nowhere - raising community awareness

Now and Here Writer: Perus Saranurak Raise Community Awareness (from designers to facilitators) Volume 2 - Futures of Sociability MA Design Futures and Metadesign, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK

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“how can designers inspire the members of the community to raise their awareness in the living area?” Shifting the role of "designers" to "facilitators", From object to workshop, and let's the members in community can develop their living together, under the concept of Prosumer (an active consumer) This essay tries to extend this concept from an individual scale to a collaborative scale – designing the momentum to activate community. The writer tends to explore the practical and tangible solutions for creating the guideline of future sociability. Moreover, it would be good if the community member could involve in developing their area. Transform the role of "designers" to "facilitators" by: Perus Saranurak, 16 Jan 2014,Volume 2 -Futures of Sociability, MA Design Futures and Metadesign at Goldsmiths, University of London, London, UK. Postgraduate project work 'Future of Sociability'.


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Now and Here

Writer:Perus Saranurak

Raise Community Awareness(from designers to facilitators)

Volume 2 - Futures of SociabilityMA Design Futures and Metadesign, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK

Page 2: NowHere - Raising community awareness

Volume 2 (2014) Futures of sociability MA Design Futures and Metadesign, Goldsmiths, university of London, UK

Cover image: Milmark Grove: community along the way to Goldsmiths by Perus Saranurak “In the morning I always walk to Goldsmiths on this road, and the people living here always greet me “Good morning”. It is different from Bangkok, no one greets me.”

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Now and Here Raise community awareness

Designers → Community Facilitators

“How can designers inspire the members of a community to raise their community awareness?”

Writer: Perus Saranurak

MA Design Futures student [Product designer and Metadesigner]

Reader: Sustainable design students Social Enterprise Policy makers

MA Design Futures programme Goldsmiths, university of London

2nd edition

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MA Design Futures and Metadesign, Department of Design, Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom

Perus Saranurak, 2014

First edition printed on 16th January 2014 Revised and updated edition printed on 17th July 2014

Design by Perus Saranurak Printed and bound in London by Perus Saranurak

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To Hannah Jones, Mathilda Tham and John Wood, who extend my perspective of futures and design possibilities

To my family, who give me the freedom to think, and always support

To you, who think better futures can be created by us

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Preface ........................................................................................................................... viii

About writer ................................................................................................................. x

Glossary ........................................................................................................................ xi

Nowhere ........................................................................................................................... 1

Speed culture ............................................................................................................... 2

Lonely together ........................................................................................................... 3

“Nowhere” or “Now and Here” - Where are we? ................................................ 4

We are Now and Here ................................................................................................... 5

What is community? ................................................................................................... 5

The community motivation ........................................................................................ 7

Rebuild community awareness ................................................................................ 8

Design for Togetherness ........................................................................................... 10

Community from making ......................................................................................... 11

Community from sharing ......................................................................................... 12

Community from helping ......................................................................................... 13

Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 14

Self-reflection .............................................................................................................. 15

Appendix ........................................................................................................................ 17

Working processes

Reference ....................................................................................................................... 21

Bibliography .................................................................................................................. 22

Image reference ........................................................................................................... 23

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practices which are used for regenerating the community awareness; to bring the locals together by sharing and co-creating - “How can designers inspire the members of a community to raise their awareness in living together?”

[The readers]

In these days the role of designers has more potential in developing society. The design students should have the community awareness, and thus they know how to use design to enrich the community. This essay focuses on sustainable design students as the main readers.

Also, this research could be the early stage of my professional aspiration in being a part of community development. For the next steps, I would like to develop this idea to match with the Bangkok contexts, my hometown, and create the strategies to raise the community. Consequently, it could become the concept of a social enterprise or workshop, awareness and to solve some social problems there.

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About writer

Perus Saranurak was born in Thailand in 1985. He studied Industrial Design at King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang in Bangkok, Thailand, and worked as a product designer in Product and Branding design consultancy for 3 years.

Before he came to Goldsmiths, he was suffering from the design role, which has to keep allure consumers to buy more and be endlessly unsatisfied. The identification of newness, lack and status has been used to drag consumers far from sustainable happiness. Then he has studied Buddhism and meditation for understanding its perspective of life and happiness.

In 2013-14 he was studying in MA Design Futures and Metadesign at Goldsmiths. There is a tipping point for shifting his perspective and thinking framework about design.

Perus Saranurak MA Design Futures + Metadesign (2013-2014)

He enjoys exchanging ideas, experiences and perception with readers.

Contract: Email: [email protected]

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Now and Here - the perceptions of time and space at the present; the perception of time is the sense in a linear sequence between pass and future; and the perception of space is the sense in addressing the location and the geographical distance.

In these days, both of them have been distorted and confused by the technology in transportation people and information. And it relates to isolation and social problem, which will be explained in this essay.

Alienation - Karl Marx said that the alienation of labour is incredibly important in how people think about the connection to what they are doing. Ariely (2012) says if one person do all 12 steps of producing a pin, he or she cares about the pin. But if one makes only one step every time, maybe he or she doesn't care as much.

Awareness - Consciousness in remembering of how important of things may have been forgotten.

Community - An interactive group of populations in a common environment. Local relate to location.

Community Awareness and Togetherness - The perception of value from interdependence with other persons in a common location. [I did not use “local” because I want to emphasise the sense of collaboration.]

Metadesign – a self-defining frameworks helping designers [as everyone could be] to change paradigms in many scales. In terms of designing, metadesign shifts the role of designer from designing to facilitating the group of people to create a collaborative design.

Collaborate - The process of two or more people working with each other to achieve shared goals.

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MA Design Futures, Goldsmiths, University of London 1

Nowhere A lack of the community awareness

[Good nowhere]

“Good morning” is just a general greeting word, but it also makes us to consider to the surroundings and time. In this chapter I will explain the meaning of a community and the movement of community when the technologies draw us to be less concerned about space and time.

Time and space in term or technology


[Technological influences]

Life in these days seems to be more convenient by the swift technological development of transportation and communication (figure 2). These technologies enable us to be independence from the limitation of the physical dimensions (time and space). The ways of living and working become more independent. As we can see the clear evidence in 21th century, there is the increase of freelancers who decide not to go to work in an office, but, instead, they prefer to stay in a café or their house. Also, you can do a business while you are on the vacation. These mean, beneficially, we can work any place and contact others at any time. Furthermore, Goodwin (2009: 65) explains about the relationship between the people in the community, in the changing of technology, that “Social

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diversity has also allowed for the development of new ties that go beyond the local area”.

Speed(+) = Distance(+) / Time(-)

In physic, when the distance is longer and the time is shorter, it means the speed increases. Thus, the technological effect, affecting how we live and think, could be called ““Speed Culture”

Speed culture

On the other hands, this situation speeds up our lives. According to Dominic Strinati (1992), he explains about this circumstance that because the speed and scope of modern mass communication and transportation could distort and confuse the ‘sense of space and time’ by using media as a significant example. Until now the technology and media tend to lead us to lose the sense of space and time. It could be meant now we do not have to belong to them. In the other words, we less concern the surroundings, which appear in front of us, and we become alienative, less related to what we have done. Dan Ariely explains about alienation in the industrial revolution period that in that time the idea of Adam Smith was more correct than Karl Marx; the productivity is more important than the meaningfulness of labours. Consequently, this progress directs us to live isolated.

[We to me]

Moreover, technology tends to replace a human relationship because It has been created to replace human works and to extend the human’s capability to complete tasks with less people or by an individual. This situation has a significant effect in the evolution of the relationship in community. According to Homans (cited by Crow 1997, p.19), he revealed the effect of the modernization in 1951 that “The need for neighbours to work together became much less than it had been”. Consequently, the world becomes ‘the post-place community’ coined by Bradshaw (cited by Brennan 2013, p.12) and he explained “community so defined has,

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historically, shared boundaries with one’s geography of residence (town, neighbourhood, city), but today the loss of place identity does not imply the loss of community since solidarity among people no longer needs to be tied to a place”.


Lonely together

Why living in a big city with many people can make people feel lonely more than living a small town? Thinking about a regular office worker’s life in the big city; waking up in the morning; hurry commuting to work in a closed box, such as a private car or even the public transportation; working in another closed box; and going back and locking ourselves inside another box, called private space; and enjoy watching the world outside through cables or an internet, which are an indirect or second-hand experience, and chat with the online friends.

[Living in isolated paradigm]

This speed routine distracts people from directly experiencing the reality world, which has many people living together, but ignores each other and labels them a ‘stranger’. The decreasing of awareness in the community relates to the consciousness of space and time, which is distorted indirectly by technology and media. The inhabitants thus seem to be less

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concern in their environment; both the nature and the human such as communities, neighbours and families because they feel that they can escape into hyperreal worlds sometime, so they do not need to take the responsibility to care or improve the community area, and it sometimes affect back to the inhabitants’ living quality. Following this paradigm, the Zion in The Matrix where everyone lives in individual bag and plugs themselves in hypereality, would be possible in our futures.

[Concealed problem]

Mental abandons of local responsibility

Moreover, this social phenomenon possibly could become the problem in the living areas because it leads local areas to be less considered by the inhabitants, who probably leave the responsibilities in their land to the mayors and government. Further, when the area was left, a problem can happen and become more serious without anyone noticing, especially drug and crime problems.

“Nowhere” or “Now and Here” - Where are we?

The paradigm, which leads us to a lack of the community awareness, supposes to be changed. In Buddhist meditation, the trainees have to practice their mind by focusing on the present state of being and doing. In this essay, this consciousness would be represented as “Now and Here”, In the next chapter this essay will explain the designing roadmap for raising community awareness from ‘Nowhere’ to ‘Now and here’.

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collective praxis’ ”. This could mean the co-activities, such as collaboration, participation or sport, are more important for being a community than merely the status, living in the room next door. The members’ interaction and participation possibly build up a network of relationship and then it will become a community. Moreover, some artist creates an event for improving the city by gathering the diverse roles in that city and let them exchange their opinions (Kester, 2004, p.1-3).

“The future is not some place we are going, but one we are creating. The paths are not to be found, but made. And the activity of making them changes both the maker and the destination.” - John H. Schaar

[Together we can]

From this statement, a good community is not difficult to if the members participate. As a same metaphor, after soil grows the trees, the trees also would conversely protect the soil and make that area become plentiful.

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The Community Motivation Design involvement in raising community awareness

The community awareness seems to be important and beneficial for the members. So In this chapter, I will write about how the community members can participate and create a better community. As In Tony Fry (2011, p.xi) states in the beginning of ‘Design as politic’ that “future has to be made, not assume as given”.

Designers support the community for raising awareness?

As a metadesigner, I love exploring the potential of design in different frameworks. According to Alastair Fuad-Luke and Tony Fry, they have shown interesting design capacities which could be used to redefine the role of a designer and show the new side of the interaction with the societies in their books, ‘design activism’ and ‘design as politics’:

“Over the past few years, several design approaches are emerging to challenge the sustainability agenda and look beyond eco-efficiency. These include co-design, social design, slow design and metadesign.” (Fuad-Luke, 2009, p.77)

“…ddesign gives material form and directionality to the ideological embodiment of a particular politics. … ddesign expresses power materially and in ways that shape how people interact and ontologically prefigures their material culture and economy.” (Fry, 2011, p.6)

Moreover, from studying metadesign in MA Design Furues, there are many methods in metadesign which could be used to develop communities and bring the members to collaborate working.

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Rebuild community awareness

[Bring back the sense of community]

According to previous chapter, Kester suggests that the interaction and participation in the community will build community. This reminds me the experiences of lunch parties which the Goldsmiths tutors sometime ask the students to bring their traditional meal for sharing a lunch (figure 5). This could be the example in earlier creating community in the university. Furthermore, to bring back the sense of community, this essay will focus on how to encourage the community members to take an action with other members.


[What can motivate people to work?]

Generally, the economic system looks at an employer in very flat dimension which only use money to motivate workers. However, Dan Ariely (2012) explains about a good feeling in the working in his TED talk that the motivation for working is not only money. He states it also has

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other 6 aspects in giving the meaning in their work: Meaning, Creation, Challenges, Ownership, Identity, and Pride.

From these working aspects, they have a potential for encouraging the members in the community to participate an activity or an event in community development, and they could achieve the different motivations from their routine career.


On the other hands, by working in the group, it is necessary to have a role for staffs. Vanessa Miemis (2010) supported “As we become more interconnected and accessible, we need to be able to search for each other not only by topic of interest, but by the types of people with whom we’d like to collaborate”, and (figure 6) she categorizes the different roles for collaboration. Moreover, she shows the remarkable tool for collaboration as a web-based system.


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Design for Togetherness Designers → Community Facilitators

“If you give a fish to a human, you will feed him for a day - if you give someone a fishing rod, you will feed him for life” (Chinese Proverb)

Metadesign extends this notion to “if we can provide the knowledge, the know-how, and the tools for making fishing rods, we can feed the whole community” stated Fischer (2003). Metadesign will advance design framework for sociability; designer does not stand in the role of a provider but play in the role of a facilitator. In this role, the designer has a higher potential to gather members in the community and to encourage them to work together.

“How can designers inspire the members of the community to raise their community awareness?”

[From small action goes big]

In terms of actions, there do not always invest a lot of money or time. Dov Seidman gives some example in his talk ‘The Era of Behaviour’ on 31st Oct 2013. He says the current communication technology can support individuals to make a big change. For example, only one tweet from a nine-year-old girl who complains about an unhealthy meal at school can, consequently, create the policy for healthy meals in many US schools in a few years. It shows that even a small action can change the community, and the community could improve if the members consider.

Community Participation

Making Sharing Helping

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Community from making

Nowadays, social system tends to dislocate the production from consumption. The CEO of IDEO, Tim Brown (2009, cite by Tham, 2013) notices that the every interaction should has a balance between ‘taking’ and ‘making’. However, our current lifestyle can lead to unsustainable consuming because we are only “making” in our job, but “taking” from everywhere. Therefore, he supports to be able to measure the ability to consume compare ability to create. However, the alienation in our work system obstructs us to realize our “making” ability. Designers have a capability to enrich the making lifestyle and re-balance both “taking” and “making” in a society.

[Open workshop]

Now the technology of production has been developed much more in the small scale, such as 3D printing and Audrino. There is some building that provides the space for doing making activities in the community.


The ‘‘London Hackspace’ (figure 7) is an open-workshop which is a well-organize service design, and welcomes everyone to participate in learning and making own projects. I visited there and interviewed the members in June 2014. Most of them are living around the workshop’s area, and come

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to do their hobby after their work, here is like a club which the member can share idea for making stuff and they become friends.

To spend time to create things happened as a hobby is type happiness, I wrote in Hacking Happiness (2013). As product designers, we can work with the folks as a consultancy. Growing the seed of Prosumer into that community. For the individual Prosumer concept, it encourages the attitude of makers by providing tools and environments for making. Also, the open workshop brings people in a community around it get together, and share ideas to learn how to make from each other. There is the Prosumer community.

[Re-language Ownership]

Community from sharing

There is the decline of the trend of individual ownership. Co-ownership or sharing behaviour becomes the new alternative way of consumption. According to Lada Gorlenko’s article (2013) ‘How To Design For The Sharing Economy’, Consumers tend to less interested in owning the stuffs for the long-term. She mentions people no longer only share their news, but now many people start sharing their stuff via their networks. She has coined it ‘Collaborative consumption’ when the consumer increasingly consumes via renting and sharing. The change of ownership definition could make the community can one consuming unit.

“The phenomenon is also about creating a new type of peer-to-peer commerce, making meaningful connections, and establishing a sense of trust among those involved.” (Gorlenko, 2013)

In durable emotional design, Chapman (2005) introduced an approach of sustainability that "not [only] a design of durable products, but the design of durable meaning and value that product deliver". From my metadesigner role, Designers can design the meaning of connection and

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togetherness to encourage the new perception and behaviour of co-ownership; Design collaborative experiences; Design for organizing a co- schedule and co-resources.

Community from helping

Design the platform to support people who want to support others. The Metro Police Volunteer (MPV) could be a good example of this aspect in the UK. -

[Voluntary police]

In 2001, The metropolitan police established the MPV programme in which the community members can be a volunteer to lend their skill and free time to make their community safer. By the interconnection between police and community, it can create better relationships and improve their services which both are beneficial.

This programme has a good feedback. Some volunteer says this is a chance to better understand their own community. Moreover, Mahmud Rahim, the MPV manager, says the volunteers would receive the rewarding experience where they have the sense of give something back to the community.

Further examples

By focusing on some projects on improving society, these could be the best example about design practice in society. These are other project encouraging the members of a community to support each other.

Brixton pound - to support the local economy by communities can raise community awareness. Time banking - using time as currency, which can withdraw and deposit. Spending ‘time’ from helping others. Design against crime - design practices for addressing security in society. - Bespoke - using design for improving the intercommunication in the neighbourhood level. -

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Community is created by the participation of the members. In terms of designer, this essay shows that design for community is not difficult or complex, but the designers have to understand the role of design for the community because it has the different perspective of designing for the economy - from designing objects to designing activities, tools and scenarios. Design can let people think beyond themselves and consumerism, and it facilitates community members to be Prosumer and to collaborate with others.

From my design experiences, designers have a capability of thinking and doing to lead sustainability in the community.. I believe that sustainability should start from the inside, from awareness. The role of sustainable designers is to awake this awareness and facilitate their sustainable needs.

Now and Here is just one of many design aspects which would like to encourage designers to consider and involve in developing areas and communities. Finally, I hope some examples and design approach in this essay could inspire you to give, share or support your community. ;)

[Good Now, and Good Here ]

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Self-reflection [Background]

Whilst working on this essay, it has developed my perceptions about sociability and my designer’s role. This essay seems to be my self-criticize because many of my designs are environmental and community careless. That reflects my perception of sociability, I always live isolated. I was born in the period of developing personal computer, and also my family provides a private space for all members for letting everyone free to learn and do by themselves. One the other hand, my family lives quite separately in our private even sharing the same roof. Personally, I rarely feel I belong to this house. By lacking of awareness, this leads me to do not much concern in improving my living area because it is not my responsibility.

Furthermore, this experience could be scaled up into the level of community or nation. The members in the community in these days tend to live more separately. The decline of local community awareness has affected on city development. This community relationship would create the ignored space where members do not take a responsibility for it and leave it to the government.

This might be the serious problem in the future. So, in this essay I explore the meaning of community awareness and the opportunities to participate in regenerating area, which could help me understand about the “sense of community” clearer, starting at fixed myself.


Moreover, while studying, I found this topic can extend my designer role. The community is the coherence between my profession of product design and metadesign. Nowadays, designers have opportunities to play in the bigger role, such as in a critical role, activist role, political role, rather than an economic role. This opportunity could enable designers to help community to analyse problems and develop the system.

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Furthermore, this topic would be helpful to envision the design potential for young designers. I wrote this essay as a material for educating design students about the shifting of relationship and space which can develop into a sustainable community. While I am studying in ‘MA Design Futures’ at Goldsmiths, the methods and knowledge in this program can develop my profession to be a lecturer and design teacher. Especially, this essay topic would be a relevant issue for design students to holistically understand the design role in terms of sociability. Nevertheless, it can reflect I believe that, to develop the community, designers have to have community awareness first, and then they would design anything with sustainable perspective.

This would be great if this essay could be read by the others, not only students, and it can inspire them to consider their community.

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Appendix Working processes

Exploring meaning

To understand the topic ‘Futures of Sociability’, I looked for the definitions of ‘sociability’ in different sources to exploring the concept and create alternative ideas, as eepistemology

Dictionary definitions



1. The act or an instance of being sociable. 2. The quality, state, disposition, or inclination of being sociable.

Origin: 1425–75; late Middle English; see ‘ssociable’, ’–iity’



1. Inclined to aassociate with or be in the ccompany of oothers. 2. FFriendly or aagreeable in ccompany; companionable. 3. CCharacterized by aagreeable companionship: a sociable evening at the

home of friends.


4. Chiefly Northern and Midland U.S. an informal social gathering, especially of mmembers of a church.

Origin: 1545–55; <Latin sociābilis, equivalent to ssociā ( re ) to unite + --bilis –ble

From book Social by social p.6

The word ‘‘social’ is often used to imply all the various work that goes on in the public and third sector, and by individuals, to improve the world around us, care for each other, create value for communities and tackle the problems and inequalities of the world. (Social enterprise. Social conscience. Social problems.)

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And ‘‘social’ is also used by technologists and the media to refer to the new two-way communications technologies available via the internet and digital technologies. Communications which create society, strengthen relationships, support social interactions. (Social media. Social network. Social infrastructure.)

Vocabulary mapping


[This step is like to find an unknown]

These are some examples of my epistemology method. The diverse sources help to understand the meaning and perception of ‘sociability’ in broad perspective. Moreover, I really like the ‘Vocabulary Mapping’ (figure 8) because it reveals some surprising relations, following the word synonym, which give a new way to understanding and interpretation.

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Ariely, D. (2012) What Makes Us Feel Good About Our Work?. TEDx, Rio de la Plata. [accessed 05/01/14].

Brennan, M.A, P.Z.C. Frumento, J.C. Bridger and T.R. Alter (2013) ‘Introduction: Theory, Practice, and Community Development’ In M.A. Brennan, J.C. Bridger and T.R. Alter (eds.) Theory, Practice, and Community Development. New York: Routledge. pp.1-7.

Chapman, J. (2005) Emotionally durable design: Objects, experiences and empathy. London: Earthscan.

Crow, G. (1997) ‘Sociological Perspectives on Neighbouring and Community’ In P. Hoggett(ed.) Contesed Communities: Experiences, Struggles, Politics. Briston: The Policy Press. pp.17-30.

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Image reference

Figure 1: tetrahedron mapping of this essay. by author Figure 2: speed culture.


Figure 3: lonely in big city. by author.Figure 4: planting.


Figure 5: launch party. by author.

Figure 6: roles for collaboration.


Figure 7: London Hackspace. /poolFigure 8: vocabulary mapping of ‘sociable’.


Figure 9: Idea mapping. by author.

Figure 10: Holistically mapping & Tetrahedron mapping. by author.

Figure 11: focusing on the purpose and relation by grand question and tetrahedron mapping. by author.

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