personal property training webinar presented by: sbor---larry oates bor---melissa nelson capitalized...

Personal Property Training Webinar Presented by: SBOR---Larry Oates BOR---Melissa Nelson Capitalized Assets---Katina Williams GSAXcess---Nicole Proctor 06/13/22 1

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Page 1: Personal Property Training Webinar Presented by: SBOR---Larry Oates BOR---Melissa Nelson Capitalized Assets---Katina Williams GSAXcess---Nicole Proctor

Personal Property Training Webinar

Presented by:SBOR---Larry Oates

BOR---Melissa NelsonCapitalized Assets---Katina Williams

GSAXcess---Nicole Proctor04/21/23 1

Page 2: Personal Property Training Webinar Presented by: SBOR---Larry Oates BOR---Melissa Nelson Capitalized Assets---Katina Williams GSAXcess---Nicole Proctor

Subsequent to the presentation, Attendees can submit questions which must be identified with the presentation topic, e.g. SBOR, BOR, Capitalized Assets or GSAXcess . The Facilitator will select 5 questions (if less than 5 then all) per topic and the presenter of that topic will respond to the questions. At the end of the last presentation and question/ answer session, there will be an open forum, where attendees will indicate their respective Staff/Line Office next to their questions, at which time the respective LORs will respond.



Page 3: Personal Property Training Webinar Presented by: SBOR---Larry Oates BOR---Melissa Nelson Capitalized Assets---Katina Williams GSAXcess---Nicole Proctor

Special Board of Review Training



Page 4: Personal Property Training Webinar Presented by: SBOR---Larry Oates BOR---Melissa Nelson Capitalized Assets---Katina Williams GSAXcess---Nicole Proctor

Boards of Review (BOR) are assembled to consider any incident of loss, theft, damage, destruction, or other condition adversely affecting property•The incident is known or suspected to be the result of willful intent or gross negligence, regardless of the property value; or•The item of property involved has an original acquisition cost of $5,000 or more, and/or may be considered sensitive•Recurring irregularities in a single location or property account shall be referred to a Property Board of Review.•The review action must include a finding on the extent of the employee's responsibility.



Page 5: Personal Property Training Webinar Presented by: SBOR---Larry Oates BOR---Melissa Nelson Capitalized Assets---Katina Williams GSAXcess---Nicole Proctor

NOAA BOARDSSpecial BOR (SBOR)•An Executive Board •Members assigned by the Line Office AAs•Members PB 5 or GS 15 •Scheduled to meet monthlyRegular BOR•Members nominated by the Line Offices and appointed by the NOAA PMO•Scheduled to meet monthly



Page 6: Personal Property Training Webinar Presented by: SBOR---Larry Oates BOR---Melissa Nelson Capitalized Assets---Katina Williams GSAXcess---Nicole Proctor

Missing•Property not found during a physical inventory•Disposal Paperwork missing

Lost •Left on plane or train•Fell over board off a boat or ship•Left in the hotelStolen•Home Burglary•Vehicle break-in•Robbery



Page 7: Personal Property Training Webinar Presented by: SBOR---Larry Oates BOR---Melissa Nelson Capitalized Assets---Katina Williams GSAXcess---Nicole Proctor

SBOR only review BOR Packages for missing, lost or stolenLaptopsPDAs (IPhones and Blackberries)iPad

Incidents involving these assets must be reported IMMEDIATELY- to the Personal Property Office- the Office of Security - NOAA Computer Incident Response Team N-CIRT.

Special Board of Review


Page 8: Personal Property Training Webinar Presented by: SBOR---Larry Oates BOR---Melissa Nelson Capitalized Assets---Katina Williams GSAXcess---Nicole Proctor

In accordance with the CAO Memorandum dated January 27, 2009, a NOAA Special Board of Review (SBOR) is held to review the documentation and circumstances surrounding missing laptop, IPAD and PDA incidents.

The SBOR determines the need for additional information, the degree of negligence (if any), and recommends the level of liability for the cost of replacement of the lost, stolen or missing device. They also recommend the removal of the asset(s) from the Personal Property Management system.

The SBOR financial liability findings can be appealed within 30 days of the Boards notification to NOAA Chief Administrative Officer.

Special Board of Review


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PPMB N-CIRT Notification

NOAA Incident Report Number: 14265 Initial ReportReport filed by: John DoeLine Office: NWS Line Office Operating Unit (OU): OS Affected office's location: 7220 NW 101st Terrace Kansas City, MO 64153-2371 Phone number: (301) 713-9999Number of Affected Systems, laptops/devices reported missing/stolen: 1 Event Report Status: OPEN ----- End of Report 14265 -----

Special Board of Review


Page 10: Personal Property Training Webinar Presented by: SBOR---Larry Oates BOR---Melissa Nelson Capitalized Assets---Katina Williams GSAXcess---Nicole Proctor

Request for additional information is sent once the NCIRT notification is receivedWhat is the barcode number?

Is this asset a laptop, iPad, or PDA?

Is this asset Lost or Stolen?

If stolen from a vehicle, please indicate where the property was located in the vehicle(trunk, front passenger seat, rear seat, or cargo area).

Who was the Property issued to?

Who is the Property Custodian?

What date did the incident occur?

Please provide a brief summary of the circumstances pertaining to this asset.

Was a Police Report filed?

What City and State was the asset located?

Did the asset have PII information on it?

Have you submitted an online CD-52 Report?

Special Board of Review

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Page 11: Personal Property Training Webinar Presented by: SBOR---Larry Oates BOR---Melissa Nelson Capitalized Assets---Katina Williams GSAXcess---Nicole Proctor

SBOR Packages normal include the following:- Confidential Memo from the AA/DAA to NOAA CAO- Security/Police Incident report- Official statement from involved parties - Copy of the N-CIRT report- Corrected action plan- Copy of the online CD 52 Final event report

approved by PAO and PC

Special Board of Review


Page 12: Personal Property Training Webinar Presented by: SBOR---Larry Oates BOR---Melissa Nelson Capitalized Assets---Katina Williams GSAXcess---Nicole Proctor

DOC Policies•DOC Personal Property Management Manual


•3.900 PROPERTY BOARD OF REVIEW SYSTEM•DOC bulletin #004, FY11 Reporting of Missing Lost or stolen


•DOC bulletin #001, FY12 Reporting of Missing Lost or stolen•


Special Board of Review


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Page 15: Personal Property Training Webinar Presented by: SBOR---Larry Oates BOR---Melissa Nelson Capitalized Assets---Katina Williams GSAXcess---Nicole Proctor

In accordance with Department of Commerce Personal Property Management Manual section 3.903 Establishment of Personal Boards of Review, a NOAA BOR is held to review the documentation and circumstances surrounding lost, missing , or stolen asset(s).

The BOR determines the need for additional information, the degree of negligence (if any), and recommends the level of liability for the cost of replacement of the lost, stolen or missing device. They also recommend the removal of the asset(s) from the Personal Property Management system.

The BOR financial liability findings can be appealed within 30 days of the Boards notification to NOAA Chief Administrative Officer.

Board of Review


Page 16: Personal Property Training Webinar Presented by: SBOR---Larry Oates BOR---Melissa Nelson Capitalized Assets---Katina Williams GSAXcess---Nicole Proctor

Board Of Review (BOR) review all missing, lost, or stolen accountable personal property with the exception of:

LaptopsPDAs (IPhones and Blackberries)iPads

The steps for submitting a BOR package1. Report missing, lost, or stolen accountable assets to the Property Custodian (PC).

2. PC will request a retirement of asset.

3. PC will prepare the BOR package, then submit to the Property Accountability Officer (PAO).

4. PAO will submit the BOR package to the Property Manager (PM).

5. Upon PM approval your completed package will be forward to your PPMB Line Office Representative.

Board of Review


Page 17: Personal Property Training Webinar Presented by: SBOR---Larry Oates BOR---Melissa Nelson Capitalized Assets---Katina Williams GSAXcess---Nicole Proctor

BOR Package(s) must include the following:- Memo thru the Office Director to the Chairman of the BOR if the equipment is capitalized or total loss <$1M- Memo thru the Deputy Administrative Assistant if equipment is

Capitalized or total loss >$1M- Property Inventory & Management Procedures - Corrected Action Plan- Copy of the online CD 52 Final event report approved by PAO and PC

All other supporting documentation such as police report, hand receipt, official statements from Personnel, etc., must be attached to the retirement request.

Board of Review


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Board of Review


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Board of Review


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Board of Review


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Board of Review


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Personal Property Management Branch (PPMB)


PPMB Contacts



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Page 25: Personal Property Training Webinar Presented by: SBOR---Larry Oates BOR---Melissa Nelson Capitalized Assets---Katina Williams GSAXcess---Nicole Proctor

• NOAA’s capitalization threshold: $200,000

• Capitalized Assets: Assets that meet the capitalization threshold and are purchased “off

the shelf” will be capitalized upon delivery Assets that require time to deliver/complete or include costs

associated with design, site preparation, planning, installation, etc. will be capitalized after it has been constructed/developed (CWIP)

Applications and operating system programs purchased from commercial vendors “off-the-shelf”, internally developed, or contractor-developed solely to meet the entity's internal or operational needs (Internal use software) will be capitalized upon delivery or after it has been developed

Assets purchased in bulk that individually cost $25,000 or more and less than $200,000 and the total one-time acquisition cost is $1 million or more

Capitalized Assets


Page 26: Personal Property Training Webinar Presented by: SBOR---Larry Oates BOR---Melissa Nelson Capitalized Assets---Katina Williams GSAXcess---Nicole Proctor

PP&E should be recognized: Capitalized Assets (non-CWIP) – 30 business days of receipt, inspection, and acceptance.

When title passes to the acquiring entity or when the asset is delivered to the entity or an agent of the entity

CWIP Policy and Procedures contains timeline for CWIP (NTE 90 calendar days)

The line office will submit a completed NF 37-6 to Finance within 40 calendar days of asset placed in service

Finance has 10 calendars to review, approve and forward the signed NF 37-6 to PPMB

PPMB will review and approve the support documents received from the line office with the signed NF 37-6 within 30 calendar days and forward the signed NF 37-6 to the line office and Finance for processing

Finance will process the general journal within 10 calendar days

Acceptance Date


Page 27: Personal Property Training Webinar Presented by: SBOR---Larry Oates BOR---Melissa Nelson Capitalized Assets---Katina Williams GSAXcess---Nicole Proctor

Criteria for CWIP (must meet all four conditions):Aggregate acquisition cost of $200,000 or more, andEstimated service life of two years or more, andLong-term economic benefit to the organization that maintains or obtains control, andNot intended for sale in the ordinary course of operations

IUSD is a “subset” of CWIP; therefore, must follow CWIP policy.

CWIP Criteria


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The Property Custodian (PC) obtains and completes the Sunflower Catalog form from the Sunflower Help Desk

The PC provides the NF 37-509, NF 37-6 (CWIP), and other supporting documentation to PPMB for review and approval

After PPMB approval, the PC creates the asset in the CD 50/52 Transaction Menu

Sunflower will notify PPMB Financial Team that the asset was entered as an inventory record and the asset will be capitalized by the PPMB Financial Team if all the appropriate support documentation is received

Capitalizing an Asset


Page 29: Personal Property Training Webinar Presented by: SBOR---Larry Oates BOR---Melissa Nelson Capitalized Assets---Katina Williams GSAXcess---Nicole Proctor

Capitalized Personal Property files must include the following support documentation:•Purchased capitalized assets – Purchase order or contract, the NF 37-509, acceptance date support, invoices and any other relevant information to support the acquisition.•Capitalized assets transferred from another agency – the SF-122 “Transfer Order for Excess Personal Property”, support for the net book value, and useful life support documentation.•Capitalized leased assets – the contractual documents for the lease agreement and supporting documentation for the payment.

Capitalized Asset Support


Page 30: Personal Property Training Webinar Presented by: SBOR---Larry Oates BOR---Melissa Nelson Capitalized Assets---Katina Williams GSAXcess---Nicole Proctor

• Accountable personal Property Costing $200,000.00 or more (Capitalized)• 31-11-00-00 | Satellites• 31-12-00-00 | ADP Equipment (computer and associated peripheral

devices)• 31-13-00-00 | Aircraft• 31-14-00-00 | Ships & Small Craft• 31-16-00-00 | Telecommunications Equipment• 31-17-00-00 | Other Capitalized Property (not otherwise classified)• 31-18-00-00 | Capitalized Trade in Allowance• 31-19-00-00 | ADP and Telecommunications Capitalized (COTs software

and firmware)

Capitalized OCCs


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GSAXcess Training



Page 33: Personal Property Training Webinar Presented by: SBOR---Larry Oates BOR---Melissa Nelson Capitalized Assets---Katina Williams GSAXcess---Nicole Proctor

• NOAA Policy for excess• NOAA Policy References• About GSAXcess• Who can use GSAXcess• Obtaining Entry to GSAXcess• PPMB Contacts• Available Training

GSAXcess Agenda


Page 34: Personal Property Training Webinar Presented by: SBOR---Larry Oates BOR---Melissa Nelson Capitalized Assets---Katina Williams GSAXcess---Nicole Proctor

NOAA policy states that all accountable excess personal property must be entered and accounted for in Sunflower. When an accountable or capitalized asset becomes excess, it must be excessed through Sunflower, where it is made available internally to NOAA/DOC for 15 days; then interfaces with GSAXcess where it becomes available for donation or transfer to other Federal and State Agencies for Surplus Property (SASPs) and educational nonprofit organizations. It is then made available for sale to the general public via Non-accountable property can be entered directly into GSAXcess by Property Custodians with access.

NOAA Policy for excess


Page 35: Personal Property Training Webinar Presented by: SBOR---Larry Oates BOR---Melissa Nelson Capitalized Assets---Katina Williams GSAXcess---Nicole Proctor

NOAA Policy References

NOAA National Disposal Plan

Capitalized personal Property Policy

Federal Management Regulation

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Page 36: Personal Property Training Webinar Presented by: SBOR---Larry Oates BOR---Melissa Nelson Capitalized Assets---Katina Williams GSAXcess---Nicole Proctor

GSAXcess® is the customer interface to the Federal Disposal System. GSAXcess® is a totally web enabled platform that eligible customers use to access all customer functions: reporting, searching and selecting property.

GSAXcess® provides agencies with a means of electronically reporting their unrequired personal property to GSA. GSAXcess® is also used as a source of supply for customers seeking property that has been reported and is available for transfer. Agencies can search GSA's inventory through a process known as screening, and they can request property for transfer by selecting specific items.

What is GSAXcess


Page 37: Personal Property Training Webinar Presented by: SBOR---Larry Oates BOR---Melissa Nelson Capitalized Assets---Katina Williams GSAXcess---Nicole Proctor

The property system is available to federal agencies, authorized nonfederal recipients and surplus customers. Nonfederal recipients are activities that receive excess property through a federal sponsor but are, themselves, neither a federal agency nor a Donee. For example, a federally recognized Indian tribe sponsored by the Department of Interior's Bureau of Indian Affairs qualifies.Surplus customers include state and local government agencies, nonprofit educational and public health activities, including programs for the homeless, and more. The State Agencies for Surplus Property (SASP) advise applicants of eligibility requirements and procedures to be followed in acquiring federal surplus personal property.

Who can use GSAXcess


Page 38: Personal Property Training Webinar Presented by: SBOR---Larry Oates BOR---Melissa Nelson Capitalized Assets---Katina Williams GSAXcess---Nicole Proctor

Federal employees can gain access to the "Search Only" feature by self registering online at Property Officials who’s duties require them to report or acquire Federal Excess Personal Property, should coordinate with their Line or Staff Office Property Manager, who will contact the National Utilization Officer (NUO). An NUO is an appointed property officer within each federal agency, who coordinates with GSA to provide user accessibility to the GSAXcess® federal disposal and screening system. Emails with user IDs and Passwords are sent to the user in a system generated email.

Nicole Proctor PHONE: (301) 713-3530, ext 161 EMAIL: [email protected]

FAX: (757) 664-3869

Obtaining Entry to GSAXcess


Page 39: Personal Property Training Webinar Presented by: SBOR---Larry Oates BOR---Melissa Nelson Capitalized Assets---Katina Williams GSAXcess---Nicole Proctor

• User name• Email• Phone number• Fax• Activity Address Code (AAC) NOAA contact: John Cicciarella (206) 526-

4401 [email protected]• Approving Official (PAO)• Approving Official email and fax #• Access needed, i.e., search/ select (freeze property) and/or reporting

Information needed by NUO to grant access


Page 40: Personal Property Training Webinar Presented by: SBOR---Larry Oates BOR---Melissa Nelson Capitalized Assets---Katina Williams GSAXcess---Nicole Proctor

• GSA APO contacts• Computers for Learning (CFL) Program• GSAXcess training presentation• GSAXcess user guide• GSA upcoming training and Events

GSAXcess links


Page 41: Personal Property Training Webinar Presented by: SBOR---Larry Oates BOR---Melissa Nelson Capitalized Assets---Katina Williams GSAXcess---Nicole Proctor

There are certain guidelines that have to be adhered to, prior to excessing accountable property. Please contact your PPMB Line Office Representative (LOR) for additional guidance.

PPMB Contacts


Inventory Management Team

Larry Oates Team Lead301-713-3530 ext. 173Fax: 757-664-3828

Inventory Management Team Lead

Chance Greene Lead Representative301-713-3530 ext 170 Fax: 757-664-3863


Derrick Battle Lead Representative301-713-3530 ext 178 Fax: 757-664-3876


Page 42: Personal Property Training Webinar Presented by: SBOR---Larry Oates BOR---Melissa Nelson Capitalized Assets---Katina Williams GSAXcess---Nicole Proctor

PPMB Contacts


Nicole Proctor Lead Representative 301-713-3530 ext. 161Fax: 757-664-3869

NWS Custodial Areas –

“N” Headquarters &

“E” Norfolk

Michelle Ross Lead Representative 206-526-6393Fax: 206-527-1529

NWS Custodial Areas –

“M” Boulder & “W” Seattle

Edwin Lewis Lead Representative 301-713-3530 ext 153Fax: 757-664-3865


Page 43: Personal Property Training Webinar Presented by: SBOR---Larry Oates BOR---Melissa Nelson Capitalized Assets---Katina Williams GSAXcess---Nicole Proctor

PPMB Contacts


Marvel Kenneybrew Lead Representative 301-713-3530 ext. 122Fax: 757-664-3872 NMFS WEST

Barbara Carson Lead Representative 301-713-3530 ext. 163 Fax: 757-664-3874 NMFS EAST

Melissa Nelson Lead Representative 301-713-3530 ext. 188Fax: 757-664-3833 OAR

Sheila Hensley Lead Representative 206-526-6989Fax: 206-527-7511


Lorenzo Brown Lead Representative 301-713-3530 ext. 162 Fax: 757-664-3873 OMAO

Page 44: Personal Property Training Webinar Presented by: SBOR---Larry Oates BOR---Melissa Nelson Capitalized Assets---Katina Williams GSAXcess---Nicole Proctor

There are certain guidelines that have to be adhered to, prior to the excess of Capitalized property. Please see PPMB Contact below.

Katina WilliamsTeam Lead301-713-3530 ext. 128Fax: 757-664-3862

PPMB Contacts cont.


Page 45: Personal Property Training Webinar Presented by: SBOR---Larry Oates BOR---Melissa Nelson Capitalized Assets---Katina Williams GSAXcess---Nicole Proctor

GSAXcess offers training on the website under ‘User Guide’

Available Training


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•Attendees will indicate their respective Staff/Line Office or Disposal next to their questions, at which time the respective LORs will respond.

Open Forum


Page 48: Personal Property Training Webinar Presented by: SBOR---Larry Oates BOR---Melissa Nelson Capitalized Assets---Katina Williams GSAXcess---Nicole Proctor

Personal property accountability includes responsibilities for such tasks as

•Presenting personal property for identification and tagging;•Ensuring the assets are on the property record and properly assigned;•Tracking the movement of assets;•Conducting physical inventories; Verifying counts;•Reporting all loss, theft, and damage of assets;•Reutilizing assets when possible; and•Properly disposing of the assets.
