outages table

Table 1. Distribution of Interruption Parameters by Location Count Duration (Hrs) Customer Interrupted KwHr interrupted CAM 1274 6.027217425 1954.315542 1442.378417 CAMF1 516 11.37225775 1847.346899 1832.523384 CAMF2 758 2.388641161 2027.133245 1174.478874 CAR 983 19.41001017 1228.125255 959.7541902 CARF1 539 22.91985158 1397.74026 1172.587641 CARF2 444 15.14918919 1021.75395 701.1759932 Grand Total 2257 11.85587727 1638.216755 1231.821769 Table 1. Distribution of Interruption Parameters by Year Count Duration (Hrs) Customer Interrupted KwHr interrupted 2002 31 0.651935484 4745.387097 2082.117968 2003 181 1.752541436 1376.558011 920.5687326 2004 176 2.159772727 1220.613636 437.5449023 2005 188 1.435957447 1414.638298 599.6275766 2006 169 2.098698225 893.4378698 426.5048012 2007 173 1.245722543 2038.982659 1165.129725 2008 166 2.16060241 1550.463855 783.1050621 2009 312 6.957211538 1682.852564 1153.582896 2010 209 1.563995215 2136.483254 1005.633514 2011 381 55.02897638 1761.863158 2764.463093 2012 310 8.172032258 1487.980645 2054.013898 Grand Total 2296 12.15733667 1629.853159 1345.982628 Table 1. Distribution of Interruption Parameters by Level Count Duration (Hrs) Customer Interrupted KwHr interrupted Level 1 Distribution Transformer 1034 16.50327853 58.20909971 362.2469075 Level 2 Circuit Section 799 13.07404255 580.669587 988.5160501 Level 3 Feeder 463 0.86975162 6946.928726 4137.591793 Grand Total 2296 12.15733667 1629.853159 1345.982628

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Table 1. Distribution of Interruption Parameters by Location

Count Duration (Hrs) Customer Interrupted KwHr interrupted

CAM 1274 6.027217425 1954.315542 1442.378417

CAMF1 516 11.37225775 1847.346899 1832.523384CAMF2 758 2.388641161 2027.133245 1174.478874

CAR 983 19.41001017 1228.125255 959.7541902

CARF1 539 22.91985158 1397.74026 1172.587641

CARF2 444 15.14918919 1021.75395 701.1759932

Grand Total 2257 11.85587727 1638.216755 1231.821769

Table 1. Distribution of Interruption Parameters by Year

Count Duration (Hrs) Customer Interrupted KwHr interrupted

2002 31 0.651935484 4745.387097 2082.117968

2003 181 1.752541436 1376.558011 920.5687326

2004 176 2.159772727 1220.613636 437.5449023

2005 188 1.435957447 1414.638298 599.6275766

2006 169 2.098698225 893.4378698 426.5048012

2007 173 1.245722543 2038.982659 1165.129725

2008 166 2.16060241 1550.463855 783.1050621

2009 312 6.957211538 1682.852564 1153.582896

2010 209 1.563995215 2136.483254 1005.633514

2011 381 55.02897638 1761.863158 2764.463093

2012 310 8.172032258 1487.980645 2054.013898

Grand Total 2296 12.15733667 1629.853159 1345.982628

Table 1. Distribution of Interruption Parameters by Level

Count Duration (Hrs) Customer Interrupted KwHr interrupted

Level 1

Distribution Transformer 1034 16.50327853 58.20909971 362.2469075

Level 2

Circuit Section 799 13.07404255 580.669587 988.5160501

Level 3

Feeder 463 0.86975162 6946.928726 4137.591793

Grand Total 2296 12.15733667 1629.853159 1345.982628

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Table 1. Distribution Interruption Parameters by Event Category

Count Duration (Hrs) Customer Interrupted KwHr interrupted

Major Event 427 60.92667447 473.7981221 3742.675662

Ordinary Event 1869 1.015278224 1893.35206 800.9282447

Grand Total 2296 12.15733667 1629.853159 1345.982628

Table 1. Distribution Interruption Parameters by Cause

Count Duration (Hrs) Customer Interrupted KwHr interrupted

Animal 71 0.879014085 2069.873239 623.1337692

Equipment 861 1.996486643 1418.038328 1069.542253Personnel Error 42 1.07547619 2631.738095 700.9158

Public 288 1.699166667 2541.114583 909.7976018

Unknown 343 1.144023324 1294.023324 306.7754691

Vegetation 159 1.927987421 1944.987421 851.5118563

Weather 513 48.46276803 1473.105469 3084.244612

Grand Total 2277 12.24254062 1633.391476 1355.397015

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Table 1. Descriptive Statistics of Interruption Parameters

Duration (Hrs) Customer Intrp kWHr Intrp

Mean 12.15733667 1629.853159 1345.982628

Standard Error 1.070304265 62.95149531 144.4340707Median 0.93 100 87.0468

Mode 1 1 0

Standard Deviation 51.28533514 3015.764297 6901.168119

Sample Variance 2630.185601 9094834.297 47626121.41

Kurtosis 125.1451333 1.807487006 810.4193568

Skewness 9.265082089 1.831027054 24.19511129

Range 950.65 10516 253702

Minimum 0 1 0

Maximum 950.65 10517 253702

Sum 27913.245 3740513 3072878.34

Count 2296 2295 2283

Table 1. Descriptive Statistics of Transformed Interruption Parameters

**Duration (Hrs) **Customer Intrp **kWHr Intrp

Mean 0.465534342 2.211350408 2.022026137

Standard Error 0.010987949 0.022012729 0.02167317

Median 0.285557309 2 1.937086554

Mode 0.301029996 0 0

Standard Deviation 0.526505072 1.054545266 1.038504492

Sample Variance 0.277207591 1.112065717 1.07849158

Kurtosis 4.493330258 -0.700235196 -0.63121108

Skewness 2.176955247 0.166065209 0.15692015

Range 2.978477252 4.021891874 5.404325603

Minimum 0 0 0

Maximum 2.978477252 4.021891874 5.404325603

Sum 1068.866849 5075.049186 4642.572011

Count 2296 2295 2296

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Table 1. Descriptive Statistics of Ordinary Event Interruption Duration (Hrs) by Year

Year Count Sum Mean Max Min StdDev

2002 31 20.21 0.651935484 3.33 0.03 0.827862385

2003 146 117.62 0.805616438 2.3 0.05 0.552076922

2004 153 133.21 0.870653595 3.22 0.02 0.620247906

2005 171 149.29 0.873040936 3.15 0.05 0.712622409

2006 144 146.07 1.014375 3.17 0.02 0.839493453

2007 161 141.31 0.877701863 3.27 0.07 0.811558107

2008 149 126.15 0.846644295 3.18 0.05 0.773894688

2009 212 194.57 0.917783019 3.23 0.03 0.785701178

2010 193 200.605 1.039404145 4.67 0.07 1.051920259

2011 229 237.7 1.037991266 4.68 0.02 1.019266756

2012 280 430.82 1.538642857 11.03 0 1.970329998

Grand Total 1869 1897.555 1.015278224 11.03 0 1.102476931

Table 2. Descriptive Statistics of Major Event Interruption Duration (Hrs) by Year

Year Count Sum Mean Max Min StdDev

2003 35 199.59 5.702571429 16.95 2.33 3.428480492

2004 23 246.91 10.73521739 82 3.37 16.969558

2005 17 120.67 7.098235294 34.2 3.48 7.254493638

2006 25 208.61 8.3444 64.83 3.22 12.56641824

2007 12 74.2 6.183333333 18.02 3.5 3.866737721

2008 17 232.51 13.67705882 92.87 3.37 23.3259048

2009 100 1976.08 19.7608 169 3.47 20.233535

2010 16 126.27 7.891875 18.63 4.75 4.197866472

2011 152 20728.34 136.3706579 950.65 4.82 145.7611937

2012 30 2102.51 70.08366667 225.55 13.47 51.87640806

Grand Total 427 26015.69 60.92667447 950.65 2.33 105.9982746

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Table 3. Descriptive Statistics of Ordinary Event Interruption Duration (Hrs) by Feeder

Feeder Count Sum Mean Max Min StdDev

CAM 1113 1043.995 0.938000898 9.77 0.02 1.011527211

CAMF1 449 449.045 1.000100223 9.77 0.02 1.180983077

CAMF2 664 594.95 0.896009036 8.6 0.02 0.877098366

CAR 728 794.48 1.091318681 10.32 0 1.092718764

CARF1 392 437.24 1.115408163 10.32 0.02 1.205441557

CARF2 336 357.24 1.063214286 4.95 0 0.945392801

Grand Total 1841 1838.475 0.998628463 10.32 0 1.046784118

Table 4. Descriptive Statistics of Major Event Interruption Duration (Hrs) by Feeder

Feeder Count Sum Mean Max Min StdDev

CAM 161 6634.68 41.20919255 642 2.33 76.29342065

CAMF1 67 5419.04 80.88119403 642 2.33 105.0281474

CAMF2 94 1215.64 12.93234043 92.87 2.38 15.60944678

CAR 255 18285.56 71.70807843 950.65 2.85 121.1785641

CARF1 147 11916.56 81.06503401 950.65 3.42 142.4914105

CARF2 108 6369 58.97222222 337.67 2.85 82.88348517

Grand Total 416 24920.24 59.90442308 950.65 2.33 107.0177039

Table 5. Descriptive Statistics of Ordinary Event Interruption Duration (Hrs) by Cause

Cause Count Sum Mean Max Min StdDev

Animal 70 58.94 0.842 3.18 0.03 0.75129955

Equipment 741 761.725 1.027968961 7.43 0.02 0.965500828

Personnel Error 39 31.03 0.795641026 3.17 0.05 0.769411241

Public 262 290.59 1.109122137 7.28 0.02 1.29708175

Repair 14 15.17 1.083571429 3.98 0.1 1.014567791

Unknown 329 246.87 0.750364742 4.42 0 0.682057853

Vegetation 138 162.56 1.177971014 6.22 0.03 0.962498391Weather 274 330.41 1.205875912 11.03 0.02 1.649143012

Grand Total 1867 1897.295 1.016226567 11.03 0 1.102686367

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Table 6. Descriptive Statistics of Major Event Interruption Duration (Hrs) by Cause

Cause Count Sum Mean Max Min StdDev

Animal 1 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.47 -

Equipment 120 957.25 7.977083333 92.87 2.33 11.6853069

Personnel Error 3 14.14 4.713333333 7.37 2.85 2.36212475

Public 26 198.77 7.645 51.13 3.37 9.018140939

Repair 3 21.55 7.183333333 10 5.25 2.495161985

Unknown 14 145.53 10.395 64.83 3.58 16.04452111

Vegetation 21 143.99 6.856666667 15.1 3.48 3.161629854

Weather 239 24530.99 102.6401255 950.65 3.42 126.6873388

Grand Total 427 26015.69 60.92667447 950.65 2.33 105.9982746

Table 6. Descriptive Statistics of Interruption Duration (Hrs) by Event Category

Category Count Sum Mean Max Min StdDev

Ordinary Event 1869 1897.555 1.015278224 11.03 0 1.102476931

Major Event 427 26015.69 60.92667447 950.65 2.33 105.9982746

Grand Total 2296 27913.245 12.15733667 950.65 0 51.28533514