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*blsenrinutiap*ints {areasnl'ohlils*rrti*n that apFriri due tol**--quniity *nnrllnrent, rn*ging. ur fing*rprint ridge cti:tni .f 1 1 t ' ' l}I I J r [ ' i '

8" Il.sndr*cogttiti*nAn individual's hand do*s neitsignilieantlvchangealler

a cerl*in nge. Urrlik* tingerprints, the lrunranhi*ld is nctuniquu" ndirridunlhand featurt:s&rc rurt descriptiveenoughft'lr idsntific*tion. ld$rvsvsr. haud lricrrnetric attrfil $y$tem$ars accurateor verilicationpul:p$$cshen crinrbinirrg arinusinclividual fbaturesand rnr.*suretnsflts f liug*rs arrdhalds.

Biom*tric hand recogrritir:n s!'stems measure anil*nslyzs the *vcrutll structure" slrape and pr*parti*ns nfl thehand,*-9, length. rviclth,and thickness f" rand*, ingers,andjclints: clrarecterixtics f" he skin srrface suclra* creases ndridges.As hand biurr:elrics ely on hanelancl inger geometry,fher system rvill arlsn rvork rvith dirty hands.


Iirnitati*n is fhr people vith severearthritis rlrhucru:notspreadtlreir handson th* reader.Fland r*cugnition is easy (o Llse,:torr-intru$ir.e"and rcquinls a very srnall amCIunt llt tlatast*rage. f swrel', its accurar3rs not high- and it rcquiresalargescsrlnervhich&rsexfl{insivei] .

{"1.he.;'rl *w4g*Hr;rF'a*i$l inrages &rs pr*bahly tlre most srrn]filon

triumr:triccharae.trristicssedb_r*umnrr${} makea personalidq:ntifiention. conrputersystern utonl*tisally idrntifies orr.erifiesa person t*m a digital imageor a r.ideei}arur l}ornavide* $ourre. (.)nt:CIJ'th$$,ity$kr du this is by r:o*rpnringselettsd thcial fenturrs flr*m thr: rnag* lurd t lircirrldntnbase.

I:{urvev*r" ihce rc*ognitiorr is rrot perlb+t and strugshr\ t*perftrnn *nder eertsir: conclititrns, such as extrcur* viewingarr&l*s. A, ncwly eruerging tru.lrd, clnirrrcd to acl:icve

1:revi*u'sly ru$sefl riccurau'ies, is thrce-dimensi*nal fircer**+gnitinn. This tcchniqu* ilries 3-l) liensors to cnpfureirr{irrmali*n *trgut thrrshalr+nf a fac*. This inlirrnrati$n s tlrcnils** f{r identi$ distinctiv* tbafnresnn ths surface trt a fhcr:,sr^rch s tlle u*ntour ot" hc *y{i s$skft$. ne$e,*nti chin, O.nrladvantageof 3-D lilcial rec*gnitiun * that t is nor af *ctedhy*h*rtg*s in liglrting ike *thcr techniques.rtcan *l*+ idcntify aflrce {ttim a r{lngsol'vie,rr"ingnghs. inclrrdinga profile view.S.nnth.*:rm(tgin$ trendus** tlrr vi.cugl etsils :f thr' skin. as*aptured n stmtlarddigitnlor $l,annedrnage*.'llrismchnique,called

skirrtexture analy,siso

ums the uniclurr ines. pnttern*,aud spots {rpFarentn a pcrsorr'*skin intu n mathrnlatica}sp*rc{s3J, [3J.

#. Fctr trl7?tri'rrur:gr.crn'lllut

uneler{ying *scular tiystsmin the hunlan flerceg:roduees uniqu* lireial signature .hcn heat passes hrrrughthe, {?rsial ti*susr and is effiittcd frunr the skin. Suc}r fhcia}sigcatures can tre capturetl rgirrg n inllsred c&nleru' esultingin an irr:age *alfsd fi *'l**t] thernurgrarn"o't is clairned that aI'hce themnCIgrsrms uniqu* to each indir.idu*l and is rrotynlnsrnbl* ta disguises.Sven pl*stie surgerv is believed tshave no eflarct n the ftrruxrtipnuf'tlre ftrce hermugr*n. Fracc

thermugrtrm s n*nintrusirre lismvmie teclrniqti* n'hictrrcnnveriti' antl iqleqtity witlrout c$ntiil"lt.An infrar*d c*nrcrir uanceptur* tlre face thernrngrarn n very lCIw lnrbip* liglrt rx in

the al:sencceif any light nt all; tlre vn-ccularstntcturemay b*fil$rs rich in infnrmntiofi urd r*nrainx nvilriant t* intentiftnnl*r unintentional ariati*ns n visual{ircialspFearnnse.

Ferr-rehenn#gritnr is rror perlbcf, irnlvever:. t nray<leperrdeavily on a numbr:rof thrt<lrssuclr as the enrotion*l$t*ts {if the subject$, $r tr*dy teruFcrar$rt:.a*d like tircs-r*c*gnition, lhcr thenrrngram *r:ognition is view*dependent.

{i. lletina ertsgnitkxtThe blo$dr'{rs.sslt the hack ot'the r}yshave* uniquep$trern,li"rirueye to {}yr}anelperson o per$on.Rstina $*idn$equiru hattlie pemonrefllorlf$ their giluises,placetheir eyes clo*sr tl thsscffilflEr.' tnrest a sp*citic poir& and relnair:still, amd orus un

a speciti*d l*cation i?rrn;r;lr*ximatrlly l* to ti sestnds rvtrril'sthe scan in *t"rmplet*d"A re{ir;al scnn invnlves ttrreuse uf irlorv-irtensity coherent ight s$urser vhish is prniected*nt*th* refina to illuxrinste tire btro+d .esEclswhieh ere thenph*fographed and unalyxed. A coupler is ussd {o reild thcblood ve*selpattems.

A retina $can cafflut bs faked snd it is currentlyimpossilrle ei brge a hnnan r*tina. Furthen'n*re, he retin;r 'rfa dece*seelers{)ndecnys oo rapidly t* be'rrsed o d*c*ive irr**tintrl$can. Ilis*dvant*g*s tll' retieal rccognitit:n includeexpensiv*s*an$ers-and luw degreeof user ea*peratir-rn l.


Fl /riy x:t:*gnitilsnT"h* iris is the el*stic, pignrented" snneutivs isslrsthat contnlls the pupil. lllre iri* i* fonned in early lilb in *pr$te$*c*llcd murphngenesis.nce ftrlly t'ormed. he textureix xtilbls throughunt lifb. lt is the unly intemsl hurnarrerganrisibis fiom the oiltxide and i* pr$tected by the ciimqa. Th.**iris of the eye hasa uniquepaften:, iuur eye tcleys andpc:rsruto per'*on. n iris sca* will analyr"e ver ?{}f)pcintscl'the iris.silch as rings, ltrrorvs, llec.hls:c-and tlie $$r{}r},c! nd rvilleompafe th*ln ta a previ*u.-sly ecunled tetnpl*fe-c.Glnsses,contntt lenses,and evcn eye ^surgeryd*rrs n*t chan)ge h*eh&racterisficsl: the iris. To prcvent an irnagelphuto l'rheiris fnrm heing ussd n.stsndf a real "liye" $ye. ris scanningsystemswill vnry the light *n<lcheck thst the pupil dilnt*s +r

c()n[rirct$-Iris rn+trgniti*n is highly {rsc.Efi*ts nd non-ilrtnrsivc.

The disadv*n aserr CIf the $y$t$Bl nclucle its cnst, and highIevel*f u*er F;irticiparrt, :lcrvever, rj* s*anning s nror* easilyread thern etina *nd efTrirtsare urldenvay to build rnurt; rl$sr*t'rirxdly snd c().st*+ffectiveystcm.siJ" f3j"

*t, .figrnrlrarr:

I3irmwtri* xignaturvr*crignitio* $ystenlsnrcaturs alrdanalyze flrn physicnl acti.vity *l signingosur;h *s tlrs str*ke*rdcr, lh* prrssure rgrlied, md thc *p*cd. While it is *asy lrl**p3, thu irlrage*f * signstrrre' t is extrernely dif.ticult [*mimis the hehavi*r of rigning. Somc systcfns mily alsr:


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(:$tnp$rc visrtitl intrtges r:f, signatures, hrrt the cor* rrf, n

*ig;rnlur'* i*m*tri* syxtnnrs hehavi*r*I, . e." rriiwt i**tl

riuhrlr han visunl"F,Ittw*v*r:"e*ple ntay lot airvayssign in a

*ernsirit*ntn*nilsrrvhi h **n be pr*hlematic[1J, ?]. t1l.

1:L ' *lr:erer:cg+nhr:itIrlunratrvoiecs art: uriqn* ttl l:il*tr pers$nand canrtlrt

br: exactly replicirtr:d"Sp*er-*t :rclude bvti eoutpunsills ;*

ph;*sirilngiunl cornptln{rut{t}re vcri** tract) and a $ehariplal

sorlp$lcnt {ilre arc.*trt)" t is lrlrnqst ttlpnssiblc o imitate

any{}ltr}'$ v*ics perfuilly. The voipeprinr g*nerated is

clraracteriz*d by th.* v*cstl tract, n"hich is il uniclue

phyrii*l*gical rait.\rtice recognition s citslt + irnplernetttts ltc systertt

is forv-crust.ndn*n-inyasite, Althnugh the sp*echol'a person

is c!i*tinctive. it n:ay rl{}t cont*in strfficient invariarrt

irrfirrrnstion to *llbr largc-scale recr:gnitiutr. Speech-basedverilication c*uld be based rn either a text-dependenl ir a

te;<t*i.ndepr:ntlentpt:esh nput. Spcruch r,cngnition syst*m is

als* s*nsitive ta s ilurnbsr ull faclnrs, sttclt as background

nuise" Llmotional tu:r<t lrysipiil statei *f tJrs speakrir- Voiqe

rec*grriti*n $),steffi as be**n sed s lou,*see"urily ppliclrtions"

ll l -{}t-ArtI}l {;ltAil"t

f,lectreicltnliogrnrn n{:{i} nnrrlysis s n*t r:inlya very

usefill r.1i:*gn*stictol fbr c-linicalpilrptlse$brtt alst: may be n

good bi*rnelric firr hurnarr dentificntion' The E{:{i r'*ri*s

I'romperstttr o persondue to tJr* <liflbreil*esn p*xitiutl, sizeo

arrtlanat*nr;l rrf'tl"retsarl., relative botiy r.veight, he$t

corrligru:ati*n,nd rosri$tls ther{hctilrs 5-13].

; Ternplatei Matching

Figure ?. A hlrrcli di*gr*nr Erf lm Flrr:rcs$$Bssed n this *tudy

A.lvfethcwtFigure ? illustrnteti th* hfurcktliagrprn *f typical

pnx:e$xi)$eqrrired f'trr this s*tttly. The pr*pr*{:sss$r rsmov*:$

nr:rise, l* *Jlt\cl. *nel rrrl*nfiIil'-tld difl*rent hrlirrl ralils [21.N*mr,1liz-ati*nl'th* F;Cfis,u,hi*h inveih,'esp*sanrplinglnd

clcr,n*sirilpling crfl ECfi *ltta, is an itnpnrtanl pr*prt]ces$

b*cause cn inrlivielu-nlmight pcrtlnnn n*tivities whirh aftlect

lhe hriart r*te righl belbre th* 'mrasurtnrents *f HCfi. .tller

Fre.proee$sing,,Cfi is f'ed tl ttre {'eatrlreextracti+n bh:t-:k p

dete*tQRS conrpl*x*ntl lt-ld inten:al 3]. Thetr, l sirrgle :C{i

*ycle i* rlxtractudvith the R pt:i$tr*lercll*r:.

F*r tenrplafc *atchiri* iniilhild {TM}, }ve l$t}da total

of nirr* ilata sets vhir;h *pr$.$*ntecliu* intliviriualsfrorrt lrt:h'1l"t'-ljll{ rir*trrbrlss. {} }r*nntbsq{gv(lr* s*h:c:l*d fi*nr *ath

{ednsrt {pers**).Then}\'s*on:pilretteachh*at *l'the datasels

to the other heatli fi*rn th* t*n datlr sels and cttmputed tltt:

ilrt:*n .alile-s llthe c*rr*latiorlcgetficients icrr ach ase. f the

ayeragts *rrelstti*t:ceie{litient1va5 igher {,}rarr .$" lhen rve

detennined hat both henisbelongcd r: the s{trne ersor}.


E i f f is


z zv|3






ltsl 3-*'i*


tirnahl *gt'r$;r)G1{,S:St*1{t?

rr{l ffi }31tirv,# n c+firi}:*

e*t-:3tJ{}:€t]*'i l#





${j dn*

1;ft{ i tl e,at+P}*

Frigrrre 3. L'ctrttpnris*n ol' tiilfi

vatiuus utlT-1ll[{datr s*ts.

ti*'te lfi ti'il} tf:ie

rvayel]rlrmsnbtaingl llorn

In neuralne-t',v*t:k single llll{i signnl i* conv*rted tobinary rnages vlth r'ssolutiottCIf-{}{}H5{} brslbre eing fbd to

thig nsrrralnetwork. lrLreightlesrineurul trctuTrk {WNl'i) or n'

tuple, ths b*sic tnudel nc$r$R is $ slandnrd rand*Hl &ccrss

rncln$ry {lfAfuf}.Th* i.r:put t* the tlsur$n are fuir:nryvillu4,

rrtrich are ussd irrnr *tt uddrnss * thER.AM;fhe r"r*rtputi'the

neilroil is the datn valu* *tctr*dnt tiris adtlr*ss.Tlle ryst*m rvas

ttmted using 3 level hlnary im*ges of urlerrtr*careii*grarnud

u.sed0 s-Ynapneilil neurtrtr"Sigrrre3 illu.strates xatnplcs fl tlre sharac{eristicslf

liCti dats used iu thi;s studS'. v.igte he diffur'r:ncesgf tlre

rv$vefirr$rsrtxr dilfurr:ntclatasilts, vcn t'ltoughall hute the

standard4'?ve$P, QRS,'f). W* rrsedhe TNI m*tho$and thtr

lveightlessWliN rnethud t:r idcntity r,eritricationrr his study.

lirr "l-il,tmeth*d, rve cah;ul*terj ctrrrclatitxrct)el$$icntst>f'

var:inuspairs t:l sigrrals"Twu signalsnre s*rrelntsd if their

rvavsfirnn$ tre sinrilnr t$ $ne ilil$ther and exhibit sinrilur

ch*racteristics.\Vc nscd I\4;\TLrlIl 7.t! iL'{nfhWorJrstrc., Nitticks'

1\,1A, SA) t*,sir:rulatehe irlgtrithn:srlnd nsetldatasets itrm

*rs b:Iilssachns*t{sn*titgts of Tc*]rttnlt:lg;' MIT-f}ll{} {ata

base 41 .

ll. Re;v/is ,wd ) i.rtt "t.rlms

Fr*ur tht exJ:eriutcnts, thresltold ol" {}.9 litr tlrc

corrrrlatirin oeilieisrrtfi:rtht tetnplatc natching}ti}th$d ttd t

vatitrg sgoftro{'65 lbr the rvr:ightlcssrettratnclrv*di ntethitd

uoere hle o tlistilrguish:iCltidata vith lIt ltcct"lrfisyl'9{i*}i,.



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The advantagcs*f *nr HflG bin*retric sy*tenr thrhuman derrtity verifiuntinn are: I1 b{rfh*ppsnrancer nd finie-d*main f*ntures are taken

int* account; 3) *li*imalcnnrputati*nnl c*rn5rk:xity, r:ns*nnhle rnining time, and c#lline traini:lg are possible; 3) prescreerring r,ift tempiater*atching n ohtainpo,rsibl* uindirJatesncren*e*accuracy, nd4) n purfect irJ*rxiii*atirrn rat* was obtilineel nr this gruup ofsutlj*cts.

fifi$ is a pot*ntial biometric for hurnan identityvEr,iflcstion- \. system{ra:iedon {.he iC{i *rruld be }orv eastanrl **e<l irr *ppl.ications ucha* phy*icrl access Bntrcrl, C,

ATM, nn<l n*tw*rk acccssoanrl ly*irsa*ti*n s*curity. Irorexampl*, in ths hrrspit*l, th* $y$tem oukl verily ths idendfythe idsntity rf fl pflrient pri*r to drug adruini*rrati+n orperflmnnn*e $f a nredic$l procedure o reduce nredi*al carefrf0fs.


. ' .


Figur'*.4.Cost t$. acunrdcy f triflnrstric echnnl*gies.

IV. f,ilNfiLUSI{:}N*Biomstries reftrs t* ,rrutrmati* identifieation $f a

p*r$rln has*rJ an his or her phy*ialcgical or behaviornl*haracteristics. t providesa brtter soiution for the increasedswnritSr requirements *lt' our informati*n so*iety tlrantntditiCInerldentificationnr*thrxlssnshaspas*wordsg$id lNs.triachcf tlre al"ailablehitxnt:tric technol*giespresentedhereh*v$ tlilTerent wel of aecepted ccur*cies*nd costs(Figure4]. As bismetric sens$r$ hecume lcss wpmsive and

miniatnrized, and a* publi* realieex hat triumetriss s ac{uall;yan eflt-{:tir,* strategy fix pnrtecri*n uf'privncy zurclitm f}aud.this teehnniog5rs likely tu bnused n r*mo-st very tr$rssctionneedingau$rentir:ati*naf personnldentity, Thus bi$rnetrics$an ntrgra.l pnrt *f the ubiquitnussnciery-


.r\, Jeino 1.,. ll*ng sntl li. Pa*kanti, *Bisrmetri*identiiicatiot,"

f.nrnnrrutinali$n* $f tlrc ACh,l. lir.brral,* ?{}0fir1dnl. 3" l*$o. , pp. g$-gS.

A" K" I*in, I'1. Che*, lind 5. Minut, "l)ental hionr*tri*s: hmn*rnide*tifiurtin* u*ing du*tal r*di*graphs,"pp. 4?9*43?

Wiltilm*. Murli. "l3*tt*r Fnee-Rl'mgnition $rftwarre", "fechndagy irrFletiw\ il{ay:3(}, 2${}?.

[41" L van dw Lilu*g, '-The i]l*g*l btrdy* .Hur*diac'cnd th* prdirirrs r.rti

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l: Jt5-3{}2.9"qp.


w.lilltru, rf J. Tn*rpkin*'ndY. Ft. lu. "{}ne-lemlic{j tix id*ririryvcrificati*n," frm.**dingl trf ths $esrxrd Juint filr.{fi$.fl}lglHsfenferenre, lcusttur, frX,USA, .lci*bcr }€S,2t)0?.

t6l l.ena$i*1""*c{i analyxis:\ nerry pprei*rh* hcurfln irEnrificatim'tlifif{ ]i*ns. $n 3ni{nrnx*n{,illifinuxlN$*asrrEm*rrt,0$l vr.l}.l"pxr,S?*6r.

t.71 i\. $. Ranre$rrixh*alrnd Supm{inr *h* I }g? l:,C1{i{l:rr:ling .v var.elet-b-rs*dlnmrpr*dieticur'litllli'l'r*n;s.Fknnqd.,*l 44 not3

l8l F;$"liamiltrrn nelw.J.'lon:rpkinq

"()**ntitarivr: nvrl"rtigtti** f eR$detc$tie$ulesu*ing thy htl"[/t]l]l **fu.rhmi* dsrabaxe,"].r[:;]li'$F. vul.35,pp.I S?-l $i, ISSS

l9l l,larvani-il{ITDivision+f Hetrtr{hci*nc*sn*d echn*t*g1,.arnfrridg*,MA, *h,.ilT-BIHArryrhmiaD*tsba$*-'orttp:*brvrv,phy*ic*

il*] Biji, p. $im*n a*d c'. tswar*R $$? -Alr HCti elassifier esign si*gm*dified de*isisnh*sedne$rrl B*t.**tlrk' fiilrF$tsr*nd triiureili*alrrssalrh.Pp?57-37?

il ll J"M" liub*p nndR, J" Mitcb*llAut$-$$s$ciariv*cruor-"r,sing n+upr*

trchniqur:sntelligent ystemsmgin*ering yinte:r.p?3?-?Ieg${fl21 H. M^ Allin*rn and A. Krrk:r A Prinr:ipt*rl \pprr**chTo N-nlpleRec+:gnitionsvst*nr D*partme.rrteif Hi*cricai liugin*rrring nrrdEleclroniesih.ll$T,FoBox,Marcheri*r. l,i$CIeD, tff{ ll}9?

il3'| Raida Al,Alswi A ttyhrid n-luplr,rNcurr>t"u:;rr"ylussilier trlrhandwdtt*nlt{urrreralsRe,*o4rritionLr#H t}eportrn{v*{ lr c*nrpwcrIlngi*er*ng {t$lege *f' lrrlbrm*tionTe*hn*l*g1,

t t l


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