pregnancy time line

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  • 7/31/2019 Pregnancy Time Line


    Pregnancy Time Line9 Month Journey

    Prepared by :

    Nur Atiqah Samsimon

    Adilah Md Shah

    PISMP SAINS Jan 2010

  • 7/31/2019 Pregnancy Time Line


    Wondering howsayang is growing? Hashe got hair yet? When will her fingernails

    form? And just what does he look like?Our fetal development articles havedetailed pictures of how your baby isgrowing each week plus descriptions of

    each milestone she reaches.

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    Week 1-2

    As the uterus sheds its lining, the hormonesare preparing another egg for release -

    called ovulation Fertilisation occurs and a ball of quickly

    multiplying cells embeds itself in the liningof the uterus.

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    Week 3

    Implantation will occur this week. The egg and the sperm have met in your

    fallopian tube and will begin the 4-7 dayjourney to the uterus.

    Cell division begins immediately andcontinues throughout this journey. Once in theuterus, it is generally about 72 hours beforeimplantation occurs. Once it has implantedyour baby is called a blastocyst and is about0.1-0.2 mm in diameter

    The brain, spinal cord, and heart begin todevelop.

    The gastrointestinal tract begins to develop.

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    potongan ayat yang memberikan penjelasantentang penciptaan manusia ialah dalamsurah al-Muminun ayat 12-16 yangmembawa maksud :

    Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah menciptakanmanusia dari suatu saripati (berasal) daritanah.

    Kemudian Kami jadikan saripati itu air mani

    (yang disimpan) dalam tempat yang kukuh(rahim). Kemudian air mani itu Kami jadikan segumpal

    darah, lalu segumpal darah itu Kami jadikansegumpal daging, dan segumpal daging ituKami jadikan tulang belulang, lalu tulangbelulang itu Kami bungkus dengan daging.Kemudian Kami jadikan dia makhluk yang(berbentuk) lain. Maka Maha Sucilah Allah,Pencipta Yang Paling Baik.

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    Kemudian, sesudah itu, sesungguhnyakamu sekalian benar-benar akan mati.

    Kemudian, sesungguhnya kamu sekalianakan dibangkitkan (dari kuburmu) di harikiamat.

    (Surah al-Muminun : 12-16)

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    NUTFAH : iaitu peringkat pertama bermulaselepas persenyawaan atau minggu

    pertama. Ianya bermula setelahberlakunya percampuran air mani.Sebagaimana firman Allah dalam surahal-Insan : 2

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    ALAQAH : Peringkat pembentukanalaqah ialah pada hujung minggu

    pertama / hari ketujuh . Pada hari yangketujuh telor yang sudah disenyawakanitu akan tertanam di dinding rahim

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    Week 4 Arm and leg buds become visible.

    The brain develops into five areas and somecranial nerves are visible.

    The eyes and ear structures begin to form. Tissue forms that develops into the vertebra and

    some other bones.

    The heart continues to develop and now beatsat a regular rhythm.

    Rudimentary blood moves through the mainvessels.

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    MUDGHAH : Pembentukan mudghah

    dikatakan berlaku pada minggukeempat. Perkataan mudghah disebutsebanyak dua kali di dalam al-Quran iaitusurah al-Hajj ayat 5 dan surah al-

    Mukminun ayat 14 lalu Kami ciptakan darah beku itu

    menjadi seketul daging. Surah al-Mukminun : 14

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    Week 5 The mass of cells is developing fast and

    becomes an embryo.

    The arms and legs have grown longer,and foot and hand areas can bedistinguished.

    The hands and feet have fingers and toes(digits), but may still be webbed.

    The brain continues to form. The lungs begin to form

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    IZAM DAN LAHM : Pada peringkat ini iaitu

    minggu kelima, keenam dan ketujuh ialahperingkat pembentukan tulang yangmendahului pembentukan oto-otot.Apabila tulang belulang telah dibentuk,otot-otot akan membungkus rangka

    tersebut. Firman Allah SWT di dalam Surahal-Mukminun : 14 yang bermaksud :

    Lalu Kami mengubahkan pula mudghahitu menjadi izam da kemudiannya Kami

    membalutkan Izam dengan daging

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    Week 6 The embryo officially becomes a foetus. It

    is about the size of a baked bean and itsspine and nervous system begin to form.

    The foetus already has its own bloodsystem and may be a different bloodgroup from its mother.

    Blood vessels are forming in what will

    become the umbilical cord and tiny budswhich will become limbs appear.

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    Week 7

    The babys heart is beginning to develop.

    Nipples and hair follicles form.

    Elbows and toes are visible.

    All essential organs have begun to form

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    Week 8 The foetus' limbs are growing and look more

    like arms and legs. All internal organs aredeveloping and becoming more complex.

    The eyelids are more developed.

    External features of the ear begin to take theirfinal shape.

    Facial features continue to develop.

    The intestines rotate

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    NASYAH KHALQAN AKHAR : Pada peringkatini iaitu menjelang minggu kelapan ,

    beberapa perubahan lagi berlaku.Perubahan pada tahap ini bukan lagi embriotetapi sudah masuk ke peringkat janin. Padabulan ketiga, semua tulang janin telahterbentuk dengan sempurnanya Kuku-

    kukunya pun mula tumbuh. Pada bulankeempat, pembentukan uri menjadi cukuplengkap menyebabkan baki pranatel bayidalam kandungan hanya untukmenyempurnakan semua anggota yangsudah wujud. Walaupun perubahan tetapberlaku tetapi perubahannya hanya padaukuran bayi sahaja.

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    NAFKHUR-RUH : Iaitu peringkat peniupanroh.

    ketika roh manusia itu belum lagiditiupkan oleh Allah ke dalam jasmani, ia

    telah diajak oleh Allah mengadakansuatu perjanjian yang menurut istilah Al-Quran disebut dengan Ahdullah.

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    Week 9

    Eyelids close and will not reopen until aboutthe 28th week.

    The face is well formed.

    Limbs are long and thin. Genitals appear well differentiated.

    Red blood cells are produced in the liver.

    The head makes up nearly half of thebaby's size.

    The baby can make a fist with its fingers. Tooth buds appear for the baby teeth.

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    Week 10

    The average size is approximately 27-35 mmcrown to rump length (CRL), or 1.06-1.38inches. Weighs in at 4 grams, or 4 paperclips. Tiny toes have formed.

    The eyes are largely open, but the eyelidsare beginning to fuse, and will stay that wayuntil 25-27 weeks.

    External genitalia is beginning todifferentiate. External ears are formed, as is

    the upper lip. The biggest accomplishmentthis week is the disappearance of the tail

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    Week 11 The umbilical cord is fully formed

    providing nourishment and removing

    waste products. The foetus looks fullyhuman now.

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    Week 12 The foetus is growing in length much more

    quickly by now it is about eight cm long

    and weighs about 60 grams. The placenta is now well formed though

    it's not yet doing its full job it takes overfully in week 14.

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    Week 13The womans uterus is becoming larger

    and is starting to rise out of the pelvis.

    The foetus can move its head quite easily.

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    Week 14Third of the way through. The average

    pregnancy lasts 266 days or 280 days

    from the first day of last period.

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    Week 15 The skin is almost transparent.

    Fine hair called lanugo develops on the head.

    Meconium is made in the intestinal tract.

    More muscle tissue and bones have developed,and the bones become harder.

    The baby begins to make active movements.

    The liver and pancreas produce fluid secretions.

    Sucking motions are made with the mouth.

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    Week 16 The foetus now has toe and finger nails

    eyebrows and eyelashes. It is also

    covered with downy hair. The hair that will cover the baby until the

    last week or so of pregnancy

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    Week 18 By this stage the foetus is moving around

    a lot - probably enough to be felt.

    At 20.5 cms or 8.1 inches total length, yourbaby is growing rapidly. S/he weighsabout 7 ounces (198 grams).

    The bones are continuing the ossificationprocess. The pads of the fingers and toes

    are formed and the fingerprints aredeveloping as well.

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    Week 19 The foetus is now about 15-20cm long and

    weighs about 300g.

    Milk teeth have formed in the gums.

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    Week 20 The foetus develops a waxy coating called

    vernix. The scan can show the foetus in fine detail

    and often reveal if the baby is a boy or a girl. Lanugo hair covers entire body. Eyebrows and lashes appear. Nails appear on the fingers and toes. The baby is more active with increased

    muscle development. The mother can feel the baby moving. The fetal heartbeat can be heard with a


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    Week 21

    Bone marrow begins to make blood cells.

    The lower airways of the baby's lungs

    develop but still do not producesurfactant (a substance that allows thealveoli to open for gas exchange).

    The baby begins to store fat.

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    Week 22 Senses develop: taste buds have started

    to form on the tongue and the foetus

    starts to feel touch. Bone marrow begins to make blood cells.

    The lower airways of the baby's lungsdevelop but still do not produce

    surfactant (a substance that allows thealveoli to open for gas exchange).

    The baby begins to store fat.

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    Week 23

    The skeleton continues to develop and bonesthat form the skull begin to harden - but notfully.

    The baby's finger nails are almost fully formedand the lanugo darkens.

    Your baby continues to grow in preparationfor the journey of birth.

    Baby weighs 1 pound 2 ounces (510 grams).

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    Week 24A baby born this early does sometimes


    A baby born at 24 weeks may possiblysurvive but it would have severe breathingdifficulties as its lungs would not be strongenough to cope. It would also be very

    thin lightweight and susceptible toinfections.

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    Week 25

    All organs are now in place and the restof the pregnancy is for growth.

    Baby weighs 1 pound 9 ounces (709grams). The bones are continuing theirossification process, meaning that theyare becoming harder.

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    Week 26

    The foetus skin is gradually becoming moreopaque than transparent.

    Veins are visible through your baby's skin,although it is quickly changing fromtransparent to opaque.

    Your baby can hear you and those aroundyou. We assume that the uterus is a quietplace, the baby has been surrounded bynoise for a long time. Things like yourheartbeat, digestion, and other bodyfunctions are heard by the baby as well as

    external noises. Now you may feel the babyjump at a sudden noise.

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    Week 27

    The foetus measures about 34cm and weighsabout 800g.

    Your baby's skin is very wrinkled from floatingin water. This will stay this way until a few

    weeks after birth as your newborn fills out intoa baby. Although take heart in the fact that your

    baby's looks are assuming the looks that theywill have at birth! Baby has also hit the 2pound mark (900 grams).

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    Week 28

    Rapid brain development occurs.

    The nervous system is developedenough to control some body functions.

    The eyelids open and close.

    The respiratory system, while immature,has developed to the point where gasexchange is possible.

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    Week 29

    A rapid increase in the amount of bodyfat occurs.

    Rhythmic breathing movements occur,but the lungs are not fully mature.

    The bones are fully developed, but stillsoft and pliable.

    The baby's body begins storing iron,calcium, and phosphorus.

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    Week 30

    Baby is very aware of the surroundings.We tend to think of the uterus as a darkplace, but it can be light and dark

    depending on the mother's environment. You may be able to distinguish sleep and

    wake cycles in your baby. Although itusually seems as if the baby wants tosleep while you are awake and vice versaat night.

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    Week 31

    The foetus can see now and tell light fromdark.

    The baby's irises can now dilate and contract

    in response to light. Due to the deposits ofwhite fat underneath the skin the baby's skin isno longer red but pink, and your baby weighsabout three pounds and five ounces (1.5kilograms).

    The finger nails may reach the end of thehands.

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    Week 32

    The foetus is about 42cm and weighs 2.2kg. Ababy born now has a good chance ofsurvival.

    Your baby's movements will peak this week

    then change in quantity and quality. Most of the wrinkles are disappearing from

    baby's face, and there may be a lot of hair. Your baby has put on weight, mostly fat and

    muscle tissue, bringing the total to aboutthree pounds 11 ounces (1.7 kilograms), and40 cms or 15.8 inches!

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    Week 33

    From now the baby should become settled ina head downwards position. A midwife canhelp to move it if necessary.

    Your baby has surfactant, which helps baby

    breathe after birth, coating the alveoli in thelungs. After this week, if your baby is born, you have

    less of a chance of apnea of prematurity.Weighs about four pounds (1.8 kilograms).

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    Week 34

    Lanugo is gone except for on theupper arms and shoulders.

    Fingernails extend beyond fingertips.

    Small breast buds are present on bothsexes.

    Head hair is now coarse and thicker.

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    Week 35

    Your baby weighs about 4 pounds 12 ounces(2.15 kilograms) right now, although later inpregnancy there is more room for variationthan in the beginning of pregnancy. Your

    baby is putting on an average of 5 pounds aweek at this point.

    The length is reaching 18 inches from head totoe, as opposed to the earlier measurementsfrom crown to rump.

    All organ systems have been present for along time, now they are just putting on thefinal touches before birth.

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    Week 36

    The baby continues to grow and snuggle downinto your pelvis. The benefit of this is that you canbreathe more easily, however, you also have tourinate more often. Your practitioner will probablynot stop your labor if you were to start havingregular contractions now.

    Baby weighs about five pounds two ounces (2.3kilograms) and measures 45 cms or 17.8 inches.Although here at the end there is a larger marginof difference among babies. Ask your practitionerto palpate (feel through your abdomen) to

    guesstimate the weight. Remember it is just aguess, although some are better than others.

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    Week 37 The babys lungs are practically mature

    now and it can survive unaided.

    The final weeks in the womb are to put onweight.

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    Week 38 Babies born from this week onward are

    not considered early.

    The baby may be gaining as much as 1ounce (about 28 grams) a day at thispoint. However, mother weight gain hasslowed or stopped.

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    Week 39 The meconium in the baby's intestines will

    be shed as the first movement that the

    bowels make after birth.Meconium is a black, thick, tarry

    substance. About 30% of the time, thebaby will actually pass this stool before


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    Week 40

    Probably head down and deeply snuggledinto your pelvis.

    The immune system is still immature and thebaby receives antibodies from the placentaand after birth they will receive antibodies

    continually from your breast milk. Most of the lanugo has fallen off the baby's

    body, although you may still find some hiddenspots, particularly in the creases, and aroundthe shoulders or ears.

    The average baby will be about 7.5 pounds(3.4 kilograms) and 20 inches long at birth.

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    Week 41 First babies are often up to a week late

    but if there are signs of distress to motheror child the birth will be induced.

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    Di dalam beberapa surah dan ayat,antaranya surah Al-Hajr ayat 28 dan 29,surah As-Sajadah ayat 7 dan 9, sertasurah Shad ayat 71 dan 72, adadinyatakan bahawa manusia itudiciptakan oleh Allah dari dua juzuk, iaitu :

    i. Unsur jasmani dari tanah

    ii. Unsur rohani dari Tuhan sendiri

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    v. peringkat-peringkat kejadian manusiadalam perut ibu :

    a. Nuffah (segumpal air)

    b. Alaqah (segumpal darah)

    c. Mudghah (segumpal daging) d. Lohman (daging)

    e. Holqan Akhoro (bentuk manusia)

    f. Faiza Sawwaituhu (menyempurnakan

    ciptaan bentuk rupa manusia)

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