potential of tight gas in pakistan case study

Potential of Tight Gas in Pakistan: Productive, Economic and Policy Aspects INTRODUCTION Tight gas has been characterized as "Characteristic gas created from a tight development, one that won't surrender its gas promptly or in huge volumes". Tight Gas - as known famously, constitute a gigantic asset potential contained in low quality repositories. The main parameter which orders a repository to be tight (as indicated by writing) is its porousness underneath or equivalent to 0.01 mD. The appearance of new advances has greatlyadvanced the investigation, boring, and culmination. Store building and misuse of tight gas combined with ease variables, and higher gas costs has prompted enlarged enthusiasm for tight gas as a favored option or correlative asset internationally, all in all and in Pakistan specifically. The creation of tight gas is all the more excessive and thusly less appealing to makers inferable from the requirement for cracking, acidizing, and other extravagant medications to free the gas from the moderately impermeable arrangements. In perspective of these imperatives, such gas must be given an impetus cost higher than the cost of customary gas. Pakistan can deliver a sizeable amount of gas from tight gas supplies to enhance power era. As per unpleasant assessments, Pakistan has more or less 40 trillion cubic feet (TCF) stores of tight gas. This paper has examined beneficial and financial parts of tight gas combined with arrangement viewpoints. Tight gas

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Potential of Tight Gas in Pakistan Case Study


Page 1: Potential of Tight Gas in Pakistan Case Study

Potential of Tight Gas in Pakistan: Productive, Economic and Policy Aspects


Tight gas has been characterized as "Characteristic gas created from a tight development, one that won't surrender its gas promptly or in huge volumes".

Tight Gas - as known famously, constitute a gigantic asset potential contained in low quality repositories. The main parameter which orders a repository to be tight (as indicated by writing) is its porousness underneath or equivalent to 0.01 mD. The appearance of new advances has greatlyadvanced the investigation, boring, and culmination. Store building and misuse of tight gas combined with ease variables, and higher gas costs has prompted enlarged enthusiasm for tight gas as a favored option or correlative asset internationally, all in all and in Pakistan specifically.

The creation of tight gas is all the more excessive and thusly less appealing to makers inferable from the requirement for cracking, acidizing, and other extravagant medications to free the gas from the moderately impermeable arrangements. In perspective of these imperatives, such gas must be given an impetus cost higher than the cost of customary gas. Pakistan can deliver a sizeable amount of gas from tight gas supplies to enhance power era. As per unpleasant assessments, Pakistan has more or less 40 trillion cubic feet (TCF) stores of tight gas. This paper has examined beneficial and financial parts of tight gas combined with arrangement viewpoints.

Tight gas

Tight gas alludes to common gas supplies secured uncommonly impermeable, hard shake, making the underground development greatly "tight." Tight gas is by and large gotten in sandstone or limestone advancements that are atypically impermeable or nonporous. Tight gas is found in rock pores which are approximately 20,000 times smaller than a human hair. A traditional gas arrangement can be moderately effortlessly penetrated and separated from the beginning yet tight gas requires more push to force it from the beginning to a great degree tight development in which it is located. While routine gas arrangements have a tendency to be found in the more youthful Tertiary bowls, Tight gas developments are much more seasoned, having been saved in the ballpark of 248 million years prior. After some time, the stone developments have been compacted and have experienced cementation and re-crystallization, which all lessen the level of penetrability in the rock. Shale Gas is a depiction for a field in which regular gas collection is secured small rise like pockets inside layered sedimentary shake, for

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Potential of Tight Gas in Pakistan: Productive, Economic and Policy Aspects

example, shale. While Shale gas is caught in rock, Tight gas portrays normal gas that is scattered inside of low-porosity residue or sand territories that make a tight-fitting environment for the gas.

Tight Gas Potential in Pakistan

The preparatory tight gas stores gauge for introductory gas set up (IGIP) in different skylines/bowls in Pakistan are in the scope of 24 TCF to40 TCF. The tight gas stores have additionally been recognized in the current Development and Production Leases allowed to different E&P organizations working in Pakistan.

These organizations are hesitant to adventure tight gas saves due to high cost with lower profit for their venture. Taking after table represents field-wise points of interest of tight gas assets in Pakistan. Taking after are five conceivable contender for Tight Gas

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Potential of Tight Gas in Pakistan: Productive, Economic and Policy Aspects

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Potential of Tight Gas in Pakistan: Productive, Economic and Policy Aspects

Tight Gas Production in Pakistan

Initially tight gas well delivering 15 million cubic feet for each day of common gas is on line at Sajawal gas field in Kirthar hinder in Sindh region. This denotes a noteworthy point of reference being developed of unpredictable hydrocarbon vitality sources in Pakistan. Sajawal gas field is found 110 km south east of Karachi, Pakistan. It places Pakistan in a restrictive club of only a couple of countries creating offbeat characteristic gas. The tight gas well in Kirthar belt is being worked together via Poland's Polskie Gornictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo (PGNiG) and Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL).

The state-claimed Sui Southern Gas Company (SSGC) is purchasing gas from the joint endeavor at $6 per million BTUs (a large portion of the cost concurred for Iranian gas) for conveyance through its system in southern Pakistan. A 52-kilometer-long pipeline is being laid by SSGC at an expected expense of Rs 325 million, conveying gas from the Suleman Range to the Nooriabad modern home.

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Potential of Tight Gas in Pakistan: Productive, Economic and Policy Aspects

First and foremost tight gas creation dispatch in Sajawal is an extremely noteworthy breakthrough for Pakistan. It betokens well for the fate of both tight and gas generation in the nation on the grounds that there are similitudes in how both are extricated. Pakistan is supplied with tremendous stores of both -105 trillion cubic feet (TCF) of shale gas and no less than 33 trillion cubic feet of tight gas. Likewise, Pakistan is additionally honored with 9.1 billion barrels of shale oil which is additionally separated in a comparative manner.

Pakistan's present interest for normal gas is around 1.6 trillion cubic feet for every year. Regardless of the fact that utilization triples to 5 trillion cubic feet for each year, the current known stores of more than 150 trillion cubic feet of ordinary and capricious gas are adequate for more than 30 years.

Wells for both of these unpredictable assets (tight and shale) must be "powerfully broken" (fracked) so as to create business measures of gas. Administrator difficulties and targets to be achieved amid every period of the Asset Life Cycle. The shale gas and tight gas are explored, appraised, developed and produced in a similar way, as per a paper on this subject. Penetrating, admirably outline, culmination techniques and pressure driven breaking are fairly comparable; yet development assessment, repository investigation, and a portion of the generation systems are very diverse. The present innovation known as water driven breaking or fracking was produced in the United States and it has brought forth shale oil and gas transformation expanding supplies and diminishing gas

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Potential of Tight Gas in Pakistan: Productive, Economic and Policy Aspects

costs. The Chinese are currently chipping away at further slicing expenses to make the hardware and innovation more moderate.

Like the shale gas upheaval in the United States, tight gas is changing China's gas generation - representing 33% of aggregate yield in 2012 - and will frame the foundation of the nation's push to grow purported "flighty" gas creation about seven-fold by 2030, as indicated by Reuters. The rate and size of the blast has surpassed gauges and has been driven by nearby firms growing minimal effort innovation and strategies, effectively being taken off by Chinese organizations in comparative gas handle outside of China. Pakistan can profit by the Chinese in its endeavors to expand tight and shale gas and oil generation.

Resource in Pakistan:

Lower Goru Tight Sands Sembar Sands and Siltstones Sui Upper Limestone HabibRahi Limestone Pirkoh Limestone

Exploring and extracting Tight gas; This is the genuine test following the expense and exertion included in removing Tight gas is truly unique in relation to traditional routines. Be that as it may, it has been industrially extricated in numerous parts of the world now and there are some attempted and tried strategies. A portion of the demonstrated advances utilized as a part of Tight Gas investigation are:

Directional drilling: Directional penetrating means boring wells at various edges, ordinarily vertically and now and again on a level plane as well, to better reach and produce gas saves. From a solitary area, different wells can be bored at bunch points, tapping stores miles away and more than a mile underneath the surface.

Hydraulic fracturing; Pressure driven cracking is the act of infusing a well with a lot of frac liquids under high weight to break the stones. Little channels are opened up thus to discharge the exemplified gas and permit it to stream into the wellbore.

Reserves in Pakistan; While there is no demonstrated figure accessible, it is evaluated from different free sources that Pakistan has assessed aggregate Tight Gas saves in the scope of 24 to 40 TCF, which makes them bigger than the current characteristic gas

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Potential of Tight Gas in Pakistan: Productive, Economic and Policy Aspects

reserves.Mari Gas Company Limited in Zarghun square, Polish Oil and Gas Company (PGNiG) in Kirthar piece and OMV in Miano and Sawanblocks, have discovered Tight gas.Tight gas stores have likewise been recognized in the current advancement and generation leases conceded to different E&P organizations working in Pakistan. Principle Tight gas locales distinguished are KirtharFoldbelt situated in Dadu, Sindh, SulaimanFoldbelt (situated in Balochistan), Potohar area in Punjab and seaward territories close Karachi.

Economics of Tight Gas in Pakistan

In Pakistan, the boring expense of an improvement well shifts from US$ 5 million to US$ 13 million for each well, in the event that it is found inthe South or North piece of Pakistan individually. Presently, it is proper to talk about a speculative illustration of penetrating fifty improvement wells with pressure driven crack incitement to give a yield of 300 billion cubic feet (Bcf) of gas in a quarter century. No investigation consumptions are included, as it is accepted that these improvement wells are situated in the effectively found gas field and the goal is to recuperate tight gas utilizing more propelled strategies. Tie-in expense is thought to be US$ 3 million/well (Heikal 2008). There is a 5% expansion for each year in the capital expense of the undertaking. For well penetrating, fruition and cracking expenses, two cases are considered here. In the first occasion, it is accepted that an improvement well is penetrated utilizing vertical boring for which the assessed expense is US$ 13 million for every well. In the second case, it is expected that rather than vertical penetrating, flat boring in the effectively found structure through officially penetrated depleted vertical well will be done for which, it will be obliged to penetrate in the bearing opposite to pivotal course for which not more than US$ 3million for each well will be needed.

Case – I: Development well Using Vertical DrillingSince the goal is to recoup tight gas, subsequently, advancement well must be penetrated. For regular gas cost from tight gas field, it is initially expected that 50% premium on the base instance of costs show in table underneath is to be paid. The outcomes have been demonstrated as under:

NPV@10% = $48.00 million;

NPV@15% = ($79.89) million

IRR = 12%

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Potential of Tight Gas in Pakistan: Productive, Economic and Policy Aspects

Comparable activities were finished 60% and 70% premium costs for tight gas over base case costs given in Table 5. Taking after results were


At 60% premium cost:

NPV@10% = $99.45 million;

NPV@15% = ($43.41) million

IRR = 13%

At 70% premium cost:

NPV@10% = $153.62 million;

NPV@15% = 2.71 million

IRR = 15%

From these outcomes, it is reasoned that the venture of tight gas in Pakistan is financially doable, if the costs of tight gas are kept at 70% higher than ordinary gas costs in distinctive zones of Pakistan at different reference unrefined petroleum pricesRCP.

Case – II: Development well Using Horizontal Drilling:

It is expected that an improvement penetrated well is as of now there (in the current D&P lease) and few meters of penetrating opposite to the axis of the well is needed. The goal is

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Potential of Tight Gas in Pakistan: Productive, Economic and Policy Aspects

to recuperate tight gas from an officially depleted common gas well. The main contrast in the middle of thiscase and past case is that penetrating expense has been taken as US$ 3 million for every well, different things are the same. For this case, the venture isfeasible at premuim cost of 50% of the base case value given in the table above . Taking after results were gotten:

NPV@10% = $107.63 million

NPV@15% = $10.95 million

IRR = 16%

This case is more best from the governmentsas well as from the investor's/shoppers' viewpoints.

New Technology for Tight Gas Sands

A purposeful innovation push to better see tight gas asset qualities and create strong building methodologies is essential for huge generation increments from this low porousness, generally scattered asset. The present comprehension of the tight gas asset and past involvement in alternate nations of the world with creation improvement systems, from atomic explosions to water powered breaking, both show that critical gas recuperation can be accomplished, just by situating a wellbore in the close region of the development to be created. To meet the financial prerequisite of wellbore situating near to the delivering development, a huge number of wells should be penetrated to reach focused on creation levels - a stunning monetary and ecological test. The essential segments for development of tight gas sand well incorporate rotational penetrating of a wellbore in the end finished with water powered crack incitement. Numerous innovation changes over past years, while incremental in nature, have consolidated to permit expenses to be lessened while investigation methods have permitted better well areas to be chosen. The incremental upgrades have consolidated to balance the effect of lower quality rock being created.

It is hypothesized that for a noteworthy increment in tight gas generation levels, a more prominent than "incremental" innovation improvement must be produced.

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Potential of Tight Gas in Pakistan: Productive, Economic and Policy Aspects

Further, ecological effect can be minimized by "On location Waste Management" – Nothing leaves the area aside from saleable item. Every single waste material (drill cuttings, boring liquids, and delivered liquids) are securely re-infused into suitable zones in the same arrangements. Reuse of materials is optimized.

New Technology Components

• The idea of bringing seaward innovation inland i.e., the various well single area, with numerous wells being bored from a solitary area and with lengths of some wellbores coming to a couple of miles, permitting wide scope. This will diminish apparatus moving expenses, area planning expenses and street building expenses.

• Drilling the well with ongoing close bit sensors for sending data to the well site geologist who can coordinate this information with mud-logging and seismic, and change the objective as the new data manages: "geo-guiding" and look-ahead seismic directing of the boring tool serves to boost the quality and amount of pay zone infiltrated by the bore.

• Use of new cracking innovation to help getting to the pay zones, e.g., with various occupations, each streamlined to particular arrangement properties. Every treatment, while not accomplishing propped lengths once imagined, can be pumped at critical expense investment funds and viable propant position takes into consideration brisk and finish well cleanup, upgrading profitability.

• The numerous wellbores may be penetrated and finished with the most recent "slimhole" advancements and tubulars (curled tubing) to minimize material and expand rate of penetrating. This penetrating environment considers use of underbalanced boring for all wellbores: this builds rate of infiltration, breaking points wellbore harm, and gives better knowledge into pay zone determination, essentially through focusing on and abuse of actually cracked situations.

• One wellbore can be utilized for transfer of every single obliged material on location, killing the expense of trucking and area filling of these materials. Drill cuttings, penetrating liquids, and therefore created water never leave the area

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Potential of Tight Gas in Pakistan: Productive, Economic and Policy Aspects

• Operating costs can be diminished by the brought together area of the wells. Expense of gas pressure, metering, great work over, well checking, giving security, travel and work are all lessened.

The natural foot shaped impression can be minimized because of different wellbores at a solitary area. A lot of movement underneath the surface combined with at least surface aggravation and area use holds natural expenses down and keeps up a positive industry picture. Ecological concerns of air discharges, clamor, and foot shaped impression and so on, are moderated by the natural control empowered by the cluster of wells.

What does the future hold?

The principal ever Tight gas deals and buy understanding was marked on November 13, 2012 in Islamabad for first creation from a Tight gas supply in Pakistan from Kirthar Block in Dadu, Sindh. The Kirthar Block is mutually possessed by Polish Oil and Gas Company (70%) and PPL (30%).If investigation and extraction is on timetable, SSGC will get 30mmcfd gas into its framework through two Kirthar Block wells.For the usage of this task, SSGC has been honored an agreement of Rs235 million for the development of 52-km pipeline from Kirthar Block's Rehman Gas Field which will be coordinated into SSGC's framework at Naing Valve Assembly through the Bhit Gas pipeline.Apart from this, PPL as a team with ENI is situated to begin surprisingly boring of exploratory well in Sindh's remote ocean in 2014. In such manner, around seven exploratory wells, eight examination wells, and 19 improvement wells have been gotten ready for finding 150 billion cubic feet of Shale and Tight gas in Sindh in the following five years.

Impact of unconventional gas extraction on the landscape

Environmental and health concerns

UG generation can possibly create extensive GHG outflows, can strain water assets, bring about water sullying, may have negative effects on general wellbeing (through air and soil contaminants; clamor contamination), on biodiversity (through area leeway), nourishment supply (through rivalry for area and water assets), and on soil (contamination, crusting). The segments beneath further diagram the potential ecological and wellbeing effect.

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Potential of Tight Gas in Pakistan: Productive, Economic and Policy Aspects

Risk on public health.

At the point when happening in thickly populated ranges, UG generation raises a few particular dangers to prosperity. More basic irritations incorporate commotion contamination, principally connected with penetrating and fracking (which is a constant operation more than a few weeks), additionally from truck transport. Breaking liquid comprises of a lot of water blended with chemicals and sand. In many nations the chemicals utilized as a part of fracking liquid are considered prized formulas. On the off chance that organizations are not needed to openly reveal the full rundown of chemicals utilized, evaluating potential short- and long haul affects on general wellbeing will be troublesome. Colborn and others (2011) assembled a rundown of items (around 1000) utilized as a part of fracking liquid. They completed writing survey on 353 chemicals and found that "more than 75% of the chemicals could influence the skin, eyes, and other tangible organs, and the respiratory and gastrointestinal frameworks. Give or take 40–50% could influence the mind/sensory system, resistant and cardiovascular frameworks, and

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Potential of Tight Gas in Pakistan: Productive, Economic and Policy Aspects

the kidneys; 37% could influence the endocrine framework; and 25% could bring about tumor and chang

Pools of Fracking fluid located few miles away from residential area.

Water Scarcity and competition

Fracking is a greatly water-concentrated practice. A solitary even shale gas well will use somewhere around 11 and 34 million liters of water, approximately 360 – 1100 truckloads. Tight gas obliges 100 times more water than CG and shale gas between 2000 – 10000 times contrasted and customary gas misuse. Despite the fact that water can be reused, exorbitant water use can have wide and genuine negative effects on biodiversity and neighborhood environments, while bringing down the water table, bringing about diminished accessibility of water for utilization by nearby groups and horticulture. The exhaustion of aquifers as a result of CBM creation is surely understood; generation of CBM additionally builds the measure of broke down salts and different minerals in a few regions .The needs of water for abuse and the consumption of aquifers has (and will) make clashes in water utilizations. Eminently, rivalry with farming clients is prone to be a significant issue.

Produced water

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Potential of Tight Gas in Pakistan: Productive, Economic and Policy Aspects

Underground water frequently should be pumped from coal-bed methane wells. This is alluded to as "delivered water". Created water should be appropriately treated before it can be discharged, as it can contain high amassings of sodium, calcium and magnesium. On the off chance that spilled onto encompassing fields without suitable treatment, delivered water can bring about hazardous effects. Saline water can inhibit germination and plant development while unnecessary sodium can change the physical properties of soil and result in poor waste, crusting and decreased product yields.

Risk of water leakages

Spillage of breaking liquids into the water table creating water defilement or blasts can happen if the concrete segments around the well housings have a flawed seal. A few samples of holes in the packaging prompting blasts or pollution of the water Discharge of despicably treated waste water could prompt leakage into ground water.

The spillage of hydrocarbons or chemicals from the UG creating zone into shallow aquifers is conceivable, however with low likelihood. This is an issue that may happen in CBM generation because of generally shallow profundities of abuse, however is more outlandish with shale and tight gas extraction. Confirmation of water sullying by cracking liquids and methane was found in Wyoming, where wells are shallower than normal.

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Potential of Tight Gas in Pakistan: Productive, Economic and Policy Aspects

What can be done?

At last the best arrangement would be to decrease our reliance on fossil fills. Given the instability as far as GHG discharges, general wellbeing, ecological issues and exhaustion of water assets, the proceeded with improvement of UG stores is an alternative which carries with it extraordinary obligation. For governments that pick this way, there are proposals which, if took after, would lessen the danger of ecological effects, while bringing about only a little increment underway costs. The activities required for diminishing natural expenses can be partitioned in specialized and strategy sorts.

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Potential of Tight Gas in Pakistan: Productive, Economic and Policy Aspects

Technical considerations:

• Fracking ought to be dodged in ranges of water lack, in close nearness to thickly populated territories, and/or in regions where it can affect on agrarian generation. Locales far beneath the water table are more secure (IEA, 2012).

• Rigorous preparing and strict oversight can avert (or contain) surface spills and holes from wells and guarantee that any waste liquids and solids are arranged off appropriately (IEA, 2012).

• To minimize atmosphere sways, designers ought to be urged to execute a zero-venting and negligible flaring strategy. This is actually achievable by isolating gas amid the boring procedure (IEA, 2012).

• CO2 can respond with materials used to build a well. For instance, it is known not bond's quality and build its penetrability. CO2 can likewise consume steel, and consequently infusion wells ought to be intended to minimize this danger

• Solutions to a portion of the issues that UG extraction presents are taking into account utilizing better boring procedures, as well as identified with enhancing ecological administration, for example, setting standards for natural, atmosphere and wellbeing assurance.

• Mandating full divulgence of items utilized as a part of the fracking process and banning substances known

Implementing monitoring and enforcement procedures

• Robust regulations and adherence to industry best practices ought to be taken after, especially in the zones of well plan and solidifying, keeping in mind the end goal to totally detach the well from other strata, and particularly from freshwater aquifers.

• Governments ought to additionally guarantee that organizations sufficiently secure stores for rebuilding of area and alleviate any potential effects ashore and water, keeping in mind the end goal to keep away from purported "concentrate and run" rehearses (an organization goes into chapter 11 after substantial mishaps or essentially after the end of UG extraction to save money on reclamation costs).

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Potential of Tight Gas in Pakistan: Productive, Economic and Policy Aspects

• Finally, if UG is utilized amid a move stage from carbon-based vitality sources, governments ought to plan an arrangement to accomplish this move. Laws, charges or different motivating forces would should be set up to guarantee that a certain level of UG-related benefits are re-put resources into innovative work on option wellsprings of vitality, for example, sunlight based, wind, hydropower, geothermal, tidal, and on vitality sparing arrangement.


Hydrologic fracking may bring about unavoidable ecological effects regardless of the possibility that Unconventional gas (UG) is separated legitimately, and all the more so if done insufficiently .Even if danger can be decreased hypothetically, by and by numerous mischances from cracked or breaking down hardware and also from terrible practices are routinely happening. This may be because of high weight to bring down the expenses or to shameful staff preparing, or to undetected releases prompting defilement of the ground water. Albeit just extremely later, the historical backdrop of UG abuse as of now incorporates 12 occasions of water defilement, spillages to soil, wide-scale area clearing and negative wellbeing effects. Besides, expanded extraction and utilization of UG is liable to be unfavorable to endeavors to control environmental change. Given the expanded interest for fossil vitality, the UG may be utilized as a part of expansion to coal, as opposed to being a substitute. Indeed, even under the hopeful supposition of the substitution of coal by UG, UG will probably have a restricted decrease affect on 21st century an unnatural weather change. At last, infusing lethal chemicals in underground confines later utilization of the debased layer (e.g. for geothermal purposes) and long haul impacts are not researched .New advancements as well as vitality supplies, for example, biofuels or UG, are frequently welcomed as a panacea, yet under further examination are uncovered to be less perfect than initially suspected. Further research and fitting, straightforward and all around implemented regulation are all discriminating to conceivable improvement of the unusual gas industry; therefore capricious assets might never stay eccentric for a more drawn out time of time.


M.Sc (Pet. Tech Dept)

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Potential of Tight Gas in Pakistan: Productive, Economic and Policy Aspects