parish report 2018

St. James’ Episcopal Church 25 West Street, Danbury, CT 06810 PARISH REPORT 2018

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St. James’ Episcopal Church

25 West Street, Danbury, CT 06810


Page 2: PARISH REPORT 2018


AGENDA For the 255th Annual Meeting

January 27th, 2019 Opening Prayers (offered at the end of worship)

Presentation and Adoption of Roll of Voting Members p. 3

Minutes of the 254th Annual Meeting p. 5

Table talk conversation (gifts of the parish) Reports: (Presented as Table Talk information and take-home reading)

Interim Priest-in-Charge’s Annual Letter p. 7

Wardens Annual Letter p. 10

Deacon’s Report p. 12

Christian Education for Children and Youth p. 13

Hospitality Committee p. 15

Worship p. 15

Pastoral Care p. 16

Music Ministry p. 18

Building & Grounds p. 20

Parish Life p. 20

Mission p. 21

Stewardship p. 24

Growing in Faith p. 25 Parish Register/Vital Statistics p. 26

Financial Reports p. 27

Standing Resolutions 1) Filling Vestry vacancies until next Annual meeting; 2) Short term borrowing up to $50,000 if necessary; 3) Permit Vestry to invest and reinvest funds of the Parish.

Thanksgiving for Class of 2019 Vestry Members

Election of Officers and Class of 2022 Vestry p. 31

Old Business

New Business

Adjourn Cover Portrait by: Robert Parker

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Qualifications required for voting privileges: “Of the members of the Parish, only those entitled to vote at any Parish meeting shall be:

1) adult communicants, age 16 years or older 2) who for the six months prior to that meeting, shall have been faithful attendants at services of the Church and Parish 3) unless for good cause provided, faithful contributors to its support, and faithful in working, praying and giving for the spread of the kingdom of God.”

Per Parish By-Laws and Diocesan/National Canons Anderson, Janis Anderson, Martin Beaudry, Karen Beaudry, Raymond Beaudry, Katie Beaudry, Ryan Berardo, Dean Beschle, Deidra Beschle, James Best, Lloyd Best, Patricia Blasco, Cathleen Bloom, Joyce Bogart, George Bogart, Jana Boughton, Mildred Brown, Allan Brown, Janet Butler, Rita Carley, Suzanne Cheeseman, John Cheeseman, Vivien Clapp, Charles (Skip) Clapp, Linda Conaway, Carole Cox, Beth Cox, Daniel Crea-Schirmer, Vicky Cullen, Michelle Cummings, Michael Cummings, Pamela Davidson, Joseph

Davidson, Karen Davis, Ruth (Christel) Day, Denise Day, Jeffrey DeVeaux, Barbara DiMeglio, Christine DiPerrio, Anthony DiPerrio, Nanci Dono, Dorothy Downer, Bridgett Emerito, Margaret Fernekes, Eugene Fernekes, Shirley Ferrarone, Shirley Fescoe, Elizabeth Fescoe, Randall Fiorita, Joseph Fiorita, Sally Fleming, Etura Flynn, Carolyn Flynn, Janis Flynn, Robert Flynn, Sean Franco, Madeline Gammie, Theo Giarrantana, Frank Griemsmann, Judith Griemsmann, Russell Halpin, Nancy Harewood, Cheryl Harrington, Ernest Harrison, Linda Hassen, Jean

Hawkshawe, Helena Healy, Gerald Holl, Denise Hutchinson, Vicki Hutchinson, William Janesky, Edith Johnson, Carl Johnson, Leslie Johnson, Robert Johnson, Robert Johnson, Susan Katz, David Katz, Laura Kaufmann, Deborah Kaufmann, Denise Kelly, Margaret Kiddoe, Yvonne Kinkade, Nancy Kuell, Christopher Kuhn, Harry Kuhn, Jill Landis, Richard Landis, Sheila Larsen, Pat Leahey, Ethel Liberati, Daniel Liberati, Marion Lim, Kerlen Lim, Letty MacBain, Lillian McCarthy, John McCarthy, Lisa McGarry, Jane

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McGowan, Maria McLaughlin, John McLaughlin, Loretta Meyer, Mark Meyers, Lyn Molinari, May Mondello, Deborah Mondello, Robert Montanari, Elise Montecalvo, Albert Montecalvo, Karen Morgan, Doris Morgan, Kevin Morgan, Patricia Mould, Kathleen Murdock, Su Murphy, John Murphy, Virginia Owens, Donald Owens, Maryellen Pankulis, Betsy Parks, Barbara Pearson, Patricia

Pearson, Robert Rausch, Erma Rausch, Luciana Rausch, Richard (Jr.) Rausch, Richard (Sr.) Reynolds, Robert Rogers, Gary Rundhaug, Clair Rundhaug, Kirk Sabbagh, Jehad Sabbagh, Kathy Sanford, Leslie Sarkisian, Mark Sarkisian, Susan Scalzo, Michael Scalzo, Toni Schirmer, Duane Schofield, Nancy Siergiej, Joanne Simonelli, Irene Simonelli, Jill Spaziani, Linda Staib, Anita

Staib, Leonard Stephenson, Ann Stirling, Mark Subryan, Loraine Swanson, David Swanson, Kathi Tarrant, Joan Thalman, Bill Thalman, Laurie-Jean Toce, Judith Todaro, Jeanne Toth, Francis Toth, Judith Triebe, John Triebe, Linda Tuck, Alvin Tuck, Donna Walkovich, Joseph Ward, Joseph Westfall, Lewis Wirag, Robert

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St. James’ Episcopal Church, 25 West Street, Danbury, CT 06810 254th Annual Meeting Minutes – February 4, 2018

The Rev. Dr. Joseph A. Krasinski called the 255th Annual Meeting of St James to order at 11:27 AM and Rev. Carolyn C. Legg opened the meeting with prayer. Minutes of the 254th Annual Meeting: Upon motion to and seconded, the minutes of the 254th Annual Meeting of St. James’ Episcopal Church were unanimously approved. Rectors Report: Read during Worship (Annual Report page 4). Financial Reports: Linda Spaziani, Treasurer opened with prayer. She reviewed the 2017 Income and Expense Comparison – 2018 Budget (Annual Report page 23), the 2017 Cash Position (Annual Report page 23), and the Pledge Comparison 2017 & 2018 (Annual Report page 24), (one less week in 2018). Linda went on to say that it has been 20 years since St. James’ had a capital campaign. There are things we need to take care of in our buildings. This spring we are kicking off a capital campaign of between $150K and $200K. Windows and doors, sound system, WIFI, rectory and more need attention. No monies will be spent on projects unless the monies are in the bank. Linda talked about the Endowment Funds (Annual Report page 25) and the Book of the Living Trust Fund which is in the shrine in the front of the church, right hand side. A question was asked about the cost of our Property insurance: All insurance must be a part of the Diocesan policy. Motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report was made by Joe Walkovich and seconded by Jehad Sabbagh and unanimously approved. Joe spoke of the process of going through the budget line by line and said that we are very fortunate to have Linda as our Treasurer. Father Joseph said that all the Parish Annual Meeting does is receive the budget, the Vestry has approved all of it. Upon motion to and seconded, the Financial Reports were unanimously approved. Father Joseph reported that Vestry meetings Budget went until midnight in years past. We did not stay anywhere near that late. There are certain standing resolutions (1) Filling Vestry vacancies until next Annual meeting. A Parish has to elect Wardens. (2) Short term borrowing up to $50,000 if necessary. (3) Permit Vestry to invest and reinvest funds of the Parish. The above resolutions must be made on an Annual Basis. A motion was made, seconded and approved by all. Ever since 9/11, getting signatories changed on bank accounts is very difficult. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved that Father Joseph, Linda Spaziani, Janet Brown and Joe Walkovich be signatories on all accounts.

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Farewell to our outgoing vestry members. Appreciation and gifts to them for their service. They are Suzanne Carley, Bill Hutchinson and Pat Pearson. Elections of New Officers and Vestry: Joe Walkovich for Warden. (in his sixth term which is the maximum) Janet Brown for Warden (in her second term). Treasurer is Linda Spaziani (life time). Clerk is Marion Liberati (life time). New Vestry Members: Carolyn Flynn (Parish Care), Lyn Meyers (Stewardship) and Jean Todaro (Worship). Moved, seconded and approved to have the Clerk cast one ballot for the slate. Our Convention Delegates are Dan Cox and Marion Liberati. Joe Walkovich spoke of Father Joseph and Carolyn Legg and thanked them for all that they do for the people of St. James’. Kerry Santoro thanked members of the Parish for their contribution of 150 cans and 8 packages of soup mixes. The high school youth group made a video about Maria de Jesus and El Hogar. It was shown to the Parish. Correction: The donate button on the St. James’ App is defunct. On Feb 23rd we are having an adults only Paint Night and on June 2nd Nicholas Kuell is having a concert of Broadway music to benefit Maria de Jesus and El Hogar. The program will include a performance by our Director of Music Ministry, Joanne Archibald. Adjourned at 12:05 PM. Respectfully submitted, Marion Liberati

“If it’s not about Love it’s not about God.” Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop

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Given that I only joined your journey in November, I leave the traditional Annual Report reflections about 2018 into the very capable hands of your remarkable parish lay leaders. (Please take the time to read and reflect on all of the offerings in this Annual Report. The power of God’s love is widely witnessed to herein.) What I offer you are

reflections on how this Way of Love is at work through you, with the fresh eyes of a newcomer and as an Interim, helping you imagine what your transition might look like as you participate more fully in Living God’s Love in these changing times of the 21st Century.

First and foremost, let me go on record to say that I am finding this time of walking with you to be a delightful, albeit undeserved, honor and privilege (the very definition of God’s Grace at work). This worshipping community of St. James’ Danbury is vibrant and alive. We are a people who are passionate and committed to our parish life together and to our community. We also are a people who are doing a lot, personally, professionally, and ecclesiastically (i.e., church life). Being busy and being faithful can sometimes come into conflict. This time of transition invites us to give ourselves permission to sit back, take some collective deep breaths, and reflect on ALL that we do, given all that we are; and to listen, to imagine and re-imagine, how following Jesus differently, in the Way of Love can re-align our shared “life-doing” with our “faith-being” in this new Missional Age of Christianity.

“Worship is over, our service now begins” We recently

added those words to our dismissal at the end of our time together here. And while I heartily affirm those who are saying, “wait, worship is never over”, the play on these words that we often interchange without distinction, is intentional. Worship is an act full of emotion. We gather to feel the deep love of our creating, redeeming, and sustaining God who calls each of us “beloved”. And we seek to learn how to express love back to God in response. Service is what we do with that love, how we live into that love, and why we bother to love at all. Words matter. They reflect and communicate intention. Words can also be a barrier to feeling and finding God’s presence when we allow them to become jumbled or silenced by our own personal, and sometimes limited, expectations.

Such was at least true for the residents of Jesus’

hometown of Nazareth. They had known Jesus as a young boy; they watched him grow up. Years later, after he had moved away, word began to trickle back to them that this now-adult

The Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, According to Luke

Jesus, filled with the power of the Spirit, returned to Galilee, and a report about him spread through all the surrounding country. He began to teach in their synagogues and was praised by everyone. When he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, he went to the synagogue on the sabbath day, as was his custom. He stood up to read, and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him. He unrolled the scroll and found the place where it was written: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor." And he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down. The eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on him. Then he began to say to them, "Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing."(Luke 4:14-21)

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Jesus was performing miracles. They became excited about this hometown boy making good. And in that excitement, they began to imagine how Jesus might fit in with all that they were already doing. Hey, if Jesus turned water into wine in Cana, he can do even greater things here! If he has healed all sorts of blind, sick, and lame people down in Capernaum, just imagine what he will do for us, his own kind, when he comes back home!

Well, soon after his baptism, Jesus does come back home, for a visit. In the gospel

story appointed for the day of our Annual Meeting, Jesus joins his former neighbors and friends at their local synagogue one Sabbath morning and begins to teach them through their own Holy Scriptures. They had heard the ancient words many times before. And yet, they were startled when Jesus suggested that now these words are being fulfilled. If you continue reading the verses that follow today’s passage, you will find that their initial amazement quickly turned demanding. They concluded that this fulfillment meant that this hometown boy Jesus owed them some miracles, too. And they had some very pre-conceived expectations for just what those miracles should look like.

They were putting two and two together and coming up with three. God is love. God

through Jesus is walking among them. We should get something for being faithful. It’s just that their idea of “getting” wasn’t what Jesus has in mind. In fact, he reminds them that God’s response to our deep hungers often seems to bypass personal wants by pointing toward the others in our midst, especially those who are outside of our inner circle. Needless to say, they became disenchanted. They expected something from God for themselves, something more than those others who didn’t work as hard at being faithful. Their hearts were hungry. And yet, their limited expectations also limited their imagination of how God wants to be present, and distorted the life-giving Way-of-Love message that Jesus intended. Their response to Jesus, was to become angry, resentful, and disillusioned. How many people do we know who have walked away from what the Church can be for the world, out of disillusionment? How might we

Our own expectations that Church should be the same as it always has been, the one

constant when everything else is changing around us, might leave us feeling unsettled at times, as well. How can Being the Church differently possibly teach us to live in love, and re-align our busy doings with our search for a faith-filled way of being?

This time of transition allows us to look at ourselves and our neighbors with new

eyes, to listen anew to what Jesus longs for us know about the Power of God’s Love. Two and two equals four. God loves us, God gives us others to love. So as we learn to Live in this Love through “Being the Church”, we discover together the real intention of Jesus’ presence among us. These words are now being fulfilled in your hearing.

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Addendum – The Developmental Tasks of the Interim Period (excerpts from the Interim’s Letter of Agreement with St. James’ Church and the Bishop)

The interim period is a prime time for renewal and re-energizing the parish in its life and mission. Beyond maintaining effective ministry during this time of transition, the Interim is called to work together – with all of the congregation – to prepare for a healthy transition to your next Rector. The tasks we have before us include:

1) coming to terms with the congregation’s history, your relationship with previous clergy and lay leadership, paying particular attention to feelings of sadness, grief, joy, etc.

What kinds of relationships with leadership have been life-giving, and what have been life-draining? By reflecting on, and naming, such characteristics, we can seek the liberating and loving qualities in our next Rector while also learning to release, forgive, repair and reconcile our own behavior that has participated in creating stumbling blocks.

2) discovering the congregation’s identify apart from previous clergy leadership, especially what it dreams of becoming and accomplishing in Christ Jesus

What are your unique gifts and passions? How might we nurture those gifts – that God gave you, for the purpose of living into them – through the missions and ministries of this parish? While previous clergy may have helped guide our imaginations, how do we learn to own, trust, and respond to what God places in our hearts?

3) dealing with shifts in leadership roles that evolve during times of transition, and encouraging new leadership.

How often do we fill a role because “somebody needs to do it”? How might we nourish gifts and passions (pursuant to #2 above) and create space for new lay leadership that builds collaboration and teamwork, as our articulation about hopes and dreams takes shape?

4) renewing, maintaining, and if necessary adjust, the relationships between the congregation and its staff so that each may be an effective resource and support to the other.

All staff Letters of Agreement are being reviewed and updated, with modifications being made that support the Transition process as it unfolds.

5) encouraging commitment to shared leadership with the new Rector. You may have noticed that your Interim asks a lot of “why questions”, not as criticism; rather as an invitation to reflect on your own faith questions so that we move forward as The Body of Christ, acting out of God’s love. The more we articulate our own theology (how we speak of God, and God in our lives), the more capable we become to walk in our faith journey together.

6) strengthening relationships with the diocese. We are one part of a larger Body of Christ. We have brother and sister Episcopalians also engaged in living in love, with bonds of affection and Canon laws that hold us together as One. We have much to learn from each other. Collaborating with diocesan efforts, participating in Regional gatherings, discovering ministry networks are all endeavors to explore.

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WARDENS REPORT Joe Walkovich and Janet Brown

January 2019 As we close out another year, we ask all our Saint James’ Family members to reflect on how good God has been to us through the many changes and challenges we have faced. We have an historic and beautiful facility to worship in, we have a supportive church family that is with each of us in good times and bad as we continue to serve our Lord through our mission work in the community of Danbury and throughout the world. With the unexpected retirement of our Rector, Joseph Krasinski in August we needed to find supply clergy until we could start the transition process. Fortunately for us The Rev. Iris Peterson, a former assistant at Saint James, graciously agreed to fill the void until we were able to welcome our transitional rector The Rev. Dr.Lisa Hahneman. Rev. Lisa has been a wonderful addition to our church family and leads us with passion and a true vision for the future. The year 2018 saw the completion of our parish hall kitchen – thanks to Rob Mondello and his committee for the many hours of meetings and phone calls with the company who installed the kitchen. With the kitchen complete we celebrated with a catered dinner with Joseph as our “bartender”. In June, our Suffragan Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Laura Ahrens, visited and led our worship and confirmation service. Laura was rector at Saint James’ for seven years between 2000 & 2007 and we were happy to welcome her back “home”. Our Summer Carillon Concerts organized by Christel Davis offers our parish and the greater Danbury Community a harmonious lunch hour with music played on our historic Carillon. Our parish picnic normally held in June was postponed until September because of the bishop’s visit and was held at Saint James’. Because of the change in the weather we decided to hold it in the parish hall instead of on the lawn beside the playground off the back-parking lot. But the hotdogs and hamburgers still tasted as good! This year we had our first annual “Wings over Maria” contest hosted by Chris Kuell with a little help from Parish Life. This was a fun night with lots of wings to taste and vote on and the proceeds went towards our commitment to Maria DeJesus, our El Hogar student. We continue the strong tradition of outreach and mission work in the Danbury Community and beyond. Saint James’ continues to support such local organizations like, Amos House, The Association of Religious Communities, Daily Bread, Dorothy Day and The Appalachian Service Project. We now begin our third year with “adopting a Child” with El Hogar. The mission of El Hogar is to improve life in Honduras, one child at a time. Our Saint James’ Family supports Maria DeJesus with a yearly financial commitment that provides her with food, clothing, health insurance, school supplies and religious education.

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Carolyn Legg begins her third year with us as deacon. Carolyn was appointed by Suffragan Bishop Laura Ahrens to serve at Saint James’ at the end of 2016. Carolyn was “lifted up” by the Saint James’ Family and we look forward to her continued work with us. We say Thank You to 3 retiring Vestry members. We thank Karen Montecalvo for her term on the Growing in Faith committee. Karen has been an inspiration in leading us to grow in our faith journey. Rob Mondello has served on Buildings and Grounds for the past three years and apart from the usual maintenance issues that come up year after year had the extra work of the kitchen renovation to deal with. Thank you, Rob, for seeing this project through. Thanks to Bill Ostrand for his work on the Stewardship committee and for his financial expertise and advice for the past three years. This year saw Joanne Archibald begin her “Red Door” concert series. We began with the return of the Russian Quartet at the beginning of December and ended with a piano and organ concert that Joanne and Todd Gorski gave. She has already planned several new events for 2019. Joanne held the 2nd annual Jubilation Camp in July and doubled the number of children attending. It was a great success thanks to Joanne and Kerry’s hard work. A new addition this year was the children’s pageant held on the Sunday before Christmas with a wonderful performance by our church school children. Thank you, Joanne, for sharing your musical gifts with us in so many ways. “Godly Play”, our Children’s Christian Education Program continues to help our children learn the stories of the bible. Our sincere thanks to Kerry Santoro and her volunteer “doorkeepers” for leading our children in their faith journey. As mentioned at the beginning of this report the Rev. Joseph Krasinski, our rector for the past nine years, announced he would be retiring at the end of August. Joseph’s retirement has meant that we are now in a time of transition while we work to find a new rector. We are blessed to have been able to welcome The Rev. Lisa Hahneman to lead us over the next year in this transition and are already asking “Why can’t we keep her”? Thank you, Lisa, for agreeing to come and assist us in this transition and for leading us as we continue moving forward on our spiritual journey. Our staff are continuing to assist Lisa in “keeping the ship afloat”. “Ricky” Sanz, our sexton does an outstanding job keeping our physical plant in sparkling condition. Saint James’ continues to be a showcase facility in downtown Danbury and offers each of us a comfortable space to worship and do God’s Work. Kerry Santoro has done a great job offering Christian Education to our children and youth. Joanne Archibald as our Director of Music Ministry is a true gift to St. James’. Joanne has Sundays full of beautiful music and on special days goes well beyond to make sure we glorify God. Her efforts to make Christmas, Easter and other special days full of beautiful music showcase what a gift she is. Thanks also to the many volunteers in our choirs and thanks to the children’s choir and bell choir as well. Dilsa Quade our Parish Co-Ordinator and Bookkeeper does a wonderful job managing the administrative aspects of the parish. She does it with efficiency and a smile on her face. A special thanks to Yvonne Kiddoe and the Altar Guild who keep our Church so beautiful 365 days a year.

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Last but not least a big Thank You to our Treasurer Linda Spaziani. Along with Joseph, Linda managed the financial affairs of our parish. She makes sure the bills are paid and there is money for unforeseen expenses. But she is more than a treasurer. Her passion to see Saint James’ thrive is contagious and her words of wisdom often turn into positive happenings for Saint James’. During this transition we may see changes and face challenges but as a parish we have always met changes and challenges with determination. If we continue to work together as we seek to call a new rector and to make this parish grow, we will leave a strong legacy for years to come. God’s Peace! Joe and Janet


The Rev. Carolyn Legg

This has been of a year of growth and change, change for all of us. Life is change and growth, stretching to reach for our destiny which is in God’s hands. There was a change in my employment status; working for a hospice as a Board-certified chaplain in New Haven to working for a start-up in Ridgefield; a change for the better; more challenges and more growth. Employees come and go and a piece of my responsibility is to those who mourn the loss of a team member. There was change in our parish, the rector retired; again, an opportunity to grow together and to learn. Thanks to another opportunity, I was recruited by Hartford Seminary and have attended for seven years, taking a class as I could afford to and also afford time wise and finishing this year, 2018. This was a time of spiritual growth and reflection and it is difficult to say good-by to class mates from all over the world and faith traditions different from my own. My professors came from all over the world; South Korea, Syria, Egypt, Israel, Indonesia, and India. I am so grateful for my professors and classmates. I am unsure about the future, what opportunities another degree will offer and what assignments the bishop has in mind. I have God’s mission as a passion of mine, to educate and bring to the attention of the Diocese of CT the plight of our brothers and sisters, the Native Tribes who are discriminated against, oppressed, and live as if they are in a third world country but living in the greatest country in the world. There are native people all over the world who suffer the same plight. I am in God’s hands, as we all are, and he will guide me and all of us if we choose to let in the light and listen. Respectfully submitted, The Rev. Carolyn Legg, Deacon

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CHRISTIAN EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH Kerry Santoro, Director of Religious Education

Church School Report Church School In 2018 the Church School program at St. James’ continues to grow. Currently as of Fall 2018, there are 10 children registered. A few years ago, in 2015, there were only 3-4 children registered. The ages of the children range from 4 yrs. to 11 yrs. The goal of the Church School program is to have 12-13 children registered for continued growth of the program. Currently we are in the second year of the Godly Play curriculum, while Bible stories and events of the Church calendar, such as Advent, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost, are shared in a Montessori-based program. The Godly Play storyteller (Teacher) and the children share these precious stories each week at 9:45 on Sundays during the school year in a Godly Play classroom designed with children in mind. The children get the opportunity to interact with the Godly Play materials and become a part of the storytelling with interactive questions at the end of each lesson designed just for them. Each lesson the children have “work time” where they use various art materials such as Play-Doh and scented markers to create their own interpretation of the lesson. The Godly Play session ends with “Feast Time” a communal event where the children share with each other, their teacher, and the Godly Play assistant, what they are thankful for each week. Church School Choristers Since Spring 2016, the Church School children have sang in the choir as the Church School Choristers, which was spearheaded by Joanne Archibald, Director of Music Ministry. Joanne Archibald and Kerry Santoro, Director of Religious Education, work together with the children to prepare them for choral offerings. The Church School Choristers have sang several times throughout 2018- including Easter Sunday, the last day of Church School in June, early November, and Christmas Eve. This was also the first time in several years that a Christmas Pageant was able to happen due to the robust growth of the Church School. The Christmas Pageant involved all of the Church School students; as well as a younger child from the 8:00 service. The pageant was orchestrated by Joanne Archibald and implemented by both Joanne and Kerry. Andrea Stock, the Drama Director at Yorktown High School, worked alongside Joanne and Kerry to provide stage direction for the children. Thank you to all of the Church School parents for your help throughout the year with the children learning their choral songs and for getting them ready for their first pageant. Special thanks to Helena Webster, and Richard and Luciana Rausch for your help with costumes, stage direction, and set design for the Christmas Pageant. Youth Group In 2018, the Youth Group met for the first half of 2018 through May 2018. The Youth Group met once a month for a Youth Group Panel Discussion Group to discuss pertinent topics. The group was run by Kerry Santoro, Director of Religious Education, and Bob Pearson, Acolyte Director. In February 2018, the group had a final field trip to Escape 101 in

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Danbury where the group was locked in a room for 60 minutes, and in that time collected clues and solve puzzles to escape. Our Youth group successfully “escaped” our room with several minutes to spare. The Youth Group also did a final St. James service project together by volunteering to set up and serve breakfast at St. James’ Annual Mother’s Day brunch which is held in between the 8:00 and 10:00 Church Services. We said farewell but not goodbye to Julia, Daniel, Logan and Leah this year as they began/continued on their college journey. We thank them for all their years of dedication and service to St. James’ and are so happy for their continued involvement at St. James’ during their college breaks. Camp Jubilation Camp Jubilation is a one-week musical theater camp at St. James’ which began in July 2017, under the visionary of Joanne Archibald. This camp is run by Joanne Archibald, Kerry Santoro, and Janet Brown, Junior Warden. Camp Jubilation grew in size in July 2018, from 10 participants in 2017 to 17 participants in 2018. The camp group was large enough this year to split into two groups of older students from ages 8-12, and younger students from ages 4-7. Camp Jubilation had Church School Students from St. James as participants, as well as children from the outside Danbury Community. The camp included choral and theater time, craft time, snack time for the group as a whole, game time, and story time for the younger children and ran from 9 AM- 11:30 AM during the week of July 9th-13th 2018. On Friday evening, July 13th, both groups put on a production of songs and skits at St. James’ to showcase all that they have learned at Camp Jubilation. Many thanks to Carole Conaway, Kathy Mould, Janis Anderson, Helena Webster, Therese Tierney, Laura Windebank, and Laurie DeFabritis for your help in volunteering during Camp Jubilation. Events In 2018, annual events such as the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper and the St. Nicholas Party were planned for the Parish of St. James’ which fall under the jurisdiction of Kerry Santoro. Thank You In addition to those whom I have thanked previously, I wanted to thank the following people. Special thanks to all my Godly Play/Church School Choristers families. None of what I do would be possible without your continued help and support. Thank you to all of my Godly Play Assistants this year- Joyce Bloom, Karen Montecalvo, Christine DiMeglio, Pat Pearson, Sandi Nichols, and Vicky Crea. A very special thanks to Susie Sarkisian for all your extra assistance as both as Godly Play Assistant and as a Godly Play teacher for a few of my classes. Thank you to my Youth Group Families, Bob Pearson for working with me on the Youth Group, the volunteers for the St. Nicholas Party and the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, especially Carolyn Flynn and Jim Beschle. Thank to you the wonderful staff of St. James’- Dilsa Quade, Joanne Archibald, Deacon Carolyn Legg, Ricky Lopez Sanz, and especially Rev. Lisa, for guiding and leading us all as Interim Priest-In-Charge. A thank you to Father Joseph, who hired me in April 2015, and whom I had the honor to work with until his retirement from St. James’ in August 2018. Respectfully submitted, Kerry Santoro. Director of Religious Education for Children and Youth, St. James’

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HOSPITALITY Beth Cox (Chair/Vestry Liaison)

In January we invited Jehad Sabbagh to our meeting, where he presented a list of recent home sales in the Danbury area. Beth and Marion met at Barrister’s to introduce ourselves as representatives of St. James’ and to send out postcards to 50 new homeowners.

Marion and Linda Spaziani attended a website seminar in February at the Diocese, and several of us met to discuss the suggestions from the workshop. Linda led the effort to re-design the website and she continues to update the website and all social media sites on a regular basis.

All committees were encouraged to host a coffee hour as an opportunity to educate and inform the parish about each committee.

The prayer wall was designed and built by Joe Walkovich, Allan Brown, and Mark Stirling. It continues to be well received by the community. After we include those prayers during the services, Joe erases it on Sunday, and it is quickly filled up during the week.

Two sandwich boards were put out in front of St. James’ to advertise the carillon concert series, Jubilation, and the Men’s Ensemble from St. Petersburg.

A music brochure was created, and the St. James’ brochure was updated.

The greeter group (Joe, Dan, Christine, Carole, Victoria, Pat, Denise, Karen) not only served on Sundays before the services to welcome parishioners and visitors but became an invaluable part of special events.

Thank you to all who have supported and/or participated in the work of this committee, including Joe Walkovich, Janet Brown, Linda Spaziani, the greeter group, and other parishioners who, by very nature of being members of St. James’, are part of hospitality. Thank you for your welcoming smiles and helpful ways. This committee continues to evolve and we welcome anyone who is interested. Please contact me if you would like to join us.


Jeanne Todaro (Chair/Vestry Liaison)

I can’t be more thankful for the people who volunteer to take care of all the details of worship. Every reader, musician, acolyte, chalice bearer, usher, altar guild server makes our services a place for us to connect to each other and God. With God’s help, in addition to all our usual special services, we have accomplished a lot this year: We recruited some new adult acolytes to replace those going to college this fall. We said good bye to Father Joseph who retired to part time. Welcomed Mother Iris and Reverend Lisa to take us on these next steps of transition as they guide us in worship services. This year along with parish life, and hospitality, we also assisted the music program to launch the new Red Doors Open concert series. For 2019, we are looking forward to another spirit nurturing season of Lent and Easter, and then seeing where God is going to take us next.

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PASTORAL CARE Carolyn Flynn (Chair/Vestry Liaison)

Stephen Ministry St. James’ parish will celebrate 17 years of Stephen Ministry in February 2019. In 2001 we sent three members of our parish to San Antonio, Texas and our then Rector, Laura Ahrens, to Pittsburg, PA to be trained as leaders and began our first training class in September that year and in February 2002 we commissioned our first 12 Stephen Ministers. Since then we have sent two additional members to be trained as leaders and trained and commissioned 16 more Stephen Ministers. Our current Stephen Leaders are Jeff Chowanec and Janet Brown and our active Stephen Ministers are Karen Davidson and Yvonne Kiddoe. Our continuing education programs during 2018 included reading the book “Sparrows” A journey of grace and miracles while battling ALS, written by Jennifer R. Durant, a priest, who shortly after graduating from Virginia Theological Seminary in 2011 was diagnosed with ALS. This is a remarkable story of one woman’s amazing faith as she shares her journey battling this disease while juggling full-time ministry up until her death in 2015. As we begin 2019 we are exploring Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s new book “The Power of Love”. (Everyone should have this book in their “library”). We continue to meet on the first and third Wednesdays of each month for supervision and to support one another in this ministry. Before our Supervision we read the service of Evening Prayer together in the Chapel beginning at 6 pm. All are welcome to join us for this service. To find out more about Stephen Ministry, either how you can receive a Stephen Minister or if you are interested in learning more about becoming a Stephen Minister, please speak with either Janet (203-798-1023) or Jeff (203-610-7490). Friendly Visitors From time to time, as part of our “friendly visitors” ministry, St. James’ members visit members of our parish who are not able to get to church any more In this way we are able to help them to still feel part of our St. James’ family. To become a “friendly visitor” or to receive one, please speak with Janet Brown (203-798-1023) or with our Rector. Senior Ministry In 2018 the Senior Ministry team hosted a pot-luck dinner in June and the annual Christmas Tea in December. Delicious food and fellowship was enjoyed by all who attended. The “Tea” is always a lot of fun with Christmas gifts changing hands, sometimes more than once!! These events are open to all – you don’t have to be over 55 to attend. Please check with Cathy Blasco if you would like to become involved with this ministry.

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Glen Hill Morning Prayer Report, 2018 Every Saturday morning at 10:45 members of St. James’ and some fellow parishes in our area conduct a Morning Prayer service at Glen Hill assisted living in Danbury at which there are usually about 20 residents in attendance. These folks are always so happy to see us and thankful for us bringing the service to them. Actually, I believe we who do the service get more out if it than the residents because seeing these folks, greeting them and brightening their day warms our hearts more than I can say. This past year has gone well with our Glen Hill Ministry; right now, there are 7 of us sharing this ministry, three with St. James’, one with St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Bethel, one with St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Brookfield, one with Walnut Hill in Bethel and one with Sherman Congregational Church. We would love to have more or our friends with St. James’ helping us out, so if anyone would like to try this ministry you are most welcome, just contact me and I’ll get you started to try it out. My email is [email protected] my home phone is 860-354-2025 and my cell phone is 203-470-5756. All of us who do this ministry with St. James’ are great friends now, and we all really appreciate this opportunity to help spread Christ’s work out into our community. That’s why I love St. James’; it gives opportunities like this to really be a part of the work of our Lord, and I hope to continue it as one of St. James’ wonderful works. Alvin Tuck Glenn Hill Coordinator

Prayer Chain Annual Report There are nine women that make up the Prayer Chain. This year we prayed for numerous groups and individuals. Many are on the prayer list for an indefinite period of time and others are on for several months.

When prayers are requested, a group email is sent out by myself to each member of the chain with the details and the amount of time the request will remain on the list. Updated reports are compiled every six months to one year.

Currently, there are 41 groups or individuals on the prayer chain.

Submitted by Kathy Sabbagh, Prayer Chain Coordinator

Meals on Wings Our meals on wings is still active, and by the grace of God not being used very often. We provided about ten meals to a church member after an accident. Shirley Ferrarone Healing Ministry Healing is offered the first Sunday of the month at the 8:00 service and at 10:00 on the third Sunday.

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MUSIC MINISTRY Joanne F. Archibald, Music Director

I would like to begin by thanking all those who participated and supported the music groups and activities at St. James’ this past year. God has provided us with many different talents and I appreciated the willingness of many people to offer their talents and gifts during worship and other events. 2018 proved to be an exciting time in the music department at St. James’. **The Choristers (Church School aged children) grew in both numbers (9 members) and musicality. The children bring a special spiritual awareness to St. James’ worship and I am grateful to the parents who support the program. The Choristers sing at worship approximately 6 times during the school year. 2018 culminated with the excitement of presenting a musical Christmas Pageant in December. **St. James’ Ringers (high school – adult age) under the direction of Deidra Woodend and myself played a variety of bell pieces during worship, sometimes ringing as a choir and sometimes as small groups, accompanying Chancel choir songs and congregational hymns and ringing special bell arrangements for bell choir alone. This group is looking for more members so we might utilize the entire 3 octave set of bells we have. **Chancel Choir (high school – adult age) continued to meet every Thursday for rehearsals and played a major role in leading the singing during the 10AM worship service as well as most of the special services throughout the year. This dedicated group of 8 people would welcome new members to help supplement the wonderful harmonies we make! Summer Pick-Up Choir consists of this group and anyone else who would like to show up on a Sunday morning during the months of July and August to “pick-up” an easy anthem or hymn to be sung during 10AM worship on the same morning. **The Summer Carillon Concert Series continued under the direction of Christel Davis, who coordinated carillonneurs from USA and around the world to play for our enjoyment on Wednesdays during late June through the middle of August. Christel even convinced me to play my first ever carillon concert this year! Thank you to Christel for her hard work in organizing and publicizing these concerts! **Jubilation ’18, our summer music/theater camp for ages K-6th grade was a success again this year. We went from 10 participants in 2017 to 17 participants in 2018. I split the children into two age groups and ran two tracks of age-appropriate activities this year. We are hoping to have 25 children in this summer program in 2019 as the community becomes more aware of what we are doing at St. James’. The need for adult volunteers to help staff this program is great and I would ask you to prayerfully consider helping us out in 2019. ** Concerts at St. James’ this year included:

1) Bach to Broadway concert featuring piano and organ music as well as Nicholas Kuell and Alexis Willoughby wowing us with their beautiful renditions of Broadway tunes.

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This concert was a great support to our Missions Committee as all proceeds were used to help fund our student Maria, from El Hogar.

2) St. Petersburg Men’s Ensemble from Russia sang beautiful sacred and secular music from Russia and around the world. I applied to Danbury Cultural Commission and was awarded a grant to help fund this concert.

3) Red Doors Concert Series fundraiser concert featuring piano, organ, vocal and handbell music was a success at the end of December. My friends Todd Gorski, organist at Epiphany Episcopal Church in Southbury and Andrea Stock, Choral and Drama teacher at Yorktown High School assisted me in this fun concert.

** NEW!! Red Doors Concert Series for 2019 For two years, I have been thinking about forming a concert series to encourage members of the wider Danbury community to step into St. James’ beautiful sanctuary and experience the wonderful acoustics as well as the love and joy that is present in our church. After having several groups and musicians approach me regarding playing concerts at St. James’, I took that as the Lord leading me that the time was ripe to pursue this. I met with the Vestry in the Fall and received permission to put together a self-funding concert series for 2019. As a confirmation of the Lord’s leading, the very day I met with the Vestry, I received a generous offer from our own David Katz to sell some of his professionally recorded CD’s as seed money for the Red Doors Concert Series. I also decided to put together a fundraiser concert in December in order to supplement the Red Doors Concert Series Fund. I will be approaching the Danbury Cultural Commission and several banks in the area in hopes of procuring additional funding. Each concert will have a free-will offering to help pay for expenses. Please keep this ministry in your prayers as we seek to reach out to the community. 2019 Red Doors Concerts (free will cash offering) scheduled for St. James’ include: Sunday, 3/17/19 at 2pm The Danbury Madhatters Barbershop Chorus will offer Irish tunes and traditional barbershop harmonies. Saturday, 5/18/19 at 7pm The well-known Chime In! Community Handbell Choir from Bethlehem, CT. under the direction of Rick Wood will wow us with their amazing techniques and arrangements of bell music. St. James' Ringers will join them for one or two pieces. Saturday, 10/5/19 at 7pm Hans Uwe Hielscher, Carillonneur and Organist from Germany will play several songs on St. James' historic carillon before offering an evening of organ music in the sanctuary. Saturday, 11/30/19 at 7pm We welcome back the St. Petersburg Men's Ensemble (a cappella quartet) from Russia who will perform Russian Sacred, Classical and Folk Music. Respectively Submitted, Joanne F. Archibald; Director of Music Ministries Soli Deo Gloria!

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BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS Robert Mondello (Vestry Liaison)

We have been blessed with a beautiful church building and property. It takes a lot of resources to maintain them. Buildings and grounds had a busy 2018. We watched the kitchen finally be transformed. It looks wonderful. There was a dinner to celebrate after the long ordeal. Thanks to all who helped with that project. There is always something to be done. There were roof leaks fixed and furnace issues to deal with, and the boilers were inspected. Many issues, large and small were addressed. After the May tornados/microbursts there were trees that needed to be removed from the side of the church. Fixing the door closures, a running toilet, checking a light switch, painting. Just like at your own home the list goes on and on, only in our case there list is much bigger. The prayer wall was built. “Work Shirt Saturdays” when parishioners came with rakes, shovels and clippers to help maintain the grounds were held several times throughout the year. Our beautiful gardens have been lovingly maintained by some very dedicated people. New rose bushes were planted in front of the chapel. Thanks also to our master gardener Allan Brown. Thanks to all who throughout the year have come to help St. James be a place we can be proud of. Many hands make light work.

PARISH LIFE Victoria Woody (Chair/Vestry Liaison)

St. James' Parish Life Ministry seeks to provide fellowship and the opportunity to be part of a Family of Faith. Our goal of the committee is to plan events and to provide a great variety of activities. We meet the second Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. in the Parish Hall. We welcome new members anytime, whether you want to join the committee, attend the meetings or just volunteer for some special event. Please join us and bring your ideas for fellowship and fun. If you would like to join us or have any questions, please see any member of the committee. Committee Members: Kathy Mould, Dan Cox, Mark Stirling, Linda Spaziani, Judy and Russ Griemsmann,Joanne Siergiej, Jane McGarry, Victoria Woody, Kerry Santoro, Joe Walkovich, Betsy Pankulis & Debroah Kauffman.

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Through the past year, we have held events on and offsite such as the Chili Cook-off, Escape Room, Kitchen Banquet Fundraiser, Parish Picnic, Trivia Night and Duck Pin bowling. In the coming year we look forward to the time we will get to spend together, as well as supporting this Parish through this transition. Look for upcoming events such as Movie Night, Reverse Dinner, Pancake Supper, Parish Picnic and much more. We also continue to have Friday with Friends on the first Friday of the month at 6 p.m. Please come and join us for food and fellowship. On behalf of Parish Life, I would like to thank everyone for making 2018 a huge success and making my time as Chairman a very pleasant experience. Thank you all.


Linda M. Harrison, Chair

Mission of St. James’ continued in the local and global community during 2018. The committee met the 4th Wednesday of each month except July and on All Committee meeting months in the Parish Hall, beginning at 7 p.m. with the following prayer; Grant me, O Lord, a smile on my face to share and a gentle touch. Grant also to those you have blessed me to serve this day, the chance to be fed, a place of warmth and a moment of safety. As all goodness comes from you alone, O Lord, may I serve you as I serve those in need. Amen. The Mission Committee seeks awareness of the needs in and around Danbury, the nation and world, and lifts them up to the parish and helps identify sources of support in meeting those needs. If you would like to participate in, or coordinate mission projects, please contact our Vestry liaison by email at [email protected]. We are always looking for new members and new ideas. Following is an outline of Mission activities and money raised in support of the various organizations St. James’ supported in 2018. Local Mission Ministries Dorothy Day Overnight Shelter: Contact Lew Westfall St. James’ parishioners and friends volunteer one night per month at the shelter beginning at 9 PM. There needs to be at least one man to stay overnight. Volunteer responsibilities: to wash and dry guest’s clothes, bedding and make coffee in the morning. Wake up time is 5:30 AM, although volunteers have the option of allowing guests to sleep later if their schedule permits. Please consider participating. Dorothy Day Meals: Contact Yvonne Kiddoe or Chris Kuell St. James’ parishioners and friends prepare and serve a meal on the third Thursday and Friday of each month. Food preparation happens on Thursday at Saint James’ in Parish Hall Kitchen from 10:00 am to noon. Food service happens on Friday at Dorothy Day Hospitality

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House on 11 Spring Street in Danbury, Starting with set-up at 1:00pm. We serve from 3:15pm – 4:45pm and then begin clean-up. Anyone high school age or older is welcome. It’s a big undertaking and many hands make light work. Annually over 1,000 meals and 600 second meals are served, and approximately 900 lunch bags are distributed. Daily Bread Food Pantry: Contact the Daily Bread Coordinator at

[email protected] The Daily Bread Food Pantry is located next to the Parish Hall at the end of the driveway off Terrace Place. It has been supplying needed food staples for over 25 years to Danbury residents. Food is distributed every Monday and Friday at 10:00am. Also, Daily Bread gives out over 300 Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets with enough ingredients to make a holiday meal. Parishioners, other area churches and community groups generously give food and funds to stock the pantry. Help is always needed with stocking, packing bags, assisting clients, raising funds and food drives. $120 in cash donations were collected for Daily Bread in 2018. Amos House Family Shelter: Contact Betsy Pankulis Amos House, started in 1986, seeks to transition homeless families into permanent housing. The program focuses on individual family needs and works to strengthen participants’ skills in areas most important to each family’s situation. This year, as in years past, St. James’ supports their annual fundraising breakfast that enables us to learn about the successes families attain and future plans. We donated $ 161 to Amos House this year from monthly mission envelopes, attended the annual fundraising breakfast and collected gifts for ten children at Christmas via our Christmas Giving tree. Community Thanksgiving Dinner: Contact Volunteer Coordinator Linda Spaziani. Thanksgiving Dinner is made and served by St. James' parishioners, friends and community members. The community dinner is served on Thanksgiving Day to 125 to 150 people in our Parish Hall. Association for Religious Communities (ARC): The mission of ARC is to "Alleviate the causes of violence, suffering and hate while advancing peace, justice and human dignity". Saint James' has a historical partnership with ARC. Our monthly mission offering raised $80 for the ARC Peace Camp for Children in 2018. Appalachia Service Project Once again we joined the Methodist Church on the Pilgrimage to make houses warmer, safer, drier in Appalachia. The ASP group thanks St. James' for all their support during the year to make this mission trip a success. Anyone who has finished 9th grade is welcome to attend. Donations to ASP are made via stock purchases from Youth Group members. Danbury Youth Services This agency was brought to our attention during the planning for our annual Christmas Giving Tree in 2017. This year we were able to provide gifts for 21 children in their program. The mission of Danbury Youth Services is to strengthen youth and families

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by supporting and fostering hope alongside teaching the skills necessary to lead positive and productive lives. Indigenous Peoples: Contact the Rev Carolyn Legg, Deacon Our monthly offering raised $189 for the Cheyenne River Project.

Global Mission Ministries Global Initiative- Support of Maria de Jesus Roque: Contact Christine DeMeglio We continued our support of her both spiritually and financially. Maria continued her education at the El Hogar School in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. We have committed to be a presence in this young person’s life for as long as it is our will. We pray every Sunday for her and are encouraged to pray daily. During 2018 some creative events (Concert for Maria, Wings Over Maria (chicken wings cook off) and Paint and Sip) increased our funds toward the annual goal of $5400. The new year will offer our congregation the challenge to continue our support of our child Maria through 2019. Cookie Walk and Craft Fair The Cookie Walk and Craft Fair was a great success. Donations of cookies were generously supplied by parishioners who enjoy baking and sold by the pound to parishioners who like to eat or gift cookies. Other parishioners sold crafts they had made throughout the year. These include knitted and crocheted items, scarves, etc. and hand-turned wooden items, such as bowls, Christmas ornaments, etc. Money raised from this event goes to support Maria de Jesus Roque at El Hogar. Church World Services Church World Services was founded in 1946 and is a cooperative ministry of 37 Christian denominations and communions affiliated with the National Council of Churches in the United States, providing sustainable self-help, development, disaster relief, and refugee assistance around the world. The CWS mission is to eradicate hunger and poverty and to promote peace and justice at the national and international level through collaboration with partners abroad and in the US. The parish donated $167 through the monthly mission offering to Church World Services in 2018. United Thank Offering United Thank Offering is a ministry of the Episcopal Church for the mission of the whole church. Through this ministry men, women and children nurture the habit of giving daily thanks to God. Our offerings are distributed throughout the Episcopal Church and Provinces of the Anglican Communion in the developing world. Our monthly mission offering raised $74. Laundry Love Our committee, in partnership with other faith communities in the Danbury area, is exploring the possibility of joining together under the organization of Laundry Love (see the website for details) to provide free access to a laundromat one day a month. The group will make a decision on whether to proceed in early 2019.

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We are truly blessed at St. James’ to have so many hands and feet in service to God’s mission in the world. This year I have been blessed to serve as the committee’s chair. I have been overwhelmed by the energy and creativity of the members. A special thank you is offered to the following faithful: Carol Conway, Beth Cox, Christel Davis, Christine DiMeglio, Chris Kuell, Denise Holl, Carolynn Legg, and Susie Sarkisian, Respectfully submitted, Linda M Harrison Chairperson

STEWARDSHIP Lyn Meyers (Chair/Vestry Liaison)

The responsibility of the Stewardship Committee is to assist the members of St James’ parish to be good stewards of the time talent and treasure that God has given us. Our annual Stewardship Campaign for 2018 was themed “Pray, Hope, Dream” and ties into the theme of the black board on the walk in front of St. James’. In addition to the letters to parishioners from the wardens and the mailing of Pledge Cards a series of inspirational and educational articles written by prominent theologians were included with the Service Bulletin each week from October 7 through November 11. The campaign was topped off with a brunch hosted by the Stewardship Committee. A special thank you to the Parishioners who made pledges and to those who support St. James’ through their time, talent and treasury. Thanks to Linda Spaziani for design of the Logo and to the other Committee members, Janet Brown, Joe Walkovich, Alan Tuck, Bill Ostrand, Dan Cox, Betsy Pankulis and the Reverends Joseph Krazinski and Lisa Hahneman . Stewardship is a year round ministry; meetings are the first Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm.

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GROWING IN FAITH 2018 - Adult Ministry Karen Montecalvo (Chair/Vestry Liaison)

Faith Formation was re-named "Growing in Faith". Bible study meets every Monday 3:30 - 5 PM. We have done various book studies the past three years. In 2018 we have focused on Dwelling in the Word. We are a small group usually 5-8 dedicated members mighty in the Holy Spirit. Please join us on this spiritual journey as we learn from the holy scripture and see how God's word gives us strength and courage to live a more meaningful life. Our movie license has been renewed so we will have up-coming movie events and discussions. Also a few forums and seminars are in the planning. On behalf of Growing in Faith committee a personal thank you for supporting this important ministry. Our gratitude to Reverend Carolyn for facilitating our group. Believe by faith that all things are possible with God--He can do great things for you and through you! So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. ROMANS 10:17 Blessings in Christ, Karen Montecalvo

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BAPTISMS Ariana Kathleen Pelliccione

Claire Elizabeth Flynn Owen Preston Gieda

CONFIRMATIONS Justin Staughter Doty

BURIALS Gordon Norman Smith

James Lapan Stephen A. Walter

Raymond Paul Kubisek Kenneth J. Mazinski Arthur Montanari

Jeanne Louis Parille Jerrold Hubbard Davis

Harold Evereyy McGowan Walter S. Risso

Roger W. Cote Marjorie Helen Bohan

Ruth Louise (Smith) Goetz Elizabeth Mussgnug

Louis Gervasoni Lowell Hendrix

Margaret Elsie Mirabito Ester McCoy

2017 2018

2017 2018























St. James’ Annual Report 2018 –Vital Statistics

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2017 2018

Appropriated program funds $21,630 $25,695 Vestry vision $2,521 $2,521 Operating cash $81,821 $78,421

Total $105,972 $106,637


Yr to Yr % Yr to Yr %CASH RECEIPTS 2017 2018 2018 change 2019 change

Actual Actual Budget 18/17 Budget 1-Jan


PLATE COLLECTION 21,967$ 19,744$ 17,000$ -10% 12,000$ -39%PLEDGE - ENVELOPES 285,384$ 241,150$ 250,000$ -15% 240,000$ 0%ALLOWANCE FOR UNPAID PLEDGE (7,500)$ (7,500)$ CHURCH SCHOOL 10$ -100%SPECIAL SERVICE OFFERINGS 8,095$ 17,035$ 7,502$ 110% 6,100$ -64%SPECIAL PURPOSE OFFERINGS 6,478$ 5,709$ 6,650$ -12% 6,000$ 5%GENERAL DONATIONS(WEDDINGS, 450$ 700$ 1,250$ 56% 1,250$ 79% BAPTISMS,FUNERAL,OTHER)FACILITIES USAGE 10,522$ 10,445$ 10,000$ -1% 10,000$ -4%ENDOWMENT INCOME & INTEREST 44,430$ 96,388$ 100,300$ 117% 100,300$ 4%

REGULAR OPERATING INCOME 377,336$ 391,171$ 385,202$ 4% 368,150$ -4%


SALARIES BENEFITS & ALLOWANCES 224,470$ 205,187$ 238,315$ -9% 228,270$ 11%WORSHIP 2,873$ 8,935$ 5,900$ 211% 5,500$ -38%MUSIC 3,378$ 2,440$ 3,160$ -28% 3,160$ 30%STEWARDSHIP 2,612$ 176$ 700$ -93% 950$ 440%FELLOWSHIP 2,448$ 222$ 1,175$ -91% 1,675$ 655%EDUCATION 1,232$ 1,082$ 900$ -12% 800$ -26%OUTREACH 2,587$ 294$ 2,200$ -89% 2,200$ 648%DIOCESAN ASSESSMENT 46,236$ 41,256$ 41,251$ -11% 37,809$ -8%PARISH PROPERTY 79,129$ 117,930$ 84,520$ 49% 80,842$ -31%PARISH ADMINISTRATION 28,439$ 23,901$ 27,640$ -16% 38,340$ 60%

REGULAR OPERATING EXPENSES 393,404$ 401,423$ 405,761$ 2% 399,546$ 0%

(16,068)$ (10,252)$ (20,559)$ (31,396)$ REGULAR OPERATING SURPLUS/(DEFICIT)

2018 Income & Expense Comparison – 2019 Budget

Annual Report 2018 - Cash Position

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as of 1-15-2019

# Pledges 2018 2019 difference

Same 39 $ 87,518 $ 87,518 $ -

Increase 24 $ 103,244 $ 111,904 $ 8,660

Decrease 17 $ 26,394 $ 21,812 $ (4,582)

One time increase 1 $ 10,400

$ (10,400)

Returning 1

$ 1,820 $ 1,820

New 3

$ 7,980 $ 7,980

Total 85 $ 227,556 $ 231,034 $ 3,478

Left/moved/died 3 $ 8,520

$ (8,520)

Not yet pledged 18 $ 19,335

$ (19,335)

106 $ 255,411 $ 231,034

$ (24,377)

To those of you who’s names are only known to God (and our Counters!)

and offer your time, talent, and treasure quietly – we honor you with deep thanksgiving.


Annual Report - Pledge Comparison 2018 & 2019

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We also name and give thanks for those who are able to assist our Vestry in discerning a sustainable budget through pledges.

Ray & Karen Beaudry

Ernie Harrington

Jack & Ginny Murphy Ryan & Katie Beaudry

Linda Harrison

Don & Maryellen Owens

Jim & Dee Beschle

Jean Hassen

Betsy Pankulis Lloyd & Pat Best

Mimi Herald

Barb Parks

Cathleen Blasco

Denise Holl

Bob & Pat Pearson

Dr. Joyce Bloom

Bill & Vicky Hutchinson Dr Luciana & Richard Rausch

George Bogart & Jana Draper Edith Janesky

Dick & Erma Rausch Mildred Boughton

Carl & Susan Johnson

Robert Reynolds

Allan & Janet Brown

Bob & Leslie Johnson

Gary Rogers Rita Butler

Deb Kaufmann

Jehad & Kathy Sabbagh

John & Vivien Cheeseman

Denise Kaufmann

Leslie Sanford Skip & Linda Clapp

Peg Kelly

Mark & Susie Sarkisian

Carole Conaway

Yvonne Kiddoe

Joanne Siergiej

Dan & Beth Cox

Chris Kuell & Christine DiMeglio Jill Simonelli

Joe & Karen Davidson

Harry & Jill Kuhn

Irene Simonelli Christel Davis

Pat Larsen

Dom & Linda Spaziani

Barbara DeVeaux

Ethel Leahey

Len & Anita Staib Marnie Emerito

Lillian MacBain

Mark Stirling

Eugene & Shirley Fernekes

Jane McGarry

Loraine Subryan Shirley Ferrarone

Connie McGowan

Joan Tarrant

Joe & Sally Fiorita

John & Loretta McLaughlin Bill & Laurie-Jean Thalman

Bob & Carolyn Flynn

Sue McLean

Judith Toce Theo Gammie

Mark Meyer

Jeanne Todaro

Frank Giarratana

Lyn Meyers

Fran & Judy Toth Russ & Judy Griemsmann

May Molinaro

John & Linda Triebe

The Rev. Lisa Hahneman

Elise Montanari

Alvin & Donna Tuck Nancy C. Halpin

Albert & Karen Montecalvo Joe Walkovich

Cheryl Harewood

Doris Morgan

Joe Ward Lew Westfall


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Annual Report 2018 - Endowment Funds

The Permanent Endowment Fund represents various amounts in the form of donations and bequests which have been given over the years to Saint James’ Church by many parishioners. These gifts were specifically designated to be Permanent Endowment Funds. Among those who have remembered the church in this manner are: Irene Bailey, Ella Buckley, Sydney Caddick, Edith Isaacs, Mabel Gerlach, Isabelle & Gertrude Johnson, Daisie Turner, Louise Trimpert & the families of Leibert, Seifer, & Strong. This Permanent Endowment and the Book of the Living Trust Funds together represent the total funds of Saint James’ Church, the income of which is used for the sup

The majority of St James' Permanent Endowment Funds are invested with Donations & Bequests Church Purposes Inc. as required by the Diocese of Connecticut. These funds are professionally managed for more than 120 parishes and related organizations within the diocese. Such investment policy has been established to reduce the chance of inappropriate investment decisions and the misappropriation of funds at individual parishes. Income is distributed monthly. Valuation statements are received monthly.

In 2014 the Diocese moved the funds from State Street Bank to United Street Company of New York The

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THE BOOK OF THE LIVING TRUST FUND YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2018 Number of Trusts, January 1, 2018 1085 Number of Trusts established in 2018 9 Number of Trusts, December 31, 2018 1094 Market Value of Trust January 1, 2018 $ 376,567 Value of Trusts and Additions 12,150 Interest dividends and net decrease in Market Value/distributions for operations 34,685 Market Value of Trust December, 31, 2018 $ 354,032




Wardens: Janet Brown & Joseph Walkovich

Treasurer: Linda Spaziani

Clerk: Sandra Nichols

Vestry Gary Rogers Deborah Kaufmann Jehad Sabbagh

The Book of the Living Trust Fund provides income which is used for the support of the Parish and other Christian ministries. Anybody can establish a trust in memory of a person who has departed this life. There are no restrictions. Persons establishing or those in whose memory they are establishing a trust do not have to be members of Saint James’ or the Episcopal Church. A trust may be started at any time, for any amount, in excess of $5.00 and may be added to. The amount of the trust is known only to the custodians of the fund who are appointed by the Rector. The name of the person in whose memory a trust is established will be permanently inscribed in the Book of the Living.

The Convention Delegates Dan Cox

Marion Liberati

Annual Report 2018 - Book of the Living Trust Fund