ocala evening star. (ocala, florida) 1908-06-12 [p...

J I J f Sr fI > L f > j h k J 1 0 t EIGHTOALA EVENING STAR FRIDAY JUNE 1 1G08 noeTORS MIST21IrES r Are said often to be burled six fret odes ground But jnany times women call on their family physicians suffering as they Imagine one from dyspepsia another from 1 heart disease another from liver or kid- ney ¬ disease another from nervous pros tratlon another with pain here and there a and In this way they present alike to themselves and their easygoing or over busy doctor separate diseases for which he assuming them to be such prescribes his pills and potions In reality they are 1 11 nymptoma caused by some uterine isease The sician > > norant of the I cause of suffer fngVfc treatment until large bills arc mide T erlnl patient gets no beUcrVjJ a the wrong treatment probably worse7A > o rm d yjno like Tjr p nr- rpser t ujt on reeled to the cpit s- k rr- f ve CT 1 re rejoyed the jigeasc tiiere by alspejirnjfaliftnose distressing ym ¬ comfort instead of prolonged misery it has been well said that na disease known is half cured i Dr Pierces FavorIte Prescription Is a clentlfic medicine devised an experienced and SkilUftl physician- and a a woman s r It fe made of natlve Amerlcan mediciliai roots and Imperfectly harmlessIn J t effects in aiiii conation u- Vr fUll m AS ajpowcrful Invigorating tonic Fa- vorite imparts strength to the whole system and to the organs dis ¬ tinctly feminine in particular For over- worked worn debil- itated ¬ teachers milliners dressmakers seamstresses shopgirls housekeepers xursingmothcrs and fe women gen- erally Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription f >> the greatest earthly boon un- equaled at an appetizing cordial and re- iterative ¬ tonic An a soothing and strengthening nerve foe Favorite Prescription U Is unequaled and Is invaluable in cluing nervous excitability Irritability nervous exhaustion nervous prostration neuralgia hysteria St Vitiiss dance and other distressing nervous symptoms commonly attendant upon functional and organic disease of the I uterus It induces refreshing sloe and relieves mental anxiety and despondency l Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets invigorate the stomach liver and bowels One W i three a dose Easy to take u candy r f I TEN THOUSAND IN LINE I Great Parade of the Confederate Vet erans in Birmingham Yesterday Birmingham June 12The parade of the heroes of the Confederacy yes- terdaY ¬ morning was a fitting climax r 9 to what is generally pronounced one f of the most successful reunions of the United Confederate Veterans With sprightly step measured to the air i ol strains the South loves the old I warriors no less than ten thousand strong traversed the twomile parade A f route between thousands of sympa- thetic and interested spectators and > there was not an accident nor the sign of a tbterlng step Loving hands f served ice water to the old men as they 1 passed along the route Pans were distributed and everything possible f was done to relieve the long tramp of th < tedium That the heroes were in excellent spirits was shown by the r 1113ct that many of them sang their old favorite camp songs as they marched such as Buttermilk Calvary Old Time Confederates and Bonnie Blue i- a Flag Many of they along various parts of the route ran foot races while s others jumped up and cracked their 1 heels together to show the exuberance- of feelings They were happy I and they left trail of tears v spectators for every one was touched by the sentimental appeal naturally I r f made by the appearance of the idols of Dixie Land And yet there were those in the parade who could not jump and skip Many who had left a leg or perhaps both legs on some bloody battle field enj ed the occa- sion ¬ as much as the others but they 4vere carried in vehicles and their ap ptarances drew forth if anything greater applause than the sight of the foot soldiers r c The parade formed shortly I after 11 sleek and required an hour and- ° forty minutes to pass a given Joint f General Clement AEvans the new commander in chief was at the head- of the column with his entire staff Last night thousands of veterans at- tended ¬ the big ball given at the Hip- podrome ¬ In honor of the veterans and their maids und sponsors fl COOK WANTED- A I competent cook wanted in small family Apply at Star office F I PREPARED INSTANTLY simply add boil t ii ins water cool and serve JOc per package ar all grocers 7 flavors Refuse substitutes u r r 1 Li 11 Jj Hi Y7I TIT D nij- rtPractical r- oM V I CARPENTER AND BUILDER k > f r Careful estimates made on all contract work Gives more and A better work for the money than t 1anyd other contractor I I Executors Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby given to all cred- itors ¬ ha legatees distributees and ° all other persons Jiayin claims or de- mands ¬ against the estate of Wiliamina Owen deceased to present the same to the undersigneji executor within two years Thcs J Owen AS Executor of the Last Will and Testament Wilamlna Owen Qcala Fla April llth 1908 f t f I I STORK FLY TANDEM- To the Home of Charles Yanak 72 Years Young at Hillsboro Conneticut Waterbury Conn June 12Chas- E Yanak tall straight active was seventytwo years old yesterday He invited a few of his friends to drink hs health at his farmhouse near Hills town > I The doctors upstairs with my wire Yanak told them He says we must be very quiet because and ho smiled significantly- A guest had just told Yanak that he was as young as ever when the dector leaning over the secondstory banisters called him into the hall The doctor held up two fingers like a man ordering zwei beer What gasped Yanak Twins said the doctor Girls tine big healthy babies Good gracious The storks must fly tandem around here exclaimed Yanak Then becoming exuberant he hurried a farm hand to Williamantic for a case of champagne He and his friends drank the wine to the long life and happiness of Mrs Yanak and to the of one Dr Isler who recommends that elderly gentlemen be Chloroformed to end their uselessness- Mrs Yanak who married some dozen years ago is forty years old PRESIDENT WARNS PANAMA Washington June 12In language- that cannot be mistaken the text of which was made public by the war de- partment ¬ yesterday the president and Secretary Taft have notified the Pan ¬ ama government that elections in that republic must be conducted fairly I STEAMER MERRIMAC SUNK Savannah Ga June 12The Mer rim ck Capt Pratt which arrived here yesterday brQught in the sur- vivors of the British steamship Car rilee Cape Ellis which was lost in 11w gulf stream three days ago Wal- ter ¬ Howe of the crew was lost after the steamer was abandoned HEALTH IS YOUTH I Disease and Sickness Bring Old Age I Herbine taken every morning be ¬ fore breakfast will keep you in ro- bust ¬ health fit you to ward off dis- ease ¬ I I It cures constipation bilious ¬ ness dyspepsia fever skin liver and kidney complaints It purifies the brood and clears the complexion Sold by AntiMonopoly Drugstore ROBBEDOF HIS WIFE I Spartanburg S C June 11W F Purns of Jackson county North Caro- lina ¬ while on a bridal trip across Panther mountain in Greenville coun- ty says he was robbed of his pretty young wife by a gang of six men after he had been bound beaten and robbed He and his wife stopped at I a cottage the mountains and during- the I night the men entered the room of the couple attacked Burns and took I hip wife down the mountain He says he Has not seen her since The au ¬ thorities are investigating the story Consumptives Made Comfortable Foleys Honey and Tar has cured I many cases of incipient consumption- and even in the advanced stages af- fords ¬ comfort and relief Refuse any I but the genuine Foleys Honey and I 1 ar Sold by all druggists i 100 REWARD We will pay 100 reward for the hocly or person of John Pickett ne- gro ¬ dark ginger cake small pox scars- on face weight about 165 pounds height about 5 feet 9 inches snaggle tooth and one gold tooth in front I walks a little slewfooted small thin moustache If seen in woods Win probably have small grip and double barrelled shotgun Wanted for the murder of Mr John N Potter on May 15th Signed McGehee Mayo ONLY ONE BEST Ocala People Give Credit Where Credit is Due People of Ocala who suffer with sick kidneys and bad backs want a kidney remedy that can be depended- upon I The best is Doanes Kidney Pills a medicine for the kidneys only made from pure roots and herbs and the only one that is backed by cures in Ocala Heres Ocala testimony- C F Hays living at 217 S Orange- St Ocala Fla says I have no doubt that heavy lifting caused my kidneys to become weakened I suf ¬ fered severely from pains in my back end was often so stiff and lame that 1 could hardly get about to do my nork Frequent headaches also both ¬ red me a great deal A friend rec- ommended ¬ Doans Kidney Pills I pro- cured ¬ a box at Tydings Cos drug- store and began their use They gave me more relief than all other remedies- I ever used put together To say that- I highly endorse Doans Kidney Pills In return for the great benefit I de ¬ rived from their use is mildly ex ¬ pressing the truth For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents FpsterMilburn Co Buffalo New York sole agents for the United States Remember the name Doans and take no other CITY MAPS FOR SALE The new city maps are now on sale at the office of the city Berk in the city hall Price 1 each Keep your eye on our show win dews The Bazaar Store 01 r N rR rij r I t w M I tv 1 A t f i J- j 1 PIANORepre- sents t all that is best of human endeavor in piano COIf r stiiicticn on broadest and most advanced ideas it is a recog ¬ nised art product appealing to the cultured musical taste It has won the highest attainable gface in the estimation of those who have carefully studied it1 l 1ot i only musicians 4 but t 4lt those who are ever ready to acknowledge marked sisperio have recognised its SUPERLATIVE QUALITIES abet voluntarily paid it unstinted praise This result has been accomplished because the Everett is a wonderful and original creation imitating no other piano but possessing many features entirely its own Its tone is musicalnot noisy Its 1 action while flexile and responsive has that firmness which betokens character It- o is essentially the musicians piano and preferred by the worlds greatest artists ofL At Wholesale Factory Prices Reasonable terms to suit the r I convenience of the customer x 1 7- j l 1 J y- r AR HARPER PIANO Ct l 306 Main Street JACKSONVILLE FLORIDA I L I J- Jr J vV BOYS > BOYS I 1 r We xvill give a years subscription co The American Boy to any A > boy who will bring us a new subscription to the Evening Star frr six months 250 Every boy in Ocala fan g tone sub scription to our paper and so earn a years free subscription to TIle < American Boy Let us tell you what it is like 4 e t l ti v s The American Boy < > > > IS A PROFUSELY ILLUSTR TED MONTHLY FOR BOYS r It is Without Question the Most Entertaining and Practical Magazine in the World for I > Young Americans > 1 c tt 1 < > a The Covers are in Colors 36 Pages Size of Ladies Home Journal I Tomlinson y arid Departments relating to all Boy Hobbies edited by experts It preaches the religion of DO1 and not that of DONT t R r Is doing more for the Uplift and Encouragement of Boys than any other agency Approved by parents and educators Boy5 of them husiastic for it c << 250000 everywhere ttJ The subtraction price of The American Boy is 100 i a year > < Come in and seb a copy < 994 You can earn i years subscripton with very little work t + Gail at the Office end Get at Copy sf the AMERICAN BOY J t f THE EVENING STAR I arrrrM I ST JOSEPHS ACADEMY 1- r LORETTQ Near Mandarin FLORIDA Boarding School for Boys Conducted by the Sisters ol St Joseph Young Boys from 8 to 14 years Received Carefully Trained d alongPhysical Intellectual Moral and Social Lines Healthy Location Magnificent wimmiug Pool Complete Equipment in Schoolrooms Dormitories Dining Hall and r Recreation Rooms J l- I 4 Apply for Prospectus to the SISTER SUPERIOR p ST JOSEPHS ACADEMY LORETTO FLA- J r j i Y 1- a Z f R Y

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Page 1: Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1908-06-12 [p EIGHT].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00869/0506.pdf · J I J f Sr fI > L f > h j k J 1 0 EIGHTOALA t EVENING STAR FRIDAY


I J f SrfI > L


jhk J




noeTORS MIST21IrESr Are said often to be burled six fret odes

ground But jnany times women call ontheir family physicians suffering as theyImagine one from dyspepsia another from

1 heart disease another from liver or kid-ney


disease another from nervous prostratlon another with pain here and there

a and In this way they present alike tothemselves and their easygoing or overbusy doctor separate diseases for whichhe assuming them to be such prescribeshis pills and potions In reality they are

1 11 nymptoma caused by some uterineisease The sician >

> norant of the I

cause of suffer fngVfc treatmentuntil large bills arc mide T erlnlpatient gets no beUcrVjJ a thewrong treatment probably worse7A

> o rm d yjno like Tjr p nr-rpsert ujt on reeled to the cpit s-


f ve CT 1 re rejoyed thejigeasc tiiereby alspejirnjfaliftnose distressing ym ¬

comfort instead ofprolonged misery it has been well saidthat na disease known is half curedi Dr Pierces FavorIte Prescription Is aclentlfic medicine devisedan experienced and SkilUftl physician-and a a woman s rIt fe made of natlve Amerlcan mediciliairoots and Imperfectly harmlessIn J teffects in aiiii conation u-


fUll mAS ajpowcrful Invigorating tonic Fa-

vorite imparts strength tothe whole system and to the organs dis ¬

tinctly feminine in particular For over-worked worn debil-itated


teachers milliners dressmakersseamstresses shopgirls housekeepersxursingmothcrs and fe women gen-erally Dr Pierces Favorite Prescriptionf>> the greatest earthly boon un-equaled at an appetizing cordial and re-iterative


tonicAn a soothing and strengthening nerve

foe Favorite Prescription U Is unequaledand Is invaluable incluing nervous excitability Irritabilitynervous exhaustion nervous prostrationneuralgia hysteria St Vitiissdance and other distressing nervoussymptoms commonly attendant uponfunctional and organic disease of the

I uterus It induces refreshing sloe andrelieves mental anxiety and despondencyl Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets invigoratethe stomach liver and bowels One W

i three a dose Easy to take u candyr f


TEN THOUSAND IN LINEI Great Parade of the Confederate Vet

erans in Birmingham YesterdayBirmingham June 12The parade

of the heroes of the Confederacy yes-terdaY


morning was a fitting climaxr 9 to what is generally pronounced one

f of the most successful reunions of theUnited Confederate Veterans Withsprightly step measured to the air

iol strains the South loves the oldI

warriors no less than ten thousandstrong traversed the twomile parade

A f route between thousands of sympa-thetic and interested spectators and

> there was not an accident nor thesign of a tbterlng step Loving hands

fserved ice water to the old men as they

1 passed along the route Pans weredistributed and everything possible

f was done to relieve the long tramp ofth < tedium That the heroes were inexcellent spirits was shown by the

r 1113ct that many of them sang their oldfavorite camp songs as they marchedsuch as Buttermilk Calvary OldTime Confederates and Bonnie Bluei-

a Flag Many of they along variousparts of the route ran foot races whilesothers jumped up and cracked their

1 heels together to show the exuberance-of feelings They were happy I

and they left trail of tearsv spectators for every one was touched

by the sentimental appeal naturally I

rf made by the appearance of the idols

of Dixie Land And yet there werethose in the parade who could notjump and skip Many who had left aleg or perhaps both legs on somebloody battle field enj ed the occa-sion


as much as the others but they4vere carried in vehicles and their apptarances drew forth if anythinggreater applause than the sight of thefoot soldiers r

c The parade formed shortlyI

after 11sleek and required an hour and-

° forty minutes to pass a given Jointf General Clement AEvans the new

commander in chief was at the head-of the column with his entire staff

Last night thousands of veterans at-tended


the big ball given at the Hip-podrome


In honor of the veterans andtheir maids und sponsors




competent cook wanted in smallfamily Apply at Star office



PREPARED INSTANTLY simply add boilt

ii ins water cool and serve JOc per package arall grocers 7 flavors Refuse substitutes


r r 1 Li11 Jj Hi Y7I TIT D nij-






> fr Careful estimates made on all

contract work Gives more andA better work for the money than

t 1anyd other contractorI I

Executors Notice to Creditors

Notice is hereby given to all cred-itors


ha legatees distributees and ° allother persons Jiayin claims or de-mands


against the estate of WiliaminaOwen deceased to present the sameto the undersigneji executor withintwo years Thcs J OwenAS Executor of the Last Will and

Testament Wilamlna OwenQcala Fla April llth 1908





To the Home of Charles Yanak 72Years Young at Hillsboro

ConneticutWaterbury Conn June 12Chas-

E Yanak tall straight active wasseventytwo years old yesterday Heinvited a few of his friends to drinkhs health at his farmhouse near Hillstown > I

The doctors upstairs with mywire Yanak told them He says wemust be very quiet because and hosmiled significantly-

A guest had just told Yanak thathe was as young as ever when thedector leaning over the secondstorybanisters called him into the hall

The doctor held up two fingers likea man ordering zwei beer

What gasped YanakTwins said the doctor Girls

tine big healthy babiesGood gracious The storks must fly

tandem around here exclaimedYanak Then becoming exuberant hehurried a farm hand to Williamanticfor a case of champagne He and hisfriends drank the wine to the long lifeand happiness of Mrs Yanak and tothe of one Dr Isler whorecommends that elderly gentlemen beChloroformed to end their uselessness-Mrs Yanak who married some dozenyears ago is forty years old


Washington June 12In language-that cannot be mistaken the text ofwhich was made public by the war de-partment


yesterday the president andSecretary Taft have notified the Pan ¬

ama government that elections in thatrepublic must be conducted fairly



Savannah Ga June 12The Merrim ck Capt Pratt which arrivedhere yesterday brQught in the sur-vivors of the British steamship Carrilee Cape Ellis which was lost in11w gulf stream three days ago Wal-ter


Howe of the crew was lost afterthe steamer was abandoned


Disease and Sickness Bring Old Age I

Herbine taken every morning be ¬

fore breakfast will keep you in ro-


health fit you to ward off dis-ease

¬ I

IIt cures constipation bilious ¬

ness dyspepsia fever skin liver andkidney complaints It purifies thebrood and clears the complexion Soldby AntiMonopoly Drugstore

ROBBEDOF HIS WIFEI Spartanburg S C June 11W FPurns of Jackson county North Caro-lina


while on a bridal trip acrossPanther mountain in Greenville coun-ty says he was robbed of his prettyyoung wife by a gang of six menafter he had been bound beaten androbbed He and his wife stopped at I

a cottage the mountains and during-the


night the men entered the room ofthe couple attacked Burns and took I

hip wife down the mountain He sayshe Has not seen her since The au ¬

thorities are investigating the story

Consumptives Made ComfortableFoleys Honey and Tar has cured

I many cases of incipient consumption-and even in the advanced stages af-fords


comfort and relief Refuse any I

but the genuine Foleys Honey and I

1 ar Sold by all druggists i

100 REWARDWe will pay 100 reward for the

hocly or person of John Pickett ne-gro


dark ginger cake small pox scars-on face weight about 165 poundsheight about 5 feet 9 inches snaggletooth and one gold tooth in front I

walks a little slewfooted small thinmoustache If seen in woods Winprobably have small grip and doublebarrelled shotgun Wanted for themurder of Mr John N Potter on May15th Signed

McGehee Mayo


Ocala People Give Credit WhereCredit is Due

People of Ocala who suffer withsick kidneys and bad backs want akidney remedy that can be depended-upon


The best is Doanes KidneyPills a medicine for the kidneys onlymade from pure roots and herbs andthe only one that is backed by curesin Ocala Heres Ocala testimony-

C F Hays living at 217 S Orange-St Ocala Fla says I have nodoubt that heavy lifting caused mykidneys to become weakened I suf ¬

fered severely from pains in my backend was often so stiff and lame that1 could hardly get about to do mynork Frequent headaches also both ¬

red me a great deal A friend rec-ommended


Doans Kidney Pills I pro-cured


a box at Tydings Cos drug-store and began their use They gaveme more relief than all other remedies-I ever used put together To say that-I highly endorse Doans Kidney PillsIn return for the great benefit I de ¬

rived from their use is mildly ex¬

pressing the truthFor sale by all dealers Price 50

cents FpsterMilburn Co BuffaloNew York sole agents for the UnitedStates

Remember the name Doans andtake no other

CITY MAPS FOR SALEThe new city maps are now on sale

at the office of the city Berk in thecity hall Price 1 each

Keep your eye on our show windews The Bazaar Store


r N

rR rijr

I t




1 A


f i J-




all that is best of human endeavor in piano COIfrstiiicticn on broadest and most advanced ideas it is a recog¬

nised art product appealing to the cultured musical taste Ithas won the highest attainable gface in the estimation of thosewho have carefully studied it1 l 1ot


only musicians4 but t4lt

those who are ever ready to acknowledge marked sisperiohave recognised its SUPERLATIVE QUALITIES abetvoluntarily paid it unstinted praise This result has beenaccomplished because the Everett is a wonderful and originalcreation imitating no other piano but possessing manyfeatures entirely its own Its tone is musicalnot noisy Its


action while flexile and responsive has that firmness whichbetokens character It-


is essentially the musicians pianoand preferred by the worlds greatest artists


At Wholesale Factory Prices Reasonable terms to suit the r

I convenience of the customer x 1 7-


l 1









rWe xvill give a years subscription co The American Boy to any

A >boy who will bring us a new subscription to the Evening Starfrr six months 250 Every boy in Ocala fan g tone subscription to our paper and so earn a years free subscription to TIle

< American Boy Let us tell you what it is like 4e t


rIt is Without Question the Most Entertaining and

Practical Magazine in the World forI > Young Americans

>1 c tt


< > a The Covers are in Colors 36 Pages Size of Ladies Home JournalITomlinsony arid Departments relating to all Boy Hobbies edited by experts

It preaches the religion of DO1 and not that of DONTt R r Is doing more for the Uplift and Encouragement of Boys

than any other agency Approved by parents and educators Boy5

of them husiastic for itc < < 250000 everywhere ttJ

The subtraction price of The American Boy is 100i

a year>

< Come in and seb a copy <

994 You can earn i years subscripton with very little work

t + Gail at the Office end Get at Copy sf the AMERICAN BOY







Boarding School for Boys Conducted by the Sisters ol St Joseph

Young Boys from 8 to 14 years Received Carefully Trainedd alongPhysicalIntellectual Moral and Social Lines Healthy Location Magnificent wimmiugPool Complete Equipment in Schoolrooms Dormitories Dining Hall and

rRecreation Rooms J




Apply for Prospectus to the SISTER SUPERIOR p




j iY 1-


Z f R