opening scenes analysis


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Post on 23-Jan-2017



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Page 1: Opening scenes analysis


Page 2: Opening scenes analysis


Before the film starts the Warner Bros logo comes up onto the screen . This is a very recognisable logo and Warner Bros is associated with created amazing and entertaining films. So this lets the audience know that a high quality amazing film is yet to come. Warner Bros were known for making high quality Gangster film and Goodfellas is their best one.

Page 3: Opening scenes analysis


The opening credits come across the screen like a speeding car.This builds tension and makes thescene more appealing and nerveracking. It gives the audience anidea of fast tempo and sense ofexcitement that this film contains. It only shows the main producers, directors and cast members. It does this because all these people are well known for making top quality films and by putting there names at the beginning it makes the audience excited and stay to watch this fantastic film. The last line says this film is based on a true story. This creates excitement

Page 4: Opening scenes analysis

GOODFELLASThis shot shows you that these men are wealthy by their suits and nice car and you can tell they are experienced and know what they are doing by their reaction to their noise in the back. This also shows the audience the authority of these three men and what they are useful for. The man with the least power is the driver as none wants to drive on long journey at night and he is showing he has the least authority.The medium close up shots show his clear emotions so he fits comfortably in the shot but so do the men in the background but you don’t see them as clearly. This is to let the audience know who the main character is and who they should root for.

Page 5: Opening scenes analysis

GOODFELLASThe long shot is used to show how powerful and intimidating the men are, and also shows that they are in a discrete and deserted area. The red light reflecting on the men symbolises blood and shows that they have killed or will kill as what the do in next few seconds.

Page 6: Opening scenes analysis

PULP FICTION The opening credits and song comes after the opening scene. This is similar to Goodfellas as the scene happens and then the credits come in but in Pulp Fiction no credits are shown until the scene has finished and the music plays. The credits are extremely effective and interesting as the bold white name show up on the black background with the film title slowly getting smaller and smaller behind the names. The scene stops and the music plays with the production company name across the screen and then it cuts to black background

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The medium shot is used so you can clearly see and feel like your involved in the conversation. The shot is not too close and not too far, perfect for and conversation at a table. This shot is used to see the chemistry between the characters and relate them together. So later on in the film you will recognise the both of them.

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PULP FICTION The medium close up is also used so you can see the expression and feeling of the man but at the same time feel like he is having the conversation with you so its almost impossible not to listen. It puts you right there in with scene and makes it memorable. The director has done this because when the scene pops up again at the end of the film the audience remember the scene because it was so well shot.

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SCARFACEThe opening scene of Scarface shows real life images of people from Cuba rebelling and fleeing on boats. It also has very appropriate music from the time this film is based in. The real life camcorder footage gives you the signs of panic but new hope for the people moving to the land of opportunity; America. The quick shots to the opening credits which are red on a black background. These credits stand out and the red on black looks like blood which symbolises all the death and violence yet to come.

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The actual real life footage with the facts of what Castro did to his people make this scene so much more effective as it puts a sense of reality and fear into the scene. The shots used weren't purposefully long shots or close ups they were what the people had filmed at the time. This makes it much more suspenseful and makes the audience nervous about what happens to these people escaping and what is yet to come in this film.

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SCARFACEThe word Scarface pops up at the end before the beginning interrogation scene. This lets the audience know who the main character is and what he will before; Scarface.