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F a 50 year tradition of excellence F

Coláiste an spioraid naoimhpresentation Brothers sChools trust

www.csncork.ieinformation Booklet for 2018 appliCants

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History & EtHosColáiste an Spioraid Naoimh was founded by the Presentation Brothers in 1964 with the aim of providing a Christian education for the boys of Bishopstown and the adjoining parishes. As a Catholic school, we seek to create a caring environment in which Christian values permeate all aspects of school life and in which teachers and pupils can find fulfilment. Our school believes in the vital importance of good relationships between teachers, students and parents and we are deeply conscious of our role in the broader community. Since 1992, the school has had a lay principal and has been run by a Board of Management made up of parent, teacher and trustee representatives. During 2014 – 2015, we celebrated the 50th anniversary of our foundation. We are proud of our past, rooted in the traditions of the Presentation Brothers Schools Trust, but equally we are proud of our ambition to continue to be regarded as one of the leading boys’ schools in Munster.

AcAdEmic ExcEllEncEFrom its earliest years, Coláiste an Spioraid Naoimh established itself as a centre of academic excellence. This tradition continues to this day. In fact, more U.C.C. University Entrance Scholarships have been awarded to CSN students in recent years than to any other school in Munster. And while newspaper league tables don’t necessarily paint a full picture of a school’s true character, it was pleasing to be ranked among the top 20 Boys schools in Ireland in the recent Sunday Times table of schools performance. Further evidence of our culture of achievement lies in an examination of our results: averaged out over the last five years, 4% of our Leaving Certificate students achieved 600 or more points, while more than a quarter of our students got 500 or more, and almost 60% received 400 points or above. These figures represent a remarkable achievement and a testament to both the quality of our teaching and the dedication and work ethic of our students. We are particularly proud of these figures in view of our being a non fee-paying school with an open admissions policy that admits students of all aptitudes and abilities, including those with special education needs.those with special education needs.

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EducAtionAl & rEcrEAtionAl FAcilitiEsAs well as comprising conventional classrooms, the facilities in the school also include the following:-u Library with reading space for full

class groupsu Computer Education Centre –

providing facilities for 30+ studentsu Three dedicated science laboratories

(Biology, Chemistry, Physics)u Geography Roomu Business Roomu Construction Studies Roomu Technical Graphics Room with

adjoining C.A.D. Suiteu Art Roomu Media Centreu Prayer Room u Learning Support Suite (learning

support room and four dedicated resource rooms)

u General Purpose Room with capacity for up to seventy students

u Shop – selling basic foodstuffsu Polytunnel for Transition Year

horticultural studies u Career Guidance/Counselling Suiteu Gymnasium – fully equipped with

accompanying fitness centreu Sports Pitches (G.A.A and soccer) with upgraded drainage systemu Basketball Courts (two outdoor and

one full-size indoor)u New elevator to allow access to

disabled pupils and guests

In 2008, a state-of-the-art gymnasium was opened which allows our students to access indoor sports facilities which are on a par with anything available in any second-level college in Ireland. In the same year, the old school hall was converted into a suite of six new classrooms and various ancillary rooms. This latter development allows us to accommodate our students in far greater comfort. The school has also been engaged in an ongoing programme of classroom improvement which has seen the provision of audio-visual facilities such as data projectors, screens and whiteboards in all of our classrooms and planning is on-going for the provision of a dedicated lunchtime facility for junior students.

disabled pupils and guests

In 2008, a state-of-the-art gymnasium

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ExtrA-curriculAr ActivitiEsAlongside the development of our academic tradition over the last 50 years has been the building of another equally proud one – an enviable record of extra-curricular achievement at local, national and international level. Unlike some other schools which specialise in the fostering of success in one or two sports, the tradition of our school has always been to encourage participation in a very wide range of extra-curricular activities. This belief in the importance of the holistic development of the individual through the medium of extra-curricular involvement has been an essential feature of the educational philosophy of Coláiste an Spioraid Naoimh since its foundation. Recognising that education does not take place solely in the classroom, a wide range of clubs and societies is in existence in the school to enable each student to discover and develop areas of activity which are congenial to his interests and talents. We are also fortunate to have at our disposal our newly-built state of the art sports gymnasium which offers a full-size indoor basketball court, weights room and changing facilities. Among the activities currently catered for in the school are:

PAstorAl cArEYour son’s happiness is every bit as important to us as his academic achievement. Each class group in Coláiste an Spioraid Naoimh is assigned a class teacher who is responsible for the pastoral care needs of the students in that class. The class teacher is usually the first point of contact between home and school. The class teachers also work closely with the year-head who monitors the progress (both academic and personal) of each student within that year group. While the overall atmosphere of the school aspires at all times to be a caring one, more specific pastoral care is entrusted to the Guidance Counsellors who work to identify and help students who, for one reason or another, are in need of individual care and support. Coláiste an Spioraid Naoimh takes the issue of bullying very seriously and has developed an anti-bullying policy which is compliant with the new DES anti-bullying procedures. The anti-bullying policy and the accompanying anti-cyber-bullying policies may be viewed on the school website (

u Gaelic Football u Hurling u Soccer u Basketball u Chess u Debating u Quizzesu Creative writing

u Maths circlesu Computers u Mini-company u Vex Robotics u Golf u Athleticsu Badminton u Mountaineering

urriculAurriculAurricul r

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sPEciAl EducAtion nEEdsColáiste an Spioraid Naoimh welcomes applications from pupils with special needs. The school currently employs a learning support teacher, three full-time resource teachers and two special needs assistants (SNAs), all of whom work on a full-time basis, as well as several other teachers and SNAs who work on a part-time basis. To ensure that your sons’ needs can be adequately met by existing resources or through the provision of additional resources, parents of children with special education needs are encouraged to contact the Principal/Deputy Principal as soon as a place in the school has been offered. The school also requests that medical, psychological or educational reports are made available at this point. This information is very important to ensure that appropriate resources are put in place as soon as the school year begins.

curriculum And tHE nEw Junior cyclE studEnt AwArdThe school operates a six-year cycle based on the three programmes which form the scaffolding of the curriculum: the Junior Cycle Programme, the Transition Year (compulsory for all students) and the Leaving Certificate Programme.

The new Junior Cycle programme which is currently being phased in will lead to the award of the Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA). As in all schools, our programme will be based on the 24 key statements of learning that are at the heart of the new junior cycle and on the

acquisition by our students of a range of key skills:

u Literacyu Numeracyu Managing oneselfu Staying wellu Communicatingu Being creativeu Working with othersu Managing information & thinking

The traditional Subjects will remain at the core of the curriculum but they may be supplemented by a number of Short Courses and Priority Learning Units (PLUs – for students with general learning disabilities only). For students commencing in Autumn 2018, some subjects will already have newly introduced syllabuses (or ‘specifications’ as they are now called). They include English, Science, Business Studies, Irish, French, German and Wellbeing which have already been introduced.Additionally, Mathematics, History, Music and Geography will be introduced for the first time in 2018. Any remaining subjects will continue to follow the current syllabus.current syllabus.

acquisition by our students of a range of

Managing oneself

Working with others

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The Subjects to be offered to entrants in Autumn 2018 are likely to include the following:

u Gaeilge u Englishu Mathematicsu Frenchu Historyu Geographyu Scienceu Religious Educationu Business Studiesu Technical Graphicsu Germanu Art, Craft and Designu Materials Technology/Woodu Music

Other areas of study which may be incorporated into the curriculum either as short courses or, more likely, as non-assessed courses include:

u ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence)u Programming/Coding (Computers)

PositivE lEArning EnvironmEntJustice and fairness are the principles which underpin our code of behaviour and we firmly believe that the warm and trusting interaction that exists between staff and students is one of the hallmarks of our school. The Board of Management is responsible for the overall discipline of the school and one of its main aims is to ensure that a happy, work-orientated environment is created and maintained at all times. The Principal, Deputy Principals, Assistant Principals and indeed all of our teachers believe that the quality of the education provided is of paramount importance and that a sound discipline policy is essential to the achievement of this goal. Coláiste an Spioraid Naoimh is committed to ensuring that lessons take place in an atmosphere conducive to learning. This is normally achieved through the creation of positive learning environment where the students actively adopt a pro-learning attitude. adopt a pro-learning attitude. adopt a pro-learning attitude.


Justice and fairness are the principles which underpin our code of behaviour and we firmly believe that the warm and trusting interaction that exists between staff and students is one of the hallmarks of our school. The Board of Management is responsible for the overall discipline of the school and one of its main aims is to ensure that a

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When indiscipline does occur, inter-vention takes place and appropriate sanctions are applied. A copy of the full code of behaviour including general and functional rules is available on request at any time (and on our website) and will be sent to all successful applicants. On accepting a place in the school, both pupil and parents/guardians will be expected to sign an undertaking agreeing to accept and support the code of behaviour. Pupils are also expected to comply with the school’s high expectation in terms of uniform and appearance and it should be noted that unconventional hairstyles, beards, moustaches, stubble, earrings, studs, piercings, facial jewellery and suchlike are not allowed.

involving PArEnts As PArtnErs The involvement of home and school at collaborative level in promoting the welfare of each student is central to the success of the school’s educational programme. Thus, in recognition of the importance of the role of parents as partners in the educational process, the school subscribes to a policy of regular contact with parents at both a formal and informal level.

Formal contact between parents and teachers occurs mainly through the medium of parent-teacher meetings, which are held on an annual basis for each year-group, and through the issuing of twice-yearly reports on each student’s performance in the school’s house-examinations.

Less formal contact may be made through the class teacher who is available for consultation by appointment. The class teacher may initiate contact with parents should there be some concern regarding a student’s academic progress or general behaviour. The school journal, issued to each student at the beginning of the school year, is also a valuable channel of communication between school and home, as individual teachers may occasionally use it to record their comments on matters such as homework-record or behaviour in class.

Informal contact with parents is maintained through the medium of such publications as the school newsletter, Spiorad Signals, the school’s text-a-parent texting service and occasional letters or information sheets.

The Parents’ Association is a very valuable channel of communication between parents and management. As well as involving themselves in various fund-raising activities and organising talks for parents, the Association plays a valuable role in articulating the concerns of the wider parent group on a wide range of issues.

Less formal contact may be made

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Coláiste an Spioraid Naoimh welcomes applications from male students of all abilities and aptitudes, and from all cultural and religious backgrounds. As the number of applications invariably exceeds the number of places available, places in the school are allocated in strict accordance with the school’s enrolment policy. Copies of the policy are available from the school office or, more conveniently, may be viewed on-line at the school website, Applications can only be made in the year preceding entry – that is, when the applicant is in 6th class in primary school (or equivalent if applying from abroad).

An open evening is held in mid to late September and prospective students and their parents/guardians are encouraged to visit at this time to view the school and its facilities, meet the teachers, and learn about the school and its values. Application forms are available from the school office in September or at the Open Night with the deadline for receipt of applications following shortly after the Open Night. The Open Night, this year, will be on Thursday, 21st September at 7.00 p.m. The Closing Date is Monday 25th September at 4.00 p.m. Applications received after the official closing date will be placed at the bottom of the list.

APPlying For A PlAcE in coláistE An sPiorAid nAoimH

bottom of the list.(or equivalent if applying from abroad).