open f ©r flie - nys historic...

" M T ^ 9 « T £Ba. V.J ENTERPRISE,. FRIDAY, ©CtfEHKEft- 2S& 1B523| PAGE EIGHT t| C^savnoim Chapter- of ithe n&Higjiteass-. off th& A'fnpripan Revo-: Hitmm rrffrnhwrtedi ite 75ft armissei^ ssmw att as diamond; jubifeg; €iraer| "at: titer Aurania Club an Friday, (Our. 20.. (Dv,er 11)0- members :ana ®usi& attended; the gala affai. THiB? [jEucessinnal was led 1 b y M r , | amii iSHsffi IBasad. Hi. Veeder of La-f iHiumy taang, the flag: of thet^ tffmnaril S t a f t s - of America and the Qlijg afi titer Daughters of the Am-j aJBcan. Revolution. Mr: Veeder, a- nimnlieu- off tftee B r i g a d e of tflbeJ Revolution,, wore the GETS DAK AWABSB Wc&. Harry E. Veeder, Tjapft ((mbjttfr) presente am amssnsS to Mrs. Benjamin Rathbun, "reglstnar, ^t tite OJamontl JaaSalfee etiitaroear aff Gansevoart Chapter aff tfhe CBaujJh- ters «of Has ^taissraEsm Bfettotattact,, F r i d a y , Oct. 20, >St fine /Aursai'm Club an AUtaay- The TFowim rf (QmikSerianMil Eras- sent oust ate Ernst 3fl) BMBtticss rest- d e n t s foawiimg pumlk rairs OJIII Maeiar property. MIOJW mmtikes wiiE fol- low, acooarafcig mo ttiiresnm arfBSeiiafe.. HarroM Gpojtuumsa, comgfiffimaitoir of planning amd sjasmmnig. sa&S the town has wanted to tease siwiaers of jjaaak ears nenaowe ttitam tatare triads,, but there w a s w> jjuumfc yaunfl BED GiairMeJr- land. Now,fcHBuBwimgtfice passage of a r-esrafatimm att tin? SepdeimiieF town buard meKiEg,, the town has established a jjanssfe yaurail asm Kamrtte 20 near tfoe Busanrastoanrg BMHrder.. The TOdJalliiKm nttuttMass went to- junk -car wHamans wftfin wareEfes Ejrimg- unlicensed amd Jlm(D^JIleIraMe , Snn EesaV dentiaa' Msnes. ©wmffns w i l l fcaive about 1'0 s3a$x, aDonaniSnig: to' M r . Crounse, to meHmroiweflflt©cats. H no aotBEsm iis ttateam. ieimm poEce will p l a c e wMfattiosai stftrifeOTS om tike v e h i c l e s amfl ttlftw sKsnmeffs w i l l t h e n have sewern atogs tto comaipHy w i t h t h e orE&Bamwae. If -fine ©winiEsns sttMD Brave mot moved itSaear (tans. Massy wil re- ceive a siTTiMinwais aumi m i l l be li- able for rf aip to. S50. The t o w n wall ttifaran ttrow itBie caar a w a y at the 'OWUMST'S esjpiaise. Guifcferf iiH'TSaiid I •4- & I ±... .... - 2S©B Westerai A^eHHe 4SS-5MS Mrs. Charles Eadidk iis ra Hu»- pital patient. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Ekises ttarik his mother and sister to I h e i r HnirnE tat Lake Worth, Tla., fluiiins aisi vacation. Last Sunday, Mr. and Vernon Haskha took Ms sister,, Dora, for a ride. She -spent 'Wed- nesday afternoon with trhem. 3®ss. Henry Haskin called TOhuEsSag' ^~ temoon and Mrs. E t o w a r d IBBaiitEBr| called Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Leland Hunt .and EBwdfetn Hunt attended the viewing jff 1 Mardey Mackey, Tuesday ©vsriins. On Wednesday, Mrs. K. ELunt amfl Evelyn attended the tongrril. The former Gny Miilbms Epmp- erty and the L u t h e r a n j>aTBrmfEge have been sold. Raymond Hent palled uan hiss mother and sister one *verift]£g QEsttj week. Their daughter, tGinifeiine, 1 is attending college. Thursday afternoon a fUwa? ffltew- 1 over this community "the mffiHBfjge, Mrs. Mary Dingman rhafl giE^fflfi away suddenly. She HBaaras a daughter, Mrs. Leland Ofeigmast)) Hunt two grandchildren, fflhnnfe| and Gregory; a sister. 3SES. Jb^m Henderson, and son, .flritan, cousin and a host of friends. Lynnwood Refi ^s^!-S^^^^a^^HS-(HB^s**^?<« , .&«sa'<^*45• Rev. William H. de iFoEest 9:45 a. m. Morning 'wui^iib/). There is a nursery lor ixmiltoani through grade one. 11 a. m. Church sdiodl. Discipline and DiseoMSisr 1 WfeHfe- i end; 7:30 p. m. Cataeonfc and ueam-| munion service. Friday, November 3rd: 9:3& to 11:30 a. m. m&m <Gnm- munity Day celebration att SEdiia Baptist chureh. Women's conferenee aat ffieafljis. Saturday, November -Stir Women's conierenee a t ~ auttimiiiir' uirifbiair of ifie Corps >of | lligfttt EbfenHaj the unit: to wiieh' IHE todhngSL Tffia? aKasteir mgeitt, Mcs. "Harry BE. Vaeden;. andl f&st wee^cegent,! 'JSBbsB. Adffisnn-. JR dark, fbubwed wita tte sieste off Bonor; who aiie ualiujiall andl state officers <o£ fiiej TlBe? BBfiicibaB speaker, Con-| g^sHsmani Samuel; Sfcnatton, *on-j| _ ~ the? chapter- on Usi 7Ea& annisKasary- and: commended! ttie BaughterS: of the American ;^aRalu;t&nj farr ttieiB- work in pre-i isaaivdhe histtinia- sites* He said] tftfftt Be Bad! fought to sas® the! wasit Sane? off the' capitol in Wash-j| iingtnn, wlieni thece had been an' atStenptt ttti put on a, §70 milTion! adtHttnm wJttch-i wonM hawe de- |s£&MjjesB tfte? a n o h i t e e t u r a l p u r i t y o fj tite famous? auilding; !EKe a&QD s t a t e d ! t f t a t Congress: |fias sunponttedv the President in hisl m^rffetionss, with: North Vietnani| aaidl hass dissiouEaged' others from' aiifamyjing: separate negotiations. TdMss Qflliny>' is; proving t o h a w been £a vwise; ane^. and: he looks for re- jaadte WHIW sijoBtly. EtaraBgdi guests seated at the!| mrofl taffilte indiidied: KDrs» Glen: Santes^j national vice-ehainman of i| :p, who also served on; IE. S. resolutions committee; 1 William- BE Fulkerson, na- tlimali vatig-ahwirman of the Gril-: (flsan off t h e ^emerican Revolution; j Was. St&dirrgr H. Nesbitt, senior: stiatte pnasidBnt, Children of the!| ^memnam BJey-oltiHon; Mrs. WS- fliam ffi. Marvin, senior state amnjlMn). (Suaren of the American || ^tofllutibm, and: BE. Y. S. chato- mHti), ffriendsi of the Museum. Hfeg^ntss air their respresenta- tfeffi; ttcouglit congxatulataons from ttte? fbllibwdng chapters: WiHard's Monntaiin. Font Crailo, Jane Me-l Cham, Bhilip Schuyler, Meeting; ffijusa ffilli Chepontuc, Schenec-; tedfe, amB Amsterdam. __ M HTanny E. Veeder gave a; aiiibmeff histouy. of the group entitled,, (EansHKOQEtt Chapter, Past andi HtHsanti.'" She said that it had. begum im the opulent, ntansion on^ I'S^asnihgton As*e. belonging to (Catthmine' Gansevoort. the wife of Afflnanami Hansing. The [Iran, OEEnacsfetM Sfe. taie off tne? nisi] aihHrftBrB &a iStew fes%.sJtSftB'.ta;! 3P#;eB asms W&H» a> nugpj, ilayer osftat wsi^i tSe ojjgiU3tizatiqn.'a. [Tri^^snin, gipEniKnin@ v^itlij ^fer^unen (diHnpmS?, was w a i t e d ? Sm Bj^ Birrs:. diaries- J. Buchanan, Mrs. Atonai W. Hblden, Mrs. Edward B. HiuT), JJTTSB. Bexter Hunter, Mrs. i'Wiili'ann 1L. Uearned, Mrs. Samuel IL. Munsom. Mis. Frederick Phis- . t o * Sar a n y mfeS^ntt comments tfensn;, Wass.. Arthur M. Fray, Mrs. !'on an^tfens Dnsrafttihg eonsenvation. lASBentt Vandeir Veer, Mrs. Frfider-.,- - ^nd I tflnife heir aeta^Lties iTBHitaa V«diHt?, w^nibgf ao CSIbrtM 5 '3)Hncja ^psBB <S nasi? &?&• 6Bie ia£- fem. 'UThe wmffltw- atiip) the; cake aysre MOSBB <IM£ bgi' the; reggnt. 3SEr_ W^Bflssr stjaggejii Baimard; and, •J3ttt *he ihffitt nftraiK vvHfe a* gpidi ^cffiKalry SBSTOIBS, ami Chff c a k e was 4hen (gisti^uSiaS to the- eonxgany. Mas. ^mamr HI Tomlinson,, rehairanEn <sfi Ihsst^ssHS. had! naad^ *&BB rffawroaflihmH}, eniiimiQUS WhSe?] jpapar mmss, ffffinrog; rattfei stLvejjj rguter KECB tfissB wSfe BBie» streaitt-rl (ens xm wfiinfc ^ganft&i thfr nura.- ,<eKate •"3S.".' A to^ stojofbams inr- ! ^ g m a WffiB i&s oranoto* off interest; an a aarategroe Bflte? and! white Sknsea wssBrngBBssB. off afiEssantlle- OTmrrtS sani ^fedlaffi am the speakers' iteMe. (Dan&IteEtEaa and! candle- Bghs (cjnflnffiHteS to tBe> festive seesne. MErs. 'StoSnr SESS? spfiefid; t h a n k s •to 32&S. ASSfeiiHi JL Qanfc;, first sane-as^gHia £mai gnsgiiacm GBaiuman,, for her ipsrtl iin gftmnflig, and pre- ipaafing ffar tShs (femondl iiibiltee' rffimiFTK. ~ .. IttdEosBmiife - ^festeenff FEA as ^(EnsHriing a "ffSfflD EfestfeaD off (Traffiw" to fee &dffl om Wednesday,. Nov.. IS, Ssssn B2 Hoom te» S p t . mi„ a n d THhtfT?Bte^n B f e s . 16i, feran n o o n to -3 jp. BEEL !* 'WassianEne? schooE. TChsff*ffi&vwaoflS Ittey dbnatfens of any crfit aaafiites ffliomi poems to peifflaEfldHts. DJtonatibns; off b§ked g o o d s s i r i l ffeBDffe aae dten request- ed, ^iBtce fe -ama=aafilte to. display icraffifed ^ittiidfes, wMi proceeds; •from SEHBB ^ m i e t f i wiiBh) t a l e FTA. emonSliKBiiiiaii aff cnafii processes w o u M aOso tee tmsstl wefcomei y^ar .liwiftim- infiiinnation- call Ruth Affice TffiHUTi'n^oni ami heir antt- hnmHEg gWrarrfe off Animals; gEoup b a w e (snxie a^iB (femonstcatecfe un- c a n n y sBaSSty te» aahiisiie' undesir- alfe aaffinte tataajg#) shameless; be- bmmmr SEH fyjitfjjiikua&fe intentions. AacQWfing to CiangiessmaiD John EL HShtgrfil, (fftrmrmmai aff t h e House Snto-CJcnmifittfeff ana ffis&eEies and WHSKfe CJsn^arw^lffiani, atifempts by _ £Bnfl C o m n a n s r to. turn comnnTfiias ftaarihgs; into' anti-hunt- i n g 'cmrnjingte UEBR® nesultedi in the staffing off " & sJQriffirtffrriT number of rmaiJOT fffa^ off sonseirwation legi^iafisH (flmftrg; this; Congress." Wn a naafflitr teBter to> Margaret chartErl'Qsfihman MK&nafe off Ffeldl and memtiens; present at this meeting I Stream, BB w&fefe he? evaluated Mrs Frederic C. Curtis, iMiss ffifenrih0toJis; aGlfedtfes,. Con I S n g ^ l mnofee,, "Im fair-' sness, I BUS tang^r (feenn heir a> r e - ^ p o i ^ n a t e fflBB^Hrvtatfomstt or- "per- son tto mSHini H aam to t h e future ihBBe Sn tfte (JSangiesS) h a s p ; e E e c - tfes^^ ffixBUKsfl 6 ^ not on^r piom: !fce gmwmri-inggTim aff consBBvataonj'ac- iidk ffi. WadRamsi. Mis. William A. ("Waflatte;. Mis; Honry P. Warren, |He»B. ffijlieiEb m. Williams. Veederr said; " R s w r n n w * <fis3ty„ Suit afe® ffnoini the respect iw nrfludi tftats the beautiful banner snd aaitauiikiii off most members of wftiiin;, witiii the flag: of the Uuiueui.Congress wsntefing mi tfie? S e p of S3tefes off America, led lie -pro-j'CanBBriR^ffisni off neaouncesi!" ., OESHibnall tonight, was the ga» of' 1 E^terfte Ktetfe T&ef above " • ~ i t e m tees tefflji nepnintedj fisona an igditenrofl iha '"Sismr fitebtoor"' Nas- sau CJainfiy ^onlSmHnfs; News by aiegHfiKt aff w w off QUIT reader^.. Ho tfte; saiin^y weefe of June 3JS-2fi, WU2,, tfflfi? nation's; farm l a b o r Saatee aMnssfeedi off 3,503>1Q0 faami artpHiatoDS ami unpaid; family tftiss aflapttHr to the National So- oiattB?, Eaaigliters- of the American Hawaudflnn „ I t w a s designed by MESS. Charter- White Nash, onr mostt outstanding: member, having BEHHI Bfew- Toric state regent 320-i BdBSJB. S3te was also nominated' fnir pisesidfent general, but with- dbeaw vssfteaii she believed that poB- \ tiiiss m i y i t i be introduced into the |aampaigjfn"' trneEEnteis ffmH HffiISi0QO' hired' „.„_„-. 'WEnfeHEs, ttetlaffiis 3j]n!6i75QO w o r k - | BSs.' : Vefider mentioned an event. |iera, (dowji fflagaiit Eajomi a year ago. wftiisni was; Headlined in the Albany SJis?) Judith Ahrt" Shprd was I'majsied; to Klenheth: I?. Golom- 1 bi^M Oct 14 in St. Vincent de E4ul church, Albaiiy, with Rev. Joseph Estabropk officiating. Batents of the cpuple are Mr. land- Mrs; William J. Shord, 207 Ontario street, Albany, and Mr. and : Mrs. Sigmund R. Gnlombiski, 1828; Rensselaer avenue, Rotter- dam. The bride is a graduate of Beth- Jliehem Central High school and is employed by the State Education Department. Mr. Golombiski, a graduate of Mohonasen High School and the Junior College of ••Albany, served in the Army and is. employed by General Electric Co. in Schenectady. Engagement Announced Mi*, and Mrs. William Scheuer of Delanson announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Barbara, to Clifford Hayes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hayes of Delanson. Both are 1971 graduates of |:Berne-Khox High school. Miss Scheuer is a 1972 graduate of the sMary McClellan School of Prac- tical Nursing at Cambridge. At the present time she is a pediatric ji nurse at St. Peter's hospital in Al- bany. Her fiance is a member of the National Guard and is employed at the Duanesburgh Petrol Ser- vice Station. A June wedding is planned. Letter To Editor RIGHTS OF MOTHERS Dear Editor: It puzzles me why "women's lib" is not speaking out in defense of mothers who have children of school age. If, as "women's lib" tells us, a woman should have con- trol over her body and "abortion is every woman's civil right," then —it seems to me—it follows that a mother should be "liberated" and have control (shared equally with her husband) over the chil- dren she brings into this world. A Catholic mother should have the right to choose a Catholic edu- cation for her children. She should have the right to demand direct aid to schools and tax redress to make it possible. A mother of public school chil- dren should have the right to send her children to the nearest school. She should have the right to for- bid anyone to take her children away from her and put them on a bus and send them miles away. Women should not be punished for preferring motherhood to abor- tion. If the leaders of "women's lib" really want to help all their "sisters"—and not just see how many, abortions they can inspire— then they should start fighting for the rights of mothers. Name submitted D i e d JONJES—Oct 33, Ktezia iPfistss, Wife of the late Harry JTsaaes; mother \of Frances Savage, OufiS- derland, and Howard Jones, Stt" Louis, Mp.; also survived fcg?-3| grandchildren, 2 gjceat-gprnfriM-1 dfeh. Private funeral services KSESPBI held at the convenience ctf tfflapj family. Arrangements by Fredeaa- .' dall Funeral Home. i| MGSHER -Oct. 17, CtoBSteMMffi' D. Champs, wife of Edmund J. Mosher, Hurst Road, Aitgnnoafl; mother of Ronald J. and Arttanr J. Mosher; sister of Mrs. Thomas (Muriel) Kernan, and Mas. Jsamm (Madelene) Lapham; granteiostater of Linda S., Christina M. TaMttflna and Arthur J. Mosher, Jr. JAnHaeo-a! was held from Zwack & Sons Mcsr- —tuary on Oct. 20. RODGERS-—Suddenly Oct. 2 & att St. Clare's Hospital, Safeenecibaaiiy,, Walter J. Rodgers of Benne, N-Y, husband of Vertie Bivkas BodsHts; stepfather of Donald Snyder «uff Berne; also survived by 1 giaaofl- child and Several great^grandrfnitt- dren. Funeral services were finaaaa the Berne Reformed Chrardh. l&m- terment Oakwood Cemetery, innoy, N. Y. Arrangements by Baromak Funeral Home, Berne, N . Y. Mrc ami Marsa. John; Pieck. ul Brafflfi5tfaffie hawe maaonnced the BE3BUBKffiffa daughter, Stephanie Lyn, aa Sept. IS at Fox hospital,. Qne^ ffllltlSL. "Mrs. IBieib ife tfise fnujaEax m&& giama iEiauth nfi ffiue S^meffi 1 ;, ;iaums, ^HEHHEET ffifi„ Alttantnitt. j * - : Per eanita iimainse tin Maliavf| w a s esiim-dtpfi h *MP m h > S79i,rf; ;$50 in cast; anf -tin nmiKHndfer in - *' Ijirodmtre. Notice On Photos For your own convenience and safety, plan your trip in advance when you travel on the New York Thruway. Select your entry and exit interchanges before you start your trip. To our readers and subsGra&En who submit photos for pnb'Jaca- tion: 1. Make sure the pbotD as a clear, well focused one, w i t h gssBsS contrast. 2. If you are taking the iphsto yourself, get as close to the sub- ject as possible. 3. Photos to appear in $be Fri- day edition must reach tmr cSSaBS by 11 a. m. Monday of 1*iat wedk. 4. If a return of the pbs&j ES requested, please furnish a ssaff- addressed, stamped envelope. —The PutolisbefS. HOME-MADE FROM 6 P . Wl- ON •1 Lodge WEST BERUE PHONE 872-1371 TAKE-OUT ORDEHS EVEKY EVENING f^2»^3«^sai^33^:3«®cjaBs:^B<3«^5«i^^!^S3^:^^^i^3SB£3aBe:^ "We are here to serve you belter" ROTTERDAM TRAVEL SMITH BROS. MO EstahDished 1B8D — lTnanjpDT^teil 11327 CQ&LESiKILL, M. H. msm OFFICE PHONE ~ 23&&Sm KfflOMUIffiENTS - MARKERS - CEMETEHV UJBTnaRI*G;,et& KERB B. PAPtGM-AN. Owner HO'ME FPHET0«E — 23?^3365r4; •9 I HARLAN INSURANCE SERVICES. LEO W. OBKIECJ Efett ffierne MARGA-RET«.(BBHmtM ... ES^tBerne: CHARLES D. fRJDfflERTISB E^fiEancas GEORGE E. ! FR^H5 Wamreswillte JAMES E. BLUUirMWNFT... E s i t EUritami A e©MP'LETE IHSUS^NUl S S S S S S Bc&vfd'fnig modern serviEE for psqgite o£ tte Capital T&iaiut Era the Heart of the Hsliterbeig iWxuntfeihss ACROSS FROM BEATJTiJb'iLljL 'liiSHMffiaSH* LAKE - Route 15J7, Ha^taaHffls S? ituttntmntmniniininntiimuii 11 • 11111 it * »t * »** *m«*«**« icwix OPEN f©r flie AIWO H E A T E D FOR YBJJPR'UJiyiVFKEFRrr (518) 356-0118 R. Gordon 1310 Curry Road Schenectady, New Yoric I23©5 Recordsng Artist B01 And the Rocky T.©ps 9P.3SL3t®3A.U[. Halloween Costsime i t e % FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2" CASH PRIZES FOR BEST fflMailittiSS Bmr Prize — Buffet SeiT^fl^^OIDBBBarGSmBife Reservations 252-5 'papers; off Sebi. 16, 1932, w h e n fiOB'] .(SansfiSiaHi* m e m b e r s and guests jatttmUMJ a Washington bicenten- ,niM aelfeBisation, also held at the- iAUuianiai C l h b . They read; "She iWeanss ER»Man's- Collar, But Dons; Washington Pants. Mrs. W. A. Canatdasi. Has-Uhsual Distinction of; .Hbnttjffisingf FEesident," The story: jnanx: "Many a woman has the: imputation-) finr 'wearing the pantsjl |iin her- family.' but few have had -1 the distraction- ggven Mrs. Wiffiam A\. fiSrracfay: yesterday of wearinE!] tfie? partss off George Washington." (She? off t h e surprises of the eve- ning: asirree when Mis. Veeder oafl- e*fl \fter names? off t h e past regents: Mhs. ConnaHus M. E d w a r d s , l"9Sa-i! IBHn: Mrs, Earl'e F. Romer, 1H56-' IBSSR; Mis. John R. Hanf, 1961- THB3V. M t s s Gerald W. Hannne, tSBS-t965"; Mrs. Paul Judson Snv- rttrrr.. rofi^TPfiH; Mrs. Robert W. (Bab?. 1B6M869-. They were askedij to aomw forward and receive a| sjjHaiai] memento of the occasion, a piTrtuiKr off Memorial Continental Ball! dhrre? im whihar and gold on a Bihnife glass* tray. ffifi^year members were also irhmonedl. They aa-e-: IWrt. Marion GH. A W t e r m a n / Mrs. WiHiam A. (TfrrtarTteK. Wm. G3en M. Bavis, HEffi. S a n d a f f J. LeBoeut .Tr_ M r s . THtm n,.. Mhsher, Mrs. Claude C. Mialtofe?. M*a Edgar L. Potter. iMsss Amry. T. Walker. Mrs. Ailex- andeir SI. Welsh. The only one jfriHte tn be present was Mrs. Tn>n'i<^ who received a pin of Ted, wflitte and3 bDie rhinestones wi* jm marf) off N e w York state in thei] Miss. Vendbir then gave a special ttanutEp tOi BBSE. Herrjaniin Ratiabrm. tfh» aharrtiair regislaar, w h o ^hae: jsaiul is aEfllsstianately caSed, "Mis. iflaw»nwTooiitt!'' "Her knowledge of: |DESffi iha g e n e r a l - and GansevooTtt. *n Inwntiimlan;. aoupled. with her idedi- laatfain ten the? OEganfeatioii a n d Sis Ifffteffts, meanss that,, like an iold- ififfinionedl aountty doctor, she as allwasiss am calli All kinds of miestibnss are referred t o "Max. RatftBum. and? she never falls us. Ilrn adffiMbni to: tfiis» she has nro- I'wiaadl this? regent with the Srfft iinporitanii achievement of her ad- nnmMltsniiWn- Qh. Aaig; 22, ! Ganse- wniBtt jpirrenl the; General James (nihtbm (CHapter of SpriiigfielQ, 5L •ffi. ihi dfeMbatihg* m new- monument jnwniihigtHe?Bronze: DAH seal a t t i e iggja^ffioi'tteRfeOTliitianary sOlfliEE, B^fthnhi Haflibun. The anonrk !rnreHtf^as3-Hie?£aifr-of' M& aasntTSM. i B ^ t o i m BaffiBtiitj The waiMiig laff as^s^^bt&^ : of' RevhlttrlatilBi^il m*n vK,i,trmwr«v, -forftne> tfothiflg M* «EsatbJiwMl f Beo$£iisk ot JKfis. Uefik*-® »iai^.^^,.^m,j^^>!^,>m!,>s^ SWfSSiisil iKstViertlissmerrb Political Advertisement Political AdvertSsememt k* fPaitl ffnr Hjy tliee B»mmtttes f6or aaangjtQfy '•jsm

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" M T ^ 9 « T £Ba. V.J ENTERPRISE,. FRIDAY, ©CtfEHKEft- 2S& 1B523| P A G E E I G H T

t| C ^ s a v n o i m Chap te r - o f ithe n&Higjiteass-. off th& A'fnpripan Revo-: Hitmm rrffrnhwrtedi i t e 7 5 f t armissei^ ssmw att as diamond; jubifeg; € i r a e r |

"at: titer Auran ia C lub an F r i d a y , (Our. 20.. (Dv,er 11)0- m e m b e r s :ana ® u s i & at tended; the ga la affai.

THiB? [jEucessinnal w a s led1 by M r , | amii iSHsffi IBasad. Hi. Veeder of La- f iHiumy taang, t h e flag: of the t^ tffmnaril S ta f t s - of Amer ica a n d the Qlijg afi titer D a u g h t e r s of t h e Am-j aJBcan. Revolution. Mr: Veeder , a-nimnlieu- off tftee B r i g a d e of tflbeJ

Revolution,, w o r e t h e

G E T S DAK AWABSB — Wc&. H a r r y E. Veeder, T j a p f t ((mbjttfr) p resen te am amssnsS to Mrs. Benjamin Rathbun, "reglstnar, ^ t t i t e OJamontl JaaSalfee etiitaroear aff G a n s e v o a r t Chapte r aff tfhe CBaujJh-t e r s «of Has ^taissraEsm Bfettotattact,, F r i d a y , Oct. 2 0 , >St fine /Aursai'm Club an AUtaay-

T h e TFowim rf (QmikSerianMil Eras-sent oust ate Ernst 3fl) BMBtticss t» rest-den ts foawiimg pumlk rairs OJIII Maeiar p roper ty . MIOJW mmtikes wiiE fol­low, acooarafcig mo ttiiresnm arfBSeiiafe..

HarroM Gpojtuumsa, comgfiffimaitoir of p lanning amd sjasmmnig. sa&S the town has w a n t e d to tease siwiaers of jjaaak ears nenaowe ttitam tatare triads,, b u t the re w a s w> jjuumfc yaunfl BED GiairMeJr-land. N o w , fcHBuBwimg tfice passage of a r-esrafatimm att tin? SepdeimiieF town b u a r d meKiEg,, t he town h a s established a jjanssfe yaurail asm Kamrtte 20 n e a r tfoe Busanrastoanrg BMHrder..

The TOdJalliiKm nttuttMass went to-junk -car wHamans wftfin wareEfes Ejrimg-unlicensed amd Jlm(D JIleIraMe, Snn EesaV dentiaa' Msnes. ©wmffns wi l l fcaive about 1'0 s3a$x, aDonaniSnig: to' M r . Crounse , to meHmroiwe flflt© c a t s .

H no aotBEsm iis ttateam. ieimm poEce will p l ace wMfattiosai stftrifeOTS om tike vehicles amfl ttlftw sKsnmeffs will then have sewern atogs tto comaipHy wi th the orE&Bamwae.

If -fine ©winiEsns sttMD Brave mot moved itSaear (tans. Massy w i l r e ­ceive a siTTiMinwais aumi mi l l be l i­able for rf aip to. S50. T h e town wall ttifaran ttrow itBie caar a w a y at t h e 'OWUMST'S esjpiaise.

Guifcferf iiH'TSaiid

I •4-&

I ±... .... -

2S©B Westerai A^eHHe


M r s . Charles E a d i d k iis ra Hu»-pi ta l patient.

M r . a n d Mrs . S h e l d o n Ekises ttarik his m o t h e r and s i s t e r t o I h e i r HnirnE tat L a k e W o r t h , Tla . , fluiiins a i s i vaca t ion .

L a s t Sunday , M r . a n d V e r n o n Haskha t ook M s sister , , D o r a , for a r i d e . S h e -spent ' W e d ­n e s d a y af te rnoon with trhem. 3®ss. H e n r y Haskin ca l led TOhuEsSag' ^ ~ t e m o o n and M r s . Etoward IBBaiitEBr| ca l l ed S a t u r d a y af ternoon.

M r s . Leland H u n t .and EBwdfetn H u n t a t tended the viewing jff1

Mardey Mackey, Tuesday ©vsri ins . O n Wednesday , M r s . K . ELunt amfl E v e l y n a t t ended t h e tongrril.

T h e former G n y M i i l b m s Epmp-e r t y a n d the L u t h e r a n j>aTBrmfEge h a v e been sold.

R a y m o n d H e n t palled uan hiss m o t h e r and s i s t e r one *verift]£g QEsttj week . Their daugh t e r , tGinifeiine,1

is a t t end ing college. T h u r s d a y af te rnoon a fUwa? ffltew-1

over th i s communi ty "the mffiHBfjge, M r s . M a r y D i n g m a n rhafl giE^fflfi a w a y suddenly . S h e HBaaras a d a u g h t e r , Mrs . Le land Ofeigmast)) H u n t two g randch i ld ren , fflhnnfe| a n d Gregory; a sister . 3 S E S . J b ^ m Henderson , a n d son, .flritan, cousin and a h o s t of f r i ends .

Lynnwood Ref i


R e v . Wil l iam H. de iFoEest 9:45 a. m. Morn ing 'wui^iib/).

T h e r e is a n u r s e r y l o r ixmiltoani t h r o u g h grade one.

11 a. m. C h u r c h s d i o d l . Discipline a n d DiseoMSisr 1WfeHfe-i

e n d ; 7:30 p. m. Ca taeonfc a n d ueam-|

m u n i o n service. F r i d a y , N o v e m b e r 3 r d : 9:3& to 11:30 a. m . m&m <Gnm-

m u n i t y Day ce l eb ra t ion att S E d i i a B a p t i s t chureh.

W o m e n ' s conferenee aat ffieafljis. Sa tu rday , N o v e m b e r -Stir Women ' s con ie renee a t ~

auttimiiiir' uirifbiair o f ifie C o r p s >of | lligfttt EbfenHaj t h e unit: t o w i i e h ' IHE todhngSL

Tffia? aKasteir mgei t t , M c s . "Harry BE. Vaeden;. andl f&s t wee^cegent ,! 'JSBbsB. Adffisnn-. JR d a r k , fbubwed w i t a t t e s i e s t e off Bonor; w h o aiie ualiujiall and l s t a t e officers <o£ fiiej

TlBe? BBfiicibaB speaker , Con- | g^sHsmani Samue l ; Sfcnatton, *on-j| _ ~ the? chapter- o n Usi 7Ea& annisKasary- and : commended! t t i e BaughterS: of t h e A m e r i c a n ;^aRalu;t&nj farr ttieiB- w o r k i n pre-i isaaivdhe histtinia- sites* H e said] tftfftt B e Bad! f o u g h t t o sas® the ! wasit Sane? off the ' capi to l in Wash- j | iingtnn, wlieni t hece h a d been a n ' atStenptt ttti p u t on a, §70 milTion! adtHttnm wJttch-i w o n M hawe de-|s£&MjjesB tfte? anohi tee tura l p u r i t y of j t i t e famous? aui lding;

!EKe a&QD stated! tftat Congress: | f ias sunponttedv t h e P re s iden t i n h i s l m^rffetionss, with: N o r t h V i e t n a n i | aaidl hass dissiouEaged' o the r s f rom' aiifamyjing: s e p a r a t e negot ia t ions . TdMss Qflliny>' is; p rov ing t o h a w been £a vwise; ane^. and: h e looks f o r r e -jaadte WHIW sijoBtly.

EtaraBgdi g u e s t s s ea t ed a t the!| mrofl taffilte indiidied: KDrs» Glen: S a n t e s ^ j n a t i o n a l vice-ehainman of i|

:p, who a lso s e rved on; IE. S . resolutions commi t t ee ; 1

William- BE F u l k e r s o n , n a -tlimali vatig-ahwirman of t h e Gril- : (flsan off t h e ^emerican Revolut ion; j Was. St&dirrgr H. Nesb i t t , senior: stiatte pnasidBnt, Chi ldren of the!| ^ m e m n a m BJey-oltiHon; M r s . WS-fliam ffi. Marvin , sen ior s t a t e amnjlMn). (Suaren of t he Amer ican || ^ tof l lu t ibm, and: BE. Y. S . chato-mHti), ffriendsi of t h e M u s e u m .

Hfeg^ntss air t h e i r r e sp resen ta -tfeffi; ttcouglit congxatulataons from ttte? fbllibwdng c h a p t e r s : WiHard ' s Monntaiin. F o n t Cra i lo , J a n e Me-l Cham, Bhil ip Schuyler , Meet ing; ffijusa ffilli Chepontuc , Schenec-; tedfe, amB A m s t e r d a m .

__M HTanny E . Veeder gave a; aiiibmeff histouy. of t h e g roup enti t led, ,

(EansHKOQEtt Chap te r , P a s t andi HtHsanti. '" S h e sa id t h a t i t had . begum im t h e opulent , n t ans ion on^ I'S^asnihgton As*e. be longing t o (Catthmine' Gansevoor t . t he wife of Afflnanami Hansing . T h e

[Iran, OEEnacsfetM Sfe. taie off tne? nisi] aihHrftBrB &a iStew fes%.sJtSftB'.ta;!

3P#;eB asms W&H» a> nugpj, ilayer osftat wsi^i tSe ojjgiU3tizatiqn.'a. [Tri^^snin, gipEniKnin@ v^itlij ^ fer^unen (diHnpmS?, w a s w a i t e d ? Sm Bj^ Birrs:.

d i a r i e s - J . Buchanan , M r s . Atonai W . Hblden, M r s . E d w a r d B . HiuT), JJTTSB. B e x t e r H u n t e r , Mrs . i'Wiili'ann 1L. Uearned , M r s . Samue l IL. Munsom. M i s . F r e d e r i c k Ph i s - . t o * Sar a n y m f e S ^ n t t c o m m e n t s tfensn;, Wass.. A r t h u r M. F r a y , Mrs . !'on an^tfens Dnsrafttihg eonsenvation. lASBentt Vandeir Veer , Mrs . Frfider-.,- - -» ^ n d I tflnife heir aeta^Lties

iTBHitaa V«diHt?, w ^ n i b g f ao CSIbrtM5

'3)Hncja ^psBB <S nasi? &?&• 6Bie ia£-fem. 'UThe wmffltw- atiip) the; c a k e aysre MOSBB <IM£ bgi' the; reggnt. 3SEr_ W^Bflssr stjaggejii Baimard; and, •J3ttt * h e ihffitt nftraiK vvHfe a* gpidi ^cffiKalry SBSTOIBS, a m i Chff c a k e was 4hen (gisti^uSiaS to the- eonxgany.

Mas . ^ m a m r HI Tomlinson,, rehairanEn <sfi Ihsst^ssHS. had! naad^ *&BB rffawroaflihmH}, eniiimiQUS WhSe?] jpapar mmss, ffffinrog; rattfei stLvejjj r g u t e r KECB tfissB wSfe BBie» streaitt-rl (ens xm wfiinfc ^ganft&i thfr nura.-,<eKate •"3S.".' A to^ stojofbams inr-! ^ g m a WffiB i&s oranoto* off in teres t ; an a aara tegroe Bflte? and! whi te Sknsea wssBrngBBssB. off afiEssantlle-OTmrrtS san i ^fedlaffi a m t h e speakers ' iteMe. (Dan&IteEtEaa and! cand le -Bghs (cjnflnffiHteS to tBe> fes t ive seesne.

MErs. 'S toSnr SESS? spfiefid; t h a n k s •to 32&S. ASSfeiiHi JL Qanfc;, f i r s t sane-as^gHia £mai gnsgiiacm GBaiuman,, for h e r ipsrtl iin gftmnflig, a n d p r e -ipaafing ffar tShs (femondl iiibiltee' rffimiFTK. ~ ..

I t tdEosBmiife - ^ fes teenff F E A as ^(EnsHriing a "ffSfflD EfestfeaD off (Traffiw" to fee &dffl om Wednesday, . Nov.. I S , Ssssn B2 Hoom te» S pt. mi„ a n d THhtfT?Bte^n Bfes . 16i, feran n o o n to -3 jp. BEEL ! * 'WassianEne? schooE.

TChs ff*ffi& vwaoflS Ittey dbnat fens of a n y c r f i t aaafiites ffliomi p o e m s to peifflaEfldHts. DJtonatibns; off b§ked g o o d s siril ffeBDffe a a e dten reques t ­ed, ^ iBtce fe -ama=aafilte to. d isplay icraffifed ^ittiidfes, w M i proceeds; •from SEHBB ^mietfi wiiBh) tale FTA.

emonSliKBiiiiaii aff cnafii processes w o u M aOso tee tmsstl wefcomei

y^ar .liwiftim- infiiinnation- c a l l R u t h

Affice TffiHUTi'n^oni a m i heir a n t t -hnmHEg gWrarrfe off Animals; gEoup bawe (snxie a ^ i B (femonstcatecfe u n ­c a n n y sBaSSty te» aahiisiie' undes i r -a l f e aaffinte tataajg#) shameless; be -bmmmr SEH fyjitfjjiikua&fe intent ions.

AacQWfing to CiangiessmaiD J o h n EL HShtgrfil, (fftrmrmmai aff t h e House Snto-CJcnmifittfeff ana ffis&eEies and WHSKfe CJsn^arw^lffiani, atifempts by

_ £Bnfl Comnansr to. t u r n comnnTfiias ftaarihgs; into' an t i -hun t ­i n g 'cmrnjingte UEBR® nesultedi in t he s ta f f ing off "& sJQriffirtffrriT n u m b e r of rmaiJOT fffa^ off sonseirwation legi^iafisH (flmftrg; this; Congress . "

Wn a naafflitr teBter to> M a r g a r e t chartErl 'Qsfihman MK&nafe off Ffeldl a n d

memtiens; p r e s e n t a t this mee t ing I S t r e a m , BB w&fefe he? eva lua t ed M r s F r e d e r i c C. Cur t is , iMis s ffifenrih0toJis; aGlfedtfes,. C o n

I S n g ^ l mnofee,, "Im fair-' sness, I BUS tang^r (feenn heir a> r e -^po i^na t e fflBB^Hrvtatfomstt or- "per­s o n tto mSHini H aam to t h e future

ihBBe Sn tfte (JSangiesS) hasp ; e E e c -t f e s ^ ^ ffixBUKsfl 6 ^ n o t o n ^ r piom: !fce gmwmri-inggTim aff consBBvataonj'ac-

iidk ffi. WadRamsi . M i s . W i l l i a m A. ("Waflatte;. Mi s ; H o n r y P . W a r r e n , |He»B. ffijlieiEb m. Wi l l i ams .

Veederr s a id ; " R s w r n n w * <fis3ty„ Suit afe® ffnoini t h e respect iw nrfludi tftats t h e beaut i fu l b a n n e r s n d aaitauiikiii off m o s t m e m b e r s of wftiiin;, witiii t h e flag: of t h e Uuiueui.Congress wsntefing mi tfie? S e p of S3tefes off Amer ica , led l i e -pro-j'CanBBriR^ffisni off neaouncesi!" ., OESHibnall tonight, w a s t h e ga» of'1 E^ te r f te Ktetfe — T&ef above

— " • ~ i t e m tees tefflji nepnintedj fisona an igditenrofl iha '"Sismr fitebtoor"' N a s ­s a u CJainfiy ^onlSmHnfs; N e w s by aiegHfiKt aff w w off QUIT reader^..

Ho tfte; sa i in^y weefe of J u n e 3JS-2fi, WU2,, tfflfi? nation's; f a r m l a b o r Saatee aMnssfeedi off 3,503>1Q0 faami artpHiatoDS a m i unpaid; family

tftiss aflapttHr t o t h e N a t i o n a l S o -oiattB?, Eaaigliters- of t he Amer ican Hawaudflnn „ I t w a s des igned b y MESS. Charter- W h i t e N a s h , onr mostt outs tanding: m e m b e r , hav ing BEHHI Bfew- Toric s t a t e r e g e n t 320 - i BdBSJB. S3te w a s also nominated ' fnir pisesidfent genera l , b u t wi th-dbeaw vssfteaii s h e believed t h a t poB- \ tiiiss m i y i t i be in t roduced in to t h e |aampaigjfn"'

trneEEnteis ffmH HffiISi0QO' hired' „ . „ _ „ - . 'WEnfeHEs, ttetlaffiis 3j]n!6i75QO w o r k - | BSs. ' :Vefider ment ioned a n event. |iera, (dowji fflagaiit Eajomi a yea r ago.

wftiisni w a s ; Headlined in t h e Albany

SJis?) J u d i t h Ahrt" S h p r d w a s I'majsied; t o Klenheth: I?. Go lom-1 bi^M O c t 14 in St . Vincen t d e E 4 u l church , Albaiiy, wi th R e v . J o s e p h E s t a b r o p k officiating.

B a t e n t s of t h e cpuple a r e M r . land- M r s ; Wi l l i am J. Sho rd , 207 O n t a r i o s t reet , Albany, and Mr . and : Mrs . S igmund R. Gnlombiski , 1828; Rensse laer avenue , R o t t e r ­d a m .

T h e b r i d e is a g r a d u a t e of B e t h -Jliehem Cent ra l High school a n d is employed by the S t a t e Educa t ion D e p a r t m e n t . M r . Golombiski , a g r a d u a t e of M o h o n a s e n H i g h School a n d the J u n i o r Col lege of

••Albany, served i n t h e A r m y a n d is. employed by G e n e r a l E lec t r i c Co. in Schenec tady .

Engagement Announced Mi*, a n d Mrs . W i l l i a m S c h e u e r

of De lanson announce t h e engage ­m e n t of the i r d a u g h t e r , B a r b a r a , to Clifford Hayes , son of Mr. a n d M r s . H a r r y H a y e s of De lanson .

Bo th a r e 1971 g r a d u a t e s of | :Berne-Khox H i g h school . Mis s S c h e u e r is a 1972 g r a d u a t e of t he

sMary McClel lan School of P r a c ­t i c a l N u r s i n g a t Cambr idge . A t t h e p re sen t t ime she is a ped ia t r i c

ji n u r s e a t S t . P e t e r ' s hosp i ta l in Al­b a n y .

H e r fiance is a m e m b e r of t h e N a t i o n a l Guard and is employed a t t h e Duanesbu rgh P e t r o l S e r ­v i c e S ta t ion .

A J u n e wedding is p lanned .


D e a r Ed i to r : I t puzzles m e w h y " w o m e n ' s

l i b " is no t speaking o u t in defense of m o t h e r s who have ch i ld ren of school age . If, as " w o m e n ' s l i b " te l l s us, a woman should have con­t ro l over her body a n d "abor t ion is every w o m a n ' s civil r igh t , " t h e n —i t s eems to me—it follows t h a t a m o t h e r should be " l i b e r a t e d " a n d h a v e control ( sha red equa l l y wi th he r husband) o v e r t he ch i l ­d r e n she brings into t h i s wor ld .

A Cathol ic m o t h e r should h a v e t h e r igh t to choose a Cathol ic edu­cat ion for her chi ldren . She s h o u l d have t h e r ight to d e m a n d d i r e c t a i d to schools a n d t a x red res s t o m a k e it possible.

A m o t h e r of public school chi l ­d r e n should have the r i g h t to s e n d h e r chi ldren to t he n e a r e s t school . S h e shou ld h a v e t he r i g h t to for­bid anyone to take h e r ch i ld ren a w a y from her and pu t them on a b u s a n d send t h e m mi le s a w a y .

W o m e n should not be pun i shed for prefer r ing m o t h e r h o o d to a b o r ­t ion. If the leaders of " w o m e n ' s l ib" r ea l ly w a n t to h e l p all t h e i r " s i s te r s"—and no t j u s t see h o w many , abor t ions they can insp i re— then t h e y should s t a r t f ight ing for the r i gh t s of m o t h e r s .

N a m e submi t t ed

D i e d J O N J E S — O c t 3 3 , Ktezia iPfistss,

Wife of t h e l a t e H a r r y JTsaaes; m o t h e r \of F r a n c e s Savage , OufiS-de r l and , and H o w a r d Jones, S t t " Louis , Mp.; a l so su rv ived fcg?-3| g r andch i ld ren , 2 gjceat-gprnfriM-1 dfeh . P r i v a t e funeral serv ices KSESPBI held a t the convenience ctf tfflapj family. Ar rangement s by Fredeaa- .' da l l F u n e r a l Home. i|

M G S H E R -Oct. 17, CtoBSteMMffi' D. C h a m p s , wife of E d m u n d J . Mosher , Hurs t Road, Aitgnnoafl; m o t h e r of Ronald J. a n d Arttanr J . Moshe r ; s is ter of Mrs . T h o m a s ( M u r i e l ) Kernan , a n d Mas. Jsamm (Madelene) L a p h a m ; granteiostater of L i n d a S., Chr i s t ina M . TaMttflna a n d A r t h u r J . Mosher, J r . JAnHaeo-a! w a s he ld from Z w a c k & Sons Mcsr-— t u a r y on Oct. 20 .

RODGERS-—Suddenly Oct . 2 & att S t . C la re ' s Hospi ta l , Safeenecibaaiiy,, W a l t e r J . Rodgers of Benne, N - Y , h u s b a n d of Ver t ie Bivkas BodsHts ; s t e p f a t h e r of Dona ld S n y d e r «uff B e r n e ; also survived b y 1 giaaofl-child a n d Several great^grandrfnitt-d r e n . F u n e r a l services w e r e finaaaa t he B e r n e Reformed Chrardh. l&m-t e r m e n t Oakwood Cemete ry , innoy, N . Y. Ar rangemen t s b y Baromak F u n e r a l Home, Berne , N . Y.

Mrc a m i Marsa. John; Pieck. u l Brafflfi5tfaffie hawe maaonnced t h e BE3BUBK ffiff a d a u g h t e r , S t ephan ie L y n , a a S e p t . I S a t F o x hospital,. Qne^ ffllltlSL.

"Mrs. IBie ib ife tfise fnujaEax m&& g i a m a iEiauth nfi ffiue S^meffi1;,

; i a u m s , ^HEHHEET ffifi„ Alt tantni t t . j * - :

P e r eanita iimainse tin M a l i a v f | w a s esiim-dtpfi h *MP m h > S79i,rf; ;$50 in cast; anf -tin nmiKHndfer in-*'

Ijirodmtre. _«

Notice On Photos

F o r your own convenience a n d safety, p lan y o u r t r ip in a d v a n c e w h e n you t rave l on t h e N e w Y o r k T h r u w a y . Select y o u r en t ry a n d exit in te rchanges before you s t a r t y o u r t r i p .

To o u r readers and subsGra&En w h o submi t photos f o r pnb'Jaca-t i o n : 1. Make su re t he pbotD as a

c lear , well focused one, with gssBsS con t r a s t .

2. If you a re t a k i n g t h e iphsto yourself , get as close t o the s u b ­jec t a s possible.

3. Photos to a p p e a r in $be F r i ­day edition mus t reach tmr cSSaBS by 11 a. m. Monday of 1*iat w e d k .

4. If a re turn of t h e pbs&j ES reques ted , please furnish a ssaff-addressed , s t amped envelope.

— T h e PutolisbefS.


FROM 6 P . Wl- ON

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KERB B . PAPtGM-AN. O w n e r HO'ME FPHET0«E — 23?^3365r4;

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M A R G A - R E T « . ( B B H m t M ... E S ^ t B e r n e :

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CASH PRIZES FOR BEST fflMailittiSS Bmr Prize — Buffet SeiT^fl^^OIDBBBarGSmBife

Reservations — 252-5

' papers ; off Sebi. 16, 1932, w h e n fiOB'] .(SansfiSiaHi* m e m b e r s a n d guests jatttmUMJ a W a s h i n g t o n bicenten-,n iM aelfeBisation, also he ld a t the-iAUuianiai C lhb . T h e y r e a d ; "She iWeanss ER»Man's- Collar , B u t Dons; W a s h i n g t o n P a n t s . M r s . W . A. Canatdasi. Has -Uhsua l Dis t inct ion of; .Hbnttjffisingf FEesident," T h e story: jnanx: " M a n y a w o m a n h a s the: imputation-) finr 'wea r ing t h e pantsjl |iin her- family.' b u t few h a v e had -1

t h e distraction- ggven M r s . Wiffiam A\. fiSrracfay: yes t e rday of wearinE!] tfie? par t ss off Geo rge Wash ing ton . "

(She? off t h e surpr i ses of t h e eve­ning: asirree when M i s . Veede r oafl-e*fl \fter names? off t h e pas t r egen t s : Mhs . ConnaHus M. E d w a r d s , l"9Sa-i! IBHn: M r s , Earl 'e F . R o m e r , 1H56-' IBSSR; M i s . J o h n R. Hanf, 1961-THB3V. Mtss G e r a l d W. Hannne , tSBS-t965"; M r s . P a u l J u d s o n Snv-rttrrr.. rofi^TPfiH; M r s . Robe r t W. (Bab?. 1B6M869-. They w e r e askedij to aomw fo rw a rd a n d receive a | sjjHaiai] m e m e n t o of t he occasion, a piTrtuiKr off M e m o r i a l Continental Ball! dhrre? im whihar and gold on a Bihnife glass* t r a y .

ffifi^year m e m b e r s w e r e a lso irhmonedl. T h e y aa-e-: IWrt. Marion GH. AWterman / Mrs . WiHiam A. (TfrrtarTteK. Wm. G3en M. Bavis , HEffi. S a n d a f f J . L e B o e u t .Tr_ Mrs . THtm n,.. Mhsher, Mrs . C laude C. Mialtofe?. M*a E d g a r L . Po t t e r . iMsss Amry. T. W a l k e r . M r s . Ailex-andeir SI. Welsh . T h e o n l y one jfriHte tn be p r e s e n t w a s Mrs . Tn>n'i<^ w h o received a p in of Ted, wflitte and3 bDie rh ines tones w i * jm marf) off N e w York s t a t e in thei]

Miss. Vendbir t h e n gave a special ttanutEp tOi BBSE. Herrjaniin Ratiabrm. tfh» aharrtiair regis laar , w h o ^hae: jsaiul i s aEfllsstianately caSed , " M i s . iflaw»nwTooiitt!'' " H e r knowledge of: |DESffi iha general- a n d GansevooTtt. *n Inwntiimlan;. aoupled. w i th h e r idedi-laatfain ten the? OEganfeatioii a n d Sis Ifffteffts, meanss that,, l i k e a n iold-ififfinionedl a o u n t t y doctor , s h e as allwasiss am calli All k i n d s of miestibnss a r e r e f e r r ed t o "Max. RatftBum. and? s h e n e v e r falls u s . Ilrn adffiMbni to: tfiis» s h e h a s n ro -I'wiaadl this? r e g e n t w i t h t h e Srfft iinporitanii ach ievement of h e r ad-nnmMltsniiWn- Qh . Aaig; 22 , !Ganse-wniBtt jpirrenl the; G en e ra l J a m e s (nihtbm (CHapter o f SpriiigfielQ, 5L •ffi. ihi dfeMbatihg* m new- m o n u m e n t jnwniihigtHe?Bronze: D A H s e a l a t t i e iggja^ffioi'tteRfeOTliitianary sOlfliEE, B ^ f t h n h i Hafl ibun. T h e anonrk !rnreHtf^as3-Hie?£aifr-of' M& aasntTSM. i B ^ t o i m BaffiBtiitj T h e w a i M i i g laff as^s^^bt&^: of' RevhlttrlatilBi^il

m*n vK,i,trmwr«v, -forftne> tfothiflg M* «EsatbJiwMlfBeo$£iisk ot JKfis. Uefik*-®

»iai^.^^,.^m,j^^>!^,>m!,>s^ SWfSSiisil iKstViertlissmerrb Political Adver t i s emen t Political AdvertSsememt

k* fPaitl ffnr Hjy tliee

B»mmtt tes f6or aaangjtQfy
