft 10in and was also wearing dark clothing. Residents from across the county should be aware that membership and setting up of Neighbourhood Watch schemes in Leicestershire & Rutland is totally FREE. Our representatives who work at a local level and in partnership with their local Police neighbourhood teams would never request any fees to become a member or set up a Neighbourhood Watch scheme, the only potential cost is for street signs. If you would like to find out if there is a police registered scheme near you, or if you wish to contact your local coordinator use this link on the only official website: Police warning about sponsorship scam. The police beat team in Broughton Astley is warning local residents and shop keepers to be wary of people asking for sponsorship money before they’ve completed the challenge. The warning comes after 15 local shop keepers were approached by a man claiming he was going to run a marathon to raise money for Leukaemia research following the death of his son. He persuaded 4

businesses to sponsor him and give him the money up front. When the shopkeepers looked into this claims it turned out his story was false and no such marathon existed. He got away with £85. The man is described as white, 6 feet tall, medium build with medium length untidy sandy hair and a welsh accent. Police Community Support Officer 6526 Martin Doyle, said; “We are treating these four incidents as fraud and want to warn other local residents and shop keepers not to fall victim to this kind of scam. If someone asks you to sponsor you then you shouldn’t hand over any money until they have returned with proof that they have done what they claimed they were going to do.” Enquires are ongoing to try and trace the offender. Anyone with any information is asked to contact the police on Leicester (0116) 222 2222. In order to continue to keep ourselves and our property safe, please follow the simple crime prevention advice below. Remember to lock all valuables out of sight if you are leaving your vehicle unattended when you are out and about or visiting local beauty spots over the coming bank holiday weekend. Historically this has been a time when we have seen a rise in thefts from motor vehicles, so please ensure that you do not leave sat navs, mobile phones, lap tops, purses, cameras or any valuable items on view in your vehicle for a potential thief to steal. If you are staying at home and perhaps will spend time in the garden, please ensure that you lock your front door and do not leave windows open to afford access to any opportunist thieves. Further crime prevention advice can be found at

Street lighting and lighting around the home provides reassurance and helps people to feel less at risk to crime. Research by Dr Martin Gill at Leicester University shows it can reduce crime by 20%. Criminals do not like being seen and will often avoid areas that are lit, and combined with Neighbourhood Watch and police patrols, become a more effective deterrent against crime. Some streets and roads are more illuminated than others, there are dark spots, shadows and areas with limited light due to the position of plants, tress and bushes. The Lighten Up scheme helps to redress the problem by increasing light levels around front doors and entrances to properties. For full details of how you or a vulnerable or elderly neighbour may be able to receive a free lighten Up lighting unit , read the attached document or call HDC on 01858 821278 for more details.

Page 2 Neighbourhood Watch/Crime Reports

The Local Beat Team Sgt 2908 Steve Bunn PC 500 Andy Smalley WPC 4640 Vicki Barge RURAL Countryside Liaison Officer PC 1010 Chris Hill

PCSO 6636 Ray Wells PCSO 6569 Peter Willson PCSO PCSO 6573 Steve Adams Voicemail Service: 0116 2485675

If you have any information on any criminal activity call Harborough Police on 0116 222 2222 or CRIMESTOPPERS freephone 0800 555111

Dear Ed. Excellent editorial as ever. Perhaps a copy should be forwarded to the

Director of Public Prosecutions following his comments in the Sat.

Telegraph. With people like that at the helm, The PM doesn’t stand an

earthly to sort out the current problems. Perhaps his comments

(assuming they are correct) would be better turned round to question

whether our “normal” sentencing system is too lenient. Perhaps,

should this ever happen again and it might, it could be arranged for

mindless hooligans to start in his Street, Road or Avenue or wherever

he lives.

Regards John

We had thought that such a controversial editorial would spark more

debate!! Perhaps everyone agrees. Ed


Thanks Ed, You certainly echoed many peoples’ thoughts with your last editorial!!!!! Anon


For Delivery dates and an update please see: or contact Sarah Langeveld at; [email protected]/ tel: 575227 Next order date is 7th October so e-mail Sarah by 5pm on 6th October

Don’t Forget!!

To put your clocks

back 1 hour on Sunday October


Page 3: North Kilworth

Survey will create ‘snapshot’ of the town. People are being invited to take part in a survey to build up a picture of Harborough and potentially attract funding for projects. The Benchmarking Project is being carried out by Harborough Improvement Team (HIT) with support by Action for Market Towns, and Leicestershire County Council. The aim of the project is to gather information about the town, such as the different types of retailers, footfall through the town, car parking, business confidence, and town centre user views. It is quick and simple to fill in and asks people to provide their ratings and views on various aspects of Market Harborough town centre, from how they get into the town, to how you rate the range of shops available.The project is taking place in a number of market towns across the country. Chris Sewart, from HIT, said: “The overall aim of the benchmarking project is to measure town centre performance year on year but will also provide evidence to support potential improvement projects in the town centre. To take part on the survey visit For further information, or to request a hard copy of the survey, contact Chris Sewart at HIT on 01858 821392 or email [email protected]

From: Lieutenant Colonel R F L Lyne, Commanding Officer, 3rd Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Over the past six months 120 local Territorial Army Infantry soldiers from the 3

rd Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment, nicknamed ‘The Steelbacks’, have been deployed on

operations in the United Nations Buffer Zone in Nicosia, Cyprus. Standing between opposing forces, through the searing heat of summer, in a very different, demanding and politically sensitive role, they have exceeded all expectations and set the standard for others to follow. Whilst most of the soldiers have served previously on combat operations in Iraq or Afghanistan, they have had to learn and apply new skills that are appropriate to this complex and strategically important mission. As a reminder of the considerable Reservist contribution to current operations world-wide, the Battalion will again deploy soldiers to Afghanistan next year, some of whom are currently serving in Cyprus. This has been an arduous tour and it has therefore been decided that these soldiers will be given formal recognition when they return home in October; they have been invited to take part in two Homecoming Parades in Leicestershire during which they will, for the first time, exercise the great honour of the recently awarded Freedoms of Market Harborough and Oadby and Wigston. The parade details are as follows: Saturday 8

th October Market Harborough (11.30 – 12.30)

Route: From Junction High St / Bowden Lane – High St – War Memorial (Inspection) – St Mary’s Rd – Adam and Eve St – Council Offices. Sunday 9

th October – Oadby & Wigston (12.00 – 13.00) Route: From Bell St – Long St – Peace Garden Entrance

(Inspection) – Long St – Bushloe End – Royal British Legion Club. These fine young men have put both their lives and civilian employment on hold for a year in order to serve their Country. So I now ask for the public to demonstrate their support and show that the people at home really do understand and appreciate the sacrifices they have made and will continue to make. Please, therefore, spread the word to drum-up support for these parades and pass on this message to your personal contacts, particularly those who are opinion formers or persons of influence. Ask them to support The Steelbacks and encourage others to do likewise. In short, take to the streets of Market Harborough and Oadby and Wigston to cheer on Leicestershire’s County Infantry Regiment, home from operations, as they march past with their band playing, drums beating, Colours flying and bayonets fixed. Thank you, Richard Lyne



N. K.Sports Club

Come & see England Win (hopefully). Showing at the Sports Club:

Saturday 1st October: England v Scotland Quarter finals: 8th & 9th October Semi-finals: 15th & 16th October

Final: 23rd October


For information e-mail: [email protected]

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10% discount with this voucher

Press Releases Page 3



Saturday October 15th Local Bands/ Great Raffle

Please come and support ‘LIONSTOCK’ 2011

Donations for raffle (large & small) much appreciated.

Please give to Kev or Jenny by October 13th

Page 4: North Kilworth

Page 4

Page 4





Mobile 07828 064460

KILWORTH FAMILY CHALLEGE 2011 Another super day for the Kilworth Challenge. On Saturday 3rd September the children and families of the village had the chance to try out many of the challenges that were used in the main Challenge held at the end of May. This is a much awaited event as the children of adults competing in May remain desperate to try them out for themselves and to show it should really be done. Today was the opportunity ….. the Kilworth Family Challenge 2011 …… the chance to put Dad and Mum to shame. Twelve teams enrolled with ages from 5 to 15, each one with an accompanying adult (and more in most cases), and competed over a 5 mile course in the vicinity of the villages of North and South Kilworth. The challenges included the ducking stool, 4-person ski racing, fuzzy felts, kart racing, scaled up quoits, slippy slope climbing, mirror hats, 2-person space hoppers (termed `boing boings`) and the much demanded obstacle course with lots of mud. It was a highly entertaining and enjoyable day, everyone receiving a medal and T shirt to commemorate the event. In a close finish, the winners were the Good, the Bad and the Ugly, the Cotterel family from `South`. They were presented with the trophy at the end of the afternoon following a BBQ. Runners-up were Molly`s Gang, the Sandecott family also from `South` and third place taken by Three Men in Black, One in Brown, the Faulkner family from `North`. The next main Kilworth Challenge will be held in early June 2012 when it is hoped and anticipated that the cumulative amount raised over the life of the Challenge will exceed the million pound mark ……….. a truly amazing total and a day for even more celebration. As ever, the monies raised will be given to 3 named charities and to local good causes. The organizers hope that the high level of support from local individuals, landowners and companies will be forthcoming again, all of which is very much appreciated and without which the Challenge would not be able to function ……… and indeed the Family Challenge too. Nick Otter 6th September 2011

**Harborough District! £40,000 For Your Community! **

Your Voice, Your Choice – Community Forum

Budgets 2011

Leicestershire County Council has made funds available to all 25 Community Forums in the county. Each forum will have between £10k and £15k available per year for local communities to invest in local improvements of their choice.

We are looking for projects that can be delivered between January and the end of June 2012.

How can local communities get involved? People can: - Put forward project proposals

- Comment on project proposals for the local area

- Vote for their favourite projects

Please find attached details for Community Forum Budgets from Leicestershire County Council.

Please also find attached a press release that may assist you with promotion, flyers are also available, please do not hesitate to contact us if you require copies. Should you have any questions, or require any further information, please contact:

Leicestershire County Council, Communities & Places Team

E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 0116 3057034

F&W Plumbing & Heating Services Ltd 22 Elmcroft Road, North Kilworth, Lutterworth, LE176HX

Phone 0116 2779101 Fax 01858881173

Mobile 07866741261

e-mail [email protected]

Web Site:







Page 5: North Kilworth

MEMORY CORNER In last month’s issue we had two photographs of businesses along the main

road. Pam Price has kindly described what the pictures are all about:

“It is the old post office attached to the White Lion. The Howkins family

used to live there. Michael’s Grandmother used to run the Post Office. Frank

Howkins used to have a garage at the side. He had a haulage & taxi business &

sold petrol & paraffin. There used to be a paddock at the side of his garage

which had a mud wall around it. There was a large walnut tree there with a

post box in front of the wall. The new post office and garage were built in

this paddock & Michael’s Mum & Dad, Frank & Vera, used to run it. The

bicycle outside the pub is said to belong to Colin Sandercock who used to ride

this bike around the village.” Thanks for this information Pam. Ed

This Th


CornerWe We haven’t mletters this month!


MH Transfers Slides, Negatives, VHS and Mini DV

Tape Transfer to DVD Visual Corporate

Corporate Video Production Matt Holmes

07776 067 538/01858 880 883 [email protected]

[email protected]

Memory Corner Page 5

The Smithy The Kilworth bikers visiting a grave on the Western Front

The War Memorial


Function Suite Hire

Birthday Parties, Wedding Receptions, Family Gatherings Visit our Website to see our new Wedding Menus!

For further info, to view the facilities or to arrange a free consultation, contact:

Kilworth Springs Premier Golf Club South Kilworth Road, North Kilworth, Lutterworth. LE17 6HJ (T): 01858 575 082 (E): [email protected] (W):


Available from 8:00am until







SUNDAY 6:30PM Enjoy our freshly prepared,

homemade dishes using the

finest local produce whenever

possible !

Friday Night Fish & Chips The finest fish around ! Direct from Grimsby Fish Market Available to Eat in or Take-Away Senior Citizen Lunches Monday—Friday 11:00am - 3:00pm Main Course only £5.00 (Add a dessert for £1.75) Traditional Sunday Lunch Your choice of 1 - 3 courses 3 courses £16.25 Rugby World Cup Breakfast £7.50 with a Pint Available every game, subject to catering hours

This month’s Memory Corner is a bit of a conundrum! What have these got in common? Answers on page 7

Meditation and relaxation class

to raise money for MacMillan

Cancer Support will be on

Sunday 23 Oct at 7pm in the

village hall.

Page 6: North Kilworth

Notes of the Parish Council 9th September 2011, held at Belgrave Village Hall Church St North Kilworth Present: Councillors Green, Hardwick, Knight, Sandercock and Lawrence (Chair), Brian Smith Parish Clerk and 10 members of the public QUESTION TIME FOR PARISHONERS. A parishioner stated that the impact of a proposal to build a 77 metre high wind turbine on land off Pincet Lane North Kilworth would have on his and his family’s residences. He urged those present to oppose the application. The Clerk in his capacity as Ward Councillor reminded those present that any comments and objections should be on policy grounds and not on personal dislikes to the provision of wind turbines. PLANNING MATTERS 11/01120/FUL Erection of 77 metre high wind turbine and associated infrastructure: Land to the rear of Sparrow Lodge Pincet Lane North Kilworth. FINANCIAL MATTERS The Clerk informed the meeting that as of close of business on 6th Sept 2011 the current account stood at £12603.46 of which £3929.37 was available for funding heritage based projects. The reserve account stood at £6465.00. VILLAGE STRUCTURE/LOCAL ISSUES The Chairman welcomed Emily Faull and Rachel Jones from Nuon Rewnewables. Ms Jones indicated that construction was about to start on the Swinford Wind Farm and outlined what steps the company was taking to ensure that the community was aware of what was happening. A web site had been established and there was an opportunity to comment on the project blog. She also highlighted the need to work with the local community to ensure that the available funding from the Community Fund set up as part of the planning permission was distributed fairly. An information day would be held on 22nd September at Swinford Village Hall between 2.00 pm and 8 pm. It was their intention to hold surgeries in the Swinford Village Hall on a regular basis between November 2011 and October 2012. It was likely that a committee would be formed with representatives from parish councils which would benefit from the Community Fund and local councillors. The Clerk reported that the Speed Indicating Device had been collected and would be working as soon as an indication had been received from the County Council that the fixing of the brackets on the designated lamp columns would not cause them to fall over.

The Clerk reported that he had not yet received a reply from the County Council regarding the visibility problems at the junction of High Street and Station Road. He indicated that he would try to get a reply which could be reported to the next meeting. The Clerk reported that he would try to establish who would replace the damaged salt bin at the junction of South Kilworth Road and Wash Pit Lane. A discussion took place regarding the request from the School to provide a more secure fence some 5’-0” high to satisfy the Schools Safeguarding Policy adjacent to the Play Area. Concern was raised regarding the need for the fence and also the lack of information to local residents. The Chairman as a Governor agreed to contact the Head Teacher to establish the rationale behind the request. AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROVISION Peter Jones reported that he had received responses from 3 registered social landlords and that there was a need to choose one so that a full set of proposals could be brought to a village meeting. Comment was made that there was a need to inform the village earlier so that there is an indication of support for the scheme and that everyone is aware of the implications. He indicated that he would prepare a letter/leaflet for the Chairman to agree that could be delivered to every house in the village. PARISH PLAN The Chairman reported that he had chaired a recent meeting of the Parish Plan Sub Committee and that the next meeting of the Sub Committee would be held on 12th October. ALL WEATHER PLAY AREA No report received. At the close of business on 16th August the amount of money held in the Current Account was £6304.77 and the amount held in the Reserve Account on 30th June 2011 was £19788.98. ANY OTHER BUSINESS The Treasurer of North Kilworth Bowls Club sought a commitment from the Parish Council for their support for a grant application to enable repairs to be made to the roof of the Bowls Club in Back Street. The commitment as a 3rd Party contributor would entail the Parish Council guaranteeing a contribution of £1500 which would enable a larger grant to be obtained. After some discussion it was proposed by Councillor Knight and seconded by Councillor Green that the Parish Council supports the Bowls Club in their efforts to repairs the roof of the Bowls Club. On being put to the vote the motion was passed unanimously. The Clerk was requested to write to the Treasurer confirming the agreement. DATES OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on 17th October 2011 in the Belgrave Village Hall Church Street at 7.45 pm.

NORTH KILWORTH MILLENNIUM GREEN TRUST Moat Restoration: Maintenance work to restore part of the moat in the Millennium Green to open water has been completed in September. The trustees apologise for the temporary closure of the green for safety reasons, and for the mess the work has inevitably made. The piles of wet silt/vegetation near the moat have been temporarily spread and will be further spread, cultivated and returned to grassland in the spring. The Trustees would like to thank Dave Glithro the digger driver for doing such a professional job and Richard Atkins for organizing it. It has long been the ambition of the trustees to restore part of the moat to open water to improve wildlife habitat. Older residents will remember how it was before the over-abstraction of water from the Kilworth aquifer resulted in greatly reduced spring activity and water flow through the moats. This led to the silting up and spread of reed vegetation that resulted in a very poor habitat for wildlife. The trustees consider that open water will be safer than what was there before, because the green mass looked safe to walk on but in fact in places anyone trying to cross could sink several feet in a few seconds. We remind everyone and particularly parents of young children that it is best to keep to the boardwalk in the moat area of the green. This will be especially the case this autumn and winter when there will be large areas of wet and probably smelly silt and rotting vegetation! The trustees ask for your patience while the restoration work continues and believe the temporary disruption will eventually be worthwhile. It is also worth reminding everyone that most of the green and all of the Bogs is a designated Nature Reserve and keeping to the boardwalk and paths is encouraged. The paddock adjacent to the village hall, where the barbeque is held, is not in the Nature Reserve and neither is the area next to this where the chestnut tree had to be felled. The Trustees are happy to see these areas used for children to play in and are pleased that the tree trunk is already being used for this purpose. 100 Club: Congratulations to the following recent winners; in August, Ken Chandler (£50) and P &B P Lawrence (£25), and in September, Mr and Mrs Brown, Netherhall (£50) and Barry and Jo Guilfoyle (£25). If you would like to join the 100 Club please contact Francis Mordaunt (880624) or Sue Dunford (881371) or any of the Trustees.

Page 6 Notes from the Parish Council Meeting

Page 7: North Kilworth


On Thursday 15th September, the school went to the church to donate all sorts of food to people less fortunate than us. All the

children will take fresh or tinned fruit and vegetables. Omega wrote poems about Harvest. We sang lots of songs and said

prayers. We sang The Harvest Song, Conkers and Autumn Days. By Elizabeth Hobbs and Abigail Robertson


The new year 5s and 6s from St Andrew’s School are getting ready for another memorable trip to Red Ridge. The activities we

will be doing are kayaking, canoeing, zip wire, climbing, abseiling, disco, caving, tunnelling, movie night, log tower, hill walking,

archery, a long hike orienteering and probably we will tell you all about it after we have got back!!!! By Teva Maguire and Jasper


What’s going on? Reception In Reception class their topic is ‘About Me’ they have been making dough faces and string puppets. On the 10th and 11th of October it is first steps, they will be learning all about road safety. The home corner is a doctor’s surgery. In PE they need to remember the wake and shake routine, play with the parachute and go on the adventure play area regularly. For emotional learning, reception class need to understand feelings and remember all the senses. Alpha 1/2 In Year 1/2 topic is life in a castle, they will go to Warwick castle for a school trip. In art they are making an art gallery, they are painting portraits of themselves. The maths lesson will be all about counting on big numbers and putting them in order. In science they will be investigating living and non- living things, also measuring their bodies and understanding how they grow. Beta In Beta the topic is Romans and materials for literacy. Beta are writing a Roman story and a Roman report. Maths will be all about addition, subtraction, 2D shapes, measuring and handling data. In the P.E lesson they will be reading maps and taking part in trust and communication games. Art will be looking at Roman mosaics and understanding how they are made, also to eventually create their own artwork. Omega In Omega the topic is Space, they will be understanding the sizes of the planets and realising how different the moon looks after 28 days. The Literacy lesson is to understand how to be narrative by having discussions, reading plays and to understand English Grammar. In maths we will learn how to identify shapes with long names and to identify number patterns. By Ella Clarke and Maddy Lindop with Grace Lindop’s assistance

The whole school had a big surprise when we came back! The playground had been re-surfaced and painted. We have a human chess board, a number snake, a hopscotch a new netball court and a dot and bridge game!!! By Abilgail Roberts

A new year and a new term at St.Andrews. Different pupils have taken up the example and place on the bench of the last Year 6s. Year 2 pupils have moved up into KS2, Pre-school have come up into ‘Big school’ and there is a new bunch of pre-school toddlers. Grace Lindop is Whiteman house captain, Thomas Kelly is Knight’s house captain, Berridge house captain is Sam Hall and last but not least Madison’s house captain is Sam Hunt. Whiteman vice house captain is Jasper Kirton, Teva (pronounced T-A-Y-V-A) is Knights vice, Callum Boxall is Madison’s and Berridge’s vice is Ethan Swan. Whiteman’s sports captain is Scott McVea, Callum Boxall is Madison’s vice and sports captain, Ethan Swan is also Berridge’s sports and vice captain leaving Chloe Bradley- Upton as Knight’s sports captain. Also the school’s road safety officers are Elizabeth Hobbs and George Garnett. There is a small group of peer mediators watching out for younger children who are looking a bit blue (to give teachers a rest!) at break and lunch times, chosen for their kind skills towards others. Including Abigail Robertson, Fran Baker, Kristian Dugmore and George Bettles. The chair of school council is Megan KA and the members are a boy and girl from every year group apart from reception chosen by the class members. We are looking forward to the rest of the year which will be some people’s last and other’s first. By Grace Lindop

St Andrew’s Primary School Page 7

Memory Corner: Victor Ball is the link. He’s Nogger

Ball’s uncle. Victor worked as a blacksmith before

fighting on the Western Front in World War 1, was

taken prisoner by the Germans, and died within a few

weeks. Nogger and Elaine have letters from him to his

girl friend - and from the War Office notifying the family

of his death, but they are unable to establish how he

died. The Kilworth bikers paid their respects at the

British Cemetery near Roupy in France.

49’ers club

Congratulations to the latest winners:

Rachel Smith, Maureen Coles, John & Bea Poole, Hazel

Setchell, John Hubbard, Claire Williams, Phil & Elizabeth


We have a couple of numbers free if you’d like to join in the

club? The 49’ers is a fundraising lottery with winners chosen

from the National Lottery Bonus Ball. Each week £35 is paid

out to a lucky winner. To join it just costs you £1 a week

which is paid by quarterly, half-yearly or annual subscription.

The money raised goes towards our village hall. Contact Sue

Winstanley 881798 or email [email protected]

Page 8: North Kilworth

Page 9

Page 8 Message from the Revd Emma Davies Page 5 Time for a personal harvest festival

October is here, a familiar autumnal chill is in the air and we find ourselves again firmly in Harvest Festival

season, with churches full of fresh fruit and vegetables, looking and smelling wonderful. Harvest is a time

when we take stock of the fruits gathered from the soil of our fields and gardens, when we give thanks to

God for the bounty of his creation, and when we remember farmers and others who have provided us with

the food on our table. It is a time, too, to call to mind those who do not have enough food or other basic

necessities through famine, or poverty or war, and to pray for them.

October is also the month when time shifts and we ease back again to GMT by regaining the hour that was

lost in the Spring. It occurs to me, then, that we have the gift of an extra hour this month, and in this busy,

pressured world, extra time is what many people seem to crave. Now, I know that this hour appears in the

middle of the night, of course, so most of us do not recognise it as useful for anything but to catch up on

sleep. However, the gift of an extra hour in this harvest season set me thinking about what we do with small

gifts of time.

If we were to spread an hour out over the course of a whole month it would equate to about 2 minutes’

time each day. That may seem far too small a time in which to do anything useful. However, I suggest that

in spiritual terms it could be of great value. Most of us could find just two minutes on our own in a day and

what better way in this harvest season of using a couple of minutes than to take stock of all the good things

we have, and to lift to God our needs and worries? In short, why not have our own mini personal Harvest

Thanksgiving each day?

What I suggest is this: begin your 2-minute slot by calling to mind all the good things you have – not just

the food on your table or the roof over your head, but also the people who give warmth to your life, and the

little, unexpected blessings that happen almost unnoticed. Imagine laying them out before God and giving

silent thanks. Then take stock of the situations which are causing you worry or concern. Lay these out

before God too and ask for God’s presence and help in them. Finally, ask God to surround you with the peace

and protection of Christ. This prayer exercise can be a good way to begin or end the day, but whatever time

you find your two minutes, and wherever you happen to be, I guarantee this mini harvest festival time will

bear much fruit – fruit that will last.

God’s blessing to you all. Revd Emma Davies

FROM THE REGISTERS Baptisms: Ella Eileen Nicola Riley: North Kilworth: Sunday 11th Sept Zara Eve Holton, 11 September at Gilmorton William Samuel York Elliott, 18 September at Peatling Parva Edward Peter York Elliott, 18 September at Peatling Parva

Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child - Hugo Paul Keane, 14 September at Kimcote

Marriages: Andrew Jarman and Rebecca Crookes: North Kilworth: Saturday 10th September Neil Ison and Eleanor Fox, 3 September at Catthorpe Richard Goldthorpe and Sara Woollard, 10 Sept at Gilmorton Robert Cross and Louise Forsyth, 10 Sept at Peatling Parva

Funerals: The Revd Peter Etchells, aged 85, 31 August at Ashby Magna. Michael William Crowder, aged 67, 16 September at Gilmorton Gill Hewitt aged 47 – 5th August – Gilmorton

Memorial Service - David William Sercombe, aged 67, 4 September at Ashby Magna.

Husbands Bosworth Methodist Chapel Brian Kennard 01858 462889

Our services for October & November are: (all at 6.30pm) Oct 2nd Mr. Roger Stephenson - Harvest Festival Oct 9th Circuit service at Kibworth Methodist Chapel Oct 16th Rev'd. Brian Kennard - the Lord's Supper Oct 23rd Mr. Gordon Herbert Oct 30th Mrs. Jeanne Moore Nov 6th Rev'd. Brian Kennard Nov 13th Mrs. Kim Shorley Nov 20th Rev'd. Brian Kennard - the Lord's Supper Nov 27th Mr. Roger Stephenson

The Revd Canon Chris Oxley will be licensed by Bishop Tim as Priest in Charge of the Avon Swift Benefice at 7.30pm on Wednesday 23 November at All Saints' Church, Gilmorton.

All welcome.

LADIES NETBALL Thursdays 7.00pm-8.00pm at

The All Weather Area, North Kilworth

Social netball, all welcome

Free for members

£1 non-members

First session free

Page 9: North Kilworth

Sunday 2nd October 15th Sunday after Trinity (Green) Philippians 3.4b-14 Matthew 21.33–46 Or readings for Harvest Services

8.30 am North Kilworth Holy Communion (BCP) Revd Emma Davies 9.30 am Kimcote Holy Communion (CW) Revd Emma Davies 9.30 am Stanford on Avon Harvest Family Service Revd Jane Kennedy 11.00 am Gilmorton Holy Communion (CW) Revd Emma Davies 11.15 am Catthorpe Harvest Thanksgiving Revd Jane Kennedy 6.00 pm Misterton Harvest Festival Keith Wilding 6.00 pm Swinford Harvest Festival Revd Jane Kennedy 6.00 pm Peatling Parva Harvest Festival Revd Emma Davies Tuesday 4th October 2.45 pm North Kilworth Holy Communion (CW) with school

students Revd Emma Davies

Sunday 9th October The 16th Sunday after Trinity (Green) Isaiah 25.1-9 Matthew 22.1-14 Or other readings for Harvest Services 8.30 am Kimcote Holy Communion (BCP) Revd Jane Kennedy 9.30 am Ashby Magna Holy Communion (CW) Revd Jane Kennedy 9.45 am South Kilworth Harvest Thanksgiving Beth Rogers 11.00 am Gilmorton Harvest Family Service Revd Emma Davies/Su Marfell 11.15 am Misterton Holy Communion (CW) Revd John Randall 6.00 pm Swinford Holy Communion (CW) Revd Emma Davies Tuesday 11th October 9.30 am South Kilworth Holy Communion (BCP) Revd Jane Kennedy Sunday 16th October The Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity (Green) Isaiah 45.1-7 Matthew 22.15-22

8.30 am Gilmorton Holy Communion (CW) Revd Jane Kennedy 9.30 am North Kilworth Village Communion (CW) Revd Emma Davies 9.30 am Kimcote Matins John Baden-Fuller 9.45 am South Kilworth Holy Communion (BCP) Revd Jane Kennedy 11.00 am Peatling Parva Holy Communion (BCP) Revd Emma Davies 10.30 am Catthorpe Village Service Judith Smith 11.15 am Shawell Holy Communion (CW) Revd John Randall 6.00 pm Swinford Evensong Keith Wilding Sunday 23rd October The Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity (Green) readings tbc

10.30 am South Kilworth Avon Swift Group Service Holy Communion (CW) Revd Emma Davies/Revd Jane Kennedy Preacher: Revd Mike Harrison, Director of Mission and Ministry

Sunday 30th October The Fourth Sunday before Advent– All Saints’ Sunday (White) Revelation 7.9-17 Matthew 5.1-1

8.30 am Kimcote Holy Communion (BCP) Revd Emma Davies 9.30 am South Kilworth (with North Kilworth) Holy Communion (BCP) TBA 11.00 am Ashby Magna Harvest Thanksgiving Revd Emma Davies 4.00 pm Gilmorton Songs of Praise Keith Wilding 6.00 pm Swinford Holy Communion (CW) Revd Emma Davies Tuesday 1st November 2.45 pm North Kilworth Holy Communion (CW) with school students Revd Emma Davies Saturday 5th November 4.00 pm Peatling Parva All Souls’ Service Revd Emma Davies/Revd Jane Kennedy Sunday 6th November The Third Sunday before Advent (Green) 1 Thess. 4.13-18 Matthew 25.1-13

8.30 am North Kilworth Holy Communion (BCP) Revd Emma Davies 9.30 am Kimcote Holy Communion (CW) Revd Jane Kennedy 9.30 am Stanford on Avon Village Communion (CW) Revd Emma Davies 11.00 am Gilmorton Holy Communion (CW) Revd Jane Kennedy 11.15 am Catthorpe Holy Communion (CW) Revd Emma Davies 11.15 am Misterton Morning Prayer Keith Wilding 6.00 pm Swinford Evensong TBA

All enquiries regarding Church matters should be directed to:- Revd Emma Davies, The Vicarage, 5 Church Lane, Gilmorton, Telephone: 01455 556573 Revd Jane Kennedy, 17 Cromwell Close, Walcote, Lutterworth, Telephone: 01455 554065

Services for September 2011 Page 9 Page 9 Page 9

St Andrew’s Church Flower Rota



The next meeting of the on Thursday 27th

October, 2011, 8.00pm at Timelou. The book to read is “The Betrayal’ by Helen Dunsmore and was long-listed for the Booker Prize last year. The story concerns the aftermath of the Stalingrad siege. Comments always


17.10.11 Mrs Z. Hyde – Thompson 31.10.11 Mrs P. Price

Any problems please contact J. Guilfoyle (880574) Many many thanks to all who helped to decorate the church for the enjoyable and well attended Harvest


St Andrew’s Church Flower Rota

Page 10: North Kilworth

Joan and Colin have only been in the village since June, so we thought it appropriate to say ‘Hello’ to them – we like to offer variety and this is the first time that we have welcomed recent arrivals in NK. Say ‘Hello’ to them and you will discover that they are more than capable of speaking for themselves, and could elaborate on this snapshot. Joan was born in Leicester in an Everards owned house, because her grandfather was butler to Lord Everard. It wasn’t a public house, but she does frequent them. Colin was born in Somerset, where his father made aeroplanes for Rolls Royce. At school he developed an interest in botany and came to Leicester University to study the subject (so he can explain how plants give us oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, and 70% of our medicines). He then “jumped ship “to the department of

Biochemistry and did research into the genetics of bacteria and viruses. The couple met when working at the Biochemistry department at Leicester University 46 years ago, and have been married 39 years. Apart from a two year spell lecturing at Hull University, they have worked in Leicester ever since. Joan was also engaged in research (in her case in cardiology) into the causes and treatment of high blood pressure. She worked at the General, and at the Infirmary, where she bumped into an old school friend – radiographer and future NK News editor Jude Hardwick. She moved into the more general management of clinical research before retiring in 2005. Colin retired in 1997. What’s kept them busy? Plenty! As early as 1986 they took over a Montessori nursery in Stoneygate and have run it for the last 25 years. (The children needed a nursery, and the house they wanted to buy could only be bought with the associated nursery.) More recently Joan opened an after school club for 4 to 11 year olds at Avenue Primary school in Clarendon Park. Along the way she has become qualified in this field, worked hands on within these organisations and had to cope with Ofsted inspections.

Joan has recently taken up badminton again, and is chair of the Alderman Newton past students association where Jude and her sisters are also members. (Jude is not paying me for plugs!) Colin has a passion for jazz, plays sax in a band, and is keen on cookery and antique furniture. Although they have lived in Leicestershire most of their married life, 25 years ago they bought a cottage in Suffolk where they try to spend some time. If you meet Joan and Colin in the pub it’s only because Joan is going back to her brewery roots, and Colin is interested in food. If you meet them around the village you might also have to say ‘Hello’ to children Eleanor, Jo, Camilla, and Guy (the latter two are currently living with them at the Barn) as well as grand daughter Ellie-Mae. Then of course you might have to acknowledge Lillie and Boris, the two pugs. If these two were ever to breed you could be busy saying ‘Hello’ to the entourage. DB

Things to do in October SNIBSTON Fireworks Spectacular- Sat Nov 5th: Paranormal Night-14th Oct: Miners Mornings-20th OctSupport & Seduction-until May 2012. For details: BOSWORTH Half-term events 17th-21st Oct: Torch-lit Guided walks- 30, 31st Oct: Medieval Woman Exhibition-until Friday 30th Dec. For details: HARBOROUGH MUSEUM Home of the Hallaton Treasure: Harborough at the Movies- Sat 15th Oct: I Remember That, Exhibition- Sat 1st- Sat 29th Oct: Keeping the Peace: 60 years og Magistracy. DONNINGTON-LE-HEATH MANOR HOUSE Hands-on Tudors- Sun 9th Oct: Classic Tea Room. RECORD OFFICE WIGSTON MAGNA The ‘Workplace’ Photographic Exhibition- until 28th Oct: CENTURY THEATRE SNIBSTON Water for Elephants-Fri 7th Oct: Pitmen Poets- Sat 1st Oct: Century Folk Sing Around-Sat 8th Oct: Jack & The Beanstalk- Sat 8th Oct: You’re not like the Other girls Chrissie- Fri 14th Oct: Ann Duggan Duo- Sun 16th October: Dream Play –Fri 21st Oct: Mercury: Queen Tribute-Sat 29th Oct. COUNTRY PARKS Coppice Management- 22nd October: Autumnal Countryside walk at Scalford & Wycomb- 15th Oct: Conservation Volunteering Days throughout the Autumn & Winter Tel: 0116 305 7939, Email: [email protected]

For more information see Leicestershire Events Guide or go to

Page 10 Say Hello To: Colin & Joan Brice Page 9

Page 11: North Kilworth

WWhhaattss oonn iinn NNoorrtthh KKiillwwoorrtthh PPaaggee 1111

FUTURE EVENTS. Nov 23rd- Licensing of Rev’d Canon Chris

Oxley- All Saints Gilmorton

Nov: WI- Faith Supper

Dec WI Christmas Party

December 3rd: Christmas Quiz- In aid of

village hall

October 2011 Mons: Yoga- 7pm Sports Club

Weds: Stretch&Flex-12.15pm,Yoga 7pm Village Hall

Thursdays-9.30-11am: Kilworth Tots & Toddlers

Wed.5th: Mobile Library-White Lion-2.40pm

Sat 8th- Royal Anglian Regiment in M. Harborough

Thurs 13th; Bingo- Sports Club: Eyes down at 8pm

Thurs.13th: Mobile Library-Dag Lane-1.30pm

Fri. 14th Harvest Supper- Village Hall

Sat 15th- Help for Heroes: White Lion

Mon. 17th: Parish Council Meeting

Wed.19th Mobile Library- White Lion-2.40pm

Thurs.20th:WI- Sugarcraft–Village Hall 7.30pm

Sun 23rd: Meditation & Relax in Village hall 7pm for

McMillan Cancer Support

Thurs.27th: Mobile Library-Dag Lane-1.30pm

Thurs 27th: Reading Group-8pm Timelou

Sun 30th- Clocks go back

Rugby Road, South Kilworth, LE17 6DN

Traditional Village Pub Serving Home Cooked food

Fresh wet Grimsby Fish

Eat in or Take Away Any Day!

Served in homemade beer batter.

Home Cooked Sunday Roast

Choice of two Meats, fresh Veg and Homemade Yorkshire Pudding!

Bookings Advisable

Food Served: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat 12-2.30pm, and then from 6-9.00pm

Sundays 12-4pm only No food Wednesday

Recommended in CAMRA Good Pub Guide

hhSky Sports & ESPN • All major cards

01858 575416

NORTH KILWORTH WI North Kilworth WI meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month in the Village hall, at 7.30pm. New members and guests are always very welcome. For information contact: Christine Hewes: [email protected]/ 880036 Gaye Duncombe: [email protected]/ 880650

Linda Straw from Lubenham stood in at short notice to

give a talk on "POO". She explained the history of how we

have disposed of our bodies waste over the history of

man; from Roman toilets where you sat in a row having

conversations to Japan where the newest toilet will give

you a wash and blow dry when you have finished! Our next

meeting is on 20th Oct in the village hall at 7.30pm all


Flowers, raffle and Catering-Jo Guilfoyle.

Autumn Cookery Club Wednesday Evenings 7: 30 to 9:30 pm (ish)

Try out new dishes with friends

Starts again……Wednesday September 28

with Family food to freeze

A mix of new easy dishes for family or friends

for supper - all of which can go in the freezer

October 19 Tastes of Tuscany November 16 Mexican December Xmas Party

Join me in the kitchen - try out new recipes

plus a few demonstrations. Cook a dish

yourself or just watch your fellow cooks and

drink my wine.

As usual no commitment just ring to book by the Monday beforehand

Price held at £20 per session

I hope to see you in my kitchen soon


01858 575832

Page 12: North Kilworth

Page 12

Have you registered yet?

Royal Wedding StreetRoyal Wedding StreetRoyal Wedding StreetRoyal Wedding Street Party Party Party Party The Royal Wedding party committee would like to say a

big thank you to Kilworth Springs Golf Club, the

Townland Trust and the Parish Council for their kind

donations which helped towards the expense of the party

as well as buying commemorative postage stamps of the

happy couple for the children under 16 in the village. If

your child has not received their stamps yet please

contact Tracy Allen ([email protected])


Please don’t forget the VILLAGE POWER CIC have negotiated with two companies Sun Switch &

Evoenergy so that you will receive a 5% discount and the CIC will get a referral fee which will be reinvested in the village.Both companies have fitted solar panels to buildings in the village. For a free quotation and survey please contact:

Sun Switch Evoenergy

Austin Baggett on 07968 590756 Dan Thory on 08448 150200

e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] or contact a member of the CIC

Stuart Dainton- [email protected] Matt Allen- [email protected]

Andy Wall- [email protected] Jude Hardwick – [email protected]

Peter Jones – [email protected] Rona Purdham – [email protected]

***APPLE DAY in Market Harborough- Saturday 29th October- For details contact a CIC member***

Page 13: North Kilworth