peer mentor presentation

2 nd Year Students as Peer Mentors By Linda Robson [email protected] 01695657037

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Page 1: Peer mentor presentation

2nd Year Students as Peer Mentors By Linda Robson

[email protected]


Page 2: Peer mentor presentation

What is a peer mentor?

The peer mentor is a second year student who will support and guide first year students . This has been piloted in the Mental Health field ( April 2013-2014 and September 2013-2014)and is now being rolled out to all fields of Pre Registration nursing.

You will act as peer mentor to students from the same nursing field as yourself

The ratio of mentor : mentees is dependant on the number of volunteers

The role will last for 12 months

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What does it involve ?

Commitment to the role

active engagement from both mentor and mentee

Ratio of mentor : mentee

Befriending, support and advice

Initial face to face meeting – structure suggested

Further contacts throughout the 12 months- Minimum 4 contacts

Sharing of contact details

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What if I change my mind ?

You can opt out of this project at any time by contacting your relevant peer mentor facilitator

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What do I need to be a peer mentor ?

Skills and values needed :


High level of communication skills incl engagement and listening skills

Up to date information

Know where to sign post to

Objectivity – provide information

Commitment to the role

Time management – consistent contact with your peer mentor throughout the 12 months

Self awareness – if unsure ask

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What support will I receive ?

Peer mentor handbook

Support from the Peer Mentor Co-ordinator / Peer Mentor Facilitators

Queries and questions answered

Email prompts from Peer Mentor Coordinator throughout the 12 month period

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Peer Mentor Facilitators

Adult- Elizabeth Okeya /Delyth Meirion- Owen

Learning Disabilities and Nurse/Social Worker – Elaine Simpson

Mental Health – Jackie Pierce /Linda Robson

Child and Nurse/Social Worker – David Rootes

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What are the benefits for me?

New experience

Preparation your role as a staff nurse

Further enhancement of skills needed for nursing

Certificate for portfolio if you have actively continued in this role

Include in C V , references etc .

Share your knowledge and good practice

Positives in seeing the difference you have made to the new first year students

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What are the benefits for the new first years?

Sense of belonging

Help them settle into life at Edge Hill University

Reduction in stress levels

Extra/ different level of support

Pastoral support

See 2nd years as having lived the experience they are going through

A friendly face to say hello to if in university at the same time

Learn from your knowledge and experiences

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Feedback from mentees

100% thought this was a good idea

Main role “support,” “guidance, “

“to have someone with more experience who has been in your position to help with any queries”

“share experience” “answer questions”

“being able to chat about university”

“someone who has done it before”

“I didn’t need help in a specific area but the reassurance that I could go to my peer mentor was great”

“a friendly person who was there if I needed them”

( source : the evaluation of the pilot, April 2014)

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Timeline – Minimum Standards

End October / beginning November – initial meeting with peer mentees

Winter - contact with mentee

Spring –contact with mentee and half way evaluation of peer mentoring

Early Summer – contact with mentee

–Late Summer - contact with mentee and evaluation of the project

These are the minimum expectations for a peer mentor – you may have more communications depending on your mentee

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Topics mentees explored with their peer mentor

“placement questions”

“clinical skills”

“exams” “assignments”

“general chat on how I was settling in at university”

“general questions about the course”

“what to expect from university and what I need to do to do well”

“general discussion on how I was getting on”

( source – evaluation completed with Mental Health students in the pilot April 2014)

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Format of initial meeting

Introduce yourself and your role

Clarify expectations

Ask them how their first week at university has gone

Any worries or concerns

Any policies they are unsure of

Have they made contact with their personal tutor

Can they access blackboard

Are they aware of support available

Swap contact details and make it clear when and how you will next make contact

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Next steps

Within the next week Your Peer Mentor Facilitator will recruit volunteers for the role

A list of mentor and mentees on blackboard

Initial face to face meeting to take place

Future contacts as agreed with peer mentor and mentees

Peer mentor role formally lasts for 12 months

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Any questions?