personal philosophy

Personal Philosophy As a young girl, health to me meant playing sports. I was always active, on the go, playing every sport my parents could sign me up for. I loved being outside, no matter what I was doing. Years later, I find that my definition and idea of health have changed quite a bit. I now view health in a broader sense; one which includes not only the physical aspect, but the mental and emotional aspects as well. I believe that people are shaped by their environment, but more importantly, by their experiences. Personally, these two factors have played an essential role in the shaping and molding of who I am and what I believe, especially in regards to health. My idea of health consists of a dynamic interaction between the physical, mental, and emotional aspects, where an individual encompasses all three to create a complete sense of well-being. I believe that optimal health includes happiness, self-efficacy, and good hygiene habits. An individual practicing good hygiene habits receives proper nutrition, exercise, and sleep. Encompassing all of these aspects is essential in health because 1

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Page 1: Personal Philosophy

Personal Philosophy

As a young girl, health to me meant playing sports. I was always active, on the go,

playing every sport my parents could sign me up for. I loved being outside, no matter what I was

doing. Years later, I find that my definition and idea of health have changed quite a bit. I now

view health in a broader sense; one which includes not only the physical aspect, but the mental

and emotional aspects as well. I believe that people are shaped by their environment, but more

importantly, by their experiences. Personally, these two factors have played an essential role in

the shaping and molding of who I am and what I believe, especially in regards to health.

My idea of health consists of a dynamic interaction between the physical, mental, and

emotional aspects, where an individual encompasses all three to create a complete sense of well-

being. I believe that optimal health includes happiness, self-efficacy, and good hygiene habits.

An individual practicing good hygiene habits receives proper nutrition, exercise, and sleep.

Encompassing all of these aspects is essential in health because each one affects the other. As I

have personally experienced, if you are not mentally or emotionally well, your physical health

will suffer. As well, if you are not physically taking care of yourself, it will affect you mentally

and emotionally. Growing up I was always physically fit and healthy, but as I got older and life

started throwing me curveballs, my mental and emotional health began to suffer, and in turn my

physical health declined. Through my experiences I have learned that mental, emotional and

physical health are equally as important, but are not always seen that way by many people. As a

health educator I strive to advocate for, and educate on, all aspects of health. I have devoted

myself to the practice of health education and all that it includes, and I aspire to not only help

others learn and grow in every aspect, but to continuously develop in my own life as well.