present perfect


Upload: yoni-daen

Post on 05-Aug-2015




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1. Yoni D Rubio PRESENT PERFECT 2. What is it and what do we use it for? An action happened at an unspecified time before now and continues in the present 3. Present Perfect 4. How do we construct it? Pronoun Positive Negative Question I / you / we / they I have spoken. I have not spoken. Have I spoken? he / she / it He has spoken. He has not spoken. Has he spoken? subject + auxiliary verb + main verb have past participle 5. Construction subject auxiliary verb main verb + I have seen ET. + You have eaten mine. - She has not been to Rome. - We have not played football. ? Have you finished? ? Have they done it? 6. The usage of the present perfect 1. For something we have done several times in the past and continue to do: Eg. Ive played the guitar ever since I was a teenager. *He has written three books and he is working on another one. 7. Usage 2. When we are talking about our experience up to the present: Note: We often use the adverb ever to talk about experience up to the present: My last birthday was the worst day I have ever had. Note: and we use never for the negative form: Have you ever met Billy Bob? Yes, but Ive never met his dog. 8. Usage 3. We use the present perfect of be when someone has gone to a place and returned: A: Where have you been? B: Ive just been out to the supermarket. 9. Exercising our abilities positive negative question We have chatted. The lesson has not started. Have we have won? She has turned around. They have not arrived. 10. Activity of Creativity