pgprospectus2014 2016 cape town university


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Postgraduate ProsPectus

2014 - 2016


ContentsMessage from the Vice-Chancellor 2

UCT’s mission statement 5

Why UCT? 6 Research strengths

Some key facts

International students and partnerships

UCT and the city of Cape Town

Postgraduate website

Postgraduate programmes on offer 9 The duration of postgraduate programmes

Research-linked programmes

Centres of Excellence and SARChIs

Signature themes and strategic initiatives for research

Interdisciplinary research units

Faculty of Commerce 15

Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment 18

Faculty of Health Sciences 21

Faculty of Humanities 25

Faculty of Law 29

Faculty of Science 31

How to apply 33 The academic calendar

Entry requirements

Application process

When to apply

How to apply

Application fee


First payment of tuition fees

Pre-registration for international students

Fees 35 Tuition fees and international fees

Sources of postgraduate student funding

Accommodation 36 University residences

Off campus private accommodation

Student support and resources 37 Office of Postgraduate Studies

The Postgraduate Centre and Funding Office

The International Academic Programmes Office (IAPO)

Library services

ICTS services

Centre for Higher Education Development (CHED)

Careers Services

Disablity services

Jammie Shuttle bus service

Student Wellness Service

Postgraduate academic sub-council

Campus life 41 Academic societies

Faith societies

National/cultural societies

Political organisations

Special interest and cultural societies

Sports clubs

Student community engagement opportunities

Glossary of terms 43

Contact numbers and email addresses 45


Message from the Vice-Chancellor

Dear prospective student

I am delighted that you are considering applying for postgraduate studies at the University of Cape Town. I expect that you are likely to have various options for your postgraduate studies, so I hope that this Prospectus will both enthuse you and answer questions you may have about applying.

Choosing a university for postgraduate study, particularly if there is a research component to the degree, should be informed by at least six things: • thequalityofthesupervisors;• thereputationoftheuniversity;• thefacilitiesforresearch;• theexistenceofresearchteamsandunitsthathavea critical mass of ongoing projects so that one is part of a group and can readily join a flowing river of productive research activity, rather than trying to swim alonewithminimaldirectionandsupport;• the ability to prepare you for thenext stage in your career, and• opportunitiestohavefun.

Firstly, at UCT you will have the opportunity to get a world-class training from outstanding teachers and undertake innovative research with internationally experienced supervisors. As a postgraduate student you will benefit directly from the latest scholarly work and discoveries made by our distinguished researchers. The vast majority of our postgraduate teachers have PhDs; more haveNational Research Foundation ratings than at any other university inSA;some280post-doctoral fellowsfurthercontributetoresearchprogrammes;wehavethehighestnumber of A-rated scientists and SA Research Chairs.

Secondly, obtaining a degree from the University of Cape Town means that you will have a high quality education from an internationally recognized university that is regarded as a global leader in many fields.

Thirdly, our resources and facilities support postgraduate work. In this Prospectus you can read about our library initiatives, IT and computing support, the wide range of academic and professional development opportunities, and the connections between research and solving actual problems in the community or clinical settings. If you have need of specialized laboratory set-ups and apparatus, we

are very likely to have those but we encourage you to make direct contact with the head of the relevant department to enquire further.

Fourth, UCT has seventy-four recognized research entities including 9 Medical Research Council units. Our researchleadersraiseoverR800millionayearinresearchgrants and contracts. We have many industry supported research programmes and laboratories. And we have people and structures to support you such as the Director of Postgraduate Studies, the postgraduate funding office, the writing centre, research methodology courses, and much more.

Finally, most of our academics have extensive networks and collaborations with global partners. As a result, many graduate students have the chance to interact and work with academic leaders from around the world, increasing your opportunities for when you join the globalized world of work. By the time you graduate, you are likely to have built up a network of professional contacts at UCT, other South African universities, industry (depending on your field of study), and further afield in Africa and abroad who can assist you in your further career choices, whether that is to become an academic or to pursue your career in other fields.

You will have a great time! You are likely to make new and lasting friendships and, after graduating, will join an extensive alumni community of over 100,000 membersreaching all corners of the globe. Postgraduate students from Africa and from the rest of the world make UCT a vibrant and cosmopolitan place. Almost a quarter of the postgraduate students are from countries other than South Africa.

In short, UCT strives to provide each postgraduate student with a well-rounded enriching experience that includes academic growth, professional preparedness, cultural engagement and participation in social and sporting activities. All this on the most spectacularly situated campus at the foot of Table Mountain.

As a last word I’d like to mention finances. We’re aware of the financial demands on senior students. Have a look at the various financial support options available to you through the Postgraduate Centre & Funding Office.

We look forward to welcoming you to UCT.

Max Price



Imbulambethe ebhalwe


Mfundi obekekileyo

Iyandichulumancisa into yokuba ucinga ukuba ufake isicelo sokuqhubela phambili izifundo zakho ukuze ufundele izidanga ezongezelelekileyo kwiDyunivesithi yaseKapa. Ndilindele ukuba ube uza kwalathiswa kwiintlobo zezinto onokuzifunda, ngoko ke ndithemba ukuba eli Phepha-Nkcazelo ngeZifundo (iProspectus) liza kukunika umdla ze liphendule nemibuzo onokuba unayo malunga nokufaka isicelo.

Xa ukhetha idyunivesithi oza kwenza kuyo izifundo zezidanga zesibini ukunyuka, ingakumbi ukuba eso sidanga sibandakanya uphando, kufuneka uthathele ingqwalasela, ubuncinane, izinto ezintandathu: • Umgangatho wabantu abaza kumakisha umsebenzi

wakho;• Intoeyaziwangayoiyunivesithileyo;• Izibonelelozophando;• Ubukho bamaqela ophando kunye neeyunithi zophando

ezineeprojekthi ezibalulekileyo neziqhubekayoukuze ubani ube yinxalenye yeqela labantu abenza imisebenzi nophando olubonakalayo kunokuba umntu adade yedwakungekhontonankxasoicacencam;

• Ukukwazi ukukulungiselela inqanaba elilandelayo lekhondo lakho, kunye

• Namathuba okuba wonwabe.

Okokuqala, eUCT uza kufumana uqeqesho olukumgangatho wehlabathi kootitshala abaphume izandla kanjalo wenze uphando oluza kuza nezisombululo ezitsha apho umsebenzi wakho uza kumakishwa ngabahlohli abanamava. Njengomfundi oqhubeka nezinye izidanga, uya kuthi uzuze kwimisebenzi esandula kuphuma ephandwe ngabafundi nezinto ezithe zafunyaniswa ngabaphandi bethu abazingcaphephe. Ubuninzi beetitshala ezijongene nabafundi abenza izidanga zesibiniukuyaphezulubaneePhD; abanyebabo bayareyithwa yiNational Research Foundation kunabo bakwezinye iiyunivesithi zaseMzantsi Afrika; iiprofesaezinezifundo zobugqirha ezimalunga nama-280 ezithi zibenegalelo kwiinkqubo zophando, sinelona nani liphezulu lezazi-nzulu ezikwizinga A nooZihlalo boPhando boMzantsi Afrika.

Okwesibini, ukufumana esinye isidanga kwiYunivesithi yaseKapa kuthetha ukuba uza kufumana imfundo ekumgangatho ophezulu kwiyunivesithi ehlonitshwe lihlabathi lonke nethathwa njengekhokela phambili kwizifundo ezininzi.

Okwesithathu, izibonelelo zethu ziyabaxhasa abafundi abafundela izidanga zesibini ukuya phezulu. Kweli Phepha-nkcazelo ngezifundo, ungafunda nangamaphulo ethu enziwa ngamathala eencwadi ethu, neIT, inkxaso yeekhompyutha, amathuba okuphuhliswa ngokwezifundo nangokweprofeshini kunye nothungelwano phakathi kophando nokusombulula uqobelo lweengxaki zasekuhlaleni okanye zoluntu. Ukuba ngaba udinga ukuba usetelwe ilabhoretri ngohlobo oluthile kwakunye nezixhobo

zaselabhoretri, siyakwazi ukukwenzela nokukunikeza ezo zinto, kodwa sikhuthaza ukuba uqhagamshelane ngqo nentloko yesebe lesifundo ofuna ukusifundela ukuze ubuze khona eminye imibuzo onayo. Okwesine, iUCT inamaziko angamashumi asixhenxe anesine ophando abandakanya iiyunithi zeKhansili yoPhando ngezoNyango ezili-9. Iinkokeli zethu zophando zingenisa ngaphezulu kwezigidi zeerandi eziyi-R800 ngonyaka kwiigranti neekhontrakthi zophando.Sineenkqubo zophando ezininzi ezixhaswa ngamashishini kunye neelabhoretri. Kananjalo sinabantu neenkqubo zokukuxhasa ezifana noMlawuli weZifundo zabaneZidanga, iofisi yenkxasomali yabanezidanga, iziko lokubhala, izifundo zendlela yokuphanda kunye nokunye okuninzi.

Okokugqibela, uninzi lweengcali zabahlohli lunothungelwano nentsebenziswano kunye namahlakani kwihlabathi lonke. Ngenxa yoku, abafundi abaninzi abanezidanga banethuba lokuthungelana kunye nokusebenza neenkokeli zabahlohli abasuka kwihlabathi lonke, nto leyo ekunyusela amathuba akulungiselela ukuba ube sele ukulungele ukuthungelana nehlabathi xa uqala ukusebenza. Xa ugqiba izifundo zakho zezidanga ezngezelelekileyo, uya kuba sele wenze uthungelwano neengcali eziseUCT nakwezinye iiyunivesithi zoMzantsi Afrika, nezamashishini (kuxhomekeka ukuba ufunda kweliphi icandelo), nezaseAfrika nezaphesheya neziza kunceda ukuba ukhethe ikhondo lakho, yaye oko kuza kukunceda ukuba ube yingcali kwizifundo zakho ulandele amanye amakhondo angqamene nezifundo zakho.

Uza konwaba kakhulu! Usenokwakha nobuhlobo obutsha nobanaphakade emva kokuba uphumelele isidanga sakho, uya kujoyina iqela labo babefunda kule yunivesithi abangaphaya kwe-100,000 abakwihlabathi lonke. Abafundiabenza izidanga zesibini nangaphezulu abasuka eAfrika nakwihlabathi lonke benza iUCT ukuba ibe nomdlandla yaye ibe yindawo ekufumaneka yonke into kuyo. Malunga nekota yabafundi abanezidanga basuka kwamanye amazwe.

Ngokufutshane, iUCT izama ngandlela zonke ukuqinisekisa ukuba umfundi ngamnye owenza isidanga sesibini ukunyuka ufumana amava amnika okuninzi namkhulisayo abandakanya ukukhula kubungcali bezifundo, ukulunglea iprofeshini yakhe, ukuhlangana nezinye iinkcubeko ubudlelwane nabanye abantu kunye nokuthatha inxaxheba kwezemidlalo. Konke oku kwenzeka kwikhampasi entle kakhulu efumaneka kanye phantsi neNtab’eTafile.

Xa ndigqibezela mandikuchazele ngeemali. Siyazi indlela abafundi bethu abanezidanga abadinga ngayo imali. Thatha ithuba ujonge inkxaso yemali esikunika yona efumaneka kwiZiko laBafundi abaneZidanga kunye nakwiOfisi yeNkxasomali.

Sele sithakazelela ukuba sikwamkele eUCT.

Max PriceUSekela-Ngqonyela


Voorwoord deur die Visekanselier

Beste voornemende student

Ek is verheug dat jy dit oorweeg om aansoek te doen vir nagraadse studie aan die Universiteit van Kaapstad (UK). Ek verwag dat jy verskeie moontlikhede vir nagraadse studie oorweeg, dus hoop ek dat dié Prospektus jou entoesiasties sal maak en terselfdertyd sal help om vrae wat jy mag hê rakende aansoeke te beantwoord.

As ’n mens ’n universiteit vir nagraadse studie kies moet ten minste ses dinge die besluit ten grondslag lê, veral as ’n navorsingskomponent deel uitmaak van die graad: • diegehaltevandiestudieleiers;• dieaansienvandieuniversiteit;• diefasiliteitevirnavorsing;• die bestaan van navorsingspanne en -eenhede met

’n kritiese hoeveelheid voortgesette projekte sodat ’n mens deel uitmaak van ’n groep en geredelik by ’n voortbewegende rivier van produktiewe navorsingsaktiwiteite kan aansluit, eerder as om alleen te probeer swem met minimale rigting en ondersteuning;

• die vermoë om jouself voor te berei vir die volgende stadium in jou loopbaan, en

• geleenthede om prêt te hê.

By UK sal jy, eerstens, die geleentheid kry om opleiding van wêreldgehalte by uitstaande dosente te ontvang en innoverende navorsing onder leiding van studieleiers met internasionale ervaring te doen. As nagraadse student sal jy direk voordeel trek uit die jongste vakkundige werk en ontdekkings wat deur ons befaamde navorsers gedoen is. Die oorgrote meerderheid van ons nagraadse dosente het Ph.D’s;meerdosenteasaanenigeanderuniversiteitinSAhet’ngraderingvandieStigtingvirNasionaleNavorsing;’nverdere280post-doktoralestudiegenotelewerbydraestotnavorsingsprogramme;onshetdiemeestewetenskaplikesmet ’n A-gradering en navorsingsleerstoele in SA.

Tweedens, deur ’n graad aan die Universiteit van Kaapstad te behaal beteken dat jy opvoeding van hoogstaande gehalte ontvang het aan ’n internasionaal erkende universiteit wat as ’n wêreldleier op baie gebiede beskou word.

Derdens, ons hulpbronne en fasiliteite word aangewend om nagraadse werk te ondersteun. In dié Prospektus kan jy lees oor ons biblioteek-inisiatiewe, IT- en rekenaarondersteuning, die wye reeks akademiese en professionele ontwikkelingsgeleenthede, en die verbande tussen navorsing en die oplos van werklike probleme in die gemeenskap of kliniese omgewings. As jy behoefte aan ’n gespesialiseerde laboratorium-opset en -apparaat het, hoewel ons heel moontlik reeds daaroor beskik, moedig ons jou aan om direk kontak te maak met die hoof van die tersaaklike department om verdere navrae te doen.

Vierdens, UK beskik oor vier en sewentig erkende navorsingsentiteite insluitend 9 Mediese Navorsingsraad-eenhede. Ons navorsingsleiers verkry meer as R800miljoen per jaar in navorsingstoelae en -kontrakte. Ons het baie navorsingsprogramme en laboratoriums wat deur die nywerheidsektor ondersteun word. En ons het mense en strukture om jou te ondersteun soos die Direkteur van Nagraadse Studies, die subsidiekantoor vir nagraadse studie, die skryfsentrum, navorsingmetodologiese kursusse, en vele meer.

Laastens, die meeste van ons akademici het uitgebreide netwerke met globale vennote en werk saam met hulle. Gevolglik kry baie gegradueerde studente die geleentheid om in aanraking te kom met akademiese leiers van oral in die wêreld en saam met hulle te werk, wat aan jou meer geleenthede bied wanneer jy deel word van die wêreld se arbeidsmark. Teen die tyd dat jy gradueer, is dit moontlik dat jy ’n netwerk professionele kontakte by UK, ander Suid-Afrikaanse universiteite, die nywerheidsektor (afhangende van jou studieveld), en verder in Afrika en oorsee opgebou het wat jou kan help in jou verdere loopbaankeuses, `of jy nou ’n akademikus wil word en `of jy jou loopbaan op ander gebiede wil volg.

Jy sal ’n fantastiese tyd beleef! Dit is moontlik dat jy nuwe en blywende vriendskappe sal sluit en, na graduering, deel sal word van ’n uitgebreide alumni-gemeenskap van meeras100000ledeverspreitotindieuithoekevandiewêreld. Nagraadse studente van Afrika en van die res van die wêreld maak UK ’n dinamiese en kosmopolitaanse plek. Nagenoeg ’n kwart van die nagraadse studente is van ander lande afkomstig.

Kortliks, UK strewe daarna om aan elke nagraadse student ’n goed afgeronde, verrykende ervaring met inbegrip van akademiese groei, professionele gereedheid, kulturele betrokkenheid en deelname in maatskaplike en sportaktiwiteite te bied op ’n kampus met die skouspelagtigste ligging aan die voet van Tafefberg.

Ten slotte wil ek graag praat oor finansies. Ons is bewus van die finansiële eise op senior studente. Kyk gerus na die verskillende finansiële ondersteuningsopsies wat beskikbaar is aan jou deur die Nagraadse Sentrum & Subsidiekantoor vir Finansiering.

Ons sien daarna uit om jou by UK te verwelkom.

Max Price



Mission Statement

UCT aspires to be the premier academic meeting point between South Africa, the rest of Africa and the world. Taking advantage of expanding global networks and our distinct vantage point in Africa, we are committed, through innovative research and scholarship, to grappling with the key issues of our natural and social worlds.

We aim to produce graduates whose qualifications are internationally recognised and locally applicable, underpinned by values of engaged citizenship and social justice. UCT will promote diversity and transformation within our institution and beyond, including growing the next generation of academics.

Our research-led identity is shaped by a commitment to:• academic freedom as the prerequisite to fostering intellectualdebateandfreeinquiry;• ensuring that research informs all our activities including teaching, learning and service to the community;• advancing and disseminating knowledge that addresses the key challenges facing society – South African,continentalandglobal;• protectingcuriosity-drivenresearch;• nurturing and valuing creativity in the sciences and arts,includingtheperformingandcreativearts;• stimulating international linkages of researchers and research groupings.


Why UCT?You may have a number of university choices for furthering your studies. We think that UCT can offer you a unique and enriching postgraduate experience.

As Africa’s top research-led university, UCT is home to a large number of world-ranked researchers. This means that as a postgraduate student you are assured of interacting with scholars who are internationally recognised experts in their field.

Become part of one of the innovative and dynamic research teams that perform cutting-edge disciplinary and interdisciplinary work. For example, do research on African climatechangeandsustainabledevelopment;getinvolvedin the international SKA radio telescope project with the onlydedicatedastronomydepartmentinthecountry;jointhe first centre for experimental research in economics in Africa; sustain South Africa’s valuable water resourcesor develop Africa’s vibrant cities; advance thinking onBeingHumanoronCircuitsofConsumption;participatein translational research in the fight against infectious diseases, HIV/Aids, TB, cancers and genetic conditions;undertake a research project in the creative and performing arts;orpioneerdiscoveriesincomputationalmechanics.

UCT is at the dynamic interface between South Africa, the rest of Africa and the world. It is international in its outlook, and has a dynamic multicultural community with students and staff fromover100 countries inAfricaand the restoftheworld.Morethan2,000internationalstudentsareregistered for postgraduate studies, making the campus a vibrant multicultural meeting place. Our international students and staff bring a variety of perspectives to their disciplines, contribute to an energetic production of ideas, and make UCT a stimulating place for you in which to study and do research.

Spending time as a postgraduate student at UCT will enable you to establish collegial networks that span the globe. As a graduate of UCT, you will join a community of committed, smart and influential fellow graduates who are pushing the boundaries of knowledge, contributing to the betterment of society, and taking on leadership roles in academia and business in South Africa, Africa and in the rest of the world.


The University is a core site in South Africa and Africa for expanding the boundaries of science, technology, the arts and social understanding.

With its large number of world-ranked researchers, the University of Cape Town is Africa’s leading research university. It is also renowned for its teaching and learning excellence. In addition to being ranked among the top 200 universities in theworld, and the top university inAfrica, it is also listed in the top50 clinical, pre-clinicaland health universities in the world. The UCT Graduate School of Business and the Faculty of Law respectively are rated among the top 100 business schools and lawfaculties world-wide. The Faculty of Health Sciences is rated among the top fifty world wide.

UCT is home to 33 Research Chairs, under the South African Research Chairs Initiative (SARChI), to boost research capacity and postgraduate student development. Inaddition,theUniversityhasover70specialistresearchgroups, including nine groupings funded by the Medical Research Council, and also hosts two national Centres of Excellence, one co-hosted Centre of Excellence and one Competence Centre funded by the Department of Science and Technology.


UCT is a major beneficiary of funding from the National Research Foundation and its Technology and Human Resources for Industry Programme (THRIP), a venture promoting partnerships between industry and research institutions.

A dedicated Office for Research and Innovation helps to position UCT as a major global site for research. It handles all aspects of grant applications, contracts, consultancy work, innovation and commercialization, and intellectual property rights. In addition, the Office for Postgraduate Studies manages general postgraduate policies and systems, postgraduate scholarships and awards to ensure that your experience as a postgraduate student is substantive and enriching.

In a world where national boundaries are blurring, research is becoming global. Researchers and postgraduate students are consciously seeking the best partners to bring complementary perspectives to the complex research challenges of today and UCT is equipping itself to be the first-choice partner for such continental and international collaborations. To join UCT is to become a member of the top community of scholars in Africa with extensive global networks.


As a research-led university, UCT has a vibrant and productivepostgraduatestudentbody.In2013,justunder4,000Master’sandover1,300doctoralstudentsenrolledfor postgraduate studies. In addition, with almost 300Postdoctoral Fellows, UCT has the highest number of Postdoctoral Fellows of any university in Africa.

Postgraduate students are an indispensable part of any university’s research effort and UCT has steadily increased its financial support for postgraduate studies. Fellowships administered to Postdoctoral Research Fellows exceed R52millionandpostgraduatestudentsreceivebursariesof a total of over R159 million.

All this makes UCT an excellent place for you to do postgraduate work. The university is committed to making your experience at UCT an enriching and productive one.

Some quick numbers (2012):Totalnumberofstudents 25,864Numberofinternationalstudents 4892Totalnumberofpostgraduatestudents 8,249Numberofinternationalpostgraduatestudents 2004TotalnumberofMaster’sstudents 4,093Total number of doctoral students 1,391TotalnumberofPostdoctoralResearchFellows 282

Numberofacademicstaffmembers Over2,000

PercentageofstaffmemberswithPhDs 67%Number of NRF A-rated researchers 33Number of NRF rated researchers 415Numberofpeer-reviewedresearchpublications 2,500Number of SARChI Research Chairs 33Number of NRF/DST Centres of Excellence and Competence Centres 3Number of co-hosted nodes of Centres of Excellence 1Number of formally constituted research groupings 71

Total amount of research income R943 millionTotal value of postgraduate scholarships and bursaries awarded R159 millionPostdoctoralResearchfunding R52million


The University’s relationship with institutions and organisations across the globe plays an important role in fostering our engagement with the international research community. Such relationship-building happens in a variety of ways, including proactive participation in formally structured networks as well as formal agreements with strategically selected international partners.

Internationalisation is reflected in the University’s mission statement, strategic plan and policies. The University of Cape Town is part of the Worldwide Universities Network (WUN), a consortium of 19-leading research institutions from around the world. In addition to facilitating student and staff exchanges, the WUN Global Challenges consist of a number of collaborative research activities - each involving a member of WUN and other world-leading academic partners. As a postgraduate student at UCT, you are able to spend time with fellow research collaborators at partner universities throughout the world.

The map indicates worldwide research collaboration (number of institutions)withUCT,2007-2011

The International Academic Programmes Office (IAPO) provides specialist services for international students and postdoctoral fellows. These include a pre-registration service, assisting students with immigration issues, producing information booklets and pamphlets specifically for international students, liaising with the Department of Home Affairs regarding immigration legislation and compliance, and maintaining links with embassies and donor organizations that fund international students. See section on “Student support and resources” for further services offered by IAPO.

In addition, IAPO facilitates opportunities for UCT students and staff members to experience academic life at international partner universities through mobility programmes. IAPO has agreements


withover15Africanuniversities, andwithover60universitiesin the rest of the world, and is a member of several international university networks, including the Worldwide University Network, the Africa Australia Universities Network and the Southern African-Nordic Centre. Academic exchanges provide a unique opportunity for personal and professional growth. The University strives to provide doctoral students with an international experience by enabling international internships, international exchange programmes, and attendance at international conferences. The agreements with African universities include postgraduate mobility opportunities for UCT staff and students with the following institutions:

Makerere University, Uganda

Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia

University of Ghana

Kwame Nkrumah University of Technology, Ghana

University of Nairobi, Kenya

National University of Rwanda

University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

University of Zambia

University of Zimbabwe


The University of Cape Town is the oldest university in South Africa. Itwasfoundedin1829astheSouthAfricanCollege,aschoolforboys that also provided some tertiary education. Women were first admittedtothecollegein1888.UCTwasformallyestablishedasauniversityin1918.

The University moved to its spectacular Groote Schuur campus ontheslopesofTableMountainin1928.Thiscampusishosttomost of UCT’s academic functions. Additional campuses are the Faculty of Health Sciences, adjacent to the famous Groote Schuur HospitalinObservatory;theHiddinghCampusinGardens,nearCape Town’s city centre, where fine arts, film and media, and dramastudiesarebased;andtheGraduateSchoolofBusinessinthe popular Waterfront area.

Cape Town’s colonial and pre-colonial history, as well as more recent political events, make it an interesting city with a vibrant culture. It is a city of contrasts, with overcrowded informal settlements and poverty on one hand and luxurious hotels and world-class tourist attractions on the other. Both Cape Town and UCT boast a cosmopolitan community – where diverse cultures and languages blend. We invite you to be part of it.

The University is situated in the beautiful Cape Peninsula, one of the most southernmost points in Africa. With the main campus on the slopes of Devil’s Peak in sight of both the Atlantic and the Indian Oceans, UCT is situated in the Cape Floral Kingdom, one of the world’s richest floral regions. Right on UCT’s doorstep you’ll find an abundance of unspoiled nature and spectacular scenery.


Consult the postgraduate hub for information on postgraduate studies and research at


Postgraduate programmes1

on offerAt postgraduate level, the University offers coursework programmes and research programmes. Postgraduate education at UCT commonly results in one of four qualificationoutputs:aDoctorofPhilosophydegree(PhD);aMaster’sdegree;anHonoursdegree;oraPostgraduateDiploma. Postgraduate Diploma programmes, Honours and Master’s programmes are usually a combination of coursework and a research-based dissertation. Some Master’s and all PhD programmes are by research-based dissertation only.


Postgraduate Diplomas vary in duration but usually do not exceed one year’s study; Honours programmes areoneyear;Master’sprogrammesthatcombinecourseworkand a research dissertation usually span over two years (although it can be completed within one year);Master’s degrees by research dissertation only are usually completed within 2 years; and PhD programmes areusually 3 to 4 years.


UCT has a large number of postgraduate programmes that are linked to research groups or collaboration frameworks, briefly described below. These include the Centres of Excellence, the SARChIs (see below), the university’s over 70accreditedresearchunits,centresorinstitutesaswellas a number of research signature themes.


The Department of Science and Technology’s South African Research Chair Initiative (SARChI) was designed to strengthen the production of high quality research and innovation, and through this to increase the quality of training of postgraduate students. These SARChI programmes and the Centres of Excellence and Competence Centres conduct cutting-edge research, train postgraduate students and are of specific interest to PhD students and Postdoctoral Research Fellows. The University of Cape Town has 33 SARChI chairs, 2 Centres of Excellence, 1 Centre of Excellence nodeand 1 Competence Centre which make UCT the front-running university on the African continent in terms of research production. The following lists UCT’s flagship

SARChI, Centre of Excellence and Competence Centre programmes for postgraduate students: postgate

CommerceEconomic Growth, Poverty and Inequality: Exploring the Interactions for South AfricaPoverty and Inequality

Engineering & the Built EnvironmentBioprocess EngineeringBroadband Networks and Applications CatalysisC* Change (Centre of Excellence)Hydrogen Catalysis (Competence Centre)Minerals BeneficiationReaction EngineeringUrban Policy

Health SciencesBrain ImagingCancer BiologyCentre for Biomedical TB Research (Centre of Excellence Node)Clinical NeurosciencesHealth and Wealth in South AfricaImmunology and Infectious Diseases in AfricaInfection and Immunity of Poverty-related Diseases

HumanitiesArchive and Popular CultureIslam, African Publics and Religious ValuesLand Reform and Democracy in South AfricaMigration, Language and Social Change

LawCustomary LawSecurity and Justice

ScienceAnimal Evolution and SystematicsAstrophysics and Space ScienceBirds as Keys to Biodiversity Conservation (Centre of Excellence)Climate ChangeComputational MechanicsDrug DiscoveryEnvironmental and Social Dimensions of the Bio-EconomyMarine Ecology and FisheriesMulti-wavelength AstronomyScientific Computing

1 In keeping with international trends, we refer here to “programmes” of study. For administrative purposes, the UCT application form does not refer to “programmes”, but uses the term “qualification” to refer to the type of degree (e.g. BSc, MA, PhD) and “stream” to refer to the specialisation (e.g. Archaeology, Transport Studies, African Languages).


Oceanic Circulation in the Agulhas Regime Stable Isotopes in Archaeology and the Paleo-environment

For further information see:


In addition to these flagship programmes, the University has established signature themes and strategic initiatives to drive research in a strategic manner. The signature theme provide a framework for multi-, inter-, and also transdisciplinary research to be done on an inter-departmental and inter-faculty basis. The signature themes are therefore grounded in existing areas of internationally recognised excellence whilst being aligned to institutional, regional and national priorities.

Minerals to Metals The Minerals to Metals Signature Theme has moved minerals beneficiation research in the Department of Chemical Engineering from a narrow focus on separate processes to a novel holistic view of the entire minerals beneficiation chain (including environmental, economic and social effects). This innovative approach is laying the platform for moving the minerals industry into a more sustainable paradigm.

Marine Research Institute (Ma-Re)The Ma-Re Institute provides a collegial framework with opportunities to develop a vibrant interdisciplinary research ethos among postgraduate students, academic staff, and national and international researchers.

African Centre for Cities (ACC)As part of its multi-disciplinary educational, research and advisory work, the programme embeds PhD students in the City of Cape Town where they are helping to drive innovative research and policy-making in the Green Economy, Energy, Climate Change and the Built Environment programme. In turn, professionals from the City Department are accommodated in ACC to write up their projects. This exchange programme is probably unique in the world, and is designed to both enhance scarce analytical capacity and knowledge, and to help urbanists understand how policy is shaped and produced in different settings.

drug discoveryThe University’s drug development programme has been advanced significantly by consolidating investment and technology in the new H3-D Centre. The H3-D is harnessing technologies, skills and expertise in the drug discovery value chain – integrating medicinal chemistry, biology, pharmacology as well as a drug metabolism and

pharmacokinetic technological platforms. The first malaria clinical candidate to be discovered in South Africa and Africa was by H3-D and partners. It is the first compound researched on African soil to enter preclinical development in partnership with Medicines for Malaria Venture.

Brain and Behaviour InitiativeThe initiative coordinates local neuroscience resources. It conducts research on psychological trauma, substance use disorders, neuroHIV and foetal alcohol syndrome. In addition, the Department of Psychiatry undertakes research on the effects of trauma and of methamphetamine, the Department of Psychology and collaborators in Health Sciences are pursuing their expertise in neuropsychology, and members of the Sports Science Institute have begun to include behavioural and imaging measures in their work.

African Climate and development Initiative (ACdI)South Africa, with the rest of the African continent, has an imperative to improve human wellbeing, but within the constraints of the need for low-carbon development and mounting impacts of climate variability and change. The ACDI engages with these challenges through an interdisciplinary research hub that brings together academics with NGOs, business and government in a knowledge factory that co-produces and tests new insights, evidence and innovations that will help to solve Africa’s climate and development challenges.

Safety and Violence Initiative The initiative brings together scholars from various faculties across UCT, including Commerce, Health Sciences, Humanities, Law and Engineering & the Built Environment. It sustains research collaborations that contribute to the promotion of safety, reducing violence and to raising awareness about these issues within South Africa (and in due course in other African countries). A key feature of the research is to develop theory and to translate this into practice.

Poverty and Inequality InitiativeThe research initiative tackles the question of why, in a country of rich resources, poverty and inequality are persisting and even, in the case of inequality, deepening. The research aims to involve all major role players inside and outside the university, including academics, research groups and NGOs who are doing poverty-alleviation-related work, be it in policy or at intervention levels.

Schools Improvement InitiativeThe Schools Improvement Initiative is a direct response to the education crisis in South Africa which not only has negative implications for the country as a whole but poses serious challenges for higher education. The research is focused on addressing the underachievement of learners, in particular in township schools around Cape Town.



UCT recognises that the frontiers of knowledge are often best extended by combining the insights of several traditional disciplines. The University aims to promote inter- and trans-disciplinary research that involves the training of master’s and doctoral students.

The Marine Research (MA-RE) InstituteThe MA-RE Institute is the leading marine research organization in Africa. With more than 40 tenuredreseachers from a range of faculties on the staff and a large cohort of postgraduate students, the Institute observes, measures and collects samples and data through field trips, remote sensing by satellite and ship cruises. The Institute also convenes a Master’s degree in Applied Marine Science. The programme involves coursework, research, field trips to explore the marine, geological, climatic and biological diversity around Cape Town, and a student-organized, weekly seminar that deals with the scientific, engineering, economic and ethical aspects of global warming and related issues. Students often have opportunities to participate in fisheries, oceanographic or Antarctic research ship cruises.Contact: Associate Professor C. MoloneyEmail: [email protected]:

The African Climate and development Initiative (ACdI)ACDI coordinates cutting-edge interdisciplinary research on climate change and sustainable development. It brings together natural scientists, engineers, social scientists, lawyers, economists and urban planners to undertake research relating to climate variability and global change affecting the African continent. The ACDI also offers a one year taught Master’s degree in Climate Change and Sustainable Development, with a focus on issues relevant to the development of Africa.Contact: Professor M. NewEmail: [email protected]:

Energy Research Centre (ERC)The ERC offers postgraduate programmes in four main research areas: energy efficiency; energy, environmentand climate change; energy, poverty and development;and energy systems analysis and planning.Contact: Professor H. WinklerEmail: [email protected]:

Plant Conservation Unit (PCU)Staff and students within the PCU investigate palaeoecological, historical, and current impacts on the vegetation of the region and work closely with land users to conserve and prevent further transformation of the region’s biodiversity.

Contact: Professor M.T. HoffmanEmail: [email protected]:

Environmental Evaluation Unit (EEU)The EEU works in five main thematic areas: integrated environmental planning, management and assessment;integratedcoastalandsmall-scalefisheriesmanagement;biodiversity use, trade, livelihoods and social justice;sustainablebusinessandcross-sector collaboration;andpublic participation. Contact: Associate Professor M. SowmanEmail: [email protected]:

Astrophysics, Cosmology and Gravity Centre (ACGC)With the only dedicated astronomy department in the country, UCT is making a significant contribution to international astronomy research through its involvement with the MeerKAT and the Square Kilometre Array radio telescope (SKA). In partnership with various international research institutions, the ACGC is becoming the astronomy hub in Africa and an attractive location for postgraduate students and postdoctoral fellows. The Centre collaborates with departments of electrical engineering, computer science and mathematics.Contact: Professor R.C. Kraan-Korteweg amd Professor P.K.S. DunsbyEmail: [email protected];[email protected]:

Research Unit in Behavioural and neuroeconomics (RUBEn)The interdisciplinary group of researchers use economic experiments, often together with functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) techniques to examine the role that social, cognitive and emotional factors play in decision-making. Research focuses on estimating the risk attitudes and time preferences of individuals, households and communities. RUBEN is currently the only centre for experimental research in economics on the African continent.Contact: Professor Harold KincaidEmail: [email protected]:

Environmental-Economics Policy Research Unit (EPRU)The EPRU aims to enhance environmental policy-making in South Africa through research and extension, in order to attain sustainable development and poverty reduction. The unit, as part of the Environment for Development initiative, operates in China, Central America, Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa and Tanzania. Contact: Dr M. VisserEmail: [email protected]:


Water ResearchWater research at UCT draws in some of the highest-ranked academics from a range of disciplines, including civil engineering, social anthropology and geographical science. The Urban Water Management group integrates sustainable solutions to water management problems, particularly as they affect Southern African communities. The wastewater management research group – with innovative projects on a dual distributive water system and the design of compartmentalized toilet systems - hopes to align economic, ecological and social benefits. Contact: Professor N. Armitage or Professor A.E. Lewis or Professor G. EkamaEmail: [email protected] [email protected] or [email protected]:

Centre for Transport Studies (CfTS)The Centre for Transport Studies is a multidisciplinary research and postgraduate teaching unit that produces relevant research, develops skilled professionals, and advocates innovative practices and institutional arrangements for the management of complex transport systems in the dynamic cities of South Africa and other African countries.

The Centre’s research focuses on the equity, sustainability and efficiency problems associated with urban passenger transport systems in South African cities.Contact: Associate Professor Roger BehrensEmail: [email protected]:

Spatial data Management Research TeamThe Spatial Data Management Research Team is an interdisciplinary group whose focus is on improving service delivery in developing countries through appropriate tools. Using a variety of technologies, such as cellphones, systems are developed to support basic service delivery in rural and under-resourced environments.Contact: Associate Professor Ulrike RivettEmail: [email protected] Web:

African Centre for Cities (ACC)The Centre offers a Master’s in Urban Infrastructure Design and Management. The programme is aimed at building capacity amongst government and the private sector practitioners who are committed to the future of African cities, and in particular, to the servicing of poorer urban inhabitants. The ACC believes that urban problems can only be addressed through the proactive integration of specific disciplinary backgrounds. To this end the programme draws on staff from engineering, architecture, planning, environmental sciences, geography, the social sciences, and management.

Contact Professor E. Pieterse or Associate Professor Romano del MistroEmail: [email protected] or [email protected] Web: teaching/urban-infrastructure

drug discovery and development CentreThe Centre is Africa’s first integrated drug discovery and development centre. It delivers novel drug candidates for clinical development. The Centre integrates medicinal chemistry, biology and pharmacology, as well as drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics.Contact: Professor K. ChibaleEmail: [email protected]:

Institute for Infectious disease and Molecular Medicine (IIdMM)Concentrating its research efforts on infectious diseases, particularly HIV/Aids and tuberculosis, and on non-communicable diseases prevalent in Africa, the Institute is a major generator of interdisciplinary research and training hub for biomedical, clinical and public health researchers. Contact: Professor V. MizrahiEmail: [email protected]:

Centre for Actuarial ResearchThe Centre, based in the Faculty of Commerce, is the only unit of its kind at an African university. It brings together multi-disciplinary teams to do research and build postgraduate capacity in demography, healthcare financing, social security and HIV/Aids modelling. Contact: Associate Professor T. MoultrieEmail: [email protected]:

Centre for Research in Computational and Applied Mechanics (CERECAM)The Centre promotes fundamental research, applied research and industrial interaction in computational mechanics and its associated disciplines. The Centre’s research and training activities are multi-disciplinary, involving researchers from applied mathematics, physics and cardiovascular surgery. Contact: Professor B.D. ReddyEmail: [email protected]:

Scientific Computing Research Unit (SCRU)The Unit promotes the development and application of computer code for scientific problems, specifically in chemistry, biophysics, physics and engineering. Contact: Professor K.J. NaidooEmail: [email protected]



Information and Communications Technology Centre for development (ICT4d)The Centre looks to create ICT solutions that can be applied in a developing-world context. Being the only such centre in Africa, it has been able to attract researchers across many disciplines from across the globe.Contact: Professor G. MarsdenEmail: [email protected]:

Centre for Information Technology and national development in Africa (CITAndA)The Centre’s researchers study, using a diversity of research approaches, the management, development, adoption and impact of ICT in areas related to business, economic and social development in Africa. The Centre explores information systems phenomena that arise in the interaction between technology and Africa’s business, cultural, social and economic context.Contact: Professor I. BrownEmail: [email protected]:

Health Economics Unit (HEU)Through interdisciplinary research and training, the unit works to improve the performance of health systems through informing health policy and enhancing technical and managerial capacity in sub-Saharan Africa. Contact: Associate Professor S. ClearyEmail: [email protected]:

Minerals to MetalsThe project boosts research on mineral beneficiation from two main perspectives. The first focuses on underlying scientific areas within mineral beneficiation and the second systemic approach considers the entire extraction chain to improve process performance, minimise the use of water and power, reduce waste and promote cleaner production options, more efficient technologies and safer processes. It draws together the skills of world-renowned research staff from the Department of Chemical Engineering, the Department of Physics, the Positron Emission Particle Tracking Research Group, the Centre for Research in Computational and Applied Mechanics, and the Environmental Research Group. Contact: Professor J.P. Franzidis or Professor C.T. O’ConnorEmail: [email protected] or [email protected] Web: or

Centre for Bioprocess Engineering Research (CeBER)The multi-disciplinary team brings together expertise in

reactor studies, process modelling, biokinetics, microbial ecology, biotransformation, micro- and molecular biology, and biohydrometallurgy to develop detailed understanding of bioprocess systems. Contact: Professor S.T.L. HarrisonEmail: [email protected]: bio.php

Research Unit for Exercise Science and Sports MedicineThe primary functions of the unit are to research factors influencing physical performance and health, and to disseminate knowledge and skills through education. The Unit’s research aims to develop a novel understanding of integrated human function during exercise, to treat and prevent injuries and medical conditions associated with sport and exercise, and to optimise exercise performance.Contact: Professor T.D. NoakesEmail: [email protected]:

Centre for Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (CTMP)The Centre draws its members from the departments of Astronomy, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Physics. It has extensive international collaborations and postgraduate students doing research in related fields interact with internationally acclaimed scientists.Contact: Professor H. WeigertEmail: [email protected]

The Institute for Humanities in Africa (HUMA)The Institute is located in the Faculties of Humanities and Law and channels inter-disciplinary research in two broad themes: On Being Human and Circuits of Consumption. Contact: Professor D. PoselEmail: [email protected]:

Gordon Institute for Performing and Creative Arts (GIPCA)The Institute facilitates new collaborative and inter-disciplinary creative research projects in the disciplines of music, dance, fine arts, drama, creative writing, and film and media studies.Contact: Associate Professor Jay PatherEmail: [email protected] Web:

Archive and Curatorship (ARC)The programme is a response to the contemporary imperative for universities to examine critically the archives of their knowledge systems in order to open up routes to new, or refigured, bodies of evidence and new forms of knowledge. It couples critical enquiry into inherited archives with innovative visual methodologies of work in relation to archive. Contact: Professor Carolyn Hamilton


Email: [email protected] Web:

Centre for Social Science Research (CSSR)The Centre conducts research in the broad areas of globalisation, industrialisation, democratization, development, poverty and public health. The Centre offers postgraduate students significant opportunities for hands-on training by multiple local and international researchers.Contact: Professor J. SeekingsEmail: [email protected]:

Gender, Health and Justice Research UnitThe Unit, located in the Division of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, conducts progressive research in the area of women’s rights The unit is dedicated to improving access to health and justice services for survivors of gender-based violence. The unit uses interdisciplinary methods from law, the social sciences, and public health to contribute to policies and laws, and to advocate for social justice.Contact: Associate Professor L. Artz or Dr K. MoultEmail: [email protected] or [email protected]:

Brain and Behaviour Initiative (BBI)The BBI enables cross-faculty, multi-disciplinary, collaborative research in the cognitive and affective neurosciences, and brings together expertise on

phenotyping, genotyping, cognotyping, brain imaging and molecular signatures to address brain behaviour issues. Experimental techniques include brain imaging, genetic testing, and neuropsychological assessment.Contact: Professor D. SteinEmail: [email protected]: overview

Albertina and Walter Sisulu Institute of Ageing in AfricaThe Institute draws on members from the departments of Geriatric Medicine, Geriatric Neuropsychology, Geriatric Neuroscience, and Geriatric Psychiatry. Areas in which inter-disciplinary research is conducted include physical, cognitive and social functioning;qualityof life; vascularrisk factors and strokes; dementia and risk factors forcognitive disorders.Contact: Dr S. KalulaEmail: [email protected]:

Women’s Health Research Unit (WHRU)The Unit has researchers with expertise in public health, epidemiology, sociology and anthropology. Key research areas include HIV and reproductive health, health systems research, female cancers, contraception and termination of pregnancy.Contact: Dr J. HarriesEmail: [email protected]:

departments• Accounting,Collegeof• Economics,Schoolof• FinanceandTax,Departmentof• InformationSystems,Departmentof• ManagementStudies,Schoolof - Actuarial Science - Demography (Part of Centre for Actuarial Research) - Marketing - Organisational Psychology - Programme Evaluation - Professional Communication Unit

Associated departments based in other faculties • CommercialLaw(AssociatedwithFacultyof Commerce)• StatisticalSciences(AssociatedwithFacultyof Commerce)

Research groupings, centres and institutes• ActuarialResearch(CARE),Centrefor• AfricanCollaborationforQuantitativeFinance and Risk Research• AIDSandSocietyresearchUnit(ASRU)• AllanGrayCentreforValues-basedLeadership• BerthaCentreforSocialInnovationand Entrepreneurship• Coaching,Centrefor• DataFirst• DevelopmentPolicyResearchUnit(DPRU)• EnvironmentalEconomicsPolicyResearch Unit (EPRU)• InstituteforMonitoringandEvaluation(IME),The• LeanInstituteAfrica• ManagementProgrammeinInfrastructure Reform & Regulation (MIR), The

• PolicyResearchinInternationalServicesand Manufacturing(PRISM)• RaymondAckermanAcademyofEntrepreneurial Development• ResearchUnitinBehaviouralEconomicsand Neuroeconomics (RUBEN)• SouthernAfricaLabour&DevelopmentResearch Unit (SALDRU).• UCTTourismandEventsResearchUnit• UnileverInstituteofMarketing

Graduate School of BusinessThe Graduate School of Business (GSB) offers the only MBA in Africa ranked in the Financial Times’ ranking ofthetop100full-timeMBAsintheworld.TheGSBiscommitted to making business a force for socio-economic betterment. The approach adopted by the GSB challenges taken-for-granted assumptions and practices, and will encourage you to do the same. With its roots in Africa, the focus is on emerging market business. Teaching and research are geared towards this context and the challenges associated with high degrees of uncertainty, complexity and inequality. Through initiatives like the Bertha Centre for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship and the Allan Gray Centre for Values-based Leadership, the GSB seeks to build a new kind of business school: one that is rooted in values and enables positive new ways of thinking and acting in business to achieve sustainable success.

The GSB offers a range of study options, including the MBA and the Executive MBA, as well as master’s and doctoral studies. PhD students become part of a vibrant cohort in their first year of study, participating in regular two- to three-day colloquia on organisational theory and methodology.


Faculty of Commerce



Postgraduate diploma


Accounting (Conversion Course)

Actuarial Science

Actuarial Science (Conversion Course)

Business Administration (GSB)

Computer Forensics


Enterprise Systems and Business Process Management

Information Systems

Management Practice (GSB)


Sport Management

Tourism and Events Management

Wine Business Management (GSB)


Actuarial Science


Financial Analysis and Portfolio Management

Information Systems

Organisational Psychology



Honours and Master’s By coursework and minor dissertation

Management Information Systems

Actuarial Science

Applied Economics

Business Administration (MBA) (GSB)

Business Administration Executive Programme (EMBA)(GSB)


Development Finance (GSB)

Development Policy & Practice


Economic Science

Economic Development

Economics & Demography

Economic & Behavioural Sciences

Financial Management

Philosophy, Politics & Economics

Health Economics

Inclusive Innovation (GSB)

Information Systems

International Taxation

Investment Management

Mathematical Finance

Organisational Psychology

PoSTGRAdUATE qUALIFICATIonS(Given the changing nature of programme offerings, always check with the Faculty or Department first.)


Contact details (Faculty of Commerce):Postgraduate Faculty Office Tel: 021-6504375or021-6505748Email: [email protected]

Graduate School of BusinessTel: 021-4061338or021-4061175Email: [email protected]:


Faculty the annual updated handbook, see

Master’sBy coursework and minor dissertation

People Management

Programme Evaluation

South African Taxation

Trade Law and Policy (GSB)

Master’sBy dissertation only

On an appropriate topic approved by the relevant department:AccountingActuarial ScienceEconomicsFinanceInformation SystemsManagement Practice (GSB)MarketingOperations ResearchStatisticsTaxation

PhdBy coursework and thesis African Economic Research Consortium (AERC)

Phd By thesis only

On an appropriate topic approved by the relevant department:AccountingActuarial ScienceBusiness Administration (GSB)EconomicsFinanceInformation SystemsMarketingOperations ResearchStatisticsTaxation


Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment

departmentsThe Built Environment disciplines within the Faculty comprise the following departments:• Architecture,PlanningandGeomatics• CivilEngineering• ConstructionEconomicsandManagement

The Engineering disciplines within the Faculty comprise the following departments:• ChemicalEngineering• CivilEngineering• ElectricalEngineering• MechanicalEngineering

Research groupings, units and centres• AeronauticalResearchGroup• AfricanCentreforCities• BioprocessEngineeringResearch,Centrefor• BlastImpact&SurvivabilityResearchUnit• BroadbandNetworksandApplications• BroadbandNetworks&Applications,Centreof Excellence in• CatalysisResearch(c*change),CentreofExcellencefor• ComminutionGroup

• Computational&AppliedMechanics,Centre for Research in• ConcreteMaterials&StructuralIntegrity Research Unit• Crystallisation&PrecipitationResearchUnit• DigitalImageProcessingGroup• EnergyResearchCentre• EngineeringEducation,CentreforResearchin• GeographicalInformationSystemsUnit• HydrogenCatalysisCompetenceCentre• InformationforCommunityOrientedMunicipal Services (iCOMMs)• MaterialsEngineering,Centrefor• MineralsResearch,Centrefor• RadarRemoteSensingGroup• SasolAdvancedFuelsLaboratory• StructuralEngineering&Mechanics• TransportStudies,Centrefor• WaterResearchGroup



Postgraduate diploma


Engineering Management

Transport Studies

one year Honours programmes

Architectural Studies

Construction Management


Materials Science

Project Management

Property Studies


Master’sBy coursework and minor dissertation

Architecture (Professional)

Bioprocess Engineering

Broadband Communication and Wireless Networks

Catalytic Process Engineering

City and Regional Planning

City Planning and Urban Design

Civil Infrastructure Management and Maintenance

Computational Mechanics


Control and Instrumentation

Construction Economics and Management

Energy and Development Studies

Engineering Management

Geotechnical Engineering

Hydrometallurgical Engineering

Image Processing and Vision Systems

Landscape Architecture

Materials Science

Minerals Beneficiation

Power Engineering

Project Management

Property Studies

Power Electronics

Radar & Remote Sensing

Spatial Data Management

Structural Engineering and Material

PoSTGRAdUATE qUALIFICATIonS(Given the changing nature of programme offerings, always check with the Faculty or Department first.)


Master’sBy coursework and minor dissertation

Sustainable Energy Engineering

Systemic Management Practice

Transport Studies

Urban Infrastructure Design and Management

Water Distribution



Master’sBy dissertation only On an appropriate topic approved by the relevant department

PhD By thesis only On an appropriate topic approved by the relevant department

Contact details:Faculty Postgraduate AdministratorTel: 0216503860or0216502700Email: [email protected]


Faculty handbook: For the annual updated handbook, see


Faculty of Health Sciencesdepartments• Anaesthesia• ClinicalLaboratorySciences• Health&RehabilitationSciences• HumanBiology• Medicine• Obstetrics&Gynaecology• Paediatrics&AdolescentHealth• Psychiatry&MentalHealth• PublicHealth&FamilyMedicine• RadiationMedicine• Surgery

official teaching hospitals• GrooteSchuurHospital• RedCrossChildren’sHospital

Affiliated institutions • 2MilitaryHospital• MaitlandCottageHospital• MowbrayMaternityHospital• NewSomersetHospital• ValkenbergPsychiatricHospital• VictoriaHospital

Research centres, units and institutes• AdolescentHealthResearchUnit• AlanFlisherCentreforPublicMentalHealth• Albertina&WalterSisuluInstituteofAgeing in Africa• BrainBehaviourInitiative• Canca’sColorectalCancerResearchConsortium

• ChildHealth,Instituteof• ChronicDiseaseInitiativeinAfrica• DesmondTutuHIVCentre• DesmondTutuHIV/AIDSResearchCentre• GenderHealthandJusticeResearchUnit• HatterInstituteforCardiovascularResearchinAfrica• IndustrialHealthGroup• InfectiousDiseaseEpidemiology and Research, Centre for• LennoxEalesPorphyriaLab• LungInfection&ImmunityUnit• MRC/UCTDrugDiscoveryandDevelopment Research Unit• MRC/UCTMedicalImagingResearchUnit• MRC/UCTHumanGeneticsResearchUnit MRC/UCT Immunology of Infectious Diseases Research Unit• MRC/UCTOesophagealCancerResearchGroup• MRC/UCTResarchGroupforReceptorBiology• MRC/UCTResearchUnitforExerciseScienceand Sports Medicine • MycobacterialImmunologyGroup• OccupationalandEnvironmentalHealthResearch, Centre for• PaediatricPathology,Institutefor• ResearchUnitforTraditionalMedicines• UCTLeukaemiaUnit• UCTLungInstitute• Women’sHealthResearchUnit



Postgraduate diploma

Addictions Care

Community Eye Health

Community & General Paediatrics

Dermatology Nursing

Disability Studies

Family Medicine

Health Economics

Health Professional Education

Healthcare Technology Management

Health Management

International Research Ethics

Maternal & Child Health


Occupational Health

Paediatric Radiology

Palliative Medicine

Pesticide Risk Management


Public Mental Health


Applied Anatomy


Biological Anthropology

Cell Biology

Exercise Science

Exercise Science (Biokinetics)

Infectious Disease & Immunology

Medical Biochemistry


Medical Physics

Nutrition & Dietetics



PoSTGRAdUATE qUALIFICATIonS(Given the changing nature of programme offerings, always check with the Faculty or Department first.)

Master’sBy coursework and minor dissertation


Addictions and Mental Health




Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical Forensic Science

Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Clinical Paediatric Surgery

Clinical Pharmacology


Community Eye Health


Disability Studies

Clinical Research

Emergency Medicine (Clinical Emergency Care)

Emergency Medicine (African Emergency Care)

Emergency Medicine (Patient Safety and Clinical Decision-making)


Forensic Mental Health

Genetic Counselling

Health Economics

Health Systems

Intellectual Disability

Liaison Mental Health

Maternal & Child Health




Occupational Health

Occupational Therapy

Paediatric Forensic Pathology

Paediatric Pathology

Palliative Medicine


Public Health (general)

Sport & Exercise Medicine

Sport Physiotherapy

Speech-Language Pathology

Master’sBy dissertation only On an appropriate topic approved by the relevant department

Master of Medicine Specialisation and sub-specialisation areas

AnaesthesiaAnatomical PathologyCardiothoracic SurgeryClinical PharmacologyDermatologyDiagnostic RadiologyEmergency MedicineFamily MedicineMedical GeneticsMedicineNeurologyNeurosurgeryNuclear MedicineObstetrics & GynaecologyOccupational MedicineOphthalmologyOrthopaedic Surgery


Master of Medicine Specialisation and sub-specialisation areas

Advanced Hepatology & TransplantationAllergologyCardiology (adult & paediatric)Child & Adolescent PsychiatryClinical HaematologyCritical Care (adult & paediatric)Developmental PaediatricsSurgeryUrologySubspecialisation:Endocrinology (adult & paediatric)Gastroenterology (medical & surgical)Geriatric MedicineGynaecological OncologyInfectious Disease & HIV MedicineMaternal & Foetal MedicineMedical OncologyNeonatology Nephrology (adult & paediatric)OtorhinolaryngologyPaediatric GastroenterologyPaediatric Infectious DiseasesPaediatric NeurologyPaediatric OncologyPaediatric PathologyPathology (Chemical)Pathology (Clinical)Pathology (Forensic)Pathology (Haematological)Pathology (Microbiological)Pathology (Virological)Paediatric SurgeryPaediatricsPlastic & Reconstructive SurgeryPsychiatryPublic Health MedicinePulmonology(adult;paediatric)Radiation OncologyRadiologyReproductive MedicineRheumatologyTrauma SurgeryVascular Surgery

Phd By thesis only On an appropriate topic approved by the relevant department

Contact details: Faculty Admissions OfficeTel: 021-4066340or021-4066028.Email: [email protected]


Faculty the annual updated handbook, see



Faculty of Humanities

departments• African&GenderStudies, Anthropology & Linguistics, School of• Archaeology• Dance• Drama• Education,Schoolof• EnglishLanguage&Literature• Film&MediaStudies• HistoricalStudies• Information&LibraryStudies• Languages&Literatures,Schoolof• MichaelisSchoolofFineArt• Philosophy• PoliticalStudies• Psychology• ReligiousStudies• SocialDevelopment• Sociology• SouthAfricanCollegeofMusic

Research centres, units and institutes• AfricanGenderInstitute• AfricanStudies,Centrefor• AfricanCinemaUnit(ACU)• ContemporaryIslam(CCI),Centrefor• CreativeWriting,Centrefor• CuratingtheArchive(includingtheLucyLloyd Archive & Resource Exhibition Centre), Centre for• GordonInstituteforPerformingand Creative Arts (GIPCA)• InstituteforComparativeReligioninSouthernAfrica• InstituteforHumanitiesinAfrica(HUMA)• Isaac&JessieKaplanCentreforJewish Studies and Research• RhetoricStudies,Centrefor• SocialScienceResearch(CSSR),Centrefor


PoSTGRAdUATE qUALIFICATIonS(Given the changing nature of programme offerings, always check with the Faculty or Department first.)


Postgraduate diploma


African Studies


Library and Information Studies

Music in Performance


African Languages

African Studies


Arabic Language and Literature


Archeology and Environmental Science

Art Historical Studies

Classical Studies

Clinical Social Work

Criminal Justice


Development Studies

Dance Studies

Dance - Choreography

Dance - Practical




English Studies

Environmental and Geographical Studies

Film and Television Studies

French Language and Literature

Gender and Transformation

German Language and Literature

Greek Language and Literature

Heritage and Public Culture

Historical Studies

Industrial Sociology

International Relations

Italian Language and Literature

Justice and Transformation

Latin Language and Literature


Media Theory and Practice

Music - Composition

Music - Musicology

Music - Performance

Organisational Psychology




Philosophy, Politics and Economics

Political Communication


Probation and Correctional Practice

Public Policy and Administration


Religious Studies

Rhetoric Studies

Romance Languages and Literature

Social Anthropology

Social Policy and Management

Social Development



Television Drama

Teaching French as a Foreign Language

Master’s By coursework and minor dissertation

Adult Education

African Cinema

Applied Drama and Theatre Studies

Applied Economics

Applied Language and Literacy Studies

Applied Linguistics and African Languages

Creative Writing

Curriculum Studies

Documentary Arts


Economics and Demography

Economic Development

Educational Administration, Planning and Social Policy

English Literature and Modernity

Environmental and Geographical Studies

Health Economics

Heritage and Public Culture

Higher Education Studies

History Education

Information and Communication Technologies in Education


Mathematics Education

Media Theory and Practice

Political Communication

Practical Anthropology

Primary Education

Science Education

Social Anthropology

Television Production

Theatre and Performance



Master’s By coursework and minor dissertation


Clinical Psychology

Clinical Social Work

Dance - Choreography

Dance - Performance

Development Studies

French Language & Literature

Global Studies

Industrial Sociology

International Relations

Justice and Transformation

Library and Information Studies

Music - Composition

Music - Performance


Organisational Psychology


Philosophy, Politics and Economics


Probation and Correctional Practice

Psychological Research

Public Policy and Administration

Religious Studies


Social Policy and Management


Master’sBy dissertation only On an appropriate topic approved by the relevant department

Phd/dMus By thesis only On an appropriate topic approved by the relevant department

Contact details:Faculty Postgraduate AdministratorTel: 0216505794Email: [email protected]


Faculty the annual updated handbook, see


Faculty of Law

departments• CommercialLaw• PrivateLaw• PublicLaw

Research centres, units and institutes• ComparativeLawinAfrica,Centreof• Criminology,Centreof• DemocraticGovernanceandRightsUnit,The• InstituteofDevelopment&LabourLaw• InstituteofMarineandEnvironmentalLaw

• IntellectualPropertyLawandPolicyResearchUnit• ShippingLawUnit• RefugeeRightsProject• LawandSociety,Centreof• Law,Race&GenderResearchUnit

PoSTGRAdUATE qUALIFICATIonS(Given the changing nature of programme offerings, always check with the Faculty or Department first.)


Postgraduate diploma

Commercial Law

Comparative Law in Africa

Compliance Management

Constitutional and Administrative Law

Criminal Justice

Dispute Resolution

Environmental Law


Human Rights Law

Intellectual Property Law

International Law

Labour Law

Marine and Environmental Law

Public Law

Shipping Law

Social Justice

Tax Law

Master’s By coursework and research project

Commercial Law

Comparative Law in Africa

Constitutional and Administrative Law

Criminal Justice

Dispute Resolution

Environmental Law


Human Rights Law

Intellectual Property Law

International Law

Labour Law


Contact details:Faculty Postgraduate AdministratorTel: 021-6502997Email: [email protected]


Faculty the annual updated handbook, see


Postgraduate diploma

Labour Law

Marine and Environmental Law

Public Law

Shipping Law

Social Justice

Tax Law

Master’s By coursework and minor dissertation

Commercial Law

Comparative Law in Africa

Constitutional and Administrative Law

Criminal Justice

Dispute Resolution

Environmental Law


Human Rights Law

Intellectual Property Law

International Law

Labour Law

Marine and Environmental Law

Public Law

Shipping Law

Social Justice

Tax Law

Master’s By dissertation only

On an appropriate topic approved by the relevant department

PhD By thesis only

On an appropriate topic approved by the relevant department


Faculty of Science

departments• Archaeology• Astronomy• BiologicalSciences• Chemistry• ComputerScience• EnvironmentalandGeographicalScience• GeologicalSciences• MathematicsandAppliedMathematics• MolecularandCellBiology• Oceanography• Physics• StatisticalSciences

Research centres, units and institutes• AnimalDemographyUnit• Astrophysics,CosmologyandGravity,Research Centre in• BiopharmingResearchUnit• BirdsasKeytoBiodiversityConservation,Centreof Excellence:

• BroadbandNetworksandApplications,Centreof Excellence in• ClimateSystemsAnalysisGroup• ComputationalandAppliedMechanics,Centrefor Research in• DrugDiscovery&DevelopmentCentre(H3-D)• EnvironmentalEvaluationUnit• ICTforDevelopment(ICT4D),UCTCentrein• MarineResearchInstitute• Nansen-TutuCentreforMarineEnvironmental Research• NanoSciencesInnovationCentre• PercyFitzPatrickInstituteofAfricanOrnithology• PlantConservationUnit• ScientificComputingResearchUnit• SupramolecularChemistry,Centrefor• TheoreticalPhysics&Astrophysics,Centrefor




Archaeology and Environmental Science

Astrophysics and Space Science

Atmospheric Science

Biological Sciences

Marine Biology


Computer Science

Information Technology

Environmental and Geographical Science




Applied Mathematics

Mathematics of Computer Science

Molecular and Cell Biology

Ocean and Atmosphere Science


Statistical Sciences

Statistical Sciences for Actuaries

Master’s By coursework and minor dissertation

Astrophysics and Space Science

Applied Marine Science

Conservation Biology

PoSTGRAdUATE qUALIFICATIonS(Given the changing nature of programme offerings, always check with the Faculty or Department first.)


Contact details:Faculty Postgraduate AdministratorTel: 0216505887Email: [email protected]


Faculty the annual updated handbook, see


Master’s By coursework and minor dissertation

Computer Science

Information Technology

Environment, Society and Sustainability

Environmental and Geographical Science

Climate Change and Sustainable Development

Ocean and Climate Dynamics

Operational Research

Statistical Sciences

Master’s By dissertation only On an appropriate topic approved by the relevant department

PhD By thesis only On an appropriate topic approved by the relevant department



The academic year runs from January / February to December. The year is divided into two semesters, with a 5–week break in July. Graduation ceremonies are held in June and December.

Different departments have different starting times for their coursework programmes2. Please consult the relevant departmental website. However, coursework programmes tend to start at the beginning of the academic year (a few coursework programmes start at the beginning of the 2ndsemester).Ifyouareamaster’sordoctoralstudentwanting to enroll for a degree by dissertation or thesis only you may start at any time during the academic year, after consulting with your prospective supervisor. (There are fee and funding implications.)


Please consult the programme’s specific entry require-ments, but in general, the following entry requirements hold:• Postgraduatediploma:afirstdegreeoranequivalent qualification • Honours:agoodfirstdegree(3-yeardegree)oran equivalent qualification • Master’s:anHonoursdegreeora4-yearfirstdegree. PhD: a Master’s degree.

International students: students from non-English speaking backgrounds are required to provide proof of English proficiency and may be required to take a test.

In motivated cases, students without the required formal qualifications may be admitted on the strength of their professional skills and work experience. If you seek admission to a postgraduate programme via the Recognition of Prior Learning route, you need to do so in close consultation with the relevant Head of Department.


Please note that there are two distinct processes: the formal application;and,ifthisissuccessful,theregistration.

It is necessary to make a formal application for admission as a postgraduate student. The procedure requires that you complete an online application via the UCT website.

You are advised as a master’s or doctoral student to have a discussion with the Head of Department prior to applying formally in order to ascertain whether the department or programme aligns with your research interests and strengths.

When to applyFor coursework-based programmes, applications open in April of each year for enrolment in the following year.

2 In keeping with international trends, we refer here to “programmes” of study. For administrative purposes, the UCT application form does not refer to “programmes”, but uses the term “qualification” to refer to the type of degree (e.g. BSc, MA, PhD) and “stream” to refer to the specialization (e.g. Archaeology, Transport Studies, African Languages) instead.


If you are interested in applying for admission to one of these programmes, please consult the online application page to determine submission dates for applications, and what documentation is required. Many programmes have a limited number of places.

If you wish to apply for a PhD or for a Master’s by dissertation you can apply any time during the year. However, we suggest that you have a discussion with the Head of Department or prospective supervisor prior to applying formally to the University. Unless currently registered in the Department for another degree, we will ask you to upload the following documents with your online application:• acurriculumvitaewhichincludesyourpersonaldetails, youracademichistoryandanyworkexperience;• anofficialtranscriptofyouruniversityresults;• inthecaseofanapplicationforthePhD,a summary of your Master’s research and list any publicationswhichhavearisenfromthis;• the names and contact details (including e-mail addresses) of two referees who are familiar with your recentacademicstudies;• a brief outline of your area of interest for research towardsyourMaster’sorPhDdegree;• the names of prospective supervisors if you have a preference;• anindicationofwhenyouwillbeavailabletostartyour studies;• an indication ofwhether youwill require funding to cover the costs of study fees and living expenses, and details of any scholarships that you have applied for.

How to applyApply online. Follow the apply-online link (in the left menu bar) of the University’s home page:

Once your application is submitted you can monitor your application status online at

Application feeApplicants who already hold a degree from UCT do not pay an application fee (except for programmes offered in the Graduate School of Business). If you have not studied at UCT previously, you pay a non-refundable application fee.Feesaresetforeachyear,butfor2014and2015thenon-refundable application fees (except for programmes offered in the GSB) are: SouthAfricanandSADCapplicants R100 Internationalstudents R300 For GSB application fees see:


Once the University has your complete application, a decision on admission will be considered by the Department and the Faculty. If we offer you a place you will then be invited to register. Details of how to register will be included in the letter of offer sent to you.

If you will be taking coursework as part of your programme, you must register on the date stipulated by the Faculty concerned and advertised on the web (there is a penalty for late registration). However, there is no specific date for first registration if you are registering for a degree by dissertation only (a full research programme) – commencement is by mutual arrangement with your supervisor. You will, however, need to present your research proposal for formal approval usually within six months after starting the programme.


Fees are usually paid in two installments. For coursework-based programmes, the first is due by the end of January, and the balance at the end of June. For a full research programme or a coursework-based programme starting inthe2ndsemester,fullfeesarepayableonregistration.

International students to pay their tuition fees in full prior to registering.


All international students go through a pre-registration process with the International Academic Programmes Office (IAPO) prior to registration with their respective faculties. For pre-registration, international students must present (i) passport with valid study permit, (ii) proof of medical cover and (iii) proof of payment of fees or fellowship funds.

Note: If you register after April, the remainder of that year may not be counted as part of the minimum period of study for the qualification.



Postgraduate study at UCT is competitively priced, both nationally and internationally. There are also significant benefits for students from SADC3 countries, as well as for international students who are registering for a degree by dissertation only. PhDs and Master’s students registering for a full research degree (that is, by research-based master’s dissertation or thesis only) do not pay an International Term Fee. Tuition fees are the same as for South African students. This is a substantial benefit.

Tuition fees vary from programme to programme and cover:• registration• allchargesforclasses,tutorialsandlaboratories• ordinaryuniversityexaminations• libraryaccess• compulsorypersonalaccidentinsurance• theuseofgeneralsportingfacilitiesandaccessto student services• inthecaseofmedicalstudents,hospitalfeesforclinical instruction

Tuition fees do not cover membership to clubs or societies.

In general, there are different fee structures for:South African students and students from SADC1 countriesStudents from Africa but not from a SADC countryStudents from the rest of the worldAll international students are required to pay a nominal administrativeservicefee(R3000in2014).

See the website and fees handbook for handbook:


The University has a dedicated Postgraduate Funding Office responsible for the management and administration of postgraduate awards, scholarships, fellowships and bursaries. With an extensive database, it informs students of available funding opportunities, assists with applications, and lobbies for additional funders.

There are, generally, the following sources of funding for postgraduate studies, research and travel:

• Nationalandinternationalfoundations• University-widescholarships.Allstudentsareeligible to compete for these.• Discipline-specific scholarships. A list of these can be found in the University’s handbook 14 in the UCT series, “Financial Assistance for Postgraduate Study and Postdoctoral Research”. • National Research Foundation bursaries. These take two forms: - bursaries awarded directly to students, on application; - bursaries awarded to supervisors. Distribution of these is at the discretion of the supervisor, within a framework of conditions laid down by the NRF.• Researchgroups. - Research groups interalia undertake contract work for industry or governmental organisations. Frequently, bursary funding is one form of payment or industry-generated funds are sometimes used to top-up bursaries.• Industry. - Specific industries may sometimes allocate bursaries for postgraduate students to pursue specific tasks.• There are also university and external scholarships available specifically for international students.• There are also scholarships available to refugee students.

Ensure you apply for these scholarships prior to coming to UCT. It is prudent to apply for scholarships/bursaries at the same time that you apply for your programme of study and that you pay particular attention to the closing dates for funding applications.


Postgraduate Centre and Funding officeTel: 021-6503622Email: [email protected]/apply/funding/postgraduate/applications/

Handbook for Financial Assistance for Postgraduate (Honours, Master’s, doctoral) Study

3 SADC countries are: Angola, Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.


Third tier residences provide accommodation for senior postgraduate students in individual houses and blocks of flats owned by the University. Postgraduate students are allocated to single rooms or bachelor flats. All residences have strict access control and most are covered by Close- circuit television. Some third tier residences provide self-operated laundries, and all residents have easy access to UCT’s sports facilities and a swimming pool.

The third tier accommodation has dedicated wardens and assistant wardens who oversees the academic and social well-being of the students in that sector, ensuring that there is a good community life in third tier houses and flats and that the rules of the University are observed.

All third tier residences are managed by the third tier Residence Facilities Officers (RFO) who are responsible for the maintenance of the residence buildings, amenities and furnishings. Each third tier residence or cluster of residences has a residence co-ordinator (sub warden) These are students appointed by UCT to assist the third tier Residence Facilities Officers.

If you enter the UCT residence system for the first time as a postgraduate student, you may be permitted to remain in residence for a maximum of three years. We have a small number of self-catering flats for students who are single parents, students with minor dependent siblings, married students or students in committed domestic partnerships.

Ensure that you apply early for accommodation because the number of spaces is limited. If you wish to be considered for a place in student housing, you need to apply on the relevant section of the online application. We must receive the completed application form by no later than30Septemberoftheyearbeforeyouwishtobeginyour studies at UCT.

Student Housing Admissions and Advocacy Services (SHAAS) makes an accommodation offer where there is capacity to do so, once the faculty to which you have applied has made you an academic offer. Students in residences, houses or flats pay an annual residence fee and applicable amenities and laundry levies. The amount will depend on the residence, house or flat to which you are allocated.


Most postgraduate students stay in leased or private accommodation close to UCT. The University has Off-

Campus Student Accommodation Services (OCSAS) that advertises vacancies in private accommodation.


Student Housing Admissions and Advocacy ServicesStudent Housing and Residence Life:Tel: 0216502977Fax: 0216504014E-mail: [email protected]

For more information about University residences:

Handbook for postgraduate residences:

Application form:

University residence fees: contact the Fees office:Tel: 0216501704Email: [email protected] handbook:

For off-campus accommodation:Tel: 0216504933/4Email: [email protected]




Student support and resources

The University of Cape Town strives to provide a high-quality postgraduate experience. Besides the advantages of world-class academic staff, the breadth of research activities, comprehensive libraries and excellent facilities, there are many support structures designed to ensure that your postgraduate studies are successful and rewarding.

To support and enhance the postgraduate experience, the University provides numerous resources, such as the Office for Postgraduate Studies, the Postgraduate Centre and Blue Desk Information Service, the Postgraduate Funding Office, the Research Commons, the Centre for Higher Education Development, the Writing Centre, excellent library facilities, transport, Student Wellness, the Careers Office and the International Office for international students.

For more information see:

office of Postgraduate StudiesThe Office of Postgraduate Studies provides leadership and co-ordination of the broad field of postgraduate studies at UCT, to achieve the following four objectives: creation and co-ordination of an efficient university-wide platform for postgraduatestudents;increaseoftheabsolutenumberofpostgraduatestudentsinameaningfulway;reductioninthe time from registration to graduation of Master‘s and PhDstudents;andincreaseinthenumberofpublicationsproduced by Master‘s and PhD students.

The Office maintains a consolidated postgraduate hub website, and coordinates an extensive range of academic and professional development seminars, workshops and retreats for postgraduate students across all disciplines. In addition, it offers weekly meeting groups around Massive Open Online Courses for which students register free of charge. Workshop and course topics addressed include: academic writing, logical thinking, passion driven statistics, intellectual property issues, developing an academic presence online, writing a research article, research ethics, grant proposal writing, conference toolkit, writing about research in plain English, course design and convening, co-supervision training, effective tutoring, writing an effective CV, lab management, project management, using Refworks, information literacy and many more.

For more information Contact: Dr Nelleke Bak, Director of Postgraduate StudiesTel: 0216503171Email: [email protected]

The Postgraduate Centre and Funding officeThe Office is responsible for management and administration of postgraduate awards, for monitoring the postgraduate sector as well as for the development of policies and procedures for financial and other types of support. The Postgraduate Centre, situated next door to the Postgraduate Funding Office, was created to promote the interests of postgraduate students in synergy with faculty and departmental facilities and services, and to encourage inter-departmental and inter-faculty communication and association.

This suite of rooms, in a heritage building, has been extensively renovated and furnished to provide an exclusive, attractive and comfortable environment for Master’s and doctoral students to meet, read, use the wifi and internet stations, and to hold seminars. The Centre offers a fully equipped seminar room seating up to 45 people, and a reading room with comfortable chairs and provision of current newspapers, magazines and journals. Therearealso smallworktablesaswell as12 computerwork stations and 2 computers dedicated for use byapplicants who wish to apply to the NRF using the NRF on-line system.

The Blue Desk is located opposite the main entrance to the Postgraduate Centre. This is a visible, dedicated service that provides a one-stop information service for all matters relating to the postgraduate sector. The Blue Desk Information Service offers you:

• Acentralpointofcontactforyourenquiriesaboutany aspect of postgraduate affairs.• Abroadrangeofinformation.Ifitcannotansweryour enquiry or resolve your problem, it will refer you directly to the person who can.• Directions(andamap)toallareasoncampus.• InformationonservicesandfacilitiesavailableatUCT.• Information and advice on getting the most out of the Postgraduate Centre and its facilities, specifically the available space for meetings and seminars.• Informationonfundingandotheropportunities.• CopiesofUCTstudentand/orPDRFpublications,e.g. the A–Z Guides, the Funding Booklet, faculty postgraduate booklets, maps, etc.• HelpwithPeopleSoftandVula(UCT’sonlinesystems/ resource data base)

The Postgraduate Centre may be contacted at [email protected] or visited at Tel:021-6503622

The International Academic Programmes office (IAPo)The International Academic Programmes Office (IAPO) is the first port of call for all international students and provides a wide range of services including general enquiries from prospective students, advice on accommodation, application for study permits and general advice about your stay at UCT.

In addition to looking after the special needs of international students, IAPO leads the development of internationalisation at UCT by acting as the central coordinator and facilitator of all internationally related initiatives and activities. Among other services, IAPO:• Provides a central contact point for all international students.• Facilitatespre-registrationofallinternationalstudents at UCT.• Advises on a variety of issues that may affect them during their stay at UCT and in Cape Town.• Advisesonimmigrationissues.• Assistswithrenewingvisas.• Assistswithsecuringhealthinsurance.• Assistswithopeningbankingaccounts.• Regularlycommunicateswithembassies,high commissions, the Department of Home Affairs and other external constituents to keep abreast of developments in those areas affecting international students.

For more information:Tel: 0216502822/3740Email: [email protected]/about/iapo/intstud/

Library servicesUCT libraries offer state-of-the-art technology, significant collections of reading and research material, and professional, efficient and helpful staff. Housed in a number of locations convenient to the faculties, the libraries cater to researchers’ needs through a rich array of electronic and print materials, a number of specialised services, and a set of seminars called the Savvy Researcher Series.

In keeping with its central role in the academic life of the University, the main library—the Chancellor Oppenheimer Library—lies at the heart of the upper campus. It offers a range of spacious reading areas, numerous computer workstations, audio-visual viewing areas, wireless internet access, study carrels, group project rooms, and ample photocopying, printing and scanning facilities.

In addition to the Chancellor Oppenheimer Library, there are eight branch libraries spread across UCT’s various campuses, in close proximity to the academic departments

they serve. While the libraries’ special collections division holds a number of special research collections - such as the world-renowned African Studies Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, and Government Publications - research materials abound in all of the libraries’ subject areas and branches.

In order to deliver specialist services to postgraduate students and researchers, the libraries have a Research Wing, where a team of subject liaison specialist librarians is available to assist you with your research and information needs. Liaison librarians work closely with faculties and departments, and are available to answer both brief and in-depth queries, orient you to UCT libraries, assist with literature searches, and provide individual help in the use of databases, while focusing on your area of study.

The library’s “Savvy Researcher” workshop series brings information professionals and university experts together with postgraduate students to explore topics related to research and academic success. Some workshops are tool-based, some focus on particular library resources, and others are topical, but the primary goal is to help you understand and use the library efficiently and effectively.

The Research Commons is a well-appointed facility located within the Research Wing specifically designed to cater for the information and workspace needs of senior postgraduates, Postdoctoral Research Fellows, and academic staff. The Research Commons offers spacious workstations with high-end PCs and an excellent selectionofsoftwareapplications;laptopsforusewithintheCommons;high-speedinternetconnections;printing,scanning, and copying facilities; a seminar room forcollaborative work; and a comfortable lounge whereusers can relax and network with colleagues. Experienced library staff are on hand to assist with your information needs and to arrange consultations with subject specialists as needed.

Postgraduate students have access to the after-hours study area in the Chancellor Oppenheimer Library as well as24/7accesstothedatabasesandelectronicjournalsatUCT and in other repositories.

For more

Information and Communication Technology Services (ICTS)ICTS provides information and communication technology infrastructure, systems and support via its IT helpdesk and front office. In addition to a world-class wired network, we have almost complete wireless coverage across all main campuses. Postgraduate students have an email account, and access to central file storage space for both your personal and shared folders. This



storage space is accessible both from campus and when off-campus, allowing you seamless access to your data. Well-equipped faculty computing labs are installed with standard software as well as specialist software packages. Printing is managed by an external company and you will need to purchase print credits from conveniently situated stations across campus.

To facilitate research and to help you process large data sets, ICTS provides accessible research computing solution, encompassing hardware, software and user support for both high performance computing (HPC) and grid computing. The eResearch site offers UCT staff and postgraduate students a central point from which to access research support, management tools and information.

UCT participates in a national purchasing initiative, which allows students to purchase a personal laptop or tablet at a greatly reduced price. But before you purchase any software for your computer, first look to see whether it isn’t already available as site-licensed software. UCT purchases site licenses for a wide range of software from anti-virus software right through to statistical packages. In addition to providing support for Windows users, ICTS offers limited support for Apple Mac and Linux operating systems. If you need to brush up on your computing skills, we have a range of instructor-led training sessions and self-training resources.

For more

Centre for Higher Education development (CHEd)The Centre for Higher Education Development (CHED) is a cross-faculty unit that provides specialist expertise to support you in your studies.

Every year CHED invites PhD students registered in their second year of the degree, to a residential doctoral retreat. The aim of the retreat is to stimulate the development of a vibrant intellectual community of postgraduate students across disciplinary and institutional lines at UCT. We also offer short courses such as Navigating Research Literacies for prospective and current postgraduates. This course assists you to articulate your research interests, and exposes you to concepts and resources essential to becoming a confident writer.

The Write Science course focuses on scientific writing for academic purposes, but the presentation of results, popular science writing and research identity (of being a scientist) are also addressed. Using a blended learning model, the Write Science course includes face-to-face and online components.

In addition, as a postgraduate student you are welcome to join the following: Writers’ Circles, where students

come together across disciplines to share ideas, writing problems, receive peer review, and develop self-confidence in presenting work and voicing views; tailor-maderesearch writing workshops on topics such as reviewing the literature, sustaining an argument across a thesis and editing; and workshops on publishing and writing upyour results (quantitative disciplines).

The Writing CentreCHED also supports postgraduate writing development through The Writing Centre, a walk in one-on-one consultancy service for you to discuss your academic writing with a consultant. The consultations are designed to be learning experiences, not an editing service. Postgraduates are encouraged to set up a structured relationship with the Writing Centre with specific time-frames, preferably from the beginning of the research process.

For more

The Centre for Educational Technology (Vula)VULA, UCT’s official online learning system, houses websites for academic courses, student societies, study and research groups, faculty and departmental groups, as well as assorted projects and initiatives. When you login to Vula you will find yourself in My Workspace. This is your own private site in Vula where you can manage your profile and preferences, store data, view a consolidated calendar, find announcement information, and even create your own new sites. ICTS also has GPUs (graphic processing units) for specialised computing.

For more

Careers ServiceThe Careers Service offers a wide range of services and resources to assist UCT students with all stages of career and job search preparation. Visit our offices to get started on your career planning, compiling a CV and applying for jobs and other personal and professional development opportunities. Helpful staff and a well-equipped resource centre with work-stations and careers resources are at hand to assist you. You are also welcome to pick up free copies of UCT careers service publications.

The Careers Service offers you:• Information-careerchoiceandplanning,employability, job search tools (CVs, cover letters) and strategies, application processes (interviews, psychometric testing), accepting job offers, postgraduate study advice, gap year and working abroad opportunities.• Advice – careers consultations, career talks, CV consultations and workshops for postgraduate students.

• Opportunities: access to part-time work experience, graduate jobs and internships, career fairs, employer presentations and showcases.

As a student, you can log in to MyCareer, UCT’s online career portal. There you may customise your MyCareer account to receive notifications about opportunities or events that are relevant to you, book an appointment with acareersadvisor,andhave24/7accesstoonlinecareersresources.TheCareersServiceisopenfrom08h30–16h30throughout the year, vacations included.

For more

disablity services Are you an applicant with a disability? UCT is committed to increasing equal access for people with disabilities by providing reasonable accommodations for your disability or disabilities wherever this is possible.

The Disability Service (DS), organizationally located in the Transformation Services Office, promotes a university environment in which people with disabilities and chronic illnesses are able to participate in all aspects of university life. The DS facilitates access to information on a range of University services and facilities which students with disabilities may find useful, for example accessible residence accommodation; studymaterials in accessibleformats;accessibleparking;etc.

It is important that you contact the Disability Service timeously if you are considering studying at UCT as they will assist and support you with the application process. If requested the DS will provide you with all generally available application related documents in braille or large print.

If you are required to complete a test or assessment as part of your application for a specific programme of study then question papers can usually be provided in alternative formats and the test can be written with the use of assistive technology.

Keep the Disability Service updated on any changes and/or on the status of your application. Knowing about your access requirements well in advance of coming to study at UCT enables us to ensure that a support system is in place by the time you arrive.

For more information:Tel: 0216502427Email: [email protected]/services/disability/

Jammie Shuttle bus serviceThe Jammie Shuttle is a scheduled bus service for students andstaffoftheuniversitywithafleetof28buses,suitableto cater for sight- and hearing-impaired students. The service operates between all residences, campuses and some transport nodes and parking facilities in the local vicinity. Each bus is fitted with a monitoring system that allows its location to be constantly checked and relayed to a transport information system that is available to commuters. The service is free to all UCT students and staff. It is available seven days a week, and operates from 06.00to24.00hrsduringtermtime.

Student Wellness serviceAll registered postgraduate students and postdoctoral fellows are entitled to use the University’s Primary Health Care Clinic for clinical consultations with a Medical Officer, Clinical Nurse Practitioner, Psychologist or Social Worker.

For more information:Tel:

Postgraduate Academic Sub-Council The Postgraduate Academic Sub-Council (PASC), a sub-council of the Students’ Representative Council (SRC), represents all postgraduate students at the University of Cape Town. The PASC advises the SRC on policy matters relating to its constituency and aims to foster an active, vibrant and diverse postgraduate culture that contributes towards producing socially conscious members of society.

The PASC strives for:

• Greaterparticipationinstudentgovernance• Improvedadministrationofpostgraduateaffairs• Increased access to information, and physical and financial resources• Greater social and academic interaction amongst postgraduate students• Improvedcommunicationwithpostgraduatestudents The PASC represents postgraduates at faculty-level in the form of postgraduate faculty councils and at university-level in various university structures. These structures participate actively in various faculty and university decision-making bodies, strengthening a robust postgraduate student community.



Campus lifeThe University has a long and rich culture of student involvement in sport, societies, community service and activism.Therearemorethan100studentsocietiesandorganisations at UCT, reflecting a wide range of interests, including academic, religious, cultural, recreational, social and political activities. With such an array of activities, you are sure to find something to interest you and meet people.

Academic societiesThese societies are organisations whose primary aim is either to enhance the learning and understanding of students at UCT or to bring students in contact with the leaders in their field of studies. Many of these societies hold seminars on various topics and bring industry leaders to UCT while others concentrate on community development programmes.

AIESEC UCT – for international internshipsAlgorithm CircleAstronomy ClubBiological SocietyBlack Law Students’ ForumEducation Development Unit Student OrganisationInstitute of Electrical & Electronics EngineersPsychology SocietyOrganisational Psychology Students’ SocietySouth African Medical Students’ AssociationSouth African Space AssociationSurgical SocietyUCT Marketing AssociationWaiting Room Education for Medical Students

Faith societies UCT has societies that represent almost all major religious beliefs, doctrines and denominations. Many of these societies have ties with local religious structures. Although UCT is a secular campus, it makes the attempt to accommodate everyone and allows them to exercise their beliefs freely without interfering with the academic programme and other faiths.

Acts Kolbe Catholic Society (Acts)Anglican Students’ SocietyBaha’i SocietyBelievers’ LoveworldCampus for ChristChristian Medical FellowshipChurch of ChristChurch on MainDeeper Life FellowshipHillsong ChurchHindu Students’ Society

His PeopleJubilee StudentsLove Your NeighbourMuslim Students’ AssociationNew Apostolic Church StudentsRedeemed Christian ChurchSeventh Day Adventist Student MovementShofar ChurchSociety for Bhuddism in ActionSouth African Union of Jewish StudentsStudent Christian FellowshipStudent YMCATrees of Life Multiracial ChurchWesley Guild Methodist SocietyWorld Mission Society Church of GodZion Christian Student Fellowship

national/cultural societiesThese societies largely represent national and cultural interests. However, membership is not drawn exclusively from the relevant countries. These societies mainly aim to broaden students’ exposure to the cultural dynamism of UCT.

Abantu Zambian SocietyBotswana Students’ AssociationCongolese SocietyEast African Students’ AssociationGhana SocietyHellenic Students’ AssociationLesotho Students’ AssociationMalawi Students’ SocietyNamibian Students’ OrganisationNigerian Students’ SocietyRepublic of China Students’ AssociationSwazi Students’ SocietyZimbabwe Society

Political organisationsThese organisations represent a group of national and international political organisations. Their activities include attending national gatherings, and inviting politicians and scholars to speak at meetings.

ANC Youth LeagueDemocratic Alliance Students’ OrganisationPalestinian Solidarity ForumSouth African Students’ CongressUnited Nations Association of SAYoung Communist League

Special interest and cultural societiesThis group of societies represent a broad range of groups

from special interest and civil society groups to social and wellness groups. These societies open up huge opportuni-ties to experience and enjoy new activities at UCT.

Art of Living Hartha Yoga SocietyBallroom and Latin Dancing SocietyBhakti Yoga SocietyBlack Management ForumCape Legion of Adventurers and War GamersCape Town GlobalistDebating UnionDJ’s Production SocietyEngineers without BordersEqual EducationFilm SocietyGenshiken. UCT Anime ClubGolden Future ProjectGreen Campus InitiativeHabitat For HumanityHip-hop ClubHistory and Current Affairs SocietyImpilo Students’ SocietyInvestment SocietyPhotographic SocietyProfessional Women’s NetworkRainbowUCTRural Support NetworkStudents in Free EnterpriseStudents for Law and Social JusticeStudents for LifeUCT ChoirUCT Choir for AfricaUCT Consulting ClubWine and Cultural Society

For more SocietiesHelpdesk:Tel0216503541

Sports clubsUCT provides unique opportunities to participate in over40differentsportsonacompetitiveor recreationallevel. More traditional sports are all well catered for, but you also have the option of exciting individual pursuits such as climbing, paragliding, skydiving, water skiing and scuba diving. Most clubs engage the services of top-level coaches, many of whom coach at provincial level. In addition, UCT has a well-equipped gym and swimming pool. Sports development and transformation are taken very seriously at UCT. Our students are actively engaged in promoting sport in the local communities and within their clubs on campus.

With an excellent record in a wide variety of sports, UCT is keen to continue attracting top sports people to the campus. If you have represented your country in any sport

at a national schools or age-group level, you could be eligible for a sports scholarship. Eligible applicants need to apply to Sports and Recreation to be considered for these awards.

For more

Student community engagement opportunitiesSHAWCO is a student-run, non-profit community outreach organisation based at UCT. Its mission is to practice and promote responsible citizenship in the South African context through health, education and social entrepreneurship initiatives. As a student community service organisation SHAWCO creates supportive space and aims to promote the involvement of students and other members of the UCT community in voluntary community service, experiential and community service learning opportunities, and research that has a direct benefit to our partner communities, in order to educate students for life. In addition, SHAWCO provides opportunities for international students to engage with concepts such as globally responsible citizenship, health issues, social entrepreneurship and service.

SHAWCO focuses and builds on community and individual strengths through the management of vibrant community centres and programmes.

You can become involved in its two main service sectors: SHAWCO Health and SHAWCO Education. SHAWCO Health relies on volunteer doctors, medical and allied health science students in all years of study to deliver primary health care in under-resourced communities. It co-ordinates six clinics either from permanent health facilities or from SHAWCO Health’s four, fully-equipped mobile clinics. These clinics often serve as the only port-of-call for community members who work during the day, or who cannot make the trip to the neighbouring day hospital. SHAWCO Education manages a Saturday School and has over 11 student projects running in a number of schools, children’s homes and five community centres in Khayelitsha, Kensington, Manenberg, Nyanga, and Hout Bay. Volunteers are transported to and from the centres where they engage with learners with structured curriculum. Junior projects focus on literacy and numeracy whereas intermediate and senior projects focus on English, Maths, Physical Science and Life Skills.

For more

For additional community service opportunities see:



Glossary of terms

Academic staffWhereas in many countries the term “faculty” refers to university employees tasked with the academic functions of the university, such as teaching and research, in South Africa these are refered to as “academic staff” or “academics”.

Administrative staffSouth African terminology distinguishes between “academic staff” and “administrative staff”, whereas in many countries the distinction used is between “faculty” and “staff”.

Application The process of applying for a place is a separate process to that of registering for a programme of study. If your application is successful, you will be offered a place in the programme. You will then need to start the registration process.

CollegeWhereas in the USA, “college” refers to general tertiary education, in South Africa it refers to an entity within

the university. For example, the South African College of Music is an entity within UCT’s Humanities Faculty. Instead of referring to a “college career”, students in South Africa refer to their “university training” or “university career”.

dissertationThe term “dissertation” is used to refer to the written research component of a Master’s programme and “thesis” refers to the written research component of a PhD programme. In some programmes that combine coursework (for credit) with a written research component, the dissertation is referred to as a “minithesis” or minor dissertation”. The written research component is submitted for examination.

FacultyUCT has 6 Faculties, i.e. groupings of academicdepartments,units,centresandinstitutes.The6Facultiesare: Faculty of Commerce, Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment, Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Law, and Faculty of Science.

HodThis stands for Head of Department (the equivalent of the Departmental Chairperson).

HonoursIn South Africa, most 1st degrees, also known as under-graduate degrees, are 3 years after which the successful stu-dent graduates. The Honours 1-year degree is a 4th year of study in a specialized field. On completion of the Honours degree, the student graduates. In most cases, an Honours degree is an entry requirement for a Master’s degree.

Matric exemptionInSouthAfrica,finalyear(Grade12)highschoolstudentswrite a public exit examination. Prescribed standards of performance in this public exit examination (the National Senior Certificate) or, for others, matriculation exemption are minimum requirements to first degree study.

MoUThis is an acronym for Memorandum of Understanding. Each Master’s and PhD student signs an MoU with the supervisor. The MoU lists the expected rights and responsibilities of the parties involved, and notes the expected outcomes for the year.

PostgraduateThe term “postgraduate” student or studies has the same meaning as “graduate” student or studies.

ProfessorIn the USA, a “professor” refers to anyone who teaches university students. In South Africa, only those academics who have officially reached the highest ranking, are referred to as “Professor”.

ProgrammeIn keeping with international trends, the term “programme” is increasingly used in South Africa to denote a coherent set of courses in an area of specialisation. In official UCT documents, the term “specialisation” refers to programmes.

ProposalThis is a written document outlining the research project that you intend to undertake. The department in which you will be registered has details of what the proposal needs to include, but in general it is a document of about 10-15pagesthatstipulatestheresearchquestion,outlinesthe method for addressing the question, and discusses why this question is important to the literature. The issues raised in the document will need to be defended in front ofacommittee6monthsafterregistration.

qualificationThe term “qualification” refers to degree, diploma or certificate e.g. BSc, MPhil, PhD, etc.

RegistrationThe registration process is separate from the application process. You cannot register unless your application for study has been approved and you have received an offer of place in the programme.

ResidenceResidences, “halls of residence”, or hostels are the accommodation facilities provided and administered by the University.

School Within a Faculty, a “School” is a smaller unit, similar to a department. For example, within the Faculty of Humanities there are the School of Education, School of African & Gender Studies, Anthropology & Linguistics, and the School of Languages and Literatures.

Secondary School written examThis refers to the final exam written in the last year of high school (Grade 12). Some postgraduate applicationprocesses at UCT require a copy of the high school certificate you obtained.

SpecialisationThe term “specialisation” refers to the academic programme within a specific field of study. For example, in the Faculty of Law there are, amongst others, specialisations in Criminal Justice, Dispute Resolution and Intellectual Property Law.

Tertiary institutionThis refers to any educational institution that offers academic training after high school or at post-secondary level. Examples of tertiary institutions include universities and colleges.

ThesisSee note on “Dissertation”.



Contact detailsPostgraduate Student Hub:

FACULTIES WEBEMAIL(Postgraduate administrator)


[email protected]

Engineering & the Built Environment [email protected]

Health Sciences [email protected]

Humanities [email protected] 0216505794

Law [email protected] 0216503086

Science [email protected] 0216505887


Admissions Office [email protected] 0216502128

Fees Office [email protected] 0216504076

Postgraduate Centre and Funding Office [email protected] 0216503622

International Academic Programmes Office [email protected] 0216503740

Library Services

Careers Service [email protected] 0216502497

Student Housing [email protected] 0216501045

Disability Service [email protected] 0216502427

Student Wellness wellness/clinical


Sport & Recreation [email protected] 0216503553

Student Societies 0216503541

*TheinternationaldialingcodeforSouthAfricais027.Forexample,whendialingtheAdmissionsOfficefromoutsidethe country,youwilldial027216502128.


PoSTAL AddRESSUniversity of Cape TownPrivate Bag X37701RondeboschSouth Africa

oFFICE HoURS - MondAy – FRIdAy*

AdmissionsOffice(MiddleCampus) 08h30–16h30FeesOffice(MiddleCampus) 09h00–15h30StudentHousing(MiddleCampus) 08h30–16h30ReceiptsCashier(MiddleCampus) 09h00–15h30


