olsh newsletter 14 april

Welcome back for the start of Term Two. Hopefully, everyone has had a chance to relax and to store up their energy levels for what promises to be a busy couple of months ahead. It is pleasing to report that the students have returned with a positive attitude and have settled back quickly into their classroom routines. A special welcome goes to our new students and their families. During the break the College, senior boys Basketball team took part in the annual national Marist Basketball carnival which was hosted by St Francis Xavier s College, Hamilton (Newcastle, NSW). Mr Eli Melky (coach) and Mr Peter Augustin (Manager) accompanied the team. The boys trained enthusiastically for several months in readiness for this event and their efforts were well rewarded; they finished 9 th in a field of 21 teams from across Australia, and for the first time OLSH College played in the Championship division, after winning three of their first four games. Congratulations to the following students who have been awarded Northern Territory Institute of Sport (NTIS) Scholarships; Carlie Ryan (Netball), Louis Egger (AFL), Troy Lawton (AFL) and Tom Coach (Cycling). Parent/Teacher interviews will be held at all the campuses during next week. The Year 9-12 meetings (Sadadeen) and the T-4 (Bath Street) meetings will be held on Tuesday, 19 th April, while the Year 5-8 groups will meet on the Wednesday at the Traeger campus. Our Year 7 s will return tomorrow after their camping trip to Uluru and beyond. Our thanks go to Mr Tony Healy and to the teachers who accompanied the students during this special time away from the normal school routine. The Easter Triduum, commencing with Holy Thursday, on 21 st April, will include a number of public holidays, including Good Friday. Also the traditional Easter Monday holiday coincides with Anzac Day, 25 th April. It is anticipated that a good number of our students will participate in the annual Anzac Day march, which proceeds from the Alice Springs Council Chambers through to the top of Anzac hill, assembling at just after 9 o clock. Central Administration: Bath Street Campus: Traeger Ave Campus Sadadeen Rd Campus: Tel: 08 8950 6400 Tel: 08 8950 8666 Tel: 08 8950 8555 Tel: 08 8950 7399 Fax: 08 8952 4607 Fax: 08 8953 2624 Fax: 08 8952 2851 Fax: 08 8953 2571 P.O. Box 2508 Alice Springs NT 0871 Website: www.olshalice.nt.edu.au Email: [email protected] Member of the Association of Marist Schools of Australia (AMSA) Registered CRICOS Provider: 02598D Dates to Remember APRIL 17th Palm Sunday 19th 20th Trans-Yr 4 Parent Teacher Interviews 19th Year 9-12 Parent/ Teacher Interviews 20th Year 5-8 Parent Teacher Interviews 22nd Good Friday 25th-Easter Monday 26th-Anzac Day Public Holiday. 28th P & F Meeting MAY 2nd-Bangtail Muster 4th Student Casual Day 20th Sadadeen Athletics Carnival 23rd-27th Year 11 Semester 1 Exams Campus Office Hours Monday - Friday 8am-4pm Campus Canteens Bath Street 89527532 Traeger 89508555 Sadadeen 89507318 College Uniform Shop Telephone: 89522742 Fax: 89555163 Opening Hours: Tuesday 8.15am 10.00am Thursday 8.15am-10.00am Thursday 2.30pm-4.30pm Lil Antz AfterSchool Care: Telephone: 08 89530015 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Dear Parents/Guardians, Staff, Students and Friends of OLSH Volume 15 Issue 11 14th April 2011

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Page 1: OLSH Newsletter 14 April

Welcome back for the start of Term Two. Hopefully, everyone has had a chance to relax and to store up their energy levels for what promises to be a busy couple of months ahead. It is pleasing to report that the students have returned with a positive attitude and have settled

back quickly into their classroom routines. A special welcome goes to our new students and their families.

During the break the College, senior boys Basketball team took part inthe annual national Marist Basketball carnival which was hosted by St Francis Xavier s College, Hamilton (Newcastle, NSW). Mr Eli Melky(coach) and Mr Peter Augustin (Manager) accompanied the team. The boys trained enthusiastically for several months in readiness for this event and their efforts were well rewarded; they finished 9th in a field of 21 teams from across Australia, and for the first time OLSH College played in the Championship division, after winning three of their first four games.

Congratulations to the following students who have been awarded Northern Territory Institute of Sport (NTIS) Scholarships; Carlie Ryan (Netball), Louis Egger (AFL), Troy Lawton (AFL) and Tom Coach (Cycling).

Parent/Teacher interviews will be held at all the campuses during next week. The Year 9-12 meetings (Sadadeen) and the T-4 (Bath Street) meetings will be held on Tuesday, 19th April, while the Year 5-8 groups will meet on the Wednesday at the Traeger campus.

Our Year 7 s will return tomorrow after their camping trip to Uluru andbeyond. Our thanks go to Mr Tony Healy and to the teachers who accompanied the students during this special time away from the normal school routine.

The Easter Triduum, commencing with Holy Thursday, on 21st April,will include a number of public holidays, including Good Friday. Also the traditional Easter Monday holiday coincides with Anzac Day, 25th

April. It is anticipated that a good number of our students will participate in the annual Anzac Day march, which proceeds from the Alice Springs Council Chambers through to the top of Anzac hill,assembling at just after 9 o clock.

Central Administration: Bath Street Campus: Traeger Ave Campus Sadadeen Rd Campus:Tel: 08 8950 6400 Tel: 08 8950 8666 Tel: 08 8950 8555 Tel: 08 8950 7399Fax: 08 8952 4607 Fax: 08 8953 2624 Fax: 08 8952 2851 Fax: 08 8953 2571

P.O. Box 2508 Alice Springs NT 0871 Website: www.olshalice.nt.edu.au Email: [email protected]

Member of the Association of Marist Schools of Australia (AMSA) Registered CRICOS Provider: 02598D

Dates to Remember


17th Palm Sunday

19th 20th Trans-Yr 4Parent Teacher Interviews

19th Year 9-12 Parent/Teacher Interviews

20th Year 5-8 ParentTeacher Interviews

22nd Good Friday25th-Easter Monday26th-Anzac Day Public Holiday.28th P & F Meeting


2nd-Bangtail Muster

4th Student Casual Day

20th Sadadeen AthleticsCarnival

23rd-27th Year 11 Semester 1 Exams

Campus Office HoursMonday - Friday


Campus CanteensBath Street 89527532Traeger 89508555Sadadeen 89507318

College Uniform ShopTelephone: 89522742Fax: 89555163

Opening Hours:Tuesday 8.15am 10.00amThursday 8.15am-10.00amThursday 2.30pm-4.30pm

Lil Antz AfterSchool Care:Telephone: 08 89530015

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College

Dear Parents/Guardians, Staff, Students and Friends of OLSH

Volume 15 Issue 11 14th April 2011

Page 2: OLSH Newsletter 14 April


Reflection PalmSunday

Please note that the march will be held on the Monday. The extra public holiday will follow on Tuesday, 26th

April and classes will resume on Wednesday, 27th April.

Due to the timing of Holy Thursday, the date of the normal monthly meetings for the Parents and FriendsAssociation has been re-scheduled. The next meeting will be on Thursday, 28th April (instead of 21st April).

Our new term is now underway; let s work together to make it a happy and productive time for our school


Best wishes

Br Paul GilchristPrincipal

Lord, I pray

In this Easter week as I reflect

On my life s events that you inspect

I realise the important lesson

Of real events oft forgotten

That taking risks is always risky

And dealing with people is often scary

My life s experiences are your doing

My response to them is my growing

Just walk with me and feed me faith

So I can walk your path with even pace

Not needing to leap from place to place .Amen

College News

The National Assessment Programme Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is an annual assessment for students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. It has been an annual event for schools since 2008.

On Tuesday 10, Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12 May, students will undertake the 2011 NAPLAN tests.

NAPLAN is made up of tests in the four domains of Reading, Writing, Language Conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and Numeracy. NAPLAN assesses skills in literacy and numeracy that are developed over time, through the school curriculum. NAPLAN is not a pass or fail type test, but rather shows how individual students are progressing in numeracy and literacy skills against national standards for all Australia children.

All students are encouraged to participate in the tests. Students with a disability may qualify for special provisions that reflect the support normally provided to them in the classroom. Students can be exempted from one or more NAPLAN tests if they have significant intellectual or functional disability or if they are from a non-English-speaking background and arrived in Australia less than one year before the tests.

An individual student NAPLAN report will be issued by the school later this year. Parents can use this information to monitor how their child is progressing and to identify any areas of concern. Parents may also wish to use their child sresults to discuss progress with teachers. More information is available at www.naplan.edu.au or http://www.det.nt.gov.au/parents-community/assessment-reporting/nap/parents

Change for dates for Casual Day.The next Casual Day is Wednesday 4th May

Page 3: OLSH Newsletter 14 April



The Department of Health (DoF) provides a FREE dental service to all children attending primary school. If your child/children requires a check-up or treatment, please contact our Dental Therapist Phyllis Stagg on 89534705. Please leave a message and Phyllis will contact you with an appointment time and location of the school dental clinic where she will be working.


The Medicare Teen Dental Plan provides financial assistance to families to help keep their teenagers teeth in good healthand encourage them to continue to look after their teeth once they become independent.

Around 1.3 million teenagers are eligible for the Medicare Teen Dental Plan each year. To be eligible, a teenager must be aged between 12-17 and meet a means test.

Eligible teenagers can receive their preventative check from a private dentist or at a public dental clinic (including a school-based clinic). You can contact the Flynn Drive Dental Clinic on 8951 6713 to schedule an appointment.If you need more information about the Medicare Teen Dental Plan or to check eligibility, call 132 011 or visit www.medicareaustralia.gov.au or any Medicare office.


Over the holidays The Sky s the Limit travelled to Darwin and competed in the finals for the Battle of the Bands.They can be proud of their performance ranking third place

for the NT! Well done!

Even more exciting is placing first in the Red Bull

BEDROOM JAM Buzz Chart competition. They now move to the Backyard Jam. Red Bull is coming to Alice this week to record a new video of the band. Log on and support them at www.redbullbedroomjam.com.au. Vote for The

Sky s the Limit!Nikki Quesnel

Campus News: Bath St

Was that really a week? Just as I was getting into the swing of holidaying, it stopped! No doubt some of our children are feeling the same way, but welcome back to everyone.

This term is our eleven week term, which sounds a bit daunting, but scattered throughout is the Easter break and the odd long weekend. This is a good time to remind everyone to check when their PE Day is and to put labels on all clothing and equipment.

Liturgically, this week sees us celebrating Passion (Palm) Sunday. Being Year A, the Gospel this year is Matthew 26:14-27:66 The following week is Holy Week.


In an effort to keep up with the times , we have aFacebook page and a Twitter account, where you are welcome to join us to stay informed about what shappening at Bath St.To find us on Facebook, search for Olsh BathSt and on Twitter, look for @OLSH_BathSt.We are using these tools, more as an information sharing mechanism and not so much for the social aspect. Facebook is not available to children 13 years of age or younger.


There was a note sent home with all children on Tuesday that explained the workings of our Fish n Chip Fundraising day for Project Compassion. The cost for the lunch will be $7. If your child is interested in having this special lunch, please fill out the form that was at the bottom of the note and send it back to school by the 21st April. Parents and friends might like to join us but need to arrange their own fish n chips. We thank Eastside Fish n Chip Shop for their support in this venture.


As we begin a new term, we remind everyone about the

Kiss n Go Guidelines.

have name tags displayed on the passenger side sun-

visor; the dashboard is not the best option

keep the Wills Tce intersection clear at all times (fines

may occur)

remind siblings to sit together

children need to enter the vehicle from the footpath

side and not go out onto the road.

drivers need to stay in the vehicle - it is a no standing

zone during operational hours

Some children (particularly some of our Year Four) need

to be more responsible and set a better example. We will

begin operating a 3 Strikes You re Out set-up, where

after two warnings, children whose behaviour continues to

be unacceptable will be asked to wait in the Front Office

rather than out in the Kiss n Go area.


The Australian Mathematics Competition is open to

students in Years 3 and 4. The competition will be held on

Thursday 4th August and consists of 25 multiple-choice

questions and 5 questions requiring a number answer. All

students receive a certificate showing their level of

achievement and a detailed report of how they performed

on each question.

If you would like your child to participate, complete the

permission note sent home on Tuesday and return it to

school with $5.50 by Friday 6th May. Correct money,


Page 4: OLSH Newsletter 14 April



Our Wink Wednesday s will continue to run this

term. Normal school rules apply and no scooters or

skateboards can be used, so these may not be the best toys

to bring.

We have noticed some very expensive toys coming to

school and you are reminded that the school is not

responsible for any of these.


Bath Street Parent/Teacher Interviews will be held next

week on Tuesday April 19th and Wednesday April

20th. Please make yourself available to meet with your

child s teacher to discuss how your child is progressing this

year. Room 14 Parent/Teacher Interviews will now be held

on these dates.

Note: The following classes will be holding Parent/Teacher

Interviews on alternative dates.

Room 12 Monday April 18th and Tuesday April 19;

Room 5 Tuesday May 3rd and Wednesday May 4th.


Terrence Mathe

Finn Mills

Alex McLaren

Chelsea Loader

Lachlan Eglinton

Thank you to our Sponsors.

Campus News: Sadadeen


Interviews take place next Tuesday 19th April from 3:30 5:30 & 6:00 7:00pm in the 500 block. All parents are encouraged to contact Sadadeen reception to make an interview to speak with your child s teachers about theirprogress.


Congratulations to the boys of the team, Mr Melky & Mr Augustine on their excellent performance over the holidays. A more detailed report follows later in this newsletter.


Good Friday 22nd April, Easter Monday 25th April and ANZAC Day 26th April are public holidays and there will be no classes on these days.


This Friday, Mr Boyce and his two Tourism classes head off for a three day tour of Uluru. Well done Mr Boyce on preparing this excursion for the senior Tourism students.


Week 5 Tuesday 10th May til Friday 13th May is NAPLAN for the Year 9 students. More details to follow.


Until further notice students will be parking inside the campus. They are asked to park on the grass, off the driveway on the Sadadeen Road side of the main driveway. The student car park is out of bounds until the

completion of filling and levelling.


Thanks goes to Ms Nikki Quesnel & Mr Pat Johnson for their preparation of this Excursion to Melbourne & Mt Gambier. This event is now in its fourth year. The students head off on Thursday 5th May and return on Tuesday 10th



Even though the official opening of the Marian Centre is on Friday 6th May, P.E, and Drama classes have already started to use the new centre. Mr Augustin will also supervise it at lunch times on Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays for students to use.

Have a good week ahead.Matt de Jong.Head of Campus Sadadeen.


Toward the end of term three, a group of Sadadeen Campus students will participate in the 2011 East Timor Immersion. They are: Jade Hatt, Celine Ociones, Gavin Henderson, Chris Davis, Annelies Doecke, Nicole Lennartz & Dannielle DeBrenni. The group has participated in several fundraising activities to date and will be selling pancakes at the Todd Markets this weekend.Please support us at the Market and at other fundraising activities we will be conducting in the coming months. Mr Mills and Ms Howie will be accompanying the students on the Immersion this year.


Last Friday, nine students returned from Newcastle New South Wales after representing OLSH College at the 22nd

Australian Marist Basketball Carnival. The boys performed incredibly well against some of the most talented basketballers from Marist school around Australia.

Winning the first 3 out of 4 grading games the boys found themselves making it through to the championship pool for the first time since entering the competition in 2006. Playing against the top teams from Marist schools around Australia proved a tough challenge that the boys rose to at every occasion. At no stage did the OLSH boys disappoint, with the largest losing margin being 25 points. The final play off for 9th spot against Marist College Ashgrove proved to be a great way to finish the tournament, winning the match to finish the competition in 9th spot, the best final recorded for OLSH College to date.

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Congratulations to Aaron Crowe for taking out the MVP award for the trip, closely followed by Lee Melky and Shane Garfath. Congratulations also to James Melky for taking out the Junior MVP award. A big thanks must go to Eli Melky for coaching the boys over the 4 days of basketball. Overall it was a great experience that I m sure the boys willremember for a long time to come.

Campus News: Traeger

Welcome back to the start of Term 2. We have an 11 weekterm!

The Year 7 Camp has been underway since Tuesday morning, and all reports tell us they are having a fabulous time, with many stories to share upon their return. They will be back around 4pm on Friday.

Dates: Term 2

Easter Break Good Friday 22nd April students return Wed27th AprilEnd of Term 2 Friday 24th June.


Please note that all Students are required to wear FULL SCHOOL UNIFORM to and from school as well as atschool. The practice of changing shoes and hats will see these items confiscated until the end of term. Please note that your child is representing the school whenever they are in

uniform, and their behaviour should reflect this.

Homework Centres resume in Week 2 until Week 9!

Traeger Campus Homework Centre

The homework centre operates on Thursdays. You need a Traeger Homework Centre Card to attend. Please contact the front office for a permission form.

Indigenous Homework CentreThese are on Monday and Thursday. The sessions go from 3:00

4:00pm and will be held in the 6.2 Home Room. Students attending will be bussed home. Year 5 Homework CentreThis takes place on Wednesday 3:00-4:00pm. This will be held in our library where the students must be collected at 4:00pm please.


Parent teacher interviews will be held in the Gilchrist Hall on Wednesday the 20th April. Please phone the Front Office on 89 508555 to book your appointment with Homeroom and or Specialist teachers. There are appointment times available between 3.30 7pm.


Please note that next Friday 22nd April is Good Friday, therefore no classes will be held.

Tuesday the 26th of April is the ANZAC Day gazetted Holiday (ANZAC Day is 25th April). This is the day we honour those who have given their lives for our Country and way of life. We also pay tribute to those currently serving overseas. We hope that you will all go and support the march through Town, and or attend the Dawn Service at ANZAC Hill. There will be no classes on this day.

The following Monday, May the 2nd is also a Public Holiday, so students return on Tuesday the 3rd of May.


The Traeger Athletics Carnival will be held on Friday of Week 7. Please keep this day free for volunteering and supporting your children. It will be held at the Head Street Oval.


A form was sent home this week with all students to update your contact details. Please return these forms so that we are able to contact you should your child need it. There are a lot of children who do not have contact details for when they are sick or need to be collected early.

CONGRATULATIONS JAXON 9 !Recently we had a number of students who entered a state-widecompetition promoting the dangers of alcohol, Tell em That sEnough . A group of Traeger students; Ann Ghea, CinderellaNyathi, Jaxon Manu-Preston, Jack McDonnell, Jayden Bartels, Nelson Connelly, Jacob Watson, Mico Sumang and Colin Ross-day entered 3 original songs and won first place in two audio categories and second place in another. They have appeared in the local paper, been acknowledged in numerous articles since and were also interviewed by ABC Radio for a live chat on their website. The songs will be run on ABC, SunFM and CAAMA Radio to promote sensible drinking in the NT over the coming few months. Huge congratulations to these students. Yet that

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wasn t all! Ella Gaynor and her family also took out thePeople s Choice Award and first place in the mobile phonecategory. Congratulations Ella. What a fantastic effort by all of these students.

Have a great weekMick HurleyActing Head of Campus Traeger

Performing Arts News


It is vital that students attend as many band practices over the next few weeks as possible. The schedule is as follows:

Thur 14/04 @ OLSH Music RoomDivision 4 3:00 4:15Division 3 4:15 5:30

Sun 17/04 @ OLSH Music RoomDivision 3 12:30 2:00Division 4 2:15 4:00

Thur 21/04 @ OLSH Music RoomDivision 4 3:00 4:15Division 3 4:15 5:30

Wed 27/04 @ St. Philips (all students will be transported by bus)

Division 3 3:00 4:30Division 4 4:45 6:00

Sun 1/05 @ St. PhilipsDivision 4 11:00 12:15

Sun 1/05 @ OLSHDivision 3 12:30 2:00


All Year 9 and 10 Music students should attend band practice on Mondays, after school, from 3:00 to 4:00 pm if they are not in an alternate school band. There will be practices on Weeks 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 this term.

FREE Music Workshop at InCite:

**15 -21 Year Old Age Group**





Turn your dream into reality




MUSIC Dreams, Food &Fun

SATURDAY 16th April

1pm - 2.30pm



Please Contact ASYASS

To Register A Place:

8953 4096

Or Call Into The Office

...12 Undoolya Rd (89534200)

Or at the Library ~ 89 500556

Or At The Library

Community News


Tennis SelectionsSunday 17th April @ Alice Springs Tennis Centre on Traeger Avenue, 10am start. BYO racquet.

Billet Families NeededWe re hosting the AFL School Sport event here in AliceSprings from May 18


th. There will be around 150 kids coming here from around the NT and they need to be billeted. We are hoping that you can help. Please contact [email protected] for more info.

Page 7: OLSH Newsletter 14 April


I NEED A GOOD HOME!I am a beautiful cat (de-sexed and approximately 2 years old) that needs a new home. I was found injured and was temporarily adopted by a family while I got well, but sadly I was never to live with them permanently. They have tried to find my family but no one has claimed me. Although I am still healing I do not require any further vet visits. My wounds do not affect the way I live. I am fun, outgoing, good looking, love cuddles and love to play hide and seek, (and free)! I would love to be part of a family so if you think you have room for me please call Kellie on 0427714236.


5 Gas stoves in good condition from the Home Economics classroom at Sadadeen Campus for sale for $100 each. Pleasecontact Central Administration on 8950 6400

P & F News

The next P&F meeting will be held on Thursday the


April at the Sadadeen Campus library, at 7:30


The AGM was poorly attended and we still have a number of positions vacant on the committee.



Social positions x 4

If you would like to be more involved in your Child sschool we would love to see you at the next meeting. You do not have to hold an executive position to be involved, so come along and find out what it s all about

Hope to see you on the 28th. For further information you

can contact Bec Scollen 0417841565.

Page 8: OLSH Newsletter 14 April


Kindly note that College Students are only

supervised between the following hours:

Bath St Campus 8:00am to 3:20pm

Traeger and Sadadeen Campus 7:55am to 3:20pm

Please bear these times in mind when

dropping off or picking up your children.

Please contact Bronwyn at the Sadadeen Campus front

Office to purchase tickets by phone using credit card.

Don t forgetNext casual day is

Wednesday 4th May