overview of the census - doig

Steve Doig, Arizona State U. Paul Overberg, USA TODAY Philadelphi a Jan. 31, 2011 Reynolds Center BusinessJournalism.org

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Steve Doig presents "Census Overview" during a Reynolds Center workshop, "Mining the Census for Local Business Stories."For more information, please visit businessjournalism.org.


  • 1. Steve Doig, Arizona State U. Paul Overberg, USA TODAY Philadelphia Jan. 31, 2011 Reynolds Center BusinessJournalism.org

2. Bureau of the Census

  • Nations premier data-gathering organization
  • Conducts decennial census of population
  • Also data of interest to business reporters censuses, surveys and economic indicators
  • Conducts surveys for other agencies:
    • Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)
    • Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
    • Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
    • Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
    • National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
    • National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)
    • National Science Foundation (NSF)
    • Social Security Administration (SSA)

3. Some Census business data

    • American Community Survey
    • Economic Census
    • County Business Patterns
    • Current Population Survey
    • Annual Survey of Manufacturers
    • Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics
    • Survey of Business Owners
    • Non-Employer Statistics
    • Survey of Income and Program Participation
    • Property Owners and Managers Survey
    • Retail Trade surveys
    • Foreign Trade
    • Building Permits


  • www.census.gov/econ/progoverview.html

More than 100 surveys and other programs 5. How data is gathered

  • Census data
    • Attempt to get responses fromeveryone
    • Data gathered by mail (or web)
    • Advantages: No error margin, small areas
    • Disadvantage: Expensive
  • Survey data
    • Get responses from a random sample
    • Data usually gathered by phone
    • Advantage: Less expensive than census
    • Disadvantage: Error margin, cant go to small area

6. Decennial Census

  • Mandated by the Constitution
  • Every 10 years since 1790
  • Original purpose: Reapportionment
  • Now used for:
    • Allocation of $400 billion in federal funds
    • Political redistricting
    • Marketing
    • Planning for services
    • Social science research

7. Census 2010 Questions

  • How many people in the housing unit on April 1, 2010?
  • Is this unit owned with mortgage, owned w/o mortgage, rented, occupied w/o rent?
  • Telephone number of unit
  • Name of each person
  • Relationship to Person 1
  • Gender of each person
  • Age and date of birth of each person
  • Hispanic origin?
  • Race?
  • Does each person sometimes live or stay elsewhere? (Dorm, military, jail, etc.)

8. Race

  • Six race categories
    • White
    • Black or African American
    • Asian (country of origin)
    • American Indian or Alaska Native (name tribe)
    • Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (name origin)
    • Some other race
  • Hispanic or non-Hispanic (country of origin)
  • Starting in 2000, respondents could pick more than one race
  • 2+ races: 2% in U.S.

9. Where are the other questions?

  • No long form in 2010
  • American Community Survey has replaced it
    • Ongoing survey of 3 million per year
    • Combine data for small areas
      • Three years for greater than 20,000
      • Five years for smaller areas
    • Beware of error margins

10. Whats NOT Asked

  • Religious preference
  • Political party affiliation
  • Sexual orientation
  • Crime victimization
  • Home schooling
  • Detailed health status
  • Union membership
  • Number of miles commuting to work
  • Age of vehicle
  • Type of vehicle
  • Computer in home
  • Use of the Internet
  • Size of house
  • Condition of house

11. Census geography

  • Tiled geography
    • Nation
    • States
    • Counties
    • Tracts
    • Blocks
  • Other: Places, ZIPs, metros, reservations, districts, precincts, et al.

12. 13. 14. Census 2010 Schedule

  • Census Day: April 1, 2010
  • April-July: Households that didnt return a form were visited
  • Dec. 21: Official state counts for reapportionment of Congress were released
  • Feb.-March: PL94-171 data for redistricting released state by state
  • Detailed summary files will flow out until September 2013

15. Census 2010 products

  • Summary files:
  • Subject profiles: Single geography with thematically related tables
  • Data profiles: Single geography with many data topics
  • Geographic comparisons tables: Many geographies with one data variable

16. Microdata

  • Sample of individual returns
  • Makes possible the creation of non-standard summary tables
  • Special geography: PUMA (>100k population)
  • Use IPUMS for census and CPS microdata:
  • www.ipums.org

17. American Factfinder (new!) 18. American Factfinder

  • Integrated access to census data
  • Search by:
    • Topic
    • Geography
    • Population groups
    • Industry codes
  • Create custom tables
  • Map your data

19. Getting data

  • Download tables from American Factfinder
  • DataFERRET: Data mining and extraction tool
  • Get data DVDs from Catalog
  • Download raw data via ftp (for expert user)
  • Get 0n Census Bureau media email list

20. Go to factfinder.census.gov 21.