piping phenomena at o.c. dike (presentation)

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  • 7/30/2019 Piping Phenomena at O.C. Dike (Presentation)



    Case Study

    ing. Gaftoi Daniel Andrei

    PhD student at TUCEB

  • 7/30/2019 Piping Phenomena at O.C. Dike (Presentation)


    Presentation Content

    I. Brief description of the site, of its geology and of the encountered phenomena

    II. Considered assumptions causes of the piping phenomena

    III. Confirmations of the considered assumptions using a mathematical model

    IV. Proposal of corrective measures

    V. Confirmation of the efficiency of the solutions using mathematical model

  • 7/30/2019 Piping Phenomena at O.C. Dike (Presentation)


    Site description




    Station Drainage


    Ostrovul Corbului embankment dike :

    part of the Iron Gates II hydropower plant

    founded on highly permeable and easilytrained alluvial soils

    initial project didnt supply a cutoff wall

    the excessive water from the protected area is

    pumped back into the storage lake

    the pumping station is equipped with 2

    high capacity pumps

    it was placed on a caisson founded on the

    bed rock at approximately 18 m depth

    pumping water from the channel isintermittent ( 2- 3 rounds / day)

    the duration of a pumping round 3 h

    during which the water level lowers with

    2 - 2.5 m

    the water level difference between storage

    lake and drainage channel is approx. 5 m

  • 7/30/2019 Piping Phenomena at O.C. Dike (Presentation)


    Site geology

    I silty sand layer (depth range : 3.3 m 10.2 m ) Un = 20 - 25

    II, III coarse silt layer (depth range : 10.2 m 18.1 m ) Un = 50 - 150

    icr = 0.18 0.30

    Values of the permeability coefficient are high and very high k = 71 982 m/day

    Size analysis for soil layers presented in the foundation of the dike


    Coefficient of uniformity ( Un)

    Dangerous zonefor piping

    Safe zone

  • 7/30/2019 Piping Phenomena at O.C. Dike (Presentation)


    Aim of the study

    to identify the potential causes of the piping phenomena

    to identify the possible remedial solutions

    Groundwater movement between the retention level and the lower levels created by waterpumping lead to soil structure damage - repeatedly ground subsidence near the

    transformer station (observed since 2003)

    Repeatedly filling of the hole withselected gravel no influence onstopping the piping phenomena

    Affects the PS stability and


  • 7/30/2019 Piping Phenomena at O.C. Dike (Presentation)


    Considered assumptions

    Causes of the piping phenomena :

    dam foundation soil that up to 18-20 m depth is composed of irregularsand and gravel, unstable in terms of hydrodynamic picking up

    pumping station foundation which represents an obstacle in the flownet of the groundwater flow from the dam to the drainage channel.

    no correlation between the pumped flow and the water level from thechannel

  • 7/30/2019 Piping Phenomena at O.C. Dike (Presentation)


    Mathematical model 2D horizontal FEM model




    Meshed region includes a large zone 2707 elements

    The results are not influenced by domain limit boundary conditions

    Finer mesh in the pumping station area better results in the interested area

    T = 1200 m2/day k = 0.0016 m/sec

    saturated volume water content - 20%

  • 7/30/2019 Piping Phenomena at O.C. Dike (Presentation)


    Verify the assumption

    Initial boundary conditions :

    H = 42.00 maSL in storage lake

    H = 37.00 maSL in thedrainage channel

    Situation modeled a pumping round (first step before the pumping round)

    Value of hydraulic gradient:

    i = 0.18 0.20 i icr

    lines of constant head

    hydraulic gradients and flow vectors

  • 7/30/2019 Piping Phenomena at O.C. Dike (Presentation)


    Verify the assumption

    Boundary conditions :

    H = 42.00 maSL in storage lake

    H = 35.00 maSL in thedrainage channel

    Situation modeled a pumping round (last step after the pumping round)

    Value of hydraulic gradient:

    i = 0.26 i > icr

    Geometry of the drainage channel

    Cause of the hydraulic gradientsconcentrations

    lines of constant head

    hydraulic gradients and f low vectors

  • 7/30/2019 Piping Phenomena at O.C. Dike (Presentation)


    Corrective measures proposed

    1. Changes to the pumping rate - limit the water level offset into thechannel and the lowering speed of the water (1 m in 3 hours)

    2. A sheet pile cutoff wall - create a hydraulic barrier to reduce the flowgradients below the critical values

    3. The combined effect of the two changes to the pumping rate and asheet pile cutoff wall

  • 7/30/2019 Piping Phenomena at O.C. Dike (Presentation)


    Corrective measures

    Boundary conditions :

    H = 42.00 maSL in storage lake

    H = 36.00 maSL in the drainagechannel

    Situation modeled changes to the pumping rate 1 m in 3 hours

    Value of hydraulic gradient:

    i = 0.22 i > icr

    lines of constant head

    hydraulic gradients and f low vectors

  • 7/30/2019 Piping Phenomena at O.C. Dike (Presentation)


    Corrective measures

    Boundary conditions :

    H = 42.00 maSL in storage lake

    H = 35.00 maSL in thedrainage channel

    Value of hydraulic gradient:

    i = 0.15

    Situation modeled sheet pile cutoff wall

    lines of constant head

    hydraulic gradients and flow vectors

  • 7/30/2019 Piping Phenomena at O.C. Dike (Presentation)


    Corrective measures

    Boundary conditions :

    H = 42.00 maSL in storage lake

    H = 36.00 maSL in thedrainage channel

    Value of hydraulic gradient:

    i = 0.1

    Safety factor 1.8

    Situation modeled sheet pile cutoff wall and changes to the pumping rate

    lines of constant head

    hydraulic gradients and flow vectors

  • 7/30/2019 Piping Phenomena at O.C. Dike (Presentation)



    The paper aims to identify the causes of the subsidence phenomenaobserved at Ostrovul Corbului pumping station and to define theremedial solution.

    The analysis on the mathematical model showed that hydrodynamic

    picking up of the sand from the dam foundation has 4 principalcauses:

    the configuration of the terminal area of the drainage channel the presence of the caisson the presence of easily trained alluvial soils the pumping regime - 2.00 2.50 m in 3 hours

    To control the seepage phenomena we proposed :

    the development of a sheet pile cutoff wall

    changes to the pumping rate

  • 7/30/2019 Piping Phenomena at O.C. Dike (Presentation)


    Thank you for your attention !