pls programs guide 2015 may 2015


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© 2015 Progressive Learning Solutions

Version 1.0 published in January 2015.

Uncontrolled if printed, saved or copied.

This material is copyright. Apart from copying permitted by the Copyright Act 1968, as amended,

neither this book nor any part of it may be reproduced in any form or by any means without


‘DiSC’ and “Everything DiSC’ are registered trademarks of John Wiley and Sons, Inc

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ABOUT US ....................................................................................................................................... 4

WHAT WE DO .................................................................................................................................. 5

WHY CHOOSE US? ........................................................................................................................... 7

OUR VALUES .................................................................................................................................... 7

THE DIFFERENCE? ............................................................................................................................ 8

OUR LOCATIONS .............................................................................................................................. 8

INDIVIDUALS AND OTHERS .............................................................................................................. 9

EVERYTHING DISC WORKPLACE® ................................................................................................... 10

EVERYTHING DISC SALES® .............................................................................................................. 11

ASSERTIVENESS ............................................................................................................................. 12

CONFLICT RESOLUTIONS ................................................................................................................ 13

ADDITIONAL INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE PROGRAMS .................................................................. 13

TEAMS AND MANAGERS ............................................................................................................... 15

EVERYTHING DISC MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................. 16

HUMAN FACTORS .......................................................................................................................... 17

TALENTED TEAMS .......................................................................................................................... 18

LEADERS & ORGANISATIONS ......................................................................................................... 19

WORK OF LEADERS® ...................................................................................................................... 20

INFLUENTIAL CHANGE ................................................................................................................... 22

OUR SERVICES ............................................................................................................................... 23

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About Us

Progressive Learning Solutions

We help employees & leaders achieve their objectives through a range of learning programs and advisory services in interpersonal behaviour, learning and development, teamwork, and leadership. We provide programs, services and resources to help individuals develop and organisations to thrive.

We have a unique passion for helping organisations meet and exceed its planned results. Our business is to improve your business and make a difference when it comes to the development of people and organisations.

Our programs help you with your business objectives and will assist you to:

Improve motivation and create great teams and leaders

Build confidence with your employees

Develop an open, engaging and enjoyable culture

Understand and prepare for change within your organisation

What we do We help employees & leaders achieve their objectives

Who we are An Australian owned and operated business with experience across corporate, Government and not-for-profit sectors specialising in interpersonal behaviours, teamwork, leadership and employee engagement. Our Facilitators are individuals who have sound business practice in their own right, strong creative personalities and the ability to guide the discussions in the right direction. Their knowledge across many industry sectors enables us to adapt to the needs of your organisation to ensure your people’s individual queries and problems are addressed.

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What we do

We help you to achieve your objectives

We help employees & leaders improve performance. We adapt behaviour and increase employee and customer engagement. We encourage new attitudes and transform the way you do business with each of your stakeholders. We provide programs, services and resources to help individuals learn and organisations develop.

We do this by:

Building engaging employees

Creating better customer interactions

Generating more cohesive teams

Developing todays leaders for tomorrows organisations

Developing today's leaders for tomorrows organisation

Building engaging employees

What motivates you? What makes you pull your hair out? What are your strategies coping with and championing change? Do you have a specific leadership style? Do you avoid asking the tough questions? Have you ever asked others about how they see your behaviour in the workplace? We help to change behaviour and increase employee engagement. We provide programs and services to help employees improve communication, become more understanding of others and handle conflict and negotiation with ease. Sometimes we are not aware of our own behaviour and how others see it. We don’t quite understand why we’re not able to influence others or get the results we want. Or we may have conflict between others in our team who differ in personality style to us, causing conflict and dysfunctional relationships. At other times we may not have the skills to bring people along with us or be able to lead a team of highly motivated and engaged followers.

Creating better customer interactions

Sales is at the core of business and having a high-preforming, successful sales team is a priority for every organisation. Not everyone is a natural born seller and professional training can be extremely beneficial in developing effective sales people.

Sales can be a tough gig, especially given the competitive nature of today’s market. In the modern world the approach to selling has changed, and even the most experienced salespersons has to change with it.

We help you to understand your natural behavioural tendencies that shape your sales experience and identify your individual strengths and challenges. We help you to read and recognise the behaviours of your customers and what their expectations are of you and your product/service.

We assist you in developing an empowered, high performance business sales team that understand the customer and can adapt their sales techniques and strategies to achieve greater results.

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Generating more cohesive teams

We develop, grow and enhance more cohesive teams with engaging and adaptable managers. We help develop trust and engagement within teams and provide managers with the tools to help motivate, delegate and provide direction.

There is an ongoing challenge that faces modern leaders to build and unite a team in fostering a successful culture filled with trust, commitment and accountability beyond the four walls of the workplace. Some organisations succeed in the short term with an environment of technically capable individuals who come together to produce good results. Sustainability however is the key to a prosperous return on investment and no more so than the investment in an integrated and well functioning team.

Progressive Learning Solutions helps frontline to senior leadership teams understand and mature the practice of putting others ahead of themselves for the greater good of the team. We help bring results into an organisation by building and managing successful teams.

Developing today's leaders for tomorrows organisations

To fully realize your organization’s potential, to fuel innovation that differentiates you from the competition and create a culture that is resilient to any size adversity—you must maximize your company’s human potential. How? By understanding and putting into practice the elements that drive a successful and transparent business model.

We help leaders and their teams from a variety of businesses and organisations envisage and develop strategy, build engagement with employees and mentor the execution of business objectives. We allow the complexity of contemporary leadership to be accessible to anyone who wants results in a simple and effective manner. We strike a chord with leaders of all levels by leveraging unparalleled insights into leadership best practice and in ever changing environments of the modern business. We help you become more adaptable and we stretch you to think about not only what if but about the 'so what' and 'then what'.

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Why Choose Us?

We help create the competitive advantage – we change behaviour!

Our clients choose us to work with them to find solutions so their individuals and teams are more

productive, work together successfully and achieve great results. They want a positive culture, which

is proactive and has highly engaged individuals and teams who are aligned with the organisational

vision and are capable of driving execution.

They find we bring a unique, cross-disciplinary approach to clients' challenges, by creating a positive

effect on their business and its objectives through professionalism, adaptation, and sustainability.

They want their people to reach new levels of achievement – to move out of their comfort zone and

experiment with new and functional behaviours to get things done.

Our clients choose us when they are looking for:

Positive changes in the behaviour of individuals, teams or leaders

Reduction of stress and conflict in times of change and work pressure

Turning complexity into simplicity

Transformation and adaptation across the organisation

We bring experience, knowledge and skill of leadership and management, mentoring of

executives, management and staff. We have experience of working in the Government, Non‐

Government and private sectors, covering areas such as governance, policy, learning and

development, human resources and senior management. These combine to bring fresh thinking and

practical solutions to the challenges facing our clients and their culture.

Our Values

We have a genuine desire to

help people and organisation

remain relevant. We are

inspired and focused on the

personal and professional

growth of individuals, leaders

and organisations









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The difference?

We create a tailored learning experience

Our commitment is working with you to understand your development needs and how we can best

use our program design, profiling tools and workplace analysis to create a targeted learning

experience that maximises the time spent during our programs.

We feel that we create an ideal learning environment. Meet the challenge and we will do our very

best to ensure that the benefits delivered to you exceed your expectations.

We understand the human element of success and tragedy

To fully realize your organization’s potential, to fuel innovation that differentiates you from the

competition and create a culture that is resilient to any size adversity—you must maximize your

company’s human potential. How? By understanding and putting into practice the elements that

drive a successful and transparent business model.

We have experienced and enthusiastic facilitators

Our facilitators are passionate, energetic and diligent about what they do!

We aim to build strong cultures, turn a negative into a positive with a 'can do' attitude and take a

personal interest in the people and organisations we work with. We enjoy being part of something

special and connecting people with shared values and common goals.

We use the best tools in the business

Our programs use some of the best tools in the industry. From DiSC, Team Dimensions, Communications to Work of Leaders our tools are some of the most trusted learning instrument in the industry. They are used worldwide in dozens of learning and development applications, including organisational development, employee engagement, leadership and performance improvement.

Our Locations

We predominately conduct in-house

programs across Australia. We

deliver public programs in

Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne

and Canberra


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Everything DiSC Workplace® Understanding yourself and building effective relationships

The foundation of personal and professional success lies in understanding yourself and others and

realising the impact of personal behaviour on the people around you.

Everything DiSC Workplace is a powerful one-day program that will provide you with an insight into

how others see you and how you see yourself. It will discuss strategies on how to dramatically

improve your interactions with others, whether as part of a team, in customer service or as a leader.

The program will use a pre-course online profile (DiSC Profile) and a face-to-face program which is an

enjoyable, reflective and interactive session designed to explore how each participant can move

towards excellent interactions with impact and rigor.

TOPICS Discovering Your DiSC Style Understanding Other Styles Building More Effective Relationships Optional People-Reading Module

Everything DiSC Workplace can be used with everyone in an organization, regardless of title or role, to improve the quality of the workplace. BENEFITS

1. In-depth: Everything DiSC Workplace Profile, facilitation, and video all provide real-world tips and practical strategies for building a better workplace.

2. Precise: Everything DiSC Workplace uses adaptive testing—an interactive assessment

process that tailors questions based on an individual’s responses—to give participants the most precise DiSC style assignment possible.

Exciting follow up tools:

Everything DiSC Comparison Reports can be created for any two participants to illustrate their similarities and differences.

Everything DiSC Supplement for Facilitators provides more detailed data about a participant’s Everything DiSC assessment. Everything DiSC Facilitator Report provides a composite of a group’s DiSC styles and includes participant names. English only. Sold separately. Everything DiSC Group Culture Report helps determine a group’s DiSC culture and its effect on group members. English only. Sold separately.

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Everything DiSC Sales® Connecting better with your customer

Not every customer responds well to the same sales approach. Salespeople who learn to adapt their behaviour are better able to meet their customers' needs and improve sales results. By helping people discover their unique strengths and limitations, Everything DiSC Sales can convince even experienced salespeople that they can become more effective at their jobs. Everything DiSC Sales is a powerful one-day program that will focus on:

Understanding your Sales Style Recognizing and understanding customer buying styles Adapting your sales style to your customers buying style

Everything DiSC Sales combines online pre-work, engaging facilitation with contemporary video, and online follow-up to create a personalized learning experience.

Using the third generation of the DiSC® assessment, a research-validated learning model, participants understand the styles and priorities of their customers. The result is salespeople who adapt their styles to connect better—and close more sales.


A research validated online assessment with 23-page sales specific profile that helps salespeople understand themselves, their customers and their relationships In-depth: Six one hour modules; fully scripted facilitation with engaging activities. Engaging Video: Contemporary video includes an eight minute introduction plus 53 segments featuring real-world, sales specific customer interactions

Exciting follow up tools:

Everything DiSC Sales Customer Interaction Maps: Follow-up reports that help salespeople adapt their selling style to meet the needs of a customer. These one-page reports are the perfect personalized cheat sheets to prepare for sales calls and participants get unlimited access—at no additional charge.

Everything DiSC Facilitator Report provides a composite of a group’s DiSC styles and includes participant names. English only. Sold separately.

Everything DiSC Group Culture Report helps determine a group’s DiSC culture and its effect on group members. English only. Sold separately.

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Assertiveness Finding the right balance to effective relationships

Transparency and productivity in the workplace are not possible without Assertive behaviour. Being Assertive is not easy for some; however, it is a skill that can be learnt.

Assertiveness starts with a solid understanding of ones self and the value that you bring. It ends with confidence and respect for one another by separating the people from the problem. The Assertiveness program is for employees, in the workplace looking to:

Understand their communication behaviours and values Solve problems with others easier Build confidence in your workplace relationships

The Assertiveness program will give participants useful and practical insights to build more effective relationships with your boss, your colleagues and your stakeholders.

It will also provide you with a recipe to get to the win-win outcome more easily, seeing the value in others opinion and thus creating a more productive working environment. The Assertiveness program will help you prepare for conversations, communicate more effectively and ultimately allow you to have your needs met and those with whom you are dealing with.

This 1-2 day program can be customised to your workplace and this outline forms part of the key content. Other content may be added following the initial consultation to suit your needs.

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Conflict Resolutions Resolving conflicts with successful outcomes

For many, conflict is one of the most frustrating and yet necessary evils in business. It can be however be a truly positive experience for you and your organisation in delivering results if done in a healthy manner. The Conflict Resolutions program is for employees, supervisors and managers looking to:

Understand their communication behaviours Improve their understanding on how others approach conflict Turn conflict into a positive to improve effectiveness

Using proven methodologies in negotiation, assertiveness and feedback and real life examples, the Conflict Resolutions program will provide practical applications to help participants indentify their needs, negotiate and limit conflict arising. Participants of the Conflict Resolutions program will return to work with the knowledge of how to prepare for difficult conversations and the confidence of how to resolve conflict if and when it arises. The program will use a pre-course online profile (DiSC Workplace Profile) as the foundation and include:

Trust and Engagement Understanding behavioural tendencies Mastering Assertiveness The Lewicki and Hiams Negotiaion Matrix Improving your effectiveness with others

Address conflict with maturity and help improve your workplace engagements This 1-2 day program can be customised to your workplace and this outline forms part of the key content. Other content may be added following the initial consultation to suit your needs.

Additional Individual performance programs Stress and Fatigue Truth and Trust Reducing Human Error Building trust inside your team

Workplace Motivation Personal Communications Creating a great working environment Crafting clear and effective communications

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What is Everything DiSC?

Everything DiSC® is the leading personal assessment tool used by over 1 million people every year to improve work productivity, teamwork and communication. Everything DiSC is a personal assessment tool used to improve work productivity, teamwork and communication. Everything DiSC is non-judgmental and helps people discuss their behavioural differences. It is one of the most widely used behavioural models in the world used by over 1 million people every year to improve work productivity, teamwork and communication.

Why Use DiSC?

The Everything DiSC model provides a common language that people can use to better understand themselves and to adapt their behaviours with others. This can be within a work team, a sales relationship, a leadership position, or other relationships. It allows individuals to become more self-aware and leads to opportunities for a more advanced personal and professional development. Unlike many variations, the Wiley Profile is based on extensive research and has a proven track record and proven results.

Benefits of DiSC:

Everything DiSC profiles helps you and your team:

Increase your self-awareness: including your motivators and stressors Improve communications and minimise conflict Develop stronger sales skills by identifying and responding to customer styles Manage more effectively by enhancing individual and team performance Appreciate that we are all have a differences

There are many other benefits and uses for DiSC. When you participate in one of our programs it can add significant value to your learning and development experience.

Much More than DiSC

Progressive Learning Solutions uses DiSC as a tool - we know it will not be the solution to every situation or to every development need. That’s why we design our programs using our content and content from a variety of up-to-date, fresh and reliable sources to make every training experience targeted to your learning and development needs. Reification is taking an abstract model and thinking that it will explain the world. Humans are much more complex than that! The developers of DiSC know that and we practise it in all of our programs that use personal profiles.

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Everything DiSC Management Understanding and improving your management behaviours

Using the power of Everything DiSC Management Profile, this interactive

program offers managers a journet of discovery of their management style.

You will learn how to adapt your style to manage, motivate and delegate

more effectively with your subordinates.

This programs helps managers understand how their behavioural

tendencies influence their effectiveness in management situations. Its

focus:developing prefered behaviours based on best practices.

This program includes a comprehensive 26 page online assessment report

that helps managers to a greater understading of how two individuals can

work together.

Personnaly it focuses on your strengths and limitation in:

Directing and Delegating


Developing Others

Working with your Manager

Combined with an individuals particular learning and development needs to

create an exceptional management programs.

Exciting follow up tools:

Everything disc comparison reports: Follow-up reports that can be created for any two participants to illustrate their similarities and differences. You can even create reports between Everything DiSC Management and Everything

DiSC Workplace® participants. And participants get unlimited access—at no additional charge. Everything disc facilitator report:

Provides a composite of your group’s DiSC styles and information on how DiSC styles can impact your organization’s culture. Includes the names and styles of each participant. Sold separately. Everything disc group culture report: Helps you determine the group’s DiSC culture, explore its advantages and disadvantages, discuss its effect on group members, and examine its influence on decision making and risk taking. Sold separately.

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Human Factors Reducing human error and increasing team performance Human Factors (or CRM) is quickly becoming an essential capability for any high performance teams such as those in aviation, mining, healthcare, public safety or senior management. Human factors focuses on cognitive and non-technical skills relevant to high performance by management teams. It explores psychological, interpersonal and environmental factors which influence reducing human error and increasing performance - especially during conditions which unexpected, life-threatening and involves time pressure.

We will cover:

Understanding your behaviours Working with other behaviours Human Error Situational Awareness and Threats Stress and Fatigue Information and Perception Leadership Risk Management and Decision making

The program will use a range of pre-course online profiles (DiSC, Stress, Team Dimensions) and an

interactive face-to-face program, which is an enjoyable, reflective and dynamic group of session

designed to explore how each participant can reduce human error and increase team performance.

Exciting follow up tools:

Everything DiSC Comparison Reports can be created for any two participants to illustrate their similarities and differences. Everything DiSC Supplement for Facilitators provides more detailed data about a participant’s Everything DiSC assessment.

Everything DiSC Facilitator Report provides a composite of a group’s DiSC styles and includes participant names. English only. Sold separately. Team Dimensions Group Report helps your group understand how it can make the most out of everyone’s talents. Sold separately.

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Talented Teams Creating an effective and efficient team

What do you do really well? What kinds of projects energize you? You've probably realised by now that most people are going to answer those questions differently than you do. Even though we know that everyone has different talents and interests, we frequently ignore this simple fact of nature when we work on a team. Instead, we tend to arbitrarily assign people to perform tasks that done take advantage of their unique talents.

The Talented Teams program uses the Team Dimensions profile from the Internationally recognised Inscape Publishing to helps describe your personal role and explores its strengths and challenges and what this means in practical terms. You will discover what you do best in a team atmosphere, and you will gain valuable insight into your work habits. In additional, you will learn about other team members' contributions, the value they bring to the process and how to work together most effectively together.

Too often people don’t recognise the talents of their team members, and sometimes they don’t even know their own talents. They may not value the differences that every person brings to the team, or they may not appreciate the importance of efficient and respectful teamwork. The Talented Teams Program continues its application by exploring the sequences of stages that most team projects follow and provides suggestions for getting the most out of each stage. You will finalise your program by exploring the differences in communication, time management and expectations within meeting that different people have and how to apply these lessons effectively.

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Work of Leaders® A program for Leaders transforming their business culture.

The Work of Leaders program approaches

leadership as a one-to-many relationship, as

opposed to the one-to-one relationship of

management. It focuses on tangible steps

directed at leading a group or organisation

toward desired outcomes.

It is a leadership program for a group of

leaders looking to:

Undertake and lead transformational change

across an organisation (small or large)

Drive the planning process

Lead a workforce through the planning and

execution cycle

Using the framework of Vision, Alignment and

Execution Work of Leaders encourage leaders

to understand their own leadership

behaviours and how they affect their


This program helps leaders understand how

their behavioural tendencies influence their

effectiveness in leadership situations. Its

focus: developing preferred behaviours based

on best practices.

Consistently thought provoking, Work of

Leaders stimulates fresh conversations and

perspectives. It’s an opportunity for leaders at

all levels of learning to reflect on how they

approach each step of their work.

In addition, Work of Leaders encourages

reflection and discussion on their next steps

as a leader. Work of Leaders helps leaders

take action with personalised strategies that

give clear direction and are easy to apply.

Context-specific feedback and developmental

steps help the leader have an impact on

business results.

The Work of Leaders will first explore each

participant’s leadership style. How does your

style affect your working day, those around

you and the different stages of the VAE


Work for Leaders will then provide a three-

step process to help leaders reflect on how

they approach the most fundamental work of


Creating a vision

Building Alignment around that


Championing Execution of the Vision

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Influential Change Accelerating change and increasing the likelihood of success

Regardless of the type of organisation, the underlying principle is that change does not happen in isolation. It impacts employees, suppliers, partners, shareholders and all the systems associated. In order to increase the likelihood of success, it is necessary to appreciate the broad impacts of not only change management but change leadership. Combining the work of international experts, John P Kotter, McKinsey, Jim Koulzes, Barry Posner and many others as well as the foremost leadership behaviour models, Influential Change is a program conducted over 3-12 months that helps senior managers and leaders: • Understand your change leadership style • Create the environment for change to prosper • Apply adaptive behaviours in leading organisational change • Address resistance and increase buy in. • Build a powerful coalition • Provide Crisp Communication • Champion the implementation Using a combination of individual, interpersonal, team and organisational assessment models, supported by reports which provide a detailed understanding of strengths and development areas Influential Change embraces the whole of organisation approach. It will not only assist with the change management process, but will change the organisation from within forever. Participants and their teams will be provided with colourful and meaningful facilitation supported by real life case studies, contemporary and engaging video and a range of activities to bring the teachings to life. Rather than a one way street this unique program is a partnership between Progressive Learning Solutions and your organisation in creating a greater culture, with more effective employees and better outcomes for the future.

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Our Services

Coaching and Mentoring

Managers in organisations around the world continue to struggle with one of their primary responsibilities – to create a high-performance work environment where all employees are engaged and performing at their best every day.

You may be looking for a program to assist with 'pain' currently being experienced within a work team or to grow a great team and to develop new skills. Whatever your reason for a professional development or coaching program PDA has several options that you will find helpful for your development agenda.

We can assist you to develop long-term programs that are flexible to grow with your team or assist you with a one-off short term program for an individual.

We will do this by defining training needs with you or by using several profiling tools to determine development opportunities.

Planning Workshops

Planning is crucial to an organisations direction and growth. It is generally recognised as the most complex and challenging aspect of management. Although it has traditionally been seen as the responsibility of senior management and the company board, successful organisations today recognise that all their employees need to practise strategy. Progressive Learning Solutions can assist you in developing your organisational and team plans. We can assist you in developing key parts of the planning process in the list below or in selected stages of the process depending on your needs

Planning to plan Reviewing your past to leverage the future Developing a vision and mission that relates to your teams and reflects the values of the

organisation Reviewing the internal and external environment to ascertain your strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities and threats Setting goals, objectives and strategies Developing action plans Execution

We can assist in the facilitation process or help you to develop a final product to present to the board or management. We can also assist you with conducting an on-site analysis workshop to review your statistics and other information with your team.

Basic value stream mapping can also be conducted to review your process operations and to determine enhancement strategies.