oco biomedical 2013 product catalog 10-2013

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  • Product catalog - octoBEr 2013www.ocobiomedical.com

    [ The NexT GeNeraTioN of deNTal implaNT TechNoloGy ]

  • Implant DesIgn features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

    sDI Implants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5

    3.0 Implants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7

    IsI - ImmeDIate staBIlIZIng Implant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-9

    tsI - tWO-stage taper sCreW Implant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-11

    erI - esthetIC regIOn Implant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13

    engage - BOne level Implant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-15

    maCrO - WIDe/shOrt Implant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-17

    surgICal/restOratIve systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

    aButments (tsI, erI, maCrO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-20

    aButments (engage) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-22

    aButments (transmuCOsal/healIng/uCla) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-24

    restOratIve prODuCts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

    QuestIOns & ansWers..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

    COntaCt InfOrmatIOn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

    taBlE oF coNtENtS

    Designed and manufactured in the USA. ISO 13485:2003U.S. Patent: US 8,277,218,B2

  • PricES SuBjEct to chaNgE | StorE.ocoBiomEdical.com | (800)228-0477

    imPlaNt dESigN FEaturES features that achieve Osseous fixationtm found on OCO Biomedical Implants


    OCOs patented Bull nose auger tip locks the

    apex of the implant by pulling bone up and around

    the threads thereby stimulating bone growth.


    the self-tapping thread pattern and

    pitch are purposely designed to

    maximize bone to thread contact.

    Surface treatment

    all of our implants have a proprietary surface treatment

    designed to roughen the surface of the implant for

    optimal bone growth.


    ti-6al-4v elI titanium alloy gives our

    implants the best possible strength

    to handle any load.

    cortic-o threads

    the mini Cortic-O threads lock into the cortical

    bone, stabilizing the top of the implant.

    machined Embedded tapered Platform

    all Dual stabilization crown and

    bridge, O-ball and two-stage implants

    are titanium nitride coated for the

    best possible esthetic outcome.

    reliable & versatile, the OCO Biomedical system can be

    utilized for a variety of implant needs. With our proven

    implant body design, you can easily progress from 3.0mm

    to full size one-piece or two-stage implants for virtually

    any implant indication.

    Dual stabilization for initial primary stability

    specially designed for immediate loading

    Comprehensive yet simple restorative solutions

    providing profitable solutions since 1976

    superior personal customer service

    Implant Feature: dual StaBilizatioN

    The Embedded Tapered Platform works in conjunction with the patented Bull Nose Auger tip providing OSSEOUS FIXATION for immediate or early loading.

    OCOs patented Bull Nose Auger tip locks the apex of the implant by pulling bone up and around the threads stimulating bone growth.

  • small DIameter Implants


    thE 2.2, 2.5 & 2.9mm Sdi

    the 2.2, 2.5 & 2.9mm sDI are one-piece implants precision machined out of titanium alloy with threads finished with our proprietary surface treatment. With a machined, not polished, collar the sDI is also engineered with an aggressive thread pattern for initial stability. Because the sDI is compatible with our competitors wrenches and drivers it is the perfect mini alternative without the costly investment of new instrumentation. the sDI is the first step in the logical progression to placing OCO Biomedicals larger diameter one-piece implants: the 3.0mm and IsI; as well as the tsI and erI two-stage implants.

  • small Diameter ImplantsSdi

    2.2mm PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT NAME USDsDI 2210 CB sDI 2.2mm x 10mm One-piece Crown & Bridge Implant 55.00

    sDI 2212 CB sDI 2.2mm x 12mm One-piece Crown & Bridge Implant 55.00

    sDI 2214 CB sDI 2.2mm x 14mm One-piece Crown & Bridge Implant 55.00

    sDI 2216 CB sDI 2.2mm x 16mm One-piece Crown & Bridge Implant 55.00

    sDI 2210 OB sDI 2.2mm x 10mm One-piece O-Ball Implant 55.00

    sDI 2212 OB sDI 2.2mm x 12mm One-piece O-Ball Implant 55.00

    sDI 2214 OB sDI 2.2mm x 14mm One-piece O-Ball Implant 55.00

    sDI 2216 OB sDI 2.2mm x 16mm One-piece O-Ball Implant 55.00

    2.5mm sDI 2510 CB sDI 2.5mm x 10mm One-piece Crown & Bridge Implant 55.00sDI 2512 CB sDI 2.5mm x 12mm One-piece Crown & Bridge Implant 55.00

    sDI 2514 CB sDI 2.5mm x 14mm One-piece Crown & Bridge Implant 55.00

    sDI 2516 CB sDI 2.5mm x 16mm One-piece Crown & Bridge Implant 55.00

    sDI 2510 OB sDI 2.5mm x 10mm One-piece O-Ball Implant 55.00

    sDI 2512 OB sDI 2.5mm x 12mm One-piece O-Ball Implant 55.00

    sDI 2514 OB sDI 2.5mm x 14mm One-piece O-Ball Implant 55.00

    sDI 2516 OB sDI 2.5mm x 16mm One-piece O-Ball Implant 55.00

    2.9mm sDI 2908 CB sDI 2.9mm x 8mm One-piece Crown & Bridge Implant 75.00sDI 2910 CB sDI 2.9mm x 10mm One-piece Crown & Bridge Implant 75.00

    sDI 2912 CB sDI 2.9mm x 12mm One-piece Crown & Bridge Implant 75.00

    sDI 2914 CB sDI 2.9mm x 14mm One-piece Crown & Bridge Implant 75.00

    sDI 2916 CB sDI 2.9mm x 16mm One-piece Crown & Bridge Implant 75.00

    sDI 2.5mm x 10mm One piece O-Ball Implant

    sDI 2908 OB sDI 2.9mm x 8mm One-piece O-Ball Implant 75.00

    sDI 2910 OB sDI 2.9mm x 10mm One-piece O-Ball Implant 75.00

    sDI 2912 OB sDI 2.9mm x 12mm One-piece O-Ball Implant 75.00

    sDI 2914 OB sDI 2.9mm x 14mm One-piece O-Ball Implant 75.00

    sDI 2916 OB sDI 2.9mm x 16mm One-piece O-Ball Implant 75.00

    PricES SuBjEct to chaNgE | StorE.ocoBiomEdical.com | (800)228-0477


    Sdi complete Packagesimplified and streamlined implant packaging includes everything you need from start to finish. the Sdi complete crown & Bridge Package includes the following: (1) sDI Implant*, (1) analog, (1) trIp (tissue retraction Impression pickup and (2) acrylic Copings. the Sdi complete o-Ball Package includes the following: (1) sDI Implant*, (1) encapsulator, (1 each) red/Black/White O-ring and (1) analog.

    sDI COmplete paCKage 2.2/2.5mm* Crown & Bridge 75.00

    sDI COmplete paCKage 2.2/2.5mm* O-Ball 75.00

    sDI COmplete paCKage 2.9mm* Crown & Bridge 95.00

    sDI COmplete paCKage 2.9mm* O-Ball 95.00

    *All heights/diameters available

  • ImmeDIate Implants

    thE 3.0

    the 3.0 is the perfect solution for denture stabilization or crown and bridge replacement when the patients budget and bone quality are limited. In 2002, the 3.0 was the first one-piece 3.0mm mini implant introduced into the us market. after years of unparalleled success (with a 99% reported success rate) the 3.0 is quickly becoming dentists choice for small interdental space situations or denture stabilization. the 3.0 is the only smaller diameter implant on the market with the patented Bull nose auger tip.


  • PricES SuBjEct to chaNgE | StorE.ocoBiomEdical.com | (800)228-0477

    Immediate Implants


    3.0mm PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT NAME USD3008 CB 3.0mm x 8mm One-piece Crown & Bridge Implant 75.00

    3010 CB 3.0mm x 10mm One-piece Crown & Bridge Implant 75.00

    3012 CB 3.0mm x 12mm One-piece Crown & Bridge Implant 75.00

    3014 CB 3.0mm x 14mm One-piece Crown & Bridge Implant 75.00

    3016 CB 3.0mm x 16mm One-piece Crown & Bridge Implant 75.00

    3008 OB 3.0mm x 8mm One piece O-Ball Implant 75.00

    3010 OB 3.0mm x 10mm One piece O-Ball Implant 75.00

    3012 OB 3.0mm x 12mm One piece O-Ball Implant 75.00

    3014 OB 3.0mm x 14mm One piece O-Ball Implant 75.00

    3016 OB 3.0mm x 16mm One piece O-Ball Implant 75.00

    3.0 complete Packagesimplified and streamlined implant packaging includes everything you need from start to finish. the 3.0 complete crown & Bridge Package includes the following: (1) 3.0 Implant*, (1) analog, (1) trIp (tissue retraction Impression pickup and (2) acrylic Copings. the 3.0 complete o-Ball Package includes the following: (1) 3.0 Implant*, (1) encapsulator, (1 each) red/Black/White O-ring and (1) analog.

    3.0 COmplete paCKage* Crown & Bridge 95.00

    3.0 COmplete paCKage* O-Ball 95.00

    3.0 COMPLETE

    *All heights available

  • ImmeDIate staBIlIZIng Implant

    oNE-PiEcE, oNE hour, oNE SolutioN.

    If bone quality is optimal, use a one-piece implant designed to maximize stability and give your patient a temporary crown in less than an hour. the IsI one-piece implant has successfully challenged the dental industrys perceptions of implant placement and performance since its introduction in 2003. With predictable immediate loading results (with a 99% reported success rate), a simple, flapless placement protocol, and an economical price, the IsI implant is the dentists choice for larger diameter one-piece immediate load implants. the embedded tapered platform and abutment features a titanium nitride coating for improved esthetics.


  • iSi Immediate stabil izing Implants

    3.25mm PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT NAME USDIsI 32508 CB 3.25mm x 8mm One-piece Crown & Bridge Implant 150.00

    IsI 32510 CB 3.25mm x 10mm One-piece Crown & Bridge Implant 150.00

    IsI 32512 CB 3.25mm x 12mm One-piece Crown & Bridge Implant 150.00

    IsI 32514 CB 3.25mm x 14mm One-piece Crown & Bridge Implant 150.00

    IsI 32516 CB 3.25mm x 16mm One-piece Crown & Bridge Implant 150.00

    IsI 32508 OB 3.25mm x 8mm One piece O-Ball Implant 150.00

    IsI 32510 OB 3.25mm x 10mm One piece O-Ball Implant 150.00

    IsI 32512 OB 3.25mm x 12mm One piece O-Ball Implant 150.00

    IsI 32514 OB 3.25mm x 14mm One piece O-Ball Implant 150.00

    IsI 32516 OB 3.25mm x 16mm One piece O-Ball Implant 150.00

    4.0mm IsI 4008 CB 4.0mm x 8mm One-piece Crown & Bridge Implant 150.00IsI 4010 CB 4.0mm x 10mm One-piece Crown & Bridge Implant 150.00

    IsI 4012 CB 4.0mm x 12mm One-piece Crown & Bridge Implant 150.00

    IsI 4014 CB 4.0mm x 14mm One-piece Crown & Bridge Implant 150.00

    IsI 4016 CB 4.0mm x 16mm One-piece Crown & Bridge Implant 150.00

    IsI 4008 OB 4.0mm x 8mm One piece O-Ball Implant 150.00

    IsI 4010 OB 4.0mm x 10mm One piece O-Ball Implant 150.00

    IsI 4012 OB 4.0mm x 12mm One piece O-Ball Implant 150.00

    IsI 4014 OB 4.0mm x 14mm One piece O-Ball Implant 150.00

    IsI 4016 OB 4.0mm x 16mm One piece O-Ball Implant 150.00

    5.0mm IsI 5008 CB 5.0mm x 8mm One-piece Crown & Bridge Implant 150.00IsI 5010 CB 5.0mm x 10mm One-piece Crown & Bridge Implant 150.00

    IsI 5012 CB 5.0mm x 12mm One-piece Crown & Bridge Implant 150.00

    IsI 5014 CB 5.0mm x 14mm One-piece Crown & Bridge Implant 150.00

    IsI 5016 CB 5.0mm x 16mm One-piece Crown & Bridge Implant 150.00

    IsI 5008 OB 5.0mm x 8mm One piece O-Ball Implant 150.00

    IsI 5010 OB 5.0mm x 10mm One piece O-Ball Implant 150.00

    IsI 5012 OB 5.0mm x 12mm One piece O-Ball Implant 150.00

    IsI 5014 OB 5.0mm x 14mm One piece O-Ball Implant 150.00

    IsI 5016 OB 5.0mm x 16mm One piece O-Ball Implant 150.00

    PricES SuBjEct to chaNgE | StorE.ocoBiomEdical.com | (800)228-0477

    IsI COmplete paCKage* Crown & Bridge 175.00

    IsI COmplete paCKage* O-Ball 175.00

    iSi complete Packagesimplified and streamlined implant packaging includes everything you need from start to finish. the iSi complete crown & Bridge Package includes the following: (1) IsI Implant*, (1) analog, (1) trIp (tissue retraction Impression pickup and (2) acrylic Copings. the iSi complete o-Ball Package includes the following: (1) IsI Implant*,(1) encapsulator, (1 each) red/Black/White O-ring and (1) analog.


    *All heights/diameters available

  • 10

    tWO-stage taper sCreW Implant

    thE two-StagE StaBiliziNg tSi

    Whether you want your patient to go home with a temporary crown, or have them wait during a conventional healing period, the tsI was designed for immediate loading, delayed loading, and one-stage or two-stage surgical options. the tsI can be paired with multiple abutments for several different restoration options. With the same dual stabilizing implant body and 2mm embedded tapered platform as the IsI, the tsI can be placed in the anterior or posterior mandible/maxilla for esthetic cases, immediate placements, single, or multiple tooth replacements or for denture stabilization with O-balls or locator attachments. the embedded tapered platform and abutment feature a titanium nitride coating for improved esthetics.


  • tSitwo-stage taper screw Implants

    3.25mm PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT NAME USD32508 tsI 3.25mm x 8mm two-stage Implant* 180.00

    32510 tsI 3.25mm x 10mm two-stage Implant* 180.00

    32512 tsI 3.25mm x 12mm two-stage Implant* 180.00

    32514 tsI 3.25mm x 14mm two-stage Implant* 180.00

    32516 tsI 3.25mm x 16mm two-stage Implant* 180.00

    4.0mm 4008 tsI 4.0mm x 8mm two-stage Implant* 180.004010 tsI 4.0mm x 10mm two-stage Implant* 180.00

    4012 tsI 4.0mm x 12mm two-stage Implant* 180.00

    4014 tsI 4.0mm x 14mm two-stage Implant* 180.00

    4016 tsI 4.0mm x 16mm two-stage Implant* 180.00

    5.0mm 5008 tsI 5.0mm x 8mm two-stage Implant* 180.005010 tsI 5.0mm x 10mm two-stage Implant* 180.00

    5012 tsI 5.0mm x 12mm two-stage Implant* 180.00

    5014 tsI 5.0mm x 14mm two-stage Implant* 180.00

    5016 tsI 5.0mm x 16mm two-stage Implant* 180.00

    PricES SuBjEct to chaNgE | StorE.ocoBiomEdical.com | (800)228-0477

    *1mm height healing screw included in TSI implant packaging

    *1mm height healing screw included in TSI implant packaging

    *1mm height healing screw included in TSI implant packaging

    tsI COmplete paCKage* 195.00

    tSi complete Packagesimplified and streamlined implant packaging includes everything you need from start to finish. the tSi complete Package includes the following: (1) tsI Implant*, (1) straight pedestal abutment w/fixation screw and (1) analog/Ball screw.


    *All heights/diameters available

  • 12

    esthetIC regIOn Implant

    thE two-StagE Eri

    for esthetic cases, you want the best possible restorative outcome for your patient. the erI has a 1mm titanium nitride coated embedded tapered platform to blend in under the gingiva thus eliminating the grey titanium bleed-through. Designed to be placed slightly above bone level, the divergent collar eliminates bone loss seen in some of our competitors bone level implants.

    the erI can be placed conventionally with healing cuffs, or in most cases, can allow the patient to receive a temporary tooth in less than an hour using one of our multiple abutment options.

    the erIs self tapping implant body is the same as our IsI one-piece and tsI two-stage (with over 8 years of refinement and an unparalleled reported success rate).


  • Eriesthetic region Implants

    3.25mm PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT NAME USD32508 erI 3.25mm x 8mm two-stage Implant* 180.00

    32510 erI 3.25mm x 10mm two-stage Implant* 180.00

    32512 erI 3.25mm x 12mm two-stage Implant* 180.00

    32514 erI 3.25mm x 14mm two-stage Implant* 180.00

    32516 erI 3.25mm x 16mm two-stage Implant* 180.00

    4.0mm 4008 erI 4.0mm x 8mm two-stage Implant* 180.004010 erI 4.0mm x 10mm two-stage Implant* 180.00

    4012 erI 4.0mm x 12mm two-stage Implant* 180.00

    4014 erI 4.0mm x 14mm two-stage Implant* 180.00

    4016 erI 4.0mm x 16mm two-stage Implant* 180.00

    5.0mm 5008 erI 5.0mm x 8mm two-stage Implant* 180.005010 erI 5.0mm x 10mm two-stage Implant* 180.00

    5012 erI 5.0mm x 12mm two-stage Implant* 180.00

    5014 erI 5.0mm x 14mm two-stage Implant* 180.00

    5016 erI 5.0mm x 16mm two-stage Implant* 180.00

    PricES SuBjEct to chaNgE | StorE.ocoBiomEdical.com | (800)228-0477

    *1mm height healing screw included in ERI implant packaging

    *1mm height healing screw included in ERI implant packaging

    *1mm height healing screw included in ERI implant packaging

    erI COmplete paCKage* 195.00

    Eri complete Packagesimplified and streamlined implant packaging includes everything you need from start to finish. the Eri complete Package includes the following: (1) erI Implant*, (1) straight pedestal abutment w/fixation screw and (1) analog/Ball screw.


    *All heights/diameters available

  • 14

    BOne level Implant

    thE ENgagE BoNE lEvEl imPlaNt

    With the combination of our patented Bull nose auger tip and mini Cortic-O thread, the engage implant system offers practitioners a bone level implant with high initial stability for selective loading options.

    engage implants feature a universal internal hex connection well known in the dental implant industry as having a proven track record. Compatible with other universal internal hex connection systems.


  • ENgagEBone level Implants

    3.25mm PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT NAME USD32508 engage 3.25mm x 8mm length engage - epK (Impression Coping Option)* 139.00

    32510 engage 3.25mm x 10mm length engage - epK (Impression Coping Option)* 139.00

    32512 engage 3.25mm x 12mm length engage - epK (Impression Coping Option)* 139.00

    32514 engage 3.25mm x 14mm length engage - epK (Impression Coping Option)* 139.00

    32516 engage 3.25mm x 16mm length engage - epK (Impression Coping Option)* 139.00

    4.0mm 4008 engage 4.0mm x 8mm length engage - epK (Impression Coping Option)* 139.004010 engage 4.0mm x 10mm length engage - epK (Impression Coping Option)* 139.00

    4012 engage 4.0mm x 12mm length engage - epK (Impression Coping Option)* 139.00

    4014 engage 4.0mm x 14mm length engage - epK (Impression Coping Option)* 139.00

    4016 engage 4.0mm x 16mm length engage - epK (Impression Coping Option)* 139.00

    5.0mm 5008 engage 5.0mm x 8mm length engage - epK (Impression Coping Option)* 139.005010 engage 5.0mm x 10mm length engage - epK (Impression Coping Option)* 139.00

    5012 engage 5.0mm x 12mm length engage - epK (Impression Coping Option)* 139.00

    5014 engage 5.0mm x 14mm length engage - epK (Impression Coping Option)* 139.00

    5016 engage 5.0mm x 16mm length engage - epK (Impression Coping Option)* 139.00

    6.0mm 6008 engage 6.0mm x 8mm length engage - epK (Impression Coping Option)* 139.006010 engage 6.0mm x 10mm length engage - epK (Impression Coping Option)* 139.00

    6012 engage 6.0mm x 12mm length engage - epK (Impression Coping Option)* 139.00

    6014 engage 6.0mm x 14mm length engage - epK (Impression Coping Option)* 139.00

    6016 engage 6.0mm x 16mm length engage - epK (Impression Coping Option)* 139.00

    PricES SuBjEct to chaNgE | StorE.ocoBiomEdical.com | (800)228-0477

    *Impression Coping Option includes: Implant, Impression Coping/Temporary Abutment, Analog/Screw, Cover Screw, and Tissue Former

    *Impression Coping Option includes: Implant, Impression Coping/Temporary Abutment, Analog/Screw, Cover Screw, and Tissue Former

    *Impression Coping Option includes: Implant, Impression Coping/Temporary Abutment, Analog/Screw, Cover Screw, and Tissue Former

    *Impression Coping Option includes: Implant, Impression Coping/Temporary Abutment, Analog/Screw, Cover Screw, and Tissue Former

    engage COmplete paCKage* 175.00

    Engage complete Packagesimplified and streamlined implant packaging includes everything you need from start to finish. the Engage complete Package includes the following: (1) engage Implant*, (1) final straight abutment w/fixation screw, (1) Impression Coping/temporary abutment, (1) analog w/Ball screw, Cover screw and tissue former.


    *All heights/diameters available

  • 16

    WIDe DIameter/shOrt length Implant

    thE macro widE diamEtEr imPlaNt

    the macro dental implant is a wide diameter/short length implant with advanced placement and stability features designed to avoid the maxillary sinus and inferior alveolar nerve. Designed for partially edentulous cases, the macro features OCOs patented Bull nose auger tip and embedded tapered platform designed to enhance Osseous fixation.

    macro implants minimize the need for additional grafting or sinus augmentation procedures and require no bone taps or complicated threading.


  • macroWide Diameter/short length Implants

    6.0mm PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT NAME USD6006 macro 6.0mm x 6.0mm length two-stage macro Implant* 180.00

    6008 macro 6.0mm x 8.0mm length two-stage macro Implant* 180.00

    6010 macro 6.0mm x 10mm length two-stage macro Implant* 180.00

    6012 macro 6.0mm x 12mm length two-stage macro Implant* 180.00

    PricES SuBjEct to chaNgE | StorE.ocoBiomEdical.com | (800)228-0477

    *1mm height healing screw included in Macro implant packaging.

  • complete implant Surgical System$4,250.00

    the OCO Biomedical Complete Implant surgical system is organized with the OCO color-coded system, to coincide with the implant placement procedures in an easy to follow, step-by-step format.

    Place the full line of oco Biomedical implants with this kit including: Sdi, 3.0, iSi, tSi, Eri, Engage and macro.

    Sdi implant Surgical SystemPlaces the full line of oco Biomedical Sdi implants


    the sDI Implant surgical system is an economical surgical system designed specifically for our 2.2, 2.5 and 2.9mm sDI and the 3.0mm Dental Implants.

    macro Surgical instrumentation System Places only oco Biomedical macro implants


    the macro surgical instrumentation kit contains all of the instrumentation needed to place the macro implants.

    restorative instrumentation System Everything you need to restore our entire line of two-stage implants


    an economical system that contains of the instrumentation needed to restore our entire line of two-stage dental implants; including the tsI, erI and macro. the system also contains profiling Burs for removal of excess bone around implant margins and a torque Wrench.

    dd-Sinus lift Kitthe most advanced crestal approach sinus lift technique in the world today.


    the DD-sinus lift Kit contains all of the instrumentation needed toperform a sinus lift procedure using the crestal approach.

    Surgical KitS & rEStorativE KitS

    PricES SuBjEct to chaNgE | StorE.ocoBiomEdical.com | (800)228-0477

  • aButmENtSfor tsI, erI & macro Implants


    3.25CB 4 tsI fixed solid C&B abutment 3.25mm (4.0mm height)* 75.00

    3.25CB 5.5 tsI fixed solid C&B abutment 3.25mm (5.5mm height)* 75.00

    3.25CB 7 tsI fixed solid C&B abutment 3.25mm (7mm height)* 75.00

    *Engages in the 3.25mm TSI/ERI Implants

    3.25 OB 0tsI fixed solid O-Ball abutment 3.25mm (0mm height)* 75.00

    3.25 OB 2tsI fixed solid O-Ball abutment 3.25mm (2mm height)* 75.00

    3.25 OB 3tsI fixed solid O-Ball abutment 3.25mm (3mm height)* 75.00

    3.25 OB 4tsI fixed solid O-Ball abutment 3.25mm (4mm height)* 75.00

    *Engages in the 3.25mm TSI/ERI Implants

    4 OB 0tsI fixed solid O-Ball abutment 4.0/5.0mm (0mm height)* 75.00

    4 OB 2tsI fixed solid O-Ball abutment 4.0/5.0mm (2mm height)* 75.00

    4 OB 3tsI fixed solid O-Ball abutment 4.0/5.0mm (3mm height)* 75.00

    4 OB 4tsI fixed solid O-Ball abutment 4.0/5.0mm (4mm height)* 75.00

    *Engages in the 4.0/5.0/6.0mm TSI/ERI/Macro Implants

    4CB 4 tsI fixed solid abutment 4.0/5.0mm (4mm height)* 75.00

    4CB 5.5 tsI fixed solid abutment 4.0/5.0mm (5.5mm height)* 75.00

    4CB 7 tsI fixed solid abutment 4.0/5.0mm (7mm height)* 75.00

    *Engages in the 4.0/5.0/6.0mm TSI/ERI/Macro Implants

    00.7mm - 1892 locator abutment 3.25mm (00.7mm height)* 115.00

    2.00mm - 1893 locator abutment 3.25mm (2.0mm height)* 115.00

    3.00mm - 1894 locator abutment 3.25mm (3.0mm height)* 115.00

    4.00mm - 1895 locator abutment 3.25mm (4.0mm height)* 115.00

    5.00mm - 1896 locator abutment 3.25mm (5.0mm height)* 115.00

    6.00mm - 1897 locator abutment 3.25mm (6.0mm height)* 115.00

    *Engages in the 3.25mm TSI & ERI Implants

    0.73mm - 8950 locator abutment 4.0mm (00.7mm height)* 115.00

    2.00mm - 8951 locator abutment 4.0mm (2.0mm height)* 115.00

    3.00mm - 8952 locator abutment 4.0mm (3.0mm height)* 115.00

    4.00mm - 8953 locator abutment 4.0mm (4.0mm height)* 115.00

    5.00mm - 8954 locator abutment 4.0mm (5.0mm height)* 115.00

    6.00mm - 8955 locator abutment 4.0mm (6.0mm height)* 115.00

    *Engages in the 4.0mm TSI/ERI Implants

    2.00mm - 1898 locator abutment 5.0/6.0mm (2.0mm height)* 115.00

    3.00mm - 1899 locator abutment 5.0/6.0mm (3.0mm height)* 115.00

    4.00mm - 1900 locator abutment 5.0/6.0mm (4.0mm height)* 115.00

    5.00mm - 1901 locator abutment 5.0/6.0mm (5.0mm height)* 115.00

    6.00mm - 1902 locator abutment 5.0/6.0mm (6.0mm height)* 115.00

    *Engages in the 5.0/6.0mm TSI/ERI/Macro Implants

    Locator is a registered trademark of Zest IP Holdings, LLC

    PricES SuBjEct to chaNgE | StorE.ocoBiomEdical.com | (800)228-0477

  • PricES SuBjEct to chaNgE | StorE.ocoBiomEdical.com | (800)228-0477

    aButmENtSfor tsI, erI & macro Implants


    3150 tsI straight shielded abutment (3.25mm diameter) 90.00

    4150 tsI s straight shielded abutment (4.0mm diameter) shOrt 90.00

    4150 tsI l straight shielded abutment (4.0mm diameter) lOng 90.00

    5150 tsI s straight shielded abutment (5.0mm diameter) shOrt 90.00

    5150 tsI l straight shielded abutment (5.0mm diameter) lOng 90.00

    5150 tsI s straight shielded abutment (6.0mm diameter) shOrt 90.00

    5150 tsI l straight shielded abutment (6.0mm diameter) lOng 90.00

    3350 natural Contour abutment (3.25mm diameter) 115.00

    4350 natural Contour abutment (4.0mm diameter) 115.00

    5350 natural Contour abutment (5.0mm diameter) 115.00

    5350 natural Contour abutment (6.0mm diameter) 115.00

    3100 tsI straight pedestal abutment (3.25mm diameter) 90.00

    4100 tsI straight pedestal abutment (4.0mm diameter) 90.00

    4100 tsI straight pedestal abutment (5.0mm diameter) 90.00

    4100 tsI straight pedestal abutment (6.0mm diameter) 90.00

    3200 tsI Offset pedestal 15 abutment (3.25mm diameter) 100.00

    4200 tsI Offset pedestal 15 abutment (4.0mm diameter) 100.00

    4200 tsI Offset pedestal 15 abutment (5.0mm diameter) 100.00

    4200 tsI Offset pedestal 15 abutment (6.0mm diameter) 100.00

    3250 tsI s Offset shielded 15 abutment (3.25mm diameter) shOrt 100.00

    3250 tsI l Offset shielded 15 abutment (3.25mm diameter) lOng 100.00

    4250 tsI s Offset shielded 15 abutment (4.0mm diameter) shOrt 100.00

    4250 tsI l Offset shielded 15 abutment (4.0mm diameter) lOng 100.00

    5250 tsI s Offset shielded 15 abutment (5.0mm diameter) shOrt 100.00

    5250 tsI l Offset shielded 15 abutment (5.0mm diameter) lOng 100.00

    5250 tsI s Offset shielded 15 abutment (6.0mm diameter) shOrt 100.00

    5250 tsI l Offset shielded 15 abutment (6.0mm diameter) lOng 100.00

  • PricES SuBjEct to chaNgE | StorE.ocoBiomEdical.com | (800)228-0477

    aButmENtSfor engage Bone level Implants


    32530-1sa 3.25mm engage straight abutment (1mm collar) 75.00

    32530-2sa 3.25mm engage straight abutment (2mm collar) 75.00

    32530-3sa 3.25mm engage straight abutment (3mm collar) 75.00

    4035-1sa 4.0mm engage straight abutment (1mm collar) 75.00

    4035-2sa 4.0mm engage straight abutment (2mm collar) 75.00

    4035-3sa 4.0mm engage straight abutment (3mm collar) 75.00

    5045-1sa 5.0mm engage straight abutment (1mm collar) 75.00

    5045-2sa 5.0mm engage straight abutment (2mm collar) 75.00

    5045-3sa 5.0mm engage straight abutment (3mm collar) 75.00

    6057-1sa 6.0mm engage straight abutment (1mm collar) 75.00

    6057-2sa 6.0mm engage straight abutment (2mm collar) 75.00

    6057-3sa 6.0mm engage straight abutment (3mm collar) 75.00

    32530-Caa 3.25mm engage Custom angled abutment 75.00

    4035-Caa 4.0mm engage Custom angled abutment 75.00

    5045-Caa 5.0mm engage Custom angled abutment 75.00

    6057-Caa 6.0mm engage Custom angled abutment 75.00

    32530-1CB 3.25mm engage Crown & Bridge abutment (1mm collar)* 75.00

    32530-2CB 3.25mm engage Crown & Bridge abutment (2mm collar)* 75.00

    4035-2CB 4.0mm engage Crown & Bridge abutment (2mm collar)* 75.00

    5045-2CB 5.0mm engage Crown & Bridge abutment (2mm collar)* 75.00

    6057-2CB 6.0mm engage Crown & Bridge abutment (2mm collar)* 75.00

    *For multiple unit restorations only (not for single tooth restoration)

    32530-2OB 3.25mm engage O-Ball abutment (2mm collar) 75.00

    32530-3OB 3.25mm engage O-Ball abutment (3mm collar) 75.00

    32530-4OB 3.25mm engage O-Ball abutment (4mm collar) 75.00

    4035-2OB 4.0mm engage O-Ball abutment (2mm collar) 75.00

    4035-3OB 4.0mm engage O-Ball abutment (3mm collar) 75.00

    4035-4OB 4.0mm engage O-Ball abutment (4mm collar) 75.00

    5045-2OB 5.0mm engage O-Ball abutment (2mm collar) 75.00

    5045-3OB 5.0mm engage O-Ball abutment (3mm collar) 75.00

    5045-4OB 5.0mm engage O-Ball abutment (4mm collar) 75.00

    6057-1OB 6.0mm engage O-Ball abutment (1mm collar) 75.00

    6057-2OB 6.0mm engage O-Ball abutment (2mm collar) 75.00

  • PricES SuBjEct to chaNgE | StorE.ocoBiomEdical.com | (800)228-0477

    aButmENtSfor engage Bone level Implants


    1707 3.25mm engage locator abutment, 0mm height 115.00

    1708 3.25mm engage locator abutment,1mm height 115.00

    1709 3.25mm engage locator abutment, 2mm height 115.00

    1710 3.25mm engage locator abutment, 3mm height 115.00

    1711 3.25mm engage locator abutment, 4mm height 115.00

    1712 3.25mm engage locator abutment, 5mm height 115.00

    1713 3.25mm engage locator abutment, 6mm height 115.00

    8661 4.0mm engage locator abutment, 0mm height 115.00

    8662 4.0mm engage locator abutment, 1mm height 115.00

    8663 4.0mm engage locator abutment, 2.5mm height 115.00

    8664 4.0mm engage locator abutment, 3.5mm height 115.00

    8665 4.0mm engage locator abutment, 4.5mm height 115.00

    8625 4.0mm engage locator abutment, 5.5mm height 115.00

    8626 4.0mm engage locator abutment, 6.5mm height 115.00

    8671 5.0mm engage locator abutment, 0mm height 115.00

    8672 5.0mm engage locator abutment, 1mm height 115.00

    8673 5.0mm engage locator abutment, 2.5mm height 115.00

    8674 5.0mm engage locator abutment, 3.5mm height 115.00

    8675 5.0mm engage locator abutment, 4.5mm height 115.00

    8627 5.0mm engage locator abutment, 5.5mm height 115.00

    8628 5.0mm engage locator abutment, 6.5mm height 115.00

    1471 6.0mm engage locator abutment, 1mm height 115.00

    1472 6.0mm engage locator abutment, 2.5mm height 115.00

    1473 6.0mm engage locator abutment, 3.5mm height 115.00

    1474 6.0mm engage locator abutment, 4.5mm height 115.00

    1475 6.0mm engage locator abutment, 5.5mm height 115.00

    1476 6.0mm engage locator abutment, 6.5mm height 115.00

    Locator is a registered trademark of Zest IP Holdings, LLC

  • PricES SuBjEct to chaNgE | StorE.ocoBiomEdical.com | (800)228-0477

    aButmENtStransmucosal abutment products and healing abutments/screws

    3.25 tsI-O 3.25mm engaging Waxing sleeve (tsI/erI) 35.00

    4 tsI-O 4.0mm engaging Waxing sleeve (tsI/erI) 35.00

    5 tsI-O 5.0mm engaging Waxing sleeve (tsI/erI) 35.00

    5 tsI-O 6.0mm engaging Waxing sleeve (tsI/erI) 35.00

    3.25 tsI-nO 3.25mm non-engaging Waxing sleeve (tsI/erI) 35.00

    4 tsI-nO 4.0mm non-engaging Waxing sleeve (tsI/erI) 35.00

    5 tsI-nO 5.0mm non-engaging Waxing sleeve (tsI/erI) 35.00

    5 tsI-nO 6.0mm non-engaging Waxing sleeve (tsI/erI) 35.00

    3.25 tsI Ca-hC 3.25mm transmucosal healing abutment (tsI/erI) 30.00

    4.0 tsI Ca-hC 4.0mm transmucosal healing abutment (tsI/erI) 30.00

    5.0 tsI Ca-hC 5.0mm transmucosal healing abutment (tsI/erI) 30.00

    5.0 tsI Ca-hC 5.0mm transmucosal healing abutment (tsI/erI) 30.00


    3.25 Ca 3.25mm transmucosal abutment (tsI/erI) 55.00

    4.0 Ca 4.0mm transmucosal abutment (tsI/erI) 55.00

    4.0 Ca 5.0mm transmucosal abutment (tsI/erI) 55.00

    4.0 Ca 6.0mm transmucosal abutment (tsI/erI) 55.00

    *0084 3.25mm Bio-torq Octagon tip (tsI/erI) 80.00

    *0094 4.0mm Bio-torq Octagon tip (tsI/erI) 80.00

    *0094 5.0mm Bio-torq Octagon tip (tsI/erI) 80.00

    *0094 6.0mm Bio-torq Octagon tip (tsI/erI) 80.00

    3.25 Ip uCla tsI 3.25mm uCla Impression pickup (tsI/erI) 35.00

    4.0 Ip uCla tsI 4.0mm uCla Impression pickup (tsI/erI) 35.00

    5.0 Ip uCla tsI 5.0mm uCla Impression pickup (tsI/erI) 35.00

    5.0 Ip uCla tsI 6.0mm uCla Impression pickup (tsI/erI) 35.00

    3062 tsI hC 3.25mm healing abutment, 2.0mm height (tsI/erI) 30.00

    4062 tsI hC 4.0mm healing abutment, 2.0mm height (tsI/erI) 30.00

    5062 tsI hC 5.0mm healing abutment, 2.0mm height (tsI/erI) 30.00

    5062 tsI hC 6.0mm healing abutment, 2.0mm height (tsI/erI) 30.00

  • PricES SuBjEct to chaNgE | StorE.ocoBiomEdical.com | (800)228-0477

    aButmENtStransmucosal abutment products and healing abutments/screws


    3063 tsI hC 3.25mm healing abutment, 3.0mm height (tsI/erI) 30.00

    4063 tsI hC 4.0mm healing abutment, 3.0mm height (tsI/erI) 30.00

    5063 tsI hC 5.0mm healing abutment, 3.0mm height (tsI/erI) 30.00

    5063 tsI hC 6.0mm healing abutment, 3.0mm height (tsI/erI) 30.00

    3064 tsI hC 3.25mm healing abutment, 4.0mm height (tsI/erI) 30.00

    4064 tsI hC 4.0mm healing abutment, 4.0mm height (tsI/erI) 30.00

    5064 tsI hC 5.0mm healing abutment, 4.0mm height (tsI/erI) 30.00

    5064 tsI hC 6.0mm healing abutment, 4.0mm height (tsI/erI) 30.00

    3065 tsI hC 3.25mm healing abutment, 5.0mm height (tsI/erI) 30.00

    4065 tsI hC 4.0mm healing abutment, 5.0mm height (tsI/erI) 30.00

    32530-hs 3.25mm engage healing screw 20.00

    4035-hs 4.0mm engage healing screw 20.00

    5045-hs 5.0mm engage healing screw 20.00

    6057-hs 6.0mm engage healing screw 20.00

    3.25 uCla e 3.25mm engage uCla (engaging) 95.00

    3.25 uCla ne 3.25mm engage uCla (non-engaging) 95.00

    4.0 uCla e 4.0mm engage uCla (engaging) 95.00

    4.0 uCla ne 4.0mm engage uCla (non-engaging) 95.00

    5.0 uCla e 5.0mm engage uCla (engaging) 95.00

    5.0 uCla ne 5.0mm engage uCla (non-engaging) 95.00

    6.0 uCla e 5.0mm engage uCla (engaging) 95.00

    6.0 uCla ne 5.0mm engage uCla (non-engaging) 95.00

    32530-3ha 3.25mm engage healing abutment, 3.0mm height 30.00

    32530-5ha 3.25mm engage healing abutment, 5.0mm height 30.00

    4035-3ha 4.0mm engage healing abutment, 3.0mm height 30.00

    4035-5ha 4.0mm engage healing abutment, 5.0mm height 30.00

    5045-3ha 5.0mm engage healing abutment, 3.0mm height 30.00

    5045-5ha 5.0mm engage healing abutment, 5.0mm height 30.00

    6057-3ha 6.0mm engage healing abutment, 3.0mm height 30.00

    6057-5ha 6.0mm engage healing abutment, 5.0mm height 30.00

  • PricES SuBjEct to chaNgE | StorE.ocoBiomEdical.com | (800)228-0477

    rEStorativE ProductSanalogs & Impression Copings for tsI, erI, engage & macro Implants


    4/7 ra 3.25mm Crown & Bridge analog (4mm/7mm height) 20.00

    4/7 Ba 4.0mm Crown & Bridge analog (4mm/7mm height) 20.00

    4/7 ga 5.0/6.0mm Crown & Bridge analog (4mm/7mm height) 20.00

    sDIa 2.2/2.5 2.2/2.5mm C & B/O-Ball sDI analog (5.5mm height) 20.00

    sDIa 2.9 2.9mm C & B/O-Ball sDI analog (5.5mm height) 20.00

    IsIa 3.0/3.25 3.0mm C & B/O-Ball 3.0 analog (5.5mm height) 20.00

    IsIa 4.0 4.0mm C & B/O-Ball IsI analog (5.5mm height) 20.00

    IsIa 5.0 5.0/6.0mm C & B/O-Ball IsI analog (5.5mm height) 20.00

    tsIa 3.25 3.25mm tsI/erI/macro analog 25.00

    tsIa 4.0 4.0mm tsI/erI/macro analog 25.00

    tsIa 5.0 5.0/6.0mm tsI/erI/macro analog 25.00

    325a Ca tsI 3.25mm tsI/erI/macro transmucosal analog 25.00

    4.0a Ca tsI 4.0mm tsI/erI/macro transmucosal analog 25.00

    5.0a Ca tsI 5.0/6.0mm tsI/erI/macro transmucosal analog 25.00

    3.25 IC 3.25mm tsI/erI/macro Indexing Impression Coping/temp. abutment 35.00

    4.0 IC 4.0mm tsI/erI/macro Indexing Impression Coping/temp. abutment 35.00

    5.0 IC 5.0mm tsI/erI/macro Indexing Impression Coping/temp. abutment 35.00

    5.0 IC 6.0mm tsI/erI/macro Indexing Impression Coping/temp. abutment 35.00

    32530a 3.25mm engage analog 30.00

    4035a 4.0mm engage analog 30.00

    5045a 5.0mm engage analog 30.00

    6057a 6.0mm engage analog 30.00

    32530 IC/ta 3.25mm engage Impression Coping/temporary abutment 30.00

    4035 IC/ta 4.0mm engage Impression Coping/temporary abutment 30.00

    5045 IC/ta 5.0mm engage Impression Coping/temporary abutment 30.00

    6057 IC/ta 6.0mm engage Impression Coping/temporary abutment 30.00

  • PricES SuBjEct to chaNgE | StorE.ocoBiomEdical.com | (800)228-0477

    rEStorativE ProductSanalogs & Impression Copings for tsI, erI, engage & macro Implants


    sDIC 2.2/2.5 2.2/2.5mm C & B trIp (tissue retraction Impression pickup) 15.00

    IsIC 2.9/3.0/3.25 2.9/3.0/3.25mm C & B trIp (tissue retraction Impression pickup) 15.00

    IsIC 4.0 4.0mm C & B trIp (tissue retraction Impression pickup) 15.00

    IsIC 5.0 5.0mm C & B trIp (tissue retraction Impression pickup) 15.00

    IsIC 5.0 6.0mm C & B trIp (tissue retraction Impression pickup) 15.00

    tsI-Os 3.25 3.25mm tsI/erI/macro Offset trIp (tissue retraction Impression pickup) 15.00

    tsI-Os 4.0 4.0mm tsI/erI/macro Offset trIp (tissue retraction Impression pickup) 15.00

    tsI-Os 5.0 5.0mm tsI/erI/macro Offset trIp (tissue retraction Impression pickup) 15.00

    tsI-Os 5.0 6.0mm tsI/erI/macro Offset trIp (tissue retraction Impression pickup) 15.00

    8505 locator Impression Coping - 4 pack 66.00

    8530 3.25/4.0mm locator female analog - 4 pack 66.00

    8516 5.0/6.0mm locator female analog - 4 pack 66.00

    2.2/2.5 aC 2.2/2.5mm acrylic Coping 15.00

    2.9/3.0/3.25 aC 2.9/3.0/3.25mm acrylic Coping 15.00

    4.0 aC 4.0mm acrylic Coping 15.00

    5.0/6.0 aC 5.0/6.0mm acrylic Coping 15.00

    Locator is a registered trademark of Zest IP Holdings, LLC

    Locator is a registered trademark of Zest IP Holdings, LLC

  • coNtact iNFormatioNPhoNE(800) 228-0477 | toll free (us)(505) 293-0025 | Direct(505) 293-0447 | fax

    addrESS9550 san mateo Blvd. ne, suite Calbuquerque, nm 87113

    hourS7:00 am - 6:00pm mstmonday - friday

    accouNtiNg/BilliNg(800) 228-0477 (us) eXt 2401 | toll free

    rEturNS(800) 228-0477 (us) eXt 2407 | toll free

    EducatioN & cliNical aFFairS (800) 228-0477 (us) eXt 2419 | toll free

    SalES(800) 228-0477 (us) eXt 2402 | toll [email protected]

    how caN i ordEr Your ProductS?Order online at store.ocobiomedical.com following online registration, fax your order to 505-293-0447 or call our customer service department at 800-228-0477 (uS) monday - Friday 7:00am to 6:00pm mountain time how loNg will it taKE For mY ShiPmENt to arrivE?OCO Biomedical ships through FedEx exclusively, transit times are as follows:overnight: Next business day delivery by 10:30am Express saver: Delivery in 3 business days by 4:30pm 2nd day: Second business day delivery by 4:30pm ground: 4-5 business days at the end of business day what iS Your rEturN PolicY?All product must be in new and saleable condition (returned in the original packaging) with the manufacturing seals intact. Original invoice number and purchase date must accompany product in order to process the return. No cash refunds. Product must be returned within 60 days of the original invoice. Product received after sixty (60) days of the original invoice will be subject to a 15% restocking fee. After 90 days, only implant bodies can be returned for exchange (up to 120 days from date of original invoice). The returned product must be enclosed in safe, protective packaging such as a padded envelope or box. Please mark the outside of the package to the attention of returns. At the address below.

    return address: OCO Biomedical, Inc., Attn: Returns, 9550 San Mateo Blvd. NE, Suite C, Albuquerque, NM 87113.

    do You havE aN imPlaNt warraNtY?OCO Biomedical Dental Implants are warranted unconditionally against defects in material and workmanship. The warranty covers only the cost of the implant

    and abutment and does not cover professional fees. If a defect is found, please do not use the item. Simply return the item after notifying OCO Biomedical, and

    a replacement item will be delivered at no additional charge. OCO Biomedical Dental Implants are conditionally warranted if failure occurs within 5 years after

    placement, and will be replaced at one third the current retail price, plus shipping, provided that: the implant was used with an OCO Biomedical abutment and

    the implant and abutment, if applicable, are returned to OCO Biomedical accompanied by a completed Failed Implant Report, including lot number. (A Failed

    Implant Report may also be obtained through the returns department.)

    iNtErNatioNal diStriButorSVisit www.ocobiomedical.com/resources/distributors for distributor information.

    Product StErilizatioN diSclaimErimplants: OCO Biomedical opposes the re-sterilization of implants after they have been removed from the vial or placed in the jaw because of the possibility of the transference of blood borne pathogens or other contaminants. all other surgical instrumentation: OCO Biomedical recommends using a steam sterilization unit at 121 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes with a drying time of 30 minutes.

    quEStioNS & aNSwErS

    PricES SuBjEct to chaNgE | StorE.ocoBiomEdical.com | (800)228-0477

  • [ The NexT GeNeraTioN of deNTal implaNT TechNoloGy ]

    9550 san mateo Blvd. ne, suite C, albuquerque, nm 87113(800) 228-0477 toll free | (505) 293-0025 Direct | (505) 293-0447 fax

    www.ocobiomedical.com | [email protected] 2013 OCO Biomedical Inc. 354-1 05/13