only half saying it ernst scan

I I All I ",ht l'" i't" ;,, <1;" ' 1''(1 .or" hy Ihr pn'<;O'I li s.· .. t:lif"t,c,lh l "'ggr, I Em.!" • . !u "n';,', .-1 ,1 111J1w.. ((\,!I' d u"r (q/l, :'. J>fl. n7 13 : and Mon,b A/lltO/i, willi 0.ff£ll/(v:/ID JI. 19 } 1J",h.Jnl.J "I I Tllhin)l:rn. Ill'. i5 i.I h L:urr ( M a'l; Er n<l. .-fll dr, anw, 1<) 2:2. $' ,\1 r,,,.) _" 1" '",1./: '1 0 , '1("; ]' l';u-u ::i( ) J)N."I.C .\l unl l... ,J.2(Xl(). Only half sa ying it: Max Ernst and emb lems ELl ZA llli'rH Ll:GCE At the end of 19 22, wh en M ax £ rn... t pai nted a group pOrtrait of th e Pari s Dada gro up, A ll TtlIr/t';;' -f 'QlI l lin (fi gure I), (0 a nllo un ce h is arr i,"a l am oll )"T!) t them, he clid !'.O as n rca ll cg:oriz ation or an aC;ld f' mic set piece the ofi\ n 01' ro n,g- rcga tio ll ....Tilers a nd a rt iSIS - " hich he as a mo r ibu nd p recedent. .\ 5 a st ud ent al the t "ni\"crs ity of 130 1111 , w() uk l pa rl ic li la rl y h:t\"c know n of Ihal genre, J aco b GoetJ;C Il - ha na l allegories ofJur is pr ud(:nc(', T hcolo, tD'. fo. hxlicin(', a ll d Ph iloso- ph y, in the C nin: r.. il ), ;Isscm bl) hall. I II G oe uergt:r's Philosoph} 2). Ih e ])1' C$C llCC of a ped ign::c f nml r hr Se/wot oj A tlu:nj th roug h aC . a{km ic hei N. E I'Il SI'S jok ing indu si(lIl of Rapb ad in A ll TOI .d n:- VOltS d tj all/is {h .: S:l mc purpose .' Howe"er, Ernsl te nden- liously lil(' ar lifi ci;1 ] the a llcgC! ry o f. 1 1I nndf.?- vOllj de. . ./

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Page 1: Only Half Saying It Ernst SCAN


I All I ~l l nlQlt I~- ht l it lt1 1(1 or hy Ihr pnltOIli ~ Ihfll

smiddot t liftclh l ggr P ~inK

I (~urlOvn Em bull u (d~~_ -uu n -1 1 111J1w ((I d ur (ql Jgtfl n7 13 and Monb 3~IHr AlltOi willi (f(hlt~_ I lIIlI u~f (In~anoe 0ffpoundll(vID

(H~( JI 19 1JhJnlJ I JJ(~Iu(JM

ITllhin)lrn ~ Ill i5 iI

h Lurr ( M al Er nltl -fll _~_ dr

anw 1lt)22 $ 1 r)_ b ~ 1 11 0 1( ] lu-u i( ) J)NIC lunl l J2(Xl()

Only half saying it Max Ernst and emblems

ELl ZA lllirH LlGCE

At the end of 1922 when M ax pound rnt pai nted a g ro up pOrt rai t o f the Paris Dada group A ll TtlIrt -fQlI l lin (IIIi~ (fi gure I ) (0 a nllou nce h is arria l a m oll )T) t th em he clid O as n rca llcgorization or a n aCld f mic set p iece the

port r ~l i l ofin Hild(rn~ 01 ro ng- rcga tioll or~r~at Tile rs a nd a rtiSIS - hich he i llok~ as a moribu nd precedent 5 a stud en t a l the t nicrs ity of 130 1111 Ern~1 w()ukl pa rl ic li la rl y htc know n h o~Ii of Ihal genre J acob Goe tJC Il shyhCTg(f ~ ha na l allegories ofJurisprud(nc( T hcolotD fo hxlicin( a lld Ph ilososhyph y in the C ninril ) Isscm bl) hall III GoelJcn uergtrs Philosoph f fi~ ul(

2) Ihe ])1C$CllCC of Raph~d lti~n ) l ~ a ped ignc fnml r hr Sewot oj Atlunj th rough it ~ aCakmic hei N EIIlSIS jok ing indusi(lIl o f R a pbad in All TOIdnshyVOltS dtj allis p~n(r~dy ~( rc) h Sl mc pu rpose Howeer Ernsl tendenshyliously dcplo~~ lil( mO~ l arlifi ci1 ] or n l odr~ the a llcgCry of 11I nndf- vOllj de


anlTJ sig lla ls il ~dby the ltI wkw rdl y held P()S( ~~ a nd fio7cn gb lu reS ha l d raw

a lt el1tiOIl 10 t il t 1)U ih iliIY thl 110 nnal cOllllnuni lllil lolld itiollS do nOI a ppl y

A~ a ponrat ofal) acad em y or puild All rmd~(-tCll~ d nmil m a y Hend 10 Fm~ I $ ~ud ) ofa r hi tory 111 h is CSSl) Da~ Il o1la ud iSlhe GruppcnporrII

Alnis Rie(1 had in vcstig a lld the WI)S IIM I group portrailS in l 101lian31( and

Dutch tradi tions lais( uniq ue pro lJlems of com position Riegl s d $C us~ion

of gest ure and mutual a lle n liOll linking figures wi th in the depiclcd gTQup aud wilh Ihe Vil Wlr illa y he held up to E rnst s Dadas-as-acadcm dl(rtshy

geSlUre~ mutua ll ) (aneel E rnst s jol l~ h is text book I m lia na te acad e mic

ror np()~ il ioll wh ile tlt t ~Ia li lg figu res parod y the C( lIl ra l d c ire o f D Ulch

group p() rt ntit~ poundrn~1 c nietind ) lIegales bOlh of R icloIs a lt erna tives fo r

co he nt l o rlllgtu ~ i li (JJ1

All wule-vw J lin nmir is a manifi~ I () a nd salvu summar izing the IcnllS o f h i ~ a rt a) t pa rodic- al le-gOl) of a n s mcans of t li e language of all a mi or language in 11 1 Emsl rnliIIl(~ til vLry ClJUC( Pl()I1 uf Lgrccd -u po COll ven middot

lio ns in art lhm ugh hi~ U~~ltl l1 lt 1)11 rh t wri cal gc~ t urt H t m a kes t he Oa das

gcstu n bn lh c~C~Shimiddot a nd IlIIeo tnJ11l1l1 icllivc resembling a S~l l Ia IlR ll a~c

OUl resist ingl ll d l((xi illg Ernsts interesl in tQm Cll t ions wa s inlOlr l1 cd not

o nl by u rI his tory bUL by a knowlcdg( of Ihe problems of la tlgu llge in

gcmriI Tltlfc ere st rOllg intcllictua l n 01S01l( li ll Ern) t tu a pplltt l to be

grappling il h l ing lL i~l ic ploblems In his immcriiate c ird c ill the (a rl )

) (l IS of his Issirn ila liou iulO Frc ud l id (JI a mi SyIl ItO th c l i ng u i~ l J ea n

Paul han alld the pOC t ~ 11111 Flu a rd and Ro ben Otsnos crt in ve~ t i galing

the fIm anc mi~rcpn ll1talion illhcrlnl in la ng uage lId language hc l(

mca lt~ F rench a nd dirt tlS us in to Frenc h lh lori~ of lan~ua~e Ih lnl Sau~ur( hac k 10 Did4Tnt I II JL Hi t tfAlrmbrrl Didcrols d lc mlJlft asks D r Bordtu II Il hl l one ca ll nlr Ulld crsla nd o r be und crslOlXI Bordc u r ep lies

EI pa r la raiMln o(ulr quUcu n homlll~ ne- r~(mblc parfailcmen l it un lUlr( 1l0tlS u C ll lc mit)IlS jaml i prCci~l~ lHcm nous n~ ()mmcs jamltis prCti~cme lll

f l~Ul l ~ J q)h ltooI(h(T~t t I I LuiHrslh (or kInn [dlmrdl

1 ku Kll~I It j

IWIItIJIurAn lftI ilt 11tgt4io AJ~ltt t lIi J3 19~

1- amp nl) Ioltn Quolio b u middotbull uo vI ulooltA iU u~lraunn I JChizlttphrc uon and oth poundl~ I~~u ~r rtrn(l~ td l)ald II p~i 11m and 1III0t0phiOlJ Ihrmlt III I ~_ t

I fr AII( tlu and KdtI((1 VI

1I~fIWI MIltIl~lU rH 9IJ PI j lf


111 11 1I1 O~VTrl (cnfII a Ia ~( )1 lIP iM 9middot

0 11 11 I_l ~)middot I 1lt 11 d n1ph~ un Jalllfl n Ut

h alf(lgt1gt1 I 9Jo ) p 1 H

~ J I rnd Didlml 7hlth( oj 0 ~ (oIlmhu~ )86) p I lS

7 ) Ii I )il I oJII r 1 Jlml r nlllr I~ J Clt1mfl~J 4 II )7l1 i

n 1 1 1 ltI 1 1 I nL pil i It gt11gt1 11011 1)ml rlilikd f II ~ I Madrlllr )I II bull Sec Iih I hid 116lI nd ThrolrraI1 ) ChirlIl0 )8lt1) p 78

I l rlln ur d ltourdJ cl mutts pr


epoundHltrxlus II ltI ltl u plu ~ ou du IIIUill~ 11 Illl (Ollr jirollrgt r~1 Ifl lJjuullt 111 d((4 1) 1-lt1111 dt JI ~ en Iliu fl 1

TIis is dvsdy ed l(i(([ by J ea n Paill han~ d( ~CI i pLi(ln of the fail u res o f undlrshy

st~ ndillg and spct(h

I US I~ nCoVIJ~ pa~(ot JUl l1l1J UllI~ elil J- Ja r 1 ~UIl 111(111 nUlls Ie J il 1Ii~

illtnvcrs_ CI ~lI r li n plan dit~rtnl

~rns t ca n ic=lt this qucgt(jo tli ll or la ug mlgt lutu t ht duma]] of isunl illa~e~

d ra illg parlicular ltt lt t l1lio n Hgt t1w ClI l1IlI lioJlO (Ir iltollognlp h y by their

hy prr bolic n l llim a ion I n tfOlm b ting ri tcl- corltx rns wi th LtllgUgt il lto

a pIctoria l Cq ui ak nt ill I v Twdr -OlH drJ ami_ E rns t rtxonstit u ltd i~lI~ o r

b llglJ agj nnd ptTnptioll ur g(~ tlltmiddot and ltl1[(nlioli thil l had bttH Ili~td by Didrt0t in hi~ Lettrr SUI It~ sOll rcl~ e t mll( middott ~middot b Erns t l$u mes D jderot s

w thority by ra ising Ihl q uesti)11 huw ca n lang ug-t lcprc~tn t Inti CQlll1nushyni(atc (

In Lnt( Jiu r k~ iO u rd ~ (middott lTIIULS Didlu l O~ ll lU ib1c quest ion rtlaled

LO the ori gin of ill T rsic lll ~ of ord ord cr in French lead~ LO r Ulllilltti oll on

lh e gestural origins 01 LIIlluOl-e 7 He proposc~ Ihal th ~ o rigins of language

may Ill lillLlHi thtt un llOuP t ~l l llIgmiddotl middot r d01l1 Jil Ignorait ]a langue lhal

i~ whcn g~ IU IT ]angua gtmiddot ilIlI ~ t Ix usnl p rticula rl y in the case uf d(l l

muls Mallr of It-ulsla l iol (of ~pl)kc1J Jmguagc ili lu t~urc r pJilo~oshyp h y into a~~ tl l(tia_ 01 lgtClt t ry ili lO ilI1 image ) IUll through Diderol-S

~say a nJ pruvidtmiddot t JlniIiT liame of rden ntT li)r Ernst SIIi llg of la nguage in J u rO)(le- IOIpound) kJ aml~_ T haI Emts ~ rou pi ll~ o j the Paris Dad as i ~ iilttllwd (I ll VIllt (lid hy Rtw ( nmiddote pll ) inl a hhrid pi lIluj liKHball g alliC wilh lillk lUI -out fi~urs tha L echu the oddities of the

Dlttd a5 a ud a t tin ohoc r by G al a E lua rd play ing a n in isihle imlrllmcnt

might Lx st-CII ill tcnn ( r D id llOls dtscripl iu ll of a -davecil uculain

wh ich xcculQ sonatas ill (ol (l ll r~ T Ill d ca f lllute imagillcs lha[ it Illust

havc tl ) do with la n g uugt l lHl 1 iLS iI IVI I)r lI1 l1 ~ 1 h ( a dcnr m u[c who ~(t i t

up II) olll lllulIi(middotllC iL l ltJth el d ea f I I1Ulc~

I is ro~~i hk ((J s(( All I rndf-tOIl I dt ami) L~ a pa rodk (lIae(lnCIlI o f

Dirkro(s irn agio (d I Ii(atrir~l l ptlfrrmI1Hmiddot ~ tI middot n Inl 1101 heard a I hlnlll of gnllliCs th l1 dir((I~ lJ~ tn fb t (ore (I f lIlt plIl ie c nlrrp ri ~ middotn-nllrqtumiddotz (11

pass l ll n Jlll hi(11 la langLw dl~ g~ t(S t~ Il limiddotta p i loriq lIC 1I I II t ra lIsl Iing I he

i ~~ IH$ nfwril tel1 languIg( thl( prrlll( lI pi(j h i ~ poet pl n ~rns l r(iilS ()I I 1

sl nwphoric str l inillg i ~ if 0 lI ld(r ll lH lhe conmllll licali v( i ll(J dltquaci(~ of

till i~lIal v(r-ion Thai i ~ to say Ih gl~ ti ltJ JIIi())) ltIf 1 1 rellde-iolll tin (llIItr i ~

provoklxl not i ll bymiddot r1( [01 la l g(~lu nmiddot in uHk lllie In b ut dso by t h(

int racta hilit y or visual lrt whc lI pre~ltecl 111 C )(pr(~~ Or uan jalc 1111 pol i(

elln sur k s sOlJ rds (1 m m- tsmiddot 11$0 i li estiga ll~ th la Wn 01 til( p()(li(

1lllltlgC a nd (T(atiw I(IS DidcTOI tllllous ly tSlTihcs Ihe 1gtOClic image ai all

(mhlem a li ~SIl d hiirog l yph(~ wh ich rct)u ires a n a ruu arlia-s ~(n~jhilly

to creace or uurkrstanri

_ riHdli~( lI c~ d e i(lJ lblc-fll( IHlt l iquo fSi Jlt~ C]OIlIH( t lOlil J( monde il llut cln prlSltJ U 11( dt II cnmiddotr lIOJl)1 k S(middotl lli l I(l ii t-I IWIII

Hcre thr emblem or hicrugly ph is a form of lInUSlI l llea timiddotc in td ligtJu-(

the lhil it y to lCTI(fltt df(c ti ( Illc taphors E rnsls art is pia red 0111 precise

ltIS rdcrence to th( d cjnlI of ~y l H( hdo(hic (ondensed middotjslIal emblems_

Latl in hi aU llihiognl phical nOllS he arknohmiddotril(o Ihe e mhlematic a ~pe( t (lr hi olk (luotill Lht lllcydopcdist ~lannlJtltd i I iVca l Ia ga lld~ clifliclIl h til 1(nlbICmc c est q u il doil d ire (IHlqut ch(l~l djngcnshyieu raquo CI IW Ir di~ qu lti d tmi

gtfannollh1dis t inlui~ hro hCln~clI thc emblelll ~alh-gorka l imaQc with explma tol) UX I rqmlCnt inl a mora l or pol i[ka l pr((Ipl a nd thc symbol in whic h sign a nd (jhjn t are more closely identified I ir l1H ohject itself vere hdll)t ( okrd EI nst d iagrees itll the dj rinc tiQIl IWI111 mhle lll

and ~m hu l prNunMlly to draw the arbi lra r y emhlem inln t lrc domai n o r Ihe symhol wilh its IXlLell tial fl uctuation xlecn conventiona l rda tion of objcc t and ) ihTJ1 ami I [Jpannlly TeAl icic ll tihcilion orthco( Erns(~ n marks 0 11 ~la n llnnlcl arc a rudill cummenl o n Ihe pnpl(xin~ cllec t o r hi~ ow n work

Ccrlllinl y Erns t ~ (oll g(~ lid paintin gS with dwi r d arilY of (OIlpUllelll ~

hltl CI)I1fi ltio n or ldalio n bullbull nd sca le apPClr 1111hl 11Iali The cm)crna ti c a~p(t 1 uf Frnsl~ wor[ had been noted in a revicw in 1926

vb~ E1fl~ t t111hIc IlHlt i(]uc n rdllch i q ui lolla OOr i 11 n-crfnioll d rs chries dllI1( fi imid ilIcl i(l1l1111 C Yllrtl iriir llllc lt( lt 11-(( 11 Il u~ dllllI PII1I-(lre ml is d nr in ttn~ l li 1xli4 111 lilHpi tk flu i [ I ii ioO llgrr au s d d~-d O llv rt

dmiddotEluanJ )

On int(TId (i tl (1II( of the pai ntin~s and collill~e~ (lr lhc (arly 1920s it a ppear- t hat Ernst knw panicull r emblems as well iI 1(hi illpound embl(shymatic c fliC IS Slit h kmlk-dRI I1My k ll( cOIne hmh frmu h i ~ ~tud ) Otilll hi~l() r~ aud fnm his illohClllcnt I it h the wri ters nr ht Pa ri (tVcl lll -gilnic

pllrt icularly ill his wllaborJ tion with Paul Eluanl un Ript ll(II)IU a nd lil(l l ntllTl dts i mmof ttll ill 192 1 1 t

In thmiddot hool I(th E111a rd poem is SCI ou t op~itl Ill Ernst (ulllc to

d iSltoncerling tArc tn ~u inK mil th e collages bt~id l l il t CI)Jgtt ilt poems Er ma lIId Flu ard la llitn li7l UTI the tradilion or emblem h()l)l~ ill I hitli a n

e nigm alit im ag is lI rmljllllued by a cXl-g~tie t(Xt ami darif) illg IIOllu ro r till purposes o f tx [gtrt~inS sOllle received pol itical 01 ml lftl wi~( Im ~

EIllrd~ vuillnt inll ))( lwIn [JOnderous genera l t ruths and IlUIIieu ( Iolljour~ d (~ point~ dt VII I lt Ie minimum de mOylll~ ) cdlOt~ 111( lIi ~torica l

lm hl cmtl iSI typic lJI~ n llnplex voice of Jl ruverbi ~ 1 I u tlloril ) in wll ie h the i13itY of Latin II tnd ill tellcrl ual tso l (li~m is e)IIIIIInll I~d hy t il e t(ndl lIq 10 dogllrel

N(II( Bou]til n l II in her sublle uco unt or til( cmhlcmal1 upcllI il) l1s in Malhruj d( illlllwrtdr has lrRlIed tha t Ia p alOit (rFrn~ Elurd l$l e n

rapport nfC efalltns lhrn ct d a utrcs cmbICn1(S g rIYQ dal1~ la mCtnoi n incoll ltC il lItc ( Whik lhi undertuw oficonogrlphic m (mory the ha llbl (If half-retalkd or hllr alluded-w orilin al Io t m(all inl- ilt ct rttillly cl) llsdou~ly n ca lkd and mltlnipulaltd by 1 ax Ernst th rougho ut his Aork thtre ~(m~ 110 In h lt1 ( blTtl partilubr consulllljon wilh em bklll lit(Ishyture

S(veral llllla)lc an h istori cal sources o r info rmation ahout tIIllll-1II hooks tn COlltclllpOrUy with lrnst on fi rltt fQra~~ into lIu hkmal it imagery Ka rl C ich luw s I licrug lyphenk und e d ls H umall i ~ IHU lt ill d t r Allegoric dtr Rcnll is~a llce 19 5 a nd Ludwig olk mann~ BiidlUdlHjifll dtr R IIWiHlllltf H iflflglplril rlld lcIIIOld 19231 Emhklll huoklt hV~ a

J eAn-f t nnuuld 1ImC1II1 d l lill rltul~middot ()ru (DmplrJ 1 luiJ I Ih8 ~5 I ~sa ~ EII poundrTI~(J

I 197111

II hrmonwt bull 286 Cruc r(lwt)n C11 1IOt rttllc 1 hr()C cl dc vnHnl

l SIllId1 rlllh l ~U1 mI~ inrludc Ihl pdnjll j t~ uft rJN mgt o(S(hl

$I n Ci lI nd IIlI flor lt1 11ugt o(mall)

flnl 11 (OUIOI I) 19~l driltlfurUu rd 31)rCllla(r~ 1

)11 s a rlrlriar1r bull ~ommon IUn tJf IIhlilthn onL (I Lou $- t~lhrnn~

C lrlle lIafl(lm ITJiOJiyL1wJ tli II _tn I~rt dlgt3 67) 1111gt11

1111 in ~ hn111 lIhGl J anuj-hc

r IuiI drphant i h and IIn~ lit emblem COLlt1I()L11 Ihu ~11trn OI(J t)f~

1 - 1 0 ImiddotU I Ir lturr Ii1 LA 1)gtJlrlu d in n~ tnIJlI1 i Q26 I ~Jo I The hbri ltI( Pori hc uUlprd-lr (Ulltlwmgt 111ltrr Irc bull

uI)Ir or n--roiIKm of major Imlllcm llltl ill h I(I h (cntury laquoJr 1 rhldain f Ul fkma

tIrtltn bull atltDwJW ( 51 735 1 1)3) 110 ~lknkgtlJ 01 10 lrcp1 l3ri~ libra J ( ~rd Itourr ha rr](HW h bull Ilkon In 10u fonuOu lIIu n tcllLlrk A mflit-ro-J dr i 11llrafNrhoft Jolthlla -15 ()Il PI

~ -I -

It Scc 01 Bulrca t rlJIIlU I~I fll11JI IJI NPM It 1I~f 11)lJshy19P tln 1)85 I ~67 middot


hCLr I r~ I ))4U d ~ I lI1 I C M Itdlllyen bull bull t l bull 1 9I~

1 1)0 C 1 poundrnl I) ( 1lrQmiddot -oORC Mruur~al WOIJ

17 Stmiddot rll Cilt-hlow nk Ili-rO(I)Iltllkunde d I Jnm ltr bull11r ltkr KmiddotIIII~middot J -ampJJLIf tit _llIt~ lvll So~lu middotUSCIf I1Ugt6l1M-wmiddot3OZ ) ) Il- lp nd 111lt middotIkmlnn nUnuJuflnltin Hwrrlll lIim1_~IJPIrrJ -J Jk_t)

111111 Ifl2l 1 ~lIv bl)lOUf cmbkl1

t IJOlaquoI (()IUlgtOlIp1~laquos Ihroollh InO(IIII-1I00 in luh-gMn tmhkm boo~ I ut iI~middot U30 fro Ca Rip (Jftoi-I4IIH

1Ur lunh ltl irmlri J~III(Iudl mhlmiddotI11_ bull 0 ltkv1Cltgt xe telta1t Kp-I 1W13 uI hiih 1 R en hrlll h lId PfIniot n1ilioru I ~ txampit- bull Ilt

]]ddti t1Yoo ~

1)~-IlIC~tMIIlltI r~_de m ladn de FjU 17J1 1It]

JottI ill de- bo(lm III ~ 1timfI~ reI ~ pnIlI

complex dr riItiIJIl ih )lll med ieal Ilt~t i arir dlld rrom lhe R enltliIIlCl

jnt ( rpntll iQII lOr Ff~ ptiall hierogh phi s ao raquo1( oul by I lora polio T he lllOlherlod r or III Eu m pcan emblem [i tCru un is Aldatis Ebrmaiu1n Liber 531 avdla hk in cu un tless ~di1iom md I rI1[lIioIl5 thloliKh llt l1inete(]] lh C(middotn l uf) n G id l[UW g jVfS an il1ll~lrdl ( [ Jc(Junt or Ihe impor ta nce or cll1blrm~ il l a rt hi~ tory a nd 11((1lt11111( HIl t Vo l lllJtI ti (x )Jal d ~ [)

acrouilt prrwi([ ing a cri ieal bibl io~raphy or ~ J1 thc I)rin(ipd (lUhk-1ll books a nd S(c(JlldalY lit~rlllJrc Li ke C ichloh Ill di~IugtSc~ and r(pr()(lun~

DOrers illlltrat inllS or J-I orapollo hierug[ypli ~ lracinM emblc mltltir infl umiddot ( lltT $ into C nman R nm anticism and R UII f j Th rnughou t his career - Iall Emst ould ~ itUtlt him~clr it hill Ill( hitory of G trrnan arl wi th

nosta lg ia and irony ( Iling his 0 n rc(y-l11ildr c() lIag(~ a~ains l Oirrr s virr uosic pri nt middotrn ltl iu l~ We hud crh()t ~ or DOnrs R tlla i ~qll (( ciltcrpriw in Irnsts tollages fi)l (middot1l11pl -I o ros(opc t pr((n(d b~ I mall ralill~

an hour~[ ~~ hg-U l(~ 3 ami 4)middot) T he f m h llt-m trlils LUl h high in dllcw d orifim ill e rudi te allu ilon 0

cIb~ ical t(x l~ Ild ldgar lraditions of folk prilH~ and illll ll lla tcd prQTrbs Co m plexi litS arise IjUIIl Ih( Dlc tull orphil nature or mhlcms Iny givc n emblem ( ou le aeq ui re variant lcxS and irna ~(~ Il l ~hjft dOlllljn rrom ph iloshy~ophjca l a nd hnlllllil Ltl po p ulist o r childrt ns moral guidt-s In Ililitilimll and falltmn dr IIIIItlrlJ Ernst a nd Eluan have lilt opponunil) of

srepping in as yet anOlh er St 1 of sui)sti l l1 tc 1 llfhol ill thc emblem s progres fnm l high a n and li nralul( to )Jop ular a lma mlc ri l-king up a nd modi ing cxisling ma reril Excc pt or CO U1St Ihat their own oo lampric t crcLse capil) lil(~ 0 11 the em blem s inlllIen ual complex if its me JlfTl trl sions i ll a complex

parodgt or l he Ri naigtSann lum alliSl (nle rrri t Thei r in terest in emlgtlcm is associaltd with Ml aHenlion to a middotarie t) ofs(middot1

comm unicative fo rms tht cOIl(ClI traled prflYllI1 a nd L1 lc struct urll il y complex novel Ernst txperimenls with mlking- h i~ images emblt rmll ie corTfponcls to h is con umpora rie~ wo rk will i he re d )middot m adc ex p re s$ion ~ lu be foulld in la ng uage espttia ll y Flua rd a nd Dfsnnss mU la r iow 0 1 prOmiddot~rbs

Wh ile tm bklm are initi ally viMw ll y m ysteriolls and Ilu sive they ultimately Il ~1 llle tIphor 10 assrrt the (olk e livt (ommOtHcns ic tl prll dcllL a nd rukshyboulld The VtTy rld uplicalio n of ~Ct inlages aud related a rin t HXIS

emphasi7es lhe ()flllu la ic underpinning Ihe p(wlic DcslHgtS a nd Eluanl ~ ll1Jlgttil ut t and sh ift verus aud nouns wlthi Ih prove rbs [Jrmul aic syntax li ke 1 iclzsc hca n nann y wltr n an egg break~ e~b its betause it docsnmiddott li ke o mde ll cS Elultl rds a nd D(sno~ s fi)rct(1 in congruiti es do no t sim ply p a rody provcrhlt sLcrcolpirI [ sh a l()wn es~ o rcontlIl I hu t Ibo sound poctic

possihil i ties in the pmiddotowrbs ~ I ruc t ure reltotlal ing wil h i t~ o wn history o f vltlria ll IS E rnst equally mani pulal lgt thlt tmhkm s rtpacit) to co nvey de Jlse lllean il1gt ami pl a ys l hi~ agunst t h e cliche aspccts I)f its conven tional p roverhial meanings

T hl mixture of stlbv ( I~ ion 1Ilt authori ty in pro nbs had occtlpiro the lillg uist jltn Palllh ll Whl was dosd y assoc ia ted ilh Elu a rd al the li me or

f ntsts rri val in Par i ~ In hi~ ) 9 13 tbesiq o n MaJ~aclH iJrover bs la ulhln had dtscr ihed the Itn-ful IS will as the hahitu11 nature 1)l t llc p romiddoterb their lsstniJIls of SIlhility and shared assumplirlls ~ I IPPOS( a darkn ~r()lInd on whith language i ~ potent wtll n mClamorpholti~ ~llttld rca ll y occu r Pall lhaJl ask~ W ha l Iou ld replac( the proc rb and n~Hr~ (lilly tha~ a nd em ptillS~ Thi~ an- )fl) o r tIIllJig uil y u nlti trpinn illg th prm(rh~ I S~lmjlshy

lion of ullil~ a nd uniformit y is also fundamental to e lllh kII I ~ and m ay be plll mhcd ill Em sts work The e mhlem is o nl y (kar in rdaliu li 10 i ~ mu

in ili alobscurit y E rll~l~ collage lo r thl polm Rcvcil ollici el d u se ri n from Ahdh~Hf I tin

immorltlr (figu rc 5) lcs(fIIh l~ t colt ve nriolla l em bk m of p ruvlTiJi tl

prude nce a lld ~to i (ism The caged b ird is an Imblemli ((lItlrllonplace a ile h a~ 10 do il h philo~oph ic ltt l resig nuiun to on cs iOI o r in iove e mhle ms ilh hcing rapt ive in [he prison o f love (figure 6 ) E rn st did acknowledge

Ih e image of the b ird ltIS h i$ fa vo ri te cm blCm o ffering litis va riant 101 ElIt v~ u( Cq Jctn blcmc d (~ H INIItl oagcSi T he caged bird fo n cd [0 sin in a pt i t ~ may a lso sta nd for 11)( poCt~5 In the fi rst FrCll h c m blem book

Ia PtIIi(~rc $ T Ilialre diS bOriS tTI$illJ ( I ~39 the caglltl birds ddille the tas k o f d)( pun tu Sil1g sw(c tiy in rh l fa e lIf advc~i l y T he plImiddotodil proverb in E luumiddotd tlx t ks lgtCrins sonl mltlil rcs chef t UX my bc an ironi c- lake o n suc h emhlema tio wi5c1om especi a lly gic n poundlua rd s Ht ual dom estic sil uat ion (drama li lt(middotd d~c here in bor h Fr n$t s HId E lu a rd s work) a rncn agf-i- trois involving hi~ ife Gala a nd M ax E rnst in wh ic h he Va nOl p rcc i~dy a mOls t r in h is own houscoti middotIhe bi rdcage mil a lso srnd as Ill e mblem of the pa radox (l r thc cm bkrna li st s con middotc tll i ondit~ func ti onin g- ~muhanlolt~ l y as a )lri ~11I and as a pouic lll all ()( UVre LO be sprunK- Sinli brly cm hJtm a t ir

105 III XIQltnn~ amp IIIslt JOWIJ till ~rtJ fW ltfN1cr1 IIgtlt w -nt rd~m 173b lfl clnmiddot r Alt iI ~bltmlJtliJfl QMn

(~IWftd I lcn l) CIlmiddot 1oolt 187Umiddot s~ 1ltJuli ll 1nu lhr f nnthIIIJtnH

Vgtll~uJ OM UTlaquoltMU lJooiJ nfD mm H

lmIJlriIJlnl 181] IULIC hi L97h ~- For t~lnp lc Em31s roll f Jdflst Ig U jnCltgto1IIS f11lSmllgt of Ou middotlt Ullm tJ Erv ~ 1 + 1 ~o M irnl finl if l niSl ~Iru

~I lil ar lIi~ Stmiddot middot Ib middot] DOrer IIMI d ie ~ K unI ~n T Ulr6A I tmiddotcbruary 9 7 (in Ma f1tl1 til liJt~ d~

htl~iJlt UIIlh~mr it p Co lultne ~ JtllI O hdkliffl 1TNnl I Soxill H UilQl) Th~ ilaquol1 HlStoty 4 1Ji~t~gr Cllnbrid~ 1t7 pp 11 7middot



lJ - Ke lIdr J oUrlt fmiddottHfaih fOff_ 930 on Ir(gt h lVlJ~ ) n llOSOtU

q d nU lls ltI liolto jutern~ d ) dlc It d IIIV FlJlmlJ

SImplI AnllJjc M ri ~ HI IUt I ~ru 197~ 1 131 I ton ljJCrfCltllt Ikllj1Il1iwII1 rgumclII plVmiddotru rUllcifon -ilhi Jruism1gt dich [(MiIu1 middot1 pid I ~ hUll of 11Ie middotxpCrillltmiddot h(lSomiddot 1P01lCII I JtlIII ~ ru nmiddotI n I bll( promiddotiional and -endily dKUtkrl (0 (iJhi Th uprHlu t Illms ~ F OfUIUm fJmUl~ 1lt lIdoll 197) st~

II Dommquc 1~~l(ltJJi j~lJ~ ltlr mOh malulo I n pinCHCC du I)lowmiddotdwmiddot

frlt X X 4 97 p ~~t 1lUlhmiddot~ rtroglli Ia IUlldnmrtlltI shado ~1ll c or () I middot~ dnion d lime

(1 I~I ampiww1 2l T Ill Akiati-dCfilNI clllbl m tli IIIgt ( bull fl hinl I~ 1 cmblcnlti( SLIIlc 51 ror ClltmllcJ~ b C15 misso Lilx-rrll r T bull I ior iu SWUtgtl 1111 JJuM fir tit

S Am d m 726) a

11111 S i~lI1lllditio_ Sn ih ( middotrf)I1 I Iid i 11~ GI IlaquoSluver in 111lt

gtrllied ( ( he brn is th wimiddot I)u l Ih) o l InK E~rl in Iillg -Iltoi IV

( 11 Cupid ma apl II iVl thr (~laquoI hinb () ~pmr) Ill rri~n n- I) ill 1l411lt1 Hcinlluf funolgt Qn ~id gtII

~m ilslt1 lool Ilovrt Eh((n4(Q

1~I~11I I lI~logtrd m r I I ~ d It ncmtf

isslt her Snn1fP IAmslnd 1 b l -t ) x K dl omcicl rill middotr in l ulmlTgt do

m-lu I Il l G uillaume d r L bull Imiddotniel ~ Ie r~ilt ibJ 6QIU I WlfS ( 53) rd 1gtlt)1gt ~lcle (Alde h ~13 1 amp

j llt mrltlic IlJOII(u ri tr lw lOll lh~ 1luu ol f WilY f 1IjIlh _WllptrlJI

S1l~1 An n r)r 9fllt) PI I ~-H

i ~n5 ~I ~ 1 Jd Pbullbull ul tI1 ltrJ jtril 0111 d o middotInmiddot wlhru do

~l mMllu 9~ ~ Sf 1 171 10 Ia~ t ms - U ( I P n 51IS0 D KA ( (MJII IrtI) ~I) )

2i S- Chari II ( nk Iud or r~ I UICn n S IU T or - 1he

nlllr~ II I j 11I 1) cInt nullc aJ fros n IIIlt middoturk r I ~ bn~ IQRIhNJII 17 uirJ pp 66 7~ I on El ua nt

inl(middotIOtiJmiddot II Imiddot C h rI U~Itau ld1

fJ~(i 1 III ftltUUIl al I a ri~ lt)8~ R BcuIQl flt011middotlldr lhal rh ii l~1

hklD book a CorrOtl S

lIatllm(fd1l dnlts f r()rll ~io a ri i ~ from old ~ 1(1 SI) Ie ltord~I

2J I 0 eItn ~ hri(middot ill U alJrtMfJ

Ja tJftrWfIJ gll ou l b 1~llk middot(a lur hc (mbkrn tic d~ll(ldcnc) I)f l c~1 ami

Sc 111 umh~ r ErnSIs (onglt I~)lh il hl~lrn ll II IlOOmd CQnnadKls

iI ampiOC1 Jhow~ Ihlt)$( I Ih inll h) illUI)dr n rodik uh Clll Olr r lhal

~ccling W It jMJlt1ll no 10111 c~iltt

1-1 1luarrl )Q rvrntaib brimiddot 1 (1

oIIallrlt Ifs J~IIIIJ Ontr (fl~ 1 I udrn Sd clcr -ud il ~rnll e 1) 1$

fIri lif)ll I p 1 3~

3 ~Jochm HrUJllo-cn ddc1 ~I a Ernst un1 ci rh~I1 _h~ - I1 lvCII( 90) 19 9 alld 11 alls-J UT)I I Kapp Sp~chc und I) Ii M ll ErI f m II t~ll ~-il~ PP llc- ami p jltJ 11 ~ 1lj t ud ir1I ion orIpollinain MId h r CallCrain

I llcoun icrs r un thro ug h E rllS l ~ collage novl s operat ing om on ly o n Ihe I(vi or allusiOll to1 11 c rn hj ma tic mod e a nd its illlpliciitiom of (111 ( 111011

mcl -1I1111oli l) bUI lso nn the k d o f ptrtic u lu (out en t lIld menning I II I

I)stI) reln ted rolbgt froUl 111 F WlIIlf I (() tho 1929 (tigun 7) till fig u re af

I hmiddot baby strt ndi ng ill fu r l h t c up id of love cm bltlIls COIll (middot from n

nintmiddott ccll th-ccllt ury a loJl pa in ti llg in hi (h il I1j) rcsclll ec the murdered (lJi ld of Falsl a rgua bl y a v ictim ollovc1

La PClTj(r( cm hkm bonk i ~ irn po ll a n l in Ihat il as ti l( fi rSI crmltushy

la r tmblcm book and the firSI tu SCi ou t ponll~ recto aga inst (~ Kk uts

verso~ It i~ from t h i ~ ~ ) llImclrica lly o ppost rI disposition of text llnd

image that Ern~t a nd Eluard s work galll~ I panic ular pa wn th t

~ 111 HlUre de mands the d Cjgtrlld elicc o f tex l tnd im agr yet the fmllls lli a t ell-pendence t1i (s la ngf fro m d ose ma tchin g (If phrase and wh at is pictu red (as in illu$l ratio n i to a ppa rently a ll i(rI hu t d isj unc tivc relatio ll ~

(as if ~tock im gr- hau OcCII rellsed for a pprox illll I plrpo~e~) 10 mu l u a l

Clll l r dic lion ~ EnBt a nd Cl uard dc~ 1t willi l ilt llI od( rni~ t d rea Jll IIf a

hieroglyphic i ~ l1 a l p nc lry fwm lb llalll1c 0 ApoUi ll J ile J with l slig-ht cynilmiddotism ~eparati llg Oll t ra ther than confltt ing II I i su1 and the 1(xl lJal itS if to a r knowkd gc Ihl ir m ultla l sapping a~ IlHJfh as mu tua l Ira mfusion

or nwaniug A v i~ua l pllt I for Ern~t J lld Flu ltl rd w ou ld rel)ova te i l~dr

through its clntiour lHkl( )kdgi llg the losses as wel l as ric he in vl lcd in enc ryp ti()]l

ErnSIs c lll bhm ali ill1 ag ls a re Hu t confillcd or COUl~ C 10 Ih t cmbleshy

m a lic boo k III th e T9lOS EfIIS iou)1d h is vay illlll pain ti llg as a way of elllltu g ing his culla~c~ and I mblema tic r Olll lllun p[aces info r m h is

IXill lilgS t ven whtn tlu- n is no accom p a nying Icxl Indeed (m blem a tics an central to ErT1St ~ l(l1rna t o ll lf a llegory ill I ltl VII Tl o r lhe t mblimalic lI ut~hell is ti l( prelirn d cUIl Slr uc tion fo r ErII ~ I ~ pa in tin g- in Ihl ca d

IVlOS i t is OCCi lst a lkgory ca n ( omm en t Oil ils own a nificc nIJoIiTlJ

iron ic self-d epreciaT ing c nises in a rt wit hi n a Dad1 l T1 icism ra lher

86 ~ Ii t t 1 fir I~ 1111 Ii ~ ~ ij9shy

than o~I (II~jbly over l rt makillg1 Or ralh er Ernq t mbJC lll aril illlg~ a1l0 a ~imu ltall (ollS admowl(dgcmclIl of art a~ rtfcnlIl to W imug taphic alJ(c~tolS ud to the ~r(al (nt(rpri~es of re pre~II I Hion and Cdmmu nil ashylicoll while hracktli ng Ih (S( ti S defu nc t or urlfta li ndJII 1 1l1b il ions His im Hc~ ~CI Oul nspiration~ to hemic gCSlure and R llIai~silJe cultula l rcfclcnh Idle rtgisltring lh( ~t middot L~ pan ial and inept pll hn~ helll n I

logic o(xiu i(lli

Tilt Elphanl ff Ctlthn [921 dud OtdpuJ l() 192 1 du ne hik E rnst was lill livillK in Cologne set up c~ 11ica l etnbkrh 1 po~ t ilr crises and the fUllcl iunill 1 of Ihe a rti~L In OttltpUJ Ht I fi~lIrc 8) lin cli largcd hlIld a (o mOlOn feIIUf( of lmblcm) sunds fo r did ut if 1I11plicilly palnnal author il ) T his rheh)ric11 hlnd had a lso hl( 11 Ihe rocus (II (IlIl1lk history painting pointing lo ard ~cncr I 1itd hi)(h palrioll( (Inc p~lr id idtah In Otdipll f Rr( Ihe ~)necdnc hi( hllnd is hohblcd hy i t~

011 (middotltIfKgtIlS no 101114(1 hli lu make the gra nd g(~lur(s ur hi~llry

j Fr~ninpoa(II1 rhlt r lim~ 01 roonam ir d wkn all~o Ilaquo Ther ~ I Kmiddot lIemiddotv H( mI0 N Yl and ( mbnd~middot 1917

t ~lIr 1 EIt~1 n iy-~uMl h lo and uQmiddotru middotbull U 1-o_ IIgt tilltJ ~lq S ~

H1 C Ma t rngtI AI)A( I I~n

SODHAC ~ln lllt~ 1 l1lOII

H~ un 8 buse ()i~J If(Jf 9111 b I iifo C 1 - rrII5middotAIlt ( 1 1tTI SOllRi( rMQIl Ir l ~gt()()()

p aim ing it Plillf ll1l y inrl i (a le~ il gt low orifill ill II H I reudian r(all(~or izing of l h l Oedipus m yth Prnst lIf( II In lmiddot~ 13 1lishld CO IlVCIl L i o ll ~ of

gctun and ico nog raph y dcploying t lwm i ~ IICHlli niou~h Ordipll5 R C IS

ujJ the lllotl S~ iCid disCOUIl of high ielmiddotII and sllfmiddotslcrjric( in urder 10 bive -( i hl In his rtp rc ~ rllIat ioTi of cltmiddothasill Oedipal Irnuma and iu

2 17

arU l1rl ry pu ni~ IHn tl l ~ bl indmg- rbullL~ Irltl lio ll I I i ~ sifllilk lll t d ial o ne o r tht H I]lI) n ~ lt n urow p icrcing tht n Ubhd l IS th e h lw k yellow and gT Cr n fOr 1111 t ricolu u r lI ih har )tTn re-inHal ed IS he fla g or CtTm a n y

in 1)I U TI1 Lh rce cle melltlr) ( olo lJ I~ to h ieh EII Ilt t rd i ls in h is

illscri pt ion 011 t he pa inting m a y he a poin ted rcm illdn oj th e t~ t h e r l a llds

of h isl ory pai ll1i))g both as the plima ry colo ur o r neomiddot d Lsi(a l pa in ting

a nd a fl a By tnn (uy tb hisl ory or a n is m ldl 10 (om m en t nn

history s flw bling or al least irnmQhilizi llg or Ihe ignohle and olalikJ In i l~ nig-ma ami dispropUrli()n ~ ()nhjJII1 Rrx abo rrsemhks smiddotV( IH(llI hmiddot

ccnl ilry c m lJkrns Ihltl l d rccliv(l y cap~i z(d hist ory jlai l) l in g~ i)l lo crypt ic rigurati(m~ or m0 1ltl1 rtC1 ilude Its rn e m hia ncr 10 a n t lIlbk m - a hand

holding a (Tacked wa ln u l-shell - fim n l ite Dllt c h mordi ~1 Jaco b Cag h-t ~

bl( 1) nOted hy C e rd Ha uCI who hilt dism issi ng hi ltIS coi ll(middotid c Ill a l ~ ti ll

kit (omprlk d h) the strik ing- i ~lI a l analogy T hi d ikrn ma i~ slIIli y comp(Juncit-tl b) con~idcra t i on uf Catss tex U Th e Cats ( mhlem had two mol os (sinr e Ca L pra~ma l il a tly duubled hI lscfuln (~lt or hi~ images hy offering de voi oJl a l tex t$ a bo l l spi rit uI 1 as ell IS Iu tlltl l 10 ( T Il( fi rT

IIl0 1l 0 Re put hk hy uo ~k i ll o uld fUllct ion a a joke on Ihe aJlisl or

p(Je l ~ 0 n l ech niqLU~ I lid is especially ilp pticablc 10 Frnsls collage CUlling T he ~(co nd T IJ(rc is no l(lv~ li kl lir~ t 10 ( ( II n y a (j Ilt Ie premilrs

lIllou rs J [ lidy d lcctin l) ta kc~ U~ hill k 10 thl d c~ i ll cI mol iln vf the

O eci il)U$ compl tx G ivcn Ems t middot~ kllovlo(l~( of Fnud Iht cmblcmali C hllf-sltly ing of things

Ill l) be la kc as ak in 10 Ihl o rn h ina l ry la nguage o r OhjC( b ill Ihe un eon shysciou ~ (~ IHr i a lly as d esc l iltd in 111r Iffprr la OI ()f n f(mh H Th~ Illmy

em h lematic i magI~ ill Cllfs ltl nd d~l herc of e nlarg lltl h lIlcis hold ing

d evieclt fo) cltl lllc llin g )lld CUll ing (~ llllffUl~ ca ndk~ hrtl king clnd lts

cutling and g ra ft i1lg sl II ks ~q Ih in g ri pe g ir ls ) mig-h i (1 be sl(n in th~

lig lll or F rf lld 11 ()Cfipu1Rn cltl n in fa n Ire laktn a s a co nAal (Itl or sc(rltl1

i Jlt age~ from J arob Cats nO I onl y llt l ha nd holdinK l sh at llTn l n u tshdJ bu t also a hand slh j)(ntli ng a key rrom 1 m aglltl ic q onc fig u II 9 For the

prel im inary co lla g1 relat ed 10 Odipus RI ( Emsl used a n im age from the

pl liudica l l ll vil Iltfl ~1I1 i ll tl ~l ra tion ora magit Irick in whi dl a l a inU I shdJ is SIIJII1Idd h) il ~ d eft liom a fi nger il~ if uy llla 1ic Cats ~ tmblems ~ive a

parad o xi ca l m(ra l WLig-ht to Ihis nU lSh d l image hic h in 11 X(Iure hld 10 do with ill usion Th i~ m a tt er of illll~ion rccun on eil pla yfully ill rnsts

work Bt-ynnd tha t the elllbkms pr(J itic (lUlio n ary moril l ~C l pitces aga illt

wh ic h Ihe il1 1o l llr (nt l ues and poli licai ton tilsion of tnmiddot rccettt wa r and it~ aH ermath (t n b( Mmiddott

The ck phant of Tlu Fltph(lJIf 1GIIbn figure 10) h l~ 1 ICi ng pcdigTtmiddot( in

c rn h lcmalic i rT1 agc~ of 31 fro m th Illt rad ig llla tic (i i ill [11( fi ftee nth

centu ry 10 pro pag anda cnrica lUr~ du rint ti l( F irst vlo rld Lr (fig ures I I

111lt1 12 17 O ld)( arrn ond g-Ls-mlskcd illca pabk o r lutornot io n shy

s ta nds ror pn liticil lgtO CI the oSlagna ll )igts C1n~ o f thc K aiscl e ra aml th e

war wh ieh so p roroundl ) a Ar-ctcd Ernst a nd his friends In wl ra l ciati

tOlblclll ~ cilphanb ~Uc a~ $ (lC i a l ld wilh wa r and i ts ~poil s M 7 he EIplwlIl if Cfllhes nOi olll y rlt$clJ1 blc~ Alcilti s Ikp lla nt ith l rm(gtlr I II illa ud a ta

la lldan l( ~ but it~ m Cltlu ings S(C rTl tv lwa r out 1ciali s H((HUlI or a milil) englgemell l in h ie h a middotmons l r( HI~ and coarse e lepha n t frig ht c ls a WL) a n

enemy l 1middotlll y Th tmiddot ele pha n ts plinl cri image is thell l Ikc n a the vioors

p Smiddot [in ri [Jutrhu Ilt 1 TM~ry ~f rltHI 1r YvrL amI Loudun 985) I I~ 00 lTom ~d p n -f bullbull l dlltltuaJl~middot (Iii rflrm r~1 ui r i~ till 1 knvwlche a nd

3 1 1Ihx Ir I GloIkk l ~

rmd~-Ul if 1

11 ~r CllarlOl e ~Iok Clblros i u ~~ (gtI k Frrud$ IhCltlTI t fw a~ Ihe r la liQn tor 1 (([Jag r~ b x Er ~ 1ftgtNJld~ I il P 19)104111 TI ( r~ 11 lr) nunlm( lfIr~ p ( ~l O(r a1xt llChl du Impt I ~~tN~lt1I 11 63deg1 Hd J~cQh C UJ oI ffrtf Ittrdt~ t niam 1I~rl r71 Th e V d ~ V l1 lr~i nll ~ dose cO E nlt~ i n I ~ I ) I ~PJ in (hult 71gt ffl iu( a li lou ~ ( rrminffl in pri l [h rollgt tl ~ mh c( nIUr )1 QI (ra r Dc l ~~I t or [e

e[ltI n( 2 ama nt 11 hir h 3 h ~ 1 gtU I nllt kry fro Jl ~ middot i $() 1 ~ IO~ in tmblfm~la 1 QMhfl II (~~ in

and IfM(arn lluht tid pi II ov~ouuvn lChao Ifat AuJr Wl1d(R 1975

n middotU Hlal in Sqmnr Hot-Ie IIK~1IJmiddotIt f)aIII~nt(~ an ntfJ Ifn middot

1)18 -Iih 9jtJ ) 3S1 middotJmiddothi rmhkm j IJ J udn ~

1Ilw and at on tic]h 1 l i l poi I nf ar I d brak ~ n 1gt1 middotPft t pt~ f( ( em IIW r u~ ohit]

h urr lt) J acob ClIts Sed ~ ICCI)

l MbltlWlill lffJrald k~~~au

f((lltcrrl~m 6~7

~u T Il iumbull l r Alrr1 1trr rmltd Ihr Krlqltgtlthu ldf llr in J)n r laquo (u fl M~r 1H) i Sr Irr~d 1) 1VIl~fr r 1 Hf~udw~ ofl kr 1 ~ilfJ II Q (~I T hm lr~n~ 10]1 II Zrydd cw York 91deg1 ~() - J I ~ En[ ~ ul(Jbiographical [Ul t I I~lhu is d escribed Wl lh rcl crc ne 10 l i t nar~ p r~(rdCnIS In H a~clr~

pll) T~(S~~ lh~ ta1he nra~pJ hI a (XI(tk ~ wlo )urnd lt ( lalh ~rJ nl (i younK fCPh ( hid l-~h ~r~ Jn~dc

uganUl tteN has I arrltucol h~(k of [ho- ~c [a l Ono G n - trair) tIl] 1I hi You bulln diollr tv _ I Irjult lilt(

olIl 13 augtt ) ooJ h1 broughl h on t1 AI)hl I nlII)(uh Fnl

wlgtOkallcu cc a Darla rleno~lOlitln

and arral h3d WI I hl ilip t rnlt 1Xlfl hll ra[hcr~ ropon-lt I cunc ~ O Y(tll iuC htlU~11I djlOIlOIlr OIl Il t[ t- Ia EnlJl Fcrdlltw I P l1 i Ie due [0 Ihe fonnulai- nalUn Oflhc fu_h~rJ ( u- u

lucrnryu(occ lOlho- ryurr Ihmmiddot i~ Ihe FImrul111li (gtr clln ~r Rcp[hlk jnoitcclUal drdo-lt f h~ kiml h( lU~p)l(~1

~m (u (_1gtlt- to P bull -i( OS hCf

L~qoJcur IFmUlr CJrnl HISI~r )1 8 913 (I bullbull d I ~i 1) ]1 ~H J I PI lslr pct 1 C I) 1 lt1 (fJ (Iii IIIn

JIB iltn York 9ilIj PI ~- I Cnll ~dci l Am BpiI~1i Bhl IIIltl IJrfJMJI A-w lfflIi KnliA Jti U ltkm~

I)IISIUIJ ( icnt~ gR8 ann _Vld U(Imn

h fJTwilaquootJI THu C rw Vk glib

insig- nia H ow(ver sinltc the v i lory 1(1$ undcsrrId Itu re~ul1 ur reaI ra t her thatt bravery in b)111e t hi ~ imJ~e of the d eph(II t -( ar( told i~ lgt hamefllL That t hl paint ed image of the kpha ll t nmiddotpn(nt~111 lUlw(rth~ Irick SIT CS a ~ a Ili ct Lommcn l on til( not ion ofl h d ((( il ()f ima ge~ in wnerl l Akia ti s (o nd u$ioll of shaillc md lmb ig l o1)~ vic tor y wo uld tlTl ainl y represCnt E IIl SI ~ g1lwral opinion or -ar I ml its lrUnna l h 7 hi Hlephlll1f f C lrbrj i~ ltl n

a lkgor y of the m oral values of lhe p11Cltl a l g CIlI fltl li on ami t he fatherland olmuJalcd a l a time when lhe iS5 m o j 1 guilt I~ a ~u bjcltt or urg e nl

pubJi( dcblte ~9 Th is guilt also fudkd thr tlltml~ or O edipal palriridli impulses Iha t had become 1 corn monpll(C of Expressi oniml and thai a rc pia ycd out in OrdilmJ R~ 1 m [ 71l r LlffJllOnt ofCdhfJ I~

In 1IlYendeavour to find a cnn vi ncinK ltl r~lJnwnl or i u~li(ial iun fi) 1 11 art (hal might legitimately fU llction in til( pOSt Wl r D1(la c ultural rencgu ti nmiddot lions Ernsts turn to emblem and ltl lkgory points to Llw awkward fil or rellt ivt[ c ult ural alu(s a nd conhm llOra ry history ltIS Ihcir fulfilmen t AlIcgot as lilt l( it tralion of codihrd nonnali cult ural or ~ bOlu le a luCs

fi ts- j arrillgly wil hisiOl 3(rommodal ing ils cnrorcro ohins and chUls nf I cn n~ pru jding a rickety bJea hellt lor Lilt spec latol o r c u rrC11 histo ry In

Ordiplu Hrl and Tlu F1rlllimil oj Ctlfhn Ihe high rd~rents of dleg01~ an txposed as (hey m ig-h I c- isl in the wak c of (he First Vorkl War n k ill ~s h ip st ale a nd rdi~iln arc Hvcaled in th eir CHlTf1lI ri lbilillted (Olldlli ull psychoanal)~cd int o ha~(I frlll~ no IOI1~cr Jegi lim al( f)r sla ble reduced to d ressing- up as th (tn~clvc~ P]((i~dy beca use uf the nccessil~ for

hUH~ l u EIII TM frpiloM uJ Cflm 1 9~1 ~i V1 t h( 0 1 1bull0( Icmll tI) (P 11uiSOORC Monmtl QOO

1n esta h lis lHd Iclennl howCvtI the 11lt-gonea ] q nllllIle or Ihe cmule lll JJ]owlt Ernst 10 g-i Vc an a ccollnt of the lailure of the ll)lwlelil symbol o r

11 lt11T lI it

Blt~()nd these obliqLl(~ly polili cal Co Ill I1H~llIa ri ts EIJ)~I S emblematiC

pain ti ng ~uggests lha t other Ih illbS ~rc at Sla k~ in Ihl Ieai lll oi tiJ( a rt t h ~ 111

the lt llhancClllcll t ofpo( l ry b~ visli a l lIH yplion Thc Iml ]enlat ic paintiflg~

Sl11I1 10 Imoke l lost text or key to Ih eir own d CClxling Jf Elnst ca rries the

pOCTS intclsl in JTI l ki n~ tcx t ~ pic toriil l back in lo pi U IIImiddotS he docs so in

ordn It) raise qu e~l i om a bolll tlte na lu n uf ima ges and represe m a tio n T Il(

~df-qu( l i oni ng ima ges appJrrn lly f]uely thcir own Iul ho r ity could th ey rcp r(ltfllt anything c rc il Ill)[ I(r q slig iil l dalinn~ with cx phlllltltnry

ltI11 til nli 7 ill g lexts T h is is fur[IHr rtlalli 10 Erml~ illI)(lli o ll I)) h( h istory

of a n of I rad itLOllS o f i(ollogra phy v I th e m urce i lll a~t

Tn Ill1 Casc of Tuttn lll l Ioml7l1 (figure 3 923 V(rnlT Spits has Tfaced twn ~ (lUIIC illlages to th e popllllI lIintl (cllIh-cl nt ury ma gltllille (1 Yolu a

ships dlvi(c IItlt j)()UN oil 1) 11 troubled wJtC I and all -e mba t hlng ing

upsirk dO Il Til l m1chine and thl ltl tr o ha t ar( figurf~ ofhaJIIlcc JlId order

~e l agj i ll~l a perilo us si tu ation lht) t la blish1 d i ~rupliI 1I~ t ofvltcillatioll

( 1 1 kiln mlblrm

bull~ J f1nni h hrkl J rJI of hul 41nati rUIHurlmiddot lInmiddot Mlln

I )t ~Jlfodurrrl t pmll rm ropol1111 10 1(111 R(Icr(n(( l ibrary

J l~rT I~ _ Hahn lgtt Ihlll If



h gunmiddot 3 En 7 ulmnr f1 lmlltm 9~3-~ M ti17 CI M~ Ern~I IUGI (1 S~ lnRmiddot ( ~1 llrca l 20(1(1

d tt rnat ioll il llbtlau(l and po~ibk fIII tho I frlln(~ OInollier of Ihe pa i ll I ings sources a R ena issa me allegory of r()rt ull(

IvliIIII()lItlti In tlw c Ollrse of I h ( essa) o n ernblems r i H~d hy Erll had gi cn thc im a~C of FOilli na wi th her wil e] l11d sa il as 11) ex am ple of a [J1 11(n sli tficienl vi~ud (Illbk lll rCftl ir ing 110 tex t to supplcmtmiddot11 1 iLS IlwJlI ingsI Ttl Furll lllt of unblem ~ Ofl11 ~ a ih on slOrm y sta ~

(fig ur( 14)n a nd prl~ LJ mltl J ) t h( i ll llstlal i(n of oil-POll ring m ac liill (J) ~Uggfmiddotlt l cd lO Erns t Iht a ttrih ules o f Fort una Ihe c irc ul a r piplt~ swnd fo r IlI r wheel IlC pi pe barlng her )I~ klr hf1 Ulin dn e~s 4t The leetering of Er nSI ~ Fon una Illa y he lIt r ib lHed to Ill i com)gld ph ~ or t hl grandt 1s lrnmiddotI11I (fig-uri 1 5 )1 ~ In Il le r on ((xl of h yslcna the so urCe illla gl or the acroba t eOJJ1ts in to pla y in Cha rcol and Richer s I J as sj~a l

~tu d y nr hyste ria in ~Ir t I f( )imollinr7 11t5 dml( url j Ui allOytmiddot Iht i ll tl~-

1 1 -(( ~Ij~ lla E middot ((Jla(CIf

f I~ IIml l middotdprM(It OIOIe 97) (11 15 1 r1 rUlclld middotUmiddotme lhauN VI 1Hamp--7middot 4 - hy middotillmiddothul( Fr~nt( S~ltS( ltibull

Icl~ U -fhg uImiddot uurnjl j lurhJrnmd 97 11 I J9 51 This Imiddotunu tlI1hh u Iq td III -

Durc 1 in ~ lnl c t ~ h (1 und n de Imiddotlisunmiddot Jo~rM1 If lilt LIb~( fnlllll III 92~ ) pp 7 I ll

1 Ion ) lnunlrmiddotmiddots 1- Pu d Im ll~l1Id ft n(rmiddot~ middot lax Ernst G middotmJ-k Au Ihmiddotf()JU da amu rlal ig~) n ~IIlaquou do w moTd W I b rrlJNI ml)km~U(middot hl UTlt of middotOCl~Smiddot

11 - I lIn ~rlcfut 10 ] I it I ~m~$ fot hvwinl tnC I lul]w( 1 too rc on I- nn and h) la drlid at the I lI l (bullbull lkrl lurMlhUI hll lIi1)t Un Ga l a fl~u ro uf Iltt gt ~ on) Uotncst(

Uioor ~ l d be Eluurdf Mil f~ I IlII luItltgt4flAlyllf SO~fIJ PI tOj ~

rigUft q Fornll x ttlt h ~It u n

Ii tby WdrOllfl Fullmiddot 11 1 iUllt V~rfbIU Dj( 17

1b J (~ COI ~nfl l ul Rkher - IJIIII(mI~I fa lgrlmiddotrRfl() (Amncrd ilnl 97111 100 n middot eljg wmiddotS pc i ho dlgt$lt In Ad middot ell Sarto S(lUlI

Phl J Wi Jillnl _ poJsMk also Ih ) h) Charco d R~hcr

11 Elila]t(u ll rcn 1lts Iu~ middoth~$triQnk OIICillallo n a t_middot itligll ~

or he bymrk Or lin tkaJ body

1lI uchSlcr 9J Ptgt ~f(gt-imiddot

trnt iu ll show here i till oh~(ralio n thal h y t (ric~1I atli l udc~ pn~sioshy

IIcllc~ ]evc tCtll pUfoi s 1m car ( I n particu licrellH1I1 ITohaliqul 6

Ermls (IlllJleml1ic 7 1r(ri lLg IYmllllll th c ll IS 1 (ompk l1ld humo rolls lI ullcgo rizul ioll of fo rt una -I -1 yst cr ic11

Com plex rlt-fCrcnces like liIi un 10 fortuna pop up thruug ho ul E rn~ Is

I rk amI se rve I S ind i $ of a ll (gor~ di fCCli ng us 1 ) Iradi lio ns or i(onotVashy

ph ) and accumulated Illcanil1g 10 symbolic tig-ures Inc attribules thai re ta in a sh-dowy lu hori t) hilt being Su hj(C lelt1 h~ E rlt 10 subi titwiJll$

r igbull I wwd Pjdk iul1udr Ik Hucilitlnr n I n rhlrnl tlld ( dmiddot lr~ dim~~taqw rf~ Iarl 1186

llnl OOf ~ [ AT tlTUP~~ ~hIQ itl EL L~S U ~ ~A ~IIA ~ O E T IIIUIt II Y S f t R I Q ( [

Allilnde d~ cnciG etenl

nnd degradatiom T he Forull emhlem here comes from Ab y arburg- s sl1ld~ Francesco Sltlsscl1is let lwilli gc Vnfiigung- (1 907l En~ t was not na ive abou t t he nuu re of images and their contagion and he fa nCS r unsidshy

natioll (If the onvt llI il)n of p iCl(ri d language Hld as~ u ll1pt iom ltlh0L11

mea ning At the li me of Warburg Saxl and Panof~k~s t ralings of da~~ial

~ymhol~ amI mylhollt)q-~ th rough IIwir til-hased ltI nri mu lt iple ronm in Ih e

mbkm~ uf mag illklun and as trology E rnst wa- him self englgd witb sudl dchascIllCnts~ 8 Fm u s Er lldil(~ illlag(r) makes h im a pl radnxind

ltlcackmiti a n a nd pa rodi c nr hi ~lOrilIl rel yin on Ihe prl~l i g( of rlcog ui I shyabt l~ q UIt liun bllt sa htlaging tlw h i~torical method Ilat w(lutc1 ~il ua Le a giC 1I wo rk th roug h ils relal ion I() prncden ts Tlw T urning I-1QIl1I cuuld d t~tl be rel a lcd ror middotxa mplc 10 C iOll u~ c lnb[emalir Il1rtJlJlu ncy (fig u lI 1 6) III

Erns t ~ Jisjunct i c ilT1ages parlde nfcrcllt~ bllt ddy rongruity ltllI rl c hronolshy

ogy u hvlr1ing lhe aUlhori ty of history to sequence idell tify imCrp lI l lI lld evaluate H e ~ i lua tCS h i ~ work within the history ofar and li terat ure capita shyli ling 011 th e cx ptxtation orknowin~ ~ aU high academic a n h as donmiddot_ b ut parndicall y mocking any pic t y or nost tgiil fo r 10s1 ori g-in ~j

A work part icula rl y di rctling ll~ 10 problems of Iltlngutge and f(middotp r(lt ll ta shy

ion is AI tht r ln Cltar Word 1923 lfigure 17) pai u tcd Oil lhe Wl tt o f Pau l 3nd Gal a Elu ard s bcdronlll J lengt t h itog-lyph k co n fi g u ra tio n (If fing(rs ba tt and string u e oqlI1 i7OO a rou nd the o r and X of Ernsts name $ilUali ng th e pa inting in the long- tr lditi(J)l of emhlematic deir(~ that play on names The pai nti ng as il immiddotulwmiddots Inc clongucci fin ~cr of a 01ll11l

JIllgt pru habt ) em bod ies Ernst cOIlLlm pnr ilrr rdatiom hip wit h G ala E lulfd (TIl E device traditiontl l is m clIlt 10 proli)ulJdly rcpre~t nl he ha hitual conduct (lr ( ha rati r or onlsel f oncs princc ur th c beloved womUl whitt t voidi ll L pon ra iwrc)Y 11115 5 p lCltlr( panLom im cs n des tabishylized pictoritJ compo~ i J i ()n the bt ll on thmiddot ~ rill~ wh ich ()r IllS lh c [ i~ I II

im minLt1l dltt nKcr oflwlng dropped by Ihe crossed fingcrlt pullin with it Ih( tlil of Ihe Illard-likc in$Ipound t T his co nngllfllion is lik rly a j oking refc rellC to

Frcudill li cn~ t rl ti () TI an x itmiddot t y ~ a noti(11 n i nfOTced hr Erm l ~ou r(( imag fro m 111 Salu re iIluslrllling a Irick in which 0 lingmiddot CTos~ed and pressed to ltl single bJ ll have th e sCll5a rion of feeli ng two balls As a dci(c JJilc rct aining the wit l nd (()nci~ ion appropril( to sueh repnSt IHatioll Frmts painting brea ks wit h th l c1 Clurum ltInri pwpcr k di ng tradi tiona ll y l ~s()C iated

wilh lile devite a ~ portrai t of t he mind or w uL E rnst~ im al l also rdi tes

If iby rhll rg rnfrlhUltrSrhrifk-1f

] irdllcnstlti ll lif9]I 117 51 ~

Rbnd K all) mc~r 1) 1 1gt1(1$

Iltr~hr f lfn1t una d~ ~lIdarhll -brdtllnttk r L f min l lmiddotb~t wnd IJm)tflm T]n J87) 48 1 gt111 ( rldu l (0 Rfrky lin HI 1 ~lI)lJr I L-d Ihr t iol(IJ mhllt1ltlt

ll I ] hwau middot1 he $lru((lIrr or All elonl~ Il)eltIf ill IIII~~~ Iwl RqgtrQI ~I ltlhnJ ( lt 11111 ( Ih ~ 1Il tl 1(1)(1 I~ 1 37middot

iO- amp ( Il ~n ri Eli C Alldtjam(n

aniltt r nlas Ulul ( I doll 16IbiPpmiddot 8 1-7

51 5lt Wmiddotmr SpQ fouJ liolld Irrudi cli ll ~ iu J) Hwhhr Ii du (lttr C610i1 I l7 PImiddot 5 4middot

~ll(ure 16 Giou nlill (Slt f1) ~ini Chilpdj

5~ - XC IstkUIImiddot Ltt Jill ( 1lt drriJtgt nn the pfOpltn~ ofdc ien It ~nno td t

fkmcll lS de Li tltrrmiddot JlIgt Ill d ~80)

lIi(krlt l p II ~_

M a rmontcls insistence 011 the h igh 1110111(1 11 lt urlomiddott emblems I llnn mtd )t VC as 1Il ltlmpll or the o~jt(lionahl t tToli lIIbkm objcL~ luxqllds Iop inirlll allad w ride de ha-gtsessc sUlh as a pot Oil the fi rt ith Ihe mollo f a m ltOIlsul1ed below ) It i~ tempti ng III im agi ne Irnsl toyin g wi th this

higb mor~1 1 po~il iun by delibera tely making a (Tud pun th e basi~ of til liu First Cmr WordY

T ypica ll y huwevr Ernsls Vi~U 1 1 sou rce rna) lJ ~ (lv(rdcterln ined hy 111 trudi tc textual ~ourn III I f NiL dAlllIIbrr D ichrl ~ Dr Uordeu describes the controlling ccnI tI ()r Ih t ch fir OUl ~n$aliOIl~ L~ a jlld~c who hears caS(~ md pIOIl Oll ll (I~ vc rdirts This jud~( hOHver 111lt1) be e ffeclivdr

deceived b y the (i(llIc( it may expe riL- llct paill ill an lIl1 putalcd limb 11 01(011 ~ays Dr Burdeu ~ou Gill INt t he limits allli decepl ions o f

sensa lion by (ltI rrying lItI I Ihi$ sim pI eXlwrinWll t Otl the judge

o n k tro mpe lu- nd Oll 1(11 1 crui ser dl lLX 11( ()~ doilts run Sill Inutrc lUuch(z un t pclill ooule lt1 il pronnll r(ra qu-iln II df l1x

2 bull i

h gumiddot 17middot l rnSl II Ihl FII (lro l1pd 1 )~3 I t bp (I II ~ L m ltlift))G P

1 1 lri~ OUolAC -110laquo1 ltOOO

In to( context of thi ~ pa rt ieulM di~lullsjon of s(n~ttiol II 1t1 Ni l f d J(lmh

lhe hypolbeli cd Fltudi an melning~ nf E rnsts Ilugcrs and ball in tensify The fea f ( castfa linn II lre is dJ ierl 0 (middotO fl~i (kra lion 01 The npITicHclt of pai n and pkhurr di sltussrd fl y Did r rol and the decept ion orthe senses ~ lldy ra ~

someth ing to d o with j urlgill l Ill( dtcp tiolls of illu ~ion is t 111 with the picru rc itsel f alld (implii t in Ihe Ictltl~ ()1l11ed Ily gtIring wd hnger wit h llie k((middotplio ll ~ ufl ang uagc

Beyond UidcrOl til( fou nd ation fror Emsts rlecplion 0 1 El uan] lnd Pau lh tnmiddot~ a rgumen ts about languagc lay in ( enIt 11 Roma nt ic dcba tcl ltlho ll t till ~rn bol ith is full ex p1l~s i (I1t$S and uni ty or ~ ign and n ferfnt 1S OPp()sd HI the di~~ocia lcd and arl Jilrar y sj gn-gllle la lioll l)fa lllmiddotgol) I Of panicular lifelong intenl tu Ernst (ft the po-ms CS~ t ys tJld a lltgorjC~ o f Novali I II the fi ch lc S tudilu N(lva l i~ httl u Hlsid ered lilt rela tion or

l t 7 fit I H l 1gtlt(lI

5 ~ - Sn HLmmiddot odoro M If Ih I ol Ir (Ihrl n r Io rln Ilhh J l)tb 1 151

~ Umothc JaiuA I(hI~ed me of rn~(f hfdonA bullbullding 0 -11 ~ i~ (k Iter lu

hLlhtlh LclOlc 0 ell 91121- M~ dlkllraquolO(l i~ lI deb loo (0 II~

fC(Illt(r o Kn ) ~r-lu t HtNIl_ nI1 Ioudon 9lj s~

fio hlr S d 110 Stlrjinf rd l1I1 dholln ~ lId K rd Sallnd 2 lIllIlIlr~ n 1)gt5

y QUOIn t 1bullbull Iulil1 Oir Il-gtOtw- KumulIl ~I fI Poe jdcr h Ohrfllt1101nl imiddot b-ftJ IMM bull I~ 1 IjJj11_ 1 lt)OCf p ~06

~1 It_I 5ltlrrif(~~ V 282 U lln hilll prp1K(I h1I Novtlraquomiddot d~ ldk ll i

ixua Irlnllllod ~bull middotIrmiddotI1 I middot rJ dwr Ihm rr lrnrlll (Hgtrlldk ) ~H - ito UBeu PI 0 11 11gt ~MI S(itl~I I V I ~

~ 1 ttl lIml To i Was Ma_~ 1-1 Iudirl h i ll Ia ~H K~I~ P l S c r PI Ip HattltlorHrr

I~nf(n (P(t Tunlu IPlI amp nn K olVI)lJtt AtIhIJIt~ ImJ~nt I _jm (1(In EIxhllll 19031 Karl Ih(f)(lomiddot C d cru ( dritl

HMIlI~NI III Jtbtfl DISn LI n Ll(PlM 1Jf(d 1881 J eanmiddotUaud t rtbs (~ ifipp H sectn Cr ~

tIorll Frnkrun middotrnmiddotMam u Iu 1lI

IqIi l PI V~ -t3 Thrn ~r n 1I ~II i ltI h not 1 p~I1gttul r 1( in TI n oell u1f 0111 8ui chmid d FIIrjI ~I 5 ]nJ J~6rfjnnu 1 lII Di_UfJ(11 Numbl

III~ 1Io11l 6 SI h nJ ( f(tmiddotulll ll middotlulrodOIvu AItl~ry aN HprtUIIlJIIDII

PI) ~l D lan pOIfl~ ou ltlr311~~f)rr 3ltll1 mhlrm bull 11 d iflkuhy (Of ]Jqllf i Iht th (mvh d~r ~ 01 rtp~uu -n C tgtOllt~ nd In 11K rmiddotrr fSltltn~ l h~

Iu Qn I ~Icd middotPutal

bullI ~gtIOfV of PllSlVI IIpry RfIlnIllI_ p ~3)

language to th e th i [l~ il t~p rC~n l gt argli n~ t haL silllc lAng uage n rijinatcrl

l1 finding ~ i lm (or lbSl tae l conccpt~ it i illiterr l11ly nw tlphoriltl md dlceptivcn Fot I(ovali ~ fcprCC nT ll ion is a proce -~ hy which lall~utKC

fig ures (orth somelh ing lhal i ~ itself IUSI I rough tillt ln y 1(1 of being pnstlIh( If for Nova li ~ jlOmiddottry IIl ll lgt1 appro~ld l i~ual li rt ))il rot~il Inu

also zur Kunst werdcn ) ~I ne( rt hclt-~ d ll ~i I) ilwit)bly Idl shor

crea ling an illusiun uf prcsellcC where t he re is n() IH So (I IlC ( an n p n SCIl I onl y i ll ordcr 10 rcprcscmiddotnt Y alld beyuml t hi ~ lei of 1lt_ prcMnting thrrc i~ rIn absolutc ulIlcprtsctH ahk negllid y d tlcrm in ltgtd KlOu nd a conce pt or being that lt1111101 be d(~( l i hltd (111) displMcd im o c han o r darkmss cent Tn Novalis Eru~ 1 wou ld find a his tury fOl J (I lwlhiIlmiddots (ol1lcm po rIIY

argumcnt thnt all ln nguagl inn )ivcs metaphor and millndcr~t lIld ing a nd lil his d tllcriptioll of IIe cia rk nes~ Iha l sl l orc~ lip Ihl )l lOvcrh OlSlTlions Novalis~ theori fs ofl anguage uor nt oul by Pa ulhan ct1ll thC lllsck e 10 Ill

middotprlScll led by ErnST in the en ig-nuic piuolid Innn Lpprnp riltlH to NOlt1i ~ ~

sig n or 8ild

Allh~ Fin- Clear Word Ill a y be lfad in ligh l orlh~I plradmtlt ofbnguagl lild ~emury d ectption I n~ot~ r a ~ EII) is til represen w r n r pn5lnllr CJftlll pic tll re he is til t d tceiHI ho (c l hI eq n I writcs him$(lf intn IIw p ictu re through his pnouious mono~ ram 3 ~ ti l( deceived Sim il (ontig ur lI iuns or balls a nd stri ng llC a cOlIlIlon plac( of SCclllttnth-cent ury

(middottIIule lm )( rhlil l it~ sud l a~ R lJlkll h lgcns l enllOll~ Globe hanging hy A

thread IllrCa ltned by tht di vine k ni ft wilh its mOllo 1 wi ll hc cm 10 pi tccs

fIgure 18 T IlfsC l m blcUla lie modds sel up the ( lIt1 i n~Cltlst ration j oke impliCi t i ll Enm~ plin ting T he mOllo or I llIvorffcrs rebted emblrlll ha l dccei CS us a mu~cs u~ is cunsistent lth t he ide) uf lhe pli n ting iI~

an illustra tion 01 Illr (kctpt ions of thO se nlt-~ and of m imetic picllln-m k i ll~

tsdr ftigure 19)

H ard(irfit- r 01In eccen tric th(o ris t uf the e o lvill Genn a n la n ~ua~(

a nel of uuoque emhlems H iJ visio n 01 middotGrlllairl poticmiddot was illfiuencecl by Ripas rulolugifl Acia w and J atO) C algt l ~lII st ho had studied ph ilu logy an d hld la kcn a ( ou r~( o n the v c r man nomiddotd of the sevenshy

leenth lin d middotijl ltnnl h cel1111ri o l it u nivtfi ly miln I dl have Cllcou nshytered his 1 ()lk 9 I I is a~y til 11 (-l arsdlitflcr a~ it proto-sunca list

throug h Jing-u islit ~arlH ~ ill Wllld ~ amI illll(~ b) p hon ti play and nc c()r tr bi n a lioH ~ Ill hoped 1(1 drw 1)lIt h iddell ret lI1b l a n ce~ bct ccn th ings and CVl U 10 invcnt IIC W Ih ings illulllill ltinl lI lt p ro fo und rdations of I lItgulgt mpound ttoe o rld I he cullelt i gllllc-pla) illK of his C tspradtshyspick fragmcn tcd syllabic and wo rd re(()I nbined b ltliterna li m cun trishybutors to produt( unli)rt (c lI rclt I1 I1 ~ ha~ I)l iUlis afJiui lies w il h surreali~t

potti I practice H aT1gtltlu r rfCIs emblem r ai(~ a ~lmiddotnlmiddotr tI puinl ahou t em blems hile tlln

pro id e Glp tival ing rt)lism cf el ltil tl li is IP l r~ l to ensure Ie~ihilil and ough t to have Ilolhillg 10 do I ith Ihe Jl lt- I ~ lI nmiddot Urlllil1lDis A t Ih( F lnl Galf

Vorn a ~ a piclure a bout S( II~()ry cl ( p tiotl is a n ironir a llegory or ils own t1l IK1Ciri cs (0 rcprcocnt r-I(IIc hrou l- it rIilCgt ltI p roblem of aUIgory whkh Lries It) fu lly npn scnl or pi tun al) t rt( tions llUt I~ hich llIccssa ril rccals

ilS uwn fa ilure lu arw ally brillg lillih ~udl tl lill~s fgt T he da ril ) of the cmbk m sim ul ates tht gra tifJ I lir~ of I n i (J1lsi~ stl1ing up an anxi()u ~ t1t t rshy

naliun btlwctn (knxlillg wh a t i ~ IlH- u lr d eH lr dll1iC(11 dra lng and



I bull



relishing the pleasur UI) pmsibly lIli 11 1lt1 i( tJl E1l11Jk mati~ a1l0w E rn~ 1 shywho 4xprcsscd cQn tcni p l (() I milllClit a rt to negot iate bdwfcn I h~ ~I(tu(~shy

livci ) mimet ic tud ed ifying)y d i agrarnma l ic 6~

As 1 pend ru 10 AI Iht hr~ 1 elfllT kV(lrd til (ol1l g ~ L Q)QI Jl tSCIIf n ) OUIIl

girl 930 -70 (figu re 20) tu - h i1I Ems f IHu a lly added a real glolWmiddot tikc bltlll ul ltlnnil y bcar~ 0111 [he sense of the Rollen hagen l mbll Il ah hough thl di vjllC POWtf to cut i~ now invested in the tollage nist himself (o r rather Is he represents himselfilhin Iht piClUre l~ Lo ploPi The em bleshym a ti c rt lnin d n Iha l rh inbTS U( 1I1titna tcly IUIt of your hands Ihll ( oci hold~

thl ~ci ~sonbull i ~ plnyert upon hy Ernst wi lh da rk i l The introduct ion o f Lo ptop in 1910 as Ern t ~lt rtgo recaJl~ owllis diClUm The 1 1l1 li~1

preselt iLSeJ f as prcsln ting 3 Th i5 cads again to lIlt problem ()f the vict lln asmiddotil1li~i oll [ltU L()plop i ~

lI sultl lly d cscrilx-d imprf~sJli()o )jk( as introducing or p rese1l1ing tbe pic tll OfL r n il is Lop lop ~lC lillg as frl1lw o r easd who prCSCli Is a n iUlIsiomiddot Jli~li( pi clltrt ilhin lltt piUunu5 T he ~ ll hjCtI~ of tll( pi( llIn~ lI il hin the

piCHI onen have weigh t) implicJliuns I rolll1( Ililii grapes by a~sociltltion with Z tuxils gmpes im o kc piolo ri a l illusionism oa k kavcs stan d fo r (C111111 narion) islll a nd RU(k has rl ief M aJgtcilllise sla nds tor F rench nltionltl lshyiim It is as if Ihe sym boJic me ni li lS indicated b) Loplop~ piclu res t re IS i lonkally rcl ri (vaule as the pos~ihi lilics of pino ri 11 iltu~ion and flllln(i~ th they sland for alld ilh wlloh Ihey an Pcs(nt ed TI H the grI I(S a nd 1lCS

2 5 (1 TU lrAHI middot H 1(-

Fillln II ( il)r id R o)knhag~n middotClu han b II hr~d wlih (~ tr ha nd hold g a kn rmiddot ~f(~w 1hIlIIIImiddot I i-him r ~i

fi t - St Th II Kelley Rn~MI

II II(go ] II ~(IIl he If Ih~1 nl(crmst llrgor~ na k middot ldrr r~t(h n I t ~

I h on ~ l llpp1)Vdl) oljlflSCd 10 il r)w mimClibullbull his(01 )

() 2 h r hisect iIIllhn (fOlU (hi

(l hll mele mil ~ 11 arlif t ~

Ma_ fru~l jjiIMJ p I 6J - ~Mlta )iJmik ~ f ~t12 ~ct

~I )ulm P 97 (v r di (m h~

Pilamplg hvll t N(ll$ II a rl h ltlonlt4) ontt I 10( lim or ~m~IJ I1 Y 1IIIliD 11$ iltit (laquolt ~ndjd G ~ ~IJ

mulaquo el 1 rl arsd ltnd laquocu 6 s O middotRticn I lI lh Th pk utc -ithm h pintlr _tnCi as mc~rhor ru t NOali om pI ad pIIaduxinl image I l ie -1l ld h h wdun Ikin~ hll iI~) 1middotU1 ou tsid e j( as n prtlCnt tWIl

~Qligt hnJ ~ p 06 ti) - I plup~ middotad a nd eQpalt$ h~

any ~ial pr~cnlenu C( middotrrllr SIlOlt f~Qp_ rr J i( OIMt Srf LotdwI

Jlil Ik~Q 1 SI)ics I(8middotus l ~c1r ( rrma o-c is MOl Sehind s TII trti~tgt a iOimacd COnllltUl6 ~ilt5(lt rllaquot and ~il5hl-nlzot) fn~nn 0 Nlrru~fI IJaa 80

tisull 9 H lrjr Wshy nj() h Mr~t ~ 1 Itmfr U(pr~(hrIr

1644 (I


r for Jr


ikdy d a$gtltS


(J VUlliJ yenrrfttr~ I Xi In lh~

LltJII()Igtltrics t~ l ~h UlCt Ilw rompt

fMI dlilaquo (f making (hiu ~Jl llCar IU Igt I n nplJ(1 QUI of Ill()lhcr pic of PII r bdud lion which I 1lap ilh (he ambJguIjI Qf ltOt lhin hccomioe middotrl )7 S pound I) VHI Image ar bod Y dt purd aliRl1l11(llt 01 Waltt r Ikllj ~mi lt1 1 Bnlmiddot JDI(1 M8JN~IIl1iI ~ 3

Ilt)ltJI pp ~5 -H20n h~ P r bullbull II1tQl 10 11( cn blrn1 Ilr liK if IC~ t()

I)irn iocapl hle Ihe-Imiddot of middotrnln lmg meaning bullbull liegQ1 i~ 01 ju(

Olhnlll mClonpnic 5hiflil g 01 Wmanl(


art acturl lly pre~sed into thl paper 10 form ~ ha~ lr-lief h ci~hlI1~ lilt joke Oil 1h( power of piClori11 illusio1lism to hring things illlO r(l 1 d inwnsions wi th in tIll fidd o(the r iled mimesis of the ditglam l1la lic larger pi( tu lmiddotmiddot

So Cr llsts pictun may ntmiddot tl kcn 1 a n (mhemlIic prCsentation or Novaliss Bild lunel ioning as a Plfldoxi( d rlj) rc~cn l alion of 11ll fli lurc 10

flill y represc nt dealing wit h thc plOhle rn o f prcsen li l~ a pilI UII a t all and by elltensiOll wil h the )nhcllnt dcnplio ll~ of me La pho] i1lu-iol l and lan guClgc O ften representcd by a dark ell si lhouettcd htnd IS in Ioplop pminlS bullffjiifJ 1931 (fi gu rc 21) Toplop invokes Novl lis f~JlloJs d cscri pshytioll o(thc delusi(n of repr~cntlllg H( gliI-p- ollly a handful ()r d ~llklJcss ((

Loplop a~ i ll1 plcs~ario mtkcs p rescnting ~d l~co l1 c i olls hat is prestmed i ~

ahIs mediated 01 II a rnllOW like Ill( pictures Wi lh1) pic lurts losing

ground III llllIly o r Ernsts p3i nling~ W~ 11( ill the territory of cmblemalic rcprOlclllltHioT1 thost fa ilures and ha zards agaim t hi ch the rnord or motto or the emblem i~ proph~ bClieall) ~c l Ernst makes the cmble mat ic il1l agl a ll emblem orkonograph ic lnca n ill ~ itsclfb7

Tn the (middotolllgc novels ]lIginning with La Femlllt 100 [Flu 1929 Ernst dcvdops the cm blem image illlO an allf~o lka l na rrali( Tf Enhts coll agc T1ocI ~ fU llction or ma lfUllclioli l~ parodics of the pul p nov as cx lcndccl clich e the atrnosphln of popula r IlOVel movi ng- from dimao( to climax is nut (Illy char3neri sl il o f di llhangcr scrit1illd Ii (lioll bUI of high allegoric-

~ ilurr 1Q ~rJUI --QpI~ IW(1IIJ P~lIf $1

11)3)-70 ~ I tl 1 1 C 1 1 -nm middot 0 (1

1~riII-O[)1iC ( IlIn~11 locO

111)_ HI nl [ ~ l Cl middot

ril(UR 21 ~nb l Loplol fgtrr~ll bullrjlirJ 193) raquoI~ 1781 Cl 1( lt f rtI~(AIJA(f

ld SUOkAC ( Ina l ZOQO

(gt11- Ou EI and pu(p fin iou Klt Rltncc

R irlot 1 1I~rI S~JIIJ on flu 11ltgt01 Jkrkdmiddot~ od l(gtmiddotngt1cs ~ P 8

(I li ~ r)hC Olhe r(olla ((n-vcb 10 (tII~ 100 ius lltms 10 f()rl~ ~cu i t i It f J) bn pred i(1ali( ITUucm nf

dJgory thaI IhIt ir is w lhig

~-qutItLil1 and UorrdlJ d~li) irlo )PUlI lhol a 101 s~ j 1 rma ll e Iruun OrUrgurir 1 d middot middot 70 Sec RrlIll I)j kw Idol Dr (fomlr gt~raquoI4S~~ ofFm= ri( i Fi -ltir)l1dr CIIIMlt rw Yk I ondon and O d Od 7r - Ilr hundred h~dlc wumn

pcrgtoniM Ihr protlogt ofnIlt) i II blt n d~ugtltsltJ lrum la~I llt nmiddot I a ~ Old Ikrricln gtI I at OJ~ 1I OllgtII) Ic Ihin lnd b) UI huured 11Ultbl

(ltTduug Slaquo Kon Rund tbi~ oUtIII l SnfUQa flta (Slrnl

-Ill Jcq1 [xrrid I ~ Ihr ~i dr Plmon r PIQImr idd i rUf HiOn

1- 1 1jl3lt) ~5- ~1 a 1 11Ik -bn

laIlt 1111- uf P5UaSI Il 11 n 7 nLllIr Max En_ s CCIl1~ldc A Il

u~dJjJ Ju tzmis Punl of pHtdigmltK- rcmm~ Jail (tcmiddot i duo1lltcJ

j ltoul l e~ d to Ir mYIr~ de IJ Fr nn I (h rlltoum ed ilh Inrily n [J

ru~orlf J~dlnl Ul Ieh IW adl COl middot

iJ drjed in Lr M~IUf ~ (ue biod Il)d by II rah ) mllo)~ a (M from CIen dOn Imiddot ga~m

n j)()gtltt t ( du d I dClaquo1 PllfT

J1( Inl 9~3 I 3 )middot i J 1 mpu lit) is 011( ( I)utf HlT~JIJ ilIU1lruom illmlHffi by t dl~ aKI o lkmm Solaquo rhf 11rllrpIt~ of 1fIIopoilbullbull 1(0)1 ltlt 1 A I (~ bull Lltdo d3middotICl ) I or the hltad leM

m~ ~I nprt nlIVlt of the lI h~voJiud

Mltirirr5(C Ilaydcn hw T hc Ior r Idnc rll f~fJ)lgtfOlmr FHJ n

cJIllIr1 (nWi BahiOI~ 11(1 l aunn

l7ijjP r63 5

ltIS wellG8 The luadks~ OIl1an w ho c rupts iu uiflircn l forms lhrou~hflu l Ia Frllllllr X) tilu could ~ef( as a mnaphor lor Ihe d isru privt relations bel ween metaphor ltlnd th( ~cq ucn tiltt l flow of narrative charaCte ristic ( I llegory The d(vd o]lm(n l~ cnn (inui lY and rcptli li(HlS afTordcd by 1lIJTativc allow hun (0 rCClpil lLlatt S() W ~rea k hi ~ usc of woma n to personify his own Icdllliqlll

The k nmJe nud e had belfl l1l1 lhe prw niscuQu sig nifier par t udtIll( 111 nin clee nlh -nntury $ll nn painling in 1 hifh Ilt t complex it(lltirics and allri shy

hut es of any given 1 l1 cgoricld personifi cat ion WCl( Kro~~ l y sim plifin l a nd s i ~lIalled a nd in which multipl ied numbers (of ha rtm ~la v (s or OJcads) com pensa te fo r loss of indiidual s ignificalion If Ihimiddot ~a loll lIu dc finally scrvf d as a pcr~nn i fi clI ion of a n OcrT rowcltd a nd raquohdioere Sa lon itsdr 7ltgt that cltuase lllent of the aan c mil tra dil ilJll rIK ina ted Erm t as he pl ullder(d ninelecn th-cent ury j ournals a nd salrl11 (pvrl~ fOt his collage ma l( i1 1I y not one hundred headl(lO~ woman instead of onc hundred mrmingk ss oms why nOI om perrcn ly ugly hcadlc ~ Ioman (ICte de mecl us() instead of ti le rut ile Salon bca ut ic_

Tlt tlc is Ill importan t (ll ulcmalic prototype for frns t~ womln a ~ GC f(]

Rauer has notcd I rnst s fcmm e 100 t Ci I~ has a counte rparl ln L a Pcrr i i rc ~

11 T lriil de$ bQNJ en~IIS (rigurl 22 ) IhlUl1 d i~llliss~ this rcscmbk nc( agt fortu itous ImHer il is im portant Ih1I it is the Inl tllnt is c1ost-S1 10 the

Ill(ltlni nls uf Ernst s woman not till image I Pcrlicres femme is iuall y an ad ap tat ion of a lomill onpl acx Horapllll o-dlTivcd hcadle~ ma n

signif)itll( I m )JOssibili t~ presuma hly a 11 aul c~s oman l~ douhly illlpossihlen In L Pcrricrcs prcm lO he is not JJl( rely ]utdless bu r rtther Jik( Ernst s middot te mll1 f hilS I)Ulny i(kn til il~~ IqJrcst ll l(o by many heads silt is compa n d to lh e Chi n1ltl crn Girion p) hnn tll cdusa Cerberu~ and lhat l-llnicular pnmiddotc ur~or of tIl( km nw 100 Ittcs Iht H yd ra Through such proli li-ration or menning sIt( is Ih e mhkJll l i ~L~ dream emblem Lr

Pcrriercs le( nlllcludes tha t ma rc marvellous Ihan all Y of Ihc~t lll ylhic creatures middot vu lrl bt Ull(- fem me sans leu Ihe One figure who cou ld prcSurnshyably em bod y a ll hybr id mean ings in one ~ llcc in (t blll meani ngless fo rm La lclTiCr~ crnhlem may be an allegory of lhe cjlem ma of rht PO(I UIIHl Lnned hy his middot iivll~ hu l need ing 10 be a )H roi( d eca pitator a rer~(lI ~

aluivalc1l1 T hl ngrt l1a ble mora l conclusio n of La Perri eres poem is tha i woman Ilccds a guidc a ra tional hCltld a nl ltln lax pound rllst71

O n one occuion irr IAI FtnllU 100 liles Ernsl himself appearS (fi gure 13 1 III Loplop and the mouse s horoscope M attCrs or desliny fa lc a nd horoscope- are a sta ple ur emblclIl li te rat ure middotf he imge is pan of a n embleshymat ic (radiliv) in vhich caged creatures slam] ror lht ca ptivi lY and sull t ring of tIlt poel or lo (r (fig ure 24)1) Em Sl i~ agen t and nO l ca ptive 01 flt ltc however Ba n-dle~lcd he may be (rt l ra~ rfli hen a~ ltlll odur pcr~nll a uf Ihe multi-valc lll woman he carries the d isGmlrd cinllus of th at stock haraCllr of l lk gOry the haUd resscd woman RUI he holds onto h i~ hal (Ihich unlike the he-ad Ill ay be lakcn on and of 1 ) and thu s retaim for himself Ihe powcrful masculine role of the head Erusl appea ring in persOIl wilhin his tollage 110d signn ls his SWIUS as a ll-controlling novelist or em hleshymatist d lOS(middot c lvnga lcd hand CH n pluck thr- mouse Out of il s ordaiucd palh al a n) tim t Ernsl l$ a llcgorisl should Iw SitultlHd in the trdi liun ofparod ic nuvc isg incl udilg Ka lldais Charles Sorcl J cln -Pa ul R idlter and TIlOlIllS Stcrne whose work relies 0 11 a Jlet0ry to ironi ( it ~ own d tviccs~

hllur~ )~ rouU gt lt 11 Ierricn middot1 _ Fe 0lt ~Iemiddot bb(om xv Lt middotfhIQII( au flu OlU 539middot

7 t t- rr middotm i ~hlllkeuoImiddot(gtr I ~

E ts alP-1m~ ad 10 III unJinn~ Ih t middothltmiddot ~11 ome hmiddot Igill~ o nly in o 1 oj Ihem ~e ltor pmpcrl) nmn~(tcd IIgt Illfi r 1middototls tT j inllny ITrI 5I t 01 SIJ Iijt I-i 1 Ynr I)U

1middot9 i ~ Thmiddot tllmiddotd 111I)Ult if) Iro p O JPC~Il

lciII otld ~rqJlOxIUmiddotlmiddotd in I) middot~(on( ~t j oolgt C~~ middot i ~poliJ t

gtj)(lli lont tmiddotC I 111 (apia I)n1

[mill ) MUftIM~ Alh dt 11((-111

fAmSIrd I 7~ (l Damel Hcin~iul

Q I ~lD 1~J i Jm I-oIo bullt ) fo r lupid (gtIllide h ase Md P C t 1)(1middot Imbl~w tryU 1l~rd~m 6 rmiddotlmulcd Pdmburgh bulln7l) fcr Cil~rrl bini ~e ncr (Inllri ) aud cupid with ( ~cd ~uinrl 70 T ho $(lrnHmhurv au C hr[ So middotI JlhT rparodir novel a nd IIlkgori(O ( h anw rl ttlnIHomaM)

ealled iIllOIltSlion mi(Ic rda liou pc bnl(lIagc and III(Ialhor Sorer IA llalJM df ] i1Jbullbull d rih inl( illtolI (IU~1

~ ~ hltgt~d nn peI middotrh gl1_ rhlemiddot Jta~middotlIIg lt1 word altgtCUo ns loped J) hc PUWK middot~u du nall iJ a JrcLuIXlT r rnmiddot i~ ileJ[laquoIU311Dt~s 5lt ( hI M rd u II ~ 1f(J n1~ (Pn_ (pI rcpri lro Cmiddotneva I In) I II calte oflh coU~ lt rImmiddote1i trn auhial IU-altAO Pli middotuJarly ho hOj( mlhlt (crmA n KumlIi J~- lJul Ridner middotbose H)15 ltt Imiddot) hd raquoPlltkd I nnch IlIor41)middot all(nlion ~d Ih adlDlI-llluU o(j (l ll Ia l h ~ and Atdtt ISr~lt)n middotIltmiddot wen 11 Y lr1nd lrlIlt I io lfj~ ln-I HI Kichllr$ nmlk a lllorio rI narruvlts I U ( muhIImiddot l oice IUd idrmiu(l SU)tgjOgtjl

Jm~(1 I(dnn lues Ihe T j l aIS lisr of nI I~ImiddotrJ1 puion of his nilId I$n

ort o(lXlI EI ~ 111lt he r1l lo h-ough Ihe quouditn _orld in JAIrun(

1M IbN ~~ t altga rtl H ale II ~f

Olxron SdiOQlj Afi1)ullu 1)~ 1nil 91) and Claulk jich i I middotmJ~ lit 71~-I fJJJ1 (~ J(IIU l~ MIjalllUt llnt 1963

I ~urc 3 M~ ~ rnst middot[plol 1 ii(

uy hor)s(ol In 0 1(1lt lila

9~9 SI1 1st II rlduL~t Igty ponniion [r I~I (II I n T oronto Rampn-oce Lbr~ry

17 Osk P(lltak lkr hcmige ud I Ioliphilw Ir~ J ldK 1 tA(rifll~ UlIll A KvI~m~b(

191111431 Ii for h~ Qfih lok hUllIuand Irlnlt[1gt HI(lIMlultin Pp~tl cd Gm P U md LUCla A

Cil)pom (Idu ~I fl - Lrw ~lIfsk) r~frrnl o Rtlla~nCt Nlt)middotpl aJJojonn~

xt ufpopular ga m ltco mparabk 10 vulgn plmiddotd n I~j middotNllatomc ilocltb III ~kgtr~c( ud Norh I al) Ul Sl~d It 1(middottI~l i lew York 972) p 1 1) i~ 1 I 1)QoinofdlSlllcIllOcrtlt in

he I[TIlI mtd~ 1 er(l~ lll1cgo~ I RUI~ JlnlJJ( i~ p l lrll l~rJ r r(Ie 10 rn( mltlll(j in 111 1middot( IIlI) lil() 110 ( Ihe tMLion of~~Irn wel of N~ro dlrnwwcJiinli oflus md i I h )

iod)e he ocau t ~ Qf hcr lionl iU od nrnliltrsmiddot and lu JltO lo( It(f lone he wa concelvcd are ofpITlkuLu i l~ $

nplt(illl~ sitlclt lhry fill fn lt1 ~ b~l~ dWUI ntmmg lid ]altuale s Uvid f

1luI 1 Sr lt1 (l i l1lcmbtrmcfll bo-hlrd On8 lUI dl Romoon or d~ RQII( III RtUtiulIamp lIteR all rk 14 ~ I ~I l ffl(ll( RIIon ~I i rw] d ja II UOI IhiJadclphlltl (992 ) Pl

30 0 jlllnn tQlran ltk M cu ~ k NIn I fa ~ rm Illjo to 970 $tt

II tIf M Arde ll 1 h( Wfllan d I~ (1I 1e

~ Iw wIlJ IJlblQgrap~~ (N~ i and 110 111(93)

Ik Clo rillunc Hclt cl I wny ltImiddotn ud kit I I a~ KInr ~ rbull pJra bull 01 lor lum~ all gklt amI r~rman I (Ik mi IIulltlin 74 1lt)921 pp II I gt

Er ns ts prpuhioll of die r mb1em illlage inlo I 11lt1r rnivl seque nce (an al~ l

be si1u3led in niltlI io n I() Ihe illuSlri1cd Renaissance alkgory hieh ~ ltlS an lInpo nan t SOll r( li)r all sli bsequen l crnl1cm atisLS Colo II Tl i HYJllrtOlfmlfldljn

Poliphilii7 I t I)tsin witll a d r() 111 alltl i ll middotu l v (~ endkss nCliphtr lll(n l o f environm ents a nd obj((ls th ilt rc~onall throughout EIIlSI 1 0Uale Ilods d lboraldy symholic gardcm IIl WluC r ums h icrgl~ ph s 1 st atile or 1n d~pha nt Ill th it incidC llt5 (Perscus bchead ing of Innt htr 1(1I1 n1lt Slt1n ~

[C tc yled us ) ltlil t lhe tr i u rnph ~ of va rious gods li nd ll1coulH cr~ wil h fcma le pcrsonifiC4l io ns such ltIS Iht middotfi lmiddot lgtCIlSIS ofd wlTI E rll ~ L s 1i]1lnw 100 [ClcS IS A porli liant Cl U pcrsli fiettion Colonnas n )d g llmorizccl

lHroiciztd ll1d narralivized int t lp rt lal iull knd i n~ il ~ Ilr 1 g-lttmcs of m ea nings like v illga r pS~fhoa nalys is If [ rlisl realkgorits till tlIlda rd allcgorYil~-ltl n I1 Il then he dut~ so in way~ lha t preclude HI high mora l or iludlcctua l positions n (sting thc psychomarhia with lttil C)Imiddot 10 p~ychomiddot ltt l ml) q s tu rn ing Ihl Stnsua l cneha nt Hwnts ot snluctivc ~cI4 p i( middot(lS to qtlcasil UIIIla lizcd violcllt ltlud sexual d tSires I il lra r surreali sm IBre(on lIdia

Aragon s PIY5(1II dr Puns) could rel y un the sca AoJd i n~ and d evin s of allegoric - t he d ream vi~ion ) th l peri pau t ic li n o mo in~ 1hroug h a Lil y of m ysterio us (lbjCClS 1l101lum~II IS a nd (I)couiliers I hl~ W I)I11 lt11 1 uf Ill u ta bk idenlilY references 10 OIIHr works of arl and lillfa tlll t nd Soon t rnsa also d eploys the devlrc-s of literary a nd pk lOria l allegury dndging 1I 0 t only emblem bouks but ahl) die g rea t lite rary dkg(lric~ liorn tlw RomfI fir n (0)(

to Colunna to Novcli s lIlcl jieltkl

C hristia ne fi end in lro r key st ud ) ofmodlit lisl a lkgory has argUId thaI Err1~t relinq ui$ h (~ hi s a u tho ria l a ut hori lY in 111 F rllllllt J ()() l i l( allowing hi~

1111lgCS a rad ica l inck ptmiddotnclcnnmiddotp II cUl lld 1( arlued r Ol1v I-dy Ihlt

EflIH pa rod y fu netion~ in a n opposil(middot ay tha i Ir i~ wrc nching or imilL~ oul of l ll tmiddotir Mig- inal 1 )lI tex l ~ i~ a n 1gt 111 iw ill asserting ah~olutc and arbitra l) cuntrol OIr Ih( mh rial Ernst s images Id ) 011 re11l na nl ~ ofl hci

r igi lIa l Ill lltllli ns and los t tQllVCll ional contegt llgt ill hich I he) er( meant

tJen E ADEM c AN TI L NA ~--~--------------T~ ~~

to hi ( lcdihh il luslmt i)M vI S( ll tiic d evt l oprne nL~ na tural phcllomclla lr ltg- il t ric k ~ or rq)l( )(ll((i()f ~ IJf wrh Ifart l a lld lhis al o nce aJlo l~ his (1 11 man ings 10 SCIlll irraLio li a l and lilcral cd a ll d 11 the ~am c limc 10 be c lI npktdy su hjugald U) lht ve ry lI ovell) a nd allom a ly of thcrr tnvironshynlt ll l 1111 a~e lnl )l cd tiag llH l lts o f Ernsts cullages a lT n~ idual evidloCe of tl w Iulhor ily tu UIt Hilli CIII m Clo ll YJlJic pow(J or lite and dealh

arg lla bly IllI very I ppl)~ i t e ufCUI Li l ig loo~e or sellin g liTe

I n his 1l illaI Ilm II~ Enl L l o 1ll111i t lt synLacli cal rape tiXl uctlllg Y()Illll

fru m ti ll eO lltc 1 ()( ~I I joulll als Il K) il ion rt pn~ in whidr 511( represhy

l1t(O popu lar p a int iJlgs cflg ravltl ( r nJa~s a udiences I n I ll s u r k sh e

may 1 1llhOirl y mct unymic hssi pl i (l ll~ or II H ull ing hut ~It ~middot al so rCjJfCSClIb

E tn~ l s own lonir 10111 1 tn CUI and asipn rk~ a h it p in l piaYIT lilCI lIy a ppea ri ng ill hibH WI mi g h l also ~ lJ Spcc l Erns l of viciously

i te ra ling nin( lcclllh-nIl LUry lh eor ies r Ih e cmpall ric ~yOllJ 1 lt1 ~ lhe ( 1111)l)lliIrwl1l or our OWII pir yif1 lllrcqJl i ns J I u ~t~ his all tgtgory of sigm r1i ~od lItd from pir y~kal rdrll l ~ prClieiy as a fi eld in whi c h to dj~ru pshy

tivd ) i lllt rjtcl th l OCtasifHlal irY PlCIilicaUy d(plo yed rull ~ym bol with iL~ supposed ltlli lY illl i L~ rciirenl c jJre~ell tcJ by the 1)(J(h of l he Ilom an 1n the eli (k~ Ch a nTS chap lc r a l thl e nd Ill Url~ Smwiu de lfm f a fi gulc flmini s(nt or Fortuna noats ill Ihe air gTad ua lly li-cc ing

h (r~(lrorlllr a llrihulls ()f whcci Ild ~ i l (fig un 1) 11 t lihCra li ol1 Sill ce Fort un a luore It tuall ) hfCOnHS hrr wh(ei mi nl1ll il by htT l1nlr ed bac k ltIS an h Yllleric and l lso be(on H~ h cr sail hlo wn throug h lhc ~k y her

It rib utes cOIl in ue to be co nSl raining Ind pn middotMmiddotlIt a bsorbed ililu her bud y and gestu res sugg(q illg tht am hig uolls 1l lIratiom a nUrd (] 10

oma n by Max Ernst8t E IIISIS USf or h is maltri11 r(li~ o n Ihe inhc rl1I1 bililY or ollhgory l(o

rtal k go liltmiddot T radit iona ll y rlallcgo riwl ioll ltrllnnl a profan t I(x t or till past 10 h( as assimi la ted in w a n acccp lt hlc y~tlm f moral va JUIs (Vi rg il s

FSllIr( ~4 DlIIid Il cU$ius Emblrm(1Q liqoIAM I lKkn 161 5_

8 _ s~ Ili k Rot R iAamp Rm(

~d lhr jd I~Q~ ()PfigtiL ICbrid and Nrw Yrk 1991-deg flt -lt middotmiQlif - Iha l Inko 2 olll1Q f)f on_ B ~ h lth Rampk]o nxcnl

lUal of Wafbuf(t Iho l1h l in Irrm

01 th ROmMlIl( ymLgtoI unil) f ud dcrem 1 I OPpogtlti IO lI~ry

( hrpertI_~ ~~crnn f ltI s diS300C ialed fro I nfrro1 I i Rob- ~h(fempl l h lrmiddotplio)J Iheon pmiddotI) U lelkI1 pn~uen apphnl tk 1ltgt ~msl tSpltcirJI ) in I ~s pogtr

t uitwc1 Ihron ltl _ Iuh w R l loy rum symbol 10 Ilkfurv Ahr WH) i~

I r- hi Rd I~ 9971 pp ~ 6 R - [hr R iL [[ ul n has ro n Iholt u l

I hru~Ir iuI O) the unk o n wh re laquogtn~ ol Ir~cdm Pfnar p_ ~ 1I1

B I S~( Thn 11 Kclk~ Rmnwtlme Hlqo for tillt applicll ble ~ of In t allctUlxal wun lorn (e ee aUraCUOl) d ll r lnla$ 11 ltI- illual suctched l ~ lI l i Ihi [K w1ir

ltlc 1(o ~dukd from lClion and hj~llt) ry

bu sgt( f)1 g Ihe n -rgt d s he

cmand p Sr Th~ro i 1 or~1 1ltl io of witel )-r tr r lt~ltoI 1gt 1 mln m~y 1- takc -lt lIl rlaphO)f Ruolnlr E Kun1i S rrooti d I js(~ and R o l~rl llolI - n ~prknjo(

illo fo-k-J t] air ltli_ r II

fmiddotm lc (lITe) i SHlrJm and 11 010lt1 II A tw~ Rdolf t Kucn7li and Gwe Ra l~rt ICambllJgc l1i I99I) PPmiddotJt alld S T Imiddot lo ockiu Em ilS or ~ oflC n Ii mCIgttIraquoHgt1 dqI)eJ In ~ h a w~r Ihl 11 CIOI li meu Ulcrlgthunc~ Jly In 1- Riu d~~r

(MIIft~ q~1 lIOuilil ~w Carmd nr Imjlt Igtarod egt t~lcX fatlo~ ~al

jgtuu lJ rtut I(rl) IJ t 1ra 8 Ihemiddot Ie ~IgtIi OIl y 1 t ~atnlt11 1lISt llIil le Scl~h) snd amud ~kinl lt hTifingl) lilltrd I Iht~ ill IH rroh meal fur lo~ l i~ lone rol1 ~middot

l~diqlJr$ mlldr 1111) Hr)(tT) I

r~rn(rl i 1ltgt Ihe hwwir jlgt]al~ el~ hcll

il1lh( l1ltrvrl

(1 IS 1IX lrngtl 1 SmIltllN d amp 193i 0 Max Erllsl 1iI)AGP Van S()DRiC ( Monlrc~l ) 2f)(l(1

l )n IIC Ilupon Of Ih allraf R~~ru 11 (1 I 1$I~ Lolhu I -hr I J~ middotIn Rp jhd bd 11hII hI p HI

Fourh RetI a~ II I( milling of Chris l O vid l l-lrfall(Irphorrr lllorali7cd In

lmJOlIls such h J Hoh CI~ the trials of the lo ver could lJe rca 1go ricd a~ Clll hlnll~ of Chri sia n ~ u(fe ring ltInc co nrilltll cc Ernst reverses tlw prol(~S

dc- morali - ng a llegories In 7 110 dlidren 1IIII1fI(ld ~I (j 1I~lthtillg(h (fig ure zfi ) Frnst lak es U middotidilI1 IIIc(lrlJorphi rape (G anIlH-ci (S ta ~lc Phi lo mcl as

nighting-uk) oul of its repose in spirit ua lizing me taph or as ill (k Kellnincks landscape in h( Wallraf Rir-ha rtz M useu m i ll Cologn( (figure J7 ) ()j emulems sl ch as Hat1idorlhr s in which lit ra pe of Ganymede is rfJllcgoried as the sou ls I ~CIIH lo Cod ( figure 28 )83 Ernst rc t urTl~ Ihnr lo d leir Tl)n l ~ ill ~cx ual viok IlC( hi (h in tu rn S[ ltlnd~ ror the revcnibk hltrU a mi a mbiguous g-round underpinning the provtrh t ln bl cm or allegory

Equally td ling is Enl~ts d ia~rammui( ada platio n or h(rme lic emh lemata in O this mIll rIIIlI kll )w rlO lh lllg 1924 ) I II the paintillg ami II

tIle pl)cm w ri tte n on thl had (a parudy of Ihe oJllo()gical ~ylllhII S Il I I

fi~u r~ 26 Ernl I fUtJ1 mnlilwi ~ II

lllhlmCiJl 191 1 S(1 66I C 1 - r 1 D (t risI ~OI)KC J vumiddot~l l j


th e Hmrfll fd Table of H crrn(~ Trisrn egistu s) Ermt reallt~orlZ(middot ~ the hermetic ~ym bulis ll1 of the nlilrual lini li7atioll of d ivine and cit rddy IS a Freudian middotprinwl scene of gigantic li m b~ and scmiddotx ual pa rtgt Both pa imi ng md puem become rcpr(sntltHion ~ oC the unfu lfill ed n vi ~nging of a n such thing In Ernq s vcrsion the Oedipal a nd Ihe gnolt1l ic an oronc frustratccl substance ltlnd (be power oftbe allegories of h enl1tticism ltIhbaiisrn and aklHmy lies in perpetual d ef( lrd of the d tsircd gol J tl6 Ernst ~ emblem fllnc tioll s more

b roadly illi a scq gtt icai fi gu ration of tht a bil it y of images lO represen t hal IS envi $ioncd or desired in dicating Ihal a ll $lI h em blems ct n only he a sun0 fH l flIT hatt middotcr one an t ~ to know attl in o r rcprcsen Lft7

OJ (Ids 111m sllall kn)1L Mlhing a lso ~ ig na l s its own iconogn lJ)hic history especially tts allu sion to Caspar David Fricdr(h middot$ clllblem tie CrOJS ill Ih

Iounltlills a key work in Grman Roma ntit- dc hIIltg about Iht rela tive fok~ of llIegory and Iandscapc III Erns t as a rl ild er of C ( fman Romil Tlli t~ i~ ltl

would re U 1Il 10 these wpie in his la ndsca pe pai nLings aga in and again Crr)JI ill 111 t1ollll oinf is a lso shadowed by a t( Xl n passage from Ludwig T icck 5 allcgorital novel Fran SI-illbaMr 11middot(lIULmmgrll (J i 98 ) Jnom

26(j ) middot1 ~BImiddot rH ) T I d 1

60 I 1m c (lislt uW(1 Iht twn l1 t timiddot itl~gcry at t~ ngl h ill M~lt Emi l middotI ht 1IJdw(UtI1iJliI

SnllrJ 11 a i - l OCIshy87 Uml middotn o Ero diilltu~ 1he rdu iolll I)( twu h~rn 1l l k svrn lgtol- 1Il in which middotevcry middot~pr ion is a (nignlll hal middotk runlwt ~mgma middot and ~Jr n cconltlructimiddote ~nlys3 as in lini l~

defendJ in middot(n limited scmi III d rili in T ht Ib oJ hllffpWalio Ill n -I--j

fI8 smiddot cJ(m~ (l h W ocn rn ~I( Jaru F~d nnd It ~b1J ~f I muigat ~cw U and Lvndon 1 99lt)~ Karin V()n ~llo lJr ntel thO rrl ll nf (~$7 In 1M -WOIIIIIgt 10 Ern middot lUUlI1 OmJ~(Ilt1 III middotMao b ns l a Rvmlll1ic~m middot M n Enul A Rtl~pnl~ ~ I Werner Spict l t omlo 199 1)

I II~ ~7 K d~ K cunn~k Iuhf rvtJh IM~Io~ fj lt-1IJVdt r gtn leI

dllrf Kgt(hHIZ I ~ l

8iJ bull 1gtlt I g T irk Fwn~ SlmNt11b

11 middotJn~(n Hmt ~ lldIcAt (mll1~hlt

~I lj(h gt)6I ~ p gtgII

J) ~ee 11 0 ~bn lagtlt I Allqlr)

oflrlllll$iol)middot PI 6- 7r lhr dhl1 l1lt IK hr omlll~1 d(h nlll(11 (III ud h ~

ltill u~Jui ncall y I ~nd lor thillgt IcJ rly 1rs ign~II ~lId Impic ddinlun ul rourrlS luch as li lliemiddot h I(ll no h hI l (~ Ii lt mcill ~ tur middotC)middot ll la IIllt-SIKn a (1(11011bullbull 1 H turn jn I(raquolt ru lUI lTnp ~~i 1g ~1 I r

roukl hi ~r~lJ od tlbull ( Ihi Ik nrngt i~ made lllcmllll UKOf)~ Fr ~cl7rh c r) hMd lU lOll ~ Il ili K r nger through $1(middot togt tI ohjrl i( lria 10 judiCII

91 - GltQ rl 6atai llt Solr a ll~middot Fis rif fXt~s SI_rlJ I Im~~ P7 t)39lli

113 $Iodd Minapo l ~Jl lp XIV

1 lt1 6 12 ioIar ~nu p IJ Halaillits 1Qcom )Ir rollinS (m Ih bullrf r lw ~Ml h [ ~ [ I llt imal(vfltouinuous mC l~lor]lh mal p l y i1a d l5ori llJOII lOr tllti M the locornoriH r ltI hl$l)ry lt]uOI(d in aUT

III-rljolmirgt (r SdiJ 1 rlrHn-1 n- I irl 1974 p 1 ~3

illcidcn t the youn g a rtisl F ra il i~ st ru ck by a pa iming llr a l be scc~ in a hn lll it lUll a IlOCIlIIIMI lan dstltl pc ill wh ich a cr ucifix Ull a hiJl i ~ illll m ishy

na llti by IltI ) S o f moonlight The he rm it ex plains Ihat tilt crucifi is a po inte FingcI7cig ) to Ilw ~pjri lu d wurld beyond the faJ lc n world of lla tu n T o Franr ~ o bse na lioll O ne cou ld ca ll th i IMint ing an a lkgor)

the IIn ln il answers All an is JIlt-go rict IIoJ

T IH middotFingcrJeig iI) Ixpbli necl by th e h~rrn it to F ranz S lt rnbald point s not o nly to Iht spiri tlla l but also 10 thlmiddot pr (~cllce of J ll egor~ iblf As a li ter indlx a sho wi ng ha nd o r jJ ~ i l1ting fi n~cr tht Fingerrig i ~ a ~ tJplf

or i Ihlems II is Oimi larly In ade li ter1i b) -l a x E rn)1 t du slig ma tied ha ncl f1 oatin~ in f r OTH of th e lt ruci fi xiOthl~ middot prinM I ~NtJ I Herc it indicates linmiddotth er bu t not Im llscc ndCIH [l)callings90 In E r ll st s painti ng lh t ROlllit lll ics cruci fi x lS alkgori la l poin hr to a hig her nal rn sim ilarly

i tl n l c~ a landscape of d a rk Illowltai ns a nd il eawnly fil ) S IHl I fur the

COltj UIl Cl ivlI o f redemp ti ve c ru cifix a nd ill urnin at iug SUUS(t in Fricclricbmiddots pa inting o r truci ft x and moonlil-h t in Tillkmiddot O novel Ern$[ dark ly ~J bs l it uLes

copulat ing limbs and the bloc ked rays o f a IUllar refipSt Ermls lmiddott nblema tic painting alt Frifeirich s had don ra i se~ p r0 1Jicms or

cnTlIl lllporar) a lkgory When G lf)rges Aatai ll e- turned tn alr-IItm ica l )slIllllng in 192 7 he did so in I( rm~ that almamp t com icH) m im i Ernst s d csul Itmiddot c lltra ilmiddotfilled landscapt 1111 earth middotcovtrtd wi th vuk anOIs hich SltJoT a~ iLs a n us is driven in iL~ rota tion by lhe male ~ha rt ]l tlttraling 1 1 11~

laquomiddotma l- alllJ a lmost t lIl irely (merg ing ill o rder 10 ree n tcr like Ih( piston~ of ~ 100o mo ivl

JI i~ the 1Ilf(ha nical Oll ll)il ltion n(] t ll morm t inn~ of thes mOtmcn t ~ Ihat th~ ak htmists soll~h t 1 I hI philosoJlJ t ~ ~IU Ilt ~

This nWfhJlist jlmiddot cop ulatiu 11 hudcsqu e~ t he vmiddotn ji) UIIl1n ioli o f allegory th e

ltlnagogir 11 wrh of r() rrcsponden(c~ and rtmiddotst ]tlbl a nct~ lIlt middotcopula that li~

one thi ng- 10 a noth n ill lang ua te all Cl witt g ) 11 thin) to be visibly co nnCfted Ha lai lk s a llcgvrical luvers will mve r fi nd ilnythi ng but parrxlic i magc~ l11d Ih ey will [ Il l asieltp l ~ empty a ~ mirrun Wh en En tail k

fu rther GlUs lically mcdita ted Oil the gno~ tic roo ts Llj Hegel ia n ism in Ll)ll~

ma teria li smt c t Ie g nllst ( 1930) p ropus in g a k~ l abili ing hcadl es~


a J1q~ory tha i would elimuatt aJl h ilTardlic11 ~ ~ t C IllS of rdtn lllc indud ing ~implistic rcv( lltals or blst ll ld idea l o r CXq-lt1l 111 llt1 1 lnrl ltlcrUllcn lll he wa addrtR~jng is)llc$ irnpJiL it in Of Ihis men lInll knOll IWlllillf 91 H ()wcvcr heelIlsl Erns l middot ~ all egory ( nds to Ill p a ll)l it i( depcnds on just ~ll (h illvcrshy

~j ()m ilnd reve rsals of hig1 and low Old is a t a re mov from Btl taillcs infla111ll1110ry ()I)f ll-f llded hd lltaded en terprise

E nHl$ im ages a re often d riven by this undermining of thcir (IW ll sourn-s of lJowc r fcp lescnliug hotb II((i r own ~ la luS a nd i1lSIlfjicilIHy OrtCll they

assu me tht appearallce of (lnhkrlls wh ich as concieusetf o r short lr and ig ll ~ of aUTho rit y ~a n c ti fi ~d by t rld ilion art disrupted hy Ewstmiddot~ illtruio n of thc n ltllll r 1 LIld ~e)( u t l rhc n dllcti t middoti~ua l 11I11ouage or cmhlcms lcnd~ t o ltlrd hrogaliun 111(1 fimiddotag11lClltlliun Ih ich LntSl n alu raJiz~s likening Ihe Sllll1X of fj middotrgnWlll3 Iioll 10 (lperatjoT1~ (lil lbe hod y lt bull rile tru ncalLu pa riS a Ird Ii 1111 ~~ or Of IhiJ lien shall know Iohing arg uauly J u clc 10 th t ~ceri ng lIId te lldt n liou~

reconstruniom of tht e mhknjs [anllJage o r aut hori ty a rClruc luring of Ihc

sy mknloche lim hs a lrcldy prnelH in v i ~l1 emblems Througbout his canlt r Ems would dltriV( double prestige flOlll disrupting lhe COJlv(middotnlions of hOl h a rl a nd li tcrJ fl1l middotf iro lliing his au thoriaJ role as bot h a rlis and poel Emblelll s a rC1 ft lilc ground fur ~uch opT3tions k ndi ll g tlwm~clvu 0 ditorshylil)m or he reci prxa lIldi(a tion s or eX T lIld image which anmiddot Ihe STarling

point nfalJ tgory

Ac kn o wled gement

S l l i(j ll~ of thilt papa H r( pncn l(d a~ Ielt tlJT(~ iI conjullclinn il l Max Em~I

rc ll1(nary ehiiJninm Ihe RnlJ ncl 1(nr()X Memorial JccUrc U Il l T a(middot ( )11)

(1(11 middotmff A Ul IrIJJf(ct ll ItJ91 -J) lI lId II M 01 i (Ilal pound7110 O(lff( 11111 Ihr Duwn oj

hguw middot 11lt~ ~ 111lgtltlorHr hnwltim ltr (10( lOH 9

ll G~1 1 1~ l k 9Jo 1Iy tnillcril ilm 01 11l()oSn bullbull n uollgt ~f fj(w ll 11 52 amp0- M l=nmiddot w middotn I rltult~ ~ rKumrnt d ~ 1 ~ her IkuJamin a~ flll~ (ltI by II~Ilt ml II ~nljsL in rn 8 to auK 1 1~middot ul~r l an L~n ur Silllplilll ~I bat ~ J Ilrl~1U

rell t huugh r he dmiddotIIrymclll of d~lthi IiLinl( pmiddot(hootvtic laquogto ep tgt url ~ s Ielcnnimmo tm r1m~crltt ~m gteJmlt IImntllw I l middot~fI Rll1Ifl1l twlllv Imis ~f )m(alUl lin(I~I illrrkdtmiddoty u An~lc

M IAlodlt 91l 11)) U[ i -l lt)1 - I lt-nd ubstmiddotmiddotmiddot- rht Ire rn~l i u Ul uf Illor lt1 Fm~ (J Ii i fnuc lr Crlt Ihl1 t ho- lifl ugtd rmiddot]m of poundrnsl middot~

lIuc nod ilmhil(1)omh g(ndcrltl h gtvlnL ~ n rh mo (h hypcrholic

Dio cjOCulH1o11 orsl) rl-d~n jm1tf(cry1gt il dO(lt i lli fmltle ~aC11l nr [[00lt1 orgmiddotoonldltG1IHllion al 11 0( Immigt ufth aULhOl tlgt hi~ E rol$L is aJlj~1 llIh GltltX B tll lltmiddot hnnlcnz ~u nf llcg) 11gt1$(111 (~I L ory 111-1 111 in middotSoI ant S l ~r fter u ~1Jtn in capl1on i ndirat~

oJ ddo-nce I n nn SPIf (lIKI

r nn1h~r nd sigi ~ L k Ma~ middotrn1 O~f IllOJ ob middotCologne 9i)- ) in uch fll nh(r ifnrm~lin ( laquo(mns I r ~lO ( C ~d locatiOIl may bc tu

il(ure 29 Em1 OJ I middotun shall (Mil

-h~~ 9 f SLl 63middot C 1 Ernni I IJtI 11uJSODRAC (MlHHrc~j l


S1Irrwlism 9lt)3 ) J 11m gl~Hdn l for lho ltc o pport uui l itl 10 (Olls ider Erns to l roCesso r

CI i~ toll wr Crn middotlI ImfCi J oh n Gl)ldi uS Prorr~Ylr Willillll Cmfi~kl and the

11 011 Fod a tio 10 11middoti r va middot i)l1 ~ lt1 g middotn n)lCgt d vicc I 11olIIk Sllzar rl c Ak bari

r l d~(f l)cre nhI Joyn GOKl(i n E rhan Jd l Kavalc lmiddot and M E Vnr lic k

Page 2: Only Half Saying It Ernst SCAN

anlTJ sig lla ls il ~dby the ltI wkw rdl y held P()S( ~~ a nd fio7cn gb lu reS ha l d raw

a lt el1tiOIl 10 t il t 1)U ih iliIY thl 110 nnal cOllllnuni lllil lolld itiollS do nOI a ppl y

A~ a ponrat ofal) acad em y or puild All rmd~(-tCll~ d nmil m a y Hend 10 Fm~ I $ ~ud ) ofa r hi tory 111 h is CSSl) Da~ Il o1la ud iSlhe GruppcnporrII

Alnis Rie(1 had in vcstig a lld the WI)S IIM I group portrailS in l 101lian31( and

Dutch tradi tions lais( uniq ue pro lJlems of com position Riegl s d $C us~ion

of gest ure and mutual a lle n liOll linking figures wi th in the depiclcd gTQup aud wilh Ihe Vil Wlr illa y he held up to E rnst s Dadas-as-acadcm dl(rtshy

geSlUre~ mutua ll ) (aneel E rnst s jol l~ h is text book I m lia na te acad e mic

ror np()~ il ioll wh ile tlt t ~Ia li lg figu res parod y the C( lIl ra l d c ire o f D Ulch

group p() rt ntit~ poundrn~1 c nietind ) lIegales bOlh of R icloIs a lt erna tives fo r

co he nt l o rlllgtu ~ i li (JJ1

All wule-vw J lin nmir is a manifi~ I () a nd salvu summar izing the IcnllS o f h i ~ a rt a) t pa rodic- al le-gOl) of a n s mcans of t li e language of all a mi or language in 11 1 Emsl rnliIIl(~ til vLry ClJUC( Pl()I1 uf Lgrccd -u po COll ven middot

lio ns in art lhm ugh hi~ U~~ltl l1 lt 1)11 rh t wri cal gc~ t urt H t m a kes t he Oa das

gcstu n bn lh c~C~Shimiddot a nd IlIIeo tnJ11l1l1 icllivc resembling a S~l l Ia IlR ll a~c

OUl resist ingl ll d l((xi illg Ernsts interesl in tQm Cll t ions wa s inlOlr l1 cd not

o nl by u rI his tory bUL by a knowlcdg( of Ihe problems of la tlgu llge in

gcmriI Tltlfc ere st rOllg intcllictua l n 01S01l( li ll Ern) t tu a pplltt l to be

grappling il h l ing lL i~l ic ploblems In his immcriiate c ird c ill the (a rl )

) (l IS of his Issirn ila liou iulO Frc ud l id (JI a mi SyIl ItO th c l i ng u i~ l J ea n

Paul han alld the pOC t ~ 11111 Flu a rd and Ro ben Otsnos crt in ve~ t i galing

the fIm anc mi~rcpn ll1talion illhcrlnl in la ng uage lId language hc l(

mca lt~ F rench a nd dirt tlS us in to Frenc h lh lori~ of lan~ua~e Ih lnl Sau~ur( hac k 10 Did4Tnt I II JL Hi t tfAlrmbrrl Didcrols d lc mlJlft asks D r Bordtu II Il hl l one ca ll nlr Ulld crsla nd o r be und crslOlXI Bordc u r ep lies

EI pa r la raiMln o(ulr quUcu n homlll~ ne- r~(mblc parfailcmen l it un lUlr( 1l0tlS u C ll lc mit)IlS jaml i prCci~l~ lHcm nous n~ ()mmcs jamltis prCti~cme lll

f l~Ul l ~ J q)h ltooI(h(T~t t I I LuiHrslh (or kInn [dlmrdl

1 ku Kll~I It j

IWIItIJIurAn lftI ilt 11tgt4io AJ~ltt t lIi J3 19~

1- amp nl) Ioltn Quolio b u middotbull uo vI ulooltA iU u~lraunn I JChizlttphrc uon and oth poundl~ I~~u ~r rtrn(l~ td l)ald II p~i 11m and 1III0t0phiOlJ Ihrmlt III I ~_ t

I fr AII( tlu and KdtI((1 VI

1I~fIWI MIltIl~lU rH 9IJ PI j lf


111 11 1I1 O~VTrl (cnfII a Ia ~( )1 lIP iM 9middot

0 11 11 I_l ~)middot I 1lt 11 d n1ph~ un Jalllfl n Ut

h alf(lgt1gt1 I 9Jo ) p 1 H

~ J I rnd Didlml 7hlth( oj 0 ~ (oIlmhu~ )86) p I lS

7 ) Ii I )il I oJII r 1 Jlml r nlllr I~ J Clt1mfl~J 4 II )7l1 i

n 1 1 1 ltI 1 1 I nL pil i It gt11gt1 11011 1)ml rlilikd f II ~ I Madrlllr )I II bull Sec Iih I hid 116lI nd ThrolrraI1 ) ChirlIl0 )8lt1) p 78

I l rlln ur d ltourdJ cl mutts pr


epoundHltrxlus II ltI ltl u plu ~ ou du IIIUill~ 11 Illl (Ollr jirollrgt r~1 Ifl lJjuullt 111 d((4 1) 1-lt1111 dt JI ~ en Iliu fl 1

TIis is dvsdy ed l(i(([ by J ea n Paill han~ d( ~CI i pLi(ln of the fail u res o f undlrshy

st~ ndillg and spct(h

I US I~ nCoVIJ~ pa~(ot JUl l1l1J UllI~ elil J- Ja r 1 ~UIl 111(111 nUlls Ie J il 1Ii~

illtnvcrs_ CI ~lI r li n plan dit~rtnl

~rns t ca n ic=lt this qucgt(jo tli ll or la ug mlgt lutu t ht duma]] of isunl illa~e~

d ra illg parlicular ltt lt t l1lio n Hgt t1w ClI l1IlI lioJlO (Ir iltollognlp h y by their

hy prr bolic n l llim a ion I n tfOlm b ting ri tcl- corltx rns wi th LtllgUgt il lto

a pIctoria l Cq ui ak nt ill I v Twdr -OlH drJ ami_ E rns t rtxonstit u ltd i~lI~ o r

b llglJ agj nnd ptTnptioll ur g(~ tlltmiddot and ltl1[(nlioli thil l had bttH Ili~td by Didrt0t in hi~ Lettrr SUI It~ sOll rcl~ e t mll( middott ~middot b Erns t l$u mes D jderot s

w thority by ra ising Ihl q uesti)11 huw ca n lang ug-t lcprc~tn t Inti CQlll1nushyni(atc (

In Lnt( Jiu r k~ iO u rd ~ (middott lTIIULS Didlu l O~ ll lU ib1c quest ion rtlaled

LO the ori gin of ill T rsic lll ~ of ord ord cr in French lead~ LO r Ulllilltti oll on

lh e gestural origins 01 LIIlluOl-e 7 He proposc~ Ihal th ~ o rigins of language

may Ill lillLlHi thtt un llOuP t ~l l llIgmiddotl middot r d01l1 Jil Ignorait ]a langue lhal

i~ whcn g~ IU IT ]angua gtmiddot ilIlI ~ t Ix usnl p rticula rl y in the case uf d(l l

muls Mallr of It-ulsla l iol (of ~pl)kc1J Jmguagc ili lu t~urc r pJilo~oshyp h y into a~~ tl l(tia_ 01 lgtClt t ry ili lO ilI1 image ) IUll through Diderol-S

~say a nJ pruvidtmiddot t JlniIiT liame of rden ntT li)r Ernst SIIi llg of la nguage in J u rO)(le- IOIpound) kJ aml~_ T haI Emts ~ rou pi ll~ o j the Paris Dad as i ~ iilttllwd (I ll VIllt (lid hy Rtw ( nmiddote pll ) inl a hhrid pi lIluj liKHball g alliC wilh lillk lUI -out fi~urs tha L echu the oddities of the

Dlttd a5 a ud a t tin ohoc r by G al a E lua rd play ing a n in isihle imlrllmcnt

might Lx st-CII ill tcnn ( r D id llOls dtscripl iu ll of a -davecil uculain

wh ich xcculQ sonatas ill (ol (l ll r~ T Ill d ca f lllute imagillcs lha[ it Illust

havc tl ) do with la n g uugt l lHl 1 iLS iI IVI I)r lI1 l1 ~ 1 h ( a dcnr m u[c who ~(t i t

up II) olll lllulIi(middotllC iL l ltJth el d ea f I I1Ulc~

I is ro~~i hk ((J s(( All I rndf-tOIl I dt ami) L~ a pa rodk (lIae(lnCIlI o f

Dirkro(s irn agio (d I Ii(atrir~l l ptlfrrmI1Hmiddot ~ tI middot n Inl 1101 heard a I hlnlll of gnllliCs th l1 dir((I~ lJ~ tn fb t (ore (I f lIlt plIl ie c nlrrp ri ~ middotn-nllrqtumiddotz (11

pass l ll n Jlll hi(11 la langLw dl~ g~ t(S t~ Il limiddotta p i loriq lIC 1I I II t ra lIsl Iing I he

i ~~ IH$ nfwril tel1 languIg( thl( prrlll( lI pi(j h i ~ poet pl n ~rns l r(iilS ()I I 1

sl nwphoric str l inillg i ~ if 0 lI ld(r ll lH lhe conmllll licali v( i ll(J dltquaci(~ of

till i~lIal v(r-ion Thai i ~ to say Ih gl~ ti ltJ JIIi())) ltIf 1 1 rellde-iolll tin (llIItr i ~

provoklxl not i ll bymiddot r1( [01 la l g(~lu nmiddot in uHk lllie In b ut dso by t h(

int racta hilit y or visual lrt whc lI pre~ltecl 111 C )(pr(~~ Or uan jalc 1111 pol i(

elln sur k s sOlJ rds (1 m m- tsmiddot 11$0 i li estiga ll~ th la Wn 01 til( p()(li(

1lllltlgC a nd (T(atiw I(IS DidcTOI tllllous ly tSlTihcs Ihe 1gtOClic image ai all

(mhlem a li ~SIl d hiirog l yph(~ wh ich rct)u ires a n a ruu arlia-s ~(n~jhilly

to creace or uurkrstanri

_ riHdli~( lI c~ d e i(lJ lblc-fll( IHlt l iquo fSi Jlt~ C]OIlIH( t lOlil J( monde il llut cln prlSltJ U 11( dt II cnmiddotr lIOJl)1 k S(middotl lli l I(l ii t-I IWIII

Hcre thr emblem or hicrugly ph is a form of lInUSlI l llea timiddotc in td ligtJu-(

the lhil it y to lCTI(fltt df(c ti ( Illc taphors E rnsls art is pia red 0111 precise

ltIS rdcrence to th( d cjnlI of ~y l H( hdo(hic (ondensed middotjslIal emblems_

Latl in hi aU llihiognl phical nOllS he arknohmiddotril(o Ihe e mhlematic a ~pe( t (lr hi olk (luotill Lht lllcydopcdist ~lannlJtltd i I iVca l Ia ga lld~ clifliclIl h til 1(nlbICmc c est q u il doil d ire (IHlqut ch(l~l djngcnshyieu raquo CI IW Ir di~ qu lti d tmi

gtfannollh1dis t inlui~ hro hCln~clI thc emblelll ~alh-gorka l imaQc with explma tol) UX I rqmlCnt inl a mora l or pol i[ka l pr((Ipl a nd thc symbol in whic h sign a nd (jhjn t are more closely identified I ir l1H ohject itself vere hdll)t ( okrd EI nst d iagrees itll the dj rinc tiQIl IWI111 mhle lll

and ~m hu l prNunMlly to draw the arbi lra r y emhlem inln t lrc domai n o r Ihe symhol wilh its IXlLell tial fl uctuation xlecn conventiona l rda tion of objcc t and ) ihTJ1 ami I [Jpannlly TeAl icic ll tihcilion orthco( Erns(~ n marks 0 11 ~la n llnnlcl arc a rudill cummenl o n Ihe pnpl(xin~ cllec t o r hi~ ow n work

Ccrlllinl y Erns t ~ (oll g(~ lid paintin gS with dwi r d arilY of (OIlpUllelll ~

hltl CI)I1fi ltio n or ldalio n bullbull nd sca le apPClr 1111hl 11Iali The cm)crna ti c a~p(t 1 uf Frnsl~ wor[ had been noted in a revicw in 1926

vb~ E1fl~ t t111hIc IlHlt i(]uc n rdllch i q ui lolla OOr i 11 n-crfnioll d rs chries dllI1( fi imid ilIcl i(l1l1111 C Yllrtl iriir llllc lt( lt 11-(( 11 Il u~ dllllI PII1I-(lre ml is d nr in ttn~ l li 1xli4 111 lilHpi tk flu i [ I ii ioO llgrr au s d d~-d O llv rt

dmiddotEluanJ )

On int(TId (i tl (1II( of the pai ntin~s and collill~e~ (lr lhc (arly 1920s it a ppear- t hat Ernst knw panicull r emblems as well iI 1(hi illpound embl(shymatic c fliC IS Slit h kmlk-dRI I1My k ll( cOIne hmh frmu h i ~ ~tud ) Otilll hi~l() r~ aud fnm his illohClllcnt I it h the wri ters nr ht Pa ri (tVcl lll -gilnic

pllrt icularly ill his wllaborJ tion with Paul Eluanl un Ript ll(II)IU a nd lil(l l ntllTl dts i mmof ttll ill 192 1 1 t

In thmiddot hool I(th E111a rd poem is SCI ou t op~itl Ill Ernst (ulllc to

d iSltoncerling tArc tn ~u inK mil th e collages bt~id l l il t CI)Jgtt ilt poems Er ma lIId Flu ard la llitn li7l UTI the tradilion or emblem h()l)l~ ill I hitli a n

e nigm alit im ag is lI rmljllllued by a cXl-g~tie t(Xt ami darif) illg IIOllu ro r till purposes o f tx [gtrt~inS sOllle received pol itical 01 ml lftl wi~( Im ~

EIllrd~ vuillnt inll ))( lwIn [JOnderous genera l t ruths and IlUIIieu ( Iolljour~ d (~ point~ dt VII I lt Ie minimum de mOylll~ ) cdlOt~ 111( lIi ~torica l

lm hl cmtl iSI typic lJI~ n llnplex voice of Jl ruverbi ~ 1 I u tlloril ) in wll ie h the i13itY of Latin II tnd ill tellcrl ual tso l (li~m is e)IIIIIInll I~d hy t il e t(ndl lIq 10 dogllrel

N(II( Bou]til n l II in her sublle uco unt or til( cmhlcmal1 upcllI il) l1s in Malhruj d( illlllwrtdr has lrRlIed tha t Ia p alOit (rFrn~ Elurd l$l e n

rapport nfC efalltns lhrn ct d a utrcs cmbICn1(S g rIYQ dal1~ la mCtnoi n incoll ltC il lItc ( Whik lhi undertuw oficonogrlphic m (mory the ha llbl (If half-retalkd or hllr alluded-w orilin al Io t m(all inl- ilt ct rttillly cl) llsdou~ly n ca lkd and mltlnipulaltd by 1 ax Ernst th rougho ut his Aork thtre ~(m~ 110 In h lt1 ( blTtl partilubr consulllljon wilh em bklll lit(Ishyture

S(veral llllla)lc an h istori cal sources o r info rmation ahout tIIllll-1II hooks tn COlltclllpOrUy with lrnst on fi rltt fQra~~ into lIu hkmal it imagery Ka rl C ich luw s I licrug lyphenk und e d ls H umall i ~ IHU lt ill d t r Allegoric dtr Rcnll is~a llce 19 5 a nd Ludwig olk mann~ BiidlUdlHjifll dtr R IIWiHlllltf H iflflglplril rlld lcIIIOld 19231 Emhklll huoklt hV~ a

J eAn-f t nnuuld 1ImC1II1 d l lill rltul~middot ()ru (DmplrJ 1 luiJ I Ih8 ~5 I ~sa ~ EII poundrTI~(J

I 197111

II hrmonwt bull 286 Cruc r(lwt)n C11 1IOt rttllc 1 hr()C cl dc vnHnl

l SIllId1 rlllh l ~U1 mI~ inrludc Ihl pdnjll j t~ uft rJN mgt o(S(hl

$I n Ci lI nd IIlI flor lt1 11ugt o(mall)

flnl 11 (OUIOI I) 19~l driltlfurUu rd 31)rCllla(r~ 1

)11 s a rlrlriar1r bull ~ommon IUn tJf IIhlilthn onL (I Lou $- t~lhrnn~

C lrlle lIafl(lm ITJiOJiyL1wJ tli II _tn I~rt dlgt3 67) 1111gt11

1111 in ~ hn111 lIhGl J anuj-hc

r IuiI drphant i h and IIn~ lit emblem COLlt1I()L11 Ihu ~11trn OI(J t)f~

1 - 1 0 ImiddotU I Ir lturr Ii1 LA 1)gtJlrlu d in n~ tnIJlI1 i Q26 I ~Jo I The hbri ltI( Pori hc uUlprd-lr (Ulltlwmgt 111ltrr Irc bull

uI)Ir or n--roiIKm of major Imlllcm llltl ill h I(I h (cntury laquoJr 1 rhldain f Ul fkma

tIrtltn bull atltDwJW ( 51 735 1 1)3) 110 ~lknkgtlJ 01 10 lrcp1 l3ri~ libra J ( ~rd Itourr ha rr](HW h bull Ilkon In 10u fonuOu lIIu n tcllLlrk A mflit-ro-J dr i 11llrafNrhoft Jolthlla -15 ()Il PI

~ -I -

It Scc 01 Bulrca t rlJIIlU I~I fll11JI IJI NPM It 1I~f 11)lJshy19P tln 1)85 I ~67 middot


hCLr I r~ I ))4U d ~ I lI1 I C M Itdlllyen bull bull t l bull 1 9I~

1 1)0 C 1 poundrnl I) ( 1lrQmiddot -oORC Mruur~al WOIJ

17 Stmiddot rll Cilt-hlow nk Ili-rO(I)Iltllkunde d I Jnm ltr bull11r ltkr KmiddotIIII~middot J -ampJJLIf tit _llIt~ lvll So~lu middotUSCIf I1Ugt6l1M-wmiddot3OZ ) ) Il- lp nd 111lt middotIkmlnn nUnuJuflnltin Hwrrlll lIim1_~IJPIrrJ -J Jk_t)

111111 Ifl2l 1 ~lIv bl)lOUf cmbkl1

t IJOlaquoI (()IUlgtOlIp1~laquos Ihroollh InO(IIII-1I00 in luh-gMn tmhkm boo~ I ut iI~middot U30 fro Ca Rip (Jftoi-I4IIH

1Ur lunh ltl irmlri J~III(Iudl mhlmiddotI11_ bull 0 ltkv1Cltgt xe telta1t Kp-I 1W13 uI hiih 1 R en hrlll h lId PfIniot n1ilioru I ~ txampit- bull Ilt

]]ddti t1Yoo ~

1)~-IlIC~tMIIlltI r~_de m ladn de FjU 17J1 1It]

JottI ill de- bo(lm III ~ 1timfI~ reI ~ pnIlI

complex dr riItiIJIl ih )lll med ieal Ilt~t i arir dlld rrom lhe R enltliIIlCl

jnt ( rpntll iQII lOr Ff~ ptiall hierogh phi s ao raquo1( oul by I lora polio T he lllOlherlod r or III Eu m pcan emblem [i tCru un is Aldatis Ebrmaiu1n Liber 531 avdla hk in cu un tless ~di1iom md I rI1[lIioIl5 thloliKh llt l1inete(]] lh C(middotn l uf) n G id l[UW g jVfS an il1ll~lrdl ( [ Jc(Junt or Ihe impor ta nce or cll1blrm~ il l a rt hi~ tory a nd 11((1lt11111( HIl t Vo l lllJtI ti (x )Jal d ~ [)

acrouilt prrwi([ ing a cri ieal bibl io~raphy or ~ J1 thc I)rin(ipd (lUhk-1ll books a nd S(c(JlldalY lit~rlllJrc Li ke C ichloh Ill di~IugtSc~ and r(pr()(lun~

DOrers illlltrat inllS or J-I orapollo hierug[ypli ~ lracinM emblc mltltir infl umiddot ( lltT $ into C nman R nm anticism and R UII f j Th rnughou t his career - Iall Emst ould ~ itUtlt him~clr it hill Ill( hitory of G trrnan arl wi th

nosta lg ia and irony ( Iling his 0 n rc(y-l11ildr c() lIag(~ a~ains l Oirrr s virr uosic pri nt middotrn ltl iu l~ We hud crh()t ~ or DOnrs R tlla i ~qll (( ciltcrpriw in Irnsts tollages fi)l (middot1l11pl -I o ros(opc t pr((n(d b~ I mall ralill~

an hour~[ ~~ hg-U l(~ 3 ami 4)middot) T he f m h llt-m trlils LUl h high in dllcw d orifim ill e rudi te allu ilon 0

cIb~ ical t(x l~ Ild ldgar lraditions of folk prilH~ and illll ll lla tcd prQTrbs Co m plexi litS arise IjUIIl Ih( Dlc tull orphil nature or mhlcms Iny givc n emblem ( ou le aeq ui re variant lcxS and irna ~(~ Il l ~hjft dOlllljn rrom ph iloshy~ophjca l a nd hnlllllil Ltl po p ulist o r childrt ns moral guidt-s In Ililitilimll and falltmn dr IIIIItlrlJ Ernst a nd Eluan have lilt opponunil) of

srepping in as yet anOlh er St 1 of sui)sti l l1 tc 1 llfhol ill thc emblem s progres fnm l high a n and li nralul( to )Jop ular a lma mlc ri l-king up a nd modi ing cxisling ma reril Excc pt or CO U1St Ihat their own oo lampric t crcLse capil) lil(~ 0 11 the em blem s inlllIen ual complex if its me JlfTl trl sions i ll a complex

parodgt or l he Ri naigtSann lum alliSl (nle rrri t Thei r in terest in emlgtlcm is associaltd with Ml aHenlion to a middotarie t) ofs(middot1

comm unicative fo rms tht cOIl(ClI traled prflYllI1 a nd L1 lc struct urll il y complex novel Ernst txperimenls with mlking- h i~ images emblt rmll ie corTfponcls to h is con umpora rie~ wo rk will i he re d )middot m adc ex p re s$ion ~ lu be foulld in la ng uage espttia ll y Flua rd a nd Dfsnnss mU la r iow 0 1 prOmiddot~rbs

Wh ile tm bklm are initi ally viMw ll y m ysteriolls and Ilu sive they ultimately Il ~1 llle tIphor 10 assrrt the (olk e livt (ommOtHcns ic tl prll dcllL a nd rukshyboulld The VtTy rld uplicalio n of ~Ct inlages aud related a rin t HXIS

emphasi7es lhe ()flllu la ic underpinning Ihe p(wlic DcslHgtS a nd Eluanl ~ ll1Jlgttil ut t and sh ift verus aud nouns wlthi Ih prove rbs [Jrmul aic syntax li ke 1 iclzsc hca n nann y wltr n an egg break~ e~b its betause it docsnmiddott li ke o mde ll cS Elultl rds a nd D(sno~ s fi)rct(1 in congruiti es do no t sim ply p a rody provcrhlt sLcrcolpirI [ sh a l()wn es~ o rcontlIl I hu t Ibo sound poctic

possihil i ties in the pmiddotowrbs ~ I ruc t ure reltotlal ing wil h i t~ o wn history o f vltlria ll IS E rnst equally mani pulal lgt thlt tmhkm s rtpacit) to co nvey de Jlse lllean il1gt ami pl a ys l hi~ agunst t h e cliche aspccts I)f its conven tional p roverhial meanings

T hl mixture of stlbv ( I~ ion 1Ilt authori ty in pro nbs had occtlpiro the lillg uist jltn Palllh ll Whl was dosd y assoc ia ted ilh Elu a rd al the li me or

f ntsts rri val in Par i ~ In hi~ ) 9 13 tbesiq o n MaJ~aclH iJrover bs la ulhln had dtscr ihed the Itn-ful IS will as the hahitu11 nature 1)l t llc p romiddoterb their lsstniJIls of SIlhility and shared assumplirlls ~ I IPPOS( a darkn ~r()lInd on whith language i ~ potent wtll n mClamorpholti~ ~llttld rca ll y occu r Pall lhaJl ask~ W ha l Iou ld replac( the proc rb and n~Hr~ (lilly tha~ a nd em ptillS~ Thi~ an- )fl) o r tIIllJig uil y u nlti trpinn illg th prm(rh~ I S~lmjlshy

lion of ullil~ a nd uniformit y is also fundamental to e lllh kII I ~ and m ay be plll mhcd ill Em sts work The e mhlem is o nl y (kar in rdaliu li 10 i ~ mu

in ili alobscurit y E rll~l~ collage lo r thl polm Rcvcil ollici el d u se ri n from Ahdh~Hf I tin

immorltlr (figu rc 5) lcs(fIIh l~ t colt ve nriolla l em bk m of p ruvlTiJi tl

prude nce a lld ~to i (ism The caged b ird is an Imblemli ((lItlrllonplace a ile h a~ 10 do il h philo~oph ic ltt l resig nuiun to on cs iOI o r in iove e mhle ms ilh hcing rapt ive in [he prison o f love (figure 6 ) E rn st did acknowledge

Ih e image of the b ird ltIS h i$ fa vo ri te cm blCm o ffering litis va riant 101 ElIt v~ u( Cq Jctn blcmc d (~ H INIItl oagcSi T he caged bird fo n cd [0 sin in a pt i t ~ may a lso sta nd for 11)( poCt~5 In the fi rst FrCll h c m blem book

Ia PtIIi(~rc $ T Ilialre diS bOriS tTI$illJ ( I ~39 the caglltl birds ddille the tas k o f d)( pun tu Sil1g sw(c tiy in rh l fa e lIf advc~i l y T he plImiddotodil proverb in E luumiddotd tlx t ks lgtCrins sonl mltlil rcs chef t UX my bc an ironi c- lake o n suc h emhlema tio wi5c1om especi a lly gic n poundlua rd s Ht ual dom estic sil uat ion (drama li lt(middotd d~c here in bor h Fr n$t s HId E lu a rd s work) a rncn agf-i- trois involving hi~ ife Gala a nd M ax E rnst in wh ic h he Va nOl p rcc i~dy a mOls t r in h is own houscoti middotIhe bi rdcage mil a lso srnd as Ill e mblem of the pa radox (l r thc cm bkrna li st s con middotc tll i ondit~ func ti onin g- ~muhanlolt~ l y as a )lri ~11I and as a pouic lll all ()( UVre LO be sprunK- Sinli brly cm hJtm a t ir

105 III XIQltnn~ amp IIIslt JOWIJ till ~rtJ fW ltfN1cr1 IIgtlt w -nt rd~m 173b lfl clnmiddot r Alt iI ~bltmlJtliJfl QMn

(~IWftd I lcn l) CIlmiddot 1oolt 187Umiddot s~ 1ltJuli ll 1nu lhr f nnthIIIJtnH

Vgtll~uJ OM UTlaquoltMU lJooiJ nfD mm H

lmIJlriIJlnl 181] IULIC hi L97h ~- For t~lnp lc Em31s roll f Jdflst Ig U jnCltgto1IIS f11lSmllgt of Ou middotlt Ullm tJ Erv ~ 1 + 1 ~o M irnl finl if l niSl ~Iru

~I lil ar lIi~ Stmiddot middot Ib middot] DOrer IIMI d ie ~ K unI ~n T Ulr6A I tmiddotcbruary 9 7 (in Ma f1tl1 til liJt~ d~

htl~iJlt UIIlh~mr it p Co lultne ~ JtllI O hdkliffl 1TNnl I Soxill H UilQl) Th~ ilaquol1 HlStoty 4 1Ji~t~gr Cllnbrid~ 1t7 pp 11 7middot



lJ - Ke lIdr J oUrlt fmiddottHfaih fOff_ 930 on Ir(gt h lVlJ~ ) n llOSOtU

q d nU lls ltI liolto jutern~ d ) dlc It d IIIV FlJlmlJ

SImplI AnllJjc M ri ~ HI IUt I ~ru 197~ 1 131 I ton ljJCrfCltllt Ikllj1Il1iwII1 rgumclII plVmiddotru rUllcifon -ilhi Jruism1gt dich [(MiIu1 middot1 pid I ~ hUll of 11Ie middotxpCrillltmiddot h(lSomiddot 1P01lCII I JtlIII ~ ru nmiddotI n I bll( promiddotiional and -endily dKUtkrl (0 (iJhi Th uprHlu t Illms ~ F OfUIUm fJmUl~ 1lt lIdoll 197) st~

II Dommquc 1~~l(ltJJi j~lJ~ ltlr mOh malulo I n pinCHCC du I)lowmiddotdwmiddot

frlt X X 4 97 p ~~t 1lUlhmiddot~ rtroglli Ia IUlldnmrtlltI shado ~1ll c or () I middot~ dnion d lime

(1 I~I ampiww1 2l T Ill Akiati-dCfilNI clllbl m tli IIIgt ( bull fl hinl I~ 1 cmblcnlti( SLIIlc 51 ror ClltmllcJ~ b C15 misso Lilx-rrll r T bull I ior iu SWUtgtl 1111 JJuM fir tit

S Am d m 726) a

11111 S i~lI1lllditio_ Sn ih ( middotrf)I1 I Iid i 11~ GI IlaquoSluver in 111lt

gtrllied ( ( he brn is th wimiddot I)u l Ih) o l InK E~rl in Iillg -Iltoi IV

( 11 Cupid ma apl II iVl thr (~laquoI hinb () ~pmr) Ill rri~n n- I) ill 1l411lt1 Hcinlluf funolgt Qn ~id gtII

~m ilslt1 lool Ilovrt Eh((n4(Q

1~I~11I I lI~logtrd m r I I ~ d It ncmtf

isslt her Snn1fP IAmslnd 1 b l -t ) x K dl omcicl rill middotr in l ulmlTgt do

m-lu I Il l G uillaume d r L bull Imiddotniel ~ Ie r~ilt ibJ 6QIU I WlfS ( 53) rd 1gtlt)1gt ~lcle (Alde h ~13 1 amp

j llt mrltlic IlJOII(u ri tr lw lOll lh~ 1luu ol f WilY f 1IjIlh _WllptrlJI

S1l~1 An n r)r 9fllt) PI I ~-H

i ~n5 ~I ~ 1 Jd Pbullbull ul tI1 ltrJ jtril 0111 d o middotInmiddot wlhru do

~l mMllu 9~ ~ Sf 1 171 10 Ia~ t ms - U ( I P n 51IS0 D KA ( (MJII IrtI) ~I) )

2i S- Chari II ( nk Iud or r~ I UICn n S IU T or - 1he

nlllr~ II I j 11I 1) cInt nullc aJ fros n IIIlt middoturk r I ~ bn~ IQRIhNJII 17 uirJ pp 66 7~ I on El ua nt

inl(middotIOtiJmiddot II Imiddot C h rI U~Itau ld1

fJ~(i 1 III ftltUUIl al I a ri~ lt)8~ R BcuIQl flt011middotlldr lhal rh ii l~1

hklD book a CorrOtl S

lIatllm(fd1l dnlts f r()rll ~io a ri i ~ from old ~ 1(1 SI) Ie ltord~I

2J I 0 eItn ~ hri(middot ill U alJrtMfJ

Ja tJftrWfIJ gll ou l b 1~llk middot(a lur hc (mbkrn tic d~ll(ldcnc) I)f l c~1 ami

Sc 111 umh~ r ErnSIs (onglt I~)lh il hl~lrn ll II IlOOmd CQnnadKls

iI ampiOC1 Jhow~ Ihlt)$( I Ih inll h) illUI)dr n rodik uh Clll Olr r lhal

~ccling W It jMJlt1ll no 10111 c~iltt

1-1 1luarrl )Q rvrntaib brimiddot 1 (1

oIIallrlt Ifs J~IIIIJ Ontr (fl~ 1 I udrn Sd clcr -ud il ~rnll e 1) 1$

fIri lif)ll I p 1 3~

3 ~Jochm HrUJllo-cn ddc1 ~I a Ernst un1 ci rh~I1 _h~ - I1 lvCII( 90) 19 9 alld 11 alls-J UT)I I Kapp Sp~chc und I) Ii M ll ErI f m II t~ll ~-il~ PP llc- ami p jltJ 11 ~ 1lj t ud ir1I ion orIpollinain MId h r CallCrain

I llcoun icrs r un thro ug h E rllS l ~ collage novl s operat ing om on ly o n Ihe I(vi or allusiOll to1 11 c rn hj ma tic mod e a nd its illlpliciitiom of (111 ( 111011

mcl -1I1111oli l) bUI lso nn the k d o f ptrtic u lu (out en t lIld menning I II I

I)stI) reln ted rolbgt froUl 111 F WlIIlf I (() tho 1929 (tigun 7) till fig u re af

I hmiddot baby strt ndi ng ill fu r l h t c up id of love cm bltlIls COIll (middot from n

nintmiddott ccll th-ccllt ury a loJl pa in ti llg in hi (h il I1j) rcsclll ec the murdered (lJi ld of Falsl a rgua bl y a v ictim ollovc1

La PClTj(r( cm hkm bonk i ~ irn po ll a n l in Ihat il as ti l( fi rSI crmltushy

la r tmblcm book and the firSI tu SCi ou t ponll~ recto aga inst (~ Kk uts

verso~ It i~ from t h i ~ ~ ) llImclrica lly o ppost rI disposition of text llnd

image that Ern~t a nd Eluard s work galll~ I panic ular pa wn th t

~ 111 HlUre de mands the d Cjgtrlld elicc o f tex l tnd im agr yet the fmllls lli a t ell-pendence t1i (s la ngf fro m d ose ma tchin g (If phrase and wh at is pictu red (as in illu$l ratio n i to a ppa rently a ll i(rI hu t d isj unc tivc relatio ll ~

(as if ~tock im gr- hau OcCII rellsed for a pprox illll I plrpo~e~) 10 mu l u a l

Clll l r dic lion ~ EnBt a nd Cl uard dc~ 1t willi l ilt llI od( rni~ t d rea Jll IIf a

hieroglyphic i ~ l1 a l p nc lry fwm lb llalll1c 0 ApoUi ll J ile J with l slig-ht cynilmiddotism ~eparati llg Oll t ra ther than confltt ing II I i su1 and the 1(xl lJal itS if to a r knowkd gc Ihl ir m ultla l sapping a~ IlHJfh as mu tua l Ira mfusion

or nwaniug A v i~ua l pllt I for Ern~t J lld Flu ltl rd w ou ld rel)ova te i l~dr

through its clntiour lHkl( )kdgi llg the losses as wel l as ric he in vl lcd in enc ryp ti()]l

ErnSIs c lll bhm ali ill1 ag ls a re Hu t confillcd or COUl~ C 10 Ih t cmbleshy

m a lic boo k III th e T9lOS EfIIS iou)1d h is vay illlll pain ti llg as a way of elllltu g ing his culla~c~ and I mblema tic r Olll lllun p[aces info r m h is

IXill lilgS t ven whtn tlu- n is no accom p a nying Icxl Indeed (m blem a tics an central to ErT1St ~ l(l1rna t o ll lf a llegory ill I ltl VII Tl o r lhe t mblimalic lI ut~hell is ti l( prelirn d cUIl Slr uc tion fo r ErII ~ I ~ pa in tin g- in Ihl ca d

IVlOS i t is OCCi lst a lkgory ca n ( omm en t Oil ils own a nificc nIJoIiTlJ

iron ic self-d epreciaT ing c nises in a rt wit hi n a Dad1 l T1 icism ra lher

86 ~ Ii t t 1 fir I~ 1111 Ii ~ ~ ij9shy

than o~I (II~jbly over l rt makillg1 Or ralh er Ernq t mbJC lll aril illlg~ a1l0 a ~imu ltall (ollS admowl(dgcmclIl of art a~ rtfcnlIl to W imug taphic alJ(c~tolS ud to the ~r(al (nt(rpri~es of re pre~II I Hion and Cdmmu nil ashylicoll while hracktli ng Ih (S( ti S defu nc t or urlfta li ndJII 1 1l1b il ions His im Hc~ ~CI Oul nspiration~ to hemic gCSlure and R llIai~silJe cultula l rcfclcnh Idle rtgisltring lh( ~t middot L~ pan ial and inept pll hn~ helll n I

logic o(xiu i(lli

Tilt Elphanl ff Ctlthn [921 dud OtdpuJ l() 192 1 du ne hik E rnst was lill livillK in Cologne set up c~ 11ica l etnbkrh 1 po~ t ilr crises and the fUllcl iunill 1 of Ihe a rti~L In OttltpUJ Ht I fi~lIrc 8) lin cli largcd hlIld a (o mOlOn feIIUf( of lmblcm) sunds fo r did ut if 1I11plicilly palnnal author il ) T his rheh)ric11 hlnd had a lso hl( 11 Ihe rocus (II (IlIl1lk history painting pointing lo ard ~cncr I 1itd hi)(h palrioll( (Inc p~lr id idtah In Otdipll f Rr( Ihe ~)necdnc hi( hllnd is hohblcd hy i t~

011 (middotltIfKgtIlS no 101114(1 hli lu make the gra nd g(~lur(s ur hi~llry

j Fr~ninpoa(II1 rhlt r lim~ 01 roonam ir d wkn all~o Ilaquo Ther ~ I Kmiddot lIemiddotv H( mI0 N Yl and ( mbnd~middot 1917

t ~lIr 1 EIt~1 n iy-~uMl h lo and uQmiddotru middotbull U 1-o_ IIgt tilltJ ~lq S ~

H1 C Ma t rngtI AI)A( I I~n

SODHAC ~ln lllt~ 1 l1lOII

H~ un 8 buse ()i~J If(Jf 9111 b I iifo C 1 - rrII5middotAIlt ( 1 1tTI SOllRi( rMQIl Ir l ~gt()()()

p aim ing it Plillf ll1l y inrl i (a le~ il gt low orifill ill II H I reudian r(all(~or izing of l h l Oedipus m yth Prnst lIf( II In lmiddot~ 13 1lishld CO IlVCIl L i o ll ~ of

gctun and ico nog raph y dcploying t lwm i ~ IICHlli niou~h Ordipll5 R C IS

ujJ the lllotl S~ iCid disCOUIl of high ielmiddotII and sllfmiddotslcrjric( in urder 10 bive -( i hl In his rtp rc ~ rllIat ioTi of cltmiddothasill Oedipal Irnuma and iu

2 17

arU l1rl ry pu ni~ IHn tl l ~ bl indmg- rbullL~ Irltl lio ll I I i ~ sifllilk lll t d ial o ne o r tht H I]lI) n ~ lt n urow p icrcing tht n Ubhd l IS th e h lw k yellow and gT Cr n fOr 1111 t ricolu u r lI ih har )tTn re-inHal ed IS he fla g or CtTm a n y

in 1)I U TI1 Lh rce cle melltlr) ( olo lJ I~ to h ieh EII Ilt t rd i ls in h is

illscri pt ion 011 t he pa inting m a y he a poin ted rcm illdn oj th e t~ t h e r l a llds

of h isl ory pai ll1i))g both as the plima ry colo ur o r neomiddot d Lsi(a l pa in ting

a nd a fl a By tnn (uy tb hisl ory or a n is m ldl 10 (om m en t nn

history s flw bling or al least irnmQhilizi llg or Ihe ignohle and olalikJ In i l~ nig-ma ami dispropUrli()n ~ ()nhjJII1 Rrx abo rrsemhks smiddotV( IH(llI hmiddot

ccnl ilry c m lJkrns Ihltl l d rccliv(l y cap~i z(d hist ory jlai l) l in g~ i)l lo crypt ic rigurati(m~ or m0 1ltl1 rtC1 ilude Its rn e m hia ncr 10 a n t lIlbk m - a hand

holding a (Tacked wa ln u l-shell - fim n l ite Dllt c h mordi ~1 Jaco b Cag h-t ~

bl( 1) nOted hy C e rd Ha uCI who hilt dism issi ng hi ltIS coi ll(middotid c Ill a l ~ ti ll

kit (omprlk d h) the strik ing- i ~lI a l analogy T hi d ikrn ma i~ slIIli y comp(Juncit-tl b) con~idcra t i on uf Catss tex U Th e Cats ( mhlem had two mol os (sinr e Ca L pra~ma l il a tly duubled hI lscfuln (~lt or hi~ images hy offering de voi oJl a l tex t$ a bo l l spi rit uI 1 as ell IS Iu tlltl l 10 ( T Il( fi rT

IIl0 1l 0 Re put hk hy uo ~k i ll o uld fUllct ion a a joke on Ihe aJlisl or

p(Je l ~ 0 n l ech niqLU~ I lid is especially ilp pticablc 10 Frnsls collage CUlling T he ~(co nd T IJ(rc is no l(lv~ li kl lir~ t 10 ( ( II n y a (j Ilt Ie premilrs

lIllou rs J [ lidy d lcctin l) ta kc~ U~ hill k 10 thl d c~ i ll cI mol iln vf the

O eci il)U$ compl tx G ivcn Ems t middot~ kllovlo(l~( of Fnud Iht cmblcmali C hllf-sltly ing of things

Ill l) be la kc as ak in 10 Ihl o rn h ina l ry la nguage o r OhjC( b ill Ihe un eon shysciou ~ (~ IHr i a lly as d esc l iltd in 111r Iffprr la OI ()f n f(mh H Th~ Illmy

em h lematic i magI~ ill Cllfs ltl nd d~l herc of e nlarg lltl h lIlcis hold ing

d evieclt fo) cltl lllc llin g )lld CUll ing (~ llllffUl~ ca ndk~ hrtl king clnd lts

cutling and g ra ft i1lg sl II ks ~q Ih in g ri pe g ir ls ) mig-h i (1 be sl(n in th~

lig lll or F rf lld 11 ()Cfipu1Rn cltl n in fa n Ire laktn a s a co nAal (Itl or sc(rltl1

i Jlt age~ from J arob Cats nO I onl y llt l ha nd holdinK l sh at llTn l n u tshdJ bu t also a hand slh j)(ntli ng a key rrom 1 m aglltl ic q onc fig u II 9 For the

prel im inary co lla g1 relat ed 10 Odipus RI ( Emsl used a n im age from the

pl liudica l l ll vil Iltfl ~1I1 i ll tl ~l ra tion ora magit Irick in whi dl a l a inU I shdJ is SIIJII1Idd h) il ~ d eft liom a fi nger il~ if uy llla 1ic Cats ~ tmblems ~ive a

parad o xi ca l m(ra l WLig-ht to Ihis nU lSh d l image hic h in 11 X(Iure hld 10 do with ill usion Th i~ m a tt er of illll~ion rccun on eil pla yfully ill rnsts

work Bt-ynnd tha t the elllbkms pr(J itic (lUlio n ary moril l ~C l pitces aga illt

wh ic h Ihe il1 1o l llr (nt l ues and poli licai ton tilsion of tnmiddot rccettt wa r and it~ aH ermath (t n b( Mmiddott

The ck phant of Tlu Fltph(lJIf 1GIIbn figure 10) h l~ 1 ICi ng pcdigTtmiddot( in

c rn h lcmalic i rT1 agc~ of 31 fro m th Illt rad ig llla tic (i i ill [11( fi ftee nth

centu ry 10 pro pag anda cnrica lUr~ du rint ti l( F irst vlo rld Lr (fig ures I I

111lt1 12 17 O ld)( arrn ond g-Ls-mlskcd illca pabk o r lutornot io n shy

s ta nds ror pn liticil lgtO CI the oSlagna ll )igts C1n~ o f thc K aiscl e ra aml th e

war wh ieh so p roroundl ) a Ar-ctcd Ernst a nd his friends In wl ra l ciati

tOlblclll ~ cilphanb ~Uc a~ $ (lC i a l ld wilh wa r and i ts ~poil s M 7 he EIplwlIl if Cfllhes nOi olll y rlt$clJ1 blc~ Alcilti s Ikp lla nt ith l rm(gtlr I II illa ud a ta

la lldan l( ~ but it~ m Cltlu ings S(C rTl tv lwa r out 1ciali s H((HUlI or a milil) englgemell l in h ie h a middotmons l r( HI~ and coarse e lepha n t frig ht c ls a WL) a n

enemy l 1middotlll y Th tmiddot ele pha n ts plinl cri image is thell l Ikc n a the vioors

p Smiddot [in ri [Jutrhu Ilt 1 TM~ry ~f rltHI 1r YvrL amI Loudun 985) I I~ 00 lTom ~d p n -f bullbull l dlltltuaJl~middot (Iii rflrm r~1 ui r i~ till 1 knvwlche a nd

3 1 1Ihx Ir I GloIkk l ~

rmd~-Ul if 1

11 ~r CllarlOl e ~Iok Clblros i u ~~ (gtI k Frrud$ IhCltlTI t fw a~ Ihe r la liQn tor 1 (([Jag r~ b x Er ~ 1ftgtNJld~ I il P 19)104111 TI ( r~ 11 lr) nunlm( lfIr~ p ( ~l O(r a1xt llChl du Impt I ~~tN~lt1I 11 63deg1 Hd J~cQh C UJ oI ffrtf Ittrdt~ t niam 1I~rl r71 Th e V d ~ V l1 lr~i nll ~ dose cO E nlt~ i n I ~ I ) I ~PJ in (hult 71gt ffl iu( a li lou ~ ( rrminffl in pri l [h rollgt tl ~ mh c( nIUr )1 QI (ra r Dc l ~~I t or [e

e[ltI n( 2 ama nt 11 hir h 3 h ~ 1 gtU I nllt kry fro Jl ~ middot i $() 1 ~ IO~ in tmblfm~la 1 QMhfl II (~~ in

and IfM(arn lluht tid pi II ov~ouuvn lChao Ifat AuJr Wl1d(R 1975

n middotU Hlal in Sqmnr Hot-Ie IIK~1IJmiddotIt f)aIII~nt(~ an ntfJ Ifn middot

1)18 -Iih 9jtJ ) 3S1 middotJmiddothi rmhkm j IJ J udn ~

1Ilw and at on tic]h 1 l i l poi I nf ar I d brak ~ n 1gt1 middotPft t pt~ f( ( em IIW r u~ ohit]

h urr lt) J acob ClIts Sed ~ ICCI)

l MbltlWlill lffJrald k~~~au

f((lltcrrl~m 6~7

~u T Il iumbull l r Alrr1 1trr rmltd Ihr Krlqltgtlthu ldf llr in J)n r laquo (u fl M~r 1H) i Sr Irr~d 1) 1VIl~fr r 1 Hf~udw~ ofl kr 1 ~ilfJ II Q (~I T hm lr~n~ 10]1 II Zrydd cw York 91deg1 ~() - J I ~ En[ ~ ul(Jbiographical [Ul t I I~lhu is d escribed Wl lh rcl crc ne 10 l i t nar~ p r~(rdCnIS In H a~clr~

pll) T~(S~~ lh~ ta1he nra~pJ hI a (XI(tk ~ wlo )urnd lt ( lalh ~rJ nl (i younK fCPh ( hid l-~h ~r~ Jn~dc

uganUl tteN has I arrltucol h~(k of [ho- ~c [a l Ono G n - trair) tIl] 1I hi You bulln diollr tv _ I Irjult lilt(

olIl 13 augtt ) ooJ h1 broughl h on t1 AI)hl I nlII)(uh Fnl

wlgtOkallcu cc a Darla rleno~lOlitln

and arral h3d WI I hl ilip t rnlt 1Xlfl hll ra[hcr~ ropon-lt I cunc ~ O Y(tll iuC htlU~11I djlOIlOIlr OIl Il t[ t- Ia EnlJl Fcrdlltw I P l1 i Ie due [0 Ihe fonnulai- nalUn Oflhc fu_h~rJ ( u- u

lucrnryu(occ lOlho- ryurr Ihmmiddot i~ Ihe FImrul111li (gtr clln ~r Rcp[hlk jnoitcclUal drdo-lt f h~ kiml h( lU~p)l(~1

~m (u (_1gtlt- to P bull -i( OS hCf

L~qoJcur IFmUlr CJrnl HISI~r )1 8 913 (I bullbull d I ~i 1) ]1 ~H J I PI lslr pct 1 C I) 1 lt1 (fJ (Iii IIIn

JIB iltn York 9ilIj PI ~- I Cnll ~dci l Am BpiI~1i Bhl IIIltl IJrfJMJI A-w lfflIi KnliA Jti U ltkm~

I)IISIUIJ ( icnt~ gR8 ann _Vld U(Imn

h fJTwilaquootJI THu C rw Vk glib

insig- nia H ow(ver sinltc the v i lory 1(1$ undcsrrId Itu re~ul1 ur reaI ra t her thatt bravery in b)111e t hi ~ imJ~e of the d eph(II t -( ar( told i~ lgt hamefllL That t hl paint ed image of the kpha ll t nmiddotpn(nt~111 lUlw(rth~ Irick SIT CS a ~ a Ili ct Lommcn l on til( not ion ofl h d ((( il ()f ima ge~ in wnerl l Akia ti s (o nd u$ioll of shaillc md lmb ig l o1)~ vic tor y wo uld tlTl ainl y represCnt E IIl SI ~ g1lwral opinion or -ar I ml its lrUnna l h 7 hi Hlephlll1f f C lrbrj i~ ltl n

a lkgor y of the m oral values of lhe p11Cltl a l g CIlI fltl li on ami t he fatherland olmuJalcd a l a time when lhe iS5 m o j 1 guilt I~ a ~u bjcltt or urg e nl

pubJi( dcblte ~9 Th is guilt also fudkd thr tlltml~ or O edipal palriridli impulses Iha t had become 1 corn monpll(C of Expressi oniml and thai a rc pia ycd out in OrdilmJ R~ 1 m [ 71l r LlffJllOnt ofCdhfJ I~

In 1IlYendeavour to find a cnn vi ncinK ltl r~lJnwnl or i u~li(ial iun fi) 1 11 art (hal might legitimately fU llction in til( pOSt Wl r D1(la c ultural rencgu ti nmiddot lions Ernsts turn to emblem and ltl lkgory points to Llw awkward fil or rellt ivt[ c ult ural alu(s a nd conhm llOra ry history ltIS Ihcir fulfilmen t AlIcgot as lilt l( it tralion of codihrd nonnali cult ural or ~ bOlu le a luCs

fi ts- j arrillgly wil hisiOl 3(rommodal ing ils cnrorcro ohins and chUls nf I cn n~ pru jding a rickety bJea hellt lor Lilt spec latol o r c u rrC11 histo ry In

Ordiplu Hrl and Tlu F1rlllimil oj Ctlfhn Ihe high rd~rents of dleg01~ an txposed as (hey m ig-h I c- isl in the wak c of (he First Vorkl War n k ill ~s h ip st ale a nd rdi~iln arc Hvcaled in th eir CHlTf1lI ri lbilillted (Olldlli ull psychoanal)~cd int o ha~(I frlll~ no IOI1~cr Jegi lim al( f)r sla ble reduced to d ressing- up as th (tn~clvc~ P]((i~dy beca use uf the nccessil~ for

hUH~ l u EIII TM frpiloM uJ Cflm 1 9~1 ~i V1 t h( 0 1 1bull0( Icmll tI) (P 11uiSOORC Monmtl QOO

1n esta h lis lHd Iclennl howCvtI the 11lt-gonea ] q nllllIle or Ihe cmule lll JJ]owlt Ernst 10 g-i Vc an a ccollnt of the lailure of the ll)lwlelil symbol o r

11 lt11T lI it

Blt~()nd these obliqLl(~ly polili cal Co Ill I1H~llIa ri ts EIJ)~I S emblematiC

pain ti ng ~uggests lha t other Ih illbS ~rc at Sla k~ in Ihl Ieai lll oi tiJ( a rt t h ~ 111

the lt llhancClllcll t ofpo( l ry b~ visli a l lIH yplion Thc Iml ]enlat ic paintiflg~

Sl11I1 10 Imoke l lost text or key to Ih eir own d CClxling Jf Elnst ca rries the

pOCTS intclsl in JTI l ki n~ tcx t ~ pic toriil l back in lo pi U IIImiddotS he docs so in

ordn It) raise qu e~l i om a bolll tlte na lu n uf ima ges and represe m a tio n T Il(

~df-qu( l i oni ng ima ges appJrrn lly f]uely thcir own Iul ho r ity could th ey rcp r(ltfllt anything c rc il Ill)[ I(r q slig iil l dalinn~ with cx phlllltltnry

ltI11 til nli 7 ill g lexts T h is is fur[IHr rtlalli 10 Erml~ illI)(lli o ll I)) h( h istory

of a n of I rad itLOllS o f i(ollogra phy v I th e m urce i lll a~t

Tn Ill1 Casc of Tuttn lll l Ioml7l1 (figure 3 923 V(rnlT Spits has Tfaced twn ~ (lUIIC illlages to th e popllllI lIintl (cllIh-cl nt ury ma gltllille (1 Yolu a

ships dlvi(c IItlt j)()UN oil 1) 11 troubled wJtC I and all -e mba t hlng ing

upsirk dO Il Til l m1chine and thl ltl tr o ha t ar( figurf~ ofhaJIIlcc JlId order

~e l agj i ll~l a perilo us si tu ation lht) t la blish1 d i ~rupliI 1I~ t ofvltcillatioll

( 1 1 kiln mlblrm

bull~ J f1nni h hrkl J rJI of hul 41nati rUIHurlmiddot lInmiddot Mlln

I )t ~Jlfodurrrl t pmll rm ropol1111 10 1(111 R(Icr(n(( l ibrary

J l~rT I~ _ Hahn lgtt Ihlll If



h gunmiddot 3 En 7 ulmnr f1 lmlltm 9~3-~ M ti17 CI M~ Ern~I IUGI (1 S~ lnRmiddot ( ~1 llrca l 20(1(1

d tt rnat ioll il llbtlau(l and po~ibk fIII tho I frlln(~ OInollier of Ihe pa i ll I ings sources a R ena issa me allegory of r()rt ull(

IvliIIII()lItlti In tlw c Ollrse of I h ( essa) o n ernblems r i H~d hy Erll had gi cn thc im a~C of FOilli na wi th her wil e] l11d sa il as 11) ex am ple of a [J1 11(n sli tficienl vi~ud (Illbk lll rCftl ir ing 110 tex t to supplcmtmiddot11 1 iLS IlwJlI ingsI Ttl Furll lllt of unblem ~ Ofl11 ~ a ih on slOrm y sta ~

(fig ur( 14)n a nd prl~ LJ mltl J ) t h( i ll llstlal i(n of oil-POll ring m ac liill (J) ~Uggfmiddotlt l cd lO Erns t Iht a ttrih ules o f Fort una Ihe c irc ul a r piplt~ swnd fo r IlI r wheel IlC pi pe barlng her )I~ klr hf1 Ulin dn e~s 4t The leetering of Er nSI ~ Fon una Illa y he lIt r ib lHed to Ill i com)gld ph ~ or t hl grandt 1s lrnmiddotI11I (fig-uri 1 5 )1 ~ In Il le r on ((xl of h yslcna the so urCe illla gl or the acroba t eOJJ1ts in to pla y in Cha rcol and Richer s I J as sj~a l

~tu d y nr hyste ria in ~Ir t I f( )imollinr7 11t5 dml( url j Ui allOytmiddot Iht i ll tl~-

1 1 -(( ~Ij~ lla E middot ((Jla(CIf

f I~ IIml l middotdprM(It OIOIe 97) (11 15 1 r1 rUlclld middotUmiddotme lhauN VI 1Hamp--7middot 4 - hy middotillmiddothul( Fr~nt( S~ltS( ltibull

Icl~ U -fhg uImiddot uurnjl j lurhJrnmd 97 11 I J9 51 This Imiddotunu tlI1hh u Iq td III -

Durc 1 in ~ lnl c t ~ h (1 und n de Imiddotlisunmiddot Jo~rM1 If lilt LIb~( fnlllll III 92~ ) pp 7 I ll

1 Ion ) lnunlrmiddotmiddots 1- Pu d Im ll~l1Id ft n(rmiddot~ middot lax Ernst G middotmJ-k Au Ihmiddotf()JU da amu rlal ig~) n ~IIlaquou do w moTd W I b rrlJNI ml)km~U(middot hl UTlt of middotOCl~Smiddot

11 - I lIn ~rlcfut 10 ] I it I ~m~$ fot hvwinl tnC I lul]w( 1 too rc on I- nn and h) la drlid at the I lI l (bullbull lkrl lurMlhUI hll lIi1)t Un Ga l a fl~u ro uf Iltt gt ~ on) Uotncst(

Uioor ~ l d be Eluurdf Mil f~ I IlII luItltgt4flAlyllf SO~fIJ PI tOj ~

rigUft q Fornll x ttlt h ~It u n

Ii tby WdrOllfl Fullmiddot 11 1 iUllt V~rfbIU Dj( 17

1b J (~ COI ~nfl l ul Rkher - IJIIII(mI~I fa lgrlmiddotrRfl() (Amncrd ilnl 97111 100 n middot eljg wmiddotS pc i ho dlgt$lt In Ad middot ell Sarto S(lUlI

Phl J Wi Jillnl _ poJsMk also Ih ) h) Charco d R~hcr

11 Elila]t(u ll rcn 1lts Iu~ middoth~$triQnk OIICillallo n a t_middot itligll ~

or he bymrk Or lin tkaJ body

1lI uchSlcr 9J Ptgt ~f(gt-imiddot

trnt iu ll show here i till oh~(ralio n thal h y t (ric~1I atli l udc~ pn~sioshy

IIcllc~ ]evc tCtll pUfoi s 1m car ( I n particu licrellH1I1 ITohaliqul 6

Ermls (IlllJleml1ic 7 1r(ri lLg IYmllllll th c ll IS 1 (ompk l1ld humo rolls lI ullcgo rizul ioll of fo rt una -I -1 yst cr ic11

Com plex rlt-fCrcnces like liIi un 10 fortuna pop up thruug ho ul E rn~ Is

I rk amI se rve I S ind i $ of a ll (gor~ di fCCli ng us 1 ) Iradi lio ns or i(onotVashy

ph ) and accumulated Illcanil1g 10 symbolic tig-ures Inc attribules thai re ta in a sh-dowy lu hori t) hilt being Su hj(C lelt1 h~ E rlt 10 subi titwiJll$

r igbull I wwd Pjdk iul1udr Ik Hucilitlnr n I n rhlrnl tlld ( dmiddot lr~ dim~~taqw rf~ Iarl 1186

llnl OOf ~ [ AT tlTUP~~ ~hIQ itl EL L~S U ~ ~A ~IIA ~ O E T IIIUIt II Y S f t R I Q ( [

Allilnde d~ cnciG etenl

nnd degradatiom T he Forull emhlem here comes from Ab y arburg- s sl1ld~ Francesco Sltlsscl1is let lwilli gc Vnfiigung- (1 907l En~ t was not na ive abou t t he nuu re of images and their contagion and he fa nCS r unsidshy

natioll (If the onvt llI il)n of p iCl(ri d language Hld as~ u ll1pt iom ltlh0L11

mea ning At the li me of Warburg Saxl and Panof~k~s t ralings of da~~ial

~ymhol~ amI mylhollt)q-~ th rough IIwir til-hased ltI nri mu lt iple ronm in Ih e

mbkm~ uf mag illklun and as trology E rnst wa- him self englgd witb sudl dchascIllCnts~ 8 Fm u s Er lldil(~ illlag(r) makes h im a pl radnxind

ltlcackmiti a n a nd pa rodi c nr hi ~lOrilIl rel yin on Ihe prl~l i g( of rlcog ui I shyabt l~ q UIt liun bllt sa htlaging tlw h i~torical method Ilat w(lutc1 ~il ua Le a giC 1I wo rk th roug h ils relal ion I() prncden ts Tlw T urning I-1QIl1I cuuld d t~tl be rel a lcd ror middotxa mplc 10 C iOll u~ c lnb[emalir Il1rtJlJlu ncy (fig u lI 1 6) III

Erns t ~ Jisjunct i c ilT1ages parlde nfcrcllt~ bllt ddy rongruity ltllI rl c hronolshy

ogy u hvlr1ing lhe aUlhori ty of history to sequence idell tify imCrp lI l lI lld evaluate H e ~ i lua tCS h i ~ work within the history ofar and li terat ure capita shyli ling 011 th e cx ptxtation orknowin~ ~ aU high academic a n h as donmiddot_ b ut parndicall y mocking any pic t y or nost tgiil fo r 10s1 ori g-in ~j

A work part icula rl y di rctling ll~ 10 problems of Iltlngutge and f(middotp r(lt ll ta shy

ion is AI tht r ln Cltar Word 1923 lfigure 17) pai u tcd Oil lhe Wl tt o f Pau l 3nd Gal a Elu ard s bcdronlll J lengt t h itog-lyph k co n fi g u ra tio n (If fing(rs ba tt and string u e oqlI1 i7OO a rou nd the o r and X of Ernsts name $ilUali ng th e pa inting in the long- tr lditi(J)l of emhlematic deir(~ that play on names The pai nti ng as il immiddotulwmiddots Inc clongucci fin ~cr of a 01ll11l

JIllgt pru habt ) em bod ies Ernst cOIlLlm pnr ilrr rdatiom hip wit h G ala E lulfd (TIl E device traditiontl l is m clIlt 10 proli)ulJdly rcpre~t nl he ha hitual conduct (lr ( ha rati r or onlsel f oncs princc ur th c beloved womUl whitt t voidi ll L pon ra iwrc)Y 11115 5 p lCltlr( panLom im cs n des tabishylized pictoritJ compo~ i J i ()n the bt ll on thmiddot ~ rill~ wh ich ()r IllS lh c [ i~ I II

im minLt1l dltt nKcr oflwlng dropped by Ihe crossed fingcrlt pullin with it Ih( tlil of Ihe Illard-likc in$Ipound t T his co nngllfllion is lik rly a j oking refc rellC to

Frcudill li cn~ t rl ti () TI an x itmiddot t y ~ a noti(11 n i nfOTced hr Erm l ~ou r(( imag fro m 111 Salu re iIluslrllling a Irick in which 0 lingmiddot CTos~ed and pressed to ltl single bJ ll have th e sCll5a rion of feeli ng two balls As a dci(c JJilc rct aining the wit l nd (()nci~ ion appropril( to sueh repnSt IHatioll Frmts painting brea ks wit h th l c1 Clurum ltInri pwpcr k di ng tradi tiona ll y l ~s()C iated

wilh lile devite a ~ portrai t of t he mind or w uL E rnst~ im al l also rdi tes

If iby rhll rg rnfrlhUltrSrhrifk-1f

] irdllcnstlti ll lif9]I 117 51 ~

Rbnd K all) mc~r 1) 1 1gt1(1$

Iltr~hr f lfn1t una d~ ~lIdarhll -brdtllnttk r L f min l lmiddotb~t wnd IJm)tflm T]n J87) 48 1 gt111 ( rldu l (0 Rfrky lin HI 1 ~lI)lJr I L-d Ihr t iol(IJ mhllt1ltlt

ll I ] hwau middot1 he $lru((lIrr or All elonl~ Il)eltIf ill IIII~~~ Iwl RqgtrQI ~I ltlhnJ ( lt 11111 ( Ih ~ 1Il tl 1(1)(1 I~ 1 37middot

iO- amp ( Il ~n ri Eli C Alldtjam(n

aniltt r nlas Ulul ( I doll 16IbiPpmiddot 8 1-7

51 5lt Wmiddotmr SpQ fouJ liolld Irrudi cli ll ~ iu J) Hwhhr Ii du (lttr C610i1 I l7 PImiddot 5 4middot

~ll(ure 16 Giou nlill (Slt f1) ~ini Chilpdj

5~ - XC IstkUIImiddot Ltt Jill ( 1lt drriJtgt nn the pfOpltn~ ofdc ien It ~nno td t

fkmcll lS de Li tltrrmiddot JlIgt Ill d ~80)

lIi(krlt l p II ~_

M a rmontcls insistence 011 the h igh 1110111(1 11 lt urlomiddott emblems I llnn mtd )t VC as 1Il ltlmpll or the o~jt(lionahl t tToli lIIbkm objcL~ luxqllds Iop inirlll allad w ride de ha-gtsessc sUlh as a pot Oil the fi rt ith Ihe mollo f a m ltOIlsul1ed below ) It i~ tempti ng III im agi ne Irnsl toyin g wi th this

higb mor~1 1 po~il iun by delibera tely making a (Tud pun th e basi~ of til liu First Cmr WordY

T ypica ll y huwevr Ernsls Vi~U 1 1 sou rce rna) lJ ~ (lv(rdcterln ined hy 111 trudi tc textual ~ourn III I f NiL dAlllIIbrr D ichrl ~ Dr Uordeu describes the controlling ccnI tI ()r Ih t ch fir OUl ~n$aliOIl~ L~ a jlld~c who hears caS(~ md pIOIl Oll ll (I~ vc rdirts This jud~( hOHver 111lt1) be e ffeclivdr

deceived b y the (i(llIc( it may expe riL- llct paill ill an lIl1 putalcd limb 11 01(011 ~ays Dr Burdeu ~ou Gill INt t he limits allli decepl ions o f

sensa lion by (ltI rrying lItI I Ihi$ sim pI eXlwrinWll t Otl the judge

o n k tro mpe lu- nd Oll 1(11 1 crui ser dl lLX 11( ()~ doilts run Sill Inutrc lUuch(z un t pclill ooule lt1 il pronnll r(ra qu-iln II df l1x

2 bull i

h gumiddot 17middot l rnSl II Ihl FII (lro l1pd 1 )~3 I t bp (I II ~ L m ltlift))G P

1 1 lri~ OUolAC -110laquo1 ltOOO

In to( context of thi ~ pa rt ieulM di~lullsjon of s(n~ttiol II 1t1 Ni l f d J(lmh

lhe hypolbeli cd Fltudi an melning~ nf E rnsts Ilugcrs and ball in tensify The fea f ( castfa linn II lre is dJ ierl 0 (middotO fl~i (kra lion 01 The npITicHclt of pai n and pkhurr di sltussrd fl y Did r rol and the decept ion orthe senses ~ lldy ra ~

someth ing to d o with j urlgill l Ill( dtcp tiolls of illu ~ion is t 111 with the picru rc itsel f alld (implii t in Ihe Ictltl~ ()1l11ed Ily gtIring wd hnger wit h llie k((middotplio ll ~ ufl ang uagc

Beyond UidcrOl til( fou nd ation fror Emsts rlecplion 0 1 El uan] lnd Pau lh tnmiddot~ a rgumen ts about languagc lay in ( enIt 11 Roma nt ic dcba tcl ltlho ll t till ~rn bol ith is full ex p1l~s i (I1t$S and uni ty or ~ ign and n ferfnt 1S OPp()sd HI the di~~ocia lcd and arl Jilrar y sj gn-gllle la lioll l)fa lllmiddotgol) I Of panicular lifelong intenl tu Ernst (ft the po-ms CS~ t ys tJld a lltgorjC~ o f Novali I II the fi ch lc S tudilu N(lva l i~ httl u Hlsid ered lilt rela tion or

l t 7 fit I H l 1gtlt(lI

5 ~ - Sn HLmmiddot odoro M If Ih I ol Ir (Ihrl n r Io rln Ilhh J l)tb 1 151

~ Umothc JaiuA I(hI~ed me of rn~(f hfdonA bullbullding 0 -11 ~ i~ (k Iter lu

hLlhtlh LclOlc 0 ell 91121- M~ dlkllraquolO(l i~ lI deb loo (0 II~

fC(Illt(r o Kn ) ~r-lu t HtNIl_ nI1 Ioudon 9lj s~

fio hlr S d 110 Stlrjinf rd l1I1 dholln ~ lId K rd Sallnd 2 lIllIlIlr~ n 1)gt5

y QUOIn t 1bullbull Iulil1 Oir Il-gtOtw- KumulIl ~I fI Poe jdcr h Ohrfllt1101nl imiddot b-ftJ IMM bull I~ 1 IjJj11_ 1 lt)OCf p ~06

~1 It_I 5ltlrrif(~~ V 282 U lln hilll prp1K(I h1I Novtlraquomiddot d~ ldk ll i

ixua Irlnllllod ~bull middotIrmiddotI1 I middot rJ dwr Ihm rr lrnrlll (Hgtrlldk ) ~H - ito UBeu PI 0 11 11gt ~MI S(itl~I I V I ~

~ 1 ttl lIml To i Was Ma_~ 1-1 Iudirl h i ll Ia ~H K~I~ P l S c r PI Ip HattltlorHrr

I~nf(n (P(t Tunlu IPlI amp nn K olVI)lJtt AtIhIJIt~ ImJ~nt I _jm (1(In EIxhllll 19031 Karl Ih(f)(lomiddot C d cru ( dritl

HMIlI~NI III Jtbtfl DISn LI n Ll(PlM 1Jf(d 1881 J eanmiddotUaud t rtbs (~ ifipp H sectn Cr ~

tIorll Frnkrun middotrnmiddotMam u Iu 1lI

IqIi l PI V~ -t3 Thrn ~r n 1I ~II i ltI h not 1 p~I1gttul r 1( in TI n oell u1f 0111 8ui chmid d FIIrjI ~I 5 ]nJ J~6rfjnnu 1 lII Di_UfJ(11 Numbl

III~ 1Io11l 6 SI h nJ ( f(tmiddotulll ll middotlulrodOIvu AItl~ry aN HprtUIIlJIIDII

PI) ~l D lan pOIfl~ ou ltlr311~~f)rr 3ltll1 mhlrm bull 11 d iflkuhy (Of ]Jqllf i Iht th (mvh d~r ~ 01 rtp~uu -n C tgtOllt~ nd In 11K rmiddotrr fSltltn~ l h~

Iu Qn I ~Icd middotPutal

bullI ~gtIOfV of PllSlVI IIpry RfIlnIllI_ p ~3)

language to th e th i [l~ il t~p rC~n l gt argli n~ t haL silllc lAng uage n rijinatcrl

l1 finding ~ i lm (or lbSl tae l conccpt~ it i illiterr l11ly nw tlphoriltl md dlceptivcn Fot I(ovali ~ fcprCC nT ll ion is a proce -~ hy which lall~utKC

fig ures (orth somelh ing lhal i ~ itself IUSI I rough tillt ln y 1(1 of being pnstlIh( If for Nova li ~ jlOmiddottry IIl ll lgt1 appro~ld l i~ual li rt ))il rot~il Inu

also zur Kunst werdcn ) ~I ne( rt hclt-~ d ll ~i I) ilwit)bly Idl shor

crea ling an illusiun uf prcsellcC where t he re is n() IH So (I IlC ( an n p n SCIl I onl y i ll ordcr 10 rcprcscmiddotnt Y alld beyuml t hi ~ lei of 1lt_ prcMnting thrrc i~ rIn absolutc ulIlcprtsctH ahk negllid y d tlcrm in ltgtd KlOu nd a conce pt or being that lt1111101 be d(~( l i hltd (111) displMcd im o c han o r darkmss cent Tn Novalis Eru~ 1 wou ld find a his tury fOl J (I lwlhiIlmiddots (ol1lcm po rIIY

argumcnt thnt all ln nguagl inn )ivcs metaphor and millndcr~t lIld ing a nd lil his d tllcriptioll of IIe cia rk nes~ Iha l sl l orc~ lip Ihl )l lOvcrh OlSlTlions Novalis~ theori fs ofl anguage uor nt oul by Pa ulhan ct1ll thC lllsck e 10 Ill

middotprlScll led by ErnST in the en ig-nuic piuolid Innn Lpprnp riltlH to NOlt1i ~ ~

sig n or 8ild

Allh~ Fin- Clear Word Ill a y be lfad in ligh l orlh~I plradmtlt ofbnguagl lild ~emury d ectption I n~ot~ r a ~ EII) is til represen w r n r pn5lnllr CJftlll pic tll re he is til t d tceiHI ho (c l hI eq n I writcs him$(lf intn IIw p ictu re through his pnouious mono~ ram 3 ~ ti l( deceived Sim il (ontig ur lI iuns or balls a nd stri ng llC a cOlIlIlon plac( of SCclllttnth-cent ury

(middottIIule lm )( rhlil l it~ sud l a~ R lJlkll h lgcns l enllOll~ Globe hanging hy A

thread IllrCa ltned by tht di vine k ni ft wilh its mOllo 1 wi ll hc cm 10 pi tccs

fIgure 18 T IlfsC l m blcUla lie modds sel up the ( lIt1 i n~Cltlst ration j oke impliCi t i ll Enm~ plin ting T he mOllo or I llIvorffcrs rebted emblrlll ha l dccei CS us a mu~cs u~ is cunsistent lth t he ide) uf lhe pli n ting iI~

an illustra tion 01 Illr (kctpt ions of thO se nlt-~ and of m imetic picllln-m k i ll~

tsdr ftigure 19)

H ard(irfit- r 01In eccen tric th(o ris t uf the e o lvill Genn a n la n ~ua~(

a nel of uuoque emhlems H iJ visio n 01 middotGrlllairl poticmiddot was illfiuencecl by Ripas rulolugifl Acia w and J atO) C algt l ~lII st ho had studied ph ilu logy an d hld la kcn a ( ou r~( o n the v c r man nomiddotd of the sevenshy

leenth lin d middotijl ltnnl h cel1111ri o l it u nivtfi ly miln I dl have Cllcou nshytered his 1 ()lk 9 I I is a~y til 11 (-l arsdlitflcr a~ it proto-sunca list

throug h Jing-u islit ~arlH ~ ill Wllld ~ amI illll(~ b) p hon ti play and nc c()r tr bi n a lioH ~ Ill hoped 1(1 drw 1)lIt h iddell ret lI1b l a n ce~ bct ccn th ings and CVl U 10 invcnt IIC W Ih ings illulllill ltinl lI lt p ro fo und rdations of I lItgulgt mpound ttoe o rld I he cullelt i gllllc-pla) illK of his C tspradtshyspick fragmcn tcd syllabic and wo rd re(()I nbined b ltliterna li m cun trishybutors to produt( unli)rt (c lI rclt I1 I1 ~ ha~ I)l iUlis afJiui lies w il h surreali~t

potti I practice H aT1gtltlu r rfCIs emblem r ai(~ a ~lmiddotnlmiddotr tI puinl ahou t em blems hile tlln

pro id e Glp tival ing rt)lism cf el ltil tl li is IP l r~ l to ensure Ie~ihilil and ough t to have Ilolhillg 10 do I ith Ihe Jl lt- I ~ lI nmiddot Urlllil1lDis A t Ih( F lnl Galf

Vorn a ~ a piclure a bout S( II~()ry cl ( p tiotl is a n ironir a llegory or ils own t1l IK1Ciri cs (0 rcprcocnt r-I(IIc hrou l- it rIilCgt ltI p roblem of aUIgory whkh Lries It) fu lly npn scnl or pi tun al) t rt( tions llUt I~ hich llIccssa ril rccals

ilS uwn fa ilure lu arw ally brillg lillih ~udl tl lill~s fgt T he da ril ) of the cmbk m sim ul ates tht gra tifJ I lir~ of I n i (J1lsi~ stl1ing up an anxi()u ~ t1t t rshy

naliun btlwctn (knxlillg wh a t i ~ IlH- u lr d eH lr dll1iC(11 dra lng and



I bull



relishing the pleasur UI) pmsibly lIli 11 1lt1 i( tJl E1l11Jk mati~ a1l0w E rn~ 1 shywho 4xprcsscd cQn tcni p l (() I milllClit a rt to negot iate bdwfcn I h~ ~I(tu(~shy

livci ) mimet ic tud ed ifying)y d i agrarnma l ic 6~

As 1 pend ru 10 AI Iht hr~ 1 elfllT kV(lrd til (ol1l g ~ L Q)QI Jl tSCIIf n ) OUIIl

girl 930 -70 (figu re 20) tu - h i1I Ems f IHu a lly added a real glolWmiddot tikc bltlll ul ltlnnil y bcar~ 0111 [he sense of the Rollen hagen l mbll Il ah hough thl di vjllC POWtf to cut i~ now invested in the tollage nist himself (o r rather Is he represents himselfilhin Iht piClUre l~ Lo ploPi The em bleshym a ti c rt lnin d n Iha l rh inbTS U( 1I1titna tcly IUIt of your hands Ihll ( oci hold~

thl ~ci ~sonbull i ~ plnyert upon hy Ernst wi lh da rk i l The introduct ion o f Lo ptop in 1910 as Ern t ~lt rtgo recaJl~ owllis diClUm The 1 1l1 li~1

preselt iLSeJ f as prcsln ting 3 Th i5 cads again to lIlt problem ()f the vict lln asmiddotil1li~i oll [ltU L()plop i ~

lI sultl lly d cscrilx-d imprf~sJli()o )jk( as introducing or p rese1l1ing tbe pic tll OfL r n il is Lop lop ~lC lillg as frl1lw o r easd who prCSCli Is a n iUlIsiomiddot Jli~li( pi clltrt ilhin lltt piUunu5 T he ~ ll hjCtI~ of tll( pi( llIn~ lI il hin the

piCHI onen have weigh t) implicJliuns I rolll1( Ililii grapes by a~sociltltion with Z tuxils gmpes im o kc piolo ri a l illusionism oa k kavcs stan d fo r (C111111 narion) islll a nd RU(k has rl ief M aJgtcilllise sla nds tor F rench nltionltl lshyiim It is as if Ihe sym boJic me ni li lS indicated b) Loplop~ piclu res t re IS i lonkally rcl ri (vaule as the pos~ihi lilics of pino ri 11 iltu~ion and flllln(i~ th they sland for alld ilh wlloh Ihey an Pcs(nt ed TI H the grI I(S a nd 1lCS

2 5 (1 TU lrAHI middot H 1(-

Fillln II ( il)r id R o)knhag~n middotClu han b II hr~d wlih (~ tr ha nd hold g a kn rmiddot ~f(~w 1hIlIIIImiddot I i-him r ~i

fi t - St Th II Kelley Rn~MI

II II(go ] II ~(IIl he If Ih~1 nl(crmst llrgor~ na k middot ldrr r~t(h n I t ~

I h on ~ l llpp1)Vdl) oljlflSCd 10 il r)w mimClibullbull his(01 )

() 2 h r hisect iIIllhn (fOlU (hi

(l hll mele mil ~ 11 arlif t ~

Ma_ fru~l jjiIMJ p I 6J - ~Mlta )iJmik ~ f ~t12 ~ct

~I )ulm P 97 (v r di (m h~

Pilamplg hvll t N(ll$ II a rl h ltlonlt4) ontt I 10( lim or ~m~IJ I1 Y 1IIIliD 11$ iltit (laquolt ~ndjd G ~ ~IJ

mulaquo el 1 rl arsd ltnd laquocu 6 s O middotRticn I lI lh Th pk utc -ithm h pintlr _tnCi as mc~rhor ru t NOali om pI ad pIIaduxinl image I l ie -1l ld h h wdun Ikin~ hll iI~) 1middotU1 ou tsid e j( as n prtlCnt tWIl

~Qligt hnJ ~ p 06 ti) - I plup~ middotad a nd eQpalt$ h~

any ~ial pr~cnlenu C( middotrrllr SIlOlt f~Qp_ rr J i( OIMt Srf LotdwI

Jlil Ik~Q 1 SI)ics I(8middotus l ~c1r ( rrma o-c is MOl Sehind s TII trti~tgt a iOimacd COnllltUl6 ~ilt5(lt rllaquot and ~il5hl-nlzot) fn~nn 0 Nlrru~fI IJaa 80

tisull 9 H lrjr Wshy nj() h Mr~t ~ 1 Itmfr U(pr~(hrIr

1644 (I


r for Jr


ikdy d a$gtltS


(J VUlliJ yenrrfttr~ I Xi In lh~

LltJII()Igtltrics t~ l ~h UlCt Ilw rompt

fMI dlilaquo (f making (hiu ~Jl llCar IU Igt I n nplJ(1 QUI of Ill()lhcr pic of PII r bdud lion which I 1lap ilh (he ambJguIjI Qf ltOt lhin hccomioe middotrl )7 S pound I) VHI Image ar bod Y dt purd aliRl1l11(llt 01 Waltt r Ikllj ~mi lt1 1 Bnlmiddot JDI(1 M8JN~IIl1iI ~ 3

Ilt)ltJI pp ~5 -H20n h~ P r bullbull II1tQl 10 11( cn blrn1 Ilr liK if IC~ t()

I)irn iocapl hle Ihe-Imiddot of middotrnln lmg meaning bullbull liegQ1 i~ 01 ju(

Olhnlll mClonpnic 5hiflil g 01 Wmanl(


art acturl lly pre~sed into thl paper 10 form ~ ha~ lr-lief h ci~hlI1~ lilt joke Oil 1h( power of piClori11 illusio1lism to hring things illlO r(l 1 d inwnsions wi th in tIll fidd o(the r iled mimesis of the ditglam l1la lic larger pi( tu lmiddotmiddot

So Cr llsts pictun may ntmiddot tl kcn 1 a n (mhemlIic prCsentation or Novaliss Bild lunel ioning as a Plfldoxi( d rlj) rc~cn l alion of 11ll fli lurc 10

flill y represc nt dealing wit h thc plOhle rn o f prcsen li l~ a pilI UII a t all and by elltensiOll wil h the )nhcllnt dcnplio ll~ of me La pho] i1lu-iol l and lan guClgc O ften representcd by a dark ell si lhouettcd htnd IS in Ioplop pminlS bullffjiifJ 1931 (fi gu rc 21) Toplop invokes Novl lis f~JlloJs d cscri pshytioll o(thc delusi(n of repr~cntlllg H( gliI-p- ollly a handful ()r d ~llklJcss ((

Loplop a~ i ll1 plcs~ario mtkcs p rescnting ~d l~co l1 c i olls hat is prestmed i ~

ahIs mediated 01 II a rnllOW like Ill( pictures Wi lh1) pic lurts losing

ground III llllIly o r Ernsts p3i nling~ W~ 11( ill the territory of cmblemalic rcprOlclllltHioT1 thost fa ilures and ha zards agaim t hi ch the rnord or motto or the emblem i~ proph~ bClieall) ~c l Ernst makes the cmble mat ic il1l agl a ll emblem orkonograph ic lnca n ill ~ itsclfb7

Tn the (middotolllgc novels ]lIginning with La Femlllt 100 [Flu 1929 Ernst dcvdops the cm blem image illlO an allf~o lka l na rrali( Tf Enhts coll agc T1ocI ~ fU llction or ma lfUllclioli l~ parodics of the pul p nov as cx lcndccl clich e the atrnosphln of popula r IlOVel movi ng- from dimao( to climax is nut (Illy char3neri sl il o f di llhangcr scrit1illd Ii (lioll bUI of high allegoric-

~ ilurr 1Q ~rJUI --QpI~ IW(1IIJ P~lIf $1

11)3)-70 ~ I tl 1 1 C 1 1 -nm middot 0 (1

1~riII-O[)1iC ( IlIn~11 locO

111)_ HI nl [ ~ l Cl middot

ril(UR 21 ~nb l Loplol fgtrr~ll bullrjlirJ 193) raquoI~ 1781 Cl 1( lt f rtI~(AIJA(f

ld SUOkAC ( Ina l ZOQO

(gt11- Ou EI and pu(p fin iou Klt Rltncc

R irlot 1 1I~rI S~JIIJ on flu 11ltgt01 Jkrkdmiddot~ od l(gtmiddotngt1cs ~ P 8

(I li ~ r)hC Olhe r(olla ((n-vcb 10 (tII~ 100 ius lltms 10 f()rl~ ~cu i t i It f J) bn pred i(1ali( ITUucm nf

dJgory thaI IhIt ir is w lhig

~-qutItLil1 and UorrdlJ d~li) irlo )PUlI lhol a 101 s~ j 1 rma ll e Iruun OrUrgurir 1 d middot middot 70 Sec RrlIll I)j kw Idol Dr (fomlr gt~raquoI4S~~ ofFm= ri( i Fi -ltir)l1dr CIIIMlt rw Yk I ondon and O d Od 7r - Ilr hundred h~dlc wumn

pcrgtoniM Ihr protlogt ofnIlt) i II blt n d~ugtltsltJ lrum la~I llt nmiddot I a ~ Old Ikrricln gtI I at OJ~ 1I OllgtII) Ic Ihin lnd b) UI huured 11Ultbl

(ltTduug Slaquo Kon Rund tbi~ oUtIII l SnfUQa flta (Slrnl

-Ill Jcq1 [xrrid I ~ Ihr ~i dr Plmon r PIQImr idd i rUf HiOn

1- 1 1jl3lt) ~5- ~1 a 1 11Ik -bn

laIlt 1111- uf P5UaSI Il 11 n 7 nLllIr Max En_ s CCIl1~ldc A Il

u~dJjJ Ju tzmis Punl of pHtdigmltK- rcmm~ Jail (tcmiddot i duo1lltcJ

j ltoul l e~ d to Ir mYIr~ de IJ Fr nn I (h rlltoum ed ilh Inrily n [J

ru~orlf J~dlnl Ul Ieh IW adl COl middot

iJ drjed in Lr M~IUf ~ (ue biod Il)d by II rah ) mllo)~ a (M from CIen dOn Imiddot ga~m

n j)()gtltt t ( du d I dClaquo1 PllfT

J1( Inl 9~3 I 3 )middot i J 1 mpu lit) is 011( ( I)utf HlT~JIJ ilIU1lruom illmlHffi by t dl~ aKI o lkmm Solaquo rhf 11rllrpIt~ of 1fIIopoilbullbull 1(0)1 ltlt 1 A I (~ bull Lltdo d3middotICl ) I or the hltad leM

m~ ~I nprt nlIVlt of the lI h~voJiud

Mltirirr5(C Ilaydcn hw T hc Ior r Idnc rll f~fJ)lgtfOlmr FHJ n

cJIllIr1 (nWi BahiOI~ 11(1 l aunn

l7ijjP r63 5

ltIS wellG8 The luadks~ OIl1an w ho c rupts iu uiflircn l forms lhrou~hflu l Ia Frllllllr X) tilu could ~ef( as a mnaphor lor Ihe d isru privt relations bel ween metaphor ltlnd th( ~cq ucn tiltt l flow of narrative charaCte ristic ( I llegory The d(vd o]lm(n l~ cnn (inui lY and rcptli li(HlS afTordcd by 1lIJTativc allow hun (0 rCClpil lLlatt S() W ~rea k hi ~ usc of woma n to personify his own Icdllliqlll

The k nmJe nud e had belfl l1l1 lhe prw niscuQu sig nifier par t udtIll( 111 nin clee nlh -nntury $ll nn painling in 1 hifh Ilt t complex it(lltirics and allri shy

hut es of any given 1 l1 cgoricld personifi cat ion WCl( Kro~~ l y sim plifin l a nd s i ~lIalled a nd in which multipl ied numbers (of ha rtm ~la v (s or OJcads) com pensa te fo r loss of indiidual s ignificalion If Ihimiddot ~a loll lIu dc finally scrvf d as a pcr~nn i fi clI ion of a n OcrT rowcltd a nd raquohdioere Sa lon itsdr 7ltgt that cltuase lllent of the aan c mil tra dil ilJll rIK ina ted Erm t as he pl ullder(d ninelecn th-cent ury j ournals a nd salrl11 (pvrl~ fOt his collage ma l( i1 1I y not one hundred headl(lO~ woman instead of onc hundred mrmingk ss oms why nOI om perrcn ly ugly hcadlc ~ Ioman (ICte de mecl us() instead of ti le rut ile Salon bca ut ic_

Tlt tlc is Ill importan t (ll ulcmalic prototype for frns t~ womln a ~ GC f(]

Rauer has notcd I rnst s fcmm e 100 t Ci I~ has a counte rparl ln L a Pcrr i i rc ~

11 T lriil de$ bQNJ en~IIS (rigurl 22 ) IhlUl1 d i~llliss~ this rcscmbk nc( agt fortu itous ImHer il is im portant Ih1I it is the Inl tllnt is c1ost-S1 10 the

Ill(ltlni nls uf Ernst s woman not till image I Pcrlicres femme is iuall y an ad ap tat ion of a lomill onpl acx Horapllll o-dlTivcd hcadle~ ma n

signif)itll( I m )JOssibili t~ presuma hly a 11 aul c~s oman l~ douhly illlpossihlen In L Pcrricrcs prcm lO he is not JJl( rely ]utdless bu r rtther Jik( Ernst s middot te mll1 f hilS I)Ulny i(kn til il~~ IqJrcst ll l(o by many heads silt is compa n d to lh e Chi n1ltl crn Girion p) hnn tll cdusa Cerberu~ and lhat l-llnicular pnmiddotc ur~or of tIl( km nw 100 Ittcs Iht H yd ra Through such proli li-ration or menning sIt( is Ih e mhkJll l i ~L~ dream emblem Lr

Pcrriercs le( nlllcludes tha t ma rc marvellous Ihan all Y of Ihc~t lll ylhic creatures middot vu lrl bt Ull(- fem me sans leu Ihe One figure who cou ld prcSurnshyably em bod y a ll hybr id mean ings in one ~ llcc in (t blll meani ngless fo rm La lclTiCr~ crnhlem may be an allegory of lhe cjlem ma of rht PO(I UIIHl Lnned hy his middot iivll~ hu l need ing 10 be a )H roi( d eca pitator a rer~(lI ~

aluivalc1l1 T hl ngrt l1a ble mora l conclusio n of La Perri eres poem is tha i woman Ilccds a guidc a ra tional hCltld a nl ltln lax pound rllst71

O n one occuion irr IAI FtnllU 100 liles Ernsl himself appearS (fi gure 13 1 III Loplop and the mouse s horoscope M attCrs or desliny fa lc a nd horoscope- are a sta ple ur emblclIl li te rat ure middotf he imge is pan of a n embleshymat ic (radiliv) in vhich caged creatures slam] ror lht ca ptivi lY and sull t ring of tIlt poel or lo (r (fig ure 24)1) Em Sl i~ agen t and nO l ca ptive 01 flt ltc however Ba n-dle~lcd he may be (rt l ra~ rfli hen a~ ltlll odur pcr~nll a uf Ihe multi-valc lll woman he carries the d isGmlrd cinllus of th at stock haraCllr of l lk gOry the haUd resscd woman RUI he holds onto h i~ hal (Ihich unlike the he-ad Ill ay be lakcn on and of 1 ) and thu s retaim for himself Ihe powcrful masculine role of the head Erusl appea ring in persOIl wilhin his tollage 110d signn ls his SWIUS as a ll-controlling novelist or em hleshymatist d lOS(middot c lvnga lcd hand CH n pluck thr- mouse Out of il s ordaiucd palh al a n) tim t Ernsl l$ a llcgorisl should Iw SitultlHd in the trdi liun ofparod ic nuvc isg incl udilg Ka lldais Charles Sorcl J cln -Pa ul R idlter and TIlOlIllS Stcrne whose work relies 0 11 a Jlet0ry to ironi ( it ~ own d tviccs~

hllur~ )~ rouU gt lt 11 Ierricn middot1 _ Fe 0lt ~Iemiddot bb(om xv Lt middotfhIQII( au flu OlU 539middot

7 t t- rr middotm i ~hlllkeuoImiddot(gtr I ~

E ts alP-1m~ ad 10 III unJinn~ Ih t middothltmiddot ~11 ome hmiddot Igill~ o nly in o 1 oj Ihem ~e ltor pmpcrl) nmn~(tcd IIgt Illfi r 1middototls tT j inllny ITrI 5I t 01 SIJ Iijt I-i 1 Ynr I)U

1middot9 i ~ Thmiddot tllmiddotd 111I)Ult if) Iro p O JPC~Il

lciII otld ~rqJlOxIUmiddotlmiddotd in I) middot~(on( ~t j oolgt C~~ middot i ~poliJ t

gtj)(lli lont tmiddotC I 111 (apia I)n1

[mill ) MUftIM~ Alh dt 11((-111

fAmSIrd I 7~ (l Damel Hcin~iul

Q I ~lD 1~J i Jm I-oIo bullt ) fo r lupid (gtIllide h ase Md P C t 1)(1middot Imbl~w tryU 1l~rd~m 6 rmiddotlmulcd Pdmburgh bulln7l) fcr Cil~rrl bini ~e ncr (Inllri ) aud cupid with ( ~cd ~uinrl 70 T ho $(lrnHmhurv au C hr[ So middotI JlhT rparodir novel a nd IIlkgori(O ( h anw rl ttlnIHomaM)

ealled iIllOIltSlion mi(Ic rda liou pc bnl(lIagc and III(Ialhor Sorer IA llalJM df ] i1Jbullbull d rih inl( illtolI (IU~1

~ ~ hltgt~d nn peI middotrh gl1_ rhlemiddot Jta~middotlIIg lt1 word altgtCUo ns loped J) hc PUWK middot~u du nall iJ a JrcLuIXlT r rnmiddot i~ ileJ[laquoIU311Dt~s 5lt ( hI M rd u II ~ 1f(J n1~ (Pn_ (pI rcpri lro Cmiddotneva I In) I II calte oflh coU~ lt rImmiddote1i trn auhial IU-altAO Pli middotuJarly ho hOj( mlhlt (crmA n KumlIi J~- lJul Ridner middotbose H)15 ltt Imiddot) hd raquoPlltkd I nnch IlIor41)middot all(nlion ~d Ih adlDlI-llluU o(j (l ll Ia l h ~ and Atdtt ISr~lt)n middotIltmiddot wen 11 Y lr1nd lrlIlt I io lfj~ ln-I HI Kichllr$ nmlk a lllorio rI narruvlts I U ( muhIImiddot l oice IUd idrmiu(l SU)tgjOgtjl

Jm~(1 I(dnn lues Ihe T j l aIS lisr of nI I~ImiddotrJ1 puion of his nilId I$n

ort o(lXlI EI ~ 111lt he r1l lo h-ough Ihe quouditn _orld in JAIrun(

1M IbN ~~ t altga rtl H ale II ~f

Olxron SdiOQlj Afi1)ullu 1)~ 1nil 91) and Claulk jich i I middotmJ~ lit 71~-I fJJJ1 (~ J(IIU l~ MIjalllUt llnt 1963

I ~urc 3 M~ ~ rnst middot[plol 1 ii(

uy hor)s(ol In 0 1(1lt lila

9~9 SI1 1st II rlduL~t Igty ponniion [r I~I (II I n T oronto Rampn-oce Lbr~ry

17 Osk P(lltak lkr hcmige ud I Ioliphilw Ir~ J ldK 1 tA(rifll~ UlIll A KvI~m~b(

191111431 Ii for h~ Qfih lok hUllIuand Irlnlt[1gt HI(lIMlultin Pp~tl cd Gm P U md LUCla A

Cil)pom (Idu ~I fl - Lrw ~lIfsk) r~frrnl o Rtlla~nCt Nlt)middotpl aJJojonn~

xt ufpopular ga m ltco mparabk 10 vulgn plmiddotd n I~j middotNllatomc ilocltb III ~kgtr~c( ud Norh I al) Ul Sl~d It 1(middottI~l i lew York 972) p 1 1) i~ 1 I 1)QoinofdlSlllcIllOcrtlt in

he I[TIlI mtd~ 1 er(l~ lll1cgo~ I RUI~ JlnlJJ( i~ p l lrll l~rJ r r(Ie 10 rn( mltlll(j in 111 1middot( IIlI) lil() 110 ( Ihe tMLion of~~Irn wel of N~ro dlrnwwcJiinli oflus md i I h )

iod)e he ocau t ~ Qf hcr lionl iU od nrnliltrsmiddot and lu JltO lo( It(f lone he wa concelvcd are ofpITlkuLu i l~ $

nplt(illl~ sitlclt lhry fill fn lt1 ~ b~l~ dWUI ntmmg lid ]altuale s Uvid f

1luI 1 Sr lt1 (l i l1lcmbtrmcfll bo-hlrd On8 lUI dl Romoon or d~ RQII( III RtUtiulIamp lIteR all rk 14 ~ I ~I l ffl(ll( RIIon ~I i rw] d ja II UOI IhiJadclphlltl (992 ) Pl

30 0 jlllnn tQlran ltk M cu ~ k NIn I fa ~ rm Illjo to 970 $tt

II tIf M Arde ll 1 h( Wfllan d I~ (1I 1e

~ Iw wIlJ IJlblQgrap~~ (N~ i and 110 111(93)

Ik Clo rillunc Hclt cl I wny ltImiddotn ud kit I I a~ KInr ~ rbull pJra bull 01 lor lum~ all gklt amI r~rman I (Ik mi IIulltlin 74 1lt)921 pp II I gt

Er ns ts prpuhioll of die r mb1em illlage inlo I 11lt1r rnivl seque nce (an al~ l

be si1u3led in niltlI io n I() Ihe illuSlri1cd Renaissance alkgory hieh ~ ltlS an lInpo nan t SOll r( li)r all sli bsequen l crnl1cm atisLS Colo II Tl i HYJllrtOlfmlfldljn

Poliphilii7 I t I)tsin witll a d r() 111 alltl i ll middotu l v (~ endkss nCliphtr lll(n l o f environm ents a nd obj((ls th ilt rc~onall throughout EIIlSI 1 0Uale Ilods d lboraldy symholic gardcm IIl WluC r ums h icrgl~ ph s 1 st atile or 1n d~pha nt Ill th it incidC llt5 (Perscus bchead ing of Innt htr 1(1I1 n1lt Slt1n ~

[C tc yled us ) ltlil t lhe tr i u rnph ~ of va rious gods li nd ll1coulH cr~ wil h fcma le pcrsonifiC4l io ns such ltIS Iht middotfi lmiddot lgtCIlSIS ofd wlTI E rll ~ L s 1i]1lnw 100 [ClcS IS A porli liant Cl U pcrsli fiettion Colonnas n )d g llmorizccl

lHroiciztd ll1d narralivized int t lp rt lal iull knd i n~ il ~ Ilr 1 g-lttmcs of m ea nings like v illga r pS~fhoa nalys is If [ rlisl realkgorits till tlIlda rd allcgorYil~-ltl n I1 Il then he dut~ so in way~ lha t preclude HI high mora l or iludlcctua l positions n (sting thc psychomarhia with lttil C)Imiddot 10 p~ychomiddot ltt l ml) q s tu rn ing Ihl Stnsua l cneha nt Hwnts ot snluctivc ~cI4 p i( middot(lS to qtlcasil UIIIla lizcd violcllt ltlud sexual d tSires I il lra r surreali sm IBre(on lIdia

Aragon s PIY5(1II dr Puns) could rel y un the sca AoJd i n~ and d evin s of allegoric - t he d ream vi~ion ) th l peri pau t ic li n o mo in~ 1hroug h a Lil y of m ysterio us (lbjCClS 1l101lum~II IS a nd (I)couiliers I hl~ W I)I11 lt11 1 uf Ill u ta bk idenlilY references 10 OIIHr works of arl and lillfa tlll t nd Soon t rnsa also d eploys the devlrc-s of literary a nd pk lOria l allegury dndging 1I 0 t only emblem bouks but ahl) die g rea t lite rary dkg(lric~ liorn tlw RomfI fir n (0)(

to Colunna to Novcli s lIlcl jieltkl

C hristia ne fi end in lro r key st ud ) ofmodlit lisl a lkgory has argUId thaI Err1~t relinq ui$ h (~ hi s a u tho ria l a ut hori lY in 111 F rllllllt J ()() l i l( allowing hi~

1111lgCS a rad ica l inck ptmiddotnclcnnmiddotp II cUl lld 1( arlued r Ol1v I-dy Ihlt

EflIH pa rod y fu netion~ in a n opposil(middot ay tha i Ir i~ wrc nching or imilL~ oul of l ll tmiddotir Mig- inal 1 )lI tex l ~ i~ a n 1gt 111 iw ill asserting ah~olutc and arbitra l) cuntrol OIr Ih( mh rial Ernst s images Id ) 011 re11l na nl ~ ofl hci

r igi lIa l Ill lltllli ns and los t tQllVCll ional contegt llgt ill hich I he) er( meant

tJen E ADEM c AN TI L NA ~--~--------------T~ ~~

to hi ( lcdihh il luslmt i)M vI S( ll tiic d evt l oprne nL~ na tural phcllomclla lr ltg- il t ric k ~ or rq)l( )(ll((i()f ~ IJf wrh Ifart l a lld lhis al o nce aJlo l~ his (1 11 man ings 10 SCIlll irraLio li a l and lilcral cd a ll d 11 the ~am c limc 10 be c lI npktdy su hjugald U) lht ve ry lI ovell) a nd allom a ly of thcrr tnvironshynlt ll l 1111 a~e lnl )l cd tiag llH l lts o f Ernsts cullages a lT n~ idual evidloCe of tl w Iulhor ily tu UIt Hilli CIII m Clo ll YJlJic pow(J or lite and dealh

arg lla bly IllI very I ppl)~ i t e ufCUI Li l ig loo~e or sellin g liTe

I n his 1l illaI Ilm II~ Enl L l o 1ll111i t lt synLacli cal rape tiXl uctlllg Y()Illll

fru m ti ll eO lltc 1 ()( ~I I joulll als Il K) il ion rt pn~ in whidr 511( represhy

l1t(O popu lar p a int iJlgs cflg ravltl ( r nJa~s a udiences I n I ll s u r k sh e

may 1 1llhOirl y mct unymic hssi pl i (l ll~ or II H ull ing hut ~It ~middot al so rCjJfCSClIb

E tn~ l s own lonir 10111 1 tn CUI and asipn rk~ a h it p in l piaYIT lilCI lIy a ppea ri ng ill hibH WI mi g h l also ~ lJ Spcc l Erns l of viciously

i te ra ling nin( lcclllh-nIl LUry lh eor ies r Ih e cmpall ric ~yOllJ 1 lt1 ~ lhe ( 1111)l)lliIrwl1l or our OWII pir yif1 lllrcqJl i ns J I u ~t~ his all tgtgory of sigm r1i ~od lItd from pir y~kal rdrll l ~ prClieiy as a fi eld in whi c h to dj~ru pshy

tivd ) i lllt rjtcl th l OCtasifHlal irY PlCIilicaUy d(plo yed rull ~ym bol with iL~ supposed ltlli lY illl i L~ rciirenl c jJre~ell tcJ by the 1)(J(h of l he Ilom an 1n the eli (k~ Ch a nTS chap lc r a l thl e nd Ill Url~ Smwiu de lfm f a fi gulc flmini s(nt or Fortuna noats ill Ihe air gTad ua lly li-cc ing

h (r~(lrorlllr a llrihulls ()f whcci Ild ~ i l (fig un 1) 11 t lihCra li ol1 Sill ce Fort un a luore It tuall ) hfCOnHS hrr wh(ei mi nl1ll il by htT l1nlr ed bac k ltIS an h Yllleric and l lso be(on H~ h cr sail hlo wn throug h lhc ~k y her

It rib utes cOIl in ue to be co nSl raining Ind pn middotMmiddotlIt a bsorbed ililu her bud y and gestu res sugg(q illg tht am hig uolls 1l lIratiom a nUrd (] 10

oma n by Max Ernst8t E IIISIS USf or h is maltri11 r(li~ o n Ihe inhc rl1I1 bililY or ollhgory l(o

rtal k go liltmiddot T radit iona ll y rlallcgo riwl ioll ltrllnnl a profan t I(x t or till past 10 h( as assimi la ted in w a n acccp lt hlc y~tlm f moral va JUIs (Vi rg il s

FSllIr( ~4 DlIIid Il cU$ius Emblrm(1Q liqoIAM I lKkn 161 5_

8 _ s~ Ili k Rot R iAamp Rm(

~d lhr jd I~Q~ ()PfigtiL ICbrid and Nrw Yrk 1991-deg flt -lt middotmiQlif - Iha l Inko 2 olll1Q f)f on_ B ~ h lth Rampk]o nxcnl

lUal of Wafbuf(t Iho l1h l in Irrm

01 th ROmMlIl( ymLgtoI unil) f ud dcrem 1 I OPpogtlti IO lI~ry

( hrpertI_~ ~~crnn f ltI s diS300C ialed fro I nfrro1 I i Rob- ~h(fempl l h lrmiddotplio)J Iheon pmiddotI) U lelkI1 pn~uen apphnl tk 1ltgt ~msl tSpltcirJI ) in I ~s pogtr

t uitwc1 Ihron ltl _ Iuh w R l loy rum symbol 10 Ilkfurv Ahr WH) i~

I r- hi Rd I~ 9971 pp ~ 6 R - [hr R iL [[ ul n has ro n Iholt u l

I hru~Ir iuI O) the unk o n wh re laquogtn~ ol Ir~cdm Pfnar p_ ~ 1I1

B I S~( Thn 11 Kclk~ Rmnwtlme Hlqo for tillt applicll ble ~ of In t allctUlxal wun lorn (e ee aUraCUOl) d ll r lnla$ 11 ltI- illual suctched l ~ lI l i Ihi [K w1ir

ltlc 1(o ~dukd from lClion and hj~llt) ry

bu sgt( f)1 g Ihe n -rgt d s he

cmand p Sr Th~ro i 1 or~1 1ltl io of witel )-r tr r lt~ltoI 1gt 1 mln m~y 1- takc -lt lIl rlaphO)f Ruolnlr E Kun1i S rrooti d I js(~ and R o l~rl llolI - n ~prknjo(

illo fo-k-J t] air ltli_ r II

fmiddotm lc (lITe) i SHlrJm and 11 010lt1 II A tw~ Rdolf t Kucn7li and Gwe Ra l~rt ICambllJgc l1i I99I) PPmiddotJt alld S T Imiddot lo ockiu Em ilS or ~ oflC n Ii mCIgttIraquoHgt1 dqI)eJ In ~ h a w~r Ihl 11 CIOI li meu Ulcrlgthunc~ Jly In 1- Riu d~~r

(MIIft~ q~1 lIOuilil ~w Carmd nr Imjlt Igtarod egt t~lcX fatlo~ ~al

jgtuu lJ rtut I(rl) IJ t 1ra 8 Ihemiddot Ie ~IgtIi OIl y 1 t ~atnlt11 1lISt llIil le Scl~h) snd amud ~kinl lt hTifingl) lilltrd I Iht~ ill IH rroh meal fur lo~ l i~ lone rol1 ~middot

l~diqlJr$ mlldr 1111) Hr)(tT) I

r~rn(rl i 1ltgt Ihe hwwir jlgt]al~ el~ hcll

il1lh( l1ltrvrl

(1 IS 1IX lrngtl 1 SmIltllN d amp 193i 0 Max Erllsl 1iI)AGP Van S()DRiC ( Monlrc~l ) 2f)(l(1

l )n IIC Ilupon Of Ih allraf R~~ru 11 (1 I 1$I~ Lolhu I -hr I J~ middotIn Rp jhd bd 11hII hI p HI

Fourh RetI a~ II I( milling of Chris l O vid l l-lrfall(Irphorrr lllorali7cd In

lmJOlIls such h J Hoh CI~ the trials of the lo ver could lJe rca 1go ricd a~ Clll hlnll~ of Chri sia n ~ u(fe ring ltInc co nrilltll cc Ernst reverses tlw prol(~S

dc- morali - ng a llegories In 7 110 dlidren 1IIII1fI(ld ~I (j 1I~lthtillg(h (fig ure zfi ) Frnst lak es U middotidilI1 IIIc(lrlJorphi rape (G anIlH-ci (S ta ~lc Phi lo mcl as

nighting-uk) oul of its repose in spirit ua lizing me taph or as ill (k Kellnincks landscape in h( Wallraf Rir-ha rtz M useu m i ll Cologn( (figure J7 ) ()j emulems sl ch as Hat1idorlhr s in which lit ra pe of Ganymede is rfJllcgoried as the sou ls I ~CIIH lo Cod ( figure 28 )83 Ernst rc t urTl~ Ihnr lo d leir Tl)n l ~ ill ~cx ual viok IlC( hi (h in tu rn S[ ltlnd~ ror the revcnibk hltrU a mi a mbiguous g-round underpinning the provtrh t ln bl cm or allegory

Equally td ling is Enl~ts d ia~rammui( ada platio n or h(rme lic emh lemata in O this mIll rIIIlI kll )w rlO lh lllg 1924 ) I II the paintillg ami II

tIle pl)cm w ri tte n on thl had (a parudy of Ihe oJllo()gical ~ylllhII S Il I I

fi~u r~ 26 Ernl I fUtJ1 mnlilwi ~ II

lllhlmCiJl 191 1 S(1 66I C 1 - r 1 D (t risI ~OI)KC J vumiddot~l l j


th e Hmrfll fd Table of H crrn(~ Trisrn egistu s) Ermt reallt~orlZ(middot ~ the hermetic ~ym bulis ll1 of the nlilrual lini li7atioll of d ivine and cit rddy IS a Freudian middotprinwl scene of gigantic li m b~ and scmiddotx ual pa rtgt Both pa imi ng md puem become rcpr(sntltHion ~ oC the unfu lfill ed n vi ~nging of a n such thing In Ernq s vcrsion the Oedipal a nd Ihe gnolt1l ic an oronc frustratccl substance ltlnd (be power oftbe allegories of h enl1tticism ltIhbaiisrn and aklHmy lies in perpetual d ef( lrd of the d tsircd gol J tl6 Ernst ~ emblem fllnc tioll s more

b roadly illi a scq gtt icai fi gu ration of tht a bil it y of images lO represen t hal IS envi $ioncd or desired in dicating Ihal a ll $lI h em blems ct n only he a sun0 fH l flIT hatt middotcr one an t ~ to know attl in o r rcprcsen Lft7

OJ (Ids 111m sllall kn)1L Mlhing a lso ~ ig na l s its own iconogn lJ)hic history especially tts allu sion to Caspar David Fricdr(h middot$ clllblem tie CrOJS ill Ih

Iounltlills a key work in Grman Roma ntit- dc hIIltg about Iht rela tive fok~ of llIegory and Iandscapc III Erns t as a rl ild er of C ( fman Romil Tlli t~ i~ ltl

would re U 1Il 10 these wpie in his la ndsca pe pai nLings aga in and again Crr)JI ill 111 t1ollll oinf is a lso shadowed by a t( Xl n passage from Ludwig T icck 5 allcgorital novel Fran SI-illbaMr 11middot(lIULmmgrll (J i 98 ) Jnom

26(j ) middot1 ~BImiddot rH ) T I d 1

60 I 1m c (lislt uW(1 Iht twn l1 t timiddot itl~gcry at t~ ngl h ill M~lt Emi l middotI ht 1IJdw(UtI1iJliI

SnllrJ 11 a i - l OCIshy87 Uml middotn o Ero diilltu~ 1he rdu iolll I)( twu h~rn 1l l k svrn lgtol- 1Il in which middotevcry middot~pr ion is a (nignlll hal middotk runlwt ~mgma middot and ~Jr n cconltlructimiddote ~nlys3 as in lini l~

defendJ in middot(n limited scmi III d rili in T ht Ib oJ hllffpWalio Ill n -I--j

fI8 smiddot cJ(m~ (l h W ocn rn ~I( Jaru F~d nnd It ~b1J ~f I muigat ~cw U and Lvndon 1 99lt)~ Karin V()n ~llo lJr ntel thO rrl ll nf (~$7 In 1M -WOIIIIIgt 10 Ern middot lUUlI1 OmJ~(Ilt1 III middotMao b ns l a Rvmlll1ic~m middot M n Enul A Rtl~pnl~ ~ I Werner Spict l t omlo 199 1)

I II~ ~7 K d~ K cunn~k Iuhf rvtJh IM~Io~ fj lt-1IJVdt r gtn leI

dllrf Kgt(hHIZ I ~ l

8iJ bull 1gtlt I g T irk Fwn~ SlmNt11b

11 middotJn~(n Hmt ~ lldIcAt (mll1~hlt

~I lj(h gt)6I ~ p gtgII

J) ~ee 11 0 ~bn lagtlt I Allqlr)

oflrlllll$iol)middot PI 6- 7r lhr dhl1 l1lt IK hr omlll~1 d(h nlll(11 (III ud h ~

ltill u~Jui ncall y I ~nd lor thillgt IcJ rly 1rs ign~II ~lId Impic ddinlun ul rourrlS luch as li lliemiddot h I(ll no h hI l (~ Ii lt mcill ~ tur middotC)middot ll la IIllt-SIKn a (1(11011bullbull 1 H turn jn I(raquolt ru lUI lTnp ~~i 1g ~1 I r

roukl hi ~r~lJ od tlbull ( Ihi Ik nrngt i~ made lllcmllll UKOf)~ Fr ~cl7rh c r) hMd lU lOll ~ Il ili K r nger through $1(middot togt tI ohjrl i( lria 10 judiCII

91 - GltQ rl 6atai llt Solr a ll~middot Fis rif fXt~s SI_rlJ I Im~~ P7 t)39lli

113 $Iodd Minapo l ~Jl lp XIV

1 lt1 6 12 ioIar ~nu p IJ Halaillits 1Qcom )Ir rollinS (m Ih bullrf r lw ~Ml h [ ~ [ I llt imal(vfltouinuous mC l~lor]lh mal p l y i1a d l5ori llJOII lOr tllti M the locornoriH r ltI hl$l)ry lt]uOI(d in aUT

III-rljolmirgt (r SdiJ 1 rlrHn-1 n- I irl 1974 p 1 ~3

illcidcn t the youn g a rtisl F ra il i~ st ru ck by a pa iming llr a l be scc~ in a hn lll it lUll a IlOCIlIIIMI lan dstltl pc ill wh ich a cr ucifix Ull a hiJl i ~ illll m ishy

na llti by IltI ) S o f moonlight The he rm it ex plains Ihat tilt crucifi is a po inte FingcI7cig ) to Ilw ~pjri lu d wurld beyond the faJ lc n world of lla tu n T o Franr ~ o bse na lioll O ne cou ld ca ll th i IMint ing an a lkgor)

the IIn ln il answers All an is JIlt-go rict IIoJ

T IH middotFingcrJeig iI) Ixpbli necl by th e h~rrn it to F ranz S lt rnbald point s not o nly to Iht spiri tlla l but also 10 thlmiddot pr (~cllce of J ll egor~ iblf As a li ter indlx a sho wi ng ha nd o r jJ ~ i l1ting fi n~cr tht Fingerrig i ~ a ~ tJplf

or i Ihlems II is Oimi larly In ade li ter1i b) -l a x E rn)1 t du slig ma tied ha ncl f1 oatin~ in f r OTH of th e lt ruci fi xiOthl~ middot prinM I ~NtJ I Herc it indicates linmiddotth er bu t not Im llscc ndCIH [l)callings90 In E r ll st s painti ng lh t ROlllit lll ics cruci fi x lS alkgori la l poin hr to a hig her nal rn sim ilarly

i tl n l c~ a landscape of d a rk Illowltai ns a nd il eawnly fil ) S IHl I fur the

COltj UIl Cl ivlI o f redemp ti ve c ru cifix a nd ill urnin at iug SUUS(t in Fricclricbmiddots pa inting o r truci ft x and moonlil-h t in Tillkmiddot O novel Ern$[ dark ly ~J bs l it uLes

copulat ing limbs and the bloc ked rays o f a IUllar refipSt Ermls lmiddott nblema tic painting alt Frifeirich s had don ra i se~ p r0 1Jicms or

cnTlIl lllporar) a lkgory When G lf)rges Aatai ll e- turned tn alr-IItm ica l )slIllllng in 192 7 he did so in I( rm~ that almamp t com icH) m im i Ernst s d csul Itmiddot c lltra ilmiddotfilled landscapt 1111 earth middotcovtrtd wi th vuk anOIs hich SltJoT a~ iLs a n us is driven in iL~ rota tion by lhe male ~ha rt ]l tlttraling 1 1 11~

laquomiddotma l- alllJ a lmost t lIl irely (merg ing ill o rder 10 ree n tcr like Ih( piston~ of ~ 100o mo ivl

JI i~ the 1Ilf(ha nical Oll ll)il ltion n(] t ll morm t inn~ of thes mOtmcn t ~ Ihat th~ ak htmists soll~h t 1 I hI philosoJlJ t ~ ~IU Ilt ~

This nWfhJlist jlmiddot cop ulatiu 11 hudcsqu e~ t he vmiddotn ji) UIIl1n ioli o f allegory th e

ltlnagogir 11 wrh of r() rrcsponden(c~ and rtmiddotst ]tlbl a nct~ lIlt middotcopula that li~

one thi ng- 10 a noth n ill lang ua te all Cl witt g ) 11 thin) to be visibly co nnCfted Ha lai lk s a llcgvrical luvers will mve r fi nd ilnythi ng but parrxlic i magc~ l11d Ih ey will [ Il l asieltp l ~ empty a ~ mirrun Wh en En tail k

fu rther GlUs lically mcdita ted Oil the gno~ tic roo ts Llj Hegel ia n ism in Ll)ll~

ma teria li smt c t Ie g nllst ( 1930) p ropus in g a k~ l abili ing hcadl es~


a J1q~ory tha i would elimuatt aJl h ilTardlic11 ~ ~ t C IllS of rdtn lllc indud ing ~implistic rcv( lltals or blst ll ld idea l o r CXq-lt1l 111 llt1 1 lnrl ltlcrUllcn lll he wa addrtR~jng is)llc$ irnpJiL it in Of Ihis men lInll knOll IWlllillf 91 H ()wcvcr heelIlsl Erns l middot ~ all egory ( nds to Ill p a ll)l it i( depcnds on just ~ll (h illvcrshy

~j ()m ilnd reve rsals of hig1 and low Old is a t a re mov from Btl taillcs infla111ll1110ry ()I)f ll-f llded hd lltaded en terprise

E nHl$ im ages a re often d riven by this undermining of thcir (IW ll sourn-s of lJowc r fcp lescnliug hotb II((i r own ~ la luS a nd i1lSIlfjicilIHy OrtCll they

assu me tht appearallce of (lnhkrlls wh ich as concieusetf o r short lr and ig ll ~ of aUTho rit y ~a n c ti fi ~d by t rld ilion art disrupted hy Ewstmiddot~ illtruio n of thc n ltllll r 1 LIld ~e)( u t l rhc n dllcti t middoti~ua l 11I11ouage or cmhlcms lcnd~ t o ltlrd hrogaliun 111(1 fimiddotag11lClltlliun Ih ich LntSl n alu raJiz~s likening Ihe Sllll1X of fj middotrgnWlll3 Iioll 10 (lperatjoT1~ (lil lbe hod y lt bull rile tru ncalLu pa riS a Ird Ii 1111 ~~ or Of IhiJ lien shall know Iohing arg uauly J u clc 10 th t ~ceri ng lIId te lldt n liou~

reconstruniom of tht e mhknjs [anllJage o r aut hori ty a rClruc luring of Ihc

sy mknloche lim hs a lrcldy prnelH in v i ~l1 emblems Througbout his canlt r Ems would dltriV( double prestige flOlll disrupting lhe COJlv(middotnlions of hOl h a rl a nd li tcrJ fl1l middotf iro lliing his au thoriaJ role as bot h a rlis and poel Emblelll s a rC1 ft lilc ground fur ~uch opT3tions k ndi ll g tlwm~clvu 0 ditorshylil)m or he reci prxa lIldi(a tion s or eX T lIld image which anmiddot Ihe STarling

point nfalJ tgory

Ac kn o wled gement

S l l i(j ll~ of thilt papa H r( pncn l(d a~ Ielt tlJT(~ iI conjullclinn il l Max Em~I

rc ll1(nary ehiiJninm Ihe RnlJ ncl 1(nr()X Memorial JccUrc U Il l T a(middot ( )11)

(1(11 middotmff A Ul IrIJJf(ct ll ItJ91 -J) lI lId II M 01 i (Ilal pound7110 O(lff( 11111 Ihr Duwn oj

hguw middot 11lt~ ~ 111lgtltlorHr hnwltim ltr (10( lOH 9

ll G~1 1 1~ l k 9Jo 1Iy tnillcril ilm 01 11l()oSn bullbull n uollgt ~f fj(w ll 11 52 amp0- M l=nmiddot w middotn I rltult~ ~ rKumrnt d ~ 1 ~ her IkuJamin a~ flll~ (ltI by II~Ilt ml II ~nljsL in rn 8 to auK 1 1~middot ul~r l an L~n ur Silllplilll ~I bat ~ J Ilrl~1U

rell t huugh r he dmiddotIIrymclll of d~lthi IiLinl( pmiddot(hootvtic laquogto ep tgt url ~ s Ielcnnimmo tm r1m~crltt ~m gteJmlt IImntllw I l middot~fI Rll1Ifl1l twlllv Imis ~f )m(alUl lin(I~I illrrkdtmiddoty u An~lc

M IAlodlt 91l 11)) U[ i -l lt)1 - I lt-nd ubstmiddotmiddotmiddot- rht Ire rn~l i u Ul uf Illor lt1 Fm~ (J Ii i fnuc lr Crlt Ihl1 t ho- lifl ugtd rmiddot]m of poundrnsl middot~

lIuc nod ilmhil(1)omh g(ndcrltl h gtvlnL ~ n rh mo (h hypcrholic

Dio cjOCulH1o11 orsl) rl-d~n jm1tf(cry1gt il dO(lt i lli fmltle ~aC11l nr [[00lt1 orgmiddotoonldltG1IHllion al 11 0( Immigt ufth aULhOl tlgt hi~ E rol$L is aJlj~1 llIh GltltX B tll lltmiddot hnnlcnz ~u nf llcg) 11gt1$(111 (~I L ory 111-1 111 in middotSoI ant S l ~r fter u ~1Jtn in capl1on i ndirat~

oJ ddo-nce I n nn SPIf (lIKI

r nn1h~r nd sigi ~ L k Ma~ middotrn1 O~f IllOJ ob middotCologne 9i)- ) in uch fll nh(r ifnrm~lin ( laquo(mns I r ~lO ( C ~d locatiOIl may bc tu

il(ure 29 Em1 OJ I middotun shall (Mil

-h~~ 9 f SLl 63middot C 1 Ernni I IJtI 11uJSODRAC (MlHHrc~j l


S1Irrwlism 9lt)3 ) J 11m gl~Hdn l for lho ltc o pport uui l itl 10 (Olls ider Erns to l roCesso r

CI i~ toll wr Crn middotlI ImfCi J oh n Gl)ldi uS Prorr~Ylr Willillll Cmfi~kl and the

11 011 Fod a tio 10 11middoti r va middot i)l1 ~ lt1 g middotn n)lCgt d vicc I 11olIIk Sllzar rl c Ak bari

r l d~(f l)cre nhI Joyn GOKl(i n E rhan Jd l Kavalc lmiddot and M E Vnr lic k

Page 3: Only Half Saying It Ernst SCAN

111 11 1I1 O~VTrl (cnfII a Ia ~( )1 lIP iM 9middot

0 11 11 I_l ~)middot I 1lt 11 d n1ph~ un Jalllfl n Ut

h alf(lgt1gt1 I 9Jo ) p 1 H

~ J I rnd Didlml 7hlth( oj 0 ~ (oIlmhu~ )86) p I lS

7 ) Ii I )il I oJII r 1 Jlml r nlllr I~ J Clt1mfl~J 4 II )7l1 i

n 1 1 1 ltI 1 1 I nL pil i It gt11gt1 11011 1)ml rlilikd f II ~ I Madrlllr )I II bull Sec Iih I hid 116lI nd ThrolrraI1 ) ChirlIl0 )8lt1) p 78

I l rlln ur d ltourdJ cl mutts pr


epoundHltrxlus II ltI ltl u plu ~ ou du IIIUill~ 11 Illl (Ollr jirollrgt r~1 Ifl lJjuullt 111 d((4 1) 1-lt1111 dt JI ~ en Iliu fl 1

TIis is dvsdy ed l(i(([ by J ea n Paill han~ d( ~CI i pLi(ln of the fail u res o f undlrshy

st~ ndillg and spct(h

I US I~ nCoVIJ~ pa~(ot JUl l1l1J UllI~ elil J- Ja r 1 ~UIl 111(111 nUlls Ie J il 1Ii~

illtnvcrs_ CI ~lI r li n plan dit~rtnl

~rns t ca n ic=lt this qucgt(jo tli ll or la ug mlgt lutu t ht duma]] of isunl illa~e~

d ra illg parlicular ltt lt t l1lio n Hgt t1w ClI l1IlI lioJlO (Ir iltollognlp h y by their

hy prr bolic n l llim a ion I n tfOlm b ting ri tcl- corltx rns wi th LtllgUgt il lto

a pIctoria l Cq ui ak nt ill I v Twdr -OlH drJ ami_ E rns t rtxonstit u ltd i~lI~ o r

b llglJ agj nnd ptTnptioll ur g(~ tlltmiddot and ltl1[(nlioli thil l had bttH Ili~td by Didrt0t in hi~ Lettrr SUI It~ sOll rcl~ e t mll( middott ~middot b Erns t l$u mes D jderot s

w thority by ra ising Ihl q uesti)11 huw ca n lang ug-t lcprc~tn t Inti CQlll1nushyni(atc (

In Lnt( Jiu r k~ iO u rd ~ (middott lTIIULS Didlu l O~ ll lU ib1c quest ion rtlaled

LO the ori gin of ill T rsic lll ~ of ord ord cr in French lead~ LO r Ulllilltti oll on

lh e gestural origins 01 LIIlluOl-e 7 He proposc~ Ihal th ~ o rigins of language

may Ill lillLlHi thtt un llOuP t ~l l llIgmiddotl middot r d01l1 Jil Ignorait ]a langue lhal

i~ whcn g~ IU IT ]angua gtmiddot ilIlI ~ t Ix usnl p rticula rl y in the case uf d(l l

muls Mallr of It-ulsla l iol (of ~pl)kc1J Jmguagc ili lu t~urc r pJilo~oshyp h y into a~~ tl l(tia_ 01 lgtClt t ry ili lO ilI1 image ) IUll through Diderol-S

~say a nJ pruvidtmiddot t JlniIiT liame of rden ntT li)r Ernst SIIi llg of la nguage in J u rO)(le- IOIpound) kJ aml~_ T haI Emts ~ rou pi ll~ o j the Paris Dad as i ~ iilttllwd (I ll VIllt (lid hy Rtw ( nmiddote pll ) inl a hhrid pi lIluj liKHball g alliC wilh lillk lUI -out fi~urs tha L echu the oddities of the

Dlttd a5 a ud a t tin ohoc r by G al a E lua rd play ing a n in isihle imlrllmcnt

might Lx st-CII ill tcnn ( r D id llOls dtscripl iu ll of a -davecil uculain

wh ich xcculQ sonatas ill (ol (l ll r~ T Ill d ca f lllute imagillcs lha[ it Illust

havc tl ) do with la n g uugt l lHl 1 iLS iI IVI I)r lI1 l1 ~ 1 h ( a dcnr m u[c who ~(t i t

up II) olll lllulIi(middotllC iL l ltJth el d ea f I I1Ulc~

I is ro~~i hk ((J s(( All I rndf-tOIl I dt ami) L~ a pa rodk (lIae(lnCIlI o f

Dirkro(s irn agio (d I Ii(atrir~l l ptlfrrmI1Hmiddot ~ tI middot n Inl 1101 heard a I hlnlll of gnllliCs th l1 dir((I~ lJ~ tn fb t (ore (I f lIlt plIl ie c nlrrp ri ~ middotn-nllrqtumiddotz (11

pass l ll n Jlll hi(11 la langLw dl~ g~ t(S t~ Il limiddotta p i loriq lIC 1I I II t ra lIsl Iing I he

i ~~ IH$ nfwril tel1 languIg( thl( prrlll( lI pi(j h i ~ poet pl n ~rns l r(iilS ()I I 1

sl nwphoric str l inillg i ~ if 0 lI ld(r ll lH lhe conmllll licali v( i ll(J dltquaci(~ of

till i~lIal v(r-ion Thai i ~ to say Ih gl~ ti ltJ JIIi())) ltIf 1 1 rellde-iolll tin (llIItr i ~

provoklxl not i ll bymiddot r1( [01 la l g(~lu nmiddot in uHk lllie In b ut dso by t h(

int racta hilit y or visual lrt whc lI pre~ltecl 111 C )(pr(~~ Or uan jalc 1111 pol i(

elln sur k s sOlJ rds (1 m m- tsmiddot 11$0 i li estiga ll~ th la Wn 01 til( p()(li(

1lllltlgC a nd (T(atiw I(IS DidcTOI tllllous ly tSlTihcs Ihe 1gtOClic image ai all

(mhlem a li ~SIl d hiirog l yph(~ wh ich rct)u ires a n a ruu arlia-s ~(n~jhilly

to creace or uurkrstanri

_ riHdli~( lI c~ d e i(lJ lblc-fll( IHlt l iquo fSi Jlt~ C]OIlIH( t lOlil J( monde il llut cln prlSltJ U 11( dt II cnmiddotr lIOJl)1 k S(middotl lli l I(l ii t-I IWIII

Hcre thr emblem or hicrugly ph is a form of lInUSlI l llea timiddotc in td ligtJu-(

the lhil it y to lCTI(fltt df(c ti ( Illc taphors E rnsls art is pia red 0111 precise

ltIS rdcrence to th( d cjnlI of ~y l H( hdo(hic (ondensed middotjslIal emblems_

Latl in hi aU llihiognl phical nOllS he arknohmiddotril(o Ihe e mhlematic a ~pe( t (lr hi olk (luotill Lht lllcydopcdist ~lannlJtltd i I iVca l Ia ga lld~ clifliclIl h til 1(nlbICmc c est q u il doil d ire (IHlqut ch(l~l djngcnshyieu raquo CI IW Ir di~ qu lti d tmi

gtfannollh1dis t inlui~ hro hCln~clI thc emblelll ~alh-gorka l imaQc with explma tol) UX I rqmlCnt inl a mora l or pol i[ka l pr((Ipl a nd thc symbol in whic h sign a nd (jhjn t are more closely identified I ir l1H ohject itself vere hdll)t ( okrd EI nst d iagrees itll the dj rinc tiQIl IWI111 mhle lll

and ~m hu l prNunMlly to draw the arbi lra r y emhlem inln t lrc domai n o r Ihe symhol wilh its IXlLell tial fl uctuation xlecn conventiona l rda tion of objcc t and ) ihTJ1 ami I [Jpannlly TeAl icic ll tihcilion orthco( Erns(~ n marks 0 11 ~la n llnnlcl arc a rudill cummenl o n Ihe pnpl(xin~ cllec t o r hi~ ow n work

Ccrlllinl y Erns t ~ (oll g(~ lid paintin gS with dwi r d arilY of (OIlpUllelll ~

hltl CI)I1fi ltio n or ldalio n bullbull nd sca le apPClr 1111hl 11Iali The cm)crna ti c a~p(t 1 uf Frnsl~ wor[ had been noted in a revicw in 1926

vb~ E1fl~ t t111hIc IlHlt i(]uc n rdllch i q ui lolla OOr i 11 n-crfnioll d rs chries dllI1( fi imid ilIcl i(l1l1111 C Yllrtl iriir llllc lt( lt 11-(( 11 Il u~ dllllI PII1I-(lre ml is d nr in ttn~ l li 1xli4 111 lilHpi tk flu i [ I ii ioO llgrr au s d d~-d O llv rt

dmiddotEluanJ )

On int(TId (i tl (1II( of the pai ntin~s and collill~e~ (lr lhc (arly 1920s it a ppear- t hat Ernst knw panicull r emblems as well iI 1(hi illpound embl(shymatic c fliC IS Slit h kmlk-dRI I1My k ll( cOIne hmh frmu h i ~ ~tud ) Otilll hi~l() r~ aud fnm his illohClllcnt I it h the wri ters nr ht Pa ri (tVcl lll -gilnic

pllrt icularly ill his wllaborJ tion with Paul Eluanl un Ript ll(II)IU a nd lil(l l ntllTl dts i mmof ttll ill 192 1 1 t

In thmiddot hool I(th E111a rd poem is SCI ou t op~itl Ill Ernst (ulllc to

d iSltoncerling tArc tn ~u inK mil th e collages bt~id l l il t CI)Jgtt ilt poems Er ma lIId Flu ard la llitn li7l UTI the tradilion or emblem h()l)l~ ill I hitli a n

e nigm alit im ag is lI rmljllllued by a cXl-g~tie t(Xt ami darif) illg IIOllu ro r till purposes o f tx [gtrt~inS sOllle received pol itical 01 ml lftl wi~( Im ~

EIllrd~ vuillnt inll ))( lwIn [JOnderous genera l t ruths and IlUIIieu ( Iolljour~ d (~ point~ dt VII I lt Ie minimum de mOylll~ ) cdlOt~ 111( lIi ~torica l

lm hl cmtl iSI typic lJI~ n llnplex voice of Jl ruverbi ~ 1 I u tlloril ) in wll ie h the i13itY of Latin II tnd ill tellcrl ual tso l (li~m is e)IIIIIInll I~d hy t il e t(ndl lIq 10 dogllrel

N(II( Bou]til n l II in her sublle uco unt or til( cmhlcmal1 upcllI il) l1s in Malhruj d( illlllwrtdr has lrRlIed tha t Ia p alOit (rFrn~ Elurd l$l e n

rapport nfC efalltns lhrn ct d a utrcs cmbICn1(S g rIYQ dal1~ la mCtnoi n incoll ltC il lItc ( Whik lhi undertuw oficonogrlphic m (mory the ha llbl (If half-retalkd or hllr alluded-w orilin al Io t m(all inl- ilt ct rttillly cl) llsdou~ly n ca lkd and mltlnipulaltd by 1 ax Ernst th rougho ut his Aork thtre ~(m~ 110 In h lt1 ( blTtl partilubr consulllljon wilh em bklll lit(Ishyture

S(veral llllla)lc an h istori cal sources o r info rmation ahout tIIllll-1II hooks tn COlltclllpOrUy with lrnst on fi rltt fQra~~ into lIu hkmal it imagery Ka rl C ich luw s I licrug lyphenk und e d ls H umall i ~ IHU lt ill d t r Allegoric dtr Rcnll is~a llce 19 5 a nd Ludwig olk mann~ BiidlUdlHjifll dtr R IIWiHlllltf H iflflglplril rlld lcIIIOld 19231 Emhklll huoklt hV~ a

J eAn-f t nnuuld 1ImC1II1 d l lill rltul~middot ()ru (DmplrJ 1 luiJ I Ih8 ~5 I ~sa ~ EII poundrTI~(J

I 197111

II hrmonwt bull 286 Cruc r(lwt)n C11 1IOt rttllc 1 hr()C cl dc vnHnl

l SIllId1 rlllh l ~U1 mI~ inrludc Ihl pdnjll j t~ uft rJN mgt o(S(hl

$I n Ci lI nd IIlI flor lt1 11ugt o(mall)

flnl 11 (OUIOI I) 19~l driltlfurUu rd 31)rCllla(r~ 1

)11 s a rlrlriar1r bull ~ommon IUn tJf IIhlilthn onL (I Lou $- t~lhrnn~

C lrlle lIafl(lm ITJiOJiyL1wJ tli II _tn I~rt dlgt3 67) 1111gt11

1111 in ~ hn111 lIhGl J anuj-hc

r IuiI drphant i h and IIn~ lit emblem COLlt1I()L11 Ihu ~11trn OI(J t)f~

1 - 1 0 ImiddotU I Ir lturr Ii1 LA 1)gtJlrlu d in n~ tnIJlI1 i Q26 I ~Jo I The hbri ltI( Pori hc uUlprd-lr (Ulltlwmgt 111ltrr Irc bull

uI)Ir or n--roiIKm of major Imlllcm llltl ill h I(I h (cntury laquoJr 1 rhldain f Ul fkma

tIrtltn bull atltDwJW ( 51 735 1 1)3) 110 ~lknkgtlJ 01 10 lrcp1 l3ri~ libra J ( ~rd Itourr ha rr](HW h bull Ilkon In 10u fonuOu lIIu n tcllLlrk A mflit-ro-J dr i 11llrafNrhoft Jolthlla -15 ()Il PI

~ -I -

It Scc 01 Bulrca t rlJIIlU I~I fll11JI IJI NPM It 1I~f 11)lJshy19P tln 1)85 I ~67 middot


hCLr I r~ I ))4U d ~ I lI1 I C M Itdlllyen bull bull t l bull 1 9I~

1 1)0 C 1 poundrnl I) ( 1lrQmiddot -oORC Mruur~al WOIJ

17 Stmiddot rll Cilt-hlow nk Ili-rO(I)Iltllkunde d I Jnm ltr bull11r ltkr KmiddotIIII~middot J -ampJJLIf tit _llIt~ lvll So~lu middotUSCIf I1Ugt6l1M-wmiddot3OZ ) ) Il- lp nd 111lt middotIkmlnn nUnuJuflnltin Hwrrlll lIim1_~IJPIrrJ -J Jk_t)

111111 Ifl2l 1 ~lIv bl)lOUf cmbkl1

t IJOlaquoI (()IUlgtOlIp1~laquos Ihroollh InO(IIII-1I00 in luh-gMn tmhkm boo~ I ut iI~middot U30 fro Ca Rip (Jftoi-I4IIH

1Ur lunh ltl irmlri J~III(Iudl mhlmiddotI11_ bull 0 ltkv1Cltgt xe telta1t Kp-I 1W13 uI hiih 1 R en hrlll h lId PfIniot n1ilioru I ~ txampit- bull Ilt

]]ddti t1Yoo ~

1)~-IlIC~tMIIlltI r~_de m ladn de FjU 17J1 1It]

JottI ill de- bo(lm III ~ 1timfI~ reI ~ pnIlI

complex dr riItiIJIl ih )lll med ieal Ilt~t i arir dlld rrom lhe R enltliIIlCl

jnt ( rpntll iQII lOr Ff~ ptiall hierogh phi s ao raquo1( oul by I lora polio T he lllOlherlod r or III Eu m pcan emblem [i tCru un is Aldatis Ebrmaiu1n Liber 531 avdla hk in cu un tless ~di1iom md I rI1[lIioIl5 thloliKh llt l1inete(]] lh C(middotn l uf) n G id l[UW g jVfS an il1ll~lrdl ( [ Jc(Junt or Ihe impor ta nce or cll1blrm~ il l a rt hi~ tory a nd 11((1lt11111( HIl t Vo l lllJtI ti (x )Jal d ~ [)

acrouilt prrwi([ ing a cri ieal bibl io~raphy or ~ J1 thc I)rin(ipd (lUhk-1ll books a nd S(c(JlldalY lit~rlllJrc Li ke C ichloh Ill di~IugtSc~ and r(pr()(lun~

DOrers illlltrat inllS or J-I orapollo hierug[ypli ~ lracinM emblc mltltir infl umiddot ( lltT $ into C nman R nm anticism and R UII f j Th rnughou t his career - Iall Emst ould ~ itUtlt him~clr it hill Ill( hitory of G trrnan arl wi th

nosta lg ia and irony ( Iling his 0 n rc(y-l11ildr c() lIag(~ a~ains l Oirrr s virr uosic pri nt middotrn ltl iu l~ We hud crh()t ~ or DOnrs R tlla i ~qll (( ciltcrpriw in Irnsts tollages fi)l (middot1l11pl -I o ros(opc t pr((n(d b~ I mall ralill~

an hour~[ ~~ hg-U l(~ 3 ami 4)middot) T he f m h llt-m trlils LUl h high in dllcw d orifim ill e rudi te allu ilon 0

cIb~ ical t(x l~ Ild ldgar lraditions of folk prilH~ and illll ll lla tcd prQTrbs Co m plexi litS arise IjUIIl Ih( Dlc tull orphil nature or mhlcms Iny givc n emblem ( ou le aeq ui re variant lcxS and irna ~(~ Il l ~hjft dOlllljn rrom ph iloshy~ophjca l a nd hnlllllil Ltl po p ulist o r childrt ns moral guidt-s In Ililitilimll and falltmn dr IIIIItlrlJ Ernst a nd Eluan have lilt opponunil) of

srepping in as yet anOlh er St 1 of sui)sti l l1 tc 1 llfhol ill thc emblem s progres fnm l high a n and li nralul( to )Jop ular a lma mlc ri l-king up a nd modi ing cxisling ma reril Excc pt or CO U1St Ihat their own oo lampric t crcLse capil) lil(~ 0 11 the em blem s inlllIen ual complex if its me JlfTl trl sions i ll a complex

parodgt or l he Ri naigtSann lum alliSl (nle rrri t Thei r in terest in emlgtlcm is associaltd with Ml aHenlion to a middotarie t) ofs(middot1

comm unicative fo rms tht cOIl(ClI traled prflYllI1 a nd L1 lc struct urll il y complex novel Ernst txperimenls with mlking- h i~ images emblt rmll ie corTfponcls to h is con umpora rie~ wo rk will i he re d )middot m adc ex p re s$ion ~ lu be foulld in la ng uage espttia ll y Flua rd a nd Dfsnnss mU la r iow 0 1 prOmiddot~rbs

Wh ile tm bklm are initi ally viMw ll y m ysteriolls and Ilu sive they ultimately Il ~1 llle tIphor 10 assrrt the (olk e livt (ommOtHcns ic tl prll dcllL a nd rukshyboulld The VtTy rld uplicalio n of ~Ct inlages aud related a rin t HXIS

emphasi7es lhe ()flllu la ic underpinning Ihe p(wlic DcslHgtS a nd Eluanl ~ ll1Jlgttil ut t and sh ift verus aud nouns wlthi Ih prove rbs [Jrmul aic syntax li ke 1 iclzsc hca n nann y wltr n an egg break~ e~b its betause it docsnmiddott li ke o mde ll cS Elultl rds a nd D(sno~ s fi)rct(1 in congruiti es do no t sim ply p a rody provcrhlt sLcrcolpirI [ sh a l()wn es~ o rcontlIl I hu t Ibo sound poctic

possihil i ties in the pmiddotowrbs ~ I ruc t ure reltotlal ing wil h i t~ o wn history o f vltlria ll IS E rnst equally mani pulal lgt thlt tmhkm s rtpacit) to co nvey de Jlse lllean il1gt ami pl a ys l hi~ agunst t h e cliche aspccts I)f its conven tional p roverhial meanings

T hl mixture of stlbv ( I~ ion 1Ilt authori ty in pro nbs had occtlpiro the lillg uist jltn Palllh ll Whl was dosd y assoc ia ted ilh Elu a rd al the li me or

f ntsts rri val in Par i ~ In hi~ ) 9 13 tbesiq o n MaJ~aclH iJrover bs la ulhln had dtscr ihed the Itn-ful IS will as the hahitu11 nature 1)l t llc p romiddoterb their lsstniJIls of SIlhility and shared assumplirlls ~ I IPPOS( a darkn ~r()lInd on whith language i ~ potent wtll n mClamorpholti~ ~llttld rca ll y occu r Pall lhaJl ask~ W ha l Iou ld replac( the proc rb and n~Hr~ (lilly tha~ a nd em ptillS~ Thi~ an- )fl) o r tIIllJig uil y u nlti trpinn illg th prm(rh~ I S~lmjlshy

lion of ullil~ a nd uniformit y is also fundamental to e lllh kII I ~ and m ay be plll mhcd ill Em sts work The e mhlem is o nl y (kar in rdaliu li 10 i ~ mu

in ili alobscurit y E rll~l~ collage lo r thl polm Rcvcil ollici el d u se ri n from Ahdh~Hf I tin

immorltlr (figu rc 5) lcs(fIIh l~ t colt ve nriolla l em bk m of p ruvlTiJi tl

prude nce a lld ~to i (ism The caged b ird is an Imblemli ((lItlrllonplace a ile h a~ 10 do il h philo~oph ic ltt l resig nuiun to on cs iOI o r in iove e mhle ms ilh hcing rapt ive in [he prison o f love (figure 6 ) E rn st did acknowledge

Ih e image of the b ird ltIS h i$ fa vo ri te cm blCm o ffering litis va riant 101 ElIt v~ u( Cq Jctn blcmc d (~ H INIItl oagcSi T he caged bird fo n cd [0 sin in a pt i t ~ may a lso sta nd for 11)( poCt~5 In the fi rst FrCll h c m blem book

Ia PtIIi(~rc $ T Ilialre diS bOriS tTI$illJ ( I ~39 the caglltl birds ddille the tas k o f d)( pun tu Sil1g sw(c tiy in rh l fa e lIf advc~i l y T he plImiddotodil proverb in E luumiddotd tlx t ks lgtCrins sonl mltlil rcs chef t UX my bc an ironi c- lake o n suc h emhlema tio wi5c1om especi a lly gic n poundlua rd s Ht ual dom estic sil uat ion (drama li lt(middotd d~c here in bor h Fr n$t s HId E lu a rd s work) a rncn agf-i- trois involving hi~ ife Gala a nd M ax E rnst in wh ic h he Va nOl p rcc i~dy a mOls t r in h is own houscoti middotIhe bi rdcage mil a lso srnd as Ill e mblem of the pa radox (l r thc cm bkrna li st s con middotc tll i ondit~ func ti onin g- ~muhanlolt~ l y as a )lri ~11I and as a pouic lll all ()( UVre LO be sprunK- Sinli brly cm hJtm a t ir

105 III XIQltnn~ amp IIIslt JOWIJ till ~rtJ fW ltfN1cr1 IIgtlt w -nt rd~m 173b lfl clnmiddot r Alt iI ~bltmlJtliJfl QMn

(~IWftd I lcn l) CIlmiddot 1oolt 187Umiddot s~ 1ltJuli ll 1nu lhr f nnthIIIJtnH

Vgtll~uJ OM UTlaquoltMU lJooiJ nfD mm H

lmIJlriIJlnl 181] IULIC hi L97h ~- For t~lnp lc Em31s roll f Jdflst Ig U jnCltgto1IIS f11lSmllgt of Ou middotlt Ullm tJ Erv ~ 1 + 1 ~o M irnl finl if l niSl ~Iru

~I lil ar lIi~ Stmiddot middot Ib middot] DOrer IIMI d ie ~ K unI ~n T Ulr6A I tmiddotcbruary 9 7 (in Ma f1tl1 til liJt~ d~

htl~iJlt UIIlh~mr it p Co lultne ~ JtllI O hdkliffl 1TNnl I Soxill H UilQl) Th~ ilaquol1 HlStoty 4 1Ji~t~gr Cllnbrid~ 1t7 pp 11 7middot



lJ - Ke lIdr J oUrlt fmiddottHfaih fOff_ 930 on Ir(gt h lVlJ~ ) n llOSOtU

q d nU lls ltI liolto jutern~ d ) dlc It d IIIV FlJlmlJ

SImplI AnllJjc M ri ~ HI IUt I ~ru 197~ 1 131 I ton ljJCrfCltllt Ikllj1Il1iwII1 rgumclII plVmiddotru rUllcifon -ilhi Jruism1gt dich [(MiIu1 middot1 pid I ~ hUll of 11Ie middotxpCrillltmiddot h(lSomiddot 1P01lCII I JtlIII ~ ru nmiddotI n I bll( promiddotiional and -endily dKUtkrl (0 (iJhi Th uprHlu t Illms ~ F OfUIUm fJmUl~ 1lt lIdoll 197) st~

II Dommquc 1~~l(ltJJi j~lJ~ ltlr mOh malulo I n pinCHCC du I)lowmiddotdwmiddot

frlt X X 4 97 p ~~t 1lUlhmiddot~ rtroglli Ia IUlldnmrtlltI shado ~1ll c or () I middot~ dnion d lime

(1 I~I ampiww1 2l T Ill Akiati-dCfilNI clllbl m tli IIIgt ( bull fl hinl I~ 1 cmblcnlti( SLIIlc 51 ror ClltmllcJ~ b C15 misso Lilx-rrll r T bull I ior iu SWUtgtl 1111 JJuM fir tit

S Am d m 726) a

11111 S i~lI1lllditio_ Sn ih ( middotrf)I1 I Iid i 11~ GI IlaquoSluver in 111lt

gtrllied ( ( he brn is th wimiddot I)u l Ih) o l InK E~rl in Iillg -Iltoi IV

( 11 Cupid ma apl II iVl thr (~laquoI hinb () ~pmr) Ill rri~n n- I) ill 1l411lt1 Hcinlluf funolgt Qn ~id gtII

~m ilslt1 lool Ilovrt Eh((n4(Q

1~I~11I I lI~logtrd m r I I ~ d It ncmtf

isslt her Snn1fP IAmslnd 1 b l -t ) x K dl omcicl rill middotr in l ulmlTgt do

m-lu I Il l G uillaume d r L bull Imiddotniel ~ Ie r~ilt ibJ 6QIU I WlfS ( 53) rd 1gtlt)1gt ~lcle (Alde h ~13 1 amp

j llt mrltlic IlJOII(u ri tr lw lOll lh~ 1luu ol f WilY f 1IjIlh _WllptrlJI

S1l~1 An n r)r 9fllt) PI I ~-H

i ~n5 ~I ~ 1 Jd Pbullbull ul tI1 ltrJ jtril 0111 d o middotInmiddot wlhru do

~l mMllu 9~ ~ Sf 1 171 10 Ia~ t ms - U ( I P n 51IS0 D KA ( (MJII IrtI) ~I) )

2i S- Chari II ( nk Iud or r~ I UICn n S IU T or - 1he

nlllr~ II I j 11I 1) cInt nullc aJ fros n IIIlt middoturk r I ~ bn~ IQRIhNJII 17 uirJ pp 66 7~ I on El ua nt

inl(middotIOtiJmiddot II Imiddot C h rI U~Itau ld1

fJ~(i 1 III ftltUUIl al I a ri~ lt)8~ R BcuIQl flt011middotlldr lhal rh ii l~1

hklD book a CorrOtl S

lIatllm(fd1l dnlts f r()rll ~io a ri i ~ from old ~ 1(1 SI) Ie ltord~I

2J I 0 eItn ~ hri(middot ill U alJrtMfJ

Ja tJftrWfIJ gll ou l b 1~llk middot(a lur hc (mbkrn tic d~ll(ldcnc) I)f l c~1 ami

Sc 111 umh~ r ErnSIs (onglt I~)lh il hl~lrn ll II IlOOmd CQnnadKls

iI ampiOC1 Jhow~ Ihlt)$( I Ih inll h) illUI)dr n rodik uh Clll Olr r lhal

~ccling W It jMJlt1ll no 10111 c~iltt

1-1 1luarrl )Q rvrntaib brimiddot 1 (1

oIIallrlt Ifs J~IIIIJ Ontr (fl~ 1 I udrn Sd clcr -ud il ~rnll e 1) 1$

fIri lif)ll I p 1 3~

3 ~Jochm HrUJllo-cn ddc1 ~I a Ernst un1 ci rh~I1 _h~ - I1 lvCII( 90) 19 9 alld 11 alls-J UT)I I Kapp Sp~chc und I) Ii M ll ErI f m II t~ll ~-il~ PP llc- ami p jltJ 11 ~ 1lj t ud ir1I ion orIpollinain MId h r CallCrain

I llcoun icrs r un thro ug h E rllS l ~ collage novl s operat ing om on ly o n Ihe I(vi or allusiOll to1 11 c rn hj ma tic mod e a nd its illlpliciitiom of (111 ( 111011

mcl -1I1111oli l) bUI lso nn the k d o f ptrtic u lu (out en t lIld menning I II I

I)stI) reln ted rolbgt froUl 111 F WlIIlf I (() tho 1929 (tigun 7) till fig u re af

I hmiddot baby strt ndi ng ill fu r l h t c up id of love cm bltlIls COIll (middot from n

nintmiddott ccll th-ccllt ury a loJl pa in ti llg in hi (h il I1j) rcsclll ec the murdered (lJi ld of Falsl a rgua bl y a v ictim ollovc1

La PClTj(r( cm hkm bonk i ~ irn po ll a n l in Ihat il as ti l( fi rSI crmltushy

la r tmblcm book and the firSI tu SCi ou t ponll~ recto aga inst (~ Kk uts

verso~ It i~ from t h i ~ ~ ) llImclrica lly o ppost rI disposition of text llnd

image that Ern~t a nd Eluard s work galll~ I panic ular pa wn th t

~ 111 HlUre de mands the d Cjgtrlld elicc o f tex l tnd im agr yet the fmllls lli a t ell-pendence t1i (s la ngf fro m d ose ma tchin g (If phrase and wh at is pictu red (as in illu$l ratio n i to a ppa rently a ll i(rI hu t d isj unc tivc relatio ll ~

(as if ~tock im gr- hau OcCII rellsed for a pprox illll I plrpo~e~) 10 mu l u a l

Clll l r dic lion ~ EnBt a nd Cl uard dc~ 1t willi l ilt llI od( rni~ t d rea Jll IIf a

hieroglyphic i ~ l1 a l p nc lry fwm lb llalll1c 0 ApoUi ll J ile J with l slig-ht cynilmiddotism ~eparati llg Oll t ra ther than confltt ing II I i su1 and the 1(xl lJal itS if to a r knowkd gc Ihl ir m ultla l sapping a~ IlHJfh as mu tua l Ira mfusion

or nwaniug A v i~ua l pllt I for Ern~t J lld Flu ltl rd w ou ld rel)ova te i l~dr

through its clntiour lHkl( )kdgi llg the losses as wel l as ric he in vl lcd in enc ryp ti()]l

ErnSIs c lll bhm ali ill1 ag ls a re Hu t confillcd or COUl~ C 10 Ih t cmbleshy

m a lic boo k III th e T9lOS EfIIS iou)1d h is vay illlll pain ti llg as a way of elllltu g ing his culla~c~ and I mblema tic r Olll lllun p[aces info r m h is

IXill lilgS t ven whtn tlu- n is no accom p a nying Icxl Indeed (m blem a tics an central to ErT1St ~ l(l1rna t o ll lf a llegory ill I ltl VII Tl o r lhe t mblimalic lI ut~hell is ti l( prelirn d cUIl Slr uc tion fo r ErII ~ I ~ pa in tin g- in Ihl ca d

IVlOS i t is OCCi lst a lkgory ca n ( omm en t Oil ils own a nificc nIJoIiTlJ

iron ic self-d epreciaT ing c nises in a rt wit hi n a Dad1 l T1 icism ra lher

86 ~ Ii t t 1 fir I~ 1111 Ii ~ ~ ij9shy

than o~I (II~jbly over l rt makillg1 Or ralh er Ernq t mbJC lll aril illlg~ a1l0 a ~imu ltall (ollS admowl(dgcmclIl of art a~ rtfcnlIl to W imug taphic alJ(c~tolS ud to the ~r(al (nt(rpri~es of re pre~II I Hion and Cdmmu nil ashylicoll while hracktli ng Ih (S( ti S defu nc t or urlfta li ndJII 1 1l1b il ions His im Hc~ ~CI Oul nspiration~ to hemic gCSlure and R llIai~silJe cultula l rcfclcnh Idle rtgisltring lh( ~t middot L~ pan ial and inept pll hn~ helll n I

logic o(xiu i(lli

Tilt Elphanl ff Ctlthn [921 dud OtdpuJ l() 192 1 du ne hik E rnst was lill livillK in Cologne set up c~ 11ica l etnbkrh 1 po~ t ilr crises and the fUllcl iunill 1 of Ihe a rti~L In OttltpUJ Ht I fi~lIrc 8) lin cli largcd hlIld a (o mOlOn feIIUf( of lmblcm) sunds fo r did ut if 1I11plicilly palnnal author il ) T his rheh)ric11 hlnd had a lso hl( 11 Ihe rocus (II (IlIl1lk history painting pointing lo ard ~cncr I 1itd hi)(h palrioll( (Inc p~lr id idtah In Otdipll f Rr( Ihe ~)necdnc hi( hllnd is hohblcd hy i t~

011 (middotltIfKgtIlS no 101114(1 hli lu make the gra nd g(~lur(s ur hi~llry

j Fr~ninpoa(II1 rhlt r lim~ 01 roonam ir d wkn all~o Ilaquo Ther ~ I Kmiddot lIemiddotv H( mI0 N Yl and ( mbnd~middot 1917

t ~lIr 1 EIt~1 n iy-~uMl h lo and uQmiddotru middotbull U 1-o_ IIgt tilltJ ~lq S ~

H1 C Ma t rngtI AI)A( I I~n

SODHAC ~ln lllt~ 1 l1lOII

H~ un 8 buse ()i~J If(Jf 9111 b I iifo C 1 - rrII5middotAIlt ( 1 1tTI SOllRi( rMQIl Ir l ~gt()()()

p aim ing it Plillf ll1l y inrl i (a le~ il gt low orifill ill II H I reudian r(all(~or izing of l h l Oedipus m yth Prnst lIf( II In lmiddot~ 13 1lishld CO IlVCIl L i o ll ~ of

gctun and ico nog raph y dcploying t lwm i ~ IICHlli niou~h Ordipll5 R C IS

ujJ the lllotl S~ iCid disCOUIl of high ielmiddotII and sllfmiddotslcrjric( in urder 10 bive -( i hl In his rtp rc ~ rllIat ioTi of cltmiddothasill Oedipal Irnuma and iu

2 17

arU l1rl ry pu ni~ IHn tl l ~ bl indmg- rbullL~ Irltl lio ll I I i ~ sifllilk lll t d ial o ne o r tht H I]lI) n ~ lt n urow p icrcing tht n Ubhd l IS th e h lw k yellow and gT Cr n fOr 1111 t ricolu u r lI ih har )tTn re-inHal ed IS he fla g or CtTm a n y

in 1)I U TI1 Lh rce cle melltlr) ( olo lJ I~ to h ieh EII Ilt t rd i ls in h is

illscri pt ion 011 t he pa inting m a y he a poin ted rcm illdn oj th e t~ t h e r l a llds

of h isl ory pai ll1i))g both as the plima ry colo ur o r neomiddot d Lsi(a l pa in ting

a nd a fl a By tnn (uy tb hisl ory or a n is m ldl 10 (om m en t nn

history s flw bling or al least irnmQhilizi llg or Ihe ignohle and olalikJ In i l~ nig-ma ami dispropUrli()n ~ ()nhjJII1 Rrx abo rrsemhks smiddotV( IH(llI hmiddot

ccnl ilry c m lJkrns Ihltl l d rccliv(l y cap~i z(d hist ory jlai l) l in g~ i)l lo crypt ic rigurati(m~ or m0 1ltl1 rtC1 ilude Its rn e m hia ncr 10 a n t lIlbk m - a hand

holding a (Tacked wa ln u l-shell - fim n l ite Dllt c h mordi ~1 Jaco b Cag h-t ~

bl( 1) nOted hy C e rd Ha uCI who hilt dism issi ng hi ltIS coi ll(middotid c Ill a l ~ ti ll

kit (omprlk d h) the strik ing- i ~lI a l analogy T hi d ikrn ma i~ slIIli y comp(Juncit-tl b) con~idcra t i on uf Catss tex U Th e Cats ( mhlem had two mol os (sinr e Ca L pra~ma l il a tly duubled hI lscfuln (~lt or hi~ images hy offering de voi oJl a l tex t$ a bo l l spi rit uI 1 as ell IS Iu tlltl l 10 ( T Il( fi rT

IIl0 1l 0 Re put hk hy uo ~k i ll o uld fUllct ion a a joke on Ihe aJlisl or

p(Je l ~ 0 n l ech niqLU~ I lid is especially ilp pticablc 10 Frnsls collage CUlling T he ~(co nd T IJ(rc is no l(lv~ li kl lir~ t 10 ( ( II n y a (j Ilt Ie premilrs

lIllou rs J [ lidy d lcctin l) ta kc~ U~ hill k 10 thl d c~ i ll cI mol iln vf the

O eci il)U$ compl tx G ivcn Ems t middot~ kllovlo(l~( of Fnud Iht cmblcmali C hllf-sltly ing of things

Ill l) be la kc as ak in 10 Ihl o rn h ina l ry la nguage o r OhjC( b ill Ihe un eon shysciou ~ (~ IHr i a lly as d esc l iltd in 111r Iffprr la OI ()f n f(mh H Th~ Illmy

em h lematic i magI~ ill Cllfs ltl nd d~l herc of e nlarg lltl h lIlcis hold ing

d evieclt fo) cltl lllc llin g )lld CUll ing (~ llllffUl~ ca ndk~ hrtl king clnd lts

cutling and g ra ft i1lg sl II ks ~q Ih in g ri pe g ir ls ) mig-h i (1 be sl(n in th~

lig lll or F rf lld 11 ()Cfipu1Rn cltl n in fa n Ire laktn a s a co nAal (Itl or sc(rltl1

i Jlt age~ from J arob Cats nO I onl y llt l ha nd holdinK l sh at llTn l n u tshdJ bu t also a hand slh j)(ntli ng a key rrom 1 m aglltl ic q onc fig u II 9 For the

prel im inary co lla g1 relat ed 10 Odipus RI ( Emsl used a n im age from the

pl liudica l l ll vil Iltfl ~1I1 i ll tl ~l ra tion ora magit Irick in whi dl a l a inU I shdJ is SIIJII1Idd h) il ~ d eft liom a fi nger il~ if uy llla 1ic Cats ~ tmblems ~ive a

parad o xi ca l m(ra l WLig-ht to Ihis nU lSh d l image hic h in 11 X(Iure hld 10 do with ill usion Th i~ m a tt er of illll~ion rccun on eil pla yfully ill rnsts

work Bt-ynnd tha t the elllbkms pr(J itic (lUlio n ary moril l ~C l pitces aga illt

wh ic h Ihe il1 1o l llr (nt l ues and poli licai ton tilsion of tnmiddot rccettt wa r and it~ aH ermath (t n b( Mmiddott

The ck phant of Tlu Fltph(lJIf 1GIIbn figure 10) h l~ 1 ICi ng pcdigTtmiddot( in

c rn h lcmalic i rT1 agc~ of 31 fro m th Illt rad ig llla tic (i i ill [11( fi ftee nth

centu ry 10 pro pag anda cnrica lUr~ du rint ti l( F irst vlo rld Lr (fig ures I I

111lt1 12 17 O ld)( arrn ond g-Ls-mlskcd illca pabk o r lutornot io n shy

s ta nds ror pn liticil lgtO CI the oSlagna ll )igts C1n~ o f thc K aiscl e ra aml th e

war wh ieh so p roroundl ) a Ar-ctcd Ernst a nd his friends In wl ra l ciati

tOlblclll ~ cilphanb ~Uc a~ $ (lC i a l ld wilh wa r and i ts ~poil s M 7 he EIplwlIl if Cfllhes nOi olll y rlt$clJ1 blc~ Alcilti s Ikp lla nt ith l rm(gtlr I II illa ud a ta

la lldan l( ~ but it~ m Cltlu ings S(C rTl tv lwa r out 1ciali s H((HUlI or a milil) englgemell l in h ie h a middotmons l r( HI~ and coarse e lepha n t frig ht c ls a WL) a n

enemy l 1middotlll y Th tmiddot ele pha n ts plinl cri image is thell l Ikc n a the vioors

p Smiddot [in ri [Jutrhu Ilt 1 TM~ry ~f rltHI 1r YvrL amI Loudun 985) I I~ 00 lTom ~d p n -f bullbull l dlltltuaJl~middot (Iii rflrm r~1 ui r i~ till 1 knvwlche a nd

3 1 1Ihx Ir I GloIkk l ~

rmd~-Ul if 1

11 ~r CllarlOl e ~Iok Clblros i u ~~ (gtI k Frrud$ IhCltlTI t fw a~ Ihe r la liQn tor 1 (([Jag r~ b x Er ~ 1ftgtNJld~ I il P 19)104111 TI ( r~ 11 lr) nunlm( lfIr~ p ( ~l O(r a1xt llChl du Impt I ~~tN~lt1I 11 63deg1 Hd J~cQh C UJ oI ffrtf Ittrdt~ t niam 1I~rl r71 Th e V d ~ V l1 lr~i nll ~ dose cO E nlt~ i n I ~ I ) I ~PJ in (hult 71gt ffl iu( a li lou ~ ( rrminffl in pri l [h rollgt tl ~ mh c( nIUr )1 QI (ra r Dc l ~~I t or [e

e[ltI n( 2 ama nt 11 hir h 3 h ~ 1 gtU I nllt kry fro Jl ~ middot i $() 1 ~ IO~ in tmblfm~la 1 QMhfl II (~~ in

and IfM(arn lluht tid pi II ov~ouuvn lChao Ifat AuJr Wl1d(R 1975

n middotU Hlal in Sqmnr Hot-Ie IIK~1IJmiddotIt f)aIII~nt(~ an ntfJ Ifn middot

1)18 -Iih 9jtJ ) 3S1 middotJmiddothi rmhkm j IJ J udn ~

1Ilw and at on tic]h 1 l i l poi I nf ar I d brak ~ n 1gt1 middotPft t pt~ f( ( em IIW r u~ ohit]

h urr lt) J acob ClIts Sed ~ ICCI)

l MbltlWlill lffJrald k~~~au

f((lltcrrl~m 6~7

~u T Il iumbull l r Alrr1 1trr rmltd Ihr Krlqltgtlthu ldf llr in J)n r laquo (u fl M~r 1H) i Sr Irr~d 1) 1VIl~fr r 1 Hf~udw~ ofl kr 1 ~ilfJ II Q (~I T hm lr~n~ 10]1 II Zrydd cw York 91deg1 ~() - J I ~ En[ ~ ul(Jbiographical [Ul t I I~lhu is d escribed Wl lh rcl crc ne 10 l i t nar~ p r~(rdCnIS In H a~clr~

pll) T~(S~~ lh~ ta1he nra~pJ hI a (XI(tk ~ wlo )urnd lt ( lalh ~rJ nl (i younK fCPh ( hid l-~h ~r~ Jn~dc

uganUl tteN has I arrltucol h~(k of [ho- ~c [a l Ono G n - trair) tIl] 1I hi You bulln diollr tv _ I Irjult lilt(

olIl 13 augtt ) ooJ h1 broughl h on t1 AI)hl I nlII)(uh Fnl

wlgtOkallcu cc a Darla rleno~lOlitln

and arral h3d WI I hl ilip t rnlt 1Xlfl hll ra[hcr~ ropon-lt I cunc ~ O Y(tll iuC htlU~11I djlOIlOIlr OIl Il t[ t- Ia EnlJl Fcrdlltw I P l1 i Ie due [0 Ihe fonnulai- nalUn Oflhc fu_h~rJ ( u- u

lucrnryu(occ lOlho- ryurr Ihmmiddot i~ Ihe FImrul111li (gtr clln ~r Rcp[hlk jnoitcclUal drdo-lt f h~ kiml h( lU~p)l(~1

~m (u (_1gtlt- to P bull -i( OS hCf

L~qoJcur IFmUlr CJrnl HISI~r )1 8 913 (I bullbull d I ~i 1) ]1 ~H J I PI lslr pct 1 C I) 1 lt1 (fJ (Iii IIIn

JIB iltn York 9ilIj PI ~- I Cnll ~dci l Am BpiI~1i Bhl IIIltl IJrfJMJI A-w lfflIi KnliA Jti U ltkm~

I)IISIUIJ ( icnt~ gR8 ann _Vld U(Imn

h fJTwilaquootJI THu C rw Vk glib

insig- nia H ow(ver sinltc the v i lory 1(1$ undcsrrId Itu re~ul1 ur reaI ra t her thatt bravery in b)111e t hi ~ imJ~e of the d eph(II t -( ar( told i~ lgt hamefllL That t hl paint ed image of the kpha ll t nmiddotpn(nt~111 lUlw(rth~ Irick SIT CS a ~ a Ili ct Lommcn l on til( not ion ofl h d ((( il ()f ima ge~ in wnerl l Akia ti s (o nd u$ioll of shaillc md lmb ig l o1)~ vic tor y wo uld tlTl ainl y represCnt E IIl SI ~ g1lwral opinion or -ar I ml its lrUnna l h 7 hi Hlephlll1f f C lrbrj i~ ltl n

a lkgor y of the m oral values of lhe p11Cltl a l g CIlI fltl li on ami t he fatherland olmuJalcd a l a time when lhe iS5 m o j 1 guilt I~ a ~u bjcltt or urg e nl

pubJi( dcblte ~9 Th is guilt also fudkd thr tlltml~ or O edipal palriridli impulses Iha t had become 1 corn monpll(C of Expressi oniml and thai a rc pia ycd out in OrdilmJ R~ 1 m [ 71l r LlffJllOnt ofCdhfJ I~

In 1IlYendeavour to find a cnn vi ncinK ltl r~lJnwnl or i u~li(ial iun fi) 1 11 art (hal might legitimately fU llction in til( pOSt Wl r D1(la c ultural rencgu ti nmiddot lions Ernsts turn to emblem and ltl lkgory points to Llw awkward fil or rellt ivt[ c ult ural alu(s a nd conhm llOra ry history ltIS Ihcir fulfilmen t AlIcgot as lilt l( it tralion of codihrd nonnali cult ural or ~ bOlu le a luCs

fi ts- j arrillgly wil hisiOl 3(rommodal ing ils cnrorcro ohins and chUls nf I cn n~ pru jding a rickety bJea hellt lor Lilt spec latol o r c u rrC11 histo ry In

Ordiplu Hrl and Tlu F1rlllimil oj Ctlfhn Ihe high rd~rents of dleg01~ an txposed as (hey m ig-h I c- isl in the wak c of (he First Vorkl War n k ill ~s h ip st ale a nd rdi~iln arc Hvcaled in th eir CHlTf1lI ri lbilillted (Olldlli ull psychoanal)~cd int o ha~(I frlll~ no IOI1~cr Jegi lim al( f)r sla ble reduced to d ressing- up as th (tn~clvc~ P]((i~dy beca use uf the nccessil~ for

hUH~ l u EIII TM frpiloM uJ Cflm 1 9~1 ~i V1 t h( 0 1 1bull0( Icmll tI) (P 11uiSOORC Monmtl QOO

1n esta h lis lHd Iclennl howCvtI the 11lt-gonea ] q nllllIle or Ihe cmule lll JJ]owlt Ernst 10 g-i Vc an a ccollnt of the lailure of the ll)lwlelil symbol o r

11 lt11T lI it

Blt~()nd these obliqLl(~ly polili cal Co Ill I1H~llIa ri ts EIJ)~I S emblematiC

pain ti ng ~uggests lha t other Ih illbS ~rc at Sla k~ in Ihl Ieai lll oi tiJ( a rt t h ~ 111

the lt llhancClllcll t ofpo( l ry b~ visli a l lIH yplion Thc Iml ]enlat ic paintiflg~

Sl11I1 10 Imoke l lost text or key to Ih eir own d CClxling Jf Elnst ca rries the

pOCTS intclsl in JTI l ki n~ tcx t ~ pic toriil l back in lo pi U IIImiddotS he docs so in

ordn It) raise qu e~l i om a bolll tlte na lu n uf ima ges and represe m a tio n T Il(

~df-qu( l i oni ng ima ges appJrrn lly f]uely thcir own Iul ho r ity could th ey rcp r(ltfllt anything c rc il Ill)[ I(r q slig iil l dalinn~ with cx phlllltltnry

ltI11 til nli 7 ill g lexts T h is is fur[IHr rtlalli 10 Erml~ illI)(lli o ll I)) h( h istory

of a n of I rad itLOllS o f i(ollogra phy v I th e m urce i lll a~t

Tn Ill1 Casc of Tuttn lll l Ioml7l1 (figure 3 923 V(rnlT Spits has Tfaced twn ~ (lUIIC illlages to th e popllllI lIintl (cllIh-cl nt ury ma gltllille (1 Yolu a

ships dlvi(c IItlt j)()UN oil 1) 11 troubled wJtC I and all -e mba t hlng ing

upsirk dO Il Til l m1chine and thl ltl tr o ha t ar( figurf~ ofhaJIIlcc JlId order

~e l agj i ll~l a perilo us si tu ation lht) t la blish1 d i ~rupliI 1I~ t ofvltcillatioll

( 1 1 kiln mlblrm

bull~ J f1nni h hrkl J rJI of hul 41nati rUIHurlmiddot lInmiddot Mlln

I )t ~Jlfodurrrl t pmll rm ropol1111 10 1(111 R(Icr(n(( l ibrary

J l~rT I~ _ Hahn lgtt Ihlll If



h gunmiddot 3 En 7 ulmnr f1 lmlltm 9~3-~ M ti17 CI M~ Ern~I IUGI (1 S~ lnRmiddot ( ~1 llrca l 20(1(1

d tt rnat ioll il llbtlau(l and po~ibk fIII tho I frlln(~ OInollier of Ihe pa i ll I ings sources a R ena issa me allegory of r()rt ull(

IvliIIII()lItlti In tlw c Ollrse of I h ( essa) o n ernblems r i H~d hy Erll had gi cn thc im a~C of FOilli na wi th her wil e] l11d sa il as 11) ex am ple of a [J1 11(n sli tficienl vi~ud (Illbk lll rCftl ir ing 110 tex t to supplcmtmiddot11 1 iLS IlwJlI ingsI Ttl Furll lllt of unblem ~ Ofl11 ~ a ih on slOrm y sta ~

(fig ur( 14)n a nd prl~ LJ mltl J ) t h( i ll llstlal i(n of oil-POll ring m ac liill (J) ~Uggfmiddotlt l cd lO Erns t Iht a ttrih ules o f Fort una Ihe c irc ul a r piplt~ swnd fo r IlI r wheel IlC pi pe barlng her )I~ klr hf1 Ulin dn e~s 4t The leetering of Er nSI ~ Fon una Illa y he lIt r ib lHed to Ill i com)gld ph ~ or t hl grandt 1s lrnmiddotI11I (fig-uri 1 5 )1 ~ In Il le r on ((xl of h yslcna the so urCe illla gl or the acroba t eOJJ1ts in to pla y in Cha rcol and Richer s I J as sj~a l

~tu d y nr hyste ria in ~Ir t I f( )imollinr7 11t5 dml( url j Ui allOytmiddot Iht i ll tl~-

1 1 -(( ~Ij~ lla E middot ((Jla(CIf

f I~ IIml l middotdprM(It OIOIe 97) (11 15 1 r1 rUlclld middotUmiddotme lhauN VI 1Hamp--7middot 4 - hy middotillmiddothul( Fr~nt( S~ltS( ltibull

Icl~ U -fhg uImiddot uurnjl j lurhJrnmd 97 11 I J9 51 This Imiddotunu tlI1hh u Iq td III -

Durc 1 in ~ lnl c t ~ h (1 und n de Imiddotlisunmiddot Jo~rM1 If lilt LIb~( fnlllll III 92~ ) pp 7 I ll

1 Ion ) lnunlrmiddotmiddots 1- Pu d Im ll~l1Id ft n(rmiddot~ middot lax Ernst G middotmJ-k Au Ihmiddotf()JU da amu rlal ig~) n ~IIlaquou do w moTd W I b rrlJNI ml)km~U(middot hl UTlt of middotOCl~Smiddot

11 - I lIn ~rlcfut 10 ] I it I ~m~$ fot hvwinl tnC I lul]w( 1 too rc on I- nn and h) la drlid at the I lI l (bullbull lkrl lurMlhUI hll lIi1)t Un Ga l a fl~u ro uf Iltt gt ~ on) Uotncst(

Uioor ~ l d be Eluurdf Mil f~ I IlII luItltgt4flAlyllf SO~fIJ PI tOj ~

rigUft q Fornll x ttlt h ~It u n

Ii tby WdrOllfl Fullmiddot 11 1 iUllt V~rfbIU Dj( 17

1b J (~ COI ~nfl l ul Rkher - IJIIII(mI~I fa lgrlmiddotrRfl() (Amncrd ilnl 97111 100 n middot eljg wmiddotS pc i ho dlgt$lt In Ad middot ell Sarto S(lUlI

Phl J Wi Jillnl _ poJsMk also Ih ) h) Charco d R~hcr

11 Elila]t(u ll rcn 1lts Iu~ middoth~$triQnk OIICillallo n a t_middot itligll ~

or he bymrk Or lin tkaJ body

1lI uchSlcr 9J Ptgt ~f(gt-imiddot

trnt iu ll show here i till oh~(ralio n thal h y t (ric~1I atli l udc~ pn~sioshy

IIcllc~ ]evc tCtll pUfoi s 1m car ( I n particu licrellH1I1 ITohaliqul 6

Ermls (IlllJleml1ic 7 1r(ri lLg IYmllllll th c ll IS 1 (ompk l1ld humo rolls lI ullcgo rizul ioll of fo rt una -I -1 yst cr ic11

Com plex rlt-fCrcnces like liIi un 10 fortuna pop up thruug ho ul E rn~ Is

I rk amI se rve I S ind i $ of a ll (gor~ di fCCli ng us 1 ) Iradi lio ns or i(onotVashy

ph ) and accumulated Illcanil1g 10 symbolic tig-ures Inc attribules thai re ta in a sh-dowy lu hori t) hilt being Su hj(C lelt1 h~ E rlt 10 subi titwiJll$

r igbull I wwd Pjdk iul1udr Ik Hucilitlnr n I n rhlrnl tlld ( dmiddot lr~ dim~~taqw rf~ Iarl 1186

llnl OOf ~ [ AT tlTUP~~ ~hIQ itl EL L~S U ~ ~A ~IIA ~ O E T IIIUIt II Y S f t R I Q ( [

Allilnde d~ cnciG etenl

nnd degradatiom T he Forull emhlem here comes from Ab y arburg- s sl1ld~ Francesco Sltlsscl1is let lwilli gc Vnfiigung- (1 907l En~ t was not na ive abou t t he nuu re of images and their contagion and he fa nCS r unsidshy

natioll (If the onvt llI il)n of p iCl(ri d language Hld as~ u ll1pt iom ltlh0L11

mea ning At the li me of Warburg Saxl and Panof~k~s t ralings of da~~ial

~ymhol~ amI mylhollt)q-~ th rough IIwir til-hased ltI nri mu lt iple ronm in Ih e

mbkm~ uf mag illklun and as trology E rnst wa- him self englgd witb sudl dchascIllCnts~ 8 Fm u s Er lldil(~ illlag(r) makes h im a pl radnxind

ltlcackmiti a n a nd pa rodi c nr hi ~lOrilIl rel yin on Ihe prl~l i g( of rlcog ui I shyabt l~ q UIt liun bllt sa htlaging tlw h i~torical method Ilat w(lutc1 ~il ua Le a giC 1I wo rk th roug h ils relal ion I() prncden ts Tlw T urning I-1QIl1I cuuld d t~tl be rel a lcd ror middotxa mplc 10 C iOll u~ c lnb[emalir Il1rtJlJlu ncy (fig u lI 1 6) III

Erns t ~ Jisjunct i c ilT1ages parlde nfcrcllt~ bllt ddy rongruity ltllI rl c hronolshy

ogy u hvlr1ing lhe aUlhori ty of history to sequence idell tify imCrp lI l lI lld evaluate H e ~ i lua tCS h i ~ work within the history ofar and li terat ure capita shyli ling 011 th e cx ptxtation orknowin~ ~ aU high academic a n h as donmiddot_ b ut parndicall y mocking any pic t y or nost tgiil fo r 10s1 ori g-in ~j

A work part icula rl y di rctling ll~ 10 problems of Iltlngutge and f(middotp r(lt ll ta shy

ion is AI tht r ln Cltar Word 1923 lfigure 17) pai u tcd Oil lhe Wl tt o f Pau l 3nd Gal a Elu ard s bcdronlll J lengt t h itog-lyph k co n fi g u ra tio n (If fing(rs ba tt and string u e oqlI1 i7OO a rou nd the o r and X of Ernsts name $ilUali ng th e pa inting in the long- tr lditi(J)l of emhlematic deir(~ that play on names The pai nti ng as il immiddotulwmiddots Inc clongucci fin ~cr of a 01ll11l

JIllgt pru habt ) em bod ies Ernst cOIlLlm pnr ilrr rdatiom hip wit h G ala E lulfd (TIl E device traditiontl l is m clIlt 10 proli)ulJdly rcpre~t nl he ha hitual conduct (lr ( ha rati r or onlsel f oncs princc ur th c beloved womUl whitt t voidi ll L pon ra iwrc)Y 11115 5 p lCltlr( panLom im cs n des tabishylized pictoritJ compo~ i J i ()n the bt ll on thmiddot ~ rill~ wh ich ()r IllS lh c [ i~ I II

im minLt1l dltt nKcr oflwlng dropped by Ihe crossed fingcrlt pullin with it Ih( tlil of Ihe Illard-likc in$Ipound t T his co nngllfllion is lik rly a j oking refc rellC to

Frcudill li cn~ t rl ti () TI an x itmiddot t y ~ a noti(11 n i nfOTced hr Erm l ~ou r(( imag fro m 111 Salu re iIluslrllling a Irick in which 0 lingmiddot CTos~ed and pressed to ltl single bJ ll have th e sCll5a rion of feeli ng two balls As a dci(c JJilc rct aining the wit l nd (()nci~ ion appropril( to sueh repnSt IHatioll Frmts painting brea ks wit h th l c1 Clurum ltInri pwpcr k di ng tradi tiona ll y l ~s()C iated

wilh lile devite a ~ portrai t of t he mind or w uL E rnst~ im al l also rdi tes

If iby rhll rg rnfrlhUltrSrhrifk-1f

] irdllcnstlti ll lif9]I 117 51 ~

Rbnd K all) mc~r 1) 1 1gt1(1$

Iltr~hr f lfn1t una d~ ~lIdarhll -brdtllnttk r L f min l lmiddotb~t wnd IJm)tflm T]n J87) 48 1 gt111 ( rldu l (0 Rfrky lin HI 1 ~lI)lJr I L-d Ihr t iol(IJ mhllt1ltlt

ll I ] hwau middot1 he $lru((lIrr or All elonl~ Il)eltIf ill IIII~~~ Iwl RqgtrQI ~I ltlhnJ ( lt 11111 ( Ih ~ 1Il tl 1(1)(1 I~ 1 37middot

iO- amp ( Il ~n ri Eli C Alldtjam(n

aniltt r nlas Ulul ( I doll 16IbiPpmiddot 8 1-7

51 5lt Wmiddotmr SpQ fouJ liolld Irrudi cli ll ~ iu J) Hwhhr Ii du (lttr C610i1 I l7 PImiddot 5 4middot

~ll(ure 16 Giou nlill (Slt f1) ~ini Chilpdj

5~ - XC IstkUIImiddot Ltt Jill ( 1lt drriJtgt nn the pfOpltn~ ofdc ien It ~nno td t

fkmcll lS de Li tltrrmiddot JlIgt Ill d ~80)

lIi(krlt l p II ~_

M a rmontcls insistence 011 the h igh 1110111(1 11 lt urlomiddott emblems I llnn mtd )t VC as 1Il ltlmpll or the o~jt(lionahl t tToli lIIbkm objcL~ luxqllds Iop inirlll allad w ride de ha-gtsessc sUlh as a pot Oil the fi rt ith Ihe mollo f a m ltOIlsul1ed below ) It i~ tempti ng III im agi ne Irnsl toyin g wi th this

higb mor~1 1 po~il iun by delibera tely making a (Tud pun th e basi~ of til liu First Cmr WordY

T ypica ll y huwevr Ernsls Vi~U 1 1 sou rce rna) lJ ~ (lv(rdcterln ined hy 111 trudi tc textual ~ourn III I f NiL dAlllIIbrr D ichrl ~ Dr Uordeu describes the controlling ccnI tI ()r Ih t ch fir OUl ~n$aliOIl~ L~ a jlld~c who hears caS(~ md pIOIl Oll ll (I~ vc rdirts This jud~( hOHver 111lt1) be e ffeclivdr

deceived b y the (i(llIc( it may expe riL- llct paill ill an lIl1 putalcd limb 11 01(011 ~ays Dr Burdeu ~ou Gill INt t he limits allli decepl ions o f

sensa lion by (ltI rrying lItI I Ihi$ sim pI eXlwrinWll t Otl the judge

o n k tro mpe lu- nd Oll 1(11 1 crui ser dl lLX 11( ()~ doilts run Sill Inutrc lUuch(z un t pclill ooule lt1 il pronnll r(ra qu-iln II df l1x

2 bull i

h gumiddot 17middot l rnSl II Ihl FII (lro l1pd 1 )~3 I t bp (I II ~ L m ltlift))G P

1 1 lri~ OUolAC -110laquo1 ltOOO

In to( context of thi ~ pa rt ieulM di~lullsjon of s(n~ttiol II 1t1 Ni l f d J(lmh

lhe hypolbeli cd Fltudi an melning~ nf E rnsts Ilugcrs and ball in tensify The fea f ( castfa linn II lre is dJ ierl 0 (middotO fl~i (kra lion 01 The npITicHclt of pai n and pkhurr di sltussrd fl y Did r rol and the decept ion orthe senses ~ lldy ra ~

someth ing to d o with j urlgill l Ill( dtcp tiolls of illu ~ion is t 111 with the picru rc itsel f alld (implii t in Ihe Ictltl~ ()1l11ed Ily gtIring wd hnger wit h llie k((middotplio ll ~ ufl ang uagc

Beyond UidcrOl til( fou nd ation fror Emsts rlecplion 0 1 El uan] lnd Pau lh tnmiddot~ a rgumen ts about languagc lay in ( enIt 11 Roma nt ic dcba tcl ltlho ll t till ~rn bol ith is full ex p1l~s i (I1t$S and uni ty or ~ ign and n ferfnt 1S OPp()sd HI the di~~ocia lcd and arl Jilrar y sj gn-gllle la lioll l)fa lllmiddotgol) I Of panicular lifelong intenl tu Ernst (ft the po-ms CS~ t ys tJld a lltgorjC~ o f Novali I II the fi ch lc S tudilu N(lva l i~ httl u Hlsid ered lilt rela tion or

l t 7 fit I H l 1gtlt(lI

5 ~ - Sn HLmmiddot odoro M If Ih I ol Ir (Ihrl n r Io rln Ilhh J l)tb 1 151

~ Umothc JaiuA I(hI~ed me of rn~(f hfdonA bullbullding 0 -11 ~ i~ (k Iter lu

hLlhtlh LclOlc 0 ell 91121- M~ dlkllraquolO(l i~ lI deb loo (0 II~

fC(Illt(r o Kn ) ~r-lu t HtNIl_ nI1 Ioudon 9lj s~

fio hlr S d 110 Stlrjinf rd l1I1 dholln ~ lId K rd Sallnd 2 lIllIlIlr~ n 1)gt5

y QUOIn t 1bullbull Iulil1 Oir Il-gtOtw- KumulIl ~I fI Poe jdcr h Ohrfllt1101nl imiddot b-ftJ IMM bull I~ 1 IjJj11_ 1 lt)OCf p ~06

~1 It_I 5ltlrrif(~~ V 282 U lln hilll prp1K(I h1I Novtlraquomiddot d~ ldk ll i

ixua Irlnllllod ~bull middotIrmiddotI1 I middot rJ dwr Ihm rr lrnrlll (Hgtrlldk ) ~H - ito UBeu PI 0 11 11gt ~MI S(itl~I I V I ~

~ 1 ttl lIml To i Was Ma_~ 1-1 Iudirl h i ll Ia ~H K~I~ P l S c r PI Ip HattltlorHrr

I~nf(n (P(t Tunlu IPlI amp nn K olVI)lJtt AtIhIJIt~ ImJ~nt I _jm (1(In EIxhllll 19031 Karl Ih(f)(lomiddot C d cru ( dritl

HMIlI~NI III Jtbtfl DISn LI n Ll(PlM 1Jf(d 1881 J eanmiddotUaud t rtbs (~ ifipp H sectn Cr ~

tIorll Frnkrun middotrnmiddotMam u Iu 1lI

IqIi l PI V~ -t3 Thrn ~r n 1I ~II i ltI h not 1 p~I1gttul r 1( in TI n oell u1f 0111 8ui chmid d FIIrjI ~I 5 ]nJ J~6rfjnnu 1 lII Di_UfJ(11 Numbl

III~ 1Io11l 6 SI h nJ ( f(tmiddotulll ll middotlulrodOIvu AItl~ry aN HprtUIIlJIIDII

PI) ~l D lan pOIfl~ ou ltlr311~~f)rr 3ltll1 mhlrm bull 11 d iflkuhy (Of ]Jqllf i Iht th (mvh d~r ~ 01 rtp~uu -n C tgtOllt~ nd In 11K rmiddotrr fSltltn~ l h~

Iu Qn I ~Icd middotPutal

bullI ~gtIOfV of PllSlVI IIpry RfIlnIllI_ p ~3)

language to th e th i [l~ il t~p rC~n l gt argli n~ t haL silllc lAng uage n rijinatcrl

l1 finding ~ i lm (or lbSl tae l conccpt~ it i illiterr l11ly nw tlphoriltl md dlceptivcn Fot I(ovali ~ fcprCC nT ll ion is a proce -~ hy which lall~utKC

fig ures (orth somelh ing lhal i ~ itself IUSI I rough tillt ln y 1(1 of being pnstlIh( If for Nova li ~ jlOmiddottry IIl ll lgt1 appro~ld l i~ual li rt ))il rot~il Inu

also zur Kunst werdcn ) ~I ne( rt hclt-~ d ll ~i I) ilwit)bly Idl shor

crea ling an illusiun uf prcsellcC where t he re is n() IH So (I IlC ( an n p n SCIl I onl y i ll ordcr 10 rcprcscmiddotnt Y alld beyuml t hi ~ lei of 1lt_ prcMnting thrrc i~ rIn absolutc ulIlcprtsctH ahk negllid y d tlcrm in ltgtd KlOu nd a conce pt or being that lt1111101 be d(~( l i hltd (111) displMcd im o c han o r darkmss cent Tn Novalis Eru~ 1 wou ld find a his tury fOl J (I lwlhiIlmiddots (ol1lcm po rIIY

argumcnt thnt all ln nguagl inn )ivcs metaphor and millndcr~t lIld ing a nd lil his d tllcriptioll of IIe cia rk nes~ Iha l sl l orc~ lip Ihl )l lOvcrh OlSlTlions Novalis~ theori fs ofl anguage uor nt oul by Pa ulhan ct1ll thC lllsck e 10 Ill

middotprlScll led by ErnST in the en ig-nuic piuolid Innn Lpprnp riltlH to NOlt1i ~ ~

sig n or 8ild

Allh~ Fin- Clear Word Ill a y be lfad in ligh l orlh~I plradmtlt ofbnguagl lild ~emury d ectption I n~ot~ r a ~ EII) is til represen w r n r pn5lnllr CJftlll pic tll re he is til t d tceiHI ho (c l hI eq n I writcs him$(lf intn IIw p ictu re through his pnouious mono~ ram 3 ~ ti l( deceived Sim il (ontig ur lI iuns or balls a nd stri ng llC a cOlIlIlon plac( of SCclllttnth-cent ury

(middottIIule lm )( rhlil l it~ sud l a~ R lJlkll h lgcns l enllOll~ Globe hanging hy A

thread IllrCa ltned by tht di vine k ni ft wilh its mOllo 1 wi ll hc cm 10 pi tccs

fIgure 18 T IlfsC l m blcUla lie modds sel up the ( lIt1 i n~Cltlst ration j oke impliCi t i ll Enm~ plin ting T he mOllo or I llIvorffcrs rebted emblrlll ha l dccei CS us a mu~cs u~ is cunsistent lth t he ide) uf lhe pli n ting iI~

an illustra tion 01 Illr (kctpt ions of thO se nlt-~ and of m imetic picllln-m k i ll~

tsdr ftigure 19)

H ard(irfit- r 01In eccen tric th(o ris t uf the e o lvill Genn a n la n ~ua~(

a nel of uuoque emhlems H iJ visio n 01 middotGrlllairl poticmiddot was illfiuencecl by Ripas rulolugifl Acia w and J atO) C algt l ~lII st ho had studied ph ilu logy an d hld la kcn a ( ou r~( o n the v c r man nomiddotd of the sevenshy

leenth lin d middotijl ltnnl h cel1111ri o l it u nivtfi ly miln I dl have Cllcou nshytered his 1 ()lk 9 I I is a~y til 11 (-l arsdlitflcr a~ it proto-sunca list

throug h Jing-u islit ~arlH ~ ill Wllld ~ amI illll(~ b) p hon ti play and nc c()r tr bi n a lioH ~ Ill hoped 1(1 drw 1)lIt h iddell ret lI1b l a n ce~ bct ccn th ings and CVl U 10 invcnt IIC W Ih ings illulllill ltinl lI lt p ro fo und rdations of I lItgulgt mpound ttoe o rld I he cullelt i gllllc-pla) illK of his C tspradtshyspick fragmcn tcd syllabic and wo rd re(()I nbined b ltliterna li m cun trishybutors to produt( unli)rt (c lI rclt I1 I1 ~ ha~ I)l iUlis afJiui lies w il h surreali~t

potti I practice H aT1gtltlu r rfCIs emblem r ai(~ a ~lmiddotnlmiddotr tI puinl ahou t em blems hile tlln

pro id e Glp tival ing rt)lism cf el ltil tl li is IP l r~ l to ensure Ie~ihilil and ough t to have Ilolhillg 10 do I ith Ihe Jl lt- I ~ lI nmiddot Urlllil1lDis A t Ih( F lnl Galf

Vorn a ~ a piclure a bout S( II~()ry cl ( p tiotl is a n ironir a llegory or ils own t1l IK1Ciri cs (0 rcprcocnt r-I(IIc hrou l- it rIilCgt ltI p roblem of aUIgory whkh Lries It) fu lly npn scnl or pi tun al) t rt( tions llUt I~ hich llIccssa ril rccals

ilS uwn fa ilure lu arw ally brillg lillih ~udl tl lill~s fgt T he da ril ) of the cmbk m sim ul ates tht gra tifJ I lir~ of I n i (J1lsi~ stl1ing up an anxi()u ~ t1t t rshy

naliun btlwctn (knxlillg wh a t i ~ IlH- u lr d eH lr dll1iC(11 dra lng and



I bull



relishing the pleasur UI) pmsibly lIli 11 1lt1 i( tJl E1l11Jk mati~ a1l0w E rn~ 1 shywho 4xprcsscd cQn tcni p l (() I milllClit a rt to negot iate bdwfcn I h~ ~I(tu(~shy

livci ) mimet ic tud ed ifying)y d i agrarnma l ic 6~

As 1 pend ru 10 AI Iht hr~ 1 elfllT kV(lrd til (ol1l g ~ L Q)QI Jl tSCIIf n ) OUIIl

girl 930 -70 (figu re 20) tu - h i1I Ems f IHu a lly added a real glolWmiddot tikc bltlll ul ltlnnil y bcar~ 0111 [he sense of the Rollen hagen l mbll Il ah hough thl di vjllC POWtf to cut i~ now invested in the tollage nist himself (o r rather Is he represents himselfilhin Iht piClUre l~ Lo ploPi The em bleshym a ti c rt lnin d n Iha l rh inbTS U( 1I1titna tcly IUIt of your hands Ihll ( oci hold~

thl ~ci ~sonbull i ~ plnyert upon hy Ernst wi lh da rk i l The introduct ion o f Lo ptop in 1910 as Ern t ~lt rtgo recaJl~ owllis diClUm The 1 1l1 li~1

preselt iLSeJ f as prcsln ting 3 Th i5 cads again to lIlt problem ()f the vict lln asmiddotil1li~i oll [ltU L()plop i ~

lI sultl lly d cscrilx-d imprf~sJli()o )jk( as introducing or p rese1l1ing tbe pic tll OfL r n il is Lop lop ~lC lillg as frl1lw o r easd who prCSCli Is a n iUlIsiomiddot Jli~li( pi clltrt ilhin lltt piUunu5 T he ~ ll hjCtI~ of tll( pi( llIn~ lI il hin the

piCHI onen have weigh t) implicJliuns I rolll1( Ililii grapes by a~sociltltion with Z tuxils gmpes im o kc piolo ri a l illusionism oa k kavcs stan d fo r (C111111 narion) islll a nd RU(k has rl ief M aJgtcilllise sla nds tor F rench nltionltl lshyiim It is as if Ihe sym boJic me ni li lS indicated b) Loplop~ piclu res t re IS i lonkally rcl ri (vaule as the pos~ihi lilics of pino ri 11 iltu~ion and flllln(i~ th they sland for alld ilh wlloh Ihey an Pcs(nt ed TI H the grI I(S a nd 1lCS

2 5 (1 TU lrAHI middot H 1(-

Fillln II ( il)r id R o)knhag~n middotClu han b II hr~d wlih (~ tr ha nd hold g a kn rmiddot ~f(~w 1hIlIIIImiddot I i-him r ~i

fi t - St Th II Kelley Rn~MI

II II(go ] II ~(IIl he If Ih~1 nl(crmst llrgor~ na k middot ldrr r~t(h n I t ~

I h on ~ l llpp1)Vdl) oljlflSCd 10 il r)w mimClibullbull his(01 )

() 2 h r hisect iIIllhn (fOlU (hi

(l hll mele mil ~ 11 arlif t ~

Ma_ fru~l jjiIMJ p I 6J - ~Mlta )iJmik ~ f ~t12 ~ct

~I )ulm P 97 (v r di (m h~

Pilamplg hvll t N(ll$ II a rl h ltlonlt4) ontt I 10( lim or ~m~IJ I1 Y 1IIIliD 11$ iltit (laquolt ~ndjd G ~ ~IJ

mulaquo el 1 rl arsd ltnd laquocu 6 s O middotRticn I lI lh Th pk utc -ithm h pintlr _tnCi as mc~rhor ru t NOali om pI ad pIIaduxinl image I l ie -1l ld h h wdun Ikin~ hll iI~) 1middotU1 ou tsid e j( as n prtlCnt tWIl

~Qligt hnJ ~ p 06 ti) - I plup~ middotad a nd eQpalt$ h~

any ~ial pr~cnlenu C( middotrrllr SIlOlt f~Qp_ rr J i( OIMt Srf LotdwI

Jlil Ik~Q 1 SI)ics I(8middotus l ~c1r ( rrma o-c is MOl Sehind s TII trti~tgt a iOimacd COnllltUl6 ~ilt5(lt rllaquot and ~il5hl-nlzot) fn~nn 0 Nlrru~fI IJaa 80

tisull 9 H lrjr Wshy nj() h Mr~t ~ 1 Itmfr U(pr~(hrIr

1644 (I


r for Jr


ikdy d a$gtltS


(J VUlliJ yenrrfttr~ I Xi In lh~

LltJII()Igtltrics t~ l ~h UlCt Ilw rompt

fMI dlilaquo (f making (hiu ~Jl llCar IU Igt I n nplJ(1 QUI of Ill()lhcr pic of PII r bdud lion which I 1lap ilh (he ambJguIjI Qf ltOt lhin hccomioe middotrl )7 S pound I) VHI Image ar bod Y dt purd aliRl1l11(llt 01 Waltt r Ikllj ~mi lt1 1 Bnlmiddot JDI(1 M8JN~IIl1iI ~ 3

Ilt)ltJI pp ~5 -H20n h~ P r bullbull II1tQl 10 11( cn blrn1 Ilr liK if IC~ t()

I)irn iocapl hle Ihe-Imiddot of middotrnln lmg meaning bullbull liegQ1 i~ 01 ju(

Olhnlll mClonpnic 5hiflil g 01 Wmanl(


art acturl lly pre~sed into thl paper 10 form ~ ha~ lr-lief h ci~hlI1~ lilt joke Oil 1h( power of piClori11 illusio1lism to hring things illlO r(l 1 d inwnsions wi th in tIll fidd o(the r iled mimesis of the ditglam l1la lic larger pi( tu lmiddotmiddot

So Cr llsts pictun may ntmiddot tl kcn 1 a n (mhemlIic prCsentation or Novaliss Bild lunel ioning as a Plfldoxi( d rlj) rc~cn l alion of 11ll fli lurc 10

flill y represc nt dealing wit h thc plOhle rn o f prcsen li l~ a pilI UII a t all and by elltensiOll wil h the )nhcllnt dcnplio ll~ of me La pho] i1lu-iol l and lan guClgc O ften representcd by a dark ell si lhouettcd htnd IS in Ioplop pminlS bullffjiifJ 1931 (fi gu rc 21) Toplop invokes Novl lis f~JlloJs d cscri pshytioll o(thc delusi(n of repr~cntlllg H( gliI-p- ollly a handful ()r d ~llklJcss ((

Loplop a~ i ll1 plcs~ario mtkcs p rescnting ~d l~co l1 c i olls hat is prestmed i ~

ahIs mediated 01 II a rnllOW like Ill( pictures Wi lh1) pic lurts losing

ground III llllIly o r Ernsts p3i nling~ W~ 11( ill the territory of cmblemalic rcprOlclllltHioT1 thost fa ilures and ha zards agaim t hi ch the rnord or motto or the emblem i~ proph~ bClieall) ~c l Ernst makes the cmble mat ic il1l agl a ll emblem orkonograph ic lnca n ill ~ itsclfb7

Tn the (middotolllgc novels ]lIginning with La Femlllt 100 [Flu 1929 Ernst dcvdops the cm blem image illlO an allf~o lka l na rrali( Tf Enhts coll agc T1ocI ~ fU llction or ma lfUllclioli l~ parodics of the pul p nov as cx lcndccl clich e the atrnosphln of popula r IlOVel movi ng- from dimao( to climax is nut (Illy char3neri sl il o f di llhangcr scrit1illd Ii (lioll bUI of high allegoric-

~ ilurr 1Q ~rJUI --QpI~ IW(1IIJ P~lIf $1

11)3)-70 ~ I tl 1 1 C 1 1 -nm middot 0 (1

1~riII-O[)1iC ( IlIn~11 locO

111)_ HI nl [ ~ l Cl middot

ril(UR 21 ~nb l Loplol fgtrr~ll bullrjlirJ 193) raquoI~ 1781 Cl 1( lt f rtI~(AIJA(f

ld SUOkAC ( Ina l ZOQO

(gt11- Ou EI and pu(p fin iou Klt Rltncc

R irlot 1 1I~rI S~JIIJ on flu 11ltgt01 Jkrkdmiddot~ od l(gtmiddotngt1cs ~ P 8

(I li ~ r)hC Olhe r(olla ((n-vcb 10 (tII~ 100 ius lltms 10 f()rl~ ~cu i t i It f J) bn pred i(1ali( ITUucm nf

dJgory thaI IhIt ir is w lhig

~-qutItLil1 and UorrdlJ d~li) irlo )PUlI lhol a 101 s~ j 1 rma ll e Iruun OrUrgurir 1 d middot middot 70 Sec RrlIll I)j kw Idol Dr (fomlr gt~raquoI4S~~ ofFm= ri( i Fi -ltir)l1dr CIIIMlt rw Yk I ondon and O d Od 7r - Ilr hundred h~dlc wumn

pcrgtoniM Ihr protlogt ofnIlt) i II blt n d~ugtltsltJ lrum la~I llt nmiddot I a ~ Old Ikrricln gtI I at OJ~ 1I OllgtII) Ic Ihin lnd b) UI huured 11Ultbl

(ltTduug Slaquo Kon Rund tbi~ oUtIII l SnfUQa flta (Slrnl

-Ill Jcq1 [xrrid I ~ Ihr ~i dr Plmon r PIQImr idd i rUf HiOn

1- 1 1jl3lt) ~5- ~1 a 1 11Ik -bn

laIlt 1111- uf P5UaSI Il 11 n 7 nLllIr Max En_ s CCIl1~ldc A Il

u~dJjJ Ju tzmis Punl of pHtdigmltK- rcmm~ Jail (tcmiddot i duo1lltcJ

j ltoul l e~ d to Ir mYIr~ de IJ Fr nn I (h rlltoum ed ilh Inrily n [J

ru~orlf J~dlnl Ul Ieh IW adl COl middot

iJ drjed in Lr M~IUf ~ (ue biod Il)d by II rah ) mllo)~ a (M from CIen dOn Imiddot ga~m

n j)()gtltt t ( du d I dClaquo1 PllfT

J1( Inl 9~3 I 3 )middot i J 1 mpu lit) is 011( ( I)utf HlT~JIJ ilIU1lruom illmlHffi by t dl~ aKI o lkmm Solaquo rhf 11rllrpIt~ of 1fIIopoilbullbull 1(0)1 ltlt 1 A I (~ bull Lltdo d3middotICl ) I or the hltad leM

m~ ~I nprt nlIVlt of the lI h~voJiud

Mltirirr5(C Ilaydcn hw T hc Ior r Idnc rll f~fJ)lgtfOlmr FHJ n

cJIllIr1 (nWi BahiOI~ 11(1 l aunn

l7ijjP r63 5

ltIS wellG8 The luadks~ OIl1an w ho c rupts iu uiflircn l forms lhrou~hflu l Ia Frllllllr X) tilu could ~ef( as a mnaphor lor Ihe d isru privt relations bel ween metaphor ltlnd th( ~cq ucn tiltt l flow of narrative charaCte ristic ( I llegory The d(vd o]lm(n l~ cnn (inui lY and rcptli li(HlS afTordcd by 1lIJTativc allow hun (0 rCClpil lLlatt S() W ~rea k hi ~ usc of woma n to personify his own Icdllliqlll

The k nmJe nud e had belfl l1l1 lhe prw niscuQu sig nifier par t udtIll( 111 nin clee nlh -nntury $ll nn painling in 1 hifh Ilt t complex it(lltirics and allri shy

hut es of any given 1 l1 cgoricld personifi cat ion WCl( Kro~~ l y sim plifin l a nd s i ~lIalled a nd in which multipl ied numbers (of ha rtm ~la v (s or OJcads) com pensa te fo r loss of indiidual s ignificalion If Ihimiddot ~a loll lIu dc finally scrvf d as a pcr~nn i fi clI ion of a n OcrT rowcltd a nd raquohdioere Sa lon itsdr 7ltgt that cltuase lllent of the aan c mil tra dil ilJll rIK ina ted Erm t as he pl ullder(d ninelecn th-cent ury j ournals a nd salrl11 (pvrl~ fOt his collage ma l( i1 1I y not one hundred headl(lO~ woman instead of onc hundred mrmingk ss oms why nOI om perrcn ly ugly hcadlc ~ Ioman (ICte de mecl us() instead of ti le rut ile Salon bca ut ic_

Tlt tlc is Ill importan t (ll ulcmalic prototype for frns t~ womln a ~ GC f(]

Rauer has notcd I rnst s fcmm e 100 t Ci I~ has a counte rparl ln L a Pcrr i i rc ~

11 T lriil de$ bQNJ en~IIS (rigurl 22 ) IhlUl1 d i~llliss~ this rcscmbk nc( agt fortu itous ImHer il is im portant Ih1I it is the Inl tllnt is c1ost-S1 10 the

Ill(ltlni nls uf Ernst s woman not till image I Pcrlicres femme is iuall y an ad ap tat ion of a lomill onpl acx Horapllll o-dlTivcd hcadle~ ma n

signif)itll( I m )JOssibili t~ presuma hly a 11 aul c~s oman l~ douhly illlpossihlen In L Pcrricrcs prcm lO he is not JJl( rely ]utdless bu r rtther Jik( Ernst s middot te mll1 f hilS I)Ulny i(kn til il~~ IqJrcst ll l(o by many heads silt is compa n d to lh e Chi n1ltl crn Girion p) hnn tll cdusa Cerberu~ and lhat l-llnicular pnmiddotc ur~or of tIl( km nw 100 Ittcs Iht H yd ra Through such proli li-ration or menning sIt( is Ih e mhkJll l i ~L~ dream emblem Lr

Pcrriercs le( nlllcludes tha t ma rc marvellous Ihan all Y of Ihc~t lll ylhic creatures middot vu lrl bt Ull(- fem me sans leu Ihe One figure who cou ld prcSurnshyably em bod y a ll hybr id mean ings in one ~ llcc in (t blll meani ngless fo rm La lclTiCr~ crnhlem may be an allegory of lhe cjlem ma of rht PO(I UIIHl Lnned hy his middot iivll~ hu l need ing 10 be a )H roi( d eca pitator a rer~(lI ~

aluivalc1l1 T hl ngrt l1a ble mora l conclusio n of La Perri eres poem is tha i woman Ilccds a guidc a ra tional hCltld a nl ltln lax pound rllst71

O n one occuion irr IAI FtnllU 100 liles Ernsl himself appearS (fi gure 13 1 III Loplop and the mouse s horoscope M attCrs or desliny fa lc a nd horoscope- are a sta ple ur emblclIl li te rat ure middotf he imge is pan of a n embleshymat ic (radiliv) in vhich caged creatures slam] ror lht ca ptivi lY and sull t ring of tIlt poel or lo (r (fig ure 24)1) Em Sl i~ agen t and nO l ca ptive 01 flt ltc however Ba n-dle~lcd he may be (rt l ra~ rfli hen a~ ltlll odur pcr~nll a uf Ihe multi-valc lll woman he carries the d isGmlrd cinllus of th at stock haraCllr of l lk gOry the haUd resscd woman RUI he holds onto h i~ hal (Ihich unlike the he-ad Ill ay be lakcn on and of 1 ) and thu s retaim for himself Ihe powcrful masculine role of the head Erusl appea ring in persOIl wilhin his tollage 110d signn ls his SWIUS as a ll-controlling novelist or em hleshymatist d lOS(middot c lvnga lcd hand CH n pluck thr- mouse Out of il s ordaiucd palh al a n) tim t Ernsl l$ a llcgorisl should Iw SitultlHd in the trdi liun ofparod ic nuvc isg incl udilg Ka lldais Charles Sorcl J cln -Pa ul R idlter and TIlOlIllS Stcrne whose work relies 0 11 a Jlet0ry to ironi ( it ~ own d tviccs~

hllur~ )~ rouU gt lt 11 Ierricn middot1 _ Fe 0lt ~Iemiddot bb(om xv Lt middotfhIQII( au flu OlU 539middot

7 t t- rr middotm i ~hlllkeuoImiddot(gtr I ~

E ts alP-1m~ ad 10 III unJinn~ Ih t middothltmiddot ~11 ome hmiddot Igill~ o nly in o 1 oj Ihem ~e ltor pmpcrl) nmn~(tcd IIgt Illfi r 1middototls tT j inllny ITrI 5I t 01 SIJ Iijt I-i 1 Ynr I)U

1middot9 i ~ Thmiddot tllmiddotd 111I)Ult if) Iro p O JPC~Il

lciII otld ~rqJlOxIUmiddotlmiddotd in I) middot~(on( ~t j oolgt C~~ middot i ~poliJ t

gtj)(lli lont tmiddotC I 111 (apia I)n1

[mill ) MUftIM~ Alh dt 11((-111

fAmSIrd I 7~ (l Damel Hcin~iul

Q I ~lD 1~J i Jm I-oIo bullt ) fo r lupid (gtIllide h ase Md P C t 1)(1middot Imbl~w tryU 1l~rd~m 6 rmiddotlmulcd Pdmburgh bulln7l) fcr Cil~rrl bini ~e ncr (Inllri ) aud cupid with ( ~cd ~uinrl 70 T ho $(lrnHmhurv au C hr[ So middotI JlhT rparodir novel a nd IIlkgori(O ( h anw rl ttlnIHomaM)

ealled iIllOIltSlion mi(Ic rda liou pc bnl(lIagc and III(Ialhor Sorer IA llalJM df ] i1Jbullbull d rih inl( illtolI (IU~1

~ ~ hltgt~d nn peI middotrh gl1_ rhlemiddot Jta~middotlIIg lt1 word altgtCUo ns loped J) hc PUWK middot~u du nall iJ a JrcLuIXlT r rnmiddot i~ ileJ[laquoIU311Dt~s 5lt ( hI M rd u II ~ 1f(J n1~ (Pn_ (pI rcpri lro Cmiddotneva I In) I II calte oflh coU~ lt rImmiddote1i trn auhial IU-altAO Pli middotuJarly ho hOj( mlhlt (crmA n KumlIi J~- lJul Ridner middotbose H)15 ltt Imiddot) hd raquoPlltkd I nnch IlIor41)middot all(nlion ~d Ih adlDlI-llluU o(j (l ll Ia l h ~ and Atdtt ISr~lt)n middotIltmiddot wen 11 Y lr1nd lrlIlt I io lfj~ ln-I HI Kichllr$ nmlk a lllorio rI narruvlts I U ( muhIImiddot l oice IUd idrmiu(l SU)tgjOgtjl

Jm~(1 I(dnn lues Ihe T j l aIS lisr of nI I~ImiddotrJ1 puion of his nilId I$n

ort o(lXlI EI ~ 111lt he r1l lo h-ough Ihe quouditn _orld in JAIrun(

1M IbN ~~ t altga rtl H ale II ~f

Olxron SdiOQlj Afi1)ullu 1)~ 1nil 91) and Claulk jich i I middotmJ~ lit 71~-I fJJJ1 (~ J(IIU l~ MIjalllUt llnt 1963

I ~urc 3 M~ ~ rnst middot[plol 1 ii(

uy hor)s(ol In 0 1(1lt lila

9~9 SI1 1st II rlduL~t Igty ponniion [r I~I (II I n T oronto Rampn-oce Lbr~ry

17 Osk P(lltak lkr hcmige ud I Ioliphilw Ir~ J ldK 1 tA(rifll~ UlIll A KvI~m~b(

191111431 Ii for h~ Qfih lok hUllIuand Irlnlt[1gt HI(lIMlultin Pp~tl cd Gm P U md LUCla A

Cil)pom (Idu ~I fl - Lrw ~lIfsk) r~frrnl o Rtlla~nCt Nlt)middotpl aJJojonn~

xt ufpopular ga m ltco mparabk 10 vulgn plmiddotd n I~j middotNllatomc ilocltb III ~kgtr~c( ud Norh I al) Ul Sl~d It 1(middottI~l i lew York 972) p 1 1) i~ 1 I 1)QoinofdlSlllcIllOcrtlt in

he I[TIlI mtd~ 1 er(l~ lll1cgo~ I RUI~ JlnlJJ( i~ p l lrll l~rJ r r(Ie 10 rn( mltlll(j in 111 1middot( IIlI) lil() 110 ( Ihe tMLion of~~Irn wel of N~ro dlrnwwcJiinli oflus md i I h )

iod)e he ocau t ~ Qf hcr lionl iU od nrnliltrsmiddot and lu JltO lo( It(f lone he wa concelvcd are ofpITlkuLu i l~ $

nplt(illl~ sitlclt lhry fill fn lt1 ~ b~l~ dWUI ntmmg lid ]altuale s Uvid f

1luI 1 Sr lt1 (l i l1lcmbtrmcfll bo-hlrd On8 lUI dl Romoon or d~ RQII( III RtUtiulIamp lIteR all rk 14 ~ I ~I l ffl(ll( RIIon ~I i rw] d ja II UOI IhiJadclphlltl (992 ) Pl

30 0 jlllnn tQlran ltk M cu ~ k NIn I fa ~ rm Illjo to 970 $tt

II tIf M Arde ll 1 h( Wfllan d I~ (1I 1e

~ Iw wIlJ IJlblQgrap~~ (N~ i and 110 111(93)

Ik Clo rillunc Hclt cl I wny ltImiddotn ud kit I I a~ KInr ~ rbull pJra bull 01 lor lum~ all gklt amI r~rman I (Ik mi IIulltlin 74 1lt)921 pp II I gt

Er ns ts prpuhioll of die r mb1em illlage inlo I 11lt1r rnivl seque nce (an al~ l

be si1u3led in niltlI io n I() Ihe illuSlri1cd Renaissance alkgory hieh ~ ltlS an lInpo nan t SOll r( li)r all sli bsequen l crnl1cm atisLS Colo II Tl i HYJllrtOlfmlfldljn

Poliphilii7 I t I)tsin witll a d r() 111 alltl i ll middotu l v (~ endkss nCliphtr lll(n l o f environm ents a nd obj((ls th ilt rc~onall throughout EIIlSI 1 0Uale Ilods d lboraldy symholic gardcm IIl WluC r ums h icrgl~ ph s 1 st atile or 1n d~pha nt Ill th it incidC llt5 (Perscus bchead ing of Innt htr 1(1I1 n1lt Slt1n ~

[C tc yled us ) ltlil t lhe tr i u rnph ~ of va rious gods li nd ll1coulH cr~ wil h fcma le pcrsonifiC4l io ns such ltIS Iht middotfi lmiddot lgtCIlSIS ofd wlTI E rll ~ L s 1i]1lnw 100 [ClcS IS A porli liant Cl U pcrsli fiettion Colonnas n )d g llmorizccl

lHroiciztd ll1d narralivized int t lp rt lal iull knd i n~ il ~ Ilr 1 g-lttmcs of m ea nings like v illga r pS~fhoa nalys is If [ rlisl realkgorits till tlIlda rd allcgorYil~-ltl n I1 Il then he dut~ so in way~ lha t preclude HI high mora l or iludlcctua l positions n (sting thc psychomarhia with lttil C)Imiddot 10 p~ychomiddot ltt l ml) q s tu rn ing Ihl Stnsua l cneha nt Hwnts ot snluctivc ~cI4 p i( middot(lS to qtlcasil UIIIla lizcd violcllt ltlud sexual d tSires I il lra r surreali sm IBre(on lIdia

Aragon s PIY5(1II dr Puns) could rel y un the sca AoJd i n~ and d evin s of allegoric - t he d ream vi~ion ) th l peri pau t ic li n o mo in~ 1hroug h a Lil y of m ysterio us (lbjCClS 1l101lum~II IS a nd (I)couiliers I hl~ W I)I11 lt11 1 uf Ill u ta bk idenlilY references 10 OIIHr works of arl and lillfa tlll t nd Soon t rnsa also d eploys the devlrc-s of literary a nd pk lOria l allegury dndging 1I 0 t only emblem bouks but ahl) die g rea t lite rary dkg(lric~ liorn tlw RomfI fir n (0)(

to Colunna to Novcli s lIlcl jieltkl

C hristia ne fi end in lro r key st ud ) ofmodlit lisl a lkgory has argUId thaI Err1~t relinq ui$ h (~ hi s a u tho ria l a ut hori lY in 111 F rllllllt J ()() l i l( allowing hi~

1111lgCS a rad ica l inck ptmiddotnclcnnmiddotp II cUl lld 1( arlued r Ol1v I-dy Ihlt

EflIH pa rod y fu netion~ in a n opposil(middot ay tha i Ir i~ wrc nching or imilL~ oul of l ll tmiddotir Mig- inal 1 )lI tex l ~ i~ a n 1gt 111 iw ill asserting ah~olutc and arbitra l) cuntrol OIr Ih( mh rial Ernst s images Id ) 011 re11l na nl ~ ofl hci

r igi lIa l Ill lltllli ns and los t tQllVCll ional contegt llgt ill hich I he) er( meant

tJen E ADEM c AN TI L NA ~--~--------------T~ ~~

to hi ( lcdihh il luslmt i)M vI S( ll tiic d evt l oprne nL~ na tural phcllomclla lr ltg- il t ric k ~ or rq)l( )(ll((i()f ~ IJf wrh Ifart l a lld lhis al o nce aJlo l~ his (1 11 man ings 10 SCIlll irraLio li a l and lilcral cd a ll d 11 the ~am c limc 10 be c lI npktdy su hjugald U) lht ve ry lI ovell) a nd allom a ly of thcrr tnvironshynlt ll l 1111 a~e lnl )l cd tiag llH l lts o f Ernsts cullages a lT n~ idual evidloCe of tl w Iulhor ily tu UIt Hilli CIII m Clo ll YJlJic pow(J or lite and dealh

arg lla bly IllI very I ppl)~ i t e ufCUI Li l ig loo~e or sellin g liTe

I n his 1l illaI Ilm II~ Enl L l o 1ll111i t lt synLacli cal rape tiXl uctlllg Y()Illll

fru m ti ll eO lltc 1 ()( ~I I joulll als Il K) il ion rt pn~ in whidr 511( represhy

l1t(O popu lar p a int iJlgs cflg ravltl ( r nJa~s a udiences I n I ll s u r k sh e

may 1 1llhOirl y mct unymic hssi pl i (l ll~ or II H ull ing hut ~It ~middot al so rCjJfCSClIb

E tn~ l s own lonir 10111 1 tn CUI and asipn rk~ a h it p in l piaYIT lilCI lIy a ppea ri ng ill hibH WI mi g h l also ~ lJ Spcc l Erns l of viciously

i te ra ling nin( lcclllh-nIl LUry lh eor ies r Ih e cmpall ric ~yOllJ 1 lt1 ~ lhe ( 1111)l)lliIrwl1l or our OWII pir yif1 lllrcqJl i ns J I u ~t~ his all tgtgory of sigm r1i ~od lItd from pir y~kal rdrll l ~ prClieiy as a fi eld in whi c h to dj~ru pshy

tivd ) i lllt rjtcl th l OCtasifHlal irY PlCIilicaUy d(plo yed rull ~ym bol with iL~ supposed ltlli lY illl i L~ rciirenl c jJre~ell tcJ by the 1)(J(h of l he Ilom an 1n the eli (k~ Ch a nTS chap lc r a l thl e nd Ill Url~ Smwiu de lfm f a fi gulc flmini s(nt or Fortuna noats ill Ihe air gTad ua lly li-cc ing

h (r~(lrorlllr a llrihulls ()f whcci Ild ~ i l (fig un 1) 11 t lihCra li ol1 Sill ce Fort un a luore It tuall ) hfCOnHS hrr wh(ei mi nl1ll il by htT l1nlr ed bac k ltIS an h Yllleric and l lso be(on H~ h cr sail hlo wn throug h lhc ~k y her

It rib utes cOIl in ue to be co nSl raining Ind pn middotMmiddotlIt a bsorbed ililu her bud y and gestu res sugg(q illg tht am hig uolls 1l lIratiom a nUrd (] 10

oma n by Max Ernst8t E IIISIS USf or h is maltri11 r(li~ o n Ihe inhc rl1I1 bililY or ollhgory l(o

rtal k go liltmiddot T radit iona ll y rlallcgo riwl ioll ltrllnnl a profan t I(x t or till past 10 h( as assimi la ted in w a n acccp lt hlc y~tlm f moral va JUIs (Vi rg il s

FSllIr( ~4 DlIIid Il cU$ius Emblrm(1Q liqoIAM I lKkn 161 5_

8 _ s~ Ili k Rot R iAamp Rm(

~d lhr jd I~Q~ ()PfigtiL ICbrid and Nrw Yrk 1991-deg flt -lt middotmiQlif - Iha l Inko 2 olll1Q f)f on_ B ~ h lth Rampk]o nxcnl

lUal of Wafbuf(t Iho l1h l in Irrm

01 th ROmMlIl( ymLgtoI unil) f ud dcrem 1 I OPpogtlti IO lI~ry

( hrpertI_~ ~~crnn f ltI s diS300C ialed fro I nfrro1 I i Rob- ~h(fempl l h lrmiddotplio)J Iheon pmiddotI) U lelkI1 pn~uen apphnl tk 1ltgt ~msl tSpltcirJI ) in I ~s pogtr

t uitwc1 Ihron ltl _ Iuh w R l loy rum symbol 10 Ilkfurv Ahr WH) i~

I r- hi Rd I~ 9971 pp ~ 6 R - [hr R iL [[ ul n has ro n Iholt u l

I hru~Ir iuI O) the unk o n wh re laquogtn~ ol Ir~cdm Pfnar p_ ~ 1I1

B I S~( Thn 11 Kclk~ Rmnwtlme Hlqo for tillt applicll ble ~ of In t allctUlxal wun lorn (e ee aUraCUOl) d ll r lnla$ 11 ltI- illual suctched l ~ lI l i Ihi [K w1ir

ltlc 1(o ~dukd from lClion and hj~llt) ry

bu sgt( f)1 g Ihe n -rgt d s he

cmand p Sr Th~ro i 1 or~1 1ltl io of witel )-r tr r lt~ltoI 1gt 1 mln m~y 1- takc -lt lIl rlaphO)f Ruolnlr E Kun1i S rrooti d I js(~ and R o l~rl llolI - n ~prknjo(

illo fo-k-J t] air ltli_ r II

fmiddotm lc (lITe) i SHlrJm and 11 010lt1 II A tw~ Rdolf t Kucn7li and Gwe Ra l~rt ICambllJgc l1i I99I) PPmiddotJt alld S T Imiddot lo ockiu Em ilS or ~ oflC n Ii mCIgttIraquoHgt1 dqI)eJ In ~ h a w~r Ihl 11 CIOI li meu Ulcrlgthunc~ Jly In 1- Riu d~~r

(MIIft~ q~1 lIOuilil ~w Carmd nr Imjlt Igtarod egt t~lcX fatlo~ ~al

jgtuu lJ rtut I(rl) IJ t 1ra 8 Ihemiddot Ie ~IgtIi OIl y 1 t ~atnlt11 1lISt llIil le Scl~h) snd amud ~kinl lt hTifingl) lilltrd I Iht~ ill IH rroh meal fur lo~ l i~ lone rol1 ~middot

l~diqlJr$ mlldr 1111) Hr)(tT) I

r~rn(rl i 1ltgt Ihe hwwir jlgt]al~ el~ hcll

il1lh( l1ltrvrl

(1 IS 1IX lrngtl 1 SmIltllN d amp 193i 0 Max Erllsl 1iI)AGP Van S()DRiC ( Monlrc~l ) 2f)(l(1

l )n IIC Ilupon Of Ih allraf R~~ru 11 (1 I 1$I~ Lolhu I -hr I J~ middotIn Rp jhd bd 11hII hI p HI

Fourh RetI a~ II I( milling of Chris l O vid l l-lrfall(Irphorrr lllorali7cd In

lmJOlIls such h J Hoh CI~ the trials of the lo ver could lJe rca 1go ricd a~ Clll hlnll~ of Chri sia n ~ u(fe ring ltInc co nrilltll cc Ernst reverses tlw prol(~S

dc- morali - ng a llegories In 7 110 dlidren 1IIII1fI(ld ~I (j 1I~lthtillg(h (fig ure zfi ) Frnst lak es U middotidilI1 IIIc(lrlJorphi rape (G anIlH-ci (S ta ~lc Phi lo mcl as

nighting-uk) oul of its repose in spirit ua lizing me taph or as ill (k Kellnincks landscape in h( Wallraf Rir-ha rtz M useu m i ll Cologn( (figure J7 ) ()j emulems sl ch as Hat1idorlhr s in which lit ra pe of Ganymede is rfJllcgoried as the sou ls I ~CIIH lo Cod ( figure 28 )83 Ernst rc t urTl~ Ihnr lo d leir Tl)n l ~ ill ~cx ual viok IlC( hi (h in tu rn S[ ltlnd~ ror the revcnibk hltrU a mi a mbiguous g-round underpinning the provtrh t ln bl cm or allegory

Equally td ling is Enl~ts d ia~rammui( ada platio n or h(rme lic emh lemata in O this mIll rIIIlI kll )w rlO lh lllg 1924 ) I II the paintillg ami II

tIle pl)cm w ri tte n on thl had (a parudy of Ihe oJllo()gical ~ylllhII S Il I I

fi~u r~ 26 Ernl I fUtJ1 mnlilwi ~ II

lllhlmCiJl 191 1 S(1 66I C 1 - r 1 D (t risI ~OI)KC J vumiddot~l l j


th e Hmrfll fd Table of H crrn(~ Trisrn egistu s) Ermt reallt~orlZ(middot ~ the hermetic ~ym bulis ll1 of the nlilrual lini li7atioll of d ivine and cit rddy IS a Freudian middotprinwl scene of gigantic li m b~ and scmiddotx ual pa rtgt Both pa imi ng md puem become rcpr(sntltHion ~ oC the unfu lfill ed n vi ~nging of a n such thing In Ernq s vcrsion the Oedipal a nd Ihe gnolt1l ic an oronc frustratccl substance ltlnd (be power oftbe allegories of h enl1tticism ltIhbaiisrn and aklHmy lies in perpetual d ef( lrd of the d tsircd gol J tl6 Ernst ~ emblem fllnc tioll s more

b roadly illi a scq gtt icai fi gu ration of tht a bil it y of images lO represen t hal IS envi $ioncd or desired in dicating Ihal a ll $lI h em blems ct n only he a sun0 fH l flIT hatt middotcr one an t ~ to know attl in o r rcprcsen Lft7

OJ (Ids 111m sllall kn)1L Mlhing a lso ~ ig na l s its own iconogn lJ)hic history especially tts allu sion to Caspar David Fricdr(h middot$ clllblem tie CrOJS ill Ih

Iounltlills a key work in Grman Roma ntit- dc hIIltg about Iht rela tive fok~ of llIegory and Iandscapc III Erns t as a rl ild er of C ( fman Romil Tlli t~ i~ ltl

would re U 1Il 10 these wpie in his la ndsca pe pai nLings aga in and again Crr)JI ill 111 t1ollll oinf is a lso shadowed by a t( Xl n passage from Ludwig T icck 5 allcgorital novel Fran SI-illbaMr 11middot(lIULmmgrll (J i 98 ) Jnom

26(j ) middot1 ~BImiddot rH ) T I d 1

60 I 1m c (lislt uW(1 Iht twn l1 t timiddot itl~gcry at t~ ngl h ill M~lt Emi l middotI ht 1IJdw(UtI1iJliI

SnllrJ 11 a i - l OCIshy87 Uml middotn o Ero diilltu~ 1he rdu iolll I)( twu h~rn 1l l k svrn lgtol- 1Il in which middotevcry middot~pr ion is a (nignlll hal middotk runlwt ~mgma middot and ~Jr n cconltlructimiddote ~nlys3 as in lini l~

defendJ in middot(n limited scmi III d rili in T ht Ib oJ hllffpWalio Ill n -I--j

fI8 smiddot cJ(m~ (l h W ocn rn ~I( Jaru F~d nnd It ~b1J ~f I muigat ~cw U and Lvndon 1 99lt)~ Karin V()n ~llo lJr ntel thO rrl ll nf (~$7 In 1M -WOIIIIIgt 10 Ern middot lUUlI1 OmJ~(Ilt1 III middotMao b ns l a Rvmlll1ic~m middot M n Enul A Rtl~pnl~ ~ I Werner Spict l t omlo 199 1)

I II~ ~7 K d~ K cunn~k Iuhf rvtJh IM~Io~ fj lt-1IJVdt r gtn leI

dllrf Kgt(hHIZ I ~ l

8iJ bull 1gtlt I g T irk Fwn~ SlmNt11b

11 middotJn~(n Hmt ~ lldIcAt (mll1~hlt

~I lj(h gt)6I ~ p gtgII

J) ~ee 11 0 ~bn lagtlt I Allqlr)

oflrlllll$iol)middot PI 6- 7r lhr dhl1 l1lt IK hr omlll~1 d(h nlll(11 (III ud h ~

ltill u~Jui ncall y I ~nd lor thillgt IcJ rly 1rs ign~II ~lId Impic ddinlun ul rourrlS luch as li lliemiddot h I(ll no h hI l (~ Ii lt mcill ~ tur middotC)middot ll la IIllt-SIKn a (1(11011bullbull 1 H turn jn I(raquolt ru lUI lTnp ~~i 1g ~1 I r

roukl hi ~r~lJ od tlbull ( Ihi Ik nrngt i~ made lllcmllll UKOf)~ Fr ~cl7rh c r) hMd lU lOll ~ Il ili K r nger through $1(middot togt tI ohjrl i( lria 10 judiCII

91 - GltQ rl 6atai llt Solr a ll~middot Fis rif fXt~s SI_rlJ I Im~~ P7 t)39lli

113 $Iodd Minapo l ~Jl lp XIV

1 lt1 6 12 ioIar ~nu p IJ Halaillits 1Qcom )Ir rollinS (m Ih bullrf r lw ~Ml h [ ~ [ I llt imal(vfltouinuous mC l~lor]lh mal p l y i1a d l5ori llJOII lOr tllti M the locornoriH r ltI hl$l)ry lt]uOI(d in aUT

III-rljolmirgt (r SdiJ 1 rlrHn-1 n- I irl 1974 p 1 ~3

illcidcn t the youn g a rtisl F ra il i~ st ru ck by a pa iming llr a l be scc~ in a hn lll it lUll a IlOCIlIIIMI lan dstltl pc ill wh ich a cr ucifix Ull a hiJl i ~ illll m ishy

na llti by IltI ) S o f moonlight The he rm it ex plains Ihat tilt crucifi is a po inte FingcI7cig ) to Ilw ~pjri lu d wurld beyond the faJ lc n world of lla tu n T o Franr ~ o bse na lioll O ne cou ld ca ll th i IMint ing an a lkgor)

the IIn ln il answers All an is JIlt-go rict IIoJ

T IH middotFingcrJeig iI) Ixpbli necl by th e h~rrn it to F ranz S lt rnbald point s not o nly to Iht spiri tlla l but also 10 thlmiddot pr (~cllce of J ll egor~ iblf As a li ter indlx a sho wi ng ha nd o r jJ ~ i l1ting fi n~cr tht Fingerrig i ~ a ~ tJplf

or i Ihlems II is Oimi larly In ade li ter1i b) -l a x E rn)1 t du slig ma tied ha ncl f1 oatin~ in f r OTH of th e lt ruci fi xiOthl~ middot prinM I ~NtJ I Herc it indicates linmiddotth er bu t not Im llscc ndCIH [l)callings90 In E r ll st s painti ng lh t ROlllit lll ics cruci fi x lS alkgori la l poin hr to a hig her nal rn sim ilarly

i tl n l c~ a landscape of d a rk Illowltai ns a nd il eawnly fil ) S IHl I fur the

COltj UIl Cl ivlI o f redemp ti ve c ru cifix a nd ill urnin at iug SUUS(t in Fricclricbmiddots pa inting o r truci ft x and moonlil-h t in Tillkmiddot O novel Ern$[ dark ly ~J bs l it uLes

copulat ing limbs and the bloc ked rays o f a IUllar refipSt Ermls lmiddott nblema tic painting alt Frifeirich s had don ra i se~ p r0 1Jicms or

cnTlIl lllporar) a lkgory When G lf)rges Aatai ll e- turned tn alr-IItm ica l )slIllllng in 192 7 he did so in I( rm~ that almamp t com icH) m im i Ernst s d csul Itmiddot c lltra ilmiddotfilled landscapt 1111 earth middotcovtrtd wi th vuk anOIs hich SltJoT a~ iLs a n us is driven in iL~ rota tion by lhe male ~ha rt ]l tlttraling 1 1 11~

laquomiddotma l- alllJ a lmost t lIl irely (merg ing ill o rder 10 ree n tcr like Ih( piston~ of ~ 100o mo ivl

JI i~ the 1Ilf(ha nical Oll ll)il ltion n(] t ll morm t inn~ of thes mOtmcn t ~ Ihat th~ ak htmists soll~h t 1 I hI philosoJlJ t ~ ~IU Ilt ~

This nWfhJlist jlmiddot cop ulatiu 11 hudcsqu e~ t he vmiddotn ji) UIIl1n ioli o f allegory th e

ltlnagogir 11 wrh of r() rrcsponden(c~ and rtmiddotst ]tlbl a nct~ lIlt middotcopula that li~

one thi ng- 10 a noth n ill lang ua te all Cl witt g ) 11 thin) to be visibly co nnCfted Ha lai lk s a llcgvrical luvers will mve r fi nd ilnythi ng but parrxlic i magc~ l11d Ih ey will [ Il l asieltp l ~ empty a ~ mirrun Wh en En tail k

fu rther GlUs lically mcdita ted Oil the gno~ tic roo ts Llj Hegel ia n ism in Ll)ll~

ma teria li smt c t Ie g nllst ( 1930) p ropus in g a k~ l abili ing hcadl es~


a J1q~ory tha i would elimuatt aJl h ilTardlic11 ~ ~ t C IllS of rdtn lllc indud ing ~implistic rcv( lltals or blst ll ld idea l o r CXq-lt1l 111 llt1 1 lnrl ltlcrUllcn lll he wa addrtR~jng is)llc$ irnpJiL it in Of Ihis men lInll knOll IWlllillf 91 H ()wcvcr heelIlsl Erns l middot ~ all egory ( nds to Ill p a ll)l it i( depcnds on just ~ll (h illvcrshy

~j ()m ilnd reve rsals of hig1 and low Old is a t a re mov from Btl taillcs infla111ll1110ry ()I)f ll-f llded hd lltaded en terprise

E nHl$ im ages a re often d riven by this undermining of thcir (IW ll sourn-s of lJowc r fcp lescnliug hotb II((i r own ~ la luS a nd i1lSIlfjicilIHy OrtCll they

assu me tht appearallce of (lnhkrlls wh ich as concieusetf o r short lr and ig ll ~ of aUTho rit y ~a n c ti fi ~d by t rld ilion art disrupted hy Ewstmiddot~ illtruio n of thc n ltllll r 1 LIld ~e)( u t l rhc n dllcti t middoti~ua l 11I11ouage or cmhlcms lcnd~ t o ltlrd hrogaliun 111(1 fimiddotag11lClltlliun Ih ich LntSl n alu raJiz~s likening Ihe Sllll1X of fj middotrgnWlll3 Iioll 10 (lperatjoT1~ (lil lbe hod y lt bull rile tru ncalLu pa riS a Ird Ii 1111 ~~ or Of IhiJ lien shall know Iohing arg uauly J u clc 10 th t ~ceri ng lIId te lldt n liou~

reconstruniom of tht e mhknjs [anllJage o r aut hori ty a rClruc luring of Ihc

sy mknloche lim hs a lrcldy prnelH in v i ~l1 emblems Througbout his canlt r Ems would dltriV( double prestige flOlll disrupting lhe COJlv(middotnlions of hOl h a rl a nd li tcrJ fl1l middotf iro lliing his au thoriaJ role as bot h a rlis and poel Emblelll s a rC1 ft lilc ground fur ~uch opT3tions k ndi ll g tlwm~clvu 0 ditorshylil)m or he reci prxa lIldi(a tion s or eX T lIld image which anmiddot Ihe STarling

point nfalJ tgory

Ac kn o wled gement

S l l i(j ll~ of thilt papa H r( pncn l(d a~ Ielt tlJT(~ iI conjullclinn il l Max Em~I

rc ll1(nary ehiiJninm Ihe RnlJ ncl 1(nr()X Memorial JccUrc U Il l T a(middot ( )11)

(1(11 middotmff A Ul IrIJJf(ct ll ItJ91 -J) lI lId II M 01 i (Ilal pound7110 O(lff( 11111 Ihr Duwn oj

hguw middot 11lt~ ~ 111lgtltlorHr hnwltim ltr (10( lOH 9

ll G~1 1 1~ l k 9Jo 1Iy tnillcril ilm 01 11l()oSn bullbull n uollgt ~f fj(w ll 11 52 amp0- M l=nmiddot w middotn I rltult~ ~ rKumrnt d ~ 1 ~ her IkuJamin a~ flll~ (ltI by II~Ilt ml II ~nljsL in rn 8 to auK 1 1~middot ul~r l an L~n ur Silllplilll ~I bat ~ J Ilrl~1U

rell t huugh r he dmiddotIIrymclll of d~lthi IiLinl( pmiddot(hootvtic laquogto ep tgt url ~ s Ielcnnimmo tm r1m~crltt ~m gteJmlt IImntllw I l middot~fI Rll1Ifl1l twlllv Imis ~f )m(alUl lin(I~I illrrkdtmiddoty u An~lc

M IAlodlt 91l 11)) U[ i -l lt)1 - I lt-nd ubstmiddotmiddotmiddot- rht Ire rn~l i u Ul uf Illor lt1 Fm~ (J Ii i fnuc lr Crlt Ihl1 t ho- lifl ugtd rmiddot]m of poundrnsl middot~

lIuc nod ilmhil(1)omh g(ndcrltl h gtvlnL ~ n rh mo (h hypcrholic

Dio cjOCulH1o11 orsl) rl-d~n jm1tf(cry1gt il dO(lt i lli fmltle ~aC11l nr [[00lt1 orgmiddotoonldltG1IHllion al 11 0( Immigt ufth aULhOl tlgt hi~ E rol$L is aJlj~1 llIh GltltX B tll lltmiddot hnnlcnz ~u nf llcg) 11gt1$(111 (~I L ory 111-1 111 in middotSoI ant S l ~r fter u ~1Jtn in capl1on i ndirat~

oJ ddo-nce I n nn SPIf (lIKI

r nn1h~r nd sigi ~ L k Ma~ middotrn1 O~f IllOJ ob middotCologne 9i)- ) in uch fll nh(r ifnrm~lin ( laquo(mns I r ~lO ( C ~d locatiOIl may bc tu

il(ure 29 Em1 OJ I middotun shall (Mil

-h~~ 9 f SLl 63middot C 1 Ernni I IJtI 11uJSODRAC (MlHHrc~j l


S1Irrwlism 9lt)3 ) J 11m gl~Hdn l for lho ltc o pport uui l itl 10 (Olls ider Erns to l roCesso r

CI i~ toll wr Crn middotlI ImfCi J oh n Gl)ldi uS Prorr~Ylr Willillll Cmfi~kl and the

11 011 Fod a tio 10 11middoti r va middot i)l1 ~ lt1 g middotn n)lCgt d vicc I 11olIIk Sllzar rl c Ak bari

r l d~(f l)cre nhI Joyn GOKl(i n E rhan Jd l Kavalc lmiddot and M E Vnr lic k

Page 4: Only Half Saying It Ernst SCAN

Latl in hi aU llihiognl phical nOllS he arknohmiddotril(o Ihe e mhlematic a ~pe( t (lr hi olk (luotill Lht lllcydopcdist ~lannlJtltd i I iVca l Ia ga lld~ clifliclIl h til 1(nlbICmc c est q u il doil d ire (IHlqut ch(l~l djngcnshyieu raquo CI IW Ir di~ qu lti d tmi

gtfannollh1dis t inlui~ hro hCln~clI thc emblelll ~alh-gorka l imaQc with explma tol) UX I rqmlCnt inl a mora l or pol i[ka l pr((Ipl a nd thc symbol in whic h sign a nd (jhjn t are more closely identified I ir l1H ohject itself vere hdll)t ( okrd EI nst d iagrees itll the dj rinc tiQIl IWI111 mhle lll

and ~m hu l prNunMlly to draw the arbi lra r y emhlem inln t lrc domai n o r Ihe symhol wilh its IXlLell tial fl uctuation xlecn conventiona l rda tion of objcc t and ) ihTJ1 ami I [Jpannlly TeAl icic ll tihcilion orthco( Erns(~ n marks 0 11 ~la n llnnlcl arc a rudill cummenl o n Ihe pnpl(xin~ cllec t o r hi~ ow n work

Ccrlllinl y Erns t ~ (oll g(~ lid paintin gS with dwi r d arilY of (OIlpUllelll ~

hltl CI)I1fi ltio n or ldalio n bullbull nd sca le apPClr 1111hl 11Iali The cm)crna ti c a~p(t 1 uf Frnsl~ wor[ had been noted in a revicw in 1926

vb~ E1fl~ t t111hIc IlHlt i(]uc n rdllch i q ui lolla OOr i 11 n-crfnioll d rs chries dllI1( fi imid ilIcl i(l1l1111 C Yllrtl iriir llllc lt( lt 11-(( 11 Il u~ dllllI PII1I-(lre ml is d nr in ttn~ l li 1xli4 111 lilHpi tk flu i [ I ii ioO llgrr au s d d~-d O llv rt

dmiddotEluanJ )

On int(TId (i tl (1II( of the pai ntin~s and collill~e~ (lr lhc (arly 1920s it a ppear- t hat Ernst knw panicull r emblems as well iI 1(hi illpound embl(shymatic c fliC IS Slit h kmlk-dRI I1My k ll( cOIne hmh frmu h i ~ ~tud ) Otilll hi~l() r~ aud fnm his illohClllcnt I it h the wri ters nr ht Pa ri (tVcl lll -gilnic

pllrt icularly ill his wllaborJ tion with Paul Eluanl un Ript ll(II)IU a nd lil(l l ntllTl dts i mmof ttll ill 192 1 1 t

In thmiddot hool I(th E111a rd poem is SCI ou t op~itl Ill Ernst (ulllc to

d iSltoncerling tArc tn ~u inK mil th e collages bt~id l l il t CI)Jgtt ilt poems Er ma lIId Flu ard la llitn li7l UTI the tradilion or emblem h()l)l~ ill I hitli a n

e nigm alit im ag is lI rmljllllued by a cXl-g~tie t(Xt ami darif) illg IIOllu ro r till purposes o f tx [gtrt~inS sOllle received pol itical 01 ml lftl wi~( Im ~

EIllrd~ vuillnt inll ))( lwIn [JOnderous genera l t ruths and IlUIIieu ( Iolljour~ d (~ point~ dt VII I lt Ie minimum de mOylll~ ) cdlOt~ 111( lIi ~torica l

lm hl cmtl iSI typic lJI~ n llnplex voice of Jl ruverbi ~ 1 I u tlloril ) in wll ie h the i13itY of Latin II tnd ill tellcrl ual tso l (li~m is e)IIIIIInll I~d hy t il e t(ndl lIq 10 dogllrel

N(II( Bou]til n l II in her sublle uco unt or til( cmhlcmal1 upcllI il) l1s in Malhruj d( illlllwrtdr has lrRlIed tha t Ia p alOit (rFrn~ Elurd l$l e n

rapport nfC efalltns lhrn ct d a utrcs cmbICn1(S g rIYQ dal1~ la mCtnoi n incoll ltC il lItc ( Whik lhi undertuw oficonogrlphic m (mory the ha llbl (If half-retalkd or hllr alluded-w orilin al Io t m(all inl- ilt ct rttillly cl) llsdou~ly n ca lkd and mltlnipulaltd by 1 ax Ernst th rougho ut his Aork thtre ~(m~ 110 In h lt1 ( blTtl partilubr consulllljon wilh em bklll lit(Ishyture

S(veral llllla)lc an h istori cal sources o r info rmation ahout tIIllll-1II hooks tn COlltclllpOrUy with lrnst on fi rltt fQra~~ into lIu hkmal it imagery Ka rl C ich luw s I licrug lyphenk und e d ls H umall i ~ IHU lt ill d t r Allegoric dtr Rcnll is~a llce 19 5 a nd Ludwig olk mann~ BiidlUdlHjifll dtr R IIWiHlllltf H iflflglplril rlld lcIIIOld 19231 Emhklll huoklt hV~ a

J eAn-f t nnuuld 1ImC1II1 d l lill rltul~middot ()ru (DmplrJ 1 luiJ I Ih8 ~5 I ~sa ~ EII poundrTI~(J

I 197111

II hrmonwt bull 286 Cruc r(lwt)n C11 1IOt rttllc 1 hr()C cl dc vnHnl

l SIllId1 rlllh l ~U1 mI~ inrludc Ihl pdnjll j t~ uft rJN mgt o(S(hl

$I n Ci lI nd IIlI flor lt1 11ugt o(mall)

flnl 11 (OUIOI I) 19~l driltlfurUu rd 31)rCllla(r~ 1

)11 s a rlrlriar1r bull ~ommon IUn tJf IIhlilthn onL (I Lou $- t~lhrnn~

C lrlle lIafl(lm ITJiOJiyL1wJ tli II _tn I~rt dlgt3 67) 1111gt11

1111 in ~ hn111 lIhGl J anuj-hc

r IuiI drphant i h and IIn~ lit emblem COLlt1I()L11 Ihu ~11trn OI(J t)f~

1 - 1 0 ImiddotU I Ir lturr Ii1 LA 1)gtJlrlu d in n~ tnIJlI1 i Q26 I ~Jo I The hbri ltI( Pori hc uUlprd-lr (Ulltlwmgt 111ltrr Irc bull

uI)Ir or n--roiIKm of major Imlllcm llltl ill h I(I h (cntury laquoJr 1 rhldain f Ul fkma

tIrtltn bull atltDwJW ( 51 735 1 1)3) 110 ~lknkgtlJ 01 10 lrcp1 l3ri~ libra J ( ~rd Itourr ha rr](HW h bull Ilkon In 10u fonuOu lIIu n tcllLlrk A mflit-ro-J dr i 11llrafNrhoft Jolthlla -15 ()Il PI

~ -I -

It Scc 01 Bulrca t rlJIIlU I~I fll11JI IJI NPM It 1I~f 11)lJshy19P tln 1)85 I ~67 middot


hCLr I r~ I ))4U d ~ I lI1 I C M Itdlllyen bull bull t l bull 1 9I~

1 1)0 C 1 poundrnl I) ( 1lrQmiddot -oORC Mruur~al WOIJ

17 Stmiddot rll Cilt-hlow nk Ili-rO(I)Iltllkunde d I Jnm ltr bull11r ltkr KmiddotIIII~middot J -ampJJLIf tit _llIt~ lvll So~lu middotUSCIf I1Ugt6l1M-wmiddot3OZ ) ) Il- lp nd 111lt middotIkmlnn nUnuJuflnltin Hwrrlll lIim1_~IJPIrrJ -J Jk_t)

111111 Ifl2l 1 ~lIv bl)lOUf cmbkl1

t IJOlaquoI (()IUlgtOlIp1~laquos Ihroollh InO(IIII-1I00 in luh-gMn tmhkm boo~ I ut iI~middot U30 fro Ca Rip (Jftoi-I4IIH

1Ur lunh ltl irmlri J~III(Iudl mhlmiddotI11_ bull 0 ltkv1Cltgt xe telta1t Kp-I 1W13 uI hiih 1 R en hrlll h lId PfIniot n1ilioru I ~ txampit- bull Ilt

]]ddti t1Yoo ~

1)~-IlIC~tMIIlltI r~_de m ladn de FjU 17J1 1It]

JottI ill de- bo(lm III ~ 1timfI~ reI ~ pnIlI

complex dr riItiIJIl ih )lll med ieal Ilt~t i arir dlld rrom lhe R enltliIIlCl

jnt ( rpntll iQII lOr Ff~ ptiall hierogh phi s ao raquo1( oul by I lora polio T he lllOlherlod r or III Eu m pcan emblem [i tCru un is Aldatis Ebrmaiu1n Liber 531 avdla hk in cu un tless ~di1iom md I rI1[lIioIl5 thloliKh llt l1inete(]] lh C(middotn l uf) n G id l[UW g jVfS an il1ll~lrdl ( [ Jc(Junt or Ihe impor ta nce or cll1blrm~ il l a rt hi~ tory a nd 11((1lt11111( HIl t Vo l lllJtI ti (x )Jal d ~ [)

acrouilt prrwi([ ing a cri ieal bibl io~raphy or ~ J1 thc I)rin(ipd (lUhk-1ll books a nd S(c(JlldalY lit~rlllJrc Li ke C ichloh Ill di~IugtSc~ and r(pr()(lun~

DOrers illlltrat inllS or J-I orapollo hierug[ypli ~ lracinM emblc mltltir infl umiddot ( lltT $ into C nman R nm anticism and R UII f j Th rnughou t his career - Iall Emst ould ~ itUtlt him~clr it hill Ill( hitory of G trrnan arl wi th

nosta lg ia and irony ( Iling his 0 n rc(y-l11ildr c() lIag(~ a~ains l Oirrr s virr uosic pri nt middotrn ltl iu l~ We hud crh()t ~ or DOnrs R tlla i ~qll (( ciltcrpriw in Irnsts tollages fi)l (middot1l11pl -I o ros(opc t pr((n(d b~ I mall ralill~

an hour~[ ~~ hg-U l(~ 3 ami 4)middot) T he f m h llt-m trlils LUl h high in dllcw d orifim ill e rudi te allu ilon 0

cIb~ ical t(x l~ Ild ldgar lraditions of folk prilH~ and illll ll lla tcd prQTrbs Co m plexi litS arise IjUIIl Ih( Dlc tull orphil nature or mhlcms Iny givc n emblem ( ou le aeq ui re variant lcxS and irna ~(~ Il l ~hjft dOlllljn rrom ph iloshy~ophjca l a nd hnlllllil Ltl po p ulist o r childrt ns moral guidt-s In Ililitilimll and falltmn dr IIIIItlrlJ Ernst a nd Eluan have lilt opponunil) of

srepping in as yet anOlh er St 1 of sui)sti l l1 tc 1 llfhol ill thc emblem s progres fnm l high a n and li nralul( to )Jop ular a lma mlc ri l-king up a nd modi ing cxisling ma reril Excc pt or CO U1St Ihat their own oo lampric t crcLse capil) lil(~ 0 11 the em blem s inlllIen ual complex if its me JlfTl trl sions i ll a complex

parodgt or l he Ri naigtSann lum alliSl (nle rrri t Thei r in terest in emlgtlcm is associaltd with Ml aHenlion to a middotarie t) ofs(middot1

comm unicative fo rms tht cOIl(ClI traled prflYllI1 a nd L1 lc struct urll il y complex novel Ernst txperimenls with mlking- h i~ images emblt rmll ie corTfponcls to h is con umpora rie~ wo rk will i he re d )middot m adc ex p re s$ion ~ lu be foulld in la ng uage espttia ll y Flua rd a nd Dfsnnss mU la r iow 0 1 prOmiddot~rbs

Wh ile tm bklm are initi ally viMw ll y m ysteriolls and Ilu sive they ultimately Il ~1 llle tIphor 10 assrrt the (olk e livt (ommOtHcns ic tl prll dcllL a nd rukshyboulld The VtTy rld uplicalio n of ~Ct inlages aud related a rin t HXIS

emphasi7es lhe ()flllu la ic underpinning Ihe p(wlic DcslHgtS a nd Eluanl ~ ll1Jlgttil ut t and sh ift verus aud nouns wlthi Ih prove rbs [Jrmul aic syntax li ke 1 iclzsc hca n nann y wltr n an egg break~ e~b its betause it docsnmiddott li ke o mde ll cS Elultl rds a nd D(sno~ s fi)rct(1 in congruiti es do no t sim ply p a rody provcrhlt sLcrcolpirI [ sh a l()wn es~ o rcontlIl I hu t Ibo sound poctic

possihil i ties in the pmiddotowrbs ~ I ruc t ure reltotlal ing wil h i t~ o wn history o f vltlria ll IS E rnst equally mani pulal lgt thlt tmhkm s rtpacit) to co nvey de Jlse lllean il1gt ami pl a ys l hi~ agunst t h e cliche aspccts I)f its conven tional p roverhial meanings

T hl mixture of stlbv ( I~ ion 1Ilt authori ty in pro nbs had occtlpiro the lillg uist jltn Palllh ll Whl was dosd y assoc ia ted ilh Elu a rd al the li me or

f ntsts rri val in Par i ~ In hi~ ) 9 13 tbesiq o n MaJ~aclH iJrover bs la ulhln had dtscr ihed the Itn-ful IS will as the hahitu11 nature 1)l t llc p romiddoterb their lsstniJIls of SIlhility and shared assumplirlls ~ I IPPOS( a darkn ~r()lInd on whith language i ~ potent wtll n mClamorpholti~ ~llttld rca ll y occu r Pall lhaJl ask~ W ha l Iou ld replac( the proc rb and n~Hr~ (lilly tha~ a nd em ptillS~ Thi~ an- )fl) o r tIIllJig uil y u nlti trpinn illg th prm(rh~ I S~lmjlshy

lion of ullil~ a nd uniformit y is also fundamental to e lllh kII I ~ and m ay be plll mhcd ill Em sts work The e mhlem is o nl y (kar in rdaliu li 10 i ~ mu

in ili alobscurit y E rll~l~ collage lo r thl polm Rcvcil ollici el d u se ri n from Ahdh~Hf I tin

immorltlr (figu rc 5) lcs(fIIh l~ t colt ve nriolla l em bk m of p ruvlTiJi tl

prude nce a lld ~to i (ism The caged b ird is an Imblemli ((lItlrllonplace a ile h a~ 10 do il h philo~oph ic ltt l resig nuiun to on cs iOI o r in iove e mhle ms ilh hcing rapt ive in [he prison o f love (figure 6 ) E rn st did acknowledge

Ih e image of the b ird ltIS h i$ fa vo ri te cm blCm o ffering litis va riant 101 ElIt v~ u( Cq Jctn blcmc d (~ H INIItl oagcSi T he caged bird fo n cd [0 sin in a pt i t ~ may a lso sta nd for 11)( poCt~5 In the fi rst FrCll h c m blem book

Ia PtIIi(~rc $ T Ilialre diS bOriS tTI$illJ ( I ~39 the caglltl birds ddille the tas k o f d)( pun tu Sil1g sw(c tiy in rh l fa e lIf advc~i l y T he plImiddotodil proverb in E luumiddotd tlx t ks lgtCrins sonl mltlil rcs chef t UX my bc an ironi c- lake o n suc h emhlema tio wi5c1om especi a lly gic n poundlua rd s Ht ual dom estic sil uat ion (drama li lt(middotd d~c here in bor h Fr n$t s HId E lu a rd s work) a rncn agf-i- trois involving hi~ ife Gala a nd M ax E rnst in wh ic h he Va nOl p rcc i~dy a mOls t r in h is own houscoti middotIhe bi rdcage mil a lso srnd as Ill e mblem of the pa radox (l r thc cm bkrna li st s con middotc tll i ondit~ func ti onin g- ~muhanlolt~ l y as a )lri ~11I and as a pouic lll all ()( UVre LO be sprunK- Sinli brly cm hJtm a t ir

105 III XIQltnn~ amp IIIslt JOWIJ till ~rtJ fW ltfN1cr1 IIgtlt w -nt rd~m 173b lfl clnmiddot r Alt iI ~bltmlJtliJfl QMn

(~IWftd I lcn l) CIlmiddot 1oolt 187Umiddot s~ 1ltJuli ll 1nu lhr f nnthIIIJtnH

Vgtll~uJ OM UTlaquoltMU lJooiJ nfD mm H

lmIJlriIJlnl 181] IULIC hi L97h ~- For t~lnp lc Em31s roll f Jdflst Ig U jnCltgto1IIS f11lSmllgt of Ou middotlt Ullm tJ Erv ~ 1 + 1 ~o M irnl finl if l niSl ~Iru

~I lil ar lIi~ Stmiddot middot Ib middot] DOrer IIMI d ie ~ K unI ~n T Ulr6A I tmiddotcbruary 9 7 (in Ma f1tl1 til liJt~ d~

htl~iJlt UIIlh~mr it p Co lultne ~ JtllI O hdkliffl 1TNnl I Soxill H UilQl) Th~ ilaquol1 HlStoty 4 1Ji~t~gr Cllnbrid~ 1t7 pp 11 7middot



lJ - Ke lIdr J oUrlt fmiddottHfaih fOff_ 930 on Ir(gt h lVlJ~ ) n llOSOtU

q d nU lls ltI liolto jutern~ d ) dlc It d IIIV FlJlmlJ

SImplI AnllJjc M ri ~ HI IUt I ~ru 197~ 1 131 I ton ljJCrfCltllt Ikllj1Il1iwII1 rgumclII plVmiddotru rUllcifon -ilhi Jruism1gt dich [(MiIu1 middot1 pid I ~ hUll of 11Ie middotxpCrillltmiddot h(lSomiddot 1P01lCII I JtlIII ~ ru nmiddotI n I bll( promiddotiional and -endily dKUtkrl (0 (iJhi Th uprHlu t Illms ~ F OfUIUm fJmUl~ 1lt lIdoll 197) st~

II Dommquc 1~~l(ltJJi j~lJ~ ltlr mOh malulo I n pinCHCC du I)lowmiddotdwmiddot

frlt X X 4 97 p ~~t 1lUlhmiddot~ rtroglli Ia IUlldnmrtlltI shado ~1ll c or () I middot~ dnion d lime

(1 I~I ampiww1 2l T Ill Akiati-dCfilNI clllbl m tli IIIgt ( bull fl hinl I~ 1 cmblcnlti( SLIIlc 51 ror ClltmllcJ~ b C15 misso Lilx-rrll r T bull I ior iu SWUtgtl 1111 JJuM fir tit

S Am d m 726) a

11111 S i~lI1lllditio_ Sn ih ( middotrf)I1 I Iid i 11~ GI IlaquoSluver in 111lt

gtrllied ( ( he brn is th wimiddot I)u l Ih) o l InK E~rl in Iillg -Iltoi IV

( 11 Cupid ma apl II iVl thr (~laquoI hinb () ~pmr) Ill rri~n n- I) ill 1l411lt1 Hcinlluf funolgt Qn ~id gtII

~m ilslt1 lool Ilovrt Eh((n4(Q

1~I~11I I lI~logtrd m r I I ~ d It ncmtf

isslt her Snn1fP IAmslnd 1 b l -t ) x K dl omcicl rill middotr in l ulmlTgt do

m-lu I Il l G uillaume d r L bull Imiddotniel ~ Ie r~ilt ibJ 6QIU I WlfS ( 53) rd 1gtlt)1gt ~lcle (Alde h ~13 1 amp

j llt mrltlic IlJOII(u ri tr lw lOll lh~ 1luu ol f WilY f 1IjIlh _WllptrlJI

S1l~1 An n r)r 9fllt) PI I ~-H

i ~n5 ~I ~ 1 Jd Pbullbull ul tI1 ltrJ jtril 0111 d o middotInmiddot wlhru do

~l mMllu 9~ ~ Sf 1 171 10 Ia~ t ms - U ( I P n 51IS0 D KA ( (MJII IrtI) ~I) )

2i S- Chari II ( nk Iud or r~ I UICn n S IU T or - 1he

nlllr~ II I j 11I 1) cInt nullc aJ fros n IIIlt middoturk r I ~ bn~ IQRIhNJII 17 uirJ pp 66 7~ I on El ua nt

inl(middotIOtiJmiddot II Imiddot C h rI U~Itau ld1

fJ~(i 1 III ftltUUIl al I a ri~ lt)8~ R BcuIQl flt011middotlldr lhal rh ii l~1

hklD book a CorrOtl S

lIatllm(fd1l dnlts f r()rll ~io a ri i ~ from old ~ 1(1 SI) Ie ltord~I

2J I 0 eItn ~ hri(middot ill U alJrtMfJ

Ja tJftrWfIJ gll ou l b 1~llk middot(a lur hc (mbkrn tic d~ll(ldcnc) I)f l c~1 ami

Sc 111 umh~ r ErnSIs (onglt I~)lh il hl~lrn ll II IlOOmd CQnnadKls

iI ampiOC1 Jhow~ Ihlt)$( I Ih inll h) illUI)dr n rodik uh Clll Olr r lhal

~ccling W It jMJlt1ll no 10111 c~iltt

1-1 1luarrl )Q rvrntaib brimiddot 1 (1

oIIallrlt Ifs J~IIIIJ Ontr (fl~ 1 I udrn Sd clcr -ud il ~rnll e 1) 1$

fIri lif)ll I p 1 3~

3 ~Jochm HrUJllo-cn ddc1 ~I a Ernst un1 ci rh~I1 _h~ - I1 lvCII( 90) 19 9 alld 11 alls-J UT)I I Kapp Sp~chc und I) Ii M ll ErI f m II t~ll ~-il~ PP llc- ami p jltJ 11 ~ 1lj t ud ir1I ion orIpollinain MId h r CallCrain

I llcoun icrs r un thro ug h E rllS l ~ collage novl s operat ing om on ly o n Ihe I(vi or allusiOll to1 11 c rn hj ma tic mod e a nd its illlpliciitiom of (111 ( 111011

mcl -1I1111oli l) bUI lso nn the k d o f ptrtic u lu (out en t lIld menning I II I

I)stI) reln ted rolbgt froUl 111 F WlIIlf I (() tho 1929 (tigun 7) till fig u re af

I hmiddot baby strt ndi ng ill fu r l h t c up id of love cm bltlIls COIll (middot from n

nintmiddott ccll th-ccllt ury a loJl pa in ti llg in hi (h il I1j) rcsclll ec the murdered (lJi ld of Falsl a rgua bl y a v ictim ollovc1

La PClTj(r( cm hkm bonk i ~ irn po ll a n l in Ihat il as ti l( fi rSI crmltushy

la r tmblcm book and the firSI tu SCi ou t ponll~ recto aga inst (~ Kk uts

verso~ It i~ from t h i ~ ~ ) llImclrica lly o ppost rI disposition of text llnd

image that Ern~t a nd Eluard s work galll~ I panic ular pa wn th t

~ 111 HlUre de mands the d Cjgtrlld elicc o f tex l tnd im agr yet the fmllls lli a t ell-pendence t1i (s la ngf fro m d ose ma tchin g (If phrase and wh at is pictu red (as in illu$l ratio n i to a ppa rently a ll i(rI hu t d isj unc tivc relatio ll ~

(as if ~tock im gr- hau OcCII rellsed for a pprox illll I plrpo~e~) 10 mu l u a l

Clll l r dic lion ~ EnBt a nd Cl uard dc~ 1t willi l ilt llI od( rni~ t d rea Jll IIf a

hieroglyphic i ~ l1 a l p nc lry fwm lb llalll1c 0 ApoUi ll J ile J with l slig-ht cynilmiddotism ~eparati llg Oll t ra ther than confltt ing II I i su1 and the 1(xl lJal itS if to a r knowkd gc Ihl ir m ultla l sapping a~ IlHJfh as mu tua l Ira mfusion

or nwaniug A v i~ua l pllt I for Ern~t J lld Flu ltl rd w ou ld rel)ova te i l~dr

through its clntiour lHkl( )kdgi llg the losses as wel l as ric he in vl lcd in enc ryp ti()]l

ErnSIs c lll bhm ali ill1 ag ls a re Hu t confillcd or COUl~ C 10 Ih t cmbleshy

m a lic boo k III th e T9lOS EfIIS iou)1d h is vay illlll pain ti llg as a way of elllltu g ing his culla~c~ and I mblema tic r Olll lllun p[aces info r m h is

IXill lilgS t ven whtn tlu- n is no accom p a nying Icxl Indeed (m blem a tics an central to ErT1St ~ l(l1rna t o ll lf a llegory ill I ltl VII Tl o r lhe t mblimalic lI ut~hell is ti l( prelirn d cUIl Slr uc tion fo r ErII ~ I ~ pa in tin g- in Ihl ca d

IVlOS i t is OCCi lst a lkgory ca n ( omm en t Oil ils own a nificc nIJoIiTlJ

iron ic self-d epreciaT ing c nises in a rt wit hi n a Dad1 l T1 icism ra lher

86 ~ Ii t t 1 fir I~ 1111 Ii ~ ~ ij9shy

than o~I (II~jbly over l rt makillg1 Or ralh er Ernq t mbJC lll aril illlg~ a1l0 a ~imu ltall (ollS admowl(dgcmclIl of art a~ rtfcnlIl to W imug taphic alJ(c~tolS ud to the ~r(al (nt(rpri~es of re pre~II I Hion and Cdmmu nil ashylicoll while hracktli ng Ih (S( ti S defu nc t or urlfta li ndJII 1 1l1b il ions His im Hc~ ~CI Oul nspiration~ to hemic gCSlure and R llIai~silJe cultula l rcfclcnh Idle rtgisltring lh( ~t middot L~ pan ial and inept pll hn~ helll n I

logic o(xiu i(lli

Tilt Elphanl ff Ctlthn [921 dud OtdpuJ l() 192 1 du ne hik E rnst was lill livillK in Cologne set up c~ 11ica l etnbkrh 1 po~ t ilr crises and the fUllcl iunill 1 of Ihe a rti~L In OttltpUJ Ht I fi~lIrc 8) lin cli largcd hlIld a (o mOlOn feIIUf( of lmblcm) sunds fo r did ut if 1I11plicilly palnnal author il ) T his rheh)ric11 hlnd had a lso hl( 11 Ihe rocus (II (IlIl1lk history painting pointing lo ard ~cncr I 1itd hi)(h palrioll( (Inc p~lr id idtah In Otdipll f Rr( Ihe ~)necdnc hi( hllnd is hohblcd hy i t~

011 (middotltIfKgtIlS no 101114(1 hli lu make the gra nd g(~lur(s ur hi~llry

j Fr~ninpoa(II1 rhlt r lim~ 01 roonam ir d wkn all~o Ilaquo Ther ~ I Kmiddot lIemiddotv H( mI0 N Yl and ( mbnd~middot 1917

t ~lIr 1 EIt~1 n iy-~uMl h lo and uQmiddotru middotbull U 1-o_ IIgt tilltJ ~lq S ~

H1 C Ma t rngtI AI)A( I I~n

SODHAC ~ln lllt~ 1 l1lOII

H~ un 8 buse ()i~J If(Jf 9111 b I iifo C 1 - rrII5middotAIlt ( 1 1tTI SOllRi( rMQIl Ir l ~gt()()()

p aim ing it Plillf ll1l y inrl i (a le~ il gt low orifill ill II H I reudian r(all(~or izing of l h l Oedipus m yth Prnst lIf( II In lmiddot~ 13 1lishld CO IlVCIl L i o ll ~ of

gctun and ico nog raph y dcploying t lwm i ~ IICHlli niou~h Ordipll5 R C IS

ujJ the lllotl S~ iCid disCOUIl of high ielmiddotII and sllfmiddotslcrjric( in urder 10 bive -( i hl In his rtp rc ~ rllIat ioTi of cltmiddothasill Oedipal Irnuma and iu

2 17

arU l1rl ry pu ni~ IHn tl l ~ bl indmg- rbullL~ Irltl lio ll I I i ~ sifllilk lll t d ial o ne o r tht H I]lI) n ~ lt n urow p icrcing tht n Ubhd l IS th e h lw k yellow and gT Cr n fOr 1111 t ricolu u r lI ih har )tTn re-inHal ed IS he fla g or CtTm a n y

in 1)I U TI1 Lh rce cle melltlr) ( olo lJ I~ to h ieh EII Ilt t rd i ls in h is

illscri pt ion 011 t he pa inting m a y he a poin ted rcm illdn oj th e t~ t h e r l a llds

of h isl ory pai ll1i))g both as the plima ry colo ur o r neomiddot d Lsi(a l pa in ting

a nd a fl a By tnn (uy tb hisl ory or a n is m ldl 10 (om m en t nn

history s flw bling or al least irnmQhilizi llg or Ihe ignohle and olalikJ In i l~ nig-ma ami dispropUrli()n ~ ()nhjJII1 Rrx abo rrsemhks smiddotV( IH(llI hmiddot

ccnl ilry c m lJkrns Ihltl l d rccliv(l y cap~i z(d hist ory jlai l) l in g~ i)l lo crypt ic rigurati(m~ or m0 1ltl1 rtC1 ilude Its rn e m hia ncr 10 a n t lIlbk m - a hand

holding a (Tacked wa ln u l-shell - fim n l ite Dllt c h mordi ~1 Jaco b Cag h-t ~

bl( 1) nOted hy C e rd Ha uCI who hilt dism issi ng hi ltIS coi ll(middotid c Ill a l ~ ti ll

kit (omprlk d h) the strik ing- i ~lI a l analogy T hi d ikrn ma i~ slIIli y comp(Juncit-tl b) con~idcra t i on uf Catss tex U Th e Cats ( mhlem had two mol os (sinr e Ca L pra~ma l il a tly duubled hI lscfuln (~lt or hi~ images hy offering de voi oJl a l tex t$ a bo l l spi rit uI 1 as ell IS Iu tlltl l 10 ( T Il( fi rT

IIl0 1l 0 Re put hk hy uo ~k i ll o uld fUllct ion a a joke on Ihe aJlisl or

p(Je l ~ 0 n l ech niqLU~ I lid is especially ilp pticablc 10 Frnsls collage CUlling T he ~(co nd T IJ(rc is no l(lv~ li kl lir~ t 10 ( ( II n y a (j Ilt Ie premilrs

lIllou rs J [ lidy d lcctin l) ta kc~ U~ hill k 10 thl d c~ i ll cI mol iln vf the

O eci il)U$ compl tx G ivcn Ems t middot~ kllovlo(l~( of Fnud Iht cmblcmali C hllf-sltly ing of things

Ill l) be la kc as ak in 10 Ihl o rn h ina l ry la nguage o r OhjC( b ill Ihe un eon shysciou ~ (~ IHr i a lly as d esc l iltd in 111r Iffprr la OI ()f n f(mh H Th~ Illmy

em h lematic i magI~ ill Cllfs ltl nd d~l herc of e nlarg lltl h lIlcis hold ing

d evieclt fo) cltl lllc llin g )lld CUll ing (~ llllffUl~ ca ndk~ hrtl king clnd lts

cutling and g ra ft i1lg sl II ks ~q Ih in g ri pe g ir ls ) mig-h i (1 be sl(n in th~

lig lll or F rf lld 11 ()Cfipu1Rn cltl n in fa n Ire laktn a s a co nAal (Itl or sc(rltl1

i Jlt age~ from J arob Cats nO I onl y llt l ha nd holdinK l sh at llTn l n u tshdJ bu t also a hand slh j)(ntli ng a key rrom 1 m aglltl ic q onc fig u II 9 For the

prel im inary co lla g1 relat ed 10 Odipus RI ( Emsl used a n im age from the

pl liudica l l ll vil Iltfl ~1I1 i ll tl ~l ra tion ora magit Irick in whi dl a l a inU I shdJ is SIIJII1Idd h) il ~ d eft liom a fi nger il~ if uy llla 1ic Cats ~ tmblems ~ive a

parad o xi ca l m(ra l WLig-ht to Ihis nU lSh d l image hic h in 11 X(Iure hld 10 do with ill usion Th i~ m a tt er of illll~ion rccun on eil pla yfully ill rnsts

work Bt-ynnd tha t the elllbkms pr(J itic (lUlio n ary moril l ~C l pitces aga illt

wh ic h Ihe il1 1o l llr (nt l ues and poli licai ton tilsion of tnmiddot rccettt wa r and it~ aH ermath (t n b( Mmiddott

The ck phant of Tlu Fltph(lJIf 1GIIbn figure 10) h l~ 1 ICi ng pcdigTtmiddot( in

c rn h lcmalic i rT1 agc~ of 31 fro m th Illt rad ig llla tic (i i ill [11( fi ftee nth

centu ry 10 pro pag anda cnrica lUr~ du rint ti l( F irst vlo rld Lr (fig ures I I

111lt1 12 17 O ld)( arrn ond g-Ls-mlskcd illca pabk o r lutornot io n shy

s ta nds ror pn liticil lgtO CI the oSlagna ll )igts C1n~ o f thc K aiscl e ra aml th e

war wh ieh so p roroundl ) a Ar-ctcd Ernst a nd his friends In wl ra l ciati

tOlblclll ~ cilphanb ~Uc a~ $ (lC i a l ld wilh wa r and i ts ~poil s M 7 he EIplwlIl if Cfllhes nOi olll y rlt$clJ1 blc~ Alcilti s Ikp lla nt ith l rm(gtlr I II illa ud a ta

la lldan l( ~ but it~ m Cltlu ings S(C rTl tv lwa r out 1ciali s H((HUlI or a milil) englgemell l in h ie h a middotmons l r( HI~ and coarse e lepha n t frig ht c ls a WL) a n

enemy l 1middotlll y Th tmiddot ele pha n ts plinl cri image is thell l Ikc n a the vioors

p Smiddot [in ri [Jutrhu Ilt 1 TM~ry ~f rltHI 1r YvrL amI Loudun 985) I I~ 00 lTom ~d p n -f bullbull l dlltltuaJl~middot (Iii rflrm r~1 ui r i~ till 1 knvwlche a nd

3 1 1Ihx Ir I GloIkk l ~

rmd~-Ul if 1

11 ~r CllarlOl e ~Iok Clblros i u ~~ (gtI k Frrud$ IhCltlTI t fw a~ Ihe r la liQn tor 1 (([Jag r~ b x Er ~ 1ftgtNJld~ I il P 19)104111 TI ( r~ 11 lr) nunlm( lfIr~ p ( ~l O(r a1xt llChl du Impt I ~~tN~lt1I 11 63deg1 Hd J~cQh C UJ oI ffrtf Ittrdt~ t niam 1I~rl r71 Th e V d ~ V l1 lr~i nll ~ dose cO E nlt~ i n I ~ I ) I ~PJ in (hult 71gt ffl iu( a li lou ~ ( rrminffl in pri l [h rollgt tl ~ mh c( nIUr )1 QI (ra r Dc l ~~I t or [e

e[ltI n( 2 ama nt 11 hir h 3 h ~ 1 gtU I nllt kry fro Jl ~ middot i $() 1 ~ IO~ in tmblfm~la 1 QMhfl II (~~ in

and IfM(arn lluht tid pi II ov~ouuvn lChao Ifat AuJr Wl1d(R 1975

n middotU Hlal in Sqmnr Hot-Ie IIK~1IJmiddotIt f)aIII~nt(~ an ntfJ Ifn middot

1)18 -Iih 9jtJ ) 3S1 middotJmiddothi rmhkm j IJ J udn ~

1Ilw and at on tic]h 1 l i l poi I nf ar I d brak ~ n 1gt1 middotPft t pt~ f( ( em IIW r u~ ohit]

h urr lt) J acob ClIts Sed ~ ICCI)

l MbltlWlill lffJrald k~~~au

f((lltcrrl~m 6~7

~u T Il iumbull l r Alrr1 1trr rmltd Ihr Krlqltgtlthu ldf llr in J)n r laquo (u fl M~r 1H) i Sr Irr~d 1) 1VIl~fr r 1 Hf~udw~ ofl kr 1 ~ilfJ II Q (~I T hm lr~n~ 10]1 II Zrydd cw York 91deg1 ~() - J I ~ En[ ~ ul(Jbiographical [Ul t I I~lhu is d escribed Wl lh rcl crc ne 10 l i t nar~ p r~(rdCnIS In H a~clr~

pll) T~(S~~ lh~ ta1he nra~pJ hI a (XI(tk ~ wlo )urnd lt ( lalh ~rJ nl (i younK fCPh ( hid l-~h ~r~ Jn~dc

uganUl tteN has I arrltucol h~(k of [ho- ~c [a l Ono G n - trair) tIl] 1I hi You bulln diollr tv _ I Irjult lilt(

olIl 13 augtt ) ooJ h1 broughl h on t1 AI)hl I nlII)(uh Fnl

wlgtOkallcu cc a Darla rleno~lOlitln

and arral h3d WI I hl ilip t rnlt 1Xlfl hll ra[hcr~ ropon-lt I cunc ~ O Y(tll iuC htlU~11I djlOIlOIlr OIl Il t[ t- Ia EnlJl Fcrdlltw I P l1 i Ie due [0 Ihe fonnulai- nalUn Oflhc fu_h~rJ ( u- u

lucrnryu(occ lOlho- ryurr Ihmmiddot i~ Ihe FImrul111li (gtr clln ~r Rcp[hlk jnoitcclUal drdo-lt f h~ kiml h( lU~p)l(~1

~m (u (_1gtlt- to P bull -i( OS hCf

L~qoJcur IFmUlr CJrnl HISI~r )1 8 913 (I bullbull d I ~i 1) ]1 ~H J I PI lslr pct 1 C I) 1 lt1 (fJ (Iii IIIn

JIB iltn York 9ilIj PI ~- I Cnll ~dci l Am BpiI~1i Bhl IIIltl IJrfJMJI A-w lfflIi KnliA Jti U ltkm~

I)IISIUIJ ( icnt~ gR8 ann _Vld U(Imn

h fJTwilaquootJI THu C rw Vk glib

insig- nia H ow(ver sinltc the v i lory 1(1$ undcsrrId Itu re~ul1 ur reaI ra t her thatt bravery in b)111e t hi ~ imJ~e of the d eph(II t -( ar( told i~ lgt hamefllL That t hl paint ed image of the kpha ll t nmiddotpn(nt~111 lUlw(rth~ Irick SIT CS a ~ a Ili ct Lommcn l on til( not ion ofl h d ((( il ()f ima ge~ in wnerl l Akia ti s (o nd u$ioll of shaillc md lmb ig l o1)~ vic tor y wo uld tlTl ainl y represCnt E IIl SI ~ g1lwral opinion or -ar I ml its lrUnna l h 7 hi Hlephlll1f f C lrbrj i~ ltl n

a lkgor y of the m oral values of lhe p11Cltl a l g CIlI fltl li on ami t he fatherland olmuJalcd a l a time when lhe iS5 m o j 1 guilt I~ a ~u bjcltt or urg e nl

pubJi( dcblte ~9 Th is guilt also fudkd thr tlltml~ or O edipal palriridli impulses Iha t had become 1 corn monpll(C of Expressi oniml and thai a rc pia ycd out in OrdilmJ R~ 1 m [ 71l r LlffJllOnt ofCdhfJ I~

In 1IlYendeavour to find a cnn vi ncinK ltl r~lJnwnl or i u~li(ial iun fi) 1 11 art (hal might legitimately fU llction in til( pOSt Wl r D1(la c ultural rencgu ti nmiddot lions Ernsts turn to emblem and ltl lkgory points to Llw awkward fil or rellt ivt[ c ult ural alu(s a nd conhm llOra ry history ltIS Ihcir fulfilmen t AlIcgot as lilt l( it tralion of codihrd nonnali cult ural or ~ bOlu le a luCs

fi ts- j arrillgly wil hisiOl 3(rommodal ing ils cnrorcro ohins and chUls nf I cn n~ pru jding a rickety bJea hellt lor Lilt spec latol o r c u rrC11 histo ry In

Ordiplu Hrl and Tlu F1rlllimil oj Ctlfhn Ihe high rd~rents of dleg01~ an txposed as (hey m ig-h I c- isl in the wak c of (he First Vorkl War n k ill ~s h ip st ale a nd rdi~iln arc Hvcaled in th eir CHlTf1lI ri lbilillted (Olldlli ull psychoanal)~cd int o ha~(I frlll~ no IOI1~cr Jegi lim al( f)r sla ble reduced to d ressing- up as th (tn~clvc~ P]((i~dy beca use uf the nccessil~ for

hUH~ l u EIII TM frpiloM uJ Cflm 1 9~1 ~i V1 t h( 0 1 1bull0( Icmll tI) (P 11uiSOORC Monmtl QOO

1n esta h lis lHd Iclennl howCvtI the 11lt-gonea ] q nllllIle or Ihe cmule lll JJ]owlt Ernst 10 g-i Vc an a ccollnt of the lailure of the ll)lwlelil symbol o r

11 lt11T lI it

Blt~()nd these obliqLl(~ly polili cal Co Ill I1H~llIa ri ts EIJ)~I S emblematiC

pain ti ng ~uggests lha t other Ih illbS ~rc at Sla k~ in Ihl Ieai lll oi tiJ( a rt t h ~ 111

the lt llhancClllcll t ofpo( l ry b~ visli a l lIH yplion Thc Iml ]enlat ic paintiflg~

Sl11I1 10 Imoke l lost text or key to Ih eir own d CClxling Jf Elnst ca rries the

pOCTS intclsl in JTI l ki n~ tcx t ~ pic toriil l back in lo pi U IIImiddotS he docs so in

ordn It) raise qu e~l i om a bolll tlte na lu n uf ima ges and represe m a tio n T Il(

~df-qu( l i oni ng ima ges appJrrn lly f]uely thcir own Iul ho r ity could th ey rcp r(ltfllt anything c rc il Ill)[ I(r q slig iil l dalinn~ with cx phlllltltnry

ltI11 til nli 7 ill g lexts T h is is fur[IHr rtlalli 10 Erml~ illI)(lli o ll I)) h( h istory

of a n of I rad itLOllS o f i(ollogra phy v I th e m urce i lll a~t

Tn Ill1 Casc of Tuttn lll l Ioml7l1 (figure 3 923 V(rnlT Spits has Tfaced twn ~ (lUIIC illlages to th e popllllI lIintl (cllIh-cl nt ury ma gltllille (1 Yolu a

ships dlvi(c IItlt j)()UN oil 1) 11 troubled wJtC I and all -e mba t hlng ing

upsirk dO Il Til l m1chine and thl ltl tr o ha t ar( figurf~ ofhaJIIlcc JlId order

~e l agj i ll~l a perilo us si tu ation lht) t la blish1 d i ~rupliI 1I~ t ofvltcillatioll

( 1 1 kiln mlblrm

bull~ J f1nni h hrkl J rJI of hul 41nati rUIHurlmiddot lInmiddot Mlln

I )t ~Jlfodurrrl t pmll rm ropol1111 10 1(111 R(Icr(n(( l ibrary

J l~rT I~ _ Hahn lgtt Ihlll If



h gunmiddot 3 En 7 ulmnr f1 lmlltm 9~3-~ M ti17 CI M~ Ern~I IUGI (1 S~ lnRmiddot ( ~1 llrca l 20(1(1

d tt rnat ioll il llbtlau(l and po~ibk fIII tho I frlln(~ OInollier of Ihe pa i ll I ings sources a R ena issa me allegory of r()rt ull(

IvliIIII()lItlti In tlw c Ollrse of I h ( essa) o n ernblems r i H~d hy Erll had gi cn thc im a~C of FOilli na wi th her wil e] l11d sa il as 11) ex am ple of a [J1 11(n sli tficienl vi~ud (Illbk lll rCftl ir ing 110 tex t to supplcmtmiddot11 1 iLS IlwJlI ingsI Ttl Furll lllt of unblem ~ Ofl11 ~ a ih on slOrm y sta ~

(fig ur( 14)n a nd prl~ LJ mltl J ) t h( i ll llstlal i(n of oil-POll ring m ac liill (J) ~Uggfmiddotlt l cd lO Erns t Iht a ttrih ules o f Fort una Ihe c irc ul a r piplt~ swnd fo r IlI r wheel IlC pi pe barlng her )I~ klr hf1 Ulin dn e~s 4t The leetering of Er nSI ~ Fon una Illa y he lIt r ib lHed to Ill i com)gld ph ~ or t hl grandt 1s lrnmiddotI11I (fig-uri 1 5 )1 ~ In Il le r on ((xl of h yslcna the so urCe illla gl or the acroba t eOJJ1ts in to pla y in Cha rcol and Richer s I J as sj~a l

~tu d y nr hyste ria in ~Ir t I f( )imollinr7 11t5 dml( url j Ui allOytmiddot Iht i ll tl~-

1 1 -(( ~Ij~ lla E middot ((Jla(CIf

f I~ IIml l middotdprM(It OIOIe 97) (11 15 1 r1 rUlclld middotUmiddotme lhauN VI 1Hamp--7middot 4 - hy middotillmiddothul( Fr~nt( S~ltS( ltibull

Icl~ U -fhg uImiddot uurnjl j lurhJrnmd 97 11 I J9 51 This Imiddotunu tlI1hh u Iq td III -

Durc 1 in ~ lnl c t ~ h (1 und n de Imiddotlisunmiddot Jo~rM1 If lilt LIb~( fnlllll III 92~ ) pp 7 I ll

1 Ion ) lnunlrmiddotmiddots 1- Pu d Im ll~l1Id ft n(rmiddot~ middot lax Ernst G middotmJ-k Au Ihmiddotf()JU da amu rlal ig~) n ~IIlaquou do w moTd W I b rrlJNI ml)km~U(middot hl UTlt of middotOCl~Smiddot

11 - I lIn ~rlcfut 10 ] I it I ~m~$ fot hvwinl tnC I lul]w( 1 too rc on I- nn and h) la drlid at the I lI l (bullbull lkrl lurMlhUI hll lIi1)t Un Ga l a fl~u ro uf Iltt gt ~ on) Uotncst(

Uioor ~ l d be Eluurdf Mil f~ I IlII luItltgt4flAlyllf SO~fIJ PI tOj ~

rigUft q Fornll x ttlt h ~It u n

Ii tby WdrOllfl Fullmiddot 11 1 iUllt V~rfbIU Dj( 17

1b J (~ COI ~nfl l ul Rkher - IJIIII(mI~I fa lgrlmiddotrRfl() (Amncrd ilnl 97111 100 n middot eljg wmiddotS pc i ho dlgt$lt In Ad middot ell Sarto S(lUlI

Phl J Wi Jillnl _ poJsMk also Ih ) h) Charco d R~hcr

11 Elila]t(u ll rcn 1lts Iu~ middoth~$triQnk OIICillallo n a t_middot itligll ~

or he bymrk Or lin tkaJ body

1lI uchSlcr 9J Ptgt ~f(gt-imiddot

trnt iu ll show here i till oh~(ralio n thal h y t (ric~1I atli l udc~ pn~sioshy

IIcllc~ ]evc tCtll pUfoi s 1m car ( I n particu licrellH1I1 ITohaliqul 6

Ermls (IlllJleml1ic 7 1r(ri lLg IYmllllll th c ll IS 1 (ompk l1ld humo rolls lI ullcgo rizul ioll of fo rt una -I -1 yst cr ic11

Com plex rlt-fCrcnces like liIi un 10 fortuna pop up thruug ho ul E rn~ Is

I rk amI se rve I S ind i $ of a ll (gor~ di fCCli ng us 1 ) Iradi lio ns or i(onotVashy

ph ) and accumulated Illcanil1g 10 symbolic tig-ures Inc attribules thai re ta in a sh-dowy lu hori t) hilt being Su hj(C lelt1 h~ E rlt 10 subi titwiJll$

r igbull I wwd Pjdk iul1udr Ik Hucilitlnr n I n rhlrnl tlld ( dmiddot lr~ dim~~taqw rf~ Iarl 1186

llnl OOf ~ [ AT tlTUP~~ ~hIQ itl EL L~S U ~ ~A ~IIA ~ O E T IIIUIt II Y S f t R I Q ( [

Allilnde d~ cnciG etenl

nnd degradatiom T he Forull emhlem here comes from Ab y arburg- s sl1ld~ Francesco Sltlsscl1is let lwilli gc Vnfiigung- (1 907l En~ t was not na ive abou t t he nuu re of images and their contagion and he fa nCS r unsidshy

natioll (If the onvt llI il)n of p iCl(ri d language Hld as~ u ll1pt iom ltlh0L11

mea ning At the li me of Warburg Saxl and Panof~k~s t ralings of da~~ial

~ymhol~ amI mylhollt)q-~ th rough IIwir til-hased ltI nri mu lt iple ronm in Ih e

mbkm~ uf mag illklun and as trology E rnst wa- him self englgd witb sudl dchascIllCnts~ 8 Fm u s Er lldil(~ illlag(r) makes h im a pl radnxind

ltlcackmiti a n a nd pa rodi c nr hi ~lOrilIl rel yin on Ihe prl~l i g( of rlcog ui I shyabt l~ q UIt liun bllt sa htlaging tlw h i~torical method Ilat w(lutc1 ~il ua Le a giC 1I wo rk th roug h ils relal ion I() prncden ts Tlw T urning I-1QIl1I cuuld d t~tl be rel a lcd ror middotxa mplc 10 C iOll u~ c lnb[emalir Il1rtJlJlu ncy (fig u lI 1 6) III

Erns t ~ Jisjunct i c ilT1ages parlde nfcrcllt~ bllt ddy rongruity ltllI rl c hronolshy

ogy u hvlr1ing lhe aUlhori ty of history to sequence idell tify imCrp lI l lI lld evaluate H e ~ i lua tCS h i ~ work within the history ofar and li terat ure capita shyli ling 011 th e cx ptxtation orknowin~ ~ aU high academic a n h as donmiddot_ b ut parndicall y mocking any pic t y or nost tgiil fo r 10s1 ori g-in ~j

A work part icula rl y di rctling ll~ 10 problems of Iltlngutge and f(middotp r(lt ll ta shy

ion is AI tht r ln Cltar Word 1923 lfigure 17) pai u tcd Oil lhe Wl tt o f Pau l 3nd Gal a Elu ard s bcdronlll J lengt t h itog-lyph k co n fi g u ra tio n (If fing(rs ba tt and string u e oqlI1 i7OO a rou nd the o r and X of Ernsts name $ilUali ng th e pa inting in the long- tr lditi(J)l of emhlematic deir(~ that play on names The pai nti ng as il immiddotulwmiddots Inc clongucci fin ~cr of a 01ll11l

JIllgt pru habt ) em bod ies Ernst cOIlLlm pnr ilrr rdatiom hip wit h G ala E lulfd (TIl E device traditiontl l is m clIlt 10 proli)ulJdly rcpre~t nl he ha hitual conduct (lr ( ha rati r or onlsel f oncs princc ur th c beloved womUl whitt t voidi ll L pon ra iwrc)Y 11115 5 p lCltlr( panLom im cs n des tabishylized pictoritJ compo~ i J i ()n the bt ll on thmiddot ~ rill~ wh ich ()r IllS lh c [ i~ I II

im minLt1l dltt nKcr oflwlng dropped by Ihe crossed fingcrlt pullin with it Ih( tlil of Ihe Illard-likc in$Ipound t T his co nngllfllion is lik rly a j oking refc rellC to

Frcudill li cn~ t rl ti () TI an x itmiddot t y ~ a noti(11 n i nfOTced hr Erm l ~ou r(( imag fro m 111 Salu re iIluslrllling a Irick in which 0 lingmiddot CTos~ed and pressed to ltl single bJ ll have th e sCll5a rion of feeli ng two balls As a dci(c JJilc rct aining the wit l nd (()nci~ ion appropril( to sueh repnSt IHatioll Frmts painting brea ks wit h th l c1 Clurum ltInri pwpcr k di ng tradi tiona ll y l ~s()C iated

wilh lile devite a ~ portrai t of t he mind or w uL E rnst~ im al l also rdi tes

If iby rhll rg rnfrlhUltrSrhrifk-1f

] irdllcnstlti ll lif9]I 117 51 ~

Rbnd K all) mc~r 1) 1 1gt1(1$

Iltr~hr f lfn1t una d~ ~lIdarhll -brdtllnttk r L f min l lmiddotb~t wnd IJm)tflm T]n J87) 48 1 gt111 ( rldu l (0 Rfrky lin HI 1 ~lI)lJr I L-d Ihr t iol(IJ mhllt1ltlt

ll I ] hwau middot1 he $lru((lIrr or All elonl~ Il)eltIf ill IIII~~~ Iwl RqgtrQI ~I ltlhnJ ( lt 11111 ( Ih ~ 1Il tl 1(1)(1 I~ 1 37middot

iO- amp ( Il ~n ri Eli C Alldtjam(n

aniltt r nlas Ulul ( I doll 16IbiPpmiddot 8 1-7

51 5lt Wmiddotmr SpQ fouJ liolld Irrudi cli ll ~ iu J) Hwhhr Ii du (lttr C610i1 I l7 PImiddot 5 4middot

~ll(ure 16 Giou nlill (Slt f1) ~ini Chilpdj

5~ - XC IstkUIImiddot Ltt Jill ( 1lt drriJtgt nn the pfOpltn~ ofdc ien It ~nno td t

fkmcll lS de Li tltrrmiddot JlIgt Ill d ~80)

lIi(krlt l p II ~_

M a rmontcls insistence 011 the h igh 1110111(1 11 lt urlomiddott emblems I llnn mtd )t VC as 1Il ltlmpll or the o~jt(lionahl t tToli lIIbkm objcL~ luxqllds Iop inirlll allad w ride de ha-gtsessc sUlh as a pot Oil the fi rt ith Ihe mollo f a m ltOIlsul1ed below ) It i~ tempti ng III im agi ne Irnsl toyin g wi th this

higb mor~1 1 po~il iun by delibera tely making a (Tud pun th e basi~ of til liu First Cmr WordY

T ypica ll y huwevr Ernsls Vi~U 1 1 sou rce rna) lJ ~ (lv(rdcterln ined hy 111 trudi tc textual ~ourn III I f NiL dAlllIIbrr D ichrl ~ Dr Uordeu describes the controlling ccnI tI ()r Ih t ch fir OUl ~n$aliOIl~ L~ a jlld~c who hears caS(~ md pIOIl Oll ll (I~ vc rdirts This jud~( hOHver 111lt1) be e ffeclivdr

deceived b y the (i(llIc( it may expe riL- llct paill ill an lIl1 putalcd limb 11 01(011 ~ays Dr Burdeu ~ou Gill INt t he limits allli decepl ions o f

sensa lion by (ltI rrying lItI I Ihi$ sim pI eXlwrinWll t Otl the judge

o n k tro mpe lu- nd Oll 1(11 1 crui ser dl lLX 11( ()~ doilts run Sill Inutrc lUuch(z un t pclill ooule lt1 il pronnll r(ra qu-iln II df l1x

2 bull i

h gumiddot 17middot l rnSl II Ihl FII (lro l1pd 1 )~3 I t bp (I II ~ L m ltlift))G P

1 1 lri~ OUolAC -110laquo1 ltOOO

In to( context of thi ~ pa rt ieulM di~lullsjon of s(n~ttiol II 1t1 Ni l f d J(lmh

lhe hypolbeli cd Fltudi an melning~ nf E rnsts Ilugcrs and ball in tensify The fea f ( castfa linn II lre is dJ ierl 0 (middotO fl~i (kra lion 01 The npITicHclt of pai n and pkhurr di sltussrd fl y Did r rol and the decept ion orthe senses ~ lldy ra ~

someth ing to d o with j urlgill l Ill( dtcp tiolls of illu ~ion is t 111 with the picru rc itsel f alld (implii t in Ihe Ictltl~ ()1l11ed Ily gtIring wd hnger wit h llie k((middotplio ll ~ ufl ang uagc

Beyond UidcrOl til( fou nd ation fror Emsts rlecplion 0 1 El uan] lnd Pau lh tnmiddot~ a rgumen ts about languagc lay in ( enIt 11 Roma nt ic dcba tcl ltlho ll t till ~rn bol ith is full ex p1l~s i (I1t$S and uni ty or ~ ign and n ferfnt 1S OPp()sd HI the di~~ocia lcd and arl Jilrar y sj gn-gllle la lioll l)fa lllmiddotgol) I Of panicular lifelong intenl tu Ernst (ft the po-ms CS~ t ys tJld a lltgorjC~ o f Novali I II the fi ch lc S tudilu N(lva l i~ httl u Hlsid ered lilt rela tion or

l t 7 fit I H l 1gtlt(lI

5 ~ - Sn HLmmiddot odoro M If Ih I ol Ir (Ihrl n r Io rln Ilhh J l)tb 1 151

~ Umothc JaiuA I(hI~ed me of rn~(f hfdonA bullbullding 0 -11 ~ i~ (k Iter lu

hLlhtlh LclOlc 0 ell 91121- M~ dlkllraquolO(l i~ lI deb loo (0 II~

fC(Illt(r o Kn ) ~r-lu t HtNIl_ nI1 Ioudon 9lj s~

fio hlr S d 110 Stlrjinf rd l1I1 dholln ~ lId K rd Sallnd 2 lIllIlIlr~ n 1)gt5

y QUOIn t 1bullbull Iulil1 Oir Il-gtOtw- KumulIl ~I fI Poe jdcr h Ohrfllt1101nl imiddot b-ftJ IMM bull I~ 1 IjJj11_ 1 lt)OCf p ~06

~1 It_I 5ltlrrif(~~ V 282 U lln hilll prp1K(I h1I Novtlraquomiddot d~ ldk ll i

ixua Irlnllllod ~bull middotIrmiddotI1 I middot rJ dwr Ihm rr lrnrlll (Hgtrlldk ) ~H - ito UBeu PI 0 11 11gt ~MI S(itl~I I V I ~

~ 1 ttl lIml To i Was Ma_~ 1-1 Iudirl h i ll Ia ~H K~I~ P l S c r PI Ip HattltlorHrr

I~nf(n (P(t Tunlu IPlI amp nn K olVI)lJtt AtIhIJIt~ ImJ~nt I _jm (1(In EIxhllll 19031 Karl Ih(f)(lomiddot C d cru ( dritl

HMIlI~NI III Jtbtfl DISn LI n Ll(PlM 1Jf(d 1881 J eanmiddotUaud t rtbs (~ ifipp H sectn Cr ~

tIorll Frnkrun middotrnmiddotMam u Iu 1lI

IqIi l PI V~ -t3 Thrn ~r n 1I ~II i ltI h not 1 p~I1gttul r 1( in TI n oell u1f 0111 8ui chmid d FIIrjI ~I 5 ]nJ J~6rfjnnu 1 lII Di_UfJ(11 Numbl

III~ 1Io11l 6 SI h nJ ( f(tmiddotulll ll middotlulrodOIvu AItl~ry aN HprtUIIlJIIDII

PI) ~l D lan pOIfl~ ou ltlr311~~f)rr 3ltll1 mhlrm bull 11 d iflkuhy (Of ]Jqllf i Iht th (mvh d~r ~ 01 rtp~uu -n C tgtOllt~ nd In 11K rmiddotrr fSltltn~ l h~

Iu Qn I ~Icd middotPutal

bullI ~gtIOfV of PllSlVI IIpry RfIlnIllI_ p ~3)

language to th e th i [l~ il t~p rC~n l gt argli n~ t haL silllc lAng uage n rijinatcrl

l1 finding ~ i lm (or lbSl tae l conccpt~ it i illiterr l11ly nw tlphoriltl md dlceptivcn Fot I(ovali ~ fcprCC nT ll ion is a proce -~ hy which lall~utKC

fig ures (orth somelh ing lhal i ~ itself IUSI I rough tillt ln y 1(1 of being pnstlIh( If for Nova li ~ jlOmiddottry IIl ll lgt1 appro~ld l i~ual li rt ))il rot~il Inu

also zur Kunst werdcn ) ~I ne( rt hclt-~ d ll ~i I) ilwit)bly Idl shor

crea ling an illusiun uf prcsellcC where t he re is n() IH So (I IlC ( an n p n SCIl I onl y i ll ordcr 10 rcprcscmiddotnt Y alld beyuml t hi ~ lei of 1lt_ prcMnting thrrc i~ rIn absolutc ulIlcprtsctH ahk negllid y d tlcrm in ltgtd KlOu nd a conce pt or being that lt1111101 be d(~( l i hltd (111) displMcd im o c han o r darkmss cent Tn Novalis Eru~ 1 wou ld find a his tury fOl J (I lwlhiIlmiddots (ol1lcm po rIIY

argumcnt thnt all ln nguagl inn )ivcs metaphor and millndcr~t lIld ing a nd lil his d tllcriptioll of IIe cia rk nes~ Iha l sl l orc~ lip Ihl )l lOvcrh OlSlTlions Novalis~ theori fs ofl anguage uor nt oul by Pa ulhan ct1ll thC lllsck e 10 Ill

middotprlScll led by ErnST in the en ig-nuic piuolid Innn Lpprnp riltlH to NOlt1i ~ ~

sig n or 8ild

Allh~ Fin- Clear Word Ill a y be lfad in ligh l orlh~I plradmtlt ofbnguagl lild ~emury d ectption I n~ot~ r a ~ EII) is til represen w r n r pn5lnllr CJftlll pic tll re he is til t d tceiHI ho (c l hI eq n I writcs him$(lf intn IIw p ictu re through his pnouious mono~ ram 3 ~ ti l( deceived Sim il (ontig ur lI iuns or balls a nd stri ng llC a cOlIlIlon plac( of SCclllttnth-cent ury

(middottIIule lm )( rhlil l it~ sud l a~ R lJlkll h lgcns l enllOll~ Globe hanging hy A

thread IllrCa ltned by tht di vine k ni ft wilh its mOllo 1 wi ll hc cm 10 pi tccs

fIgure 18 T IlfsC l m blcUla lie modds sel up the ( lIt1 i n~Cltlst ration j oke impliCi t i ll Enm~ plin ting T he mOllo or I llIvorffcrs rebted emblrlll ha l dccei CS us a mu~cs u~ is cunsistent lth t he ide) uf lhe pli n ting iI~

an illustra tion 01 Illr (kctpt ions of thO se nlt-~ and of m imetic picllln-m k i ll~

tsdr ftigure 19)

H ard(irfit- r 01In eccen tric th(o ris t uf the e o lvill Genn a n la n ~ua~(

a nel of uuoque emhlems H iJ visio n 01 middotGrlllairl poticmiddot was illfiuencecl by Ripas rulolugifl Acia w and J atO) C algt l ~lII st ho had studied ph ilu logy an d hld la kcn a ( ou r~( o n the v c r man nomiddotd of the sevenshy

leenth lin d middotijl ltnnl h cel1111ri o l it u nivtfi ly miln I dl have Cllcou nshytered his 1 ()lk 9 I I is a~y til 11 (-l arsdlitflcr a~ it proto-sunca list

throug h Jing-u islit ~arlH ~ ill Wllld ~ amI illll(~ b) p hon ti play and nc c()r tr bi n a lioH ~ Ill hoped 1(1 drw 1)lIt h iddell ret lI1b l a n ce~ bct ccn th ings and CVl U 10 invcnt IIC W Ih ings illulllill ltinl lI lt p ro fo und rdations of I lItgulgt mpound ttoe o rld I he cullelt i gllllc-pla) illK of his C tspradtshyspick fragmcn tcd syllabic and wo rd re(()I nbined b ltliterna li m cun trishybutors to produt( unli)rt (c lI rclt I1 I1 ~ ha~ I)l iUlis afJiui lies w il h surreali~t

potti I practice H aT1gtltlu r rfCIs emblem r ai(~ a ~lmiddotnlmiddotr tI puinl ahou t em blems hile tlln

pro id e Glp tival ing rt)lism cf el ltil tl li is IP l r~ l to ensure Ie~ihilil and ough t to have Ilolhillg 10 do I ith Ihe Jl lt- I ~ lI nmiddot Urlllil1lDis A t Ih( F lnl Galf

Vorn a ~ a piclure a bout S( II~()ry cl ( p tiotl is a n ironir a llegory or ils own t1l IK1Ciri cs (0 rcprcocnt r-I(IIc hrou l- it rIilCgt ltI p roblem of aUIgory whkh Lries It) fu lly npn scnl or pi tun al) t rt( tions llUt I~ hich llIccssa ril rccals

ilS uwn fa ilure lu arw ally brillg lillih ~udl tl lill~s fgt T he da ril ) of the cmbk m sim ul ates tht gra tifJ I lir~ of I n i (J1lsi~ stl1ing up an anxi()u ~ t1t t rshy

naliun btlwctn (knxlillg wh a t i ~ IlH- u lr d eH lr dll1iC(11 dra lng and



I bull



relishing the pleasur UI) pmsibly lIli 11 1lt1 i( tJl E1l11Jk mati~ a1l0w E rn~ 1 shywho 4xprcsscd cQn tcni p l (() I milllClit a rt to negot iate bdwfcn I h~ ~I(tu(~shy

livci ) mimet ic tud ed ifying)y d i agrarnma l ic 6~

As 1 pend ru 10 AI Iht hr~ 1 elfllT kV(lrd til (ol1l g ~ L Q)QI Jl tSCIIf n ) OUIIl

girl 930 -70 (figu re 20) tu - h i1I Ems f IHu a lly added a real glolWmiddot tikc bltlll ul ltlnnil y bcar~ 0111 [he sense of the Rollen hagen l mbll Il ah hough thl di vjllC POWtf to cut i~ now invested in the tollage nist himself (o r rather Is he represents himselfilhin Iht piClUre l~ Lo ploPi The em bleshym a ti c rt lnin d n Iha l rh inbTS U( 1I1titna tcly IUIt of your hands Ihll ( oci hold~

thl ~ci ~sonbull i ~ plnyert upon hy Ernst wi lh da rk i l The introduct ion o f Lo ptop in 1910 as Ern t ~lt rtgo recaJl~ owllis diClUm The 1 1l1 li~1

preselt iLSeJ f as prcsln ting 3 Th i5 cads again to lIlt problem ()f the vict lln asmiddotil1li~i oll [ltU L()plop i ~

lI sultl lly d cscrilx-d imprf~sJli()o )jk( as introducing or p rese1l1ing tbe pic tll OfL r n il is Lop lop ~lC lillg as frl1lw o r easd who prCSCli Is a n iUlIsiomiddot Jli~li( pi clltrt ilhin lltt piUunu5 T he ~ ll hjCtI~ of tll( pi( llIn~ lI il hin the

piCHI onen have weigh t) implicJliuns I rolll1( Ililii grapes by a~sociltltion with Z tuxils gmpes im o kc piolo ri a l illusionism oa k kavcs stan d fo r (C111111 narion) islll a nd RU(k has rl ief M aJgtcilllise sla nds tor F rench nltionltl lshyiim It is as if Ihe sym boJic me ni li lS indicated b) Loplop~ piclu res t re IS i lonkally rcl ri (vaule as the pos~ihi lilics of pino ri 11 iltu~ion and flllln(i~ th they sland for alld ilh wlloh Ihey an Pcs(nt ed TI H the grI I(S a nd 1lCS

2 5 (1 TU lrAHI middot H 1(-

Fillln II ( il)r id R o)knhag~n middotClu han b II hr~d wlih (~ tr ha nd hold g a kn rmiddot ~f(~w 1hIlIIIImiddot I i-him r ~i

fi t - St Th II Kelley Rn~MI

II II(go ] II ~(IIl he If Ih~1 nl(crmst llrgor~ na k middot ldrr r~t(h n I t ~

I h on ~ l llpp1)Vdl) oljlflSCd 10 il r)w mimClibullbull his(01 )

() 2 h r hisect iIIllhn (fOlU (hi

(l hll mele mil ~ 11 arlif t ~

Ma_ fru~l jjiIMJ p I 6J - ~Mlta )iJmik ~ f ~t12 ~ct

~I )ulm P 97 (v r di (m h~

Pilamplg hvll t N(ll$ II a rl h ltlonlt4) ontt I 10( lim or ~m~IJ I1 Y 1IIIliD 11$ iltit (laquolt ~ndjd G ~ ~IJ

mulaquo el 1 rl arsd ltnd laquocu 6 s O middotRticn I lI lh Th pk utc -ithm h pintlr _tnCi as mc~rhor ru t NOali om pI ad pIIaduxinl image I l ie -1l ld h h wdun Ikin~ hll iI~) 1middotU1 ou tsid e j( as n prtlCnt tWIl

~Qligt hnJ ~ p 06 ti) - I plup~ middotad a nd eQpalt$ h~

any ~ial pr~cnlenu C( middotrrllr SIlOlt f~Qp_ rr J i( OIMt Srf LotdwI

Jlil Ik~Q 1 SI)ics I(8middotus l ~c1r ( rrma o-c is MOl Sehind s TII trti~tgt a iOimacd COnllltUl6 ~ilt5(lt rllaquot and ~il5hl-nlzot) fn~nn 0 Nlrru~fI IJaa 80

tisull 9 H lrjr Wshy nj() h Mr~t ~ 1 Itmfr U(pr~(hrIr

1644 (I


r for Jr


ikdy d a$gtltS


(J VUlliJ yenrrfttr~ I Xi In lh~

LltJII()Igtltrics t~ l ~h UlCt Ilw rompt

fMI dlilaquo (f making (hiu ~Jl llCar IU Igt I n nplJ(1 QUI of Ill()lhcr pic of PII r bdud lion which I 1lap ilh (he ambJguIjI Qf ltOt lhin hccomioe middotrl )7 S pound I) VHI Image ar bod Y dt purd aliRl1l11(llt 01 Waltt r Ikllj ~mi lt1 1 Bnlmiddot JDI(1 M8JN~IIl1iI ~ 3

Ilt)ltJI pp ~5 -H20n h~ P r bullbull II1tQl 10 11( cn blrn1 Ilr liK if IC~ t()

I)irn iocapl hle Ihe-Imiddot of middotrnln lmg meaning bullbull liegQ1 i~ 01 ju(

Olhnlll mClonpnic 5hiflil g 01 Wmanl(


art acturl lly pre~sed into thl paper 10 form ~ ha~ lr-lief h ci~hlI1~ lilt joke Oil 1h( power of piClori11 illusio1lism to hring things illlO r(l 1 d inwnsions wi th in tIll fidd o(the r iled mimesis of the ditglam l1la lic larger pi( tu lmiddotmiddot

So Cr llsts pictun may ntmiddot tl kcn 1 a n (mhemlIic prCsentation or Novaliss Bild lunel ioning as a Plfldoxi( d rlj) rc~cn l alion of 11ll fli lurc 10

flill y represc nt dealing wit h thc plOhle rn o f prcsen li l~ a pilI UII a t all and by elltensiOll wil h the )nhcllnt dcnplio ll~ of me La pho] i1lu-iol l and lan guClgc O ften representcd by a dark ell si lhouettcd htnd IS in Ioplop pminlS bullffjiifJ 1931 (fi gu rc 21) Toplop invokes Novl lis f~JlloJs d cscri pshytioll o(thc delusi(n of repr~cntlllg H( gliI-p- ollly a handful ()r d ~llklJcss ((

Loplop a~ i ll1 plcs~ario mtkcs p rescnting ~d l~co l1 c i olls hat is prestmed i ~

ahIs mediated 01 II a rnllOW like Ill( pictures Wi lh1) pic lurts losing

ground III llllIly o r Ernsts p3i nling~ W~ 11( ill the territory of cmblemalic rcprOlclllltHioT1 thost fa ilures and ha zards agaim t hi ch the rnord or motto or the emblem i~ proph~ bClieall) ~c l Ernst makes the cmble mat ic il1l agl a ll emblem orkonograph ic lnca n ill ~ itsclfb7

Tn the (middotolllgc novels ]lIginning with La Femlllt 100 [Flu 1929 Ernst dcvdops the cm blem image illlO an allf~o lka l na rrali( Tf Enhts coll agc T1ocI ~ fU llction or ma lfUllclioli l~ parodics of the pul p nov as cx lcndccl clich e the atrnosphln of popula r IlOVel movi ng- from dimao( to climax is nut (Illy char3neri sl il o f di llhangcr scrit1illd Ii (lioll bUI of high allegoric-

~ ilurr 1Q ~rJUI --QpI~ IW(1IIJ P~lIf $1

11)3)-70 ~ I tl 1 1 C 1 1 -nm middot 0 (1

1~riII-O[)1iC ( IlIn~11 locO

111)_ HI nl [ ~ l Cl middot

ril(UR 21 ~nb l Loplol fgtrr~ll bullrjlirJ 193) raquoI~ 1781 Cl 1( lt f rtI~(AIJA(f

ld SUOkAC ( Ina l ZOQO

(gt11- Ou EI and pu(p fin iou Klt Rltncc

R irlot 1 1I~rI S~JIIJ on flu 11ltgt01 Jkrkdmiddot~ od l(gtmiddotngt1cs ~ P 8

(I li ~ r)hC Olhe r(olla ((n-vcb 10 (tII~ 100 ius lltms 10 f()rl~ ~cu i t i It f J) bn pred i(1ali( ITUucm nf

dJgory thaI IhIt ir is w lhig

~-qutItLil1 and UorrdlJ d~li) irlo )PUlI lhol a 101 s~ j 1 rma ll e Iruun OrUrgurir 1 d middot middot 70 Sec RrlIll I)j kw Idol Dr (fomlr gt~raquoI4S~~ ofFm= ri( i Fi -ltir)l1dr CIIIMlt rw Yk I ondon and O d Od 7r - Ilr hundred h~dlc wumn

pcrgtoniM Ihr protlogt ofnIlt) i II blt n d~ugtltsltJ lrum la~I llt nmiddot I a ~ Old Ikrricln gtI I at OJ~ 1I OllgtII) Ic Ihin lnd b) UI huured 11Ultbl

(ltTduug Slaquo Kon Rund tbi~ oUtIII l SnfUQa flta (Slrnl

-Ill Jcq1 [xrrid I ~ Ihr ~i dr Plmon r PIQImr idd i rUf HiOn

1- 1 1jl3lt) ~5- ~1 a 1 11Ik -bn

laIlt 1111- uf P5UaSI Il 11 n 7 nLllIr Max En_ s CCIl1~ldc A Il

u~dJjJ Ju tzmis Punl of pHtdigmltK- rcmm~ Jail (tcmiddot i duo1lltcJ

j ltoul l e~ d to Ir mYIr~ de IJ Fr nn I (h rlltoum ed ilh Inrily n [J

ru~orlf J~dlnl Ul Ieh IW adl COl middot

iJ drjed in Lr M~IUf ~ (ue biod Il)d by II rah ) mllo)~ a (M from CIen dOn Imiddot ga~m

n j)()gtltt t ( du d I dClaquo1 PllfT

J1( Inl 9~3 I 3 )middot i J 1 mpu lit) is 011( ( I)utf HlT~JIJ ilIU1lruom illmlHffi by t dl~ aKI o lkmm Solaquo rhf 11rllrpIt~ of 1fIIopoilbullbull 1(0)1 ltlt 1 A I (~ bull Lltdo d3middotICl ) I or the hltad leM

m~ ~I nprt nlIVlt of the lI h~voJiud

Mltirirr5(C Ilaydcn hw T hc Ior r Idnc rll f~fJ)lgtfOlmr FHJ n

cJIllIr1 (nWi BahiOI~ 11(1 l aunn

l7ijjP r63 5

ltIS wellG8 The luadks~ OIl1an w ho c rupts iu uiflircn l forms lhrou~hflu l Ia Frllllllr X) tilu could ~ef( as a mnaphor lor Ihe d isru privt relations bel ween metaphor ltlnd th( ~cq ucn tiltt l flow of narrative charaCte ristic ( I llegory The d(vd o]lm(n l~ cnn (inui lY and rcptli li(HlS afTordcd by 1lIJTativc allow hun (0 rCClpil lLlatt S() W ~rea k hi ~ usc of woma n to personify his own Icdllliqlll

The k nmJe nud e had belfl l1l1 lhe prw niscuQu sig nifier par t udtIll( 111 nin clee nlh -nntury $ll nn painling in 1 hifh Ilt t complex it(lltirics and allri shy

hut es of any given 1 l1 cgoricld personifi cat ion WCl( Kro~~ l y sim plifin l a nd s i ~lIalled a nd in which multipl ied numbers (of ha rtm ~la v (s or OJcads) com pensa te fo r loss of indiidual s ignificalion If Ihimiddot ~a loll lIu dc finally scrvf d as a pcr~nn i fi clI ion of a n OcrT rowcltd a nd raquohdioere Sa lon itsdr 7ltgt that cltuase lllent of the aan c mil tra dil ilJll rIK ina ted Erm t as he pl ullder(d ninelecn th-cent ury j ournals a nd salrl11 (pvrl~ fOt his collage ma l( i1 1I y not one hundred headl(lO~ woman instead of onc hundred mrmingk ss oms why nOI om perrcn ly ugly hcadlc ~ Ioman (ICte de mecl us() instead of ti le rut ile Salon bca ut ic_

Tlt tlc is Ill importan t (ll ulcmalic prototype for frns t~ womln a ~ GC f(]

Rauer has notcd I rnst s fcmm e 100 t Ci I~ has a counte rparl ln L a Pcrr i i rc ~

11 T lriil de$ bQNJ en~IIS (rigurl 22 ) IhlUl1 d i~llliss~ this rcscmbk nc( agt fortu itous ImHer il is im portant Ih1I it is the Inl tllnt is c1ost-S1 10 the

Ill(ltlni nls uf Ernst s woman not till image I Pcrlicres femme is iuall y an ad ap tat ion of a lomill onpl acx Horapllll o-dlTivcd hcadle~ ma n

signif)itll( I m )JOssibili t~ presuma hly a 11 aul c~s oman l~ douhly illlpossihlen In L Pcrricrcs prcm lO he is not JJl( rely ]utdless bu r rtther Jik( Ernst s middot te mll1 f hilS I)Ulny i(kn til il~~ IqJrcst ll l(o by many heads silt is compa n d to lh e Chi n1ltl crn Girion p) hnn tll cdusa Cerberu~ and lhat l-llnicular pnmiddotc ur~or of tIl( km nw 100 Ittcs Iht H yd ra Through such proli li-ration or menning sIt( is Ih e mhkJll l i ~L~ dream emblem Lr

Pcrriercs le( nlllcludes tha t ma rc marvellous Ihan all Y of Ihc~t lll ylhic creatures middot vu lrl bt Ull(- fem me sans leu Ihe One figure who cou ld prcSurnshyably em bod y a ll hybr id mean ings in one ~ llcc in (t blll meani ngless fo rm La lclTiCr~ crnhlem may be an allegory of lhe cjlem ma of rht PO(I UIIHl Lnned hy his middot iivll~ hu l need ing 10 be a )H roi( d eca pitator a rer~(lI ~

aluivalc1l1 T hl ngrt l1a ble mora l conclusio n of La Perri eres poem is tha i woman Ilccds a guidc a ra tional hCltld a nl ltln lax pound rllst71

O n one occuion irr IAI FtnllU 100 liles Ernsl himself appearS (fi gure 13 1 III Loplop and the mouse s horoscope M attCrs or desliny fa lc a nd horoscope- are a sta ple ur emblclIl li te rat ure middotf he imge is pan of a n embleshymat ic (radiliv) in vhich caged creatures slam] ror lht ca ptivi lY and sull t ring of tIlt poel or lo (r (fig ure 24)1) Em Sl i~ agen t and nO l ca ptive 01 flt ltc however Ba n-dle~lcd he may be (rt l ra~ rfli hen a~ ltlll odur pcr~nll a uf Ihe multi-valc lll woman he carries the d isGmlrd cinllus of th at stock haraCllr of l lk gOry the haUd resscd woman RUI he holds onto h i~ hal (Ihich unlike the he-ad Ill ay be lakcn on and of 1 ) and thu s retaim for himself Ihe powcrful masculine role of the head Erusl appea ring in persOIl wilhin his tollage 110d signn ls his SWIUS as a ll-controlling novelist or em hleshymatist d lOS(middot c lvnga lcd hand CH n pluck thr- mouse Out of il s ordaiucd palh al a n) tim t Ernsl l$ a llcgorisl should Iw SitultlHd in the trdi liun ofparod ic nuvc isg incl udilg Ka lldais Charles Sorcl J cln -Pa ul R idlter and TIlOlIllS Stcrne whose work relies 0 11 a Jlet0ry to ironi ( it ~ own d tviccs~

hllur~ )~ rouU gt lt 11 Ierricn middot1 _ Fe 0lt ~Iemiddot bb(om xv Lt middotfhIQII( au flu OlU 539middot

7 t t- rr middotm i ~hlllkeuoImiddot(gtr I ~

E ts alP-1m~ ad 10 III unJinn~ Ih t middothltmiddot ~11 ome hmiddot Igill~ o nly in o 1 oj Ihem ~e ltor pmpcrl) nmn~(tcd IIgt Illfi r 1middototls tT j inllny ITrI 5I t 01 SIJ Iijt I-i 1 Ynr I)U

1middot9 i ~ Thmiddot tllmiddotd 111I)Ult if) Iro p O JPC~Il

lciII otld ~rqJlOxIUmiddotlmiddotd in I) middot~(on( ~t j oolgt C~~ middot i ~poliJ t

gtj)(lli lont tmiddotC I 111 (apia I)n1

[mill ) MUftIM~ Alh dt 11((-111

fAmSIrd I 7~ (l Damel Hcin~iul

Q I ~lD 1~J i Jm I-oIo bullt ) fo r lupid (gtIllide h ase Md P C t 1)(1middot Imbl~w tryU 1l~rd~m 6 rmiddotlmulcd Pdmburgh bulln7l) fcr Cil~rrl bini ~e ncr (Inllri ) aud cupid with ( ~cd ~uinrl 70 T ho $(lrnHmhurv au C hr[ So middotI JlhT rparodir novel a nd IIlkgori(O ( h anw rl ttlnIHomaM)

ealled iIllOIltSlion mi(Ic rda liou pc bnl(lIagc and III(Ialhor Sorer IA llalJM df ] i1Jbullbull d rih inl( illtolI (IU~1

~ ~ hltgt~d nn peI middotrh gl1_ rhlemiddot Jta~middotlIIg lt1 word altgtCUo ns loped J) hc PUWK middot~u du nall iJ a JrcLuIXlT r rnmiddot i~ ileJ[laquoIU311Dt~s 5lt ( hI M rd u II ~ 1f(J n1~ (Pn_ (pI rcpri lro Cmiddotneva I In) I II calte oflh coU~ lt rImmiddote1i trn auhial IU-altAO Pli middotuJarly ho hOj( mlhlt (crmA n KumlIi J~- lJul Ridner middotbose H)15 ltt Imiddot) hd raquoPlltkd I nnch IlIor41)middot all(nlion ~d Ih adlDlI-llluU o(j (l ll Ia l h ~ and Atdtt ISr~lt)n middotIltmiddot wen 11 Y lr1nd lrlIlt I io lfj~ ln-I HI Kichllr$ nmlk a lllorio rI narruvlts I U ( muhIImiddot l oice IUd idrmiu(l SU)tgjOgtjl

Jm~(1 I(dnn lues Ihe T j l aIS lisr of nI I~ImiddotrJ1 puion of his nilId I$n

ort o(lXlI EI ~ 111lt he r1l lo h-ough Ihe quouditn _orld in JAIrun(

1M IbN ~~ t altga rtl H ale II ~f

Olxron SdiOQlj Afi1)ullu 1)~ 1nil 91) and Claulk jich i I middotmJ~ lit 71~-I fJJJ1 (~ J(IIU l~ MIjalllUt llnt 1963

I ~urc 3 M~ ~ rnst middot[plol 1 ii(

uy hor)s(ol In 0 1(1lt lila

9~9 SI1 1st II rlduL~t Igty ponniion [r I~I (II I n T oronto Rampn-oce Lbr~ry

17 Osk P(lltak lkr hcmige ud I Ioliphilw Ir~ J ldK 1 tA(rifll~ UlIll A KvI~m~b(

191111431 Ii for h~ Qfih lok hUllIuand Irlnlt[1gt HI(lIMlultin Pp~tl cd Gm P U md LUCla A

Cil)pom (Idu ~I fl - Lrw ~lIfsk) r~frrnl o Rtlla~nCt Nlt)middotpl aJJojonn~

xt ufpopular ga m ltco mparabk 10 vulgn plmiddotd n I~j middotNllatomc ilocltb III ~kgtr~c( ud Norh I al) Ul Sl~d It 1(middottI~l i lew York 972) p 1 1) i~ 1 I 1)QoinofdlSlllcIllOcrtlt in

he I[TIlI mtd~ 1 er(l~ lll1cgo~ I RUI~ JlnlJJ( i~ p l lrll l~rJ r r(Ie 10 rn( mltlll(j in 111 1middot( IIlI) lil() 110 ( Ihe tMLion of~~Irn wel of N~ro dlrnwwcJiinli oflus md i I h )

iod)e he ocau t ~ Qf hcr lionl iU od nrnliltrsmiddot and lu JltO lo( It(f lone he wa concelvcd are ofpITlkuLu i l~ $

nplt(illl~ sitlclt lhry fill fn lt1 ~ b~l~ dWUI ntmmg lid ]altuale s Uvid f

1luI 1 Sr lt1 (l i l1lcmbtrmcfll bo-hlrd On8 lUI dl Romoon or d~ RQII( III RtUtiulIamp lIteR all rk 14 ~ I ~I l ffl(ll( RIIon ~I i rw] d ja II UOI IhiJadclphlltl (992 ) Pl

30 0 jlllnn tQlran ltk M cu ~ k NIn I fa ~ rm Illjo to 970 $tt

II tIf M Arde ll 1 h( Wfllan d I~ (1I 1e

~ Iw wIlJ IJlblQgrap~~ (N~ i and 110 111(93)

Ik Clo rillunc Hclt cl I wny ltImiddotn ud kit I I a~ KInr ~ rbull pJra bull 01 lor lum~ all gklt amI r~rman I (Ik mi IIulltlin 74 1lt)921 pp II I gt

Er ns ts prpuhioll of die r mb1em illlage inlo I 11lt1r rnivl seque nce (an al~ l

be si1u3led in niltlI io n I() Ihe illuSlri1cd Renaissance alkgory hieh ~ ltlS an lInpo nan t SOll r( li)r all sli bsequen l crnl1cm atisLS Colo II Tl i HYJllrtOlfmlfldljn

Poliphilii7 I t I)tsin witll a d r() 111 alltl i ll middotu l v (~ endkss nCliphtr lll(n l o f environm ents a nd obj((ls th ilt rc~onall throughout EIIlSI 1 0Uale Ilods d lboraldy symholic gardcm IIl WluC r ums h icrgl~ ph s 1 st atile or 1n d~pha nt Ill th it incidC llt5 (Perscus bchead ing of Innt htr 1(1I1 n1lt Slt1n ~

[C tc yled us ) ltlil t lhe tr i u rnph ~ of va rious gods li nd ll1coulH cr~ wil h fcma le pcrsonifiC4l io ns such ltIS Iht middotfi lmiddot lgtCIlSIS ofd wlTI E rll ~ L s 1i]1lnw 100 [ClcS IS A porli liant Cl U pcrsli fiettion Colonnas n )d g llmorizccl

lHroiciztd ll1d narralivized int t lp rt lal iull knd i n~ il ~ Ilr 1 g-lttmcs of m ea nings like v illga r pS~fhoa nalys is If [ rlisl realkgorits till tlIlda rd allcgorYil~-ltl n I1 Il then he dut~ so in way~ lha t preclude HI high mora l or iludlcctua l positions n (sting thc psychomarhia with lttil C)Imiddot 10 p~ychomiddot ltt l ml) q s tu rn ing Ihl Stnsua l cneha nt Hwnts ot snluctivc ~cI4 p i( middot(lS to qtlcasil UIIIla lizcd violcllt ltlud sexual d tSires I il lra r surreali sm IBre(on lIdia

Aragon s PIY5(1II dr Puns) could rel y un the sca AoJd i n~ and d evin s of allegoric - t he d ream vi~ion ) th l peri pau t ic li n o mo in~ 1hroug h a Lil y of m ysterio us (lbjCClS 1l101lum~II IS a nd (I)couiliers I hl~ W I)I11 lt11 1 uf Ill u ta bk idenlilY references 10 OIIHr works of arl and lillfa tlll t nd Soon t rnsa also d eploys the devlrc-s of literary a nd pk lOria l allegury dndging 1I 0 t only emblem bouks but ahl) die g rea t lite rary dkg(lric~ liorn tlw RomfI fir n (0)(

to Colunna to Novcli s lIlcl jieltkl

C hristia ne fi end in lro r key st ud ) ofmodlit lisl a lkgory has argUId thaI Err1~t relinq ui$ h (~ hi s a u tho ria l a ut hori lY in 111 F rllllllt J ()() l i l( allowing hi~

1111lgCS a rad ica l inck ptmiddotnclcnnmiddotp II cUl lld 1( arlued r Ol1v I-dy Ihlt

EflIH pa rod y fu netion~ in a n opposil(middot ay tha i Ir i~ wrc nching or imilL~ oul of l ll tmiddotir Mig- inal 1 )lI tex l ~ i~ a n 1gt 111 iw ill asserting ah~olutc and arbitra l) cuntrol OIr Ih( mh rial Ernst s images Id ) 011 re11l na nl ~ ofl hci

r igi lIa l Ill lltllli ns and los t tQllVCll ional contegt llgt ill hich I he) er( meant

tJen E ADEM c AN TI L NA ~--~--------------T~ ~~

to hi ( lcdihh il luslmt i)M vI S( ll tiic d evt l oprne nL~ na tural phcllomclla lr ltg- il t ric k ~ or rq)l( )(ll((i()f ~ IJf wrh Ifart l a lld lhis al o nce aJlo l~ his (1 11 man ings 10 SCIlll irraLio li a l and lilcral cd a ll d 11 the ~am c limc 10 be c lI npktdy su hjugald U) lht ve ry lI ovell) a nd allom a ly of thcrr tnvironshynlt ll l 1111 a~e lnl )l cd tiag llH l lts o f Ernsts cullages a lT n~ idual evidloCe of tl w Iulhor ily tu UIt Hilli CIII m Clo ll YJlJic pow(J or lite and dealh

arg lla bly IllI very I ppl)~ i t e ufCUI Li l ig loo~e or sellin g liTe

I n his 1l illaI Ilm II~ Enl L l o 1ll111i t lt synLacli cal rape tiXl uctlllg Y()Illll

fru m ti ll eO lltc 1 ()( ~I I joulll als Il K) il ion rt pn~ in whidr 511( represhy

l1t(O popu lar p a int iJlgs cflg ravltl ( r nJa~s a udiences I n I ll s u r k sh e

may 1 1llhOirl y mct unymic hssi pl i (l ll~ or II H ull ing hut ~It ~middot al so rCjJfCSClIb

E tn~ l s own lonir 10111 1 tn CUI and asipn rk~ a h it p in l piaYIT lilCI lIy a ppea ri ng ill hibH WI mi g h l also ~ lJ Spcc l Erns l of viciously

i te ra ling nin( lcclllh-nIl LUry lh eor ies r Ih e cmpall ric ~yOllJ 1 lt1 ~ lhe ( 1111)l)lliIrwl1l or our OWII pir yif1 lllrcqJl i ns J I u ~t~ his all tgtgory of sigm r1i ~od lItd from pir y~kal rdrll l ~ prClieiy as a fi eld in whi c h to dj~ru pshy

tivd ) i lllt rjtcl th l OCtasifHlal irY PlCIilicaUy d(plo yed rull ~ym bol with iL~ supposed ltlli lY illl i L~ rciirenl c jJre~ell tcJ by the 1)(J(h of l he Ilom an 1n the eli (k~ Ch a nTS chap lc r a l thl e nd Ill Url~ Smwiu de lfm f a fi gulc flmini s(nt or Fortuna noats ill Ihe air gTad ua lly li-cc ing

h (r~(lrorlllr a llrihulls ()f whcci Ild ~ i l (fig un 1) 11 t lihCra li ol1 Sill ce Fort un a luore It tuall ) hfCOnHS hrr wh(ei mi nl1ll il by htT l1nlr ed bac k ltIS an h Yllleric and l lso be(on H~ h cr sail hlo wn throug h lhc ~k y her

It rib utes cOIl in ue to be co nSl raining Ind pn middotMmiddotlIt a bsorbed ililu her bud y and gestu res sugg(q illg tht am hig uolls 1l lIratiom a nUrd (] 10

oma n by Max Ernst8t E IIISIS USf or h is maltri11 r(li~ o n Ihe inhc rl1I1 bililY or ollhgory l(o

rtal k go liltmiddot T radit iona ll y rlallcgo riwl ioll ltrllnnl a profan t I(x t or till past 10 h( as assimi la ted in w a n acccp lt hlc y~tlm f moral va JUIs (Vi rg il s

FSllIr( ~4 DlIIid Il cU$ius Emblrm(1Q liqoIAM I lKkn 161 5_

8 _ s~ Ili k Rot R iAamp Rm(

~d lhr jd I~Q~ ()PfigtiL ICbrid and Nrw Yrk 1991-deg flt -lt middotmiQlif - Iha l Inko 2 olll1Q f)f on_ B ~ h lth Rampk]o nxcnl

lUal of Wafbuf(t Iho l1h l in Irrm

01 th ROmMlIl( ymLgtoI unil) f ud dcrem 1 I OPpogtlti IO lI~ry

( hrpertI_~ ~~crnn f ltI s diS300C ialed fro I nfrro1 I i Rob- ~h(fempl l h lrmiddotplio)J Iheon pmiddotI) U lelkI1 pn~uen apphnl tk 1ltgt ~msl tSpltcirJI ) in I ~s pogtr

t uitwc1 Ihron ltl _ Iuh w R l loy rum symbol 10 Ilkfurv Ahr WH) i~

I r- hi Rd I~ 9971 pp ~ 6 R - [hr R iL [[ ul n has ro n Iholt u l

I hru~Ir iuI O) the unk o n wh re laquogtn~ ol Ir~cdm Pfnar p_ ~ 1I1

B I S~( Thn 11 Kclk~ Rmnwtlme Hlqo for tillt applicll ble ~ of In t allctUlxal wun lorn (e ee aUraCUOl) d ll r lnla$ 11 ltI- illual suctched l ~ lI l i Ihi [K w1ir

ltlc 1(o ~dukd from lClion and hj~llt) ry

bu sgt( f)1 g Ihe n -rgt d s he

cmand p Sr Th~ro i 1 or~1 1ltl io of witel )-r tr r lt~ltoI 1gt 1 mln m~y 1- takc -lt lIl rlaphO)f Ruolnlr E Kun1i S rrooti d I js(~ and R o l~rl llolI - n ~prknjo(

illo fo-k-J t] air ltli_ r II

fmiddotm lc (lITe) i SHlrJm and 11 010lt1 II A tw~ Rdolf t Kucn7li and Gwe Ra l~rt ICambllJgc l1i I99I) PPmiddotJt alld S T Imiddot lo ockiu Em ilS or ~ oflC n Ii mCIgttIraquoHgt1 dqI)eJ In ~ h a w~r Ihl 11 CIOI li meu Ulcrlgthunc~ Jly In 1- Riu d~~r

(MIIft~ q~1 lIOuilil ~w Carmd nr Imjlt Igtarod egt t~lcX fatlo~ ~al

jgtuu lJ rtut I(rl) IJ t 1ra 8 Ihemiddot Ie ~IgtIi OIl y 1 t ~atnlt11 1lISt llIil le Scl~h) snd amud ~kinl lt hTifingl) lilltrd I Iht~ ill IH rroh meal fur lo~ l i~ lone rol1 ~middot

l~diqlJr$ mlldr 1111) Hr)(tT) I

r~rn(rl i 1ltgt Ihe hwwir jlgt]al~ el~ hcll

il1lh( l1ltrvrl

(1 IS 1IX lrngtl 1 SmIltllN d amp 193i 0 Max Erllsl 1iI)AGP Van S()DRiC ( Monlrc~l ) 2f)(l(1

l )n IIC Ilupon Of Ih allraf R~~ru 11 (1 I 1$I~ Lolhu I -hr I J~ middotIn Rp jhd bd 11hII hI p HI

Fourh RetI a~ II I( milling of Chris l O vid l l-lrfall(Irphorrr lllorali7cd In

lmJOlIls such h J Hoh CI~ the trials of the lo ver could lJe rca 1go ricd a~ Clll hlnll~ of Chri sia n ~ u(fe ring ltInc co nrilltll cc Ernst reverses tlw prol(~S

dc- morali - ng a llegories In 7 110 dlidren 1IIII1fI(ld ~I (j 1I~lthtillg(h (fig ure zfi ) Frnst lak es U middotidilI1 IIIc(lrlJorphi rape (G anIlH-ci (S ta ~lc Phi lo mcl as

nighting-uk) oul of its repose in spirit ua lizing me taph or as ill (k Kellnincks landscape in h( Wallraf Rir-ha rtz M useu m i ll Cologn( (figure J7 ) ()j emulems sl ch as Hat1idorlhr s in which lit ra pe of Ganymede is rfJllcgoried as the sou ls I ~CIIH lo Cod ( figure 28 )83 Ernst rc t urTl~ Ihnr lo d leir Tl)n l ~ ill ~cx ual viok IlC( hi (h in tu rn S[ ltlnd~ ror the revcnibk hltrU a mi a mbiguous g-round underpinning the provtrh t ln bl cm or allegory

Equally td ling is Enl~ts d ia~rammui( ada platio n or h(rme lic emh lemata in O this mIll rIIIlI kll )w rlO lh lllg 1924 ) I II the paintillg ami II

tIle pl)cm w ri tte n on thl had (a parudy of Ihe oJllo()gical ~ylllhII S Il I I

fi~u r~ 26 Ernl I fUtJ1 mnlilwi ~ II

lllhlmCiJl 191 1 S(1 66I C 1 - r 1 D (t risI ~OI)KC J vumiddot~l l j


th e Hmrfll fd Table of H crrn(~ Trisrn egistu s) Ermt reallt~orlZ(middot ~ the hermetic ~ym bulis ll1 of the nlilrual lini li7atioll of d ivine and cit rddy IS a Freudian middotprinwl scene of gigantic li m b~ and scmiddotx ual pa rtgt Both pa imi ng md puem become rcpr(sntltHion ~ oC the unfu lfill ed n vi ~nging of a n such thing In Ernq s vcrsion the Oedipal a nd Ihe gnolt1l ic an oronc frustratccl substance ltlnd (be power oftbe allegories of h enl1tticism ltIhbaiisrn and aklHmy lies in perpetual d ef( lrd of the d tsircd gol J tl6 Ernst ~ emblem fllnc tioll s more

b roadly illi a scq gtt icai fi gu ration of tht a bil it y of images lO represen t hal IS envi $ioncd or desired in dicating Ihal a ll $lI h em blems ct n only he a sun0 fH l flIT hatt middotcr one an t ~ to know attl in o r rcprcsen Lft7

OJ (Ids 111m sllall kn)1L Mlhing a lso ~ ig na l s its own iconogn lJ)hic history especially tts allu sion to Caspar David Fricdr(h middot$ clllblem tie CrOJS ill Ih

Iounltlills a key work in Grman Roma ntit- dc hIIltg about Iht rela tive fok~ of llIegory and Iandscapc III Erns t as a rl ild er of C ( fman Romil Tlli t~ i~ ltl

would re U 1Il 10 these wpie in his la ndsca pe pai nLings aga in and again Crr)JI ill 111 t1ollll oinf is a lso shadowed by a t( Xl n passage from Ludwig T icck 5 allcgorital novel Fran SI-illbaMr 11middot(lIULmmgrll (J i 98 ) Jnom

26(j ) middot1 ~BImiddot rH ) T I d 1

60 I 1m c (lislt uW(1 Iht twn l1 t timiddot itl~gcry at t~ ngl h ill M~lt Emi l middotI ht 1IJdw(UtI1iJliI

SnllrJ 11 a i - l OCIshy87 Uml middotn o Ero diilltu~ 1he rdu iolll I)( twu h~rn 1l l k svrn lgtol- 1Il in which middotevcry middot~pr ion is a (nignlll hal middotk runlwt ~mgma middot and ~Jr n cconltlructimiddote ~nlys3 as in lini l~

defendJ in middot(n limited scmi III d rili in T ht Ib oJ hllffpWalio Ill n -I--j

fI8 smiddot cJ(m~ (l h W ocn rn ~I( Jaru F~d nnd It ~b1J ~f I muigat ~cw U and Lvndon 1 99lt)~ Karin V()n ~llo lJr ntel thO rrl ll nf (~$7 In 1M -WOIIIIIgt 10 Ern middot lUUlI1 OmJ~(Ilt1 III middotMao b ns l a Rvmlll1ic~m middot M n Enul A Rtl~pnl~ ~ I Werner Spict l t omlo 199 1)

I II~ ~7 K d~ K cunn~k Iuhf rvtJh IM~Io~ fj lt-1IJVdt r gtn leI

dllrf Kgt(hHIZ I ~ l

8iJ bull 1gtlt I g T irk Fwn~ SlmNt11b

11 middotJn~(n Hmt ~ lldIcAt (mll1~hlt

~I lj(h gt)6I ~ p gtgII

J) ~ee 11 0 ~bn lagtlt I Allqlr)

oflrlllll$iol)middot PI 6- 7r lhr dhl1 l1lt IK hr omlll~1 d(h nlll(11 (III ud h ~

ltill u~Jui ncall y I ~nd lor thillgt IcJ rly 1rs ign~II ~lId Impic ddinlun ul rourrlS luch as li lliemiddot h I(ll no h hI l (~ Ii lt mcill ~ tur middotC)middot ll la IIllt-SIKn a (1(11011bullbull 1 H turn jn I(raquolt ru lUI lTnp ~~i 1g ~1 I r

roukl hi ~r~lJ od tlbull ( Ihi Ik nrngt i~ made lllcmllll UKOf)~ Fr ~cl7rh c r) hMd lU lOll ~ Il ili K r nger through $1(middot togt tI ohjrl i( lria 10 judiCII

91 - GltQ rl 6atai llt Solr a ll~middot Fis rif fXt~s SI_rlJ I Im~~ P7 t)39lli

113 $Iodd Minapo l ~Jl lp XIV

1 lt1 6 12 ioIar ~nu p IJ Halaillits 1Qcom )Ir rollinS (m Ih bullrf r lw ~Ml h [ ~ [ I llt imal(vfltouinuous mC l~lor]lh mal p l y i1a d l5ori llJOII lOr tllti M the locornoriH r ltI hl$l)ry lt]uOI(d in aUT

III-rljolmirgt (r SdiJ 1 rlrHn-1 n- I irl 1974 p 1 ~3

illcidcn t the youn g a rtisl F ra il i~ st ru ck by a pa iming llr a l be scc~ in a hn lll it lUll a IlOCIlIIIMI lan dstltl pc ill wh ich a cr ucifix Ull a hiJl i ~ illll m ishy

na llti by IltI ) S o f moonlight The he rm it ex plains Ihat tilt crucifi is a po inte FingcI7cig ) to Ilw ~pjri lu d wurld beyond the faJ lc n world of lla tu n T o Franr ~ o bse na lioll O ne cou ld ca ll th i IMint ing an a lkgor)

the IIn ln il answers All an is JIlt-go rict IIoJ

T IH middotFingcrJeig iI) Ixpbli necl by th e h~rrn it to F ranz S lt rnbald point s not o nly to Iht spiri tlla l but also 10 thlmiddot pr (~cllce of J ll egor~ iblf As a li ter indlx a sho wi ng ha nd o r jJ ~ i l1ting fi n~cr tht Fingerrig i ~ a ~ tJplf

or i Ihlems II is Oimi larly In ade li ter1i b) -l a x E rn)1 t du slig ma tied ha ncl f1 oatin~ in f r OTH of th e lt ruci fi xiOthl~ middot prinM I ~NtJ I Herc it indicates linmiddotth er bu t not Im llscc ndCIH [l)callings90 In E r ll st s painti ng lh t ROlllit lll ics cruci fi x lS alkgori la l poin hr to a hig her nal rn sim ilarly

i tl n l c~ a landscape of d a rk Illowltai ns a nd il eawnly fil ) S IHl I fur the

COltj UIl Cl ivlI o f redemp ti ve c ru cifix a nd ill urnin at iug SUUS(t in Fricclricbmiddots pa inting o r truci ft x and moonlil-h t in Tillkmiddot O novel Ern$[ dark ly ~J bs l it uLes

copulat ing limbs and the bloc ked rays o f a IUllar refipSt Ermls lmiddott nblema tic painting alt Frifeirich s had don ra i se~ p r0 1Jicms or

cnTlIl lllporar) a lkgory When G lf)rges Aatai ll e- turned tn alr-IItm ica l )slIllllng in 192 7 he did so in I( rm~ that almamp t com icH) m im i Ernst s d csul Itmiddot c lltra ilmiddotfilled landscapt 1111 earth middotcovtrtd wi th vuk anOIs hich SltJoT a~ iLs a n us is driven in iL~ rota tion by lhe male ~ha rt ]l tlttraling 1 1 11~

laquomiddotma l- alllJ a lmost t lIl irely (merg ing ill o rder 10 ree n tcr like Ih( piston~ of ~ 100o mo ivl

JI i~ the 1Ilf(ha nical Oll ll)il ltion n(] t ll morm t inn~ of thes mOtmcn t ~ Ihat th~ ak htmists soll~h t 1 I hI philosoJlJ t ~ ~IU Ilt ~

This nWfhJlist jlmiddot cop ulatiu 11 hudcsqu e~ t he vmiddotn ji) UIIl1n ioli o f allegory th e

ltlnagogir 11 wrh of r() rrcsponden(c~ and rtmiddotst ]tlbl a nct~ lIlt middotcopula that li~

one thi ng- 10 a noth n ill lang ua te all Cl witt g ) 11 thin) to be visibly co nnCfted Ha lai lk s a llcgvrical luvers will mve r fi nd ilnythi ng but parrxlic i magc~ l11d Ih ey will [ Il l asieltp l ~ empty a ~ mirrun Wh en En tail k

fu rther GlUs lically mcdita ted Oil the gno~ tic roo ts Llj Hegel ia n ism in Ll)ll~

ma teria li smt c t Ie g nllst ( 1930) p ropus in g a k~ l abili ing hcadl es~


a J1q~ory tha i would elimuatt aJl h ilTardlic11 ~ ~ t C IllS of rdtn lllc indud ing ~implistic rcv( lltals or blst ll ld idea l o r CXq-lt1l 111 llt1 1 lnrl ltlcrUllcn lll he wa addrtR~jng is)llc$ irnpJiL it in Of Ihis men lInll knOll IWlllillf 91 H ()wcvcr heelIlsl Erns l middot ~ all egory ( nds to Ill p a ll)l it i( depcnds on just ~ll (h illvcrshy

~j ()m ilnd reve rsals of hig1 and low Old is a t a re mov from Btl taillcs infla111ll1110ry ()I)f ll-f llded hd lltaded en terprise

E nHl$ im ages a re often d riven by this undermining of thcir (IW ll sourn-s of lJowc r fcp lescnliug hotb II((i r own ~ la luS a nd i1lSIlfjicilIHy OrtCll they

assu me tht appearallce of (lnhkrlls wh ich as concieusetf o r short lr and ig ll ~ of aUTho rit y ~a n c ti fi ~d by t rld ilion art disrupted hy Ewstmiddot~ illtruio n of thc n ltllll r 1 LIld ~e)( u t l rhc n dllcti t middoti~ua l 11I11ouage or cmhlcms lcnd~ t o ltlrd hrogaliun 111(1 fimiddotag11lClltlliun Ih ich LntSl n alu raJiz~s likening Ihe Sllll1X of fj middotrgnWlll3 Iioll 10 (lperatjoT1~ (lil lbe hod y lt bull rile tru ncalLu pa riS a Ird Ii 1111 ~~ or Of IhiJ lien shall know Iohing arg uauly J u clc 10 th t ~ceri ng lIId te lldt n liou~

reconstruniom of tht e mhknjs [anllJage o r aut hori ty a rClruc luring of Ihc

sy mknloche lim hs a lrcldy prnelH in v i ~l1 emblems Througbout his canlt r Ems would dltriV( double prestige flOlll disrupting lhe COJlv(middotnlions of hOl h a rl a nd li tcrJ fl1l middotf iro lliing his au thoriaJ role as bot h a rlis and poel Emblelll s a rC1 ft lilc ground fur ~uch opT3tions k ndi ll g tlwm~clvu 0 ditorshylil)m or he reci prxa lIldi(a tion s or eX T lIld image which anmiddot Ihe STarling

point nfalJ tgory

Ac kn o wled gement

S l l i(j ll~ of thilt papa H r( pncn l(d a~ Ielt tlJT(~ iI conjullclinn il l Max Em~I

rc ll1(nary ehiiJninm Ihe RnlJ ncl 1(nr()X Memorial JccUrc U Il l T a(middot ( )11)

(1(11 middotmff A Ul IrIJJf(ct ll ItJ91 -J) lI lId II M 01 i (Ilal pound7110 O(lff( 11111 Ihr Duwn oj

hguw middot 11lt~ ~ 111lgtltlorHr hnwltim ltr (10( lOH 9

ll G~1 1 1~ l k 9Jo 1Iy tnillcril ilm 01 11l()oSn bullbull n uollgt ~f fj(w ll 11 52 amp0- M l=nmiddot w middotn I rltult~ ~ rKumrnt d ~ 1 ~ her IkuJamin a~ flll~ (ltI by II~Ilt ml II ~nljsL in rn 8 to auK 1 1~middot ul~r l an L~n ur Silllplilll ~I bat ~ J Ilrl~1U

rell t huugh r he dmiddotIIrymclll of d~lthi IiLinl( pmiddot(hootvtic laquogto ep tgt url ~ s Ielcnnimmo tm r1m~crltt ~m gteJmlt IImntllw I l middot~fI Rll1Ifl1l twlllv Imis ~f )m(alUl lin(I~I illrrkdtmiddoty u An~lc

M IAlodlt 91l 11)) U[ i -l lt)1 - I lt-nd ubstmiddotmiddotmiddot- rht Ire rn~l i u Ul uf Illor lt1 Fm~ (J Ii i fnuc lr Crlt Ihl1 t ho- lifl ugtd rmiddot]m of poundrnsl middot~

lIuc nod ilmhil(1)omh g(ndcrltl h gtvlnL ~ n rh mo (h hypcrholic

Dio cjOCulH1o11 orsl) rl-d~n jm1tf(cry1gt il dO(lt i lli fmltle ~aC11l nr [[00lt1 orgmiddotoonldltG1IHllion al 11 0( Immigt ufth aULhOl tlgt hi~ E rol$L is aJlj~1 llIh GltltX B tll lltmiddot hnnlcnz ~u nf llcg) 11gt1$(111 (~I L ory 111-1 111 in middotSoI ant S l ~r fter u ~1Jtn in capl1on i ndirat~

oJ ddo-nce I n nn SPIf (lIKI

r nn1h~r nd sigi ~ L k Ma~ middotrn1 O~f IllOJ ob middotCologne 9i)- ) in uch fll nh(r ifnrm~lin ( laquo(mns I r ~lO ( C ~d locatiOIl may bc tu

il(ure 29 Em1 OJ I middotun shall (Mil

-h~~ 9 f SLl 63middot C 1 Ernni I IJtI 11uJSODRAC (MlHHrc~j l


S1Irrwlism 9lt)3 ) J 11m gl~Hdn l for lho ltc o pport uui l itl 10 (Olls ider Erns to l roCesso r

CI i~ toll wr Crn middotlI ImfCi J oh n Gl)ldi uS Prorr~Ylr Willillll Cmfi~kl and the

11 011 Fod a tio 10 11middoti r va middot i)l1 ~ lt1 g middotn n)lCgt d vicc I 11olIIk Sllzar rl c Ak bari

r l d~(f l)cre nhI Joyn GOKl(i n E rhan Jd l Kavalc lmiddot and M E Vnr lic k

Page 5: Only Half Saying It Ernst SCAN


hCLr I r~ I ))4U d ~ I lI1 I C M Itdlllyen bull bull t l bull 1 9I~

1 1)0 C 1 poundrnl I) ( 1lrQmiddot -oORC Mruur~al WOIJ

17 Stmiddot rll Cilt-hlow nk Ili-rO(I)Iltllkunde d I Jnm ltr bull11r ltkr KmiddotIIII~middot J -ampJJLIf tit _llIt~ lvll So~lu middotUSCIf I1Ugt6l1M-wmiddot3OZ ) ) Il- lp nd 111lt middotIkmlnn nUnuJuflnltin Hwrrlll lIim1_~IJPIrrJ -J Jk_t)

111111 Ifl2l 1 ~lIv bl)lOUf cmbkl1

t IJOlaquoI (()IUlgtOlIp1~laquos Ihroollh InO(IIII-1I00 in luh-gMn tmhkm boo~ I ut iI~middot U30 fro Ca Rip (Jftoi-I4IIH

1Ur lunh ltl irmlri J~III(Iudl mhlmiddotI11_ bull 0 ltkv1Cltgt xe telta1t Kp-I 1W13 uI hiih 1 R en hrlll h lId PfIniot n1ilioru I ~ txampit- bull Ilt

]]ddti t1Yoo ~

1)~-IlIC~tMIIlltI r~_de m ladn de FjU 17J1 1It]

JottI ill de- bo(lm III ~ 1timfI~ reI ~ pnIlI

complex dr riItiIJIl ih )lll med ieal Ilt~t i arir dlld rrom lhe R enltliIIlCl

jnt ( rpntll iQII lOr Ff~ ptiall hierogh phi s ao raquo1( oul by I lora polio T he lllOlherlod r or III Eu m pcan emblem [i tCru un is Aldatis Ebrmaiu1n Liber 531 avdla hk in cu un tless ~di1iom md I rI1[lIioIl5 thloliKh llt l1inete(]] lh C(middotn l uf) n G id l[UW g jVfS an il1ll~lrdl ( [ Jc(Junt or Ihe impor ta nce or cll1blrm~ il l a rt hi~ tory a nd 11((1lt11111( HIl t Vo l lllJtI ti (x )Jal d ~ [)

acrouilt prrwi([ ing a cri ieal bibl io~raphy or ~ J1 thc I)rin(ipd (lUhk-1ll books a nd S(c(JlldalY lit~rlllJrc Li ke C ichloh Ill di~IugtSc~ and r(pr()(lun~

DOrers illlltrat inllS or J-I orapollo hierug[ypli ~ lracinM emblc mltltir infl umiddot ( lltT $ into C nman R nm anticism and R UII f j Th rnughou t his career - Iall Emst ould ~ itUtlt him~clr it hill Ill( hitory of G trrnan arl wi th

nosta lg ia and irony ( Iling his 0 n rc(y-l11ildr c() lIag(~ a~ains l Oirrr s virr uosic pri nt middotrn ltl iu l~ We hud crh()t ~ or DOnrs R tlla i ~qll (( ciltcrpriw in Irnsts tollages fi)l (middot1l11pl -I o ros(opc t pr((n(d b~ I mall ralill~

an hour~[ ~~ hg-U l(~ 3 ami 4)middot) T he f m h llt-m trlils LUl h high in dllcw d orifim ill e rudi te allu ilon 0

cIb~ ical t(x l~ Ild ldgar lraditions of folk prilH~ and illll ll lla tcd prQTrbs Co m plexi litS arise IjUIIl Ih( Dlc tull orphil nature or mhlcms Iny givc n emblem ( ou le aeq ui re variant lcxS and irna ~(~ Il l ~hjft dOlllljn rrom ph iloshy~ophjca l a nd hnlllllil Ltl po p ulist o r childrt ns moral guidt-s In Ililitilimll and falltmn dr IIIIItlrlJ Ernst a nd Eluan have lilt opponunil) of

srepping in as yet anOlh er St 1 of sui)sti l l1 tc 1 llfhol ill thc emblem s progres fnm l high a n and li nralul( to )Jop ular a lma mlc ri l-king up a nd modi ing cxisling ma reril Excc pt or CO U1St Ihat their own oo lampric t crcLse capil) lil(~ 0 11 the em blem s inlllIen ual complex if its me JlfTl trl sions i ll a complex

parodgt or l he Ri naigtSann lum alliSl (nle rrri t Thei r in terest in emlgtlcm is associaltd with Ml aHenlion to a middotarie t) ofs(middot1

comm unicative fo rms tht cOIl(ClI traled prflYllI1 a nd L1 lc struct urll il y complex novel Ernst txperimenls with mlking- h i~ images emblt rmll ie corTfponcls to h is con umpora rie~ wo rk will i he re d )middot m adc ex p re s$ion ~ lu be foulld in la ng uage espttia ll y Flua rd a nd Dfsnnss mU la r iow 0 1 prOmiddot~rbs

Wh ile tm bklm are initi ally viMw ll y m ysteriolls and Ilu sive they ultimately Il ~1 llle tIphor 10 assrrt the (olk e livt (ommOtHcns ic tl prll dcllL a nd rukshyboulld The VtTy rld uplicalio n of ~Ct inlages aud related a rin t HXIS

emphasi7es lhe ()flllu la ic underpinning Ihe p(wlic DcslHgtS a nd Eluanl ~ ll1Jlgttil ut t and sh ift verus aud nouns wlthi Ih prove rbs [Jrmul aic syntax li ke 1 iclzsc hca n nann y wltr n an egg break~ e~b its betause it docsnmiddott li ke o mde ll cS Elultl rds a nd D(sno~ s fi)rct(1 in congruiti es do no t sim ply p a rody provcrhlt sLcrcolpirI [ sh a l()wn es~ o rcontlIl I hu t Ibo sound poctic

possihil i ties in the pmiddotowrbs ~ I ruc t ure reltotlal ing wil h i t~ o wn history o f vltlria ll IS E rnst equally mani pulal lgt thlt tmhkm s rtpacit) to co nvey de Jlse lllean il1gt ami pl a ys l hi~ agunst t h e cliche aspccts I)f its conven tional p roverhial meanings

T hl mixture of stlbv ( I~ ion 1Ilt authori ty in pro nbs had occtlpiro the lillg uist jltn Palllh ll Whl was dosd y assoc ia ted ilh Elu a rd al the li me or

f ntsts rri val in Par i ~ In hi~ ) 9 13 tbesiq o n MaJ~aclH iJrover bs la ulhln had dtscr ihed the Itn-ful IS will as the hahitu11 nature 1)l t llc p romiddoterb their lsstniJIls of SIlhility and shared assumplirlls ~ I IPPOS( a darkn ~r()lInd on whith language i ~ potent wtll n mClamorpholti~ ~llttld rca ll y occu r Pall lhaJl ask~ W ha l Iou ld replac( the proc rb and n~Hr~ (lilly tha~ a nd em ptillS~ Thi~ an- )fl) o r tIIllJig uil y u nlti trpinn illg th prm(rh~ I S~lmjlshy

lion of ullil~ a nd uniformit y is also fundamental to e lllh kII I ~ and m ay be plll mhcd ill Em sts work The e mhlem is o nl y (kar in rdaliu li 10 i ~ mu

in ili alobscurit y E rll~l~ collage lo r thl polm Rcvcil ollici el d u se ri n from Ahdh~Hf I tin

immorltlr (figu rc 5) lcs(fIIh l~ t colt ve nriolla l em bk m of p ruvlTiJi tl

prude nce a lld ~to i (ism The caged b ird is an Imblemli ((lItlrllonplace a ile h a~ 10 do il h philo~oph ic ltt l resig nuiun to on cs iOI o r in iove e mhle ms ilh hcing rapt ive in [he prison o f love (figure 6 ) E rn st did acknowledge

Ih e image of the b ird ltIS h i$ fa vo ri te cm blCm o ffering litis va riant 101 ElIt v~ u( Cq Jctn blcmc d (~ H INIItl oagcSi T he caged bird fo n cd [0 sin in a pt i t ~ may a lso sta nd for 11)( poCt~5 In the fi rst FrCll h c m blem book

Ia PtIIi(~rc $ T Ilialre diS bOriS tTI$illJ ( I ~39 the caglltl birds ddille the tas k o f d)( pun tu Sil1g sw(c tiy in rh l fa e lIf advc~i l y T he plImiddotodil proverb in E luumiddotd tlx t ks lgtCrins sonl mltlil rcs chef t UX my bc an ironi c- lake o n suc h emhlema tio wi5c1om especi a lly gic n poundlua rd s Ht ual dom estic sil uat ion (drama li lt(middotd d~c here in bor h Fr n$t s HId E lu a rd s work) a rncn agf-i- trois involving hi~ ife Gala a nd M ax E rnst in wh ic h he Va nOl p rcc i~dy a mOls t r in h is own houscoti middotIhe bi rdcage mil a lso srnd as Ill e mblem of the pa radox (l r thc cm bkrna li st s con middotc tll i ondit~ func ti onin g- ~muhanlolt~ l y as a )lri ~11I and as a pouic lll all ()( UVre LO be sprunK- Sinli brly cm hJtm a t ir

105 III XIQltnn~ amp IIIslt JOWIJ till ~rtJ fW ltfN1cr1 IIgtlt w -nt rd~m 173b lfl clnmiddot r Alt iI ~bltmlJtliJfl QMn

(~IWftd I lcn l) CIlmiddot 1oolt 187Umiddot s~ 1ltJuli ll 1nu lhr f nnthIIIJtnH

Vgtll~uJ OM UTlaquoltMU lJooiJ nfD mm H

lmIJlriIJlnl 181] IULIC hi L97h ~- For t~lnp lc Em31s roll f Jdflst Ig U jnCltgto1IIS f11lSmllgt of Ou middotlt Ullm tJ Erv ~ 1 + 1 ~o M irnl finl if l niSl ~Iru

~I lil ar lIi~ Stmiddot middot Ib middot] DOrer IIMI d ie ~ K unI ~n T Ulr6A I tmiddotcbruary 9 7 (in Ma f1tl1 til liJt~ d~

htl~iJlt UIIlh~mr it p Co lultne ~ JtllI O hdkliffl 1TNnl I Soxill H UilQl) Th~ ilaquol1 HlStoty 4 1Ji~t~gr Cllnbrid~ 1t7 pp 11 7middot



lJ - Ke lIdr J oUrlt fmiddottHfaih fOff_ 930 on Ir(gt h lVlJ~ ) n llOSOtU

q d nU lls ltI liolto jutern~ d ) dlc It d IIIV FlJlmlJ

SImplI AnllJjc M ri ~ HI IUt I ~ru 197~ 1 131 I ton ljJCrfCltllt Ikllj1Il1iwII1 rgumclII plVmiddotru rUllcifon -ilhi Jruism1gt dich [(MiIu1 middot1 pid I ~ hUll of 11Ie middotxpCrillltmiddot h(lSomiddot 1P01lCII I JtlIII ~ ru nmiddotI n I bll( promiddotiional and -endily dKUtkrl (0 (iJhi Th uprHlu t Illms ~ F OfUIUm fJmUl~ 1lt lIdoll 197) st~

II Dommquc 1~~l(ltJJi j~lJ~ ltlr mOh malulo I n pinCHCC du I)lowmiddotdwmiddot

frlt X X 4 97 p ~~t 1lUlhmiddot~ rtroglli Ia IUlldnmrtlltI shado ~1ll c or () I middot~ dnion d lime

(1 I~I ampiww1 2l T Ill Akiati-dCfilNI clllbl m tli IIIgt ( bull fl hinl I~ 1 cmblcnlti( SLIIlc 51 ror ClltmllcJ~ b C15 misso Lilx-rrll r T bull I ior iu SWUtgtl 1111 JJuM fir tit

S Am d m 726) a

11111 S i~lI1lllditio_ Sn ih ( middotrf)I1 I Iid i 11~ GI IlaquoSluver in 111lt

gtrllied ( ( he brn is th wimiddot I)u l Ih) o l InK E~rl in Iillg -Iltoi IV

( 11 Cupid ma apl II iVl thr (~laquoI hinb () ~pmr) Ill rri~n n- I) ill 1l411lt1 Hcinlluf funolgt Qn ~id gtII

~m ilslt1 lool Ilovrt Eh((n4(Q

1~I~11I I lI~logtrd m r I I ~ d It ncmtf

isslt her Snn1fP IAmslnd 1 b l -t ) x K dl omcicl rill middotr in l ulmlTgt do

m-lu I Il l G uillaume d r L bull Imiddotniel ~ Ie r~ilt ibJ 6QIU I WlfS ( 53) rd 1gtlt)1gt ~lcle (Alde h ~13 1 amp

j llt mrltlic IlJOII(u ri tr lw lOll lh~ 1luu ol f WilY f 1IjIlh _WllptrlJI

S1l~1 An n r)r 9fllt) PI I ~-H

i ~n5 ~I ~ 1 Jd Pbullbull ul tI1 ltrJ jtril 0111 d o middotInmiddot wlhru do

~l mMllu 9~ ~ Sf 1 171 10 Ia~ t ms - U ( I P n 51IS0 D KA ( (MJII IrtI) ~I) )

2i S- Chari II ( nk Iud or r~ I UICn n S IU T or - 1he

nlllr~ II I j 11I 1) cInt nullc aJ fros n IIIlt middoturk r I ~ bn~ IQRIhNJII 17 uirJ pp 66 7~ I on El ua nt

inl(middotIOtiJmiddot II Imiddot C h rI U~Itau ld1

fJ~(i 1 III ftltUUIl al I a ri~ lt)8~ R BcuIQl flt011middotlldr lhal rh ii l~1

hklD book a CorrOtl S

lIatllm(fd1l dnlts f r()rll ~io a ri i ~ from old ~ 1(1 SI) Ie ltord~I

2J I 0 eItn ~ hri(middot ill U alJrtMfJ

Ja tJftrWfIJ gll ou l b 1~llk middot(a lur hc (mbkrn tic d~ll(ldcnc) I)f l c~1 ami

Sc 111 umh~ r ErnSIs (onglt I~)lh il hl~lrn ll II IlOOmd CQnnadKls

iI ampiOC1 Jhow~ Ihlt)$( I Ih inll h) illUI)dr n rodik uh Clll Olr r lhal

~ccling W It jMJlt1ll no 10111 c~iltt

1-1 1luarrl )Q rvrntaib brimiddot 1 (1

oIIallrlt Ifs J~IIIIJ Ontr (fl~ 1 I udrn Sd clcr -ud il ~rnll e 1) 1$

fIri lif)ll I p 1 3~

3 ~Jochm HrUJllo-cn ddc1 ~I a Ernst un1 ci rh~I1 _h~ - I1 lvCII( 90) 19 9 alld 11 alls-J UT)I I Kapp Sp~chc und I) Ii M ll ErI f m II t~ll ~-il~ PP llc- ami p jltJ 11 ~ 1lj t ud ir1I ion orIpollinain MId h r CallCrain

I llcoun icrs r un thro ug h E rllS l ~ collage novl s operat ing om on ly o n Ihe I(vi or allusiOll to1 11 c rn hj ma tic mod e a nd its illlpliciitiom of (111 ( 111011

mcl -1I1111oli l) bUI lso nn the k d o f ptrtic u lu (out en t lIld menning I II I

I)stI) reln ted rolbgt froUl 111 F WlIIlf I (() tho 1929 (tigun 7) till fig u re af

I hmiddot baby strt ndi ng ill fu r l h t c up id of love cm bltlIls COIll (middot from n

nintmiddott ccll th-ccllt ury a loJl pa in ti llg in hi (h il I1j) rcsclll ec the murdered (lJi ld of Falsl a rgua bl y a v ictim ollovc1

La PClTj(r( cm hkm bonk i ~ irn po ll a n l in Ihat il as ti l( fi rSI crmltushy

la r tmblcm book and the firSI tu SCi ou t ponll~ recto aga inst (~ Kk uts

verso~ It i~ from t h i ~ ~ ) llImclrica lly o ppost rI disposition of text llnd

image that Ern~t a nd Eluard s work galll~ I panic ular pa wn th t

~ 111 HlUre de mands the d Cjgtrlld elicc o f tex l tnd im agr yet the fmllls lli a t ell-pendence t1i (s la ngf fro m d ose ma tchin g (If phrase and wh at is pictu red (as in illu$l ratio n i to a ppa rently a ll i(rI hu t d isj unc tivc relatio ll ~

(as if ~tock im gr- hau OcCII rellsed for a pprox illll I plrpo~e~) 10 mu l u a l

Clll l r dic lion ~ EnBt a nd Cl uard dc~ 1t willi l ilt llI od( rni~ t d rea Jll IIf a

hieroglyphic i ~ l1 a l p nc lry fwm lb llalll1c 0 ApoUi ll J ile J with l slig-ht cynilmiddotism ~eparati llg Oll t ra ther than confltt ing II I i su1 and the 1(xl lJal itS if to a r knowkd gc Ihl ir m ultla l sapping a~ IlHJfh as mu tua l Ira mfusion

or nwaniug A v i~ua l pllt I for Ern~t J lld Flu ltl rd w ou ld rel)ova te i l~dr

through its clntiour lHkl( )kdgi llg the losses as wel l as ric he in vl lcd in enc ryp ti()]l

ErnSIs c lll bhm ali ill1 ag ls a re Hu t confillcd or COUl~ C 10 Ih t cmbleshy

m a lic boo k III th e T9lOS EfIIS iou)1d h is vay illlll pain ti llg as a way of elllltu g ing his culla~c~ and I mblema tic r Olll lllun p[aces info r m h is

IXill lilgS t ven whtn tlu- n is no accom p a nying Icxl Indeed (m blem a tics an central to ErT1St ~ l(l1rna t o ll lf a llegory ill I ltl VII Tl o r lhe t mblimalic lI ut~hell is ti l( prelirn d cUIl Slr uc tion fo r ErII ~ I ~ pa in tin g- in Ihl ca d

IVlOS i t is OCCi lst a lkgory ca n ( omm en t Oil ils own a nificc nIJoIiTlJ

iron ic self-d epreciaT ing c nises in a rt wit hi n a Dad1 l T1 icism ra lher

86 ~ Ii t t 1 fir I~ 1111 Ii ~ ~ ij9shy

than o~I (II~jbly over l rt makillg1 Or ralh er Ernq t mbJC lll aril illlg~ a1l0 a ~imu ltall (ollS admowl(dgcmclIl of art a~ rtfcnlIl to W imug taphic alJ(c~tolS ud to the ~r(al (nt(rpri~es of re pre~II I Hion and Cdmmu nil ashylicoll while hracktli ng Ih (S( ti S defu nc t or urlfta li ndJII 1 1l1b il ions His im Hc~ ~CI Oul nspiration~ to hemic gCSlure and R llIai~silJe cultula l rcfclcnh Idle rtgisltring lh( ~t middot L~ pan ial and inept pll hn~ helll n I

logic o(xiu i(lli

Tilt Elphanl ff Ctlthn [921 dud OtdpuJ l() 192 1 du ne hik E rnst was lill livillK in Cologne set up c~ 11ica l etnbkrh 1 po~ t ilr crises and the fUllcl iunill 1 of Ihe a rti~L In OttltpUJ Ht I fi~lIrc 8) lin cli largcd hlIld a (o mOlOn feIIUf( of lmblcm) sunds fo r did ut if 1I11plicilly palnnal author il ) T his rheh)ric11 hlnd had a lso hl( 11 Ihe rocus (II (IlIl1lk history painting pointing lo ard ~cncr I 1itd hi)(h palrioll( (Inc p~lr id idtah In Otdipll f Rr( Ihe ~)necdnc hi( hllnd is hohblcd hy i t~

011 (middotltIfKgtIlS no 101114(1 hli lu make the gra nd g(~lur(s ur hi~llry

j Fr~ninpoa(II1 rhlt r lim~ 01 roonam ir d wkn all~o Ilaquo Ther ~ I Kmiddot lIemiddotv H( mI0 N Yl and ( mbnd~middot 1917

t ~lIr 1 EIt~1 n iy-~uMl h lo and uQmiddotru middotbull U 1-o_ IIgt tilltJ ~lq S ~

H1 C Ma t rngtI AI)A( I I~n

SODHAC ~ln lllt~ 1 l1lOII

H~ un 8 buse ()i~J If(Jf 9111 b I iifo C 1 - rrII5middotAIlt ( 1 1tTI SOllRi( rMQIl Ir l ~gt()()()

p aim ing it Plillf ll1l y inrl i (a le~ il gt low orifill ill II H I reudian r(all(~or izing of l h l Oedipus m yth Prnst lIf( II In lmiddot~ 13 1lishld CO IlVCIl L i o ll ~ of

gctun and ico nog raph y dcploying t lwm i ~ IICHlli niou~h Ordipll5 R C IS

ujJ the lllotl S~ iCid disCOUIl of high ielmiddotII and sllfmiddotslcrjric( in urder 10 bive -( i hl In his rtp rc ~ rllIat ioTi of cltmiddothasill Oedipal Irnuma and iu

2 17

arU l1rl ry pu ni~ IHn tl l ~ bl indmg- rbullL~ Irltl lio ll I I i ~ sifllilk lll t d ial o ne o r tht H I]lI) n ~ lt n urow p icrcing tht n Ubhd l IS th e h lw k yellow and gT Cr n fOr 1111 t ricolu u r lI ih har )tTn re-inHal ed IS he fla g or CtTm a n y

in 1)I U TI1 Lh rce cle melltlr) ( olo lJ I~ to h ieh EII Ilt t rd i ls in h is

illscri pt ion 011 t he pa inting m a y he a poin ted rcm illdn oj th e t~ t h e r l a llds

of h isl ory pai ll1i))g both as the plima ry colo ur o r neomiddot d Lsi(a l pa in ting

a nd a fl a By tnn (uy tb hisl ory or a n is m ldl 10 (om m en t nn

history s flw bling or al least irnmQhilizi llg or Ihe ignohle and olalikJ In i l~ nig-ma ami dispropUrli()n ~ ()nhjJII1 Rrx abo rrsemhks smiddotV( IH(llI hmiddot

ccnl ilry c m lJkrns Ihltl l d rccliv(l y cap~i z(d hist ory jlai l) l in g~ i)l lo crypt ic rigurati(m~ or m0 1ltl1 rtC1 ilude Its rn e m hia ncr 10 a n t lIlbk m - a hand

holding a (Tacked wa ln u l-shell - fim n l ite Dllt c h mordi ~1 Jaco b Cag h-t ~

bl( 1) nOted hy C e rd Ha uCI who hilt dism issi ng hi ltIS coi ll(middotid c Ill a l ~ ti ll

kit (omprlk d h) the strik ing- i ~lI a l analogy T hi d ikrn ma i~ slIIli y comp(Juncit-tl b) con~idcra t i on uf Catss tex U Th e Cats ( mhlem had two mol os (sinr e Ca L pra~ma l il a tly duubled hI lscfuln (~lt or hi~ images hy offering de voi oJl a l tex t$ a bo l l spi rit uI 1 as ell IS Iu tlltl l 10 ( T Il( fi rT

IIl0 1l 0 Re put hk hy uo ~k i ll o uld fUllct ion a a joke on Ihe aJlisl or

p(Je l ~ 0 n l ech niqLU~ I lid is especially ilp pticablc 10 Frnsls collage CUlling T he ~(co nd T IJ(rc is no l(lv~ li kl lir~ t 10 ( ( II n y a (j Ilt Ie premilrs

lIllou rs J [ lidy d lcctin l) ta kc~ U~ hill k 10 thl d c~ i ll cI mol iln vf the

O eci il)U$ compl tx G ivcn Ems t middot~ kllovlo(l~( of Fnud Iht cmblcmali C hllf-sltly ing of things

Ill l) be la kc as ak in 10 Ihl o rn h ina l ry la nguage o r OhjC( b ill Ihe un eon shysciou ~ (~ IHr i a lly as d esc l iltd in 111r Iffprr la OI ()f n f(mh H Th~ Illmy

em h lematic i magI~ ill Cllfs ltl nd d~l herc of e nlarg lltl h lIlcis hold ing

d evieclt fo) cltl lllc llin g )lld CUll ing (~ llllffUl~ ca ndk~ hrtl king clnd lts

cutling and g ra ft i1lg sl II ks ~q Ih in g ri pe g ir ls ) mig-h i (1 be sl(n in th~

lig lll or F rf lld 11 ()Cfipu1Rn cltl n in fa n Ire laktn a s a co nAal (Itl or sc(rltl1

i Jlt age~ from J arob Cats nO I onl y llt l ha nd holdinK l sh at llTn l n u tshdJ bu t also a hand slh j)(ntli ng a key rrom 1 m aglltl ic q onc fig u II 9 For the

prel im inary co lla g1 relat ed 10 Odipus RI ( Emsl used a n im age from the

pl liudica l l ll vil Iltfl ~1I1 i ll tl ~l ra tion ora magit Irick in whi dl a l a inU I shdJ is SIIJII1Idd h) il ~ d eft liom a fi nger il~ if uy llla 1ic Cats ~ tmblems ~ive a

parad o xi ca l m(ra l WLig-ht to Ihis nU lSh d l image hic h in 11 X(Iure hld 10 do with ill usion Th i~ m a tt er of illll~ion rccun on eil pla yfully ill rnsts

work Bt-ynnd tha t the elllbkms pr(J itic (lUlio n ary moril l ~C l pitces aga illt

wh ic h Ihe il1 1o l llr (nt l ues and poli licai ton tilsion of tnmiddot rccettt wa r and it~ aH ermath (t n b( Mmiddott

The ck phant of Tlu Fltph(lJIf 1GIIbn figure 10) h l~ 1 ICi ng pcdigTtmiddot( in

c rn h lcmalic i rT1 agc~ of 31 fro m th Illt rad ig llla tic (i i ill [11( fi ftee nth

centu ry 10 pro pag anda cnrica lUr~ du rint ti l( F irst vlo rld Lr (fig ures I I

111lt1 12 17 O ld)( arrn ond g-Ls-mlskcd illca pabk o r lutornot io n shy

s ta nds ror pn liticil lgtO CI the oSlagna ll )igts C1n~ o f thc K aiscl e ra aml th e

war wh ieh so p roroundl ) a Ar-ctcd Ernst a nd his friends In wl ra l ciati

tOlblclll ~ cilphanb ~Uc a~ $ (lC i a l ld wilh wa r and i ts ~poil s M 7 he EIplwlIl if Cfllhes nOi olll y rlt$clJ1 blc~ Alcilti s Ikp lla nt ith l rm(gtlr I II illa ud a ta

la lldan l( ~ but it~ m Cltlu ings S(C rTl tv lwa r out 1ciali s H((HUlI or a milil) englgemell l in h ie h a middotmons l r( HI~ and coarse e lepha n t frig ht c ls a WL) a n

enemy l 1middotlll y Th tmiddot ele pha n ts plinl cri image is thell l Ikc n a the vioors

p Smiddot [in ri [Jutrhu Ilt 1 TM~ry ~f rltHI 1r YvrL amI Loudun 985) I I~ 00 lTom ~d p n -f bullbull l dlltltuaJl~middot (Iii rflrm r~1 ui r i~ till 1 knvwlche a nd

3 1 1Ihx Ir I GloIkk l ~

rmd~-Ul if 1

11 ~r CllarlOl e ~Iok Clblros i u ~~ (gtI k Frrud$ IhCltlTI t fw a~ Ihe r la liQn tor 1 (([Jag r~ b x Er ~ 1ftgtNJld~ I il P 19)104111 TI ( r~ 11 lr) nunlm( lfIr~ p ( ~l O(r a1xt llChl du Impt I ~~tN~lt1I 11 63deg1 Hd J~cQh C UJ oI ffrtf Ittrdt~ t niam 1I~rl r71 Th e V d ~ V l1 lr~i nll ~ dose cO E nlt~ i n I ~ I ) I ~PJ in (hult 71gt ffl iu( a li lou ~ ( rrminffl in pri l [h rollgt tl ~ mh c( nIUr )1 QI (ra r Dc l ~~I t or [e

e[ltI n( 2 ama nt 11 hir h 3 h ~ 1 gtU I nllt kry fro Jl ~ middot i $() 1 ~ IO~ in tmblfm~la 1 QMhfl II (~~ in

and IfM(arn lluht tid pi II ov~ouuvn lChao Ifat AuJr Wl1d(R 1975

n middotU Hlal in Sqmnr Hot-Ie IIK~1IJmiddotIt f)aIII~nt(~ an ntfJ Ifn middot

1)18 -Iih 9jtJ ) 3S1 middotJmiddothi rmhkm j IJ J udn ~

1Ilw and at on tic]h 1 l i l poi I nf ar I d brak ~ n 1gt1 middotPft t pt~ f( ( em IIW r u~ ohit]

h urr lt) J acob ClIts Sed ~ ICCI)

l MbltlWlill lffJrald k~~~au

f((lltcrrl~m 6~7

~u T Il iumbull l r Alrr1 1trr rmltd Ihr Krlqltgtlthu ldf llr in J)n r laquo (u fl M~r 1H) i Sr Irr~d 1) 1VIl~fr r 1 Hf~udw~ ofl kr 1 ~ilfJ II Q (~I T hm lr~n~ 10]1 II Zrydd cw York 91deg1 ~() - J I ~ En[ ~ ul(Jbiographical [Ul t I I~lhu is d escribed Wl lh rcl crc ne 10 l i t nar~ p r~(rdCnIS In H a~clr~

pll) T~(S~~ lh~ ta1he nra~pJ hI a (XI(tk ~ wlo )urnd lt ( lalh ~rJ nl (i younK fCPh ( hid l-~h ~r~ Jn~dc

uganUl tteN has I arrltucol h~(k of [ho- ~c [a l Ono G n - trair) tIl] 1I hi You bulln diollr tv _ I Irjult lilt(

olIl 13 augtt ) ooJ h1 broughl h on t1 AI)hl I nlII)(uh Fnl

wlgtOkallcu cc a Darla rleno~lOlitln

and arral h3d WI I hl ilip t rnlt 1Xlfl hll ra[hcr~ ropon-lt I cunc ~ O Y(tll iuC htlU~11I djlOIlOIlr OIl Il t[ t- Ia EnlJl Fcrdlltw I P l1 i Ie due [0 Ihe fonnulai- nalUn Oflhc fu_h~rJ ( u- u

lucrnryu(occ lOlho- ryurr Ihmmiddot i~ Ihe FImrul111li (gtr clln ~r Rcp[hlk jnoitcclUal drdo-lt f h~ kiml h( lU~p)l(~1

~m (u (_1gtlt- to P bull -i( OS hCf

L~qoJcur IFmUlr CJrnl HISI~r )1 8 913 (I bullbull d I ~i 1) ]1 ~H J I PI lslr pct 1 C I) 1 lt1 (fJ (Iii IIIn

JIB iltn York 9ilIj PI ~- I Cnll ~dci l Am BpiI~1i Bhl IIIltl IJrfJMJI A-w lfflIi KnliA Jti U ltkm~

I)IISIUIJ ( icnt~ gR8 ann _Vld U(Imn

h fJTwilaquootJI THu C rw Vk glib

insig- nia H ow(ver sinltc the v i lory 1(1$ undcsrrId Itu re~ul1 ur reaI ra t her thatt bravery in b)111e t hi ~ imJ~e of the d eph(II t -( ar( told i~ lgt hamefllL That t hl paint ed image of the kpha ll t nmiddotpn(nt~111 lUlw(rth~ Irick SIT CS a ~ a Ili ct Lommcn l on til( not ion ofl h d ((( il ()f ima ge~ in wnerl l Akia ti s (o nd u$ioll of shaillc md lmb ig l o1)~ vic tor y wo uld tlTl ainl y represCnt E IIl SI ~ g1lwral opinion or -ar I ml its lrUnna l h 7 hi Hlephlll1f f C lrbrj i~ ltl n

a lkgor y of the m oral values of lhe p11Cltl a l g CIlI fltl li on ami t he fatherland olmuJalcd a l a time when lhe iS5 m o j 1 guilt I~ a ~u bjcltt or urg e nl

pubJi( dcblte ~9 Th is guilt also fudkd thr tlltml~ or O edipal palriridli impulses Iha t had become 1 corn monpll(C of Expressi oniml and thai a rc pia ycd out in OrdilmJ R~ 1 m [ 71l r LlffJllOnt ofCdhfJ I~

In 1IlYendeavour to find a cnn vi ncinK ltl r~lJnwnl or i u~li(ial iun fi) 1 11 art (hal might legitimately fU llction in til( pOSt Wl r D1(la c ultural rencgu ti nmiddot lions Ernsts turn to emblem and ltl lkgory points to Llw awkward fil or rellt ivt[ c ult ural alu(s a nd conhm llOra ry history ltIS Ihcir fulfilmen t AlIcgot as lilt l( it tralion of codihrd nonnali cult ural or ~ bOlu le a luCs

fi ts- j arrillgly wil hisiOl 3(rommodal ing ils cnrorcro ohins and chUls nf I cn n~ pru jding a rickety bJea hellt lor Lilt spec latol o r c u rrC11 histo ry In

Ordiplu Hrl and Tlu F1rlllimil oj Ctlfhn Ihe high rd~rents of dleg01~ an txposed as (hey m ig-h I c- isl in the wak c of (he First Vorkl War n k ill ~s h ip st ale a nd rdi~iln arc Hvcaled in th eir CHlTf1lI ri lbilillted (Olldlli ull psychoanal)~cd int o ha~(I frlll~ no IOI1~cr Jegi lim al( f)r sla ble reduced to d ressing- up as th (tn~clvc~ P]((i~dy beca use uf the nccessil~ for

hUH~ l u EIII TM frpiloM uJ Cflm 1 9~1 ~i V1 t h( 0 1 1bull0( Icmll tI) (P 11uiSOORC Monmtl QOO

1n esta h lis lHd Iclennl howCvtI the 11lt-gonea ] q nllllIle or Ihe cmule lll JJ]owlt Ernst 10 g-i Vc an a ccollnt of the lailure of the ll)lwlelil symbol o r

11 lt11T lI it

Blt~()nd these obliqLl(~ly polili cal Co Ill I1H~llIa ri ts EIJ)~I S emblematiC

pain ti ng ~uggests lha t other Ih illbS ~rc at Sla k~ in Ihl Ieai lll oi tiJ( a rt t h ~ 111

the lt llhancClllcll t ofpo( l ry b~ visli a l lIH yplion Thc Iml ]enlat ic paintiflg~

Sl11I1 10 Imoke l lost text or key to Ih eir own d CClxling Jf Elnst ca rries the

pOCTS intclsl in JTI l ki n~ tcx t ~ pic toriil l back in lo pi U IIImiddotS he docs so in

ordn It) raise qu e~l i om a bolll tlte na lu n uf ima ges and represe m a tio n T Il(

~df-qu( l i oni ng ima ges appJrrn lly f]uely thcir own Iul ho r ity could th ey rcp r(ltfllt anything c rc il Ill)[ I(r q slig iil l dalinn~ with cx phlllltltnry

ltI11 til nli 7 ill g lexts T h is is fur[IHr rtlalli 10 Erml~ illI)(lli o ll I)) h( h istory

of a n of I rad itLOllS o f i(ollogra phy v I th e m urce i lll a~t

Tn Ill1 Casc of Tuttn lll l Ioml7l1 (figure 3 923 V(rnlT Spits has Tfaced twn ~ (lUIIC illlages to th e popllllI lIintl (cllIh-cl nt ury ma gltllille (1 Yolu a

ships dlvi(c IItlt j)()UN oil 1) 11 troubled wJtC I and all -e mba t hlng ing

upsirk dO Il Til l m1chine and thl ltl tr o ha t ar( figurf~ ofhaJIIlcc JlId order

~e l agj i ll~l a perilo us si tu ation lht) t la blish1 d i ~rupliI 1I~ t ofvltcillatioll

( 1 1 kiln mlblrm

bull~ J f1nni h hrkl J rJI of hul 41nati rUIHurlmiddot lInmiddot Mlln

I )t ~Jlfodurrrl t pmll rm ropol1111 10 1(111 R(Icr(n(( l ibrary

J l~rT I~ _ Hahn lgtt Ihlll If



h gunmiddot 3 En 7 ulmnr f1 lmlltm 9~3-~ M ti17 CI M~ Ern~I IUGI (1 S~ lnRmiddot ( ~1 llrca l 20(1(1

d tt rnat ioll il llbtlau(l and po~ibk fIII tho I frlln(~ OInollier of Ihe pa i ll I ings sources a R ena issa me allegory of r()rt ull(

IvliIIII()lItlti In tlw c Ollrse of I h ( essa) o n ernblems r i H~d hy Erll had gi cn thc im a~C of FOilli na wi th her wil e] l11d sa il as 11) ex am ple of a [J1 11(n sli tficienl vi~ud (Illbk lll rCftl ir ing 110 tex t to supplcmtmiddot11 1 iLS IlwJlI ingsI Ttl Furll lllt of unblem ~ Ofl11 ~ a ih on slOrm y sta ~

(fig ur( 14)n a nd prl~ LJ mltl J ) t h( i ll llstlal i(n of oil-POll ring m ac liill (J) ~Uggfmiddotlt l cd lO Erns t Iht a ttrih ules o f Fort una Ihe c irc ul a r piplt~ swnd fo r IlI r wheel IlC pi pe barlng her )I~ klr hf1 Ulin dn e~s 4t The leetering of Er nSI ~ Fon una Illa y he lIt r ib lHed to Ill i com)gld ph ~ or t hl grandt 1s lrnmiddotI11I (fig-uri 1 5 )1 ~ In Il le r on ((xl of h yslcna the so urCe illla gl or the acroba t eOJJ1ts in to pla y in Cha rcol and Richer s I J as sj~a l

~tu d y nr hyste ria in ~Ir t I f( )imollinr7 11t5 dml( url j Ui allOytmiddot Iht i ll tl~-

1 1 -(( ~Ij~ lla E middot ((Jla(CIf

f I~ IIml l middotdprM(It OIOIe 97) (11 15 1 r1 rUlclld middotUmiddotme lhauN VI 1Hamp--7middot 4 - hy middotillmiddothul( Fr~nt( S~ltS( ltibull

Icl~ U -fhg uImiddot uurnjl j lurhJrnmd 97 11 I J9 51 This Imiddotunu tlI1hh u Iq td III -

Durc 1 in ~ lnl c t ~ h (1 und n de Imiddotlisunmiddot Jo~rM1 If lilt LIb~( fnlllll III 92~ ) pp 7 I ll

1 Ion ) lnunlrmiddotmiddots 1- Pu d Im ll~l1Id ft n(rmiddot~ middot lax Ernst G middotmJ-k Au Ihmiddotf()JU da amu rlal ig~) n ~IIlaquou do w moTd W I b rrlJNI ml)km~U(middot hl UTlt of middotOCl~Smiddot

11 - I lIn ~rlcfut 10 ] I it I ~m~$ fot hvwinl tnC I lul]w( 1 too rc on I- nn and h) la drlid at the I lI l (bullbull lkrl lurMlhUI hll lIi1)t Un Ga l a fl~u ro uf Iltt gt ~ on) Uotncst(

Uioor ~ l d be Eluurdf Mil f~ I IlII luItltgt4flAlyllf SO~fIJ PI tOj ~

rigUft q Fornll x ttlt h ~It u n

Ii tby WdrOllfl Fullmiddot 11 1 iUllt V~rfbIU Dj( 17

1b J (~ COI ~nfl l ul Rkher - IJIIII(mI~I fa lgrlmiddotrRfl() (Amncrd ilnl 97111 100 n middot eljg wmiddotS pc i ho dlgt$lt In Ad middot ell Sarto S(lUlI

Phl J Wi Jillnl _ poJsMk also Ih ) h) Charco d R~hcr

11 Elila]t(u ll rcn 1lts Iu~ middoth~$triQnk OIICillallo n a t_middot itligll ~

or he bymrk Or lin tkaJ body

1lI uchSlcr 9J Ptgt ~f(gt-imiddot

trnt iu ll show here i till oh~(ralio n thal h y t (ric~1I atli l udc~ pn~sioshy

IIcllc~ ]evc tCtll pUfoi s 1m car ( I n particu licrellH1I1 ITohaliqul 6

Ermls (IlllJleml1ic 7 1r(ri lLg IYmllllll th c ll IS 1 (ompk l1ld humo rolls lI ullcgo rizul ioll of fo rt una -I -1 yst cr ic11

Com plex rlt-fCrcnces like liIi un 10 fortuna pop up thruug ho ul E rn~ Is

I rk amI se rve I S ind i $ of a ll (gor~ di fCCli ng us 1 ) Iradi lio ns or i(onotVashy

ph ) and accumulated Illcanil1g 10 symbolic tig-ures Inc attribules thai re ta in a sh-dowy lu hori t) hilt being Su hj(C lelt1 h~ E rlt 10 subi titwiJll$

r igbull I wwd Pjdk iul1udr Ik Hucilitlnr n I n rhlrnl tlld ( dmiddot lr~ dim~~taqw rf~ Iarl 1186

llnl OOf ~ [ AT tlTUP~~ ~hIQ itl EL L~S U ~ ~A ~IIA ~ O E T IIIUIt II Y S f t R I Q ( [

Allilnde d~ cnciG etenl

nnd degradatiom T he Forull emhlem here comes from Ab y arburg- s sl1ld~ Francesco Sltlsscl1is let lwilli gc Vnfiigung- (1 907l En~ t was not na ive abou t t he nuu re of images and their contagion and he fa nCS r unsidshy

natioll (If the onvt llI il)n of p iCl(ri d language Hld as~ u ll1pt iom ltlh0L11

mea ning At the li me of Warburg Saxl and Panof~k~s t ralings of da~~ial

~ymhol~ amI mylhollt)q-~ th rough IIwir til-hased ltI nri mu lt iple ronm in Ih e

mbkm~ uf mag illklun and as trology E rnst wa- him self englgd witb sudl dchascIllCnts~ 8 Fm u s Er lldil(~ illlag(r) makes h im a pl radnxind

ltlcackmiti a n a nd pa rodi c nr hi ~lOrilIl rel yin on Ihe prl~l i g( of rlcog ui I shyabt l~ q UIt liun bllt sa htlaging tlw h i~torical method Ilat w(lutc1 ~il ua Le a giC 1I wo rk th roug h ils relal ion I() prncden ts Tlw T urning I-1QIl1I cuuld d t~tl be rel a lcd ror middotxa mplc 10 C iOll u~ c lnb[emalir Il1rtJlJlu ncy (fig u lI 1 6) III

Erns t ~ Jisjunct i c ilT1ages parlde nfcrcllt~ bllt ddy rongruity ltllI rl c hronolshy

ogy u hvlr1ing lhe aUlhori ty of history to sequence idell tify imCrp lI l lI lld evaluate H e ~ i lua tCS h i ~ work within the history ofar and li terat ure capita shyli ling 011 th e cx ptxtation orknowin~ ~ aU high academic a n h as donmiddot_ b ut parndicall y mocking any pic t y or nost tgiil fo r 10s1 ori g-in ~j

A work part icula rl y di rctling ll~ 10 problems of Iltlngutge and f(middotp r(lt ll ta shy

ion is AI tht r ln Cltar Word 1923 lfigure 17) pai u tcd Oil lhe Wl tt o f Pau l 3nd Gal a Elu ard s bcdronlll J lengt t h itog-lyph k co n fi g u ra tio n (If fing(rs ba tt and string u e oqlI1 i7OO a rou nd the o r and X of Ernsts name $ilUali ng th e pa inting in the long- tr lditi(J)l of emhlematic deir(~ that play on names The pai nti ng as il immiddotulwmiddots Inc clongucci fin ~cr of a 01ll11l

JIllgt pru habt ) em bod ies Ernst cOIlLlm pnr ilrr rdatiom hip wit h G ala E lulfd (TIl E device traditiontl l is m clIlt 10 proli)ulJdly rcpre~t nl he ha hitual conduct (lr ( ha rati r or onlsel f oncs princc ur th c beloved womUl whitt t voidi ll L pon ra iwrc)Y 11115 5 p lCltlr( panLom im cs n des tabishylized pictoritJ compo~ i J i ()n the bt ll on thmiddot ~ rill~ wh ich ()r IllS lh c [ i~ I II

im minLt1l dltt nKcr oflwlng dropped by Ihe crossed fingcrlt pullin with it Ih( tlil of Ihe Illard-likc in$Ipound t T his co nngllfllion is lik rly a j oking refc rellC to

Frcudill li cn~ t rl ti () TI an x itmiddot t y ~ a noti(11 n i nfOTced hr Erm l ~ou r(( imag fro m 111 Salu re iIluslrllling a Irick in which 0 lingmiddot CTos~ed and pressed to ltl single bJ ll have th e sCll5a rion of feeli ng two balls As a dci(c JJilc rct aining the wit l nd (()nci~ ion appropril( to sueh repnSt IHatioll Frmts painting brea ks wit h th l c1 Clurum ltInri pwpcr k di ng tradi tiona ll y l ~s()C iated

wilh lile devite a ~ portrai t of t he mind or w uL E rnst~ im al l also rdi tes

If iby rhll rg rnfrlhUltrSrhrifk-1f

] irdllcnstlti ll lif9]I 117 51 ~

Rbnd K all) mc~r 1) 1 1gt1(1$

Iltr~hr f lfn1t una d~ ~lIdarhll -brdtllnttk r L f min l lmiddotb~t wnd IJm)tflm T]n J87) 48 1 gt111 ( rldu l (0 Rfrky lin HI 1 ~lI)lJr I L-d Ihr t iol(IJ mhllt1ltlt

ll I ] hwau middot1 he $lru((lIrr or All elonl~ Il)eltIf ill IIII~~~ Iwl RqgtrQI ~I ltlhnJ ( lt 11111 ( Ih ~ 1Il tl 1(1)(1 I~ 1 37middot

iO- amp ( Il ~n ri Eli C Alldtjam(n

aniltt r nlas Ulul ( I doll 16IbiPpmiddot 8 1-7

51 5lt Wmiddotmr SpQ fouJ liolld Irrudi cli ll ~ iu J) Hwhhr Ii du (lttr C610i1 I l7 PImiddot 5 4middot

~ll(ure 16 Giou nlill (Slt f1) ~ini Chilpdj

5~ - XC IstkUIImiddot Ltt Jill ( 1lt drriJtgt nn the pfOpltn~ ofdc ien It ~nno td t

fkmcll lS de Li tltrrmiddot JlIgt Ill d ~80)

lIi(krlt l p II ~_

M a rmontcls insistence 011 the h igh 1110111(1 11 lt urlomiddott emblems I llnn mtd )t VC as 1Il ltlmpll or the o~jt(lionahl t tToli lIIbkm objcL~ luxqllds Iop inirlll allad w ride de ha-gtsessc sUlh as a pot Oil the fi rt ith Ihe mollo f a m ltOIlsul1ed below ) It i~ tempti ng III im agi ne Irnsl toyin g wi th this

higb mor~1 1 po~il iun by delibera tely making a (Tud pun th e basi~ of til liu First Cmr WordY

T ypica ll y huwevr Ernsls Vi~U 1 1 sou rce rna) lJ ~ (lv(rdcterln ined hy 111 trudi tc textual ~ourn III I f NiL dAlllIIbrr D ichrl ~ Dr Uordeu describes the controlling ccnI tI ()r Ih t ch fir OUl ~n$aliOIl~ L~ a jlld~c who hears caS(~ md pIOIl Oll ll (I~ vc rdirts This jud~( hOHver 111lt1) be e ffeclivdr

deceived b y the (i(llIc( it may expe riL- llct paill ill an lIl1 putalcd limb 11 01(011 ~ays Dr Burdeu ~ou Gill INt t he limits allli decepl ions o f

sensa lion by (ltI rrying lItI I Ihi$ sim pI eXlwrinWll t Otl the judge

o n k tro mpe lu- nd Oll 1(11 1 crui ser dl lLX 11( ()~ doilts run Sill Inutrc lUuch(z un t pclill ooule lt1 il pronnll r(ra qu-iln II df l1x

2 bull i

h gumiddot 17middot l rnSl II Ihl FII (lro l1pd 1 )~3 I t bp (I II ~ L m ltlift))G P

1 1 lri~ OUolAC -110laquo1 ltOOO

In to( context of thi ~ pa rt ieulM di~lullsjon of s(n~ttiol II 1t1 Ni l f d J(lmh

lhe hypolbeli cd Fltudi an melning~ nf E rnsts Ilugcrs and ball in tensify The fea f ( castfa linn II lre is dJ ierl 0 (middotO fl~i (kra lion 01 The npITicHclt of pai n and pkhurr di sltussrd fl y Did r rol and the decept ion orthe senses ~ lldy ra ~

someth ing to d o with j urlgill l Ill( dtcp tiolls of illu ~ion is t 111 with the picru rc itsel f alld (implii t in Ihe Ictltl~ ()1l11ed Ily gtIring wd hnger wit h llie k((middotplio ll ~ ufl ang uagc

Beyond UidcrOl til( fou nd ation fror Emsts rlecplion 0 1 El uan] lnd Pau lh tnmiddot~ a rgumen ts about languagc lay in ( enIt 11 Roma nt ic dcba tcl ltlho ll t till ~rn bol ith is full ex p1l~s i (I1t$S and uni ty or ~ ign and n ferfnt 1S OPp()sd HI the di~~ocia lcd and arl Jilrar y sj gn-gllle la lioll l)fa lllmiddotgol) I Of panicular lifelong intenl tu Ernst (ft the po-ms CS~ t ys tJld a lltgorjC~ o f Novali I II the fi ch lc S tudilu N(lva l i~ httl u Hlsid ered lilt rela tion or

l t 7 fit I H l 1gtlt(lI

5 ~ - Sn HLmmiddot odoro M If Ih I ol Ir (Ihrl n r Io rln Ilhh J l)tb 1 151

~ Umothc JaiuA I(hI~ed me of rn~(f hfdonA bullbullding 0 -11 ~ i~ (k Iter lu

hLlhtlh LclOlc 0 ell 91121- M~ dlkllraquolO(l i~ lI deb loo (0 II~

fC(Illt(r o Kn ) ~r-lu t HtNIl_ nI1 Ioudon 9lj s~

fio hlr S d 110 Stlrjinf rd l1I1 dholln ~ lId K rd Sallnd 2 lIllIlIlr~ n 1)gt5

y QUOIn t 1bullbull Iulil1 Oir Il-gtOtw- KumulIl ~I fI Poe jdcr h Ohrfllt1101nl imiddot b-ftJ IMM bull I~ 1 IjJj11_ 1 lt)OCf p ~06

~1 It_I 5ltlrrif(~~ V 282 U lln hilll prp1K(I h1I Novtlraquomiddot d~ ldk ll i

ixua Irlnllllod ~bull middotIrmiddotI1 I middot rJ dwr Ihm rr lrnrlll (Hgtrlldk ) ~H - ito UBeu PI 0 11 11gt ~MI S(itl~I I V I ~

~ 1 ttl lIml To i Was Ma_~ 1-1 Iudirl h i ll Ia ~H K~I~ P l S c r PI Ip HattltlorHrr

I~nf(n (P(t Tunlu IPlI amp nn K olVI)lJtt AtIhIJIt~ ImJ~nt I _jm (1(In EIxhllll 19031 Karl Ih(f)(lomiddot C d cru ( dritl

HMIlI~NI III Jtbtfl DISn LI n Ll(PlM 1Jf(d 1881 J eanmiddotUaud t rtbs (~ ifipp H sectn Cr ~

tIorll Frnkrun middotrnmiddotMam u Iu 1lI

IqIi l PI V~ -t3 Thrn ~r n 1I ~II i ltI h not 1 p~I1gttul r 1( in TI n oell u1f 0111 8ui chmid d FIIrjI ~I 5 ]nJ J~6rfjnnu 1 lII Di_UfJ(11 Numbl

III~ 1Io11l 6 SI h nJ ( f(tmiddotulll ll middotlulrodOIvu AItl~ry aN HprtUIIlJIIDII

PI) ~l D lan pOIfl~ ou ltlr311~~f)rr 3ltll1 mhlrm bull 11 d iflkuhy (Of ]Jqllf i Iht th (mvh d~r ~ 01 rtp~uu -n C tgtOllt~ nd In 11K rmiddotrr fSltltn~ l h~

Iu Qn I ~Icd middotPutal

bullI ~gtIOfV of PllSlVI IIpry RfIlnIllI_ p ~3)

language to th e th i [l~ il t~p rC~n l gt argli n~ t haL silllc lAng uage n rijinatcrl

l1 finding ~ i lm (or lbSl tae l conccpt~ it i illiterr l11ly nw tlphoriltl md dlceptivcn Fot I(ovali ~ fcprCC nT ll ion is a proce -~ hy which lall~utKC

fig ures (orth somelh ing lhal i ~ itself IUSI I rough tillt ln y 1(1 of being pnstlIh( If for Nova li ~ jlOmiddottry IIl ll lgt1 appro~ld l i~ual li rt ))il rot~il Inu

also zur Kunst werdcn ) ~I ne( rt hclt-~ d ll ~i I) ilwit)bly Idl shor

crea ling an illusiun uf prcsellcC where t he re is n() IH So (I IlC ( an n p n SCIl I onl y i ll ordcr 10 rcprcscmiddotnt Y alld beyuml t hi ~ lei of 1lt_ prcMnting thrrc i~ rIn absolutc ulIlcprtsctH ahk negllid y d tlcrm in ltgtd KlOu nd a conce pt or being that lt1111101 be d(~( l i hltd (111) displMcd im o c han o r darkmss cent Tn Novalis Eru~ 1 wou ld find a his tury fOl J (I lwlhiIlmiddots (ol1lcm po rIIY

argumcnt thnt all ln nguagl inn )ivcs metaphor and millndcr~t lIld ing a nd lil his d tllcriptioll of IIe cia rk nes~ Iha l sl l orc~ lip Ihl )l lOvcrh OlSlTlions Novalis~ theori fs ofl anguage uor nt oul by Pa ulhan ct1ll thC lllsck e 10 Ill

middotprlScll led by ErnST in the en ig-nuic piuolid Innn Lpprnp riltlH to NOlt1i ~ ~

sig n or 8ild

Allh~ Fin- Clear Word Ill a y be lfad in ligh l orlh~I plradmtlt ofbnguagl lild ~emury d ectption I n~ot~ r a ~ EII) is til represen w r n r pn5lnllr CJftlll pic tll re he is til t d tceiHI ho (c l hI eq n I writcs him$(lf intn IIw p ictu re through his pnouious mono~ ram 3 ~ ti l( deceived Sim il (ontig ur lI iuns or balls a nd stri ng llC a cOlIlIlon plac( of SCclllttnth-cent ury

(middottIIule lm )( rhlil l it~ sud l a~ R lJlkll h lgcns l enllOll~ Globe hanging hy A

thread IllrCa ltned by tht di vine k ni ft wilh its mOllo 1 wi ll hc cm 10 pi tccs

fIgure 18 T IlfsC l m blcUla lie modds sel up the ( lIt1 i n~Cltlst ration j oke impliCi t i ll Enm~ plin ting T he mOllo or I llIvorffcrs rebted emblrlll ha l dccei CS us a mu~cs u~ is cunsistent lth t he ide) uf lhe pli n ting iI~

an illustra tion 01 Illr (kctpt ions of thO se nlt-~ and of m imetic picllln-m k i ll~

tsdr ftigure 19)

H ard(irfit- r 01In eccen tric th(o ris t uf the e o lvill Genn a n la n ~ua~(

a nel of uuoque emhlems H iJ visio n 01 middotGrlllairl poticmiddot was illfiuencecl by Ripas rulolugifl Acia w and J atO) C algt l ~lII st ho had studied ph ilu logy an d hld la kcn a ( ou r~( o n the v c r man nomiddotd of the sevenshy

leenth lin d middotijl ltnnl h cel1111ri o l it u nivtfi ly miln I dl have Cllcou nshytered his 1 ()lk 9 I I is a~y til 11 (-l arsdlitflcr a~ it proto-sunca list

throug h Jing-u islit ~arlH ~ ill Wllld ~ amI illll(~ b) p hon ti play and nc c()r tr bi n a lioH ~ Ill hoped 1(1 drw 1)lIt h iddell ret lI1b l a n ce~ bct ccn th ings and CVl U 10 invcnt IIC W Ih ings illulllill ltinl lI lt p ro fo und rdations of I lItgulgt mpound ttoe o rld I he cullelt i gllllc-pla) illK of his C tspradtshyspick fragmcn tcd syllabic and wo rd re(()I nbined b ltliterna li m cun trishybutors to produt( unli)rt (c lI rclt I1 I1 ~ ha~ I)l iUlis afJiui lies w il h surreali~t

potti I practice H aT1gtltlu r rfCIs emblem r ai(~ a ~lmiddotnlmiddotr tI puinl ahou t em blems hile tlln

pro id e Glp tival ing rt)lism cf el ltil tl li is IP l r~ l to ensure Ie~ihilil and ough t to have Ilolhillg 10 do I ith Ihe Jl lt- I ~ lI nmiddot Urlllil1lDis A t Ih( F lnl Galf

Vorn a ~ a piclure a bout S( II~()ry cl ( p tiotl is a n ironir a llegory or ils own t1l IK1Ciri cs (0 rcprcocnt r-I(IIc hrou l- it rIilCgt ltI p roblem of aUIgory whkh Lries It) fu lly npn scnl or pi tun al) t rt( tions llUt I~ hich llIccssa ril rccals

ilS uwn fa ilure lu arw ally brillg lillih ~udl tl lill~s fgt T he da ril ) of the cmbk m sim ul ates tht gra tifJ I lir~ of I n i (J1lsi~ stl1ing up an anxi()u ~ t1t t rshy

naliun btlwctn (knxlillg wh a t i ~ IlH- u lr d eH lr dll1iC(11 dra lng and



I bull



relishing the pleasur UI) pmsibly lIli 11 1lt1 i( tJl E1l11Jk mati~ a1l0w E rn~ 1 shywho 4xprcsscd cQn tcni p l (() I milllClit a rt to negot iate bdwfcn I h~ ~I(tu(~shy

livci ) mimet ic tud ed ifying)y d i agrarnma l ic 6~

As 1 pend ru 10 AI Iht hr~ 1 elfllT kV(lrd til (ol1l g ~ L Q)QI Jl tSCIIf n ) OUIIl

girl 930 -70 (figu re 20) tu - h i1I Ems f IHu a lly added a real glolWmiddot tikc bltlll ul ltlnnil y bcar~ 0111 [he sense of the Rollen hagen l mbll Il ah hough thl di vjllC POWtf to cut i~ now invested in the tollage nist himself (o r rather Is he represents himselfilhin Iht piClUre l~ Lo ploPi The em bleshym a ti c rt lnin d n Iha l rh inbTS U( 1I1titna tcly IUIt of your hands Ihll ( oci hold~

thl ~ci ~sonbull i ~ plnyert upon hy Ernst wi lh da rk i l The introduct ion o f Lo ptop in 1910 as Ern t ~lt rtgo recaJl~ owllis diClUm The 1 1l1 li~1

preselt iLSeJ f as prcsln ting 3 Th i5 cads again to lIlt problem ()f the vict lln asmiddotil1li~i oll [ltU L()plop i ~

lI sultl lly d cscrilx-d imprf~sJli()o )jk( as introducing or p rese1l1ing tbe pic tll OfL r n il is Lop lop ~lC lillg as frl1lw o r easd who prCSCli Is a n iUlIsiomiddot Jli~li( pi clltrt ilhin lltt piUunu5 T he ~ ll hjCtI~ of tll( pi( llIn~ lI il hin the

piCHI onen have weigh t) implicJliuns I rolll1( Ililii grapes by a~sociltltion with Z tuxils gmpes im o kc piolo ri a l illusionism oa k kavcs stan d fo r (C111111 narion) islll a nd RU(k has rl ief M aJgtcilllise sla nds tor F rench nltionltl lshyiim It is as if Ihe sym boJic me ni li lS indicated b) Loplop~ piclu res t re IS i lonkally rcl ri (vaule as the pos~ihi lilics of pino ri 11 iltu~ion and flllln(i~ th they sland for alld ilh wlloh Ihey an Pcs(nt ed TI H the grI I(S a nd 1lCS

2 5 (1 TU lrAHI middot H 1(-

Fillln II ( il)r id R o)knhag~n middotClu han b II hr~d wlih (~ tr ha nd hold g a kn rmiddot ~f(~w 1hIlIIIImiddot I i-him r ~i

fi t - St Th II Kelley Rn~MI

II II(go ] II ~(IIl he If Ih~1 nl(crmst llrgor~ na k middot ldrr r~t(h n I t ~

I h on ~ l llpp1)Vdl) oljlflSCd 10 il r)w mimClibullbull his(01 )

() 2 h r hisect iIIllhn (fOlU (hi

(l hll mele mil ~ 11 arlif t ~

Ma_ fru~l jjiIMJ p I 6J - ~Mlta )iJmik ~ f ~t12 ~ct

~I )ulm P 97 (v r di (m h~

Pilamplg hvll t N(ll$ II a rl h ltlonlt4) ontt I 10( lim or ~m~IJ I1 Y 1IIIliD 11$ iltit (laquolt ~ndjd G ~ ~IJ

mulaquo el 1 rl arsd ltnd laquocu 6 s O middotRticn I lI lh Th pk utc -ithm h pintlr _tnCi as mc~rhor ru t NOali om pI ad pIIaduxinl image I l ie -1l ld h h wdun Ikin~ hll iI~) 1middotU1 ou tsid e j( as n prtlCnt tWIl

~Qligt hnJ ~ p 06 ti) - I plup~ middotad a nd eQpalt$ h~

any ~ial pr~cnlenu C( middotrrllr SIlOlt f~Qp_ rr J i( OIMt Srf LotdwI

Jlil Ik~Q 1 SI)ics I(8middotus l ~c1r ( rrma o-c is MOl Sehind s TII trti~tgt a iOimacd COnllltUl6 ~ilt5(lt rllaquot and ~il5hl-nlzot) fn~nn 0 Nlrru~fI IJaa 80

tisull 9 H lrjr Wshy nj() h Mr~t ~ 1 Itmfr U(pr~(hrIr

1644 (I


r for Jr


ikdy d a$gtltS


(J VUlliJ yenrrfttr~ I Xi In lh~

LltJII()Igtltrics t~ l ~h UlCt Ilw rompt

fMI dlilaquo (f making (hiu ~Jl llCar IU Igt I n nplJ(1 QUI of Ill()lhcr pic of PII r bdud lion which I 1lap ilh (he ambJguIjI Qf ltOt lhin hccomioe middotrl )7 S pound I) VHI Image ar bod Y dt purd aliRl1l11(llt 01 Waltt r Ikllj ~mi lt1 1 Bnlmiddot JDI(1 M8JN~IIl1iI ~ 3

Ilt)ltJI pp ~5 -H20n h~ P r bullbull II1tQl 10 11( cn blrn1 Ilr liK if IC~ t()

I)irn iocapl hle Ihe-Imiddot of middotrnln lmg meaning bullbull liegQ1 i~ 01 ju(

Olhnlll mClonpnic 5hiflil g 01 Wmanl(


art acturl lly pre~sed into thl paper 10 form ~ ha~ lr-lief h ci~hlI1~ lilt joke Oil 1h( power of piClori11 illusio1lism to hring things illlO r(l 1 d inwnsions wi th in tIll fidd o(the r iled mimesis of the ditglam l1la lic larger pi( tu lmiddotmiddot

So Cr llsts pictun may ntmiddot tl kcn 1 a n (mhemlIic prCsentation or Novaliss Bild lunel ioning as a Plfldoxi( d rlj) rc~cn l alion of 11ll fli lurc 10

flill y represc nt dealing wit h thc plOhle rn o f prcsen li l~ a pilI UII a t all and by elltensiOll wil h the )nhcllnt dcnplio ll~ of me La pho] i1lu-iol l and lan guClgc O ften representcd by a dark ell si lhouettcd htnd IS in Ioplop pminlS bullffjiifJ 1931 (fi gu rc 21) Toplop invokes Novl lis f~JlloJs d cscri pshytioll o(thc delusi(n of repr~cntlllg H( gliI-p- ollly a handful ()r d ~llklJcss ((

Loplop a~ i ll1 plcs~ario mtkcs p rescnting ~d l~co l1 c i olls hat is prestmed i ~

ahIs mediated 01 II a rnllOW like Ill( pictures Wi lh1) pic lurts losing

ground III llllIly o r Ernsts p3i nling~ W~ 11( ill the territory of cmblemalic rcprOlclllltHioT1 thost fa ilures and ha zards agaim t hi ch the rnord or motto or the emblem i~ proph~ bClieall) ~c l Ernst makes the cmble mat ic il1l agl a ll emblem orkonograph ic lnca n ill ~ itsclfb7

Tn the (middotolllgc novels ]lIginning with La Femlllt 100 [Flu 1929 Ernst dcvdops the cm blem image illlO an allf~o lka l na rrali( Tf Enhts coll agc T1ocI ~ fU llction or ma lfUllclioli l~ parodics of the pul p nov as cx lcndccl clich e the atrnosphln of popula r IlOVel movi ng- from dimao( to climax is nut (Illy char3neri sl il o f di llhangcr scrit1illd Ii (lioll bUI of high allegoric-

~ ilurr 1Q ~rJUI --QpI~ IW(1IIJ P~lIf $1

11)3)-70 ~ I tl 1 1 C 1 1 -nm middot 0 (1

1~riII-O[)1iC ( IlIn~11 locO

111)_ HI nl [ ~ l Cl middot

ril(UR 21 ~nb l Loplol fgtrr~ll bullrjlirJ 193) raquoI~ 1781 Cl 1( lt f rtI~(AIJA(f

ld SUOkAC ( Ina l ZOQO

(gt11- Ou EI and pu(p fin iou Klt Rltncc

R irlot 1 1I~rI S~JIIJ on flu 11ltgt01 Jkrkdmiddot~ od l(gtmiddotngt1cs ~ P 8

(I li ~ r)hC Olhe r(olla ((n-vcb 10 (tII~ 100 ius lltms 10 f()rl~ ~cu i t i It f J) bn pred i(1ali( ITUucm nf

dJgory thaI IhIt ir is w lhig

~-qutItLil1 and UorrdlJ d~li) irlo )PUlI lhol a 101 s~ j 1 rma ll e Iruun OrUrgurir 1 d middot middot 70 Sec RrlIll I)j kw Idol Dr (fomlr gt~raquoI4S~~ ofFm= ri( i Fi -ltir)l1dr CIIIMlt rw Yk I ondon and O d Od 7r - Ilr hundred h~dlc wumn

pcrgtoniM Ihr protlogt ofnIlt) i II blt n d~ugtltsltJ lrum la~I llt nmiddot I a ~ Old Ikrricln gtI I at OJ~ 1I OllgtII) Ic Ihin lnd b) UI huured 11Ultbl

(ltTduug Slaquo Kon Rund tbi~ oUtIII l SnfUQa flta (Slrnl

-Ill Jcq1 [xrrid I ~ Ihr ~i dr Plmon r PIQImr idd i rUf HiOn

1- 1 1jl3lt) ~5- ~1 a 1 11Ik -bn

laIlt 1111- uf P5UaSI Il 11 n 7 nLllIr Max En_ s CCIl1~ldc A Il

u~dJjJ Ju tzmis Punl of pHtdigmltK- rcmm~ Jail (tcmiddot i duo1lltcJ

j ltoul l e~ d to Ir mYIr~ de IJ Fr nn I (h rlltoum ed ilh Inrily n [J

ru~orlf J~dlnl Ul Ieh IW adl COl middot

iJ drjed in Lr M~IUf ~ (ue biod Il)d by II rah ) mllo)~ a (M from CIen dOn Imiddot ga~m

n j)()gtltt t ( du d I dClaquo1 PllfT

J1( Inl 9~3 I 3 )middot i J 1 mpu lit) is 011( ( I)utf HlT~JIJ ilIU1lruom illmlHffi by t dl~ aKI o lkmm Solaquo rhf 11rllrpIt~ of 1fIIopoilbullbull 1(0)1 ltlt 1 A I (~ bull Lltdo d3middotICl ) I or the hltad leM

m~ ~I nprt nlIVlt of the lI h~voJiud

Mltirirr5(C Ilaydcn hw T hc Ior r Idnc rll f~fJ)lgtfOlmr FHJ n

cJIllIr1 (nWi BahiOI~ 11(1 l aunn

l7ijjP r63 5

ltIS wellG8 The luadks~ OIl1an w ho c rupts iu uiflircn l forms lhrou~hflu l Ia Frllllllr X) tilu could ~ef( as a mnaphor lor Ihe d isru privt relations bel ween metaphor ltlnd th( ~cq ucn tiltt l flow of narrative charaCte ristic ( I llegory The d(vd o]lm(n l~ cnn (inui lY and rcptli li(HlS afTordcd by 1lIJTativc allow hun (0 rCClpil lLlatt S() W ~rea k hi ~ usc of woma n to personify his own Icdllliqlll

The k nmJe nud e had belfl l1l1 lhe prw niscuQu sig nifier par t udtIll( 111 nin clee nlh -nntury $ll nn painling in 1 hifh Ilt t complex it(lltirics and allri shy

hut es of any given 1 l1 cgoricld personifi cat ion WCl( Kro~~ l y sim plifin l a nd s i ~lIalled a nd in which multipl ied numbers (of ha rtm ~la v (s or OJcads) com pensa te fo r loss of indiidual s ignificalion If Ihimiddot ~a loll lIu dc finally scrvf d as a pcr~nn i fi clI ion of a n OcrT rowcltd a nd raquohdioere Sa lon itsdr 7ltgt that cltuase lllent of the aan c mil tra dil ilJll rIK ina ted Erm t as he pl ullder(d ninelecn th-cent ury j ournals a nd salrl11 (pvrl~ fOt his collage ma l( i1 1I y not one hundred headl(lO~ woman instead of onc hundred mrmingk ss oms why nOI om perrcn ly ugly hcadlc ~ Ioman (ICte de mecl us() instead of ti le rut ile Salon bca ut ic_

Tlt tlc is Ill importan t (ll ulcmalic prototype for frns t~ womln a ~ GC f(]

Rauer has notcd I rnst s fcmm e 100 t Ci I~ has a counte rparl ln L a Pcrr i i rc ~

11 T lriil de$ bQNJ en~IIS (rigurl 22 ) IhlUl1 d i~llliss~ this rcscmbk nc( agt fortu itous ImHer il is im portant Ih1I it is the Inl tllnt is c1ost-S1 10 the

Ill(ltlni nls uf Ernst s woman not till image I Pcrlicres femme is iuall y an ad ap tat ion of a lomill onpl acx Horapllll o-dlTivcd hcadle~ ma n

signif)itll( I m )JOssibili t~ presuma hly a 11 aul c~s oman l~ douhly illlpossihlen In L Pcrricrcs prcm lO he is not JJl( rely ]utdless bu r rtther Jik( Ernst s middot te mll1 f hilS I)Ulny i(kn til il~~ IqJrcst ll l(o by many heads silt is compa n d to lh e Chi n1ltl crn Girion p) hnn tll cdusa Cerberu~ and lhat l-llnicular pnmiddotc ur~or of tIl( km nw 100 Ittcs Iht H yd ra Through such proli li-ration or menning sIt( is Ih e mhkJll l i ~L~ dream emblem Lr

Pcrriercs le( nlllcludes tha t ma rc marvellous Ihan all Y of Ihc~t lll ylhic creatures middot vu lrl bt Ull(- fem me sans leu Ihe One figure who cou ld prcSurnshyably em bod y a ll hybr id mean ings in one ~ llcc in (t blll meani ngless fo rm La lclTiCr~ crnhlem may be an allegory of lhe cjlem ma of rht PO(I UIIHl Lnned hy his middot iivll~ hu l need ing 10 be a )H roi( d eca pitator a rer~(lI ~

aluivalc1l1 T hl ngrt l1a ble mora l conclusio n of La Perri eres poem is tha i woman Ilccds a guidc a ra tional hCltld a nl ltln lax pound rllst71

O n one occuion irr IAI FtnllU 100 liles Ernsl himself appearS (fi gure 13 1 III Loplop and the mouse s horoscope M attCrs or desliny fa lc a nd horoscope- are a sta ple ur emblclIl li te rat ure middotf he imge is pan of a n embleshymat ic (radiliv) in vhich caged creatures slam] ror lht ca ptivi lY and sull t ring of tIlt poel or lo (r (fig ure 24)1) Em Sl i~ agen t and nO l ca ptive 01 flt ltc however Ba n-dle~lcd he may be (rt l ra~ rfli hen a~ ltlll odur pcr~nll a uf Ihe multi-valc lll woman he carries the d isGmlrd cinllus of th at stock haraCllr of l lk gOry the haUd resscd woman RUI he holds onto h i~ hal (Ihich unlike the he-ad Ill ay be lakcn on and of 1 ) and thu s retaim for himself Ihe powcrful masculine role of the head Erusl appea ring in persOIl wilhin his tollage 110d signn ls his SWIUS as a ll-controlling novelist or em hleshymatist d lOS(middot c lvnga lcd hand CH n pluck thr- mouse Out of il s ordaiucd palh al a n) tim t Ernsl l$ a llcgorisl should Iw SitultlHd in the trdi liun ofparod ic nuvc isg incl udilg Ka lldais Charles Sorcl J cln -Pa ul R idlter and TIlOlIllS Stcrne whose work relies 0 11 a Jlet0ry to ironi ( it ~ own d tviccs~

hllur~ )~ rouU gt lt 11 Ierricn middot1 _ Fe 0lt ~Iemiddot bb(om xv Lt middotfhIQII( au flu OlU 539middot

7 t t- rr middotm i ~hlllkeuoImiddot(gtr I ~

E ts alP-1m~ ad 10 III unJinn~ Ih t middothltmiddot ~11 ome hmiddot Igill~ o nly in o 1 oj Ihem ~e ltor pmpcrl) nmn~(tcd IIgt Illfi r 1middototls tT j inllny ITrI 5I t 01 SIJ Iijt I-i 1 Ynr I)U

1middot9 i ~ Thmiddot tllmiddotd 111I)Ult if) Iro p O JPC~Il

lciII otld ~rqJlOxIUmiddotlmiddotd in I) middot~(on( ~t j oolgt C~~ middot i ~poliJ t

gtj)(lli lont tmiddotC I 111 (apia I)n1

[mill ) MUftIM~ Alh dt 11((-111

fAmSIrd I 7~ (l Damel Hcin~iul

Q I ~lD 1~J i Jm I-oIo bullt ) fo r lupid (gtIllide h ase Md P C t 1)(1middot Imbl~w tryU 1l~rd~m 6 rmiddotlmulcd Pdmburgh bulln7l) fcr Cil~rrl bini ~e ncr (Inllri ) aud cupid with ( ~cd ~uinrl 70 T ho $(lrnHmhurv au C hr[ So middotI JlhT rparodir novel a nd IIlkgori(O ( h anw rl ttlnIHomaM)

ealled iIllOIltSlion mi(Ic rda liou pc bnl(lIagc and III(Ialhor Sorer IA llalJM df ] i1Jbullbull d rih inl( illtolI (IU~1

~ ~ hltgt~d nn peI middotrh gl1_ rhlemiddot Jta~middotlIIg lt1 word altgtCUo ns loped J) hc PUWK middot~u du nall iJ a JrcLuIXlT r rnmiddot i~ ileJ[laquoIU311Dt~s 5lt ( hI M rd u II ~ 1f(J n1~ (Pn_ (pI rcpri lro Cmiddotneva I In) I II calte oflh coU~ lt rImmiddote1i trn auhial IU-altAO Pli middotuJarly ho hOj( mlhlt (crmA n KumlIi J~- lJul Ridner middotbose H)15 ltt Imiddot) hd raquoPlltkd I nnch IlIor41)middot all(nlion ~d Ih adlDlI-llluU o(j (l ll Ia l h ~ and Atdtt ISr~lt)n middotIltmiddot wen 11 Y lr1nd lrlIlt I io lfj~ ln-I HI Kichllr$ nmlk a lllorio rI narruvlts I U ( muhIImiddot l oice IUd idrmiu(l SU)tgjOgtjl

Jm~(1 I(dnn lues Ihe T j l aIS lisr of nI I~ImiddotrJ1 puion of his nilId I$n

ort o(lXlI EI ~ 111lt he r1l lo h-ough Ihe quouditn _orld in JAIrun(

1M IbN ~~ t altga rtl H ale II ~f

Olxron SdiOQlj Afi1)ullu 1)~ 1nil 91) and Claulk jich i I middotmJ~ lit 71~-I fJJJ1 (~ J(IIU l~ MIjalllUt llnt 1963

I ~urc 3 M~ ~ rnst middot[plol 1 ii(

uy hor)s(ol In 0 1(1lt lila

9~9 SI1 1st II rlduL~t Igty ponniion [r I~I (II I n T oronto Rampn-oce Lbr~ry

17 Osk P(lltak lkr hcmige ud I Ioliphilw Ir~ J ldK 1 tA(rifll~ UlIll A KvI~m~b(

191111431 Ii for h~ Qfih lok hUllIuand Irlnlt[1gt HI(lIMlultin Pp~tl cd Gm P U md LUCla A

Cil)pom (Idu ~I fl - Lrw ~lIfsk) r~frrnl o Rtlla~nCt Nlt)middotpl aJJojonn~

xt ufpopular ga m ltco mparabk 10 vulgn plmiddotd n I~j middotNllatomc ilocltb III ~kgtr~c( ud Norh I al) Ul Sl~d It 1(middottI~l i lew York 972) p 1 1) i~ 1 I 1)QoinofdlSlllcIllOcrtlt in

he I[TIlI mtd~ 1 er(l~ lll1cgo~ I RUI~ JlnlJJ( i~ p l lrll l~rJ r r(Ie 10 rn( mltlll(j in 111 1middot( IIlI) lil() 110 ( Ihe tMLion of~~Irn wel of N~ro dlrnwwcJiinli oflus md i I h )

iod)e he ocau t ~ Qf hcr lionl iU od nrnliltrsmiddot and lu JltO lo( It(f lone he wa concelvcd are ofpITlkuLu i l~ $

nplt(illl~ sitlclt lhry fill fn lt1 ~ b~l~ dWUI ntmmg lid ]altuale s Uvid f

1luI 1 Sr lt1 (l i l1lcmbtrmcfll bo-hlrd On8 lUI dl Romoon or d~ RQII( III RtUtiulIamp lIteR all rk 14 ~ I ~I l ffl(ll( RIIon ~I i rw] d ja II UOI IhiJadclphlltl (992 ) Pl

30 0 jlllnn tQlran ltk M cu ~ k NIn I fa ~ rm Illjo to 970 $tt

II tIf M Arde ll 1 h( Wfllan d I~ (1I 1e

~ Iw wIlJ IJlblQgrap~~ (N~ i and 110 111(93)

Ik Clo rillunc Hclt cl I wny ltImiddotn ud kit I I a~ KInr ~ rbull pJra bull 01 lor lum~ all gklt amI r~rman I (Ik mi IIulltlin 74 1lt)921 pp II I gt

Er ns ts prpuhioll of die r mb1em illlage inlo I 11lt1r rnivl seque nce (an al~ l

be si1u3led in niltlI io n I() Ihe illuSlri1cd Renaissance alkgory hieh ~ ltlS an lInpo nan t SOll r( li)r all sli bsequen l crnl1cm atisLS Colo II Tl i HYJllrtOlfmlfldljn

Poliphilii7 I t I)tsin witll a d r() 111 alltl i ll middotu l v (~ endkss nCliphtr lll(n l o f environm ents a nd obj((ls th ilt rc~onall throughout EIIlSI 1 0Uale Ilods d lboraldy symholic gardcm IIl WluC r ums h icrgl~ ph s 1 st atile or 1n d~pha nt Ill th it incidC llt5 (Perscus bchead ing of Innt htr 1(1I1 n1lt Slt1n ~

[C tc yled us ) ltlil t lhe tr i u rnph ~ of va rious gods li nd ll1coulH cr~ wil h fcma le pcrsonifiC4l io ns such ltIS Iht middotfi lmiddot lgtCIlSIS ofd wlTI E rll ~ L s 1i]1lnw 100 [ClcS IS A porli liant Cl U pcrsli fiettion Colonnas n )d g llmorizccl

lHroiciztd ll1d narralivized int t lp rt lal iull knd i n~ il ~ Ilr 1 g-lttmcs of m ea nings like v illga r pS~fhoa nalys is If [ rlisl realkgorits till tlIlda rd allcgorYil~-ltl n I1 Il then he dut~ so in way~ lha t preclude HI high mora l or iludlcctua l positions n (sting thc psychomarhia with lttil C)Imiddot 10 p~ychomiddot ltt l ml) q s tu rn ing Ihl Stnsua l cneha nt Hwnts ot snluctivc ~cI4 p i( middot(lS to qtlcasil UIIIla lizcd violcllt ltlud sexual d tSires I il lra r surreali sm IBre(on lIdia

Aragon s PIY5(1II dr Puns) could rel y un the sca AoJd i n~ and d evin s of allegoric - t he d ream vi~ion ) th l peri pau t ic li n o mo in~ 1hroug h a Lil y of m ysterio us (lbjCClS 1l101lum~II IS a nd (I)couiliers I hl~ W I)I11 lt11 1 uf Ill u ta bk idenlilY references 10 OIIHr works of arl and lillfa tlll t nd Soon t rnsa also d eploys the devlrc-s of literary a nd pk lOria l allegury dndging 1I 0 t only emblem bouks but ahl) die g rea t lite rary dkg(lric~ liorn tlw RomfI fir n (0)(

to Colunna to Novcli s lIlcl jieltkl

C hristia ne fi end in lro r key st ud ) ofmodlit lisl a lkgory has argUId thaI Err1~t relinq ui$ h (~ hi s a u tho ria l a ut hori lY in 111 F rllllllt J ()() l i l( allowing hi~

1111lgCS a rad ica l inck ptmiddotnclcnnmiddotp II cUl lld 1( arlued r Ol1v I-dy Ihlt

EflIH pa rod y fu netion~ in a n opposil(middot ay tha i Ir i~ wrc nching or imilL~ oul of l ll tmiddotir Mig- inal 1 )lI tex l ~ i~ a n 1gt 111 iw ill asserting ah~olutc and arbitra l) cuntrol OIr Ih( mh rial Ernst s images Id ) 011 re11l na nl ~ ofl hci

r igi lIa l Ill lltllli ns and los t tQllVCll ional contegt llgt ill hich I he) er( meant

tJen E ADEM c AN TI L NA ~--~--------------T~ ~~

to hi ( lcdihh il luslmt i)M vI S( ll tiic d evt l oprne nL~ na tural phcllomclla lr ltg- il t ric k ~ or rq)l( )(ll((i()f ~ IJf wrh Ifart l a lld lhis al o nce aJlo l~ his (1 11 man ings 10 SCIlll irraLio li a l and lilcral cd a ll d 11 the ~am c limc 10 be c lI npktdy su hjugald U) lht ve ry lI ovell) a nd allom a ly of thcrr tnvironshynlt ll l 1111 a~e lnl )l cd tiag llH l lts o f Ernsts cullages a lT n~ idual evidloCe of tl w Iulhor ily tu UIt Hilli CIII m Clo ll YJlJic pow(J or lite and dealh

arg lla bly IllI very I ppl)~ i t e ufCUI Li l ig loo~e or sellin g liTe

I n his 1l illaI Ilm II~ Enl L l o 1ll111i t lt synLacli cal rape tiXl uctlllg Y()Illll

fru m ti ll eO lltc 1 ()( ~I I joulll als Il K) il ion rt pn~ in whidr 511( represhy

l1t(O popu lar p a int iJlgs cflg ravltl ( r nJa~s a udiences I n I ll s u r k sh e

may 1 1llhOirl y mct unymic hssi pl i (l ll~ or II H ull ing hut ~It ~middot al so rCjJfCSClIb

E tn~ l s own lonir 10111 1 tn CUI and asipn rk~ a h it p in l piaYIT lilCI lIy a ppea ri ng ill hibH WI mi g h l also ~ lJ Spcc l Erns l of viciously

i te ra ling nin( lcclllh-nIl LUry lh eor ies r Ih e cmpall ric ~yOllJ 1 lt1 ~ lhe ( 1111)l)lliIrwl1l or our OWII pir yif1 lllrcqJl i ns J I u ~t~ his all tgtgory of sigm r1i ~od lItd from pir y~kal rdrll l ~ prClieiy as a fi eld in whi c h to dj~ru pshy

tivd ) i lllt rjtcl th l OCtasifHlal irY PlCIilicaUy d(plo yed rull ~ym bol with iL~ supposed ltlli lY illl i L~ rciirenl c jJre~ell tcJ by the 1)(J(h of l he Ilom an 1n the eli (k~ Ch a nTS chap lc r a l thl e nd Ill Url~ Smwiu de lfm f a fi gulc flmini s(nt or Fortuna noats ill Ihe air gTad ua lly li-cc ing

h (r~(lrorlllr a llrihulls ()f whcci Ild ~ i l (fig un 1) 11 t lihCra li ol1 Sill ce Fort un a luore It tuall ) hfCOnHS hrr wh(ei mi nl1ll il by htT l1nlr ed bac k ltIS an h Yllleric and l lso be(on H~ h cr sail hlo wn throug h lhc ~k y her

It rib utes cOIl in ue to be co nSl raining Ind pn middotMmiddotlIt a bsorbed ililu her bud y and gestu res sugg(q illg tht am hig uolls 1l lIratiom a nUrd (] 10

oma n by Max Ernst8t E IIISIS USf or h is maltri11 r(li~ o n Ihe inhc rl1I1 bililY or ollhgory l(o

rtal k go liltmiddot T radit iona ll y rlallcgo riwl ioll ltrllnnl a profan t I(x t or till past 10 h( as assimi la ted in w a n acccp lt hlc y~tlm f moral va JUIs (Vi rg il s

FSllIr( ~4 DlIIid Il cU$ius Emblrm(1Q liqoIAM I lKkn 161 5_

8 _ s~ Ili k Rot R iAamp Rm(

~d lhr jd I~Q~ ()PfigtiL ICbrid and Nrw Yrk 1991-deg flt -lt middotmiQlif - Iha l Inko 2 olll1Q f)f on_ B ~ h lth Rampk]o nxcnl

lUal of Wafbuf(t Iho l1h l in Irrm

01 th ROmMlIl( ymLgtoI unil) f ud dcrem 1 I OPpogtlti IO lI~ry

( hrpertI_~ ~~crnn f ltI s diS300C ialed fro I nfrro1 I i Rob- ~h(fempl l h lrmiddotplio)J Iheon pmiddotI) U lelkI1 pn~uen apphnl tk 1ltgt ~msl tSpltcirJI ) in I ~s pogtr

t uitwc1 Ihron ltl _ Iuh w R l loy rum symbol 10 Ilkfurv Ahr WH) i~

I r- hi Rd I~ 9971 pp ~ 6 R - [hr R iL [[ ul n has ro n Iholt u l

I hru~Ir iuI O) the unk o n wh re laquogtn~ ol Ir~cdm Pfnar p_ ~ 1I1

B I S~( Thn 11 Kclk~ Rmnwtlme Hlqo for tillt applicll ble ~ of In t allctUlxal wun lorn (e ee aUraCUOl) d ll r lnla$ 11 ltI- illual suctched l ~ lI l i Ihi [K w1ir

ltlc 1(o ~dukd from lClion and hj~llt) ry

bu sgt( f)1 g Ihe n -rgt d s he

cmand p Sr Th~ro i 1 or~1 1ltl io of witel )-r tr r lt~ltoI 1gt 1 mln m~y 1- takc -lt lIl rlaphO)f Ruolnlr E Kun1i S rrooti d I js(~ and R o l~rl llolI - n ~prknjo(

illo fo-k-J t] air ltli_ r II

fmiddotm lc (lITe) i SHlrJm and 11 010lt1 II A tw~ Rdolf t Kucn7li and Gwe Ra l~rt ICambllJgc l1i I99I) PPmiddotJt alld S T Imiddot lo ockiu Em ilS or ~ oflC n Ii mCIgttIraquoHgt1 dqI)eJ In ~ h a w~r Ihl 11 CIOI li meu Ulcrlgthunc~ Jly In 1- Riu d~~r

(MIIft~ q~1 lIOuilil ~w Carmd nr Imjlt Igtarod egt t~lcX fatlo~ ~al

jgtuu lJ rtut I(rl) IJ t 1ra 8 Ihemiddot Ie ~IgtIi OIl y 1 t ~atnlt11 1lISt llIil le Scl~h) snd amud ~kinl lt hTifingl) lilltrd I Iht~ ill IH rroh meal fur lo~ l i~ lone rol1 ~middot

l~diqlJr$ mlldr 1111) Hr)(tT) I

r~rn(rl i 1ltgt Ihe hwwir jlgt]al~ el~ hcll

il1lh( l1ltrvrl

(1 IS 1IX lrngtl 1 SmIltllN d amp 193i 0 Max Erllsl 1iI)AGP Van S()DRiC ( Monlrc~l ) 2f)(l(1

l )n IIC Ilupon Of Ih allraf R~~ru 11 (1 I 1$I~ Lolhu I -hr I J~ middotIn Rp jhd bd 11hII hI p HI

Fourh RetI a~ II I( milling of Chris l O vid l l-lrfall(Irphorrr lllorali7cd In

lmJOlIls such h J Hoh CI~ the trials of the lo ver could lJe rca 1go ricd a~ Clll hlnll~ of Chri sia n ~ u(fe ring ltInc co nrilltll cc Ernst reverses tlw prol(~S

dc- morali - ng a llegories In 7 110 dlidren 1IIII1fI(ld ~I (j 1I~lthtillg(h (fig ure zfi ) Frnst lak es U middotidilI1 IIIc(lrlJorphi rape (G anIlH-ci (S ta ~lc Phi lo mcl as

nighting-uk) oul of its repose in spirit ua lizing me taph or as ill (k Kellnincks landscape in h( Wallraf Rir-ha rtz M useu m i ll Cologn( (figure J7 ) ()j emulems sl ch as Hat1idorlhr s in which lit ra pe of Ganymede is rfJllcgoried as the sou ls I ~CIIH lo Cod ( figure 28 )83 Ernst rc t urTl~ Ihnr lo d leir Tl)n l ~ ill ~cx ual viok IlC( hi (h in tu rn S[ ltlnd~ ror the revcnibk hltrU a mi a mbiguous g-round underpinning the provtrh t ln bl cm or allegory

Equally td ling is Enl~ts d ia~rammui( ada platio n or h(rme lic emh lemata in O this mIll rIIIlI kll )w rlO lh lllg 1924 ) I II the paintillg ami II

tIle pl)cm w ri tte n on thl had (a parudy of Ihe oJllo()gical ~ylllhII S Il I I

fi~u r~ 26 Ernl I fUtJ1 mnlilwi ~ II

lllhlmCiJl 191 1 S(1 66I C 1 - r 1 D (t risI ~OI)KC J vumiddot~l l j


th e Hmrfll fd Table of H crrn(~ Trisrn egistu s) Ermt reallt~orlZ(middot ~ the hermetic ~ym bulis ll1 of the nlilrual lini li7atioll of d ivine and cit rddy IS a Freudian middotprinwl scene of gigantic li m b~ and scmiddotx ual pa rtgt Both pa imi ng md puem become rcpr(sntltHion ~ oC the unfu lfill ed n vi ~nging of a n such thing In Ernq s vcrsion the Oedipal a nd Ihe gnolt1l ic an oronc frustratccl substance ltlnd (be power oftbe allegories of h enl1tticism ltIhbaiisrn and aklHmy lies in perpetual d ef( lrd of the d tsircd gol J tl6 Ernst ~ emblem fllnc tioll s more

b roadly illi a scq gtt icai fi gu ration of tht a bil it y of images lO represen t hal IS envi $ioncd or desired in dicating Ihal a ll $lI h em blems ct n only he a sun0 fH l flIT hatt middotcr one an t ~ to know attl in o r rcprcsen Lft7

OJ (Ids 111m sllall kn)1L Mlhing a lso ~ ig na l s its own iconogn lJ)hic history especially tts allu sion to Caspar David Fricdr(h middot$ clllblem tie CrOJS ill Ih

Iounltlills a key work in Grman Roma ntit- dc hIIltg about Iht rela tive fok~ of llIegory and Iandscapc III Erns t as a rl ild er of C ( fman Romil Tlli t~ i~ ltl

would re U 1Il 10 these wpie in his la ndsca pe pai nLings aga in and again Crr)JI ill 111 t1ollll oinf is a lso shadowed by a t( Xl n passage from Ludwig T icck 5 allcgorital novel Fran SI-illbaMr 11middot(lIULmmgrll (J i 98 ) Jnom

26(j ) middot1 ~BImiddot rH ) T I d 1

60 I 1m c (lislt uW(1 Iht twn l1 t timiddot itl~gcry at t~ ngl h ill M~lt Emi l middotI ht 1IJdw(UtI1iJliI

SnllrJ 11 a i - l OCIshy87 Uml middotn o Ero diilltu~ 1he rdu iolll I)( twu h~rn 1l l k svrn lgtol- 1Il in which middotevcry middot~pr ion is a (nignlll hal middotk runlwt ~mgma middot and ~Jr n cconltlructimiddote ~nlys3 as in lini l~

defendJ in middot(n limited scmi III d rili in T ht Ib oJ hllffpWalio Ill n -I--j

fI8 smiddot cJ(m~ (l h W ocn rn ~I( Jaru F~d nnd It ~b1J ~f I muigat ~cw U and Lvndon 1 99lt)~ Karin V()n ~llo lJr ntel thO rrl ll nf (~$7 In 1M -WOIIIIIgt 10 Ern middot lUUlI1 OmJ~(Ilt1 III middotMao b ns l a Rvmlll1ic~m middot M n Enul A Rtl~pnl~ ~ I Werner Spict l t omlo 199 1)

I II~ ~7 K d~ K cunn~k Iuhf rvtJh IM~Io~ fj lt-1IJVdt r gtn leI

dllrf Kgt(hHIZ I ~ l

8iJ bull 1gtlt I g T irk Fwn~ SlmNt11b

11 middotJn~(n Hmt ~ lldIcAt (mll1~hlt

~I lj(h gt)6I ~ p gtgII

J) ~ee 11 0 ~bn lagtlt I Allqlr)

oflrlllll$iol)middot PI 6- 7r lhr dhl1 l1lt IK hr omlll~1 d(h nlll(11 (III ud h ~

ltill u~Jui ncall y I ~nd lor thillgt IcJ rly 1rs ign~II ~lId Impic ddinlun ul rourrlS luch as li lliemiddot h I(ll no h hI l (~ Ii lt mcill ~ tur middotC)middot ll la IIllt-SIKn a (1(11011bullbull 1 H turn jn I(raquolt ru lUI lTnp ~~i 1g ~1 I r

roukl hi ~r~lJ od tlbull ( Ihi Ik nrngt i~ made lllcmllll UKOf)~ Fr ~cl7rh c r) hMd lU lOll ~ Il ili K r nger through $1(middot togt tI ohjrl i( lria 10 judiCII

91 - GltQ rl 6atai llt Solr a ll~middot Fis rif fXt~s SI_rlJ I Im~~ P7 t)39lli

113 $Iodd Minapo l ~Jl lp XIV

1 lt1 6 12 ioIar ~nu p IJ Halaillits 1Qcom )Ir rollinS (m Ih bullrf r lw ~Ml h [ ~ [ I llt imal(vfltouinuous mC l~lor]lh mal p l y i1a d l5ori llJOII lOr tllti M the locornoriH r ltI hl$l)ry lt]uOI(d in aUT

III-rljolmirgt (r SdiJ 1 rlrHn-1 n- I irl 1974 p 1 ~3

illcidcn t the youn g a rtisl F ra il i~ st ru ck by a pa iming llr a l be scc~ in a hn lll it lUll a IlOCIlIIIMI lan dstltl pc ill wh ich a cr ucifix Ull a hiJl i ~ illll m ishy

na llti by IltI ) S o f moonlight The he rm it ex plains Ihat tilt crucifi is a po inte FingcI7cig ) to Ilw ~pjri lu d wurld beyond the faJ lc n world of lla tu n T o Franr ~ o bse na lioll O ne cou ld ca ll th i IMint ing an a lkgor)

the IIn ln il answers All an is JIlt-go rict IIoJ

T IH middotFingcrJeig iI) Ixpbli necl by th e h~rrn it to F ranz S lt rnbald point s not o nly to Iht spiri tlla l but also 10 thlmiddot pr (~cllce of J ll egor~ iblf As a li ter indlx a sho wi ng ha nd o r jJ ~ i l1ting fi n~cr tht Fingerrig i ~ a ~ tJplf

or i Ihlems II is Oimi larly In ade li ter1i b) -l a x E rn)1 t du slig ma tied ha ncl f1 oatin~ in f r OTH of th e lt ruci fi xiOthl~ middot prinM I ~NtJ I Herc it indicates linmiddotth er bu t not Im llscc ndCIH [l)callings90 In E r ll st s painti ng lh t ROlllit lll ics cruci fi x lS alkgori la l poin hr to a hig her nal rn sim ilarly

i tl n l c~ a landscape of d a rk Illowltai ns a nd il eawnly fil ) S IHl I fur the

COltj UIl Cl ivlI o f redemp ti ve c ru cifix a nd ill urnin at iug SUUS(t in Fricclricbmiddots pa inting o r truci ft x and moonlil-h t in Tillkmiddot O novel Ern$[ dark ly ~J bs l it uLes

copulat ing limbs and the bloc ked rays o f a IUllar refipSt Ermls lmiddott nblema tic painting alt Frifeirich s had don ra i se~ p r0 1Jicms or

cnTlIl lllporar) a lkgory When G lf)rges Aatai ll e- turned tn alr-IItm ica l )slIllllng in 192 7 he did so in I( rm~ that almamp t com icH) m im i Ernst s d csul Itmiddot c lltra ilmiddotfilled landscapt 1111 earth middotcovtrtd wi th vuk anOIs hich SltJoT a~ iLs a n us is driven in iL~ rota tion by lhe male ~ha rt ]l tlttraling 1 1 11~

laquomiddotma l- alllJ a lmost t lIl irely (merg ing ill o rder 10 ree n tcr like Ih( piston~ of ~ 100o mo ivl

JI i~ the 1Ilf(ha nical Oll ll)il ltion n(] t ll morm t inn~ of thes mOtmcn t ~ Ihat th~ ak htmists soll~h t 1 I hI philosoJlJ t ~ ~IU Ilt ~

This nWfhJlist jlmiddot cop ulatiu 11 hudcsqu e~ t he vmiddotn ji) UIIl1n ioli o f allegory th e

ltlnagogir 11 wrh of r() rrcsponden(c~ and rtmiddotst ]tlbl a nct~ lIlt middotcopula that li~

one thi ng- 10 a noth n ill lang ua te all Cl witt g ) 11 thin) to be visibly co nnCfted Ha lai lk s a llcgvrical luvers will mve r fi nd ilnythi ng but parrxlic i magc~ l11d Ih ey will [ Il l asieltp l ~ empty a ~ mirrun Wh en En tail k

fu rther GlUs lically mcdita ted Oil the gno~ tic roo ts Llj Hegel ia n ism in Ll)ll~

ma teria li smt c t Ie g nllst ( 1930) p ropus in g a k~ l abili ing hcadl es~


a J1q~ory tha i would elimuatt aJl h ilTardlic11 ~ ~ t C IllS of rdtn lllc indud ing ~implistic rcv( lltals or blst ll ld idea l o r CXq-lt1l 111 llt1 1 lnrl ltlcrUllcn lll he wa addrtR~jng is)llc$ irnpJiL it in Of Ihis men lInll knOll IWlllillf 91 H ()wcvcr heelIlsl Erns l middot ~ all egory ( nds to Ill p a ll)l it i( depcnds on just ~ll (h illvcrshy

~j ()m ilnd reve rsals of hig1 and low Old is a t a re mov from Btl taillcs infla111ll1110ry ()I)f ll-f llded hd lltaded en terprise

E nHl$ im ages a re often d riven by this undermining of thcir (IW ll sourn-s of lJowc r fcp lescnliug hotb II((i r own ~ la luS a nd i1lSIlfjicilIHy OrtCll they

assu me tht appearallce of (lnhkrlls wh ich as concieusetf o r short lr and ig ll ~ of aUTho rit y ~a n c ti fi ~d by t rld ilion art disrupted hy Ewstmiddot~ illtruio n of thc n ltllll r 1 LIld ~e)( u t l rhc n dllcti t middoti~ua l 11I11ouage or cmhlcms lcnd~ t o ltlrd hrogaliun 111(1 fimiddotag11lClltlliun Ih ich LntSl n alu raJiz~s likening Ihe Sllll1X of fj middotrgnWlll3 Iioll 10 (lperatjoT1~ (lil lbe hod y lt bull rile tru ncalLu pa riS a Ird Ii 1111 ~~ or Of IhiJ lien shall know Iohing arg uauly J u clc 10 th t ~ceri ng lIId te lldt n liou~

reconstruniom of tht e mhknjs [anllJage o r aut hori ty a rClruc luring of Ihc

sy mknloche lim hs a lrcldy prnelH in v i ~l1 emblems Througbout his canlt r Ems would dltriV( double prestige flOlll disrupting lhe COJlv(middotnlions of hOl h a rl a nd li tcrJ fl1l middotf iro lliing his au thoriaJ role as bot h a rlis and poel Emblelll s a rC1 ft lilc ground fur ~uch opT3tions k ndi ll g tlwm~clvu 0 ditorshylil)m or he reci prxa lIldi(a tion s or eX T lIld image which anmiddot Ihe STarling

point nfalJ tgory

Ac kn o wled gement

S l l i(j ll~ of thilt papa H r( pncn l(d a~ Ielt tlJT(~ iI conjullclinn il l Max Em~I

rc ll1(nary ehiiJninm Ihe RnlJ ncl 1(nr()X Memorial JccUrc U Il l T a(middot ( )11)

(1(11 middotmff A Ul IrIJJf(ct ll ItJ91 -J) lI lId II M 01 i (Ilal pound7110 O(lff( 11111 Ihr Duwn oj

hguw middot 11lt~ ~ 111lgtltlorHr hnwltim ltr (10( lOH 9

ll G~1 1 1~ l k 9Jo 1Iy tnillcril ilm 01 11l()oSn bullbull n uollgt ~f fj(w ll 11 52 amp0- M l=nmiddot w middotn I rltult~ ~ rKumrnt d ~ 1 ~ her IkuJamin a~ flll~ (ltI by II~Ilt ml II ~nljsL in rn 8 to auK 1 1~middot ul~r l an L~n ur Silllplilll ~I bat ~ J Ilrl~1U

rell t huugh r he dmiddotIIrymclll of d~lthi IiLinl( pmiddot(hootvtic laquogto ep tgt url ~ s Ielcnnimmo tm r1m~crltt ~m gteJmlt IImntllw I l middot~fI Rll1Ifl1l twlllv Imis ~f )m(alUl lin(I~I illrrkdtmiddoty u An~lc

M IAlodlt 91l 11)) U[ i -l lt)1 - I lt-nd ubstmiddotmiddotmiddot- rht Ire rn~l i u Ul uf Illor lt1 Fm~ (J Ii i fnuc lr Crlt Ihl1 t ho- lifl ugtd rmiddot]m of poundrnsl middot~

lIuc nod ilmhil(1)omh g(ndcrltl h gtvlnL ~ n rh mo (h hypcrholic

Dio cjOCulH1o11 orsl) rl-d~n jm1tf(cry1gt il dO(lt i lli fmltle ~aC11l nr [[00lt1 orgmiddotoonldltG1IHllion al 11 0( Immigt ufth aULhOl tlgt hi~ E rol$L is aJlj~1 llIh GltltX B tll lltmiddot hnnlcnz ~u nf llcg) 11gt1$(111 (~I L ory 111-1 111 in middotSoI ant S l ~r fter u ~1Jtn in capl1on i ndirat~

oJ ddo-nce I n nn SPIf (lIKI

r nn1h~r nd sigi ~ L k Ma~ middotrn1 O~f IllOJ ob middotCologne 9i)- ) in uch fll nh(r ifnrm~lin ( laquo(mns I r ~lO ( C ~d locatiOIl may bc tu

il(ure 29 Em1 OJ I middotun shall (Mil

-h~~ 9 f SLl 63middot C 1 Ernni I IJtI 11uJSODRAC (MlHHrc~j l


S1Irrwlism 9lt)3 ) J 11m gl~Hdn l for lho ltc o pport uui l itl 10 (Olls ider Erns to l roCesso r

CI i~ toll wr Crn middotlI ImfCi J oh n Gl)ldi uS Prorr~Ylr Willillll Cmfi~kl and the

11 011 Fod a tio 10 11middoti r va middot i)l1 ~ lt1 g middotn n)lCgt d vicc I 11olIIk Sllzar rl c Ak bari

r l d~(f l)cre nhI Joyn GOKl(i n E rhan Jd l Kavalc lmiddot and M E Vnr lic k

Page 6: Only Half Saying It Ernst SCAN

srepping in as yet anOlh er St 1 of sui)sti l l1 tc 1 llfhol ill thc emblem s progres fnm l high a n and li nralul( to )Jop ular a lma mlc ri l-king up a nd modi ing cxisling ma reril Excc pt or CO U1St Ihat their own oo lampric t crcLse capil) lil(~ 0 11 the em blem s inlllIen ual complex if its me JlfTl trl sions i ll a complex

parodgt or l he Ri naigtSann lum alliSl (nle rrri t Thei r in terest in emlgtlcm is associaltd with Ml aHenlion to a middotarie t) ofs(middot1

comm unicative fo rms tht cOIl(ClI traled prflYllI1 a nd L1 lc struct urll il y complex novel Ernst txperimenls with mlking- h i~ images emblt rmll ie corTfponcls to h is con umpora rie~ wo rk will i he re d )middot m adc ex p re s$ion ~ lu be foulld in la ng uage espttia ll y Flua rd a nd Dfsnnss mU la r iow 0 1 prOmiddot~rbs

Wh ile tm bklm are initi ally viMw ll y m ysteriolls and Ilu sive they ultimately Il ~1 llle tIphor 10 assrrt the (olk e livt (ommOtHcns ic tl prll dcllL a nd rukshyboulld The VtTy rld uplicalio n of ~Ct inlages aud related a rin t HXIS

emphasi7es lhe ()flllu la ic underpinning Ihe p(wlic DcslHgtS a nd Eluanl ~ ll1Jlgttil ut t and sh ift verus aud nouns wlthi Ih prove rbs [Jrmul aic syntax li ke 1 iclzsc hca n nann y wltr n an egg break~ e~b its betause it docsnmiddott li ke o mde ll cS Elultl rds a nd D(sno~ s fi)rct(1 in congruiti es do no t sim ply p a rody provcrhlt sLcrcolpirI [ sh a l()wn es~ o rcontlIl I hu t Ibo sound poctic

possihil i ties in the pmiddotowrbs ~ I ruc t ure reltotlal ing wil h i t~ o wn history o f vltlria ll IS E rnst equally mani pulal lgt thlt tmhkm s rtpacit) to co nvey de Jlse lllean il1gt ami pl a ys l hi~ agunst t h e cliche aspccts I)f its conven tional p roverhial meanings

T hl mixture of stlbv ( I~ ion 1Ilt authori ty in pro nbs had occtlpiro the lillg uist jltn Palllh ll Whl was dosd y assoc ia ted ilh Elu a rd al the li me or

f ntsts rri val in Par i ~ In hi~ ) 9 13 tbesiq o n MaJ~aclH iJrover bs la ulhln had dtscr ihed the Itn-ful IS will as the hahitu11 nature 1)l t llc p romiddoterb their lsstniJIls of SIlhility and shared assumplirlls ~ I IPPOS( a darkn ~r()lInd on whith language i ~ potent wtll n mClamorpholti~ ~llttld rca ll y occu r Pall lhaJl ask~ W ha l Iou ld replac( the proc rb and n~Hr~ (lilly tha~ a nd em ptillS~ Thi~ an- )fl) o r tIIllJig uil y u nlti trpinn illg th prm(rh~ I S~lmjlshy

lion of ullil~ a nd uniformit y is also fundamental to e lllh kII I ~ and m ay be plll mhcd ill Em sts work The e mhlem is o nl y (kar in rdaliu li 10 i ~ mu

in ili alobscurit y E rll~l~ collage lo r thl polm Rcvcil ollici el d u se ri n from Ahdh~Hf I tin

immorltlr (figu rc 5) lcs(fIIh l~ t colt ve nriolla l em bk m of p ruvlTiJi tl

prude nce a lld ~to i (ism The caged b ird is an Imblemli ((lItlrllonplace a ile h a~ 10 do il h philo~oph ic ltt l resig nuiun to on cs iOI o r in iove e mhle ms ilh hcing rapt ive in [he prison o f love (figure 6 ) E rn st did acknowledge

Ih e image of the b ird ltIS h i$ fa vo ri te cm blCm o ffering litis va riant 101 ElIt v~ u( Cq Jctn blcmc d (~ H INIItl oagcSi T he caged bird fo n cd [0 sin in a pt i t ~ may a lso sta nd for 11)( poCt~5 In the fi rst FrCll h c m blem book

Ia PtIIi(~rc $ T Ilialre diS bOriS tTI$illJ ( I ~39 the caglltl birds ddille the tas k o f d)( pun tu Sil1g sw(c tiy in rh l fa e lIf advc~i l y T he plImiddotodil proverb in E luumiddotd tlx t ks lgtCrins sonl mltlil rcs chef t UX my bc an ironi c- lake o n suc h emhlema tio wi5c1om especi a lly gic n poundlua rd s Ht ual dom estic sil uat ion (drama li lt(middotd d~c here in bor h Fr n$t s HId E lu a rd s work) a rncn agf-i- trois involving hi~ ife Gala a nd M ax E rnst in wh ic h he Va nOl p rcc i~dy a mOls t r in h is own houscoti middotIhe bi rdcage mil a lso srnd as Ill e mblem of the pa radox (l r thc cm bkrna li st s con middotc tll i ondit~ func ti onin g- ~muhanlolt~ l y as a )lri ~11I and as a pouic lll all ()( UVre LO be sprunK- Sinli brly cm hJtm a t ir

105 III XIQltnn~ amp IIIslt JOWIJ till ~rtJ fW ltfN1cr1 IIgtlt w -nt rd~m 173b lfl clnmiddot r Alt iI ~bltmlJtliJfl QMn

(~IWftd I lcn l) CIlmiddot 1oolt 187Umiddot s~ 1ltJuli ll 1nu lhr f nnthIIIJtnH

Vgtll~uJ OM UTlaquoltMU lJooiJ nfD mm H

lmIJlriIJlnl 181] IULIC hi L97h ~- For t~lnp lc Em31s roll f Jdflst Ig U jnCltgto1IIS f11lSmllgt of Ou middotlt Ullm tJ Erv ~ 1 + 1 ~o M irnl finl if l niSl ~Iru

~I lil ar lIi~ Stmiddot middot Ib middot] DOrer IIMI d ie ~ K unI ~n T Ulr6A I tmiddotcbruary 9 7 (in Ma f1tl1 til liJt~ d~

htl~iJlt UIIlh~mr it p Co lultne ~ JtllI O hdkliffl 1TNnl I Soxill H UilQl) Th~ ilaquol1 HlStoty 4 1Ji~t~gr Cllnbrid~ 1t7 pp 11 7middot



lJ - Ke lIdr J oUrlt fmiddottHfaih fOff_ 930 on Ir(gt h lVlJ~ ) n llOSOtU

q d nU lls ltI liolto jutern~ d ) dlc It d IIIV FlJlmlJ

SImplI AnllJjc M ri ~ HI IUt I ~ru 197~ 1 131 I ton ljJCrfCltllt Ikllj1Il1iwII1 rgumclII plVmiddotru rUllcifon -ilhi Jruism1gt dich [(MiIu1 middot1 pid I ~ hUll of 11Ie middotxpCrillltmiddot h(lSomiddot 1P01lCII I JtlIII ~ ru nmiddotI n I bll( promiddotiional and -endily dKUtkrl (0 (iJhi Th uprHlu t Illms ~ F OfUIUm fJmUl~ 1lt lIdoll 197) st~

II Dommquc 1~~l(ltJJi j~lJ~ ltlr mOh malulo I n pinCHCC du I)lowmiddotdwmiddot

frlt X X 4 97 p ~~t 1lUlhmiddot~ rtroglli Ia IUlldnmrtlltI shado ~1ll c or () I middot~ dnion d lime

(1 I~I ampiww1 2l T Ill Akiati-dCfilNI clllbl m tli IIIgt ( bull fl hinl I~ 1 cmblcnlti( SLIIlc 51 ror ClltmllcJ~ b C15 misso Lilx-rrll r T bull I ior iu SWUtgtl 1111 JJuM fir tit

S Am d m 726) a

11111 S i~lI1lllditio_ Sn ih ( middotrf)I1 I Iid i 11~ GI IlaquoSluver in 111lt

gtrllied ( ( he brn is th wimiddot I)u l Ih) o l InK E~rl in Iillg -Iltoi IV

( 11 Cupid ma apl II iVl thr (~laquoI hinb () ~pmr) Ill rri~n n- I) ill 1l411lt1 Hcinlluf funolgt Qn ~id gtII

~m ilslt1 lool Ilovrt Eh((n4(Q

1~I~11I I lI~logtrd m r I I ~ d It ncmtf

isslt her Snn1fP IAmslnd 1 b l -t ) x K dl omcicl rill middotr in l ulmlTgt do

m-lu I Il l G uillaume d r L bull Imiddotniel ~ Ie r~ilt ibJ 6QIU I WlfS ( 53) rd 1gtlt)1gt ~lcle (Alde h ~13 1 amp

j llt mrltlic IlJOII(u ri tr lw lOll lh~ 1luu ol f WilY f 1IjIlh _WllptrlJI

S1l~1 An n r)r 9fllt) PI I ~-H

i ~n5 ~I ~ 1 Jd Pbullbull ul tI1 ltrJ jtril 0111 d o middotInmiddot wlhru do

~l mMllu 9~ ~ Sf 1 171 10 Ia~ t ms - U ( I P n 51IS0 D KA ( (MJII IrtI) ~I) )

2i S- Chari II ( nk Iud or r~ I UICn n S IU T or - 1he

nlllr~ II I j 11I 1) cInt nullc aJ fros n IIIlt middoturk r I ~ bn~ IQRIhNJII 17 uirJ pp 66 7~ I on El ua nt

inl(middotIOtiJmiddot II Imiddot C h rI U~Itau ld1

fJ~(i 1 III ftltUUIl al I a ri~ lt)8~ R BcuIQl flt011middotlldr lhal rh ii l~1

hklD book a CorrOtl S

lIatllm(fd1l dnlts f r()rll ~io a ri i ~ from old ~ 1(1 SI) Ie ltord~I

2J I 0 eItn ~ hri(middot ill U alJrtMfJ

Ja tJftrWfIJ gll ou l b 1~llk middot(a lur hc (mbkrn tic d~ll(ldcnc) I)f l c~1 ami

Sc 111 umh~ r ErnSIs (onglt I~)lh il hl~lrn ll II IlOOmd CQnnadKls

iI ampiOC1 Jhow~ Ihlt)$( I Ih inll h) illUI)dr n rodik uh Clll Olr r lhal

~ccling W It jMJlt1ll no 10111 c~iltt

1-1 1luarrl )Q rvrntaib brimiddot 1 (1

oIIallrlt Ifs J~IIIIJ Ontr (fl~ 1 I udrn Sd clcr -ud il ~rnll e 1) 1$

fIri lif)ll I p 1 3~

3 ~Jochm HrUJllo-cn ddc1 ~I a Ernst un1 ci rh~I1 _h~ - I1 lvCII( 90) 19 9 alld 11 alls-J UT)I I Kapp Sp~chc und I) Ii M ll ErI f m II t~ll ~-il~ PP llc- ami p jltJ 11 ~ 1lj t ud ir1I ion orIpollinain MId h r CallCrain

I llcoun icrs r un thro ug h E rllS l ~ collage novl s operat ing om on ly o n Ihe I(vi or allusiOll to1 11 c rn hj ma tic mod e a nd its illlpliciitiom of (111 ( 111011

mcl -1I1111oli l) bUI lso nn the k d o f ptrtic u lu (out en t lIld menning I II I

I)stI) reln ted rolbgt froUl 111 F WlIIlf I (() tho 1929 (tigun 7) till fig u re af

I hmiddot baby strt ndi ng ill fu r l h t c up id of love cm bltlIls COIll (middot from n

nintmiddott ccll th-ccllt ury a loJl pa in ti llg in hi (h il I1j) rcsclll ec the murdered (lJi ld of Falsl a rgua bl y a v ictim ollovc1

La PClTj(r( cm hkm bonk i ~ irn po ll a n l in Ihat il as ti l( fi rSI crmltushy

la r tmblcm book and the firSI tu SCi ou t ponll~ recto aga inst (~ Kk uts

verso~ It i~ from t h i ~ ~ ) llImclrica lly o ppost rI disposition of text llnd

image that Ern~t a nd Eluard s work galll~ I panic ular pa wn th t

~ 111 HlUre de mands the d Cjgtrlld elicc o f tex l tnd im agr yet the fmllls lli a t ell-pendence t1i (s la ngf fro m d ose ma tchin g (If phrase and wh at is pictu red (as in illu$l ratio n i to a ppa rently a ll i(rI hu t d isj unc tivc relatio ll ~

(as if ~tock im gr- hau OcCII rellsed for a pprox illll I plrpo~e~) 10 mu l u a l

Clll l r dic lion ~ EnBt a nd Cl uard dc~ 1t willi l ilt llI od( rni~ t d rea Jll IIf a

hieroglyphic i ~ l1 a l p nc lry fwm lb llalll1c 0 ApoUi ll J ile J with l slig-ht cynilmiddotism ~eparati llg Oll t ra ther than confltt ing II I i su1 and the 1(xl lJal itS if to a r knowkd gc Ihl ir m ultla l sapping a~ IlHJfh as mu tua l Ira mfusion

or nwaniug A v i~ua l pllt I for Ern~t J lld Flu ltl rd w ou ld rel)ova te i l~dr

through its clntiour lHkl( )kdgi llg the losses as wel l as ric he in vl lcd in enc ryp ti()]l

ErnSIs c lll bhm ali ill1 ag ls a re Hu t confillcd or COUl~ C 10 Ih t cmbleshy

m a lic boo k III th e T9lOS EfIIS iou)1d h is vay illlll pain ti llg as a way of elllltu g ing his culla~c~ and I mblema tic r Olll lllun p[aces info r m h is

IXill lilgS t ven whtn tlu- n is no accom p a nying Icxl Indeed (m blem a tics an central to ErT1St ~ l(l1rna t o ll lf a llegory ill I ltl VII Tl o r lhe t mblimalic lI ut~hell is ti l( prelirn d cUIl Slr uc tion fo r ErII ~ I ~ pa in tin g- in Ihl ca d

IVlOS i t is OCCi lst a lkgory ca n ( omm en t Oil ils own a nificc nIJoIiTlJ

iron ic self-d epreciaT ing c nises in a rt wit hi n a Dad1 l T1 icism ra lher

86 ~ Ii t t 1 fir I~ 1111 Ii ~ ~ ij9shy

than o~I (II~jbly over l rt makillg1 Or ralh er Ernq t mbJC lll aril illlg~ a1l0 a ~imu ltall (ollS admowl(dgcmclIl of art a~ rtfcnlIl to W imug taphic alJ(c~tolS ud to the ~r(al (nt(rpri~es of re pre~II I Hion and Cdmmu nil ashylicoll while hracktli ng Ih (S( ti S defu nc t or urlfta li ndJII 1 1l1b il ions His im Hc~ ~CI Oul nspiration~ to hemic gCSlure and R llIai~silJe cultula l rcfclcnh Idle rtgisltring lh( ~t middot L~ pan ial and inept pll hn~ helll n I

logic o(xiu i(lli

Tilt Elphanl ff Ctlthn [921 dud OtdpuJ l() 192 1 du ne hik E rnst was lill livillK in Cologne set up c~ 11ica l etnbkrh 1 po~ t ilr crises and the fUllcl iunill 1 of Ihe a rti~L In OttltpUJ Ht I fi~lIrc 8) lin cli largcd hlIld a (o mOlOn feIIUf( of lmblcm) sunds fo r did ut if 1I11plicilly palnnal author il ) T his rheh)ric11 hlnd had a lso hl( 11 Ihe rocus (II (IlIl1lk history painting pointing lo ard ~cncr I 1itd hi)(h palrioll( (Inc p~lr id idtah In Otdipll f Rr( Ihe ~)necdnc hi( hllnd is hohblcd hy i t~

011 (middotltIfKgtIlS no 101114(1 hli lu make the gra nd g(~lur(s ur hi~llry

j Fr~ninpoa(II1 rhlt r lim~ 01 roonam ir d wkn all~o Ilaquo Ther ~ I Kmiddot lIemiddotv H( mI0 N Yl and ( mbnd~middot 1917

t ~lIr 1 EIt~1 n iy-~uMl h lo and uQmiddotru middotbull U 1-o_ IIgt tilltJ ~lq S ~

H1 C Ma t rngtI AI)A( I I~n

SODHAC ~ln lllt~ 1 l1lOII

H~ un 8 buse ()i~J If(Jf 9111 b I iifo C 1 - rrII5middotAIlt ( 1 1tTI SOllRi( rMQIl Ir l ~gt()()()

p aim ing it Plillf ll1l y inrl i (a le~ il gt low orifill ill II H I reudian r(all(~or izing of l h l Oedipus m yth Prnst lIf( II In lmiddot~ 13 1lishld CO IlVCIl L i o ll ~ of

gctun and ico nog raph y dcploying t lwm i ~ IICHlli niou~h Ordipll5 R C IS

ujJ the lllotl S~ iCid disCOUIl of high ielmiddotII and sllfmiddotslcrjric( in urder 10 bive -( i hl In his rtp rc ~ rllIat ioTi of cltmiddothasill Oedipal Irnuma and iu

2 17

arU l1rl ry pu ni~ IHn tl l ~ bl indmg- rbullL~ Irltl lio ll I I i ~ sifllilk lll t d ial o ne o r tht H I]lI) n ~ lt n urow p icrcing tht n Ubhd l IS th e h lw k yellow and gT Cr n fOr 1111 t ricolu u r lI ih har )tTn re-inHal ed IS he fla g or CtTm a n y

in 1)I U TI1 Lh rce cle melltlr) ( olo lJ I~ to h ieh EII Ilt t rd i ls in h is

illscri pt ion 011 t he pa inting m a y he a poin ted rcm illdn oj th e t~ t h e r l a llds

of h isl ory pai ll1i))g both as the plima ry colo ur o r neomiddot d Lsi(a l pa in ting

a nd a fl a By tnn (uy tb hisl ory or a n is m ldl 10 (om m en t nn

history s flw bling or al least irnmQhilizi llg or Ihe ignohle and olalikJ In i l~ nig-ma ami dispropUrli()n ~ ()nhjJII1 Rrx abo rrsemhks smiddotV( IH(llI hmiddot

ccnl ilry c m lJkrns Ihltl l d rccliv(l y cap~i z(d hist ory jlai l) l in g~ i)l lo crypt ic rigurati(m~ or m0 1ltl1 rtC1 ilude Its rn e m hia ncr 10 a n t lIlbk m - a hand

holding a (Tacked wa ln u l-shell - fim n l ite Dllt c h mordi ~1 Jaco b Cag h-t ~

bl( 1) nOted hy C e rd Ha uCI who hilt dism issi ng hi ltIS coi ll(middotid c Ill a l ~ ti ll

kit (omprlk d h) the strik ing- i ~lI a l analogy T hi d ikrn ma i~ slIIli y comp(Juncit-tl b) con~idcra t i on uf Catss tex U Th e Cats ( mhlem had two mol os (sinr e Ca L pra~ma l il a tly duubled hI lscfuln (~lt or hi~ images hy offering de voi oJl a l tex t$ a bo l l spi rit uI 1 as ell IS Iu tlltl l 10 ( T Il( fi rT

IIl0 1l 0 Re put hk hy uo ~k i ll o uld fUllct ion a a joke on Ihe aJlisl or

p(Je l ~ 0 n l ech niqLU~ I lid is especially ilp pticablc 10 Frnsls collage CUlling T he ~(co nd T IJ(rc is no l(lv~ li kl lir~ t 10 ( ( II n y a (j Ilt Ie premilrs

lIllou rs J [ lidy d lcctin l) ta kc~ U~ hill k 10 thl d c~ i ll cI mol iln vf the

O eci il)U$ compl tx G ivcn Ems t middot~ kllovlo(l~( of Fnud Iht cmblcmali C hllf-sltly ing of things

Ill l) be la kc as ak in 10 Ihl o rn h ina l ry la nguage o r OhjC( b ill Ihe un eon shysciou ~ (~ IHr i a lly as d esc l iltd in 111r Iffprr la OI ()f n f(mh H Th~ Illmy

em h lematic i magI~ ill Cllfs ltl nd d~l herc of e nlarg lltl h lIlcis hold ing

d evieclt fo) cltl lllc llin g )lld CUll ing (~ llllffUl~ ca ndk~ hrtl king clnd lts

cutling and g ra ft i1lg sl II ks ~q Ih in g ri pe g ir ls ) mig-h i (1 be sl(n in th~

lig lll or F rf lld 11 ()Cfipu1Rn cltl n in fa n Ire laktn a s a co nAal (Itl or sc(rltl1

i Jlt age~ from J arob Cats nO I onl y llt l ha nd holdinK l sh at llTn l n u tshdJ bu t also a hand slh j)(ntli ng a key rrom 1 m aglltl ic q onc fig u II 9 For the

prel im inary co lla g1 relat ed 10 Odipus RI ( Emsl used a n im age from the

pl liudica l l ll vil Iltfl ~1I1 i ll tl ~l ra tion ora magit Irick in whi dl a l a inU I shdJ is SIIJII1Idd h) il ~ d eft liom a fi nger il~ if uy llla 1ic Cats ~ tmblems ~ive a

parad o xi ca l m(ra l WLig-ht to Ihis nU lSh d l image hic h in 11 X(Iure hld 10 do with ill usion Th i~ m a tt er of illll~ion rccun on eil pla yfully ill rnsts

work Bt-ynnd tha t the elllbkms pr(J itic (lUlio n ary moril l ~C l pitces aga illt

wh ic h Ihe il1 1o l llr (nt l ues and poli licai ton tilsion of tnmiddot rccettt wa r and it~ aH ermath (t n b( Mmiddott

The ck phant of Tlu Fltph(lJIf 1GIIbn figure 10) h l~ 1 ICi ng pcdigTtmiddot( in

c rn h lcmalic i rT1 agc~ of 31 fro m th Illt rad ig llla tic (i i ill [11( fi ftee nth

centu ry 10 pro pag anda cnrica lUr~ du rint ti l( F irst vlo rld Lr (fig ures I I

111lt1 12 17 O ld)( arrn ond g-Ls-mlskcd illca pabk o r lutornot io n shy

s ta nds ror pn liticil lgtO CI the oSlagna ll )igts C1n~ o f thc K aiscl e ra aml th e

war wh ieh so p roroundl ) a Ar-ctcd Ernst a nd his friends In wl ra l ciati

tOlblclll ~ cilphanb ~Uc a~ $ (lC i a l ld wilh wa r and i ts ~poil s M 7 he EIplwlIl if Cfllhes nOi olll y rlt$clJ1 blc~ Alcilti s Ikp lla nt ith l rm(gtlr I II illa ud a ta

la lldan l( ~ but it~ m Cltlu ings S(C rTl tv lwa r out 1ciali s H((HUlI or a milil) englgemell l in h ie h a middotmons l r( HI~ and coarse e lepha n t frig ht c ls a WL) a n

enemy l 1middotlll y Th tmiddot ele pha n ts plinl cri image is thell l Ikc n a the vioors

p Smiddot [in ri [Jutrhu Ilt 1 TM~ry ~f rltHI 1r YvrL amI Loudun 985) I I~ 00 lTom ~d p n -f bullbull l dlltltuaJl~middot (Iii rflrm r~1 ui r i~ till 1 knvwlche a nd

3 1 1Ihx Ir I GloIkk l ~

rmd~-Ul if 1

11 ~r CllarlOl e ~Iok Clblros i u ~~ (gtI k Frrud$ IhCltlTI t fw a~ Ihe r la liQn tor 1 (([Jag r~ b x Er ~ 1ftgtNJld~ I il P 19)104111 TI ( r~ 11 lr) nunlm( lfIr~ p ( ~l O(r a1xt llChl du Impt I ~~tN~lt1I 11 63deg1 Hd J~cQh C UJ oI ffrtf Ittrdt~ t niam 1I~rl r71 Th e V d ~ V l1 lr~i nll ~ dose cO E nlt~ i n I ~ I ) I ~PJ in (hult 71gt ffl iu( a li lou ~ ( rrminffl in pri l [h rollgt tl ~ mh c( nIUr )1 QI (ra r Dc l ~~I t or [e

e[ltI n( 2 ama nt 11 hir h 3 h ~ 1 gtU I nllt kry fro Jl ~ middot i $() 1 ~ IO~ in tmblfm~la 1 QMhfl II (~~ in

and IfM(arn lluht tid pi II ov~ouuvn lChao Ifat AuJr Wl1d(R 1975

n middotU Hlal in Sqmnr Hot-Ie IIK~1IJmiddotIt f)aIII~nt(~ an ntfJ Ifn middot

1)18 -Iih 9jtJ ) 3S1 middotJmiddothi rmhkm j IJ J udn ~

1Ilw and at on tic]h 1 l i l poi I nf ar I d brak ~ n 1gt1 middotPft t pt~ f( ( em IIW r u~ ohit]

h urr lt) J acob ClIts Sed ~ ICCI)

l MbltlWlill lffJrald k~~~au

f((lltcrrl~m 6~7

~u T Il iumbull l r Alrr1 1trr rmltd Ihr Krlqltgtlthu ldf llr in J)n r laquo (u fl M~r 1H) i Sr Irr~d 1) 1VIl~fr r 1 Hf~udw~ ofl kr 1 ~ilfJ II Q (~I T hm lr~n~ 10]1 II Zrydd cw York 91deg1 ~() - J I ~ En[ ~ ul(Jbiographical [Ul t I I~lhu is d escribed Wl lh rcl crc ne 10 l i t nar~ p r~(rdCnIS In H a~clr~

pll) T~(S~~ lh~ ta1he nra~pJ hI a (XI(tk ~ wlo )urnd lt ( lalh ~rJ nl (i younK fCPh ( hid l-~h ~r~ Jn~dc

uganUl tteN has I arrltucol h~(k of [ho- ~c [a l Ono G n - trair) tIl] 1I hi You bulln diollr tv _ I Irjult lilt(

olIl 13 augtt ) ooJ h1 broughl h on t1 AI)hl I nlII)(uh Fnl

wlgtOkallcu cc a Darla rleno~lOlitln

and arral h3d WI I hl ilip t rnlt 1Xlfl hll ra[hcr~ ropon-lt I cunc ~ O Y(tll iuC htlU~11I djlOIlOIlr OIl Il t[ t- Ia EnlJl Fcrdlltw I P l1 i Ie due [0 Ihe fonnulai- nalUn Oflhc fu_h~rJ ( u- u

lucrnryu(occ lOlho- ryurr Ihmmiddot i~ Ihe FImrul111li (gtr clln ~r Rcp[hlk jnoitcclUal drdo-lt f h~ kiml h( lU~p)l(~1

~m (u (_1gtlt- to P bull -i( OS hCf

L~qoJcur IFmUlr CJrnl HISI~r )1 8 913 (I bullbull d I ~i 1) ]1 ~H J I PI lslr pct 1 C I) 1 lt1 (fJ (Iii IIIn

JIB iltn York 9ilIj PI ~- I Cnll ~dci l Am BpiI~1i Bhl IIIltl IJrfJMJI A-w lfflIi KnliA Jti U ltkm~

I)IISIUIJ ( icnt~ gR8 ann _Vld U(Imn

h fJTwilaquootJI THu C rw Vk glib

insig- nia H ow(ver sinltc the v i lory 1(1$ undcsrrId Itu re~ul1 ur reaI ra t her thatt bravery in b)111e t hi ~ imJ~e of the d eph(II t -( ar( told i~ lgt hamefllL That t hl paint ed image of the kpha ll t nmiddotpn(nt~111 lUlw(rth~ Irick SIT CS a ~ a Ili ct Lommcn l on til( not ion ofl h d ((( il ()f ima ge~ in wnerl l Akia ti s (o nd u$ioll of shaillc md lmb ig l o1)~ vic tor y wo uld tlTl ainl y represCnt E IIl SI ~ g1lwral opinion or -ar I ml its lrUnna l h 7 hi Hlephlll1f f C lrbrj i~ ltl n

a lkgor y of the m oral values of lhe p11Cltl a l g CIlI fltl li on ami t he fatherland olmuJalcd a l a time when lhe iS5 m o j 1 guilt I~ a ~u bjcltt or urg e nl

pubJi( dcblte ~9 Th is guilt also fudkd thr tlltml~ or O edipal palriridli impulses Iha t had become 1 corn monpll(C of Expressi oniml and thai a rc pia ycd out in OrdilmJ R~ 1 m [ 71l r LlffJllOnt ofCdhfJ I~

In 1IlYendeavour to find a cnn vi ncinK ltl r~lJnwnl or i u~li(ial iun fi) 1 11 art (hal might legitimately fU llction in til( pOSt Wl r D1(la c ultural rencgu ti nmiddot lions Ernsts turn to emblem and ltl lkgory points to Llw awkward fil or rellt ivt[ c ult ural alu(s a nd conhm llOra ry history ltIS Ihcir fulfilmen t AlIcgot as lilt l( it tralion of codihrd nonnali cult ural or ~ bOlu le a luCs

fi ts- j arrillgly wil hisiOl 3(rommodal ing ils cnrorcro ohins and chUls nf I cn n~ pru jding a rickety bJea hellt lor Lilt spec latol o r c u rrC11 histo ry In

Ordiplu Hrl and Tlu F1rlllimil oj Ctlfhn Ihe high rd~rents of dleg01~ an txposed as (hey m ig-h I c- isl in the wak c of (he First Vorkl War n k ill ~s h ip st ale a nd rdi~iln arc Hvcaled in th eir CHlTf1lI ri lbilillted (Olldlli ull psychoanal)~cd int o ha~(I frlll~ no IOI1~cr Jegi lim al( f)r sla ble reduced to d ressing- up as th (tn~clvc~ P]((i~dy beca use uf the nccessil~ for

hUH~ l u EIII TM frpiloM uJ Cflm 1 9~1 ~i V1 t h( 0 1 1bull0( Icmll tI) (P 11uiSOORC Monmtl QOO

1n esta h lis lHd Iclennl howCvtI the 11lt-gonea ] q nllllIle or Ihe cmule lll JJ]owlt Ernst 10 g-i Vc an a ccollnt of the lailure of the ll)lwlelil symbol o r

11 lt11T lI it

Blt~()nd these obliqLl(~ly polili cal Co Ill I1H~llIa ri ts EIJ)~I S emblematiC

pain ti ng ~uggests lha t other Ih illbS ~rc at Sla k~ in Ihl Ieai lll oi tiJ( a rt t h ~ 111

the lt llhancClllcll t ofpo( l ry b~ visli a l lIH yplion Thc Iml ]enlat ic paintiflg~

Sl11I1 10 Imoke l lost text or key to Ih eir own d CClxling Jf Elnst ca rries the

pOCTS intclsl in JTI l ki n~ tcx t ~ pic toriil l back in lo pi U IIImiddotS he docs so in

ordn It) raise qu e~l i om a bolll tlte na lu n uf ima ges and represe m a tio n T Il(

~df-qu( l i oni ng ima ges appJrrn lly f]uely thcir own Iul ho r ity could th ey rcp r(ltfllt anything c rc il Ill)[ I(r q slig iil l dalinn~ with cx phlllltltnry

ltI11 til nli 7 ill g lexts T h is is fur[IHr rtlalli 10 Erml~ illI)(lli o ll I)) h( h istory

of a n of I rad itLOllS o f i(ollogra phy v I th e m urce i lll a~t

Tn Ill1 Casc of Tuttn lll l Ioml7l1 (figure 3 923 V(rnlT Spits has Tfaced twn ~ (lUIIC illlages to th e popllllI lIintl (cllIh-cl nt ury ma gltllille (1 Yolu a

ships dlvi(c IItlt j)()UN oil 1) 11 troubled wJtC I and all -e mba t hlng ing

upsirk dO Il Til l m1chine and thl ltl tr o ha t ar( figurf~ ofhaJIIlcc JlId order

~e l agj i ll~l a perilo us si tu ation lht) t la blish1 d i ~rupliI 1I~ t ofvltcillatioll

( 1 1 kiln mlblrm

bull~ J f1nni h hrkl J rJI of hul 41nati rUIHurlmiddot lInmiddot Mlln

I )t ~Jlfodurrrl t pmll rm ropol1111 10 1(111 R(Icr(n(( l ibrary

J l~rT I~ _ Hahn lgtt Ihlll If



h gunmiddot 3 En 7 ulmnr f1 lmlltm 9~3-~ M ti17 CI M~ Ern~I IUGI (1 S~ lnRmiddot ( ~1 llrca l 20(1(1

d tt rnat ioll il llbtlau(l and po~ibk fIII tho I frlln(~ OInollier of Ihe pa i ll I ings sources a R ena issa me allegory of r()rt ull(

IvliIIII()lItlti In tlw c Ollrse of I h ( essa) o n ernblems r i H~d hy Erll had gi cn thc im a~C of FOilli na wi th her wil e] l11d sa il as 11) ex am ple of a [J1 11(n sli tficienl vi~ud (Illbk lll rCftl ir ing 110 tex t to supplcmtmiddot11 1 iLS IlwJlI ingsI Ttl Furll lllt of unblem ~ Ofl11 ~ a ih on slOrm y sta ~

(fig ur( 14)n a nd prl~ LJ mltl J ) t h( i ll llstlal i(n of oil-POll ring m ac liill (J) ~Uggfmiddotlt l cd lO Erns t Iht a ttrih ules o f Fort una Ihe c irc ul a r piplt~ swnd fo r IlI r wheel IlC pi pe barlng her )I~ klr hf1 Ulin dn e~s 4t The leetering of Er nSI ~ Fon una Illa y he lIt r ib lHed to Ill i com)gld ph ~ or t hl grandt 1s lrnmiddotI11I (fig-uri 1 5 )1 ~ In Il le r on ((xl of h yslcna the so urCe illla gl or the acroba t eOJJ1ts in to pla y in Cha rcol and Richer s I J as sj~a l

~tu d y nr hyste ria in ~Ir t I f( )imollinr7 11t5 dml( url j Ui allOytmiddot Iht i ll tl~-

1 1 -(( ~Ij~ lla E middot ((Jla(CIf

f I~ IIml l middotdprM(It OIOIe 97) (11 15 1 r1 rUlclld middotUmiddotme lhauN VI 1Hamp--7middot 4 - hy middotillmiddothul( Fr~nt( S~ltS( ltibull

Icl~ U -fhg uImiddot uurnjl j lurhJrnmd 97 11 I J9 51 This Imiddotunu tlI1hh u Iq td III -

Durc 1 in ~ lnl c t ~ h (1 und n de Imiddotlisunmiddot Jo~rM1 If lilt LIb~( fnlllll III 92~ ) pp 7 I ll

1 Ion ) lnunlrmiddotmiddots 1- Pu d Im ll~l1Id ft n(rmiddot~ middot lax Ernst G middotmJ-k Au Ihmiddotf()JU da amu rlal ig~) n ~IIlaquou do w moTd W I b rrlJNI ml)km~U(middot hl UTlt of middotOCl~Smiddot

11 - I lIn ~rlcfut 10 ] I it I ~m~$ fot hvwinl tnC I lul]w( 1 too rc on I- nn and h) la drlid at the I lI l (bullbull lkrl lurMlhUI hll lIi1)t Un Ga l a fl~u ro uf Iltt gt ~ on) Uotncst(

Uioor ~ l d be Eluurdf Mil f~ I IlII luItltgt4flAlyllf SO~fIJ PI tOj ~

rigUft q Fornll x ttlt h ~It u n

Ii tby WdrOllfl Fullmiddot 11 1 iUllt V~rfbIU Dj( 17

1b J (~ COI ~nfl l ul Rkher - IJIIII(mI~I fa lgrlmiddotrRfl() (Amncrd ilnl 97111 100 n middot eljg wmiddotS pc i ho dlgt$lt In Ad middot ell Sarto S(lUlI

Phl J Wi Jillnl _ poJsMk also Ih ) h) Charco d R~hcr

11 Elila]t(u ll rcn 1lts Iu~ middoth~$triQnk OIICillallo n a t_middot itligll ~

or he bymrk Or lin tkaJ body

1lI uchSlcr 9J Ptgt ~f(gt-imiddot

trnt iu ll show here i till oh~(ralio n thal h y t (ric~1I atli l udc~ pn~sioshy

IIcllc~ ]evc tCtll pUfoi s 1m car ( I n particu licrellH1I1 ITohaliqul 6

Ermls (IlllJleml1ic 7 1r(ri lLg IYmllllll th c ll IS 1 (ompk l1ld humo rolls lI ullcgo rizul ioll of fo rt una -I -1 yst cr ic11

Com plex rlt-fCrcnces like liIi un 10 fortuna pop up thruug ho ul E rn~ Is

I rk amI se rve I S ind i $ of a ll (gor~ di fCCli ng us 1 ) Iradi lio ns or i(onotVashy

ph ) and accumulated Illcanil1g 10 symbolic tig-ures Inc attribules thai re ta in a sh-dowy lu hori t) hilt being Su hj(C lelt1 h~ E rlt 10 subi titwiJll$

r igbull I wwd Pjdk iul1udr Ik Hucilitlnr n I n rhlrnl tlld ( dmiddot lr~ dim~~taqw rf~ Iarl 1186

llnl OOf ~ [ AT tlTUP~~ ~hIQ itl EL L~S U ~ ~A ~IIA ~ O E T IIIUIt II Y S f t R I Q ( [

Allilnde d~ cnciG etenl

nnd degradatiom T he Forull emhlem here comes from Ab y arburg- s sl1ld~ Francesco Sltlsscl1is let lwilli gc Vnfiigung- (1 907l En~ t was not na ive abou t t he nuu re of images and their contagion and he fa nCS r unsidshy

natioll (If the onvt llI il)n of p iCl(ri d language Hld as~ u ll1pt iom ltlh0L11

mea ning At the li me of Warburg Saxl and Panof~k~s t ralings of da~~ial

~ymhol~ amI mylhollt)q-~ th rough IIwir til-hased ltI nri mu lt iple ronm in Ih e

mbkm~ uf mag illklun and as trology E rnst wa- him self englgd witb sudl dchascIllCnts~ 8 Fm u s Er lldil(~ illlag(r) makes h im a pl radnxind

ltlcackmiti a n a nd pa rodi c nr hi ~lOrilIl rel yin on Ihe prl~l i g( of rlcog ui I shyabt l~ q UIt liun bllt sa htlaging tlw h i~torical method Ilat w(lutc1 ~il ua Le a giC 1I wo rk th roug h ils relal ion I() prncden ts Tlw T urning I-1QIl1I cuuld d t~tl be rel a lcd ror middotxa mplc 10 C iOll u~ c lnb[emalir Il1rtJlJlu ncy (fig u lI 1 6) III

Erns t ~ Jisjunct i c ilT1ages parlde nfcrcllt~ bllt ddy rongruity ltllI rl c hronolshy

ogy u hvlr1ing lhe aUlhori ty of history to sequence idell tify imCrp lI l lI lld evaluate H e ~ i lua tCS h i ~ work within the history ofar and li terat ure capita shyli ling 011 th e cx ptxtation orknowin~ ~ aU high academic a n h as donmiddot_ b ut parndicall y mocking any pic t y or nost tgiil fo r 10s1 ori g-in ~j

A work part icula rl y di rctling ll~ 10 problems of Iltlngutge and f(middotp r(lt ll ta shy

ion is AI tht r ln Cltar Word 1923 lfigure 17) pai u tcd Oil lhe Wl tt o f Pau l 3nd Gal a Elu ard s bcdronlll J lengt t h itog-lyph k co n fi g u ra tio n (If fing(rs ba tt and string u e oqlI1 i7OO a rou nd the o r and X of Ernsts name $ilUali ng th e pa inting in the long- tr lditi(J)l of emhlematic deir(~ that play on names The pai nti ng as il immiddotulwmiddots Inc clongucci fin ~cr of a 01ll11l

JIllgt pru habt ) em bod ies Ernst cOIlLlm pnr ilrr rdatiom hip wit h G ala E lulfd (TIl E device traditiontl l is m clIlt 10 proli)ulJdly rcpre~t nl he ha hitual conduct (lr ( ha rati r or onlsel f oncs princc ur th c beloved womUl whitt t voidi ll L pon ra iwrc)Y 11115 5 p lCltlr( panLom im cs n des tabishylized pictoritJ compo~ i J i ()n the bt ll on thmiddot ~ rill~ wh ich ()r IllS lh c [ i~ I II

im minLt1l dltt nKcr oflwlng dropped by Ihe crossed fingcrlt pullin with it Ih( tlil of Ihe Illard-likc in$Ipound t T his co nngllfllion is lik rly a j oking refc rellC to

Frcudill li cn~ t rl ti () TI an x itmiddot t y ~ a noti(11 n i nfOTced hr Erm l ~ou r(( imag fro m 111 Salu re iIluslrllling a Irick in which 0 lingmiddot CTos~ed and pressed to ltl single bJ ll have th e sCll5a rion of feeli ng two balls As a dci(c JJilc rct aining the wit l nd (()nci~ ion appropril( to sueh repnSt IHatioll Frmts painting brea ks wit h th l c1 Clurum ltInri pwpcr k di ng tradi tiona ll y l ~s()C iated

wilh lile devite a ~ portrai t of t he mind or w uL E rnst~ im al l also rdi tes

If iby rhll rg rnfrlhUltrSrhrifk-1f

] irdllcnstlti ll lif9]I 117 51 ~

Rbnd K all) mc~r 1) 1 1gt1(1$

Iltr~hr f lfn1t una d~ ~lIdarhll -brdtllnttk r L f min l lmiddotb~t wnd IJm)tflm T]n J87) 48 1 gt111 ( rldu l (0 Rfrky lin HI 1 ~lI)lJr I L-d Ihr t iol(IJ mhllt1ltlt

ll I ] hwau middot1 he $lru((lIrr or All elonl~ Il)eltIf ill IIII~~~ Iwl RqgtrQI ~I ltlhnJ ( lt 11111 ( Ih ~ 1Il tl 1(1)(1 I~ 1 37middot

iO- amp ( Il ~n ri Eli C Alldtjam(n

aniltt r nlas Ulul ( I doll 16IbiPpmiddot 8 1-7

51 5lt Wmiddotmr SpQ fouJ liolld Irrudi cli ll ~ iu J) Hwhhr Ii du (lttr C610i1 I l7 PImiddot 5 4middot

~ll(ure 16 Giou nlill (Slt f1) ~ini Chilpdj

5~ - XC IstkUIImiddot Ltt Jill ( 1lt drriJtgt nn the pfOpltn~ ofdc ien It ~nno td t

fkmcll lS de Li tltrrmiddot JlIgt Ill d ~80)

lIi(krlt l p II ~_

M a rmontcls insistence 011 the h igh 1110111(1 11 lt urlomiddott emblems I llnn mtd )t VC as 1Il ltlmpll or the o~jt(lionahl t tToli lIIbkm objcL~ luxqllds Iop inirlll allad w ride de ha-gtsessc sUlh as a pot Oil the fi rt ith Ihe mollo f a m ltOIlsul1ed below ) It i~ tempti ng III im agi ne Irnsl toyin g wi th this

higb mor~1 1 po~il iun by delibera tely making a (Tud pun th e basi~ of til liu First Cmr WordY

T ypica ll y huwevr Ernsls Vi~U 1 1 sou rce rna) lJ ~ (lv(rdcterln ined hy 111 trudi tc textual ~ourn III I f NiL dAlllIIbrr D ichrl ~ Dr Uordeu describes the controlling ccnI tI ()r Ih t ch fir OUl ~n$aliOIl~ L~ a jlld~c who hears caS(~ md pIOIl Oll ll (I~ vc rdirts This jud~( hOHver 111lt1) be e ffeclivdr

deceived b y the (i(llIc( it may expe riL- llct paill ill an lIl1 putalcd limb 11 01(011 ~ays Dr Burdeu ~ou Gill INt t he limits allli decepl ions o f

sensa lion by (ltI rrying lItI I Ihi$ sim pI eXlwrinWll t Otl the judge

o n k tro mpe lu- nd Oll 1(11 1 crui ser dl lLX 11( ()~ doilts run Sill Inutrc lUuch(z un t pclill ooule lt1 il pronnll r(ra qu-iln II df l1x

2 bull i

h gumiddot 17middot l rnSl II Ihl FII (lro l1pd 1 )~3 I t bp (I II ~ L m ltlift))G P

1 1 lri~ OUolAC -110laquo1 ltOOO

In to( context of thi ~ pa rt ieulM di~lullsjon of s(n~ttiol II 1t1 Ni l f d J(lmh

lhe hypolbeli cd Fltudi an melning~ nf E rnsts Ilugcrs and ball in tensify The fea f ( castfa linn II lre is dJ ierl 0 (middotO fl~i (kra lion 01 The npITicHclt of pai n and pkhurr di sltussrd fl y Did r rol and the decept ion orthe senses ~ lldy ra ~

someth ing to d o with j urlgill l Ill( dtcp tiolls of illu ~ion is t 111 with the picru rc itsel f alld (implii t in Ihe Ictltl~ ()1l11ed Ily gtIring wd hnger wit h llie k((middotplio ll ~ ufl ang uagc

Beyond UidcrOl til( fou nd ation fror Emsts rlecplion 0 1 El uan] lnd Pau lh tnmiddot~ a rgumen ts about languagc lay in ( enIt 11 Roma nt ic dcba tcl ltlho ll t till ~rn bol ith is full ex p1l~s i (I1t$S and uni ty or ~ ign and n ferfnt 1S OPp()sd HI the di~~ocia lcd and arl Jilrar y sj gn-gllle la lioll l)fa lllmiddotgol) I Of panicular lifelong intenl tu Ernst (ft the po-ms CS~ t ys tJld a lltgorjC~ o f Novali I II the fi ch lc S tudilu N(lva l i~ httl u Hlsid ered lilt rela tion or

l t 7 fit I H l 1gtlt(lI

5 ~ - Sn HLmmiddot odoro M If Ih I ol Ir (Ihrl n r Io rln Ilhh J l)tb 1 151

~ Umothc JaiuA I(hI~ed me of rn~(f hfdonA bullbullding 0 -11 ~ i~ (k Iter lu

hLlhtlh LclOlc 0 ell 91121- M~ dlkllraquolO(l i~ lI deb loo (0 II~

fC(Illt(r o Kn ) ~r-lu t HtNIl_ nI1 Ioudon 9lj s~

fio hlr S d 110 Stlrjinf rd l1I1 dholln ~ lId K rd Sallnd 2 lIllIlIlr~ n 1)gt5

y QUOIn t 1bullbull Iulil1 Oir Il-gtOtw- KumulIl ~I fI Poe jdcr h Ohrfllt1101nl imiddot b-ftJ IMM bull I~ 1 IjJj11_ 1 lt)OCf p ~06

~1 It_I 5ltlrrif(~~ V 282 U lln hilll prp1K(I h1I Novtlraquomiddot d~ ldk ll i

ixua Irlnllllod ~bull middotIrmiddotI1 I middot rJ dwr Ihm rr lrnrlll (Hgtrlldk ) ~H - ito UBeu PI 0 11 11gt ~MI S(itl~I I V I ~

~ 1 ttl lIml To i Was Ma_~ 1-1 Iudirl h i ll Ia ~H K~I~ P l S c r PI Ip HattltlorHrr

I~nf(n (P(t Tunlu IPlI amp nn K olVI)lJtt AtIhIJIt~ ImJ~nt I _jm (1(In EIxhllll 19031 Karl Ih(f)(lomiddot C d cru ( dritl

HMIlI~NI III Jtbtfl DISn LI n Ll(PlM 1Jf(d 1881 J eanmiddotUaud t rtbs (~ ifipp H sectn Cr ~

tIorll Frnkrun middotrnmiddotMam u Iu 1lI

IqIi l PI V~ -t3 Thrn ~r n 1I ~II i ltI h not 1 p~I1gttul r 1( in TI n oell u1f 0111 8ui chmid d FIIrjI ~I 5 ]nJ J~6rfjnnu 1 lII Di_UfJ(11 Numbl

III~ 1Io11l 6 SI h nJ ( f(tmiddotulll ll middotlulrodOIvu AItl~ry aN HprtUIIlJIIDII

PI) ~l D lan pOIfl~ ou ltlr311~~f)rr 3ltll1 mhlrm bull 11 d iflkuhy (Of ]Jqllf i Iht th (mvh d~r ~ 01 rtp~uu -n C tgtOllt~ nd In 11K rmiddotrr fSltltn~ l h~

Iu Qn I ~Icd middotPutal

bullI ~gtIOfV of PllSlVI IIpry RfIlnIllI_ p ~3)

language to th e th i [l~ il t~p rC~n l gt argli n~ t haL silllc lAng uage n rijinatcrl

l1 finding ~ i lm (or lbSl tae l conccpt~ it i illiterr l11ly nw tlphoriltl md dlceptivcn Fot I(ovali ~ fcprCC nT ll ion is a proce -~ hy which lall~utKC

fig ures (orth somelh ing lhal i ~ itself IUSI I rough tillt ln y 1(1 of being pnstlIh( If for Nova li ~ jlOmiddottry IIl ll lgt1 appro~ld l i~ual li rt ))il rot~il Inu

also zur Kunst werdcn ) ~I ne( rt hclt-~ d ll ~i I) ilwit)bly Idl shor

crea ling an illusiun uf prcsellcC where t he re is n() IH So (I IlC ( an n p n SCIl I onl y i ll ordcr 10 rcprcscmiddotnt Y alld beyuml t hi ~ lei of 1lt_ prcMnting thrrc i~ rIn absolutc ulIlcprtsctH ahk negllid y d tlcrm in ltgtd KlOu nd a conce pt or being that lt1111101 be d(~( l i hltd (111) displMcd im o c han o r darkmss cent Tn Novalis Eru~ 1 wou ld find a his tury fOl J (I lwlhiIlmiddots (ol1lcm po rIIY

argumcnt thnt all ln nguagl inn )ivcs metaphor and millndcr~t lIld ing a nd lil his d tllcriptioll of IIe cia rk nes~ Iha l sl l orc~ lip Ihl )l lOvcrh OlSlTlions Novalis~ theori fs ofl anguage uor nt oul by Pa ulhan ct1ll thC lllsck e 10 Ill

middotprlScll led by ErnST in the en ig-nuic piuolid Innn Lpprnp riltlH to NOlt1i ~ ~

sig n or 8ild

Allh~ Fin- Clear Word Ill a y be lfad in ligh l orlh~I plradmtlt ofbnguagl lild ~emury d ectption I n~ot~ r a ~ EII) is til represen w r n r pn5lnllr CJftlll pic tll re he is til t d tceiHI ho (c l hI eq n I writcs him$(lf intn IIw p ictu re through his pnouious mono~ ram 3 ~ ti l( deceived Sim il (ontig ur lI iuns or balls a nd stri ng llC a cOlIlIlon plac( of SCclllttnth-cent ury

(middottIIule lm )( rhlil l it~ sud l a~ R lJlkll h lgcns l enllOll~ Globe hanging hy A

thread IllrCa ltned by tht di vine k ni ft wilh its mOllo 1 wi ll hc cm 10 pi tccs

fIgure 18 T IlfsC l m blcUla lie modds sel up the ( lIt1 i n~Cltlst ration j oke impliCi t i ll Enm~ plin ting T he mOllo or I llIvorffcrs rebted emblrlll ha l dccei CS us a mu~cs u~ is cunsistent lth t he ide) uf lhe pli n ting iI~

an illustra tion 01 Illr (kctpt ions of thO se nlt-~ and of m imetic picllln-m k i ll~

tsdr ftigure 19)

H ard(irfit- r 01In eccen tric th(o ris t uf the e o lvill Genn a n la n ~ua~(

a nel of uuoque emhlems H iJ visio n 01 middotGrlllairl poticmiddot was illfiuencecl by Ripas rulolugifl Acia w and J atO) C algt l ~lII st ho had studied ph ilu logy an d hld la kcn a ( ou r~( o n the v c r man nomiddotd of the sevenshy

leenth lin d middotijl ltnnl h cel1111ri o l it u nivtfi ly miln I dl have Cllcou nshytered his 1 ()lk 9 I I is a~y til 11 (-l arsdlitflcr a~ it proto-sunca list

throug h Jing-u islit ~arlH ~ ill Wllld ~ amI illll(~ b) p hon ti play and nc c()r tr bi n a lioH ~ Ill hoped 1(1 drw 1)lIt h iddell ret lI1b l a n ce~ bct ccn th ings and CVl U 10 invcnt IIC W Ih ings illulllill ltinl lI lt p ro fo und rdations of I lItgulgt mpound ttoe o rld I he cullelt i gllllc-pla) illK of his C tspradtshyspick fragmcn tcd syllabic and wo rd re(()I nbined b ltliterna li m cun trishybutors to produt( unli)rt (c lI rclt I1 I1 ~ ha~ I)l iUlis afJiui lies w il h surreali~t

potti I practice H aT1gtltlu r rfCIs emblem r ai(~ a ~lmiddotnlmiddotr tI puinl ahou t em blems hile tlln

pro id e Glp tival ing rt)lism cf el ltil tl li is IP l r~ l to ensure Ie~ihilil and ough t to have Ilolhillg 10 do I ith Ihe Jl lt- I ~ lI nmiddot Urlllil1lDis A t Ih( F lnl Galf

Vorn a ~ a piclure a bout S( II~()ry cl ( p tiotl is a n ironir a llegory or ils own t1l IK1Ciri cs (0 rcprcocnt r-I(IIc hrou l- it rIilCgt ltI p roblem of aUIgory whkh Lries It) fu lly npn scnl or pi tun al) t rt( tions llUt I~ hich llIccssa ril rccals

ilS uwn fa ilure lu arw ally brillg lillih ~udl tl lill~s fgt T he da ril ) of the cmbk m sim ul ates tht gra tifJ I lir~ of I n i (J1lsi~ stl1ing up an anxi()u ~ t1t t rshy

naliun btlwctn (knxlillg wh a t i ~ IlH- u lr d eH lr dll1iC(11 dra lng and



I bull



relishing the pleasur UI) pmsibly lIli 11 1lt1 i( tJl E1l11Jk mati~ a1l0w E rn~ 1 shywho 4xprcsscd cQn tcni p l (() I milllClit a rt to negot iate bdwfcn I h~ ~I(tu(~shy

livci ) mimet ic tud ed ifying)y d i agrarnma l ic 6~

As 1 pend ru 10 AI Iht hr~ 1 elfllT kV(lrd til (ol1l g ~ L Q)QI Jl tSCIIf n ) OUIIl

girl 930 -70 (figu re 20) tu - h i1I Ems f IHu a lly added a real glolWmiddot tikc bltlll ul ltlnnil y bcar~ 0111 [he sense of the Rollen hagen l mbll Il ah hough thl di vjllC POWtf to cut i~ now invested in the tollage nist himself (o r rather Is he represents himselfilhin Iht piClUre l~ Lo ploPi The em bleshym a ti c rt lnin d n Iha l rh inbTS U( 1I1titna tcly IUIt of your hands Ihll ( oci hold~

thl ~ci ~sonbull i ~ plnyert upon hy Ernst wi lh da rk i l The introduct ion o f Lo ptop in 1910 as Ern t ~lt rtgo recaJl~ owllis diClUm The 1 1l1 li~1

preselt iLSeJ f as prcsln ting 3 Th i5 cads again to lIlt problem ()f the vict lln asmiddotil1li~i oll [ltU L()plop i ~

lI sultl lly d cscrilx-d imprf~sJli()o )jk( as introducing or p rese1l1ing tbe pic tll OfL r n il is Lop lop ~lC lillg as frl1lw o r easd who prCSCli Is a n iUlIsiomiddot Jli~li( pi clltrt ilhin lltt piUunu5 T he ~ ll hjCtI~ of tll( pi( llIn~ lI il hin the

piCHI onen have weigh t) implicJliuns I rolll1( Ililii grapes by a~sociltltion with Z tuxils gmpes im o kc piolo ri a l illusionism oa k kavcs stan d fo r (C111111 narion) islll a nd RU(k has rl ief M aJgtcilllise sla nds tor F rench nltionltl lshyiim It is as if Ihe sym boJic me ni li lS indicated b) Loplop~ piclu res t re IS i lonkally rcl ri (vaule as the pos~ihi lilics of pino ri 11 iltu~ion and flllln(i~ th they sland for alld ilh wlloh Ihey an Pcs(nt ed TI H the grI I(S a nd 1lCS

2 5 (1 TU lrAHI middot H 1(-

Fillln II ( il)r id R o)knhag~n middotClu han b II hr~d wlih (~ tr ha nd hold g a kn rmiddot ~f(~w 1hIlIIIImiddot I i-him r ~i

fi t - St Th II Kelley Rn~MI

II II(go ] II ~(IIl he If Ih~1 nl(crmst llrgor~ na k middot ldrr r~t(h n I t ~

I h on ~ l llpp1)Vdl) oljlflSCd 10 il r)w mimClibullbull his(01 )

() 2 h r hisect iIIllhn (fOlU (hi

(l hll mele mil ~ 11 arlif t ~

Ma_ fru~l jjiIMJ p I 6J - ~Mlta )iJmik ~ f ~t12 ~ct

~I )ulm P 97 (v r di (m h~

Pilamplg hvll t N(ll$ II a rl h ltlonlt4) ontt I 10( lim or ~m~IJ I1 Y 1IIIliD 11$ iltit (laquolt ~ndjd G ~ ~IJ

mulaquo el 1 rl arsd ltnd laquocu 6 s O middotRticn I lI lh Th pk utc -ithm h pintlr _tnCi as mc~rhor ru t NOali om pI ad pIIaduxinl image I l ie -1l ld h h wdun Ikin~ hll iI~) 1middotU1 ou tsid e j( as n prtlCnt tWIl

~Qligt hnJ ~ p 06 ti) - I plup~ middotad a nd eQpalt$ h~

any ~ial pr~cnlenu C( middotrrllr SIlOlt f~Qp_ rr J i( OIMt Srf LotdwI

Jlil Ik~Q 1 SI)ics I(8middotus l ~c1r ( rrma o-c is MOl Sehind s TII trti~tgt a iOimacd COnllltUl6 ~ilt5(lt rllaquot and ~il5hl-nlzot) fn~nn 0 Nlrru~fI IJaa 80

tisull 9 H lrjr Wshy nj() h Mr~t ~ 1 Itmfr U(pr~(hrIr

1644 (I


r for Jr


ikdy d a$gtltS


(J VUlliJ yenrrfttr~ I Xi In lh~

LltJII()Igtltrics t~ l ~h UlCt Ilw rompt

fMI dlilaquo (f making (hiu ~Jl llCar IU Igt I n nplJ(1 QUI of Ill()lhcr pic of PII r bdud lion which I 1lap ilh (he ambJguIjI Qf ltOt lhin hccomioe middotrl )7 S pound I) VHI Image ar bod Y dt purd aliRl1l11(llt 01 Waltt r Ikllj ~mi lt1 1 Bnlmiddot JDI(1 M8JN~IIl1iI ~ 3

Ilt)ltJI pp ~5 -H20n h~ P r bullbull II1tQl 10 11( cn blrn1 Ilr liK if IC~ t()

I)irn iocapl hle Ihe-Imiddot of middotrnln lmg meaning bullbull liegQ1 i~ 01 ju(

Olhnlll mClonpnic 5hiflil g 01 Wmanl(


art acturl lly pre~sed into thl paper 10 form ~ ha~ lr-lief h ci~hlI1~ lilt joke Oil 1h( power of piClori11 illusio1lism to hring things illlO r(l 1 d inwnsions wi th in tIll fidd o(the r iled mimesis of the ditglam l1la lic larger pi( tu lmiddotmiddot

So Cr llsts pictun may ntmiddot tl kcn 1 a n (mhemlIic prCsentation or Novaliss Bild lunel ioning as a Plfldoxi( d rlj) rc~cn l alion of 11ll fli lurc 10

flill y represc nt dealing wit h thc plOhle rn o f prcsen li l~ a pilI UII a t all and by elltensiOll wil h the )nhcllnt dcnplio ll~ of me La pho] i1lu-iol l and lan guClgc O ften representcd by a dark ell si lhouettcd htnd IS in Ioplop pminlS bullffjiifJ 1931 (fi gu rc 21) Toplop invokes Novl lis f~JlloJs d cscri pshytioll o(thc delusi(n of repr~cntlllg H( gliI-p- ollly a handful ()r d ~llklJcss ((

Loplop a~ i ll1 plcs~ario mtkcs p rescnting ~d l~co l1 c i olls hat is prestmed i ~

ahIs mediated 01 II a rnllOW like Ill( pictures Wi lh1) pic lurts losing

ground III llllIly o r Ernsts p3i nling~ W~ 11( ill the territory of cmblemalic rcprOlclllltHioT1 thost fa ilures and ha zards agaim t hi ch the rnord or motto or the emblem i~ proph~ bClieall) ~c l Ernst makes the cmble mat ic il1l agl a ll emblem orkonograph ic lnca n ill ~ itsclfb7

Tn the (middotolllgc novels ]lIginning with La Femlllt 100 [Flu 1929 Ernst dcvdops the cm blem image illlO an allf~o lka l na rrali( Tf Enhts coll agc T1ocI ~ fU llction or ma lfUllclioli l~ parodics of the pul p nov as cx lcndccl clich e the atrnosphln of popula r IlOVel movi ng- from dimao( to climax is nut (Illy char3neri sl il o f di llhangcr scrit1illd Ii (lioll bUI of high allegoric-

~ ilurr 1Q ~rJUI --QpI~ IW(1IIJ P~lIf $1

11)3)-70 ~ I tl 1 1 C 1 1 -nm middot 0 (1

1~riII-O[)1iC ( IlIn~11 locO

111)_ HI nl [ ~ l Cl middot

ril(UR 21 ~nb l Loplol fgtrr~ll bullrjlirJ 193) raquoI~ 1781 Cl 1( lt f rtI~(AIJA(f

ld SUOkAC ( Ina l ZOQO

(gt11- Ou EI and pu(p fin iou Klt Rltncc

R irlot 1 1I~rI S~JIIJ on flu 11ltgt01 Jkrkdmiddot~ od l(gtmiddotngt1cs ~ P 8

(I li ~ r)hC Olhe r(olla ((n-vcb 10 (tII~ 100 ius lltms 10 f()rl~ ~cu i t i It f J) bn pred i(1ali( ITUucm nf

dJgory thaI IhIt ir is w lhig

~-qutItLil1 and UorrdlJ d~li) irlo )PUlI lhol a 101 s~ j 1 rma ll e Iruun OrUrgurir 1 d middot middot 70 Sec RrlIll I)j kw Idol Dr (fomlr gt~raquoI4S~~ ofFm= ri( i Fi -ltir)l1dr CIIIMlt rw Yk I ondon and O d Od 7r - Ilr hundred h~dlc wumn

pcrgtoniM Ihr protlogt ofnIlt) i II blt n d~ugtltsltJ lrum la~I llt nmiddot I a ~ Old Ikrricln gtI I at OJ~ 1I OllgtII) Ic Ihin lnd b) UI huured 11Ultbl

(ltTduug Slaquo Kon Rund tbi~ oUtIII l SnfUQa flta (Slrnl

-Ill Jcq1 [xrrid I ~ Ihr ~i dr Plmon r PIQImr idd i rUf HiOn

1- 1 1jl3lt) ~5- ~1 a 1 11Ik -bn

laIlt 1111- uf P5UaSI Il 11 n 7 nLllIr Max En_ s CCIl1~ldc A Il

u~dJjJ Ju tzmis Punl of pHtdigmltK- rcmm~ Jail (tcmiddot i duo1lltcJ

j ltoul l e~ d to Ir mYIr~ de IJ Fr nn I (h rlltoum ed ilh Inrily n [J

ru~orlf J~dlnl Ul Ieh IW adl COl middot

iJ drjed in Lr M~IUf ~ (ue biod Il)d by II rah ) mllo)~ a (M from CIen dOn Imiddot ga~m

n j)()gtltt t ( du d I dClaquo1 PllfT

J1( Inl 9~3 I 3 )middot i J 1 mpu lit) is 011( ( I)utf HlT~JIJ ilIU1lruom illmlHffi by t dl~ aKI o lkmm Solaquo rhf 11rllrpIt~ of 1fIIopoilbullbull 1(0)1 ltlt 1 A I (~ bull Lltdo d3middotICl ) I or the hltad leM

m~ ~I nprt nlIVlt of the lI h~voJiud

Mltirirr5(C Ilaydcn hw T hc Ior r Idnc rll f~fJ)lgtfOlmr FHJ n

cJIllIr1 (nWi BahiOI~ 11(1 l aunn

l7ijjP r63 5

ltIS wellG8 The luadks~ OIl1an w ho c rupts iu uiflircn l forms lhrou~hflu l Ia Frllllllr X) tilu could ~ef( as a mnaphor lor Ihe d isru privt relations bel ween metaphor ltlnd th( ~cq ucn tiltt l flow of narrative charaCte ristic ( I llegory The d(vd o]lm(n l~ cnn (inui lY and rcptli li(HlS afTordcd by 1lIJTativc allow hun (0 rCClpil lLlatt S() W ~rea k hi ~ usc of woma n to personify his own Icdllliqlll

The k nmJe nud e had belfl l1l1 lhe prw niscuQu sig nifier par t udtIll( 111 nin clee nlh -nntury $ll nn painling in 1 hifh Ilt t complex it(lltirics and allri shy

hut es of any given 1 l1 cgoricld personifi cat ion WCl( Kro~~ l y sim plifin l a nd s i ~lIalled a nd in which multipl ied numbers (of ha rtm ~la v (s or OJcads) com pensa te fo r loss of indiidual s ignificalion If Ihimiddot ~a loll lIu dc finally scrvf d as a pcr~nn i fi clI ion of a n OcrT rowcltd a nd raquohdioere Sa lon itsdr 7ltgt that cltuase lllent of the aan c mil tra dil ilJll rIK ina ted Erm t as he pl ullder(d ninelecn th-cent ury j ournals a nd salrl11 (pvrl~ fOt his collage ma l( i1 1I y not one hundred headl(lO~ woman instead of onc hundred mrmingk ss oms why nOI om perrcn ly ugly hcadlc ~ Ioman (ICte de mecl us() instead of ti le rut ile Salon bca ut ic_

Tlt tlc is Ill importan t (ll ulcmalic prototype for frns t~ womln a ~ GC f(]

Rauer has notcd I rnst s fcmm e 100 t Ci I~ has a counte rparl ln L a Pcrr i i rc ~

11 T lriil de$ bQNJ en~IIS (rigurl 22 ) IhlUl1 d i~llliss~ this rcscmbk nc( agt fortu itous ImHer il is im portant Ih1I it is the Inl tllnt is c1ost-S1 10 the

Ill(ltlni nls uf Ernst s woman not till image I Pcrlicres femme is iuall y an ad ap tat ion of a lomill onpl acx Horapllll o-dlTivcd hcadle~ ma n

signif)itll( I m )JOssibili t~ presuma hly a 11 aul c~s oman l~ douhly illlpossihlen In L Pcrricrcs prcm lO he is not JJl( rely ]utdless bu r rtther Jik( Ernst s middot te mll1 f hilS I)Ulny i(kn til il~~ IqJrcst ll l(o by many heads silt is compa n d to lh e Chi n1ltl crn Girion p) hnn tll cdusa Cerberu~ and lhat l-llnicular pnmiddotc ur~or of tIl( km nw 100 Ittcs Iht H yd ra Through such proli li-ration or menning sIt( is Ih e mhkJll l i ~L~ dream emblem Lr

Pcrriercs le( nlllcludes tha t ma rc marvellous Ihan all Y of Ihc~t lll ylhic creatures middot vu lrl bt Ull(- fem me sans leu Ihe One figure who cou ld prcSurnshyably em bod y a ll hybr id mean ings in one ~ llcc in (t blll meani ngless fo rm La lclTiCr~ crnhlem may be an allegory of lhe cjlem ma of rht PO(I UIIHl Lnned hy his middot iivll~ hu l need ing 10 be a )H roi( d eca pitator a rer~(lI ~

aluivalc1l1 T hl ngrt l1a ble mora l conclusio n of La Perri eres poem is tha i woman Ilccds a guidc a ra tional hCltld a nl ltln lax pound rllst71

O n one occuion irr IAI FtnllU 100 liles Ernsl himself appearS (fi gure 13 1 III Loplop and the mouse s horoscope M attCrs or desliny fa lc a nd horoscope- are a sta ple ur emblclIl li te rat ure middotf he imge is pan of a n embleshymat ic (radiliv) in vhich caged creatures slam] ror lht ca ptivi lY and sull t ring of tIlt poel or lo (r (fig ure 24)1) Em Sl i~ agen t and nO l ca ptive 01 flt ltc however Ba n-dle~lcd he may be (rt l ra~ rfli hen a~ ltlll odur pcr~nll a uf Ihe multi-valc lll woman he carries the d isGmlrd cinllus of th at stock haraCllr of l lk gOry the haUd resscd woman RUI he holds onto h i~ hal (Ihich unlike the he-ad Ill ay be lakcn on and of 1 ) and thu s retaim for himself Ihe powcrful masculine role of the head Erusl appea ring in persOIl wilhin his tollage 110d signn ls his SWIUS as a ll-controlling novelist or em hleshymatist d lOS(middot c lvnga lcd hand CH n pluck thr- mouse Out of il s ordaiucd palh al a n) tim t Ernsl l$ a llcgorisl should Iw SitultlHd in the trdi liun ofparod ic nuvc isg incl udilg Ka lldais Charles Sorcl J cln -Pa ul R idlter and TIlOlIllS Stcrne whose work relies 0 11 a Jlet0ry to ironi ( it ~ own d tviccs~

hllur~ )~ rouU gt lt 11 Ierricn middot1 _ Fe 0lt ~Iemiddot bb(om xv Lt middotfhIQII( au flu OlU 539middot

7 t t- rr middotm i ~hlllkeuoImiddot(gtr I ~

E ts alP-1m~ ad 10 III unJinn~ Ih t middothltmiddot ~11 ome hmiddot Igill~ o nly in o 1 oj Ihem ~e ltor pmpcrl) nmn~(tcd IIgt Illfi r 1middototls tT j inllny ITrI 5I t 01 SIJ Iijt I-i 1 Ynr I)U

1middot9 i ~ Thmiddot tllmiddotd 111I)Ult if) Iro p O JPC~Il

lciII otld ~rqJlOxIUmiddotlmiddotd in I) middot~(on( ~t j oolgt C~~ middot i ~poliJ t

gtj)(lli lont tmiddotC I 111 (apia I)n1

[mill ) MUftIM~ Alh dt 11((-111

fAmSIrd I 7~ (l Damel Hcin~iul

Q I ~lD 1~J i Jm I-oIo bullt ) fo r lupid (gtIllide h ase Md P C t 1)(1middot Imbl~w tryU 1l~rd~m 6 rmiddotlmulcd Pdmburgh bulln7l) fcr Cil~rrl bini ~e ncr (Inllri ) aud cupid with ( ~cd ~uinrl 70 T ho $(lrnHmhurv au C hr[ So middotI JlhT rparodir novel a nd IIlkgori(O ( h anw rl ttlnIHomaM)

ealled iIllOIltSlion mi(Ic rda liou pc bnl(lIagc and III(Ialhor Sorer IA llalJM df ] i1Jbullbull d rih inl( illtolI (IU~1

~ ~ hltgt~d nn peI middotrh gl1_ rhlemiddot Jta~middotlIIg lt1 word altgtCUo ns loped J) hc PUWK middot~u du nall iJ a JrcLuIXlT r rnmiddot i~ ileJ[laquoIU311Dt~s 5lt ( hI M rd u II ~ 1f(J n1~ (Pn_ (pI rcpri lro Cmiddotneva I In) I II calte oflh coU~ lt rImmiddote1i trn auhial IU-altAO Pli middotuJarly ho hOj( mlhlt (crmA n KumlIi J~- lJul Ridner middotbose H)15 ltt Imiddot) hd raquoPlltkd I nnch IlIor41)middot all(nlion ~d Ih adlDlI-llluU o(j (l ll Ia l h ~ and Atdtt ISr~lt)n middotIltmiddot wen 11 Y lr1nd lrlIlt I io lfj~ ln-I HI Kichllr$ nmlk a lllorio rI narruvlts I U ( muhIImiddot l oice IUd idrmiu(l SU)tgjOgtjl

Jm~(1 I(dnn lues Ihe T j l aIS lisr of nI I~ImiddotrJ1 puion of his nilId I$n

ort o(lXlI EI ~ 111lt he r1l lo h-ough Ihe quouditn _orld in JAIrun(

1M IbN ~~ t altga rtl H ale II ~f

Olxron SdiOQlj Afi1)ullu 1)~ 1nil 91) and Claulk jich i I middotmJ~ lit 71~-I fJJJ1 (~ J(IIU l~ MIjalllUt llnt 1963

I ~urc 3 M~ ~ rnst middot[plol 1 ii(

uy hor)s(ol In 0 1(1lt lila

9~9 SI1 1st II rlduL~t Igty ponniion [r I~I (II I n T oronto Rampn-oce Lbr~ry

17 Osk P(lltak lkr hcmige ud I Ioliphilw Ir~ J ldK 1 tA(rifll~ UlIll A KvI~m~b(

191111431 Ii for h~ Qfih lok hUllIuand Irlnlt[1gt HI(lIMlultin Pp~tl cd Gm P U md LUCla A

Cil)pom (Idu ~I fl - Lrw ~lIfsk) r~frrnl o Rtlla~nCt Nlt)middotpl aJJojonn~

xt ufpopular ga m ltco mparabk 10 vulgn plmiddotd n I~j middotNllatomc ilocltb III ~kgtr~c( ud Norh I al) Ul Sl~d It 1(middottI~l i lew York 972) p 1 1) i~ 1 I 1)QoinofdlSlllcIllOcrtlt in

he I[TIlI mtd~ 1 er(l~ lll1cgo~ I RUI~ JlnlJJ( i~ p l lrll l~rJ r r(Ie 10 rn( mltlll(j in 111 1middot( IIlI) lil() 110 ( Ihe tMLion of~~Irn wel of N~ro dlrnwwcJiinli oflus md i I h )

iod)e he ocau t ~ Qf hcr lionl iU od nrnliltrsmiddot and lu JltO lo( It(f lone he wa concelvcd are ofpITlkuLu i l~ $

nplt(illl~ sitlclt lhry fill fn lt1 ~ b~l~ dWUI ntmmg lid ]altuale s Uvid f

1luI 1 Sr lt1 (l i l1lcmbtrmcfll bo-hlrd On8 lUI dl Romoon or d~ RQII( III RtUtiulIamp lIteR all rk 14 ~ I ~I l ffl(ll( RIIon ~I i rw] d ja II UOI IhiJadclphlltl (992 ) Pl

30 0 jlllnn tQlran ltk M cu ~ k NIn I fa ~ rm Illjo to 970 $tt

II tIf M Arde ll 1 h( Wfllan d I~ (1I 1e

~ Iw wIlJ IJlblQgrap~~ (N~ i and 110 111(93)

Ik Clo rillunc Hclt cl I wny ltImiddotn ud kit I I a~ KInr ~ rbull pJra bull 01 lor lum~ all gklt amI r~rman I (Ik mi IIulltlin 74 1lt)921 pp II I gt

Er ns ts prpuhioll of die r mb1em illlage inlo I 11lt1r rnivl seque nce (an al~ l

be si1u3led in niltlI io n I() Ihe illuSlri1cd Renaissance alkgory hieh ~ ltlS an lInpo nan t SOll r( li)r all sli bsequen l crnl1cm atisLS Colo II Tl i HYJllrtOlfmlfldljn

Poliphilii7 I t I)tsin witll a d r() 111 alltl i ll middotu l v (~ endkss nCliphtr lll(n l o f environm ents a nd obj((ls th ilt rc~onall throughout EIIlSI 1 0Uale Ilods d lboraldy symholic gardcm IIl WluC r ums h icrgl~ ph s 1 st atile or 1n d~pha nt Ill th it incidC llt5 (Perscus bchead ing of Innt htr 1(1I1 n1lt Slt1n ~

[C tc yled us ) ltlil t lhe tr i u rnph ~ of va rious gods li nd ll1coulH cr~ wil h fcma le pcrsonifiC4l io ns such ltIS Iht middotfi lmiddot lgtCIlSIS ofd wlTI E rll ~ L s 1i]1lnw 100 [ClcS IS A porli liant Cl U pcrsli fiettion Colonnas n )d g llmorizccl

lHroiciztd ll1d narralivized int t lp rt lal iull knd i n~ il ~ Ilr 1 g-lttmcs of m ea nings like v illga r pS~fhoa nalys is If [ rlisl realkgorits till tlIlda rd allcgorYil~-ltl n I1 Il then he dut~ so in way~ lha t preclude HI high mora l or iludlcctua l positions n (sting thc psychomarhia with lttil C)Imiddot 10 p~ychomiddot ltt l ml) q s tu rn ing Ihl Stnsua l cneha nt Hwnts ot snluctivc ~cI4 p i( middot(lS to qtlcasil UIIIla lizcd violcllt ltlud sexual d tSires I il lra r surreali sm IBre(on lIdia

Aragon s PIY5(1II dr Puns) could rel y un the sca AoJd i n~ and d evin s of allegoric - t he d ream vi~ion ) th l peri pau t ic li n o mo in~ 1hroug h a Lil y of m ysterio us (lbjCClS 1l101lum~II IS a nd (I)couiliers I hl~ W I)I11 lt11 1 uf Ill u ta bk idenlilY references 10 OIIHr works of arl and lillfa tlll t nd Soon t rnsa also d eploys the devlrc-s of literary a nd pk lOria l allegury dndging 1I 0 t only emblem bouks but ahl) die g rea t lite rary dkg(lric~ liorn tlw RomfI fir n (0)(

to Colunna to Novcli s lIlcl jieltkl

C hristia ne fi end in lro r key st ud ) ofmodlit lisl a lkgory has argUId thaI Err1~t relinq ui$ h (~ hi s a u tho ria l a ut hori lY in 111 F rllllllt J ()() l i l( allowing hi~

1111lgCS a rad ica l inck ptmiddotnclcnnmiddotp II cUl lld 1( arlued r Ol1v I-dy Ihlt

EflIH pa rod y fu netion~ in a n opposil(middot ay tha i Ir i~ wrc nching or imilL~ oul of l ll tmiddotir Mig- inal 1 )lI tex l ~ i~ a n 1gt 111 iw ill asserting ah~olutc and arbitra l) cuntrol OIr Ih( mh rial Ernst s images Id ) 011 re11l na nl ~ ofl hci

r igi lIa l Ill lltllli ns and los t tQllVCll ional contegt llgt ill hich I he) er( meant

tJen E ADEM c AN TI L NA ~--~--------------T~ ~~

to hi ( lcdihh il luslmt i)M vI S( ll tiic d evt l oprne nL~ na tural phcllomclla lr ltg- il t ric k ~ or rq)l( )(ll((i()f ~ IJf wrh Ifart l a lld lhis al o nce aJlo l~ his (1 11 man ings 10 SCIlll irraLio li a l and lilcral cd a ll d 11 the ~am c limc 10 be c lI npktdy su hjugald U) lht ve ry lI ovell) a nd allom a ly of thcrr tnvironshynlt ll l 1111 a~e lnl )l cd tiag llH l lts o f Ernsts cullages a lT n~ idual evidloCe of tl w Iulhor ily tu UIt Hilli CIII m Clo ll YJlJic pow(J or lite and dealh

arg lla bly IllI very I ppl)~ i t e ufCUI Li l ig loo~e or sellin g liTe

I n his 1l illaI Ilm II~ Enl L l o 1ll111i t lt synLacli cal rape tiXl uctlllg Y()Illll

fru m ti ll eO lltc 1 ()( ~I I joulll als Il K) il ion rt pn~ in whidr 511( represhy

l1t(O popu lar p a int iJlgs cflg ravltl ( r nJa~s a udiences I n I ll s u r k sh e

may 1 1llhOirl y mct unymic hssi pl i (l ll~ or II H ull ing hut ~It ~middot al so rCjJfCSClIb

E tn~ l s own lonir 10111 1 tn CUI and asipn rk~ a h it p in l piaYIT lilCI lIy a ppea ri ng ill hibH WI mi g h l also ~ lJ Spcc l Erns l of viciously

i te ra ling nin( lcclllh-nIl LUry lh eor ies r Ih e cmpall ric ~yOllJ 1 lt1 ~ lhe ( 1111)l)lliIrwl1l or our OWII pir yif1 lllrcqJl i ns J I u ~t~ his all tgtgory of sigm r1i ~od lItd from pir y~kal rdrll l ~ prClieiy as a fi eld in whi c h to dj~ru pshy

tivd ) i lllt rjtcl th l OCtasifHlal irY PlCIilicaUy d(plo yed rull ~ym bol with iL~ supposed ltlli lY illl i L~ rciirenl c jJre~ell tcJ by the 1)(J(h of l he Ilom an 1n the eli (k~ Ch a nTS chap lc r a l thl e nd Ill Url~ Smwiu de lfm f a fi gulc flmini s(nt or Fortuna noats ill Ihe air gTad ua lly li-cc ing

h (r~(lrorlllr a llrihulls ()f whcci Ild ~ i l (fig un 1) 11 t lihCra li ol1 Sill ce Fort un a luore It tuall ) hfCOnHS hrr wh(ei mi nl1ll il by htT l1nlr ed bac k ltIS an h Yllleric and l lso be(on H~ h cr sail hlo wn throug h lhc ~k y her

It rib utes cOIl in ue to be co nSl raining Ind pn middotMmiddotlIt a bsorbed ililu her bud y and gestu res sugg(q illg tht am hig uolls 1l lIratiom a nUrd (] 10

oma n by Max Ernst8t E IIISIS USf or h is maltri11 r(li~ o n Ihe inhc rl1I1 bililY or ollhgory l(o

rtal k go liltmiddot T radit iona ll y rlallcgo riwl ioll ltrllnnl a profan t I(x t or till past 10 h( as assimi la ted in w a n acccp lt hlc y~tlm f moral va JUIs (Vi rg il s

FSllIr( ~4 DlIIid Il cU$ius Emblrm(1Q liqoIAM I lKkn 161 5_

8 _ s~ Ili k Rot R iAamp Rm(

~d lhr jd I~Q~ ()PfigtiL ICbrid and Nrw Yrk 1991-deg flt -lt middotmiQlif - Iha l Inko 2 olll1Q f)f on_ B ~ h lth Rampk]o nxcnl

lUal of Wafbuf(t Iho l1h l in Irrm

01 th ROmMlIl( ymLgtoI unil) f ud dcrem 1 I OPpogtlti IO lI~ry

( hrpertI_~ ~~crnn f ltI s diS300C ialed fro I nfrro1 I i Rob- ~h(fempl l h lrmiddotplio)J Iheon pmiddotI) U lelkI1 pn~uen apphnl tk 1ltgt ~msl tSpltcirJI ) in I ~s pogtr

t uitwc1 Ihron ltl _ Iuh w R l loy rum symbol 10 Ilkfurv Ahr WH) i~

I r- hi Rd I~ 9971 pp ~ 6 R - [hr R iL [[ ul n has ro n Iholt u l

I hru~Ir iuI O) the unk o n wh re laquogtn~ ol Ir~cdm Pfnar p_ ~ 1I1

B I S~( Thn 11 Kclk~ Rmnwtlme Hlqo for tillt applicll ble ~ of In t allctUlxal wun lorn (e ee aUraCUOl) d ll r lnla$ 11 ltI- illual suctched l ~ lI l i Ihi [K w1ir

ltlc 1(o ~dukd from lClion and hj~llt) ry

bu sgt( f)1 g Ihe n -rgt d s he

cmand p Sr Th~ro i 1 or~1 1ltl io of witel )-r tr r lt~ltoI 1gt 1 mln m~y 1- takc -lt lIl rlaphO)f Ruolnlr E Kun1i S rrooti d I js(~ and R o l~rl llolI - n ~prknjo(

illo fo-k-J t] air ltli_ r II

fmiddotm lc (lITe) i SHlrJm and 11 010lt1 II A tw~ Rdolf t Kucn7li and Gwe Ra l~rt ICambllJgc l1i I99I) PPmiddotJt alld S T Imiddot lo ockiu Em ilS or ~ oflC n Ii mCIgttIraquoHgt1 dqI)eJ In ~ h a w~r Ihl 11 CIOI li meu Ulcrlgthunc~ Jly In 1- Riu d~~r

(MIIft~ q~1 lIOuilil ~w Carmd nr Imjlt Igtarod egt t~lcX fatlo~ ~al

jgtuu lJ rtut I(rl) IJ t 1ra 8 Ihemiddot Ie ~IgtIi OIl y 1 t ~atnlt11 1lISt llIil le Scl~h) snd amud ~kinl lt hTifingl) lilltrd I Iht~ ill IH rroh meal fur lo~ l i~ lone rol1 ~middot

l~diqlJr$ mlldr 1111) Hr)(tT) I

r~rn(rl i 1ltgt Ihe hwwir jlgt]al~ el~ hcll

il1lh( l1ltrvrl

(1 IS 1IX lrngtl 1 SmIltllN d amp 193i 0 Max Erllsl 1iI)AGP Van S()DRiC ( Monlrc~l ) 2f)(l(1

l )n IIC Ilupon Of Ih allraf R~~ru 11 (1 I 1$I~ Lolhu I -hr I J~ middotIn Rp jhd bd 11hII hI p HI

Fourh RetI a~ II I( milling of Chris l O vid l l-lrfall(Irphorrr lllorali7cd In

lmJOlIls such h J Hoh CI~ the trials of the lo ver could lJe rca 1go ricd a~ Clll hlnll~ of Chri sia n ~ u(fe ring ltInc co nrilltll cc Ernst reverses tlw prol(~S

dc- morali - ng a llegories In 7 110 dlidren 1IIII1fI(ld ~I (j 1I~lthtillg(h (fig ure zfi ) Frnst lak es U middotidilI1 IIIc(lrlJorphi rape (G anIlH-ci (S ta ~lc Phi lo mcl as

nighting-uk) oul of its repose in spirit ua lizing me taph or as ill (k Kellnincks landscape in h( Wallraf Rir-ha rtz M useu m i ll Cologn( (figure J7 ) ()j emulems sl ch as Hat1idorlhr s in which lit ra pe of Ganymede is rfJllcgoried as the sou ls I ~CIIH lo Cod ( figure 28 )83 Ernst rc t urTl~ Ihnr lo d leir Tl)n l ~ ill ~cx ual viok IlC( hi (h in tu rn S[ ltlnd~ ror the revcnibk hltrU a mi a mbiguous g-round underpinning the provtrh t ln bl cm or allegory

Equally td ling is Enl~ts d ia~rammui( ada platio n or h(rme lic emh lemata in O this mIll rIIIlI kll )w rlO lh lllg 1924 ) I II the paintillg ami II

tIle pl)cm w ri tte n on thl had (a parudy of Ihe oJllo()gical ~ylllhII S Il I I

fi~u r~ 26 Ernl I fUtJ1 mnlilwi ~ II

lllhlmCiJl 191 1 S(1 66I C 1 - r 1 D (t risI ~OI)KC J vumiddot~l l j


th e Hmrfll fd Table of H crrn(~ Trisrn egistu s) Ermt reallt~orlZ(middot ~ the hermetic ~ym bulis ll1 of the nlilrual lini li7atioll of d ivine and cit rddy IS a Freudian middotprinwl scene of gigantic li m b~ and scmiddotx ual pa rtgt Both pa imi ng md puem become rcpr(sntltHion ~ oC the unfu lfill ed n vi ~nging of a n such thing In Ernq s vcrsion the Oedipal a nd Ihe gnolt1l ic an oronc frustratccl substance ltlnd (be power oftbe allegories of h enl1tticism ltIhbaiisrn and aklHmy lies in perpetual d ef( lrd of the d tsircd gol J tl6 Ernst ~ emblem fllnc tioll s more

b roadly illi a scq gtt icai fi gu ration of tht a bil it y of images lO represen t hal IS envi $ioncd or desired in dicating Ihal a ll $lI h em blems ct n only he a sun0 fH l flIT hatt middotcr one an t ~ to know attl in o r rcprcsen Lft7

OJ (Ids 111m sllall kn)1L Mlhing a lso ~ ig na l s its own iconogn lJ)hic history especially tts allu sion to Caspar David Fricdr(h middot$ clllblem tie CrOJS ill Ih

Iounltlills a key work in Grman Roma ntit- dc hIIltg about Iht rela tive fok~ of llIegory and Iandscapc III Erns t as a rl ild er of C ( fman Romil Tlli t~ i~ ltl

would re U 1Il 10 these wpie in his la ndsca pe pai nLings aga in and again Crr)JI ill 111 t1ollll oinf is a lso shadowed by a t( Xl n passage from Ludwig T icck 5 allcgorital novel Fran SI-illbaMr 11middot(lIULmmgrll (J i 98 ) Jnom

26(j ) middot1 ~BImiddot rH ) T I d 1

60 I 1m c (lislt uW(1 Iht twn l1 t timiddot itl~gcry at t~ ngl h ill M~lt Emi l middotI ht 1IJdw(UtI1iJliI

SnllrJ 11 a i - l OCIshy87 Uml middotn o Ero diilltu~ 1he rdu iolll I)( twu h~rn 1l l k svrn lgtol- 1Il in which middotevcry middot~pr ion is a (nignlll hal middotk runlwt ~mgma middot and ~Jr n cconltlructimiddote ~nlys3 as in lini l~

defendJ in middot(n limited scmi III d rili in T ht Ib oJ hllffpWalio Ill n -I--j

fI8 smiddot cJ(m~ (l h W ocn rn ~I( Jaru F~d nnd It ~b1J ~f I muigat ~cw U and Lvndon 1 99lt)~ Karin V()n ~llo lJr ntel thO rrl ll nf (~$7 In 1M -WOIIIIIgt 10 Ern middot lUUlI1 OmJ~(Ilt1 III middotMao b ns l a Rvmlll1ic~m middot M n Enul A Rtl~pnl~ ~ I Werner Spict l t omlo 199 1)

I II~ ~7 K d~ K cunn~k Iuhf rvtJh IM~Io~ fj lt-1IJVdt r gtn leI

dllrf Kgt(hHIZ I ~ l

8iJ bull 1gtlt I g T irk Fwn~ SlmNt11b

11 middotJn~(n Hmt ~ lldIcAt (mll1~hlt

~I lj(h gt)6I ~ p gtgII

J) ~ee 11 0 ~bn lagtlt I Allqlr)

oflrlllll$iol)middot PI 6- 7r lhr dhl1 l1lt IK hr omlll~1 d(h nlll(11 (III ud h ~

ltill u~Jui ncall y I ~nd lor thillgt IcJ rly 1rs ign~II ~lId Impic ddinlun ul rourrlS luch as li lliemiddot h I(ll no h hI l (~ Ii lt mcill ~ tur middotC)middot ll la IIllt-SIKn a (1(11011bullbull 1 H turn jn I(raquolt ru lUI lTnp ~~i 1g ~1 I r

roukl hi ~r~lJ od tlbull ( Ihi Ik nrngt i~ made lllcmllll UKOf)~ Fr ~cl7rh c r) hMd lU lOll ~ Il ili K r nger through $1(middot togt tI ohjrl i( lria 10 judiCII

91 - GltQ rl 6atai llt Solr a ll~middot Fis rif fXt~s SI_rlJ I Im~~ P7 t)39lli

113 $Iodd Minapo l ~Jl lp XIV

1 lt1 6 12 ioIar ~nu p IJ Halaillits 1Qcom )Ir rollinS (m Ih bullrf r lw ~Ml h [ ~ [ I llt imal(vfltouinuous mC l~lor]lh mal p l y i1a d l5ori llJOII lOr tllti M the locornoriH r ltI hl$l)ry lt]uOI(d in aUT

III-rljolmirgt (r SdiJ 1 rlrHn-1 n- I irl 1974 p 1 ~3

illcidcn t the youn g a rtisl F ra il i~ st ru ck by a pa iming llr a l be scc~ in a hn lll it lUll a IlOCIlIIIMI lan dstltl pc ill wh ich a cr ucifix Ull a hiJl i ~ illll m ishy

na llti by IltI ) S o f moonlight The he rm it ex plains Ihat tilt crucifi is a po inte FingcI7cig ) to Ilw ~pjri lu d wurld beyond the faJ lc n world of lla tu n T o Franr ~ o bse na lioll O ne cou ld ca ll th i IMint ing an a lkgor)

the IIn ln il answers All an is JIlt-go rict IIoJ

T IH middotFingcrJeig iI) Ixpbli necl by th e h~rrn it to F ranz S lt rnbald point s not o nly to Iht spiri tlla l but also 10 thlmiddot pr (~cllce of J ll egor~ iblf As a li ter indlx a sho wi ng ha nd o r jJ ~ i l1ting fi n~cr tht Fingerrig i ~ a ~ tJplf

or i Ihlems II is Oimi larly In ade li ter1i b) -l a x E rn)1 t du slig ma tied ha ncl f1 oatin~ in f r OTH of th e lt ruci fi xiOthl~ middot prinM I ~NtJ I Herc it indicates linmiddotth er bu t not Im llscc ndCIH [l)callings90 In E r ll st s painti ng lh t ROlllit lll ics cruci fi x lS alkgori la l poin hr to a hig her nal rn sim ilarly

i tl n l c~ a landscape of d a rk Illowltai ns a nd il eawnly fil ) S IHl I fur the

COltj UIl Cl ivlI o f redemp ti ve c ru cifix a nd ill urnin at iug SUUS(t in Fricclricbmiddots pa inting o r truci ft x and moonlil-h t in Tillkmiddot O novel Ern$[ dark ly ~J bs l it uLes

copulat ing limbs and the bloc ked rays o f a IUllar refipSt Ermls lmiddott nblema tic painting alt Frifeirich s had don ra i se~ p r0 1Jicms or

cnTlIl lllporar) a lkgory When G lf)rges Aatai ll e- turned tn alr-IItm ica l )slIllllng in 192 7 he did so in I( rm~ that almamp t com icH) m im i Ernst s d csul Itmiddot c lltra ilmiddotfilled landscapt 1111 earth middotcovtrtd wi th vuk anOIs hich SltJoT a~ iLs a n us is driven in iL~ rota tion by lhe male ~ha rt ]l tlttraling 1 1 11~

laquomiddotma l- alllJ a lmost t lIl irely (merg ing ill o rder 10 ree n tcr like Ih( piston~ of ~ 100o mo ivl

JI i~ the 1Ilf(ha nical Oll ll)il ltion n(] t ll morm t inn~ of thes mOtmcn t ~ Ihat th~ ak htmists soll~h t 1 I hI philosoJlJ t ~ ~IU Ilt ~

This nWfhJlist jlmiddot cop ulatiu 11 hudcsqu e~ t he vmiddotn ji) UIIl1n ioli o f allegory th e

ltlnagogir 11 wrh of r() rrcsponden(c~ and rtmiddotst ]tlbl a nct~ lIlt middotcopula that li~

one thi ng- 10 a noth n ill lang ua te all Cl witt g ) 11 thin) to be visibly co nnCfted Ha lai lk s a llcgvrical luvers will mve r fi nd ilnythi ng but parrxlic i magc~ l11d Ih ey will [ Il l asieltp l ~ empty a ~ mirrun Wh en En tail k

fu rther GlUs lically mcdita ted Oil the gno~ tic roo ts Llj Hegel ia n ism in Ll)ll~

ma teria li smt c t Ie g nllst ( 1930) p ropus in g a k~ l abili ing hcadl es~


a J1q~ory tha i would elimuatt aJl h ilTardlic11 ~ ~ t C IllS of rdtn lllc indud ing ~implistic rcv( lltals or blst ll ld idea l o r CXq-lt1l 111 llt1 1 lnrl ltlcrUllcn lll he wa addrtR~jng is)llc$ irnpJiL it in Of Ihis men lInll knOll IWlllillf 91 H ()wcvcr heelIlsl Erns l middot ~ all egory ( nds to Ill p a ll)l it i( depcnds on just ~ll (h illvcrshy

~j ()m ilnd reve rsals of hig1 and low Old is a t a re mov from Btl taillcs infla111ll1110ry ()I)f ll-f llded hd lltaded en terprise

E nHl$ im ages a re often d riven by this undermining of thcir (IW ll sourn-s of lJowc r fcp lescnliug hotb II((i r own ~ la luS a nd i1lSIlfjicilIHy OrtCll they

assu me tht appearallce of (lnhkrlls wh ich as concieusetf o r short lr and ig ll ~ of aUTho rit y ~a n c ti fi ~d by t rld ilion art disrupted hy Ewstmiddot~ illtruio n of thc n ltllll r 1 LIld ~e)( u t l rhc n dllcti t middoti~ua l 11I11ouage or cmhlcms lcnd~ t o ltlrd hrogaliun 111(1 fimiddotag11lClltlliun Ih ich LntSl n alu raJiz~s likening Ihe Sllll1X of fj middotrgnWlll3 Iioll 10 (lperatjoT1~ (lil lbe hod y lt bull rile tru ncalLu pa riS a Ird Ii 1111 ~~ or Of IhiJ lien shall know Iohing arg uauly J u clc 10 th t ~ceri ng lIId te lldt n liou~

reconstruniom of tht e mhknjs [anllJage o r aut hori ty a rClruc luring of Ihc

sy mknloche lim hs a lrcldy prnelH in v i ~l1 emblems Througbout his canlt r Ems would dltriV( double prestige flOlll disrupting lhe COJlv(middotnlions of hOl h a rl a nd li tcrJ fl1l middotf iro lliing his au thoriaJ role as bot h a rlis and poel Emblelll s a rC1 ft lilc ground fur ~uch opT3tions k ndi ll g tlwm~clvu 0 ditorshylil)m or he reci prxa lIldi(a tion s or eX T lIld image which anmiddot Ihe STarling

point nfalJ tgory

Ac kn o wled gement

S l l i(j ll~ of thilt papa H r( pncn l(d a~ Ielt tlJT(~ iI conjullclinn il l Max Em~I

rc ll1(nary ehiiJninm Ihe RnlJ ncl 1(nr()X Memorial JccUrc U Il l T a(middot ( )11)

(1(11 middotmff A Ul IrIJJf(ct ll ItJ91 -J) lI lId II M 01 i (Ilal pound7110 O(lff( 11111 Ihr Duwn oj

hguw middot 11lt~ ~ 111lgtltlorHr hnwltim ltr (10( lOH 9

ll G~1 1 1~ l k 9Jo 1Iy tnillcril ilm 01 11l()oSn bullbull n uollgt ~f fj(w ll 11 52 amp0- M l=nmiddot w middotn I rltult~ ~ rKumrnt d ~ 1 ~ her IkuJamin a~ flll~ (ltI by II~Ilt ml II ~nljsL in rn 8 to auK 1 1~middot ul~r l an L~n ur Silllplilll ~I bat ~ J Ilrl~1U

rell t huugh r he dmiddotIIrymclll of d~lthi IiLinl( pmiddot(hootvtic laquogto ep tgt url ~ s Ielcnnimmo tm r1m~crltt ~m gteJmlt IImntllw I l middot~fI Rll1Ifl1l twlllv Imis ~f )m(alUl lin(I~I illrrkdtmiddoty u An~lc

M IAlodlt 91l 11)) U[ i -l lt)1 - I lt-nd ubstmiddotmiddotmiddot- rht Ire rn~l i u Ul uf Illor lt1 Fm~ (J Ii i fnuc lr Crlt Ihl1 t ho- lifl ugtd rmiddot]m of poundrnsl middot~

lIuc nod ilmhil(1)omh g(ndcrltl h gtvlnL ~ n rh mo (h hypcrholic

Dio cjOCulH1o11 orsl) rl-d~n jm1tf(cry1gt il dO(lt i lli fmltle ~aC11l nr [[00lt1 orgmiddotoonldltG1IHllion al 11 0( Immigt ufth aULhOl tlgt hi~ E rol$L is aJlj~1 llIh GltltX B tll lltmiddot hnnlcnz ~u nf llcg) 11gt1$(111 (~I L ory 111-1 111 in middotSoI ant S l ~r fter u ~1Jtn in capl1on i ndirat~

oJ ddo-nce I n nn SPIf (lIKI

r nn1h~r nd sigi ~ L k Ma~ middotrn1 O~f IllOJ ob middotCologne 9i)- ) in uch fll nh(r ifnrm~lin ( laquo(mns I r ~lO ( C ~d locatiOIl may bc tu

il(ure 29 Em1 OJ I middotun shall (Mil

-h~~ 9 f SLl 63middot C 1 Ernni I IJtI 11uJSODRAC (MlHHrc~j l


S1Irrwlism 9lt)3 ) J 11m gl~Hdn l for lho ltc o pport uui l itl 10 (Olls ider Erns to l roCesso r

CI i~ toll wr Crn middotlI ImfCi J oh n Gl)ldi uS Prorr~Ylr Willillll Cmfi~kl and the

11 011 Fod a tio 10 11middoti r va middot i)l1 ~ lt1 g middotn n)lCgt d vicc I 11olIIk Sllzar rl c Ak bari

r l d~(f l)cre nhI Joyn GOKl(i n E rhan Jd l Kavalc lmiddot and M E Vnr lic k

Page 7: Only Half Saying It Ernst SCAN

S Am d m 726) a

11111 S i~lI1lllditio_ Sn ih ( middotrf)I1 I Iid i 11~ GI IlaquoSluver in 111lt

gtrllied ( ( he brn is th wimiddot I)u l Ih) o l InK E~rl in Iillg -Iltoi IV

( 11 Cupid ma apl II iVl thr (~laquoI hinb () ~pmr) Ill rri~n n- I) ill 1l411lt1 Hcinlluf funolgt Qn ~id gtII

~m ilslt1 lool Ilovrt Eh((n4(Q

1~I~11I I lI~logtrd m r I I ~ d It ncmtf

isslt her Snn1fP IAmslnd 1 b l -t ) x K dl omcicl rill middotr in l ulmlTgt do

m-lu I Il l G uillaume d r L bull Imiddotniel ~ Ie r~ilt ibJ 6QIU I WlfS ( 53) rd 1gtlt)1gt ~lcle (Alde h ~13 1 amp

j llt mrltlic IlJOII(u ri tr lw lOll lh~ 1luu ol f WilY f 1IjIlh _WllptrlJI

S1l~1 An n r)r 9fllt) PI I ~-H

i ~n5 ~I ~ 1 Jd Pbullbull ul tI1 ltrJ jtril 0111 d o middotInmiddot wlhru do

~l mMllu 9~ ~ Sf 1 171 10 Ia~ t ms - U ( I P n 51IS0 D KA ( (MJII IrtI) ~I) )

2i S- Chari II ( nk Iud or r~ I UICn n S IU T or - 1he

nlllr~ II I j 11I 1) cInt nullc aJ fros n IIIlt middoturk r I ~ bn~ IQRIhNJII 17 uirJ pp 66 7~ I on El ua nt

inl(middotIOtiJmiddot II Imiddot C h rI U~Itau ld1

fJ~(i 1 III ftltUUIl al I a ri~ lt)8~ R BcuIQl flt011middotlldr lhal rh ii l~1

hklD book a CorrOtl S

lIatllm(fd1l dnlts f r()rll ~io a ri i ~ from old ~ 1(1 SI) Ie ltord~I

2J I 0 eItn ~ hri(middot ill U alJrtMfJ

Ja tJftrWfIJ gll ou l b 1~llk middot(a lur hc (mbkrn tic d~ll(ldcnc) I)f l c~1 ami

Sc 111 umh~ r ErnSIs (onglt I~)lh il hl~lrn ll II IlOOmd CQnnadKls

iI ampiOC1 Jhow~ Ihlt)$( I Ih inll h) illUI)dr n rodik uh Clll Olr r lhal

~ccling W It jMJlt1ll no 10111 c~iltt

1-1 1luarrl )Q rvrntaib brimiddot 1 (1

oIIallrlt Ifs J~IIIIJ Ontr (fl~ 1 I udrn Sd clcr -ud il ~rnll e 1) 1$

fIri lif)ll I p 1 3~

3 ~Jochm HrUJllo-cn ddc1 ~I a Ernst un1 ci rh~I1 _h~ - I1 lvCII( 90) 19 9 alld 11 alls-J UT)I I Kapp Sp~chc und I) Ii M ll ErI f m II t~ll ~-il~ PP llc- ami p jltJ 11 ~ 1lj t ud ir1I ion orIpollinain MId h r CallCrain

I llcoun icrs r un thro ug h E rllS l ~ collage novl s operat ing om on ly o n Ihe I(vi or allusiOll to1 11 c rn hj ma tic mod e a nd its illlpliciitiom of (111 ( 111011

mcl -1I1111oli l) bUI lso nn the k d o f ptrtic u lu (out en t lIld menning I II I

I)stI) reln ted rolbgt froUl 111 F WlIIlf I (() tho 1929 (tigun 7) till fig u re af

I hmiddot baby strt ndi ng ill fu r l h t c up id of love cm bltlIls COIll (middot from n

nintmiddott ccll th-ccllt ury a loJl pa in ti llg in hi (h il I1j) rcsclll ec the murdered (lJi ld of Falsl a rgua bl y a v ictim ollovc1

La PClTj(r( cm hkm bonk i ~ irn po ll a n l in Ihat il as ti l( fi rSI crmltushy

la r tmblcm book and the firSI tu SCi ou t ponll~ recto aga inst (~ Kk uts

verso~ It i~ from t h i ~ ~ ) llImclrica lly o ppost rI disposition of text llnd

image that Ern~t a nd Eluard s work galll~ I panic ular pa wn th t

~ 111 HlUre de mands the d Cjgtrlld elicc o f tex l tnd im agr yet the fmllls lli a t ell-pendence t1i (s la ngf fro m d ose ma tchin g (If phrase and wh at is pictu red (as in illu$l ratio n i to a ppa rently a ll i(rI hu t d isj unc tivc relatio ll ~

(as if ~tock im gr- hau OcCII rellsed for a pprox illll I plrpo~e~) 10 mu l u a l

Clll l r dic lion ~ EnBt a nd Cl uard dc~ 1t willi l ilt llI od( rni~ t d rea Jll IIf a

hieroglyphic i ~ l1 a l p nc lry fwm lb llalll1c 0 ApoUi ll J ile J with l slig-ht cynilmiddotism ~eparati llg Oll t ra ther than confltt ing II I i su1 and the 1(xl lJal itS if to a r knowkd gc Ihl ir m ultla l sapping a~ IlHJfh as mu tua l Ira mfusion

or nwaniug A v i~ua l pllt I for Ern~t J lld Flu ltl rd w ou ld rel)ova te i l~dr

through its clntiour lHkl( )kdgi llg the losses as wel l as ric he in vl lcd in enc ryp ti()]l

ErnSIs c lll bhm ali ill1 ag ls a re Hu t confillcd or COUl~ C 10 Ih t cmbleshy

m a lic boo k III th e T9lOS EfIIS iou)1d h is vay illlll pain ti llg as a way of elllltu g ing his culla~c~ and I mblema tic r Olll lllun p[aces info r m h is

IXill lilgS t ven whtn tlu- n is no accom p a nying Icxl Indeed (m blem a tics an central to ErT1St ~ l(l1rna t o ll lf a llegory ill I ltl VII Tl o r lhe t mblimalic lI ut~hell is ti l( prelirn d cUIl Slr uc tion fo r ErII ~ I ~ pa in tin g- in Ihl ca d

IVlOS i t is OCCi lst a lkgory ca n ( omm en t Oil ils own a nificc nIJoIiTlJ

iron ic self-d epreciaT ing c nises in a rt wit hi n a Dad1 l T1 icism ra lher

86 ~ Ii t t 1 fir I~ 1111 Ii ~ ~ ij9shy

than o~I (II~jbly over l rt makillg1 Or ralh er Ernq t mbJC lll aril illlg~ a1l0 a ~imu ltall (ollS admowl(dgcmclIl of art a~ rtfcnlIl to W imug taphic alJ(c~tolS ud to the ~r(al (nt(rpri~es of re pre~II I Hion and Cdmmu nil ashylicoll while hracktli ng Ih (S( ti S defu nc t or urlfta li ndJII 1 1l1b il ions His im Hc~ ~CI Oul nspiration~ to hemic gCSlure and R llIai~silJe cultula l rcfclcnh Idle rtgisltring lh( ~t middot L~ pan ial and inept pll hn~ helll n I

logic o(xiu i(lli

Tilt Elphanl ff Ctlthn [921 dud OtdpuJ l() 192 1 du ne hik E rnst was lill livillK in Cologne set up c~ 11ica l etnbkrh 1 po~ t ilr crises and the fUllcl iunill 1 of Ihe a rti~L In OttltpUJ Ht I fi~lIrc 8) lin cli largcd hlIld a (o mOlOn feIIUf( of lmblcm) sunds fo r did ut if 1I11plicilly palnnal author il ) T his rheh)ric11 hlnd had a lso hl( 11 Ihe rocus (II (IlIl1lk history painting pointing lo ard ~cncr I 1itd hi)(h palrioll( (Inc p~lr id idtah In Otdipll f Rr( Ihe ~)necdnc hi( hllnd is hohblcd hy i t~

011 (middotltIfKgtIlS no 101114(1 hli lu make the gra nd g(~lur(s ur hi~llry

j Fr~ninpoa(II1 rhlt r lim~ 01 roonam ir d wkn all~o Ilaquo Ther ~ I Kmiddot lIemiddotv H( mI0 N Yl and ( mbnd~middot 1917

t ~lIr 1 EIt~1 n iy-~uMl h lo and uQmiddotru middotbull U 1-o_ IIgt tilltJ ~lq S ~

H1 C Ma t rngtI AI)A( I I~n

SODHAC ~ln lllt~ 1 l1lOII

H~ un 8 buse ()i~J If(Jf 9111 b I iifo C 1 - rrII5middotAIlt ( 1 1tTI SOllRi( rMQIl Ir l ~gt()()()

p aim ing it Plillf ll1l y inrl i (a le~ il gt low orifill ill II H I reudian r(all(~or izing of l h l Oedipus m yth Prnst lIf( II In lmiddot~ 13 1lishld CO IlVCIl L i o ll ~ of

gctun and ico nog raph y dcploying t lwm i ~ IICHlli niou~h Ordipll5 R C IS

ujJ the lllotl S~ iCid disCOUIl of high ielmiddotII and sllfmiddotslcrjric( in urder 10 bive -( i hl In his rtp rc ~ rllIat ioTi of cltmiddothasill Oedipal Irnuma and iu

2 17

arU l1rl ry pu ni~ IHn tl l ~ bl indmg- rbullL~ Irltl lio ll I I i ~ sifllilk lll t d ial o ne o r tht H I]lI) n ~ lt n urow p icrcing tht n Ubhd l IS th e h lw k yellow and gT Cr n fOr 1111 t ricolu u r lI ih har )tTn re-inHal ed IS he fla g or CtTm a n y

in 1)I U TI1 Lh rce cle melltlr) ( olo lJ I~ to h ieh EII Ilt t rd i ls in h is

illscri pt ion 011 t he pa inting m a y he a poin ted rcm illdn oj th e t~ t h e r l a llds

of h isl ory pai ll1i))g both as the plima ry colo ur o r neomiddot d Lsi(a l pa in ting

a nd a fl a By tnn (uy tb hisl ory or a n is m ldl 10 (om m en t nn

history s flw bling or al least irnmQhilizi llg or Ihe ignohle and olalikJ In i l~ nig-ma ami dispropUrli()n ~ ()nhjJII1 Rrx abo rrsemhks smiddotV( IH(llI hmiddot

ccnl ilry c m lJkrns Ihltl l d rccliv(l y cap~i z(d hist ory jlai l) l in g~ i)l lo crypt ic rigurati(m~ or m0 1ltl1 rtC1 ilude Its rn e m hia ncr 10 a n t lIlbk m - a hand

holding a (Tacked wa ln u l-shell - fim n l ite Dllt c h mordi ~1 Jaco b Cag h-t ~

bl( 1) nOted hy C e rd Ha uCI who hilt dism issi ng hi ltIS coi ll(middotid c Ill a l ~ ti ll

kit (omprlk d h) the strik ing- i ~lI a l analogy T hi d ikrn ma i~ slIIli y comp(Juncit-tl b) con~idcra t i on uf Catss tex U Th e Cats ( mhlem had two mol os (sinr e Ca L pra~ma l il a tly duubled hI lscfuln (~lt or hi~ images hy offering de voi oJl a l tex t$ a bo l l spi rit uI 1 as ell IS Iu tlltl l 10 ( T Il( fi rT

IIl0 1l 0 Re put hk hy uo ~k i ll o uld fUllct ion a a joke on Ihe aJlisl or

p(Je l ~ 0 n l ech niqLU~ I lid is especially ilp pticablc 10 Frnsls collage CUlling T he ~(co nd T IJ(rc is no l(lv~ li kl lir~ t 10 ( ( II n y a (j Ilt Ie premilrs

lIllou rs J [ lidy d lcctin l) ta kc~ U~ hill k 10 thl d c~ i ll cI mol iln vf the

O eci il)U$ compl tx G ivcn Ems t middot~ kllovlo(l~( of Fnud Iht cmblcmali C hllf-sltly ing of things

Ill l) be la kc as ak in 10 Ihl o rn h ina l ry la nguage o r OhjC( b ill Ihe un eon shysciou ~ (~ IHr i a lly as d esc l iltd in 111r Iffprr la OI ()f n f(mh H Th~ Illmy

em h lematic i magI~ ill Cllfs ltl nd d~l herc of e nlarg lltl h lIlcis hold ing

d evieclt fo) cltl lllc llin g )lld CUll ing (~ llllffUl~ ca ndk~ hrtl king clnd lts

cutling and g ra ft i1lg sl II ks ~q Ih in g ri pe g ir ls ) mig-h i (1 be sl(n in th~

lig lll or F rf lld 11 ()Cfipu1Rn cltl n in fa n Ire laktn a s a co nAal (Itl or sc(rltl1

i Jlt age~ from J arob Cats nO I onl y llt l ha nd holdinK l sh at llTn l n u tshdJ bu t also a hand slh j)(ntli ng a key rrom 1 m aglltl ic q onc fig u II 9 For the

prel im inary co lla g1 relat ed 10 Odipus RI ( Emsl used a n im age from the

pl liudica l l ll vil Iltfl ~1I1 i ll tl ~l ra tion ora magit Irick in whi dl a l a inU I shdJ is SIIJII1Idd h) il ~ d eft liom a fi nger il~ if uy llla 1ic Cats ~ tmblems ~ive a

parad o xi ca l m(ra l WLig-ht to Ihis nU lSh d l image hic h in 11 X(Iure hld 10 do with ill usion Th i~ m a tt er of illll~ion rccun on eil pla yfully ill rnsts

work Bt-ynnd tha t the elllbkms pr(J itic (lUlio n ary moril l ~C l pitces aga illt

wh ic h Ihe il1 1o l llr (nt l ues and poli licai ton tilsion of tnmiddot rccettt wa r and it~ aH ermath (t n b( Mmiddott

The ck phant of Tlu Fltph(lJIf 1GIIbn figure 10) h l~ 1 ICi ng pcdigTtmiddot( in

c rn h lcmalic i rT1 agc~ of 31 fro m th Illt rad ig llla tic (i i ill [11( fi ftee nth

centu ry 10 pro pag anda cnrica lUr~ du rint ti l( F irst vlo rld Lr (fig ures I I

111lt1 12 17 O ld)( arrn ond g-Ls-mlskcd illca pabk o r lutornot io n shy

s ta nds ror pn liticil lgtO CI the oSlagna ll )igts C1n~ o f thc K aiscl e ra aml th e

war wh ieh so p roroundl ) a Ar-ctcd Ernst a nd his friends In wl ra l ciati

tOlblclll ~ cilphanb ~Uc a~ $ (lC i a l ld wilh wa r and i ts ~poil s M 7 he EIplwlIl if Cfllhes nOi olll y rlt$clJ1 blc~ Alcilti s Ikp lla nt ith l rm(gtlr I II illa ud a ta

la lldan l( ~ but it~ m Cltlu ings S(C rTl tv lwa r out 1ciali s H((HUlI or a milil) englgemell l in h ie h a middotmons l r( HI~ and coarse e lepha n t frig ht c ls a WL) a n

enemy l 1middotlll y Th tmiddot ele pha n ts plinl cri image is thell l Ikc n a the vioors

p Smiddot [in ri [Jutrhu Ilt 1 TM~ry ~f rltHI 1r YvrL amI Loudun 985) I I~ 00 lTom ~d p n -f bullbull l dlltltuaJl~middot (Iii rflrm r~1 ui r i~ till 1 knvwlche a nd

3 1 1Ihx Ir I GloIkk l ~

rmd~-Ul if 1

11 ~r CllarlOl e ~Iok Clblros i u ~~ (gtI k Frrud$ IhCltlTI t fw a~ Ihe r la liQn tor 1 (([Jag r~ b x Er ~ 1ftgtNJld~ I il P 19)104111 TI ( r~ 11 lr) nunlm( lfIr~ p ( ~l O(r a1xt llChl du Impt I ~~tN~lt1I 11 63deg1 Hd J~cQh C UJ oI ffrtf Ittrdt~ t niam 1I~rl r71 Th e V d ~ V l1 lr~i nll ~ dose cO E nlt~ i n I ~ I ) I ~PJ in (hult 71gt ffl iu( a li lou ~ ( rrminffl in pri l [h rollgt tl ~ mh c( nIUr )1 QI (ra r Dc l ~~I t or [e

e[ltI n( 2 ama nt 11 hir h 3 h ~ 1 gtU I nllt kry fro Jl ~ middot i $() 1 ~ IO~ in tmblfm~la 1 QMhfl II (~~ in

and IfM(arn lluht tid pi II ov~ouuvn lChao Ifat AuJr Wl1d(R 1975

n middotU Hlal in Sqmnr Hot-Ie IIK~1IJmiddotIt f)aIII~nt(~ an ntfJ Ifn middot

1)18 -Iih 9jtJ ) 3S1 middotJmiddothi rmhkm j IJ J udn ~

1Ilw and at on tic]h 1 l i l poi I nf ar I d brak ~ n 1gt1 middotPft t pt~ f( ( em IIW r u~ ohit]

h urr lt) J acob ClIts Sed ~ ICCI)

l MbltlWlill lffJrald k~~~au

f((lltcrrl~m 6~7

~u T Il iumbull l r Alrr1 1trr rmltd Ihr Krlqltgtlthu ldf llr in J)n r laquo (u fl M~r 1H) i Sr Irr~d 1) 1VIl~fr r 1 Hf~udw~ ofl kr 1 ~ilfJ II Q (~I T hm lr~n~ 10]1 II Zrydd cw York 91deg1 ~() - J I ~ En[ ~ ul(Jbiographical [Ul t I I~lhu is d escribed Wl lh rcl crc ne 10 l i t nar~ p r~(rdCnIS In H a~clr~

pll) T~(S~~ lh~ ta1he nra~pJ hI a (XI(tk ~ wlo )urnd lt ( lalh ~rJ nl (i younK fCPh ( hid l-~h ~r~ Jn~dc

uganUl tteN has I arrltucol h~(k of [ho- ~c [a l Ono G n - trair) tIl] 1I hi You bulln diollr tv _ I Irjult lilt(

olIl 13 augtt ) ooJ h1 broughl h on t1 AI)hl I nlII)(uh Fnl

wlgtOkallcu cc a Darla rleno~lOlitln

and arral h3d WI I hl ilip t rnlt 1Xlfl hll ra[hcr~ ropon-lt I cunc ~ O Y(tll iuC htlU~11I djlOIlOIlr OIl Il t[ t- Ia EnlJl Fcrdlltw I P l1 i Ie due [0 Ihe fonnulai- nalUn Oflhc fu_h~rJ ( u- u

lucrnryu(occ lOlho- ryurr Ihmmiddot i~ Ihe FImrul111li (gtr clln ~r Rcp[hlk jnoitcclUal drdo-lt f h~ kiml h( lU~p)l(~1

~m (u (_1gtlt- to P bull -i( OS hCf

L~qoJcur IFmUlr CJrnl HISI~r )1 8 913 (I bullbull d I ~i 1) ]1 ~H J I PI lslr pct 1 C I) 1 lt1 (fJ (Iii IIIn

JIB iltn York 9ilIj PI ~- I Cnll ~dci l Am BpiI~1i Bhl IIIltl IJrfJMJI A-w lfflIi KnliA Jti U ltkm~

I)IISIUIJ ( icnt~ gR8 ann _Vld U(Imn

h fJTwilaquootJI THu C rw Vk glib

insig- nia H ow(ver sinltc the v i lory 1(1$ undcsrrId Itu re~ul1 ur reaI ra t her thatt bravery in b)111e t hi ~ imJ~e of the d eph(II t -( ar( told i~ lgt hamefllL That t hl paint ed image of the kpha ll t nmiddotpn(nt~111 lUlw(rth~ Irick SIT CS a ~ a Ili ct Lommcn l on til( not ion ofl h d ((( il ()f ima ge~ in wnerl l Akia ti s (o nd u$ioll of shaillc md lmb ig l o1)~ vic tor y wo uld tlTl ainl y represCnt E IIl SI ~ g1lwral opinion or -ar I ml its lrUnna l h 7 hi Hlephlll1f f C lrbrj i~ ltl n

a lkgor y of the m oral values of lhe p11Cltl a l g CIlI fltl li on ami t he fatherland olmuJalcd a l a time when lhe iS5 m o j 1 guilt I~ a ~u bjcltt or urg e nl

pubJi( dcblte ~9 Th is guilt also fudkd thr tlltml~ or O edipal palriridli impulses Iha t had become 1 corn monpll(C of Expressi oniml and thai a rc pia ycd out in OrdilmJ R~ 1 m [ 71l r LlffJllOnt ofCdhfJ I~

In 1IlYendeavour to find a cnn vi ncinK ltl r~lJnwnl or i u~li(ial iun fi) 1 11 art (hal might legitimately fU llction in til( pOSt Wl r D1(la c ultural rencgu ti nmiddot lions Ernsts turn to emblem and ltl lkgory points to Llw awkward fil or rellt ivt[ c ult ural alu(s a nd conhm llOra ry history ltIS Ihcir fulfilmen t AlIcgot as lilt l( it tralion of codihrd nonnali cult ural or ~ bOlu le a luCs

fi ts- j arrillgly wil hisiOl 3(rommodal ing ils cnrorcro ohins and chUls nf I cn n~ pru jding a rickety bJea hellt lor Lilt spec latol o r c u rrC11 histo ry In

Ordiplu Hrl and Tlu F1rlllimil oj Ctlfhn Ihe high rd~rents of dleg01~ an txposed as (hey m ig-h I c- isl in the wak c of (he First Vorkl War n k ill ~s h ip st ale a nd rdi~iln arc Hvcaled in th eir CHlTf1lI ri lbilillted (Olldlli ull psychoanal)~cd int o ha~(I frlll~ no IOI1~cr Jegi lim al( f)r sla ble reduced to d ressing- up as th (tn~clvc~ P]((i~dy beca use uf the nccessil~ for

hUH~ l u EIII TM frpiloM uJ Cflm 1 9~1 ~i V1 t h( 0 1 1bull0( Icmll tI) (P 11uiSOORC Monmtl QOO

1n esta h lis lHd Iclennl howCvtI the 11lt-gonea ] q nllllIle or Ihe cmule lll JJ]owlt Ernst 10 g-i Vc an a ccollnt of the lailure of the ll)lwlelil symbol o r

11 lt11T lI it

Blt~()nd these obliqLl(~ly polili cal Co Ill I1H~llIa ri ts EIJ)~I S emblematiC

pain ti ng ~uggests lha t other Ih illbS ~rc at Sla k~ in Ihl Ieai lll oi tiJ( a rt t h ~ 111

the lt llhancClllcll t ofpo( l ry b~ visli a l lIH yplion Thc Iml ]enlat ic paintiflg~

Sl11I1 10 Imoke l lost text or key to Ih eir own d CClxling Jf Elnst ca rries the

pOCTS intclsl in JTI l ki n~ tcx t ~ pic toriil l back in lo pi U IIImiddotS he docs so in

ordn It) raise qu e~l i om a bolll tlte na lu n uf ima ges and represe m a tio n T Il(

~df-qu( l i oni ng ima ges appJrrn lly f]uely thcir own Iul ho r ity could th ey rcp r(ltfllt anything c rc il Ill)[ I(r q slig iil l dalinn~ with cx phlllltltnry

ltI11 til nli 7 ill g lexts T h is is fur[IHr rtlalli 10 Erml~ illI)(lli o ll I)) h( h istory

of a n of I rad itLOllS o f i(ollogra phy v I th e m urce i lll a~t

Tn Ill1 Casc of Tuttn lll l Ioml7l1 (figure 3 923 V(rnlT Spits has Tfaced twn ~ (lUIIC illlages to th e popllllI lIintl (cllIh-cl nt ury ma gltllille (1 Yolu a

ships dlvi(c IItlt j)()UN oil 1) 11 troubled wJtC I and all -e mba t hlng ing

upsirk dO Il Til l m1chine and thl ltl tr o ha t ar( figurf~ ofhaJIIlcc JlId order

~e l agj i ll~l a perilo us si tu ation lht) t la blish1 d i ~rupliI 1I~ t ofvltcillatioll

( 1 1 kiln mlblrm

bull~ J f1nni h hrkl J rJI of hul 41nati rUIHurlmiddot lInmiddot Mlln

I )t ~Jlfodurrrl t pmll rm ropol1111 10 1(111 R(Icr(n(( l ibrary

J l~rT I~ _ Hahn lgtt Ihlll If



h gunmiddot 3 En 7 ulmnr f1 lmlltm 9~3-~ M ti17 CI M~ Ern~I IUGI (1 S~ lnRmiddot ( ~1 llrca l 20(1(1

d tt rnat ioll il llbtlau(l and po~ibk fIII tho I frlln(~ OInollier of Ihe pa i ll I ings sources a R ena issa me allegory of r()rt ull(

IvliIIII()lItlti In tlw c Ollrse of I h ( essa) o n ernblems r i H~d hy Erll had gi cn thc im a~C of FOilli na wi th her wil e] l11d sa il as 11) ex am ple of a [J1 11(n sli tficienl vi~ud (Illbk lll rCftl ir ing 110 tex t to supplcmtmiddot11 1 iLS IlwJlI ingsI Ttl Furll lllt of unblem ~ Ofl11 ~ a ih on slOrm y sta ~

(fig ur( 14)n a nd prl~ LJ mltl J ) t h( i ll llstlal i(n of oil-POll ring m ac liill (J) ~Uggfmiddotlt l cd lO Erns t Iht a ttrih ules o f Fort una Ihe c irc ul a r piplt~ swnd fo r IlI r wheel IlC pi pe barlng her )I~ klr hf1 Ulin dn e~s 4t The leetering of Er nSI ~ Fon una Illa y he lIt r ib lHed to Ill i com)gld ph ~ or t hl grandt 1s lrnmiddotI11I (fig-uri 1 5 )1 ~ In Il le r on ((xl of h yslcna the so urCe illla gl or the acroba t eOJJ1ts in to pla y in Cha rcol and Richer s I J as sj~a l

~tu d y nr hyste ria in ~Ir t I f( )imollinr7 11t5 dml( url j Ui allOytmiddot Iht i ll tl~-

1 1 -(( ~Ij~ lla E middot ((Jla(CIf

f I~ IIml l middotdprM(It OIOIe 97) (11 15 1 r1 rUlclld middotUmiddotme lhauN VI 1Hamp--7middot 4 - hy middotillmiddothul( Fr~nt( S~ltS( ltibull

Icl~ U -fhg uImiddot uurnjl j lurhJrnmd 97 11 I J9 51 This Imiddotunu tlI1hh u Iq td III -

Durc 1 in ~ lnl c t ~ h (1 und n de Imiddotlisunmiddot Jo~rM1 If lilt LIb~( fnlllll III 92~ ) pp 7 I ll

1 Ion ) lnunlrmiddotmiddots 1- Pu d Im ll~l1Id ft n(rmiddot~ middot lax Ernst G middotmJ-k Au Ihmiddotf()JU da amu rlal ig~) n ~IIlaquou do w moTd W I b rrlJNI ml)km~U(middot hl UTlt of middotOCl~Smiddot

11 - I lIn ~rlcfut 10 ] I it I ~m~$ fot hvwinl tnC I lul]w( 1 too rc on I- nn and h) la drlid at the I lI l (bullbull lkrl lurMlhUI hll lIi1)t Un Ga l a fl~u ro uf Iltt gt ~ on) Uotncst(

Uioor ~ l d be Eluurdf Mil f~ I IlII luItltgt4flAlyllf SO~fIJ PI tOj ~

rigUft q Fornll x ttlt h ~It u n

Ii tby WdrOllfl Fullmiddot 11 1 iUllt V~rfbIU Dj( 17

1b J (~ COI ~nfl l ul Rkher - IJIIII(mI~I fa lgrlmiddotrRfl() (Amncrd ilnl 97111 100 n middot eljg wmiddotS pc i ho dlgt$lt In Ad middot ell Sarto S(lUlI

Phl J Wi Jillnl _ poJsMk also Ih ) h) Charco d R~hcr

11 Elila]t(u ll rcn 1lts Iu~ middoth~$triQnk OIICillallo n a t_middot itligll ~

or he bymrk Or lin tkaJ body

1lI uchSlcr 9J Ptgt ~f(gt-imiddot

trnt iu ll show here i till oh~(ralio n thal h y t (ric~1I atli l udc~ pn~sioshy

IIcllc~ ]evc tCtll pUfoi s 1m car ( I n particu licrellH1I1 ITohaliqul 6

Ermls (IlllJleml1ic 7 1r(ri lLg IYmllllll th c ll IS 1 (ompk l1ld humo rolls lI ullcgo rizul ioll of fo rt una -I -1 yst cr ic11

Com plex rlt-fCrcnces like liIi un 10 fortuna pop up thruug ho ul E rn~ Is

I rk amI se rve I S ind i $ of a ll (gor~ di fCCli ng us 1 ) Iradi lio ns or i(onotVashy

ph ) and accumulated Illcanil1g 10 symbolic tig-ures Inc attribules thai re ta in a sh-dowy lu hori t) hilt being Su hj(C lelt1 h~ E rlt 10 subi titwiJll$

r igbull I wwd Pjdk iul1udr Ik Hucilitlnr n I n rhlrnl tlld ( dmiddot lr~ dim~~taqw rf~ Iarl 1186

llnl OOf ~ [ AT tlTUP~~ ~hIQ itl EL L~S U ~ ~A ~IIA ~ O E T IIIUIt II Y S f t R I Q ( [

Allilnde d~ cnciG etenl

nnd degradatiom T he Forull emhlem here comes from Ab y arburg- s sl1ld~ Francesco Sltlsscl1is let lwilli gc Vnfiigung- (1 907l En~ t was not na ive abou t t he nuu re of images and their contagion and he fa nCS r unsidshy

natioll (If the onvt llI il)n of p iCl(ri d language Hld as~ u ll1pt iom ltlh0L11

mea ning At the li me of Warburg Saxl and Panof~k~s t ralings of da~~ial

~ymhol~ amI mylhollt)q-~ th rough IIwir til-hased ltI nri mu lt iple ronm in Ih e

mbkm~ uf mag illklun and as trology E rnst wa- him self englgd witb sudl dchascIllCnts~ 8 Fm u s Er lldil(~ illlag(r) makes h im a pl radnxind

ltlcackmiti a n a nd pa rodi c nr hi ~lOrilIl rel yin on Ihe prl~l i g( of rlcog ui I shyabt l~ q UIt liun bllt sa htlaging tlw h i~torical method Ilat w(lutc1 ~il ua Le a giC 1I wo rk th roug h ils relal ion I() prncden ts Tlw T urning I-1QIl1I cuuld d t~tl be rel a lcd ror middotxa mplc 10 C iOll u~ c lnb[emalir Il1rtJlJlu ncy (fig u lI 1 6) III

Erns t ~ Jisjunct i c ilT1ages parlde nfcrcllt~ bllt ddy rongruity ltllI rl c hronolshy

ogy u hvlr1ing lhe aUlhori ty of history to sequence idell tify imCrp lI l lI lld evaluate H e ~ i lua tCS h i ~ work within the history ofar and li terat ure capita shyli ling 011 th e cx ptxtation orknowin~ ~ aU high academic a n h as donmiddot_ b ut parndicall y mocking any pic t y or nost tgiil fo r 10s1 ori g-in ~j

A work part icula rl y di rctling ll~ 10 problems of Iltlngutge and f(middotp r(lt ll ta shy

ion is AI tht r ln Cltar Word 1923 lfigure 17) pai u tcd Oil lhe Wl tt o f Pau l 3nd Gal a Elu ard s bcdronlll J lengt t h itog-lyph k co n fi g u ra tio n (If fing(rs ba tt and string u e oqlI1 i7OO a rou nd the o r and X of Ernsts name $ilUali ng th e pa inting in the long- tr lditi(J)l of emhlematic deir(~ that play on names The pai nti ng as il immiddotulwmiddots Inc clongucci fin ~cr of a 01ll11l

JIllgt pru habt ) em bod ies Ernst cOIlLlm pnr ilrr rdatiom hip wit h G ala E lulfd (TIl E device traditiontl l is m clIlt 10 proli)ulJdly rcpre~t nl he ha hitual conduct (lr ( ha rati r or onlsel f oncs princc ur th c beloved womUl whitt t voidi ll L pon ra iwrc)Y 11115 5 p lCltlr( panLom im cs n des tabishylized pictoritJ compo~ i J i ()n the bt ll on thmiddot ~ rill~ wh ich ()r IllS lh c [ i~ I II

im minLt1l dltt nKcr oflwlng dropped by Ihe crossed fingcrlt pullin with it Ih( tlil of Ihe Illard-likc in$Ipound t T his co nngllfllion is lik rly a j oking refc rellC to

Frcudill li cn~ t rl ti () TI an x itmiddot t y ~ a noti(11 n i nfOTced hr Erm l ~ou r(( imag fro m 111 Salu re iIluslrllling a Irick in which 0 lingmiddot CTos~ed and pressed to ltl single bJ ll have th e sCll5a rion of feeli ng two balls As a dci(c JJilc rct aining the wit l nd (()nci~ ion appropril( to sueh repnSt IHatioll Frmts painting brea ks wit h th l c1 Clurum ltInri pwpcr k di ng tradi tiona ll y l ~s()C iated

wilh lile devite a ~ portrai t of t he mind or w uL E rnst~ im al l also rdi tes

If iby rhll rg rnfrlhUltrSrhrifk-1f

] irdllcnstlti ll lif9]I 117 51 ~

Rbnd K all) mc~r 1) 1 1gt1(1$

Iltr~hr f lfn1t una d~ ~lIdarhll -brdtllnttk r L f min l lmiddotb~t wnd IJm)tflm T]n J87) 48 1 gt111 ( rldu l (0 Rfrky lin HI 1 ~lI)lJr I L-d Ihr t iol(IJ mhllt1ltlt

ll I ] hwau middot1 he $lru((lIrr or All elonl~ Il)eltIf ill IIII~~~ Iwl RqgtrQI ~I ltlhnJ ( lt 11111 ( Ih ~ 1Il tl 1(1)(1 I~ 1 37middot

iO- amp ( Il ~n ri Eli C Alldtjam(n

aniltt r nlas Ulul ( I doll 16IbiPpmiddot 8 1-7

51 5lt Wmiddotmr SpQ fouJ liolld Irrudi cli ll ~ iu J) Hwhhr Ii du (lttr C610i1 I l7 PImiddot 5 4middot

~ll(ure 16 Giou nlill (Slt f1) ~ini Chilpdj

5~ - XC IstkUIImiddot Ltt Jill ( 1lt drriJtgt nn the pfOpltn~ ofdc ien It ~nno td t

fkmcll lS de Li tltrrmiddot JlIgt Ill d ~80)

lIi(krlt l p II ~_

M a rmontcls insistence 011 the h igh 1110111(1 11 lt urlomiddott emblems I llnn mtd )t VC as 1Il ltlmpll or the o~jt(lionahl t tToli lIIbkm objcL~ luxqllds Iop inirlll allad w ride de ha-gtsessc sUlh as a pot Oil the fi rt ith Ihe mollo f a m ltOIlsul1ed below ) It i~ tempti ng III im agi ne Irnsl toyin g wi th this

higb mor~1 1 po~il iun by delibera tely making a (Tud pun th e basi~ of til liu First Cmr WordY

T ypica ll y huwevr Ernsls Vi~U 1 1 sou rce rna) lJ ~ (lv(rdcterln ined hy 111 trudi tc textual ~ourn III I f NiL dAlllIIbrr D ichrl ~ Dr Uordeu describes the controlling ccnI tI ()r Ih t ch fir OUl ~n$aliOIl~ L~ a jlld~c who hears caS(~ md pIOIl Oll ll (I~ vc rdirts This jud~( hOHver 111lt1) be e ffeclivdr

deceived b y the (i(llIc( it may expe riL- llct paill ill an lIl1 putalcd limb 11 01(011 ~ays Dr Burdeu ~ou Gill INt t he limits allli decepl ions o f

sensa lion by (ltI rrying lItI I Ihi$ sim pI eXlwrinWll t Otl the judge

o n k tro mpe lu- nd Oll 1(11 1 crui ser dl lLX 11( ()~ doilts run Sill Inutrc lUuch(z un t pclill ooule lt1 il pronnll r(ra qu-iln II df l1x

2 bull i

h gumiddot 17middot l rnSl II Ihl FII (lro l1pd 1 )~3 I t bp (I II ~ L m ltlift))G P

1 1 lri~ OUolAC -110laquo1 ltOOO

In to( context of thi ~ pa rt ieulM di~lullsjon of s(n~ttiol II 1t1 Ni l f d J(lmh

lhe hypolbeli cd Fltudi an melning~ nf E rnsts Ilugcrs and ball in tensify The fea f ( castfa linn II lre is dJ ierl 0 (middotO fl~i (kra lion 01 The npITicHclt of pai n and pkhurr di sltussrd fl y Did r rol and the decept ion orthe senses ~ lldy ra ~

someth ing to d o with j urlgill l Ill( dtcp tiolls of illu ~ion is t 111 with the picru rc itsel f alld (implii t in Ihe Ictltl~ ()1l11ed Ily gtIring wd hnger wit h llie k((middotplio ll ~ ufl ang uagc

Beyond UidcrOl til( fou nd ation fror Emsts rlecplion 0 1 El uan] lnd Pau lh tnmiddot~ a rgumen ts about languagc lay in ( enIt 11 Roma nt ic dcba tcl ltlho ll t till ~rn bol ith is full ex p1l~s i (I1t$S and uni ty or ~ ign and n ferfnt 1S OPp()sd HI the di~~ocia lcd and arl Jilrar y sj gn-gllle la lioll l)fa lllmiddotgol) I Of panicular lifelong intenl tu Ernst (ft the po-ms CS~ t ys tJld a lltgorjC~ o f Novali I II the fi ch lc S tudilu N(lva l i~ httl u Hlsid ered lilt rela tion or

l t 7 fit I H l 1gtlt(lI

5 ~ - Sn HLmmiddot odoro M If Ih I ol Ir (Ihrl n r Io rln Ilhh J l)tb 1 151

~ Umothc JaiuA I(hI~ed me of rn~(f hfdonA bullbullding 0 -11 ~ i~ (k Iter lu

hLlhtlh LclOlc 0 ell 91121- M~ dlkllraquolO(l i~ lI deb loo (0 II~

fC(Illt(r o Kn ) ~r-lu t HtNIl_ nI1 Ioudon 9lj s~

fio hlr S d 110 Stlrjinf rd l1I1 dholln ~ lId K rd Sallnd 2 lIllIlIlr~ n 1)gt5

y QUOIn t 1bullbull Iulil1 Oir Il-gtOtw- KumulIl ~I fI Poe jdcr h Ohrfllt1101nl imiddot b-ftJ IMM bull I~ 1 IjJj11_ 1 lt)OCf p ~06

~1 It_I 5ltlrrif(~~ V 282 U lln hilll prp1K(I h1I Novtlraquomiddot d~ ldk ll i

ixua Irlnllllod ~bull middotIrmiddotI1 I middot rJ dwr Ihm rr lrnrlll (Hgtrlldk ) ~H - ito UBeu PI 0 11 11gt ~MI S(itl~I I V I ~

~ 1 ttl lIml To i Was Ma_~ 1-1 Iudirl h i ll Ia ~H K~I~ P l S c r PI Ip HattltlorHrr

I~nf(n (P(t Tunlu IPlI amp nn K olVI)lJtt AtIhIJIt~ ImJ~nt I _jm (1(In EIxhllll 19031 Karl Ih(f)(lomiddot C d cru ( dritl

HMIlI~NI III Jtbtfl DISn LI n Ll(PlM 1Jf(d 1881 J eanmiddotUaud t rtbs (~ ifipp H sectn Cr ~

tIorll Frnkrun middotrnmiddotMam u Iu 1lI

IqIi l PI V~ -t3 Thrn ~r n 1I ~II i ltI h not 1 p~I1gttul r 1( in TI n oell u1f 0111 8ui chmid d FIIrjI ~I 5 ]nJ J~6rfjnnu 1 lII Di_UfJ(11 Numbl

III~ 1Io11l 6 SI h nJ ( f(tmiddotulll ll middotlulrodOIvu AItl~ry aN HprtUIIlJIIDII

PI) ~l D lan pOIfl~ ou ltlr311~~f)rr 3ltll1 mhlrm bull 11 d iflkuhy (Of ]Jqllf i Iht th (mvh d~r ~ 01 rtp~uu -n C tgtOllt~ nd In 11K rmiddotrr fSltltn~ l h~

Iu Qn I ~Icd middotPutal

bullI ~gtIOfV of PllSlVI IIpry RfIlnIllI_ p ~3)

language to th e th i [l~ il t~p rC~n l gt argli n~ t haL silllc lAng uage n rijinatcrl

l1 finding ~ i lm (or lbSl tae l conccpt~ it i illiterr l11ly nw tlphoriltl md dlceptivcn Fot I(ovali ~ fcprCC nT ll ion is a proce -~ hy which lall~utKC

fig ures (orth somelh ing lhal i ~ itself IUSI I rough tillt ln y 1(1 of being pnstlIh( If for Nova li ~ jlOmiddottry IIl ll lgt1 appro~ld l i~ual li rt ))il rot~il Inu

also zur Kunst werdcn ) ~I ne( rt hclt-~ d ll ~i I) ilwit)bly Idl shor

crea ling an illusiun uf prcsellcC where t he re is n() IH So (I IlC ( an n p n SCIl I onl y i ll ordcr 10 rcprcscmiddotnt Y alld beyuml t hi ~ lei of 1lt_ prcMnting thrrc i~ rIn absolutc ulIlcprtsctH ahk negllid y d tlcrm in ltgtd KlOu nd a conce pt or being that lt1111101 be d(~( l i hltd (111) displMcd im o c han o r darkmss cent Tn Novalis Eru~ 1 wou ld find a his tury fOl J (I lwlhiIlmiddots (ol1lcm po rIIY

argumcnt thnt all ln nguagl inn )ivcs metaphor and millndcr~t lIld ing a nd lil his d tllcriptioll of IIe cia rk nes~ Iha l sl l orc~ lip Ihl )l lOvcrh OlSlTlions Novalis~ theori fs ofl anguage uor nt oul by Pa ulhan ct1ll thC lllsck e 10 Ill

middotprlScll led by ErnST in the en ig-nuic piuolid Innn Lpprnp riltlH to NOlt1i ~ ~

sig n or 8ild

Allh~ Fin- Clear Word Ill a y be lfad in ligh l orlh~I plradmtlt ofbnguagl lild ~emury d ectption I n~ot~ r a ~ EII) is til represen w r n r pn5lnllr CJftlll pic tll re he is til t d tceiHI ho (c l hI eq n I writcs him$(lf intn IIw p ictu re through his pnouious mono~ ram 3 ~ ti l( deceived Sim il (ontig ur lI iuns or balls a nd stri ng llC a cOlIlIlon plac( of SCclllttnth-cent ury

(middottIIule lm )( rhlil l it~ sud l a~ R lJlkll h lgcns l enllOll~ Globe hanging hy A

thread IllrCa ltned by tht di vine k ni ft wilh its mOllo 1 wi ll hc cm 10 pi tccs

fIgure 18 T IlfsC l m blcUla lie modds sel up the ( lIt1 i n~Cltlst ration j oke impliCi t i ll Enm~ plin ting T he mOllo or I llIvorffcrs rebted emblrlll ha l dccei CS us a mu~cs u~ is cunsistent lth t he ide) uf lhe pli n ting iI~

an illustra tion 01 Illr (kctpt ions of thO se nlt-~ and of m imetic picllln-m k i ll~

tsdr ftigure 19)

H ard(irfit- r 01In eccen tric th(o ris t uf the e o lvill Genn a n la n ~ua~(

a nel of uuoque emhlems H iJ visio n 01 middotGrlllairl poticmiddot was illfiuencecl by Ripas rulolugifl Acia w and J atO) C algt l ~lII st ho had studied ph ilu logy an d hld la kcn a ( ou r~( o n the v c r man nomiddotd of the sevenshy

leenth lin d middotijl ltnnl h cel1111ri o l it u nivtfi ly miln I dl have Cllcou nshytered his 1 ()lk 9 I I is a~y til 11 (-l arsdlitflcr a~ it proto-sunca list

throug h Jing-u islit ~arlH ~ ill Wllld ~ amI illll(~ b) p hon ti play and nc c()r tr bi n a lioH ~ Ill hoped 1(1 drw 1)lIt h iddell ret lI1b l a n ce~ bct ccn th ings and CVl U 10 invcnt IIC W Ih ings illulllill ltinl lI lt p ro fo und rdations of I lItgulgt mpound ttoe o rld I he cullelt i gllllc-pla) illK of his C tspradtshyspick fragmcn tcd syllabic and wo rd re(()I nbined b ltliterna li m cun trishybutors to produt( unli)rt (c lI rclt I1 I1 ~ ha~ I)l iUlis afJiui lies w il h surreali~t

potti I practice H aT1gtltlu r rfCIs emblem r ai(~ a ~lmiddotnlmiddotr tI puinl ahou t em blems hile tlln

pro id e Glp tival ing rt)lism cf el ltil tl li is IP l r~ l to ensure Ie~ihilil and ough t to have Ilolhillg 10 do I ith Ihe Jl lt- I ~ lI nmiddot Urlllil1lDis A t Ih( F lnl Galf

Vorn a ~ a piclure a bout S( II~()ry cl ( p tiotl is a n ironir a llegory or ils own t1l IK1Ciri cs (0 rcprcocnt r-I(IIc hrou l- it rIilCgt ltI p roblem of aUIgory whkh Lries It) fu lly npn scnl or pi tun al) t rt( tions llUt I~ hich llIccssa ril rccals

ilS uwn fa ilure lu arw ally brillg lillih ~udl tl lill~s fgt T he da ril ) of the cmbk m sim ul ates tht gra tifJ I lir~ of I n i (J1lsi~ stl1ing up an anxi()u ~ t1t t rshy

naliun btlwctn (knxlillg wh a t i ~ IlH- u lr d eH lr dll1iC(11 dra lng and



I bull



relishing the pleasur UI) pmsibly lIli 11 1lt1 i( tJl E1l11Jk mati~ a1l0w E rn~ 1 shywho 4xprcsscd cQn tcni p l (() I milllClit a rt to negot iate bdwfcn I h~ ~I(tu(~shy

livci ) mimet ic tud ed ifying)y d i agrarnma l ic 6~

As 1 pend ru 10 AI Iht hr~ 1 elfllT kV(lrd til (ol1l g ~ L Q)QI Jl tSCIIf n ) OUIIl

girl 930 -70 (figu re 20) tu - h i1I Ems f IHu a lly added a real glolWmiddot tikc bltlll ul ltlnnil y bcar~ 0111 [he sense of the Rollen hagen l mbll Il ah hough thl di vjllC POWtf to cut i~ now invested in the tollage nist himself (o r rather Is he represents himselfilhin Iht piClUre l~ Lo ploPi The em bleshym a ti c rt lnin d n Iha l rh inbTS U( 1I1titna tcly IUIt of your hands Ihll ( oci hold~

thl ~ci ~sonbull i ~ plnyert upon hy Ernst wi lh da rk i l The introduct ion o f Lo ptop in 1910 as Ern t ~lt rtgo recaJl~ owllis diClUm The 1 1l1 li~1

preselt iLSeJ f as prcsln ting 3 Th i5 cads again to lIlt problem ()f the vict lln asmiddotil1li~i oll [ltU L()plop i ~

lI sultl lly d cscrilx-d imprf~sJli()o )jk( as introducing or p rese1l1ing tbe pic tll OfL r n il is Lop lop ~lC lillg as frl1lw o r easd who prCSCli Is a n iUlIsiomiddot Jli~li( pi clltrt ilhin lltt piUunu5 T he ~ ll hjCtI~ of tll( pi( llIn~ lI il hin the

piCHI onen have weigh t) implicJliuns I rolll1( Ililii grapes by a~sociltltion with Z tuxils gmpes im o kc piolo ri a l illusionism oa k kavcs stan d fo r (C111111 narion) islll a nd RU(k has rl ief M aJgtcilllise sla nds tor F rench nltionltl lshyiim It is as if Ihe sym boJic me ni li lS indicated b) Loplop~ piclu res t re IS i lonkally rcl ri (vaule as the pos~ihi lilics of pino ri 11 iltu~ion and flllln(i~ th they sland for alld ilh wlloh Ihey an Pcs(nt ed TI H the grI I(S a nd 1lCS

2 5 (1 TU lrAHI middot H 1(-

Fillln II ( il)r id R o)knhag~n middotClu han b II hr~d wlih (~ tr ha nd hold g a kn rmiddot ~f(~w 1hIlIIIImiddot I i-him r ~i

fi t - St Th II Kelley Rn~MI

II II(go ] II ~(IIl he If Ih~1 nl(crmst llrgor~ na k middot ldrr r~t(h n I t ~

I h on ~ l llpp1)Vdl) oljlflSCd 10 il r)w mimClibullbull his(01 )

() 2 h r hisect iIIllhn (fOlU (hi

(l hll mele mil ~ 11 arlif t ~

Ma_ fru~l jjiIMJ p I 6J - ~Mlta )iJmik ~ f ~t12 ~ct

~I )ulm P 97 (v r di (m h~

Pilamplg hvll t N(ll$ II a rl h ltlonlt4) ontt I 10( lim or ~m~IJ I1 Y 1IIIliD 11$ iltit (laquolt ~ndjd G ~ ~IJ

mulaquo el 1 rl arsd ltnd laquocu 6 s O middotRticn I lI lh Th pk utc -ithm h pintlr _tnCi as mc~rhor ru t NOali om pI ad pIIaduxinl image I l ie -1l ld h h wdun Ikin~ hll iI~) 1middotU1 ou tsid e j( as n prtlCnt tWIl

~Qligt hnJ ~ p 06 ti) - I plup~ middotad a nd eQpalt$ h~

any ~ial pr~cnlenu C( middotrrllr SIlOlt f~Qp_ rr J i( OIMt Srf LotdwI

Jlil Ik~Q 1 SI)ics I(8middotus l ~c1r ( rrma o-c is MOl Sehind s TII trti~tgt a iOimacd COnllltUl6 ~ilt5(lt rllaquot and ~il5hl-nlzot) fn~nn 0 Nlrru~fI IJaa 80

tisull 9 H lrjr Wshy nj() h Mr~t ~ 1 Itmfr U(pr~(hrIr

1644 (I


r for Jr


ikdy d a$gtltS


(J VUlliJ yenrrfttr~ I Xi In lh~

LltJII()Igtltrics t~ l ~h UlCt Ilw rompt

fMI dlilaquo (f making (hiu ~Jl llCar IU Igt I n nplJ(1 QUI of Ill()lhcr pic of PII r bdud lion which I 1lap ilh (he ambJguIjI Qf ltOt lhin hccomioe middotrl )7 S pound I) VHI Image ar bod Y dt purd aliRl1l11(llt 01 Waltt r Ikllj ~mi lt1 1 Bnlmiddot JDI(1 M8JN~IIl1iI ~ 3

Ilt)ltJI pp ~5 -H20n h~ P r bullbull II1tQl 10 11( cn blrn1 Ilr liK if IC~ t()

I)irn iocapl hle Ihe-Imiddot of middotrnln lmg meaning bullbull liegQ1 i~ 01 ju(

Olhnlll mClonpnic 5hiflil g 01 Wmanl(


art acturl lly pre~sed into thl paper 10 form ~ ha~ lr-lief h ci~hlI1~ lilt joke Oil 1h( power of piClori11 illusio1lism to hring things illlO r(l 1 d inwnsions wi th in tIll fidd o(the r iled mimesis of the ditglam l1la lic larger pi( tu lmiddotmiddot

So Cr llsts pictun may ntmiddot tl kcn 1 a n (mhemlIic prCsentation or Novaliss Bild lunel ioning as a Plfldoxi( d rlj) rc~cn l alion of 11ll fli lurc 10

flill y represc nt dealing wit h thc plOhle rn o f prcsen li l~ a pilI UII a t all and by elltensiOll wil h the )nhcllnt dcnplio ll~ of me La pho] i1lu-iol l and lan guClgc O ften representcd by a dark ell si lhouettcd htnd IS in Ioplop pminlS bullffjiifJ 1931 (fi gu rc 21) Toplop invokes Novl lis f~JlloJs d cscri pshytioll o(thc delusi(n of repr~cntlllg H( gliI-p- ollly a handful ()r d ~llklJcss ((

Loplop a~ i ll1 plcs~ario mtkcs p rescnting ~d l~co l1 c i olls hat is prestmed i ~

ahIs mediated 01 II a rnllOW like Ill( pictures Wi lh1) pic lurts losing

ground III llllIly o r Ernsts p3i nling~ W~ 11( ill the territory of cmblemalic rcprOlclllltHioT1 thost fa ilures and ha zards agaim t hi ch the rnord or motto or the emblem i~ proph~ bClieall) ~c l Ernst makes the cmble mat ic il1l agl a ll emblem orkonograph ic lnca n ill ~ itsclfb7

Tn the (middotolllgc novels ]lIginning with La Femlllt 100 [Flu 1929 Ernst dcvdops the cm blem image illlO an allf~o lka l na rrali( Tf Enhts coll agc T1ocI ~ fU llction or ma lfUllclioli l~ parodics of the pul p nov as cx lcndccl clich e the atrnosphln of popula r IlOVel movi ng- from dimao( to climax is nut (Illy char3neri sl il o f di llhangcr scrit1illd Ii (lioll bUI of high allegoric-

~ ilurr 1Q ~rJUI --QpI~ IW(1IIJ P~lIf $1

11)3)-70 ~ I tl 1 1 C 1 1 -nm middot 0 (1

1~riII-O[)1iC ( IlIn~11 locO

111)_ HI nl [ ~ l Cl middot

ril(UR 21 ~nb l Loplol fgtrr~ll bullrjlirJ 193) raquoI~ 1781 Cl 1( lt f rtI~(AIJA(f

ld SUOkAC ( Ina l ZOQO

(gt11- Ou EI and pu(p fin iou Klt Rltncc

R irlot 1 1I~rI S~JIIJ on flu 11ltgt01 Jkrkdmiddot~ od l(gtmiddotngt1cs ~ P 8

(I li ~ r)hC Olhe r(olla ((n-vcb 10 (tII~ 100 ius lltms 10 f()rl~ ~cu i t i It f J) bn pred i(1ali( ITUucm nf

dJgory thaI IhIt ir is w lhig

~-qutItLil1 and UorrdlJ d~li) irlo )PUlI lhol a 101 s~ j 1 rma ll e Iruun OrUrgurir 1 d middot middot 70 Sec RrlIll I)j kw Idol Dr (fomlr gt~raquoI4S~~ ofFm= ri( i Fi -ltir)l1dr CIIIMlt rw Yk I ondon and O d Od 7r - Ilr hundred h~dlc wumn

pcrgtoniM Ihr protlogt ofnIlt) i II blt n d~ugtltsltJ lrum la~I llt nmiddot I a ~ Old Ikrricln gtI I at OJ~ 1I OllgtII) Ic Ihin lnd b) UI huured 11Ultbl

(ltTduug Slaquo Kon Rund tbi~ oUtIII l SnfUQa flta (Slrnl

-Ill Jcq1 [xrrid I ~ Ihr ~i dr Plmon r PIQImr idd i rUf HiOn

1- 1 1jl3lt) ~5- ~1 a 1 11Ik -bn

laIlt 1111- uf P5UaSI Il 11 n 7 nLllIr Max En_ s CCIl1~ldc A Il

u~dJjJ Ju tzmis Punl of pHtdigmltK- rcmm~ Jail (tcmiddot i duo1lltcJ

j ltoul l e~ d to Ir mYIr~ de IJ Fr nn I (h rlltoum ed ilh Inrily n [J

ru~orlf J~dlnl Ul Ieh IW adl COl middot

iJ drjed in Lr M~IUf ~ (ue biod Il)d by II rah ) mllo)~ a (M from CIen dOn Imiddot ga~m

n j)()gtltt t ( du d I dClaquo1 PllfT

J1( Inl 9~3 I 3 )middot i J 1 mpu lit) is 011( ( I)utf HlT~JIJ ilIU1lruom illmlHffi by t dl~ aKI o lkmm Solaquo rhf 11rllrpIt~ of 1fIIopoilbullbull 1(0)1 ltlt 1 A I (~ bull Lltdo d3middotICl ) I or the hltad leM

m~ ~I nprt nlIVlt of the lI h~voJiud

Mltirirr5(C Ilaydcn hw T hc Ior r Idnc rll f~fJ)lgtfOlmr FHJ n

cJIllIr1 (nWi BahiOI~ 11(1 l aunn

l7ijjP r63 5

ltIS wellG8 The luadks~ OIl1an w ho c rupts iu uiflircn l forms lhrou~hflu l Ia Frllllllr X) tilu could ~ef( as a mnaphor lor Ihe d isru privt relations bel ween metaphor ltlnd th( ~cq ucn tiltt l flow of narrative charaCte ristic ( I llegory The d(vd o]lm(n l~ cnn (inui lY and rcptli li(HlS afTordcd by 1lIJTativc allow hun (0 rCClpil lLlatt S() W ~rea k hi ~ usc of woma n to personify his own Icdllliqlll

The k nmJe nud e had belfl l1l1 lhe prw niscuQu sig nifier par t udtIll( 111 nin clee nlh -nntury $ll nn painling in 1 hifh Ilt t complex it(lltirics and allri shy

hut es of any given 1 l1 cgoricld personifi cat ion WCl( Kro~~ l y sim plifin l a nd s i ~lIalled a nd in which multipl ied numbers (of ha rtm ~la v (s or OJcads) com pensa te fo r loss of indiidual s ignificalion If Ihimiddot ~a loll lIu dc finally scrvf d as a pcr~nn i fi clI ion of a n OcrT rowcltd a nd raquohdioere Sa lon itsdr 7ltgt that cltuase lllent of the aan c mil tra dil ilJll rIK ina ted Erm t as he pl ullder(d ninelecn th-cent ury j ournals a nd salrl11 (pvrl~ fOt his collage ma l( i1 1I y not one hundred headl(lO~ woman instead of onc hundred mrmingk ss oms why nOI om perrcn ly ugly hcadlc ~ Ioman (ICte de mecl us() instead of ti le rut ile Salon bca ut ic_

Tlt tlc is Ill importan t (ll ulcmalic prototype for frns t~ womln a ~ GC f(]

Rauer has notcd I rnst s fcmm e 100 t Ci I~ has a counte rparl ln L a Pcrr i i rc ~

11 T lriil de$ bQNJ en~IIS (rigurl 22 ) IhlUl1 d i~llliss~ this rcscmbk nc( agt fortu itous ImHer il is im portant Ih1I it is the Inl tllnt is c1ost-S1 10 the

Ill(ltlni nls uf Ernst s woman not till image I Pcrlicres femme is iuall y an ad ap tat ion of a lomill onpl acx Horapllll o-dlTivcd hcadle~ ma n

signif)itll( I m )JOssibili t~ presuma hly a 11 aul c~s oman l~ douhly illlpossihlen In L Pcrricrcs prcm lO he is not JJl( rely ]utdless bu r rtther Jik( Ernst s middot te mll1 f hilS I)Ulny i(kn til il~~ IqJrcst ll l(o by many heads silt is compa n d to lh e Chi n1ltl crn Girion p) hnn tll cdusa Cerberu~ and lhat l-llnicular pnmiddotc ur~or of tIl( km nw 100 Ittcs Iht H yd ra Through such proli li-ration or menning sIt( is Ih e mhkJll l i ~L~ dream emblem Lr

Pcrriercs le( nlllcludes tha t ma rc marvellous Ihan all Y of Ihc~t lll ylhic creatures middot vu lrl bt Ull(- fem me sans leu Ihe One figure who cou ld prcSurnshyably em bod y a ll hybr id mean ings in one ~ llcc in (t blll meani ngless fo rm La lclTiCr~ crnhlem may be an allegory of lhe cjlem ma of rht PO(I UIIHl Lnned hy his middot iivll~ hu l need ing 10 be a )H roi( d eca pitator a rer~(lI ~

aluivalc1l1 T hl ngrt l1a ble mora l conclusio n of La Perri eres poem is tha i woman Ilccds a guidc a ra tional hCltld a nl ltln lax pound rllst71

O n one occuion irr IAI FtnllU 100 liles Ernsl himself appearS (fi gure 13 1 III Loplop and the mouse s horoscope M attCrs or desliny fa lc a nd horoscope- are a sta ple ur emblclIl li te rat ure middotf he imge is pan of a n embleshymat ic (radiliv) in vhich caged creatures slam] ror lht ca ptivi lY and sull t ring of tIlt poel or lo (r (fig ure 24)1) Em Sl i~ agen t and nO l ca ptive 01 flt ltc however Ba n-dle~lcd he may be (rt l ra~ rfli hen a~ ltlll odur pcr~nll a uf Ihe multi-valc lll woman he carries the d isGmlrd cinllus of th at stock haraCllr of l lk gOry the haUd resscd woman RUI he holds onto h i~ hal (Ihich unlike the he-ad Ill ay be lakcn on and of 1 ) and thu s retaim for himself Ihe powcrful masculine role of the head Erusl appea ring in persOIl wilhin his tollage 110d signn ls his SWIUS as a ll-controlling novelist or em hleshymatist d lOS(middot c lvnga lcd hand CH n pluck thr- mouse Out of il s ordaiucd palh al a n) tim t Ernsl l$ a llcgorisl should Iw SitultlHd in the trdi liun ofparod ic nuvc isg incl udilg Ka lldais Charles Sorcl J cln -Pa ul R idlter and TIlOlIllS Stcrne whose work relies 0 11 a Jlet0ry to ironi ( it ~ own d tviccs~

hllur~ )~ rouU gt lt 11 Ierricn middot1 _ Fe 0lt ~Iemiddot bb(om xv Lt middotfhIQII( au flu OlU 539middot

7 t t- rr middotm i ~hlllkeuoImiddot(gtr I ~

E ts alP-1m~ ad 10 III unJinn~ Ih t middothltmiddot ~11 ome hmiddot Igill~ o nly in o 1 oj Ihem ~e ltor pmpcrl) nmn~(tcd IIgt Illfi r 1middototls tT j inllny ITrI 5I t 01 SIJ Iijt I-i 1 Ynr I)U

1middot9 i ~ Thmiddot tllmiddotd 111I)Ult if) Iro p O JPC~Il

lciII otld ~rqJlOxIUmiddotlmiddotd in I) middot~(on( ~t j oolgt C~~ middot i ~poliJ t

gtj)(lli lont tmiddotC I 111 (apia I)n1

[mill ) MUftIM~ Alh dt 11((-111

fAmSIrd I 7~ (l Damel Hcin~iul

Q I ~lD 1~J i Jm I-oIo bullt ) fo r lupid (gtIllide h ase Md P C t 1)(1middot Imbl~w tryU 1l~rd~m 6 rmiddotlmulcd Pdmburgh bulln7l) fcr Cil~rrl bini ~e ncr (Inllri ) aud cupid with ( ~cd ~uinrl 70 T ho $(lrnHmhurv au C hr[ So middotI JlhT rparodir novel a nd IIlkgori(O ( h anw rl ttlnIHomaM)

ealled iIllOIltSlion mi(Ic rda liou pc bnl(lIagc and III(Ialhor Sorer IA llalJM df ] i1Jbullbull d rih inl( illtolI (IU~1

~ ~ hltgt~d nn peI middotrh gl1_ rhlemiddot Jta~middotlIIg lt1 word altgtCUo ns loped J) hc PUWK middot~u du nall iJ a JrcLuIXlT r rnmiddot i~ ileJ[laquoIU311Dt~s 5lt ( hI M rd u II ~ 1f(J n1~ (Pn_ (pI rcpri lro Cmiddotneva I In) I II calte oflh coU~ lt rImmiddote1i trn auhial IU-altAO Pli middotuJarly ho hOj( mlhlt (crmA n KumlIi J~- lJul Ridner middotbose H)15 ltt Imiddot) hd raquoPlltkd I nnch IlIor41)middot all(nlion ~d Ih adlDlI-llluU o(j (l ll Ia l h ~ and Atdtt ISr~lt)n middotIltmiddot wen 11 Y lr1nd lrlIlt I io lfj~ ln-I HI Kichllr$ nmlk a lllorio rI narruvlts I U ( muhIImiddot l oice IUd idrmiu(l SU)tgjOgtjl

Jm~(1 I(dnn lues Ihe T j l aIS lisr of nI I~ImiddotrJ1 puion of his nilId I$n

ort o(lXlI EI ~ 111lt he r1l lo h-ough Ihe quouditn _orld in JAIrun(

1M IbN ~~ t altga rtl H ale II ~f

Olxron SdiOQlj Afi1)ullu 1)~ 1nil 91) and Claulk jich i I middotmJ~ lit 71~-I fJJJ1 (~ J(IIU l~ MIjalllUt llnt 1963

I ~urc 3 M~ ~ rnst middot[plol 1 ii(

uy hor)s(ol In 0 1(1lt lila

9~9 SI1 1st II rlduL~t Igty ponniion [r I~I (II I n T oronto Rampn-oce Lbr~ry

17 Osk P(lltak lkr hcmige ud I Ioliphilw Ir~ J ldK 1 tA(rifll~ UlIll A KvI~m~b(

191111431 Ii for h~ Qfih lok hUllIuand Irlnlt[1gt HI(lIMlultin Pp~tl cd Gm P U md LUCla A

Cil)pom (Idu ~I fl - Lrw ~lIfsk) r~frrnl o Rtlla~nCt Nlt)middotpl aJJojonn~

xt ufpopular ga m ltco mparabk 10 vulgn plmiddotd n I~j middotNllatomc ilocltb III ~kgtr~c( ud Norh I al) Ul Sl~d It 1(middottI~l i lew York 972) p 1 1) i~ 1 I 1)QoinofdlSlllcIllOcrtlt in

he I[TIlI mtd~ 1 er(l~ lll1cgo~ I RUI~ JlnlJJ( i~ p l lrll l~rJ r r(Ie 10 rn( mltlll(j in 111 1middot( IIlI) lil() 110 ( Ihe tMLion of~~Irn wel of N~ro dlrnwwcJiinli oflus md i I h )

iod)e he ocau t ~ Qf hcr lionl iU od nrnliltrsmiddot and lu JltO lo( It(f lone he wa concelvcd are ofpITlkuLu i l~ $

nplt(illl~ sitlclt lhry fill fn lt1 ~ b~l~ dWUI ntmmg lid ]altuale s Uvid f

1luI 1 Sr lt1 (l i l1lcmbtrmcfll bo-hlrd On8 lUI dl Romoon or d~ RQII( III RtUtiulIamp lIteR all rk 14 ~ I ~I l ffl(ll( RIIon ~I i rw] d ja II UOI IhiJadclphlltl (992 ) Pl

30 0 jlllnn tQlran ltk M cu ~ k NIn I fa ~ rm Illjo to 970 $tt

II tIf M Arde ll 1 h( Wfllan d I~ (1I 1e

~ Iw wIlJ IJlblQgrap~~ (N~ i and 110 111(93)

Ik Clo rillunc Hclt cl I wny ltImiddotn ud kit I I a~ KInr ~ rbull pJra bull 01 lor lum~ all gklt amI r~rman I (Ik mi IIulltlin 74 1lt)921 pp II I gt

Er ns ts prpuhioll of die r mb1em illlage inlo I 11lt1r rnivl seque nce (an al~ l

be si1u3led in niltlI io n I() Ihe illuSlri1cd Renaissance alkgory hieh ~ ltlS an lInpo nan t SOll r( li)r all sli bsequen l crnl1cm atisLS Colo II Tl i HYJllrtOlfmlfldljn

Poliphilii7 I t I)tsin witll a d r() 111 alltl i ll middotu l v (~ endkss nCliphtr lll(n l o f environm ents a nd obj((ls th ilt rc~onall throughout EIIlSI 1 0Uale Ilods d lboraldy symholic gardcm IIl WluC r ums h icrgl~ ph s 1 st atile or 1n d~pha nt Ill th it incidC llt5 (Perscus bchead ing of Innt htr 1(1I1 n1lt Slt1n ~

[C tc yled us ) ltlil t lhe tr i u rnph ~ of va rious gods li nd ll1coulH cr~ wil h fcma le pcrsonifiC4l io ns such ltIS Iht middotfi lmiddot lgtCIlSIS ofd wlTI E rll ~ L s 1i]1lnw 100 [ClcS IS A porli liant Cl U pcrsli fiettion Colonnas n )d g llmorizccl

lHroiciztd ll1d narralivized int t lp rt lal iull knd i n~ il ~ Ilr 1 g-lttmcs of m ea nings like v illga r pS~fhoa nalys is If [ rlisl realkgorits till tlIlda rd allcgorYil~-ltl n I1 Il then he dut~ so in way~ lha t preclude HI high mora l or iludlcctua l positions n (sting thc psychomarhia with lttil C)Imiddot 10 p~ychomiddot ltt l ml) q s tu rn ing Ihl Stnsua l cneha nt Hwnts ot snluctivc ~cI4 p i( middot(lS to qtlcasil UIIIla lizcd violcllt ltlud sexual d tSires I il lra r surreali sm IBre(on lIdia

Aragon s PIY5(1II dr Puns) could rel y un the sca AoJd i n~ and d evin s of allegoric - t he d ream vi~ion ) th l peri pau t ic li n o mo in~ 1hroug h a Lil y of m ysterio us (lbjCClS 1l101lum~II IS a nd (I)couiliers I hl~ W I)I11 lt11 1 uf Ill u ta bk idenlilY references 10 OIIHr works of arl and lillfa tlll t nd Soon t rnsa also d eploys the devlrc-s of literary a nd pk lOria l allegury dndging 1I 0 t only emblem bouks but ahl) die g rea t lite rary dkg(lric~ liorn tlw RomfI fir n (0)(

to Colunna to Novcli s lIlcl jieltkl

C hristia ne fi end in lro r key st ud ) ofmodlit lisl a lkgory has argUId thaI Err1~t relinq ui$ h (~ hi s a u tho ria l a ut hori lY in 111 F rllllllt J ()() l i l( allowing hi~

1111lgCS a rad ica l inck ptmiddotnclcnnmiddotp II cUl lld 1( arlued r Ol1v I-dy Ihlt

EflIH pa rod y fu netion~ in a n opposil(middot ay tha i Ir i~ wrc nching or imilL~ oul of l ll tmiddotir Mig- inal 1 )lI tex l ~ i~ a n 1gt 111 iw ill asserting ah~olutc and arbitra l) cuntrol OIr Ih( mh rial Ernst s images Id ) 011 re11l na nl ~ ofl hci

r igi lIa l Ill lltllli ns and los t tQllVCll ional contegt llgt ill hich I he) er( meant

tJen E ADEM c AN TI L NA ~--~--------------T~ ~~

to hi ( lcdihh il luslmt i)M vI S( ll tiic d evt l oprne nL~ na tural phcllomclla lr ltg- il t ric k ~ or rq)l( )(ll((i()f ~ IJf wrh Ifart l a lld lhis al o nce aJlo l~ his (1 11 man ings 10 SCIlll irraLio li a l and lilcral cd a ll d 11 the ~am c limc 10 be c lI npktdy su hjugald U) lht ve ry lI ovell) a nd allom a ly of thcrr tnvironshynlt ll l 1111 a~e lnl )l cd tiag llH l lts o f Ernsts cullages a lT n~ idual evidloCe of tl w Iulhor ily tu UIt Hilli CIII m Clo ll YJlJic pow(J or lite and dealh

arg lla bly IllI very I ppl)~ i t e ufCUI Li l ig loo~e or sellin g liTe

I n his 1l illaI Ilm II~ Enl L l o 1ll111i t lt synLacli cal rape tiXl uctlllg Y()Illll

fru m ti ll eO lltc 1 ()( ~I I joulll als Il K) il ion rt pn~ in whidr 511( represhy

l1t(O popu lar p a int iJlgs cflg ravltl ( r nJa~s a udiences I n I ll s u r k sh e

may 1 1llhOirl y mct unymic hssi pl i (l ll~ or II H ull ing hut ~It ~middot al so rCjJfCSClIb

E tn~ l s own lonir 10111 1 tn CUI and asipn rk~ a h it p in l piaYIT lilCI lIy a ppea ri ng ill hibH WI mi g h l also ~ lJ Spcc l Erns l of viciously

i te ra ling nin( lcclllh-nIl LUry lh eor ies r Ih e cmpall ric ~yOllJ 1 lt1 ~ lhe ( 1111)l)lliIrwl1l or our OWII pir yif1 lllrcqJl i ns J I u ~t~ his all tgtgory of sigm r1i ~od lItd from pir y~kal rdrll l ~ prClieiy as a fi eld in whi c h to dj~ru pshy

tivd ) i lllt rjtcl th l OCtasifHlal irY PlCIilicaUy d(plo yed rull ~ym bol with iL~ supposed ltlli lY illl i L~ rciirenl c jJre~ell tcJ by the 1)(J(h of l he Ilom an 1n the eli (k~ Ch a nTS chap lc r a l thl e nd Ill Url~ Smwiu de lfm f a fi gulc flmini s(nt or Fortuna noats ill Ihe air gTad ua lly li-cc ing

h (r~(lrorlllr a llrihulls ()f whcci Ild ~ i l (fig un 1) 11 t lihCra li ol1 Sill ce Fort un a luore It tuall ) hfCOnHS hrr wh(ei mi nl1ll il by htT l1nlr ed bac k ltIS an h Yllleric and l lso be(on H~ h cr sail hlo wn throug h lhc ~k y her

It rib utes cOIl in ue to be co nSl raining Ind pn middotMmiddotlIt a bsorbed ililu her bud y and gestu res sugg(q illg tht am hig uolls 1l lIratiom a nUrd (] 10

oma n by Max Ernst8t E IIISIS USf or h is maltri11 r(li~ o n Ihe inhc rl1I1 bililY or ollhgory l(o

rtal k go liltmiddot T radit iona ll y rlallcgo riwl ioll ltrllnnl a profan t I(x t or till past 10 h( as assimi la ted in w a n acccp lt hlc y~tlm f moral va JUIs (Vi rg il s

FSllIr( ~4 DlIIid Il cU$ius Emblrm(1Q liqoIAM I lKkn 161 5_

8 _ s~ Ili k Rot R iAamp Rm(

~d lhr jd I~Q~ ()PfigtiL ICbrid and Nrw Yrk 1991-deg flt -lt middotmiQlif - Iha l Inko 2 olll1Q f)f on_ B ~ h lth Rampk]o nxcnl

lUal of Wafbuf(t Iho l1h l in Irrm

01 th ROmMlIl( ymLgtoI unil) f ud dcrem 1 I OPpogtlti IO lI~ry

( hrpertI_~ ~~crnn f ltI s diS300C ialed fro I nfrro1 I i Rob- ~h(fempl l h lrmiddotplio)J Iheon pmiddotI) U lelkI1 pn~uen apphnl tk 1ltgt ~msl tSpltcirJI ) in I ~s pogtr

t uitwc1 Ihron ltl _ Iuh w R l loy rum symbol 10 Ilkfurv Ahr WH) i~

I r- hi Rd I~ 9971 pp ~ 6 R - [hr R iL [[ ul n has ro n Iholt u l

I hru~Ir iuI O) the unk o n wh re laquogtn~ ol Ir~cdm Pfnar p_ ~ 1I1

B I S~( Thn 11 Kclk~ Rmnwtlme Hlqo for tillt applicll ble ~ of In t allctUlxal wun lorn (e ee aUraCUOl) d ll r lnla$ 11 ltI- illual suctched l ~ lI l i Ihi [K w1ir

ltlc 1(o ~dukd from lClion and hj~llt) ry

bu sgt( f)1 g Ihe n -rgt d s he

cmand p Sr Th~ro i 1 or~1 1ltl io of witel )-r tr r lt~ltoI 1gt 1 mln m~y 1- takc -lt lIl rlaphO)f Ruolnlr E Kun1i S rrooti d I js(~ and R o l~rl llolI - n ~prknjo(

illo fo-k-J t] air ltli_ r II

fmiddotm lc (lITe) i SHlrJm and 11 010lt1 II A tw~ Rdolf t Kucn7li and Gwe Ra l~rt ICambllJgc l1i I99I) PPmiddotJt alld S T Imiddot lo ockiu Em ilS or ~ oflC n Ii mCIgttIraquoHgt1 dqI)eJ In ~ h a w~r Ihl 11 CIOI li meu Ulcrlgthunc~ Jly In 1- Riu d~~r

(MIIft~ q~1 lIOuilil ~w Carmd nr Imjlt Igtarod egt t~lcX fatlo~ ~al

jgtuu lJ rtut I(rl) IJ t 1ra 8 Ihemiddot Ie ~IgtIi OIl y 1 t ~atnlt11 1lISt llIil le Scl~h) snd amud ~kinl lt hTifingl) lilltrd I Iht~ ill IH rroh meal fur lo~ l i~ lone rol1 ~middot

l~diqlJr$ mlldr 1111) Hr)(tT) I

r~rn(rl i 1ltgt Ihe hwwir jlgt]al~ el~ hcll

il1lh( l1ltrvrl

(1 IS 1IX lrngtl 1 SmIltllN d amp 193i 0 Max Erllsl 1iI)AGP Van S()DRiC ( Monlrc~l ) 2f)(l(1

l )n IIC Ilupon Of Ih allraf R~~ru 11 (1 I 1$I~ Lolhu I -hr I J~ middotIn Rp jhd bd 11hII hI p HI

Fourh RetI a~ II I( milling of Chris l O vid l l-lrfall(Irphorrr lllorali7cd In

lmJOlIls such h J Hoh CI~ the trials of the lo ver could lJe rca 1go ricd a~ Clll hlnll~ of Chri sia n ~ u(fe ring ltInc co nrilltll cc Ernst reverses tlw prol(~S

dc- morali - ng a llegories In 7 110 dlidren 1IIII1fI(ld ~I (j 1I~lthtillg(h (fig ure zfi ) Frnst lak es U middotidilI1 IIIc(lrlJorphi rape (G anIlH-ci (S ta ~lc Phi lo mcl as

nighting-uk) oul of its repose in spirit ua lizing me taph or as ill (k Kellnincks landscape in h( Wallraf Rir-ha rtz M useu m i ll Cologn( (figure J7 ) ()j emulems sl ch as Hat1idorlhr s in which lit ra pe of Ganymede is rfJllcgoried as the sou ls I ~CIIH lo Cod ( figure 28 )83 Ernst rc t urTl~ Ihnr lo d leir Tl)n l ~ ill ~cx ual viok IlC( hi (h in tu rn S[ ltlnd~ ror the revcnibk hltrU a mi a mbiguous g-round underpinning the provtrh t ln bl cm or allegory

Equally td ling is Enl~ts d ia~rammui( ada platio n or h(rme lic emh lemata in O this mIll rIIIlI kll )w rlO lh lllg 1924 ) I II the paintillg ami II

tIle pl)cm w ri tte n on thl had (a parudy of Ihe oJllo()gical ~ylllhII S Il I I

fi~u r~ 26 Ernl I fUtJ1 mnlilwi ~ II

lllhlmCiJl 191 1 S(1 66I C 1 - r 1 D (t risI ~OI)KC J vumiddot~l l j


th e Hmrfll fd Table of H crrn(~ Trisrn egistu s) Ermt reallt~orlZ(middot ~ the hermetic ~ym bulis ll1 of the nlilrual lini li7atioll of d ivine and cit rddy IS a Freudian middotprinwl scene of gigantic li m b~ and scmiddotx ual pa rtgt Both pa imi ng md puem become rcpr(sntltHion ~ oC the unfu lfill ed n vi ~nging of a n such thing In Ernq s vcrsion the Oedipal a nd Ihe gnolt1l ic an oronc frustratccl substance ltlnd (be power oftbe allegories of h enl1tticism ltIhbaiisrn and aklHmy lies in perpetual d ef( lrd of the d tsircd gol J tl6 Ernst ~ emblem fllnc tioll s more

b roadly illi a scq gtt icai fi gu ration of tht a bil it y of images lO represen t hal IS envi $ioncd or desired in dicating Ihal a ll $lI h em blems ct n only he a sun0 fH l flIT hatt middotcr one an t ~ to know attl in o r rcprcsen Lft7

OJ (Ids 111m sllall kn)1L Mlhing a lso ~ ig na l s its own iconogn lJ)hic history especially tts allu sion to Caspar David Fricdr(h middot$ clllblem tie CrOJS ill Ih

Iounltlills a key work in Grman Roma ntit- dc hIIltg about Iht rela tive fok~ of llIegory and Iandscapc III Erns t as a rl ild er of C ( fman Romil Tlli t~ i~ ltl

would re U 1Il 10 these wpie in his la ndsca pe pai nLings aga in and again Crr)JI ill 111 t1ollll oinf is a lso shadowed by a t( Xl n passage from Ludwig T icck 5 allcgorital novel Fran SI-illbaMr 11middot(lIULmmgrll (J i 98 ) Jnom

26(j ) middot1 ~BImiddot rH ) T I d 1

60 I 1m c (lislt uW(1 Iht twn l1 t timiddot itl~gcry at t~ ngl h ill M~lt Emi l middotI ht 1IJdw(UtI1iJliI

SnllrJ 11 a i - l OCIshy87 Uml middotn o Ero diilltu~ 1he rdu iolll I)( twu h~rn 1l l k svrn lgtol- 1Il in which middotevcry middot~pr ion is a (nignlll hal middotk runlwt ~mgma middot and ~Jr n cconltlructimiddote ~nlys3 as in lini l~

defendJ in middot(n limited scmi III d rili in T ht Ib oJ hllffpWalio Ill n -I--j

fI8 smiddot cJ(m~ (l h W ocn rn ~I( Jaru F~d nnd It ~b1J ~f I muigat ~cw U and Lvndon 1 99lt)~ Karin V()n ~llo lJr ntel thO rrl ll nf (~$7 In 1M -WOIIIIIgt 10 Ern middot lUUlI1 OmJ~(Ilt1 III middotMao b ns l a Rvmlll1ic~m middot M n Enul A Rtl~pnl~ ~ I Werner Spict l t omlo 199 1)

I II~ ~7 K d~ K cunn~k Iuhf rvtJh IM~Io~ fj lt-1IJVdt r gtn leI

dllrf Kgt(hHIZ I ~ l

8iJ bull 1gtlt I g T irk Fwn~ SlmNt11b

11 middotJn~(n Hmt ~ lldIcAt (mll1~hlt

~I lj(h gt)6I ~ p gtgII

J) ~ee 11 0 ~bn lagtlt I Allqlr)

oflrlllll$iol)middot PI 6- 7r lhr dhl1 l1lt IK hr omlll~1 d(h nlll(11 (III ud h ~

ltill u~Jui ncall y I ~nd lor thillgt IcJ rly 1rs ign~II ~lId Impic ddinlun ul rourrlS luch as li lliemiddot h I(ll no h hI l (~ Ii lt mcill ~ tur middotC)middot ll la IIllt-SIKn a (1(11011bullbull 1 H turn jn I(raquolt ru lUI lTnp ~~i 1g ~1 I r

roukl hi ~r~lJ od tlbull ( Ihi Ik nrngt i~ made lllcmllll UKOf)~ Fr ~cl7rh c r) hMd lU lOll ~ Il ili K r nger through $1(middot togt tI ohjrl i( lria 10 judiCII

91 - GltQ rl 6atai llt Solr a ll~middot Fis rif fXt~s SI_rlJ I Im~~ P7 t)39lli

113 $Iodd Minapo l ~Jl lp XIV

1 lt1 6 12 ioIar ~nu p IJ Halaillits 1Qcom )Ir rollinS (m Ih bullrf r lw ~Ml h [ ~ [ I llt imal(vfltouinuous mC l~lor]lh mal p l y i1a d l5ori llJOII lOr tllti M the locornoriH r ltI hl$l)ry lt]uOI(d in aUT

III-rljolmirgt (r SdiJ 1 rlrHn-1 n- I irl 1974 p 1 ~3

illcidcn t the youn g a rtisl F ra il i~ st ru ck by a pa iming llr a l be scc~ in a hn lll it lUll a IlOCIlIIIMI lan dstltl pc ill wh ich a cr ucifix Ull a hiJl i ~ illll m ishy

na llti by IltI ) S o f moonlight The he rm it ex plains Ihat tilt crucifi is a po inte FingcI7cig ) to Ilw ~pjri lu d wurld beyond the faJ lc n world of lla tu n T o Franr ~ o bse na lioll O ne cou ld ca ll th i IMint ing an a lkgor)

the IIn ln il answers All an is JIlt-go rict IIoJ

T IH middotFingcrJeig iI) Ixpbli necl by th e h~rrn it to F ranz S lt rnbald point s not o nly to Iht spiri tlla l but also 10 thlmiddot pr (~cllce of J ll egor~ iblf As a li ter indlx a sho wi ng ha nd o r jJ ~ i l1ting fi n~cr tht Fingerrig i ~ a ~ tJplf

or i Ihlems II is Oimi larly In ade li ter1i b) -l a x E rn)1 t du slig ma tied ha ncl f1 oatin~ in f r OTH of th e lt ruci fi xiOthl~ middot prinM I ~NtJ I Herc it indicates linmiddotth er bu t not Im llscc ndCIH [l)callings90 In E r ll st s painti ng lh t ROlllit lll ics cruci fi x lS alkgori la l poin hr to a hig her nal rn sim ilarly

i tl n l c~ a landscape of d a rk Illowltai ns a nd il eawnly fil ) S IHl I fur the

COltj UIl Cl ivlI o f redemp ti ve c ru cifix a nd ill urnin at iug SUUS(t in Fricclricbmiddots pa inting o r truci ft x and moonlil-h t in Tillkmiddot O novel Ern$[ dark ly ~J bs l it uLes

copulat ing limbs and the bloc ked rays o f a IUllar refipSt Ermls lmiddott nblema tic painting alt Frifeirich s had don ra i se~ p r0 1Jicms or

cnTlIl lllporar) a lkgory When G lf)rges Aatai ll e- turned tn alr-IItm ica l )slIllllng in 192 7 he did so in I( rm~ that almamp t com icH) m im i Ernst s d csul Itmiddot c lltra ilmiddotfilled landscapt 1111 earth middotcovtrtd wi th vuk anOIs hich SltJoT a~ iLs a n us is driven in iL~ rota tion by lhe male ~ha rt ]l tlttraling 1 1 11~

laquomiddotma l- alllJ a lmost t lIl irely (merg ing ill o rder 10 ree n tcr like Ih( piston~ of ~ 100o mo ivl

JI i~ the 1Ilf(ha nical Oll ll)il ltion n(] t ll morm t inn~ of thes mOtmcn t ~ Ihat th~ ak htmists soll~h t 1 I hI philosoJlJ t ~ ~IU Ilt ~

This nWfhJlist jlmiddot cop ulatiu 11 hudcsqu e~ t he vmiddotn ji) UIIl1n ioli o f allegory th e

ltlnagogir 11 wrh of r() rrcsponden(c~ and rtmiddotst ]tlbl a nct~ lIlt middotcopula that li~

one thi ng- 10 a noth n ill lang ua te all Cl witt g ) 11 thin) to be visibly co nnCfted Ha lai lk s a llcgvrical luvers will mve r fi nd ilnythi ng but parrxlic i magc~ l11d Ih ey will [ Il l asieltp l ~ empty a ~ mirrun Wh en En tail k

fu rther GlUs lically mcdita ted Oil the gno~ tic roo ts Llj Hegel ia n ism in Ll)ll~

ma teria li smt c t Ie g nllst ( 1930) p ropus in g a k~ l abili ing hcadl es~


a J1q~ory tha i would elimuatt aJl h ilTardlic11 ~ ~ t C IllS of rdtn lllc indud ing ~implistic rcv( lltals or blst ll ld idea l o r CXq-lt1l 111 llt1 1 lnrl ltlcrUllcn lll he wa addrtR~jng is)llc$ irnpJiL it in Of Ihis men lInll knOll IWlllillf 91 H ()wcvcr heelIlsl Erns l middot ~ all egory ( nds to Ill p a ll)l it i( depcnds on just ~ll (h illvcrshy

~j ()m ilnd reve rsals of hig1 and low Old is a t a re mov from Btl taillcs infla111ll1110ry ()I)f ll-f llded hd lltaded en terprise

E nHl$ im ages a re often d riven by this undermining of thcir (IW ll sourn-s of lJowc r fcp lescnliug hotb II((i r own ~ la luS a nd i1lSIlfjicilIHy OrtCll they

assu me tht appearallce of (lnhkrlls wh ich as concieusetf o r short lr and ig ll ~ of aUTho rit y ~a n c ti fi ~d by t rld ilion art disrupted hy Ewstmiddot~ illtruio n of thc n ltllll r 1 LIld ~e)( u t l rhc n dllcti t middoti~ua l 11I11ouage or cmhlcms lcnd~ t o ltlrd hrogaliun 111(1 fimiddotag11lClltlliun Ih ich LntSl n alu raJiz~s likening Ihe Sllll1X of fj middotrgnWlll3 Iioll 10 (lperatjoT1~ (lil lbe hod y lt bull rile tru ncalLu pa riS a Ird Ii 1111 ~~ or Of IhiJ lien shall know Iohing arg uauly J u clc 10 th t ~ceri ng lIId te lldt n liou~

reconstruniom of tht e mhknjs [anllJage o r aut hori ty a rClruc luring of Ihc

sy mknloche lim hs a lrcldy prnelH in v i ~l1 emblems Througbout his canlt r Ems would dltriV( double prestige flOlll disrupting lhe COJlv(middotnlions of hOl h a rl a nd li tcrJ fl1l middotf iro lliing his au thoriaJ role as bot h a rlis and poel Emblelll s a rC1 ft lilc ground fur ~uch opT3tions k ndi ll g tlwm~clvu 0 ditorshylil)m or he reci prxa lIldi(a tion s or eX T lIld image which anmiddot Ihe STarling

point nfalJ tgory

Ac kn o wled gement

S l l i(j ll~ of thilt papa H r( pncn l(d a~ Ielt tlJT(~ iI conjullclinn il l Max Em~I

rc ll1(nary ehiiJninm Ihe RnlJ ncl 1(nr()X Memorial JccUrc U Il l T a(middot ( )11)

(1(11 middotmff A Ul IrIJJf(ct ll ItJ91 -J) lI lId II M 01 i (Ilal pound7110 O(lff( 11111 Ihr Duwn oj

hguw middot 11lt~ ~ 111lgtltlorHr hnwltim ltr (10( lOH 9

ll G~1 1 1~ l k 9Jo 1Iy tnillcril ilm 01 11l()oSn bullbull n uollgt ~f fj(w ll 11 52 amp0- M l=nmiddot w middotn I rltult~ ~ rKumrnt d ~ 1 ~ her IkuJamin a~ flll~ (ltI by II~Ilt ml II ~nljsL in rn 8 to auK 1 1~middot ul~r l an L~n ur Silllplilll ~I bat ~ J Ilrl~1U

rell t huugh r he dmiddotIIrymclll of d~lthi IiLinl( pmiddot(hootvtic laquogto ep tgt url ~ s Ielcnnimmo tm r1m~crltt ~m gteJmlt IImntllw I l middot~fI Rll1Ifl1l twlllv Imis ~f )m(alUl lin(I~I illrrkdtmiddoty u An~lc

M IAlodlt 91l 11)) U[ i -l lt)1 - I lt-nd ubstmiddotmiddotmiddot- rht Ire rn~l i u Ul uf Illor lt1 Fm~ (J Ii i fnuc lr Crlt Ihl1 t ho- lifl ugtd rmiddot]m of poundrnsl middot~

lIuc nod ilmhil(1)omh g(ndcrltl h gtvlnL ~ n rh mo (h hypcrholic

Dio cjOCulH1o11 orsl) rl-d~n jm1tf(cry1gt il dO(lt i lli fmltle ~aC11l nr [[00lt1 orgmiddotoonldltG1IHllion al 11 0( Immigt ufth aULhOl tlgt hi~ E rol$L is aJlj~1 llIh GltltX B tll lltmiddot hnnlcnz ~u nf llcg) 11gt1$(111 (~I L ory 111-1 111 in middotSoI ant S l ~r fter u ~1Jtn in capl1on i ndirat~

oJ ddo-nce I n nn SPIf (lIKI

r nn1h~r nd sigi ~ L k Ma~ middotrn1 O~f IllOJ ob middotCologne 9i)- ) in uch fll nh(r ifnrm~lin ( laquo(mns I r ~lO ( C ~d locatiOIl may bc tu

il(ure 29 Em1 OJ I middotun shall (Mil

-h~~ 9 f SLl 63middot C 1 Ernni I IJtI 11uJSODRAC (MlHHrc~j l


S1Irrwlism 9lt)3 ) J 11m gl~Hdn l for lho ltc o pport uui l itl 10 (Olls ider Erns to l roCesso r

CI i~ toll wr Crn middotlI ImfCi J oh n Gl)ldi uS Prorr~Ylr Willillll Cmfi~kl and the

11 011 Fod a tio 10 11middoti r va middot i)l1 ~ lt1 g middotn n)lCgt d vicc I 11olIIk Sllzar rl c Ak bari

r l d~(f l)cre nhI Joyn GOKl(i n E rhan Jd l Kavalc lmiddot and M E Vnr lic k

Page 8: Only Half Saying It Ernst SCAN

86 ~ Ii t t 1 fir I~ 1111 Ii ~ ~ ij9shy

than o~I (II~jbly over l rt makillg1 Or ralh er Ernq t mbJC lll aril illlg~ a1l0 a ~imu ltall (ollS admowl(dgcmclIl of art a~ rtfcnlIl to W imug taphic alJ(c~tolS ud to the ~r(al (nt(rpri~es of re pre~II I Hion and Cdmmu nil ashylicoll while hracktli ng Ih (S( ti S defu nc t or urlfta li ndJII 1 1l1b il ions His im Hc~ ~CI Oul nspiration~ to hemic gCSlure and R llIai~silJe cultula l rcfclcnh Idle rtgisltring lh( ~t middot L~ pan ial and inept pll hn~ helll n I

logic o(xiu i(lli

Tilt Elphanl ff Ctlthn [921 dud OtdpuJ l() 192 1 du ne hik E rnst was lill livillK in Cologne set up c~ 11ica l etnbkrh 1 po~ t ilr crises and the fUllcl iunill 1 of Ihe a rti~L In OttltpUJ Ht I fi~lIrc 8) lin cli largcd hlIld a (o mOlOn feIIUf( of lmblcm) sunds fo r did ut if 1I11plicilly palnnal author il ) T his rheh)ric11 hlnd had a lso hl( 11 Ihe rocus (II (IlIl1lk history painting pointing lo ard ~cncr I 1itd hi)(h palrioll( (Inc p~lr id idtah In Otdipll f Rr( Ihe ~)necdnc hi( hllnd is hohblcd hy i t~

011 (middotltIfKgtIlS no 101114(1 hli lu make the gra nd g(~lur(s ur hi~llry

j Fr~ninpoa(II1 rhlt r lim~ 01 roonam ir d wkn all~o Ilaquo Ther ~ I Kmiddot lIemiddotv H( mI0 N Yl and ( mbnd~middot 1917

t ~lIr 1 EIt~1 n iy-~uMl h lo and uQmiddotru middotbull U 1-o_ IIgt tilltJ ~lq S ~

H1 C Ma t rngtI AI)A( I I~n

SODHAC ~ln lllt~ 1 l1lOII

H~ un 8 buse ()i~J If(Jf 9111 b I iifo C 1 - rrII5middotAIlt ( 1 1tTI SOllRi( rMQIl Ir l ~gt()()()

p aim ing it Plillf ll1l y inrl i (a le~ il gt low orifill ill II H I reudian r(all(~or izing of l h l Oedipus m yth Prnst lIf( II In lmiddot~ 13 1lishld CO IlVCIl L i o ll ~ of

gctun and ico nog raph y dcploying t lwm i ~ IICHlli niou~h Ordipll5 R C IS

ujJ the lllotl S~ iCid disCOUIl of high ielmiddotII and sllfmiddotslcrjric( in urder 10 bive -( i hl In his rtp rc ~ rllIat ioTi of cltmiddothasill Oedipal Irnuma and iu

2 17

arU l1rl ry pu ni~ IHn tl l ~ bl indmg- rbullL~ Irltl lio ll I I i ~ sifllilk lll t d ial o ne o r tht H I]lI) n ~ lt n urow p icrcing tht n Ubhd l IS th e h lw k yellow and gT Cr n fOr 1111 t ricolu u r lI ih har )tTn re-inHal ed IS he fla g or CtTm a n y

in 1)I U TI1 Lh rce cle melltlr) ( olo lJ I~ to h ieh EII Ilt t rd i ls in h is

illscri pt ion 011 t he pa inting m a y he a poin ted rcm illdn oj th e t~ t h e r l a llds

of h isl ory pai ll1i))g both as the plima ry colo ur o r neomiddot d Lsi(a l pa in ting

a nd a fl a By tnn (uy tb hisl ory or a n is m ldl 10 (om m en t nn

history s flw bling or al least irnmQhilizi llg or Ihe ignohle and olalikJ In i l~ nig-ma ami dispropUrli()n ~ ()nhjJII1 Rrx abo rrsemhks smiddotV( IH(llI hmiddot

ccnl ilry c m lJkrns Ihltl l d rccliv(l y cap~i z(d hist ory jlai l) l in g~ i)l lo crypt ic rigurati(m~ or m0 1ltl1 rtC1 ilude Its rn e m hia ncr 10 a n t lIlbk m - a hand

holding a (Tacked wa ln u l-shell - fim n l ite Dllt c h mordi ~1 Jaco b Cag h-t ~

bl( 1) nOted hy C e rd Ha uCI who hilt dism issi ng hi ltIS coi ll(middotid c Ill a l ~ ti ll

kit (omprlk d h) the strik ing- i ~lI a l analogy T hi d ikrn ma i~ slIIli y comp(Juncit-tl b) con~idcra t i on uf Catss tex U Th e Cats ( mhlem had two mol os (sinr e Ca L pra~ma l il a tly duubled hI lscfuln (~lt or hi~ images hy offering de voi oJl a l tex t$ a bo l l spi rit uI 1 as ell IS Iu tlltl l 10 ( T Il( fi rT

IIl0 1l 0 Re put hk hy uo ~k i ll o uld fUllct ion a a joke on Ihe aJlisl or

p(Je l ~ 0 n l ech niqLU~ I lid is especially ilp pticablc 10 Frnsls collage CUlling T he ~(co nd T IJ(rc is no l(lv~ li kl lir~ t 10 ( ( II n y a (j Ilt Ie premilrs

lIllou rs J [ lidy d lcctin l) ta kc~ U~ hill k 10 thl d c~ i ll cI mol iln vf the

O eci il)U$ compl tx G ivcn Ems t middot~ kllovlo(l~( of Fnud Iht cmblcmali C hllf-sltly ing of things

Ill l) be la kc as ak in 10 Ihl o rn h ina l ry la nguage o r OhjC( b ill Ihe un eon shysciou ~ (~ IHr i a lly as d esc l iltd in 111r Iffprr la OI ()f n f(mh H Th~ Illmy

em h lematic i magI~ ill Cllfs ltl nd d~l herc of e nlarg lltl h lIlcis hold ing

d evieclt fo) cltl lllc llin g )lld CUll ing (~ llllffUl~ ca ndk~ hrtl king clnd lts

cutling and g ra ft i1lg sl II ks ~q Ih in g ri pe g ir ls ) mig-h i (1 be sl(n in th~

lig lll or F rf lld 11 ()Cfipu1Rn cltl n in fa n Ire laktn a s a co nAal (Itl or sc(rltl1

i Jlt age~ from J arob Cats nO I onl y llt l ha nd holdinK l sh at llTn l n u tshdJ bu t also a hand slh j)(ntli ng a key rrom 1 m aglltl ic q onc fig u II 9 For the

prel im inary co lla g1 relat ed 10 Odipus RI ( Emsl used a n im age from the

pl liudica l l ll vil Iltfl ~1I1 i ll tl ~l ra tion ora magit Irick in whi dl a l a inU I shdJ is SIIJII1Idd h) il ~ d eft liom a fi nger il~ if uy llla 1ic Cats ~ tmblems ~ive a

parad o xi ca l m(ra l WLig-ht to Ihis nU lSh d l image hic h in 11 X(Iure hld 10 do with ill usion Th i~ m a tt er of illll~ion rccun on eil pla yfully ill rnsts

work Bt-ynnd tha t the elllbkms pr(J itic (lUlio n ary moril l ~C l pitces aga illt

wh ic h Ihe il1 1o l llr (nt l ues and poli licai ton tilsion of tnmiddot rccettt wa r and it~ aH ermath (t n b( Mmiddott

The ck phant of Tlu Fltph(lJIf 1GIIbn figure 10) h l~ 1 ICi ng pcdigTtmiddot( in

c rn h lcmalic i rT1 agc~ of 31 fro m th Illt rad ig llla tic (i i ill [11( fi ftee nth

centu ry 10 pro pag anda cnrica lUr~ du rint ti l( F irst vlo rld Lr (fig ures I I

111lt1 12 17 O ld)( arrn ond g-Ls-mlskcd illca pabk o r lutornot io n shy

s ta nds ror pn liticil lgtO CI the oSlagna ll )igts C1n~ o f thc K aiscl e ra aml th e

war wh ieh so p roroundl ) a Ar-ctcd Ernst a nd his friends In wl ra l ciati

tOlblclll ~ cilphanb ~Uc a~ $ (lC i a l ld wilh wa r and i ts ~poil s M 7 he EIplwlIl if Cfllhes nOi olll y rlt$clJ1 blc~ Alcilti s Ikp lla nt ith l rm(gtlr I II illa ud a ta

la lldan l( ~ but it~ m Cltlu ings S(C rTl tv lwa r out 1ciali s H((HUlI or a milil) englgemell l in h ie h a middotmons l r( HI~ and coarse e lepha n t frig ht c ls a WL) a n

enemy l 1middotlll y Th tmiddot ele pha n ts plinl cri image is thell l Ikc n a the vioors

p Smiddot [in ri [Jutrhu Ilt 1 TM~ry ~f rltHI 1r YvrL amI Loudun 985) I I~ 00 lTom ~d p n -f bullbull l dlltltuaJl~middot (Iii rflrm r~1 ui r i~ till 1 knvwlche a nd

3 1 1Ihx Ir I GloIkk l ~

rmd~-Ul if 1

11 ~r CllarlOl e ~Iok Clblros i u ~~ (gtI k Frrud$ IhCltlTI t fw a~ Ihe r la liQn tor 1 (([Jag r~ b x Er ~ 1ftgtNJld~ I il P 19)104111 TI ( r~ 11 lr) nunlm( lfIr~ p ( ~l O(r a1xt llChl du Impt I ~~tN~lt1I 11 63deg1 Hd J~cQh C UJ oI ffrtf Ittrdt~ t niam 1I~rl r71 Th e V d ~ V l1 lr~i nll ~ dose cO E nlt~ i n I ~ I ) I ~PJ in (hult 71gt ffl iu( a li lou ~ ( rrminffl in pri l [h rollgt tl ~ mh c( nIUr )1 QI (ra r Dc l ~~I t or [e

e[ltI n( 2 ama nt 11 hir h 3 h ~ 1 gtU I nllt kry fro Jl ~ middot i $() 1 ~ IO~ in tmblfm~la 1 QMhfl II (~~ in

and IfM(arn lluht tid pi II ov~ouuvn lChao Ifat AuJr Wl1d(R 1975

n middotU Hlal in Sqmnr Hot-Ie IIK~1IJmiddotIt f)aIII~nt(~ an ntfJ Ifn middot

1)18 -Iih 9jtJ ) 3S1 middotJmiddothi rmhkm j IJ J udn ~

1Ilw and at on tic]h 1 l i l poi I nf ar I d brak ~ n 1gt1 middotPft t pt~ f( ( em IIW r u~ ohit]

h urr lt) J acob ClIts Sed ~ ICCI)

l MbltlWlill lffJrald k~~~au

f((lltcrrl~m 6~7

~u T Il iumbull l r Alrr1 1trr rmltd Ihr Krlqltgtlthu ldf llr in J)n r laquo (u fl M~r 1H) i Sr Irr~d 1) 1VIl~fr r 1 Hf~udw~ ofl kr 1 ~ilfJ II Q (~I T hm lr~n~ 10]1 II Zrydd cw York 91deg1 ~() - J I ~ En[ ~ ul(Jbiographical [Ul t I I~lhu is d escribed Wl lh rcl crc ne 10 l i t nar~ p r~(rdCnIS In H a~clr~

pll) T~(S~~ lh~ ta1he nra~pJ hI a (XI(tk ~ wlo )urnd lt ( lalh ~rJ nl (i younK fCPh ( hid l-~h ~r~ Jn~dc

uganUl tteN has I arrltucol h~(k of [ho- ~c [a l Ono G n - trair) tIl] 1I hi You bulln diollr tv _ I Irjult lilt(

olIl 13 augtt ) ooJ h1 broughl h on t1 AI)hl I nlII)(uh Fnl

wlgtOkallcu cc a Darla rleno~lOlitln

and arral h3d WI I hl ilip t rnlt 1Xlfl hll ra[hcr~ ropon-lt I cunc ~ O Y(tll iuC htlU~11I djlOIlOIlr OIl Il t[ t- Ia EnlJl Fcrdlltw I P l1 i Ie due [0 Ihe fonnulai- nalUn Oflhc fu_h~rJ ( u- u

lucrnryu(occ lOlho- ryurr Ihmmiddot i~ Ihe FImrul111li (gtr clln ~r Rcp[hlk jnoitcclUal drdo-lt f h~ kiml h( lU~p)l(~1

~m (u (_1gtlt- to P bull -i( OS hCf

L~qoJcur IFmUlr CJrnl HISI~r )1 8 913 (I bullbull d I ~i 1) ]1 ~H J I PI lslr pct 1 C I) 1 lt1 (fJ (Iii IIIn

JIB iltn York 9ilIj PI ~- I Cnll ~dci l Am BpiI~1i Bhl IIIltl IJrfJMJI A-w lfflIi KnliA Jti U ltkm~

I)IISIUIJ ( icnt~ gR8 ann _Vld U(Imn

h fJTwilaquootJI THu C rw Vk glib

insig- nia H ow(ver sinltc the v i lory 1(1$ undcsrrId Itu re~ul1 ur reaI ra t her thatt bravery in b)111e t hi ~ imJ~e of the d eph(II t -( ar( told i~ lgt hamefllL That t hl paint ed image of the kpha ll t nmiddotpn(nt~111 lUlw(rth~ Irick SIT CS a ~ a Ili ct Lommcn l on til( not ion ofl h d ((( il ()f ima ge~ in wnerl l Akia ti s (o nd u$ioll of shaillc md lmb ig l o1)~ vic tor y wo uld tlTl ainl y represCnt E IIl SI ~ g1lwral opinion or -ar I ml its lrUnna l h 7 hi Hlephlll1f f C lrbrj i~ ltl n

a lkgor y of the m oral values of lhe p11Cltl a l g CIlI fltl li on ami t he fatherland olmuJalcd a l a time when lhe iS5 m o j 1 guilt I~ a ~u bjcltt or urg e nl

pubJi( dcblte ~9 Th is guilt also fudkd thr tlltml~ or O edipal palriridli impulses Iha t had become 1 corn monpll(C of Expressi oniml and thai a rc pia ycd out in OrdilmJ R~ 1 m [ 71l r LlffJllOnt ofCdhfJ I~

In 1IlYendeavour to find a cnn vi ncinK ltl r~lJnwnl or i u~li(ial iun fi) 1 11 art (hal might legitimately fU llction in til( pOSt Wl r D1(la c ultural rencgu ti nmiddot lions Ernsts turn to emblem and ltl lkgory points to Llw awkward fil or rellt ivt[ c ult ural alu(s a nd conhm llOra ry history ltIS Ihcir fulfilmen t AlIcgot as lilt l( it tralion of codihrd nonnali cult ural or ~ bOlu le a luCs

fi ts- j arrillgly wil hisiOl 3(rommodal ing ils cnrorcro ohins and chUls nf I cn n~ pru jding a rickety bJea hellt lor Lilt spec latol o r c u rrC11 histo ry In

Ordiplu Hrl and Tlu F1rlllimil oj Ctlfhn Ihe high rd~rents of dleg01~ an txposed as (hey m ig-h I c- isl in the wak c of (he First Vorkl War n k ill ~s h ip st ale a nd rdi~iln arc Hvcaled in th eir CHlTf1lI ri lbilillted (Olldlli ull psychoanal)~cd int o ha~(I frlll~ no IOI1~cr Jegi lim al( f)r sla ble reduced to d ressing- up as th (tn~clvc~ P]((i~dy beca use uf the nccessil~ for

hUH~ l u EIII TM frpiloM uJ Cflm 1 9~1 ~i V1 t h( 0 1 1bull0( Icmll tI) (P 11uiSOORC Monmtl QOO

1n esta h lis lHd Iclennl howCvtI the 11lt-gonea ] q nllllIle or Ihe cmule lll JJ]owlt Ernst 10 g-i Vc an a ccollnt of the lailure of the ll)lwlelil symbol o r

11 lt11T lI it

Blt~()nd these obliqLl(~ly polili cal Co Ill I1H~llIa ri ts EIJ)~I S emblematiC

pain ti ng ~uggests lha t other Ih illbS ~rc at Sla k~ in Ihl Ieai lll oi tiJ( a rt t h ~ 111

the lt llhancClllcll t ofpo( l ry b~ visli a l lIH yplion Thc Iml ]enlat ic paintiflg~

Sl11I1 10 Imoke l lost text or key to Ih eir own d CClxling Jf Elnst ca rries the

pOCTS intclsl in JTI l ki n~ tcx t ~ pic toriil l back in lo pi U IIImiddotS he docs so in

ordn It) raise qu e~l i om a bolll tlte na lu n uf ima ges and represe m a tio n T Il(

~df-qu( l i oni ng ima ges appJrrn lly f]uely thcir own Iul ho r ity could th ey rcp r(ltfllt anything c rc il Ill)[ I(r q slig iil l dalinn~ with cx phlllltltnry

ltI11 til nli 7 ill g lexts T h is is fur[IHr rtlalli 10 Erml~ illI)(lli o ll I)) h( h istory

of a n of I rad itLOllS o f i(ollogra phy v I th e m urce i lll a~t

Tn Ill1 Casc of Tuttn lll l Ioml7l1 (figure 3 923 V(rnlT Spits has Tfaced twn ~ (lUIIC illlages to th e popllllI lIintl (cllIh-cl nt ury ma gltllille (1 Yolu a

ships dlvi(c IItlt j)()UN oil 1) 11 troubled wJtC I and all -e mba t hlng ing

upsirk dO Il Til l m1chine and thl ltl tr o ha t ar( figurf~ ofhaJIIlcc JlId order

~e l agj i ll~l a perilo us si tu ation lht) t la blish1 d i ~rupliI 1I~ t ofvltcillatioll

( 1 1 kiln mlblrm

bull~ J f1nni h hrkl J rJI of hul 41nati rUIHurlmiddot lInmiddot Mlln

I )t ~Jlfodurrrl t pmll rm ropol1111 10 1(111 R(Icr(n(( l ibrary

J l~rT I~ _ Hahn lgtt Ihlll If



h gunmiddot 3 En 7 ulmnr f1 lmlltm 9~3-~ M ti17 CI M~ Ern~I IUGI (1 S~ lnRmiddot ( ~1 llrca l 20(1(1

d tt rnat ioll il llbtlau(l and po~ibk fIII tho I frlln(~ OInollier of Ihe pa i ll I ings sources a R ena issa me allegory of r()rt ull(

IvliIIII()lItlti In tlw c Ollrse of I h ( essa) o n ernblems r i H~d hy Erll had gi cn thc im a~C of FOilli na wi th her wil e] l11d sa il as 11) ex am ple of a [J1 11(n sli tficienl vi~ud (Illbk lll rCftl ir ing 110 tex t to supplcmtmiddot11 1 iLS IlwJlI ingsI Ttl Furll lllt of unblem ~ Ofl11 ~ a ih on slOrm y sta ~

(fig ur( 14)n a nd prl~ LJ mltl J ) t h( i ll llstlal i(n of oil-POll ring m ac liill (J) ~Uggfmiddotlt l cd lO Erns t Iht a ttrih ules o f Fort una Ihe c irc ul a r piplt~ swnd fo r IlI r wheel IlC pi pe barlng her )I~ klr hf1 Ulin dn e~s 4t The leetering of Er nSI ~ Fon una Illa y he lIt r ib lHed to Ill i com)gld ph ~ or t hl grandt 1s lrnmiddotI11I (fig-uri 1 5 )1 ~ In Il le r on ((xl of h yslcna the so urCe illla gl or the acroba t eOJJ1ts in to pla y in Cha rcol and Richer s I J as sj~a l

~tu d y nr hyste ria in ~Ir t I f( )imollinr7 11t5 dml( url j Ui allOytmiddot Iht i ll tl~-

1 1 -(( ~Ij~ lla E middot ((Jla(CIf

f I~ IIml l middotdprM(It OIOIe 97) (11 15 1 r1 rUlclld middotUmiddotme lhauN VI 1Hamp--7middot 4 - hy middotillmiddothul( Fr~nt( S~ltS( ltibull

Icl~ U -fhg uImiddot uurnjl j lurhJrnmd 97 11 I J9 51 This Imiddotunu tlI1hh u Iq td III -

Durc 1 in ~ lnl c t ~ h (1 und n de Imiddotlisunmiddot Jo~rM1 If lilt LIb~( fnlllll III 92~ ) pp 7 I ll

1 Ion ) lnunlrmiddotmiddots 1- Pu d Im ll~l1Id ft n(rmiddot~ middot lax Ernst G middotmJ-k Au Ihmiddotf()JU da amu rlal ig~) n ~IIlaquou do w moTd W I b rrlJNI ml)km~U(middot hl UTlt of middotOCl~Smiddot

11 - I lIn ~rlcfut 10 ] I it I ~m~$ fot hvwinl tnC I lul]w( 1 too rc on I- nn and h) la drlid at the I lI l (bullbull lkrl lurMlhUI hll lIi1)t Un Ga l a fl~u ro uf Iltt gt ~ on) Uotncst(

Uioor ~ l d be Eluurdf Mil f~ I IlII luItltgt4flAlyllf SO~fIJ PI tOj ~

rigUft q Fornll x ttlt h ~It u n

Ii tby WdrOllfl Fullmiddot 11 1 iUllt V~rfbIU Dj( 17

1b J (~ COI ~nfl l ul Rkher - IJIIII(mI~I fa lgrlmiddotrRfl() (Amncrd ilnl 97111 100 n middot eljg wmiddotS pc i ho dlgt$lt In Ad middot ell Sarto S(lUlI

Phl J Wi Jillnl _ poJsMk also Ih ) h) Charco d R~hcr

11 Elila]t(u ll rcn 1lts Iu~ middoth~$triQnk OIICillallo n a t_middot itligll ~

or he bymrk Or lin tkaJ body

1lI uchSlcr 9J Ptgt ~f(gt-imiddot

trnt iu ll show here i till oh~(ralio n thal h y t (ric~1I atli l udc~ pn~sioshy

IIcllc~ ]evc tCtll pUfoi s 1m car ( I n particu licrellH1I1 ITohaliqul 6

Ermls (IlllJleml1ic 7 1r(ri lLg IYmllllll th c ll IS 1 (ompk l1ld humo rolls lI ullcgo rizul ioll of fo rt una -I -1 yst cr ic11

Com plex rlt-fCrcnces like liIi un 10 fortuna pop up thruug ho ul E rn~ Is

I rk amI se rve I S ind i $ of a ll (gor~ di fCCli ng us 1 ) Iradi lio ns or i(onotVashy

ph ) and accumulated Illcanil1g 10 symbolic tig-ures Inc attribules thai re ta in a sh-dowy lu hori t) hilt being Su hj(C lelt1 h~ E rlt 10 subi titwiJll$

r igbull I wwd Pjdk iul1udr Ik Hucilitlnr n I n rhlrnl tlld ( dmiddot lr~ dim~~taqw rf~ Iarl 1186

llnl OOf ~ [ AT tlTUP~~ ~hIQ itl EL L~S U ~ ~A ~IIA ~ O E T IIIUIt II Y S f t R I Q ( [

Allilnde d~ cnciG etenl

nnd degradatiom T he Forull emhlem here comes from Ab y arburg- s sl1ld~ Francesco Sltlsscl1is let lwilli gc Vnfiigung- (1 907l En~ t was not na ive abou t t he nuu re of images and their contagion and he fa nCS r unsidshy

natioll (If the onvt llI il)n of p iCl(ri d language Hld as~ u ll1pt iom ltlh0L11

mea ning At the li me of Warburg Saxl and Panof~k~s t ralings of da~~ial

~ymhol~ amI mylhollt)q-~ th rough IIwir til-hased ltI nri mu lt iple ronm in Ih e

mbkm~ uf mag illklun and as trology E rnst wa- him self englgd witb sudl dchascIllCnts~ 8 Fm u s Er lldil(~ illlag(r) makes h im a pl radnxind

ltlcackmiti a n a nd pa rodi c nr hi ~lOrilIl rel yin on Ihe prl~l i g( of rlcog ui I shyabt l~ q UIt liun bllt sa htlaging tlw h i~torical method Ilat w(lutc1 ~il ua Le a giC 1I wo rk th roug h ils relal ion I() prncden ts Tlw T urning I-1QIl1I cuuld d t~tl be rel a lcd ror middotxa mplc 10 C iOll u~ c lnb[emalir Il1rtJlJlu ncy (fig u lI 1 6) III

Erns t ~ Jisjunct i c ilT1ages parlde nfcrcllt~ bllt ddy rongruity ltllI rl c hronolshy

ogy u hvlr1ing lhe aUlhori ty of history to sequence idell tify imCrp lI l lI lld evaluate H e ~ i lua tCS h i ~ work within the history ofar and li terat ure capita shyli ling 011 th e cx ptxtation orknowin~ ~ aU high academic a n h as donmiddot_ b ut parndicall y mocking any pic t y or nost tgiil fo r 10s1 ori g-in ~j

A work part icula rl y di rctling ll~ 10 problems of Iltlngutge and f(middotp r(lt ll ta shy

ion is AI tht r ln Cltar Word 1923 lfigure 17) pai u tcd Oil lhe Wl tt o f Pau l 3nd Gal a Elu ard s bcdronlll J lengt t h itog-lyph k co n fi g u ra tio n (If fing(rs ba tt and string u e oqlI1 i7OO a rou nd the o r and X of Ernsts name $ilUali ng th e pa inting in the long- tr lditi(J)l of emhlematic deir(~ that play on names The pai nti ng as il immiddotulwmiddots Inc clongucci fin ~cr of a 01ll11l

JIllgt pru habt ) em bod ies Ernst cOIlLlm pnr ilrr rdatiom hip wit h G ala E lulfd (TIl E device traditiontl l is m clIlt 10 proli)ulJdly rcpre~t nl he ha hitual conduct (lr ( ha rati r or onlsel f oncs princc ur th c beloved womUl whitt t voidi ll L pon ra iwrc)Y 11115 5 p lCltlr( panLom im cs n des tabishylized pictoritJ compo~ i J i ()n the bt ll on thmiddot ~ rill~ wh ich ()r IllS lh c [ i~ I II

im minLt1l dltt nKcr oflwlng dropped by Ihe crossed fingcrlt pullin with it Ih( tlil of Ihe Illard-likc in$Ipound t T his co nngllfllion is lik rly a j oking refc rellC to

Frcudill li cn~ t rl ti () TI an x itmiddot t y ~ a noti(11 n i nfOTced hr Erm l ~ou r(( imag fro m 111 Salu re iIluslrllling a Irick in which 0 lingmiddot CTos~ed and pressed to ltl single bJ ll have th e sCll5a rion of feeli ng two balls As a dci(c JJilc rct aining the wit l nd (()nci~ ion appropril( to sueh repnSt IHatioll Frmts painting brea ks wit h th l c1 Clurum ltInri pwpcr k di ng tradi tiona ll y l ~s()C iated

wilh lile devite a ~ portrai t of t he mind or w uL E rnst~ im al l also rdi tes

If iby rhll rg rnfrlhUltrSrhrifk-1f

] irdllcnstlti ll lif9]I 117 51 ~

Rbnd K all) mc~r 1) 1 1gt1(1$

Iltr~hr f lfn1t una d~ ~lIdarhll -brdtllnttk r L f min l lmiddotb~t wnd IJm)tflm T]n J87) 48 1 gt111 ( rldu l (0 Rfrky lin HI 1 ~lI)lJr I L-d Ihr t iol(IJ mhllt1ltlt

ll I ] hwau middot1 he $lru((lIrr or All elonl~ Il)eltIf ill IIII~~~ Iwl RqgtrQI ~I ltlhnJ ( lt 11111 ( Ih ~ 1Il tl 1(1)(1 I~ 1 37middot

iO- amp ( Il ~n ri Eli C Alldtjam(n

aniltt r nlas Ulul ( I doll 16IbiPpmiddot 8 1-7

51 5lt Wmiddotmr SpQ fouJ liolld Irrudi cli ll ~ iu J) Hwhhr Ii du (lttr C610i1 I l7 PImiddot 5 4middot

~ll(ure 16 Giou nlill (Slt f1) ~ini Chilpdj

5~ - XC IstkUIImiddot Ltt Jill ( 1lt drriJtgt nn the pfOpltn~ ofdc ien It ~nno td t

fkmcll lS de Li tltrrmiddot JlIgt Ill d ~80)

lIi(krlt l p II ~_

M a rmontcls insistence 011 the h igh 1110111(1 11 lt urlomiddott emblems I llnn mtd )t VC as 1Il ltlmpll or the o~jt(lionahl t tToli lIIbkm objcL~ luxqllds Iop inirlll allad w ride de ha-gtsessc sUlh as a pot Oil the fi rt ith Ihe mollo f a m ltOIlsul1ed below ) It i~ tempti ng III im agi ne Irnsl toyin g wi th this

higb mor~1 1 po~il iun by delibera tely making a (Tud pun th e basi~ of til liu First Cmr WordY

T ypica ll y huwevr Ernsls Vi~U 1 1 sou rce rna) lJ ~ (lv(rdcterln ined hy 111 trudi tc textual ~ourn III I f NiL dAlllIIbrr D ichrl ~ Dr Uordeu describes the controlling ccnI tI ()r Ih t ch fir OUl ~n$aliOIl~ L~ a jlld~c who hears caS(~ md pIOIl Oll ll (I~ vc rdirts This jud~( hOHver 111lt1) be e ffeclivdr

deceived b y the (i(llIc( it may expe riL- llct paill ill an lIl1 putalcd limb 11 01(011 ~ays Dr Burdeu ~ou Gill INt t he limits allli decepl ions o f

sensa lion by (ltI rrying lItI I Ihi$ sim pI eXlwrinWll t Otl the judge

o n k tro mpe lu- nd Oll 1(11 1 crui ser dl lLX 11( ()~ doilts run Sill Inutrc lUuch(z un t pclill ooule lt1 il pronnll r(ra qu-iln II df l1x

2 bull i

h gumiddot 17middot l rnSl II Ihl FII (lro l1pd 1 )~3 I t bp (I II ~ L m ltlift))G P

1 1 lri~ OUolAC -110laquo1 ltOOO

In to( context of thi ~ pa rt ieulM di~lullsjon of s(n~ttiol II 1t1 Ni l f d J(lmh

lhe hypolbeli cd Fltudi an melning~ nf E rnsts Ilugcrs and ball in tensify The fea f ( castfa linn II lre is dJ ierl 0 (middotO fl~i (kra lion 01 The npITicHclt of pai n and pkhurr di sltussrd fl y Did r rol and the decept ion orthe senses ~ lldy ra ~

someth ing to d o with j urlgill l Ill( dtcp tiolls of illu ~ion is t 111 with the picru rc itsel f alld (implii t in Ihe Ictltl~ ()1l11ed Ily gtIring wd hnger wit h llie k((middotplio ll ~ ufl ang uagc

Beyond UidcrOl til( fou nd ation fror Emsts rlecplion 0 1 El uan] lnd Pau lh tnmiddot~ a rgumen ts about languagc lay in ( enIt 11 Roma nt ic dcba tcl ltlho ll t till ~rn bol ith is full ex p1l~s i (I1t$S and uni ty or ~ ign and n ferfnt 1S OPp()sd HI the di~~ocia lcd and arl Jilrar y sj gn-gllle la lioll l)fa lllmiddotgol) I Of panicular lifelong intenl tu Ernst (ft the po-ms CS~ t ys tJld a lltgorjC~ o f Novali I II the fi ch lc S tudilu N(lva l i~ httl u Hlsid ered lilt rela tion or

l t 7 fit I H l 1gtlt(lI

5 ~ - Sn HLmmiddot odoro M If Ih I ol Ir (Ihrl n r Io rln Ilhh J l)tb 1 151

~ Umothc JaiuA I(hI~ed me of rn~(f hfdonA bullbullding 0 -11 ~ i~ (k Iter lu

hLlhtlh LclOlc 0 ell 91121- M~ dlkllraquolO(l i~ lI deb loo (0 II~

fC(Illt(r o Kn ) ~r-lu t HtNIl_ nI1 Ioudon 9lj s~

fio hlr S d 110 Stlrjinf rd l1I1 dholln ~ lId K rd Sallnd 2 lIllIlIlr~ n 1)gt5

y QUOIn t 1bullbull Iulil1 Oir Il-gtOtw- KumulIl ~I fI Poe jdcr h Ohrfllt1101nl imiddot b-ftJ IMM bull I~ 1 IjJj11_ 1 lt)OCf p ~06

~1 It_I 5ltlrrif(~~ V 282 U lln hilll prp1K(I h1I Novtlraquomiddot d~ ldk ll i

ixua Irlnllllod ~bull middotIrmiddotI1 I middot rJ dwr Ihm rr lrnrlll (Hgtrlldk ) ~H - ito UBeu PI 0 11 11gt ~MI S(itl~I I V I ~

~ 1 ttl lIml To i Was Ma_~ 1-1 Iudirl h i ll Ia ~H K~I~ P l S c r PI Ip HattltlorHrr

I~nf(n (P(t Tunlu IPlI amp nn K olVI)lJtt AtIhIJIt~ ImJ~nt I _jm (1(In EIxhllll 19031 Karl Ih(f)(lomiddot C d cru ( dritl

HMIlI~NI III Jtbtfl DISn LI n Ll(PlM 1Jf(d 1881 J eanmiddotUaud t rtbs (~ ifipp H sectn Cr ~

tIorll Frnkrun middotrnmiddotMam u Iu 1lI

IqIi l PI V~ -t3 Thrn ~r n 1I ~II i ltI h not 1 p~I1gttul r 1( in TI n oell u1f 0111 8ui chmid d FIIrjI ~I 5 ]nJ J~6rfjnnu 1 lII Di_UfJ(11 Numbl

III~ 1Io11l 6 SI h nJ ( f(tmiddotulll ll middotlulrodOIvu AItl~ry aN HprtUIIlJIIDII

PI) ~l D lan pOIfl~ ou ltlr311~~f)rr 3ltll1 mhlrm bull 11 d iflkuhy (Of ]Jqllf i Iht th (mvh d~r ~ 01 rtp~uu -n C tgtOllt~ nd In 11K rmiddotrr fSltltn~ l h~

Iu Qn I ~Icd middotPutal

bullI ~gtIOfV of PllSlVI IIpry RfIlnIllI_ p ~3)

language to th e th i [l~ il t~p rC~n l gt argli n~ t haL silllc lAng uage n rijinatcrl

l1 finding ~ i lm (or lbSl tae l conccpt~ it i illiterr l11ly nw tlphoriltl md dlceptivcn Fot I(ovali ~ fcprCC nT ll ion is a proce -~ hy which lall~utKC

fig ures (orth somelh ing lhal i ~ itself IUSI I rough tillt ln y 1(1 of being pnstlIh( If for Nova li ~ jlOmiddottry IIl ll lgt1 appro~ld l i~ual li rt ))il rot~il Inu

also zur Kunst werdcn ) ~I ne( rt hclt-~ d ll ~i I) ilwit)bly Idl shor

crea ling an illusiun uf prcsellcC where t he re is n() IH So (I IlC ( an n p n SCIl I onl y i ll ordcr 10 rcprcscmiddotnt Y alld beyuml t hi ~ lei of 1lt_ prcMnting thrrc i~ rIn absolutc ulIlcprtsctH ahk negllid y d tlcrm in ltgtd KlOu nd a conce pt or being that lt1111101 be d(~( l i hltd (111) displMcd im o c han o r darkmss cent Tn Novalis Eru~ 1 wou ld find a his tury fOl J (I lwlhiIlmiddots (ol1lcm po rIIY

argumcnt thnt all ln nguagl inn )ivcs metaphor and millndcr~t lIld ing a nd lil his d tllcriptioll of IIe cia rk nes~ Iha l sl l orc~ lip Ihl )l lOvcrh OlSlTlions Novalis~ theori fs ofl anguage uor nt oul by Pa ulhan ct1ll thC lllsck e 10 Ill

middotprlScll led by ErnST in the en ig-nuic piuolid Innn Lpprnp riltlH to NOlt1i ~ ~

sig n or 8ild

Allh~ Fin- Clear Word Ill a y be lfad in ligh l orlh~I plradmtlt ofbnguagl lild ~emury d ectption I n~ot~ r a ~ EII) is til represen w r n r pn5lnllr CJftlll pic tll re he is til t d tceiHI ho (c l hI eq n I writcs him$(lf intn IIw p ictu re through his pnouious mono~ ram 3 ~ ti l( deceived Sim il (ontig ur lI iuns or balls a nd stri ng llC a cOlIlIlon plac( of SCclllttnth-cent ury

(middottIIule lm )( rhlil l it~ sud l a~ R lJlkll h lgcns l enllOll~ Globe hanging hy A

thread IllrCa ltned by tht di vine k ni ft wilh its mOllo 1 wi ll hc cm 10 pi tccs

fIgure 18 T IlfsC l m blcUla lie modds sel up the ( lIt1 i n~Cltlst ration j oke impliCi t i ll Enm~ plin ting T he mOllo or I llIvorffcrs rebted emblrlll ha l dccei CS us a mu~cs u~ is cunsistent lth t he ide) uf lhe pli n ting iI~

an illustra tion 01 Illr (kctpt ions of thO se nlt-~ and of m imetic picllln-m k i ll~

tsdr ftigure 19)

H ard(irfit- r 01In eccen tric th(o ris t uf the e o lvill Genn a n la n ~ua~(

a nel of uuoque emhlems H iJ visio n 01 middotGrlllairl poticmiddot was illfiuencecl by Ripas rulolugifl Acia w and J atO) C algt l ~lII st ho had studied ph ilu logy an d hld la kcn a ( ou r~( o n the v c r man nomiddotd of the sevenshy

leenth lin d middotijl ltnnl h cel1111ri o l it u nivtfi ly miln I dl have Cllcou nshytered his 1 ()lk 9 I I is a~y til 11 (-l arsdlitflcr a~ it proto-sunca list

throug h Jing-u islit ~arlH ~ ill Wllld ~ amI illll(~ b) p hon ti play and nc c()r tr bi n a lioH ~ Ill hoped 1(1 drw 1)lIt h iddell ret lI1b l a n ce~ bct ccn th ings and CVl U 10 invcnt IIC W Ih ings illulllill ltinl lI lt p ro fo und rdations of I lItgulgt mpound ttoe o rld I he cullelt i gllllc-pla) illK of his C tspradtshyspick fragmcn tcd syllabic and wo rd re(()I nbined b ltliterna li m cun trishybutors to produt( unli)rt (c lI rclt I1 I1 ~ ha~ I)l iUlis afJiui lies w il h surreali~t

potti I practice H aT1gtltlu r rfCIs emblem r ai(~ a ~lmiddotnlmiddotr tI puinl ahou t em blems hile tlln

pro id e Glp tival ing rt)lism cf el ltil tl li is IP l r~ l to ensure Ie~ihilil and ough t to have Ilolhillg 10 do I ith Ihe Jl lt- I ~ lI nmiddot Urlllil1lDis A t Ih( F lnl Galf

Vorn a ~ a piclure a bout S( II~()ry cl ( p tiotl is a n ironir a llegory or ils own t1l IK1Ciri cs (0 rcprcocnt r-I(IIc hrou l- it rIilCgt ltI p roblem of aUIgory whkh Lries It) fu lly npn scnl or pi tun al) t rt( tions llUt I~ hich llIccssa ril rccals

ilS uwn fa ilure lu arw ally brillg lillih ~udl tl lill~s fgt T he da ril ) of the cmbk m sim ul ates tht gra tifJ I lir~ of I n i (J1lsi~ stl1ing up an anxi()u ~ t1t t rshy

naliun btlwctn (knxlillg wh a t i ~ IlH- u lr d eH lr dll1iC(11 dra lng and



I bull



relishing the pleasur UI) pmsibly lIli 11 1lt1 i( tJl E1l11Jk mati~ a1l0w E rn~ 1 shywho 4xprcsscd cQn tcni p l (() I milllClit a rt to negot iate bdwfcn I h~ ~I(tu(~shy

livci ) mimet ic tud ed ifying)y d i agrarnma l ic 6~

As 1 pend ru 10 AI Iht hr~ 1 elfllT kV(lrd til (ol1l g ~ L Q)QI Jl tSCIIf n ) OUIIl

girl 930 -70 (figu re 20) tu - h i1I Ems f IHu a lly added a real glolWmiddot tikc bltlll ul ltlnnil y bcar~ 0111 [he sense of the Rollen hagen l mbll Il ah hough thl di vjllC POWtf to cut i~ now invested in the tollage nist himself (o r rather Is he represents himselfilhin Iht piClUre l~ Lo ploPi The em bleshym a ti c rt lnin d n Iha l rh inbTS U( 1I1titna tcly IUIt of your hands Ihll ( oci hold~

thl ~ci ~sonbull i ~ plnyert upon hy Ernst wi lh da rk i l The introduct ion o f Lo ptop in 1910 as Ern t ~lt rtgo recaJl~ owllis diClUm The 1 1l1 li~1

preselt iLSeJ f as prcsln ting 3 Th i5 cads again to lIlt problem ()f the vict lln asmiddotil1li~i oll [ltU L()plop i ~

lI sultl lly d cscrilx-d imprf~sJli()o )jk( as introducing or p rese1l1ing tbe pic tll OfL r n il is Lop lop ~lC lillg as frl1lw o r easd who prCSCli Is a n iUlIsiomiddot Jli~li( pi clltrt ilhin lltt piUunu5 T he ~ ll hjCtI~ of tll( pi( llIn~ lI il hin the

piCHI onen have weigh t) implicJliuns I rolll1( Ililii grapes by a~sociltltion with Z tuxils gmpes im o kc piolo ri a l illusionism oa k kavcs stan d fo r (C111111 narion) islll a nd RU(k has rl ief M aJgtcilllise sla nds tor F rench nltionltl lshyiim It is as if Ihe sym boJic me ni li lS indicated b) Loplop~ piclu res t re IS i lonkally rcl ri (vaule as the pos~ihi lilics of pino ri 11 iltu~ion and flllln(i~ th they sland for alld ilh wlloh Ihey an Pcs(nt ed TI H the grI I(S a nd 1lCS

2 5 (1 TU lrAHI middot H 1(-

Fillln II ( il)r id R o)knhag~n middotClu han b II hr~d wlih (~ tr ha nd hold g a kn rmiddot ~f(~w 1hIlIIIImiddot I i-him r ~i

fi t - St Th II Kelley Rn~MI

II II(go ] II ~(IIl he If Ih~1 nl(crmst llrgor~ na k middot ldrr r~t(h n I t ~

I h on ~ l llpp1)Vdl) oljlflSCd 10 il r)w mimClibullbull his(01 )

() 2 h r hisect iIIllhn (fOlU (hi

(l hll mele mil ~ 11 arlif t ~

Ma_ fru~l jjiIMJ p I 6J - ~Mlta )iJmik ~ f ~t12 ~ct

~I )ulm P 97 (v r di (m h~

Pilamplg hvll t N(ll$ II a rl h ltlonlt4) ontt I 10( lim or ~m~IJ I1 Y 1IIIliD 11$ iltit (laquolt ~ndjd G ~ ~IJ

mulaquo el 1 rl arsd ltnd laquocu 6 s O middotRticn I lI lh Th pk utc -ithm h pintlr _tnCi as mc~rhor ru t NOali om pI ad pIIaduxinl image I l ie -1l ld h h wdun Ikin~ hll iI~) 1middotU1 ou tsid e j( as n prtlCnt tWIl

~Qligt hnJ ~ p 06 ti) - I plup~ middotad a nd eQpalt$ h~

any ~ial pr~cnlenu C( middotrrllr SIlOlt f~Qp_ rr J i( OIMt Srf LotdwI

Jlil Ik~Q 1 SI)ics I(8middotus l ~c1r ( rrma o-c is MOl Sehind s TII trti~tgt a iOimacd COnllltUl6 ~ilt5(lt rllaquot and ~il5hl-nlzot) fn~nn 0 Nlrru~fI IJaa 80

tisull 9 H lrjr Wshy nj() h Mr~t ~ 1 Itmfr U(pr~(hrIr

1644 (I


r for Jr


ikdy d a$gtltS


(J VUlliJ yenrrfttr~ I Xi In lh~

LltJII()Igtltrics t~ l ~h UlCt Ilw rompt

fMI dlilaquo (f making (hiu ~Jl llCar IU Igt I n nplJ(1 QUI of Ill()lhcr pic of PII r bdud lion which I 1lap ilh (he ambJguIjI Qf ltOt lhin hccomioe middotrl )7 S pound I) VHI Image ar bod Y dt purd aliRl1l11(llt 01 Waltt r Ikllj ~mi lt1 1 Bnlmiddot JDI(1 M8JN~IIl1iI ~ 3

Ilt)ltJI pp ~5 -H20n h~ P r bullbull II1tQl 10 11( cn blrn1 Ilr liK if IC~ t()

I)irn iocapl hle Ihe-Imiddot of middotrnln lmg meaning bullbull liegQ1 i~ 01 ju(

Olhnlll mClonpnic 5hiflil g 01 Wmanl(


art acturl lly pre~sed into thl paper 10 form ~ ha~ lr-lief h ci~hlI1~ lilt joke Oil 1h( power of piClori11 illusio1lism to hring things illlO r(l 1 d inwnsions wi th in tIll fidd o(the r iled mimesis of the ditglam l1la lic larger pi( tu lmiddotmiddot

So Cr llsts pictun may ntmiddot tl kcn 1 a n (mhemlIic prCsentation or Novaliss Bild lunel ioning as a Plfldoxi( d rlj) rc~cn l alion of 11ll fli lurc 10

flill y represc nt dealing wit h thc plOhle rn o f prcsen li l~ a pilI UII a t all and by elltensiOll wil h the )nhcllnt dcnplio ll~ of me La pho] i1lu-iol l and lan guClgc O ften representcd by a dark ell si lhouettcd htnd IS in Ioplop pminlS bullffjiifJ 1931 (fi gu rc 21) Toplop invokes Novl lis f~JlloJs d cscri pshytioll o(thc delusi(n of repr~cntlllg H( gliI-p- ollly a handful ()r d ~llklJcss ((

Loplop a~ i ll1 plcs~ario mtkcs p rescnting ~d l~co l1 c i olls hat is prestmed i ~

ahIs mediated 01 II a rnllOW like Ill( pictures Wi lh1) pic lurts losing

ground III llllIly o r Ernsts p3i nling~ W~ 11( ill the territory of cmblemalic rcprOlclllltHioT1 thost fa ilures and ha zards agaim t hi ch the rnord or motto or the emblem i~ proph~ bClieall) ~c l Ernst makes the cmble mat ic il1l agl a ll emblem orkonograph ic lnca n ill ~ itsclfb7

Tn the (middotolllgc novels ]lIginning with La Femlllt 100 [Flu 1929 Ernst dcvdops the cm blem image illlO an allf~o lka l na rrali( Tf Enhts coll agc T1ocI ~ fU llction or ma lfUllclioli l~ parodics of the pul p nov as cx lcndccl clich e the atrnosphln of popula r IlOVel movi ng- from dimao( to climax is nut (Illy char3neri sl il o f di llhangcr scrit1illd Ii (lioll bUI of high allegoric-

~ ilurr 1Q ~rJUI --QpI~ IW(1IIJ P~lIf $1

11)3)-70 ~ I tl 1 1 C 1 1 -nm middot 0 (1

1~riII-O[)1iC ( IlIn~11 locO

111)_ HI nl [ ~ l Cl middot

ril(UR 21 ~nb l Loplol fgtrr~ll bullrjlirJ 193) raquoI~ 1781 Cl 1( lt f rtI~(AIJA(f

ld SUOkAC ( Ina l ZOQO

(gt11- Ou EI and pu(p fin iou Klt Rltncc

R irlot 1 1I~rI S~JIIJ on flu 11ltgt01 Jkrkdmiddot~ od l(gtmiddotngt1cs ~ P 8

(I li ~ r)hC Olhe r(olla ((n-vcb 10 (tII~ 100 ius lltms 10 f()rl~ ~cu i t i It f J) bn pred i(1ali( ITUucm nf

dJgory thaI IhIt ir is w lhig

~-qutItLil1 and UorrdlJ d~li) irlo )PUlI lhol a 101 s~ j 1 rma ll e Iruun OrUrgurir 1 d middot middot 70 Sec RrlIll I)j kw Idol Dr (fomlr gt~raquoI4S~~ ofFm= ri( i Fi -ltir)l1dr CIIIMlt rw Yk I ondon and O d Od 7r - Ilr hundred h~dlc wumn

pcrgtoniM Ihr protlogt ofnIlt) i II blt n d~ugtltsltJ lrum la~I llt nmiddot I a ~ Old Ikrricln gtI I at OJ~ 1I OllgtII) Ic Ihin lnd b) UI huured 11Ultbl

(ltTduug Slaquo Kon Rund tbi~ oUtIII l SnfUQa flta (Slrnl

-Ill Jcq1 [xrrid I ~ Ihr ~i dr Plmon r PIQImr idd i rUf HiOn

1- 1 1jl3lt) ~5- ~1 a 1 11Ik -bn

laIlt 1111- uf P5UaSI Il 11 n 7 nLllIr Max En_ s CCIl1~ldc A Il

u~dJjJ Ju tzmis Punl of pHtdigmltK- rcmm~ Jail (tcmiddot i duo1lltcJ

j ltoul l e~ d to Ir mYIr~ de IJ Fr nn I (h rlltoum ed ilh Inrily n [J

ru~orlf J~dlnl Ul Ieh IW adl COl middot

iJ drjed in Lr M~IUf ~ (ue biod Il)d by II rah ) mllo)~ a (M from CIen dOn Imiddot ga~m

n j)()gtltt t ( du d I dClaquo1 PllfT

J1( Inl 9~3 I 3 )middot i J 1 mpu lit) is 011( ( I)utf HlT~JIJ ilIU1lruom illmlHffi by t dl~ aKI o lkmm Solaquo rhf 11rllrpIt~ of 1fIIopoilbullbull 1(0)1 ltlt 1 A I (~ bull Lltdo d3middotICl ) I or the hltad leM

m~ ~I nprt nlIVlt of the lI h~voJiud

Mltirirr5(C Ilaydcn hw T hc Ior r Idnc rll f~fJ)lgtfOlmr FHJ n

cJIllIr1 (nWi BahiOI~ 11(1 l aunn

l7ijjP r63 5

ltIS wellG8 The luadks~ OIl1an w ho c rupts iu uiflircn l forms lhrou~hflu l Ia Frllllllr X) tilu could ~ef( as a mnaphor lor Ihe d isru privt relations bel ween metaphor ltlnd th( ~cq ucn tiltt l flow of narrative charaCte ristic ( I llegory The d(vd o]lm(n l~ cnn (inui lY and rcptli li(HlS afTordcd by 1lIJTativc allow hun (0 rCClpil lLlatt S() W ~rea k hi ~ usc of woma n to personify his own Icdllliqlll

The k nmJe nud e had belfl l1l1 lhe prw niscuQu sig nifier par t udtIll( 111 nin clee nlh -nntury $ll nn painling in 1 hifh Ilt t complex it(lltirics and allri shy

hut es of any given 1 l1 cgoricld personifi cat ion WCl( Kro~~ l y sim plifin l a nd s i ~lIalled a nd in which multipl ied numbers (of ha rtm ~la v (s or OJcads) com pensa te fo r loss of indiidual s ignificalion If Ihimiddot ~a loll lIu dc finally scrvf d as a pcr~nn i fi clI ion of a n OcrT rowcltd a nd raquohdioere Sa lon itsdr 7ltgt that cltuase lllent of the aan c mil tra dil ilJll rIK ina ted Erm t as he pl ullder(d ninelecn th-cent ury j ournals a nd salrl11 (pvrl~ fOt his collage ma l( i1 1I y not one hundred headl(lO~ woman instead of onc hundred mrmingk ss oms why nOI om perrcn ly ugly hcadlc ~ Ioman (ICte de mecl us() instead of ti le rut ile Salon bca ut ic_

Tlt tlc is Ill importan t (ll ulcmalic prototype for frns t~ womln a ~ GC f(]

Rauer has notcd I rnst s fcmm e 100 t Ci I~ has a counte rparl ln L a Pcrr i i rc ~

11 T lriil de$ bQNJ en~IIS (rigurl 22 ) IhlUl1 d i~llliss~ this rcscmbk nc( agt fortu itous ImHer il is im portant Ih1I it is the Inl tllnt is c1ost-S1 10 the

Ill(ltlni nls uf Ernst s woman not till image I Pcrlicres femme is iuall y an ad ap tat ion of a lomill onpl acx Horapllll o-dlTivcd hcadle~ ma n

signif)itll( I m )JOssibili t~ presuma hly a 11 aul c~s oman l~ douhly illlpossihlen In L Pcrricrcs prcm lO he is not JJl( rely ]utdless bu r rtther Jik( Ernst s middot te mll1 f hilS I)Ulny i(kn til il~~ IqJrcst ll l(o by many heads silt is compa n d to lh e Chi n1ltl crn Girion p) hnn tll cdusa Cerberu~ and lhat l-llnicular pnmiddotc ur~or of tIl( km nw 100 Ittcs Iht H yd ra Through such proli li-ration or menning sIt( is Ih e mhkJll l i ~L~ dream emblem Lr

Pcrriercs le( nlllcludes tha t ma rc marvellous Ihan all Y of Ihc~t lll ylhic creatures middot vu lrl bt Ull(- fem me sans leu Ihe One figure who cou ld prcSurnshyably em bod y a ll hybr id mean ings in one ~ llcc in (t blll meani ngless fo rm La lclTiCr~ crnhlem may be an allegory of lhe cjlem ma of rht PO(I UIIHl Lnned hy his middot iivll~ hu l need ing 10 be a )H roi( d eca pitator a rer~(lI ~

aluivalc1l1 T hl ngrt l1a ble mora l conclusio n of La Perri eres poem is tha i woman Ilccds a guidc a ra tional hCltld a nl ltln lax pound rllst71

O n one occuion irr IAI FtnllU 100 liles Ernsl himself appearS (fi gure 13 1 III Loplop and the mouse s horoscope M attCrs or desliny fa lc a nd horoscope- are a sta ple ur emblclIl li te rat ure middotf he imge is pan of a n embleshymat ic (radiliv) in vhich caged creatures slam] ror lht ca ptivi lY and sull t ring of tIlt poel or lo (r (fig ure 24)1) Em Sl i~ agen t and nO l ca ptive 01 flt ltc however Ba n-dle~lcd he may be (rt l ra~ rfli hen a~ ltlll odur pcr~nll a uf Ihe multi-valc lll woman he carries the d isGmlrd cinllus of th at stock haraCllr of l lk gOry the haUd resscd woman RUI he holds onto h i~ hal (Ihich unlike the he-ad Ill ay be lakcn on and of 1 ) and thu s retaim for himself Ihe powcrful masculine role of the head Erusl appea ring in persOIl wilhin his tollage 110d signn ls his SWIUS as a ll-controlling novelist or em hleshymatist d lOS(middot c lvnga lcd hand CH n pluck thr- mouse Out of il s ordaiucd palh al a n) tim t Ernsl l$ a llcgorisl should Iw SitultlHd in the trdi liun ofparod ic nuvc isg incl udilg Ka lldais Charles Sorcl J cln -Pa ul R idlter and TIlOlIllS Stcrne whose work relies 0 11 a Jlet0ry to ironi ( it ~ own d tviccs~

hllur~ )~ rouU gt lt 11 Ierricn middot1 _ Fe 0lt ~Iemiddot bb(om xv Lt middotfhIQII( au flu OlU 539middot

7 t t- rr middotm i ~hlllkeuoImiddot(gtr I ~

E ts alP-1m~ ad 10 III unJinn~ Ih t middothltmiddot ~11 ome hmiddot Igill~ o nly in o 1 oj Ihem ~e ltor pmpcrl) nmn~(tcd IIgt Illfi r 1middototls tT j inllny ITrI 5I t 01 SIJ Iijt I-i 1 Ynr I)U

1middot9 i ~ Thmiddot tllmiddotd 111I)Ult if) Iro p O JPC~Il

lciII otld ~rqJlOxIUmiddotlmiddotd in I) middot~(on( ~t j oolgt C~~ middot i ~poliJ t

gtj)(lli lont tmiddotC I 111 (apia I)n1

[mill ) MUftIM~ Alh dt 11((-111

fAmSIrd I 7~ (l Damel Hcin~iul

Q I ~lD 1~J i Jm I-oIo bullt ) fo r lupid (gtIllide h ase Md P C t 1)(1middot Imbl~w tryU 1l~rd~m 6 rmiddotlmulcd Pdmburgh bulln7l) fcr Cil~rrl bini ~e ncr (Inllri ) aud cupid with ( ~cd ~uinrl 70 T ho $(lrnHmhurv au C hr[ So middotI JlhT rparodir novel a nd IIlkgori(O ( h anw rl ttlnIHomaM)

ealled iIllOIltSlion mi(Ic rda liou pc bnl(lIagc and III(Ialhor Sorer IA llalJM df ] i1Jbullbull d rih inl( illtolI (IU~1

~ ~ hltgt~d nn peI middotrh gl1_ rhlemiddot Jta~middotlIIg lt1 word altgtCUo ns loped J) hc PUWK middot~u du nall iJ a JrcLuIXlT r rnmiddot i~ ileJ[laquoIU311Dt~s 5lt ( hI M rd u II ~ 1f(J n1~ (Pn_ (pI rcpri lro Cmiddotneva I In) I II calte oflh coU~ lt rImmiddote1i trn auhial IU-altAO Pli middotuJarly ho hOj( mlhlt (crmA n KumlIi J~- lJul Ridner middotbose H)15 ltt Imiddot) hd raquoPlltkd I nnch IlIor41)middot all(nlion ~d Ih adlDlI-llluU o(j (l ll Ia l h ~ and Atdtt ISr~lt)n middotIltmiddot wen 11 Y lr1nd lrlIlt I io lfj~ ln-I HI Kichllr$ nmlk a lllorio rI narruvlts I U ( muhIImiddot l oice IUd idrmiu(l SU)tgjOgtjl

Jm~(1 I(dnn lues Ihe T j l aIS lisr of nI I~ImiddotrJ1 puion of his nilId I$n

ort o(lXlI EI ~ 111lt he r1l lo h-ough Ihe quouditn _orld in JAIrun(

1M IbN ~~ t altga rtl H ale II ~f

Olxron SdiOQlj Afi1)ullu 1)~ 1nil 91) and Claulk jich i I middotmJ~ lit 71~-I fJJJ1 (~ J(IIU l~ MIjalllUt llnt 1963

I ~urc 3 M~ ~ rnst middot[plol 1 ii(

uy hor)s(ol In 0 1(1lt lila

9~9 SI1 1st II rlduL~t Igty ponniion [r I~I (II I n T oronto Rampn-oce Lbr~ry

17 Osk P(lltak lkr hcmige ud I Ioliphilw Ir~ J ldK 1 tA(rifll~ UlIll A KvI~m~b(

191111431 Ii for h~ Qfih lok hUllIuand Irlnlt[1gt HI(lIMlultin Pp~tl cd Gm P U md LUCla A

Cil)pom (Idu ~I fl - Lrw ~lIfsk) r~frrnl o Rtlla~nCt Nlt)middotpl aJJojonn~

xt ufpopular ga m ltco mparabk 10 vulgn plmiddotd n I~j middotNllatomc ilocltb III ~kgtr~c( ud Norh I al) Ul Sl~d It 1(middottI~l i lew York 972) p 1 1) i~ 1 I 1)QoinofdlSlllcIllOcrtlt in

he I[TIlI mtd~ 1 er(l~ lll1cgo~ I RUI~ JlnlJJ( i~ p l lrll l~rJ r r(Ie 10 rn( mltlll(j in 111 1middot( IIlI) lil() 110 ( Ihe tMLion of~~Irn wel of N~ro dlrnwwcJiinli oflus md i I h )

iod)e he ocau t ~ Qf hcr lionl iU od nrnliltrsmiddot and lu JltO lo( It(f lone he wa concelvcd are ofpITlkuLu i l~ $

nplt(illl~ sitlclt lhry fill fn lt1 ~ b~l~ dWUI ntmmg lid ]altuale s Uvid f

1luI 1 Sr lt1 (l i l1lcmbtrmcfll bo-hlrd On8 lUI dl Romoon or d~ RQII( III RtUtiulIamp lIteR all rk 14 ~ I ~I l ffl(ll( RIIon ~I i rw] d ja II UOI IhiJadclphlltl (992 ) Pl

30 0 jlllnn tQlran ltk M cu ~ k NIn I fa ~ rm Illjo to 970 $tt

II tIf M Arde ll 1 h( Wfllan d I~ (1I 1e

~ Iw wIlJ IJlblQgrap~~ (N~ i and 110 111(93)

Ik Clo rillunc Hclt cl I wny ltImiddotn ud kit I I a~ KInr ~ rbull pJra bull 01 lor lum~ all gklt amI r~rman I (Ik mi IIulltlin 74 1lt)921 pp II I gt

Er ns ts prpuhioll of die r mb1em illlage inlo I 11lt1r rnivl seque nce (an al~ l

be si1u3led in niltlI io n I() Ihe illuSlri1cd Renaissance alkgory hieh ~ ltlS an lInpo nan t SOll r( li)r all sli bsequen l crnl1cm atisLS Colo II Tl i HYJllrtOlfmlfldljn

Poliphilii7 I t I)tsin witll a d r() 111 alltl i ll middotu l v (~ endkss nCliphtr lll(n l o f environm ents a nd obj((ls th ilt rc~onall throughout EIIlSI 1 0Uale Ilods d lboraldy symholic gardcm IIl WluC r ums h icrgl~ ph s 1 st atile or 1n d~pha nt Ill th it incidC llt5 (Perscus bchead ing of Innt htr 1(1I1 n1lt Slt1n ~

[C tc yled us ) ltlil t lhe tr i u rnph ~ of va rious gods li nd ll1coulH cr~ wil h fcma le pcrsonifiC4l io ns such ltIS Iht middotfi lmiddot lgtCIlSIS ofd wlTI E rll ~ L s 1i]1lnw 100 [ClcS IS A porli liant Cl U pcrsli fiettion Colonnas n )d g llmorizccl

lHroiciztd ll1d narralivized int t lp rt lal iull knd i n~ il ~ Ilr 1 g-lttmcs of m ea nings like v illga r pS~fhoa nalys is If [ rlisl realkgorits till tlIlda rd allcgorYil~-ltl n I1 Il then he dut~ so in way~ lha t preclude HI high mora l or iludlcctua l positions n (sting thc psychomarhia with lttil C)Imiddot 10 p~ychomiddot ltt l ml) q s tu rn ing Ihl Stnsua l cneha nt Hwnts ot snluctivc ~cI4 p i( middot(lS to qtlcasil UIIIla lizcd violcllt ltlud sexual d tSires I il lra r surreali sm IBre(on lIdia

Aragon s PIY5(1II dr Puns) could rel y un the sca AoJd i n~ and d evin s of allegoric - t he d ream vi~ion ) th l peri pau t ic li n o mo in~ 1hroug h a Lil y of m ysterio us (lbjCClS 1l101lum~II IS a nd (I)couiliers I hl~ W I)I11 lt11 1 uf Ill u ta bk idenlilY references 10 OIIHr works of arl and lillfa tlll t nd Soon t rnsa also d eploys the devlrc-s of literary a nd pk lOria l allegury dndging 1I 0 t only emblem bouks but ahl) die g rea t lite rary dkg(lric~ liorn tlw RomfI fir n (0)(

to Colunna to Novcli s lIlcl jieltkl

C hristia ne fi end in lro r key st ud ) ofmodlit lisl a lkgory has argUId thaI Err1~t relinq ui$ h (~ hi s a u tho ria l a ut hori lY in 111 F rllllllt J ()() l i l( allowing hi~

1111lgCS a rad ica l inck ptmiddotnclcnnmiddotp II cUl lld 1( arlued r Ol1v I-dy Ihlt

EflIH pa rod y fu netion~ in a n opposil(middot ay tha i Ir i~ wrc nching or imilL~ oul of l ll tmiddotir Mig- inal 1 )lI tex l ~ i~ a n 1gt 111 iw ill asserting ah~olutc and arbitra l) cuntrol OIr Ih( mh rial Ernst s images Id ) 011 re11l na nl ~ ofl hci

r igi lIa l Ill lltllli ns and los t tQllVCll ional contegt llgt ill hich I he) er( meant

tJen E ADEM c AN TI L NA ~--~--------------T~ ~~

to hi ( lcdihh il luslmt i)M vI S( ll tiic d evt l oprne nL~ na tural phcllomclla lr ltg- il t ric k ~ or rq)l( )(ll((i()f ~ IJf wrh Ifart l a lld lhis al o nce aJlo l~ his (1 11 man ings 10 SCIlll irraLio li a l and lilcral cd a ll d 11 the ~am c limc 10 be c lI npktdy su hjugald U) lht ve ry lI ovell) a nd allom a ly of thcrr tnvironshynlt ll l 1111 a~e lnl )l cd tiag llH l lts o f Ernsts cullages a lT n~ idual evidloCe of tl w Iulhor ily tu UIt Hilli CIII m Clo ll YJlJic pow(J or lite and dealh

arg lla bly IllI very I ppl)~ i t e ufCUI Li l ig loo~e or sellin g liTe

I n his 1l illaI Ilm II~ Enl L l o 1ll111i t lt synLacli cal rape tiXl uctlllg Y()Illll

fru m ti ll eO lltc 1 ()( ~I I joulll als Il K) il ion rt pn~ in whidr 511( represhy

l1t(O popu lar p a int iJlgs cflg ravltl ( r nJa~s a udiences I n I ll s u r k sh e

may 1 1llhOirl y mct unymic hssi pl i (l ll~ or II H ull ing hut ~It ~middot al so rCjJfCSClIb

E tn~ l s own lonir 10111 1 tn CUI and asipn rk~ a h it p in l piaYIT lilCI lIy a ppea ri ng ill hibH WI mi g h l also ~ lJ Spcc l Erns l of viciously

i te ra ling nin( lcclllh-nIl LUry lh eor ies r Ih e cmpall ric ~yOllJ 1 lt1 ~ lhe ( 1111)l)lliIrwl1l or our OWII pir yif1 lllrcqJl i ns J I u ~t~ his all tgtgory of sigm r1i ~od lItd from pir y~kal rdrll l ~ prClieiy as a fi eld in whi c h to dj~ru pshy

tivd ) i lllt rjtcl th l OCtasifHlal irY PlCIilicaUy d(plo yed rull ~ym bol with iL~ supposed ltlli lY illl i L~ rciirenl c jJre~ell tcJ by the 1)(J(h of l he Ilom an 1n the eli (k~ Ch a nTS chap lc r a l thl e nd Ill Url~ Smwiu de lfm f a fi gulc flmini s(nt or Fortuna noats ill Ihe air gTad ua lly li-cc ing

h (r~(lrorlllr a llrihulls ()f whcci Ild ~ i l (fig un 1) 11 t lihCra li ol1 Sill ce Fort un a luore It tuall ) hfCOnHS hrr wh(ei mi nl1ll il by htT l1nlr ed bac k ltIS an h Yllleric and l lso be(on H~ h cr sail hlo wn throug h lhc ~k y her

It rib utes cOIl in ue to be co nSl raining Ind pn middotMmiddotlIt a bsorbed ililu her bud y and gestu res sugg(q illg tht am hig uolls 1l lIratiom a nUrd (] 10

oma n by Max Ernst8t E IIISIS USf or h is maltri11 r(li~ o n Ihe inhc rl1I1 bililY or ollhgory l(o

rtal k go liltmiddot T radit iona ll y rlallcgo riwl ioll ltrllnnl a profan t I(x t or till past 10 h( as assimi la ted in w a n acccp lt hlc y~tlm f moral va JUIs (Vi rg il s

FSllIr( ~4 DlIIid Il cU$ius Emblrm(1Q liqoIAM I lKkn 161 5_

8 _ s~ Ili k Rot R iAamp Rm(

~d lhr jd I~Q~ ()PfigtiL ICbrid and Nrw Yrk 1991-deg flt -lt middotmiQlif - Iha l Inko 2 olll1Q f)f on_ B ~ h lth Rampk]o nxcnl

lUal of Wafbuf(t Iho l1h l in Irrm

01 th ROmMlIl( ymLgtoI unil) f ud dcrem 1 I OPpogtlti IO lI~ry

( hrpertI_~ ~~crnn f ltI s diS300C ialed fro I nfrro1 I i Rob- ~h(fempl l h lrmiddotplio)J Iheon pmiddotI) U lelkI1 pn~uen apphnl tk 1ltgt ~msl tSpltcirJI ) in I ~s pogtr

t uitwc1 Ihron ltl _ Iuh w R l loy rum symbol 10 Ilkfurv Ahr WH) i~

I r- hi Rd I~ 9971 pp ~ 6 R - [hr R iL [[ ul n has ro n Iholt u l

I hru~Ir iuI O) the unk o n wh re laquogtn~ ol Ir~cdm Pfnar p_ ~ 1I1

B I S~( Thn 11 Kclk~ Rmnwtlme Hlqo for tillt applicll ble ~ of In t allctUlxal wun lorn (e ee aUraCUOl) d ll r lnla$ 11 ltI- illual suctched l ~ lI l i Ihi [K w1ir

ltlc 1(o ~dukd from lClion and hj~llt) ry

bu sgt( f)1 g Ihe n -rgt d s he

cmand p Sr Th~ro i 1 or~1 1ltl io of witel )-r tr r lt~ltoI 1gt 1 mln m~y 1- takc -lt lIl rlaphO)f Ruolnlr E Kun1i S rrooti d I js(~ and R o l~rl llolI - n ~prknjo(

illo fo-k-J t] air ltli_ r II

fmiddotm lc (lITe) i SHlrJm and 11 010lt1 II A tw~ Rdolf t Kucn7li and Gwe Ra l~rt ICambllJgc l1i I99I) PPmiddotJt alld S T Imiddot lo ockiu Em ilS or ~ oflC n Ii mCIgttIraquoHgt1 dqI)eJ In ~ h a w~r Ihl 11 CIOI li meu Ulcrlgthunc~ Jly In 1- Riu d~~r

(MIIft~ q~1 lIOuilil ~w Carmd nr Imjlt Igtarod egt t~lcX fatlo~ ~al

jgtuu lJ rtut I(rl) IJ t 1ra 8 Ihemiddot Ie ~IgtIi OIl y 1 t ~atnlt11 1lISt llIil le Scl~h) snd amud ~kinl lt hTifingl) lilltrd I Iht~ ill IH rroh meal fur lo~ l i~ lone rol1 ~middot

l~diqlJr$ mlldr 1111) Hr)(tT) I

r~rn(rl i 1ltgt Ihe hwwir jlgt]al~ el~ hcll

il1lh( l1ltrvrl

(1 IS 1IX lrngtl 1 SmIltllN d amp 193i 0 Max Erllsl 1iI)AGP Van S()DRiC ( Monlrc~l ) 2f)(l(1

l )n IIC Ilupon Of Ih allraf R~~ru 11 (1 I 1$I~ Lolhu I -hr I J~ middotIn Rp jhd bd 11hII hI p HI

Fourh RetI a~ II I( milling of Chris l O vid l l-lrfall(Irphorrr lllorali7cd In

lmJOlIls such h J Hoh CI~ the trials of the lo ver could lJe rca 1go ricd a~ Clll hlnll~ of Chri sia n ~ u(fe ring ltInc co nrilltll cc Ernst reverses tlw prol(~S

dc- morali - ng a llegories In 7 110 dlidren 1IIII1fI(ld ~I (j 1I~lthtillg(h (fig ure zfi ) Frnst lak es U middotidilI1 IIIc(lrlJorphi rape (G anIlH-ci (S ta ~lc Phi lo mcl as

nighting-uk) oul of its repose in spirit ua lizing me taph or as ill (k Kellnincks landscape in h( Wallraf Rir-ha rtz M useu m i ll Cologn( (figure J7 ) ()j emulems sl ch as Hat1idorlhr s in which lit ra pe of Ganymede is rfJllcgoried as the sou ls I ~CIIH lo Cod ( figure 28 )83 Ernst rc t urTl~ Ihnr lo d leir Tl)n l ~ ill ~cx ual viok IlC( hi (h in tu rn S[ ltlnd~ ror the revcnibk hltrU a mi a mbiguous g-round underpinning the provtrh t ln bl cm or allegory

Equally td ling is Enl~ts d ia~rammui( ada platio n or h(rme lic emh lemata in O this mIll rIIIlI kll )w rlO lh lllg 1924 ) I II the paintillg ami II

tIle pl)cm w ri tte n on thl had (a parudy of Ihe oJllo()gical ~ylllhII S Il I I

fi~u r~ 26 Ernl I fUtJ1 mnlilwi ~ II

lllhlmCiJl 191 1 S(1 66I C 1 - r 1 D (t risI ~OI)KC J vumiddot~l l j


th e Hmrfll fd Table of H crrn(~ Trisrn egistu s) Ermt reallt~orlZ(middot ~ the hermetic ~ym bulis ll1 of the nlilrual lini li7atioll of d ivine and cit rddy IS a Freudian middotprinwl scene of gigantic li m b~ and scmiddotx ual pa rtgt Both pa imi ng md puem become rcpr(sntltHion ~ oC the unfu lfill ed n vi ~nging of a n such thing In Ernq s vcrsion the Oedipal a nd Ihe gnolt1l ic an oronc frustratccl substance ltlnd (be power oftbe allegories of h enl1tticism ltIhbaiisrn and aklHmy lies in perpetual d ef( lrd of the d tsircd gol J tl6 Ernst ~ emblem fllnc tioll s more

b roadly illi a scq gtt icai fi gu ration of tht a bil it y of images lO represen t hal IS envi $ioncd or desired in dicating Ihal a ll $lI h em blems ct n only he a sun0 fH l flIT hatt middotcr one an t ~ to know attl in o r rcprcsen Lft7

OJ (Ids 111m sllall kn)1L Mlhing a lso ~ ig na l s its own iconogn lJ)hic history especially tts allu sion to Caspar David Fricdr(h middot$ clllblem tie CrOJS ill Ih

Iounltlills a key work in Grman Roma ntit- dc hIIltg about Iht rela tive fok~ of llIegory and Iandscapc III Erns t as a rl ild er of C ( fman Romil Tlli t~ i~ ltl

would re U 1Il 10 these wpie in his la ndsca pe pai nLings aga in and again Crr)JI ill 111 t1ollll oinf is a lso shadowed by a t( Xl n passage from Ludwig T icck 5 allcgorital novel Fran SI-illbaMr 11middot(lIULmmgrll (J i 98 ) Jnom

26(j ) middot1 ~BImiddot rH ) T I d 1

60 I 1m c (lislt uW(1 Iht twn l1 t timiddot itl~gcry at t~ ngl h ill M~lt Emi l middotI ht 1IJdw(UtI1iJliI

SnllrJ 11 a i - l OCIshy87 Uml middotn o Ero diilltu~ 1he rdu iolll I)( twu h~rn 1l l k svrn lgtol- 1Il in which middotevcry middot~pr ion is a (nignlll hal middotk runlwt ~mgma middot and ~Jr n cconltlructimiddote ~nlys3 as in lini l~

defendJ in middot(n limited scmi III d rili in T ht Ib oJ hllffpWalio Ill n -I--j

fI8 smiddot cJ(m~ (l h W ocn rn ~I( Jaru F~d nnd It ~b1J ~f I muigat ~cw U and Lvndon 1 99lt)~ Karin V()n ~llo lJr ntel thO rrl ll nf (~$7 In 1M -WOIIIIIgt 10 Ern middot lUUlI1 OmJ~(Ilt1 III middotMao b ns l a Rvmlll1ic~m middot M n Enul A Rtl~pnl~ ~ I Werner Spict l t omlo 199 1)

I II~ ~7 K d~ K cunn~k Iuhf rvtJh IM~Io~ fj lt-1IJVdt r gtn leI

dllrf Kgt(hHIZ I ~ l

8iJ bull 1gtlt I g T irk Fwn~ SlmNt11b

11 middotJn~(n Hmt ~ lldIcAt (mll1~hlt

~I lj(h gt)6I ~ p gtgII

J) ~ee 11 0 ~bn lagtlt I Allqlr)

oflrlllll$iol)middot PI 6- 7r lhr dhl1 l1lt IK hr omlll~1 d(h nlll(11 (III ud h ~

ltill u~Jui ncall y I ~nd lor thillgt IcJ rly 1rs ign~II ~lId Impic ddinlun ul rourrlS luch as li lliemiddot h I(ll no h hI l (~ Ii lt mcill ~ tur middotC)middot ll la IIllt-SIKn a (1(11011bullbull 1 H turn jn I(raquolt ru lUI lTnp ~~i 1g ~1 I r

roukl hi ~r~lJ od tlbull ( Ihi Ik nrngt i~ made lllcmllll UKOf)~ Fr ~cl7rh c r) hMd lU lOll ~ Il ili K r nger through $1(middot togt tI ohjrl i( lria 10 judiCII

91 - GltQ rl 6atai llt Solr a ll~middot Fis rif fXt~s SI_rlJ I Im~~ P7 t)39lli

113 $Iodd Minapo l ~Jl lp XIV

1 lt1 6 12 ioIar ~nu p IJ Halaillits 1Qcom )Ir rollinS (m Ih bullrf r lw ~Ml h [ ~ [ I llt imal(vfltouinuous mC l~lor]lh mal p l y i1a d l5ori llJOII lOr tllti M the locornoriH r ltI hl$l)ry lt]uOI(d in aUT

III-rljolmirgt (r SdiJ 1 rlrHn-1 n- I irl 1974 p 1 ~3

illcidcn t the youn g a rtisl F ra il i~ st ru ck by a pa iming llr a l be scc~ in a hn lll it lUll a IlOCIlIIIMI lan dstltl pc ill wh ich a cr ucifix Ull a hiJl i ~ illll m ishy

na llti by IltI ) S o f moonlight The he rm it ex plains Ihat tilt crucifi is a po inte FingcI7cig ) to Ilw ~pjri lu d wurld beyond the faJ lc n world of lla tu n T o Franr ~ o bse na lioll O ne cou ld ca ll th i IMint ing an a lkgor)

the IIn ln il answers All an is JIlt-go rict IIoJ

T IH middotFingcrJeig iI) Ixpbli necl by th e h~rrn it to F ranz S lt rnbald point s not o nly to Iht spiri tlla l but also 10 thlmiddot pr (~cllce of J ll egor~ iblf As a li ter indlx a sho wi ng ha nd o r jJ ~ i l1ting fi n~cr tht Fingerrig i ~ a ~ tJplf

or i Ihlems II is Oimi larly In ade li ter1i b) -l a x E rn)1 t du slig ma tied ha ncl f1 oatin~ in f r OTH of th e lt ruci fi xiOthl~ middot prinM I ~NtJ I Herc it indicates linmiddotth er bu t not Im llscc ndCIH [l)callings90 In E r ll st s painti ng lh t ROlllit lll ics cruci fi x lS alkgori la l poin hr to a hig her nal rn sim ilarly

i tl n l c~ a landscape of d a rk Illowltai ns a nd il eawnly fil ) S IHl I fur the

COltj UIl Cl ivlI o f redemp ti ve c ru cifix a nd ill urnin at iug SUUS(t in Fricclricbmiddots pa inting o r truci ft x and moonlil-h t in Tillkmiddot O novel Ern$[ dark ly ~J bs l it uLes

copulat ing limbs and the bloc ked rays o f a IUllar refipSt Ermls lmiddott nblema tic painting alt Frifeirich s had don ra i se~ p r0 1Jicms or

cnTlIl lllporar) a lkgory When G lf)rges Aatai ll e- turned tn alr-IItm ica l )slIllllng in 192 7 he did so in I( rm~ that almamp t com icH) m im i Ernst s d csul Itmiddot c lltra ilmiddotfilled landscapt 1111 earth middotcovtrtd wi th vuk anOIs hich SltJoT a~ iLs a n us is driven in iL~ rota tion by lhe male ~ha rt ]l tlttraling 1 1 11~

laquomiddotma l- alllJ a lmost t lIl irely (merg ing ill o rder 10 ree n tcr like Ih( piston~ of ~ 100o mo ivl

JI i~ the 1Ilf(ha nical Oll ll)il ltion n(] t ll morm t inn~ of thes mOtmcn t ~ Ihat th~ ak htmists soll~h t 1 I hI philosoJlJ t ~ ~IU Ilt ~

This nWfhJlist jlmiddot cop ulatiu 11 hudcsqu e~ t he vmiddotn ji) UIIl1n ioli o f allegory th e

ltlnagogir 11 wrh of r() rrcsponden(c~ and rtmiddotst ]tlbl a nct~ lIlt middotcopula that li~

one thi ng- 10 a noth n ill lang ua te all Cl witt g ) 11 thin) to be visibly co nnCfted Ha lai lk s a llcgvrical luvers will mve r fi nd ilnythi ng but parrxlic i magc~ l11d Ih ey will [ Il l asieltp l ~ empty a ~ mirrun Wh en En tail k

fu rther GlUs lically mcdita ted Oil the gno~ tic roo ts Llj Hegel ia n ism in Ll)ll~

ma teria li smt c t Ie g nllst ( 1930) p ropus in g a k~ l abili ing hcadl es~


a J1q~ory tha i would elimuatt aJl h ilTardlic11 ~ ~ t C IllS of rdtn lllc indud ing ~implistic rcv( lltals or blst ll ld idea l o r CXq-lt1l 111 llt1 1 lnrl ltlcrUllcn lll he wa addrtR~jng is)llc$ irnpJiL it in Of Ihis men lInll knOll IWlllillf 91 H ()wcvcr heelIlsl Erns l middot ~ all egory ( nds to Ill p a ll)l it i( depcnds on just ~ll (h illvcrshy

~j ()m ilnd reve rsals of hig1 and low Old is a t a re mov from Btl taillcs infla111ll1110ry ()I)f ll-f llded hd lltaded en terprise

E nHl$ im ages a re often d riven by this undermining of thcir (IW ll sourn-s of lJowc r fcp lescnliug hotb II((i r own ~ la luS a nd i1lSIlfjicilIHy OrtCll they

assu me tht appearallce of (lnhkrlls wh ich as concieusetf o r short lr and ig ll ~ of aUTho rit y ~a n c ti fi ~d by t rld ilion art disrupted hy Ewstmiddot~ illtruio n of thc n ltllll r 1 LIld ~e)( u t l rhc n dllcti t middoti~ua l 11I11ouage or cmhlcms lcnd~ t o ltlrd hrogaliun 111(1 fimiddotag11lClltlliun Ih ich LntSl n alu raJiz~s likening Ihe Sllll1X of fj middotrgnWlll3 Iioll 10 (lperatjoT1~ (lil lbe hod y lt bull rile tru ncalLu pa riS a Ird Ii 1111 ~~ or Of IhiJ lien shall know Iohing arg uauly J u clc 10 th t ~ceri ng lIId te lldt n liou~

reconstruniom of tht e mhknjs [anllJage o r aut hori ty a rClruc luring of Ihc

sy mknloche lim hs a lrcldy prnelH in v i ~l1 emblems Througbout his canlt r Ems would dltriV( double prestige flOlll disrupting lhe COJlv(middotnlions of hOl h a rl a nd li tcrJ fl1l middotf iro lliing his au thoriaJ role as bot h a rlis and poel Emblelll s a rC1 ft lilc ground fur ~uch opT3tions k ndi ll g tlwm~clvu 0 ditorshylil)m or he reci prxa lIldi(a tion s or eX T lIld image which anmiddot Ihe STarling

point nfalJ tgory

Ac kn o wled gement

S l l i(j ll~ of thilt papa H r( pncn l(d a~ Ielt tlJT(~ iI conjullclinn il l Max Em~I

rc ll1(nary ehiiJninm Ihe RnlJ ncl 1(nr()X Memorial JccUrc U Il l T a(middot ( )11)

(1(11 middotmff A Ul IrIJJf(ct ll ItJ91 -J) lI lId II M 01 i (Ilal pound7110 O(lff( 11111 Ihr Duwn oj

hguw middot 11lt~ ~ 111lgtltlorHr hnwltim ltr (10( lOH 9

ll G~1 1 1~ l k 9Jo 1Iy tnillcril ilm 01 11l()oSn bullbull n uollgt ~f fj(w ll 11 52 amp0- M l=nmiddot w middotn I rltult~ ~ rKumrnt d ~ 1 ~ her IkuJamin a~ flll~ (ltI by II~Ilt ml II ~nljsL in rn 8 to auK 1 1~middot ul~r l an L~n ur Silllplilll ~I bat ~ J Ilrl~1U

rell t huugh r he dmiddotIIrymclll of d~lthi IiLinl( pmiddot(hootvtic laquogto ep tgt url ~ s Ielcnnimmo tm r1m~crltt ~m gteJmlt IImntllw I l middot~fI Rll1Ifl1l twlllv Imis ~f )m(alUl lin(I~I illrrkdtmiddoty u An~lc

M IAlodlt 91l 11)) U[ i -l lt)1 - I lt-nd ubstmiddotmiddotmiddot- rht Ire rn~l i u Ul uf Illor lt1 Fm~ (J Ii i fnuc lr Crlt Ihl1 t ho- lifl ugtd rmiddot]m of poundrnsl middot~

lIuc nod ilmhil(1)omh g(ndcrltl h gtvlnL ~ n rh mo (h hypcrholic

Dio cjOCulH1o11 orsl) rl-d~n jm1tf(cry1gt il dO(lt i lli fmltle ~aC11l nr [[00lt1 orgmiddotoonldltG1IHllion al 11 0( Immigt ufth aULhOl tlgt hi~ E rol$L is aJlj~1 llIh GltltX B tll lltmiddot hnnlcnz ~u nf llcg) 11gt1$(111 (~I L ory 111-1 111 in middotSoI ant S l ~r fter u ~1Jtn in capl1on i ndirat~

oJ ddo-nce I n nn SPIf (lIKI

r nn1h~r nd sigi ~ L k Ma~ middotrn1 O~f IllOJ ob middotCologne 9i)- ) in uch fll nh(r ifnrm~lin ( laquo(mns I r ~lO ( C ~d locatiOIl may bc tu

il(ure 29 Em1 OJ I middotun shall (Mil

-h~~ 9 f SLl 63middot C 1 Ernni I IJtI 11uJSODRAC (MlHHrc~j l


S1Irrwlism 9lt)3 ) J 11m gl~Hdn l for lho ltc o pport uui l itl 10 (Olls ider Erns to l roCesso r

CI i~ toll wr Crn middotlI ImfCi J oh n Gl)ldi uS Prorr~Ylr Willillll Cmfi~kl and the

11 011 Fod a tio 10 11middoti r va middot i)l1 ~ lt1 g middotn n)lCgt d vicc I 11olIIk Sllzar rl c Ak bari

r l d~(f l)cre nhI Joyn GOKl(i n E rhan Jd l Kavalc lmiddot and M E Vnr lic k

Page 9: Only Half Saying It Ernst SCAN

t ~lIr 1 EIt~1 n iy-~uMl h lo and uQmiddotru middotbull U 1-o_ IIgt tilltJ ~lq S ~

H1 C Ma t rngtI AI)A( I I~n

SODHAC ~ln lllt~ 1 l1lOII

H~ un 8 buse ()i~J If(Jf 9111 b I iifo C 1 - rrII5middotAIlt ( 1 1tTI SOllRi( rMQIl Ir l ~gt()()()

p aim ing it Plillf ll1l y inrl i (a le~ il gt low orifill ill II H I reudian r(all(~or izing of l h l Oedipus m yth Prnst lIf( II In lmiddot~ 13 1lishld CO IlVCIl L i o ll ~ of

gctun and ico nog raph y dcploying t lwm i ~ IICHlli niou~h Ordipll5 R C IS

ujJ the lllotl S~ iCid disCOUIl of high ielmiddotII and sllfmiddotslcrjric( in urder 10 bive -( i hl In his rtp rc ~ rllIat ioTi of cltmiddothasill Oedipal Irnuma and iu

2 17

arU l1rl ry pu ni~ IHn tl l ~ bl indmg- rbullL~ Irltl lio ll I I i ~ sifllilk lll t d ial o ne o r tht H I]lI) n ~ lt n urow p icrcing tht n Ubhd l IS th e h lw k yellow and gT Cr n fOr 1111 t ricolu u r lI ih har )tTn re-inHal ed IS he fla g or CtTm a n y

in 1)I U TI1 Lh rce cle melltlr) ( olo lJ I~ to h ieh EII Ilt t rd i ls in h is

illscri pt ion 011 t he pa inting m a y he a poin ted rcm illdn oj th e t~ t h e r l a llds

of h isl ory pai ll1i))g both as the plima ry colo ur o r neomiddot d Lsi(a l pa in ting

a nd a fl a By tnn (uy tb hisl ory or a n is m ldl 10 (om m en t nn

history s flw bling or al least irnmQhilizi llg or Ihe ignohle and olalikJ In i l~ nig-ma ami dispropUrli()n ~ ()nhjJII1 Rrx abo rrsemhks smiddotV( IH(llI hmiddot

ccnl ilry c m lJkrns Ihltl l d rccliv(l y cap~i z(d hist ory jlai l) l in g~ i)l lo crypt ic rigurati(m~ or m0 1ltl1 rtC1 ilude Its rn e m hia ncr 10 a n t lIlbk m - a hand

holding a (Tacked wa ln u l-shell - fim n l ite Dllt c h mordi ~1 Jaco b Cag h-t ~

bl( 1) nOted hy C e rd Ha uCI who hilt dism issi ng hi ltIS coi ll(middotid c Ill a l ~ ti ll

kit (omprlk d h) the strik ing- i ~lI a l analogy T hi d ikrn ma i~ slIIli y comp(Juncit-tl b) con~idcra t i on uf Catss tex U Th e Cats ( mhlem had two mol os (sinr e Ca L pra~ma l il a tly duubled hI lscfuln (~lt or hi~ images hy offering de voi oJl a l tex t$ a bo l l spi rit uI 1 as ell IS Iu tlltl l 10 ( T Il( fi rT

IIl0 1l 0 Re put hk hy uo ~k i ll o uld fUllct ion a a joke on Ihe aJlisl or

p(Je l ~ 0 n l ech niqLU~ I lid is especially ilp pticablc 10 Frnsls collage CUlling T he ~(co nd T IJ(rc is no l(lv~ li kl lir~ t 10 ( ( II n y a (j Ilt Ie premilrs

lIllou rs J [ lidy d lcctin l) ta kc~ U~ hill k 10 thl d c~ i ll cI mol iln vf the

O eci il)U$ compl tx G ivcn Ems t middot~ kllovlo(l~( of Fnud Iht cmblcmali C hllf-sltly ing of things

Ill l) be la kc as ak in 10 Ihl o rn h ina l ry la nguage o r OhjC( b ill Ihe un eon shysciou ~ (~ IHr i a lly as d esc l iltd in 111r Iffprr la OI ()f n f(mh H Th~ Illmy

em h lematic i magI~ ill Cllfs ltl nd d~l herc of e nlarg lltl h lIlcis hold ing

d evieclt fo) cltl lllc llin g )lld CUll ing (~ llllffUl~ ca ndk~ hrtl king clnd lts

cutling and g ra ft i1lg sl II ks ~q Ih in g ri pe g ir ls ) mig-h i (1 be sl(n in th~

lig lll or F rf lld 11 ()Cfipu1Rn cltl n in fa n Ire laktn a s a co nAal (Itl or sc(rltl1

i Jlt age~ from J arob Cats nO I onl y llt l ha nd holdinK l sh at llTn l n u tshdJ bu t also a hand slh j)(ntli ng a key rrom 1 m aglltl ic q onc fig u II 9 For the

prel im inary co lla g1 relat ed 10 Odipus RI ( Emsl used a n im age from the

pl liudica l l ll vil Iltfl ~1I1 i ll tl ~l ra tion ora magit Irick in whi dl a l a inU I shdJ is SIIJII1Idd h) il ~ d eft liom a fi nger il~ if uy llla 1ic Cats ~ tmblems ~ive a

parad o xi ca l m(ra l WLig-ht to Ihis nU lSh d l image hic h in 11 X(Iure hld 10 do with ill usion Th i~ m a tt er of illll~ion rccun on eil pla yfully ill rnsts

work Bt-ynnd tha t the elllbkms pr(J itic (lUlio n ary moril l ~C l pitces aga illt

wh ic h Ihe il1 1o l llr (nt l ues and poli licai ton tilsion of tnmiddot rccettt wa r and it~ aH ermath (t n b( Mmiddott

The ck phant of Tlu Fltph(lJIf 1GIIbn figure 10) h l~ 1 ICi ng pcdigTtmiddot( in

c rn h lcmalic i rT1 agc~ of 31 fro m th Illt rad ig llla tic (i i ill [11( fi ftee nth

centu ry 10 pro pag anda cnrica lUr~ du rint ti l( F irst vlo rld Lr (fig ures I I

111lt1 12 17 O ld)( arrn ond g-Ls-mlskcd illca pabk o r lutornot io n shy

s ta nds ror pn liticil lgtO CI the oSlagna ll )igts C1n~ o f thc K aiscl e ra aml th e

war wh ieh so p roroundl ) a Ar-ctcd Ernst a nd his friends In wl ra l ciati

tOlblclll ~ cilphanb ~Uc a~ $ (lC i a l ld wilh wa r and i ts ~poil s M 7 he EIplwlIl if Cfllhes nOi olll y rlt$clJ1 blc~ Alcilti s Ikp lla nt ith l rm(gtlr I II illa ud a ta

la lldan l( ~ but it~ m Cltlu ings S(C rTl tv lwa r out 1ciali s H((HUlI or a milil) englgemell l in h ie h a middotmons l r( HI~ and coarse e lepha n t frig ht c ls a WL) a n

enemy l 1middotlll y Th tmiddot ele pha n ts plinl cri image is thell l Ikc n a the vioors

p Smiddot [in ri [Jutrhu Ilt 1 TM~ry ~f rltHI 1r YvrL amI Loudun 985) I I~ 00 lTom ~d p n -f bullbull l dlltltuaJl~middot (Iii rflrm r~1 ui r i~ till 1 knvwlche a nd

3 1 1Ihx Ir I GloIkk l ~

rmd~-Ul if 1

11 ~r CllarlOl e ~Iok Clblros i u ~~ (gtI k Frrud$ IhCltlTI t fw a~ Ihe r la liQn tor 1 (([Jag r~ b x Er ~ 1ftgtNJld~ I il P 19)104111 TI ( r~ 11 lr) nunlm( lfIr~ p ( ~l O(r a1xt llChl du Impt I ~~tN~lt1I 11 63deg1 Hd J~cQh C UJ oI ffrtf Ittrdt~ t niam 1I~rl r71 Th e V d ~ V l1 lr~i nll ~ dose cO E nlt~ i n I ~ I ) I ~PJ in (hult 71gt ffl iu( a li lou ~ ( rrminffl in pri l [h rollgt tl ~ mh c( nIUr )1 QI (ra r Dc l ~~I t or [e

e[ltI n( 2 ama nt 11 hir h 3 h ~ 1 gtU I nllt kry fro Jl ~ middot i $() 1 ~ IO~ in tmblfm~la 1 QMhfl II (~~ in

and IfM(arn lluht tid pi II ov~ouuvn lChao Ifat AuJr Wl1d(R 1975

n middotU Hlal in Sqmnr Hot-Ie IIK~1IJmiddotIt f)aIII~nt(~ an ntfJ Ifn middot

1)18 -Iih 9jtJ ) 3S1 middotJmiddothi rmhkm j IJ J udn ~

1Ilw and at on tic]h 1 l i l poi I nf ar I d brak ~ n 1gt1 middotPft t pt~ f( ( em IIW r u~ ohit]

h urr lt) J acob ClIts Sed ~ ICCI)

l MbltlWlill lffJrald k~~~au

f((lltcrrl~m 6~7

~u T Il iumbull l r Alrr1 1trr rmltd Ihr Krlqltgtlthu ldf llr in J)n r laquo (u fl M~r 1H) i Sr Irr~d 1) 1VIl~fr r 1 Hf~udw~ ofl kr 1 ~ilfJ II Q (~I T hm lr~n~ 10]1 II Zrydd cw York 91deg1 ~() - J I ~ En[ ~ ul(Jbiographical [Ul t I I~lhu is d escribed Wl lh rcl crc ne 10 l i t nar~ p r~(rdCnIS In H a~clr~

pll) T~(S~~ lh~ ta1he nra~pJ hI a (XI(tk ~ wlo )urnd lt ( lalh ~rJ nl (i younK fCPh ( hid l-~h ~r~ Jn~dc

uganUl tteN has I arrltucol h~(k of [ho- ~c [a l Ono G n - trair) tIl] 1I hi You bulln diollr tv _ I Irjult lilt(

olIl 13 augtt ) ooJ h1 broughl h on t1 AI)hl I nlII)(uh Fnl

wlgtOkallcu cc a Darla rleno~lOlitln

and arral h3d WI I hl ilip t rnlt 1Xlfl hll ra[hcr~ ropon-lt I cunc ~ O Y(tll iuC htlU~11I djlOIlOIlr OIl Il t[ t- Ia EnlJl Fcrdlltw I P l1 i Ie due [0 Ihe fonnulai- nalUn Oflhc fu_h~rJ ( u- u

lucrnryu(occ lOlho- ryurr Ihmmiddot i~ Ihe FImrul111li (gtr clln ~r Rcp[hlk jnoitcclUal drdo-lt f h~ kiml h( lU~p)l(~1

~m (u (_1gtlt- to P bull -i( OS hCf

L~qoJcur IFmUlr CJrnl HISI~r )1 8 913 (I bullbull d I ~i 1) ]1 ~H J I PI lslr pct 1 C I) 1 lt1 (fJ (Iii IIIn

JIB iltn York 9ilIj PI ~- I Cnll ~dci l Am BpiI~1i Bhl IIIltl IJrfJMJI A-w lfflIi KnliA Jti U ltkm~

I)IISIUIJ ( icnt~ gR8 ann _Vld U(Imn

h fJTwilaquootJI THu C rw Vk glib

insig- nia H ow(ver sinltc the v i lory 1(1$ undcsrrId Itu re~ul1 ur reaI ra t her thatt bravery in b)111e t hi ~ imJ~e of the d eph(II t -( ar( told i~ lgt hamefllL That t hl paint ed image of the kpha ll t nmiddotpn(nt~111 lUlw(rth~ Irick SIT CS a ~ a Ili ct Lommcn l on til( not ion ofl h d ((( il ()f ima ge~ in wnerl l Akia ti s (o nd u$ioll of shaillc md lmb ig l o1)~ vic tor y wo uld tlTl ainl y represCnt E IIl SI ~ g1lwral opinion or -ar I ml its lrUnna l h 7 hi Hlephlll1f f C lrbrj i~ ltl n

a lkgor y of the m oral values of lhe p11Cltl a l g CIlI fltl li on ami t he fatherland olmuJalcd a l a time when lhe iS5 m o j 1 guilt I~ a ~u bjcltt or urg e nl

pubJi( dcblte ~9 Th is guilt also fudkd thr tlltml~ or O edipal palriridli impulses Iha t had become 1 corn monpll(C of Expressi oniml and thai a rc pia ycd out in OrdilmJ R~ 1 m [ 71l r LlffJllOnt ofCdhfJ I~

In 1IlYendeavour to find a cnn vi ncinK ltl r~lJnwnl or i u~li(ial iun fi) 1 11 art (hal might legitimately fU llction in til( pOSt Wl r D1(la c ultural rencgu ti nmiddot lions Ernsts turn to emblem and ltl lkgory points to Llw awkward fil or rellt ivt[ c ult ural alu(s a nd conhm llOra ry history ltIS Ihcir fulfilmen t AlIcgot as lilt l( it tralion of codihrd nonnali cult ural or ~ bOlu le a luCs

fi ts- j arrillgly wil hisiOl 3(rommodal ing ils cnrorcro ohins and chUls nf I cn n~ pru jding a rickety bJea hellt lor Lilt spec latol o r c u rrC11 histo ry In

Ordiplu Hrl and Tlu F1rlllimil oj Ctlfhn Ihe high rd~rents of dleg01~ an txposed as (hey m ig-h I c- isl in the wak c of (he First Vorkl War n k ill ~s h ip st ale a nd rdi~iln arc Hvcaled in th eir CHlTf1lI ri lbilillted (Olldlli ull psychoanal)~cd int o ha~(I frlll~ no IOI1~cr Jegi lim al( f)r sla ble reduced to d ressing- up as th (tn~clvc~ P]((i~dy beca use uf the nccessil~ for

hUH~ l u EIII TM frpiloM uJ Cflm 1 9~1 ~i V1 t h( 0 1 1bull0( Icmll tI) (P 11uiSOORC Monmtl QOO

1n esta h lis lHd Iclennl howCvtI the 11lt-gonea ] q nllllIle or Ihe cmule lll JJ]owlt Ernst 10 g-i Vc an a ccollnt of the lailure of the ll)lwlelil symbol o r

11 lt11T lI it

Blt~()nd these obliqLl(~ly polili cal Co Ill I1H~llIa ri ts EIJ)~I S emblematiC

pain ti ng ~uggests lha t other Ih illbS ~rc at Sla k~ in Ihl Ieai lll oi tiJ( a rt t h ~ 111

the lt llhancClllcll t ofpo( l ry b~ visli a l lIH yplion Thc Iml ]enlat ic paintiflg~

Sl11I1 10 Imoke l lost text or key to Ih eir own d CClxling Jf Elnst ca rries the

pOCTS intclsl in JTI l ki n~ tcx t ~ pic toriil l back in lo pi U IIImiddotS he docs so in

ordn It) raise qu e~l i om a bolll tlte na lu n uf ima ges and represe m a tio n T Il(

~df-qu( l i oni ng ima ges appJrrn lly f]uely thcir own Iul ho r ity could th ey rcp r(ltfllt anything c rc il Ill)[ I(r q slig iil l dalinn~ with cx phlllltltnry

ltI11 til nli 7 ill g lexts T h is is fur[IHr rtlalli 10 Erml~ illI)(lli o ll I)) h( h istory

of a n of I rad itLOllS o f i(ollogra phy v I th e m urce i lll a~t

Tn Ill1 Casc of Tuttn lll l Ioml7l1 (figure 3 923 V(rnlT Spits has Tfaced twn ~ (lUIIC illlages to th e popllllI lIintl (cllIh-cl nt ury ma gltllille (1 Yolu a

ships dlvi(c IItlt j)()UN oil 1) 11 troubled wJtC I and all -e mba t hlng ing

upsirk dO Il Til l m1chine and thl ltl tr o ha t ar( figurf~ ofhaJIIlcc JlId order

~e l agj i ll~l a perilo us si tu ation lht) t la blish1 d i ~rupliI 1I~ t ofvltcillatioll

( 1 1 kiln mlblrm

bull~ J f1nni h hrkl J rJI of hul 41nati rUIHurlmiddot lInmiddot Mlln

I )t ~Jlfodurrrl t pmll rm ropol1111 10 1(111 R(Icr(n(( l ibrary

J l~rT I~ _ Hahn lgtt Ihlll If



h gunmiddot 3 En 7 ulmnr f1 lmlltm 9~3-~ M ti17 CI M~ Ern~I IUGI (1 S~ lnRmiddot ( ~1 llrca l 20(1(1

d tt rnat ioll il llbtlau(l and po~ibk fIII tho I frlln(~ OInollier of Ihe pa i ll I ings sources a R ena issa me allegory of r()rt ull(

IvliIIII()lItlti In tlw c Ollrse of I h ( essa) o n ernblems r i H~d hy Erll had gi cn thc im a~C of FOilli na wi th her wil e] l11d sa il as 11) ex am ple of a [J1 11(n sli tficienl vi~ud (Illbk lll rCftl ir ing 110 tex t to supplcmtmiddot11 1 iLS IlwJlI ingsI Ttl Furll lllt of unblem ~ Ofl11 ~ a ih on slOrm y sta ~

(fig ur( 14)n a nd prl~ LJ mltl J ) t h( i ll llstlal i(n of oil-POll ring m ac liill (J) ~Uggfmiddotlt l cd lO Erns t Iht a ttrih ules o f Fort una Ihe c irc ul a r piplt~ swnd fo r IlI r wheel IlC pi pe barlng her )I~ klr hf1 Ulin dn e~s 4t The leetering of Er nSI ~ Fon una Illa y he lIt r ib lHed to Ill i com)gld ph ~ or t hl grandt 1s lrnmiddotI11I (fig-uri 1 5 )1 ~ In Il le r on ((xl of h yslcna the so urCe illla gl or the acroba t eOJJ1ts in to pla y in Cha rcol and Richer s I J as sj~a l

~tu d y nr hyste ria in ~Ir t I f( )imollinr7 11t5 dml( url j Ui allOytmiddot Iht i ll tl~-

1 1 -(( ~Ij~ lla E middot ((Jla(CIf

f I~ IIml l middotdprM(It OIOIe 97) (11 15 1 r1 rUlclld middotUmiddotme lhauN VI 1Hamp--7middot 4 - hy middotillmiddothul( Fr~nt( S~ltS( ltibull

Icl~ U -fhg uImiddot uurnjl j lurhJrnmd 97 11 I J9 51 This Imiddotunu tlI1hh u Iq td III -

Durc 1 in ~ lnl c t ~ h (1 und n de Imiddotlisunmiddot Jo~rM1 If lilt LIb~( fnlllll III 92~ ) pp 7 I ll

1 Ion ) lnunlrmiddotmiddots 1- Pu d Im ll~l1Id ft n(rmiddot~ middot lax Ernst G middotmJ-k Au Ihmiddotf()JU da amu rlal ig~) n ~IIlaquou do w moTd W I b rrlJNI ml)km~U(middot hl UTlt of middotOCl~Smiddot

11 - I lIn ~rlcfut 10 ] I it I ~m~$ fot hvwinl tnC I lul]w( 1 too rc on I- nn and h) la drlid at the I lI l (bullbull lkrl lurMlhUI hll lIi1)t Un Ga l a fl~u ro uf Iltt gt ~ on) Uotncst(

Uioor ~ l d be Eluurdf Mil f~ I IlII luItltgt4flAlyllf SO~fIJ PI tOj ~

rigUft q Fornll x ttlt h ~It u n

Ii tby WdrOllfl Fullmiddot 11 1 iUllt V~rfbIU Dj( 17

1b J (~ COI ~nfl l ul Rkher - IJIIII(mI~I fa lgrlmiddotrRfl() (Amncrd ilnl 97111 100 n middot eljg wmiddotS pc i ho dlgt$lt In Ad middot ell Sarto S(lUlI

Phl J Wi Jillnl _ poJsMk also Ih ) h) Charco d R~hcr

11 Elila]t(u ll rcn 1lts Iu~ middoth~$triQnk OIICillallo n a t_middot itligll ~

or he bymrk Or lin tkaJ body

1lI uchSlcr 9J Ptgt ~f(gt-imiddot

trnt iu ll show here i till oh~(ralio n thal h y t (ric~1I atli l udc~ pn~sioshy

IIcllc~ ]evc tCtll pUfoi s 1m car ( I n particu licrellH1I1 ITohaliqul 6

Ermls (IlllJleml1ic 7 1r(ri lLg IYmllllll th c ll IS 1 (ompk l1ld humo rolls lI ullcgo rizul ioll of fo rt una -I -1 yst cr ic11

Com plex rlt-fCrcnces like liIi un 10 fortuna pop up thruug ho ul E rn~ Is

I rk amI se rve I S ind i $ of a ll (gor~ di fCCli ng us 1 ) Iradi lio ns or i(onotVashy

ph ) and accumulated Illcanil1g 10 symbolic tig-ures Inc attribules thai re ta in a sh-dowy lu hori t) hilt being Su hj(C lelt1 h~ E rlt 10 subi titwiJll$

r igbull I wwd Pjdk iul1udr Ik Hucilitlnr n I n rhlrnl tlld ( dmiddot lr~ dim~~taqw rf~ Iarl 1186

llnl OOf ~ [ AT tlTUP~~ ~hIQ itl EL L~S U ~ ~A ~IIA ~ O E T IIIUIt II Y S f t R I Q ( [

Allilnde d~ cnciG etenl

nnd degradatiom T he Forull emhlem here comes from Ab y arburg- s sl1ld~ Francesco Sltlsscl1is let lwilli gc Vnfiigung- (1 907l En~ t was not na ive abou t t he nuu re of images and their contagion and he fa nCS r unsidshy

natioll (If the onvt llI il)n of p iCl(ri d language Hld as~ u ll1pt iom ltlh0L11

mea ning At the li me of Warburg Saxl and Panof~k~s t ralings of da~~ial

~ymhol~ amI mylhollt)q-~ th rough IIwir til-hased ltI nri mu lt iple ronm in Ih e

mbkm~ uf mag illklun and as trology E rnst wa- him self englgd witb sudl dchascIllCnts~ 8 Fm u s Er lldil(~ illlag(r) makes h im a pl radnxind

ltlcackmiti a n a nd pa rodi c nr hi ~lOrilIl rel yin on Ihe prl~l i g( of rlcog ui I shyabt l~ q UIt liun bllt sa htlaging tlw h i~torical method Ilat w(lutc1 ~il ua Le a giC 1I wo rk th roug h ils relal ion I() prncden ts Tlw T urning I-1QIl1I cuuld d t~tl be rel a lcd ror middotxa mplc 10 C iOll u~ c lnb[emalir Il1rtJlJlu ncy (fig u lI 1 6) III

Erns t ~ Jisjunct i c ilT1ages parlde nfcrcllt~ bllt ddy rongruity ltllI rl c hronolshy

ogy u hvlr1ing lhe aUlhori ty of history to sequence idell tify imCrp lI l lI lld evaluate H e ~ i lua tCS h i ~ work within the history ofar and li terat ure capita shyli ling 011 th e cx ptxtation orknowin~ ~ aU high academic a n h as donmiddot_ b ut parndicall y mocking any pic t y or nost tgiil fo r 10s1 ori g-in ~j

A work part icula rl y di rctling ll~ 10 problems of Iltlngutge and f(middotp r(lt ll ta shy

ion is AI tht r ln Cltar Word 1923 lfigure 17) pai u tcd Oil lhe Wl tt o f Pau l 3nd Gal a Elu ard s bcdronlll J lengt t h itog-lyph k co n fi g u ra tio n (If fing(rs ba tt and string u e oqlI1 i7OO a rou nd the o r and X of Ernsts name $ilUali ng th e pa inting in the long- tr lditi(J)l of emhlematic deir(~ that play on names The pai nti ng as il immiddotulwmiddots Inc clongucci fin ~cr of a 01ll11l

JIllgt pru habt ) em bod ies Ernst cOIlLlm pnr ilrr rdatiom hip wit h G ala E lulfd (TIl E device traditiontl l is m clIlt 10 proli)ulJdly rcpre~t nl he ha hitual conduct (lr ( ha rati r or onlsel f oncs princc ur th c beloved womUl whitt t voidi ll L pon ra iwrc)Y 11115 5 p lCltlr( panLom im cs n des tabishylized pictoritJ compo~ i J i ()n the bt ll on thmiddot ~ rill~ wh ich ()r IllS lh c [ i~ I II

im minLt1l dltt nKcr oflwlng dropped by Ihe crossed fingcrlt pullin with it Ih( tlil of Ihe Illard-likc in$Ipound t T his co nngllfllion is lik rly a j oking refc rellC to

Frcudill li cn~ t rl ti () TI an x itmiddot t y ~ a noti(11 n i nfOTced hr Erm l ~ou r(( imag fro m 111 Salu re iIluslrllling a Irick in which 0 lingmiddot CTos~ed and pressed to ltl single bJ ll have th e sCll5a rion of feeli ng two balls As a dci(c JJilc rct aining the wit l nd (()nci~ ion appropril( to sueh repnSt IHatioll Frmts painting brea ks wit h th l c1 Clurum ltInri pwpcr k di ng tradi tiona ll y l ~s()C iated

wilh lile devite a ~ portrai t of t he mind or w uL E rnst~ im al l also rdi tes

If iby rhll rg rnfrlhUltrSrhrifk-1f

] irdllcnstlti ll lif9]I 117 51 ~

Rbnd K all) mc~r 1) 1 1gt1(1$

Iltr~hr f lfn1t una d~ ~lIdarhll -brdtllnttk r L f min l lmiddotb~t wnd IJm)tflm T]n J87) 48 1 gt111 ( rldu l (0 Rfrky lin HI 1 ~lI)lJr I L-d Ihr t iol(IJ mhllt1ltlt

ll I ] hwau middot1 he $lru((lIrr or All elonl~ Il)eltIf ill IIII~~~ Iwl RqgtrQI ~I ltlhnJ ( lt 11111 ( Ih ~ 1Il tl 1(1)(1 I~ 1 37middot

iO- amp ( Il ~n ri Eli C Alldtjam(n

aniltt r nlas Ulul ( I doll 16IbiPpmiddot 8 1-7

51 5lt Wmiddotmr SpQ fouJ liolld Irrudi cli ll ~ iu J) Hwhhr Ii du (lttr C610i1 I l7 PImiddot 5 4middot

~ll(ure 16 Giou nlill (Slt f1) ~ini Chilpdj

5~ - XC IstkUIImiddot Ltt Jill ( 1lt drriJtgt nn the pfOpltn~ ofdc ien It ~nno td t

fkmcll lS de Li tltrrmiddot JlIgt Ill d ~80)

lIi(krlt l p II ~_

M a rmontcls insistence 011 the h igh 1110111(1 11 lt urlomiddott emblems I llnn mtd )t VC as 1Il ltlmpll or the o~jt(lionahl t tToli lIIbkm objcL~ luxqllds Iop inirlll allad w ride de ha-gtsessc sUlh as a pot Oil the fi rt ith Ihe mollo f a m ltOIlsul1ed below ) It i~ tempti ng III im agi ne Irnsl toyin g wi th this

higb mor~1 1 po~il iun by delibera tely making a (Tud pun th e basi~ of til liu First Cmr WordY

T ypica ll y huwevr Ernsls Vi~U 1 1 sou rce rna) lJ ~ (lv(rdcterln ined hy 111 trudi tc textual ~ourn III I f NiL dAlllIIbrr D ichrl ~ Dr Uordeu describes the controlling ccnI tI ()r Ih t ch fir OUl ~n$aliOIl~ L~ a jlld~c who hears caS(~ md pIOIl Oll ll (I~ vc rdirts This jud~( hOHver 111lt1) be e ffeclivdr

deceived b y the (i(llIc( it may expe riL- llct paill ill an lIl1 putalcd limb 11 01(011 ~ays Dr Burdeu ~ou Gill INt t he limits allli decepl ions o f

sensa lion by (ltI rrying lItI I Ihi$ sim pI eXlwrinWll t Otl the judge

o n k tro mpe lu- nd Oll 1(11 1 crui ser dl lLX 11( ()~ doilts run Sill Inutrc lUuch(z un t pclill ooule lt1 il pronnll r(ra qu-iln II df l1x

2 bull i

h gumiddot 17middot l rnSl II Ihl FII (lro l1pd 1 )~3 I t bp (I II ~ L m ltlift))G P

1 1 lri~ OUolAC -110laquo1 ltOOO

In to( context of thi ~ pa rt ieulM di~lullsjon of s(n~ttiol II 1t1 Ni l f d J(lmh

lhe hypolbeli cd Fltudi an melning~ nf E rnsts Ilugcrs and ball in tensify The fea f ( castfa linn II lre is dJ ierl 0 (middotO fl~i (kra lion 01 The npITicHclt of pai n and pkhurr di sltussrd fl y Did r rol and the decept ion orthe senses ~ lldy ra ~

someth ing to d o with j urlgill l Ill( dtcp tiolls of illu ~ion is t 111 with the picru rc itsel f alld (implii t in Ihe Ictltl~ ()1l11ed Ily gtIring wd hnger wit h llie k((middotplio ll ~ ufl ang uagc

Beyond UidcrOl til( fou nd ation fror Emsts rlecplion 0 1 El uan] lnd Pau lh tnmiddot~ a rgumen ts about languagc lay in ( enIt 11 Roma nt ic dcba tcl ltlho ll t till ~rn bol ith is full ex p1l~s i (I1t$S and uni ty or ~ ign and n ferfnt 1S OPp()sd HI the di~~ocia lcd and arl Jilrar y sj gn-gllle la lioll l)fa lllmiddotgol) I Of panicular lifelong intenl tu Ernst (ft the po-ms CS~ t ys tJld a lltgorjC~ o f Novali I II the fi ch lc S tudilu N(lva l i~ httl u Hlsid ered lilt rela tion or

l t 7 fit I H l 1gtlt(lI

5 ~ - Sn HLmmiddot odoro M If Ih I ol Ir (Ihrl n r Io rln Ilhh J l)tb 1 151

~ Umothc JaiuA I(hI~ed me of rn~(f hfdonA bullbullding 0 -11 ~ i~ (k Iter lu

hLlhtlh LclOlc 0 ell 91121- M~ dlkllraquolO(l i~ lI deb loo (0 II~

fC(Illt(r o Kn ) ~r-lu t HtNIl_ nI1 Ioudon 9lj s~

fio hlr S d 110 Stlrjinf rd l1I1 dholln ~ lId K rd Sallnd 2 lIllIlIlr~ n 1)gt5

y QUOIn t 1bullbull Iulil1 Oir Il-gtOtw- KumulIl ~I fI Poe jdcr h Ohrfllt1101nl imiddot b-ftJ IMM bull I~ 1 IjJj11_ 1 lt)OCf p ~06

~1 It_I 5ltlrrif(~~ V 282 U lln hilll prp1K(I h1I Novtlraquomiddot d~ ldk ll i

ixua Irlnllllod ~bull middotIrmiddotI1 I middot rJ dwr Ihm rr lrnrlll (Hgtrlldk ) ~H - ito UBeu PI 0 11 11gt ~MI S(itl~I I V I ~

~ 1 ttl lIml To i Was Ma_~ 1-1 Iudirl h i ll Ia ~H K~I~ P l S c r PI Ip HattltlorHrr

I~nf(n (P(t Tunlu IPlI amp nn K olVI)lJtt AtIhIJIt~ ImJ~nt I _jm (1(In EIxhllll 19031 Karl Ih(f)(lomiddot C d cru ( dritl

HMIlI~NI III Jtbtfl DISn LI n Ll(PlM 1Jf(d 1881 J eanmiddotUaud t rtbs (~ ifipp H sectn Cr ~

tIorll Frnkrun middotrnmiddotMam u Iu 1lI

IqIi l PI V~ -t3 Thrn ~r n 1I ~II i ltI h not 1 p~I1gttul r 1( in TI n oell u1f 0111 8ui chmid d FIIrjI ~I 5 ]nJ J~6rfjnnu 1 lII Di_UfJ(11 Numbl

III~ 1Io11l 6 SI h nJ ( f(tmiddotulll ll middotlulrodOIvu AItl~ry aN HprtUIIlJIIDII

PI) ~l D lan pOIfl~ ou ltlr311~~f)rr 3ltll1 mhlrm bull 11 d iflkuhy (Of ]Jqllf i Iht th (mvh d~r ~ 01 rtp~uu -n C tgtOllt~ nd In 11K rmiddotrr fSltltn~ l h~

Iu Qn I ~Icd middotPutal

bullI ~gtIOfV of PllSlVI IIpry RfIlnIllI_ p ~3)

language to th e th i [l~ il t~p rC~n l gt argli n~ t haL silllc lAng uage n rijinatcrl

l1 finding ~ i lm (or lbSl tae l conccpt~ it i illiterr l11ly nw tlphoriltl md dlceptivcn Fot I(ovali ~ fcprCC nT ll ion is a proce -~ hy which lall~utKC

fig ures (orth somelh ing lhal i ~ itself IUSI I rough tillt ln y 1(1 of being pnstlIh( If for Nova li ~ jlOmiddottry IIl ll lgt1 appro~ld l i~ual li rt ))il rot~il Inu

also zur Kunst werdcn ) ~I ne( rt hclt-~ d ll ~i I) ilwit)bly Idl shor

crea ling an illusiun uf prcsellcC where t he re is n() IH So (I IlC ( an n p n SCIl I onl y i ll ordcr 10 rcprcscmiddotnt Y alld beyuml t hi ~ lei of 1lt_ prcMnting thrrc i~ rIn absolutc ulIlcprtsctH ahk negllid y d tlcrm in ltgtd KlOu nd a conce pt or being that lt1111101 be d(~( l i hltd (111) displMcd im o c han o r darkmss cent Tn Novalis Eru~ 1 wou ld find a his tury fOl J (I lwlhiIlmiddots (ol1lcm po rIIY

argumcnt thnt all ln nguagl inn )ivcs metaphor and millndcr~t lIld ing a nd lil his d tllcriptioll of IIe cia rk nes~ Iha l sl l orc~ lip Ihl )l lOvcrh OlSlTlions Novalis~ theori fs ofl anguage uor nt oul by Pa ulhan ct1ll thC lllsck e 10 Ill

middotprlScll led by ErnST in the en ig-nuic piuolid Innn Lpprnp riltlH to NOlt1i ~ ~

sig n or 8ild

Allh~ Fin- Clear Word Ill a y be lfad in ligh l orlh~I plradmtlt ofbnguagl lild ~emury d ectption I n~ot~ r a ~ EII) is til represen w r n r pn5lnllr CJftlll pic tll re he is til t d tceiHI ho (c l hI eq n I writcs him$(lf intn IIw p ictu re through his pnouious mono~ ram 3 ~ ti l( deceived Sim il (ontig ur lI iuns or balls a nd stri ng llC a cOlIlIlon plac( of SCclllttnth-cent ury

(middottIIule lm )( rhlil l it~ sud l a~ R lJlkll h lgcns l enllOll~ Globe hanging hy A

thread IllrCa ltned by tht di vine k ni ft wilh its mOllo 1 wi ll hc cm 10 pi tccs

fIgure 18 T IlfsC l m blcUla lie modds sel up the ( lIt1 i n~Cltlst ration j oke impliCi t i ll Enm~ plin ting T he mOllo or I llIvorffcrs rebted emblrlll ha l dccei CS us a mu~cs u~ is cunsistent lth t he ide) uf lhe pli n ting iI~

an illustra tion 01 Illr (kctpt ions of thO se nlt-~ and of m imetic picllln-m k i ll~

tsdr ftigure 19)

H ard(irfit- r 01In eccen tric th(o ris t uf the e o lvill Genn a n la n ~ua~(

a nel of uuoque emhlems H iJ visio n 01 middotGrlllairl poticmiddot was illfiuencecl by Ripas rulolugifl Acia w and J atO) C algt l ~lII st ho had studied ph ilu logy an d hld la kcn a ( ou r~( o n the v c r man nomiddotd of the sevenshy

leenth lin d middotijl ltnnl h cel1111ri o l it u nivtfi ly miln I dl have Cllcou nshytered his 1 ()lk 9 I I is a~y til 11 (-l arsdlitflcr a~ it proto-sunca list

throug h Jing-u islit ~arlH ~ ill Wllld ~ amI illll(~ b) p hon ti play and nc c()r tr bi n a lioH ~ Ill hoped 1(1 drw 1)lIt h iddell ret lI1b l a n ce~ bct ccn th ings and CVl U 10 invcnt IIC W Ih ings illulllill ltinl lI lt p ro fo und rdations of I lItgulgt mpound ttoe o rld I he cullelt i gllllc-pla) illK of his C tspradtshyspick fragmcn tcd syllabic and wo rd re(()I nbined b ltliterna li m cun trishybutors to produt( unli)rt (c lI rclt I1 I1 ~ ha~ I)l iUlis afJiui lies w il h surreali~t

potti I practice H aT1gtltlu r rfCIs emblem r ai(~ a ~lmiddotnlmiddotr tI puinl ahou t em blems hile tlln

pro id e Glp tival ing rt)lism cf el ltil tl li is IP l r~ l to ensure Ie~ihilil and ough t to have Ilolhillg 10 do I ith Ihe Jl lt- I ~ lI nmiddot Urlllil1lDis A t Ih( F lnl Galf

Vorn a ~ a piclure a bout S( II~()ry cl ( p tiotl is a n ironir a llegory or ils own t1l IK1Ciri cs (0 rcprcocnt r-I(IIc hrou l- it rIilCgt ltI p roblem of aUIgory whkh Lries It) fu lly npn scnl or pi tun al) t rt( tions llUt I~ hich llIccssa ril rccals

ilS uwn fa ilure lu arw ally brillg lillih ~udl tl lill~s fgt T he da ril ) of the cmbk m sim ul ates tht gra tifJ I lir~ of I n i (J1lsi~ stl1ing up an anxi()u ~ t1t t rshy

naliun btlwctn (knxlillg wh a t i ~ IlH- u lr d eH lr dll1iC(11 dra lng and



I bull



relishing the pleasur UI) pmsibly lIli 11 1lt1 i( tJl E1l11Jk mati~ a1l0w E rn~ 1 shywho 4xprcsscd cQn tcni p l (() I milllClit a rt to negot iate bdwfcn I h~ ~I(tu(~shy

livci ) mimet ic tud ed ifying)y d i agrarnma l ic 6~

As 1 pend ru 10 AI Iht hr~ 1 elfllT kV(lrd til (ol1l g ~ L Q)QI Jl tSCIIf n ) OUIIl

girl 930 -70 (figu re 20) tu - h i1I Ems f IHu a lly added a real glolWmiddot tikc bltlll ul ltlnnil y bcar~ 0111 [he sense of the Rollen hagen l mbll Il ah hough thl di vjllC POWtf to cut i~ now invested in the tollage nist himself (o r rather Is he represents himselfilhin Iht piClUre l~ Lo ploPi The em bleshym a ti c rt lnin d n Iha l rh inbTS U( 1I1titna tcly IUIt of your hands Ihll ( oci hold~

thl ~ci ~sonbull i ~ plnyert upon hy Ernst wi lh da rk i l The introduct ion o f Lo ptop in 1910 as Ern t ~lt rtgo recaJl~ owllis diClUm The 1 1l1 li~1

preselt iLSeJ f as prcsln ting 3 Th i5 cads again to lIlt problem ()f the vict lln asmiddotil1li~i oll [ltU L()plop i ~

lI sultl lly d cscrilx-d imprf~sJli()o )jk( as introducing or p rese1l1ing tbe pic tll OfL r n il is Lop lop ~lC lillg as frl1lw o r easd who prCSCli Is a n iUlIsiomiddot Jli~li( pi clltrt ilhin lltt piUunu5 T he ~ ll hjCtI~ of tll( pi( llIn~ lI il hin the

piCHI onen have weigh t) implicJliuns I rolll1( Ililii grapes by a~sociltltion with Z tuxils gmpes im o kc piolo ri a l illusionism oa k kavcs stan d fo r (C111111 narion) islll a nd RU(k has rl ief M aJgtcilllise sla nds tor F rench nltionltl lshyiim It is as if Ihe sym boJic me ni li lS indicated b) Loplop~ piclu res t re IS i lonkally rcl ri (vaule as the pos~ihi lilics of pino ri 11 iltu~ion and flllln(i~ th they sland for alld ilh wlloh Ihey an Pcs(nt ed TI H the grI I(S a nd 1lCS

2 5 (1 TU lrAHI middot H 1(-

Fillln II ( il)r id R o)knhag~n middotClu han b II hr~d wlih (~ tr ha nd hold g a kn rmiddot ~f(~w 1hIlIIIImiddot I i-him r ~i

fi t - St Th II Kelley Rn~MI

II II(go ] II ~(IIl he If Ih~1 nl(crmst llrgor~ na k middot ldrr r~t(h n I t ~

I h on ~ l llpp1)Vdl) oljlflSCd 10 il r)w mimClibullbull his(01 )

() 2 h r hisect iIIllhn (fOlU (hi

(l hll mele mil ~ 11 arlif t ~

Ma_ fru~l jjiIMJ p I 6J - ~Mlta )iJmik ~ f ~t12 ~ct

~I )ulm P 97 (v r di (m h~

Pilamplg hvll t N(ll$ II a rl h ltlonlt4) ontt I 10( lim or ~m~IJ I1 Y 1IIIliD 11$ iltit (laquolt ~ndjd G ~ ~IJ

mulaquo el 1 rl arsd ltnd laquocu 6 s O middotRticn I lI lh Th pk utc -ithm h pintlr _tnCi as mc~rhor ru t NOali om pI ad pIIaduxinl image I l ie -1l ld h h wdun Ikin~ hll iI~) 1middotU1 ou tsid e j( as n prtlCnt tWIl

~Qligt hnJ ~ p 06 ti) - I plup~ middotad a nd eQpalt$ h~

any ~ial pr~cnlenu C( middotrrllr SIlOlt f~Qp_ rr J i( OIMt Srf LotdwI

Jlil Ik~Q 1 SI)ics I(8middotus l ~c1r ( rrma o-c is MOl Sehind s TII trti~tgt a iOimacd COnllltUl6 ~ilt5(lt rllaquot and ~il5hl-nlzot) fn~nn 0 Nlrru~fI IJaa 80

tisull 9 H lrjr Wshy nj() h Mr~t ~ 1 Itmfr U(pr~(hrIr

1644 (I


r for Jr


ikdy d a$gtltS


(J VUlliJ yenrrfttr~ I Xi In lh~

LltJII()Igtltrics t~ l ~h UlCt Ilw rompt

fMI dlilaquo (f making (hiu ~Jl llCar IU Igt I n nplJ(1 QUI of Ill()lhcr pic of PII r bdud lion which I 1lap ilh (he ambJguIjI Qf ltOt lhin hccomioe middotrl )7 S pound I) VHI Image ar bod Y dt purd aliRl1l11(llt 01 Waltt r Ikllj ~mi lt1 1 Bnlmiddot JDI(1 M8JN~IIl1iI ~ 3

Ilt)ltJI pp ~5 -H20n h~ P r bullbull II1tQl 10 11( cn blrn1 Ilr liK if IC~ t()

I)irn iocapl hle Ihe-Imiddot of middotrnln lmg meaning bullbull liegQ1 i~ 01 ju(

Olhnlll mClonpnic 5hiflil g 01 Wmanl(


art acturl lly pre~sed into thl paper 10 form ~ ha~ lr-lief h ci~hlI1~ lilt joke Oil 1h( power of piClori11 illusio1lism to hring things illlO r(l 1 d inwnsions wi th in tIll fidd o(the r iled mimesis of the ditglam l1la lic larger pi( tu lmiddotmiddot

So Cr llsts pictun may ntmiddot tl kcn 1 a n (mhemlIic prCsentation or Novaliss Bild lunel ioning as a Plfldoxi( d rlj) rc~cn l alion of 11ll fli lurc 10

flill y represc nt dealing wit h thc plOhle rn o f prcsen li l~ a pilI UII a t all and by elltensiOll wil h the )nhcllnt dcnplio ll~ of me La pho] i1lu-iol l and lan guClgc O ften representcd by a dark ell si lhouettcd htnd IS in Ioplop pminlS bullffjiifJ 1931 (fi gu rc 21) Toplop invokes Novl lis f~JlloJs d cscri pshytioll o(thc delusi(n of repr~cntlllg H( gliI-p- ollly a handful ()r d ~llklJcss ((

Loplop a~ i ll1 plcs~ario mtkcs p rescnting ~d l~co l1 c i olls hat is prestmed i ~

ahIs mediated 01 II a rnllOW like Ill( pictures Wi lh1) pic lurts losing

ground III llllIly o r Ernsts p3i nling~ W~ 11( ill the territory of cmblemalic rcprOlclllltHioT1 thost fa ilures and ha zards agaim t hi ch the rnord or motto or the emblem i~ proph~ bClieall) ~c l Ernst makes the cmble mat ic il1l agl a ll emblem orkonograph ic lnca n ill ~ itsclfb7

Tn the (middotolllgc novels ]lIginning with La Femlllt 100 [Flu 1929 Ernst dcvdops the cm blem image illlO an allf~o lka l na rrali( Tf Enhts coll agc T1ocI ~ fU llction or ma lfUllclioli l~ parodics of the pul p nov as cx lcndccl clich e the atrnosphln of popula r IlOVel movi ng- from dimao( to climax is nut (Illy char3neri sl il o f di llhangcr scrit1illd Ii (lioll bUI of high allegoric-

~ ilurr 1Q ~rJUI --QpI~ IW(1IIJ P~lIf $1

11)3)-70 ~ I tl 1 1 C 1 1 -nm middot 0 (1

1~riII-O[)1iC ( IlIn~11 locO

111)_ HI nl [ ~ l Cl middot

ril(UR 21 ~nb l Loplol fgtrr~ll bullrjlirJ 193) raquoI~ 1781 Cl 1( lt f rtI~(AIJA(f

ld SUOkAC ( Ina l ZOQO

(gt11- Ou EI and pu(p fin iou Klt Rltncc

R irlot 1 1I~rI S~JIIJ on flu 11ltgt01 Jkrkdmiddot~ od l(gtmiddotngt1cs ~ P 8

(I li ~ r)hC Olhe r(olla ((n-vcb 10 (tII~ 100 ius lltms 10 f()rl~ ~cu i t i It f J) bn pred i(1ali( ITUucm nf

dJgory thaI IhIt ir is w lhig

~-qutItLil1 and UorrdlJ d~li) irlo )PUlI lhol a 101 s~ j 1 rma ll e Iruun OrUrgurir 1 d middot middot 70 Sec RrlIll I)j kw Idol Dr (fomlr gt~raquoI4S~~ ofFm= ri( i Fi -ltir)l1dr CIIIMlt rw Yk I ondon and O d Od 7r - Ilr hundred h~dlc wumn

pcrgtoniM Ihr protlogt ofnIlt) i II blt n d~ugtltsltJ lrum la~I llt nmiddot I a ~ Old Ikrricln gtI I at OJ~ 1I OllgtII) Ic Ihin lnd b) UI huured 11Ultbl

(ltTduug Slaquo Kon Rund tbi~ oUtIII l SnfUQa flta (Slrnl

-Ill Jcq1 [xrrid I ~ Ihr ~i dr Plmon r PIQImr idd i rUf HiOn

1- 1 1jl3lt) ~5- ~1 a 1 11Ik -bn

laIlt 1111- uf P5UaSI Il 11 n 7 nLllIr Max En_ s CCIl1~ldc A Il

u~dJjJ Ju tzmis Punl of pHtdigmltK- rcmm~ Jail (tcmiddot i duo1lltcJ

j ltoul l e~ d to Ir mYIr~ de IJ Fr nn I (h rlltoum ed ilh Inrily n [J

ru~orlf J~dlnl Ul Ieh IW adl COl middot

iJ drjed in Lr M~IUf ~ (ue biod Il)d by II rah ) mllo)~ a (M from CIen dOn Imiddot ga~m

n j)()gtltt t ( du d I dClaquo1 PllfT

J1( Inl 9~3 I 3 )middot i J 1 mpu lit) is 011( ( I)utf HlT~JIJ ilIU1lruom illmlHffi by t dl~ aKI o lkmm Solaquo rhf 11rllrpIt~ of 1fIIopoilbullbull 1(0)1 ltlt 1 A I (~ bull Lltdo d3middotICl ) I or the hltad leM

m~ ~I nprt nlIVlt of the lI h~voJiud

Mltirirr5(C Ilaydcn hw T hc Ior r Idnc rll f~fJ)lgtfOlmr FHJ n

cJIllIr1 (nWi BahiOI~ 11(1 l aunn

l7ijjP r63 5

ltIS wellG8 The luadks~ OIl1an w ho c rupts iu uiflircn l forms lhrou~hflu l Ia Frllllllr X) tilu could ~ef( as a mnaphor lor Ihe d isru privt relations bel ween metaphor ltlnd th( ~cq ucn tiltt l flow of narrative charaCte ristic ( I llegory The d(vd o]lm(n l~ cnn (inui lY and rcptli li(HlS afTordcd by 1lIJTativc allow hun (0 rCClpil lLlatt S() W ~rea k hi ~ usc of woma n to personify his own Icdllliqlll

The k nmJe nud e had belfl l1l1 lhe prw niscuQu sig nifier par t udtIll( 111 nin clee nlh -nntury $ll nn painling in 1 hifh Ilt t complex it(lltirics and allri shy

hut es of any given 1 l1 cgoricld personifi cat ion WCl( Kro~~ l y sim plifin l a nd s i ~lIalled a nd in which multipl ied numbers (of ha rtm ~la v (s or OJcads) com pensa te fo r loss of indiidual s ignificalion If Ihimiddot ~a loll lIu dc finally scrvf d as a pcr~nn i fi clI ion of a n OcrT rowcltd a nd raquohdioere Sa lon itsdr 7ltgt that cltuase lllent of the aan c mil tra dil ilJll rIK ina ted Erm t as he pl ullder(d ninelecn th-cent ury j ournals a nd salrl11 (pvrl~ fOt his collage ma l( i1 1I y not one hundred headl(lO~ woman instead of onc hundred mrmingk ss oms why nOI om perrcn ly ugly hcadlc ~ Ioman (ICte de mecl us() instead of ti le rut ile Salon bca ut ic_

Tlt tlc is Ill importan t (ll ulcmalic prototype for frns t~ womln a ~ GC f(]

Rauer has notcd I rnst s fcmm e 100 t Ci I~ has a counte rparl ln L a Pcrr i i rc ~

11 T lriil de$ bQNJ en~IIS (rigurl 22 ) IhlUl1 d i~llliss~ this rcscmbk nc( agt fortu itous ImHer il is im portant Ih1I it is the Inl tllnt is c1ost-S1 10 the

Ill(ltlni nls uf Ernst s woman not till image I Pcrlicres femme is iuall y an ad ap tat ion of a lomill onpl acx Horapllll o-dlTivcd hcadle~ ma n

signif)itll( I m )JOssibili t~ presuma hly a 11 aul c~s oman l~ douhly illlpossihlen In L Pcrricrcs prcm lO he is not JJl( rely ]utdless bu r rtther Jik( Ernst s middot te mll1 f hilS I)Ulny i(kn til il~~ IqJrcst ll l(o by many heads silt is compa n d to lh e Chi n1ltl crn Girion p) hnn tll cdusa Cerberu~ and lhat l-llnicular pnmiddotc ur~or of tIl( km nw 100 Ittcs Iht H yd ra Through such proli li-ration or menning sIt( is Ih e mhkJll l i ~L~ dream emblem Lr

Pcrriercs le( nlllcludes tha t ma rc marvellous Ihan all Y of Ihc~t lll ylhic creatures middot vu lrl bt Ull(- fem me sans leu Ihe One figure who cou ld prcSurnshyably em bod y a ll hybr id mean ings in one ~ llcc in (t blll meani ngless fo rm La lclTiCr~ crnhlem may be an allegory of lhe cjlem ma of rht PO(I UIIHl Lnned hy his middot iivll~ hu l need ing 10 be a )H roi( d eca pitator a rer~(lI ~

aluivalc1l1 T hl ngrt l1a ble mora l conclusio n of La Perri eres poem is tha i woman Ilccds a guidc a ra tional hCltld a nl ltln lax pound rllst71

O n one occuion irr IAI FtnllU 100 liles Ernsl himself appearS (fi gure 13 1 III Loplop and the mouse s horoscope M attCrs or desliny fa lc a nd horoscope- are a sta ple ur emblclIl li te rat ure middotf he imge is pan of a n embleshymat ic (radiliv) in vhich caged creatures slam] ror lht ca ptivi lY and sull t ring of tIlt poel or lo (r (fig ure 24)1) Em Sl i~ agen t and nO l ca ptive 01 flt ltc however Ba n-dle~lcd he may be (rt l ra~ rfli hen a~ ltlll odur pcr~nll a uf Ihe multi-valc lll woman he carries the d isGmlrd cinllus of th at stock haraCllr of l lk gOry the haUd resscd woman RUI he holds onto h i~ hal (Ihich unlike the he-ad Ill ay be lakcn on and of 1 ) and thu s retaim for himself Ihe powcrful masculine role of the head Erusl appea ring in persOIl wilhin his tollage 110d signn ls his SWIUS as a ll-controlling novelist or em hleshymatist d lOS(middot c lvnga lcd hand CH n pluck thr- mouse Out of il s ordaiucd palh al a n) tim t Ernsl l$ a llcgorisl should Iw SitultlHd in the trdi liun ofparod ic nuvc isg incl udilg Ka lldais Charles Sorcl J cln -Pa ul R idlter and TIlOlIllS Stcrne whose work relies 0 11 a Jlet0ry to ironi ( it ~ own d tviccs~

hllur~ )~ rouU gt lt 11 Ierricn middot1 _ Fe 0lt ~Iemiddot bb(om xv Lt middotfhIQII( au flu OlU 539middot

7 t t- rr middotm i ~hlllkeuoImiddot(gtr I ~

E ts alP-1m~ ad 10 III unJinn~ Ih t middothltmiddot ~11 ome hmiddot Igill~ o nly in o 1 oj Ihem ~e ltor pmpcrl) nmn~(tcd IIgt Illfi r 1middototls tT j inllny ITrI 5I t 01 SIJ Iijt I-i 1 Ynr I)U

1middot9 i ~ Thmiddot tllmiddotd 111I)Ult if) Iro p O JPC~Il

lciII otld ~rqJlOxIUmiddotlmiddotd in I) middot~(on( ~t j oolgt C~~ middot i ~poliJ t

gtj)(lli lont tmiddotC I 111 (apia I)n1

[mill ) MUftIM~ Alh dt 11((-111

fAmSIrd I 7~ (l Damel Hcin~iul

Q I ~lD 1~J i Jm I-oIo bullt ) fo r lupid (gtIllide h ase Md P C t 1)(1middot Imbl~w tryU 1l~rd~m 6 rmiddotlmulcd Pdmburgh bulln7l) fcr Cil~rrl bini ~e ncr (Inllri ) aud cupid with ( ~cd ~uinrl 70 T ho $(lrnHmhurv au C hr[ So middotI JlhT rparodir novel a nd IIlkgori(O ( h anw rl ttlnIHomaM)

ealled iIllOIltSlion mi(Ic rda liou pc bnl(lIagc and III(Ialhor Sorer IA llalJM df ] i1Jbullbull d rih inl( illtolI (IU~1

~ ~ hltgt~d nn peI middotrh gl1_ rhlemiddot Jta~middotlIIg lt1 word altgtCUo ns loped J) hc PUWK middot~u du nall iJ a JrcLuIXlT r rnmiddot i~ ileJ[laquoIU311Dt~s 5lt ( hI M rd u II ~ 1f(J n1~ (Pn_ (pI rcpri lro Cmiddotneva I In) I II calte oflh coU~ lt rImmiddote1i trn auhial IU-altAO Pli middotuJarly ho hOj( mlhlt (crmA n KumlIi J~- lJul Ridner middotbose H)15 ltt Imiddot) hd raquoPlltkd I nnch IlIor41)middot all(nlion ~d Ih adlDlI-llluU o(j (l ll Ia l h ~ and Atdtt ISr~lt)n middotIltmiddot wen 11 Y lr1nd lrlIlt I io lfj~ ln-I HI Kichllr$ nmlk a lllorio rI narruvlts I U ( muhIImiddot l oice IUd idrmiu(l SU)tgjOgtjl

Jm~(1 I(dnn lues Ihe T j l aIS lisr of nI I~ImiddotrJ1 puion of his nilId I$n

ort o(lXlI EI ~ 111lt he r1l lo h-ough Ihe quouditn _orld in JAIrun(

1M IbN ~~ t altga rtl H ale II ~f

Olxron SdiOQlj Afi1)ullu 1)~ 1nil 91) and Claulk jich i I middotmJ~ lit 71~-I fJJJ1 (~ J(IIU l~ MIjalllUt llnt 1963

I ~urc 3 M~ ~ rnst middot[plol 1 ii(

uy hor)s(ol In 0 1(1lt lila

9~9 SI1 1st II rlduL~t Igty ponniion [r I~I (II I n T oronto Rampn-oce Lbr~ry

17 Osk P(lltak lkr hcmige ud I Ioliphilw Ir~ J ldK 1 tA(rifll~ UlIll A KvI~m~b(

191111431 Ii for h~ Qfih lok hUllIuand Irlnlt[1gt HI(lIMlultin Pp~tl cd Gm P U md LUCla A

Cil)pom (Idu ~I fl - Lrw ~lIfsk) r~frrnl o Rtlla~nCt Nlt)middotpl aJJojonn~

xt ufpopular ga m ltco mparabk 10 vulgn plmiddotd n I~j middotNllatomc ilocltb III ~kgtr~c( ud Norh I al) Ul Sl~d It 1(middottI~l i lew York 972) p 1 1) i~ 1 I 1)QoinofdlSlllcIllOcrtlt in

he I[TIlI mtd~ 1 er(l~ lll1cgo~ I RUI~ JlnlJJ( i~ p l lrll l~rJ r r(Ie 10 rn( mltlll(j in 111 1middot( IIlI) lil() 110 ( Ihe tMLion of~~Irn wel of N~ro dlrnwwcJiinli oflus md i I h )

iod)e he ocau t ~ Qf hcr lionl iU od nrnliltrsmiddot and lu JltO lo( It(f lone he wa concelvcd are ofpITlkuLu i l~ $

nplt(illl~ sitlclt lhry fill fn lt1 ~ b~l~ dWUI ntmmg lid ]altuale s Uvid f

1luI 1 Sr lt1 (l i l1lcmbtrmcfll bo-hlrd On8 lUI dl Romoon or d~ RQII( III RtUtiulIamp lIteR all rk 14 ~ I ~I l ffl(ll( RIIon ~I i rw] d ja II UOI IhiJadclphlltl (992 ) Pl

30 0 jlllnn tQlran ltk M cu ~ k NIn I fa ~ rm Illjo to 970 $tt

II tIf M Arde ll 1 h( Wfllan d I~ (1I 1e

~ Iw wIlJ IJlblQgrap~~ (N~ i and 110 111(93)

Ik Clo rillunc Hclt cl I wny ltImiddotn ud kit I I a~ KInr ~ rbull pJra bull 01 lor lum~ all gklt amI r~rman I (Ik mi IIulltlin 74 1lt)921 pp II I gt

Er ns ts prpuhioll of die r mb1em illlage inlo I 11lt1r rnivl seque nce (an al~ l

be si1u3led in niltlI io n I() Ihe illuSlri1cd Renaissance alkgory hieh ~ ltlS an lInpo nan t SOll r( li)r all sli bsequen l crnl1cm atisLS Colo II Tl i HYJllrtOlfmlfldljn

Poliphilii7 I t I)tsin witll a d r() 111 alltl i ll middotu l v (~ endkss nCliphtr lll(n l o f environm ents a nd obj((ls th ilt rc~onall throughout EIIlSI 1 0Uale Ilods d lboraldy symholic gardcm IIl WluC r ums h icrgl~ ph s 1 st atile or 1n d~pha nt Ill th it incidC llt5 (Perscus bchead ing of Innt htr 1(1I1 n1lt Slt1n ~

[C tc yled us ) ltlil t lhe tr i u rnph ~ of va rious gods li nd ll1coulH cr~ wil h fcma le pcrsonifiC4l io ns such ltIS Iht middotfi lmiddot lgtCIlSIS ofd wlTI E rll ~ L s 1i]1lnw 100 [ClcS IS A porli liant Cl U pcrsli fiettion Colonnas n )d g llmorizccl

lHroiciztd ll1d narralivized int t lp rt lal iull knd i n~ il ~ Ilr 1 g-lttmcs of m ea nings like v illga r pS~fhoa nalys is If [ rlisl realkgorits till tlIlda rd allcgorYil~-ltl n I1 Il then he dut~ so in way~ lha t preclude HI high mora l or iludlcctua l positions n (sting thc psychomarhia with lttil C)Imiddot 10 p~ychomiddot ltt l ml) q s tu rn ing Ihl Stnsua l cneha nt Hwnts ot snluctivc ~cI4 p i( middot(lS to qtlcasil UIIIla lizcd violcllt ltlud sexual d tSires I il lra r surreali sm IBre(on lIdia

Aragon s PIY5(1II dr Puns) could rel y un the sca AoJd i n~ and d evin s of allegoric - t he d ream vi~ion ) th l peri pau t ic li n o mo in~ 1hroug h a Lil y of m ysterio us (lbjCClS 1l101lum~II IS a nd (I)couiliers I hl~ W I)I11 lt11 1 uf Ill u ta bk idenlilY references 10 OIIHr works of arl and lillfa tlll t nd Soon t rnsa also d eploys the devlrc-s of literary a nd pk lOria l allegury dndging 1I 0 t only emblem bouks but ahl) die g rea t lite rary dkg(lric~ liorn tlw RomfI fir n (0)(

to Colunna to Novcli s lIlcl jieltkl

C hristia ne fi end in lro r key st ud ) ofmodlit lisl a lkgory has argUId thaI Err1~t relinq ui$ h (~ hi s a u tho ria l a ut hori lY in 111 F rllllllt J ()() l i l( allowing hi~

1111lgCS a rad ica l inck ptmiddotnclcnnmiddotp II cUl lld 1( arlued r Ol1v I-dy Ihlt

EflIH pa rod y fu netion~ in a n opposil(middot ay tha i Ir i~ wrc nching or imilL~ oul of l ll tmiddotir Mig- inal 1 )lI tex l ~ i~ a n 1gt 111 iw ill asserting ah~olutc and arbitra l) cuntrol OIr Ih( mh rial Ernst s images Id ) 011 re11l na nl ~ ofl hci

r igi lIa l Ill lltllli ns and los t tQllVCll ional contegt llgt ill hich I he) er( meant

tJen E ADEM c AN TI L NA ~--~--------------T~ ~~

to hi ( lcdihh il luslmt i)M vI S( ll tiic d evt l oprne nL~ na tural phcllomclla lr ltg- il t ric k ~ or rq)l( )(ll((i()f ~ IJf wrh Ifart l a lld lhis al o nce aJlo l~ his (1 11 man ings 10 SCIlll irraLio li a l and lilcral cd a ll d 11 the ~am c limc 10 be c lI npktdy su hjugald U) lht ve ry lI ovell) a nd allom a ly of thcrr tnvironshynlt ll l 1111 a~e lnl )l cd tiag llH l lts o f Ernsts cullages a lT n~ idual evidloCe of tl w Iulhor ily tu UIt Hilli CIII m Clo ll YJlJic pow(J or lite and dealh

arg lla bly IllI very I ppl)~ i t e ufCUI Li l ig loo~e or sellin g liTe

I n his 1l illaI Ilm II~ Enl L l o 1ll111i t lt synLacli cal rape tiXl uctlllg Y()Illll

fru m ti ll eO lltc 1 ()( ~I I joulll als Il K) il ion rt pn~ in whidr 511( represhy

l1t(O popu lar p a int iJlgs cflg ravltl ( r nJa~s a udiences I n I ll s u r k sh e

may 1 1llhOirl y mct unymic hssi pl i (l ll~ or II H ull ing hut ~It ~middot al so rCjJfCSClIb

E tn~ l s own lonir 10111 1 tn CUI and asipn rk~ a h it p in l piaYIT lilCI lIy a ppea ri ng ill hibH WI mi g h l also ~ lJ Spcc l Erns l of viciously

i te ra ling nin( lcclllh-nIl LUry lh eor ies r Ih e cmpall ric ~yOllJ 1 lt1 ~ lhe ( 1111)l)lliIrwl1l or our OWII pir yif1 lllrcqJl i ns J I u ~t~ his all tgtgory of sigm r1i ~od lItd from pir y~kal rdrll l ~ prClieiy as a fi eld in whi c h to dj~ru pshy

tivd ) i lllt rjtcl th l OCtasifHlal irY PlCIilicaUy d(plo yed rull ~ym bol with iL~ supposed ltlli lY illl i L~ rciirenl c jJre~ell tcJ by the 1)(J(h of l he Ilom an 1n the eli (k~ Ch a nTS chap lc r a l thl e nd Ill Url~ Smwiu de lfm f a fi gulc flmini s(nt or Fortuna noats ill Ihe air gTad ua lly li-cc ing

h (r~(lrorlllr a llrihulls ()f whcci Ild ~ i l (fig un 1) 11 t lihCra li ol1 Sill ce Fort un a luore It tuall ) hfCOnHS hrr wh(ei mi nl1ll il by htT l1nlr ed bac k ltIS an h Yllleric and l lso be(on H~ h cr sail hlo wn throug h lhc ~k y her

It rib utes cOIl in ue to be co nSl raining Ind pn middotMmiddotlIt a bsorbed ililu her bud y and gestu res sugg(q illg tht am hig uolls 1l lIratiom a nUrd (] 10

oma n by Max Ernst8t E IIISIS USf or h is maltri11 r(li~ o n Ihe inhc rl1I1 bililY or ollhgory l(o

rtal k go liltmiddot T radit iona ll y rlallcgo riwl ioll ltrllnnl a profan t I(x t or till past 10 h( as assimi la ted in w a n acccp lt hlc y~tlm f moral va JUIs (Vi rg il s

FSllIr( ~4 DlIIid Il cU$ius Emblrm(1Q liqoIAM I lKkn 161 5_

8 _ s~ Ili k Rot R iAamp Rm(

~d lhr jd I~Q~ ()PfigtiL ICbrid and Nrw Yrk 1991-deg flt -lt middotmiQlif - Iha l Inko 2 olll1Q f)f on_ B ~ h lth Rampk]o nxcnl

lUal of Wafbuf(t Iho l1h l in Irrm

01 th ROmMlIl( ymLgtoI unil) f ud dcrem 1 I OPpogtlti IO lI~ry

( hrpertI_~ ~~crnn f ltI s diS300C ialed fro I nfrro1 I i Rob- ~h(fempl l h lrmiddotplio)J Iheon pmiddotI) U lelkI1 pn~uen apphnl tk 1ltgt ~msl tSpltcirJI ) in I ~s pogtr

t uitwc1 Ihron ltl _ Iuh w R l loy rum symbol 10 Ilkfurv Ahr WH) i~

I r- hi Rd I~ 9971 pp ~ 6 R - [hr R iL [[ ul n has ro n Iholt u l

I hru~Ir iuI O) the unk o n wh re laquogtn~ ol Ir~cdm Pfnar p_ ~ 1I1

B I S~( Thn 11 Kclk~ Rmnwtlme Hlqo for tillt applicll ble ~ of In t allctUlxal wun lorn (e ee aUraCUOl) d ll r lnla$ 11 ltI- illual suctched l ~ lI l i Ihi [K w1ir

ltlc 1(o ~dukd from lClion and hj~llt) ry

bu sgt( f)1 g Ihe n -rgt d s he

cmand p Sr Th~ro i 1 or~1 1ltl io of witel )-r tr r lt~ltoI 1gt 1 mln m~y 1- takc -lt lIl rlaphO)f Ruolnlr E Kun1i S rrooti d I js(~ and R o l~rl llolI - n ~prknjo(

illo fo-k-J t] air ltli_ r II

fmiddotm lc (lITe) i SHlrJm and 11 010lt1 II A tw~ Rdolf t Kucn7li and Gwe Ra l~rt ICambllJgc l1i I99I) PPmiddotJt alld S T Imiddot lo ockiu Em ilS or ~ oflC n Ii mCIgttIraquoHgt1 dqI)eJ In ~ h a w~r Ihl 11 CIOI li meu Ulcrlgthunc~ Jly In 1- Riu d~~r

(MIIft~ q~1 lIOuilil ~w Carmd nr Imjlt Igtarod egt t~lcX fatlo~ ~al

jgtuu lJ rtut I(rl) IJ t 1ra 8 Ihemiddot Ie ~IgtIi OIl y 1 t ~atnlt11 1lISt llIil le Scl~h) snd amud ~kinl lt hTifingl) lilltrd I Iht~ ill IH rroh meal fur lo~ l i~ lone rol1 ~middot

l~diqlJr$ mlldr 1111) Hr)(tT) I

r~rn(rl i 1ltgt Ihe hwwir jlgt]al~ el~ hcll

il1lh( l1ltrvrl

(1 IS 1IX lrngtl 1 SmIltllN d amp 193i 0 Max Erllsl 1iI)AGP Van S()DRiC ( Monlrc~l ) 2f)(l(1

l )n IIC Ilupon Of Ih allraf R~~ru 11 (1 I 1$I~ Lolhu I -hr I J~ middotIn Rp jhd bd 11hII hI p HI

Fourh RetI a~ II I( milling of Chris l O vid l l-lrfall(Irphorrr lllorali7cd In

lmJOlIls such h J Hoh CI~ the trials of the lo ver could lJe rca 1go ricd a~ Clll hlnll~ of Chri sia n ~ u(fe ring ltInc co nrilltll cc Ernst reverses tlw prol(~S

dc- morali - ng a llegories In 7 110 dlidren 1IIII1fI(ld ~I (j 1I~lthtillg(h (fig ure zfi ) Frnst lak es U middotidilI1 IIIc(lrlJorphi rape (G anIlH-ci (S ta ~lc Phi lo mcl as

nighting-uk) oul of its repose in spirit ua lizing me taph or as ill (k Kellnincks landscape in h( Wallraf Rir-ha rtz M useu m i ll Cologn( (figure J7 ) ()j emulems sl ch as Hat1idorlhr s in which lit ra pe of Ganymede is rfJllcgoried as the sou ls I ~CIIH lo Cod ( figure 28 )83 Ernst rc t urTl~ Ihnr lo d leir Tl)n l ~ ill ~cx ual viok IlC( hi (h in tu rn S[ ltlnd~ ror the revcnibk hltrU a mi a mbiguous g-round underpinning the provtrh t ln bl cm or allegory

Equally td ling is Enl~ts d ia~rammui( ada platio n or h(rme lic emh lemata in O this mIll rIIIlI kll )w rlO lh lllg 1924 ) I II the paintillg ami II

tIle pl)cm w ri tte n on thl had (a parudy of Ihe oJllo()gical ~ylllhII S Il I I

fi~u r~ 26 Ernl I fUtJ1 mnlilwi ~ II

lllhlmCiJl 191 1 S(1 66I C 1 - r 1 D (t risI ~OI)KC J vumiddot~l l j


th e Hmrfll fd Table of H crrn(~ Trisrn egistu s) Ermt reallt~orlZ(middot ~ the hermetic ~ym bulis ll1 of the nlilrual lini li7atioll of d ivine and cit rddy IS a Freudian middotprinwl scene of gigantic li m b~ and scmiddotx ual pa rtgt Both pa imi ng md puem become rcpr(sntltHion ~ oC the unfu lfill ed n vi ~nging of a n such thing In Ernq s vcrsion the Oedipal a nd Ihe gnolt1l ic an oronc frustratccl substance ltlnd (be power oftbe allegories of h enl1tticism ltIhbaiisrn and aklHmy lies in perpetual d ef( lrd of the d tsircd gol J tl6 Ernst ~ emblem fllnc tioll s more

b roadly illi a scq gtt icai fi gu ration of tht a bil it y of images lO represen t hal IS envi $ioncd or desired in dicating Ihal a ll $lI h em blems ct n only he a sun0 fH l flIT hatt middotcr one an t ~ to know attl in o r rcprcsen Lft7

OJ (Ids 111m sllall kn)1L Mlhing a lso ~ ig na l s its own iconogn lJ)hic history especially tts allu sion to Caspar David Fricdr(h middot$ clllblem tie CrOJS ill Ih

Iounltlills a key work in Grman Roma ntit- dc hIIltg about Iht rela tive fok~ of llIegory and Iandscapc III Erns t as a rl ild er of C ( fman Romil Tlli t~ i~ ltl

would re U 1Il 10 these wpie in his la ndsca pe pai nLings aga in and again Crr)JI ill 111 t1ollll oinf is a lso shadowed by a t( Xl n passage from Ludwig T icck 5 allcgorital novel Fran SI-illbaMr 11middot(lIULmmgrll (J i 98 ) Jnom

26(j ) middot1 ~BImiddot rH ) T I d 1

60 I 1m c (lislt uW(1 Iht twn l1 t timiddot itl~gcry at t~ ngl h ill M~lt Emi l middotI ht 1IJdw(UtI1iJliI

SnllrJ 11 a i - l OCIshy87 Uml middotn o Ero diilltu~ 1he rdu iolll I)( twu h~rn 1l l k svrn lgtol- 1Il in which middotevcry middot~pr ion is a (nignlll hal middotk runlwt ~mgma middot and ~Jr n cconltlructimiddote ~nlys3 as in lini l~

defendJ in middot(n limited scmi III d rili in T ht Ib oJ hllffpWalio Ill n -I--j

fI8 smiddot cJ(m~ (l h W ocn rn ~I( Jaru F~d nnd It ~b1J ~f I muigat ~cw U and Lvndon 1 99lt)~ Karin V()n ~llo lJr ntel thO rrl ll nf (~$7 In 1M -WOIIIIIgt 10 Ern middot lUUlI1 OmJ~(Ilt1 III middotMao b ns l a Rvmlll1ic~m middot M n Enul A Rtl~pnl~ ~ I Werner Spict l t omlo 199 1)

I II~ ~7 K d~ K cunn~k Iuhf rvtJh IM~Io~ fj lt-1IJVdt r gtn leI

dllrf Kgt(hHIZ I ~ l

8iJ bull 1gtlt I g T irk Fwn~ SlmNt11b

11 middotJn~(n Hmt ~ lldIcAt (mll1~hlt

~I lj(h gt)6I ~ p gtgII

J) ~ee 11 0 ~bn lagtlt I Allqlr)

oflrlllll$iol)middot PI 6- 7r lhr dhl1 l1lt IK hr omlll~1 d(h nlll(11 (III ud h ~

ltill u~Jui ncall y I ~nd lor thillgt IcJ rly 1rs ign~II ~lId Impic ddinlun ul rourrlS luch as li lliemiddot h I(ll no h hI l (~ Ii lt mcill ~ tur middotC)middot ll la IIllt-SIKn a (1(11011bullbull 1 H turn jn I(raquolt ru lUI lTnp ~~i 1g ~1 I r

roukl hi ~r~lJ od tlbull ( Ihi Ik nrngt i~ made lllcmllll UKOf)~ Fr ~cl7rh c r) hMd lU lOll ~ Il ili K r nger through $1(middot togt tI ohjrl i( lria 10 judiCII

91 - GltQ rl 6atai llt Solr a ll~middot Fis rif fXt~s SI_rlJ I Im~~ P7 t)39lli

113 $Iodd Minapo l ~Jl lp XIV

1 lt1 6 12 ioIar ~nu p IJ Halaillits 1Qcom )Ir rollinS (m Ih bullrf r lw ~Ml h [ ~ [ I llt imal(vfltouinuous mC l~lor]lh mal p l y i1a d l5ori llJOII lOr tllti M the locornoriH r ltI hl$l)ry lt]uOI(d in aUT

III-rljolmirgt (r SdiJ 1 rlrHn-1 n- I irl 1974 p 1 ~3

illcidcn t the youn g a rtisl F ra il i~ st ru ck by a pa iming llr a l be scc~ in a hn lll it lUll a IlOCIlIIIMI lan dstltl pc ill wh ich a cr ucifix Ull a hiJl i ~ illll m ishy

na llti by IltI ) S o f moonlight The he rm it ex plains Ihat tilt crucifi is a po inte FingcI7cig ) to Ilw ~pjri lu d wurld beyond the faJ lc n world of lla tu n T o Franr ~ o bse na lioll O ne cou ld ca ll th i IMint ing an a lkgor)

the IIn ln il answers All an is JIlt-go rict IIoJ

T IH middotFingcrJeig iI) Ixpbli necl by th e h~rrn it to F ranz S lt rnbald point s not o nly to Iht spiri tlla l but also 10 thlmiddot pr (~cllce of J ll egor~ iblf As a li ter indlx a sho wi ng ha nd o r jJ ~ i l1ting fi n~cr tht Fingerrig i ~ a ~ tJplf

or i Ihlems II is Oimi larly In ade li ter1i b) -l a x E rn)1 t du slig ma tied ha ncl f1 oatin~ in f r OTH of th e lt ruci fi xiOthl~ middot prinM I ~NtJ I Herc it indicates linmiddotth er bu t not Im llscc ndCIH [l)callings90 In E r ll st s painti ng lh t ROlllit lll ics cruci fi x lS alkgori la l poin hr to a hig her nal rn sim ilarly

i tl n l c~ a landscape of d a rk Illowltai ns a nd il eawnly fil ) S IHl I fur the

COltj UIl Cl ivlI o f redemp ti ve c ru cifix a nd ill urnin at iug SUUS(t in Fricclricbmiddots pa inting o r truci ft x and moonlil-h t in Tillkmiddot O novel Ern$[ dark ly ~J bs l it uLes

copulat ing limbs and the bloc ked rays o f a IUllar refipSt Ermls lmiddott nblema tic painting alt Frifeirich s had don ra i se~ p r0 1Jicms or

cnTlIl lllporar) a lkgory When G lf)rges Aatai ll e- turned tn alr-IItm ica l )slIllllng in 192 7 he did so in I( rm~ that almamp t com icH) m im i Ernst s d csul Itmiddot c lltra ilmiddotfilled landscapt 1111 earth middotcovtrtd wi th vuk anOIs hich SltJoT a~ iLs a n us is driven in iL~ rota tion by lhe male ~ha rt ]l tlttraling 1 1 11~

laquomiddotma l- alllJ a lmost t lIl irely (merg ing ill o rder 10 ree n tcr like Ih( piston~ of ~ 100o mo ivl

JI i~ the 1Ilf(ha nical Oll ll)il ltion n(] t ll morm t inn~ of thes mOtmcn t ~ Ihat th~ ak htmists soll~h t 1 I hI philosoJlJ t ~ ~IU Ilt ~

This nWfhJlist jlmiddot cop ulatiu 11 hudcsqu e~ t he vmiddotn ji) UIIl1n ioli o f allegory th e

ltlnagogir 11 wrh of r() rrcsponden(c~ and rtmiddotst ]tlbl a nct~ lIlt middotcopula that li~

one thi ng- 10 a noth n ill lang ua te all Cl witt g ) 11 thin) to be visibly co nnCfted Ha lai lk s a llcgvrical luvers will mve r fi nd ilnythi ng but parrxlic i magc~ l11d Ih ey will [ Il l asieltp l ~ empty a ~ mirrun Wh en En tail k

fu rther GlUs lically mcdita ted Oil the gno~ tic roo ts Llj Hegel ia n ism in Ll)ll~

ma teria li smt c t Ie g nllst ( 1930) p ropus in g a k~ l abili ing hcadl es~


a J1q~ory tha i would elimuatt aJl h ilTardlic11 ~ ~ t C IllS of rdtn lllc indud ing ~implistic rcv( lltals or blst ll ld idea l o r CXq-lt1l 111 llt1 1 lnrl ltlcrUllcn lll he wa addrtR~jng is)llc$ irnpJiL it in Of Ihis men lInll knOll IWlllillf 91 H ()wcvcr heelIlsl Erns l middot ~ all egory ( nds to Ill p a ll)l it i( depcnds on just ~ll (h illvcrshy

~j ()m ilnd reve rsals of hig1 and low Old is a t a re mov from Btl taillcs infla111ll1110ry ()I)f ll-f llded hd lltaded en terprise

E nHl$ im ages a re often d riven by this undermining of thcir (IW ll sourn-s of lJowc r fcp lescnliug hotb II((i r own ~ la luS a nd i1lSIlfjicilIHy OrtCll they

assu me tht appearallce of (lnhkrlls wh ich as concieusetf o r short lr and ig ll ~ of aUTho rit y ~a n c ti fi ~d by t rld ilion art disrupted hy Ewstmiddot~ illtruio n of thc n ltllll r 1 LIld ~e)( u t l rhc n dllcti t middoti~ua l 11I11ouage or cmhlcms lcnd~ t o ltlrd hrogaliun 111(1 fimiddotag11lClltlliun Ih ich LntSl n alu raJiz~s likening Ihe Sllll1X of fj middotrgnWlll3 Iioll 10 (lperatjoT1~ (lil lbe hod y lt bull rile tru ncalLu pa riS a Ird Ii 1111 ~~ or Of IhiJ lien shall know Iohing arg uauly J u clc 10 th t ~ceri ng lIId te lldt n liou~

reconstruniom of tht e mhknjs [anllJage o r aut hori ty a rClruc luring of Ihc

sy mknloche lim hs a lrcldy prnelH in v i ~l1 emblems Througbout his canlt r Ems would dltriV( double prestige flOlll disrupting lhe COJlv(middotnlions of hOl h a rl a nd li tcrJ fl1l middotf iro lliing his au thoriaJ role as bot h a rlis and poel Emblelll s a rC1 ft lilc ground fur ~uch opT3tions k ndi ll g tlwm~clvu 0 ditorshylil)m or he reci prxa lIldi(a tion s or eX T lIld image which anmiddot Ihe STarling

point nfalJ tgory

Ac kn o wled gement

S l l i(j ll~ of thilt papa H r( pncn l(d a~ Ielt tlJT(~ iI conjullclinn il l Max Em~I

rc ll1(nary ehiiJninm Ihe RnlJ ncl 1(nr()X Memorial JccUrc U Il l T a(middot ( )11)

(1(11 middotmff A Ul IrIJJf(ct ll ItJ91 -J) lI lId II M 01 i (Ilal pound7110 O(lff( 11111 Ihr Duwn oj

hguw middot 11lt~ ~ 111lgtltlorHr hnwltim ltr (10( lOH 9

ll G~1 1 1~ l k 9Jo 1Iy tnillcril ilm 01 11l()oSn bullbull n uollgt ~f fj(w ll 11 52 amp0- M l=nmiddot w middotn I rltult~ ~ rKumrnt d ~ 1 ~ her IkuJamin a~ flll~ (ltI by II~Ilt ml II ~nljsL in rn 8 to auK 1 1~middot ul~r l an L~n ur Silllplilll ~I bat ~ J Ilrl~1U

rell t huugh r he dmiddotIIrymclll of d~lthi IiLinl( pmiddot(hootvtic laquogto ep tgt url ~ s Ielcnnimmo tm r1m~crltt ~m gteJmlt IImntllw I l middot~fI Rll1Ifl1l twlllv Imis ~f )m(alUl lin(I~I illrrkdtmiddoty u An~lc

M IAlodlt 91l 11)) U[ i -l lt)1 - I lt-nd ubstmiddotmiddotmiddot- rht Ire rn~l i u Ul uf Illor lt1 Fm~ (J Ii i fnuc lr Crlt Ihl1 t ho- lifl ugtd rmiddot]m of poundrnsl middot~

lIuc nod ilmhil(1)omh g(ndcrltl h gtvlnL ~ n rh mo (h hypcrholic

Dio cjOCulH1o11 orsl) rl-d~n jm1tf(cry1gt il dO(lt i lli fmltle ~aC11l nr [[00lt1 orgmiddotoonldltG1IHllion al 11 0( Immigt ufth aULhOl tlgt hi~ E rol$L is aJlj~1 llIh GltltX B tll lltmiddot hnnlcnz ~u nf llcg) 11gt1$(111 (~I L ory 111-1 111 in middotSoI ant S l ~r fter u ~1Jtn in capl1on i ndirat~

oJ ddo-nce I n nn SPIf (lIKI

r nn1h~r nd sigi ~ L k Ma~ middotrn1 O~f IllOJ ob middotCologne 9i)- ) in uch fll nh(r ifnrm~lin ( laquo(mns I r ~lO ( C ~d locatiOIl may bc tu

il(ure 29 Em1 OJ I middotun shall (Mil

-h~~ 9 f SLl 63middot C 1 Ernni I IJtI 11uJSODRAC (MlHHrc~j l


S1Irrwlism 9lt)3 ) J 11m gl~Hdn l for lho ltc o pport uui l itl 10 (Olls ider Erns to l roCesso r

CI i~ toll wr Crn middotlI ImfCi J oh n Gl)ldi uS Prorr~Ylr Willillll Cmfi~kl and the

11 011 Fod a tio 10 11middoti r va middot i)l1 ~ lt1 g middotn n)lCgt d vicc I 11olIIk Sllzar rl c Ak bari

r l d~(f l)cre nhI Joyn GOKl(i n E rhan Jd l Kavalc lmiddot and M E Vnr lic k

Page 10: Only Half Saying It Ernst SCAN

arU l1rl ry pu ni~ IHn tl l ~ bl indmg- rbullL~ Irltl lio ll I I i ~ sifllilk lll t d ial o ne o r tht H I]lI) n ~ lt n urow p icrcing tht n Ubhd l IS th e h lw k yellow and gT Cr n fOr 1111 t ricolu u r lI ih har )tTn re-inHal ed IS he fla g or CtTm a n y

in 1)I U TI1 Lh rce cle melltlr) ( olo lJ I~ to h ieh EII Ilt t rd i ls in h is

illscri pt ion 011 t he pa inting m a y he a poin ted rcm illdn oj th e t~ t h e r l a llds

of h isl ory pai ll1i))g both as the plima ry colo ur o r neomiddot d Lsi(a l pa in ting

a nd a fl a By tnn (uy tb hisl ory or a n is m ldl 10 (om m en t nn

history s flw bling or al least irnmQhilizi llg or Ihe ignohle and olalikJ In i l~ nig-ma ami dispropUrli()n ~ ()nhjJII1 Rrx abo rrsemhks smiddotV( IH(llI hmiddot

ccnl ilry c m lJkrns Ihltl l d rccliv(l y cap~i z(d hist ory jlai l) l in g~ i)l lo crypt ic rigurati(m~ or m0 1ltl1 rtC1 ilude Its rn e m hia ncr 10 a n t lIlbk m - a hand

holding a (Tacked wa ln u l-shell - fim n l ite Dllt c h mordi ~1 Jaco b Cag h-t ~

bl( 1) nOted hy C e rd Ha uCI who hilt dism issi ng hi ltIS coi ll(middotid c Ill a l ~ ti ll

kit (omprlk d h) the strik ing- i ~lI a l analogy T hi d ikrn ma i~ slIIli y comp(Juncit-tl b) con~idcra t i on uf Catss tex U Th e Cats ( mhlem had two mol os (sinr e Ca L pra~ma l il a tly duubled hI lscfuln (~lt or hi~ images hy offering de voi oJl a l tex t$ a bo l l spi rit uI 1 as ell IS Iu tlltl l 10 ( T Il( fi rT

IIl0 1l 0 Re put hk hy uo ~k i ll o uld fUllct ion a a joke on Ihe aJlisl or

p(Je l ~ 0 n l ech niqLU~ I lid is especially ilp pticablc 10 Frnsls collage CUlling T he ~(co nd T IJ(rc is no l(lv~ li kl lir~ t 10 ( ( II n y a (j Ilt Ie premilrs

lIllou rs J [ lidy d lcctin l) ta kc~ U~ hill k 10 thl d c~ i ll cI mol iln vf the

O eci il)U$ compl tx G ivcn Ems t middot~ kllovlo(l~( of Fnud Iht cmblcmali C hllf-sltly ing of things

Ill l) be la kc as ak in 10 Ihl o rn h ina l ry la nguage o r OhjC( b ill Ihe un eon shysciou ~ (~ IHr i a lly as d esc l iltd in 111r Iffprr la OI ()f n f(mh H Th~ Illmy

em h lematic i magI~ ill Cllfs ltl nd d~l herc of e nlarg lltl h lIlcis hold ing

d evieclt fo) cltl lllc llin g )lld CUll ing (~ llllffUl~ ca ndk~ hrtl king clnd lts

cutling and g ra ft i1lg sl II ks ~q Ih in g ri pe g ir ls ) mig-h i (1 be sl(n in th~

lig lll or F rf lld 11 ()Cfipu1Rn cltl n in fa n Ire laktn a s a co nAal (Itl or sc(rltl1

i Jlt age~ from J arob Cats nO I onl y llt l ha nd holdinK l sh at llTn l n u tshdJ bu t also a hand slh j)(ntli ng a key rrom 1 m aglltl ic q onc fig u II 9 For the

prel im inary co lla g1 relat ed 10 Odipus RI ( Emsl used a n im age from the

pl liudica l l ll vil Iltfl ~1I1 i ll tl ~l ra tion ora magit Irick in whi dl a l a inU I shdJ is SIIJII1Idd h) il ~ d eft liom a fi nger il~ if uy llla 1ic Cats ~ tmblems ~ive a

parad o xi ca l m(ra l WLig-ht to Ihis nU lSh d l image hic h in 11 X(Iure hld 10 do with ill usion Th i~ m a tt er of illll~ion rccun on eil pla yfully ill rnsts

work Bt-ynnd tha t the elllbkms pr(J itic (lUlio n ary moril l ~C l pitces aga illt

wh ic h Ihe il1 1o l llr (nt l ues and poli licai ton tilsion of tnmiddot rccettt wa r and it~ aH ermath (t n b( Mmiddott

The ck phant of Tlu Fltph(lJIf 1GIIbn figure 10) h l~ 1 ICi ng pcdigTtmiddot( in

c rn h lcmalic i rT1 agc~ of 31 fro m th Illt rad ig llla tic (i i ill [11( fi ftee nth

centu ry 10 pro pag anda cnrica lUr~ du rint ti l( F irst vlo rld Lr (fig ures I I

111lt1 12 17 O ld)( arrn ond g-Ls-mlskcd illca pabk o r lutornot io n shy

s ta nds ror pn liticil lgtO CI the oSlagna ll )igts C1n~ o f thc K aiscl e ra aml th e

war wh ieh so p roroundl ) a Ar-ctcd Ernst a nd his friends In wl ra l ciati

tOlblclll ~ cilphanb ~Uc a~ $ (lC i a l ld wilh wa r and i ts ~poil s M 7 he EIplwlIl if Cfllhes nOi olll y rlt$clJ1 blc~ Alcilti s Ikp lla nt ith l rm(gtlr I II illa ud a ta

la lldan l( ~ but it~ m Cltlu ings S(C rTl tv lwa r out 1ciali s H((HUlI or a milil) englgemell l in h ie h a middotmons l r( HI~ and coarse e lepha n t frig ht c ls a WL) a n

enemy l 1middotlll y Th tmiddot ele pha n ts plinl cri image is thell l Ikc n a the vioors

p Smiddot [in ri [Jutrhu Ilt 1 TM~ry ~f rltHI 1r YvrL amI Loudun 985) I I~ 00 lTom ~d p n -f bullbull l dlltltuaJl~middot (Iii rflrm r~1 ui r i~ till 1 knvwlche a nd

3 1 1Ihx Ir I GloIkk l ~

rmd~-Ul if 1

11 ~r CllarlOl e ~Iok Clblros i u ~~ (gtI k Frrud$ IhCltlTI t fw a~ Ihe r la liQn tor 1 (([Jag r~ b x Er ~ 1ftgtNJld~ I il P 19)104111 TI ( r~ 11 lr) nunlm( lfIr~ p ( ~l O(r a1xt llChl du Impt I ~~tN~lt1I 11 63deg1 Hd J~cQh C UJ oI ffrtf Ittrdt~ t niam 1I~rl r71 Th e V d ~ V l1 lr~i nll ~ dose cO E nlt~ i n I ~ I ) I ~PJ in (hult 71gt ffl iu( a li lou ~ ( rrminffl in pri l [h rollgt tl ~ mh c( nIUr )1 QI (ra r Dc l ~~I t or [e

e[ltI n( 2 ama nt 11 hir h 3 h ~ 1 gtU I nllt kry fro Jl ~ middot i $() 1 ~ IO~ in tmblfm~la 1 QMhfl II (~~ in

and IfM(arn lluht tid pi II ov~ouuvn lChao Ifat AuJr Wl1d(R 1975

n middotU Hlal in Sqmnr Hot-Ie IIK~1IJmiddotIt f)aIII~nt(~ an ntfJ Ifn middot

1)18 -Iih 9jtJ ) 3S1 middotJmiddothi rmhkm j IJ J udn ~

1Ilw and at on tic]h 1 l i l poi I nf ar I d brak ~ n 1gt1 middotPft t pt~ f( ( em IIW r u~ ohit]

h urr lt) J acob ClIts Sed ~ ICCI)

l MbltlWlill lffJrald k~~~au

f((lltcrrl~m 6~7

~u T Il iumbull l r Alrr1 1trr rmltd Ihr Krlqltgtlthu ldf llr in J)n r laquo (u fl M~r 1H) i Sr Irr~d 1) 1VIl~fr r 1 Hf~udw~ ofl kr 1 ~ilfJ II Q (~I T hm lr~n~ 10]1 II Zrydd cw York 91deg1 ~() - J I ~ En[ ~ ul(Jbiographical [Ul t I I~lhu is d escribed Wl lh rcl crc ne 10 l i t nar~ p r~(rdCnIS In H a~clr~

pll) T~(S~~ lh~ ta1he nra~pJ hI a (XI(tk ~ wlo )urnd lt ( lalh ~rJ nl (i younK fCPh ( hid l-~h ~r~ Jn~dc

uganUl tteN has I arrltucol h~(k of [ho- ~c [a l Ono G n - trair) tIl] 1I hi You bulln diollr tv _ I Irjult lilt(

olIl 13 augtt ) ooJ h1 broughl h on t1 AI)hl I nlII)(uh Fnl

wlgtOkallcu cc a Darla rleno~lOlitln

and arral h3d WI I hl ilip t rnlt 1Xlfl hll ra[hcr~ ropon-lt I cunc ~ O Y(tll iuC htlU~11I djlOIlOIlr OIl Il t[ t- Ia EnlJl Fcrdlltw I P l1 i Ie due [0 Ihe fonnulai- nalUn Oflhc fu_h~rJ ( u- u

lucrnryu(occ lOlho- ryurr Ihmmiddot i~ Ihe FImrul111li (gtr clln ~r Rcp[hlk jnoitcclUal drdo-lt f h~ kiml h( lU~p)l(~1

~m (u (_1gtlt- to P bull -i( OS hCf

L~qoJcur IFmUlr CJrnl HISI~r )1 8 913 (I bullbull d I ~i 1) ]1 ~H J I PI lslr pct 1 C I) 1 lt1 (fJ (Iii IIIn

JIB iltn York 9ilIj PI ~- I Cnll ~dci l Am BpiI~1i Bhl IIIltl IJrfJMJI A-w lfflIi KnliA Jti U ltkm~

I)IISIUIJ ( icnt~ gR8 ann _Vld U(Imn

h fJTwilaquootJI THu C rw Vk glib

insig- nia H ow(ver sinltc the v i lory 1(1$ undcsrrId Itu re~ul1 ur reaI ra t her thatt bravery in b)111e t hi ~ imJ~e of the d eph(II t -( ar( told i~ lgt hamefllL That t hl paint ed image of the kpha ll t nmiddotpn(nt~111 lUlw(rth~ Irick SIT CS a ~ a Ili ct Lommcn l on til( not ion ofl h d ((( il ()f ima ge~ in wnerl l Akia ti s (o nd u$ioll of shaillc md lmb ig l o1)~ vic tor y wo uld tlTl ainl y represCnt E IIl SI ~ g1lwral opinion or -ar I ml its lrUnna l h 7 hi Hlephlll1f f C lrbrj i~ ltl n

a lkgor y of the m oral values of lhe p11Cltl a l g CIlI fltl li on ami t he fatherland olmuJalcd a l a time when lhe iS5 m o j 1 guilt I~ a ~u bjcltt or urg e nl

pubJi( dcblte ~9 Th is guilt also fudkd thr tlltml~ or O edipal palriridli impulses Iha t had become 1 corn monpll(C of Expressi oniml and thai a rc pia ycd out in OrdilmJ R~ 1 m [ 71l r LlffJllOnt ofCdhfJ I~

In 1IlYendeavour to find a cnn vi ncinK ltl r~lJnwnl or i u~li(ial iun fi) 1 11 art (hal might legitimately fU llction in til( pOSt Wl r D1(la c ultural rencgu ti nmiddot lions Ernsts turn to emblem and ltl lkgory points to Llw awkward fil or rellt ivt[ c ult ural alu(s a nd conhm llOra ry history ltIS Ihcir fulfilmen t AlIcgot as lilt l( it tralion of codihrd nonnali cult ural or ~ bOlu le a luCs

fi ts- j arrillgly wil hisiOl 3(rommodal ing ils cnrorcro ohins and chUls nf I cn n~ pru jding a rickety bJea hellt lor Lilt spec latol o r c u rrC11 histo ry In

Ordiplu Hrl and Tlu F1rlllimil oj Ctlfhn Ihe high rd~rents of dleg01~ an txposed as (hey m ig-h I c- isl in the wak c of (he First Vorkl War n k ill ~s h ip st ale a nd rdi~iln arc Hvcaled in th eir CHlTf1lI ri lbilillted (Olldlli ull psychoanal)~cd int o ha~(I frlll~ no IOI1~cr Jegi lim al( f)r sla ble reduced to d ressing- up as th (tn~clvc~ P]((i~dy beca use uf the nccessil~ for

hUH~ l u EIII TM frpiloM uJ Cflm 1 9~1 ~i V1 t h( 0 1 1bull0( Icmll tI) (P 11uiSOORC Monmtl QOO

1n esta h lis lHd Iclennl howCvtI the 11lt-gonea ] q nllllIle or Ihe cmule lll JJ]owlt Ernst 10 g-i Vc an a ccollnt of the lailure of the ll)lwlelil symbol o r

11 lt11T lI it

Blt~()nd these obliqLl(~ly polili cal Co Ill I1H~llIa ri ts EIJ)~I S emblematiC

pain ti ng ~uggests lha t other Ih illbS ~rc at Sla k~ in Ihl Ieai lll oi tiJ( a rt t h ~ 111

the lt llhancClllcll t ofpo( l ry b~ visli a l lIH yplion Thc Iml ]enlat ic paintiflg~

Sl11I1 10 Imoke l lost text or key to Ih eir own d CClxling Jf Elnst ca rries the

pOCTS intclsl in JTI l ki n~ tcx t ~ pic toriil l back in lo pi U IIImiddotS he docs so in

ordn It) raise qu e~l i om a bolll tlte na lu n uf ima ges and represe m a tio n T Il(

~df-qu( l i oni ng ima ges appJrrn lly f]uely thcir own Iul ho r ity could th ey rcp r(ltfllt anything c rc il Ill)[ I(r q slig iil l dalinn~ with cx phlllltltnry

ltI11 til nli 7 ill g lexts T h is is fur[IHr rtlalli 10 Erml~ illI)(lli o ll I)) h( h istory

of a n of I rad itLOllS o f i(ollogra phy v I th e m urce i lll a~t

Tn Ill1 Casc of Tuttn lll l Ioml7l1 (figure 3 923 V(rnlT Spits has Tfaced twn ~ (lUIIC illlages to th e popllllI lIintl (cllIh-cl nt ury ma gltllille (1 Yolu a

ships dlvi(c IItlt j)()UN oil 1) 11 troubled wJtC I and all -e mba t hlng ing

upsirk dO Il Til l m1chine and thl ltl tr o ha t ar( figurf~ ofhaJIIlcc JlId order

~e l agj i ll~l a perilo us si tu ation lht) t la blish1 d i ~rupliI 1I~ t ofvltcillatioll

( 1 1 kiln mlblrm

bull~ J f1nni h hrkl J rJI of hul 41nati rUIHurlmiddot lInmiddot Mlln

I )t ~Jlfodurrrl t pmll rm ropol1111 10 1(111 R(Icr(n(( l ibrary

J l~rT I~ _ Hahn lgtt Ihlll If



h gunmiddot 3 En 7 ulmnr f1 lmlltm 9~3-~ M ti17 CI M~ Ern~I IUGI (1 S~ lnRmiddot ( ~1 llrca l 20(1(1

d tt rnat ioll il llbtlau(l and po~ibk fIII tho I frlln(~ OInollier of Ihe pa i ll I ings sources a R ena issa me allegory of r()rt ull(

IvliIIII()lItlti In tlw c Ollrse of I h ( essa) o n ernblems r i H~d hy Erll had gi cn thc im a~C of FOilli na wi th her wil e] l11d sa il as 11) ex am ple of a [J1 11(n sli tficienl vi~ud (Illbk lll rCftl ir ing 110 tex t to supplcmtmiddot11 1 iLS IlwJlI ingsI Ttl Furll lllt of unblem ~ Ofl11 ~ a ih on slOrm y sta ~

(fig ur( 14)n a nd prl~ LJ mltl J ) t h( i ll llstlal i(n of oil-POll ring m ac liill (J) ~Uggfmiddotlt l cd lO Erns t Iht a ttrih ules o f Fort una Ihe c irc ul a r piplt~ swnd fo r IlI r wheel IlC pi pe barlng her )I~ klr hf1 Ulin dn e~s 4t The leetering of Er nSI ~ Fon una Illa y he lIt r ib lHed to Ill i com)gld ph ~ or t hl grandt 1s lrnmiddotI11I (fig-uri 1 5 )1 ~ In Il le r on ((xl of h yslcna the so urCe illla gl or the acroba t eOJJ1ts in to pla y in Cha rcol and Richer s I J as sj~a l

~tu d y nr hyste ria in ~Ir t I f( )imollinr7 11t5 dml( url j Ui allOytmiddot Iht i ll tl~-

1 1 -(( ~Ij~ lla E middot ((Jla(CIf

f I~ IIml l middotdprM(It OIOIe 97) (11 15 1 r1 rUlclld middotUmiddotme lhauN VI 1Hamp--7middot 4 - hy middotillmiddothul( Fr~nt( S~ltS( ltibull

Icl~ U -fhg uImiddot uurnjl j lurhJrnmd 97 11 I J9 51 This Imiddotunu tlI1hh u Iq td III -

Durc 1 in ~ lnl c t ~ h (1 und n de Imiddotlisunmiddot Jo~rM1 If lilt LIb~( fnlllll III 92~ ) pp 7 I ll

1 Ion ) lnunlrmiddotmiddots 1- Pu d Im ll~l1Id ft n(rmiddot~ middot lax Ernst G middotmJ-k Au Ihmiddotf()JU da amu rlal ig~) n ~IIlaquou do w moTd W I b rrlJNI ml)km~U(middot hl UTlt of middotOCl~Smiddot

11 - I lIn ~rlcfut 10 ] I it I ~m~$ fot hvwinl tnC I lul]w( 1 too rc on I- nn and h) la drlid at the I lI l (bullbull lkrl lurMlhUI hll lIi1)t Un Ga l a fl~u ro uf Iltt gt ~ on) Uotncst(

Uioor ~ l d be Eluurdf Mil f~ I IlII luItltgt4flAlyllf SO~fIJ PI tOj ~

rigUft q Fornll x ttlt h ~It u n

Ii tby WdrOllfl Fullmiddot 11 1 iUllt V~rfbIU Dj( 17

1b J (~ COI ~nfl l ul Rkher - IJIIII(mI~I fa lgrlmiddotrRfl() (Amncrd ilnl 97111 100 n middot eljg wmiddotS pc i ho dlgt$lt In Ad middot ell Sarto S(lUlI

Phl J Wi Jillnl _ poJsMk also Ih ) h) Charco d R~hcr

11 Elila]t(u ll rcn 1lts Iu~ middoth~$triQnk OIICillallo n a t_middot itligll ~

or he bymrk Or lin tkaJ body

1lI uchSlcr 9J Ptgt ~f(gt-imiddot

trnt iu ll show here i till oh~(ralio n thal h y t (ric~1I atli l udc~ pn~sioshy

IIcllc~ ]evc tCtll pUfoi s 1m car ( I n particu licrellH1I1 ITohaliqul 6

Ermls (IlllJleml1ic 7 1r(ri lLg IYmllllll th c ll IS 1 (ompk l1ld humo rolls lI ullcgo rizul ioll of fo rt una -I -1 yst cr ic11

Com plex rlt-fCrcnces like liIi un 10 fortuna pop up thruug ho ul E rn~ Is

I rk amI se rve I S ind i $ of a ll (gor~ di fCCli ng us 1 ) Iradi lio ns or i(onotVashy

ph ) and accumulated Illcanil1g 10 symbolic tig-ures Inc attribules thai re ta in a sh-dowy lu hori t) hilt being Su hj(C lelt1 h~ E rlt 10 subi titwiJll$

r igbull I wwd Pjdk iul1udr Ik Hucilitlnr n I n rhlrnl tlld ( dmiddot lr~ dim~~taqw rf~ Iarl 1186

llnl OOf ~ [ AT tlTUP~~ ~hIQ itl EL L~S U ~ ~A ~IIA ~ O E T IIIUIt II Y S f t R I Q ( [

Allilnde d~ cnciG etenl

nnd degradatiom T he Forull emhlem here comes from Ab y arburg- s sl1ld~ Francesco Sltlsscl1is let lwilli gc Vnfiigung- (1 907l En~ t was not na ive abou t t he nuu re of images and their contagion and he fa nCS r unsidshy

natioll (If the onvt llI il)n of p iCl(ri d language Hld as~ u ll1pt iom ltlh0L11

mea ning At the li me of Warburg Saxl and Panof~k~s t ralings of da~~ial

~ymhol~ amI mylhollt)q-~ th rough IIwir til-hased ltI nri mu lt iple ronm in Ih e

mbkm~ uf mag illklun and as trology E rnst wa- him self englgd witb sudl dchascIllCnts~ 8 Fm u s Er lldil(~ illlag(r) makes h im a pl radnxind

ltlcackmiti a n a nd pa rodi c nr hi ~lOrilIl rel yin on Ihe prl~l i g( of rlcog ui I shyabt l~ q UIt liun bllt sa htlaging tlw h i~torical method Ilat w(lutc1 ~il ua Le a giC 1I wo rk th roug h ils relal ion I() prncden ts Tlw T urning I-1QIl1I cuuld d t~tl be rel a lcd ror middotxa mplc 10 C iOll u~ c lnb[emalir Il1rtJlJlu ncy (fig u lI 1 6) III

Erns t ~ Jisjunct i c ilT1ages parlde nfcrcllt~ bllt ddy rongruity ltllI rl c hronolshy

ogy u hvlr1ing lhe aUlhori ty of history to sequence idell tify imCrp lI l lI lld evaluate H e ~ i lua tCS h i ~ work within the history ofar and li terat ure capita shyli ling 011 th e cx ptxtation orknowin~ ~ aU high academic a n h as donmiddot_ b ut parndicall y mocking any pic t y or nost tgiil fo r 10s1 ori g-in ~j

A work part icula rl y di rctling ll~ 10 problems of Iltlngutge and f(middotp r(lt ll ta shy

ion is AI tht r ln Cltar Word 1923 lfigure 17) pai u tcd Oil lhe Wl tt o f Pau l 3nd Gal a Elu ard s bcdronlll J lengt t h itog-lyph k co n fi g u ra tio n (If fing(rs ba tt and string u e oqlI1 i7OO a rou nd the o r and X of Ernsts name $ilUali ng th e pa inting in the long- tr lditi(J)l of emhlematic deir(~ that play on names The pai nti ng as il immiddotulwmiddots Inc clongucci fin ~cr of a 01ll11l

JIllgt pru habt ) em bod ies Ernst cOIlLlm pnr ilrr rdatiom hip wit h G ala E lulfd (TIl E device traditiontl l is m clIlt 10 proli)ulJdly rcpre~t nl he ha hitual conduct (lr ( ha rati r or onlsel f oncs princc ur th c beloved womUl whitt t voidi ll L pon ra iwrc)Y 11115 5 p lCltlr( panLom im cs n des tabishylized pictoritJ compo~ i J i ()n the bt ll on thmiddot ~ rill~ wh ich ()r IllS lh c [ i~ I II

im minLt1l dltt nKcr oflwlng dropped by Ihe crossed fingcrlt pullin with it Ih( tlil of Ihe Illard-likc in$Ipound t T his co nngllfllion is lik rly a j oking refc rellC to

Frcudill li cn~ t rl ti () TI an x itmiddot t y ~ a noti(11 n i nfOTced hr Erm l ~ou r(( imag fro m 111 Salu re iIluslrllling a Irick in which 0 lingmiddot CTos~ed and pressed to ltl single bJ ll have th e sCll5a rion of feeli ng two balls As a dci(c JJilc rct aining the wit l nd (()nci~ ion appropril( to sueh repnSt IHatioll Frmts painting brea ks wit h th l c1 Clurum ltInri pwpcr k di ng tradi tiona ll y l ~s()C iated

wilh lile devite a ~ portrai t of t he mind or w uL E rnst~ im al l also rdi tes

If iby rhll rg rnfrlhUltrSrhrifk-1f

] irdllcnstlti ll lif9]I 117 51 ~

Rbnd K all) mc~r 1) 1 1gt1(1$

Iltr~hr f lfn1t una d~ ~lIdarhll -brdtllnttk r L f min l lmiddotb~t wnd IJm)tflm T]n J87) 48 1 gt111 ( rldu l (0 Rfrky lin HI 1 ~lI)lJr I L-d Ihr t iol(IJ mhllt1ltlt

ll I ] hwau middot1 he $lru((lIrr or All elonl~ Il)eltIf ill IIII~~~ Iwl RqgtrQI ~I ltlhnJ ( lt 11111 ( Ih ~ 1Il tl 1(1)(1 I~ 1 37middot

iO- amp ( Il ~n ri Eli C Alldtjam(n

aniltt r nlas Ulul ( I doll 16IbiPpmiddot 8 1-7

51 5lt Wmiddotmr SpQ fouJ liolld Irrudi cli ll ~ iu J) Hwhhr Ii du (lttr C610i1 I l7 PImiddot 5 4middot

~ll(ure 16 Giou nlill (Slt f1) ~ini Chilpdj

5~ - XC IstkUIImiddot Ltt Jill ( 1lt drriJtgt nn the pfOpltn~ ofdc ien It ~nno td t

fkmcll lS de Li tltrrmiddot JlIgt Ill d ~80)

lIi(krlt l p II ~_

M a rmontcls insistence 011 the h igh 1110111(1 11 lt urlomiddott emblems I llnn mtd )t VC as 1Il ltlmpll or the o~jt(lionahl t tToli lIIbkm objcL~ luxqllds Iop inirlll allad w ride de ha-gtsessc sUlh as a pot Oil the fi rt ith Ihe mollo f a m ltOIlsul1ed below ) It i~ tempti ng III im agi ne Irnsl toyin g wi th this

higb mor~1 1 po~il iun by delibera tely making a (Tud pun th e basi~ of til liu First Cmr WordY

T ypica ll y huwevr Ernsls Vi~U 1 1 sou rce rna) lJ ~ (lv(rdcterln ined hy 111 trudi tc textual ~ourn III I f NiL dAlllIIbrr D ichrl ~ Dr Uordeu describes the controlling ccnI tI ()r Ih t ch fir OUl ~n$aliOIl~ L~ a jlld~c who hears caS(~ md pIOIl Oll ll (I~ vc rdirts This jud~( hOHver 111lt1) be e ffeclivdr

deceived b y the (i(llIc( it may expe riL- llct paill ill an lIl1 putalcd limb 11 01(011 ~ays Dr Burdeu ~ou Gill INt t he limits allli decepl ions o f

sensa lion by (ltI rrying lItI I Ihi$ sim pI eXlwrinWll t Otl the judge

o n k tro mpe lu- nd Oll 1(11 1 crui ser dl lLX 11( ()~ doilts run Sill Inutrc lUuch(z un t pclill ooule lt1 il pronnll r(ra qu-iln II df l1x

2 bull i

h gumiddot 17middot l rnSl II Ihl FII (lro l1pd 1 )~3 I t bp (I II ~ L m ltlift))G P

1 1 lri~ OUolAC -110laquo1 ltOOO

In to( context of thi ~ pa rt ieulM di~lullsjon of s(n~ttiol II 1t1 Ni l f d J(lmh

lhe hypolbeli cd Fltudi an melning~ nf E rnsts Ilugcrs and ball in tensify The fea f ( castfa linn II lre is dJ ierl 0 (middotO fl~i (kra lion 01 The npITicHclt of pai n and pkhurr di sltussrd fl y Did r rol and the decept ion orthe senses ~ lldy ra ~

someth ing to d o with j urlgill l Ill( dtcp tiolls of illu ~ion is t 111 with the picru rc itsel f alld (implii t in Ihe Ictltl~ ()1l11ed Ily gtIring wd hnger wit h llie k((middotplio ll ~ ufl ang uagc

Beyond UidcrOl til( fou nd ation fror Emsts rlecplion 0 1 El uan] lnd Pau lh tnmiddot~ a rgumen ts about languagc lay in ( enIt 11 Roma nt ic dcba tcl ltlho ll t till ~rn bol ith is full ex p1l~s i (I1t$S and uni ty or ~ ign and n ferfnt 1S OPp()sd HI the di~~ocia lcd and arl Jilrar y sj gn-gllle la lioll l)fa lllmiddotgol) I Of panicular lifelong intenl tu Ernst (ft the po-ms CS~ t ys tJld a lltgorjC~ o f Novali I II the fi ch lc S tudilu N(lva l i~ httl u Hlsid ered lilt rela tion or

l t 7 fit I H l 1gtlt(lI

5 ~ - Sn HLmmiddot odoro M If Ih I ol Ir (Ihrl n r Io rln Ilhh J l)tb 1 151

~ Umothc JaiuA I(hI~ed me of rn~(f hfdonA bullbullding 0 -11 ~ i~ (k Iter lu

hLlhtlh LclOlc 0 ell 91121- M~ dlkllraquolO(l i~ lI deb loo (0 II~

fC(Illt(r o Kn ) ~r-lu t HtNIl_ nI1 Ioudon 9lj s~

fio hlr S d 110 Stlrjinf rd l1I1 dholln ~ lId K rd Sallnd 2 lIllIlIlr~ n 1)gt5

y QUOIn t 1bullbull Iulil1 Oir Il-gtOtw- KumulIl ~I fI Poe jdcr h Ohrfllt1101nl imiddot b-ftJ IMM bull I~ 1 IjJj11_ 1 lt)OCf p ~06

~1 It_I 5ltlrrif(~~ V 282 U lln hilll prp1K(I h1I Novtlraquomiddot d~ ldk ll i

ixua Irlnllllod ~bull middotIrmiddotI1 I middot rJ dwr Ihm rr lrnrlll (Hgtrlldk ) ~H - ito UBeu PI 0 11 11gt ~MI S(itl~I I V I ~

~ 1 ttl lIml To i Was Ma_~ 1-1 Iudirl h i ll Ia ~H K~I~ P l S c r PI Ip HattltlorHrr

I~nf(n (P(t Tunlu IPlI amp nn K olVI)lJtt AtIhIJIt~ ImJ~nt I _jm (1(In EIxhllll 19031 Karl Ih(f)(lomiddot C d cru ( dritl

HMIlI~NI III Jtbtfl DISn LI n Ll(PlM 1Jf(d 1881 J eanmiddotUaud t rtbs (~ ifipp H sectn Cr ~

tIorll Frnkrun middotrnmiddotMam u Iu 1lI

IqIi l PI V~ -t3 Thrn ~r n 1I ~II i ltI h not 1 p~I1gttul r 1( in TI n oell u1f 0111 8ui chmid d FIIrjI ~I 5 ]nJ J~6rfjnnu 1 lII Di_UfJ(11 Numbl

III~ 1Io11l 6 SI h nJ ( f(tmiddotulll ll middotlulrodOIvu AItl~ry aN HprtUIIlJIIDII

PI) ~l D lan pOIfl~ ou ltlr311~~f)rr 3ltll1 mhlrm bull 11 d iflkuhy (Of ]Jqllf i Iht th (mvh d~r ~ 01 rtp~uu -n C tgtOllt~ nd In 11K rmiddotrr fSltltn~ l h~

Iu Qn I ~Icd middotPutal

bullI ~gtIOfV of PllSlVI IIpry RfIlnIllI_ p ~3)

language to th e th i [l~ il t~p rC~n l gt argli n~ t haL silllc lAng uage n rijinatcrl

l1 finding ~ i lm (or lbSl tae l conccpt~ it i illiterr l11ly nw tlphoriltl md dlceptivcn Fot I(ovali ~ fcprCC nT ll ion is a proce -~ hy which lall~utKC

fig ures (orth somelh ing lhal i ~ itself IUSI I rough tillt ln y 1(1 of being pnstlIh( If for Nova li ~ jlOmiddottry IIl ll lgt1 appro~ld l i~ual li rt ))il rot~il Inu

also zur Kunst werdcn ) ~I ne( rt hclt-~ d ll ~i I) ilwit)bly Idl shor

crea ling an illusiun uf prcsellcC where t he re is n() IH So (I IlC ( an n p n SCIl I onl y i ll ordcr 10 rcprcscmiddotnt Y alld beyuml t hi ~ lei of 1lt_ prcMnting thrrc i~ rIn absolutc ulIlcprtsctH ahk negllid y d tlcrm in ltgtd KlOu nd a conce pt or being that lt1111101 be d(~( l i hltd (111) displMcd im o c han o r darkmss cent Tn Novalis Eru~ 1 wou ld find a his tury fOl J (I lwlhiIlmiddots (ol1lcm po rIIY

argumcnt thnt all ln nguagl inn )ivcs metaphor and millndcr~t lIld ing a nd lil his d tllcriptioll of IIe cia rk nes~ Iha l sl l orc~ lip Ihl )l lOvcrh OlSlTlions Novalis~ theori fs ofl anguage uor nt oul by Pa ulhan ct1ll thC lllsck e 10 Ill

middotprlScll led by ErnST in the en ig-nuic piuolid Innn Lpprnp riltlH to NOlt1i ~ ~

sig n or 8ild

Allh~ Fin- Clear Word Ill a y be lfad in ligh l orlh~I plradmtlt ofbnguagl lild ~emury d ectption I n~ot~ r a ~ EII) is til represen w r n r pn5lnllr CJftlll pic tll re he is til t d tceiHI ho (c l hI eq n I writcs him$(lf intn IIw p ictu re through his pnouious mono~ ram 3 ~ ti l( deceived Sim il (ontig ur lI iuns or balls a nd stri ng llC a cOlIlIlon plac( of SCclllttnth-cent ury

(middottIIule lm )( rhlil l it~ sud l a~ R lJlkll h lgcns l enllOll~ Globe hanging hy A

thread IllrCa ltned by tht di vine k ni ft wilh its mOllo 1 wi ll hc cm 10 pi tccs

fIgure 18 T IlfsC l m blcUla lie modds sel up the ( lIt1 i n~Cltlst ration j oke impliCi t i ll Enm~ plin ting T he mOllo or I llIvorffcrs rebted emblrlll ha l dccei CS us a mu~cs u~ is cunsistent lth t he ide) uf lhe pli n ting iI~

an illustra tion 01 Illr (kctpt ions of thO se nlt-~ and of m imetic picllln-m k i ll~

tsdr ftigure 19)

H ard(irfit- r 01In eccen tric th(o ris t uf the e o lvill Genn a n la n ~ua~(

a nel of uuoque emhlems H iJ visio n 01 middotGrlllairl poticmiddot was illfiuencecl by Ripas rulolugifl Acia w and J atO) C algt l ~lII st ho had studied ph ilu logy an d hld la kcn a ( ou r~( o n the v c r man nomiddotd of the sevenshy

leenth lin d middotijl ltnnl h cel1111ri o l it u nivtfi ly miln I dl have Cllcou nshytered his 1 ()lk 9 I I is a~y til 11 (-l arsdlitflcr a~ it proto-sunca list

throug h Jing-u islit ~arlH ~ ill Wllld ~ amI illll(~ b) p hon ti play and nc c()r tr bi n a lioH ~ Ill hoped 1(1 drw 1)lIt h iddell ret lI1b l a n ce~ bct ccn th ings and CVl U 10 invcnt IIC W Ih ings illulllill ltinl lI lt p ro fo und rdations of I lItgulgt mpound ttoe o rld I he cullelt i gllllc-pla) illK of his C tspradtshyspick fragmcn tcd syllabic and wo rd re(()I nbined b ltliterna li m cun trishybutors to produt( unli)rt (c lI rclt I1 I1 ~ ha~ I)l iUlis afJiui lies w il h surreali~t

potti I practice H aT1gtltlu r rfCIs emblem r ai(~ a ~lmiddotnlmiddotr tI puinl ahou t em blems hile tlln

pro id e Glp tival ing rt)lism cf el ltil tl li is IP l r~ l to ensure Ie~ihilil and ough t to have Ilolhillg 10 do I ith Ihe Jl lt- I ~ lI nmiddot Urlllil1lDis A t Ih( F lnl Galf

Vorn a ~ a piclure a bout S( II~()ry cl ( p tiotl is a n ironir a llegory or ils own t1l IK1Ciri cs (0 rcprcocnt r-I(IIc hrou l- it rIilCgt ltI p roblem of aUIgory whkh Lries It) fu lly npn scnl or pi tun al) t rt( tions llUt I~ hich llIccssa ril rccals

ilS uwn fa ilure lu arw ally brillg lillih ~udl tl lill~s fgt T he da ril ) of the cmbk m sim ul ates tht gra tifJ I lir~ of I n i (J1lsi~ stl1ing up an anxi()u ~ t1t t rshy

naliun btlwctn (knxlillg wh a t i ~ IlH- u lr d eH lr dll1iC(11 dra lng and



I bull



relishing the pleasur UI) pmsibly lIli 11 1lt1 i( tJl E1l11Jk mati~ a1l0w E rn~ 1 shywho 4xprcsscd cQn tcni p l (() I milllClit a rt to negot iate bdwfcn I h~ ~I(tu(~shy

livci ) mimet ic tud ed ifying)y d i agrarnma l ic 6~

As 1 pend ru 10 AI Iht hr~ 1 elfllT kV(lrd til (ol1l g ~ L Q)QI Jl tSCIIf n ) OUIIl

girl 930 -70 (figu re 20) tu - h i1I Ems f IHu a lly added a real glolWmiddot tikc bltlll ul ltlnnil y bcar~ 0111 [he sense of the Rollen hagen l mbll Il ah hough thl di vjllC POWtf to cut i~ now invested in the tollage nist himself (o r rather Is he represents himselfilhin Iht piClUre l~ Lo ploPi The em bleshym a ti c rt lnin d n Iha l rh inbTS U( 1I1titna tcly IUIt of your hands Ihll ( oci hold~

thl ~ci ~sonbull i ~ plnyert upon hy Ernst wi lh da rk i l The introduct ion o f Lo ptop in 1910 as Ern t ~lt rtgo recaJl~ owllis diClUm The 1 1l1 li~1

preselt iLSeJ f as prcsln ting 3 Th i5 cads again to lIlt problem ()f the vict lln asmiddotil1li~i oll [ltU L()plop i ~

lI sultl lly d cscrilx-d imprf~sJli()o )jk( as introducing or p rese1l1ing tbe pic tll OfL r n il is Lop lop ~lC lillg as frl1lw o r easd who prCSCli Is a n iUlIsiomiddot Jli~li( pi clltrt ilhin lltt piUunu5 T he ~ ll hjCtI~ of tll( pi( llIn~ lI il hin the

piCHI onen have weigh t) implicJliuns I rolll1( Ililii grapes by a~sociltltion with Z tuxils gmpes im o kc piolo ri a l illusionism oa k kavcs stan d fo r (C111111 narion) islll a nd RU(k has rl ief M aJgtcilllise sla nds tor F rench nltionltl lshyiim It is as if Ihe sym boJic me ni li lS indicated b) Loplop~ piclu res t re IS i lonkally rcl ri (vaule as the pos~ihi lilics of pino ri 11 iltu~ion and flllln(i~ th they sland for alld ilh wlloh Ihey an Pcs(nt ed TI H the grI I(S a nd 1lCS

2 5 (1 TU lrAHI middot H 1(-

Fillln II ( il)r id R o)knhag~n middotClu han b II hr~d wlih (~ tr ha nd hold g a kn rmiddot ~f(~w 1hIlIIIImiddot I i-him r ~i

fi t - St Th II Kelley Rn~MI

II II(go ] II ~(IIl he If Ih~1 nl(crmst llrgor~ na k middot ldrr r~t(h n I t ~

I h on ~ l llpp1)Vdl) oljlflSCd 10 il r)w mimClibullbull his(01 )

() 2 h r hisect iIIllhn (fOlU (hi

(l hll mele mil ~ 11 arlif t ~

Ma_ fru~l jjiIMJ p I 6J - ~Mlta )iJmik ~ f ~t12 ~ct

~I )ulm P 97 (v r di (m h~

Pilamplg hvll t N(ll$ II a rl h ltlonlt4) ontt I 10( lim or ~m~IJ I1 Y 1IIIliD 11$ iltit (laquolt ~ndjd G ~ ~IJ

mulaquo el 1 rl arsd ltnd laquocu 6 s O middotRticn I lI lh Th pk utc -ithm h pintlr _tnCi as mc~rhor ru t NOali om pI ad pIIaduxinl image I l ie -1l ld h h wdun Ikin~ hll iI~) 1middotU1 ou tsid e j( as n prtlCnt tWIl

~Qligt hnJ ~ p 06 ti) - I plup~ middotad a nd eQpalt$ h~

any ~ial pr~cnlenu C( middotrrllr SIlOlt f~Qp_ rr J i( OIMt Srf LotdwI

Jlil Ik~Q 1 SI)ics I(8middotus l ~c1r ( rrma o-c is MOl Sehind s TII trti~tgt a iOimacd COnllltUl6 ~ilt5(lt rllaquot and ~il5hl-nlzot) fn~nn 0 Nlrru~fI IJaa 80

tisull 9 H lrjr Wshy nj() h Mr~t ~ 1 Itmfr U(pr~(hrIr

1644 (I


r for Jr


ikdy d a$gtltS


(J VUlliJ yenrrfttr~ I Xi In lh~

LltJII()Igtltrics t~ l ~h UlCt Ilw rompt

fMI dlilaquo (f making (hiu ~Jl llCar IU Igt I n nplJ(1 QUI of Ill()lhcr pic of PII r bdud lion which I 1lap ilh (he ambJguIjI Qf ltOt lhin hccomioe middotrl )7 S pound I) VHI Image ar bod Y dt purd aliRl1l11(llt 01 Waltt r Ikllj ~mi lt1 1 Bnlmiddot JDI(1 M8JN~IIl1iI ~ 3

Ilt)ltJI pp ~5 -H20n h~ P r bullbull II1tQl 10 11( cn blrn1 Ilr liK if IC~ t()

I)irn iocapl hle Ihe-Imiddot of middotrnln lmg meaning bullbull liegQ1 i~ 01 ju(

Olhnlll mClonpnic 5hiflil g 01 Wmanl(


art acturl lly pre~sed into thl paper 10 form ~ ha~ lr-lief h ci~hlI1~ lilt joke Oil 1h( power of piClori11 illusio1lism to hring things illlO r(l 1 d inwnsions wi th in tIll fidd o(the r iled mimesis of the ditglam l1la lic larger pi( tu lmiddotmiddot

So Cr llsts pictun may ntmiddot tl kcn 1 a n (mhemlIic prCsentation or Novaliss Bild lunel ioning as a Plfldoxi( d rlj) rc~cn l alion of 11ll fli lurc 10

flill y represc nt dealing wit h thc plOhle rn o f prcsen li l~ a pilI UII a t all and by elltensiOll wil h the )nhcllnt dcnplio ll~ of me La pho] i1lu-iol l and lan guClgc O ften representcd by a dark ell si lhouettcd htnd IS in Ioplop pminlS bullffjiifJ 1931 (fi gu rc 21) Toplop invokes Novl lis f~JlloJs d cscri pshytioll o(thc delusi(n of repr~cntlllg H( gliI-p- ollly a handful ()r d ~llklJcss ((

Loplop a~ i ll1 plcs~ario mtkcs p rescnting ~d l~co l1 c i olls hat is prestmed i ~

ahIs mediated 01 II a rnllOW like Ill( pictures Wi lh1) pic lurts losing

ground III llllIly o r Ernsts p3i nling~ W~ 11( ill the territory of cmblemalic rcprOlclllltHioT1 thost fa ilures and ha zards agaim t hi ch the rnord or motto or the emblem i~ proph~ bClieall) ~c l Ernst makes the cmble mat ic il1l agl a ll emblem orkonograph ic lnca n ill ~ itsclfb7

Tn the (middotolllgc novels ]lIginning with La Femlllt 100 [Flu 1929 Ernst dcvdops the cm blem image illlO an allf~o lka l na rrali( Tf Enhts coll agc T1ocI ~ fU llction or ma lfUllclioli l~ parodics of the pul p nov as cx lcndccl clich e the atrnosphln of popula r IlOVel movi ng- from dimao( to climax is nut (Illy char3neri sl il o f di llhangcr scrit1illd Ii (lioll bUI of high allegoric-

~ ilurr 1Q ~rJUI --QpI~ IW(1IIJ P~lIf $1

11)3)-70 ~ I tl 1 1 C 1 1 -nm middot 0 (1

1~riII-O[)1iC ( IlIn~11 locO

111)_ HI nl [ ~ l Cl middot

ril(UR 21 ~nb l Loplol fgtrr~ll bullrjlirJ 193) raquoI~ 1781 Cl 1( lt f rtI~(AIJA(f

ld SUOkAC ( Ina l ZOQO

(gt11- Ou EI and pu(p fin iou Klt Rltncc

R irlot 1 1I~rI S~JIIJ on flu 11ltgt01 Jkrkdmiddot~ od l(gtmiddotngt1cs ~ P 8

(I li ~ r)hC Olhe r(olla ((n-vcb 10 (tII~ 100 ius lltms 10 f()rl~ ~cu i t i It f J) bn pred i(1ali( ITUucm nf

dJgory thaI IhIt ir is w lhig

~-qutItLil1 and UorrdlJ d~li) irlo )PUlI lhol a 101 s~ j 1 rma ll e Iruun OrUrgurir 1 d middot middot 70 Sec RrlIll I)j kw Idol Dr (fomlr gt~raquoI4S~~ ofFm= ri( i Fi -ltir)l1dr CIIIMlt rw Yk I ondon and O d Od 7r - Ilr hundred h~dlc wumn

pcrgtoniM Ihr protlogt ofnIlt) i II blt n d~ugtltsltJ lrum la~I llt nmiddot I a ~ Old Ikrricln gtI I at OJ~ 1I OllgtII) Ic Ihin lnd b) UI huured 11Ultbl

(ltTduug Slaquo Kon Rund tbi~ oUtIII l SnfUQa flta (Slrnl

-Ill Jcq1 [xrrid I ~ Ihr ~i dr Plmon r PIQImr idd i rUf HiOn

1- 1 1jl3lt) ~5- ~1 a 1 11Ik -bn

laIlt 1111- uf P5UaSI Il 11 n 7 nLllIr Max En_ s CCIl1~ldc A Il

u~dJjJ Ju tzmis Punl of pHtdigmltK- rcmm~ Jail (tcmiddot i duo1lltcJ

j ltoul l e~ d to Ir mYIr~ de IJ Fr nn I (h rlltoum ed ilh Inrily n [J

ru~orlf J~dlnl Ul Ieh IW adl COl middot

iJ drjed in Lr M~IUf ~ (ue biod Il)d by II rah ) mllo)~ a (M from CIen dOn Imiddot ga~m

n j)()gtltt t ( du d I dClaquo1 PllfT

J1( Inl 9~3 I 3 )middot i J 1 mpu lit) is 011( ( I)utf HlT~JIJ ilIU1lruom illmlHffi by t dl~ aKI o lkmm Solaquo rhf 11rllrpIt~ of 1fIIopoilbullbull 1(0)1 ltlt 1 A I (~ bull Lltdo d3middotICl ) I or the hltad leM

m~ ~I nprt nlIVlt of the lI h~voJiud

Mltirirr5(C Ilaydcn hw T hc Ior r Idnc rll f~fJ)lgtfOlmr FHJ n

cJIllIr1 (nWi BahiOI~ 11(1 l aunn

l7ijjP r63 5

ltIS wellG8 The luadks~ OIl1an w ho c rupts iu uiflircn l forms lhrou~hflu l Ia Frllllllr X) tilu could ~ef( as a mnaphor lor Ihe d isru privt relations bel ween metaphor ltlnd th( ~cq ucn tiltt l flow of narrative charaCte ristic ( I llegory The d(vd o]lm(n l~ cnn (inui lY and rcptli li(HlS afTordcd by 1lIJTativc allow hun (0 rCClpil lLlatt S() W ~rea k hi ~ usc of woma n to personify his own Icdllliqlll

The k nmJe nud e had belfl l1l1 lhe prw niscuQu sig nifier par t udtIll( 111 nin clee nlh -nntury $ll nn painling in 1 hifh Ilt t complex it(lltirics and allri shy

hut es of any given 1 l1 cgoricld personifi cat ion WCl( Kro~~ l y sim plifin l a nd s i ~lIalled a nd in which multipl ied numbers (of ha rtm ~la v (s or OJcads) com pensa te fo r loss of indiidual s ignificalion If Ihimiddot ~a loll lIu dc finally scrvf d as a pcr~nn i fi clI ion of a n OcrT rowcltd a nd raquohdioere Sa lon itsdr 7ltgt that cltuase lllent of the aan c mil tra dil ilJll rIK ina ted Erm t as he pl ullder(d ninelecn th-cent ury j ournals a nd salrl11 (pvrl~ fOt his collage ma l( i1 1I y not one hundred headl(lO~ woman instead of onc hundred mrmingk ss oms why nOI om perrcn ly ugly hcadlc ~ Ioman (ICte de mecl us() instead of ti le rut ile Salon bca ut ic_

Tlt tlc is Ill importan t (ll ulcmalic prototype for frns t~ womln a ~ GC f(]

Rauer has notcd I rnst s fcmm e 100 t Ci I~ has a counte rparl ln L a Pcrr i i rc ~

11 T lriil de$ bQNJ en~IIS (rigurl 22 ) IhlUl1 d i~llliss~ this rcscmbk nc( agt fortu itous ImHer il is im portant Ih1I it is the Inl tllnt is c1ost-S1 10 the

Ill(ltlni nls uf Ernst s woman not till image I Pcrlicres femme is iuall y an ad ap tat ion of a lomill onpl acx Horapllll o-dlTivcd hcadle~ ma n

signif)itll( I m )JOssibili t~ presuma hly a 11 aul c~s oman l~ douhly illlpossihlen In L Pcrricrcs prcm lO he is not JJl( rely ]utdless bu r rtther Jik( Ernst s middot te mll1 f hilS I)Ulny i(kn til il~~ IqJrcst ll l(o by many heads silt is compa n d to lh e Chi n1ltl crn Girion p) hnn tll cdusa Cerberu~ and lhat l-llnicular pnmiddotc ur~or of tIl( km nw 100 Ittcs Iht H yd ra Through such proli li-ration or menning sIt( is Ih e mhkJll l i ~L~ dream emblem Lr

Pcrriercs le( nlllcludes tha t ma rc marvellous Ihan all Y of Ihc~t lll ylhic creatures middot vu lrl bt Ull(- fem me sans leu Ihe One figure who cou ld prcSurnshyably em bod y a ll hybr id mean ings in one ~ llcc in (t blll meani ngless fo rm La lclTiCr~ crnhlem may be an allegory of lhe cjlem ma of rht PO(I UIIHl Lnned hy his middot iivll~ hu l need ing 10 be a )H roi( d eca pitator a rer~(lI ~

aluivalc1l1 T hl ngrt l1a ble mora l conclusio n of La Perri eres poem is tha i woman Ilccds a guidc a ra tional hCltld a nl ltln lax pound rllst71

O n one occuion irr IAI FtnllU 100 liles Ernsl himself appearS (fi gure 13 1 III Loplop and the mouse s horoscope M attCrs or desliny fa lc a nd horoscope- are a sta ple ur emblclIl li te rat ure middotf he imge is pan of a n embleshymat ic (radiliv) in vhich caged creatures slam] ror lht ca ptivi lY and sull t ring of tIlt poel or lo (r (fig ure 24)1) Em Sl i~ agen t and nO l ca ptive 01 flt ltc however Ba n-dle~lcd he may be (rt l ra~ rfli hen a~ ltlll odur pcr~nll a uf Ihe multi-valc lll woman he carries the d isGmlrd cinllus of th at stock haraCllr of l lk gOry the haUd resscd woman RUI he holds onto h i~ hal (Ihich unlike the he-ad Ill ay be lakcn on and of 1 ) and thu s retaim for himself Ihe powcrful masculine role of the head Erusl appea ring in persOIl wilhin his tollage 110d signn ls his SWIUS as a ll-controlling novelist or em hleshymatist d lOS(middot c lvnga lcd hand CH n pluck thr- mouse Out of il s ordaiucd palh al a n) tim t Ernsl l$ a llcgorisl should Iw SitultlHd in the trdi liun ofparod ic nuvc isg incl udilg Ka lldais Charles Sorcl J cln -Pa ul R idlter and TIlOlIllS Stcrne whose work relies 0 11 a Jlet0ry to ironi ( it ~ own d tviccs~

hllur~ )~ rouU gt lt 11 Ierricn middot1 _ Fe 0lt ~Iemiddot bb(om xv Lt middotfhIQII( au flu OlU 539middot

7 t t- rr middotm i ~hlllkeuoImiddot(gtr I ~

E ts alP-1m~ ad 10 III unJinn~ Ih t middothltmiddot ~11 ome hmiddot Igill~ o nly in o 1 oj Ihem ~e ltor pmpcrl) nmn~(tcd IIgt Illfi r 1middototls tT j inllny ITrI 5I t 01 SIJ Iijt I-i 1 Ynr I)U

1middot9 i ~ Thmiddot tllmiddotd 111I)Ult if) Iro p O JPC~Il

lciII otld ~rqJlOxIUmiddotlmiddotd in I) middot~(on( ~t j oolgt C~~ middot i ~poliJ t

gtj)(lli lont tmiddotC I 111 (apia I)n1

[mill ) MUftIM~ Alh dt 11((-111

fAmSIrd I 7~ (l Damel Hcin~iul

Q I ~lD 1~J i Jm I-oIo bullt ) fo r lupid (gtIllide h ase Md P C t 1)(1middot Imbl~w tryU 1l~rd~m 6 rmiddotlmulcd Pdmburgh bulln7l) fcr Cil~rrl bini ~e ncr (Inllri ) aud cupid with ( ~cd ~uinrl 70 T ho $(lrnHmhurv au C hr[ So middotI JlhT rparodir novel a nd IIlkgori(O ( h anw rl ttlnIHomaM)

ealled iIllOIltSlion mi(Ic rda liou pc bnl(lIagc and III(Ialhor Sorer IA llalJM df ] i1Jbullbull d rih inl( illtolI (IU~1

~ ~ hltgt~d nn peI middotrh gl1_ rhlemiddot Jta~middotlIIg lt1 word altgtCUo ns loped J) hc PUWK middot~u du nall iJ a JrcLuIXlT r rnmiddot i~ ileJ[laquoIU311Dt~s 5lt ( hI M rd u II ~ 1f(J n1~ (Pn_ (pI rcpri lro Cmiddotneva I In) I II calte oflh coU~ lt rImmiddote1i trn auhial IU-altAO Pli middotuJarly ho hOj( mlhlt (crmA n KumlIi J~- lJul Ridner middotbose H)15 ltt Imiddot) hd raquoPlltkd I nnch IlIor41)middot all(nlion ~d Ih adlDlI-llluU o(j (l ll Ia l h ~ and Atdtt ISr~lt)n middotIltmiddot wen 11 Y lr1nd lrlIlt I io lfj~ ln-I HI Kichllr$ nmlk a lllorio rI narruvlts I U ( muhIImiddot l oice IUd idrmiu(l SU)tgjOgtjl

Jm~(1 I(dnn lues Ihe T j l aIS lisr of nI I~ImiddotrJ1 puion of his nilId I$n

ort o(lXlI EI ~ 111lt he r1l lo h-ough Ihe quouditn _orld in JAIrun(

1M IbN ~~ t altga rtl H ale II ~f

Olxron SdiOQlj Afi1)ullu 1)~ 1nil 91) and Claulk jich i I middotmJ~ lit 71~-I fJJJ1 (~ J(IIU l~ MIjalllUt llnt 1963

I ~urc 3 M~ ~ rnst middot[plol 1 ii(

uy hor)s(ol In 0 1(1lt lila

9~9 SI1 1st II rlduL~t Igty ponniion [r I~I (II I n T oronto Rampn-oce Lbr~ry

17 Osk P(lltak lkr hcmige ud I Ioliphilw Ir~ J ldK 1 tA(rifll~ UlIll A KvI~m~b(

191111431 Ii for h~ Qfih lok hUllIuand Irlnlt[1gt HI(lIMlultin Pp~tl cd Gm P U md LUCla A

Cil)pom (Idu ~I fl - Lrw ~lIfsk) r~frrnl o Rtlla~nCt Nlt)middotpl aJJojonn~

xt ufpopular ga m ltco mparabk 10 vulgn plmiddotd n I~j middotNllatomc ilocltb III ~kgtr~c( ud Norh I al) Ul Sl~d It 1(middottI~l i lew York 972) p 1 1) i~ 1 I 1)QoinofdlSlllcIllOcrtlt in

he I[TIlI mtd~ 1 er(l~ lll1cgo~ I RUI~ JlnlJJ( i~ p l lrll l~rJ r r(Ie 10 rn( mltlll(j in 111 1middot( IIlI) lil() 110 ( Ihe tMLion of~~Irn wel of N~ro dlrnwwcJiinli oflus md i I h )

iod)e he ocau t ~ Qf hcr lionl iU od nrnliltrsmiddot and lu JltO lo( It(f lone he wa concelvcd are ofpITlkuLu i l~ $

nplt(illl~ sitlclt lhry fill fn lt1 ~ b~l~ dWUI ntmmg lid ]altuale s Uvid f

1luI 1 Sr lt1 (l i l1lcmbtrmcfll bo-hlrd On8 lUI dl Romoon or d~ RQII( III RtUtiulIamp lIteR all rk 14 ~ I ~I l ffl(ll( RIIon ~I i rw] d ja II UOI IhiJadclphlltl (992 ) Pl

30 0 jlllnn tQlran ltk M cu ~ k NIn I fa ~ rm Illjo to 970 $tt

II tIf M Arde ll 1 h( Wfllan d I~ (1I 1e

~ Iw wIlJ IJlblQgrap~~ (N~ i and 110 111(93)

Ik Clo rillunc Hclt cl I wny ltImiddotn ud kit I I a~ KInr ~ rbull pJra bull 01 lor lum~ all gklt amI r~rman I (Ik mi IIulltlin 74 1lt)921 pp II I gt

Er ns ts prpuhioll of die r mb1em illlage inlo I 11lt1r rnivl seque nce (an al~ l

be si1u3led in niltlI io n I() Ihe illuSlri1cd Renaissance alkgory hieh ~ ltlS an lInpo nan t SOll r( li)r all sli bsequen l crnl1cm atisLS Colo II Tl i HYJllrtOlfmlfldljn

Poliphilii7 I t I)tsin witll a d r() 111 alltl i ll middotu l v (~ endkss nCliphtr lll(n l o f environm ents a nd obj((ls th ilt rc~onall throughout EIIlSI 1 0Uale Ilods d lboraldy symholic gardcm IIl WluC r ums h icrgl~ ph s 1 st atile or 1n d~pha nt Ill th it incidC llt5 (Perscus bchead ing of Innt htr 1(1I1 n1lt Slt1n ~

[C tc yled us ) ltlil t lhe tr i u rnph ~ of va rious gods li nd ll1coulH cr~ wil h fcma le pcrsonifiC4l io ns such ltIS Iht middotfi lmiddot lgtCIlSIS ofd wlTI E rll ~ L s 1i]1lnw 100 [ClcS IS A porli liant Cl U pcrsli fiettion Colonnas n )d g llmorizccl

lHroiciztd ll1d narralivized int t lp rt lal iull knd i n~ il ~ Ilr 1 g-lttmcs of m ea nings like v illga r pS~fhoa nalys is If [ rlisl realkgorits till tlIlda rd allcgorYil~-ltl n I1 Il then he dut~ so in way~ lha t preclude HI high mora l or iludlcctua l positions n (sting thc psychomarhia with lttil C)Imiddot 10 p~ychomiddot ltt l ml) q s tu rn ing Ihl Stnsua l cneha nt Hwnts ot snluctivc ~cI4 p i( middot(lS to qtlcasil UIIIla lizcd violcllt ltlud sexual d tSires I il lra r surreali sm IBre(on lIdia

Aragon s PIY5(1II dr Puns) could rel y un the sca AoJd i n~ and d evin s of allegoric - t he d ream vi~ion ) th l peri pau t ic li n o mo in~ 1hroug h a Lil y of m ysterio us (lbjCClS 1l101lum~II IS a nd (I)couiliers I hl~ W I)I11 lt11 1 uf Ill u ta bk idenlilY references 10 OIIHr works of arl and lillfa tlll t nd Soon t rnsa also d eploys the devlrc-s of literary a nd pk lOria l allegury dndging 1I 0 t only emblem bouks but ahl) die g rea t lite rary dkg(lric~ liorn tlw RomfI fir n (0)(

to Colunna to Novcli s lIlcl jieltkl

C hristia ne fi end in lro r key st ud ) ofmodlit lisl a lkgory has argUId thaI Err1~t relinq ui$ h (~ hi s a u tho ria l a ut hori lY in 111 F rllllllt J ()() l i l( allowing hi~

1111lgCS a rad ica l inck ptmiddotnclcnnmiddotp II cUl lld 1( arlued r Ol1v I-dy Ihlt

EflIH pa rod y fu netion~ in a n opposil(middot ay tha i Ir i~ wrc nching or imilL~ oul of l ll tmiddotir Mig- inal 1 )lI tex l ~ i~ a n 1gt 111 iw ill asserting ah~olutc and arbitra l) cuntrol OIr Ih( mh rial Ernst s images Id ) 011 re11l na nl ~ ofl hci

r igi lIa l Ill lltllli ns and los t tQllVCll ional contegt llgt ill hich I he) er( meant

tJen E ADEM c AN TI L NA ~--~--------------T~ ~~

to hi ( lcdihh il luslmt i)M vI S( ll tiic d evt l oprne nL~ na tural phcllomclla lr ltg- il t ric k ~ or rq)l( )(ll((i()f ~ IJf wrh Ifart l a lld lhis al o nce aJlo l~ his (1 11 man ings 10 SCIlll irraLio li a l and lilcral cd a ll d 11 the ~am c limc 10 be c lI npktdy su hjugald U) lht ve ry lI ovell) a nd allom a ly of thcrr tnvironshynlt ll l 1111 a~e lnl )l cd tiag llH l lts o f Ernsts cullages a lT n~ idual evidloCe of tl w Iulhor ily tu UIt Hilli CIII m Clo ll YJlJic pow(J or lite and dealh

arg lla bly IllI very I ppl)~ i t e ufCUI Li l ig loo~e or sellin g liTe

I n his 1l illaI Ilm II~ Enl L l o 1ll111i t lt synLacli cal rape tiXl uctlllg Y()Illll

fru m ti ll eO lltc 1 ()( ~I I joulll als Il K) il ion rt pn~ in whidr 511( represhy

l1t(O popu lar p a int iJlgs cflg ravltl ( r nJa~s a udiences I n I ll s u r k sh e

may 1 1llhOirl y mct unymic hssi pl i (l ll~ or II H ull ing hut ~It ~middot al so rCjJfCSClIb

E tn~ l s own lonir 10111 1 tn CUI and asipn rk~ a h it p in l piaYIT lilCI lIy a ppea ri ng ill hibH WI mi g h l also ~ lJ Spcc l Erns l of viciously

i te ra ling nin( lcclllh-nIl LUry lh eor ies r Ih e cmpall ric ~yOllJ 1 lt1 ~ lhe ( 1111)l)lliIrwl1l or our OWII pir yif1 lllrcqJl i ns J I u ~t~ his all tgtgory of sigm r1i ~od lItd from pir y~kal rdrll l ~ prClieiy as a fi eld in whi c h to dj~ru pshy

tivd ) i lllt rjtcl th l OCtasifHlal irY PlCIilicaUy d(plo yed rull ~ym bol with iL~ supposed ltlli lY illl i L~ rciirenl c jJre~ell tcJ by the 1)(J(h of l he Ilom an 1n the eli (k~ Ch a nTS chap lc r a l thl e nd Ill Url~ Smwiu de lfm f a fi gulc flmini s(nt or Fortuna noats ill Ihe air gTad ua lly li-cc ing

h (r~(lrorlllr a llrihulls ()f whcci Ild ~ i l (fig un 1) 11 t lihCra li ol1 Sill ce Fort un a luore It tuall ) hfCOnHS hrr wh(ei mi nl1ll il by htT l1nlr ed bac k ltIS an h Yllleric and l lso be(on H~ h cr sail hlo wn throug h lhc ~k y her

It rib utes cOIl in ue to be co nSl raining Ind pn middotMmiddotlIt a bsorbed ililu her bud y and gestu res sugg(q illg tht am hig uolls 1l lIratiom a nUrd (] 10

oma n by Max Ernst8t E IIISIS USf or h is maltri11 r(li~ o n Ihe inhc rl1I1 bililY or ollhgory l(o

rtal k go liltmiddot T radit iona ll y rlallcgo riwl ioll ltrllnnl a profan t I(x t or till past 10 h( as assimi la ted in w a n acccp lt hlc y~tlm f moral va JUIs (Vi rg il s

FSllIr( ~4 DlIIid Il cU$ius Emblrm(1Q liqoIAM I lKkn 161 5_

8 _ s~ Ili k Rot R iAamp Rm(

~d lhr jd I~Q~ ()PfigtiL ICbrid and Nrw Yrk 1991-deg flt -lt middotmiQlif - Iha l Inko 2 olll1Q f)f on_ B ~ h lth Rampk]o nxcnl

lUal of Wafbuf(t Iho l1h l in Irrm

01 th ROmMlIl( ymLgtoI unil) f ud dcrem 1 I OPpogtlti IO lI~ry

( hrpertI_~ ~~crnn f ltI s diS300C ialed fro I nfrro1 I i Rob- ~h(fempl l h lrmiddotplio)J Iheon pmiddotI) U lelkI1 pn~uen apphnl tk 1ltgt ~msl tSpltcirJI ) in I ~s pogtr

t uitwc1 Ihron ltl _ Iuh w R l loy rum symbol 10 Ilkfurv Ahr WH) i~

I r- hi Rd I~ 9971 pp ~ 6 R - [hr R iL [[ ul n has ro n Iholt u l

I hru~Ir iuI O) the unk o n wh re laquogtn~ ol Ir~cdm Pfnar p_ ~ 1I1

B I S~( Thn 11 Kclk~ Rmnwtlme Hlqo for tillt applicll ble ~ of In t allctUlxal wun lorn (e ee aUraCUOl) d ll r lnla$ 11 ltI- illual suctched l ~ lI l i Ihi [K w1ir

ltlc 1(o ~dukd from lClion and hj~llt) ry

bu sgt( f)1 g Ihe n -rgt d s he

cmand p Sr Th~ro i 1 or~1 1ltl io of witel )-r tr r lt~ltoI 1gt 1 mln m~y 1- takc -lt lIl rlaphO)f Ruolnlr E Kun1i S rrooti d I js(~ and R o l~rl llolI - n ~prknjo(

illo fo-k-J t] air ltli_ r II

fmiddotm lc (lITe) i SHlrJm and 11 010lt1 II A tw~ Rdolf t Kucn7li and Gwe Ra l~rt ICambllJgc l1i I99I) PPmiddotJt alld S T Imiddot lo ockiu Em ilS or ~ oflC n Ii mCIgttIraquoHgt1 dqI)eJ In ~ h a w~r Ihl 11 CIOI li meu Ulcrlgthunc~ Jly In 1- Riu d~~r

(MIIft~ q~1 lIOuilil ~w Carmd nr Imjlt Igtarod egt t~lcX fatlo~ ~al

jgtuu lJ rtut I(rl) IJ t 1ra 8 Ihemiddot Ie ~IgtIi OIl y 1 t ~atnlt11 1lISt llIil le Scl~h) snd amud ~kinl lt hTifingl) lilltrd I Iht~ ill IH rroh meal fur lo~ l i~ lone rol1 ~middot

l~diqlJr$ mlldr 1111) Hr)(tT) I

r~rn(rl i 1ltgt Ihe hwwir jlgt]al~ el~ hcll

il1lh( l1ltrvrl

(1 IS 1IX lrngtl 1 SmIltllN d amp 193i 0 Max Erllsl 1iI)AGP Van S()DRiC ( Monlrc~l ) 2f)(l(1

l )n IIC Ilupon Of Ih allraf R~~ru 11 (1 I 1$I~ Lolhu I -hr I J~ middotIn Rp jhd bd 11hII hI p HI

Fourh RetI a~ II I( milling of Chris l O vid l l-lrfall(Irphorrr lllorali7cd In

lmJOlIls such h J Hoh CI~ the trials of the lo ver could lJe rca 1go ricd a~ Clll hlnll~ of Chri sia n ~ u(fe ring ltInc co nrilltll cc Ernst reverses tlw prol(~S

dc- morali - ng a llegories In 7 110 dlidren 1IIII1fI(ld ~I (j 1I~lthtillg(h (fig ure zfi ) Frnst lak es U middotidilI1 IIIc(lrlJorphi rape (G anIlH-ci (S ta ~lc Phi lo mcl as

nighting-uk) oul of its repose in spirit ua lizing me taph or as ill (k Kellnincks landscape in h( Wallraf Rir-ha rtz M useu m i ll Cologn( (figure J7 ) ()j emulems sl ch as Hat1idorlhr s in which lit ra pe of Ganymede is rfJllcgoried as the sou ls I ~CIIH lo Cod ( figure 28 )83 Ernst rc t urTl~ Ihnr lo d leir Tl)n l ~ ill ~cx ual viok IlC( hi (h in tu rn S[ ltlnd~ ror the revcnibk hltrU a mi a mbiguous g-round underpinning the provtrh t ln bl cm or allegory

Equally td ling is Enl~ts d ia~rammui( ada platio n or h(rme lic emh lemata in O this mIll rIIIlI kll )w rlO lh lllg 1924 ) I II the paintillg ami II

tIle pl)cm w ri tte n on thl had (a parudy of Ihe oJllo()gical ~ylllhII S Il I I

fi~u r~ 26 Ernl I fUtJ1 mnlilwi ~ II

lllhlmCiJl 191 1 S(1 66I C 1 - r 1 D (t risI ~OI)KC J vumiddot~l l j


th e Hmrfll fd Table of H crrn(~ Trisrn egistu s) Ermt reallt~orlZ(middot ~ the hermetic ~ym bulis ll1 of the nlilrual lini li7atioll of d ivine and cit rddy IS a Freudian middotprinwl scene of gigantic li m b~ and scmiddotx ual pa rtgt Both pa imi ng md puem become rcpr(sntltHion ~ oC the unfu lfill ed n vi ~nging of a n such thing In Ernq s vcrsion the Oedipal a nd Ihe gnolt1l ic an oronc frustratccl substance ltlnd (be power oftbe allegories of h enl1tticism ltIhbaiisrn and aklHmy lies in perpetual d ef( lrd of the d tsircd gol J tl6 Ernst ~ emblem fllnc tioll s more

b roadly illi a scq gtt icai fi gu ration of tht a bil it y of images lO represen t hal IS envi $ioncd or desired in dicating Ihal a ll $lI h em blems ct n only he a sun0 fH l flIT hatt middotcr one an t ~ to know attl in o r rcprcsen Lft7

OJ (Ids 111m sllall kn)1L Mlhing a lso ~ ig na l s its own iconogn lJ)hic history especially tts allu sion to Caspar David Fricdr(h middot$ clllblem tie CrOJS ill Ih

Iounltlills a key work in Grman Roma ntit- dc hIIltg about Iht rela tive fok~ of llIegory and Iandscapc III Erns t as a rl ild er of C ( fman Romil Tlli t~ i~ ltl

would re U 1Il 10 these wpie in his la ndsca pe pai nLings aga in and again Crr)JI ill 111 t1ollll oinf is a lso shadowed by a t( Xl n passage from Ludwig T icck 5 allcgorital novel Fran SI-illbaMr 11middot(lIULmmgrll (J i 98 ) Jnom

26(j ) middot1 ~BImiddot rH ) T I d 1

60 I 1m c (lislt uW(1 Iht twn l1 t timiddot itl~gcry at t~ ngl h ill M~lt Emi l middotI ht 1IJdw(UtI1iJliI

SnllrJ 11 a i - l OCIshy87 Uml middotn o Ero diilltu~ 1he rdu iolll I)( twu h~rn 1l l k svrn lgtol- 1Il in which middotevcry middot~pr ion is a (nignlll hal middotk runlwt ~mgma middot and ~Jr n cconltlructimiddote ~nlys3 as in lini l~

defendJ in middot(n limited scmi III d rili in T ht Ib oJ hllffpWalio Ill n -I--j

fI8 smiddot cJ(m~ (l h W ocn rn ~I( Jaru F~d nnd It ~b1J ~f I muigat ~cw U and Lvndon 1 99lt)~ Karin V()n ~llo lJr ntel thO rrl ll nf (~$7 In 1M -WOIIIIIgt 10 Ern middot lUUlI1 OmJ~(Ilt1 III middotMao b ns l a Rvmlll1ic~m middot M n Enul A Rtl~pnl~ ~ I Werner Spict l t omlo 199 1)

I II~ ~7 K d~ K cunn~k Iuhf rvtJh IM~Io~ fj lt-1IJVdt r gtn leI

dllrf Kgt(hHIZ I ~ l

8iJ bull 1gtlt I g T irk Fwn~ SlmNt11b

11 middotJn~(n Hmt ~ lldIcAt (mll1~hlt

~I lj(h gt)6I ~ p gtgII

J) ~ee 11 0 ~bn lagtlt I Allqlr)

oflrlllll$iol)middot PI 6- 7r lhr dhl1 l1lt IK hr omlll~1 d(h nlll(11 (III ud h ~

ltill u~Jui ncall y I ~nd lor thillgt IcJ rly 1rs ign~II ~lId Impic ddinlun ul rourrlS luch as li lliemiddot h I(ll no h hI l (~ Ii lt mcill ~ tur middotC)middot ll la IIllt-SIKn a (1(11011bullbull 1 H turn jn I(raquolt ru lUI lTnp ~~i 1g ~1 I r

roukl hi ~r~lJ od tlbull ( Ihi Ik nrngt i~ made lllcmllll UKOf)~ Fr ~cl7rh c r) hMd lU lOll ~ Il ili K r nger through $1(middot togt tI ohjrl i( lria 10 judiCII

91 - GltQ rl 6atai llt Solr a ll~middot Fis rif fXt~s SI_rlJ I Im~~ P7 t)39lli

113 $Iodd Minapo l ~Jl lp XIV

1 lt1 6 12 ioIar ~nu p IJ Halaillits 1Qcom )Ir rollinS (m Ih bullrf r lw ~Ml h [ ~ [ I llt imal(vfltouinuous mC l~lor]lh mal p l y i1a d l5ori llJOII lOr tllti M the locornoriH r ltI hl$l)ry lt]uOI(d in aUT

III-rljolmirgt (r SdiJ 1 rlrHn-1 n- I irl 1974 p 1 ~3

illcidcn t the youn g a rtisl F ra il i~ st ru ck by a pa iming llr a l be scc~ in a hn lll it lUll a IlOCIlIIIMI lan dstltl pc ill wh ich a cr ucifix Ull a hiJl i ~ illll m ishy

na llti by IltI ) S o f moonlight The he rm it ex plains Ihat tilt crucifi is a po inte FingcI7cig ) to Ilw ~pjri lu d wurld beyond the faJ lc n world of lla tu n T o Franr ~ o bse na lioll O ne cou ld ca ll th i IMint ing an a lkgor)

the IIn ln il answers All an is JIlt-go rict IIoJ

T IH middotFingcrJeig iI) Ixpbli necl by th e h~rrn it to F ranz S lt rnbald point s not o nly to Iht spiri tlla l but also 10 thlmiddot pr (~cllce of J ll egor~ iblf As a li ter indlx a sho wi ng ha nd o r jJ ~ i l1ting fi n~cr tht Fingerrig i ~ a ~ tJplf

or i Ihlems II is Oimi larly In ade li ter1i b) -l a x E rn)1 t du slig ma tied ha ncl f1 oatin~ in f r OTH of th e lt ruci fi xiOthl~ middot prinM I ~NtJ I Herc it indicates linmiddotth er bu t not Im llscc ndCIH [l)callings90 In E r ll st s painti ng lh t ROlllit lll ics cruci fi x lS alkgori la l poin hr to a hig her nal rn sim ilarly

i tl n l c~ a landscape of d a rk Illowltai ns a nd il eawnly fil ) S IHl I fur the

COltj UIl Cl ivlI o f redemp ti ve c ru cifix a nd ill urnin at iug SUUS(t in Fricclricbmiddots pa inting o r truci ft x and moonlil-h t in Tillkmiddot O novel Ern$[ dark ly ~J bs l it uLes

copulat ing limbs and the bloc ked rays o f a IUllar refipSt Ermls lmiddott nblema tic painting alt Frifeirich s had don ra i se~ p r0 1Jicms or

cnTlIl lllporar) a lkgory When G lf)rges Aatai ll e- turned tn alr-IItm ica l )slIllllng in 192 7 he did so in I( rm~ that almamp t com icH) m im i Ernst s d csul Itmiddot c lltra ilmiddotfilled landscapt 1111 earth middotcovtrtd wi th vuk anOIs hich SltJoT a~ iLs a n us is driven in iL~ rota tion by lhe male ~ha rt ]l tlttraling 1 1 11~

laquomiddotma l- alllJ a lmost t lIl irely (merg ing ill o rder 10 ree n tcr like Ih( piston~ of ~ 100o mo ivl

JI i~ the 1Ilf(ha nical Oll ll)il ltion n(] t ll morm t inn~ of thes mOtmcn t ~ Ihat th~ ak htmists soll~h t 1 I hI philosoJlJ t ~ ~IU Ilt ~

This nWfhJlist jlmiddot cop ulatiu 11 hudcsqu e~ t he vmiddotn ji) UIIl1n ioli o f allegory th e

ltlnagogir 11 wrh of r() rrcsponden(c~ and rtmiddotst ]tlbl a nct~ lIlt middotcopula that li~

one thi ng- 10 a noth n ill lang ua te all Cl witt g ) 11 thin) to be visibly co nnCfted Ha lai lk s a llcgvrical luvers will mve r fi nd ilnythi ng but parrxlic i magc~ l11d Ih ey will [ Il l asieltp l ~ empty a ~ mirrun Wh en En tail k

fu rther GlUs lically mcdita ted Oil the gno~ tic roo ts Llj Hegel ia n ism in Ll)ll~

ma teria li smt c t Ie g nllst ( 1930) p ropus in g a k~ l abili ing hcadl es~


a J1q~ory tha i would elimuatt aJl h ilTardlic11 ~ ~ t C IllS of rdtn lllc indud ing ~implistic rcv( lltals or blst ll ld idea l o r CXq-lt1l 111 llt1 1 lnrl ltlcrUllcn lll he wa addrtR~jng is)llc$ irnpJiL it in Of Ihis men lInll knOll IWlllillf 91 H ()wcvcr heelIlsl Erns l middot ~ all egory ( nds to Ill p a ll)l it i( depcnds on just ~ll (h illvcrshy

~j ()m ilnd reve rsals of hig1 and low Old is a t a re mov from Btl taillcs infla111ll1110ry ()I)f ll-f llded hd lltaded en terprise

E nHl$ im ages a re often d riven by this undermining of thcir (IW ll sourn-s of lJowc r fcp lescnliug hotb II((i r own ~ la luS a nd i1lSIlfjicilIHy OrtCll they

assu me tht appearallce of (lnhkrlls wh ich as concieusetf o r short lr and ig ll ~ of aUTho rit y ~a n c ti fi ~d by t rld ilion art disrupted hy Ewstmiddot~ illtruio n of thc n ltllll r 1 LIld ~e)( u t l rhc n dllcti t middoti~ua l 11I11ouage or cmhlcms lcnd~ t o ltlrd hrogaliun 111(1 fimiddotag11lClltlliun Ih ich LntSl n alu raJiz~s likening Ihe Sllll1X of fj middotrgnWlll3 Iioll 10 (lperatjoT1~ (lil lbe hod y lt bull rile tru ncalLu pa riS a Ird Ii 1111 ~~ or Of IhiJ lien shall know Iohing arg uauly J u clc 10 th t ~ceri ng lIId te lldt n liou~

reconstruniom of tht e mhknjs [anllJage o r aut hori ty a rClruc luring of Ihc

sy mknloche lim hs a lrcldy prnelH in v i ~l1 emblems Througbout his canlt r Ems would dltriV( double prestige flOlll disrupting lhe COJlv(middotnlions of hOl h a rl a nd li tcrJ fl1l middotf iro lliing his au thoriaJ role as bot h a rlis and poel Emblelll s a rC1 ft lilc ground fur ~uch opT3tions k ndi ll g tlwm~clvu 0 ditorshylil)m or he reci prxa lIldi(a tion s or eX T lIld image which anmiddot Ihe STarling

point nfalJ tgory

Ac kn o wled gement

S l l i(j ll~ of thilt papa H r( pncn l(d a~ Ielt tlJT(~ iI conjullclinn il l Max Em~I

rc ll1(nary ehiiJninm Ihe RnlJ ncl 1(nr()X Memorial JccUrc U Il l T a(middot ( )11)

(1(11 middotmff A Ul IrIJJf(ct ll ItJ91 -J) lI lId II M 01 i (Ilal pound7110 O(lff( 11111 Ihr Duwn oj

hguw middot 11lt~ ~ 111lgtltlorHr hnwltim ltr (10( lOH 9

ll G~1 1 1~ l k 9Jo 1Iy tnillcril ilm 01 11l()oSn bullbull n uollgt ~f fj(w ll 11 52 amp0- M l=nmiddot w middotn I rltult~ ~ rKumrnt d ~ 1 ~ her IkuJamin a~ flll~ (ltI by II~Ilt ml II ~nljsL in rn 8 to auK 1 1~middot ul~r l an L~n ur Silllplilll ~I bat ~ J Ilrl~1U

rell t huugh r he dmiddotIIrymclll of d~lthi IiLinl( pmiddot(hootvtic laquogto ep tgt url ~ s Ielcnnimmo tm r1m~crltt ~m gteJmlt IImntllw I l middot~fI Rll1Ifl1l twlllv Imis ~f )m(alUl lin(I~I illrrkdtmiddoty u An~lc

M IAlodlt 91l 11)) U[ i -l lt)1 - I lt-nd ubstmiddotmiddotmiddot- rht Ire rn~l i u Ul uf Illor lt1 Fm~ (J Ii i fnuc lr Crlt Ihl1 t ho- lifl ugtd rmiddot]m of poundrnsl middot~

lIuc nod ilmhil(1)omh g(ndcrltl h gtvlnL ~ n rh mo (h hypcrholic

Dio cjOCulH1o11 orsl) rl-d~n jm1tf(cry1gt il dO(lt i lli fmltle ~aC11l nr [[00lt1 orgmiddotoonldltG1IHllion al 11 0( Immigt ufth aULhOl tlgt hi~ E rol$L is aJlj~1 llIh GltltX B tll lltmiddot hnnlcnz ~u nf llcg) 11gt1$(111 (~I L ory 111-1 111 in middotSoI ant S l ~r fter u ~1Jtn in capl1on i ndirat~

oJ ddo-nce I n nn SPIf (lIKI

r nn1h~r nd sigi ~ L k Ma~ middotrn1 O~f IllOJ ob middotCologne 9i)- ) in uch fll nh(r ifnrm~lin ( laquo(mns I r ~lO ( C ~d locatiOIl may bc tu

il(ure 29 Em1 OJ I middotun shall (Mil

-h~~ 9 f SLl 63middot C 1 Ernni I IJtI 11uJSODRAC (MlHHrc~j l


S1Irrwlism 9lt)3 ) J 11m gl~Hdn l for lho ltc o pport uui l itl 10 (Olls ider Erns to l roCesso r

CI i~ toll wr Crn middotlI ImfCi J oh n Gl)ldi uS Prorr~Ylr Willillll Cmfi~kl and the

11 011 Fod a tio 10 11middoti r va middot i)l1 ~ lt1 g middotn n)lCgt d vicc I 11olIIk Sllzar rl c Ak bari

r l d~(f l)cre nhI Joyn GOKl(i n E rhan Jd l Kavalc lmiddot and M E Vnr lic k

Page 11: Only Half Saying It Ernst SCAN

h urr lt) J acob ClIts Sed ~ ICCI)

l MbltlWlill lffJrald k~~~au

f((lltcrrl~m 6~7

~u T Il iumbull l r Alrr1 1trr rmltd Ihr Krlqltgtlthu ldf llr in J)n r laquo (u fl M~r 1H) i Sr Irr~d 1) 1VIl~fr r 1 Hf~udw~ ofl kr 1 ~ilfJ II Q (~I T hm lr~n~ 10]1 II Zrydd cw York 91deg1 ~() - J I ~ En[ ~ ul(Jbiographical [Ul t I I~lhu is d escribed Wl lh rcl crc ne 10 l i t nar~ p r~(rdCnIS In H a~clr~

pll) T~(S~~ lh~ ta1he nra~pJ hI a (XI(tk ~ wlo )urnd lt ( lalh ~rJ nl (i younK fCPh ( hid l-~h ~r~ Jn~dc

uganUl tteN has I arrltucol h~(k of [ho- ~c [a l Ono G n - trair) tIl] 1I hi You bulln diollr tv _ I Irjult lilt(

olIl 13 augtt ) ooJ h1 broughl h on t1 AI)hl I nlII)(uh Fnl

wlgtOkallcu cc a Darla rleno~lOlitln

and arral h3d WI I hl ilip t rnlt 1Xlfl hll ra[hcr~ ropon-lt I cunc ~ O Y(tll iuC htlU~11I djlOIlOIlr OIl Il t[ t- Ia EnlJl Fcrdlltw I P l1 i Ie due [0 Ihe fonnulai- nalUn Oflhc fu_h~rJ ( u- u

lucrnryu(occ lOlho- ryurr Ihmmiddot i~ Ihe FImrul111li (gtr clln ~r Rcp[hlk jnoitcclUal drdo-lt f h~ kiml h( lU~p)l(~1

~m (u (_1gtlt- to P bull -i( OS hCf

L~qoJcur IFmUlr CJrnl HISI~r )1 8 913 (I bullbull d I ~i 1) ]1 ~H J I PI lslr pct 1 C I) 1 lt1 (fJ (Iii IIIn

JIB iltn York 9ilIj PI ~- I Cnll ~dci l Am BpiI~1i Bhl IIIltl IJrfJMJI A-w lfflIi KnliA Jti U ltkm~

I)IISIUIJ ( icnt~ gR8 ann _Vld U(Imn

h fJTwilaquootJI THu C rw Vk glib

insig- nia H ow(ver sinltc the v i lory 1(1$ undcsrrId Itu re~ul1 ur reaI ra t her thatt bravery in b)111e t hi ~ imJ~e of the d eph(II t -( ar( told i~ lgt hamefllL That t hl paint ed image of the kpha ll t nmiddotpn(nt~111 lUlw(rth~ Irick SIT CS a ~ a Ili ct Lommcn l on til( not ion ofl h d ((( il ()f ima ge~ in wnerl l Akia ti s (o nd u$ioll of shaillc md lmb ig l o1)~ vic tor y wo uld tlTl ainl y represCnt E IIl SI ~ g1lwral opinion or -ar I ml its lrUnna l h 7 hi Hlephlll1f f C lrbrj i~ ltl n

a lkgor y of the m oral values of lhe p11Cltl a l g CIlI fltl li on ami t he fatherland olmuJalcd a l a time when lhe iS5 m o j 1 guilt I~ a ~u bjcltt or urg e nl

pubJi( dcblte ~9 Th is guilt also fudkd thr tlltml~ or O edipal palriridli impulses Iha t had become 1 corn monpll(C of Expressi oniml and thai a rc pia ycd out in OrdilmJ R~ 1 m [ 71l r LlffJllOnt ofCdhfJ I~

In 1IlYendeavour to find a cnn vi ncinK ltl r~lJnwnl or i u~li(ial iun fi) 1 11 art (hal might legitimately fU llction in til( pOSt Wl r D1(la c ultural rencgu ti nmiddot lions Ernsts turn to emblem and ltl lkgory points to Llw awkward fil or rellt ivt[ c ult ural alu(s a nd conhm llOra ry history ltIS Ihcir fulfilmen t AlIcgot as lilt l( it tralion of codihrd nonnali cult ural or ~ bOlu le a luCs

fi ts- j arrillgly wil hisiOl 3(rommodal ing ils cnrorcro ohins and chUls nf I cn n~ pru jding a rickety bJea hellt lor Lilt spec latol o r c u rrC11 histo ry In

Ordiplu Hrl and Tlu F1rlllimil oj Ctlfhn Ihe high rd~rents of dleg01~ an txposed as (hey m ig-h I c- isl in the wak c of (he First Vorkl War n k ill ~s h ip st ale a nd rdi~iln arc Hvcaled in th eir CHlTf1lI ri lbilillted (Olldlli ull psychoanal)~cd int o ha~(I frlll~ no IOI1~cr Jegi lim al( f)r sla ble reduced to d ressing- up as th (tn~clvc~ P]((i~dy beca use uf the nccessil~ for

hUH~ l u EIII TM frpiloM uJ Cflm 1 9~1 ~i V1 t h( 0 1 1bull0( Icmll tI) (P 11uiSOORC Monmtl QOO

1n esta h lis lHd Iclennl howCvtI the 11lt-gonea ] q nllllIle or Ihe cmule lll JJ]owlt Ernst 10 g-i Vc an a ccollnt of the lailure of the ll)lwlelil symbol o r

11 lt11T lI it

Blt~()nd these obliqLl(~ly polili cal Co Ill I1H~llIa ri ts EIJ)~I S emblematiC

pain ti ng ~uggests lha t other Ih illbS ~rc at Sla k~ in Ihl Ieai lll oi tiJ( a rt t h ~ 111

the lt llhancClllcll t ofpo( l ry b~ visli a l lIH yplion Thc Iml ]enlat ic paintiflg~

Sl11I1 10 Imoke l lost text or key to Ih eir own d CClxling Jf Elnst ca rries the

pOCTS intclsl in JTI l ki n~ tcx t ~ pic toriil l back in lo pi U IIImiddotS he docs so in

ordn It) raise qu e~l i om a bolll tlte na lu n uf ima ges and represe m a tio n T Il(

~df-qu( l i oni ng ima ges appJrrn lly f]uely thcir own Iul ho r ity could th ey rcp r(ltfllt anything c rc il Ill)[ I(r q slig iil l dalinn~ with cx phlllltltnry

ltI11 til nli 7 ill g lexts T h is is fur[IHr rtlalli 10 Erml~ illI)(lli o ll I)) h( h istory

of a n of I rad itLOllS o f i(ollogra phy v I th e m urce i lll a~t

Tn Ill1 Casc of Tuttn lll l Ioml7l1 (figure 3 923 V(rnlT Spits has Tfaced twn ~ (lUIIC illlages to th e popllllI lIintl (cllIh-cl nt ury ma gltllille (1 Yolu a

ships dlvi(c IItlt j)()UN oil 1) 11 troubled wJtC I and all -e mba t hlng ing

upsirk dO Il Til l m1chine and thl ltl tr o ha t ar( figurf~ ofhaJIIlcc JlId order

~e l agj i ll~l a perilo us si tu ation lht) t la blish1 d i ~rupliI 1I~ t ofvltcillatioll

( 1 1 kiln mlblrm

bull~ J f1nni h hrkl J rJI of hul 41nati rUIHurlmiddot lInmiddot Mlln

I )t ~Jlfodurrrl t pmll rm ropol1111 10 1(111 R(Icr(n(( l ibrary

J l~rT I~ _ Hahn lgtt Ihlll If



h gunmiddot 3 En 7 ulmnr f1 lmlltm 9~3-~ M ti17 CI M~ Ern~I IUGI (1 S~ lnRmiddot ( ~1 llrca l 20(1(1

d tt rnat ioll il llbtlau(l and po~ibk fIII tho I frlln(~ OInollier of Ihe pa i ll I ings sources a R ena issa me allegory of r()rt ull(

IvliIIII()lItlti In tlw c Ollrse of I h ( essa) o n ernblems r i H~d hy Erll had gi cn thc im a~C of FOilli na wi th her wil e] l11d sa il as 11) ex am ple of a [J1 11(n sli tficienl vi~ud (Illbk lll rCftl ir ing 110 tex t to supplcmtmiddot11 1 iLS IlwJlI ingsI Ttl Furll lllt of unblem ~ Ofl11 ~ a ih on slOrm y sta ~

(fig ur( 14)n a nd prl~ LJ mltl J ) t h( i ll llstlal i(n of oil-POll ring m ac liill (J) ~Uggfmiddotlt l cd lO Erns t Iht a ttrih ules o f Fort una Ihe c irc ul a r piplt~ swnd fo r IlI r wheel IlC pi pe barlng her )I~ klr hf1 Ulin dn e~s 4t The leetering of Er nSI ~ Fon una Illa y he lIt r ib lHed to Ill i com)gld ph ~ or t hl grandt 1s lrnmiddotI11I (fig-uri 1 5 )1 ~ In Il le r on ((xl of h yslcna the so urCe illla gl or the acroba t eOJJ1ts in to pla y in Cha rcol and Richer s I J as sj~a l

~tu d y nr hyste ria in ~Ir t I f( )imollinr7 11t5 dml( url j Ui allOytmiddot Iht i ll tl~-

1 1 -(( ~Ij~ lla E middot ((Jla(CIf

f I~ IIml l middotdprM(It OIOIe 97) (11 15 1 r1 rUlclld middotUmiddotme lhauN VI 1Hamp--7middot 4 - hy middotillmiddothul( Fr~nt( S~ltS( ltibull

Icl~ U -fhg uImiddot uurnjl j lurhJrnmd 97 11 I J9 51 This Imiddotunu tlI1hh u Iq td III -

Durc 1 in ~ lnl c t ~ h (1 und n de Imiddotlisunmiddot Jo~rM1 If lilt LIb~( fnlllll III 92~ ) pp 7 I ll

1 Ion ) lnunlrmiddotmiddots 1- Pu d Im ll~l1Id ft n(rmiddot~ middot lax Ernst G middotmJ-k Au Ihmiddotf()JU da amu rlal ig~) n ~IIlaquou do w moTd W I b rrlJNI ml)km~U(middot hl UTlt of middotOCl~Smiddot

11 - I lIn ~rlcfut 10 ] I it I ~m~$ fot hvwinl tnC I lul]w( 1 too rc on I- nn and h) la drlid at the I lI l (bullbull lkrl lurMlhUI hll lIi1)t Un Ga l a fl~u ro uf Iltt gt ~ on) Uotncst(

Uioor ~ l d be Eluurdf Mil f~ I IlII luItltgt4flAlyllf SO~fIJ PI tOj ~

rigUft q Fornll x ttlt h ~It u n

Ii tby WdrOllfl Fullmiddot 11 1 iUllt V~rfbIU Dj( 17

1b J (~ COI ~nfl l ul Rkher - IJIIII(mI~I fa lgrlmiddotrRfl() (Amncrd ilnl 97111 100 n middot eljg wmiddotS pc i ho dlgt$lt In Ad middot ell Sarto S(lUlI

Phl J Wi Jillnl _ poJsMk also Ih ) h) Charco d R~hcr

11 Elila]t(u ll rcn 1lts Iu~ middoth~$triQnk OIICillallo n a t_middot itligll ~

or he bymrk Or lin tkaJ body

1lI uchSlcr 9J Ptgt ~f(gt-imiddot

trnt iu ll show here i till oh~(ralio n thal h y t (ric~1I atli l udc~ pn~sioshy

IIcllc~ ]evc tCtll pUfoi s 1m car ( I n particu licrellH1I1 ITohaliqul 6

Ermls (IlllJleml1ic 7 1r(ri lLg IYmllllll th c ll IS 1 (ompk l1ld humo rolls lI ullcgo rizul ioll of fo rt una -I -1 yst cr ic11

Com plex rlt-fCrcnces like liIi un 10 fortuna pop up thruug ho ul E rn~ Is

I rk amI se rve I S ind i $ of a ll (gor~ di fCCli ng us 1 ) Iradi lio ns or i(onotVashy

ph ) and accumulated Illcanil1g 10 symbolic tig-ures Inc attribules thai re ta in a sh-dowy lu hori t) hilt being Su hj(C lelt1 h~ E rlt 10 subi titwiJll$

r igbull I wwd Pjdk iul1udr Ik Hucilitlnr n I n rhlrnl tlld ( dmiddot lr~ dim~~taqw rf~ Iarl 1186

llnl OOf ~ [ AT tlTUP~~ ~hIQ itl EL L~S U ~ ~A ~IIA ~ O E T IIIUIt II Y S f t R I Q ( [

Allilnde d~ cnciG etenl

nnd degradatiom T he Forull emhlem here comes from Ab y arburg- s sl1ld~ Francesco Sltlsscl1is let lwilli gc Vnfiigung- (1 907l En~ t was not na ive abou t t he nuu re of images and their contagion and he fa nCS r unsidshy

natioll (If the onvt llI il)n of p iCl(ri d language Hld as~ u ll1pt iom ltlh0L11

mea ning At the li me of Warburg Saxl and Panof~k~s t ralings of da~~ial

~ymhol~ amI mylhollt)q-~ th rough IIwir til-hased ltI nri mu lt iple ronm in Ih e

mbkm~ uf mag illklun and as trology E rnst wa- him self englgd witb sudl dchascIllCnts~ 8 Fm u s Er lldil(~ illlag(r) makes h im a pl radnxind

ltlcackmiti a n a nd pa rodi c nr hi ~lOrilIl rel yin on Ihe prl~l i g( of rlcog ui I shyabt l~ q UIt liun bllt sa htlaging tlw h i~torical method Ilat w(lutc1 ~il ua Le a giC 1I wo rk th roug h ils relal ion I() prncden ts Tlw T urning I-1QIl1I cuuld d t~tl be rel a lcd ror middotxa mplc 10 C iOll u~ c lnb[emalir Il1rtJlJlu ncy (fig u lI 1 6) III

Erns t ~ Jisjunct i c ilT1ages parlde nfcrcllt~ bllt ddy rongruity ltllI rl c hronolshy

ogy u hvlr1ing lhe aUlhori ty of history to sequence idell tify imCrp lI l lI lld evaluate H e ~ i lua tCS h i ~ work within the history ofar and li terat ure capita shyli ling 011 th e cx ptxtation orknowin~ ~ aU high academic a n h as donmiddot_ b ut parndicall y mocking any pic t y or nost tgiil fo r 10s1 ori g-in ~j

A work part icula rl y di rctling ll~ 10 problems of Iltlngutge and f(middotp r(lt ll ta shy

ion is AI tht r ln Cltar Word 1923 lfigure 17) pai u tcd Oil lhe Wl tt o f Pau l 3nd Gal a Elu ard s bcdronlll J lengt t h itog-lyph k co n fi g u ra tio n (If fing(rs ba tt and string u e oqlI1 i7OO a rou nd the o r and X of Ernsts name $ilUali ng th e pa inting in the long- tr lditi(J)l of emhlematic deir(~ that play on names The pai nti ng as il immiddotulwmiddots Inc clongucci fin ~cr of a 01ll11l

JIllgt pru habt ) em bod ies Ernst cOIlLlm pnr ilrr rdatiom hip wit h G ala E lulfd (TIl E device traditiontl l is m clIlt 10 proli)ulJdly rcpre~t nl he ha hitual conduct (lr ( ha rati r or onlsel f oncs princc ur th c beloved womUl whitt t voidi ll L pon ra iwrc)Y 11115 5 p lCltlr( panLom im cs n des tabishylized pictoritJ compo~ i J i ()n the bt ll on thmiddot ~ rill~ wh ich ()r IllS lh c [ i~ I II

im minLt1l dltt nKcr oflwlng dropped by Ihe crossed fingcrlt pullin with it Ih( tlil of Ihe Illard-likc in$Ipound t T his co nngllfllion is lik rly a j oking refc rellC to

Frcudill li cn~ t rl ti () TI an x itmiddot t y ~ a noti(11 n i nfOTced hr Erm l ~ou r(( imag fro m 111 Salu re iIluslrllling a Irick in which 0 lingmiddot CTos~ed and pressed to ltl single bJ ll have th e sCll5a rion of feeli ng two balls As a dci(c JJilc rct aining the wit l nd (()nci~ ion appropril( to sueh repnSt IHatioll Frmts painting brea ks wit h th l c1 Clurum ltInri pwpcr k di ng tradi tiona ll y l ~s()C iated

wilh lile devite a ~ portrai t of t he mind or w uL E rnst~ im al l also rdi tes

If iby rhll rg rnfrlhUltrSrhrifk-1f

] irdllcnstlti ll lif9]I 117 51 ~

Rbnd K all) mc~r 1) 1 1gt1(1$

Iltr~hr f lfn1t una d~ ~lIdarhll -brdtllnttk r L f min l lmiddotb~t wnd IJm)tflm T]n J87) 48 1 gt111 ( rldu l (0 Rfrky lin HI 1 ~lI)lJr I L-d Ihr t iol(IJ mhllt1ltlt

ll I ] hwau middot1 he $lru((lIrr or All elonl~ Il)eltIf ill IIII~~~ Iwl RqgtrQI ~I ltlhnJ ( lt 11111 ( Ih ~ 1Il tl 1(1)(1 I~ 1 37middot

iO- amp ( Il ~n ri Eli C Alldtjam(n

aniltt r nlas Ulul ( I doll 16IbiPpmiddot 8 1-7

51 5lt Wmiddotmr SpQ fouJ liolld Irrudi cli ll ~ iu J) Hwhhr Ii du (lttr C610i1 I l7 PImiddot 5 4middot

~ll(ure 16 Giou nlill (Slt f1) ~ini Chilpdj

5~ - XC IstkUIImiddot Ltt Jill ( 1lt drriJtgt nn the pfOpltn~ ofdc ien It ~nno td t

fkmcll lS de Li tltrrmiddot JlIgt Ill d ~80)

lIi(krlt l p II ~_

M a rmontcls insistence 011 the h igh 1110111(1 11 lt urlomiddott emblems I llnn mtd )t VC as 1Il ltlmpll or the o~jt(lionahl t tToli lIIbkm objcL~ luxqllds Iop inirlll allad w ride de ha-gtsessc sUlh as a pot Oil the fi rt ith Ihe mollo f a m ltOIlsul1ed below ) It i~ tempti ng III im agi ne Irnsl toyin g wi th this

higb mor~1 1 po~il iun by delibera tely making a (Tud pun th e basi~ of til liu First Cmr WordY

T ypica ll y huwevr Ernsls Vi~U 1 1 sou rce rna) lJ ~ (lv(rdcterln ined hy 111 trudi tc textual ~ourn III I f NiL dAlllIIbrr D ichrl ~ Dr Uordeu describes the controlling ccnI tI ()r Ih t ch fir OUl ~n$aliOIl~ L~ a jlld~c who hears caS(~ md pIOIl Oll ll (I~ vc rdirts This jud~( hOHver 111lt1) be e ffeclivdr

deceived b y the (i(llIc( it may expe riL- llct paill ill an lIl1 putalcd limb 11 01(011 ~ays Dr Burdeu ~ou Gill INt t he limits allli decepl ions o f

sensa lion by (ltI rrying lItI I Ihi$ sim pI eXlwrinWll t Otl the judge

o n k tro mpe lu- nd Oll 1(11 1 crui ser dl lLX 11( ()~ doilts run Sill Inutrc lUuch(z un t pclill ooule lt1 il pronnll r(ra qu-iln II df l1x

2 bull i

h gumiddot 17middot l rnSl II Ihl FII (lro l1pd 1 )~3 I t bp (I II ~ L m ltlift))G P

1 1 lri~ OUolAC -110laquo1 ltOOO

In to( context of thi ~ pa rt ieulM di~lullsjon of s(n~ttiol II 1t1 Ni l f d J(lmh

lhe hypolbeli cd Fltudi an melning~ nf E rnsts Ilugcrs and ball in tensify The fea f ( castfa linn II lre is dJ ierl 0 (middotO fl~i (kra lion 01 The npITicHclt of pai n and pkhurr di sltussrd fl y Did r rol and the decept ion orthe senses ~ lldy ra ~

someth ing to d o with j urlgill l Ill( dtcp tiolls of illu ~ion is t 111 with the picru rc itsel f alld (implii t in Ihe Ictltl~ ()1l11ed Ily gtIring wd hnger wit h llie k((middotplio ll ~ ufl ang uagc

Beyond UidcrOl til( fou nd ation fror Emsts rlecplion 0 1 El uan] lnd Pau lh tnmiddot~ a rgumen ts about languagc lay in ( enIt 11 Roma nt ic dcba tcl ltlho ll t till ~rn bol ith is full ex p1l~s i (I1t$S and uni ty or ~ ign and n ferfnt 1S OPp()sd HI the di~~ocia lcd and arl Jilrar y sj gn-gllle la lioll l)fa lllmiddotgol) I Of panicular lifelong intenl tu Ernst (ft the po-ms CS~ t ys tJld a lltgorjC~ o f Novali I II the fi ch lc S tudilu N(lva l i~ httl u Hlsid ered lilt rela tion or

l t 7 fit I H l 1gtlt(lI

5 ~ - Sn HLmmiddot odoro M If Ih I ol Ir (Ihrl n r Io rln Ilhh J l)tb 1 151

~ Umothc JaiuA I(hI~ed me of rn~(f hfdonA bullbullding 0 -11 ~ i~ (k Iter lu

hLlhtlh LclOlc 0 ell 91121- M~ dlkllraquolO(l i~ lI deb loo (0 II~

fC(Illt(r o Kn ) ~r-lu t HtNIl_ nI1 Ioudon 9lj s~

fio hlr S d 110 Stlrjinf rd l1I1 dholln ~ lId K rd Sallnd 2 lIllIlIlr~ n 1)gt5

y QUOIn t 1bullbull Iulil1 Oir Il-gtOtw- KumulIl ~I fI Poe jdcr h Ohrfllt1101nl imiddot b-ftJ IMM bull I~ 1 IjJj11_ 1 lt)OCf p ~06

~1 It_I 5ltlrrif(~~ V 282 U lln hilll prp1K(I h1I Novtlraquomiddot d~ ldk ll i

ixua Irlnllllod ~bull middotIrmiddotI1 I middot rJ dwr Ihm rr lrnrlll (Hgtrlldk ) ~H - ito UBeu PI 0 11 11gt ~MI S(itl~I I V I ~

~ 1 ttl lIml To i Was Ma_~ 1-1 Iudirl h i ll Ia ~H K~I~ P l S c r PI Ip HattltlorHrr

I~nf(n (P(t Tunlu IPlI amp nn K olVI)lJtt AtIhIJIt~ ImJ~nt I _jm (1(In EIxhllll 19031 Karl Ih(f)(lomiddot C d cru ( dritl

HMIlI~NI III Jtbtfl DISn LI n Ll(PlM 1Jf(d 1881 J eanmiddotUaud t rtbs (~ ifipp H sectn Cr ~

tIorll Frnkrun middotrnmiddotMam u Iu 1lI

IqIi l PI V~ -t3 Thrn ~r n 1I ~II i ltI h not 1 p~I1gttul r 1( in TI n oell u1f 0111 8ui chmid d FIIrjI ~I 5 ]nJ J~6rfjnnu 1 lII Di_UfJ(11 Numbl

III~ 1Io11l 6 SI h nJ ( f(tmiddotulll ll middotlulrodOIvu AItl~ry aN HprtUIIlJIIDII

PI) ~l D lan pOIfl~ ou ltlr311~~f)rr 3ltll1 mhlrm bull 11 d iflkuhy (Of ]Jqllf i Iht th (mvh d~r ~ 01 rtp~uu -n C tgtOllt~ nd In 11K rmiddotrr fSltltn~ l h~

Iu Qn I ~Icd middotPutal

bullI ~gtIOfV of PllSlVI IIpry RfIlnIllI_ p ~3)

language to th e th i [l~ il t~p rC~n l gt argli n~ t haL silllc lAng uage n rijinatcrl

l1 finding ~ i lm (or lbSl tae l conccpt~ it i illiterr l11ly nw tlphoriltl md dlceptivcn Fot I(ovali ~ fcprCC nT ll ion is a proce -~ hy which lall~utKC

fig ures (orth somelh ing lhal i ~ itself IUSI I rough tillt ln y 1(1 of being pnstlIh( If for Nova li ~ jlOmiddottry IIl ll lgt1 appro~ld l i~ual li rt ))il rot~il Inu

also zur Kunst werdcn ) ~I ne( rt hclt-~ d ll ~i I) ilwit)bly Idl shor

crea ling an illusiun uf prcsellcC where t he re is n() IH So (I IlC ( an n p n SCIl I onl y i ll ordcr 10 rcprcscmiddotnt Y alld beyuml t hi ~ lei of 1lt_ prcMnting thrrc i~ rIn absolutc ulIlcprtsctH ahk negllid y d tlcrm in ltgtd KlOu nd a conce pt or being that lt1111101 be d(~( l i hltd (111) displMcd im o c han o r darkmss cent Tn Novalis Eru~ 1 wou ld find a his tury fOl J (I lwlhiIlmiddots (ol1lcm po rIIY

argumcnt thnt all ln nguagl inn )ivcs metaphor and millndcr~t lIld ing a nd lil his d tllcriptioll of IIe cia rk nes~ Iha l sl l orc~ lip Ihl )l lOvcrh OlSlTlions Novalis~ theori fs ofl anguage uor nt oul by Pa ulhan ct1ll thC lllsck e 10 Ill

middotprlScll led by ErnST in the en ig-nuic piuolid Innn Lpprnp riltlH to NOlt1i ~ ~

sig n or 8ild

Allh~ Fin- Clear Word Ill a y be lfad in ligh l orlh~I plradmtlt ofbnguagl lild ~emury d ectption I n~ot~ r a ~ EII) is til represen w r n r pn5lnllr CJftlll pic tll re he is til t d tceiHI ho (c l hI eq n I writcs him$(lf intn IIw p ictu re through his pnouious mono~ ram 3 ~ ti l( deceived Sim il (ontig ur lI iuns or balls a nd stri ng llC a cOlIlIlon plac( of SCclllttnth-cent ury

(middottIIule lm )( rhlil l it~ sud l a~ R lJlkll h lgcns l enllOll~ Globe hanging hy A

thread IllrCa ltned by tht di vine k ni ft wilh its mOllo 1 wi ll hc cm 10 pi tccs

fIgure 18 T IlfsC l m blcUla lie modds sel up the ( lIt1 i n~Cltlst ration j oke impliCi t i ll Enm~ plin ting T he mOllo or I llIvorffcrs rebted emblrlll ha l dccei CS us a mu~cs u~ is cunsistent lth t he ide) uf lhe pli n ting iI~

an illustra tion 01 Illr (kctpt ions of thO se nlt-~ and of m imetic picllln-m k i ll~

tsdr ftigure 19)

H ard(irfit- r 01In eccen tric th(o ris t uf the e o lvill Genn a n la n ~ua~(

a nel of uuoque emhlems H iJ visio n 01 middotGrlllairl poticmiddot was illfiuencecl by Ripas rulolugifl Acia w and J atO) C algt l ~lII st ho had studied ph ilu logy an d hld la kcn a ( ou r~( o n the v c r man nomiddotd of the sevenshy

leenth lin d middotijl ltnnl h cel1111ri o l it u nivtfi ly miln I dl have Cllcou nshytered his 1 ()lk 9 I I is a~y til 11 (-l arsdlitflcr a~ it proto-sunca list

throug h Jing-u islit ~arlH ~ ill Wllld ~ amI illll(~ b) p hon ti play and nc c()r tr bi n a lioH ~ Ill hoped 1(1 drw 1)lIt h iddell ret lI1b l a n ce~ bct ccn th ings and CVl U 10 invcnt IIC W Ih ings illulllill ltinl lI lt p ro fo und rdations of I lItgulgt mpound ttoe o rld I he cullelt i gllllc-pla) illK of his C tspradtshyspick fragmcn tcd syllabic and wo rd re(()I nbined b ltliterna li m cun trishybutors to produt( unli)rt (c lI rclt I1 I1 ~ ha~ I)l iUlis afJiui lies w il h surreali~t

potti I practice H aT1gtltlu r rfCIs emblem r ai(~ a ~lmiddotnlmiddotr tI puinl ahou t em blems hile tlln

pro id e Glp tival ing rt)lism cf el ltil tl li is IP l r~ l to ensure Ie~ihilil and ough t to have Ilolhillg 10 do I ith Ihe Jl lt- I ~ lI nmiddot Urlllil1lDis A t Ih( F lnl Galf

Vorn a ~ a piclure a bout S( II~()ry cl ( p tiotl is a n ironir a llegory or ils own t1l IK1Ciri cs (0 rcprcocnt r-I(IIc hrou l- it rIilCgt ltI p roblem of aUIgory whkh Lries It) fu lly npn scnl or pi tun al) t rt( tions llUt I~ hich llIccssa ril rccals

ilS uwn fa ilure lu arw ally brillg lillih ~udl tl lill~s fgt T he da ril ) of the cmbk m sim ul ates tht gra tifJ I lir~ of I n i (J1lsi~ stl1ing up an anxi()u ~ t1t t rshy

naliun btlwctn (knxlillg wh a t i ~ IlH- u lr d eH lr dll1iC(11 dra lng and



I bull



relishing the pleasur UI) pmsibly lIli 11 1lt1 i( tJl E1l11Jk mati~ a1l0w E rn~ 1 shywho 4xprcsscd cQn tcni p l (() I milllClit a rt to negot iate bdwfcn I h~ ~I(tu(~shy

livci ) mimet ic tud ed ifying)y d i agrarnma l ic 6~

As 1 pend ru 10 AI Iht hr~ 1 elfllT kV(lrd til (ol1l g ~ L Q)QI Jl tSCIIf n ) OUIIl

girl 930 -70 (figu re 20) tu - h i1I Ems f IHu a lly added a real glolWmiddot tikc bltlll ul ltlnnil y bcar~ 0111 [he sense of the Rollen hagen l mbll Il ah hough thl di vjllC POWtf to cut i~ now invested in the tollage nist himself (o r rather Is he represents himselfilhin Iht piClUre l~ Lo ploPi The em bleshym a ti c rt lnin d n Iha l rh inbTS U( 1I1titna tcly IUIt of your hands Ihll ( oci hold~

thl ~ci ~sonbull i ~ plnyert upon hy Ernst wi lh da rk i l The introduct ion o f Lo ptop in 1910 as Ern t ~lt rtgo recaJl~ owllis diClUm The 1 1l1 li~1

preselt iLSeJ f as prcsln ting 3 Th i5 cads again to lIlt problem ()f the vict lln asmiddotil1li~i oll [ltU L()plop i ~

lI sultl lly d cscrilx-d imprf~sJli()o )jk( as introducing or p rese1l1ing tbe pic tll OfL r n il is Lop lop ~lC lillg as frl1lw o r easd who prCSCli Is a n iUlIsiomiddot Jli~li( pi clltrt ilhin lltt piUunu5 T he ~ ll hjCtI~ of tll( pi( llIn~ lI il hin the

piCHI onen have weigh t) implicJliuns I rolll1( Ililii grapes by a~sociltltion with Z tuxils gmpes im o kc piolo ri a l illusionism oa k kavcs stan d fo r (C111111 narion) islll a nd RU(k has rl ief M aJgtcilllise sla nds tor F rench nltionltl lshyiim It is as if Ihe sym boJic me ni li lS indicated b) Loplop~ piclu res t re IS i lonkally rcl ri (vaule as the pos~ihi lilics of pino ri 11 iltu~ion and flllln(i~ th they sland for alld ilh wlloh Ihey an Pcs(nt ed TI H the grI I(S a nd 1lCS

2 5 (1 TU lrAHI middot H 1(-

Fillln II ( il)r id R o)knhag~n middotClu han b II hr~d wlih (~ tr ha nd hold g a kn rmiddot ~f(~w 1hIlIIIImiddot I i-him r ~i

fi t - St Th II Kelley Rn~MI

II II(go ] II ~(IIl he If Ih~1 nl(crmst llrgor~ na k middot ldrr r~t(h n I t ~

I h on ~ l llpp1)Vdl) oljlflSCd 10 il r)w mimClibullbull his(01 )

() 2 h r hisect iIIllhn (fOlU (hi

(l hll mele mil ~ 11 arlif t ~

Ma_ fru~l jjiIMJ p I 6J - ~Mlta )iJmik ~ f ~t12 ~ct

~I )ulm P 97 (v r di (m h~

Pilamplg hvll t N(ll$ II a rl h ltlonlt4) ontt I 10( lim or ~m~IJ I1 Y 1IIIliD 11$ iltit (laquolt ~ndjd G ~ ~IJ

mulaquo el 1 rl arsd ltnd laquocu 6 s O middotRticn I lI lh Th pk utc -ithm h pintlr _tnCi as mc~rhor ru t NOali om pI ad pIIaduxinl image I l ie -1l ld h h wdun Ikin~ hll iI~) 1middotU1 ou tsid e j( as n prtlCnt tWIl

~Qligt hnJ ~ p 06 ti) - I plup~ middotad a nd eQpalt$ h~

any ~ial pr~cnlenu C( middotrrllr SIlOlt f~Qp_ rr J i( OIMt Srf LotdwI

Jlil Ik~Q 1 SI)ics I(8middotus l ~c1r ( rrma o-c is MOl Sehind s TII trti~tgt a iOimacd COnllltUl6 ~ilt5(lt rllaquot and ~il5hl-nlzot) fn~nn 0 Nlrru~fI IJaa 80

tisull 9 H lrjr Wshy nj() h Mr~t ~ 1 Itmfr U(pr~(hrIr

1644 (I


r for Jr


ikdy d a$gtltS


(J VUlliJ yenrrfttr~ I Xi In lh~

LltJII()Igtltrics t~ l ~h UlCt Ilw rompt

fMI dlilaquo (f making (hiu ~Jl llCar IU Igt I n nplJ(1 QUI of Ill()lhcr pic of PII r bdud lion which I 1lap ilh (he ambJguIjI Qf ltOt lhin hccomioe middotrl )7 S pound I) VHI Image ar bod Y dt purd aliRl1l11(llt 01 Waltt r Ikllj ~mi lt1 1 Bnlmiddot JDI(1 M8JN~IIl1iI ~ 3

Ilt)ltJI pp ~5 -H20n h~ P r bullbull II1tQl 10 11( cn blrn1 Ilr liK if IC~ t()

I)irn iocapl hle Ihe-Imiddot of middotrnln lmg meaning bullbull liegQ1 i~ 01 ju(

Olhnlll mClonpnic 5hiflil g 01 Wmanl(


art acturl lly pre~sed into thl paper 10 form ~ ha~ lr-lief h ci~hlI1~ lilt joke Oil 1h( power of piClori11 illusio1lism to hring things illlO r(l 1 d inwnsions wi th in tIll fidd o(the r iled mimesis of the ditglam l1la lic larger pi( tu lmiddotmiddot

So Cr llsts pictun may ntmiddot tl kcn 1 a n (mhemlIic prCsentation or Novaliss Bild lunel ioning as a Plfldoxi( d rlj) rc~cn l alion of 11ll fli lurc 10

flill y represc nt dealing wit h thc plOhle rn o f prcsen li l~ a pilI UII a t all and by elltensiOll wil h the )nhcllnt dcnplio ll~ of me La pho] i1lu-iol l and lan guClgc O ften representcd by a dark ell si lhouettcd htnd IS in Ioplop pminlS bullffjiifJ 1931 (fi gu rc 21) Toplop invokes Novl lis f~JlloJs d cscri pshytioll o(thc delusi(n of repr~cntlllg H( gliI-p- ollly a handful ()r d ~llklJcss ((

Loplop a~ i ll1 plcs~ario mtkcs p rescnting ~d l~co l1 c i olls hat is prestmed i ~

ahIs mediated 01 II a rnllOW like Ill( pictures Wi lh1) pic lurts losing

ground III llllIly o r Ernsts p3i nling~ W~ 11( ill the territory of cmblemalic rcprOlclllltHioT1 thost fa ilures and ha zards agaim t hi ch the rnord or motto or the emblem i~ proph~ bClieall) ~c l Ernst makes the cmble mat ic il1l agl a ll emblem orkonograph ic lnca n ill ~ itsclfb7

Tn the (middotolllgc novels ]lIginning with La Femlllt 100 [Flu 1929 Ernst dcvdops the cm blem image illlO an allf~o lka l na rrali( Tf Enhts coll agc T1ocI ~ fU llction or ma lfUllclioli l~ parodics of the pul p nov as cx lcndccl clich e the atrnosphln of popula r IlOVel movi ng- from dimao( to climax is nut (Illy char3neri sl il o f di llhangcr scrit1illd Ii (lioll bUI of high allegoric-

~ ilurr 1Q ~rJUI --QpI~ IW(1IIJ P~lIf $1

11)3)-70 ~ I tl 1 1 C 1 1 -nm middot 0 (1

1~riII-O[)1iC ( IlIn~11 locO

111)_ HI nl [ ~ l Cl middot

ril(UR 21 ~nb l Loplol fgtrr~ll bullrjlirJ 193) raquoI~ 1781 Cl 1( lt f rtI~(AIJA(f

ld SUOkAC ( Ina l ZOQO

(gt11- Ou EI and pu(p fin iou Klt Rltncc

R irlot 1 1I~rI S~JIIJ on flu 11ltgt01 Jkrkdmiddot~ od l(gtmiddotngt1cs ~ P 8

(I li ~ r)hC Olhe r(olla ((n-vcb 10 (tII~ 100 ius lltms 10 f()rl~ ~cu i t i It f J) bn pred i(1ali( ITUucm nf

dJgory thaI IhIt ir is w lhig

~-qutItLil1 and UorrdlJ d~li) irlo )PUlI lhol a 101 s~ j 1 rma ll e Iruun OrUrgurir 1 d middot middot 70 Sec RrlIll I)j kw Idol Dr (fomlr gt~raquoI4S~~ ofFm= ri( i Fi -ltir)l1dr CIIIMlt rw Yk I ondon and O d Od 7r - Ilr hundred h~dlc wumn

pcrgtoniM Ihr protlogt ofnIlt) i II blt n d~ugtltsltJ lrum la~I llt nmiddot I a ~ Old Ikrricln gtI I at OJ~ 1I OllgtII) Ic Ihin lnd b) UI huured 11Ultbl

(ltTduug Slaquo Kon Rund tbi~ oUtIII l SnfUQa flta (Slrnl

-Ill Jcq1 [xrrid I ~ Ihr ~i dr Plmon r PIQImr idd i rUf HiOn

1- 1 1jl3lt) ~5- ~1 a 1 11Ik -bn

laIlt 1111- uf P5UaSI Il 11 n 7 nLllIr Max En_ s CCIl1~ldc A Il

u~dJjJ Ju tzmis Punl of pHtdigmltK- rcmm~ Jail (tcmiddot i duo1lltcJ

j ltoul l e~ d to Ir mYIr~ de IJ Fr nn I (h rlltoum ed ilh Inrily n [J

ru~orlf J~dlnl Ul Ieh IW adl COl middot

iJ drjed in Lr M~IUf ~ (ue biod Il)d by II rah ) mllo)~ a (M from CIen dOn Imiddot ga~m

n j)()gtltt t ( du d I dClaquo1 PllfT

J1( Inl 9~3 I 3 )middot i J 1 mpu lit) is 011( ( I)utf HlT~JIJ ilIU1lruom illmlHffi by t dl~ aKI o lkmm Solaquo rhf 11rllrpIt~ of 1fIIopoilbullbull 1(0)1 ltlt 1 A I (~ bull Lltdo d3middotICl ) I or the hltad leM

m~ ~I nprt nlIVlt of the lI h~voJiud

Mltirirr5(C Ilaydcn hw T hc Ior r Idnc rll f~fJ)lgtfOlmr FHJ n

cJIllIr1 (nWi BahiOI~ 11(1 l aunn

l7ijjP r63 5

ltIS wellG8 The luadks~ OIl1an w ho c rupts iu uiflircn l forms lhrou~hflu l Ia Frllllllr X) tilu could ~ef( as a mnaphor lor Ihe d isru privt relations bel ween metaphor ltlnd th( ~cq ucn tiltt l flow of narrative charaCte ristic ( I llegory The d(vd o]lm(n l~ cnn (inui lY and rcptli li(HlS afTordcd by 1lIJTativc allow hun (0 rCClpil lLlatt S() W ~rea k hi ~ usc of woma n to personify his own Icdllliqlll

The k nmJe nud e had belfl l1l1 lhe prw niscuQu sig nifier par t udtIll( 111 nin clee nlh -nntury $ll nn painling in 1 hifh Ilt t complex it(lltirics and allri shy

hut es of any given 1 l1 cgoricld personifi cat ion WCl( Kro~~ l y sim plifin l a nd s i ~lIalled a nd in which multipl ied numbers (of ha rtm ~la v (s or OJcads) com pensa te fo r loss of indiidual s ignificalion If Ihimiddot ~a loll lIu dc finally scrvf d as a pcr~nn i fi clI ion of a n OcrT rowcltd a nd raquohdioere Sa lon itsdr 7ltgt that cltuase lllent of the aan c mil tra dil ilJll rIK ina ted Erm t as he pl ullder(d ninelecn th-cent ury j ournals a nd salrl11 (pvrl~ fOt his collage ma l( i1 1I y not one hundred headl(lO~ woman instead of onc hundred mrmingk ss oms why nOI om perrcn ly ugly hcadlc ~ Ioman (ICte de mecl us() instead of ti le rut ile Salon bca ut ic_

Tlt tlc is Ill importan t (ll ulcmalic prototype for frns t~ womln a ~ GC f(]

Rauer has notcd I rnst s fcmm e 100 t Ci I~ has a counte rparl ln L a Pcrr i i rc ~

11 T lriil de$ bQNJ en~IIS (rigurl 22 ) IhlUl1 d i~llliss~ this rcscmbk nc( agt fortu itous ImHer il is im portant Ih1I it is the Inl tllnt is c1ost-S1 10 the

Ill(ltlni nls uf Ernst s woman not till image I Pcrlicres femme is iuall y an ad ap tat ion of a lomill onpl acx Horapllll o-dlTivcd hcadle~ ma n

signif)itll( I m )JOssibili t~ presuma hly a 11 aul c~s oman l~ douhly illlpossihlen In L Pcrricrcs prcm lO he is not JJl( rely ]utdless bu r rtther Jik( Ernst s middot te mll1 f hilS I)Ulny i(kn til il~~ IqJrcst ll l(o by many heads silt is compa n d to lh e Chi n1ltl crn Girion p) hnn tll cdusa Cerberu~ and lhat l-llnicular pnmiddotc ur~or of tIl( km nw 100 Ittcs Iht H yd ra Through such proli li-ration or menning sIt( is Ih e mhkJll l i ~L~ dream emblem Lr

Pcrriercs le( nlllcludes tha t ma rc marvellous Ihan all Y of Ihc~t lll ylhic creatures middot vu lrl bt Ull(- fem me sans leu Ihe One figure who cou ld prcSurnshyably em bod y a ll hybr id mean ings in one ~ llcc in (t blll meani ngless fo rm La lclTiCr~ crnhlem may be an allegory of lhe cjlem ma of rht PO(I UIIHl Lnned hy his middot iivll~ hu l need ing 10 be a )H roi( d eca pitator a rer~(lI ~

aluivalc1l1 T hl ngrt l1a ble mora l conclusio n of La Perri eres poem is tha i woman Ilccds a guidc a ra tional hCltld a nl ltln lax pound rllst71

O n one occuion irr IAI FtnllU 100 liles Ernsl himself appearS (fi gure 13 1 III Loplop and the mouse s horoscope M attCrs or desliny fa lc a nd horoscope- are a sta ple ur emblclIl li te rat ure middotf he imge is pan of a n embleshymat ic (radiliv) in vhich caged creatures slam] ror lht ca ptivi lY and sull t ring of tIlt poel or lo (r (fig ure 24)1) Em Sl i~ agen t and nO l ca ptive 01 flt ltc however Ba n-dle~lcd he may be (rt l ra~ rfli hen a~ ltlll odur pcr~nll a uf Ihe multi-valc lll woman he carries the d isGmlrd cinllus of th at stock haraCllr of l lk gOry the haUd resscd woman RUI he holds onto h i~ hal (Ihich unlike the he-ad Ill ay be lakcn on and of 1 ) and thu s retaim for himself Ihe powcrful masculine role of the head Erusl appea ring in persOIl wilhin his tollage 110d signn ls his SWIUS as a ll-controlling novelist or em hleshymatist d lOS(middot c lvnga lcd hand CH n pluck thr- mouse Out of il s ordaiucd palh al a n) tim t Ernsl l$ a llcgorisl should Iw SitultlHd in the trdi liun ofparod ic nuvc isg incl udilg Ka lldais Charles Sorcl J cln -Pa ul R idlter and TIlOlIllS Stcrne whose work relies 0 11 a Jlet0ry to ironi ( it ~ own d tviccs~

hllur~ )~ rouU gt lt 11 Ierricn middot1 _ Fe 0lt ~Iemiddot bb(om xv Lt middotfhIQII( au flu OlU 539middot

7 t t- rr middotm i ~hlllkeuoImiddot(gtr I ~

E ts alP-1m~ ad 10 III unJinn~ Ih t middothltmiddot ~11 ome hmiddot Igill~ o nly in o 1 oj Ihem ~e ltor pmpcrl) nmn~(tcd IIgt Illfi r 1middototls tT j inllny ITrI 5I t 01 SIJ Iijt I-i 1 Ynr I)U

1middot9 i ~ Thmiddot tllmiddotd 111I)Ult if) Iro p O JPC~Il

lciII otld ~rqJlOxIUmiddotlmiddotd in I) middot~(on( ~t j oolgt C~~ middot i ~poliJ t

gtj)(lli lont tmiddotC I 111 (apia I)n1

[mill ) MUftIM~ Alh dt 11((-111

fAmSIrd I 7~ (l Damel Hcin~iul

Q I ~lD 1~J i Jm I-oIo bullt ) fo r lupid (gtIllide h ase Md P C t 1)(1middot Imbl~w tryU 1l~rd~m 6 rmiddotlmulcd Pdmburgh bulln7l) fcr Cil~rrl bini ~e ncr (Inllri ) aud cupid with ( ~cd ~uinrl 70 T ho $(lrnHmhurv au C hr[ So middotI JlhT rparodir novel a nd IIlkgori(O ( h anw rl ttlnIHomaM)

ealled iIllOIltSlion mi(Ic rda liou pc bnl(lIagc and III(Ialhor Sorer IA llalJM df ] i1Jbullbull d rih inl( illtolI (IU~1

~ ~ hltgt~d nn peI middotrh gl1_ rhlemiddot Jta~middotlIIg lt1 word altgtCUo ns loped J) hc PUWK middot~u du nall iJ a JrcLuIXlT r rnmiddot i~ ileJ[laquoIU311Dt~s 5lt ( hI M rd u II ~ 1f(J n1~ (Pn_ (pI rcpri lro Cmiddotneva I In) I II calte oflh coU~ lt rImmiddote1i trn auhial IU-altAO Pli middotuJarly ho hOj( mlhlt (crmA n KumlIi J~- lJul Ridner middotbose H)15 ltt Imiddot) hd raquoPlltkd I nnch IlIor41)middot all(nlion ~d Ih adlDlI-llluU o(j (l ll Ia l h ~ and Atdtt ISr~lt)n middotIltmiddot wen 11 Y lr1nd lrlIlt I io lfj~ ln-I HI Kichllr$ nmlk a lllorio rI narruvlts I U ( muhIImiddot l oice IUd idrmiu(l SU)tgjOgtjl

Jm~(1 I(dnn lues Ihe T j l aIS lisr of nI I~ImiddotrJ1 puion of his nilId I$n

ort o(lXlI EI ~ 111lt he r1l lo h-ough Ihe quouditn _orld in JAIrun(

1M IbN ~~ t altga rtl H ale II ~f

Olxron SdiOQlj Afi1)ullu 1)~ 1nil 91) and Claulk jich i I middotmJ~ lit 71~-I fJJJ1 (~ J(IIU l~ MIjalllUt llnt 1963

I ~urc 3 M~ ~ rnst middot[plol 1 ii(

uy hor)s(ol In 0 1(1lt lila

9~9 SI1 1st II rlduL~t Igty ponniion [r I~I (II I n T oronto Rampn-oce Lbr~ry

17 Osk P(lltak lkr hcmige ud I Ioliphilw Ir~ J ldK 1 tA(rifll~ UlIll A KvI~m~b(

191111431 Ii for h~ Qfih lok hUllIuand Irlnlt[1gt HI(lIMlultin Pp~tl cd Gm P U md LUCla A

Cil)pom (Idu ~I fl - Lrw ~lIfsk) r~frrnl o Rtlla~nCt Nlt)middotpl aJJojonn~

xt ufpopular ga m ltco mparabk 10 vulgn plmiddotd n I~j middotNllatomc ilocltb III ~kgtr~c( ud Norh I al) Ul Sl~d It 1(middottI~l i lew York 972) p 1 1) i~ 1 I 1)QoinofdlSlllcIllOcrtlt in

he I[TIlI mtd~ 1 er(l~ lll1cgo~ I RUI~ JlnlJJ( i~ p l lrll l~rJ r r(Ie 10 rn( mltlll(j in 111 1middot( IIlI) lil() 110 ( Ihe tMLion of~~Irn wel of N~ro dlrnwwcJiinli oflus md i I h )

iod)e he ocau t ~ Qf hcr lionl iU od nrnliltrsmiddot and lu JltO lo( It(f lone he wa concelvcd are ofpITlkuLu i l~ $

nplt(illl~ sitlclt lhry fill fn lt1 ~ b~l~ dWUI ntmmg lid ]altuale s Uvid f

1luI 1 Sr lt1 (l i l1lcmbtrmcfll bo-hlrd On8 lUI dl Romoon or d~ RQII( III RtUtiulIamp lIteR all rk 14 ~ I ~I l ffl(ll( RIIon ~I i rw] d ja II UOI IhiJadclphlltl (992 ) Pl

30 0 jlllnn tQlran ltk M cu ~ k NIn I fa ~ rm Illjo to 970 $tt

II tIf M Arde ll 1 h( Wfllan d I~ (1I 1e

~ Iw wIlJ IJlblQgrap~~ (N~ i and 110 111(93)

Ik Clo rillunc Hclt cl I wny ltImiddotn ud kit I I a~ KInr ~ rbull pJra bull 01 lor lum~ all gklt amI r~rman I (Ik mi IIulltlin 74 1lt)921 pp II I gt

Er ns ts prpuhioll of die r mb1em illlage inlo I 11lt1r rnivl seque nce (an al~ l

be si1u3led in niltlI io n I() Ihe illuSlri1cd Renaissance alkgory hieh ~ ltlS an lInpo nan t SOll r( li)r all sli bsequen l crnl1cm atisLS Colo II Tl i HYJllrtOlfmlfldljn

Poliphilii7 I t I)tsin witll a d r() 111 alltl i ll middotu l v (~ endkss nCliphtr lll(n l o f environm ents a nd obj((ls th ilt rc~onall throughout EIIlSI 1 0Uale Ilods d lboraldy symholic gardcm IIl WluC r ums h icrgl~ ph s 1 st atile or 1n d~pha nt Ill th it incidC llt5 (Perscus bchead ing of Innt htr 1(1I1 n1lt Slt1n ~

[C tc yled us ) ltlil t lhe tr i u rnph ~ of va rious gods li nd ll1coulH cr~ wil h fcma le pcrsonifiC4l io ns such ltIS Iht middotfi lmiddot lgtCIlSIS ofd wlTI E rll ~ L s 1i]1lnw 100 [ClcS IS A porli liant Cl U pcrsli fiettion Colonnas n )d g llmorizccl

lHroiciztd ll1d narralivized int t lp rt lal iull knd i n~ il ~ Ilr 1 g-lttmcs of m ea nings like v illga r pS~fhoa nalys is If [ rlisl realkgorits till tlIlda rd allcgorYil~-ltl n I1 Il then he dut~ so in way~ lha t preclude HI high mora l or iludlcctua l positions n (sting thc psychomarhia with lttil C)Imiddot 10 p~ychomiddot ltt l ml) q s tu rn ing Ihl Stnsua l cneha nt Hwnts ot snluctivc ~cI4 p i( middot(lS to qtlcasil UIIIla lizcd violcllt ltlud sexual d tSires I il lra r surreali sm IBre(on lIdia

Aragon s PIY5(1II dr Puns) could rel y un the sca AoJd i n~ and d evin s of allegoric - t he d ream vi~ion ) th l peri pau t ic li n o mo in~ 1hroug h a Lil y of m ysterio us (lbjCClS 1l101lum~II IS a nd (I)couiliers I hl~ W I)I11 lt11 1 uf Ill u ta bk idenlilY references 10 OIIHr works of arl and lillfa tlll t nd Soon t rnsa also d eploys the devlrc-s of literary a nd pk lOria l allegury dndging 1I 0 t only emblem bouks but ahl) die g rea t lite rary dkg(lric~ liorn tlw RomfI fir n (0)(

to Colunna to Novcli s lIlcl jieltkl

C hristia ne fi end in lro r key st ud ) ofmodlit lisl a lkgory has argUId thaI Err1~t relinq ui$ h (~ hi s a u tho ria l a ut hori lY in 111 F rllllllt J ()() l i l( allowing hi~

1111lgCS a rad ica l inck ptmiddotnclcnnmiddotp II cUl lld 1( arlued r Ol1v I-dy Ihlt

EflIH pa rod y fu netion~ in a n opposil(middot ay tha i Ir i~ wrc nching or imilL~ oul of l ll tmiddotir Mig- inal 1 )lI tex l ~ i~ a n 1gt 111 iw ill asserting ah~olutc and arbitra l) cuntrol OIr Ih( mh rial Ernst s images Id ) 011 re11l na nl ~ ofl hci

r igi lIa l Ill lltllli ns and los t tQllVCll ional contegt llgt ill hich I he) er( meant

tJen E ADEM c AN TI L NA ~--~--------------T~ ~~

to hi ( lcdihh il luslmt i)M vI S( ll tiic d evt l oprne nL~ na tural phcllomclla lr ltg- il t ric k ~ or rq)l( )(ll((i()f ~ IJf wrh Ifart l a lld lhis al o nce aJlo l~ his (1 11 man ings 10 SCIlll irraLio li a l and lilcral cd a ll d 11 the ~am c limc 10 be c lI npktdy su hjugald U) lht ve ry lI ovell) a nd allom a ly of thcrr tnvironshynlt ll l 1111 a~e lnl )l cd tiag llH l lts o f Ernsts cullages a lT n~ idual evidloCe of tl w Iulhor ily tu UIt Hilli CIII m Clo ll YJlJic pow(J or lite and dealh

arg lla bly IllI very I ppl)~ i t e ufCUI Li l ig loo~e or sellin g liTe

I n his 1l illaI Ilm II~ Enl L l o 1ll111i t lt synLacli cal rape tiXl uctlllg Y()Illll

fru m ti ll eO lltc 1 ()( ~I I joulll als Il K) il ion rt pn~ in whidr 511( represhy

l1t(O popu lar p a int iJlgs cflg ravltl ( r nJa~s a udiences I n I ll s u r k sh e

may 1 1llhOirl y mct unymic hssi pl i (l ll~ or II H ull ing hut ~It ~middot al so rCjJfCSClIb

E tn~ l s own lonir 10111 1 tn CUI and asipn rk~ a h it p in l piaYIT lilCI lIy a ppea ri ng ill hibH WI mi g h l also ~ lJ Spcc l Erns l of viciously

i te ra ling nin( lcclllh-nIl LUry lh eor ies r Ih e cmpall ric ~yOllJ 1 lt1 ~ lhe ( 1111)l)lliIrwl1l or our OWII pir yif1 lllrcqJl i ns J I u ~t~ his all tgtgory of sigm r1i ~od lItd from pir y~kal rdrll l ~ prClieiy as a fi eld in whi c h to dj~ru pshy

tivd ) i lllt rjtcl th l OCtasifHlal irY PlCIilicaUy d(plo yed rull ~ym bol with iL~ supposed ltlli lY illl i L~ rciirenl c jJre~ell tcJ by the 1)(J(h of l he Ilom an 1n the eli (k~ Ch a nTS chap lc r a l thl e nd Ill Url~ Smwiu de lfm f a fi gulc flmini s(nt or Fortuna noats ill Ihe air gTad ua lly li-cc ing

h (r~(lrorlllr a llrihulls ()f whcci Ild ~ i l (fig un 1) 11 t lihCra li ol1 Sill ce Fort un a luore It tuall ) hfCOnHS hrr wh(ei mi nl1ll il by htT l1nlr ed bac k ltIS an h Yllleric and l lso be(on H~ h cr sail hlo wn throug h lhc ~k y her

It rib utes cOIl in ue to be co nSl raining Ind pn middotMmiddotlIt a bsorbed ililu her bud y and gestu res sugg(q illg tht am hig uolls 1l lIratiom a nUrd (] 10

oma n by Max Ernst8t E IIISIS USf or h is maltri11 r(li~ o n Ihe inhc rl1I1 bililY or ollhgory l(o

rtal k go liltmiddot T radit iona ll y rlallcgo riwl ioll ltrllnnl a profan t I(x t or till past 10 h( as assimi la ted in w a n acccp lt hlc y~tlm f moral va JUIs (Vi rg il s

FSllIr( ~4 DlIIid Il cU$ius Emblrm(1Q liqoIAM I lKkn 161 5_

8 _ s~ Ili k Rot R iAamp Rm(

~d lhr jd I~Q~ ()PfigtiL ICbrid and Nrw Yrk 1991-deg flt -lt middotmiQlif - Iha l Inko 2 olll1Q f)f on_ B ~ h lth Rampk]o nxcnl

lUal of Wafbuf(t Iho l1h l in Irrm

01 th ROmMlIl( ymLgtoI unil) f ud dcrem 1 I OPpogtlti IO lI~ry

( hrpertI_~ ~~crnn f ltI s diS300C ialed fro I nfrro1 I i Rob- ~h(fempl l h lrmiddotplio)J Iheon pmiddotI) U lelkI1 pn~uen apphnl tk 1ltgt ~msl tSpltcirJI ) in I ~s pogtr

t uitwc1 Ihron ltl _ Iuh w R l loy rum symbol 10 Ilkfurv Ahr WH) i~

I r- hi Rd I~ 9971 pp ~ 6 R - [hr R iL [[ ul n has ro n Iholt u l

I hru~Ir iuI O) the unk o n wh re laquogtn~ ol Ir~cdm Pfnar p_ ~ 1I1

B I S~( Thn 11 Kclk~ Rmnwtlme Hlqo for tillt applicll ble ~ of In t allctUlxal wun lorn (e ee aUraCUOl) d ll r lnla$ 11 ltI- illual suctched l ~ lI l i Ihi [K w1ir

ltlc 1(o ~dukd from lClion and hj~llt) ry

bu sgt( f)1 g Ihe n -rgt d s he

cmand p Sr Th~ro i 1 or~1 1ltl io of witel )-r tr r lt~ltoI 1gt 1 mln m~y 1- takc -lt lIl rlaphO)f Ruolnlr E Kun1i S rrooti d I js(~ and R o l~rl llolI - n ~prknjo(

illo fo-k-J t] air ltli_ r II

fmiddotm lc (lITe) i SHlrJm and 11 010lt1 II A tw~ Rdolf t Kucn7li and Gwe Ra l~rt ICambllJgc l1i I99I) PPmiddotJt alld S T Imiddot lo ockiu Em ilS or ~ oflC n Ii mCIgttIraquoHgt1 dqI)eJ In ~ h a w~r Ihl 11 CIOI li meu Ulcrlgthunc~ Jly In 1- Riu d~~r

(MIIft~ q~1 lIOuilil ~w Carmd nr Imjlt Igtarod egt t~lcX fatlo~ ~al

jgtuu lJ rtut I(rl) IJ t 1ra 8 Ihemiddot Ie ~IgtIi OIl y 1 t ~atnlt11 1lISt llIil le Scl~h) snd amud ~kinl lt hTifingl) lilltrd I Iht~ ill IH rroh meal fur lo~ l i~ lone rol1 ~middot

l~diqlJr$ mlldr 1111) Hr)(tT) I

r~rn(rl i 1ltgt Ihe hwwir jlgt]al~ el~ hcll

il1lh( l1ltrvrl

(1 IS 1IX lrngtl 1 SmIltllN d amp 193i 0 Max Erllsl 1iI)AGP Van S()DRiC ( Monlrc~l ) 2f)(l(1

l )n IIC Ilupon Of Ih allraf R~~ru 11 (1 I 1$I~ Lolhu I -hr I J~ middotIn Rp jhd bd 11hII hI p HI

Fourh RetI a~ II I( milling of Chris l O vid l l-lrfall(Irphorrr lllorali7cd In

lmJOlIls such h J Hoh CI~ the trials of the lo ver could lJe rca 1go ricd a~ Clll hlnll~ of Chri sia n ~ u(fe ring ltInc co nrilltll cc Ernst reverses tlw prol(~S

dc- morali - ng a llegories In 7 110 dlidren 1IIII1fI(ld ~I (j 1I~lthtillg(h (fig ure zfi ) Frnst lak es U middotidilI1 IIIc(lrlJorphi rape (G anIlH-ci (S ta ~lc Phi lo mcl as

nighting-uk) oul of its repose in spirit ua lizing me taph or as ill (k Kellnincks landscape in h( Wallraf Rir-ha rtz M useu m i ll Cologn( (figure J7 ) ()j emulems sl ch as Hat1idorlhr s in which lit ra pe of Ganymede is rfJllcgoried as the sou ls I ~CIIH lo Cod ( figure 28 )83 Ernst rc t urTl~ Ihnr lo d leir Tl)n l ~ ill ~cx ual viok IlC( hi (h in tu rn S[ ltlnd~ ror the revcnibk hltrU a mi a mbiguous g-round underpinning the provtrh t ln bl cm or allegory

Equally td ling is Enl~ts d ia~rammui( ada platio n or h(rme lic emh lemata in O this mIll rIIIlI kll )w rlO lh lllg 1924 ) I II the paintillg ami II

tIle pl)cm w ri tte n on thl had (a parudy of Ihe oJllo()gical ~ylllhII S Il I I

fi~u r~ 26 Ernl I fUtJ1 mnlilwi ~ II

lllhlmCiJl 191 1 S(1 66I C 1 - r 1 D (t risI ~OI)KC J vumiddot~l l j


th e Hmrfll fd Table of H crrn(~ Trisrn egistu s) Ermt reallt~orlZ(middot ~ the hermetic ~ym bulis ll1 of the nlilrual lini li7atioll of d ivine and cit rddy IS a Freudian middotprinwl scene of gigantic li m b~ and scmiddotx ual pa rtgt Both pa imi ng md puem become rcpr(sntltHion ~ oC the unfu lfill ed n vi ~nging of a n such thing In Ernq s vcrsion the Oedipal a nd Ihe gnolt1l ic an oronc frustratccl substance ltlnd (be power oftbe allegories of h enl1tticism ltIhbaiisrn and aklHmy lies in perpetual d ef( lrd of the d tsircd gol J tl6 Ernst ~ emblem fllnc tioll s more

b roadly illi a scq gtt icai fi gu ration of tht a bil it y of images lO represen t hal IS envi $ioncd or desired in dicating Ihal a ll $lI h em blems ct n only he a sun0 fH l flIT hatt middotcr one an t ~ to know attl in o r rcprcsen Lft7

OJ (Ids 111m sllall kn)1L Mlhing a lso ~ ig na l s its own iconogn lJ)hic history especially tts allu sion to Caspar David Fricdr(h middot$ clllblem tie CrOJS ill Ih

Iounltlills a key work in Grman Roma ntit- dc hIIltg about Iht rela tive fok~ of llIegory and Iandscapc III Erns t as a rl ild er of C ( fman Romil Tlli t~ i~ ltl

would re U 1Il 10 these wpie in his la ndsca pe pai nLings aga in and again Crr)JI ill 111 t1ollll oinf is a lso shadowed by a t( Xl n passage from Ludwig T icck 5 allcgorital novel Fran SI-illbaMr 11middot(lIULmmgrll (J i 98 ) Jnom

26(j ) middot1 ~BImiddot rH ) T I d 1

60 I 1m c (lislt uW(1 Iht twn l1 t timiddot itl~gcry at t~ ngl h ill M~lt Emi l middotI ht 1IJdw(UtI1iJliI

SnllrJ 11 a i - l OCIshy87 Uml middotn o Ero diilltu~ 1he rdu iolll I)( twu h~rn 1l l k svrn lgtol- 1Il in which middotevcry middot~pr ion is a (nignlll hal middotk runlwt ~mgma middot and ~Jr n cconltlructimiddote ~nlys3 as in lini l~

defendJ in middot(n limited scmi III d rili in T ht Ib oJ hllffpWalio Ill n -I--j

fI8 smiddot cJ(m~ (l h W ocn rn ~I( Jaru F~d nnd It ~b1J ~f I muigat ~cw U and Lvndon 1 99lt)~ Karin V()n ~llo lJr ntel thO rrl ll nf (~$7 In 1M -WOIIIIIgt 10 Ern middot lUUlI1 OmJ~(Ilt1 III middotMao b ns l a Rvmlll1ic~m middot M n Enul A Rtl~pnl~ ~ I Werner Spict l t omlo 199 1)

I II~ ~7 K d~ K cunn~k Iuhf rvtJh IM~Io~ fj lt-1IJVdt r gtn leI

dllrf Kgt(hHIZ I ~ l

8iJ bull 1gtlt I g T irk Fwn~ SlmNt11b

11 middotJn~(n Hmt ~ lldIcAt (mll1~hlt

~I lj(h gt)6I ~ p gtgII

J) ~ee 11 0 ~bn lagtlt I Allqlr)

oflrlllll$iol)middot PI 6- 7r lhr dhl1 l1lt IK hr omlll~1 d(h nlll(11 (III ud h ~

ltill u~Jui ncall y I ~nd lor thillgt IcJ rly 1rs ign~II ~lId Impic ddinlun ul rourrlS luch as li lliemiddot h I(ll no h hI l (~ Ii lt mcill ~ tur middotC)middot ll la IIllt-SIKn a (1(11011bullbull 1 H turn jn I(raquolt ru lUI lTnp ~~i 1g ~1 I r

roukl hi ~r~lJ od tlbull ( Ihi Ik nrngt i~ made lllcmllll UKOf)~ Fr ~cl7rh c r) hMd lU lOll ~ Il ili K r nger through $1(middot togt tI ohjrl i( lria 10 judiCII

91 - GltQ rl 6atai llt Solr a ll~middot Fis rif fXt~s SI_rlJ I Im~~ P7 t)39lli

113 $Iodd Minapo l ~Jl lp XIV

1 lt1 6 12 ioIar ~nu p IJ Halaillits 1Qcom )Ir rollinS (m Ih bullrf r lw ~Ml h [ ~ [ I llt imal(vfltouinuous mC l~lor]lh mal p l y i1a d l5ori llJOII lOr tllti M the locornoriH r ltI hl$l)ry lt]uOI(d in aUT

III-rljolmirgt (r SdiJ 1 rlrHn-1 n- I irl 1974 p 1 ~3

illcidcn t the youn g a rtisl F ra il i~ st ru ck by a pa iming llr a l be scc~ in a hn lll it lUll a IlOCIlIIIMI lan dstltl pc ill wh ich a cr ucifix Ull a hiJl i ~ illll m ishy

na llti by IltI ) S o f moonlight The he rm it ex plains Ihat tilt crucifi is a po inte FingcI7cig ) to Ilw ~pjri lu d wurld beyond the faJ lc n world of lla tu n T o Franr ~ o bse na lioll O ne cou ld ca ll th i IMint ing an a lkgor)

the IIn ln il answers All an is JIlt-go rict IIoJ

T IH middotFingcrJeig iI) Ixpbli necl by th e h~rrn it to F ranz S lt rnbald point s not o nly to Iht spiri tlla l but also 10 thlmiddot pr (~cllce of J ll egor~ iblf As a li ter indlx a sho wi ng ha nd o r jJ ~ i l1ting fi n~cr tht Fingerrig i ~ a ~ tJplf

or i Ihlems II is Oimi larly In ade li ter1i b) -l a x E rn)1 t du slig ma tied ha ncl f1 oatin~ in f r OTH of th e lt ruci fi xiOthl~ middot prinM I ~NtJ I Herc it indicates linmiddotth er bu t not Im llscc ndCIH [l)callings90 In E r ll st s painti ng lh t ROlllit lll ics cruci fi x lS alkgori la l poin hr to a hig her nal rn sim ilarly

i tl n l c~ a landscape of d a rk Illowltai ns a nd il eawnly fil ) S IHl I fur the

COltj UIl Cl ivlI o f redemp ti ve c ru cifix a nd ill urnin at iug SUUS(t in Fricclricbmiddots pa inting o r truci ft x and moonlil-h t in Tillkmiddot O novel Ern$[ dark ly ~J bs l it uLes

copulat ing limbs and the bloc ked rays o f a IUllar refipSt Ermls lmiddott nblema tic painting alt Frifeirich s had don ra i se~ p r0 1Jicms or

cnTlIl lllporar) a lkgory When G lf)rges Aatai ll e- turned tn alr-IItm ica l )slIllllng in 192 7 he did so in I( rm~ that almamp t com icH) m im i Ernst s d csul Itmiddot c lltra ilmiddotfilled landscapt 1111 earth middotcovtrtd wi th vuk anOIs hich SltJoT a~ iLs a n us is driven in iL~ rota tion by lhe male ~ha rt ]l tlttraling 1 1 11~

laquomiddotma l- alllJ a lmost t lIl irely (merg ing ill o rder 10 ree n tcr like Ih( piston~ of ~ 100o mo ivl

JI i~ the 1Ilf(ha nical Oll ll)il ltion n(] t ll morm t inn~ of thes mOtmcn t ~ Ihat th~ ak htmists soll~h t 1 I hI philosoJlJ t ~ ~IU Ilt ~

This nWfhJlist jlmiddot cop ulatiu 11 hudcsqu e~ t he vmiddotn ji) UIIl1n ioli o f allegory th e

ltlnagogir 11 wrh of r() rrcsponden(c~ and rtmiddotst ]tlbl a nct~ lIlt middotcopula that li~

one thi ng- 10 a noth n ill lang ua te all Cl witt g ) 11 thin) to be visibly co nnCfted Ha lai lk s a llcgvrical luvers will mve r fi nd ilnythi ng but parrxlic i magc~ l11d Ih ey will [ Il l asieltp l ~ empty a ~ mirrun Wh en En tail k

fu rther GlUs lically mcdita ted Oil the gno~ tic roo ts Llj Hegel ia n ism in Ll)ll~

ma teria li smt c t Ie g nllst ( 1930) p ropus in g a k~ l abili ing hcadl es~


a J1q~ory tha i would elimuatt aJl h ilTardlic11 ~ ~ t C IllS of rdtn lllc indud ing ~implistic rcv( lltals or blst ll ld idea l o r CXq-lt1l 111 llt1 1 lnrl ltlcrUllcn lll he wa addrtR~jng is)llc$ irnpJiL it in Of Ihis men lInll knOll IWlllillf 91 H ()wcvcr heelIlsl Erns l middot ~ all egory ( nds to Ill p a ll)l it i( depcnds on just ~ll (h illvcrshy

~j ()m ilnd reve rsals of hig1 and low Old is a t a re mov from Btl taillcs infla111ll1110ry ()I)f ll-f llded hd lltaded en terprise

E nHl$ im ages a re often d riven by this undermining of thcir (IW ll sourn-s of lJowc r fcp lescnliug hotb II((i r own ~ la luS a nd i1lSIlfjicilIHy OrtCll they

assu me tht appearallce of (lnhkrlls wh ich as concieusetf o r short lr and ig ll ~ of aUTho rit y ~a n c ti fi ~d by t rld ilion art disrupted hy Ewstmiddot~ illtruio n of thc n ltllll r 1 LIld ~e)( u t l rhc n dllcti t middoti~ua l 11I11ouage or cmhlcms lcnd~ t o ltlrd hrogaliun 111(1 fimiddotag11lClltlliun Ih ich LntSl n alu raJiz~s likening Ihe Sllll1X of fj middotrgnWlll3 Iioll 10 (lperatjoT1~ (lil lbe hod y lt bull rile tru ncalLu pa riS a Ird Ii 1111 ~~ or Of IhiJ lien shall know Iohing arg uauly J u clc 10 th t ~ceri ng lIId te lldt n liou~

reconstruniom of tht e mhknjs [anllJage o r aut hori ty a rClruc luring of Ihc

sy mknloche lim hs a lrcldy prnelH in v i ~l1 emblems Througbout his canlt r Ems would dltriV( double prestige flOlll disrupting lhe COJlv(middotnlions of hOl h a rl a nd li tcrJ fl1l middotf iro lliing his au thoriaJ role as bot h a rlis and poel Emblelll s a rC1 ft lilc ground fur ~uch opT3tions k ndi ll g tlwm~clvu 0 ditorshylil)m or he reci prxa lIldi(a tion s or eX T lIld image which anmiddot Ihe STarling

point nfalJ tgory

Ac kn o wled gement

S l l i(j ll~ of thilt papa H r( pncn l(d a~ Ielt tlJT(~ iI conjullclinn il l Max Em~I

rc ll1(nary ehiiJninm Ihe RnlJ ncl 1(nr()X Memorial JccUrc U Il l T a(middot ( )11)

(1(11 middotmff A Ul IrIJJf(ct ll ItJ91 -J) lI lId II M 01 i (Ilal pound7110 O(lff( 11111 Ihr Duwn oj

hguw middot 11lt~ ~ 111lgtltlorHr hnwltim ltr (10( lOH 9

ll G~1 1 1~ l k 9Jo 1Iy tnillcril ilm 01 11l()oSn bullbull n uollgt ~f fj(w ll 11 52 amp0- M l=nmiddot w middotn I rltult~ ~ rKumrnt d ~ 1 ~ her IkuJamin a~ flll~ (ltI by II~Ilt ml II ~nljsL in rn 8 to auK 1 1~middot ul~r l an L~n ur Silllplilll ~I bat ~ J Ilrl~1U

rell t huugh r he dmiddotIIrymclll of d~lthi IiLinl( pmiddot(hootvtic laquogto ep tgt url ~ s Ielcnnimmo tm r1m~crltt ~m gteJmlt IImntllw I l middot~fI Rll1Ifl1l twlllv Imis ~f )m(alUl lin(I~I illrrkdtmiddoty u An~lc

M IAlodlt 91l 11)) U[ i -l lt)1 - I lt-nd ubstmiddotmiddotmiddot- rht Ire rn~l i u Ul uf Illor lt1 Fm~ (J Ii i fnuc lr Crlt Ihl1 t ho- lifl ugtd rmiddot]m of poundrnsl middot~

lIuc nod ilmhil(1)omh g(ndcrltl h gtvlnL ~ n rh mo (h hypcrholic

Dio cjOCulH1o11 orsl) rl-d~n jm1tf(cry1gt il dO(lt i lli fmltle ~aC11l nr [[00lt1 orgmiddotoonldltG1IHllion al 11 0( Immigt ufth aULhOl tlgt hi~ E rol$L is aJlj~1 llIh GltltX B tll lltmiddot hnnlcnz ~u nf llcg) 11gt1$(111 (~I L ory 111-1 111 in middotSoI ant S l ~r fter u ~1Jtn in capl1on i ndirat~

oJ ddo-nce I n nn SPIf (lIKI

r nn1h~r nd sigi ~ L k Ma~ middotrn1 O~f IllOJ ob middotCologne 9i)- ) in uch fll nh(r ifnrm~lin ( laquo(mns I r ~lO ( C ~d locatiOIl may bc tu

il(ure 29 Em1 OJ I middotun shall (Mil

-h~~ 9 f SLl 63middot C 1 Ernni I IJtI 11uJSODRAC (MlHHrc~j l


S1Irrwlism 9lt)3 ) J 11m gl~Hdn l for lho ltc o pport uui l itl 10 (Olls ider Erns to l roCesso r

CI i~ toll wr Crn middotlI ImfCi J oh n Gl)ldi uS Prorr~Ylr Willillll Cmfi~kl and the

11 011 Fod a tio 10 11middoti r va middot i)l1 ~ lt1 g middotn n)lCgt d vicc I 11olIIk Sllzar rl c Ak bari

r l d~(f l)cre nhI Joyn GOKl(i n E rhan Jd l Kavalc lmiddot and M E Vnr lic k

Page 12: Only Half Saying It Ernst SCAN

hUH~ l u EIII TM frpiloM uJ Cflm 1 9~1 ~i V1 t h( 0 1 1bull0( Icmll tI) (P 11uiSOORC Monmtl QOO

1n esta h lis lHd Iclennl howCvtI the 11lt-gonea ] q nllllIle or Ihe cmule lll JJ]owlt Ernst 10 g-i Vc an a ccollnt of the lailure of the ll)lwlelil symbol o r

11 lt11T lI it

Blt~()nd these obliqLl(~ly polili cal Co Ill I1H~llIa ri ts EIJ)~I S emblematiC

pain ti ng ~uggests lha t other Ih illbS ~rc at Sla k~ in Ihl Ieai lll oi tiJ( a rt t h ~ 111

the lt llhancClllcll t ofpo( l ry b~ visli a l lIH yplion Thc Iml ]enlat ic paintiflg~

Sl11I1 10 Imoke l lost text or key to Ih eir own d CClxling Jf Elnst ca rries the

pOCTS intclsl in JTI l ki n~ tcx t ~ pic toriil l back in lo pi U IIImiddotS he docs so in

ordn It) raise qu e~l i om a bolll tlte na lu n uf ima ges and represe m a tio n T Il(

~df-qu( l i oni ng ima ges appJrrn lly f]uely thcir own Iul ho r ity could th ey rcp r(ltfllt anything c rc il Ill)[ I(r q slig iil l dalinn~ with cx phlllltltnry

ltI11 til nli 7 ill g lexts T h is is fur[IHr rtlalli 10 Erml~ illI)(lli o ll I)) h( h istory

of a n of I rad itLOllS o f i(ollogra phy v I th e m urce i lll a~t

Tn Ill1 Casc of Tuttn lll l Ioml7l1 (figure 3 923 V(rnlT Spits has Tfaced twn ~ (lUIIC illlages to th e popllllI lIintl (cllIh-cl nt ury ma gltllille (1 Yolu a

ships dlvi(c IItlt j)()UN oil 1) 11 troubled wJtC I and all -e mba t hlng ing

upsirk dO Il Til l m1chine and thl ltl tr o ha t ar( figurf~ ofhaJIIlcc JlId order

~e l agj i ll~l a perilo us si tu ation lht) t la blish1 d i ~rupliI 1I~ t ofvltcillatioll

( 1 1 kiln mlblrm

bull~ J f1nni h hrkl J rJI of hul 41nati rUIHurlmiddot lInmiddot Mlln

I )t ~Jlfodurrrl t pmll rm ropol1111 10 1(111 R(Icr(n(( l ibrary

J l~rT I~ _ Hahn lgtt Ihlll If



h gunmiddot 3 En 7 ulmnr f1 lmlltm 9~3-~ M ti17 CI M~ Ern~I IUGI (1 S~ lnRmiddot ( ~1 llrca l 20(1(1

d tt rnat ioll il llbtlau(l and po~ibk fIII tho I frlln(~ OInollier of Ihe pa i ll I ings sources a R ena issa me allegory of r()rt ull(

IvliIIII()lItlti In tlw c Ollrse of I h ( essa) o n ernblems r i H~d hy Erll had gi cn thc im a~C of FOilli na wi th her wil e] l11d sa il as 11) ex am ple of a [J1 11(n sli tficienl vi~ud (Illbk lll rCftl ir ing 110 tex t to supplcmtmiddot11 1 iLS IlwJlI ingsI Ttl Furll lllt of unblem ~ Ofl11 ~ a ih on slOrm y sta ~

(fig ur( 14)n a nd prl~ LJ mltl J ) t h( i ll llstlal i(n of oil-POll ring m ac liill (J) ~Uggfmiddotlt l cd lO Erns t Iht a ttrih ules o f Fort una Ihe c irc ul a r piplt~ swnd fo r IlI r wheel IlC pi pe barlng her )I~ klr hf1 Ulin dn e~s 4t The leetering of Er nSI ~ Fon una Illa y he lIt r ib lHed to Ill i com)gld ph ~ or t hl grandt 1s lrnmiddotI11I (fig-uri 1 5 )1 ~ In Il le r on ((xl of h yslcna the so urCe illla gl or the acroba t eOJJ1ts in to pla y in Cha rcol and Richer s I J as sj~a l

~tu d y nr hyste ria in ~Ir t I f( )imollinr7 11t5 dml( url j Ui allOytmiddot Iht i ll tl~-

1 1 -(( ~Ij~ lla E middot ((Jla(CIf

f I~ IIml l middotdprM(It OIOIe 97) (11 15 1 r1 rUlclld middotUmiddotme lhauN VI 1Hamp--7middot 4 - hy middotillmiddothul( Fr~nt( S~ltS( ltibull

Icl~ U -fhg uImiddot uurnjl j lurhJrnmd 97 11 I J9 51 This Imiddotunu tlI1hh u Iq td III -

Durc 1 in ~ lnl c t ~ h (1 und n de Imiddotlisunmiddot Jo~rM1 If lilt LIb~( fnlllll III 92~ ) pp 7 I ll

1 Ion ) lnunlrmiddotmiddots 1- Pu d Im ll~l1Id ft n(rmiddot~ middot lax Ernst G middotmJ-k Au Ihmiddotf()JU da amu rlal ig~) n ~IIlaquou do w moTd W I b rrlJNI ml)km~U(middot hl UTlt of middotOCl~Smiddot

11 - I lIn ~rlcfut 10 ] I it I ~m~$ fot hvwinl tnC I lul]w( 1 too rc on I- nn and h) la drlid at the I lI l (bullbull lkrl lurMlhUI hll lIi1)t Un Ga l a fl~u ro uf Iltt gt ~ on) Uotncst(

Uioor ~ l d be Eluurdf Mil f~ I IlII luItltgt4flAlyllf SO~fIJ PI tOj ~

rigUft q Fornll x ttlt h ~It u n

Ii tby WdrOllfl Fullmiddot 11 1 iUllt V~rfbIU Dj( 17

1b J (~ COI ~nfl l ul Rkher - IJIIII(mI~I fa lgrlmiddotrRfl() (Amncrd ilnl 97111 100 n middot eljg wmiddotS pc i ho dlgt$lt In Ad middot ell Sarto S(lUlI

Phl J Wi Jillnl _ poJsMk also Ih ) h) Charco d R~hcr

11 Elila]t(u ll rcn 1lts Iu~ middoth~$triQnk OIICillallo n a t_middot itligll ~

or he bymrk Or lin tkaJ body

1lI uchSlcr 9J Ptgt ~f(gt-imiddot

trnt iu ll show here i till oh~(ralio n thal h y t (ric~1I atli l udc~ pn~sioshy

IIcllc~ ]evc tCtll pUfoi s 1m car ( I n particu licrellH1I1 ITohaliqul 6

Ermls (IlllJleml1ic 7 1r(ri lLg IYmllllll th c ll IS 1 (ompk l1ld humo rolls lI ullcgo rizul ioll of fo rt una -I -1 yst cr ic11

Com plex rlt-fCrcnces like liIi un 10 fortuna pop up thruug ho ul E rn~ Is

I rk amI se rve I S ind i $ of a ll (gor~ di fCCli ng us 1 ) Iradi lio ns or i(onotVashy

ph ) and accumulated Illcanil1g 10 symbolic tig-ures Inc attribules thai re ta in a sh-dowy lu hori t) hilt being Su hj(C lelt1 h~ E rlt 10 subi titwiJll$

r igbull I wwd Pjdk iul1udr Ik Hucilitlnr n I n rhlrnl tlld ( dmiddot lr~ dim~~taqw rf~ Iarl 1186

llnl OOf ~ [ AT tlTUP~~ ~hIQ itl EL L~S U ~ ~A ~IIA ~ O E T IIIUIt II Y S f t R I Q ( [

Allilnde d~ cnciG etenl

nnd degradatiom T he Forull emhlem here comes from Ab y arburg- s sl1ld~ Francesco Sltlsscl1is let lwilli gc Vnfiigung- (1 907l En~ t was not na ive abou t t he nuu re of images and their contagion and he fa nCS r unsidshy

natioll (If the onvt llI il)n of p iCl(ri d language Hld as~ u ll1pt iom ltlh0L11

mea ning At the li me of Warburg Saxl and Panof~k~s t ralings of da~~ial

~ymhol~ amI mylhollt)q-~ th rough IIwir til-hased ltI nri mu lt iple ronm in Ih e

mbkm~ uf mag illklun and as trology E rnst wa- him self englgd witb sudl dchascIllCnts~ 8 Fm u s Er lldil(~ illlag(r) makes h im a pl radnxind

ltlcackmiti a n a nd pa rodi c nr hi ~lOrilIl rel yin on Ihe prl~l i g( of rlcog ui I shyabt l~ q UIt liun bllt sa htlaging tlw h i~torical method Ilat w(lutc1 ~il ua Le a giC 1I wo rk th roug h ils relal ion I() prncden ts Tlw T urning I-1QIl1I cuuld d t~tl be rel a lcd ror middotxa mplc 10 C iOll u~ c lnb[emalir Il1rtJlJlu ncy (fig u lI 1 6) III

Erns t ~ Jisjunct i c ilT1ages parlde nfcrcllt~ bllt ddy rongruity ltllI rl c hronolshy

ogy u hvlr1ing lhe aUlhori ty of history to sequence idell tify imCrp lI l lI lld evaluate H e ~ i lua tCS h i ~ work within the history ofar and li terat ure capita shyli ling 011 th e cx ptxtation orknowin~ ~ aU high academic a n h as donmiddot_ b ut parndicall y mocking any pic t y or nost tgiil fo r 10s1 ori g-in ~j

A work part icula rl y di rctling ll~ 10 problems of Iltlngutge and f(middotp r(lt ll ta shy

ion is AI tht r ln Cltar Word 1923 lfigure 17) pai u tcd Oil lhe Wl tt o f Pau l 3nd Gal a Elu ard s bcdronlll J lengt t h itog-lyph k co n fi g u ra tio n (If fing(rs ba tt and string u e oqlI1 i7OO a rou nd the o r and X of Ernsts name $ilUali ng th e pa inting in the long- tr lditi(J)l of emhlematic deir(~ that play on names The pai nti ng as il immiddotulwmiddots Inc clongucci fin ~cr of a 01ll11l

JIllgt pru habt ) em bod ies Ernst cOIlLlm pnr ilrr rdatiom hip wit h G ala E lulfd (TIl E device traditiontl l is m clIlt 10 proli)ulJdly rcpre~t nl he ha hitual conduct (lr ( ha rati r or onlsel f oncs princc ur th c beloved womUl whitt t voidi ll L pon ra iwrc)Y 11115 5 p lCltlr( panLom im cs n des tabishylized pictoritJ compo~ i J i ()n the bt ll on thmiddot ~ rill~ wh ich ()r IllS lh c [ i~ I II

im minLt1l dltt nKcr oflwlng dropped by Ihe crossed fingcrlt pullin with it Ih( tlil of Ihe Illard-likc in$Ipound t T his co nngllfllion is lik rly a j oking refc rellC to

Frcudill li cn~ t rl ti () TI an x itmiddot t y ~ a noti(11 n i nfOTced hr Erm l ~ou r(( imag fro m 111 Salu re iIluslrllling a Irick in which 0 lingmiddot CTos~ed and pressed to ltl single bJ ll have th e sCll5a rion of feeli ng two balls As a dci(c JJilc rct aining the wit l nd (()nci~ ion appropril( to sueh repnSt IHatioll Frmts painting brea ks wit h th l c1 Clurum ltInri pwpcr k di ng tradi tiona ll y l ~s()C iated

wilh lile devite a ~ portrai t of t he mind or w uL E rnst~ im al l also rdi tes

If iby rhll rg rnfrlhUltrSrhrifk-1f

] irdllcnstlti ll lif9]I 117 51 ~

Rbnd K all) mc~r 1) 1 1gt1(1$

Iltr~hr f lfn1t una d~ ~lIdarhll -brdtllnttk r L f min l lmiddotb~t wnd IJm)tflm T]n J87) 48 1 gt111 ( rldu l (0 Rfrky lin HI 1 ~lI)lJr I L-d Ihr t iol(IJ mhllt1ltlt

ll I ] hwau middot1 he $lru((lIrr or All elonl~ Il)eltIf ill IIII~~~ Iwl RqgtrQI ~I ltlhnJ ( lt 11111 ( Ih ~ 1Il tl 1(1)(1 I~ 1 37middot

iO- amp ( Il ~n ri Eli C Alldtjam(n

aniltt r nlas Ulul ( I doll 16IbiPpmiddot 8 1-7

51 5lt Wmiddotmr SpQ fouJ liolld Irrudi cli ll ~ iu J) Hwhhr Ii du (lttr C610i1 I l7 PImiddot 5 4middot

~ll(ure 16 Giou nlill (Slt f1) ~ini Chilpdj

5~ - XC IstkUIImiddot Ltt Jill ( 1lt drriJtgt nn the pfOpltn~ ofdc ien It ~nno td t

fkmcll lS de Li tltrrmiddot JlIgt Ill d ~80)

lIi(krlt l p II ~_

M a rmontcls insistence 011 the h igh 1110111(1 11 lt urlomiddott emblems I llnn mtd )t VC as 1Il ltlmpll or the o~jt(lionahl t tToli lIIbkm objcL~ luxqllds Iop inirlll allad w ride de ha-gtsessc sUlh as a pot Oil the fi rt ith Ihe mollo f a m ltOIlsul1ed below ) It i~ tempti ng III im agi ne Irnsl toyin g wi th this

higb mor~1 1 po~il iun by delibera tely making a (Tud pun th e basi~ of til liu First Cmr WordY

T ypica ll y huwevr Ernsls Vi~U 1 1 sou rce rna) lJ ~ (lv(rdcterln ined hy 111 trudi tc textual ~ourn III I f NiL dAlllIIbrr D ichrl ~ Dr Uordeu describes the controlling ccnI tI ()r Ih t ch fir OUl ~n$aliOIl~ L~ a jlld~c who hears caS(~ md pIOIl Oll ll (I~ vc rdirts This jud~( hOHver 111lt1) be e ffeclivdr

deceived b y the (i(llIc( it may expe riL- llct paill ill an lIl1 putalcd limb 11 01(011 ~ays Dr Burdeu ~ou Gill INt t he limits allli decepl ions o f

sensa lion by (ltI rrying lItI I Ihi$ sim pI eXlwrinWll t Otl the judge

o n k tro mpe lu- nd Oll 1(11 1 crui ser dl lLX 11( ()~ doilts run Sill Inutrc lUuch(z un t pclill ooule lt1 il pronnll r(ra qu-iln II df l1x

2 bull i

h gumiddot 17middot l rnSl II Ihl FII (lro l1pd 1 )~3 I t bp (I II ~ L m ltlift))G P

1 1 lri~ OUolAC -110laquo1 ltOOO

In to( context of thi ~ pa rt ieulM di~lullsjon of s(n~ttiol II 1t1 Ni l f d J(lmh

lhe hypolbeli cd Fltudi an melning~ nf E rnsts Ilugcrs and ball in tensify The fea f ( castfa linn II lre is dJ ierl 0 (middotO fl~i (kra lion 01 The npITicHclt of pai n and pkhurr di sltussrd fl y Did r rol and the decept ion orthe senses ~ lldy ra ~

someth ing to d o with j urlgill l Ill( dtcp tiolls of illu ~ion is t 111 with the picru rc itsel f alld (implii t in Ihe Ictltl~ ()1l11ed Ily gtIring wd hnger wit h llie k((middotplio ll ~ ufl ang uagc

Beyond UidcrOl til( fou nd ation fror Emsts rlecplion 0 1 El uan] lnd Pau lh tnmiddot~ a rgumen ts about languagc lay in ( enIt 11 Roma nt ic dcba tcl ltlho ll t till ~rn bol ith is full ex p1l~s i (I1t$S and uni ty or ~ ign and n ferfnt 1S OPp()sd HI the di~~ocia lcd and arl Jilrar y sj gn-gllle la lioll l)fa lllmiddotgol) I Of panicular lifelong intenl tu Ernst (ft the po-ms CS~ t ys tJld a lltgorjC~ o f Novali I II the fi ch lc S tudilu N(lva l i~ httl u Hlsid ered lilt rela tion or

l t 7 fit I H l 1gtlt(lI

5 ~ - Sn HLmmiddot odoro M If Ih I ol Ir (Ihrl n r Io rln Ilhh J l)tb 1 151

~ Umothc JaiuA I(hI~ed me of rn~(f hfdonA bullbullding 0 -11 ~ i~ (k Iter lu

hLlhtlh LclOlc 0 ell 91121- M~ dlkllraquolO(l i~ lI deb loo (0 II~

fC(Illt(r o Kn ) ~r-lu t HtNIl_ nI1 Ioudon 9lj s~

fio hlr S d 110 Stlrjinf rd l1I1 dholln ~ lId K rd Sallnd 2 lIllIlIlr~ n 1)gt5

y QUOIn t 1bullbull Iulil1 Oir Il-gtOtw- KumulIl ~I fI Poe jdcr h Ohrfllt1101nl imiddot b-ftJ IMM bull I~ 1 IjJj11_ 1 lt)OCf p ~06

~1 It_I 5ltlrrif(~~ V 282 U lln hilll prp1K(I h1I Novtlraquomiddot d~ ldk ll i

ixua Irlnllllod ~bull middotIrmiddotI1 I middot rJ dwr Ihm rr lrnrlll (Hgtrlldk ) ~H - ito UBeu PI 0 11 11gt ~MI S(itl~I I V I ~

~ 1 ttl lIml To i Was Ma_~ 1-1 Iudirl h i ll Ia ~H K~I~ P l S c r PI Ip HattltlorHrr

I~nf(n (P(t Tunlu IPlI amp nn K olVI)lJtt AtIhIJIt~ ImJ~nt I _jm (1(In EIxhllll 19031 Karl Ih(f)(lomiddot C d cru ( dritl

HMIlI~NI III Jtbtfl DISn LI n Ll(PlM 1Jf(d 1881 J eanmiddotUaud t rtbs (~ ifipp H sectn Cr ~

tIorll Frnkrun middotrnmiddotMam u Iu 1lI

IqIi l PI V~ -t3 Thrn ~r n 1I ~II i ltI h not 1 p~I1gttul r 1( in TI n oell u1f 0111 8ui chmid d FIIrjI ~I 5 ]nJ J~6rfjnnu 1 lII Di_UfJ(11 Numbl

III~ 1Io11l 6 SI h nJ ( f(tmiddotulll ll middotlulrodOIvu AItl~ry aN HprtUIIlJIIDII

PI) ~l D lan pOIfl~ ou ltlr311~~f)rr 3ltll1 mhlrm bull 11 d iflkuhy (Of ]Jqllf i Iht th (mvh d~r ~ 01 rtp~uu -n C tgtOllt~ nd In 11K rmiddotrr fSltltn~ l h~

Iu Qn I ~Icd middotPutal

bullI ~gtIOfV of PllSlVI IIpry RfIlnIllI_ p ~3)

language to th e th i [l~ il t~p rC~n l gt argli n~ t haL silllc lAng uage n rijinatcrl

l1 finding ~ i lm (or lbSl tae l conccpt~ it i illiterr l11ly nw tlphoriltl md dlceptivcn Fot I(ovali ~ fcprCC nT ll ion is a proce -~ hy which lall~utKC

fig ures (orth somelh ing lhal i ~ itself IUSI I rough tillt ln y 1(1 of being pnstlIh( If for Nova li ~ jlOmiddottry IIl ll lgt1 appro~ld l i~ual li rt ))il rot~il Inu

also zur Kunst werdcn ) ~I ne( rt hclt-~ d ll ~i I) ilwit)bly Idl shor

crea ling an illusiun uf prcsellcC where t he re is n() IH So (I IlC ( an n p n SCIl I onl y i ll ordcr 10 rcprcscmiddotnt Y alld beyuml t hi ~ lei of 1lt_ prcMnting thrrc i~ rIn absolutc ulIlcprtsctH ahk negllid y d tlcrm in ltgtd KlOu nd a conce pt or being that lt1111101 be d(~( l i hltd (111) displMcd im o c han o r darkmss cent Tn Novalis Eru~ 1 wou ld find a his tury fOl J (I lwlhiIlmiddots (ol1lcm po rIIY

argumcnt thnt all ln nguagl inn )ivcs metaphor and millndcr~t lIld ing a nd lil his d tllcriptioll of IIe cia rk nes~ Iha l sl l orc~ lip Ihl )l lOvcrh OlSlTlions Novalis~ theori fs ofl anguage uor nt oul by Pa ulhan ct1ll thC lllsck e 10 Ill

middotprlScll led by ErnST in the en ig-nuic piuolid Innn Lpprnp riltlH to NOlt1i ~ ~

sig n or 8ild

Allh~ Fin- Clear Word Ill a y be lfad in ligh l orlh~I plradmtlt ofbnguagl lild ~emury d ectption I n~ot~ r a ~ EII) is til represen w r n r pn5lnllr CJftlll pic tll re he is til t d tceiHI ho (c l hI eq n I writcs him$(lf intn IIw p ictu re through his pnouious mono~ ram 3 ~ ti l( deceived Sim il (ontig ur lI iuns or balls a nd stri ng llC a cOlIlIlon plac( of SCclllttnth-cent ury

(middottIIule lm )( rhlil l it~ sud l a~ R lJlkll h lgcns l enllOll~ Globe hanging hy A

thread IllrCa ltned by tht di vine k ni ft wilh its mOllo 1 wi ll hc cm 10 pi tccs

fIgure 18 T IlfsC l m blcUla lie modds sel up the ( lIt1 i n~Cltlst ration j oke impliCi t i ll Enm~ plin ting T he mOllo or I llIvorffcrs rebted emblrlll ha l dccei CS us a mu~cs u~ is cunsistent lth t he ide) uf lhe pli n ting iI~

an illustra tion 01 Illr (kctpt ions of thO se nlt-~ and of m imetic picllln-m k i ll~

tsdr ftigure 19)

H ard(irfit- r 01In eccen tric th(o ris t uf the e o lvill Genn a n la n ~ua~(

a nel of uuoque emhlems H iJ visio n 01 middotGrlllairl poticmiddot was illfiuencecl by Ripas rulolugifl Acia w and J atO) C algt l ~lII st ho had studied ph ilu logy an d hld la kcn a ( ou r~( o n the v c r man nomiddotd of the sevenshy

leenth lin d middotijl ltnnl h cel1111ri o l it u nivtfi ly miln I dl have Cllcou nshytered his 1 ()lk 9 I I is a~y til 11 (-l arsdlitflcr a~ it proto-sunca list

throug h Jing-u islit ~arlH ~ ill Wllld ~ amI illll(~ b) p hon ti play and nc c()r tr bi n a lioH ~ Ill hoped 1(1 drw 1)lIt h iddell ret lI1b l a n ce~ bct ccn th ings and CVl U 10 invcnt IIC W Ih ings illulllill ltinl lI lt p ro fo und rdations of I lItgulgt mpound ttoe o rld I he cullelt i gllllc-pla) illK of his C tspradtshyspick fragmcn tcd syllabic and wo rd re(()I nbined b ltliterna li m cun trishybutors to produt( unli)rt (c lI rclt I1 I1 ~ ha~ I)l iUlis afJiui lies w il h surreali~t

potti I practice H aT1gtltlu r rfCIs emblem r ai(~ a ~lmiddotnlmiddotr tI puinl ahou t em blems hile tlln

pro id e Glp tival ing rt)lism cf el ltil tl li is IP l r~ l to ensure Ie~ihilil and ough t to have Ilolhillg 10 do I ith Ihe Jl lt- I ~ lI nmiddot Urlllil1lDis A t Ih( F lnl Galf

Vorn a ~ a piclure a bout S( II~()ry cl ( p tiotl is a n ironir a llegory or ils own t1l IK1Ciri cs (0 rcprcocnt r-I(IIc hrou l- it rIilCgt ltI p roblem of aUIgory whkh Lries It) fu lly npn scnl or pi tun al) t rt( tions llUt I~ hich llIccssa ril rccals

ilS uwn fa ilure lu arw ally brillg lillih ~udl tl lill~s fgt T he da ril ) of the cmbk m sim ul ates tht gra tifJ I lir~ of I n i (J1lsi~ stl1ing up an anxi()u ~ t1t t rshy

naliun btlwctn (knxlillg wh a t i ~ IlH- u lr d eH lr dll1iC(11 dra lng and



I bull



relishing the pleasur UI) pmsibly lIli 11 1lt1 i( tJl E1l11Jk mati~ a1l0w E rn~ 1 shywho 4xprcsscd cQn tcni p l (() I milllClit a rt to negot iate bdwfcn I h~ ~I(tu(~shy

livci ) mimet ic tud ed ifying)y d i agrarnma l ic 6~

As 1 pend ru 10 AI Iht hr~ 1 elfllT kV(lrd til (ol1l g ~ L Q)QI Jl tSCIIf n ) OUIIl

girl 930 -70 (figu re 20) tu - h i1I Ems f IHu a lly added a real glolWmiddot tikc bltlll ul ltlnnil y bcar~ 0111 [he sense of the Rollen hagen l mbll Il ah hough thl di vjllC POWtf to cut i~ now invested in the tollage nist himself (o r rather Is he represents himselfilhin Iht piClUre l~ Lo ploPi The em bleshym a ti c rt lnin d n Iha l rh inbTS U( 1I1titna tcly IUIt of your hands Ihll ( oci hold~

thl ~ci ~sonbull i ~ plnyert upon hy Ernst wi lh da rk i l The introduct ion o f Lo ptop in 1910 as Ern t ~lt rtgo recaJl~ owllis diClUm The 1 1l1 li~1

preselt iLSeJ f as prcsln ting 3 Th i5 cads again to lIlt problem ()f the vict lln asmiddotil1li~i oll [ltU L()plop i ~

lI sultl lly d cscrilx-d imprf~sJli()o )jk( as introducing or p rese1l1ing tbe pic tll OfL r n il is Lop lop ~lC lillg as frl1lw o r easd who prCSCli Is a n iUlIsiomiddot Jli~li( pi clltrt ilhin lltt piUunu5 T he ~ ll hjCtI~ of tll( pi( llIn~ lI il hin the

piCHI onen have weigh t) implicJliuns I rolll1( Ililii grapes by a~sociltltion with Z tuxils gmpes im o kc piolo ri a l illusionism oa k kavcs stan d fo r (C111111 narion) islll a nd RU(k has rl ief M aJgtcilllise sla nds tor F rench nltionltl lshyiim It is as if Ihe sym boJic me ni li lS indicated b) Loplop~ piclu res t re IS i lonkally rcl ri (vaule as the pos~ihi lilics of pino ri 11 iltu~ion and flllln(i~ th they sland for alld ilh wlloh Ihey an Pcs(nt ed TI H the grI I(S a nd 1lCS

2 5 (1 TU lrAHI middot H 1(-

Fillln II ( il)r id R o)knhag~n middotClu han b II hr~d wlih (~ tr ha nd hold g a kn rmiddot ~f(~w 1hIlIIIImiddot I i-him r ~i

fi t - St Th II Kelley Rn~MI

II II(go ] II ~(IIl he If Ih~1 nl(crmst llrgor~ na k middot ldrr r~t(h n I t ~

I h on ~ l llpp1)Vdl) oljlflSCd 10 il r)w mimClibullbull his(01 )

() 2 h r hisect iIIllhn (fOlU (hi

(l hll mele mil ~ 11 arlif t ~

Ma_ fru~l jjiIMJ p I 6J - ~Mlta )iJmik ~ f ~t12 ~ct

~I )ulm P 97 (v r di (m h~

Pilamplg hvll t N(ll$ II a rl h ltlonlt4) ontt I 10( lim or ~m~IJ I1 Y 1IIIliD 11$ iltit (laquolt ~ndjd G ~ ~IJ

mulaquo el 1 rl arsd ltnd laquocu 6 s O middotRticn I lI lh Th pk utc -ithm h pintlr _tnCi as mc~rhor ru t NOali om pI ad pIIaduxinl image I l ie -1l ld h h wdun Ikin~ hll iI~) 1middotU1 ou tsid e j( as n prtlCnt tWIl

~Qligt hnJ ~ p 06 ti) - I plup~ middotad a nd eQpalt$ h~

any ~ial pr~cnlenu C( middotrrllr SIlOlt f~Qp_ rr J i( OIMt Srf LotdwI

Jlil Ik~Q 1 SI)ics I(8middotus l ~c1r ( rrma o-c is MOl Sehind s TII trti~tgt a iOimacd COnllltUl6 ~ilt5(lt rllaquot and ~il5hl-nlzot) fn~nn 0 Nlrru~fI IJaa 80

tisull 9 H lrjr Wshy nj() h Mr~t ~ 1 Itmfr U(pr~(hrIr

1644 (I


r for Jr


ikdy d a$gtltS


(J VUlliJ yenrrfttr~ I Xi In lh~

LltJII()Igtltrics t~ l ~h UlCt Ilw rompt

fMI dlilaquo (f making (hiu ~Jl llCar IU Igt I n nplJ(1 QUI of Ill()lhcr pic of PII r bdud lion which I 1lap ilh (he ambJguIjI Qf ltOt lhin hccomioe middotrl )7 S pound I) VHI Image ar bod Y dt purd aliRl1l11(llt 01 Waltt r Ikllj ~mi lt1 1 Bnlmiddot JDI(1 M8JN~IIl1iI ~ 3

Ilt)ltJI pp ~5 -H20n h~ P r bullbull II1tQl 10 11( cn blrn1 Ilr liK if IC~ t()

I)irn iocapl hle Ihe-Imiddot of middotrnln lmg meaning bullbull liegQ1 i~ 01 ju(

Olhnlll mClonpnic 5hiflil g 01 Wmanl(


art acturl lly pre~sed into thl paper 10 form ~ ha~ lr-lief h ci~hlI1~ lilt joke Oil 1h( power of piClori11 illusio1lism to hring things illlO r(l 1 d inwnsions wi th in tIll fidd o(the r iled mimesis of the ditglam l1la lic larger pi( tu lmiddotmiddot

So Cr llsts pictun may ntmiddot tl kcn 1 a n (mhemlIic prCsentation or Novaliss Bild lunel ioning as a Plfldoxi( d rlj) rc~cn l alion of 11ll fli lurc 10

flill y represc nt dealing wit h thc plOhle rn o f prcsen li l~ a pilI UII a t all and by elltensiOll wil h the )nhcllnt dcnplio ll~ of me La pho] i1lu-iol l and lan guClgc O ften representcd by a dark ell si lhouettcd htnd IS in Ioplop pminlS bullffjiifJ 1931 (fi gu rc 21) Toplop invokes Novl lis f~JlloJs d cscri pshytioll o(thc delusi(n of repr~cntlllg H( gliI-p- ollly a handful ()r d ~llklJcss ((

Loplop a~ i ll1 plcs~ario mtkcs p rescnting ~d l~co l1 c i olls hat is prestmed i ~

ahIs mediated 01 II a rnllOW like Ill( pictures Wi lh1) pic lurts losing

ground III llllIly o r Ernsts p3i nling~ W~ 11( ill the territory of cmblemalic rcprOlclllltHioT1 thost fa ilures and ha zards agaim t hi ch the rnord or motto or the emblem i~ proph~ bClieall) ~c l Ernst makes the cmble mat ic il1l agl a ll emblem orkonograph ic lnca n ill ~ itsclfb7

Tn the (middotolllgc novels ]lIginning with La Femlllt 100 [Flu 1929 Ernst dcvdops the cm blem image illlO an allf~o lka l na rrali( Tf Enhts coll agc T1ocI ~ fU llction or ma lfUllclioli l~ parodics of the pul p nov as cx lcndccl clich e the atrnosphln of popula r IlOVel movi ng- from dimao( to climax is nut (Illy char3neri sl il o f di llhangcr scrit1illd Ii (lioll bUI of high allegoric-

~ ilurr 1Q ~rJUI --QpI~ IW(1IIJ P~lIf $1

11)3)-70 ~ I tl 1 1 C 1 1 -nm middot 0 (1

1~riII-O[)1iC ( IlIn~11 locO

111)_ HI nl [ ~ l Cl middot

ril(UR 21 ~nb l Loplol fgtrr~ll bullrjlirJ 193) raquoI~ 1781 Cl 1( lt f rtI~(AIJA(f

ld SUOkAC ( Ina l ZOQO

(gt11- Ou EI and pu(p fin iou Klt Rltncc

R irlot 1 1I~rI S~JIIJ on flu 11ltgt01 Jkrkdmiddot~ od l(gtmiddotngt1cs ~ P 8

(I li ~ r)hC Olhe r(olla ((n-vcb 10 (tII~ 100 ius lltms 10 f()rl~ ~cu i t i It f J) bn pred i(1ali( ITUucm nf

dJgory thaI IhIt ir is w lhig

~-qutItLil1 and UorrdlJ d~li) irlo )PUlI lhol a 101 s~ j 1 rma ll e Iruun OrUrgurir 1 d middot middot 70 Sec RrlIll I)j kw Idol Dr (fomlr gt~raquoI4S~~ ofFm= ri( i Fi -ltir)l1dr CIIIMlt rw Yk I ondon and O d Od 7r - Ilr hundred h~dlc wumn

pcrgtoniM Ihr protlogt ofnIlt) i II blt n d~ugtltsltJ lrum la~I llt nmiddot I a ~ Old Ikrricln gtI I at OJ~ 1I OllgtII) Ic Ihin lnd b) UI huured 11Ultbl

(ltTduug Slaquo Kon Rund tbi~ oUtIII l SnfUQa flta (Slrnl

-Ill Jcq1 [xrrid I ~ Ihr ~i dr Plmon r PIQImr idd i rUf HiOn

1- 1 1jl3lt) ~5- ~1 a 1 11Ik -bn

laIlt 1111- uf P5UaSI Il 11 n 7 nLllIr Max En_ s CCIl1~ldc A Il

u~dJjJ Ju tzmis Punl of pHtdigmltK- rcmm~ Jail (tcmiddot i duo1lltcJ

j ltoul l e~ d to Ir mYIr~ de IJ Fr nn I (h rlltoum ed ilh Inrily n [J

ru~orlf J~dlnl Ul Ieh IW adl COl middot

iJ drjed in Lr M~IUf ~ (ue biod Il)d by II rah ) mllo)~ a (M from CIen dOn Imiddot ga~m

n j)()gtltt t ( du d I dClaquo1 PllfT

J1( Inl 9~3 I 3 )middot i J 1 mpu lit) is 011( ( I)utf HlT~JIJ ilIU1lruom illmlHffi by t dl~ aKI o lkmm Solaquo rhf 11rllrpIt~ of 1fIIopoilbullbull 1(0)1 ltlt 1 A I (~ bull Lltdo d3middotICl ) I or the hltad leM

m~ ~I nprt nlIVlt of the lI h~voJiud

Mltirirr5(C Ilaydcn hw T hc Ior r Idnc rll f~fJ)lgtfOlmr FHJ n

cJIllIr1 (nWi BahiOI~ 11(1 l aunn

l7ijjP r63 5

ltIS wellG8 The luadks~ OIl1an w ho c rupts iu uiflircn l forms lhrou~hflu l Ia Frllllllr X) tilu could ~ef( as a mnaphor lor Ihe d isru privt relations bel ween metaphor ltlnd th( ~cq ucn tiltt l flow of narrative charaCte ristic ( I llegory The d(vd o]lm(n l~ cnn (inui lY and rcptli li(HlS afTordcd by 1lIJTativc allow hun (0 rCClpil lLlatt S() W ~rea k hi ~ usc of woma n to personify his own Icdllliqlll

The k nmJe nud e had belfl l1l1 lhe prw niscuQu sig nifier par t udtIll( 111 nin clee nlh -nntury $ll nn painling in 1 hifh Ilt t complex it(lltirics and allri shy

hut es of any given 1 l1 cgoricld personifi cat ion WCl( Kro~~ l y sim plifin l a nd s i ~lIalled a nd in which multipl ied numbers (of ha rtm ~la v (s or OJcads) com pensa te fo r loss of indiidual s ignificalion If Ihimiddot ~a loll lIu dc finally scrvf d as a pcr~nn i fi clI ion of a n OcrT rowcltd a nd raquohdioere Sa lon itsdr 7ltgt that cltuase lllent of the aan c mil tra dil ilJll rIK ina ted Erm t as he pl ullder(d ninelecn th-cent ury j ournals a nd salrl11 (pvrl~ fOt his collage ma l( i1 1I y not one hundred headl(lO~ woman instead of onc hundred mrmingk ss oms why nOI om perrcn ly ugly hcadlc ~ Ioman (ICte de mecl us() instead of ti le rut ile Salon bca ut ic_

Tlt tlc is Ill importan t (ll ulcmalic prototype for frns t~ womln a ~ GC f(]

Rauer has notcd I rnst s fcmm e 100 t Ci I~ has a counte rparl ln L a Pcrr i i rc ~

11 T lriil de$ bQNJ en~IIS (rigurl 22 ) IhlUl1 d i~llliss~ this rcscmbk nc( agt fortu itous ImHer il is im portant Ih1I it is the Inl tllnt is c1ost-S1 10 the

Ill(ltlni nls uf Ernst s woman not till image I Pcrlicres femme is iuall y an ad ap tat ion of a lomill onpl acx Horapllll o-dlTivcd hcadle~ ma n

signif)itll( I m )JOssibili t~ presuma hly a 11 aul c~s oman l~ douhly illlpossihlen In L Pcrricrcs prcm lO he is not JJl( rely ]utdless bu r rtther Jik( Ernst s middot te mll1 f hilS I)Ulny i(kn til il~~ IqJrcst ll l(o by many heads silt is compa n d to lh e Chi n1ltl crn Girion p) hnn tll cdusa Cerberu~ and lhat l-llnicular pnmiddotc ur~or of tIl( km nw 100 Ittcs Iht H yd ra Through such proli li-ration or menning sIt( is Ih e mhkJll l i ~L~ dream emblem Lr

Pcrriercs le( nlllcludes tha t ma rc marvellous Ihan all Y of Ihc~t lll ylhic creatures middot vu lrl bt Ull(- fem me sans leu Ihe One figure who cou ld prcSurnshyably em bod y a ll hybr id mean ings in one ~ llcc in (t blll meani ngless fo rm La lclTiCr~ crnhlem may be an allegory of lhe cjlem ma of rht PO(I UIIHl Lnned hy his middot iivll~ hu l need ing 10 be a )H roi( d eca pitator a rer~(lI ~

aluivalc1l1 T hl ngrt l1a ble mora l conclusio n of La Perri eres poem is tha i woman Ilccds a guidc a ra tional hCltld a nl ltln lax pound rllst71

O n one occuion irr IAI FtnllU 100 liles Ernsl himself appearS (fi gure 13 1 III Loplop and the mouse s horoscope M attCrs or desliny fa lc a nd horoscope- are a sta ple ur emblclIl li te rat ure middotf he imge is pan of a n embleshymat ic (radiliv) in vhich caged creatures slam] ror lht ca ptivi lY and sull t ring of tIlt poel or lo (r (fig ure 24)1) Em Sl i~ agen t and nO l ca ptive 01 flt ltc however Ba n-dle~lcd he may be (rt l ra~ rfli hen a~ ltlll odur pcr~nll a uf Ihe multi-valc lll woman he carries the d isGmlrd cinllus of th at stock haraCllr of l lk gOry the haUd resscd woman RUI he holds onto h i~ hal (Ihich unlike the he-ad Ill ay be lakcn on and of 1 ) and thu s retaim for himself Ihe powcrful masculine role of the head Erusl appea ring in persOIl wilhin his tollage 110d signn ls his SWIUS as a ll-controlling novelist or em hleshymatist d lOS(middot c lvnga lcd hand CH n pluck thr- mouse Out of il s ordaiucd palh al a n) tim t Ernsl l$ a llcgorisl should Iw SitultlHd in the trdi liun ofparod ic nuvc isg incl udilg Ka lldais Charles Sorcl J cln -Pa ul R idlter and TIlOlIllS Stcrne whose work relies 0 11 a Jlet0ry to ironi ( it ~ own d tviccs~

hllur~ )~ rouU gt lt 11 Ierricn middot1 _ Fe 0lt ~Iemiddot bb(om xv Lt middotfhIQII( au flu OlU 539middot

7 t t- rr middotm i ~hlllkeuoImiddot(gtr I ~

E ts alP-1m~ ad 10 III unJinn~ Ih t middothltmiddot ~11 ome hmiddot Igill~ o nly in o 1 oj Ihem ~e ltor pmpcrl) nmn~(tcd IIgt Illfi r 1middototls tT j inllny ITrI 5I t 01 SIJ Iijt I-i 1 Ynr I)U

1middot9 i ~ Thmiddot tllmiddotd 111I)Ult if) Iro p O JPC~Il

lciII otld ~rqJlOxIUmiddotlmiddotd in I) middot~(on( ~t j oolgt C~~ middot i ~poliJ t

gtj)(lli lont tmiddotC I 111 (apia I)n1

[mill ) MUftIM~ Alh dt 11((-111

fAmSIrd I 7~ (l Damel Hcin~iul

Q I ~lD 1~J i Jm I-oIo bullt ) fo r lupid (gtIllide h ase Md P C t 1)(1middot Imbl~w tryU 1l~rd~m 6 rmiddotlmulcd Pdmburgh bulln7l) fcr Cil~rrl bini ~e ncr (Inllri ) aud cupid with ( ~cd ~uinrl 70 T ho $(lrnHmhurv au C hr[ So middotI JlhT rparodir novel a nd IIlkgori(O ( h anw rl ttlnIHomaM)

ealled iIllOIltSlion mi(Ic rda liou pc bnl(lIagc and III(Ialhor Sorer IA llalJM df ] i1Jbullbull d rih inl( illtolI (IU~1

~ ~ hltgt~d nn peI middotrh gl1_ rhlemiddot Jta~middotlIIg lt1 word altgtCUo ns loped J) hc PUWK middot~u du nall iJ a JrcLuIXlT r rnmiddot i~ ileJ[laquoIU311Dt~s 5lt ( hI M rd u II ~ 1f(J n1~ (Pn_ (pI rcpri lro Cmiddotneva I In) I II calte oflh coU~ lt rImmiddote1i trn auhial IU-altAO Pli middotuJarly ho hOj( mlhlt (crmA n KumlIi J~- lJul Ridner middotbose H)15 ltt Imiddot) hd raquoPlltkd I nnch IlIor41)middot all(nlion ~d Ih adlDlI-llluU o(j (l ll Ia l h ~ and Atdtt ISr~lt)n middotIltmiddot wen 11 Y lr1nd lrlIlt I io lfj~ ln-I HI Kichllr$ nmlk a lllorio rI narruvlts I U ( muhIImiddot l oice IUd idrmiu(l SU)tgjOgtjl

Jm~(1 I(dnn lues Ihe T j l aIS lisr of nI I~ImiddotrJ1 puion of his nilId I$n

ort o(lXlI EI ~ 111lt he r1l lo h-ough Ihe quouditn _orld in JAIrun(

1M IbN ~~ t altga rtl H ale II ~f

Olxron SdiOQlj Afi1)ullu 1)~ 1nil 91) and Claulk jich i I middotmJ~ lit 71~-I fJJJ1 (~ J(IIU l~ MIjalllUt llnt 1963

I ~urc 3 M~ ~ rnst middot[plol 1 ii(

uy hor)s(ol In 0 1(1lt lila

9~9 SI1 1st II rlduL~t Igty ponniion [r I~I (II I n T oronto Rampn-oce Lbr~ry

17 Osk P(lltak lkr hcmige ud I Ioliphilw Ir~ J ldK 1 tA(rifll~ UlIll A KvI~m~b(

191111431 Ii for h~ Qfih lok hUllIuand Irlnlt[1gt HI(lIMlultin Pp~tl cd Gm P U md LUCla A

Cil)pom (Idu ~I fl - Lrw ~lIfsk) r~frrnl o Rtlla~nCt Nlt)middotpl aJJojonn~

xt ufpopular ga m ltco mparabk 10 vulgn plmiddotd n I~j middotNllatomc ilocltb III ~kgtr~c( ud Norh I al) Ul Sl~d It 1(middottI~l i lew York 972) p 1 1) i~ 1 I 1)QoinofdlSlllcIllOcrtlt in

he I[TIlI mtd~ 1 er(l~ lll1cgo~ I RUI~ JlnlJJ( i~ p l lrll l~rJ r r(Ie 10 rn( mltlll(j in 111 1middot( IIlI) lil() 110 ( Ihe tMLion of~~Irn wel of N~ro dlrnwwcJiinli oflus md i I h )

iod)e he ocau t ~ Qf hcr lionl iU od nrnliltrsmiddot and lu JltO lo( It(f lone he wa concelvcd are ofpITlkuLu i l~ $

nplt(illl~ sitlclt lhry fill fn lt1 ~ b~l~ dWUI ntmmg lid ]altuale s Uvid f

1luI 1 Sr lt1 (l i l1lcmbtrmcfll bo-hlrd On8 lUI dl Romoon or d~ RQII( III RtUtiulIamp lIteR all rk 14 ~ I ~I l ffl(ll( RIIon ~I i rw] d ja II UOI IhiJadclphlltl (992 ) Pl

30 0 jlllnn tQlran ltk M cu ~ k NIn I fa ~ rm Illjo to 970 $tt

II tIf M Arde ll 1 h( Wfllan d I~ (1I 1e

~ Iw wIlJ IJlblQgrap~~ (N~ i and 110 111(93)

Ik Clo rillunc Hclt cl I wny ltImiddotn ud kit I I a~ KInr ~ rbull pJra bull 01 lor lum~ all gklt amI r~rman I (Ik mi IIulltlin 74 1lt)921 pp II I gt

Er ns ts prpuhioll of die r mb1em illlage inlo I 11lt1r rnivl seque nce (an al~ l

be si1u3led in niltlI io n I() Ihe illuSlri1cd Renaissance alkgory hieh ~ ltlS an lInpo nan t SOll r( li)r all sli bsequen l crnl1cm atisLS Colo II Tl i HYJllrtOlfmlfldljn

Poliphilii7 I t I)tsin witll a d r() 111 alltl i ll middotu l v (~ endkss nCliphtr lll(n l o f environm ents a nd obj((ls th ilt rc~onall throughout EIIlSI 1 0Uale Ilods d lboraldy symholic gardcm IIl WluC r ums h icrgl~ ph s 1 st atile or 1n d~pha nt Ill th it incidC llt5 (Perscus bchead ing of Innt htr 1(1I1 n1lt Slt1n ~

[C tc yled us ) ltlil t lhe tr i u rnph ~ of va rious gods li nd ll1coulH cr~ wil h fcma le pcrsonifiC4l io ns such ltIS Iht middotfi lmiddot lgtCIlSIS ofd wlTI E rll ~ L s 1i]1lnw 100 [ClcS IS A porli liant Cl U pcrsli fiettion Colonnas n )d g llmorizccl

lHroiciztd ll1d narralivized int t lp rt lal iull knd i n~ il ~ Ilr 1 g-lttmcs of m ea nings like v illga r pS~fhoa nalys is If [ rlisl realkgorits till tlIlda rd allcgorYil~-ltl n I1 Il then he dut~ so in way~ lha t preclude HI high mora l or iludlcctua l positions n (sting thc psychomarhia with lttil C)Imiddot 10 p~ychomiddot ltt l ml) q s tu rn ing Ihl Stnsua l cneha nt Hwnts ot snluctivc ~cI4 p i( middot(lS to qtlcasil UIIIla lizcd violcllt ltlud sexual d tSires I il lra r surreali sm IBre(on lIdia

Aragon s PIY5(1II dr Puns) could rel y un the sca AoJd i n~ and d evin s of allegoric - t he d ream vi~ion ) th l peri pau t ic li n o mo in~ 1hroug h a Lil y of m ysterio us (lbjCClS 1l101lum~II IS a nd (I)couiliers I hl~ W I)I11 lt11 1 uf Ill u ta bk idenlilY references 10 OIIHr works of arl and lillfa tlll t nd Soon t rnsa also d eploys the devlrc-s of literary a nd pk lOria l allegury dndging 1I 0 t only emblem bouks but ahl) die g rea t lite rary dkg(lric~ liorn tlw RomfI fir n (0)(

to Colunna to Novcli s lIlcl jieltkl

C hristia ne fi end in lro r key st ud ) ofmodlit lisl a lkgory has argUId thaI Err1~t relinq ui$ h (~ hi s a u tho ria l a ut hori lY in 111 F rllllllt J ()() l i l( allowing hi~

1111lgCS a rad ica l inck ptmiddotnclcnnmiddotp II cUl lld 1( arlued r Ol1v I-dy Ihlt

EflIH pa rod y fu netion~ in a n opposil(middot ay tha i Ir i~ wrc nching or imilL~ oul of l ll tmiddotir Mig- inal 1 )lI tex l ~ i~ a n 1gt 111 iw ill asserting ah~olutc and arbitra l) cuntrol OIr Ih( mh rial Ernst s images Id ) 011 re11l na nl ~ ofl hci

r igi lIa l Ill lltllli ns and los t tQllVCll ional contegt llgt ill hich I he) er( meant

tJen E ADEM c AN TI L NA ~--~--------------T~ ~~

to hi ( lcdihh il luslmt i)M vI S( ll tiic d evt l oprne nL~ na tural phcllomclla lr ltg- il t ric k ~ or rq)l( )(ll((i()f ~ IJf wrh Ifart l a lld lhis al o nce aJlo l~ his (1 11 man ings 10 SCIlll irraLio li a l and lilcral cd a ll d 11 the ~am c limc 10 be c lI npktdy su hjugald U) lht ve ry lI ovell) a nd allom a ly of thcrr tnvironshynlt ll l 1111 a~e lnl )l cd tiag llH l lts o f Ernsts cullages a lT n~ idual evidloCe of tl w Iulhor ily tu UIt Hilli CIII m Clo ll YJlJic pow(J or lite and dealh

arg lla bly IllI very I ppl)~ i t e ufCUI Li l ig loo~e or sellin g liTe

I n his 1l illaI Ilm II~ Enl L l o 1ll111i t lt synLacli cal rape tiXl uctlllg Y()Illll

fru m ti ll eO lltc 1 ()( ~I I joulll als Il K) il ion rt pn~ in whidr 511( represhy

l1t(O popu lar p a int iJlgs cflg ravltl ( r nJa~s a udiences I n I ll s u r k sh e

may 1 1llhOirl y mct unymic hssi pl i (l ll~ or II H ull ing hut ~It ~middot al so rCjJfCSClIb

E tn~ l s own lonir 10111 1 tn CUI and asipn rk~ a h it p in l piaYIT lilCI lIy a ppea ri ng ill hibH WI mi g h l also ~ lJ Spcc l Erns l of viciously

i te ra ling nin( lcclllh-nIl LUry lh eor ies r Ih e cmpall ric ~yOllJ 1 lt1 ~ lhe ( 1111)l)lliIrwl1l or our OWII pir yif1 lllrcqJl i ns J I u ~t~ his all tgtgory of sigm r1i ~od lItd from pir y~kal rdrll l ~ prClieiy as a fi eld in whi c h to dj~ru pshy

tivd ) i lllt rjtcl th l OCtasifHlal irY PlCIilicaUy d(plo yed rull ~ym bol with iL~ supposed ltlli lY illl i L~ rciirenl c jJre~ell tcJ by the 1)(J(h of l he Ilom an 1n the eli (k~ Ch a nTS chap lc r a l thl e nd Ill Url~ Smwiu de lfm f a fi gulc flmini s(nt or Fortuna noats ill Ihe air gTad ua lly li-cc ing

h (r~(lrorlllr a llrihulls ()f whcci Ild ~ i l (fig un 1) 11 t lihCra li ol1 Sill ce Fort un a luore It tuall ) hfCOnHS hrr wh(ei mi nl1ll il by htT l1nlr ed bac k ltIS an h Yllleric and l lso be(on H~ h cr sail hlo wn throug h lhc ~k y her

It rib utes cOIl in ue to be co nSl raining Ind pn middotMmiddotlIt a bsorbed ililu her bud y and gestu res sugg(q illg tht am hig uolls 1l lIratiom a nUrd (] 10

oma n by Max Ernst8t E IIISIS USf or h is maltri11 r(li~ o n Ihe inhc rl1I1 bililY or ollhgory l(o

rtal k go liltmiddot T radit iona ll y rlallcgo riwl ioll ltrllnnl a profan t I(x t or till past 10 h( as assimi la ted in w a n acccp lt hlc y~tlm f moral va JUIs (Vi rg il s

FSllIr( ~4 DlIIid Il cU$ius Emblrm(1Q liqoIAM I lKkn 161 5_

8 _ s~ Ili k Rot R iAamp Rm(

~d lhr jd I~Q~ ()PfigtiL ICbrid and Nrw Yrk 1991-deg flt -lt middotmiQlif - Iha l Inko 2 olll1Q f)f on_ B ~ h lth Rampk]o nxcnl

lUal of Wafbuf(t Iho l1h l in Irrm

01 th ROmMlIl( ymLgtoI unil) f ud dcrem 1 I OPpogtlti IO lI~ry

( hrpertI_~ ~~crnn f ltI s diS300C ialed fro I nfrro1 I i Rob- ~h(fempl l h lrmiddotplio)J Iheon pmiddotI) U lelkI1 pn~uen apphnl tk 1ltgt ~msl tSpltcirJI ) in I ~s pogtr

t uitwc1 Ihron ltl _ Iuh w R l loy rum symbol 10 Ilkfurv Ahr WH) i~

I r- hi Rd I~ 9971 pp ~ 6 R - [hr R iL [[ ul n has ro n Iholt u l

I hru~Ir iuI O) the unk o n wh re laquogtn~ ol Ir~cdm Pfnar p_ ~ 1I1

B I S~( Thn 11 Kclk~ Rmnwtlme Hlqo for tillt applicll ble ~ of In t allctUlxal wun lorn (e ee aUraCUOl) d ll r lnla$ 11 ltI- illual suctched l ~ lI l i Ihi [K w1ir

ltlc 1(o ~dukd from lClion and hj~llt) ry

bu sgt( f)1 g Ihe n -rgt d s he

cmand p Sr Th~ro i 1 or~1 1ltl io of witel )-r tr r lt~ltoI 1gt 1 mln m~y 1- takc -lt lIl rlaphO)f Ruolnlr E Kun1i S rrooti d I js(~ and R o l~rl llolI - n ~prknjo(

illo fo-k-J t] air ltli_ r II

fmiddotm lc (lITe) i SHlrJm and 11 010lt1 II A tw~ Rdolf t Kucn7li and Gwe Ra l~rt ICambllJgc l1i I99I) PPmiddotJt alld S T Imiddot lo ockiu Em ilS or ~ oflC n Ii mCIgttIraquoHgt1 dqI)eJ In ~ h a w~r Ihl 11 CIOI li meu Ulcrlgthunc~ Jly In 1- Riu d~~r

(MIIft~ q~1 lIOuilil ~w Carmd nr Imjlt Igtarod egt t~lcX fatlo~ ~al

jgtuu lJ rtut I(rl) IJ t 1ra 8 Ihemiddot Ie ~IgtIi OIl y 1 t ~atnlt11 1lISt llIil le Scl~h) snd amud ~kinl lt hTifingl) lilltrd I Iht~ ill IH rroh meal fur lo~ l i~ lone rol1 ~middot

l~diqlJr$ mlldr 1111) Hr)(tT) I

r~rn(rl i 1ltgt Ihe hwwir jlgt]al~ el~ hcll

il1lh( l1ltrvrl

(1 IS 1IX lrngtl 1 SmIltllN d amp 193i 0 Max Erllsl 1iI)AGP Van S()DRiC ( Monlrc~l ) 2f)(l(1

l )n IIC Ilupon Of Ih allraf R~~ru 11 (1 I 1$I~ Lolhu I -hr I J~ middotIn Rp jhd bd 11hII hI p HI

Fourh RetI a~ II I( milling of Chris l O vid l l-lrfall(Irphorrr lllorali7cd In

lmJOlIls such h J Hoh CI~ the trials of the lo ver could lJe rca 1go ricd a~ Clll hlnll~ of Chri sia n ~ u(fe ring ltInc co nrilltll cc Ernst reverses tlw prol(~S

dc- morali - ng a llegories In 7 110 dlidren 1IIII1fI(ld ~I (j 1I~lthtillg(h (fig ure zfi ) Frnst lak es U middotidilI1 IIIc(lrlJorphi rape (G anIlH-ci (S ta ~lc Phi lo mcl as

nighting-uk) oul of its repose in spirit ua lizing me taph or as ill (k Kellnincks landscape in h( Wallraf Rir-ha rtz M useu m i ll Cologn( (figure J7 ) ()j emulems sl ch as Hat1idorlhr s in which lit ra pe of Ganymede is rfJllcgoried as the sou ls I ~CIIH lo Cod ( figure 28 )83 Ernst rc t urTl~ Ihnr lo d leir Tl)n l ~ ill ~cx ual viok IlC( hi (h in tu rn S[ ltlnd~ ror the revcnibk hltrU a mi a mbiguous g-round underpinning the provtrh t ln bl cm or allegory

Equally td ling is Enl~ts d ia~rammui( ada platio n or h(rme lic emh lemata in O this mIll rIIIlI kll )w rlO lh lllg 1924 ) I II the paintillg ami II

tIle pl)cm w ri tte n on thl had (a parudy of Ihe oJllo()gical ~ylllhII S Il I I

fi~u r~ 26 Ernl I fUtJ1 mnlilwi ~ II

lllhlmCiJl 191 1 S(1 66I C 1 - r 1 D (t risI ~OI)KC J vumiddot~l l j


th e Hmrfll fd Table of H crrn(~ Trisrn egistu s) Ermt reallt~orlZ(middot ~ the hermetic ~ym bulis ll1 of the nlilrual lini li7atioll of d ivine and cit rddy IS a Freudian middotprinwl scene of gigantic li m b~ and scmiddotx ual pa rtgt Both pa imi ng md puem become rcpr(sntltHion ~ oC the unfu lfill ed n vi ~nging of a n such thing In Ernq s vcrsion the Oedipal a nd Ihe gnolt1l ic an oronc frustratccl substance ltlnd (be power oftbe allegories of h enl1tticism ltIhbaiisrn and aklHmy lies in perpetual d ef( lrd of the d tsircd gol J tl6 Ernst ~ emblem fllnc tioll s more

b roadly illi a scq gtt icai fi gu ration of tht a bil it y of images lO represen t hal IS envi $ioncd or desired in dicating Ihal a ll $lI h em blems ct n only he a sun0 fH l flIT hatt middotcr one an t ~ to know attl in o r rcprcsen Lft7

OJ (Ids 111m sllall kn)1L Mlhing a lso ~ ig na l s its own iconogn lJ)hic history especially tts allu sion to Caspar David Fricdr(h middot$ clllblem tie CrOJS ill Ih

Iounltlills a key work in Grman Roma ntit- dc hIIltg about Iht rela tive fok~ of llIegory and Iandscapc III Erns t as a rl ild er of C ( fman Romil Tlli t~ i~ ltl

would re U 1Il 10 these wpie in his la ndsca pe pai nLings aga in and again Crr)JI ill 111 t1ollll oinf is a lso shadowed by a t( Xl n passage from Ludwig T icck 5 allcgorital novel Fran SI-illbaMr 11middot(lIULmmgrll (J i 98 ) Jnom

26(j ) middot1 ~BImiddot rH ) T I d 1

60 I 1m c (lislt uW(1 Iht twn l1 t timiddot itl~gcry at t~ ngl h ill M~lt Emi l middotI ht 1IJdw(UtI1iJliI

SnllrJ 11 a i - l OCIshy87 Uml middotn o Ero diilltu~ 1he rdu iolll I)( twu h~rn 1l l k svrn lgtol- 1Il in which middotevcry middot~pr ion is a (nignlll hal middotk runlwt ~mgma middot and ~Jr n cconltlructimiddote ~nlys3 as in lini l~

defendJ in middot(n limited scmi III d rili in T ht Ib oJ hllffpWalio Ill n -I--j

fI8 smiddot cJ(m~ (l h W ocn rn ~I( Jaru F~d nnd It ~b1J ~f I muigat ~cw U and Lvndon 1 99lt)~ Karin V()n ~llo lJr ntel thO rrl ll nf (~$7 In 1M -WOIIIIIgt 10 Ern middot lUUlI1 OmJ~(Ilt1 III middotMao b ns l a Rvmlll1ic~m middot M n Enul A Rtl~pnl~ ~ I Werner Spict l t omlo 199 1)

I II~ ~7 K d~ K cunn~k Iuhf rvtJh IM~Io~ fj lt-1IJVdt r gtn leI

dllrf Kgt(hHIZ I ~ l

8iJ bull 1gtlt I g T irk Fwn~ SlmNt11b

11 middotJn~(n Hmt ~ lldIcAt (mll1~hlt

~I lj(h gt)6I ~ p gtgII

J) ~ee 11 0 ~bn lagtlt I Allqlr)

oflrlllll$iol)middot PI 6- 7r lhr dhl1 l1lt IK hr omlll~1 d(h nlll(11 (III ud h ~

ltill u~Jui ncall y I ~nd lor thillgt IcJ rly 1rs ign~II ~lId Impic ddinlun ul rourrlS luch as li lliemiddot h I(ll no h hI l (~ Ii lt mcill ~ tur middotC)middot ll la IIllt-SIKn a (1(11011bullbull 1 H turn jn I(raquolt ru lUI lTnp ~~i 1g ~1 I r

roukl hi ~r~lJ od tlbull ( Ihi Ik nrngt i~ made lllcmllll UKOf)~ Fr ~cl7rh c r) hMd lU lOll ~ Il ili K r nger through $1(middot togt tI ohjrl i( lria 10 judiCII

91 - GltQ rl 6atai llt Solr a ll~middot Fis rif fXt~s SI_rlJ I Im~~ P7 t)39lli

113 $Iodd Minapo l ~Jl lp XIV

1 lt1 6 12 ioIar ~nu p IJ Halaillits 1Qcom )Ir rollinS (m Ih bullrf r lw ~Ml h [ ~ [ I llt imal(vfltouinuous mC l~lor]lh mal p l y i1a d l5ori llJOII lOr tllti M the locornoriH r ltI hl$l)ry lt]uOI(d in aUT

III-rljolmirgt (r SdiJ 1 rlrHn-1 n- I irl 1974 p 1 ~3

illcidcn t the youn g a rtisl F ra il i~ st ru ck by a pa iming llr a l be scc~ in a hn lll it lUll a IlOCIlIIIMI lan dstltl pc ill wh ich a cr ucifix Ull a hiJl i ~ illll m ishy

na llti by IltI ) S o f moonlight The he rm it ex plains Ihat tilt crucifi is a po inte FingcI7cig ) to Ilw ~pjri lu d wurld beyond the faJ lc n world of lla tu n T o Franr ~ o bse na lioll O ne cou ld ca ll th i IMint ing an a lkgor)

the IIn ln il answers All an is JIlt-go rict IIoJ

T IH middotFingcrJeig iI) Ixpbli necl by th e h~rrn it to F ranz S lt rnbald point s not o nly to Iht spiri tlla l but also 10 thlmiddot pr (~cllce of J ll egor~ iblf As a li ter indlx a sho wi ng ha nd o r jJ ~ i l1ting fi n~cr tht Fingerrig i ~ a ~ tJplf

or i Ihlems II is Oimi larly In ade li ter1i b) -l a x E rn)1 t du slig ma tied ha ncl f1 oatin~ in f r OTH of th e lt ruci fi xiOthl~ middot prinM I ~NtJ I Herc it indicates linmiddotth er bu t not Im llscc ndCIH [l)callings90 In E r ll st s painti ng lh t ROlllit lll ics cruci fi x lS alkgori la l poin hr to a hig her nal rn sim ilarly

i tl n l c~ a landscape of d a rk Illowltai ns a nd il eawnly fil ) S IHl I fur the

COltj UIl Cl ivlI o f redemp ti ve c ru cifix a nd ill urnin at iug SUUS(t in Fricclricbmiddots pa inting o r truci ft x and moonlil-h t in Tillkmiddot O novel Ern$[ dark ly ~J bs l it uLes

copulat ing limbs and the bloc ked rays o f a IUllar refipSt Ermls lmiddott nblema tic painting alt Frifeirich s had don ra i se~ p r0 1Jicms or

cnTlIl lllporar) a lkgory When G lf)rges Aatai ll e- turned tn alr-IItm ica l )slIllllng in 192 7 he did so in I( rm~ that almamp t com icH) m im i Ernst s d csul Itmiddot c lltra ilmiddotfilled landscapt 1111 earth middotcovtrtd wi th vuk anOIs hich SltJoT a~ iLs a n us is driven in iL~ rota tion by lhe male ~ha rt ]l tlttraling 1 1 11~

laquomiddotma l- alllJ a lmost t lIl irely (merg ing ill o rder 10 ree n tcr like Ih( piston~ of ~ 100o mo ivl

JI i~ the 1Ilf(ha nical Oll ll)il ltion n(] t ll morm t inn~ of thes mOtmcn t ~ Ihat th~ ak htmists soll~h t 1 I hI philosoJlJ t ~ ~IU Ilt ~

This nWfhJlist jlmiddot cop ulatiu 11 hudcsqu e~ t he vmiddotn ji) UIIl1n ioli o f allegory th e

ltlnagogir 11 wrh of r() rrcsponden(c~ and rtmiddotst ]tlbl a nct~ lIlt middotcopula that li~

one thi ng- 10 a noth n ill lang ua te all Cl witt g ) 11 thin) to be visibly co nnCfted Ha lai lk s a llcgvrical luvers will mve r fi nd ilnythi ng but parrxlic i magc~ l11d Ih ey will [ Il l asieltp l ~ empty a ~ mirrun Wh en En tail k

fu rther GlUs lically mcdita ted Oil the gno~ tic roo ts Llj Hegel ia n ism in Ll)ll~

ma teria li smt c t Ie g nllst ( 1930) p ropus in g a k~ l abili ing hcadl es~


a J1q~ory tha i would elimuatt aJl h ilTardlic11 ~ ~ t C IllS of rdtn lllc indud ing ~implistic rcv( lltals or blst ll ld idea l o r CXq-lt1l 111 llt1 1 lnrl ltlcrUllcn lll he wa addrtR~jng is)llc$ irnpJiL it in Of Ihis men lInll knOll IWlllillf 91 H ()wcvcr heelIlsl Erns l middot ~ all egory ( nds to Ill p a ll)l it i( depcnds on just ~ll (h illvcrshy

~j ()m ilnd reve rsals of hig1 and low Old is a t a re mov from Btl taillcs infla111ll1110ry ()I)f ll-f llded hd lltaded en terprise

E nHl$ im ages a re often d riven by this undermining of thcir (IW ll sourn-s of lJowc r fcp lescnliug hotb II((i r own ~ la luS a nd i1lSIlfjicilIHy OrtCll they

assu me tht appearallce of (lnhkrlls wh ich as concieusetf o r short lr and ig ll ~ of aUTho rit y ~a n c ti fi ~d by t rld ilion art disrupted hy Ewstmiddot~ illtruio n of thc n ltllll r 1 LIld ~e)( u t l rhc n dllcti t middoti~ua l 11I11ouage or cmhlcms lcnd~ t o ltlrd hrogaliun 111(1 fimiddotag11lClltlliun Ih ich LntSl n alu raJiz~s likening Ihe Sllll1X of fj middotrgnWlll3 Iioll 10 (lperatjoT1~ (lil lbe hod y lt bull rile tru ncalLu pa riS a Ird Ii 1111 ~~ or Of IhiJ lien shall know Iohing arg uauly J u clc 10 th t ~ceri ng lIId te lldt n liou~

reconstruniom of tht e mhknjs [anllJage o r aut hori ty a rClruc luring of Ihc

sy mknloche lim hs a lrcldy prnelH in v i ~l1 emblems Througbout his canlt r Ems would dltriV( double prestige flOlll disrupting lhe COJlv(middotnlions of hOl h a rl a nd li tcrJ fl1l middotf iro lliing his au thoriaJ role as bot h a rlis and poel Emblelll s a rC1 ft lilc ground fur ~uch opT3tions k ndi ll g tlwm~clvu 0 ditorshylil)m or he reci prxa lIldi(a tion s or eX T lIld image which anmiddot Ihe STarling

point nfalJ tgory

Ac kn o wled gement

S l l i(j ll~ of thilt papa H r( pncn l(d a~ Ielt tlJT(~ iI conjullclinn il l Max Em~I

rc ll1(nary ehiiJninm Ihe RnlJ ncl 1(nr()X Memorial JccUrc U Il l T a(middot ( )11)

(1(11 middotmff A Ul IrIJJf(ct ll ItJ91 -J) lI lId II M 01 i (Ilal pound7110 O(lff( 11111 Ihr Duwn oj

hguw middot 11lt~ ~ 111lgtltlorHr hnwltim ltr (10( lOH 9

ll G~1 1 1~ l k 9Jo 1Iy tnillcril ilm 01 11l()oSn bullbull n uollgt ~f fj(w ll 11 52 amp0- M l=nmiddot w middotn I rltult~ ~ rKumrnt d ~ 1 ~ her IkuJamin a~ flll~ (ltI by II~Ilt ml II ~nljsL in rn 8 to auK 1 1~middot ul~r l an L~n ur Silllplilll ~I bat ~ J Ilrl~1U

rell t huugh r he dmiddotIIrymclll of d~lthi IiLinl( pmiddot(hootvtic laquogto ep tgt url ~ s Ielcnnimmo tm r1m~crltt ~m gteJmlt IImntllw I l middot~fI Rll1Ifl1l twlllv Imis ~f )m(alUl lin(I~I illrrkdtmiddoty u An~lc

M IAlodlt 91l 11)) U[ i -l lt)1 - I lt-nd ubstmiddotmiddotmiddot- rht Ire rn~l i u Ul uf Illor lt1 Fm~ (J Ii i fnuc lr Crlt Ihl1 t ho- lifl ugtd rmiddot]m of poundrnsl middot~

lIuc nod ilmhil(1)omh g(ndcrltl h gtvlnL ~ n rh mo (h hypcrholic

Dio cjOCulH1o11 orsl) rl-d~n jm1tf(cry1gt il dO(lt i lli fmltle ~aC11l nr [[00lt1 orgmiddotoonldltG1IHllion al 11 0( Immigt ufth aULhOl tlgt hi~ E rol$L is aJlj~1 llIh GltltX B tll lltmiddot hnnlcnz ~u nf llcg) 11gt1$(111 (~I L ory 111-1 111 in middotSoI ant S l ~r fter u ~1Jtn in capl1on i ndirat~

oJ ddo-nce I n nn SPIf (lIKI

r nn1h~r nd sigi ~ L k Ma~ middotrn1 O~f IllOJ ob middotCologne 9i)- ) in uch fll nh(r ifnrm~lin ( laquo(mns I r ~lO ( C ~d locatiOIl may bc tu

il(ure 29 Em1 OJ I middotun shall (Mil

-h~~ 9 f SLl 63middot C 1 Ernni I IJtI 11uJSODRAC (MlHHrc~j l


S1Irrwlism 9lt)3 ) J 11m gl~Hdn l for lho ltc o pport uui l itl 10 (Olls ider Erns to l roCesso r

CI i~ toll wr Crn middotlI ImfCi J oh n Gl)ldi uS Prorr~Ylr Willillll Cmfi~kl and the

11 011 Fod a tio 10 11middoti r va middot i)l1 ~ lt1 g middotn n)lCgt d vicc I 11olIIk Sllzar rl c Ak bari

r l d~(f l)cre nhI Joyn GOKl(i n E rhan Jd l Kavalc lmiddot and M E Vnr lic k

Page 13: Only Half Saying It Ernst SCAN

( 1 1 kiln mlblrm

bull~ J f1nni h hrkl J rJI of hul 41nati rUIHurlmiddot lInmiddot Mlln

I )t ~Jlfodurrrl t pmll rm ropol1111 10 1(111 R(Icr(n(( l ibrary

J l~rT I~ _ Hahn lgtt Ihlll If



h gunmiddot 3 En 7 ulmnr f1 lmlltm 9~3-~ M ti17 CI M~ Ern~I IUGI (1 S~ lnRmiddot ( ~1 llrca l 20(1(1

d tt rnat ioll il llbtlau(l and po~ibk fIII tho I frlln(~ OInollier of Ihe pa i ll I ings sources a R ena issa me allegory of r()rt ull(

IvliIIII()lItlti In tlw c Ollrse of I h ( essa) o n ernblems r i H~d hy Erll had gi cn thc im a~C of FOilli na wi th her wil e] l11d sa il as 11) ex am ple of a [J1 11(n sli tficienl vi~ud (Illbk lll rCftl ir ing 110 tex t to supplcmtmiddot11 1 iLS IlwJlI ingsI Ttl Furll lllt of unblem ~ Ofl11 ~ a ih on slOrm y sta ~

(fig ur( 14)n a nd prl~ LJ mltl J ) t h( i ll llstlal i(n of oil-POll ring m ac liill (J) ~Uggfmiddotlt l cd lO Erns t Iht a ttrih ules o f Fort una Ihe c irc ul a r piplt~ swnd fo r IlI r wheel IlC pi pe barlng her )I~ klr hf1 Ulin dn e~s 4t The leetering of Er nSI ~ Fon una Illa y he lIt r ib lHed to Ill i com)gld ph ~ or t hl grandt 1s lrnmiddotI11I (fig-uri 1 5 )1 ~ In Il le r on ((xl of h yslcna the so urCe illla gl or the acroba t eOJJ1ts in to pla y in Cha rcol and Richer s I J as sj~a l

~tu d y nr hyste ria in ~Ir t I f( )imollinr7 11t5 dml( url j Ui allOytmiddot Iht i ll tl~-

1 1 -(( ~Ij~ lla E middot ((Jla(CIf

f I~ IIml l middotdprM(It OIOIe 97) (11 15 1 r1 rUlclld middotUmiddotme lhauN VI 1Hamp--7middot 4 - hy middotillmiddothul( Fr~nt( S~ltS( ltibull

Icl~ U -fhg uImiddot uurnjl j lurhJrnmd 97 11 I J9 51 This Imiddotunu tlI1hh u Iq td III -

Durc 1 in ~ lnl c t ~ h (1 und n de Imiddotlisunmiddot Jo~rM1 If lilt LIb~( fnlllll III 92~ ) pp 7 I ll

1 Ion ) lnunlrmiddotmiddots 1- Pu d Im ll~l1Id ft n(rmiddot~ middot lax Ernst G middotmJ-k Au Ihmiddotf()JU da amu rlal ig~) n ~IIlaquou do w moTd W I b rrlJNI ml)km~U(middot hl UTlt of middotOCl~Smiddot

11 - I lIn ~rlcfut 10 ] I it I ~m~$ fot hvwinl tnC I lul]w( 1 too rc on I- nn and h) la drlid at the I lI l (bullbull lkrl lurMlhUI hll lIi1)t Un Ga l a fl~u ro uf Iltt gt ~ on) Uotncst(

Uioor ~ l d be Eluurdf Mil f~ I IlII luItltgt4flAlyllf SO~fIJ PI tOj ~

rigUft q Fornll x ttlt h ~It u n

Ii tby WdrOllfl Fullmiddot 11 1 iUllt V~rfbIU Dj( 17

1b J (~ COI ~nfl l ul Rkher - IJIIII(mI~I fa lgrlmiddotrRfl() (Amncrd ilnl 97111 100 n middot eljg wmiddotS pc i ho dlgt$lt In Ad middot ell Sarto S(lUlI

Phl J Wi Jillnl _ poJsMk also Ih ) h) Charco d R~hcr

11 Elila]t(u ll rcn 1lts Iu~ middoth~$triQnk OIICillallo n a t_middot itligll ~

or he bymrk Or lin tkaJ body

1lI uchSlcr 9J Ptgt ~f(gt-imiddot

trnt iu ll show here i till oh~(ralio n thal h y t (ric~1I atli l udc~ pn~sioshy

IIcllc~ ]evc tCtll pUfoi s 1m car ( I n particu licrellH1I1 ITohaliqul 6

Ermls (IlllJleml1ic 7 1r(ri lLg IYmllllll th c ll IS 1 (ompk l1ld humo rolls lI ullcgo rizul ioll of fo rt una -I -1 yst cr ic11

Com plex rlt-fCrcnces like liIi un 10 fortuna pop up thruug ho ul E rn~ Is

I rk amI se rve I S ind i $ of a ll (gor~ di fCCli ng us 1 ) Iradi lio ns or i(onotVashy

ph ) and accumulated Illcanil1g 10 symbolic tig-ures Inc attribules thai re ta in a sh-dowy lu hori t) hilt being Su hj(C lelt1 h~ E rlt 10 subi titwiJll$

r igbull I wwd Pjdk iul1udr Ik Hucilitlnr n I n rhlrnl tlld ( dmiddot lr~ dim~~taqw rf~ Iarl 1186

llnl OOf ~ [ AT tlTUP~~ ~hIQ itl EL L~S U ~ ~A ~IIA ~ O E T IIIUIt II Y S f t R I Q ( [

Allilnde d~ cnciG etenl

nnd degradatiom T he Forull emhlem here comes from Ab y arburg- s sl1ld~ Francesco Sltlsscl1is let lwilli gc Vnfiigung- (1 907l En~ t was not na ive abou t t he nuu re of images and their contagion and he fa nCS r unsidshy

natioll (If the onvt llI il)n of p iCl(ri d language Hld as~ u ll1pt iom ltlh0L11

mea ning At the li me of Warburg Saxl and Panof~k~s t ralings of da~~ial

~ymhol~ amI mylhollt)q-~ th rough IIwir til-hased ltI nri mu lt iple ronm in Ih e

mbkm~ uf mag illklun and as trology E rnst wa- him self englgd witb sudl dchascIllCnts~ 8 Fm u s Er lldil(~ illlag(r) makes h im a pl radnxind

ltlcackmiti a n a nd pa rodi c nr hi ~lOrilIl rel yin on Ihe prl~l i g( of rlcog ui I shyabt l~ q UIt liun bllt sa htlaging tlw h i~torical method Ilat w(lutc1 ~il ua Le a giC 1I wo rk th roug h ils relal ion I() prncden ts Tlw T urning I-1QIl1I cuuld d t~tl be rel a lcd ror middotxa mplc 10 C iOll u~ c lnb[emalir Il1rtJlJlu ncy (fig u lI 1 6) III

Erns t ~ Jisjunct i c ilT1ages parlde nfcrcllt~ bllt ddy rongruity ltllI rl c hronolshy

ogy u hvlr1ing lhe aUlhori ty of history to sequence idell tify imCrp lI l lI lld evaluate H e ~ i lua tCS h i ~ work within the history ofar and li terat ure capita shyli ling 011 th e cx ptxtation orknowin~ ~ aU high academic a n h as donmiddot_ b ut parndicall y mocking any pic t y or nost tgiil fo r 10s1 ori g-in ~j

A work part icula rl y di rctling ll~ 10 problems of Iltlngutge and f(middotp r(lt ll ta shy

ion is AI tht r ln Cltar Word 1923 lfigure 17) pai u tcd Oil lhe Wl tt o f Pau l 3nd Gal a Elu ard s bcdronlll J lengt t h itog-lyph k co n fi g u ra tio n (If fing(rs ba tt and string u e oqlI1 i7OO a rou nd the o r and X of Ernsts name $ilUali ng th e pa inting in the long- tr lditi(J)l of emhlematic deir(~ that play on names The pai nti ng as il immiddotulwmiddots Inc clongucci fin ~cr of a 01ll11l

JIllgt pru habt ) em bod ies Ernst cOIlLlm pnr ilrr rdatiom hip wit h G ala E lulfd (TIl E device traditiontl l is m clIlt 10 proli)ulJdly rcpre~t nl he ha hitual conduct (lr ( ha rati r or onlsel f oncs princc ur th c beloved womUl whitt t voidi ll L pon ra iwrc)Y 11115 5 p lCltlr( panLom im cs n des tabishylized pictoritJ compo~ i J i ()n the bt ll on thmiddot ~ rill~ wh ich ()r IllS lh c [ i~ I II

im minLt1l dltt nKcr oflwlng dropped by Ihe crossed fingcrlt pullin with it Ih( tlil of Ihe Illard-likc in$Ipound t T his co nngllfllion is lik rly a j oking refc rellC to

Frcudill li cn~ t rl ti () TI an x itmiddot t y ~ a noti(11 n i nfOTced hr Erm l ~ou r(( imag fro m 111 Salu re iIluslrllling a Irick in which 0 lingmiddot CTos~ed and pressed to ltl single bJ ll have th e sCll5a rion of feeli ng two balls As a dci(c JJilc rct aining the wit l nd (()nci~ ion appropril( to sueh repnSt IHatioll Frmts painting brea ks wit h th l c1 Clurum ltInri pwpcr k di ng tradi tiona ll y l ~s()C iated

wilh lile devite a ~ portrai t of t he mind or w uL E rnst~ im al l also rdi tes

If iby rhll rg rnfrlhUltrSrhrifk-1f

] irdllcnstlti ll lif9]I 117 51 ~

Rbnd K all) mc~r 1) 1 1gt1(1$

Iltr~hr f lfn1t una d~ ~lIdarhll -brdtllnttk r L f min l lmiddotb~t wnd IJm)tflm T]n J87) 48 1 gt111 ( rldu l (0 Rfrky lin HI 1 ~lI)lJr I L-d Ihr t iol(IJ mhllt1ltlt

ll I ] hwau middot1 he $lru((lIrr or All elonl~ Il)eltIf ill IIII~~~ Iwl RqgtrQI ~I ltlhnJ ( lt 11111 ( Ih ~ 1Il tl 1(1)(1 I~ 1 37middot

iO- amp ( Il ~n ri Eli C Alldtjam(n

aniltt r nlas Ulul ( I doll 16IbiPpmiddot 8 1-7

51 5lt Wmiddotmr SpQ fouJ liolld Irrudi cli ll ~ iu J) Hwhhr Ii du (lttr C610i1 I l7 PImiddot 5 4middot

~ll(ure 16 Giou nlill (Slt f1) ~ini Chilpdj

5~ - XC IstkUIImiddot Ltt Jill ( 1lt drriJtgt nn the pfOpltn~ ofdc ien It ~nno td t

fkmcll lS de Li tltrrmiddot JlIgt Ill d ~80)

lIi(krlt l p II ~_

M a rmontcls insistence 011 the h igh 1110111(1 11 lt urlomiddott emblems I llnn mtd )t VC as 1Il ltlmpll or the o~jt(lionahl t tToli lIIbkm objcL~ luxqllds Iop inirlll allad w ride de ha-gtsessc sUlh as a pot Oil the fi rt ith Ihe mollo f a m ltOIlsul1ed below ) It i~ tempti ng III im agi ne Irnsl toyin g wi th this

higb mor~1 1 po~il iun by delibera tely making a (Tud pun th e basi~ of til liu First Cmr WordY

T ypica ll y huwevr Ernsls Vi~U 1 1 sou rce rna) lJ ~ (lv(rdcterln ined hy 111 trudi tc textual ~ourn III I f NiL dAlllIIbrr D ichrl ~ Dr Uordeu describes the controlling ccnI tI ()r Ih t ch fir OUl ~n$aliOIl~ L~ a jlld~c who hears caS(~ md pIOIl Oll ll (I~ vc rdirts This jud~( hOHver 111lt1) be e ffeclivdr

deceived b y the (i(llIc( it may expe riL- llct paill ill an lIl1 putalcd limb 11 01(011 ~ays Dr Burdeu ~ou Gill INt t he limits allli decepl ions o f

sensa lion by (ltI rrying lItI I Ihi$ sim pI eXlwrinWll t Otl the judge

o n k tro mpe lu- nd Oll 1(11 1 crui ser dl lLX 11( ()~ doilts run Sill Inutrc lUuch(z un t pclill ooule lt1 il pronnll r(ra qu-iln II df l1x

2 bull i

h gumiddot 17middot l rnSl II Ihl FII (lro l1pd 1 )~3 I t bp (I II ~ L m ltlift))G P

1 1 lri~ OUolAC -110laquo1 ltOOO

In to( context of thi ~ pa rt ieulM di~lullsjon of s(n~ttiol II 1t1 Ni l f d J(lmh

lhe hypolbeli cd Fltudi an melning~ nf E rnsts Ilugcrs and ball in tensify The fea f ( castfa linn II lre is dJ ierl 0 (middotO fl~i (kra lion 01 The npITicHclt of pai n and pkhurr di sltussrd fl y Did r rol and the decept ion orthe senses ~ lldy ra ~

someth ing to d o with j urlgill l Ill( dtcp tiolls of illu ~ion is t 111 with the picru rc itsel f alld (implii t in Ihe Ictltl~ ()1l11ed Ily gtIring wd hnger wit h llie k((middotplio ll ~ ufl ang uagc

Beyond UidcrOl til( fou nd ation fror Emsts rlecplion 0 1 El uan] lnd Pau lh tnmiddot~ a rgumen ts about languagc lay in ( enIt 11 Roma nt ic dcba tcl ltlho ll t till ~rn bol ith is full ex p1l~s i (I1t$S and uni ty or ~ ign and n ferfnt 1S OPp()sd HI the di~~ocia lcd and arl Jilrar y sj gn-gllle la lioll l)fa lllmiddotgol) I Of panicular lifelong intenl tu Ernst (ft the po-ms CS~ t ys tJld a lltgorjC~ o f Novali I II the fi ch lc S tudilu N(lva l i~ httl u Hlsid ered lilt rela tion or

l t 7 fit I H l 1gtlt(lI

5 ~ - Sn HLmmiddot odoro M If Ih I ol Ir (Ihrl n r Io rln Ilhh J l)tb 1 151

~ Umothc JaiuA I(hI~ed me of rn~(f hfdonA bullbullding 0 -11 ~ i~ (k Iter lu

hLlhtlh LclOlc 0 ell 91121- M~ dlkllraquolO(l i~ lI deb loo (0 II~

fC(Illt(r o Kn ) ~r-lu t HtNIl_ nI1 Ioudon 9lj s~

fio hlr S d 110 Stlrjinf rd l1I1 dholln ~ lId K rd Sallnd 2 lIllIlIlr~ n 1)gt5

y QUOIn t 1bullbull Iulil1 Oir Il-gtOtw- KumulIl ~I fI Poe jdcr h Ohrfllt1101nl imiddot b-ftJ IMM bull I~ 1 IjJj11_ 1 lt)OCf p ~06

~1 It_I 5ltlrrif(~~ V 282 U lln hilll prp1K(I h1I Novtlraquomiddot d~ ldk ll i

ixua Irlnllllod ~bull middotIrmiddotI1 I middot rJ dwr Ihm rr lrnrlll (Hgtrlldk ) ~H - ito UBeu PI 0 11 11gt ~MI S(itl~I I V I ~

~ 1 ttl lIml To i Was Ma_~ 1-1 Iudirl h i ll Ia ~H K~I~ P l S c r PI Ip HattltlorHrr

I~nf(n (P(t Tunlu IPlI amp nn K olVI)lJtt AtIhIJIt~ ImJ~nt I _jm (1(In EIxhllll 19031 Karl Ih(f)(lomiddot C d cru ( dritl

HMIlI~NI III Jtbtfl DISn LI n Ll(PlM 1Jf(d 1881 J eanmiddotUaud t rtbs (~ ifipp H sectn Cr ~

tIorll Frnkrun middotrnmiddotMam u Iu 1lI

IqIi l PI V~ -t3 Thrn ~r n 1I ~II i ltI h not 1 p~I1gttul r 1( in TI n oell u1f 0111 8ui chmid d FIIrjI ~I 5 ]nJ J~6rfjnnu 1 lII Di_UfJ(11 Numbl

III~ 1Io11l 6 SI h nJ ( f(tmiddotulll ll middotlulrodOIvu AItl~ry aN HprtUIIlJIIDII

PI) ~l D lan pOIfl~ ou ltlr311~~f)rr 3ltll1 mhlrm bull 11 d iflkuhy (Of ]Jqllf i Iht th (mvh d~r ~ 01 rtp~uu -n C tgtOllt~ nd In 11K rmiddotrr fSltltn~ l h~

Iu Qn I ~Icd middotPutal

bullI ~gtIOfV of PllSlVI IIpry RfIlnIllI_ p ~3)

language to th e th i [l~ il t~p rC~n l gt argli n~ t haL silllc lAng uage n rijinatcrl

l1 finding ~ i lm (or lbSl tae l conccpt~ it i illiterr l11ly nw tlphoriltl md dlceptivcn Fot I(ovali ~ fcprCC nT ll ion is a proce -~ hy which lall~utKC

fig ures (orth somelh ing lhal i ~ itself IUSI I rough tillt ln y 1(1 of being pnstlIh( If for Nova li ~ jlOmiddottry IIl ll lgt1 appro~ld l i~ual li rt ))il rot~il Inu

also zur Kunst werdcn ) ~I ne( rt hclt-~ d ll ~i I) ilwit)bly Idl shor

crea ling an illusiun uf prcsellcC where t he re is n() IH So (I IlC ( an n p n SCIl I onl y i ll ordcr 10 rcprcscmiddotnt Y alld beyuml t hi ~ lei of 1lt_ prcMnting thrrc i~ rIn absolutc ulIlcprtsctH ahk negllid y d tlcrm in ltgtd KlOu nd a conce pt or being that lt1111101 be d(~( l i hltd (111) displMcd im o c han o r darkmss cent Tn Novalis Eru~ 1 wou ld find a his tury fOl J (I lwlhiIlmiddots (ol1lcm po rIIY

argumcnt thnt all ln nguagl inn )ivcs metaphor and millndcr~t lIld ing a nd lil his d tllcriptioll of IIe cia rk nes~ Iha l sl l orc~ lip Ihl )l lOvcrh OlSlTlions Novalis~ theori fs ofl anguage uor nt oul by Pa ulhan ct1ll thC lllsck e 10 Ill

middotprlScll led by ErnST in the en ig-nuic piuolid Innn Lpprnp riltlH to NOlt1i ~ ~

sig n or 8ild

Allh~ Fin- Clear Word Ill a y be lfad in ligh l orlh~I plradmtlt ofbnguagl lild ~emury d ectption I n~ot~ r a ~ EII) is til represen w r n r pn5lnllr CJftlll pic tll re he is til t d tceiHI ho (c l hI eq n I writcs him$(lf intn IIw p ictu re through his pnouious mono~ ram 3 ~ ti l( deceived Sim il (ontig ur lI iuns or balls a nd stri ng llC a cOlIlIlon plac( of SCclllttnth-cent ury

(middottIIule lm )( rhlil l it~ sud l a~ R lJlkll h lgcns l enllOll~ Globe hanging hy A

thread IllrCa ltned by tht di vine k ni ft wilh its mOllo 1 wi ll hc cm 10 pi tccs

fIgure 18 T IlfsC l m blcUla lie modds sel up the ( lIt1 i n~Cltlst ration j oke impliCi t i ll Enm~ plin ting T he mOllo or I llIvorffcrs rebted emblrlll ha l dccei CS us a mu~cs u~ is cunsistent lth t he ide) uf lhe pli n ting iI~

an illustra tion 01 Illr (kctpt ions of thO se nlt-~ and of m imetic picllln-m k i ll~

tsdr ftigure 19)

H ard(irfit- r 01In eccen tric th(o ris t uf the e o lvill Genn a n la n ~ua~(

a nel of uuoque emhlems H iJ visio n 01 middotGrlllairl poticmiddot was illfiuencecl by Ripas rulolugifl Acia w and J atO) C algt l ~lII st ho had studied ph ilu logy an d hld la kcn a ( ou r~( o n the v c r man nomiddotd of the sevenshy

leenth lin d middotijl ltnnl h cel1111ri o l it u nivtfi ly miln I dl have Cllcou nshytered his 1 ()lk 9 I I is a~y til 11 (-l arsdlitflcr a~ it proto-sunca list

throug h Jing-u islit ~arlH ~ ill Wllld ~ amI illll(~ b) p hon ti play and nc c()r tr bi n a lioH ~ Ill hoped 1(1 drw 1)lIt h iddell ret lI1b l a n ce~ bct ccn th ings and CVl U 10 invcnt IIC W Ih ings illulllill ltinl lI lt p ro fo und rdations of I lItgulgt mpound ttoe o rld I he cullelt i gllllc-pla) illK of his C tspradtshyspick fragmcn tcd syllabic and wo rd re(()I nbined b ltliterna li m cun trishybutors to produt( unli)rt (c lI rclt I1 I1 ~ ha~ I)l iUlis afJiui lies w il h surreali~t

potti I practice H aT1gtltlu r rfCIs emblem r ai(~ a ~lmiddotnlmiddotr tI puinl ahou t em blems hile tlln

pro id e Glp tival ing rt)lism cf el ltil tl li is IP l r~ l to ensure Ie~ihilil and ough t to have Ilolhillg 10 do I ith Ihe Jl lt- I ~ lI nmiddot Urlllil1lDis A t Ih( F lnl Galf

Vorn a ~ a piclure a bout S( II~()ry cl ( p tiotl is a n ironir a llegory or ils own t1l IK1Ciri cs (0 rcprcocnt r-I(IIc hrou l- it rIilCgt ltI p roblem of aUIgory whkh Lries It) fu lly npn scnl or pi tun al) t rt( tions llUt I~ hich llIccssa ril rccals

ilS uwn fa ilure lu arw ally brillg lillih ~udl tl lill~s fgt T he da ril ) of the cmbk m sim ul ates tht gra tifJ I lir~ of I n i (J1lsi~ stl1ing up an anxi()u ~ t1t t rshy

naliun btlwctn (knxlillg wh a t i ~ IlH- u lr d eH lr dll1iC(11 dra lng and



I bull



relishing the pleasur UI) pmsibly lIli 11 1lt1 i( tJl E1l11Jk mati~ a1l0w E rn~ 1 shywho 4xprcsscd cQn tcni p l (() I milllClit a rt to negot iate bdwfcn I h~ ~I(tu(~shy

livci ) mimet ic tud ed ifying)y d i agrarnma l ic 6~

As 1 pend ru 10 AI Iht hr~ 1 elfllT kV(lrd til (ol1l g ~ L Q)QI Jl tSCIIf n ) OUIIl

girl 930 -70 (figu re 20) tu - h i1I Ems f IHu a lly added a real glolWmiddot tikc bltlll ul ltlnnil y bcar~ 0111 [he sense of the Rollen hagen l mbll Il ah hough thl di vjllC POWtf to cut i~ now invested in the tollage nist himself (o r rather Is he represents himselfilhin Iht piClUre l~ Lo ploPi The em bleshym a ti c rt lnin d n Iha l rh inbTS U( 1I1titna tcly IUIt of your hands Ihll ( oci hold~

thl ~ci ~sonbull i ~ plnyert upon hy Ernst wi lh da rk i l The introduct ion o f Lo ptop in 1910 as Ern t ~lt rtgo recaJl~ owllis diClUm The 1 1l1 li~1

preselt iLSeJ f as prcsln ting 3 Th i5 cads again to lIlt problem ()f the vict lln asmiddotil1li~i oll [ltU L()plop i ~

lI sultl lly d cscrilx-d imprf~sJli()o )jk( as introducing or p rese1l1ing tbe pic tll OfL r n il is Lop lop ~lC lillg as frl1lw o r easd who prCSCli Is a n iUlIsiomiddot Jli~li( pi clltrt ilhin lltt piUunu5 T he ~ ll hjCtI~ of tll( pi( llIn~ lI il hin the

piCHI onen have weigh t) implicJliuns I rolll1( Ililii grapes by a~sociltltion with Z tuxils gmpes im o kc piolo ri a l illusionism oa k kavcs stan d fo r (C111111 narion) islll a nd RU(k has rl ief M aJgtcilllise sla nds tor F rench nltionltl lshyiim It is as if Ihe sym boJic me ni li lS indicated b) Loplop~ piclu res t re IS i lonkally rcl ri (vaule as the pos~ihi lilics of pino ri 11 iltu~ion and flllln(i~ th they sland for alld ilh wlloh Ihey an Pcs(nt ed TI H the grI I(S a nd 1lCS

2 5 (1 TU lrAHI middot H 1(-

Fillln II ( il)r id R o)knhag~n middotClu han b II hr~d wlih (~ tr ha nd hold g a kn rmiddot ~f(~w 1hIlIIIImiddot I i-him r ~i

fi t - St Th II Kelley Rn~MI

II II(go ] II ~(IIl he If Ih~1 nl(crmst llrgor~ na k middot ldrr r~t(h n I t ~

I h on ~ l llpp1)Vdl) oljlflSCd 10 il r)w mimClibullbull his(01 )

() 2 h r hisect iIIllhn (fOlU (hi

(l hll mele mil ~ 11 arlif t ~

Ma_ fru~l jjiIMJ p I 6J - ~Mlta )iJmik ~ f ~t12 ~ct

~I )ulm P 97 (v r di (m h~

Pilamplg hvll t N(ll$ II a rl h ltlonlt4) ontt I 10( lim or ~m~IJ I1 Y 1IIIliD 11$ iltit (laquolt ~ndjd G ~ ~IJ

mulaquo el 1 rl arsd ltnd laquocu 6 s O middotRticn I lI lh Th pk utc -ithm h pintlr _tnCi as mc~rhor ru t NOali om pI ad pIIaduxinl image I l ie -1l ld h h wdun Ikin~ hll iI~) 1middotU1 ou tsid e j( as n prtlCnt tWIl

~Qligt hnJ ~ p 06 ti) - I plup~ middotad a nd eQpalt$ h~

any ~ial pr~cnlenu C( middotrrllr SIlOlt f~Qp_ rr J i( OIMt Srf LotdwI

Jlil Ik~Q 1 SI)ics I(8middotus l ~c1r ( rrma o-c is MOl Sehind s TII trti~tgt a iOimacd COnllltUl6 ~ilt5(lt rllaquot and ~il5hl-nlzot) fn~nn 0 Nlrru~fI IJaa 80

tisull 9 H lrjr Wshy nj() h Mr~t ~ 1 Itmfr U(pr~(hrIr

1644 (I


r for Jr


ikdy d a$gtltS


(J VUlliJ yenrrfttr~ I Xi In lh~

LltJII()Igtltrics t~ l ~h UlCt Ilw rompt

fMI dlilaquo (f making (hiu ~Jl llCar IU Igt I n nplJ(1 QUI of Ill()lhcr pic of PII r bdud lion which I 1lap ilh (he ambJguIjI Qf ltOt lhin hccomioe middotrl )7 S pound I) VHI Image ar bod Y dt purd aliRl1l11(llt 01 Waltt r Ikllj ~mi lt1 1 Bnlmiddot JDI(1 M8JN~IIl1iI ~ 3

Ilt)ltJI pp ~5 -H20n h~ P r bullbull II1tQl 10 11( cn blrn1 Ilr liK if IC~ t()

I)irn iocapl hle Ihe-Imiddot of middotrnln lmg meaning bullbull liegQ1 i~ 01 ju(

Olhnlll mClonpnic 5hiflil g 01 Wmanl(


art acturl lly pre~sed into thl paper 10 form ~ ha~ lr-lief h ci~hlI1~ lilt joke Oil 1h( power of piClori11 illusio1lism to hring things illlO r(l 1 d inwnsions wi th in tIll fidd o(the r iled mimesis of the ditglam l1la lic larger pi( tu lmiddotmiddot

So Cr llsts pictun may ntmiddot tl kcn 1 a n (mhemlIic prCsentation or Novaliss Bild lunel ioning as a Plfldoxi( d rlj) rc~cn l alion of 11ll fli lurc 10

flill y represc nt dealing wit h thc plOhle rn o f prcsen li l~ a pilI UII a t all and by elltensiOll wil h the )nhcllnt dcnplio ll~ of me La pho] i1lu-iol l and lan guClgc O ften representcd by a dark ell si lhouettcd htnd IS in Ioplop pminlS bullffjiifJ 1931 (fi gu rc 21) Toplop invokes Novl lis f~JlloJs d cscri pshytioll o(thc delusi(n of repr~cntlllg H( gliI-p- ollly a handful ()r d ~llklJcss ((

Loplop a~ i ll1 plcs~ario mtkcs p rescnting ~d l~co l1 c i olls hat is prestmed i ~

ahIs mediated 01 II a rnllOW like Ill( pictures Wi lh1) pic lurts losing

ground III llllIly o r Ernsts p3i nling~ W~ 11( ill the territory of cmblemalic rcprOlclllltHioT1 thost fa ilures and ha zards agaim t hi ch the rnord or motto or the emblem i~ proph~ bClieall) ~c l Ernst makes the cmble mat ic il1l agl a ll emblem orkonograph ic lnca n ill ~ itsclfb7

Tn the (middotolllgc novels ]lIginning with La Femlllt 100 [Flu 1929 Ernst dcvdops the cm blem image illlO an allf~o lka l na rrali( Tf Enhts coll agc T1ocI ~ fU llction or ma lfUllclioli l~ parodics of the pul p nov as cx lcndccl clich e the atrnosphln of popula r IlOVel movi ng- from dimao( to climax is nut (Illy char3neri sl il o f di llhangcr scrit1illd Ii (lioll bUI of high allegoric-

~ ilurr 1Q ~rJUI --QpI~ IW(1IIJ P~lIf $1

11)3)-70 ~ I tl 1 1 C 1 1 -nm middot 0 (1

1~riII-O[)1iC ( IlIn~11 locO

111)_ HI nl [ ~ l Cl middot

ril(UR 21 ~nb l Loplol fgtrr~ll bullrjlirJ 193) raquoI~ 1781 Cl 1( lt f rtI~(AIJA(f

ld SUOkAC ( Ina l ZOQO

(gt11- Ou EI and pu(p fin iou Klt Rltncc

R irlot 1 1I~rI S~JIIJ on flu 11ltgt01 Jkrkdmiddot~ od l(gtmiddotngt1cs ~ P 8

(I li ~ r)hC Olhe r(olla ((n-vcb 10 (tII~ 100 ius lltms 10 f()rl~ ~cu i t i It f J) bn pred i(1ali( ITUucm nf

dJgory thaI IhIt ir is w lhig

~-qutItLil1 and UorrdlJ d~li) irlo )PUlI lhol a 101 s~ j 1 rma ll e Iruun OrUrgurir 1 d middot middot 70 Sec RrlIll I)j kw Idol Dr (fomlr gt~raquoI4S~~ ofFm= ri( i Fi -ltir)l1dr CIIIMlt rw Yk I ondon and O d Od 7r - Ilr hundred h~dlc wumn

pcrgtoniM Ihr protlogt ofnIlt) i II blt n d~ugtltsltJ lrum la~I llt nmiddot I a ~ Old Ikrricln gtI I at OJ~ 1I OllgtII) Ic Ihin lnd b) UI huured 11Ultbl

(ltTduug Slaquo Kon Rund tbi~ oUtIII l SnfUQa flta (Slrnl

-Ill Jcq1 [xrrid I ~ Ihr ~i dr Plmon r PIQImr idd i rUf HiOn

1- 1 1jl3lt) ~5- ~1 a 1 11Ik -bn

laIlt 1111- uf P5UaSI Il 11 n 7 nLllIr Max En_ s CCIl1~ldc A Il

u~dJjJ Ju tzmis Punl of pHtdigmltK- rcmm~ Jail (tcmiddot i duo1lltcJ

j ltoul l e~ d to Ir mYIr~ de IJ Fr nn I (h rlltoum ed ilh Inrily n [J

ru~orlf J~dlnl Ul Ieh IW adl COl middot

iJ drjed in Lr M~IUf ~ (ue biod Il)d by II rah ) mllo)~ a (M from CIen dOn Imiddot ga~m

n j)()gtltt t ( du d I dClaquo1 PllfT

J1( Inl 9~3 I 3 )middot i J 1 mpu lit) is 011( ( I)utf HlT~JIJ ilIU1lruom illmlHffi by t dl~ aKI o lkmm Solaquo rhf 11rllrpIt~ of 1fIIopoilbullbull 1(0)1 ltlt 1 A I (~ bull Lltdo d3middotICl ) I or the hltad leM

m~ ~I nprt nlIVlt of the lI h~voJiud

Mltirirr5(C Ilaydcn hw T hc Ior r Idnc rll f~fJ)lgtfOlmr FHJ n

cJIllIr1 (nWi BahiOI~ 11(1 l aunn

l7ijjP r63 5

ltIS wellG8 The luadks~ OIl1an w ho c rupts iu uiflircn l forms lhrou~hflu l Ia Frllllllr X) tilu could ~ef( as a mnaphor lor Ihe d isru privt relations bel ween metaphor ltlnd th( ~cq ucn tiltt l flow of narrative charaCte ristic ( I llegory The d(vd o]lm(n l~ cnn (inui lY and rcptli li(HlS afTordcd by 1lIJTativc allow hun (0 rCClpil lLlatt S() W ~rea k hi ~ usc of woma n to personify his own Icdllliqlll

The k nmJe nud e had belfl l1l1 lhe prw niscuQu sig nifier par t udtIll( 111 nin clee nlh -nntury $ll nn painling in 1 hifh Ilt t complex it(lltirics and allri shy

hut es of any given 1 l1 cgoricld personifi cat ion WCl( Kro~~ l y sim plifin l a nd s i ~lIalled a nd in which multipl ied numbers (of ha rtm ~la v (s or OJcads) com pensa te fo r loss of indiidual s ignificalion If Ihimiddot ~a loll lIu dc finally scrvf d as a pcr~nn i fi clI ion of a n OcrT rowcltd a nd raquohdioere Sa lon itsdr 7ltgt that cltuase lllent of the aan c mil tra dil ilJll rIK ina ted Erm t as he pl ullder(d ninelecn th-cent ury j ournals a nd salrl11 (pvrl~ fOt his collage ma l( i1 1I y not one hundred headl(lO~ woman instead of onc hundred mrmingk ss oms why nOI om perrcn ly ugly hcadlc ~ Ioman (ICte de mecl us() instead of ti le rut ile Salon bca ut ic_

Tlt tlc is Ill importan t (ll ulcmalic prototype for frns t~ womln a ~ GC f(]

Rauer has notcd I rnst s fcmm e 100 t Ci I~ has a counte rparl ln L a Pcrr i i rc ~

11 T lriil de$ bQNJ en~IIS (rigurl 22 ) IhlUl1 d i~llliss~ this rcscmbk nc( agt fortu itous ImHer il is im portant Ih1I it is the Inl tllnt is c1ost-S1 10 the

Ill(ltlni nls uf Ernst s woman not till image I Pcrlicres femme is iuall y an ad ap tat ion of a lomill onpl acx Horapllll o-dlTivcd hcadle~ ma n

signif)itll( I m )JOssibili t~ presuma hly a 11 aul c~s oman l~ douhly illlpossihlen In L Pcrricrcs prcm lO he is not JJl( rely ]utdless bu r rtther Jik( Ernst s middot te mll1 f hilS I)Ulny i(kn til il~~ IqJrcst ll l(o by many heads silt is compa n d to lh e Chi n1ltl crn Girion p) hnn tll cdusa Cerberu~ and lhat l-llnicular pnmiddotc ur~or of tIl( km nw 100 Ittcs Iht H yd ra Through such proli li-ration or menning sIt( is Ih e mhkJll l i ~L~ dream emblem Lr

Pcrriercs le( nlllcludes tha t ma rc marvellous Ihan all Y of Ihc~t lll ylhic creatures middot vu lrl bt Ull(- fem me sans leu Ihe One figure who cou ld prcSurnshyably em bod y a ll hybr id mean ings in one ~ llcc in (t blll meani ngless fo rm La lclTiCr~ crnhlem may be an allegory of lhe cjlem ma of rht PO(I UIIHl Lnned hy his middot iivll~ hu l need ing 10 be a )H roi( d eca pitator a rer~(lI ~

aluivalc1l1 T hl ngrt l1a ble mora l conclusio n of La Perri eres poem is tha i woman Ilccds a guidc a ra tional hCltld a nl ltln lax pound rllst71

O n one occuion irr IAI FtnllU 100 liles Ernsl himself appearS (fi gure 13 1 III Loplop and the mouse s horoscope M attCrs or desliny fa lc a nd horoscope- are a sta ple ur emblclIl li te rat ure middotf he imge is pan of a n embleshymat ic (radiliv) in vhich caged creatures slam] ror lht ca ptivi lY and sull t ring of tIlt poel or lo (r (fig ure 24)1) Em Sl i~ agen t and nO l ca ptive 01 flt ltc however Ba n-dle~lcd he may be (rt l ra~ rfli hen a~ ltlll odur pcr~nll a uf Ihe multi-valc lll woman he carries the d isGmlrd cinllus of th at stock haraCllr of l lk gOry the haUd resscd woman RUI he holds onto h i~ hal (Ihich unlike the he-ad Ill ay be lakcn on and of 1 ) and thu s retaim for himself Ihe powcrful masculine role of the head Erusl appea ring in persOIl wilhin his tollage 110d signn ls his SWIUS as a ll-controlling novelist or em hleshymatist d lOS(middot c lvnga lcd hand CH n pluck thr- mouse Out of il s ordaiucd palh al a n) tim t Ernsl l$ a llcgorisl should Iw SitultlHd in the trdi liun ofparod ic nuvc isg incl udilg Ka lldais Charles Sorcl J cln -Pa ul R idlter and TIlOlIllS Stcrne whose work relies 0 11 a Jlet0ry to ironi ( it ~ own d tviccs~

hllur~ )~ rouU gt lt 11 Ierricn middot1 _ Fe 0lt ~Iemiddot bb(om xv Lt middotfhIQII( au flu OlU 539middot

7 t t- rr middotm i ~hlllkeuoImiddot(gtr I ~

E ts alP-1m~ ad 10 III unJinn~ Ih t middothltmiddot ~11 ome hmiddot Igill~ o nly in o 1 oj Ihem ~e ltor pmpcrl) nmn~(tcd IIgt Illfi r 1middototls tT j inllny ITrI 5I t 01 SIJ Iijt I-i 1 Ynr I)U

1middot9 i ~ Thmiddot tllmiddotd 111I)Ult if) Iro p O JPC~Il

lciII otld ~rqJlOxIUmiddotlmiddotd in I) middot~(on( ~t j oolgt C~~ middot i ~poliJ t

gtj)(lli lont tmiddotC I 111 (apia I)n1

[mill ) MUftIM~ Alh dt 11((-111

fAmSIrd I 7~ (l Damel Hcin~iul

Q I ~lD 1~J i Jm I-oIo bullt ) fo r lupid (gtIllide h ase Md P C t 1)(1middot Imbl~w tryU 1l~rd~m 6 rmiddotlmulcd Pdmburgh bulln7l) fcr Cil~rrl bini ~e ncr (Inllri ) aud cupid with ( ~cd ~uinrl 70 T ho $(lrnHmhurv au C hr[ So middotI JlhT rparodir novel a nd IIlkgori(O ( h anw rl ttlnIHomaM)

ealled iIllOIltSlion mi(Ic rda liou pc bnl(lIagc and III(Ialhor Sorer IA llalJM df ] i1Jbullbull d rih inl( illtolI (IU~1

~ ~ hltgt~d nn peI middotrh gl1_ rhlemiddot Jta~middotlIIg lt1 word altgtCUo ns loped J) hc PUWK middot~u du nall iJ a JrcLuIXlT r rnmiddot i~ ileJ[laquoIU311Dt~s 5lt ( hI M rd u II ~ 1f(J n1~ (Pn_ (pI rcpri lro Cmiddotneva I In) I II calte oflh coU~ lt rImmiddote1i trn auhial IU-altAO Pli middotuJarly ho hOj( mlhlt (crmA n KumlIi J~- lJul Ridner middotbose H)15 ltt Imiddot) hd raquoPlltkd I nnch IlIor41)middot all(nlion ~d Ih adlDlI-llluU o(j (l ll Ia l h ~ and Atdtt ISr~lt)n middotIltmiddot wen 11 Y lr1nd lrlIlt I io lfj~ ln-I HI Kichllr$ nmlk a lllorio rI narruvlts I U ( muhIImiddot l oice IUd idrmiu(l SU)tgjOgtjl

Jm~(1 I(dnn lues Ihe T j l aIS lisr of nI I~ImiddotrJ1 puion of his nilId I$n

ort o(lXlI EI ~ 111lt he r1l lo h-ough Ihe quouditn _orld in JAIrun(

1M IbN ~~ t altga rtl H ale II ~f

Olxron SdiOQlj Afi1)ullu 1)~ 1nil 91) and Claulk jich i I middotmJ~ lit 71~-I fJJJ1 (~ J(IIU l~ MIjalllUt llnt 1963

I ~urc 3 M~ ~ rnst middot[plol 1 ii(

uy hor)s(ol In 0 1(1lt lila

9~9 SI1 1st II rlduL~t Igty ponniion [r I~I (II I n T oronto Rampn-oce Lbr~ry

17 Osk P(lltak lkr hcmige ud I Ioliphilw Ir~ J ldK 1 tA(rifll~ UlIll A KvI~m~b(

191111431 Ii for h~ Qfih lok hUllIuand Irlnlt[1gt HI(lIMlultin Pp~tl cd Gm P U md LUCla A

Cil)pom (Idu ~I fl - Lrw ~lIfsk) r~frrnl o Rtlla~nCt Nlt)middotpl aJJojonn~

xt ufpopular ga m ltco mparabk 10 vulgn plmiddotd n I~j middotNllatomc ilocltb III ~kgtr~c( ud Norh I al) Ul Sl~d It 1(middottI~l i lew York 972) p 1 1) i~ 1 I 1)QoinofdlSlllcIllOcrtlt in

he I[TIlI mtd~ 1 er(l~ lll1cgo~ I RUI~ JlnlJJ( i~ p l lrll l~rJ r r(Ie 10 rn( mltlll(j in 111 1middot( IIlI) lil() 110 ( Ihe tMLion of~~Irn wel of N~ro dlrnwwcJiinli oflus md i I h )

iod)e he ocau t ~ Qf hcr lionl iU od nrnliltrsmiddot and lu JltO lo( It(f lone he wa concelvcd are ofpITlkuLu i l~ $

nplt(illl~ sitlclt lhry fill fn lt1 ~ b~l~ dWUI ntmmg lid ]altuale s Uvid f

1luI 1 Sr lt1 (l i l1lcmbtrmcfll bo-hlrd On8 lUI dl Romoon or d~ RQII( III RtUtiulIamp lIteR all rk 14 ~ I ~I l ffl(ll( RIIon ~I i rw] d ja II UOI IhiJadclphlltl (992 ) Pl

30 0 jlllnn tQlran ltk M cu ~ k NIn I fa ~ rm Illjo to 970 $tt

II tIf M Arde ll 1 h( Wfllan d I~ (1I 1e

~ Iw wIlJ IJlblQgrap~~ (N~ i and 110 111(93)

Ik Clo rillunc Hclt cl I wny ltImiddotn ud kit I I a~ KInr ~ rbull pJra bull 01 lor lum~ all gklt amI r~rman I (Ik mi IIulltlin 74 1lt)921 pp II I gt

Er ns ts prpuhioll of die r mb1em illlage inlo I 11lt1r rnivl seque nce (an al~ l

be si1u3led in niltlI io n I() Ihe illuSlri1cd Renaissance alkgory hieh ~ ltlS an lInpo nan t SOll r( li)r all sli bsequen l crnl1cm atisLS Colo II Tl i HYJllrtOlfmlfldljn

Poliphilii7 I t I)tsin witll a d r() 111 alltl i ll middotu l v (~ endkss nCliphtr lll(n l o f environm ents a nd obj((ls th ilt rc~onall throughout EIIlSI 1 0Uale Ilods d lboraldy symholic gardcm IIl WluC r ums h icrgl~ ph s 1 st atile or 1n d~pha nt Ill th it incidC llt5 (Perscus bchead ing of Innt htr 1(1I1 n1lt Slt1n ~

[C tc yled us ) ltlil t lhe tr i u rnph ~ of va rious gods li nd ll1coulH cr~ wil h fcma le pcrsonifiC4l io ns such ltIS Iht middotfi lmiddot lgtCIlSIS ofd wlTI E rll ~ L s 1i]1lnw 100 [ClcS IS A porli liant Cl U pcrsli fiettion Colonnas n )d g llmorizccl

lHroiciztd ll1d narralivized int t lp rt lal iull knd i n~ il ~ Ilr 1 g-lttmcs of m ea nings like v illga r pS~fhoa nalys is If [ rlisl realkgorits till tlIlda rd allcgorYil~-ltl n I1 Il then he dut~ so in way~ lha t preclude HI high mora l or iludlcctua l positions n (sting thc psychomarhia with lttil C)Imiddot 10 p~ychomiddot ltt l ml) q s tu rn ing Ihl Stnsua l cneha nt Hwnts ot snluctivc ~cI4 p i( middot(lS to qtlcasil UIIIla lizcd violcllt ltlud sexual d tSires I il lra r surreali sm IBre(on lIdia

Aragon s PIY5(1II dr Puns) could rel y un the sca AoJd i n~ and d evin s of allegoric - t he d ream vi~ion ) th l peri pau t ic li n o mo in~ 1hroug h a Lil y of m ysterio us (lbjCClS 1l101lum~II IS a nd (I)couiliers I hl~ W I)I11 lt11 1 uf Ill u ta bk idenlilY references 10 OIIHr works of arl and lillfa tlll t nd Soon t rnsa also d eploys the devlrc-s of literary a nd pk lOria l allegury dndging 1I 0 t only emblem bouks but ahl) die g rea t lite rary dkg(lric~ liorn tlw RomfI fir n (0)(

to Colunna to Novcli s lIlcl jieltkl

C hristia ne fi end in lro r key st ud ) ofmodlit lisl a lkgory has argUId thaI Err1~t relinq ui$ h (~ hi s a u tho ria l a ut hori lY in 111 F rllllllt J ()() l i l( allowing hi~

1111lgCS a rad ica l inck ptmiddotnclcnnmiddotp II cUl lld 1( arlued r Ol1v I-dy Ihlt

EflIH pa rod y fu netion~ in a n opposil(middot ay tha i Ir i~ wrc nching or imilL~ oul of l ll tmiddotir Mig- inal 1 )lI tex l ~ i~ a n 1gt 111 iw ill asserting ah~olutc and arbitra l) cuntrol OIr Ih( mh rial Ernst s images Id ) 011 re11l na nl ~ ofl hci

r igi lIa l Ill lltllli ns and los t tQllVCll ional contegt llgt ill hich I he) er( meant

tJen E ADEM c AN TI L NA ~--~--------------T~ ~~

to hi ( lcdihh il luslmt i)M vI S( ll tiic d evt l oprne nL~ na tural phcllomclla lr ltg- il t ric k ~ or rq)l( )(ll((i()f ~ IJf wrh Ifart l a lld lhis al o nce aJlo l~ his (1 11 man ings 10 SCIlll irraLio li a l and lilcral cd a ll d 11 the ~am c limc 10 be c lI npktdy su hjugald U) lht ve ry lI ovell) a nd allom a ly of thcrr tnvironshynlt ll l 1111 a~e lnl )l cd tiag llH l lts o f Ernsts cullages a lT n~ idual evidloCe of tl w Iulhor ily tu UIt Hilli CIII m Clo ll YJlJic pow(J or lite and dealh

arg lla bly IllI very I ppl)~ i t e ufCUI Li l ig loo~e or sellin g liTe

I n his 1l illaI Ilm II~ Enl L l o 1ll111i t lt synLacli cal rape tiXl uctlllg Y()Illll

fru m ti ll eO lltc 1 ()( ~I I joulll als Il K) il ion rt pn~ in whidr 511( represhy

l1t(O popu lar p a int iJlgs cflg ravltl ( r nJa~s a udiences I n I ll s u r k sh e

may 1 1llhOirl y mct unymic hssi pl i (l ll~ or II H ull ing hut ~It ~middot al so rCjJfCSClIb

E tn~ l s own lonir 10111 1 tn CUI and asipn rk~ a h it p in l piaYIT lilCI lIy a ppea ri ng ill hibH WI mi g h l also ~ lJ Spcc l Erns l of viciously

i te ra ling nin( lcclllh-nIl LUry lh eor ies r Ih e cmpall ric ~yOllJ 1 lt1 ~ lhe ( 1111)l)lliIrwl1l or our OWII pir yif1 lllrcqJl i ns J I u ~t~ his all tgtgory of sigm r1i ~od lItd from pir y~kal rdrll l ~ prClieiy as a fi eld in whi c h to dj~ru pshy

tivd ) i lllt rjtcl th l OCtasifHlal irY PlCIilicaUy d(plo yed rull ~ym bol with iL~ supposed ltlli lY illl i L~ rciirenl c jJre~ell tcJ by the 1)(J(h of l he Ilom an 1n the eli (k~ Ch a nTS chap lc r a l thl e nd Ill Url~ Smwiu de lfm f a fi gulc flmini s(nt or Fortuna noats ill Ihe air gTad ua lly li-cc ing

h (r~(lrorlllr a llrihulls ()f whcci Ild ~ i l (fig un 1) 11 t lihCra li ol1 Sill ce Fort un a luore It tuall ) hfCOnHS hrr wh(ei mi nl1ll il by htT l1nlr ed bac k ltIS an h Yllleric and l lso be(on H~ h cr sail hlo wn throug h lhc ~k y her

It rib utes cOIl in ue to be co nSl raining Ind pn middotMmiddotlIt a bsorbed ililu her bud y and gestu res sugg(q illg tht am hig uolls 1l lIratiom a nUrd (] 10

oma n by Max Ernst8t E IIISIS USf or h is maltri11 r(li~ o n Ihe inhc rl1I1 bililY or ollhgory l(o

rtal k go liltmiddot T radit iona ll y rlallcgo riwl ioll ltrllnnl a profan t I(x t or till past 10 h( as assimi la ted in w a n acccp lt hlc y~tlm f moral va JUIs (Vi rg il s

FSllIr( ~4 DlIIid Il cU$ius Emblrm(1Q liqoIAM I lKkn 161 5_

8 _ s~ Ili k Rot R iAamp Rm(

~d lhr jd I~Q~ ()PfigtiL ICbrid and Nrw Yrk 1991-deg flt -lt middotmiQlif - Iha l Inko 2 olll1Q f)f on_ B ~ h lth Rampk]o nxcnl

lUal of Wafbuf(t Iho l1h l in Irrm

01 th ROmMlIl( ymLgtoI unil) f ud dcrem 1 I OPpogtlti IO lI~ry

( hrpertI_~ ~~crnn f ltI s diS300C ialed fro I nfrro1 I i Rob- ~h(fempl l h lrmiddotplio)J Iheon pmiddotI) U lelkI1 pn~uen apphnl tk 1ltgt ~msl tSpltcirJI ) in I ~s pogtr

t uitwc1 Ihron ltl _ Iuh w R l loy rum symbol 10 Ilkfurv Ahr WH) i~

I r- hi Rd I~ 9971 pp ~ 6 R - [hr R iL [[ ul n has ro n Iholt u l

I hru~Ir iuI O) the unk o n wh re laquogtn~ ol Ir~cdm Pfnar p_ ~ 1I1

B I S~( Thn 11 Kclk~ Rmnwtlme Hlqo for tillt applicll ble ~ of In t allctUlxal wun lorn (e ee aUraCUOl) d ll r lnla$ 11 ltI- illual suctched l ~ lI l i Ihi [K w1ir

ltlc 1(o ~dukd from lClion and hj~llt) ry

bu sgt( f)1 g Ihe n -rgt d s he

cmand p Sr Th~ro i 1 or~1 1ltl io of witel )-r tr r lt~ltoI 1gt 1 mln m~y 1- takc -lt lIl rlaphO)f Ruolnlr E Kun1i S rrooti d I js(~ and R o l~rl llolI - n ~prknjo(

illo fo-k-J t] air ltli_ r II

fmiddotm lc (lITe) i SHlrJm and 11 010lt1 II A tw~ Rdolf t Kucn7li and Gwe Ra l~rt ICambllJgc l1i I99I) PPmiddotJt alld S T Imiddot lo ockiu Em ilS or ~ oflC n Ii mCIgttIraquoHgt1 dqI)eJ In ~ h a w~r Ihl 11 CIOI li meu Ulcrlgthunc~ Jly In 1- Riu d~~r

(MIIft~ q~1 lIOuilil ~w Carmd nr Imjlt Igtarod egt t~lcX fatlo~ ~al

jgtuu lJ rtut I(rl) IJ t 1ra 8 Ihemiddot Ie ~IgtIi OIl y 1 t ~atnlt11 1lISt llIil le Scl~h) snd amud ~kinl lt hTifingl) lilltrd I Iht~ ill IH rroh meal fur lo~ l i~ lone rol1 ~middot

l~diqlJr$ mlldr 1111) Hr)(tT) I

r~rn(rl i 1ltgt Ihe hwwir jlgt]al~ el~ hcll

il1lh( l1ltrvrl

(1 IS 1IX lrngtl 1 SmIltllN d amp 193i 0 Max Erllsl 1iI)AGP Van S()DRiC ( Monlrc~l ) 2f)(l(1

l )n IIC Ilupon Of Ih allraf R~~ru 11 (1 I 1$I~ Lolhu I -hr I J~ middotIn Rp jhd bd 11hII hI p HI

Fourh RetI a~ II I( milling of Chris l O vid l l-lrfall(Irphorrr lllorali7cd In

lmJOlIls such h J Hoh CI~ the trials of the lo ver could lJe rca 1go ricd a~ Clll hlnll~ of Chri sia n ~ u(fe ring ltInc co nrilltll cc Ernst reverses tlw prol(~S

dc- morali - ng a llegories In 7 110 dlidren 1IIII1fI(ld ~I (j 1I~lthtillg(h (fig ure zfi ) Frnst lak es U middotidilI1 IIIc(lrlJorphi rape (G anIlH-ci (S ta ~lc Phi lo mcl as

nighting-uk) oul of its repose in spirit ua lizing me taph or as ill (k Kellnincks landscape in h( Wallraf Rir-ha rtz M useu m i ll Cologn( (figure J7 ) ()j emulems sl ch as Hat1idorlhr s in which lit ra pe of Ganymede is rfJllcgoried as the sou ls I ~CIIH lo Cod ( figure 28 )83 Ernst rc t urTl~ Ihnr lo d leir Tl)n l ~ ill ~cx ual viok IlC( hi (h in tu rn S[ ltlnd~ ror the revcnibk hltrU a mi a mbiguous g-round underpinning the provtrh t ln bl cm or allegory

Equally td ling is Enl~ts d ia~rammui( ada platio n or h(rme lic emh lemata in O this mIll rIIIlI kll )w rlO lh lllg 1924 ) I II the paintillg ami II

tIle pl)cm w ri tte n on thl had (a parudy of Ihe oJllo()gical ~ylllhII S Il I I

fi~u r~ 26 Ernl I fUtJ1 mnlilwi ~ II

lllhlmCiJl 191 1 S(1 66I C 1 - r 1 D (t risI ~OI)KC J vumiddot~l l j


th e Hmrfll fd Table of H crrn(~ Trisrn egistu s) Ermt reallt~orlZ(middot ~ the hermetic ~ym bulis ll1 of the nlilrual lini li7atioll of d ivine and cit rddy IS a Freudian middotprinwl scene of gigantic li m b~ and scmiddotx ual pa rtgt Both pa imi ng md puem become rcpr(sntltHion ~ oC the unfu lfill ed n vi ~nging of a n such thing In Ernq s vcrsion the Oedipal a nd Ihe gnolt1l ic an oronc frustratccl substance ltlnd (be power oftbe allegories of h enl1tticism ltIhbaiisrn and aklHmy lies in perpetual d ef( lrd of the d tsircd gol J tl6 Ernst ~ emblem fllnc tioll s more

b roadly illi a scq gtt icai fi gu ration of tht a bil it y of images lO represen t hal IS envi $ioncd or desired in dicating Ihal a ll $lI h em blems ct n only he a sun0 fH l flIT hatt middotcr one an t ~ to know attl in o r rcprcsen Lft7

OJ (Ids 111m sllall kn)1L Mlhing a lso ~ ig na l s its own iconogn lJ)hic history especially tts allu sion to Caspar David Fricdr(h middot$ clllblem tie CrOJS ill Ih

Iounltlills a key work in Grman Roma ntit- dc hIIltg about Iht rela tive fok~ of llIegory and Iandscapc III Erns t as a rl ild er of C ( fman Romil Tlli t~ i~ ltl

would re U 1Il 10 these wpie in his la ndsca pe pai nLings aga in and again Crr)JI ill 111 t1ollll oinf is a lso shadowed by a t( Xl n passage from Ludwig T icck 5 allcgorital novel Fran SI-illbaMr 11middot(lIULmmgrll (J i 98 ) Jnom

26(j ) middot1 ~BImiddot rH ) T I d 1

60 I 1m c (lislt uW(1 Iht twn l1 t timiddot itl~gcry at t~ ngl h ill M~lt Emi l middotI ht 1IJdw(UtI1iJliI

SnllrJ 11 a i - l OCIshy87 Uml middotn o Ero diilltu~ 1he rdu iolll I)( twu h~rn 1l l k svrn lgtol- 1Il in which middotevcry middot~pr ion is a (nignlll hal middotk runlwt ~mgma middot and ~Jr n cconltlructimiddote ~nlys3 as in lini l~

defendJ in middot(n limited scmi III d rili in T ht Ib oJ hllffpWalio Ill n -I--j

fI8 smiddot cJ(m~ (l h W ocn rn ~I( Jaru F~d nnd It ~b1J ~f I muigat ~cw U and Lvndon 1 99lt)~ Karin V()n ~llo lJr ntel thO rrl ll nf (~$7 In 1M -WOIIIIIgt 10 Ern middot lUUlI1 OmJ~(Ilt1 III middotMao b ns l a Rvmlll1ic~m middot M n Enul A Rtl~pnl~ ~ I Werner Spict l t omlo 199 1)

I II~ ~7 K d~ K cunn~k Iuhf rvtJh IM~Io~ fj lt-1IJVdt r gtn leI

dllrf Kgt(hHIZ I ~ l

8iJ bull 1gtlt I g T irk Fwn~ SlmNt11b

11 middotJn~(n Hmt ~ lldIcAt (mll1~hlt

~I lj(h gt)6I ~ p gtgII

J) ~ee 11 0 ~bn lagtlt I Allqlr)

oflrlllll$iol)middot PI 6- 7r lhr dhl1 l1lt IK hr omlll~1 d(h nlll(11 (III ud h ~

ltill u~Jui ncall y I ~nd lor thillgt IcJ rly 1rs ign~II ~lId Impic ddinlun ul rourrlS luch as li lliemiddot h I(ll no h hI l (~ Ii lt mcill ~ tur middotC)middot ll la IIllt-SIKn a (1(11011bullbull 1 H turn jn I(raquolt ru lUI lTnp ~~i 1g ~1 I r

roukl hi ~r~lJ od tlbull ( Ihi Ik nrngt i~ made lllcmllll UKOf)~ Fr ~cl7rh c r) hMd lU lOll ~ Il ili K r nger through $1(middot togt tI ohjrl i( lria 10 judiCII

91 - GltQ rl 6atai llt Solr a ll~middot Fis rif fXt~s SI_rlJ I Im~~ P7 t)39lli

113 $Iodd Minapo l ~Jl lp XIV

1 lt1 6 12 ioIar ~nu p IJ Halaillits 1Qcom )Ir rollinS (m Ih bullrf r lw ~Ml h [ ~ [ I llt imal(vfltouinuous mC l~lor]lh mal p l y i1a d l5ori llJOII lOr tllti M the locornoriH r ltI hl$l)ry lt]uOI(d in aUT

III-rljolmirgt (r SdiJ 1 rlrHn-1 n- I irl 1974 p 1 ~3

illcidcn t the youn g a rtisl F ra il i~ st ru ck by a pa iming llr a l be scc~ in a hn lll it lUll a IlOCIlIIIMI lan dstltl pc ill wh ich a cr ucifix Ull a hiJl i ~ illll m ishy

na llti by IltI ) S o f moonlight The he rm it ex plains Ihat tilt crucifi is a po inte FingcI7cig ) to Ilw ~pjri lu d wurld beyond the faJ lc n world of lla tu n T o Franr ~ o bse na lioll O ne cou ld ca ll th i IMint ing an a lkgor)

the IIn ln il answers All an is JIlt-go rict IIoJ

T IH middotFingcrJeig iI) Ixpbli necl by th e h~rrn it to F ranz S lt rnbald point s not o nly to Iht spiri tlla l but also 10 thlmiddot pr (~cllce of J ll egor~ iblf As a li ter indlx a sho wi ng ha nd o r jJ ~ i l1ting fi n~cr tht Fingerrig i ~ a ~ tJplf

or i Ihlems II is Oimi larly In ade li ter1i b) -l a x E rn)1 t du slig ma tied ha ncl f1 oatin~ in f r OTH of th e lt ruci fi xiOthl~ middot prinM I ~NtJ I Herc it indicates linmiddotth er bu t not Im llscc ndCIH [l)callings90 In E r ll st s painti ng lh t ROlllit lll ics cruci fi x lS alkgori la l poin hr to a hig her nal rn sim ilarly

i tl n l c~ a landscape of d a rk Illowltai ns a nd il eawnly fil ) S IHl I fur the

COltj UIl Cl ivlI o f redemp ti ve c ru cifix a nd ill urnin at iug SUUS(t in Fricclricbmiddots pa inting o r truci ft x and moonlil-h t in Tillkmiddot O novel Ern$[ dark ly ~J bs l it uLes

copulat ing limbs and the bloc ked rays o f a IUllar refipSt Ermls lmiddott nblema tic painting alt Frifeirich s had don ra i se~ p r0 1Jicms or

cnTlIl lllporar) a lkgory When G lf)rges Aatai ll e- turned tn alr-IItm ica l )slIllllng in 192 7 he did so in I( rm~ that almamp t com icH) m im i Ernst s d csul Itmiddot c lltra ilmiddotfilled landscapt 1111 earth middotcovtrtd wi th vuk anOIs hich SltJoT a~ iLs a n us is driven in iL~ rota tion by lhe male ~ha rt ]l tlttraling 1 1 11~

laquomiddotma l- alllJ a lmost t lIl irely (merg ing ill o rder 10 ree n tcr like Ih( piston~ of ~ 100o mo ivl

JI i~ the 1Ilf(ha nical Oll ll)il ltion n(] t ll morm t inn~ of thes mOtmcn t ~ Ihat th~ ak htmists soll~h t 1 I hI philosoJlJ t ~ ~IU Ilt ~

This nWfhJlist jlmiddot cop ulatiu 11 hudcsqu e~ t he vmiddotn ji) UIIl1n ioli o f allegory th e

ltlnagogir 11 wrh of r() rrcsponden(c~ and rtmiddotst ]tlbl a nct~ lIlt middotcopula that li~

one thi ng- 10 a noth n ill lang ua te all Cl witt g ) 11 thin) to be visibly co nnCfted Ha lai lk s a llcgvrical luvers will mve r fi nd ilnythi ng but parrxlic i magc~ l11d Ih ey will [ Il l asieltp l ~ empty a ~ mirrun Wh en En tail k

fu rther GlUs lically mcdita ted Oil the gno~ tic roo ts Llj Hegel ia n ism in Ll)ll~

ma teria li smt c t Ie g nllst ( 1930) p ropus in g a k~ l abili ing hcadl es~


a J1q~ory tha i would elimuatt aJl h ilTardlic11 ~ ~ t C IllS of rdtn lllc indud ing ~implistic rcv( lltals or blst ll ld idea l o r CXq-lt1l 111 llt1 1 lnrl ltlcrUllcn lll he wa addrtR~jng is)llc$ irnpJiL it in Of Ihis men lInll knOll IWlllillf 91 H ()wcvcr heelIlsl Erns l middot ~ all egory ( nds to Ill p a ll)l it i( depcnds on just ~ll (h illvcrshy

~j ()m ilnd reve rsals of hig1 and low Old is a t a re mov from Btl taillcs infla111ll1110ry ()I)f ll-f llded hd lltaded en terprise

E nHl$ im ages a re often d riven by this undermining of thcir (IW ll sourn-s of lJowc r fcp lescnliug hotb II((i r own ~ la luS a nd i1lSIlfjicilIHy OrtCll they

assu me tht appearallce of (lnhkrlls wh ich as concieusetf o r short lr and ig ll ~ of aUTho rit y ~a n c ti fi ~d by t rld ilion art disrupted hy Ewstmiddot~ illtruio n of thc n ltllll r 1 LIld ~e)( u t l rhc n dllcti t middoti~ua l 11I11ouage or cmhlcms lcnd~ t o ltlrd hrogaliun 111(1 fimiddotag11lClltlliun Ih ich LntSl n alu raJiz~s likening Ihe Sllll1X of fj middotrgnWlll3 Iioll 10 (lperatjoT1~ (lil lbe hod y lt bull rile tru ncalLu pa riS a Ird Ii 1111 ~~ or Of IhiJ lien shall know Iohing arg uauly J u clc 10 th t ~ceri ng lIId te lldt n liou~

reconstruniom of tht e mhknjs [anllJage o r aut hori ty a rClruc luring of Ihc

sy mknloche lim hs a lrcldy prnelH in v i ~l1 emblems Througbout his canlt r Ems would dltriV( double prestige flOlll disrupting lhe COJlv(middotnlions of hOl h a rl a nd li tcrJ fl1l middotf iro lliing his au thoriaJ role as bot h a rlis and poel Emblelll s a rC1 ft lilc ground fur ~uch opT3tions k ndi ll g tlwm~clvu 0 ditorshylil)m or he reci prxa lIldi(a tion s or eX T lIld image which anmiddot Ihe STarling

point nfalJ tgory

Ac kn o wled gement

S l l i(j ll~ of thilt papa H r( pncn l(d a~ Ielt tlJT(~ iI conjullclinn il l Max Em~I

rc ll1(nary ehiiJninm Ihe RnlJ ncl 1(nr()X Memorial JccUrc U Il l T a(middot ( )11)

(1(11 middotmff A Ul IrIJJf(ct ll ItJ91 -J) lI lId II M 01 i (Ilal pound7110 O(lff( 11111 Ihr Duwn oj

hguw middot 11lt~ ~ 111lgtltlorHr hnwltim ltr (10( lOH 9

ll G~1 1 1~ l k 9Jo 1Iy tnillcril ilm 01 11l()oSn bullbull n uollgt ~f fj(w ll 11 52 amp0- M l=nmiddot w middotn I rltult~ ~ rKumrnt d ~ 1 ~ her IkuJamin a~ flll~ (ltI by II~Ilt ml II ~nljsL in rn 8 to auK 1 1~middot ul~r l an L~n ur Silllplilll ~I bat ~ J Ilrl~1U

rell t huugh r he dmiddotIIrymclll of d~lthi IiLinl( pmiddot(hootvtic laquogto ep tgt url ~ s Ielcnnimmo tm r1m~crltt ~m gteJmlt IImntllw I l middot~fI Rll1Ifl1l twlllv Imis ~f )m(alUl lin(I~I illrrkdtmiddoty u An~lc

M IAlodlt 91l 11)) U[ i -l lt)1 - I lt-nd ubstmiddotmiddotmiddot- rht Ire rn~l i u Ul uf Illor lt1 Fm~ (J Ii i fnuc lr Crlt Ihl1 t ho- lifl ugtd rmiddot]m of poundrnsl middot~

lIuc nod ilmhil(1)omh g(ndcrltl h gtvlnL ~ n rh mo (h hypcrholic

Dio cjOCulH1o11 orsl) rl-d~n jm1tf(cry1gt il dO(lt i lli fmltle ~aC11l nr [[00lt1 orgmiddotoonldltG1IHllion al 11 0( Immigt ufth aULhOl tlgt hi~ E rol$L is aJlj~1 llIh GltltX B tll lltmiddot hnnlcnz ~u nf llcg) 11gt1$(111 (~I L ory 111-1 111 in middotSoI ant S l ~r fter u ~1Jtn in capl1on i ndirat~

oJ ddo-nce I n nn SPIf (lIKI

r nn1h~r nd sigi ~ L k Ma~ middotrn1 O~f IllOJ ob middotCologne 9i)- ) in uch fll nh(r ifnrm~lin ( laquo(mns I r ~lO ( C ~d locatiOIl may bc tu

il(ure 29 Em1 OJ I middotun shall (Mil

-h~~ 9 f SLl 63middot C 1 Ernni I IJtI 11uJSODRAC (MlHHrc~j l


S1Irrwlism 9lt)3 ) J 11m gl~Hdn l for lho ltc o pport uui l itl 10 (Olls ider Erns to l roCesso r

CI i~ toll wr Crn middotlI ImfCi J oh n Gl)ldi uS Prorr~Ylr Willillll Cmfi~kl and the

11 011 Fod a tio 10 11middoti r va middot i)l1 ~ lt1 g middotn n)lCgt d vicc I 11olIIk Sllzar rl c Ak bari

r l d~(f l)cre nhI Joyn GOKl(i n E rhan Jd l Kavalc lmiddot and M E Vnr lic k

Page 14: Only Half Saying It Ernst SCAN

h gunmiddot 3 En 7 ulmnr f1 lmlltm 9~3-~ M ti17 CI M~ Ern~I IUGI (1 S~ lnRmiddot ( ~1 llrca l 20(1(1

d tt rnat ioll il llbtlau(l and po~ibk fIII tho I frlln(~ OInollier of Ihe pa i ll I ings sources a R ena issa me allegory of r()rt ull(

IvliIIII()lItlti In tlw c Ollrse of I h ( essa) o n ernblems r i H~d hy Erll had gi cn thc im a~C of FOilli na wi th her wil e] l11d sa il as 11) ex am ple of a [J1 11(n sli tficienl vi~ud (Illbk lll rCftl ir ing 110 tex t to supplcmtmiddot11 1 iLS IlwJlI ingsI Ttl Furll lllt of unblem ~ Ofl11 ~ a ih on slOrm y sta ~

(fig ur( 14)n a nd prl~ LJ mltl J ) t h( i ll llstlal i(n of oil-POll ring m ac liill (J) ~Uggfmiddotlt l cd lO Erns t Iht a ttrih ules o f Fort una Ihe c irc ul a r piplt~ swnd fo r IlI r wheel IlC pi pe barlng her )I~ klr hf1 Ulin dn e~s 4t The leetering of Er nSI ~ Fon una Illa y he lIt r ib lHed to Ill i com)gld ph ~ or t hl grandt 1s lrnmiddotI11I (fig-uri 1 5 )1 ~ In Il le r on ((xl of h yslcna the so urCe illla gl or the acroba t eOJJ1ts in to pla y in Cha rcol and Richer s I J as sj~a l

~tu d y nr hyste ria in ~Ir t I f( )imollinr7 11t5 dml( url j Ui allOytmiddot Iht i ll tl~-

1 1 -(( ~Ij~ lla E middot ((Jla(CIf

f I~ IIml l middotdprM(It OIOIe 97) (11 15 1 r1 rUlclld middotUmiddotme lhauN VI 1Hamp--7middot 4 - hy middotillmiddothul( Fr~nt( S~ltS( ltibull

Icl~ U -fhg uImiddot uurnjl j lurhJrnmd 97 11 I J9 51 This Imiddotunu tlI1hh u Iq td III -

Durc 1 in ~ lnl c t ~ h (1 und n de Imiddotlisunmiddot Jo~rM1 If lilt LIb~( fnlllll III 92~ ) pp 7 I ll

1 Ion ) lnunlrmiddotmiddots 1- Pu d Im ll~l1Id ft n(rmiddot~ middot lax Ernst G middotmJ-k Au Ihmiddotf()JU da amu rlal ig~) n ~IIlaquou do w moTd W I b rrlJNI ml)km~U(middot hl UTlt of middotOCl~Smiddot

11 - I lIn ~rlcfut 10 ] I it I ~m~$ fot hvwinl tnC I lul]w( 1 too rc on I- nn and h) la drlid at the I lI l (bullbull lkrl lurMlhUI hll lIi1)t Un Ga l a fl~u ro uf Iltt gt ~ on) Uotncst(

Uioor ~ l d be Eluurdf Mil f~ I IlII luItltgt4flAlyllf SO~fIJ PI tOj ~

rigUft q Fornll x ttlt h ~It u n

Ii tby WdrOllfl Fullmiddot 11 1 iUllt V~rfbIU Dj( 17

1b J (~ COI ~nfl l ul Rkher - IJIIII(mI~I fa lgrlmiddotrRfl() (Amncrd ilnl 97111 100 n middot eljg wmiddotS pc i ho dlgt$lt In Ad middot ell Sarto S(lUlI

Phl J Wi Jillnl _ poJsMk also Ih ) h) Charco d R~hcr

11 Elila]t(u ll rcn 1lts Iu~ middoth~$triQnk OIICillallo n a t_middot itligll ~

or he bymrk Or lin tkaJ body

1lI uchSlcr 9J Ptgt ~f(gt-imiddot

trnt iu ll show here i till oh~(ralio n thal h y t (ric~1I atli l udc~ pn~sioshy

IIcllc~ ]evc tCtll pUfoi s 1m car ( I n particu licrellH1I1 ITohaliqul 6

Ermls (IlllJleml1ic 7 1r(ri lLg IYmllllll th c ll IS 1 (ompk l1ld humo rolls lI ullcgo rizul ioll of fo rt una -I -1 yst cr ic11

Com plex rlt-fCrcnces like liIi un 10 fortuna pop up thruug ho ul E rn~ Is

I rk amI se rve I S ind i $ of a ll (gor~ di fCCli ng us 1 ) Iradi lio ns or i(onotVashy

ph ) and accumulated Illcanil1g 10 symbolic tig-ures Inc attribules thai re ta in a sh-dowy lu hori t) hilt being Su hj(C lelt1 h~ E rlt 10 subi titwiJll$

r igbull I wwd Pjdk iul1udr Ik Hucilitlnr n I n rhlrnl tlld ( dmiddot lr~ dim~~taqw rf~ Iarl 1186

llnl OOf ~ [ AT tlTUP~~ ~hIQ itl EL L~S U ~ ~A ~IIA ~ O E T IIIUIt II Y S f t R I Q ( [

Allilnde d~ cnciG etenl

nnd degradatiom T he Forull emhlem here comes from Ab y arburg- s sl1ld~ Francesco Sltlsscl1is let lwilli gc Vnfiigung- (1 907l En~ t was not na ive abou t t he nuu re of images and their contagion and he fa nCS r unsidshy

natioll (If the onvt llI il)n of p iCl(ri d language Hld as~ u ll1pt iom ltlh0L11

mea ning At the li me of Warburg Saxl and Panof~k~s t ralings of da~~ial

~ymhol~ amI mylhollt)q-~ th rough IIwir til-hased ltI nri mu lt iple ronm in Ih e

mbkm~ uf mag illklun and as trology E rnst wa- him self englgd witb sudl dchascIllCnts~ 8 Fm u s Er lldil(~ illlag(r) makes h im a pl radnxind

ltlcackmiti a n a nd pa rodi c nr hi ~lOrilIl rel yin on Ihe prl~l i g( of rlcog ui I shyabt l~ q UIt liun bllt sa htlaging tlw h i~torical method Ilat w(lutc1 ~il ua Le a giC 1I wo rk th roug h ils relal ion I() prncden ts Tlw T urning I-1QIl1I cuuld d t~tl be rel a lcd ror middotxa mplc 10 C iOll u~ c lnb[emalir Il1rtJlJlu ncy (fig u lI 1 6) III

Erns t ~ Jisjunct i c ilT1ages parlde nfcrcllt~ bllt ddy rongruity ltllI rl c hronolshy

ogy u hvlr1ing lhe aUlhori ty of history to sequence idell tify imCrp lI l lI lld evaluate H e ~ i lua tCS h i ~ work within the history ofar and li terat ure capita shyli ling 011 th e cx ptxtation orknowin~ ~ aU high academic a n h as donmiddot_ b ut parndicall y mocking any pic t y or nost tgiil fo r 10s1 ori g-in ~j

A work part icula rl y di rctling ll~ 10 problems of Iltlngutge and f(middotp r(lt ll ta shy

ion is AI tht r ln Cltar Word 1923 lfigure 17) pai u tcd Oil lhe Wl tt o f Pau l 3nd Gal a Elu ard s bcdronlll J lengt t h itog-lyph k co n fi g u ra tio n (If fing(rs ba tt and string u e oqlI1 i7OO a rou nd the o r and X of Ernsts name $ilUali ng th e pa inting in the long- tr lditi(J)l of emhlematic deir(~ that play on names The pai nti ng as il immiddotulwmiddots Inc clongucci fin ~cr of a 01ll11l

JIllgt pru habt ) em bod ies Ernst cOIlLlm pnr ilrr rdatiom hip wit h G ala E lulfd (TIl E device traditiontl l is m clIlt 10 proli)ulJdly rcpre~t nl he ha hitual conduct (lr ( ha rati r or onlsel f oncs princc ur th c beloved womUl whitt t voidi ll L pon ra iwrc)Y 11115 5 p lCltlr( panLom im cs n des tabishylized pictoritJ compo~ i J i ()n the bt ll on thmiddot ~ rill~ wh ich ()r IllS lh c [ i~ I II

im minLt1l dltt nKcr oflwlng dropped by Ihe crossed fingcrlt pullin with it Ih( tlil of Ihe Illard-likc in$Ipound t T his co nngllfllion is lik rly a j oking refc rellC to

Frcudill li cn~ t rl ti () TI an x itmiddot t y ~ a noti(11 n i nfOTced hr Erm l ~ou r(( imag fro m 111 Salu re iIluslrllling a Irick in which 0 lingmiddot CTos~ed and pressed to ltl single bJ ll have th e sCll5a rion of feeli ng two balls As a dci(c JJilc rct aining the wit l nd (()nci~ ion appropril( to sueh repnSt IHatioll Frmts painting brea ks wit h th l c1 Clurum ltInri pwpcr k di ng tradi tiona ll y l ~s()C iated

wilh lile devite a ~ portrai t of t he mind or w uL E rnst~ im al l also rdi tes

If iby rhll rg rnfrlhUltrSrhrifk-1f

] irdllcnstlti ll lif9]I 117 51 ~

Rbnd K all) mc~r 1) 1 1gt1(1$

Iltr~hr f lfn1t una d~ ~lIdarhll -brdtllnttk r L f min l lmiddotb~t wnd IJm)tflm T]n J87) 48 1 gt111 ( rldu l (0 Rfrky lin HI 1 ~lI)lJr I L-d Ihr t iol(IJ mhllt1ltlt

ll I ] hwau middot1 he $lru((lIrr or All elonl~ Il)eltIf ill IIII~~~ Iwl RqgtrQI ~I ltlhnJ ( lt 11111 ( Ih ~ 1Il tl 1(1)(1 I~ 1 37middot

iO- amp ( Il ~n ri Eli C Alldtjam(n

aniltt r nlas Ulul ( I doll 16IbiPpmiddot 8 1-7

51 5lt Wmiddotmr SpQ fouJ liolld Irrudi cli ll ~ iu J) Hwhhr Ii du (lttr C610i1 I l7 PImiddot 5 4middot

~ll(ure 16 Giou nlill (Slt f1) ~ini Chilpdj

5~ - XC IstkUIImiddot Ltt Jill ( 1lt drriJtgt nn the pfOpltn~ ofdc ien It ~nno td t

fkmcll lS de Li tltrrmiddot JlIgt Ill d ~80)

lIi(krlt l p II ~_

M a rmontcls insistence 011 the h igh 1110111(1 11 lt urlomiddott emblems I llnn mtd )t VC as 1Il ltlmpll or the o~jt(lionahl t tToli lIIbkm objcL~ luxqllds Iop inirlll allad w ride de ha-gtsessc sUlh as a pot Oil the fi rt ith Ihe mollo f a m ltOIlsul1ed below ) It i~ tempti ng III im agi ne Irnsl toyin g wi th this

higb mor~1 1 po~il iun by delibera tely making a (Tud pun th e basi~ of til liu First Cmr WordY

T ypica ll y huwevr Ernsls Vi~U 1 1 sou rce rna) lJ ~ (lv(rdcterln ined hy 111 trudi tc textual ~ourn III I f NiL dAlllIIbrr D ichrl ~ Dr Uordeu describes the controlling ccnI tI ()r Ih t ch fir OUl ~n$aliOIl~ L~ a jlld~c who hears caS(~ md pIOIl Oll ll (I~ vc rdirts This jud~( hOHver 111lt1) be e ffeclivdr

deceived b y the (i(llIc( it may expe riL- llct paill ill an lIl1 putalcd limb 11 01(011 ~ays Dr Burdeu ~ou Gill INt t he limits allli decepl ions o f

sensa lion by (ltI rrying lItI I Ihi$ sim pI eXlwrinWll t Otl the judge

o n k tro mpe lu- nd Oll 1(11 1 crui ser dl lLX 11( ()~ doilts run Sill Inutrc lUuch(z un t pclill ooule lt1 il pronnll r(ra qu-iln II df l1x

2 bull i

h gumiddot 17middot l rnSl II Ihl FII (lro l1pd 1 )~3 I t bp (I II ~ L m ltlift))G P

1 1 lri~ OUolAC -110laquo1 ltOOO

In to( context of thi ~ pa rt ieulM di~lullsjon of s(n~ttiol II 1t1 Ni l f d J(lmh

lhe hypolbeli cd Fltudi an melning~ nf E rnsts Ilugcrs and ball in tensify The fea f ( castfa linn II lre is dJ ierl 0 (middotO fl~i (kra lion 01 The npITicHclt of pai n and pkhurr di sltussrd fl y Did r rol and the decept ion orthe senses ~ lldy ra ~

someth ing to d o with j urlgill l Ill( dtcp tiolls of illu ~ion is t 111 with the picru rc itsel f alld (implii t in Ihe Ictltl~ ()1l11ed Ily gtIring wd hnger wit h llie k((middotplio ll ~ ufl ang uagc

Beyond UidcrOl til( fou nd ation fror Emsts rlecplion 0 1 El uan] lnd Pau lh tnmiddot~ a rgumen ts about languagc lay in ( enIt 11 Roma nt ic dcba tcl ltlho ll t till ~rn bol ith is full ex p1l~s i (I1t$S and uni ty or ~ ign and n ferfnt 1S OPp()sd HI the di~~ocia lcd and arl Jilrar y sj gn-gllle la lioll l)fa lllmiddotgol) I Of panicular lifelong intenl tu Ernst (ft the po-ms CS~ t ys tJld a lltgorjC~ o f Novali I II the fi ch lc S tudilu N(lva l i~ httl u Hlsid ered lilt rela tion or

l t 7 fit I H l 1gtlt(lI

5 ~ - Sn HLmmiddot odoro M If Ih I ol Ir (Ihrl n r Io rln Ilhh J l)tb 1 151

~ Umothc JaiuA I(hI~ed me of rn~(f hfdonA bullbullding 0 -11 ~ i~ (k Iter lu

hLlhtlh LclOlc 0 ell 91121- M~ dlkllraquolO(l i~ lI deb loo (0 II~

fC(Illt(r o Kn ) ~r-lu t HtNIl_ nI1 Ioudon 9lj s~

fio hlr S d 110 Stlrjinf rd l1I1 dholln ~ lId K rd Sallnd 2 lIllIlIlr~ n 1)gt5

y QUOIn t 1bullbull Iulil1 Oir Il-gtOtw- KumulIl ~I fI Poe jdcr h Ohrfllt1101nl imiddot b-ftJ IMM bull I~ 1 IjJj11_ 1 lt)OCf p ~06

~1 It_I 5ltlrrif(~~ V 282 U lln hilll prp1K(I h1I Novtlraquomiddot d~ ldk ll i

ixua Irlnllllod ~bull middotIrmiddotI1 I middot rJ dwr Ihm rr lrnrlll (Hgtrlldk ) ~H - ito UBeu PI 0 11 11gt ~MI S(itl~I I V I ~

~ 1 ttl lIml To i Was Ma_~ 1-1 Iudirl h i ll Ia ~H K~I~ P l S c r PI Ip HattltlorHrr

I~nf(n (P(t Tunlu IPlI amp nn K olVI)lJtt AtIhIJIt~ ImJ~nt I _jm (1(In EIxhllll 19031 Karl Ih(f)(lomiddot C d cru ( dritl

HMIlI~NI III Jtbtfl DISn LI n Ll(PlM 1Jf(d 1881 J eanmiddotUaud t rtbs (~ ifipp H sectn Cr ~

tIorll Frnkrun middotrnmiddotMam u Iu 1lI

IqIi l PI V~ -t3 Thrn ~r n 1I ~II i ltI h not 1 p~I1gttul r 1( in TI n oell u1f 0111 8ui chmid d FIIrjI ~I 5 ]nJ J~6rfjnnu 1 lII Di_UfJ(11 Numbl

III~ 1Io11l 6 SI h nJ ( f(tmiddotulll ll middotlulrodOIvu AItl~ry aN HprtUIIlJIIDII

PI) ~l D lan pOIfl~ ou ltlr311~~f)rr 3ltll1 mhlrm bull 11 d iflkuhy (Of ]Jqllf i Iht th (mvh d~r ~ 01 rtp~uu -n C tgtOllt~ nd In 11K rmiddotrr fSltltn~ l h~

Iu Qn I ~Icd middotPutal

bullI ~gtIOfV of PllSlVI IIpry RfIlnIllI_ p ~3)

language to th e th i [l~ il t~p rC~n l gt argli n~ t haL silllc lAng uage n rijinatcrl

l1 finding ~ i lm (or lbSl tae l conccpt~ it i illiterr l11ly nw tlphoriltl md dlceptivcn Fot I(ovali ~ fcprCC nT ll ion is a proce -~ hy which lall~utKC

fig ures (orth somelh ing lhal i ~ itself IUSI I rough tillt ln y 1(1 of being pnstlIh( If for Nova li ~ jlOmiddottry IIl ll lgt1 appro~ld l i~ual li rt ))il rot~il Inu

also zur Kunst werdcn ) ~I ne( rt hclt-~ d ll ~i I) ilwit)bly Idl shor

crea ling an illusiun uf prcsellcC where t he re is n() IH So (I IlC ( an n p n SCIl I onl y i ll ordcr 10 rcprcscmiddotnt Y alld beyuml t hi ~ lei of 1lt_ prcMnting thrrc i~ rIn absolutc ulIlcprtsctH ahk negllid y d tlcrm in ltgtd KlOu nd a conce pt or being that lt1111101 be d(~( l i hltd (111) displMcd im o c han o r darkmss cent Tn Novalis Eru~ 1 wou ld find a his tury fOl J (I lwlhiIlmiddots (ol1lcm po rIIY

argumcnt thnt all ln nguagl inn )ivcs metaphor and millndcr~t lIld ing a nd lil his d tllcriptioll of IIe cia rk nes~ Iha l sl l orc~ lip Ihl )l lOvcrh OlSlTlions Novalis~ theori fs ofl anguage uor nt oul by Pa ulhan ct1ll thC lllsck e 10 Ill

middotprlScll led by ErnST in the en ig-nuic piuolid Innn Lpprnp riltlH to NOlt1i ~ ~

sig n or 8ild

Allh~ Fin- Clear Word Ill a y be lfad in ligh l orlh~I plradmtlt ofbnguagl lild ~emury d ectption I n~ot~ r a ~ EII) is til represen w r n r pn5lnllr CJftlll pic tll re he is til t d tceiHI ho (c l hI eq n I writcs him$(lf intn IIw p ictu re through his pnouious mono~ ram 3 ~ ti l( deceived Sim il (ontig ur lI iuns or balls a nd stri ng llC a cOlIlIlon plac( of SCclllttnth-cent ury

(middottIIule lm )( rhlil l it~ sud l a~ R lJlkll h lgcns l enllOll~ Globe hanging hy A

thread IllrCa ltned by tht di vine k ni ft wilh its mOllo 1 wi ll hc cm 10 pi tccs

fIgure 18 T IlfsC l m blcUla lie modds sel up the ( lIt1 i n~Cltlst ration j oke impliCi t i ll Enm~ plin ting T he mOllo or I llIvorffcrs rebted emblrlll ha l dccei CS us a mu~cs u~ is cunsistent lth t he ide) uf lhe pli n ting iI~

an illustra tion 01 Illr (kctpt ions of thO se nlt-~ and of m imetic picllln-m k i ll~

tsdr ftigure 19)

H ard(irfit- r 01In eccen tric th(o ris t uf the e o lvill Genn a n la n ~ua~(

a nel of uuoque emhlems H iJ visio n 01 middotGrlllairl poticmiddot was illfiuencecl by Ripas rulolugifl Acia w and J atO) C algt l ~lII st ho had studied ph ilu logy an d hld la kcn a ( ou r~( o n the v c r man nomiddotd of the sevenshy

leenth lin d middotijl ltnnl h cel1111ri o l it u nivtfi ly miln I dl have Cllcou nshytered his 1 ()lk 9 I I is a~y til 11 (-l arsdlitflcr a~ it proto-sunca list

throug h Jing-u islit ~arlH ~ ill Wllld ~ amI illll(~ b) p hon ti play and nc c()r tr bi n a lioH ~ Ill hoped 1(1 drw 1)lIt h iddell ret lI1b l a n ce~ bct ccn th ings and CVl U 10 invcnt IIC W Ih ings illulllill ltinl lI lt p ro fo und rdations of I lItgulgt mpound ttoe o rld I he cullelt i gllllc-pla) illK of his C tspradtshyspick fragmcn tcd syllabic and wo rd re(()I nbined b ltliterna li m cun trishybutors to produt( unli)rt (c lI rclt I1 I1 ~ ha~ I)l iUlis afJiui lies w il h surreali~t

potti I practice H aT1gtltlu r rfCIs emblem r ai(~ a ~lmiddotnlmiddotr tI puinl ahou t em blems hile tlln

pro id e Glp tival ing rt)lism cf el ltil tl li is IP l r~ l to ensure Ie~ihilil and ough t to have Ilolhillg 10 do I ith Ihe Jl lt- I ~ lI nmiddot Urlllil1lDis A t Ih( F lnl Galf

Vorn a ~ a piclure a bout S( II~()ry cl ( p tiotl is a n ironir a llegory or ils own t1l IK1Ciri cs (0 rcprcocnt r-I(IIc hrou l- it rIilCgt ltI p roblem of aUIgory whkh Lries It) fu lly npn scnl or pi tun al) t rt( tions llUt I~ hich llIccssa ril rccals

ilS uwn fa ilure lu arw ally brillg lillih ~udl tl lill~s fgt T he da ril ) of the cmbk m sim ul ates tht gra tifJ I lir~ of I n i (J1lsi~ stl1ing up an anxi()u ~ t1t t rshy

naliun btlwctn (knxlillg wh a t i ~ IlH- u lr d eH lr dll1iC(11 dra lng and



I bull



relishing the pleasur UI) pmsibly lIli 11 1lt1 i( tJl E1l11Jk mati~ a1l0w E rn~ 1 shywho 4xprcsscd cQn tcni p l (() I milllClit a rt to negot iate bdwfcn I h~ ~I(tu(~shy

livci ) mimet ic tud ed ifying)y d i agrarnma l ic 6~

As 1 pend ru 10 AI Iht hr~ 1 elfllT kV(lrd til (ol1l g ~ L Q)QI Jl tSCIIf n ) OUIIl

girl 930 -70 (figu re 20) tu - h i1I Ems f IHu a lly added a real glolWmiddot tikc bltlll ul ltlnnil y bcar~ 0111 [he sense of the Rollen hagen l mbll Il ah hough thl di vjllC POWtf to cut i~ now invested in the tollage nist himself (o r rather Is he represents himselfilhin Iht piClUre l~ Lo ploPi The em bleshym a ti c rt lnin d n Iha l rh inbTS U( 1I1titna tcly IUIt of your hands Ihll ( oci hold~

thl ~ci ~sonbull i ~ plnyert upon hy Ernst wi lh da rk i l The introduct ion o f Lo ptop in 1910 as Ern t ~lt rtgo recaJl~ owllis diClUm The 1 1l1 li~1

preselt iLSeJ f as prcsln ting 3 Th i5 cads again to lIlt problem ()f the vict lln asmiddotil1li~i oll [ltU L()plop i ~

lI sultl lly d cscrilx-d imprf~sJli()o )jk( as introducing or p rese1l1ing tbe pic tll OfL r n il is Lop lop ~lC lillg as frl1lw o r easd who prCSCli Is a n iUlIsiomiddot Jli~li( pi clltrt ilhin lltt piUunu5 T he ~ ll hjCtI~ of tll( pi( llIn~ lI il hin the

piCHI onen have weigh t) implicJliuns I rolll1( Ililii grapes by a~sociltltion with Z tuxils gmpes im o kc piolo ri a l illusionism oa k kavcs stan d fo r (C111111 narion) islll a nd RU(k has rl ief M aJgtcilllise sla nds tor F rench nltionltl lshyiim It is as if Ihe sym boJic me ni li lS indicated b) Loplop~ piclu res t re IS i lonkally rcl ri (vaule as the pos~ihi lilics of pino ri 11 iltu~ion and flllln(i~ th they sland for alld ilh wlloh Ihey an Pcs(nt ed TI H the grI I(S a nd 1lCS

2 5 (1 TU lrAHI middot H 1(-

Fillln II ( il)r id R o)knhag~n middotClu han b II hr~d wlih (~ tr ha nd hold g a kn rmiddot ~f(~w 1hIlIIIImiddot I i-him r ~i

fi t - St Th II Kelley Rn~MI

II II(go ] II ~(IIl he If Ih~1 nl(crmst llrgor~ na k middot ldrr r~t(h n I t ~

I h on ~ l llpp1)Vdl) oljlflSCd 10 il r)w mimClibullbull his(01 )

() 2 h r hisect iIIllhn (fOlU (hi

(l hll mele mil ~ 11 arlif t ~

Ma_ fru~l jjiIMJ p I 6J - ~Mlta )iJmik ~ f ~t12 ~ct

~I )ulm P 97 (v r di (m h~

Pilamplg hvll t N(ll$ II a rl h ltlonlt4) ontt I 10( lim or ~m~IJ I1 Y 1IIIliD 11$ iltit (laquolt ~ndjd G ~ ~IJ

mulaquo el 1 rl arsd ltnd laquocu 6 s O middotRticn I lI lh Th pk utc -ithm h pintlr _tnCi as mc~rhor ru t NOali om pI ad pIIaduxinl image I l ie -1l ld h h wdun Ikin~ hll iI~) 1middotU1 ou tsid e j( as n prtlCnt tWIl

~Qligt hnJ ~ p 06 ti) - I plup~ middotad a nd eQpalt$ h~

any ~ial pr~cnlenu C( middotrrllr SIlOlt f~Qp_ rr J i( OIMt Srf LotdwI

Jlil Ik~Q 1 SI)ics I(8middotus l ~c1r ( rrma o-c is MOl Sehind s TII trti~tgt a iOimacd COnllltUl6 ~ilt5(lt rllaquot and ~il5hl-nlzot) fn~nn 0 Nlrru~fI IJaa 80

tisull 9 H lrjr Wshy nj() h Mr~t ~ 1 Itmfr U(pr~(hrIr

1644 (I


r for Jr


ikdy d a$gtltS


(J VUlliJ yenrrfttr~ I Xi In lh~

LltJII()Igtltrics t~ l ~h UlCt Ilw rompt

fMI dlilaquo (f making (hiu ~Jl llCar IU Igt I n nplJ(1 QUI of Ill()lhcr pic of PII r bdud lion which I 1lap ilh (he ambJguIjI Qf ltOt lhin hccomioe middotrl )7 S pound I) VHI Image ar bod Y dt purd aliRl1l11(llt 01 Waltt r Ikllj ~mi lt1 1 Bnlmiddot JDI(1 M8JN~IIl1iI ~ 3

Ilt)ltJI pp ~5 -H20n h~ P r bullbull II1tQl 10 11( cn blrn1 Ilr liK if IC~ t()

I)irn iocapl hle Ihe-Imiddot of middotrnln lmg meaning bullbull liegQ1 i~ 01 ju(

Olhnlll mClonpnic 5hiflil g 01 Wmanl(


art acturl lly pre~sed into thl paper 10 form ~ ha~ lr-lief h ci~hlI1~ lilt joke Oil 1h( power of piClori11 illusio1lism to hring things illlO r(l 1 d inwnsions wi th in tIll fidd o(the r iled mimesis of the ditglam l1la lic larger pi( tu lmiddotmiddot

So Cr llsts pictun may ntmiddot tl kcn 1 a n (mhemlIic prCsentation or Novaliss Bild lunel ioning as a Plfldoxi( d rlj) rc~cn l alion of 11ll fli lurc 10

flill y represc nt dealing wit h thc plOhle rn o f prcsen li l~ a pilI UII a t all and by elltensiOll wil h the )nhcllnt dcnplio ll~ of me La pho] i1lu-iol l and lan guClgc O ften representcd by a dark ell si lhouettcd htnd IS in Ioplop pminlS bullffjiifJ 1931 (fi gu rc 21) Toplop invokes Novl lis f~JlloJs d cscri pshytioll o(thc delusi(n of repr~cntlllg H( gliI-p- ollly a handful ()r d ~llklJcss ((

Loplop a~ i ll1 plcs~ario mtkcs p rescnting ~d l~co l1 c i olls hat is prestmed i ~

ahIs mediated 01 II a rnllOW like Ill( pictures Wi lh1) pic lurts losing

ground III llllIly o r Ernsts p3i nling~ W~ 11( ill the territory of cmblemalic rcprOlclllltHioT1 thost fa ilures and ha zards agaim t hi ch the rnord or motto or the emblem i~ proph~ bClieall) ~c l Ernst makes the cmble mat ic il1l agl a ll emblem orkonograph ic lnca n ill ~ itsclfb7

Tn the (middotolllgc novels ]lIginning with La Femlllt 100 [Flu 1929 Ernst dcvdops the cm blem image illlO an allf~o lka l na rrali( Tf Enhts coll agc T1ocI ~ fU llction or ma lfUllclioli l~ parodics of the pul p nov as cx lcndccl clich e the atrnosphln of popula r IlOVel movi ng- from dimao( to climax is nut (Illy char3neri sl il o f di llhangcr scrit1illd Ii (lioll bUI of high allegoric-

~ ilurr 1Q ~rJUI --QpI~ IW(1IIJ P~lIf $1

11)3)-70 ~ I tl 1 1 C 1 1 -nm middot 0 (1

1~riII-O[)1iC ( IlIn~11 locO

111)_ HI nl [ ~ l Cl middot

ril(UR 21 ~nb l Loplol fgtrr~ll bullrjlirJ 193) raquoI~ 1781 Cl 1( lt f rtI~(AIJA(f

ld SUOkAC ( Ina l ZOQO

(gt11- Ou EI and pu(p fin iou Klt Rltncc

R irlot 1 1I~rI S~JIIJ on flu 11ltgt01 Jkrkdmiddot~ od l(gtmiddotngt1cs ~ P 8

(I li ~ r)hC Olhe r(olla ((n-vcb 10 (tII~ 100 ius lltms 10 f()rl~ ~cu i t i It f J) bn pred i(1ali( ITUucm nf

dJgory thaI IhIt ir is w lhig

~-qutItLil1 and UorrdlJ d~li) irlo )PUlI lhol a 101 s~ j 1 rma ll e Iruun OrUrgurir 1 d middot middot 70 Sec RrlIll I)j kw Idol Dr (fomlr gt~raquoI4S~~ ofFm= ri( i Fi -ltir)l1dr CIIIMlt rw Yk I ondon and O d Od 7r - Ilr hundred h~dlc wumn

pcrgtoniM Ihr protlogt ofnIlt) i II blt n d~ugtltsltJ lrum la~I llt nmiddot I a ~ Old Ikrricln gtI I at OJ~ 1I OllgtII) Ic Ihin lnd b) UI huured 11Ultbl

(ltTduug Slaquo Kon Rund tbi~ oUtIII l SnfUQa flta (Slrnl

-Ill Jcq1 [xrrid I ~ Ihr ~i dr Plmon r PIQImr idd i rUf HiOn

1- 1 1jl3lt) ~5- ~1 a 1 11Ik -bn

laIlt 1111- uf P5UaSI Il 11 n 7 nLllIr Max En_ s CCIl1~ldc A Il

u~dJjJ Ju tzmis Punl of pHtdigmltK- rcmm~ Jail (tcmiddot i duo1lltcJ

j ltoul l e~ d to Ir mYIr~ de IJ Fr nn I (h rlltoum ed ilh Inrily n [J

ru~orlf J~dlnl Ul Ieh IW adl COl middot

iJ drjed in Lr M~IUf ~ (ue biod Il)d by II rah ) mllo)~ a (M from CIen dOn Imiddot ga~m

n j)()gtltt t ( du d I dClaquo1 PllfT

J1( Inl 9~3 I 3 )middot i J 1 mpu lit) is 011( ( I)utf HlT~JIJ ilIU1lruom illmlHffi by t dl~ aKI o lkmm Solaquo rhf 11rllrpIt~ of 1fIIopoilbullbull 1(0)1 ltlt 1 A I (~ bull Lltdo d3middotICl ) I or the hltad leM

m~ ~I nprt nlIVlt of the lI h~voJiud

Mltirirr5(C Ilaydcn hw T hc Ior r Idnc rll f~fJ)lgtfOlmr FHJ n

cJIllIr1 (nWi BahiOI~ 11(1 l aunn

l7ijjP r63 5

ltIS wellG8 The luadks~ OIl1an w ho c rupts iu uiflircn l forms lhrou~hflu l Ia Frllllllr X) tilu could ~ef( as a mnaphor lor Ihe d isru privt relations bel ween metaphor ltlnd th( ~cq ucn tiltt l flow of narrative charaCte ristic ( I llegory The d(vd o]lm(n l~ cnn (inui lY and rcptli li(HlS afTordcd by 1lIJTativc allow hun (0 rCClpil lLlatt S() W ~rea k hi ~ usc of woma n to personify his own Icdllliqlll

The k nmJe nud e had belfl l1l1 lhe prw niscuQu sig nifier par t udtIll( 111 nin clee nlh -nntury $ll nn painling in 1 hifh Ilt t complex it(lltirics and allri shy

hut es of any given 1 l1 cgoricld personifi cat ion WCl( Kro~~ l y sim plifin l a nd s i ~lIalled a nd in which multipl ied numbers (of ha rtm ~la v (s or OJcads) com pensa te fo r loss of indiidual s ignificalion If Ihimiddot ~a loll lIu dc finally scrvf d as a pcr~nn i fi clI ion of a n OcrT rowcltd a nd raquohdioere Sa lon itsdr 7ltgt that cltuase lllent of the aan c mil tra dil ilJll rIK ina ted Erm t as he pl ullder(d ninelecn th-cent ury j ournals a nd salrl11 (pvrl~ fOt his collage ma l( i1 1I y not one hundred headl(lO~ woman instead of onc hundred mrmingk ss oms why nOI om perrcn ly ugly hcadlc ~ Ioman (ICte de mecl us() instead of ti le rut ile Salon bca ut ic_

Tlt tlc is Ill importan t (ll ulcmalic prototype for frns t~ womln a ~ GC f(]

Rauer has notcd I rnst s fcmm e 100 t Ci I~ has a counte rparl ln L a Pcrr i i rc ~

11 T lriil de$ bQNJ en~IIS (rigurl 22 ) IhlUl1 d i~llliss~ this rcscmbk nc( agt fortu itous ImHer il is im portant Ih1I it is the Inl tllnt is c1ost-S1 10 the

Ill(ltlni nls uf Ernst s woman not till image I Pcrlicres femme is iuall y an ad ap tat ion of a lomill onpl acx Horapllll o-dlTivcd hcadle~ ma n

signif)itll( I m )JOssibili t~ presuma hly a 11 aul c~s oman l~ douhly illlpossihlen In L Pcrricrcs prcm lO he is not JJl( rely ]utdless bu r rtther Jik( Ernst s middot te mll1 f hilS I)Ulny i(kn til il~~ IqJrcst ll l(o by many heads silt is compa n d to lh e Chi n1ltl crn Girion p) hnn tll cdusa Cerberu~ and lhat l-llnicular pnmiddotc ur~or of tIl( km nw 100 Ittcs Iht H yd ra Through such proli li-ration or menning sIt( is Ih e mhkJll l i ~L~ dream emblem Lr

Pcrriercs le( nlllcludes tha t ma rc marvellous Ihan all Y of Ihc~t lll ylhic creatures middot vu lrl bt Ull(- fem me sans leu Ihe One figure who cou ld prcSurnshyably em bod y a ll hybr id mean ings in one ~ llcc in (t blll meani ngless fo rm La lclTiCr~ crnhlem may be an allegory of lhe cjlem ma of rht PO(I UIIHl Lnned hy his middot iivll~ hu l need ing 10 be a )H roi( d eca pitator a rer~(lI ~

aluivalc1l1 T hl ngrt l1a ble mora l conclusio n of La Perri eres poem is tha i woman Ilccds a guidc a ra tional hCltld a nl ltln lax pound rllst71

O n one occuion irr IAI FtnllU 100 liles Ernsl himself appearS (fi gure 13 1 III Loplop and the mouse s horoscope M attCrs or desliny fa lc a nd horoscope- are a sta ple ur emblclIl li te rat ure middotf he imge is pan of a n embleshymat ic (radiliv) in vhich caged creatures slam] ror lht ca ptivi lY and sull t ring of tIlt poel or lo (r (fig ure 24)1) Em Sl i~ agen t and nO l ca ptive 01 flt ltc however Ba n-dle~lcd he may be (rt l ra~ rfli hen a~ ltlll odur pcr~nll a uf Ihe multi-valc lll woman he carries the d isGmlrd cinllus of th at stock haraCllr of l lk gOry the haUd resscd woman RUI he holds onto h i~ hal (Ihich unlike the he-ad Ill ay be lakcn on and of 1 ) and thu s retaim for himself Ihe powcrful masculine role of the head Erusl appea ring in persOIl wilhin his tollage 110d signn ls his SWIUS as a ll-controlling novelist or em hleshymatist d lOS(middot c lvnga lcd hand CH n pluck thr- mouse Out of il s ordaiucd palh al a n) tim t Ernsl l$ a llcgorisl should Iw SitultlHd in the trdi liun ofparod ic nuvc isg incl udilg Ka lldais Charles Sorcl J cln -Pa ul R idlter and TIlOlIllS Stcrne whose work relies 0 11 a Jlet0ry to ironi ( it ~ own d tviccs~

hllur~ )~ rouU gt lt 11 Ierricn middot1 _ Fe 0lt ~Iemiddot bb(om xv Lt middotfhIQII( au flu OlU 539middot

7 t t- rr middotm i ~hlllkeuoImiddot(gtr I ~

E ts alP-1m~ ad 10 III unJinn~ Ih t middothltmiddot ~11 ome hmiddot Igill~ o nly in o 1 oj Ihem ~e ltor pmpcrl) nmn~(tcd IIgt Illfi r 1middototls tT j inllny ITrI 5I t 01 SIJ Iijt I-i 1 Ynr I)U

1middot9 i ~ Thmiddot tllmiddotd 111I)Ult if) Iro p O JPC~Il

lciII otld ~rqJlOxIUmiddotlmiddotd in I) middot~(on( ~t j oolgt C~~ middot i ~poliJ t

gtj)(lli lont tmiddotC I 111 (apia I)n1

[mill ) MUftIM~ Alh dt 11((-111

fAmSIrd I 7~ (l Damel Hcin~iul

Q I ~lD 1~J i Jm I-oIo bullt ) fo r lupid (gtIllide h ase Md P C t 1)(1middot Imbl~w tryU 1l~rd~m 6 rmiddotlmulcd Pdmburgh bulln7l) fcr Cil~rrl bini ~e ncr (Inllri ) aud cupid with ( ~cd ~uinrl 70 T ho $(lrnHmhurv au C hr[ So middotI JlhT rparodir novel a nd IIlkgori(O ( h anw rl ttlnIHomaM)

ealled iIllOIltSlion mi(Ic rda liou pc bnl(lIagc and III(Ialhor Sorer IA llalJM df ] i1Jbullbull d rih inl( illtolI (IU~1

~ ~ hltgt~d nn peI middotrh gl1_ rhlemiddot Jta~middotlIIg lt1 word altgtCUo ns loped J) hc PUWK middot~u du nall iJ a JrcLuIXlT r rnmiddot i~ ileJ[laquoIU311Dt~s 5lt ( hI M rd u II ~ 1f(J n1~ (Pn_ (pI rcpri lro Cmiddotneva I In) I II calte oflh coU~ lt rImmiddote1i trn auhial IU-altAO Pli middotuJarly ho hOj( mlhlt (crmA n KumlIi J~- lJul Ridner middotbose H)15 ltt Imiddot) hd raquoPlltkd I nnch IlIor41)middot all(nlion ~d Ih adlDlI-llluU o(j (l ll Ia l h ~ and Atdtt ISr~lt)n middotIltmiddot wen 11 Y lr1nd lrlIlt I io lfj~ ln-I HI Kichllr$ nmlk a lllorio rI narruvlts I U ( muhIImiddot l oice IUd idrmiu(l SU)tgjOgtjl

Jm~(1 I(dnn lues Ihe T j l aIS lisr of nI I~ImiddotrJ1 puion of his nilId I$n

ort o(lXlI EI ~ 111lt he r1l lo h-ough Ihe quouditn _orld in JAIrun(

1M IbN ~~ t altga rtl H ale II ~f

Olxron SdiOQlj Afi1)ullu 1)~ 1nil 91) and Claulk jich i I middotmJ~ lit 71~-I fJJJ1 (~ J(IIU l~ MIjalllUt llnt 1963

I ~urc 3 M~ ~ rnst middot[plol 1 ii(

uy hor)s(ol In 0 1(1lt lila

9~9 SI1 1st II rlduL~t Igty ponniion [r I~I (II I n T oronto Rampn-oce Lbr~ry

17 Osk P(lltak lkr hcmige ud I Ioliphilw Ir~ J ldK 1 tA(rifll~ UlIll A KvI~m~b(

191111431 Ii for h~ Qfih lok hUllIuand Irlnlt[1gt HI(lIMlultin Pp~tl cd Gm P U md LUCla A

Cil)pom (Idu ~I fl - Lrw ~lIfsk) r~frrnl o Rtlla~nCt Nlt)middotpl aJJojonn~

xt ufpopular ga m ltco mparabk 10 vulgn plmiddotd n I~j middotNllatomc ilocltb III ~kgtr~c( ud Norh I al) Ul Sl~d It 1(middottI~l i lew York 972) p 1 1) i~ 1 I 1)QoinofdlSlllcIllOcrtlt in

he I[TIlI mtd~ 1 er(l~ lll1cgo~ I RUI~ JlnlJJ( i~ p l lrll l~rJ r r(Ie 10 rn( mltlll(j in 111 1middot( IIlI) lil() 110 ( Ihe tMLion of~~Irn wel of N~ro dlrnwwcJiinli oflus md i I h )

iod)e he ocau t ~ Qf hcr lionl iU od nrnliltrsmiddot and lu JltO lo( It(f lone he wa concelvcd are ofpITlkuLu i l~ $

nplt(illl~ sitlclt lhry fill fn lt1 ~ b~l~ dWUI ntmmg lid ]altuale s Uvid f

1luI 1 Sr lt1 (l i l1lcmbtrmcfll bo-hlrd On8 lUI dl Romoon or d~ RQII( III RtUtiulIamp lIteR all rk 14 ~ I ~I l ffl(ll( RIIon ~I i rw] d ja II UOI IhiJadclphlltl (992 ) Pl

30 0 jlllnn tQlran ltk M cu ~ k NIn I fa ~ rm Illjo to 970 $tt

II tIf M Arde ll 1 h( Wfllan d I~ (1I 1e

~ Iw wIlJ IJlblQgrap~~ (N~ i and 110 111(93)

Ik Clo rillunc Hclt cl I wny ltImiddotn ud kit I I a~ KInr ~ rbull pJra bull 01 lor lum~ all gklt amI r~rman I (Ik mi IIulltlin 74 1lt)921 pp II I gt

Er ns ts prpuhioll of die r mb1em illlage inlo I 11lt1r rnivl seque nce (an al~ l

be si1u3led in niltlI io n I() Ihe illuSlri1cd Renaissance alkgory hieh ~ ltlS an lInpo nan t SOll r( li)r all sli bsequen l crnl1cm atisLS Colo II Tl i HYJllrtOlfmlfldljn

Poliphilii7 I t I)tsin witll a d r() 111 alltl i ll middotu l v (~ endkss nCliphtr lll(n l o f environm ents a nd obj((ls th ilt rc~onall throughout EIIlSI 1 0Uale Ilods d lboraldy symholic gardcm IIl WluC r ums h icrgl~ ph s 1 st atile or 1n d~pha nt Ill th it incidC llt5 (Perscus bchead ing of Innt htr 1(1I1 n1lt Slt1n ~

[C tc yled us ) ltlil t lhe tr i u rnph ~ of va rious gods li nd ll1coulH cr~ wil h fcma le pcrsonifiC4l io ns such ltIS Iht middotfi lmiddot lgtCIlSIS ofd wlTI E rll ~ L s 1i]1lnw 100 [ClcS IS A porli liant Cl U pcrsli fiettion Colonnas n )d g llmorizccl

lHroiciztd ll1d narralivized int t lp rt lal iull knd i n~ il ~ Ilr 1 g-lttmcs of m ea nings like v illga r pS~fhoa nalys is If [ rlisl realkgorits till tlIlda rd allcgorYil~-ltl n I1 Il then he dut~ so in way~ lha t preclude HI high mora l or iludlcctua l positions n (sting thc psychomarhia with lttil C)Imiddot 10 p~ychomiddot ltt l ml) q s tu rn ing Ihl Stnsua l cneha nt Hwnts ot snluctivc ~cI4 p i( middot(lS to qtlcasil UIIIla lizcd violcllt ltlud sexual d tSires I il lra r surreali sm IBre(on lIdia

Aragon s PIY5(1II dr Puns) could rel y un the sca AoJd i n~ and d evin s of allegoric - t he d ream vi~ion ) th l peri pau t ic li n o mo in~ 1hroug h a Lil y of m ysterio us (lbjCClS 1l101lum~II IS a nd (I)couiliers I hl~ W I)I11 lt11 1 uf Ill u ta bk idenlilY references 10 OIIHr works of arl and lillfa tlll t nd Soon t rnsa also d eploys the devlrc-s of literary a nd pk lOria l allegury dndging 1I 0 t only emblem bouks but ahl) die g rea t lite rary dkg(lric~ liorn tlw RomfI fir n (0)(

to Colunna to Novcli s lIlcl jieltkl

C hristia ne fi end in lro r key st ud ) ofmodlit lisl a lkgory has argUId thaI Err1~t relinq ui$ h (~ hi s a u tho ria l a ut hori lY in 111 F rllllllt J ()() l i l( allowing hi~

1111lgCS a rad ica l inck ptmiddotnclcnnmiddotp II cUl lld 1( arlued r Ol1v I-dy Ihlt

EflIH pa rod y fu netion~ in a n opposil(middot ay tha i Ir i~ wrc nching or imilL~ oul of l ll tmiddotir Mig- inal 1 )lI tex l ~ i~ a n 1gt 111 iw ill asserting ah~olutc and arbitra l) cuntrol OIr Ih( mh rial Ernst s images Id ) 011 re11l na nl ~ ofl hci

r igi lIa l Ill lltllli ns and los t tQllVCll ional contegt llgt ill hich I he) er( meant

tJen E ADEM c AN TI L NA ~--~--------------T~ ~~

to hi ( lcdihh il luslmt i)M vI S( ll tiic d evt l oprne nL~ na tural phcllomclla lr ltg- il t ric k ~ or rq)l( )(ll((i()f ~ IJf wrh Ifart l a lld lhis al o nce aJlo l~ his (1 11 man ings 10 SCIlll irraLio li a l and lilcral cd a ll d 11 the ~am c limc 10 be c lI npktdy su hjugald U) lht ve ry lI ovell) a nd allom a ly of thcrr tnvironshynlt ll l 1111 a~e lnl )l cd tiag llH l lts o f Ernsts cullages a lT n~ idual evidloCe of tl w Iulhor ily tu UIt Hilli CIII m Clo ll YJlJic pow(J or lite and dealh

arg lla bly IllI very I ppl)~ i t e ufCUI Li l ig loo~e or sellin g liTe

I n his 1l illaI Ilm II~ Enl L l o 1ll111i t lt synLacli cal rape tiXl uctlllg Y()Illll

fru m ti ll eO lltc 1 ()( ~I I joulll als Il K) il ion rt pn~ in whidr 511( represhy

l1t(O popu lar p a int iJlgs cflg ravltl ( r nJa~s a udiences I n I ll s u r k sh e

may 1 1llhOirl y mct unymic hssi pl i (l ll~ or II H ull ing hut ~It ~middot al so rCjJfCSClIb

E tn~ l s own lonir 10111 1 tn CUI and asipn rk~ a h it p in l piaYIT lilCI lIy a ppea ri ng ill hibH WI mi g h l also ~ lJ Spcc l Erns l of viciously

i te ra ling nin( lcclllh-nIl LUry lh eor ies r Ih e cmpall ric ~yOllJ 1 lt1 ~ lhe ( 1111)l)lliIrwl1l or our OWII pir yif1 lllrcqJl i ns J I u ~t~ his all tgtgory of sigm r1i ~od lItd from pir y~kal rdrll l ~ prClieiy as a fi eld in whi c h to dj~ru pshy

tivd ) i lllt rjtcl th l OCtasifHlal irY PlCIilicaUy d(plo yed rull ~ym bol with iL~ supposed ltlli lY illl i L~ rciirenl c jJre~ell tcJ by the 1)(J(h of l he Ilom an 1n the eli (k~ Ch a nTS chap lc r a l thl e nd Ill Url~ Smwiu de lfm f a fi gulc flmini s(nt or Fortuna noats ill Ihe air gTad ua lly li-cc ing

h (r~(lrorlllr a llrihulls ()f whcci Ild ~ i l (fig un 1) 11 t lihCra li ol1 Sill ce Fort un a luore It tuall ) hfCOnHS hrr wh(ei mi nl1ll il by htT l1nlr ed bac k ltIS an h Yllleric and l lso be(on H~ h cr sail hlo wn throug h lhc ~k y her

It rib utes cOIl in ue to be co nSl raining Ind pn middotMmiddotlIt a bsorbed ililu her bud y and gestu res sugg(q illg tht am hig uolls 1l lIratiom a nUrd (] 10

oma n by Max Ernst8t E IIISIS USf or h is maltri11 r(li~ o n Ihe inhc rl1I1 bililY or ollhgory l(o

rtal k go liltmiddot T radit iona ll y rlallcgo riwl ioll ltrllnnl a profan t I(x t or till past 10 h( as assimi la ted in w a n acccp lt hlc y~tlm f moral va JUIs (Vi rg il s

FSllIr( ~4 DlIIid Il cU$ius Emblrm(1Q liqoIAM I lKkn 161 5_

8 _ s~ Ili k Rot R iAamp Rm(

~d lhr jd I~Q~ ()PfigtiL ICbrid and Nrw Yrk 1991-deg flt -lt middotmiQlif - Iha l Inko 2 olll1Q f)f on_ B ~ h lth Rampk]o nxcnl

lUal of Wafbuf(t Iho l1h l in Irrm

01 th ROmMlIl( ymLgtoI unil) f ud dcrem 1 I OPpogtlti IO lI~ry

( hrpertI_~ ~~crnn f ltI s diS300C ialed fro I nfrro1 I i Rob- ~h(fempl l h lrmiddotplio)J Iheon pmiddotI) U lelkI1 pn~uen apphnl tk 1ltgt ~msl tSpltcirJI ) in I ~s pogtr

t uitwc1 Ihron ltl _ Iuh w R l loy rum symbol 10 Ilkfurv Ahr WH) i~

I r- hi Rd I~ 9971 pp ~ 6 R - [hr R iL [[ ul n has ro n Iholt u l

I hru~Ir iuI O) the unk o n wh re laquogtn~ ol Ir~cdm Pfnar p_ ~ 1I1

B I S~( Thn 11 Kclk~ Rmnwtlme Hlqo for tillt applicll ble ~ of In t allctUlxal wun lorn (e ee aUraCUOl) d ll r lnla$ 11 ltI- illual suctched l ~ lI l i Ihi [K w1ir

ltlc 1(o ~dukd from lClion and hj~llt) ry

bu sgt( f)1 g Ihe n -rgt d s he

cmand p Sr Th~ro i 1 or~1 1ltl io of witel )-r tr r lt~ltoI 1gt 1 mln m~y 1- takc -lt lIl rlaphO)f Ruolnlr E Kun1i S rrooti d I js(~ and R o l~rl llolI - n ~prknjo(

illo fo-k-J t] air ltli_ r II

fmiddotm lc (lITe) i SHlrJm and 11 010lt1 II A tw~ Rdolf t Kucn7li and Gwe Ra l~rt ICambllJgc l1i I99I) PPmiddotJt alld S T Imiddot lo ockiu Em ilS or ~ oflC n Ii mCIgttIraquoHgt1 dqI)eJ In ~ h a w~r Ihl 11 CIOI li meu Ulcrlgthunc~ Jly In 1- Riu d~~r

(MIIft~ q~1 lIOuilil ~w Carmd nr Imjlt Igtarod egt t~lcX fatlo~ ~al

jgtuu lJ rtut I(rl) IJ t 1ra 8 Ihemiddot Ie ~IgtIi OIl y 1 t ~atnlt11 1lISt llIil le Scl~h) snd amud ~kinl lt hTifingl) lilltrd I Iht~ ill IH rroh meal fur lo~ l i~ lone rol1 ~middot

l~diqlJr$ mlldr 1111) Hr)(tT) I

r~rn(rl i 1ltgt Ihe hwwir jlgt]al~ el~ hcll

il1lh( l1ltrvrl

(1 IS 1IX lrngtl 1 SmIltllN d amp 193i 0 Max Erllsl 1iI)AGP Van S()DRiC ( Monlrc~l ) 2f)(l(1

l )n IIC Ilupon Of Ih allraf R~~ru 11 (1 I 1$I~ Lolhu I -hr I J~ middotIn Rp jhd bd 11hII hI p HI

Fourh RetI a~ II I( milling of Chris l O vid l l-lrfall(Irphorrr lllorali7cd In

lmJOlIls such h J Hoh CI~ the trials of the lo ver could lJe rca 1go ricd a~ Clll hlnll~ of Chri sia n ~ u(fe ring ltInc co nrilltll cc Ernst reverses tlw prol(~S

dc- morali - ng a llegories In 7 110 dlidren 1IIII1fI(ld ~I (j 1I~lthtillg(h (fig ure zfi ) Frnst lak es U middotidilI1 IIIc(lrlJorphi rape (G anIlH-ci (S ta ~lc Phi lo mcl as

nighting-uk) oul of its repose in spirit ua lizing me taph or as ill (k Kellnincks landscape in h( Wallraf Rir-ha rtz M useu m i ll Cologn( (figure J7 ) ()j emulems sl ch as Hat1idorlhr s in which lit ra pe of Ganymede is rfJllcgoried as the sou ls I ~CIIH lo Cod ( figure 28 )83 Ernst rc t urTl~ Ihnr lo d leir Tl)n l ~ ill ~cx ual viok IlC( hi (h in tu rn S[ ltlnd~ ror the revcnibk hltrU a mi a mbiguous g-round underpinning the provtrh t ln bl cm or allegory

Equally td ling is Enl~ts d ia~rammui( ada platio n or h(rme lic emh lemata in O this mIll rIIIlI kll )w rlO lh lllg 1924 ) I II the paintillg ami II

tIle pl)cm w ri tte n on thl had (a parudy of Ihe oJllo()gical ~ylllhII S Il I I

fi~u r~ 26 Ernl I fUtJ1 mnlilwi ~ II

lllhlmCiJl 191 1 S(1 66I C 1 - r 1 D (t risI ~OI)KC J vumiddot~l l j


th e Hmrfll fd Table of H crrn(~ Trisrn egistu s) Ermt reallt~orlZ(middot ~ the hermetic ~ym bulis ll1 of the nlilrual lini li7atioll of d ivine and cit rddy IS a Freudian middotprinwl scene of gigantic li m b~ and scmiddotx ual pa rtgt Both pa imi ng md puem become rcpr(sntltHion ~ oC the unfu lfill ed n vi ~nging of a n such thing In Ernq s vcrsion the Oedipal a nd Ihe gnolt1l ic an oronc frustratccl substance ltlnd (be power oftbe allegories of h enl1tticism ltIhbaiisrn and aklHmy lies in perpetual d ef( lrd of the d tsircd gol J tl6 Ernst ~ emblem fllnc tioll s more

b roadly illi a scq gtt icai fi gu ration of tht a bil it y of images lO represen t hal IS envi $ioncd or desired in dicating Ihal a ll $lI h em blems ct n only he a sun0 fH l flIT hatt middotcr one an t ~ to know attl in o r rcprcsen Lft7

OJ (Ids 111m sllall kn)1L Mlhing a lso ~ ig na l s its own iconogn lJ)hic history especially tts allu sion to Caspar David Fricdr(h middot$ clllblem tie CrOJS ill Ih

Iounltlills a key work in Grman Roma ntit- dc hIIltg about Iht rela tive fok~ of llIegory and Iandscapc III Erns t as a rl ild er of C ( fman Romil Tlli t~ i~ ltl

would re U 1Il 10 these wpie in his la ndsca pe pai nLings aga in and again Crr)JI ill 111 t1ollll oinf is a lso shadowed by a t( Xl n passage from Ludwig T icck 5 allcgorital novel Fran SI-illbaMr 11middot(lIULmmgrll (J i 98 ) Jnom

26(j ) middot1 ~BImiddot rH ) T I d 1

60 I 1m c (lislt uW(1 Iht twn l1 t timiddot itl~gcry at t~ ngl h ill M~lt Emi l middotI ht 1IJdw(UtI1iJliI

SnllrJ 11 a i - l OCIshy87 Uml middotn o Ero diilltu~ 1he rdu iolll I)( twu h~rn 1l l k svrn lgtol- 1Il in which middotevcry middot~pr ion is a (nignlll hal middotk runlwt ~mgma middot and ~Jr n cconltlructimiddote ~nlys3 as in lini l~

defendJ in middot(n limited scmi III d rili in T ht Ib oJ hllffpWalio Ill n -I--j

fI8 smiddot cJ(m~ (l h W ocn rn ~I( Jaru F~d nnd It ~b1J ~f I muigat ~cw U and Lvndon 1 99lt)~ Karin V()n ~llo lJr ntel thO rrl ll nf (~$7 In 1M -WOIIIIIgt 10 Ern middot lUUlI1 OmJ~(Ilt1 III middotMao b ns l a Rvmlll1ic~m middot M n Enul A Rtl~pnl~ ~ I Werner Spict l t omlo 199 1)

I II~ ~7 K d~ K cunn~k Iuhf rvtJh IM~Io~ fj lt-1IJVdt r gtn leI

dllrf Kgt(hHIZ I ~ l

8iJ bull 1gtlt I g T irk Fwn~ SlmNt11b

11 middotJn~(n Hmt ~ lldIcAt (mll1~hlt

~I lj(h gt)6I ~ p gtgII

J) ~ee 11 0 ~bn lagtlt I Allqlr)

oflrlllll$iol)middot PI 6- 7r lhr dhl1 l1lt IK hr omlll~1 d(h nlll(11 (III ud h ~

ltill u~Jui ncall y I ~nd lor thillgt IcJ rly 1rs ign~II ~lId Impic ddinlun ul rourrlS luch as li lliemiddot h I(ll no h hI l (~ Ii lt mcill ~ tur middotC)middot ll la IIllt-SIKn a (1(11011bullbull 1 H turn jn I(raquolt ru lUI lTnp ~~i 1g ~1 I r

roukl hi ~r~lJ od tlbull ( Ihi Ik nrngt i~ made lllcmllll UKOf)~ Fr ~cl7rh c r) hMd lU lOll ~ Il ili K r nger through $1(middot togt tI ohjrl i( lria 10 judiCII

91 - GltQ rl 6atai llt Solr a ll~middot Fis rif fXt~s SI_rlJ I Im~~ P7 t)39lli

113 $Iodd Minapo l ~Jl lp XIV

1 lt1 6 12 ioIar ~nu p IJ Halaillits 1Qcom )Ir rollinS (m Ih bullrf r lw ~Ml h [ ~ [ I llt imal(vfltouinuous mC l~lor]lh mal p l y i1a d l5ori llJOII lOr tllti M the locornoriH r ltI hl$l)ry lt]uOI(d in aUT

III-rljolmirgt (r SdiJ 1 rlrHn-1 n- I irl 1974 p 1 ~3

illcidcn t the youn g a rtisl F ra il i~ st ru ck by a pa iming llr a l be scc~ in a hn lll it lUll a IlOCIlIIIMI lan dstltl pc ill wh ich a cr ucifix Ull a hiJl i ~ illll m ishy

na llti by IltI ) S o f moonlight The he rm it ex plains Ihat tilt crucifi is a po inte FingcI7cig ) to Ilw ~pjri lu d wurld beyond the faJ lc n world of lla tu n T o Franr ~ o bse na lioll O ne cou ld ca ll th i IMint ing an a lkgor)

the IIn ln il answers All an is JIlt-go rict IIoJ

T IH middotFingcrJeig iI) Ixpbli necl by th e h~rrn it to F ranz S lt rnbald point s not o nly to Iht spiri tlla l but also 10 thlmiddot pr (~cllce of J ll egor~ iblf As a li ter indlx a sho wi ng ha nd o r jJ ~ i l1ting fi n~cr tht Fingerrig i ~ a ~ tJplf

or i Ihlems II is Oimi larly In ade li ter1i b) -l a x E rn)1 t du slig ma tied ha ncl f1 oatin~ in f r OTH of th e lt ruci fi xiOthl~ middot prinM I ~NtJ I Herc it indicates linmiddotth er bu t not Im llscc ndCIH [l)callings90 In E r ll st s painti ng lh t ROlllit lll ics cruci fi x lS alkgori la l poin hr to a hig her nal rn sim ilarly

i tl n l c~ a landscape of d a rk Illowltai ns a nd il eawnly fil ) S IHl I fur the

COltj UIl Cl ivlI o f redemp ti ve c ru cifix a nd ill urnin at iug SUUS(t in Fricclricbmiddots pa inting o r truci ft x and moonlil-h t in Tillkmiddot O novel Ern$[ dark ly ~J bs l it uLes

copulat ing limbs and the bloc ked rays o f a IUllar refipSt Ermls lmiddott nblema tic painting alt Frifeirich s had don ra i se~ p r0 1Jicms or

cnTlIl lllporar) a lkgory When G lf)rges Aatai ll e- turned tn alr-IItm ica l )slIllllng in 192 7 he did so in I( rm~ that almamp t com icH) m im i Ernst s d csul Itmiddot c lltra ilmiddotfilled landscapt 1111 earth middotcovtrtd wi th vuk anOIs hich SltJoT a~ iLs a n us is driven in iL~ rota tion by lhe male ~ha rt ]l tlttraling 1 1 11~

laquomiddotma l- alllJ a lmost t lIl irely (merg ing ill o rder 10 ree n tcr like Ih( piston~ of ~ 100o mo ivl

JI i~ the 1Ilf(ha nical Oll ll)il ltion n(] t ll morm t inn~ of thes mOtmcn t ~ Ihat th~ ak htmists soll~h t 1 I hI philosoJlJ t ~ ~IU Ilt ~

This nWfhJlist jlmiddot cop ulatiu 11 hudcsqu e~ t he vmiddotn ji) UIIl1n ioli o f allegory th e

ltlnagogir 11 wrh of r() rrcsponden(c~ and rtmiddotst ]tlbl a nct~ lIlt middotcopula that li~

one thi ng- 10 a noth n ill lang ua te all Cl witt g ) 11 thin) to be visibly co nnCfted Ha lai lk s a llcgvrical luvers will mve r fi nd ilnythi ng but parrxlic i magc~ l11d Ih ey will [ Il l asieltp l ~ empty a ~ mirrun Wh en En tail k

fu rther GlUs lically mcdita ted Oil the gno~ tic roo ts Llj Hegel ia n ism in Ll)ll~

ma teria li smt c t Ie g nllst ( 1930) p ropus in g a k~ l abili ing hcadl es~


a J1q~ory tha i would elimuatt aJl h ilTardlic11 ~ ~ t C IllS of rdtn lllc indud ing ~implistic rcv( lltals or blst ll ld idea l o r CXq-lt1l 111 llt1 1 lnrl ltlcrUllcn lll he wa addrtR~jng is)llc$ irnpJiL it in Of Ihis men lInll knOll IWlllillf 91 H ()wcvcr heelIlsl Erns l middot ~ all egory ( nds to Ill p a ll)l it i( depcnds on just ~ll (h illvcrshy

~j ()m ilnd reve rsals of hig1 and low Old is a t a re mov from Btl taillcs infla111ll1110ry ()I)f ll-f llded hd lltaded en terprise

E nHl$ im ages a re often d riven by this undermining of thcir (IW ll sourn-s of lJowc r fcp lescnliug hotb II((i r own ~ la luS a nd i1lSIlfjicilIHy OrtCll they

assu me tht appearallce of (lnhkrlls wh ich as concieusetf o r short lr and ig ll ~ of aUTho rit y ~a n c ti fi ~d by t rld ilion art disrupted hy Ewstmiddot~ illtruio n of thc n ltllll r 1 LIld ~e)( u t l rhc n dllcti t middoti~ua l 11I11ouage or cmhlcms lcnd~ t o ltlrd hrogaliun 111(1 fimiddotag11lClltlliun Ih ich LntSl n alu raJiz~s likening Ihe Sllll1X of fj middotrgnWlll3 Iioll 10 (lperatjoT1~ (lil lbe hod y lt bull rile tru ncalLu pa riS a Ird Ii 1111 ~~ or Of IhiJ lien shall know Iohing arg uauly J u clc 10 th t ~ceri ng lIId te lldt n liou~

reconstruniom of tht e mhknjs [anllJage o r aut hori ty a rClruc luring of Ihc

sy mknloche lim hs a lrcldy prnelH in v i ~l1 emblems Througbout his canlt r Ems would dltriV( double prestige flOlll disrupting lhe COJlv(middotnlions of hOl h a rl a nd li tcrJ fl1l middotf iro lliing his au thoriaJ role as bot h a rlis and poel Emblelll s a rC1 ft lilc ground fur ~uch opT3tions k ndi ll g tlwm~clvu 0 ditorshylil)m or he reci prxa lIldi(a tion s or eX T lIld image which anmiddot Ihe STarling

point nfalJ tgory

Ac kn o wled gement

S l l i(j ll~ of thilt papa H r( pncn l(d a~ Ielt tlJT(~ iI conjullclinn il l Max Em~I

rc ll1(nary ehiiJninm Ihe RnlJ ncl 1(nr()X Memorial JccUrc U Il l T a(middot ( )11)

(1(11 middotmff A Ul IrIJJf(ct ll ItJ91 -J) lI lId II M 01 i (Ilal pound7110 O(lff( 11111 Ihr Duwn oj

hguw middot 11lt~ ~ 111lgtltlorHr hnwltim ltr (10( lOH 9

ll G~1 1 1~ l k 9Jo 1Iy tnillcril ilm 01 11l()oSn bullbull n uollgt ~f fj(w ll 11 52 amp0- M l=nmiddot w middotn I rltult~ ~ rKumrnt d ~ 1 ~ her IkuJamin a~ flll~ (ltI by II~Ilt ml II ~nljsL in rn 8 to auK 1 1~middot ul~r l an L~n ur Silllplilll ~I bat ~ J Ilrl~1U

rell t huugh r he dmiddotIIrymclll of d~lthi IiLinl( pmiddot(hootvtic laquogto ep tgt url ~ s Ielcnnimmo tm r1m~crltt ~m gteJmlt IImntllw I l middot~fI Rll1Ifl1l twlllv Imis ~f )m(alUl lin(I~I illrrkdtmiddoty u An~lc

M IAlodlt 91l 11)) U[ i -l lt)1 - I lt-nd ubstmiddotmiddotmiddot- rht Ire rn~l i u Ul uf Illor lt1 Fm~ (J Ii i fnuc lr Crlt Ihl1 t ho- lifl ugtd rmiddot]m of poundrnsl middot~

lIuc nod ilmhil(1)omh g(ndcrltl h gtvlnL ~ n rh mo (h hypcrholic

Dio cjOCulH1o11 orsl) rl-d~n jm1tf(cry1gt il dO(lt i lli fmltle ~aC11l nr [[00lt1 orgmiddotoonldltG1IHllion al 11 0( Immigt ufth aULhOl tlgt hi~ E rol$L is aJlj~1 llIh GltltX B tll lltmiddot hnnlcnz ~u nf llcg) 11gt1$(111 (~I L ory 111-1 111 in middotSoI ant S l ~r fter u ~1Jtn in capl1on i ndirat~

oJ ddo-nce I n nn SPIf (lIKI

r nn1h~r nd sigi ~ L k Ma~ middotrn1 O~f IllOJ ob middotCologne 9i)- ) in uch fll nh(r ifnrm~lin ( laquo(mns I r ~lO ( C ~d locatiOIl may bc tu

il(ure 29 Em1 OJ I middotun shall (Mil

-h~~ 9 f SLl 63middot C 1 Ernni I IJtI 11uJSODRAC (MlHHrc~j l


S1Irrwlism 9lt)3 ) J 11m gl~Hdn l for lho ltc o pport uui l itl 10 (Olls ider Erns to l roCesso r

CI i~ toll wr Crn middotlI ImfCi J oh n Gl)ldi uS Prorr~Ylr Willillll Cmfi~kl and the

11 011 Fod a tio 10 11middoti r va middot i)l1 ~ lt1 g middotn n)lCgt d vicc I 11olIIk Sllzar rl c Ak bari

r l d~(f l)cre nhI Joyn GOKl(i n E rhan Jd l Kavalc lmiddot and M E Vnr lic k

Page 15: Only Half Saying It Ernst SCAN

rigUft q Fornll x ttlt h ~It u n

Ii tby WdrOllfl Fullmiddot 11 1 iUllt V~rfbIU Dj( 17

1b J (~ COI ~nfl l ul Rkher - IJIIII(mI~I fa lgrlmiddotrRfl() (Amncrd ilnl 97111 100 n middot eljg wmiddotS pc i ho dlgt$lt In Ad middot ell Sarto S(lUlI

Phl J Wi Jillnl _ poJsMk also Ih ) h) Charco d R~hcr

11 Elila]t(u ll rcn 1lts Iu~ middoth~$triQnk OIICillallo n a t_middot itligll ~

or he bymrk Or lin tkaJ body

1lI uchSlcr 9J Ptgt ~f(gt-imiddot

trnt iu ll show here i till oh~(ralio n thal h y t (ric~1I atli l udc~ pn~sioshy

IIcllc~ ]evc tCtll pUfoi s 1m car ( I n particu licrellH1I1 ITohaliqul 6

Ermls (IlllJleml1ic 7 1r(ri lLg IYmllllll th c ll IS 1 (ompk l1ld humo rolls lI ullcgo rizul ioll of fo rt una -I -1 yst cr ic11

Com plex rlt-fCrcnces like liIi un 10 fortuna pop up thruug ho ul E rn~ Is

I rk amI se rve I S ind i $ of a ll (gor~ di fCCli ng us 1 ) Iradi lio ns or i(onotVashy

ph ) and accumulated Illcanil1g 10 symbolic tig-ures Inc attribules thai re ta in a sh-dowy lu hori t) hilt being Su hj(C lelt1 h~ E rlt 10 subi titwiJll$

r igbull I wwd Pjdk iul1udr Ik Hucilitlnr n I n rhlrnl tlld ( dmiddot lr~ dim~~taqw rf~ Iarl 1186

llnl OOf ~ [ AT tlTUP~~ ~hIQ itl EL L~S U ~ ~A ~IIA ~ O E T IIIUIt II Y S f t R I Q ( [

Allilnde d~ cnciG etenl

nnd degradatiom T he Forull emhlem here comes from Ab y arburg- s sl1ld~ Francesco Sltlsscl1is let lwilli gc Vnfiigung- (1 907l En~ t was not na ive abou t t he nuu re of images and their contagion and he fa nCS r unsidshy

natioll (If the onvt llI il)n of p iCl(ri d language Hld as~ u ll1pt iom ltlh0L11

mea ning At the li me of Warburg Saxl and Panof~k~s t ralings of da~~ial

~ymhol~ amI mylhollt)q-~ th rough IIwir til-hased ltI nri mu lt iple ronm in Ih e

mbkm~ uf mag illklun and as trology E rnst wa- him self englgd witb sudl dchascIllCnts~ 8 Fm u s Er lldil(~ illlag(r) makes h im a pl radnxind

ltlcackmiti a n a nd pa rodi c nr hi ~lOrilIl rel yin on Ihe prl~l i g( of rlcog ui I shyabt l~ q UIt liun bllt sa htlaging tlw h i~torical method Ilat w(lutc1 ~il ua Le a giC 1I wo rk th roug h ils relal ion I() prncden ts Tlw T urning I-1QIl1I cuuld d t~tl be rel a lcd ror middotxa mplc 10 C iOll u~ c lnb[emalir Il1rtJlJlu ncy (fig u lI 1 6) III

Erns t ~ Jisjunct i c ilT1ages parlde nfcrcllt~ bllt ddy rongruity ltllI rl c hronolshy

ogy u hvlr1ing lhe aUlhori ty of history to sequence idell tify imCrp lI l lI lld evaluate H e ~ i lua tCS h i ~ work within the history ofar and li terat ure capita shyli ling 011 th e cx ptxtation orknowin~ ~ aU high academic a n h as donmiddot_ b ut parndicall y mocking any pic t y or nost tgiil fo r 10s1 ori g-in ~j

A work part icula rl y di rctling ll~ 10 problems of Iltlngutge and f(middotp r(lt ll ta shy

ion is AI tht r ln Cltar Word 1923 lfigure 17) pai u tcd Oil lhe Wl tt o f Pau l 3nd Gal a Elu ard s bcdronlll J lengt t h itog-lyph k co n fi g u ra tio n (If fing(rs ba tt and string u e oqlI1 i7OO a rou nd the o r and X of Ernsts name $ilUali ng th e pa inting in the long- tr lditi(J)l of emhlematic deir(~ that play on names The pai nti ng as il immiddotulwmiddots Inc clongucci fin ~cr of a 01ll11l

JIllgt pru habt ) em bod ies Ernst cOIlLlm pnr ilrr rdatiom hip wit h G ala E lulfd (TIl E device traditiontl l is m clIlt 10 proli)ulJdly rcpre~t nl he ha hitual conduct (lr ( ha rati r or onlsel f oncs princc ur th c beloved womUl whitt t voidi ll L pon ra iwrc)Y 11115 5 p lCltlr( panLom im cs n des tabishylized pictoritJ compo~ i J i ()n the bt ll on thmiddot ~ rill~ wh ich ()r IllS lh c [ i~ I II

im minLt1l dltt nKcr oflwlng dropped by Ihe crossed fingcrlt pullin with it Ih( tlil of Ihe Illard-likc in$Ipound t T his co nngllfllion is lik rly a j oking refc rellC to

Frcudill li cn~ t rl ti () TI an x itmiddot t y ~ a noti(11 n i nfOTced hr Erm l ~ou r(( imag fro m 111 Salu re iIluslrllling a Irick in which 0 lingmiddot CTos~ed and pressed to ltl single bJ ll have th e sCll5a rion of feeli ng two balls As a dci(c JJilc rct aining the wit l nd (()nci~ ion appropril( to sueh repnSt IHatioll Frmts painting brea ks wit h th l c1 Clurum ltInri pwpcr k di ng tradi tiona ll y l ~s()C iated

wilh lile devite a ~ portrai t of t he mind or w uL E rnst~ im al l also rdi tes

If iby rhll rg rnfrlhUltrSrhrifk-1f

] irdllcnstlti ll lif9]I 117 51 ~

Rbnd K all) mc~r 1) 1 1gt1(1$

Iltr~hr f lfn1t una d~ ~lIdarhll -brdtllnttk r L f min l lmiddotb~t wnd IJm)tflm T]n J87) 48 1 gt111 ( rldu l (0 Rfrky lin HI 1 ~lI)lJr I L-d Ihr t iol(IJ mhllt1ltlt

ll I ] hwau middot1 he $lru((lIrr or All elonl~ Il)eltIf ill IIII~~~ Iwl RqgtrQI ~I ltlhnJ ( lt 11111 ( Ih ~ 1Il tl 1(1)(1 I~ 1 37middot

iO- amp ( Il ~n ri Eli C Alldtjam(n

aniltt r nlas Ulul ( I doll 16IbiPpmiddot 8 1-7

51 5lt Wmiddotmr SpQ fouJ liolld Irrudi cli ll ~ iu J) Hwhhr Ii du (lttr C610i1 I l7 PImiddot 5 4middot

~ll(ure 16 Giou nlill (Slt f1) ~ini Chilpdj

5~ - XC IstkUIImiddot Ltt Jill ( 1lt drriJtgt nn the pfOpltn~ ofdc ien It ~nno td t

fkmcll lS de Li tltrrmiddot JlIgt Ill d ~80)

lIi(krlt l p II ~_

M a rmontcls insistence 011 the h igh 1110111(1 11 lt urlomiddott emblems I llnn mtd )t VC as 1Il ltlmpll or the o~jt(lionahl t tToli lIIbkm objcL~ luxqllds Iop inirlll allad w ride de ha-gtsessc sUlh as a pot Oil the fi rt ith Ihe mollo f a m ltOIlsul1ed below ) It i~ tempti ng III im agi ne Irnsl toyin g wi th this

higb mor~1 1 po~il iun by delibera tely making a (Tud pun th e basi~ of til liu First Cmr WordY

T ypica ll y huwevr Ernsls Vi~U 1 1 sou rce rna) lJ ~ (lv(rdcterln ined hy 111 trudi tc textual ~ourn III I f NiL dAlllIIbrr D ichrl ~ Dr Uordeu describes the controlling ccnI tI ()r Ih t ch fir OUl ~n$aliOIl~ L~ a jlld~c who hears caS(~ md pIOIl Oll ll (I~ vc rdirts This jud~( hOHver 111lt1) be e ffeclivdr

deceived b y the (i(llIc( it may expe riL- llct paill ill an lIl1 putalcd limb 11 01(011 ~ays Dr Burdeu ~ou Gill INt t he limits allli decepl ions o f

sensa lion by (ltI rrying lItI I Ihi$ sim pI eXlwrinWll t Otl the judge

o n k tro mpe lu- nd Oll 1(11 1 crui ser dl lLX 11( ()~ doilts run Sill Inutrc lUuch(z un t pclill ooule lt1 il pronnll r(ra qu-iln II df l1x

2 bull i

h gumiddot 17middot l rnSl II Ihl FII (lro l1pd 1 )~3 I t bp (I II ~ L m ltlift))G P

1 1 lri~ OUolAC -110laquo1 ltOOO

In to( context of thi ~ pa rt ieulM di~lullsjon of s(n~ttiol II 1t1 Ni l f d J(lmh

lhe hypolbeli cd Fltudi an melning~ nf E rnsts Ilugcrs and ball in tensify The fea f ( castfa linn II lre is dJ ierl 0 (middotO fl~i (kra lion 01 The npITicHclt of pai n and pkhurr di sltussrd fl y Did r rol and the decept ion orthe senses ~ lldy ra ~

someth ing to d o with j urlgill l Ill( dtcp tiolls of illu ~ion is t 111 with the picru rc itsel f alld (implii t in Ihe Ictltl~ ()1l11ed Ily gtIring wd hnger wit h llie k((middotplio ll ~ ufl ang uagc

Beyond UidcrOl til( fou nd ation fror Emsts rlecplion 0 1 El uan] lnd Pau lh tnmiddot~ a rgumen ts about languagc lay in ( enIt 11 Roma nt ic dcba tcl ltlho ll t till ~rn bol ith is full ex p1l~s i (I1t$S and uni ty or ~ ign and n ferfnt 1S OPp()sd HI the di~~ocia lcd and arl Jilrar y sj gn-gllle la lioll l)fa lllmiddotgol) I Of panicular lifelong intenl tu Ernst (ft the po-ms CS~ t ys tJld a lltgorjC~ o f Novali I II the fi ch lc S tudilu N(lva l i~ httl u Hlsid ered lilt rela tion or

l t 7 fit I H l 1gtlt(lI

5 ~ - Sn HLmmiddot odoro M If Ih I ol Ir (Ihrl n r Io rln Ilhh J l)tb 1 151

~ Umothc JaiuA I(hI~ed me of rn~(f hfdonA bullbullding 0 -11 ~ i~ (k Iter lu

hLlhtlh LclOlc 0 ell 91121- M~ dlkllraquolO(l i~ lI deb loo (0 II~

fC(Illt(r o Kn ) ~r-lu t HtNIl_ nI1 Ioudon 9lj s~

fio hlr S d 110 Stlrjinf rd l1I1 dholln ~ lId K rd Sallnd 2 lIllIlIlr~ n 1)gt5

y QUOIn t 1bullbull Iulil1 Oir Il-gtOtw- KumulIl ~I fI Poe jdcr h Ohrfllt1101nl imiddot b-ftJ IMM bull I~ 1 IjJj11_ 1 lt)OCf p ~06

~1 It_I 5ltlrrif(~~ V 282 U lln hilll prp1K(I h1I Novtlraquomiddot d~ ldk ll i

ixua Irlnllllod ~bull middotIrmiddotI1 I middot rJ dwr Ihm rr lrnrlll (Hgtrlldk ) ~H - ito UBeu PI 0 11 11gt ~MI S(itl~I I V I ~

~ 1 ttl lIml To i Was Ma_~ 1-1 Iudirl h i ll Ia ~H K~I~ P l S c r PI Ip HattltlorHrr

I~nf(n (P(t Tunlu IPlI amp nn K olVI)lJtt AtIhIJIt~ ImJ~nt I _jm (1(In EIxhllll 19031 Karl Ih(f)(lomiddot C d cru ( dritl

HMIlI~NI III Jtbtfl DISn LI n Ll(PlM 1Jf(d 1881 J eanmiddotUaud t rtbs (~ ifipp H sectn Cr ~

tIorll Frnkrun middotrnmiddotMam u Iu 1lI

IqIi l PI V~ -t3 Thrn ~r n 1I ~II i ltI h not 1 p~I1gttul r 1( in TI n oell u1f 0111 8ui chmid d FIIrjI ~I 5 ]nJ J~6rfjnnu 1 lII Di_UfJ(11 Numbl

III~ 1Io11l 6 SI h nJ ( f(tmiddotulll ll middotlulrodOIvu AItl~ry aN HprtUIIlJIIDII

PI) ~l D lan pOIfl~ ou ltlr311~~f)rr 3ltll1 mhlrm bull 11 d iflkuhy (Of ]Jqllf i Iht th (mvh d~r ~ 01 rtp~uu -n C tgtOllt~ nd In 11K rmiddotrr fSltltn~ l h~

Iu Qn I ~Icd middotPutal

bullI ~gtIOfV of PllSlVI IIpry RfIlnIllI_ p ~3)

language to th e th i [l~ il t~p rC~n l gt argli n~ t haL silllc lAng uage n rijinatcrl

l1 finding ~ i lm (or lbSl tae l conccpt~ it i illiterr l11ly nw tlphoriltl md dlceptivcn Fot I(ovali ~ fcprCC nT ll ion is a proce -~ hy which lall~utKC

fig ures (orth somelh ing lhal i ~ itself IUSI I rough tillt ln y 1(1 of being pnstlIh( If for Nova li ~ jlOmiddottry IIl ll lgt1 appro~ld l i~ual li rt ))il rot~il Inu

also zur Kunst werdcn ) ~I ne( rt hclt-~ d ll ~i I) ilwit)bly Idl shor

crea ling an illusiun uf prcsellcC where t he re is n() IH So (I IlC ( an n p n SCIl I onl y i ll ordcr 10 rcprcscmiddotnt Y alld beyuml t hi ~ lei of 1lt_ prcMnting thrrc i~ rIn absolutc ulIlcprtsctH ahk negllid y d tlcrm in ltgtd KlOu nd a conce pt or being that lt1111101 be d(~( l i hltd (111) displMcd im o c han o r darkmss cent Tn Novalis Eru~ 1 wou ld find a his tury fOl J (I lwlhiIlmiddots (ol1lcm po rIIY

argumcnt thnt all ln nguagl inn )ivcs metaphor and millndcr~t lIld ing a nd lil his d tllcriptioll of IIe cia rk nes~ Iha l sl l orc~ lip Ihl )l lOvcrh OlSlTlions Novalis~ theori fs ofl anguage uor nt oul by Pa ulhan ct1ll thC lllsck e 10 Ill

middotprlScll led by ErnST in the en ig-nuic piuolid Innn Lpprnp riltlH to NOlt1i ~ ~

sig n or 8ild

Allh~ Fin- Clear Word Ill a y be lfad in ligh l orlh~I plradmtlt ofbnguagl lild ~emury d ectption I n~ot~ r a ~ EII) is til represen w r n r pn5lnllr CJftlll pic tll re he is til t d tceiHI ho (c l hI eq n I writcs him$(lf intn IIw p ictu re through his pnouious mono~ ram 3 ~ ti l( deceived Sim il (ontig ur lI iuns or balls a nd stri ng llC a cOlIlIlon plac( of SCclllttnth-cent ury

(middottIIule lm )( rhlil l it~ sud l a~ R lJlkll h lgcns l enllOll~ Globe hanging hy A

thread IllrCa ltned by tht di vine k ni ft wilh its mOllo 1 wi ll hc cm 10 pi tccs

fIgure 18 T IlfsC l m blcUla lie modds sel up the ( lIt1 i n~Cltlst ration j oke impliCi t i ll Enm~ plin ting T he mOllo or I llIvorffcrs rebted emblrlll ha l dccei CS us a mu~cs u~ is cunsistent lth t he ide) uf lhe pli n ting iI~

an illustra tion 01 Illr (kctpt ions of thO se nlt-~ and of m imetic picllln-m k i ll~

tsdr ftigure 19)

H ard(irfit- r 01In eccen tric th(o ris t uf the e o lvill Genn a n la n ~ua~(

a nel of uuoque emhlems H iJ visio n 01 middotGrlllairl poticmiddot was illfiuencecl by Ripas rulolugifl Acia w and J atO) C algt l ~lII st ho had studied ph ilu logy an d hld la kcn a ( ou r~( o n the v c r man nomiddotd of the sevenshy

leenth lin d middotijl ltnnl h cel1111ri o l it u nivtfi ly miln I dl have Cllcou nshytered his 1 ()lk 9 I I is a~y til 11 (-l arsdlitflcr a~ it proto-sunca list

throug h Jing-u islit ~arlH ~ ill Wllld ~ amI illll(~ b) p hon ti play and nc c()r tr bi n a lioH ~ Ill hoped 1(1 drw 1)lIt h iddell ret lI1b l a n ce~ bct ccn th ings and CVl U 10 invcnt IIC W Ih ings illulllill ltinl lI lt p ro fo und rdations of I lItgulgt mpound ttoe o rld I he cullelt i gllllc-pla) illK of his C tspradtshyspick fragmcn tcd syllabic and wo rd re(()I nbined b ltliterna li m cun trishybutors to produt( unli)rt (c lI rclt I1 I1 ~ ha~ I)l iUlis afJiui lies w il h surreali~t

potti I practice H aT1gtltlu r rfCIs emblem r ai(~ a ~lmiddotnlmiddotr tI puinl ahou t em blems hile tlln

pro id e Glp tival ing rt)lism cf el ltil tl li is IP l r~ l to ensure Ie~ihilil and ough t to have Ilolhillg 10 do I ith Ihe Jl lt- I ~ lI nmiddot Urlllil1lDis A t Ih( F lnl Galf

Vorn a ~ a piclure a bout S( II~()ry cl ( p tiotl is a n ironir a llegory or ils own t1l IK1Ciri cs (0 rcprcocnt r-I(IIc hrou l- it rIilCgt ltI p roblem of aUIgory whkh Lries It) fu lly npn scnl or pi tun al) t rt( tions llUt I~ hich llIccssa ril rccals

ilS uwn fa ilure lu arw ally brillg lillih ~udl tl lill~s fgt T he da ril ) of the cmbk m sim ul ates tht gra tifJ I lir~ of I n i (J1lsi~ stl1ing up an anxi()u ~ t1t t rshy

naliun btlwctn (knxlillg wh a t i ~ IlH- u lr d eH lr dll1iC(11 dra lng and



I bull



relishing the pleasur UI) pmsibly lIli 11 1lt1 i( tJl E1l11Jk mati~ a1l0w E rn~ 1 shywho 4xprcsscd cQn tcni p l (() I milllClit a rt to negot iate bdwfcn I h~ ~I(tu(~shy

livci ) mimet ic tud ed ifying)y d i agrarnma l ic 6~

As 1 pend ru 10 AI Iht hr~ 1 elfllT kV(lrd til (ol1l g ~ L Q)QI Jl tSCIIf n ) OUIIl

girl 930 -70 (figu re 20) tu - h i1I Ems f IHu a lly added a real glolWmiddot tikc bltlll ul ltlnnil y bcar~ 0111 [he sense of the Rollen hagen l mbll Il ah hough thl di vjllC POWtf to cut i~ now invested in the tollage nist himself (o r rather Is he represents himselfilhin Iht piClUre l~ Lo ploPi The em bleshym a ti c rt lnin d n Iha l rh inbTS U( 1I1titna tcly IUIt of your hands Ihll ( oci hold~

thl ~ci ~sonbull i ~ plnyert upon hy Ernst wi lh da rk i l The introduct ion o f Lo ptop in 1910 as Ern t ~lt rtgo recaJl~ owllis diClUm The 1 1l1 li~1

preselt iLSeJ f as prcsln ting 3 Th i5 cads again to lIlt problem ()f the vict lln asmiddotil1li~i oll [ltU L()plop i ~

lI sultl lly d cscrilx-d imprf~sJli()o )jk( as introducing or p rese1l1ing tbe pic tll OfL r n il is Lop lop ~lC lillg as frl1lw o r easd who prCSCli Is a n iUlIsiomiddot Jli~li( pi clltrt ilhin lltt piUunu5 T he ~ ll hjCtI~ of tll( pi( llIn~ lI il hin the

piCHI onen have weigh t) implicJliuns I rolll1( Ililii grapes by a~sociltltion with Z tuxils gmpes im o kc piolo ri a l illusionism oa k kavcs stan d fo r (C111111 narion) islll a nd RU(k has rl ief M aJgtcilllise sla nds tor F rench nltionltl lshyiim It is as if Ihe sym boJic me ni li lS indicated b) Loplop~ piclu res t re IS i lonkally rcl ri (vaule as the pos~ihi lilics of pino ri 11 iltu~ion and flllln(i~ th they sland for alld ilh wlloh Ihey an Pcs(nt ed TI H the grI I(S a nd 1lCS

2 5 (1 TU lrAHI middot H 1(-

Fillln II ( il)r id R o)knhag~n middotClu han b II hr~d wlih (~ tr ha nd hold g a kn rmiddot ~f(~w 1hIlIIIImiddot I i-him r ~i

fi t - St Th II Kelley Rn~MI

II II(go ] II ~(IIl he If Ih~1 nl(crmst llrgor~ na k middot ldrr r~t(h n I t ~

I h on ~ l llpp1)Vdl) oljlflSCd 10 il r)w mimClibullbull his(01 )

() 2 h r hisect iIIllhn (fOlU (hi

(l hll mele mil ~ 11 arlif t ~

Ma_ fru~l jjiIMJ p I 6J - ~Mlta )iJmik ~ f ~t12 ~ct

~I )ulm P 97 (v r di (m h~

Pilamplg hvll t N(ll$ II a rl h ltlonlt4) ontt I 10( lim or ~m~IJ I1 Y 1IIIliD 11$ iltit (laquolt ~ndjd G ~ ~IJ

mulaquo el 1 rl arsd ltnd laquocu 6 s O middotRticn I lI lh Th pk utc -ithm h pintlr _tnCi as mc~rhor ru t NOali om pI ad pIIaduxinl image I l ie -1l ld h h wdun Ikin~ hll iI~) 1middotU1 ou tsid e j( as n prtlCnt tWIl

~Qligt hnJ ~ p 06 ti) - I plup~ middotad a nd eQpalt$ h~

any ~ial pr~cnlenu C( middotrrllr SIlOlt f~Qp_ rr J i( OIMt Srf LotdwI

Jlil Ik~Q 1 SI)ics I(8middotus l ~c1r ( rrma o-c is MOl Sehind s TII trti~tgt a iOimacd COnllltUl6 ~ilt5(lt rllaquot and ~il5hl-nlzot) fn~nn 0 Nlrru~fI IJaa 80

tisull 9 H lrjr Wshy nj() h Mr~t ~ 1 Itmfr U(pr~(hrIr

1644 (I


r for Jr


ikdy d a$gtltS


(J VUlliJ yenrrfttr~ I Xi In lh~

LltJII()Igtltrics t~ l ~h UlCt Ilw rompt

fMI dlilaquo (f making (hiu ~Jl llCar IU Igt I n nplJ(1 QUI of Ill()lhcr pic of PII r bdud lion which I 1lap ilh (he ambJguIjI Qf ltOt lhin hccomioe middotrl )7 S pound I) VHI Image ar bod Y dt purd aliRl1l11(llt 01 Waltt r Ikllj ~mi lt1 1 Bnlmiddot JDI(1 M8JN~IIl1iI ~ 3

Ilt)ltJI pp ~5 -H20n h~ P r bullbull II1tQl 10 11( cn blrn1 Ilr liK if IC~ t()

I)irn iocapl hle Ihe-Imiddot of middotrnln lmg meaning bullbull liegQ1 i~ 01 ju(

Olhnlll mClonpnic 5hiflil g 01 Wmanl(


art acturl lly pre~sed into thl paper 10 form ~ ha~ lr-lief h ci~hlI1~ lilt joke Oil 1h( power of piClori11 illusio1lism to hring things illlO r(l 1 d inwnsions wi th in tIll fidd o(the r iled mimesis of the ditglam l1la lic larger pi( tu lmiddotmiddot

So Cr llsts pictun may ntmiddot tl kcn 1 a n (mhemlIic prCsentation or Novaliss Bild lunel ioning as a Plfldoxi( d rlj) rc~cn l alion of 11ll fli lurc 10

flill y represc nt dealing wit h thc plOhle rn o f prcsen li l~ a pilI UII a t all and by elltensiOll wil h the )nhcllnt dcnplio ll~ of me La pho] i1lu-iol l and lan guClgc O ften representcd by a dark ell si lhouettcd htnd IS in Ioplop pminlS bullffjiifJ 1931 (fi gu rc 21) Toplop invokes Novl lis f~JlloJs d cscri pshytioll o(thc delusi(n of repr~cntlllg H( gliI-p- ollly a handful ()r d ~llklJcss ((

Loplop a~ i ll1 plcs~ario mtkcs p rescnting ~d l~co l1 c i olls hat is prestmed i ~

ahIs mediated 01 II a rnllOW like Ill( pictures Wi lh1) pic lurts losing

ground III llllIly o r Ernsts p3i nling~ W~ 11( ill the territory of cmblemalic rcprOlclllltHioT1 thost fa ilures and ha zards agaim t hi ch the rnord or motto or the emblem i~ proph~ bClieall) ~c l Ernst makes the cmble mat ic il1l agl a ll emblem orkonograph ic lnca n ill ~ itsclfb7

Tn the (middotolllgc novels ]lIginning with La Femlllt 100 [Flu 1929 Ernst dcvdops the cm blem image illlO an allf~o lka l na rrali( Tf Enhts coll agc T1ocI ~ fU llction or ma lfUllclioli l~ parodics of the pul p nov as cx lcndccl clich e the atrnosphln of popula r IlOVel movi ng- from dimao( to climax is nut (Illy char3neri sl il o f di llhangcr scrit1illd Ii (lioll bUI of high allegoric-

~ ilurr 1Q ~rJUI --QpI~ IW(1IIJ P~lIf $1

11)3)-70 ~ I tl 1 1 C 1 1 -nm middot 0 (1

1~riII-O[)1iC ( IlIn~11 locO

111)_ HI nl [ ~ l Cl middot

ril(UR 21 ~nb l Loplol fgtrr~ll bullrjlirJ 193) raquoI~ 1781 Cl 1( lt f rtI~(AIJA(f

ld SUOkAC ( Ina l ZOQO

(gt11- Ou EI and pu(p fin iou Klt Rltncc

R irlot 1 1I~rI S~JIIJ on flu 11ltgt01 Jkrkdmiddot~ od l(gtmiddotngt1cs ~ P 8

(I li ~ r)hC Olhe r(olla ((n-vcb 10 (tII~ 100 ius lltms 10 f()rl~ ~cu i t i It f J) bn pred i(1ali( ITUucm nf

dJgory thaI IhIt ir is w lhig

~-qutItLil1 and UorrdlJ d~li) irlo )PUlI lhol a 101 s~ j 1 rma ll e Iruun OrUrgurir 1 d middot middot 70 Sec RrlIll I)j kw Idol Dr (fomlr gt~raquoI4S~~ ofFm= ri( i Fi -ltir)l1dr CIIIMlt rw Yk I ondon and O d Od 7r - Ilr hundred h~dlc wumn

pcrgtoniM Ihr protlogt ofnIlt) i II blt n d~ugtltsltJ lrum la~I llt nmiddot I a ~ Old Ikrricln gtI I at OJ~ 1I OllgtII) Ic Ihin lnd b) UI huured 11Ultbl

(ltTduug Slaquo Kon Rund tbi~ oUtIII l SnfUQa flta (Slrnl

-Ill Jcq1 [xrrid I ~ Ihr ~i dr Plmon r PIQImr idd i rUf HiOn

1- 1 1jl3lt) ~5- ~1 a 1 11Ik -bn

laIlt 1111- uf P5UaSI Il 11 n 7 nLllIr Max En_ s CCIl1~ldc A Il

u~dJjJ Ju tzmis Punl of pHtdigmltK- rcmm~ Jail (tcmiddot i duo1lltcJ

j ltoul l e~ d to Ir mYIr~ de IJ Fr nn I (h rlltoum ed ilh Inrily n [J

ru~orlf J~dlnl Ul Ieh IW adl COl middot

iJ drjed in Lr M~IUf ~ (ue biod Il)d by II rah ) mllo)~ a (M from CIen dOn Imiddot ga~m

n j)()gtltt t ( du d I dClaquo1 PllfT

J1( Inl 9~3 I 3 )middot i J 1 mpu lit) is 011( ( I)utf HlT~JIJ ilIU1lruom illmlHffi by t dl~ aKI o lkmm Solaquo rhf 11rllrpIt~ of 1fIIopoilbullbull 1(0)1 ltlt 1 A I (~ bull Lltdo d3middotICl ) I or the hltad leM

m~ ~I nprt nlIVlt of the lI h~voJiud

Mltirirr5(C Ilaydcn hw T hc Ior r Idnc rll f~fJ)lgtfOlmr FHJ n

cJIllIr1 (nWi BahiOI~ 11(1 l aunn

l7ijjP r63 5

ltIS wellG8 The luadks~ OIl1an w ho c rupts iu uiflircn l forms lhrou~hflu l Ia Frllllllr X) tilu could ~ef( as a mnaphor lor Ihe d isru privt relations bel ween metaphor ltlnd th( ~cq ucn tiltt l flow of narrative charaCte ristic ( I llegory The d(vd o]lm(n l~ cnn (inui lY and rcptli li(HlS afTordcd by 1lIJTativc allow hun (0 rCClpil lLlatt S() W ~rea k hi ~ usc of woma n to personify his own Icdllliqlll

The k nmJe nud e had belfl l1l1 lhe prw niscuQu sig nifier par t udtIll( 111 nin clee nlh -nntury $ll nn painling in 1 hifh Ilt t complex it(lltirics and allri shy

hut es of any given 1 l1 cgoricld personifi cat ion WCl( Kro~~ l y sim plifin l a nd s i ~lIalled a nd in which multipl ied numbers (of ha rtm ~la v (s or OJcads) com pensa te fo r loss of indiidual s ignificalion If Ihimiddot ~a loll lIu dc finally scrvf d as a pcr~nn i fi clI ion of a n OcrT rowcltd a nd raquohdioere Sa lon itsdr 7ltgt that cltuase lllent of the aan c mil tra dil ilJll rIK ina ted Erm t as he pl ullder(d ninelecn th-cent ury j ournals a nd salrl11 (pvrl~ fOt his collage ma l( i1 1I y not one hundred headl(lO~ woman instead of onc hundred mrmingk ss oms why nOI om perrcn ly ugly hcadlc ~ Ioman (ICte de mecl us() instead of ti le rut ile Salon bca ut ic_

Tlt tlc is Ill importan t (ll ulcmalic prototype for frns t~ womln a ~ GC f(]

Rauer has notcd I rnst s fcmm e 100 t Ci I~ has a counte rparl ln L a Pcrr i i rc ~

11 T lriil de$ bQNJ en~IIS (rigurl 22 ) IhlUl1 d i~llliss~ this rcscmbk nc( agt fortu itous ImHer il is im portant Ih1I it is the Inl tllnt is c1ost-S1 10 the

Ill(ltlni nls uf Ernst s woman not till image I Pcrlicres femme is iuall y an ad ap tat ion of a lomill onpl acx Horapllll o-dlTivcd hcadle~ ma n

signif)itll( I m )JOssibili t~ presuma hly a 11 aul c~s oman l~ douhly illlpossihlen In L Pcrricrcs prcm lO he is not JJl( rely ]utdless bu r rtther Jik( Ernst s middot te mll1 f hilS I)Ulny i(kn til il~~ IqJrcst ll l(o by many heads silt is compa n d to lh e Chi n1ltl crn Girion p) hnn tll cdusa Cerberu~ and lhat l-llnicular pnmiddotc ur~or of tIl( km nw 100 Ittcs Iht H yd ra Through such proli li-ration or menning sIt( is Ih e mhkJll l i ~L~ dream emblem Lr

Pcrriercs le( nlllcludes tha t ma rc marvellous Ihan all Y of Ihc~t lll ylhic creatures middot vu lrl bt Ull(- fem me sans leu Ihe One figure who cou ld prcSurnshyably em bod y a ll hybr id mean ings in one ~ llcc in (t blll meani ngless fo rm La lclTiCr~ crnhlem may be an allegory of lhe cjlem ma of rht PO(I UIIHl Lnned hy his middot iivll~ hu l need ing 10 be a )H roi( d eca pitator a rer~(lI ~

aluivalc1l1 T hl ngrt l1a ble mora l conclusio n of La Perri eres poem is tha i woman Ilccds a guidc a ra tional hCltld a nl ltln lax pound rllst71

O n one occuion irr IAI FtnllU 100 liles Ernsl himself appearS (fi gure 13 1 III Loplop and the mouse s horoscope M attCrs or desliny fa lc a nd horoscope- are a sta ple ur emblclIl li te rat ure middotf he imge is pan of a n embleshymat ic (radiliv) in vhich caged creatures slam] ror lht ca ptivi lY and sull t ring of tIlt poel or lo (r (fig ure 24)1) Em Sl i~ agen t and nO l ca ptive 01 flt ltc however Ba n-dle~lcd he may be (rt l ra~ rfli hen a~ ltlll odur pcr~nll a uf Ihe multi-valc lll woman he carries the d isGmlrd cinllus of th at stock haraCllr of l lk gOry the haUd resscd woman RUI he holds onto h i~ hal (Ihich unlike the he-ad Ill ay be lakcn on and of 1 ) and thu s retaim for himself Ihe powcrful masculine role of the head Erusl appea ring in persOIl wilhin his tollage 110d signn ls his SWIUS as a ll-controlling novelist or em hleshymatist d lOS(middot c lvnga lcd hand CH n pluck thr- mouse Out of il s ordaiucd palh al a n) tim t Ernsl l$ a llcgorisl should Iw SitultlHd in the trdi liun ofparod ic nuvc isg incl udilg Ka lldais Charles Sorcl J cln -Pa ul R idlter and TIlOlIllS Stcrne whose work relies 0 11 a Jlet0ry to ironi ( it ~ own d tviccs~

hllur~ )~ rouU gt lt 11 Ierricn middot1 _ Fe 0lt ~Iemiddot bb(om xv Lt middotfhIQII( au flu OlU 539middot

7 t t- rr middotm i ~hlllkeuoImiddot(gtr I ~

E ts alP-1m~ ad 10 III unJinn~ Ih t middothltmiddot ~11 ome hmiddot Igill~ o nly in o 1 oj Ihem ~e ltor pmpcrl) nmn~(tcd IIgt Illfi r 1middototls tT j inllny ITrI 5I t 01 SIJ Iijt I-i 1 Ynr I)U

1middot9 i ~ Thmiddot tllmiddotd 111I)Ult if) Iro p O JPC~Il

lciII otld ~rqJlOxIUmiddotlmiddotd in I) middot~(on( ~t j oolgt C~~ middot i ~poliJ t

gtj)(lli lont tmiddotC I 111 (apia I)n1

[mill ) MUftIM~ Alh dt 11((-111

fAmSIrd I 7~ (l Damel Hcin~iul

Q I ~lD 1~J i Jm I-oIo bullt ) fo r lupid (gtIllide h ase Md P C t 1)(1middot Imbl~w tryU 1l~rd~m 6 rmiddotlmulcd Pdmburgh bulln7l) fcr Cil~rrl bini ~e ncr (Inllri ) aud cupid with ( ~cd ~uinrl 70 T ho $(lrnHmhurv au C hr[ So middotI JlhT rparodir novel a nd IIlkgori(O ( h anw rl ttlnIHomaM)

ealled iIllOIltSlion mi(Ic rda liou pc bnl(lIagc and III(Ialhor Sorer IA llalJM df ] i1Jbullbull d rih inl( illtolI (IU~1

~ ~ hltgt~d nn peI middotrh gl1_ rhlemiddot Jta~middotlIIg lt1 word altgtCUo ns loped J) hc PUWK middot~u du nall iJ a JrcLuIXlT r rnmiddot i~ ileJ[laquoIU311Dt~s 5lt ( hI M rd u II ~ 1f(J n1~ (Pn_ (pI rcpri lro Cmiddotneva I In) I II calte oflh coU~ lt rImmiddote1i trn auhial IU-altAO Pli middotuJarly ho hOj( mlhlt (crmA n KumlIi J~- lJul Ridner middotbose H)15 ltt Imiddot) hd raquoPlltkd I nnch IlIor41)middot all(nlion ~d Ih adlDlI-llluU o(j (l ll Ia l h ~ and Atdtt ISr~lt)n middotIltmiddot wen 11 Y lr1nd lrlIlt I io lfj~ ln-I HI Kichllr$ nmlk a lllorio rI narruvlts I U ( muhIImiddot l oice IUd idrmiu(l SU)tgjOgtjl

Jm~(1 I(dnn lues Ihe T j l aIS lisr of nI I~ImiddotrJ1 puion of his nilId I$n

ort o(lXlI EI ~ 111lt he r1l lo h-ough Ihe quouditn _orld in JAIrun(

1M IbN ~~ t altga rtl H ale II ~f

Olxron SdiOQlj Afi1)ullu 1)~ 1nil 91) and Claulk jich i I middotmJ~ lit 71~-I fJJJ1 (~ J(IIU l~ MIjalllUt llnt 1963

I ~urc 3 M~ ~ rnst middot[plol 1 ii(

uy hor)s(ol In 0 1(1lt lila

9~9 SI1 1st II rlduL~t Igty ponniion [r I~I (II I n T oronto Rampn-oce Lbr~ry

17 Osk P(lltak lkr hcmige ud I Ioliphilw Ir~ J ldK 1 tA(rifll~ UlIll A KvI~m~b(

191111431 Ii for h~ Qfih lok hUllIuand Irlnlt[1gt HI(lIMlultin Pp~tl cd Gm P U md LUCla A

Cil)pom (Idu ~I fl - Lrw ~lIfsk) r~frrnl o Rtlla~nCt Nlt)middotpl aJJojonn~

xt ufpopular ga m ltco mparabk 10 vulgn plmiddotd n I~j middotNllatomc ilocltb III ~kgtr~c( ud Norh I al) Ul Sl~d It 1(middottI~l i lew York 972) p 1 1) i~ 1 I 1)QoinofdlSlllcIllOcrtlt in

he I[TIlI mtd~ 1 er(l~ lll1cgo~ I RUI~ JlnlJJ( i~ p l lrll l~rJ r r(Ie 10 rn( mltlll(j in 111 1middot( IIlI) lil() 110 ( Ihe tMLion of~~Irn wel of N~ro dlrnwwcJiinli oflus md i I h )

iod)e he ocau t ~ Qf hcr lionl iU od nrnliltrsmiddot and lu JltO lo( It(f lone he wa concelvcd are ofpITlkuLu i l~ $

nplt(illl~ sitlclt lhry fill fn lt1 ~ b~l~ dWUI ntmmg lid ]altuale s Uvid f

1luI 1 Sr lt1 (l i l1lcmbtrmcfll bo-hlrd On8 lUI dl Romoon or d~ RQII( III RtUtiulIamp lIteR all rk 14 ~ I ~I l ffl(ll( RIIon ~I i rw] d ja II UOI IhiJadclphlltl (992 ) Pl

30 0 jlllnn tQlran ltk M cu ~ k NIn I fa ~ rm Illjo to 970 $tt

II tIf M Arde ll 1 h( Wfllan d I~ (1I 1e

~ Iw wIlJ IJlblQgrap~~ (N~ i and 110 111(93)

Ik Clo rillunc Hclt cl I wny ltImiddotn ud kit I I a~ KInr ~ rbull pJra bull 01 lor lum~ all gklt amI r~rman I (Ik mi IIulltlin 74 1lt)921 pp II I gt

Er ns ts prpuhioll of die r mb1em illlage inlo I 11lt1r rnivl seque nce (an al~ l

be si1u3led in niltlI io n I() Ihe illuSlri1cd Renaissance alkgory hieh ~ ltlS an lInpo nan t SOll r( li)r all sli bsequen l crnl1cm atisLS Colo II Tl i HYJllrtOlfmlfldljn

Poliphilii7 I t I)tsin witll a d r() 111 alltl i ll middotu l v (~ endkss nCliphtr lll(n l o f environm ents a nd obj((ls th ilt rc~onall throughout EIIlSI 1 0Uale Ilods d lboraldy symholic gardcm IIl WluC r ums h icrgl~ ph s 1 st atile or 1n d~pha nt Ill th it incidC llt5 (Perscus bchead ing of Innt htr 1(1I1 n1lt Slt1n ~

[C tc yled us ) ltlil t lhe tr i u rnph ~ of va rious gods li nd ll1coulH cr~ wil h fcma le pcrsonifiC4l io ns such ltIS Iht middotfi lmiddot lgtCIlSIS ofd wlTI E rll ~ L s 1i]1lnw 100 [ClcS IS A porli liant Cl U pcrsli fiettion Colonnas n )d g llmorizccl

lHroiciztd ll1d narralivized int t lp rt lal iull knd i n~ il ~ Ilr 1 g-lttmcs of m ea nings like v illga r pS~fhoa nalys is If [ rlisl realkgorits till tlIlda rd allcgorYil~-ltl n I1 Il then he dut~ so in way~ lha t preclude HI high mora l or iludlcctua l positions n (sting thc psychomarhia with lttil C)Imiddot 10 p~ychomiddot ltt l ml) q s tu rn ing Ihl Stnsua l cneha nt Hwnts ot snluctivc ~cI4 p i( middot(lS to qtlcasil UIIIla lizcd violcllt ltlud sexual d tSires I il lra r surreali sm IBre(on lIdia

Aragon s PIY5(1II dr Puns) could rel y un the sca AoJd i n~ and d evin s of allegoric - t he d ream vi~ion ) th l peri pau t ic li n o mo in~ 1hroug h a Lil y of m ysterio us (lbjCClS 1l101lum~II IS a nd (I)couiliers I hl~ W I)I11 lt11 1 uf Ill u ta bk idenlilY references 10 OIIHr works of arl and lillfa tlll t nd Soon t rnsa also d eploys the devlrc-s of literary a nd pk lOria l allegury dndging 1I 0 t only emblem bouks but ahl) die g rea t lite rary dkg(lric~ liorn tlw RomfI fir n (0)(

to Colunna to Novcli s lIlcl jieltkl

C hristia ne fi end in lro r key st ud ) ofmodlit lisl a lkgory has argUId thaI Err1~t relinq ui$ h (~ hi s a u tho ria l a ut hori lY in 111 F rllllllt J ()() l i l( allowing hi~

1111lgCS a rad ica l inck ptmiddotnclcnnmiddotp II cUl lld 1( arlued r Ol1v I-dy Ihlt

EflIH pa rod y fu netion~ in a n opposil(middot ay tha i Ir i~ wrc nching or imilL~ oul of l ll tmiddotir Mig- inal 1 )lI tex l ~ i~ a n 1gt 111 iw ill asserting ah~olutc and arbitra l) cuntrol OIr Ih( mh rial Ernst s images Id ) 011 re11l na nl ~ ofl hci

r igi lIa l Ill lltllli ns and los t tQllVCll ional contegt llgt ill hich I he) er( meant

tJen E ADEM c AN TI L NA ~--~--------------T~ ~~

to hi ( lcdihh il luslmt i)M vI S( ll tiic d evt l oprne nL~ na tural phcllomclla lr ltg- il t ric k ~ or rq)l( )(ll((i()f ~ IJf wrh Ifart l a lld lhis al o nce aJlo l~ his (1 11 man ings 10 SCIlll irraLio li a l and lilcral cd a ll d 11 the ~am c limc 10 be c lI npktdy su hjugald U) lht ve ry lI ovell) a nd allom a ly of thcrr tnvironshynlt ll l 1111 a~e lnl )l cd tiag llH l lts o f Ernsts cullages a lT n~ idual evidloCe of tl w Iulhor ily tu UIt Hilli CIII m Clo ll YJlJic pow(J or lite and dealh

arg lla bly IllI very I ppl)~ i t e ufCUI Li l ig loo~e or sellin g liTe

I n his 1l illaI Ilm II~ Enl L l o 1ll111i t lt synLacli cal rape tiXl uctlllg Y()Illll

fru m ti ll eO lltc 1 ()( ~I I joulll als Il K) il ion rt pn~ in whidr 511( represhy

l1t(O popu lar p a int iJlgs cflg ravltl ( r nJa~s a udiences I n I ll s u r k sh e

may 1 1llhOirl y mct unymic hssi pl i (l ll~ or II H ull ing hut ~It ~middot al so rCjJfCSClIb

E tn~ l s own lonir 10111 1 tn CUI and asipn rk~ a h it p in l piaYIT lilCI lIy a ppea ri ng ill hibH WI mi g h l also ~ lJ Spcc l Erns l of viciously

i te ra ling nin( lcclllh-nIl LUry lh eor ies r Ih e cmpall ric ~yOllJ 1 lt1 ~ lhe ( 1111)l)lliIrwl1l or our OWII pir yif1 lllrcqJl i ns J I u ~t~ his all tgtgory of sigm r1i ~od lItd from pir y~kal rdrll l ~ prClieiy as a fi eld in whi c h to dj~ru pshy

tivd ) i lllt rjtcl th l OCtasifHlal irY PlCIilicaUy d(plo yed rull ~ym bol with iL~ supposed ltlli lY illl i L~ rciirenl c jJre~ell tcJ by the 1)(J(h of l he Ilom an 1n the eli (k~ Ch a nTS chap lc r a l thl e nd Ill Url~ Smwiu de lfm f a fi gulc flmini s(nt or Fortuna noats ill Ihe air gTad ua lly li-cc ing

h (r~(lrorlllr a llrihulls ()f whcci Ild ~ i l (fig un 1) 11 t lihCra li ol1 Sill ce Fort un a luore It tuall ) hfCOnHS hrr wh(ei mi nl1ll il by htT l1nlr ed bac k ltIS an h Yllleric and l lso be(on H~ h cr sail hlo wn throug h lhc ~k y her

It rib utes cOIl in ue to be co nSl raining Ind pn middotMmiddotlIt a bsorbed ililu her bud y and gestu res sugg(q illg tht am hig uolls 1l lIratiom a nUrd (] 10

oma n by Max Ernst8t E IIISIS USf or h is maltri11 r(li~ o n Ihe inhc rl1I1 bililY or ollhgory l(o

rtal k go liltmiddot T radit iona ll y rlallcgo riwl ioll ltrllnnl a profan t I(x t or till past 10 h( as assimi la ted in w a n acccp lt hlc y~tlm f moral va JUIs (Vi rg il s

FSllIr( ~4 DlIIid Il cU$ius Emblrm(1Q liqoIAM I lKkn 161 5_

8 _ s~ Ili k Rot R iAamp Rm(

~d lhr jd I~Q~ ()PfigtiL ICbrid and Nrw Yrk 1991-deg flt -lt middotmiQlif - Iha l Inko 2 olll1Q f)f on_ B ~ h lth Rampk]o nxcnl

lUal of Wafbuf(t Iho l1h l in Irrm

01 th ROmMlIl( ymLgtoI unil) f ud dcrem 1 I OPpogtlti IO lI~ry

( hrpertI_~ ~~crnn f ltI s diS300C ialed fro I nfrro1 I i Rob- ~h(fempl l h lrmiddotplio)J Iheon pmiddotI) U lelkI1 pn~uen apphnl tk 1ltgt ~msl tSpltcirJI ) in I ~s pogtr

t uitwc1 Ihron ltl _ Iuh w R l loy rum symbol 10 Ilkfurv Ahr WH) i~

I r- hi Rd I~ 9971 pp ~ 6 R - [hr R iL [[ ul n has ro n Iholt u l

I hru~Ir iuI O) the unk o n wh re laquogtn~ ol Ir~cdm Pfnar p_ ~ 1I1

B I S~( Thn 11 Kclk~ Rmnwtlme Hlqo for tillt applicll ble ~ of In t allctUlxal wun lorn (e ee aUraCUOl) d ll r lnla$ 11 ltI- illual suctched l ~ lI l i Ihi [K w1ir

ltlc 1(o ~dukd from lClion and hj~llt) ry

bu sgt( f)1 g Ihe n -rgt d s he

cmand p Sr Th~ro i 1 or~1 1ltl io of witel )-r tr r lt~ltoI 1gt 1 mln m~y 1- takc -lt lIl rlaphO)f Ruolnlr E Kun1i S rrooti d I js(~ and R o l~rl llolI - n ~prknjo(

illo fo-k-J t] air ltli_ r II

fmiddotm lc (lITe) i SHlrJm and 11 010lt1 II A tw~ Rdolf t Kucn7li and Gwe Ra l~rt ICambllJgc l1i I99I) PPmiddotJt alld S T Imiddot lo ockiu Em ilS or ~ oflC n Ii mCIgttIraquoHgt1 dqI)eJ In ~ h a w~r Ihl 11 CIOI li meu Ulcrlgthunc~ Jly In 1- Riu d~~r

(MIIft~ q~1 lIOuilil ~w Carmd nr Imjlt Igtarod egt t~lcX fatlo~ ~al

jgtuu lJ rtut I(rl) IJ t 1ra 8 Ihemiddot Ie ~IgtIi OIl y 1 t ~atnlt11 1lISt llIil le Scl~h) snd amud ~kinl lt hTifingl) lilltrd I Iht~ ill IH rroh meal fur lo~ l i~ lone rol1 ~middot

l~diqlJr$ mlldr 1111) Hr)(tT) I

r~rn(rl i 1ltgt Ihe hwwir jlgt]al~ el~ hcll

il1lh( l1ltrvrl

(1 IS 1IX lrngtl 1 SmIltllN d amp 193i 0 Max Erllsl 1iI)AGP Van S()DRiC ( Monlrc~l ) 2f)(l(1

l )n IIC Ilupon Of Ih allraf R~~ru 11 (1 I 1$I~ Lolhu I -hr I J~ middotIn Rp jhd bd 11hII hI p HI

Fourh RetI a~ II I( milling of Chris l O vid l l-lrfall(Irphorrr lllorali7cd In

lmJOlIls such h J Hoh CI~ the trials of the lo ver could lJe rca 1go ricd a~ Clll hlnll~ of Chri sia n ~ u(fe ring ltInc co nrilltll cc Ernst reverses tlw prol(~S

dc- morali - ng a llegories In 7 110 dlidren 1IIII1fI(ld ~I (j 1I~lthtillg(h (fig ure zfi ) Frnst lak es U middotidilI1 IIIc(lrlJorphi rape (G anIlH-ci (S ta ~lc Phi lo mcl as

nighting-uk) oul of its repose in spirit ua lizing me taph or as ill (k Kellnincks landscape in h( Wallraf Rir-ha rtz M useu m i ll Cologn( (figure J7 ) ()j emulems sl ch as Hat1idorlhr s in which lit ra pe of Ganymede is rfJllcgoried as the sou ls I ~CIIH lo Cod ( figure 28 )83 Ernst rc t urTl~ Ihnr lo d leir Tl)n l ~ ill ~cx ual viok IlC( hi (h in tu rn S[ ltlnd~ ror the revcnibk hltrU a mi a mbiguous g-round underpinning the provtrh t ln bl cm or allegory

Equally td ling is Enl~ts d ia~rammui( ada platio n or h(rme lic emh lemata in O this mIll rIIIlI kll )w rlO lh lllg 1924 ) I II the paintillg ami II

tIle pl)cm w ri tte n on thl had (a parudy of Ihe oJllo()gical ~ylllhII S Il I I

fi~u r~ 26 Ernl I fUtJ1 mnlilwi ~ II

lllhlmCiJl 191 1 S(1 66I C 1 - r 1 D (t risI ~OI)KC J vumiddot~l l j


th e Hmrfll fd Table of H crrn(~ Trisrn egistu s) Ermt reallt~orlZ(middot ~ the hermetic ~ym bulis ll1 of the nlilrual lini li7atioll of d ivine and cit rddy IS a Freudian middotprinwl scene of gigantic li m b~ and scmiddotx ual pa rtgt Both pa imi ng md puem become rcpr(sntltHion ~ oC the unfu lfill ed n vi ~nging of a n such thing In Ernq s vcrsion the Oedipal a nd Ihe gnolt1l ic an oronc frustratccl substance ltlnd (be power oftbe allegories of h enl1tticism ltIhbaiisrn and aklHmy lies in perpetual d ef( lrd of the d tsircd gol J tl6 Ernst ~ emblem fllnc tioll s more

b roadly illi a scq gtt icai fi gu ration of tht a bil it y of images lO represen t hal IS envi $ioncd or desired in dicating Ihal a ll $lI h em blems ct n only he a sun0 fH l flIT hatt middotcr one an t ~ to know attl in o r rcprcsen Lft7

OJ (Ids 111m sllall kn)1L Mlhing a lso ~ ig na l s its own iconogn lJ)hic history especially tts allu sion to Caspar David Fricdr(h middot$ clllblem tie CrOJS ill Ih

Iounltlills a key work in Grman Roma ntit- dc hIIltg about Iht rela tive fok~ of llIegory and Iandscapc III Erns t as a rl ild er of C ( fman Romil Tlli t~ i~ ltl

would re U 1Il 10 these wpie in his la ndsca pe pai nLings aga in and again Crr)JI ill 111 t1ollll oinf is a lso shadowed by a t( Xl n passage from Ludwig T icck 5 allcgorital novel Fran SI-illbaMr 11middot(lIULmmgrll (J i 98 ) Jnom

26(j ) middot1 ~BImiddot rH ) T I d 1

60 I 1m c (lislt uW(1 Iht twn l1 t timiddot itl~gcry at t~ ngl h ill M~lt Emi l middotI ht 1IJdw(UtI1iJliI

SnllrJ 11 a i - l OCIshy87 Uml middotn o Ero diilltu~ 1he rdu iolll I)( twu h~rn 1l l k svrn lgtol- 1Il in which middotevcry middot~pr ion is a (nignlll hal middotk runlwt ~mgma middot and ~Jr n cconltlructimiddote ~nlys3 as in lini l~

defendJ in middot(n limited scmi III d rili in T ht Ib oJ hllffpWalio Ill n -I--j

fI8 smiddot cJ(m~ (l h W ocn rn ~I( Jaru F~d nnd It ~b1J ~f I muigat ~cw U and Lvndon 1 99lt)~ Karin V()n ~llo lJr ntel thO rrl ll nf (~$7 In 1M -WOIIIIIgt 10 Ern middot lUUlI1 OmJ~(Ilt1 III middotMao b ns l a Rvmlll1ic~m middot M n Enul A Rtl~pnl~ ~ I Werner Spict l t omlo 199 1)

I II~ ~7 K d~ K cunn~k Iuhf rvtJh IM~Io~ fj lt-1IJVdt r gtn leI

dllrf Kgt(hHIZ I ~ l

8iJ bull 1gtlt I g T irk Fwn~ SlmNt11b

11 middotJn~(n Hmt ~ lldIcAt (mll1~hlt

~I lj(h gt)6I ~ p gtgII

J) ~ee 11 0 ~bn lagtlt I Allqlr)

oflrlllll$iol)middot PI 6- 7r lhr dhl1 l1lt IK hr omlll~1 d(h nlll(11 (III ud h ~

ltill u~Jui ncall y I ~nd lor thillgt IcJ rly 1rs ign~II ~lId Impic ddinlun ul rourrlS luch as li lliemiddot h I(ll no h hI l (~ Ii lt mcill ~ tur middotC)middot ll la IIllt-SIKn a (1(11011bullbull 1 H turn jn I(raquolt ru lUI lTnp ~~i 1g ~1 I r

roukl hi ~r~lJ od tlbull ( Ihi Ik nrngt i~ made lllcmllll UKOf)~ Fr ~cl7rh c r) hMd lU lOll ~ Il ili K r nger through $1(middot togt tI ohjrl i( lria 10 judiCII

91 - GltQ rl 6atai llt Solr a ll~middot Fis rif fXt~s SI_rlJ I Im~~ P7 t)39lli

113 $Iodd Minapo l ~Jl lp XIV

1 lt1 6 12 ioIar ~nu p IJ Halaillits 1Qcom )Ir rollinS (m Ih bullrf r lw ~Ml h [ ~ [ I llt imal(vfltouinuous mC l~lor]lh mal p l y i1a d l5ori llJOII lOr tllti M the locornoriH r ltI hl$l)ry lt]uOI(d in aUT

III-rljolmirgt (r SdiJ 1 rlrHn-1 n- I irl 1974 p 1 ~3

illcidcn t the youn g a rtisl F ra il i~ st ru ck by a pa iming llr a l be scc~ in a hn lll it lUll a IlOCIlIIIMI lan dstltl pc ill wh ich a cr ucifix Ull a hiJl i ~ illll m ishy

na llti by IltI ) S o f moonlight The he rm it ex plains Ihat tilt crucifi is a po inte FingcI7cig ) to Ilw ~pjri lu d wurld beyond the faJ lc n world of lla tu n T o Franr ~ o bse na lioll O ne cou ld ca ll th i IMint ing an a lkgor)

the IIn ln il answers All an is JIlt-go rict IIoJ

T IH middotFingcrJeig iI) Ixpbli necl by th e h~rrn it to F ranz S lt rnbald point s not o nly to Iht spiri tlla l but also 10 thlmiddot pr (~cllce of J ll egor~ iblf As a li ter indlx a sho wi ng ha nd o r jJ ~ i l1ting fi n~cr tht Fingerrig i ~ a ~ tJplf

or i Ihlems II is Oimi larly In ade li ter1i b) -l a x E rn)1 t du slig ma tied ha ncl f1 oatin~ in f r OTH of th e lt ruci fi xiOthl~ middot prinM I ~NtJ I Herc it indicates linmiddotth er bu t not Im llscc ndCIH [l)callings90 In E r ll st s painti ng lh t ROlllit lll ics cruci fi x lS alkgori la l poin hr to a hig her nal rn sim ilarly

i tl n l c~ a landscape of d a rk Illowltai ns a nd il eawnly fil ) S IHl I fur the

COltj UIl Cl ivlI o f redemp ti ve c ru cifix a nd ill urnin at iug SUUS(t in Fricclricbmiddots pa inting o r truci ft x and moonlil-h t in Tillkmiddot O novel Ern$[ dark ly ~J bs l it uLes

copulat ing limbs and the bloc ked rays o f a IUllar refipSt Ermls lmiddott nblema tic painting alt Frifeirich s had don ra i se~ p r0 1Jicms or

cnTlIl lllporar) a lkgory When G lf)rges Aatai ll e- turned tn alr-IItm ica l )slIllllng in 192 7 he did so in I( rm~ that almamp t com icH) m im i Ernst s d csul Itmiddot c lltra ilmiddotfilled landscapt 1111 earth middotcovtrtd wi th vuk anOIs hich SltJoT a~ iLs a n us is driven in iL~ rota tion by lhe male ~ha rt ]l tlttraling 1 1 11~

laquomiddotma l- alllJ a lmost t lIl irely (merg ing ill o rder 10 ree n tcr like Ih( piston~ of ~ 100o mo ivl

JI i~ the 1Ilf(ha nical Oll ll)il ltion n(] t ll morm t inn~ of thes mOtmcn t ~ Ihat th~ ak htmists soll~h t 1 I hI philosoJlJ t ~ ~IU Ilt ~

This nWfhJlist jlmiddot cop ulatiu 11 hudcsqu e~ t he vmiddotn ji) UIIl1n ioli o f allegory th e

ltlnagogir 11 wrh of r() rrcsponden(c~ and rtmiddotst ]tlbl a nct~ lIlt middotcopula that li~

one thi ng- 10 a noth n ill lang ua te all Cl witt g ) 11 thin) to be visibly co nnCfted Ha lai lk s a llcgvrical luvers will mve r fi nd ilnythi ng but parrxlic i magc~ l11d Ih ey will [ Il l asieltp l ~ empty a ~ mirrun Wh en En tail k

fu rther GlUs lically mcdita ted Oil the gno~ tic roo ts Llj Hegel ia n ism in Ll)ll~

ma teria li smt c t Ie g nllst ( 1930) p ropus in g a k~ l abili ing hcadl es~


a J1q~ory tha i would elimuatt aJl h ilTardlic11 ~ ~ t C IllS of rdtn lllc indud ing ~implistic rcv( lltals or blst ll ld idea l o r CXq-lt1l 111 llt1 1 lnrl ltlcrUllcn lll he wa addrtR~jng is)llc$ irnpJiL it in Of Ihis men lInll knOll IWlllillf 91 H ()wcvcr heelIlsl Erns l middot ~ all egory ( nds to Ill p a ll)l it i( depcnds on just ~ll (h illvcrshy

~j ()m ilnd reve rsals of hig1 and low Old is a t a re mov from Btl taillcs infla111ll1110ry ()I)f ll-f llded hd lltaded en terprise

E nHl$ im ages a re often d riven by this undermining of thcir (IW ll sourn-s of lJowc r fcp lescnliug hotb II((i r own ~ la luS a nd i1lSIlfjicilIHy OrtCll they

assu me tht appearallce of (lnhkrlls wh ich as concieusetf o r short lr and ig ll ~ of aUTho rit y ~a n c ti fi ~d by t rld ilion art disrupted hy Ewstmiddot~ illtruio n of thc n ltllll r 1 LIld ~e)( u t l rhc n dllcti t middoti~ua l 11I11ouage or cmhlcms lcnd~ t o ltlrd hrogaliun 111(1 fimiddotag11lClltlliun Ih ich LntSl n alu raJiz~s likening Ihe Sllll1X of fj middotrgnWlll3 Iioll 10 (lperatjoT1~ (lil lbe hod y lt bull rile tru ncalLu pa riS a Ird Ii 1111 ~~ or Of IhiJ lien shall know Iohing arg uauly J u clc 10 th t ~ceri ng lIId te lldt n liou~

reconstruniom of tht e mhknjs [anllJage o r aut hori ty a rClruc luring of Ihc

sy mknloche lim hs a lrcldy prnelH in v i ~l1 emblems Througbout his canlt r Ems would dltriV( double prestige flOlll disrupting lhe COJlv(middotnlions of hOl h a rl a nd li tcrJ fl1l middotf iro lliing his au thoriaJ role as bot h a rlis and poel Emblelll s a rC1 ft lilc ground fur ~uch opT3tions k ndi ll g tlwm~clvu 0 ditorshylil)m or he reci prxa lIldi(a tion s or eX T lIld image which anmiddot Ihe STarling

point nfalJ tgory

Ac kn o wled gement

S l l i(j ll~ of thilt papa H r( pncn l(d a~ Ielt tlJT(~ iI conjullclinn il l Max Em~I

rc ll1(nary ehiiJninm Ihe RnlJ ncl 1(nr()X Memorial JccUrc U Il l T a(middot ( )11)

(1(11 middotmff A Ul IrIJJf(ct ll ItJ91 -J) lI lId II M 01 i (Ilal pound7110 O(lff( 11111 Ihr Duwn oj

hguw middot 11lt~ ~ 111lgtltlorHr hnwltim ltr (10( lOH 9

ll G~1 1 1~ l k 9Jo 1Iy tnillcril ilm 01 11l()oSn bullbull n uollgt ~f fj(w ll 11 52 amp0- M l=nmiddot w middotn I rltult~ ~ rKumrnt d ~ 1 ~ her IkuJamin a~ flll~ (ltI by II~Ilt ml II ~nljsL in rn 8 to auK 1 1~middot ul~r l an L~n ur Silllplilll ~I bat ~ J Ilrl~1U

rell t huugh r he dmiddotIIrymclll of d~lthi IiLinl( pmiddot(hootvtic laquogto ep tgt url ~ s Ielcnnimmo tm r1m~crltt ~m gteJmlt IImntllw I l middot~fI Rll1Ifl1l twlllv Imis ~f )m(alUl lin(I~I illrrkdtmiddoty u An~lc

M IAlodlt 91l 11)) U[ i -l lt)1 - I lt-nd ubstmiddotmiddotmiddot- rht Ire rn~l i u Ul uf Illor lt1 Fm~ (J Ii i fnuc lr Crlt Ihl1 t ho- lifl ugtd rmiddot]m of poundrnsl middot~

lIuc nod ilmhil(1)omh g(ndcrltl h gtvlnL ~ n rh mo (h hypcrholic

Dio cjOCulH1o11 orsl) rl-d~n jm1tf(cry1gt il dO(lt i lli fmltle ~aC11l nr [[00lt1 orgmiddotoonldltG1IHllion al 11 0( Immigt ufth aULhOl tlgt hi~ E rol$L is aJlj~1 llIh GltltX B tll lltmiddot hnnlcnz ~u nf llcg) 11gt1$(111 (~I L ory 111-1 111 in middotSoI ant S l ~r fter u ~1Jtn in capl1on i ndirat~

oJ ddo-nce I n nn SPIf (lIKI

r nn1h~r nd sigi ~ L k Ma~ middotrn1 O~f IllOJ ob middotCologne 9i)- ) in uch fll nh(r ifnrm~lin ( laquo(mns I r ~lO ( C ~d locatiOIl may bc tu

il(ure 29 Em1 OJ I middotun shall (Mil

-h~~ 9 f SLl 63middot C 1 Ernni I IJtI 11uJSODRAC (MlHHrc~j l


S1Irrwlism 9lt)3 ) J 11m gl~Hdn l for lho ltc o pport uui l itl 10 (Olls ider Erns to l roCesso r

CI i~ toll wr Crn middotlI ImfCi J oh n Gl)ldi uS Prorr~Ylr Willillll Cmfi~kl and the

11 011 Fod a tio 10 11middoti r va middot i)l1 ~ lt1 g middotn n)lCgt d vicc I 11olIIk Sllzar rl c Ak bari

r l d~(f l)cre nhI Joyn GOKl(i n E rhan Jd l Kavalc lmiddot and M E Vnr lic k

Page 16: Only Half Saying It Ernst SCAN

r igbull I wwd Pjdk iul1udr Ik Hucilitlnr n I n rhlrnl tlld ( dmiddot lr~ dim~~taqw rf~ Iarl 1186

llnl OOf ~ [ AT tlTUP~~ ~hIQ itl EL L~S U ~ ~A ~IIA ~ O E T IIIUIt II Y S f t R I Q ( [

Allilnde d~ cnciG etenl

nnd degradatiom T he Forull emhlem here comes from Ab y arburg- s sl1ld~ Francesco Sltlsscl1is let lwilli gc Vnfiigung- (1 907l En~ t was not na ive abou t t he nuu re of images and their contagion and he fa nCS r unsidshy

natioll (If the onvt llI il)n of p iCl(ri d language Hld as~ u ll1pt iom ltlh0L11

mea ning At the li me of Warburg Saxl and Panof~k~s t ralings of da~~ial

~ymhol~ amI mylhollt)q-~ th rough IIwir til-hased ltI nri mu lt iple ronm in Ih e

mbkm~ uf mag illklun and as trology E rnst wa- him self englgd witb sudl dchascIllCnts~ 8 Fm u s Er lldil(~ illlag(r) makes h im a pl radnxind

ltlcackmiti a n a nd pa rodi c nr hi ~lOrilIl rel yin on Ihe prl~l i g( of rlcog ui I shyabt l~ q UIt liun bllt sa htlaging tlw h i~torical method Ilat w(lutc1 ~il ua Le a giC 1I wo rk th roug h ils relal ion I() prncden ts Tlw T urning I-1QIl1I cuuld d t~tl be rel a lcd ror middotxa mplc 10 C iOll u~ c lnb[emalir Il1rtJlJlu ncy (fig u lI 1 6) III

Erns t ~ Jisjunct i c ilT1ages parlde nfcrcllt~ bllt ddy rongruity ltllI rl c hronolshy

ogy u hvlr1ing lhe aUlhori ty of history to sequence idell tify imCrp lI l lI lld evaluate H e ~ i lua tCS h i ~ work within the history ofar and li terat ure capita shyli ling 011 th e cx ptxtation orknowin~ ~ aU high academic a n h as donmiddot_ b ut parndicall y mocking any pic t y or nost tgiil fo r 10s1 ori g-in ~j

A work part icula rl y di rctling ll~ 10 problems of Iltlngutge and f(middotp r(lt ll ta shy

ion is AI tht r ln Cltar Word 1923 lfigure 17) pai u tcd Oil lhe Wl tt o f Pau l 3nd Gal a Elu ard s bcdronlll J lengt t h itog-lyph k co n fi g u ra tio n (If fing(rs ba tt and string u e oqlI1 i7OO a rou nd the o r and X of Ernsts name $ilUali ng th e pa inting in the long- tr lditi(J)l of emhlematic deir(~ that play on names The pai nti ng as il immiddotulwmiddots Inc clongucci fin ~cr of a 01ll11l

JIllgt pru habt ) em bod ies Ernst cOIlLlm pnr ilrr rdatiom hip wit h G ala E lulfd (TIl E device traditiontl l is m clIlt 10 proli)ulJdly rcpre~t nl he ha hitual conduct (lr ( ha rati r or onlsel f oncs princc ur th c beloved womUl whitt t voidi ll L pon ra iwrc)Y 11115 5 p lCltlr( panLom im cs n des tabishylized pictoritJ compo~ i J i ()n the bt ll on thmiddot ~ rill~ wh ich ()r IllS lh c [ i~ I II

im minLt1l dltt nKcr oflwlng dropped by Ihe crossed fingcrlt pullin with it Ih( tlil of Ihe Illard-likc in$Ipound t T his co nngllfllion is lik rly a j oking refc rellC to

Frcudill li cn~ t rl ti () TI an x itmiddot t y ~ a noti(11 n i nfOTced hr Erm l ~ou r(( imag fro m 111 Salu re iIluslrllling a Irick in which 0 lingmiddot CTos~ed and pressed to ltl single bJ ll have th e sCll5a rion of feeli ng two balls As a dci(c JJilc rct aining the wit l nd (()nci~ ion appropril( to sueh repnSt IHatioll Frmts painting brea ks wit h th l c1 Clurum ltInri pwpcr k di ng tradi tiona ll y l ~s()C iated

wilh lile devite a ~ portrai t of t he mind or w uL E rnst~ im al l also rdi tes

If iby rhll rg rnfrlhUltrSrhrifk-1f

] irdllcnstlti ll lif9]I 117 51 ~

Rbnd K all) mc~r 1) 1 1gt1(1$

Iltr~hr f lfn1t una d~ ~lIdarhll -brdtllnttk r L f min l lmiddotb~t wnd IJm)tflm T]n J87) 48 1 gt111 ( rldu l (0 Rfrky lin HI 1 ~lI)lJr I L-d Ihr t iol(IJ mhllt1ltlt

ll I ] hwau middot1 he $lru((lIrr or All elonl~ Il)eltIf ill IIII~~~ Iwl RqgtrQI ~I ltlhnJ ( lt 11111 ( Ih ~ 1Il tl 1(1)(1 I~ 1 37middot

iO- amp ( Il ~n ri Eli C Alldtjam(n

aniltt r nlas Ulul ( I doll 16IbiPpmiddot 8 1-7

51 5lt Wmiddotmr SpQ fouJ liolld Irrudi cli ll ~ iu J) Hwhhr Ii du (lttr C610i1 I l7 PImiddot 5 4middot

~ll(ure 16 Giou nlill (Slt f1) ~ini Chilpdj

5~ - XC IstkUIImiddot Ltt Jill ( 1lt drriJtgt nn the pfOpltn~ ofdc ien It ~nno td t

fkmcll lS de Li tltrrmiddot JlIgt Ill d ~80)

lIi(krlt l p II ~_

M a rmontcls insistence 011 the h igh 1110111(1 11 lt urlomiddott emblems I llnn mtd )t VC as 1Il ltlmpll or the o~jt(lionahl t tToli lIIbkm objcL~ luxqllds Iop inirlll allad w ride de ha-gtsessc sUlh as a pot Oil the fi rt ith Ihe mollo f a m ltOIlsul1ed below ) It i~ tempti ng III im agi ne Irnsl toyin g wi th this

higb mor~1 1 po~il iun by delibera tely making a (Tud pun th e basi~ of til liu First Cmr WordY

T ypica ll y huwevr Ernsls Vi~U 1 1 sou rce rna) lJ ~ (lv(rdcterln ined hy 111 trudi tc textual ~ourn III I f NiL dAlllIIbrr D ichrl ~ Dr Uordeu describes the controlling ccnI tI ()r Ih t ch fir OUl ~n$aliOIl~ L~ a jlld~c who hears caS(~ md pIOIl Oll ll (I~ vc rdirts This jud~( hOHver 111lt1) be e ffeclivdr

deceived b y the (i(llIc( it may expe riL- llct paill ill an lIl1 putalcd limb 11 01(011 ~ays Dr Burdeu ~ou Gill INt t he limits allli decepl ions o f

sensa lion by (ltI rrying lItI I Ihi$ sim pI eXlwrinWll t Otl the judge

o n k tro mpe lu- nd Oll 1(11 1 crui ser dl lLX 11( ()~ doilts run Sill Inutrc lUuch(z un t pclill ooule lt1 il pronnll r(ra qu-iln II df l1x

2 bull i

h gumiddot 17middot l rnSl II Ihl FII (lro l1pd 1 )~3 I t bp (I II ~ L m ltlift))G P

1 1 lri~ OUolAC -110laquo1 ltOOO

In to( context of thi ~ pa rt ieulM di~lullsjon of s(n~ttiol II 1t1 Ni l f d J(lmh

lhe hypolbeli cd Fltudi an melning~ nf E rnsts Ilugcrs and ball in tensify The fea f ( castfa linn II lre is dJ ierl 0 (middotO fl~i (kra lion 01 The npITicHclt of pai n and pkhurr di sltussrd fl y Did r rol and the decept ion orthe senses ~ lldy ra ~

someth ing to d o with j urlgill l Ill( dtcp tiolls of illu ~ion is t 111 with the picru rc itsel f alld (implii t in Ihe Ictltl~ ()1l11ed Ily gtIring wd hnger wit h llie k((middotplio ll ~ ufl ang uagc

Beyond UidcrOl til( fou nd ation fror Emsts rlecplion 0 1 El uan] lnd Pau lh tnmiddot~ a rgumen ts about languagc lay in ( enIt 11 Roma nt ic dcba tcl ltlho ll t till ~rn bol ith is full ex p1l~s i (I1t$S and uni ty or ~ ign and n ferfnt 1S OPp()sd HI the di~~ocia lcd and arl Jilrar y sj gn-gllle la lioll l)fa lllmiddotgol) I Of panicular lifelong intenl tu Ernst (ft the po-ms CS~ t ys tJld a lltgorjC~ o f Novali I II the fi ch lc S tudilu N(lva l i~ httl u Hlsid ered lilt rela tion or

l t 7 fit I H l 1gtlt(lI

5 ~ - Sn HLmmiddot odoro M If Ih I ol Ir (Ihrl n r Io rln Ilhh J l)tb 1 151

~ Umothc JaiuA I(hI~ed me of rn~(f hfdonA bullbullding 0 -11 ~ i~ (k Iter lu

hLlhtlh LclOlc 0 ell 91121- M~ dlkllraquolO(l i~ lI deb loo (0 II~

fC(Illt(r o Kn ) ~r-lu t HtNIl_ nI1 Ioudon 9lj s~

fio hlr S d 110 Stlrjinf rd l1I1 dholln ~ lId K rd Sallnd 2 lIllIlIlr~ n 1)gt5

y QUOIn t 1bullbull Iulil1 Oir Il-gtOtw- KumulIl ~I fI Poe jdcr h Ohrfllt1101nl imiddot b-ftJ IMM bull I~ 1 IjJj11_ 1 lt)OCf p ~06

~1 It_I 5ltlrrif(~~ V 282 U lln hilll prp1K(I h1I Novtlraquomiddot d~ ldk ll i

ixua Irlnllllod ~bull middotIrmiddotI1 I middot rJ dwr Ihm rr lrnrlll (Hgtrlldk ) ~H - ito UBeu PI 0 11 11gt ~MI S(itl~I I V I ~

~ 1 ttl lIml To i Was Ma_~ 1-1 Iudirl h i ll Ia ~H K~I~ P l S c r PI Ip HattltlorHrr

I~nf(n (P(t Tunlu IPlI amp nn K olVI)lJtt AtIhIJIt~ ImJ~nt I _jm (1(In EIxhllll 19031 Karl Ih(f)(lomiddot C d cru ( dritl

HMIlI~NI III Jtbtfl DISn LI n Ll(PlM 1Jf(d 1881 J eanmiddotUaud t rtbs (~ ifipp H sectn Cr ~

tIorll Frnkrun middotrnmiddotMam u Iu 1lI

IqIi l PI V~ -t3 Thrn ~r n 1I ~II i ltI h not 1 p~I1gttul r 1( in TI n oell u1f 0111 8ui chmid d FIIrjI ~I 5 ]nJ J~6rfjnnu 1 lII Di_UfJ(11 Numbl

III~ 1Io11l 6 SI h nJ ( f(tmiddotulll ll middotlulrodOIvu AItl~ry aN HprtUIIlJIIDII

PI) ~l D lan pOIfl~ ou ltlr311~~f)rr 3ltll1 mhlrm bull 11 d iflkuhy (Of ]Jqllf i Iht th (mvh d~r ~ 01 rtp~uu -n C tgtOllt~ nd In 11K rmiddotrr fSltltn~ l h~

Iu Qn I ~Icd middotPutal

bullI ~gtIOfV of PllSlVI IIpry RfIlnIllI_ p ~3)

language to th e th i [l~ il t~p rC~n l gt argli n~ t haL silllc lAng uage n rijinatcrl

l1 finding ~ i lm (or lbSl tae l conccpt~ it i illiterr l11ly nw tlphoriltl md dlceptivcn Fot I(ovali ~ fcprCC nT ll ion is a proce -~ hy which lall~utKC

fig ures (orth somelh ing lhal i ~ itself IUSI I rough tillt ln y 1(1 of being pnstlIh( If for Nova li ~ jlOmiddottry IIl ll lgt1 appro~ld l i~ual li rt ))il rot~il Inu

also zur Kunst werdcn ) ~I ne( rt hclt-~ d ll ~i I) ilwit)bly Idl shor

crea ling an illusiun uf prcsellcC where t he re is n() IH So (I IlC ( an n p n SCIl I onl y i ll ordcr 10 rcprcscmiddotnt Y alld beyuml t hi ~ lei of 1lt_ prcMnting thrrc i~ rIn absolutc ulIlcprtsctH ahk negllid y d tlcrm in ltgtd KlOu nd a conce pt or being that lt1111101 be d(~( l i hltd (111) displMcd im o c han o r darkmss cent Tn Novalis Eru~ 1 wou ld find a his tury fOl J (I lwlhiIlmiddots (ol1lcm po rIIY

argumcnt thnt all ln nguagl inn )ivcs metaphor and millndcr~t lIld ing a nd lil his d tllcriptioll of IIe cia rk nes~ Iha l sl l orc~ lip Ihl )l lOvcrh OlSlTlions Novalis~ theori fs ofl anguage uor nt oul by Pa ulhan ct1ll thC lllsck e 10 Ill

middotprlScll led by ErnST in the en ig-nuic piuolid Innn Lpprnp riltlH to NOlt1i ~ ~

sig n or 8ild

Allh~ Fin- Clear Word Ill a y be lfad in ligh l orlh~I plradmtlt ofbnguagl lild ~emury d ectption I n~ot~ r a ~ EII) is til represen w r n r pn5lnllr CJftlll pic tll re he is til t d tceiHI ho (c l hI eq n I writcs him$(lf intn IIw p ictu re through his pnouious mono~ ram 3 ~ ti l( deceived Sim il (ontig ur lI iuns or balls a nd stri ng llC a cOlIlIlon plac( of SCclllttnth-cent ury

(middottIIule lm )( rhlil l it~ sud l a~ R lJlkll h lgcns l enllOll~ Globe hanging hy A

thread IllrCa ltned by tht di vine k ni ft wilh its mOllo 1 wi ll hc cm 10 pi tccs

fIgure 18 T IlfsC l m blcUla lie modds sel up the ( lIt1 i n~Cltlst ration j oke impliCi t i ll Enm~ plin ting T he mOllo or I llIvorffcrs rebted emblrlll ha l dccei CS us a mu~cs u~ is cunsistent lth t he ide) uf lhe pli n ting iI~

an illustra tion 01 Illr (kctpt ions of thO se nlt-~ and of m imetic picllln-m k i ll~

tsdr ftigure 19)

H ard(irfit- r 01In eccen tric th(o ris t uf the e o lvill Genn a n la n ~ua~(

a nel of uuoque emhlems H iJ visio n 01 middotGrlllairl poticmiddot was illfiuencecl by Ripas rulolugifl Acia w and J atO) C algt l ~lII st ho had studied ph ilu logy an d hld la kcn a ( ou r~( o n the v c r man nomiddotd of the sevenshy

leenth lin d middotijl ltnnl h cel1111ri o l it u nivtfi ly miln I dl have Cllcou nshytered his 1 ()lk 9 I I is a~y til 11 (-l arsdlitflcr a~ it proto-sunca list

throug h Jing-u islit ~arlH ~ ill Wllld ~ amI illll(~ b) p hon ti play and nc c()r tr bi n a lioH ~ Ill hoped 1(1 drw 1)lIt h iddell ret lI1b l a n ce~ bct ccn th ings and CVl U 10 invcnt IIC W Ih ings illulllill ltinl lI lt p ro fo und rdations of I lItgulgt mpound ttoe o rld I he cullelt i gllllc-pla) illK of his C tspradtshyspick fragmcn tcd syllabic and wo rd re(()I nbined b ltliterna li m cun trishybutors to produt( unli)rt (c lI rclt I1 I1 ~ ha~ I)l iUlis afJiui lies w il h surreali~t

potti I practice H aT1gtltlu r rfCIs emblem r ai(~ a ~lmiddotnlmiddotr tI puinl ahou t em blems hile tlln

pro id e Glp tival ing rt)lism cf el ltil tl li is IP l r~ l to ensure Ie~ihilil and ough t to have Ilolhillg 10 do I ith Ihe Jl lt- I ~ lI nmiddot Urlllil1lDis A t Ih( F lnl Galf

Vorn a ~ a piclure a bout S( II~()ry cl ( p tiotl is a n ironir a llegory or ils own t1l IK1Ciri cs (0 rcprcocnt r-I(IIc hrou l- it rIilCgt ltI p roblem of aUIgory whkh Lries It) fu lly npn scnl or pi tun al) t rt( tions llUt I~ hich llIccssa ril rccals

ilS uwn fa ilure lu arw ally brillg lillih ~udl tl lill~s fgt T he da ril ) of the cmbk m sim ul ates tht gra tifJ I lir~ of I n i (J1lsi~ stl1ing up an anxi()u ~ t1t t rshy

naliun btlwctn (knxlillg wh a t i ~ IlH- u lr d eH lr dll1iC(11 dra lng and



I bull



relishing the pleasur UI) pmsibly lIli 11 1lt1 i( tJl E1l11Jk mati~ a1l0w E rn~ 1 shywho 4xprcsscd cQn tcni p l (() I milllClit a rt to negot iate bdwfcn I h~ ~I(tu(~shy

livci ) mimet ic tud ed ifying)y d i agrarnma l ic 6~

As 1 pend ru 10 AI Iht hr~ 1 elfllT kV(lrd til (ol1l g ~ L Q)QI Jl tSCIIf n ) OUIIl

girl 930 -70 (figu re 20) tu - h i1I Ems f IHu a lly added a real glolWmiddot tikc bltlll ul ltlnnil y bcar~ 0111 [he sense of the Rollen hagen l mbll Il ah hough thl di vjllC POWtf to cut i~ now invested in the tollage nist himself (o r rather Is he represents himselfilhin Iht piClUre l~ Lo ploPi The em bleshym a ti c rt lnin d n Iha l rh inbTS U( 1I1titna tcly IUIt of your hands Ihll ( oci hold~

thl ~ci ~sonbull i ~ plnyert upon hy Ernst wi lh da rk i l The introduct ion o f Lo ptop in 1910 as Ern t ~lt rtgo recaJl~ owllis diClUm The 1 1l1 li~1

preselt iLSeJ f as prcsln ting 3 Th i5 cads again to lIlt problem ()f the vict lln asmiddotil1li~i oll [ltU L()plop i ~

lI sultl lly d cscrilx-d imprf~sJli()o )jk( as introducing or p rese1l1ing tbe pic tll OfL r n il is Lop lop ~lC lillg as frl1lw o r easd who prCSCli Is a n iUlIsiomiddot Jli~li( pi clltrt ilhin lltt piUunu5 T he ~ ll hjCtI~ of tll( pi( llIn~ lI il hin the

piCHI onen have weigh t) implicJliuns I rolll1( Ililii grapes by a~sociltltion with Z tuxils gmpes im o kc piolo ri a l illusionism oa k kavcs stan d fo r (C111111 narion) islll a nd RU(k has rl ief M aJgtcilllise sla nds tor F rench nltionltl lshyiim It is as if Ihe sym boJic me ni li lS indicated b) Loplop~ piclu res t re IS i lonkally rcl ri (vaule as the pos~ihi lilics of pino ri 11 iltu~ion and flllln(i~ th they sland for alld ilh wlloh Ihey an Pcs(nt ed TI H the grI I(S a nd 1lCS

2 5 (1 TU lrAHI middot H 1(-

Fillln II ( il)r id R o)knhag~n middotClu han b II hr~d wlih (~ tr ha nd hold g a kn rmiddot ~f(~w 1hIlIIIImiddot I i-him r ~i

fi t - St Th II Kelley Rn~MI

II II(go ] II ~(IIl he If Ih~1 nl(crmst llrgor~ na k middot ldrr r~t(h n I t ~

I h on ~ l llpp1)Vdl) oljlflSCd 10 il r)w mimClibullbull his(01 )

() 2 h r hisect iIIllhn (fOlU (hi

(l hll mele mil ~ 11 arlif t ~

Ma_ fru~l jjiIMJ p I 6J - ~Mlta )iJmik ~ f ~t12 ~ct

~I )ulm P 97 (v r di (m h~

Pilamplg hvll t N(ll$ II a rl h ltlonlt4) ontt I 10( lim or ~m~IJ I1 Y 1IIIliD 11$ iltit (laquolt ~ndjd G ~ ~IJ

mulaquo el 1 rl arsd ltnd laquocu 6 s O middotRticn I lI lh Th pk utc -ithm h pintlr _tnCi as mc~rhor ru t NOali om pI ad pIIaduxinl image I l ie -1l ld h h wdun Ikin~ hll iI~) 1middotU1 ou tsid e j( as n prtlCnt tWIl

~Qligt hnJ ~ p 06 ti) - I plup~ middotad a nd eQpalt$ h~

any ~ial pr~cnlenu C( middotrrllr SIlOlt f~Qp_ rr J i( OIMt Srf LotdwI

Jlil Ik~Q 1 SI)ics I(8middotus l ~c1r ( rrma o-c is MOl Sehind s TII trti~tgt a iOimacd COnllltUl6 ~ilt5(lt rllaquot and ~il5hl-nlzot) fn~nn 0 Nlrru~fI IJaa 80

tisull 9 H lrjr Wshy nj() h Mr~t ~ 1 Itmfr U(pr~(hrIr

1644 (I


r for Jr


ikdy d a$gtltS


(J VUlliJ yenrrfttr~ I Xi In lh~

LltJII()Igtltrics t~ l ~h UlCt Ilw rompt

fMI dlilaquo (f making (hiu ~Jl llCar IU Igt I n nplJ(1 QUI of Ill()lhcr pic of PII r bdud lion which I 1lap ilh (he ambJguIjI Qf ltOt lhin hccomioe middotrl )7 S pound I) VHI Image ar bod Y dt purd aliRl1l11(llt 01 Waltt r Ikllj ~mi lt1 1 Bnlmiddot JDI(1 M8JN~IIl1iI ~ 3

Ilt)ltJI pp ~5 -H20n h~ P r bullbull II1tQl 10 11( cn blrn1 Ilr liK if IC~ t()

I)irn iocapl hle Ihe-Imiddot of middotrnln lmg meaning bullbull liegQ1 i~ 01 ju(

Olhnlll mClonpnic 5hiflil g 01 Wmanl(


art acturl lly pre~sed into thl paper 10 form ~ ha~ lr-lief h ci~hlI1~ lilt joke Oil 1h( power of piClori11 illusio1lism to hring things illlO r(l 1 d inwnsions wi th in tIll fidd o(the r iled mimesis of the ditglam l1la lic larger pi( tu lmiddotmiddot

So Cr llsts pictun may ntmiddot tl kcn 1 a n (mhemlIic prCsentation or Novaliss Bild lunel ioning as a Plfldoxi( d rlj) rc~cn l alion of 11ll fli lurc 10

flill y represc nt dealing wit h thc plOhle rn o f prcsen li l~ a pilI UII a t all and by elltensiOll wil h the )nhcllnt dcnplio ll~ of me La pho] i1lu-iol l and lan guClgc O ften representcd by a dark ell si lhouettcd htnd IS in Ioplop pminlS bullffjiifJ 1931 (fi gu rc 21) Toplop invokes Novl lis f~JlloJs d cscri pshytioll o(thc delusi(n of repr~cntlllg H( gliI-p- ollly a handful ()r d ~llklJcss ((

Loplop a~ i ll1 plcs~ario mtkcs p rescnting ~d l~co l1 c i olls hat is prestmed i ~

ahIs mediated 01 II a rnllOW like Ill( pictures Wi lh1) pic lurts losing

ground III llllIly o r Ernsts p3i nling~ W~ 11( ill the territory of cmblemalic rcprOlclllltHioT1 thost fa ilures and ha zards agaim t hi ch the rnord or motto or the emblem i~ proph~ bClieall) ~c l Ernst makes the cmble mat ic il1l agl a ll emblem orkonograph ic lnca n ill ~ itsclfb7

Tn the (middotolllgc novels ]lIginning with La Femlllt 100 [Flu 1929 Ernst dcvdops the cm blem image illlO an allf~o lka l na rrali( Tf Enhts coll agc T1ocI ~ fU llction or ma lfUllclioli l~ parodics of the pul p nov as cx lcndccl clich e the atrnosphln of popula r IlOVel movi ng- from dimao( to climax is nut (Illy char3neri sl il o f di llhangcr scrit1illd Ii (lioll bUI of high allegoric-

~ ilurr 1Q ~rJUI --QpI~ IW(1IIJ P~lIf $1

11)3)-70 ~ I tl 1 1 C 1 1 -nm middot 0 (1

1~riII-O[)1iC ( IlIn~11 locO

111)_ HI nl [ ~ l Cl middot

ril(UR 21 ~nb l Loplol fgtrr~ll bullrjlirJ 193) raquoI~ 1781 Cl 1( lt f rtI~(AIJA(f

ld SUOkAC ( Ina l ZOQO

(gt11- Ou EI and pu(p fin iou Klt Rltncc

R irlot 1 1I~rI S~JIIJ on flu 11ltgt01 Jkrkdmiddot~ od l(gtmiddotngt1cs ~ P 8

(I li ~ r)hC Olhe r(olla ((n-vcb 10 (tII~ 100 ius lltms 10 f()rl~ ~cu i t i It f J) bn pred i(1ali( ITUucm nf

dJgory thaI IhIt ir is w lhig

~-qutItLil1 and UorrdlJ d~li) irlo )PUlI lhol a 101 s~ j 1 rma ll e Iruun OrUrgurir 1 d middot middot 70 Sec RrlIll I)j kw Idol Dr (fomlr gt~raquoI4S~~ ofFm= ri( i Fi -ltir)l1dr CIIIMlt rw Yk I ondon and O d Od 7r - Ilr hundred h~dlc wumn

pcrgtoniM Ihr protlogt ofnIlt) i II blt n d~ugtltsltJ lrum la~I llt nmiddot I a ~ Old Ikrricln gtI I at OJ~ 1I OllgtII) Ic Ihin lnd b) UI huured 11Ultbl

(ltTduug Slaquo Kon Rund tbi~ oUtIII l SnfUQa flta (Slrnl

-Ill Jcq1 [xrrid I ~ Ihr ~i dr Plmon r PIQImr idd i rUf HiOn

1- 1 1jl3lt) ~5- ~1 a 1 11Ik -bn

laIlt 1111- uf P5UaSI Il 11 n 7 nLllIr Max En_ s CCIl1~ldc A Il

u~dJjJ Ju tzmis Punl of pHtdigmltK- rcmm~ Jail (tcmiddot i duo1lltcJ

j ltoul l e~ d to Ir mYIr~ de IJ Fr nn I (h rlltoum ed ilh Inrily n [J

ru~orlf J~dlnl Ul Ieh IW adl COl middot

iJ drjed in Lr M~IUf ~ (ue biod Il)d by II rah ) mllo)~ a (M from CIen dOn Imiddot ga~m

n j)()gtltt t ( du d I dClaquo1 PllfT

J1( Inl 9~3 I 3 )middot i J 1 mpu lit) is 011( ( I)utf HlT~JIJ ilIU1lruom illmlHffi by t dl~ aKI o lkmm Solaquo rhf 11rllrpIt~ of 1fIIopoilbullbull 1(0)1 ltlt 1 A I (~ bull Lltdo d3middotICl ) I or the hltad leM

m~ ~I nprt nlIVlt of the lI h~voJiud

Mltirirr5(C Ilaydcn hw T hc Ior r Idnc rll f~fJ)lgtfOlmr FHJ n

cJIllIr1 (nWi BahiOI~ 11(1 l aunn

l7ijjP r63 5

ltIS wellG8 The luadks~ OIl1an w ho c rupts iu uiflircn l forms lhrou~hflu l Ia Frllllllr X) tilu could ~ef( as a mnaphor lor Ihe d isru privt relations bel ween metaphor ltlnd th( ~cq ucn tiltt l flow of narrative charaCte ristic ( I llegory The d(vd o]lm(n l~ cnn (inui lY and rcptli li(HlS afTordcd by 1lIJTativc allow hun (0 rCClpil lLlatt S() W ~rea k hi ~ usc of woma n to personify his own Icdllliqlll

The k nmJe nud e had belfl l1l1 lhe prw niscuQu sig nifier par t udtIll( 111 nin clee nlh -nntury $ll nn painling in 1 hifh Ilt t complex it(lltirics and allri shy

hut es of any given 1 l1 cgoricld personifi cat ion WCl( Kro~~ l y sim plifin l a nd s i ~lIalled a nd in which multipl ied numbers (of ha rtm ~la v (s or OJcads) com pensa te fo r loss of indiidual s ignificalion If Ihimiddot ~a loll lIu dc finally scrvf d as a pcr~nn i fi clI ion of a n OcrT rowcltd a nd raquohdioere Sa lon itsdr 7ltgt that cltuase lllent of the aan c mil tra dil ilJll rIK ina ted Erm t as he pl ullder(d ninelecn th-cent ury j ournals a nd salrl11 (pvrl~ fOt his collage ma l( i1 1I y not one hundred headl(lO~ woman instead of onc hundred mrmingk ss oms why nOI om perrcn ly ugly hcadlc ~ Ioman (ICte de mecl us() instead of ti le rut ile Salon bca ut ic_

Tlt tlc is Ill importan t (ll ulcmalic prototype for frns t~ womln a ~ GC f(]

Rauer has notcd I rnst s fcmm e 100 t Ci I~ has a counte rparl ln L a Pcrr i i rc ~

11 T lriil de$ bQNJ en~IIS (rigurl 22 ) IhlUl1 d i~llliss~ this rcscmbk nc( agt fortu itous ImHer il is im portant Ih1I it is the Inl tllnt is c1ost-S1 10 the

Ill(ltlni nls uf Ernst s woman not till image I Pcrlicres femme is iuall y an ad ap tat ion of a lomill onpl acx Horapllll o-dlTivcd hcadle~ ma n

signif)itll( I m )JOssibili t~ presuma hly a 11 aul c~s oman l~ douhly illlpossihlen In L Pcrricrcs prcm lO he is not JJl( rely ]utdless bu r rtther Jik( Ernst s middot te mll1 f hilS I)Ulny i(kn til il~~ IqJrcst ll l(o by many heads silt is compa n d to lh e Chi n1ltl crn Girion p) hnn tll cdusa Cerberu~ and lhat l-llnicular pnmiddotc ur~or of tIl( km nw 100 Ittcs Iht H yd ra Through such proli li-ration or menning sIt( is Ih e mhkJll l i ~L~ dream emblem Lr

Pcrriercs le( nlllcludes tha t ma rc marvellous Ihan all Y of Ihc~t lll ylhic creatures middot vu lrl bt Ull(- fem me sans leu Ihe One figure who cou ld prcSurnshyably em bod y a ll hybr id mean ings in one ~ llcc in (t blll meani ngless fo rm La lclTiCr~ crnhlem may be an allegory of lhe cjlem ma of rht PO(I UIIHl Lnned hy his middot iivll~ hu l need ing 10 be a )H roi( d eca pitator a rer~(lI ~

aluivalc1l1 T hl ngrt l1a ble mora l conclusio n of La Perri eres poem is tha i woman Ilccds a guidc a ra tional hCltld a nl ltln lax pound rllst71

O n one occuion irr IAI FtnllU 100 liles Ernsl himself appearS (fi gure 13 1 III Loplop and the mouse s horoscope M attCrs or desliny fa lc a nd horoscope- are a sta ple ur emblclIl li te rat ure middotf he imge is pan of a n embleshymat ic (radiliv) in vhich caged creatures slam] ror lht ca ptivi lY and sull t ring of tIlt poel or lo (r (fig ure 24)1) Em Sl i~ agen t and nO l ca ptive 01 flt ltc however Ba n-dle~lcd he may be (rt l ra~ rfli hen a~ ltlll odur pcr~nll a uf Ihe multi-valc lll woman he carries the d isGmlrd cinllus of th at stock haraCllr of l lk gOry the haUd resscd woman RUI he holds onto h i~ hal (Ihich unlike the he-ad Ill ay be lakcn on and of 1 ) and thu s retaim for himself Ihe powcrful masculine role of the head Erusl appea ring in persOIl wilhin his tollage 110d signn ls his SWIUS as a ll-controlling novelist or em hleshymatist d lOS(middot c lvnga lcd hand CH n pluck thr- mouse Out of il s ordaiucd palh al a n) tim t Ernsl l$ a llcgorisl should Iw SitultlHd in the trdi liun ofparod ic nuvc isg incl udilg Ka lldais Charles Sorcl J cln -Pa ul R idlter and TIlOlIllS Stcrne whose work relies 0 11 a Jlet0ry to ironi ( it ~ own d tviccs~

hllur~ )~ rouU gt lt 11 Ierricn middot1 _ Fe 0lt ~Iemiddot bb(om xv Lt middotfhIQII( au flu OlU 539middot

7 t t- rr middotm i ~hlllkeuoImiddot(gtr I ~

E ts alP-1m~ ad 10 III unJinn~ Ih t middothltmiddot ~11 ome hmiddot Igill~ o nly in o 1 oj Ihem ~e ltor pmpcrl) nmn~(tcd IIgt Illfi r 1middototls tT j inllny ITrI 5I t 01 SIJ Iijt I-i 1 Ynr I)U

1middot9 i ~ Thmiddot tllmiddotd 111I)Ult if) Iro p O JPC~Il

lciII otld ~rqJlOxIUmiddotlmiddotd in I) middot~(on( ~t j oolgt C~~ middot i ~poliJ t

gtj)(lli lont tmiddotC I 111 (apia I)n1

[mill ) MUftIM~ Alh dt 11((-111

fAmSIrd I 7~ (l Damel Hcin~iul

Q I ~lD 1~J i Jm I-oIo bullt ) fo r lupid (gtIllide h ase Md P C t 1)(1middot Imbl~w tryU 1l~rd~m 6 rmiddotlmulcd Pdmburgh bulln7l) fcr Cil~rrl bini ~e ncr (Inllri ) aud cupid with ( ~cd ~uinrl 70 T ho $(lrnHmhurv au C hr[ So middotI JlhT rparodir novel a nd IIlkgori(O ( h anw rl ttlnIHomaM)

ealled iIllOIltSlion mi(Ic rda liou pc bnl(lIagc and III(Ialhor Sorer IA llalJM df ] i1Jbullbull d rih inl( illtolI (IU~1

~ ~ hltgt~d nn peI middotrh gl1_ rhlemiddot Jta~middotlIIg lt1 word altgtCUo ns loped J) hc PUWK middot~u du nall iJ a JrcLuIXlT r rnmiddot i~ ileJ[laquoIU311Dt~s 5lt ( hI M rd u II ~ 1f(J n1~ (Pn_ (pI rcpri lro Cmiddotneva I In) I II calte oflh coU~ lt rImmiddote1i trn auhial IU-altAO Pli middotuJarly ho hOj( mlhlt (crmA n KumlIi J~- lJul Ridner middotbose H)15 ltt Imiddot) hd raquoPlltkd I nnch IlIor41)middot all(nlion ~d Ih adlDlI-llluU o(j (l ll Ia l h ~ and Atdtt ISr~lt)n middotIltmiddot wen 11 Y lr1nd lrlIlt I io lfj~ ln-I HI Kichllr$ nmlk a lllorio rI narruvlts I U ( muhIImiddot l oice IUd idrmiu(l SU)tgjOgtjl

Jm~(1 I(dnn lues Ihe T j l aIS lisr of nI I~ImiddotrJ1 puion of his nilId I$n

ort o(lXlI EI ~ 111lt he r1l lo h-ough Ihe quouditn _orld in JAIrun(

1M IbN ~~ t altga rtl H ale II ~f

Olxron SdiOQlj Afi1)ullu 1)~ 1nil 91) and Claulk jich i I middotmJ~ lit 71~-I fJJJ1 (~ J(IIU l~ MIjalllUt llnt 1963

I ~urc 3 M~ ~ rnst middot[plol 1 ii(

uy hor)s(ol In 0 1(1lt lila

9~9 SI1 1st II rlduL~t Igty ponniion [r I~I (II I n T oronto Rampn-oce Lbr~ry

17 Osk P(lltak lkr hcmige ud I Ioliphilw Ir~ J ldK 1 tA(rifll~ UlIll A KvI~m~b(

191111431 Ii for h~ Qfih lok hUllIuand Irlnlt[1gt HI(lIMlultin Pp~tl cd Gm P U md LUCla A

Cil)pom (Idu ~I fl - Lrw ~lIfsk) r~frrnl o Rtlla~nCt Nlt)middotpl aJJojonn~

xt ufpopular ga m ltco mparabk 10 vulgn plmiddotd n I~j middotNllatomc ilocltb III ~kgtr~c( ud Norh I al) Ul Sl~d It 1(middottI~l i lew York 972) p 1 1) i~ 1 I 1)QoinofdlSlllcIllOcrtlt in

he I[TIlI mtd~ 1 er(l~ lll1cgo~ I RUI~ JlnlJJ( i~ p l lrll l~rJ r r(Ie 10 rn( mltlll(j in 111 1middot( IIlI) lil() 110 ( Ihe tMLion of~~Irn wel of N~ro dlrnwwcJiinli oflus md i I h )

iod)e he ocau t ~ Qf hcr lionl iU od nrnliltrsmiddot and lu JltO lo( It(f lone he wa concelvcd are ofpITlkuLu i l~ $

nplt(illl~ sitlclt lhry fill fn lt1 ~ b~l~ dWUI ntmmg lid ]altuale s Uvid f

1luI 1 Sr lt1 (l i l1lcmbtrmcfll bo-hlrd On8 lUI dl Romoon or d~ RQII( III RtUtiulIamp lIteR all rk 14 ~ I ~I l ffl(ll( RIIon ~I i rw] d ja II UOI IhiJadclphlltl (992 ) Pl

30 0 jlllnn tQlran ltk M cu ~ k NIn I fa ~ rm Illjo to 970 $tt

II tIf M Arde ll 1 h( Wfllan d I~ (1I 1e

~ Iw wIlJ IJlblQgrap~~ (N~ i and 110 111(93)

Ik Clo rillunc Hclt cl I wny ltImiddotn ud kit I I a~ KInr ~ rbull pJra bull 01 lor lum~ all gklt amI r~rman I (Ik mi IIulltlin 74 1lt)921 pp II I gt

Er ns ts prpuhioll of die r mb1em illlage inlo I 11lt1r rnivl seque nce (an al~ l

be si1u3led in niltlI io n I() Ihe illuSlri1cd Renaissance alkgory hieh ~ ltlS an lInpo nan t SOll r( li)r all sli bsequen l crnl1cm atisLS Colo II Tl i HYJllrtOlfmlfldljn

Poliphilii7 I t I)tsin witll a d r() 111 alltl i ll middotu l v (~ endkss nCliphtr lll(n l o f environm ents a nd obj((ls th ilt rc~onall throughout EIIlSI 1 0Uale Ilods d lboraldy symholic gardcm IIl WluC r ums h icrgl~ ph s 1 st atile or 1n d~pha nt Ill th it incidC llt5 (Perscus bchead ing of Innt htr 1(1I1 n1lt Slt1n ~

[C tc yled us ) ltlil t lhe tr i u rnph ~ of va rious gods li nd ll1coulH cr~ wil h fcma le pcrsonifiC4l io ns such ltIS Iht middotfi lmiddot lgtCIlSIS ofd wlTI E rll ~ L s 1i]1lnw 100 [ClcS IS A porli liant Cl U pcrsli fiettion Colonnas n )d g llmorizccl

lHroiciztd ll1d narralivized int t lp rt lal iull knd i n~ il ~ Ilr 1 g-lttmcs of m ea nings like v illga r pS~fhoa nalys is If [ rlisl realkgorits till tlIlda rd allcgorYil~-ltl n I1 Il then he dut~ so in way~ lha t preclude HI high mora l or iludlcctua l positions n (sting thc psychomarhia with lttil C)Imiddot 10 p~ychomiddot ltt l ml) q s tu rn ing Ihl Stnsua l cneha nt Hwnts ot snluctivc ~cI4 p i( middot(lS to qtlcasil UIIIla lizcd violcllt ltlud sexual d tSires I il lra r surreali sm IBre(on lIdia

Aragon s PIY5(1II dr Puns) could rel y un the sca AoJd i n~ and d evin s of allegoric - t he d ream vi~ion ) th l peri pau t ic li n o mo in~ 1hroug h a Lil y of m ysterio us (lbjCClS 1l101lum~II IS a nd (I)couiliers I hl~ W I)I11 lt11 1 uf Ill u ta bk idenlilY references 10 OIIHr works of arl and lillfa tlll t nd Soon t rnsa also d eploys the devlrc-s of literary a nd pk lOria l allegury dndging 1I 0 t only emblem bouks but ahl) die g rea t lite rary dkg(lric~ liorn tlw RomfI fir n (0)(

to Colunna to Novcli s lIlcl jieltkl

C hristia ne fi end in lro r key st ud ) ofmodlit lisl a lkgory has argUId thaI Err1~t relinq ui$ h (~ hi s a u tho ria l a ut hori lY in 111 F rllllllt J ()() l i l( allowing hi~

1111lgCS a rad ica l inck ptmiddotnclcnnmiddotp II cUl lld 1( arlued r Ol1v I-dy Ihlt

EflIH pa rod y fu netion~ in a n opposil(middot ay tha i Ir i~ wrc nching or imilL~ oul of l ll tmiddotir Mig- inal 1 )lI tex l ~ i~ a n 1gt 111 iw ill asserting ah~olutc and arbitra l) cuntrol OIr Ih( mh rial Ernst s images Id ) 011 re11l na nl ~ ofl hci

r igi lIa l Ill lltllli ns and los t tQllVCll ional contegt llgt ill hich I he) er( meant

tJen E ADEM c AN TI L NA ~--~--------------T~ ~~

to hi ( lcdihh il luslmt i)M vI S( ll tiic d evt l oprne nL~ na tural phcllomclla lr ltg- il t ric k ~ or rq)l( )(ll((i()f ~ IJf wrh Ifart l a lld lhis al o nce aJlo l~ his (1 11 man ings 10 SCIlll irraLio li a l and lilcral cd a ll d 11 the ~am c limc 10 be c lI npktdy su hjugald U) lht ve ry lI ovell) a nd allom a ly of thcrr tnvironshynlt ll l 1111 a~e lnl )l cd tiag llH l lts o f Ernsts cullages a lT n~ idual evidloCe of tl w Iulhor ily tu UIt Hilli CIII m Clo ll YJlJic pow(J or lite and dealh

arg lla bly IllI very I ppl)~ i t e ufCUI Li l ig loo~e or sellin g liTe

I n his 1l illaI Ilm II~ Enl L l o 1ll111i t lt synLacli cal rape tiXl uctlllg Y()Illll

fru m ti ll eO lltc 1 ()( ~I I joulll als Il K) il ion rt pn~ in whidr 511( represhy

l1t(O popu lar p a int iJlgs cflg ravltl ( r nJa~s a udiences I n I ll s u r k sh e

may 1 1llhOirl y mct unymic hssi pl i (l ll~ or II H ull ing hut ~It ~middot al so rCjJfCSClIb

E tn~ l s own lonir 10111 1 tn CUI and asipn rk~ a h it p in l piaYIT lilCI lIy a ppea ri ng ill hibH WI mi g h l also ~ lJ Spcc l Erns l of viciously

i te ra ling nin( lcclllh-nIl LUry lh eor ies r Ih e cmpall ric ~yOllJ 1 lt1 ~ lhe ( 1111)l)lliIrwl1l or our OWII pir yif1 lllrcqJl i ns J I u ~t~ his all tgtgory of sigm r1i ~od lItd from pir y~kal rdrll l ~ prClieiy as a fi eld in whi c h to dj~ru pshy

tivd ) i lllt rjtcl th l OCtasifHlal irY PlCIilicaUy d(plo yed rull ~ym bol with iL~ supposed ltlli lY illl i L~ rciirenl c jJre~ell tcJ by the 1)(J(h of l he Ilom an 1n the eli (k~ Ch a nTS chap lc r a l thl e nd Ill Url~ Smwiu de lfm f a fi gulc flmini s(nt or Fortuna noats ill Ihe air gTad ua lly li-cc ing

h (r~(lrorlllr a llrihulls ()f whcci Ild ~ i l (fig un 1) 11 t lihCra li ol1 Sill ce Fort un a luore It tuall ) hfCOnHS hrr wh(ei mi nl1ll il by htT l1nlr ed bac k ltIS an h Yllleric and l lso be(on H~ h cr sail hlo wn throug h lhc ~k y her

It rib utes cOIl in ue to be co nSl raining Ind pn middotMmiddotlIt a bsorbed ililu her bud y and gestu res sugg(q illg tht am hig uolls 1l lIratiom a nUrd (] 10

oma n by Max Ernst8t E IIISIS USf or h is maltri11 r(li~ o n Ihe inhc rl1I1 bililY or ollhgory l(o

rtal k go liltmiddot T radit iona ll y rlallcgo riwl ioll ltrllnnl a profan t I(x t or till past 10 h( as assimi la ted in w a n acccp lt hlc y~tlm f moral va JUIs (Vi rg il s

FSllIr( ~4 DlIIid Il cU$ius Emblrm(1Q liqoIAM I lKkn 161 5_

8 _ s~ Ili k Rot R iAamp Rm(

~d lhr jd I~Q~ ()PfigtiL ICbrid and Nrw Yrk 1991-deg flt -lt middotmiQlif - Iha l Inko 2 olll1Q f)f on_ B ~ h lth Rampk]o nxcnl

lUal of Wafbuf(t Iho l1h l in Irrm

01 th ROmMlIl( ymLgtoI unil) f ud dcrem 1 I OPpogtlti IO lI~ry

( hrpertI_~ ~~crnn f ltI s diS300C ialed fro I nfrro1 I i Rob- ~h(fempl l h lrmiddotplio)J Iheon pmiddotI) U lelkI1 pn~uen apphnl tk 1ltgt ~msl tSpltcirJI ) in I ~s pogtr

t uitwc1 Ihron ltl _ Iuh w R l loy rum symbol 10 Ilkfurv Ahr WH) i~

I r- hi Rd I~ 9971 pp ~ 6 R - [hr R iL [[ ul n has ro n Iholt u l

I hru~Ir iuI O) the unk o n wh re laquogtn~ ol Ir~cdm Pfnar p_ ~ 1I1

B I S~( Thn 11 Kclk~ Rmnwtlme Hlqo for tillt applicll ble ~ of In t allctUlxal wun lorn (e ee aUraCUOl) d ll r lnla$ 11 ltI- illual suctched l ~ lI l i Ihi [K w1ir

ltlc 1(o ~dukd from lClion and hj~llt) ry

bu sgt( f)1 g Ihe n -rgt d s he

cmand p Sr Th~ro i 1 or~1 1ltl io of witel )-r tr r lt~ltoI 1gt 1 mln m~y 1- takc -lt lIl rlaphO)f Ruolnlr E Kun1i S rrooti d I js(~ and R o l~rl llolI - n ~prknjo(

illo fo-k-J t] air ltli_ r II

fmiddotm lc (lITe) i SHlrJm and 11 010lt1 II A tw~ Rdolf t Kucn7li and Gwe Ra l~rt ICambllJgc l1i I99I) PPmiddotJt alld S T Imiddot lo ockiu Em ilS or ~ oflC n Ii mCIgttIraquoHgt1 dqI)eJ In ~ h a w~r Ihl 11 CIOI li meu Ulcrlgthunc~ Jly In 1- Riu d~~r

(MIIft~ q~1 lIOuilil ~w Carmd nr Imjlt Igtarod egt t~lcX fatlo~ ~al

jgtuu lJ rtut I(rl) IJ t 1ra 8 Ihemiddot Ie ~IgtIi OIl y 1 t ~atnlt11 1lISt llIil le Scl~h) snd amud ~kinl lt hTifingl) lilltrd I Iht~ ill IH rroh meal fur lo~ l i~ lone rol1 ~middot

l~diqlJr$ mlldr 1111) Hr)(tT) I

r~rn(rl i 1ltgt Ihe hwwir jlgt]al~ el~ hcll

il1lh( l1ltrvrl

(1 IS 1IX lrngtl 1 SmIltllN d amp 193i 0 Max Erllsl 1iI)AGP Van S()DRiC ( Monlrc~l ) 2f)(l(1

l )n IIC Ilupon Of Ih allraf R~~ru 11 (1 I 1$I~ Lolhu I -hr I J~ middotIn Rp jhd bd 11hII hI p HI

Fourh RetI a~ II I( milling of Chris l O vid l l-lrfall(Irphorrr lllorali7cd In

lmJOlIls such h J Hoh CI~ the trials of the lo ver could lJe rca 1go ricd a~ Clll hlnll~ of Chri sia n ~ u(fe ring ltInc co nrilltll cc Ernst reverses tlw prol(~S

dc- morali - ng a llegories In 7 110 dlidren 1IIII1fI(ld ~I (j 1I~lthtillg(h (fig ure zfi ) Frnst lak es U middotidilI1 IIIc(lrlJorphi rape (G anIlH-ci (S ta ~lc Phi lo mcl as

nighting-uk) oul of its repose in spirit ua lizing me taph or as ill (k Kellnincks landscape in h( Wallraf Rir-ha rtz M useu m i ll Cologn( (figure J7 ) ()j emulems sl ch as Hat1idorlhr s in which lit ra pe of Ganymede is rfJllcgoried as the sou ls I ~CIIH lo Cod ( figure 28 )83 Ernst rc t urTl~ Ihnr lo d leir Tl)n l ~ ill ~cx ual viok IlC( hi (h in tu rn S[ ltlnd~ ror the revcnibk hltrU a mi a mbiguous g-round underpinning the provtrh t ln bl cm or allegory

Equally td ling is Enl~ts d ia~rammui( ada platio n or h(rme lic emh lemata in O this mIll rIIIlI kll )w rlO lh lllg 1924 ) I II the paintillg ami II

tIle pl)cm w ri tte n on thl had (a parudy of Ihe oJllo()gical ~ylllhII S Il I I

fi~u r~ 26 Ernl I fUtJ1 mnlilwi ~ II

lllhlmCiJl 191 1 S(1 66I C 1 - r 1 D (t risI ~OI)KC J vumiddot~l l j


th e Hmrfll fd Table of H crrn(~ Trisrn egistu s) Ermt reallt~orlZ(middot ~ the hermetic ~ym bulis ll1 of the nlilrual lini li7atioll of d ivine and cit rddy IS a Freudian middotprinwl scene of gigantic li m b~ and scmiddotx ual pa rtgt Both pa imi ng md puem become rcpr(sntltHion ~ oC the unfu lfill ed n vi ~nging of a n such thing In Ernq s vcrsion the Oedipal a nd Ihe gnolt1l ic an oronc frustratccl substance ltlnd (be power oftbe allegories of h enl1tticism ltIhbaiisrn and aklHmy lies in perpetual d ef( lrd of the d tsircd gol J tl6 Ernst ~ emblem fllnc tioll s more

b roadly illi a scq gtt icai fi gu ration of tht a bil it y of images lO represen t hal IS envi $ioncd or desired in dicating Ihal a ll $lI h em blems ct n only he a sun0 fH l flIT hatt middotcr one an t ~ to know attl in o r rcprcsen Lft7

OJ (Ids 111m sllall kn)1L Mlhing a lso ~ ig na l s its own iconogn lJ)hic history especially tts allu sion to Caspar David Fricdr(h middot$ clllblem tie CrOJS ill Ih

Iounltlills a key work in Grman Roma ntit- dc hIIltg about Iht rela tive fok~ of llIegory and Iandscapc III Erns t as a rl ild er of C ( fman Romil Tlli t~ i~ ltl

would re U 1Il 10 these wpie in his la ndsca pe pai nLings aga in and again Crr)JI ill 111 t1ollll oinf is a lso shadowed by a t( Xl n passage from Ludwig T icck 5 allcgorital novel Fran SI-illbaMr 11middot(lIULmmgrll (J i 98 ) Jnom

26(j ) middot1 ~BImiddot rH ) T I d 1

60 I 1m c (lislt uW(1 Iht twn l1 t timiddot itl~gcry at t~ ngl h ill M~lt Emi l middotI ht 1IJdw(UtI1iJliI

SnllrJ 11 a i - l OCIshy87 Uml middotn o Ero diilltu~ 1he rdu iolll I)( twu h~rn 1l l k svrn lgtol- 1Il in which middotevcry middot~pr ion is a (nignlll hal middotk runlwt ~mgma middot and ~Jr n cconltlructimiddote ~nlys3 as in lini l~

defendJ in middot(n limited scmi III d rili in T ht Ib oJ hllffpWalio Ill n -I--j

fI8 smiddot cJ(m~ (l h W ocn rn ~I( Jaru F~d nnd It ~b1J ~f I muigat ~cw U and Lvndon 1 99lt)~ Karin V()n ~llo lJr ntel thO rrl ll nf (~$7 In 1M -WOIIIIIgt 10 Ern middot lUUlI1 OmJ~(Ilt1 III middotMao b ns l a Rvmlll1ic~m middot M n Enul A Rtl~pnl~ ~ I Werner Spict l t omlo 199 1)

I II~ ~7 K d~ K cunn~k Iuhf rvtJh IM~Io~ fj lt-1IJVdt r gtn leI

dllrf Kgt(hHIZ I ~ l

8iJ bull 1gtlt I g T irk Fwn~ SlmNt11b

11 middotJn~(n Hmt ~ lldIcAt (mll1~hlt

~I lj(h gt)6I ~ p gtgII

J) ~ee 11 0 ~bn lagtlt I Allqlr)

oflrlllll$iol)middot PI 6- 7r lhr dhl1 l1lt IK hr omlll~1 d(h nlll(11 (III ud h ~

ltill u~Jui ncall y I ~nd lor thillgt IcJ rly 1rs ign~II ~lId Impic ddinlun ul rourrlS luch as li lliemiddot h I(ll no h hI l (~ Ii lt mcill ~ tur middotC)middot ll la IIllt-SIKn a (1(11011bullbull 1 H turn jn I(raquolt ru lUI lTnp ~~i 1g ~1 I r

roukl hi ~r~lJ od tlbull ( Ihi Ik nrngt i~ made lllcmllll UKOf)~ Fr ~cl7rh c r) hMd lU lOll ~ Il ili K r nger through $1(middot togt tI ohjrl i( lria 10 judiCII

91 - GltQ rl 6atai llt Solr a ll~middot Fis rif fXt~s SI_rlJ I Im~~ P7 t)39lli

113 $Iodd Minapo l ~Jl lp XIV

1 lt1 6 12 ioIar ~nu p IJ Halaillits 1Qcom )Ir rollinS (m Ih bullrf r lw ~Ml h [ ~ [ I llt imal(vfltouinuous mC l~lor]lh mal p l y i1a d l5ori llJOII lOr tllti M the locornoriH r ltI hl$l)ry lt]uOI(d in aUT

III-rljolmirgt (r SdiJ 1 rlrHn-1 n- I irl 1974 p 1 ~3

illcidcn t the youn g a rtisl F ra il i~ st ru ck by a pa iming llr a l be scc~ in a hn lll it lUll a IlOCIlIIIMI lan dstltl pc ill wh ich a cr ucifix Ull a hiJl i ~ illll m ishy

na llti by IltI ) S o f moonlight The he rm it ex plains Ihat tilt crucifi is a po inte FingcI7cig ) to Ilw ~pjri lu d wurld beyond the faJ lc n world of lla tu n T o Franr ~ o bse na lioll O ne cou ld ca ll th i IMint ing an a lkgor)

the IIn ln il answers All an is JIlt-go rict IIoJ

T IH middotFingcrJeig iI) Ixpbli necl by th e h~rrn it to F ranz S lt rnbald point s not o nly to Iht spiri tlla l but also 10 thlmiddot pr (~cllce of J ll egor~ iblf As a li ter indlx a sho wi ng ha nd o r jJ ~ i l1ting fi n~cr tht Fingerrig i ~ a ~ tJplf

or i Ihlems II is Oimi larly In ade li ter1i b) -l a x E rn)1 t du slig ma tied ha ncl f1 oatin~ in f r OTH of th e lt ruci fi xiOthl~ middot prinM I ~NtJ I Herc it indicates linmiddotth er bu t not Im llscc ndCIH [l)callings90 In E r ll st s painti ng lh t ROlllit lll ics cruci fi x lS alkgori la l poin hr to a hig her nal rn sim ilarly

i tl n l c~ a landscape of d a rk Illowltai ns a nd il eawnly fil ) S IHl I fur the

COltj UIl Cl ivlI o f redemp ti ve c ru cifix a nd ill urnin at iug SUUS(t in Fricclricbmiddots pa inting o r truci ft x and moonlil-h t in Tillkmiddot O novel Ern$[ dark ly ~J bs l it uLes

copulat ing limbs and the bloc ked rays o f a IUllar refipSt Ermls lmiddott nblema tic painting alt Frifeirich s had don ra i se~ p r0 1Jicms or

cnTlIl lllporar) a lkgory When G lf)rges Aatai ll e- turned tn alr-IItm ica l )slIllllng in 192 7 he did so in I( rm~ that almamp t com icH) m im i Ernst s d csul Itmiddot c lltra ilmiddotfilled landscapt 1111 earth middotcovtrtd wi th vuk anOIs hich SltJoT a~ iLs a n us is driven in iL~ rota tion by lhe male ~ha rt ]l tlttraling 1 1 11~

laquomiddotma l- alllJ a lmost t lIl irely (merg ing ill o rder 10 ree n tcr like Ih( piston~ of ~ 100o mo ivl

JI i~ the 1Ilf(ha nical Oll ll)il ltion n(] t ll morm t inn~ of thes mOtmcn t ~ Ihat th~ ak htmists soll~h t 1 I hI philosoJlJ t ~ ~IU Ilt ~

This nWfhJlist jlmiddot cop ulatiu 11 hudcsqu e~ t he vmiddotn ji) UIIl1n ioli o f allegory th e

ltlnagogir 11 wrh of r() rrcsponden(c~ and rtmiddotst ]tlbl a nct~ lIlt middotcopula that li~

one thi ng- 10 a noth n ill lang ua te all Cl witt g ) 11 thin) to be visibly co nnCfted Ha lai lk s a llcgvrical luvers will mve r fi nd ilnythi ng but parrxlic i magc~ l11d Ih ey will [ Il l asieltp l ~ empty a ~ mirrun Wh en En tail k

fu rther GlUs lically mcdita ted Oil the gno~ tic roo ts Llj Hegel ia n ism in Ll)ll~

ma teria li smt c t Ie g nllst ( 1930) p ropus in g a k~ l abili ing hcadl es~


a J1q~ory tha i would elimuatt aJl h ilTardlic11 ~ ~ t C IllS of rdtn lllc indud ing ~implistic rcv( lltals or blst ll ld idea l o r CXq-lt1l 111 llt1 1 lnrl ltlcrUllcn lll he wa addrtR~jng is)llc$ irnpJiL it in Of Ihis men lInll knOll IWlllillf 91 H ()wcvcr heelIlsl Erns l middot ~ all egory ( nds to Ill p a ll)l it i( depcnds on just ~ll (h illvcrshy

~j ()m ilnd reve rsals of hig1 and low Old is a t a re mov from Btl taillcs infla111ll1110ry ()I)f ll-f llded hd lltaded en terprise

E nHl$ im ages a re often d riven by this undermining of thcir (IW ll sourn-s of lJowc r fcp lescnliug hotb II((i r own ~ la luS a nd i1lSIlfjicilIHy OrtCll they

assu me tht appearallce of (lnhkrlls wh ich as concieusetf o r short lr and ig ll ~ of aUTho rit y ~a n c ti fi ~d by t rld ilion art disrupted hy Ewstmiddot~ illtruio n of thc n ltllll r 1 LIld ~e)( u t l rhc n dllcti t middoti~ua l 11I11ouage or cmhlcms lcnd~ t o ltlrd hrogaliun 111(1 fimiddotag11lClltlliun Ih ich LntSl n alu raJiz~s likening Ihe Sllll1X of fj middotrgnWlll3 Iioll 10 (lperatjoT1~ (lil lbe hod y lt bull rile tru ncalLu pa riS a Ird Ii 1111 ~~ or Of IhiJ lien shall know Iohing arg uauly J u clc 10 th t ~ceri ng lIId te lldt n liou~

reconstruniom of tht e mhknjs [anllJage o r aut hori ty a rClruc luring of Ihc

sy mknloche lim hs a lrcldy prnelH in v i ~l1 emblems Througbout his canlt r Ems would dltriV( double prestige flOlll disrupting lhe COJlv(middotnlions of hOl h a rl a nd li tcrJ fl1l middotf iro lliing his au thoriaJ role as bot h a rlis and poel Emblelll s a rC1 ft lilc ground fur ~uch opT3tions k ndi ll g tlwm~clvu 0 ditorshylil)m or he reci prxa lIldi(a tion s or eX T lIld image which anmiddot Ihe STarling

point nfalJ tgory

Ac kn o wled gement

S l l i(j ll~ of thilt papa H r( pncn l(d a~ Ielt tlJT(~ iI conjullclinn il l Max Em~I

rc ll1(nary ehiiJninm Ihe RnlJ ncl 1(nr()X Memorial JccUrc U Il l T a(middot ( )11)

(1(11 middotmff A Ul IrIJJf(ct ll ItJ91 -J) lI lId II M 01 i (Ilal pound7110 O(lff( 11111 Ihr Duwn oj

hguw middot 11lt~ ~ 111lgtltlorHr hnwltim ltr (10( lOH 9

ll G~1 1 1~ l k 9Jo 1Iy tnillcril ilm 01 11l()oSn bullbull n uollgt ~f fj(w ll 11 52 amp0- M l=nmiddot w middotn I rltult~ ~ rKumrnt d ~ 1 ~ her IkuJamin a~ flll~ (ltI by II~Ilt ml II ~nljsL in rn 8 to auK 1 1~middot ul~r l an L~n ur Silllplilll ~I bat ~ J Ilrl~1U

rell t huugh r he dmiddotIIrymclll of d~lthi IiLinl( pmiddot(hootvtic laquogto ep tgt url ~ s Ielcnnimmo tm r1m~crltt ~m gteJmlt IImntllw I l middot~fI Rll1Ifl1l twlllv Imis ~f )m(alUl lin(I~I illrrkdtmiddoty u An~lc

M IAlodlt 91l 11)) U[ i -l lt)1 - I lt-nd ubstmiddotmiddotmiddot- rht Ire rn~l i u Ul uf Illor lt1 Fm~ (J Ii i fnuc lr Crlt Ihl1 t ho- lifl ugtd rmiddot]m of poundrnsl middot~

lIuc nod ilmhil(1)omh g(ndcrltl h gtvlnL ~ n rh mo (h hypcrholic

Dio cjOCulH1o11 orsl) rl-d~n jm1tf(cry1gt il dO(lt i lli fmltle ~aC11l nr [[00lt1 orgmiddotoonldltG1IHllion al 11 0( Immigt ufth aULhOl tlgt hi~ E rol$L is aJlj~1 llIh GltltX B tll lltmiddot hnnlcnz ~u nf llcg) 11gt1$(111 (~I L ory 111-1 111 in middotSoI ant S l ~r fter u ~1Jtn in capl1on i ndirat~

oJ ddo-nce I n nn SPIf (lIKI

r nn1h~r nd sigi ~ L k Ma~ middotrn1 O~f IllOJ ob middotCologne 9i)- ) in uch fll nh(r ifnrm~lin ( laquo(mns I r ~lO ( C ~d locatiOIl may bc tu

il(ure 29 Em1 OJ I middotun shall (Mil

-h~~ 9 f SLl 63middot C 1 Ernni I IJtI 11uJSODRAC (MlHHrc~j l


S1Irrwlism 9lt)3 ) J 11m gl~Hdn l for lho ltc o pport uui l itl 10 (Olls ider Erns to l roCesso r

CI i~ toll wr Crn middotlI ImfCi J oh n Gl)ldi uS Prorr~Ylr Willillll Cmfi~kl and the

11 011 Fod a tio 10 11middoti r va middot i)l1 ~ lt1 g middotn n)lCgt d vicc I 11olIIk Sllzar rl c Ak bari

r l d~(f l)cre nhI Joyn GOKl(i n E rhan Jd l Kavalc lmiddot and M E Vnr lic k

Page 17: Only Half Saying It Ernst SCAN

~ll(ure 16 Giou nlill (Slt f1) ~ini Chilpdj

5~ - XC IstkUIImiddot Ltt Jill ( 1lt drriJtgt nn the pfOpltn~ ofdc ien It ~nno td t

fkmcll lS de Li tltrrmiddot JlIgt Ill d ~80)

lIi(krlt l p II ~_

M a rmontcls insistence 011 the h igh 1110111(1 11 lt urlomiddott emblems I llnn mtd )t VC as 1Il ltlmpll or the o~jt(lionahl t tToli lIIbkm objcL~ luxqllds Iop inirlll allad w ride de ha-gtsessc sUlh as a pot Oil the fi rt ith Ihe mollo f a m ltOIlsul1ed below ) It i~ tempti ng III im agi ne Irnsl toyin g wi th this

higb mor~1 1 po~il iun by delibera tely making a (Tud pun th e basi~ of til liu First Cmr WordY

T ypica ll y huwevr Ernsls Vi~U 1 1 sou rce rna) lJ ~ (lv(rdcterln ined hy 111 trudi tc textual ~ourn III I f NiL dAlllIIbrr D ichrl ~ Dr Uordeu describes the controlling ccnI tI ()r Ih t ch fir OUl ~n$aliOIl~ L~ a jlld~c who hears caS(~ md pIOIl Oll ll (I~ vc rdirts This jud~( hOHver 111lt1) be e ffeclivdr

deceived b y the (i(llIc( it may expe riL- llct paill ill an lIl1 putalcd limb 11 01(011 ~ays Dr Burdeu ~ou Gill INt t he limits allli decepl ions o f

sensa lion by (ltI rrying lItI I Ihi$ sim pI eXlwrinWll t Otl the judge

o n k tro mpe lu- nd Oll 1(11 1 crui ser dl lLX 11( ()~ doilts run Sill Inutrc lUuch(z un t pclill ooule lt1 il pronnll r(ra qu-iln II df l1x

2 bull i

h gumiddot 17middot l rnSl II Ihl FII (lro l1pd 1 )~3 I t bp (I II ~ L m ltlift))G P

1 1 lri~ OUolAC -110laquo1 ltOOO

In to( context of thi ~ pa rt ieulM di~lullsjon of s(n~ttiol II 1t1 Ni l f d J(lmh

lhe hypolbeli cd Fltudi an melning~ nf E rnsts Ilugcrs and ball in tensify The fea f ( castfa linn II lre is dJ ierl 0 (middotO fl~i (kra lion 01 The npITicHclt of pai n and pkhurr di sltussrd fl y Did r rol and the decept ion orthe senses ~ lldy ra ~

someth ing to d o with j urlgill l Ill( dtcp tiolls of illu ~ion is t 111 with the picru rc itsel f alld (implii t in Ihe Ictltl~ ()1l11ed Ily gtIring wd hnger wit h llie k((middotplio ll ~ ufl ang uagc

Beyond UidcrOl til( fou nd ation fror Emsts rlecplion 0 1 El uan] lnd Pau lh tnmiddot~ a rgumen ts about languagc lay in ( enIt 11 Roma nt ic dcba tcl ltlho ll t till ~rn bol ith is full ex p1l~s i (I1t$S and uni ty or ~ ign and n ferfnt 1S OPp()sd HI the di~~ocia lcd and arl Jilrar y sj gn-gllle la lioll l)fa lllmiddotgol) I Of panicular lifelong intenl tu Ernst (ft the po-ms CS~ t ys tJld a lltgorjC~ o f Novali I II the fi ch lc S tudilu N(lva l i~ httl u Hlsid ered lilt rela tion or

l t 7 fit I H l 1gtlt(lI

5 ~ - Sn HLmmiddot odoro M If Ih I ol Ir (Ihrl n r Io rln Ilhh J l)tb 1 151

~ Umothc JaiuA I(hI~ed me of rn~(f hfdonA bullbullding 0 -11 ~ i~ (k Iter lu

hLlhtlh LclOlc 0 ell 91121- M~ dlkllraquolO(l i~ lI deb loo (0 II~

fC(Illt(r o Kn ) ~r-lu t HtNIl_ nI1 Ioudon 9lj s~

fio hlr S d 110 Stlrjinf rd l1I1 dholln ~ lId K rd Sallnd 2 lIllIlIlr~ n 1)gt5

y QUOIn t 1bullbull Iulil1 Oir Il-gtOtw- KumulIl ~I fI Poe jdcr h Ohrfllt1101nl imiddot b-ftJ IMM bull I~ 1 IjJj11_ 1 lt)OCf p ~06

~1 It_I 5ltlrrif(~~ V 282 U lln hilll prp1K(I h1I Novtlraquomiddot d~ ldk ll i

ixua Irlnllllod ~bull middotIrmiddotI1 I middot rJ dwr Ihm rr lrnrlll (Hgtrlldk ) ~H - ito UBeu PI 0 11 11gt ~MI S(itl~I I V I ~

~ 1 ttl lIml To i Was Ma_~ 1-1 Iudirl h i ll Ia ~H K~I~ P l S c r PI Ip HattltlorHrr

I~nf(n (P(t Tunlu IPlI amp nn K olVI)lJtt AtIhIJIt~ ImJ~nt I _jm (1(In EIxhllll 19031 Karl Ih(f)(lomiddot C d cru ( dritl

HMIlI~NI III Jtbtfl DISn LI n Ll(PlM 1Jf(d 1881 J eanmiddotUaud t rtbs (~ ifipp H sectn Cr ~

tIorll Frnkrun middotrnmiddotMam u Iu 1lI

IqIi l PI V~ -t3 Thrn ~r n 1I ~II i ltI h not 1 p~I1gttul r 1( in TI n oell u1f 0111 8ui chmid d FIIrjI ~I 5 ]nJ J~6rfjnnu 1 lII Di_UfJ(11 Numbl

III~ 1Io11l 6 SI h nJ ( f(tmiddotulll ll middotlulrodOIvu AItl~ry aN HprtUIIlJIIDII

PI) ~l D lan pOIfl~ ou ltlr311~~f)rr 3ltll1 mhlrm bull 11 d iflkuhy (Of ]Jqllf i Iht th (mvh d~r ~ 01 rtp~uu -n C tgtOllt~ nd In 11K rmiddotrr fSltltn~ l h~

Iu Qn I ~Icd middotPutal

bullI ~gtIOfV of PllSlVI IIpry RfIlnIllI_ p ~3)

language to th e th i [l~ il t~p rC~n l gt argli n~ t haL silllc lAng uage n rijinatcrl

l1 finding ~ i lm (or lbSl tae l conccpt~ it i illiterr l11ly nw tlphoriltl md dlceptivcn Fot I(ovali ~ fcprCC nT ll ion is a proce -~ hy which lall~utKC

fig ures (orth somelh ing lhal i ~ itself IUSI I rough tillt ln y 1(1 of being pnstlIh( If for Nova li ~ jlOmiddottry IIl ll lgt1 appro~ld l i~ual li rt ))il rot~il Inu

also zur Kunst werdcn ) ~I ne( rt hclt-~ d ll ~i I) ilwit)bly Idl shor

crea ling an illusiun uf prcsellcC where t he re is n() IH So (I IlC ( an n p n SCIl I onl y i ll ordcr 10 rcprcscmiddotnt Y alld beyuml t hi ~ lei of 1lt_ prcMnting thrrc i~ rIn absolutc ulIlcprtsctH ahk negllid y d tlcrm in ltgtd KlOu nd a conce pt or being that lt1111101 be d(~( l i hltd (111) displMcd im o c han o r darkmss cent Tn Novalis Eru~ 1 wou ld find a his tury fOl J (I lwlhiIlmiddots (ol1lcm po rIIY

argumcnt thnt all ln nguagl inn )ivcs metaphor and millndcr~t lIld ing a nd lil his d tllcriptioll of IIe cia rk nes~ Iha l sl l orc~ lip Ihl )l lOvcrh OlSlTlions Novalis~ theori fs ofl anguage uor nt oul by Pa ulhan ct1ll thC lllsck e 10 Ill

middotprlScll led by ErnST in the en ig-nuic piuolid Innn Lpprnp riltlH to NOlt1i ~ ~

sig n or 8ild

Allh~ Fin- Clear Word Ill a y be lfad in ligh l orlh~I plradmtlt ofbnguagl lild ~emury d ectption I n~ot~ r a ~ EII) is til represen w r n r pn5lnllr CJftlll pic tll re he is til t d tceiHI ho (c l hI eq n I writcs him$(lf intn IIw p ictu re through his pnouious mono~ ram 3 ~ ti l( deceived Sim il (ontig ur lI iuns or balls a nd stri ng llC a cOlIlIlon plac( of SCclllttnth-cent ury

(middottIIule lm )( rhlil l it~ sud l a~ R lJlkll h lgcns l enllOll~ Globe hanging hy A

thread IllrCa ltned by tht di vine k ni ft wilh its mOllo 1 wi ll hc cm 10 pi tccs

fIgure 18 T IlfsC l m blcUla lie modds sel up the ( lIt1 i n~Cltlst ration j oke impliCi t i ll Enm~ plin ting T he mOllo or I llIvorffcrs rebted emblrlll ha l dccei CS us a mu~cs u~ is cunsistent lth t he ide) uf lhe pli n ting iI~

an illustra tion 01 Illr (kctpt ions of thO se nlt-~ and of m imetic picllln-m k i ll~

tsdr ftigure 19)

H ard(irfit- r 01In eccen tric th(o ris t uf the e o lvill Genn a n la n ~ua~(

a nel of uuoque emhlems H iJ visio n 01 middotGrlllairl poticmiddot was illfiuencecl by Ripas rulolugifl Acia w and J atO) C algt l ~lII st ho had studied ph ilu logy an d hld la kcn a ( ou r~( o n the v c r man nomiddotd of the sevenshy

leenth lin d middotijl ltnnl h cel1111ri o l it u nivtfi ly miln I dl have Cllcou nshytered his 1 ()lk 9 I I is a~y til 11 (-l arsdlitflcr a~ it proto-sunca list

throug h Jing-u islit ~arlH ~ ill Wllld ~ amI illll(~ b) p hon ti play and nc c()r tr bi n a lioH ~ Ill hoped 1(1 drw 1)lIt h iddell ret lI1b l a n ce~ bct ccn th ings and CVl U 10 invcnt IIC W Ih ings illulllill ltinl lI lt p ro fo und rdations of I lItgulgt mpound ttoe o rld I he cullelt i gllllc-pla) illK of his C tspradtshyspick fragmcn tcd syllabic and wo rd re(()I nbined b ltliterna li m cun trishybutors to produt( unli)rt (c lI rclt I1 I1 ~ ha~ I)l iUlis afJiui lies w il h surreali~t

potti I practice H aT1gtltlu r rfCIs emblem r ai(~ a ~lmiddotnlmiddotr tI puinl ahou t em blems hile tlln

pro id e Glp tival ing rt)lism cf el ltil tl li is IP l r~ l to ensure Ie~ihilil and ough t to have Ilolhillg 10 do I ith Ihe Jl lt- I ~ lI nmiddot Urlllil1lDis A t Ih( F lnl Galf

Vorn a ~ a piclure a bout S( II~()ry cl ( p tiotl is a n ironir a llegory or ils own t1l IK1Ciri cs (0 rcprcocnt r-I(IIc hrou l- it rIilCgt ltI p roblem of aUIgory whkh Lries It) fu lly npn scnl or pi tun al) t rt( tions llUt I~ hich llIccssa ril rccals

ilS uwn fa ilure lu arw ally brillg lillih ~udl tl lill~s fgt T he da ril ) of the cmbk m sim ul ates tht gra tifJ I lir~ of I n i (J1lsi~ stl1ing up an anxi()u ~ t1t t rshy

naliun btlwctn (knxlillg wh a t i ~ IlH- u lr d eH lr dll1iC(11 dra lng and



I bull



relishing the pleasur UI) pmsibly lIli 11 1lt1 i( tJl E1l11Jk mati~ a1l0w E rn~ 1 shywho 4xprcsscd cQn tcni p l (() I milllClit a rt to negot iate bdwfcn I h~ ~I(tu(~shy

livci ) mimet ic tud ed ifying)y d i agrarnma l ic 6~

As 1 pend ru 10 AI Iht hr~ 1 elfllT kV(lrd til (ol1l g ~ L Q)QI Jl tSCIIf n ) OUIIl

girl 930 -70 (figu re 20) tu - h i1I Ems f IHu a lly added a real glolWmiddot tikc bltlll ul ltlnnil y bcar~ 0111 [he sense of the Rollen hagen l mbll Il ah hough thl di vjllC POWtf to cut i~ now invested in the tollage nist himself (o r rather Is he represents himselfilhin Iht piClUre l~ Lo ploPi The em bleshym a ti c rt lnin d n Iha l rh inbTS U( 1I1titna tcly IUIt of your hands Ihll ( oci hold~

thl ~ci ~sonbull i ~ plnyert upon hy Ernst wi lh da rk i l The introduct ion o f Lo ptop in 1910 as Ern t ~lt rtgo recaJl~ owllis diClUm The 1 1l1 li~1

preselt iLSeJ f as prcsln ting 3 Th i5 cads again to lIlt problem ()f the vict lln asmiddotil1li~i oll [ltU L()plop i ~

lI sultl lly d cscrilx-d imprf~sJli()o )jk( as introducing or p rese1l1ing tbe pic tll OfL r n il is Lop lop ~lC lillg as frl1lw o r easd who prCSCli Is a n iUlIsiomiddot Jli~li( pi clltrt ilhin lltt piUunu5 T he ~ ll hjCtI~ of tll( pi( llIn~ lI il hin the

piCHI onen have weigh t) implicJliuns I rolll1( Ililii grapes by a~sociltltion with Z tuxils gmpes im o kc piolo ri a l illusionism oa k kavcs stan d fo r (C111111 narion) islll a nd RU(k has rl ief M aJgtcilllise sla nds tor F rench nltionltl lshyiim It is as if Ihe sym boJic me ni li lS indicated b) Loplop~ piclu res t re IS i lonkally rcl ri (vaule as the pos~ihi lilics of pino ri 11 iltu~ion and flllln(i~ th they sland for alld ilh wlloh Ihey an Pcs(nt ed TI H the grI I(S a nd 1lCS

2 5 (1 TU lrAHI middot H 1(-

Fillln II ( il)r id R o)knhag~n middotClu han b II hr~d wlih (~ tr ha nd hold g a kn rmiddot ~f(~w 1hIlIIIImiddot I i-him r ~i

fi t - St Th II Kelley Rn~MI

II II(go ] II ~(IIl he If Ih~1 nl(crmst llrgor~ na k middot ldrr r~t(h n I t ~

I h on ~ l llpp1)Vdl) oljlflSCd 10 il r)w mimClibullbull his(01 )

() 2 h r hisect iIIllhn (fOlU (hi

(l hll mele mil ~ 11 arlif t ~

Ma_ fru~l jjiIMJ p I 6J - ~Mlta )iJmik ~ f ~t12 ~ct

~I )ulm P 97 (v r di (m h~

Pilamplg hvll t N(ll$ II a rl h ltlonlt4) ontt I 10( lim or ~m~IJ I1 Y 1IIIliD 11$ iltit (laquolt ~ndjd G ~ ~IJ

mulaquo el 1 rl arsd ltnd laquocu 6 s O middotRticn I lI lh Th pk utc -ithm h pintlr _tnCi as mc~rhor ru t NOali om pI ad pIIaduxinl image I l ie -1l ld h h wdun Ikin~ hll iI~) 1middotU1 ou tsid e j( as n prtlCnt tWIl

~Qligt hnJ ~ p 06 ti) - I plup~ middotad a nd eQpalt$ h~

any ~ial pr~cnlenu C( middotrrllr SIlOlt f~Qp_ rr J i( OIMt Srf LotdwI

Jlil Ik~Q 1 SI)ics I(8middotus l ~c1r ( rrma o-c is MOl Sehind s TII trti~tgt a iOimacd COnllltUl6 ~ilt5(lt rllaquot and ~il5hl-nlzot) fn~nn 0 Nlrru~fI IJaa 80

tisull 9 H lrjr Wshy nj() h Mr~t ~ 1 Itmfr U(pr~(hrIr

1644 (I


r for Jr


ikdy d a$gtltS


(J VUlliJ yenrrfttr~ I Xi In lh~

LltJII()Igtltrics t~ l ~h UlCt Ilw rompt

fMI dlilaquo (f making (hiu ~Jl llCar IU Igt I n nplJ(1 QUI of Ill()lhcr pic of PII r bdud lion which I 1lap ilh (he ambJguIjI Qf ltOt lhin hccomioe middotrl )7 S pound I) VHI Image ar bod Y dt purd aliRl1l11(llt 01 Waltt r Ikllj ~mi lt1 1 Bnlmiddot JDI(1 M8JN~IIl1iI ~ 3

Ilt)ltJI pp ~5 -H20n h~ P r bullbull II1tQl 10 11( cn blrn1 Ilr liK if IC~ t()

I)irn iocapl hle Ihe-Imiddot of middotrnln lmg meaning bullbull liegQ1 i~ 01 ju(

Olhnlll mClonpnic 5hiflil g 01 Wmanl(


art acturl lly pre~sed into thl paper 10 form ~ ha~ lr-lief h ci~hlI1~ lilt joke Oil 1h( power of piClori11 illusio1lism to hring things illlO r(l 1 d inwnsions wi th in tIll fidd o(the r iled mimesis of the ditglam l1la lic larger pi( tu lmiddotmiddot

So Cr llsts pictun may ntmiddot tl kcn 1 a n (mhemlIic prCsentation or Novaliss Bild lunel ioning as a Plfldoxi( d rlj) rc~cn l alion of 11ll fli lurc 10

flill y represc nt dealing wit h thc plOhle rn o f prcsen li l~ a pilI UII a t all and by elltensiOll wil h the )nhcllnt dcnplio ll~ of me La pho] i1lu-iol l and lan guClgc O ften representcd by a dark ell si lhouettcd htnd IS in Ioplop pminlS bullffjiifJ 1931 (fi gu rc 21) Toplop invokes Novl lis f~JlloJs d cscri pshytioll o(thc delusi(n of repr~cntlllg H( gliI-p- ollly a handful ()r d ~llklJcss ((

Loplop a~ i ll1 plcs~ario mtkcs p rescnting ~d l~co l1 c i olls hat is prestmed i ~

ahIs mediated 01 II a rnllOW like Ill( pictures Wi lh1) pic lurts losing

ground III llllIly o r Ernsts p3i nling~ W~ 11( ill the territory of cmblemalic rcprOlclllltHioT1 thost fa ilures and ha zards agaim t hi ch the rnord or motto or the emblem i~ proph~ bClieall) ~c l Ernst makes the cmble mat ic il1l agl a ll emblem orkonograph ic lnca n ill ~ itsclfb7

Tn the (middotolllgc novels ]lIginning with La Femlllt 100 [Flu 1929 Ernst dcvdops the cm blem image illlO an allf~o lka l na rrali( Tf Enhts coll agc T1ocI ~ fU llction or ma lfUllclioli l~ parodics of the pul p nov as cx lcndccl clich e the atrnosphln of popula r IlOVel movi ng- from dimao( to climax is nut (Illy char3neri sl il o f di llhangcr scrit1illd Ii (lioll bUI of high allegoric-

~ ilurr 1Q ~rJUI --QpI~ IW(1IIJ P~lIf $1

11)3)-70 ~ I tl 1 1 C 1 1 -nm middot 0 (1

1~riII-O[)1iC ( IlIn~11 locO

111)_ HI nl [ ~ l Cl middot

ril(UR 21 ~nb l Loplol fgtrr~ll bullrjlirJ 193) raquoI~ 1781 Cl 1( lt f rtI~(AIJA(f

ld SUOkAC ( Ina l ZOQO

(gt11- Ou EI and pu(p fin iou Klt Rltncc

R irlot 1 1I~rI S~JIIJ on flu 11ltgt01 Jkrkdmiddot~ od l(gtmiddotngt1cs ~ P 8

(I li ~ r)hC Olhe r(olla ((n-vcb 10 (tII~ 100 ius lltms 10 f()rl~ ~cu i t i It f J) bn pred i(1ali( ITUucm nf

dJgory thaI IhIt ir is w lhig

~-qutItLil1 and UorrdlJ d~li) irlo )PUlI lhol a 101 s~ j 1 rma ll e Iruun OrUrgurir 1 d middot middot 70 Sec RrlIll I)j kw Idol Dr (fomlr gt~raquoI4S~~ ofFm= ri( i Fi -ltir)l1dr CIIIMlt rw Yk I ondon and O d Od 7r - Ilr hundred h~dlc wumn

pcrgtoniM Ihr protlogt ofnIlt) i II blt n d~ugtltsltJ lrum la~I llt nmiddot I a ~ Old Ikrricln gtI I at OJ~ 1I OllgtII) Ic Ihin lnd b) UI huured 11Ultbl

(ltTduug Slaquo Kon Rund tbi~ oUtIII l SnfUQa flta (Slrnl

-Ill Jcq1 [xrrid I ~ Ihr ~i dr Plmon r PIQImr idd i rUf HiOn

1- 1 1jl3lt) ~5- ~1 a 1 11Ik -bn

laIlt 1111- uf P5UaSI Il 11 n 7 nLllIr Max En_ s CCIl1~ldc A Il

u~dJjJ Ju tzmis Punl of pHtdigmltK- rcmm~ Jail (tcmiddot i duo1lltcJ

j ltoul l e~ d to Ir mYIr~ de IJ Fr nn I (h rlltoum ed ilh Inrily n [J

ru~orlf J~dlnl Ul Ieh IW adl COl middot

iJ drjed in Lr M~IUf ~ (ue biod Il)d by II rah ) mllo)~ a (M from CIen dOn Imiddot ga~m

n j)()gtltt t ( du d I dClaquo1 PllfT

J1( Inl 9~3 I 3 )middot i J 1 mpu lit) is 011( ( I)utf HlT~JIJ ilIU1lruom illmlHffi by t dl~ aKI o lkmm Solaquo rhf 11rllrpIt~ of 1fIIopoilbullbull 1(0)1 ltlt 1 A I (~ bull Lltdo d3middotICl ) I or the hltad leM

m~ ~I nprt nlIVlt of the lI h~voJiud

Mltirirr5(C Ilaydcn hw T hc Ior r Idnc rll f~fJ)lgtfOlmr FHJ n

cJIllIr1 (nWi BahiOI~ 11(1 l aunn

l7ijjP r63 5

ltIS wellG8 The luadks~ OIl1an w ho c rupts iu uiflircn l forms lhrou~hflu l Ia Frllllllr X) tilu could ~ef( as a mnaphor lor Ihe d isru privt relations bel ween metaphor ltlnd th( ~cq ucn tiltt l flow of narrative charaCte ristic ( I llegory The d(vd o]lm(n l~ cnn (inui lY and rcptli li(HlS afTordcd by 1lIJTativc allow hun (0 rCClpil lLlatt S() W ~rea k hi ~ usc of woma n to personify his own Icdllliqlll

The k nmJe nud e had belfl l1l1 lhe prw niscuQu sig nifier par t udtIll( 111 nin clee nlh -nntury $ll nn painling in 1 hifh Ilt t complex it(lltirics and allri shy

hut es of any given 1 l1 cgoricld personifi cat ion WCl( Kro~~ l y sim plifin l a nd s i ~lIalled a nd in which multipl ied numbers (of ha rtm ~la v (s or OJcads) com pensa te fo r loss of indiidual s ignificalion If Ihimiddot ~a loll lIu dc finally scrvf d as a pcr~nn i fi clI ion of a n OcrT rowcltd a nd raquohdioere Sa lon itsdr 7ltgt that cltuase lllent of the aan c mil tra dil ilJll rIK ina ted Erm t as he pl ullder(d ninelecn th-cent ury j ournals a nd salrl11 (pvrl~ fOt his collage ma l( i1 1I y not one hundred headl(lO~ woman instead of onc hundred mrmingk ss oms why nOI om perrcn ly ugly hcadlc ~ Ioman (ICte de mecl us() instead of ti le rut ile Salon bca ut ic_

Tlt tlc is Ill importan t (ll ulcmalic prototype for frns t~ womln a ~ GC f(]

Rauer has notcd I rnst s fcmm e 100 t Ci I~ has a counte rparl ln L a Pcrr i i rc ~

11 T lriil de$ bQNJ en~IIS (rigurl 22 ) IhlUl1 d i~llliss~ this rcscmbk nc( agt fortu itous ImHer il is im portant Ih1I it is the Inl tllnt is c1ost-S1 10 the

Ill(ltlni nls uf Ernst s woman not till image I Pcrlicres femme is iuall y an ad ap tat ion of a lomill onpl acx Horapllll o-dlTivcd hcadle~ ma n

signif)itll( I m )JOssibili t~ presuma hly a 11 aul c~s oman l~ douhly illlpossihlen In L Pcrricrcs prcm lO he is not JJl( rely ]utdless bu r rtther Jik( Ernst s middot te mll1 f hilS I)Ulny i(kn til il~~ IqJrcst ll l(o by many heads silt is compa n d to lh e Chi n1ltl crn Girion p) hnn tll cdusa Cerberu~ and lhat l-llnicular pnmiddotc ur~or of tIl( km nw 100 Ittcs Iht H yd ra Through such proli li-ration or menning sIt( is Ih e mhkJll l i ~L~ dream emblem Lr

Pcrriercs le( nlllcludes tha t ma rc marvellous Ihan all Y of Ihc~t lll ylhic creatures middot vu lrl bt Ull(- fem me sans leu Ihe One figure who cou ld prcSurnshyably em bod y a ll hybr id mean ings in one ~ llcc in (t blll meani ngless fo rm La lclTiCr~ crnhlem may be an allegory of lhe cjlem ma of rht PO(I UIIHl Lnned hy his middot iivll~ hu l need ing 10 be a )H roi( d eca pitator a rer~(lI ~

aluivalc1l1 T hl ngrt l1a ble mora l conclusio n of La Perri eres poem is tha i woman Ilccds a guidc a ra tional hCltld a nl ltln lax pound rllst71

O n one occuion irr IAI FtnllU 100 liles Ernsl himself appearS (fi gure 13 1 III Loplop and the mouse s horoscope M attCrs or desliny fa lc a nd horoscope- are a sta ple ur emblclIl li te rat ure middotf he imge is pan of a n embleshymat ic (radiliv) in vhich caged creatures slam] ror lht ca ptivi lY and sull t ring of tIlt poel or lo (r (fig ure 24)1) Em Sl i~ agen t and nO l ca ptive 01 flt ltc however Ba n-dle~lcd he may be (rt l ra~ rfli hen a~ ltlll odur pcr~nll a uf Ihe multi-valc lll woman he carries the d isGmlrd cinllus of th at stock haraCllr of l lk gOry the haUd resscd woman RUI he holds onto h i~ hal (Ihich unlike the he-ad Ill ay be lakcn on and of 1 ) and thu s retaim for himself Ihe powcrful masculine role of the head Erusl appea ring in persOIl wilhin his tollage 110d signn ls his SWIUS as a ll-controlling novelist or em hleshymatist d lOS(middot c lvnga lcd hand CH n pluck thr- mouse Out of il s ordaiucd palh al a n) tim t Ernsl l$ a llcgorisl should Iw SitultlHd in the trdi liun ofparod ic nuvc isg incl udilg Ka lldais Charles Sorcl J cln -Pa ul R idlter and TIlOlIllS Stcrne whose work relies 0 11 a Jlet0ry to ironi ( it ~ own d tviccs~

hllur~ )~ rouU gt lt 11 Ierricn middot1 _ Fe 0lt ~Iemiddot bb(om xv Lt middotfhIQII( au flu OlU 539middot

7 t t- rr middotm i ~hlllkeuoImiddot(gtr I ~

E ts alP-1m~ ad 10 III unJinn~ Ih t middothltmiddot ~11 ome hmiddot Igill~ o nly in o 1 oj Ihem ~e ltor pmpcrl) nmn~(tcd IIgt Illfi r 1middototls tT j inllny ITrI 5I t 01 SIJ Iijt I-i 1 Ynr I)U

1middot9 i ~ Thmiddot tllmiddotd 111I)Ult if) Iro p O JPC~Il

lciII otld ~rqJlOxIUmiddotlmiddotd in I) middot~(on( ~t j oolgt C~~ middot i ~poliJ t

gtj)(lli lont tmiddotC I 111 (apia I)n1

[mill ) MUftIM~ Alh dt 11((-111

fAmSIrd I 7~ (l Damel Hcin~iul

Q I ~lD 1~J i Jm I-oIo bullt ) fo r lupid (gtIllide h ase Md P C t 1)(1middot Imbl~w tryU 1l~rd~m 6 rmiddotlmulcd Pdmburgh bulln7l) fcr Cil~rrl bini ~e ncr (Inllri ) aud cupid with ( ~cd ~uinrl 70 T ho $(lrnHmhurv au C hr[ So middotI JlhT rparodir novel a nd IIlkgori(O ( h anw rl ttlnIHomaM)

ealled iIllOIltSlion mi(Ic rda liou pc bnl(lIagc and III(Ialhor Sorer IA llalJM df ] i1Jbullbull d rih inl( illtolI (IU~1

~ ~ hltgt~d nn peI middotrh gl1_ rhlemiddot Jta~middotlIIg lt1 word altgtCUo ns loped J) hc PUWK middot~u du nall iJ a JrcLuIXlT r rnmiddot i~ ileJ[laquoIU311Dt~s 5lt ( hI M rd u II ~ 1f(J n1~ (Pn_ (pI rcpri lro Cmiddotneva I In) I II calte oflh coU~ lt rImmiddote1i trn auhial IU-altAO Pli middotuJarly ho hOj( mlhlt (crmA n KumlIi J~- lJul Ridner middotbose H)15 ltt Imiddot) hd raquoPlltkd I nnch IlIor41)middot all(nlion ~d Ih adlDlI-llluU o(j (l ll Ia l h ~ and Atdtt ISr~lt)n middotIltmiddot wen 11 Y lr1nd lrlIlt I io lfj~ ln-I HI Kichllr$ nmlk a lllorio rI narruvlts I U ( muhIImiddot l oice IUd idrmiu(l SU)tgjOgtjl

Jm~(1 I(dnn lues Ihe T j l aIS lisr of nI I~ImiddotrJ1 puion of his nilId I$n

ort o(lXlI EI ~ 111lt he r1l lo h-ough Ihe quouditn _orld in JAIrun(

1M IbN ~~ t altga rtl H ale II ~f

Olxron SdiOQlj Afi1)ullu 1)~ 1nil 91) and Claulk jich i I middotmJ~ lit 71~-I fJJJ1 (~ J(IIU l~ MIjalllUt llnt 1963

I ~urc 3 M~ ~ rnst middot[plol 1 ii(

uy hor)s(ol In 0 1(1lt lila

9~9 SI1 1st II rlduL~t Igty ponniion [r I~I (II I n T oronto Rampn-oce Lbr~ry

17 Osk P(lltak lkr hcmige ud I Ioliphilw Ir~ J ldK 1 tA(rifll~ UlIll A KvI~m~b(

191111431 Ii for h~ Qfih lok hUllIuand Irlnlt[1gt HI(lIMlultin Pp~tl cd Gm P U md LUCla A

Cil)pom (Idu ~I fl - Lrw ~lIfsk) r~frrnl o Rtlla~nCt Nlt)middotpl aJJojonn~

xt ufpopular ga m ltco mparabk 10 vulgn plmiddotd n I~j middotNllatomc ilocltb III ~kgtr~c( ud Norh I al) Ul Sl~d It 1(middottI~l i lew York 972) p 1 1) i~ 1 I 1)QoinofdlSlllcIllOcrtlt in

he I[TIlI mtd~ 1 er(l~ lll1cgo~ I RUI~ JlnlJJ( i~ p l lrll l~rJ r r(Ie 10 rn( mltlll(j in 111 1middot( IIlI) lil() 110 ( Ihe tMLion of~~Irn wel of N~ro dlrnwwcJiinli oflus md i I h )

iod)e he ocau t ~ Qf hcr lionl iU od nrnliltrsmiddot and lu JltO lo( It(f lone he wa concelvcd are ofpITlkuLu i l~ $

nplt(illl~ sitlclt lhry fill fn lt1 ~ b~l~ dWUI ntmmg lid ]altuale s Uvid f

1luI 1 Sr lt1 (l i l1lcmbtrmcfll bo-hlrd On8 lUI dl Romoon or d~ RQII( III RtUtiulIamp lIteR all rk 14 ~ I ~I l ffl(ll( RIIon ~I i rw] d ja II UOI IhiJadclphlltl (992 ) Pl

30 0 jlllnn tQlran ltk M cu ~ k NIn I fa ~ rm Illjo to 970 $tt

II tIf M Arde ll 1 h( Wfllan d I~ (1I 1e

~ Iw wIlJ IJlblQgrap~~ (N~ i and 110 111(93)

Ik Clo rillunc Hclt cl I wny ltImiddotn ud kit I I a~ KInr ~ rbull pJra bull 01 lor lum~ all gklt amI r~rman I (Ik mi IIulltlin 74 1lt)921 pp II I gt

Er ns ts prpuhioll of die r mb1em illlage inlo I 11lt1r rnivl seque nce (an al~ l

be si1u3led in niltlI io n I() Ihe illuSlri1cd Renaissance alkgory hieh ~ ltlS an lInpo nan t SOll r( li)r all sli bsequen l crnl1cm atisLS Colo II Tl i HYJllrtOlfmlfldljn

Poliphilii7 I t I)tsin witll a d r() 111 alltl i ll middotu l v (~ endkss nCliphtr lll(n l o f environm ents a nd obj((ls th ilt rc~onall throughout EIIlSI 1 0Uale Ilods d lboraldy symholic gardcm IIl WluC r ums h icrgl~ ph s 1 st atile or 1n d~pha nt Ill th it incidC llt5 (Perscus bchead ing of Innt htr 1(1I1 n1lt Slt1n ~

[C tc yled us ) ltlil t lhe tr i u rnph ~ of va rious gods li nd ll1coulH cr~ wil h fcma le pcrsonifiC4l io ns such ltIS Iht middotfi lmiddot lgtCIlSIS ofd wlTI E rll ~ L s 1i]1lnw 100 [ClcS IS A porli liant Cl U pcrsli fiettion Colonnas n )d g llmorizccl

lHroiciztd ll1d narralivized int t lp rt lal iull knd i n~ il ~ Ilr 1 g-lttmcs of m ea nings like v illga r pS~fhoa nalys is If [ rlisl realkgorits till tlIlda rd allcgorYil~-ltl n I1 Il then he dut~ so in way~ lha t preclude HI high mora l or iludlcctua l positions n (sting thc psychomarhia with lttil C)Imiddot 10 p~ychomiddot ltt l ml) q s tu rn ing Ihl Stnsua l cneha nt Hwnts ot snluctivc ~cI4 p i( middot(lS to qtlcasil UIIIla lizcd violcllt ltlud sexual d tSires I il lra r surreali sm IBre(on lIdia

Aragon s PIY5(1II dr Puns) could rel y un the sca AoJd i n~ and d evin s of allegoric - t he d ream vi~ion ) th l peri pau t ic li n o mo in~ 1hroug h a Lil y of m ysterio us (lbjCClS 1l101lum~II IS a nd (I)couiliers I hl~ W I)I11 lt11 1 uf Ill u ta bk idenlilY references 10 OIIHr works of arl and lillfa tlll t nd Soon t rnsa also d eploys the devlrc-s of literary a nd pk lOria l allegury dndging 1I 0 t only emblem bouks but ahl) die g rea t lite rary dkg(lric~ liorn tlw RomfI fir n (0)(

to Colunna to Novcli s lIlcl jieltkl

C hristia ne fi end in lro r key st ud ) ofmodlit lisl a lkgory has argUId thaI Err1~t relinq ui$ h (~ hi s a u tho ria l a ut hori lY in 111 F rllllllt J ()() l i l( allowing hi~

1111lgCS a rad ica l inck ptmiddotnclcnnmiddotp II cUl lld 1( arlued r Ol1v I-dy Ihlt

EflIH pa rod y fu netion~ in a n opposil(middot ay tha i Ir i~ wrc nching or imilL~ oul of l ll tmiddotir Mig- inal 1 )lI tex l ~ i~ a n 1gt 111 iw ill asserting ah~olutc and arbitra l) cuntrol OIr Ih( mh rial Ernst s images Id ) 011 re11l na nl ~ ofl hci

r igi lIa l Ill lltllli ns and los t tQllVCll ional contegt llgt ill hich I he) er( meant

tJen E ADEM c AN TI L NA ~--~--------------T~ ~~

to hi ( lcdihh il luslmt i)M vI S( ll tiic d evt l oprne nL~ na tural phcllomclla lr ltg- il t ric k ~ or rq)l( )(ll((i()f ~ IJf wrh Ifart l a lld lhis al o nce aJlo l~ his (1 11 man ings 10 SCIlll irraLio li a l and lilcral cd a ll d 11 the ~am c limc 10 be c lI npktdy su hjugald U) lht ve ry lI ovell) a nd allom a ly of thcrr tnvironshynlt ll l 1111 a~e lnl )l cd tiag llH l lts o f Ernsts cullages a lT n~ idual evidloCe of tl w Iulhor ily tu UIt Hilli CIII m Clo ll YJlJic pow(J or lite and dealh

arg lla bly IllI very I ppl)~ i t e ufCUI Li l ig loo~e or sellin g liTe

I n his 1l illaI Ilm II~ Enl L l o 1ll111i t lt synLacli cal rape tiXl uctlllg Y()Illll

fru m ti ll eO lltc 1 ()( ~I I joulll als Il K) il ion rt pn~ in whidr 511( represhy

l1t(O popu lar p a int iJlgs cflg ravltl ( r nJa~s a udiences I n I ll s u r k sh e

may 1 1llhOirl y mct unymic hssi pl i (l ll~ or II H ull ing hut ~It ~middot al so rCjJfCSClIb

E tn~ l s own lonir 10111 1 tn CUI and asipn rk~ a h it p in l piaYIT lilCI lIy a ppea ri ng ill hibH WI mi g h l also ~ lJ Spcc l Erns l of viciously

i te ra ling nin( lcclllh-nIl LUry lh eor ies r Ih e cmpall ric ~yOllJ 1 lt1 ~ lhe ( 1111)l)lliIrwl1l or our OWII pir yif1 lllrcqJl i ns J I u ~t~ his all tgtgory of sigm r1i ~od lItd from pir y~kal rdrll l ~ prClieiy as a fi eld in whi c h to dj~ru pshy

tivd ) i lllt rjtcl th l OCtasifHlal irY PlCIilicaUy d(plo yed rull ~ym bol with iL~ supposed ltlli lY illl i L~ rciirenl c jJre~ell tcJ by the 1)(J(h of l he Ilom an 1n the eli (k~ Ch a nTS chap lc r a l thl e nd Ill Url~ Smwiu de lfm f a fi gulc flmini s(nt or Fortuna noats ill Ihe air gTad ua lly li-cc ing

h (r~(lrorlllr a llrihulls ()f whcci Ild ~ i l (fig un 1) 11 t lihCra li ol1 Sill ce Fort un a luore It tuall ) hfCOnHS hrr wh(ei mi nl1ll il by htT l1nlr ed bac k ltIS an h Yllleric and l lso be(on H~ h cr sail hlo wn throug h lhc ~k y her

It rib utes cOIl in ue to be co nSl raining Ind pn middotMmiddotlIt a bsorbed ililu her bud y and gestu res sugg(q illg tht am hig uolls 1l lIratiom a nUrd (] 10

oma n by Max Ernst8t E IIISIS USf or h is maltri11 r(li~ o n Ihe inhc rl1I1 bililY or ollhgory l(o

rtal k go liltmiddot T radit iona ll y rlallcgo riwl ioll ltrllnnl a profan t I(x t or till past 10 h( as assimi la ted in w a n acccp lt hlc y~tlm f moral va JUIs (Vi rg il s

FSllIr( ~4 DlIIid Il cU$ius Emblrm(1Q liqoIAM I lKkn 161 5_

8 _ s~ Ili k Rot R iAamp Rm(

~d lhr jd I~Q~ ()PfigtiL ICbrid and Nrw Yrk 1991-deg flt -lt middotmiQlif - Iha l Inko 2 olll1Q f)f on_ B ~ h lth Rampk]o nxcnl

lUal of Wafbuf(t Iho l1h l in Irrm

01 th ROmMlIl( ymLgtoI unil) f ud dcrem 1 I OPpogtlti IO lI~ry

( hrpertI_~ ~~crnn f ltI s diS300C ialed fro I nfrro1 I i Rob- ~h(fempl l h lrmiddotplio)J Iheon pmiddotI) U lelkI1 pn~uen apphnl tk 1ltgt ~msl tSpltcirJI ) in I ~s pogtr

t uitwc1 Ihron ltl _ Iuh w R l loy rum symbol 10 Ilkfurv Ahr WH) i~

I r- hi Rd I~ 9971 pp ~ 6 R - [hr R iL [[ ul n has ro n Iholt u l

I hru~Ir iuI O) the unk o n wh re laquogtn~ ol Ir~cdm Pfnar p_ ~ 1I1

B I S~( Thn 11 Kclk~ Rmnwtlme Hlqo for tillt applicll ble ~ of In t allctUlxal wun lorn (e ee aUraCUOl) d ll r lnla$ 11 ltI- illual suctched l ~ lI l i Ihi [K w1ir

ltlc 1(o ~dukd from lClion and hj~llt) ry

bu sgt( f)1 g Ihe n -rgt d s he

cmand p Sr Th~ro i 1 or~1 1ltl io of witel )-r tr r lt~ltoI 1gt 1 mln m~y 1- takc -lt lIl rlaphO)f Ruolnlr E Kun1i S rrooti d I js(~ and R o l~rl llolI - n ~prknjo(

illo fo-k-J t] air ltli_ r II

fmiddotm lc (lITe) i SHlrJm and 11 010lt1 II A tw~ Rdolf t Kucn7li and Gwe Ra l~rt ICambllJgc l1i I99I) PPmiddotJt alld S T Imiddot lo ockiu Em ilS or ~ oflC n Ii mCIgttIraquoHgt1 dqI)eJ In ~ h a w~r Ihl 11 CIOI li meu Ulcrlgthunc~ Jly In 1- Riu d~~r

(MIIft~ q~1 lIOuilil ~w Carmd nr Imjlt Igtarod egt t~lcX fatlo~ ~al

jgtuu lJ rtut I(rl) IJ t 1ra 8 Ihemiddot Ie ~IgtIi OIl y 1 t ~atnlt11 1lISt llIil le Scl~h) snd amud ~kinl lt hTifingl) lilltrd I Iht~ ill IH rroh meal fur lo~ l i~ lone rol1 ~middot

l~diqlJr$ mlldr 1111) Hr)(tT) I

r~rn(rl i 1ltgt Ihe hwwir jlgt]al~ el~ hcll

il1lh( l1ltrvrl

(1 IS 1IX lrngtl 1 SmIltllN d amp 193i 0 Max Erllsl 1iI)AGP Van S()DRiC ( Monlrc~l ) 2f)(l(1

l )n IIC Ilupon Of Ih allraf R~~ru 11 (1 I 1$I~ Lolhu I -hr I J~ middotIn Rp jhd bd 11hII hI p HI

Fourh RetI a~ II I( milling of Chris l O vid l l-lrfall(Irphorrr lllorali7cd In

lmJOlIls such h J Hoh CI~ the trials of the lo ver could lJe rca 1go ricd a~ Clll hlnll~ of Chri sia n ~ u(fe ring ltInc co nrilltll cc Ernst reverses tlw prol(~S

dc- morali - ng a llegories In 7 110 dlidren 1IIII1fI(ld ~I (j 1I~lthtillg(h (fig ure zfi ) Frnst lak es U middotidilI1 IIIc(lrlJorphi rape (G anIlH-ci (S ta ~lc Phi lo mcl as

nighting-uk) oul of its repose in spirit ua lizing me taph or as ill (k Kellnincks landscape in h( Wallraf Rir-ha rtz M useu m i ll Cologn( (figure J7 ) ()j emulems sl ch as Hat1idorlhr s in which lit ra pe of Ganymede is rfJllcgoried as the sou ls I ~CIIH lo Cod ( figure 28 )83 Ernst rc t urTl~ Ihnr lo d leir Tl)n l ~ ill ~cx ual viok IlC( hi (h in tu rn S[ ltlnd~ ror the revcnibk hltrU a mi a mbiguous g-round underpinning the provtrh t ln bl cm or allegory

Equally td ling is Enl~ts d ia~rammui( ada platio n or h(rme lic emh lemata in O this mIll rIIIlI kll )w rlO lh lllg 1924 ) I II the paintillg ami II

tIle pl)cm w ri tte n on thl had (a parudy of Ihe oJllo()gical ~ylllhII S Il I I

fi~u r~ 26 Ernl I fUtJ1 mnlilwi ~ II

lllhlmCiJl 191 1 S(1 66I C 1 - r 1 D (t risI ~OI)KC J vumiddot~l l j


th e Hmrfll fd Table of H crrn(~ Trisrn egistu s) Ermt reallt~orlZ(middot ~ the hermetic ~ym bulis ll1 of the nlilrual lini li7atioll of d ivine and cit rddy IS a Freudian middotprinwl scene of gigantic li m b~ and scmiddotx ual pa rtgt Both pa imi ng md puem become rcpr(sntltHion ~ oC the unfu lfill ed n vi ~nging of a n such thing In Ernq s vcrsion the Oedipal a nd Ihe gnolt1l ic an oronc frustratccl substance ltlnd (be power oftbe allegories of h enl1tticism ltIhbaiisrn and aklHmy lies in perpetual d ef( lrd of the d tsircd gol J tl6 Ernst ~ emblem fllnc tioll s more

b roadly illi a scq gtt icai fi gu ration of tht a bil it y of images lO represen t hal IS envi $ioncd or desired in dicating Ihal a ll $lI h em blems ct n only he a sun0 fH l flIT hatt middotcr one an t ~ to know attl in o r rcprcsen Lft7

OJ (Ids 111m sllall kn)1L Mlhing a lso ~ ig na l s its own iconogn lJ)hic history especially tts allu sion to Caspar David Fricdr(h middot$ clllblem tie CrOJS ill Ih

Iounltlills a key work in Grman Roma ntit- dc hIIltg about Iht rela tive fok~ of llIegory and Iandscapc III Erns t as a rl ild er of C ( fman Romil Tlli t~ i~ ltl

would re U 1Il 10 these wpie in his la ndsca pe pai nLings aga in and again Crr)JI ill 111 t1ollll oinf is a lso shadowed by a t( Xl n passage from Ludwig T icck 5 allcgorital novel Fran SI-illbaMr 11middot(lIULmmgrll (J i 98 ) Jnom

26(j ) middot1 ~BImiddot rH ) T I d 1

60 I 1m c (lislt uW(1 Iht twn l1 t timiddot itl~gcry at t~ ngl h ill M~lt Emi l middotI ht 1IJdw(UtI1iJliI

SnllrJ 11 a i - l OCIshy87 Uml middotn o Ero diilltu~ 1he rdu iolll I)( twu h~rn 1l l k svrn lgtol- 1Il in which middotevcry middot~pr ion is a (nignlll hal middotk runlwt ~mgma middot and ~Jr n cconltlructimiddote ~nlys3 as in lini l~

defendJ in middot(n limited scmi III d rili in T ht Ib oJ hllffpWalio Ill n -I--j

fI8 smiddot cJ(m~ (l h W ocn rn ~I( Jaru F~d nnd It ~b1J ~f I muigat ~cw U and Lvndon 1 99lt)~ Karin V()n ~llo lJr ntel thO rrl ll nf (~$7 In 1M -WOIIIIIgt 10 Ern middot lUUlI1 OmJ~(Ilt1 III middotMao b ns l a Rvmlll1ic~m middot M n Enul A Rtl~pnl~ ~ I Werner Spict l t omlo 199 1)

I II~ ~7 K d~ K cunn~k Iuhf rvtJh IM~Io~ fj lt-1IJVdt r gtn leI

dllrf Kgt(hHIZ I ~ l

8iJ bull 1gtlt I g T irk Fwn~ SlmNt11b

11 middotJn~(n Hmt ~ lldIcAt (mll1~hlt

~I lj(h gt)6I ~ p gtgII

J) ~ee 11 0 ~bn lagtlt I Allqlr)

oflrlllll$iol)middot PI 6- 7r lhr dhl1 l1lt IK hr omlll~1 d(h nlll(11 (III ud h ~

ltill u~Jui ncall y I ~nd lor thillgt IcJ rly 1rs ign~II ~lId Impic ddinlun ul rourrlS luch as li lliemiddot h I(ll no h hI l (~ Ii lt mcill ~ tur middotC)middot ll la IIllt-SIKn a (1(11011bullbull 1 H turn jn I(raquolt ru lUI lTnp ~~i 1g ~1 I r

roukl hi ~r~lJ od tlbull ( Ihi Ik nrngt i~ made lllcmllll UKOf)~ Fr ~cl7rh c r) hMd lU lOll ~ Il ili K r nger through $1(middot togt tI ohjrl i( lria 10 judiCII

91 - GltQ rl 6atai llt Solr a ll~middot Fis rif fXt~s SI_rlJ I Im~~ P7 t)39lli

113 $Iodd Minapo l ~Jl lp XIV

1 lt1 6 12 ioIar ~nu p IJ Halaillits 1Qcom )Ir rollinS (m Ih bullrf r lw ~Ml h [ ~ [ I llt imal(vfltouinuous mC l~lor]lh mal p l y i1a d l5ori llJOII lOr tllti M the locornoriH r ltI hl$l)ry lt]uOI(d in aUT

III-rljolmirgt (r SdiJ 1 rlrHn-1 n- I irl 1974 p 1 ~3

illcidcn t the youn g a rtisl F ra il i~ st ru ck by a pa iming llr a l be scc~ in a hn lll it lUll a IlOCIlIIIMI lan dstltl pc ill wh ich a cr ucifix Ull a hiJl i ~ illll m ishy

na llti by IltI ) S o f moonlight The he rm it ex plains Ihat tilt crucifi is a po inte FingcI7cig ) to Ilw ~pjri lu d wurld beyond the faJ lc n world of lla tu n T o Franr ~ o bse na lioll O ne cou ld ca ll th i IMint ing an a lkgor)

the IIn ln il answers All an is JIlt-go rict IIoJ

T IH middotFingcrJeig iI) Ixpbli necl by th e h~rrn it to F ranz S lt rnbald point s not o nly to Iht spiri tlla l but also 10 thlmiddot pr (~cllce of J ll egor~ iblf As a li ter indlx a sho wi ng ha nd o r jJ ~ i l1ting fi n~cr tht Fingerrig i ~ a ~ tJplf

or i Ihlems II is Oimi larly In ade li ter1i b) -l a x E rn)1 t du slig ma tied ha ncl f1 oatin~ in f r OTH of th e lt ruci fi xiOthl~ middot prinM I ~NtJ I Herc it indicates linmiddotth er bu t not Im llscc ndCIH [l)callings90 In E r ll st s painti ng lh t ROlllit lll ics cruci fi x lS alkgori la l poin hr to a hig her nal rn sim ilarly

i tl n l c~ a landscape of d a rk Illowltai ns a nd il eawnly fil ) S IHl I fur the

COltj UIl Cl ivlI o f redemp ti ve c ru cifix a nd ill urnin at iug SUUS(t in Fricclricbmiddots pa inting o r truci ft x and moonlil-h t in Tillkmiddot O novel Ern$[ dark ly ~J bs l it uLes

copulat ing limbs and the bloc ked rays o f a IUllar refipSt Ermls lmiddott nblema tic painting alt Frifeirich s had don ra i se~ p r0 1Jicms or

cnTlIl lllporar) a lkgory When G lf)rges Aatai ll e- turned tn alr-IItm ica l )slIllllng in 192 7 he did so in I( rm~ that almamp t com icH) m im i Ernst s d csul Itmiddot c lltra ilmiddotfilled landscapt 1111 earth middotcovtrtd wi th vuk anOIs hich SltJoT a~ iLs a n us is driven in iL~ rota tion by lhe male ~ha rt ]l tlttraling 1 1 11~

laquomiddotma l- alllJ a lmost t lIl irely (merg ing ill o rder 10 ree n tcr like Ih( piston~ of ~ 100o mo ivl

JI i~ the 1Ilf(ha nical Oll ll)il ltion n(] t ll morm t inn~ of thes mOtmcn t ~ Ihat th~ ak htmists soll~h t 1 I hI philosoJlJ t ~ ~IU Ilt ~

This nWfhJlist jlmiddot cop ulatiu 11 hudcsqu e~ t he vmiddotn ji) UIIl1n ioli o f allegory th e

ltlnagogir 11 wrh of r() rrcsponden(c~ and rtmiddotst ]tlbl a nct~ lIlt middotcopula that li~

one thi ng- 10 a noth n ill lang ua te all Cl witt g ) 11 thin) to be visibly co nnCfted Ha lai lk s a llcgvrical luvers will mve r fi nd ilnythi ng but parrxlic i magc~ l11d Ih ey will [ Il l asieltp l ~ empty a ~ mirrun Wh en En tail k

fu rther GlUs lically mcdita ted Oil the gno~ tic roo ts Llj Hegel ia n ism in Ll)ll~

ma teria li smt c t Ie g nllst ( 1930) p ropus in g a k~ l abili ing hcadl es~


a J1q~ory tha i would elimuatt aJl h ilTardlic11 ~ ~ t C IllS of rdtn lllc indud ing ~implistic rcv( lltals or blst ll ld idea l o r CXq-lt1l 111 llt1 1 lnrl ltlcrUllcn lll he wa addrtR~jng is)llc$ irnpJiL it in Of Ihis men lInll knOll IWlllillf 91 H ()wcvcr heelIlsl Erns l middot ~ all egory ( nds to Ill p a ll)l it i( depcnds on just ~ll (h illvcrshy

~j ()m ilnd reve rsals of hig1 and low Old is a t a re mov from Btl taillcs infla111ll1110ry ()I)f ll-f llded hd lltaded en terprise

E nHl$ im ages a re often d riven by this undermining of thcir (IW ll sourn-s of lJowc r fcp lescnliug hotb II((i r own ~ la luS a nd i1lSIlfjicilIHy OrtCll they

assu me tht appearallce of (lnhkrlls wh ich as concieusetf o r short lr and ig ll ~ of aUTho rit y ~a n c ti fi ~d by t rld ilion art disrupted hy Ewstmiddot~ illtruio n of thc n ltllll r 1 LIld ~e)( u t l rhc n dllcti t middoti~ua l 11I11ouage or cmhlcms lcnd~ t o ltlrd hrogaliun 111(1 fimiddotag11lClltlliun Ih ich LntSl n alu raJiz~s likening Ihe Sllll1X of fj middotrgnWlll3 Iioll 10 (lperatjoT1~ (lil lbe hod y lt bull rile tru ncalLu pa riS a Ird Ii 1111 ~~ or Of IhiJ lien shall know Iohing arg uauly J u clc 10 th t ~ceri ng lIId te lldt n liou~

reconstruniom of tht e mhknjs [anllJage o r aut hori ty a rClruc luring of Ihc

sy mknloche lim hs a lrcldy prnelH in v i ~l1 emblems Througbout his canlt r Ems would dltriV( double prestige flOlll disrupting lhe COJlv(middotnlions of hOl h a rl a nd li tcrJ fl1l middotf iro lliing his au thoriaJ role as bot h a rlis and poel Emblelll s a rC1 ft lilc ground fur ~uch opT3tions k ndi ll g tlwm~clvu 0 ditorshylil)m or he reci prxa lIldi(a tion s or eX T lIld image which anmiddot Ihe STarling

point nfalJ tgory

Ac kn o wled gement

S l l i(j ll~ of thilt papa H r( pncn l(d a~ Ielt tlJT(~ iI conjullclinn il l Max Em~I

rc ll1(nary ehiiJninm Ihe RnlJ ncl 1(nr()X Memorial JccUrc U Il l T a(middot ( )11)

(1(11 middotmff A Ul IrIJJf(ct ll ItJ91 -J) lI lId II M 01 i (Ilal pound7110 O(lff( 11111 Ihr Duwn oj

hguw middot 11lt~ ~ 111lgtltlorHr hnwltim ltr (10( lOH 9

ll G~1 1 1~ l k 9Jo 1Iy tnillcril ilm 01 11l()oSn bullbull n uollgt ~f fj(w ll 11 52 amp0- M l=nmiddot w middotn I rltult~ ~ rKumrnt d ~ 1 ~ her IkuJamin a~ flll~ (ltI by II~Ilt ml II ~nljsL in rn 8 to auK 1 1~middot ul~r l an L~n ur Silllplilll ~I bat ~ J Ilrl~1U

rell t huugh r he dmiddotIIrymclll of d~lthi IiLinl( pmiddot(hootvtic laquogto ep tgt url ~ s Ielcnnimmo tm r1m~crltt ~m gteJmlt IImntllw I l middot~fI Rll1Ifl1l twlllv Imis ~f )m(alUl lin(I~I illrrkdtmiddoty u An~lc

M IAlodlt 91l 11)) U[ i -l lt)1 - I lt-nd ubstmiddotmiddotmiddot- rht Ire rn~l i u Ul uf Illor lt1 Fm~ (J Ii i fnuc lr Crlt Ihl1 t ho- lifl ugtd rmiddot]m of poundrnsl middot~

lIuc nod ilmhil(1)omh g(ndcrltl h gtvlnL ~ n rh mo (h hypcrholic

Dio cjOCulH1o11 orsl) rl-d~n jm1tf(cry1gt il dO(lt i lli fmltle ~aC11l nr [[00lt1 orgmiddotoonldltG1IHllion al 11 0( Immigt ufth aULhOl tlgt hi~ E rol$L is aJlj~1 llIh GltltX B tll lltmiddot hnnlcnz ~u nf llcg) 11gt1$(111 (~I L ory 111-1 111 in middotSoI ant S l ~r fter u ~1Jtn in capl1on i ndirat~

oJ ddo-nce I n nn SPIf (lIKI

r nn1h~r nd sigi ~ L k Ma~ middotrn1 O~f IllOJ ob middotCologne 9i)- ) in uch fll nh(r ifnrm~lin ( laquo(mns I r ~lO ( C ~d locatiOIl may bc tu

il(ure 29 Em1 OJ I middotun shall (Mil

-h~~ 9 f SLl 63middot C 1 Ernni I IJtI 11uJSODRAC (MlHHrc~j l


S1Irrwlism 9lt)3 ) J 11m gl~Hdn l for lho ltc o pport uui l itl 10 (Olls ider Erns to l roCesso r

CI i~ toll wr Crn middotlI ImfCi J oh n Gl)ldi uS Prorr~Ylr Willillll Cmfi~kl and the

11 011 Fod a tio 10 11middoti r va middot i)l1 ~ lt1 g middotn n)lCgt d vicc I 11olIIk Sllzar rl c Ak bari

r l d~(f l)cre nhI Joyn GOKl(i n E rhan Jd l Kavalc lmiddot and M E Vnr lic k

Page 18: Only Half Saying It Ernst SCAN

h gumiddot 17middot l rnSl II Ihl FII (lro l1pd 1 )~3 I t bp (I II ~ L m ltlift))G P

1 1 lri~ OUolAC -110laquo1 ltOOO

In to( context of thi ~ pa rt ieulM di~lullsjon of s(n~ttiol II 1t1 Ni l f d J(lmh

lhe hypolbeli cd Fltudi an melning~ nf E rnsts Ilugcrs and ball in tensify The fea f ( castfa linn II lre is dJ ierl 0 (middotO fl~i (kra lion 01 The npITicHclt of pai n and pkhurr di sltussrd fl y Did r rol and the decept ion orthe senses ~ lldy ra ~

someth ing to d o with j urlgill l Ill( dtcp tiolls of illu ~ion is t 111 with the picru rc itsel f alld (implii t in Ihe Ictltl~ ()1l11ed Ily gtIring wd hnger wit h llie k((middotplio ll ~ ufl ang uagc

Beyond UidcrOl til( fou nd ation fror Emsts rlecplion 0 1 El uan] lnd Pau lh tnmiddot~ a rgumen ts about languagc lay in ( enIt 11 Roma nt ic dcba tcl ltlho ll t till ~rn bol ith is full ex p1l~s i (I1t$S and uni ty or ~ ign and n ferfnt 1S OPp()sd HI the di~~ocia lcd and arl Jilrar y sj gn-gllle la lioll l)fa lllmiddotgol) I Of panicular lifelong intenl tu Ernst (ft the po-ms CS~ t ys tJld a lltgorjC~ o f Novali I II the fi ch lc S tudilu N(lva l i~ httl u Hlsid ered lilt rela tion or

l t 7 fit I H l 1gtlt(lI

5 ~ - Sn HLmmiddot odoro M If Ih I ol Ir (Ihrl n r Io rln Ilhh J l)tb 1 151

~ Umothc JaiuA I(hI~ed me of rn~(f hfdonA bullbullding 0 -11 ~ i~ (k Iter lu

hLlhtlh LclOlc 0 ell 91121- M~ dlkllraquolO(l i~ lI deb loo (0 II~

fC(Illt(r o Kn ) ~r-lu t HtNIl_ nI1 Ioudon 9lj s~

fio hlr S d 110 Stlrjinf rd l1I1 dholln ~ lId K rd Sallnd 2 lIllIlIlr~ n 1)gt5

y QUOIn t 1bullbull Iulil1 Oir Il-gtOtw- KumulIl ~I fI Poe jdcr h Ohrfllt1101nl imiddot b-ftJ IMM bull I~ 1 IjJj11_ 1 lt)OCf p ~06

~1 It_I 5ltlrrif(~~ V 282 U lln hilll prp1K(I h1I Novtlraquomiddot d~ ldk ll i

ixua Irlnllllod ~bull middotIrmiddotI1 I middot rJ dwr Ihm rr lrnrlll (Hgtrlldk ) ~H - ito UBeu PI 0 11 11gt ~MI S(itl~I I V I ~

~ 1 ttl lIml To i Was Ma_~ 1-1 Iudirl h i ll Ia ~H K~I~ P l S c r PI Ip HattltlorHrr

I~nf(n (P(t Tunlu IPlI amp nn K olVI)lJtt AtIhIJIt~ ImJ~nt I _jm (1(In EIxhllll 19031 Karl Ih(f)(lomiddot C d cru ( dritl

HMIlI~NI III Jtbtfl DISn LI n Ll(PlM 1Jf(d 1881 J eanmiddotUaud t rtbs (~ ifipp H sectn Cr ~

tIorll Frnkrun middotrnmiddotMam u Iu 1lI

IqIi l PI V~ -t3 Thrn ~r n 1I ~II i ltI h not 1 p~I1gttul r 1( in TI n oell u1f 0111 8ui chmid d FIIrjI ~I 5 ]nJ J~6rfjnnu 1 lII Di_UfJ(11 Numbl

III~ 1Io11l 6 SI h nJ ( f(tmiddotulll ll middotlulrodOIvu AItl~ry aN HprtUIIlJIIDII

PI) ~l D lan pOIfl~ ou ltlr311~~f)rr 3ltll1 mhlrm bull 11 d iflkuhy (Of ]Jqllf i Iht th (mvh d~r ~ 01 rtp~uu -n C tgtOllt~ nd In 11K rmiddotrr fSltltn~ l h~

Iu Qn I ~Icd middotPutal

bullI ~gtIOfV of PllSlVI IIpry RfIlnIllI_ p ~3)

language to th e th i [l~ il t~p rC~n l gt argli n~ t haL silllc lAng uage n rijinatcrl

l1 finding ~ i lm (or lbSl tae l conccpt~ it i illiterr l11ly nw tlphoriltl md dlceptivcn Fot I(ovali ~ fcprCC nT ll ion is a proce -~ hy which lall~utKC

fig ures (orth somelh ing lhal i ~ itself IUSI I rough tillt ln y 1(1 of being pnstlIh( If for Nova li ~ jlOmiddottry IIl ll lgt1 appro~ld l i~ual li rt ))il rot~il Inu

also zur Kunst werdcn ) ~I ne( rt hclt-~ d ll ~i I) ilwit)bly Idl shor

crea ling an illusiun uf prcsellcC where t he re is n() IH So (I IlC ( an n p n SCIl I onl y i ll ordcr 10 rcprcscmiddotnt Y alld beyuml t hi ~ lei of 1lt_ prcMnting thrrc i~ rIn absolutc ulIlcprtsctH ahk negllid y d tlcrm in ltgtd KlOu nd a conce pt or being that lt1111101 be d(~( l i hltd (111) displMcd im o c han o r darkmss cent Tn Novalis Eru~ 1 wou ld find a his tury fOl J (I lwlhiIlmiddots (ol1lcm po rIIY

argumcnt thnt all ln nguagl inn )ivcs metaphor and millndcr~t lIld ing a nd lil his d tllcriptioll of IIe cia rk nes~ Iha l sl l orc~ lip Ihl )l lOvcrh OlSlTlions Novalis~ theori fs ofl anguage uor nt oul by Pa ulhan ct1ll thC lllsck e 10 Ill

middotprlScll led by ErnST in the en ig-nuic piuolid Innn Lpprnp riltlH to NOlt1i ~ ~

sig n or 8ild

Allh~ Fin- Clear Word Ill a y be lfad in ligh l orlh~I plradmtlt ofbnguagl lild ~emury d ectption I n~ot~ r a ~ EII) is til represen w r n r pn5lnllr CJftlll pic tll re he is til t d tceiHI ho (c l hI eq n I writcs him$(lf intn IIw p ictu re through his pnouious mono~ ram 3 ~ ti l( deceived Sim il (ontig ur lI iuns or balls a nd stri ng llC a cOlIlIlon plac( of SCclllttnth-cent ury

(middottIIule lm )( rhlil l it~ sud l a~ R lJlkll h lgcns l enllOll~ Globe hanging hy A

thread IllrCa ltned by tht di vine k ni ft wilh its mOllo 1 wi ll hc cm 10 pi tccs

fIgure 18 T IlfsC l m blcUla lie modds sel up the ( lIt1 i n~Cltlst ration j oke impliCi t i ll Enm~ plin ting T he mOllo or I llIvorffcrs rebted emblrlll ha l dccei CS us a mu~cs u~ is cunsistent lth t he ide) uf lhe pli n ting iI~

an illustra tion 01 Illr (kctpt ions of thO se nlt-~ and of m imetic picllln-m k i ll~

tsdr ftigure 19)

H ard(irfit- r 01In eccen tric th(o ris t uf the e o lvill Genn a n la n ~ua~(

a nel of uuoque emhlems H iJ visio n 01 middotGrlllairl poticmiddot was illfiuencecl by Ripas rulolugifl Acia w and J atO) C algt l ~lII st ho had studied ph ilu logy an d hld la kcn a ( ou r~( o n the v c r man nomiddotd of the sevenshy

leenth lin d middotijl ltnnl h cel1111ri o l it u nivtfi ly miln I dl have Cllcou nshytered his 1 ()lk 9 I I is a~y til 11 (-l arsdlitflcr a~ it proto-sunca list

throug h Jing-u islit ~arlH ~ ill Wllld ~ amI illll(~ b) p hon ti play and nc c()r tr bi n a lioH ~ Ill hoped 1(1 drw 1)lIt h iddell ret lI1b l a n ce~ bct ccn th ings and CVl U 10 invcnt IIC W Ih ings illulllill ltinl lI lt p ro fo und rdations of I lItgulgt mpound ttoe o rld I he cullelt i gllllc-pla) illK of his C tspradtshyspick fragmcn tcd syllabic and wo rd re(()I nbined b ltliterna li m cun trishybutors to produt( unli)rt (c lI rclt I1 I1 ~ ha~ I)l iUlis afJiui lies w il h surreali~t

potti I practice H aT1gtltlu r rfCIs emblem r ai(~ a ~lmiddotnlmiddotr tI puinl ahou t em blems hile tlln

pro id e Glp tival ing rt)lism cf el ltil tl li is IP l r~ l to ensure Ie~ihilil and ough t to have Ilolhillg 10 do I ith Ihe Jl lt- I ~ lI nmiddot Urlllil1lDis A t Ih( F lnl Galf

Vorn a ~ a piclure a bout S( II~()ry cl ( p tiotl is a n ironir a llegory or ils own t1l IK1Ciri cs (0 rcprcocnt r-I(IIc hrou l- it rIilCgt ltI p roblem of aUIgory whkh Lries It) fu lly npn scnl or pi tun al) t rt( tions llUt I~ hich llIccssa ril rccals

ilS uwn fa ilure lu arw ally brillg lillih ~udl tl lill~s fgt T he da ril ) of the cmbk m sim ul ates tht gra tifJ I lir~ of I n i (J1lsi~ stl1ing up an anxi()u ~ t1t t rshy

naliun btlwctn (knxlillg wh a t i ~ IlH- u lr d eH lr dll1iC(11 dra lng and



I bull



relishing the pleasur UI) pmsibly lIli 11 1lt1 i( tJl E1l11Jk mati~ a1l0w E rn~ 1 shywho 4xprcsscd cQn tcni p l (() I milllClit a rt to negot iate bdwfcn I h~ ~I(tu(~shy

livci ) mimet ic tud ed ifying)y d i agrarnma l ic 6~

As 1 pend ru 10 AI Iht hr~ 1 elfllT kV(lrd til (ol1l g ~ L Q)QI Jl tSCIIf n ) OUIIl

girl 930 -70 (figu re 20) tu - h i1I Ems f IHu a lly added a real glolWmiddot tikc bltlll ul ltlnnil y bcar~ 0111 [he sense of the Rollen hagen l mbll Il ah hough thl di vjllC POWtf to cut i~ now invested in the tollage nist himself (o r rather Is he represents himselfilhin Iht piClUre l~ Lo ploPi The em bleshym a ti c rt lnin d n Iha l rh inbTS U( 1I1titna tcly IUIt of your hands Ihll ( oci hold~

thl ~ci ~sonbull i ~ plnyert upon hy Ernst wi lh da rk i l The introduct ion o f Lo ptop in 1910 as Ern t ~lt rtgo recaJl~ owllis diClUm The 1 1l1 li~1

preselt iLSeJ f as prcsln ting 3 Th i5 cads again to lIlt problem ()f the vict lln asmiddotil1li~i oll [ltU L()plop i ~

lI sultl lly d cscrilx-d imprf~sJli()o )jk( as introducing or p rese1l1ing tbe pic tll OfL r n il is Lop lop ~lC lillg as frl1lw o r easd who prCSCli Is a n iUlIsiomiddot Jli~li( pi clltrt ilhin lltt piUunu5 T he ~ ll hjCtI~ of tll( pi( llIn~ lI il hin the

piCHI onen have weigh t) implicJliuns I rolll1( Ililii grapes by a~sociltltion with Z tuxils gmpes im o kc piolo ri a l illusionism oa k kavcs stan d fo r (C111111 narion) islll a nd RU(k has rl ief M aJgtcilllise sla nds tor F rench nltionltl lshyiim It is as if Ihe sym boJic me ni li lS indicated b) Loplop~ piclu res t re IS i lonkally rcl ri (vaule as the pos~ihi lilics of pino ri 11 iltu~ion and flllln(i~ th they sland for alld ilh wlloh Ihey an Pcs(nt ed TI H the grI I(S a nd 1lCS

2 5 (1 TU lrAHI middot H 1(-

Fillln II ( il)r id R o)knhag~n middotClu han b II hr~d wlih (~ tr ha nd hold g a kn rmiddot ~f(~w 1hIlIIIImiddot I i-him r ~i

fi t - St Th II Kelley Rn~MI

II II(go ] II ~(IIl he If Ih~1 nl(crmst llrgor~ na k middot ldrr r~t(h n I t ~

I h on ~ l llpp1)Vdl) oljlflSCd 10 il r)w mimClibullbull his(01 )

() 2 h r hisect iIIllhn (fOlU (hi

(l hll mele mil ~ 11 arlif t ~

Ma_ fru~l jjiIMJ p I 6J - ~Mlta )iJmik ~ f ~t12 ~ct

~I )ulm P 97 (v r di (m h~

Pilamplg hvll t N(ll$ II a rl h ltlonlt4) ontt I 10( lim or ~m~IJ I1 Y 1IIIliD 11$ iltit (laquolt ~ndjd G ~ ~IJ

mulaquo el 1 rl arsd ltnd laquocu 6 s O middotRticn I lI lh Th pk utc -ithm h pintlr _tnCi as mc~rhor ru t NOali om pI ad pIIaduxinl image I l ie -1l ld h h wdun Ikin~ hll iI~) 1middotU1 ou tsid e j( as n prtlCnt tWIl

~Qligt hnJ ~ p 06 ti) - I plup~ middotad a nd eQpalt$ h~

any ~ial pr~cnlenu C( middotrrllr SIlOlt f~Qp_ rr J i( OIMt Srf LotdwI

Jlil Ik~Q 1 SI)ics I(8middotus l ~c1r ( rrma o-c is MOl Sehind s TII trti~tgt a iOimacd COnllltUl6 ~ilt5(lt rllaquot and ~il5hl-nlzot) fn~nn 0 Nlrru~fI IJaa 80

tisull 9 H lrjr Wshy nj() h Mr~t ~ 1 Itmfr U(pr~(hrIr

1644 (I


r for Jr


ikdy d a$gtltS


(J VUlliJ yenrrfttr~ I Xi In lh~

LltJII()Igtltrics t~ l ~h UlCt Ilw rompt

fMI dlilaquo (f making (hiu ~Jl llCar IU Igt I n nplJ(1 QUI of Ill()lhcr pic of PII r bdud lion which I 1lap ilh (he ambJguIjI Qf ltOt lhin hccomioe middotrl )7 S pound I) VHI Image ar bod Y dt purd aliRl1l11(llt 01 Waltt r Ikllj ~mi lt1 1 Bnlmiddot JDI(1 M8JN~IIl1iI ~ 3

Ilt)ltJI pp ~5 -H20n h~ P r bullbull II1tQl 10 11( cn blrn1 Ilr liK if IC~ t()

I)irn iocapl hle Ihe-Imiddot of middotrnln lmg meaning bullbull liegQ1 i~ 01 ju(

Olhnlll mClonpnic 5hiflil g 01 Wmanl(


art acturl lly pre~sed into thl paper 10 form ~ ha~ lr-lief h ci~hlI1~ lilt joke Oil 1h( power of piClori11 illusio1lism to hring things illlO r(l 1 d inwnsions wi th in tIll fidd o(the r iled mimesis of the ditglam l1la lic larger pi( tu lmiddotmiddot

So Cr llsts pictun may ntmiddot tl kcn 1 a n (mhemlIic prCsentation or Novaliss Bild lunel ioning as a Plfldoxi( d rlj) rc~cn l alion of 11ll fli lurc 10

flill y represc nt dealing wit h thc plOhle rn o f prcsen li l~ a pilI UII a t all and by elltensiOll wil h the )nhcllnt dcnplio ll~ of me La pho] i1lu-iol l and lan guClgc O ften representcd by a dark ell si lhouettcd htnd IS in Ioplop pminlS bullffjiifJ 1931 (fi gu rc 21) Toplop invokes Novl lis f~JlloJs d cscri pshytioll o(thc delusi(n of repr~cntlllg H( gliI-p- ollly a handful ()r d ~llklJcss ((

Loplop a~ i ll1 plcs~ario mtkcs p rescnting ~d l~co l1 c i olls hat is prestmed i ~

ahIs mediated 01 II a rnllOW like Ill( pictures Wi lh1) pic lurts losing

ground III llllIly o r Ernsts p3i nling~ W~ 11( ill the territory of cmblemalic rcprOlclllltHioT1 thost fa ilures and ha zards agaim t hi ch the rnord or motto or the emblem i~ proph~ bClieall) ~c l Ernst makes the cmble mat ic il1l agl a ll emblem orkonograph ic lnca n ill ~ itsclfb7

Tn the (middotolllgc novels ]lIginning with La Femlllt 100 [Flu 1929 Ernst dcvdops the cm blem image illlO an allf~o lka l na rrali( Tf Enhts coll agc T1ocI ~ fU llction or ma lfUllclioli l~ parodics of the pul p nov as cx lcndccl clich e the atrnosphln of popula r IlOVel movi ng- from dimao( to climax is nut (Illy char3neri sl il o f di llhangcr scrit1illd Ii (lioll bUI of high allegoric-

~ ilurr 1Q ~rJUI --QpI~ IW(1IIJ P~lIf $1

11)3)-70 ~ I tl 1 1 C 1 1 -nm middot 0 (1

1~riII-O[)1iC ( IlIn~11 locO

111)_ HI nl [ ~ l Cl middot

ril(UR 21 ~nb l Loplol fgtrr~ll bullrjlirJ 193) raquoI~ 1781 Cl 1( lt f rtI~(AIJA(f

ld SUOkAC ( Ina l ZOQO

(gt11- Ou EI and pu(p fin iou Klt Rltncc

R irlot 1 1I~rI S~JIIJ on flu 11ltgt01 Jkrkdmiddot~ od l(gtmiddotngt1cs ~ P 8

(I li ~ r)hC Olhe r(olla ((n-vcb 10 (tII~ 100 ius lltms 10 f()rl~ ~cu i t i It f J) bn pred i(1ali( ITUucm nf

dJgory thaI IhIt ir is w lhig

~-qutItLil1 and UorrdlJ d~li) irlo )PUlI lhol a 101 s~ j 1 rma ll e Iruun OrUrgurir 1 d middot middot 70 Sec RrlIll I)j kw Idol Dr (fomlr gt~raquoI4S~~ ofFm= ri( i Fi -ltir)l1dr CIIIMlt rw Yk I ondon and O d Od 7r - Ilr hundred h~dlc wumn

pcrgtoniM Ihr protlogt ofnIlt) i II blt n d~ugtltsltJ lrum la~I llt nmiddot I a ~ Old Ikrricln gtI I at OJ~ 1I OllgtII) Ic Ihin lnd b) UI huured 11Ultbl

(ltTduug Slaquo Kon Rund tbi~ oUtIII l SnfUQa flta (Slrnl

-Ill Jcq1 [xrrid I ~ Ihr ~i dr Plmon r PIQImr idd i rUf HiOn

1- 1 1jl3lt) ~5- ~1 a 1 11Ik -bn

laIlt 1111- uf P5UaSI Il 11 n 7 nLllIr Max En_ s CCIl1~ldc A Il

u~dJjJ Ju tzmis Punl of pHtdigmltK- rcmm~ Jail (tcmiddot i duo1lltcJ

j ltoul l e~ d to Ir mYIr~ de IJ Fr nn I (h rlltoum ed ilh Inrily n [J

ru~orlf J~dlnl Ul Ieh IW adl COl middot

iJ drjed in Lr M~IUf ~ (ue biod Il)d by II rah ) mllo)~ a (M from CIen dOn Imiddot ga~m

n j)()gtltt t ( du d I dClaquo1 PllfT

J1( Inl 9~3 I 3 )middot i J 1 mpu lit) is 011( ( I)utf HlT~JIJ ilIU1lruom illmlHffi by t dl~ aKI o lkmm Solaquo rhf 11rllrpIt~ of 1fIIopoilbullbull 1(0)1 ltlt 1 A I (~ bull Lltdo d3middotICl ) I or the hltad leM

m~ ~I nprt nlIVlt of the lI h~voJiud

Mltirirr5(C Ilaydcn hw T hc Ior r Idnc rll f~fJ)lgtfOlmr FHJ n

cJIllIr1 (nWi BahiOI~ 11(1 l aunn

l7ijjP r63 5

ltIS wellG8 The luadks~ OIl1an w ho c rupts iu uiflircn l forms lhrou~hflu l Ia Frllllllr X) tilu could ~ef( as a mnaphor lor Ihe d isru privt relations bel ween metaphor ltlnd th( ~cq ucn tiltt l flow of narrative charaCte ristic ( I llegory The d(vd o]lm(n l~ cnn (inui lY and rcptli li(HlS afTordcd by 1lIJTativc allow hun (0 rCClpil lLlatt S() W ~rea k hi ~ usc of woma n to personify his own Icdllliqlll

The k nmJe nud e had belfl l1l1 lhe prw niscuQu sig nifier par t udtIll( 111 nin clee nlh -nntury $ll nn painling in 1 hifh Ilt t complex it(lltirics and allri shy

hut es of any given 1 l1 cgoricld personifi cat ion WCl( Kro~~ l y sim plifin l a nd s i ~lIalled a nd in which multipl ied numbers (of ha rtm ~la v (s or OJcads) com pensa te fo r loss of indiidual s ignificalion If Ihimiddot ~a loll lIu dc finally scrvf d as a pcr~nn i fi clI ion of a n OcrT rowcltd a nd raquohdioere Sa lon itsdr 7ltgt that cltuase lllent of the aan c mil tra dil ilJll rIK ina ted Erm t as he pl ullder(d ninelecn th-cent ury j ournals a nd salrl11 (pvrl~ fOt his collage ma l( i1 1I y not one hundred headl(lO~ woman instead of onc hundred mrmingk ss oms why nOI om perrcn ly ugly hcadlc ~ Ioman (ICte de mecl us() instead of ti le rut ile Salon bca ut ic_

Tlt tlc is Ill importan t (ll ulcmalic prototype for frns t~ womln a ~ GC f(]

Rauer has notcd I rnst s fcmm e 100 t Ci I~ has a counte rparl ln L a Pcrr i i rc ~

11 T lriil de$ bQNJ en~IIS (rigurl 22 ) IhlUl1 d i~llliss~ this rcscmbk nc( agt fortu itous ImHer il is im portant Ih1I it is the Inl tllnt is c1ost-S1 10 the

Ill(ltlni nls uf Ernst s woman not till image I Pcrlicres femme is iuall y an ad ap tat ion of a lomill onpl acx Horapllll o-dlTivcd hcadle~ ma n

signif)itll( I m )JOssibili t~ presuma hly a 11 aul c~s oman l~ douhly illlpossihlen In L Pcrricrcs prcm lO he is not JJl( rely ]utdless bu r rtther Jik( Ernst s middot te mll1 f hilS I)Ulny i(kn til il~~ IqJrcst ll l(o by many heads silt is compa n d to lh e Chi n1ltl crn Girion p) hnn tll cdusa Cerberu~ and lhat l-llnicular pnmiddotc ur~or of tIl( km nw 100 Ittcs Iht H yd ra Through such proli li-ration or menning sIt( is Ih e mhkJll l i ~L~ dream emblem Lr

Pcrriercs le( nlllcludes tha t ma rc marvellous Ihan all Y of Ihc~t lll ylhic creatures middot vu lrl bt Ull(- fem me sans leu Ihe One figure who cou ld prcSurnshyably em bod y a ll hybr id mean ings in one ~ llcc in (t blll meani ngless fo rm La lclTiCr~ crnhlem may be an allegory of lhe cjlem ma of rht PO(I UIIHl Lnned hy his middot iivll~ hu l need ing 10 be a )H roi( d eca pitator a rer~(lI ~

aluivalc1l1 T hl ngrt l1a ble mora l conclusio n of La Perri eres poem is tha i woman Ilccds a guidc a ra tional hCltld a nl ltln lax pound rllst71

O n one occuion irr IAI FtnllU 100 liles Ernsl himself appearS (fi gure 13 1 III Loplop and the mouse s horoscope M attCrs or desliny fa lc a nd horoscope- are a sta ple ur emblclIl li te rat ure middotf he imge is pan of a n embleshymat ic (radiliv) in vhich caged creatures slam] ror lht ca ptivi lY and sull t ring of tIlt poel or lo (r (fig ure 24)1) Em Sl i~ agen t and nO l ca ptive 01 flt ltc however Ba n-dle~lcd he may be (rt l ra~ rfli hen a~ ltlll odur pcr~nll a uf Ihe multi-valc lll woman he carries the d isGmlrd cinllus of th at stock haraCllr of l lk gOry the haUd resscd woman RUI he holds onto h i~ hal (Ihich unlike the he-ad Ill ay be lakcn on and of 1 ) and thu s retaim for himself Ihe powcrful masculine role of the head Erusl appea ring in persOIl wilhin his tollage 110d signn ls his SWIUS as a ll-controlling novelist or em hleshymatist d lOS(middot c lvnga lcd hand CH n pluck thr- mouse Out of il s ordaiucd palh al a n) tim t Ernsl l$ a llcgorisl should Iw SitultlHd in the trdi liun ofparod ic nuvc isg incl udilg Ka lldais Charles Sorcl J cln -Pa ul R idlter and TIlOlIllS Stcrne whose work relies 0 11 a Jlet0ry to ironi ( it ~ own d tviccs~

hllur~ )~ rouU gt lt 11 Ierricn middot1 _ Fe 0lt ~Iemiddot bb(om xv Lt middotfhIQII( au flu OlU 539middot

7 t t- rr middotm i ~hlllkeuoImiddot(gtr I ~

E ts alP-1m~ ad 10 III unJinn~ Ih t middothltmiddot ~11 ome hmiddot Igill~ o nly in o 1 oj Ihem ~e ltor pmpcrl) nmn~(tcd IIgt Illfi r 1middototls tT j inllny ITrI 5I t 01 SIJ Iijt I-i 1 Ynr I)U

1middot9 i ~ Thmiddot tllmiddotd 111I)Ult if) Iro p O JPC~Il

lciII otld ~rqJlOxIUmiddotlmiddotd in I) middot~(on( ~t j oolgt C~~ middot i ~poliJ t

gtj)(lli lont tmiddotC I 111 (apia I)n1

[mill ) MUftIM~ Alh dt 11((-111

fAmSIrd I 7~ (l Damel Hcin~iul

Q I ~lD 1~J i Jm I-oIo bullt ) fo r lupid (gtIllide h ase Md P C t 1)(1middot Imbl~w tryU 1l~rd~m 6 rmiddotlmulcd Pdmburgh bulln7l) fcr Cil~rrl bini ~e ncr (Inllri ) aud cupid with ( ~cd ~uinrl 70 T ho $(lrnHmhurv au C hr[ So middotI JlhT rparodir novel a nd IIlkgori(O ( h anw rl ttlnIHomaM)

ealled iIllOIltSlion mi(Ic rda liou pc bnl(lIagc and III(Ialhor Sorer IA llalJM df ] i1Jbullbull d rih inl( illtolI (IU~1

~ ~ hltgt~d nn peI middotrh gl1_ rhlemiddot Jta~middotlIIg lt1 word altgtCUo ns loped J) hc PUWK middot~u du nall iJ a JrcLuIXlT r rnmiddot i~ ileJ[laquoIU311Dt~s 5lt ( hI M rd u II ~ 1f(J n1~ (Pn_ (pI rcpri lro Cmiddotneva I In) I II calte oflh coU~ lt rImmiddote1i trn auhial IU-altAO Pli middotuJarly ho hOj( mlhlt (crmA n KumlIi J~- lJul Ridner middotbose H)15 ltt Imiddot) hd raquoPlltkd I nnch IlIor41)middot all(nlion ~d Ih adlDlI-llluU o(j (l ll Ia l h ~ and Atdtt ISr~lt)n middotIltmiddot wen 11 Y lr1nd lrlIlt I io lfj~ ln-I HI Kichllr$ nmlk a lllorio rI narruvlts I U ( muhIImiddot l oice IUd idrmiu(l SU)tgjOgtjl

Jm~(1 I(dnn lues Ihe T j l aIS lisr of nI I~ImiddotrJ1 puion of his nilId I$n

ort o(lXlI EI ~ 111lt he r1l lo h-ough Ihe quouditn _orld in JAIrun(

1M IbN ~~ t altga rtl H ale II ~f

Olxron SdiOQlj Afi1)ullu 1)~ 1nil 91) and Claulk jich i I middotmJ~ lit 71~-I fJJJ1 (~ J(IIU l~ MIjalllUt llnt 1963

I ~urc 3 M~ ~ rnst middot[plol 1 ii(

uy hor)s(ol In 0 1(1lt lila

9~9 SI1 1st II rlduL~t Igty ponniion [r I~I (II I n T oronto Rampn-oce Lbr~ry

17 Osk P(lltak lkr hcmige ud I Ioliphilw Ir~ J ldK 1 tA(rifll~ UlIll A KvI~m~b(

191111431 Ii for h~ Qfih lok hUllIuand Irlnlt[1gt HI(lIMlultin Pp~tl cd Gm P U md LUCla A

Cil)pom (Idu ~I fl - Lrw ~lIfsk) r~frrnl o Rtlla~nCt Nlt)middotpl aJJojonn~

xt ufpopular ga m ltco mparabk 10 vulgn plmiddotd n I~j middotNllatomc ilocltb III ~kgtr~c( ud Norh I al) Ul Sl~d It 1(middottI~l i lew York 972) p 1 1) i~ 1 I 1)QoinofdlSlllcIllOcrtlt in

he I[TIlI mtd~ 1 er(l~ lll1cgo~ I RUI~ JlnlJJ( i~ p l lrll l~rJ r r(Ie 10 rn( mltlll(j in 111 1middot( IIlI) lil() 110 ( Ihe tMLion of~~Irn wel of N~ro dlrnwwcJiinli oflus md i I h )

iod)e he ocau t ~ Qf hcr lionl iU od nrnliltrsmiddot and lu JltO lo( It(f lone he wa concelvcd are ofpITlkuLu i l~ $

nplt(illl~ sitlclt lhry fill fn lt1 ~ b~l~ dWUI ntmmg lid ]altuale s Uvid f

1luI 1 Sr lt1 (l i l1lcmbtrmcfll bo-hlrd On8 lUI dl Romoon or d~ RQII( III RtUtiulIamp lIteR all rk 14 ~ I ~I l ffl(ll( RIIon ~I i rw] d ja II UOI IhiJadclphlltl (992 ) Pl

30 0 jlllnn tQlran ltk M cu ~ k NIn I fa ~ rm Illjo to 970 $tt

II tIf M Arde ll 1 h( Wfllan d I~ (1I 1e

~ Iw wIlJ IJlblQgrap~~ (N~ i and 110 111(93)

Ik Clo rillunc Hclt cl I wny ltImiddotn ud kit I I a~ KInr ~ rbull pJra bull 01 lor lum~ all gklt amI r~rman I (Ik mi IIulltlin 74 1lt)921 pp II I gt

Er ns ts prpuhioll of die r mb1em illlage inlo I 11lt1r rnivl seque nce (an al~ l

be si1u3led in niltlI io n I() Ihe illuSlri1cd Renaissance alkgory hieh ~ ltlS an lInpo nan t SOll r( li)r all sli bsequen l crnl1cm atisLS Colo II Tl i HYJllrtOlfmlfldljn

Poliphilii7 I t I)tsin witll a d r() 111 alltl i ll middotu l v (~ endkss nCliphtr lll(n l o f environm ents a nd obj((ls th ilt rc~onall throughout EIIlSI 1 0Uale Ilods d lboraldy symholic gardcm IIl WluC r ums h icrgl~ ph s 1 st atile or 1n d~pha nt Ill th it incidC llt5 (Perscus bchead ing of Innt htr 1(1I1 n1lt Slt1n ~

[C tc yled us ) ltlil t lhe tr i u rnph ~ of va rious gods li nd ll1coulH cr~ wil h fcma le pcrsonifiC4l io ns such ltIS Iht middotfi lmiddot lgtCIlSIS ofd wlTI E rll ~ L s 1i]1lnw 100 [ClcS IS A porli liant Cl U pcrsli fiettion Colonnas n )d g llmorizccl

lHroiciztd ll1d narralivized int t lp rt lal iull knd i n~ il ~ Ilr 1 g-lttmcs of m ea nings like v illga r pS~fhoa nalys is If [ rlisl realkgorits till tlIlda rd allcgorYil~-ltl n I1 Il then he dut~ so in way~ lha t preclude HI high mora l or iludlcctua l positions n (sting thc psychomarhia with lttil C)Imiddot 10 p~ychomiddot ltt l ml) q s tu rn ing Ihl Stnsua l cneha nt Hwnts ot snluctivc ~cI4 p i( middot(lS to qtlcasil UIIIla lizcd violcllt ltlud sexual d tSires I il lra r surreali sm IBre(on lIdia

Aragon s PIY5(1II dr Puns) could rel y un the sca AoJd i n~ and d evin s of allegoric - t he d ream vi~ion ) th l peri pau t ic li n o mo in~ 1hroug h a Lil y of m ysterio us (lbjCClS 1l101lum~II IS a nd (I)couiliers I hl~ W I)I11 lt11 1 uf Ill u ta bk idenlilY references 10 OIIHr works of arl and lillfa tlll t nd Soon t rnsa also d eploys the devlrc-s of literary a nd pk lOria l allegury dndging 1I 0 t only emblem bouks but ahl) die g rea t lite rary dkg(lric~ liorn tlw RomfI fir n (0)(

to Colunna to Novcli s lIlcl jieltkl

C hristia ne fi end in lro r key st ud ) ofmodlit lisl a lkgory has argUId thaI Err1~t relinq ui$ h (~ hi s a u tho ria l a ut hori lY in 111 F rllllllt J ()() l i l( allowing hi~

1111lgCS a rad ica l inck ptmiddotnclcnnmiddotp II cUl lld 1( arlued r Ol1v I-dy Ihlt

EflIH pa rod y fu netion~ in a n opposil(middot ay tha i Ir i~ wrc nching or imilL~ oul of l ll tmiddotir Mig- inal 1 )lI tex l ~ i~ a n 1gt 111 iw ill asserting ah~olutc and arbitra l) cuntrol OIr Ih( mh rial Ernst s images Id ) 011 re11l na nl ~ ofl hci

r igi lIa l Ill lltllli ns and los t tQllVCll ional contegt llgt ill hich I he) er( meant

tJen E ADEM c AN TI L NA ~--~--------------T~ ~~

to hi ( lcdihh il luslmt i)M vI S( ll tiic d evt l oprne nL~ na tural phcllomclla lr ltg- il t ric k ~ or rq)l( )(ll((i()f ~ IJf wrh Ifart l a lld lhis al o nce aJlo l~ his (1 11 man ings 10 SCIlll irraLio li a l and lilcral cd a ll d 11 the ~am c limc 10 be c lI npktdy su hjugald U) lht ve ry lI ovell) a nd allom a ly of thcrr tnvironshynlt ll l 1111 a~e lnl )l cd tiag llH l lts o f Ernsts cullages a lT n~ idual evidloCe of tl w Iulhor ily tu UIt Hilli CIII m Clo ll YJlJic pow(J or lite and dealh

arg lla bly IllI very I ppl)~ i t e ufCUI Li l ig loo~e or sellin g liTe

I n his 1l illaI Ilm II~ Enl L l o 1ll111i t lt synLacli cal rape tiXl uctlllg Y()Illll

fru m ti ll eO lltc 1 ()( ~I I joulll als Il K) il ion rt pn~ in whidr 511( represhy

l1t(O popu lar p a int iJlgs cflg ravltl ( r nJa~s a udiences I n I ll s u r k sh e

may 1 1llhOirl y mct unymic hssi pl i (l ll~ or II H ull ing hut ~It ~middot al so rCjJfCSClIb

E tn~ l s own lonir 10111 1 tn CUI and asipn rk~ a h it p in l piaYIT lilCI lIy a ppea ri ng ill hibH WI mi g h l also ~ lJ Spcc l Erns l of viciously

i te ra ling nin( lcclllh-nIl LUry lh eor ies r Ih e cmpall ric ~yOllJ 1 lt1 ~ lhe ( 1111)l)lliIrwl1l or our OWII pir yif1 lllrcqJl i ns J I u ~t~ his all tgtgory of sigm r1i ~od lItd from pir y~kal rdrll l ~ prClieiy as a fi eld in whi c h to dj~ru pshy

tivd ) i lllt rjtcl th l OCtasifHlal irY PlCIilicaUy d(plo yed rull ~ym bol with iL~ supposed ltlli lY illl i L~ rciirenl c jJre~ell tcJ by the 1)(J(h of l he Ilom an 1n the eli (k~ Ch a nTS chap lc r a l thl e nd Ill Url~ Smwiu de lfm f a fi gulc flmini s(nt or Fortuna noats ill Ihe air gTad ua lly li-cc ing

h (r~(lrorlllr a llrihulls ()f whcci Ild ~ i l (fig un 1) 11 t lihCra li ol1 Sill ce Fort un a luore It tuall ) hfCOnHS hrr wh(ei mi nl1ll il by htT l1nlr ed bac k ltIS an h Yllleric and l lso be(on H~ h cr sail hlo wn throug h lhc ~k y her

It rib utes cOIl in ue to be co nSl raining Ind pn middotMmiddotlIt a bsorbed ililu her bud y and gestu res sugg(q illg tht am hig uolls 1l lIratiom a nUrd (] 10

oma n by Max Ernst8t E IIISIS USf or h is maltri11 r(li~ o n Ihe inhc rl1I1 bililY or ollhgory l(o

rtal k go liltmiddot T radit iona ll y rlallcgo riwl ioll ltrllnnl a profan t I(x t or till past 10 h( as assimi la ted in w a n acccp lt hlc y~tlm f moral va JUIs (Vi rg il s

FSllIr( ~4 DlIIid Il cU$ius Emblrm(1Q liqoIAM I lKkn 161 5_

8 _ s~ Ili k Rot R iAamp Rm(

~d lhr jd I~Q~ ()PfigtiL ICbrid and Nrw Yrk 1991-deg flt -lt middotmiQlif - Iha l Inko 2 olll1Q f)f on_ B ~ h lth Rampk]o nxcnl

lUal of Wafbuf(t Iho l1h l in Irrm

01 th ROmMlIl( ymLgtoI unil) f ud dcrem 1 I OPpogtlti IO lI~ry

( hrpertI_~ ~~crnn f ltI s diS300C ialed fro I nfrro1 I i Rob- ~h(fempl l h lrmiddotplio)J Iheon pmiddotI) U lelkI1 pn~uen apphnl tk 1ltgt ~msl tSpltcirJI ) in I ~s pogtr

t uitwc1 Ihron ltl _ Iuh w R l loy rum symbol 10 Ilkfurv Ahr WH) i~

I r- hi Rd I~ 9971 pp ~ 6 R - [hr R iL [[ ul n has ro n Iholt u l

I hru~Ir iuI O) the unk o n wh re laquogtn~ ol Ir~cdm Pfnar p_ ~ 1I1

B I S~( Thn 11 Kclk~ Rmnwtlme Hlqo for tillt applicll ble ~ of In t allctUlxal wun lorn (e ee aUraCUOl) d ll r lnla$ 11 ltI- illual suctched l ~ lI l i Ihi [K w1ir

ltlc 1(o ~dukd from lClion and hj~llt) ry

bu sgt( f)1 g Ihe n -rgt d s he

cmand p Sr Th~ro i 1 or~1 1ltl io of witel )-r tr r lt~ltoI 1gt 1 mln m~y 1- takc -lt lIl rlaphO)f Ruolnlr E Kun1i S rrooti d I js(~ and R o l~rl llolI - n ~prknjo(

illo fo-k-J t] air ltli_ r II

fmiddotm lc (lITe) i SHlrJm and 11 010lt1 II A tw~ Rdolf t Kucn7li and Gwe Ra l~rt ICambllJgc l1i I99I) PPmiddotJt alld S T Imiddot lo ockiu Em ilS or ~ oflC n Ii mCIgttIraquoHgt1 dqI)eJ In ~ h a w~r Ihl 11 CIOI li meu Ulcrlgthunc~ Jly In 1- Riu d~~r

(MIIft~ q~1 lIOuilil ~w Carmd nr Imjlt Igtarod egt t~lcX fatlo~ ~al

jgtuu lJ rtut I(rl) IJ t 1ra 8 Ihemiddot Ie ~IgtIi OIl y 1 t ~atnlt11 1lISt llIil le Scl~h) snd amud ~kinl lt hTifingl) lilltrd I Iht~ ill IH rroh meal fur lo~ l i~ lone rol1 ~middot

l~diqlJr$ mlldr 1111) Hr)(tT) I

r~rn(rl i 1ltgt Ihe hwwir jlgt]al~ el~ hcll

il1lh( l1ltrvrl

(1 IS 1IX lrngtl 1 SmIltllN d amp 193i 0 Max Erllsl 1iI)AGP Van S()DRiC ( Monlrc~l ) 2f)(l(1

l )n IIC Ilupon Of Ih allraf R~~ru 11 (1 I 1$I~ Lolhu I -hr I J~ middotIn Rp jhd bd 11hII hI p HI

Fourh RetI a~ II I( milling of Chris l O vid l l-lrfall(Irphorrr lllorali7cd In

lmJOlIls such h J Hoh CI~ the trials of the lo ver could lJe rca 1go ricd a~ Clll hlnll~ of Chri sia n ~ u(fe ring ltInc co nrilltll cc Ernst reverses tlw prol(~S

dc- morali - ng a llegories In 7 110 dlidren 1IIII1fI(ld ~I (j 1I~lthtillg(h (fig ure zfi ) Frnst lak es U middotidilI1 IIIc(lrlJorphi rape (G anIlH-ci (S ta ~lc Phi lo mcl as

nighting-uk) oul of its repose in spirit ua lizing me taph or as ill (k Kellnincks landscape in h( Wallraf Rir-ha rtz M useu m i ll Cologn( (figure J7 ) ()j emulems sl ch as Hat1idorlhr s in which lit ra pe of Ganymede is rfJllcgoried as the sou ls I ~CIIH lo Cod ( figure 28 )83 Ernst rc t urTl~ Ihnr lo d leir Tl)n l ~ ill ~cx ual viok IlC( hi (h in tu rn S[ ltlnd~ ror the revcnibk hltrU a mi a mbiguous g-round underpinning the provtrh t ln bl cm or allegory

Equally td ling is Enl~ts d ia~rammui( ada platio n or h(rme lic emh lemata in O this mIll rIIIlI kll )w rlO lh lllg 1924 ) I II the paintillg ami II

tIle pl)cm w ri tte n on thl had (a parudy of Ihe oJllo()gical ~ylllhII S Il I I

fi~u r~ 26 Ernl I fUtJ1 mnlilwi ~ II

lllhlmCiJl 191 1 S(1 66I C 1 - r 1 D (t risI ~OI)KC J vumiddot~l l j


th e Hmrfll fd Table of H crrn(~ Trisrn egistu s) Ermt reallt~orlZ(middot ~ the hermetic ~ym bulis ll1 of the nlilrual lini li7atioll of d ivine and cit rddy IS a Freudian middotprinwl scene of gigantic li m b~ and scmiddotx ual pa rtgt Both pa imi ng md puem become rcpr(sntltHion ~ oC the unfu lfill ed n vi ~nging of a n such thing In Ernq s vcrsion the Oedipal a nd Ihe gnolt1l ic an oronc frustratccl substance ltlnd (be power oftbe allegories of h enl1tticism ltIhbaiisrn and aklHmy lies in perpetual d ef( lrd of the d tsircd gol J tl6 Ernst ~ emblem fllnc tioll s more

b roadly illi a scq gtt icai fi gu ration of tht a bil it y of images lO represen t hal IS envi $ioncd or desired in dicating Ihal a ll $lI h em blems ct n only he a sun0 fH l flIT hatt middotcr one an t ~ to know attl in o r rcprcsen Lft7

OJ (Ids 111m sllall kn)1L Mlhing a lso ~ ig na l s its own iconogn lJ)hic history especially tts allu sion to Caspar David Fricdr(h middot$ clllblem tie CrOJS ill Ih

Iounltlills a key work in Grman Roma ntit- dc hIIltg about Iht rela tive fok~ of llIegory and Iandscapc III Erns t as a rl ild er of C ( fman Romil Tlli t~ i~ ltl

would re U 1Il 10 these wpie in his la ndsca pe pai nLings aga in and again Crr)JI ill 111 t1ollll oinf is a lso shadowed by a t( Xl n passage from Ludwig T icck 5 allcgorital novel Fran SI-illbaMr 11middot(lIULmmgrll (J i 98 ) Jnom

26(j ) middot1 ~BImiddot rH ) T I d 1

60 I 1m c (lislt uW(1 Iht twn l1 t timiddot itl~gcry at t~ ngl h ill M~lt Emi l middotI ht 1IJdw(UtI1iJliI

SnllrJ 11 a i - l OCIshy87 Uml middotn o Ero diilltu~ 1he rdu iolll I)( twu h~rn 1l l k svrn lgtol- 1Il in which middotevcry middot~pr ion is a (nignlll hal middotk runlwt ~mgma middot and ~Jr n cconltlructimiddote ~nlys3 as in lini l~

defendJ in middot(n limited scmi III d rili in T ht Ib oJ hllffpWalio Ill n -I--j

fI8 smiddot cJ(m~ (l h W ocn rn ~I( Jaru F~d nnd It ~b1J ~f I muigat ~cw U and Lvndon 1 99lt)~ Karin V()n ~llo lJr ntel thO rrl ll nf (~$7 In 1M -WOIIIIIgt 10 Ern middot lUUlI1 OmJ~(Ilt1 III middotMao b ns l a Rvmlll1ic~m middot M n Enul A Rtl~pnl~ ~ I Werner Spict l t omlo 199 1)

I II~ ~7 K d~ K cunn~k Iuhf rvtJh IM~Io~ fj lt-1IJVdt r gtn leI

dllrf Kgt(hHIZ I ~ l

8iJ bull 1gtlt I g T irk Fwn~ SlmNt11b

11 middotJn~(n Hmt ~ lldIcAt (mll1~hlt

~I lj(h gt)6I ~ p gtgII

J) ~ee 11 0 ~bn lagtlt I Allqlr)

oflrlllll$iol)middot PI 6- 7r lhr dhl1 l1lt IK hr omlll~1 d(h nlll(11 (III ud h ~

ltill u~Jui ncall y I ~nd lor thillgt IcJ rly 1rs ign~II ~lId Impic ddinlun ul rourrlS luch as li lliemiddot h I(ll no h hI l (~ Ii lt mcill ~ tur middotC)middot ll la IIllt-SIKn a (1(11011bullbull 1 H turn jn I(raquolt ru lUI lTnp ~~i 1g ~1 I r

roukl hi ~r~lJ od tlbull ( Ihi Ik nrngt i~ made lllcmllll UKOf)~ Fr ~cl7rh c r) hMd lU lOll ~ Il ili K r nger through $1(middot togt tI ohjrl i( lria 10 judiCII

91 - GltQ rl 6atai llt Solr a ll~middot Fis rif fXt~s SI_rlJ I Im~~ P7 t)39lli

113 $Iodd Minapo l ~Jl lp XIV

1 lt1 6 12 ioIar ~nu p IJ Halaillits 1Qcom )Ir rollinS (m Ih bullrf r lw ~Ml h [ ~ [ I llt imal(vfltouinuous mC l~lor]lh mal p l y i1a d l5ori llJOII lOr tllti M the locornoriH r ltI hl$l)ry lt]uOI(d in aUT

III-rljolmirgt (r SdiJ 1 rlrHn-1 n- I irl 1974 p 1 ~3

illcidcn t the youn g a rtisl F ra il i~ st ru ck by a pa iming llr a l be scc~ in a hn lll it lUll a IlOCIlIIIMI lan dstltl pc ill wh ich a cr ucifix Ull a hiJl i ~ illll m ishy

na llti by IltI ) S o f moonlight The he rm it ex plains Ihat tilt crucifi is a po inte FingcI7cig ) to Ilw ~pjri lu d wurld beyond the faJ lc n world of lla tu n T o Franr ~ o bse na lioll O ne cou ld ca ll th i IMint ing an a lkgor)

the IIn ln il answers All an is JIlt-go rict IIoJ

T IH middotFingcrJeig iI) Ixpbli necl by th e h~rrn it to F ranz S lt rnbald point s not o nly to Iht spiri tlla l but also 10 thlmiddot pr (~cllce of J ll egor~ iblf As a li ter indlx a sho wi ng ha nd o r jJ ~ i l1ting fi n~cr tht Fingerrig i ~ a ~ tJplf

or i Ihlems II is Oimi larly In ade li ter1i b) -l a x E rn)1 t du slig ma tied ha ncl f1 oatin~ in f r OTH of th e lt ruci fi xiOthl~ middot prinM I ~NtJ I Herc it indicates linmiddotth er bu t not Im llscc ndCIH [l)callings90 In E r ll st s painti ng lh t ROlllit lll ics cruci fi x lS alkgori la l poin hr to a hig her nal rn sim ilarly

i tl n l c~ a landscape of d a rk Illowltai ns a nd il eawnly fil ) S IHl I fur the

COltj UIl Cl ivlI o f redemp ti ve c ru cifix a nd ill urnin at iug SUUS(t in Fricclricbmiddots pa inting o r truci ft x and moonlil-h t in Tillkmiddot O novel Ern$[ dark ly ~J bs l it uLes

copulat ing limbs and the bloc ked rays o f a IUllar refipSt Ermls lmiddott nblema tic painting alt Frifeirich s had don ra i se~ p r0 1Jicms or

cnTlIl lllporar) a lkgory When G lf)rges Aatai ll e- turned tn alr-IItm ica l )slIllllng in 192 7 he did so in I( rm~ that almamp t com icH) m im i Ernst s d csul Itmiddot c lltra ilmiddotfilled landscapt 1111 earth middotcovtrtd wi th vuk anOIs hich SltJoT a~ iLs a n us is driven in iL~ rota tion by lhe male ~ha rt ]l tlttraling 1 1 11~

laquomiddotma l- alllJ a lmost t lIl irely (merg ing ill o rder 10 ree n tcr like Ih( piston~ of ~ 100o mo ivl

JI i~ the 1Ilf(ha nical Oll ll)il ltion n(] t ll morm t inn~ of thes mOtmcn t ~ Ihat th~ ak htmists soll~h t 1 I hI philosoJlJ t ~ ~IU Ilt ~

This nWfhJlist jlmiddot cop ulatiu 11 hudcsqu e~ t he vmiddotn ji) UIIl1n ioli o f allegory th e

ltlnagogir 11 wrh of r() rrcsponden(c~ and rtmiddotst ]tlbl a nct~ lIlt middotcopula that li~

one thi ng- 10 a noth n ill lang ua te all Cl witt g ) 11 thin) to be visibly co nnCfted Ha lai lk s a llcgvrical luvers will mve r fi nd ilnythi ng but parrxlic i magc~ l11d Ih ey will [ Il l asieltp l ~ empty a ~ mirrun Wh en En tail k

fu rther GlUs lically mcdita ted Oil the gno~ tic roo ts Llj Hegel ia n ism in Ll)ll~

ma teria li smt c t Ie g nllst ( 1930) p ropus in g a k~ l abili ing hcadl es~


a J1q~ory tha i would elimuatt aJl h ilTardlic11 ~ ~ t C IllS of rdtn lllc indud ing ~implistic rcv( lltals or blst ll ld idea l o r CXq-lt1l 111 llt1 1 lnrl ltlcrUllcn lll he wa addrtR~jng is)llc$ irnpJiL it in Of Ihis men lInll knOll IWlllillf 91 H ()wcvcr heelIlsl Erns l middot ~ all egory ( nds to Ill p a ll)l it i( depcnds on just ~ll (h illvcrshy

~j ()m ilnd reve rsals of hig1 and low Old is a t a re mov from Btl taillcs infla111ll1110ry ()I)f ll-f llded hd lltaded en terprise

E nHl$ im ages a re often d riven by this undermining of thcir (IW ll sourn-s of lJowc r fcp lescnliug hotb II((i r own ~ la luS a nd i1lSIlfjicilIHy OrtCll they

assu me tht appearallce of (lnhkrlls wh ich as concieusetf o r short lr and ig ll ~ of aUTho rit y ~a n c ti fi ~d by t rld ilion art disrupted hy Ewstmiddot~ illtruio n of thc n ltllll r 1 LIld ~e)( u t l rhc n dllcti t middoti~ua l 11I11ouage or cmhlcms lcnd~ t o ltlrd hrogaliun 111(1 fimiddotag11lClltlliun Ih ich LntSl n alu raJiz~s likening Ihe Sllll1X of fj middotrgnWlll3 Iioll 10 (lperatjoT1~ (lil lbe hod y lt bull rile tru ncalLu pa riS a Ird Ii 1111 ~~ or Of IhiJ lien shall know Iohing arg uauly J u clc 10 th t ~ceri ng lIId te lldt n liou~

reconstruniom of tht e mhknjs [anllJage o r aut hori ty a rClruc luring of Ihc

sy mknloche lim hs a lrcldy prnelH in v i ~l1 emblems Througbout his canlt r Ems would dltriV( double prestige flOlll disrupting lhe COJlv(middotnlions of hOl h a rl a nd li tcrJ fl1l middotf iro lliing his au thoriaJ role as bot h a rlis and poel Emblelll s a rC1 ft lilc ground fur ~uch opT3tions k ndi ll g tlwm~clvu 0 ditorshylil)m or he reci prxa lIldi(a tion s or eX T lIld image which anmiddot Ihe STarling

point nfalJ tgory

Ac kn o wled gement

S l l i(j ll~ of thilt papa H r( pncn l(d a~ Ielt tlJT(~ iI conjullclinn il l Max Em~I

rc ll1(nary ehiiJninm Ihe RnlJ ncl 1(nr()X Memorial JccUrc U Il l T a(middot ( )11)

(1(11 middotmff A Ul IrIJJf(ct ll ItJ91 -J) lI lId II M 01 i (Ilal pound7110 O(lff( 11111 Ihr Duwn oj

hguw middot 11lt~ ~ 111lgtltlorHr hnwltim ltr (10( lOH 9

ll G~1 1 1~ l k 9Jo 1Iy tnillcril ilm 01 11l()oSn bullbull n uollgt ~f fj(w ll 11 52 amp0- M l=nmiddot w middotn I rltult~ ~ rKumrnt d ~ 1 ~ her IkuJamin a~ flll~ (ltI by II~Ilt ml II ~nljsL in rn 8 to auK 1 1~middot ul~r l an L~n ur Silllplilll ~I bat ~ J Ilrl~1U

rell t huugh r he dmiddotIIrymclll of d~lthi IiLinl( pmiddot(hootvtic laquogto ep tgt url ~ s Ielcnnimmo tm r1m~crltt ~m gteJmlt IImntllw I l middot~fI Rll1Ifl1l twlllv Imis ~f )m(alUl lin(I~I illrrkdtmiddoty u An~lc

M IAlodlt 91l 11)) U[ i -l lt)1 - I lt-nd ubstmiddotmiddotmiddot- rht Ire rn~l i u Ul uf Illor lt1 Fm~ (J Ii i fnuc lr Crlt Ihl1 t ho- lifl ugtd rmiddot]m of poundrnsl middot~

lIuc nod ilmhil(1)omh g(ndcrltl h gtvlnL ~ n rh mo (h hypcrholic

Dio cjOCulH1o11 orsl) rl-d~n jm1tf(cry1gt il dO(lt i lli fmltle ~aC11l nr [[00lt1 orgmiddotoonldltG1IHllion al 11 0( Immigt ufth aULhOl tlgt hi~ E rol$L is aJlj~1 llIh GltltX B tll lltmiddot hnnlcnz ~u nf llcg) 11gt1$(111 (~I L ory 111-1 111 in middotSoI ant S l ~r fter u ~1Jtn in capl1on i ndirat~

oJ ddo-nce I n nn SPIf (lIKI

r nn1h~r nd sigi ~ L k Ma~ middotrn1 O~f IllOJ ob middotCologne 9i)- ) in uch fll nh(r ifnrm~lin ( laquo(mns I r ~lO ( C ~d locatiOIl may bc tu

il(ure 29 Em1 OJ I middotun shall (Mil

-h~~ 9 f SLl 63middot C 1 Ernni I IJtI 11uJSODRAC (MlHHrc~j l


S1Irrwlism 9lt)3 ) J 11m gl~Hdn l for lho ltc o pport uui l itl 10 (Olls ider Erns to l roCesso r

CI i~ toll wr Crn middotlI ImfCi J oh n Gl)ldi uS Prorr~Ylr Willillll Cmfi~kl and the

11 011 Fod a tio 10 11middoti r va middot i)l1 ~ lt1 g middotn n)lCgt d vicc I 11olIIk Sllzar rl c Ak bari

r l d~(f l)cre nhI Joyn GOKl(i n E rhan Jd l Kavalc lmiddot and M E Vnr lic k

Page 19: Only Half Saying It Ernst SCAN

~ Umothc JaiuA I(hI~ed me of rn~(f hfdonA bullbullding 0 -11 ~ i~ (k Iter lu

hLlhtlh LclOlc 0 ell 91121- M~ dlkllraquolO(l i~ lI deb loo (0 II~

fC(Illt(r o Kn ) ~r-lu t HtNIl_ nI1 Ioudon 9lj s~

fio hlr S d 110 Stlrjinf rd l1I1 dholln ~ lId K rd Sallnd 2 lIllIlIlr~ n 1)gt5

y QUOIn t 1bullbull Iulil1 Oir Il-gtOtw- KumulIl ~I fI Poe jdcr h Ohrfllt1101nl imiddot b-ftJ IMM bull I~ 1 IjJj11_ 1 lt)OCf p ~06

~1 It_I 5ltlrrif(~~ V 282 U lln hilll prp1K(I h1I Novtlraquomiddot d~ ldk ll i

ixua Irlnllllod ~bull middotIrmiddotI1 I middot rJ dwr Ihm rr lrnrlll (Hgtrlldk ) ~H - ito UBeu PI 0 11 11gt ~MI S(itl~I I V I ~

~ 1 ttl lIml To i Was Ma_~ 1-1 Iudirl h i ll Ia ~H K~I~ P l S c r PI Ip HattltlorHrr

I~nf(n (P(t Tunlu IPlI amp nn K olVI)lJtt AtIhIJIt~ ImJ~nt I _jm (1(In EIxhllll 19031 Karl Ih(f)(lomiddot C d cru ( dritl

HMIlI~NI III Jtbtfl DISn LI n Ll(PlM 1Jf(d 1881 J eanmiddotUaud t rtbs (~ ifipp H sectn Cr ~

tIorll Frnkrun middotrnmiddotMam u Iu 1lI

IqIi l PI V~ -t3 Thrn ~r n 1I ~II i ltI h not 1 p~I1gttul r 1( in TI n oell u1f 0111 8ui chmid d FIIrjI ~I 5 ]nJ J~6rfjnnu 1 lII Di_UfJ(11 Numbl

III~ 1Io11l 6 SI h nJ ( f(tmiddotulll ll middotlulrodOIvu AItl~ry aN HprtUIIlJIIDII

PI) ~l D lan pOIfl~ ou ltlr311~~f)rr 3ltll1 mhlrm bull 11 d iflkuhy (Of ]Jqllf i Iht th (mvh d~r ~ 01 rtp~uu -n C tgtOllt~ nd In 11K rmiddotrr fSltltn~ l h~

Iu Qn I ~Icd middotPutal

bullI ~gtIOfV of PllSlVI IIpry RfIlnIllI_ p ~3)

language to th e th i [l~ il t~p rC~n l gt argli n~ t haL silllc lAng uage n rijinatcrl

l1 finding ~ i lm (or lbSl tae l conccpt~ it i illiterr l11ly nw tlphoriltl md dlceptivcn Fot I(ovali ~ fcprCC nT ll ion is a proce -~ hy which lall~utKC

fig ures (orth somelh ing lhal i ~ itself IUSI I rough tillt ln y 1(1 of being pnstlIh( If for Nova li ~ jlOmiddottry IIl ll lgt1 appro~ld l i~ual li rt ))il rot~il Inu

also zur Kunst werdcn ) ~I ne( rt hclt-~ d ll ~i I) ilwit)bly Idl shor

crea ling an illusiun uf prcsellcC where t he re is n() IH So (I IlC ( an n p n SCIl I onl y i ll ordcr 10 rcprcscmiddotnt Y alld beyuml t hi ~ lei of 1lt_ prcMnting thrrc i~ rIn absolutc ulIlcprtsctH ahk negllid y d tlcrm in ltgtd KlOu nd a conce pt or being that lt1111101 be d(~( l i hltd (111) displMcd im o c han o r darkmss cent Tn Novalis Eru~ 1 wou ld find a his tury fOl J (I lwlhiIlmiddots (ol1lcm po rIIY

argumcnt thnt all ln nguagl inn )ivcs metaphor and millndcr~t lIld ing a nd lil his d tllcriptioll of IIe cia rk nes~ Iha l sl l orc~ lip Ihl )l lOvcrh OlSlTlions Novalis~ theori fs ofl anguage uor nt oul by Pa ulhan ct1ll thC lllsck e 10 Ill

middotprlScll led by ErnST in the en ig-nuic piuolid Innn Lpprnp riltlH to NOlt1i ~ ~

sig n or 8ild

Allh~ Fin- Clear Word Ill a y be lfad in ligh l orlh~I plradmtlt ofbnguagl lild ~emury d ectption I n~ot~ r a ~ EII) is til represen w r n r pn5lnllr CJftlll pic tll re he is til t d tceiHI ho (c l hI eq n I writcs him$(lf intn IIw p ictu re through his pnouious mono~ ram 3 ~ ti l( deceived Sim il (ontig ur lI iuns or balls a nd stri ng llC a cOlIlIlon plac( of SCclllttnth-cent ury

(middottIIule lm )( rhlil l it~ sud l a~ R lJlkll h lgcns l enllOll~ Globe hanging hy A

thread IllrCa ltned by tht di vine k ni ft wilh its mOllo 1 wi ll hc cm 10 pi tccs

fIgure 18 T IlfsC l m blcUla lie modds sel up the ( lIt1 i n~Cltlst ration j oke impliCi t i ll Enm~ plin ting T he mOllo or I llIvorffcrs rebted emblrlll ha l dccei CS us a mu~cs u~ is cunsistent lth t he ide) uf lhe pli n ting iI~

an illustra tion 01 Illr (kctpt ions of thO se nlt-~ and of m imetic picllln-m k i ll~

tsdr ftigure 19)

H ard(irfit- r 01In eccen tric th(o ris t uf the e o lvill Genn a n la n ~ua~(

a nel of uuoque emhlems H iJ visio n 01 middotGrlllairl poticmiddot was illfiuencecl by Ripas rulolugifl Acia w and J atO) C algt l ~lII st ho had studied ph ilu logy an d hld la kcn a ( ou r~( o n the v c r man nomiddotd of the sevenshy

leenth lin d middotijl ltnnl h cel1111ri o l it u nivtfi ly miln I dl have Cllcou nshytered his 1 ()lk 9 I I is a~y til 11 (-l arsdlitflcr a~ it proto-sunca list

throug h Jing-u islit ~arlH ~ ill Wllld ~ amI illll(~ b) p hon ti play and nc c()r tr bi n a lioH ~ Ill hoped 1(1 drw 1)lIt h iddell ret lI1b l a n ce~ bct ccn th ings and CVl U 10 invcnt IIC W Ih ings illulllill ltinl lI lt p ro fo und rdations of I lItgulgt mpound ttoe o rld I he cullelt i gllllc-pla) illK of his C tspradtshyspick fragmcn tcd syllabic and wo rd re(()I nbined b ltliterna li m cun trishybutors to produt( unli)rt (c lI rclt I1 I1 ~ ha~ I)l iUlis afJiui lies w il h surreali~t

potti I practice H aT1gtltlu r rfCIs emblem r ai(~ a ~lmiddotnlmiddotr tI puinl ahou t em blems hile tlln

pro id e Glp tival ing rt)lism cf el ltil tl li is IP l r~ l to ensure Ie~ihilil and ough t to have Ilolhillg 10 do I ith Ihe Jl lt- I ~ lI nmiddot Urlllil1lDis A t Ih( F lnl Galf

Vorn a ~ a piclure a bout S( II~()ry cl ( p tiotl is a n ironir a llegory or ils own t1l IK1Ciri cs (0 rcprcocnt r-I(IIc hrou l- it rIilCgt ltI p roblem of aUIgory whkh Lries It) fu lly npn scnl or pi tun al) t rt( tions llUt I~ hich llIccssa ril rccals

ilS uwn fa ilure lu arw ally brillg lillih ~udl tl lill~s fgt T he da ril ) of the cmbk m sim ul ates tht gra tifJ I lir~ of I n i (J1lsi~ stl1ing up an anxi()u ~ t1t t rshy

naliun btlwctn (knxlillg wh a t i ~ IlH- u lr d eH lr dll1iC(11 dra lng and



I bull



relishing the pleasur UI) pmsibly lIli 11 1lt1 i( tJl E1l11Jk mati~ a1l0w E rn~ 1 shywho 4xprcsscd cQn tcni p l (() I milllClit a rt to negot iate bdwfcn I h~ ~I(tu(~shy

livci ) mimet ic tud ed ifying)y d i agrarnma l ic 6~

As 1 pend ru 10 AI Iht hr~ 1 elfllT kV(lrd til (ol1l g ~ L Q)QI Jl tSCIIf n ) OUIIl

girl 930 -70 (figu re 20) tu - h i1I Ems f IHu a lly added a real glolWmiddot tikc bltlll ul ltlnnil y bcar~ 0111 [he sense of the Rollen hagen l mbll Il ah hough thl di vjllC POWtf to cut i~ now invested in the tollage nist himself (o r rather Is he represents himselfilhin Iht piClUre l~ Lo ploPi The em bleshym a ti c rt lnin d n Iha l rh inbTS U( 1I1titna tcly IUIt of your hands Ihll ( oci hold~

thl ~ci ~sonbull i ~ plnyert upon hy Ernst wi lh da rk i l The introduct ion o f Lo ptop in 1910 as Ern t ~lt rtgo recaJl~ owllis diClUm The 1 1l1 li~1

preselt iLSeJ f as prcsln ting 3 Th i5 cads again to lIlt problem ()f the vict lln asmiddotil1li~i oll [ltU L()plop i ~

lI sultl lly d cscrilx-d imprf~sJli()o )jk( as introducing or p rese1l1ing tbe pic tll OfL r n il is Lop lop ~lC lillg as frl1lw o r easd who prCSCli Is a n iUlIsiomiddot Jli~li( pi clltrt ilhin lltt piUunu5 T he ~ ll hjCtI~ of tll( pi( llIn~ lI il hin the

piCHI onen have weigh t) implicJliuns I rolll1( Ililii grapes by a~sociltltion with Z tuxils gmpes im o kc piolo ri a l illusionism oa k kavcs stan d fo r (C111111 narion) islll a nd RU(k has rl ief M aJgtcilllise sla nds tor F rench nltionltl lshyiim It is as if Ihe sym boJic me ni li lS indicated b) Loplop~ piclu res t re IS i lonkally rcl ri (vaule as the pos~ihi lilics of pino ri 11 iltu~ion and flllln(i~ th they sland for alld ilh wlloh Ihey an Pcs(nt ed TI H the grI I(S a nd 1lCS

2 5 (1 TU lrAHI middot H 1(-

Fillln II ( il)r id R o)knhag~n middotClu han b II hr~d wlih (~ tr ha nd hold g a kn rmiddot ~f(~w 1hIlIIIImiddot I i-him r ~i

fi t - St Th II Kelley Rn~MI

II II(go ] II ~(IIl he If Ih~1 nl(crmst llrgor~ na k middot ldrr r~t(h n I t ~

I h on ~ l llpp1)Vdl) oljlflSCd 10 il r)w mimClibullbull his(01 )

() 2 h r hisect iIIllhn (fOlU (hi

(l hll mele mil ~ 11 arlif t ~

Ma_ fru~l jjiIMJ p I 6J - ~Mlta )iJmik ~ f ~t12 ~ct

~I )ulm P 97 (v r di (m h~

Pilamplg hvll t N(ll$ II a rl h ltlonlt4) ontt I 10( lim or ~m~IJ I1 Y 1IIIliD 11$ iltit (laquolt ~ndjd G ~ ~IJ

mulaquo el 1 rl arsd ltnd laquocu 6 s O middotRticn I lI lh Th pk utc -ithm h pintlr _tnCi as mc~rhor ru t NOali om pI ad pIIaduxinl image I l ie -1l ld h h wdun Ikin~ hll iI~) 1middotU1 ou tsid e j( as n prtlCnt tWIl

~Qligt hnJ ~ p 06 ti) - I plup~ middotad a nd eQpalt$ h~

any ~ial pr~cnlenu C( middotrrllr SIlOlt f~Qp_ rr J i( OIMt Srf LotdwI

Jlil Ik~Q 1 SI)ics I(8middotus l ~c1r ( rrma o-c is MOl Sehind s TII trti~tgt a iOimacd COnllltUl6 ~ilt5(lt rllaquot and ~il5hl-nlzot) fn~nn 0 Nlrru~fI IJaa 80

tisull 9 H lrjr Wshy nj() h Mr~t ~ 1 Itmfr U(pr~(hrIr

1644 (I


r for Jr


ikdy d a$gtltS


(J VUlliJ yenrrfttr~ I Xi In lh~

LltJII()Igtltrics t~ l ~h UlCt Ilw rompt

fMI dlilaquo (f making (hiu ~Jl llCar IU Igt I n nplJ(1 QUI of Ill()lhcr pic of PII r bdud lion which I 1lap ilh (he ambJguIjI Qf ltOt lhin hccomioe middotrl )7 S pound I) VHI Image ar bod Y dt purd aliRl1l11(llt 01 Waltt r Ikllj ~mi lt1 1 Bnlmiddot JDI(1 M8JN~IIl1iI ~ 3

Ilt)ltJI pp ~5 -H20n h~ P r bullbull II1tQl 10 11( cn blrn1 Ilr liK if IC~ t()

I)irn iocapl hle Ihe-Imiddot of middotrnln lmg meaning bullbull liegQ1 i~ 01 ju(

Olhnlll mClonpnic 5hiflil g 01 Wmanl(


art acturl lly pre~sed into thl paper 10 form ~ ha~ lr-lief h ci~hlI1~ lilt joke Oil 1h( power of piClori11 illusio1lism to hring things illlO r(l 1 d inwnsions wi th in tIll fidd o(the r iled mimesis of the ditglam l1la lic larger pi( tu lmiddotmiddot

So Cr llsts pictun may ntmiddot tl kcn 1 a n (mhemlIic prCsentation or Novaliss Bild lunel ioning as a Plfldoxi( d rlj) rc~cn l alion of 11ll fli lurc 10

flill y represc nt dealing wit h thc plOhle rn o f prcsen li l~ a pilI UII a t all and by elltensiOll wil h the )nhcllnt dcnplio ll~ of me La pho] i1lu-iol l and lan guClgc O ften representcd by a dark ell si lhouettcd htnd IS in Ioplop pminlS bullffjiifJ 1931 (fi gu rc 21) Toplop invokes Novl lis f~JlloJs d cscri pshytioll o(thc delusi(n of repr~cntlllg H( gliI-p- ollly a handful ()r d ~llklJcss ((

Loplop a~ i ll1 plcs~ario mtkcs p rescnting ~d l~co l1 c i olls hat is prestmed i ~

ahIs mediated 01 II a rnllOW like Ill( pictures Wi lh1) pic lurts losing

ground III llllIly o r Ernsts p3i nling~ W~ 11( ill the territory of cmblemalic rcprOlclllltHioT1 thost fa ilures and ha zards agaim t hi ch the rnord or motto or the emblem i~ proph~ bClieall) ~c l Ernst makes the cmble mat ic il1l agl a ll emblem orkonograph ic lnca n ill ~ itsclfb7

Tn the (middotolllgc novels ]lIginning with La Femlllt 100 [Flu 1929 Ernst dcvdops the cm blem image illlO an allf~o lka l na rrali( Tf Enhts coll agc T1ocI ~ fU llction or ma lfUllclioli l~ parodics of the pul p nov as cx lcndccl clich e the atrnosphln of popula r IlOVel movi ng- from dimao( to climax is nut (Illy char3neri sl il o f di llhangcr scrit1illd Ii (lioll bUI of high allegoric-

~ ilurr 1Q ~rJUI --QpI~ IW(1IIJ P~lIf $1

11)3)-70 ~ I tl 1 1 C 1 1 -nm middot 0 (1

1~riII-O[)1iC ( IlIn~11 locO

111)_ HI nl [ ~ l Cl middot

ril(UR 21 ~nb l Loplol fgtrr~ll bullrjlirJ 193) raquoI~ 1781 Cl 1( lt f rtI~(AIJA(f

ld SUOkAC ( Ina l ZOQO

(gt11- Ou EI and pu(p fin iou Klt Rltncc

R irlot 1 1I~rI S~JIIJ on flu 11ltgt01 Jkrkdmiddot~ od l(gtmiddotngt1cs ~ P 8

(I li ~ r)hC Olhe r(olla ((n-vcb 10 (tII~ 100 ius lltms 10 f()rl~ ~cu i t i It f J) bn pred i(1ali( ITUucm nf

dJgory thaI IhIt ir is w lhig

~-qutItLil1 and UorrdlJ d~li) irlo )PUlI lhol a 101 s~ j 1 rma ll e Iruun OrUrgurir 1 d middot middot 70 Sec RrlIll I)j kw Idol Dr (fomlr gt~raquoI4S~~ ofFm= ri( i Fi -ltir)l1dr CIIIMlt rw Yk I ondon and O d Od 7r - Ilr hundred h~dlc wumn

pcrgtoniM Ihr protlogt ofnIlt) i II blt n d~ugtltsltJ lrum la~I llt nmiddot I a ~ Old Ikrricln gtI I at OJ~ 1I OllgtII) Ic Ihin lnd b) UI huured 11Ultbl

(ltTduug Slaquo Kon Rund tbi~ oUtIII l SnfUQa flta (Slrnl

-Ill Jcq1 [xrrid I ~ Ihr ~i dr Plmon r PIQImr idd i rUf HiOn

1- 1 1jl3lt) ~5- ~1 a 1 11Ik -bn

laIlt 1111- uf P5UaSI Il 11 n 7 nLllIr Max En_ s CCIl1~ldc A Il

u~dJjJ Ju tzmis Punl of pHtdigmltK- rcmm~ Jail (tcmiddot i duo1lltcJ

j ltoul l e~ d to Ir mYIr~ de IJ Fr nn I (h rlltoum ed ilh Inrily n [J

ru~orlf J~dlnl Ul Ieh IW adl COl middot

iJ drjed in Lr M~IUf ~ (ue biod Il)d by II rah ) mllo)~ a (M from CIen dOn Imiddot ga~m

n j)()gtltt t ( du d I dClaquo1 PllfT

J1( Inl 9~3 I 3 )middot i J 1 mpu lit) is 011( ( I)utf HlT~JIJ ilIU1lruom illmlHffi by t dl~ aKI o lkmm Solaquo rhf 11rllrpIt~ of 1fIIopoilbullbull 1(0)1 ltlt 1 A I (~ bull Lltdo d3middotICl ) I or the hltad leM

m~ ~I nprt nlIVlt of the lI h~voJiud

Mltirirr5(C Ilaydcn hw T hc Ior r Idnc rll f~fJ)lgtfOlmr FHJ n

cJIllIr1 (nWi BahiOI~ 11(1 l aunn

l7ijjP r63 5

ltIS wellG8 The luadks~ OIl1an w ho c rupts iu uiflircn l forms lhrou~hflu l Ia Frllllllr X) tilu could ~ef( as a mnaphor lor Ihe d isru privt relations bel ween metaphor ltlnd th( ~cq ucn tiltt l flow of narrative charaCte ristic ( I llegory The d(vd o]lm(n l~ cnn (inui lY and rcptli li(HlS afTordcd by 1lIJTativc allow hun (0 rCClpil lLlatt S() W ~rea k hi ~ usc of woma n to personify his own Icdllliqlll

The k nmJe nud e had belfl l1l1 lhe prw niscuQu sig nifier par t udtIll( 111 nin clee nlh -nntury $ll nn painling in 1 hifh Ilt t complex it(lltirics and allri shy

hut es of any given 1 l1 cgoricld personifi cat ion WCl( Kro~~ l y sim plifin l a nd s i ~lIalled a nd in which multipl ied numbers (of ha rtm ~la v (s or OJcads) com pensa te fo r loss of indiidual s ignificalion If Ihimiddot ~a loll lIu dc finally scrvf d as a pcr~nn i fi clI ion of a n OcrT rowcltd a nd raquohdioere Sa lon itsdr 7ltgt that cltuase lllent of the aan c mil tra dil ilJll rIK ina ted Erm t as he pl ullder(d ninelecn th-cent ury j ournals a nd salrl11 (pvrl~ fOt his collage ma l( i1 1I y not one hundred headl(lO~ woman instead of onc hundred mrmingk ss oms why nOI om perrcn ly ugly hcadlc ~ Ioman (ICte de mecl us() instead of ti le rut ile Salon bca ut ic_

Tlt tlc is Ill importan t (ll ulcmalic prototype for frns t~ womln a ~ GC f(]

Rauer has notcd I rnst s fcmm e 100 t Ci I~ has a counte rparl ln L a Pcrr i i rc ~

11 T lriil de$ bQNJ en~IIS (rigurl 22 ) IhlUl1 d i~llliss~ this rcscmbk nc( agt fortu itous ImHer il is im portant Ih1I it is the Inl tllnt is c1ost-S1 10 the

Ill(ltlni nls uf Ernst s woman not till image I Pcrlicres femme is iuall y an ad ap tat ion of a lomill onpl acx Horapllll o-dlTivcd hcadle~ ma n

signif)itll( I m )JOssibili t~ presuma hly a 11 aul c~s oman l~ douhly illlpossihlen In L Pcrricrcs prcm lO he is not JJl( rely ]utdless bu r rtther Jik( Ernst s middot te mll1 f hilS I)Ulny i(kn til il~~ IqJrcst ll l(o by many heads silt is compa n d to lh e Chi n1ltl crn Girion p) hnn tll cdusa Cerberu~ and lhat l-llnicular pnmiddotc ur~or of tIl( km nw 100 Ittcs Iht H yd ra Through such proli li-ration or menning sIt( is Ih e mhkJll l i ~L~ dream emblem Lr

Pcrriercs le( nlllcludes tha t ma rc marvellous Ihan all Y of Ihc~t lll ylhic creatures middot vu lrl bt Ull(- fem me sans leu Ihe One figure who cou ld prcSurnshyably em bod y a ll hybr id mean ings in one ~ llcc in (t blll meani ngless fo rm La lclTiCr~ crnhlem may be an allegory of lhe cjlem ma of rht PO(I UIIHl Lnned hy his middot iivll~ hu l need ing 10 be a )H roi( d eca pitator a rer~(lI ~

aluivalc1l1 T hl ngrt l1a ble mora l conclusio n of La Perri eres poem is tha i woman Ilccds a guidc a ra tional hCltld a nl ltln lax pound rllst71

O n one occuion irr IAI FtnllU 100 liles Ernsl himself appearS (fi gure 13 1 III Loplop and the mouse s horoscope M attCrs or desliny fa lc a nd horoscope- are a sta ple ur emblclIl li te rat ure middotf he imge is pan of a n embleshymat ic (radiliv) in vhich caged creatures slam] ror lht ca ptivi lY and sull t ring of tIlt poel or lo (r (fig ure 24)1) Em Sl i~ agen t and nO l ca ptive 01 flt ltc however Ba n-dle~lcd he may be (rt l ra~ rfli hen a~ ltlll odur pcr~nll a uf Ihe multi-valc lll woman he carries the d isGmlrd cinllus of th at stock haraCllr of l lk gOry the haUd resscd woman RUI he holds onto h i~ hal (Ihich unlike the he-ad Ill ay be lakcn on and of 1 ) and thu s retaim for himself Ihe powcrful masculine role of the head Erusl appea ring in persOIl wilhin his tollage 110d signn ls his SWIUS as a ll-controlling novelist or em hleshymatist d lOS(middot c lvnga lcd hand CH n pluck thr- mouse Out of il s ordaiucd palh al a n) tim t Ernsl l$ a llcgorisl should Iw SitultlHd in the trdi liun ofparod ic nuvc isg incl udilg Ka lldais Charles Sorcl J cln -Pa ul R idlter and TIlOlIllS Stcrne whose work relies 0 11 a Jlet0ry to ironi ( it ~ own d tviccs~

hllur~ )~ rouU gt lt 11 Ierricn middot1 _ Fe 0lt ~Iemiddot bb(om xv Lt middotfhIQII( au flu OlU 539middot

7 t t- rr middotm i ~hlllkeuoImiddot(gtr I ~

E ts alP-1m~ ad 10 III unJinn~ Ih t middothltmiddot ~11 ome hmiddot Igill~ o nly in o 1 oj Ihem ~e ltor pmpcrl) nmn~(tcd IIgt Illfi r 1middototls tT j inllny ITrI 5I t 01 SIJ Iijt I-i 1 Ynr I)U

1middot9 i ~ Thmiddot tllmiddotd 111I)Ult if) Iro p O JPC~Il

lciII otld ~rqJlOxIUmiddotlmiddotd in I) middot~(on( ~t j oolgt C~~ middot i ~poliJ t

gtj)(lli lont tmiddotC I 111 (apia I)n1

[mill ) MUftIM~ Alh dt 11((-111

fAmSIrd I 7~ (l Damel Hcin~iul

Q I ~lD 1~J i Jm I-oIo bullt ) fo r lupid (gtIllide h ase Md P C t 1)(1middot Imbl~w tryU 1l~rd~m 6 rmiddotlmulcd Pdmburgh bulln7l) fcr Cil~rrl bini ~e ncr (Inllri ) aud cupid with ( ~cd ~uinrl 70 T ho $(lrnHmhurv au C hr[ So middotI JlhT rparodir novel a nd IIlkgori(O ( h anw rl ttlnIHomaM)

ealled iIllOIltSlion mi(Ic rda liou pc bnl(lIagc and III(Ialhor Sorer IA llalJM df ] i1Jbullbull d rih inl( illtolI (IU~1

~ ~ hltgt~d nn peI middotrh gl1_ rhlemiddot Jta~middotlIIg lt1 word altgtCUo ns loped J) hc PUWK middot~u du nall iJ a JrcLuIXlT r rnmiddot i~ ileJ[laquoIU311Dt~s 5lt ( hI M rd u II ~ 1f(J n1~ (Pn_ (pI rcpri lro Cmiddotneva I In) I II calte oflh coU~ lt rImmiddote1i trn auhial IU-altAO Pli middotuJarly ho hOj( mlhlt (crmA n KumlIi J~- lJul Ridner middotbose H)15 ltt Imiddot) hd raquoPlltkd I nnch IlIor41)middot all(nlion ~d Ih adlDlI-llluU o(j (l ll Ia l h ~ and Atdtt ISr~lt)n middotIltmiddot wen 11 Y lr1nd lrlIlt I io lfj~ ln-I HI Kichllr$ nmlk a lllorio rI narruvlts I U ( muhIImiddot l oice IUd idrmiu(l SU)tgjOgtjl

Jm~(1 I(dnn lues Ihe T j l aIS lisr of nI I~ImiddotrJ1 puion of his nilId I$n

ort o(lXlI EI ~ 111lt he r1l lo h-ough Ihe quouditn _orld in JAIrun(

1M IbN ~~ t altga rtl H ale II ~f

Olxron SdiOQlj Afi1)ullu 1)~ 1nil 91) and Claulk jich i I middotmJ~ lit 71~-I fJJJ1 (~ J(IIU l~ MIjalllUt llnt 1963

I ~urc 3 M~ ~ rnst middot[plol 1 ii(

uy hor)s(ol In 0 1(1lt lila

9~9 SI1 1st II rlduL~t Igty ponniion [r I~I (II I n T oronto Rampn-oce Lbr~ry

17 Osk P(lltak lkr hcmige ud I Ioliphilw Ir~ J ldK 1 tA(rifll~ UlIll A KvI~m~b(

191111431 Ii for h~ Qfih lok hUllIuand Irlnlt[1gt HI(lIMlultin Pp~tl cd Gm P U md LUCla A

Cil)pom (Idu ~I fl - Lrw ~lIfsk) r~frrnl o Rtlla~nCt Nlt)middotpl aJJojonn~

xt ufpopular ga m ltco mparabk 10 vulgn plmiddotd n I~j middotNllatomc ilocltb III ~kgtr~c( ud Norh I al) Ul Sl~d It 1(middottI~l i lew York 972) p 1 1) i~ 1 I 1)QoinofdlSlllcIllOcrtlt in

he I[TIlI mtd~ 1 er(l~ lll1cgo~ I RUI~ JlnlJJ( i~ p l lrll l~rJ r r(Ie 10 rn( mltlll(j in 111 1middot( IIlI) lil() 110 ( Ihe tMLion of~~Irn wel of N~ro dlrnwwcJiinli oflus md i I h )

iod)e he ocau t ~ Qf hcr lionl iU od nrnliltrsmiddot and lu JltO lo( It(f lone he wa concelvcd are ofpITlkuLu i l~ $

nplt(illl~ sitlclt lhry fill fn lt1 ~ b~l~ dWUI ntmmg lid ]altuale s Uvid f

1luI 1 Sr lt1 (l i l1lcmbtrmcfll bo-hlrd On8 lUI dl Romoon or d~ RQII( III RtUtiulIamp lIteR all rk 14 ~ I ~I l ffl(ll( RIIon ~I i rw] d ja II UOI IhiJadclphlltl (992 ) Pl

30 0 jlllnn tQlran ltk M cu ~ k NIn I fa ~ rm Illjo to 970 $tt

II tIf M Arde ll 1 h( Wfllan d I~ (1I 1e

~ Iw wIlJ IJlblQgrap~~ (N~ i and 110 111(93)

Ik Clo rillunc Hclt cl I wny ltImiddotn ud kit I I a~ KInr ~ rbull pJra bull 01 lor lum~ all gklt amI r~rman I (Ik mi IIulltlin 74 1lt)921 pp II I gt

Er ns ts prpuhioll of die r mb1em illlage inlo I 11lt1r rnivl seque nce (an al~ l

be si1u3led in niltlI io n I() Ihe illuSlri1cd Renaissance alkgory hieh ~ ltlS an lInpo nan t SOll r( li)r all sli bsequen l crnl1cm atisLS Colo II Tl i HYJllrtOlfmlfldljn

Poliphilii7 I t I)tsin witll a d r() 111 alltl i ll middotu l v (~ endkss nCliphtr lll(n l o f environm ents a nd obj((ls th ilt rc~onall throughout EIIlSI 1 0Uale Ilods d lboraldy symholic gardcm IIl WluC r ums h icrgl~ ph s 1 st atile or 1n d~pha nt Ill th it incidC llt5 (Perscus bchead ing of Innt htr 1(1I1 n1lt Slt1n ~

[C tc yled us ) ltlil t lhe tr i u rnph ~ of va rious gods li nd ll1coulH cr~ wil h fcma le pcrsonifiC4l io ns such ltIS Iht middotfi lmiddot lgtCIlSIS ofd wlTI E rll ~ L s 1i]1lnw 100 [ClcS IS A porli liant Cl U pcrsli fiettion Colonnas n )d g llmorizccl

lHroiciztd ll1d narralivized int t lp rt lal iull knd i n~ il ~ Ilr 1 g-lttmcs of m ea nings like v illga r pS~fhoa nalys is If [ rlisl realkgorits till tlIlda rd allcgorYil~-ltl n I1 Il then he dut~ so in way~ lha t preclude HI high mora l or iludlcctua l positions n (sting thc psychomarhia with lttil C)Imiddot 10 p~ychomiddot ltt l ml) q s tu rn ing Ihl Stnsua l cneha nt Hwnts ot snluctivc ~cI4 p i( middot(lS to qtlcasil UIIIla lizcd violcllt ltlud sexual d tSires I il lra r surreali sm IBre(on lIdia

Aragon s PIY5(1II dr Puns) could rel y un the sca AoJd i n~ and d evin s of allegoric - t he d ream vi~ion ) th l peri pau t ic li n o mo in~ 1hroug h a Lil y of m ysterio us (lbjCClS 1l101lum~II IS a nd (I)couiliers I hl~ W I)I11 lt11 1 uf Ill u ta bk idenlilY references 10 OIIHr works of arl and lillfa tlll t nd Soon t rnsa also d eploys the devlrc-s of literary a nd pk lOria l allegury dndging 1I 0 t only emblem bouks but ahl) die g rea t lite rary dkg(lric~ liorn tlw RomfI fir n (0)(

to Colunna to Novcli s lIlcl jieltkl

C hristia ne fi end in lro r key st ud ) ofmodlit lisl a lkgory has argUId thaI Err1~t relinq ui$ h (~ hi s a u tho ria l a ut hori lY in 111 F rllllllt J ()() l i l( allowing hi~

1111lgCS a rad ica l inck ptmiddotnclcnnmiddotp II cUl lld 1( arlued r Ol1v I-dy Ihlt

EflIH pa rod y fu netion~ in a n opposil(middot ay tha i Ir i~ wrc nching or imilL~ oul of l ll tmiddotir Mig- inal 1 )lI tex l ~ i~ a n 1gt 111 iw ill asserting ah~olutc and arbitra l) cuntrol OIr Ih( mh rial Ernst s images Id ) 011 re11l na nl ~ ofl hci

r igi lIa l Ill lltllli ns and los t tQllVCll ional contegt llgt ill hich I he) er( meant

tJen E ADEM c AN TI L NA ~--~--------------T~ ~~

to hi ( lcdihh il luslmt i)M vI S( ll tiic d evt l oprne nL~ na tural phcllomclla lr ltg- il t ric k ~ or rq)l( )(ll((i()f ~ IJf wrh Ifart l a lld lhis al o nce aJlo l~ his (1 11 man ings 10 SCIlll irraLio li a l and lilcral cd a ll d 11 the ~am c limc 10 be c lI npktdy su hjugald U) lht ve ry lI ovell) a nd allom a ly of thcrr tnvironshynlt ll l 1111 a~e lnl )l cd tiag llH l lts o f Ernsts cullages a lT n~ idual evidloCe of tl w Iulhor ily tu UIt Hilli CIII m Clo ll YJlJic pow(J or lite and dealh

arg lla bly IllI very I ppl)~ i t e ufCUI Li l ig loo~e or sellin g liTe

I n his 1l illaI Ilm II~ Enl L l o 1ll111i t lt synLacli cal rape tiXl uctlllg Y()Illll

fru m ti ll eO lltc 1 ()( ~I I joulll als Il K) il ion rt pn~ in whidr 511( represhy

l1t(O popu lar p a int iJlgs cflg ravltl ( r nJa~s a udiences I n I ll s u r k sh e

may 1 1llhOirl y mct unymic hssi pl i (l ll~ or II H ull ing hut ~It ~middot al so rCjJfCSClIb

E tn~ l s own lonir 10111 1 tn CUI and asipn rk~ a h it p in l piaYIT lilCI lIy a ppea ri ng ill hibH WI mi g h l also ~ lJ Spcc l Erns l of viciously

i te ra ling nin( lcclllh-nIl LUry lh eor ies r Ih e cmpall ric ~yOllJ 1 lt1 ~ lhe ( 1111)l)lliIrwl1l or our OWII pir yif1 lllrcqJl i ns J I u ~t~ his all tgtgory of sigm r1i ~od lItd from pir y~kal rdrll l ~ prClieiy as a fi eld in whi c h to dj~ru pshy

tivd ) i lllt rjtcl th l OCtasifHlal irY PlCIilicaUy d(plo yed rull ~ym bol with iL~ supposed ltlli lY illl i L~ rciirenl c jJre~ell tcJ by the 1)(J(h of l he Ilom an 1n the eli (k~ Ch a nTS chap lc r a l thl e nd Ill Url~ Smwiu de lfm f a fi gulc flmini s(nt or Fortuna noats ill Ihe air gTad ua lly li-cc ing

h (r~(lrorlllr a llrihulls ()f whcci Ild ~ i l (fig un 1) 11 t lihCra li ol1 Sill ce Fort un a luore It tuall ) hfCOnHS hrr wh(ei mi nl1ll il by htT l1nlr ed bac k ltIS an h Yllleric and l lso be(on H~ h cr sail hlo wn throug h lhc ~k y her

It rib utes cOIl in ue to be co nSl raining Ind pn middotMmiddotlIt a bsorbed ililu her bud y and gestu res sugg(q illg tht am hig uolls 1l lIratiom a nUrd (] 10

oma n by Max Ernst8t E IIISIS USf or h is maltri11 r(li~ o n Ihe inhc rl1I1 bililY or ollhgory l(o

rtal k go liltmiddot T radit iona ll y rlallcgo riwl ioll ltrllnnl a profan t I(x t or till past 10 h( as assimi la ted in w a n acccp lt hlc y~tlm f moral va JUIs (Vi rg il s

FSllIr( ~4 DlIIid Il cU$ius Emblrm(1Q liqoIAM I lKkn 161 5_

8 _ s~ Ili k Rot R iAamp Rm(

~d lhr jd I~Q~ ()PfigtiL ICbrid and Nrw Yrk 1991-deg flt -lt middotmiQlif - Iha l Inko 2 olll1Q f)f on_ B ~ h lth Rampk]o nxcnl

lUal of Wafbuf(t Iho l1h l in Irrm

01 th ROmMlIl( ymLgtoI unil) f ud dcrem 1 I OPpogtlti IO lI~ry

( hrpertI_~ ~~crnn f ltI s diS300C ialed fro I nfrro1 I i Rob- ~h(fempl l h lrmiddotplio)J Iheon pmiddotI) U lelkI1 pn~uen apphnl tk 1ltgt ~msl tSpltcirJI ) in I ~s pogtr

t uitwc1 Ihron ltl _ Iuh w R l loy rum symbol 10 Ilkfurv Ahr WH) i~

I r- hi Rd I~ 9971 pp ~ 6 R - [hr R iL [[ ul n has ro n Iholt u l

I hru~Ir iuI O) the unk o n wh re laquogtn~ ol Ir~cdm Pfnar p_ ~ 1I1

B I S~( Thn 11 Kclk~ Rmnwtlme Hlqo for tillt applicll ble ~ of In t allctUlxal wun lorn (e ee aUraCUOl) d ll r lnla$ 11 ltI- illual suctched l ~ lI l i Ihi [K w1ir

ltlc 1(o ~dukd from lClion and hj~llt) ry

bu sgt( f)1 g Ihe n -rgt d s he

cmand p Sr Th~ro i 1 or~1 1ltl io of witel )-r tr r lt~ltoI 1gt 1 mln m~y 1- takc -lt lIl rlaphO)f Ruolnlr E Kun1i S rrooti d I js(~ and R o l~rl llolI - n ~prknjo(

illo fo-k-J t] air ltli_ r II

fmiddotm lc (lITe) i SHlrJm and 11 010lt1 II A tw~ Rdolf t Kucn7li and Gwe Ra l~rt ICambllJgc l1i I99I) PPmiddotJt alld S T Imiddot lo ockiu Em ilS or ~ oflC n Ii mCIgttIraquoHgt1 dqI)eJ In ~ h a w~r Ihl 11 CIOI li meu Ulcrlgthunc~ Jly In 1- Riu d~~r

(MIIft~ q~1 lIOuilil ~w Carmd nr Imjlt Igtarod egt t~lcX fatlo~ ~al

jgtuu lJ rtut I(rl) IJ t 1ra 8 Ihemiddot Ie ~IgtIi OIl y 1 t ~atnlt11 1lISt llIil le Scl~h) snd amud ~kinl lt hTifingl) lilltrd I Iht~ ill IH rroh meal fur lo~ l i~ lone rol1 ~middot

l~diqlJr$ mlldr 1111) Hr)(tT) I

r~rn(rl i 1ltgt Ihe hwwir jlgt]al~ el~ hcll

il1lh( l1ltrvrl

(1 IS 1IX lrngtl 1 SmIltllN d amp 193i 0 Max Erllsl 1iI)AGP Van S()DRiC ( Monlrc~l ) 2f)(l(1

l )n IIC Ilupon Of Ih allraf R~~ru 11 (1 I 1$I~ Lolhu I -hr I J~ middotIn Rp jhd bd 11hII hI p HI

Fourh RetI a~ II I( milling of Chris l O vid l l-lrfall(Irphorrr lllorali7cd In

lmJOlIls such h J Hoh CI~ the trials of the lo ver could lJe rca 1go ricd a~ Clll hlnll~ of Chri sia n ~ u(fe ring ltInc co nrilltll cc Ernst reverses tlw prol(~S

dc- morali - ng a llegories In 7 110 dlidren 1IIII1fI(ld ~I (j 1I~lthtillg(h (fig ure zfi ) Frnst lak es U middotidilI1 IIIc(lrlJorphi rape (G anIlH-ci (S ta ~lc Phi lo mcl as

nighting-uk) oul of its repose in spirit ua lizing me taph or as ill (k Kellnincks landscape in h( Wallraf Rir-ha rtz M useu m i ll Cologn( (figure J7 ) ()j emulems sl ch as Hat1idorlhr s in which lit ra pe of Ganymede is rfJllcgoried as the sou ls I ~CIIH lo Cod ( figure 28 )83 Ernst rc t urTl~ Ihnr lo d leir Tl)n l ~ ill ~cx ual viok IlC( hi (h in tu rn S[ ltlnd~ ror the revcnibk hltrU a mi a mbiguous g-round underpinning the provtrh t ln bl cm or allegory

Equally td ling is Enl~ts d ia~rammui( ada platio n or h(rme lic emh lemata in O this mIll rIIIlI kll )w rlO lh lllg 1924 ) I II the paintillg ami II

tIle pl)cm w ri tte n on thl had (a parudy of Ihe oJllo()gical ~ylllhII S Il I I

fi~u r~ 26 Ernl I fUtJ1 mnlilwi ~ II

lllhlmCiJl 191 1 S(1 66I C 1 - r 1 D (t risI ~OI)KC J vumiddot~l l j


th e Hmrfll fd Table of H crrn(~ Trisrn egistu s) Ermt reallt~orlZ(middot ~ the hermetic ~ym bulis ll1 of the nlilrual lini li7atioll of d ivine and cit rddy IS a Freudian middotprinwl scene of gigantic li m b~ and scmiddotx ual pa rtgt Both pa imi ng md puem become rcpr(sntltHion ~ oC the unfu lfill ed n vi ~nging of a n such thing In Ernq s vcrsion the Oedipal a nd Ihe gnolt1l ic an oronc frustratccl substance ltlnd (be power oftbe allegories of h enl1tticism ltIhbaiisrn and aklHmy lies in perpetual d ef( lrd of the d tsircd gol J tl6 Ernst ~ emblem fllnc tioll s more

b roadly illi a scq gtt icai fi gu ration of tht a bil it y of images lO represen t hal IS envi $ioncd or desired in dicating Ihal a ll $lI h em blems ct n only he a sun0 fH l flIT hatt middotcr one an t ~ to know attl in o r rcprcsen Lft7

OJ (Ids 111m sllall kn)1L Mlhing a lso ~ ig na l s its own iconogn lJ)hic history especially tts allu sion to Caspar David Fricdr(h middot$ clllblem tie CrOJS ill Ih

Iounltlills a key work in Grman Roma ntit- dc hIIltg about Iht rela tive fok~ of llIegory and Iandscapc III Erns t as a rl ild er of C ( fman Romil Tlli t~ i~ ltl

would re U 1Il 10 these wpie in his la ndsca pe pai nLings aga in and again Crr)JI ill 111 t1ollll oinf is a lso shadowed by a t( Xl n passage from Ludwig T icck 5 allcgorital novel Fran SI-illbaMr 11middot(lIULmmgrll (J i 98 ) Jnom

26(j ) middot1 ~BImiddot rH ) T I d 1

60 I 1m c (lislt uW(1 Iht twn l1 t timiddot itl~gcry at t~ ngl h ill M~lt Emi l middotI ht 1IJdw(UtI1iJliI

SnllrJ 11 a i - l OCIshy87 Uml middotn o Ero diilltu~ 1he rdu iolll I)( twu h~rn 1l l k svrn lgtol- 1Il in which middotevcry middot~pr ion is a (nignlll hal middotk runlwt ~mgma middot and ~Jr n cconltlructimiddote ~nlys3 as in lini l~

defendJ in middot(n limited scmi III d rili in T ht Ib oJ hllffpWalio Ill n -I--j

fI8 smiddot cJ(m~ (l h W ocn rn ~I( Jaru F~d nnd It ~b1J ~f I muigat ~cw U and Lvndon 1 99lt)~ Karin V()n ~llo lJr ntel thO rrl ll nf (~$7 In 1M -WOIIIIIgt 10 Ern middot lUUlI1 OmJ~(Ilt1 III middotMao b ns l a Rvmlll1ic~m middot M n Enul A Rtl~pnl~ ~ I Werner Spict l t omlo 199 1)

I II~ ~7 K d~ K cunn~k Iuhf rvtJh IM~Io~ fj lt-1IJVdt r gtn leI

dllrf Kgt(hHIZ I ~ l

8iJ bull 1gtlt I g T irk Fwn~ SlmNt11b

11 middotJn~(n Hmt ~ lldIcAt (mll1~hlt

~I lj(h gt)6I ~ p gtgII

J) ~ee 11 0 ~bn lagtlt I Allqlr)

oflrlllll$iol)middot PI 6- 7r lhr dhl1 l1lt IK hr omlll~1 d(h nlll(11 (III ud h ~

ltill u~Jui ncall y I ~nd lor thillgt IcJ rly 1rs ign~II ~lId Impic ddinlun ul rourrlS luch as li lliemiddot h I(ll no h hI l (~ Ii lt mcill ~ tur middotC)middot ll la IIllt-SIKn a (1(11011bullbull 1 H turn jn I(raquolt ru lUI lTnp ~~i 1g ~1 I r

roukl hi ~r~lJ od tlbull ( Ihi Ik nrngt i~ made lllcmllll UKOf)~ Fr ~cl7rh c r) hMd lU lOll ~ Il ili K r nger through $1(middot togt tI ohjrl i( lria 10 judiCII

91 - GltQ rl 6atai llt Solr a ll~middot Fis rif fXt~s SI_rlJ I Im~~ P7 t)39lli

113 $Iodd Minapo l ~Jl lp XIV

1 lt1 6 12 ioIar ~nu p IJ Halaillits 1Qcom )Ir rollinS (m Ih bullrf r lw ~Ml h [ ~ [ I llt imal(vfltouinuous mC l~lor]lh mal p l y i1a d l5ori llJOII lOr tllti M the locornoriH r ltI hl$l)ry lt]uOI(d in aUT

III-rljolmirgt (r SdiJ 1 rlrHn-1 n- I irl 1974 p 1 ~3

illcidcn t the youn g a rtisl F ra il i~ st ru ck by a pa iming llr a l be scc~ in a hn lll it lUll a IlOCIlIIIMI lan dstltl pc ill wh ich a cr ucifix Ull a hiJl i ~ illll m ishy

na llti by IltI ) S o f moonlight The he rm it ex plains Ihat tilt crucifi is a po inte FingcI7cig ) to Ilw ~pjri lu d wurld beyond the faJ lc n world of lla tu n T o Franr ~ o bse na lioll O ne cou ld ca ll th i IMint ing an a lkgor)

the IIn ln il answers All an is JIlt-go rict IIoJ

T IH middotFingcrJeig iI) Ixpbli necl by th e h~rrn it to F ranz S lt rnbald point s not o nly to Iht spiri tlla l but also 10 thlmiddot pr (~cllce of J ll egor~ iblf As a li ter indlx a sho wi ng ha nd o r jJ ~ i l1ting fi n~cr tht Fingerrig i ~ a ~ tJplf

or i Ihlems II is Oimi larly In ade li ter1i b) -l a x E rn)1 t du slig ma tied ha ncl f1 oatin~ in f r OTH of th e lt ruci fi xiOthl~ middot prinM I ~NtJ I Herc it indicates linmiddotth er bu t not Im llscc ndCIH [l)callings90 In E r ll st s painti ng lh t ROlllit lll ics cruci fi x lS alkgori la l poin hr to a hig her nal rn sim ilarly

i tl n l c~ a landscape of d a rk Illowltai ns a nd il eawnly fil ) S IHl I fur the

COltj UIl Cl ivlI o f redemp ti ve c ru cifix a nd ill urnin at iug SUUS(t in Fricclricbmiddots pa inting o r truci ft x and moonlil-h t in Tillkmiddot O novel Ern$[ dark ly ~J bs l it uLes

copulat ing limbs and the bloc ked rays o f a IUllar refipSt Ermls lmiddott nblema tic painting alt Frifeirich s had don ra i se~ p r0 1Jicms or

cnTlIl lllporar) a lkgory When G lf)rges Aatai ll e- turned tn alr-IItm ica l )slIllllng in 192 7 he did so in I( rm~ that almamp t com icH) m im i Ernst s d csul Itmiddot c lltra ilmiddotfilled landscapt 1111 earth middotcovtrtd wi th vuk anOIs hich SltJoT a~ iLs a n us is driven in iL~ rota tion by lhe male ~ha rt ]l tlttraling 1 1 11~

laquomiddotma l- alllJ a lmost t lIl irely (merg ing ill o rder 10 ree n tcr like Ih( piston~ of ~ 100o mo ivl

JI i~ the 1Ilf(ha nical Oll ll)il ltion n(] t ll morm t inn~ of thes mOtmcn t ~ Ihat th~ ak htmists soll~h t 1 I hI philosoJlJ t ~ ~IU Ilt ~

This nWfhJlist jlmiddot cop ulatiu 11 hudcsqu e~ t he vmiddotn ji) UIIl1n ioli o f allegory th e

ltlnagogir 11 wrh of r() rrcsponden(c~ and rtmiddotst ]tlbl a nct~ lIlt middotcopula that li~

one thi ng- 10 a noth n ill lang ua te all Cl witt g ) 11 thin) to be visibly co nnCfted Ha lai lk s a llcgvrical luvers will mve r fi nd ilnythi ng but parrxlic i magc~ l11d Ih ey will [ Il l asieltp l ~ empty a ~ mirrun Wh en En tail k

fu rther GlUs lically mcdita ted Oil the gno~ tic roo ts Llj Hegel ia n ism in Ll)ll~

ma teria li smt c t Ie g nllst ( 1930) p ropus in g a k~ l abili ing hcadl es~


a J1q~ory tha i would elimuatt aJl h ilTardlic11 ~ ~ t C IllS of rdtn lllc indud ing ~implistic rcv( lltals or blst ll ld idea l o r CXq-lt1l 111 llt1 1 lnrl ltlcrUllcn lll he wa addrtR~jng is)llc$ irnpJiL it in Of Ihis men lInll knOll IWlllillf 91 H ()wcvcr heelIlsl Erns l middot ~ all egory ( nds to Ill p a ll)l it i( depcnds on just ~ll (h illvcrshy

~j ()m ilnd reve rsals of hig1 and low Old is a t a re mov from Btl taillcs infla111ll1110ry ()I)f ll-f llded hd lltaded en terprise

E nHl$ im ages a re often d riven by this undermining of thcir (IW ll sourn-s of lJowc r fcp lescnliug hotb II((i r own ~ la luS a nd i1lSIlfjicilIHy OrtCll they

assu me tht appearallce of (lnhkrlls wh ich as concieusetf o r short lr and ig ll ~ of aUTho rit y ~a n c ti fi ~d by t rld ilion art disrupted hy Ewstmiddot~ illtruio n of thc n ltllll r 1 LIld ~e)( u t l rhc n dllcti t middoti~ua l 11I11ouage or cmhlcms lcnd~ t o ltlrd hrogaliun 111(1 fimiddotag11lClltlliun Ih ich LntSl n alu raJiz~s likening Ihe Sllll1X of fj middotrgnWlll3 Iioll 10 (lperatjoT1~ (lil lbe hod y lt bull rile tru ncalLu pa riS a Ird Ii 1111 ~~ or Of IhiJ lien shall know Iohing arg uauly J u clc 10 th t ~ceri ng lIId te lldt n liou~

reconstruniom of tht e mhknjs [anllJage o r aut hori ty a rClruc luring of Ihc

sy mknloche lim hs a lrcldy prnelH in v i ~l1 emblems Througbout his canlt r Ems would dltriV( double prestige flOlll disrupting lhe COJlv(middotnlions of hOl h a rl a nd li tcrJ fl1l middotf iro lliing his au thoriaJ role as bot h a rlis and poel Emblelll s a rC1 ft lilc ground fur ~uch opT3tions k ndi ll g tlwm~clvu 0 ditorshylil)m or he reci prxa lIldi(a tion s or eX T lIld image which anmiddot Ihe STarling

point nfalJ tgory

Ac kn o wled gement

S l l i(j ll~ of thilt papa H r( pncn l(d a~ Ielt tlJT(~ iI conjullclinn il l Max Em~I

rc ll1(nary ehiiJninm Ihe RnlJ ncl 1(nr()X Memorial JccUrc U Il l T a(middot ( )11)

(1(11 middotmff A Ul IrIJJf(ct ll ItJ91 -J) lI lId II M 01 i (Ilal pound7110 O(lff( 11111 Ihr Duwn oj

hguw middot 11lt~ ~ 111lgtltlorHr hnwltim ltr (10( lOH 9

ll G~1 1 1~ l k 9Jo 1Iy tnillcril ilm 01 11l()oSn bullbull n uollgt ~f fj(w ll 11 52 amp0- M l=nmiddot w middotn I rltult~ ~ rKumrnt d ~ 1 ~ her IkuJamin a~ flll~ (ltI by II~Ilt ml II ~nljsL in rn 8 to auK 1 1~middot ul~r l an L~n ur Silllplilll ~I bat ~ J Ilrl~1U

rell t huugh r he dmiddotIIrymclll of d~lthi IiLinl( pmiddot(hootvtic laquogto ep tgt url ~ s Ielcnnimmo tm r1m~crltt ~m gteJmlt IImntllw I l middot~fI Rll1Ifl1l twlllv Imis ~f )m(alUl lin(I~I illrrkdtmiddoty u An~lc

M IAlodlt 91l 11)) U[ i -l lt)1 - I lt-nd ubstmiddotmiddotmiddot- rht Ire rn~l i u Ul uf Illor lt1 Fm~ (J Ii i fnuc lr Crlt Ihl1 t ho- lifl ugtd rmiddot]m of poundrnsl middot~

lIuc nod ilmhil(1)omh g(ndcrltl h gtvlnL ~ n rh mo (h hypcrholic

Dio cjOCulH1o11 orsl) rl-d~n jm1tf(cry1gt il dO(lt i lli fmltle ~aC11l nr [[00lt1 orgmiddotoonldltG1IHllion al 11 0( Immigt ufth aULhOl tlgt hi~ E rol$L is aJlj~1 llIh GltltX B tll lltmiddot hnnlcnz ~u nf llcg) 11gt1$(111 (~I L ory 111-1 111 in middotSoI ant S l ~r fter u ~1Jtn in capl1on i ndirat~

oJ ddo-nce I n nn SPIf (lIKI

r nn1h~r nd sigi ~ L k Ma~ middotrn1 O~f IllOJ ob middotCologne 9i)- ) in uch fll nh(r ifnrm~lin ( laquo(mns I r ~lO ( C ~d locatiOIl may bc tu

il(ure 29 Em1 OJ I middotun shall (Mil

-h~~ 9 f SLl 63middot C 1 Ernni I IJtI 11uJSODRAC (MlHHrc~j l


S1Irrwlism 9lt)3 ) J 11m gl~Hdn l for lho ltc o pport uui l itl 10 (Olls ider Erns to l roCesso r

CI i~ toll wr Crn middotlI ImfCi J oh n Gl)ldi uS Prorr~Ylr Willillll Cmfi~kl and the

11 011 Fod a tio 10 11middoti r va middot i)l1 ~ lt1 g middotn n)lCgt d vicc I 11olIIk Sllzar rl c Ak bari

r l d~(f l)cre nhI Joyn GOKl(i n E rhan Jd l Kavalc lmiddot and M E Vnr lic k

Page 20: Only Half Saying It Ernst SCAN


I bull



relishing the pleasur UI) pmsibly lIli 11 1lt1 i( tJl E1l11Jk mati~ a1l0w E rn~ 1 shywho 4xprcsscd cQn tcni p l (() I milllClit a rt to negot iate bdwfcn I h~ ~I(tu(~shy

livci ) mimet ic tud ed ifying)y d i agrarnma l ic 6~

As 1 pend ru 10 AI Iht hr~ 1 elfllT kV(lrd til (ol1l g ~ L Q)QI Jl tSCIIf n ) OUIIl

girl 930 -70 (figu re 20) tu - h i1I Ems f IHu a lly added a real glolWmiddot tikc bltlll ul ltlnnil y bcar~ 0111 [he sense of the Rollen hagen l mbll Il ah hough thl di vjllC POWtf to cut i~ now invested in the tollage nist himself (o r rather Is he represents himselfilhin Iht piClUre l~ Lo ploPi The em bleshym a ti c rt lnin d n Iha l rh inbTS U( 1I1titna tcly IUIt of your hands Ihll ( oci hold~

thl ~ci ~sonbull i ~ plnyert upon hy Ernst wi lh da rk i l The introduct ion o f Lo ptop in 1910 as Ern t ~lt rtgo recaJl~ owllis diClUm The 1 1l1 li~1

preselt iLSeJ f as prcsln ting 3 Th i5 cads again to lIlt problem ()f the vict lln asmiddotil1li~i oll [ltU L()plop i ~

lI sultl lly d cscrilx-d imprf~sJli()o )jk( as introducing or p rese1l1ing tbe pic tll OfL r n il is Lop lop ~lC lillg as frl1lw o r easd who prCSCli Is a n iUlIsiomiddot Jli~li( pi clltrt ilhin lltt piUunu5 T he ~ ll hjCtI~ of tll( pi( llIn~ lI il hin the

piCHI onen have weigh t) implicJliuns I rolll1( Ililii grapes by a~sociltltion with Z tuxils gmpes im o kc piolo ri a l illusionism oa k kavcs stan d fo r (C111111 narion) islll a nd RU(k has rl ief M aJgtcilllise sla nds tor F rench nltionltl lshyiim It is as if Ihe sym boJic me ni li lS indicated b) Loplop~ piclu res t re IS i lonkally rcl ri (vaule as the pos~ihi lilics of pino ri 11 iltu~ion and flllln(i~ th they sland for alld ilh wlloh Ihey an Pcs(nt ed TI H the grI I(S a nd 1lCS

2 5 (1 TU lrAHI middot H 1(-

Fillln II ( il)r id R o)knhag~n middotClu han b II hr~d wlih (~ tr ha nd hold g a kn rmiddot ~f(~w 1hIlIIIImiddot I i-him r ~i

fi t - St Th II Kelley Rn~MI

II II(go ] II ~(IIl he If Ih~1 nl(crmst llrgor~ na k middot ldrr r~t(h n I t ~

I h on ~ l llpp1)Vdl) oljlflSCd 10 il r)w mimClibullbull his(01 )

() 2 h r hisect iIIllhn (fOlU (hi

(l hll mele mil ~ 11 arlif t ~

Ma_ fru~l jjiIMJ p I 6J - ~Mlta )iJmik ~ f ~t12 ~ct

~I )ulm P 97 (v r di (m h~

Pilamplg hvll t N(ll$ II a rl h ltlonlt4) ontt I 10( lim or ~m~IJ I1 Y 1IIIliD 11$ iltit (laquolt ~ndjd G ~ ~IJ

mulaquo el 1 rl arsd ltnd laquocu 6 s O middotRticn I lI lh Th pk utc -ithm h pintlr _tnCi as mc~rhor ru t NOali om pI ad pIIaduxinl image I l ie -1l ld h h wdun Ikin~ hll iI~) 1middotU1 ou tsid e j( as n prtlCnt tWIl

~Qligt hnJ ~ p 06 ti) - I plup~ middotad a nd eQpalt$ h~

any ~ial pr~cnlenu C( middotrrllr SIlOlt f~Qp_ rr J i( OIMt Srf LotdwI

Jlil Ik~Q 1 SI)ics I(8middotus l ~c1r ( rrma o-c is MOl Sehind s TII trti~tgt a iOimacd COnllltUl6 ~ilt5(lt rllaquot and ~il5hl-nlzot) fn~nn 0 Nlrru~fI IJaa 80

tisull 9 H lrjr Wshy nj() h Mr~t ~ 1 Itmfr U(pr~(hrIr

1644 (I


r for Jr


ikdy d a$gtltS


(J VUlliJ yenrrfttr~ I Xi In lh~

LltJII()Igtltrics t~ l ~h UlCt Ilw rompt

fMI dlilaquo (f making (hiu ~Jl llCar IU Igt I n nplJ(1 QUI of Ill()lhcr pic of PII r bdud lion which I 1lap ilh (he ambJguIjI Qf ltOt lhin hccomioe middotrl )7 S pound I) VHI Image ar bod Y dt purd aliRl1l11(llt 01 Waltt r Ikllj ~mi lt1 1 Bnlmiddot JDI(1 M8JN~IIl1iI ~ 3

Ilt)ltJI pp ~5 -H20n h~ P r bullbull II1tQl 10 11( cn blrn1 Ilr liK if IC~ t()

I)irn iocapl hle Ihe-Imiddot of middotrnln lmg meaning bullbull liegQ1 i~ 01 ju(

Olhnlll mClonpnic 5hiflil g 01 Wmanl(


art acturl lly pre~sed into thl paper 10 form ~ ha~ lr-lief h ci~hlI1~ lilt joke Oil 1h( power of piClori11 illusio1lism to hring things illlO r(l 1 d inwnsions wi th in tIll fidd o(the r iled mimesis of the ditglam l1la lic larger pi( tu lmiddotmiddot

So Cr llsts pictun may ntmiddot tl kcn 1 a n (mhemlIic prCsentation or Novaliss Bild lunel ioning as a Plfldoxi( d rlj) rc~cn l alion of 11ll fli lurc 10

flill y represc nt dealing wit h thc plOhle rn o f prcsen li l~ a pilI UII a t all and by elltensiOll wil h the )nhcllnt dcnplio ll~ of me La pho] i1lu-iol l and lan guClgc O ften representcd by a dark ell si lhouettcd htnd IS in Ioplop pminlS bullffjiifJ 1931 (fi gu rc 21) Toplop invokes Novl lis f~JlloJs d cscri pshytioll o(thc delusi(n of repr~cntlllg H( gliI-p- ollly a handful ()r d ~llklJcss ((

Loplop a~ i ll1 plcs~ario mtkcs p rescnting ~d l~co l1 c i olls hat is prestmed i ~

ahIs mediated 01 II a rnllOW like Ill( pictures Wi lh1) pic lurts losing

ground III llllIly o r Ernsts p3i nling~ W~ 11( ill the territory of cmblemalic rcprOlclllltHioT1 thost fa ilures and ha zards agaim t hi ch the rnord or motto or the emblem i~ proph~ bClieall) ~c l Ernst makes the cmble mat ic il1l agl a ll emblem orkonograph ic lnca n ill ~ itsclfb7

Tn the (middotolllgc novels ]lIginning with La Femlllt 100 [Flu 1929 Ernst dcvdops the cm blem image illlO an allf~o lka l na rrali( Tf Enhts coll agc T1ocI ~ fU llction or ma lfUllclioli l~ parodics of the pul p nov as cx lcndccl clich e the atrnosphln of popula r IlOVel movi ng- from dimao( to climax is nut (Illy char3neri sl il o f di llhangcr scrit1illd Ii (lioll bUI of high allegoric-

~ ilurr 1Q ~rJUI --QpI~ IW(1IIJ P~lIf $1

11)3)-70 ~ I tl 1 1 C 1 1 -nm middot 0 (1

1~riII-O[)1iC ( IlIn~11 locO

111)_ HI nl [ ~ l Cl middot

ril(UR 21 ~nb l Loplol fgtrr~ll bullrjlirJ 193) raquoI~ 1781 Cl 1( lt f rtI~(AIJA(f

ld SUOkAC ( Ina l ZOQO

(gt11- Ou EI and pu(p fin iou Klt Rltncc

R irlot 1 1I~rI S~JIIJ on flu 11ltgt01 Jkrkdmiddot~ od l(gtmiddotngt1cs ~ P 8

(I li ~ r)hC Olhe r(olla ((n-vcb 10 (tII~ 100 ius lltms 10 f()rl~ ~cu i t i It f J) bn pred i(1ali( ITUucm nf

dJgory thaI IhIt ir is w lhig

~-qutItLil1 and UorrdlJ d~li) irlo )PUlI lhol a 101 s~ j 1 rma ll e Iruun OrUrgurir 1 d middot middot 70 Sec RrlIll I)j kw Idol Dr (fomlr gt~raquoI4S~~ ofFm= ri( i Fi -ltir)l1dr CIIIMlt rw Yk I ondon and O d Od 7r - Ilr hundred h~dlc wumn

pcrgtoniM Ihr protlogt ofnIlt) i II blt n d~ugtltsltJ lrum la~I llt nmiddot I a ~ Old Ikrricln gtI I at OJ~ 1I OllgtII) Ic Ihin lnd b) UI huured 11Ultbl

(ltTduug Slaquo Kon Rund tbi~ oUtIII l SnfUQa flta (Slrnl

-Ill Jcq1 [xrrid I ~ Ihr ~i dr Plmon r PIQImr idd i rUf HiOn

1- 1 1jl3lt) ~5- ~1 a 1 11Ik -bn

laIlt 1111- uf P5UaSI Il 11 n 7 nLllIr Max En_ s CCIl1~ldc A Il

u~dJjJ Ju tzmis Punl of pHtdigmltK- rcmm~ Jail (tcmiddot i duo1lltcJ

j ltoul l e~ d to Ir mYIr~ de IJ Fr nn I (h rlltoum ed ilh Inrily n [J

ru~orlf J~dlnl Ul Ieh IW adl COl middot

iJ drjed in Lr M~IUf ~ (ue biod Il)d by II rah ) mllo)~ a (M from CIen dOn Imiddot ga~m

n j)()gtltt t ( du d I dClaquo1 PllfT

J1( Inl 9~3 I 3 )middot i J 1 mpu lit) is 011( ( I)utf HlT~JIJ ilIU1lruom illmlHffi by t dl~ aKI o lkmm Solaquo rhf 11rllrpIt~ of 1fIIopoilbullbull 1(0)1 ltlt 1 A I (~ bull Lltdo d3middotICl ) I or the hltad leM

m~ ~I nprt nlIVlt of the lI h~voJiud

Mltirirr5(C Ilaydcn hw T hc Ior r Idnc rll f~fJ)lgtfOlmr FHJ n

cJIllIr1 (nWi BahiOI~ 11(1 l aunn

l7ijjP r63 5

ltIS wellG8 The luadks~ OIl1an w ho c rupts iu uiflircn l forms lhrou~hflu l Ia Frllllllr X) tilu could ~ef( as a mnaphor lor Ihe d isru privt relations bel ween metaphor ltlnd th( ~cq ucn tiltt l flow of narrative charaCte ristic ( I llegory The d(vd o]lm(n l~ cnn (inui lY and rcptli li(HlS afTordcd by 1lIJTativc allow hun (0 rCClpil lLlatt S() W ~rea k hi ~ usc of woma n to personify his own Icdllliqlll

The k nmJe nud e had belfl l1l1 lhe prw niscuQu sig nifier par t udtIll( 111 nin clee nlh -nntury $ll nn painling in 1 hifh Ilt t complex it(lltirics and allri shy

hut es of any given 1 l1 cgoricld personifi cat ion WCl( Kro~~ l y sim plifin l a nd s i ~lIalled a nd in which multipl ied numbers (of ha rtm ~la v (s or OJcads) com pensa te fo r loss of indiidual s ignificalion If Ihimiddot ~a loll lIu dc finally scrvf d as a pcr~nn i fi clI ion of a n OcrT rowcltd a nd raquohdioere Sa lon itsdr 7ltgt that cltuase lllent of the aan c mil tra dil ilJll rIK ina ted Erm t as he pl ullder(d ninelecn th-cent ury j ournals a nd salrl11 (pvrl~ fOt his collage ma l( i1 1I y not one hundred headl(lO~ woman instead of onc hundred mrmingk ss oms why nOI om perrcn ly ugly hcadlc ~ Ioman (ICte de mecl us() instead of ti le rut ile Salon bca ut ic_

Tlt tlc is Ill importan t (ll ulcmalic prototype for frns t~ womln a ~ GC f(]

Rauer has notcd I rnst s fcmm e 100 t Ci I~ has a counte rparl ln L a Pcrr i i rc ~

11 T lriil de$ bQNJ en~IIS (rigurl 22 ) IhlUl1 d i~llliss~ this rcscmbk nc( agt fortu itous ImHer il is im portant Ih1I it is the Inl tllnt is c1ost-S1 10 the

Ill(ltlni nls uf Ernst s woman not till image I Pcrlicres femme is iuall y an ad ap tat ion of a lomill onpl acx Horapllll o-dlTivcd hcadle~ ma n

signif)itll( I m )JOssibili t~ presuma hly a 11 aul c~s oman l~ douhly illlpossihlen In L Pcrricrcs prcm lO he is not JJl( rely ]utdless bu r rtther Jik( Ernst s middot te mll1 f hilS I)Ulny i(kn til il~~ IqJrcst ll l(o by many heads silt is compa n d to lh e Chi n1ltl crn Girion p) hnn tll cdusa Cerberu~ and lhat l-llnicular pnmiddotc ur~or of tIl( km nw 100 Ittcs Iht H yd ra Through such proli li-ration or menning sIt( is Ih e mhkJll l i ~L~ dream emblem Lr

Pcrriercs le( nlllcludes tha t ma rc marvellous Ihan all Y of Ihc~t lll ylhic creatures middot vu lrl bt Ull(- fem me sans leu Ihe One figure who cou ld prcSurnshyably em bod y a ll hybr id mean ings in one ~ llcc in (t blll meani ngless fo rm La lclTiCr~ crnhlem may be an allegory of lhe cjlem ma of rht PO(I UIIHl Lnned hy his middot iivll~ hu l need ing 10 be a )H roi( d eca pitator a rer~(lI ~

aluivalc1l1 T hl ngrt l1a ble mora l conclusio n of La Perri eres poem is tha i woman Ilccds a guidc a ra tional hCltld a nl ltln lax pound rllst71

O n one occuion irr IAI FtnllU 100 liles Ernsl himself appearS (fi gure 13 1 III Loplop and the mouse s horoscope M attCrs or desliny fa lc a nd horoscope- are a sta ple ur emblclIl li te rat ure middotf he imge is pan of a n embleshymat ic (radiliv) in vhich caged creatures slam] ror lht ca ptivi lY and sull t ring of tIlt poel or lo (r (fig ure 24)1) Em Sl i~ agen t and nO l ca ptive 01 flt ltc however Ba n-dle~lcd he may be (rt l ra~ rfli hen a~ ltlll odur pcr~nll a uf Ihe multi-valc lll woman he carries the d isGmlrd cinllus of th at stock haraCllr of l lk gOry the haUd resscd woman RUI he holds onto h i~ hal (Ihich unlike the he-ad Ill ay be lakcn on and of 1 ) and thu s retaim for himself Ihe powcrful masculine role of the head Erusl appea ring in persOIl wilhin his tollage 110d signn ls his SWIUS as a ll-controlling novelist or em hleshymatist d lOS(middot c lvnga lcd hand CH n pluck thr- mouse Out of il s ordaiucd palh al a n) tim t Ernsl l$ a llcgorisl should Iw SitultlHd in the trdi liun ofparod ic nuvc isg incl udilg Ka lldais Charles Sorcl J cln -Pa ul R idlter and TIlOlIllS Stcrne whose work relies 0 11 a Jlet0ry to ironi ( it ~ own d tviccs~

hllur~ )~ rouU gt lt 11 Ierricn middot1 _ Fe 0lt ~Iemiddot bb(om xv Lt middotfhIQII( au flu OlU 539middot

7 t t- rr middotm i ~hlllkeuoImiddot(gtr I ~

E ts alP-1m~ ad 10 III unJinn~ Ih t middothltmiddot ~11 ome hmiddot Igill~ o nly in o 1 oj Ihem ~e ltor pmpcrl) nmn~(tcd IIgt Illfi r 1middototls tT j inllny ITrI 5I t 01 SIJ Iijt I-i 1 Ynr I)U

1middot9 i ~ Thmiddot tllmiddotd 111I)Ult if) Iro p O JPC~Il

lciII otld ~rqJlOxIUmiddotlmiddotd in I) middot~(on( ~t j oolgt C~~ middot i ~poliJ t

gtj)(lli lont tmiddotC I 111 (apia I)n1

[mill ) MUftIM~ Alh dt 11((-111

fAmSIrd I 7~ (l Damel Hcin~iul

Q I ~lD 1~J i Jm I-oIo bullt ) fo r lupid (gtIllide h ase Md P C t 1)(1middot Imbl~w tryU 1l~rd~m 6 rmiddotlmulcd Pdmburgh bulln7l) fcr Cil~rrl bini ~e ncr (Inllri ) aud cupid with ( ~cd ~uinrl 70 T ho $(lrnHmhurv au C hr[ So middotI JlhT rparodir novel a nd IIlkgori(O ( h anw rl ttlnIHomaM)

ealled iIllOIltSlion mi(Ic rda liou pc bnl(lIagc and III(Ialhor Sorer IA llalJM df ] i1Jbullbull d rih inl( illtolI (IU~1

~ ~ hltgt~d nn peI middotrh gl1_ rhlemiddot Jta~middotlIIg lt1 word altgtCUo ns loped J) hc PUWK middot~u du nall iJ a JrcLuIXlT r rnmiddot i~ ileJ[laquoIU311Dt~s 5lt ( hI M rd u II ~ 1f(J n1~ (Pn_ (pI rcpri lro Cmiddotneva I In) I II calte oflh coU~ lt rImmiddote1i trn auhial IU-altAO Pli middotuJarly ho hOj( mlhlt (crmA n KumlIi J~- lJul Ridner middotbose H)15 ltt Imiddot) hd raquoPlltkd I nnch IlIor41)middot all(nlion ~d Ih adlDlI-llluU o(j (l ll Ia l h ~ and Atdtt ISr~lt)n middotIltmiddot wen 11 Y lr1nd lrlIlt I io lfj~ ln-I HI Kichllr$ nmlk a lllorio rI narruvlts I U ( muhIImiddot l oice IUd idrmiu(l SU)tgjOgtjl

Jm~(1 I(dnn lues Ihe T j l aIS lisr of nI I~ImiddotrJ1 puion of his nilId I$n

ort o(lXlI EI ~ 111lt he r1l lo h-ough Ihe quouditn _orld in JAIrun(

1M IbN ~~ t altga rtl H ale II ~f

Olxron SdiOQlj Afi1)ullu 1)~ 1nil 91) and Claulk jich i I middotmJ~ lit 71~-I fJJJ1 (~ J(IIU l~ MIjalllUt llnt 1963

I ~urc 3 M~ ~ rnst middot[plol 1 ii(

uy hor)s(ol In 0 1(1lt lila

9~9 SI1 1st II rlduL~t Igty ponniion [r I~I (II I n T oronto Rampn-oce Lbr~ry

17 Osk P(lltak lkr hcmige ud I Ioliphilw Ir~ J ldK 1 tA(rifll~ UlIll A KvI~m~b(

191111431 Ii for h~ Qfih lok hUllIuand Irlnlt[1gt HI(lIMlultin Pp~tl cd Gm P U md LUCla A

Cil)pom (Idu ~I fl - Lrw ~lIfsk) r~frrnl o Rtlla~nCt Nlt)middotpl aJJojonn~

xt ufpopular ga m ltco mparabk 10 vulgn plmiddotd n I~j middotNllatomc ilocltb III ~kgtr~c( ud Norh I al) Ul Sl~d It 1(middottI~l i lew York 972) p 1 1) i~ 1 I 1)QoinofdlSlllcIllOcrtlt in

he I[TIlI mtd~ 1 er(l~ lll1cgo~ I RUI~ JlnlJJ( i~ p l lrll l~rJ r r(Ie 10 rn( mltlll(j in 111 1middot( IIlI) lil() 110 ( Ihe tMLion of~~Irn wel of N~ro dlrnwwcJiinli oflus md i I h )

iod)e he ocau t ~ Qf hcr lionl iU od nrnliltrsmiddot and lu JltO lo( It(f lone he wa concelvcd are ofpITlkuLu i l~ $

nplt(illl~ sitlclt lhry fill fn lt1 ~ b~l~ dWUI ntmmg lid ]altuale s Uvid f

1luI 1 Sr lt1 (l i l1lcmbtrmcfll bo-hlrd On8 lUI dl Romoon or d~ RQII( III RtUtiulIamp lIteR all rk 14 ~ I ~I l ffl(ll( RIIon ~I i rw] d ja II UOI IhiJadclphlltl (992 ) Pl

30 0 jlllnn tQlran ltk M cu ~ k NIn I fa ~ rm Illjo to 970 $tt

II tIf M Arde ll 1 h( Wfllan d I~ (1I 1e

~ Iw wIlJ IJlblQgrap~~ (N~ i and 110 111(93)

Ik Clo rillunc Hclt cl I wny ltImiddotn ud kit I I a~ KInr ~ rbull pJra bull 01 lor lum~ all gklt amI r~rman I (Ik mi IIulltlin 74 1lt)921 pp II I gt

Er ns ts prpuhioll of die r mb1em illlage inlo I 11lt1r rnivl seque nce (an al~ l

be si1u3led in niltlI io n I() Ihe illuSlri1cd Renaissance alkgory hieh ~ ltlS an lInpo nan t SOll r( li)r all sli bsequen l crnl1cm atisLS Colo II Tl i HYJllrtOlfmlfldljn

Poliphilii7 I t I)tsin witll a d r() 111 alltl i ll middotu l v (~ endkss nCliphtr lll(n l o f environm ents a nd obj((ls th ilt rc~onall throughout EIIlSI 1 0Uale Ilods d lboraldy symholic gardcm IIl WluC r ums h icrgl~ ph s 1 st atile or 1n d~pha nt Ill th it incidC llt5 (Perscus bchead ing of Innt htr 1(1I1 n1lt Slt1n ~

[C tc yled us ) ltlil t lhe tr i u rnph ~ of va rious gods li nd ll1coulH cr~ wil h fcma le pcrsonifiC4l io ns such ltIS Iht middotfi lmiddot lgtCIlSIS ofd wlTI E rll ~ L s 1i]1lnw 100 [ClcS IS A porli liant Cl U pcrsli fiettion Colonnas n )d g llmorizccl

lHroiciztd ll1d narralivized int t lp rt lal iull knd i n~ il ~ Ilr 1 g-lttmcs of m ea nings like v illga r pS~fhoa nalys is If [ rlisl realkgorits till tlIlda rd allcgorYil~-ltl n I1 Il then he dut~ so in way~ lha t preclude HI high mora l or iludlcctua l positions n (sting thc psychomarhia with lttil C)Imiddot 10 p~ychomiddot ltt l ml) q s tu rn ing Ihl Stnsua l cneha nt Hwnts ot snluctivc ~cI4 p i( middot(lS to qtlcasil UIIIla lizcd violcllt ltlud sexual d tSires I il lra r surreali sm IBre(on lIdia

Aragon s PIY5(1II dr Puns) could rel y un the sca AoJd i n~ and d evin s of allegoric - t he d ream vi~ion ) th l peri pau t ic li n o mo in~ 1hroug h a Lil y of m ysterio us (lbjCClS 1l101lum~II IS a nd (I)couiliers I hl~ W I)I11 lt11 1 uf Ill u ta bk idenlilY references 10 OIIHr works of arl and lillfa tlll t nd Soon t rnsa also d eploys the devlrc-s of literary a nd pk lOria l allegury dndging 1I 0 t only emblem bouks but ahl) die g rea t lite rary dkg(lric~ liorn tlw RomfI fir n (0)(

to Colunna to Novcli s lIlcl jieltkl

C hristia ne fi end in lro r key st ud ) ofmodlit lisl a lkgory has argUId thaI Err1~t relinq ui$ h (~ hi s a u tho ria l a ut hori lY in 111 F rllllllt J ()() l i l( allowing hi~

1111lgCS a rad ica l inck ptmiddotnclcnnmiddotp II cUl lld 1( arlued r Ol1v I-dy Ihlt

EflIH pa rod y fu netion~ in a n opposil(middot ay tha i Ir i~ wrc nching or imilL~ oul of l ll tmiddotir Mig- inal 1 )lI tex l ~ i~ a n 1gt 111 iw ill asserting ah~olutc and arbitra l) cuntrol OIr Ih( mh rial Ernst s images Id ) 011 re11l na nl ~ ofl hci

r igi lIa l Ill lltllli ns and los t tQllVCll ional contegt llgt ill hich I he) er( meant

tJen E ADEM c AN TI L NA ~--~--------------T~ ~~

to hi ( lcdihh il luslmt i)M vI S( ll tiic d evt l oprne nL~ na tural phcllomclla lr ltg- il t ric k ~ or rq)l( )(ll((i()f ~ IJf wrh Ifart l a lld lhis al o nce aJlo l~ his (1 11 man ings 10 SCIlll irraLio li a l and lilcral cd a ll d 11 the ~am c limc 10 be c lI npktdy su hjugald U) lht ve ry lI ovell) a nd allom a ly of thcrr tnvironshynlt ll l 1111 a~e lnl )l cd tiag llH l lts o f Ernsts cullages a lT n~ idual evidloCe of tl w Iulhor ily tu UIt Hilli CIII m Clo ll YJlJic pow(J or lite and dealh

arg lla bly IllI very I ppl)~ i t e ufCUI Li l ig loo~e or sellin g liTe

I n his 1l illaI Ilm II~ Enl L l o 1ll111i t lt synLacli cal rape tiXl uctlllg Y()Illll

fru m ti ll eO lltc 1 ()( ~I I joulll als Il K) il ion rt pn~ in whidr 511( represhy

l1t(O popu lar p a int iJlgs cflg ravltl ( r nJa~s a udiences I n I ll s u r k sh e

may 1 1llhOirl y mct unymic hssi pl i (l ll~ or II H ull ing hut ~It ~middot al so rCjJfCSClIb

E tn~ l s own lonir 10111 1 tn CUI and asipn rk~ a h it p in l piaYIT lilCI lIy a ppea ri ng ill hibH WI mi g h l also ~ lJ Spcc l Erns l of viciously

i te ra ling nin( lcclllh-nIl LUry lh eor ies r Ih e cmpall ric ~yOllJ 1 lt1 ~ lhe ( 1111)l)lliIrwl1l or our OWII pir yif1 lllrcqJl i ns J I u ~t~ his all tgtgory of sigm r1i ~od lItd from pir y~kal rdrll l ~ prClieiy as a fi eld in whi c h to dj~ru pshy

tivd ) i lllt rjtcl th l OCtasifHlal irY PlCIilicaUy d(plo yed rull ~ym bol with iL~ supposed ltlli lY illl i L~ rciirenl c jJre~ell tcJ by the 1)(J(h of l he Ilom an 1n the eli (k~ Ch a nTS chap lc r a l thl e nd Ill Url~ Smwiu de lfm f a fi gulc flmini s(nt or Fortuna noats ill Ihe air gTad ua lly li-cc ing

h (r~(lrorlllr a llrihulls ()f whcci Ild ~ i l (fig un 1) 11 t lihCra li ol1 Sill ce Fort un a luore It tuall ) hfCOnHS hrr wh(ei mi nl1ll il by htT l1nlr ed bac k ltIS an h Yllleric and l lso be(on H~ h cr sail hlo wn throug h lhc ~k y her

It rib utes cOIl in ue to be co nSl raining Ind pn middotMmiddotlIt a bsorbed ililu her bud y and gestu res sugg(q illg tht am hig uolls 1l lIratiom a nUrd (] 10

oma n by Max Ernst8t E IIISIS USf or h is maltri11 r(li~ o n Ihe inhc rl1I1 bililY or ollhgory l(o

rtal k go liltmiddot T radit iona ll y rlallcgo riwl ioll ltrllnnl a profan t I(x t or till past 10 h( as assimi la ted in w a n acccp lt hlc y~tlm f moral va JUIs (Vi rg il s

FSllIr( ~4 DlIIid Il cU$ius Emblrm(1Q liqoIAM I lKkn 161 5_

8 _ s~ Ili k Rot R iAamp Rm(

~d lhr jd I~Q~ ()PfigtiL ICbrid and Nrw Yrk 1991-deg flt -lt middotmiQlif - Iha l Inko 2 olll1Q f)f on_ B ~ h lth Rampk]o nxcnl

lUal of Wafbuf(t Iho l1h l in Irrm

01 th ROmMlIl( ymLgtoI unil) f ud dcrem 1 I OPpogtlti IO lI~ry

( hrpertI_~ ~~crnn f ltI s diS300C ialed fro I nfrro1 I i Rob- ~h(fempl l h lrmiddotplio)J Iheon pmiddotI) U lelkI1 pn~uen apphnl tk 1ltgt ~msl tSpltcirJI ) in I ~s pogtr

t uitwc1 Ihron ltl _ Iuh w R l loy rum symbol 10 Ilkfurv Ahr WH) i~

I r- hi Rd I~ 9971 pp ~ 6 R - [hr R iL [[ ul n has ro n Iholt u l

I hru~Ir iuI O) the unk o n wh re laquogtn~ ol Ir~cdm Pfnar p_ ~ 1I1

B I S~( Thn 11 Kclk~ Rmnwtlme Hlqo for tillt applicll ble ~ of In t allctUlxal wun lorn (e ee aUraCUOl) d ll r lnla$ 11 ltI- illual suctched l ~ lI l i Ihi [K w1ir

ltlc 1(o ~dukd from lClion and hj~llt) ry

bu sgt( f)1 g Ihe n -rgt d s he

cmand p Sr Th~ro i 1 or~1 1ltl io of witel )-r tr r lt~ltoI 1gt 1 mln m~y 1- takc -lt lIl rlaphO)f Ruolnlr E Kun1i S rrooti d I js(~ and R o l~rl llolI - n ~prknjo(

illo fo-k-J t] air ltli_ r II

fmiddotm lc (lITe) i SHlrJm and 11 010lt1 II A tw~ Rdolf t Kucn7li and Gwe Ra l~rt ICambllJgc l1i I99I) PPmiddotJt alld S T Imiddot lo ockiu Em ilS or ~ oflC n Ii mCIgttIraquoHgt1 dqI)eJ In ~ h a w~r Ihl 11 CIOI li meu Ulcrlgthunc~ Jly In 1- Riu d~~r

(MIIft~ q~1 lIOuilil ~w Carmd nr Imjlt Igtarod egt t~lcX fatlo~ ~al

jgtuu lJ rtut I(rl) IJ t 1ra 8 Ihemiddot Ie ~IgtIi OIl y 1 t ~atnlt11 1lISt llIil le Scl~h) snd amud ~kinl lt hTifingl) lilltrd I Iht~ ill IH rroh meal fur lo~ l i~ lone rol1 ~middot

l~diqlJr$ mlldr 1111) Hr)(tT) I

r~rn(rl i 1ltgt Ihe hwwir jlgt]al~ el~ hcll

il1lh( l1ltrvrl

(1 IS 1IX lrngtl 1 SmIltllN d amp 193i 0 Max Erllsl 1iI)AGP Van S()DRiC ( Monlrc~l ) 2f)(l(1

l )n IIC Ilupon Of Ih allraf R~~ru 11 (1 I 1$I~ Lolhu I -hr I J~ middotIn Rp jhd bd 11hII hI p HI

Fourh RetI a~ II I( milling of Chris l O vid l l-lrfall(Irphorrr lllorali7cd In

lmJOlIls such h J Hoh CI~ the trials of the lo ver could lJe rca 1go ricd a~ Clll hlnll~ of Chri sia n ~ u(fe ring ltInc co nrilltll cc Ernst reverses tlw prol(~S

dc- morali - ng a llegories In 7 110 dlidren 1IIII1fI(ld ~I (j 1I~lthtillg(h (fig ure zfi ) Frnst lak es U middotidilI1 IIIc(lrlJorphi rape (G anIlH-ci (S ta ~lc Phi lo mcl as

nighting-uk) oul of its repose in spirit ua lizing me taph or as ill (k Kellnincks landscape in h( Wallraf Rir-ha rtz M useu m i ll Cologn( (figure J7 ) ()j emulems sl ch as Hat1idorlhr s in which lit ra pe of Ganymede is rfJllcgoried as the sou ls I ~CIIH lo Cod ( figure 28 )83 Ernst rc t urTl~ Ihnr lo d leir Tl)n l ~ ill ~cx ual viok IlC( hi (h in tu rn S[ ltlnd~ ror the revcnibk hltrU a mi a mbiguous g-round underpinning the provtrh t ln bl cm or allegory

Equally td ling is Enl~ts d ia~rammui( ada platio n or h(rme lic emh lemata in O this mIll rIIIlI kll )w rlO lh lllg 1924 ) I II the paintillg ami II

tIle pl)cm w ri tte n on thl had (a parudy of Ihe oJllo()gical ~ylllhII S Il I I

fi~u r~ 26 Ernl I fUtJ1 mnlilwi ~ II

lllhlmCiJl 191 1 S(1 66I C 1 - r 1 D (t risI ~OI)KC J vumiddot~l l j


th e Hmrfll fd Table of H crrn(~ Trisrn egistu s) Ermt reallt~orlZ(middot ~ the hermetic ~ym bulis ll1 of the nlilrual lini li7atioll of d ivine and cit rddy IS a Freudian middotprinwl scene of gigantic li m b~ and scmiddotx ual pa rtgt Both pa imi ng md puem become rcpr(sntltHion ~ oC the unfu lfill ed n vi ~nging of a n such thing In Ernq s vcrsion the Oedipal a nd Ihe gnolt1l ic an oronc frustratccl substance ltlnd (be power oftbe allegories of h enl1tticism ltIhbaiisrn and aklHmy lies in perpetual d ef( lrd of the d tsircd gol J tl6 Ernst ~ emblem fllnc tioll s more

b roadly illi a scq gtt icai fi gu ration of tht a bil it y of images lO represen t hal IS envi $ioncd or desired in dicating Ihal a ll $lI h em blems ct n only he a sun0 fH l flIT hatt middotcr one an t ~ to know attl in o r rcprcsen Lft7

OJ (Ids 111m sllall kn)1L Mlhing a lso ~ ig na l s its own iconogn lJ)hic history especially tts allu sion to Caspar David Fricdr(h middot$ clllblem tie CrOJS ill Ih

Iounltlills a key work in Grman Roma ntit- dc hIIltg about Iht rela tive fok~ of llIegory and Iandscapc III Erns t as a rl ild er of C ( fman Romil Tlli t~ i~ ltl

would re U 1Il 10 these wpie in his la ndsca pe pai nLings aga in and again Crr)JI ill 111 t1ollll oinf is a lso shadowed by a t( Xl n passage from Ludwig T icck 5 allcgorital novel Fran SI-illbaMr 11middot(lIULmmgrll (J i 98 ) Jnom

26(j ) middot1 ~BImiddot rH ) T I d 1

60 I 1m c (lislt uW(1 Iht twn l1 t timiddot itl~gcry at t~ ngl h ill M~lt Emi l middotI ht 1IJdw(UtI1iJliI

SnllrJ 11 a i - l OCIshy87 Uml middotn o Ero diilltu~ 1he rdu iolll I)( twu h~rn 1l l k svrn lgtol- 1Il in which middotevcry middot~pr ion is a (nignlll hal middotk runlwt ~mgma middot and ~Jr n cconltlructimiddote ~nlys3 as in lini l~

defendJ in middot(n limited scmi III d rili in T ht Ib oJ hllffpWalio Ill n -I--j

fI8 smiddot cJ(m~ (l h W ocn rn ~I( Jaru F~d nnd It ~b1J ~f I muigat ~cw U and Lvndon 1 99lt)~ Karin V()n ~llo lJr ntel thO rrl ll nf (~$7 In 1M -WOIIIIIgt 10 Ern middot lUUlI1 OmJ~(Ilt1 III middotMao b ns l a Rvmlll1ic~m middot M n Enul A Rtl~pnl~ ~ I Werner Spict l t omlo 199 1)

I II~ ~7 K d~ K cunn~k Iuhf rvtJh IM~Io~ fj lt-1IJVdt r gtn leI

dllrf Kgt(hHIZ I ~ l

8iJ bull 1gtlt I g T irk Fwn~ SlmNt11b

11 middotJn~(n Hmt ~ lldIcAt (mll1~hlt

~I lj(h gt)6I ~ p gtgII

J) ~ee 11 0 ~bn lagtlt I Allqlr)

oflrlllll$iol)middot PI 6- 7r lhr dhl1 l1lt IK hr omlll~1 d(h nlll(11 (III ud h ~

ltill u~Jui ncall y I ~nd lor thillgt IcJ rly 1rs ign~II ~lId Impic ddinlun ul rourrlS luch as li lliemiddot h I(ll no h hI l (~ Ii lt mcill ~ tur middotC)middot ll la IIllt-SIKn a (1(11011bullbull 1 H turn jn I(raquolt ru lUI lTnp ~~i 1g ~1 I r

roukl hi ~r~lJ od tlbull ( Ihi Ik nrngt i~ made lllcmllll UKOf)~ Fr ~cl7rh c r) hMd lU lOll ~ Il ili K r nger through $1(middot togt tI ohjrl i( lria 10 judiCII

91 - GltQ rl 6atai llt Solr a ll~middot Fis rif fXt~s SI_rlJ I Im~~ P7 t)39lli

113 $Iodd Minapo l ~Jl lp XIV

1 lt1 6 12 ioIar ~nu p IJ Halaillits 1Qcom )Ir rollinS (m Ih bullrf r lw ~Ml h [ ~ [ I llt imal(vfltouinuous mC l~lor]lh mal p l y i1a d l5ori llJOII lOr tllti M the locornoriH r ltI hl$l)ry lt]uOI(d in aUT

III-rljolmirgt (r SdiJ 1 rlrHn-1 n- I irl 1974 p 1 ~3

illcidcn t the youn g a rtisl F ra il i~ st ru ck by a pa iming llr a l be scc~ in a hn lll it lUll a IlOCIlIIIMI lan dstltl pc ill wh ich a cr ucifix Ull a hiJl i ~ illll m ishy

na llti by IltI ) S o f moonlight The he rm it ex plains Ihat tilt crucifi is a po inte FingcI7cig ) to Ilw ~pjri lu d wurld beyond the faJ lc n world of lla tu n T o Franr ~ o bse na lioll O ne cou ld ca ll th i IMint ing an a lkgor)

the IIn ln il answers All an is JIlt-go rict IIoJ

T IH middotFingcrJeig iI) Ixpbli necl by th e h~rrn it to F ranz S lt rnbald point s not o nly to Iht spiri tlla l but also 10 thlmiddot pr (~cllce of J ll egor~ iblf As a li ter indlx a sho wi ng ha nd o r jJ ~ i l1ting fi n~cr tht Fingerrig i ~ a ~ tJplf

or i Ihlems II is Oimi larly In ade li ter1i b) -l a x E rn)1 t du slig ma tied ha ncl f1 oatin~ in f r OTH of th e lt ruci fi xiOthl~ middot prinM I ~NtJ I Herc it indicates linmiddotth er bu t not Im llscc ndCIH [l)callings90 In E r ll st s painti ng lh t ROlllit lll ics cruci fi x lS alkgori la l poin hr to a hig her nal rn sim ilarly

i tl n l c~ a landscape of d a rk Illowltai ns a nd il eawnly fil ) S IHl I fur the

COltj UIl Cl ivlI o f redemp ti ve c ru cifix a nd ill urnin at iug SUUS(t in Fricclricbmiddots pa inting o r truci ft x and moonlil-h t in Tillkmiddot O novel Ern$[ dark ly ~J bs l it uLes

copulat ing limbs and the bloc ked rays o f a IUllar refipSt Ermls lmiddott nblema tic painting alt Frifeirich s had don ra i se~ p r0 1Jicms or

cnTlIl lllporar) a lkgory When G lf)rges Aatai ll e- turned tn alr-IItm ica l )slIllllng in 192 7 he did so in I( rm~ that almamp t com icH) m im i Ernst s d csul Itmiddot c lltra ilmiddotfilled landscapt 1111 earth middotcovtrtd wi th vuk anOIs hich SltJoT a~ iLs a n us is driven in iL~ rota tion by lhe male ~ha rt ]l tlttraling 1 1 11~

laquomiddotma l- alllJ a lmost t lIl irely (merg ing ill o rder 10 ree n tcr like Ih( piston~ of ~ 100o mo ivl

JI i~ the 1Ilf(ha nical Oll ll)il ltion n(] t ll morm t inn~ of thes mOtmcn t ~ Ihat th~ ak htmists soll~h t 1 I hI philosoJlJ t ~ ~IU Ilt ~

This nWfhJlist jlmiddot cop ulatiu 11 hudcsqu e~ t he vmiddotn ji) UIIl1n ioli o f allegory th e

ltlnagogir 11 wrh of r() rrcsponden(c~ and rtmiddotst ]tlbl a nct~ lIlt middotcopula that li~

one thi ng- 10 a noth n ill lang ua te all Cl witt g ) 11 thin) to be visibly co nnCfted Ha lai lk s a llcgvrical luvers will mve r fi nd ilnythi ng but parrxlic i magc~ l11d Ih ey will [ Il l asieltp l ~ empty a ~ mirrun Wh en En tail k

fu rther GlUs lically mcdita ted Oil the gno~ tic roo ts Llj Hegel ia n ism in Ll)ll~

ma teria li smt c t Ie g nllst ( 1930) p ropus in g a k~ l abili ing hcadl es~


a J1q~ory tha i would elimuatt aJl h ilTardlic11 ~ ~ t C IllS of rdtn lllc indud ing ~implistic rcv( lltals or blst ll ld idea l o r CXq-lt1l 111 llt1 1 lnrl ltlcrUllcn lll he wa addrtR~jng is)llc$ irnpJiL it in Of Ihis men lInll knOll IWlllillf 91 H ()wcvcr heelIlsl Erns l middot ~ all egory ( nds to Ill p a ll)l it i( depcnds on just ~ll (h illvcrshy

~j ()m ilnd reve rsals of hig1 and low Old is a t a re mov from Btl taillcs infla111ll1110ry ()I)f ll-f llded hd lltaded en terprise

E nHl$ im ages a re often d riven by this undermining of thcir (IW ll sourn-s of lJowc r fcp lescnliug hotb II((i r own ~ la luS a nd i1lSIlfjicilIHy OrtCll they

assu me tht appearallce of (lnhkrlls wh ich as concieusetf o r short lr and ig ll ~ of aUTho rit y ~a n c ti fi ~d by t rld ilion art disrupted hy Ewstmiddot~ illtruio n of thc n ltllll r 1 LIld ~e)( u t l rhc n dllcti t middoti~ua l 11I11ouage or cmhlcms lcnd~ t o ltlrd hrogaliun 111(1 fimiddotag11lClltlliun Ih ich LntSl n alu raJiz~s likening Ihe Sllll1X of fj middotrgnWlll3 Iioll 10 (lperatjoT1~ (lil lbe hod y lt bull rile tru ncalLu pa riS a Ird Ii 1111 ~~ or Of IhiJ lien shall know Iohing arg uauly J u clc 10 th t ~ceri ng lIId te lldt n liou~

reconstruniom of tht e mhknjs [anllJage o r aut hori ty a rClruc luring of Ihc

sy mknloche lim hs a lrcldy prnelH in v i ~l1 emblems Througbout his canlt r Ems would dltriV( double prestige flOlll disrupting lhe COJlv(middotnlions of hOl h a rl a nd li tcrJ fl1l middotf iro lliing his au thoriaJ role as bot h a rlis and poel Emblelll s a rC1 ft lilc ground fur ~uch opT3tions k ndi ll g tlwm~clvu 0 ditorshylil)m or he reci prxa lIldi(a tion s or eX T lIld image which anmiddot Ihe STarling

point nfalJ tgory

Ac kn o wled gement

S l l i(j ll~ of thilt papa H r( pncn l(d a~ Ielt tlJT(~ iI conjullclinn il l Max Em~I

rc ll1(nary ehiiJninm Ihe RnlJ ncl 1(nr()X Memorial JccUrc U Il l T a(middot ( )11)

(1(11 middotmff A Ul IrIJJf(ct ll ItJ91 -J) lI lId II M 01 i (Ilal pound7110 O(lff( 11111 Ihr Duwn oj

hguw middot 11lt~ ~ 111lgtltlorHr hnwltim ltr (10( lOH 9

ll G~1 1 1~ l k 9Jo 1Iy tnillcril ilm 01 11l()oSn bullbull n uollgt ~f fj(w ll 11 52 amp0- M l=nmiddot w middotn I rltult~ ~ rKumrnt d ~ 1 ~ her IkuJamin a~ flll~ (ltI by II~Ilt ml II ~nljsL in rn 8 to auK 1 1~middot ul~r l an L~n ur Silllplilll ~I bat ~ J Ilrl~1U

rell t huugh r he dmiddotIIrymclll of d~lthi IiLinl( pmiddot(hootvtic laquogto ep tgt url ~ s Ielcnnimmo tm r1m~crltt ~m gteJmlt IImntllw I l middot~fI Rll1Ifl1l twlllv Imis ~f )m(alUl lin(I~I illrrkdtmiddoty u An~lc

M IAlodlt 91l 11)) U[ i -l lt)1 - I lt-nd ubstmiddotmiddotmiddot- rht Ire rn~l i u Ul uf Illor lt1 Fm~ (J Ii i fnuc lr Crlt Ihl1 t ho- lifl ugtd rmiddot]m of poundrnsl middot~

lIuc nod ilmhil(1)omh g(ndcrltl h gtvlnL ~ n rh mo (h hypcrholic

Dio cjOCulH1o11 orsl) rl-d~n jm1tf(cry1gt il dO(lt i lli fmltle ~aC11l nr [[00lt1 orgmiddotoonldltG1IHllion al 11 0( Immigt ufth aULhOl tlgt hi~ E rol$L is aJlj~1 llIh GltltX B tll lltmiddot hnnlcnz ~u nf llcg) 11gt1$(111 (~I L ory 111-1 111 in middotSoI ant S l ~r fter u ~1Jtn in capl1on i ndirat~

oJ ddo-nce I n nn SPIf (lIKI

r nn1h~r nd sigi ~ L k Ma~ middotrn1 O~f IllOJ ob middotCologne 9i)- ) in uch fll nh(r ifnrm~lin ( laquo(mns I r ~lO ( C ~d locatiOIl may bc tu

il(ure 29 Em1 OJ I middotun shall (Mil

-h~~ 9 f SLl 63middot C 1 Ernni I IJtI 11uJSODRAC (MlHHrc~j l


S1Irrwlism 9lt)3 ) J 11m gl~Hdn l for lho ltc o pport uui l itl 10 (Olls ider Erns to l roCesso r

CI i~ toll wr Crn middotlI ImfCi J oh n Gl)ldi uS Prorr~Ylr Willillll Cmfi~kl and the

11 011 Fod a tio 10 11middoti r va middot i)l1 ~ lt1 g middotn n)lCgt d vicc I 11olIIk Sllzar rl c Ak bari

r l d~(f l)cre nhI Joyn GOKl(i n E rhan Jd l Kavalc lmiddot and M E Vnr lic k

Page 21: Only Half Saying It Ernst SCAN

tisull 9 H lrjr Wshy nj() h Mr~t ~ 1 Itmfr U(pr~(hrIr

1644 (I


r for Jr


ikdy d a$gtltS


(J VUlliJ yenrrfttr~ I Xi In lh~

LltJII()Igtltrics t~ l ~h UlCt Ilw rompt

fMI dlilaquo (f making (hiu ~Jl llCar IU Igt I n nplJ(1 QUI of Ill()lhcr pic of PII r bdud lion which I 1lap ilh (he ambJguIjI Qf ltOt lhin hccomioe middotrl )7 S pound I) VHI Image ar bod Y dt purd aliRl1l11(llt 01 Waltt r Ikllj ~mi lt1 1 Bnlmiddot JDI(1 M8JN~IIl1iI ~ 3

Ilt)ltJI pp ~5 -H20n h~ P r bullbull II1tQl 10 11( cn blrn1 Ilr liK if IC~ t()

I)irn iocapl hle Ihe-Imiddot of middotrnln lmg meaning bullbull liegQ1 i~ 01 ju(

Olhnlll mClonpnic 5hiflil g 01 Wmanl(


art acturl lly pre~sed into thl paper 10 form ~ ha~ lr-lief h ci~hlI1~ lilt joke Oil 1h( power of piClori11 illusio1lism to hring things illlO r(l 1 d inwnsions wi th in tIll fidd o(the r iled mimesis of the ditglam l1la lic larger pi( tu lmiddotmiddot

So Cr llsts pictun may ntmiddot tl kcn 1 a n (mhemlIic prCsentation or Novaliss Bild lunel ioning as a Plfldoxi( d rlj) rc~cn l alion of 11ll fli lurc 10

flill y represc nt dealing wit h thc plOhle rn o f prcsen li l~ a pilI UII a t all and by elltensiOll wil h the )nhcllnt dcnplio ll~ of me La pho] i1lu-iol l and lan guClgc O ften representcd by a dark ell si lhouettcd htnd IS in Ioplop pminlS bullffjiifJ 1931 (fi gu rc 21) Toplop invokes Novl lis f~JlloJs d cscri pshytioll o(thc delusi(n of repr~cntlllg H( gliI-p- ollly a handful ()r d ~llklJcss ((

Loplop a~ i ll1 plcs~ario mtkcs p rescnting ~d l~co l1 c i olls hat is prestmed i ~

ahIs mediated 01 II a rnllOW like Ill( pictures Wi lh1) pic lurts losing

ground III llllIly o r Ernsts p3i nling~ W~ 11( ill the territory of cmblemalic rcprOlclllltHioT1 thost fa ilures and ha zards agaim t hi ch the rnord or motto or the emblem i~ proph~ bClieall) ~c l Ernst makes the cmble mat ic il1l agl a ll emblem orkonograph ic lnca n ill ~ itsclfb7

Tn the (middotolllgc novels ]lIginning with La Femlllt 100 [Flu 1929 Ernst dcvdops the cm blem image illlO an allf~o lka l na rrali( Tf Enhts coll agc T1ocI ~ fU llction or ma lfUllclioli l~ parodics of the pul p nov as cx lcndccl clich e the atrnosphln of popula r IlOVel movi ng- from dimao( to climax is nut (Illy char3neri sl il o f di llhangcr scrit1illd Ii (lioll bUI of high allegoric-

~ ilurr 1Q ~rJUI --QpI~ IW(1IIJ P~lIf $1

11)3)-70 ~ I tl 1 1 C 1 1 -nm middot 0 (1

1~riII-O[)1iC ( IlIn~11 locO

111)_ HI nl [ ~ l Cl middot

ril(UR 21 ~nb l Loplol fgtrr~ll bullrjlirJ 193) raquoI~ 1781 Cl 1( lt f rtI~(AIJA(f

ld SUOkAC ( Ina l ZOQO

(gt11- Ou EI and pu(p fin iou Klt Rltncc

R irlot 1 1I~rI S~JIIJ on flu 11ltgt01 Jkrkdmiddot~ od l(gtmiddotngt1cs ~ P 8

(I li ~ r)hC Olhe r(olla ((n-vcb 10 (tII~ 100 ius lltms 10 f()rl~ ~cu i t i It f J) bn pred i(1ali( ITUucm nf

dJgory thaI IhIt ir is w lhig

~-qutItLil1 and UorrdlJ d~li) irlo )PUlI lhol a 101 s~ j 1 rma ll e Iruun OrUrgurir 1 d middot middot 70 Sec RrlIll I)j kw Idol Dr (fomlr gt~raquoI4S~~ ofFm= ri( i Fi -ltir)l1dr CIIIMlt rw Yk I ondon and O d Od 7r - Ilr hundred h~dlc wumn

pcrgtoniM Ihr protlogt ofnIlt) i II blt n d~ugtltsltJ lrum la~I llt nmiddot I a ~ Old Ikrricln gtI I at OJ~ 1I OllgtII) Ic Ihin lnd b) UI huured 11Ultbl

(ltTduug Slaquo Kon Rund tbi~ oUtIII l SnfUQa flta (Slrnl

-Ill Jcq1 [xrrid I ~ Ihr ~i dr Plmon r PIQImr idd i rUf HiOn

1- 1 1jl3lt) ~5- ~1 a 1 11Ik -bn

laIlt 1111- uf P5UaSI Il 11 n 7 nLllIr Max En_ s CCIl1~ldc A Il

u~dJjJ Ju tzmis Punl of pHtdigmltK- rcmm~ Jail (tcmiddot i duo1lltcJ

j ltoul l e~ d to Ir mYIr~ de IJ Fr nn I (h rlltoum ed ilh Inrily n [J

ru~orlf J~dlnl Ul Ieh IW adl COl middot

iJ drjed in Lr M~IUf ~ (ue biod Il)d by II rah ) mllo)~ a (M from CIen dOn Imiddot ga~m

n j)()gtltt t ( du d I dClaquo1 PllfT

J1( Inl 9~3 I 3 )middot i J 1 mpu lit) is 011( ( I)utf HlT~JIJ ilIU1lruom illmlHffi by t dl~ aKI o lkmm Solaquo rhf 11rllrpIt~ of 1fIIopoilbullbull 1(0)1 ltlt 1 A I (~ bull Lltdo d3middotICl ) I or the hltad leM

m~ ~I nprt nlIVlt of the lI h~voJiud

Mltirirr5(C Ilaydcn hw T hc Ior r Idnc rll f~fJ)lgtfOlmr FHJ n

cJIllIr1 (nWi BahiOI~ 11(1 l aunn

l7ijjP r63 5

ltIS wellG8 The luadks~ OIl1an w ho c rupts iu uiflircn l forms lhrou~hflu l Ia Frllllllr X) tilu could ~ef( as a mnaphor lor Ihe d isru privt relations bel ween metaphor ltlnd th( ~cq ucn tiltt l flow of narrative charaCte ristic ( I llegory The d(vd o]lm(n l~ cnn (inui lY and rcptli li(HlS afTordcd by 1lIJTativc allow hun (0 rCClpil lLlatt S() W ~rea k hi ~ usc of woma n to personify his own Icdllliqlll

The k nmJe nud e had belfl l1l1 lhe prw niscuQu sig nifier par t udtIll( 111 nin clee nlh -nntury $ll nn painling in 1 hifh Ilt t complex it(lltirics and allri shy

hut es of any given 1 l1 cgoricld personifi cat ion WCl( Kro~~ l y sim plifin l a nd s i ~lIalled a nd in which multipl ied numbers (of ha rtm ~la v (s or OJcads) com pensa te fo r loss of indiidual s ignificalion If Ihimiddot ~a loll lIu dc finally scrvf d as a pcr~nn i fi clI ion of a n OcrT rowcltd a nd raquohdioere Sa lon itsdr 7ltgt that cltuase lllent of the aan c mil tra dil ilJll rIK ina ted Erm t as he pl ullder(d ninelecn th-cent ury j ournals a nd salrl11 (pvrl~ fOt his collage ma l( i1 1I y not one hundred headl(lO~ woman instead of onc hundred mrmingk ss oms why nOI om perrcn ly ugly hcadlc ~ Ioman (ICte de mecl us() instead of ti le rut ile Salon bca ut ic_

Tlt tlc is Ill importan t (ll ulcmalic prototype for frns t~ womln a ~ GC f(]

Rauer has notcd I rnst s fcmm e 100 t Ci I~ has a counte rparl ln L a Pcrr i i rc ~

11 T lriil de$ bQNJ en~IIS (rigurl 22 ) IhlUl1 d i~llliss~ this rcscmbk nc( agt fortu itous ImHer il is im portant Ih1I it is the Inl tllnt is c1ost-S1 10 the

Ill(ltlni nls uf Ernst s woman not till image I Pcrlicres femme is iuall y an ad ap tat ion of a lomill onpl acx Horapllll o-dlTivcd hcadle~ ma n

signif)itll( I m )JOssibili t~ presuma hly a 11 aul c~s oman l~ douhly illlpossihlen In L Pcrricrcs prcm lO he is not JJl( rely ]utdless bu r rtther Jik( Ernst s middot te mll1 f hilS I)Ulny i(kn til il~~ IqJrcst ll l(o by many heads silt is compa n d to lh e Chi n1ltl crn Girion p) hnn tll cdusa Cerberu~ and lhat l-llnicular pnmiddotc ur~or of tIl( km nw 100 Ittcs Iht H yd ra Through such proli li-ration or menning sIt( is Ih e mhkJll l i ~L~ dream emblem Lr

Pcrriercs le( nlllcludes tha t ma rc marvellous Ihan all Y of Ihc~t lll ylhic creatures middot vu lrl bt Ull(- fem me sans leu Ihe One figure who cou ld prcSurnshyably em bod y a ll hybr id mean ings in one ~ llcc in (t blll meani ngless fo rm La lclTiCr~ crnhlem may be an allegory of lhe cjlem ma of rht PO(I UIIHl Lnned hy his middot iivll~ hu l need ing 10 be a )H roi( d eca pitator a rer~(lI ~

aluivalc1l1 T hl ngrt l1a ble mora l conclusio n of La Perri eres poem is tha i woman Ilccds a guidc a ra tional hCltld a nl ltln lax pound rllst71

O n one occuion irr IAI FtnllU 100 liles Ernsl himself appearS (fi gure 13 1 III Loplop and the mouse s horoscope M attCrs or desliny fa lc a nd horoscope- are a sta ple ur emblclIl li te rat ure middotf he imge is pan of a n embleshymat ic (radiliv) in vhich caged creatures slam] ror lht ca ptivi lY and sull t ring of tIlt poel or lo (r (fig ure 24)1) Em Sl i~ agen t and nO l ca ptive 01 flt ltc however Ba n-dle~lcd he may be (rt l ra~ rfli hen a~ ltlll odur pcr~nll a uf Ihe multi-valc lll woman he carries the d isGmlrd cinllus of th at stock haraCllr of l lk gOry the haUd resscd woman RUI he holds onto h i~ hal (Ihich unlike the he-ad Ill ay be lakcn on and of 1 ) and thu s retaim for himself Ihe powcrful masculine role of the head Erusl appea ring in persOIl wilhin his tollage 110d signn ls his SWIUS as a ll-controlling novelist or em hleshymatist d lOS(middot c lvnga lcd hand CH n pluck thr- mouse Out of il s ordaiucd palh al a n) tim t Ernsl l$ a llcgorisl should Iw SitultlHd in the trdi liun ofparod ic nuvc isg incl udilg Ka lldais Charles Sorcl J cln -Pa ul R idlter and TIlOlIllS Stcrne whose work relies 0 11 a Jlet0ry to ironi ( it ~ own d tviccs~

hllur~ )~ rouU gt lt 11 Ierricn middot1 _ Fe 0lt ~Iemiddot bb(om xv Lt middotfhIQII( au flu OlU 539middot

7 t t- rr middotm i ~hlllkeuoImiddot(gtr I ~

E ts alP-1m~ ad 10 III unJinn~ Ih t middothltmiddot ~11 ome hmiddot Igill~ o nly in o 1 oj Ihem ~e ltor pmpcrl) nmn~(tcd IIgt Illfi r 1middototls tT j inllny ITrI 5I t 01 SIJ Iijt I-i 1 Ynr I)U

1middot9 i ~ Thmiddot tllmiddotd 111I)Ult if) Iro p O JPC~Il

lciII otld ~rqJlOxIUmiddotlmiddotd in I) middot~(on( ~t j oolgt C~~ middot i ~poliJ t

gtj)(lli lont tmiddotC I 111 (apia I)n1

[mill ) MUftIM~ Alh dt 11((-111

fAmSIrd I 7~ (l Damel Hcin~iul

Q I ~lD 1~J i Jm I-oIo bullt ) fo r lupid (gtIllide h ase Md P C t 1)(1middot Imbl~w tryU 1l~rd~m 6 rmiddotlmulcd Pdmburgh bulln7l) fcr Cil~rrl bini ~e ncr (Inllri ) aud cupid with ( ~cd ~uinrl 70 T ho $(lrnHmhurv au C hr[ So middotI JlhT rparodir novel a nd IIlkgori(O ( h anw rl ttlnIHomaM)

ealled iIllOIltSlion mi(Ic rda liou pc bnl(lIagc and III(Ialhor Sorer IA llalJM df ] i1Jbullbull d rih inl( illtolI (IU~1

~ ~ hltgt~d nn peI middotrh gl1_ rhlemiddot Jta~middotlIIg lt1 word altgtCUo ns loped J) hc PUWK middot~u du nall iJ a JrcLuIXlT r rnmiddot i~ ileJ[laquoIU311Dt~s 5lt ( hI M rd u II ~ 1f(J n1~ (Pn_ (pI rcpri lro Cmiddotneva I In) I II calte oflh coU~ lt rImmiddote1i trn auhial IU-altAO Pli middotuJarly ho hOj( mlhlt (crmA n KumlIi J~- lJul Ridner middotbose H)15 ltt Imiddot) hd raquoPlltkd I nnch IlIor41)middot all(nlion ~d Ih adlDlI-llluU o(j (l ll Ia l h ~ and Atdtt ISr~lt)n middotIltmiddot wen 11 Y lr1nd lrlIlt I io lfj~ ln-I HI Kichllr$ nmlk a lllorio rI narruvlts I U ( muhIImiddot l oice IUd idrmiu(l SU)tgjOgtjl

Jm~(1 I(dnn lues Ihe T j l aIS lisr of nI I~ImiddotrJ1 puion of his nilId I$n

ort o(lXlI EI ~ 111lt he r1l lo h-ough Ihe quouditn _orld in JAIrun(

1M IbN ~~ t altga rtl H ale II ~f

Olxron SdiOQlj Afi1)ullu 1)~ 1nil 91) and Claulk jich i I middotmJ~ lit 71~-I fJJJ1 (~ J(IIU l~ MIjalllUt llnt 1963

I ~urc 3 M~ ~ rnst middot[plol 1 ii(

uy hor)s(ol In 0 1(1lt lila

9~9 SI1 1st II rlduL~t Igty ponniion [r I~I (II I n T oronto Rampn-oce Lbr~ry

17 Osk P(lltak lkr hcmige ud I Ioliphilw Ir~ J ldK 1 tA(rifll~ UlIll A KvI~m~b(

191111431 Ii for h~ Qfih lok hUllIuand Irlnlt[1gt HI(lIMlultin Pp~tl cd Gm P U md LUCla A

Cil)pom (Idu ~I fl - Lrw ~lIfsk) r~frrnl o Rtlla~nCt Nlt)middotpl aJJojonn~

xt ufpopular ga m ltco mparabk 10 vulgn plmiddotd n I~j middotNllatomc ilocltb III ~kgtr~c( ud Norh I al) Ul Sl~d It 1(middottI~l i lew York 972) p 1 1) i~ 1 I 1)QoinofdlSlllcIllOcrtlt in

he I[TIlI mtd~ 1 er(l~ lll1cgo~ I RUI~ JlnlJJ( i~ p l lrll l~rJ r r(Ie 10 rn( mltlll(j in 111 1middot( IIlI) lil() 110 ( Ihe tMLion of~~Irn wel of N~ro dlrnwwcJiinli oflus md i I h )

iod)e he ocau t ~ Qf hcr lionl iU od nrnliltrsmiddot and lu JltO lo( It(f lone he wa concelvcd are ofpITlkuLu i l~ $

nplt(illl~ sitlclt lhry fill fn lt1 ~ b~l~ dWUI ntmmg lid ]altuale s Uvid f

1luI 1 Sr lt1 (l i l1lcmbtrmcfll bo-hlrd On8 lUI dl Romoon or d~ RQII( III RtUtiulIamp lIteR all rk 14 ~ I ~I l ffl(ll( RIIon ~I i rw] d ja II UOI IhiJadclphlltl (992 ) Pl

30 0 jlllnn tQlran ltk M cu ~ k NIn I fa ~ rm Illjo to 970 $tt

II tIf M Arde ll 1 h( Wfllan d I~ (1I 1e

~ Iw wIlJ IJlblQgrap~~ (N~ i and 110 111(93)

Ik Clo rillunc Hclt cl I wny ltImiddotn ud kit I I a~ KInr ~ rbull pJra bull 01 lor lum~ all gklt amI r~rman I (Ik mi IIulltlin 74 1lt)921 pp II I gt

Er ns ts prpuhioll of die r mb1em illlage inlo I 11lt1r rnivl seque nce (an al~ l

be si1u3led in niltlI io n I() Ihe illuSlri1cd Renaissance alkgory hieh ~ ltlS an lInpo nan t SOll r( li)r all sli bsequen l crnl1cm atisLS Colo II Tl i HYJllrtOlfmlfldljn

Poliphilii7 I t I)tsin witll a d r() 111 alltl i ll middotu l v (~ endkss nCliphtr lll(n l o f environm ents a nd obj((ls th ilt rc~onall throughout EIIlSI 1 0Uale Ilods d lboraldy symholic gardcm IIl WluC r ums h icrgl~ ph s 1 st atile or 1n d~pha nt Ill th it incidC llt5 (Perscus bchead ing of Innt htr 1(1I1 n1lt Slt1n ~

[C tc yled us ) ltlil t lhe tr i u rnph ~ of va rious gods li nd ll1coulH cr~ wil h fcma le pcrsonifiC4l io ns such ltIS Iht middotfi lmiddot lgtCIlSIS ofd wlTI E rll ~ L s 1i]1lnw 100 [ClcS IS A porli liant Cl U pcrsli fiettion Colonnas n )d g llmorizccl

lHroiciztd ll1d narralivized int t lp rt lal iull knd i n~ il ~ Ilr 1 g-lttmcs of m ea nings like v illga r pS~fhoa nalys is If [ rlisl realkgorits till tlIlda rd allcgorYil~-ltl n I1 Il then he dut~ so in way~ lha t preclude HI high mora l or iludlcctua l positions n (sting thc psychomarhia with lttil C)Imiddot 10 p~ychomiddot ltt l ml) q s tu rn ing Ihl Stnsua l cneha nt Hwnts ot snluctivc ~cI4 p i( middot(lS to qtlcasil UIIIla lizcd violcllt ltlud sexual d tSires I il lra r surreali sm IBre(on lIdia

Aragon s PIY5(1II dr Puns) could rel y un the sca AoJd i n~ and d evin s of allegoric - t he d ream vi~ion ) th l peri pau t ic li n o mo in~ 1hroug h a Lil y of m ysterio us (lbjCClS 1l101lum~II IS a nd (I)couiliers I hl~ W I)I11 lt11 1 uf Ill u ta bk idenlilY references 10 OIIHr works of arl and lillfa tlll t nd Soon t rnsa also d eploys the devlrc-s of literary a nd pk lOria l allegury dndging 1I 0 t only emblem bouks but ahl) die g rea t lite rary dkg(lric~ liorn tlw RomfI fir n (0)(

to Colunna to Novcli s lIlcl jieltkl

C hristia ne fi end in lro r key st ud ) ofmodlit lisl a lkgory has argUId thaI Err1~t relinq ui$ h (~ hi s a u tho ria l a ut hori lY in 111 F rllllllt J ()() l i l( allowing hi~

1111lgCS a rad ica l inck ptmiddotnclcnnmiddotp II cUl lld 1( arlued r Ol1v I-dy Ihlt

EflIH pa rod y fu netion~ in a n opposil(middot ay tha i Ir i~ wrc nching or imilL~ oul of l ll tmiddotir Mig- inal 1 )lI tex l ~ i~ a n 1gt 111 iw ill asserting ah~olutc and arbitra l) cuntrol OIr Ih( mh rial Ernst s images Id ) 011 re11l na nl ~ ofl hci

r igi lIa l Ill lltllli ns and los t tQllVCll ional contegt llgt ill hich I he) er( meant

tJen E ADEM c AN TI L NA ~--~--------------T~ ~~

to hi ( lcdihh il luslmt i)M vI S( ll tiic d evt l oprne nL~ na tural phcllomclla lr ltg- il t ric k ~ or rq)l( )(ll((i()f ~ IJf wrh Ifart l a lld lhis al o nce aJlo l~ his (1 11 man ings 10 SCIlll irraLio li a l and lilcral cd a ll d 11 the ~am c limc 10 be c lI npktdy su hjugald U) lht ve ry lI ovell) a nd allom a ly of thcrr tnvironshynlt ll l 1111 a~e lnl )l cd tiag llH l lts o f Ernsts cullages a lT n~ idual evidloCe of tl w Iulhor ily tu UIt Hilli CIII m Clo ll YJlJic pow(J or lite and dealh

arg lla bly IllI very I ppl)~ i t e ufCUI Li l ig loo~e or sellin g liTe

I n his 1l illaI Ilm II~ Enl L l o 1ll111i t lt synLacli cal rape tiXl uctlllg Y()Illll

fru m ti ll eO lltc 1 ()( ~I I joulll als Il K) il ion rt pn~ in whidr 511( represhy

l1t(O popu lar p a int iJlgs cflg ravltl ( r nJa~s a udiences I n I ll s u r k sh e

may 1 1llhOirl y mct unymic hssi pl i (l ll~ or II H ull ing hut ~It ~middot al so rCjJfCSClIb

E tn~ l s own lonir 10111 1 tn CUI and asipn rk~ a h it p in l piaYIT lilCI lIy a ppea ri ng ill hibH WI mi g h l also ~ lJ Spcc l Erns l of viciously

i te ra ling nin( lcclllh-nIl LUry lh eor ies r Ih e cmpall ric ~yOllJ 1 lt1 ~ lhe ( 1111)l)lliIrwl1l or our OWII pir yif1 lllrcqJl i ns J I u ~t~ his all tgtgory of sigm r1i ~od lItd from pir y~kal rdrll l ~ prClieiy as a fi eld in whi c h to dj~ru pshy

tivd ) i lllt rjtcl th l OCtasifHlal irY PlCIilicaUy d(plo yed rull ~ym bol with iL~ supposed ltlli lY illl i L~ rciirenl c jJre~ell tcJ by the 1)(J(h of l he Ilom an 1n the eli (k~ Ch a nTS chap lc r a l thl e nd Ill Url~ Smwiu de lfm f a fi gulc flmini s(nt or Fortuna noats ill Ihe air gTad ua lly li-cc ing

h (r~(lrorlllr a llrihulls ()f whcci Ild ~ i l (fig un 1) 11 t lihCra li ol1 Sill ce Fort un a luore It tuall ) hfCOnHS hrr wh(ei mi nl1ll il by htT l1nlr ed bac k ltIS an h Yllleric and l lso be(on H~ h cr sail hlo wn throug h lhc ~k y her

It rib utes cOIl in ue to be co nSl raining Ind pn middotMmiddotlIt a bsorbed ililu her bud y and gestu res sugg(q illg tht am hig uolls 1l lIratiom a nUrd (] 10

oma n by Max Ernst8t E IIISIS USf or h is maltri11 r(li~ o n Ihe inhc rl1I1 bililY or ollhgory l(o

rtal k go liltmiddot T radit iona ll y rlallcgo riwl ioll ltrllnnl a profan t I(x t or till past 10 h( as assimi la ted in w a n acccp lt hlc y~tlm f moral va JUIs (Vi rg il s

FSllIr( ~4 DlIIid Il cU$ius Emblrm(1Q liqoIAM I lKkn 161 5_

8 _ s~ Ili k Rot R iAamp Rm(

~d lhr jd I~Q~ ()PfigtiL ICbrid and Nrw Yrk 1991-deg flt -lt middotmiQlif - Iha l Inko 2 olll1Q f)f on_ B ~ h lth Rampk]o nxcnl

lUal of Wafbuf(t Iho l1h l in Irrm

01 th ROmMlIl( ymLgtoI unil) f ud dcrem 1 I OPpogtlti IO lI~ry

( hrpertI_~ ~~crnn f ltI s diS300C ialed fro I nfrro1 I i Rob- ~h(fempl l h lrmiddotplio)J Iheon pmiddotI) U lelkI1 pn~uen apphnl tk 1ltgt ~msl tSpltcirJI ) in I ~s pogtr

t uitwc1 Ihron ltl _ Iuh w R l loy rum symbol 10 Ilkfurv Ahr WH) i~

I r- hi Rd I~ 9971 pp ~ 6 R - [hr R iL [[ ul n has ro n Iholt u l

I hru~Ir iuI O) the unk o n wh re laquogtn~ ol Ir~cdm Pfnar p_ ~ 1I1

B I S~( Thn 11 Kclk~ Rmnwtlme Hlqo for tillt applicll ble ~ of In t allctUlxal wun lorn (e ee aUraCUOl) d ll r lnla$ 11 ltI- illual suctched l ~ lI l i Ihi [K w1ir

ltlc 1(o ~dukd from lClion and hj~llt) ry

bu sgt( f)1 g Ihe n -rgt d s he

cmand p Sr Th~ro i 1 or~1 1ltl io of witel )-r tr r lt~ltoI 1gt 1 mln m~y 1- takc -lt lIl rlaphO)f Ruolnlr E Kun1i S rrooti d I js(~ and R o l~rl llolI - n ~prknjo(

illo fo-k-J t] air ltli_ r II

fmiddotm lc (lITe) i SHlrJm and 11 010lt1 II A tw~ Rdolf t Kucn7li and Gwe Ra l~rt ICambllJgc l1i I99I) PPmiddotJt alld S T Imiddot lo ockiu Em ilS or ~ oflC n Ii mCIgttIraquoHgt1 dqI)eJ In ~ h a w~r Ihl 11 CIOI li meu Ulcrlgthunc~ Jly In 1- Riu d~~r

(MIIft~ q~1 lIOuilil ~w Carmd nr Imjlt Igtarod egt t~lcX fatlo~ ~al

jgtuu lJ rtut I(rl) IJ t 1ra 8 Ihemiddot Ie ~IgtIi OIl y 1 t ~atnlt11 1lISt llIil le Scl~h) snd amud ~kinl lt hTifingl) lilltrd I Iht~ ill IH rroh meal fur lo~ l i~ lone rol1 ~middot

l~diqlJr$ mlldr 1111) Hr)(tT) I

r~rn(rl i 1ltgt Ihe hwwir jlgt]al~ el~ hcll

il1lh( l1ltrvrl

(1 IS 1IX lrngtl 1 SmIltllN d amp 193i 0 Max Erllsl 1iI)AGP Van S()DRiC ( Monlrc~l ) 2f)(l(1

l )n IIC Ilupon Of Ih allraf R~~ru 11 (1 I 1$I~ Lolhu I -hr I J~ middotIn Rp jhd bd 11hII hI p HI

Fourh RetI a~ II I( milling of Chris l O vid l l-lrfall(Irphorrr lllorali7cd In

lmJOlIls such h J Hoh CI~ the trials of the lo ver could lJe rca 1go ricd a~ Clll hlnll~ of Chri sia n ~ u(fe ring ltInc co nrilltll cc Ernst reverses tlw prol(~S

dc- morali - ng a llegories In 7 110 dlidren 1IIII1fI(ld ~I (j 1I~lthtillg(h (fig ure zfi ) Frnst lak es U middotidilI1 IIIc(lrlJorphi rape (G anIlH-ci (S ta ~lc Phi lo mcl as

nighting-uk) oul of its repose in spirit ua lizing me taph or as ill (k Kellnincks landscape in h( Wallraf Rir-ha rtz M useu m i ll Cologn( (figure J7 ) ()j emulems sl ch as Hat1idorlhr s in which lit ra pe of Ganymede is rfJllcgoried as the sou ls I ~CIIH lo Cod ( figure 28 )83 Ernst rc t urTl~ Ihnr lo d leir Tl)n l ~ ill ~cx ual viok IlC( hi (h in tu rn S[ ltlnd~ ror the revcnibk hltrU a mi a mbiguous g-round underpinning the provtrh t ln bl cm or allegory

Equally td ling is Enl~ts d ia~rammui( ada platio n or h(rme lic emh lemata in O this mIll rIIIlI kll )w rlO lh lllg 1924 ) I II the paintillg ami II

tIle pl)cm w ri tte n on thl had (a parudy of Ihe oJllo()gical ~ylllhII S Il I I

fi~u r~ 26 Ernl I fUtJ1 mnlilwi ~ II

lllhlmCiJl 191 1 S(1 66I C 1 - r 1 D (t risI ~OI)KC J vumiddot~l l j


th e Hmrfll fd Table of H crrn(~ Trisrn egistu s) Ermt reallt~orlZ(middot ~ the hermetic ~ym bulis ll1 of the nlilrual lini li7atioll of d ivine and cit rddy IS a Freudian middotprinwl scene of gigantic li m b~ and scmiddotx ual pa rtgt Both pa imi ng md puem become rcpr(sntltHion ~ oC the unfu lfill ed n vi ~nging of a n such thing In Ernq s vcrsion the Oedipal a nd Ihe gnolt1l ic an oronc frustratccl substance ltlnd (be power oftbe allegories of h enl1tticism ltIhbaiisrn and aklHmy lies in perpetual d ef( lrd of the d tsircd gol J tl6 Ernst ~ emblem fllnc tioll s more

b roadly illi a scq gtt icai fi gu ration of tht a bil it y of images lO represen t hal IS envi $ioncd or desired in dicating Ihal a ll $lI h em blems ct n only he a sun0 fH l flIT hatt middotcr one an t ~ to know attl in o r rcprcsen Lft7

OJ (Ids 111m sllall kn)1L Mlhing a lso ~ ig na l s its own iconogn lJ)hic history especially tts allu sion to Caspar David Fricdr(h middot$ clllblem tie CrOJS ill Ih

Iounltlills a key work in Grman Roma ntit- dc hIIltg about Iht rela tive fok~ of llIegory and Iandscapc III Erns t as a rl ild er of C ( fman Romil Tlli t~ i~ ltl

would re U 1Il 10 these wpie in his la ndsca pe pai nLings aga in and again Crr)JI ill 111 t1ollll oinf is a lso shadowed by a t( Xl n passage from Ludwig T icck 5 allcgorital novel Fran SI-illbaMr 11middot(lIULmmgrll (J i 98 ) Jnom

26(j ) middot1 ~BImiddot rH ) T I d 1

60 I 1m c (lislt uW(1 Iht twn l1 t timiddot itl~gcry at t~ ngl h ill M~lt Emi l middotI ht 1IJdw(UtI1iJliI

SnllrJ 11 a i - l OCIshy87 Uml middotn o Ero diilltu~ 1he rdu iolll I)( twu h~rn 1l l k svrn lgtol- 1Il in which middotevcry middot~pr ion is a (nignlll hal middotk runlwt ~mgma middot and ~Jr n cconltlructimiddote ~nlys3 as in lini l~

defendJ in middot(n limited scmi III d rili in T ht Ib oJ hllffpWalio Ill n -I--j

fI8 smiddot cJ(m~ (l h W ocn rn ~I( Jaru F~d nnd It ~b1J ~f I muigat ~cw U and Lvndon 1 99lt)~ Karin V()n ~llo lJr ntel thO rrl ll nf (~$7 In 1M -WOIIIIIgt 10 Ern middot lUUlI1 OmJ~(Ilt1 III middotMao b ns l a Rvmlll1ic~m middot M n Enul A Rtl~pnl~ ~ I Werner Spict l t omlo 199 1)

I II~ ~7 K d~ K cunn~k Iuhf rvtJh IM~Io~ fj lt-1IJVdt r gtn leI

dllrf Kgt(hHIZ I ~ l

8iJ bull 1gtlt I g T irk Fwn~ SlmNt11b

11 middotJn~(n Hmt ~ lldIcAt (mll1~hlt

~I lj(h gt)6I ~ p gtgII

J) ~ee 11 0 ~bn lagtlt I Allqlr)

oflrlllll$iol)middot PI 6- 7r lhr dhl1 l1lt IK hr omlll~1 d(h nlll(11 (III ud h ~

ltill u~Jui ncall y I ~nd lor thillgt IcJ rly 1rs ign~II ~lId Impic ddinlun ul rourrlS luch as li lliemiddot h I(ll no h hI l (~ Ii lt mcill ~ tur middotC)middot ll la IIllt-SIKn a (1(11011bullbull 1 H turn jn I(raquolt ru lUI lTnp ~~i 1g ~1 I r

roukl hi ~r~lJ od tlbull ( Ihi Ik nrngt i~ made lllcmllll UKOf)~ Fr ~cl7rh c r) hMd lU lOll ~ Il ili K r nger through $1(middot togt tI ohjrl i( lria 10 judiCII

91 - GltQ rl 6atai llt Solr a ll~middot Fis rif fXt~s SI_rlJ I Im~~ P7 t)39lli

113 $Iodd Minapo l ~Jl lp XIV

1 lt1 6 12 ioIar ~nu p IJ Halaillits 1Qcom )Ir rollinS (m Ih bullrf r lw ~Ml h [ ~ [ I llt imal(vfltouinuous mC l~lor]lh mal p l y i1a d l5ori llJOII lOr tllti M the locornoriH r ltI hl$l)ry lt]uOI(d in aUT

III-rljolmirgt (r SdiJ 1 rlrHn-1 n- I irl 1974 p 1 ~3

illcidcn t the youn g a rtisl F ra il i~ st ru ck by a pa iming llr a l be scc~ in a hn lll it lUll a IlOCIlIIIMI lan dstltl pc ill wh ich a cr ucifix Ull a hiJl i ~ illll m ishy

na llti by IltI ) S o f moonlight The he rm it ex plains Ihat tilt crucifi is a po inte FingcI7cig ) to Ilw ~pjri lu d wurld beyond the faJ lc n world of lla tu n T o Franr ~ o bse na lioll O ne cou ld ca ll th i IMint ing an a lkgor)

the IIn ln il answers All an is JIlt-go rict IIoJ

T IH middotFingcrJeig iI) Ixpbli necl by th e h~rrn it to F ranz S lt rnbald point s not o nly to Iht spiri tlla l but also 10 thlmiddot pr (~cllce of J ll egor~ iblf As a li ter indlx a sho wi ng ha nd o r jJ ~ i l1ting fi n~cr tht Fingerrig i ~ a ~ tJplf

or i Ihlems II is Oimi larly In ade li ter1i b) -l a x E rn)1 t du slig ma tied ha ncl f1 oatin~ in f r OTH of th e lt ruci fi xiOthl~ middot prinM I ~NtJ I Herc it indicates linmiddotth er bu t not Im llscc ndCIH [l)callings90 In E r ll st s painti ng lh t ROlllit lll ics cruci fi x lS alkgori la l poin hr to a hig her nal rn sim ilarly

i tl n l c~ a landscape of d a rk Illowltai ns a nd il eawnly fil ) S IHl I fur the

COltj UIl Cl ivlI o f redemp ti ve c ru cifix a nd ill urnin at iug SUUS(t in Fricclricbmiddots pa inting o r truci ft x and moonlil-h t in Tillkmiddot O novel Ern$[ dark ly ~J bs l it uLes

copulat ing limbs and the bloc ked rays o f a IUllar refipSt Ermls lmiddott nblema tic painting alt Frifeirich s had don ra i se~ p r0 1Jicms or

cnTlIl lllporar) a lkgory When G lf)rges Aatai ll e- turned tn alr-IItm ica l )slIllllng in 192 7 he did so in I( rm~ that almamp t com icH) m im i Ernst s d csul Itmiddot c lltra ilmiddotfilled landscapt 1111 earth middotcovtrtd wi th vuk anOIs hich SltJoT a~ iLs a n us is driven in iL~ rota tion by lhe male ~ha rt ]l tlttraling 1 1 11~

laquomiddotma l- alllJ a lmost t lIl irely (merg ing ill o rder 10 ree n tcr like Ih( piston~ of ~ 100o mo ivl

JI i~ the 1Ilf(ha nical Oll ll)il ltion n(] t ll morm t inn~ of thes mOtmcn t ~ Ihat th~ ak htmists soll~h t 1 I hI philosoJlJ t ~ ~IU Ilt ~

This nWfhJlist jlmiddot cop ulatiu 11 hudcsqu e~ t he vmiddotn ji) UIIl1n ioli o f allegory th e

ltlnagogir 11 wrh of r() rrcsponden(c~ and rtmiddotst ]tlbl a nct~ lIlt middotcopula that li~

one thi ng- 10 a noth n ill lang ua te all Cl witt g ) 11 thin) to be visibly co nnCfted Ha lai lk s a llcgvrical luvers will mve r fi nd ilnythi ng but parrxlic i magc~ l11d Ih ey will [ Il l asieltp l ~ empty a ~ mirrun Wh en En tail k

fu rther GlUs lically mcdita ted Oil the gno~ tic roo ts Llj Hegel ia n ism in Ll)ll~

ma teria li smt c t Ie g nllst ( 1930) p ropus in g a k~ l abili ing hcadl es~


a J1q~ory tha i would elimuatt aJl h ilTardlic11 ~ ~ t C IllS of rdtn lllc indud ing ~implistic rcv( lltals or blst ll ld idea l o r CXq-lt1l 111 llt1 1 lnrl ltlcrUllcn lll he wa addrtR~jng is)llc$ irnpJiL it in Of Ihis men lInll knOll IWlllillf 91 H ()wcvcr heelIlsl Erns l middot ~ all egory ( nds to Ill p a ll)l it i( depcnds on just ~ll (h illvcrshy

~j ()m ilnd reve rsals of hig1 and low Old is a t a re mov from Btl taillcs infla111ll1110ry ()I)f ll-f llded hd lltaded en terprise

E nHl$ im ages a re often d riven by this undermining of thcir (IW ll sourn-s of lJowc r fcp lescnliug hotb II((i r own ~ la luS a nd i1lSIlfjicilIHy OrtCll they

assu me tht appearallce of (lnhkrlls wh ich as concieusetf o r short lr and ig ll ~ of aUTho rit y ~a n c ti fi ~d by t rld ilion art disrupted hy Ewstmiddot~ illtruio n of thc n ltllll r 1 LIld ~e)( u t l rhc n dllcti t middoti~ua l 11I11ouage or cmhlcms lcnd~ t o ltlrd hrogaliun 111(1 fimiddotag11lClltlliun Ih ich LntSl n alu raJiz~s likening Ihe Sllll1X of fj middotrgnWlll3 Iioll 10 (lperatjoT1~ (lil lbe hod y lt bull rile tru ncalLu pa riS a Ird Ii 1111 ~~ or Of IhiJ lien shall know Iohing arg uauly J u clc 10 th t ~ceri ng lIId te lldt n liou~

reconstruniom of tht e mhknjs [anllJage o r aut hori ty a rClruc luring of Ihc

sy mknloche lim hs a lrcldy prnelH in v i ~l1 emblems Througbout his canlt r Ems would dltriV( double prestige flOlll disrupting lhe COJlv(middotnlions of hOl h a rl a nd li tcrJ fl1l middotf iro lliing his au thoriaJ role as bot h a rlis and poel Emblelll s a rC1 ft lilc ground fur ~uch opT3tions k ndi ll g tlwm~clvu 0 ditorshylil)m or he reci prxa lIldi(a tion s or eX T lIld image which anmiddot Ihe STarling

point nfalJ tgory

Ac kn o wled gement

S l l i(j ll~ of thilt papa H r( pncn l(d a~ Ielt tlJT(~ iI conjullclinn il l Max Em~I

rc ll1(nary ehiiJninm Ihe RnlJ ncl 1(nr()X Memorial JccUrc U Il l T a(middot ( )11)

(1(11 middotmff A Ul IrIJJf(ct ll ItJ91 -J) lI lId II M 01 i (Ilal pound7110 O(lff( 11111 Ihr Duwn oj

hguw middot 11lt~ ~ 111lgtltlorHr hnwltim ltr (10( lOH 9

ll G~1 1 1~ l k 9Jo 1Iy tnillcril ilm 01 11l()oSn bullbull n uollgt ~f fj(w ll 11 52 amp0- M l=nmiddot w middotn I rltult~ ~ rKumrnt d ~ 1 ~ her IkuJamin a~ flll~ (ltI by II~Ilt ml II ~nljsL in rn 8 to auK 1 1~middot ul~r l an L~n ur Silllplilll ~I bat ~ J Ilrl~1U

rell t huugh r he dmiddotIIrymclll of d~lthi IiLinl( pmiddot(hootvtic laquogto ep tgt url ~ s Ielcnnimmo tm r1m~crltt ~m gteJmlt IImntllw I l middot~fI Rll1Ifl1l twlllv Imis ~f )m(alUl lin(I~I illrrkdtmiddoty u An~lc

M IAlodlt 91l 11)) U[ i -l lt)1 - I lt-nd ubstmiddotmiddotmiddot- rht Ire rn~l i u Ul uf Illor lt1 Fm~ (J Ii i fnuc lr Crlt Ihl1 t ho- lifl ugtd rmiddot]m of poundrnsl middot~

lIuc nod ilmhil(1)omh g(ndcrltl h gtvlnL ~ n rh mo (h hypcrholic

Dio cjOCulH1o11 orsl) rl-d~n jm1tf(cry1gt il dO(lt i lli fmltle ~aC11l nr [[00lt1 orgmiddotoonldltG1IHllion al 11 0( Immigt ufth aULhOl tlgt hi~ E rol$L is aJlj~1 llIh GltltX B tll lltmiddot hnnlcnz ~u nf llcg) 11gt1$(111 (~I L ory 111-1 111 in middotSoI ant S l ~r fter u ~1Jtn in capl1on i ndirat~

oJ ddo-nce I n nn SPIf (lIKI

r nn1h~r nd sigi ~ L k Ma~ middotrn1 O~f IllOJ ob middotCologne 9i)- ) in uch fll nh(r ifnrm~lin ( laquo(mns I r ~lO ( C ~d locatiOIl may bc tu

il(ure 29 Em1 OJ I middotun shall (Mil

-h~~ 9 f SLl 63middot C 1 Ernni I IJtI 11uJSODRAC (MlHHrc~j l


S1Irrwlism 9lt)3 ) J 11m gl~Hdn l for lho ltc o pport uui l itl 10 (Olls ider Erns to l roCesso r

CI i~ toll wr Crn middotlI ImfCi J oh n Gl)ldi uS Prorr~Ylr Willillll Cmfi~kl and the

11 011 Fod a tio 10 11middoti r va middot i)l1 ~ lt1 g middotn n)lCgt d vicc I 11olIIk Sllzar rl c Ak bari

r l d~(f l)cre nhI Joyn GOKl(i n E rhan Jd l Kavalc lmiddot and M E Vnr lic k

Page 22: Only Half Saying It Ernst SCAN

~ ilurr 1Q ~rJUI --QpI~ IW(1IIJ P~lIf $1

11)3)-70 ~ I tl 1 1 C 1 1 -nm middot 0 (1

1~riII-O[)1iC ( IlIn~11 locO

111)_ HI nl [ ~ l Cl middot

ril(UR 21 ~nb l Loplol fgtrr~ll bullrjlirJ 193) raquoI~ 1781 Cl 1( lt f rtI~(AIJA(f

ld SUOkAC ( Ina l ZOQO

(gt11- Ou EI and pu(p fin iou Klt Rltncc

R irlot 1 1I~rI S~JIIJ on flu 11ltgt01 Jkrkdmiddot~ od l(gtmiddotngt1cs ~ P 8

(I li ~ r)hC Olhe r(olla ((n-vcb 10 (tII~ 100 ius lltms 10 f()rl~ ~cu i t i It f J) bn pred i(1ali( ITUucm nf

dJgory thaI IhIt ir is w lhig

~-qutItLil1 and UorrdlJ d~li) irlo )PUlI lhol a 101 s~ j 1 rma ll e Iruun OrUrgurir 1 d middot middot 70 Sec RrlIll I)j kw Idol Dr (fomlr gt~raquoI4S~~ ofFm= ri( i Fi -ltir)l1dr CIIIMlt rw Yk I ondon and O d Od 7r - Ilr hundred h~dlc wumn

pcrgtoniM Ihr protlogt ofnIlt) i II blt n d~ugtltsltJ lrum la~I llt nmiddot I a ~ Old Ikrricln gtI I at OJ~ 1I OllgtII) Ic Ihin lnd b) UI huured 11Ultbl

(ltTduug Slaquo Kon Rund tbi~ oUtIII l SnfUQa flta (Slrnl

-Ill Jcq1 [xrrid I ~ Ihr ~i dr Plmon r PIQImr idd i rUf HiOn

1- 1 1jl3lt) ~5- ~1 a 1 11Ik -bn

laIlt 1111- uf P5UaSI Il 11 n 7 nLllIr Max En_ s CCIl1~ldc A Il

u~dJjJ Ju tzmis Punl of pHtdigmltK- rcmm~ Jail (tcmiddot i duo1lltcJ

j ltoul l e~ d to Ir mYIr~ de IJ Fr nn I (h rlltoum ed ilh Inrily n [J

ru~orlf J~dlnl Ul Ieh IW adl COl middot

iJ drjed in Lr M~IUf ~ (ue biod Il)d by II rah ) mllo)~ a (M from CIen dOn Imiddot ga~m

n j)()gtltt t ( du d I dClaquo1 PllfT

J1( Inl 9~3 I 3 )middot i J 1 mpu lit) is 011( ( I)utf HlT~JIJ ilIU1lruom illmlHffi by t dl~ aKI o lkmm Solaquo rhf 11rllrpIt~ of 1fIIopoilbullbull 1(0)1 ltlt 1 A I (~ bull Lltdo d3middotICl ) I or the hltad leM

m~ ~I nprt nlIVlt of the lI h~voJiud

Mltirirr5(C Ilaydcn hw T hc Ior r Idnc rll f~fJ)lgtfOlmr FHJ n

cJIllIr1 (nWi BahiOI~ 11(1 l aunn

l7ijjP r63 5

ltIS wellG8 The luadks~ OIl1an w ho c rupts iu uiflircn l forms lhrou~hflu l Ia Frllllllr X) tilu could ~ef( as a mnaphor lor Ihe d isru privt relations bel ween metaphor ltlnd th( ~cq ucn tiltt l flow of narrative charaCte ristic ( I llegory The d(vd o]lm(n l~ cnn (inui lY and rcptli li(HlS afTordcd by 1lIJTativc allow hun (0 rCClpil lLlatt S() W ~rea k hi ~ usc of woma n to personify his own Icdllliqlll

The k nmJe nud e had belfl l1l1 lhe prw niscuQu sig nifier par t udtIll( 111 nin clee nlh -nntury $ll nn painling in 1 hifh Ilt t complex it(lltirics and allri shy

hut es of any given 1 l1 cgoricld personifi cat ion WCl( Kro~~ l y sim plifin l a nd s i ~lIalled a nd in which multipl ied numbers (of ha rtm ~la v (s or OJcads) com pensa te fo r loss of indiidual s ignificalion If Ihimiddot ~a loll lIu dc finally scrvf d as a pcr~nn i fi clI ion of a n OcrT rowcltd a nd raquohdioere Sa lon itsdr 7ltgt that cltuase lllent of the aan c mil tra dil ilJll rIK ina ted Erm t as he pl ullder(d ninelecn th-cent ury j ournals a nd salrl11 (pvrl~ fOt his collage ma l( i1 1I y not one hundred headl(lO~ woman instead of onc hundred mrmingk ss oms why nOI om perrcn ly ugly hcadlc ~ Ioman (ICte de mecl us() instead of ti le rut ile Salon bca ut ic_

Tlt tlc is Ill importan t (ll ulcmalic prototype for frns t~ womln a ~ GC f(]

Rauer has notcd I rnst s fcmm e 100 t Ci I~ has a counte rparl ln L a Pcrr i i rc ~

11 T lriil de$ bQNJ en~IIS (rigurl 22 ) IhlUl1 d i~llliss~ this rcscmbk nc( agt fortu itous ImHer il is im portant Ih1I it is the Inl tllnt is c1ost-S1 10 the

Ill(ltlni nls uf Ernst s woman not till image I Pcrlicres femme is iuall y an ad ap tat ion of a lomill onpl acx Horapllll o-dlTivcd hcadle~ ma n

signif)itll( I m )JOssibili t~ presuma hly a 11 aul c~s oman l~ douhly illlpossihlen In L Pcrricrcs prcm lO he is not JJl( rely ]utdless bu r rtther Jik( Ernst s middot te mll1 f hilS I)Ulny i(kn til il~~ IqJrcst ll l(o by many heads silt is compa n d to lh e Chi n1ltl crn Girion p) hnn tll cdusa Cerberu~ and lhat l-llnicular pnmiddotc ur~or of tIl( km nw 100 Ittcs Iht H yd ra Through such proli li-ration or menning sIt( is Ih e mhkJll l i ~L~ dream emblem Lr

Pcrriercs le( nlllcludes tha t ma rc marvellous Ihan all Y of Ihc~t lll ylhic creatures middot vu lrl bt Ull(- fem me sans leu Ihe One figure who cou ld prcSurnshyably em bod y a ll hybr id mean ings in one ~ llcc in (t blll meani ngless fo rm La lclTiCr~ crnhlem may be an allegory of lhe cjlem ma of rht PO(I UIIHl Lnned hy his middot iivll~ hu l need ing 10 be a )H roi( d eca pitator a rer~(lI ~

aluivalc1l1 T hl ngrt l1a ble mora l conclusio n of La Perri eres poem is tha i woman Ilccds a guidc a ra tional hCltld a nl ltln lax pound rllst71

O n one occuion irr IAI FtnllU 100 liles Ernsl himself appearS (fi gure 13 1 III Loplop and the mouse s horoscope M attCrs or desliny fa lc a nd horoscope- are a sta ple ur emblclIl li te rat ure middotf he imge is pan of a n embleshymat ic (radiliv) in vhich caged creatures slam] ror lht ca ptivi lY and sull t ring of tIlt poel or lo (r (fig ure 24)1) Em Sl i~ agen t and nO l ca ptive 01 flt ltc however Ba n-dle~lcd he may be (rt l ra~ rfli hen a~ ltlll odur pcr~nll a uf Ihe multi-valc lll woman he carries the d isGmlrd cinllus of th at stock haraCllr of l lk gOry the haUd resscd woman RUI he holds onto h i~ hal (Ihich unlike the he-ad Ill ay be lakcn on and of 1 ) and thu s retaim for himself Ihe powcrful masculine role of the head Erusl appea ring in persOIl wilhin his tollage 110d signn ls his SWIUS as a ll-controlling novelist or em hleshymatist d lOS(middot c lvnga lcd hand CH n pluck thr- mouse Out of il s ordaiucd palh al a n) tim t Ernsl l$ a llcgorisl should Iw SitultlHd in the trdi liun ofparod ic nuvc isg incl udilg Ka lldais Charles Sorcl J cln -Pa ul R idlter and TIlOlIllS Stcrne whose work relies 0 11 a Jlet0ry to ironi ( it ~ own d tviccs~

hllur~ )~ rouU gt lt 11 Ierricn middot1 _ Fe 0lt ~Iemiddot bb(om xv Lt middotfhIQII( au flu OlU 539middot

7 t t- rr middotm i ~hlllkeuoImiddot(gtr I ~

E ts alP-1m~ ad 10 III unJinn~ Ih t middothltmiddot ~11 ome hmiddot Igill~ o nly in o 1 oj Ihem ~e ltor pmpcrl) nmn~(tcd IIgt Illfi r 1middototls tT j inllny ITrI 5I t 01 SIJ Iijt I-i 1 Ynr I)U

1middot9 i ~ Thmiddot tllmiddotd 111I)Ult if) Iro p O JPC~Il

lciII otld ~rqJlOxIUmiddotlmiddotd in I) middot~(on( ~t j oolgt C~~ middot i ~poliJ t

gtj)(lli lont tmiddotC I 111 (apia I)n1

[mill ) MUftIM~ Alh dt 11((-111

fAmSIrd I 7~ (l Damel Hcin~iul

Q I ~lD 1~J i Jm I-oIo bullt ) fo r lupid (gtIllide h ase Md P C t 1)(1middot Imbl~w tryU 1l~rd~m 6 rmiddotlmulcd Pdmburgh bulln7l) fcr Cil~rrl bini ~e ncr (Inllri ) aud cupid with ( ~cd ~uinrl 70 T ho $(lrnHmhurv au C hr[ So middotI JlhT rparodir novel a nd IIlkgori(O ( h anw rl ttlnIHomaM)

ealled iIllOIltSlion mi(Ic rda liou pc bnl(lIagc and III(Ialhor Sorer IA llalJM df ] i1Jbullbull d rih inl( illtolI (IU~1

~ ~ hltgt~d nn peI middotrh gl1_ rhlemiddot Jta~middotlIIg lt1 word altgtCUo ns loped J) hc PUWK middot~u du nall iJ a JrcLuIXlT r rnmiddot i~ ileJ[laquoIU311Dt~s 5lt ( hI M rd u II ~ 1f(J n1~ (Pn_ (pI rcpri lro Cmiddotneva I In) I II calte oflh coU~ lt rImmiddote1i trn auhial IU-altAO Pli middotuJarly ho hOj( mlhlt (crmA n KumlIi J~- lJul Ridner middotbose H)15 ltt Imiddot) hd raquoPlltkd I nnch IlIor41)middot all(nlion ~d Ih adlDlI-llluU o(j (l ll Ia l h ~ and Atdtt ISr~lt)n middotIltmiddot wen 11 Y lr1nd lrlIlt I io lfj~ ln-I HI Kichllr$ nmlk a lllorio rI narruvlts I U ( muhIImiddot l oice IUd idrmiu(l SU)tgjOgtjl

Jm~(1 I(dnn lues Ihe T j l aIS lisr of nI I~ImiddotrJ1 puion of his nilId I$n

ort o(lXlI EI ~ 111lt he r1l lo h-ough Ihe quouditn _orld in JAIrun(

1M IbN ~~ t altga rtl H ale II ~f

Olxron SdiOQlj Afi1)ullu 1)~ 1nil 91) and Claulk jich i I middotmJ~ lit 71~-I fJJJ1 (~ J(IIU l~ MIjalllUt llnt 1963

I ~urc 3 M~ ~ rnst middot[plol 1 ii(

uy hor)s(ol In 0 1(1lt lila

9~9 SI1 1st II rlduL~t Igty ponniion [r I~I (II I n T oronto Rampn-oce Lbr~ry

17 Osk P(lltak lkr hcmige ud I Ioliphilw Ir~ J ldK 1 tA(rifll~ UlIll A KvI~m~b(

191111431 Ii for h~ Qfih lok hUllIuand Irlnlt[1gt HI(lIMlultin Pp~tl cd Gm P U md LUCla A

Cil)pom (Idu ~I fl - Lrw ~lIfsk) r~frrnl o Rtlla~nCt Nlt)middotpl aJJojonn~

xt ufpopular ga m ltco mparabk 10 vulgn plmiddotd n I~j middotNllatomc ilocltb III ~kgtr~c( ud Norh I al) Ul Sl~d It 1(middottI~l i lew York 972) p 1 1) i~ 1 I 1)QoinofdlSlllcIllOcrtlt in

he I[TIlI mtd~ 1 er(l~ lll1cgo~ I RUI~ JlnlJJ( i~ p l lrll l~rJ r r(Ie 10 rn( mltlll(j in 111 1middot( IIlI) lil() 110 ( Ihe tMLion of~~Irn wel of N~ro dlrnwwcJiinli oflus md i I h )

iod)e he ocau t ~ Qf hcr lionl iU od nrnliltrsmiddot and lu JltO lo( It(f lone he wa concelvcd are ofpITlkuLu i l~ $

nplt(illl~ sitlclt lhry fill fn lt1 ~ b~l~ dWUI ntmmg lid ]altuale s Uvid f

1luI 1 Sr lt1 (l i l1lcmbtrmcfll bo-hlrd On8 lUI dl Romoon or d~ RQII( III RtUtiulIamp lIteR all rk 14 ~ I ~I l ffl(ll( RIIon ~I i rw] d ja II UOI IhiJadclphlltl (992 ) Pl

30 0 jlllnn tQlran ltk M cu ~ k NIn I fa ~ rm Illjo to 970 $tt

II tIf M Arde ll 1 h( Wfllan d I~ (1I 1e

~ Iw wIlJ IJlblQgrap~~ (N~ i and 110 111(93)

Ik Clo rillunc Hclt cl I wny ltImiddotn ud kit I I a~ KInr ~ rbull pJra bull 01 lor lum~ all gklt amI r~rman I (Ik mi IIulltlin 74 1lt)921 pp II I gt

Er ns ts prpuhioll of die r mb1em illlage inlo I 11lt1r rnivl seque nce (an al~ l

be si1u3led in niltlI io n I() Ihe illuSlri1cd Renaissance alkgory hieh ~ ltlS an lInpo nan t SOll r( li)r all sli bsequen l crnl1cm atisLS Colo II Tl i HYJllrtOlfmlfldljn

Poliphilii7 I t I)tsin witll a d r() 111 alltl i ll middotu l v (~ endkss nCliphtr lll(n l o f environm ents a nd obj((ls th ilt rc~onall throughout EIIlSI 1 0Uale Ilods d lboraldy symholic gardcm IIl WluC r ums h icrgl~ ph s 1 st atile or 1n d~pha nt Ill th it incidC llt5 (Perscus bchead ing of Innt htr 1(1I1 n1lt Slt1n ~

[C tc yled us ) ltlil t lhe tr i u rnph ~ of va rious gods li nd ll1coulH cr~ wil h fcma le pcrsonifiC4l io ns such ltIS Iht middotfi lmiddot lgtCIlSIS ofd wlTI E rll ~ L s 1i]1lnw 100 [ClcS IS A porli liant Cl U pcrsli fiettion Colonnas n )d g llmorizccl

lHroiciztd ll1d narralivized int t lp rt lal iull knd i n~ il ~ Ilr 1 g-lttmcs of m ea nings like v illga r pS~fhoa nalys is If [ rlisl realkgorits till tlIlda rd allcgorYil~-ltl n I1 Il then he dut~ so in way~ lha t preclude HI high mora l or iludlcctua l positions n (sting thc psychomarhia with lttil C)Imiddot 10 p~ychomiddot ltt l ml) q s tu rn ing Ihl Stnsua l cneha nt Hwnts ot snluctivc ~cI4 p i( middot(lS to qtlcasil UIIIla lizcd violcllt ltlud sexual d tSires I il lra r surreali sm IBre(on lIdia

Aragon s PIY5(1II dr Puns) could rel y un the sca AoJd i n~ and d evin s of allegoric - t he d ream vi~ion ) th l peri pau t ic li n o mo in~ 1hroug h a Lil y of m ysterio us (lbjCClS 1l101lum~II IS a nd (I)couiliers I hl~ W I)I11 lt11 1 uf Ill u ta bk idenlilY references 10 OIIHr works of arl and lillfa tlll t nd Soon t rnsa also d eploys the devlrc-s of literary a nd pk lOria l allegury dndging 1I 0 t only emblem bouks but ahl) die g rea t lite rary dkg(lric~ liorn tlw RomfI fir n (0)(

to Colunna to Novcli s lIlcl jieltkl

C hristia ne fi end in lro r key st ud ) ofmodlit lisl a lkgory has argUId thaI Err1~t relinq ui$ h (~ hi s a u tho ria l a ut hori lY in 111 F rllllllt J ()() l i l( allowing hi~

1111lgCS a rad ica l inck ptmiddotnclcnnmiddotp II cUl lld 1( arlued r Ol1v I-dy Ihlt

EflIH pa rod y fu netion~ in a n opposil(middot ay tha i Ir i~ wrc nching or imilL~ oul of l ll tmiddotir Mig- inal 1 )lI tex l ~ i~ a n 1gt 111 iw ill asserting ah~olutc and arbitra l) cuntrol OIr Ih( mh rial Ernst s images Id ) 011 re11l na nl ~ ofl hci

r igi lIa l Ill lltllli ns and los t tQllVCll ional contegt llgt ill hich I he) er( meant

tJen E ADEM c AN TI L NA ~--~--------------T~ ~~

to hi ( lcdihh il luslmt i)M vI S( ll tiic d evt l oprne nL~ na tural phcllomclla lr ltg- il t ric k ~ or rq)l( )(ll((i()f ~ IJf wrh Ifart l a lld lhis al o nce aJlo l~ his (1 11 man ings 10 SCIlll irraLio li a l and lilcral cd a ll d 11 the ~am c limc 10 be c lI npktdy su hjugald U) lht ve ry lI ovell) a nd allom a ly of thcrr tnvironshynlt ll l 1111 a~e lnl )l cd tiag llH l lts o f Ernsts cullages a lT n~ idual evidloCe of tl w Iulhor ily tu UIt Hilli CIII m Clo ll YJlJic pow(J or lite and dealh

arg lla bly IllI very I ppl)~ i t e ufCUI Li l ig loo~e or sellin g liTe

I n his 1l illaI Ilm II~ Enl L l o 1ll111i t lt synLacli cal rape tiXl uctlllg Y()Illll

fru m ti ll eO lltc 1 ()( ~I I joulll als Il K) il ion rt pn~ in whidr 511( represhy

l1t(O popu lar p a int iJlgs cflg ravltl ( r nJa~s a udiences I n I ll s u r k sh e

may 1 1llhOirl y mct unymic hssi pl i (l ll~ or II H ull ing hut ~It ~middot al so rCjJfCSClIb

E tn~ l s own lonir 10111 1 tn CUI and asipn rk~ a h it p in l piaYIT lilCI lIy a ppea ri ng ill hibH WI mi g h l also ~ lJ Spcc l Erns l of viciously

i te ra ling nin( lcclllh-nIl LUry lh eor ies r Ih e cmpall ric ~yOllJ 1 lt1 ~ lhe ( 1111)l)lliIrwl1l or our OWII pir yif1 lllrcqJl i ns J I u ~t~ his all tgtgory of sigm r1i ~od lItd from pir y~kal rdrll l ~ prClieiy as a fi eld in whi c h to dj~ru pshy

tivd ) i lllt rjtcl th l OCtasifHlal irY PlCIilicaUy d(plo yed rull ~ym bol with iL~ supposed ltlli lY illl i L~ rciirenl c jJre~ell tcJ by the 1)(J(h of l he Ilom an 1n the eli (k~ Ch a nTS chap lc r a l thl e nd Ill Url~ Smwiu de lfm f a fi gulc flmini s(nt or Fortuna noats ill Ihe air gTad ua lly li-cc ing

h (r~(lrorlllr a llrihulls ()f whcci Ild ~ i l (fig un 1) 11 t lihCra li ol1 Sill ce Fort un a luore It tuall ) hfCOnHS hrr wh(ei mi nl1ll il by htT l1nlr ed bac k ltIS an h Yllleric and l lso be(on H~ h cr sail hlo wn throug h lhc ~k y her

It rib utes cOIl in ue to be co nSl raining Ind pn middotMmiddotlIt a bsorbed ililu her bud y and gestu res sugg(q illg tht am hig uolls 1l lIratiom a nUrd (] 10

oma n by Max Ernst8t E IIISIS USf or h is maltri11 r(li~ o n Ihe inhc rl1I1 bililY or ollhgory l(o

rtal k go liltmiddot T radit iona ll y rlallcgo riwl ioll ltrllnnl a profan t I(x t or till past 10 h( as assimi la ted in w a n acccp lt hlc y~tlm f moral va JUIs (Vi rg il s

FSllIr( ~4 DlIIid Il cU$ius Emblrm(1Q liqoIAM I lKkn 161 5_

8 _ s~ Ili k Rot R iAamp Rm(

~d lhr jd I~Q~ ()PfigtiL ICbrid and Nrw Yrk 1991-deg flt -lt middotmiQlif - Iha l Inko 2 olll1Q f)f on_ B ~ h lth Rampk]o nxcnl

lUal of Wafbuf(t Iho l1h l in Irrm

01 th ROmMlIl( ymLgtoI unil) f ud dcrem 1 I OPpogtlti IO lI~ry

( hrpertI_~ ~~crnn f ltI s diS300C ialed fro I nfrro1 I i Rob- ~h(fempl l h lrmiddotplio)J Iheon pmiddotI) U lelkI1 pn~uen apphnl tk 1ltgt ~msl tSpltcirJI ) in I ~s pogtr

t uitwc1 Ihron ltl _ Iuh w R l loy rum symbol 10 Ilkfurv Ahr WH) i~

I r- hi Rd I~ 9971 pp ~ 6 R - [hr R iL [[ ul n has ro n Iholt u l

I hru~Ir iuI O) the unk o n wh re laquogtn~ ol Ir~cdm Pfnar p_ ~ 1I1

B I S~( Thn 11 Kclk~ Rmnwtlme Hlqo for tillt applicll ble ~ of In t allctUlxal wun lorn (e ee aUraCUOl) d ll r lnla$ 11 ltI- illual suctched l ~ lI l i Ihi [K w1ir

ltlc 1(o ~dukd from lClion and hj~llt) ry

bu sgt( f)1 g Ihe n -rgt d s he

cmand p Sr Th~ro i 1 or~1 1ltl io of witel )-r tr r lt~ltoI 1gt 1 mln m~y 1- takc -lt lIl rlaphO)f Ruolnlr E Kun1i S rrooti d I js(~ and R o l~rl llolI - n ~prknjo(

illo fo-k-J t] air ltli_ r II

fmiddotm lc (lITe) i SHlrJm and 11 010lt1 II A tw~ Rdolf t Kucn7li and Gwe Ra l~rt ICambllJgc l1i I99I) PPmiddotJt alld S T Imiddot lo ockiu Em ilS or ~ oflC n Ii mCIgttIraquoHgt1 dqI)eJ In ~ h a w~r Ihl 11 CIOI li meu Ulcrlgthunc~ Jly In 1- Riu d~~r

(MIIft~ q~1 lIOuilil ~w Carmd nr Imjlt Igtarod egt t~lcX fatlo~ ~al

jgtuu lJ rtut I(rl) IJ t 1ra 8 Ihemiddot Ie ~IgtIi OIl y 1 t ~atnlt11 1lISt llIil le Scl~h) snd amud ~kinl lt hTifingl) lilltrd I Iht~ ill IH rroh meal fur lo~ l i~ lone rol1 ~middot

l~diqlJr$ mlldr 1111) Hr)(tT) I

r~rn(rl i 1ltgt Ihe hwwir jlgt]al~ el~ hcll

il1lh( l1ltrvrl

(1 IS 1IX lrngtl 1 SmIltllN d amp 193i 0 Max Erllsl 1iI)AGP Van S()DRiC ( Monlrc~l ) 2f)(l(1

l )n IIC Ilupon Of Ih allraf R~~ru 11 (1 I 1$I~ Lolhu I -hr I J~ middotIn Rp jhd bd 11hII hI p HI

Fourh RetI a~ II I( milling of Chris l O vid l l-lrfall(Irphorrr lllorali7cd In

lmJOlIls such h J Hoh CI~ the trials of the lo ver could lJe rca 1go ricd a~ Clll hlnll~ of Chri sia n ~ u(fe ring ltInc co nrilltll cc Ernst reverses tlw prol(~S

dc- morali - ng a llegories In 7 110 dlidren 1IIII1fI(ld ~I (j 1I~lthtillg(h (fig ure zfi ) Frnst lak es U middotidilI1 IIIc(lrlJorphi rape (G anIlH-ci (S ta ~lc Phi lo mcl as

nighting-uk) oul of its repose in spirit ua lizing me taph or as ill (k Kellnincks landscape in h( Wallraf Rir-ha rtz M useu m i ll Cologn( (figure J7 ) ()j emulems sl ch as Hat1idorlhr s in which lit ra pe of Ganymede is rfJllcgoried as the sou ls I ~CIIH lo Cod ( figure 28 )83 Ernst rc t urTl~ Ihnr lo d leir Tl)n l ~ ill ~cx ual viok IlC( hi (h in tu rn S[ ltlnd~ ror the revcnibk hltrU a mi a mbiguous g-round underpinning the provtrh t ln bl cm or allegory

Equally td ling is Enl~ts d ia~rammui( ada platio n or h(rme lic emh lemata in O this mIll rIIIlI kll )w rlO lh lllg 1924 ) I II the paintillg ami II

tIle pl)cm w ri tte n on thl had (a parudy of Ihe oJllo()gical ~ylllhII S Il I I

fi~u r~ 26 Ernl I fUtJ1 mnlilwi ~ II

lllhlmCiJl 191 1 S(1 66I C 1 - r 1 D (t risI ~OI)KC J vumiddot~l l j


th e Hmrfll fd Table of H crrn(~ Trisrn egistu s) Ermt reallt~orlZ(middot ~ the hermetic ~ym bulis ll1 of the nlilrual lini li7atioll of d ivine and cit rddy IS a Freudian middotprinwl scene of gigantic li m b~ and scmiddotx ual pa rtgt Both pa imi ng md puem become rcpr(sntltHion ~ oC the unfu lfill ed n vi ~nging of a n such thing In Ernq s vcrsion the Oedipal a nd Ihe gnolt1l ic an oronc frustratccl substance ltlnd (be power oftbe allegories of h enl1tticism ltIhbaiisrn and aklHmy lies in perpetual d ef( lrd of the d tsircd gol J tl6 Ernst ~ emblem fllnc tioll s more

b roadly illi a scq gtt icai fi gu ration of tht a bil it y of images lO represen t hal IS envi $ioncd or desired in dicating Ihal a ll $lI h em blems ct n only he a sun0 fH l flIT hatt middotcr one an t ~ to know attl in o r rcprcsen Lft7

OJ (Ids 111m sllall kn)1L Mlhing a lso ~ ig na l s its own iconogn lJ)hic history especially tts allu sion to Caspar David Fricdr(h middot$ clllblem tie CrOJS ill Ih

Iounltlills a key work in Grman Roma ntit- dc hIIltg about Iht rela tive fok~ of llIegory and Iandscapc III Erns t as a rl ild er of C ( fman Romil Tlli t~ i~ ltl

would re U 1Il 10 these wpie in his la ndsca pe pai nLings aga in and again Crr)JI ill 111 t1ollll oinf is a lso shadowed by a t( Xl n passage from Ludwig T icck 5 allcgorital novel Fran SI-illbaMr 11middot(lIULmmgrll (J i 98 ) Jnom

26(j ) middot1 ~BImiddot rH ) T I d 1

60 I 1m c (lislt uW(1 Iht twn l1 t timiddot itl~gcry at t~ ngl h ill M~lt Emi l middotI ht 1IJdw(UtI1iJliI

SnllrJ 11 a i - l OCIshy87 Uml middotn o Ero diilltu~ 1he rdu iolll I)( twu h~rn 1l l k svrn lgtol- 1Il in which middotevcry middot~pr ion is a (nignlll hal middotk runlwt ~mgma middot and ~Jr n cconltlructimiddote ~nlys3 as in lini l~

defendJ in middot(n limited scmi III d rili in T ht Ib oJ hllffpWalio Ill n -I--j

fI8 smiddot cJ(m~ (l h W ocn rn ~I( Jaru F~d nnd It ~b1J ~f I muigat ~cw U and Lvndon 1 99lt)~ Karin V()n ~llo lJr ntel thO rrl ll nf (~$7 In 1M -WOIIIIIgt 10 Ern middot lUUlI1 OmJ~(Ilt1 III middotMao b ns l a Rvmlll1ic~m middot M n Enul A Rtl~pnl~ ~ I Werner Spict l t omlo 199 1)

I II~ ~7 K d~ K cunn~k Iuhf rvtJh IM~Io~ fj lt-1IJVdt r gtn leI

dllrf Kgt(hHIZ I ~ l

8iJ bull 1gtlt I g T irk Fwn~ SlmNt11b

11 middotJn~(n Hmt ~ lldIcAt (mll1~hlt

~I lj(h gt)6I ~ p gtgII

J) ~ee 11 0 ~bn lagtlt I Allqlr)

oflrlllll$iol)middot PI 6- 7r lhr dhl1 l1lt IK hr omlll~1 d(h nlll(11 (III ud h ~

ltill u~Jui ncall y I ~nd lor thillgt IcJ rly 1rs ign~II ~lId Impic ddinlun ul rourrlS luch as li lliemiddot h I(ll no h hI l (~ Ii lt mcill ~ tur middotC)middot ll la IIllt-SIKn a (1(11011bullbull 1 H turn jn I(raquolt ru lUI lTnp ~~i 1g ~1 I r

roukl hi ~r~lJ od tlbull ( Ihi Ik nrngt i~ made lllcmllll UKOf)~ Fr ~cl7rh c r) hMd lU lOll ~ Il ili K r nger through $1(middot togt tI ohjrl i( lria 10 judiCII

91 - GltQ rl 6atai llt Solr a ll~middot Fis rif fXt~s SI_rlJ I Im~~ P7 t)39lli

113 $Iodd Minapo l ~Jl lp XIV

1 lt1 6 12 ioIar ~nu p IJ Halaillits 1Qcom )Ir rollinS (m Ih bullrf r lw ~Ml h [ ~ [ I llt imal(vfltouinuous mC l~lor]lh mal p l y i1a d l5ori llJOII lOr tllti M the locornoriH r ltI hl$l)ry lt]uOI(d in aUT

III-rljolmirgt (r SdiJ 1 rlrHn-1 n- I irl 1974 p 1 ~3

illcidcn t the youn g a rtisl F ra il i~ st ru ck by a pa iming llr a l be scc~ in a hn lll it lUll a IlOCIlIIIMI lan dstltl pc ill wh ich a cr ucifix Ull a hiJl i ~ illll m ishy

na llti by IltI ) S o f moonlight The he rm it ex plains Ihat tilt crucifi is a po inte FingcI7cig ) to Ilw ~pjri lu d wurld beyond the faJ lc n world of lla tu n T o Franr ~ o bse na lioll O ne cou ld ca ll th i IMint ing an a lkgor)

the IIn ln il answers All an is JIlt-go rict IIoJ

T IH middotFingcrJeig iI) Ixpbli necl by th e h~rrn it to F ranz S lt rnbald point s not o nly to Iht spiri tlla l but also 10 thlmiddot pr (~cllce of J ll egor~ iblf As a li ter indlx a sho wi ng ha nd o r jJ ~ i l1ting fi n~cr tht Fingerrig i ~ a ~ tJplf

or i Ihlems II is Oimi larly In ade li ter1i b) -l a x E rn)1 t du slig ma tied ha ncl f1 oatin~ in f r OTH of th e lt ruci fi xiOthl~ middot prinM I ~NtJ I Herc it indicates linmiddotth er bu t not Im llscc ndCIH [l)callings90 In E r ll st s painti ng lh t ROlllit lll ics cruci fi x lS alkgori la l poin hr to a hig her nal rn sim ilarly

i tl n l c~ a landscape of d a rk Illowltai ns a nd il eawnly fil ) S IHl I fur the

COltj UIl Cl ivlI o f redemp ti ve c ru cifix a nd ill urnin at iug SUUS(t in Fricclricbmiddots pa inting o r truci ft x and moonlil-h t in Tillkmiddot O novel Ern$[ dark ly ~J bs l it uLes

copulat ing limbs and the bloc ked rays o f a IUllar refipSt Ermls lmiddott nblema tic painting alt Frifeirich s had don ra i se~ p r0 1Jicms or

cnTlIl lllporar) a lkgory When G lf)rges Aatai ll e- turned tn alr-IItm ica l )slIllllng in 192 7 he did so in I( rm~ that almamp t com icH) m im i Ernst s d csul Itmiddot c lltra ilmiddotfilled landscapt 1111 earth middotcovtrtd wi th vuk anOIs hich SltJoT a~ iLs a n us is driven in iL~ rota tion by lhe male ~ha rt ]l tlttraling 1 1 11~

laquomiddotma l- alllJ a lmost t lIl irely (merg ing ill o rder 10 ree n tcr like Ih( piston~ of ~ 100o mo ivl

JI i~ the 1Ilf(ha nical Oll ll)il ltion n(] t ll morm t inn~ of thes mOtmcn t ~ Ihat th~ ak htmists soll~h t 1 I hI philosoJlJ t ~ ~IU Ilt ~

This nWfhJlist jlmiddot cop ulatiu 11 hudcsqu e~ t he vmiddotn ji) UIIl1n ioli o f allegory th e

ltlnagogir 11 wrh of r() rrcsponden(c~ and rtmiddotst ]tlbl a nct~ lIlt middotcopula that li~

one thi ng- 10 a noth n ill lang ua te all Cl witt g ) 11 thin) to be visibly co nnCfted Ha lai lk s a llcgvrical luvers will mve r fi nd ilnythi ng but parrxlic i magc~ l11d Ih ey will [ Il l asieltp l ~ empty a ~ mirrun Wh en En tail k

fu rther GlUs lically mcdita ted Oil the gno~ tic roo ts Llj Hegel ia n ism in Ll)ll~

ma teria li smt c t Ie g nllst ( 1930) p ropus in g a k~ l abili ing hcadl es~


a J1q~ory tha i would elimuatt aJl h ilTardlic11 ~ ~ t C IllS of rdtn lllc indud ing ~implistic rcv( lltals or blst ll ld idea l o r CXq-lt1l 111 llt1 1 lnrl ltlcrUllcn lll he wa addrtR~jng is)llc$ irnpJiL it in Of Ihis men lInll knOll IWlllillf 91 H ()wcvcr heelIlsl Erns l middot ~ all egory ( nds to Ill p a ll)l it i( depcnds on just ~ll (h illvcrshy

~j ()m ilnd reve rsals of hig1 and low Old is a t a re mov from Btl taillcs infla111ll1110ry ()I)f ll-f llded hd lltaded en terprise

E nHl$ im ages a re often d riven by this undermining of thcir (IW ll sourn-s of lJowc r fcp lescnliug hotb II((i r own ~ la luS a nd i1lSIlfjicilIHy OrtCll they

assu me tht appearallce of (lnhkrlls wh ich as concieusetf o r short lr and ig ll ~ of aUTho rit y ~a n c ti fi ~d by t rld ilion art disrupted hy Ewstmiddot~ illtruio n of thc n ltllll r 1 LIld ~e)( u t l rhc n dllcti t middoti~ua l 11I11ouage or cmhlcms lcnd~ t o ltlrd hrogaliun 111(1 fimiddotag11lClltlliun Ih ich LntSl n alu raJiz~s likening Ihe Sllll1X of fj middotrgnWlll3 Iioll 10 (lperatjoT1~ (lil lbe hod y lt bull rile tru ncalLu pa riS a Ird Ii 1111 ~~ or Of IhiJ lien shall know Iohing arg uauly J u clc 10 th t ~ceri ng lIId te lldt n liou~

reconstruniom of tht e mhknjs [anllJage o r aut hori ty a rClruc luring of Ihc

sy mknloche lim hs a lrcldy prnelH in v i ~l1 emblems Througbout his canlt r Ems would dltriV( double prestige flOlll disrupting lhe COJlv(middotnlions of hOl h a rl a nd li tcrJ fl1l middotf iro lliing his au thoriaJ role as bot h a rlis and poel Emblelll s a rC1 ft lilc ground fur ~uch opT3tions k ndi ll g tlwm~clvu 0 ditorshylil)m or he reci prxa lIldi(a tion s or eX T lIld image which anmiddot Ihe STarling

point nfalJ tgory

Ac kn o wled gement

S l l i(j ll~ of thilt papa H r( pncn l(d a~ Ielt tlJT(~ iI conjullclinn il l Max Em~I

rc ll1(nary ehiiJninm Ihe RnlJ ncl 1(nr()X Memorial JccUrc U Il l T a(middot ( )11)

(1(11 middotmff A Ul IrIJJf(ct ll ItJ91 -J) lI lId II M 01 i (Ilal pound7110 O(lff( 11111 Ihr Duwn oj

hguw middot 11lt~ ~ 111lgtltlorHr hnwltim ltr (10( lOH 9

ll G~1 1 1~ l k 9Jo 1Iy tnillcril ilm 01 11l()oSn bullbull n uollgt ~f fj(w ll 11 52 amp0- M l=nmiddot w middotn I rltult~ ~ rKumrnt d ~ 1 ~ her IkuJamin a~ flll~ (ltI by II~Ilt ml II ~nljsL in rn 8 to auK 1 1~middot ul~r l an L~n ur Silllplilll ~I bat ~ J Ilrl~1U

rell t huugh r he dmiddotIIrymclll of d~lthi IiLinl( pmiddot(hootvtic laquogto ep tgt url ~ s Ielcnnimmo tm r1m~crltt ~m gteJmlt IImntllw I l middot~fI Rll1Ifl1l twlllv Imis ~f )m(alUl lin(I~I illrrkdtmiddoty u An~lc

M IAlodlt 91l 11)) U[ i -l lt)1 - I lt-nd ubstmiddotmiddotmiddot- rht Ire rn~l i u Ul uf Illor lt1 Fm~ (J Ii i fnuc lr Crlt Ihl1 t ho- lifl ugtd rmiddot]m of poundrnsl middot~

lIuc nod ilmhil(1)omh g(ndcrltl h gtvlnL ~ n rh mo (h hypcrholic

Dio cjOCulH1o11 orsl) rl-d~n jm1tf(cry1gt il dO(lt i lli fmltle ~aC11l nr [[00lt1 orgmiddotoonldltG1IHllion al 11 0( Immigt ufth aULhOl tlgt hi~ E rol$L is aJlj~1 llIh GltltX B tll lltmiddot hnnlcnz ~u nf llcg) 11gt1$(111 (~I L ory 111-1 111 in middotSoI ant S l ~r fter u ~1Jtn in capl1on i ndirat~

oJ ddo-nce I n nn SPIf (lIKI

r nn1h~r nd sigi ~ L k Ma~ middotrn1 O~f IllOJ ob middotCologne 9i)- ) in uch fll nh(r ifnrm~lin ( laquo(mns I r ~lO ( C ~d locatiOIl may bc tu

il(ure 29 Em1 OJ I middotun shall (Mil

-h~~ 9 f SLl 63middot C 1 Ernni I IJtI 11uJSODRAC (MlHHrc~j l


S1Irrwlism 9lt)3 ) J 11m gl~Hdn l for lho ltc o pport uui l itl 10 (Olls ider Erns to l roCesso r

CI i~ toll wr Crn middotlI ImfCi J oh n Gl)ldi uS Prorr~Ylr Willillll Cmfi~kl and the

11 011 Fod a tio 10 11middoti r va middot i)l1 ~ lt1 g middotn n)lCgt d vicc I 11olIIk Sllzar rl c Ak bari

r l d~(f l)cre nhI Joyn GOKl(i n E rhan Jd l Kavalc lmiddot and M E Vnr lic k

Page 23: Only Half Saying It Ernst SCAN

ril(UR 21 ~nb l Loplol fgtrr~ll bullrjlirJ 193) raquoI~ 1781 Cl 1( lt f rtI~(AIJA(f

ld SUOkAC ( Ina l ZOQO

(gt11- Ou EI and pu(p fin iou Klt Rltncc

R irlot 1 1I~rI S~JIIJ on flu 11ltgt01 Jkrkdmiddot~ od l(gtmiddotngt1cs ~ P 8

(I li ~ r)hC Olhe r(olla ((n-vcb 10 (tII~ 100 ius lltms 10 f()rl~ ~cu i t i It f J) bn pred i(1ali( ITUucm nf

dJgory thaI IhIt ir is w lhig

~-qutItLil1 and UorrdlJ d~li) irlo )PUlI lhol a 101 s~ j 1 rma ll e Iruun OrUrgurir 1 d middot middot 70 Sec RrlIll I)j kw Idol Dr (fomlr gt~raquoI4S~~ ofFm= ri( i Fi -ltir)l1dr CIIIMlt rw Yk I ondon and O d Od 7r - Ilr hundred h~dlc wumn

pcrgtoniM Ihr protlogt ofnIlt) i II blt n d~ugtltsltJ lrum la~I llt nmiddot I a ~ Old Ikrricln gtI I at OJ~ 1I OllgtII) Ic Ihin lnd b) UI huured 11Ultbl

(ltTduug Slaquo Kon Rund tbi~ oUtIII l SnfUQa flta (Slrnl

-Ill Jcq1 [xrrid I ~ Ihr ~i dr Plmon r PIQImr idd i rUf HiOn

1- 1 1jl3lt) ~5- ~1 a 1 11Ik -bn

laIlt 1111- uf P5UaSI Il 11 n 7 nLllIr Max En_ s CCIl1~ldc A Il

u~dJjJ Ju tzmis Punl of pHtdigmltK- rcmm~ Jail (tcmiddot i duo1lltcJ

j ltoul l e~ d to Ir mYIr~ de IJ Fr nn I (h rlltoum ed ilh Inrily n [J

ru~orlf J~dlnl Ul Ieh IW adl COl middot

iJ drjed in Lr M~IUf ~ (ue biod Il)d by II rah ) mllo)~ a (M from CIen dOn Imiddot ga~m

n j)()gtltt t ( du d I dClaquo1 PllfT

J1( Inl 9~3 I 3 )middot i J 1 mpu lit) is 011( ( I)utf HlT~JIJ ilIU1lruom illmlHffi by t dl~ aKI o lkmm Solaquo rhf 11rllrpIt~ of 1fIIopoilbullbull 1(0)1 ltlt 1 A I (~ bull Lltdo d3middotICl ) I or the hltad leM

m~ ~I nprt nlIVlt of the lI h~voJiud

Mltirirr5(C Ilaydcn hw T hc Ior r Idnc rll f~fJ)lgtfOlmr FHJ n

cJIllIr1 (nWi BahiOI~ 11(1 l aunn

l7ijjP r63 5

ltIS wellG8 The luadks~ OIl1an w ho c rupts iu uiflircn l forms lhrou~hflu l Ia Frllllllr X) tilu could ~ef( as a mnaphor lor Ihe d isru privt relations bel ween metaphor ltlnd th( ~cq ucn tiltt l flow of narrative charaCte ristic ( I llegory The d(vd o]lm(n l~ cnn (inui lY and rcptli li(HlS afTordcd by 1lIJTativc allow hun (0 rCClpil lLlatt S() W ~rea k hi ~ usc of woma n to personify his own Icdllliqlll

The k nmJe nud e had belfl l1l1 lhe prw niscuQu sig nifier par t udtIll( 111 nin clee nlh -nntury $ll nn painling in 1 hifh Ilt t complex it(lltirics and allri shy

hut es of any given 1 l1 cgoricld personifi cat ion WCl( Kro~~ l y sim plifin l a nd s i ~lIalled a nd in which multipl ied numbers (of ha rtm ~la v (s or OJcads) com pensa te fo r loss of indiidual s ignificalion If Ihimiddot ~a loll lIu dc finally scrvf d as a pcr~nn i fi clI ion of a n OcrT rowcltd a nd raquohdioere Sa lon itsdr 7ltgt that cltuase lllent of the aan c mil tra dil ilJll rIK ina ted Erm t as he pl ullder(d ninelecn th-cent ury j ournals a nd salrl11 (pvrl~ fOt his collage ma l( i1 1I y not one hundred headl(lO~ woman instead of onc hundred mrmingk ss oms why nOI om perrcn ly ugly hcadlc ~ Ioman (ICte de mecl us() instead of ti le rut ile Salon bca ut ic_

Tlt tlc is Ill importan t (ll ulcmalic prototype for frns t~ womln a ~ GC f(]

Rauer has notcd I rnst s fcmm e 100 t Ci I~ has a counte rparl ln L a Pcrr i i rc ~

11 T lriil de$ bQNJ en~IIS (rigurl 22 ) IhlUl1 d i~llliss~ this rcscmbk nc( agt fortu itous ImHer il is im portant Ih1I it is the Inl tllnt is c1ost-S1 10 the

Ill(ltlni nls uf Ernst s woman not till image I Pcrlicres femme is iuall y an ad ap tat ion of a lomill onpl acx Horapllll o-dlTivcd hcadle~ ma n

signif)itll( I m )JOssibili t~ presuma hly a 11 aul c~s oman l~ douhly illlpossihlen In L Pcrricrcs prcm lO he is not JJl( rely ]utdless bu r rtther Jik( Ernst s middot te mll1 f hilS I)Ulny i(kn til il~~ IqJrcst ll l(o by many heads silt is compa n d to lh e Chi n1ltl crn Girion p) hnn tll cdusa Cerberu~ and lhat l-llnicular pnmiddotc ur~or of tIl( km nw 100 Ittcs Iht H yd ra Through such proli li-ration or menning sIt( is Ih e mhkJll l i ~L~ dream emblem Lr

Pcrriercs le( nlllcludes tha t ma rc marvellous Ihan all Y of Ihc~t lll ylhic creatures middot vu lrl bt Ull(- fem me sans leu Ihe One figure who cou ld prcSurnshyably em bod y a ll hybr id mean ings in one ~ llcc in (t blll meani ngless fo rm La lclTiCr~ crnhlem may be an allegory of lhe cjlem ma of rht PO(I UIIHl Lnned hy his middot iivll~ hu l need ing 10 be a )H roi( d eca pitator a rer~(lI ~

aluivalc1l1 T hl ngrt l1a ble mora l conclusio n of La Perri eres poem is tha i woman Ilccds a guidc a ra tional hCltld a nl ltln lax pound rllst71

O n one occuion irr IAI FtnllU 100 liles Ernsl himself appearS (fi gure 13 1 III Loplop and the mouse s horoscope M attCrs or desliny fa lc a nd horoscope- are a sta ple ur emblclIl li te rat ure middotf he imge is pan of a n embleshymat ic (radiliv) in vhich caged creatures slam] ror lht ca ptivi lY and sull t ring of tIlt poel or lo (r (fig ure 24)1) Em Sl i~ agen t and nO l ca ptive 01 flt ltc however Ba n-dle~lcd he may be (rt l ra~ rfli hen a~ ltlll odur pcr~nll a uf Ihe multi-valc lll woman he carries the d isGmlrd cinllus of th at stock haraCllr of l lk gOry the haUd resscd woman RUI he holds onto h i~ hal (Ihich unlike the he-ad Ill ay be lakcn on and of 1 ) and thu s retaim for himself Ihe powcrful masculine role of the head Erusl appea ring in persOIl wilhin his tollage 110d signn ls his SWIUS as a ll-controlling novelist or em hleshymatist d lOS(middot c lvnga lcd hand CH n pluck thr- mouse Out of il s ordaiucd palh al a n) tim t Ernsl l$ a llcgorisl should Iw SitultlHd in the trdi liun ofparod ic nuvc isg incl udilg Ka lldais Charles Sorcl J cln -Pa ul R idlter and TIlOlIllS Stcrne whose work relies 0 11 a Jlet0ry to ironi ( it ~ own d tviccs~

hllur~ )~ rouU gt lt 11 Ierricn middot1 _ Fe 0lt ~Iemiddot bb(om xv Lt middotfhIQII( au flu OlU 539middot

7 t t- rr middotm i ~hlllkeuoImiddot(gtr I ~

E ts alP-1m~ ad 10 III unJinn~ Ih t middothltmiddot ~11 ome hmiddot Igill~ o nly in o 1 oj Ihem ~e ltor pmpcrl) nmn~(tcd IIgt Illfi r 1middototls tT j inllny ITrI 5I t 01 SIJ Iijt I-i 1 Ynr I)U

1middot9 i ~ Thmiddot tllmiddotd 111I)Ult if) Iro p O JPC~Il

lciII otld ~rqJlOxIUmiddotlmiddotd in I) middot~(on( ~t j oolgt C~~ middot i ~poliJ t

gtj)(lli lont tmiddotC I 111 (apia I)n1

[mill ) MUftIM~ Alh dt 11((-111

fAmSIrd I 7~ (l Damel Hcin~iul

Q I ~lD 1~J i Jm I-oIo bullt ) fo r lupid (gtIllide h ase Md P C t 1)(1middot Imbl~w tryU 1l~rd~m 6 rmiddotlmulcd Pdmburgh bulln7l) fcr Cil~rrl bini ~e ncr (Inllri ) aud cupid with ( ~cd ~uinrl 70 T ho $(lrnHmhurv au C hr[ So middotI JlhT rparodir novel a nd IIlkgori(O ( h anw rl ttlnIHomaM)

ealled iIllOIltSlion mi(Ic rda liou pc bnl(lIagc and III(Ialhor Sorer IA llalJM df ] i1Jbullbull d rih inl( illtolI (IU~1

~ ~ hltgt~d nn peI middotrh gl1_ rhlemiddot Jta~middotlIIg lt1 word altgtCUo ns loped J) hc PUWK middot~u du nall iJ a JrcLuIXlT r rnmiddot i~ ileJ[laquoIU311Dt~s 5lt ( hI M rd u II ~ 1f(J n1~ (Pn_ (pI rcpri lro Cmiddotneva I In) I II calte oflh coU~ lt rImmiddote1i trn auhial IU-altAO Pli middotuJarly ho hOj( mlhlt (crmA n KumlIi J~- lJul Ridner middotbose H)15 ltt Imiddot) hd raquoPlltkd I nnch IlIor41)middot all(nlion ~d Ih adlDlI-llluU o(j (l ll Ia l h ~ and Atdtt ISr~lt)n middotIltmiddot wen 11 Y lr1nd lrlIlt I io lfj~ ln-I HI Kichllr$ nmlk a lllorio rI narruvlts I U ( muhIImiddot l oice IUd idrmiu(l SU)tgjOgtjl

Jm~(1 I(dnn lues Ihe T j l aIS lisr of nI I~ImiddotrJ1 puion of his nilId I$n

ort o(lXlI EI ~ 111lt he r1l lo h-ough Ihe quouditn _orld in JAIrun(

1M IbN ~~ t altga rtl H ale II ~f

Olxron SdiOQlj Afi1)ullu 1)~ 1nil 91) and Claulk jich i I middotmJ~ lit 71~-I fJJJ1 (~ J(IIU l~ MIjalllUt llnt 1963

I ~urc 3 M~ ~ rnst middot[plol 1 ii(

uy hor)s(ol In 0 1(1lt lila

9~9 SI1 1st II rlduL~t Igty ponniion [r I~I (II I n T oronto Rampn-oce Lbr~ry

17 Osk P(lltak lkr hcmige ud I Ioliphilw Ir~ J ldK 1 tA(rifll~ UlIll A KvI~m~b(

191111431 Ii for h~ Qfih lok hUllIuand Irlnlt[1gt HI(lIMlultin Pp~tl cd Gm P U md LUCla A

Cil)pom (Idu ~I fl - Lrw ~lIfsk) r~frrnl o Rtlla~nCt Nlt)middotpl aJJojonn~

xt ufpopular ga m ltco mparabk 10 vulgn plmiddotd n I~j middotNllatomc ilocltb III ~kgtr~c( ud Norh I al) Ul Sl~d It 1(middottI~l i lew York 972) p 1 1) i~ 1 I 1)QoinofdlSlllcIllOcrtlt in

he I[TIlI mtd~ 1 er(l~ lll1cgo~ I RUI~ JlnlJJ( i~ p l lrll l~rJ r r(Ie 10 rn( mltlll(j in 111 1middot( IIlI) lil() 110 ( Ihe tMLion of~~Irn wel of N~ro dlrnwwcJiinli oflus md i I h )

iod)e he ocau t ~ Qf hcr lionl iU od nrnliltrsmiddot and lu JltO lo( It(f lone he wa concelvcd are ofpITlkuLu i l~ $

nplt(illl~ sitlclt lhry fill fn lt1 ~ b~l~ dWUI ntmmg lid ]altuale s Uvid f

1luI 1 Sr lt1 (l i l1lcmbtrmcfll bo-hlrd On8 lUI dl Romoon or d~ RQII( III RtUtiulIamp lIteR all rk 14 ~ I ~I l ffl(ll( RIIon ~I i rw] d ja II UOI IhiJadclphlltl (992 ) Pl

30 0 jlllnn tQlran ltk M cu ~ k NIn I fa ~ rm Illjo to 970 $tt

II tIf M Arde ll 1 h( Wfllan d I~ (1I 1e

~ Iw wIlJ IJlblQgrap~~ (N~ i and 110 111(93)

Ik Clo rillunc Hclt cl I wny ltImiddotn ud kit I I a~ KInr ~ rbull pJra bull 01 lor lum~ all gklt amI r~rman I (Ik mi IIulltlin 74 1lt)921 pp II I gt

Er ns ts prpuhioll of die r mb1em illlage inlo I 11lt1r rnivl seque nce (an al~ l

be si1u3led in niltlI io n I() Ihe illuSlri1cd Renaissance alkgory hieh ~ ltlS an lInpo nan t SOll r( li)r all sli bsequen l crnl1cm atisLS Colo II Tl i HYJllrtOlfmlfldljn

Poliphilii7 I t I)tsin witll a d r() 111 alltl i ll middotu l v (~ endkss nCliphtr lll(n l o f environm ents a nd obj((ls th ilt rc~onall throughout EIIlSI 1 0Uale Ilods d lboraldy symholic gardcm IIl WluC r ums h icrgl~ ph s 1 st atile or 1n d~pha nt Ill th it incidC llt5 (Perscus bchead ing of Innt htr 1(1I1 n1lt Slt1n ~

[C tc yled us ) ltlil t lhe tr i u rnph ~ of va rious gods li nd ll1coulH cr~ wil h fcma le pcrsonifiC4l io ns such ltIS Iht middotfi lmiddot lgtCIlSIS ofd wlTI E rll ~ L s 1i]1lnw 100 [ClcS IS A porli liant Cl U pcrsli fiettion Colonnas n )d g llmorizccl

lHroiciztd ll1d narralivized int t lp rt lal iull knd i n~ il ~ Ilr 1 g-lttmcs of m ea nings like v illga r pS~fhoa nalys is If [ rlisl realkgorits till tlIlda rd allcgorYil~-ltl n I1 Il then he dut~ so in way~ lha t preclude HI high mora l or iludlcctua l positions n (sting thc psychomarhia with lttil C)Imiddot 10 p~ychomiddot ltt l ml) q s tu rn ing Ihl Stnsua l cneha nt Hwnts ot snluctivc ~cI4 p i( middot(lS to qtlcasil UIIIla lizcd violcllt ltlud sexual d tSires I il lra r surreali sm IBre(on lIdia

Aragon s PIY5(1II dr Puns) could rel y un the sca AoJd i n~ and d evin s of allegoric - t he d ream vi~ion ) th l peri pau t ic li n o mo in~ 1hroug h a Lil y of m ysterio us (lbjCClS 1l101lum~II IS a nd (I)couiliers I hl~ W I)I11 lt11 1 uf Ill u ta bk idenlilY references 10 OIIHr works of arl and lillfa tlll t nd Soon t rnsa also d eploys the devlrc-s of literary a nd pk lOria l allegury dndging 1I 0 t only emblem bouks but ahl) die g rea t lite rary dkg(lric~ liorn tlw RomfI fir n (0)(

to Colunna to Novcli s lIlcl jieltkl

C hristia ne fi end in lro r key st ud ) ofmodlit lisl a lkgory has argUId thaI Err1~t relinq ui$ h (~ hi s a u tho ria l a ut hori lY in 111 F rllllllt J ()() l i l( allowing hi~

1111lgCS a rad ica l inck ptmiddotnclcnnmiddotp II cUl lld 1( arlued r Ol1v I-dy Ihlt

EflIH pa rod y fu netion~ in a n opposil(middot ay tha i Ir i~ wrc nching or imilL~ oul of l ll tmiddotir Mig- inal 1 )lI tex l ~ i~ a n 1gt 111 iw ill asserting ah~olutc and arbitra l) cuntrol OIr Ih( mh rial Ernst s images Id ) 011 re11l na nl ~ ofl hci

r igi lIa l Ill lltllli ns and los t tQllVCll ional contegt llgt ill hich I he) er( meant

tJen E ADEM c AN TI L NA ~--~--------------T~ ~~

to hi ( lcdihh il luslmt i)M vI S( ll tiic d evt l oprne nL~ na tural phcllomclla lr ltg- il t ric k ~ or rq)l( )(ll((i()f ~ IJf wrh Ifart l a lld lhis al o nce aJlo l~ his (1 11 man ings 10 SCIlll irraLio li a l and lilcral cd a ll d 11 the ~am c limc 10 be c lI npktdy su hjugald U) lht ve ry lI ovell) a nd allom a ly of thcrr tnvironshynlt ll l 1111 a~e lnl )l cd tiag llH l lts o f Ernsts cullages a lT n~ idual evidloCe of tl w Iulhor ily tu UIt Hilli CIII m Clo ll YJlJic pow(J or lite and dealh

arg lla bly IllI very I ppl)~ i t e ufCUI Li l ig loo~e or sellin g liTe

I n his 1l illaI Ilm II~ Enl L l o 1ll111i t lt synLacli cal rape tiXl uctlllg Y()Illll

fru m ti ll eO lltc 1 ()( ~I I joulll als Il K) il ion rt pn~ in whidr 511( represhy

l1t(O popu lar p a int iJlgs cflg ravltl ( r nJa~s a udiences I n I ll s u r k sh e

may 1 1llhOirl y mct unymic hssi pl i (l ll~ or II H ull ing hut ~It ~middot al so rCjJfCSClIb

E tn~ l s own lonir 10111 1 tn CUI and asipn rk~ a h it p in l piaYIT lilCI lIy a ppea ri ng ill hibH WI mi g h l also ~ lJ Spcc l Erns l of viciously

i te ra ling nin( lcclllh-nIl LUry lh eor ies r Ih e cmpall ric ~yOllJ 1 lt1 ~ lhe ( 1111)l)lliIrwl1l or our OWII pir yif1 lllrcqJl i ns J I u ~t~ his all tgtgory of sigm r1i ~od lItd from pir y~kal rdrll l ~ prClieiy as a fi eld in whi c h to dj~ru pshy

tivd ) i lllt rjtcl th l OCtasifHlal irY PlCIilicaUy d(plo yed rull ~ym bol with iL~ supposed ltlli lY illl i L~ rciirenl c jJre~ell tcJ by the 1)(J(h of l he Ilom an 1n the eli (k~ Ch a nTS chap lc r a l thl e nd Ill Url~ Smwiu de lfm f a fi gulc flmini s(nt or Fortuna noats ill Ihe air gTad ua lly li-cc ing

h (r~(lrorlllr a llrihulls ()f whcci Ild ~ i l (fig un 1) 11 t lihCra li ol1 Sill ce Fort un a luore It tuall ) hfCOnHS hrr wh(ei mi nl1ll il by htT l1nlr ed bac k ltIS an h Yllleric and l lso be(on H~ h cr sail hlo wn throug h lhc ~k y her

It rib utes cOIl in ue to be co nSl raining Ind pn middotMmiddotlIt a bsorbed ililu her bud y and gestu res sugg(q illg tht am hig uolls 1l lIratiom a nUrd (] 10

oma n by Max Ernst8t E IIISIS USf or h is maltri11 r(li~ o n Ihe inhc rl1I1 bililY or ollhgory l(o

rtal k go liltmiddot T radit iona ll y rlallcgo riwl ioll ltrllnnl a profan t I(x t or till past 10 h( as assimi la ted in w a n acccp lt hlc y~tlm f moral va JUIs (Vi rg il s

FSllIr( ~4 DlIIid Il cU$ius Emblrm(1Q liqoIAM I lKkn 161 5_

8 _ s~ Ili k Rot R iAamp Rm(

~d lhr jd I~Q~ ()PfigtiL ICbrid and Nrw Yrk 1991-deg flt -lt middotmiQlif - Iha l Inko 2 olll1Q f)f on_ B ~ h lth Rampk]o nxcnl

lUal of Wafbuf(t Iho l1h l in Irrm

01 th ROmMlIl( ymLgtoI unil) f ud dcrem 1 I OPpogtlti IO lI~ry

( hrpertI_~ ~~crnn f ltI s diS300C ialed fro I nfrro1 I i Rob- ~h(fempl l h lrmiddotplio)J Iheon pmiddotI) U lelkI1 pn~uen apphnl tk 1ltgt ~msl tSpltcirJI ) in I ~s pogtr

t uitwc1 Ihron ltl _ Iuh w R l loy rum symbol 10 Ilkfurv Ahr WH) i~

I r- hi Rd I~ 9971 pp ~ 6 R - [hr R iL [[ ul n has ro n Iholt u l

I hru~Ir iuI O) the unk o n wh re laquogtn~ ol Ir~cdm Pfnar p_ ~ 1I1

B I S~( Thn 11 Kclk~ Rmnwtlme Hlqo for tillt applicll ble ~ of In t allctUlxal wun lorn (e ee aUraCUOl) d ll r lnla$ 11 ltI- illual suctched l ~ lI l i Ihi [K w1ir

ltlc 1(o ~dukd from lClion and hj~llt) ry

bu sgt( f)1 g Ihe n -rgt d s he

cmand p Sr Th~ro i 1 or~1 1ltl io of witel )-r tr r lt~ltoI 1gt 1 mln m~y 1- takc -lt lIl rlaphO)f Ruolnlr E Kun1i S rrooti d I js(~ and R o l~rl llolI - n ~prknjo(

illo fo-k-J t] air ltli_ r II

fmiddotm lc (lITe) i SHlrJm and 11 010lt1 II A tw~ Rdolf t Kucn7li and Gwe Ra l~rt ICambllJgc l1i I99I) PPmiddotJt alld S T Imiddot lo ockiu Em ilS or ~ oflC n Ii mCIgttIraquoHgt1 dqI)eJ In ~ h a w~r Ihl 11 CIOI li meu Ulcrlgthunc~ Jly In 1- Riu d~~r

(MIIft~ q~1 lIOuilil ~w Carmd nr Imjlt Igtarod egt t~lcX fatlo~ ~al

jgtuu lJ rtut I(rl) IJ t 1ra 8 Ihemiddot Ie ~IgtIi OIl y 1 t ~atnlt11 1lISt llIil le Scl~h) snd amud ~kinl lt hTifingl) lilltrd I Iht~ ill IH rroh meal fur lo~ l i~ lone rol1 ~middot

l~diqlJr$ mlldr 1111) Hr)(tT) I

r~rn(rl i 1ltgt Ihe hwwir jlgt]al~ el~ hcll

il1lh( l1ltrvrl

(1 IS 1IX lrngtl 1 SmIltllN d amp 193i 0 Max Erllsl 1iI)AGP Van S()DRiC ( Monlrc~l ) 2f)(l(1

l )n IIC Ilupon Of Ih allraf R~~ru 11 (1 I 1$I~ Lolhu I -hr I J~ middotIn Rp jhd bd 11hII hI p HI

Fourh RetI a~ II I( milling of Chris l O vid l l-lrfall(Irphorrr lllorali7cd In

lmJOlIls such h J Hoh CI~ the trials of the lo ver could lJe rca 1go ricd a~ Clll hlnll~ of Chri sia n ~ u(fe ring ltInc co nrilltll cc Ernst reverses tlw prol(~S

dc- morali - ng a llegories In 7 110 dlidren 1IIII1fI(ld ~I (j 1I~lthtillg(h (fig ure zfi ) Frnst lak es U middotidilI1 IIIc(lrlJorphi rape (G anIlH-ci (S ta ~lc Phi lo mcl as

nighting-uk) oul of its repose in spirit ua lizing me taph or as ill (k Kellnincks landscape in h( Wallraf Rir-ha rtz M useu m i ll Cologn( (figure J7 ) ()j emulems sl ch as Hat1idorlhr s in which lit ra pe of Ganymede is rfJllcgoried as the sou ls I ~CIIH lo Cod ( figure 28 )83 Ernst rc t urTl~ Ihnr lo d leir Tl)n l ~ ill ~cx ual viok IlC( hi (h in tu rn S[ ltlnd~ ror the revcnibk hltrU a mi a mbiguous g-round underpinning the provtrh t ln bl cm or allegory

Equally td ling is Enl~ts d ia~rammui( ada platio n or h(rme lic emh lemata in O this mIll rIIIlI kll )w rlO lh lllg 1924 ) I II the paintillg ami II

tIle pl)cm w ri tte n on thl had (a parudy of Ihe oJllo()gical ~ylllhII S Il I I

fi~u r~ 26 Ernl I fUtJ1 mnlilwi ~ II

lllhlmCiJl 191 1 S(1 66I C 1 - r 1 D (t risI ~OI)KC J vumiddot~l l j


th e Hmrfll fd Table of H crrn(~ Trisrn egistu s) Ermt reallt~orlZ(middot ~ the hermetic ~ym bulis ll1 of the nlilrual lini li7atioll of d ivine and cit rddy IS a Freudian middotprinwl scene of gigantic li m b~ and scmiddotx ual pa rtgt Both pa imi ng md puem become rcpr(sntltHion ~ oC the unfu lfill ed n vi ~nging of a n such thing In Ernq s vcrsion the Oedipal a nd Ihe gnolt1l ic an oronc frustratccl substance ltlnd (be power oftbe allegories of h enl1tticism ltIhbaiisrn and aklHmy lies in perpetual d ef( lrd of the d tsircd gol J tl6 Ernst ~ emblem fllnc tioll s more

b roadly illi a scq gtt icai fi gu ration of tht a bil it y of images lO represen t hal IS envi $ioncd or desired in dicating Ihal a ll $lI h em blems ct n only he a sun0 fH l flIT hatt middotcr one an t ~ to know attl in o r rcprcsen Lft7

OJ (Ids 111m sllall kn)1L Mlhing a lso ~ ig na l s its own iconogn lJ)hic history especially tts allu sion to Caspar David Fricdr(h middot$ clllblem tie CrOJS ill Ih

Iounltlills a key work in Grman Roma ntit- dc hIIltg about Iht rela tive fok~ of llIegory and Iandscapc III Erns t as a rl ild er of C ( fman Romil Tlli t~ i~ ltl

would re U 1Il 10 these wpie in his la ndsca pe pai nLings aga in and again Crr)JI ill 111 t1ollll oinf is a lso shadowed by a t( Xl n passage from Ludwig T icck 5 allcgorital novel Fran SI-illbaMr 11middot(lIULmmgrll (J i 98 ) Jnom

26(j ) middot1 ~BImiddot rH ) T I d 1

60 I 1m c (lislt uW(1 Iht twn l1 t timiddot itl~gcry at t~ ngl h ill M~lt Emi l middotI ht 1IJdw(UtI1iJliI

SnllrJ 11 a i - l OCIshy87 Uml middotn o Ero diilltu~ 1he rdu iolll I)( twu h~rn 1l l k svrn lgtol- 1Il in which middotevcry middot~pr ion is a (nignlll hal middotk runlwt ~mgma middot and ~Jr n cconltlructimiddote ~nlys3 as in lini l~

defendJ in middot(n limited scmi III d rili in T ht Ib oJ hllffpWalio Ill n -I--j

fI8 smiddot cJ(m~ (l h W ocn rn ~I( Jaru F~d nnd It ~b1J ~f I muigat ~cw U and Lvndon 1 99lt)~ Karin V()n ~llo lJr ntel thO rrl ll nf (~$7 In 1M -WOIIIIIgt 10 Ern middot lUUlI1 OmJ~(Ilt1 III middotMao b ns l a Rvmlll1ic~m middot M n Enul A Rtl~pnl~ ~ I Werner Spict l t omlo 199 1)

I II~ ~7 K d~ K cunn~k Iuhf rvtJh IM~Io~ fj lt-1IJVdt r gtn leI

dllrf Kgt(hHIZ I ~ l

8iJ bull 1gtlt I g T irk Fwn~ SlmNt11b

11 middotJn~(n Hmt ~ lldIcAt (mll1~hlt

~I lj(h gt)6I ~ p gtgII

J) ~ee 11 0 ~bn lagtlt I Allqlr)

oflrlllll$iol)middot PI 6- 7r lhr dhl1 l1lt IK hr omlll~1 d(h nlll(11 (III ud h ~

ltill u~Jui ncall y I ~nd lor thillgt IcJ rly 1rs ign~II ~lId Impic ddinlun ul rourrlS luch as li lliemiddot h I(ll no h hI l (~ Ii lt mcill ~ tur middotC)middot ll la IIllt-SIKn a (1(11011bullbull 1 H turn jn I(raquolt ru lUI lTnp ~~i 1g ~1 I r

roukl hi ~r~lJ od tlbull ( Ihi Ik nrngt i~ made lllcmllll UKOf)~ Fr ~cl7rh c r) hMd lU lOll ~ Il ili K r nger through $1(middot togt tI ohjrl i( lria 10 judiCII

91 - GltQ rl 6atai llt Solr a ll~middot Fis rif fXt~s SI_rlJ I Im~~ P7 t)39lli

113 $Iodd Minapo l ~Jl lp XIV

1 lt1 6 12 ioIar ~nu p IJ Halaillits 1Qcom )Ir rollinS (m Ih bullrf r lw ~Ml h [ ~ [ I llt imal(vfltouinuous mC l~lor]lh mal p l y i1a d l5ori llJOII lOr tllti M the locornoriH r ltI hl$l)ry lt]uOI(d in aUT

III-rljolmirgt (r SdiJ 1 rlrHn-1 n- I irl 1974 p 1 ~3

illcidcn t the youn g a rtisl F ra il i~ st ru ck by a pa iming llr a l be scc~ in a hn lll it lUll a IlOCIlIIIMI lan dstltl pc ill wh ich a cr ucifix Ull a hiJl i ~ illll m ishy

na llti by IltI ) S o f moonlight The he rm it ex plains Ihat tilt crucifi is a po inte FingcI7cig ) to Ilw ~pjri lu d wurld beyond the faJ lc n world of lla tu n T o Franr ~ o bse na lioll O ne cou ld ca ll th i IMint ing an a lkgor)

the IIn ln il answers All an is JIlt-go rict IIoJ

T IH middotFingcrJeig iI) Ixpbli necl by th e h~rrn it to F ranz S lt rnbald point s not o nly to Iht spiri tlla l but also 10 thlmiddot pr (~cllce of J ll egor~ iblf As a li ter indlx a sho wi ng ha nd o r jJ ~ i l1ting fi n~cr tht Fingerrig i ~ a ~ tJplf

or i Ihlems II is Oimi larly In ade li ter1i b) -l a x E rn)1 t du slig ma tied ha ncl f1 oatin~ in f r OTH of th e lt ruci fi xiOthl~ middot prinM I ~NtJ I Herc it indicates linmiddotth er bu t not Im llscc ndCIH [l)callings90 In E r ll st s painti ng lh t ROlllit lll ics cruci fi x lS alkgori la l poin hr to a hig her nal rn sim ilarly

i tl n l c~ a landscape of d a rk Illowltai ns a nd il eawnly fil ) S IHl I fur the

COltj UIl Cl ivlI o f redemp ti ve c ru cifix a nd ill urnin at iug SUUS(t in Fricclricbmiddots pa inting o r truci ft x and moonlil-h t in Tillkmiddot O novel Ern$[ dark ly ~J bs l it uLes

copulat ing limbs and the bloc ked rays o f a IUllar refipSt Ermls lmiddott nblema tic painting alt Frifeirich s had don ra i se~ p r0 1Jicms or

cnTlIl lllporar) a lkgory When G lf)rges Aatai ll e- turned tn alr-IItm ica l )slIllllng in 192 7 he did so in I( rm~ that almamp t com icH) m im i Ernst s d csul Itmiddot c lltra ilmiddotfilled landscapt 1111 earth middotcovtrtd wi th vuk anOIs hich SltJoT a~ iLs a n us is driven in iL~ rota tion by lhe male ~ha rt ]l tlttraling 1 1 11~

laquomiddotma l- alllJ a lmost t lIl irely (merg ing ill o rder 10 ree n tcr like Ih( piston~ of ~ 100o mo ivl

JI i~ the 1Ilf(ha nical Oll ll)il ltion n(] t ll morm t inn~ of thes mOtmcn t ~ Ihat th~ ak htmists soll~h t 1 I hI philosoJlJ t ~ ~IU Ilt ~

This nWfhJlist jlmiddot cop ulatiu 11 hudcsqu e~ t he vmiddotn ji) UIIl1n ioli o f allegory th e

ltlnagogir 11 wrh of r() rrcsponden(c~ and rtmiddotst ]tlbl a nct~ lIlt middotcopula that li~

one thi ng- 10 a noth n ill lang ua te all Cl witt g ) 11 thin) to be visibly co nnCfted Ha lai lk s a llcgvrical luvers will mve r fi nd ilnythi ng but parrxlic i magc~ l11d Ih ey will [ Il l asieltp l ~ empty a ~ mirrun Wh en En tail k

fu rther GlUs lically mcdita ted Oil the gno~ tic roo ts Llj Hegel ia n ism in Ll)ll~

ma teria li smt c t Ie g nllst ( 1930) p ropus in g a k~ l abili ing hcadl es~


a J1q~ory tha i would elimuatt aJl h ilTardlic11 ~ ~ t C IllS of rdtn lllc indud ing ~implistic rcv( lltals or blst ll ld idea l o r CXq-lt1l 111 llt1 1 lnrl ltlcrUllcn lll he wa addrtR~jng is)llc$ irnpJiL it in Of Ihis men lInll knOll IWlllillf 91 H ()wcvcr heelIlsl Erns l middot ~ all egory ( nds to Ill p a ll)l it i( depcnds on just ~ll (h illvcrshy

~j ()m ilnd reve rsals of hig1 and low Old is a t a re mov from Btl taillcs infla111ll1110ry ()I)f ll-f llded hd lltaded en terprise

E nHl$ im ages a re often d riven by this undermining of thcir (IW ll sourn-s of lJowc r fcp lescnliug hotb II((i r own ~ la luS a nd i1lSIlfjicilIHy OrtCll they

assu me tht appearallce of (lnhkrlls wh ich as concieusetf o r short lr and ig ll ~ of aUTho rit y ~a n c ti fi ~d by t rld ilion art disrupted hy Ewstmiddot~ illtruio n of thc n ltllll r 1 LIld ~e)( u t l rhc n dllcti t middoti~ua l 11I11ouage or cmhlcms lcnd~ t o ltlrd hrogaliun 111(1 fimiddotag11lClltlliun Ih ich LntSl n alu raJiz~s likening Ihe Sllll1X of fj middotrgnWlll3 Iioll 10 (lperatjoT1~ (lil lbe hod y lt bull rile tru ncalLu pa riS a Ird Ii 1111 ~~ or Of IhiJ lien shall know Iohing arg uauly J u clc 10 th t ~ceri ng lIId te lldt n liou~

reconstruniom of tht e mhknjs [anllJage o r aut hori ty a rClruc luring of Ihc

sy mknloche lim hs a lrcldy prnelH in v i ~l1 emblems Througbout his canlt r Ems would dltriV( double prestige flOlll disrupting lhe COJlv(middotnlions of hOl h a rl a nd li tcrJ fl1l middotf iro lliing his au thoriaJ role as bot h a rlis and poel Emblelll s a rC1 ft lilc ground fur ~uch opT3tions k ndi ll g tlwm~clvu 0 ditorshylil)m or he reci prxa lIldi(a tion s or eX T lIld image which anmiddot Ihe STarling

point nfalJ tgory

Ac kn o wled gement

S l l i(j ll~ of thilt papa H r( pncn l(d a~ Ielt tlJT(~ iI conjullclinn il l Max Em~I

rc ll1(nary ehiiJninm Ihe RnlJ ncl 1(nr()X Memorial JccUrc U Il l T a(middot ( )11)

(1(11 middotmff A Ul IrIJJf(ct ll ItJ91 -J) lI lId II M 01 i (Ilal pound7110 O(lff( 11111 Ihr Duwn oj

hguw middot 11lt~ ~ 111lgtltlorHr hnwltim ltr (10( lOH 9

ll G~1 1 1~ l k 9Jo 1Iy tnillcril ilm 01 11l()oSn bullbull n uollgt ~f fj(w ll 11 52 amp0- M l=nmiddot w middotn I rltult~ ~ rKumrnt d ~ 1 ~ her IkuJamin a~ flll~ (ltI by II~Ilt ml II ~nljsL in rn 8 to auK 1 1~middot ul~r l an L~n ur Silllplilll ~I bat ~ J Ilrl~1U

rell t huugh r he dmiddotIIrymclll of d~lthi IiLinl( pmiddot(hootvtic laquogto ep tgt url ~ s Ielcnnimmo tm r1m~crltt ~m gteJmlt IImntllw I l middot~fI Rll1Ifl1l twlllv Imis ~f )m(alUl lin(I~I illrrkdtmiddoty u An~lc

M IAlodlt 91l 11)) U[ i -l lt)1 - I lt-nd ubstmiddotmiddotmiddot- rht Ire rn~l i u Ul uf Illor lt1 Fm~ (J Ii i fnuc lr Crlt Ihl1 t ho- lifl ugtd rmiddot]m of poundrnsl middot~

lIuc nod ilmhil(1)omh g(ndcrltl h gtvlnL ~ n rh mo (h hypcrholic

Dio cjOCulH1o11 orsl) rl-d~n jm1tf(cry1gt il dO(lt i lli fmltle ~aC11l nr [[00lt1 orgmiddotoonldltG1IHllion al 11 0( Immigt ufth aULhOl tlgt hi~ E rol$L is aJlj~1 llIh GltltX B tll lltmiddot hnnlcnz ~u nf llcg) 11gt1$(111 (~I L ory 111-1 111 in middotSoI ant S l ~r fter u ~1Jtn in capl1on i ndirat~

oJ ddo-nce I n nn SPIf (lIKI

r nn1h~r nd sigi ~ L k Ma~ middotrn1 O~f IllOJ ob middotCologne 9i)- ) in uch fll nh(r ifnrm~lin ( laquo(mns I r ~lO ( C ~d locatiOIl may bc tu

il(ure 29 Em1 OJ I middotun shall (Mil

-h~~ 9 f SLl 63middot C 1 Ernni I IJtI 11uJSODRAC (MlHHrc~j l


S1Irrwlism 9lt)3 ) J 11m gl~Hdn l for lho ltc o pport uui l itl 10 (Olls ider Erns to l roCesso r

CI i~ toll wr Crn middotlI ImfCi J oh n Gl)ldi uS Prorr~Ylr Willillll Cmfi~kl and the

11 011 Fod a tio 10 11middoti r va middot i)l1 ~ lt1 g middotn n)lCgt d vicc I 11olIIk Sllzar rl c Ak bari

r l d~(f l)cre nhI Joyn GOKl(i n E rhan Jd l Kavalc lmiddot and M E Vnr lic k

Page 24: Only Half Saying It Ernst SCAN

Pcrriercs le( nlllcludes tha t ma rc marvellous Ihan all Y of Ihc~t lll ylhic creatures middot vu lrl bt Ull(- fem me sans leu Ihe One figure who cou ld prcSurnshyably em bod y a ll hybr id mean ings in one ~ llcc in (t blll meani ngless fo rm La lclTiCr~ crnhlem may be an allegory of lhe cjlem ma of rht PO(I UIIHl Lnned hy his middot iivll~ hu l need ing 10 be a )H roi( d eca pitator a rer~(lI ~

aluivalc1l1 T hl ngrt l1a ble mora l conclusio n of La Perri eres poem is tha i woman Ilccds a guidc a ra tional hCltld a nl ltln lax pound rllst71

O n one occuion irr IAI FtnllU 100 liles Ernsl himself appearS (fi gure 13 1 III Loplop and the mouse s horoscope M attCrs or desliny fa lc a nd horoscope- are a sta ple ur emblclIl li te rat ure middotf he imge is pan of a n embleshymat ic (radiliv) in vhich caged creatures slam] ror lht ca ptivi lY and sull t ring of tIlt poel or lo (r (fig ure 24)1) Em Sl i~ agen t and nO l ca ptive 01 flt ltc however Ba n-dle~lcd he may be (rt l ra~ rfli hen a~ ltlll odur pcr~nll a uf Ihe multi-valc lll woman he carries the d isGmlrd cinllus of th at stock haraCllr of l lk gOry the haUd resscd woman RUI he holds onto h i~ hal (Ihich unlike the he-ad Ill ay be lakcn on and of 1 ) and thu s retaim for himself Ihe powcrful masculine role of the head Erusl appea ring in persOIl wilhin his tollage 110d signn ls his SWIUS as a ll-controlling novelist or em hleshymatist d lOS(middot c lvnga lcd hand CH n pluck thr- mouse Out of il s ordaiucd palh al a n) tim t Ernsl l$ a llcgorisl should Iw SitultlHd in the trdi liun ofparod ic nuvc isg incl udilg Ka lldais Charles Sorcl J cln -Pa ul R idlter and TIlOlIllS Stcrne whose work relies 0 11 a Jlet0ry to ironi ( it ~ own d tviccs~

hllur~ )~ rouU gt lt 11 Ierricn middot1 _ Fe 0lt ~Iemiddot bb(om xv Lt middotfhIQII( au flu OlU 539middot

7 t t- rr middotm i ~hlllkeuoImiddot(gtr I ~

E ts alP-1m~ ad 10 III unJinn~ Ih t middothltmiddot ~11 ome hmiddot Igill~ o nly in o 1 oj Ihem ~e ltor pmpcrl) nmn~(tcd IIgt Illfi r 1middototls tT j inllny ITrI 5I t 01 SIJ Iijt I-i 1 Ynr I)U

1middot9 i ~ Thmiddot tllmiddotd 111I)Ult if) Iro p O JPC~Il

lciII otld ~rqJlOxIUmiddotlmiddotd in I) middot~(on( ~t j oolgt C~~ middot i ~poliJ t

gtj)(lli lont tmiddotC I 111 (apia I)n1

[mill ) MUftIM~ Alh dt 11((-111

fAmSIrd I 7~ (l Damel Hcin~iul

Q I ~lD 1~J i Jm I-oIo bullt ) fo r lupid (gtIllide h ase Md P C t 1)(1middot Imbl~w tryU 1l~rd~m 6 rmiddotlmulcd Pdmburgh bulln7l) fcr Cil~rrl bini ~e ncr (Inllri ) aud cupid with ( ~cd ~uinrl 70 T ho $(lrnHmhurv au C hr[ So middotI JlhT rparodir novel a nd IIlkgori(O ( h anw rl ttlnIHomaM)

ealled iIllOIltSlion mi(Ic rda liou pc bnl(lIagc and III(Ialhor Sorer IA llalJM df ] i1Jbullbull d rih inl( illtolI (IU~1

~ ~ hltgt~d nn peI middotrh gl1_ rhlemiddot Jta~middotlIIg lt1 word altgtCUo ns loped J) hc PUWK middot~u du nall iJ a JrcLuIXlT r rnmiddot i~ ileJ[laquoIU311Dt~s 5lt ( hI M rd u II ~ 1f(J n1~ (Pn_ (pI rcpri lro Cmiddotneva I In) I II calte oflh coU~ lt rImmiddote1i trn auhial IU-altAO Pli middotuJarly ho hOj( mlhlt (crmA n KumlIi J~- lJul Ridner middotbose H)15 ltt Imiddot) hd raquoPlltkd I nnch IlIor41)middot all(nlion ~d Ih adlDlI-llluU o(j (l ll Ia l h ~ and Atdtt ISr~lt)n middotIltmiddot wen 11 Y lr1nd lrlIlt I io lfj~ ln-I HI Kichllr$ nmlk a lllorio rI narruvlts I U ( muhIImiddot l oice IUd idrmiu(l SU)tgjOgtjl

Jm~(1 I(dnn lues Ihe T j l aIS lisr of nI I~ImiddotrJ1 puion of his nilId I$n

ort o(lXlI EI ~ 111lt he r1l lo h-ough Ihe quouditn _orld in JAIrun(

1M IbN ~~ t altga rtl H ale II ~f

Olxron SdiOQlj Afi1)ullu 1)~ 1nil 91) and Claulk jich i I middotmJ~ lit 71~-I fJJJ1 (~ J(IIU l~ MIjalllUt llnt 1963

I ~urc 3 M~ ~ rnst middot[plol 1 ii(

uy hor)s(ol In 0 1(1lt lila

9~9 SI1 1st II rlduL~t Igty ponniion [r I~I (II I n T oronto Rampn-oce Lbr~ry

17 Osk P(lltak lkr hcmige ud I Ioliphilw Ir~ J ldK 1 tA(rifll~ UlIll A KvI~m~b(

191111431 Ii for h~ Qfih lok hUllIuand Irlnlt[1gt HI(lIMlultin Pp~tl cd Gm P U md LUCla A

Cil)pom (Idu ~I fl - Lrw ~lIfsk) r~frrnl o Rtlla~nCt Nlt)middotpl aJJojonn~

xt ufpopular ga m ltco mparabk 10 vulgn plmiddotd n I~j middotNllatomc ilocltb III ~kgtr~c( ud Norh I al) Ul Sl~d It 1(middottI~l i lew York 972) p 1 1) i~ 1 I 1)QoinofdlSlllcIllOcrtlt in

he I[TIlI mtd~ 1 er(l~ lll1cgo~ I RUI~ JlnlJJ( i~ p l lrll l~rJ r r(Ie 10 rn( mltlll(j in 111 1middot( IIlI) lil() 110 ( Ihe tMLion of~~Irn wel of N~ro dlrnwwcJiinli oflus md i I h )

iod)e he ocau t ~ Qf hcr lionl iU od nrnliltrsmiddot and lu JltO lo( It(f lone he wa concelvcd are ofpITlkuLu i l~ $

nplt(illl~ sitlclt lhry fill fn lt1 ~ b~l~ dWUI ntmmg lid ]altuale s Uvid f

1luI 1 Sr lt1 (l i l1lcmbtrmcfll bo-hlrd On8 lUI dl Romoon or d~ RQII( III RtUtiulIamp lIteR all rk 14 ~ I ~I l ffl(ll( RIIon ~I i rw] d ja II UOI IhiJadclphlltl (992 ) Pl

30 0 jlllnn tQlran ltk M cu ~ k NIn I fa ~ rm Illjo to 970 $tt

II tIf M Arde ll 1 h( Wfllan d I~ (1I 1e

~ Iw wIlJ IJlblQgrap~~ (N~ i and 110 111(93)

Ik Clo rillunc Hclt cl I wny ltImiddotn ud kit I I a~ KInr ~ rbull pJra bull 01 lor lum~ all gklt amI r~rman I (Ik mi IIulltlin 74 1lt)921 pp II I gt

Er ns ts prpuhioll of die r mb1em illlage inlo I 11lt1r rnivl seque nce (an al~ l

be si1u3led in niltlI io n I() Ihe illuSlri1cd Renaissance alkgory hieh ~ ltlS an lInpo nan t SOll r( li)r all sli bsequen l crnl1cm atisLS Colo II Tl i HYJllrtOlfmlfldljn

Poliphilii7 I t I)tsin witll a d r() 111 alltl i ll middotu l v (~ endkss nCliphtr lll(n l o f environm ents a nd obj((ls th ilt rc~onall throughout EIIlSI 1 0Uale Ilods d lboraldy symholic gardcm IIl WluC r ums h icrgl~ ph s 1 st atile or 1n d~pha nt Ill th it incidC llt5 (Perscus bchead ing of Innt htr 1(1I1 n1lt Slt1n ~

[C tc yled us ) ltlil t lhe tr i u rnph ~ of va rious gods li nd ll1coulH cr~ wil h fcma le pcrsonifiC4l io ns such ltIS Iht middotfi lmiddot lgtCIlSIS ofd wlTI E rll ~ L s 1i]1lnw 100 [ClcS IS A porli liant Cl U pcrsli fiettion Colonnas n )d g llmorizccl

lHroiciztd ll1d narralivized int t lp rt lal iull knd i n~ il ~ Ilr 1 g-lttmcs of m ea nings like v illga r pS~fhoa nalys is If [ rlisl realkgorits till tlIlda rd allcgorYil~-ltl n I1 Il then he dut~ so in way~ lha t preclude HI high mora l or iludlcctua l positions n (sting thc psychomarhia with lttil C)Imiddot 10 p~ychomiddot ltt l ml) q s tu rn ing Ihl Stnsua l cneha nt Hwnts ot snluctivc ~cI4 p i( middot(lS to qtlcasil UIIIla lizcd violcllt ltlud sexual d tSires I il lra r surreali sm IBre(on lIdia

Aragon s PIY5(1II dr Puns) could rel y un the sca AoJd i n~ and d evin s of allegoric - t he d ream vi~ion ) th l peri pau t ic li n o mo in~ 1hroug h a Lil y of m ysterio us (lbjCClS 1l101lum~II IS a nd (I)couiliers I hl~ W I)I11 lt11 1 uf Ill u ta bk idenlilY references 10 OIIHr works of arl and lillfa tlll t nd Soon t rnsa also d eploys the devlrc-s of literary a nd pk lOria l allegury dndging 1I 0 t only emblem bouks but ahl) die g rea t lite rary dkg(lric~ liorn tlw RomfI fir n (0)(

to Colunna to Novcli s lIlcl jieltkl

C hristia ne fi end in lro r key st ud ) ofmodlit lisl a lkgory has argUId thaI Err1~t relinq ui$ h (~ hi s a u tho ria l a ut hori lY in 111 F rllllllt J ()() l i l( allowing hi~

1111lgCS a rad ica l inck ptmiddotnclcnnmiddotp II cUl lld 1( arlued r Ol1v I-dy Ihlt

EflIH pa rod y fu netion~ in a n opposil(middot ay tha i Ir i~ wrc nching or imilL~ oul of l ll tmiddotir Mig- inal 1 )lI tex l ~ i~ a n 1gt 111 iw ill asserting ah~olutc and arbitra l) cuntrol OIr Ih( mh rial Ernst s images Id ) 011 re11l na nl ~ ofl hci

r igi lIa l Ill lltllli ns and los t tQllVCll ional contegt llgt ill hich I he) er( meant

tJen E ADEM c AN TI L NA ~--~--------------T~ ~~

to hi ( lcdihh il luslmt i)M vI S( ll tiic d evt l oprne nL~ na tural phcllomclla lr ltg- il t ric k ~ or rq)l( )(ll((i()f ~ IJf wrh Ifart l a lld lhis al o nce aJlo l~ his (1 11 man ings 10 SCIlll irraLio li a l and lilcral cd a ll d 11 the ~am c limc 10 be c lI npktdy su hjugald U) lht ve ry lI ovell) a nd allom a ly of thcrr tnvironshynlt ll l 1111 a~e lnl )l cd tiag llH l lts o f Ernsts cullages a lT n~ idual evidloCe of tl w Iulhor ily tu UIt Hilli CIII m Clo ll YJlJic pow(J or lite and dealh

arg lla bly IllI very I ppl)~ i t e ufCUI Li l ig loo~e or sellin g liTe

I n his 1l illaI Ilm II~ Enl L l o 1ll111i t lt synLacli cal rape tiXl uctlllg Y()Illll

fru m ti ll eO lltc 1 ()( ~I I joulll als Il K) il ion rt pn~ in whidr 511( represhy

l1t(O popu lar p a int iJlgs cflg ravltl ( r nJa~s a udiences I n I ll s u r k sh e

may 1 1llhOirl y mct unymic hssi pl i (l ll~ or II H ull ing hut ~It ~middot al so rCjJfCSClIb

E tn~ l s own lonir 10111 1 tn CUI and asipn rk~ a h it p in l piaYIT lilCI lIy a ppea ri ng ill hibH WI mi g h l also ~ lJ Spcc l Erns l of viciously

i te ra ling nin( lcclllh-nIl LUry lh eor ies r Ih e cmpall ric ~yOllJ 1 lt1 ~ lhe ( 1111)l)lliIrwl1l or our OWII pir yif1 lllrcqJl i ns J I u ~t~ his all tgtgory of sigm r1i ~od lItd from pir y~kal rdrll l ~ prClieiy as a fi eld in whi c h to dj~ru pshy

tivd ) i lllt rjtcl th l OCtasifHlal irY PlCIilicaUy d(plo yed rull ~ym bol with iL~ supposed ltlli lY illl i L~ rciirenl c jJre~ell tcJ by the 1)(J(h of l he Ilom an 1n the eli (k~ Ch a nTS chap lc r a l thl e nd Ill Url~ Smwiu de lfm f a fi gulc flmini s(nt or Fortuna noats ill Ihe air gTad ua lly li-cc ing

h (r~(lrorlllr a llrihulls ()f whcci Ild ~ i l (fig un 1) 11 t lihCra li ol1 Sill ce Fort un a luore It tuall ) hfCOnHS hrr wh(ei mi nl1ll il by htT l1nlr ed bac k ltIS an h Yllleric and l lso be(on H~ h cr sail hlo wn throug h lhc ~k y her

It rib utes cOIl in ue to be co nSl raining Ind pn middotMmiddotlIt a bsorbed ililu her bud y and gestu res sugg(q illg tht am hig uolls 1l lIratiom a nUrd (] 10

oma n by Max Ernst8t E IIISIS USf or h is maltri11 r(li~ o n Ihe inhc rl1I1 bililY or ollhgory l(o

rtal k go liltmiddot T radit iona ll y rlallcgo riwl ioll ltrllnnl a profan t I(x t or till past 10 h( as assimi la ted in w a n acccp lt hlc y~tlm f moral va JUIs (Vi rg il s

FSllIr( ~4 DlIIid Il cU$ius Emblrm(1Q liqoIAM I lKkn 161 5_

8 _ s~ Ili k Rot R iAamp Rm(

~d lhr jd I~Q~ ()PfigtiL ICbrid and Nrw Yrk 1991-deg flt -lt middotmiQlif - Iha l Inko 2 olll1Q f)f on_ B ~ h lth Rampk]o nxcnl

lUal of Wafbuf(t Iho l1h l in Irrm

01 th ROmMlIl( ymLgtoI unil) f ud dcrem 1 I OPpogtlti IO lI~ry

( hrpertI_~ ~~crnn f ltI s diS300C ialed fro I nfrro1 I i Rob- ~h(fempl l h lrmiddotplio)J Iheon pmiddotI) U lelkI1 pn~uen apphnl tk 1ltgt ~msl tSpltcirJI ) in I ~s pogtr

t uitwc1 Ihron ltl _ Iuh w R l loy rum symbol 10 Ilkfurv Ahr WH) i~

I r- hi Rd I~ 9971 pp ~ 6 R - [hr R iL [[ ul n has ro n Iholt u l

I hru~Ir iuI O) the unk o n wh re laquogtn~ ol Ir~cdm Pfnar p_ ~ 1I1

B I S~( Thn 11 Kclk~ Rmnwtlme Hlqo for tillt applicll ble ~ of In t allctUlxal wun lorn (e ee aUraCUOl) d ll r lnla$ 11 ltI- illual suctched l ~ lI l i Ihi [K w1ir

ltlc 1(o ~dukd from lClion and hj~llt) ry

bu sgt( f)1 g Ihe n -rgt d s he

cmand p Sr Th~ro i 1 or~1 1ltl io of witel )-r tr r lt~ltoI 1gt 1 mln m~y 1- takc -lt lIl rlaphO)f Ruolnlr E Kun1i S rrooti d I js(~ and R o l~rl llolI - n ~prknjo(

illo fo-k-J t] air ltli_ r II

fmiddotm lc (lITe) i SHlrJm and 11 010lt1 II A tw~ Rdolf t Kucn7li and Gwe Ra l~rt ICambllJgc l1i I99I) PPmiddotJt alld S T Imiddot lo ockiu Em ilS or ~ oflC n Ii mCIgttIraquoHgt1 dqI)eJ In ~ h a w~r Ihl 11 CIOI li meu Ulcrlgthunc~ Jly In 1- Riu d~~r

(MIIft~ q~1 lIOuilil ~w Carmd nr Imjlt Igtarod egt t~lcX fatlo~ ~al

jgtuu lJ rtut I(rl) IJ t 1ra 8 Ihemiddot Ie ~IgtIi OIl y 1 t ~atnlt11 1lISt llIil le Scl~h) snd amud ~kinl lt hTifingl) lilltrd I Iht~ ill IH rroh meal fur lo~ l i~ lone rol1 ~middot

l~diqlJr$ mlldr 1111) Hr)(tT) I

r~rn(rl i 1ltgt Ihe hwwir jlgt]al~ el~ hcll

il1lh( l1ltrvrl

(1 IS 1IX lrngtl 1 SmIltllN d amp 193i 0 Max Erllsl 1iI)AGP Van S()DRiC ( Monlrc~l ) 2f)(l(1

l )n IIC Ilupon Of Ih allraf R~~ru 11 (1 I 1$I~ Lolhu I -hr I J~ middotIn Rp jhd bd 11hII hI p HI

Fourh RetI a~ II I( milling of Chris l O vid l l-lrfall(Irphorrr lllorali7cd In

lmJOlIls such h J Hoh CI~ the trials of the lo ver could lJe rca 1go ricd a~ Clll hlnll~ of Chri sia n ~ u(fe ring ltInc co nrilltll cc Ernst reverses tlw prol(~S

dc- morali - ng a llegories In 7 110 dlidren 1IIII1fI(ld ~I (j 1I~lthtillg(h (fig ure zfi ) Frnst lak es U middotidilI1 IIIc(lrlJorphi rape (G anIlH-ci (S ta ~lc Phi lo mcl as

nighting-uk) oul of its repose in spirit ua lizing me taph or as ill (k Kellnincks landscape in h( Wallraf Rir-ha rtz M useu m i ll Cologn( (figure J7 ) ()j emulems sl ch as Hat1idorlhr s in which lit ra pe of Ganymede is rfJllcgoried as the sou ls I ~CIIH lo Cod ( figure 28 )83 Ernst rc t urTl~ Ihnr lo d leir Tl)n l ~ ill ~cx ual viok IlC( hi (h in tu rn S[ ltlnd~ ror the revcnibk hltrU a mi a mbiguous g-round underpinning the provtrh t ln bl cm or allegory

Equally td ling is Enl~ts d ia~rammui( ada platio n or h(rme lic emh lemata in O this mIll rIIIlI kll )w rlO lh lllg 1924 ) I II the paintillg ami II

tIle pl)cm w ri tte n on thl had (a parudy of Ihe oJllo()gical ~ylllhII S Il I I

fi~u r~ 26 Ernl I fUtJ1 mnlilwi ~ II

lllhlmCiJl 191 1 S(1 66I C 1 - r 1 D (t risI ~OI)KC J vumiddot~l l j


th e Hmrfll fd Table of H crrn(~ Trisrn egistu s) Ermt reallt~orlZ(middot ~ the hermetic ~ym bulis ll1 of the nlilrual lini li7atioll of d ivine and cit rddy IS a Freudian middotprinwl scene of gigantic li m b~ and scmiddotx ual pa rtgt Both pa imi ng md puem become rcpr(sntltHion ~ oC the unfu lfill ed n vi ~nging of a n such thing In Ernq s vcrsion the Oedipal a nd Ihe gnolt1l ic an oronc frustratccl substance ltlnd (be power oftbe allegories of h enl1tticism ltIhbaiisrn and aklHmy lies in perpetual d ef( lrd of the d tsircd gol J tl6 Ernst ~ emblem fllnc tioll s more

b roadly illi a scq gtt icai fi gu ration of tht a bil it y of images lO represen t hal IS envi $ioncd or desired in dicating Ihal a ll $lI h em blems ct n only he a sun0 fH l flIT hatt middotcr one an t ~ to know attl in o r rcprcsen Lft7

OJ (Ids 111m sllall kn)1L Mlhing a lso ~ ig na l s its own iconogn lJ)hic history especially tts allu sion to Caspar David Fricdr(h middot$ clllblem tie CrOJS ill Ih

Iounltlills a key work in Grman Roma ntit- dc hIIltg about Iht rela tive fok~ of llIegory and Iandscapc III Erns t as a rl ild er of C ( fman Romil Tlli t~ i~ ltl

would re U 1Il 10 these wpie in his la ndsca pe pai nLings aga in and again Crr)JI ill 111 t1ollll oinf is a lso shadowed by a t( Xl n passage from Ludwig T icck 5 allcgorital novel Fran SI-illbaMr 11middot(lIULmmgrll (J i 98 ) Jnom

26(j ) middot1 ~BImiddot rH ) T I d 1

60 I 1m c (lislt uW(1 Iht twn l1 t timiddot itl~gcry at t~ ngl h ill M~lt Emi l middotI ht 1IJdw(UtI1iJliI

SnllrJ 11 a i - l OCIshy87 Uml middotn o Ero diilltu~ 1he rdu iolll I)( twu h~rn 1l l k svrn lgtol- 1Il in which middotevcry middot~pr ion is a (nignlll hal middotk runlwt ~mgma middot and ~Jr n cconltlructimiddote ~nlys3 as in lini l~

defendJ in middot(n limited scmi III d rili in T ht Ib oJ hllffpWalio Ill n -I--j

fI8 smiddot cJ(m~ (l h W ocn rn ~I( Jaru F~d nnd It ~b1J ~f I muigat ~cw U and Lvndon 1 99lt)~ Karin V()n ~llo lJr ntel thO rrl ll nf (~$7 In 1M -WOIIIIIgt 10 Ern middot lUUlI1 OmJ~(Ilt1 III middotMao b ns l a Rvmlll1ic~m middot M n Enul A Rtl~pnl~ ~ I Werner Spict l t omlo 199 1)

I II~ ~7 K d~ K cunn~k Iuhf rvtJh IM~Io~ fj lt-1IJVdt r gtn leI

dllrf Kgt(hHIZ I ~ l

8iJ bull 1gtlt I g T irk Fwn~ SlmNt11b

11 middotJn~(n Hmt ~ lldIcAt (mll1~hlt

~I lj(h gt)6I ~ p gtgII

J) ~ee 11 0 ~bn lagtlt I Allqlr)

oflrlllll$iol)middot PI 6- 7r lhr dhl1 l1lt IK hr omlll~1 d(h nlll(11 (III ud h ~

ltill u~Jui ncall y I ~nd lor thillgt IcJ rly 1rs ign~II ~lId Impic ddinlun ul rourrlS luch as li lliemiddot h I(ll no h hI l (~ Ii lt mcill ~ tur middotC)middot ll la IIllt-SIKn a (1(11011bullbull 1 H turn jn I(raquolt ru lUI lTnp ~~i 1g ~1 I r

roukl hi ~r~lJ od tlbull ( Ihi Ik nrngt i~ made lllcmllll UKOf)~ Fr ~cl7rh c r) hMd lU lOll ~ Il ili K r nger through $1(middot togt tI ohjrl i( lria 10 judiCII

91 - GltQ rl 6atai llt Solr a ll~middot Fis rif fXt~s SI_rlJ I Im~~ P7 t)39lli

113 $Iodd Minapo l ~Jl lp XIV

1 lt1 6 12 ioIar ~nu p IJ Halaillits 1Qcom )Ir rollinS (m Ih bullrf r lw ~Ml h [ ~ [ I llt imal(vfltouinuous mC l~lor]lh mal p l y i1a d l5ori llJOII lOr tllti M the locornoriH r ltI hl$l)ry lt]uOI(d in aUT

III-rljolmirgt (r SdiJ 1 rlrHn-1 n- I irl 1974 p 1 ~3

illcidcn t the youn g a rtisl F ra il i~ st ru ck by a pa iming llr a l be scc~ in a hn lll it lUll a IlOCIlIIIMI lan dstltl pc ill wh ich a cr ucifix Ull a hiJl i ~ illll m ishy

na llti by IltI ) S o f moonlight The he rm it ex plains Ihat tilt crucifi is a po inte FingcI7cig ) to Ilw ~pjri lu d wurld beyond the faJ lc n world of lla tu n T o Franr ~ o bse na lioll O ne cou ld ca ll th i IMint ing an a lkgor)

the IIn ln il answers All an is JIlt-go rict IIoJ

T IH middotFingcrJeig iI) Ixpbli necl by th e h~rrn it to F ranz S lt rnbald point s not o nly to Iht spiri tlla l but also 10 thlmiddot pr (~cllce of J ll egor~ iblf As a li ter indlx a sho wi ng ha nd o r jJ ~ i l1ting fi n~cr tht Fingerrig i ~ a ~ tJplf

or i Ihlems II is Oimi larly In ade li ter1i b) -l a x E rn)1 t du slig ma tied ha ncl f1 oatin~ in f r OTH of th e lt ruci fi xiOthl~ middot prinM I ~NtJ I Herc it indicates linmiddotth er bu t not Im llscc ndCIH [l)callings90 In E r ll st s painti ng lh t ROlllit lll ics cruci fi x lS alkgori la l poin hr to a hig her nal rn sim ilarly

i tl n l c~ a landscape of d a rk Illowltai ns a nd il eawnly fil ) S IHl I fur the

COltj UIl Cl ivlI o f redemp ti ve c ru cifix a nd ill urnin at iug SUUS(t in Fricclricbmiddots pa inting o r truci ft x and moonlil-h t in Tillkmiddot O novel Ern$[ dark ly ~J bs l it uLes

copulat ing limbs and the bloc ked rays o f a IUllar refipSt Ermls lmiddott nblema tic painting alt Frifeirich s had don ra i se~ p r0 1Jicms or

cnTlIl lllporar) a lkgory When G lf)rges Aatai ll e- turned tn alr-IItm ica l )slIllllng in 192 7 he did so in I( rm~ that almamp t com icH) m im i Ernst s d csul Itmiddot c lltra ilmiddotfilled landscapt 1111 earth middotcovtrtd wi th vuk anOIs hich SltJoT a~ iLs a n us is driven in iL~ rota tion by lhe male ~ha rt ]l tlttraling 1 1 11~

laquomiddotma l- alllJ a lmost t lIl irely (merg ing ill o rder 10 ree n tcr like Ih( piston~ of ~ 100o mo ivl

JI i~ the 1Ilf(ha nical Oll ll)il ltion n(] t ll morm t inn~ of thes mOtmcn t ~ Ihat th~ ak htmists soll~h t 1 I hI philosoJlJ t ~ ~IU Ilt ~

This nWfhJlist jlmiddot cop ulatiu 11 hudcsqu e~ t he vmiddotn ji) UIIl1n ioli o f allegory th e

ltlnagogir 11 wrh of r() rrcsponden(c~ and rtmiddotst ]tlbl a nct~ lIlt middotcopula that li~

one thi ng- 10 a noth n ill lang ua te all Cl witt g ) 11 thin) to be visibly co nnCfted Ha lai lk s a llcgvrical luvers will mve r fi nd ilnythi ng but parrxlic i magc~ l11d Ih ey will [ Il l asieltp l ~ empty a ~ mirrun Wh en En tail k

fu rther GlUs lically mcdita ted Oil the gno~ tic roo ts Llj Hegel ia n ism in Ll)ll~

ma teria li smt c t Ie g nllst ( 1930) p ropus in g a k~ l abili ing hcadl es~


a J1q~ory tha i would elimuatt aJl h ilTardlic11 ~ ~ t C IllS of rdtn lllc indud ing ~implistic rcv( lltals or blst ll ld idea l o r CXq-lt1l 111 llt1 1 lnrl ltlcrUllcn lll he wa addrtR~jng is)llc$ irnpJiL it in Of Ihis men lInll knOll IWlllillf 91 H ()wcvcr heelIlsl Erns l middot ~ all egory ( nds to Ill p a ll)l it i( depcnds on just ~ll (h illvcrshy

~j ()m ilnd reve rsals of hig1 and low Old is a t a re mov from Btl taillcs infla111ll1110ry ()I)f ll-f llded hd lltaded en terprise

E nHl$ im ages a re often d riven by this undermining of thcir (IW ll sourn-s of lJowc r fcp lescnliug hotb II((i r own ~ la luS a nd i1lSIlfjicilIHy OrtCll they

assu me tht appearallce of (lnhkrlls wh ich as concieusetf o r short lr and ig ll ~ of aUTho rit y ~a n c ti fi ~d by t rld ilion art disrupted hy Ewstmiddot~ illtruio n of thc n ltllll r 1 LIld ~e)( u t l rhc n dllcti t middoti~ua l 11I11ouage or cmhlcms lcnd~ t o ltlrd hrogaliun 111(1 fimiddotag11lClltlliun Ih ich LntSl n alu raJiz~s likening Ihe Sllll1X of fj middotrgnWlll3 Iioll 10 (lperatjoT1~ (lil lbe hod y lt bull rile tru ncalLu pa riS a Ird Ii 1111 ~~ or Of IhiJ lien shall know Iohing arg uauly J u clc 10 th t ~ceri ng lIId te lldt n liou~

reconstruniom of tht e mhknjs [anllJage o r aut hori ty a rClruc luring of Ihc

sy mknloche lim hs a lrcldy prnelH in v i ~l1 emblems Througbout his canlt r Ems would dltriV( double prestige flOlll disrupting lhe COJlv(middotnlions of hOl h a rl a nd li tcrJ fl1l middotf iro lliing his au thoriaJ role as bot h a rlis and poel Emblelll s a rC1 ft lilc ground fur ~uch opT3tions k ndi ll g tlwm~clvu 0 ditorshylil)m or he reci prxa lIldi(a tion s or eX T lIld image which anmiddot Ihe STarling

point nfalJ tgory

Ac kn o wled gement

S l l i(j ll~ of thilt papa H r( pncn l(d a~ Ielt tlJT(~ iI conjullclinn il l Max Em~I

rc ll1(nary ehiiJninm Ihe RnlJ ncl 1(nr()X Memorial JccUrc U Il l T a(middot ( )11)

(1(11 middotmff A Ul IrIJJf(ct ll ItJ91 -J) lI lId II M 01 i (Ilal pound7110 O(lff( 11111 Ihr Duwn oj

hguw middot 11lt~ ~ 111lgtltlorHr hnwltim ltr (10( lOH 9

ll G~1 1 1~ l k 9Jo 1Iy tnillcril ilm 01 11l()oSn bullbull n uollgt ~f fj(w ll 11 52 amp0- M l=nmiddot w middotn I rltult~ ~ rKumrnt d ~ 1 ~ her IkuJamin a~ flll~ (ltI by II~Ilt ml II ~nljsL in rn 8 to auK 1 1~middot ul~r l an L~n ur Silllplilll ~I bat ~ J Ilrl~1U

rell t huugh r he dmiddotIIrymclll of d~lthi IiLinl( pmiddot(hootvtic laquogto ep tgt url ~ s Ielcnnimmo tm r1m~crltt ~m gteJmlt IImntllw I l middot~fI Rll1Ifl1l twlllv Imis ~f )m(alUl lin(I~I illrrkdtmiddoty u An~lc

M IAlodlt 91l 11)) U[ i -l lt)1 - I lt-nd ubstmiddotmiddotmiddot- rht Ire rn~l i u Ul uf Illor lt1 Fm~ (J Ii i fnuc lr Crlt Ihl1 t ho- lifl ugtd rmiddot]m of poundrnsl middot~

lIuc nod ilmhil(1)omh g(ndcrltl h gtvlnL ~ n rh mo (h hypcrholic

Dio cjOCulH1o11 orsl) rl-d~n jm1tf(cry1gt il dO(lt i lli fmltle ~aC11l nr [[00lt1 orgmiddotoonldltG1IHllion al 11 0( Immigt ufth aULhOl tlgt hi~ E rol$L is aJlj~1 llIh GltltX B tll lltmiddot hnnlcnz ~u nf llcg) 11gt1$(111 (~I L ory 111-1 111 in middotSoI ant S l ~r fter u ~1Jtn in capl1on i ndirat~

oJ ddo-nce I n nn SPIf (lIKI

r nn1h~r nd sigi ~ L k Ma~ middotrn1 O~f IllOJ ob middotCologne 9i)- ) in uch fll nh(r ifnrm~lin ( laquo(mns I r ~lO ( C ~d locatiOIl may bc tu

il(ure 29 Em1 OJ I middotun shall (Mil

-h~~ 9 f SLl 63middot C 1 Ernni I IJtI 11uJSODRAC (MlHHrc~j l


S1Irrwlism 9lt)3 ) J 11m gl~Hdn l for lho ltc o pport uui l itl 10 (Olls ider Erns to l roCesso r

CI i~ toll wr Crn middotlI ImfCi J oh n Gl)ldi uS Prorr~Ylr Willillll Cmfi~kl and the

11 011 Fod a tio 10 11middoti r va middot i)l1 ~ lt1 g middotn n)lCgt d vicc I 11olIIk Sllzar rl c Ak bari

r l d~(f l)cre nhI Joyn GOKl(i n E rhan Jd l Kavalc lmiddot and M E Vnr lic k

Page 25: Only Half Saying It Ernst SCAN

I ~urc 3 M~ ~ rnst middot[plol 1 ii(

uy hor)s(ol In 0 1(1lt lila

9~9 SI1 1st II rlduL~t Igty ponniion [r I~I (II I n T oronto Rampn-oce Lbr~ry

17 Osk P(lltak lkr hcmige ud I Ioliphilw Ir~ J ldK 1 tA(rifll~ UlIll A KvI~m~b(

191111431 Ii for h~ Qfih lok hUllIuand Irlnlt[1gt HI(lIMlultin Pp~tl cd Gm P U md LUCla A

Cil)pom (Idu ~I fl - Lrw ~lIfsk) r~frrnl o Rtlla~nCt Nlt)middotpl aJJojonn~

xt ufpopular ga m ltco mparabk 10 vulgn plmiddotd n I~j middotNllatomc ilocltb III ~kgtr~c( ud Norh I al) Ul Sl~d It 1(middottI~l i lew York 972) p 1 1) i~ 1 I 1)QoinofdlSlllcIllOcrtlt in

he I[TIlI mtd~ 1 er(l~ lll1cgo~ I RUI~ JlnlJJ( i~ p l lrll l~rJ r r(Ie 10 rn( mltlll(j in 111 1middot( IIlI) lil() 110 ( Ihe tMLion of~~Irn wel of N~ro dlrnwwcJiinli oflus md i I h )

iod)e he ocau t ~ Qf hcr lionl iU od nrnliltrsmiddot and lu JltO lo( It(f lone he wa concelvcd are ofpITlkuLu i l~ $

nplt(illl~ sitlclt lhry fill fn lt1 ~ b~l~ dWUI ntmmg lid ]altuale s Uvid f

1luI 1 Sr lt1 (l i l1lcmbtrmcfll bo-hlrd On8 lUI dl Romoon or d~ RQII( III RtUtiulIamp lIteR all rk 14 ~ I ~I l ffl(ll( RIIon ~I i rw] d ja II UOI IhiJadclphlltl (992 ) Pl

30 0 jlllnn tQlran ltk M cu ~ k NIn I fa ~ rm Illjo to 970 $tt

II tIf M Arde ll 1 h( Wfllan d I~ (1I 1e

~ Iw wIlJ IJlblQgrap~~ (N~ i and 110 111(93)

Ik Clo rillunc Hclt cl I wny ltImiddotn ud kit I I a~ KInr ~ rbull pJra bull 01 lor lum~ all gklt amI r~rman I (Ik mi IIulltlin 74 1lt)921 pp II I gt

Er ns ts prpuhioll of die r mb1em illlage inlo I 11lt1r rnivl seque nce (an al~ l

be si1u3led in niltlI io n I() Ihe illuSlri1cd Renaissance alkgory hieh ~ ltlS an lInpo nan t SOll r( li)r all sli bsequen l crnl1cm atisLS Colo II Tl i HYJllrtOlfmlfldljn

Poliphilii7 I t I)tsin witll a d r() 111 alltl i ll middotu l v (~ endkss nCliphtr lll(n l o f environm ents a nd obj((ls th ilt rc~onall throughout EIIlSI 1 0Uale Ilods d lboraldy symholic gardcm IIl WluC r ums h icrgl~ ph s 1 st atile or 1n d~pha nt Ill th it incidC llt5 (Perscus bchead ing of Innt htr 1(1I1 n1lt Slt1n ~

[C tc yled us ) ltlil t lhe tr i u rnph ~ of va rious gods li nd ll1coulH cr~ wil h fcma le pcrsonifiC4l io ns such ltIS Iht middotfi lmiddot lgtCIlSIS ofd wlTI E rll ~ L s 1i]1lnw 100 [ClcS IS A porli liant Cl U pcrsli fiettion Colonnas n )d g llmorizccl

lHroiciztd ll1d narralivized int t lp rt lal iull knd i n~ il ~ Ilr 1 g-lttmcs of m ea nings like v illga r pS~fhoa nalys is If [ rlisl realkgorits till tlIlda rd allcgorYil~-ltl n I1 Il then he dut~ so in way~ lha t preclude HI high mora l or iludlcctua l positions n (sting thc psychomarhia with lttil C)Imiddot 10 p~ychomiddot ltt l ml) q s tu rn ing Ihl Stnsua l cneha nt Hwnts ot snluctivc ~cI4 p i( middot(lS to qtlcasil UIIIla lizcd violcllt ltlud sexual d tSires I il lra r surreali sm IBre(on lIdia

Aragon s PIY5(1II dr Puns) could rel y un the sca AoJd i n~ and d evin s of allegoric - t he d ream vi~ion ) th l peri pau t ic li n o mo in~ 1hroug h a Lil y of m ysterio us (lbjCClS 1l101lum~II IS a nd (I)couiliers I hl~ W I)I11 lt11 1 uf Ill u ta bk idenlilY references 10 OIIHr works of arl and lillfa tlll t nd Soon t rnsa also d eploys the devlrc-s of literary a nd pk lOria l allegury dndging 1I 0 t only emblem bouks but ahl) die g rea t lite rary dkg(lric~ liorn tlw RomfI fir n (0)(

to Colunna to Novcli s lIlcl jieltkl

C hristia ne fi end in lro r key st ud ) ofmodlit lisl a lkgory has argUId thaI Err1~t relinq ui$ h (~ hi s a u tho ria l a ut hori lY in 111 F rllllllt J ()() l i l( allowing hi~

1111lgCS a rad ica l inck ptmiddotnclcnnmiddotp II cUl lld 1( arlued r Ol1v I-dy Ihlt

EflIH pa rod y fu netion~ in a n opposil(middot ay tha i Ir i~ wrc nching or imilL~ oul of l ll tmiddotir Mig- inal 1 )lI tex l ~ i~ a n 1gt 111 iw ill asserting ah~olutc and arbitra l) cuntrol OIr Ih( mh rial Ernst s images Id ) 011 re11l na nl ~ ofl hci

r igi lIa l Ill lltllli ns and los t tQllVCll ional contegt llgt ill hich I he) er( meant

tJen E ADEM c AN TI L NA ~--~--------------T~ ~~

to hi ( lcdihh il luslmt i)M vI S( ll tiic d evt l oprne nL~ na tural phcllomclla lr ltg- il t ric k ~ or rq)l( )(ll((i()f ~ IJf wrh Ifart l a lld lhis al o nce aJlo l~ his (1 11 man ings 10 SCIlll irraLio li a l and lilcral cd a ll d 11 the ~am c limc 10 be c lI npktdy su hjugald U) lht ve ry lI ovell) a nd allom a ly of thcrr tnvironshynlt ll l 1111 a~e lnl )l cd tiag llH l lts o f Ernsts cullages a lT n~ idual evidloCe of tl w Iulhor ily tu UIt Hilli CIII m Clo ll YJlJic pow(J or lite and dealh

arg lla bly IllI very I ppl)~ i t e ufCUI Li l ig loo~e or sellin g liTe

I n his 1l illaI Ilm II~ Enl L l o 1ll111i t lt synLacli cal rape tiXl uctlllg Y()Illll

fru m ti ll eO lltc 1 ()( ~I I joulll als Il K) il ion rt pn~ in whidr 511( represhy

l1t(O popu lar p a int iJlgs cflg ravltl ( r nJa~s a udiences I n I ll s u r k sh e

may 1 1llhOirl y mct unymic hssi pl i (l ll~ or II H ull ing hut ~It ~middot al so rCjJfCSClIb

E tn~ l s own lonir 10111 1 tn CUI and asipn rk~ a h it p in l piaYIT lilCI lIy a ppea ri ng ill hibH WI mi g h l also ~ lJ Spcc l Erns l of viciously

i te ra ling nin( lcclllh-nIl LUry lh eor ies r Ih e cmpall ric ~yOllJ 1 lt1 ~ lhe ( 1111)l)lliIrwl1l or our OWII pir yif1 lllrcqJl i ns J I u ~t~ his all tgtgory of sigm r1i ~od lItd from pir y~kal rdrll l ~ prClieiy as a fi eld in whi c h to dj~ru pshy

tivd ) i lllt rjtcl th l OCtasifHlal irY PlCIilicaUy d(plo yed rull ~ym bol with iL~ supposed ltlli lY illl i L~ rciirenl c jJre~ell tcJ by the 1)(J(h of l he Ilom an 1n the eli (k~ Ch a nTS chap lc r a l thl e nd Ill Url~ Smwiu de lfm f a fi gulc flmini s(nt or Fortuna noats ill Ihe air gTad ua lly li-cc ing

h (r~(lrorlllr a llrihulls ()f whcci Ild ~ i l (fig un 1) 11 t lihCra li ol1 Sill ce Fort un a luore It tuall ) hfCOnHS hrr wh(ei mi nl1ll il by htT l1nlr ed bac k ltIS an h Yllleric and l lso be(on H~ h cr sail hlo wn throug h lhc ~k y her

It rib utes cOIl in ue to be co nSl raining Ind pn middotMmiddotlIt a bsorbed ililu her bud y and gestu res sugg(q illg tht am hig uolls 1l lIratiom a nUrd (] 10

oma n by Max Ernst8t E IIISIS USf or h is maltri11 r(li~ o n Ihe inhc rl1I1 bililY or ollhgory l(o

rtal k go liltmiddot T radit iona ll y rlallcgo riwl ioll ltrllnnl a profan t I(x t or till past 10 h( as assimi la ted in w a n acccp lt hlc y~tlm f moral va JUIs (Vi rg il s

FSllIr( ~4 DlIIid Il cU$ius Emblrm(1Q liqoIAM I lKkn 161 5_

8 _ s~ Ili k Rot R iAamp Rm(

~d lhr jd I~Q~ ()PfigtiL ICbrid and Nrw Yrk 1991-deg flt -lt middotmiQlif - Iha l Inko 2 olll1Q f)f on_ B ~ h lth Rampk]o nxcnl

lUal of Wafbuf(t Iho l1h l in Irrm

01 th ROmMlIl( ymLgtoI unil) f ud dcrem 1 I OPpogtlti IO lI~ry

( hrpertI_~ ~~crnn f ltI s diS300C ialed fro I nfrro1 I i Rob- ~h(fempl l h lrmiddotplio)J Iheon pmiddotI) U lelkI1 pn~uen apphnl tk 1ltgt ~msl tSpltcirJI ) in I ~s pogtr

t uitwc1 Ihron ltl _ Iuh w R l loy rum symbol 10 Ilkfurv Ahr WH) i~

I r- hi Rd I~ 9971 pp ~ 6 R - [hr R iL [[ ul n has ro n Iholt u l

I hru~Ir iuI O) the unk o n wh re laquogtn~ ol Ir~cdm Pfnar p_ ~ 1I1

B I S~( Thn 11 Kclk~ Rmnwtlme Hlqo for tillt applicll ble ~ of In t allctUlxal wun lorn (e ee aUraCUOl) d ll r lnla$ 11 ltI- illual suctched l ~ lI l i Ihi [K w1ir

ltlc 1(o ~dukd from lClion and hj~llt) ry

bu sgt( f)1 g Ihe n -rgt d s he

cmand p Sr Th~ro i 1 or~1 1ltl io of witel )-r tr r lt~ltoI 1gt 1 mln m~y 1- takc -lt lIl rlaphO)f Ruolnlr E Kun1i S rrooti d I js(~ and R o l~rl llolI - n ~prknjo(

illo fo-k-J t] air ltli_ r II

fmiddotm lc (lITe) i SHlrJm and 11 010lt1 II A tw~ Rdolf t Kucn7li and Gwe Ra l~rt ICambllJgc l1i I99I) PPmiddotJt alld S T Imiddot lo ockiu Em ilS or ~ oflC n Ii mCIgttIraquoHgt1 dqI)eJ In ~ h a w~r Ihl 11 CIOI li meu Ulcrlgthunc~ Jly In 1- Riu d~~r

(MIIft~ q~1 lIOuilil ~w Carmd nr Imjlt Igtarod egt t~lcX fatlo~ ~al

jgtuu lJ rtut I(rl) IJ t 1ra 8 Ihemiddot Ie ~IgtIi OIl y 1 t ~atnlt11 1lISt llIil le Scl~h) snd amud ~kinl lt hTifingl) lilltrd I Iht~ ill IH rroh meal fur lo~ l i~ lone rol1 ~middot

l~diqlJr$ mlldr 1111) Hr)(tT) I

r~rn(rl i 1ltgt Ihe hwwir jlgt]al~ el~ hcll

il1lh( l1ltrvrl

(1 IS 1IX lrngtl 1 SmIltllN d amp 193i 0 Max Erllsl 1iI)AGP Van S()DRiC ( Monlrc~l ) 2f)(l(1

l )n IIC Ilupon Of Ih allraf R~~ru 11 (1 I 1$I~ Lolhu I -hr I J~ middotIn Rp jhd bd 11hII hI p HI

Fourh RetI a~ II I( milling of Chris l O vid l l-lrfall(Irphorrr lllorali7cd In

lmJOlIls such h J Hoh CI~ the trials of the lo ver could lJe rca 1go ricd a~ Clll hlnll~ of Chri sia n ~ u(fe ring ltInc co nrilltll cc Ernst reverses tlw prol(~S

dc- morali - ng a llegories In 7 110 dlidren 1IIII1fI(ld ~I (j 1I~lthtillg(h (fig ure zfi ) Frnst lak es U middotidilI1 IIIc(lrlJorphi rape (G anIlH-ci (S ta ~lc Phi lo mcl as

nighting-uk) oul of its repose in spirit ua lizing me taph or as ill (k Kellnincks landscape in h( Wallraf Rir-ha rtz M useu m i ll Cologn( (figure J7 ) ()j emulems sl ch as Hat1idorlhr s in which lit ra pe of Ganymede is rfJllcgoried as the sou ls I ~CIIH lo Cod ( figure 28 )83 Ernst rc t urTl~ Ihnr lo d leir Tl)n l ~ ill ~cx ual viok IlC( hi (h in tu rn S[ ltlnd~ ror the revcnibk hltrU a mi a mbiguous g-round underpinning the provtrh t ln bl cm or allegory

Equally td ling is Enl~ts d ia~rammui( ada platio n or h(rme lic emh lemata in O this mIll rIIIlI kll )w rlO lh lllg 1924 ) I II the paintillg ami II

tIle pl)cm w ri tte n on thl had (a parudy of Ihe oJllo()gical ~ylllhII S Il I I

fi~u r~ 26 Ernl I fUtJ1 mnlilwi ~ II

lllhlmCiJl 191 1 S(1 66I C 1 - r 1 D (t risI ~OI)KC J vumiddot~l l j


th e Hmrfll fd Table of H crrn(~ Trisrn egistu s) Ermt reallt~orlZ(middot ~ the hermetic ~ym bulis ll1 of the nlilrual lini li7atioll of d ivine and cit rddy IS a Freudian middotprinwl scene of gigantic li m b~ and scmiddotx ual pa rtgt Both pa imi ng md puem become rcpr(sntltHion ~ oC the unfu lfill ed n vi ~nging of a n such thing In Ernq s vcrsion the Oedipal a nd Ihe gnolt1l ic an oronc frustratccl substance ltlnd (be power oftbe allegories of h enl1tticism ltIhbaiisrn and aklHmy lies in perpetual d ef( lrd of the d tsircd gol J tl6 Ernst ~ emblem fllnc tioll s more

b roadly illi a scq gtt icai fi gu ration of tht a bil it y of images lO represen t hal IS envi $ioncd or desired in dicating Ihal a ll $lI h em blems ct n only he a sun0 fH l flIT hatt middotcr one an t ~ to know attl in o r rcprcsen Lft7

OJ (Ids 111m sllall kn)1L Mlhing a lso ~ ig na l s its own iconogn lJ)hic history especially tts allu sion to Caspar David Fricdr(h middot$ clllblem tie CrOJS ill Ih

Iounltlills a key work in Grman Roma ntit- dc hIIltg about Iht rela tive fok~ of llIegory and Iandscapc III Erns t as a rl ild er of C ( fman Romil Tlli t~ i~ ltl

would re U 1Il 10 these wpie in his la ndsca pe pai nLings aga in and again Crr)JI ill 111 t1ollll oinf is a lso shadowed by a t( Xl n passage from Ludwig T icck 5 allcgorital novel Fran SI-illbaMr 11middot(lIULmmgrll (J i 98 ) Jnom

26(j ) middot1 ~BImiddot rH ) T I d 1

60 I 1m c (lislt uW(1 Iht twn l1 t timiddot itl~gcry at t~ ngl h ill M~lt Emi l middotI ht 1IJdw(UtI1iJliI

SnllrJ 11 a i - l OCIshy87 Uml middotn o Ero diilltu~ 1he rdu iolll I)( twu h~rn 1l l k svrn lgtol- 1Il in which middotevcry middot~pr ion is a (nignlll hal middotk runlwt ~mgma middot and ~Jr n cconltlructimiddote ~nlys3 as in lini l~

defendJ in middot(n limited scmi III d rili in T ht Ib oJ hllffpWalio Ill n -I--j

fI8 smiddot cJ(m~ (l h W ocn rn ~I( Jaru F~d nnd It ~b1J ~f I muigat ~cw U and Lvndon 1 99lt)~ Karin V()n ~llo lJr ntel thO rrl ll nf (~$7 In 1M -WOIIIIIgt 10 Ern middot lUUlI1 OmJ~(Ilt1 III middotMao b ns l a Rvmlll1ic~m middot M n Enul A Rtl~pnl~ ~ I Werner Spict l t omlo 199 1)

I II~ ~7 K d~ K cunn~k Iuhf rvtJh IM~Io~ fj lt-1IJVdt r gtn leI

dllrf Kgt(hHIZ I ~ l

8iJ bull 1gtlt I g T irk Fwn~ SlmNt11b

11 middotJn~(n Hmt ~ lldIcAt (mll1~hlt

~I lj(h gt)6I ~ p gtgII

J) ~ee 11 0 ~bn lagtlt I Allqlr)

oflrlllll$iol)middot PI 6- 7r lhr dhl1 l1lt IK hr omlll~1 d(h nlll(11 (III ud h ~

ltill u~Jui ncall y I ~nd lor thillgt IcJ rly 1rs ign~II ~lId Impic ddinlun ul rourrlS luch as li lliemiddot h I(ll no h hI l (~ Ii lt mcill ~ tur middotC)middot ll la IIllt-SIKn a (1(11011bullbull 1 H turn jn I(raquolt ru lUI lTnp ~~i 1g ~1 I r

roukl hi ~r~lJ od tlbull ( Ihi Ik nrngt i~ made lllcmllll UKOf)~ Fr ~cl7rh c r) hMd lU lOll ~ Il ili K r nger through $1(middot togt tI ohjrl i( lria 10 judiCII

91 - GltQ rl 6atai llt Solr a ll~middot Fis rif fXt~s SI_rlJ I Im~~ P7 t)39lli

113 $Iodd Minapo l ~Jl lp XIV

1 lt1 6 12 ioIar ~nu p IJ Halaillits 1Qcom )Ir rollinS (m Ih bullrf r lw ~Ml h [ ~ [ I llt imal(vfltouinuous mC l~lor]lh mal p l y i1a d l5ori llJOII lOr tllti M the locornoriH r ltI hl$l)ry lt]uOI(d in aUT

III-rljolmirgt (r SdiJ 1 rlrHn-1 n- I irl 1974 p 1 ~3

illcidcn t the youn g a rtisl F ra il i~ st ru ck by a pa iming llr a l be scc~ in a hn lll it lUll a IlOCIlIIIMI lan dstltl pc ill wh ich a cr ucifix Ull a hiJl i ~ illll m ishy

na llti by IltI ) S o f moonlight The he rm it ex plains Ihat tilt crucifi is a po inte FingcI7cig ) to Ilw ~pjri lu d wurld beyond the faJ lc n world of lla tu n T o Franr ~ o bse na lioll O ne cou ld ca ll th i IMint ing an a lkgor)

the IIn ln il answers All an is JIlt-go rict IIoJ

T IH middotFingcrJeig iI) Ixpbli necl by th e h~rrn it to F ranz S lt rnbald point s not o nly to Iht spiri tlla l but also 10 thlmiddot pr (~cllce of J ll egor~ iblf As a li ter indlx a sho wi ng ha nd o r jJ ~ i l1ting fi n~cr tht Fingerrig i ~ a ~ tJplf

or i Ihlems II is Oimi larly In ade li ter1i b) -l a x E rn)1 t du slig ma tied ha ncl f1 oatin~ in f r OTH of th e lt ruci fi xiOthl~ middot prinM I ~NtJ I Herc it indicates linmiddotth er bu t not Im llscc ndCIH [l)callings90 In E r ll st s painti ng lh t ROlllit lll ics cruci fi x lS alkgori la l poin hr to a hig her nal rn sim ilarly

i tl n l c~ a landscape of d a rk Illowltai ns a nd il eawnly fil ) S IHl I fur the

COltj UIl Cl ivlI o f redemp ti ve c ru cifix a nd ill urnin at iug SUUS(t in Fricclricbmiddots pa inting o r truci ft x and moonlil-h t in Tillkmiddot O novel Ern$[ dark ly ~J bs l it uLes

copulat ing limbs and the bloc ked rays o f a IUllar refipSt Ermls lmiddott nblema tic painting alt Frifeirich s had don ra i se~ p r0 1Jicms or

cnTlIl lllporar) a lkgory When G lf)rges Aatai ll e- turned tn alr-IItm ica l )slIllllng in 192 7 he did so in I( rm~ that almamp t com icH) m im i Ernst s d csul Itmiddot c lltra ilmiddotfilled landscapt 1111 earth middotcovtrtd wi th vuk anOIs hich SltJoT a~ iLs a n us is driven in iL~ rota tion by lhe male ~ha rt ]l tlttraling 1 1 11~

laquomiddotma l- alllJ a lmost t lIl irely (merg ing ill o rder 10 ree n tcr like Ih( piston~ of ~ 100o mo ivl

JI i~ the 1Ilf(ha nical Oll ll)il ltion n(] t ll morm t inn~ of thes mOtmcn t ~ Ihat th~ ak htmists soll~h t 1 I hI philosoJlJ t ~ ~IU Ilt ~

This nWfhJlist jlmiddot cop ulatiu 11 hudcsqu e~ t he vmiddotn ji) UIIl1n ioli o f allegory th e

ltlnagogir 11 wrh of r() rrcsponden(c~ and rtmiddotst ]tlbl a nct~ lIlt middotcopula that li~

one thi ng- 10 a noth n ill lang ua te all Cl witt g ) 11 thin) to be visibly co nnCfted Ha lai lk s a llcgvrical luvers will mve r fi nd ilnythi ng but parrxlic i magc~ l11d Ih ey will [ Il l asieltp l ~ empty a ~ mirrun Wh en En tail k

fu rther GlUs lically mcdita ted Oil the gno~ tic roo ts Llj Hegel ia n ism in Ll)ll~

ma teria li smt c t Ie g nllst ( 1930) p ropus in g a k~ l abili ing hcadl es~


a J1q~ory tha i would elimuatt aJl h ilTardlic11 ~ ~ t C IllS of rdtn lllc indud ing ~implistic rcv( lltals or blst ll ld idea l o r CXq-lt1l 111 llt1 1 lnrl ltlcrUllcn lll he wa addrtR~jng is)llc$ irnpJiL it in Of Ihis men lInll knOll IWlllillf 91 H ()wcvcr heelIlsl Erns l middot ~ all egory ( nds to Ill p a ll)l it i( depcnds on just ~ll (h illvcrshy

~j ()m ilnd reve rsals of hig1 and low Old is a t a re mov from Btl taillcs infla111ll1110ry ()I)f ll-f llded hd lltaded en terprise

E nHl$ im ages a re often d riven by this undermining of thcir (IW ll sourn-s of lJowc r fcp lescnliug hotb II((i r own ~ la luS a nd i1lSIlfjicilIHy OrtCll they

assu me tht appearallce of (lnhkrlls wh ich as concieusetf o r short lr and ig ll ~ of aUTho rit y ~a n c ti fi ~d by t rld ilion art disrupted hy Ewstmiddot~ illtruio n of thc n ltllll r 1 LIld ~e)( u t l rhc n dllcti t middoti~ua l 11I11ouage or cmhlcms lcnd~ t o ltlrd hrogaliun 111(1 fimiddotag11lClltlliun Ih ich LntSl n alu raJiz~s likening Ihe Sllll1X of fj middotrgnWlll3 Iioll 10 (lperatjoT1~ (lil lbe hod y lt bull rile tru ncalLu pa riS a Ird Ii 1111 ~~ or Of IhiJ lien shall know Iohing arg uauly J u clc 10 th t ~ceri ng lIId te lldt n liou~

reconstruniom of tht e mhknjs [anllJage o r aut hori ty a rClruc luring of Ihc

sy mknloche lim hs a lrcldy prnelH in v i ~l1 emblems Througbout his canlt r Ems would dltriV( double prestige flOlll disrupting lhe COJlv(middotnlions of hOl h a rl a nd li tcrJ fl1l middotf iro lliing his au thoriaJ role as bot h a rlis and poel Emblelll s a rC1 ft lilc ground fur ~uch opT3tions k ndi ll g tlwm~clvu 0 ditorshylil)m or he reci prxa lIldi(a tion s or eX T lIld image which anmiddot Ihe STarling

point nfalJ tgory

Ac kn o wled gement

S l l i(j ll~ of thilt papa H r( pncn l(d a~ Ielt tlJT(~ iI conjullclinn il l Max Em~I

rc ll1(nary ehiiJninm Ihe RnlJ ncl 1(nr()X Memorial JccUrc U Il l T a(middot ( )11)

(1(11 middotmff A Ul IrIJJf(ct ll ItJ91 -J) lI lId II M 01 i (Ilal pound7110 O(lff( 11111 Ihr Duwn oj

hguw middot 11lt~ ~ 111lgtltlorHr hnwltim ltr (10( lOH 9

ll G~1 1 1~ l k 9Jo 1Iy tnillcril ilm 01 11l()oSn bullbull n uollgt ~f fj(w ll 11 52 amp0- M l=nmiddot w middotn I rltult~ ~ rKumrnt d ~ 1 ~ her IkuJamin a~ flll~ (ltI by II~Ilt ml II ~nljsL in rn 8 to auK 1 1~middot ul~r l an L~n ur Silllplilll ~I bat ~ J Ilrl~1U

rell t huugh r he dmiddotIIrymclll of d~lthi IiLinl( pmiddot(hootvtic laquogto ep tgt url ~ s Ielcnnimmo tm r1m~crltt ~m gteJmlt IImntllw I l middot~fI Rll1Ifl1l twlllv Imis ~f )m(alUl lin(I~I illrrkdtmiddoty u An~lc

M IAlodlt 91l 11)) U[ i -l lt)1 - I lt-nd ubstmiddotmiddotmiddot- rht Ire rn~l i u Ul uf Illor lt1 Fm~ (J Ii i fnuc lr Crlt Ihl1 t ho- lifl ugtd rmiddot]m of poundrnsl middot~

lIuc nod ilmhil(1)omh g(ndcrltl h gtvlnL ~ n rh mo (h hypcrholic

Dio cjOCulH1o11 orsl) rl-d~n jm1tf(cry1gt il dO(lt i lli fmltle ~aC11l nr [[00lt1 orgmiddotoonldltG1IHllion al 11 0( Immigt ufth aULhOl tlgt hi~ E rol$L is aJlj~1 llIh GltltX B tll lltmiddot hnnlcnz ~u nf llcg) 11gt1$(111 (~I L ory 111-1 111 in middotSoI ant S l ~r fter u ~1Jtn in capl1on i ndirat~

oJ ddo-nce I n nn SPIf (lIKI

r nn1h~r nd sigi ~ L k Ma~ middotrn1 O~f IllOJ ob middotCologne 9i)- ) in uch fll nh(r ifnrm~lin ( laquo(mns I r ~lO ( C ~d locatiOIl may bc tu

il(ure 29 Em1 OJ I middotun shall (Mil

-h~~ 9 f SLl 63middot C 1 Ernni I IJtI 11uJSODRAC (MlHHrc~j l


S1Irrwlism 9lt)3 ) J 11m gl~Hdn l for lho ltc o pport uui l itl 10 (Olls ider Erns to l roCesso r

CI i~ toll wr Crn middotlI ImfCi J oh n Gl)ldi uS Prorr~Ylr Willillll Cmfi~kl and the

11 011 Fod a tio 10 11middoti r va middot i)l1 ~ lt1 g middotn n)lCgt d vicc I 11olIIk Sllzar rl c Ak bari

r l d~(f l)cre nhI Joyn GOKl(i n E rhan Jd l Kavalc lmiddot and M E Vnr lic k

Page 26: Only Half Saying It Ernst SCAN

tJen E ADEM c AN TI L NA ~--~--------------T~ ~~

to hi ( lcdihh il luslmt i)M vI S( ll tiic d evt l oprne nL~ na tural phcllomclla lr ltg- il t ric k ~ or rq)l( )(ll((i()f ~ IJf wrh Ifart l a lld lhis al o nce aJlo l~ his (1 11 man ings 10 SCIlll irraLio li a l and lilcral cd a ll d 11 the ~am c limc 10 be c lI npktdy su hjugald U) lht ve ry lI ovell) a nd allom a ly of thcrr tnvironshynlt ll l 1111 a~e lnl )l cd tiag llH l lts o f Ernsts cullages a lT n~ idual evidloCe of tl w Iulhor ily tu UIt Hilli CIII m Clo ll YJlJic pow(J or lite and dealh

arg lla bly IllI very I ppl)~ i t e ufCUI Li l ig loo~e or sellin g liTe

I n his 1l illaI Ilm II~ Enl L l o 1ll111i t lt synLacli cal rape tiXl uctlllg Y()Illll

fru m ti ll eO lltc 1 ()( ~I I joulll als Il K) il ion rt pn~ in whidr 511( represhy

l1t(O popu lar p a int iJlgs cflg ravltl ( r nJa~s a udiences I n I ll s u r k sh e

may 1 1llhOirl y mct unymic hssi pl i (l ll~ or II H ull ing hut ~It ~middot al so rCjJfCSClIb

E tn~ l s own lonir 10111 1 tn CUI and asipn rk~ a h it p in l piaYIT lilCI lIy a ppea ri ng ill hibH WI mi g h l also ~ lJ Spcc l Erns l of viciously

i te ra ling nin( lcclllh-nIl LUry lh eor ies r Ih e cmpall ric ~yOllJ 1 lt1 ~ lhe ( 1111)l)lliIrwl1l or our OWII pir yif1 lllrcqJl i ns J I u ~t~ his all tgtgory of sigm r1i ~od lItd from pir y~kal rdrll l ~ prClieiy as a fi eld in whi c h to dj~ru pshy

tivd ) i lllt rjtcl th l OCtasifHlal irY PlCIilicaUy d(plo yed rull ~ym bol with iL~ supposed ltlli lY illl i L~ rciirenl c jJre~ell tcJ by the 1)(J(h of l he Ilom an 1n the eli (k~ Ch a nTS chap lc r a l thl e nd Ill Url~ Smwiu de lfm f a fi gulc flmini s(nt or Fortuna noats ill Ihe air gTad ua lly li-cc ing

h (r~(lrorlllr a llrihulls ()f whcci Ild ~ i l (fig un 1) 11 t lihCra li ol1 Sill ce Fort un a luore It tuall ) hfCOnHS hrr wh(ei mi nl1ll il by htT l1nlr ed bac k ltIS an h Yllleric and l lso be(on H~ h cr sail hlo wn throug h lhc ~k y her

It rib utes cOIl in ue to be co nSl raining Ind pn middotMmiddotlIt a bsorbed ililu her bud y and gestu res sugg(q illg tht am hig uolls 1l lIratiom a nUrd (] 10

oma n by Max Ernst8t E IIISIS USf or h is maltri11 r(li~ o n Ihe inhc rl1I1 bililY or ollhgory l(o

rtal k go liltmiddot T radit iona ll y rlallcgo riwl ioll ltrllnnl a profan t I(x t or till past 10 h( as assimi la ted in w a n acccp lt hlc y~tlm f moral va JUIs (Vi rg il s

FSllIr( ~4 DlIIid Il cU$ius Emblrm(1Q liqoIAM I lKkn 161 5_

8 _ s~ Ili k Rot R iAamp Rm(

~d lhr jd I~Q~ ()PfigtiL ICbrid and Nrw Yrk 1991-deg flt -lt middotmiQlif - Iha l Inko 2 olll1Q f)f on_ B ~ h lth Rampk]o nxcnl

lUal of Wafbuf(t Iho l1h l in Irrm

01 th ROmMlIl( ymLgtoI unil) f ud dcrem 1 I OPpogtlti IO lI~ry

( hrpertI_~ ~~crnn f ltI s diS300C ialed fro I nfrro1 I i Rob- ~h(fempl l h lrmiddotplio)J Iheon pmiddotI) U lelkI1 pn~uen apphnl tk 1ltgt ~msl tSpltcirJI ) in I ~s pogtr

t uitwc1 Ihron ltl _ Iuh w R l loy rum symbol 10 Ilkfurv Ahr WH) i~

I r- hi Rd I~ 9971 pp ~ 6 R - [hr R iL [[ ul n has ro n Iholt u l

I hru~Ir iuI O) the unk o n wh re laquogtn~ ol Ir~cdm Pfnar p_ ~ 1I1

B I S~( Thn 11 Kclk~ Rmnwtlme Hlqo for tillt applicll ble ~ of In t allctUlxal wun lorn (e ee aUraCUOl) d ll r lnla$ 11 ltI- illual suctched l ~ lI l i Ihi [K w1ir

ltlc 1(o ~dukd from lClion and hj~llt) ry

bu sgt( f)1 g Ihe n -rgt d s he

cmand p Sr Th~ro i 1 or~1 1ltl io of witel )-r tr r lt~ltoI 1gt 1 mln m~y 1- takc -lt lIl rlaphO)f Ruolnlr E Kun1i S rrooti d I js(~ and R o l~rl llolI - n ~prknjo(

illo fo-k-J t] air ltli_ r II

fmiddotm lc (lITe) i SHlrJm and 11 010lt1 II A tw~ Rdolf t Kucn7li and Gwe Ra l~rt ICambllJgc l1i I99I) PPmiddotJt alld S T Imiddot lo ockiu Em ilS or ~ oflC n Ii mCIgttIraquoHgt1 dqI)eJ In ~ h a w~r Ihl 11 CIOI li meu Ulcrlgthunc~ Jly In 1- Riu d~~r

(MIIft~ q~1 lIOuilil ~w Carmd nr Imjlt Igtarod egt t~lcX fatlo~ ~al

jgtuu lJ rtut I(rl) IJ t 1ra 8 Ihemiddot Ie ~IgtIi OIl y 1 t ~atnlt11 1lISt llIil le Scl~h) snd amud ~kinl lt hTifingl) lilltrd I Iht~ ill IH rroh meal fur lo~ l i~ lone rol1 ~middot

l~diqlJr$ mlldr 1111) Hr)(tT) I

r~rn(rl i 1ltgt Ihe hwwir jlgt]al~ el~ hcll

il1lh( l1ltrvrl

(1 IS 1IX lrngtl 1 SmIltllN d amp 193i 0 Max Erllsl 1iI)AGP Van S()DRiC ( Monlrc~l ) 2f)(l(1

l )n IIC Ilupon Of Ih allraf R~~ru 11 (1 I 1$I~ Lolhu I -hr I J~ middotIn Rp jhd bd 11hII hI p HI

Fourh RetI a~ II I( milling of Chris l O vid l l-lrfall(Irphorrr lllorali7cd In

lmJOlIls such h J Hoh CI~ the trials of the lo ver could lJe rca 1go ricd a~ Clll hlnll~ of Chri sia n ~ u(fe ring ltInc co nrilltll cc Ernst reverses tlw prol(~S

dc- morali - ng a llegories In 7 110 dlidren 1IIII1fI(ld ~I (j 1I~lthtillg(h (fig ure zfi ) Frnst lak es U middotidilI1 IIIc(lrlJorphi rape (G anIlH-ci (S ta ~lc Phi lo mcl as

nighting-uk) oul of its repose in spirit ua lizing me taph or as ill (k Kellnincks landscape in h( Wallraf Rir-ha rtz M useu m i ll Cologn( (figure J7 ) ()j emulems sl ch as Hat1idorlhr s in which lit ra pe of Ganymede is rfJllcgoried as the sou ls I ~CIIH lo Cod ( figure 28 )83 Ernst rc t urTl~ Ihnr lo d leir Tl)n l ~ ill ~cx ual viok IlC( hi (h in tu rn S[ ltlnd~ ror the revcnibk hltrU a mi a mbiguous g-round underpinning the provtrh t ln bl cm or allegory

Equally td ling is Enl~ts d ia~rammui( ada platio n or h(rme lic emh lemata in O this mIll rIIIlI kll )w rlO lh lllg 1924 ) I II the paintillg ami II

tIle pl)cm w ri tte n on thl had (a parudy of Ihe oJllo()gical ~ylllhII S Il I I

fi~u r~ 26 Ernl I fUtJ1 mnlilwi ~ II

lllhlmCiJl 191 1 S(1 66I C 1 - r 1 D (t risI ~OI)KC J vumiddot~l l j


th e Hmrfll fd Table of H crrn(~ Trisrn egistu s) Ermt reallt~orlZ(middot ~ the hermetic ~ym bulis ll1 of the nlilrual lini li7atioll of d ivine and cit rddy IS a Freudian middotprinwl scene of gigantic li m b~ and scmiddotx ual pa rtgt Both pa imi ng md puem become rcpr(sntltHion ~ oC the unfu lfill ed n vi ~nging of a n such thing In Ernq s vcrsion the Oedipal a nd Ihe gnolt1l ic an oronc frustratccl substance ltlnd (be power oftbe allegories of h enl1tticism ltIhbaiisrn and aklHmy lies in perpetual d ef( lrd of the d tsircd gol J tl6 Ernst ~ emblem fllnc tioll s more

b roadly illi a scq gtt icai fi gu ration of tht a bil it y of images lO represen t hal IS envi $ioncd or desired in dicating Ihal a ll $lI h em blems ct n only he a sun0 fH l flIT hatt middotcr one an t ~ to know attl in o r rcprcsen Lft7

OJ (Ids 111m sllall kn)1L Mlhing a lso ~ ig na l s its own iconogn lJ)hic history especially tts allu sion to Caspar David Fricdr(h middot$ clllblem tie CrOJS ill Ih

Iounltlills a key work in Grman Roma ntit- dc hIIltg about Iht rela tive fok~ of llIegory and Iandscapc III Erns t as a rl ild er of C ( fman Romil Tlli t~ i~ ltl

would re U 1Il 10 these wpie in his la ndsca pe pai nLings aga in and again Crr)JI ill 111 t1ollll oinf is a lso shadowed by a t( Xl n passage from Ludwig T icck 5 allcgorital novel Fran SI-illbaMr 11middot(lIULmmgrll (J i 98 ) Jnom

26(j ) middot1 ~BImiddot rH ) T I d 1

60 I 1m c (lislt uW(1 Iht twn l1 t timiddot itl~gcry at t~ ngl h ill M~lt Emi l middotI ht 1IJdw(UtI1iJliI

SnllrJ 11 a i - l OCIshy87 Uml middotn o Ero diilltu~ 1he rdu iolll I)( twu h~rn 1l l k svrn lgtol- 1Il in which middotevcry middot~pr ion is a (nignlll hal middotk runlwt ~mgma middot and ~Jr n cconltlructimiddote ~nlys3 as in lini l~

defendJ in middot(n limited scmi III d rili in T ht Ib oJ hllffpWalio Ill n -I--j

fI8 smiddot cJ(m~ (l h W ocn rn ~I( Jaru F~d nnd It ~b1J ~f I muigat ~cw U and Lvndon 1 99lt)~ Karin V()n ~llo lJr ntel thO rrl ll nf (~$7 In 1M -WOIIIIIgt 10 Ern middot lUUlI1 OmJ~(Ilt1 III middotMao b ns l a Rvmlll1ic~m middot M n Enul A Rtl~pnl~ ~ I Werner Spict l t omlo 199 1)

I II~ ~7 K d~ K cunn~k Iuhf rvtJh IM~Io~ fj lt-1IJVdt r gtn leI

dllrf Kgt(hHIZ I ~ l

8iJ bull 1gtlt I g T irk Fwn~ SlmNt11b

11 middotJn~(n Hmt ~ lldIcAt (mll1~hlt

~I lj(h gt)6I ~ p gtgII

J) ~ee 11 0 ~bn lagtlt I Allqlr)

oflrlllll$iol)middot PI 6- 7r lhr dhl1 l1lt IK hr omlll~1 d(h nlll(11 (III ud h ~

ltill u~Jui ncall y I ~nd lor thillgt IcJ rly 1rs ign~II ~lId Impic ddinlun ul rourrlS luch as li lliemiddot h I(ll no h hI l (~ Ii lt mcill ~ tur middotC)middot ll la IIllt-SIKn a (1(11011bullbull 1 H turn jn I(raquolt ru lUI lTnp ~~i 1g ~1 I r

roukl hi ~r~lJ od tlbull ( Ihi Ik nrngt i~ made lllcmllll UKOf)~ Fr ~cl7rh c r) hMd lU lOll ~ Il ili K r nger through $1(middot togt tI ohjrl i( lria 10 judiCII

91 - GltQ rl 6atai llt Solr a ll~middot Fis rif fXt~s SI_rlJ I Im~~ P7 t)39lli

113 $Iodd Minapo l ~Jl lp XIV

1 lt1 6 12 ioIar ~nu p IJ Halaillits 1Qcom )Ir rollinS (m Ih bullrf r lw ~Ml h [ ~ [ I llt imal(vfltouinuous mC l~lor]lh mal p l y i1a d l5ori llJOII lOr tllti M the locornoriH r ltI hl$l)ry lt]uOI(d in aUT

III-rljolmirgt (r SdiJ 1 rlrHn-1 n- I irl 1974 p 1 ~3

illcidcn t the youn g a rtisl F ra il i~ st ru ck by a pa iming llr a l be scc~ in a hn lll it lUll a IlOCIlIIIMI lan dstltl pc ill wh ich a cr ucifix Ull a hiJl i ~ illll m ishy

na llti by IltI ) S o f moonlight The he rm it ex plains Ihat tilt crucifi is a po inte FingcI7cig ) to Ilw ~pjri lu d wurld beyond the faJ lc n world of lla tu n T o Franr ~ o bse na lioll O ne cou ld ca ll th i IMint ing an a lkgor)

the IIn ln il answers All an is JIlt-go rict IIoJ

T IH middotFingcrJeig iI) Ixpbli necl by th e h~rrn it to F ranz S lt rnbald point s not o nly to Iht spiri tlla l but also 10 thlmiddot pr (~cllce of J ll egor~ iblf As a li ter indlx a sho wi ng ha nd o r jJ ~ i l1ting fi n~cr tht Fingerrig i ~ a ~ tJplf

or i Ihlems II is Oimi larly In ade li ter1i b) -l a x E rn)1 t du slig ma tied ha ncl f1 oatin~ in f r OTH of th e lt ruci fi xiOthl~ middot prinM I ~NtJ I Herc it indicates linmiddotth er bu t not Im llscc ndCIH [l)callings90 In E r ll st s painti ng lh t ROlllit lll ics cruci fi x lS alkgori la l poin hr to a hig her nal rn sim ilarly

i tl n l c~ a landscape of d a rk Illowltai ns a nd il eawnly fil ) S IHl I fur the

COltj UIl Cl ivlI o f redemp ti ve c ru cifix a nd ill urnin at iug SUUS(t in Fricclricbmiddots pa inting o r truci ft x and moonlil-h t in Tillkmiddot O novel Ern$[ dark ly ~J bs l it uLes

copulat ing limbs and the bloc ked rays o f a IUllar refipSt Ermls lmiddott nblema tic painting alt Frifeirich s had don ra i se~ p r0 1Jicms or

cnTlIl lllporar) a lkgory When G lf)rges Aatai ll e- turned tn alr-IItm ica l )slIllllng in 192 7 he did so in I( rm~ that almamp t com icH) m im i Ernst s d csul Itmiddot c lltra ilmiddotfilled landscapt 1111 earth middotcovtrtd wi th vuk anOIs hich SltJoT a~ iLs a n us is driven in iL~ rota tion by lhe male ~ha rt ]l tlttraling 1 1 11~

laquomiddotma l- alllJ a lmost t lIl irely (merg ing ill o rder 10 ree n tcr like Ih( piston~ of ~ 100o mo ivl

JI i~ the 1Ilf(ha nical Oll ll)il ltion n(] t ll morm t inn~ of thes mOtmcn t ~ Ihat th~ ak htmists soll~h t 1 I hI philosoJlJ t ~ ~IU Ilt ~

This nWfhJlist jlmiddot cop ulatiu 11 hudcsqu e~ t he vmiddotn ji) UIIl1n ioli o f allegory th e

ltlnagogir 11 wrh of r() rrcsponden(c~ and rtmiddotst ]tlbl a nct~ lIlt middotcopula that li~

one thi ng- 10 a noth n ill lang ua te all Cl witt g ) 11 thin) to be visibly co nnCfted Ha lai lk s a llcgvrical luvers will mve r fi nd ilnythi ng but parrxlic i magc~ l11d Ih ey will [ Il l asieltp l ~ empty a ~ mirrun Wh en En tail k

fu rther GlUs lically mcdita ted Oil the gno~ tic roo ts Llj Hegel ia n ism in Ll)ll~

ma teria li smt c t Ie g nllst ( 1930) p ropus in g a k~ l abili ing hcadl es~


a J1q~ory tha i would elimuatt aJl h ilTardlic11 ~ ~ t C IllS of rdtn lllc indud ing ~implistic rcv( lltals or blst ll ld idea l o r CXq-lt1l 111 llt1 1 lnrl ltlcrUllcn lll he wa addrtR~jng is)llc$ irnpJiL it in Of Ihis men lInll knOll IWlllillf 91 H ()wcvcr heelIlsl Erns l middot ~ all egory ( nds to Ill p a ll)l it i( depcnds on just ~ll (h illvcrshy

~j ()m ilnd reve rsals of hig1 and low Old is a t a re mov from Btl taillcs infla111ll1110ry ()I)f ll-f llded hd lltaded en terprise

E nHl$ im ages a re often d riven by this undermining of thcir (IW ll sourn-s of lJowc r fcp lescnliug hotb II((i r own ~ la luS a nd i1lSIlfjicilIHy OrtCll they

assu me tht appearallce of (lnhkrlls wh ich as concieusetf o r short lr and ig ll ~ of aUTho rit y ~a n c ti fi ~d by t rld ilion art disrupted hy Ewstmiddot~ illtruio n of thc n ltllll r 1 LIld ~e)( u t l rhc n dllcti t middoti~ua l 11I11ouage or cmhlcms lcnd~ t o ltlrd hrogaliun 111(1 fimiddotag11lClltlliun Ih ich LntSl n alu raJiz~s likening Ihe Sllll1X of fj middotrgnWlll3 Iioll 10 (lperatjoT1~ (lil lbe hod y lt bull rile tru ncalLu pa riS a Ird Ii 1111 ~~ or Of IhiJ lien shall know Iohing arg uauly J u clc 10 th t ~ceri ng lIId te lldt n liou~

reconstruniom of tht e mhknjs [anllJage o r aut hori ty a rClruc luring of Ihc

sy mknloche lim hs a lrcldy prnelH in v i ~l1 emblems Througbout his canlt r Ems would dltriV( double prestige flOlll disrupting lhe COJlv(middotnlions of hOl h a rl a nd li tcrJ fl1l middotf iro lliing his au thoriaJ role as bot h a rlis and poel Emblelll s a rC1 ft lilc ground fur ~uch opT3tions k ndi ll g tlwm~clvu 0 ditorshylil)m or he reci prxa lIldi(a tion s or eX T lIld image which anmiddot Ihe STarling

point nfalJ tgory

Ac kn o wled gement

S l l i(j ll~ of thilt papa H r( pncn l(d a~ Ielt tlJT(~ iI conjullclinn il l Max Em~I

rc ll1(nary ehiiJninm Ihe RnlJ ncl 1(nr()X Memorial JccUrc U Il l T a(middot ( )11)

(1(11 middotmff A Ul IrIJJf(ct ll ItJ91 -J) lI lId II M 01 i (Ilal pound7110 O(lff( 11111 Ihr Duwn oj

hguw middot 11lt~ ~ 111lgtltlorHr hnwltim ltr (10( lOH 9

ll G~1 1 1~ l k 9Jo 1Iy tnillcril ilm 01 11l()oSn bullbull n uollgt ~f fj(w ll 11 52 amp0- M l=nmiddot w middotn I rltult~ ~ rKumrnt d ~ 1 ~ her IkuJamin a~ flll~ (ltI by II~Ilt ml II ~nljsL in rn 8 to auK 1 1~middot ul~r l an L~n ur Silllplilll ~I bat ~ J Ilrl~1U

rell t huugh r he dmiddotIIrymclll of d~lthi IiLinl( pmiddot(hootvtic laquogto ep tgt url ~ s Ielcnnimmo tm r1m~crltt ~m gteJmlt IImntllw I l middot~fI Rll1Ifl1l twlllv Imis ~f )m(alUl lin(I~I illrrkdtmiddoty u An~lc

M IAlodlt 91l 11)) U[ i -l lt)1 - I lt-nd ubstmiddotmiddotmiddot- rht Ire rn~l i u Ul uf Illor lt1 Fm~ (J Ii i fnuc lr Crlt Ihl1 t ho- lifl ugtd rmiddot]m of poundrnsl middot~

lIuc nod ilmhil(1)omh g(ndcrltl h gtvlnL ~ n rh mo (h hypcrholic

Dio cjOCulH1o11 orsl) rl-d~n jm1tf(cry1gt il dO(lt i lli fmltle ~aC11l nr [[00lt1 orgmiddotoonldltG1IHllion al 11 0( Immigt ufth aULhOl tlgt hi~ E rol$L is aJlj~1 llIh GltltX B tll lltmiddot hnnlcnz ~u nf llcg) 11gt1$(111 (~I L ory 111-1 111 in middotSoI ant S l ~r fter u ~1Jtn in capl1on i ndirat~

oJ ddo-nce I n nn SPIf (lIKI

r nn1h~r nd sigi ~ L k Ma~ middotrn1 O~f IllOJ ob middotCologne 9i)- ) in uch fll nh(r ifnrm~lin ( laquo(mns I r ~lO ( C ~d locatiOIl may bc tu

il(ure 29 Em1 OJ I middotun shall (Mil

-h~~ 9 f SLl 63middot C 1 Ernni I IJtI 11uJSODRAC (MlHHrc~j l


S1Irrwlism 9lt)3 ) J 11m gl~Hdn l for lho ltc o pport uui l itl 10 (Olls ider Erns to l roCesso r

CI i~ toll wr Crn middotlI ImfCi J oh n Gl)ldi uS Prorr~Ylr Willillll Cmfi~kl and the

11 011 Fod a tio 10 11middoti r va middot i)l1 ~ lt1 g middotn n)lCgt d vicc I 11olIIk Sllzar rl c Ak bari

r l d~(f l)cre nhI Joyn GOKl(i n E rhan Jd l Kavalc lmiddot and M E Vnr lic k

Page 27: Only Half Saying It Ernst SCAN

(1 IS 1IX lrngtl 1 SmIltllN d amp 193i 0 Max Erllsl 1iI)AGP Van S()DRiC ( Monlrc~l ) 2f)(l(1

l )n IIC Ilupon Of Ih allraf R~~ru 11 (1 I 1$I~ Lolhu I -hr I J~ middotIn Rp jhd bd 11hII hI p HI

Fourh RetI a~ II I( milling of Chris l O vid l l-lrfall(Irphorrr lllorali7cd In

lmJOlIls such h J Hoh CI~ the trials of the lo ver could lJe rca 1go ricd a~ Clll hlnll~ of Chri sia n ~ u(fe ring ltInc co nrilltll cc Ernst reverses tlw prol(~S

dc- morali - ng a llegories In 7 110 dlidren 1IIII1fI(ld ~I (j 1I~lthtillg(h (fig ure zfi ) Frnst lak es U middotidilI1 IIIc(lrlJorphi rape (G anIlH-ci (S ta ~lc Phi lo mcl as

nighting-uk) oul of its repose in spirit ua lizing me taph or as ill (k Kellnincks landscape in h( Wallraf Rir-ha rtz M useu m i ll Cologn( (figure J7 ) ()j emulems sl ch as Hat1idorlhr s in which lit ra pe of Ganymede is rfJllcgoried as the sou ls I ~CIIH lo Cod ( figure 28 )83 Ernst rc t urTl~ Ihnr lo d leir Tl)n l ~ ill ~cx ual viok IlC( hi (h in tu rn S[ ltlnd~ ror the revcnibk hltrU a mi a mbiguous g-round underpinning the provtrh t ln bl cm or allegory

Equally td ling is Enl~ts d ia~rammui( ada platio n or h(rme lic emh lemata in O this mIll rIIIlI kll )w rlO lh lllg 1924 ) I II the paintillg ami II

tIle pl)cm w ri tte n on thl had (a parudy of Ihe oJllo()gical ~ylllhII S Il I I

fi~u r~ 26 Ernl I fUtJ1 mnlilwi ~ II

lllhlmCiJl 191 1 S(1 66I C 1 - r 1 D (t risI ~OI)KC J vumiddot~l l j


th e Hmrfll fd Table of H crrn(~ Trisrn egistu s) Ermt reallt~orlZ(middot ~ the hermetic ~ym bulis ll1 of the nlilrual lini li7atioll of d ivine and cit rddy IS a Freudian middotprinwl scene of gigantic li m b~ and scmiddotx ual pa rtgt Both pa imi ng md puem become rcpr(sntltHion ~ oC the unfu lfill ed n vi ~nging of a n such thing In Ernq s vcrsion the Oedipal a nd Ihe gnolt1l ic an oronc frustratccl substance ltlnd (be power oftbe allegories of h enl1tticism ltIhbaiisrn and aklHmy lies in perpetual d ef( lrd of the d tsircd gol J tl6 Ernst ~ emblem fllnc tioll s more

b roadly illi a scq gtt icai fi gu ration of tht a bil it y of images lO represen t hal IS envi $ioncd or desired in dicating Ihal a ll $lI h em blems ct n only he a sun0 fH l flIT hatt middotcr one an t ~ to know attl in o r rcprcsen Lft7

OJ (Ids 111m sllall kn)1L Mlhing a lso ~ ig na l s its own iconogn lJ)hic history especially tts allu sion to Caspar David Fricdr(h middot$ clllblem tie CrOJS ill Ih

Iounltlills a key work in Grman Roma ntit- dc hIIltg about Iht rela tive fok~ of llIegory and Iandscapc III Erns t as a rl ild er of C ( fman Romil Tlli t~ i~ ltl

would re U 1Il 10 these wpie in his la ndsca pe pai nLings aga in and again Crr)JI ill 111 t1ollll oinf is a lso shadowed by a t( Xl n passage from Ludwig T icck 5 allcgorital novel Fran SI-illbaMr 11middot(lIULmmgrll (J i 98 ) Jnom

26(j ) middot1 ~BImiddot rH ) T I d 1

60 I 1m c (lislt uW(1 Iht twn l1 t timiddot itl~gcry at t~ ngl h ill M~lt Emi l middotI ht 1IJdw(UtI1iJliI

SnllrJ 11 a i - l OCIshy87 Uml middotn o Ero diilltu~ 1he rdu iolll I)( twu h~rn 1l l k svrn lgtol- 1Il in which middotevcry middot~pr ion is a (nignlll hal middotk runlwt ~mgma middot and ~Jr n cconltlructimiddote ~nlys3 as in lini l~

defendJ in middot(n limited scmi III d rili in T ht Ib oJ hllffpWalio Ill n -I--j

fI8 smiddot cJ(m~ (l h W ocn rn ~I( Jaru F~d nnd It ~b1J ~f I muigat ~cw U and Lvndon 1 99lt)~ Karin V()n ~llo lJr ntel thO rrl ll nf (~$7 In 1M -WOIIIIIgt 10 Ern middot lUUlI1 OmJ~(Ilt1 III middotMao b ns l a Rvmlll1ic~m middot M n Enul A Rtl~pnl~ ~ I Werner Spict l t omlo 199 1)

I II~ ~7 K d~ K cunn~k Iuhf rvtJh IM~Io~ fj lt-1IJVdt r gtn leI

dllrf Kgt(hHIZ I ~ l

8iJ bull 1gtlt I g T irk Fwn~ SlmNt11b

11 middotJn~(n Hmt ~ lldIcAt (mll1~hlt

~I lj(h gt)6I ~ p gtgII

J) ~ee 11 0 ~bn lagtlt I Allqlr)

oflrlllll$iol)middot PI 6- 7r lhr dhl1 l1lt IK hr omlll~1 d(h nlll(11 (III ud h ~

ltill u~Jui ncall y I ~nd lor thillgt IcJ rly 1rs ign~II ~lId Impic ddinlun ul rourrlS luch as li lliemiddot h I(ll no h hI l (~ Ii lt mcill ~ tur middotC)middot ll la IIllt-SIKn a (1(11011bullbull 1 H turn jn I(raquolt ru lUI lTnp ~~i 1g ~1 I r

roukl hi ~r~lJ od tlbull ( Ihi Ik nrngt i~ made lllcmllll UKOf)~ Fr ~cl7rh c r) hMd lU lOll ~ Il ili K r nger through $1(middot togt tI ohjrl i( lria 10 judiCII

91 - GltQ rl 6atai llt Solr a ll~middot Fis rif fXt~s SI_rlJ I Im~~ P7 t)39lli

113 $Iodd Minapo l ~Jl lp XIV

1 lt1 6 12 ioIar ~nu p IJ Halaillits 1Qcom )Ir rollinS (m Ih bullrf r lw ~Ml h [ ~ [ I llt imal(vfltouinuous mC l~lor]lh mal p l y i1a d l5ori llJOII lOr tllti M the locornoriH r ltI hl$l)ry lt]uOI(d in aUT

III-rljolmirgt (r SdiJ 1 rlrHn-1 n- I irl 1974 p 1 ~3

illcidcn t the youn g a rtisl F ra il i~ st ru ck by a pa iming llr a l be scc~ in a hn lll it lUll a IlOCIlIIIMI lan dstltl pc ill wh ich a cr ucifix Ull a hiJl i ~ illll m ishy

na llti by IltI ) S o f moonlight The he rm it ex plains Ihat tilt crucifi is a po inte FingcI7cig ) to Ilw ~pjri lu d wurld beyond the faJ lc n world of lla tu n T o Franr ~ o bse na lioll O ne cou ld ca ll th i IMint ing an a lkgor)

the IIn ln il answers All an is JIlt-go rict IIoJ

T IH middotFingcrJeig iI) Ixpbli necl by th e h~rrn it to F ranz S lt rnbald point s not o nly to Iht spiri tlla l but also 10 thlmiddot pr (~cllce of J ll egor~ iblf As a li ter indlx a sho wi ng ha nd o r jJ ~ i l1ting fi n~cr tht Fingerrig i ~ a ~ tJplf

or i Ihlems II is Oimi larly In ade li ter1i b) -l a x E rn)1 t du slig ma tied ha ncl f1 oatin~ in f r OTH of th e lt ruci fi xiOthl~ middot prinM I ~NtJ I Herc it indicates linmiddotth er bu t not Im llscc ndCIH [l)callings90 In E r ll st s painti ng lh t ROlllit lll ics cruci fi x lS alkgori la l poin hr to a hig her nal rn sim ilarly

i tl n l c~ a landscape of d a rk Illowltai ns a nd il eawnly fil ) S IHl I fur the

COltj UIl Cl ivlI o f redemp ti ve c ru cifix a nd ill urnin at iug SUUS(t in Fricclricbmiddots pa inting o r truci ft x and moonlil-h t in Tillkmiddot O novel Ern$[ dark ly ~J bs l it uLes

copulat ing limbs and the bloc ked rays o f a IUllar refipSt Ermls lmiddott nblema tic painting alt Frifeirich s had don ra i se~ p r0 1Jicms or

cnTlIl lllporar) a lkgory When G lf)rges Aatai ll e- turned tn alr-IItm ica l )slIllllng in 192 7 he did so in I( rm~ that almamp t com icH) m im i Ernst s d csul Itmiddot c lltra ilmiddotfilled landscapt 1111 earth middotcovtrtd wi th vuk anOIs hich SltJoT a~ iLs a n us is driven in iL~ rota tion by lhe male ~ha rt ]l tlttraling 1 1 11~

laquomiddotma l- alllJ a lmost t lIl irely (merg ing ill o rder 10 ree n tcr like Ih( piston~ of ~ 100o mo ivl

JI i~ the 1Ilf(ha nical Oll ll)il ltion n(] t ll morm t inn~ of thes mOtmcn t ~ Ihat th~ ak htmists soll~h t 1 I hI philosoJlJ t ~ ~IU Ilt ~

This nWfhJlist jlmiddot cop ulatiu 11 hudcsqu e~ t he vmiddotn ji) UIIl1n ioli o f allegory th e

ltlnagogir 11 wrh of r() rrcsponden(c~ and rtmiddotst ]tlbl a nct~ lIlt middotcopula that li~

one thi ng- 10 a noth n ill lang ua te all Cl witt g ) 11 thin) to be visibly co nnCfted Ha lai lk s a llcgvrical luvers will mve r fi nd ilnythi ng but parrxlic i magc~ l11d Ih ey will [ Il l asieltp l ~ empty a ~ mirrun Wh en En tail k

fu rther GlUs lically mcdita ted Oil the gno~ tic roo ts Llj Hegel ia n ism in Ll)ll~

ma teria li smt c t Ie g nllst ( 1930) p ropus in g a k~ l abili ing hcadl es~


a J1q~ory tha i would elimuatt aJl h ilTardlic11 ~ ~ t C IllS of rdtn lllc indud ing ~implistic rcv( lltals or blst ll ld idea l o r CXq-lt1l 111 llt1 1 lnrl ltlcrUllcn lll he wa addrtR~jng is)llc$ irnpJiL it in Of Ihis men lInll knOll IWlllillf 91 H ()wcvcr heelIlsl Erns l middot ~ all egory ( nds to Ill p a ll)l it i( depcnds on just ~ll (h illvcrshy

~j ()m ilnd reve rsals of hig1 and low Old is a t a re mov from Btl taillcs infla111ll1110ry ()I)f ll-f llded hd lltaded en terprise

E nHl$ im ages a re often d riven by this undermining of thcir (IW ll sourn-s of lJowc r fcp lescnliug hotb II((i r own ~ la luS a nd i1lSIlfjicilIHy OrtCll they

assu me tht appearallce of (lnhkrlls wh ich as concieusetf o r short lr and ig ll ~ of aUTho rit y ~a n c ti fi ~d by t rld ilion art disrupted hy Ewstmiddot~ illtruio n of thc n ltllll r 1 LIld ~e)( u t l rhc n dllcti t middoti~ua l 11I11ouage or cmhlcms lcnd~ t o ltlrd hrogaliun 111(1 fimiddotag11lClltlliun Ih ich LntSl n alu raJiz~s likening Ihe Sllll1X of fj middotrgnWlll3 Iioll 10 (lperatjoT1~ (lil lbe hod y lt bull rile tru ncalLu pa riS a Ird Ii 1111 ~~ or Of IhiJ lien shall know Iohing arg uauly J u clc 10 th t ~ceri ng lIId te lldt n liou~

reconstruniom of tht e mhknjs [anllJage o r aut hori ty a rClruc luring of Ihc

sy mknloche lim hs a lrcldy prnelH in v i ~l1 emblems Througbout his canlt r Ems would dltriV( double prestige flOlll disrupting lhe COJlv(middotnlions of hOl h a rl a nd li tcrJ fl1l middotf iro lliing his au thoriaJ role as bot h a rlis and poel Emblelll s a rC1 ft lilc ground fur ~uch opT3tions k ndi ll g tlwm~clvu 0 ditorshylil)m or he reci prxa lIldi(a tion s or eX T lIld image which anmiddot Ihe STarling

point nfalJ tgory

Ac kn o wled gement

S l l i(j ll~ of thilt papa H r( pncn l(d a~ Ielt tlJT(~ iI conjullclinn il l Max Em~I

rc ll1(nary ehiiJninm Ihe RnlJ ncl 1(nr()X Memorial JccUrc U Il l T a(middot ( )11)

(1(11 middotmff A Ul IrIJJf(ct ll ItJ91 -J) lI lId II M 01 i (Ilal pound7110 O(lff( 11111 Ihr Duwn oj

hguw middot 11lt~ ~ 111lgtltlorHr hnwltim ltr (10( lOH 9

ll G~1 1 1~ l k 9Jo 1Iy tnillcril ilm 01 11l()oSn bullbull n uollgt ~f fj(w ll 11 52 amp0- M l=nmiddot w middotn I rltult~ ~ rKumrnt d ~ 1 ~ her IkuJamin a~ flll~ (ltI by II~Ilt ml II ~nljsL in rn 8 to auK 1 1~middot ul~r l an L~n ur Silllplilll ~I bat ~ J Ilrl~1U

rell t huugh r he dmiddotIIrymclll of d~lthi IiLinl( pmiddot(hootvtic laquogto ep tgt url ~ s Ielcnnimmo tm r1m~crltt ~m gteJmlt IImntllw I l middot~fI Rll1Ifl1l twlllv Imis ~f )m(alUl lin(I~I illrrkdtmiddoty u An~lc

M IAlodlt 91l 11)) U[ i -l lt)1 - I lt-nd ubstmiddotmiddotmiddot- rht Ire rn~l i u Ul uf Illor lt1 Fm~ (J Ii i fnuc lr Crlt Ihl1 t ho- lifl ugtd rmiddot]m of poundrnsl middot~

lIuc nod ilmhil(1)omh g(ndcrltl h gtvlnL ~ n rh mo (h hypcrholic

Dio cjOCulH1o11 orsl) rl-d~n jm1tf(cry1gt il dO(lt i lli fmltle ~aC11l nr [[00lt1 orgmiddotoonldltG1IHllion al 11 0( Immigt ufth aULhOl tlgt hi~ E rol$L is aJlj~1 llIh GltltX B tll lltmiddot hnnlcnz ~u nf llcg) 11gt1$(111 (~I L ory 111-1 111 in middotSoI ant S l ~r fter u ~1Jtn in capl1on i ndirat~

oJ ddo-nce I n nn SPIf (lIKI

r nn1h~r nd sigi ~ L k Ma~ middotrn1 O~f IllOJ ob middotCologne 9i)- ) in uch fll nh(r ifnrm~lin ( laquo(mns I r ~lO ( C ~d locatiOIl may bc tu

il(ure 29 Em1 OJ I middotun shall (Mil

-h~~ 9 f SLl 63middot C 1 Ernni I IJtI 11uJSODRAC (MlHHrc~j l


S1Irrwlism 9lt)3 ) J 11m gl~Hdn l for lho ltc o pport uui l itl 10 (Olls ider Erns to l roCesso r

CI i~ toll wr Crn middotlI ImfCi J oh n Gl)ldi uS Prorr~Ylr Willillll Cmfi~kl and the

11 011 Fod a tio 10 11middoti r va middot i)l1 ~ lt1 g middotn n)lCgt d vicc I 11olIIk Sllzar rl c Ak bari

r l d~(f l)cre nhI Joyn GOKl(i n E rhan Jd l Kavalc lmiddot and M E Vnr lic k

Page 28: Only Half Saying It Ernst SCAN

fi~u r~ 26 Ernl I fUtJ1 mnlilwi ~ II

lllhlmCiJl 191 1 S(1 66I C 1 - r 1 D (t risI ~OI)KC J vumiddot~l l j


th e Hmrfll fd Table of H crrn(~ Trisrn egistu s) Ermt reallt~orlZ(middot ~ the hermetic ~ym bulis ll1 of the nlilrual lini li7atioll of d ivine and cit rddy IS a Freudian middotprinwl scene of gigantic li m b~ and scmiddotx ual pa rtgt Both pa imi ng md puem become rcpr(sntltHion ~ oC the unfu lfill ed n vi ~nging of a n such thing In Ernq s vcrsion the Oedipal a nd Ihe gnolt1l ic an oronc frustratccl substance ltlnd (be power oftbe allegories of h enl1tticism ltIhbaiisrn and aklHmy lies in perpetual d ef( lrd of the d tsircd gol J tl6 Ernst ~ emblem fllnc tioll s more

b roadly illi a scq gtt icai fi gu ration of tht a bil it y of images lO represen t hal IS envi $ioncd or desired in dicating Ihal a ll $lI h em blems ct n only he a sun0 fH l flIT hatt middotcr one an t ~ to know attl in o r rcprcsen Lft7

OJ (Ids 111m sllall kn)1L Mlhing a lso ~ ig na l s its own iconogn lJ)hic history especially tts allu sion to Caspar David Fricdr(h middot$ clllblem tie CrOJS ill Ih

Iounltlills a key work in Grman Roma ntit- dc hIIltg about Iht rela tive fok~ of llIegory and Iandscapc III Erns t as a rl ild er of C ( fman Romil Tlli t~ i~ ltl

would re U 1Il 10 these wpie in his la ndsca pe pai nLings aga in and again Crr)JI ill 111 t1ollll oinf is a lso shadowed by a t( Xl n passage from Ludwig T icck 5 allcgorital novel Fran SI-illbaMr 11middot(lIULmmgrll (J i 98 ) Jnom

26(j ) middot1 ~BImiddot rH ) T I d 1

60 I 1m c (lislt uW(1 Iht twn l1 t timiddot itl~gcry at t~ ngl h ill M~lt Emi l middotI ht 1IJdw(UtI1iJliI

SnllrJ 11 a i - l OCIshy87 Uml middotn o Ero diilltu~ 1he rdu iolll I)( twu h~rn 1l l k svrn lgtol- 1Il in which middotevcry middot~pr ion is a (nignlll hal middotk runlwt ~mgma middot and ~Jr n cconltlructimiddote ~nlys3 as in lini l~

defendJ in middot(n limited scmi III d rili in T ht Ib oJ hllffpWalio Ill n -I--j

fI8 smiddot cJ(m~ (l h W ocn rn ~I( Jaru F~d nnd It ~b1J ~f I muigat ~cw U and Lvndon 1 99lt)~ Karin V()n ~llo lJr ntel thO rrl ll nf (~$7 In 1M -WOIIIIIgt 10 Ern middot lUUlI1 OmJ~(Ilt1 III middotMao b ns l a Rvmlll1ic~m middot M n Enul A Rtl~pnl~ ~ I Werner Spict l t omlo 199 1)

I II~ ~7 K d~ K cunn~k Iuhf rvtJh IM~Io~ fj lt-1IJVdt r gtn leI

dllrf Kgt(hHIZ I ~ l

8iJ bull 1gtlt I g T irk Fwn~ SlmNt11b

11 middotJn~(n Hmt ~ lldIcAt (mll1~hlt

~I lj(h gt)6I ~ p gtgII

J) ~ee 11 0 ~bn lagtlt I Allqlr)

oflrlllll$iol)middot PI 6- 7r lhr dhl1 l1lt IK hr omlll~1 d(h nlll(11 (III ud h ~

ltill u~Jui ncall y I ~nd lor thillgt IcJ rly 1rs ign~II ~lId Impic ddinlun ul rourrlS luch as li lliemiddot h I(ll no h hI l (~ Ii lt mcill ~ tur middotC)middot ll la IIllt-SIKn a (1(11011bullbull 1 H turn jn I(raquolt ru lUI lTnp ~~i 1g ~1 I r

roukl hi ~r~lJ od tlbull ( Ihi Ik nrngt i~ made lllcmllll UKOf)~ Fr ~cl7rh c r) hMd lU lOll ~ Il ili K r nger through $1(middot togt tI ohjrl i( lria 10 judiCII

91 - GltQ rl 6atai llt Solr a ll~middot Fis rif fXt~s SI_rlJ I Im~~ P7 t)39lli

113 $Iodd Minapo l ~Jl lp XIV

1 lt1 6 12 ioIar ~nu p IJ Halaillits 1Qcom )Ir rollinS (m Ih bullrf r lw ~Ml h [ ~ [ I llt imal(vfltouinuous mC l~lor]lh mal p l y i1a d l5ori llJOII lOr tllti M the locornoriH r ltI hl$l)ry lt]uOI(d in aUT

III-rljolmirgt (r SdiJ 1 rlrHn-1 n- I irl 1974 p 1 ~3

illcidcn t the youn g a rtisl F ra il i~ st ru ck by a pa iming llr a l be scc~ in a hn lll it lUll a IlOCIlIIIMI lan dstltl pc ill wh ich a cr ucifix Ull a hiJl i ~ illll m ishy

na llti by IltI ) S o f moonlight The he rm it ex plains Ihat tilt crucifi is a po inte FingcI7cig ) to Ilw ~pjri lu d wurld beyond the faJ lc n world of lla tu n T o Franr ~ o bse na lioll O ne cou ld ca ll th i IMint ing an a lkgor)

the IIn ln il answers All an is JIlt-go rict IIoJ

T IH middotFingcrJeig iI) Ixpbli necl by th e h~rrn it to F ranz S lt rnbald point s not o nly to Iht spiri tlla l but also 10 thlmiddot pr (~cllce of J ll egor~ iblf As a li ter indlx a sho wi ng ha nd o r jJ ~ i l1ting fi n~cr tht Fingerrig i ~ a ~ tJplf

or i Ihlems II is Oimi larly In ade li ter1i b) -l a x E rn)1 t du slig ma tied ha ncl f1 oatin~ in f r OTH of th e lt ruci fi xiOthl~ middot prinM I ~NtJ I Herc it indicates linmiddotth er bu t not Im llscc ndCIH [l)callings90 In E r ll st s painti ng lh t ROlllit lll ics cruci fi x lS alkgori la l poin hr to a hig her nal rn sim ilarly

i tl n l c~ a landscape of d a rk Illowltai ns a nd il eawnly fil ) S IHl I fur the

COltj UIl Cl ivlI o f redemp ti ve c ru cifix a nd ill urnin at iug SUUS(t in Fricclricbmiddots pa inting o r truci ft x and moonlil-h t in Tillkmiddot O novel Ern$[ dark ly ~J bs l it uLes

copulat ing limbs and the bloc ked rays o f a IUllar refipSt Ermls lmiddott nblema tic painting alt Frifeirich s had don ra i se~ p r0 1Jicms or

cnTlIl lllporar) a lkgory When G lf)rges Aatai ll e- turned tn alr-IItm ica l )slIllllng in 192 7 he did so in I( rm~ that almamp t com icH) m im i Ernst s d csul Itmiddot c lltra ilmiddotfilled landscapt 1111 earth middotcovtrtd wi th vuk anOIs hich SltJoT a~ iLs a n us is driven in iL~ rota tion by lhe male ~ha rt ]l tlttraling 1 1 11~

laquomiddotma l- alllJ a lmost t lIl irely (merg ing ill o rder 10 ree n tcr like Ih( piston~ of ~ 100o mo ivl

JI i~ the 1Ilf(ha nical Oll ll)il ltion n(] t ll morm t inn~ of thes mOtmcn t ~ Ihat th~ ak htmists soll~h t 1 I hI philosoJlJ t ~ ~IU Ilt ~

This nWfhJlist jlmiddot cop ulatiu 11 hudcsqu e~ t he vmiddotn ji) UIIl1n ioli o f allegory th e

ltlnagogir 11 wrh of r() rrcsponden(c~ and rtmiddotst ]tlbl a nct~ lIlt middotcopula that li~

one thi ng- 10 a noth n ill lang ua te all Cl witt g ) 11 thin) to be visibly co nnCfted Ha lai lk s a llcgvrical luvers will mve r fi nd ilnythi ng but parrxlic i magc~ l11d Ih ey will [ Il l asieltp l ~ empty a ~ mirrun Wh en En tail k

fu rther GlUs lically mcdita ted Oil the gno~ tic roo ts Llj Hegel ia n ism in Ll)ll~

ma teria li smt c t Ie g nllst ( 1930) p ropus in g a k~ l abili ing hcadl es~


a J1q~ory tha i would elimuatt aJl h ilTardlic11 ~ ~ t C IllS of rdtn lllc indud ing ~implistic rcv( lltals or blst ll ld idea l o r CXq-lt1l 111 llt1 1 lnrl ltlcrUllcn lll he wa addrtR~jng is)llc$ irnpJiL it in Of Ihis men lInll knOll IWlllillf 91 H ()wcvcr heelIlsl Erns l middot ~ all egory ( nds to Ill p a ll)l it i( depcnds on just ~ll (h illvcrshy

~j ()m ilnd reve rsals of hig1 and low Old is a t a re mov from Btl taillcs infla111ll1110ry ()I)f ll-f llded hd lltaded en terprise

E nHl$ im ages a re often d riven by this undermining of thcir (IW ll sourn-s of lJowc r fcp lescnliug hotb II((i r own ~ la luS a nd i1lSIlfjicilIHy OrtCll they

assu me tht appearallce of (lnhkrlls wh ich as concieusetf o r short lr and ig ll ~ of aUTho rit y ~a n c ti fi ~d by t rld ilion art disrupted hy Ewstmiddot~ illtruio n of thc n ltllll r 1 LIld ~e)( u t l rhc n dllcti t middoti~ua l 11I11ouage or cmhlcms lcnd~ t o ltlrd hrogaliun 111(1 fimiddotag11lClltlliun Ih ich LntSl n alu raJiz~s likening Ihe Sllll1X of fj middotrgnWlll3 Iioll 10 (lperatjoT1~ (lil lbe hod y lt bull rile tru ncalLu pa riS a Ird Ii 1111 ~~ or Of IhiJ lien shall know Iohing arg uauly J u clc 10 th t ~ceri ng lIId te lldt n liou~

reconstruniom of tht e mhknjs [anllJage o r aut hori ty a rClruc luring of Ihc

sy mknloche lim hs a lrcldy prnelH in v i ~l1 emblems Througbout his canlt r Ems would dltriV( double prestige flOlll disrupting lhe COJlv(middotnlions of hOl h a rl a nd li tcrJ fl1l middotf iro lliing his au thoriaJ role as bot h a rlis and poel Emblelll s a rC1 ft lilc ground fur ~uch opT3tions k ndi ll g tlwm~clvu 0 ditorshylil)m or he reci prxa lIldi(a tion s or eX T lIld image which anmiddot Ihe STarling

point nfalJ tgory

Ac kn o wled gement

S l l i(j ll~ of thilt papa H r( pncn l(d a~ Ielt tlJT(~ iI conjullclinn il l Max Em~I

rc ll1(nary ehiiJninm Ihe RnlJ ncl 1(nr()X Memorial JccUrc U Il l T a(middot ( )11)

(1(11 middotmff A Ul IrIJJf(ct ll ItJ91 -J) lI lId II M 01 i (Ilal pound7110 O(lff( 11111 Ihr Duwn oj

hguw middot 11lt~ ~ 111lgtltlorHr hnwltim ltr (10( lOH 9

ll G~1 1 1~ l k 9Jo 1Iy tnillcril ilm 01 11l()oSn bullbull n uollgt ~f fj(w ll 11 52 amp0- M l=nmiddot w middotn I rltult~ ~ rKumrnt d ~ 1 ~ her IkuJamin a~ flll~ (ltI by II~Ilt ml II ~nljsL in rn 8 to auK 1 1~middot ul~r l an L~n ur Silllplilll ~I bat ~ J Ilrl~1U

rell t huugh r he dmiddotIIrymclll of d~lthi IiLinl( pmiddot(hootvtic laquogto ep tgt url ~ s Ielcnnimmo tm r1m~crltt ~m gteJmlt IImntllw I l middot~fI Rll1Ifl1l twlllv Imis ~f )m(alUl lin(I~I illrrkdtmiddoty u An~lc

M IAlodlt 91l 11)) U[ i -l lt)1 - I lt-nd ubstmiddotmiddotmiddot- rht Ire rn~l i u Ul uf Illor lt1 Fm~ (J Ii i fnuc lr Crlt Ihl1 t ho- lifl ugtd rmiddot]m of poundrnsl middot~

lIuc nod ilmhil(1)omh g(ndcrltl h gtvlnL ~ n rh mo (h hypcrholic

Dio cjOCulH1o11 orsl) rl-d~n jm1tf(cry1gt il dO(lt i lli fmltle ~aC11l nr [[00lt1 orgmiddotoonldltG1IHllion al 11 0( Immigt ufth aULhOl tlgt hi~ E rol$L is aJlj~1 llIh GltltX B tll lltmiddot hnnlcnz ~u nf llcg) 11gt1$(111 (~I L ory 111-1 111 in middotSoI ant S l ~r fter u ~1Jtn in capl1on i ndirat~

oJ ddo-nce I n nn SPIf (lIKI

r nn1h~r nd sigi ~ L k Ma~ middotrn1 O~f IllOJ ob middotCologne 9i)- ) in uch fll nh(r ifnrm~lin ( laquo(mns I r ~lO ( C ~d locatiOIl may bc tu

il(ure 29 Em1 OJ I middotun shall (Mil

-h~~ 9 f SLl 63middot C 1 Ernni I IJtI 11uJSODRAC (MlHHrc~j l


S1Irrwlism 9lt)3 ) J 11m gl~Hdn l for lho ltc o pport uui l itl 10 (Olls ider Erns to l roCesso r

CI i~ toll wr Crn middotlI ImfCi J oh n Gl)ldi uS Prorr~Ylr Willillll Cmfi~kl and the

11 011 Fod a tio 10 11middoti r va middot i)l1 ~ lt1 g middotn n)lCgt d vicc I 11olIIk Sllzar rl c Ak bari

r l d~(f l)cre nhI Joyn GOKl(i n E rhan Jd l Kavalc lmiddot and M E Vnr lic k

Page 29: Only Half Saying It Ernst SCAN

I II~ ~7 K d~ K cunn~k Iuhf rvtJh IM~Io~ fj lt-1IJVdt r gtn leI

dllrf Kgt(hHIZ I ~ l

8iJ bull 1gtlt I g T irk Fwn~ SlmNt11b

11 middotJn~(n Hmt ~ lldIcAt (mll1~hlt

~I lj(h gt)6I ~ p gtgII

J) ~ee 11 0 ~bn lagtlt I Allqlr)

oflrlllll$iol)middot PI 6- 7r lhr dhl1 l1lt IK hr omlll~1 d(h nlll(11 (III ud h ~

ltill u~Jui ncall y I ~nd lor thillgt IcJ rly 1rs ign~II ~lId Impic ddinlun ul rourrlS luch as li lliemiddot h I(ll no h hI l (~ Ii lt mcill ~ tur middotC)middot ll la IIllt-SIKn a (1(11011bullbull 1 H turn jn I(raquolt ru lUI lTnp ~~i 1g ~1 I r

roukl hi ~r~lJ od tlbull ( Ihi Ik nrngt i~ made lllcmllll UKOf)~ Fr ~cl7rh c r) hMd lU lOll ~ Il ili K r nger through $1(middot togt tI ohjrl i( lria 10 judiCII

91 - GltQ rl 6atai llt Solr a ll~middot Fis rif fXt~s SI_rlJ I Im~~ P7 t)39lli

113 $Iodd Minapo l ~Jl lp XIV

1 lt1 6 12 ioIar ~nu p IJ Halaillits 1Qcom )Ir rollinS (m Ih bullrf r lw ~Ml h [ ~ [ I llt imal(vfltouinuous mC l~lor]lh mal p l y i1a d l5ori llJOII lOr tllti M the locornoriH r ltI hl$l)ry lt]uOI(d in aUT

III-rljolmirgt (r SdiJ 1 rlrHn-1 n- I irl 1974 p 1 ~3

illcidcn t the youn g a rtisl F ra il i~ st ru ck by a pa iming llr a l be scc~ in a hn lll it lUll a IlOCIlIIIMI lan dstltl pc ill wh ich a cr ucifix Ull a hiJl i ~ illll m ishy

na llti by IltI ) S o f moonlight The he rm it ex plains Ihat tilt crucifi is a po inte FingcI7cig ) to Ilw ~pjri lu d wurld beyond the faJ lc n world of lla tu n T o Franr ~ o bse na lioll O ne cou ld ca ll th i IMint ing an a lkgor)

the IIn ln il answers All an is JIlt-go rict IIoJ

T IH middotFingcrJeig iI) Ixpbli necl by th e h~rrn it to F ranz S lt rnbald point s not o nly to Iht spiri tlla l but also 10 thlmiddot pr (~cllce of J ll egor~ iblf As a li ter indlx a sho wi ng ha nd o r jJ ~ i l1ting fi n~cr tht Fingerrig i ~ a ~ tJplf

or i Ihlems II is Oimi larly In ade li ter1i b) -l a x E rn)1 t du slig ma tied ha ncl f1 oatin~ in f r OTH of th e lt ruci fi xiOthl~ middot prinM I ~NtJ I Herc it indicates linmiddotth er bu t not Im llscc ndCIH [l)callings90 In E r ll st s painti ng lh t ROlllit lll ics cruci fi x lS alkgori la l poin hr to a hig her nal rn sim ilarly

i tl n l c~ a landscape of d a rk Illowltai ns a nd il eawnly fil ) S IHl I fur the

COltj UIl Cl ivlI o f redemp ti ve c ru cifix a nd ill urnin at iug SUUS(t in Fricclricbmiddots pa inting o r truci ft x and moonlil-h t in Tillkmiddot O novel Ern$[ dark ly ~J bs l it uLes

copulat ing limbs and the bloc ked rays o f a IUllar refipSt Ermls lmiddott nblema tic painting alt Frifeirich s had don ra i se~ p r0 1Jicms or

cnTlIl lllporar) a lkgory When G lf)rges Aatai ll e- turned tn alr-IItm ica l )slIllllng in 192 7 he did so in I( rm~ that almamp t com icH) m im i Ernst s d csul Itmiddot c lltra ilmiddotfilled landscapt 1111 earth middotcovtrtd wi th vuk anOIs hich SltJoT a~ iLs a n us is driven in iL~ rota tion by lhe male ~ha rt ]l tlttraling 1 1 11~

laquomiddotma l- alllJ a lmost t lIl irely (merg ing ill o rder 10 ree n tcr like Ih( piston~ of ~ 100o mo ivl

JI i~ the 1Ilf(ha nical Oll ll)il ltion n(] t ll morm t inn~ of thes mOtmcn t ~ Ihat th~ ak htmists soll~h t 1 I hI philosoJlJ t ~ ~IU Ilt ~

This nWfhJlist jlmiddot cop ulatiu 11 hudcsqu e~ t he vmiddotn ji) UIIl1n ioli o f allegory th e

ltlnagogir 11 wrh of r() rrcsponden(c~ and rtmiddotst ]tlbl a nct~ lIlt middotcopula that li~

one thi ng- 10 a noth n ill lang ua te all Cl witt g ) 11 thin) to be visibly co nnCfted Ha lai lk s a llcgvrical luvers will mve r fi nd ilnythi ng but parrxlic i magc~ l11d Ih ey will [ Il l asieltp l ~ empty a ~ mirrun Wh en En tail k

fu rther GlUs lically mcdita ted Oil the gno~ tic roo ts Llj Hegel ia n ism in Ll)ll~

ma teria li smt c t Ie g nllst ( 1930) p ropus in g a k~ l abili ing hcadl es~


a J1q~ory tha i would elimuatt aJl h ilTardlic11 ~ ~ t C IllS of rdtn lllc indud ing ~implistic rcv( lltals or blst ll ld idea l o r CXq-lt1l 111 llt1 1 lnrl ltlcrUllcn lll he wa addrtR~jng is)llc$ irnpJiL it in Of Ihis men lInll knOll IWlllillf 91 H ()wcvcr heelIlsl Erns l middot ~ all egory ( nds to Ill p a ll)l it i( depcnds on just ~ll (h illvcrshy

~j ()m ilnd reve rsals of hig1 and low Old is a t a re mov from Btl taillcs infla111ll1110ry ()I)f ll-f llded hd lltaded en terprise

E nHl$ im ages a re often d riven by this undermining of thcir (IW ll sourn-s of lJowc r fcp lescnliug hotb II((i r own ~ la luS a nd i1lSIlfjicilIHy OrtCll they

assu me tht appearallce of (lnhkrlls wh ich as concieusetf o r short lr and ig ll ~ of aUTho rit y ~a n c ti fi ~d by t rld ilion art disrupted hy Ewstmiddot~ illtruio n of thc n ltllll r 1 LIld ~e)( u t l rhc n dllcti t middoti~ua l 11I11ouage or cmhlcms lcnd~ t o ltlrd hrogaliun 111(1 fimiddotag11lClltlliun Ih ich LntSl n alu raJiz~s likening Ihe Sllll1X of fj middotrgnWlll3 Iioll 10 (lperatjoT1~ (lil lbe hod y lt bull rile tru ncalLu pa riS a Ird Ii 1111 ~~ or Of IhiJ lien shall know Iohing arg uauly J u clc 10 th t ~ceri ng lIId te lldt n liou~

reconstruniom of tht e mhknjs [anllJage o r aut hori ty a rClruc luring of Ihc

sy mknloche lim hs a lrcldy prnelH in v i ~l1 emblems Througbout his canlt r Ems would dltriV( double prestige flOlll disrupting lhe COJlv(middotnlions of hOl h a rl a nd li tcrJ fl1l middotf iro lliing his au thoriaJ role as bot h a rlis and poel Emblelll s a rC1 ft lilc ground fur ~uch opT3tions k ndi ll g tlwm~clvu 0 ditorshylil)m or he reci prxa lIldi(a tion s or eX T lIld image which anmiddot Ihe STarling

point nfalJ tgory

Ac kn o wled gement

S l l i(j ll~ of thilt papa H r( pncn l(d a~ Ielt tlJT(~ iI conjullclinn il l Max Em~I

rc ll1(nary ehiiJninm Ihe RnlJ ncl 1(nr()X Memorial JccUrc U Il l T a(middot ( )11)

(1(11 middotmff A Ul IrIJJf(ct ll ItJ91 -J) lI lId II M 01 i (Ilal pound7110 O(lff( 11111 Ihr Duwn oj

hguw middot 11lt~ ~ 111lgtltlorHr hnwltim ltr (10( lOH 9

ll G~1 1 1~ l k 9Jo 1Iy tnillcril ilm 01 11l()oSn bullbull n uollgt ~f fj(w ll 11 52 amp0- M l=nmiddot w middotn I rltult~ ~ rKumrnt d ~ 1 ~ her IkuJamin a~ flll~ (ltI by II~Ilt ml II ~nljsL in rn 8 to auK 1 1~middot ul~r l an L~n ur Silllplilll ~I bat ~ J Ilrl~1U

rell t huugh r he dmiddotIIrymclll of d~lthi IiLinl( pmiddot(hootvtic laquogto ep tgt url ~ s Ielcnnimmo tm r1m~crltt ~m gteJmlt IImntllw I l middot~fI Rll1Ifl1l twlllv Imis ~f )m(alUl lin(I~I illrrkdtmiddoty u An~lc

M IAlodlt 91l 11)) U[ i -l lt)1 - I lt-nd ubstmiddotmiddotmiddot- rht Ire rn~l i u Ul uf Illor lt1 Fm~ (J Ii i fnuc lr Crlt Ihl1 t ho- lifl ugtd rmiddot]m of poundrnsl middot~

lIuc nod ilmhil(1)omh g(ndcrltl h gtvlnL ~ n rh mo (h hypcrholic

Dio cjOCulH1o11 orsl) rl-d~n jm1tf(cry1gt il dO(lt i lli fmltle ~aC11l nr [[00lt1 orgmiddotoonldltG1IHllion al 11 0( Immigt ufth aULhOl tlgt hi~ E rol$L is aJlj~1 llIh GltltX B tll lltmiddot hnnlcnz ~u nf llcg) 11gt1$(111 (~I L ory 111-1 111 in middotSoI ant S l ~r fter u ~1Jtn in capl1on i ndirat~

oJ ddo-nce I n nn SPIf (lIKI

r nn1h~r nd sigi ~ L k Ma~ middotrn1 O~f IllOJ ob middotCologne 9i)- ) in uch fll nh(r ifnrm~lin ( laquo(mns I r ~lO ( C ~d locatiOIl may bc tu

il(ure 29 Em1 OJ I middotun shall (Mil

-h~~ 9 f SLl 63middot C 1 Ernni I IJtI 11uJSODRAC (MlHHrc~j l


S1Irrwlism 9lt)3 ) J 11m gl~Hdn l for lho ltc o pport uui l itl 10 (Olls ider Erns to l roCesso r

CI i~ toll wr Crn middotlI ImfCi J oh n Gl)ldi uS Prorr~Ylr Willillll Cmfi~kl and the

11 011 Fod a tio 10 11middoti r va middot i)l1 ~ lt1 g middotn n)lCgt d vicc I 11olIIk Sllzar rl c Ak bari

r l d~(f l)cre nhI Joyn GOKl(i n E rhan Jd l Kavalc lmiddot and M E Vnr lic k

Page 30: Only Half Saying It Ernst SCAN

a J1q~ory tha i would elimuatt aJl h ilTardlic11 ~ ~ t C IllS of rdtn lllc indud ing ~implistic rcv( lltals or blst ll ld idea l o r CXq-lt1l 111 llt1 1 lnrl ltlcrUllcn lll he wa addrtR~jng is)llc$ irnpJiL it in Of Ihis men lInll knOll IWlllillf 91 H ()wcvcr heelIlsl Erns l middot ~ all egory ( nds to Ill p a ll)l it i( depcnds on just ~ll (h illvcrshy

~j ()m ilnd reve rsals of hig1 and low Old is a t a re mov from Btl taillcs infla111ll1110ry ()I)f ll-f llded hd lltaded en terprise

E nHl$ im ages a re often d riven by this undermining of thcir (IW ll sourn-s of lJowc r fcp lescnliug hotb II((i r own ~ la luS a nd i1lSIlfjicilIHy OrtCll they

assu me tht appearallce of (lnhkrlls wh ich as concieusetf o r short lr and ig ll ~ of aUTho rit y ~a n c ti fi ~d by t rld ilion art disrupted hy Ewstmiddot~ illtruio n of thc n ltllll r 1 LIld ~e)( u t l rhc n dllcti t middoti~ua l 11I11ouage or cmhlcms lcnd~ t o ltlrd hrogaliun 111(1 fimiddotag11lClltlliun Ih ich LntSl n alu raJiz~s likening Ihe Sllll1X of fj middotrgnWlll3 Iioll 10 (lperatjoT1~ (lil lbe hod y lt bull rile tru ncalLu pa riS a Ird Ii 1111 ~~ or Of IhiJ lien shall know Iohing arg uauly J u clc 10 th t ~ceri ng lIId te lldt n liou~

reconstruniom of tht e mhknjs [anllJage o r aut hori ty a rClruc luring of Ihc

sy mknloche lim hs a lrcldy prnelH in v i ~l1 emblems Througbout his canlt r Ems would dltriV( double prestige flOlll disrupting lhe COJlv(middotnlions of hOl h a rl a nd li tcrJ fl1l middotf iro lliing his au thoriaJ role as bot h a rlis and poel Emblelll s a rC1 ft lilc ground fur ~uch opT3tions k ndi ll g tlwm~clvu 0 ditorshylil)m or he reci prxa lIldi(a tion s or eX T lIld image which anmiddot Ihe STarling

point nfalJ tgory

Ac kn o wled gement

S l l i(j ll~ of thilt papa H r( pncn l(d a~ Ielt tlJT(~ iI conjullclinn il l Max Em~I

rc ll1(nary ehiiJninm Ihe RnlJ ncl 1(nr()X Memorial JccUrc U Il l T a(middot ( )11)

(1(11 middotmff A Ul IrIJJf(ct ll ItJ91 -J) lI lId II M 01 i (Ilal pound7110 O(lff( 11111 Ihr Duwn oj

hguw middot 11lt~ ~ 111lgtltlorHr hnwltim ltr (10( lOH 9

ll G~1 1 1~ l k 9Jo 1Iy tnillcril ilm 01 11l()oSn bullbull n uollgt ~f fj(w ll 11 52 amp0- M l=nmiddot w middotn I rltult~ ~ rKumrnt d ~ 1 ~ her IkuJamin a~ flll~ (ltI by II~Ilt ml II ~nljsL in rn 8 to auK 1 1~middot ul~r l an L~n ur Silllplilll ~I bat ~ J Ilrl~1U

rell t huugh r he dmiddotIIrymclll of d~lthi IiLinl( pmiddot(hootvtic laquogto ep tgt url ~ s Ielcnnimmo tm r1m~crltt ~m gteJmlt IImntllw I l middot~fI Rll1Ifl1l twlllv Imis ~f )m(alUl lin(I~I illrrkdtmiddoty u An~lc

M IAlodlt 91l 11)) U[ i -l lt)1 - I lt-nd ubstmiddotmiddotmiddot- rht Ire rn~l i u Ul uf Illor lt1 Fm~ (J Ii i fnuc lr Crlt Ihl1 t ho- lifl ugtd rmiddot]m of poundrnsl middot~

lIuc nod ilmhil(1)omh g(ndcrltl h gtvlnL ~ n rh mo (h hypcrholic

Dio cjOCulH1o11 orsl) rl-d~n jm1tf(cry1gt il dO(lt i lli fmltle ~aC11l nr [[00lt1 orgmiddotoonldltG1IHllion al 11 0( Immigt ufth aULhOl tlgt hi~ E rol$L is aJlj~1 llIh GltltX B tll lltmiddot hnnlcnz ~u nf llcg) 11gt1$(111 (~I L ory 111-1 111 in middotSoI ant S l ~r fter u ~1Jtn in capl1on i ndirat~

oJ ddo-nce I n nn SPIf (lIKI

r nn1h~r nd sigi ~ L k Ma~ middotrn1 O~f IllOJ ob middotCologne 9i)- ) in uch fll nh(r ifnrm~lin ( laquo(mns I r ~lO ( C ~d locatiOIl may bc tu

il(ure 29 Em1 OJ I middotun shall (Mil

-h~~ 9 f SLl 63middot C 1 Ernni I IJtI 11uJSODRAC (MlHHrc~j l


S1Irrwlism 9lt)3 ) J 11m gl~Hdn l for lho ltc o pport uui l itl 10 (Olls ider Erns to l roCesso r

CI i~ toll wr Crn middotlI ImfCi J oh n Gl)ldi uS Prorr~Ylr Willillll Cmfi~kl and the

11 011 Fod a tio 10 11middoti r va middot i)l1 ~ lt1 g middotn n)lCgt d vicc I 11olIIk Sllzar rl c Ak bari

r l d~(f l)cre nhI Joyn GOKl(i n E rhan Jd l Kavalc lmiddot and M E Vnr lic k

Page 31: Only Half Saying It Ernst SCAN

il(ure 29 Em1 OJ I middotun shall (Mil

-h~~ 9 f SLl 63middot C 1 Ernni I IJtI 11uJSODRAC (MlHHrc~j l


S1Irrwlism 9lt)3 ) J 11m gl~Hdn l for lho ltc o pport uui l itl 10 (Olls ider Erns to l roCesso r

CI i~ toll wr Crn middotlI ImfCi J oh n Gl)ldi uS Prorr~Ylr Willillll Cmfi~kl and the

11 011 Fod a tio 10 11middoti r va middot i)l1 ~ lt1 g middotn n)lCgt d vicc I 11olIIk Sllzar rl c Ak bari

r l d~(f l)cre nhI Joyn GOKl(i n E rhan Jd l Kavalc lmiddot and M E Vnr lic k