poverty final project


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۞ Definitions

۞ History

۞ Kinds of Poverty

۞ Methods of Measuring Poverty

۞ Causes of Poverty

۞ Effects Of Poverty

۞ Current Situation

i -Global

ii -Pakistan

۞ Measures/Removals of Poverty

۞ Poverty In Pakistan

۞ Poverty Reduction Strategies/Solutions

۞ Govt. Policies about Reduction of Poverty

۞ Summing up

۞ References

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₪ PovertyPoverty is deprivation of those things that determine the quality is deprivation of those things that determine the quality of life, including food, clothing, shelter and safe drinking water of life, including food, clothing, shelter and safe drinking water but also such "intangibles" as the opportunity to learn, to engage but also such "intangibles" as the opportunity to learn, to engage in meaningful employment, and to enjoy the respect of fellow in meaningful employment, and to enjoy the respect of fellow

citizenscitizens. . ₪ State of being poorState of being poor: : the state of not having enough money to the state of not having enough money to

take care of basic needs such as food, clothing, and housing.take care of basic needs such as food, clothing, and housing.

₪ Lack : a deficiency or lack of something poverty of Lack : a deficiency or lack of something poverty of emotionemotion

₪ Infertility of soil: lack of soil fertility or nutrients.Infertility of soil: lack of soil fertility or nutrients.

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1- Economic Poverty

2 - Bodily Poverty

3 - Mental Poverty

TYPES OF POVERTYFollowing are the types of poverty

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5 - Cultural Poverty

6 - Spiritual Poverty

7 - Political Poverty

4 - Societal Poverty

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1) Per capita monthly expenditures Method

2) Per capita calories Method

3) The per capita income approach

4) The measure of head count ratio

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1) Per capita monthly expenditures measures

This criterion was presented by Dr. Hussain Malik (A late professor of Quad e Azam

University). Poverty can be measured on the basis of per capita monthly expenditures.

If the expenses made by any individual are above 748 RS a month then he is

considered not poor,

Below this level is considered to be poor.

2) Per capita calories MethodThis criterion was also presented by Dr. Hussain Malik. According to this measure :

The person who at average gets 2550 calories per day he is living above the poverty


The person who is not getting per day calories 2550 he is living below poverty line.

Food Deficient Population = 69.69%

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3) The measure of head count ratio

In this method ratio of poor to the total population is represented.

This approach does not make estimation of poverty.

However, this can be known how many poor are there in the country

And what is there future trend?

Poverty Headcount in Transition Regions

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Poverty Line For 2001 And 2006-07

The inflation rate of 21.45 percent between the PIHS 2000-01 and PSLMS

2006-07 is used to inflate the per capita per month poverty line of Rs. 723.4 to

get Rs. 878.64 as the poverty line for 2006-07.

While calculating the inflation rate between the two surveys, monthly

Consumer Price Index in different months during the survey period.

4) The per capita income approach

In this criterion the income level is set for a person.

A person earns more than 748 RS per day then he is considered not poor.

A person having income below this point is considered poor.

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Comparison of poverty estimates Estimates by Headcount Poverty gapSeverity of povertyRegion 2000-01 2004-05 2000-01 2004-05 2000-01 2004-05

Urban22.69 14.94 4.55 2.87 1.35 0.84

Rural 39.26 28.13 8.04 5.64 2.44 1.77

Overall 34.46 23.94 7.03 4.76 2.13 1.48







Headcount Severity ofpoverty

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CURRENT SITUATIONOverview of Existing Poverty Trends

Θ Population 152.53 million

Θ Poverty Line based on caloric consumption presently, Rs.878.64 per adult

Θ Population below the poverty line 23.9 percent (2004-05)

Θ Absolute no. of poor 36.45 million (2004‑05)

Θ Percentage of population living below the poverty line in rural areas 28.10 percent

and in urban areas14.9 percent.

POVERTY 1996-97 TO 2004-05

people in absolute poverty by 7.1 million to 3.1 million

Pensioners in absolute poverty 2.1 million to 700,000

Children in absolute poverty 2.4 million to 1.9 million

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CAUSES OF POVERTY Poverty has many causes, some of them very basic. Some major causes of

Poverty are as follows :

A) Overpopulation

₪ Overpopulation the situation of having large numbers of people with too few

resources and too little space is closely associated with poverty.

₪ It can result from high population density or from low amounts of resources or

from both.

₪ Excessively high population densities put stress on available resources.

₪ Only a certain number of people can be supported on a given area of land and that

number depends on how much food and other resources the land can provide.

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B) Vicious Cycle Of Poverty

“A condition in which a disorder or disease gives rise to another that

subsequently affects the first.”

VCP is the main cause of under development in Poor Countries


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C) Unequal distribution of resources in the world economy

₪ Many experts agree that the legacy of colonialism accounts for much of the

unequal distribution of resources in the world economy.

₪ In many developing countries, the problems of poverty are massive and


₪ In recent decades most of these countries have tried to develop their economies

with industry and technology with varying levels of success.

₪ Some nations have become fairly wealthy.

₪ Many developing countries, however, lack essential raw materials and the

knowledge and skills gained through formal education and training.

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In many developing countries, the problems of poverty are massive and

pervasive &

many experts agree that the legacy of colonialism accounts for much of the

unequal distribution of resources in the world economy.

§ In recent decades most of these countries have tried to develop their economies

with industry and technology with varying levels of success.

§ Some nations have become fairly wealthy.

§ But many of them lack essential raw materials and the knowledge and skills

gained through formal education and training.

D) Global Distribution of Resources

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F) High Standards of Living and Costs of Living

₪ People in developed nations have more wealth and resources than those in

developing countries, their standard of living is also generally higher.

₪ Thus, people who have adequate wealth and resources in developing countries

may be considered poor in developed countries.

₪ Illiteracy and lack of education are common in poor countries. Govts. of developing

countries often cannot afford to provide for good public schools, especially in rural


₪ Poor people also often forego schooling in order to concentrate on making a minimal

living. In addition, developing countries tend to have few employment opportunities,

especially for women. As a result, people may see little reason to go to school.

E) Inadequate Education and Employment

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G) Environmental Degradation

Country Life ExpectancyInfant Mortality

RateMortality Rate

underPopulation Avg. Annual

Year 2007** per 1000** 5 per 1000 (%) GrowthYear 2007 Year 2007** Year 2007** M F

Pakistan 63.263.6 70^ 10 11.8*

India 62.165.3 62 85 1.5

Sri Lanka 71.777.0 12 14 1.3


64.2 56 77 1.7

Nepal 61.662.4 59 76 2.2

China 70.273.7 26 31 0.7

Thailand 66.774.0 18 21 0.7

Philippines 68.672.8 26 34 2.0

Malaysia 71.175.8 10 12 2.0

Indonesia 65.369.2 30 38 1.3

Social Indicators

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Periods of economic recession tend to particularly affect young and less-educated

people, who may have difficulty finding jobs that pay enough to support


G) Economic and Demographic Trends

In the 1950s and 1960s, most people in the U.S experienced strong income

growth. Because of inflation average family income almost doubled during this


However, between the early 1970s and the early 1990s typical incomes, adjusted

for inflation, grew little while the cost of living increased.

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H) Individual Responsibility and Welfare Dependency

There are differing beliefs about individual responsibility for poverty.

Θ Some people believe that poverty is a symptom of societal structure and that

some proportion of any society inevitably will be poor.

Θ Others feel that poverty results from a failure of social institutions, such as the

labor market and schools.

Θ These people feel that poverty is beyond the control of those who experience

it, but might be remedied if appropriate policies were enacted.

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Poverty has wide-ranging and often devastating effects.

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A) Malnutrition and Starvation

Malnutrition is one of the most common effects of poverty.

Θ In developing countries, the poorest people cannot obtain adequate calories to

develop or maintain their appropriate body weight.

Θ In Ethiopia, it is estimated that almost half of all children under the age of 5

suffer from malnutrition.

Θ Poor children in developing countries often suffer the most, commonly from a

deficiency known as protein-energy malnutrition.

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B) Infectious Disease and Exposure to the Elements

In addition to the effects of malnutrition, the poor experience high rates of infectious


Θ Inadequate shelter or housing creates conditions that promote disease.

Θ Without decent protection, many of the poor are exposed to severe and dangerous

weather as well as to bacteria and viruses carried by other people and animals.

Θ In the tropics, monsoons and hurricanes can destroy the flimsy shelters of the poor.

Θ Once exposed, people are vulnerable to fluctuations in temperature that lower their

resistance to disease.

Θ They also are more likely to become infected with diseases carried by insects or


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C) Mental Illness and Drug Dependence

Θ In most developed countries, rates of mental illness are highest among the poor.

Θ The most common disorders associated with poverty are depression and anxiety


Θ Without meaningful, well-paying work and the resources and social affirmation that

come with it, many poor people develop low self-esteem and feelings of


Θ People who are stressed by the uncertainty of where they will get their next meal or

spend the night often develop high anxiety.

Θ Because the poor experience high rates of severe mental illness, they also

have high rates of suicide.

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D) Crime and Violence

Some experts believe that Some experts believe that

,poverty leads people to commit acts of violence and crime, Anger ּמ

desperation, and the need for money for food, shelter, and other necessities

may all contribute to criminal behavior among the poor.

Other experts caution that the link of cause and effect between poverty ּמ

and crime is unclear.

,In some cases, poverty undoubtedly motivates people to commit crimes ּמ

although it may not be the only factor involved.

.Other problems associated with poverty are often linked to crime ּמ

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E) Long-Term Effects

People who grow up in poverty may experience lifelong problems because of it.

ΘLack of food , shelter , clothing and deprivation of health etc. are some

common features of poverty.

ΘThey are at a disadvantage in things such as education because they have

limited income and resources.

ΘAll children also need adequate nutrition and health care for good physical and

mental development, and poor children are often malnourished and sick from a

young age.

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Poverty In Developing Countries

Many developing nations experience severe and widespread poverty, which

often leads to disease epidemics, starvation, and deaths.

In the past few decades, millions of people have starved and died as a result of

famine in such countries as Bangladesh, Ethiopia, North Korea, Somalia, and


As recently as 1998, almost one person in four (23 percent) residing in

developing countries lived on less than $1 a day.

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Throughout the developing world, ethnic and racial minorities

experience prejudice from majority groups and have difficulty

attaining an average standard of living.

Migrants and refugees, who have left their native land and settled

elsewhere, also experience high degrees of poverty.

Migrants commonly lose the immediate economic support of their

families and enter into societies in which they may have difficulty finding

good work, especially if they do not speak the language .

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B) South and East Asia

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Poverty Lines Used in the Region

Country National Rural Urban

Pakistan 2350* 1410* 940*

India - 2400 2100

Bangladesh 2112 1267.2 844.8

Sri Lanka 2250* - -

China 2150 - -

Vietnam 2100 - -

Philippines 2000 1200 800

Thailand 1978 - -

Indonesia 2100 - -

Nepal 2250* 1450* 800*







National Rural Urban




Sri Lanka







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Θ Poverty rates in some developed countries are higher among racial


Example : U.S.A , U.K , AUSTRALIA etc…

Θ Indigenous people in developed countries also tend to suffer from very high

rates of poverty.

Θ In the United States, many Native Americans live and work on

economically depressed .

Θ Native American reservations and experience high rates of joblessness and


Θ In Australia, many Aboriginal people live in similar conditions.

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Latin America and

Carrabian 0.5%

Europe and Central Asia


Middle East and North Africa


East Asia & Pacific 23.2%

Sub-SaharanAfrica 24.3%

South Asia 44.5%

Where The Poor Live

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Measures/Removals of Poverty

Θ How people and institutions portray and try to cope with poverty

depends to a considerable extent on how poverty is measured.

Θ The differences between relative poverty (having less than others)

and absolute poverty (not having enough to survive) are great.

Θ There are a wide variety of options for measuring wealth and well-

being and for establishing lines that separate the poor from the no


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A) International Measurements

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Pakistani Poverty Measurements

Θ Poverty is one of the major economic problems in Pakistan.

Θ It has been an economic problem ever since Pakistan came into being.

Θ After the time of independence Pakistan’s economy moved at a very

slow pace.

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The Human Development IndexThe HDI provides a composite measure of three dimensions of human development:

i.Living a long and healthy life

ii.Being educated

iii.Having a decent standard of living

HDI valueLife expectancy at birth


Adult literacy rate (% ages 15 and older)

Combined primary, secondary and tertiary gross enrolment ratio


GDP per capita(PPP US$)

1. Iceland (0.968) 1. Japan (82.3) 1. Georgia (100.0) 1. Australia (113.0) 1. Luxembourg (60,228)

134. Comoros (0.561) 121. Bhutan (64.7) 122. Mauritania (51.2) 156. Ethiopia (42.1)125. Papua New Guinea (2,563)

135. Ghana (0.553) 122. Bolivia (64.7) 123. Timor-Leste (50.1)157. Papua New Guinea (40.7)

126. Ghana (2,480)

136. Pakistan (0.551) 123. Pakistan (64.6) 124. Pakistan (49.9) 158. Pakistan (40.0) 127. Pakistan (2,370)

137. Mauritania (0.550) 124. Comoros (64.1)125. Côte d'Ivoire (48.7)

159. Senegal (39.6) 128. Angola (2,335)

138. Lesotho (0.549) 125. India (63.7) 126. Nepal (48.6)160. Côte d'Ivoire (39.6)

129. Guinea (2,316)

177. Sierra Leone (0.336)

177. Zambia (40.5)139. Burkina Faso (23.6)

172. Niger (22.7) 174. Malawi (667)

Pakistan’s human development index 2007

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Human Poverty Index (HPI-1) 2004

Probability of not surviving past age 40 (%) 2004

Adult illiteracy rate (%ages 15 and older) 2004

People without access to an improved water source


Children underweight for age (% ages 0-5) 2004

1. Chad (56.9) 1. Zimbabwe (57.4) 1. Burkina Faso (76.4) 1. Ethiopia (78) 1. Nepal (48)

30. Malawi (36.7)54. Solomon Islands (16.1)

14. Nepal (51.4) 86. Nepal (10) 13. Ethiopia (38)

31. Rwanda (36.5) 55. Bolivia (15.5) 15. Côte d'Ivoire (51.3) 87. Cuba (9) 14. Burkina Faso (38)

32. Pakistan (36.2) 56. Pakistan (15.4) 16. Pakistan (50.1) 88. Pakistan (9) 15. Pakistan (38)

33. Eritrea (36.0) 57. Comoros (15.3) 17. Timor-Leste (49.9)89. Trinidad and Tobago (9)

16. Chad (37)

Selected Indicators Of Human Poverty For Pakistan

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Poverty Reduction Strategies/Solutions

Since the second half of the

Twentieth Century, governmental

and non-government organizations

have proposed or attempted to

reduce global poverty through a

number of strategies. As global

poverty has such detrimental

effects upon societies and

communities, the relative merits of

these strategies remain source of

great controversy.

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1) Free Market

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2) Improved agricultural system

Θ Today 70% of nation links directly or indirectly with agriculture so its needs

Quick steps for improvement.

Θ Proper price of crops should be given.

Θ Exports should be encouraged in a calculated & systematic way not like wheat

this year.

Θ Canals and other water channels must be properly made so water should not be

wasted & incentive should be given to farmers.

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3) Rural development

A big Giant for the nation is undeveloped rural HR and

infrastructure Programs like Khushaal Pakistan must be Continued

& encourage more technical based institution must be Started, IT

institution must be started new markets should be made for proper


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4) More Economic zones, Industrial parks,ITparks

Θ Govt. must initiate the IT parks

Θ India has an IT EXPORT of $16 billion

Θ We must focus on it.

Θ More industrial states likeSUNDAR,M2 Faisalabad must be made.

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5) Improving the social environment & abilities

ΘSubsidized housing development and urban regeneration.

ΘSubsidized education.

ΘSubsidized health care.

ΘAssistance in finding employment.

ΘSubsidized employment (see also Workfare).

ΘEncouragement of political participation and community organizing.

ΘCommunity practice social work.

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6) Development Aid

Most developed nations give some development aid to

developing nations. The UN target for development aid is 0.7%

of GDP currently only a few nations achieve this. Some think

tanks and NGOs have argued, however, that Western monetary

aid often only serves to increase poverty and social inequality,

either because it is conditioned with the implementation of

harmful economic policies in the recipient countries or because

it's tied with the importing of products from the donor country

over cheaper alternatives or because foreign aid is seen to be

serving the interests of the donor more than the recipient.

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7) 7) Employment OpportunitiesEmployment Opportunities

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Proper implementation ZAKAT system.Fair distribution of wealth. Pakistan is a country having an average GDP growth at 7% during last 5

years . It got tremendous opportunity for the future.We must focus on political stability .We must overcome this energy crisis as soon as possible . Improved agriculture system.Small ,medium & foreign investors should be encouraged. Improved educational system.Awareness of family planning.HR developmentProper utilization of resources.More employment opportunities.


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Θ Economic survey of Pakistan 2006/07

Θ HDR 2006-07

Θ www.worldbank.com

Θ MSN Encarta

Θ Poverty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Θ www.Poverty.com

Θ Policy Wing, Finance Division

Θ www. Finance.org

Θ www. Finance.gov

Θ WDI 2006-07, World Bank

Θ www.World Bank.org

Θ www.poverty.org

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Zeeshan MaqsoodMBA (COMSATS)Lahore, Pakistan.

E-mail: [email protected]: 0300-4111570