north west journal

Guest speaker, Ms. Amelia Kang said, “If you are going to become a global citi- zen, you need to take a lot more risk… you need to move out of your comfort zone.” Mr. Khaw said choosing a career path based on interest and skills, could help youth perform well. “Know yourself… what are you good at?” he said. William Martin, an organiser from Sembawang YEC said the turnout proved that youths were starting to take action for their career. “This actually shows that youth nowa- days… want to do something in life, they want to be somebody,” he said. A participant, Yong Kie Yie, 23, said that the speeches set her thinking about her own career and that she found the event “quite helpful”. A FREE PUBLICATION FOR NORTH WEST CDC HOTLINE: 6123 7656 WWW.NORTHWESTCDC.ORG AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 2011 North West Journal INSIDE Chong Pang Brisk Walking Club sees an increase of participants over the past year. EVENTS | page 3 Happy 46th Birthday Singapore! Find out more about how Singaporeans celebrated our nation’s birthday. SPECIAL | page 4, 5 Students initiate a Community Involvement Programme (CIP) trip to help HIV-infected children in Vietnam. PEOPLE | page 7 Inspired by the historical architecture of Singapore, Diana Francis reminds us of our rich culture. LIFESTYLE | page 8 Determination and risk needed for global competition Mr Khaw (centre) addressing the crowd of about 350, which resulted in some participants having to be seated on stage and on the steps. Minister shares thoughts on career challenges with youths at dialogue session. By Eunice Loh Minister Khaw Boon Wan said that youths must be prepared for strong job competition during a forum held at Wood- lands Community Club on 29 May. The forum titled “Career Challenges You ths Face!” was jointly organised by the Youth Executive Committees (YEC) of Sembawang Group Representation Con- stituency (GRC) and People’s Association’s Youth Movement (PAYM). It aimed to educate youths on the problems they would face when they enter the workforce. A dialogue session was held at the end with newly elected minister for National Development, Mr. Khaw, and two guest speakers. An audience member asked how the huge stream of foreign workers would affect employment rates among youths in Singapore. “We will always need foreign workers, but the question is how many,” said Mr. Khaw. He said if the government stopped bringing them in, the move will slow down economic growth. As a result, youths looking for em- ployment must be ready to accept a lower starting pay and a higher competition for jobs. Mr. Khaw also said that in the last few years, there have been “too many” foreign workers. However, Mr. Khaw emphasised that youths can excel if they have the “right attitude”. PHOTO BY EUNICE LOH Youths committed three months and juggled between school and trainings to showcase their talents in a Malay performing arts event. Youths played major roles in Gentarasa 2011 By Erman Kasuandi Youths made up the majority of over 200 performers in Gentarasa, with hopes to raise awareness and appreciation of the Malay culture at NUS University Cultural Centre on 28 May. The hall was filled with mostly youths and young adults. All 3,000 tickets were sold within a month, with many who came to show support for friends and family members who performed that evening. Gentarasa, an initiative by Dr. Yaacob Ibrahim, Minister for Information, Com- munications and the Arts, aims to highlight the Malay culture in our society. According to the organisers, MESRA, there has been an increase in the number of youths who are keen to be part of it. Audi- tions were held, with many youths making the cut for most roles. Gentarasa director and scriptwriter Ms. Haryani Othman, 32, said youths “have been waiting for this event” since last year. She said they were “passionate and committed to finish the production” despite difficulties faced prior to the show. She said the shortage of time and venues to train performers forced her to “pull every- one’s strengths together”. Production manager, Mr. Hamzah Zulkifli, 28, said youths wanted to join Youths in a futuristic performance that combined Silat and moves from the “Matrix” movie. PHOTO BY ERMAN KASUANDI CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 Mr. Khaw Boon Wan Minister for National Development “We will always need foreign workers, but the question is how many.” In relation to the increase in for- eign labour, a participant asked what is the government doing to equip youths with the skills needed to compete with foreign workers. In response, Mr. Khaw brought up the issue of global competition and said that Singaporeans are not only compet- ing with other Singaporeans and foreign workers, but they are also competing on a global scale. He said multinational corporations (MNCs) will start to turn to other cheaper countries with higher productivity.

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North West Journal is a Year 2 News Writing project by 5 students from Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Mass Communication. Joey Ong is the Editor and Co-designer of the newspaper.


Page 1: North West Journal

Guestspeaker,Ms.AmeliaKangsaid,“If youaregoing tobecomeaglobalciti-zen,youneedtotakealotmorerisk…youneedtomoveoutof yourcomfortzone.” Mr.Khawsaidchoosingacareerpathbased on interest and skills, could helpyouthperformwell. “Knowyourself…what are you goodat?”hesaid. William Martin, an organiser fromSembawangYECsaid the turnoutprovedthatyouthswerestartingtotakeactionfortheircareer. “Thisactually shows thatyouthnowa-days… want to do something in life, theywanttobesomebody,”hesaid. A participant, YongKieYie, 23, saidthatthespeechessetherthinkingaboutherown career and that she found the event“quitehelpful”.


North West JournalINSIDE

Chong Pang Brisk Walking Club sees an increase of participants over the past year.

EVENTS | page 3

Happy 46th Birthday Singapore! Find out more about how Singaporeans celebrated our nation’s birthday.

SPECIAL | page 4, 5

Students initiate a Community Involvement Programme (CIP) trip to help HIV-infected children in Vietnam.

PEOPLE | page 7

Inspired by the historical architecture of Singapore, Diana Francis reminds us of our rich culture.

LIFESTYLE | page 8

Determination and risk needed for global competition

Mr Khaw (centre) addressing the crowd of about 350, which resulted in some participants having to be seated on stage and on the steps.

Minister shares thoughts on career challenges with youths at dialogue session.

By Eunice Loh

Minister Khaw Boon Wan said thatyouths must be prepared for strong jobcompetitionduringaforumheldatWood-landsCommunityClubon29May. The forum titled “Career ChallengesYouthsFace!”was jointlyorganisedby theYouth Executive Committees (YEC) of Sembawang Group Representation Con-stituency (GRC)andPeople’sAssociation’sYouthMovement(PAYM). It aimed to educate youths on theproblemstheywouldfacewhentheyentertheworkforce. A dialogue session was held at theend with newly elected minister forNational Development, Mr. Khaw, andtwoguestspeakers. An audience member asked how thehuge stream of foreign workers wouldaffect employment rates among youths inSingapore. “Wewillalwaysneedforeignworkers,but the question is howmany,” saidMr.Khaw. He said if the government stoppedbringingthemin,themovewillslowdowneconomicgrowth. As a result, youths looking for em-ploymentmustbereadytoaccepta lowerstarting pay and a higher competitionforjobs. Mr. Khaw also said that in the lastfew years, there have been “too many”foreignworkers. However, Mr. Khaw emphasisedthat youths can excel if they have the“rightattitude”.


Youths committed three months and juggled between school and trainings to showcase their talents in a Malay performing arts event.

Youths played major roles in Gentarasa 2011

By Erman Kasuandi

Youthsmade up themajority of over200 performers in Gentarasa, with hopestoraiseawarenessandappreciationof theMalaycultureatNUSUniversityCulturalCentreon28May. Thehallwasfilledwithmostlyyouthsand young adults. All 3,000 tickets were

soldwithinamonth,withmanywhocameto show support for friends and familymemberswhoperformedthatevening. Gentarasa,aninitiativebyDr.YaacobIbrahim, Minister for Information, Com-municationsandtheArts,aimstohighlighttheMalaycultureinoursociety. Accordingtotheorganisers,MESRA,therehasbeenanincreaseinthenumberof youthswhoarekeentobepartof it.Audi-tionswereheld,withmanyyouthsmakingthecutformostroles. GentarasadirectorandscriptwriterMs.Haryani Othman, 32, said youths “havebeenwaitingforthisevent”sincelastyear. She said they were “passionate andcommittedtofinishtheproduction”despitedifficultiesfacedpriortotheshow.Shesaidtheshortageof timeandvenuestotrainperformersforcedherto“pullevery-one’sstrengthstogether”. Production manager, Mr. HamzahZulkifli, 28, said youths wanted to join

Youths in a futuristic performance that combined Silat and moves from the “Matrix” movie.PHOTO BY ERMAN KASUANDI


Mr. Khaw Boon WanMinister for National Development

“We will always need foreign workers, but the question is how many.”

In relation to the increase in for-eign labour, a participant asked what isthe government doing to equip youthswith the skills needed to compete withforeignworkers. In response, Mr. Khaw brought up

the issue of global competition and saidthat Singaporeans are not only compet-ing with other Singaporeans and foreignworkers,but theyarealsocompetingonaglobalscale. He said multinational corporations(MNCs)willstarttoturntoothercheapercountrieswithhigherproductivity.

Page 2: North West Journal

The Bukit Timah Women ExecutiveCommittee (WEC) organised aDumplingFestivalCelebrationatBukitTimahCom-munityCentreon29May. Mr. Lim Soon Hock, Chairman of Bukit Timah Community Club (CC)Management Committee, was Guest-of-Honourfortheevent. The highlight of the event was thedumplingwrappingcompetition. Thedumplingswere judgedbasedonthe overall presentation, how many theymadewithinthegivenperiodof time,andhowwell-wrappedtheywere. Mdm. He Xian Fang, an organiserfromBukitTimahWECsaidthatthisevent

2 North West Journal August - September 2011


Bukit Timah Community Club celebrates annual Dumpling FestivalDumpling Festival Celebration activities aim to engage more senior citizens.

By Gwee Yi Xuan

More than just family learning

Participants of the Learning Family Program during their monthly sharing session with their support group.

Residents under the Sembawang GRC Family Learning Program participants are receiving the help and support they need from one another.

The Learning Family Program, heldmonthlyatAdmiraltyCommunityExperi-ence(ACE)ThePlaceCommunityCentre,not only teaches parents skills, but it alsoformsasupportgroupforthosewhoneedit. BothChinese andMalay participantsattendseparatesessionsheldeverylastSun-dayof themonthtolearnlifeskillsrelatedtotopicssuchasfinancialmanagementandleadershipskills. Besides learning such soft skills in theformof advicefromgroupfacilitators,par-ticipantsarealsoprovidedwith theneces-saryemotionalsupporttheyneed. Infact,thisiswhyparticipantssuchasMrs.AngSiewLing,aregularparticipant,“lookforwardtothisprogram”. Thesupporttheseparticipantsreceivemade them feel that they have people tocallonwhenevertheyneedthehelp,aswellas “not feel as isolated as before... when

theyknowthatotherpeoplehavethesameproblems”, saidMr.VikramNair, currentMember of Parliament (MP) of Sem-bawang Group Representation Constitu-ency(GRC). Whattheyweremosthappyaboutisthefact that the setting is an openone,which

allowsforhonestsharing,andnooneneedstofeelshamefulaboutwhattheyaresaying,Mrs.Angsaid. Shealso foundtheadvicegiven toherby the facilitators, who have become theirfriendsthroughouttheprogram,“usefulandapplicabletotheirdailylives”.

Otherparticipantsarealsofreetocom-mentandgivetheirownsuggestionsaswell,asthewholesessionisopenandeveryoneisgivenachancetospeak. Thishelpsfacilitatelearningfromeachother’sproblems,as“everyonehasdifferentproblems”,saidMrs.Ang. Thisprogramisnowunderthesuper-visionof Mr.Vikram,whoseestheimpor-tanceof havingsuchactivitiesforthecom-munityasithas“builtup…strongbonds”. The purpose of this program, startedbypreviousMPof SembawangGRC,Dr.MohdMalikibinOsman,istoequipfami-lies with life skills and build bonds in thecommunity. On29May, theprogram’s eventpar-ticipants,mostlyparentswhosechildrenre-ceivetuitionsubsidies,attendedthemonth-lygroupsessiontolearnmoreaboutbeingagoodleaderinthefamily. Someissuesthatwerebroughtupdur-ing the session were common problemssuchastheconcernsoverchildrens’gradesandhomework. What the facilitators advisedwere forparentsandgrandparentstocontinuebeinggoodrolemodelsand teach theirchildrentheimportanceof doingtheirwork.

By Natalie Ang

wastargetedatseniorcitizens,andaimedtoengagethem. “Nowadayspeoplearesobusytheydonothavetimetowrapdumplingsanymore.They will usually resort to buying themfromoutsidewheretheydonothavetogothroughsomuchtrouble,”shesaid. Therewere also line-dancing activitiesfortheseniorcitizens,wheretheydancedtosongssuchas‘Nobody’bytheWonderGirls. “Line-dancing is definitely for people of all ages, not only for the old. I havetaught classes as young as primaryschools,” said Jonathan-Winston Yew,thedanceinstructor. Theevent,heldattheBukitTimahCCHall, included performances by studentsfromYuhuaSecondarySchool,andqigongactivitiesbyseniorcitizens.

Senior citizens moving to the beat during the line-dancing segment of the celebration.



Senior citizens wrapping dumplings at the Bukit Timah CC Dumpling Festival Celebration.


Page 3: North West Journal

of theirachievements”. Audiencewerepleasedwith theshow.Dancer,IrdawatiRoslan,23,saidtheshowchangedcommonperceptionsthatculturaland traditional performances are “boringand irrelevant”. She said the organiserswereabletoshowcasedifferentelementsof Malayculturetogethersmoothlyanditwas“tastefullydone”.

wastohaveyoungtooldparticipants,andbriskwalkingisthebestwayaspeopleof allagescantakepartinit.

TheBriskWalkingeventisheldonthelastSundayof everymonth.

dialogue with ministers and leaders fromthepublicandprivateorganizationsonhowSingapore’s success can be ensured, andhowtheyoungergenerationcancontributetothesociety. Panellistsalsosharedtheirpersonalex-periencesandexpertise,providingdifferentperspectivesfortheparticipants. An informal environmentwas createdforparticipants,wheretheybondedthroughspecialactivities suchas sculpturing,videomakingandskits. Participantshadtowork togetherasa

North West Journal

EVENTS3August - September 2011

Students contribute to Singapore’s visionIn Pre-University Seminar 2011, students play their part in shaping a vision for Singapore through parallel presentations, engaging discussions and creative hands-on activities.

Students from Pre-University Institu-tions all over Singapore gathered for theannualseminar,wheretheyweregivenvari-ousplatformstocontributetothevisionof Singapore. Theseminarwasafive-dayresidentialevent, held from30May to3 June at theNationalUniversityof Singapore.“Re-im-aginingSingapore”istheSeminar’sthemeforthisyear. Mr. S Iswaran,Minister in the PrimeMinister’s Office, Second Minister forHome Affairs and Trade and Industry,gracedtheOpeningCeremonyon31Maywithakeynoteaddress. “Imaginationpropelsustomovetoun-charteredterritoriesandrealmsof possibili-ties,”hesaid. Mr. Iswaran encouraged all 525 par-ticipants to utilise the platforms createdfor themtore-imagineSingapore’s future,withoutlimitingthemselves. During Parallel Presentations, partici-pantsweregivenopportunities toair theirviewsandposeintellectualquestionstothepresentingteam. Republic Polytechnic student KanMei-li Sherilyn, 17, said: “I like the plat-formcreatedforus,wherewecanvoiceoutour vision and our hopes and dreams forSingapore.” Participants engaged in meaningful

By Joey Ong

Setting the pace for a healthy lifestyle

Chong Pang residents geared up for an early morning of warm up exercises, brisk walking and lucky draws on an open field in Yishun.

Chong Pang Brisk Walking Club sees a rise in participants over the past year.

By Lee Ker Yuan

Chong Pang Brisk Walking Club hasseen an increase of active participants intheir monthly event from 200 to around2,000withinoneyear.

Intheearlymorningof 29May,around2,800 residents from Chong Pang turnedup for their monthly BriskWalking eventheldatanopenfieldinYishun.

Mr. K Shanmugam,Minister of For-eignAffairs andLaw, graced the event asGuest-of-Honour.

Mr.OrTeckSeng,chairmanforChongPangBriskWalkingClub,saidthatthein-creasewas aided by groupwork from theresidential communitymembers and staff fromtheChongPangCommunityClub.

He also said that a lot of effort wasplaced intopromoting the event since lastyear.Todate,thereisaboutatotalof 5,000registered members in the club, and 19eventsheldsofar..

“But for this year,we try not to pushthemtoohard,becausewewanttogettheparticipantsnaturally,”saidMr.Or.

Manyof theresidentsheardaboutthiseventthroughfamilyorfriendswhoactivelyparticipateintheChongPangCommunityClub’sevents.

There are also other perks of partici-patingintheevent.Residentscanlookfor-wardtootheractivitiessuchasgamesandaluckydraw.

Ms. Ganga, a participant, said hermain reason for attending was the $50NTUCvoucherthatwillbegivenoutafterattending12consecutivesessions.

However, Mr. Or said that luckydrawsandvouchersgivenforparticipation“was just an add-on”, and not the mainincentive.

Residents interviewed were satis-fied with the event, but said that it gottoo crowded due to the lack of organi-zation in crowd control when it came toluckydrawqueues.

Tan Xiu Hui, 15, a young par-ticipant and resident from Sembawang,said that there should be more staff to

controlthecrowd.“Sometimes for the lucky draw, eve-

rybody just goes up to snatch the prize,”shesaid.



team,tomaterializetheirvisionforSinga-poreincreativeandinnovativeways. Angle-ChineseJuniorCollegestudent,NigelTanBowHong,17, said:“Wegetasayinhowwewantourfuturetobelike…Ourideasmaysparkoff smallchanges,thatmayhaveagreaterimpactlateron.” Pre-UniversitySeminar2011wasjoint-lyorganizedbyTemasekJuniorCollegeandtheMinistryof Education,with27partici-patinginstitutions fromjuniorcolleges, in-tegrated programme schools, polytechnicsandtheMillenniaInstitute.

theshowtogainthe“feelingof satisfactionaftertheproduction”apartfromthe“mon-etarybenefittheyearnasatokenof appre-ciation”. Hesaidyouthsshowedtheirdedicationthroughout the entire production processandsawthisas“aplatformtoachievetheirgoalsinlife”. Performer and student Fazli Bin Ah-mad,24,saidhisinvolvementintheeventwas“fulfilling”andit“widen(his)socialcir-clebeyonguniversity”. Hestartedperformingwhenhewas12andsaidthathewantedtoformaperform-ing arts group to “impart knowledge andreachouttoMalayyouthstoembracetheirculture”. Another performer, MohammadNazreeBinNasrol,saiditwasdifficultjug-gling studies and training sessions for theevent. He said youths committed threemonths of weekends to pull off yester-day’s gala show and they were “proud

Gentarasa Concert 2011CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

The main hosts of Gentarasa 2011, putting up a mini stand-up comedy to entertain the crowd.


Two singers closing the show with a duet during a colourful grand finale.

North West Journal



DESIGNERSLee Ker YuanNatalie Ang


PUBLISHED BYNorth West Community Development Council

Page 4: North West Journal

4 North West Journal August - September 2011


Residents from Admiralty GrassrootsOrganisations (GROs) celebrated Singa-pore’s 46th National Day over an eight-coursedinner. Mr. Vikram Nair, Member of Parlia-ment (MP) for Sembawang Group Rep-resentative Constituency (GRC) and theAdvisertoAdmiraltyGROs,gracedtheoc-casion. The cultural ethnic performancesamongst schools in Admiralty showcased

The making of a National Day dinnerDetails were mulled over a span of 8 months to bring about a dinner event to celebrate National Day 2011 in Admiralty.

Singapore’sracialharmonyanddiversity. Thenationalanthemwasalsosungbyresidents. Mr.AdrianLimKimHoe,37,organis-ingchairmanof theevent,hasbeenplan-ning sinceearly January2011,afterbeingappointedtheposttoleadtheevent. “Ihavetoputonmythinkinghatandthink of all ways to make sure the eventsurpassesthebenchmarkthe2008NationalDayDinnerhasset,”saidMr.Lim. Mr. Lim was referring to the 2009People’s Association Special CommunityAwardthatwasconferredtoAdmiraltyforitsNationalDayDinnereventin2008. North West Journal went behind thescenes to see how everything was put to-getherfortheresidentstoenjoyanightfullof patriotism.

By Erman Kasuandi

Capturing the Singapore Spirit!

Around 40 participants from aphotography workshop gathered atMarinaBaytoshoottheNationalDayPreviewfireworkson30July. The “Fireworks PhotographyTour” was organised by the YouthExecutiveCommittees(YEC)of BukitPanjangCommunityClubandisthefirst event of its kind that has beenheld. Chairman for Bukit Panjang CCYEC,Mr.BernardNgo,29,saidthatitwasavery“uniqueway”tocelebrateNationalDay. “It’s not engaging enough if yousitathomeandwatchtheparadeonTV,”hesaid. Mr. Ngo hoped that through thisworkshop,participantswouldbeabletolearngoodphotographyskillsandcon-tinuetotakepartinsuchfutureevents. HealsosaidthattheCCencour-agesparticipantstouploadtheirpho-tosontheCC’sFacebookpage. “ThiswouldbringuptheNational

DayatmosphereonFacebook…Peo-plewillalsobeproudof theirshotswhenothers‘like’theirphotos,”saidMr.Ngo. Aparticipant,ClariceLee,30,stu-dent said that she joined the work-shop as she thought it would be aninterestingexperience. “It’s a good opportunity to feelthe atmosphere, and if I have goodphotostoshareonsocialnetworkingsites, it would build excitement forNationalDayitself,”shesaid.

Bukit Panjang Community Club (CC) organised a photography session to build anticipation for National Day.

By Eunice Loh

“This is the best National Day firework show in the last four to five years.”

Celebrations in a different light

Workers securing the tentage and cables.

Cooked rice being packed into banana

leaves to enhance the aroma and taste.

Workers scaling fish for the dinner celebration.

PHOTO BY EUNICE LOH Clarice Lee, a participant, sets her camera on her tripod to prepare for the shoot later in the evening.

An audio visual technician setting up the equipment.

A volunteer and a worker preparing the stage for the Guest-of-Honour.

Volunteers setting up tables for the dinner.Dancers from Woodgrove Secondary School rehearsing a cross-

cultural performance between Malay and Chinese Dance. The actual performance from Woodgrove Secondary School dancers, portraying vibrance and vigor.

Innova Junior College students doing a cheer before

going on stage for the final performance.


Residents anticipating the commencment of the dinner.

Page 5: North West Journal

North West Journal

SPECIAL5August - September 2011

Capturing the Singapore Spirit!DayatmosphereonFacebook…Peo-plewillalsobeproudof theirshotswhenothers‘like’theirphotos,”saidMr.Ngo. Aparticipant,ClariceLee,30,stu-dent said that she joined the work-shop as she thought it would be aninterestingexperience. “It’s a good opportunity to feelthe atmosphere, and if I have goodphotostoshareonsocialnetworkingsites, it would build excitement forNationalDayitself,”shesaid.

One of the organisers, Mr. AngChaoPeng,35,saidthathewantedtousetheNationalDayPreviewfireworksas a “setting point” for such futureevents as it would be “an immersiveexperienceforphotographers”. “This(MarinaBay)isagoodspotas participants will also be able tocapture beautiful sunset shots andthehelicoptersflyingoverhead.”saidMr.Ang. The workshop included a30-minute crash course on camera

“This is the best National Day firework show in the last four to five years.”

technicalities and skills to capturefireworks.Participantsthenproceed-edtoMarinaBaytosetuptheircam-erasforthefireworksshow. The trainer for this workshop,StanleyWong,44,saidthathehopedthatoutof thisevent,photographerswouldknowmorepeoplewhosharesimilarinterests,andbeabletobringhome“niceshots”. Hesaid,“Howoftendoyouhaveachancetoshootfireworks?” Mr.Wongalsosaidthatthework-shopwasmoreof a“sharingsession”

Stanley WongPhotography Trainer

Reflection cards were collected at Ad-miraltyMRTStationon22and31July, inconjunctionwithNationalDay’s 2011Re-flectionsontheSingaporeSpiritCampaign. The public was encouraged to re-flect on what this year’s National Daytheme, “Majulah! The Singapore Spirit”,meanttothem. A booth was set up at the main en-tranceof theMRTStation,andtherewerealsoambassadorssituatedattheareatogiveoutreflectioncards. “Althoughthisisaverysimplething,eve-rySingaporeanshouldcelebratethespiritof nationality,” saidMr.AndrewLim,70,whopenneddownhisreflectionforthecampaign. MaverickLim,20,oneof theambas-sadorsforthecampaignsaidthatmembers

of thepublic showed theSingaporeSpiritwhentheystoppedandtooktimetoreflect. “The Singapore Spirit is a unity of people from different races, differentwalksof lifecomingtogetherasone,“saidBryanGooWaiKiat, 21, an ambassadorfor the Reflections on the SingaporeSpiritCampaign. Thisyear,reflectionswerecollectedat9MRTStationssituatedintheheartlandsfrom4Julyto31July,between10amto4pm. “Placingit (thesebooths) intheheart-lands is better. Everyone has a chanceto participate as it is no longer just incentral areas,” said Khoo Yen Ling, 15,student,whowasoneof thosewhowrotedowntheirreflections. EachpersonreceivedalimitededitionNDP 2011 collar pin for each reflectiontheywrote. The public also participated byuploading photos, videos or captionsonto the Online Reflections Wall ortheMobileApp. Approximately 500 reflection cardswerecollectedatAdmiraltyMRTstation.

Stop, Reflect and WriteSingaporeans take a moment to re-flect on what is the Singapore Spirit to them at various Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Stations.

By Joey Ong

The theme for this year’s National Day is “Majulah! The Singapore Spirit”.

Majulah means onward in malay, reflecting our strength and determination to move towards a better future.

Celebrations in a different light

andnotalessononphotography. “When there’s too much tech-nicality, there is no fun. Just enjoyyourself and learn through trialanderror…It’salsomore fun togoasagroup,”hesaid. Another participant, Lim PingHwee,21,feltthatitwasagoodexpe-rienceoverall. “It’squitespecial…Oneyear,onetime,”saidMr.Lim. “This is the best National Dayfireworkshowinthelastfourtofiveyears,”saidMr.Wong.

The Singapore Spirit is

“the determination that makes us press on”

in the face of tough times and the confidence that Singapore will prevail.

PM Lee Hsien Loong

PHOTO BY EUNICE LOH Clarice Lee, a participant, sets her camera on her tripod to prepare for the shoot later in the evening.

Mr. Andrew Lim, penning down his thoughts on a reflection card.


Fireworks lit up the night sky, as participants took

photographs and soaked in the colourful atmosphere.

The Reflections on the Singapore Spirit Campaign booth set up outside

Admiralty MRT station.

An ambassador assisting a young boy as

he drops his refelction into the box.



Residents anticipating the commencment of the dinner.

Adapted from the Official NDP 2011 Website

Page 6: North West Journal

hermentee, as she observed herweek af-terweek.Afterthreemonthsof weeklyses-sions,Ann feltcomfortableenough to talkto Shermaine about her parents’ divorce,whichhadbeenaffectingherandherstud-iesforsometime. After going through the programme,Ann’sgradesandsocialskillshadimprovedtremendously. ItissuccessstorieslikethesethatkeepMs.Laumotivatedtocontinuecommittingherself to doing communitywork even asshe tacklesherFinalYearProject inNan-yangPolytechnicthissemester. Ms.Lauhasalsobeeninvolvedinoth-ercommunity serviceworks suchasbeinga facilitator forMCYS foster parent pro-gramme.ShehasalsohelpedoutataToaPayoh senior citizens’ workshop, and hasevengonetoMalaysiatointeractwiththeseniorcitizensandthedyslexicpatientsandtheorphansthere.

6 North West Journal August - September 2011


ShermaineLau,19,isayouthwhoen-gagesherself invariouscommunityserviceactivitiesandprogrammes,reachingouttotroubledyouthsinthecommunity. Despite finding it difficult to managehertime,Ms.Lausaysthatitistheknowl-edge that she “can make a difference inpeoples’ lives and knowing that they willsomedayappreciatewhatyoudidforthem”thatenablesher topressonas she juggleshercommitmentsincommunityserviceac-tivitiesandthestressof schoolwork. One programme she is currently in-

Is Community Service part of your schedule?Youths nowadays lead hectic lifestyles and have little time for other activities such as community service, but Shermaine Lau believes otherwise.

By Natalie Ang

Mrs.SngShuFenhasbeenservinghercommunity for more than thirteen years,and is a personal friend to many elderlyresidents. As the Resident Committee (RC)Chairpersonof NeeSoonCentral,herrolerequireshertointeractpersonallywithresi-dentsandhelpthemwiththeirproblems. Mrs.Sngspendsmore10hoursaweekvolunteeringandattendingmeetingsattheNeeSoonCentralCommunityCentre(CC)inYishun. “Beingwiththeelderlyresidentsmakesmeunderstandhowtheyfeel,anditmakesme grow at the same time. The old folksactuallycontributeda lot to their families,and they should be appreciated for it,”saidMrs.Sng. Shealsoensuresthesmoothrunningof theRCcentrewheresheorganisesactivitiesandeventsforhermembers.

A Friend to Nee Soon ResidentsRC Chairman provides events for the elderly residents to participate in and ensures they are being cared for.

By Lee Ker Yuan

Everytwomonths,Mrs.Sngorganisesbriskwalkingevents,as it isoneof thefa-voritepastimesof the residents.Their lat-esteventwasa3kilometreslongbriskwalkfromNeeSoontolowerseletarreservoir. A committee member, Mdm. WangMeiZi, 63, has knownMrs. Sng for overtenyears. “Mrs.Sng isapersonfullof loveandknowshowto takecareof theelderly.Welike to meet up for coffee whenever she’sfree,”shesaidinMandarin. “It is inconvenient foruselderly togototheseplacesbyourselves,andtransportisarrangedforusduringtheevents.Further-more,itismorefuntogowithfriendsfromtheRC,”saidMdm.YeoChewHong,60,inTeochew. Mrs. Sng recalled a memorable briskwalking event at MacRitchie Reservoir afewyearsago,wherethegroupaccidentallytookthewrongroutebackandtheyendedupwalkingmorethan7kilometres.

“Theseareresidentsabovetheageof 60.Someevenwornoutthesolesof theirshoes that day. Still, they didn’tmind be-

cause they enjoyed each other’s companythroughout,”saidMrs.Sng. Mrs. Sng is a representative of theCommunityCareEndowmentFund(Com-Care),thathasbeensetupbythegovern-menttoaddressthesocialeconommicneedsof needySingaporeansandtheirfamilies. On behalf of Nee SoonCentral, shereviewstheapplicants’casesheetsandper-sonally visits their homes to observe theirlivingenvironment. Thisgivesherachancetointeractwiththehouseholdmembersbeforegivingare-portbacktotheComCarewelfare.Sofar,shehasreviewedmorethantenhouseholds. Mrs. Sng initially joined the RC in1998, with the intention of getting theGrassrootsLeadersPriorityScheme. Thisgaveheranadvantageinballotingforaslotforherson’sprimaryschool. However,shedidnotexpecttoendupstaying for more than thirteen years as a

volved in is a mentoring programme un-der Nanyang Polytechnic’s Co-CurricularActivity,heldatYishunSecondarySchool,whichwasstartedin2010. SheinteractswithSecondaryOneandTwoNormalAcademicandNormalTech-nical students during mentoring sessionsheld everySaturday from9 am to 12pmafterthestudents’Mid-Semestertests,untiltheirFinalYearexams. One of her mentees in the past hadtoldherthatshewaslikeher“oldersister”whoshelooksuptoforhelpandadviceonpersonalproblems. Thisprogrammeisdifferentfromusualtuition programmes, as the volunteers arerequiredtotapontheemotionalaspects,bycoachingstudentsandprovidingadvice. NeoJunSheng,14,isamenteeunderMs. Lau, whom he said had helped him“understandsomepersonal things in life”.HealsodescribedMs.Lauassomeonewho

The Nee Soon Central Resident Committee Members led by MP Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim (bottom row, centre) and RC Chairman Mrs. Sng Shu Fen (bottom row, second right).

A group of participants during an RC brisk walking event at Marina Bay.

Mrs. Sng Shu FenRC Chairman of Nee Soon Central

“ Being with the elderly residents makes me understand how they feel, and it makes me grow at the same time.”

treasurerinthecommittee. Just three years ago, she was electedandtookovertheroleof RCChairmaninNeeSoonCentral. “Itwas a challenge to juggle betweenthe committee, work and family. I almosthadtoquitatonepointbecausemyworkwastootaxing,”saidMrs.Sng,whoisalsoafulltimeaerospaceengineerandamotherof one. Ultimately,itwasherlovefortheresi-dentsthatmadeherstayon. Currently,Mrs.Sngisbusytakingcareof a53-yearoldcommitteevolunteerwhosufferedastrokeinApril. Married without children, her hus-band is 62 years old and the sole bread-winner of the family. They are currentlyexperiencing financial difficulties due tothemedicalfees. Mrs.Sngregularlyvisitsheratthehos-pital toencouragehernot togiveup,andalsohelpsherwithhospitaladministrationforms. “They are staying in Nee Soon Eastwhichisnotmyzone,IamtryingmybesttohelpthembydraftingalettertotheirMP.Hopefully,hewillbeable to look into theareaswhichtheyrequirehelpandprovideassistance,”saidMrs.Sng.



isa“bestfriend”tohim. On days the mentors meet up withtheirmentees,theyengageinactivitiessuchassports-relatedgamesforanhourtobondwiththestudents. Mr.Neoalsosaidthatthegamesduringhismentoring sessions gave him a chanceto“escapefromhisstressandyetstilllearnandenjoy”himself.Healsoaddedthathehassomuchfunasitgiveshim“somethingtolookforwardtoeveryweek”. Another of Ms. Lau’s mentee, Ann(notherrealname),sharedthatshewasex-tremelygratefulshesignedupforthemen-toringprogrammeinherschool,despitebe-ingreluctantatfirst. Shesaidthatshewasafraidof sharingherpersonalproblemswithastranger,butfoundherself naturally openingup to herassignedmentorafterafriendshipbetweenthemhademerged. Ms.Lauwasabletoseethischangein

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EdnaTan,48,formerAdmiraltyResi-dent Committee Chairperson, steppeddownon10July,afteroverseeing10yearsof servicetobringthecommunitytogether. Mdm. Tan has contributed with pas-sion, initiated and supported programmesthat she felt would bring the communityclosertogether. She saidoneof the roles, as chairper-son,istoseekadeeperunderstandingof theneedsof theresidentsandsupportthem. For example, she asked an active re-motecontrolracinginterestgrouptocomeupwithacompetitionfortheresidents.Thecompetition,held inMay, sawavid racersand novices pitting their racing skills at alinkhall,andalsobroughtparentsandchil-drentogether. Mdm.Tansaidthatitwas“comfortingtoseeresidentssmiling”throughouttheevents. Underherrecommendation,thecom-mittee has since planned other similarevents with other interest groups towardsthelaterpartof theyearfortheresidents. She has also conducted regular dia-loguesatvoiddecksandviewitasaplatformforresidentstovoiceouttheiropinions. Sheoncebrought in amediator fromacounsellingcentretosettleaneighbourlydispute over cleanliness along their com-mon corridor left her with satisfaction astheneighbours“becameclosefriendsafterthemediation”. Mdm.Tanfindshousevisitsessentialtocreatetiesthatbind,asitisa“face-to-faceencounterwithapersonaltouch”. ShewillbetakingoverastreasurerinAd-miralty’sCitizens’ConsultativeCommittee. “Grassrootsleadersare,attheendof theday,servantstothecommunity,”shesaid.

Overcoming obstacles to support HIV-infected children

North West Journal

PEOPLE7August - September 2011

A young Volunteer Recruitment andTraining Officer introduces activities andinitiatives to help youths in Singapore bemoreinvolvedinvolunteering.

Lim Meng Hui, 26, who volunteersat theSreeNarayana (SN)MissionHomefor theAgedSick feels theneed formoreparticipation, especially from the younger

Young volunteers with big hearts

A volunteer at a nursing home aspires to get the public to be more participative in community service.

By Eunice Loh

generation. He believes that the under-privilegedshouldnotbeexcludedfromthecountry’sgrowth. “Itdoesnotmakesensefortheecono-mytogrowandnotshare,”hesaid. Mr.Limbelievesthatvolunteeringplaysanimportantroleinthelivesof theelderly. Hesaid,“Thestaff andamenitiespro-vide the physical health benefits… volun-teerscanprovidethemwithpersonaltouchandcare.”

A group of student volunteers over-cameobstacles inhopesof raisingaware-nessfortheHIV-infectedchildreninViet-nam. NguyenVoTuongVi,19,isaVietnam-eseScholarinNationalJuniorCollege.Sheled the student-initiatedoverseasCIP trip,ProjectSugar,whichwasfirstheldin2010. “Wedidnotwantthistriptobeaone-timething,justtointeractandplaywiththechildrenthere.Wewantedtomakealastingimpactanddifferencetotheirlivesasmuchaswecan,”saidMs.Nguyen. In 2008, she visited theHIV-infectedchildren inMai Hoa Centre, a home forHIVpatients,withagroupof studentsfromAnglo-Chinese School (Independent) dur-ingtheiroverseasCIPtripasaVietnamese-Englishtranslatorforthegroup. Since then, she felt a burden and aheartfortheHIV-infectedchildrenthere. She then suggested to the class to docommunityworkinVietnam. Theirobjectivewasforthechildrentobesociallyaccepted,increasepublicaware-

National Junior College students initiated a Community Involve-ment Programme (CIP) trip to Vietnam, raising awareness for HIV-infected children.

nessof theHIV-infectedchildren inViet-nam,anderadicatefear. As it was a student-initiative, theyseeked the school’s endorsement for theirprojecttobeaschooloverseasCIPtrip. However, Ms. Nguyen said that theschoolfeltthattheriskwashighasthetripinvolvedinteractionwithHIV-infectedchil-dren,thereforetheycouldnotsupportit. “We all felt very sad,” Ms. Nguyensaid,“Ithoughtthatif theschooldoesnotendorse it as a school trip,my classmateswouldnotwanttogoanymore.” Her classmates and friends’ responsewere a pleasant surprise to her. They en-couragedhertogoaheadwiththeprojectexternally,assuringherthattheywouldbeabletoplanitontheirown. In this project, student leaders had totake up greater leadership responsibilitiesandbemore independent,as compared toanoverseasCIPtriporganisedbytheschool. Ms. Nguyen contacted the Mai HoaCentre in Vietnam, and a student leaderthere was appointed to head a group of Vietnamesevolunteerstobegininteractingwiththechildren. Their main programme, Abun-DANCE,was a onedaypublic awarenesseventinHoChiMinhCityon2June2010,which includedaHIV talk toeducate thepublic,performancesputupbyvolunteersand HIV-infected children, and a dancepartywherethepublicandtheHIV-infect-

edchildrenlearntamassdancetogether. Other activities were held, such as aphotography exhibition, a pledging boothandacandlelightmemorialceremonytopaytributetothosewhodiedof HIVinfection. “(Through this event), more peopleknowaboutHIV,andthatthe(HIV-infected)childrenarejustlikenormalchildren.Theyare less afraid, havingmore knowledge ontherisksof transmission,”saidMs.Nguyen.A second trip was held this year in June,with a new group of volunteers headingtheproject.TheAbunDANCEevent tookplaceon12June2011.

By Joey Ong

Edna Tan’s contribution is key to foster community as one.

By Erman Kasuandi

Unsung hero’s dedication to serve

“Love is also a language. Your love and care for the elderly is a language itself.”

Inabidtoinvolvetheyoungergenera-tion,theSNVolunteerClubhaspartneredwith different schools to get youths to bemoreinterestedinvolunteering.

Oneprojecttheyhaveworkedonistheroadshow‘YOUthGotHeart’,whichtheycollaborated with Raffles Junior College’sInteractClub. The exhibition held at the NationalLibrary Building aimed to promote com-munity service by encouraging youths toexplore thedifferentareasof volunteeringthatmightinterestthem. AsaVolunteerRecruitmentandTrain-ingOfficer,Mr.Limisresponsibleforallre-cruitmentandorientationactivitiesfornewvolunteersatthehome. Since taking over the programme, hehas introduced a “buddy and mentoring-system”,where new volunteers are pairedupwith seniors tohelp themadapt to theenvironment. Mr. Lim thinks that the problem of language barrier should not be an obsta-cle for young volunteers to communicatewiththeelderly. “Love is also a language. Your loveandcarefortheelderlyisalanguageitself.Touch need not be translated into actualwords,”hesaid. Chairman of the SNVoulnteerClubJordy Neo, 26, shared similar sentimentsandsaid,“actionsspeaklouderthanwords.Itsnotabouthowyousay it,buthowyouexpressit.” The SN Volunteer club organisesweekly activities for the elderly such asphysiotherapy,games, festivalcelebrations,handicraftsessions,musictherapy,andout-ingstothenearbyfoodcentre.

Lim Meng HuiVolunteer Recruitment and Training Officer


Meng Hui

(third from left)

and members

from the SN

Volunteer Club


the elderly

through song

and dance

during a

music therapy


Ms. Nguyen Vo Tuong Vi (left) hosting Vietamese Psychologist Professor, Mr. Phan (centre), and “the Asian Heroine“, Ms. Pham Thu Hue, a HIV-infected lady, during the HIV talk at the abunDANCE event.



Mdm. Tan (centre) planning out the routes to take for house visits.

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8 North West Journal August - September 2011


Nonya Chicken Tempra

Cafe, Appetite75, not only aims to serve good food, but teaches its customers how to cook.

Appetite75isaperanakancafesituatedinPandanValleyCondo,whichservesau-thenticperanakandishes. Located along Ulu Pandan Road, itopenedonApril18thisyearbyowner,Ge-nevieveSeow.


Appetite75 Cooking Studio will conduct lessons starting from September this year.

Painting Singapore’s History

With new developments happening every second, the face of Singapore is an ever-changing one, but Diana Francis aims to preserve its heritage through her artworks.

OriginallyfromLondon,England,Di-anaFrancisisanexpatriatehereinSinga-porewhoseartisinspiredbythesightsandsoundsof Singaporestreets.

“Myartaimstoreflecttheeverydaylifeof Singaporecultureand…itsuniquearchi-tecturebothpastandpresent,”saidFrancis,whoownsherownartstudioatChipBee,nearHollandVillage.

Mrs. Francis hopes that through herpaintings,peoplewillberemindedof whatSingaporeusedtobe.

Theaimof herpaintingsareassuchasitbecameapparenttoMrs.Francisthatthe

new generation has become increasingly“ignorantandoblivious”tothepastof thisnation.

“It is important to remember yourroots,”shesaid.whichiswhyherworksallfocusonbringingforththeforgottenstoriesof Singapore.

Mrs. Francis also works with the Na-tional Heritage Board, selling postcardswithherpaintingsprintedonthem.Theseworks have a simple mission, whichis to remind and educate buyers of Singapore’snationalheritage.

are planning to study overseas, the classeswillenablethemtolearnhowtocooksimpleandnutritiousdishes. Award winning chefs will be hiredtoconductthelessons.Therecipestaughtwill be unique as they are the chef ’spersonal creation, and cannot be foundincookbooks.

Dance and drink to your heart’s contentAttitude Performing Arts Studio has six studios as well as a cafe incorporated in it.

Attitude Performing Arts Studio(APAS), locatedatBukitTimahPlaza,notonly houses dance studios, but also a cafécalledFringe. Co-founder of APAS, Aldo Gan,said, “There was a demand for a caféand with my F&B background, ithappenednaturally.” APAS aims to promote an active andhealthy lifestyle by conducting classes foryoga,pilates,hiphopandbodycombatinitssixmirroredstudios. Withglasspanelsseparatingthedancestudioand thecafe,patronsof Fringecansatisfytheirviewingpleasureswiththestu-dio’srehearsalsandpractices,thatattimes,have intrigued themselves to take up thedanceorfitnesslessons.

Block 2, Pandan Valley Condominium #01-206 Singapore 597626


Other than in-house dining, Appetite75 also provides catering services for Peranakan food.


The cafe offers a range of local to peranakan to western food.

Appetite75 Cafe

10.30am- 6pm Daily

10am-6pm (closed on Mondays)

Purely Peranakan

By Lee Ker Yuan

For Ms.Seow, qual-ity and tastematters the

Gravy Ingredients

½ cup of water1 tablespoon dark soya sauce1 tablespoon vinegar1 tablespoon cornflourSalt and sugar

Ingredients½ chicken, chopped,seasoned with salt and pepper1 large onion, sliced1 green chilli, sliced lengthwise1 red chilli, sliced lengthwise4 cloves of garlicHandful of shallots, sliced, fried then pounded

Directions1. Heat 3 tablespoons of oil in a pot and fry the chicked. Set aside when done.2. Fry the onions and chilli. Add the pounded fried shallots and gravy.3. Place the chicken back in the pot and simmer till tender.

Appetite75 Cafe Block 2, Pandan Valley Condominium#01-206, Singapore 597626

Opening Hours: 10:30 am to 6:00 pm

By Gwee Yi Xuan

ATTITUDE Performing Arts Studio / Fringe Cafe

No. 1, Jalan Anak BukitBukit Timah Plaza #01-29 & 16Singapore 588996

Opening Hours: 9:00 am to 9:30 pm (closed on Public Hoildays)

By Natalie Ang

Diana Francis Studio

Workloft @ Chip BeeBlock 43, Jalan Merah Saga#12-74, Singapore 278115

Opening Hours: 10:00 am to 6:00 pm (closed on Mondays)


Enjoy a cup of coffee at Fringe Cafe, or dance away at Attitude Performing Arts Studio.



“Cooking must come from the heart.”

mostwhenitcomestoservingfood,sothatcustomers can leave the cafewith a goodexperience. “Cookingmustcomefromtheheart,”shesaid. Some of Appetite75’s specialty dishesinclude authentic Peranakan Beef Ren-dang,YongTauFu,NasiLemakandAyamBuakKeluak. “IlovetheirBeef Rendang,it’ssosoftand tender.And they really treatmewellwheneverIeatat theircafe,” saidPhoebeYee,aregularcustomeratAppetite75. “Peranakan dishes are my mother’sspeciality,andshewantedtorecreatesomedishes from her childhood”, said Beth,

Ms. Seow’s daughter who is also runningthecafe. The cafe also has a cooking stu-dio upstairs called Appetite75 Studio,which will open in September fordemonstrationlessons. “Theobjectiveof thecookingstudioistomakecookingsimpleenoughandattain-ableforeverybody,”saidMs.Seow. These cooking classes specially target

newly weds,d o m e s t i chelpers, newmothers andstudents who

Genevieve SeowOwner of Appetite75 Cafe