
Observation beyond our eyes We typically think of observations as having been seen "with our own eyes," but in science , observations can take many forms. Of course, we can make observations directly by seeing, feeling, hearing, and smelling, but we can also extend and refine our basic senses with tools: thermometers, microscopes, telescopes, radar, radiation sensors, X-ray crystallography, mass spectroscopy, etc. And these tools do a better job of observing than we can! Further, humans cannot directly sense many of the phenomena that science investigates (no amount of staring at this computer screen will ever let you see the atoms that make it up or the UV radiation that it emits), and in such cases, we must rely on indirect observations facilitated by tools. Through these tools, we can make many more observations much more precisely than those our basic senses are equipped to handle. Observations yield what scientists call data . Whether the observation is anexperimental result, radiation measurements taken from an orbiting satellite, an infrared recording of a volcanic eruption, or just noticing that a certain bird species always thumps the ground with its foot while foraging — they're all data. Scientists analyze and interpret data in order to figure out how those data inform their hypotheses and theories . Do they support one idea over others, help refute an idea, or suggest an entirely new explanation? Though data may seem complex and be represented by detailed graphs or complex statistical analyses, it's important to remember that, at the most basic level, they are simply observations. Observations inspire, lend support to, and help refute scientific hypotheses and theories. However, theories and hypotheses (the fundamental structures of scientific knowledge) cannot be directly read off of nature. A falling ball (no matter how detailed our observations of it may be) does not directly tell us how gravity works, and collecting observations of all the different finch species of the Galapagos Islands does not directly tell us how their beaks evolved. Scientific knowledge is built as people come up with hypotheses and theories, repeatedlytest them against observations of the natural world , and continue to refine those explanations based on new ideas and observations. Observation is essential to the process of science, but it is only half the picture. Scientists observe, explore, discover, and communicate with one another. The process of science involves observation, exploration, testing, communication, and application. Scientific observations can be made directly with our own senses or may be made indirectly through the use of tools. Scientists look for patterns in what they observe. (P1, P4, P5, NOS2)

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que ee la observacion


Page 1: Observación

Observation beyond our eyes

We typically think of observations as having been seen "with our own eyes," but in science, observations can take many forms. Of course, we can make observations directly by seeing, feeling, hearing, and smelling, but we can also extend and refine our basic senses with tools: thermometers, microscopes, telescopes, radar, radiation sensors, X-ray crystallography, mass spectroscopy, etc. And these tools do a better job of observing than we can! Further, humans cannot directly sense many of the phenomena that science investigates (no amount of staring at this computer screen will ever let you see the atoms that make it up or the UV radiation that it emits), and in such cases, we must rely on indirect observations facilitated by tools. Through these tools, we can make many more observations much more precisely than those our basic senses are equipped to handle.

Observations yield what scientists call data. Whether the observation is anexperimental result, radiation measurements taken from an orbiting satellite, an infrared recording of a volcanic eruption, or just noticing that a certain bird species always thumps the ground with its foot while foraging — they're all data. Scientists analyze and interpret data in order to figure out how those data inform their hypotheses and theories. Do they support one idea over others, help refute an idea, or suggest an entirely new explanation? Though data may seem complex and be represented by detailed graphs or complex statistical analyses, it's important to remember that, at the most basic level, they are simply observations.

Observations inspire, lend support to, and help refute scientific hypotheses and theories. However, theories and hypotheses (the fundamental structures of scientific knowledge) cannot be directly read off of nature. A falling ball (no matter how detailed our observations of it may be) does not directly tell us how gravity works, and collecting observations of all the different finch species of the Galapagos Islands does not directly tell us how their beaks evolved. Scientific knowledge is built as people come up with hypotheses and theories, repeatedlytest them against observations of the natural world, and continue to refine those explanations based on new ideas and observations. Observation is essential to the process of science, but it is only half the picture.

Scientists observe, explore, discover, and communicate with one another.The process of science involves observation, exploration, testing, communication, and application.Scientific observations can be made directly with our own senses or may be made indirectly through the use of tools.Scientists look for patterns in what they observe. (P1, P4, P5, NOS2)Scientists look for patterns in their observations and data. (P4, P5) Raw data must be analyzed and interpreted before we can tell whether a scientific idea is likely to be accurate or inaccurate. (P4, P5)Raw data must be analyzed and interpreted before we can tell whether a scientific idea is likely to be accurate or inaccurate. (P4, P5)Analysis of data usually involves putting data into a more easily accessible format (visualization, tabulation, or quantification of qualitative data). (P4, P5)Raw data must be analyzed and interpreted before we can tell whether a scientific idea is likely to be accurate or inaccurate.Analysis of data usually involves putting data into a more easily accessible format (visualization, tabulation, or quantification of qualitative data).

MISCONCEPTION: Scientists' observations directly tell them how things work (i.e., knowledge is "read off" nature, not built).

Page 2: Observación

CORRECTION: Because science relies on observation and because the process of science is unfamiliar to many, it may seem as though scientists build knowledge directly through observation. Observation is critical in science, but scientists often make inferences about what those observations mean. Observations are part of a complex process that involves coming up with ideas about how the natural world works and seeing if observations back those explanations up. Learning about the inner workings of the natural world is less like reading a book and more like writing a non-fiction book — trying out different ideas, rephrasing, running drafts by other people, and modifying text in order to present the clearest and most accurate explanations for what we observe in the natural world. To learn more about how scientific knowledge is built, visit our section How science works.

Observation: In everyday language, the word observation generally means something that we've seen with our own eyes. In science, the term is used more broadly. Scientific observations can be made directly with our own senses or may be made indirectly through the use of tools like thermometers, pH test kits, Geiger counters, etc. We can't actually seebeta particles, but we can observe them using a Geiger counter. To learn more about the role of observation in science, visit Observation beyond our eyes in our section on how science works.

Fact Statement that is known to be true through direct observation. Since scientific ideas are inherently tentative, the term fact is more meaningful in everyday language than in the language of science. Data Information gleaned from observations — usually observations that are made in a standardized way. The term data generally refers to raw data — information that has not yet been analyzed. Data (multiple pieces of information) is the plural form of datum (a single piece of information).

Question what you observe. How does bleach lighten your clothes? How do bees find their way back to the hive? What causes the phases of the moon?

Acción de observar o mirar algo o a alguien con mucha atención y

detenimiento para adquirir algún conocimiento sobre su comportamiento o sus características.

Page 3: Observación

¿Qué es la observación?

La siguiente etapa del método científico es la observación. Observar científicamente

no equivale a percibir algo con los ojos o mirar detenidamente. Es algo más. La

observación científica difiere de la observación espontánea en que: 1) sirve a un objetivo de

investigación; 2) es planificada sistemáticamente 3) es controlada y relacionada con

proposiciones más generales (en vez de ser presentada como una serie de curiosidades); y

4) está sujeta a comprobaciones de validez y fiabilidad (debe ser replicable).

La observación científica registra los fenómenos tal y como se presentan, pero esto

no significa que el observador sea un simple espectador. El investigador debe diseñar una

estrategia para descubrir un aspecto profundo del objeto que está estudiando. Por eso debe

organizar su estrategia en cinco fases: Primero, tiene que identificar un problema. Segundo,

debe formular una hipótesis sobre el problema. Tercero, con la hipótesis formulada, debe

hacer el levantamiento y registro de datos. Cuatro, debe realizar un análisis de lo observado

y, finalmente, comunicar los resultados.

Durante el proceso de observación es importante no alterar los resultados obtenidos

con prejuicios o ideas previas que pongan en riesgo la validez de las observaciones. Para

hacer un registro fidedigno de la realidad, se puede hace uso de un gran número de

instrumentos como microscopios, cámara fotográficas, termómetros, aceleradores de

partículas, rayos x, etc. Estas herramientas permiten ampliar el alcance de los sentidos y

realizar un registro más fidedigno del objeto estudiado. En conjunto, estos requisitos

permiten al investigador indagar sobre las características o comportamientos de los

fenómenos del mundo.