p ocala evening star -...

S L s f w + Karrr r f l- P a 0 i < 1 1 1 I t OCALA EVENING STAR T r ri l c A t J- y r- t a Volume 15 No 134 OCALA FLORIDA TUESDAY NOVEMBER 2 1909 Filly Cents a Month 5 a Year < 4 r i What Do They Cure 1 I IL i The above question Is often asked coy a owning Dr Plerces two leading medi- cines ¬ Golden Medical Discovery and Favortte Prescription The ansMor is that Golden Medical Discovery Is a most potent alterative or bloodpurifier and tonic or invigorator r and acts favorably iu a cura- tive ¬ way upon all tho mucous lining sur- faces ¬ as of nasal passages throat bronchial tubes stomach bowels and bladdofrcurluz a large per cent of catar rhal catej whether Urn disease afYects the nasal paXagcs the ihtoat larynx bron- chia ¬ stomachNfs catarriial dyspepsia bo well as muXoi Q > bladder uterus or ptlvlc P ypn In th I f nWroMvp 4far I ffections It U nffn uceessful In affect A avr I r r f V s for t also ISN1H o- we aeu Its lin IZLe uIatI III r t wr rllln UU Iv a power U yet gen y acting nvng rat tog tonic and nervine For weak worn out overworked womenno matter what has caused tho breakdown n Favorite Prescription will be found rno t effective In building up the strength regulating the womanly functions subduing pain and bringing about a healthy vigorous condition of the whole system- A book of particulars wraps each bottle i riving the formulae of both medicines and quoting what scores of eminent med- ical ¬ + authors whose works are consulted- by physicians of all the schools of practice- as I in prescribing say of each In fredlont entering into these medicines The words of praise bestowed on tho several ingredients entering into Doctor Pierces medicines by such writers should have more weight than any amount of Don professional testimonials because l such men are writing for the guidance of their medical brethren and know whereof 5 they speak Both medicines are nonalcoholic non secret and contain no harmful habit forming drugs being composed of glycerlc extracts of roots of native American b medicinal forest plants They are both sold by dealers In medicine You cant afford to accept as a substitute for one of these medicines of known composition any secret nostrum- Dr Plerces Pellets small sugarcoated easy to tako as candy regulate and Iv- vlirorat t stomach liver and bowels 0 0 0 B D FULLER J C AVER FULLER AYER DENTAL SURGEONS Office Over the Munroe Chamhliss Bank OCALA FLORIDA TERMS CAST J E CHACE DENTAL SURGEON 4 Rooms 910 and 11 Second Floor Holder Block 1t OCALA FLORIDA TERMS CASH 0 L F BLALOCK- Dental I r SurgeonO- ffice Over Commercial Bank Phone 211 Office hours S to Ii a m 1 to fj p m TERMS CASH CHARLES D HULBERT 1 M D HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OfficeSecond Floor The Munroe Q Chambliss Dank Building Ocala Florida TelephonesOffice 222 Residence 5 221 Office Hours9 to 12 a m 2 to 4 p m 730 to 830 p m 0 F E McCLANE Physician and Surgeon General Practice Cal Mado Promptly Night or Day t Special Attention to Obstetrics D- iseases ¬ j of Women and Children Office Rooms 322 Holder Building Second Floor Phones Office No 333 Residence No 333- OCALA FLORIDA J W Ci BLANCHARD CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER PLANS F FURNISHED ON APPLICATION- P O Box 40 OCAIiA FLA THERE IS A DIFFERENCE IN- ICE Our ice by our new process is froz ¬ en at a temperature of eight to ten degrees above zero is as clear as crys ¬ tal and as pure as can be made We guarantee it to last longer BUY FROM THE BLUE WAGONS Ii < And Not be Disappointed in Service And Quality OCAlA ICE AND PACKING CO MEFFERT TAYLOR Phone Q- 1MFYMi cougb kLd heals Aung- v v i I SHIPP Will BE SENTENCED I United States Supreme Court Refuses- to be Lenient with the Sheriff of Hamilton County Tenn Washington Nov 2Shlrln Shlpp- of Chattanooga Tenn find live of his codefendants in the prosecution by thi United States for contempt of the supreme court will be required to ap- pear ¬ before the court on the 15th of this month to undergo sentence at the hands of the court Their petition for- a rehearing was denied by the court I but without any reasons being stated for the denial The case grew out of the lynching of a negro in Chatta ¬ nooga A CARD This is to certify that nil druggists- are authorized to refund your money- if Foleys Honey and Tar fails to cure your cough or cold It stops the cough iuals the lungs and prevents serious results from a cold prevents pneu- monia ¬ and consumption Contains no opiates The genuine is in a yellow package Refuse substitutes Sold b- all druggists DISINHERITED HIS DAUGHTERS- Ferrer Left His Coin to his Anarchist Associates Paris Nov 2A dispatch from Barcelona to the Matin says the will of Professor Ferrer who was executed a few days ago disinherits his daugh- ters in favor of Portet his associate- who now resides in Liverpool and Soledad Villafranea who has been variously referred to as his second wife and his friend Fenvr special- ly ¬ disowned his daughters in his will LIVED 152 YEARS Wm Parr Englands oldest man married the third time at 120 worked in the fields until 132 and lived 20 years longer People should be youth- ful ¬ at SO James Wright of Spurlock Ky shows how to remain young I feel just like a 16yearold boy he writes after taking six bottles of Electric Bitters For thirty years kidney trouble made life a burden but the first bottle of this wonderful med ¬ icine convinced me I had found the greatest cure on earth Theyre a godsend to weak sickly rundown or old people Try them Fifty cents at all druggists- A I STUDIOUS OLD SISTER Mrs Winship Aged 78 of Racine Wis Enters College Columbus Ohio Nov 2 I dont want to be put in the A B C class when I go to the next world This Is the reason ascribed by Mrs A D Winship of Racine Wis for matriculating at the Ohio State Uni- versity ¬ for a regular course of study- at the age of 78 years She will take the prescribed studies but will spe ¬ cialize ink psychology and literature- It you have noticed symptoms of kidney trouble do not delay in taking- the most reliable and dependable rem- edy ¬ possible such as DeWitts Kidney and Bladder Pills These wonderful pills are being used with great satis- faction ¬ by thousands of people Try DeWitts Kidney and Bladder Pills to ¬ day Sold by all druggists I CANNIBALS IN THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC Manila Nov 2Rear Admiral Se brpe reports that whon a United States cruiser touched at the Admir- alty ¬ islands It was learned that re- cently ¬ cannibals from the island cap- tured ¬ a boat containing three English- men ¬ and three Chinese One of the Englishmen who escaped through the connivance of a friendly tribe said that his companions had been killed and eaten- A Religious Authors Statement Rev Joseph II Fesperman Salis- bury ¬ I X C who is the author of sev- eral j books writes For several years- I I was afflicted with kidney trouble and last winter I was suddenly stricken with a severe pain in my kidneys and was confined to bed eight days unable- to get up without assistance My urine contained a thick white sedi- ment ¬ and I passed same frequently- day and night I commenced taking Foleys Kidney Remedy and the pain gradually abated and funnily ceased Hill my urine bee ame normal I cheerfully recommend Foleys Kidney Remedy Sold by all druggists I AVIATORS FAlL ACCIDENT Rome Nov 2As the dirigible bal- loon ¬ One Bis was making a lauding here yesterday on its return trip from Naples to Bracciona Lieut of Engi- neers ¬ PIN fo RuN In keeping the cro vd back stepped too 0 near the whirling propeller of the dirigible n- was instantly killed half of his head being torn away KILLS TO STOP THE FIEND I The worst foe for 12 years of John D eye of Gladwin Etch was a run ¬ ning ulcer He paid doctors over 3400 without benefit Then Bucklens Ar- nica ¬ Salve killed the ulcer and cured him Cures fever sores hails felons eczema salt rheum Infallible for piles burns scalds cuts corns 25c at all druggists RECEIVERSHIP PAID I Richmond Nov 2The receivers of the Seaboard Air Line railway have made their final statement to the United States court preparatory to I turning over to the stockholders the property The report shows an in- crease ¬ in gross earrings of nearly 15 per cent and an increase of 53 per cent in net earnings applicable to in ¬ terest charges DeWitts Little Early Risers the safe sure gentle easy little liver pill Be sure to get DeWitts Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve the original Al ¬ ways refuse substitutes and Imitations- The original DeWitts Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve Is good for anything a salve Is used for but It is especially good for piles Sold by all druggists SEBOARD BOND ISSUE Atlanta Nov Permission has been granted the Seaboard Air Line by the Georgia Railroad Commission- to sell 527oO000 in bonds pror eds from which It is stated in the appli- cation ¬ are to be used in buying new rolling tock and equipment Sate of Ohio City of Toledo Lucas Countyss Frank J honey makes oath that he- Ss senior partner of the firm of F J Cheney Co doing business in the city of Toledo county and state afore- said ¬ and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS- for each and every caSt of catarrh that cannot he cured by the use of Halls Catarrh Cure Frank J Cheney Sworn to before me and subscribed- in my presence this 6th day of De- cember ¬ A D 1SSG A W Gleason Seal Notary Public Sold by all druggists 75c Take Halls Family Pills for constipation COMMON SENSE TALK FROM ANDREW CARNEGIE- New York Nov 2 Andrew Carne- gie ¬ who had been abroad since April came home to New York yesterday on the Baltic Touching on relations between England and Germany Mr Carnegie said- England is in a state of frenzy which is wholly unwarranted Ger ¬ many has absolutely no Idea of mak ¬ ing war on England not in the realiza ¬ tion of the term war at any rate She may war on England commercial- ly ¬ but there Is nothing in any of the moves she has made to indicate that she desires to carry the conflict to any greater t- READ THIS Dunnellon Fla Sept 1st 1909I have sold smalls Texas Wonder of St Louis Mo for six years Every bot ¬ tle I sell adds a customer for It It Is a genuine cure for kidney bladder and rheumatic troubles Geo Ohnmacht Merchant 60 days treatment in each bottle SURE ENOUGH WHITE SLAVERY- A Chicago Woman Sold a Young Girl for Fifty Dollars Chicago Nov 2 Charged with sell ¬ ing a young woman for 50 into white slavery Mrs J W Frank a South Side woman was arrested mere yesterday Mrs Frank was trapped by the police who had suspected her and sent representatives of a neigh- boring ¬ improvement organization to see her They contracted to buy a young woman from her for 50 The woman took the money and delivered to them a young girl As the men left the house with the girl the police officers arrested Mrs Frank and held the girl as a witness CURE YOUR KIDNEYS- No Need to Take Any Further Risks Why will people continue to suffer the agonies of kidney complaint back- ache ¬ urinary disorders lameness headaches languor why allow them- selves ¬ to become chronic invalids when a certain cure is offered them Doans Kidney Pills is the remedy- to use because it gives to the kidneys that help they need to perform their work- If you have any even one of the symptoms of kidney diseases cure yourself now before diabetes dropsy or Brlghts disease sets in Can Ocala residents demand more convincing proof than the following C H Spellman 205 Magnolia ave- nue ¬ Orlando Fla says For some- time my kidneys were weak and I had a too frequent desire to pass the kid- ney ¬ secretions My back often be- came ¬ lame and I also had pains in my kidneys On hearing about Doans Kidney Pills I made up my mind to try them and procured a box They acted at once on my kidneys and since using them I have had no pain- or lameness The kidney secretions have also been regular in passage and T have felt better in every way I gladly recommend Doans Kidney Pills For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents FoterMilburn Co Buffalo New York sole agents for the United States Remember the name Dnans and take no other I SKILLED PAINTING- I am prepared to take any Job of painting no matter how large or how small ot how fine the work desired may be I hay the material brushes and knowledge to paint and do II right Houses painted inside and out Graining gilding hard oil finishing varnishing and lettering and sign painting Taste and skill guaranteed Vddress P O Box 135 or leave word at the Star office K W Flllyaw Ocala Fla tt CARL OF THANKS We take this method of thanking- the pHiblic through the coliwnns of your paper for the liberal patronage- that has been emended us through- the past season in our business as we have not been able to deliver- cars as the entire country as a whole bought more cars than the Buick factory could produce We are just in receipt of letters giving- us a slight inkling of our 1910 pro ¬ duct assuring us of the fact that there will be no question in the fu ¬ ture that we will be cared for Our 1910 models will be ready for de- livery ¬ the first of November and we have the assurance that if we should need 100 cars we can delive the same Our models 10 and 17 will be continued but the horse ¬ power will be increased 20 per cent Ve will also have a model known- as No IS practically the same as our No 17 only slightly a smaller- car and will sell for about 1400 complete and we think this model will hold the rest of them for quite- a while We will also have a 600 I a runabout 2cylinder opposed 1 motor in front under the board cone clutch in fly wheel selective type transmission and double chain drive 30x3 12 tires and we want- to say to the public that so far as pulling through sand is concerned- this car has no equal Thanking our friends for past favors we are Very respectfully OCALA GAS ENGINE WORKS- Per J H Spencer t RAMON USED HIS RAZOR On the Wrong Mans NeckSuicide of Tampa Citizen on a Clyde Liner Saturday Jacksonville Nov 2Ramon Vizo- so a well known citizen of Tampa ended his life Saturday morning by cutting his throat while en route to New York on the Clyde Liner Iro- quois The man secured passage In this city under the name of Manuel Gonzales and sailed with the ship Wednesday morning Previous to leaving here he stated to acquaint ¬ ances that he was leaving his family- In Tampa on account of domestic trouble Those who knew him en- deavored ¬ to keep him In Jacksonville- but he was determined to leave Flor- ida ¬ Upon arrival of the ship In New York the officials of the Clyde Ltne communicated with Manager F M Ironmonger In this city and he at once began an investigation which re ¬ sulted in discovering the mans name and the facts which led up to his rash act Vlzosos wife is said to be one of the most beautiful women in Tampa and he stated to friends that he had reasons to believe that she was un ¬ faithful While here he was morbid and disconsolate despite the attempts- of friends to cheer him up- I Mr Ironmonger sent a telegram to a brother of the deceased Jose Vizoso who is proprietor of the Spanish casino in Ybor City The body of the suicide is held in New York awaiting orders from relatives NINE LIVES LOST- IN A VERMONT FIRE- St John bury Vt Nov 2When the ruins of the Citizens Savings Bank block had been wet down to a temperature which made a thorough I search possible it was definitely learn ¬ ed that nine lives were lost in the fire which practically destroyed the I principal business building of the I town yesterday Two other persons were probably fatally burned The property loss is estimated at 50000- A I PRODUCT OF DIXIE Cotton has always been one of the principal resources of the South In former days only the Cotton lint was valued and preserved The seed was thrown away as worthless In recent years however the skill and genius of experts have developed this waste product until now the Cotton Seed Oil adds millions of dollars each year to the wealth of the South Foremost in perfecting methods of refining and utilizing the oil have been The NK Fair bank Company They first appreciated the I I need of a cooking fat more clean and whole ¬ some than that made from the fat of the hOI In the manufacture of Cottolene they have changed Cotton Seed Oil into a cooking fat as wholesome as olive oil yet so pure and neutral that many housewives use it in place of butterI- n making fine ca- keICE I ICEB- uy Ice From Red Wagons- They II say but if you will examine carefully the ice which melts so rap Ily you will note that there seems to be holes In it that the center is what- Is called snow ice which being por ¬ ous allows it to melt quickly I- I Crystal IceT- he kind we turn out is as clear and perfect as it is possible to make I Ice and Is the most economical ice to use Ask the man on the Red Wagon to stop and see you FLORIDA PACKING ICE COMPANY Phone 5 Phone 51 C Js PHILLIPS Contractor and Builder Plans and Specifications Furnished Upon Request 120 South Third St ROWES LITTLE BONANZA- S E ROWS Proprietor Ocala Florida- All kinds of Fresh Meats Gro- ceries ¬ Chickens Eggs etc Produce I both bought and sold Fresh and Salt Water Fish I The most complete place of its kind in the country Remodeled- and I right uptodate Firstclass Restaurant in Connection Firstclass meals and reasonable board to weekly customers Scrap iron and metals also green hides bought and sold 100 and 102 X Magnolia St I Phone 111 P O Box 652 THE COMMERCIAL BARBERSHOP Opens Into the Lobb of the Ocala Home Offers the very best service of skilled workmen with modern ap ¬ pliances Strictly sanitary Electric fans electric massages Rot Running Water at All Times VINCENT C DETTERJ Kt Manager BEAUTIFUL NEW SILVER- A E Burnett the jeweler is receiv- ing ¬ new shipments of beautiful silver- in all shapes and the latest patterns almost daily He has this season the best stock of these goods ever car- ried ¬ DECORATIVE ART For high grade work of all kinds- of painting paperhanging and dec ¬ orating at the highest prices no cheap John work with a full and ef- ficient ¬ corps of decorators call at Mc leer MacKays DUEL TO DEATH Followed a Wedding Among Texas Greasers Gonzales Texas Nov 2In a duel following a wedding frolic in the Mex- ican ¬ quarter of the Henry Cardwell farm two miles north of Wrlghtsboro two men met death yesterday- The victims are Demillo Erroyo of Gonzales aged 35 and Marcus Moral- es ¬ aged 20 There were no witnesses to the quarrel or to the fight Then men went twenty steps from the building- in which thp dance was held and be- gan ¬ firing Pt each other Erroyo was instantly killed and his body fell across Morales The latter lived for an hour NO CASE ON RECORD There Is no case on record of a cough or cold resulting in pneumonia- or consumption after Foleys Honey and Tar has been taken us it will stop your cough and break up your cold quickly Refuse any but the genuine Foleys Honey and Tar In a yellow package Contains no opiates and is safe and sure Sold by all druggists WENT ON THE WARPATH Florida Man Killed by Officers in Georgia i Havana Fla Nov 2J W Craw ¬ ford of this place was shot and al ¬ most instantly killed in Arlington- Ga Saturday after severely and seriously cutting Marshals Timmons and Calhoun on the streets in that j town Crawford had been drinking and was being taken to jail While on the way ho asked permission to make a cigarette and instead drew an open knife from his pocket The killing- was hfld justifiable WONT SLIGHT A GOOD FRIEND- If ever I need a cough medicine again I know what to get declares Mrs A L Alley of Beals Me for after using ten bottles of Dr Kings New Discovery and seeing Its excel- lent results in my own family and others I am convinced it is the bet medicine made for coughs colds and lung trouble Every one who tries it feels just that way Relief is felt I at once and its quick cure surprises- you For bronchitis asthma hemor- rhage ¬ croup lagrippe sore throat pain in chest or lungs its supreme oOc and 1 Trial bottle free Guaran- teed ¬ by all druggist- sWOODMARFOR RENT GOODWIN GALOWFurnishe- d ¬ modern plumbing running water acetylene gas 10 per week I ARGYLE COTTAGEFurnished I running water 5 per week BLAIR VILLATo rent on October j 1 for the winter furnished running water modern plumbing acetylene- gas i 25 per month David S Woodrow I Holder Block Ocala Fla i MARKETREPORTS- New York Pineapples Fla 2is 225 rJ 2r 30s 150 ti 2 36s 150 Tt 175 Cuba 24s 175 fij 250 30s 150 << 32 36s 150 3i 175 Porto Rico 24s 150 250 30s 150 g 2 3Cs 125 Gi 175 Oranges Fla choice well colored per box 225 J 275 Fla green per box 150 ft 250 Grapefruit Fla as to size and ripe ¬ ness per box 2 tl 4 Cucumbers Fla per basket 125 Egg Plants Fla per box 125 Iii 150 Fla per basket 1 125 Chicago Pineapples Fla Red Spanish 24s to 30s per crate 3 Oranges Calif Valencias per box 2 CO fi > 325 Fla per box 2 p 225 Grapefruit Flu boxes all sizes 350 4- Egg Plant Fla fancy medium to good size per crate 225 250 Cucumbers La bushel boxes 2 Okra Fla 6 basket crates 2 tj 225 Boston Pineapples Red Spanish 24s per crate 225 275 30s 2 g 250 36s 175 I S225 smooth cayenne per bob S4 Grapefruit Fla per box 250 < ff S 325 Buffalo Pineapples Fla 24s per crate 3 < 350 30s per crate 250 275 36s per crate 2 0 225 Oranges Calif Valencias per box 275 ft 350 Cincinnati Pineapples Fla 24a per crate 350 30s or 36s 3- Grapefruit Fin SOs per box J3 C1 350 64s per box 4 54s per box H 450 Oranges Calif Valencias per box 3 f 325- Cocoanuts per 100 350 I 4 Egg Plant per doz75 Q n5 St Louis Grapefruit Fla 46s to SOs per box 375 ft 475- Oranges f Calif Valencias autcion per box 170 fl 305 Cocoanuts per 100 425 per 1000 S 40 NOTICE- Of Stockholders Meeting Notice Is nereby given that an ad- journed ¬ charter meeting of the stock ¬ holders of the Ocala Garage Supply company will be held at the office of the county ridge in Ocala Florida- on Wednesday Nov 3rd A D 1919 at 8 oclock p m Joseph BU President- R R Carroll Secretary etKir H 3OBINSON President- S H BLITCn Manager j c BOOZER Asst 3Ls AI GEO J BUTCH Te- llerCOMMERCIALBApq OCALA FLA THE DEPOSITORS IN THIS BANK Are the merchants thf professional and successful men and women of the city the farmers of the surroun ding territory We accommodate all classes Our customers represent the men and e women who have built and are still building successful enterprises We solicit a share of your busin e- ssFHTVRE I THE HOUSEO- F l McIVER MacKAY CARRIES A LARGE MODERN AND COMPLETE STOCK O- FFURNITURE I AND mm FURNISHINGS 0 ALL KINDST- he only House in Central Florida that Completely Furnishes the Home Carries at all Times the Latest ui r Best in Furniture Keeping up with the times and Just What the People Want Also carries a Complete Line of Builders and Shelf Hardware Carriages Wagons Buggies Harness Saddles Etc Look over our Stock and get our prices before yoi make your purchases Yours Respectfully MoVE MACKAY- Ocala Florida KNIGHT LANGLe- ading Vehicle Dealers of Central FloridaA- n immense stock of Reliable Wagons Buggies Carts and Carriages carried at all times Harness Saddles Lap Robes Whips and all items carried by a firstclass house of this bind bought ii nai lilies from the factories and always in stock at the very lowest prices We can save yon money on your purchases be they large or small Agents for most ol the leading and best makes of wagons and bag- giesKNIGHT LANG North Side of Square OCALA FLORIDA VERNON W ELDREDT- HE UPTODATE HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER Card Signs Designed and Made Paperhanging a Spec- ialty ¬ New Mirrors Made and Old Ones Resilvered Glass Frosting Gilding Graining Kalsojnining Furniture Re ¬ pairing etc Quality a little higher prices a little lower J ALL WORK GUARANTEED ° 0 Phone 21 Office Montezuma Hotel o r FRESH MEATS AND VEGETABLES- Western Beef Veal Florida Stall Fed Beef Mutton Armours Star Ham Armours Pork Sausage Cabbage Rutabagas Turnips Beets Sweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Spanish Onions ii ill W e P EDWARDS Phcfle 108 City Market DAVID S WOODROW NM J SHERIDAN v Phone 165 Phone 139 WOOD 1AR SAND STONE COMPANYOF- FICE IN HOLDER BLO CK OCALA FLORIDA CRUSHED STONE CEMENT LAKE WEIR SAND COMMON SAND We have a stone crusher at work In Ocala and are prepared to do all kinds of Cement Work Build Founda tions make Cement Blocks Cement Brick Build Sidewalks Artificial Sto ne Fences Stone Mantels We make + 1 Blocks for Foundations for house wor k which look better than brick and the cheaper Warehouse and Crusher on Coast Line track north of Foundry t f t

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Page 1: P OCALA EVENING STAR - ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.eduufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03313/00011.pdfS L s f w Karrr r + f l-P a 0 i < 1 1 1 I t OCALA EVENING STAR T r ri lcA t J-y



f w +

Karrr rf



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aVolume 15 No 134 OCALA FLORIDA TUESDAY NOVEMBER 2 1909 Filly Cents a Month 5 a Year

<4 r

i What Do They Cure 1I

IL i The above question Is often asked coya owning Dr Plerces two leading medi-


Golden Medical Discovery andFavortte PrescriptionThe ansMor is that Golden Medical

Discovery Is a most potent alterative orbloodpurifier and tonic or invigorator

r and acts favorably iu a cura-tive


way upon all tho mucous lining sur-faces


as of nasal passages throatbronchial tubes stomach bowels andbladdofrcurluz a large per cent of catarrhal catej whether Urn disease afYects thenasal paXagcs the ihtoat larynx bron-chia


stomachNfs catarriial dyspepsiabo well as muXoi Q > bladderuterus or ptlvlc P ypn Inth I f nWroMvp 4far I

ffections It U nffn uceessful In affectA avr I r r f V s

for t also ISN1H o-

we aeu Its linIZLe uIatI III r t wr rllln UU Iv

a power U yet gen y acting nvng rattog tonic and nervine For weak wornout overworked womenno matter whathas caused tho breakdown n FavoritePrescription will be found rno t effectiveIn building up the strength regulatingthe womanly functions subduing painand bringing about a healthy vigorouscondition of the whole system-

A book of particulars wraps each bottlei riving the formulae of both medicines and

quoting what scores of eminent med-ical


+ authors whose works are consulted-by physicians of all the schools of practice-as


in prescribing say of each Infredlont entering into these medicines

The words of praise bestowed on thoseveral ingredients entering into DoctorPierces medicines by such writers shouldhave more weight than any amount ofDon professional testimonials because

l such men are writing for the guidance oftheir medical brethren and know whereof

5 they speakBoth medicines are nonalcoholic non

secret and contain no harmful habitforming drugs being composed of glycerlcextracts of roots of native American

b medicinal forest plants They are bothsold by dealers In medicine You cantafford to accept as a substitute for one ofthese medicines of known compositionany secret nostrum-

Dr Plerces Pellets small sugarcoatedeasy to tako as candy regulate and Iv-vliroratt stomach liver and bowels

0 0 0



Office Over the Munroe ChamhlissBank



4 Rooms 910 and 11

Second Floor Holder Block1t OCALA FLORIDA





ffice Over Commercial BankPhone 211

Office hours S to Ii a m 1 to fj p m





OfficeSecond Floor The MunroeQ Chambliss Dank Building Ocala

FloridaTelephonesOffice 222 Residence

5 221Office Hours9 to 12 a m 2 to 4

p m 730 to 830 p m0

F E McCLANEPhysician and Surgeon

General Practice Cal Mado Promptly

Night or Dayt

Special Attention to Obstetrics D-



j of Women and Children

Office Rooms 322 Holder BuildingSecond Floor Phones Office No 333Residence No 333-







ICEOur ice by our new process is froz ¬

en at a temperature of eight to tendegrees above zero is as clear as crys ¬

tal and as pure as can be made Weguarantee it to last longer


Ii< And Not be Disappointed in ServiceAnd Quality



Phone Q-

1MFYMicougb kLd heals Aung-


v i



United States Supreme Court Refuses-

to be Lenient with the Sheriff of

Hamilton County Tenn

Washington Nov 2Shlrln Shlpp-of Chattanooga Tenn find live of hiscodefendants in the prosecution bythi United States for contempt of thesupreme court will be required to ap-pear


before the court on the 15th ofthis month to undergo sentence at thehands of the court Their petition for-a rehearing was denied by the court


but without any reasons being statedfor the denial The case grew out ofthe lynching of a negro in Chatta ¬



This is to certify that nil druggists-are authorized to refund your money-if Foleys Honey and Tar fails to cureyour cough or cold It stops the coughiuals the lungs and prevents seriousresults from a cold prevents pneu-monia


and consumption Contains noopiates The genuine is in a yellowpackage Refuse substitutes Sold b-

all druggists


Ferrer Left His Coin to his AnarchistAssociates

Paris Nov 2A dispatch fromBarcelona to the Matin says the willof Professor Ferrer who was executeda few days ago disinherits his daugh-ters in favor of Portet his associate-who now resides in Liverpool andSoledad Villafranea who has beenvariously referred to as his secondwife and his friend Fenvr special-ly


disowned his daughters in his will


Wm Parr Englands oldest manmarried the third time at 120 workedin the fields until 132 and lived 20years longer People should be youth-ful


at SO James Wright of SpurlockKy shows how to remain young Ifeel just like a 16yearold boy hewrites after taking six bottles ofElectric Bitters For thirty yearskidney trouble made life a burden butthe first bottle of this wonderful med ¬

icine convinced me I had found thegreatest cure on earth Theyre agodsend to weak sickly rundown orold people Try them Fifty cents atall druggists-




Mrs Winship Aged 78 of RacineWis Enters College

Columbus Ohio Nov 2 I dontwant to be put in the A B C classwhen I go to the next world

This Is the reason ascribed by MrsA D Winship of Racine Wis formatriculating at the Ohio State Uni-versity


for a regular course of study-at the age of 78 years She will takethe prescribed studies but will spe ¬

cialize ink psychology and literature-

It you have noticed symptoms ofkidney trouble do not delay in taking-the most reliable and dependable rem-edy


possible such as DeWitts Kidneyand Bladder Pills These wonderfulpills are being used with great satis-faction


by thousands of people TryDeWitts Kidney and Bladder Pills to ¬

day Sold by all druggists I


Manila Nov 2Rear Admiral Sebrpe reports that whon a UnitedStates cruiser touched at the Admir-alty


islands It was learned that re-


cannibals from the island cap-tured


a boat containing three English-men


and three Chinese One of theEnglishmen who escaped through theconnivance of a friendly tribe saidthat his companions had been killedand eaten-

A Religious Authors Statement

Rev Joseph II Fesperman Salis-bury


I X C who is the author of sev-eralj books writes For several years-II was afflicted with kidney trouble andlast winter I was suddenly strickenwith a severe pain in my kidneys andwas confined to bed eight days unable-to get up without assistance Myurine contained a thick white sedi-ment


and I passed same frequently-day and night I commenced takingFoleys Kidney Remedy and the paingradually abated and funnily ceasedHill my urine bee ame normal Icheerfully recommend Foleys KidneyRemedy Sold by all druggists



Rome Nov 2As the dirigible bal-


One Bis was making a laudinghere yesterday on its return trip fromNaples to Bracciona Lieut of Engi-neers


PIN fo RuN In keeping thecro vd back stepped too 0 near thewhirling propeller of the dirigible n-

was instantly killed half of his headbeing torn away


I The worst foe for 12 years of JohnD eye of Gladwin Etch was a run ¬

ning ulcer He paid doctors over 3400without benefit Then Bucklens Ar-


Salve killed the ulcer and curedhim Cures fever sores hails felonseczema salt rheum Infallible forpiles burns scalds cuts corns 25cat all druggists


I Richmond Nov 2The receivers ofthe Seaboard Air Line railway havemade their final statement to theUnited States court preparatory to

I turning over to the stockholders theproperty The report shows an in-


in gross earrings of nearly 15per cent and an increase of 53 percent in net earnings applicable to in ¬

terest charges

DeWitts Little Early Risers thesafe sure gentle easy little liver pillBe sure to get DeWitts CarbolizedWitch Hazel Salve the original Al ¬

ways refuse substitutes and Imitations-The original DeWitts Carbolized WitchHazel Salve Is good for anything asalve Is used for but It is especiallygood for piles Sold by all druggists


Atlanta Nov Permission hasbeen granted the Seaboard Air Lineby the Georgia Railroad Commission-to sell 527oO000 in bonds pror edsfrom which It is stated in the appli-cation


are to be used in buying newrolling tock and equipment

Sate of Ohio City of ToledoLucas Countyss

Frank J honey makes oath that he-Ss senior partner of the firm of F JCheney Co doing business in thecity of Toledo county and state afore-said


and that said firm will pay thesum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS-for each and every caSt of catarrhthat cannot he cured by the use ofHalls Catarrh Cure Frank J Cheney

Sworn to before me and subscribed-in my presence this 6th day of De-


A D 1SSG A W GleasonSeal Notary Public

Sold by all druggists 75c TakeHalls Family Pills for constipation


New York Nov 2 Andrew Carne-gie


who had been abroad since Aprilcame home to New York yesterdayon the Baltic Touching on relationsbetween England and Germany MrCarnegie said-

England is in a state of frenzywhich is wholly unwarranted Ger ¬

many has absolutely no Idea of mak ¬

ing war on England not in the realiza ¬

tion of the term war at any rateShe may war on England commercial-ly


but there Is nothing in any of themoves she has made to indicate thatshe desires to carry the conflict toany greater t-


Dunnellon Fla Sept 1st 1909Ihave sold smalls Texas Wonder of StLouis Mo for six years Every bot ¬

tle I sell adds a customer for It It Isa genuine cure for kidney bladder andrheumatic troubles Geo OhnmachtMerchant 60 days treatment in eachbottle


A Chicago Woman Sold a Young Girlfor Fifty Dollars

Chicago Nov 2 Charged with sell ¬

ing a young woman for 50 intowhite slavery Mrs J W Frank a

South Side woman was arrested mereyesterday Mrs Frank was trappedby the police who had suspected herand sent representatives of a neigh-boring


improvement organization tosee her They contracted to buy ayoung woman from her for 50 Thewoman took the money and deliveredto them a young girl As the menleft the house with the girl the policeofficers arrested Mrs Frank and heldthe girl as a witness


No Need to Take Any Further RisksWhy will people continue to suffer

the agonies of kidney complaint back-ache


urinary disorders lamenessheadaches languor why allow them-selves


to become chronic invalidswhen a certain cure is offered them

Doans Kidney Pills is the remedy-to use because it gives to the kidneysthat help they need to perform theirwork-

If you have any even one of thesymptoms of kidney diseases cureyourself now before diabetes dropsyor Brlghts disease sets in Can Ocalaresidents demand more convincingproof than the following

C H Spellman 205 Magnolia ave-nue


Orlando Fla says For some-time my kidneys were weak and I hada too frequent desire to pass the kid-ney


secretions My back often be-


lame and I also had pains in mykidneys On hearing about DoansKidney Pills I made up my mind totry them and procured a box Theyacted at once on my kidneys andsince using them I have had no pain-or lameness The kidney secretionshave also been regular in passage andT have felt better in every way Igladly recommend Doans KidneyPills

For sale by all dealers Price 50

cents FoterMilburn Co BuffaloNew York sole agents for the UnitedStates

Remember the name Dnans andtake no other


SKILLED PAINTING-I am prepared to take any Job of

painting no matter how large or howsmall ot how fine the work desiredmay be I hay the material brushesand knowledge to paint and do IIright Houses painted inside and outGraining gilding hard oil finishingvarnishing and lettering and signpainting Taste and skill guaranteedVddress P O Box 135 or leave wordat the Star office K W FlllyawOcala Fla tt

CARL OF THANKSWe take this method of thanking-

the pHiblic through the coliwnns ofyour paper for the liberal patronage-that has been emended us through-the past season in our business aswe have not been able to deliver-cars as the entire country as awhole bought more cars than theBuick factory could produce Weare just in receipt of letters giving-us a slight inkling of our 1910 pro ¬

duct assuring us of the fact thatthere will be no question in the fu ¬

ture that we will be cared for Our1910 models will be ready for de-


the first of November andwe have the assurance that if weshould need 100 cars we can delivethe same Our models 10 and 17will be continued but the horse ¬

power will be increased 20 per centVe will also have a model known-

as No IS practically the same asour No 17 only slightly a smaller-car and will sell for about 1400complete and we think this modelwill hold the rest of them for quite-a while We will also have a 600

I a runabout 2cylinder opposed1 motor in front under the boardcone clutch in fly wheel selectivetype transmission and double chaindrive 30x3 12 tires and we want-to say to the public that so far aspulling through sand is concerned-this car has no equal Thanking ourfriends for past favors we are

Very respectfullyOCALA GAS ENGINE WORKS-

Per J H Spencert


On the Wrong Mans NeckSuicide ofTampa Citizen on a Clyde Liner


Jacksonville Nov 2Ramon Vizo-so a well known citizen of Tampaended his life Saturday morning bycutting his throat while en route toNew York on the Clyde Liner Iro-quois The man secured passage Inthis city under the name of ManuelGonzales and sailed with the shipWednesday morning Previous toleaving here he stated to acquaint ¬

ances that he was leaving his family-In Tampa on account of domestictrouble Those who knew him en-deavored


to keep him In Jacksonville-but he was determined to leave Flor-ida


Upon arrival of the ship In NewYork the officials of the Clyde Ltnecommunicated with Manager F MIronmonger In this city and he atonce began an investigation which re ¬

sulted in discovering the mans nameand the facts which led up to his rashact Vlzosos wife is said to be oneof the most beautiful women in Tampaand he stated to friends that he hadreasons to believe that she was un ¬

faithful While here he was morbidand disconsolate despite the attempts-of friends to cheer him up-

I Mr Ironmonger sent a telegram toa brother of the deceased Jose Vizosowho is proprietor of the Spanishcasino in Ybor City The body of thesuicide is held in New York awaitingorders from relatives



St John bury Vt Nov 2Whenthe ruins of the Citizens SavingsBank block had been wet down to atemperature which made a thorough

Isearch possible it was definitely learn ¬

ed that nine lives were lost in thefire which practically destroyed the I

principal business building of theI

town yesterday Two other personswere probably fatally burned Theproperty loss is estimated at 50000-



PRODUCT OF DIXIECotton has always been one of the principal

resources of the South In former days onlythe Cotton lint was valued and preserved Theseed was thrown away as worthless In recentyears however the skill and genius of expertshave developed this waste product until now theCotton Seed Oil adds millions of dollars eachyear to the wealth of the South

Foremost in perfecting methods of refiningand utilizing the oil have been The NK Fairbank Company They first appreciated the


Ineed of a cooking fat more clean and whole ¬

some than that made from the fat of the hOIIn the manufacture of Cottolene they havechanged Cotton Seed Oil into a cooking fat aswholesome as olive oil yet so pure and neutralthat many housewives use it in place of butterI-n making fine ca-




uy Ice From Red Wagons-



say but if you will examinecarefully the ice which melts so rapIly you will note that there seems tobe holes In it that the center is what-Is called snow ice which being por ¬

ous allows it to melt quicklyI-

I Crystal IceT-

he kind we turn out is as clearand perfect as it is possible to make


Ice and Is the most economical iceto use Ask the man on the RedWagon to stop and see you



Phone 5 Phone 51

C Js PHILLIPSContractor and Builder

Plans and Specifications FurnishedUpon Request

120 South Third St


S E ROWS Proprietor

Ocala Florida-

All kinds of Fresh Meats Gro-ceries


Chickens Eggs etc ProduceI

both bought and sold Fresh andSalt Water Fish

I The most complete place of itskind in the country Remodeled-andI right uptodateFirstclass Restaurant in Connection

Firstclass meals and reasonableboard to weekly customers

Scrap iron and metals also greenhides bought and sold

100 and 102 X Magnolia StI Phone 111 P O Box 652


BARBERSHOPOpens Into the Lobb of the Ocala

HomeOffers the very best service of

skilled workmen with modern ap¬

pliances Strictly sanitary Electricfans electric massages

Rot Running Water at All Times



A E Burnett the jeweler is receiv-ing


new shipments of beautiful silver-in all shapes and the latest patternsalmost daily He has this season thebest stock of these goods ever car-ried



For high grade work of all kinds-of painting paperhanging and dec ¬

orating at the highest prices nocheap John work with a full and ef-ficient


corps of decorators call at Mcleer MacKays


Followed a Wedding Among TexasGreasers

Gonzales Texas Nov 2In a duelfollowing a wedding frolic in the Mex-ican


quarter of the Henry Cardwellfarm two miles north of Wrlghtsborotwo men met death yesterday-

The victims are Demillo Erroyo ofGonzales aged 35 and Marcus Moral-es


aged 20There were no witnesses to the

quarrel or to the fight Then menwent twenty steps from the building-in which thp dance was held and be-gan


firing Pt each other Erroyo wasinstantly killed and his body fellacross Morales The latter lived for anhour


There Is no case on record of acough or cold resulting in pneumonia-or consumption after Foleys Honeyand Tar has been taken us it willstop your cough and break up yourcold quickly Refuse any but thegenuine Foleys Honey and Tar In ayellow package Contains no opiatesand is safe and sure Sold by alldruggists


Florida Man Killed by Officers inGeorgia i

Havana Fla Nov 2J W Craw ¬

ford of this place was shot and al ¬

most instantly killed in Arlington-Ga Saturday after severely andseriously cutting Marshals Timmonsand Calhoun on the streets in that j

townCrawford had been drinking and

was being taken to jail While on theway ho asked permission to make acigarette and instead drew an openknife from his pocket The killing-was hfld justifiable

WONT SLIGHT A GOOD FRIEND-If ever I need a cough medicine

again I know what to get declaresMrs A L Alley of Beals Me forafter using ten bottles of Dr KingsNew Discovery and seeing Its excel-lent results in my own family andothers I am convinced it is the betmedicine made for coughs colds andlung trouble Every one who triesit feels just that way Relief is felt I

at once and its quick cure surprises-you For bronchitis asthma hemor-rhage


croup lagrippe sore throatpain in chest or lungs its supremeoOc and 1 Trial bottle free Guaran-teed


by all druggist-




modern plumbing running wateracetylene gas 10 per week I


running water 5 per weekBLAIR VILLATo rent on October j

1 for the winter furnished runningwater modern plumbing acetylene-gas


25 per monthDavid S Woodrow I

Holder Block Ocala Fla i


New YorkPineapples Fla 2is 225 rJ 2r

30s 150 ti 2 36s 150 Tt 175Cuba 24s 175 fij 250 30s 150 << 3236s 150 3i 175 Porto Rico 24s 150

250 30s 150 g 2 3Cs 125 Gi

175Oranges Fla choice well colored

per box 225 J 275 Fla green perbox 150 ft 250

Grapefruit Fla as to size and ripe ¬

ness per box 2 tl 4

Cucumbers Fla per basket 125Egg Plants Fla per box 125 Iii

150 Fla per basket 1 125Chicago

Pineapples Fla Red Spanish 24s to30s per crate 3

Oranges Calif Valencias per box2 CO fi> 325 Fla per box 2 p 225Grapefruit Flu boxes all sizes 350


Egg Plant Fla fancy medium togood size per crate 225 250

Cucumbers La bushel boxes 2

Okra Fla 6 basket crates 2 tj 225Boston

Pineapples Red Spanish 24s percrate 225 275 30s 2 g 25036s 175 I S225 smooth cayenne perbob S4

Grapefruit Fla per box 250 <ffS 325

BuffaloPineapples Fla 24s per crate 3 <

350 30s per crate 250 275 36sper crate 2 0 225

Oranges Calif Valencias per box275 ft 350

CincinnatiPineapples Fla 24a per crate 350

30s or 36s 3-

Grapefruit Fin SOs per box J3 C1

350 64s per box 4 54s per box H450

Oranges Calif Valencias per box3 f 325-Cocoanuts per 100 350 I 4

Egg Plant per doz75 Q n5St Louis

Grapefruit Fla 46s to SOs per box375 ft 475-Oranges


Calif Valencias autcionper box 170 fl 305

Cocoanuts per 100 425 per 1000S 40


Of Stockholders MeetingNotice Is nereby given that an ad-


charter meeting of the stock ¬

holders of the Ocala Garage Supplycompany will be held at the office ofthe county ridge in Ocala Florida-on Wednesday Nov 3rd A D 1919 at8 oclock p m

Joseph BU President-R R Carroll Secretary


H 3OBINSON President-S H BLITCn Manager j c BOOZER Asst 3Ls AI




Are the merchants thf professional and successful men and women ofthe city the farmers of the surroun ding territoryWe accommodate all classes Our customers represent the men and e

women who have built and are still building successful enterprisesWe solicit a share of your busin e-









he only House in Central Florida that CompletelyFurnishes the Home Carries at all Times the Latest ui r

Best in Furniture Keeping up with the times and JustWhat the People Want

Also carries a Complete Line of Builders and ShelfHardware Carriages Wagons Buggies Harness Saddles Etc

Look over our Stock and get our prices before yoimake your purchases Yours Respectfully

MoVE MACKAY-Ocala Florida


ading Vehicle Dealersof Central FloridaA-

n immense stock of Reliable Wagons Buggies Cartsand Carriages carried at all times

Harness Saddles Lap Robes Whips and all itemscarried by a firstclass house of this bind bought ii naililies from the factories and always in stock at the verylowest prices

We can save yon money on your purchases be theylarge or small

Agents for most ol the leading and best makes ofwagons and bag-



HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTERCard Signs Designed and Made Paperhanging a Spec-


New Mirrors Made and Old Ones Resilvered GlassFrosting Gilding Graining Kalsojnining Furniture Re ¬

pairing etc Quality a little higher prices a little lower JALL WORK GUARANTEED

° 0Phone 21 Office Montezuma Hotelo



Western Beef Veal Florida Stall Fed BeefMutton Armours Star Ham Armours PorkSausage Cabbage Rutabagas Turnips BeetsSweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Spanish Onions ii

illW e P EDWARDSPhcfle 108 City Market


Phone 165 Phone 139




We have a stone crusher at work In Ocala and are prepared to do allkinds of Cement Work Build Founda tions make Cement Blocks CementBrick Build Sidewalks Artificial Sto ne Fences Stone Mantels We make + 1

Blocks for Foundations for house wor k which look better than brick andthe cheaper Warehouse and Crusher on Coast Line track north of Foundry
